LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - EnergyPlus/AirflowNetwork/src - Elements.cpp (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: lcov.output.filtered Lines: 955 1769 54.0 %
Date: 2023-01-17 19:17:23 Functions: 26 39 66.7 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : // EnergyPlus, Copyright (c) 1996-2023, The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois,
       2             : // The Regents of the University of California, through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
       3             : // (subject to receipt of any required approvals from the U.S. Dept. of Energy), Oak Ridge
       4             : // National Laboratory, managed by UT-Battelle, Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC, and other
       5             : // contributors. All rights reserved.
       6             : //
       7             : // NOTICE: This Software was developed under funding from the U.S. Department of Energy and the
       8             : // U.S. Government consequently retains certain rights. As such, the U.S. Government has been
       9             : // granted for itself and others acting on its behalf a paid-up, nonexclusive, irrevocable,
      10             : // worldwide license in the Software to reproduce, distribute copies to the public, prepare
      11             : // derivative works, and perform publicly and display publicly, and to permit others to do so.
      12             : //
      13             : // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted
      14             : // provided that the following conditions are met:
      15             : //
      16             : // (1) Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of
      17             : //     conditions and the following disclaimer.
      18             : //
      19             : // (2) Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of
      20             : //     conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
      21             : //     provided with the distribution.
      22             : //
      23             : // (3) Neither the name of the University of California, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,
      24             : //     the University of Illinois, U.S. Dept. of Energy nor the names of its contributors may be
      25             : //     used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior
      26             : //     written permission.
      27             : //
      28             : // (4) Use of EnergyPlus(TM) Name. If Licensee (i) distributes the software in stand-alone form
      29             : //     without changes from the version obtained under this License, or (ii) Licensee makes a
      30             : //     reference solely to the software portion of its product, Licensee must refer to the
      31             : //     software as "EnergyPlus version X" software, where "X" is the version number Licensee
      32             : //     obtained under this License and may not use a different name for the software. Except as
      33             : //     specifically required in this Section (4), Licensee shall not use in a company name, a
      34             : //     product name, in advertising, publicity, or other promotional activities any name, trade
      35             : //     name, trademark, logo, or other designation of "EnergyPlus", "E+", "e+" or confusingly
      36             : //     similar designation, without the U.S. Department of Energy's prior written consent.
      37             : //
      46             : // POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.
      47             : 
      48             : #include "AirflowNetwork/Elements.hpp"
      49             : #include "AirflowNetwork/Properties.hpp"
      50             : #include "AirflowNetwork/Solver.hpp"
      51             : 
      52             : #include "../../Data/EnergyPlusData.hh"
      53             : #include "../../DataAirLoop.hh"
      54             : #include "../../DataEnvironment.hh"
      55             : #include "../../DataHVACGlobals.hh"
      56             : #include "../../DataLoopNode.hh"
      57             : #include "../../DataSurfaces.hh"
      58             : 
      59             : namespace EnergyPlus {
      60             : 
      61             : namespace AirflowNetwork {
      62             : 
      63             :     // MODULE INFORMATION:
      64             :     //       AUTHOR         Lixing Gu, Don Shirey, and Muthusamy V. Swami
      65             :     //       DATE WRITTEN   Aug. 2003
      66             :     //       MODIFIED       na
      67             :     //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
      68             : 
      69             :     // PURPOSE OF THIS MODULE:
      70             :     // This module should contain the information that is needed to simulate
      71             :     // performance of air distribution system, including pressure, temperature
      72             :     // and moisture levels at each node, and airflow and sensible and latent energy losses
      73             :     // at each element
      74             : 
      75    19047486 :     static Real64 square(Real64 x)
      76             :     {
      77    19047486 :         return x * x;
      78             :     }
      79             : 
      80   108281763 :     int Duct::calculate([[maybe_unused]] EnergyPlusData &state,
      81             :                         bool const LFLAG,                         // Initialization flag.If = 1, use laminar relationship
      82             :                         Real64 const PDROP,                       // Total pressure drop across a component (P1 - P2) [Pa]
      83             :                         [[maybe_unused]] int const i,             // Linkage number
      84             :                         [[maybe_unused]] const Real64 multiplier, // Element multiplier
      85             :                         [[maybe_unused]] const Real64 control,    // Element control signal
      86             :                         const AirState &propN,                    // Node 1 properties
      87             :                         const AirState &propM,                    // Node 2 properties
      88             :                         std::array<Real64, 2> &F,                 // Airflow through the component [kg/s]
      89             :                         std::array<Real64, 2> &DF                 // Partial derivative:  DF/DP
      90             :     )
      91             :     {
      92             : 
      93             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
      94             :         //       AUTHOR         George Walton
      95             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   Extracted from AIRNET
      96             :         //       MODIFIED       Lixing Gu, 2/1/04
      97             :         //                      Revised the subroutine to meet E+ needs
      98             :         //       MODIFIED       Lixing Gu, 6/8/05
      99             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
     100             : 
     101             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
     102             :         // This subroutine solves airflow for a duct/pipe component using Colebrook equation for the
     103             :         // turbulent friction factor
     104             : 
     105             :         // SUBROUTINE PARAMETER DEFINITIONS:
     106   108281763 :         Real64 constexpr C(0.868589);
     107   108281763 :         Real64 constexpr EPS(0.001);
     108             : 
     109             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
     110             :         Real64 A0;
     111             :         Real64 A1;
     112             :         Real64 A2;
     113             :         Real64 B;
     114             :         Real64 D;
     115             :         Real64 S2;
     116             :         Real64 CDM;
     117             :         Real64 FL; // friction factor for laminar flow.
     118             :         Real64 FT; // friction factor for turbulent flow.
     119             :         Real64 FTT;
     120             :         Real64 RE; // Reynolds number.
     121             :         Real64 ed;
     122             :         Real64 ld;
     123             :         Real64 g;
     124             :         Real64 AA1;
     125             : 
     126             :         // Formats
     127             :         // static gio::Fmt Format_901("(A5,I3,6X,4E16.7)");
     128             : 
     129             :         // CompNum = state.afn->AirflowNetworkCompData(j).TypeNum;
     130   108281763 :         ed = roughness / hydraulicDiameter;
     131   108281763 :         ld = L / hydraulicDiameter;
     132   108281763 :         g = 1.14 - 0.868589 * std::log(ed);
     133   108281763 :         AA1 = g;
     134             : 
     135   108281763 :         if (LFLAG) {
     136             :             // Initialization by linear relation.
     137           0 :             if (PDROP >= 0.0) {
     138           0 :                 DF[0] = (2.0 * propN.density * A * hydraulicDiameter) / (propN.viscosity * InitLamCoef * ld);
     139             :             } else {
     140           0 :                 DF[0] = (2.0 * propM.density * A * hydraulicDiameter) / (propM.viscosity * InitLamCoef * ld);
     141             :             }
     142           0 :             F[0] = -DF[0] * PDROP;
     143             :             // if (LIST >= 4) gio::write(Unit21, Format_901) << " dwi:" << i << InitLamCoef << F[0] << DF[0];
     144             :         } else {
     145             :             // Standard calculation.
     146   108281763 :             if (PDROP >= 0.0) {
     147             :                 // Flow in positive direction.
     148             :                 // Laminar flow coefficient !=0
     149   103613892 :                 if (LamFriCoef >= 0.001) {
     150    76823626 :                     A2 = LamFriCoef / (2.0 * propN.density * A * A);
     151    76823626 :                     A1 = (propN.viscosity * LamDynCoef * ld) / (2.0 * propN.density * A * hydraulicDiameter);
     152    76823626 :                     A0 = -PDROP;
     153    76823626 :                     CDM = std::sqrt(A1 * A1 - 4.0 * A2 * A0);
     154    76823626 :                     FL = (CDM - A1) / (2.0 * A2);
     155    76823626 :                     CDM = 1.0 / CDM;
     156             :                 } else {
     157    26790266 :                     CDM = (2.0 * propN.density * A * hydraulicDiameter) / (propN.viscosity * LamDynCoef * ld);
     158    26790266 :                     FL = CDM * PDROP;
     159             :                 }
     160   103613892 :                 RE = FL * hydraulicDiameter / (propN.viscosity * A);
     161             :                 // if (LIST >= 4) gio::write(Unit21, Format_901) << " dwl:" << i << PDROP << FL << CDM << RE;
     162             :                 // Turbulent flow; test when Re>10.
     163   103613892 :                 if (RE >= 10.0) {
     164   102768575 :                     S2 = std::sqrt(2.0 * propN.density * PDROP) * A;
     165   102768575 :                     FTT = S2 / std::sqrt(ld / pow_2(g) + TurDynCoef);
     166             :                     // if (LIST >= 4) gio::write(Unit21, Format_901) << " dwt:" << i << S2 << FTT << g;
     167             :                     while (true) {
     168   364247271 :                         FT = FTT;
     169   233507923 :                         B = (9.3 * propN.viscosity * A) / (FT * roughness);
     170   233507923 :                         D = 1.0 + g * B;
     171   233507923 :                         g -= (g - AA1 + C * std::log(D)) / (1.0 + C * B / D);
     172   233507923 :                         FTT = S2 / std::sqrt(ld / pow_2(g) + TurDynCoef);
     173             :                         // if (LIST >= 4) gio::write(Unit21, Format_901) << " dwt:" << i << B << FTT << g;
     174   233507923 :                         if (std::abs(FTT - FT) / FTT < EPS) break;
     175             :                     }
     176   102768575 :                     FT = FTT;
     177             :                 } else {
     178      845317 :                     FT = FL;
     179             :                 }
     180             :             } else {
     181             :                 // Flow in negative direction.
     182             :                 // Laminar flow coefficient !=0
     183     4667871 :                 if (LamFriCoef >= 0.001) {
     184     2843554 :                     A2 = LamFriCoef / (2.0 * propM.density * A * A);
     185     2843554 :                     A1 = (propM.viscosity * LamDynCoef * ld) / (2.0 * propM.density * A * hydraulicDiameter);
     186     2843554 :                     A0 = PDROP;
     187     2843554 :                     CDM = std::sqrt(A1 * A1 - 4.0 * A2 * A0);
     188     2843554 :                     FL = -(CDM - A1) / (2.0 * A2);
     189     2843554 :                     CDM = 1.0 / CDM;
     190             :                 } else {
     191     1824317 :                     CDM = (2.0 * propM.density * A * hydraulicDiameter) / (propM.viscosity * LamDynCoef * ld);
     192     1824317 :                     FL = CDM * PDROP;
     193             :                 }
     194     4667871 :                 RE = -FL * hydraulicDiameter / (propM.viscosity * A);
     195             :                 // if (LIST >= 4) gio::write(Unit21, Format_901) << " dwl:" << i << PDROP << FL << CDM << RE;
     196             :                 // Turbulent flow; test when Re>10.
     197     4667871 :                 if (RE >= 10.0) {
     198     4062457 :                     S2 = std::sqrt(-2.0 * propM.density * PDROP) * A;
     199     4062457 :                     FTT = S2 / std::sqrt(ld / pow_2(g) + TurDynCoef);
     200             :                     // if (LIST >= 4) gio::write(Unit21, Format_901) << " dwt:" << i << S2 << FTT << g;
     201             :                     while (true) {
     202    20296665 :                         FT = FTT;
     203    12179561 :                         B = (9.3 * propM.viscosity * A) / (FT * roughness);
     204    12179561 :                         D = 1.0 + g * B;
     205    12179561 :                         g -= (g - AA1 + C * std::log(D)) / (1.0 + C * B / D);
     206    12179561 :                         FTT = S2 / std::sqrt(ld / pow_2(g) + TurDynCoef);
     207             :                         // if (LIST >= 4) gio::write(Unit21, Format_901) << " dwt:" << i << B << FTT << g;
     208    12179561 :                         if (std::abs(FTT - FT) / FTT < EPS) break;
     209             :                     }
     210     4062457 :                     FT = -FTT;
     211             :                 } else {
     212      605414 :                     FT = FL;
     213             :                 }
     214             :             }
     215             :             // Select laminar or turbulent flow.
     216   108281763 :             if (std::abs(FL) <= std::abs(FT)) {
     217     2914809 :                 F[0] = FL;
     218     2914809 :                 DF[0] = CDM;
     219             :             } else {
     220   105366954 :                 F[0] = FT;
     221   105366954 :                 DF[0] = 0.5 * FT / PDROP;
     222             :             }
     223             :         }
     224   108281763 :         return 1;
     225             :     }
     226             : 
     227           0 :     int Duct::calculate([[maybe_unused]] EnergyPlusData &state,
     228             :                         Real64 const PDROP,                       // Total pressure drop across a component (P1 - P2) [Pa]
     229             :                         [[maybe_unused]] const Real64 multiplier, // Element multiplier
     230             :                         [[maybe_unused]] const Real64 control,    // Element control signal
     231             :                         const AirState &propN,                    // Node 1 properties
     232             :                         const AirState &propM,                    // Node 2 properties
     233             :                         std::array<Real64, 2> &F,                 // Airflow through the component [kg/s]
     234             :                         std::array<Real64, 2> &DF                 // Partial derivative:  DF/DP
     235             :     )
     236             :     {
     237             : 
     238             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
     239             :         //       AUTHOR         George Walton
     240             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   Extracted from AIRNET
     241             :         //       MODIFIED       Lixing Gu, 2/1/04
     242             :         //                      Revised the subroutine to meet E+ needs
     243             :         //       MODIFIED       Lixing Gu, 6/8/05
     244             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
     245             : 
     246             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
     247             :         // This subroutine solves airflow for a duct/pipe component using Colebrook equation for the
     248             :         // turbulent friction factor
     249             : 
     250             :         // SUBROUTINE PARAMETER DEFINITIONS:
     251           0 :         Real64 constexpr C(0.868589);
     252           0 :         Real64 constexpr EPS(0.001);
     253             : 
     254             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
     255             :         Real64 A0;
     256             :         Real64 A1;
     257             :         Real64 A2;
     258             :         Real64 B;
     259             :         Real64 D;
     260             :         Real64 S2;
     261             :         Real64 CDM;
     262             :         Real64 FL; // friction factor for laminar flow.
     263             :         Real64 FT; // friction factor for turbulent flow.
     264             :         Real64 FTT;
     265             :         Real64 RE; // Reynolds number.
     266             :         Real64 ed;
     267             :         Real64 ld;
     268             :         Real64 g;
     269             :         Real64 AA1;
     270             : 
     271             :         // Formats
     272             :         // static gio::Fmt Format_901("(A5,I3,6X,4E16.7)");
     273             : 
     274             :         // CompNum = state.afn->AirflowNetworkCompData(j).TypeNum;
     275           0 :         ed = roughness / hydraulicDiameter;
     276           0 :         ld = L / hydraulicDiameter;
     277           0 :         g = 1.14 - 0.868589 * std::log(ed);
     278           0 :         AA1 = g;
     279             : 
     280             :         // Standard calculation.
     281           0 :         if (PDROP >= 0.0) {
     282             :             // Flow in positive direction.
     283             :             // Laminar flow coefficient !=0
     284           0 :             if (LamFriCoef >= 0.001) {
     285           0 :                 A2 = LamFriCoef / (2.0 * propN.density * A * A);
     286           0 :                 A1 = (propN.viscosity * LamDynCoef * ld) / (2.0 * propN.density * A * hydraulicDiameter);
     287           0 :                 A0 = -PDROP;
     288           0 :                 CDM = std::sqrt(A1 * A1 - 4.0 * A2 * A0);
     289           0 :                 FL = (CDM - A1) / (2.0 * A2);
     290           0 :                 CDM = 1.0 / CDM;
     291             :             } else {
     292           0 :                 CDM = (2.0 * propN.density * A * hydraulicDiameter) / (propN.viscosity * LamDynCoef * ld);
     293           0 :                 FL = CDM * PDROP;
     294             :             }
     295           0 :             RE = FL * hydraulicDiameter / (propN.viscosity * A);
     296             :             // if (LIST >= 4) gio::write(Unit21, Format_901) << " dwl:" << i << PDROP << FL << CDM << RE;
     297             :             // Turbulent flow; test when Re>10.
     298           0 :             if (RE >= 10.0) {
     299           0 :                 S2 = std::sqrt(2.0 * propN.density * PDROP) * A;
     300           0 :                 FTT = S2 / std::sqrt(ld / pow_2(g) + TurDynCoef);
     301             :                 // if (LIST >= 4) gio::write(Unit21, Format_901) << " dwt:" << i << S2 << FTT << g;
     302             :                 while (true) {
     303           0 :                     FT = FTT;
     304           0 :                     B = (9.3 * propN.viscosity * A) / (FT * roughness);
     305           0 :                     D = 1.0 + g * B;
     306           0 :                     g -= (g - AA1 + C * std::log(D)) / (1.0 + C * B / D);
     307           0 :                     FTT = S2 / std::sqrt(ld / pow_2(g) + TurDynCoef);
     308             :                     // if (LIST >= 4) gio::write(Unit21, Format_901) << " dwt:" << i << B << FTT << g;
     309           0 :                     if (std::abs(FTT - FT) / FTT < EPS) break;
     310             :                 }
     311           0 :                 FT = FTT;
     312             :             } else {
     313           0 :                 FT = FL;
     314             :             }
     315             :         } else {
     316             :             // Flow in negative direction.
     317             :             // Laminar flow coefficient !=0
     318           0 :             if (LamFriCoef >= 0.001) {
     319           0 :                 A2 = LamFriCoef / (2.0 * propM.density * A * A);
     320           0 :                 A1 = (propM.viscosity * LamDynCoef * ld) / (2.0 * propM.density * A * hydraulicDiameter);
     321           0 :                 A0 = PDROP;
     322           0 :                 CDM = std::sqrt(A1 * A1 - 4.0 * A2 * A0);
     323           0 :                 FL = -(CDM - A1) / (2.0 * A2);
     324           0 :                 CDM = 1.0 / CDM;
     325             :             } else {
     326           0 :                 CDM = (2.0 * propM.density * A * hydraulicDiameter) / (propM.viscosity * LamDynCoef * ld);
     327           0 :                 FL = CDM * PDROP;
     328             :             }
     329           0 :             RE = -FL * hydraulicDiameter / (propM.viscosity * A);
     330             :             // if (LIST >= 4) gio::write(Unit21, Format_901) << " dwl:" << i << PDROP << FL << CDM << RE;
     331             :             // Turbulent flow; test when Re>10.
     332           0 :             if (RE >= 10.0) {
     333           0 :                 S2 = std::sqrt(-2.0 * propM.density * PDROP) * A;
     334           0 :                 FTT = S2 / std::sqrt(ld / pow_2(g) + TurDynCoef);
     335             :                 // if (LIST >= 4) gio::write(Unit21, Format_901) << " dwt:" << i << S2 << FTT << g;
     336             :                 while (true) {
     337           0 :                     FT = FTT;
     338           0 :                     B = (9.3 * propM.viscosity * A) / (FT * roughness);
     339           0 :                     D = 1.0 + g * B;
     340           0 :                     g -= (g - AA1 + C * std::log(D)) / (1.0 + C * B / D);
     341           0 :                     FTT = S2 / std::sqrt(ld / pow_2(g) + TurDynCoef);
     342             :                     // if (LIST >= 4) gio::write(Unit21, Format_901) << " dwt:" << i << B << FTT << g;
     343           0 :                     if (std::abs(FTT - FT) / FTT < EPS) break;
     344             :                 }
     345           0 :                 FT = -FTT;
     346             :             } else {
     347           0 :                 FT = FL;
     348             :             }
     349             :         }
     350             :         // Select laminar or turbulent flow.
     351           0 :         if (std::abs(FL) <= std::abs(FT)) {
     352           0 :             F[0] = FL;
     353           0 :             DF[0] = CDM;
     354             :         } else {
     355           0 :             F[0] = FT;
     356           0 :             DF[0] = 0.5 * FT / PDROP;
     357             :         }
     358           0 :         return 1;
     359             :     }
     360             : 
     361    64570607 :     int SurfaceCrack::calculate([[maybe_unused]] EnergyPlusData &state,
     362             :                                 bool const linear,            // Initialization flag. If true, use linear relationship
     363             :                                 Real64 const pdrop,           // Total pressure drop across a component (P1 - P2) [Pa]
     364             :                                 [[maybe_unused]] int const i, // Linkage number
     365             :                                 const Real64 multiplier,      // Element multiplier
     366             :                                 const Real64 control,         // Element control signal
     367             :                                 const AirState &propN,        // Node 1 properties
     368             :                                 const AirState &propM,        // Node 2 properties
     369             :                                 std::array<Real64, 2> &F,     // Airflow through the component [kg/s]
     370             :                                 std::array<Real64, 2> &DF     // Partial derivative:  DF/DP
     371             :     )
     372             :     {
     373             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
     374             :         //       AUTHOR         George Walton
     375             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   Extracted from AIRNET
     376             :         //       MODIFIED       Lixing Gu, 2/1/04
     377             :         //                      Revised the subroutine to meet E+ needs
     378             :         //       MODIFIED       Lixing Gu, 6/8/05
     379             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  Jason DeGraw
     380             : 
     381             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
     382             :         // This subroutine solves airflow for a surface crack component
     383             : 
     384             :         // Real64 rhoz_norm = AIRDENSITY(StandardP, StandardT, StandardW);
     385             :         // Real64 viscz_norm = 1.71432e-5 + 4.828e-8 * StandardT;
     386             : 
     387    64570607 :         Real64 VisAve{0.5 * (propN.viscosity + propM.viscosity)};
     388    64570607 :         Real64 Tave{0.5 * (propN.temperature + propM.temperature)};
     389             : 
     390    64570607 :         Real64 sign{1.0};
     391    64570607 :         Real64 upwind_temperature{propN.temperature};
     392    64570607 :         Real64 upwind_density{propN.density};
     393    64570607 :         Real64 upwind_viscosity{propN.viscosity};
     394    64570607 :         Real64 upwind_sqrt_density{propN.sqrt_density};
     395    64570607 :         Real64 abs_pdrop = pdrop;
     396             : 
     397    64570607 :         if (pdrop < 0.0) {
     398    29386829 :             sign = -1.0;
     399    29386829 :             upwind_temperature = propM.temperature;
     400    29386829 :             upwind_density = propM.density;
     401    29386829 :             upwind_viscosity = propM.viscosity;
     402    29386829 :             upwind_sqrt_density = propM.sqrt_density;
     403    29386829 :             abs_pdrop = -pdrop;
     404             :         }
     405             : 
     406    64570607 :         Real64 coef = coefficient * control * multiplier / upwind_sqrt_density;
     407             : 
     408             :         // Laminar calculation
     409    64570607 :         Real64 RhoCor{TOKELVIN(upwind_temperature) / TOKELVIN(Tave)};
     410    64570607 :         Real64 Ctl{std::pow(reference_density / upwind_density / RhoCor, exponent - 1.0) *
     411    64570607 :                    std::pow(reference_viscosity / VisAve, 2.0 * exponent - 1.0)};
     412    64570607 :         Real64 CDM{coef * upwind_density / upwind_viscosity * Ctl};
     413    64570607 :         Real64 FL{CDM * pdrop};
     414             :         Real64 abs_FT;
     415             : 
     416    64570607 :         if (linear) {
     417           0 :             DF[0] = CDM;
     418           0 :             F[0] = FL;
     419             :         } else {
     420             :             // Turbulent flow.
     421    64570607 :             if (exponent == 0.5) {
     422      563084 :                 abs_FT = coef * upwind_sqrt_density * std::sqrt(abs_pdrop) * Ctl;
     423             :             } else {
     424    64007523 :                 abs_FT = coef * upwind_sqrt_density * std::pow(abs_pdrop, exponent) * Ctl;
     425             :             }
     426             :             // Select linear or turbulent flow.
     427    64570607 :             if (std::abs(FL) <= abs_FT) {
     428       66475 :                 F[0] = FL;
     429       66475 :                 DF[0] = CDM;
     430             :             } else {
     431    64504132 :                 F[0] = sign * abs_FT;
     432    64504132 :                 DF[0] = F[0] * exponent / pdrop;
     433             :             }
     434             :         }
     435    64570607 :         return 1;
     436             :     }
     437             : 
     438           0 :     int SurfaceCrack::calculate(EnergyPlusData &state,
     439             :                                 Real64 const pdrop,       // Total pressure drop across a component (P1 - P2) [Pa]
     440             :                                 const Real64 multiplier,  // Element multiplier
     441             :                                 const Real64 control,     // Element control signal
     442             :                                 const AirState &propN,    // Node 1 properties
     443             :                                 const AirState &propM,    // Node 2 properties
     444             :                                 std::array<Real64, 2> &F, // Airflow through the component [kg/s]
     445             :                                 std::array<Real64, 2> &DF // Partial derivative:  DF/DP
     446             :     )
     447             :     {
     448             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
     449             :         //       AUTHOR         George Walton
     450             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   Extracted from AIRNET
     451             :         //       MODIFIED       Lixing Gu, 2/1/04
     452             :         //                      Revised the subroutine to meet E+ needs
     453             :         //       MODIFIED       Lixing Gu, 6/8/05
     454             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  Jason DeGraw
     455             : 
     456             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
     457             :         // This subroutine solves airflow for a surface crack component
     458             : 
     459             :         // Real64 rhoz_norm = AIRDENSITY(StandardP, StandardT, StandardW);
     460             :         // Real64 viscz_norm = 1.71432e-5 + 4.828e-8 * StandardT;
     461             : 
     462           0 :         Real64 VisAve{0.5 * (propN.viscosity + propM.viscosity)};
     463           0 :         Real64 Tave{0.5 * (propN.temperature + propM.temperature)};
     464             : 
     465           0 :         Real64 sign{1.0};
     466           0 :         Real64 upwind_temperature{propN.temperature};
     467           0 :         Real64 upwind_density{propN.density};
     468           0 :         Real64 upwind_viscosity{propN.viscosity};
     469           0 :         Real64 upwind_sqrt_density{propN.sqrt_density};
     470           0 :         Real64 abs_pdrop = pdrop;
     471             : 
     472           0 :         if (pdrop < 0.0) {
     473           0 :             sign = -1.0;
     474           0 :             upwind_temperature = propM.temperature;
     475           0 :             upwind_density = propM.density;
     476           0 :             upwind_viscosity = propM.viscosity;
     477           0 :             upwind_sqrt_density = propM.sqrt_density;
     478           0 :             abs_pdrop = -pdrop;
     479             :         }
     480             : 
     481           0 :         Real64 coef = coefficient * control * multiplier / upwind_sqrt_density;
     482             : 
     483             :         // Laminar calculation
     484           0 :         Real64 RhoCor{TOKELVIN(upwind_temperature) / TOKELVIN(Tave)};
     485           0 :         Real64 Ctl{std::pow(reference_density / upwind_density / RhoCor, exponent - 1.0) *
     486           0 :                    std::pow(reference_viscosity / VisAve, 2.0 * exponent - 1.0)};
     487           0 :         Real64 CDM{coef * upwind_density / upwind_viscosity * Ctl};
     488           0 :         Real64 FL{CDM * pdrop};
     489             :         Real64 abs_FT;
     490             : 
     491             :         // Turbulent flow.
     492           0 :         if (exponent == 0.5) {
     493           0 :             abs_FT = coef * upwind_sqrt_density * std::sqrt(abs_pdrop) * Ctl;
     494             :         } else {
     495           0 :             abs_FT = coef * upwind_sqrt_density * std::pow(abs_pdrop, exponent) * Ctl;
     496             :         }
     497             :         // Select linear or turbulent flow.
     498           0 :         if (std::abs(FL) <= abs_FT) {
     499           0 :             F[0] = FL;
     500           0 :             DF[0] = CDM;
     501             :         } else {
     502           0 :             F[0] = sign * abs_FT;
     503           0 :             DF[0] = F[0] * exponent / pdrop;
     504             :         }
     505             : 
     506           0 :         return 1;
     507             :     }
     508             : 
     509     1977095 :     int DuctLeak::calculate(EnergyPlusData &state,
     510             :                             bool const LFLAG,                         // Initialization flag.If = 1, use laminar relationship
     511             :                             Real64 const PDROP,                       // Total pressure drop across a component (P1 - P2) [Pa]
     512             :                             [[maybe_unused]] int const i,             // Linkage number
     513             :                             [[maybe_unused]] const Real64 multiplier, // Element multiplier
     514             :                             [[maybe_unused]] const Real64 control,    // Element control signal
     515             :                             const AirState &propN,                    // Node 1 properties
     516             :                             const AirState &propM,                    // Node 2 properties
     517             :                             std::array<Real64, 2> &F,                 // Airflow through the component [kg/s]
     518             :                             std::array<Real64, 2> &DF                 // Partial derivative:  DF/DP
     519             :     )
     520             :     {
     521             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
     522             :         //       AUTHOR         George Walton
     523             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   Extracted from AIRNET
     524             :         //       MODIFIED       Lixing Gu, 2/1/04
     525             :         //                      Revised the subroutine to meet E+ needs
     526             :         //       MODIFIED       Lixing Gu, 6/8/05
     527             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
     528             : 
     529             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
     530             :         // This subroutine solves airflow for a power law resistance airflow component
     531             : 
     532             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
     533             :         Real64 CDM;
     534             :         Real64 FL;
     535             :         Real64 FT;
     536             :         Real64 Ctl;
     537             : 
     538             :         // Formats
     539             :         // static gio::Fmt Format_901("(A5,I3,6X,4E16.7)");
     540             : 
     541             :         // Crack standard condition: T=20C, p=101325 Pa and 0 g/kg
     542     1977095 :         Real64 RhozNorm = state.afn->properties.density(101325.0, 20.0, 0.0);
     543     1977095 :         Real64 VisczNorm = 1.71432e-5 + 4.828e-8 * 20.0;
     544     1977095 :         Real64 coef = FlowCoef;
     545             : 
     546     1977095 :         if (PDROP >= 0.0) {
     547     1919937 :             coef /= propN.sqrt_density;
     548             :         } else {
     549       57158 :             coef /= propM.sqrt_density;
     550             :         }
     551             : 
     552     1977095 :         if (LFLAG) {
     553             :             // Initialization by linear relation.
     554           0 :             if (PDROP >= 0.0) {
     555           0 :                 Ctl = std::pow(RhozNorm / propN.density, FlowExpo - 1.0) * std::pow(VisczNorm / propN.viscosity, 2.0 * FlowExpo - 1.0);
     556           0 :                 DF[0] = coef * propN.density / propN.viscosity * Ctl;
     557             :             } else {
     558           0 :                 Ctl = std::pow(RhozNorm / propM.density, FlowExpo - 1.0) * std::pow(VisczNorm / propM.viscosity, 2.0 * FlowExpo - 1.0);
     559           0 :                 DF[0] = coef * propM.density / propM.viscosity * Ctl;
     560             :             }
     561           0 :             F[0] = -DF[0] * PDROP;
     562             :         } else {
     563             :             // Standard calculation.
     564     1977095 :             if (PDROP >= 0.0) {
     565             :                 // Flow in positive direction for laminar flow.
     566     1919937 :                 Ctl = std::pow(RhozNorm / propN.density, FlowExpo - 1.0) * std::pow(VisczNorm / propN.viscosity, 2.0 * FlowExpo - 1.0);
     567     1919937 :                 CDM = coef * propN.density / propN.viscosity * Ctl;
     568     1919937 :                 FL = CDM * PDROP;
     569             :                 // Flow in positive direction for turbulent flow.
     570     1919937 :                 if (FlowExpo == 0.5) {
     571           0 :                     FT = coef * propN.sqrt_density * std::sqrt(PDROP);
     572             :                 } else {
     573     1919937 :                     FT = coef * propN.sqrt_density * std::pow(PDROP, FlowExpo);
     574             :                 }
     575             :             } else {
     576             :                 // Flow in negative direction for laminar flow
     577       57158 :                 CDM = coef * propM.density / propM.viscosity;
     578       57158 :                 FL = CDM * PDROP;
     579             :                 // Flow in negative direction for turbulent flow
     580       57158 :                 if (FlowExpo == 0.5) {
     581           0 :                     FT = -coef * propM.sqrt_density * std::sqrt(-PDROP);
     582             :                 } else {
     583       57158 :                     FT = -coef * propM.sqrt_density * std::pow(-PDROP, FlowExpo);
     584             :                 }
     585             :             }
     586             :             // Select laminar or turbulent flow.
     587             :             // if (LIST >= 4) gio::write(Unit21, Format_901) << " plr: " << i << PDROP << FL << FT;
     588     1977095 :             if (std::abs(FL) <= std::abs(FT)) {
     589          89 :                 F[0] = FL;
     590          89 :                 DF[0] = CDM;
     591             :             } else {
     592     1977006 :                 F[0] = FT;
     593     1977006 :                 DF[0] = FT * FlowExpo / PDROP;
     594             :             }
     595             :         }
     596     1977095 :         return 1;
     597             :     }
     598             : 
     599           0 :     int DuctLeak::calculate(EnergyPlusData &state,
     600             :                             Real64 const PDROP,                       // Total pressure drop across a component (P1 - P2) [Pa]
     601             :                             [[maybe_unused]] const Real64 multiplier, // Element multiplier
     602             :                             [[maybe_unused]] const Real64 control,    // Element control signal
     603             :                             const AirState &propN,                    // Node 1 properties
     604             :                             const AirState &propM,                    // Node 2 properties
     605             :                             std::array<Real64, 2> &F,                 // Airflow through the component [kg/s]
     606             :                             std::array<Real64, 2> &DF                 // Partial derivative:  DF/DP
     607             :     )
     608             :     {
     609             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
     610             :         //       AUTHOR         George Walton
     611             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   Extracted from AIRNET
     612             :         //       MODIFIED       Lixing Gu, 2/1/04
     613             :         //                      Revised the subroutine to meet E+ needs
     614             :         //       MODIFIED       Lixing Gu, 6/8/05
     615             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
     616             : 
     617             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
     618             :         // This subroutine solves airflow for a power law resistance airflow component
     619             : 
     620             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
     621             :         Real64 CDM;
     622             :         Real64 FL;
     623             :         Real64 FT;
     624             :         Real64 Ctl;
     625             : 
     626             :         // Formats
     627             :         // static gio::Fmt Format_901("(A5,I3,6X,4E16.7)");
     628             : 
     629             :         // Crack standard condition: T=20C, p=101325 Pa and 0 g/kg
     630           0 :         Real64 RhozNorm = state.afn->properties.density(101325.0, 20.0, 0.0);
     631           0 :         Real64 VisczNorm = 1.71432e-5 + 4.828e-8 * 20.0;
     632           0 :         Real64 coef = FlowCoef;
     633             : 
     634           0 :         if (PDROP >= 0.0) {
     635           0 :             coef /= propN.sqrt_density;
     636             :         } else {
     637           0 :             coef /= propM.sqrt_density;
     638             :         }
     639             : 
     640             :         // Standard calculation.
     641           0 :         if (PDROP >= 0.0) {
     642             :             // Flow in positive direction for laminar flow.
     643           0 :             Ctl = std::pow(RhozNorm / propN.density, FlowExpo - 1.0) * std::pow(VisczNorm / propN.viscosity, 2.0 * FlowExpo - 1.0);
     644           0 :             CDM = coef * propN.density / propN.viscosity * Ctl;
     645           0 :             FL = CDM * PDROP;
     646             :             // Flow in positive direction for turbulent flow.
     647           0 :             if (FlowExpo == 0.5) {
     648           0 :                 FT = coef * propN.sqrt_density * std::sqrt(PDROP);
     649             :             } else {
     650           0 :                 FT = coef * propN.sqrt_density * std::pow(PDROP, FlowExpo);
     651             :             }
     652             :         } else {
     653             :             // Flow in negative direction for laminar flow
     654           0 :             CDM = coef * propM.density / propM.viscosity;
     655           0 :             FL = CDM * PDROP;
     656             :             // Flow in negative direction for turbulent flow
     657           0 :             if (FlowExpo == 0.5) {
     658           0 :                 FT = -coef * propM.sqrt_density * std::sqrt(-PDROP);
     659             :             } else {
     660           0 :                 FT = -coef * propM.sqrt_density * std::pow(-PDROP, FlowExpo);
     661             :             }
     662             :         }
     663             :         // Select laminar or turbulent flow.
     664             :         // if (LIST >= 4) gio::write(Unit21, Format_901) << " plr: " << i << PDROP << FL << FT;
     665           0 :         if (std::abs(FL) <= std::abs(FT)) {
     666           0 :             F[0] = FL;
     667           0 :             DF[0] = CDM;
     668             :         } else {
     669           0 :             F[0] = FT;
     670           0 :             DF[0] = FT * FlowExpo / PDROP;
     671             :         }
     672           0 :         return 1;
     673             :     }
     674             : 
     675     7062494 :     int ConstantVolumeFan::calculate(EnergyPlusData &state,
     676             :                                      bool const LFLAG,                         // Initialization flag.If = 1, use laminar relationship
     677             :                                      Real64 const PDROP,                       // Total pressure drop across a component (P1 - P2) [Pa]
     678             :                                      int const i,                              // Linkage number
     679             :                                      [[maybe_unused]] const Real64 multiplier, // Element multiplier
     680             :                                      [[maybe_unused]] const Real64 control,    // Element control signal
     681             :                                      const AirState &propN,                    // Node 1 properties
     682             :                                      const AirState &propM,                    // Node 2 properties
     683             :                                      std::array<Real64, 2> &F,                 // Airflow through the component [kg/s]
     684             :                                      std::array<Real64, 2> &DF                 // Partial derivative:  DF/DP
     685             :     )
     686             :     {
     687             : 
     688             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
     689             :         //       AUTHOR         George Walton
     690             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   Extracted from AIRNET
     691             :         //       MODIFIED       Lixing Gu, 2/1/04
     692             :         //                      Revised the subroutine to meet E+ needs
     693             :         //       MODIFIED       Lixing Gu, 6/8/05
     694             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
     695             : 
     696             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
     697             :         // This subroutine solves airflow for a constant flow rate airflow component -- using standard interface.
     698             : 
     699             :         // Using/Aliasing
     700             :         using DataHVACGlobals::FanType_SimpleConstVolume;
     701             :         using DataHVACGlobals::FanType_SimpleOnOff;
     702             :         using DataHVACGlobals::FanType_SimpleVAV;
     703     7062494 :         auto &NumPrimaryAirSys = state.dataHVACGlobal->NumPrimaryAirSys;
     704             : 
     705             :         // SUBROUTINE PARAMETER DEFINITIONS:
     706     7062494 :         int constexpr CycFanCycComp(1); // fan cycles with compressor operation
     707             : 
     708             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
     709             :         int k;
     710             :         int k1;
     711             :         Real64 SumTermFlow;     // Sum of all Terminal flows [kg/s]
     712             :         Real64 SumFracSuppLeak; // Sum of all supply leaks as a fraction of supply fan flow rate
     713             :         int Node1;
     714             :         int Node2;
     715             : 
     716     7062494 :         int NF(1);
     717             : 
     718     7062494 :         int AirLoopNum = state.afn->AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).AirLoopNum;
     719             : 
     720     7062494 :         if (FanTypeNum == FanType_SimpleOnOff) {
     721     9608758 :             if (state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopAFNInfo(AirLoopNum).LoopFanOperationMode == CycFanCycComp &&
     722     4686260 :                 state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNode).MassFlowRate == 0.0) {
     723       13462 :                 NF = GenericDuct(0.1, 0.001, LFLAG, PDROP, propN, propM, F, DF);
     724     9581834 :             } else if (state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopAFNInfo(AirLoopNum).LoopFanOperationMode == CycFanCycComp &&
     725     4672798 :                        state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopAFNInfo(AirLoopNum).LoopSystemOnMassFlowrate > 0.0) {
     726     4672798 :                 F[0] = state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopAFNInfo(AirLoopNum).LoopSystemOnMassFlowrate;
     727             :             } else {
     728      236238 :                 F[0] = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNode).MassFlowRate * Ctrl;
     729      236238 :                 if (state.afn->MultiSpeedHPIndicator == 2) {
     730           0 :                     F[0] = state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopAFNInfo(AirLoopNum).LoopSystemOnMassFlowrate *
     731           0 :                                state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopAFNInfo(AirLoopNum).LoopCompCycRatio +
     732           0 :                            state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopAFNInfo(AirLoopNum).LoopSystemOffMassFlowrate *
     733           0 :                                (1.0 - state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopAFNInfo(AirLoopNum).LoopCompCycRatio);
     734             :                 }
     735             :             }
     736     2139996 :         } else if (FanTypeNum == FanType_SimpleConstVolume) {
     737     2100140 :             if (state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNode).MassFlowRate > 0.0) {
     738     2100140 :                 F[0] = FlowRate * Ctrl;
     739           0 :             } else if (NumPrimaryAirSys > 1 && state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNode).MassFlowRate <= 0.0) {
     740           0 :                 NF = GenericDuct(0.1, 0.001, LFLAG, PDROP, propN, propM, F, DF);
     741             :             }
     742             : 
     743     2100140 :             if (state.afn->MultiSpeedHPIndicator == 2) {
     744           0 :                 F[0] = state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopAFNInfo(AirLoopNum).LoopSystemOnMassFlowrate;
     745             :             }
     746       39856 :         } else if (FanTypeNum == FanType_SimpleVAV) {
     747             :             // Check VAV termals with a damper
     748       39856 :             SumTermFlow = 0.0;
     749       39856 :             SumFracSuppLeak = 0.0;
     750     2471072 :             for (k = 1; k <= state.afn->ActualNumOfLinks; ++k) {
     751     2431216 :                 if (state.afn->AirflowNetworkLinkageData(k).VAVTermDamper && state.afn->AirflowNetworkLinkageData(k).AirLoopNum == AirLoopNum) {
     752      119568 :                     k1 = state.afn->AirflowNetworkNodeData(state.afn->AirflowNetworkLinkageData(k).NodeNums[0]).EPlusNodeNum;
     753      119568 :                     if (state.dataLoopNodes->Node(k1).MassFlowRate > 0.0) {
     754      119568 :                         SumTermFlow += state.dataLoopNodes->Node(k1).MassFlowRate;
     755             :                     }
     756             :                 }
     757     2431216 :                 if (state.afn->AirflowNetworkCompData(state.afn->AirflowNetworkLinkageData(k).CompNum).CompTypeNum == iComponentTypeNum::ELR) {
     758             :                     // Calculate supply leak sensible losses
     759      278992 :                     Node1 = state.afn->AirflowNetworkLinkageData(k).NodeNums[0];
     760      278992 :                     Node2 = state.afn->AirflowNetworkLinkageData(k).NodeNums[1];
     761      438416 :                     if ((state.afn->AirflowNetworkNodeData(Node2).EPlusZoneNum > 0) && (state.afn->AirflowNetworkNodeData(Node1).EPlusNodeNum == 0) &&
     762      159424 :                         (state.afn->AirflowNetworkNodeData(Node1).AirLoopNum == AirLoopNum)) {
     763      159424 :                         SumFracSuppLeak +=
     764      159424 :                             state.afn->DisSysCompELRData(state.afn->AirflowNetworkCompData(state.afn->AirflowNetworkLinkageData(k).CompNum).TypeNum)
     765             :                                 .ELR;
     766             :                     }
     767             :                 }
     768             :             }
     769       39856 :             F[0] = SumTermFlow / (1.0 - SumFracSuppLeak);
     770       39856 :             state.afn->VAVTerminalRatio = 0.0;
     771       39856 :             if (F[0] > MaxAirMassFlowRate) {
     772           0 :                 state.afn->VAVTerminalRatio = MaxAirMassFlowRate / F[0];
     773           0 :                 F[0] = MaxAirMassFlowRate;
     774             :             }
     775             :         }
     776     7062494 :         DF[0] = 0.0;
     777     7062494 :         return NF;
     778             :     }
     779             : 
     780           0 :     int DetailedFan::calculate(EnergyPlusData &state,
     781             :                                bool const LFLAG,                         // Initialization flag.If = 1, use laminar relationship
     782             :                                Real64 const PDROP,                       // Total pressure drop across a component (P1 - P2) [Pa]
     783             :                                int const i,                              // Linkage number
     784             :                                [[maybe_unused]] const Real64 multiplier, // Element multiplier
     785             :                                const Real64 control,                     // Element control signal
     786             :                                const AirState &propN,                    // Node 1 properties
     787             :                                const AirState &propM,                    // Node 2 properties
     788             :                                std::array<Real64, 2> &F,                 // Airflow through the component [kg/s]
     789             :                                std::array<Real64, 2> &DF                 // Partial derivative:  DF/DP
     790             :     )
     791             :     {
     792             : 
     793             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
     794             :         //       AUTHOR         George Walton
     795             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   Extracted from AIRNET
     796             :         //       MODIFIED       Lixing Gu, 2/1/04
     797             :         //                      Revised the subroutine to meet E+ needs
     798             :         //       MODIFIED       Lixing Gu, 6/8/05
     799             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
     800             : 
     801             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
     802             :         // This subroutine solves airflow for a detailed fan component -- using standard interface.
     803             : 
     804             :         // SUBROUTINE PARAMETER DEFINITIONS:
     805           0 :         Real64 constexpr TOL(0.00001);
     806             : 
     807             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
     808             :         int j;
     809             :         int k;
     810             :         int L;
     811             :         Real64 DPDF;
     812             :         Real64 PRISE; // pressure rise (negative of pressure drop) (Pa).
     813             :         Real64 BX;
     814             :         Real64 BY;
     815             :         Real64 CX;
     816             :         Real64 CY;
     817             :         Real64 CCY;
     818             :         Real64 DX;
     819             :         Real64 DY;
     820             : 
     821             :         // Formats
     822             :         // static gio::Fmt Format_901("(A5,I3,5E14.6)");
     823             : 
     824           0 :         int NumCur = n;
     825           0 :         if (control <= 0.0) {
     826             :             // Speed = 0; treat fan as resistance.
     827           0 :             generic_crack(FlowCoef, FlowExpo, LFLAG, PDROP, propN, propM, F, DF);
     828           0 :             return 1;
     829             :         }
     830             :         // Pressure rise at reference fan speed.
     831           0 :         if (control >= TranRat) {
     832           0 :             PRISE = -PDROP * (RhoAir / propN.density) / (control * control);
     833             :         } else {
     834           0 :             PRISE = -PDROP * (RhoAir / propN.density) / (TranRat * control);
     835             :         }
     836             :         // if (LIST >= 4) gio::write(Unit21, Format_901) << " fan:" << i << PDROP << PRISE << AFECTL(i) << DisSysCompDetFanData(CompNum).TranRat;
     837           0 :         if (LFLAG) {
     838             :             // Initialization by linear approximation.
     839           0 :             F[0] = -Qfree * control * (1.0 - PRISE / Pshut);
     840           0 :             DPDF = -Pshut / Qfree;
     841             :             // if (LIST >= 4)
     842             :             //    gio::write(Unit21, Format_901) << " fni:" << JA << DisSysCompDetFanData(CompNum).Qfree << DisSysCompDetFanData(CompNum).Pshut;
     843             :         } else {
     844             :             // Solution of the fan performance curve.
     845             :             // Determine curve fit range.
     846           0 :             j = 1;
     847           0 :             k = 5 * (j - 1) + 1;
     848           0 :             BX = Coeff(k);
     849           0 :             BY = Coeff(k + 1) + BX * (Coeff(k + 2) + BX * (Coeff(k + 3) + BX * Coeff(k + 4))) - PRISE;
     850           0 :             if (BY < 0.0) ShowFatalError(state, "Out of range, too low in an AirflowNetwork detailed Fan");
     851             : 
     852             :             while (true) {
     853           0 :                 DX = Coeff(k + 5);
     854           0 :                 DY = Coeff(k + 1) + DX * (Coeff(k + 2) + DX * (Coeff(k + 3) + DX * Coeff(k + 5))) - PRISE;
     855             :                 // if (LIST >= 4) gio::write(Unit21, Format_901) << " fp0:" << j << BX << BY << DX << DY;
     856           0 :                 if (BY * DY <= 0.0) break;
     857           0 :                 ++j;
     858           0 :                 if (j > NumCur) ShowFatalError(state, "Out of range, too high (FAN) in ADS simulation");
     859           0 :                 k += 5;
     860           0 :                 BX = DX;
     861           0 :                 BY = DY;
     862             :             }
     863             :             // Determine reference mass flow rate by false position method.
     864           0 :             L = 0;
     865           0 :             CY = 0.0;
     866           0 :         Label40:;
     867           0 :             ++L;
     868           0 :             if (L > 100) ShowFatalError(state, "Too many iterations (FAN) in AirflowNtework simulation");
     869           0 :             CCY = CY;
     870           0 :             CX = BX - BY * ((DX - BX) / (DY - BY));
     871           0 :             CY = Coeff(k + 1) + CX * (Coeff(k + 2) + CX * (Coeff(k + 3) + CX * Coeff(k + 4))) - PRISE;
     872           0 :             if (BY * CY == 0.0) goto Label90;
     873           0 :             if (BY * CY > 0.0) goto Label60;
     874           0 :             DX = CX;
     875           0 :             DY = CY;
     876           0 :             if (CY * CCY > 0.0) BY *= 0.5;
     877           0 :             goto Label70;
     878           0 :         Label60:;
     879           0 :             BX = CX;
     880           0 :             BY = CY;
     881           0 :             if (CY * CCY > 0.0) DY *= 0.5;
     882           0 :         Label70:;
     883             :             // if (LIST >= 4) gio::write(Unit21, Format_901) << " fpi:" << j << BX << CX << DX << BY << DY;
     884           0 :             if (DX - BX < TOL * CX) goto Label80;
     885           0 :             if (DX - BX < TOL) goto Label80;
     886           0 :             goto Label40;
     887           0 :         Label80:;
     888           0 :             CX = 0.5 * (BX + DX);
     889           0 :         Label90:;
     890           0 :             F[0] = CX;
     891           0 :             DPDF = Coeff(k + 2) + CX * (2.0 * Coeff(k + 3) + CX * 3.0 * Coeff(k + 4));
     892             :         }
     893             :         // Convert to flow at given speed.
     894           0 :         F[0] *= (propN.density / RhoAir) * control;
     895             :         // Set derivative w/r pressure drop (-).
     896           0 :         if (control >= TranRat) {
     897           0 :             DF[0] = -control / DPDF;
     898             :         } else {
     899           0 :             DF[0] = -1.0 / DPDF;
     900             :         }
     901           0 :         return 1;
     902             :     }
     903             : 
     904           0 :     int DetailedFan::calculate(EnergyPlusData &state,
     905             :                                Real64 const PDROP,                       // Total pressure drop across a component (P1 - P2) [Pa]
     906             :                                [[maybe_unused]] const Real64 multiplier, // Element multiplier
     907             :                                const Real64 control,                     // Element control signal
     908             :                                const AirState &propN,                    // Node 1 properties
     909             :                                const AirState &propM,                    // Node 2 properties
     910             :                                std::array<Real64, 2> &F,                 // Airflow through the component [kg/s]
     911             :                                std::array<Real64, 2> &DF                 // Partial derivative:  DF/DP
     912             :     )
     913             :     {
     914             : 
     915             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
     916             :         //       AUTHOR         George Walton
     917             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   Extracted from AIRNET
     918             :         //       MODIFIED       Lixing Gu, 2/1/04
     919             :         //                      Revised the subroutine to meet E+ needs
     920             :         //       MODIFIED       Lixing Gu, 6/8/05
     921             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
     922             : 
     923             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
     924             :         // This subroutine solves airflow for a detailed fan component -- using standard interface.
     925             : 
     926             :         // SUBROUTINE PARAMETER DEFINITIONS:
     927           0 :         Real64 constexpr TOL(0.00001);
     928             : 
     929             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
     930             :         int j;
     931             :         int k;
     932             :         int L;
     933             :         Real64 DPDF;
     934             :         Real64 PRISE; // pressure rise (negative of pressure drop) (Pa).
     935             :         Real64 BX;
     936             :         Real64 BY;
     937             :         Real64 CX;
     938             :         Real64 CY;
     939             :         Real64 CCY;
     940             :         Real64 DX;
     941             :         Real64 DY;
     942             : 
     943             :         // Formats
     944             :         // static gio::Fmt Format_901("(A5,I3,5E14.6)");
     945             : 
     946           0 :         int NumCur = n;
     947             : 
     948           0 :         if (control <= 0.0) {
     949             :             // Speed = 0; treat fan as resistance.
     950           0 :             generic_crack(FlowCoef, FlowExpo, false, PDROP, propN, propM, F, DF);
     951           0 :             return 1;
     952             :         }
     953             :         // Pressure rise at reference fan speed.
     954           0 :         if (control >= TranRat) {
     955           0 :             PRISE = -PDROP * (RhoAir / propN.density) / pow_2(control);
     956             :         } else {
     957           0 :             PRISE = -PDROP * (RhoAir / propN.density) / (TranRat * control);
     958             :         }
     959             :         // if (LIST >= 4) gio::write(Unit21, Format_901) << " fan:" << i << PDROP << PRISE << AFECTL(i) << DisSysCompDetFanData(CompNum).TranRat;
     960             :         // if (LFLAG) {
     961             :         //    // Initialization by linear approximation.
     962             :         //    F[0] = -Qfree * control * (1.0 - PRISE / Pshut);
     963             :         //    DPDF = -Pshut / Qfree;
     964             :         //    // if (LIST >= 4)
     965             :         //    //    gio::write(Unit21, Format_901) << " fni:" << JA << DisSysCompDetFanData(CompNum).Qfree << DisSysCompDetFanData(CompNum).Pshut;
     966             :         //} else {
     967             :         // Solution of the fan performance curve.
     968             :         // Determine curve fit range.
     969           0 :         j = 1;
     970           0 :         k = 5 * (j - 1) + 1;
     971           0 :         BX = Coeff(k);
     972           0 :         BY = Coeff(k + 1) + BX * (Coeff(k + 2) + BX * (Coeff(k + 3) + BX * Coeff(k + 4))) - PRISE;
     973           0 :         if (BY < 0.0) ShowFatalError(state, "Out of range, too low in an AirflowNetwork detailed Fan");
     974             : 
     975             :         while (true) {
     976           0 :             DX = Coeff(k + 5);
     977           0 :             DY = Coeff(k + 1) + DX * (Coeff(k + 2) + DX * (Coeff(k + 3) + DX * Coeff(k + 5))) - PRISE;
     978             :             // if (LIST >= 4) gio::write(Unit21, Format_901) << " fp0:" << j << BX << BY << DX << DY;
     979           0 :             if (BY * DY <= 0.0) break;
     980           0 :             ++j;
     981           0 :             if (j > NumCur) ShowFatalError(state, "Out of range, too high (FAN) in ADS simulation");
     982           0 :             k += 5;
     983           0 :             BX = DX;
     984           0 :             BY = DY;
     985             :         }
     986             :         // Determine reference mass flow rate by false position method.
     987           0 :         L = 0;
     988           0 :         CY = 0.0;
     989           0 :     Label40:;
     990           0 :         ++L;
     991           0 :         if (L > 100) ShowFatalError(state, "Too many iterations (FAN) in AirflowNtework simulation");
     992           0 :         CCY = CY;
     993           0 :         CX = BX - BY * ((DX - BX) / (DY - BY));
     994           0 :         CY = Coeff(k + 1) + CX * (Coeff(k + 2) + CX * (Coeff(k + 3) + CX * Coeff(k + 4))) - PRISE;
     995           0 :         if (BY * CY == 0.0) goto Label90;
     996           0 :         if (BY * CY > 0.0) goto Label60;
     997           0 :         DX = CX;
     998           0 :         DY = CY;
     999           0 :         if (CY * CCY > 0.0) BY *= 0.5;
    1000           0 :         goto Label70;
    1001           0 :     Label60:;
    1002           0 :         BX = CX;
    1003           0 :         BY = CY;
    1004           0 :         if (CY * CCY > 0.0) DY *= 0.5;
    1005           0 :     Label70:;
    1006             :         // if (LIST >= 4) gio::write(Unit21, Format_901) << " fpi:" << j << BX << CX << DX << BY << DY;
    1007           0 :         if (DX - BX < TOL * CX) goto Label80;
    1008           0 :         if (DX - BX < TOL) goto Label80;
    1009           0 :         goto Label40;
    1010           0 :     Label80:;
    1011           0 :         CX = 0.5 * (BX + DX);
    1012           0 :     Label90:;
    1013           0 :         F[0] = CX;
    1014           0 :         DPDF = Coeff(k + 2) + CX * (2.0 * Coeff(k + 3) + CX * 3.0 * Coeff(k + 4));
    1015             : 
    1016             :         // Convert to flow at given speed.
    1017           0 :         F[0] *= (propN.density / RhoAir) * control;
    1018             :         // Set derivative w/r pressure drop (-).
    1019           0 :         if (control >= TranRat) {
    1020           0 :             DF[0] = -control / DPDF;
    1021             :         } else {
    1022           0 :             DF[0] = -1.0 / DPDF;
    1023             :         }
    1024           0 :         return 1;
    1025             :     }
    1026             : 
    1027           0 :     int Damper::calculate([[maybe_unused]] EnergyPlusData &state,
    1028             :                           bool const LFLAG,                         // Initialization flag.If = 1, use laminar relationship
    1029             :                           Real64 const PDROP,                       // Total pressure drop across a component (P1 - P2) [Pa]
    1030             :                           int const i,                              // Linkage number
    1031             :                           [[maybe_unused]] const Real64 multiplier, // Element multiplier
    1032             :                           [[maybe_unused]] const Real64 control,    // Element control signal
    1033             :                           const AirState &propN,                    // Node 1 properties
    1034             :                           const AirState &propM,                    // Node 2 properties
    1035             :                           std::array<Real64, 2> &F,                 // Airflow through the component [kg/s]
    1036             :                           std::array<Real64, 2> &DF                 // Partial derivative:  DF/DP
    1037             :     )
    1038             :     {
    1039             : 
    1040             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    1041             :         //       AUTHOR         George Walton
    1042             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   Extracted from AIRNET
    1043             :         //       MODIFIED       Lixing Gu, 2/1/04
    1044             :         //                      Revised the subroutine to meet E+ needs
    1045             :         //       MODIFIED       Lixing Gu, 6/8/05
    1046             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
    1047             : 
    1048             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    1049             :         // This subroutine solves airflow for a Controlled power law resistance airflow component (damper)
    1050             : 
    1051             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
    1052             :         Real64 C;
    1053             : 
    1054             :         // Formats
    1055             :         // static gio::Fmt Format_901("(A5,I3,6X,4E16.7)");
    1056             : 
    1057           0 :         C = control;
    1058           0 :         if (C < FlowMin) C = FlowMin;
    1059           0 :         if (C > FlowMax) C = FlowMax;
    1060           0 :         C = A0 + C * (A1 + C * (A2 + C * A3));
    1061             :         // if (LIST >= 4)
    1062             :         //    gio::write(Unit21, Format_901) << " Dmp:" << i << AFECTL(i) << DisSysCompDamperData(CompNum).FlowMin
    1063             :         //                                   << DisSysCompDamperData(CompNum).FlowMax << C;
    1064           0 :         if (LFLAG || std::abs(PDROP) <= LTP) {
    1065             :             //                              Laminar flow.
    1066           0 :             if (PDROP >= 0.0) {
    1067           0 :                 DF[0] = C * LamFlow * propN.density / propN.viscosity;
    1068             :             } else {
    1069           0 :                 DF[0] = C * LamFlow * propM.density / propM.viscosity;
    1070             :             }
    1071           0 :             F[0] = DF[0] * PDROP;
    1072             :         } else {
    1073             :             //                              Turbulent flow.
    1074           0 :             if (PDROP >= 0.0) {
    1075           0 :                 F[0] = C * TurFlow * propN.sqrt_density * std::pow(PDROP, FlowExpo);
    1076             :             } else {
    1077           0 :                 F[0] = -C * TurFlow * propM.sqrt_density * std::pow(-PDROP, FlowExpo);
    1078             :             }
    1079           0 :             DF[0] = F[0] * FlowExpo / PDROP;
    1080             :         }
    1081           0 :         return 1;
    1082             :     }
    1083             : 
    1084           0 :     int Damper::calculate([[maybe_unused]] EnergyPlusData &state,
    1085             :                           const Real64 PDROP,                       // Total pressure drop across a component (P1 - P2) [Pa]
    1086             :                           [[maybe_unused]] const Real64 multiplier, // Element multiplier
    1087             :                           const Real64 control,                     // Element control signal
    1088             :                           const AirState &propN,                    // Node 1 properties
    1089             :                           const AirState &propM,                    // Node 2 properties
    1090             :                           std::array<Real64, 2> &F,                 // Airflow through the component [kg/s]
    1091             :                           std::array<Real64, 2> &DF                 // Partial derivative:  DF/DP
    1092             :     )
    1093             :     {
    1094             : 
    1095             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    1096             :         //       AUTHOR         George Walton
    1097             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   Extracted from AIRNET
    1098             :         //       MODIFIED       Lixing Gu, 2/1/04
    1099             :         //                      Revised the subroutine to meet E+ needs
    1100             :         //       MODIFIED       Lixing Gu, 6/8/05
    1101             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
    1102             : 
    1103             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    1104             :         // This subroutine solves airflow for a Controlled power law resistance airflow component (damper)
    1105             : 
    1106             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
    1107             :         Real64 C;
    1108             : 
    1109             :         // Formats
    1110             :         // static gio::Fmt Format_901("(A5,I3,6X,4E16.7)");
    1111             : 
    1112           0 :         C = control;
    1113           0 :         if (C < FlowMin) C = FlowMin;
    1114           0 :         if (C > FlowMax) C = FlowMax;
    1115           0 :         C = A0 + C * (A1 + C * (A2 + C * A3));
    1116             :         // if (LIST >= 4)
    1117             :         //    gio::write(Unit21, Format_901) << " Dmp:" << i << AFECTL(i) << DisSysCompDamperData(CompNum).FlowMin
    1118             :         //                                   << DisSysCompDamperData(CompNum).FlowMax << C;
    1119           0 :         if (std::abs(PDROP) <= LTP) {
    1120             :             //                              Laminar flow.
    1121           0 :             if (PDROP >= 0.0) {
    1122           0 :                 DF[0] = C * LamFlow * propN.density / propN.viscosity;
    1123             :             } else {
    1124           0 :                 DF[0] = C * LamFlow * propM.density / propM.viscosity;
    1125             :             }
    1126           0 :             F[0] = DF[0] * PDROP;
    1127             :         } else {
    1128             :             //                              Turbulent flow.
    1129           0 :             if (PDROP >= 0.0) {
    1130           0 :                 F[0] = C * TurFlow * propN.sqrt_density * std::pow(PDROP, FlowExpo);
    1131             :             } else {
    1132           0 :                 F[0] = -C * TurFlow * propM.sqrt_density * std::pow(-PDROP, FlowExpo);
    1133             :             }
    1134           0 :             DF[0] = F[0] * FlowExpo / PDROP;
    1135             :         }
    1136           0 :         return 1;
    1137             :     }
    1138             : 
    1139    20955594 :     int EffectiveLeakageRatio::calculate([[maybe_unused]] EnergyPlusData &state,
    1140             :                                          bool const LFLAG,                         // Initialization flag.If = 1, use laminar relationship
    1141             :                                          Real64 const PDROP,                       // Total pressure drop across a component (P1 - P2) [Pa]
    1142             :                                          [[maybe_unused]] int const i,             // Linkage number
    1143             :                                          [[maybe_unused]] const Real64 multiplier, // Element multiplier
    1144             :                                          [[maybe_unused]] const Real64 control,    // Element control signal
    1145             :                                          const AirState &propN,                    // Node 1 properties
    1146             :                                          const AirState &propM,                    // Node 2 properties
    1147             :                                          std::array<Real64, 2> &F,                 // Airflow through the component [kg/s]
    1148             :                                          std::array<Real64, 2> &DF                 // Partial derivative:  DF/DP
    1149             :     )
    1150             :     {
    1151             : 
    1152             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    1153             :         //       AUTHOR         George Walton
    1154             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   Extracted from AIRNET
    1155             :         //       MODIFIED       Lixing Gu, 2/1/04
    1156             :         //                      Revised the subroutine to meet E+ needs
    1157             :         //       MODIFIED       Lixing Gu, 6/8/05
    1158             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
    1159             : 
    1160             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    1161             :         // This subroutine solves airflow for a Effective leakage ratio component
    1162             : 
    1163             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
    1164             :         Real64 CDM;
    1165             :         Real64 FL;
    1166             :         Real64 FT;
    1167             :         Real64 FlowCoef;
    1168             : 
    1169             :         // Formats
    1170             :         // static gio::Fmt Format_901("(A5,I3,6X,4E16.7)");
    1171             : 
    1172             :         // Get component properties
    1173    20955594 :         FlowCoef = ELR * FlowRate / propN.density * std::pow(RefPres, -FlowExpo);
    1174             : 
    1175    20955594 :         if (LFLAG) {
    1176             :             // Initialization by linear relation.
    1177           0 :             if (PDROP >= 0.0) {
    1178           0 :                 DF[0] = FlowCoef * propN.density / propN.viscosity;
    1179             :             } else {
    1180           0 :                 DF[0] = FlowCoef * propM.density / propM.viscosity;
    1181             :             }
    1182           0 :             F[0] = -DF[0] * PDROP;
    1183             :         } else {
    1184             :             // Standard calculation.
    1185    20955594 :             if (PDROP >= 0.0) {
    1186             :                 // Flow in positive direction.
    1187             :                 // Laminar flow.
    1188    14968421 :                 CDM = FlowCoef * propN.density / propN.viscosity;
    1189    14968421 :                 FL = CDM * PDROP;
    1190             :                 // Turbulent flow.
    1191    14968421 :                 if (FlowExpo == 0.5) {
    1192           0 :                     FT = FlowCoef * propN.sqrt_density * std::sqrt(PDROP);
    1193             :                 } else {
    1194    14968421 :                     FT = FlowCoef * propN.sqrt_density * std::pow(PDROP, FlowExpo);
    1195             :                 }
    1196             :             } else {
    1197             :                 // Flow in negative direction.
    1198             :                 // Laminar flow.
    1199     5987173 :                 CDM = FlowCoef * propM.density / propM.viscosity;
    1200     5987173 :                 FL = CDM * PDROP;
    1201             :                 // Turbulent flow.
    1202     5987173 :                 if (FlowExpo == 0.5) {
    1203           0 :                     FT = -FlowCoef * propM.sqrt_density * std::sqrt(-PDROP);
    1204             :                 } else {
    1205     5987173 :                     FT = -FlowCoef * propM.sqrt_density * std::pow(-PDROP, FlowExpo);
    1206             :                 }
    1207             :             }
    1208             :             // Select laminar or turbulent flow.
    1209             :             // if (LIST >= 4) gio::write(Unit21, Format_901) << " plr: " << i << PDROP << FL << FT;
    1210    20955594 :             if (std::abs(FL) <= std::abs(FT)) {
    1211         343 :                 F[0] = FL;
    1212         343 :                 DF[0] = CDM;
    1213             :             } else {
    1214    20955251 :                 F[0] = FT;
    1215    20955251 :                 DF[0] = FT * FlowExpo / PDROP;
    1216             :             }
    1217             :         }
    1218    20955594 :         return 1;
    1219             :     }
    1220             : 
    1221           0 :     int EffectiveLeakageRatio::calculate([[maybe_unused]] EnergyPlusData &state,
    1222             :                                          Real64 const PDROP,                       // Total pressure drop across a component (P1 - P2) [Pa]
    1223             :                                          [[maybe_unused]] const Real64 multiplier, // Element multiplier
    1224             :                                          [[maybe_unused]] const Real64 control,    // Element control signal
    1225             :                                          const AirState &propN,                    // Node 1 properties
    1226             :                                          const AirState &propM,                    // Node 2 properties
    1227             :                                          std::array<Real64, 2> &F,                 // Airflow through the component [kg/s]
    1228             :                                          std::array<Real64, 2> &DF                 // Partial derivative:  DF/DP
    1229             :     )
    1230             :     {
    1231             : 
    1232             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    1233             :         //       AUTHOR         George Walton
    1234             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   Extracted from AIRNET
    1235             :         //       MODIFIED       Lixing Gu, 2/1/04
    1236             :         //                      Revised the subroutine to meet E+ needs
    1237             :         //       MODIFIED       Lixing Gu, 6/8/05
    1238             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
    1239             : 
    1240             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    1241             :         // This subroutine solves airflow for a Effective leakage ratio component
    1242             : 
    1243             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
    1244             :         Real64 CDM;
    1245             :         Real64 FL;
    1246             :         Real64 FT;
    1247             :         Real64 FlowCoef;
    1248             : 
    1249             :         // Formats
    1250             :         // static gio::Fmt Format_901("(A5,I3,6X,4E16.7)");
    1251             : 
    1252             :         // Get component properties
    1253           0 :         FlowCoef = ELR * FlowRate / propN.density * std::pow(RefPres, -FlowExpo);
    1254             : 
    1255             :         // Standard calculation.
    1256           0 :         if (PDROP >= 0.0) {
    1257             :             // Flow in positive direction.
    1258             :             // Laminar flow.
    1259           0 :             CDM = FlowCoef * propN.density / propN.viscosity;
    1260           0 :             FL = CDM * PDROP;
    1261             :             // Turbulent flow.
    1262           0 :             if (FlowExpo == 0.5) {
    1263           0 :                 FT = FlowCoef * propN.sqrt_density * std::sqrt(PDROP);
    1264             :             } else {
    1265           0 :                 FT = FlowCoef * propN.sqrt_density * std::pow(PDROP, FlowExpo);
    1266             :             }
    1267             :         } else {
    1268             :             // Flow in negative direction.
    1269             :             // Laminar flow.
    1270           0 :             CDM = FlowCoef * propM.density / propM.viscosity;
    1271           0 :             FL = CDM * PDROP;
    1272             :             // Turbulent flow.
    1273           0 :             if (FlowExpo == 0.5) {
    1274           0 :                 FT = -FlowCoef * propM.sqrt_density * std::sqrt(-PDROP);
    1275             :             } else {
    1276           0 :                 FT = -FlowCoef * propM.sqrt_density * std::pow(-PDROP, FlowExpo);
    1277             :             }
    1278             :         }
    1279             :         // Select laminar or turbulent flow.
    1280             :         // if (LIST >= 4) gio::write(Unit21, Format_901) << " plr: " << i << PDROP << FL << FT;
    1281           0 :         if (std::abs(FL) <= std::abs(FT)) {
    1282           0 :             F[0] = FL;
    1283           0 :             DF[0] = CDM;
    1284             :         } else {
    1285           0 :             F[0] = FT;
    1286           0 :             DF[0] = FT * FlowExpo / PDROP;
    1287             :         }
    1288           0 :         return 1;
    1289             :     }
    1290             : 
    1291     6828273 :     int DetailedOpening::calculate(EnergyPlusData &state,
    1292             :                                    [[maybe_unused]] bool const LFLAG,        // Initialization flag.If = 1, use laminar relationship
    1293             :                                    Real64 const PDROP,                       // Total pressure drop across a component (P1 - P2) [Pa]
    1294             :                                    int const IL,                             // Linkage number
    1295             :                                    [[maybe_unused]] const Real64 multiplier, // Element multiplier
    1296             :                                    [[maybe_unused]] const Real64 control,    // Element control signal
    1297             :                                    [[maybe_unused]] const AirState &propN,   // Node 1 properties
    1298             :                                    [[maybe_unused]] const AirState &propM,   // Node 2 properties
    1299             :                                    std::array<Real64, 2> &F,                 // Airflow through the component [kg/s]
    1300             :                                    std::array<Real64, 2> &DF                 // Partial derivative:  DF/DP
    1301             :     )
    1302             :     {
    1303             : 
    1304             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    1305             :         //       AUTHOR         Lixing Gu
    1306             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   Oct. 2005
    1307             :         //       MODIFIED       na
    1308             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  This subroutine is revised based on a vertical large opening subroutine from COMIS
    1309             : 
    1310             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    1311             :         // This subroutine simulates airflow and pressure of a detailed large opening component.
    1312             : 
    1313             :         // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
    1314             :         // Purpose:  This routine calculates the massflow and its derivative
    1315             :         //       through a large opening in both flow directions. As input
    1316             :         //       the density profiles RhoProfF/T are required aswell as the
    1317             :         //       effective pressure difference profile DpProfNew, which is the
    1318             :         //       sum of the stack pressure difference profile DpProf and the
    1319             :         //       difference of the actual pressures at reference height. The
    1320             :         //       profiles are calculated in the routine PresProfile.
    1321             :         //       The massflow and its derivative are calculated for each
    1322             :         //       interval representing a step of the pressure difference
    1323             :         //       profile. The total flow and derivative are obtained by
    1324             :         //       summation over the whole opening.
    1325             :         //       The calculation is split into different cases representing
    1326             :         //       different situations of the opening:
    1327             :         //       - closed opening (opening factor = 0): summation of top and
    1328             :         //         bottom crack (crack length = lwmax) plus "integration" over
    1329             :         //         a vertically distributed crack of length (2*lhmax+lextra).
    1330             :         //       - type 1: normal rectangular opening: "integration" over NrInt
    1331             :         //         openings with width actlw and height actlh/NrInt
    1332             :         //       - type 2: horizontally pivoted window: flow direction assumed
    1333             :         //         strictly perpendicular to the plane of the opening
    1334             :         //         -> "integration" over normal rectangular openings at top
    1335             :         //         and bottom of LO plus a rectangular opening in series with two
    1336             :         //         triangular openings in the middle of the LO (most general
    1337             :         //         situation). The geometry is defined by the input parameters
    1338             :         //         actlw(=lwmax), actlh, axisheight, opening angle.
    1339             :         //       Assuming the massflow perpendicular to the opening plane in all
    1340             :         //       cases the ownheightfactor has no influence on the massflow.
    1341             : 
    1342             :         // REFERENCES:
    1343             :         // Helmut E. Feustel and Alison Rayner-Hooson, "COMIS Fundamentals," LBL-28560,
    1344             :         // Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA, May 1990
    1345             : 
    1346             :         // USE STATEMENTS:
    1347             :         // Locals
    1348             :         // SUBROUTINE ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS:
    1349             : 
    1350             :         // SUBROUTINE PARAMETER DEFINITIONS:
    1351     6828273 :         Real64 constexpr RealMin(1e-37);
    1352             :         static Real64 const sqrt_1_2(std::sqrt(1.2));
    1353             : 
    1354             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
    1355             :         static Real64 const sqrt_2(std::sqrt(2.0));
    1356             : 
    1357             :         Real64 Width;
    1358             :         Real64 Height;
    1359             : 
    1360             :         Real64 fma12;                         // massflow in direction "from-to" [kg/s]
    1361             :         Real64 fma21;                         // massflow in direction "to-from" [kg/s]
    1362             :         Real64 dp1fma12;                      // derivative d fma12 / d Dp [kg/s/Pa]
    1363             :         Real64 dp1fma21;                      // derivative d fma21 / d Dp [kg/s/Pa]
    1364    13656546 :         Array1D<Real64> DpProfNew(NrInt + 2); // Differential pressure profile for Large Openings, taking into account fixed
    1365             :         // pressures and actual zone pressures at reference height
    1366             :         Real64 Fact;   // Actual opening factor
    1367             :         Real64 DifLim; // Limit for the pressure difference where laminarization takes place [Pa]
    1368             :         Real64 Cfact;
    1369             :         Real64 FvVeloc;
    1370             : 
    1371             :         Real64 ActLh;
    1372             :         Real64 ActLw;
    1373             :         Real64 Lextra;
    1374             :         Real64 Axishght;
    1375             :         Real64 ActCD;
    1376             :         Real64 Cs;
    1377             :         Real64 expn;
    1378             :         Real64 Type;
    1379             :         Real64 Interval;
    1380             :         Real64 fmasum;
    1381             :         Real64 dfmasum;
    1382             :         Real64 Prefact;
    1383    13656546 :         Array1D<Real64> EvalHghts(NrInt + 2);
    1384             :         Real64 h2;
    1385             :         Real64 h4;
    1386             :         Real64 alpha;
    1387             :         Real64 rholink;
    1388             :         Real64 c1;
    1389             :         Real64 c2;
    1390             :         Real64 DpZeroOffset;
    1391             :         Real64 area;
    1392             :         Real64 WFact;
    1393             :         Real64 HFact;
    1394             :         int i;
    1395             :         int Loc;
    1396             :         int iNum;
    1397             : 
    1398             :         // Get component properties
    1399     6828273 :         DifLim = 1.0e-4;
    1400     6828273 :         Width = state.afn->MultizoneSurfaceData(IL).Width;
    1401     6828273 :         Height = state.afn->MultizoneSurfaceData(IL).Height;
    1402     6828273 :         Fact = state.afn->MultizoneSurfaceData(IL).OpenFactor;
    1403     6828273 :         Loc = (state.afn->AirflowNetworkLinkageData(IL).DetOpenNum - 1) * (NrInt + 2);
    1404     6828273 :         iNum = NumFac;
    1405     6828273 :         ActCD = 0.0;
    1406             : 
    1407     6828273 :         if (iNum == 2) {
    1408     6828273 :             if (Fact <= OpenFac2) {
    1409     6828273 :                 WFact = WidthFac1 + (Fact - OpenFac1) / (OpenFac2 - OpenFac1) * (WidthFac2 - WidthFac1);
    1410     6828273 :                 HFact = HeightFac1 + (Fact - OpenFac1) / (OpenFac2 - OpenFac1) * (HeightFac2 - HeightFac1);
    1411     6828273 :                 Cfact = DischCoeff1 + (Fact - OpenFac1) / (OpenFac2 - OpenFac1) * (DischCoeff2 - DischCoeff1);
    1412             :             } else {
    1413           0 :                 ShowFatalError(
    1414             :                     state,
    1415           0 :                     "Open Factor is above the maximum input range for opening factors in AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:Component:DetailedOpening = " +
    1416             :                         name);
    1417             :             }
    1418             :         }
    1419             : 
    1420     6828273 :         if (iNum == 3) {
    1421           0 :             if (Fact <= OpenFac2) {
    1422           0 :                 WFact = WidthFac1 + (Fact - OpenFac1) / (OpenFac2 - OpenFac1) * (WidthFac2 - WidthFac1);
    1423           0 :                 HFact = HeightFac1 + (Fact - OpenFac1) / (OpenFac2 - OpenFac1) * (HeightFac2 - HeightFac1);
    1424           0 :                 Cfact = DischCoeff1 + (Fact - OpenFac1) / (OpenFac2 - OpenFac1) * (DischCoeff2 - DischCoeff1);
    1425           0 :             } else if (Fact <= OpenFac3) {
    1426           0 :                 WFact = WidthFac2 + (Fact - OpenFac2) / (OpenFac3 - OpenFac2) * (WidthFac3 - WidthFac2);
    1427           0 :                 HFact = HeightFac2 + (Fact - OpenFac2) / (OpenFac3 - OpenFac2) * (HeightFac3 - HeightFac2);
    1428           0 :                 Cfact = DischCoeff2 + (Fact - OpenFac2) / (OpenFac3 - OpenFac2) * (DischCoeff3 - DischCoeff2);
    1429             :             } else {
    1430           0 :                 ShowFatalError(
    1431             :                     state,
    1432           0 :                     "Open Factor is above the maximum input range for opening factors in AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:Component:DetailedOpening = " +
    1433             :                         name);
    1434             :             }
    1435             :         }
    1436             : 
    1437     6828273 :         if (iNum == 4) {
    1438           0 :             if (Fact <= OpenFac2) {
    1439           0 :                 WFact = WidthFac1 + (Fact - OpenFac1) / (OpenFac2 - OpenFac1) * (WidthFac2 - WidthFac1);
    1440           0 :                 HFact = HeightFac1 + (Fact - OpenFac1) / (OpenFac2 - OpenFac1) * (HeightFac2 - HeightFac1);
    1441           0 :                 Cfact = DischCoeff1 + (Fact - OpenFac1) / (OpenFac2 - OpenFac1) * (DischCoeff2 - DischCoeff1);
    1442           0 :             } else if (Fact <= OpenFac3) {
    1443           0 :                 WFact = WidthFac2 + (Fact - OpenFac2) / (OpenFac3 - OpenFac2) * (WidthFac3 - WidthFac2);
    1444           0 :                 HFact = HeightFac2 + (Fact - OpenFac2) / (OpenFac3 - OpenFac2) * (HeightFac3 - HeightFac2);
    1445           0 :                 Cfact = DischCoeff2 + (Fact - OpenFac2) / (OpenFac3 - OpenFac2) * (DischCoeff3 - DischCoeff2);
    1446           0 :             } else if (Fact <= OpenFac4) {
    1447           0 :                 WFact = WidthFac3 + (Fact - OpenFac3) / (OpenFac4 - OpenFac3) * (WidthFac4 - WidthFac3);
    1448           0 :                 HFact = HeightFac3 + (Fact - OpenFac3) / (OpenFac4 - OpenFac3) * (HeightFac4 - HeightFac3);
    1449           0 :                 Cfact = DischCoeff3 + (Fact - OpenFac3) / (OpenFac4 - OpenFac3) * (DischCoeff4 - DischCoeff3);
    1450             :             } else {
    1451           0 :                 ShowFatalError(
    1452             :                     state,
    1453           0 :                     "Open Factor is above the maximum input range for opening factors in AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:Component:DetailedOpening = " +
    1454             :                         name);
    1455             :             }
    1456             :         }
    1457             : 
    1458             :         // calculate DpProfNew
    1459   157050279 :         for (i = 1; i <= NrInt + 2; ++i) {
    1460   150222006 :             DpProfNew(i) = PDROP + state.afn->dos.DpProf(Loc + i) - state.afn->dos.DpL(IL, 1);
    1461             :         }
    1462             : 
    1463             :         // Get opening data based on the opening factor
    1464     6828273 :         if (Fact == 0) {
    1465     5196661 :             ActLw = state.afn->MultizoneSurfaceData(IL).Width;
    1466     5196661 :             ActLh = state.afn->MultizoneSurfaceData(IL).Height;
    1467     5196661 :             Cfact = 0.0;
    1468             :         } else {
    1469     1631612 :             ActLw = state.afn->MultizoneSurfaceData(IL).Width * WFact;
    1470     1631612 :             ActLh = state.afn->MultizoneSurfaceData(IL).Height * HFact;
    1471     1631612 :             ActCD = Cfact;
    1472             :         }
    1473             : 
    1474     6828273 :         Cs = FlowCoef;
    1475     6828273 :         expn = FlowExpo;
    1476     6828273 :         Type = LVOType;
    1477     6828273 :         if (Type == 1) {
    1478     6828273 :             Lextra = LVOValue;
    1479     6828273 :             Axishght = 0.0;
    1480           0 :         } else if (Type == 2) {
    1481           0 :             Lextra = 0.0;
    1482           0 :             Axishght = LVOValue;
    1483           0 :             ActLw = state.afn->MultizoneSurfaceData(IL).Width;
    1484           0 :             ActLh = state.afn->MultizoneSurfaceData(IL).Height;
    1485             :         }
    1486             : 
    1487             :         // Add window multiplier with window close
    1488     6828273 :         if (state.afn->MultizoneSurfaceData(IL).Multiplier > 1.0) Cs *= state.afn->MultizoneSurfaceData(IL).Multiplier;
    1489             :         // Add window multiplier with window open
    1490     6828273 :         if (Fact > 0.0) {
    1491     1631612 :             if (state.afn->MultizoneSurfaceData(IL).Multiplier > 1.0) ActLw *= state.afn->MultizoneSurfaceData(IL).Multiplier;
    1492             :         }
    1493             : 
    1494             :         // Add recurring warnings
    1495     6828273 :         if (Fact > 0.0) {
    1496     1631612 :             if (ActLw == 0.0) {
    1497           0 :                 ++WidthErrCount;
    1498           0 :                 if (WidthErrCount < 2) {
    1499           0 :                     ShowWarningError(state, "The actual width of the AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:Component:DetailedOpening of " + name + " is 0.");
    1500           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "The actual width is set to 1.0E-6 m.");
    1501           0 :                     ShowContinueErrorTimeStamp(state, "Occurrence info:");
    1502             :                 } else {
    1503           0 :                     ShowRecurringWarningErrorAtEnd(state,
    1504           0 :                                                    "The actual width of the AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:Component:DetailedOpening of " + name +
    1505             :                                                        " is 0 error continues.",
    1506             :                                                    WidthErrIndex,
    1507             :                                                    ActLw,
    1508             :                                                    ActLw);
    1509             :                 }
    1510           0 :                 ActLw = 1.0e-6;
    1511             :             }
    1512     1631612 :             if (ActLh == 0.0) {
    1513           0 :                 ++HeightErrCount;
    1514           0 :                 if (HeightErrCount < 2) {
    1515           0 :                     ShowWarningError(state, "The actual height of the AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:Component:DetailedOpening of " + name + " is 0.");
    1516           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "The actual height is set to 1.0E-6 m.");
    1517           0 :                     ShowContinueErrorTimeStamp(state, "Occurrence info:");
    1518             :                 } else {
    1519           0 :                     ShowRecurringWarningErrorAtEnd(state,
    1520           0 :                                                    "The actual width of the AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:Component:DetailedOpening of " + name +
    1521             :                                                        " is 0 error continues.",
    1522             :                                                    HeightErrIndex,
    1523             :                                                    ActLh,
    1524             :                                                    ActLh);
    1525             :                 }
    1526           0 :                 ActLh = 1.0e-6;
    1527             :             }
    1528             :         }
    1529             :         // Initialization:
    1530     6828273 :         int NF(1);
    1531     6828273 :         Interval = ActLh / NrInt;
    1532     6828273 :         fma12 = 0.0;
    1533     6828273 :         fma21 = 0.0;
    1534     6828273 :         dp1fma12 = 0.0;
    1535     6828273 :         dp1fma21 = 0.0;
    1536             : 
    1537             :         // Closed LO
    1538     6828273 :         if (Cfact == 0) {
    1539     5196661 :             DpZeroOffset = DifLim;
    1540             :             // bottom crack
    1541     5196661 :             if (DpProfNew(1) > 0) {
    1542     3477704 :                 if (std::abs(DpProfNew(1)) <= DpZeroOffset) {
    1543         746 :                     dfmasum = Cs * ActLw * std::pow(DpZeroOffset, expn) / DpZeroOffset;
    1544         746 :                     fmasum = DpProfNew(1) * dfmasum;
    1545             :                 } else {
    1546     3476958 :                     fmasum = Cs * ActLw * std::pow(DpProfNew(1), expn);
    1547     3476958 :                     dfmasum = fmasum * expn / DpProfNew(1);
    1548             :                 }
    1549     3477704 :                 fma12 += fmasum;
    1550     3477704 :                 dp1fma12 += dfmasum;
    1551             :             } else {
    1552     1718957 :                 if (std::abs(DpProfNew(1)) <= DpZeroOffset) {
    1553         996 :                     dfmasum = -Cs * ActLw * std::pow(DpZeroOffset, expn) / DpZeroOffset;
    1554         996 :                     fmasum = DpProfNew(1) * dfmasum;
    1555             :                 } else {
    1556     1717961 :                     fmasum = Cs * ActLw * std::pow(-DpProfNew(1), expn);
    1557     1717961 :                     dfmasum = fmasum * expn / DpProfNew(1);
    1558             :                 }
    1559     1718957 :                 fma21 += fmasum;
    1560     1718957 :                 dp1fma21 += dfmasum;
    1561             :             }
    1562             :             // top crack
    1563     5196661 :             if (DpProfNew(NrInt + 2) > 0) {
    1564     3883595 :                 if (std::abs(DpProfNew(NrInt + 2)) <= DpZeroOffset) {
    1565         489 :                     dfmasum = Cs * ActLw * std::pow(DpZeroOffset, expn) / DpZeroOffset;
    1566         489 :                     fmasum = DpProfNew(NrInt + 2) * dfmasum;
    1567             :                 } else {
    1568     3883106 :                     fmasum = Cs * ActLw * std::pow(DpProfNew(NrInt + 2), expn);
    1569     3883106 :                     dfmasum = fmasum * expn / DpProfNew(NrInt + 2);
    1570             :                 }
    1571     3883595 :                 fma12 += fmasum;
    1572     3883595 :                 dp1fma12 += dfmasum;
    1573             :             } else {
    1574     1313066 :                 if (std::abs(DpProfNew(NrInt + 2)) <= DpZeroOffset) {
    1575         778 :                     dfmasum = -Cs * ActLw * std::pow(DpZeroOffset, expn) / DpZeroOffset;
    1576         778 :                     fmasum = DpProfNew(NrInt + 2) * dfmasum;
    1577             :                 } else {
    1578     1312288 :                     fmasum = Cs * ActLw * std::pow(-DpProfNew(NrInt + 2), expn);
    1579     1312288 :                     dfmasum = fmasum * expn / DpProfNew(NrInt + 2);
    1580             :                 }
    1581     1313066 :                 fma21 += fmasum;
    1582     1313066 :                 dp1fma21 += dfmasum;
    1583             :             }
    1584             :             // side and extra cracks
    1585     5196661 :             Prefact = Interval * (2 + Lextra / ActLh) * Cs;
    1586   109129881 :             for (i = 2; i <= NrInt + 1; ++i) {
    1587   103933220 :                 if (DpProfNew(i) > 0) {
    1588    77964726 :                     if (std::abs(DpProfNew(i)) <= DpZeroOffset) {
    1589       26884 :                         dfmasum = Prefact * std::pow(DpZeroOffset, expn) / DpZeroOffset;
    1590       26884 :                         fmasum = DpProfNew(i) * dfmasum;
    1591             :                     } else {
    1592    77937842 :                         fmasum = Prefact * std::pow(DpProfNew(i), expn);
    1593    77937842 :                         dfmasum = fmasum * expn / DpProfNew(i);
    1594             :                     }
    1595    77964726 :                     fma12 += fmasum;
    1596    77964726 :                     dp1fma12 += dfmasum;
    1597             :                 } else {
    1598    25968494 :                     if (std::abs(DpProfNew(i)) <= DpZeroOffset) {
    1599       30514 :                         dfmasum = -Prefact * std::pow(DpZeroOffset, expn) / DpZeroOffset;
    1600       30514 :                         fmasum = DpProfNew(i) * dfmasum;
    1601             :                     } else {
    1602    25937980 :                         fmasum = Prefact * std::pow(-DpProfNew(i), expn);
    1603    25937980 :                         dfmasum = fmasum * expn / DpProfNew(i);
    1604             :                     }
    1605    25968494 :                     fma21 += fmasum;
    1606    25968494 :                     dp1fma21 += dfmasum;
    1607             :                 }
    1608             :             }
    1609             :         }
    1610             : 
    1611             :         // Open LO, type 1
    1612     6828273 :         if ((Cfact != 0) && (Type == 1)) {
    1613     1631612 :             DpZeroOffset = DifLim * 1e-3;
    1614     1631612 :             Prefact = ActLw * ActCD * Interval * sqrt_2;
    1615    34263852 :             for (i = 2; i <= NrInt + 1; ++i) {
    1616    32632240 :                 if (DpProfNew(i) > 0) {
    1617    18331341 :                     if (std::abs(DpProfNew(i)) <= DpZeroOffset) {
    1618         108 :                         dfmasum = std::sqrt(state.afn->dos.RhoProfF(Loc + i) * DpZeroOffset) / DpZeroOffset;
    1619         108 :                         fmasum = DpProfNew(i) * dfmasum;
    1620             :                     } else {
    1621    18331233 :                         fmasum = std::sqrt(state.afn->dos.RhoProfF(Loc + i) * DpProfNew(i));
    1622    18331233 :                         dfmasum = 0.5 * fmasum / DpProfNew(i);
    1623             :                     }
    1624    18331341 :                     fma12 += fmasum;
    1625    18331341 :                     dp1fma12 += dfmasum;
    1626             :                 } else {
    1627    14300899 :                     if (std::abs(DpProfNew(i)) <= DpZeroOffset) {
    1628        1531 :                         dfmasum = -std::sqrt(state.afn->dos.RhoProfT(Loc + i) * DpZeroOffset) / DpZeroOffset;
    1629        1531 :                         fmasum = DpProfNew(i) * dfmasum;
    1630             :                     } else {
    1631    14299368 :                         fmasum = std::sqrt(-state.afn->dos.RhoProfT(Loc + i) * DpProfNew(i));
    1632    14299368 :                         dfmasum = 0.5 * fmasum / DpProfNew(i);
    1633             :                     }
    1634    14300899 :                     fma21 += fmasum;
    1635    14300899 :                     dp1fma21 += dfmasum;
    1636             :                 }
    1637             :             }
    1638             : 
    1639     1631612 :             fma12 *= Prefact;
    1640     1631612 :             fma21 *= Prefact;
    1641     1631612 :             dp1fma12 *= Prefact;
    1642     1631612 :             dp1fma21 *= Prefact;
    1643             :         }
    1644             : 
    1645             :         // Open LO, type 2
    1646     6828273 :         if ((Cfact != 0) && (Type == 2)) {
    1647             :             // Initialization
    1648           0 :             DpZeroOffset = DifLim * 1e-3;
    1649             :             // New definition for opening factors for LVO type 2: opening angle = 90 degrees --> opening factor = 1.0
    1650             :             // should be PIOvr2 in below?
    1651           0 :             alpha = Fact * DataGlobalConstants::PiOvr2;
    1652           0 :             Real64 const cos_alpha(std::cos(alpha));
    1653           0 :             Real64 const tan_alpha(std::tan(alpha));
    1654           0 :             h2 = Axishght * (1.0 - cos_alpha);
    1655           0 :             h4 = Axishght + (ActLh - Axishght) * cos_alpha;
    1656           0 :             EvalHghts(1) = 0.0;
    1657           0 :             EvalHghts(NrInt + 2) = ActLh;
    1658             :             // New definition for opening factors for LVO type 2: pening angle = 90 degrees --> opening factor = 1.0
    1659           0 :             if (Fact == 1.0) {
    1660           0 :                 h2 = Axishght;
    1661           0 :                 h4 = Axishght;
    1662             :             }
    1663             : 
    1664           0 :             for (i = 2; i <= NrInt + 1; ++i) {
    1665           0 :                 EvalHghts(i) = Interval * (i - 1.5);
    1666             :             }
    1667             : 
    1668             :             // Calculation of massflow and its derivative
    1669           0 :             for (i = 2; i <= NrInt + 1; ++i) {
    1670           0 :                 if (DpProfNew(i) > 0) {
    1671           0 :                     rholink = state.afn->dos.RhoProfF(Loc + i);
    1672             :                 } else {
    1673           0 :                     rholink = state.afn->dos.RhoProfT(Loc + i);
    1674             :                 }
    1675             : 
    1676           0 :                 if ((EvalHghts(i) <= h2) || (EvalHghts(i) >= h4)) {
    1677           0 :                     if (std::abs(DpProfNew(i)) <= DpZeroOffset) {
    1678           0 :                         dfmasum = ActCD * ActLw * Interval * std::sqrt(2.0 * rholink * DpZeroOffset) / DpZeroOffset * sign(1, DpProfNew(i));
    1679           0 :                         fmasum = DpProfNew(i) * dfmasum;
    1680             :                     } else {
    1681           0 :                         fmasum = ActCD * ActLw * Interval * std::sqrt(2.0 * rholink * std::abs(DpProfNew(i)));
    1682           0 :                         dfmasum = 0.5 * fmasum / DpProfNew(i);
    1683             :                     }
    1684             :                 } else {
    1685             :                     // triangular opening at the side of LO
    1686           0 :                     c1 = ActCD * ActLw * Interval * std::sqrt(2.0 * rholink);
    1687           0 :                     c2 = 2 * ActCD * std::abs(Axishght - EvalHghts(i)) * tan_alpha * Interval * std::sqrt(2.0 * rholink);
    1688           0 :                     if ((c1 != 0) && (c2 != 0)) {
    1689           0 :                         if (std::abs(DpProfNew(i)) <= DpZeroOffset) {
    1690           0 :                             dfmasum = std::sqrt(DpZeroOffset / (1 / c1 / c1 + 1 / c2 / c2)) / DpZeroOffset * sign(1, DpProfNew(i));
    1691           0 :                             fmasum = DpProfNew(i) * dfmasum;
    1692             :                         } else {
    1693           0 :                             fmasum = std::sqrt(std::abs(DpProfNew(i)) / (1 / c1 / c1 + 1 / c2 / c2));
    1694           0 :                             dfmasum = 0.5 * fmasum / DpProfNew(i);
    1695             :                         }
    1696             :                     } else {
    1697           0 :                         fmasum = 0.0;
    1698           0 :                         dfmasum = 0.0;
    1699             :                     }
    1700             :                 }
    1701             : 
    1702           0 :                 if (DpProfNew(i) > 0) {
    1703           0 :                     fma12 += fmasum;
    1704           0 :                     dp1fma12 += dfmasum;
    1705             :                 } else {
    1706           0 :                     fma21 += fmasum;
    1707           0 :                     dp1fma21 += dfmasum;
    1708             :                 }
    1709             :             }
    1710             :         }
    1711             : 
    1712             :         // Calculate some velocity in the large opening
    1713     6828273 :         area = ActLh * ActLw * ActCD;
    1714     6828273 :         if (area > (Cs + RealMin)) {
    1715     1589782 :             if (area > RealMin) {
    1716     1589782 :                 FvVeloc = (fma21 + fma12) / area;
    1717             :             } else {
    1718           0 :                 FvVeloc = 0.0;
    1719             :             }
    1720             :         } else {
    1721             :             // here the average velocity over the full area, may blow half in half out.
    1722             :             // velocity= Fva/Nett area=Fma/Rho/(Cm/( (2**N)* SQRT(1.2) ) )
    1723     5238491 :             if (Cs > 0.0) {
    1724             :                 // get the average Rho for this closed window
    1725   110008311 :                 for (i = 2; i <= NrInt + 1; ++i) {
    1726   104769820 :                     rholink = 0.0;
    1727   104769820 :                     if (DpProfNew(i) > 0) {
    1728    78425362 :                         rholink = state.afn->dos.RhoProfF(Loc + i);
    1729             :                     } else {
    1730    26344458 :                         rholink = state.afn->dos.RhoProfT(Loc + i);
    1731             :                     }
    1732   104769820 :                     rholink /= NrInt;
    1733   104769820 :                     rholink = 1.2;
    1734             :                 }
    1735     5238491 :                 FvVeloc = (fma21 + fma12) * std::pow(2.0, expn) * sqrt_1_2 / (rholink * Cs);
    1736             :             } else {
    1737           0 :                 FvVeloc = 0.0;
    1738             :             }
    1739             :         }
    1740             : 
    1741             :         // Output mass flow rates and associated derivatives
    1742     6828273 :         F[0] = fma12 - fma21;
    1743     6828273 :         DF[0] = dp1fma12 - dp1fma21;
    1744     6828273 :         F[1] = 0.0;
    1745     6828273 :         if (fma12 != 0.0 && fma21 != 0.0) {
    1746     1688270 :             F[1] = fma21;
    1747             :         }
    1748     6828273 :         DF[1] = 0.0;
    1749    13656546 :         return NF;
    1750             :     }
    1751             : 
    1752     2509215 :     int SimpleOpening::calculate(EnergyPlusData &state,
    1753             :                                  bool const LFLAG,                         // Initialization flag.If = 1, use laminar relationship
    1754             :                                  Real64 const PDROP,                       // Total pressure drop across a component (P1 - P2) [Pa]
    1755             :                                  int const i,                              // Linkage number
    1756             :                                  [[maybe_unused]] const Real64 multiplier, // Element multiplier
    1757             :                                  [[maybe_unused]] const Real64 control,    // Element control signal
    1758             :                                  const AirState &propN,                    // Node 1 properties
    1759             :                                  const AirState &propM,                    // Node 2 properties
    1760             :                                  std::array<Real64, 2> &F,                 // Airflow through the component [kg/s]
    1761             :                                  std::array<Real64, 2> &DF                 // Partial derivative:  DF/DP
    1762             :     )
    1763             :     {
    1764             : 
    1765             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    1766             :         //       AUTHOR         George Walton
    1767             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   Extracted from AIRNET
    1768             :         //       MODIFIED       Lixing Gu, 2/1/04
    1769             :         //                      Revised the subroutine to meet E+ needs
    1770             :         //       MODIFIED       Lixing Gu, 6/8/05
    1771             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
    1772             : 
    1773             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    1774             :         // This subroutine solves airflow for a Doorway airflow component using standard interface.
    1775             :         // A doorway may have two-way airflows. Heights measured relative to the bottom of the door.
    1776             : 
    1777             :         // SUBROUTINE PARAMETER DEFINITIONS:
    1778             :         // Replace this with the value from numbers when we have C++20
    1779     2509215 :         Real64 constexpr SQRT2(1.414213562373095);
    1780             : 
    1781             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
    1782             :         Real64 DPMID; // pressure drop at mid-height of doorway.
    1783             :         Real64 C;
    1784             :         Real64 DF0;  // derivative factor at the bottom of the door.
    1785             :         Real64 DFH;  // derivative factor at the top of the door.
    1786             :         Real64 DRHO; // difference in air densities between rooms.
    1787             :         Real64 GDRHO;
    1788             :         Real64 F0; // flow factor at the bottom of the door.
    1789             :         Real64 FH; // flow factor at the top of the door.
    1790             :         Real64 Y;  // height of neutral plane rel. to bottom of door (m).
    1791             :         Real64 coeff;
    1792             :         Real64 Width;
    1793             :         Real64 Height;
    1794             :         Real64 OpenFactor;
    1795             : 
    1796     2509215 :         int NF(1);
    1797             : 
    1798             :         // Formats
    1799             :         // static gio::Fmt Format_900("(A5,9X,4E16.7)");
    1800             :         // static gio::Fmt Format_903("(A5,3I3,4E16.7)");
    1801             : 
    1802     2509215 :         Width = state.afn->MultizoneSurfaceData(i).Width;
    1803     2509215 :         Height = state.afn->MultizoneSurfaceData(i).Height;
    1804     2509215 :         coeff = FlowCoef * 2.0 * (Width + Height);
    1805     2509215 :         OpenFactor = state.afn->MultizoneSurfaceData(i).OpenFactor;
    1806     2509215 :         if (OpenFactor > 0.0) {
    1807      380547 :             Width *= OpenFactor;
    1808      380547 :             if (state.dataSurface->Surface(state.afn->MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum).Tilt < 90.0) {
    1809           0 :                 Height *= state.dataSurface->Surface(state.afn->MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum).SinTilt;
    1810             :             }
    1811             :         }
    1812             : 
    1813     2509215 :         if (PDROP >= 0.0) {
    1814     1595672 :             coeff /= propN.sqrt_density;
    1815             :         } else {
    1816      913543 :             coeff /= propM.sqrt_density;
    1817             :         }
    1818             : 
    1819             :         // Add window multiplier with window close
    1820     2509215 :         if (state.afn->MultizoneSurfaceData(i).Multiplier > 1.0) coeff *= state.afn->MultizoneSurfaceData(i).Multiplier;
    1821             :         // Add window multiplier with window open
    1822     2509215 :         if (OpenFactor > 0.0) {
    1823      380547 :             if (state.afn->MultizoneSurfaceData(i).Multiplier > 1.0) Width *= state.afn->MultizoneSurfaceData(i).Multiplier;
    1824             :         }
    1825             : 
    1826     2509215 :         DRHO = propN.density - propM.density;
    1827     2509215 :         GDRHO = 9.8 * DRHO;
    1828             :         // if (LIST >= 4) gio::write(Unit21, Format_903) << " DOR:" << i << n << m << PDROP << std::abs(DRHO) << MinRhoDiff;
    1829     2509215 :         if (OpenFactor == 0.0) {
    1830     2128668 :             generic_crack(coeff, FlowExpo, LFLAG, PDROP, propN, propM, F, DF);
    1831     2128668 :             return 1;
    1832             :         }
    1833      380547 :         if (std::abs(DRHO) < MinRhoDiff || LFLAG) {
    1834        3683 :             DPMID = PDROP - 0.5 * Height * GDRHO;
    1835             :             // Initialization or identical temps: treat as one-way flow.
    1836        3683 :             NF = 1;
    1837        3683 :             generic_crack(coeff, FlowExpo, LFLAG, DPMID, propN, propM, F, DF);
    1838             :             // if (LIST >= 4) gio::write(Unit21, Format_900) << " Drs:" << DPMID << F[0] << DF[0];
    1839             :         } else {
    1840             :             // Possible two-way flow:
    1841      376864 :             Y = PDROP / GDRHO;
    1842             :             // if (LIST >= 4) gio::write(Unit21, Format_900) << " DrY:" << PDROP << GDRHO << Y;
    1843             :             // F0 = lower flow, FH = upper flow.
    1844      376864 :             C = SQRT2 * Width * DischCoeff;
    1845      376864 :             DF0 = C * std::sqrt(std::abs(PDROP)) / std::abs(GDRHO);
    1846             :             //        F0 = 0.666667d0*C*SQRT(ABS(GDRHO*Y))*ABS(Y)
    1847      376864 :             F0 = (2.0 / 3.0) * C * std::sqrt(std::abs(GDRHO * Y)) * std::abs(Y);
    1848      376864 :             DFH = C * std::sqrt(std::abs((Height - Y) / GDRHO));
    1849             :             //        FH = 0.666667d0*DFH*ABS(GDRHO*(Height-Y))
    1850      376864 :             FH = (2.0 / 3.0) * DFH * std::abs(GDRHO * (Height - Y));
    1851             :             // if (LIST >= 4) gio::write(Unit21, Format_900) << " DrF:" << F0 << DF0 << FH << DFH;
    1852      376864 :             if (Y <= 0.0) {
    1853             :                 // One-way flow (negative).
    1854       88342 :                 if (DRHO >= 0.0) {
    1855       42978 :                     F[0] = -propM.sqrt_density * std::abs(FH - F0);
    1856       42978 :                     DF[0] = propM.sqrt_density * std::abs(DFH - DF0);
    1857             :                 } else {
    1858       45364 :                     F[0] = propN.sqrt_density * std::abs(FH - F0);
    1859       45364 :                     DF[0] = propN.sqrt_density * std::abs(DFH - DF0);
    1860             :                 }
    1861             :                 // if (LIST >= 4) gio::write(Unit21, Format_900) << " Dr1:" << C << F[0] << DF[0];
    1862      288522 :             } else if (Y >= Height) {
    1863             :                 // One-way flow (positive).
    1864      257507 :                 if (DRHO >= 0.0) {
    1865      246855 :                     F[0] = propN.sqrt_density * std::abs(FH - F0);
    1866      246855 :                     DF[0] = propN.sqrt_density * std::abs(DFH - DF0);
    1867             :                 } else {
    1868       10652 :                     F[0] = -propM.sqrt_density * std::abs(FH - F0);
    1869       10652 :                     DF[0] = propM.sqrt_density * std::abs(DFH - DF0);
    1870             :                 }
    1871             :                 // if (LIST >= 4) gio::write(Unit21, Format_900) << " Dr2:" << C << F[0] << DF[0];
    1872             :             } else {
    1873             :                 // Two-way flow.
    1874       31015 :                 NF = 2;
    1875       31015 :                 if (DRHO >= 0.0) {
    1876        7847 :                     F[0] = -propM.sqrt_density * FH;
    1877        7847 :                     DF[0] = propM.sqrt_density * DFH;
    1878        7847 :                     F[1] = propN.sqrt_density * F0;
    1879        7847 :                     DF[1] = propN.sqrt_density * DF0;
    1880             :                 } else {
    1881       23168 :                     F[0] = propN.sqrt_density * FH;
    1882       23168 :                     DF[0] = propN.sqrt_density * DFH;
    1883       23168 :                     F[1] = -propM.sqrt_density * F0;
    1884       23168 :                     DF[1] = propM.sqrt_density * DF0;
    1885             :                 }
    1886             :                 // if (LIST >= 4) gio::write(Unit21, Format_900) << " Dr3:" << C << F[0] << DF[0];
    1887             :                 // if (LIST >= 4) gio::write(Unit21, Format_900) << " Dr4:" << C << F[1] << DF[1];
    1888             :             }
    1889             :         }
    1890      380547 :         return NF;
    1891             :     }
    1892             : 
    1893     1827359 :     int ConstantPressureDrop::calculate([[maybe_unused]] EnergyPlusData &state,
    1894             :                                         [[maybe_unused]] bool const LFLAG,        // Initialization flag.If = 1, use laminar relationship
    1895             :                                         const Real64 PDROP,                       // Total pressure drop across a component (P1 - P2) [Pa]
    1896             :                                         int const i,                              // Linkage number
    1897             :                                         [[maybe_unused]] const Real64 multiplier, // Element multiplier
    1898             :                                         [[maybe_unused]] const Real64 control,    // Element control signal
    1899             :                                         const AirState &propN,                    // Node 1 properties
    1900             :                                         [[maybe_unused]] const AirState &propM,   // Node 2 properties
    1901             :                                         std::array<Real64, 2> &F,                 // Airflow through the component [kg/s]
    1902             :                                         std::array<Real64, 2> &DF                 // Partial derivative:  DF/DP
    1903             :     )
    1904             :     {
    1905             : 
    1906             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    1907             :         //       AUTHOR         George Walton
    1908             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   Extracted from AIRNET
    1909             :         //       MODIFIED       Lixing Gu, 2/1/04
    1910             :         //                      Revised the subroutine to meet E+ needs
    1911             :         //       MODIFIED       Lixing Gu, 6/8/05
    1912             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
    1913             : 
    1914             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    1915             :         // This subroutine solves airflow for a Constant pressure drop component
    1916             : 
    1917             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
    1918             :         Real64 Co;
    1919             :         int k;
    1920             : 
    1921     1827359 :         int n = state.afn->AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0];
    1922     1827359 :         int m = state.afn->AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1];
    1923     1827359 :         auto &solver = state.afn;
    1924             : 
    1925             :         // Get component properties
    1926             :         // A  = Cross section area [m2]
    1927             :         // DP = Pressure difference across the element [Pa]
    1928             : 
    1929     1827359 :         if (PDROP == 0.0) {
    1930      113202 :             F[0] = std::sqrt(2.0 * propN.density) * A * std::sqrt(DP);
    1931      113202 :             DF[0] = 0.5 * F[0] / DP;
    1932             :         } else {
    1933    35255604 :             for (k = 1; k <= state.afn->ActualNumOfLinks; ++k) {
    1934    35255604 :                 if (state.afn->AirflowNetworkLinkageData(k).NodeNums[1] == n) {
    1935     1714157 :                     F[0] = solver->AFLOW(k);
    1936     1714157 :                     break;
    1937             :                 }
    1938             :             }
    1939     1714157 :             solver->PZ(m) = solver->PZ(n) - DP;
    1940     1714157 :             Co = F[0] / DP;
    1941     1714157 :             DF[0] = 10.e10;
    1942             :         }
    1943     1827359 :         return 1;
    1944             :     }
    1945             : 
    1946    44432347 :     int EffectiveLeakageArea::calculate([[maybe_unused]] EnergyPlusData &state,
    1947             :                                         bool const LFLAG,                         // Initialization flag.If = 1, use laminar relationship
    1948             :                                         Real64 const PDROP,                       // Total pressure drop across a component (P1 - P2) [Pa]
    1949             :                                         [[maybe_unused]] int const i,             // Linkage number
    1950             :                                         [[maybe_unused]] const Real64 multiplier, // Element multiplier
    1951             :                                         [[maybe_unused]] const Real64 control,    // Element control signal
    1952             :                                         const AirState &propN,                    // Node 1 properties
    1953             :                                         const AirState &propM,                    // Node 2 properties
    1954             :                                         std::array<Real64, 2> &F,                 // Airflow through the component [kg/s]
    1955             :                                         std::array<Real64, 2> &DF                 // Partial derivative:  DF/DP
    1956             :     )
    1957             :     {
    1958             : 
    1959             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    1960             :         //       AUTHOR         George Walton
    1961             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   Extracted from AIRNET
    1962             :         //       MODIFIED       Lixing Gu, 2/1/04
    1963             :         //                      Revised the subroutine to meet E+ needs
    1964             :         //       MODIFIED       Lixing Gu, 6/8/05
    1965             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
    1966             : 
    1967             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    1968             :         // This subroutine solves airflow for a Surface effective leakage area component
    1969             : 
    1970             :         // SUBROUTINE PARAMETER DEFINITIONS:
    1971             :         static Real64 const sqrt_2(std::sqrt(2.0));
    1972             : 
    1973             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
    1974             :         Real64 CDM;
    1975             :         Real64 FL;
    1976             :         Real64 FT;
    1977             :         Real64 FlowCoef;
    1978             : 
    1979             :         // Formats
    1980             :         // static gio::Fmt Format_901("(A5,I3,6X,4E16.7)");
    1981             : 
    1982             :         // Get component properties
    1983    44432347 :         FlowCoef = ELA * DischCoeff * sqrt_2 * std::pow(RefDeltaP, 0.5 - FlowExpo);
    1984             : 
    1985    44432347 :         if (LFLAG) {
    1986             :             // Initialization by linear relation.
    1987           0 :             if (PDROP >= 0.0) {
    1988           0 :                 DF[0] = FlowCoef * propN.density / propN.viscosity;
    1989             :             } else {
    1990           0 :                 DF[0] = FlowCoef * propM.density / propM.viscosity;
    1991             :             }
    1992           0 :             F[0] = -DF[0] * PDROP;
    1993             :         } else {
    1994             :             // Standard calculation.
    1995    44432347 :             if (PDROP >= 0.0) {
    1996             :                 // Flow in positive direction.
    1997             :                 // Laminar flow.
    1998    22616047 :                 CDM = FlowCoef * propN.density / propN.viscosity;
    1999    22616047 :                 FL = CDM * PDROP;
    2000             :                 // Turbulent flow.
    2001    22616047 :                 if (FlowExpo == 0.5) {
    2002           0 :                     FT = FlowCoef * propN.sqrt_density * std::sqrt(PDROP);
    2003             :                 } else {
    2004    22616047 :                     FT = FlowCoef * propN.sqrt_density * std::pow(PDROP, FlowExpo);
    2005             :                 }
    2006             :             } else {
    2007             :                 // Flow in negative direction.
    2008             :                 // Laminar flow.
    2009    21816300 :                 CDM = FlowCoef * propM.density / propM.viscosity;
    2010    21816300 :                 FL = CDM * PDROP;
    2011             :                 // Turbulent flow.
    2012    21816300 :                 if (FlowExpo == 0.5) {
    2013           0 :                     FT = -FlowCoef * propM.sqrt_density * std::sqrt(-PDROP);
    2014             :                 } else {
    2015    21816300 :                     FT = -FlowCoef * propM.sqrt_density * std::pow(-PDROP, FlowExpo);
    2016             :                 }
    2017             :             }
    2018             :             // Select laminar or turbulent flow.
    2019             :             // if (LIST >= 4) gio::write(Unit21, Format_901) << " plr: " << i << PDROP << FL << FT;
    2020    44432347 :             if (std::abs(FL) <= std::abs(FT)) {
    2021         219 :                 F[0] = FL;
    2022         219 :                 DF[0] = CDM;
    2023             :             } else {
    2024    44432128 :                 F[0] = FT;
    2025    44432128 :                 DF[0] = FT * FlowExpo / PDROP;
    2026             :             }
    2027             :         }
    2028    44432347 :         return 1;
    2029             :     }
    2030             : 
    2031           0 :     int EffectiveLeakageArea::calculate([[maybe_unused]] EnergyPlusData &state,
    2032             :                                         Real64 const PDROP,                       // Total pressure drop across a component (P1 - P2) [Pa]
    2033             :                                         [[maybe_unused]] const Real64 multiplier, // Element multiplier
    2034             :                                         [[maybe_unused]] const Real64 control,    // Element control signal
    2035             :                                         const AirState &propN,                    // Node 1 properties
    2036             :                                         const AirState &propM,                    // Node 2 properties
    2037             :                                         std::array<Real64, 2> &F,                 // Airflow through the component [kg/s]
    2038             :                                         std::array<Real64, 2> &DF                 // Partial derivative:  DF/DP
    2039             :     )
    2040             :     {
    2041             : 
    2042             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    2043             :         //       AUTHOR         George Walton
    2044             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   Extracted from AIRNET
    2045             :         //       MODIFIED       Lixing Gu, 2/1/04
    2046             :         //                      Revised the subroutine to meet E+ needs
    2047             :         //       MODIFIED       Lixing Gu, 6/8/05
    2048             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
    2049             : 
    2050             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    2051             :         // This subroutine solves airflow for a Surface effective leakage area component
    2052             : 
    2053             :         // SUBROUTINE PARAMETER DEFINITIONS:
    2054             :         static Real64 const sqrt_2(std::sqrt(2.0));
    2055             : 
    2056             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
    2057             :         Real64 CDM;
    2058             :         Real64 FL;
    2059             :         Real64 FT;
    2060             :         Real64 FlowCoef;
    2061             : 
    2062             :         // Formats
    2063             :         // static gio::Fmt Format_901("(A5,I3,6X,4E16.7)");
    2064             : 
    2065             :         // Get component properties
    2066           0 :         FlowCoef = ELA * DischCoeff * sqrt_2 * std::pow(RefDeltaP, 0.5 - FlowExpo);
    2067             : 
    2068             :         // Standard calculation.
    2069           0 :         if (PDROP >= 0.0) {
    2070             :             // Flow in positive direction.
    2071             :             // Laminar flow.
    2072           0 :             CDM = FlowCoef * propN.density / propN.viscosity;
    2073           0 :             FL = CDM * PDROP;
    2074             :             // Turbulent flow.
    2075           0 :             if (FlowExpo == 0.5) {
    2076           0 :                 FT = FlowCoef * propN.sqrt_density * std::sqrt(PDROP);
    2077             :             } else {
    2078           0 :                 FT = FlowCoef * propN.sqrt_density * std::pow(PDROP, FlowExpo);
    2079             :             }
    2080             :         } else {
    2081             :             // Flow in negative direction.
    2082             :             // Laminar flow.
    2083           0 :             CDM = FlowCoef * propM.density / propM.viscosity;
    2084           0 :             FL = CDM * PDROP;
    2085             :             // Turbulent flow.
    2086           0 :             if (FlowExpo == 0.5) {
    2087           0 :                 FT = -FlowCoef * propM.sqrt_density * std::sqrt(-PDROP);
    2088             :             } else {
    2089           0 :                 FT = -FlowCoef * propM.sqrt_density * std::pow(-PDROP, FlowExpo);
    2090             :             }
    2091             :         }
    2092             :         // Select laminar or turbulent flow.
    2093             :         // if (LIST >= 4) gio::write(Unit21, Format_901) << " plr: " << i << PDROP << FL << FT;
    2094           0 :         if (std::abs(FL) <= std::abs(FT)) {
    2095           0 :             F[0] = FL;
    2096           0 :             DF[0] = CDM;
    2097             :         } else {
    2098           0 :             F[0] = FT;
    2099           0 :             DF[0] = FT * FlowExpo / PDROP;
    2100             :         }
    2101             : 
    2102           0 :         return 1;
    2103             :     }
    2104             : 
    2105    19047486 :     int DisSysCompCoilProp::calculate([[maybe_unused]] EnergyPlusData &state,
    2106             :                                       bool const LFLAG,                         // Initialization flag.If = 1, use laminar relationship
    2107             :                                       Real64 const PDROP,                       // Total pressure drop across a component (P1 - P2) [Pa]
    2108             :                                       [[maybe_unused]] int const i,             // Linkage number
    2109             :                                       [[maybe_unused]] const Real64 multiplier, // Element multiplier
    2110             :                                       [[maybe_unused]] const Real64 control,    // Element control signal
    2111             :                                       const AirState &propN,                    // Node 1 properties
    2112             :                                       const AirState &propM,                    // Node 2 properties
    2113             :                                       std::array<Real64, 2> &F,                 // Airflow through the component [kg/s]
    2114             :                                       std::array<Real64, 2> &DF                 // Partial derivative:  DF/DP
    2115             :     )
    2116             :     {
    2117             : 
    2118             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    2119             :         //       AUTHOR         George Walton
    2120             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   Extracted from AIRNET
    2121             :         //       MODIFIED       Lixing Gu, 2/1/04
    2122             :         //                      Revised the subroutine to meet E+ needs
    2123             :         //       MODIFIED       Lixing Gu, 6/8/05
    2124             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
    2125             : 
    2126             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    2127             :         // This subroutine solves airflow for a coil component
    2128             : 
    2129             :         // SUBROUTINE PARAMETER DEFINITIONS:
    2130    19047486 :         Real64 constexpr C(0.868589);
    2131    19047486 :         Real64 constexpr EPS(0.001);
    2132    19047486 :         Real64 constexpr Rough(0.0001);
    2133    19047486 :         Real64 constexpr InitLamCoef(128.0);
    2134    19047486 :         Real64 constexpr LamDynCoef(64.0);
    2135    19047486 :         Real64 constexpr LamFriCoef(0.0001);
    2136    19047486 :         Real64 constexpr TurDynCoef(0.0001);
    2137             : 
    2138             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
    2139             :         Real64 A0;
    2140             :         Real64 A1;
    2141             :         Real64 A2;
    2142             :         Real64 B;
    2143             :         Real64 D;
    2144             :         Real64 S2;
    2145             :         Real64 CDM;
    2146             :         Real64 FL;
    2147             :         Real64 FT;
    2148             :         Real64 FTT;
    2149             :         Real64 RE;
    2150             :         Real64 ed;
    2151             :         Real64 ld;
    2152             :         Real64 g;
    2153             :         Real64 AA1;
    2154             :         Real64 area;
    2155             : 
    2156             :         // Formats
    2157             :         // static gio::Fmt Format_901("(A5,I3,6X,4E16.7)");
    2158             : 
    2159             :         // Get component properties
    2160             :         // ed = Rough / DisSysCompCoilData(CompNum).hydraulicDiameter;
    2161    19047486 :         ed = Rough / hydraulicDiameter;
    2162             : 
    2163    19047486 :         area = square(hydraulicDiameter) * DataGlobalConstants::Pi;
    2164    19047486 :         ld = L / hydraulicDiameter;
    2165    19047486 :         g = 1.14 - 0.868589 * std::log(ed);
    2166    19047486 :         AA1 = g;
    2167             : 
    2168    19047486 :         if (LFLAG) {
    2169             :             // Initialization by linear relation.
    2170           0 :             if (PDROP >= 0.0) {
    2171           0 :                 DF[0] = (2.0 * propN.density * area * hydraulicDiameter) / (propN.viscosity * InitLamCoef * ld);
    2172             :             } else {
    2173           0 :                 DF[0] = (2.0 * propM.density * area * hydraulicDiameter) / (propM.viscosity * InitLamCoef * ld);
    2174             :             }
    2175           0 :             F[0] = -DF[0] * PDROP;
    2176             :             // if (LIST >= 4) gio::write(Unit21, Format_901) << " dwi:" << i << InitLamCoef << F[0] << DF[0];
    2177             :         } else {
    2178             :             // Standard calculation.
    2179    19047486 :             if (PDROP >= 0.0) {
    2180             :                 // Flow in positive direction.
    2181             :                 // Laminar flow coefficient !=0
    2182             :                 if (LamFriCoef >= 0.001) {
    2183             :                     A2 = LamFriCoef / (2.0 * propN.density * area * area);
    2184             :                     A1 = (propN.viscosity * LamDynCoef * ld) / (2.0 * propN.density * area * hydraulicDiameter);
    2185             :                     A0 = -PDROP;
    2186             :                     CDM = std::sqrt(A1 * A1 - 4.0 * A2 * A0);
    2187             :                     FL = (CDM - A1) / (2.0 * A2);
    2188             :                     CDM = 1.0 / CDM;
    2189             :                 } else {
    2190    16719987 :                     CDM = (2.0 * propN.density * area * hydraulicDiameter) / (propN.viscosity * LamDynCoef * ld);
    2191    16719987 :                     FL = CDM * PDROP;
    2192             :                 }
    2193    16719987 :                 RE = FL * hydraulicDiameter / (propN.viscosity * area);
    2194             :                 // if (LIST >= 4) gio::write(Unit21, Format_901) << " dwl:" << i << PDROP << FL << CDM << RE;
    2195             :                 // Turbulent flow; test when Re>10.
    2196    16719987 :                 if (RE >= 10.0) {
    2197    15976394 :                     S2 = std::sqrt(2.0 * propN.density * PDROP) * area;
    2198    15976394 :                     FTT = S2 / std::sqrt(ld / pow_2(g) + TurDynCoef);
    2199             :                     // if (LIST >= 4) gio::write(Unit21, Format_901) << " dwt:" << i << S2 << FTT << g;
    2200             :                     while (true) {
    2201   107072592 :                         FT = FTT;
    2202    61524493 :                         B = (9.3 * propN.viscosity * area) / (FT * Rough);
    2203    61524493 :                         D = 1.0 + g * B;
    2204    61524493 :                         g -= (g - AA1 + C * std::log(D)) / (1.0 + C * B / D);
    2205    61524493 :                         FTT = S2 / std::sqrt(ld / pow_2(g) + TurDynCoef);
    2206             :                         // if (LIST >= 4) gio::write(Unit21, Format_901) << " dwt:" << i << B << FTT << g;
    2207    61524493 :                         if (std::abs(FTT - FT) / FTT < EPS) break;
    2208             :                     }
    2209    15976394 :                     FT = FTT;
    2210             :                 } else {
    2211      743593 :                     FT = FL;
    2212             :                 }
    2213             :             } else {
    2214             :                 // Flow in negative direction.
    2215             :                 // Laminar flow coefficient !=0
    2216             :                 if (LamFriCoef >= 0.001) {
    2217             :                     A2 = LamFriCoef / (2.0 * propM.density * area * area);
    2218             :                     A1 = (propM.viscosity * LamDynCoef * ld) / (2.0 * propM.density * area * hydraulicDiameter);
    2219             :                     A0 = PDROP;
    2220             :                     CDM = std::sqrt(A1 * A1 - 4.0 * A2 * A0);
    2221             :                     FL = -(CDM - A1) / (2.0 * A2);
    2222             :                     CDM = 1.0 / CDM;
    2223             :                 } else {
    2224     2327499 :                     CDM = (2.0 * propM.density * area * hydraulicDiameter) / (propM.viscosity * LamDynCoef * ld);
    2225     2327499 :                     FL = CDM * PDROP;
    2226             :                 }
    2227     2327499 :                 RE = -FL * hydraulicDiameter / (propM.viscosity * area);
    2228             :                 // if (LIST >= 4) gio::write(Unit21, Format_901) << " dwl:" << i << PDROP << FL << CDM << RE;
    2229             :                 // Turbulent flow; test when Re>10.
    2230     2327499 :                 if (RE >= 10.0) {
    2231     2299133 :                     S2 = std::sqrt(-2.0 * propM.density * PDROP) * area;
    2232     2299133 :                     FTT = S2 / std::sqrt(ld / pow_2(g) + TurDynCoef);
    2233             :                     // if (LIST >= 4) gio::write(Unit21, Format_901) << " dwt:" << i << S2 << FTT << g;
    2234             :                     while (true) {
    2235    10846091 :                         FT = FTT;
    2236     6572612 :                         B = (9.3 * propM.viscosity * area) / (FT * Rough);
    2237     6572612 :                         D = 1.0 + g * B;
    2238     6572612 :                         g -= (g - AA1 + C * std::log(D)) / (1.0 + C * B / D);
    2239     6572612 :                         FTT = S2 / std::sqrt(ld / pow_2(g) + TurDynCoef);
    2240             :                         // if (LIST >= 4) gio::write(Unit21, Format_901) << " dwt:" << i << B << FTT << g;
    2241     6572612 :                         if (std::abs(FTT - FT) / FTT < EPS) break;
    2242             :                     }
    2243     2299133 :                     FT = -FTT;
    2244             :                 } else {
    2245       28366 :                     FT = FL;
    2246             :                 }
    2247             :             }
    2248             :             // Select laminar or turbulent flow.
    2249    19047486 :             if (std::abs(FL) <= std::abs(FT)) {
    2250      782950 :                 F[0] = FL;
    2251      782950 :                 DF[0] = CDM;
    2252             :             } else {
    2253    18264536 :                 F[0] = FT;
    2254    18264536 :                 DF[0] = 0.5 * FT / PDROP;
    2255             :             }
    2256             :         }
    2257    19047486 :         return 1;
    2258             :     }
    2259             : 
    2260           0 :     int DisSysCompCoilProp::calculate([[maybe_unused]] EnergyPlusData &state,
    2261             :                                       Real64 const PDROP,                       // Total pressure drop across a component (P1 - P2) [Pa]
    2262             :                                       [[maybe_unused]] const Real64 multiplier, // Element multiplier
    2263             :                                       [[maybe_unused]] const Real64 control,    // Element control signal
    2264             :                                       const AirState &propN,                    // Node 1 properties
    2265             :                                       const AirState &propM,                    // Node 2 properties
    2266             :                                       std::array<Real64, 2> &F,                 // Airflow through the component [kg/s]
    2267             :                                       std::array<Real64, 2> &DF                 // Partial derivative:  DF/DP
    2268             :     )
    2269             :     {
    2270             : 
    2271             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    2272             :         //       AUTHOR         George Walton
    2273             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   Extracted from AIRNET
    2274             :         //       MODIFIED       Lixing Gu, 2/1/04
    2275             :         //                      Revised the subroutine to meet E+ needs
    2276             :         //       MODIFIED       Lixing Gu, 6/8/05
    2277             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
    2278             : 
    2279             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    2280             :         // This subroutine solves airflow for a coil component
    2281             : 
    2282             :         // SUBROUTINE PARAMETER DEFINITIONS:
    2283           0 :         Real64 constexpr C(0.868589);
    2284           0 :         Real64 constexpr EPS(0.001);
    2285           0 :         Real64 constexpr Rough(0.0001);
    2286           0 :         Real64 constexpr LamDynCoef(64.0);
    2287           0 :         Real64 constexpr LamFriCoef(0.0001);
    2288           0 :         Real64 constexpr TurDynCoef(0.0001);
    2289             : 
    2290             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
    2291             :         Real64 A0;
    2292             :         Real64 A1;
    2293             :         Real64 A2;
    2294             :         Real64 B;
    2295             :         Real64 D;
    2296             :         Real64 S2;
    2297             :         Real64 CDM;
    2298             :         Real64 FL;
    2299             :         Real64 FT;
    2300             :         Real64 FTT;
    2301             :         Real64 RE;
    2302             :         Real64 ed;
    2303             :         Real64 ld;
    2304             :         Real64 g;
    2305             :         Real64 AA1;
    2306             :         Real64 area;
    2307             : 
    2308             :         // Formats
    2309             :         // static gio::Fmt Format_901("(A5,I3,6X,4E16.7)");
    2310             : 
    2311             :         // Get component properties
    2312             :         // ed = Rough / DisSysCompCoilData(CompNum).hydraulicDiameter;
    2313           0 :         ed = Rough / hydraulicDiameter;
    2314             : 
    2315           0 :         area = square(hydraulicDiameter) * DataGlobalConstants::Pi;
    2316           0 :         ld = L / hydraulicDiameter;
    2317           0 :         g = 1.14 - 0.868589 * std::log(ed);
    2318           0 :         AA1 = g;
    2319             : 
    2320             :         // Standard calculation.
    2321           0 :         if (PDROP >= 0.0) {
    2322             :             // Flow in positive direction.
    2323             :             // Laminar flow coefficient !=0
    2324             :             if (LamFriCoef >= 0.001) {
    2325             :                 A2 = LamFriCoef / (2.0 * propN.density * area * area);
    2326             :                 A1 = (propN.viscosity * LamDynCoef * ld) / (2.0 * propN.density * area * hydraulicDiameter);
    2327             :                 A0 = -PDROP;
    2328             :                 CDM = std::sqrt(A1 * A1 - 4.0 * A2 * A0);
    2329             :                 FL = (CDM - A1) / (2.0 * A2);
    2330             :                 CDM = 1.0 / CDM;
    2331             :             } else {
    2332           0 :                 CDM = (2.0 * propN.density * area * hydraulicDiameter) / (propN.viscosity * LamDynCoef * ld);
    2333           0 :                 FL = CDM * PDROP;
    2334             :             }
    2335           0 :             RE = FL * hydraulicDiameter / (propN.viscosity * area);
    2336             :             // if (LIST >= 4) gio::write(Unit21, Format_901) << " dwl:" << i << PDROP << FL << CDM << RE;
    2337             :             // Turbulent flow; test when Re>10.
    2338           0 :             if (RE >= 10.0) {
    2339           0 :                 S2 = std::sqrt(2.0 * propN.density * PDROP) * area;
    2340           0 :                 FTT = S2 / std::sqrt(ld / pow_2(g) + TurDynCoef);
    2341             :                 // if (LIST >= 4) gio::write(Unit21, Format_901) << " dwt:" << i << S2 << FTT << g;
    2342             :                 while (true) {
    2343           0 :                     FT = FTT;
    2344           0 :                     B = (9.3 * propN.viscosity * area) / (FT * Rough);
    2345           0 :                     D = 1.0 + g * B;
    2346           0 :                     g -= (g - AA1 + C * std::log(D)) / (1.0 + C * B / D);
    2347           0 :                     FTT = S2 / std::sqrt(ld / pow_2(g) + TurDynCoef);
    2348             :                     // if (LIST >= 4) gio::write(Unit21, Format_901) << " dwt:" << i << B << FTT << g;
    2349           0 :                     if (std::abs(FTT - FT) / FTT < EPS) break;
    2350             :                 }
    2351           0 :                 FT = FTT;
    2352             :             } else {
    2353           0 :                 FT = FL;
    2354             :             }
    2355             :         } else {
    2356             :             // Flow in negative direction.
    2357             :             // Laminar flow coefficient !=0
    2358             :             if (LamFriCoef >= 0.001) {
    2359             :                 A2 = LamFriCoef / (2.0 * propM.density * area * area);
    2360             :                 A1 = (propM.viscosity * LamDynCoef * ld) / (2.0 * propM.density * area * hydraulicDiameter);
    2361             :                 A0 = PDROP;
    2362             :                 CDM = std::sqrt(A1 * A1 - 4.0 * A2 * A0);
    2363             :                 FL = -(CDM - A1) / (2.0 * A2);
    2364             :                 CDM = 1.0 / CDM;
    2365             :             } else {
    2366           0 :                 CDM = (2.0 * propM.density * area * hydraulicDiameter) / (propM.viscosity * LamDynCoef * ld);
    2367           0 :                 FL = CDM * PDROP;
    2368             :             }
    2369           0 :             RE = -FL * hydraulicDiameter / (propM.viscosity * area);
    2370             :             // if (LIST >= 4) gio::write(Unit21, Format_901) << " dwl:" << i << PDROP << FL << CDM << RE;
    2371             :             // Turbulent flow; test when Re>10.
    2372           0 :             if (RE >= 10.0) {
    2373           0 :                 S2 = std::sqrt(-2.0 * propM.density * PDROP) * area;
    2374           0 :                 FTT = S2 / std::sqrt(ld / pow_2(g) + TurDynCoef);
    2375             :                 // if (LIST >= 4) gio::write(Unit21, Format_901) << " dwt:" << i << S2 << FTT << g;
    2376             :                 while (true) {
    2377           0 :                     FT = FTT;
    2378           0 :                     B = (9.3 * propM.viscosity * area) / (FT * Rough);
    2379           0 :                     D = 1.0 + g * B;
    2380           0 :                     g -= (g - AA1 + C * std::log(D)) / (1.0 + C * B / D);
    2381           0 :                     FTT = S2 / std::sqrt(ld / pow_2(g) + TurDynCoef);
    2382             :                     // if (LIST >= 4) gio::write(Unit21, Format_901) << " dwt:" << i << B << FTT << g;
    2383           0 :                     if (std::abs(FTT - FT) / FTT < EPS) break;
    2384             :                 }
    2385           0 :                 FT = -FTT;
    2386             :             } else {
    2387           0 :                 FT = FL;
    2388             :             }
    2389             :         }
    2390             :         // Select laminar or turbulent flow.
    2391           0 :         if (std::abs(FL) <= std::abs(FT)) {
    2392           0 :             F[0] = FL;
    2393           0 :             DF[0] = CDM;
    2394             :         } else {
    2395           0 :             F[0] = FT;
    2396           0 :             DF[0] = 0.5 * FT / PDROP;
    2397             :         }
    2398           0 :         return 1;
    2399             :     }
    2400             : 
    2401     3015900 :     int DisSysCompTermUnitProp::calculate([[maybe_unused]] EnergyPlusData &state,
    2402             :                                           bool const LFLAG,                         // Initialization flag.If = 1, use laminar relationship
    2403             :                                           Real64 const PDROP,                       // Total pressure drop across a component (P1 - P2) [Pa]
    2404             :                                           int const i,                              // Linkage number
    2405             :                                           [[maybe_unused]] const Real64 multiplier, // Element multiplier
    2406             :                                           [[maybe_unused]] const Real64 control,    // Element control signal
    2407             :                                           const AirState &propN,                    // Node 1 properties
    2408             :                                           const AirState &propM,                    // Node 2 properties
    2409             :                                           std::array<Real64, 2> &F,                 // Airflow through the component [kg/s]
    2410             :                                           std::array<Real64, 2> &DF                 // Partial derivative:  DF/DP
    2411             :     )
    2412             :     {
    2413             : 
    2414             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    2415             :         //       AUTHOR         George Walton
    2416             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   Extracted from AIRNET
    2417             :         //       MODIFIED       Lixing Gu, 2/1/04
    2418             :         //                      Revised the subroutine to meet E+ needs
    2419             :         //       MODIFIED       Lixing Gu, 6/8/05
    2420             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
    2421             : 
    2422             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    2423             :         // This subroutine solves airflow for a terminal unit component
    2424             : 
    2425             :         // SUBROUTINE PARAMETER DEFINITIONS:
    2426     3015900 :         Real64 constexpr C(0.868589);
    2427     3015900 :         Real64 constexpr EPS(0.001);
    2428     3015900 :         Real64 constexpr Rough(0.0001);
    2429     3015900 :         Real64 constexpr InitLamCoef(128.0);
    2430     3015900 :         Real64 constexpr LamDynCoef(64.0);
    2431     3015900 :         Real64 constexpr LamFriCoef(0.0001);
    2432     3015900 :         Real64 constexpr TurDynCoef(0.0001);
    2433             : 
    2434             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
    2435             :         Real64 A0;
    2436             :         Real64 A1;
    2437             :         Real64 A2;
    2438             :         Real64 B;
    2439             :         Real64 D;
    2440             :         Real64 S2;
    2441             :         Real64 CDM;
    2442             :         Real64 FL;
    2443             :         Real64 FT;
    2444             :         Real64 FTT;
    2445             :         Real64 RE;
    2446             :         Real64 ed;
    2447             :         Real64 ld;
    2448             :         Real64 g;
    2449             :         Real64 AA1;
    2450             :         Real64 area;
    2451             : 
    2452             :         // Formats
    2453             :         // static gio::Fmt Format_901("(A5,I3,6X,4E16.7)");
    2454             : 
    2455             :         // Get component properties
    2456     3015900 :         ed = Rough / hydraulicDiameter;
    2457     3015900 :         area = pow_2(hydraulicDiameter) * DataGlobalConstants::Pi;
    2458     3015900 :         ld = L / hydraulicDiameter;
    2459     3015900 :         g = 1.14 - 0.868589 * std::log(ed);
    2460     3015900 :         AA1 = g;
    2461             : 
    2462     3015900 :         if (LFLAG) {
    2463             :             // Initialization by linear relation.
    2464           0 :             if (PDROP >= 0.0) {
    2465           0 :                 DF[0] = (2.0 * propN.density * area * hydraulicDiameter) / (propN.viscosity * InitLamCoef * ld);
    2466             :             } else {
    2467           0 :                 DF[0] = (2.0 * propM.density * area * hydraulicDiameter) / (propM.viscosity * InitLamCoef * ld);
    2468             :             }
    2469           0 :             F[0] = -DF[0] * PDROP;
    2470             :             // if (LIST >= 4) gio::write(Unit21, Format_901) << " dwi:" << i << InitLamCoef << F[0] << DF[0];
    2471             :         } else {
    2472             :             // Standard calculation.
    2473     3015900 :             if (PDROP >= 0.0) {
    2474             :                 // Flow in positive direction.
    2475             :                 // Laminar flow coefficient !=0
    2476             :                 if (LamFriCoef >= 0.001) {
    2477             :                     A2 = LamFriCoef / (2.0 * propN.density * area * area);
    2478             :                     A1 = (propN.viscosity * LamDynCoef * ld) / (2.0 * propN.density * area * hydraulicDiameter);
    2479             :                     A0 = -PDROP;
    2480             :                     CDM = std::sqrt(A1 * A1 - 4.0 * A2 * A0);
    2481             :                     FL = (CDM - A1) / (2.0 * A2);
    2482             :                     CDM = 1.0 / CDM;
    2483             :                 } else {
    2484     2609027 :                     CDM = (2.0 * propN.density * area * hydraulicDiameter) / (propN.viscosity * LamDynCoef * ld);
    2485     2609027 :                     FL = CDM * PDROP;
    2486             :                 }
    2487     2609027 :                 RE = FL * hydraulicDiameter / (propN.viscosity * area);
    2488             :                 // if (LIST >= 4) gio::write(Unit21, Format_901) << " dwl:" << i << PDROP << FL << CDM << RE;
    2489             :                 // Turbulent flow; test when Re>10.
    2490     2609027 :                 if (RE >= 10.0) {
    2491     2568838 :                     S2 = std::sqrt(2.0 * propN.density * PDROP) * area;
    2492     2568838 :                     FTT = S2 / std::sqrt(ld / pow_2(g) + TurDynCoef);
    2493             :                     // if (LIST >= 4) gio::write(Unit21, Format_901) << " dwt:" << i << S2 << FTT << g;
    2494             :                     while (true) {
    2495    17457510 :                         FT = FTT;
    2496    10013174 :                         B = (9.3 * propN.viscosity * area) / (FT * Rough);
    2497    10013174 :                         D = 1.0 + g * B;
    2498    10013174 :                         g -= (g - AA1 + C * std::log(D)) / (1.0 + C * B / D);
    2499    10013174 :                         FTT = S2 / std::sqrt(ld / pow_2(g) + TurDynCoef);
    2500             :                         // if (LIST >= 4) gio::write(Unit21, Format_901) << " dwt:" << i << B << FTT << g;
    2501    10013174 :                         if (std::abs(FTT - FT) / FTT < EPS) break;
    2502             :                     }
    2503     2568838 :                     FT = FTT;
    2504             :                 } else {
    2505       40189 :                     FT = FL;
    2506             :                 }
    2507             :             } else {
    2508             :                 // Flow in negative direction.
    2509             :                 // Laminar flow coefficient !=0
    2510             :                 if (LamFriCoef >= 0.001) {
    2511             :                     A2 = LamFriCoef / (2.0 * propM.density * area * area);
    2512             :                     A1 = (propM.viscosity * LamDynCoef * ld) / (2.0 * propM.density * area * hydraulicDiameter);
    2513             :                     A0 = PDROP;
    2514             :                     CDM = std::sqrt(A1 * A1 - 4.0 * A2 * A0);
    2515             :                     FL = -(CDM - A1) / (2.0 * A2);
    2516             :                     CDM = 1.0 / CDM;
    2517             :                 } else {
    2518      406873 :                     CDM = (2.0 * propM.density * area * hydraulicDiameter) / (propM.viscosity * LamDynCoef * ld);
    2519      406873 :                     FL = CDM * PDROP;
    2520             :                 }
    2521      406873 :                 RE = -FL * hydraulicDiameter / (propM.viscosity * area);
    2522             :                 // if (LIST >= 4) gio::write(Unit21, Format_901) << " dwl:" << i << PDROP << FL << CDM << RE;
    2523             :                 // Turbulent flow; test when Re>10.
    2524      406873 :                 if (RE >= 10.0) {
    2525      344044 :                     S2 = std::sqrt(-2.0 * propM.density * PDROP) * area;
    2526      344044 :                     FTT = S2 / std::sqrt(ld / pow_2(g) + TurDynCoef);
    2527             :                     // if (LIST >= 4) gio::write(Unit21, Format_901) << " dwt:" << i << S2 << FTT << g;
    2528             :                     while (true) {
    2529     1954224 :                         FT = FTT;
    2530     1149134 :                         B = (9.3 * propM.viscosity * area) / (FT * Rough);
    2531     1149134 :                         D = 1.0 + g * B;
    2532     1149134 :                         g -= (g - AA1 + C * std::log(D)) / (1.0 + C * B / D);
    2533     1149134 :                         FTT = S2 / std::sqrt(ld / pow_2(g) + TurDynCoef);
    2534             :                         // if (LIST >= 4) gio::write(Unit21, Format_901) << " dwt:" << i << B << FTT << g;
    2535     1149134 :                         if (std::abs(FTT - FT) / FTT < EPS) break;
    2536             :                     }
    2537      344044 :                     FT = -FTT;
    2538             :                 } else {
    2539       62829 :                     FT = FL;
    2540             :                 }
    2541             :             }
    2542             :             // Select laminar or turbulent flow.
    2543     3015900 :             if (std::abs(FL) <= std::abs(FT)) {
    2544      121883 :                 F[0] = FL;
    2545      121883 :                 DF[0] = CDM;
    2546             :             } else {
    2547     2894017 :                 F[0] = FT;
    2548     2894017 :                 DF[0] = 0.5 * FT / PDROP;
    2549             :             }
    2550             :         }
    2551             :         // If damper, setup the airflows from nodal values calculated from terminal
    2552     3015900 :         if (state.afn->AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).VAVTermDamper) {
    2553      119568 :             F[0] = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(DamperInletNode).MassFlowRate;
    2554      119568 :             if (state.afn->VAVTerminalRatio > 0.0) {
    2555           0 :                 F[0] *= state.afn->VAVTerminalRatio;
    2556             :             }
    2557      119568 :             DF[0] = 0.0;
    2558             :         }
    2559     3015900 :         return 1;
    2560             :     }
    2561             : 
    2562      734642 :     int DisSysCompHXProp::calculate([[maybe_unused]] EnergyPlusData &state,
    2563             :                                     bool const LFLAG,                         // Initialization flag.If = 1, use laminar relationship
    2564             :                                     Real64 const PDROP,                       // Total pressure drop across a component (P1 - P2) [Pa]
    2565             :                                     [[maybe_unused]] int const i,             // Linkage number
    2566             :                                     [[maybe_unused]] const Real64 multiplier, // Element multiplier
    2567             :                                     [[maybe_unused]] const Real64 control,    // Element control signal
    2568             :                                     const AirState &propN,                    // Node 1 properties
    2569             :                                     const AirState &propM,                    // Node 2 properties
    2570             :                                     std::array<Real64, 2> &F,                 // Airflow through the component [kg/s]
    2571             :                                     std::array<Real64, 2> &DF                 // Partial derivative:  DF/DP
    2572             :     )
    2573             :     {
    2574             : 
    2575             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    2576             :         //       AUTHOR         George Walton
    2577             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   Extracted from AIRNET
    2578             :         //       MODIFIED       Lixing Gu, 2/1/04
    2579             :         //                      Revised the subroutine to meet E+ needs
    2580             :         //       MODIFIED       Lixing Gu, 1/18/09
    2581             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
    2582             : 
    2583             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    2584             :         // This subroutine solves airflow for a heat exchanger component
    2585             : 
    2586             :         // SUBROUTINE PARAMETER DEFINITIONS:
    2587      734642 :         Real64 constexpr C(0.868589);
    2588      734642 :         Real64 constexpr EPS(0.001);
    2589      734642 :         Real64 constexpr Rough(0.0001);
    2590      734642 :         Real64 constexpr InitLamCoef(128.0);
    2591      734642 :         Real64 constexpr LamDynCoef(64.0);
    2592      734642 :         Real64 constexpr LamFriCoef(0.0001);
    2593      734642 :         Real64 constexpr TurDynCoef(0.0001);
    2594             : 
    2595             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
    2596             :         Real64 A0;
    2597             :         Real64 A1;
    2598             :         Real64 A2;
    2599             :         Real64 B;
    2600             :         Real64 D;
    2601             :         Real64 S2;
    2602             :         Real64 CDM;
    2603             :         Real64 FL;
    2604             :         Real64 FT;
    2605             :         Real64 FTT;
    2606             :         Real64 RE;
    2607             :         Real64 ed;
    2608             :         Real64 ld;
    2609             :         Real64 g;
    2610             :         Real64 AA1;
    2611             :         Real64 area;
    2612             : 
    2613             :         // Get component properties
    2614      734642 :         ed = Rough / hydraulicDiameter;
    2615      734642 :         area = pow_2(hydraulicDiameter) * DataGlobalConstants::Pi;
    2616      734642 :         ld = L / hydraulicDiameter;
    2617      734642 :         g = 1.14 - 0.868589 * std::log(ed);
    2618      734642 :         AA1 = g;
    2619             : 
    2620      734642 :         if (LFLAG) {
    2621             :             // Initialization by linear relation.
    2622           0 :             if (PDROP >= 0.0) {
    2623           0 :                 DF[0] = (2.0 * propN.density * area * hydraulicDiameter) / (propN.viscosity * InitLamCoef * ld);
    2624             :             } else {
    2625           0 :                 DF[0] = (2.0 * propM.density * area * hydraulicDiameter) / (propM.viscosity * InitLamCoef * ld);
    2626             :             }
    2627           0 :             F[0] = -DF[0] * PDROP;
    2628             :         } else {
    2629             :             // Standard calculation.
    2630      734642 :             if (PDROP >= 0.0) {
    2631             :                 // Flow in positive direction.
    2632             :                 // Laminar flow coefficient !=0
    2633             :                 if (LamFriCoef >= 0.001) {
    2634             :                     A2 = LamFriCoef / (2.0 * propN.density * area * area);
    2635             :                     A1 = (propN.viscosity * LamDynCoef * ld) / (2.0 * propN.density * area * hydraulicDiameter);
    2636             :                     A0 = -PDROP;
    2637             :                     CDM = std::sqrt(A1 * A1 - 4.0 * A2 * A0);
    2638             :                     FL = (CDM - A1) / (2.0 * A2);
    2639             :                     CDM = 1.0 / CDM;
    2640             :                 } else {
    2641      667947 :                     CDM = (2.0 * propN.density * area * hydraulicDiameter) / (propN.viscosity * LamDynCoef * ld);
    2642      667947 :                     FL = CDM * PDROP;
    2643             :                 }
    2644      667947 :                 RE = FL * hydraulicDiameter / (propN.viscosity * area);
    2645             :                 // Turbulent flow; test when Re>10.
    2646      667947 :                 if (RE >= 10.0) {
    2647      629491 :                     S2 = std::sqrt(2.0 * propN.density * PDROP) * area;
    2648      629491 :                     FTT = S2 / std::sqrt(ld / pow_2(g) + TurDynCoef);
    2649             :                     while (true) {
    2650     4284163 :                         FT = FTT;
    2651     2456827 :                         B = (9.3 * propN.viscosity * area) / (FT * Rough);
    2652     2456827 :                         D = 1.0 + g * B;
    2653     2456827 :                         g -= (g - AA1 + C * std::log(D)) / (1.0 + C * B / D);
    2654     2456827 :                         FTT = S2 / std::sqrt(ld / pow_2(g) + TurDynCoef);
    2655     2456827 :                         if (std::abs(FTT - FT) / FTT < EPS) break;
    2656             :                     }
    2657      629491 :                     FT = FTT;
    2658             :                 } else {
    2659       38456 :                     FT = FL;
    2660             :                 }
    2661             :             } else {
    2662             :                 // Flow in negative direction.
    2663             :                 // Laminar flow coefficient !=0
    2664             :                 if (LamFriCoef >= 0.001) {
    2665             :                     A2 = LamFriCoef / (2.0 * propM.density * area * area);
    2666             :                     A1 = (propM.viscosity * LamDynCoef * ld) / (2.0 * propM.density * area * hydraulicDiameter);
    2667             :                     A0 = PDROP;
    2668             :                     CDM = std::sqrt(A1 * A1 - 4.0 * A2 * A0);
    2669             :                     FL = -(CDM - A1) / (2.0 * A2);
    2670             :                     CDM = 1.0 / CDM;
    2671             :                 } else {
    2672       66695 :                     CDM = (2.0 * propM.density * area * hydraulicDiameter) / (propM.viscosity * LamDynCoef * ld);
    2673       66695 :                     FL = CDM * PDROP;
    2674             :                 }
    2675       66695 :                 RE = -FL * hydraulicDiameter / (propM.viscosity * area);
    2676             :                 // Turbulent flow; test when Re>10.
    2677       66695 :                 if (RE >= 10.0) {
    2678       66695 :                     S2 = std::sqrt(-2.0 * propM.density * PDROP) * area;
    2679       66695 :                     FTT = S2 / std::sqrt(ld / pow_2(g) + TurDynCoef);
    2680             :                     while (true) {
    2681      360277 :                         FT = FTT;
    2682      213486 :                         B = (9.3 * propM.viscosity * area) / (FT * Rough);
    2683      213486 :                         D = 1.0 + g * B;
    2684      213486 :                         g -= (g - AA1 + C * std::log(D)) / (1.0 + C * B / D);
    2685      213486 :                         FTT = S2 / std::sqrt(ld / pow_2(g) + TurDynCoef);
    2686      213486 :                         if (std::abs(FTT - FT) / FTT < EPS) break;
    2687             :                     }
    2688       66695 :                     FT = -FTT;
    2689             :                 } else {
    2690           0 :                     FT = FL;
    2691             :                 }
    2692             :             }
    2693             :             // Select laminar or turbulent flow.
    2694      734642 :             if (std::abs(FL) <= std::abs(FT)) {
    2695       38460 :                 F[0] = FL;
    2696       38460 :                 DF[0] = CDM;
    2697             :             } else {
    2698      696182 :                 F[0] = FT;
    2699      696182 :                 DF[0] = 0.5 * FT / PDROP;
    2700             :             }
    2701             :         }
    2702      734642 :         return 1;
    2703             :     }
    2704             : 
    2705           0 :     int DisSysCompHXProp::calculate([[maybe_unused]] EnergyPlusData &state,
    2706             :                                     Real64 const PDROP,                       // Total pressure drop across a component (P1 - P2) [Pa]
    2707             :                                     [[maybe_unused]] const Real64 multiplier, // Element multiplier
    2708             :                                     [[maybe_unused]] const Real64 control,    // Element control signal
    2709             :                                     const AirState &propN,                    // Node 1 properties
    2710             :                                     const AirState &propM,                    // Node 2 properties
    2711             :                                     std::array<Real64, 2> &F,                 // Airflow through the component [kg/s]
    2712             :                                     std::array<Real64, 2> &DF                 // Partial derivative:  DF/DP
    2713             :     )
    2714             :     {
    2715             : 
    2716             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    2717             :         //       AUTHOR         George Walton
    2718             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   Extracted from AIRNET
    2719             :         //       MODIFIED       Lixing Gu, 2/1/04
    2720             :         //                      Revised the subroutine to meet E+ needs
    2721             :         //       MODIFIED       Lixing Gu, 1/18/09
    2722             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
    2723             : 
    2724             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    2725             :         // This subroutine solves airflow for a heat exchanger component
    2726             : 
    2727             :         // SUBROUTINE PARAMETER DEFINITIONS:
    2728           0 :         Real64 constexpr C(0.868589);
    2729           0 :         Real64 constexpr EPS(0.001);
    2730           0 :         Real64 constexpr Rough(0.0001);
    2731           0 :         Real64 constexpr LamDynCoef(64.0);
    2732           0 :         Real64 constexpr LamFriCoef(0.0001);
    2733           0 :         Real64 constexpr TurDynCoef(0.0001);
    2734             : 
    2735             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
    2736             :         Real64 A0;
    2737             :         Real64 A1;
    2738             :         Real64 A2;
    2739             :         Real64 B;
    2740             :         Real64 D;
    2741             :         Real64 S2;
    2742             :         Real64 CDM;
    2743             :         Real64 FL;
    2744             :         Real64 FT;
    2745             :         Real64 FTT;
    2746             :         Real64 RE;
    2747             :         Real64 ed;
    2748             :         Real64 ld;
    2749             :         Real64 g;
    2750             :         Real64 AA1;
    2751             :         Real64 area;
    2752             : 
    2753             :         // Get component properties
    2754           0 :         ed = Rough / hydraulicDiameter;
    2755           0 :         area = pow_2(hydraulicDiameter) * DataGlobalConstants::Pi;
    2756           0 :         ld = L / hydraulicDiameter;
    2757           0 :         g = 1.14 - 0.868589 * std::log(ed);
    2758           0 :         AA1 = g;
    2759             : 
    2760             :         // Standard calculation.
    2761           0 :         if (PDROP >= 0.0) {
    2762             :             // Flow in positive direction.
    2763             :             // Laminar flow coefficient !=0
    2764             :             if (LamFriCoef >= 0.001) {
    2765             :                 A2 = LamFriCoef / (2.0 * propN.density * area * area);
    2766             :                 A1 = (propN.viscosity * LamDynCoef * ld) / (2.0 * propN.density * area * hydraulicDiameter);
    2767             :                 A0 = -PDROP;
    2768             :                 CDM = std::sqrt(A1 * A1 - 4.0 * A2 * A0);
    2769             :                 FL = (CDM - A1) / (2.0 * A2);
    2770             :                 CDM = 1.0 / CDM;
    2771             :             } else {
    2772           0 :                 CDM = (2.0 * propN.density * area * hydraulicDiameter) / (propN.viscosity * LamDynCoef * ld);
    2773           0 :                 FL = CDM * PDROP;
    2774             :             }
    2775           0 :             RE = FL * hydraulicDiameter / (propN.viscosity * area);
    2776             :             // Turbulent flow; test when Re>10.
    2777           0 :             if (RE >= 10.0) {
    2778           0 :                 S2 = std::sqrt(2.0 * propN.density * PDROP) * area;
    2779           0 :                 FTT = S2 / std::sqrt(ld / pow_2(g) + TurDynCoef);
    2780             :                 while (true) {
    2781           0 :                     FT = FTT;
    2782           0 :                     B = (9.3 * propN.viscosity * area) / (FT * Rough);
    2783           0 :                     D = 1.0 + g * B;
    2784           0 :                     g -= (g - AA1 + C * std::log(D)) / (1.0 + C * B / D);
    2785           0 :                     FTT = S2 / std::sqrt(ld / pow_2(g) + TurDynCoef);
    2786           0 :                     if (std::abs(FTT - FT) / FTT < EPS) break;
    2787             :                 }
    2788           0 :                 FT = FTT;
    2789             :             } else {
    2790           0 :                 FT = FL;
    2791             :             }
    2792             :         } else {
    2793             :             // Flow in negative direction.
    2794             :             // Laminar flow coefficient !=0
    2795             :             if (LamFriCoef >= 0.001) {
    2796             :                 A2 = LamFriCoef / (2.0 * propM.density * area * area);
    2797             :                 A1 = (propM.viscosity * LamDynCoef * ld) / (2.0 * propM.density * area * hydraulicDiameter);
    2798             :                 A0 = PDROP;
    2799             :                 CDM = std::sqrt(A1 * A1 - 4.0 * A2 * A0);
    2800             :                 FL = -(CDM - A1) / (2.0 * A2);
    2801             :                 CDM = 1.0 / CDM;
    2802             :             } else {
    2803           0 :                 CDM = (2.0 * propM.density * area * hydraulicDiameter) / (propM.viscosity * LamDynCoef * ld);
    2804           0 :                 FL = CDM * PDROP;
    2805             :             }
    2806           0 :             RE = -FL * hydraulicDiameter / (propM.viscosity * area);
    2807             :             // Turbulent flow; test when Re>10.
    2808           0 :             if (RE >= 10.0) {
    2809           0 :                 S2 = std::sqrt(-2.0 * propM.density * PDROP) * area;
    2810           0 :                 FTT = S2 / std::sqrt(ld / pow_2(g) + TurDynCoef);
    2811             :                 while (true) {
    2812           0 :                     FT = FTT;
    2813           0 :                     B = (9.3 * propM.viscosity * area) / (FT * Rough);
    2814           0 :                     D = 1.0 + g * B;
    2815           0 :                     g -= (g - AA1 + C * std::log(D)) / (1.0 + C * B / D);
    2816           0 :                     FTT = S2 / std::sqrt(ld / pow_2(g) + TurDynCoef);
    2817           0 :                     if (std::abs(FTT - FT) / FTT < EPS) break;
    2818             :                 }
    2819           0 :                 FT = -FTT;
    2820             :             } else {
    2821           0 :                 FT = FL;
    2822             :             }
    2823             :         }
    2824             :         // Select laminar or turbulent flow.
    2825           0 :         if (std::abs(FL) <= std::abs(FT)) {
    2826           0 :             F[0] = FL;
    2827           0 :             DF[0] = CDM;
    2828             :         } else {
    2829           0 :             F[0] = FT;
    2830           0 :             DF[0] = 0.5 * FT / PDROP;
    2831             :         }
    2832           0 :         return 1;
    2833             :     }
    2834             : 
    2835     5750095 :     int ZoneExhaustFan::calculate(EnergyPlusData &state,
    2836             :                                   bool const LFLAG,                         // Initialization flag.If = 1, use laminar relationship
    2837             :                                   Real64 const PDROP,                       // Total pressure drop across a component (P1 - P2) [Pa]
    2838             :                                   int const i,                              // Linkage number
    2839             :                                   [[maybe_unused]] const Real64 multiplier, // Element multiplier
    2840             :                                   [[maybe_unused]] const Real64 control,    // Element control signal
    2841             :                                   const AirState &propN,                    // Node 1 properties
    2842             :                                   const AirState &propM,                    // Node 2 properties
    2843             :                                   std::array<Real64, 2> &F,                 // Airflow through the component [kg/s]
    2844             :                                   std::array<Real64, 2> &DF                 // Partial derivative:  DF/DP
    2845             :     )
    2846             :     {
    2847             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    2848             :         //       AUTHOR         George Walton
    2849             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   Extracted from AIRNET
    2850             :         //       MODIFIED       Lixing Gu, 12/17/06
    2851             :         //                      Revised for zone exhaust fan
    2852             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
    2853             : 
    2854             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    2855             :         // This subroutine solves airflow for a surface crack component
    2856             : 
    2857             :         // Using/Aliasing
    2858             :         using DataHVACGlobals::VerySmallMassFlow;
    2859             : 
    2860             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
    2861             :         Real64 CDM;
    2862             :         Real64 FL;
    2863             :         Real64 FT;
    2864             :         Real64 RhozNorm;
    2865             :         Real64 VisczNorm;
    2866             :         Real64 expn;
    2867             :         Real64 Ctl;
    2868             :         Real64 coef;
    2869             :         Real64 Corr;
    2870             :         Real64 VisAve;
    2871             :         Real64 Tave;
    2872             :         Real64 RhoCor;
    2873             :         // int InletNode;
    2874             : 
    2875             :         // Formats
    2876             :         // static gio::Fmt Format_901("(A5,I3,6X,4E16.7)");
    2877             : 
    2878     5750095 :         if (state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNode).MassFlowRate > VerySmallMassFlow) {
    2879             :             // Treat the component as an exhaust fan
    2880     5230135 :             if (state.afn->PressureSetFlag == PressureCtrlExhaust) {
    2881           0 :                 F[0] = state.afn->ExhaustFanMassFlowRate;
    2882             :             } else {
    2883     5230135 :                 F[0] = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNode).MassFlowRate;
    2884             :             }
    2885     5230135 :             DF[0] = 0.0;
    2886     5230135 :             return 1;
    2887             :         } else {
    2888             :             // Treat the component as a surface crack
    2889             :             // Crack standard condition from given inputs
    2890      519960 :             Corr = state.afn->MultizoneSurfaceData(i).Factor;
    2891      519960 :             RhozNorm = state.afn->properties.density(StandardP, StandardT, StandardW);
    2892      519960 :             VisczNorm = 1.71432e-5 + 4.828e-8 * StandardT;
    2893             : 
    2894      519960 :             expn = FlowExpo;
    2895      519960 :             VisAve = (propN.viscosity + propM.viscosity) / 2.0;
    2896      519960 :             Tave = (propN.temperature + propM.temperature) / 2.0;
    2897      519960 :             if (PDROP >= 0.0) {
    2898      237087 :                 coef = FlowCoef / propN.sqrt_density * Corr;
    2899             :             } else {
    2900      282873 :                 coef = FlowCoef / propM.sqrt_density * Corr;
    2901             :             }
    2902             : 
    2903      519960 :             if (LFLAG) {
    2904             :                 // Initialization by linear relation.
    2905           0 :                 if (PDROP >= 0.0) {
    2906           0 :                     RhoCor = TOKELVIN(propN.temperature) / TOKELVIN(Tave);
    2907           0 :                     Ctl = std::pow(RhozNorm / propN.density / RhoCor, expn - 1.0) * std::pow(VisczNorm / VisAve, 2.0 * expn - 1.0);
    2908           0 :                     DF[0] = coef * propN.density / propN.viscosity * Ctl;
    2909             :                 } else {
    2910           0 :                     RhoCor = TOKELVIN(propM.temperature) / TOKELVIN(Tave);
    2911           0 :                     Ctl = std::pow(RhozNorm / propM.density / RhoCor, expn - 1.0) * std::pow(VisczNorm / VisAve, 2.0 * expn - 1.0);
    2912           0 :                     DF[0] = coef * propM.density / propM.viscosity * Ctl;
    2913             :                 }
    2914           0 :                 F[0] = -DF[0] * PDROP;
    2915             :             } else {
    2916             :                 // Standard calculation.
    2917      519960 :                 if (PDROP >= 0.0) {
    2918             :                     // Flow in positive direction.
    2919             :                     // Laminar flow.
    2920      237087 :                     RhoCor = TOKELVIN(propN.temperature) / TOKELVIN(Tave);
    2921      237087 :                     Ctl = std::pow(RhozNorm / propN.density / RhoCor, expn - 1.0) * std::pow(VisczNorm / VisAve, 2.0 * expn - 1.0);
    2922      237087 :                     CDM = coef * propN.density / propN.viscosity * Ctl;
    2923      237087 :                     FL = CDM * PDROP;
    2924             :                     // Turbulent flow.
    2925      237087 :                     if (expn == 0.5) {
    2926           0 :                         FT = coef * propN.sqrt_density * std::sqrt(PDROP) * Ctl;
    2927             :                     } else {
    2928      237087 :                         FT = coef * propN.sqrt_density * std::pow(PDROP, expn) * Ctl;
    2929             :                     }
    2930             :                 } else {
    2931             :                     // Flow in negative direction.
    2932             :                     // Laminar flow.
    2933      282873 :                     RhoCor = TOKELVIN(propM.temperature) / TOKELVIN(Tave);
    2934      282873 :                     Ctl = std::pow(RhozNorm / propM.density / RhoCor, expn - 1.0) * std::pow(VisczNorm / VisAve, 2.0 * expn - 1.0);
    2935      282873 :                     CDM = coef * propM.density / propM.viscosity * Ctl;
    2936      282873 :                     FL = CDM * PDROP;
    2937             :                     // Turbulent flow.
    2938      282873 :                     if (expn == 0.5) {
    2939           0 :                         FT = -coef * propM.sqrt_density * std::sqrt(-PDROP) * Ctl;
    2940             :                     } else {
    2941      282873 :                         FT = -coef * propM.sqrt_density * std::pow(-PDROP, expn) * Ctl;
    2942             :                     }
    2943             :                 }
    2944             :                 // Select laminar or turbulent flow.
    2945             :                 // if (LIST >= 4) gio::write(Unit21, Format_901) << " scr: " << i << PDROP << FL << FT;
    2946      519960 :                 if (std::abs(FL) <= std::abs(FT)) {
    2947           0 :                     F[0] = FL;
    2948           0 :                     DF[0] = CDM;
    2949             :                 } else {
    2950      519960 :                     F[0] = FT;
    2951      519960 :                     DF[0] = FT * expn / PDROP;
    2952             :                 }
    2953             :             }
    2954             :         }
    2955      519960 :         return 1;
    2956             :     }
    2957             : 
    2958           0 :     int ZoneExhaustFan::calculate(EnergyPlusData &state,
    2959             :                                   Real64 const PDROP,                       // Total pressure drop across a component (P1 - P2) [Pa]
    2960             :                                   [[maybe_unused]] const Real64 multiplier, // Element multiplier
    2961             :                                   const Real64 control,                     // Element control signal
    2962             :                                   const AirState &propN,                    // Node 1 properties
    2963             :                                   const AirState &propM,                    // Node 2 properties
    2964             :                                   std::array<Real64, 2> &F,                 // Airflow through the component [kg/s]
    2965             :                                   std::array<Real64, 2> &DF                 // Partial derivative:  DF/DP
    2966             :     )
    2967             :     {
    2968             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    2969             :         //       AUTHOR         George Walton
    2970             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   Extracted from AIRNET
    2971             :         //       MODIFIED       Lixing Gu, 12/17/06
    2972             :         //                      Revised for zone exhaust fan
    2973             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
    2974             : 
    2975             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    2976             :         // This subroutine solves airflow for a surface crack component
    2977             : 
    2978             :         // Using/Aliasing
    2979             :         using DataHVACGlobals::VerySmallMassFlow;
    2980             : 
    2981             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
    2982             :         Real64 CDM;
    2983             :         Real64 FL;
    2984             :         Real64 FT;
    2985             :         Real64 RhozNorm;
    2986             :         Real64 VisczNorm;
    2987             :         Real64 expn;
    2988             :         Real64 Ctl;
    2989             :         Real64 coef;
    2990             :         Real64 VisAve;
    2991             :         Real64 Tave;
    2992             :         Real64 RhoCor;
    2993             :         // int InletNode;
    2994             : 
    2995             :         // Formats
    2996             :         // static gio::Fmt Format_901("(A5,I3,6X,4E16.7)");
    2997             : 
    2998           0 :         if (state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNode).MassFlowRate > VerySmallMassFlow) {
    2999             :             // Treat the component as an exhaust fan
    3000           0 :             if (state.afn->PressureSetFlag == PressureCtrlExhaust) {
    3001           0 :                 F[0] = state.afn->ExhaustFanMassFlowRate;
    3002             :             } else {
    3003           0 :                 F[0] = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNode).MassFlowRate;
    3004             :             }
    3005           0 :             DF[0] = 0.0;
    3006           0 :             return 1;
    3007             :         } else {
    3008             :             // Treat the component as a surface crack
    3009             :             // Crack standard condition from given inputs
    3010           0 :             RhozNorm = state.afn->properties.density(StandardP, StandardT, StandardW);
    3011           0 :             VisczNorm = 1.71432e-5 + 4.828e-8 * StandardT;
    3012             : 
    3013           0 :             expn = FlowExpo;
    3014           0 :             VisAve = (propN.viscosity + propM.viscosity) / 2.0;
    3015           0 :             Tave = (propN.temperature + propM.temperature) / 2.0;
    3016           0 :             if (PDROP >= 0.0) {
    3017           0 :                 coef = control * FlowCoef / propN.sqrt_density;
    3018             :             } else {
    3019           0 :                 coef = control * FlowCoef / propM.sqrt_density;
    3020             :             }
    3021             : 
    3022             :             // Standard calculation.
    3023           0 :             if (PDROP >= 0.0) {
    3024             :                 // Flow in positive direction.
    3025             :                 // Laminar flow.
    3026           0 :                 RhoCor = TOKELVIN(propN.temperature) / TOKELVIN(Tave);
    3027           0 :                 Ctl = std::pow(RhozNorm / propN.density / RhoCor, expn - 1.0) * std::pow(VisczNorm / VisAve, 2.0 * expn - 1.0);
    3028           0 :                 CDM = coef * propN.density / propN.viscosity * Ctl;
    3029           0 :                 FL = CDM * PDROP;
    3030             :                 // Turbulent flow.
    3031           0 :                 if (expn == 0.5) {
    3032           0 :                     FT = coef * propN.sqrt_density * std::sqrt(PDROP) * Ctl;
    3033             :                 } else {
    3034           0 :                     FT = coef * propN.sqrt_density * std::pow(PDROP, expn) * Ctl;
    3035             :                 }
    3036             :             } else {
    3037             :                 // Flow in negative direction.
    3038             :                 // Laminar flow.
    3039           0 :                 RhoCor = TOKELVIN(propM.temperature) / TOKELVIN(Tave);
    3040           0 :                 Ctl = std::pow(RhozNorm / propM.density / RhoCor, expn - 1.0) * std::pow(VisczNorm / VisAve, 2.0 * expn - 1.0);
    3041           0 :                 CDM = coef * propM.density / propM.viscosity * Ctl;
    3042           0 :                 FL = CDM * PDROP;
    3043             :                 // Turbulent flow.
    3044           0 :                 if (expn == 0.5) {
    3045           0 :                     FT = -coef * propM.sqrt_density * std::sqrt(-PDROP) * Ctl;
    3046             :                 } else {
    3047           0 :                     FT = -coef * propM.sqrt_density * std::pow(-PDROP, expn) * Ctl;
    3048             :                 }
    3049             :             }
    3050             :             // Select laminar or turbulent flow.
    3051             :             // if (LIST >= 4) gio::write(Unit21, Format_901) << " scr: " << i << PDROP << FL << FT;
    3052           0 :             if (std::abs(FL) <= std::abs(FT)) {
    3053           0 :                 F[0] = FL;
    3054           0 :                 DF[0] = CDM;
    3055             :             } else {
    3056           0 :                 F[0] = FT;
    3057           0 :                 DF[0] = FT * expn / PDROP;
    3058             :             }
    3059             :         }
    3060           0 :         return 1;
    3061             :     }
    3062             : 
    3063      110900 :     int HorizontalOpening::calculate(EnergyPlusData &state,
    3064             :                                      bool const LFLAG,                         // Initialization flag.If = 1, use laminar relationship
    3065             :                                      Real64 const PDROP,                       // Total pressure drop across a component (P1 - P2) [Pa]
    3066             :                                      int const i,                              // Linkage number
    3067             :                                      [[maybe_unused]] const Real64 multiplier, // Element multiplier
    3068             :                                      [[maybe_unused]] const Real64 control,    // Element control signal
    3069             :                                      const AirState &propN,                    // Node 1 properties
    3070             :                                      const AirState &propM,                    // Node 2 properties
    3071             :                                      std::array<Real64, 2> &F,                 // Airflow through the component [kg/s]
    3072             :                                      std::array<Real64, 2> &DF                 // Partial derivative:  DF/DP
    3073             :     )
    3074             :     {
    3075             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    3076             :         //       AUTHOR         Lixing Gu
    3077             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   Apr. 2009
    3078             :         //       MODIFIED       na
    3079             :         //       MODIFIED       na
    3080             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
    3081             : 
    3082             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    3083             :         // This subroutine solves airflow for a horizontal opening component. The subroutine was
    3084             :         // developed based on the subroutine AFEPLR of AIRNET.
    3085             : 
    3086             :         // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
    3087             :         // Combine forced and buyancy airflows together with a cap
    3088             : 
    3089             :         // REFERENCES:
    3090             :         // Cooper, L., 1989, "Calculation of the Flow Through a Horizontal Ceiling/Floor Vent,"
    3091             :         // NISTIR 89-4052, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD
    3092             : 
    3093             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
    3094             :         Real64 RhozAver;
    3095             :         Real64 expn;
    3096             :         Real64 coef;
    3097             :         Real64 Width;  // Opening width
    3098             :         Real64 Height; // Opening height
    3099             :         Real64 Fact;   // Opening factor
    3100             :         // Real64 Slope;      // Opening slope
    3101             :         // Real64 DischCoeff; // Discharge coefficient
    3102             :         Real64 fma12;      // massflow in direction "from-to" [kg/s]
    3103             :         Real64 fma21;      // massflow in direction "to-from" [kg/s]
    3104             :         Real64 dp1fma12;   // derivative d fma12 / d Dp [kg/s/Pa]
    3105             :         Real64 dp1fma21;   // derivative d fma21 / d Dp [kg/s/Pa]
    3106             :         Real64 PurgedP;    // Purge pressure [Pa]
    3107             :         Real64 BuoFlow;    // Buoyancy flow rate [Pa]
    3108             :         Real64 BuoFlowMax; // Maximum buoyancy flow rate [Pa]
    3109             :         Real64 dPBuoFlow;  // Derivative of buoyancy flow rate [kg/s/Pa]
    3110             :         Real64 DH;         // Hydraulic diameter [m]
    3111             :         Real64 Cshape;     // Shape factor [dimensionless]
    3112             :         Real64 OpenArea;   // Opening area [m2]
    3113             : 
    3114             :         // Get information on the horizontal opening
    3115      110900 :         RhozAver = (propN.density + propM.density) / 2.0;
    3116      110900 :         Width = state.afn->MultizoneSurfaceData(i).Width;
    3117      110900 :         Height = state.afn->MultizoneSurfaceData(i).Height;
    3118      110900 :         Fact = state.afn->MultizoneSurfaceData(i).OpenFactor;
    3119      110900 :         expn = FlowExpo;
    3120      110900 :         coef = FlowCoef;
    3121             :         // Slope = MultizoneCompHorOpeningData(CompNum).Slope;
    3122             :         // DischCoeff = MultizoneCompHorOpeningData(CompNum).DischCoeff;
    3123      110900 :         Cshape = 0.942 * Width / Height;
    3124      110900 :         OpenArea =
    3125      110900 :             Width * Height * Fact * std::sin(Slope * DataGlobalConstants::Pi / 180.0) * (1.0 + std::cos(Slope * DataGlobalConstants::Pi / 180.0));
    3126      110900 :         DH = 4.0 * (Width * Height) / 2.0 / (Width + Height) * Fact;
    3127             : 
    3128             :         // Check which zone is higher
    3129      110900 :         if (Fact == 0.0) {
    3130           0 :             generic_crack(coef, expn, LFLAG, PDROP, propN, propM, F, DF);
    3131           0 :             return 1;
    3132             :         }
    3133             : 
    3134      110900 :         fma12 = 0.0;
    3135      110900 :         fma21 = 0.0;
    3136      110900 :         dp1fma12 = 0.0;
    3137      110900 :         dp1fma21 = 0.0;
    3138      110900 :         BuoFlow = 0.0;
    3139      110900 :         dPBuoFlow = 0.0;
    3140             : 
    3141      110900 :         if (state.afn->AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeHeights[0] > state.afn->AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeHeights[1]) {
    3142             :             // Node N is upper zone
    3143      110900 :             if (propN.density > propM.density) {
    3144       80689 :                 BuoFlowMax = RhozAver * 0.055 * std::sqrt(9.81 * std::abs(propN.density - propM.density) * pow_5(DH) / RhozAver);
    3145       80689 :                 PurgedP = Cshape * Cshape * 9.81 * std::abs(propN.density - propM.density) * pow_5(DH) / (2.0 * pow_2(OpenArea));
    3146       80689 :                 if (std::abs(PDROP) <= PurgedP) {
    3147       80689 :                     BuoFlow = BuoFlowMax * (1.0 - std::abs(PDROP) / PurgedP);
    3148       80689 :                     dPBuoFlow = BuoFlowMax / PurgedP;
    3149             :                 }
    3150             :             }
    3151             :         } else {
    3152             :             // Node M is upper zone
    3153           0 :             if (propN.density < propM.density) {
    3154           0 :                 BuoFlowMax = RhozAver * 0.055 * std::sqrt(9.81 * std::abs(propN.density - propM.density) * pow_5(DH) / RhozAver);
    3155           0 :                 PurgedP = Cshape * Cshape * 9.81 * std::abs(propN.density - propM.density) * pow_5(DH) / (2.0 * pow_2(OpenArea));
    3156           0 :                 if (std::abs(PDROP) <= PurgedP) {
    3157           0 :                     BuoFlow = BuoFlowMax * (1.0 - std::abs(PDROP) / PurgedP);
    3158           0 :                     dPBuoFlow = BuoFlowMax / PurgedP;
    3159             :                 }
    3160             :             }
    3161             :         }
    3162             : 
    3163      110900 :         if (PDROP == 0.0) {
    3164           0 :             fma12 = BuoFlow;
    3165           0 :             fma21 = BuoFlow;
    3166           0 :             dp1fma12 = 0.0;
    3167           0 :             dp1fma21 = 0.0;
    3168      110900 :         } else if (PDROP > 0.0) {
    3169       41993 :             fma12 = propN.density * OpenArea * Fact * DischCoeff * std::sqrt(2.0 * PDROP / RhozAver) + BuoFlow;
    3170       41993 :             dp1fma12 = propN.density * OpenArea * DischCoeff / std::sqrt(2.0 * PDROP * RhozAver) + dPBuoFlow;
    3171       41993 :             if (BuoFlow > 0.0) {
    3172       27998 :                 fma21 = BuoFlow;
    3173       27998 :                 dp1fma21 = dPBuoFlow;
    3174             :             }
    3175             :         } else { // PDROP.LT.0.0
    3176       68907 :             fma21 = propM.density * OpenArea * Fact * DischCoeff * std::sqrt(2.0 * std::abs(PDROP) / RhozAver) + BuoFlow;
    3177       68907 :             dp1fma21 = -propM.density * OpenArea * DischCoeff / std::sqrt(2.0 * std::abs(PDROP) * RhozAver) + dPBuoFlow;
    3178       68907 :             if (BuoFlow > 0.0) {
    3179       52691 :                 fma12 = BuoFlow;
    3180       52691 :                 dp1fma12 = dPBuoFlow;
    3181             :             }
    3182             :         }
    3183             : 
    3184      110900 :         F[0] = fma12 - fma21;
    3185      110900 :         DF[0] = dp1fma12 - dp1fma21;
    3186      110900 :         F[1] = 0.0;
    3187      110900 :         if (fma12 != 0.0 && fma21 != 0.0) {
    3188       80689 :             F[1] = BuoFlow;
    3189             :         }
    3190      110900 :         DF[1] = 0.0;
    3191             : 
    3192      110900 :         return 1;
    3193             :     }
    3194             : 
    3195      105424 :     int SpecifiedMassFlow::calculate([[maybe_unused]] EnergyPlusData &state,
    3196             :                                      [[maybe_unused]] bool const LFLAG,      // Initialization flag.If = 1, use laminar relationship
    3197             :                                      [[maybe_unused]] Real64 const PDROP,    // Total pressure drop across a component (P1 - P2) [Pa]
    3198             :                                      [[maybe_unused]] int const i,           // Linkage number
    3199             :                                      const Real64 multiplier,                // Element multiplier
    3200             :                                      const Real64 control,                   // Element control signal
    3201             :                                      [[maybe_unused]] const AirState &propN, // Node 1 properties
    3202             :                                      [[maybe_unused]] const AirState &propM, // Node 2 properties
    3203             :                                      std::array<Real64, 2> &F,               // Airflow through the component [kg/s]
    3204             :                                      std::array<Real64, 2> &DF               // Partial derivative:  DF/DP
    3205             :     )
    3206             :     {
    3207             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    3208             :         //       AUTHOR         Jason DeGraw and Prateek Shrestha
    3209             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   June 2021
    3210             :         //       MODIFIED       na
    3211             :         //       MODIFIED       na
    3212             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
    3213             : 
    3214             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    3215             :         // This subroutine computes airflow for a specified mass flow element.
    3216             : 
    3217      105424 :         F[0] = mass_flow * control * multiplier;
    3218      105424 :         DF[0] = 0.0;
    3219      105424 :         F[1] = 0.0;
    3220      105424 :         DF[1] = 0.0;
    3221             : 
    3222      105424 :         return 1;
    3223             :     }
    3224             : 
    3225           0 :     int SpecifiedVolumeFlow::calculate([[maybe_unused]] EnergyPlusData &state,
    3226             :                                        [[maybe_unused]] bool const LFLAG,   // Initialization flag.If = 1, use laminar relationship
    3227             :                                        [[maybe_unused]] Real64 const PDROP, // Total pressure drop across a component (P1 - P2) [Pa]
    3228             :                                        [[maybe_unused]] int const i,        // Linkage number
    3229             :                                        const Real64 multiplier,             // Element multiplier
    3230             :                                        const Real64 control,                // Element control signal
    3231             :                                        const AirState &propN,               // Node 1 properties
    3232             :                                        const AirState &propM,               // Node 2 properties
    3233             :                                        std::array<Real64, 2> &F,            // Airflow through the component [kg/s]
    3234             :                                        std::array<Real64, 2> &DF            // Partial derivative:  DF/DP
    3235             :     )
    3236             :     {
    3237             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    3238             :         //       AUTHOR         Jason DeGraw and Prateek Shrestha
    3239             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   June 2021
    3240             :         //       MODIFIED       na
    3241             :         //       MODIFIED       na
    3242             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
    3243             : 
    3244             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    3245             :         // This subroutine computes airflow for a specified volume flow element.
    3246             : 
    3247           0 :         Real64 flow = volume_flow * control * multiplier;
    3248             : 
    3249           0 :         Real64 upwind_density{propN.density};
    3250             : 
    3251           0 :         if (flow < 0.0) {
    3252           0 :             upwind_density = propM.density;
    3253             :         }
    3254             : 
    3255           0 :         F[0] = flow * upwind_density;
    3256           0 :         DF[0] = 0.0;
    3257           0 :         F[1] = 0.0;
    3258           0 :         DF[1] = 0.0;
    3259             : 
    3260           0 :         return 1;
    3261             :     }
    3262             : 
    3263      894647 :     int OutdoorAirFan::calculate(EnergyPlusData &state,
    3264             :                                  bool const LFLAG,                         // Initialization flag.If = 1, use laminar relationship
    3265             :                                  Real64 const PDROP,                       // Total pressure drop across a component (P1 - P2) [Pa]
    3266             :                                  int const i,                              // Linkage number
    3267             :                                  [[maybe_unused]] const Real64 multiplier, // Element multiplier
    3268             :                                  [[maybe_unused]] const Real64 control,    // Element control signal
    3269             :                                  const AirState &propN,                    // Node 1 properties
    3270             :                                  const AirState &propM,                    // Node 2 properties
    3271             :                                  std::array<Real64, 2> &F,                 // Airflow through the component [kg/s]
    3272             :                                  std::array<Real64, 2> &DF                 // Partial derivative:  DF/DP
    3273             :     )
    3274             :     {
    3275             : 
    3276             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    3277             :         // This subroutine solves airflow for a constant flow rate airflow component -- using standard interface.
    3278             : 
    3279             :         // Using/Aliasing
    3280             :         using DataHVACGlobals::FanType_SimpleOnOff;
    3281             :         using DataHVACGlobals::VerySmallMassFlow;
    3282             : 
    3283             :         // SUBROUTINE PARAMETER DEFINITIONS:
    3284      894647 :         int constexpr CycFanCycComp(1); // fan cycles with compressor operation
    3285             : 
    3286             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
    3287             :         Real64 expn;
    3288             :         Real64 Ctl;
    3289             :         Real64 coef;
    3290             :         Real64 Corr;
    3291             :         Real64 VisAve;
    3292             :         Real64 Tave;
    3293             :         Real64 RhoCor;
    3294             :         // int InletNode;
    3295             :         Real64 RhozNorm;
    3296             :         Real64 VisczNorm;
    3297             :         Real64 CDM;
    3298             :         Real64 FL;
    3299             :         Real64 FT;
    3300             : 
    3301      894647 :         int AirLoopNum = state.afn->AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).AirLoopNum;
    3302             : 
    3303      894647 :         if (state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNode).MassFlowRate > VerySmallMassFlow) {
    3304             :             // Treat the component as an exhaust fan
    3305      894647 :             F[0] = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNode).MassFlowRate;
    3306      894647 :             DF[0] = 0.0;
    3307      894647 :             if (state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopAFNInfo(AirLoopNum).LoopFanOperationMode == CycFanCycComp &&
    3308           0 :                 state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopAFNInfo(AirLoopNum).LoopOnOffFanPartLoadRatio > 0.0) {
    3309           0 :                 F[0] = F[0] / state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopAFNInfo(AirLoopNum).LoopOnOffFanPartLoadRatio;
    3310             :             }
    3311      894647 :             return 1;
    3312             :         } else {
    3313             :             // Treat the component as a surface crack
    3314             :             // Crack standard condition from given inputs
    3315           0 :             Corr = 1.0;
    3316           0 :             RhozNorm = state.afn->properties.density(StandardP, StandardT, StandardW);
    3317           0 :             VisczNorm = 1.71432e-5 + 4.828e-8 * StandardT;
    3318             : 
    3319           0 :             expn = FlowExpo;
    3320           0 :             VisAve = (propN.viscosity + propM.viscosity) / 2.0;
    3321           0 :             Tave = (propN.temperature + propM.temperature) / 2.0;
    3322           0 :             if (PDROP >= 0.0) {
    3323           0 :                 coef = FlowCoef / propN.sqrt_density * Corr;
    3324             :             } else {
    3325           0 :                 coef = FlowCoef / propM.sqrt_density * Corr;
    3326             :             }
    3327             : 
    3328           0 :             if (LFLAG) {
    3329             :                 // Initialization by linear relation.
    3330           0 :                 if (PDROP >= 0.0) {
    3331           0 :                     RhoCor = TOKELVIN(propN.temperature) / TOKELVIN(Tave);
    3332           0 :                     Ctl = std::pow(RhozNorm / propN.density / RhoCor, expn - 1.0) * std::pow(VisczNorm / VisAve, 2.0 * expn - 1.0);
    3333           0 :                     DF[0] = coef * propN.density / propN.viscosity * Ctl;
    3334             :                 } else {
    3335           0 :                     RhoCor = TOKELVIN(propM.temperature) / TOKELVIN(Tave);
    3336           0 :                     Ctl = std::pow(RhozNorm / propM.density / RhoCor, expn - 1.0) * std::pow(VisczNorm / VisAve, 2.0 * expn - 1.0);
    3337           0 :                     DF[0] = coef * propM.density / propM.viscosity * Ctl;
    3338             :                 }
    3339           0 :                 F[0] = -DF[0] * PDROP;
    3340             :             } else {
    3341             :                 // Standard calculation.
    3342           0 :                 if (PDROP >= 0.0) {
    3343             :                     // Flow in positive direction.
    3344             :                     // Laminar flow.
    3345           0 :                     RhoCor = TOKELVIN(propN.temperature) / TOKELVIN(Tave);
    3346           0 :                     Ctl = std::pow(RhozNorm / propN.density / RhoCor, expn - 1.0) * std::pow(VisczNorm / VisAve, 2.0 * expn - 1.0);
    3347           0 :                     CDM = coef * propN.density / propN.viscosity * Ctl;
    3348           0 :                     FL = CDM * PDROP;
    3349             :                     // Turbulent flow.
    3350           0 :                     if (expn == 0.5) {
    3351           0 :                         FT = coef * propN.sqrt_density * std::sqrt(PDROP) * Ctl;
    3352             :                     } else {
    3353           0 :                         FT = coef * propN.sqrt_density * std::pow(PDROP, expn) * Ctl;
    3354             :                     }
    3355             :                 } else {
    3356             :                     // Flow in negative direction.
    3357             :                     // Laminar flow.
    3358           0 :                     RhoCor = TOKELVIN(propM.temperature) / TOKELVIN(Tave);
    3359           0 :                     Ctl = std::pow(RhozNorm / propM.density / RhoCor, expn - 1.0) * std::pow(VisczNorm / VisAve, 2.0 * expn - 1.0);
    3360           0 :                     CDM = coef * propM.density / propM.viscosity * Ctl;
    3361           0 :                     FL = CDM * PDROP;
    3362             :                     // Turbulent flow.
    3363           0 :                     if (expn == 0.5) {
    3364           0 :                         FT = -coef * propM.sqrt_density * std::sqrt(-PDROP) * Ctl;
    3365             :                     } else {
    3366           0 :                         FT = -coef * propM.sqrt_density * std::pow(-PDROP, expn) * Ctl;
    3367             :                     }
    3368             :                 }
    3369             :                 // Select laminar or turbulent flow.
    3370           0 :                 if (std::abs(FL) <= std::abs(FT)) {
    3371           0 :                     F[0] = FL;
    3372           0 :                     DF[0] = CDM;
    3373             :                 } else {
    3374           0 :                     F[0] = FT;
    3375           0 :                     DF[0] = FT * expn / PDROP;
    3376             :                 }
    3377             :             }
    3378             :         }
    3379           0 :         return 1;
    3380             :     }
    3381             : 
    3382      894647 :     int ReliefFlow::calculate(EnergyPlusData &state,
    3383             :                               bool const LFLAG,                         // Initialization flag.If = 1, use laminar relationship
    3384             :                               Real64 const PDROP,                       // Total pressure drop across a component (P1 - P2) [Pa]
    3385             :                               int const i,                              // Linkage number
    3386             :                               [[maybe_unused]] const Real64 multiplier, // Element multiplier
    3387             :                               [[maybe_unused]] const Real64 control,    // Element control signal
    3388             :                               const AirState &propN,                    // Node 1 properties
    3389             :                               const AirState &propM,                    // Node 2 properties
    3390             :                               std::array<Real64, 2> &F,                 // Airflow through the component [kg/s]
    3391             :                               std::array<Real64, 2> &DF                 // Partial derivative:  DF/DP
    3392             :     )
    3393             :     {
    3394             : 
    3395             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    3396             :         // This subroutine solves airflow for a constant flow rate airflow component -- using standard interface.
    3397             : 
    3398             :         // Using/Aliasing
    3399             :         using DataHVACGlobals::VerySmallMassFlow;
    3400             : 
    3401             :         // SUBROUTINE PARAMETER DEFINITIONS:
    3402      894647 :         int constexpr CycFanCycComp(1); // fan cycles with compressor operation
    3403             : 
    3404             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
    3405             :         Real64 expn;
    3406             :         Real64 Ctl;
    3407             :         Real64 coef;
    3408             :         Real64 Corr;
    3409             :         Real64 VisAve;
    3410             :         Real64 Tave;
    3411             :         Real64 RhoCor;
    3412             :         Real64 RhozNorm;
    3413             :         Real64 VisczNorm;
    3414             :         Real64 CDM;
    3415             :         Real64 FL;
    3416             :         Real64 FT;
    3417             : 
    3418      894647 :         int AirLoopNum = state.afn->AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).AirLoopNum;
    3419             : 
    3420      894647 :         if (state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNode).MassFlowRate > VerySmallMassFlow) {
    3421             :             // Treat the component as an exhaust fan
    3422      894647 :             DF[0] = 0.0;
    3423      894647 :             if (state.afn->PressureSetFlag == PressureCtrlRelief) {
    3424      705055 :                 F[0] = state.afn->ReliefMassFlowRate;
    3425             :             } else {
    3426      189592 :                 F[0] = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNode).MassFlowRate;
    3427      189592 :                 if (state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopAFNInfo(AirLoopNum).LoopFanOperationMode == CycFanCycComp &&
    3428           0 :                     state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopAFNInfo(AirLoopNum).LoopOnOffFanPartLoadRatio > 0.0) {
    3429           0 :                     F[0] = F[0] / state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopAFNInfo(AirLoopNum).LoopOnOffFanPartLoadRatio;
    3430             :                 }
    3431             :             }
    3432      894647 :             return 1;
    3433             :         } else {
    3434             :             // Treat the component as a surface crack
    3435             :             // Crack standard condition from given inputs
    3436           0 :             Corr = 1.0;
    3437           0 :             RhozNorm = state.afn->properties.density(StandardP, StandardT, StandardW);
    3438           0 :             VisczNorm = 1.71432e-5 + 4.828e-8 * StandardT;
    3439             : 
    3440           0 :             expn = FlowExpo;
    3441           0 :             VisAve = (propN.viscosity + propM.viscosity) / 2.0;
    3442           0 :             Tave = (propN.temperature + propM.temperature) / 2.0;
    3443           0 :             if (PDROP >= 0.0) {
    3444           0 :                 coef = FlowCoef / propN.sqrt_density * Corr;
    3445             :             } else {
    3446           0 :                 coef = FlowCoef / propM.sqrt_density * Corr;
    3447             :             }
    3448             : 
    3449           0 :             if (LFLAG) {
    3450             :                 // Initialization by linear relation.
    3451           0 :                 if (PDROP >= 0.0) {
    3452           0 :                     RhoCor = TOKELVIN(propN.temperature) / TOKELVIN(Tave);
    3453           0 :                     Ctl = std::pow(RhozNorm / propN.density / RhoCor, expn - 1.0) * std::pow(VisczNorm / VisAve, 2.0 * expn - 1.0);
    3454           0 :                     DF[0] = coef * propN.density / propN.viscosity * Ctl;
    3455             :                 } else {
    3456           0 :                     RhoCor = TOKELVIN(propM.temperature) / TOKELVIN(Tave);
    3457           0 :                     Ctl = std::pow(RhozNorm / propM.density / RhoCor, expn - 1.0) * std::pow(VisczNorm / VisAve, 2.0 * expn - 1.0);
    3458           0 :                     DF[0] = coef * propM.density / propM.viscosity * Ctl;
    3459             :                 }
    3460           0 :                 F[0] = -DF[0] * PDROP;
    3461             :             } else {
    3462             :                 // Standard calculation.
    3463           0 :                 if (PDROP >= 0.0) {
    3464             :                     // Flow in positive direction.
    3465             :                     // Laminar flow.
    3466           0 :                     RhoCor = TOKELVIN(propN.temperature) / TOKELVIN(Tave);
    3467           0 :                     Ctl = std::pow(RhozNorm / propN.density / RhoCor, expn - 1.0) * std::pow(VisczNorm / VisAve, 2.0 * expn - 1.0);
    3468           0 :                     CDM = coef * propN.density / propN.viscosity * Ctl;
    3469           0 :                     FL = CDM * PDROP;
    3470             :                     // Turbulent flow.
    3471           0 :                     if (expn == 0.5) {
    3472           0 :                         FT = coef * propN.sqrt_density * std::sqrt(PDROP) * Ctl;
    3473             :                     } else {
    3474           0 :                         FT = coef * propN.sqrt_density * std::pow(PDROP, expn) * Ctl;
    3475             :                     }
    3476             :                 } else {
    3477             :                     // Flow in negative direction.
    3478             :                     // Laminar flow.
    3479           0 :                     RhoCor = TOKELVIN(propM.temperature) / TOKELVIN(Tave);
    3480           0 :                     Ctl = std::pow(RhozNorm / propM.density / RhoCor, expn - 1.0) * std::pow(VisczNorm / VisAve, 2.0 * expn - 1.0);
    3481           0 :                     CDM = coef * propM.density / propM.viscosity * Ctl;
    3482           0 :                     FL = CDM * PDROP;
    3483             :                     // Turbulent flow.
    3484           0 :                     if (expn == 0.5) {
    3485           0 :                         FT = -coef * propM.sqrt_density * std::sqrt(-PDROP) * Ctl;
    3486             :                     } else {
    3487           0 :                         FT = -coef * propM.sqrt_density * std::pow(-PDROP, expn) * Ctl;
    3488             :                     }
    3489             :                 }
    3490             :                 // Select laminar or turbulent flow.
    3491           0 :                 if (std::abs(FL) <= std::abs(FT)) {
    3492           0 :                     F[0] = FL;
    3493           0 :                     DF[0] = CDM;
    3494             :                 } else {
    3495           0 :                     F[0] = FT;
    3496           0 :                     DF[0] = FT * expn / PDROP;
    3497             :                 }
    3498             :             }
    3499             :         }
    3500           0 :         return 1;
    3501             :     }
    3502             : 
    3503     2132351 :     void generic_crack(Real64 &coefficient,      // Flow coefficient
    3504             :                        Real64 const exponent,    // Flow exponent
    3505             :                        bool const linear,        // Initialization flag. If true, use linear relationship
    3506             :                        Real64 const pdrop,       // Total pressure drop across a component (P1 - P2) [Pa]
    3507             :                        const AirState &propN,    // Node 1 properties
    3508             :                        const AirState &propM,    // Node 2 properties
    3509             :                        std::array<Real64, 2> &F, // Airflow through the component [kg/s]
    3510             :                        std::array<Real64, 2> &DF // Partial derivative:  DF/DP
    3511             :     )
    3512             :     {
    3513             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    3514             :         //       AUTHOR         George Walton
    3515             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   Extracted from AIRNET
    3516             :         //       MODIFIED       Lixing Gu, 2/1/04
    3517             :         //                      Revised the subroutine to meet E+ needs
    3518             :         //       MODIFIED       Lixing Gu, 6/8/05
    3519             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  This subroutine is revised from AFEPLR developed by George Walton, NIST
    3520             :         //                      Jason DeGraw
    3521             : 
    3522             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    3523             :         // This subroutine solves airflow for a power law component
    3524             : 
    3525             :         // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
    3526             :         // Using Q=C(dP)^n
    3527             : 
    3528             :         // FLOW:
    3529             :         // Calculate normal density and viscocity at reference conditions
    3530     2132351 :         constexpr Real64 reference_density = AIRDENSITY_CONSTEXPR(101325.0, 20.0, 0.0);
    3531     2132351 :         constexpr Real64 reference_viscosity = 1.71432e-5 + 4.828e-8 * 20.0;
    3532             : 
    3533     2132351 :         Real64 VisAve{0.5 * (propN.viscosity + propM.viscosity)};
    3534     2132351 :         Real64 Tave{0.5 * (propN.temperature + propM.temperature)};
    3535             : 
    3536     2132351 :         Real64 sign{1.0};
    3537     2132351 :         Real64 upwind_temperature{propN.temperature};
    3538     2132351 :         Real64 upwind_density{propN.density};
    3539     2132351 :         Real64 upwind_viscosity{propN.viscosity};
    3540     2132351 :         Real64 upwind_sqrt_density{propN.sqrt_density};
    3541     2132351 :         Real64 abs_pdrop = pdrop;
    3542             : 
    3543     2132351 :         if (pdrop < 0.0) {
    3544      836745 :             sign = -1.0;
    3545      836745 :             upwind_temperature = propM.temperature;
    3546      836745 :             upwind_density = propM.density;
    3547      836745 :             upwind_viscosity = propM.viscosity;
    3548      836745 :             upwind_sqrt_density = propM.sqrt_density;
    3549      836745 :             abs_pdrop = -pdrop;
    3550             :         }
    3551             : 
    3552     2132351 :         Real64 coef = coefficient / upwind_sqrt_density;
    3553             : 
    3554             :         // Laminar calculation
    3555     2132351 :         Real64 RhoCor{TOKELVIN(upwind_temperature) / TOKELVIN(Tave)};
    3556     2132351 :         Real64 Ctl{std::pow(reference_density / upwind_density / RhoCor, exponent - 1.0) *
    3557     2132351 :                    std::pow(reference_viscosity / VisAve, 2.0 * exponent - 1.0)};
    3558     2132351 :         Real64 CDM{coef * upwind_density / upwind_viscosity * Ctl};
    3559     2132351 :         Real64 FL{CDM * pdrop};
    3560             : 
    3561     2132351 :         if (linear) {
    3562           0 :             DF[0] = CDM;
    3563           0 :             F[0] = FL;
    3564             :         } else {
    3565             :             // Turbulent flow.
    3566             :             Real64 abs_FT;
    3567     2132351 :             if (exponent == 0.5) {
    3568           0 :                 abs_FT = coef * upwind_sqrt_density * std::sqrt(abs_pdrop) * Ctl;
    3569             :             } else {
    3570     2132351 :                 abs_FT = coef * upwind_sqrt_density * std::pow(abs_pdrop, exponent) * Ctl;
    3571             :             }
    3572             :             // Select linear or nonlinear flow.
    3573     2132351 :             if (std::abs(FL) <= abs_FT) {
    3574         457 :                 F[0] = FL;
    3575         457 :                 DF[0] = CDM;
    3576             :             } else {
    3577     2131894 :                 F[0] = sign * abs_FT;
    3578     2131894 :                 DF[0] = F[0] * exponent / pdrop;
    3579             :             }
    3580             :         }
    3581     2132351 :     }
    3582             : 
    3583       13462 :     int GenericDuct(Real64 const Length,      // Duct length
    3584             :                     Real64 const Diameter,    // Duct diameter
    3585             :                     bool const LFLAG,         // Initialization flag.If = 1, use laminar relationship
    3586             :                     Real64 const PDROP,       // Total pressure drop across a component (P1 - P2) [Pa]
    3587             :                     const AirState &propN,    // Node 1 properties
    3588             :                     const AirState &propM,    // Node 2 properties
    3589             :                     std::array<Real64, 2> &F, // Airflow through the component [kg/s]
    3590             :                     std::array<Real64, 2> &DF // Partial derivative:  DF/DP
    3591             :     )
    3592             :     {
    3593             : 
    3594             :         // This subroutine solve air flow as a duct if fan has zero flow rate
    3595             : 
    3596             :         // SUBROUTINE PARAMETER DEFINITIONS:
    3597       13462 :         Real64 constexpr C(0.868589);
    3598       13462 :         Real64 constexpr EPS(0.001);
    3599       13462 :         Real64 constexpr Rough(0.0001);
    3600       13462 :         Real64 constexpr InitLamCoef(128.0);
    3601       13462 :         Real64 constexpr LamDynCoef(64.0);
    3602       13462 :         Real64 constexpr LamFriCoef(0.0001);
    3603       13462 :         Real64 constexpr TurDynCoef(0.0001);
    3604             : 
    3605             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
    3606             :         Real64 A0;
    3607             :         Real64 A1;
    3608             :         Real64 A2;
    3609             :         Real64 B;
    3610             :         Real64 D;
    3611             :         Real64 S2;
    3612             :         Real64 CDM;
    3613             :         Real64 FL;
    3614             :         Real64 FT;
    3615             :         Real64 FTT;
    3616             :         Real64 RE;
    3617             : 
    3618             :         // Get component properties
    3619       13462 :         Real64 ed = Rough / Diameter;
    3620       13462 :         Real64 area = Diameter * Diameter * DataGlobalConstants::Pi / 4.0;
    3621       13462 :         Real64 ld = Length / Diameter;
    3622       13462 :         Real64 g = 1.14 - 0.868589 * std::log(ed);
    3623       13462 :         Real64 AA1 = g;
    3624             : 
    3625       13462 :         if (LFLAG) {
    3626             :             // Initialization by linear relation.
    3627           0 :             if (PDROP >= 0.0) {
    3628           0 :                 DF[0] = (2.0 * propN.density * area * Diameter) / (propN.viscosity * InitLamCoef * ld);
    3629             :             } else {
    3630           0 :                 DF[0] = (2.0 * propM.density * area * Diameter) / (propM.viscosity * InitLamCoef * ld);
    3631             :             }
    3632           0 :             F[0] = -DF[0] * PDROP;
    3633             :         } else {
    3634             :             // Standard calculation.
    3635       13462 :             if (PDROP >= 0.0) {
    3636             :                 // Flow in positive direction.
    3637             :                 // Laminar flow coefficient !=0
    3638             :                 if (LamFriCoef >= 0.001) {
    3639             :                     A2 = LamFriCoef / (2.0 * propN.density * area * area);
    3640             :                     A1 = (propN.viscosity * LamDynCoef * ld) / (2.0 * propN.density * area * Diameter);
    3641             :                     A0 = -PDROP;
    3642             :                     CDM = std::sqrt(A1 * A1 - 4.0 * A2 * A0);
    3643             :                     FL = (CDM - A1) / (2.0 * A2);
    3644             :                     CDM = 1.0 / CDM;
    3645             :                 } else {
    3646        3640 :                     CDM = (2.0 * propN.density * area * Diameter) / (propN.viscosity * LamDynCoef * ld);
    3647        3640 :                     FL = CDM * PDROP;
    3648             :                 }
    3649        3640 :                 RE = FL * Diameter / (propN.viscosity * area);
    3650             :                 // Turbulent flow; test when Re>10.
    3651        3640 :                 if (RE >= 10.0) {
    3652           0 :                     S2 = std::sqrt(2.0 * propN.density * PDROP) * area;
    3653           0 :                     FTT = S2 / std::sqrt(ld / pow_2(g) + TurDynCoef);
    3654             :                     while (true) {
    3655           0 :                         FT = FTT;
    3656           0 :                         B = (9.3 * propN.viscosity * area) / (FT * Rough);
    3657           0 :                         D = 1.0 + g * B;
    3658           0 :                         g -= (g - AA1 + C * std::log(D)) / (1.0 + C * B / D);
    3659           0 :                         FTT = S2 / std::sqrt(ld / pow_2(g) + TurDynCoef);
    3660           0 :                         if (std::abs(FTT - FT) / FTT < EPS) break;
    3661             :                     }
    3662           0 :                     FT = FTT;
    3663             :                 } else {
    3664        3640 :                     FT = FL;
    3665             :                 }
    3666             :             } else {
    3667             :                 // Flow in negative direction.
    3668             :                 // Laminar flow coefficient !=0
    3669             :                 if (LamFriCoef >= 0.001) {
    3670             :                     A2 = LamFriCoef / (2.0 * propM.density * area * area);
    3671             :                     A1 = (propM.viscosity * LamDynCoef * ld) / (2.0 * propM.density * area * Diameter);
    3672             :                     A0 = PDROP;
    3673             :                     CDM = std::sqrt(A1 * A1 - 4.0 * A2 * A0);
    3674             :                     FL = -(CDM - A1) / (2.0 * A2);
    3675             :                     CDM = 1.0 / CDM;
    3676             :                 } else {
    3677        9822 :                     CDM = (2.0 * propM.density * area * Diameter) / (propM.viscosity * LamDynCoef * ld);
    3678        9822 :                     FL = CDM * PDROP;
    3679             :                 }
    3680        9822 :                 RE = -FL * Diameter / (propM.viscosity * area);
    3681             :                 // Turbulent flow; test when Re>10.
    3682        9822 :                 if (RE >= 10.0) {
    3683           0 :                     S2 = std::sqrt(-2.0 * propM.density * PDROP) * area;
    3684           0 :                     FTT = S2 / std::sqrt(ld / pow_2(g) + TurDynCoef);
    3685             :                     while (true) {
    3686           0 :                         FT = FTT;
    3687           0 :                         B = (9.3 * propM.viscosity * area) / (FT * Rough);
    3688           0 :                         D = 1.0 + g * B;
    3689           0 :                         g -= (g - AA1 + C * std::log(D)) / (1.0 + C * B / D);
    3690           0 :                         FTT = S2 / std::sqrt(ld / pow_2(g) + TurDynCoef);
    3691           0 :                         if (std::abs(FTT - FT) / FTT < EPS) break;
    3692             :                     }
    3693           0 :                     FT = -FTT;
    3694             :                 } else {
    3695        9822 :                     FT = FL;
    3696             :                 }
    3697             :             }
    3698             :             // Select laminar or turbulent flow.
    3699       13462 :             if (std::abs(FL) <= std::abs(FT)) {
    3700       13462 :                 F[0] = FL;
    3701       13462 :                 DF[0] = CDM;
    3702             :             } else {
    3703           0 :                 F[0] = FT;
    3704           0 :                 DF[0] = 0.5 * FT / PDROP;
    3705             :             }
    3706             :         }
    3707       13462 :         return 1;
    3708             :     }
    3709             : 
    3710      749727 :     void DetailedOpeningSolver::presprofile(EnergyPlusData &state,
    3711             :                                             int const il,                  // Linkage number
    3712             :                                             int const Pprof,               // Opening number
    3713             :                                             Real64 const G,                // gravitation field strength [N/kg]
    3714             :                                             const Array1D<Real64> &DpF,    // Stack pressures at start heights of Layers
    3715             :                                             const Array1D<Real64> &DpT,    // Stack pressures at start heights of Layers
    3716             :                                             const Array1D<Real64> &BetaF,  // Density gradients in the FROM zone (starting at linkheight) [Kg/m3/m]
    3717             :                                             const Array1D<Real64> &BetaT,  // Density gradients in the TO zone (starting at linkheight) [Kg/m3/m]
    3718             :                                             const Array1D<Real64> &RhoStF, // Density at the start heights of Layers in the FROM zone
    3719             :                                             const Array1D<Real64> &RhoStT, // Density at the start heights of Layers in the TO zone
    3720             :                                             int const From,                // Number of FROM zone
    3721             :                                             int const To,                  // Number of To zone
    3722             :                                             Real64 const ActLh,            // Actual height of opening [m]
    3723             :                                             Real64 const OwnHeightFactor // Cosine of deviation angle of the opening plane from the vertical direction
    3724             :     )
    3725             :     {
    3726             : 
    3727             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    3728             :         //       AUTHOR         Lixing Gu
    3729             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   Oct. 2005
    3730             :         //       MODIFIED       na
    3731             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  This subroutine is revised based on PresProfile subroutine from COMIS
    3732             : 
    3733             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    3734             :         // This subroutine calculates for a large opening profiles of stack pressure difference and
    3735             :         // densities in the zones linked by the a detailed opening cmponent.
    3736             : 
    3737             :         // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
    3738             :         // The profiles are obtained in the following
    3739             :         // way:    - the opening is divided into NrInt vertical intervals
    3740             :         //         - the stack pressure difference and densities in From-
    3741             :         //           and To-zone are calculated at the centre of each
    3742             :         //           interval aswell as at the top and bottom of the LO
    3743             :         //          - these values are stored in the (NrInt+2)-dimensional
    3744             :         //             arrays DpProf, RhoProfF, RhoProfT.
    3745             :         // The calculation of stack pressure and density in the two zones
    3746             :         // is based on the arrays DpF/T, RhoStF/T, BetaF/T. These arrays
    3747             :         // are calculated in the COMIS routine Lclimb. They contain the
    3748             :         // values of stack pressure and density at the startheight of the
    3749             :         // opening and at startheights of all layers lying inside the
    3750             :         // opening, and the density gradients across the layers.
    3751             :         // The effective startheight zl(1/2) in the From/To zone and the
    3752             :         // effective length actLh of the LO take into account the
    3753             :         // startheightfactor, heightfactor and ownheightfactor. Thus for
    3754             :         // slanted windows the range of the profiles is the vertical
    3755             :         // projection of the actual opening.
    3756             : 
    3757             :         // REFERENCES:
    3758             :         // Helmut E. Feustel and Alison Rayner-Hooson, "COMIS Fundamentals," LBL-28560,
    3759             :         // Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA, May 1990
    3760             : 
    3761             :         // Argument array dimensioning
    3762      749727 :         EP_SIZE_CHECK(DpF, 2);
    3763      749727 :         EP_SIZE_CHECK(DpT, 2);
    3764      749727 :         EP_SIZE_CHECK(BetaF, 2);
    3765      749727 :         EP_SIZE_CHECK(BetaT, 2);
    3766      749727 :         EP_SIZE_CHECK(RhoStF, 2);
    3767      749727 :         EP_SIZE_CHECK(RhoStT, 2);
    3768             : 
    3769             :         // Locals
    3770             :         // SUBROUTINE ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS:
    3771             :         // in the FROM zone (starting at linkheight) [Pa]
    3772             :         // (starting at linkheight) [Kg/m3]
    3773             :         // (starting at linkheight) [Kg/m3]
    3774             : 
    3775             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
    3776     1499454 :         Array1D<Real64> zF(2); // Startheights of layers in FROM-, TO-zone
    3777     1499454 :         Array1D<Real64> zT(2);
    3778     1499454 :         Array1D<Real64> zStF(2); // Startheights of layers within the LO, starting with the actual startheight of the LO.
    3779     1499454 :         Array1D<Real64> zStT(2);
    3780             :         // The values in the arrays DpF, DpT, BetaF, BetaT, RhoStF, RhoStT are calculated at these heights.
    3781             :         Real64 hghtsFR;
    3782             :         Real64 hghtsTR;
    3783     1499454 :         Array1D<Real64> hghtsF(NrInt + 2); // Heights of evaluation points for pressure and density profiles
    3784     1499454 :         Array1D<Real64> hghtsT(NrInt + 2);
    3785             :         Real64 Interval; // Distance between two evaluation points
    3786             :         Real64 delzF;    // Interval between actual evaluation point and startheight of actual layer in FROM-, TO-zone
    3787             :         Real64 delzT;
    3788             :         int AnzLayF; // Number of layers in FROM-, TO-zone
    3789             :         int AnzLayT;
    3790             :         int lF; // Actual index for DpF/T, BetaF/T, RhoStF/T, zStF/T
    3791             :         int lT;
    3792             :         int n;
    3793             :         int i;
    3794             :         int k;
    3795             : 
    3796             :         // Initialization
    3797      749727 :         delzF = 0.0;
    3798      749727 :         delzT = 0.0;
    3799      749727 :         Interval = ActLh * OwnHeightFactor / NrInt;
    3800             : 
    3801    15744267 :         for (n = 1; n <= NrInt; ++n) {
    3802    14994540 :             hghtsF(n + 1) = state.afn->AirflowNetworkLinkageData(il).NodeHeights[0] + Interval * (n - 0.5);
    3803    14994540 :             hghtsT(n + 1) = state.afn->AirflowNetworkLinkageData(il).NodeHeights[1] + Interval * (n - 0.5);
    3804             :         }
    3805      749727 :         hghtsF(1) = state.afn->AirflowNetworkLinkageData(il).NodeHeights[0];
    3806      749727 :         hghtsT(1) = state.afn->AirflowNetworkLinkageData(il).NodeHeights[1];
    3807      749727 :         hghtsF(NrInt + 2) = state.afn->AirflowNetworkLinkageData(il).NodeHeights[0] + ActLh * OwnHeightFactor;
    3808      749727 :         hghtsT(NrInt + 2) = state.afn->AirflowNetworkLinkageData(il).NodeHeights[1] + ActLh * OwnHeightFactor;
    3809             : 
    3810      749727 :         lF = 1;
    3811      749727 :         lT = 1;
    3812      749727 :         if (From == 0) {
    3813           0 :             AnzLayF = 1;
    3814             :         } else {
    3815      749727 :             AnzLayF = 0;
    3816             :         }
    3817      749727 :         if (To == 0) {
    3818      681113 :             AnzLayT = 1;
    3819             :         } else {
    3820       68614 :             AnzLayT = 0;
    3821             :         }
    3822             : 
    3823      749727 :         if (AnzLayF > 0) {
    3824           0 :             for (n = 1; n <= AnzLayF; ++n) {
    3825           0 :                 zF(n) = 0.0;
    3826           0 :                 if (hghtsF(1) < 0.0) zF(n) = hghtsF(1);
    3827             :             }
    3828             :         }
    3829             : 
    3830      749727 :         if (AnzLayT > 0) {
    3831     1362226 :             for (n = 1; n <= AnzLayT; ++n) {
    3832      681113 :                 zT(n) = 0.0;
    3833      681113 :                 if (hghtsT(1) < 0.0) zT(n) = hghtsT(1);
    3834             :             }
    3835             :         }
    3836             : 
    3837      749727 :         zStF(1) = state.afn->AirflowNetworkLinkageData(il).NodeHeights[0];
    3838      749727 :         i = 2;
    3839      749727 :         k = 1;
    3840             : 
    3841      749727 :         while (k <= AnzLayF) {
    3842           0 :             if (zF(k) > zStF(1)) break;
    3843           0 :             ++k;
    3844             :         }
    3845             : 
    3846      749727 :         while (k <= AnzLayF) {
    3847           0 :             if (zF(k) > hghtsF(NrInt)) break;
    3848           0 :             zStF(i) = zF(k); // Autodesk:BoundsViolation zStF(i) @ i>2 and zF(k) @ k>2
    3849           0 :             ++i;
    3850           0 :             ++k;
    3851             :         }
    3852             : 
    3853      749727 :         zStF(i) = state.afn->AirflowNetworkLinkageData(il).NodeHeights[0] + ActLh * OwnHeightFactor; // Autodesk:BoundsViolation zStF(i) @ i>2
    3854      749727 :         zStT(1) = state.afn->AirflowNetworkLinkageData(il).NodeHeights[1];
    3855      749727 :         i = 2;
    3856      749727 :         k = 1;
    3857             : 
    3858     2111953 :         while (k <= AnzLayT) {
    3859      681113 :             if (zT(k) > zStT(1)) break;
    3860      681113 :             ++k;
    3861             :         }
    3862             : 
    3863      749727 :         while (k <= AnzLayT) {
    3864           0 :             if (zT(k) > hghtsT(NrInt)) break; // Autodesk:BoundsViolation zT(k) @ k>2
    3865           0 :             zStT(i) = zT(k);                  // Autodesk:BoundsViolation zStF(i) @ i>2 and zT(k) @ k>2
    3866           0 :             ++i;
    3867           0 :             ++k;
    3868             :         }
    3869             : 
    3870      749727 :         zStT(i) = state.afn->AirflowNetworkLinkageData(il).NodeHeights[1] + ActLh * OwnHeightFactor; // Autodesk:BoundsViolation zStT(i) @ i>2
    3871             : 
    3872             :         // Calculation of DpProf, RhoProfF, RhoProfT
    3873    17243721 :         for (i = 1; i <= NrInt + 2; ++i) {
    3874    16493994 :             hghtsFR = hghtsF(i);
    3875    16493994 :             hghtsTR = hghtsT(i);
    3876             : 
    3877             :             while (true) {
    3878    16493994 :                 if (hghtsFR > zStF(lF + 1)) {
    3879           0 :                     if (lF > 2) break;
    3880           0 :                     ++lF;
    3881             :                 }
    3882    16493994 :                 if (hghtsFR <= zStF(lF + 1)) break;
    3883             :             }
    3884             : 
    3885             :             while (true) {
    3886    16493994 :                 if (hghtsTR > zStT(lT + 1)) {
    3887           0 :                     ++lT;
    3888             :                 }
    3889    16493994 :                 if (hghtsTR <= zStT(lT + 1)) break;
    3890             :             }
    3891             : 
    3892    16493994 :             delzF = hghtsF(i) - zStF(lF);
    3893    16493994 :             delzT = hghtsT(i) - zStT(lT);
    3894             : 
    3895    16493994 :             RhoProfF(i + Pprof) = RhoStF(lF) + BetaF(lF) * delzF;
    3896    16493994 :             RhoProfT(i + Pprof) = RhoStT(lT) + BetaT(lT) * delzT;
    3897             : 
    3898    32987988 :             DpProf(i + Pprof) = DpF(lF) - DpT(lT) - G * (RhoStF(lF) * delzF + BetaF(lF) * pow_2(delzF) / 2.0) +
    3899    16493994 :                                 G * (RhoStT(lT) * delzT + BetaT(lT) * pow_2(delzT) / 2.0);
    3900             :         }
    3901      749727 :     }
    3902             : 
    3903      693100 :     void DetailedOpeningSolver::pstack(EnergyPlusData &state, std::vector<AirflowNetwork::AirState> &props, Array1D<Real64> &pz)
    3904             :     {
    3905             : 
    3906             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    3907             :         //       AUTHOR         Lixing Gu
    3908             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   Oct. 2005
    3909             :         //       MODIFIED       na
    3910             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  This subroutine is revised based on PresProfile subroutine from COMIS
    3911             : 
    3912             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    3913             :         // This subroutine calculates the stack pressures for a link between two zones
    3914             : 
    3915             :         // REFERENCES:
    3916             :         // Helmut E. Feustel and Alison Rayner-Hooson, "COMIS Fundamentals," LBL-28560,
    3917             :         // Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA, May 1990
    3918             : 
    3919             :         // USE STATEMENTS:
    3920             :         // Locals
    3921             :         // SUBROUTINE ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS:
    3922             :         // na
    3923             : 
    3924             :         // SUBROUTINE PARAMETER DEFINITIONS:
    3925      693100 :         Real64 constexpr PSea(101325.0);
    3926             : 
    3927             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
    3928             :         //      REAL(r64) RhoOut ! air density outside [kg/m3]
    3929             :         Real64 G;     // gravity field strength [N/kg]
    3930             :         Real64 RhoL1; // Air density [kg/m3]
    3931             :         Real64 RhoL2;
    3932             :         Real64 Pbz;                                                // Pbarom at entrance level [Pa]
    3933     1386200 :         Array2D<Real64> RhoDrL(state.afn->NumOfLinksMultiZone, 2); // dry air density on both sides of the link [kg/m3]
    3934             :         Real64 TempL1;                                             // Temp in From and To zone at link level [C]
    3935             :         Real64 TempL2;
    3936             :         //      REAL(r64) Tout ! outside temperature [C]
    3937             :         Real64 Xhl1; // Humidity in From and To zone at link level [kg/kg]
    3938             :         Real64 Xhl2;
    3939             :         //      REAL(r64) Xhout ! outside humidity [kg/kg]
    3940     1386200 :         Array1D<Real64> Hfl(state.afn->NumOfLinksMultiZone); // Own height factor for large (slanted) openings
    3941             :         int Nl;                                              // number of links
    3942             : 
    3943     1386200 :         Array1D<Real64> DpF(2);
    3944             :         Real64 DpP;
    3945     1386200 :         Array1D<Real64> DpT(2);
    3946             :         Real64 H;
    3947     1386200 :         Array1D<Real64> RhoStF(2);
    3948     1386200 :         Array1D<Real64> RhoStT(2);
    3949             :         Real64 RhoDrDummi;
    3950     1386200 :         Array1D<Real64> BetaStF(2);
    3951     1386200 :         Array1D<Real64> BetaStT(2);
    3952             :         Real64 T;
    3953             :         Real64 X;
    3954     1386200 :         Array1D<Real64> HSt(2);
    3955             :         Real64 TzFrom;
    3956             :         Real64 XhzFrom;
    3957             :         Real64 TzTo;
    3958             :         Real64 XhzTo;
    3959             :         Real64 ActLh;
    3960             :         Real64 ActLOwnh;
    3961             :         Real64 Pref;
    3962             :         Real64 PzFrom;
    3963             :         Real64 PzTo;
    3964     1386200 :         Array1D<Real64> RhoLd(2);
    3965             :         Real64 RhoStd;
    3966             :         int From;
    3967             :         int To;
    3968             :         int Fromz;
    3969             :         int Toz;
    3970             :         iComponentTypeNum Ltyp;
    3971             :         int i;
    3972             :         int ll;
    3973             :         int j;
    3974             :         int k;
    3975             :         int Pprof;
    3976             :         int ilayptr;
    3977             :         int OpenNum;
    3978             : 
    3979             :         Real64 RhoREF;
    3980             :         Real64 CONV;
    3981             : 
    3982      693100 :         RhoREF = state.afn->properties.density(PSea, state.dataEnvrn->OutDryBulbTemp, state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat);
    3983             : 
    3984      693100 :         CONV = state.dataEnvrn->Latitude * 2.0 * DataGlobalConstants::Pi / 360.0;
    3985      693100 :         G = 9.780373 * (1.0 + 0.0052891 * pow_2(std::sin(CONV)) - 0.0000059 * pow_2(std::sin(2.0 * CONV)));
    3986             : 
    3987      693100 :         Hfl = 1.0;
    3988      693100 :         Pbz = state.dataEnvrn->OutBaroPress;
    3989      693100 :         Nl = state.afn->NumOfLinksMultiZone;
    3990      693100 :         OpenNum = 0;
    3991      693100 :         RhoLd(1) = 1.2;
    3992      693100 :         RhoLd(2) = 1.2;
    3993      693100 :         RhoStd = 1.2;
    3994             : 
    3995    10623537 :         for (i = 1; i <= Nl; ++i) {
    3996             :             // Check surface tilt
    3997     9930437 :             if (i <= Nl - state.afn->NumOfLinksIntraZone) { // Revised by L.Gu, on 9 / 29 / 10
    3998    10571265 :                 if (state.afn->AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).DetOpenNum > 0 &&
    3999      749727 :                     state.dataSurface->Surface(state.afn->MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum).Tilt < 90) {
    4000           0 :                     Hfl(i) = state.dataSurface->Surface(state.afn->MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum).SinTilt;
    4001             :                 }
    4002             :             }
    4003             :             // Initialisation
    4004     9930437 :             From = state.afn->AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0];
    4005     9930437 :             To = state.afn->AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1];
    4006     9930437 :             if (state.afn->AirflowNetworkNodeData(From).EPlusZoneNum > 0 && state.afn->AirflowNetworkNodeData(To).EPlusZoneNum > 0) {
    4007     2862755 :                 ll = 0;
    4008     7067682 :             } else if (state.afn->AirflowNetworkNodeData(From).EPlusZoneNum == 0 && state.afn->AirflowNetworkNodeData(To).EPlusZoneNum > 0) {
    4009           0 :                 ll = 1;
    4010             :             } else {
    4011     7067682 :                 ll = 3;
    4012             :             }
    4013             : 
    4014     9930437 :             Ltyp = state.afn->AirflowNetworkCompData(state.afn->AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).CompNum).CompTypeNum;
    4015     9930437 :             if (Ltyp == iComponentTypeNum::DOP) {
    4016      749727 :                 ActLh = state.afn->MultizoneSurfaceData(i).Height;
    4017      749727 :                 ActLOwnh = ActLh * 1.0;
    4018             :             } else {
    4019     9180710 :                 ActLh = 0.0;
    4020     9180710 :                 ActLOwnh = 0.0;
    4021             :             }
    4022             : 
    4023     9930437 :             TempL1 = props[From].temperature;
    4024     9930437 :             Xhl1 = props[From].humidity_ratio;
    4025     9930437 :             TzFrom = props[From].temperature;
    4026     9930437 :             XhzFrom = props[From].humidity_ratio;
    4027     9930437 :             RhoL1 = props[From].density;
    4028     9930437 :             if (ll == 0 || ll == 3) {
    4029     9930437 :                 PzFrom = pz(From);
    4030             :             } else {
    4031           0 :                 PzFrom = 0.0;
    4032           0 :                 From = 0;
    4033             :             }
    4034             : 
    4035     9930437 :             ilayptr = 0;
    4036     9930437 :             if (From == 0) ilayptr = 1;
    4037     9930437 :             if (ilayptr == 0) {
    4038     9930437 :                 Fromz = 0;
    4039             :             } else {
    4040           0 :                 Fromz = From;
    4041             :             }
    4042             : 
    4043     9930437 :             TempL2 = props[To].temperature;
    4044     9930437 :             Xhl2 = props[To].humidity_ratio;
    4045     9930437 :             TzTo = props[To].temperature;
    4046     9930437 :             XhzTo = props[To].humidity_ratio;
    4047     9930437 :             RhoL2 = props[To].density;
    4048             : 
    4049     9930437 :             if (ll < 3) {
    4050     2862755 :                 PzTo = pz(To);
    4051             :             } else {
    4052     7067682 :                 PzTo = 0.0;
    4053     7067682 :                 To = 0;
    4054             :             }
    4055     9930437 :             ilayptr = 0;
    4056     9930437 :             if (To == 0) ilayptr = 1;
    4057     9930437 :             if (ilayptr == 0) {
    4058     2862755 :                 Toz = 0;
    4059             :             } else {
    4060     7067682 :                 Toz = To;
    4061             :             }
    4062             : 
    4063             :             // RhoDrL is Rho at link level without pollutant but with humidity
    4064     9930437 :             RhoDrL(i, 1) = state.afn->properties.density(state.dataEnvrn->OutBaroPress + PzFrom, TempL1, Xhl1);
    4065     9930437 :             RhoDrL(i, 2) = state.afn->properties.density(state.dataEnvrn->OutBaroPress + PzTo, TempL2, Xhl2);
    4066             : 
    4067             :             // End initialisation
    4068             : 
    4069             :             // calculate DpF the difference between Pz and P at Node 1 height
    4070     9930437 :             ilayptr = 0;
    4071     9930437 :             if (Fromz == 0) ilayptr = 1;
    4072     9930437 :             j = ilayptr;
    4073     9930437 :             k = 1;
    4074     9930437 :             lclimb(state, G, RhoLd(1), state.afn->AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeHeights[0], TempL1, Xhl1, DpF(k), Toz, PzTo, Pbz, RhoDrL(i, 1));
    4075     9930437 :             RhoL1 = RhoLd(1);
    4076             :             // For large openings calculate the stack pressure difference profile and the
    4077             :             // density profile within the the top- and the bottom- height of the large opening
    4078     9930437 :             if (ActLOwnh > 0.0) {
    4079      749727 :                 HSt(k) = state.afn->AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeHeights[0];
    4080      749727 :                 RhoStF(k) = RhoL1;
    4081      749727 :                 ++k;
    4082      749727 :                 HSt(k) = 0.0;
    4083      749727 :                 if (HSt(k - 1) < 0.0) HSt(k) = HSt(k - 1);
    4084             : 
    4085             :                 // Search for the first startheight of a layer which is within the top- and the
    4086             :                 // bottom- height of the large opening.
    4087             :                 while (true) {
    4088     2249181 :                     ilayptr = 0;
    4089     1499454 :                     if (Fromz == 0) ilayptr = 9;
    4090     1499454 :                     if ((j > ilayptr) || (HSt(k) > state.afn->AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeHeights[0])) break;
    4091      749727 :                     j += 9;
    4092      749727 :                     HSt(k) = 0.0;
    4093      749727 :                     if (HSt(k - 1) < 0.0) HSt(k) = HSt(k - 1);
    4094             :                 }
    4095             : 
    4096             :                 // Calculate Rho and stack pressure for every StartHeight of a layer which is
    4097             :                 // within the top- and the bottom-height of the  large opening.
    4098             :                 while (true) {
    4099      749727 :                     ilayptr = 0;
    4100      749727 :                     if (Fromz == 0) ilayptr = 9;
    4101      749727 :                     if ((j > ilayptr) || (HSt(k) >= (state.afn->AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeHeights[0] + ActLOwnh)))
    4102      749727 :                         break; // Autodesk:BoundsViolation HSt(k) @ k>2
    4103           0 :                     T = TzFrom;
    4104           0 :                     X = XhzFrom;
    4105           0 :                     lclimb(
    4106           0 :                         state, G, RhoStd, HSt(k), T, X, DpF(k), Fromz, PzFrom, Pbz, RhoDrDummi); // Autodesk:BoundsViolation HSt(k) and DpF(k) @ k>2
    4107           0 :                     RhoStF(k) = RhoStd;                                                          // Autodesk:BoundsViolation RhoStF(k) @ k>2
    4108           0 :                     j += 9;
    4109           0 :                     ++k;                                       // Autodesk:Note k>2 now
    4110           0 :                     HSt(k) = 0.0;                              // Autodesk:BoundsViolation @ k>2
    4111           0 :                     if (HSt(k - 1) < 0.0) HSt(k) = HSt(k - 1); // Autodesk:BoundsViolation @ k>2
    4112             :                 }
    4113             :                 // Stack pressure difference and rho for top-height of the large opening
    4114      749727 :                 HSt(k) = state.afn->AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeHeights[0] + ActLOwnh; // Autodesk:BoundsViolation k>2 poss
    4115      749727 :                 T = TzFrom;
    4116      749727 :                 X = XhzFrom;
    4117      749727 :                 lclimb(state, G, RhoStd, HSt(k), T, X, DpF(k), Fromz, PzFrom, Pbz, RhoDrDummi); // Autodesk:BoundsViolation k>2 poss
    4118      749727 :                 RhoStF(k) = RhoStd;                                                             // Autodesk:BoundsViolation k >= 3 poss
    4119             : 
    4120     1499454 :                 for (j = 1; j <= (k - 1); ++j) {
    4121      749727 :                     BetaStF(j) = (RhoStF(j + 1) - RhoStF(j)) / (HSt(j + 1) - HSt(j));
    4122             :                 }
    4123             :             }
    4124             : 
    4125             :             // repeat procedure for the "To" node, DpT
    4126     9930437 :             ilayptr = 0;
    4127     9930437 :             if (Toz == 0) ilayptr = 1;
    4128     9930437 :             j = ilayptr;
    4129             :             // Calculate Rho at link height only if we have large openings or layered zones.
    4130     9930437 :             k = 1;
    4131     9930437 :             lclimb(state, G, RhoLd(2), state.afn->AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeHeights[1], TempL2, Xhl2, DpT(k), Toz, PzTo, Pbz, RhoDrL(i, 2));
    4132     9930437 :             RhoL2 = RhoLd(2);
    4133             : 
    4134             :             // For large openings calculate the stack pressure difference profile and the
    4135             :             // density profile within the the top- and the bottom- height of the large opening
    4136     9930437 :             if (ActLOwnh > 0.0) {
    4137      749727 :                 HSt(k) = state.afn->AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeHeights[1];
    4138      749727 :                 RhoStT(k) = RhoL2;
    4139      749727 :                 ++k;
    4140      749727 :                 HSt(k) = 0.0;
    4141      749727 :                 if (HSt(k - 1) < 0.0) HSt(k) = HSt(k - 1);
    4142             :                 while (true) {
    4143     2249181 :                     ilayptr = 0;
    4144     1499454 :                     if (Toz == 0) ilayptr = 9;
    4145     1499454 :                     if ((j > ilayptr) || (HSt(k) > state.afn->AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeHeights[1])) break;
    4146      749727 :                     j += 9;
    4147      749727 :                     HSt(k) = 0.0;
    4148      749727 :                     if (HSt(k - 1) < 0.0) HSt(k) = HSt(k - 1);
    4149             :                 }
    4150             :                 // Calculate Rho and stack pressure for every StartHeight of a layer which is
    4151             :                 // within the top- and the bottom-height of the  large opening.
    4152             :                 while (true) {
    4153      749727 :                     ilayptr = 0;
    4154      749727 :                     if (Toz == 0) ilayptr = 9;
    4155      749727 :                     if ((j > ilayptr) || (HSt(k) >= (state.afn->AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeHeights[1] + ActLOwnh)))
    4156      749727 :                         break; // Autodesk:BoundsViolation Hst(k) @ k>2
    4157           0 :                     T = TzTo;
    4158           0 :                     X = XhzTo;
    4159           0 :                     lclimb(state, G, RhoStd, HSt(k), T, X, DpT(k), Toz, PzTo, Pbz, RhoDrDummi); // Autodesk:BoundsViolation HSt(k) and DpT(k) @ k>2
    4160           0 :                     RhoStT(k) = RhoStd;                                                         // Autodesk:BoundsViolation RhoStT(k) @ k>2
    4161           0 :                     j += 9;
    4162           0 :                     ++k;                                       // Autodesk:Note k>2 now
    4163           0 :                     HSt(k) = 0.0;                              // Autodesk:BoundsViolation @ k>2
    4164           0 :                     if (HSt(k - 1) < 0.0) HSt(k) = HSt(k - 1); // Autodesk:BoundsViolation @ k>2
    4165             :                 }
    4166             :                 // Stack pressure difference and rho for top-height of the large opening
    4167      749727 :                 HSt(k) = state.afn->AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeHeights[1] + ActLOwnh; // Autodesk:BoundsViolation k>2 poss
    4168      749727 :                 T = TzTo;
    4169      749727 :                 X = XhzTo;
    4170      749727 :                 lclimb(state, G, RhoStd, HSt(k), T, X, DpT(k), Toz, PzTo, Pbz, RhoDrDummi); // Autodesk:BoundsViolation k>2 poss
    4171      749727 :                 RhoStT(k) = RhoStd;                                                         // Autodesk:BoundsViolation k>2 poss
    4172             : 
    4173     1499454 :                 for (j = 1; j <= (k - 1); ++j) {
    4174      749727 :                     BetaStT(j) = (RhoStT(j + 1) - RhoStT(j)) / (HSt(j + 1) - HSt(j));
    4175             :                 }
    4176             :             }
    4177             : 
    4178             :             // CALCULATE STACK PRESSURE FOR THE PATH ITSELF for different flow directions
    4179     9930437 :             H = double(state.afn->AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeHeights[1]) - double(state.afn->AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeHeights[0]);
    4180     9930437 :             if (ll == 0 || ll == 3 || ll == 6) {
    4181     9930437 :                 H -= state.afn->AirflowNetworkNodeData(From).NodeHeight;
    4182             :             }
    4183     9930437 :             if (ll < 3) {
    4184     2862755 :                 H += state.afn->AirflowNetworkNodeData(To).NodeHeight;
    4185             :             }
    4186             : 
    4187             :             // IF AIR FLOWS from "From" to "To"
    4188     9930437 :             Pref = Pbz + PzFrom + DpF(1);
    4189     9930437 :             DpP = psz(Pref, RhoLd(1), 0.0, 0.0, H, G);
    4190     9930437 :             DpL(i, 1) = (DpF(1) - DpT(1) + DpP);
    4191             : 
    4192             :             // IF AIR FLOWS from "To" to "From"
    4193     9930437 :             Pref = Pbz + PzTo + DpT(1);
    4194     9930437 :             DpP = -psz(Pref, RhoLd(2), 0.0, 0.0, -H, G);
    4195     9930437 :             DpL(i, 2) = (DpF(1) - DpT(1) + DpP);
    4196             : 
    4197     9930437 :             if (Ltyp == iComponentTypeNum::DOP) {
    4198      749727 :                 Pprof = OpenNum * (NrInt + 2);
    4199      749727 :                 presprofile(state, i, Pprof, G, DpF, DpT, BetaStF, BetaStT, RhoStF, RhoStT, From, To, ActLh, Hfl(i));
    4200      749727 :                 ++OpenNum;
    4201             :             }
    4202             :         }
    4203      693100 :     }
    4204             : 
    4205    41221202 :     Real64 DetailedOpeningSolver::psz(Real64 const Pz0,  // Pressure at altitude z0 [Pa]
    4206             :                                       Real64 const Rho0, // density at altitude z0 [kg/m3]
    4207             :                                       Real64 const beta, // density gradient [kg/m4]
    4208             :                                       Real64 const z0,   // reference altitude [m]
    4209             :                                       Real64 const z,    // altitude[m]
    4210             :                                       Real64 const g     // gravity field strength [N/kg]
    4211             :     )
    4212             :     {
    4213             : 
    4214             :         // FUNCTION INFORMATION:
    4215             :         //       AUTHOR         Lixing Gu
    4216             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   Oct. 2005
    4217             :         //       MODIFIED       na
    4218             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  This subroutine is revised based on psz function from COMIS
    4219             : 
    4220             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    4221             :         // This function determines the pressure due to buoyancy in a stratified density environment
    4222             : 
    4223             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
    4224             :         Real64 dz;
    4225             :         Real64 rho;
    4226             : 
    4227    41221202 :         dz = z - z0;
    4228    41221202 :         rho = (Rho0 + beta * dz / 2.0);
    4229    41221202 :         return -Pz0 * (1.0 - std::exp(-dz * rho * g / Pz0)); // Differential pressure from z to z0 [Pa]
    4230             :     }
    4231             : 
    4232    21360328 :     void DetailedOpeningSolver::lclimb(EnergyPlusData &state,
    4233             :                                        Real64 const G,   // gravity field strength [N/kg]
    4234             :                                        Real64 &Rho,      // Density link level (initialized with rho zone) [kg/m3]
    4235             :                                        Real64 const Z,   // Height of the link above the zone reference [m]
    4236             :                                        Real64 &T,        // temperature at link level [C]
    4237             :                                        Real64 &X,        // absolute humidity at link level [kg/kg]
    4238             :                                        Real64 &Dp,       // Stackpressure to the linklevel [Pa]
    4239             :                                        int const zone,   // Zone number
    4240             :                                        Real64 const PZ,  // Zone Pressure (reflevel) [Pa]
    4241             :                                        Real64 const Pbz, // Barometric pressure at entrance level [Pa]
    4242             :                                        Real64 &RhoDr     // Air density of dry air on the link level used
    4243             :     )
    4244             :     {
    4245             : 
    4246             :         // FUNCTION INFORMATION:
    4247             :         //       AUTHOR         Lixing Gu
    4248             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   Oct. 2005
    4249             :         //       MODIFIED       na
    4250             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  This subroutine is revised based on subroutine IClimb from COMIS
    4251             : 
    4252             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    4253             :         // This function the differential pressure from the reflevel in a zone To Z, the level of a link
    4254             : 
    4255             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
    4256             :         Real64 H;        // Start Height of the layer
    4257             :         Real64 BetaT;    // Temperature gradient of this layer
    4258             :         Real64 BetaXfct; // Humidity gradient factor of this layer
    4259             :         Real64 BetaCfct; // Concentration 1 gradient factor of this layer
    4260             :         Real64 X0;
    4261             :         Real64 P;
    4262             :         Real64 Htop;
    4263             :         Real64 Hbot;
    4264             :         Real64 Rho0;
    4265             :         Real64 Rho1;
    4266             :         Real64 BetaRho;
    4267             :         static int L(0);
    4268             :         static int ilayptr(0);
    4269             : 
    4270    21360328 :         Dp = 0.0;
    4271    21360328 :         Rho0 = Rho;
    4272    21360328 :         X0 = X;
    4273    21360328 :         if (Z > 0.0) {
    4274             :             // initialize start values
    4275    21360328 :             H = 0.0;
    4276    21360328 :             BetaT = 0.0;
    4277    21360328 :             BetaXfct = 0.0;
    4278    21360328 :             BetaCfct = 0.0;
    4279    21360328 :             BetaRho = 0.0;
    4280    21360328 :             Hbot = 0.0;
    4281             : 
    4282    21360328 :             while (H < 0.0) {
    4283             :                 // loop until H>0 ; The start of the layer is above 0
    4284           0 :                 BetaT = 0.0;
    4285           0 :                 BetaXfct = 0.0;
    4286           0 :                 BetaCfct = 0.0;
    4287           0 :                 L += 9;
    4288           0 :                 ilayptr = 0;
    4289           0 :                 if (zone == 0) ilayptr = 9;
    4290           0 :                 if (L >= ilayptr) {
    4291           0 :                     H = Z + 1.0;
    4292             :                 } else {
    4293           0 :                     H = 0.0;
    4294             :                 }
    4295             :             }
    4296             : 
    4297             :             // The link is in this layer also if it is on the top of it.
    4298             : 
    4299             :             while (true) {
    4300    64080984 :                 if (H >= Z) {
    4301             :                     // the link ends in this layer , we reached the final Dp and BetaRho
    4302    21360328 :                     Htop = Z;
    4303    21360328 :                     P = PZ + Dp;
    4304    21360328 :                     if (Htop != Hbot) {
    4305    21360328 :                         Rho0 = state.afn->properties.density(Pbz + P, T, X);
    4306    21360328 :                         T += (Htop - Hbot) * BetaT;
    4307    21360328 :                         X += (Htop - Hbot) * BetaXfct * X0;
    4308    21360328 :                         Rho1 = state.afn->properties.density(Pbz + P, T, X);
    4309    21360328 :                         BetaRho = (Rho1 - Rho0) / (Htop - Hbot);
    4310    21360328 :                         Dp += psz(Pbz + P, Rho0, BetaRho, Hbot, Htop, G);
    4311             :                     }
    4312    21360328 :                     RhoDr = state.afn->properties.density(Pbz + PZ + Dp, T, X);
    4313    21360328 :                     Rho = state.afn->properties.density(Pbz + PZ + Dp, T, X);
    4314    21360328 :                     return;
    4315             : 
    4316             :                 } else {
    4317             :                     // bottom of the layer is below Z  (Z above ref)
    4318    21360328 :                     Htop = H;
    4319             :                     // P is the pressure up to the start height of the layer we just reached
    4320    21360328 :                     P = PZ + Dp;
    4321    21360328 :                     if (Htop != Hbot) {
    4322           0 :                         Rho0 = state.afn->properties.density(Pbz + P, T, X);
    4323           0 :                         T += (Htop - Hbot) * BetaT;
    4324           0 :                         X += (Htop - Hbot) * BetaXfct * X0;
    4325           0 :                         Rho1 = state.afn->properties.density(Pbz + P, T, X);
    4326           0 :                         BetaRho = (Rho1 - Rho0) / (Htop - Hbot);
    4327           0 :                         Dp += psz(Pbz + P, Rho0, BetaRho, Hbot, Htop, G);
    4328             :                     }
    4329             : 
    4330    21360328 :                     RhoDr = state.afn->properties.density(Pbz + PZ + Dp, T, X);
    4331    21360328 :                     Rho = state.afn->properties.density(Pbz + PZ + Dp, T, X);
    4332             : 
    4333             :                     // place current values Hbot and Beta's
    4334    21360328 :                     Hbot = H;
    4335    21360328 :                     BetaT = 0.0;
    4336    21360328 :                     BetaXfct = 0.0;
    4337    21360328 :                     BetaCfct = 0.0;
    4338    21360328 :                     L += 9;
    4339    21360328 :                     ilayptr = 0;
    4340    21360328 :                     if (zone == 0) ilayptr = 9;
    4341    21360328 :                     if (L >= ilayptr) {
    4342    21360328 :                         H = Z + 1.0;
    4343             :                     } else {
    4344           0 :                         H = 0.0;
    4345             :                     }
    4346             :                 }
    4347             :             }
    4348             : 
    4349             :         } else {
    4350             :             // This is the ELSE for negative linkheights Z below the refplane
    4351           0 :             H = 0.0;
    4352           0 :             BetaT = 0.0;
    4353           0 :             BetaXfct = 0.0;
    4354           0 :             BetaCfct = 0.0;
    4355           0 :             BetaRho = 0.0;
    4356           0 :             Htop = 0.0;
    4357           0 :             while (H > 0.0) {
    4358             :                 // loop until H<0 ; The start of the layer is below the zone refplane
    4359           0 :                 L -= 9;
    4360           0 :                 ilayptr = 0;
    4361           0 :                 if (zone == 0) ilayptr = 1;
    4362           0 :                 if (L < ilayptr) {
    4363             :                     // with H=Z (negative) this loop will exit, no data for interval Z-refplane
    4364           0 :                     H = Z;
    4365           0 :                     BetaT = 0.0;
    4366           0 :                     BetaXfct = 0.0;
    4367           0 :                     BetaCfct = 0.0;
    4368           0 :                     BetaRho = 0.0;
    4369             :                 } else {
    4370           0 :                     H = 0.0;
    4371           0 :                     BetaT = 0.0;
    4372           0 :                     BetaXfct = 0.0;
    4373           0 :                     BetaCfct = 0.0;
    4374             :                 }
    4375             :             }
    4376             : 
    4377             :             // The link is in this layer also if it is on the bottom of it.
    4378             :             while (true) {
    4379           0 :                 if (H <= Z) {
    4380           0 :                     Hbot = Z;
    4381           0 :                     P = PZ + Dp;
    4382           0 :                     if (Htop != Hbot) {
    4383           0 :                         Rho1 = state.afn->properties.density(Pbz + P, T, X);
    4384           0 :                         T += (Hbot - Htop) * BetaT;
    4385           0 :                         X += (Hbot - Htop) * BetaXfct * X0;
    4386           0 :                         Rho0 = state.afn->properties.density(Pbz + P, T, X);
    4387           0 :                         BetaRho = (Rho1 - Rho0) / (Htop - Hbot);
    4388           0 :                         Dp -= psz(Pbz + P, Rho0, BetaRho, Hbot, Htop, G);
    4389             :                     }
    4390           0 :                     RhoDr = state.afn->properties.density(Pbz + PZ + Dp, T, X);
    4391           0 :                     Rho = state.afn->properties.density(Pbz + PZ + Dp, T, X);
    4392           0 :                     return;
    4393             :                 } else {
    4394             :                     // bottom of the layer is below Z  (Z below ref)
    4395           0 :                     Hbot = H;
    4396           0 :                     P = PZ + Dp;
    4397           0 :                     if (Htop != Hbot) {
    4398           0 :                         Rho1 = state.afn->properties.density(Pbz + P, T, X);
    4399             :                         // T,X,C calculated for the lower height
    4400           0 :                         T += (Hbot - Htop) * BetaT;
    4401           0 :                         X += (Hbot - Htop) * BetaXfct * X0;
    4402           0 :                         Rho0 = state.afn->properties.density(Pbz + P, T, X);
    4403           0 :                         BetaRho = (Rho1 - Rho0) / (Htop - Hbot);
    4404           0 :                         Dp -= psz(Pbz + P, Rho0, BetaRho, Hbot, Htop, G);
    4405             :                     }
    4406           0 :                     RhoDr = state.afn->properties.density(Pbz + PZ + Dp, T, X);
    4407           0 :                     Rho = state.afn->properties.density(Pbz + PZ + Dp, T, X);
    4408             : 
    4409             :                     // place current values Hbot and Beta's
    4410           0 :                     Htop = H;
    4411           0 :                     L -= 9;
    4412           0 :                     ilayptr = 0;
    4413           0 :                     if (zone == 0) ilayptr = 1;
    4414           0 :                     if (L < ilayptr) {
    4415           0 :                         H = Z - 1.0;
    4416           0 :                         BetaT = 0.0;
    4417           0 :                         BetaXfct = 0.0;
    4418           0 :                         BetaCfct = 0.0;
    4419             :                     } else {
    4420           0 :                         H = 0.0;
    4421           0 :                         BetaT = 0.0;
    4422           0 :                         BetaXfct = 0.0;
    4423           0 :                         BetaCfct = 0.0;
    4424             :                     }
    4425             :                 }
    4426             :                 // ENDIF H<Z
    4427             :             }
    4428             :         }
    4429             :     }
    4430             : 
    4431             : } // namespace AirflowNetwork
    4432             : 
    4433        2313 : } // namespace EnergyPlus

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