LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - EnergyPlus/AirflowNetwork/src - Solver.cpp (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: lcov.output.filtered Lines: 5979 8291 72.1 %
Date: 2023-01-17 19:17:23 Functions: 55 58 94.8 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : // EnergyPlus, Copyright (c) 1996-2023, The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois,
       2             : // The Regents of the University of California, through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
       3             : // (subject to receipt of any required approvals from the U.S. Dept. of Energy), Oak Ridge
       4             : // National Laboratory, managed by UT-Battelle, Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC, and other
       5             : // contributors. All rights reserved.
       6             : //
       7             : // NOTICE: This Software was developed under funding from the U.S. Department of Energy and the
       8             : // U.S. Government consequently retains certain rights. As such, the U.S. Government has been
       9             : // granted for itself and others acting on its behalf a paid-up, nonexclusive, irrevocable,
      10             : // worldwide license in the Software to reproduce, distribute copies to the public, prepare
      11             : // derivative works, and perform publicly and display publicly, and to permit others to do so.
      12             : //
      13             : // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted
      14             : // provided that the following conditions are met:
      15             : //
      16             : // (1) Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of
      17             : //     conditions and the following disclaimer.
      18             : //
      19             : // (2) Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of
      20             : //     conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
      21             : //     provided with the distribution.
      22             : //
      23             : // (3) Neither the name of the University of California, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,
      24             : //     the University of Illinois, U.S. Dept. of Energy nor the names of its contributors may be
      25             : //     used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior
      26             : //     written permission.
      27             : //
      28             : // (4) Use of EnergyPlus(TM) Name. If Licensee (i) distributes the software in stand-alone form
      29             : //     without changes from the version obtained under this License, or (ii) Licensee makes a
      30             : //     reference solely to the software portion of its product, Licensee must refer to the
      31             : //     software as "EnergyPlus version X" software, where "X" is the version number Licensee
      32             : //     obtained under this License and may not use a different name for the software. Except as
      33             : //     specifically required in this Section (4), Licensee shall not use in a company name, a
      34             : //     product name, in advertising, publicity, or other promotional activities any name, trade
      35             : //     name, trademark, logo, or other designation of "EnergyPlus", "E+", "e+" or confusingly
      36             : //     similar designation, without the U.S. Department of Energy's prior written consent.
      37             : //
      46             : // POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.
      47             : 
      48             : #include "AirflowNetwork/Solver.hpp"
      49             : 
      50             : // C++ Headers
      51             : #include <algorithm>
      52             : #include <cmath>
      53             : #include <set>
      54             : #include <string>
      55             : 
      56             : // ObjexxFCL Headers
      57             : #include <ObjexxFCL/Array.functions.hh>
      58             : #include <ObjexxFCL/Array2D.hh>
      59             : #include <ObjexxFCL/Fmath.hh>
      60             : 
      61             : // EnergyPlus Headers
      62             : #include <AirflowNetwork/Elements.hpp>
      63             : #include <AirflowNetwork/Solver.hpp>
      64             : #include <EnergyPlus/BranchNodeConnections.hh>
      65             : #include <EnergyPlus/Coils/CoilCoolingDX.hh>
      66             : #include <EnergyPlus/Construction.hh>
      67             : #include <EnergyPlus/CurveManager.hh>
      68             : #include <EnergyPlus/DXCoils.hh>
      69             : #include <EnergyPlus/Data/EnergyPlusData.hh>
      70             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataAirLoop.hh>
      71             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataAirSystems.hh>
      72             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataBranchNodeConnections.hh>
      73             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataContaminantBalance.hh>
      74             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataDefineEquip.hh>
      75             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataEnvironment.hh>
      76             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataHVACGlobals.hh>
      77             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataHeatBalFanSys.hh>
      78             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataHeatBalSurface.hh>
      79             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataHeatBalance.hh>
      80             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataLoopNode.hh>
      81             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataRoomAirModel.hh>
      82             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataSurfaces.hh>
      83             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataZoneEquipment.hh>
      84             : #include <EnergyPlus/EMSManager.hh>
      85             : #include <EnergyPlus/Fans.hh>
      86             : #include <EnergyPlus/General.hh>
      87             : #include <EnergyPlus/GeneralRoutines.hh>
      88             : #include <EnergyPlus/GlobalNames.hh>
      89             : #include <EnergyPlus/HVACFan.hh>
      90             : #include <EnergyPlus/HVACHXAssistedCoolingCoil.hh>
      91             : #include <EnergyPlus/HVACStandAloneERV.hh>
      92             : #include <EnergyPlus/HeatingCoils.hh>
      93             : #include <EnergyPlus/InputProcessing/InputProcessor.hh>
      94             : #include <EnergyPlus/MixedAir.hh>
      95             : #include <EnergyPlus/NodeInputManager.hh>
      96             : #include <EnergyPlus/OutAirNodeManager.hh>
      97             : #include <EnergyPlus/OutputProcessor.hh>
      98             : #include <EnergyPlus/Psychrometrics.hh>
      99             : #include <EnergyPlus/RoomAirModelManager.hh>
     100             : #include <EnergyPlus/ScheduleManager.hh>
     101             : #include <EnergyPlus/SingleDuct.hh>
     102             : #include <EnergyPlus/SplitterComponent.hh>
     103             : #include <EnergyPlus/ThermalComfort.hh>
     104             : #include <EnergyPlus/UtilityRoutines.hh>
     105             : #include <EnergyPlus/WaterThermalTanks.hh>
     106             : #include <EnergyPlus/ZoneDehumidifier.hh>
     107             : #include <EnergyPlus/ZoneTempPredictorCorrector.hh>
     108             : 
     109             : namespace EnergyPlus {
     110             : 
     111             : namespace AirflowNetwork {
     112             : 
     113             :     // MODULE INFORMATION:
     114             :     //       AUTHOR         Lixing Gu, Don Shirey, and Muthusamy V. Swami
     115             :     //       DATE WRITTEN   July 2005
     116             :     //       MODIFIED       na
     117             :     //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
     118             : 
     119             :     // PURPOSE OF THIS MODULE:
     120             :     // This module is used to simulate airflows and pressures. The module is modified to
     121             :     // meet requirements of EnergyPLus based on AIRNET, developed by
     122             :     // National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).
     123             : 
     124             :     // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
     125             :     // An airflow network approach is used. It consists of nodes connected by airflow elements.
     126             :     // The Newton's method is applied to solve a sparse matrix. When a new solver is available, this
     127             :     // module will be replaced or updated.
     128             : 
     129             :     // REFERENCES:
     130             :     // Walton, G. N., 1989, "AIRNET - A Computer Program for Building Airflow Network Modeling,"
     131             :     // NISTIR 89-4072, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, Maryland
     132             : 
     133             :     // Using/Aliasing
     134             :     using Curve::CurveValue;
     135             :     using Curve::GetCurveIndex;
     136             :     using DataEnvironment::OutDryBulbTempAt;
     137             :     using DataHVACGlobals::ContFanCycCoil;
     138             :     using DataHVACGlobals::CycFanCycCoil;
     139             :     using DataHVACGlobals::FanType_SimpleConstVolume;
     140             :     using DataHVACGlobals::FanType_SimpleOnOff;
     141             :     using DataHVACGlobals::FanType_SimpleVAV;
     142             :     using DataHVACGlobals::FanType_ZoneExhaust;
     143             :     using DataSurfaces::cExtBoundCondition;
     144             :     using DataSurfaces::ExternalEnvironment;
     145             :     using DataSurfaces::OtherSideCoefNoCalcExt;
     146             :     using DataSurfaces::SurfaceClass;
     147             :     using Fans::GetFanIndex;
     148             :     using Fans::GetFanInletNode;
     149             :     using Fans::GetFanOutletNode;
     150             :     using Fans::GetFanType;
     151             :     using Fans::GetFanVolFlow;
     152             :     using Psychrometrics::PsyCpAirFnW;
     153             :     using Psychrometrics::PsyHFnTdbW;
     154             :     using Psychrometrics::PsyRhoAirFnPbTdbW;
     155             :     using ScheduleManager::GetCurrentScheduleValue;
     156             :     using ScheduleManager::GetScheduleIndex;
     157             : 
     158         771 :     Solver::Solver(EnergyPlusData &state) : m_state(state), properties(state)
     159             :     {
     160         771 :     }
     161             : 
     162             :     int constexpr NumOfVentCtrTypes(6); // Number of zone level venting control types
     163             : 
     164      657644 :     void Solver::manage_balance(Optional_bool_const FirstHVACIteration, // True when solution technique on first iteration
     165             :                                 Optional_int_const Iter,                // Iteration number
     166             :                                 Optional_bool ResimulateAirZone         // True when solution technique on third iteration
     167             :     )
     168             :     {
     169             : 
     170             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
     171             :         //       AUTHOR         Lixing Gu
     172             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   July 28, 2005
     173             :         //       MODIFIED       na
     174             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
     175             : 
     176             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
     177             :         // This subroutine performs simulation of air distribution system.
     178             : 
     179             :         // Using/Aliasing
     180      657644 :         auto &TurnFansOn = m_state.dataHVACGlobal->TurnFansOn;
     181             :         using DataHVACGlobals::VerySmallMassFlow;
     182             : 
     183             :         // Locals
     184             :         int i;
     185      657644 :         int AFNSupplyFanType = 0;
     186             : 
     187      657644 :         if (AirflowNetworkGetInputFlag) {
     188         771 :             get_input();
     189         771 :             AirflowNetworkGetInputFlag = false;
     190         771 :             return;
     191             :         }
     192             : 
     193      656873 :         if (present(ResimulateAirZone)) {
     194      357307 :             ResimulateAirZone = false;
     195             :         }
     196             : 
     197      656873 :         if (simulation_control.type == ControlType::NoMultizoneOrDistribution) return;
     198             : 
     199      656873 :         if (m_state.dataGlobal->BeginEnvrnFlag) {
     200        2228 :             TurnFansOn = false; // The FAN should be off when BeginEnvrnFlag = .True.
     201             :         }
     202             : 
     203      656873 :         initialize();
     204             : 
     205      656873 :         auto &NetworkNumOfNodes = ActualNumOfNodes;
     206      656873 :         auto &NetworkNumOfLinks = ActualNumOfLinks;
     207             : 
     208      656873 :         NetworkNumOfNodes = NumOfNodesMultiZone;
     209      656873 :         NetworkNumOfLinks = NumOfLinksMultiZone;
     210             : 
     211      656873 :         AirflowNetworkFanActivated = false;
     212             : 
     213      656873 :         if (present(FirstHVACIteration) && distribution_simulated) {
     214      555029 :             if (FirstHVACIteration) {
     215      106576 :                 if (allocated(m_state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopAFNInfo)) {
     216      216741 :                     for (i = 1; i <= DisSysNumOfCVFs; i++) {
     217      110184 :                         m_state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopAFNInfo(i).AFNLoopHeatingCoilMaxRTF = 0.0;
     218      110184 :                         m_state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopAFNInfo(i).AFNLoopOnOffFanRTF = 0.0;
     219      110184 :                         m_state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopAFNInfo(i).AFNLoopDXCoilRTF = 0.0;
     220      110184 :                         m_state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopAFNInfo(i).LoopOnOffFanPartLoadRatio = 0.0;
     221             :                     }
     222             :                 }
     223             :             }
     224      555029 :             Real64 FanMassFlowRate = 0.0;
     225      555029 :             int FanOperModeCyc = 0;
     226      555029 :             AFNSupplyFanType = 0;
     227             : 
     228      788204 :             for (i = 1; i <= DisSysNumOfCVFs; i++) {
     229      571719 :                 AFNSupplyFanType = DisSysCompCVFData(i).FanTypeNum;
     230      571719 :                 FanMassFlowRate = max(FanMassFlowRate, m_state.dataLoopNodes->Node(DisSysCompCVFData(i).OutletNode).MassFlowRate);
     231             :                 // VAV take high priority
     232      571719 :                 if (DisSysCompCVFData(i).FanTypeNum == FanType_SimpleVAV) {
     233       20520 :                     AFNSupplyFanType = DisSysCompCVFData(i).FanTypeNum;
     234       20520 :                     break;
     235             :                 }
     236      870128 :                 if (FanMassFlowRate > VerySmallMassFlow && m_state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopAFNInfo(i).LoopFanOperationMode == CycFanCycCoil &&
     237      318929 :                     m_state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopAFNInfo(i).LoopSystemOnMassFlowrate > 0.0) {
     238      318024 :                     FanOperModeCyc = CycFanCycCoil;
     239      318024 :                     AFNSupplyFanType = DisSysCompCVFData(i).FanTypeNum;
     240      318024 :                     if (AFNSupplyFanType == FanType_SimpleOnOff) {
     241      318024 :                         break;
     242             :                     }
     243             :                 }
     244             :             }
     245             :             //            Revised to meet heat exchanger requirement
     246      555029 :             if ((FanMassFlowRate > VerySmallMassFlow) && (!FirstHVACIteration)) {
     247      385398 :                 if (AFNSupplyFanType == FanType_SimpleOnOff && FanOperModeCyc == CycFanCycCoil) {
     248      280369 :                     AirflowNetworkFanActivated = true;
     249      105029 :                 } else if (AFNSupplyFanType == FanType_SimpleVAV) {
     250        6761 :                     if (present(Iter) && Iter > 1) AirflowNetworkFanActivated = true;
     251       98268 :                 } else if (AirflowNetworkUnitarySystem) {
     252           0 :                     if (present(Iter) && Iter > 1) AirflowNetworkFanActivated = true;
     253             :                 } else {
     254       98268 :                     AirflowNetworkFanActivated = true;
     255             :                 }
     256             :             }
     257             :         }
     258      746250 :         if (allocated(m_state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig) && m_state.dataHVACGlobal->NumHybridVentSysAvailMgrs > 0 &&
     259       89377 :             allocated(m_state.dataAirSystemsData->PrimaryAirSystems)) {
     260       82448 :             hybrid_ventilation_control();
     261             :         }
     262      656873 :         if (VentilationCtrl == 1 && m_state.dataHVACGlobal->NumHybridVentSysAvailMgrs > 0) {
     263       12104 :             AirflowNetworkFanActivated = false;
     264             :         }
     265             : 
     266      656873 :         if (present(Iter) && present(ResimulateAirZone) && distribution_simulated) {
     267      327070 :             if (AirflowNetworkFanActivated && Iter < 3 && AFNSupplyFanType == FanType_SimpleOnOff) {
     268      160934 :                 ResimulateAirZone = true;
     269             :             }
     270      327070 :             if (AFNSupplyFanType == FanType_SimpleVAV) {
     271        9344 :                 if (!AirflowNetworkFanActivated && Iter < 3) ResimulateAirZone = true;
     272             :             }
     273      327070 :             if (AirflowNetworkUnitarySystem) {
     274           0 :                 if (!AirflowNetworkFanActivated && Iter < 3) ResimulateAirZone = true;
     275             :             }
     276             :         }
     277      656873 :         if (AirflowNetworkFanActivated && distribution_simulated) {
     278      380734 :             NetworkNumOfNodes = AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes;
     279      380734 :             NetworkNumOfLinks = AirflowNetworkNumOfLinks;
     280             :         }
     281             : 
     282      656873 :         if (allocated(m_state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig)) validate_exhaust_fan_input();
     283             : 
     284             :         // VAV terminal set only
     285      656873 :         if (present(FirstHVACIteration) && FirstHVACIteration) VAVTerminalRatio = 0.0;
     286             : 
     287             :         // Set AirLoop Number for fans
     288      656873 :         if (FirstHVACIteration && AssignFanAirLoopNumFlag) {
     289          34 :             assign_fan_airloop();
     290          34 :             AssignFanAirLoopNumFlag = false;
     291             :         }
     292             : 
     293      656873 :         if (AirflowNetworkFanActivated && distribution_simulated) {
     294      380734 :             if (ValidateDistributionSystemFlag) {
     295          23 :                 validate_distribution();
     296          23 :                 validate_fan_flowrate();
     297          23 :                 ValidateDistributionSystemFlag = false;
     298          23 :                 if (simulation_control.autosize_ducts) {
     299           1 :                     SizeDucts();
     300             :                 }
     301             :             }
     302             :         }
     303      656873 :         calculate_balance();
     304             : 
     305      656873 :         if (AirflowNetworkFanActivated && distribution_simulated) {
     306             : 
     307      380734 :             LoopOnOffFlag = false;
     308      772135 :             for (i = 1; i <= DisSysNumOfCVFs; i++) {
     309      391401 :                 if (DisSysCompCVFData(i).AirLoopNum > 0) {
     310      391401 :                     if (m_state.dataLoopNodes->Node(DisSysCompCVFData(i).InletNode).MassFlowRate > 0.0) {
     311      390677 :                         LoopOnOffFlag(DisSysCompCVFData(i).AirLoopNum) = true;
     312             :                     }
     313             :                 }
     314             :             }
     315             : 
     316      380734 :             calculate_heat_balance();
     317      380734 :             calculate_moisture_balance();
     318      380734 :             if (m_state.dataContaminantBalance->Contaminant.CO2Simulation) calculate_CO2_balance();
     319      380734 :             if (m_state.dataContaminantBalance->Contaminant.GenericContamSimulation) calculate_GC_balance();
     320             :         }
     321             : 
     322      656873 :         update(FirstHVACIteration);
     323             :     }
     324             : 
     325          34 :     bool Solver::get_element_input()
     326             :     {
     327             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
     328             :         //       AUTHOR         Jason DeGraw
     329             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   Oct. 2018
     330             :         //       MODIFIED       na
     331             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
     332             : 
     333             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
     334             :         // This subroutine reads airflow element inputs (eventually)
     335             : 
     336             :         static constexpr std::string_view RoutineName{"get_element_input"};
     337          68 :         std::string CurrentModuleObject;
     338          34 :         bool success{true};
     339             : 
     340             :         // *** Read AirflowNetwork simulation reference crack conditions
     341          68 :         std::unordered_map<std::string, ReferenceConditions> referenceConditions; // Map for lookups
     342          68 :         ReferenceConditions defaultReferenceConditions("Default");                // Defaulted conditions
     343          34 :         bool conditionsAreDefaulted(true);                                        // Conditions are defaulted?
     344          34 :         CurrentModuleObject = "AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:ReferenceCrackConditions";
     345          68 :         auto instances = m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->epJSON.find(CurrentModuleObject);
     346          34 :         if (instances != m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->epJSON.end()) {
     347             :             // globalSolverObject.referenceConditions.clear();
     348          32 :             auto &instancesValue = instances.value();
     349          64 :             for (auto instance = instancesValue.begin(); instance != instancesValue.end(); ++instance) {
     350          32 :                 auto const &fields = instance.value();
     351          64 :                 auto const &thisObjectName = UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase(instance.key());
     352          32 :                 Real64 temperature(20.0);
     353          32 :                 if (fields.find("reference_temperature") != fields.end()) { // required field, has default value
     354          32 :                     temperature ="reference_temperature").get<Real64>();
     355             :                 }
     356          32 :                 Real64 pressure(101325.0);
     357          32 :                 if (fields.find("reference_barometric_pressure") != fields.end()) { // not required field, has default value
     358          32 :                     pressure ="reference_barometric_pressure").get<Real64>();
     359          32 :                     if (std::abs((pressure - m_state.dataEnvrn->StdBaroPress) / m_state.dataEnvrn->StdBaroPress) > 0.1) { // 10% off
     360           3 :                         ShowWarningError(m_state,
     361           3 :                                          format("{}: {}: Pressure = {:.0R} differs by more than 10% from Standard Barometric Pressure = {:.0R}.",
     362             :                                                 RoutineName,
     363             :                                                 CurrentModuleObject,
     364             :                                                 pressure,
     365           2 :                                                 m_state.dataEnvrn->StdBaroPress));
     366           1 :                         ShowContinueError(m_state, "...occurs in " + CurrentModuleObject + " = " + thisObjectName);
     367             :                     }
     368          32 :                     if (pressure <= 31000.0) {
     369           0 :                         ShowSevereError(m_state,
     370           0 :                                         format("{}: {}: {}. Reference Barometric Pressure must be greater than 31000 Pa.",
     371             :                                                RoutineName,
     372             :                                                CurrentModuleObject,
     373           0 :                                                thisObjectName));
     374           0 :                         success = false;
     375             :                     }
     376             :                 }
     377          32 :                 Real64 humidity(0.0);
     378          32 :                 if (fields.find("reference_humidity_ratio") != fields.end()) { // not required field, has default value
     379          32 :                     humidity ="reference_humidity_ratio").get<Real64>();
     380             :                 }
     381             :                 // globalSolverObject.referenceConditions.emplace_back(thisObjectName, temperature, pressure, humidity);
     382          32 :                 referenceConditions.emplace(std::piecewise_construct,
     383          64 :                                             std::forward_as_tuple(thisObjectName),
     384          64 :                                             std::forward_as_tuple(instance.key(), temperature, pressure, humidity));
     385             :             }
     386             :             // Check that there is more than one
     387          32 :             if (referenceConditions.size() == 1) {
     388          64 :                 m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->markObjectAsUsed("AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:ReferenceCrackConditions",
     389          64 :                                                                               referenceConditions.begin()->;
     390          32 :                 defaultReferenceConditions = referenceConditions.begin()->second;
     391             : 
     392             :             } else {
     393           0 :                 conditionsAreDefaulted = false;
     394             :             }
     395             :         }
     396          34 :         if (!success) {
     397           0 :             return false;
     398             :         }
     399             : 
     400             :         // *** Read AirflowNetwork simulation surface crack component
     401          34 :         CurrentModuleObject = "AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:Surface:Crack";
     402          34 :         AirflowNetworkNumOfSurCracks =
     403          34 :             m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getNumObjectsFound(m_state, CurrentModuleObject); // Temporary workaround
     404          34 :         instances = m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->epJSON.find(CurrentModuleObject);
     405          34 :         if (instances != m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->epJSON.end()) {
     406          32 :             int i = 1;                                                        // Temporary workaround
     407          32 :             MultizoneSurfaceCrackData.allocate(AirflowNetworkNumOfSurCracks); // Temporary workaround
     408          32 :             auto &instancesValue = instances.value();
     409         115 :             for (auto instance = instancesValue.begin(); instance != instancesValue.end(); ++instance) {
     410          83 :                 auto const &fields = instance.value();
     411         166 :                 auto const &thisObjectName = UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase(instance.key());
     412          83 :                 m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->markObjectAsUsed(CurrentModuleObject, instance.key()); // Temporary workaround
     413             : 
     414          83 :                 Real64 coeff{"air_mass_flow_coefficient_at_reference_conditions")}; // Required field
     415          83 :                 Real64 expnt{0.65};
     416          83 :                 if (fields.find("air_mass_flow_exponent") != fields.end()) { // not required field, has default value
     417          83 :                     expnt ="air_mass_flow_exponent").get<Real64>();
     418             :                 }
     419          83 :                 Real64 refT = defaultReferenceConditions.temperature;
     420          83 :                 Real64 refP = defaultReferenceConditions.pressure;
     421          83 :                 Real64 refW = defaultReferenceConditions.humidity_ratio;
     422          83 :                 if (!conditionsAreDefaulted) {
     423           0 :                     if (fields.find("reference_crack_conditions") != fields.end()) { // not required field, *should* have default value
     424           0 :                         auto refCrackCondName ="reference_crack_conditions").get<std::string>();
     425           0 :                         auto result = referenceConditions.find(UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase(refCrackCondName));
     426           0 :                         if (result == referenceConditions.end()) {
     427           0 :                             ShowSevereError(m_state,
     428           0 :                                             format("{}: {}: {}. Cannot find reference crack conditions object \"{}\".",
     429             :                                                    RoutineName,
     430             :                                                    CurrentModuleObject,
     431             :                                                    thisObjectName,
     432           0 :                                                    refCrackCondName));
     433           0 :                             success = false;
     434             :                         } else {
     435           0 :                             refT = result->second.temperature;
     436           0 :                             refP = result->second.pressure;
     437           0 :                             refW = result->second.humidity_ratio;
     438           0 :                             m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->markObjectAsUsed("AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:ReferenceCrackConditions",
     439           0 :                                                                                           result->;
     440             :                         }
     441             :                     }
     442             :                 }
     443             :                 // globalSolverObject.cracks[thisObjectName] = SurfaceCrack(coeff, expnt, refT, refP, refW);
     444          83 :                 MultizoneSurfaceCrackData(i).name = thisObjectName; // Name of surface crack component
     445          83 :                 MultizoneSurfaceCrackData(i).coefficient = coeff;   // Air Mass Flow Coefficient
     446          83 :                 MultizoneSurfaceCrackData(i).exponent = expnt;      // Air Mass Flow exponent
     447          83 :                 MultizoneSurfaceCrackData(i).reference_density = properties.density(refP, refT, refW);
     448          83 :                 MultizoneSurfaceCrackData(i).reference_viscosity = properties.dynamic_viscosity(refT);
     449             : 
     450             :                 // This is the first element that is being added to the lookup table, so no check of naming overlaps
     451          83 :                 elements[thisObjectName] = &MultizoneSurfaceCrackData(i); // Yet another workaround
     452             : 
     453          83 :                 ++i;
     454             :             }
     455             :         }
     456             : 
     457             :         // *** Read AirflowNetwork simulation zone exhaust fan component
     458          34 :         CurrentModuleObject = "AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:Component:ZoneExhaustFan";
     459          34 :         AirflowNetworkNumOfExhFan =
     460          34 :             m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getNumObjectsFound(m_state, CurrentModuleObject);              // Temporary workaround
     461          34 :         NumOfExhaustFans = m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getNumObjectsFound(m_state, "Fan:ZoneExhaust"); // Temporary workaround
     462          34 :         instances = m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->epJSON.find(CurrentModuleObject);
     463          34 :         if (instances != m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->epJSON.end()) {
     464          14 :             int i = 1;                                                       // Temporary workaround
     465          14 :             MultizoneCompExhaustFanData.allocate(AirflowNetworkNumOfExhFan); // Temporary workaround
     466          14 :             auto &instancesValue = instances.value();
     467          28 :             for (auto instance = instancesValue.begin(); instance != instancesValue.end(); ++instance) {
     468          14 :                 auto const &fields = instance.value();
     469          28 :                 auto const &thisObjectName = UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase(instance.key());
     470          14 :                 m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->markObjectAsUsed(CurrentModuleObject, instance.key()); // Temporary workaround
     471             : 
     472          14 :                 Real64 coeff{"air_mass_flow_coefficient_when_the_zone_exhaust_fan_is_off_at_reference_conditions")}; // Required field
     473          14 :                 Real64 expnt{0.65};
     474          14 :                 if (fields.find("air_mass_flow_exponent_when_the_zone_exhaust_fan_is_off") != fields.end()) { // not required field, has default value
     475          14 :                     expnt ="air_mass_flow_exponent_when_the_zone_exhaust_fan_is_off").get<Real64>();
     476             :                 }
     477             : 
     478             :                 // This breaks the component model, need to fix
     479          14 :                 bool fanErrorFound = false;
     480             :                 int fanIndex;
     481          14 :                 GetFanIndex(m_state, thisObjectName, fanIndex, fanErrorFound);
     482          14 :                 if (fanErrorFound) {
     483           0 :                     ShowSevereError(m_state,
     484           0 :                                     format("{}: {} = {} is not found in Fan:ZoneExhaust objects.", RoutineName, CurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
     485           0 :                     success = false;
     486             :                 }
     487             :                 Real64 flowRate;
     488             : 
     489          14 :                 GetFanVolFlow(m_state, fanIndex, flowRate);
     490          14 :                 flowRate *= m_state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir;
     491          14 :                 bool nodeErrorsFound{false};
     492          14 :                 int inletNode = GetFanInletNode(m_state, "Fan:ZoneExhaust", thisObjectName, nodeErrorsFound);
     493          14 :                 int outletNode = GetFanOutletNode(m_state, "Fan:ZoneExhaust", thisObjectName, nodeErrorsFound);
     494          14 :                 if (nodeErrorsFound) {
     495           0 :                     success = false;
     496             :                 }
     497             :                 int fanType_Num;
     498          14 :                 GetFanType(m_state, thisObjectName, fanType_Num, fanErrorFound);
     499          14 :                 if (fanType_Num != FanType_ZoneExhaust) {
     500           0 :                     ShowSevereError(m_state,
     501           0 :                                     format("{}: {} = {}. The specified Name is not found as a valid Fan:ZoneExhaust object.",
     502             :                                            RoutineName,
     503             :                                            CurrentModuleObject,
     504           0 :                                            thisObjectName));
     505           0 :                     success = false;
     506             :                 }
     507             : 
     508          14 :                 Real64 refT = defaultReferenceConditions.temperature;
     509          14 :                 Real64 refP = defaultReferenceConditions.pressure;
     510          14 :                 Real64 refW = defaultReferenceConditions.humidity_ratio;
     511          14 :                 if (!conditionsAreDefaulted) {
     512           0 :                     if (fields.find("reference_crack_conditions") != fields.end()) { // not required field, *should* have default value
     513           0 :                         auto refCrackCondName ="reference_crack_conditions").get<std::string>();
     514           0 :                         auto result = referenceConditions.find(UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase(refCrackCondName));
     515           0 :                         if (result == referenceConditions.end()) {
     516           0 :                             ShowSevereError(m_state,
     517           0 :                                             format("{}: {}: {}. Cannot find reference crack conditions object \"{}\".",
     518             :                                                    RoutineName,
     519             :                                                    CurrentModuleObject,
     520             :                                                    thisObjectName,
     521           0 :                                          "reference_crack_conditions").get<std::string>()));
     522           0 :                             success = false;
     523             :                         } else {
     524           0 :                             refT = result->second.temperature;
     525           0 :                             refP = result->second.pressure;
     526           0 :                             refW = result->second.humidity_ratio;
     527           0 :                             m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->markObjectAsUsed("AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:ReferenceCrackConditions",
     528           0 :                                                                                           result->;
     529             :                         }
     530             :                     }
     531             :                 }
     532             : 
     533          14 :                 MultizoneCompExhaustFanData(i).name = thisObjectName; // Name of zone exhaust fan component
     534          14 :                 MultizoneCompExhaustFanData(i).FlowCoef = coeff;      // flow coefficient
     535          14 :                 MultizoneCompExhaustFanData(i).FlowExpo = expnt;      // Flow exponent
     536             : 
     537          14 :                 MultizoneCompExhaustFanData(i).FlowRate = flowRate;
     538          14 :                 MultizoneCompExhaustFanData(i).InletNode = inletNode;
     539          14 :                 MultizoneCompExhaustFanData(i).OutletNode = outletNode;
     540             : 
     541          14 :                 MultizoneCompExhaustFanData(i).StandardT = refT;
     542          14 :                 MultizoneCompExhaustFanData(i).StandardP = refP;
     543          14 :                 MultizoneCompExhaustFanData(i).StandardW = refW;
     544             : 
     545             :                 // Add the element to the lookup table, check for name overlaps
     546          14 :                 if (elements.find(thisObjectName) == elements.end()) {
     547          14 :                     elements[thisObjectName] = &MultizoneCompExhaustFanData(i); // Yet another workaround
     548             :                 } else {
     549           0 :                     ShowSevereError(
     550             :                         m_state,
     551           0 :                         format("{}: {}: Duplicated airflow element names are found = \"{}\".", RoutineName, CurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
     552             :                     // ShowContinueError(state, "A unique component name is required in both objects " + CompName(1) + " and " + CompName(2));
     553           0 :                     success = false;
     554             :                 }
     555             : 
     556          14 :                 ++i;
     557             :             }
     558             :         }
     559             : 
     560             :         // Read Outdoor Airflow object
     561          34 :         CurrentModuleObject = "AirflowNetwork:Distribution:Component:OutdoorAirFlow";
     562          34 :         NumOfOAFans = m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getNumObjectsFound(m_state, CurrentModuleObject); // Temporary workaround
     563          34 :         instances = m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->epJSON.find(CurrentModuleObject);
     564          34 :         if (instances != m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->epJSON.end()) {
     565           2 :             int i = 1;                                      // Temporary workaround
     566           2 :             DisSysCompOutdoorAirData.allocate(NumOfOAFans); // Temporary workaround
     567           2 :             auto &instancesValue = instances.value();
     568           4 :             for (auto instance = instancesValue.begin(); instance != instancesValue.end(); ++instance) {
     569           2 :                 auto const &fields = instance.value();
     570           4 :                 auto const &thisObjectName = UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase(instance.key());
     571           2 :                 m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->markObjectAsUsed(CurrentModuleObject, instance.key()); // Temporary workaround
     572             : 
     573           4 :                 std::string mixer_name = UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase("outdoor_air_mixer_name").get<std::string>());
     574           2 :                 Real64 coeff{"air_mass_flow_coefficient_when_no_outdoor_air_flow_at_reference_conditions")};
     575           2 :                 Real64 expnt{0.65};
     576           2 :                 if (fields.find("air_mass_flow_exponent_when_no_outdoor_air_flow") != fields.end()) {
     577           2 :                     expnt ="air_mass_flow_exponent_when_no_outdoor_air_flow").get<Real64>();
     578             :                 }
     579             : 
     580           2 :                 int OAMixerNum = MixedAir::GetOAMixerNumber(m_state, mixer_name);
     581           2 :                 if (OAMixerNum == 0) {
     582           0 :                     ShowSevereError(m_state,
     583           0 :                                     format("{}: {}: {}. Invalid Outdoor Air Mixer Name \"{}\" given.",
     584             :                                            RoutineName,
     585             :                                            CurrentModuleObject,
     586             :                                            thisObjectName,
     587           0 :                                            mixer_name));
     588           0 :                     success = false;
     589             :                 }
     590             : 
     591           2 :                 Real64 refT = defaultReferenceConditions.temperature;
     592           2 :                 Real64 refP = defaultReferenceConditions.pressure;
     593           2 :                 Real64 refW = defaultReferenceConditions.humidity_ratio;
     594           2 :                 if (!conditionsAreDefaulted) {
     595           0 :                     if (fields.find("reference_crack_conditions") != fields.end()) { // not required field, *should* have default value
     596           0 :                         auto refCrackCondName ="reference_crack_conditions").get<std::string>();
     597           0 :                         auto result = referenceConditions.find(UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase(refCrackCondName));
     598           0 :                         if (result == referenceConditions.end()) {
     599           0 :                             ShowSevereError(m_state,
     600           0 :                                             format("{}: {}: {}. Cannot find reference crack conditions object \"{}\".",
     601             :                                                    RoutineName,
     602             :                                                    CurrentModuleObject,
     603             :                                                    thisObjectName,
     604           0 :                                                    refCrackCondName));
     605           0 :                             success = false;
     606             :                         } else {
     607           0 :                             refT = result->second.temperature;
     608           0 :                             refP = result->second.pressure;
     609           0 :                             refW = result->second.humidity_ratio;
     610           0 :                             m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->markObjectAsUsed("AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:ReferenceCrackConditions",
     611           0 :                                                                                           result->;
     612             :                         }
     613             :                     }
     614             :                 }
     615             : 
     616           2 :                 DisSysCompOutdoorAirData(i).name = thisObjectName; // Name of zone exhaust fan component
     617           2 :                 DisSysCompOutdoorAirData(i).FlowCoef = coeff;      // flow coefficient
     618           2 :                 DisSysCompOutdoorAirData(i).FlowExpo = expnt;      // Flow exponent
     619             : 
     620           2 :                 DisSysCompOutdoorAirData(i).OAMixerNum = OAMixerNum;
     621             : 
     622           2 :                 DisSysCompOutdoorAirData(i).StandardT = refT;
     623           2 :                 DisSysCompOutdoorAirData(i).StandardP = refP;
     624           2 :                 DisSysCompOutdoorAirData(i).StandardW = refW;
     625             : 
     626             :                 // Add the element to the lookup table, check for name overlaps
     627           2 :                 if (elements.find(thisObjectName) == elements.end()) {
     628           2 :                     elements[thisObjectName] = &DisSysCompOutdoorAirData(i); // Yet another workaround
     629             :                 } else {
     630           0 :                     ShowSevereError(
     631             :                         m_state,
     632           0 :                         format("{}: {}: Duplicated airflow element names are found = \"{}\".", RoutineName, CurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
     633             :                     // ShowContinueError(state, "A unique component name is required in both objects " + CompName(1) + " and " + CompName(2));
     634           0 :                     success = false;
     635             :                 }
     636             : 
     637           2 :                 ++i;
     638             :             }
     639             :         }
     640             : 
     641             :         // Read Relief Airflow object
     642          34 :         CurrentModuleObject = "AirflowNetwork:Distribution:Component:ReliefAirFlow";
     643          34 :         NumOfReliefFans = m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getNumObjectsFound(m_state, CurrentModuleObject); // Temporary workaround
     644          34 :         instances = m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->epJSON.find(CurrentModuleObject);
     645          34 :         if (instances != m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->epJSON.end()) {
     646           2 :             int i = 1;                                                      // Temporary workaround
     647           2 :             DisSysCompReliefAirData.allocate(m_state.afn->NumOfReliefFans); // Temporary workaround
     648           2 :             auto &instancesValue = instances.value();
     649           4 :             for (auto instance = instancesValue.begin(); instance != instancesValue.end(); ++instance) {
     650           2 :                 auto const &fields = instance.value();
     651           4 :                 auto const &thisObjectName = UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase(instance.key());
     652           2 :                 m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->markObjectAsUsed(CurrentModuleObject, instance.key()); // Temporary workaround
     653             : 
     654           4 :                 std::string mixer_name = UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase("outdoor_air_mixer_name").get<std::string>());
     655           2 :                 Real64 coeff{"air_mass_flow_coefficient_when_no_outdoor_air_flow_at_reference_conditions")};
     656           2 :                 Real64 expnt{0.65};
     657           2 :                 if (fields.find("air_mass_flow_exponent_when_no_outdoor_air_flow") != fields.end()) {
     658           2 :                     expnt ="air_mass_flow_exponent_when_no_outdoor_air_flow").get<Real64>();
     659             :                 }
     660             : 
     661           2 :                 int OAMixerNum{MixedAir::GetOAMixerNumber(m_state, mixer_name)};
     662           2 :                 if (OAMixerNum == 0) {
     663           0 :                     ShowSevereError(m_state,
     664           0 :                                     format(RoutineName) + ": " + CurrentModuleObject + " object " + thisObjectName + ". Invalid " +
     665           0 :                                         "Outdoor Air Mixer Name" + " \"" + mixer_name + "\" given.");
     666           0 :                     success = false;
     667             :                 }
     668             : 
     669           2 :                 Real64 refT = defaultReferenceConditions.temperature;
     670           2 :                 Real64 refP = defaultReferenceConditions.pressure;
     671           2 :                 Real64 refW = defaultReferenceConditions.humidity_ratio;
     672           2 :                 if (!conditionsAreDefaulted) {
     673           0 :                     if (fields.find("reference_crack_conditions") != fields.end()) { // not required field, *should* have default value
     674           0 :                         auto refCrackCondName ="reference_crack_conditions").get<std::string>();
     675           0 :                         auto result = referenceConditions.find(UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase(refCrackCondName));
     676           0 :                         if (result == referenceConditions.end()) {
     677           0 :                             ShowSevereError(m_state,
     678           0 :                                             format("{}: {}: {}. Cannot find reference crack conditions object \"{}\".",
     679             :                                                    RoutineName,
     680             :                                                    CurrentModuleObject,
     681             :                                                    thisObjectName,
     682           0 :                                                    refCrackCondName));
     683           0 :                             success = false;
     684             :                         } else {
     685           0 :                             refT = result->second.temperature;
     686           0 :                             refP = result->second.pressure;
     687           0 :                             refW = result->second.humidity_ratio;
     688           0 :                             m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->markObjectAsUsed("AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:ReferenceCrackConditions",
     689           0 :                                                                                           result->;
     690             :                         }
     691             :                     }
     692             :                 }
     693             : 
     694           2 :                 DisSysCompReliefAirData(i).name = thisObjectName; // Name of zone exhaust fan component
     695           2 :                 DisSysCompReliefAirData(i).FlowCoef = coeff;      // flow coefficient
     696           2 :                 DisSysCompReliefAirData(i).FlowExpo = expnt;      // Flow exponent
     697           2 :                 DisSysCompReliefAirData(i).OAMixerNum = OAMixerNum;
     698           2 :                 DisSysCompReliefAirData(i).StandardT = refT;
     699           2 :                 DisSysCompReliefAirData(i).StandardP = refP;
     700           2 :                 DisSysCompReliefAirData(i).StandardW = refW;
     701             : 
     702             :                 // Add the element to the lookup table, check for name overlaps
     703           2 :                 if (elements.find(thisObjectName) == elements.end()) {
     704           2 :                     elements[thisObjectName] = &DisSysCompReliefAirData(i); // Yet another workaround
     705             :                 } else {
     706           0 :                     ShowSevereError(
     707             :                         m_state,
     708           0 :                         format("{}: {}: Duplicated airflow element names are found = \"{}\".", RoutineName, CurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
     709             :                     // ShowContinueError(state, "A unique component name is required in both objects " + CompName(1) + " and " + CompName(2));
     710           0 :                     success = false;
     711             :                 }
     712             : 
     713           2 :                 ++i;
     714             :             }
     715             :         }
     716             : 
     717             :         // Read AirflowNetwork simulation detailed openings
     718          34 :         CurrentModuleObject = "AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:Component:DetailedOpening";
     719          34 :         AirflowNetworkNumOfDetOpenings =
     720          34 :             m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getNumObjectsFound(m_state, CurrentModuleObject); // Temporary workaround
     721          34 :         instances = m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->epJSON.find(CurrentModuleObject);
     722          34 :         if (instances != m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->epJSON.end()) {
     723          34 :             int i = 1;                                                            // Temporary workaround
     724          34 :             MultizoneCompDetOpeningData.allocate(AirflowNetworkNumOfDetOpenings); // Temporary workaround
     725          34 :             auto &instancesValue = instances.value();
     726          65 :             for (auto instance = instancesValue.begin(); instance != instancesValue.end(); ++instance) {
     727          31 :                 auto const &fields = instance.value();
     728          62 :                 auto const &thisObjectName = UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase(instance.key());
     729          31 :                 m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->markObjectAsUsed(CurrentModuleObject, instance.key()); // Temporary workaround
     730             : 
     731          31 :                 Real64 coeff{"air_mass_flow_coefficient_when_opening_is_closed")};
     732          31 :                 Real64 expnt{0.65};
     733          31 :                 if (fields.find("air_mass_flow_exponent_when_opening_is_closed") != fields.end()) {
     734          31 :                     expnt ="air_mass_flow_exponent_when_opening_is_closed").get<Real64>();
     735             :                 }
     736             : 
     737          31 :                 int LVOtype{1};
     738          62 :                 std::string LVOstring;
     739          31 :                 if (fields.find("type_of_rectangular_large_vertical_opening_lvo_") != fields.end()) {
     740          31 :                     LVOstring ="type_of_rectangular_large_vertical_opening_lvo_").get<std::string>();
     741          31 :                     if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(LVOstring, "NonPivoted") || UtilityRoutines::SameString(LVOstring, "1")) {
     742          31 :                         LVOtype = 1; // Large vertical opening type number
     743           0 :                     } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(LVOstring, "HorizontallyPivoted") || UtilityRoutines::SameString(LVOstring, "2")) {
     744           0 :                         LVOtype = 2; // Large vertical opening type number
     745             :                     } else {
     746             :                         // Code will never be executed, validation will catch invalid input
     747           0 :                         ShowSevereError(m_state,
     748           0 :                                         format(RoutineName) + "Invalid Type of Rectangular Large Vertical Opening (LVO) = " + LVOstring + "in " +
     749           0 :                                             CurrentModuleObject + " = " + thisObjectName);
     750           0 :                         ShowContinueError(m_state, "Valid choices are NonPivoted and HorizontallyPivoted.");
     751           0 :                         success = false;
     752             :                     }
     753             :                 }
     754             : 
     755          31 :                 Real64 extra{0.0};
     756          31 :                 if (fields.find("extra_crack_length_or_height_of_pivoting_axis") != fields.end()) {
     757          31 :                     extra ="extra_crack_length_or_height_of_pivoting_axis").get<Real64>();
     758             :                 }
     759             : 
     760          31 :                 int N{"number_of_sets_of_opening_factor_data")};
     761             : 
     762          62 :                 std::vector<Real64> factors(N);
     763          62 :                 std::vector<Real64> cds(N);
     764          62 :                 std::vector<Real64> width_factors(N);
     765          62 :                 std::vector<Real64> height_factors(N);
     766          62 :                 std::vector<Real64> start_height_factors(N);
     767             : 
     768             :                 // Real64 factor{0.0};
     769             :                 // if (fields.find("opening_factor_1") != fields.end()) {
     770             :                 //    factor ="opening_factor_1");
     771             :                 //}
     772          31 :                 Real64 cd{0.001};
     773          31 :                 if (fields.find("discharge_coefficient_for_opening_factor_1") != fields.end()) {
     774          31 :                     cd ="discharge_coefficient_for_opening_factor_1").get<Real64>();
     775             :                 }
     776          31 :                 Real64 width_factor{0.0};
     777          31 :                 if (fields.find("width_factor_for_opening_factor_1") != fields.end()) {
     778          31 :                     width_factor ="width_factor_for_opening_factor_1").get<Real64>();
     779             :                 }
     780          31 :                 Real64 height_factor{0.0};
     781          31 :                 if (fields.find("height_factor_for_opening_factor_1") != fields.end()) {
     782          31 :                     height_factor ="height_factor_for_opening_factor_1").get<Real64>();
     783             :                 }
     784          31 :                 Real64 start_height_factor{0.0};
     785          31 :                 if (fields.find("start_height_factor_for_opening_factor_1") != fields.end()) {
     786          31 :                     start_height_factor ="start_height_factor_for_opening_factor_1").get<Real64>();
     787             :                 }
     788             : 
     789          31 :                 factors[0] = 0.0; // factor; // This factor must be zero
     790          31 :                 cds[0] = cd;
     791          31 :                 width_factors[0] = width_factor;
     792          31 :                 height_factors[0] = height_factor;
     793          31 :                 start_height_factors[0] = start_height_factor;
     794             : 
     795          31 :                 Real64 factor{"opening_factor_2")};
     796          31 :                 cd = 1.0;
     797          31 :                 if (fields.find("discharge_coefficient_for_opening_factor_2") != fields.end()) {
     798          31 :                     cd ="discharge_coefficient_for_opening_factor_2").get<Real64>();
     799             :                 }
     800          31 :                 width_factor = 1.0;
     801          31 :                 if (fields.find("width_factor_for_opening_factor_2") != fields.end()) {
     802          31 :                     width_factor ="width_factor_for_opening_factor_2").get<Real64>();
     803             :                 }
     804          31 :                 height_factor = 1.0;
     805          31 :                 if (fields.find("height_factor_for_opening_factor_2") != fields.end()) {
     806          31 :                     height_factor ="height_factor_for_opening_factor_2").get<Real64>();
     807             :                 }
     808          31 :                 start_height_factor = 0.0;
     809          31 :                 if (fields.find("start_height_factor_for_opening_factor_2") != fields.end()) {
     810          31 :                     start_height_factor ="start_height_factor_for_opening_factor_2").get<Real64>();
     811             :                 }
     812             : 
     813          31 :                 factors[1] = factor;
     814          31 :                 cds[1] = cd;
     815          31 :                 width_factors[1] = width_factor;
     816          31 :                 height_factors[1] = height_factor;
     817          31 :                 start_height_factors[1] = start_height_factor;
     818             : 
     819          31 :                 if (N >= 3) {
     820           0 :                     factor ="opening_factor_3").get<Real64>();
     821           0 :                     cd = 0.0;
     822           0 :                     if (fields.find("discharge_coefficient_for_opening_factor_3") != fields.end()) {
     823           0 :                         cd ="discharge_coefficient_for_opening_factor_3").get<Real64>();
     824             :                     }
     825           0 :                     width_factor = 0.0;
     826           0 :                     if (fields.find("width_factor_for_opening_factor_3") != fields.end()) {
     827           0 :                         width_factor ="width_factor_for_opening_factor_3").get<Real64>();
     828             :                     }
     829           0 :                     height_factor = 0.0;
     830           0 :                     if (fields.find("height_factor_for_opening_factor_3") != fields.end()) {
     831           0 :                         height_factor ="height_factor_for_opening_factor_3").get<Real64>();
     832             :                     }
     833           0 :                     start_height_factor = 0.0;
     834           0 :                     if (fields.find("start_height_factor_for_opening_factor_3") != fields.end()) {
     835           0 :                         start_height_factor ="start_height_factor_for_opening_factor_3").get<Real64>();
     836             :                     }
     837             : 
     838           0 :                     factors[2] = factor;
     839           0 :                     cds[2] = cd;
     840           0 :                     width_factors[2] = width_factor;
     841           0 :                     height_factors[2] = height_factor;
     842           0 :                     start_height_factors[2] = start_height_factor;
     843             : 
     844           0 :                     if (N >= 4) {
     845           0 :                         factor ="opening_factor_4").get<Real64>();
     846           0 :                         cd = 0.0;
     847           0 :                         if (fields.find("discharge_coefficient_for_opening_factor_4") != fields.end()) {
     848           0 :                             cd ="discharge_coefficient_for_opening_factor_4").get<Real64>();
     849             :                         }
     850           0 :                         width_factor = 0.0;
     851           0 :                         if (fields.find("width_factor_for_opening_factor_4") != fields.end()) {
     852           0 :                             width_factor ="width_factor_for_opening_factor_4").get<Real64>();
     853             :                         }
     854           0 :                         height_factor = 0.0;
     855           0 :                         if (fields.find("height_factor_for_opening_factor_4") != fields.end()) {
     856           0 :                             height_factor ="height_factor_for_opening_factor_4").get<Real64>();
     857             :                         }
     858           0 :                         start_height_factor = 0.0;
     859           0 :                         if (fields.find("start_height_factor_for_opening_factor_4") != fields.end()) {
     860           0 :                             start_height_factor ="start_height_factor_for_opening_factor_4").get<Real64>();
     861             :                         }
     862             : 
     863           0 :                         factors[3] = factor;
     864           0 :                         cds[3] = cd;
     865           0 :                         width_factors[3] = width_factor;
     866           0 :                         height_factors[3] = height_factor;
     867           0 :                         start_height_factors[3] = start_height_factor;
     868             :                     }
     869             :                 }
     870             : 
     871          31 :                 MultizoneCompDetOpeningData(i).name = thisObjectName; // Name of large detailed opening component
     872          31 :                 MultizoneCompDetOpeningData(i).FlowCoef = coeff;      // Air Mass Flow Coefficient When Window or Door Is Closed
     873          31 :                 MultizoneCompDetOpeningData(i).FlowExpo = expnt;      // Air Mass Flow exponent When Window or Door Is Closed
     874          31 :                 MultizoneCompDetOpeningData(i).TypeName = LVOstring;  // Large vertical opening type
     875          31 :                 MultizoneCompDetOpeningData(i).LVOType = LVOtype;     // Large vertical opening type number
     876          31 :                 MultizoneCompDetOpeningData(i).LVOValue = extra;      // Extra crack length for LVO type 1 with multiple openable
     877             :                                                                       // parts, or Height of pivoting axis for LVO type 2
     878             : 
     879          31 :                 MultizoneCompDetOpeningData(i).NumFac = N; // Number of Opening Factor Values
     880             : 
     881          31 :                 MultizoneCompDetOpeningData(i).OpenFac1 = factors[0];                // Opening factor #1
     882          31 :                 MultizoneCompDetOpeningData(i).DischCoeff1 = cds[0];                 // Discharge coefficient for opening factor #1
     883          31 :                 MultizoneCompDetOpeningData(i).WidthFac1 = width_factors[0];         // Width factor for for Opening factor #1
     884          31 :                 MultizoneCompDetOpeningData(i).HeightFac1 = height_factors[0];       // Height factor for opening factor #1
     885          31 :                 MultizoneCompDetOpeningData(i).StartHFac1 = start_height_factors[0]; // Start height factor for opening factor #1
     886          31 :                 MultizoneCompDetOpeningData(i).OpenFac2 = factors[1];                // Opening factor #2
     887          31 :                 MultizoneCompDetOpeningData(i).DischCoeff2 = cds[1];                 // Discharge coefficient for opening factor #2
     888          31 :                 MultizoneCompDetOpeningData(i).WidthFac2 = width_factors[1];         // Width factor for for Opening factor #2
     889          31 :                 MultizoneCompDetOpeningData(i).HeightFac2 = height_factors[1];       // Height factor for opening factor #2
     890          31 :                 MultizoneCompDetOpeningData(i).StartHFac2 = start_height_factors[1]; // Start height factor for opening factor #2
     891             : 
     892          31 :                 MultizoneCompDetOpeningData(i).OpenFac3 = 0.0;    // Opening factor #3
     893          31 :                 MultizoneCompDetOpeningData(i).DischCoeff3 = 0.0; // Discharge coefficient for opening factor #3
     894          31 :                 MultizoneCompDetOpeningData(i).WidthFac3 = 0.0;   // Width factor for for Opening factor #3
     895          31 :                 MultizoneCompDetOpeningData(i).HeightFac3 = 0.0;  // Height factor for opening factor #3
     896          31 :                 MultizoneCompDetOpeningData(i).StartHFac3 = 0.0;  // Start height factor for opening factor #3
     897          31 :                 MultizoneCompDetOpeningData(i).OpenFac4 = 0.0;    // Opening factor #4
     898          31 :                 MultizoneCompDetOpeningData(i).DischCoeff4 = 0.0; // Discharge coefficient for opening factor #4
     899          31 :                 MultizoneCompDetOpeningData(i).WidthFac4 = 0.0;   // Width factor for for Opening factor #4
     900          31 :                 MultizoneCompDetOpeningData(i).HeightFac4 = 0.0;  // Height factor for opening factor #4
     901          31 :                 MultizoneCompDetOpeningData(i).StartHFac4 = 0.0;  // Start height factor for opening factor #4
     902          31 :                 if (N == 2) {
     903          31 :                     if (factors[1] != 1.0) {
     904           0 :                         ShowWarningError(m_state, format("{}: {} = {}", RoutineName, CurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
     905           0 :                         ShowContinueError(
     906             :                             m_state,
     907             :                             "..This object specifies that only 3 opening factors will be used. So, the value of Opening Factor #2 is set to 1.0.");
     908           0 :                         ShowContinueError(m_state, format("..Input value was {:.2R}", MultizoneCompDetOpeningData(i).OpenFac2));
     909           0 :                         MultizoneCompDetOpeningData(i).OpenFac2 = 1.0;
     910             :                     }
     911           0 :                 } else if (N >= 3) {
     912           0 :                     MultizoneCompDetOpeningData(i).OpenFac3 = factors[2];                // Opening factor #3
     913           0 :                     MultizoneCompDetOpeningData(i).DischCoeff3 = cds[2];                 // Discharge coefficient for opening factor #3
     914           0 :                     MultizoneCompDetOpeningData(i).WidthFac3 = width_factors[2];         // Width factor for for Opening factor #3
     915           0 :                     MultizoneCompDetOpeningData(i).HeightFac3 = height_factors[2];       // Height factor for opening factor #3
     916           0 :                     MultizoneCompDetOpeningData(i).StartHFac3 = start_height_factors[2]; // Start height factor for opening factor #3
     917           0 :                     if (N >= 4) {
     918           0 :                         MultizoneCompDetOpeningData(i).OpenFac4 = factors[3]; // Opening factor #4
     919           0 :                         if (factors[3] != 1.0) {
     920           0 :                             ShowWarningError(m_state, format("{}: {} = {}", RoutineName, CurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
     921           0 :                             ShowContinueError(m_state,
     922             :                                               "..This object specifies that 4 opening factors will be used. So, the value of Opening Factor #4 "
     923             :                                               "is set to 1.0.");
     924           0 :                             ShowContinueError(m_state, format("..Input value was {:.2R}", MultizoneCompDetOpeningData(i).OpenFac4));
     925           0 :                             MultizoneCompDetOpeningData(i).OpenFac4 = 1.0;
     926             :                         }
     927           0 :                         MultizoneCompDetOpeningData(i).DischCoeff4 = cds[3];                 // Discharge coefficient for opening factor #4
     928           0 :                         MultizoneCompDetOpeningData(i).WidthFac4 = width_factors[3];         // Width factor for for Opening factor #4
     929           0 :                         MultizoneCompDetOpeningData(i).HeightFac4 = height_factors[3];       // Height factor for opening factor #4
     930           0 :                         MultizoneCompDetOpeningData(i).StartHFac4 = start_height_factors[3]; // Start height factor for opening factor #4
     931             :                     } else {
     932           0 :                         if (factors[2] != 1.0) {
     933           0 :                             ShowWarningError(m_state, format("{}: {} = {}", RoutineName, CurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
     934           0 :                             ShowContinueError(m_state,
     935             :                                               "..This object specifies that only 3 opening factors will be used. So, the value of Opening Factor #3 "
     936             :                                               "is set to 1.0.");
     937           0 :                             ShowContinueError(m_state, format("..Input value was {:.2R}", MultizoneCompDetOpeningData(i).OpenFac3));
     938           0 :                             MultizoneCompDetOpeningData(i).OpenFac3 = 1.0;
     939             :                         }
     940             :                     }
     941             :                 }
     942             : 
     943             :                 // Sanity checks, check sum of Height Factor and the Start Height Factor
     944          31 :                 if (MultizoneCompDetOpeningData(i).HeightFac1 + MultizoneCompDetOpeningData(i).StartHFac1 > 1.0) {
     945           0 :                     ShowSevereError(m_state, format("{}: {} = {}", RoutineName, CurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
     946           0 :                     ShowContinueError(
     947             :                         m_state, "..The sum of Height Factor for Opening Factor 1 and Start Height Factor for Opening Factor 1 is greater than 1.0");
     948           0 :                     success = false;
     949             :                 }
     950          31 :                 if (MultizoneCompDetOpeningData(i).HeightFac2 + MultizoneCompDetOpeningData(i).StartHFac2 > 1.0) {
     951           0 :                     ShowSevereError(m_state, format("{}: {} = {}", RoutineName, CurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
     952           0 :                     ShowContinueError(
     953             :                         m_state, "..The sum of Height Factor for Opening Factor 2 and Start Height Factor for Opening Factor 2 is greater than 1.0");
     954           0 :                     success = false;
     955             :                 }
     956          31 :                 if (MultizoneCompDetOpeningData(i).NumFac > 2) {
     957           0 :                     if (MultizoneCompDetOpeningData(i).OpenFac2 >= MultizoneCompDetOpeningData(i).OpenFac3) {
     958           0 :                         ShowSevereError(m_state, format("{}: {} = {}", RoutineName, CurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
     959           0 :                         ShowContinueError(m_state, "..The value of Opening Factor #2 >= the value of Opening Factor #3");
     960           0 :                         success = false;
     961             :                     }
     962           0 :                     if (MultizoneCompDetOpeningData(i).HeightFac3 + MultizoneCompDetOpeningData(i).StartHFac3 > 1.0) {
     963           0 :                         ShowSevereError(m_state, format("{}: {} = {}", RoutineName, CurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
     964           0 :                         ShowContinueError(
     965             :                             m_state,
     966             :                             "..The sum of Height Factor for Opening Factor 3 and Start Height Factor for Opening Factor 3 is greater than 1.0");
     967           0 :                         success = false;
     968             :                     }
     969           0 :                     if (MultizoneCompDetOpeningData(i).NumFac == 4) {
     970           0 :                         if (MultizoneCompDetOpeningData(i).OpenFac3 >= MultizoneCompDetOpeningData(i).OpenFac4) {
     971           0 :                             ShowSevereError(m_state, format("{}: {} = {}", RoutineName, CurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
     972           0 :                             ShowContinueError(m_state, "..The value of Opening Factor #3 >= the value of Opening Factor #4");
     973           0 :                             success = false;
     974             :                         }
     975           0 :                         if (MultizoneCompDetOpeningData(i).HeightFac4 + MultizoneCompDetOpeningData(i).StartHFac4 > 1.0) {
     976           0 :                             ShowSevereError(m_state, format("{}: {} = {}", RoutineName, CurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
     977           0 :                             ShowContinueError(
     978             :                                 m_state,
     979             :                                 "..The sum of Height Factor for Opening Factor 4 and Start Height Factor for Opening Factor 4 is greater than 1.0");
     980           0 :                             success = false;
     981             :                         }
     982             :                     }
     983             :                 }
     984             : 
     985             :                 // Add the element to the lookup table, check for name overlaps
     986          31 :                 if (elements.find(thisObjectName) == elements.end()) {
     987          31 :                     elements[thisObjectName] = &MultizoneCompDetOpeningData(i); // Yet another workaround
     988             :                 } else {
     989           0 :                     ShowSevereError(
     990             :                         m_state,
     991           0 :                         format("{}: {}: Duplicated airflow element names are found = \"{}\".", RoutineName, CurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
     992             :                     // ShowContinueError(state, "A unique component name is required in both objects " + CompName(1) + " and " + CompName(2));
     993           0 :                     success = false;
     994             :                 }
     995             : 
     996          31 :                 ++i;
     997             :             }
     998             :         }
     999             : 
    1000             :         // Read AirflowNetwork simulation simple openings
    1001          34 :         CurrentModuleObject = "AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:Component:SimpleOpening";
    1002          34 :         AirflowNetworkNumOfSimOpenings =
    1003          34 :             m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getNumObjectsFound(m_state, CurrentModuleObject); // Temporary workaround
    1004          34 :         instances = m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->epJSON.find(CurrentModuleObject);
    1005          34 :         if (instances != m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->epJSON.end()) {
    1006          12 :             int i = 1;                                                               // Temporary workaround
    1007          12 :             MultizoneCompSimpleOpeningData.allocate(AirflowNetworkNumOfSimOpenings); // Temporary workaround
    1008          12 :             auto &instancesValue = instances.value();
    1009          24 :             for (auto instance = instancesValue.begin(); instance != instancesValue.end(); ++instance) {
    1010          12 :                 auto const &fields = instance.value();
    1011          24 :                 auto const &thisObjectName = UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase(instance.key());
    1012          12 :                 m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->markObjectAsUsed(CurrentModuleObject, instance.key()); // Temporary workaround
    1013             : 
    1014          12 :                 Real64 coeff{"air_mass_flow_coefficient_when_opening_is_closed")};
    1015          12 :                 Real64 expnt{0.65};
    1016          12 :                 if (fields.find("air_mass_flow_exponent_when_opening_is_closed") != fields.end()) {
    1017          12 :                     expnt ="air_mass_flow_exponent_when_opening_is_closed").get<Real64>();
    1018             :                 }
    1019          12 :                 Real64 diff{"minimum_density_difference_for_two_way_flow")};
    1020          12 :                 Real64 dischargeCoeff{"discharge_coefficient")};
    1021             : 
    1022          12 :                 MultizoneCompSimpleOpeningData(i).name = thisObjectName;       // Name of large simple opening component
    1023          12 :                 MultizoneCompSimpleOpeningData(i).FlowCoef = coeff;            // Air Mass Flow Coefficient When Window or Door Is Closed
    1024          12 :                 MultizoneCompSimpleOpeningData(i).FlowExpo = expnt;            // Air Mass Flow exponent When Window or Door Is Closed
    1025          12 :                 MultizoneCompSimpleOpeningData(i).MinRhoDiff = diff;           // Minimum density difference for two-way flow
    1026          12 :                 MultizoneCompSimpleOpeningData(i).DischCoeff = dischargeCoeff; // Discharge coefficient at full opening
    1027             : 
    1028             :                 // Add the element to the lookup table, check for name overlaps
    1029          12 :                 if (elements.find(thisObjectName) == elements.end()) {
    1030          12 :                     elements[thisObjectName] = &MultizoneCompSimpleOpeningData(i); // Yet another workaround
    1031             :                 } else {
    1032           0 :                     ShowSevereError(
    1033             :                         m_state,
    1034           0 :                         format("{}: {}: Duplicated airflow element names are found = \"{}\".", RoutineName, CurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    1035             :                     // ShowContinueError(state, "A unique component name is required in both objects " + CompName(1) + " and " + CompName(2));
    1036           0 :                     success = false;
    1037             :                 }
    1038             : 
    1039          12 :                 ++i;
    1040             :             }
    1041             :         }
    1042             : 
    1043             :         // Read AirflowNetwork simulation horizontal openings
    1044          34 :         CurrentModuleObject = "AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:Component:HorizontalOpening";
    1045          34 :         AirflowNetworkNumOfHorOpenings =
    1046          34 :             m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getNumObjectsFound(m_state, CurrentModuleObject); // Temporary workaround
    1047          34 :         instances = m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->epJSON.find(CurrentModuleObject);
    1048          34 :         if (instances != m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->epJSON.end()) {
    1049           2 :             int i = 1;                                                            // Temporary workaround
    1050           2 :             MultizoneCompHorOpeningData.allocate(AirflowNetworkNumOfHorOpenings); // Temporary workaround
    1051           2 :             auto &instancesValue = instances.value();
    1052           4 :             for (auto instance = instancesValue.begin(); instance != instancesValue.end(); ++instance) {
    1053           2 :                 auto const &fields = instance.value();
    1054           4 :                 auto const &thisObjectName = UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase(instance.key());
    1055           2 :                 m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->markObjectAsUsed(CurrentModuleObject, instance.key()); // Temporary workaround
    1056             : 
    1057           2 :                 Real64 coeff{"air_mass_flow_coefficient_when_opening_is_closed")};
    1058           2 :                 Real64 expnt{0.65};
    1059           2 :                 if (fields.find("air_mass_flow_exponent_when_opening_is_closed") != fields.end()) {
    1060           2 :                     expnt ="air_mass_flow_exponent_when_opening_is_closed").get<Real64>();
    1061             :                 }
    1062           2 :                 Real64 angle{90.0};
    1063           2 :                 if (fields.find("sloping_plane_angle") != fields.end()) {
    1064           2 :                     angle ="sloping_plane_angle").get<Real64>();
    1065             :                 }
    1066           2 :                 Real64 dischargeCoeff{"discharge_coefficient")};
    1067             : 
    1068           2 :                 MultizoneCompHorOpeningData(i).name = thisObjectName;       // Name of large simple opening component
    1069           2 :                 MultizoneCompHorOpeningData(i).FlowCoef = coeff;            // Air Mass Flow Coefficient When Window or Door Is Closed
    1070           2 :                 MultizoneCompHorOpeningData(i).FlowExpo = expnt;            // Air Mass Flow exponent When Window or Door Is Closed
    1071           2 :                 MultizoneCompHorOpeningData(i).Slope = angle;               // Sloping plane angle
    1072           2 :                 MultizoneCompHorOpeningData(i).DischCoeff = dischargeCoeff; // Discharge coefficient at full opening
    1073             : 
    1074             :                 // Add the element to the lookup table, check for name overlaps
    1075           2 :                 if (elements.find(thisObjectName) == elements.end()) {
    1076           2 :                     elements[thisObjectName] = &MultizoneCompHorOpeningData(i); // Yet another workaround
    1077             :                 } else {
    1078           0 :                     ShowSevereError(
    1079             :                         m_state,
    1080           0 :                         format("{}: {}: Duplicated airflow element names are found = \"{}\".", RoutineName, CurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    1081             :                     // ShowContinueError(state, "A unique component name is required in both objects " + CompName(1) + " and " + CompName(2));
    1082           0 :                     success = false;
    1083             :                 }
    1084             : 
    1085           2 :                 ++i;
    1086             :             }
    1087             :         }
    1088             : 
    1089             :         // *** Read AirflowNetwork simulation surface effective leakage area component
    1090          34 :         CurrentModuleObject = "AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:Surface:EffectiveLeakageArea";
    1091          34 :         AirflowNetworkNumOfSurELA =
    1092          34 :             m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getNumObjectsFound(m_state, CurrentModuleObject); // Temporary workaround
    1093          34 :         instances = m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->epJSON.find(CurrentModuleObject);
    1094          34 :         if (instances != m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->epJSON.end()) {
    1095          15 :             int i = 1;                                                   // Temporary workaround
    1096          15 :             MultizoneSurfaceELAData.allocate(AirflowNetworkNumOfSurELA); // Temporary workaround
    1097          15 :             auto &instancesValue = instances.value();
    1098          40 :             for (auto instance = instancesValue.begin(); instance != instancesValue.end(); ++instance) {
    1099          25 :                 auto const &fields = instance.value();
    1100          50 :                 auto const &thisObjectName = UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase(instance.key());
    1101          25 :                 m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->markObjectAsUsed(CurrentModuleObject, instance.key()); // Temporary workaround
    1102             : 
    1103          25 :                 Real64 ela{"effective_leakage_area")};
    1104          25 :                 Real64 cd{1.0};
    1105          25 :                 if (fields.find("discharge_coefficient") != fields.end()) {
    1106          25 :                     cd ="discharge_coefficient").get<Real64>();
    1107             :                 }
    1108          25 :                 Real64 dp{4.0};
    1109          25 :                 if (fields.find("reference_pressure_difference") != fields.end()) {
    1110          25 :                     dp ="reference_pressure_difference").get<Real64>();
    1111             :                 }
    1112          25 :                 Real64 expnt{0.65};
    1113          25 :                 if (fields.find("air_mass_flow_exponent") != fields.end()) {
    1114          25 :                     expnt ="air_mass_flow_exponent").get<Real64>();
    1115             :                 }
    1116             : 
    1117          25 :                 MultizoneSurfaceELAData(i).name = thisObjectName; // Name of surface effective leakage area component
    1118          25 :                 MultizoneSurfaceELAData(i).ELA = ela;             // Effective leakage area
    1119          25 :                 MultizoneSurfaceELAData(i).DischCoeff = cd;       // Discharge coefficient
    1120          25 :                 MultizoneSurfaceELAData(i).RefDeltaP = dp;        // Reference pressure difference
    1121          25 :                 MultizoneSurfaceELAData(i).FlowExpo = expnt;      // Air Mass Flow exponent
    1122          25 :                 MultizoneSurfaceELAData(i).TestDeltaP = 0.0;      // Testing pressure difference
    1123          25 :                 MultizoneSurfaceELAData(i).TestDisCoef = 0.0;     // Testing Discharge coefficient
    1124             : 
    1125             :                 // Add the element to the lookup table, check for name overlaps
    1126          25 :                 if (elements.find(thisObjectName) == elements.end()) {
    1127          25 :                     elements[thisObjectName] = &MultizoneSurfaceELAData(i); // Yet another workaround
    1128             :                 } else {
    1129           0 :                     ShowSevereError(
    1130             :                         m_state,
    1131           0 :                         format("{}: {}: Duplicated airflow element names are found = \"{}\".", RoutineName, CurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    1132           0 :                     success = false;
    1133             :                 }
    1134             : 
    1135          25 :                 ++i;
    1136             :             }
    1137             :         }
    1138             : 
    1139             :         // *** Read AirflowNetwork simulation specified flow components
    1140          34 :         CurrentModuleObject = "AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:SpecifiedFlowRate";
    1141          34 :         AirflowNetworkNumOfSFR =
    1142          34 :             m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getNumObjectsFound(m_state, CurrentModuleObject); // Temporary workaround
    1143          34 :         instances = m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->epJSON.find(CurrentModuleObject);
    1144          34 :         if (instances != m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->epJSON.end()) {
    1145           1 :             int i_mass = 0; // Temporary workaround that increasingly looks like the long term solution
    1146           1 :             int i_vol = 0;
    1147           1 :             auto &instancesValue = instances.value();
    1148             : 
    1149           1 :             instancesValue = instances.value();
    1150           2 :             for (auto instance = instancesValue.begin(); instance != instancesValue.end(); ++instance) {
    1151           1 :                 auto const &fields = instance.value();
    1152           2 :                 auto const &thisObjectName = UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase(instance.key());
    1153           1 :                 m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->markObjectAsUsed(CurrentModuleObject, instance.key()); // Temporary workaround
    1154             : 
    1155           1 :                 Real64 flow_rate{"air_flow_value")};
    1156           1 :                 bool is_mass_flow = true;
    1157           1 :                 if (fields.find("air_flow_units") != fields.end()) {
    1158           1 :                     if ("air_flow_units") != "MassFlow") {
    1159           0 :                         is_mass_flow = false;
    1160             :                     }
    1161             :                 }
    1162             : 
    1163             :                 // Check for name overlaps
    1164           1 :                 if (elements.find(thisObjectName) != elements.end()) {
    1165           0 :                     ShowSevereError(
    1166             :                         m_state,
    1167           0 :                         format("{}: {}: Duplicated airflow element names are found = \"{}\".", RoutineName, CurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    1168           0 :                     success = false;
    1169             :                 }
    1170             : 
    1171           1 :                 if (is_mass_flow) {
    1172           1 :                     SpecifiedMassFlowData.emplace_back();
    1173           1 :                     SpecifiedMassFlowData[i_mass].name = thisObjectName;
    1174           1 :                     SpecifiedMassFlowData[i_mass].mass_flow = flow_rate;
    1175           1 :                     elements[thisObjectName] = &SpecifiedMassFlowData[i_mass]; // Yet another workaround
    1176           1 :                     ++i_mass;
    1177             :                 } else {
    1178           0 :                     SpecifiedVolumeFlowData.emplace_back();
    1179           0 :                     SpecifiedVolumeFlowData[i_vol].name = thisObjectName;
    1180           0 :                     SpecifiedVolumeFlowData[i_vol].volume_flow = flow_rate;
    1181           0 :                     elements[thisObjectName] = &SpecifiedVolumeFlowData[i_vol]; // Yet another workaround
    1182           0 :                     ++i_vol;
    1183             :                 }
    1184             :             }
    1185             :         }
    1186             : 
    1187             :         // Read AirflowNetwork Distribution system component: duct leakage
    1188          34 :         CurrentModuleObject = "AirflowNetwork:Distribution:Component:Leak";
    1189          34 :         DisSysNumOfLeaks = m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getNumObjectsFound(m_state, CurrentModuleObject); // Temporary workaround
    1190          34 :         instances = m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->epJSON.find(CurrentModuleObject);
    1191          34 :         if (instances != m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->epJSON.end()) {
    1192          11 :             int i = 1;                                     // Temporary workaround
    1193          11 :             DisSysCompLeakData.allocate(DisSysNumOfLeaks); // Temporary workaround
    1194          11 :             auto &instancesValue = instances.value();
    1195          25 :             for (auto instance = instancesValue.begin(); instance != instancesValue.end(); ++instance) {
    1196          14 :                 auto const &fields = instance.value();
    1197          28 :                 auto const &thisObjectName = UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase(instance.key());
    1198          14 :                 m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->markObjectAsUsed(CurrentModuleObject, instance.key()); // Temporary workaround
    1199             : 
    1200          14 :                 Real64 coeff{"air_mass_flow_coefficient")};
    1201          14 :                 Real64 expnt{0.65};
    1202          14 :                 if (fields.find("air_mass_flow_exponent") != fields.end()) {
    1203          14 :                     expnt ="air_mass_flow_exponent").get<Real64>();
    1204             :                 }
    1205             : 
    1206          14 :                 DisSysCompLeakData(i).name = thisObjectName; // Name of duct leak component
    1207          14 :                 DisSysCompLeakData(i).FlowCoef = coeff;      // Air Mass Flow Coefficient
    1208          14 :                 DisSysCompLeakData(i).FlowExpo = expnt;      // Air Mass Flow exponent
    1209             : 
    1210             :                 // Add the element to the lookup table, check for name overlaps
    1211          14 :                 if (elements.find(thisObjectName) == elements.end()) {
    1212          14 :                     elements[thisObjectName] = &DisSysCompLeakData(i); // Yet another workaround
    1213             :                 } else {
    1214           0 :                     ShowSevereError(
    1215             :                         m_state,
    1216           0 :                         format("{}: {}: Duplicated airflow element names are found = \"{}\".", RoutineName, CurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    1217             :                     // ShowContinueError(state, "A unique component name is required in both objects " + CompName(1) + " and " + CompName(2));
    1218           0 :                     success = false;
    1219             :                 }
    1220             : 
    1221          14 :                 ++i;
    1222             :             }
    1223             :         }
    1224             : 
    1225             :         // Read AirflowNetwork Distribution system component: duct effective leakage ratio
    1226          34 :         CurrentModuleObject = "AirflowNetwork:Distribution:Component:LeakageRatio";
    1227          34 :         DisSysNumOfELRs = m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getNumObjectsFound(m_state, CurrentModuleObject); // Temporary workaround
    1228          34 :         instances = m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->epJSON.find(CurrentModuleObject);
    1229          34 :         if (instances != m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->epJSON.end()) {
    1230          22 :             int i = 1;                                   // Temporary workaround
    1231          22 :             DisSysCompELRData.allocate(DisSysNumOfELRs); // Temporary workaround
    1232          22 :             auto &instancesValue = instances.value();
    1233         120 :             for (auto instance = instancesValue.begin(); instance != instancesValue.end(); ++instance) {
    1234          98 :                 auto const &fields = instance.value();
    1235         196 :                 auto const &thisObjectName = UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase(instance.key());
    1236          98 :                 m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->markObjectAsUsed(CurrentModuleObject, instance.key()); // Temporary workaround
    1237             : 
    1238          98 :                 Real64 elr{"effective_leakage_ratio")};
    1239          98 :                 Real64 maxflow{"maximum_flow_rate")};
    1240          98 :                 Real64 dp{"reference_pressure_difference")};
    1241          98 :                 Real64 expnt{0.65};
    1242          98 :                 if (fields.find("air_mass_flow_exponent") != fields.end()) {
    1243          98 :                     expnt ="air_mass_flow_exponent").get<Real64>();
    1244             :                 }
    1245             : 
    1246          98 :                 DisSysCompELRData(i).name = thisObjectName;                             // Name of duct effective leakage ratio component
    1247          98 :                 DisSysCompELRData(i).ELR = elr;                                         // Value of effective leakage ratio
    1248          98 :                 DisSysCompELRData(i).FlowRate = maxflow * m_state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir; // Maximum airflow rate
    1249          98 :                 DisSysCompELRData(i).RefPres = dp;                                      // Reference pressure difference
    1250          98 :                 DisSysCompELRData(i).FlowExpo = expnt;                                  // Air Mass Flow exponent
    1251             : 
    1252             :                 // Add the element to the lookup table, check for name overlaps
    1253          98 :                 if (elements.find(thisObjectName) == elements.end()) {
    1254          98 :                     elements[thisObjectName] = &DisSysCompELRData(i); // Yet another workaround
    1255             :                 } else {
    1256           0 :                     ShowSevereError(
    1257             :                         m_state,
    1258           0 :                         format("{}: {}: Duplicated airflow element names are found = \"{}\".", RoutineName, CurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    1259             :                     // ShowContinueError(state, "A unique component name is required in both objects " + CompName(1) + " and " + CompName(2));
    1260           0 :                     success = false;
    1261             :                 }
    1262             : 
    1263          98 :                 ++i;
    1264             :             }
    1265             :         }
    1266             : 
    1267             :         // Read AirflowNetwork Distribution system component: duct
    1268          34 :         CurrentModuleObject = "AirflowNetwork:Distribution:Component:Duct";
    1269          34 :         DisSysNumOfDucts = m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getNumObjectsFound(m_state, CurrentModuleObject); // Temporary workaround
    1270          34 :         instances = m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->epJSON.find(CurrentModuleObject);
    1271          34 :         if (instances != m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->epJSON.end()) {
    1272          23 :             int i = 1;                                     // Temporary workaround
    1273          23 :             DisSysCompDuctData.allocate(DisSysNumOfDucts); // Temporary workaround
    1274          23 :             auto &instancesValue = instances.value();
    1275         278 :             for (auto instance = instancesValue.begin(); instance != instancesValue.end(); ++instance) {
    1276         255 :                 auto const &fields = instance.value();
    1277         510 :                 auto const &thisObjectName = UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase(instance.key());
    1278         255 :                 m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->markObjectAsUsed(CurrentModuleObject, instance.key()); // Temporary workaround
    1279             : 
    1280         255 :                 Real64 L{"duct_length")};
    1281         255 :                 Real64 D{"hydraulic_diameter")};
    1282         255 :                 Real64 A{"cross_section_area")};
    1283         255 :                 Real64 e{0.0009};
    1284         255 :                 if (fields.find("surface_roughness") != fields.end()) {
    1285         255 :                     e ="surface_roughness").get<Real64>();
    1286             :                 }
    1287         255 :                 Real64 dlc{0.0};
    1288         255 :                 if (fields.find("coefficient_for_local_dynamic_loss_due_to_fitting") != fields.end()) {
    1289         255 :                     dlc ="coefficient_for_local_dynamic_loss_due_to_fitting").get<Real64>();
    1290             :                 }
    1291         255 :                 Real64 U{0.943};
    1292         255 :                 if (fields.find("heat_transmittance_coefficient_u_factor_for_duct_wall_construction") != fields.end()) {
    1293         255 :                     U ="heat_transmittance_coefficient_u_factor_for_duct_wall_construction").get<Real64>();
    1294             :                 }
    1295         255 :                 Real64 Um{0.001};
    1296         255 :                 if (fields.find("overall_moisture_transmittance_coefficient_from_air_to_air") != fields.end()) {
    1297         255 :                     Um ="overall_moisture_transmittance_coefficient_from_air_to_air").get<Real64>();
    1298             :                 }
    1299         255 :                 Real64 hout{0.0};
    1300         255 :                 if (fields.find("outside_convection_coefficient") != fields.end()) {
    1301         218 :                     hout ="outside_convection_coefficient").get<Real64>();
    1302             :                 }
    1303         255 :                 Real64 hin{0.0};
    1304         255 :                 if (fields.find("inside_convection_coefficient") != fields.end()) {
    1305         218 :                     hin ="inside_convection_coefficient").get<Real64>();
    1306             :                 }
    1307             : 
    1308         255 :                 DisSysCompDuctData(i).name = thisObjectName;   // Name of duct effective leakage ratio component
    1309         255 :                 DisSysCompDuctData(i).L = L;                   // Duct length [m]
    1310         255 :                 DisSysCompDuctData(i).hydraulicDiameter = D;   // Hydraulic diameter [m]
    1311         255 :                 DisSysCompDuctData(i).A = A;                   // Cross section area [m2]
    1312         255 :                 DisSysCompDuctData(i).roughness = e;           // Surface roughness [m]
    1313         255 :                 DisSysCompDuctData(i).TurDynCoef = dlc;        // Turbulent dynamic loss coefficient
    1314         255 :                 DisSysCompDuctData(i).UThermConduct = U;       // Conduction heat transmittance [W/m2.K]
    1315         255 :                 DisSysCompDuctData(i).UMoisture = Um;          // Overall moisture transmittance [kg/m2]
    1316         255 :                 DisSysCompDuctData(i).OutsideConvCoeff = hout; // Outside convection coefficient [W/m2.K]
    1317         255 :                 DisSysCompDuctData(i).InsideConvCoeff = hin;   // Inside convection coefficient [W/m2.K]
    1318         255 :                 DisSysCompDuctData(i).MThermal = 0.0;          // Thermal capacity [J/K]
    1319         255 :                 DisSysCompDuctData(i).MMoisture = 0.0;         // Moisture capacity [kg]
    1320         255 :                 DisSysCompDuctData(i).LamDynCoef = 64.0;       // Laminar dynamic loss coefficient
    1321         255 :                 DisSysCompDuctData(i).LamFriCoef = dlc;        // Laminar friction loss coefficient
    1322         255 :                 DisSysCompDuctData(i).InitLamCoef = 128.0;     // Coefficient of linear initialization
    1323         255 :                 DisSysCompDuctData(i).RelRough = e / D;        // e/D: relative roughness
    1324         255 :                 DisSysCompDuctData(i).RelL = L / D;            // L/D: relative length
    1325         255 :                 DisSysCompDuctData(i).A1 = 1.14 - 0.868589 * std::log(DisSysCompDuctData(i).RelRough); // 1.14 - 0.868589*ln(e/D)
    1326         255 :                 DisSysCompDuctData(i).g = DisSysCompDuctData(i).A1;                                    // 1/sqrt(Darcy friction factor)
    1327             : 
    1328             :                 // Add the element to the lookup table, check for name overlaps
    1329         255 :                 if (elements.find(thisObjectName) == elements.end()) {
    1330         255 :                     elements[thisObjectName] = &DisSysCompDuctData(i); // Yet another workaround
    1331             :                 } else {
    1332           0 :                     ShowSevereError(
    1333             :                         m_state,
    1334           0 :                         format("{}: {}: Duplicated airflow element names are found = \"{}\".", RoutineName, CurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    1335             :                     // ShowContinueError(state, "A unique component name is required in both objects " + CompName(1) + " and " + CompName(2));
    1336           0 :                     success = false;
    1337             :                 }
    1338             : 
    1339         255 :                 ++i;
    1340             :             }
    1341             :         }
    1342             : 
    1343             :         // Read AirflowNetwork Distribution system component: constant volume fan
    1344          34 :         CurrentModuleObject = "AirflowNetwork:Distribution:Component:Fan";
    1345          34 :         DisSysNumOfCVFs = m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getNumObjectsFound(m_state, CurrentModuleObject);
    1346          34 :         if (DisSysNumOfCVFs > 0 && DisSysNumOfCVFs != m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getNumObjectsFound(m_state, "AirLoopHVAC")) {
    1347           0 :             ShowSevereError(m_state, format("The number of entered AirflowNetwork:Distribution:Component:Fan objects is {}", DisSysNumOfCVFs));
    1348           0 :             ShowSevereError(m_state,
    1349           0 :                             format("The number of entered AirLoopHVAC objects is {}",
    1350           0 :                                    m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getNumObjectsFound(m_state, "AirLoopHVAC")));
    1351           0 :             ShowContinueError(m_state, "Both numbers should be equal. Please check your inputs.");
    1352           0 :             success = false;
    1353             :         }
    1354             : 
    1355          34 :         instances = m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->epJSON.find(CurrentModuleObject);
    1356          34 :         if (instances != m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->epJSON.end()) {
    1357          23 :             int i = 1;                                   // Temporary workaround
    1358          23 :             DisSysCompCVFData.allocate(DisSysNumOfCVFs); // Temporary workaround
    1359          23 :             auto &instancesValue = instances.value();
    1360          47 :             for (auto instance = instancesValue.begin(); instance != instancesValue.end(); ++instance) {
    1361          24 :                 auto const &fields = instance.value();
    1362          48 :                 auto const &thisObjectName = UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase(instance.key());
    1363          24 :                 m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->markObjectAsUsed(CurrentModuleObject, instance.key()); // Temporary workaround
    1364             : 
    1365          48 :                 std::string fan_name = UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase("fan_name").get<std::string>());
    1366          48 :                 std::string fan_type ="supply_fan_object_type").get<std::string>();
    1367             : 
    1368          24 :                 bool FanErrorFound = false;
    1369             :                 int fanIndex;
    1370          24 :                 Real64 flowRate = 0.0;
    1371          24 :                 int fanType_Num = 0;
    1372             :                 int inletNode;
    1373             :                 int outletNode;
    1374             : 
    1375          24 :                 if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase(fan_type), "FAN:SYSTEMMODEL")) {
    1376           1 :                     m_state.dataHVACFan->fanObjs.emplace_back(new HVACFan::FanSystem(m_state, fan_name));
    1377           1 :                     fanIndex = HVACFan::getFanObjectVectorIndex(m_state, fan_name);
    1378           1 :                     if (fanIndex < 0) {
    1379           0 :                         ShowSevereError(m_state, "...occurs in " + CurrentModuleObject + " = " + DisSysCompCVFData(i).name);
    1380           0 :                         success = false;
    1381             :                     } else {
    1382           1 :                         flowRate = m_state.dataHVACFan->fanObjs[fanIndex]->designAirVolFlowRate;
    1383           1 :                         flowRate *= m_state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir;
    1384           1 :                         DisSysCompCVFData(i).FanModelFlag = true;
    1385           1 :                         inletNode = m_state.dataHVACFan->fanObjs[fanIndex]->inletNodeNum;
    1386           1 :                         outletNode = m_state.dataHVACFan->fanObjs[fanIndex]->outletNodeNum;
    1387           1 :                         if (m_state.dataHVACFan->fanObjs[fanIndex]->speedControl == HVACFan::FanSystem::SpeedControlMethod::Continuous) {
    1388           0 :                             fanType_Num = FanType_SimpleVAV;
    1389           0 :                             VAVSystem = true;
    1390             :                         } else {
    1391           1 :                             fanType_Num = FanType_SimpleOnOff;
    1392             :                         }
    1393           1 :                         SupplyFanType = fanType_Num;
    1394             :                     }
    1395             : 
    1396             :                 } else {
    1397             : 
    1398          23 :                     GetFanIndex(m_state, fan_name, fanIndex, FanErrorFound);
    1399             : 
    1400          23 :                     if (FanErrorFound) {
    1401           0 :                         ShowSevereError(m_state, "...occurs in " + CurrentModuleObject + " = " + DisSysCompCVFData(i).name);
    1402           0 :                         success = false;
    1403             :                     }
    1404             : 
    1405          23 :                     GetFanVolFlow(m_state, fanIndex, flowRate);
    1406          23 :                     flowRate *= m_state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir;
    1407             : 
    1408          23 :                     GetFanType(m_state, fan_name, fanType_Num, FanErrorFound);
    1409          23 :                     SupplyFanType = fanType_Num;
    1410             :                 }
    1411             : 
    1412          24 :                 if (!(fanType_Num == FanType_SimpleConstVolume || fanType_Num == FanType_SimpleOnOff || fanType_Num == FanType_SimpleVAV)) {
    1413           0 :                     ShowSevereError(m_state,
    1414           0 :                                     format(RoutineName) + "The Supply Fan Object Type in " + CurrentModuleObject + " = " + thisObjectName +
    1415             :                                         " is not a valid fan type.");
    1416           0 :                     ShowContinueError(m_state, "Valid fan types are  Fan:ConstantVolume, Fan:OnOff, Fan:VariableVolume, or Fan:SystemModel.");
    1417           0 :                     success = false;
    1418             :                 } else {
    1419          24 :                     if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(fan_type, "Fan:ConstantVolume") && fanType_Num == FanType_SimpleOnOff) {
    1420           0 :                         ShowSevereError(m_state, "The Supply Fan Object Type defined in " + CurrentModuleObject + " is " + fan_type);
    1421           0 :                         ShowContinueError(m_state, "The Supply Fan Object Type defined in an AirLoopHVAC is Fan:OnOff");
    1422           0 :                         success = false;
    1423             :                     }
    1424          24 :                     if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(fan_type, "Fan:OnOff") && fanType_Num == FanType_SimpleConstVolume) {
    1425           0 :                         ShowSevereError(m_state, "The Supply Fan Object Type defined in " + CurrentModuleObject + " is " + fan_type);
    1426           0 :                         ShowContinueError(m_state, "The Supply Fan Object Type defined in an AirLoopHVAC is Fan:ConstantVolume");
    1427           0 :                         success = false;
    1428             :                     }
    1429             :                 }
    1430          24 :                 bool ErrorsFound{false};
    1431          24 :                 if (fanType_Num == FanType_SimpleConstVolume) {
    1432          14 :                     inletNode = GetFanInletNode(m_state, "Fan:ConstantVolume", fan_name, ErrorsFound);
    1433          14 :                     outletNode = GetFanOutletNode(m_state, "Fan:ConstantVolume", fan_name, ErrorsFound);
    1434             :                 }
    1435          24 :                 if (fanType_Num == FanType_SimpleOnOff && !DisSysCompCVFData(i).FanModelFlag) {
    1436           8 :                     inletNode = GetFanInletNode(m_state, "Fan:OnOff", fan_name, ErrorsFound);
    1437           8 :                     outletNode = GetFanOutletNode(m_state, "Fan:OnOff", fan_name, ErrorsFound);
    1438             :                 }
    1439          24 :                 if (fanType_Num == FanType_SimpleVAV && !DisSysCompCVFData(i).FanModelFlag) {
    1440           1 :                     inletNode = GetFanInletNode(m_state, "Fan:VariableVolume", fan_name, ErrorsFound);
    1441           1 :                     outletNode = GetFanOutletNode(m_state, "Fan:VariableVolume", fan_name, ErrorsFound);
    1442           1 :                     VAVSystem = true;
    1443             :                 }
    1444             : 
    1445          24 :                 if (ErrorsFound) {
    1446           0 :                     success = false;
    1447             :                 }
    1448             : 
    1449          24 :                 DisSysCompCVFData(i).name = fan_name; // Name of duct effective leakage ratio component
    1450          24 :                 DisSysCompCVFData(i).Ctrl = 1.0;      // Control ratio
    1451          24 :                 DisSysCompCVFData(i).FanIndex = fanIndex;
    1452          24 :                 DisSysCompCVFData(i).FlowRate = flowRate;
    1453          24 :                 DisSysCompCVFData(i).FanTypeNum = fanType_Num;
    1454          24 :                 DisSysCompCVFData(i).InletNode = inletNode;
    1455          24 :                 DisSysCompCVFData(i).OutletNode = outletNode;
    1456             : 
    1457             :                 // Add the element to the lookup table, check for name overlaps
    1458          24 :                 if (elements.find(fan_name) == elements.end()) {
    1459          24 :                     elements[fan_name] = &DisSysCompCVFData(i); // Yet another workaround
    1460             :                 } else {
    1461           0 :                     ShowSevereError(
    1462           0 :                         m_state, format("{}: {}: Duplicated airflow element names are found = \"{}\".", RoutineName, CurrentModuleObject, fan_name));
    1463             :                     // ShowContinueError(state, "A unique component name is required in both objects " + CompName(1) + " and " + CompName(2));
    1464           0 :                     success = false;
    1465             :                 }
    1466             : 
    1467          24 :                 ++i;
    1468             :             }
    1469             :         }
    1470             : 
    1471             :         // Read AirflowNetwork Distribution system component: coil
    1472          34 :         CurrentModuleObject = "AirflowNetwork:Distribution:Component:Coil";
    1473          34 :         DisSysNumOfCoils = m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getNumObjectsFound(m_state, CurrentModuleObject); // Temporary workaround
    1474          34 :         instances = m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->epJSON.find(CurrentModuleObject);
    1475          34 :         if (instances != m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->epJSON.end()) {
    1476          23 :             int i = 1;                                     // Temporary workaround
    1477          23 :             DisSysCompCoilData.allocate(DisSysNumOfCoils); // Temporary workaround
    1478          23 :             auto &instancesValue = instances.value();
    1479          80 :             for (auto instance = instancesValue.begin(); instance != instancesValue.end(); ++instance) {
    1480          57 :                 auto const &fields = instance.value();
    1481             :                 // auto const &thisObjectName = UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase(instance.key());
    1482          57 :                 m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->markObjectAsUsed(CurrentModuleObject, instance.key()); // Temporary workaround
    1483             : 
    1484         114 :                 std::string coil_name ="coil_name").get<std::string>();
    1485         114 :                 std::string coil_type ="coil_object_type").get<std::string>();
    1486          57 :                 Real64 L{"air_path_length")};
    1487          57 :                 Real64 D{"air_path_hydraulic_diameter")};
    1488             : 
    1489          57 :                 DisSysCompCoilData(i).name = UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase(coil_name); // Name of associated EPlus coil component
    1490          57 :                 DisSysCompCoilData(i).EPlusType = coil_type;                            // coil type
    1491          57 :                 DisSysCompCoilData(i).L = L;                                            // Air path length
    1492          57 :                 DisSysCompCoilData(i).hydraulicDiameter = D;                            // Air path hydraulic diameter
    1493             : 
    1494             :                 // Add the element to the lookup table, check for name overlaps
    1495          57 :                 if (elements.find(DisSysCompCoilData(i).name) == elements.end()) {
    1496          57 :                     elements[DisSysCompCoilData(i).name] = &DisSysCompCoilData(i); // Yet another workaround
    1497             :                 } else {
    1498           0 :                     ShowSevereError(m_state,
    1499           0 :                                     format("{}: {}: Duplicated airflow element names are found = \"{}\".",
    1500             :                                            RoutineName,
    1501             :                                            CurrentModuleObject,
    1502           0 :                                            DisSysCompCoilData(i).name));
    1503             :                     // ShowContinueError(state, "A unique component name is required in both objects " + CompName(1) + " and " + CompName(2));
    1504           0 :                     success = false;
    1505             :                 }
    1506             : 
    1507          57 :                 ++i;
    1508             :             }
    1509             :         }
    1510             : 
    1511             :         // Read AirflowNetwork Distribution system component: heat exchanger
    1512          34 :         CurrentModuleObject = "AirflowNetwork:Distribution:Component:HeatExchanger";
    1513          34 :         DisSysNumOfHXs = m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getNumObjectsFound(m_state, CurrentModuleObject); // Temporary workaround
    1514          34 :         instances = m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->epJSON.find(CurrentModuleObject);
    1515          34 :         if (instances != m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->epJSON.end()) {
    1516           1 :             int i = 1;                                 // Temporary workaround
    1517           1 :             DisSysCompHXData.allocate(DisSysNumOfHXs); // Temporary workaround
    1518           1 :             auto &instancesValue = instances.value();
    1519           2 :             for (auto instance = instancesValue.begin(); instance != instancesValue.end(); ++instance) {
    1520           1 :                 auto const &fields = instance.value();
    1521             :                 // auto const &thisObjectName = UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase(instance.key());
    1522           1 :                 m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->markObjectAsUsed(CurrentModuleObject, instance.key()); // Temporary workaround
    1523             : 
    1524           2 :                 std::string hx_name ="heatexchanger_name").get<std::string>();
    1525           2 :                 std::string hx_type ="heatexchanger_object_type").get<std::string>();
    1526           1 :                 Real64 L{"air_path_length")};
    1527           1 :                 Real64 D{"air_path_hydraulic_diameter")};
    1528             : 
    1529           1 :                 DisSysCompHXData(i).name = UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase(hx_name); // Name of associated EPlus heat exchange component
    1530           1 :                 DisSysCompHXData(i).EPlusType = hx_type;                            // coil type
    1531           1 :                 DisSysCompHXData(i).L = L;                                          // Air path length
    1532           1 :                 DisSysCompHXData(i).hydraulicDiameter = D;                          // Air path hydraulic diameter
    1533           1 :                 DisSysCompHXData(i).CoilParentExists = HVACHXAssistedCoolingCoil::VerifyHeatExchangerParent(m_state, hx_type, hx_name);
    1534             : 
    1535             :                 // Add the element to the lookup table, check for name overlaps
    1536           1 :                 if (elements.find(DisSysCompHXData(i).name) == elements.end()) {
    1537           1 :                     elements[DisSysCompHXData(i).name] = &DisSysCompHXData(i); // Yet another workaround
    1538             :                 } else {
    1539           0 :                     ShowSevereError(m_state,
    1540           0 :                                     format("{}: {}: Duplicated airflow element names are found = \"{}\".",
    1541             :                                            RoutineName,
    1542             :                                            CurrentModuleObject,
    1543           0 :                                            DisSysCompHXData(i).name));
    1544             :                     // ShowContinueError(state, "A unique component name is required in both objects " + CompName(1) + " and " + CompName(2));
    1545           0 :                     success = false;
    1546             :                 }
    1547           1 :                 ++i;
    1548             :             }
    1549             :         }
    1550             : 
    1551             :         // Read AirflowNetwork Distribution system component: terminal unit
    1552          34 :         CurrentModuleObject = "AirflowNetwork:Distribution:Component:TerminalUnit";
    1553          34 :         DisSysNumOfTermUnits = m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getNumObjectsFound(m_state, CurrentModuleObject); // Temporary workaround
    1554          34 :         instances = m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->epJSON.find(CurrentModuleObject);
    1555          34 :         if (instances != m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->epJSON.end()) {
    1556          12 :             int i = 1;                                             // Temporary workaround
    1557          12 :             DisSysCompTermUnitData.allocate(DisSysNumOfTermUnits); // Temporary workaround
    1558          12 :             auto &instancesValue = instances.value();
    1559          36 :             for (auto instance = instancesValue.begin(); instance != instancesValue.end(); ++instance) {
    1560          24 :                 auto const &fields = instance.value();
    1561             :                 // auto const &thisObjectName = UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase(instance.key());
    1562          24 :                 m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->markObjectAsUsed(CurrentModuleObject, instance.key()); // Temporary workaround
    1563             : 
    1564          48 :                 std::string tu_name ="terminal_unit_name").get<std::string>();
    1565          48 :                 std::string tu_type ="terminal_unit_object_type").get<std::string>();
    1566          24 :                 Real64 L{"air_path_length")};
    1567          24 :                 Real64 D{"air_path_hydraulic_diameter")};
    1568             : 
    1569          24 :                 DisSysCompTermUnitData(i).name = UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase(tu_name); // Name of associated EPlus coil component
    1570          24 :                 DisSysCompTermUnitData(i).EPlusType = tu_type;                            // Terminal unit type
    1571          24 :                 DisSysCompTermUnitData(i).L = L;                                          // Air path length
    1572          24 :                 DisSysCompTermUnitData(i).hydraulicDiameter = D;                          // Air path hydraulic diameter
    1573             : 
    1574             :                 // Add the element to the lookup table, check for name overlaps
    1575          24 :                 if (elements.find(DisSysCompTermUnitData(i).name) == elements.end()) {
    1576          24 :                     elements[DisSysCompTermUnitData(i).name] = &DisSysCompTermUnitData(i); // Yet another workaround
    1577             :                 } else {
    1578           0 :                     ShowSevereError(m_state,
    1579           0 :                                     format("{}: {}: Duplicated airflow element names are found = \"{}\".",
    1580             :                                            RoutineName,
    1581             :                                            CurrentModuleObject,
    1582           0 :                                            DisSysCompTermUnitData(i).name));
    1583             :                     // ShowContinueError(state, "A unique component name is required in both objects " + CompName(1) + " and " + CompName(2));
    1584           0 :                     success = false;
    1585             :                 }
    1586             : 
    1587          24 :                 ++i;
    1588             :             }
    1589             :         }
    1590             : 
    1591             :         // Get input data of constant pressure drop component
    1592          34 :         CurrentModuleObject = "AirflowNetwork:Distribution:Component:ConstantPressureDrop";
    1593          34 :         DisSysNumOfCPDs = m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getNumObjectsFound(m_state, CurrentModuleObject); // Temporary workaround
    1594          34 :         instances = m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->epJSON.find(CurrentModuleObject);
    1595          34 :         if (instances != m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->epJSON.end()) {
    1596          12 :             int i = 1;                                   // Temporary workaround
    1597          12 :             DisSysCompCPDData.allocate(DisSysNumOfCPDs); // Temporary workaround
    1598          12 :             auto &instancesValue = instances.value();
    1599          24 :             for (auto instance = instancesValue.begin(); instance != instancesValue.end(); ++instance) {
    1600          12 :                 auto const &fields = instance.value();
    1601          24 :                 auto const &thisObjectName = UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase(instance.key());
    1602          12 :                 m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->markObjectAsUsed(CurrentModuleObject, instance.key()); // Temporary workaround
    1603             : 
    1604          12 :                 Real64 dp{"pressure_difference_across_the_component")};
    1605             : 
    1606          12 :                 DisSysCompCPDData(i).name = thisObjectName; // Name of constant pressure drop component
    1607          12 :                 DisSysCompCPDData(i).A = 1.0;               // cross section area
    1608          12 :                 DisSysCompCPDData(i).DP = dp;               // Pressure difference across the component
    1609             : 
    1610             :                 // Add the element to the lookup table, check for name overlaps
    1611          12 :                 if (elements.find(thisObjectName) == elements.end()) {
    1612          12 :                     elements[thisObjectName] = &DisSysCompCPDData(i); // Yet another workaround
    1613             :                 } else {
    1614           0 :                     ShowSevereError(
    1615             :                         m_state,
    1616           0 :                         format("{}: {}: Duplicated airflow element names are found = \"{}\".", RoutineName, CurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    1617             :                     // ShowContinueError(state, "A unique component name is required in both objects " + CompName(1) + " and " + CompName(2));
    1618           0 :                     success = false;
    1619             :                 }
    1620             : 
    1621          12 :                 ++i;
    1622             :             }
    1623             :         }
    1624             : 
    1625          34 :         return success;
    1626             :     }
    1627             : 
    1628         771 :     void Solver::get_input()
    1629             :     {
    1630             : 
    1631             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    1632             :         //       AUTHOR         Lixing Gu
    1633             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   Aug. 2003
    1634             :         //       MODIFIED       Aug. 2005
    1635             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
    1636             : 
    1637             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    1638             :         // This subroutine reads inputs of air distribution system
    1639             : 
    1640             :         // Using/Aliasing
    1641             :         using Curve::GetCurveIndex;
    1642             :         using DataLoopNode::ObjectIsParent;
    1643             :         using HVACHXAssistedCoolingCoil::VerifyHeatExchangerParent;
    1644             :         using MixedAir::GetOAMixerNumber;
    1645             :         using NodeInputManager::GetOnlySingleNode;
    1646             :         using OutAirNodeManager::SetOutAirNodes;
    1647             :         using RoomAirModelManager::GetRAFNNodeNum;
    1648             : 
    1649             :         // SUBROUTINE PARAMETER DEFINITIONS:
    1650             :         static constexpr std::string_view RoutineName("AirflowNetwork::Solver::get_input: "); // include trailing blank space
    1651             : 
    1652             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
    1653             :         // int i;
    1654             :         int n;
    1655             :         int j;
    1656             :         int k;
    1657             :         int m;
    1658             :         int count;
    1659             :         bool NodeFound;
    1660             :         bool CompFound;
    1661             :         bool ErrorsFound;
    1662             :         bool found;
    1663             :         bool NodeFound1;
    1664             :         bool NodeFound2;
    1665             :         int NumAPL;
    1666         805 :         Array1D_string CompName(2);
    1667         805 :         std::string SimAirNetworkKey;
    1668             :         bool SimObjectError;
    1669         805 :         std::string StringOut;
    1670             :         int ZoneNum;
    1671             :         int NodeNum;
    1672             : 
    1673             :         // Declare variables used in this subroutine for debug purpose
    1674             :         bool AirflowNetworkInitFlag;
    1675         805 :         Array1D_int ZoneCheck;
    1676         805 :         Array1D_int ZoneBCCheck;
    1677             :         bool SurfaceFound;
    1678             : 
    1679             :         int NumAlphas;  // Number of Alphas for each GetObjectItem call
    1680             :         int NumNumbers; // Number of Numbers for each GetObjectItem call
    1681             :         int IOStatus;   // Used in GetObjectItem
    1682         805 :         std::string CurrentModuleObject;
    1683         805 :         Array1D_string Alphas;         // Alpha input items for object
    1684         805 :         Array1D_string cAlphaFields;   // Alpha field names
    1685         805 :         Array1D_string cNumericFields; // Numeric field names
    1686         805 :         Array1D<Real64> Numbers;       // Numeric input items for object
    1687         805 :         Array1D_bool lAlphaBlanks;     // Logical array, alpha field input BLANK = .TRUE.
    1688         805 :         Array1D_bool lNumericBlanks;   // Logical array, numeric field input BLANK = .TRUE.
    1689         771 :         int MaxNums(0);                // Maximum number of numeric input fields
    1690         771 :         int MaxAlphas(0);              // Maximum number of alpha input fields
    1691         771 :         int TotalArgs(0);              // Total number of alpha and numeric arguments (max) for a
    1692             :         bool Errorfound1;
    1693             :         Real64 minHeight;
    1694             :         Real64 maxHeight;
    1695             :         Real64 baseratio;
    1696             : 
    1697         771 :         auto &Node(m_state.dataLoopNodes->Node);
    1698             : 
    1699             :         // Formats
    1700             :         static constexpr std::string_view Format_110(
    1701             :             "! <AirflowNetwork Model:Control>, No Multizone or Distribution/Multizone with Distribution/Multizone "
    1702             :             "without Distribution/Multizone with Distribution only during Fan Operation\n");
    1703             :         static constexpr std::string_view Format_120("AirflowNetwork Model:Control,{}\n");
    1704             : 
    1705             :         // Set the maximum numbers of input fields
    1706        1542 :         m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectDefMaxArgs(
    1707         771 :             m_state, "AirflowNetwork:SimulationControl", TotalArgs, NumAlphas, NumNumbers);
    1708         771 :         MaxNums = max(MaxNums, NumNumbers);
    1709         771 :         MaxAlphas = max(MaxAlphas, NumAlphas);
    1710         771 :         m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectDefMaxArgs(m_state, "AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:Zone", TotalArgs, NumAlphas, NumNumbers);
    1711         771 :         MaxNums = max(MaxNums, NumNumbers);
    1712         771 :         MaxAlphas = max(MaxAlphas, NumAlphas);
    1713        1542 :         m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectDefMaxArgs(
    1714         771 :             m_state, "AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:Surface", TotalArgs, NumAlphas, NumNumbers);
    1715         771 :         MaxNums = max(MaxNums, NumNumbers);
    1716         771 :         MaxAlphas = max(MaxAlphas, NumAlphas);
    1717        1542 :         m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectDefMaxArgs(
    1718         771 :             m_state, "AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:Component:DetailedOpening", TotalArgs, NumAlphas, NumNumbers);
    1719         771 :         MaxNums = max(MaxNums, NumNumbers);
    1720         771 :         MaxAlphas = max(MaxAlphas, NumAlphas);
    1721        1542 :         m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectDefMaxArgs(
    1722         771 :             m_state, "AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:ExternalNode", TotalArgs, NumAlphas, NumNumbers);
    1723         771 :         MaxNums = max(MaxNums, NumNumbers);
    1724         771 :         MaxAlphas = max(MaxAlphas, NumAlphas);
    1725        1542 :         m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectDefMaxArgs(
    1726         771 :             m_state, "AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:WindPressureCoefficientArray", TotalArgs, NumAlphas, NumNumbers);
    1727         771 :         MaxNums = max(MaxNums, NumNumbers);
    1728         771 :         MaxAlphas = max(MaxAlphas, NumAlphas);
    1729        1542 :         m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectDefMaxArgs(
    1730         771 :             m_state, "AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:WindPressureCoefficientValues", TotalArgs, NumAlphas, NumNumbers);
    1731         771 :         MaxNums = max(MaxNums, NumNumbers);
    1732         771 :         MaxAlphas = max(MaxAlphas, NumAlphas);
    1733        1542 :         m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectDefMaxArgs(
    1734         771 :             m_state, "AirflowNetwork:Distribution:Node", TotalArgs, NumAlphas, NumNumbers);
    1735         771 :         MaxNums = max(MaxNums, NumNumbers);
    1736         771 :         MaxAlphas = max(MaxAlphas, NumAlphas);
    1737        1542 :         m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectDefMaxArgs(
    1738         771 :             m_state, "AirflowNetwork:Distribution:DuctViewFactors", TotalArgs, NumAlphas, NumNumbers);
    1739         771 :         MaxNums = max(MaxNums, NumNumbers);
    1740         771 :         MaxAlphas = max(MaxAlphas, NumAlphas);
    1741        1542 :         m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectDefMaxArgs(
    1742         771 :             m_state, "AirflowNetwork:Distribution:Linkage", TotalArgs, NumAlphas, NumNumbers);
    1743         771 :         MaxNums = max(MaxNums, NumNumbers);
    1744         771 :         MaxAlphas = max(MaxAlphas, NumAlphas);
    1745        1542 :         m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectDefMaxArgs(
    1746         771 :             m_state, "AirflowNetwork:OccupantVentilationControl", TotalArgs, NumAlphas, NumNumbers);
    1747         771 :         MaxNums = max(MaxNums, NumNumbers);
    1748         771 :         MaxAlphas = max(MaxAlphas, NumAlphas);
    1749         771 :         m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectDefMaxArgs(m_state, "AirflowNetwork:IntraZone:Node", TotalArgs, NumAlphas, NumNumbers);
    1750         771 :         MaxNums = max(MaxNums, NumNumbers);
    1751         771 :         MaxAlphas = max(MaxAlphas, NumAlphas);
    1752        1542 :         m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectDefMaxArgs(
    1753         771 :             m_state, "AirflowNetwork:IntraZone:Linkage", TotalArgs, NumAlphas, NumNumbers);
    1754         771 :         MaxNums = max(MaxNums, NumNumbers);
    1755         771 :         MaxAlphas = max(MaxAlphas, NumAlphas);
    1756        1542 :         m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectDefMaxArgs(
    1757         771 :             m_state, "AirflowNetwork:ZoneControl:PressureController", TotalArgs, NumAlphas, NumNumbers);
    1758         771 :         MaxNums = max(MaxNums, NumNumbers);
    1759         771 :         MaxAlphas = max(MaxAlphas, NumAlphas);
    1760        1542 :         m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectDefMaxArgs(
    1761         771 :             m_state, "AirflowNetwork:Distribution:DuctSizing", TotalArgs, NumAlphas, NumNumbers);
    1762         771 :         MaxNums = max(MaxNums, NumNumbers);
    1763         771 :         MaxAlphas = max(MaxAlphas, NumAlphas);
    1764             : 
    1765         771 :         Alphas.allocate(MaxAlphas);
    1766         771 :         cAlphaFields.allocate(MaxAlphas);
    1767         771 :         cNumericFields.allocate(MaxNums);
    1768         771 :         Numbers.dimension(MaxNums, 0.0);
    1769         771 :         lAlphaBlanks.dimension(MaxAlphas, true);
    1770         771 :         lNumericBlanks.dimension(MaxNums, true);
    1771             : 
    1772         771 :         ErrorsFound = false;
    1773         771 :         AirflowNetworkInitFlag = false;
    1774             : 
    1775         771 :         auto &Zone(m_state.dataHeatBal->Zone);
    1776             : 
    1777             :         // Read AirflowNetwork OccupantVentilationControl before reading other AirflowNetwork objects, so that this object can be called by other
    1778             :         // simple ventilation objects
    1779         771 :         CurrentModuleObject = "AirflowNetwork:OccupantVentilationControl";
    1780         771 :         AirflowNetworkNumOfOccuVentCtrls = m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getNumObjectsFound(m_state, CurrentModuleObject);
    1781         771 :         if (AirflowNetworkNumOfOccuVentCtrls > 0) {
    1782           1 :             OccupantVentilationControl.allocate(AirflowNetworkNumOfOccuVentCtrls);
    1783           2 :             for (int i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfOccuVentCtrls; ++i) {
    1784           1 :                 m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectItem(m_state,
    1785             :                                                                            CurrentModuleObject,
    1786             :                                                                            i,
    1787             :                                                                            Alphas,
    1788             :                                                                            NumAlphas,
    1789             :                                                                            Numbers,
    1790             :                                                                            NumNumbers,
    1791             :                                                                            IOStatus,
    1792             :                                                                            lNumericBlanks,
    1793             :                                                                            lAlphaBlanks,
    1794             :                                                                            cAlphaFields,
    1795             :                                                                            cNumericFields);
    1796           1 :                 UtilityRoutines::IsNameEmpty(m_state, Alphas(1), CurrentModuleObject, ErrorsFound);
    1797           1 :                 OccupantVentilationControl(i).Name = Alphas(1); // Name of object
    1798           1 :                 OccupantVentilationControl(i).MinOpeningTime = Numbers(1);
    1799           1 :                 if (OccupantVentilationControl(i).MinOpeningTime < 0.0) {
    1800             :                     // Code will never be executed, validation will catch invalid input
    1801           0 :                     ShowWarningError(m_state, format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + " object, " + cNumericFields(1) + " < 0.0");
    1802           0 :                     ShowContinueError(m_state,
    1803           0 :                                       format("..Input value = {:.1R}, Value will be reset to 0.0", OccupantVentilationControl(i).MinOpeningTime));
    1804           0 :                     ShowContinueError(m_state, "..for " + cAlphaFields(1) + " = \"" + OccupantVentilationControl(i).Name);
    1805           0 :                     OccupantVentilationControl(i).MinOpeningTime = 0.0;
    1806             :                 }
    1807           1 :                 OccupantVentilationControl(i).MinClosingTime = Numbers(2);
    1808           1 :                 if (OccupantVentilationControl(i).MinClosingTime < 0.0) {
    1809             :                     // Code will never be executed, validation will catch invalid input
    1810           0 :                     ShowWarningError(m_state, format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + " object, " + cNumericFields(2) + " < 0.0");
    1811           0 :                     ShowContinueError(m_state,
    1812           0 :                                       format("..Input value = {:.1R}, Value will be reset to 0.0", OccupantVentilationControl(i).MinClosingTime));
    1813           0 :                     ShowContinueError(m_state, "..for " + cAlphaFields(1) + " = \"" + OccupantVentilationControl(i).Name);
    1814           0 :                     OccupantVentilationControl(i).MinClosingTime = 0.0;
    1815             :                 }
    1816           1 :                 if (NumAlphas == 1 && NumNumbers == 2) {
    1817           0 :                     OccupantVentilationControl(i).MinTimeControlOnly = true;
    1818             :                 }
    1819           1 :                 if (!lAlphaBlanks(2)) {
    1820           1 :                     OccupantVentilationControl(i).ComfortLowTempCurveName = Alphas(2);
    1821           1 :                     OccupantVentilationControl(i).ComfortLowTempCurveNum = GetCurveIndex(m_state, Alphas(2)); // convert curve name to number
    1822           1 :                     if (OccupantVentilationControl(i).ComfortLowTempCurveNum == 0) {
    1823           0 :                         OccupantVentilationControl(i).MinTimeControlOnly = true;
    1824           0 :                         ShowWarningError(m_state,
    1825           0 :                                          format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + " object, " + cAlphaFields(2) +
    1826           0 :                                              " not found = " + OccupantVentilationControl(i).ComfortLowTempCurveName);
    1827           0 :                         ShowContinueError(m_state, "..for specified " + cAlphaFields(1) + " = " + Alphas(1));
    1828           0 :                         ShowContinueError(
    1829             :                             m_state,
    1830             :                             "Thermal comfort will not be performed and minimum opening and closing times are checked only. Simulation continues.");
    1831             :                     } else {
    1832           3 :                         ErrorsFound |= Curve::CheckCurveDims(m_state,
    1833           1 :                                                              OccupantVentilationControl(i).ComfortLowTempCurveNum, // Curve index
    1834             :                                                              {1},                                                  // Valid dimensions
    1835             :                                                              RoutineName,                                          // Routine name
    1836             :                                                              CurrentModuleObject,                                  // Object Type
    1837           1 :                                                              OccupantVentilationControl(i).Name,                   // Object Name
    1838           1 :                                                              cAlphaFields(2));                                     // Field Name
    1839             :                     }
    1840             :                 }
    1841           1 :                 if (!lAlphaBlanks(3)) {
    1842           1 :                     OccupantVentilationControl(i).ComfortHighTempCurveName = Alphas(3);
    1843           1 :                     OccupantVentilationControl(i).ComfortHighTempCurveNum = GetCurveIndex(m_state, Alphas(3)); // convert curve name to number
    1844           1 :                     if (OccupantVentilationControl(i).ComfortHighTempCurveNum > 0) {
    1845           3 :                         ErrorsFound |= Curve::CheckCurveDims(m_state,
    1846           1 :                                                              OccupantVentilationControl(i).ComfortHighTempCurveNum, // Curve index
    1847             :                                                              {1},                                                   // Valid dimensions
    1848             :                                                              RoutineName,                                           // Routine name
    1849             :                                                              CurrentModuleObject,                                   // Object Type
    1850           1 :                                                              OccupantVentilationControl(i).Name,                    // Object Name
    1851           1 :                                                              cAlphaFields(3));                                      // Field Name
    1852             :                     } else {
    1853           0 :                         ShowWarningError(m_state,
    1854           0 :                                          format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + " object, " + cAlphaFields(3) +
    1855           0 :                                              " not found = " + OccupantVentilationControl(i).ComfortHighTempCurveName);
    1856           0 :                         ShowContinueError(m_state, "..for specified " + cAlphaFields(1) + " = " + Alphas(1));
    1857           0 :                         ShowContinueError(m_state, "A single curve of thermal comfort low temperature is used only. Simulation continues.");
    1858             :                     }
    1859             :                 }
    1860           1 :                 if (OccupantVentilationControl(i).ComfortHighTempCurveNum > 0) {
    1861           1 :                     OccupantVentilationControl(i).ComfortBouPoint = Numbers(3);
    1862           1 :                     if (OccupantVentilationControl(i).ComfortBouPoint < 0.0) {
    1863             :                         // Code will never be executed, validation will catch invalid input
    1864           0 :                         ShowWarningError(m_state, format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + " object, " + cNumericFields(3) + " < 0.0");
    1865           0 :                         ShowContinueError(
    1866             :                             m_state,
    1867           0 :                             format("..Input value = {:.1R}, Value will be reset to 10.0 as default", OccupantVentilationControl(i).ComfortBouPoint));
    1868           0 :                         ShowContinueError(m_state, "..for " + cAlphaFields(1) + " = \"" + OccupantVentilationControl(i).Name);
    1869           0 :                         OccupantVentilationControl(i).ComfortBouPoint = 10.0;
    1870             :                     }
    1871             :                 }
    1872             :                 // Check continuity of both curves at boundary point
    1873           1 :                 if (OccupantVentilationControl(i).ComfortLowTempCurveNum > 0 && OccupantVentilationControl(i).ComfortHighTempCurveNum) {
    1874           3 :                     if (std::abs(CurveValue(m_state, OccupantVentilationControl(i).ComfortLowTempCurveNum, Numbers(3)) -
    1875           2 :                                  CurveValue(m_state, OccupantVentilationControl(i).ComfortHighTempCurveNum, Numbers(3))) > 0.1) {
    1876           0 :                         ShowSevereError(m_state,
    1877           0 :                                         format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject +
    1878             :                                             " object: The difference of both curve values at boundary point > 0.1");
    1879           0 :                         ShowContinueError(m_state, "Both curve names are = " + cAlphaFields(2) + " and " + cAlphaFields(3));
    1880           0 :                         ShowContinueError(m_state,
    1881           0 :                                           format("The input value of {} = {:.1R}", cNumericFields(3), OccupantVentilationControl(i).ComfortBouPoint));
    1882           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
    1883             :                     }
    1884             :                 }
    1885           1 :                 if (!lNumericBlanks(4)) {
    1886           1 :                     OccupantVentilationControl(i).MaxPPD = Numbers(4);
    1887           1 :                     if (OccupantVentilationControl(i).MaxPPD < 0.0 || OccupantVentilationControl(i).MaxPPD > 100.0) {
    1888             :                         // Code will never be executed, validation will catch invalid input
    1889           0 :                         ShowWarningError(m_state,
    1890           0 :                                          format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + " object, " + cNumericFields(4) + " beyond 0.0 and 100.0");
    1891           0 :                         ShowContinueError(
    1892           0 :                             m_state, format("..Input value = {:.1R}, Value will be reset to 10.0 as default", OccupantVentilationControl(i).MaxPPD));
    1893           0 :                         ShowContinueError(m_state, "..for " + cAlphaFields(1) + " = \"" + OccupantVentilationControl(i).Name);
    1894           0 :                         OccupantVentilationControl(i).MaxPPD = 10.0;
    1895             :                     }
    1896             :                 }
    1897           1 :                 if (!lAlphaBlanks(4)) {
    1898           1 :                     if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(Alphas(4), "Yes")) {
    1899           1 :                         OccupantVentilationControl(i).OccupancyCheck = true;
    1900           0 :                     } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(Alphas(4), "No")) {
    1901           0 :                         OccupantVentilationControl(i).OccupancyCheck = false;
    1902             :                     } else {
    1903             :                         // Code will never be executed, validation will catch invalid input
    1904           0 :                         ShowSevereError(m_state,
    1905           0 :                                         format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + Alphas(1) + "\" invalid " + cAlphaFields(2) + "=\"" +
    1906           0 :                                             Alphas(2) + "\" illegal key.");
    1907           0 :                         ShowContinueError(m_state, "Valid keys are: Yes or No");
    1908           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
    1909             :                     }
    1910             :                 }
    1911           1 :                 if (!lAlphaBlanks(5)) {
    1912           0 :                     OccupantVentilationControl(i).OpeningProbSchName = Alphas(5); // a schedule name for opening probability
    1913           0 :                     OccupantVentilationControl(i).OpeningProbSchNum = GetScheduleIndex(m_state, OccupantVentilationControl(i).OpeningProbSchName);
    1914           0 :                     if (OccupantVentilationControl(i).OpeningProbSchNum == 0) {
    1915           0 :                         ShowSevereError(m_state,
    1916           0 :                                         format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + " object, " + cAlphaFields(5) +
    1917           0 :                                             " not found = " + OccupantVentilationControl(i).OpeningProbSchName);
    1918           0 :                         ShowContinueError(m_state, "..for specified " + cAlphaFields(1) + " = " + Alphas(1));
    1919           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
    1920             :                     }
    1921             :                 }
    1922           1 :                 if (!lAlphaBlanks(6)) {
    1923           0 :                     OccupantVentilationControl(i).ClosingProbSchName = Alphas(6); // a schedule name for closing probability
    1924           0 :                     OccupantVentilationControl(i).ClosingProbSchNum = GetScheduleIndex(m_state, OccupantVentilationControl(i).ClosingProbSchName);
    1925           0 :                     if (OccupantVentilationControl(i).OpeningProbSchNum == 0) {
    1926           0 :                         ShowSevereError(m_state,
    1927           0 :                                         format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + " object, " + cAlphaFields(6) +
    1928           0 :                                             " not found = " + OccupantVentilationControl(i).ClosingProbSchName);
    1929           0 :                         ShowContinueError(m_state, "..for specified " + cAlphaFields(1) + " = " + Alphas(1));
    1930           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
    1931             :                     }
    1932             :                 }
    1933             :             }
    1934             :         }
    1935             : 
    1936         771 :         if (ErrorsFound) {
    1937           0 :             ShowFatalError(m_state, format("{}Errors found getting inputs. Previous error(s) cause program termination.", RoutineName));
    1938             :         }
    1939             : 
    1940             :         // *** Read AirflowNetwork simulation parameters
    1941         771 :         CurrentModuleObject = "AirflowNetwork:SimulationControl";
    1942         771 :         NumAirflowNetwork = m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getNumObjectsFound(m_state, CurrentModuleObject);
    1943         771 :         if (NumAirflowNetwork == 0) {
    1944        1474 :             if (m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getNumObjectsFound(m_state, "AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:Zone") >= 1 &&
    1945         737 :                 m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getNumObjectsFound(m_state, "AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:Surface") >= 2) {
    1946           0 :                 control_defaulted = true;
    1947           0 :        = "AFNDefaultControl";
    1948           0 :                 simulation_control.type = ControlType::MultizoneWithoutDistribution;
    1949           0 :                 simulation_control.WPCCntr = "SURFACEAVERAGECALCULATION";
    1950           0 :                 simulation_control.HeightOption = "OPENINGHEIGHT";
    1951           0 :                 simulation_control.BldgType = "LOWRISE";
    1952           0 :                 simulation_control.InitType = "ZERONODEPRESSURES";
    1953           0 :                 simulation_control.temperature_height_dependence = false;
    1954           0 :                 simulation_control.solver = SimulationControl::Solver::SkylineLU;
    1955             :                 // Use default values for numerical fields
    1956           0 :                 simulation_control.maximum_iterations = 500;
    1957           0 :                 simulation_control.relative_convergence_tolerance = 1.E-4;
    1958           0 :                 simulation_control.absolute_convergence_tolerance = 1.E-6;
    1959           0 :                 simulation_control.convergence_acceleration_limit = -0.5;
    1960           0 :                 simulation_control.azimuth = 0.0;
    1961           0 :                 simulation_control.aspect_ratio = 1.0;
    1962           0 :                 simulation_control.MaxPressure = 500.0; // Maximum pressure difference by default
    1963           0 :                 SimAirNetworkKey = "MultizoneWithoutDistribution";
    1964           0 :                 simulation_control.InitFlag = 1;
    1965           0 :                 ShowWarningError(m_state, format("{}{} object is not found ", RoutineName, CurrentModuleObject));
    1966           0 :                 ShowContinueError(m_state, "..The default behaviour values are assigned. Please see details in Input Output Reference.");
    1967             :             } else {
    1968         737 :                 simulation_control.type = ControlType::NoMultizoneOrDistribution;
    1969         737 :                 print(m_state.files.eio, Format_110);
    1970         737 :                 print(m_state.files.eio, Format_120, "NoMultizoneOrDistribution");
    1971         737 :                 return;
    1972             :             }
    1973             :         }
    1974          34 :         if (NumAirflowNetwork > 1) {
    1975           0 :             ShowFatalError(m_state, format("{}Only one (\"1\") {} object per simulation is allowed.", RoutineName, CurrentModuleObject));
    1976             :         }
    1977             : 
    1978          34 :         SimObjectError = false;
    1979          34 :         if (!control_defaulted) {
    1980          34 :             m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectItem(m_state,
    1981             :                                                                        CurrentModuleObject,
    1982             :                                                                        NumAirflowNetwork,
    1983             :                                                                        Alphas,
    1984             :                                                                        NumAlphas,
    1985             :                                                                        Numbers,
    1986             :                                                                        NumNumbers,
    1987             :                                                                        IOStatus,
    1988             :                                                                        lNumericBlanks,
    1989             :                                                                        lAlphaBlanks,
    1990             :                                                                        cAlphaFields,
    1991             :                                                                        cNumericFields);
    1992             : 
    1993          34 :    = Alphas(1);
    1994          34 :             simulation_control.WPCCntr = Alphas(3);
    1995          34 :             simulation_control.HeightOption = Alphas(4);
    1996          34 :             simulation_control.BldgType = Alphas(5);
    1997             : 
    1998             :             // Retrieve flag allowing the support of zone equipment
    1999          34 :             simulation_control.allow_unsupported_zone_equipment = false;
    2000          34 :             if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(Alphas(9), "Yes")) {
    2001           2 :                 simulation_control.allow_unsupported_zone_equipment = true;
    2002             :             }
    2003             : 
    2004             :             // Find a flag for possible combination of vent and distribution system
    2005             :             // This SELECT_CASE_var will go on input refactor, no need to fix
    2006             :             {
    2007          68 :                 auto const SELECT_CASE_var(UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase(Alphas(2)));
    2008          34 :                 if (SELECT_CASE_var == "NOMULTIZONEORDISTRIBUTION") {
    2009           0 :                     simulation_control.type = ControlType::NoMultizoneOrDistribution;
    2010           0 :                     SimAirNetworkKey = "NoMultizoneOrDistribution";
    2011          34 :                 } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == "MULTIZONEWITHOUTDISTRIBUTION") {
    2012          11 :                     simulation_control.type = ControlType::MultizoneWithoutDistribution;
    2013          11 :                     SimAirNetworkKey = "MultizoneWithoutDistribution";
    2014          23 :                 } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == "MULTIZONEWITHDISTRIBUTIONONLYDURINGFANOPERATION") {
    2015           2 :                     simulation_control.type = ControlType::MultizoneWithDistributionOnlyDuringFanOperation;
    2016           2 :                     SimAirNetworkKey = "MultizoneWithDistributionOnlyDuringFanOperation";
    2017             :                 } else { // if (SELECT_CASE_var == "MULTIZONEWITHDISTRIBUTION") {
    2018          21 :                     simulation_control.type = ControlType::MultizoneWithDistribution;
    2019          21 :                     SimAirNetworkKey = "MultizoneWithDistribution";
    2020             :                 }
    2021             :             }
    2022             :         }
    2023             : 
    2024             :         // Determine a convenience boolean or two to simplify the checking
    2025             :         // The first one is true if distribution is simulated, replaces some > and >= comparisons
    2026             :         // SimulateAirflowNetwork > AirflowNetworkControlMultizone -> type == ControlType::MultizoneWithDistributionOnlyDuringFanOperation
    2027             :         //                                                            type == ControlType::MultizoneWithDistribution
    2028             :         // SimulateAirflowNetwork >= AirflowNetworkControlSimpleADS -> type == ControlType::MultizoneWithDistributionOnlyDuringFanOperation
    2029             :         //                                                             type == ControlType::MultizoneWithDistribution
    2030          66 :         distribution_simulated = simulation_control.type == ControlType::MultizoneWithDistributionOnlyDuringFanOperation ||
    2031          32 :                                  simulation_control.type == ControlType::MultizoneWithDistribution;
    2032             :         // This one is true if the multizone simulation is ALWAYS done
    2033          34 :         multizone_always_simulated =
    2034          34 :             simulation_control.type == ControlType::MultizoneWithDistribution || simulation_control.type == ControlType::MultizoneWithoutDistribution;
    2035             : 
    2036             :         // Check the number of primary air loops
    2037          34 :         if (distribution_simulated) {
    2038          23 :             NumAPL = m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getNumObjectsFound(m_state, "AirLoopHVAC");
    2039          23 :             if (NumAPL > 0) {
    2040          23 :                 LoopPartLoadRatio.allocate(NumAPL);
    2041          23 :                 LoopOnOffFanRunTimeFraction.allocate(NumAPL);
    2042          23 :                 LoopOnOffFlag.allocate(NumAPL);
    2043          23 :                 LoopPartLoadRatio = 0.0;
    2044          23 :                 LoopOnOffFanRunTimeFraction = 0.0;
    2045          23 :                 LoopOnOffFlag = false;
    2046             :             }
    2047             :         }
    2048          34 :         print(m_state.files.eio, Format_110);
    2049          34 :         print(m_state.files.eio, Format_120, SimAirNetworkKey);
    2050             : 
    2051          34 :         if (control_defaulted) {
    2052           0 :             cAlphaFields(2) = "AirflowNetwork Control";
    2053             :         }
    2054             : 
    2055             :         // Check whether there are any objects from infiltration, ventilation, mixing and cross mixing
    2056          68 :         if (simulation_control.type == ControlType::NoMultizoneOrDistribution ||
    2057          34 :             simulation_control.type == ControlType::MultizoneWithDistributionOnlyDuringFanOperation) {
    2058           6 :             if (m_state.dataHeatBal->TotInfiltration + m_state.dataHeatBal->TotVentilation + m_state.dataHeatBal->TotMixing +
    2059           6 :                     m_state.dataHeatBal->TotCrossMixing + m_state.dataHeatBal->TotZoneAirBalance +
    2060           6 :                     m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getNumObjectsFound(m_state, "ZoneEarthtube") +
    2061           6 :                     m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getNumObjectsFound(m_state, "ZoneThermalChimney") +
    2062           4 :                     m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getNumObjectsFound(m_state, "ZoneCoolTower:Shower") ==
    2063             :                 0) {
    2064           0 :                 ShowWarningError(m_state, format("{}{} = \"{}\"", RoutineName, cAlphaFields(2), SimAirNetworkKey));
    2065           0 :                 ShowContinueError(
    2066             :                     m_state,
    2067             :                     "..but there are no Infiltration, Ventilation, Mixing, Cross Mixing or ZoneAirBalance objects. The simulation continues...");
    2068             :             }
    2069             :         }
    2070             : 
    2071             :         // Check whether a user wants to perform SIMPLE calculation only or not
    2072          34 :         if (simulation_control.type == ControlType::NoMultizoneOrDistribution) {
    2073           0 :             return;
    2074             :         }
    2075             : 
    2076          34 :         if (multizone_always_simulated) {
    2077          32 :             if (m_state.dataHeatBal->TotInfiltration > 0) {
    2078           0 :                 ShowWarningError(m_state, format("{}{} object, ", RoutineName, CurrentModuleObject));
    2079           0 :                 ShowContinueError(m_state,
    2080           0 :                                   "..Specified " + cAlphaFields(2) + " = \"" + SimAirNetworkKey + "\" and ZoneInfiltration:* objects are present.");
    2081           0 :                 ShowContinueError(m_state, "..ZoneInfiltration objects will not be simulated.");
    2082             :             }
    2083          32 :             if (m_state.dataHeatBal->TotVentilation > 0) {
    2084           2 :                 ShowWarningError(m_state, format("{}{} object, ", RoutineName, CurrentModuleObject));
    2085           6 :                 ShowContinueError(m_state,
    2086           4 :                                   "..Specified " + cAlphaFields(2) + " = \"" + SimAirNetworkKey + "\" and ZoneVentilation:* objects are present.");
    2087           2 :                 ShowContinueError(m_state, "..ZoneVentilation objects will not be simulated.");
    2088             :             }
    2089          32 :             if (m_state.dataHeatBal->TotMixing > 0) {
    2090           0 :                 ShowWarningError(m_state, format("{}{} object, ", RoutineName, CurrentModuleObject));
    2091           0 :                 ShowContinueError(m_state, "..Specified " + cAlphaFields(2) + " = \"" + SimAirNetworkKey + "\" and ZoneMixing objects are present.");
    2092           0 :                 ShowContinueError(m_state, "..ZoneMixing objects will not be simulated.");
    2093             :             }
    2094          32 :             if (m_state.dataHeatBal->TotCrossMixing > 0) {
    2095           0 :                 ShowWarningError(m_state, format("{}{} object, ", RoutineName, CurrentModuleObject));
    2096           0 :                 ShowContinueError(m_state,
    2097           0 :                                   "..Specified " + cAlphaFields(2) + " = \"" + SimAirNetworkKey + "\" and ZoneCrossMixing objects are present.");
    2098           0 :                 ShowContinueError(m_state, "..ZoneCrossMixing objects will not be simulated.");
    2099             :             }
    2100          32 :             if (m_state.dataHeatBal->TotZoneAirBalance > 0) {
    2101           0 :                 ShowWarningError(m_state, format("{}{} object, ", RoutineName, CurrentModuleObject));
    2102           0 :                 ShowContinueError(
    2103           0 :                     m_state, "..Specified " + cAlphaFields(2) + " = \"" + SimAirNetworkKey + "\" and ZoneAirBalance:OutdoorAir objects are present.");
    2104           0 :                 ShowContinueError(m_state, "..ZoneAirBalance:OutdoorAir objects will not be simulated.");
    2105             :             }
    2106          32 :             if (m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getNumObjectsFound(m_state, "ZoneEarthtube") > 0) {
    2107           0 :                 ShowWarningError(m_state, format("{}{} object, ", RoutineName, CurrentModuleObject));
    2108           0 :                 ShowContinueError(m_state,
    2109           0 :                                   "..Specified " + cAlphaFields(2) + " = \"" + SimAirNetworkKey + "\" and ZoneEarthtube objects are present.");
    2110           0 :                 ShowContinueError(m_state, "..ZoneEarthtube objects will not be simulated.");
    2111             :             }
    2112          32 :             if (m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getNumObjectsFound(m_state, "ZoneThermalChimney") > 0) {
    2113           0 :                 ShowWarningError(m_state, format("{}{} object, ", RoutineName, CurrentModuleObject));
    2114           0 :                 ShowContinueError(m_state,
    2115           0 :                                   "..Specified " + cAlphaFields(2) + " = \"" + SimAirNetworkKey + "\" and ZoneThermalChimney objects are present.");
    2116           0 :                 ShowContinueError(m_state, "..ZoneThermalChimney objects will not be simulated.");
    2117             :             }
    2118          32 :             if (m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getNumObjectsFound(m_state, "ZoneCoolTower:Shower") > 0) {
    2119           0 :                 ShowWarningError(m_state, format("{}{} object, ", RoutineName, CurrentModuleObject));
    2120           0 :                 ShowContinueError(m_state,
    2121           0 :                                   "..Specified " + cAlphaFields(2) + " = \"" + SimAirNetworkKey + "\" and ZoneCoolTower:Shower objects are present.");
    2122           0 :                 ShowContinueError(m_state, "..ZoneCoolTower:Shower objects will not be simulated.");
    2123             :             }
    2124             :         }
    2125             : 
    2126          34 :         SetOutAirNodes(m_state);
    2127          34 :         if (!control_defaulted) {
    2128          34 :             if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(simulation_control.WPCCntr, "Input")) {
    2129          27 :                 simulation_control.iWPCCnt = iWPCCntr::Input;
    2130          27 :                 if (lAlphaBlanks(4)) {
    2131           0 :                     ShowSevereError(m_state, format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + " object, " + cAlphaFields(3) + " = INPUT.");
    2132           0 :                     ShowContinueError(m_state, ".." + cAlphaFields(4) + " was not entered.");
    2133           0 :                     ErrorsFound = true;
    2134           0 :                     SimObjectError = true;
    2135             :                 } else {
    2136          54 :                     if (!(UtilityRoutines::SameString(simulation_control.HeightOption, "ExternalNode") ||
    2137          27 :                           UtilityRoutines::SameString(simulation_control.HeightOption, "OpeningHeight"))) {
    2138           0 :                         ShowSevereError(
    2139           0 :                             m_state, format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + " object, " + cAlphaFields(4) + " = " + Alphas(4) + " is invalid.");
    2140           0 :                         ShowContinueError(m_state,
    2141           0 :                                           "Valid choices are ExternalNode or OpeningHeight. " + CurrentModuleObject + ": " + cAlphaFields(1) + " = " +
    2142             :                                     ;
    2143           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
    2144           0 :                         SimObjectError = true;
    2145             :                     }
    2146             :                 }
    2147           7 :             } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(simulation_control.WPCCntr, "SurfaceAverageCalculation")) {
    2148           7 :                 simulation_control.iWPCCnt = iWPCCntr::SurfAvg;
    2149          14 :                 if (!(UtilityRoutines::SameString(simulation_control.BldgType, "LowRise") ||
    2150           7 :                       UtilityRoutines::SameString(simulation_control.BldgType, "HighRise"))) {
    2151           0 :                     ShowSevereError(m_state,
    2152           0 :                                     format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + " object, " + cAlphaFields(5) + " = " + Alphas(5) + " is invalid.");
    2153           0 :                     ShowContinueError(m_state,
    2154           0 :                                       "Valid choices are LowRise or HighRise. " + CurrentModuleObject + ": " + cAlphaFields(1) + " = " +
    2155             :                                 ;
    2156           0 :                     ErrorsFound = true;
    2157           0 :                     SimObjectError = true;
    2158             :                 }
    2159         126 :                 for (k = 1; k <= m_state.dataLoopNodes->NumOfNodes; ++k) {
    2160         119 :                     if (Node(k).IsLocalNode) {
    2161           0 :                         ShowSevereError(m_state, format(RoutineName) + "Invalid " + cAlphaFields(3) + "=" + Alphas(3));
    2162           0 :                         ShowContinueError(m_state,
    2163             :                                           "A local air node is defined to INPUT the wind pressure coefficient curve, while Wind Pressure Coefficient "
    2164             :                                           "Type is set to SurfaceAverageCalculation.");
    2165           0 :                         ShowContinueError(m_state, "It requires  the Wind Pressure Coefficient Type be set to INPUT to use the local air node.");
    2166           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
    2167           0 :                         SimObjectError = true;
    2168           0 :                         break;
    2169             :                     }
    2170             :                 }
    2171             :             } else {
    2172           0 :                 ShowSevereError(m_state,
    2173           0 :                                 format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + " object, " + cAlphaFields(3) + " = " + simulation_control.WPCCntr +
    2174             :                                     " is not valid.");
    2175           0 :                 ShowContinueError(m_state,
    2176           0 :                                   "Valid choices are Input or SurfaceAverageCalculation. " + CurrentModuleObject + " = " +;
    2177           0 :                 ErrorsFound = true;
    2178           0 :                 SimObjectError = true;
    2179             :             }
    2180             : 
    2181          34 :             simulation_control.InitType = Alphas(6);
    2182          34 :             if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(simulation_control.InitType, "LinearInitializationMethod")) {
    2183           0 :                 simulation_control.InitFlag = 0;
    2184          34 :             } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(simulation_control.InitType, "ZeroNodePressures")) {
    2185          34 :                 simulation_control.InitFlag = 1;
    2186           0 :             } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(simulation_control.InitType, "0")) {
    2187           0 :                 simulation_control.InitFlag = 0;
    2188           0 :             } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(simulation_control.InitType, "1")) {
    2189           0 :                 simulation_control.InitFlag = 1;
    2190             :             } else {
    2191             :                 // Code will never be executed, validation will catch invalid input
    2192           0 :                 ShowSevereError(m_state,
    2193           0 :                                 format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + " object, " + cAlphaFields(6) + " = " + Alphas(6) + " is invalid.");
    2194           0 :                 ShowContinueError(m_state,
    2195           0 :                                   "Valid choices are LinearInitializationMethod or ZeroNodePressures. " + CurrentModuleObject + " = " +
    2196             :                             ;
    2197           0 :                 ErrorsFound = true;
    2198           0 :                 SimObjectError = true;
    2199             :             }
    2200             : 
    2201          34 :             if (!lAlphaBlanks(7) && UtilityRoutines::SameString(Alphas(7), "Yes")) simulation_control.temperature_height_dependence = true;
    2202             : 
    2203          34 :             if (lAlphaBlanks(8)) {
    2204          33 :                 simulation_control.solver = SimulationControl::Solver::SkylineLU;
    2205           1 :             } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(Alphas(8), "SkylineLU")) {
    2206           1 :                 simulation_control.solver = SimulationControl::Solver::SkylineLU;
    2207           0 :             } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(Alphas(8), "ConjugateGradient")) {
    2208           0 :                 simulation_control.solver = SimulationControl::Solver::ConjugateGradient;
    2209             :             } else {
    2210           0 :                 simulation_control.solver = SimulationControl::Solver::SkylineLU;
    2211           0 :                 ShowWarningError(m_state, format("{}{} object, ", RoutineName, CurrentModuleObject));
    2212           0 :                 ShowContinueError(m_state, "..Specified " + cAlphaFields(8) + " = \"" + Alphas(8) + "\" is unrecognized.");
    2213           0 :                 ShowContinueError(m_state, "..Default value \"SkylineLU\" will be used.");
    2214             :             }
    2215             : 
    2216             :             // Get inputs for duct sizing
    2217          34 :             simulation_control.autosize_ducts = false;
    2218          34 :             if (NumAlphas == 10) {
    2219          34 :                 if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(Alphas(10), "YES")) {
    2220           1 :                     simulation_control.autosize_ducts = true;
    2221           1 :                     if (simulation_control.type == ControlType::MultizoneWithDistribution) {
    2222           1 :                         if (NumAPL > 1) {
    2223           0 :                             ShowWarningError(m_state, format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + " object, ");
    2224           0 :                             ShowContinueError(
    2225             :                                 m_state,
    2226           0 :                                 format("The number of AirLoopHAVC is greater than 1. The current requirement for Duct Sizing requires a "
    2227           0 :                                        "single AirLoopHVAC."));
    2228           0 :                             ShowContinueError(m_state, format("..Duct sizing is not performed"));
    2229           0 :                             simulation_control.autosize_ducts = false;
    2230             :                         }
    2231             :                     }
    2232             :                 }
    2233             :             }
    2234             : 
    2235          34 :             if (SimObjectError) {
    2236           0 :                 ShowFatalError(
    2237             :                     m_state,
    2238           0 :                     format("{}Errors found getting {} object. Previous error(s) cause program termination.", RoutineName, CurrentModuleObject));
    2239             :             }
    2240             : 
    2241          34 :             simulation_control.maximum_iterations = static_cast<int>(Numbers(1));
    2242          34 :             simulation_control.relative_convergence_tolerance = Numbers(2);
    2243          34 :             simulation_control.absolute_convergence_tolerance = Numbers(3);
    2244          34 :             simulation_control.convergence_acceleration_limit = Numbers(4);
    2245          34 :             simulation_control.azimuth = Numbers(5);
    2246          34 :             simulation_control.aspect_ratio = Numbers(6);
    2247          34 :             simulation_control.MaxPressure = 500.0; // Maximum pressure difference by default
    2248             :         }
    2249             : 
    2250          34 :         CurrentModuleObject = "AirflowNetwork:Distribution:DuctSizing";
    2251          34 :         int NumDuctSizing = m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getNumObjectsFound(m_state, CurrentModuleObject);
    2252          34 :         if (NumDuctSizing > 1) {
    2253           0 :             ShowWarningError(m_state, format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + " object, ");
    2254           0 :             ShowContinueError(
    2255             :                 m_state,
    2256           0 :                 format("The number of AirflowNetwork:Distribution:DuctSizing is greater than 1. The current requirement for Duct Sizing requires a "
    2257           0 :                        "single object."));
    2258           0 :             ShowContinueError(m_state, format("..Duct sizing is not performed"));
    2259           0 :             simulation_control.autosize_ducts = false;
    2260          34 :         } else if (simulation_control.autosize_ducts && NumDuctSizing == 0) {
    2261           0 :             ShowWarningError(m_state, format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + " object, ");
    2262           0 :             ShowContinueError(
    2263             :                 m_state,
    2264           0 :                 format("The number of AirflowNetwork:Distribution:DuctSizing is not avalable. The current requirement for Duct Sizing requires a "
    2265           0 :                        "single object."));
    2266           0 :             ShowContinueError(m_state, format("..Duct sizing is not performed"));
    2267           0 :             simulation_control.autosize_ducts = false;
    2268             :         }
    2269          34 :         if (simulation_control.autosize_ducts && NumDuctSizing == 1) {
    2270           1 :             m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectItem(m_state,
    2271             :                                                                        CurrentModuleObject,
    2272             :                                                                        NumDuctSizing,
    2273             :                                                                        Alphas,
    2274             :                                                                        NumAlphas,
    2275             :                                                                        Numbers,
    2276             :                                                                        NumNumbers,
    2277             :                                                                        IOStatus,
    2278             :                                                                        lNumericBlanks,
    2279             :                                                                        lAlphaBlanks,
    2280             :                                                                        cAlphaFields,
    2281             :                                                                        cNumericFields);
    2282             : 
    2283           1 :    = Alphas(1);
    2284           1 :             if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(Alphas(2), UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase("MaximumVelocity"))) {
    2285           0 :                 simulation_control.ductSizing.method = DuctSizingMethod::MaxVelocity;
    2286           1 :             } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(Alphas(2), UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase("PressureLoss"))) {
    2287           1 :                 simulation_control.ductSizing.method = DuctSizingMethod::PressureLoss;
    2288           0 :             } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(Alphas(2), UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase("PressureLossWithMaximumVelocity"))) {
    2289           0 :                 simulation_control.ductSizing.method = DuctSizingMethod::VelocityAndLoss;
    2290             :             } else {
    2291           0 :                 ShowSevereError(m_state, format("{} {} object, {} = {}  is invalid.", RoutineName, CurrentModuleObject, cAlphaFields(2), Alphas(2)));
    2292           0 :                 ShowContinueError(m_state,
    2293           0 :                                   format("Valid choices are MaximumVelocity, PressureLoss, and PressureLossWithMaximumVelocity. {}: {} = {}",
    2294             :                                          CurrentModuleObject,
    2295             :                                          cAlphaFields(1),
    2296           0 :                                          Alphas(1)));
    2297           0 :                 ErrorsFound = true;
    2298             :             }
    2299           1 :             if (simulation_control.type != ControlType::MultizoneWithDistribution) {
    2300           0 :                 ShowWarningError(m_state, format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + " object, ");
    2301           0 :                 ShowContinueError(m_state,
    2302           0 :                                   format("Although {} = \"{}\" is entered, but {} is not MultizoneWithoutDistribution.",
    2303             :                                          cAlphaFields(10),
    2304             :                                          Alphas(10),
    2305           0 :                                          cAlphaFields(2)));
    2306           0 :                 ShowContinueError(m_state, format("..Duct sizing is not performed"));
    2307           0 :                 simulation_control.autosize_ducts = false;
    2308             :             }
    2309           1 :             simulation_control.ductSizing.factor = Numbers(1);
    2310           1 :             simulation_control.ductSizing.max_velocity = Numbers(2);
    2311           1 :             simulation_control.ductSizing.supply_trunk_pressure_loss = Numbers(3);
    2312           1 :             simulation_control.ductSizing.supply_branch_pressure_loss = Numbers(4);
    2313           1 :             simulation_control.ductSizing.return_trunk_pressure_loss = Numbers(5);
    2314           1 :             simulation_control.ductSizing.return_branch_pressure_loss = Numbers(6);
    2315             :         }
    2316             : 
    2317             :         // *** Read AirflowNetwork simulation zone data
    2318          34 :         CurrentModuleObject = "AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:Zone";
    2319          34 :         AirflowNetworkNumOfZones = m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getNumObjectsFound(m_state, CurrentModuleObject);
    2320          34 :         if (AirflowNetworkNumOfZones > 0) {
    2321          34 :             MultizoneZoneData.allocate(AirflowNetworkNumOfZones);
    2322          34 :             AirflowNetworkZoneFlag.dimension(m_state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones, false); // AirflowNetwork zone flag
    2323         146 :             for (int i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfZones; ++i) {
    2324         112 :                 m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectItem(m_state,
    2325             :                                                                            CurrentModuleObject,
    2326             :                                                                            i,
    2327             :                                                                            Alphas,
    2328             :                                                                            NumAlphas,
    2329             :                                                                            Numbers,
    2330             :                                                                            NumNumbers,
    2331             :                                                                            IOStatus,
    2332             :                                                                            lNumericBlanks,
    2333             :                                                                            lAlphaBlanks,
    2334             :                                                                            cAlphaFields,
    2335             :                                                                            cNumericFields);
    2336         112 :                 UtilityRoutines::IsNameEmpty(m_state, Alphas(1), CurrentModuleObject, ErrorsFound);
    2337         112 :                 MultizoneZoneData(i).ZoneName = Alphas(1);                          // Name of Associated EnergyPlus Thermal Zone
    2338         112 :                 if (!lAlphaBlanks(2)) MultizoneZoneData(i).VentControl = Alphas(2); // Ventilation Control Mode: "Temperature", "Enthalpy",
    2339             :                 // "ASHRAE55ADAPTIVE", "CEN15251AdaptiveComfort,
    2340             :                 // "Constant", or "NoVent"
    2341         112 :                 MultizoneZoneData(i).VentSchName = Alphas(3); // Name of ventilation temperature control schedule
    2342         112 :                 MultizoneZoneData(i).OpenFactor = Numbers(1); // Limit Value on Multiplier for Modulating Venting Open Factor,
    2343             :                 // Not applicable if Vent Control Mode = CONSTANT or NOVENT
    2344         112 :                 MultizoneZoneData(i).LowValueTemp = Numbers(2); // Lower Value on Inside/Outside Temperature Difference
    2345             :                 // for Modulating the Venting Open Factor with temp control
    2346         112 :                 MultizoneZoneData(i).UpValueTemp = Numbers(3); // Upper Value on Inside/Outside Temperature Difference
    2347             :                 // for Modulating the Venting Open Factor with temp control
    2348         112 :                 MultizoneZoneData(i).LowValueEnth = Numbers(4); // Lower Value on Inside/Outside Temperature Difference
    2349             :                 // for Modulating the Venting Open Factor with Enthalpy control
    2350         112 :                 MultizoneZoneData(i).UpValueEnth = Numbers(5); // Upper Value on Inside/Outside Temperature Difference
    2351             :                 // for Modulating the Venting Open Factor with Enthalpy control
    2352         112 :                 MultizoneZoneData(i).VentCtrNum = VentControlType::None;
    2353         112 :                 MultizoneZoneData(i).SingleSidedCpType = Alphas(5);
    2354         112 :                 MultizoneZoneData(i).BuildWidth = Numbers(6);
    2355             : 
    2356         112 :                 if (!lAlphaBlanks(6)) {
    2357           1 :                     MultizoneZoneData(i).OccupantVentilationControlName = Alphas(6);
    2358           1 :                     MultizoneZoneData(i).OccupantVentilationControlNum =
    2359           1 :                         UtilityRoutines::FindItemInList(MultizoneZoneData(i).OccupantVentilationControlName, OccupantVentilationControl);
    2360           1 :                     if (MultizoneZoneData(i).OccupantVentilationControlNum == 0) {
    2361           0 :                         ShowSevereError(m_state,
    2362           0 :                                         format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + " object, " + cAlphaFields(6) +
    2363           0 :                                             " not found = " + MultizoneZoneData(i).OccupantVentilationControlName);
    2364           0 :                         ShowContinueError(m_state, "..for specified " + cAlphaFields(1) + " = " + Alphas(1));
    2365           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
    2366             :                     }
    2367             :                 }
    2368         112 :                 if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(MultizoneZoneData(i).VentControl, "Temperature"))
    2369          55 :                     MultizoneZoneData(i).VentCtrNum = VentControlType::Temp;
    2370         112 :                 if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(MultizoneZoneData(i).VentControl, "Enthalpy"))
    2371           0 :                     MultizoneZoneData(i).VentCtrNum = VentControlType::Enth;
    2372         112 :                 if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(MultizoneZoneData(i).VentControl, "Constant"))
    2373           9 :                     MultizoneZoneData(i).VentCtrNum = VentControlType::Const;
    2374         112 :                 if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(MultizoneZoneData(i).VentControl, "ASHRAE55Adaptive"))
    2375           1 :                     MultizoneZoneData(i).VentCtrNum = VentControlType::ASH55;
    2376         112 :                 if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(MultizoneZoneData(i).VentControl, "CEN15251Adaptive"))
    2377           0 :                     MultizoneZoneData(i).VentCtrNum = VentControlType::CEN15251;
    2378         112 :                 if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(MultizoneZoneData(i).VentControl, "NoVent"))
    2379          47 :                     MultizoneZoneData(i).VentCtrNum = VentControlType::NoVent;
    2380             : 
    2381         112 :                 if (MultizoneZoneData(i).VentCtrNum < NumOfVentCtrTypes) {
    2382          65 :                     if (NumAlphas >= 4 && (!lAlphaBlanks(4))) {
    2383          30 :                         MultizoneZoneData(i).VentingSchName = Alphas(4);
    2384          30 :                         MultizoneZoneData(i).VentingSchNum = GetScheduleIndex(m_state, MultizoneZoneData(i).VentingSchName);
    2385          30 :                         if (MultizoneZoneData(i).VentingSchNum == 0) {
    2386           0 :                             ShowSevereError(m_state,
    2387           0 :                                             format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + " object, " + cAlphaFields(4) +
    2388           0 :                                                 " not found = " + MultizoneZoneData(i).VentingSchName);
    2389           0 :                             ShowContinueError(m_state, "..for specified " + cAlphaFields(1) + " = " + Alphas(1));
    2390           0 :                             ErrorsFound = true;
    2391             :                         }
    2392             :                     }
    2393             :                 } else {
    2394          47 :                     MultizoneZoneData(i).VentingSchName = std::string();
    2395          47 :                     MultizoneZoneData(i).VentingSchNum = 0;
    2396             :                 }
    2397             :             }
    2398             :         } else {
    2399           0 :             ShowSevereError(m_state,
    2400           0 :                             format(RoutineName) + "For an AirflowNetwork Simulation, at least one " + CurrentModuleObject +
    2401             :                                 " object is required but none were found.");
    2402           0 :             ShowFatalError(
    2403           0 :                 m_state, format("{}Errors found getting {} object. Previous error(s) cause program termination.", RoutineName, CurrentModuleObject));
    2404             :         }
    2405             : 
    2406             :         // ==> Zone data validation
    2407         146 :         for (int i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfZones; ++i) {
    2408             :             // Zone name validation
    2409         112 :             MultizoneZoneData(i).ZoneNum = UtilityRoutines::FindItemInList(MultizoneZoneData(i).ZoneName, Zone);
    2410         112 :             if (MultizoneZoneData(i).ZoneNum == 0) {
    2411           0 :                 ShowSevereError(m_state, format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + " object, invalid " + cAlphaFields(1) + " given.");
    2412           0 :                 ShowContinueError(m_state, "..invalid " + cAlphaFields(1) + " = \"" + MultizoneZoneData(i).ZoneName + "\"");
    2413           0 :                 ErrorsFound = true;
    2414             :             } else {
    2415         112 :                 AirflowNetworkZoneFlag(MultizoneZoneData(i).ZoneNum) = true;
    2416         112 :                 MultizoneZoneData(i).Height = Zone(MultizoneZoneData(i).ZoneNum).Centroid.z; // Nodal height
    2417             :             }
    2418         112 :             if (MultizoneZoneData(i).VentCtrNum == VentControlType::None) {
    2419           0 :                 ShowSevereError(m_state,
    2420           0 :                                 format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + " object, invalid " + cAlphaFields(2) + " = " +
    2421           0 :                                     MultizoneZoneData(i).VentControl);
    2422           0 :                 ShowContinueError(m_state, "Valid choices are Temperature, Enthalpy, Constant, or NoVent");
    2423           0 :                 ShowContinueError(m_state, ".. in " + cAlphaFields(1) + " = \"" + MultizoneZoneData(i).ZoneName + "\"");
    2424           0 :                 ErrorsFound = true;
    2425             :             }
    2426         281 :             if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(MultizoneZoneData(i).VentControl, "Temperature") ||
    2427         169 :                 UtilityRoutines::SameString(MultizoneZoneData(i).VentControl, "Enthalpy")) {
    2428             :                 // .or. &
    2429             :                 // UtilityRoutines::SameString(MultizoneZoneData(i)%VentControl,'ASHRAE55Adaptive') .or. &
    2430             :                 // UtilityRoutines::SameString(MultizoneZoneData(i)%VentControl,'CEN15251Adaptive')) then
    2431          55 :                 MultizoneZoneData(i).VentSchNum = GetScheduleIndex(m_state, MultizoneZoneData(i).VentSchName);
    2432          55 :                 if (MultizoneZoneData(i).VentSchName == std::string()) {
    2433           0 :                     ShowSevereError(m_state,
    2434           0 :                                     format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + " object, No " + cAlphaFields(3) +
    2435           0 :                                         " was found, but is required when " + cAlphaFields(2) + " is Temperature or Enthalpy.");
    2436           0 :                     ShowContinueError(m_state,
    2437           0 :                                       "..for " + cAlphaFields(1) + " = \"" + MultizoneZoneData(i).ZoneName + "\", with " + cAlphaFields(2) + " = \"" +
    2438           0 :                                           MultizoneZoneData(i).VentControl + "\"");
    2439           0 :                     ErrorsFound = true;
    2440          55 :                 } else if (MultizoneZoneData(i).VentSchNum == 0) {
    2441           0 :                     ShowSevereError(m_state,
    2442           0 :                                     format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + " object, invalid " + cAlphaFields(3) + ", required when " +
    2443           0 :                                         cAlphaFields(2) + " is Temperature or Enthalpy.");
    2444           0 :                     ShowContinueError(m_state, ".." + cAlphaFields(3) + " in error = " + MultizoneZoneData(i).VentSchName);
    2445           0 :                     ShowContinueError(m_state,
    2446           0 :                                       "..for " + cAlphaFields(1) + " = \"" + MultizoneZoneData(i).ZoneName + "\", with " + cAlphaFields(2) + " = \"" +
    2447           0 :                                           MultizoneZoneData(i).VentControl + "\"");
    2448           0 :                     ErrorsFound = true;
    2449             :                 }
    2450             :             } else {
    2451          57 :                 MultizoneZoneData(i).VentSchNum = GetScheduleIndex(m_state, MultizoneZoneData(i).VentSchName);
    2452          57 :                 if (MultizoneZoneData(i).VentSchNum > 0) {
    2453           6 :                     ShowWarningError(m_state,
    2454           4 :                                      format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + " object, " + cAlphaFields(3) + " not required, when " +
    2455           6 :                                          cAlphaFields(2) + " is neither Temperature nor Enthalpy.");
    2456           2 :                     ShowContinueError(m_state, ".." + cAlphaFields(3) + " specified = " + MultizoneZoneData(i).VentSchName);
    2457           6 :                     ShowContinueError(m_state,
    2458           4 :                                       "..for " + cAlphaFields(1) + " = \"" + MultizoneZoneData(i).ZoneName + "\", with " + cAlphaFields(2) + " = \"" +
    2459           6 :                                           MultizoneZoneData(i).VentControl + "\"");
    2460           2 :                     MultizoneZoneData(i).VentSchNum = 0;
    2461           2 :                     MultizoneZoneData(i).VentSchName = std::string();
    2462             :                 }
    2463             :             }
    2464         112 :             if (MultizoneZoneData(i).OpenFactor > 1.0 || MultizoneZoneData(i).OpenFactor < 0.0) {
    2465             :                 // Code will never be executed, validation will catch invalid input
    2466           0 :                 ShowWarningError(m_state, format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + " object, " + cNumericFields(1) + " is out of range [0.0,1.0]");
    2467           0 :                 ShowContinueError(m_state, format("..Input value = {:.2R}, Value will be set to 1.0", MultizoneZoneData(i).OpenFactor));
    2468           0 :                 MultizoneZoneData(i).OpenFactor = 1.0;
    2469             :             }
    2470             : 
    2471             :             {
    2472             :                 // These SELECT_CASE_vars will go on input refactor, no need to fix
    2473         224 :                 auto const SELECT_CASE_var(UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase(MultizoneZoneData(i).VentControl));
    2474         112 :                 if (SELECT_CASE_var == "TEMPERATURE") { // checks on Temperature control
    2475          55 :                     if (MultizoneZoneData(i).LowValueTemp < 0.0) {
    2476             :                         // Code will never be executed, validation will catch invalid input
    2477           0 :                         ShowWarningError(m_state, format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + " object, " + cNumericFields(2) + " < 0.0");
    2478           0 :                         ShowContinueError(m_state, format("..Input value = {:.1R}, Value will be set to 0.0", MultizoneZoneData(i).LowValueTemp));
    2479           0 :                         ShowContinueError(m_state, "..for " + cAlphaFields(1) + " = \"" + MultizoneZoneData(i).ZoneName);
    2480           0 :                         MultizoneZoneData(i).LowValueTemp = 0.0;
    2481             :                     }
    2482          55 :                     if (MultizoneZoneData(i).LowValueTemp >= 100.0) {
    2483             :                         // Code will never be executed, validation will catch invalid input
    2484           0 :                         ShowWarningError(m_state, format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + " object, " + cNumericFields(2) + " >= 100.0");
    2485           0 :                         ShowContinueError(m_state, format("..Input value = {:.1R}, Value will be reset to 0.0", MultizoneZoneData(i).LowValueTemp));
    2486           0 :                         ShowContinueError(m_state, "..for " + cAlphaFields(1) + " = \"" + MultizoneZoneData(i).ZoneName);
    2487           0 :                         MultizoneZoneData(i).LowValueTemp = 0.0;
    2488             :                     }
    2489          55 :                     if (MultizoneZoneData(i).UpValueTemp <= MultizoneZoneData(i).LowValueTemp) {
    2490           0 :                         ShowWarningError(m_state,
    2491           0 :                                          format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + " object, " + cNumericFields(3) + " <= " + cNumericFields(2));
    2492           0 :                         ShowContinueError(m_state,
    2493           0 :                                           format("..Input value for {} = {:.1R}, Value will be reset to 100.0",
    2494             :                                                  cNumericFields(3),
    2495           0 :                                                  MultizoneZoneData(i).UpValueTemp));
    2496           0 :                         ShowContinueError(m_state, "..for " + cAlphaFields(1) + " = \"" + MultizoneZoneData(i).ZoneName);
    2497           0 :                         MultizoneZoneData(i).UpValueTemp = 100.0;
    2498             :                     }
    2499             : 
    2500          57 :                 } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == "ENTHALPY") { // checks for Enthalpy control
    2501           0 :                     if (MultizoneZoneData(i).LowValueEnth < 0.0) {
    2502             :                         // Code will never be executed, validation will catch invalid input
    2503           0 :                         ShowWarningError(m_state, format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + " object, " + cNumericFields(4) + " < 0.0");
    2504           0 :                         ShowContinueError(m_state, format("..Input value = {:.1R}, Value will be reset to 0.0", MultizoneZoneData(i).LowValueEnth));
    2505           0 :                         ShowContinueError(m_state, "..for " + cAlphaFields(1) + " = \"" + MultizoneZoneData(i).ZoneName);
    2506           0 :                         MultizoneZoneData(i).LowValueEnth = 0.0;
    2507             :                     }
    2508           0 :                     if (MultizoneZoneData(i).LowValueEnth >= 300000.0) {
    2509             :                         // Code will never be executed, validation will catch invalid input
    2510           0 :                         ShowWarningError(m_state, format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + " object, " + cNumericFields(4) + " >= 300000.0");
    2511           0 :                         ShowContinueError(m_state, format("..Input value = {:.1R}, Value will be reset to 0.0.", MultizoneZoneData(i).LowValueEnth));
    2512           0 :                         ShowContinueError(m_state, "..for " + cAlphaFields(1) + " = \"" + MultizoneZoneData(i).ZoneName);
    2513           0 :                         MultizoneZoneData(i).LowValueEnth = 0.0;
    2514             :                     }
    2515           0 :                     if (MultizoneZoneData(i).UpValueEnth <= MultizoneZoneData(i).LowValueEnth) {
    2516           0 :                         ShowWarningError(m_state,
    2517           0 :                                          format("{}{} object, {} <= {}", RoutineName, CurrentModuleObject, cNumericFields(5), cNumericFields(4)));
    2518           0 :                         ShowContinueError(m_state,
    2519           0 :                                           format("..Input value for {}= {:.1R}, Value will be reset to 300000.0",
    2520             :                                                  cNumericFields(5),
    2521           0 :                                                  MultizoneZoneData(i).UpValueEnth));
    2522           0 :                         ShowContinueError(m_state, "..for " + cAlphaFields(1) + " = \"" + MultizoneZoneData(i).ZoneName);
    2523           0 :                         MultizoneZoneData(i).UpValueEnth = 300000.0;
    2524             :                     }
    2525          57 :                 } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == "ASHRAE55ADAPTIVE") {
    2526             :                     // Check that for the given zone, there is a people object for which ASHRAE 55 calculations are carried out
    2527           1 :                     ZoneNum = MultizoneZoneData(i).ZoneNum;
    2528           2 :                     for (j = 1; j <= m_state.dataHeatBal->TotPeople; ++j) {
    2529           1 :                         if (ZoneNum == m_state.dataHeatBal->People(j).ZonePtr && m_state.dataHeatBal->People(j).AdaptiveASH55) {
    2530           1 :                             MultizoneZoneData(i).ASH55PeopleInd = j;
    2531             :                         }
    2532             :                     }
    2533           1 :                     if (MultizoneZoneData(i).ASH55PeopleInd == 0) {
    2534           0 :                         ShowFatalError(m_state,
    2535           0 :                                        "ASHRAE55 ventilation control for zone " + MultizoneZoneData(i).ZoneName +
    2536             :                                            " requires a people object with respective model calculations.");
    2537             :                     }
    2538          56 :                 } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == "CEN15251ADAPTIVE") {
    2539             :                     // Check that for the given zone, there is a people object for which CEN-15251 calculations are carried out
    2540           0 :                     ZoneNum = MultizoneZoneData(i).ZoneNum;
    2541           0 :                     for (j = 1; j <= m_state.dataHeatBal->TotPeople; ++j) {
    2542           0 :                         if (ZoneNum == m_state.dataHeatBal->People(j).ZonePtr && m_state.dataHeatBal->People(j).AdaptiveCEN15251) {
    2543           0 :                             MultizoneZoneData(i).CEN15251PeopleInd = j;
    2544           0 :                             break;
    2545             :                         }
    2546             :                     }
    2547           0 :                     if (MultizoneZoneData(i).CEN15251PeopleInd == 0) {
    2548           0 :                         ShowFatalError(m_state,
    2549           0 :                                        "CEN15251 ventilation control for zone " + MultizoneZoneData(i).ZoneName +
    2550             :                                            " requires a people object with respective model calculations.");
    2551             :                     }
    2552             :                 } else {
    2553             :                 }
    2554             :             }
    2555             :         }
    2556             : 
    2557             :         // *** Read AirflowNetwork external node
    2558          34 :         if (simulation_control.iWPCCnt == iWPCCntr::Input) {
    2559             :             // Wind coefficient == Surface-Average does not need inputs of external nodes
    2560          27 :             AirflowNetworkNumOfExtNode =
    2561          54 :                 m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getNumObjectsFound(m_state, "AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:ExternalNode");
    2562          27 :             if (m_state.dataGlobal->AnyLocalEnvironmentsInModel) {
    2563           1 :                 AirflowNetworkNumOfOutAirNode = m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getNumObjectsFound(m_state, "OutdoorAir:Node");
    2564           1 :                 AirflowNetworkNumOfExtNode += AirflowNetworkNumOfOutAirNode;
    2565             :             }
    2566             : 
    2567          27 :             if (AirflowNetworkNumOfExtNode > 0) {
    2568          27 :                 MultizoneExternalNodeData.allocate(AirflowNetworkNumOfExtNode);
    2569          27 :                 CurrentModuleObject = "AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:ExternalNode";
    2570         142 :                 for (int i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfExtNode - AirflowNetworkNumOfOutAirNode; ++i) {
    2571         115 :                     m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectItem(m_state,
    2572             :                                                                                CurrentModuleObject,
    2573             :                                                                                i,
    2574             :                                                                                Alphas,
    2575             :                                                                                NumAlphas,
    2576             :                                                                                Numbers,
    2577             :                                                                                NumNumbers,
    2578             :                                                                                IOStatus,
    2579             :                                                                                lNumericBlanks,
    2580             :                                                                                lAlphaBlanks,
    2581             :                                                                                cAlphaFields,
    2582             :                                                                                cNumericFields);
    2583         115 :                     UtilityRoutines::IsNameEmpty(m_state, Alphas(1), CurrentModuleObject, ErrorsFound);
    2584         115 :                     MultizoneExternalNodeData(i).Name = Alphas(1);    // Name of external node
    2585         115 :                     MultizoneExternalNodeData(i).height = Numbers(1); // Nodal height
    2586         115 :                     if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(simulation_control.HeightOption, "ExternalNode") && lNumericBlanks(1)) {
    2587           0 :                         ShowWarningError(m_state,
    2588           0 :                                          format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + " object =" + Alphas(1) + ". The input of " + cNumericFields(1) +
    2589             :                                              " is required, but a blank is found.");
    2590           0 :                         ShowContinueError(m_state, format("The default value is assigned as {:.1R}", Numbers(1)));
    2591             :                     }
    2592         115 :                     MultizoneExternalNodeData(i).ExtNum = AirflowNetworkNumOfZones + i;            // External node number
    2593         115 :                     MultizoneExternalNodeData(i).curve = Curve::GetCurveIndex(m_state, Alphas(2)); // Wind pressure curve
    2594         115 :                     if (MultizoneExternalNodeData(i).curve == 0) {
    2595           0 :                         ShowSevereError(m_state, format(RoutineName) + "Invalid " + cAlphaFields(2) + "=" + Alphas(2));
    2596           0 :                         ShowContinueError(m_state, "Entered in " + CurrentModuleObject + '=' + Alphas(1));
    2597           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
    2598             :                     }
    2599         115 :                     if (NumAlphas >= 3 && !lAlphaBlanks(3)) { // Symmetric curve
    2600           0 :                         if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(Alphas(3), "Yes")) {
    2601           0 :                             MultizoneExternalNodeData(i).symmetricCurve = true;
    2602           0 :                         } else if (!UtilityRoutines::SameString(Alphas(3), "No")) {
    2603           0 :                             ShowWarningError(
    2604           0 :                                 m_state, format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + " object, Invalid input " + cAlphaFields(3) + " = " + Alphas(3));
    2605           0 :                             ShowContinueError(m_state, "The default value is assigned as No.");
    2606             :                         }
    2607             :                     }
    2608         115 :                     if (NumAlphas == 4 && !lAlphaBlanks(4)) { // Relative or absolute wind angle
    2609           0 :                         if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(Alphas(4), "Relative")) {
    2610           0 :                             MultizoneExternalNodeData(i).useRelativeAngle = true;
    2611           0 :                         } else if (!UtilityRoutines::SameString(Alphas(4), "Absolute")) {
    2612             :                             // Code will never be executed, validation will catch invalid input
    2613           0 :                             ShowWarningError(
    2614           0 :                                 m_state, format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + " object, Invalid input " + cAlphaFields(4) + " = " + Alphas(4));
    2615           0 :                             ShowContinueError(m_state, "The default value is assigned as Absolute.");
    2616             :                         }
    2617             :                     }
    2618             :                 }
    2619          27 :                 if (m_state.dataGlobal->AnyLocalEnvironmentsInModel) {
    2620             : 
    2621           1 :                     CurrentModuleObject = "OutdoorAir:Node";
    2622           2 :                     for (int i = AirflowNetworkNumOfExtNode - AirflowNetworkNumOfOutAirNode + 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfExtNode; ++i) {
    2623           2 :                         m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectItem(m_state,
    2624             :                                                                                    CurrentModuleObject,
    2625           1 :                                                                                    i - (AirflowNetworkNumOfExtNode - AirflowNetworkNumOfOutAirNode),
    2626             :                                                                                    Alphas,
    2627             :                                                                                    NumAlphas,
    2628             :                                                                                    Numbers,
    2629             :                                                                                    NumNumbers,
    2630             :                                                                                    IOStatus,
    2631             :                                                                                    lNumericBlanks,
    2632             :                                                                                    lAlphaBlanks,
    2633             :                                                                                    cAlphaFields,
    2634             :                                                                                    cNumericFields);
    2635           1 :                         UtilityRoutines::IsNameEmpty(m_state, Alphas(1), CurrentModuleObject, ErrorsFound);
    2636             :                         // HACK: Need to verify name is unique between "OutdoorAir:Node" and "AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:ExternalNode"
    2637             : 
    2638           1 :                         if (NumAlphas > 5 && !lAlphaBlanks(6)) { // Wind pressure curve
    2639           1 :                             MultizoneExternalNodeData(i).curve = GetCurveIndex(m_state, Alphas(6));
    2640           1 :                             if (MultizoneExternalNodeData(i).curve == 0) {
    2641           0 :                                 ShowSevereError(m_state, format(RoutineName) + "Invalid " + cAlphaFields(6) + "=" + Alphas(6));
    2642           0 :                                 ShowContinueError(m_state, "Entered in " + CurrentModuleObject + '=' + Alphas(1));
    2643           0 :                                 ErrorsFound = true;
    2644             :                             }
    2645             :                         }
    2646             : 
    2647           1 :                         if (NumAlphas > 6 && !lAlphaBlanks(7)) { // Symmetric curve
    2648           1 :                             if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(Alphas(7), "Yes")) {
    2649           0 :                                 MultizoneExternalNodeData(i).symmetricCurve = true;
    2650           1 :                             } else if (!UtilityRoutines::SameString(Alphas(7), "No")) {
    2651           0 :                                 ShowWarningError(m_state,
    2652           0 :                                                  format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + " object, Invalid input " + cAlphaFields(7) + " = " +
    2653           0 :                                                      Alphas(7));
    2654           0 :                                 ShowContinueError(m_state, "The default value is assigned as No.");
    2655             :                             }
    2656             :                         }
    2657             : 
    2658           1 :                         if (NumAlphas > 7 && !lAlphaBlanks(8)) { // Relative or absolute wind angle
    2659           1 :                             if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(Alphas(8), "Relative")) {
    2660           0 :                                 MultizoneExternalNodeData(i).useRelativeAngle = true;
    2661           1 :                             } else if (!UtilityRoutines::SameString(Alphas(8), "Absolute")) {
    2662           0 :                                 ShowWarningError(m_state,
    2663           0 :                                                  format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + " object, Invalid input " + cAlphaFields(8) + " = " +
    2664           0 :                                                      Alphas(8));
    2665           0 :                                 ShowContinueError(m_state, "The default value is assigned as Absolute.");
    2666             :                             }
    2667             :                         }
    2668             : 
    2669           1 :                         MultizoneExternalNodeData(i).Name = Alphas(1); // Name of external node
    2670           2 :                         NodeNum = GetOnlySingleNode(m_state,
    2671           1 :                                                     Alphas(1),
    2672             :                                                     ErrorsFound,
    2673             :                                                     DataLoopNode::ConnectionObjectType::OutdoorAirNode,
    2674             :                                                     "AirflowNetwork:Multizone:Surface",
    2675             :                                                     DataLoopNode::NodeFluidType::Air,
    2676             :                                                     DataLoopNode::ConnectionType::Inlet,
    2677             :                                                     NodeInputManager::CompFluidStream::Primary,
    2678           1 :                                                     ObjectIsParent);
    2679           1 :                         MultizoneExternalNodeData(i).OutAirNodeNum = NodeNum;               // Name of outdoor air node
    2680           1 :                         MultizoneExternalNodeData(i).height = Node(NodeNum).Height;         // Nodal height
    2681           1 :                         MultizoneExternalNodeData(i).ExtNum = AirflowNetworkNumOfZones + i; // External node number
    2682             :                     }
    2683             :                 }
    2684             :             } else {
    2685           0 :                 ShowSevereError(m_state,
    2686           0 :                                 format(RoutineName) + "An " + CurrentModuleObject +
    2687             :                                     " object is required but not found when Wind Pressure Coefficient Type = Input.");
    2688           0 :                 ErrorsFound = true;
    2689             :             }
    2690             :         }
    2691             : 
    2692             :         // *** Read AirflowNetwork element data
    2693          34 :         ErrorsFound = ErrorsFound || !get_element_input();
    2694             : 
    2695             :         // *** Read AirflowNetwork simulation surface data
    2696          34 :         CurrentModuleObject = "AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:Surface";
    2697          34 :         AirflowNetworkNumOfSurfaces = m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getNumObjectsFound(m_state, CurrentModuleObject);
    2698          34 :         if (AirflowNetworkNumOfSurfaces > 0) {
    2699          34 :             MultizoneSurfaceData.allocate(AirflowNetworkNumOfSurfaces);
    2700         507 :             for (int i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfSurfaces; ++i) {
    2701         473 :                 m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectItem(m_state,
    2702             :                                                                            CurrentModuleObject,
    2703             :                                                                            i,
    2704             :                                                                            Alphas,
    2705             :                                                                            NumAlphas,
    2706             :                                                                            Numbers,
    2707             :                                                                            NumNumbers,
    2708             :                                                                            IOStatus,
    2709             :                                                                            lNumericBlanks,
    2710             :                                                                            lAlphaBlanks,
    2711             :                                                                            cAlphaFields,
    2712             :                                                                            cNumericFields);
    2713         473 :                 UtilityRoutines::IsNameEmpty(m_state, Alphas(1), CurrentModuleObject, ErrorsFound);
    2714         473 :                 MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfName = Alphas(1);    // Name of Associated EnergyPlus surface
    2715         473 :                 MultizoneSurfaceData(i).OpeningName = Alphas(2); // Name of crack or opening component,
    2716             :                 // either simple or detailed large opening, or crack
    2717         473 :                 MultizoneSurfaceData(i).ExternalNodeName = Alphas(3); // Name of external node, but not used at WPC="INPUT"
    2718         720 :                 if (UtilityRoutines::FindItemInList(Alphas(3), MultizoneExternalNodeData) &&
    2719         247 :                     m_state.afn->MultizoneExternalNodeData(UtilityRoutines::FindItemInList(Alphas(3), MultizoneExternalNodeData)).curve == 0) {
    2720           0 :                     ShowSevereError(m_state, format(RoutineName) + "Invalid " + cAlphaFields(3) + "=" + Alphas(3));
    2721           0 :                     ShowContinueError(m_state,
    2722             :                                       "A valid wind pressure coefficient curve name is required but not found when Wind Pressure "
    2723             :                                       "Coefficient Type = Input.");
    2724           0 :                     ErrorsFound = true;
    2725             :                 }
    2726         473 :                 MultizoneSurfaceData(i).Factor = Numbers(1); // Crack Actual Value or Window Open Factor for Ventilation
    2727         473 :                 if (MultizoneSurfaceData(i).Factor > 1.0 || MultizoneSurfaceData(i).Factor <= 0.0) {
    2728           0 :                     ShowWarningError(m_state,
    2729           0 :                                      format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + " object=" + MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfName + ", " +
    2730           0 :                                          cNumericFields(1) + " is out of range (0.0,1.0]");
    2731           0 :                     ShowContinueError(m_state, format("..Input value = {:.2R}, Value will be set to 1.0", MultizoneSurfaceData(i).Factor));
    2732           0 :                     MultizoneSurfaceData(i).Factor = 1.0;
    2733             :                 }
    2734             :                 // Get input of ventilation control and associated data
    2735         473 :                 if (NumAlphas >= 4) {
    2736             :                     // Ventilation Control Mode: "TEMPERATURE", "ENTHALPY",
    2737             :                     //   "CONSTANT", "ZONELEVEL", "NOVENT", "ADJACENTTEMPERATURE",
    2738             :                     //   or "ADJACENTENTHALPY"
    2739          36 :                     if (!lAlphaBlanks(4)) MultizoneSurfaceData(i).VentControl = Alphas(4);
    2740             :                     // Name of ventilation temperature control schedule
    2741          36 :                     if (!lAlphaBlanks(5)) MultizoneSurfaceData(i).VentSchName = Alphas(5);
    2742             :                     {
    2743             :                         // This SELECT_CASE_var will go on input refactor, no need to fix
    2744          72 :                         auto const SELECT_CASE_var(UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).VentControl));
    2745          36 :                         if (SELECT_CASE_var == "TEMPERATURE") {
    2746           0 :                             MultizoneSurfaceData(i).VentSurfCtrNum = VentControlType::Temp;
    2747           0 :                             MultizoneSurfaceData(i).IndVentControl = true;
    2748          36 :                         } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == "ENTHALPY") {
    2749           0 :                             MultizoneSurfaceData(i).VentSurfCtrNum = VentControlType::Enth;
    2750           0 :                             MultizoneSurfaceData(i).IndVentControl = true;
    2751          36 :                         } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == "CONSTANT") {
    2752          11 :                             MultizoneSurfaceData(i).VentSurfCtrNum = VentControlType::Const;
    2753          11 :                             MultizoneSurfaceData(i).IndVentControl = true;
    2754          25 :                         } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == "ASHRAE55ADAPTIVE") {
    2755           3 :                             MultizoneSurfaceData(i).VentSurfCtrNum = VentControlType::ASH55;
    2756           3 :                             MultizoneSurfaceData(i).IndVentControl = true;
    2757          22 :                         } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == "CEN15251ADAPTIVE") {
    2758           0 :                             MultizoneSurfaceData(i).VentSurfCtrNum = VentControlType::CEN15251;
    2759           0 :                             MultizoneSurfaceData(i).IndVentControl = true;
    2760          22 :                         } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == "NOVENT") {
    2761          18 :                             MultizoneSurfaceData(i).VentSurfCtrNum = VentControlType::NoVent;
    2762          18 :                             MultizoneSurfaceData(i).IndVentControl = true;
    2763           4 :                         } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == "ZONELEVEL") {
    2764           4 :                             MultizoneSurfaceData(i).VentSurfCtrNum = VentControlType::ZoneLevel;
    2765           4 :                             MultizoneSurfaceData(i).IndVentControl = false;
    2766           0 :                         } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == "ADJACENTTEMPERATURE") {
    2767           0 :                             MultizoneSurfaceData(i).VentSurfCtrNum = VentControlType::AdjTemp;
    2768           0 :                             MultizoneSurfaceData(i).IndVentControl = true;
    2769           0 :                         } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == "ADJACENTENTHALPY") {
    2770           0 :                             MultizoneSurfaceData(i).VentSurfCtrNum = VentControlType::AdjEnth;
    2771           0 :                             MultizoneSurfaceData(i).IndVentControl = true;
    2772             :                         } else {
    2773           0 :                             ShowSevereError(m_state, format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + " object, Invalid " + cAlphaFields(4));
    2774           0 :                             ShowContinueError(m_state,
    2775           0 :                                               ".." + cAlphaFields(1) + " = " + MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfName + ", Specified " + cAlphaFields(4) +
    2776           0 :                                                   " = " + Alphas(4));
    2777           0 :                             ShowContinueError(m_state,
    2778             :                                               "..The valid choices are \"Temperature\", \"Enthalpy\", \"Constant\", \"NoVent\", \"ZoneLevel\", "
    2779             :                                               "\"AdjancentTemperature\" or \"AdjacentEnthalpy\"");
    2780           0 :                             ErrorsFound = true;
    2781             :                         }
    2782             :                     }
    2783             :                 }
    2784         473 :                 MultizoneSurfaceData(i).ModulateFactor = Numbers(2); // Limit Value on Multiplier for Modulating Venting Open Factor
    2785         473 :                 MultizoneSurfaceData(i).LowValueTemp = Numbers(3);   // Lower temperature value for modulation of temperature control
    2786         473 :                 MultizoneSurfaceData(i).UpValueTemp = Numbers(4);    // Upper temperature value for modulation of temperature control
    2787         473 :                 MultizoneSurfaceData(i).LowValueEnth = Numbers(5);   // Lower Enthalpy value for modulation of Enthalpy control
    2788         473 :                 MultizoneSurfaceData(i).UpValueEnth = Numbers(6);    // Lower Enthalpy value for modulation of Enthalpy control
    2789         498 :                 if (MultizoneSurfaceData(i).VentSurfCtrNum < 4 || MultizoneSurfaceData(i).VentSurfCtrNum == VentControlType::AdjTemp ||
    2790          25 :                     MultizoneSurfaceData(i).VentSurfCtrNum == VentControlType::AdjEnth) {
    2791         448 :                     if (!lAlphaBlanks(6)) {
    2792           8 :                         MultizoneSurfaceData(i).VentingSchName = Alphas(6); // Name of ventilation availability schedule
    2793             :                     }
    2794             :                 }
    2795         473 :                 if (!lAlphaBlanks(7)) {
    2796           0 :                     MultizoneSurfaceData(i).OccupantVentilationControlName = Alphas(7);
    2797           0 :                     MultizoneSurfaceData(i).OccupantVentilationControlNum =
    2798           0 :                         UtilityRoutines::FindItemInList(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).OccupantVentilationControlName, OccupantVentilationControl);
    2799           0 :                     if (MultizoneSurfaceData(i).OccupantVentilationControlNum == 0) {
    2800           0 :                         ShowSevereError(m_state,
    2801           0 :                                         format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + " object, " + cAlphaFields(7) +
    2802           0 :                                             " not found = " + MultizoneSurfaceData(i).OccupantVentilationControlName);
    2803           0 :                         ShowContinueError(m_state, "..for specified " + cAlphaFields(1) + " = " + Alphas(1));
    2804           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
    2805             :                     }
    2806             :                 }
    2807             :                 // Get data of polygonal surface
    2808         473 :                 if (!lAlphaBlanks(8)) {
    2809           0 :                     if (Alphas(8) == "POLYGONHEIGHT") {
    2810           0 :                         MultizoneSurfaceData(i).EquivRecMethod = EquivRec::Height;
    2811           0 :                     } else if (Alphas(8) == "BASESURFACEASPECTRATIO") {
    2812           0 :                         MultizoneSurfaceData(i).EquivRecMethod = EquivRec::BaseAspectRatio;
    2813           0 :                     } else if (Alphas(8) == "USERDEFINEDASPECTRATIO") {
    2814           0 :                         MultizoneSurfaceData(i).EquivRecMethod = EquivRec::UserAspectRatio;
    2815             :                     } else {
    2816           0 :                         ShowSevereError(m_state, format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + " object, Invalid " + cAlphaFields(8));
    2817           0 :                         ShowContinueError(m_state,
    2818           0 :                                           ".." + cAlphaFields(1) + " = " + MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfName + ", Specified " + cAlphaFields(8) +
    2819           0 :                                               " = " + Alphas(8));
    2820           0 :                         ShowContinueError(m_state,
    2821             :                                           "..The valid choices are \"PolygonHeight\", \"BaseSurfaceAspectRatio\", or \"UserDefinedAspectRatio\"");
    2822           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
    2823             :                     }
    2824             :                 } else {
    2825         473 :                     MultizoneSurfaceData(i).EquivRecMethod = EquivRec::Height;
    2826             :                 }
    2827         473 :                 if (!lNumericBlanks(7)) {
    2828           0 :                     MultizoneSurfaceData(i).EquivRecUserAspectRatio = Numbers(7);
    2829             :                 } else {
    2830         473 :                     MultizoneSurfaceData(i).EquivRecUserAspectRatio = 1.0;
    2831             :                 }
    2832             :             }
    2833             :         } else {
    2834           0 :             ShowSevereError(m_state, format(RoutineName) + "An " + CurrentModuleObject + " object is required but not found.");
    2835           0 :             ErrorsFound = true;
    2836             :         }
    2837             : 
    2838             :         // remove extra OutdoorAir:Node, not assigned to External Node Name
    2839          34 :         if (m_state.dataGlobal->AnyLocalEnvironmentsInModel && AirflowNetworkNumOfOutAirNode > 0) {
    2840           2 :             for (int i = AirflowNetworkNumOfExtNode - AirflowNetworkNumOfOutAirNode + 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfExtNode; ++i) {
    2841           1 :                 found = false;
    2842           7 :                 for (j = 1; j <= AirflowNetworkNumOfSurfaces; ++j) {
    2843           6 :                     if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(MultizoneSurfaceData(j).ExternalNodeName, MultizoneExternalNodeData(i).Name)) {
    2844           1 :                         found = true;
    2845             :                     }
    2846             :                 }
    2847           1 :                 if (!found) {
    2848           0 :                     if (i < AirflowNetworkNumOfExtNode) {
    2849           0 :                         for (k = i; k <= AirflowNetworkNumOfExtNode - 1; ++k) {
    2850           0 :                             MultizoneExternalNodeData(k).Name = MultizoneExternalNodeData(k + 1).Name;
    2851           0 :                             MultizoneExternalNodeData(k).OutAirNodeNum = MultizoneExternalNodeData(k + 1).OutAirNodeNum;
    2852           0 :                             MultizoneExternalNodeData(k).height = MultizoneExternalNodeData(k + 1).height;
    2853           0 :                             MultizoneExternalNodeData(k).ExtNum = MultizoneExternalNodeData(k + 1).ExtNum - 1;
    2854             :                         }
    2855           0 :                         i -= 1;
    2856             :                     }
    2857           0 :                     AirflowNetworkNumOfOutAirNode -= 1;
    2858           0 :                     AirflowNetworkNumOfExtNode -= 1;
    2859           0 :                     MultizoneExternalNodeData.resize(AirflowNetworkNumOfExtNode);
    2860             :                 }
    2861             :             }
    2862             :         }
    2863             : 
    2864             :         // ==> Validate AirflowNetwork simulation surface data
    2865          34 :         NumOfExtNodes = 0;
    2866         507 :         for (int i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfSurfaces; ++i) {
    2867             :             // Check a valid surface defined earlier
    2868         473 :             MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum = UtilityRoutines::FindItemInList(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfName, m_state.dataSurface->Surface);
    2869         473 :             if (MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum == 0) {
    2870           0 :                 ShowSevereError(m_state,
    2871           0 :                                 format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + " object, Invalid " + cAlphaFields(1) +
    2872           0 :                                     " given = " + MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfName);
    2873           0 :                 ShowFatalError(m_state, format("{}Errors found getting inputs. Previous error(s) cause program termination.", RoutineName));
    2874             :             }
    2875         473 :             if (!m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum).HeatTransSurf &&
    2876           0 :                 !m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum).IsAirBoundarySurf) {
    2877           0 :                 ShowSevereError(m_state, format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + " object");
    2878           0 :                 ShowContinueError(m_state,
    2879           0 :                                   "..The surface specified must be a heat transfer surface. Invalid " + cAlphaFields(1) + " = " +
    2880           0 :                                       MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfName);
    2881           0 :                 ErrorsFound = true;
    2882           0 :                 continue;
    2883             :             }
    2884             :             // Ensure an interior surface does not face itself
    2885         473 :             if (m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum).ExtBoundCond >= 1) {
    2886             :                 // Check the surface is a subsurface or not
    2887         161 :                 if (m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum).BaseSurf == MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum) {
    2888         134 :                     if (MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum == m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum).ExtBoundCond) {
    2889           0 :                         ShowSevereError(m_state, format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + " object");
    2890           0 :                         ShowContinueError(m_state,
    2891           0 :                                           "..The surface facing itself is not allowed. Invalid " + cAlphaFields(1) + " = " +
    2892           0 :                                               MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfName);
    2893           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
    2894             :                     }
    2895             :                 } else {
    2896          54 :                     if (m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum).BaseSurf ==
    2897          27 :                         m_state.dataSurface->Surface(m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum).BaseSurf).ExtBoundCond) {
    2898           0 :                         ShowSevereError(m_state, format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + " object");
    2899           0 :                         ShowContinueError(m_state,
    2900           0 :                                           "..The base surface facing itself is not allowed. Invalid " + cAlphaFields(1) + " = " +
    2901           0 :                                               MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfName);
    2902           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
    2903             :                     }
    2904             :                 }
    2905             :             }
    2906             :             // Ensure zones defined in inside and outside environment are used in the object of AIRFLOWNETWORK:MULTIZONE:ZONE
    2907         473 :             found = false;
    2908         473 :             n = m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum).Zone;
    2909        1024 :             for (j = 1; j <= AirflowNetworkNumOfZones; ++j) {
    2910        1024 :                 if (MultizoneZoneData(j).ZoneNum == n) {
    2911         473 :                     found = true;
    2912         473 :                     break;
    2913             :                 }
    2914             :             }
    2915             :             // find a surface geometry
    2916         473 :             MultizoneSurfaceData(i).Height = m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum).Height;
    2917         473 :             MultizoneSurfaceData(i).Width = m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum).Width;
    2918         473 :             MultizoneSurfaceData(i).CHeight = m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum).Centroid.z;
    2919         473 :             if (found) {
    2920         473 :                 MultizoneSurfaceData(i).NodeNums[0] = j;
    2921             :             } else {
    2922           0 :                 ShowSevereError(m_state,
    2923           0 :                                 format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + " object, " + cAlphaFields(1) + " = " + MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfName);
    2924           0 :                 ShowContinueError(m_state,
    2925           0 :                                   "..Zone for inside surface must be defined in a AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:Zone object.  Could not find Zone = " +
    2926           0 :                                       Zone(m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum).Zone).Name);
    2927           0 :                 ShowFatalError(m_state, format("{}Errors found getting inputs. Previous error(s) cause program termination.", RoutineName));
    2928             :             }
    2929             : 
    2930             :             // Calculate equivalent width and height
    2931         473 :             if (m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum).Sides != 4) {
    2932           8 :                 MultizoneSurfaceData(i).NonRectangular = true;
    2933           8 :                 if (MultizoneSurfaceData(i).EquivRecMethod == EquivRec::Height) {
    2934          16 :                     if (m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum).Tilt < 1.0 ||
    2935           8 :                         m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum).Tilt > 179.0) { // horizontal surface
    2936             :                         // check base surface shape
    2937           0 :                         if (m_state.dataSurface->Surface(m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum).BaseSurf).Sides == 4) {
    2938           0 :                             baseratio = m_state.dataSurface->Surface(m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum).BaseSurf).Width /
    2939           0 :                                         m_state.dataSurface->Surface(m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum).BaseSurf).Height;
    2940           0 :                             MultizoneSurfaceData(i).Width = sqrt(m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum).Area * baseratio);
    2941           0 :                             MultizoneSurfaceData(i).Height =
    2942           0 :                                 m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum).Area / MultizoneSurfaceData(i).Width;
    2943           0 :                             if (m_state.dataGlobal->DisplayExtraWarnings) {
    2944           0 :                                 ShowWarningError(m_state,
    2945           0 :                                                  format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + " object = " + MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfName);
    2946           0 :                                 ShowContinueError(m_state,
    2947             :                                                   "The entered choice of Equivalent Rectangle Method is PolygonHeight. This choice is not valid for "
    2948             :                                                   "a horizontal surface.");
    2949           0 :                                 ShowContinueError(m_state, "The BaseSurfaceAspectRatio choice is used. Simulation continues.");
    2950             :                             }
    2951             :                         } else {
    2952           0 :                             MultizoneSurfaceData(i).Width = sqrt(m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum).Area *
    2953           0 :                                                                  MultizoneSurfaceData(i).EquivRecUserAspectRatio);
    2954           0 :                             MultizoneSurfaceData(i).Height =
    2955           0 :                                 m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum).Area / MultizoneSurfaceData(i).Width;
    2956             :                             // add warning
    2957           0 :                             if (m_state.dataGlobal->DisplayExtraWarnings) {
    2958           0 :                                 ShowWarningError(m_state,
    2959           0 :                                                  format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + " object = " + MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfName);
    2960           0 :                                 ShowContinueError(m_state,
    2961             :                                                   "The entered choice of Equivalent Rectangle Method is PolygonHeight. This choice is not valid for "
    2962             :                                                   "a horizontal surface with a polygonal base surface.");
    2963           0 :                                 ShowContinueError(m_state, "The default aspect ratio at 1 is used. Simulation continues.");
    2964             :                             }
    2965             :                         }
    2966             :                     } else {
    2967           8 :                         minHeight = min(m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum).Vertex(1).z,
    2968           8 :                                         m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum).Vertex(2).z);
    2969           8 :                         maxHeight = max(m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum).Vertex(1).z,
    2970           8 :                                         m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum).Vertex(2).z);
    2971          16 :                         for (j = 3; j <= m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum).Sides; ++j) {
    2972          16 :                             minHeight = min(minHeight,
    2973           8 :                                             min(m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum).Vertex(j - 1).z,
    2974           8 :                                                 m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum).Vertex(j).z));
    2975          16 :                             maxHeight = max(maxHeight,
    2976           8 :                                             max(m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum).Vertex(j - 1).z,
    2977           8 :                                                 m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum).Vertex(j).z));
    2978             :                         }
    2979           8 :                         if (maxHeight > minHeight) {
    2980           8 :                             MultizoneSurfaceData(i).Height = maxHeight - minHeight;
    2981           8 :                             MultizoneSurfaceData(i).Width =
    2982           8 :                                 m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum).Area / (maxHeight - minHeight);
    2983             :                         }
    2984             :                     }
    2985             :                 }
    2986           8 :                 if (MultizoneSurfaceData(i).EquivRecMethod == EquivRec::BaseAspectRatio) {
    2987           0 :                     if (m_state.dataSurface->Surface(m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum).BaseSurf).Sides == 4) {
    2988           0 :                         baseratio = m_state.dataSurface->Surface(m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum).BaseSurf).Width /
    2989           0 :                                     m_state.dataSurface->Surface(m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum).BaseSurf).Height;
    2990           0 :                         MultizoneSurfaceData(i).Width = sqrt(m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum).Area * baseratio);
    2991           0 :                         MultizoneSurfaceData(i).Height =
    2992           0 :                             m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum).Area / MultizoneSurfaceData(i).Width;
    2993             :                     } else {
    2994           0 :                         minHeight = min(m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum).Vertex(1).z,
    2995           0 :                                         m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum).Vertex(2).z);
    2996           0 :                         maxHeight = max(m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum).Vertex(1).z,
    2997           0 :                                         m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum).Vertex(2).z);
    2998           0 :                         for (j = 3; j <= m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum).Sides; ++j) {
    2999           0 :                             minHeight = min(minHeight,
    3000           0 :                                             min(m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum).Vertex(j - 1).z,
    3001           0 :                                                 m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum).Vertex(j).z));
    3002           0 :                             maxHeight = max(maxHeight,
    3003           0 :                                             max(m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum).Vertex(j - 1).z,
    3004           0 :                                                 m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum).Vertex(j).z));
    3005             :                         }
    3006           0 :                         if (maxHeight > minHeight) {
    3007           0 :                             MultizoneSurfaceData(i).Height = maxHeight - minHeight;
    3008           0 :                             MultizoneSurfaceData(i).Width =
    3009           0 :                                 m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum).Area / (maxHeight - minHeight);
    3010             :                             // add warning
    3011           0 :                             if (m_state.dataGlobal->DisplayExtraWarnings) {
    3012           0 :                                 ShowWarningError(m_state,
    3013           0 :                                                  format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + " object = " + MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfName);
    3014           0 :                                 ShowContinueError(m_state,
    3015             :                                                   "The entered choice of Equivalent Rectangle Method is BaseSurfaceAspectRatio. This choice is not "
    3016             :                                                   "valid for a polygonal base surface.");
    3017           0 :                                 ShowContinueError(m_state, "The PolygonHeight choice is used. Simulation continues.");
    3018             :                             }
    3019             :                         } else {
    3020           0 :                             MultizoneSurfaceData(i).Width = sqrt(m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum).Area *
    3021           0 :                                                                  MultizoneSurfaceData(i).EquivRecUserAspectRatio);
    3022           0 :                             MultizoneSurfaceData(i).Height =
    3023           0 :                                 m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum).Area / MultizoneSurfaceData(i).Width;
    3024             :                             // add warning
    3025           0 :                             if (m_state.dataGlobal->DisplayExtraWarnings) {
    3026           0 :                                 ShowWarningError(m_state,
    3027           0 :                                                  format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + " object = " + MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfName);
    3028           0 :                                 ShowContinueError(m_state,
    3029             :                                                   "The entered choice of Equivalent Rectangle Method is BaseSurfaceAspectRatio. This choice is not "
    3030             :                                                   "valid for a horizontal surface with a polygonal base surface.");
    3031           0 :                                 ShowContinueError(m_state, "The default aspect ratio at 1 is used. Simulation continues.");
    3032             :                             }
    3033             :                         }
    3034             :                     }
    3035             :                 }
    3036           8 :                 if (MultizoneSurfaceData(i).EquivRecMethod == EquivRec::UserAspectRatio) {
    3037           0 :                     MultizoneSurfaceData(i).Width =
    3038           0 :                         sqrt(m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum).Area * MultizoneSurfaceData(i).EquivRecUserAspectRatio);
    3039           0 :                     MultizoneSurfaceData(i).Height =
    3040           0 :                         m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum).Area / MultizoneSurfaceData(i).Width;
    3041             :                 }
    3042             :             }
    3043             : 
    3044             :             // Get the number of external surfaces
    3045         946 :             if (m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum).ExtBoundCond == ExternalEnvironment ||
    3046         161 :                 (m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum).ExtBoundCond == OtherSideCoefNoCalcExt &&
    3047           0 :                  m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum).ExtWind)) {
    3048         312 :                 ++AirflowNetworkNumOfExtSurfaces;
    3049             :             }
    3050             : 
    3051             :             // Outside face environment
    3052         473 :             if (simulation_control.iWPCCnt == iWPCCntr::Input) {
    3053         393 :                 n = m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum).ExtBoundCond;
    3054        1033 :                 if (n == ExternalEnvironment ||
    3055         146 :                     (n == OtherSideCoefNoCalcExt && m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum).ExtWind)) {
    3056         247 :                     ++NumOfExtNodes;
    3057         247 :                     if (AirflowNetworkNumOfExtNode > 0) {
    3058         247 :                         found = false;
    3059         720 :                         for (j = 1; j <= AirflowNetworkNumOfExtNode; ++j) {
    3060         720 :                             if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).ExternalNodeName, MultizoneExternalNodeData(j).Name)) {
    3061         247 :                                 MultizoneSurfaceData(i).NodeNums[1] = MultizoneExternalNodeData(j).ExtNum;
    3062         247 :                                 found = true;
    3063         247 :                                 break;
    3064             :                             }
    3065             :                         }
    3066         247 :                         if (!found) {
    3067           0 :                             ShowSevereError(m_state,
    3068           0 :                                             format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + ": Invalid " + cAlphaFields(3) + " = " +
    3069           0 :                                                 MultizoneSurfaceData(i).ExternalNodeName);
    3070           0 :                             ShowContinueError(m_state, "A valid " + cAlphaFields(3) + " is required when Wind Pressure Coefficient Type = Input");
    3071           0 :                             ErrorsFound = true;
    3072             :                         }
    3073             :                     } else {
    3074             :                         //          MultizoneSurfaceData(i)%NodeNums[1] =
    3075             :                         //          AirflowNetworkNumOfZones+NumOfExtNodes
    3076             :                     }
    3077         247 :                     continue;
    3078             :                 } else {
    3079         146 :                     if (n < ExternalEnvironment &&
    3080           0 :                         !(m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum).ExtBoundCond == OtherSideCoefNoCalcExt &&
    3081           0 :                           m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum).ExtWind)) {
    3082           0 :                         ShowSevereError(m_state,
    3083           0 :                                         format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + ": Invalid " + cAlphaFields(1) + " = " +
    3084           0 :                                             MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfName);
    3085           0 :                         ShowContinueError(m_state, "This type of surface (has ground, etc exposure) cannot be used in the AiflowNetwork model.");
    3086           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
    3087             :                     }
    3088             :                 }
    3089         146 :                 found = false;
    3090         458 :                 for (j = 1; j <= AirflowNetworkNumOfZones; ++j) {
    3091         458 :                     if (MultizoneZoneData(j).ZoneNum == m_state.dataSurface->Surface(n).Zone) {
    3092         146 :                         found = true;
    3093         146 :                         break;
    3094             :                     }
    3095             :                 }
    3096         146 :                 if (found) {
    3097         146 :                     MultizoneSurfaceData(i).NodeNums[1] = j;
    3098             :                 } else {
    3099           0 :                     ShowSevereError(m_state,
    3100           0 :                                     format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + " object, " + cAlphaFields(1) + " = " +
    3101           0 :                                         MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfName);
    3102           0 :                     ShowContinueError(
    3103             :                         m_state,
    3104           0 :                         "..Zone for outside surface must be defined in a AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:Zone object.  Could not find Zone = " +
    3105           0 :                             Zone(m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum).Zone).Name);
    3106           0 :                     ErrorsFound = true;
    3107           0 :                     continue;
    3108             :                 }
    3109             :             }
    3110         226 :             if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(simulation_control.WPCCntr, "SurfaceAverageCalculation")) {
    3111          80 :                 n = m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum).ExtBoundCond;
    3112          80 :                 if (n >= 1) { // exterior boundary condition is a surface
    3113          15 :                     found = false;
    3114          43 :                     for (j = 1; j <= AirflowNetworkNumOfZones; ++j) {
    3115          43 :                         if (MultizoneZoneData(j).ZoneNum == m_state.dataSurface->Surface(n).Zone) {
    3116          15 :                             found = true;
    3117          15 :                             break;
    3118             :                         }
    3119             :                     }
    3120          15 :                     if (found) {
    3121          15 :                         MultizoneSurfaceData(i).NodeNums[1] = j;
    3122             :                     } else {
    3123           0 :                         ShowSevereError(m_state, format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + " = " + MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfName);
    3124           0 :                         ShowContinueError(m_state,
    3125           0 :                                           "An adjacent zone = " + Zone(m_state.dataSurface->Surface(n).Zone).Name +
    3126             :                                               " is not described in AIRFLOWNETWORK:MULTIZONE:ZONE");
    3127           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
    3128           0 :                         continue;
    3129             :                     }
    3130             :                 }
    3131             :             }
    3132         226 :             if (!(m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum).ExtBoundCond == -2 &&
    3133           0 :                   m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum).ExtWind)) {
    3134         226 :                 if (MultizoneSurfaceData(i).NodeNums[1] == 0 && m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum).ExtBoundCond < 0) {
    3135           0 :                     ShowSevereError(m_state, format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + " = " + MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfName);
    3136           0 :                     ShowContinueError(m_state,
    3137           0 :                                       "Outside boundary condition and object are " +
    3138           0 :                                           cExtBoundCondition(m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum).ExtBoundCond) + " and " +
    3139           0 :                                           m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum).ExtBoundCondName + ".");
    3140           0 :                     ShowContinueError(m_state, "The outside boundary condition must be exposed to either the outside or an adjacent zone.");
    3141           0 :                     ErrorsFound = true;
    3142           0 :                     continue;
    3143             :                 }
    3144             :             }
    3145             :         }
    3146             : 
    3147             :         // write outputs in eio file
    3148          34 :         found = true;
    3149         507 :         for (int i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfSurfaces; ++i) {
    3150         473 :             if (MultizoneSurfaceData(i).NonRectangular) {
    3151           8 :                 if (found) {
    3152           4 :                     print(m_state.files.eio,
    3153             :                           "! <AirflowNetwork Model:Equivalent Rectangle Surface>, Name, Equivalent Height {{m}}, Equivalent Width {{m}} "
    3154             :                           "AirflowNetwork "
    3155           4 :                           "Model:Equivalent Rectangle\n");
    3156           4 :                     found = false;
    3157             :                 }
    3158          32 :                 print(m_state.files.eio,
    3159             :                       "AirflowNetwork Model:Equivalent Rectangle Surface, {}, {:.2R},{:.2R}\n",
    3160           8 :                       MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfName,
    3161           8 :                       MultizoneSurfaceData(i).Height,
    3162          16 :                       MultizoneSurfaceData(i).Width);
    3163             :             }
    3164             :         }
    3165             : 
    3166             :         // Validate adjacent temperature and Enthalpy control for an interior surface only
    3167         507 :         for (int i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfSurfaces; ++i) {
    3168         473 :             if (MultizoneSurfaceData(i).VentSurfCtrNum == VentControlType::AdjTemp) {
    3169           0 :                 if (!(m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum).ExtBoundCond >= 1)) {
    3170           0 :                     ShowSevereError(m_state,
    3171           0 :                                     format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + " object, " + cAlphaFields(1) + " = " +
    3172           0 :                                         MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfName);
    3173           0 :                     ShowContinueError(m_state, "..AdjacentTemperature venting control must be defined for an interzone surface.");
    3174           0 :                     ErrorsFound = true;
    3175             :                 }
    3176             :             }
    3177         473 :             if (MultizoneSurfaceData(i).VentSurfCtrNum == VentControlType::AdjEnth) {
    3178           0 :                 if (!(m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum).ExtBoundCond >= 1)) {
    3179           0 :                     ShowSevereError(m_state,
    3180           0 :                                     format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + " object, " + cAlphaFields(1) + " = " +
    3181           0 :                                         MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfName);
    3182           0 :                     ShowContinueError(m_state, "..AdjacentEnthalpy venting control must be defined for an interzone surface.");
    3183           0 :                     ErrorsFound = true;
    3184             :                 }
    3185             :             }
    3186             :         }
    3187             : 
    3188             :         // Ensure the number of external node = the number of external surface with HeightOption choice = OpeningHeight
    3189          34 :         if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(simulation_control.HeightOption, "OpeningHeight") && simulation_control.iWPCCnt == iWPCCntr::Input) {
    3190           0 :             if (AirflowNetworkNumOfExtSurfaces != AirflowNetworkNumOfExtNode) {
    3191           0 :                 ShowSevereError(m_state,
    3192           0 :                                 format(RoutineName) +
    3193             :                                     "When the choice of Height Selection for Local Wind Speed Calculation is OpeningHeight, the number of external "
    3194           0 :                                     "surfaces defined in " +
    3195           0 :                                     CurrentModuleObject + " objects ");
    3196           0 :                 ShowContinueError(m_state, "has to be equal to the number of AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:ExternalNode objects.");
    3197           0 :                 ShowContinueError(m_state,
    3198           0 :                                   format("The entered number of external nodes is {}. The entered number of external surfaces is {}.",
    3199             :                                          AirflowNetworkNumOfExtNode,
    3200           0 :                                          AirflowNetworkNumOfExtSurfaces));
    3201           0 :                 ErrorsFound = true;
    3202             :             }
    3203             :         }
    3204             : 
    3205             :         // Read AirflowNetwork simulation detailed openings
    3206             :         // Moved into getAirflowElementInput
    3207             : 
    3208             :         // Validate opening component and assign opening dimension
    3209          34 :         if (AirflowNetworkNumOfDetOpenings > 0) {
    3210          53 :             for (int i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfDetOpenings; ++i) {
    3211          31 :                 found = false;
    3212         505 :                 for (j = 1; j <= AirflowNetworkNumOfSurfaces; ++j) {
    3213         474 :                     if (MultizoneCompDetOpeningData(i).name == MultizoneSurfaceData(j).OpeningName) {
    3214             :                         //           MultizoneCompDetOpeningData(i)%Width =
    3215             :                         //           Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(j)%SurfNum)%Width
    3216             :                         //           MultizoneCompDetOpeningData(i)%Height =
    3217             :                         //           Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(j)%SurfNum)%Height
    3218          70 :                         found = true;
    3219             :                     }
    3220             :                 }
    3221             :             }
    3222             :         }
    3223             : 
    3224             :         // Read AirflowNetwork simulation simple openings
    3225             :         // Moved into getAirflowElementInput
    3226             : 
    3227             :         // Read AirflowNetwork simulation horizontal openings
    3228             :         // Moved into getAirflowElementInput
    3229             : 
    3230             :         // Check status of control level for each surface with an opening
    3231          34 :         j = 0;
    3232          34 :         CurrentModuleObject = "AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:Surface";
    3233         507 :         for (int i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfSurfaces; ++i) {
    3234         473 :             if (MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum == 0) continue;
    3235         473 :             bool has_Opening{false};
    3236             :             // This is terrible, should not do it this way
    3237         946 :             auto afe = elements.find(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).OpeningName);
    3238         473 :             if (afe != elements.end()) {
    3239         473 :                 auto type = afe->second->type();
    3240         473 :                 has_Opening = (type == ComponentType::DOP) || (type == ComponentType::SOP) || (type == ComponentType::HOP);
    3241             :             }
    3242             :             // Obtain schedule number and check surface shape
    3243         473 :             if (has_Opening) {
    3244          88 :                 if (m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum).Sides == 3) {
    3245           2 :                     ShowWarningError(m_state, format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfName + "\".");
    3246           2 :                     ShowContinueError(m_state,
    3247             :                                       "The opening is a Triangular subsurface. A rectangular subsurface will be used with equivalent "
    3248             :                                       "width and height.");
    3249             :                 }
    3250             :                 // Venting controls are not allowed for an air boundary surface
    3251          88 :                 if ((m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum).IsAirBoundarySurf) &&
    3252           0 :                     (MultizoneSurfaceData(i).VentSurfCtrNum != VentControlType::Const)) {
    3253           0 :                     ShowWarningError(m_state,
    3254           0 :                                      format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfName +
    3255             :                                          "\" is an air boundary surface.");
    3256           0 :                     ShowContinueError(m_state, "Ventilation Control Mode = " + Alphas(4) + " is not valid. Resetting to Constant.");
    3257           0 :                     MultizoneSurfaceData(i).VentSurfCtrNum = VentControlType::Const;
    3258           0 :                     MultizoneSurfaceData(i).IndVentControl = true;
    3259             :                 }
    3260          88 :                 if (!MultizoneSurfaceData(i).VentingSchName.empty()) {
    3261           0 :                     MultizoneSurfaceData(i).VentingSchNum = GetScheduleIndex(m_state, MultizoneSurfaceData(i).VentingSchName);
    3262           0 :                     if (MultizoneSurfaceData(i).VentingSchNum == 0) {
    3263           0 :                         ShowSevereError(
    3264           0 :                             m_state, format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfName + "\", invalid schedule.");
    3265           0 :                         ShowContinueError(m_state, "Venting Schedule not found=\"" + MultizoneSurfaceData(i).VentingSchName + "\".");
    3266           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
    3267           0 :                     } else if (m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum).IsAirBoundarySurf) {
    3268           0 :                         ShowWarningError(m_state,
    3269           0 :                                          format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfName +
    3270             :                                              "\" is an air boundary surface.");
    3271           0 :                         ShowContinueError(m_state, "Venting Availability Schedule will be ignored, venting is always available.");
    3272           0 :                         MultizoneSurfaceData(i).VentingSchName = "";
    3273           0 :                         MultizoneSurfaceData(i).VentingSchNum = 0;
    3274             :                     }
    3275             :                 } else {
    3276          88 :                     MultizoneSurfaceData(i).VentingSchName = "";
    3277          88 :                     MultizoneSurfaceData(i).VentingSchNum = 0;
    3278             :                 }
    3279          88 :                 switch (MultizoneSurfaceData(i).VentSurfCtrNum) {
    3280           0 :                 case VentControlType::Temp:
    3281             :                 case VentControlType::AdjTemp: {
    3282           0 :                     MultizoneSurfaceData(i).VentSchNum = GetScheduleIndex(m_state, MultizoneSurfaceData(i).VentSchName);
    3283           0 :                     if (MultizoneSurfaceData(i).VentSchName == std::string()) {
    3284           0 :                         ShowSevereError(m_state,
    3285           0 :                                         format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject +
    3286             :                                             " object, No Ventilation Schedule was found, but is required when ventilation control is "
    3287             :                                             "Temperature.");
    3288           0 :                         ShowContinueError(m_state, "..for Surface = \"" + MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfName + "\"");
    3289           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
    3290           0 :                     } else if (MultizoneSurfaceData(i).VentSchNum == 0) {
    3291           0 :                         ShowSevereError(m_state,
    3292           0 :                                         format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject +
    3293             :                                             " object, Invalid Ventilation Schedule, required when ventilation control is Temperature.");
    3294           0 :                         ShowContinueError(m_state, "..Schedule name in error = " + MultizoneSurfaceData(i).VentSchName);
    3295           0 :                         ShowContinueError(m_state, "..for Surface = \"" + MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfName + "\"");
    3296           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
    3297             :                     }
    3298           0 :                     if (MultizoneSurfaceData(i).LowValueTemp < 0.0) {
    3299           0 :                         ShowWarningError(m_state, format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + " object, Low Temperature difference value < 0.0d0");
    3300           0 :                         ShowContinueError(m_state, format("..Input value={:.1R}, Value will be reset to 0.0.", MultizoneSurfaceData(i).LowValueTemp));
    3301           0 :                         ShowContinueError(m_state, "..for Surface = \"" + MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfName + "\"");
    3302           0 :                         MultizoneSurfaceData(i).LowValueTemp = 0.0;
    3303             :                     }
    3304           0 :                     if (MultizoneSurfaceData(i).LowValueTemp >= 100.0) {
    3305           0 :                         ShowWarningError(m_state, format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + " object, Low Temperature difference value >= 100.0d0");
    3306           0 :                         ShowContinueError(m_state,
    3307           0 :                                           format("..Input value = {:.1R}, Value will be reset to 0.0", MultizoneSurfaceData(i).LowValueTemp));
    3308           0 :                         ShowContinueError(m_state, "..for Surface = \"" + MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfName + "\"");
    3309           0 :                         MultizoneZoneData(i).LowValueTemp = 0.0;
    3310             :                     }
    3311           0 :                     if (MultizoneSurfaceData(i).UpValueTemp <= MultizoneSurfaceData(i).LowValueTemp) {
    3312           0 :                         ShowWarningError(
    3313           0 :                             m_state, format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + " object, Upper Temperature <= Lower Temperature difference value.");
    3314           0 :                         ShowContinueError(m_state,
    3315           0 :                                           format("..Input value = {:.1R}, Value will be reset to 100.0", MultizoneSurfaceData(i).UpValueTemp));
    3316           0 :                         ShowContinueError(m_state, "..for Surface = \"" + MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfName + "\"");
    3317           0 :                         MultizoneSurfaceData(i).UpValueTemp = 100.0;
    3318             :                     }
    3319             : 
    3320           0 :                 } break;
    3321           0 :                 case VentControlType::Enth:
    3322             :                 case VentControlType::AdjEnth: {
    3323           0 :                     MultizoneSurfaceData(i).VentSchNum = GetScheduleIndex(m_state, MultizoneSurfaceData(i).VentSchName);
    3324           0 :                     if (MultizoneSurfaceData(i).VentSchName == std::string()) {
    3325           0 :                         ShowSevereError(m_state,
    3326           0 :                                         format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject +
    3327             :                                             " object, No Ventilation Schedule was found, but is required when ventilation control is Enthalpy.");
    3328           0 :                         ShowContinueError(m_state, "..for Surface = \"" + MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfName + "\"");
    3329           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
    3330           0 :                     } else if (MultizoneSurfaceData(i).VentSchNum == 0) {
    3331           0 :                         ShowSevereError(m_state,
    3332           0 :                                         format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject +
    3333             :                                             " object, Invalid Ventilation Schedule, required when ventilation control is Enthalpy.");
    3334           0 :                         ShowContinueError(m_state, "..Schedule name in error = " + MultizoneSurfaceData(i).VentSchName);
    3335           0 :                         ShowContinueError(m_state, "..for Surface = \"" + MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfName + "\"");
    3336           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
    3337             :                     }
    3338           0 :                     if (MultizoneSurfaceData(i).LowValueEnth < 0.0) {
    3339           0 :                         ShowWarningError(m_state, format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + " object, Low Enthalpy difference value < 0.0d0");
    3340           0 :                         ShowContinueError(m_state,
    3341           0 :                                           format("..Input value = {:.1R}, Value will be reset to 0.0", MultizoneSurfaceData(i).LowValueEnth));
    3342           0 :                         ShowContinueError(m_state, "..for Surface = \"" + MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfName + "\"");
    3343           0 :                         MultizoneSurfaceData(i).LowValueEnth = 0.0;
    3344             :                     }
    3345           0 :                     if (MultizoneSurfaceData(i).LowValueEnth >= 300000.0) {
    3346           0 :                         ShowWarningError(m_state, format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + " object, Low Enthalpy difference value >= 300000.0");
    3347           0 :                         ShowContinueError(m_state,
    3348           0 :                                           format("..Input value = {:.1R}, Value will be reset to 0.0", MultizoneSurfaceData(i).LowValueEnth));
    3349           0 :                         ShowContinueError(m_state, "..for Surface = \"" + MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfName + "\"");
    3350           0 :                         MultizoneZoneData(i).LowValueEnth = 0.0;
    3351             :                     }
    3352           0 :                     if (MultizoneSurfaceData(i).UpValueEnth <= MultizoneSurfaceData(i).LowValueEnth) {
    3353           0 :                         ShowWarningError(m_state,
    3354           0 :                                          format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + " object, Upper Enthalpy <= Lower Enthalpy difference value.");
    3355           0 :                         ShowContinueError(m_state,
    3356           0 :                                           format("..Input value = {:.1R}, Value will be set to 300000.0", MultizoneSurfaceData(i).UpValueEnth));
    3357           0 :                         ShowContinueError(m_state, "..for Surface = \"" + MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfName + "\"");
    3358           0 :                         MultizoneSurfaceData(i).UpValueEnth = 300000.0;
    3359             :                     }
    3360             : 
    3361           0 :                 } break;
    3362           7 :                 case VentControlType::Const:
    3363             :                 case VentControlType::ASH55:
    3364             :                 case VentControlType::CEN15251:
    3365             :                 case VentControlType::NoVent:
    3366             :                 case VentControlType::ZoneLevel: {
    3367           7 :                     MultizoneSurfaceData(i).VentSchNum = 0;
    3368           7 :                     MultizoneSurfaceData(i).VentSchName = "";
    3369           7 :                 } break;
    3370          81 :                 default:
    3371          81 :                     break;
    3372             :                 }
    3373             :             }
    3374             :         }
    3375             : 
    3376             :         // Validate opening component and assign opening dimension
    3377          34 :         if (AirflowNetworkNumOfSimOpenings > 0) {
    3378          24 :             for (int i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfSimOpenings; ++i) {
    3379          12 :                 found = false;
    3380         254 :                 for (j = 1; j <= AirflowNetworkNumOfSurfaces; ++j) {
    3381         242 :                     if (MultizoneCompSimpleOpeningData(i).name == MultizoneSurfaceData(j).OpeningName) {
    3382             :                         //           MultizoneCompSimpleOpeningData(i)%Width =
    3383             :                         //           Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(j)%SurfNum)%Width
    3384             :                         //           MultizoneCompSimpleOpeningData(i)%Height =
    3385             :                         //           Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(j)%SurfNum)%Height
    3386          17 :                         found = true;
    3387             :                     }
    3388             :                 }
    3389             :             }
    3390             :         }
    3391             : 
    3392             :         // Calculate CP values
    3393          34 :         if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(simulation_control.WPCCntr, "SurfaceAverageCalculation")) {
    3394           7 :             calculate_Cps();
    3395             :             // Ensure automatic generation is OK
    3396           7 :             n = 0;
    3397          42 :             for (j = 1; j <= 5; ++j) {
    3398          35 :                 found = false;
    3399         167 :                 for (int i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfExtNode; ++i) {
    3400         162 :                     if (MultizoneExternalNodeData(i).facadeNum == j) {
    3401          30 :                         found = true;
    3402          30 :                         break;
    3403             :                     }
    3404             :                 }
    3405          35 :                 if (found) ++n;
    3406          35 :                 if (j == 5 && (!found)) {
    3407           3 :                     found = true;
    3408           3 :                     if (m_state.dataGlobal->DisplayExtraWarnings) {
    3409           0 :                         ShowWarningError(m_state,
    3410           0 :                                          format(RoutineName) +
    3411             :                                              "SurfaceAverageCalculation is entered for field = Wind Pressure Coefficient Type, but no roof "
    3412             :                                              "surface is defined using an AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:Surface object.");
    3413           0 :                         ShowContinueError(m_state, "Reconsider if this is your modeling intent. Simulation continues.");
    3414             :                     }
    3415             :                 }
    3416             :             }
    3417           7 :             if (n < 5 && m_state.dataGlobal->DisplayExtraWarnings) {
    3418           0 :                 ShowWarningError(m_state, format(RoutineName) + "SurfaceAverageCalculation is entered for field = Wind Pressure Coefficient Type.");
    3419           0 :                 ShowContinueError(m_state,
    3420             :                                   "The AirflowNetwork model provides wind pressure coefficients for 4 vertical exterior orientations and "
    3421             :                                   "1 horizontal roof.");
    3422           0 :                 ShowContinueError(m_state,
    3423           0 :                                   format(" There are only {} exterior surface orientations defined in this input file using "
    3424             :                                          "AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:Surface objects.",
    3425           0 :                                          n));
    3426           0 :                 ShowContinueError(m_state, "Reconsider if this is your modeling intent. Simulation continues.");
    3427             :             }
    3428             :         }
    3429             : 
    3430             :         // Assign external node height
    3431          95 :         if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(simulation_control.WPCCntr, "SurfaceAverageCalculation") ||
    3432          61 :             UtilityRoutines::SameString(simulation_control.HeightOption, "OpeningHeight")) {
    3433          72 :             for (int i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfExtNode; ++i) {
    3434         459 :                 for (j = 1; j <= AirflowNetworkNumOfSurfaces; ++j) {
    3435         918 :                     if (m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(j).SurfNum).ExtBoundCond == ExternalEnvironment ||
    3436          71 :                         (m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(j).SurfNum).ExtBoundCond == OtherSideCoefNoCalcExt &&
    3437           0 :                          m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(j).SurfNum).ExtWind)) {
    3438         388 :                         if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(MultizoneSurfaceData(j).ExternalNodeName, MultizoneExternalNodeData(i).Name)) {
    3439          65 :                             MultizoneExternalNodeData(i).height = m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(j).SurfNum).Centroid.z;
    3440          65 :                             break;
    3441             :                         }
    3442             :                     }
    3443             :                 }
    3444             :             }
    3445             :         }
    3446             : 
    3447             :         // Assign external node azimuth, should consider combining this with the above to avoid the repeated search
    3448         215 :         for (int i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfExtNode; ++i) {
    3449        1253 :             for (j = 1; j <= AirflowNetworkNumOfSurfaces; ++j) {
    3450        2492 :                 if (m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(j).SurfNum).ExtBoundCond == ExternalEnvironment ||
    3451         371 :                     (m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(j).SurfNum).ExtBoundCond == OtherSideCoefNoCalcExt &&
    3452           0 :                      m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(j).SurfNum).ExtWind)) {
    3453         875 :                     if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(MultizoneSurfaceData(j).ExternalNodeName, MultizoneExternalNodeData(i).Name)) {
    3454         174 :                         MultizoneExternalNodeData(i).azimuth = m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(j).SurfNum).Azimuth;
    3455         174 :                         break;
    3456             :                     }
    3457             :                 }
    3458             :             }
    3459             :         }
    3460             : 
    3461          34 :         if (ErrorsFound) {
    3462           0 :             ShowFatalError(m_state, format("{}Errors found getting inputs. Previous error(s) cause program termination.", RoutineName));
    3463             :         }
    3464             : 
    3465             :         // Write wind pressure coefficients in the EIO file
    3466          34 :         print(m_state.files.eio, "! <AirflowNetwork Model:Wind Direction>, Wind Direction #1 to n (degree)\n");
    3467          34 :         print(m_state.files.eio, "AirflowNetwork Model:Wind Direction, ");
    3468             : 
    3469          34 :         int numWinDirs = 11;
    3470          34 :         Real64 angleDelta = 30.0;
    3471          34 :         if (AirflowNetworkNumOfSingleSideZones > 0) {
    3472           1 :             numWinDirs = 35;
    3473           1 :             angleDelta = 10.0;
    3474             :         }
    3475             : 
    3476         432 :         for (int i = 0; i < numWinDirs; ++i) {
    3477         398 :             print(m_state.files.eio, "{:.1R},", i * angleDelta);
    3478             :         }
    3479          34 :         print(m_state.files.eio, "{:.1R}\n", numWinDirs * angleDelta);
    3480             : 
    3481          34 :         print(m_state.files.eio, "! <AirflowNetwork Model:Wind Pressure Coefficients>, Name, Wind Pressure Coefficients #1 to n (dimensionless)\n");
    3482             : 
    3483             :         // The old version used to write info with single-sided natural ventilation specific labeling, this version no longer does that.
    3484          68 :         std::set<int> curves;
    3485         215 :         for (int i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfExtNode; ++i) {
    3486         181 :             curves.insert(MultizoneExternalNodeData(i).curve);
    3487             :         }
    3488         183 :         for (auto index : curves) {
    3489         149 :             print(m_state.files.eio, "AirflowNetwork Model:Wind Pressure Coefficients, {}, ", Curve::GetCurveName(m_state, index));
    3490             : 
    3491        2028 :             for (j = 0; j < numWinDirs; ++j) {
    3492        1879 :                 print(m_state.files.eio, "{:.2R},", Curve::CurveValue(m_state, index, j * angleDelta));
    3493             :             }
    3494         149 :             print(m_state.files.eio, "{:.2R}\n", Curve::CurveValue(m_state, index, numWinDirs * angleDelta));
    3495             :         }
    3496             : 
    3497          34 :         if (AirflowNetworkNumOfSingleSideZones > 0) {
    3498           5 :             for (int i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfZones; ++i) {
    3499           4 :                 if (MultizoneZoneData(i).SingleSidedCpType == "ADVANCED") {
    3500           3 :                     print(m_state.files.eio,
    3501           3 :                           "AirflowNetwork: Advanced Single-Sided Model: Difference in Opening Wind Pressure Coefficients (DeltaCP), ");
    3502           3 :                     print(m_state.files.eio, "{}, ", MultizoneZoneData(i).ZoneName);
    3503         108 :                     for (unsigned j = 1; j <= EPDeltaCP(i).WindDir.size() - 1; ++j) {
    3504         105 :                         print(m_state.files.eio, "{:.2R},", EPDeltaCP(i).WindDir(j));
    3505             :                     }
    3506           3 :                     print(m_state.files.eio, "{:.2R}\n", EPDeltaCP(i).WindDir(static_cast<int>(EPDeltaCP(i).WindDir.size())));
    3507             :                 }
    3508             :             }
    3509             :         }
    3510             : 
    3511             :         // If no zone object, exit
    3512          34 :         if (AirflowNetworkNumOfZones == 0) {
    3513           0 :             ShowFatalError(m_state, format("{}Errors found getting inputs. Previous error(s) cause program termination.", RoutineName));
    3514             :         }
    3515             :         // If zone node number =0, exit.
    3516         507 :         for (j = 1; j <= AirflowNetworkNumOfSurfaces; ++j) {
    3517         473 :             if (MultizoneSurfaceData(j).NodeNums[0] == 0 && ErrorsFound) {
    3518           0 :                 ShowFatalError(m_state, format("{}Errors found getting inputs. Previous error(s) cause program termination.", RoutineName));
    3519             :             }
    3520         473 :             if (MultizoneSurfaceData(j).NodeNums[1] == 0 && ErrorsFound) {
    3521           0 :                 ShowFatalError(m_state, format("{}Errors found getting inputs. Previous error(s) cause program termination.", RoutineName));
    3522             :             }
    3523             :         }
    3524             : 
    3525             :         // Ensure at least two surfaces are exposed to a zone
    3526          34 :         ZoneCheck.allocate(AirflowNetworkNumOfZones);
    3527          34 :         ZoneBCCheck.allocate(AirflowNetworkNumOfZones);
    3528          34 :         ZoneCheck = 0;
    3529          34 :         ZoneBCCheck = 0;
    3530          34 :         CurrentModuleObject = "AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:Surface";
    3531         507 :         for (j = 1; j <= AirflowNetworkNumOfSurfaces; ++j) {
    3532         473 :             if (MultizoneSurfaceData(j).NodeNums[0] <= AirflowNetworkNumOfZones) {
    3533         473 :                 ++ZoneCheck(MultizoneSurfaceData(j).NodeNums[0]);
    3534         473 :                 ZoneBCCheck(MultizoneSurfaceData(j).NodeNums[0]) = MultizoneSurfaceData(j).NodeNums[1];
    3535             :             }
    3536         473 :             if (MultizoneSurfaceData(j).NodeNums[1] <= AirflowNetworkNumOfZones) {
    3537         161 :                 ++ZoneCheck(MultizoneSurfaceData(j).NodeNums[1]);
    3538         161 :                 ZoneBCCheck(MultizoneSurfaceData(j).NodeNums[1]) = MultizoneSurfaceData(j).NodeNums[0];
    3539             :             }
    3540             :         }
    3541         146 :         for (int i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfZones; ++i) {
    3542         112 :             if (ZoneCheck(i) == 0) {
    3543           0 :                 ShowSevereError(m_state, format(RoutineName) + "AirflowNetwork:Multizone:Zone = " + MultizoneZoneData(i).ZoneName);
    3544           0 :                 ShowContinueError(m_state, " does not have any surfaces defined in " + CurrentModuleObject);
    3545           0 :                 ShowContinueError(m_state, "Each zone should have at least two surfaces defined in " + CurrentModuleObject);
    3546           0 :                 ErrorsFound = true;
    3547             :             }
    3548         112 :             if (ZoneCheck(i) == 1) {
    3549           0 :                 ShowSevereError(m_state, format(RoutineName) + "AirflowNetwork:Multizone:Zone = " + MultizoneZoneData(i).ZoneName);
    3550           0 :                 ShowContinueError(m_state, " has only one surface defined in " + CurrentModuleObject);
    3551           0 :                 ShowContinueError(m_state, " Each zone should have at least two surfaces defined in " + CurrentModuleObject);
    3552           0 :                 ErrorsFound = true;
    3553             :             }
    3554         112 :             if (ZoneCheck(i) > 1) {
    3555         112 :                 SurfaceFound = false;
    3556         494 :                 for (j = 1; j <= AirflowNetworkNumOfSurfaces; ++j) {
    3557         494 :                     if (MultizoneSurfaceData(j).NodeNums[0] == i) {
    3558          52 :                         if (ZoneBCCheck(i) != MultizoneSurfaceData(j).NodeNums[1]) {
    3559          50 :                             SurfaceFound = true;
    3560          50 :                             break;
    3561             :                         }
    3562             :                     }
    3563         444 :                     if (MultizoneSurfaceData(j).NodeNums[1] == i) {
    3564          62 :                         if (ZoneBCCheck(i) != MultizoneSurfaceData(j).NodeNums[0]) {
    3565          62 :                             SurfaceFound = true;
    3566          62 :                             break;
    3567             :                         }
    3568             :                     }
    3569             :                 }
    3570         112 :                 if (!SurfaceFound) {
    3571           0 :                     ShowWarningError(m_state, format(RoutineName) + "AirflowNetwork:Multizone:Zone = " + MultizoneZoneData(i).ZoneName);
    3572           0 :                     ShowContinueError(m_state,
    3573           0 :                                       "has more than one surface defined in " + CurrentModuleObject + ", but has the same boundary conditions");
    3574           0 :                     ShowContinueError(m_state, "Please check inputs of " + CurrentModuleObject);
    3575             :                 }
    3576             :             }
    3577             :         }
    3578          34 :         ZoneCheck.deallocate();
    3579          34 :         ZoneBCCheck.deallocate();
    3580             : 
    3581             :         // Validate CP Value number
    3582          34 :         if (simulation_control.iWPCCnt == iWPCCntr::Input) { // Surface-Average does not need inputs of external nodes
    3583             :             // Ensure different curve is used to avoid a single side boundary condition
    3584          27 :             found = false;
    3585          27 :             bool differentAngle = false;
    3586          27 :             for (j = 2; j <= AirflowNetworkNumOfExtNode; ++j) {
    3587          27 :                 if (MultizoneExternalNodeData(j - 1).curve != MultizoneExternalNodeData(j).curve) {
    3588          27 :                     found = true;
    3589          27 :                     break;
    3590             :                 } else {
    3591             :                     // If the curves are the same, then check to see if the azimuths are different
    3592           0 :                     if (MultizoneExternalNodeData(j - 1).azimuth != MultizoneExternalNodeData(j).azimuth) {
    3593           0 :                         differentAngle = MultizoneExternalNodeData(j - 1).symmetricCurve || MultizoneExternalNodeData(j).symmetricCurve;
    3594             :                     }
    3595             :                 }
    3596             :             }
    3597          27 :             if (!found && !differentAngle) {
    3598           0 :                 ShowSevereError(m_state,
    3599             :                                 "The same Wind Pressure Coefficient Curve name is used in all AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:ExternalNode objects.");
    3600           0 :                 ShowContinueError(
    3601             :                     m_state, "Please input at least two different Wind Pressure Coefficient Curve names to avoid single side boundary condition.");
    3602           0 :                 ErrorsFound = true;
    3603             :             }
    3604             :         }
    3605             : 
    3606             :         // Assign occupant ventilation control number from zone to surface
    3607         507 :         for (int i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfSurfaces; ++i) {
    3608         473 :             j = MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum;
    3609        1352 :             if (m_state.dataSurface->SurfWinOriginalClass(j) == SurfaceClass::Window ||
    3610         852 :                 m_state.dataSurface->SurfWinOriginalClass(j) == SurfaceClass::Door ||
    3611         379 :                 m_state.dataSurface->SurfWinOriginalClass(j) == SurfaceClass::GlassDoor) {
    3612         453 :                 for (n = 1; n <= AirflowNetworkNumOfZones; ++n) {
    3613         359 :                     if (MultizoneZoneData(n).ZoneNum == m_state.dataSurface->Surface(j).Zone) {
    3614          94 :                         if (MultizoneZoneData(n).OccupantVentilationControlNum > 0 && MultizoneSurfaceData(i).OccupantVentilationControlNum == 0) {
    3615           2 :                             MultizoneSurfaceData(i).OccupantVentilationControlNum = MultizoneZoneData(n).OccupantVentilationControlNum;
    3616             :                         }
    3617             :                     }
    3618             :                 }
    3619             :             }
    3620             :         }
    3621             : 
    3622             :         // Read AirflowNetwork Intra zone node
    3623          34 :         CurrentModuleObject = "AirflowNetwork:IntraZone:Node";
    3624          34 :         IntraZoneNumOfNodes = m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getNumObjectsFound(m_state, CurrentModuleObject);
    3625          34 :         if (IntraZoneNumOfNodes > 0) {
    3626           1 :             IntraZoneNodeData.allocate(IntraZoneNumOfNodes);
    3627           6 :             for (int i = 1; i <= IntraZoneNumOfNodes; ++i) {
    3628           5 :                 m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectItem(m_state,
    3629             :                                                                            CurrentModuleObject,
    3630             :                                                                            i,
    3631             :                                                                            Alphas,
    3632             :                                                                            NumAlphas,
    3633             :                                                                            Numbers,
    3634             :                                                                            NumNumbers,
    3635             :                                                                            IOStatus,
    3636             :                                                                            lNumericBlanks,
    3637             :                                                                            lAlphaBlanks,
    3638             :                                                                            cAlphaFields,
    3639             :                                                                            cNumericFields);
    3640           5 :                 UtilityRoutines::IsNameEmpty(m_state, Alphas(1), CurrentModuleObject, ErrorsFound);
    3641           5 :                 IntraZoneNodeData(i).Name = Alphas(1);         // Name of node
    3642           5 :                 IntraZoneNodeData(i).RAFNNodeName = Alphas(2); // Name of RoomAir node
    3643           5 :                 IntraZoneNodeData(i).Height = Numbers(1);      // Nodal height
    3644             :                 // verify RoomAir model node names(May be too early to check and move to another subroutine)
    3645          15 :                 GetRAFNNodeNum(
    3646          15 :                     m_state, IntraZoneNodeData(i).RAFNNodeName, IntraZoneNodeData(i).ZoneNum, IntraZoneNodeData(i).RAFNNodeNum, Errorfound1);
    3647           5 :                 if (Errorfound1) ErrorsFound = true;
    3648           5 :                 if (IntraZoneNodeData(i).RAFNNodeNum == 0) {
    3649           0 :                     ShowSevereError(m_state,
    3650           0 :                                     format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + "='" + Alphas(1) + "' invalid name " + cAlphaFields(2) + "='" +
    3651           0 :                                         Alphas(2));
    3652           0 :                     ErrorsFound = true;
    3653             :                 }
    3654           5 :                 IntraZoneNodeData(i).AFNZoneNum =
    3655           5 :                     UtilityRoutines::FindItemInList(Alphas(3), MultizoneZoneData, &MultizoneZoneProp::ZoneName, AirflowNetworkNumOfZones);
    3656           5 :                 if (MultizoneZoneData(IntraZoneNodeData(i).AFNZoneNum).RAFNNodeNum == 0) {
    3657           3 :                     GetRAFNNodeNum(m_state,
    3658           1 :                                    MultizoneZoneData(IntraZoneNodeData(i).AFNZoneNum).ZoneName,
    3659           1 :                                    IntraZoneNodeData(i).ZoneNum,
    3660           1 :                                    MultizoneZoneData(IntraZoneNodeData(i).AFNZoneNum).RAFNNodeNum,
    3661             :                                    Errorfound1);
    3662             :                 }
    3663           5 :                 if (IntraZoneNodeData(i).ZoneNum == 0) {
    3664           0 :                     ShowSevereError(m_state,
    3665           0 :                                     format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + "='" + Alphas(1) + "' the Zone is not defined for " +
    3666           0 :                                         cAlphaFields(3) + "='" + Alphas(3));
    3667           0 :                     ErrorsFound = true;
    3668             :                 }
    3669             :             }
    3670             :         }
    3671             : 
    3672             :         // check model compatibility
    3673          34 :         if (IntraZoneNumOfNodes > 0) {
    3674           1 :             if (!UtilityRoutines::SameString(SimAirNetworkKey, "MultizoneWithoutDistribution")) {
    3675           0 :                 ShowSevereError(m_state,
    3676           0 :                                 format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject +
    3677           0 :                                     " model requires Simulation Control = MultizoneWithoutDistribution, while the input choice is " +
    3678           0 :                                     SimAirNetworkKey + ".");
    3679           0 :                 ErrorsFound = true;
    3680           0 :                 ShowFatalError(
    3681             :                     m_state,
    3682           0 :                     format("{}Errors found getting {} object. Previous error(s) cause program termination.", RoutineName, CurrentModuleObject));
    3683             :             }
    3684             :         }
    3685             : 
    3686          34 :         NumOfNodesIntraZone = IntraZoneNumOfNodes;
    3687             :         // check zone node
    3688          34 :         IntraZoneNumOfZones = 0;
    3689         146 :         for (int i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfZones; ++i) {
    3690         112 :             if (MultizoneZoneData(i).RAFNNodeNum > 0) {
    3691           1 :                 IntraZoneNumOfZones += 1;
    3692             :             }
    3693             :         }
    3694             : 
    3695             :         // Override error check due to RoomAirNode for the time being
    3696             : 
    3697             :         // Read AirflowNetwork Intra linkage
    3698          34 :         CurrentModuleObject = "AirflowNetwork:IntraZone:Linkage";
    3699          34 :         IntraZoneNumOfLinks = m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getNumObjectsFound(m_state, CurrentModuleObject);
    3700          34 :         if (IntraZoneNumOfLinks > 0) {
    3701           1 :             IntraZoneLinkageData.allocate(IntraZoneNumOfLinks);
    3702           1 :             UniqueAirflowNetworkSurfaceName.reserve(IntraZoneNumOfLinks);
    3703          10 :             for (int i = 1; i <= IntraZoneNumOfLinks; ++i) {
    3704           9 :                 m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectItem(m_state,
    3705             :                                                                            CurrentModuleObject,
    3706             :                                                                            i,
    3707             :                                                                            Alphas,
    3708             :                                                                            NumAlphas,
    3709             :                                                                            Numbers,
    3710             :                                                                            NumNumbers,
    3711             :                                                                            IOStatus,
    3712             :                                                                            lNumericBlanks,
    3713             :                                                                            lAlphaBlanks,
    3714             :                                                                            cAlphaFields,
    3715             :                                                                            cNumericFields);
    3716           9 :                 UtilityRoutines::IsNameEmpty(m_state, Alphas(1), CurrentModuleObject, ErrorsFound);
    3717           9 :                 IntraZoneLinkageData(i).Name = Alphas(1); // Name of linkage
    3718           9 :                 IntraZoneLinkageData(i).NodeNames[0] = Alphas(2);
    3719           9 :                 IntraZoneLinkageData(i).NodeHeights[0] = 0.0;
    3720           9 :                 IntraZoneLinkageData(i).NodeNames[1] = Alphas(3);
    3721           9 :                 IntraZoneLinkageData(i).NodeHeights[1] = 0.0;
    3722           9 :                 IntraZoneLinkageData(i).CompName = Alphas(4);
    3723           9 :                 if (!lAlphaBlanks(5)) {
    3724             :                     // Perform simple test first.The comprehensive input validation will occur later
    3725             :                     // Check valid surface name
    3726           2 :                     IntraZoneLinkageData(i).SurfaceName = Alphas(5);
    3727           4 :                     IntraZoneLinkageData(i).LinkNum = UtilityRoutines::FindItemInList(
    3728           2 :                         Alphas(5), MultizoneSurfaceData, &MultizoneSurfaceProp::SurfName, AirflowNetworkNumOfSurfaces);
    3729           2 :                     if (IntraZoneLinkageData(i).LinkNum == 0) {
    3730           0 :                         ShowSevereError(m_state,
    3731           0 :                                         format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + "='" + Alphas(1) + "': Invalid " + cAlphaFields(5) +
    3732           0 :                                             " given = " + Alphas(5) + " in AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:Surface objects");
    3733           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
    3734             :                     }
    3735           4 :                     GlobalNames::VerifyUniqueInterObjectName(
    3736           4 :                         m_state, UniqueAirflowNetworkSurfaceName, Alphas(5), CurrentModuleObject, cAlphaFields(5), ErrorsFound);
    3737             :                 }
    3738           9 :                 if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(Alphas(2), Alphas(3))) {
    3739           0 :                     ShowSevereError(m_state,
    3740           0 :                                     format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + "='" + Alphas(1) + "': Invalid inputs of both node name with " +
    3741           0 :                                         Alphas(2) + " = " + Alphas(3));
    3742           0 :                     ErrorsFound = true;
    3743             :                 }
    3744             :                 // Check valid node names
    3745           9 :                 IntraZoneLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0] = UtilityRoutines::FindItemInList(Alphas(2), IntraZoneNodeData, IntraZoneNumOfNodes);
    3746           9 :                 if (IntraZoneLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0] == 0) {
    3747           0 :                     IntraZoneLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0] =
    3748           0 :                         UtilityRoutines::FindItemInList(Alphas(2), MultizoneZoneData, &MultizoneZoneProp::ZoneName, AirflowNetworkNumOfZones);
    3749           0 :                     IntraZoneLinkageData(i).NodeHeights[0] = Zone(MultizoneZoneData(IntraZoneLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0]).ZoneNum).Centroid.z;
    3750           0 :                     if (IntraZoneLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0] == 0) {
    3751           0 :                         ShowSevereError(m_state,
    3752           0 :                                         format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + "='" + Alphas(1) + "': Invalid " + cAlphaFields(2) +
    3753           0 :                                             " given = " + Alphas(2) + " in AirflowNetwork:IntraZone:Node and AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:Zone objects");
    3754           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
    3755             :                     }
    3756             :                 } else {
    3757           9 :                     IntraZoneLinkageData(i).NodeHeights[0] = IntraZoneNodeData(IntraZoneLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0]).Height;
    3758           9 :                     IntraZoneLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0] = IntraZoneLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0] + AirflowNetworkNumOfZones + AirflowNetworkNumOfExtNode;
    3759             :                 }
    3760           9 :                 IntraZoneLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1] = UtilityRoutines::FindItemInList(Alphas(3), IntraZoneNodeData, IntraZoneNumOfNodes);
    3761           9 :                 if (IntraZoneLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1] == 0) {
    3762           5 :                     IntraZoneLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1] =
    3763           5 :                         UtilityRoutines::FindItemInList(Alphas(3), MultizoneZoneData, &MultizoneZoneProp::ZoneName, AirflowNetworkNumOfZones);
    3764           5 :                     if (IntraZoneLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1] > 0) {
    3765           5 :                         IntraZoneLinkageData(i).NodeHeights[1] = Zone(MultizoneZoneData(IntraZoneLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1]).ZoneNum).Centroid.z;
    3766             :                     } else {
    3767           0 :                         if (simulation_control.iWPCCnt == iWPCCntr::Input) { // Surface-Average does not need inputs of external nodes
    3768           0 :                             IntraZoneLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1] = MultizoneSurfaceData(IntraZoneLinkageData(i).LinkNum).NodeNums[1];
    3769           0 :                             if (IntraZoneLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1] == 0) {
    3770           0 :                                 ShowSevereError(m_state,
    3771           0 :                                                 format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + "='" + Alphas(1) + "': Invalid " + cAlphaFields(3) +
    3772           0 :                                                     " given = " + Alphas(3) +
    3773             :                                                     " in AirflowNetwork:IntraZone:Node or AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:Zone or "
    3774             :                                                     "AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:ExternalNode objects");
    3775           0 :                                 ErrorsFound = true;
    3776             :                             }
    3777             :                         }
    3778           0 :                         if (simulation_control.iWPCCnt == iWPCCntr::SurfAvg) {
    3779           0 :                             if (!lAlphaBlanks(3)) {
    3780           0 :                                 ShowWarningError(m_state,
    3781           0 :                                                  format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + "='" + Alphas(1) + " The input of " + cAlphaFields(3) +
    3782             :                                                      " is not needed, ");
    3783           0 :                                 ShowContinueError(m_state,
    3784             :                                                   " since AirflowNetwork Wind Pressure Coefficient Type = SURFACE-AVERAGE CALCULATION. The "
    3785             :                                                   "simulation continues...");
    3786             :                             }
    3787           0 :                             IntraZoneLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1] = MultizoneSurfaceData(IntraZoneLinkageData(i).LinkNum).NodeNums[1];
    3788             :                         }
    3789             :                     }
    3790             :                 } else {
    3791           4 :                     IntraZoneLinkageData(i).NodeHeights[1] = IntraZoneNodeData(IntraZoneLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1]).Height;
    3792           4 :                     IntraZoneLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1] = IntraZoneLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1] + AirflowNetworkNumOfZones + AirflowNetworkNumOfExtNode;
    3793             :                 }
    3794             :                 // Ensure the both linked nodes for a surface are not zone nodes.One of nodes has to be an intrazone node
    3795          14 :                 if (IntraZoneLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1] <= AirflowNetworkNumOfZones &&
    3796           5 :                     IntraZoneLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0] <= AirflowNetworkNumOfZones) {
    3797           0 :                     ShowSevereError(m_state,
    3798           0 :                                     format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + "='" + Alphas(1) + "': Invalid node inputs " + Alphas(2) + " and " +
    3799           0 :                                         Alphas(3) + " are zone nodes");
    3800           0 :                     ErrorsFound = true;
    3801             :                 }
    3802          18 :                 if (IntraZoneLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0] <= AirflowNetworkNumOfZones &&
    3803           9 :                     IntraZoneLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1] > AirflowNetworkNumOfZones + AirflowNetworkNumOfExtNode && lAlphaBlanks(5)) {
    3804           0 :                     if (IntraZoneLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0] !=
    3805           0 :                         m_state.afn->IntraZoneNodeData(IntraZoneLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1] - AirflowNetworkNumOfZones - AirflowNetworkNumOfExtNode)
    3806           0 :                             .AFNZoneNum) {
    3807           0 :                         ShowSevereError(
    3808             :                             m_state,
    3809           0 :                             format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + "='" + Alphas(1) + ": Invalid zone inputs between Node and Link " +
    3810           0 :                                 Alphas(2) + " and " +
    3811           0 :                                 m_state.afn->MultizoneZoneData(IntraZoneNodeData(IntraZoneLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0]).AFNZoneNum).ZoneName);
    3812           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
    3813             :                     }
    3814             :                 }
    3815          23 :                 if (IntraZoneLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1] <= AirflowNetworkNumOfZones &&
    3816          14 :                     IntraZoneLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0] > AirflowNetworkNumOfZones + AirflowNetworkNumOfExtNode && lAlphaBlanks(5)) {
    3817           6 :                     if (IntraZoneLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1] !=
    3818           3 :                         m_state.afn->IntraZoneNodeData(IntraZoneLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0] - AirflowNetworkNumOfZones - AirflowNetworkNumOfExtNode)
    3819           3 :                             .AFNZoneNum) {
    3820           0 :                         ShowSevereError(
    3821             :                             m_state,
    3822           0 :                             format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + "='" + Alphas(1) + ": Invalid zone inputs between Node and Link " +
    3823           0 :                                 Alphas(3) + " and " +
    3824           0 :                                 m_state.afn->MultizoneZoneData(IntraZoneNodeData(IntraZoneLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1]).AFNZoneNum).ZoneName);
    3825           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
    3826             :                     }
    3827             :                 }
    3828             :             }
    3829             : 
    3830             :             // Reset the number of intrazone links for a given surface
    3831           1 :             NumOfLinksIntraZone = IntraZoneNumOfLinks;
    3832          10 :             for (int i = 1; i <= IntraZoneNumOfLinks; ++i) {
    3833           9 :                 j = IntraZoneLinkageData(i).LinkNum;
    3834           9 :                 if (j > 0) {
    3835             :                     // Revise data in multizone object
    3836           2 :                     NumOfLinksIntraZone = NumOfLinksIntraZone - 1;
    3837           2 :                     if (m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(j).SurfNum).ExtBoundCond == 0) {
    3838             :                         // Exterior surface NodeNums[1] should be equal
    3839           0 :                         if (IntraZoneLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0] > AirflowNetworkNumOfZones + AirflowNetworkNumOfExtNode) {
    3840           0 :                             MultizoneSurfaceData(j).RAFNflag = true;
    3841           0 :                             MultizoneSurfaceData(j).ZonePtr = MultizoneSurfaceData(j).NodeNums[0];
    3842           0 :                             MultizoneSurfaceData(j).NodeNums[0] = IntraZoneLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0];
    3843           0 :                         } else if (IntraZoneLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1] > AirflowNetworkNumOfZones + AirflowNetworkNumOfExtNode) {
    3844           0 :                             MultizoneSurfaceData(j).RAFNflag = true;
    3845           0 :                             MultizoneSurfaceData(j).ZonePtr = MultizoneSurfaceData(j).NodeNums[0];
    3846           0 :                             MultizoneSurfaceData(j).NodeNums[0] = IntraZoneLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1];
    3847             :                         } else {
    3848           0 :                             ShowSevereError(m_state,
    3849           0 :                                             format(RoutineName) + "The InterZone link is not found between AirflowNetwork:IntraZone:Linkage =" +
    3850           0 :                                                 IntraZoneLinkageData(i).Name +
    3851           0 :                                                 " and AirflowNetwork:Multizone:Surface = " + MultizoneSurfaceData(j).SurfName);
    3852           0 :                             ErrorsFound = true;
    3853             :                         }
    3854             :                     } else {
    3855             :                         // Interior surface
    3856           4 :                         if (IntraZoneLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0] > AirflowNetworkNumOfZones + AirflowNetworkNumOfExtNode &&
    3857           2 :                             IntraZoneLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1] > AirflowNetworkNumOfZones + AirflowNetworkNumOfExtNode) {
    3858           0 :                             MultizoneSurfaceData(j).RAFNflag = true;
    3859           0 :                             if (MultizoneZoneData(MultizoneSurfaceData(j).NodeNums[0]).ZoneNum ==
    3860           0 :                                 m_state.afn
    3861           0 :                                     ->IntraZoneNodeData(IntraZoneLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0] - AirflowNetworkNumOfZones - AirflowNetworkNumOfExtNode)
    3862           0 :                                     .ZoneNum) {
    3863           0 :                                 MultizoneSurfaceData(j).ZonePtr = MultizoneSurfaceData(j).NodeNums[0];
    3864           0 :                                 MultizoneSurfaceData(j).NodeNums[0] = IntraZoneLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0];
    3865           0 :                                 MultizoneSurfaceData(j).NodeNums[1] = IntraZoneLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1];
    3866             :                             } else {
    3867           0 :                                 MultizoneSurfaceData(j).ZonePtr = MultizoneSurfaceData(j).NodeNums[0];
    3868           0 :                                 MultizoneSurfaceData(j).NodeNums[0] = IntraZoneLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1];
    3869           0 :                                 MultizoneSurfaceData(j).NodeNums[1] = IntraZoneLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0];
    3870             :                             }
    3871           2 :                         } else if (IntraZoneLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0] > AirflowNetworkNumOfZones + AirflowNetworkNumOfExtNode) {
    3872           2 :                             MultizoneSurfaceData(j).RAFNflag = true;
    3873           2 :                             if (IntraZoneLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1] == MultizoneSurfaceData(j).NodeNums[0]) {
    3874           2 :                                 MultizoneSurfaceData(j).NodeNums[1] = IntraZoneLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0];
    3875           0 :                             } else if (IntraZoneLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1] == MultizoneSurfaceData(j).NodeNums[1]) {
    3876           0 :                                 MultizoneSurfaceData(j).ZonePtr = MultizoneSurfaceData(j).NodeNums[0];
    3877           0 :                                 MultizoneSurfaceData(j).NodeNums[0] = IntraZoneLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0];
    3878             :                             } else {
    3879           0 :                                 ShowSevereError(m_state,
    3880           0 :                                                 format(RoutineName) + "The InterZone link is not found between AirflowNetwork:IntraZone:Linkage =" +
    3881           0 :                                                     IntraZoneLinkageData(i).Name +
    3882           0 :                                                     " and AirflowNetwork:Multizone:Surface = " + MultizoneSurfaceData(j).SurfName);
    3883           0 :                                 ErrorsFound = true;
    3884             :                             }
    3885           0 :                         } else if (IntraZoneLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1] > AirflowNetworkNumOfZones + AirflowNetworkNumOfExtNode) {
    3886           0 :                             MultizoneSurfaceData(j).RAFNflag = true;
    3887           0 :                             if (IntraZoneLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0] == MultizoneSurfaceData(j).NodeNums[0]) {
    3888           0 :                                 MultizoneSurfaceData(j).NodeNums[1] = IntraZoneLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1];
    3889           0 :                             } else if (IntraZoneLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0] == MultizoneSurfaceData(j).NodeNums[1]) {
    3890           0 :                                 MultizoneSurfaceData(j).ZonePtr = MultizoneSurfaceData(j).NodeNums[0];
    3891           0 :                                 MultizoneSurfaceData(j).NodeNums[0] = IntraZoneLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1];
    3892             :                             } else {
    3893           0 :                                 ShowSevereError(m_state,
    3894           0 :                                                 format(RoutineName) + "The InterZone link is not found between AirflowNetwork:IntraZone:Linkage =" +
    3895           0 :                                                     IntraZoneLinkageData(i).Name +
    3896           0 :                                                     " and AirflowNetwork:Multizone:Surface = " + MultizoneSurfaceData(j).SurfName);
    3897           0 :                                 ErrorsFound = true;
    3898             :                             }
    3899             :                         }
    3900             :                     }
    3901             :                 }
    3902             :             }
    3903             :             // Remove links with surface defined in Multizone : Surface objects
    3904           1 :             int link = 1;
    3905           1 :             if (NumOfLinksIntraZone < IntraZoneNumOfLinks) {
    3906          15 :                 while (link <= NumOfLinksIntraZone) {
    3907           7 :                     if (IntraZoneLinkageData(link).LinkNum > 0) {
    3908           1 :                         if (m_state.dataGlobal->DisplayExtraWarnings) {
    3909           0 :                             ShowWarningError(m_state,
    3910           0 :                                              format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + "='" + IntraZoneLinkageData(link).Name +
    3911             :                                                  " is reomoved from the list due to the surface conncetion from Intrazone to Interzone.");
    3912             :                         }
    3913           8 :                         for (j = link; j <= IntraZoneNumOfLinks - 1; ++j) {
    3914           7 :                             IntraZoneLinkageData(j) = IntraZoneLinkageData(j + 1);
    3915             :                         }
    3916             :                     }
    3917           7 :                     if (IntraZoneLinkageData(link).LinkNum == 0) link = link + 1;
    3918             :                 }
    3919           1 :                 if (IntraZoneLinkageData(link).LinkNum > 0) {
    3920           1 :                     if (m_state.dataGlobal->DisplayExtraWarnings) {
    3921           0 :                         ShowWarningError(m_state,
    3922           0 :                                          format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + "='" + IntraZoneLinkageData(link).Name +
    3923             :                                              " is removed from the list due to the surface connection from Intrazone to Interzone.");
    3924             :                     }
    3925             :                 }
    3926             :             }
    3927             :         }
    3928             : 
    3929             :         // Read AirflowNetwork Distribution system node
    3930          34 :         CurrentModuleObject = "AirflowNetwork:Distribution:Node";
    3931          34 :         DisSysNumOfNodes = m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getNumObjectsFound(m_state, CurrentModuleObject);
    3932          34 :         if (DisSysNumOfNodes > 0) {
    3933          23 :             DisSysNodeData.allocate(DisSysNumOfNodes);
    3934         551 :             for (int i = 1; i <= DisSysNumOfNodes; ++i) {
    3935         528 :                 m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectItem(m_state,
    3936             :                                                                            CurrentModuleObject,
    3937             :                                                                            i,
    3938             :                                                                            Alphas,
    3939             :                                                                            NumAlphas,
    3940             :                                                                            Numbers,
    3941             :                                                                            NumNumbers,
    3942             :                                                                            IOStatus,
    3943             :                                                                            lNumericBlanks,
    3944             :                                                                            lAlphaBlanks,
    3945             :                                                                            cAlphaFields,
    3946             :                                                                            cNumericFields);
    3947         528 :                 UtilityRoutines::IsNameEmpty(m_state, Alphas(1), CurrentModuleObject, ErrorsFound);
    3948         528 :                 DisSysNodeData(i).Name = Alphas(1);      // Name of node
    3949         528 :                 DisSysNodeData(i).EPlusName = Alphas(2); // Name of associated EnergyPlus node
    3950         528 :                 DisSysNodeData(i).EPlusType = Alphas(3); // Name of associated EnergyPlus type
    3951         528 :                 DisSysNodeData(i).Height = Numbers(1);   // Nodal height
    3952         528 :                 DisSysNodeData(i).EPlusNodeNum = 0;      // EPlus node number
    3953             :                 // verify EnergyPlus object type
    3954        1560 :                 if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(Alphas(3), "AirLoopHVAC:ZoneMixer") ||
    3955        1512 :                     UtilityRoutines::SameString(Alphas(3), "AirLoopHVAC:ZoneSplitter") ||
    3956        1474 :                     UtilityRoutines::SameString(Alphas(3), "AirLoopHVAC:OutdoorAirSystem") ||
    3957        1446 :                     UtilityRoutines::SameString(Alphas(3), "OAMixerOutdoorAirStreamNode") ||
    3958        1884 :                     UtilityRoutines::SameString(Alphas(3), "OutdoorAir:NodeList") || UtilityRoutines::SameString(Alphas(3), "OutdoorAir:Node") ||
    3959         980 :                     UtilityRoutines::SameString(Alphas(3), "Other") || lAlphaBlanks(3)) {
    3960             :                 } else {
    3961           0 :                     ShowSevereError(m_state,
    3962           0 :                                     format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + Alphas(1) + "\" invalid " + cAlphaFields(3) + "=\"" +
    3963           0 :                                         Alphas(3) + "\" illegal key.");
    3964           0 :                     ShowContinueError(m_state,
    3965             :                                       "Valid keys are: AirLoopHVAC:ZoneMixer, AirLoopHVAC:ZoneSplitter, AirLoopHVAC:OutdoorAirSystem, "
    3966             :                                       "OAMixerOutdoorAirStreamNode, OutdoorAir:NodeList, OutdoorAir:Node or Other.");
    3967           0 :                     ErrorsFound = true;
    3968             :                 }
    3969             :                 // Avoid duplication of EPlusName
    3970        7036 :                 for (j = 1; j < i; ++j) {
    3971        6508 :                     if (!UtilityRoutines::SameString(Alphas(2), "")) {
    3972        4531 :                         if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(DisSysNodeData(j).EPlusName, Alphas(2))) {
    3973           0 :                             ShowSevereError(m_state,
    3974           0 :                                             format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + Alphas(1) + "\" Duplicated " + cAlphaFields(2) +
    3975           0 :                                                 "=\"" + Alphas(2) + "\". Please make a correction.");
    3976           0 :                             ErrorsFound = true;
    3977             :                         }
    3978             :                     }
    3979             :                 }
    3980             :             }
    3981             :         } else {
    3982          11 :             if (distribution_simulated) {
    3983           0 :                 ShowSevereError(m_state, format(RoutineName) + "An " + CurrentModuleObject + " object is required but not found.");
    3984           0 :                 ErrorsFound = true;
    3985             :             }
    3986             :         }
    3987             : 
    3988          34 :         CurrentModuleObject = "AirflowNetwork:Distribution:Component:Duct";
    3989          34 :         if (DisSysNumOfDucts == 0) {
    3990          11 :             if (distribution_simulated) {
    3991           0 :                 ShowSevereError(m_state, format(RoutineName) + "An " + CurrentModuleObject + " object is required but not found.");
    3992           0 :                 ErrorsFound = true;
    3993             :             }
    3994             :         }
    3995             : 
    3996             :         // Read AirflowNetwork distribution system component: DuctViewFactors
    3997          34 :         CurrentModuleObject = "AirflowNetwork:Distribution:DuctViewFactors";
    3998          34 :         DisSysNumOfDuctViewFactors = m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getNumObjectsFound(m_state, CurrentModuleObject);
    3999          34 :         if (DisSysNumOfDuctViewFactors > 0) {
    4000           1 :             AirflowNetworkLinkageViewFactorData.allocate(DisSysNumOfDuctViewFactors);
    4001           2 :             for (int i = 1; i <= DisSysNumOfDuctViewFactors; ++i) {
    4002           1 :                 m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectItem(m_state,
    4003             :                                                                            CurrentModuleObject,
    4004             :                                                                            i,
    4005             :                                                                            Alphas,
    4006             :                                                                            NumAlphas,
    4007             :                                                                            Numbers,
    4008             :                                                                            NumNumbers,
    4009             :                                                                            IOStatus,
    4010             :                                                                            lNumericBlanks,
    4011             :                                                                            lAlphaBlanks,
    4012             :                                                                            cAlphaFields,
    4013             :                                                                            cNumericFields);
    4014           1 :                 UtilityRoutines::IsNameEmpty(m_state, Alphas(1), CurrentModuleObject, ErrorsFound);
    4015             : 
    4016           1 :                 auto &this_VF_object(AirflowNetworkLinkageViewFactorData(i));
    4017             : 
    4018           1 :                 this_VF_object.LinkageName = Alphas(1); // Name of linkage
    4019             : 
    4020             :                 // Surface exposure fraction
    4021           1 :                 if (Numbers(2) > 1) {
    4022           0 :                     ShowWarningError(m_state,
    4023           0 :                                      "Duct surface exposure fraction greater than 1. Check input in: " + CurrentModuleObject + " " +
    4024             :                                          this_VF_object.LinkageName);
    4025           0 :                     ShowContinueError(m_state, "Using value of 1 for surface exposure fraction");
    4026           0 :                     this_VF_object.DuctExposureFraction = 1;
    4027           1 :                 } else if (Numbers(2) < 0) {
    4028           0 :                     ShowWarningError(
    4029           0 :                         m_state, "Surface exposure fraction less than 0. Check input in: " + CurrentModuleObject + " " + this_VF_object.LinkageName);
    4030           0 :                     ShowContinueError(m_state, "Using value of 0 for surface exposure fraction");
    4031           0 :                     this_VF_object.DuctExposureFraction = 0;
    4032             :                 } else {
    4033           1 :                     this_VF_object.DuctExposureFraction = Numbers(1);
    4034             :                 }
    4035             : 
    4036             :                 // Duct surface emittance
    4037           1 :                 if (Numbers(2) > 1) {
    4038           0 :                     ShowWarningError(
    4039           0 :                         m_state, "Duct surface emittance greater than 1. Check input in: " + CurrentModuleObject + " " + this_VF_object.LinkageName);
    4040           0 :                     ShowContinueError(m_state, "Using value of 1 for surface emittance");
    4041           0 :                     this_VF_object.DuctEmittance = 1;
    4042           1 :                 } else if (Numbers(2) < 0) {
    4043           0 :                     ShowWarningError(
    4044           0 :                         m_state, "Surface exposure fraction less than 0. Check input in: " + CurrentModuleObject + " " + this_VF_object.LinkageName);
    4045           0 :                     ShowContinueError(m_state, "Using value of 0 for surface exposure fraction");
    4046           0 :                     this_VF_object.DuctEmittance = 0;
    4047             :                 } else {
    4048           1 :                     this_VF_object.DuctEmittance = Numbers(2);
    4049             :                 }
    4050             : 
    4051           1 :                 this_VF_object.ObjectNum = i;
    4052             : 
    4053           1 :                 int numSurfaces = NumAlphas - 1;
    4054             : 
    4055           1 :                 this_VF_object.LinkageSurfaceData.allocate(numSurfaces);
    4056             : 
    4057           6 :                 for (int surfNum = 1; surfNum < NumAlphas; ++surfNum) {
    4058           5 :                     this_VF_object.LinkageSurfaceData(surfNum).SurfaceName = Alphas(surfNum + 1); // Surface name
    4059           5 :                     this_VF_object.LinkageSurfaceData(surfNum).SurfaceNum =
    4060           5 :                         UtilityRoutines::FindItemInList(Alphas(surfNum + 1), m_state.dataSurface->Surface);
    4061             : 
    4062           5 :                     if (this_VF_object.LinkageSurfaceData(surfNum).SurfaceNum == 0) {
    4063           0 :                         ShowFatalError(
    4064           0 :                             m_state, "Surface " + Alphas(surfNum + 1) + " not found. See: " + CurrentModuleObject + " " + this_VF_object.LinkageName);
    4065             :                     }
    4066             : 
    4067             :                     // Surface view factor
    4068           5 :                     if (!m_state.dataSurface->Surface(this_VF_object.LinkageSurfaceData(surfNum).SurfaceNum).HeatTransSurf) {
    4069           0 :                         ShowWarningError(m_state,
    4070           0 :                                          "Surface=" + Alphas(surfNum + 1) + " is not a heat transfer surface. Check input in: " +
    4071           0 :                                              CurrentModuleObject + " " + this_VF_object.LinkageName);
    4072           0 :                         ShowContinueError(m_state, "Using value of 0 for view factor");
    4073           0 :                         this_VF_object.LinkageSurfaceData(surfNum).ViewFactor = 0;
    4074           5 :                     } else if (Numbers(surfNum + 2) > 1) {
    4075           0 :                         ShowWarningError(m_state,
    4076           0 :                                          "View factor for surface " + Alphas(surfNum + 1) +
    4077           0 :                                              " greater than 1. Check input in: " + CurrentModuleObject + " " + this_VF_object.LinkageName);
    4078           0 :                         ShowContinueError(m_state, "Using value of 1 for view factor");
    4079           0 :                         this_VF_object.LinkageSurfaceData(surfNum).ViewFactor = 1;
    4080           5 :                     } else if (Numbers(surfNum + 2) < 0) {
    4081           0 :                         ShowWarningError(m_state,
    4082           0 :                                          "View factor for surface " + Alphas(surfNum + 1) + " less than 0. Check input in: " + CurrentModuleObject +
    4083           0 :                                              " " + this_VF_object.LinkageName);
    4084           0 :                         ShowContinueError(m_state, "Using value of 0 for view factor");
    4085           0 :                         this_VF_object.LinkageSurfaceData(surfNum).ViewFactor = 0;
    4086             :                     } else {
    4087           5 :                         this_VF_object.LinkageSurfaceData(surfNum).ViewFactor = Numbers(surfNum + 2);
    4088             :                     }
    4089             :                 }
    4090             :             }
    4091             :         }
    4092             : 
    4093          34 :         CurrentModuleObject = "AirflowNetwork:Distribution:Component:Fan";
    4094          34 :         if (DisSysNumOfCVFs == 0) {
    4095          11 :             if (distribution_simulated) {
    4096           0 :                 ShowSevereError(m_state, format(RoutineName) + "An " + CurrentModuleObject + " object is required but not found.");
    4097           0 :                 ErrorsFound = true;
    4098             :             }
    4099             :         }
    4100             : 
    4101             :         // Read PressureController
    4102          34 :         CurrentModuleObject = "AirflowNetwork:ZoneControl:PressureController";
    4103          34 :         NumOfPressureControllers = m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getNumObjectsFound(m_state, CurrentModuleObject);
    4104          34 :         if (NumOfPressureControllers > 1) {
    4105           0 :             ShowSevereError(m_state,
    4106           0 :                             format(RoutineName) + "More " + CurrentModuleObject + " are found. Currently only one( \"1\") " + CurrentModuleObject +
    4107             :                                 " object per simulation is allowed when using AirflowNetwork Distribution Systems.");
    4108           0 :             ShowFatalError(
    4109           0 :                 m_state, format("{}Errors found getting {} object. Previous error(s) cause program termination.", RoutineName, CurrentModuleObject));
    4110             :         }
    4111             : 
    4112          34 :         if (NumOfPressureControllers > 0) {
    4113           1 :             PressureControllerData.allocate(NumOfPressureControllers);
    4114           2 :             for (int i = 1; i <= NumOfPressureControllers; ++i) {
    4115           1 :                 m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectItem(m_state,
    4116             :                                                                            CurrentModuleObject,
    4117             :                                                                            i,
    4118             :                                                                            Alphas,
    4119             :                                                                            NumAlphas,
    4120             :                                                                            Numbers,
    4121             :                                                                            NumNumbers,
    4122             :                                                                            IOStatus,
    4123             :                                                                            lNumericBlanks,
    4124             :                                                                            lAlphaBlanks,
    4125             :                                                                            cAlphaFields,
    4126             :                                                                            cNumericFields);
    4127           1 :                 UtilityRoutines::IsNameEmpty(m_state, Alphas(1), CurrentModuleObject, ErrorsFound);
    4128           1 :                 PressureControllerData(i).Name = Alphas(1);     // Object Name
    4129           1 :                 PressureControllerData(i).ZoneName = Alphas(2); // Zone name
    4130           1 :                 PressureControllerData(i).ZoneNum = UtilityRoutines::FindItemInList(Alphas(2), Zone);
    4131           1 :                 PressureControllerData(i).AFNNodeNum =
    4132           1 :                     UtilityRoutines::FindItemInList(Alphas(2), MultizoneZoneData, &MultizoneZoneProp::ZoneName, AirflowNetworkNumOfZones);
    4133           1 :                 if (PressureControllerData(i).ZoneNum == 0) {
    4134           0 :                     ShowSevereError(m_state, format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + " object, invalid " + cAlphaFields(2) + " given.");
    4135           0 :                     ShowContinueError(m_state, "..invalid " + cAlphaFields(2) + " = \"" + PressureControllerData(i).ZoneName + "\"");
    4136           0 :                     ErrorsFound = true;
    4137             :                 }
    4138             : 
    4139           1 :                 PressureControllerData(i).ControlObjectType = Alphas(3); // Control Object Type
    4140           1 :                 PressureControllerData(i).ControlObjectName = Alphas(4); // Control Object Name
    4141             : 
    4142             :                 {
    4143             :                     // This SELECT_CASE_var will go on input refactor, no need to fix
    4144           2 :                     auto const SELECT_CASE_var(UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase(Alphas(3)));
    4145           1 :                     if (SELECT_CASE_var == "AIRFLOWNETWORK:MULTIZONE:COMPONENT:ZONEEXHAUSTFAN") {
    4146           0 :                         PressureControllerData(i).ControlTypeSet = PressureCtrlExhaust;
    4147           1 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == "AIRFLOWNETWORK:DISTRIBUTION:COMPONENT:RELIEFAIRFLOW") {
    4148           1 :                         PressureControllerData(i).ControlTypeSet = PressureCtrlRelief;
    4149             :                     } else { // Error
    4150           0 :                         ShowSevereError(m_state,
    4151           0 :                                         format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + " object, The entered choice for " + cAlphaFields(3) +
    4152           0 :                                             " is not valid = \"" + PressureControllerData(i).Name + "\"");
    4153           0 :                         ShowContinueError(m_state,
    4154             :                                           "Valid choices are "
    4155             :                                           "\"AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:Component:ZoneExhaustFan\",\"AirflowNetwork:Distribution:Component:"
    4156             :                                           "ReliefAirFlow\"");
    4157           0 :                         ShowContinueError(m_state, "The input choice is " + Alphas(3));
    4158           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
    4159             :                     }
    4160             :                 }
    4161             : 
    4162           1 :                 if (PressureControllerData(i).ControlTypeSet == PressureCtrlExhaust) {
    4163             :                     // This is not great
    4164           0 :                     bool is_EXF{false};
    4165           0 :                     auto afe = elements.find(Alphas(4));
    4166           0 :                     if (afe != elements.end()) {
    4167           0 :                         is_EXF = afe->second->type() == ComponentType::EXF;
    4168             :                     }
    4169           0 :                     if (!is_EXF) {
    4170           0 :                         ShowSevereError(m_state, format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + " object, an invalid name is given:");
    4171           0 :                         ShowContinueError(m_state, ".. invalid " + cAlphaFields(4) + " = \"" + Alphas(4) + "\".");
    4172           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
    4173             :                     }
    4174             :                 }
    4175           1 :                 if (PressureControllerData(i).ControlTypeSet == PressureCtrlRelief) {
    4176             :                     // This is not great
    4177           1 :                     bool is_REL{false};
    4178           2 :                     auto afe = elements.find(Alphas(4));
    4179           1 :                     if (afe != elements.end()) {
    4180           1 :                         is_REL = afe->second->type() == ComponentType::REL;
    4181             :                     }
    4182           1 :                     if (!is_REL) {
    4183           0 :                         ShowSevereError(m_state, format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + " object, an invalid name is given:");
    4184           0 :                         ShowContinueError(m_state, ".. invalid " + cAlphaFields(4) + " = \"" + Alphas(4) + "\".");
    4185           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
    4186             :                     }
    4187             :                 }
    4188             : 
    4189           1 :                 if (lAlphaBlanks(5)) {
    4190           1 :                     PressureControllerData(i).AvailSchedPtr = DataGlobalConstants::ScheduleAlwaysOn;
    4191             :                 } else {
    4192           0 :                     PressureControllerData(i).AvailSchedPtr = GetScheduleIndex(m_state, Alphas(5));
    4193           0 :                     if (PressureControllerData(i).AvailSchedPtr == 0) {
    4194           0 :                         ShowSevereError(m_state,
    4195           0 :                                         CurrentModuleObject + ", \"" + PressureControllerData(i).Name + "\" " + cAlphaFields(5) +
    4196           0 :                                             " not found: " + Alphas(5));
    4197           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
    4198             :                     }
    4199             :                 }
    4200           1 :                 PressureControllerData(i).PresSetpointSchedPtr = GetScheduleIndex(m_state, Alphas(6));
    4201           1 :                 if (PressureControllerData(i).PresSetpointSchedPtr == 0) {
    4202           0 :                     ShowSevereError(m_state,
    4203           0 :                                     CurrentModuleObject + ", \"" + PressureControllerData(i).Name + "\" " + cAlphaFields(6) +
    4204           0 :                                         " not found: " + Alphas(6));
    4205           0 :                     ErrorsFound = true;
    4206             :                 }
    4207             :             }
    4208             :         }
    4209             : 
    4210             :         // Assign numbers of nodes and linkages
    4211          34 :         if (simulation_control.type != ControlType::NoMultizoneOrDistribution) {
    4212          34 :             if (simulation_control.iWPCCnt == iWPCCntr::Input) {
    4213          27 :                 NumOfNodesMultiZone = AirflowNetworkNumOfZones + AirflowNetworkNumOfExtNode;
    4214             :             } else {
    4215           7 :                 NumOfNodesMultiZone = AirflowNetworkNumOfZones + NumOfExtNodes;
    4216             :             }
    4217          34 :             NumOfLinksMultiZone = AirflowNetworkNumOfSurfaces;
    4218          34 :             AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes = NumOfNodesMultiZone;
    4219          34 :             if (NumOfNodesIntraZone > 0) AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes = AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + NumOfNodesIntraZone;
    4220          34 :             AirflowNetworkNumOfLinks = NumOfLinksMultiZone;
    4221          34 :             if (NumOfLinksIntraZone > 0) AirflowNetworkNumOfLinks = AirflowNetworkNumOfLinks + NumOfLinksIntraZone;
    4222             :         }
    4223          34 :         if (distribution_simulated) {
    4224          23 :             AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes = NumOfNodesMultiZone + DisSysNumOfNodes + NumOfNodesIntraZone;
    4225             :         }
    4226             : 
    4227             :         // Assign node data
    4228          34 :         AirflowNetworkNodeData.allocate(AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes);
    4229             :         // Zone node
    4230         146 :         for (int i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfZones; ++i) {
    4231         112 :             AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).Name = MultizoneZoneData(i).ZoneName;
    4232         112 :             AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).NodeTypeNum = 0;
    4233         112 :             AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).EPlusZoneNum = MultizoneZoneData(i).ZoneNum;
    4234         112 :             AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).NodeHeight = MultizoneZoneData(i).Height;
    4235             :         }
    4236             :         // External node
    4237          34 :         if (simulation_control.iWPCCnt == iWPCCntr::Input) {
    4238         143 :             for (int i = AirflowNetworkNumOfZones + 1; i <= NumOfNodesMultiZone; ++i) {
    4239         116 :                 AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).Name = MultizoneExternalNodeData(i - AirflowNetworkNumOfZones).Name;
    4240         116 :                 AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).NodeTypeNum = 1;
    4241         116 :                 AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).EPlusZoneNum = 0;
    4242         116 :                 AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).NodeHeight = MultizoneExternalNodeData(i - AirflowNetworkNumOfZones).height;
    4243         116 :                 AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).ExtNodeNum = i - AirflowNetworkNumOfZones;
    4244         116 :                 AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).OutAirNodeNum = MultizoneExternalNodeData(i - AirflowNetworkNumOfZones).OutAirNodeNum;
    4245             :             }
    4246             :         } else { // Surface-Average input
    4247          72 :             for (int i = AirflowNetworkNumOfZones + 1; i <= NumOfNodesMultiZone; ++i) {
    4248          65 :                 n = i - AirflowNetworkNumOfZones;
    4249          65 :                 AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).Name = MultizoneExternalNodeData(n).Name;
    4250          65 :                 AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).NodeTypeNum = 1;
    4251          65 :                 AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).EPlusZoneNum = 0;
    4252          65 :                 AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).ExtNodeNum = n;
    4253             :             }
    4254             :         }
    4255             : 
    4256             :         // Intrazone node
    4257          34 :         if (NumOfNodesIntraZone > 0) {
    4258           6 :             for (int i = NumOfNodesMultiZone + 1; i <= NumOfNodesMultiZone + NumOfNodesIntraZone; ++i) {
    4259           5 :                 n = i - NumOfNodesMultiZone;
    4260           5 :                 AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).Name = IntraZoneNodeData(n).Name;
    4261           5 :                 AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).NodeTypeNum = 0;
    4262           5 :                 AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).EPlusZoneNum = IntraZoneNodeData(n).ZoneNum;
    4263           5 :                 AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).NodeHeight = IntraZoneNodeData(n).Height;
    4264           5 :                 AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).RAFNNodeNum = IntraZoneNodeData(n).RAFNNodeNum;
    4265             :             }
    4266           6 :             for (int i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfZones; ++i) {
    4267           5 :                 if (MultizoneZoneData(i).RAFNNodeNum > 0) {
    4268           1 :                     AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).RAFNNodeNum = MultizoneZoneData(i).RAFNNodeNum;
    4269             :                 }
    4270             :             }
    4271             :         }
    4272          34 :         NumOfNodesMultiZone = NumOfNodesMultiZone + NumOfNodesIntraZone;
    4273             : 
    4274             :         // Check whether Distribution system is simulated
    4275          34 :         if (AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes > NumOfNodesMultiZone) {
    4276             :             // Search node types: OAMixerOutdoorAirStreamNode, OutdoorAir:NodeList, and OutdoorAir:Node
    4277          23 :             j = 0;
    4278         551 :             for (int i = NumOfNodesMultiZone + 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes; ++i) {
    4279         528 :                 if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(DisSysNodeData(i - NumOfNodesMultiZone).EPlusType, "OAMixerOutdoorAirStreamNode")) {
    4280          14 :                     ++j;
    4281             :                 }
    4282         528 :                 if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(DisSysNodeData(i - NumOfNodesMultiZone).EPlusType, "OutdoorAir:NodeList")) {
    4283           0 :                     ++j;
    4284             :                 }
    4285         528 :                 if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(DisSysNodeData(i - NumOfNodesMultiZone).EPlusType, "OutdoorAir:Node")) {
    4286           0 :                     ++j;
    4287             :                 }
    4288             :             }
    4289             : 
    4290         551 :             for (int i = NumOfNodesMultiZone + 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes; ++i) {
    4291         528 :                 AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).Name = DisSysNodeData(i - NumOfNodesMultiZone).Name;
    4292         528 :                 AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).NodeTypeNum = 0;
    4293         528 :                 AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).EPlusZoneNum = 0;
    4294         528 :                 AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).NodeHeight = DisSysNodeData(i - NumOfNodesMultiZone).Height;
    4295         528 :                 AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).EPlusNodeNum = DisSysNodeData(i - NumOfNodesMultiZone).EPlusNodeNum;
    4296             :                 // Get mixer information
    4297         528 :                 if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(DisSysNodeData(i - NumOfNodesMultiZone).EPlusType, "AirLoopHVAC:ZoneMixer")) {
    4298          24 :                     AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).EPlusTypeNum = iEPlusNodeType::MIX;
    4299             :                 }
    4300             :                 // Get splitter information
    4301         528 :                 if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(DisSysNodeData(i - NumOfNodesMultiZone).EPlusType, "AirLoopHVAC:ZoneSplitter")) {
    4302          24 :                     AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).EPlusTypeNum = iEPlusNodeType::SPL;
    4303             :                 }
    4304             :                 // Get outside air system information
    4305         528 :                 if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(DisSysNodeData(i - NumOfNodesMultiZone).EPlusType, "AirLoopHVAC:OutdoorAirSystem")) {
    4306          14 :                     AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).EPlusTypeNum = iEPlusNodeType::OAN;
    4307             :                 }
    4308             :                 // Get OA system inlet information 'OAMixerOutdoorAirStreamNode' was specified as an outdoor air node implicitly
    4309         528 :                 if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(DisSysNodeData(i - NumOfNodesMultiZone).EPlusType, "OAMixerOutdoorAirStreamNode")) {
    4310          14 :                     AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).EPlusTypeNum = iEPlusNodeType::EXT;
    4311          14 :                     AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).ExtNodeNum = AirflowNetworkNumOfExtNode + 1;
    4312          14 :                     AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).NodeTypeNum = 1;
    4313             :                 }
    4314        1584 :                 if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(DisSysNodeData(i - NumOfNodesMultiZone).EPlusType, "OutdoorAir:NodeList") ||
    4315        1056 :                     UtilityRoutines::SameString(DisSysNodeData(i - NumOfNodesMultiZone).EPlusType, "OutdoorAir:Node")) {
    4316           0 :                     if (j > 1) {
    4317           0 :                         AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).EPlusTypeNum = iEPlusNodeType::EXT;
    4318           0 :                         AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).ExtNodeNum = AirflowNetworkNumOfExtNode + 1;
    4319           0 :                         AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).NodeTypeNum = 1;
    4320             :                     } else {
    4321           0 :                         ShowSevereError(m_state,
    4322           0 :                                         format(RoutineName) + "AirflowNetwork:Distribution:Node: The outdoor air node is found at " +
    4323           0 :                                             AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).Name);
    4324           0 :                         ShowContinueError(m_state,
    4325             :                                           "The node with Component Object Type = OAMixerOutdoorAirStreamNode is not found. Please check inputs.");
    4326           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
    4327             :                     }
    4328             :                 }
    4329             :             }
    4330             :         }
    4331             : 
    4332             :         // Start to assembly AirflowNetwork Components
    4333         102 :         AirflowNetworkNumOfComps = AirflowNetworkNumOfDetOpenings + AirflowNetworkNumOfSimOpenings + AirflowNetworkNumOfSurCracks +
    4334         102 :                                    AirflowNetworkNumOfSurELA + DisSysNumOfLeaks + DisSysNumOfELRs + DisSysNumOfDucts + DisSysNumOfDampers +
    4335         102 :                                    DisSysNumOfCVFs + DisSysNumOfDetFans + DisSysNumOfCPDs + DisSysNumOfCoils + DisSysNumOfTermUnits +
    4336         102 :                                    AirflowNetworkNumOfExhFan + DisSysNumOfHXs + AirflowNetworkNumOfHorOpenings + NumOfOAFans + NumOfReliefFans +
    4337          34 :                                    AirflowNetworkNumOfSFR;
    4338          34 :         AirflowNetworkCompData.allocate(AirflowNetworkNumOfComps);
    4339             : 
    4340          65 :         for (int i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfDetOpenings; ++i) { // Detailed opening component
    4341          31 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).Name = MultizoneCompDetOpeningData(i).name;
    4342          31 :             compnum[AirflowNetworkCompData(i).Name] = i;
    4343          31 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).CompTypeNum = iComponentTypeNum::DOP;
    4344          31 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).TypeNum = i;
    4345          31 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).EPlusName = "";
    4346          31 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).EPlusCompName = "";
    4347          31 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).EPlusType = "";
    4348          31 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).CompNum = i;
    4349             :         }
    4350             : 
    4351          34 :         j = AirflowNetworkNumOfDetOpenings;
    4352          46 :         for (int i = 1 + j; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfSimOpenings + j; ++i) { // Simple opening component
    4353          12 :             n = i - j;
    4354          12 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).Name = MultizoneCompSimpleOpeningData(n).name;
    4355          12 :             compnum[AirflowNetworkCompData(i).Name] = i;
    4356          12 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).CompTypeNum = iComponentTypeNum::SOP;
    4357          12 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).TypeNum = n;
    4358          12 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).EPlusName = "";
    4359          12 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).EPlusCompName = "";
    4360          12 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).EPlusType = "";
    4361          12 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).CompNum = i;
    4362             :         }
    4363             : 
    4364          34 :         j += AirflowNetworkNumOfSimOpenings;
    4365         117 :         for (int i = 1 + j; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfSurCracks + j; ++i) { // Surface crack component
    4366          83 :             n = i - j;
    4367          83 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).Name = MultizoneSurfaceCrackData(n).name;
    4368          83 :             compnum[AirflowNetworkCompData(i).Name] = i;
    4369          83 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).CompTypeNum = iComponentTypeNum::SCR;
    4370          83 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).TypeNum = n;
    4371          83 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).EPlusName = "";
    4372          83 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).EPlusCompName = "";
    4373          83 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).EPlusType = "";
    4374          83 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).CompNum = i;
    4375             :         }
    4376             : 
    4377          34 :         j += AirflowNetworkNumOfSurCracks;
    4378          59 :         for (int i = 1 + j; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfSurELA + j; ++i) { // Surface crack component
    4379          25 :             n = i - j;
    4380          25 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).Name = MultizoneSurfaceELAData(n).name;
    4381          25 :             compnum[AirflowNetworkCompData(i).Name] = i;
    4382          25 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).CompTypeNum = iComponentTypeNum::SEL;
    4383          25 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).TypeNum = n;
    4384          25 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).EPlusName = "";
    4385          25 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).EPlusCompName = "";
    4386          25 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).EPlusType = "";
    4387          25 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).CompNum = i;
    4388             :         }
    4389             : 
    4390          34 :         j += AirflowNetworkNumOfSurELA;
    4391          48 :         for (int i = 1 + j; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfExhFan + j; ++i) { // Zone exhaust fan component
    4392          14 :             n = i - j;
    4393          14 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).Name = MultizoneCompExhaustFanData(n).name;
    4394          14 :             compnum[AirflowNetworkCompData(i).Name] = i;
    4395          14 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).CompTypeNum = iComponentTypeNum::EXF;
    4396          14 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).TypeNum = n;
    4397          14 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).EPlusName = "";
    4398          14 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).EPlusCompName = "";
    4399          14 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).EPlusType = "";
    4400          14 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).CompNum = i;
    4401             :         }
    4402             : 
    4403          34 :         j += AirflowNetworkNumOfExhFan;
    4404          36 :         for (int i = 1 + j; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfHorOpenings + j; ++i) { // Distribution system crack component
    4405           2 :             n = i - j;
    4406           2 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).Name = MultizoneCompHorOpeningData(n).name;
    4407           2 :             compnum[AirflowNetworkCompData(i).Name] = i;
    4408           2 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).CompTypeNum = iComponentTypeNum::HOP;
    4409           2 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).TypeNum = n;
    4410           2 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).EPlusName = "";
    4411           2 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).EPlusCompName = "";
    4412           2 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).EPlusType = "";
    4413           2 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).CompNum = i;
    4414             :         }
    4415             : 
    4416          34 :         j += AirflowNetworkNumOfHorOpenings;
    4417          48 :         for (int i = 1 + j; i <= DisSysNumOfLeaks + j; ++i) { // Distribution system crack component
    4418          14 :             n = i - j;
    4419          14 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).Name = DisSysCompLeakData(n).name;
    4420          14 :             compnum[AirflowNetworkCompData(i).Name] = i;
    4421          14 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).CompTypeNum = iComponentTypeNum::PLR;
    4422          14 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).TypeNum = n;
    4423          14 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).EPlusName = "";
    4424          14 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).EPlusCompName = "";
    4425          14 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).EPlusType = "";
    4426          14 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).CompNum = i;
    4427             :         }
    4428             : 
    4429          34 :         j += DisSysNumOfLeaks;
    4430         132 :         for (int i = 1 + j; i <= DisSysNumOfELRs + j; ++i) { // Distribution system effective leakage ratio component
    4431          98 :             n = i - j;
    4432          98 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).Name = DisSysCompELRData(n).name;
    4433          98 :             compnum[AirflowNetworkCompData(i).Name] = i;
    4434          98 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).CompTypeNum = iComponentTypeNum::ELR;
    4435          98 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).TypeNum = n;
    4436          98 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).EPlusName = "";
    4437          98 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).EPlusCompName = "";
    4438          98 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).EPlusType = "";
    4439          98 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).CompNum = i;
    4440             :         }
    4441             : 
    4442          34 :         j += DisSysNumOfELRs;
    4443         289 :         for (int i = 1 + j; i <= DisSysNumOfDucts + j; ++i) { // Distribution system effective leakage ratio component
    4444         255 :             n = i - j;
    4445         255 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).Name = DisSysCompDuctData(n).name;
    4446         255 :             compnum[AirflowNetworkCompData(i).Name] = i;
    4447         255 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).CompTypeNum = iComponentTypeNum::DWC;
    4448         255 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).TypeNum = n;
    4449         255 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).EPlusName = "";
    4450         255 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).EPlusCompName = "";
    4451         255 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).EPlusType = "";
    4452         255 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).CompNum = i;
    4453             :         }
    4454             : 
    4455          34 :         j += DisSysNumOfDucts;
    4456          34 :         for (int i = 1 + j; i <= DisSysNumOfDampers + j; ++i) { // Distribution system effective leakage ratio component
    4457           0 :             n = i - j;
    4458           0 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).Name = DisSysCompDamperData(n).name;
    4459           0 :             compnum[AirflowNetworkCompData(i).Name] = i;
    4460           0 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).CompTypeNum = iComponentTypeNum::DMP;
    4461           0 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).TypeNum = n;
    4462           0 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).EPlusName = "";
    4463           0 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).EPlusCompName = "";
    4464           0 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).EPlusType = "";
    4465           0 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).CompNum = i;
    4466             :         }
    4467             : 
    4468          34 :         j += DisSysNumOfDampers;
    4469          58 :         for (int i = 1 + j; i <= DisSysNumOfCVFs + j; ++i) { // Distribution system constant volume fan component
    4470          24 :             n = i - j;
    4471          24 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).Name = DisSysCompCVFData(n).name;
    4472          24 :             compnum[AirflowNetworkCompData(i).Name] = i;
    4473          24 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).CompTypeNum = iComponentTypeNum::CVF;
    4474          24 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).TypeNum = n;
    4475          24 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).EPlusName = "";
    4476          24 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).EPlusCompName = "";
    4477          24 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).EPlusType = "";
    4478          24 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).CompNum = i;
    4479          24 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).EPlusTypeNum = iEPlusComponentType::FAN;
    4480             :         }
    4481             : 
    4482          34 :         j += DisSysNumOfCVFs;
    4483          34 :         for (int i = 1 + j; i <= DisSysNumOfDetFans + j; ++i) { // Distribution system fan component
    4484           0 :             n = i - j;
    4485           0 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).Name = DisSysCompDetFanData(n).name;
    4486           0 :             compnum[AirflowNetworkCompData(i).Name] = i;
    4487           0 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).CompTypeNum = iComponentTypeNum::FAN;
    4488           0 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).TypeNum = n;
    4489           0 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).EPlusName = "";
    4490           0 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).EPlusCompName = "";
    4491           0 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).EPlusType = "";
    4492           0 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).CompNum = i;
    4493           0 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).EPlusTypeNum = iEPlusComponentType::FAN;
    4494             :         }
    4495             : 
    4496          34 :         j += DisSysNumOfDetFans;
    4497          46 :         for (int i = 1 + j; i <= DisSysNumOfCPDs + j; ++i) { // Distribution system constant pressure drop component
    4498          12 :             n = i - j;
    4499          12 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).Name = DisSysCompCPDData(n).name;
    4500          12 :             compnum[AirflowNetworkCompData(i).Name] = i;
    4501          12 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).CompTypeNum = iComponentTypeNum::CPD;
    4502          12 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).TypeNum = n;
    4503          12 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).EPlusName = "";
    4504          12 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).EPlusCompName = "";
    4505          12 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).EPlusType = "";
    4506          12 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).CompNum = i;
    4507             :         }
    4508             : 
    4509          34 :         j += DisSysNumOfCPDs;
    4510          91 :         for (int i = 1 + j; i <= DisSysNumOfCoils + j; ++i) { // Distribution system coil component
    4511          57 :             n = i - j;
    4512          57 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).Name = DisSysCompCoilData(n).name;
    4513          57 :             compnum[AirflowNetworkCompData(i).Name] = i;
    4514          57 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).CompTypeNum = iComponentTypeNum::COI;
    4515          57 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).TypeNum = n;
    4516          57 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).EPlusName = "";
    4517          57 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).EPlusCompName = "";
    4518          57 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).EPlusType = "";
    4519          57 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).CompNum = i;
    4520          57 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).EPlusTypeNum = iEPlusComponentType::COI;
    4521             :         }
    4522             : 
    4523          34 :         j += DisSysNumOfCoils;
    4524          58 :         for (int i = 1 + j; i <= DisSysNumOfTermUnits + j; ++i) { // Terminal unit component
    4525          24 :             n = i - j;
    4526          24 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).Name = DisSysCompTermUnitData(n).name;
    4527          24 :             compnum[AirflowNetworkCompData(i).Name] = i;
    4528          24 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).CompTypeNum = iComponentTypeNum::TMU;
    4529          24 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).TypeNum = n;
    4530          24 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).EPlusName = "";
    4531          24 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).EPlusCompName = "";
    4532          24 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).EPlusType = "";
    4533          24 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).CompNum = i;
    4534          24 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).EPlusTypeNum = iEPlusComponentType::RHT;
    4535             :         }
    4536             : 
    4537          34 :         j += DisSysNumOfTermUnits;
    4538          35 :         for (int i = 1 + j; i <= DisSysNumOfHXs + j; ++i) { // Distribution system heat exchanger component
    4539           1 :             n = i - j;
    4540           1 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).Name = DisSysCompHXData(n).name;
    4541           1 :             compnum[AirflowNetworkCompData(i).Name] = i;
    4542           1 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).CompTypeNum = iComponentTypeNum::HEX;
    4543           1 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).TypeNum = n;
    4544           1 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).EPlusName = "";
    4545           1 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).EPlusCompName = "";
    4546           1 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).EPlusType = "";
    4547           1 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).CompNum = i;
    4548           1 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).EPlusTypeNum = iEPlusComponentType::HEX;
    4549             :         }
    4550             : 
    4551          34 :         j += DisSysNumOfHXs;
    4552          36 :         for (int i = 1 + j; i <= NumOfOAFans + j; ++i) { // OA fan component
    4553           2 :             n = i - j;
    4554           2 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).Name = DisSysCompOutdoorAirData(n).name;
    4555           2 :             compnum[AirflowNetworkCompData(i).Name] = i;
    4556           2 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).CompTypeNum = iComponentTypeNum::OAF;
    4557           2 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).TypeNum = n;
    4558           2 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).EPlusName = "";
    4559           2 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).EPlusCompName = "";
    4560           2 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).EPlusType = "";
    4561           2 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).CompNum = i;
    4562             :         }
    4563             : 
    4564          34 :         j += NumOfOAFans;
    4565          36 :         for (int i = 1 + j; i <= NumOfReliefFans + j; ++i) { // OA fan component
    4566           2 :             n = i - j;
    4567           2 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).Name = DisSysCompReliefAirData(n).name;
    4568           2 :             compnum[AirflowNetworkCompData(i).Name] = i;
    4569           2 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).CompTypeNum = iComponentTypeNum::REL;
    4570           2 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).TypeNum = n;
    4571           2 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).EPlusName = "";
    4572           2 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).EPlusCompName = "";
    4573           2 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).EPlusType = "";
    4574           2 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(i).CompNum = i;
    4575             :         }
    4576             : 
    4577             :         // This is also a bit of a hack to keep things working, this needs to be removed ASAP
    4578          34 :         j += NumOfReliefFans;
    4579          34 :         int ii = 1 + j;
    4580          34 :         int type_i = 1;
    4581          35 :         for (auto &el : SpecifiedMassFlowData) {
    4582           1 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(ii).Name =;
    4583           1 :             compnum[] = ii;
    4584           1 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(ii).CompTypeNum = iComponentTypeNum::SMF;
    4585           1 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(ii).TypeNum = type_i;
    4586           1 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(ii).EPlusName = "";
    4587           1 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(ii).EPlusCompName = "";
    4588           1 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(ii).EPlusType = "";
    4589           1 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(ii).CompNum = ii;
    4590           1 :             ++ii;
    4591           1 :             ++type_i;
    4592             :         }
    4593             : 
    4594          34 :         type_i = 1;
    4595          34 :         for (auto &el : SpecifiedVolumeFlowData) {
    4596           0 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(ii).Name =;
    4597           0 :             compnum[] = ii;
    4598           0 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(ii).CompTypeNum = iComponentTypeNum::SVF;
    4599           0 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(ii).TypeNum = type_i;
    4600           0 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(ii).EPlusName = "";
    4601           0 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(ii).EPlusCompName = "";
    4602           0 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(ii).EPlusType = "";
    4603           0 :             AirflowNetworkCompData(ii).CompNum = ii;
    4604           0 :             ++ii;
    4605           0 :             ++type_i;
    4606             :         }
    4607             : 
    4608             :         // Assign linkage data
    4609             : 
    4610             :         // Read AirflowNetwork linkage data
    4611          34 :         CurrentModuleObject = "AirflowNetwork:Distribution:Linkage";
    4612          34 :         DisSysNumOfLinks = m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getNumObjectsFound(m_state, CurrentModuleObject);
    4613          34 :         if (DisSysNumOfLinks > 0 && distribution_simulated) { // Multizone + Distribution
    4614          23 :             AirflowNetworkNumOfLinks = NumOfLinksMultiZone + DisSysNumOfLinks;
    4615          23 :             AirflowNetworkLinkageData.allocate(DisSysNumOfLinks + AirflowNetworkNumOfSurfaces);
    4616             :         } else { // Multizone + IntraZone only
    4617             :             //    AirflowNetworkLinkageData.allocate( AirflowNetworkNumOfSurfaces );
    4618          11 :             AirflowNetworkLinkageData.allocate(AirflowNetworkNumOfLinks);
    4619             :         }
    4620             : 
    4621             :         // Assign Multizone linkage based on surfaces, by assuming every surface has a crack or opening
    4622          34 :         j = 0;
    4623         507 :         for (count = 1; count <= AirflowNetworkNumOfSurfaces; ++count) {
    4624         473 :             if (MultizoneSurfaceData(count).SurfNum == 0) continue;
    4625         473 :             AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).Name = MultizoneSurfaceData(count).SurfName;
    4626         473 :             AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).NodeNums[0] = MultizoneSurfaceData(count).NodeNums[0];
    4627         473 :             AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).NodeNums[1] = MultizoneSurfaceData(count).NodeNums[1];
    4628         473 :             AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).CompName = MultizoneSurfaceData(count).OpeningName;
    4629         473 :             AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).ZoneNum = 0;
    4630         473 :             AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).LinkNum = count;
    4631         473 :             AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).NodeHeights[0] = MultizoneSurfaceData(count).CHeight;
    4632         473 :             AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).NodeHeights[1] = MultizoneSurfaceData(count).CHeight;
    4633         473 :             if (!m_state.dataSurface->WorldCoordSystem) {
    4634          58 :                 if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).NodeNums[0]).EPlusZoneNum > 0) {
    4635          58 :                     AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).NodeHeights[0] -=
    4636          58 :                         Zone(AirflowNetworkNodeData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).NodeNums[0]).EPlusZoneNum).OriginZ;
    4637             :                 }
    4638          58 :                 if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).NodeNums[1]).EPlusZoneNum > 0) {
    4639           2 :                     AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).NodeHeights[1] -=
    4640           2 :                         Zone(AirflowNetworkNodeData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).NodeNums[1]).EPlusZoneNum).OriginZ;
    4641             :                 }
    4642             :             }
    4643             :             // Find component number
    4644         946 :             auto afe = elements.find(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).CompName);
    4645         473 :             if (afe != elements.end()) {
    4646             :                 // found = false;
    4647             :                 // for (i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfComps; ++i) {
    4648         473 :                 AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).element = afe->second;
    4649             :                 // Get CompTypeNum here, this is a hack to hold us over until the introspection is dealt with
    4650         946 :                 auto compnum_iter = compnum.find(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).CompName);
    4651         473 :                 assert(compnum_iter != compnum.end());
    4652         473 :                 int compnum = compnum_iter->second;
    4653         473 :                 AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).CompNum = compnum;
    4654             : 
    4655         473 :                 switch (AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).element->type()) {
    4656          70 :                 case ComponentType::DOP: {
    4657             :                     // if (AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).CompName ==
    4658             :                     // AirflowNetworkCompData(i).Name) {
    4659             :                     //    AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).CompNum = i;
    4660             :                     //    found = true;
    4661             :                     //    if (AirflowNetworkCompData(i).CompTypeNum == iComponentTypeNum::DOP) {
    4662          70 :                     ++j;
    4663          70 :                     AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).DetOpenNum = j;
    4664          70 :                     MultizoneSurfaceData(count).Multiplier = m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(count).SurfNum).Multiplier;
    4665         140 :                     if (m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(count).SurfNum).Tilt < 10.0 ||
    4666          70 :                         m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(count).SurfNum).Tilt > 170.0) {
    4667           0 :                         ShowWarningError(m_state, "An AirflowNetwork:Multizone:Surface object has an air-flow opening corresponding to");
    4668           0 :                         ShowContinueError(m_state, "window or door = " + MultizoneSurfaceData(count).SurfName + ", which is within ");
    4669           0 :                         ShowContinueError(m_state, "10 deg of being horizontal. Airflows through large horizontal openings are poorly");
    4670           0 :                         ShowContinueError(m_state, "modeled in the AirflowNetwork model resulting in only one-way airflow.");
    4671             :                     }
    4672          77 :                     if (!(m_state.dataSurface->SurfWinOriginalClass(MultizoneSurfaceData(count).SurfNum) == SurfaceClass::Window ||
    4673          14 :                           m_state.dataSurface->SurfWinOriginalClass(MultizoneSurfaceData(count).SurfNum) == SurfaceClass::GlassDoor ||
    4674           7 :                           m_state.dataSurface->SurfWinOriginalClass(MultizoneSurfaceData(count).SurfNum) == SurfaceClass::Door ||
    4675           0 :                           m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(count).SurfNum).IsAirBoundarySurf)) {
    4676           0 :                         ShowSevereError(m_state,
    4677           0 :                                         format(RoutineName) +
    4678           0 :                                             "AirflowNetworkComponent: The opening must be assigned to a window, door, glassdoor or air boundary at " +
    4679           0 :                                             AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).Name);
    4680           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
    4681             :                     }
    4682         133 :                     if (m_state.dataSurface->SurfWinOriginalClass(MultizoneSurfaceData(count).SurfNum) == SurfaceClass::Door ||
    4683          63 :                         m_state.dataSurface->SurfWinOriginalClass(MultizoneSurfaceData(count).SurfNum) == SurfaceClass::GlassDoor) {
    4684           7 :                         if (MultizoneCompDetOpeningData(AirflowNetworkCompData(compnum).TypeNum).LVOType == 2) {
    4685           0 :                             ShowSevereError(m_state,
    4686           0 :                                             format(RoutineName) +
    4687             :                                                 "AirflowNetworkComponent: The opening with horizontally pivoted type must be assigned to a "
    4688           0 :                                                 "window surface at " +
    4689           0 :                                                 AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).Name);
    4690           0 :                             ErrorsFound = true;
    4691             :                         }
    4692             :                     }
    4693          70 :                 } break;
    4694          17 :                 case ComponentType::SOP: {
    4695             :                     // if (AirflowNetworkCompData(i).CompTypeNum == iComponentTypeNum::SOP) {
    4696          17 :                     MultizoneSurfaceData(count).Multiplier = m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(count).SurfNum).Multiplier;
    4697          34 :                     if (m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(count).SurfNum).Tilt < 10.0 ||
    4698          17 :                         m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(count).SurfNum).Tilt > 170.0) {
    4699           0 :                         ShowSevereError(m_state, "An AirflowNetwork:Multizone:Surface object has an air-flow opening corresponding to");
    4700           0 :                         ShowContinueError(m_state, "window or door = " + MultizoneSurfaceData(count).SurfName + ", which is within");
    4701           0 :                         ShowContinueError(m_state, "10 deg of being horizontal. Airflows through horizontal openings are not allowed.");
    4702           0 :                         ShowContinueError(m_state, "AirflowNetwork:Multizone:Component:SimpleOpening = " + AirflowNetworkCompData(compnum).Name);
    4703           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
    4704             :                     }
    4705             : 
    4706          34 :                     if (!(m_state.dataSurface->SurfWinOriginalClass(MultizoneSurfaceData(count).SurfNum) == SurfaceClass::Window ||
    4707          34 :                           m_state.dataSurface->SurfWinOriginalClass(MultizoneSurfaceData(count).SurfNum) == SurfaceClass::GlassDoor ||
    4708          17 :                           m_state.dataSurface->SurfWinOriginalClass(MultizoneSurfaceData(count).SurfNum) == SurfaceClass::Door ||
    4709           0 :                           m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(count).SurfNum).IsAirBoundarySurf)) {
    4710           0 :                         ShowSevereError(m_state,
    4711           0 :                                         format(RoutineName) +
    4712           0 :                                             "AirflowNetworkComponent: The opening must be assigned to a window, door, glassdoor or air boundary at " +
    4713           0 :                                             AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).Name);
    4714           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
    4715             :                     }
    4716          17 :                 } break;
    4717           1 :                 case ComponentType::HOP: {
    4718             :                     // if (AirflowNetworkCompData(i).CompTypeNum == iComponentTypeNum::HOP) {
    4719           1 :                     MultizoneSurfaceData(count).Multiplier = m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(count).SurfNum).Multiplier;
    4720             :                     // Get linkage height from upper and lower zones
    4721           1 :                     if (MultizoneZoneData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).NodeNums[0]).ZoneNum > 0) {
    4722           1 :                         AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).NodeHeights[0] =
    4723           1 :                             Zone(MultizoneZoneData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).NodeNums[0]).ZoneNum).Centroid.z;
    4724             :                     }
    4725           1 :                     if (AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).NodeNums[1] <= AirflowNetworkNumOfZones) {
    4726           1 :                         if (MultizoneZoneData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).NodeNums[1]).ZoneNum > 0) {
    4727           1 :                             AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).NodeHeights[1] =
    4728           1 :                                 Zone(m_state.afn->MultizoneZoneData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).NodeNums[1]).ZoneNum).Centroid.z;
    4729             :                         }
    4730             :                     }
    4731           1 :                     if (AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).NodeNums[1] > AirflowNetworkNumOfZones) {
    4732           0 :                         ShowSevereError(m_state,
    4733           0 :                                         format(RoutineName) +
    4734           0 :                                             "AirflowNetworkComponent: The horizontal opening must be located between two thermal zones at " +
    4735           0 :                                             AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).Name);
    4736           0 :                         ShowContinueError(m_state, "This component is exposed to outdoors.");
    4737           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
    4738             :                     } else {
    4739           2 :                         if (!(MultizoneZoneData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).NodeNums[0]).ZoneNum > 0 &&
    4740           1 :                               MultizoneZoneData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).NodeNums[1]).ZoneNum > 0)) {
    4741           0 :                             ShowSevereError(m_state,
    4742           0 :                                             format(RoutineName) +
    4743           0 :                                                 "AirflowNetworkComponent: The horizontal opening must be located between two thermal zones at " +
    4744           0 :                                                 AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).Name);
    4745           0 :                             ErrorsFound = true;
    4746             :                         }
    4747             :                     }
    4748           3 :                     if (!(m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(count).SurfNum).Tilt > 170.0 &&
    4749           1 :                           m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(count).SurfNum).Tilt < 190.0) &&
    4750           0 :                         !(m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(count).SurfNum).Tilt > -10.0 &&
    4751           0 :                           m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(count).SurfNum).Tilt < 10.0)) {
    4752           0 :                         ShowWarningError(m_state, "An AirflowNetwork:Multizone:Surface object has an air-flow opening corresponding to");
    4753           0 :                         ShowContinueError(m_state, "window or door = " + MultizoneSurfaceData(count).SurfName + ", which is above");
    4754           0 :                         ShowContinueError(m_state, "10 deg of being horizontal. Airflows through non-horizontal openings are not modeled");
    4755           0 :                         ShowContinueError(m_state,
    4756           0 :                                           "with the object of AirflowNetwork:Multizone:Component:HorizontalOpening = " +
    4757           0 :                                               AirflowNetworkCompData(compnum).Name);
    4758             :                     }
    4759           2 :                     if (!(m_state.dataSurface->SurfWinOriginalClass(MultizoneSurfaceData(count).SurfNum) == SurfaceClass::Window ||
    4760           2 :                           m_state.dataSurface->SurfWinOriginalClass(MultizoneSurfaceData(count).SurfNum) == SurfaceClass::GlassDoor ||
    4761           1 :                           m_state.dataSurface->SurfWinOriginalClass(MultizoneSurfaceData(count).SurfNum) == SurfaceClass::Door ||
    4762           0 :                           m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(count).SurfNum).IsAirBoundarySurf)) {
    4763           0 :                         ShowSevereError(m_state,
    4764           0 :                                         format(RoutineName) +
    4765           0 :                                             "AirflowNetworkComponent: The opening must be assigned to a window, door, glassdoor or air boundary at " +
    4766           0 :                                             AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).Name);
    4767           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
    4768             :                     }
    4769           1 :                 } break;
    4770         385 :                 default:
    4771             :                     // Nothing to do here
    4772         385 :                     break;
    4773             :                 }
    4774             :             } else {
    4775           0 :                 ShowSevereError(m_state,
    4776           0 :                                 format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + ": The component is not defined in " +
    4777           0 :                                     AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).Name);
    4778           0 :                 ErrorsFound = true;
    4779             :             }
    4780             :         }
    4781             : 
    4782             :         // Assign intrazone links
    4783          41 :         for (count = 1 + AirflowNetworkNumOfSurfaces; count <= NumOfLinksIntraZone + AirflowNetworkNumOfSurfaces; ++count) {
    4784           7 :             AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).Name = IntraZoneLinkageData(count - AirflowNetworkNumOfSurfaces).Name;
    4785           7 :             AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).NodeNums[0] = IntraZoneLinkageData(count - AirflowNetworkNumOfSurfaces).NodeNums[0];
    4786           7 :             AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).NodeNums[1] = IntraZoneLinkageData(count - AirflowNetworkNumOfSurfaces).NodeNums[1];
    4787           7 :             AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).CompName = IntraZoneLinkageData(count - AirflowNetworkNumOfSurfaces).CompName;
    4788           7 :             AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).ZoneNum = 0;
    4789           7 :             AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).LinkNum = count;
    4790           7 :             AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).NodeHeights[0] = IntraZoneLinkageData(count - AirflowNetworkNumOfSurfaces).NodeHeights[0];
    4791           7 :             AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).NodeHeights[1] = IntraZoneLinkageData(count - AirflowNetworkNumOfSurfaces).NodeHeights[1];
    4792             :             // Find component number
    4793          14 :             auto afe = elements.find(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).CompName);
    4794           7 :             if (afe != elements.end()) {
    4795           7 :                 AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).element = afe->second;
    4796             :                 // Get CompTypeNum here, this is a hack to hold us over until the introspection is dealt with
    4797          14 :                 auto compnum_iter = compnum.find(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).CompName);
    4798           7 :                 assert(compnum_iter != compnum.end());
    4799           7 :                 int compnum = compnum_iter->second;
    4800           7 :                 AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).CompNum = compnum;
    4801           7 :                 if (AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).element->type() != ComponentType::SCR &&
    4802           0 :                     AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).element->type() != ComponentType::SEL) {
    4803             : 
    4804           0 :                     ShowSevereError(m_state,
    4805           0 :                                     format(RoutineName) + AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).CompName + ": The component is not allowed in " +
    4806           0 :                                         AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).Name);
    4807           0 :                     ShowContinueError(m_state,
    4808             :                                       "The allowed component type is either AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:Surface:Crack or "
    4809             :                                       "AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:Surface:EffectiveLeakageArea.");
    4810           0 :                     ErrorsFound = true;
    4811             :                 }
    4812             :             } else {
    4813           0 :                 ShowSevereError(m_state,
    4814           0 :                                 format(RoutineName) + AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).CompName + ": The component is not defined in " +
    4815           0 :                                     AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).Name);
    4816           0 :                 ErrorsFound = true;
    4817             :             }
    4818             :         }
    4819             : 
    4820             :         // Reset AirflowNetworkNumOfSurfaces by including NumOfLinksIntraZone
    4821          34 :         AirflowNetworkNumOfSurfaces = AirflowNetworkNumOfSurfaces + NumOfLinksIntraZone;
    4822          34 :         if (NumOfLinksIntraZone > 0) NumOfLinksMultiZone = AirflowNetworkNumOfSurfaces;
    4823             : 
    4824             :         // Assign AirflowNetwork info in RoomAirflowNetworkZoneInfo
    4825          34 :         if (NumOfNodesIntraZone > 0) {
    4826          15 :             for (int i = 1; i <= NumOfNodesMultiZone; ++i) {
    4827          14 :                 n = AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).EPlusZoneNum;
    4828          14 :                 AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).NumOfLinks = 0;
    4829          14 :                 if (n > 0 && AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).RAFNNodeNum > 0) {
    4830           6 :                     m_state.dataRoomAirMod->RoomAirflowNetworkZoneInfo(n).Node(AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).RAFNNodeNum).AirflowNetworkNodeID = i;
    4831         216 :                     for (j = 1; j <= AirflowNetworkNumOfSurfaces; ++j) {
    4832         210 :                         if (AirflowNetworkLinkageData(j).NodeNums[0] == i) {
    4833          15 :                             AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).NumOfLinks = AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).NumOfLinks + 1;
    4834         195 :                         } else if (AirflowNetworkLinkageData(j).NodeNums[1] == i) {
    4835          13 :                             AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).NumOfLinks = AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).NumOfLinks + 1;
    4836             :                         } else {
    4837             :                         }
    4838             :                     }
    4839             :                 }
    4840          14 :                 if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).RAFNNodeNum > 0) {
    4841          42 :                     for (j = 1; j <= m_state.dataRoomAirMod->RoomAirflowNetworkZoneInfo(n).NumOfAirNodes; ++j) {
    4842          36 :                         if (m_state.dataRoomAirMod->RoomAirflowNetworkZoneInfo(n).Node(j).AirflowNetworkNodeID == i) {
    4843           6 :                             m_state.dataRoomAirMod->RoomAirflowNetworkZoneInfo(n).Node(j).NumOfAirflowLinks = AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).NumOfLinks;
    4844           6 :                             m_state.dataRoomAirMod->RoomAirflowNetworkZoneInfo(n).Node(j).Link.allocate(AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).NumOfLinks);
    4845           6 :                             k = 1;
    4846         198 :                             for (m = 1; m <= AirflowNetworkNumOfSurfaces; ++m) {
    4847         198 :                                 if (AirflowNetworkLinkageData(m).NodeNums[0] == i) {
    4848          15 :                                     m_state.dataRoomAirMod->RoomAirflowNetworkZoneInfo(n).Node(j).Link(k).AirflowNetworkLinkSimuID = m;
    4849          15 :                                     m_state.dataRoomAirMod->RoomAirflowNetworkZoneInfo(n).Node(j).Link(k).AirflowNetworkLinkageDataID = m;
    4850          15 :                                     k = k + 1;
    4851          15 :                                     if (k > AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).NumOfLinks) break;
    4852             :                                 }
    4853         195 :                                 if (AirflowNetworkLinkageData(m).NodeNums[1] == i) {
    4854          13 :                                     m_state.dataRoomAirMod->RoomAirflowNetworkZoneInfo(n).Node(j).Link(k).AirflowNetworkLinkSimuID = m;
    4855          13 :                                     m_state.dataRoomAirMod->RoomAirflowNetworkZoneInfo(n).Node(j).Link(k).AirflowNetworkLinkageDataID = m;
    4856          13 :                                     k = k + 1;
    4857          13 :                                     if (k > AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).NumOfLinks) break;
    4858             :                                 }
    4859             :                             }
    4860             :                         }
    4861             :                     }
    4862             :                 }
    4863             :             }
    4864             :         }
    4865             : 
    4866          34 :         if (DisSysNumOfLinks > 0 && distribution_simulated) { // Distribution
    4867             : 
    4868        1053 :             for (auto &e : AirflowNetworkLinkageData)
    4869        1030 :                 e.ZoneNum = 0;
    4870             : 
    4871         724 :             for (count = AirflowNetworkNumOfSurfaces + 1; count <= AirflowNetworkNumOfLinks; ++count) {
    4872             : 
    4873        1402 :                 m_state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectItem(m_state,
    4874             :                                                                            CurrentModuleObject,
    4875         701 :                                                                            count - AirflowNetworkNumOfSurfaces,
    4876             :                                                                            Alphas,
    4877             :                                                                            NumAlphas,
    4878             :                                                                            Numbers,
    4879             :                                                                            NumNumbers,
    4880             :                                                                            IOStatus,
    4881             :                                                                            lNumericBlanks,
    4882             :                                                                            lAlphaBlanks,
    4883             :                                                                            cAlphaFields,
    4884             :                                                                            cNumericFields);
    4885         701 :                 UtilityRoutines::IsNameEmpty(m_state, Alphas(1), CurrentModuleObject, ErrorsFound);
    4886         701 :                 AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).Name = Alphas(1);
    4887         701 :                 AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).NodeNames[0] = Alphas(2);
    4888         701 :                 AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).NodeHeights[0] = 0.0;
    4889         701 :                 AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).NodeNames[1] = Alphas(3);
    4890         701 :                 AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).NodeHeights[1] = 0.0;
    4891         701 :                 AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).CompName = Alphas(4);
    4892         701 :                 AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).ZoneName = Alphas(5);
    4893         701 :                 AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).LinkNum = count;
    4894             : 
    4895         715 :                 for (int i = 1; i <= DisSysNumOfDuctViewFactors; ++i) {
    4896          15 :                     if (AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).Name == AirflowNetworkLinkageViewFactorData(i).LinkageName) {
    4897           1 :                         AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).LinkageViewFactorObjectNum = AirflowNetworkLinkageViewFactorData(i).ObjectNum;
    4898           1 :                         break;
    4899             :                     }
    4900             :                 }
    4901             : 
    4902         701 :                 if (!lAlphaBlanks(5)) {
    4903         292 :                     AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).ZoneNum = UtilityRoutines::FindItemInList(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).ZoneName, Zone);
    4904         292 :                     if (AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).ZoneNum == 0) {
    4905           0 :                         ShowSevereError(m_state,
    4906           0 :                                         format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + ": Invalid " + cAlphaFields(5) +
    4907           0 :                                             " given = " + AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).ZoneName);
    4908           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
    4909             :                     }
    4910             :                 }
    4911         701 :                 if (Alphas(2) == Alphas(3)) {
    4912           0 :                     ShowSevereError(m_state,
    4913           0 :                                     format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + ", " + cAlphaFields(2) + " = " + cAlphaFields(3) + " in " +
    4914           0 :                                         AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).Name);
    4915           0 :                     ErrorsFound = true;
    4916             :                 }
    4917             :                 // Find component number
    4918        1402 :                 auto afe = elements.find(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).CompName);
    4919         701 :                 if (afe != elements.end()) {
    4920         701 :                     AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).element = afe->second;
    4921             : 
    4922             :                     // Get CompTypeNum here, this is a hack to hold us over until the introspection is dealt with
    4923        1402 :                     auto compnum_iter = compnum.find(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).CompName);
    4924         701 :                     assert(compnum_iter != compnum.end());
    4925         701 :                     int compnum = compnum_iter->second;
    4926         701 :                     AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).CompNum = compnum;
    4927             :                 } else {
    4928           0 :                     ShowSevereError(m_state,
    4929           0 :                                     format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + ": The " + cAlphaFields(4) + " is not defined in " +
    4930           0 :                                         AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).Name);
    4931           0 :                     ErrorsFound = true;
    4932             :                 }
    4933             :                 // Find Node number
    4934         701 :                 found = false;
    4935       14013 :                 for (int i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes; ++i) {
    4936       14013 :                     if (AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).NodeNames[0] == AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).Name) {
    4937         701 :                         AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).NodeNums[0] = i;
    4938         701 :                         AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).NodeHeights[0] += AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).NodeHeight;
    4939         701 :                         found = true;
    4940         701 :                         break;
    4941             :                     }
    4942             :                 }
    4943         701 :                 if (!found) {
    4944           0 :                     ShowSevereError(m_state,
    4945           0 :                                     format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + ": The " + cAlphaFields(2) + " is not found in the node data " +
    4946           0 :                                         AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).Name);
    4947           0 :                     ErrorsFound = true;
    4948             :                 }
    4949       13976 :                 for (int i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes; ++i) {
    4950       13976 :                     if (AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).NodeNames[1] == AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).Name) {
    4951         701 :                         AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).NodeNums[1] = i;
    4952         701 :                         AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).NodeHeights[1] += AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).NodeHeight;
    4953         701 :                         found = true;
    4954         701 :                         break;
    4955             :                     }
    4956             :                 }
    4957         701 :                 if (!found) {
    4958           0 :                     ShowSevereError(m_state,
    4959           0 :                                     format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + ": The " + cAlphaFields(3) + " is not found in the node data " +
    4960           0 :                                         AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).Name);
    4961           0 :                     ErrorsFound = true;
    4962             :                 }
    4963          23 :             }
    4964             :         } else {
    4965             : 
    4966          11 :             if (distribution_simulated) {
    4967           0 :                 ShowSevereError(m_state, format(RoutineName) + "An " + CurrentModuleObject + " object is required but not found.");
    4968           0 :                 ErrorsFound = true;
    4969             :             }
    4970             :         }
    4971             : 
    4972             :         // Ensure no duplicated names in AirflowNetwork component objects
    4973             :         //        for (i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfComps; ++i) {
    4974             :         //            for (j = i + 1; j <= AirflowNetworkNumOfComps; ++j) {
    4975             :         //                if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(AirflowNetworkCompData(i).Name,
    4976             :         //        AirflowNetworkCompData(j).Name)) {
    4977             :         //                    // SurfaceAirflowLeakageNames
    4978             :         //                    if (i <= 4 && j <= 4) {
    4979             :         //                        if (AirflowNetworkCompData(i).CompTypeNum == iComponentTypeNum::DOP)
    4980             :         //                            CompName(1) = "AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:Component:DetailedOpening";
    4981             :         //                        if (AirflowNetworkCompData(i).CompTypeNum == iComponentTypeNum::SOP)
    4982             :         //                            CompName(1) = "AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:Component:SimpleOpening";
    4983             :         //                        if (AirflowNetworkCompData(i).CompTypeNum == iComponentTypeNum::SCR) CompName(1) =
    4984             :         //        "AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:Surface:Crack"; if (AirflowNetworkCompData(i).CompTypeNum ==
    4985             :         //        iComponentTypeNum::SEL) CompName(1) = "AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:Surface:EffectiveLeakageArea"; if
    4986             :         //        (AirflowNetworkCompData(j).CompTypeNum == iComponentTypeNum::DOP) CompName(2) =
    4987             :         //        "AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:Component:DetailedOpening"; if (AirflowNetworkCompData(j).CompTypeNum ==
    4988             :         //        iComponentTypeNum::SOP) CompName(2) = "AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:Component:SimpleOpening"; if
    4989             :         //        (AirflowNetworkCompData(j).CompTypeNum == iComponentTypeNum::SCR) CompName(2) =
    4990             :         //        "AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:Surface:Crack"; if (AirflowNetworkCompData(j).CompTypeNum ==
    4991             :         //        iComponentTypeNum::SEL) CompName(2) = "AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:Surface:EffectiveLeakageArea"; ShowSevereError(m_state, RoutineName
    4992             :         //        + "Duplicated component names are found = " + AirflowNetworkCompData(i).Name); ShowContinueError(m_state,
    4993             :         //        "A unique component name is required in both objects " + CompName(1) + " and " + CompName(2)); ErrorsFound = true;
    4994             :         //                    }
    4995             :         //                    // Distribution component
    4996             :         //                    if (i > 4 && j > 4) {
    4997             :         //                        if (AirflowNetworkCompData(i).CompTypeNum == iComponentTypeNum::PLR) CompName(1) =
    4998             :         //        "AirflowNetwork:Distribution:Component:Leak"; if (AirflowNetworkCompData(i).CompTypeNum ==
    4999             :         //        iComponentTypeNum::DWC) CompName(1) = "AirflowNetwork:Distribution:Component:Duct"; if
    5000             :         //        (AirflowNetworkCompData(i).CompTypeNum == iComponentTypeNum::ELR) CompName(1) =
    5001             :         //        "AirflowNetwork:Distribution:Component:LeakageRatio"; if (AirflowNetworkCompData(i).CompTypeNum ==
    5002             :         //        iComponentTypeNum::DMP) CompName(1) = "AIRFLOWNETWORK:DISTRIBUTION:COMPONENT DAMPER"; if
    5003             :         //        (AirflowNetworkCompData(i).CompTypeNum == iComponentTypeNum::CVF) CompName(1) =
    5004             :         //        "AirflowNetwork:Distribution:Component:Fan"; if (AirflowNetworkCompData(i).CompTypeNum ==
    5005             :         //        iComponentTypeNum::CPD) CompName(1) = "AirflowNetwork:Distribution:Component:ConstantPressureDrop"; if
    5006             :         //        (AirflowNetworkCompData(i).CompTypeNum == iComponentTypeNum::COI) CompName(1) =
    5007             :         //        "AirflowNetwork:Distribution:Component:Coil"; if (AirflowNetworkCompData(i).CompTypeNum ==
    5008             :         //        iComponentTypeNum::TMU) CompName(1) = "AirflowNetwork:Distribution:Component:TerminalUnit"; if
    5009             :         //        (AirflowNetworkCompData(i).CompTypeNum == iComponentTypeNum::HEX) CompName(1) =
    5010             :         //        "AirflowNetwork:Distribution:Component:HeatExchanger"; if (AirflowNetworkCompData(j).CompTypeNum ==
    5011             :         //        iComponentTypeNum::PLR) CompName(2) = "AirflowNetwork:Distribution:Component:Leak"; if
    5012             :         //        (AirflowNetworkCompData(j).CompTypeNum == iComponentTypeNum::DWC) CompName(2) =
    5013             :         //        "AirflowNetwork:Distribution:Component:Duct"; if (AirflowNetworkCompData(j).CompTypeNum ==
    5014             :         //        iComponentTypeNum::ELR) CompName(2) = "AirflowNetwork:Distribution:Component:LeakageRatio"; if
    5015             :         //        (AirflowNetworkCompData(j).CompTypeNum == iComponentTypeNum::DMP) CompName(2) =
    5016             :         //        "AIRFLOWNETWORK:DISTRIBUTION:COMPONENT DAMPER"; if (AirflowNetworkCompData(j).CompTypeNum ==
    5017             :         //        iComponentTypeNum::CVF) CompName(2) = "AirflowNetwork:Distribution:Component:Fan"; if
    5018             :         //        (AirflowNetworkCompData(j).CompTypeNum == iComponentTypeNum::CPD) CompName(2) =
    5019             :         //        "AirflowNetwork:Distribution:Component:ConstantPressureDrop"; if (AirflowNetworkCompData(j).CompTypeNum
    5020             :         //        == iComponentTypeNum::COI) CompName(2) = "AirflowNetwork:Distribution:Component:Coil"; if
    5021             :         //        (AirflowNetworkCompData(j).CompTypeNum == iComponentTypeNum::TMU) CompName(2) =
    5022             :         //        "AirflowNetwork:Distribution:Component:TerminalUnit"; if (AirflowNetworkCompData(j).CompTypeNum ==
    5023             :         //        iComponentTypeNum::HEX) CompName(2) = "AirflowNetwork:Distribution:Component:HeatExchanger"; ShowSevereError(m_state,
    5024             :         //        format(RoutineName) + "Duplicated component names are found = " + AirflowNetworkCompData(i).Name);
    5025             :         //        ShowContinueError(m_state, "A unique component name is required in both objects " + CompName(1) + " and " + CompName(2));
    5026             :         //        ErrorsFound = true;
    5027             :         //                    }
    5028             :         //                }
    5029             :         //            }
    5030             :         //        }
    5031             : 
    5032             :         // Node and component validation
    5033        1215 :         for (count = 1; count <= AirflowNetworkNumOfLinks; ++count) {
    5034        1181 :             NodeFound = false;
    5035       15120 :             for (int i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes; ++i) {
    5036       15120 :                 if (i == AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).NodeNums[0]) {
    5037        1181 :                     NodeFound = true;
    5038        1181 :                     break;
    5039             :                 }
    5040             :             }
    5041        1181 :             if (!NodeFound) {
    5042           0 :                 if (count <= AirflowNetworkNumOfSurfaces) {
    5043           0 :                     ShowSevereError(m_state,
    5044           0 :                                     format(RoutineName) + AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).NodeNames[0] +
    5045           0 :                                         " in AIRFLOWNETWORK:MULTIZONE:SURFACE = " + AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).Name + " is not found");
    5046             :                 } else {
    5047           0 :                     ShowSevereError(m_state,
    5048           0 :                                     format(RoutineName) + AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).NodeNames[0] +
    5049           0 :                                         " in AIRFLOWNETWORK:DISTRIBUTION:LINKAGE = " + AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).Name +
    5050             :                                         " is not found in AIRFLOWNETWORK:DISTRIBUTION:NODE objects.");
    5051             :                 }
    5052           0 :                 ErrorsFound = true;
    5053             :             }
    5054        1181 :             NodeFound = false;
    5055       16828 :             for (int i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes; ++i) {
    5056       16828 :                 if (i == AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).NodeNums[1]) {
    5057        1181 :                     NodeFound = true;
    5058        1181 :                     break;
    5059             :                 }
    5060             :             }
    5061        1181 :             if (!NodeFound) {
    5062           0 :                 if (count <= AirflowNetworkNumOfSurfaces) {
    5063           0 :                     ShowSevereError(m_state,
    5064           0 :                                     format(RoutineName) + AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).NodeNames[0] +
    5065           0 :                                         " in AIRFLOWNETWORK:MULTIZONE:SURFACE = " + AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).Name + " is not found");
    5066             :                 } else {
    5067           0 :                     ShowSevereError(m_state,
    5068           0 :                                     format(RoutineName) + AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).NodeNames[1] +
    5069           0 :                                         " in AIRFLOWNETWORK:DISTRIBUTION:LINKAGE = " + AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).Name +
    5070             :                                         " is not found in AIRFLOWNETWORK:DISTRIBUTION:NODE objects.");
    5071             :                 }
    5072           0 :                 ErrorsFound = true;
    5073             :             }
    5074        1181 :             CompFound = false;
    5075       32340 :             for (int i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfComps; ++i) {
    5076       31159 :                 if (i == AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).CompNum) {
    5077        1181 :                     CompFound = true;
    5078             :                 }
    5079             :             }
    5080        1181 :             if (!CompFound) {
    5081           0 :                 ShowSevereError(m_state,
    5082           0 :                                 format(RoutineName) + "Component = " + AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).CompName +
    5083           0 :                                     " in AIRFLOWNETWORK:DISTRIBUTION:LINKAGE = " + AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).Name +
    5084             :                                     " is not found in AirflowNetwork Component Data objects.");
    5085           0 :                 ErrorsFound = true;
    5086             :             }
    5087             :         }
    5088             : 
    5089             :         // Ensure every AirflowNetworkNode is used in AirflowNetworkLinkage
    5090         860 :         for (count = 1; count <= AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes; ++count) {
    5091         826 :             NodeFound1 = false;
    5092         826 :             NodeFound2 = false;
    5093       38724 :             for (int i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfLinks; ++i) {
    5094       37898 :                 if (count == AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0]) {
    5095        1181 :                     NodeFound1 = true;
    5096             :                 }
    5097       37898 :                 if (count == AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1]) {
    5098        1181 :                     NodeFound2 = true;
    5099             :                 }
    5100             :             }
    5101         826 :             if ((!NodeFound1) && count > NumOfNodesMultiZone && AirflowNetworkNodeData(count).ExtNodeNum == 0) {
    5102           0 :                 ShowSevereError(m_state,
    5103           0 :                                 format(RoutineName) + "AIRFLOWNETWORK:DISTRIBUTION:NODE = " + AirflowNetworkNodeData(count).Name +
    5104             :                                     " is not found as Node 1 Name in AIRFLOWNETWORK:DISTRIBUTION:LINKAGE");
    5105           0 :                 ShowContinueError(m_state,
    5106             :                                   "Each non-external AIRFLOWNETWORK:DISTRIBUTION:NODE has to be defined as Node 1 once in "
    5107             :                                   "AIRFLOWNETWORK:DISTRIBUTION:LINKAGE");
    5108           0 :                 ErrorsFound = true;
    5109             :             }
    5110         826 :             if ((!NodeFound2) && count > NumOfNodesMultiZone && AirflowNetworkNodeData(count).ExtNodeNum == 0) {
    5111           0 :                 ShowSevereError(m_state,
    5112           0 :                                 format(RoutineName) + "AIRFLOWNETWORK:DISTRIBUTION:NODE = " + AirflowNetworkNodeData(count).Name +
    5113             :                                     " is not found as Node 2 Name in AIRFLOWNETWORK:DISTRIBUTION:LINKAGE");
    5114           0 :                 ShowContinueError(m_state,
    5115             :                                   "Each non-external AIRFLOWNETWORK:DISTRIBUTION:NODE has to be defined as Node 2 once in "
    5116             :                                   "AIRFLOWNETWORK:DISTRIBUTION:LINKAGE");
    5117           0 :                 ErrorsFound = true;
    5118             :             }
    5119         826 :             if ((!NodeFound1) && (!NodeFound2) && count > NumOfNodesMultiZone && AirflowNetworkNodeData(count).ExtNodeNum > 0) {
    5120           0 :                 ShowSevereError(m_state,
    5121           0 :                                 format(RoutineName) + "AIRFLOWNETWORK:DISTRIBUTION:NODE = " + AirflowNetworkNodeData(count).Name +
    5122             :                                     " is not found as Node 1 Name or Node 2 Name in AIRFLOWNETWORK:DISTRIBUTION:LINKAGE");
    5123           0 :                 ShowContinueError(m_state, "This external AIRFLOWNETWORK:DISTRIBUTION:NODE has to be defined in AIRFLOWNETWORK:DISTRIBUTION:LINKAGE");
    5124           0 :                 ErrorsFound = true;
    5125             :             }
    5126             :         }
    5127             : 
    5128             :         // Ensure there is at least one node defined as EXTERNAL node
    5129          34 :         NodeFound = false;
    5130         860 :         for (count = 1; count <= AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes; ++count) {
    5131         826 :             if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(count).ExtNodeNum > 0) {
    5132         195 :                 NodeFound = true;
    5133             :             }
    5134             :         }
    5135          34 :         if (!NodeFound) {
    5136           0 :             ShowSevereError(m_state,
    5137           0 :                             format(RoutineName) +
    5138             :                                 "No External Nodes found in AirflowNetwork:Multizone:ExternalNode. There must be at least 1 external node defined.");
    5139           0 :             ErrorsFound = true;
    5140             :         }
    5141             : 
    5142          34 :         if (simulation_control.iWPCCnt == iWPCCntr::Input) {
    5143         427 :             for (count = 1; count <= AirflowNetworkNumOfSurfaces; ++count) {
    5144         400 :                 if (AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).NodeNums[0] == 0) {
    5145           0 :                     ShowSevereError(m_state,
    5146           0 :                                     "The surface is not found in AIRFLOWNETWORK:MULTIZONE:SURFACE = " + AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).Name);
    5147           0 :                     ErrorsFound = true;
    5148             :                 }
    5149         400 :                 if (AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).NodeNums[1] == 0) {
    5150           0 :                     ShowSevereError(m_state,
    5151           0 :                                     "The external node is not found in AIRFLOWNETWORK:MULTIZONE:SURFACE = " + AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).Name);
    5152           0 :                     ErrorsFound = true;
    5153             :                 }
    5154             :             }
    5155             :         }
    5156             : 
    5157             :         // Provide a warning when a door component is assigned as envelope leakage
    5158             :         //        if (!ErrorsFound) {
    5159             :         //            for (count = 1; count <= AirflowNetworkNumOfSurfaces; ++count) {
    5160             :         //                if
    5161             :         //        (AirflowNetworkNodeData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).NodeNums[0]).ExtNodeNum
    5162             :         //        > 0 &&
    5163             :         //                    AirflowNetworkNodeData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).NodeNums[1]).EPlusZoneNum
    5164             :         //        > 0 && AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).CompNum > 0) { if
    5165             :         //        (AirflowNetworkCompData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).CompNum).CompTypeNum
    5166             :         //        == iComponentTypeNum::SOP) {
    5167             :         //                    }
    5168             :         //                }
    5169             :         //                if
    5170             :         //        (AirflowNetworkNodeData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).NodeNums[1]).ExtNodeNum
    5171             :         //        > 0 &&
    5172             :         //                    AirflowNetworkNodeData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).NodeNums[0]).EPlusZoneNum
    5173             :         //        > 0 && AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).CompNum > 0) { if
    5174             :         //        (AirflowNetworkCompData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).CompNum).CompTypeNum
    5175             :         //        == iComponentTypeNum::SOP) {
    5176             :         //                    }
    5177             :         //                }
    5178             :         //            }
    5179             :         //        }
    5180             : 
    5181             :         // Ensure the name of each heat exchanger is shown either once or twice in the field of
    5182          34 :         if (distribution_simulated) {
    5183          24 :             for (int i = 1; i <= DisSysNumOfHXs; ++i) {
    5184           1 :                 count = 0;
    5185          61 :                 for (j = 1; j <= AirflowNetworkNumOfLinks; ++j) {
    5186          60 :                     if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(j).CompName, DisSysCompHXData(i).name)) {
    5187           2 :                         ++count;
    5188             :                     }
    5189             :                 }
    5190             : 
    5191           1 :                 if (DisSysCompHXData(i).CoilParentExists && count != 2) {
    5192           0 :                     ShowSevereError(m_state,
    5193           0 :                                     format(RoutineName) + "The inputs of component name field as a heat exchanger in "
    5194             :                                                           "AIRFLOWNETWORK:DISTRIBUTION:LINKAGE is not correct");
    5195           0 :                     ShowContinueError(m_state,
    5196           0 :                                       "The entered name of heat exchanger is " + DisSysCompHXData(i).name +
    5197             :                                           " in AirflowNetwork:Distribution:Component:HeatExchanger objects");
    5198           0 :                     ShowContinueError(m_state, format("The correct appearance number is 2. The entered appearance number is {}", count));
    5199           0 :                     ErrorsFound = true;
    5200             :                 }
    5201           1 :                 if ((!DisSysCompHXData(i).CoilParentExists) && count != 1) {
    5202           0 :                     ShowSevereError(m_state,
    5203           0 :                                     format(RoutineName) + "The inputs of component name field as a heat exchanger in "
    5204             :                                                           "AIRFLOWNETWORK:DISTRIBUTION:LINKAGE is not correct");
    5205           0 :                     ShowContinueError(m_state,
    5206           0 :                                       "The entered name of heat exchanger is " + DisSysCompHXData(i).name +
    5207             :                                           " in AirflowNetwork:Distribution:Component:HeatExchanger objects");
    5208           0 :                     ShowContinueError(m_state, format("The correct appearance number is 1. The entered appearance number is {}", count));
    5209           0 :                     ErrorsFound = true;
    5210             :                 }
    5211             :             }
    5212             :         }
    5213             : 
    5214             :         // Check node assignments using AirflowNetwork:Distribution:Component:OutdoorAirFlow or
    5215             :         // AirflowNetwork:Distribution:Component:ReliefAirFlow
    5216         735 :         for (count = AirflowNetworkNumOfSurfaces + 1; count <= AirflowNetworkNumOfLinks; ++count) {
    5217         701 :             int i = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).CompNum;
    5218         701 :             j = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).NodeNums[0];
    5219         701 :             k = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(count).NodeNums[1];
    5220             : 
    5221         701 :             if (AirflowNetworkCompData(i).CompTypeNum == iComponentTypeNum::OAF) {
    5222           2 :                 if (!UtilityRoutines::SameString(DisSysNodeData(j - NumOfNodesMultiZone).EPlusType, "OAMixerOutdoorAirStreamNode")) {
    5223           0 :                     ShowSevereError(m_state,
    5224           0 :                                     format(RoutineName) +
    5225             :                                         "AirflowNetwork:Distribution:Linkage: When the component type is "
    5226           0 :                                         "AirflowNetwork:Distribution:Component:OutdoorAirFlow at " +
    5227           0 :                                         AirflowNetworkNodeData(j).Name + ",");
    5228           0 :                     ShowContinueError(
    5229           0 :                         m_state, "the component type in the first node should be OAMixerOutdoorAirStreamNode at " + AirflowNetworkNodeData(j).Name);
    5230           0 :                     ErrorsFound = true;
    5231             :                 }
    5232           2 :                 if (!UtilityRoutines::SameString(DisSysNodeData(k - NumOfNodesMultiZone).EPlusType, "AirLoopHVAC:OutdoorAirSystem")) {
    5233           0 :                     ShowSevereError(m_state,
    5234           0 :                                     format(RoutineName) +
    5235             :                                         "AirflowNetwork:Distribution:Linkage: When the component type is "
    5236           0 :                                         "AirflowNetwork:Distribution:Component:OutdoorAirFlow at " +
    5237           0 :                                         AirflowNetworkNodeData(k).Name + ",");
    5238           0 :                     ShowContinueError(m_state,
    5239           0 :                                       "the component object type in the second node should be AirLoopHVAC:OutdoorAirSystem at " +
    5240           0 :                                           AirflowNetworkNodeData(k).Name);
    5241           0 :                     ErrorsFound = true;
    5242             :                 }
    5243             :             }
    5244             : 
    5245         701 :             if (AirflowNetworkCompData(i).CompTypeNum == iComponentTypeNum::REL) {
    5246           2 :                 if (!UtilityRoutines::SameString(DisSysNodeData(j - NumOfNodesMultiZone).EPlusType, "AirLoopHVAC:OutdoorAirSystem")) {
    5247           0 :                     ShowSevereError(m_state,
    5248           0 :                                     format(RoutineName) +
    5249             :                                         "AirflowNetwork:Distribution:Linkage: When the component type is "
    5250           0 :                                         "AirflowNetwork:Distribution:Component:OutdoorAirFlow at " +
    5251           0 :                                         AirflowNetworkNodeData(j).Name + ",");
    5252           0 :                     ShowContinueError(m_state,
    5253           0 :                                       "the component object type in the first node should be AirLoopHVAC:OutdoorAirSystem at " +
    5254           0 :                                           AirflowNetworkNodeData(j).Name);
    5255           0 :                     ErrorsFound = true;
    5256             :                 }
    5257           2 :                 if (!UtilityRoutines::SameString(DisSysNodeData(k - NumOfNodesMultiZone).EPlusType, "OAMixerOutdoorAirStreamNode")) {
    5258           0 :                     ShowSevereError(m_state,
    5259           0 :                                     format(RoutineName) +
    5260             :                                         "AirflowNetwork:Distribution:Linkage: When the component type is "
    5261           0 :                                         "AirflowNetwork:Distribution:Component:OutdoorAirFlow at " +
    5262           0 :                                         AirflowNetworkNodeData(k).Name + ",");
    5263           0 :                     ShowContinueError(
    5264           0 :                         m_state, "the component type in the second node should be OAMixerOutdoorAirStreamNode at " + AirflowNetworkNodeData(k).Name);
    5265           0 :                     ErrorsFound = true;
    5266             :                 }
    5267             :             }
    5268             :         }
    5269             : 
    5270          34 :         if (ErrorsFound) {
    5271           0 :             ShowFatalError(m_state, format("{}Errors found getting inputs. Previous error(s) cause program termination.", RoutineName));
    5272             :         }
    5273             : 
    5274          34 :         Alphas.deallocate();
    5275          34 :         cAlphaFields.deallocate();
    5276          34 :         cNumericFields.deallocate();
    5277          34 :         Numbers.deallocate();
    5278          34 :         lAlphaBlanks.deallocate();
    5279          34 :         lNumericBlanks.deallocate();
    5280             : 
    5281          34 :         if (!ErrorsFound) {
    5282          34 :             allocate_and_initialize();
    5283             :         }
    5284             :     }
    5285             : 
    5286      656873 :     void Solver::initialize()
    5287             :     {
    5288             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    5289             :         //       AUTHOR         Lixing Gu
    5290             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   Aug. 2003
    5291             :         //       MODIFIED       na
    5292             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
    5293             : 
    5294             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    5295             :         // This subroutine initializes variables of additional zone loads caused by ADS.
    5296             : 
    5297             :         // USE STATEMENTS:
    5298      656873 :         auto &TimeStepSys = m_state.dataHVACGlobal->TimeStepSys;
    5299             : 
    5300             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
    5301             :         int i;
    5302             :         int j;
    5303             :         int ZoneNum;
    5304      656873 :         auto &Zone(m_state.dataHeatBal->Zone);
    5305             : 
    5306      656873 :         if (initializeOneTimeFlag) {
    5307          34 :             exchangeData.allocate(m_state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones); // AirflowNetwork exchange data due to air-forced system
    5308          49 :             for (i = 1; i <= DisSysNumOfCVFs; i++) {
    5309          24 :                 if (DisSysCompCVFData(i).FanTypeNum == AirflowNetwork::FanType_SimpleOnOff) {
    5310           9 :                     multiExchangeData.allocate(m_state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones);
    5311           9 :                     break;
    5312             :                 }
    5313             :             }
    5314             : 
    5315          34 :             initializeOneTimeFlag = false;
    5316          34 :             if (m_state.dataContaminantBalance->Contaminant.CO2Simulation) {
    5317           5 :                 for (i = 1; i <= m_state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++i) {
    5318          16 :                     SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    5319             :                                         "AFN Zone Outdoor Air Mass Flow Rate",
    5320             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::kg_s,
    5321           4 :                                         exchangeData(i).SumMHr,
    5322             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    5323             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5324           8 :                                         Zone(i).Name);
    5325          16 :                     SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    5326             :                                         "AFN Zone Mixing Mass Flow Rate",
    5327             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::kg_s,
    5328           4 :                                         exchangeData(i).SumMMHr,
    5329             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    5330             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5331           8 :                                         Zone(i).Name);
    5332          16 :                     SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    5333             :                                         "AFN Zone Outdoor Air CO2 Mass Flow Rate",
    5334             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::kg_s,
    5335           4 :                                         exchangeData(i).SumMHrCO,
    5336             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    5337             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5338           8 :                                         Zone(i).Name);
    5339          16 :                     SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    5340             :                                         "AFN Zone Mixing CO2 Mass Flow Rate",
    5341             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::kg_s,
    5342           4 :                                         exchangeData(i).SumMMHrCO,
    5343             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    5344             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5345           8 :                                         Zone(i).Name);
    5346          16 :                     SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    5347             :                                         "AFN Zone Total CO2 Mass Flow Rate",
    5348             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::kg_s,
    5349           4 :                                         exchangeData(i).TotalCO2,
    5350             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    5351             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5352           8 :                                         Zone(i).Name);
    5353             :                 }
    5354             :             }
    5355          34 :             if (m_state.dataContaminantBalance->Contaminant.GenericContamSimulation) {
    5356           5 :                 for (i = 1; i <= m_state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++i) {
    5357           4 :                     if (!m_state.dataContaminantBalance->Contaminant.CO2Simulation) {
    5358          16 :                         SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    5359             :                                             "AFN Zone Outdoor Air Mass Flow Rate",
    5360             :                                             OutputProcessor::Unit::kg_s,
    5361           4 :                                             exchangeData(i).SumMHr,
    5362             :                                             OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    5363             :                                             OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5364           8 :                                             Zone(i).Name);
    5365          16 :                         SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    5366             :                                             "AFN Zone Mixing Mass Flow Rate",
    5367             :                                             OutputProcessor::Unit::kg_s,
    5368           4 :                                             exchangeData(i).SumMMHr,
    5369             :                                             OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    5370             :                                             OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5371           8 :                                             Zone(i).Name);
    5372             :                     }
    5373          16 :                     SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    5374             :                                         "AFN Zone Outdoor Air Generic Air Contaminant Mass Flow Rate",
    5375             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::kg_s,
    5376           4 :                                         exchangeData(i).SumMHrGC,
    5377             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    5378             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5379           8 :                                         Zone(i).Name);
    5380          16 :                     SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    5381             :                                         "AFN Zone Mixing Generic Air Contaminant Mass Flow Rate",
    5382             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::kg_s,
    5383           4 :                                         exchangeData(i).SumMMHrGC,
    5384             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    5385             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5386           8 :                                         Zone(i).Name);
    5387          16 :                     SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    5388             :                                         "AFN Zone Total Generic Air Contaminant Mass Flow Rate",
    5389             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::kg_s,
    5390           4 :                                         exchangeData(i).TotalGC,
    5391             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    5392             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5393           8 :                                         Zone(i).Name);
    5394             :                 }
    5395             :             }
    5396             :         }
    5397             : 
    5398      656873 :         if (m_state.dataGlobal->BeginEnvrnFlag && initializeMyEnvrnFlag) {
    5399             :             // Assign node values
    5400        5447 :             for (i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes; ++i) {
    5401        5235 :                 AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(i).TZ = 23.0;
    5402        5235 :                 AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(i).WZ = 0.00084;
    5403        5235 :                 AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(i).PZ = 0.0;
    5404        5235 :                 AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(i).TZlast = AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(i).TZ;
    5405        5235 :                 AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(i).WZlast = AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(i).WZ;
    5406        5235 :                 if (m_state.dataContaminantBalance->Contaminant.CO2Simulation) {
    5407         222 :                     AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(i).CO2Z = m_state.dataContaminantBalance->OutdoorCO2;
    5408         222 :                     AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(i).CO2Zlast = AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(i).CO2Z;
    5409             :                 }
    5410        5235 :                 if (m_state.dataContaminantBalance->Contaminant.GenericContamSimulation) {
    5411         222 :                     AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(i).GCZ = m_state.dataContaminantBalance->OutdoorGC;
    5412         222 :                     AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(i).GCZlast = AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(i).GCZ;
    5413             :                 }
    5414        5235 :                 if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).RAFNNodeNum > 0) {
    5415          54 :                     ZoneNum = AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).EPlusZoneNum;
    5416          54 :                     m_state.dataRoomAirMod->RoomAirflowNetworkZoneInfo(ZoneNum).Node(AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).RAFNNodeNum).AirTemp = 23.0;
    5417          54 :                     m_state.dataRoomAirMod->RoomAirflowNetworkZoneInfo(ZoneNum).Node(AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).RAFNNodeNum).HumRat = 0.0;
    5418             :                 }
    5419             :             }
    5420             : 
    5421        7713 :             for (i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfLinks; ++i) {
    5422        7501 :                 AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW = 0.0;
    5423        7501 :                 AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2 = 0.0;
    5424             :             }
    5425             : 
    5426         915 :             for (i = 1; i <= m_state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++i) {
    5427         703 :                 ANZT(i) = m_state.dataZoneTempPredictorCorrector->zoneHeatBalance(i).MAT;
    5428         703 :                 ANZW(i) = m_state.dataZoneTempPredictorCorrector->zoneHeatBalance(i).ZoneAirHumRat;
    5429         703 :                 if (m_state.dataContaminantBalance->Contaminant.CO2Simulation) {
    5430          24 :                     ANCO(i) = m_state.dataContaminantBalance->ZoneAirCO2(i);
    5431             :                 }
    5432         703 :                 if (m_state.dataContaminantBalance->Contaminant.GenericContamSimulation) {
    5433          24 :                     ANGC(i) = m_state.dataContaminantBalance->ZoneAirGC(i);
    5434             :                 }
    5435             :             }
    5436         212 :             if (AirflowNetworkNumOfOccuVentCtrls > 0) {
    5437          70 :                 for (i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfSurfaces; ++i) {
    5438          65 :                     if (MultizoneSurfaceData(i).OccupantVentilationControlNum > 0) {
    5439          10 :                         MultizoneSurfaceData(i).PrevOpeningstatus = AirflowNetwork::OpenStatus::FreeOperation;
    5440          10 :                         MultizoneSurfaceData(i).CloseElapsedTime = 0.0;
    5441          10 :                         MultizoneSurfaceData(i).OpenElapsedTime = 0.0;
    5442          10 :                         MultizoneSurfaceData(i).OpeningStatus = AirflowNetwork::OpenStatus::FreeOperation;
    5443          10 :                         MultizoneSurfaceData(i).OpeningProbStatus = AirflowNetwork::ProbabilityCheck::NoAction;
    5444          10 :                         MultizoneSurfaceData(i).ClosingProbStatus = 0;
    5445             :                     }
    5446             :                 }
    5447             :             }
    5448             : 
    5449         212 :             initializeMyEnvrnFlag = false;
    5450             :         }
    5451      656873 :         if (!m_state.dataGlobal->BeginEnvrnFlag) {
    5452      654645 :             initializeMyEnvrnFlag = true;
    5453      654645 :             if (simulation_control.type != ControlType::NoMultizoneOrDistribution) {
    5454      654645 :                 if (RollBackFlag) {
    5455           0 :                     for (i = 1; i <= m_state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++i) {
    5456           0 :                         ANZT(i) = m_state.dataZoneTempPredictorCorrector->zoneHeatBalance(i).XMAT[0];
    5457           0 :                         ANZW(i) = m_state.dataZoneTempPredictorCorrector->zoneHeatBalance(i).WPrevZoneTS[0];
    5458           0 :                         if (m_state.dataContaminantBalance->Contaminant.CO2Simulation) ANCO(i) = m_state.dataContaminantBalance->CO2ZoneTimeMinus1(i);
    5459           0 :                         if (m_state.dataContaminantBalance->Contaminant.GenericContamSimulation)
    5460           0 :                             ANGC(i) = m_state.dataContaminantBalance->GCZoneTimeMinus1(i);
    5461             :                     }
    5462             :                 } else {
    5463     2606239 :                     for (i = 1; i <= m_state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++i) {
    5464     1951594 :                         ANZT(i) = m_state.dataZoneTempPredictorCorrector->zoneHeatBalance(i).MAT;
    5465     1951594 :                         ANZW(i) = m_state.dataZoneTempPredictorCorrector->zoneHeatBalance(i).ZoneAirHumRat;
    5466     1951594 :                         if (m_state.dataContaminantBalance->Contaminant.CO2Simulation) ANCO(i) = m_state.dataContaminantBalance->ZoneAirCO2(i);
    5467     1951594 :                         if (m_state.dataContaminantBalance->Contaminant.GenericContamSimulation)
    5468       36048 :                             ANGC(i) = m_state.dataContaminantBalance->ZoneAirGC(i);
    5469             :                     }
    5470             :                 }
    5471             : 
    5472    18461897 :                 for (i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes; ++i) {
    5473    17807252 :                     if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).EPlusZoneNum > 0) {
    5474     2029039 :                         AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(i).TZ = ANZT(AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).EPlusZoneNum);
    5475     2029039 :                         AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(i).WZ = ANZW(AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).EPlusZoneNum);
    5476     2029039 :                         if (m_state.dataContaminantBalance->Contaminant.CO2Simulation)
    5477       45744 :                             AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(i).CO2Z = ANCO(AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).EPlusZoneNum);
    5478     2029039 :                         if (m_state.dataContaminantBalance->Contaminant.GenericContamSimulation)
    5479       36048 :                             AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(i).GCZ = ANGC(AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).EPlusZoneNum);
    5480             :                     }
    5481    17807252 :                     if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).ExtNodeNum > 0) {
    5482     5098341 :                         if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).OutAirNodeNum > 0 &&
    5483       16958 :                             m_state.dataLoopNodes->Node(AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).OutAirNodeNum).IsLocalNode) {
    5484       16958 :                             AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(i).TZ = m_state.dataLoopNodes->Node(AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).OutAirNodeNum).OutAirDryBulb;
    5485       16958 :                             AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(i).WZ = m_state.dataLoopNodes->Node(AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).OutAirNodeNum).HumRat;
    5486             :                         } else {
    5487     5064425 :                             AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(i).TZ = AirflowNetwork::OutDryBulbTempAt(m_state, AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).NodeHeight);
    5488     5064425 :                             AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(i).WZ = m_state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat;
    5489             :                         }
    5490             : 
    5491     5081383 :                         if (m_state.dataContaminantBalance->Contaminant.CO2Simulation)
    5492       68616 :                             AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(i).CO2Z = m_state.dataContaminantBalance->OutdoorCO2;
    5493     5081383 :                         if (m_state.dataContaminantBalance->Contaminant.GenericContamSimulation)
    5494       54072 :                             AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(i).GCZ = m_state.dataContaminantBalance->OutdoorGC;
    5495             :                     }
    5496             : 
    5497    17807252 :                     if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).RAFNNodeNum > 0) {
    5498       92934 :                         ZoneNum = AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).EPlusZoneNum;
    5499      185868 :                         if (m_state.dataRoomAirMod->RoomAirflowNetworkZoneInfo(ZoneNum)
    5500       92934 :                                 .Node(AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).RAFNNodeNum)
    5501       92934 :                                 .AirflowNetworkNodeID == i) {
    5502       92934 :                             AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(i).TZ =
    5503       92934 :                                 m_state.dataRoomAirMod->RoomAirflowNetworkZoneInfo(ZoneNum).Node(AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).RAFNNodeNum).AirTemp;
    5504       92934 :                             AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(i).WZ =
    5505       92934 :                                 m_state.dataRoomAirMod->RoomAirflowNetworkZoneInfo(ZoneNum).Node(AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).RAFNNodeNum).HumRat;
    5506             :                         }
    5507             :                     }
    5508             :                 }
    5509             :             }
    5510             :         }
    5511             : 
    5512     2615440 :         for (auto &e : exchangeData) {
    5513     1958567 :             e.TotalSen = 0.0;
    5514     1958567 :             e.TotalLat = 0.0;
    5515     1958567 :             e.MultiZoneSen = 0.0;
    5516     1958567 :             e.MultiZoneLat = 0.0;
    5517     1958567 :             e.LeakSen = 0.0;
    5518     1958567 :             e.LeakLat = 0.0;
    5519     1958567 :             e.CondSen = 0.0;
    5520     1958567 :             e.DiffLat = 0.0;
    5521     1958567 :             e.RadGain = 0.0;
    5522             :         }
    5523      656873 :         if (m_state.dataContaminantBalance->Contaminant.CO2Simulation)
    5524       57420 :             for (auto &e : exchangeData)
    5525       45936 :                 e.TotalCO2 = 0.0;
    5526      656873 :         if (m_state.dataContaminantBalance->Contaminant.GenericContamSimulation)
    5527       45300 :             for (auto &e : exchangeData)
    5528       36240 :                 e.TotalGC = 0.0;
    5529             : 
    5530             :         // Occupant ventilation control
    5531      656873 :         Real64 CurrentEndTime = m_state.dataGlobal->CurrentTime + m_state.dataHVACGlobal->SysTimeElapsed;
    5532      656873 :         if (CurrentEndTime > CurrentEndTimeLast && TimeStepSys >= TimeStepSysLast) {
    5533     2202914 :             for (i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfSurfaces; ++i) {
    5534     2065591 :                 if (i > AirflowNetworkNumOfSurfaces - NumOfLinksIntraZone) continue;
    5535     2015772 :                 if (MultizoneSurfaceData(i).OccupantVentilationControlNum > 0) {
    5536        5192 :                     MultizoneSurfaceData(i).PrevOpeningstatus = MultizoneSurfaceData(i).OpeningStatus;
    5537        5192 :                     MultizoneSurfaceData(i).OpenFactorLast = MultizoneSurfaceData(i).OpenFactor;
    5538        5192 :                     if (MultizoneSurfaceData(i).OpenFactor > 0.0) {
    5539        1832 :                         MultizoneSurfaceData(i).OpenElapsedTime += (CurrentEndTime - CurrentEndTimeLast) * 60.0;
    5540        1832 :                         MultizoneSurfaceData(i).CloseElapsedTime = 0.0;
    5541             :                     } else {
    5542        3360 :                         MultizoneSurfaceData(i).OpenElapsedTime = 0.0;
    5543        3360 :                         MultizoneSurfaceData(i).CloseElapsedTime += (CurrentEndTime - CurrentEndTimeLast) * 60.0;
    5544             :                     }
    5545        5192 :                     j = MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum;
    5546        5192 :                     OccupantVentilationControl(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).OccupantVentilationControlNum)
    5547       31152 :                         .calc(m_state,
    5548        5192 :                               m_state.dataSurface->Surface(j).Zone,
    5549        5192 :                               MultizoneSurfaceData(i).OpenElapsedTime,
    5550        5192 :                               MultizoneSurfaceData(i).CloseElapsedTime,
    5551        5192 :                               MultizoneSurfaceData(i).OpeningStatus,
    5552        5192 :                               MultizoneSurfaceData(i).OpeningProbStatus,
    5553        5192 :                               MultizoneSurfaceData(i).ClosingProbStatus);
    5554        5192 :                     if (MultizoneSurfaceData(i).OpeningStatus == AirflowNetwork::OpenStatus::MinCheckForceOpen) {
    5555         210 :                         MultizoneSurfaceData(i).OpenFactor = MultizoneSurfaceData(i).OpenFactorLast;
    5556             :                     }
    5557        5192 :                     if (MultizoneSurfaceData(i).OpeningStatus == AirflowNetwork::OpenStatus::MinCheckForceClose) {
    5558         236 :                         MultizoneSurfaceData(i).OpenFactor = 0.0;
    5559             :                     }
    5560             :                 }
    5561             :             }
    5562             :         }
    5563      656873 :         TimeStepSysLast = TimeStepSys;
    5564      656873 :         CurrentEndTimeLast = CurrentEndTime;
    5565      656873 :     }
    5566             : 
    5567          34 :     void Solver::allocate_and_initialize()
    5568             :     {
    5569             : 
    5570             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    5571             :         //       AUTHOR         Lixing Gu
    5572             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   Aug. 2003
    5573             :         //       MODIFIED       na
    5574             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
    5575             : 
    5576             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    5577             :         // This subroutine initializes variables and allocates dynamic arrays.
    5578             : 
    5579             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
    5580             :         int i;
    5581             :         int ZoneNum;
    5582             :         int n;
    5583             :         int SurfNum;
    5584          34 :         auto &Zone(m_state.dataHeatBal->Zone);
    5585             : 
    5586          34 :         AirflowNetworkNodeSimu.allocate(AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes); // Node simulation variable in air distribution system
    5587          34 :         AirflowNetworkLinkSimu.allocate(AirflowNetworkNumOfLinks); // Link simulation variable in air distribution system
    5588          34 :         linkReport.allocate(AirflowNetworkNumOfLinks);             // Report link simulation variable in air distribution system
    5589             : 
    5590          49 :         for (i = 1; i <= DisSysNumOfCVFs; i++) {
    5591          24 :             if (DisSysCompCVFData(i).FanTypeNum == FanType_SimpleOnOff) {
    5592           9 :                 nodeReport.allocate(AirflowNetworkNumOfZones);
    5593           9 :                 linkReport1.allocate(AirflowNetworkNumOfSurfaces);
    5594           9 :                 break;
    5595             :             }
    5596             :         }
    5597             : 
    5598          34 :         MA.allocate(AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes);
    5599          34 :         MV.allocate(AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes);
    5600          34 :         IVEC.allocate(AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + 20);
    5601             : 
    5602          34 :         AirflowNetworkReportData.allocate(m_state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones); // Report variables
    5603          34 :         AirflowNetworkZnRpt.allocate(m_state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones);      // Report variables
    5604             : 
    5605          34 :         ANZT.allocate(m_state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones); // Local zone air temperature for rollback use
    5606          34 :         ANZW.allocate(m_state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones); // Local zone humidity ratio for rollback use
    5607          34 :         if (m_state.dataContaminantBalance->Contaminant.CO2Simulation)
    5608           1 :             ANCO.allocate(m_state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones); // Local zone CO2 for rollback use
    5609          34 :         if (m_state.dataContaminantBalance->Contaminant.GenericContamSimulation)
    5610           1 :             ANGC.allocate(m_state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones); // Local zone generic contaminant for rollback use
    5611          34 :         allocate();
    5612             : 
    5613          34 :         bool OnOffFanFlag = false;
    5614          58 :         for (i = 1; i <= DisSysNumOfCVFs; i++) {
    5615          24 :             if (DisSysCompCVFData(i).FanTypeNum == FanType_SimpleOnOff) {
    5616           9 :                 OnOffFanFlag = true;
    5617             :             }
    5618             :         }
    5619             : 
    5620             :         // CurrentModuleObject='AirflowNetwork Simulations'
    5621         860 :         for (i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes; ++i) {
    5622        3304 :             SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    5623             :                                 "AFN Node Temperature",
    5624             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::C,
    5625         826 :                                 AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(i).TZ,
    5626             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    5627             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5628        1652 :                                 AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).Name);
    5629        3304 :             SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    5630             :                                 "AFN Node Humidity Ratio",
    5631             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::kgWater_kgDryAir,
    5632         826 :                                 AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(i).WZ,
    5633             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    5634             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5635        1652 :                                 AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).Name);
    5636         826 :             if (m_state.dataContaminantBalance->Contaminant.CO2Simulation) {
    5637         148 :                 SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    5638             :                                     "AFN Node CO2 Concentration",
    5639             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::ppm,
    5640          37 :                                     AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(i).CO2Z,
    5641             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    5642             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5643          74 :                                     AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).Name);
    5644             :             }
    5645         826 :             if (m_state.dataContaminantBalance->Contaminant.GenericContamSimulation) {
    5646         148 :                 SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    5647             :                                     "AFN Node Generic Air Contaminant Concentration",
    5648             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::ppm,
    5649          37 :                                     AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(i).GCZ,
    5650             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    5651             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5652          74 :                                     AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).Name);
    5653             :             }
    5654         826 :             if (!(SupplyFanType == FanType_SimpleOnOff && i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfZones)) {
    5655        3196 :                 SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    5656             :                                     "AFN Node Total Pressure",
    5657             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::Pa,
    5658         799 :                                     AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(i).PZ,
    5659             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    5660             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5661        1598 :                                     AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).Name);
    5662             :             }
    5663         826 :             if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).ExtNodeNum > 0) {
    5664         780 :                 SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    5665             :                                     "AFN Node Wind Pressure",
    5666             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::Pa,
    5667         195 :                                     AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(i).PZ,
    5668             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    5669             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5670         390 :                                     AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).Name);
    5671             :             }
    5672             :         }
    5673             : 
    5674        1215 :         for (i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfLinks; ++i) {
    5675        1181 :             if (!(SupplyFanType == FanType_SimpleOnOff && i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfSurfaces)) {
    5676        4384 :                 SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    5677             :                                     "AFN Linkage Node 1 to Node 2 Mass Flow Rate",
    5678             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::kg_s,
    5679        1096 :                                     linkReport(i).FLOW,
    5680             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    5681             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5682        2192 :                                     AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).Name);
    5683        4384 :                 SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    5684             :                                     "AFN Linkage Node 2 to Node 1 Mass Flow Rate",
    5685             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::kg_s,
    5686        1096 :                                     linkReport(i).FLOW2,
    5687             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    5688             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5689        2192 :                                     AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).Name);
    5690        4384 :                 SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    5691             :                                     "AFN Linkage Node 1 to Node 2 Volume Flow Rate",
    5692             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::m3_s,
    5693        1096 :                                     linkReport(i).VolFLOW,
    5694             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    5695             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5696        2192 :                                     AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).Name);
    5697        4384 :                 SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    5698             :                                     "AFN Linkage Node 2 to Node 1 Volume Flow Rate",
    5699             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::m3_s,
    5700        1096 :                                     linkReport(i).VolFLOW2,
    5701             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    5702             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5703        2192 :                                     AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).Name);
    5704        4384 :                 SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    5705             :                                     "AFN Linkage Node 1 to Node 2 Pressure Difference",
    5706             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::Pa,
    5707        1096 :                                     AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).DP,
    5708             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    5709             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5710        2192 :                                     AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).Name);
    5711             :             }
    5712             :         }
    5713             : 
    5714         514 :         for (i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfSurfaces; ++i) {
    5715         480 :             if (AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).element == nullptr) {
    5716             :                 // This is not great
    5717           0 :                 continue;
    5718             :             }
    5719         480 :             n = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).CompNum;
    5720        1370 :             if (AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).element->type() == ComponentType::DOP ||
    5721         873 :                 AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).element->type() == ComponentType::SOP ||
    5722         393 :                 AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).element->type() == ComponentType::HOP) {
    5723          88 :                 SurfNum = MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum;
    5724         352 :                 SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    5725             :                                     "AFN Surface Venting Window or Door Opening Factor",
    5726             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::None,
    5727          88 :                                     MultizoneSurfaceData(i).OpenFactor,
    5728             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    5729             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5730         176 :                                     MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfName);
    5731          88 :                 if (m_state.dataGlobal->AnyEnergyManagementSystemInModel) {
    5732          40 :                     SetupEMSActuator(m_state,
    5733             :                                      "AirFlow Network Window/Door Opening",
    5734          10 :                                      MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfName,
    5735             :                                      "Venting Opening Factor",
    5736             :                                      "[Fraction]",
    5737          10 :                                      MultizoneSurfaceData(i).EMSOpenFactorActuated,
    5738          30 :                                      MultizoneSurfaceData(i).EMSOpenFactor);
    5739             :                 }
    5740         264 :                 SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    5741             :                                     "AFN Surface Venting Window or Door Opening Modulation Multiplier",
    5742             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::None,
    5743          88 :                                     m_state.dataSurface->SurfWinVentingOpenFactorMultRep(SurfNum),
    5744             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    5745             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5746         176 :                                     m_state.dataSurface->Surface(SurfNum).Name);
    5747         264 :                 SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    5748             :                                     "AFN Surface Venting Inside Setpoint Temperature",
    5749             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::C,
    5750          88 :                                     m_state.dataSurface->SurfWinInsideTempForVentingRep(SurfNum),
    5751             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    5752             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5753         176 :                                     m_state.dataSurface->Surface(SurfNum).Name);
    5754         264 :                 SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    5755             :                                     "AFN Surface Venting Availability Status",
    5756             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::None,
    5757          88 :                                     m_state.dataSurface->SurfWinVentingAvailabilityRep(SurfNum),
    5758             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    5759             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5760         176 :                                     m_state.dataSurface->Surface(SurfNum).Name);
    5761          88 :                 if (MultizoneSurfaceData(i).OccupantVentilationControlNum > 0) {
    5762           8 :                     SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    5763             :                                         "AFN Surface Venting Window or Door Opening Factor at Previous Time Step",
    5764             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::None,
    5765           2 :                                         MultizoneSurfaceData(i).OpenFactorLast,
    5766             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    5767             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5768           4 :                                         MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfName);
    5769           8 :                     SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    5770             :                                         "AFN Surface Opening Elapsed Time",
    5771             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::min,
    5772           2 :                                         MultizoneSurfaceData(i).OpenElapsedTime,
    5773             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    5774             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5775           4 :                                         MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfName);
    5776           8 :                     SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    5777             :                                         "AFN Surface Closing Elapsed Time",
    5778             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::min,
    5779           2 :                                         MultizoneSurfaceData(i).CloseElapsedTime,
    5780             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    5781             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5782           4 :                                         MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfName);
    5783           8 :                     SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    5784             :                                         "AFN Surface Opening Status at Previous Time Step",
    5785             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::None,
    5786           2 :                                         MultizoneSurfaceData(i).PrevOpeningstatus,
    5787             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    5788             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5789           4 :                                         MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfName);
    5790           8 :                     SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    5791             :                                         "AFN Surface Opening Status",
    5792             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::None,
    5793           2 :                                         MultizoneSurfaceData(i).OpeningStatus,
    5794             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    5795             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5796           4 :                                         MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfName);
    5797           8 :                     SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    5798             :                                         "AFN Surface Opening Probability Status",
    5799             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::None,
    5800           2 :                                         MultizoneSurfaceData(i).OpeningProbStatus,
    5801             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    5802             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5803           4 :                                         MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfName);
    5804           8 :                     SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    5805             :                                         "AFN Surface Closing Probability Status",
    5806             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::None,
    5807           2 :                                         MultizoneSurfaceData(i).ClosingProbStatus,
    5808             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    5809             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5810           4 :                                         MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfName);
    5811             :                 }
    5812             :             }
    5813             :         }
    5814             : 
    5815         146 :         for (i = 1; i <= m_state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++i) {
    5816             :             // Multizone losses due to force air systems
    5817         448 :             SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    5818             :                                 "AFN Zone Infiltration Sensible Heat Gain Rate",
    5819             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    5820         112 :                                 AirflowNetworkReportData(i).MultiZoneInfiSenGainW,
    5821             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    5822             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5823         224 :                                 Zone(i).Name);
    5824         448 :             SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    5825             :                                 "AFN Zone Infiltration Sensible Heat Gain Energy",
    5826             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    5827         112 :                                 AirflowNetworkReportData(i).MultiZoneInfiSenGainJ,
    5828             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    5829             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    5830         224 :                                 Zone(i).Name);
    5831         448 :             SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    5832             :                                 "AFN Zone Ventilation Sensible Heat Gain Rate",
    5833             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    5834         112 :                                 AirflowNetworkReportData(i).MultiZoneVentSenGainW,
    5835             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    5836             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5837         224 :                                 Zone(i).Name);
    5838         448 :             SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    5839             :                                 "AFN Zone Ventilation Sensible Heat Gain Energy",
    5840             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    5841         112 :                                 AirflowNetworkReportData(i).MultiZoneVentSenGainJ,
    5842             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    5843             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    5844         224 :                                 Zone(i).Name);
    5845         448 :             SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    5846             :                                 "AFN Zone Mixing Sensible Heat Gain Rate",
    5847             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    5848         112 :                                 AirflowNetworkReportData(i).MultiZoneMixSenGainW,
    5849             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    5850             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5851         224 :                                 Zone(i).Name);
    5852         448 :             SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    5853             :                                 "AFN Zone Mixing Sensible Heat Gain Energy",
    5854             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    5855         112 :                                 AirflowNetworkReportData(i).MultiZoneMixSenGainJ,
    5856             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    5857             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    5858         224 :                                 Zone(i).Name);
    5859         448 :             SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    5860             :                                 "AFN Zone Infiltration Sensible Heat Loss Rate",
    5861             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    5862         112 :                                 AirflowNetworkReportData(i).MultiZoneInfiSenLossW,
    5863             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    5864             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5865         224 :                                 Zone(i).Name);
    5866         448 :             SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    5867             :                                 "AFN Zone Infiltration Sensible Heat Loss Energy",
    5868             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    5869         112 :                                 AirflowNetworkReportData(i).MultiZoneInfiSenLossJ,
    5870             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    5871             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    5872         224 :                                 Zone(i).Name);
    5873         448 :             SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    5874             :                                 "AFN Zone Ventilation Sensible Heat Loss Rate",
    5875             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    5876         112 :                                 AirflowNetworkReportData(i).MultiZoneVentSenLossW,
    5877             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    5878             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5879         224 :                                 Zone(i).Name);
    5880         448 :             SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    5881             :                                 "AFN Zone Ventilation Sensible Heat Loss Energy",
    5882             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    5883         112 :                                 AirflowNetworkReportData(i).MultiZoneVentSenLossJ,
    5884             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    5885             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    5886         224 :                                 Zone(i).Name);
    5887         448 :             SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    5888             :                                 "AFN Zone Mixing Sensible Heat Loss Rate",
    5889             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    5890         112 :                                 AirflowNetworkReportData(i).MultiZoneMixSenLossW,
    5891             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    5892             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5893         224 :                                 Zone(i).Name);
    5894         448 :             SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    5895             :                                 "AFN Zone Mixing Sensible Heat Loss Energy",
    5896             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    5897         112 :                                 AirflowNetworkReportData(i).MultiZoneMixSenLossJ,
    5898             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    5899             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    5900         224 :                                 Zone(i).Name);
    5901         448 :             SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    5902             :                                 "AFN Zone Infiltration Latent Heat Gain Rate",
    5903             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    5904         112 :                                 AirflowNetworkReportData(i).MultiZoneInfiLatGainW,
    5905             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    5906             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5907         224 :                                 Zone(i).Name);
    5908         448 :             SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    5909             :                                 "AFN Zone Infiltration Latent Heat Gain Energy",
    5910             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    5911         112 :                                 AirflowNetworkReportData(i).MultiZoneInfiLatGainJ,
    5912             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    5913             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    5914         224 :                                 Zone(i).Name);
    5915         448 :             SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    5916             :                                 "AFN Zone Infiltration Latent Heat Loss Rate",
    5917             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    5918         112 :                                 AirflowNetworkReportData(i).MultiZoneInfiLatLossW,
    5919             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    5920             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5921         224 :                                 Zone(i).Name);
    5922         448 :             SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    5923             :                                 "AFN Zone Infiltration Latent Heat Loss Energy",
    5924             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    5925         112 :                                 AirflowNetworkReportData(i).MultiZoneInfiLatLossJ,
    5926             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    5927             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    5928         224 :                                 Zone(i).Name);
    5929         448 :             SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    5930             :                                 "AFN Zone Ventilation Latent Heat Gain Rate",
    5931             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    5932         112 :                                 AirflowNetworkReportData(i).MultiZoneVentLatGainW,
    5933             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    5934             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5935         224 :                                 Zone(i).Name);
    5936         448 :             SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    5937             :                                 "AFN Zone Ventilation Latent Heat Gain Energy",
    5938             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    5939         112 :                                 AirflowNetworkReportData(i).MultiZoneVentLatGainJ,
    5940             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    5941             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    5942         224 :                                 Zone(i).Name);
    5943         448 :             SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    5944             :                                 "AFN Zone Ventilation Latent Heat Loss Rate",
    5945             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    5946         112 :                                 AirflowNetworkReportData(i).MultiZoneVentLatLossW,
    5947             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    5948             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5949         224 :                                 Zone(i).Name);
    5950         448 :             SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    5951             :                                 "AFN Zone Ventilation Latent Heat Loss Energy",
    5952             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    5953         112 :                                 AirflowNetworkReportData(i).MultiZoneVentLatLossJ,
    5954             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    5955             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    5956         224 :                                 Zone(i).Name);
    5957         448 :             SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    5958             :                                 "AFN Zone Mixing Latent Heat Gain Rate",
    5959             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    5960         112 :                                 AirflowNetworkReportData(i).MultiZoneMixLatGainW,
    5961             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    5962             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5963         224 :                                 Zone(i).Name);
    5964         448 :             SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    5965             :                                 "AFN Zone Mixing Latent Heat Gain Energy",
    5966             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    5967         112 :                                 AirflowNetworkReportData(i).MultiZoneMixLatGainJ,
    5968             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    5969             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    5970         224 :                                 Zone(i).Name);
    5971         448 :             SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    5972             :                                 "AFN Zone Mixing Latent Heat Loss Rate",
    5973             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    5974         112 :                                 AirflowNetworkReportData(i).MultiZoneMixLatLossW,
    5975             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    5976             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5977         224 :                                 Zone(i).Name);
    5978         448 :             SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    5979             :                                 "AFN Zone Mixing Latent Heat Loss Energy",
    5980             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    5981         112 :                                 AirflowNetworkReportData(i).MultiZoneInfiLatLossJ,
    5982             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    5983             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    5984         224 :                                 Zone(i).Name);
    5985             :             // Supply leak losses due to force air systems
    5986         448 :             SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    5987             :                                 "AFN Zone Duct Leaked Air Sensible Heat Gain Rate",
    5988             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    5989         112 :                                 AirflowNetworkReportData(i).LeakSenGainW,
    5990             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    5991             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5992         224 :                                 Zone(i).Name);
    5993         448 :             SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    5994             :                                 "AFN Zone Duct Leaked Air Sensible Heat Gain Energy",
    5995             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    5996         112 :                                 AirflowNetworkReportData(i).LeakSenGainJ,
    5997             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    5998             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    5999         224 :                                 Zone(i).Name);
    6000         448 :             SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    6001             :                                 "AFN Zone Duct Leaked Air Sensible Heat Loss Rate",
    6002             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    6003         112 :                                 AirflowNetworkReportData(i).LeakSenLossW,
    6004             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    6005             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    6006         224 :                                 Zone(i).Name);
    6007         448 :             SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    6008             :                                 "AFN Zone Duct Leaked Air Sensible Heat Loss Energy",
    6009             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    6010         112 :                                 AirflowNetworkReportData(i).LeakSenLossJ,
    6011             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    6012             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    6013         224 :                                 Zone(i).Name);
    6014         448 :             SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    6015             :                                 "AFN Zone Duct Leaked Air Latent Heat Gain Rate",
    6016             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    6017         112 :                                 AirflowNetworkReportData(i).LeakLatGainW,
    6018             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    6019             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    6020         224 :                                 Zone(i).Name);
    6021         448 :             SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    6022             :                                 "AFN Zone Duct Leaked Air Latent Heat Gain Energy",
    6023             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    6024         112 :                                 AirflowNetworkReportData(i).LeakLatGainJ,
    6025             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    6026             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    6027         224 :                                 Zone(i).Name);
    6028         448 :             SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    6029             :                                 "AFN Zone Duct Leaked Air Latent Heat Loss Rate",
    6030             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    6031         112 :                                 AirflowNetworkReportData(i).LeakLatLossW,
    6032             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    6033             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    6034         224 :                                 Zone(i).Name);
    6035         448 :             SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    6036             :                                 "AFN Zone Duct Leaked Air Latent Heat Loss Energy",
    6037             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    6038         112 :                                 AirflowNetworkReportData(i).LeakLatLossJ,
    6039             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    6040             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    6041         224 :                                 Zone(i).Name);
    6042             :             // Conduction losses due to force air systems
    6043         448 :             SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    6044             :                                 "AFN Zone Duct Conduction Sensible Heat Gain Rate",
    6045             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    6046         112 :                                 AirflowNetworkReportData(i).CondSenGainW,
    6047             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    6048             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    6049         224 :                                 Zone(i).Name);
    6050         448 :             SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    6051             :                                 "AFN Zone Duct Conduction Sensible Heat Gain Energy",
    6052             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    6053         112 :                                 AirflowNetworkReportData(i).CondSenGainJ,
    6054             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    6055             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    6056         224 :                                 Zone(i).Name);
    6057         448 :             SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    6058             :                                 "AFN Zone Duct Conduction Sensible Heat Loss Rate",
    6059             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    6060         112 :                                 AirflowNetworkReportData(i).CondSenLossW,
    6061             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    6062             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    6063         224 :                                 Zone(i).Name);
    6064         448 :             SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    6065             :                                 "AFN Zone Duct Conduction Sensible Heat Loss Energy",
    6066             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    6067         112 :                                 AirflowNetworkReportData(i).CondSenLossJ,
    6068             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    6069             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    6070         224 :                                 Zone(i).Name);
    6071         448 :             SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    6072             :                                 "AFN Zone Duct Diffusion Latent Heat Gain Rate",
    6073             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    6074         112 :                                 AirflowNetworkReportData(i).DiffLatGainW,
    6075             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    6076             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    6077         224 :                                 Zone(i).Name);
    6078         448 :             SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    6079             :                                 "AFN Zone Duct Diffusion Latent Heat Gain Energy",
    6080             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    6081         112 :                                 AirflowNetworkReportData(i).DiffLatGainJ,
    6082             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    6083             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    6084         224 :                                 Zone(i).Name);
    6085         448 :             SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    6086             :                                 "AFN Zone Duct Diffusion Latent Heat Loss Rate",
    6087             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    6088         112 :                                 AirflowNetworkReportData(i).DiffLatLossW,
    6089             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    6090             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    6091         224 :                                 Zone(i).Name);
    6092         448 :             SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    6093             :                                 "AFN Zone Duct Diffusion Latent Heat Loss Energy",
    6094             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    6095         112 :                                 AirflowNetworkReportData(i).DiffLatLossJ,
    6096             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    6097             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    6098         224 :                                 Zone(i).Name);
    6099             :             // Radiation losses due to forced air systems
    6100         448 :             SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    6101             :                                 "AFN Zone Duct Radiation Heat Gain Rate",
    6102             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    6103         112 :                                 AirflowNetworkReportData(i).RadGainW,
    6104             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    6105             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    6106         224 :                                 Zone(i).Name);
    6107         448 :             SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    6108             :                                 "AFN Zone Duct Radiation Sensible Heat Gain Energy",
    6109             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    6110         112 :                                 AirflowNetworkReportData(i).RadGainJ,
    6111             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    6112             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    6113         224 :                                 Zone(i).Name);
    6114         448 :             SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    6115             :                                 "AFN Zone Duct Radiation Heat Loss Rate",
    6116             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    6117         112 :                                 AirflowNetworkReportData(i).RadLossW,
    6118             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    6119             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    6120         224 :                                 Zone(i).Name);
    6121         448 :             SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    6122             :                                 "AFN Zone Duct Radiation Sensible Heat Loss Energy",
    6123             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    6124         112 :                                 AirflowNetworkReportData(i).RadLossJ,
    6125             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    6126             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    6127         224 :                                 Zone(i).Name);
    6128             :             // Total losses due to force air systems
    6129         448 :             SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    6130             :                                 "AFN Distribution Sensible Heat Gain Rate",
    6131             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    6132         112 :                                 AirflowNetworkReportData(i).TotalSenGainW,
    6133             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    6134             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    6135         224 :                                 Zone(i).Name);
    6136         448 :             SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    6137             :                                 "AFN Distribution Sensible Heat Gain Energy",
    6138             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    6139         112 :                                 AirflowNetworkReportData(i).TotalSenGainJ,
    6140             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    6141             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    6142         224 :                                 Zone(i).Name);
    6143         448 :             SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    6144             :                                 "AFN Distribution Sensible Heat Loss Rate",
    6145             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    6146         112 :                                 AirflowNetworkReportData(i).TotalSenLossW,
    6147             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    6148             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    6149         224 :                                 Zone(i).Name);
    6150         448 :             SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    6151             :                                 "AFN Distribution Sensible Heat Loss Energy",
    6152             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    6153         112 :                                 AirflowNetworkReportData(i).TotalSenLossJ,
    6154             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    6155             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    6156         224 :                                 Zone(i).Name);
    6157         448 :             SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    6158             :                                 "AFN Distribution Latent Heat Gain Rate",
    6159             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    6160         112 :                                 AirflowNetworkReportData(i).TotalLatGainW,
    6161             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    6162             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    6163         224 :                                 Zone(i).Name);
    6164         448 :             SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    6165             :                                 "AFN Distribution Latent Heat Gain Energy",
    6166             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    6167         112 :                                 AirflowNetworkReportData(i).TotalLatGainJ,
    6168             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    6169             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    6170         224 :                                 Zone(i).Name);
    6171         448 :             SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    6172             :                                 "AFN Distribution Latent Heat Loss Rate",
    6173             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    6174         112 :                                 AirflowNetworkReportData(i).TotalLatLossW,
    6175             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    6176             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    6177         224 :                                 Zone(i).Name);
    6178         448 :             SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    6179             :                                 "AFN Distribution Latent Heat Loss Energy",
    6180             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    6181         112 :                                 AirflowNetworkReportData(i).TotalLatLossJ,
    6182             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    6183             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    6184         224 :                                 Zone(i).Name);
    6185             :         }
    6186             : 
    6187         146 :         for (i = 1; i <= m_state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++i) {
    6188         448 :             SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    6189             :                                 "AFN Zone Infiltration Volume",
    6190             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::m3,
    6191         112 :                                 AirflowNetworkZnRpt(i).InfilVolume,
    6192             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    6193             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    6194         224 :                                 Zone(i).Name);
    6195         448 :             SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    6196             :                                 "AFN Zone Infiltration Mass",
    6197             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::kg,
    6198         112 :                                 AirflowNetworkZnRpt(i).InfilMass,
    6199             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    6200             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    6201         224 :                                 Zone(i).Name);
    6202         448 :             SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    6203             :                                 "AFN Zone Infiltration Air Change Rate",
    6204             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::ach,
    6205         112 :                                 AirflowNetworkZnRpt(i).InfilAirChangeRate,
    6206             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    6207             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    6208         224 :                                 Zone(i).Name);
    6209         448 :             SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    6210             :                                 "AFN Zone Ventilation Volume",
    6211             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::m3,
    6212         112 :                                 AirflowNetworkZnRpt(i).VentilVolume,
    6213             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    6214             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    6215         224 :                                 Zone(i).Name);
    6216         448 :             SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    6217             :                                 "AFN Zone Ventilation Mass",
    6218             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::kg,
    6219         112 :                                 AirflowNetworkZnRpt(i).VentilMass,
    6220             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    6221             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    6222         224 :                                 Zone(i).Name);
    6223         448 :             SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    6224             :                                 "AFN Zone Ventilation Air Change Rate",
    6225             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::ach,
    6226         112 :                                 AirflowNetworkZnRpt(i).VentilAirChangeRate,
    6227             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    6228             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    6229         224 :                                 Zone(i).Name);
    6230         448 :             SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    6231             :                                 "AFN Zone Mixing Volume",
    6232             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::m3,
    6233         112 :                                 AirflowNetworkZnRpt(i).MixVolume,
    6234             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    6235             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    6236         224 :                                 Zone(i).Name);
    6237         448 :             SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    6238             :                                 "AFN Zone Mixing Mass",
    6239             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::kg,
    6240         112 :                                 AirflowNetworkZnRpt(i).MixMass,
    6241             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    6242             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    6243         224 :                                 Zone(i).Name);
    6244             : 
    6245         448 :             SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    6246             :                                 "AFN Zone Exfiltration Heat Transfer Rate",
    6247             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    6248         112 :                                 AirflowNetworkZnRpt(i).ExfilTotalLoss,
    6249             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    6250             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    6251         224 :                                 Zone(i).Name);
    6252         448 :             SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    6253             :                                 "AFN Zone Exfiltration Sensible Heat Transfer Rate",
    6254             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    6255         112 :                                 AirflowNetworkZnRpt(i).ExfilSensiLoss,
    6256             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    6257             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    6258         224 :                                 Zone(i).Name);
    6259         448 :             SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    6260             :                                 "AFN Zone Exfiltration Latent Heat Transfer Rate",
    6261             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    6262         112 :                                 AirflowNetworkZnRpt(i).ExfilLatentLoss,
    6263             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    6264             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    6265         224 :                                 Zone(i).Name);
    6266             :         }
    6267             : 
    6268          34 :         if (OnOffFanFlag) {
    6269          36 :             for (i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfZones; ++i) {
    6270         108 :                 SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    6271             :                                     "AFN Zone Average Pressure",
    6272             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::Pa,
    6273          27 :                                     nodeReport(i).PZ,
    6274             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    6275             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    6276          54 :                                     Zone(i).Name);
    6277         108 :                 SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    6278             :                                     "AFN Zone On Cycle Pressure",
    6279             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::Pa,
    6280          27 :                                     nodeReport(i).PZON,
    6281             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    6282             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    6283          54 :                                     Zone(i).Name);
    6284         108 :                 SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    6285             :                                     "AFN Zone Off Cycle Pressure",
    6286             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::Pa,
    6287          27 :                                     nodeReport(i).PZOFF,
    6288             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    6289             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    6290          54 :                                     Zone(i).Name);
    6291             :             }
    6292          94 :             for (i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfSurfaces; ++i) {
    6293         340 :                 SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    6294             :                                     "AFN Linkage Node 1 to 2 Average Mass Flow Rate",
    6295             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::kg_s,
    6296          85 :                                     linkReport1(i).FLOW,
    6297             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    6298             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    6299         170 :                                     MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfName);
    6300         340 :                 SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    6301             :                                     "AFN Linkage Node 2 to 1 Average Mass Flow Rate",
    6302             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::kg_s,
    6303          85 :                                     linkReport1(i).FLOW2,
    6304             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    6305             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    6306         170 :                                     MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfName);
    6307         340 :                 SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    6308             :                                     "AFN Linkage Node 1 to 2 Average Volume Flow Rate",
    6309             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::m3_s,
    6310          85 :                                     linkReport1(i).VolFLOW,
    6311             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    6312             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    6313         170 :                                     MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfName);
    6314         340 :                 SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    6315             :                                     "AFN Linkage Node 2 to 1 Average Volume Flow Rate",
    6316             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::m3_s,
    6317          85 :                                     linkReport1(i).VolFLOW2,
    6318             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    6319             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    6320         170 :                                     MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfName);
    6321         340 :                 SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    6322             :                                     "AFN Surface Average Pressure Difference",
    6323             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::Pa,
    6324          85 :                                     linkReport1(i).DP,
    6325             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    6326             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    6327         170 :                                     MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfName);
    6328         340 :                 SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    6329             :                                     "AFN Surface On Cycle Pressure Difference",
    6330             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::Pa,
    6331          85 :                                     linkReport1(i).DPON,
    6332             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    6333             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    6334         170 :                                     MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfName);
    6335         340 :                 SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
    6336             :                                     "AFN Surface Off Cycle Pressure Difference",
    6337             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::Pa,
    6338          85 :                                     linkReport1(i).DPOFF,
    6339             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
    6340             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    6341         170 :                                     MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfName);
    6342             :             }
    6343             :         }
    6344             : 
    6345             :         // Assign node reference height
    6346         860 :         for (i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes; ++i) {
    6347         826 :             if (!simulation_control.temperature_height_dependence) AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).NodeHeight = 0.0;
    6348         826 :             ZoneNum = AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).EPlusZoneNum;
    6349         826 :             if (ZoneNum > 0) {
    6350         117 :                 if (m_state.dataSurface->WorldCoordSystem) {
    6351         103 :                     AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).NodeHeight = 0.0;
    6352             :                 } else {
    6353          14 :                     AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).NodeHeight = Zone(ZoneNum).OriginZ;
    6354             :                 }
    6355             :             }
    6356             :         }
    6357          34 :     }
    6358             : 
    6359      656873 :     void Solver::calculate_balance()
    6360             :     {
    6361             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    6362             :         //       AUTHOR         Lixing Gu
    6363             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   Oct. 2005
    6364             :         //       MODIFIED       na
    6365             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
    6366             : 
    6367             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    6368             :         // This subroutine performs simulations of nodal pressures and linkage airflows.
    6369             : 
    6370             :         // Using/Aliasing
    6371             :         using DataHVACGlobals::VerySmallMassFlow;
    6372             :         using General::SolveRoot;
    6373             : 
    6374             :         // SUBROUTINE PARAMETER DEFINITIONS:
    6375      656873 :         int constexpr CycFanCycComp(1); // fan cycles with compressor operation
    6376             : 
    6377             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
    6378             :         int i;
    6379             :         int j;
    6380             :         int n;
    6381             :         int NodeNum;
    6382             :         Real64 GlobalOpenFactor;
    6383             :         Real64 ZonePressure1;
    6384             :         Real64 ZonePressure2;
    6385             :         Real64 PressureSet;
    6386             :         Real64 LocalAzimuth;
    6387             :         Real64 LocalWindSpeed;
    6388             :         Real64 LocalWindDir;
    6389             :         Real64 LocalHumRat;
    6390             :         Real64 LocalDryBulb;
    6391     1313746 :         Array1D<Real64> Par; // Pressure setpoint
    6392      656873 :         Real64 constexpr ErrorToler(0.00001);
    6393      656873 :         int constexpr MaxIte(20);
    6394             :         int SolFla;
    6395             :         Real64 MinExhaustMassFlowrate;
    6396             :         Real64 MaxExhaustMassFlowrate;
    6397             :         Real64 MinReliefMassFlowrate;
    6398             :         Real64 MaxReliefMassFlowrate;
    6399             :         int AirLoopNum;
    6400             : 
    6401      656873 :         auto &Node(m_state.dataLoopNodes->Node);
    6402             : 
    6403             :         // Validate supply and return connections
    6404      656873 :         if (CalcAirflowNetworkAirBalanceOneTimeFlag) {
    6405          34 :             CalcAirflowNetworkAirBalanceOneTimeFlag = false;
    6406          34 :             if (CalcAirflowNetworkAirBalanceErrorsFound) {
    6407           0 :                 ShowFatalError(m_state, "GetAirflowNetworkInput: Program terminates for preceding reason(s).");
    6408             :             }
    6409             :         }
    6410             : 
    6411    14359964 :         for (n = 1; n <= ActualNumOfNodes; ++n) {
    6412    13703091 :             if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(n).NodeTypeNum == 0) {
    6413     8719037 :                 AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(n).PZ = 0.0;
    6414             :             } else {
    6415             :                 // Assigning ambient conditions to external nodes
    6416     4984054 :                 i = AirflowNetworkNodeData(n).ExtNodeNum;
    6417     4984054 :                 if (i > 0) {
    6418     4984054 :                     AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(n).TZ = OutDryBulbTempAt(m_state, AirflowNetworkNodeData(n).NodeHeight);
    6419     4984054 :                     AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(n).WZ = m_state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat;
    6420     4984054 :                     if (i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfExtNode) {
    6421     4891440 :                         if (MultizoneExternalNodeData(i).OutAirNodeNum == 0) {
    6422     4874425 :                             LocalWindSpeed = DataEnvironment::WindSpeedAt(m_state, MultizoneExternalNodeData(i).height);
    6423     4874425 :                             LocalDryBulb = OutDryBulbTempAt(m_state, AirflowNetworkNodeData(n).NodeHeight);
    6424     4874425 :                             LocalAzimuth = MultizoneExternalNodeData(i).azimuth;
    6425    19497700 :                             AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(n).PZ = calculate_wind_pressure(MultizoneExternalNodeData(i).curve,
    6426     4874425 :                                                                                    MultizoneExternalNodeData(i).symmetricCurve,
    6427     4874425 :                                                                                    MultizoneExternalNodeData(i).useRelativeAngle,
    6428             :                                                                                    LocalAzimuth,
    6429             :                                                                                    LocalWindSpeed,
    6430     4874425 :                                                                                    m_state.dataEnvrn->WindDir,
    6431             :                                                                                    LocalDryBulb,
    6432     4874425 :                                                                                    m_state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat);
    6433             :                         } else {
    6434             :                             // If and outdoor air node object is defined as the External Node Name in AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:Surface,
    6435             :                             // the node object requires to define the Wind Pressure Coefficient Curve Name.
    6436       17015 :                             NodeNum = MultizoneExternalNodeData(i).OutAirNodeNum;
    6437       17015 :                             LocalWindSpeed = Node((NodeNum)).OutAirWindSpeed;
    6438       17015 :                             LocalWindDir = Node((NodeNum)).OutAirWindDir;
    6439       17015 :                             LocalHumRat = Node((NodeNum)).HumRat;
    6440       17015 :                             LocalDryBulb = Node((NodeNum)).OutAirDryBulb;
    6441       17015 :                             LocalAzimuth = MultizoneExternalNodeData(i).azimuth;
    6442       34030 :                             AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(n).PZ = calculate_wind_pressure(MultizoneExternalNodeData(i).curve,
    6443       17015 :                                                                                    MultizoneExternalNodeData(i).symmetricCurve,
    6444       17015 :                                                                                    MultizoneExternalNodeData(i).useRelativeAngle,
    6445             :                                                                                    LocalAzimuth,
    6446             :                                                                                    LocalWindSpeed,
    6447             :                                                                                    LocalWindDir,
    6448             :                                                                                    LocalDryBulb,
    6449             :                                                                                    LocalHumRat);
    6450       17015 :                             AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(n).TZ = LocalDryBulb;
    6451       17015 :                             AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(n).WZ = LocalHumRat;
    6452             :                         }
    6453             :                     }
    6454             : 
    6455             :                 } else {
    6456           0 :                     ShowSevereError(m_state,
    6457           0 :                                     "GetAirflowNetworkInput: AIRFLOWNETWORK:DISTRIBUTION:NODE: Invalid external node = " +
    6458           0 :                                         AirflowNetworkNodeData(n).Name);
    6459           0 :                     CalcAirflowNetworkAirBalanceErrorsFound = true;
    6460             :                 }
    6461             :             }
    6462             :         }
    6463             : 
    6464     9898997 :         for (i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfSurfaces; ++i) {
    6465     9242124 :             if (i > AirflowNetworkNumOfSurfaces - NumOfLinksIntraZone) {
    6466      108899 :                 continue;
    6467             :             }
    6468     9133225 :             if (AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).element->type() == ComponentType::SCR) {
    6469     4683314 :                 AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).control = MultizoneSurfaceData(i).Factor;
    6470             :             }
    6471     9133225 :             if (MultizoneSurfaceData(i).OccupantVentilationControlNum == 0) MultizoneSurfaceData(i).OpenFactor = 0.0;
    6472     9133225 :             j = MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum;
    6473    26660408 :             if (m_state.dataSurface->SurfWinOriginalClass(j) == SurfaceClass::Window ||
    6474    16444700 :                 m_state.dataSurface->SurfWinOriginalClass(j) == SurfaceClass::Door ||
    6475    25234709 :                 m_state.dataSurface->SurfWinOriginalClass(j) == SurfaceClass::GlassDoor || m_state.dataSurface->Surface(j).IsAirBoundarySurf) {
    6476     1082483 :                 if (MultizoneSurfaceData(i).OccupantVentilationControlNum > 0) {
    6477       16182 :                     if (MultizoneSurfaceData(i).OpeningStatus == OpenStatus::FreeOperation) {
    6478       14712 :                         if (MultizoneSurfaceData(i).OpeningProbStatus == ProbabilityCheck::ForceChange) {
    6479          54 :                             MultizoneSurfaceData(i).OpenFactor = MultizoneSurfaceData(i).Factor;
    6480       14658 :                         } else if (MultizoneSurfaceData(i).ClosingProbStatus == ProbabilityCheck::ForceChange) {
    6481         336 :                             MultizoneSurfaceData(i).OpenFactor = 0.0;
    6482       20400 :                         } else if (MultizoneSurfaceData(i).ClosingProbStatus == ProbabilityCheck::KeepStatus ||
    6483        6078 :                                    MultizoneSurfaceData(i).OpeningProbStatus == ProbabilityCheck::KeepStatus) {
    6484       10536 :                             MultizoneSurfaceData(i).OpenFactor = MultizoneSurfaceData(i).OpenFactorLast;
    6485             :                         } else {
    6486        3786 :                             venting_control(i, MultizoneSurfaceData(i).OpenFactor);
    6487             :                         }
    6488             :                     }
    6489             :                 } else {
    6490     1066301 :                     venting_control(i, MultizoneSurfaceData(i).OpenFactor);
    6491             :                 }
    6492     1082483 :                 MultizoneSurfaceData(i).OpenFactor *= MultizoneSurfaceData(i).WindModifier;
    6493     1082483 :                 if (MultizoneSurfaceData(i).HybridVentClose) {
    6494      181388 :                     MultizoneSurfaceData(i).OpenFactor = 0.0;
    6495      181388 :                     if (m_state.dataSurface->SurfWinVentingOpenFactorMultRep(j) > 0.0) m_state.dataSurface->SurfWinVentingOpenFactorMultRep(j) = 0.0;
    6496             :                 }
    6497     2497722 :                 if (AirflowNetworkCompData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).CompNum).CompTypeNum == iComponentTypeNum::DOP ||
    6498     1177049 :                     AirflowNetworkCompData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).CompNum).CompTypeNum == iComponentTypeNum::SOP ||
    6499       94566 :                     AirflowNetworkCompData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).CompNum).CompTypeNum == iComponentTypeNum::HOP) {
    6500     2216359 :                     if (AirflowNetworkFanActivated && distribution_simulated && MultizoneSurfaceData(i).OpenFactor > 0.0 &&
    6501         915 :                         (m_state.dataSurface->Surface(j).ExtBoundCond == ExternalEnvironment ||
    6502          18 :                          (m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum).ExtBoundCond == OtherSideCoefNoCalcExt &&
    6503      996131 :                           m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum).ExtWind)) &&
    6504         879 :                         !m_state.dataGlobal->WarmupFlag) {
    6505             :                         // Exterior Large opening only
    6506         462 :                         ++MultizoneSurfaceData(i).ExtLargeOpeningErrCount;
    6507         462 :                         if (MultizoneSurfaceData(i).ExtLargeOpeningErrCount < 2) {
    6508          12 :                             ShowWarningError(m_state,
    6509           8 :                                              "AirflowNetwork: The window or door is open during HVAC system operation " +
    6510           4 :                                                  MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfName);
    6511           4 :                             ShowContinueError(m_state, format("The window or door opening factor is {:.2R}", MultizoneSurfaceData(i).OpenFactor));
    6512           4 :                             ShowContinueErrorTimeStamp(m_state, "");
    6513             :                         } else {
    6514        2748 :                             ShowRecurringWarningErrorAtEnd(m_state,
    6515         916 :                                                            "AirFlowNetwork: " + MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfName +
    6516             :                                                                " The window or door is open during HVAC system operation error continues...",
    6517         458 :                                                            MultizoneSurfaceData(i).ExtLargeOpeningErrIndex,
    6518         458 :                                                            MultizoneSurfaceData(i).OpenFactor,
    6519         458 :                                                            MultizoneSurfaceData(i).OpenFactor);
    6520             :                         }
    6521             :                     }
    6522             :                 }
    6523     1082483 :                 if (MultizoneSurfaceData(i).OpenFactor > 1.0) {
    6524           0 :                     ++MultizoneSurfaceData(i).OpenFactorErrCount;
    6525           0 :                     if (MultizoneSurfaceData(i).OpenFactorErrCount < 2) {
    6526           0 :                         ShowWarningError(m_state,
    6527           0 :                                          "AirflowNetwork: The window or door opening factor is greater than 1.0 " + MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfName);
    6528           0 :                         ShowContinueErrorTimeStamp(m_state, "");
    6529             :                     } else {
    6530           0 :                         ShowRecurringWarningErrorAtEnd(m_state,
    6531           0 :                                                        "AirFlowNetwork: " + MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfName +
    6532             :                                                            " The window or door opening factor is greater than 1.0 error continues...",
    6533           0 :                                                        MultizoneSurfaceData(i).OpenFactorErrIndex,
    6534           0 :                                                        MultizoneSurfaceData(i).OpenFactor,
    6535           0 :                                                        MultizoneSurfaceData(i).OpenFactor);
    6536             :                     }
    6537             :                 }
    6538             :             }
    6539             :         }
    6540             : 
    6541             :         // Check if the global ventilation control is applied or not
    6542      656873 :         GlobalOpenFactor = -1.0;
    6543     9748945 :         for (i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfSurfaces; ++i) {
    6544     9101221 :             if (i > AirflowNetworkNumOfSurfaces - NumOfLinksIntraZone) continue;
    6545     8992322 :             if (MultizoneSurfaceData(i).HybridCtrlMaster) {
    6546        9149 :                 GlobalOpenFactor = MultizoneSurfaceData(i).OpenFactor;
    6547        9149 :                 break;
    6548             :             }
    6549             :         }
    6550      656873 :         if (GlobalOpenFactor >= 0.0) {
    6551      201278 :             for (i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfSurfaces; ++i) {
    6552      192129 :                 if (i > AirflowNetworkNumOfSurfaces - NumOfLinksIntraZone) continue;
    6553      192129 :                 j = MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum;
    6554      548940 :                 if (m_state.dataSurface->SurfWinOriginalClass(j) == SurfaceClass::Window ||
    6555      338513 :                     m_state.dataSurface->SurfWinOriginalClass(j) == SurfaceClass::Door ||
    6556      146384 :                     m_state.dataSurface->SurfWinOriginalClass(j) == SurfaceClass::GlassDoor) {
    6557       45745 :                     if (MultizoneSurfaceData(i).HybridCtrlGlobal) {
    6558       35675 :                         MultizoneSurfaceData(i).OpenFactor = GlobalOpenFactor;
    6559             :                     }
    6560             :                 }
    6561             :             }
    6562             :         }
    6563             : 
    6564      656873 :         if (!Par.allocated()) {
    6565      656873 :             Par.allocate(1);
    6566      656873 :             Par = 0.0;
    6567             :         }
    6568             : 
    6569      656873 :         PressureSetFlag = 0;
    6570             : 
    6571      656873 :         if (NumOfPressureControllers == 1) {
    6572       12387 :             if (PressureControllerData(1).AvailSchedPtr == DataGlobalConstants::ScheduleAlwaysOn) {
    6573       12387 :                 PressureSetFlag = PressureControllerData(1).ControlTypeSet;
    6574             :             } else {
    6575           0 :                 if (GetCurrentScheduleValue(m_state, PressureControllerData(1).AvailSchedPtr) > 0.0) {
    6576           0 :                     PressureSetFlag = PressureControllerData(1).ControlTypeSet;
    6577             :                 }
    6578             :             }
    6579       12387 :             if (PressureSetFlag > 0) {
    6580       12387 :                 PressureSet = GetCurrentScheduleValue(m_state, PressureControllerData(1).PresSetpointSchedPtr);
    6581             :             }
    6582             :         }
    6583             : 
    6584      656873 :         initialize_calculation();
    6585             : 
    6586      656873 :         if (!(PressureSetFlag > 0 && AirflowNetworkFanActivated)) {
    6587      651098 :             airmov();
    6588        5775 :         } else if (PressureSetFlag == PressureCtrlExhaust) {
    6589           0 :             AirLoopNum = AirflowNetworkNodeData(PressureControllerData(1).AFNNodeNum).AirLoopNum;
    6590           0 :             MinExhaustMassFlowrate = 2.0 * VerySmallMassFlow;
    6591           0 :             MaxExhaustMassFlowrate = Node(PressureControllerData(1).OANodeNum).MassFlowRate;
    6592           0 :             if (m_state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopAFNInfo(AirLoopNum).LoopFanOperationMode == CycFanCycComp &&
    6593           0 :                 m_state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopAFNInfo(AirLoopNum).LoopOnOffFanPartLoadRatio > 0.0) {
    6594           0 :                 MaxExhaustMassFlowrate = MaxExhaustMassFlowrate / m_state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopAFNInfo(AirLoopNum).LoopOnOffFanPartLoadRatio;
    6595             :             }
    6596           0 :             ExhaustFanMassFlowRate = MinExhaustMassFlowrate;
    6597           0 :             airmov();
    6598           0 :             ZonePressure1 = AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(PressureControllerData(1).AFNNodeNum).PZ;
    6599           0 :             if (ZonePressure1 <= PressureSet) {
    6600             :                 // The highest pressure due to minimum flow rate could not reach Pressure set, bypass pressure set calculation
    6601           0 :                 if (!m_state.dataGlobal->WarmupFlag) {
    6602           0 :                     if (ErrCountLowPre == 0) {
    6603           0 :                         ++ErrCountLowPre;
    6604           0 :                         ShowWarningError(m_state,
    6605             :                                          "The calculated pressure with minimum exhaust fan rate is lower than the pressure setpoint. The pressure "
    6606             :                                          "control is unable to perform.");
    6607           0 :                         ShowContinueErrorTimeStamp(m_state,
    6608           0 :                                                    format("Calculated pressure = {:.2R}[Pa], Pressure setpoint ={:.2R}", ZonePressure1, PressureSet));
    6609             :                     } else {
    6610           0 :                         ++ErrCountLowPre;
    6611           0 :                         ShowRecurringWarningErrorAtEnd(m_state,
    6612           0 :                                                        AirflowNetworkNodeData(PressureControllerData(1).AFNNodeNum).Name +
    6613             :                                                            ": The AFN model continues not to perform pressure control due to lower zone pressure...",
    6614             :                                                        ErrIndexLowPre,
    6615             :                                                        ZonePressure1,
    6616             :                                                        ZonePressure1);
    6617             :                     }
    6618             :                 }
    6619             :             } else {
    6620           0 :                 ExhaustFanMassFlowRate = MaxExhaustMassFlowrate;
    6621           0 :                 airmov();
    6622           0 :                 ZonePressure2 = AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(PressureControllerData(1).AFNNodeNum).PZ;
    6623           0 :                 if (ZonePressure2 >= PressureSet) {
    6624             :                     // The lowest pressure due to maximum flow rate is still higher than Pressure set, bypass pressure set calculation
    6625           0 :                     if (!m_state.dataGlobal->WarmupFlag) {
    6626           0 :                         if (ErrCountHighPre == 0) {
    6627           0 :                             ++ErrCountHighPre;
    6628           0 :                             ShowWarningError(m_state,
    6629             :                                              "The calculated pressure with maximum exhaust fan rate is higher than the pressure setpoint. The "
    6630             :                                              "pressure control is unable to perform.");
    6631           0 :                             ShowContinueErrorTimeStamp(
    6632           0 :                                 m_state, format("Calculated pressure = {:.2R}[Pa], Pressure setpoint = {:.2R}", ZonePressure2, PressureSet));
    6633             :                         } else {
    6634           0 :                             ++ErrCountHighPre;
    6635           0 :                             ShowRecurringWarningErrorAtEnd(
    6636             :                                 m_state,
    6637           0 :                                 AirflowNetworkNodeData(PressureControllerData(1).AFNNodeNum).Name +
    6638             :                                     ": The AFN model continues not to perform pressure control due to higher zone pressure...",
    6639             :                                 ErrIndexHighPre,
    6640             :                                 ZonePressure2,
    6641             :                                 ZonePressure2);
    6642             :                         }
    6643             :                     }
    6644             :                 } else {
    6645             :                     //    if ( ZonePressure1 > PressureSet && ZonePressure2 < PressureSet ) {
    6646           0 :                     auto &thisState = m_state; // can't use m_state directly in the capture list, just create a reference
    6647           0 :                     auto f = [&thisState, PressureSet](Real64 const ControllerMassFlowRate) {
    6648             :                         return AFNPressureResidual(thisState, ControllerMassFlowRate, PressureSet);
    6649           0 :                     };
    6650           0 :                     General::SolveRoot(
    6651             :                         m_state, ErrorToler, MaxIte, SolFla, ExhaustFanMassFlowRate, f, MinExhaustMassFlowrate, MaxExhaustMassFlowrate);
    6652           0 :                     if (SolFla == -1) {
    6653           0 :                         if (!m_state.dataGlobal->WarmupFlag) {
    6654           0 :                             if (ErrCountVar == 0) {
    6655           0 :                                 ++ErrCountVar;
    6656           0 :                                 ShowWarningError(m_state, "Iteration limit exceeded pressure setpoint using an exhaust fan. Simulation continues.");
    6657           0 :                                 ShowContinueErrorTimeStamp(m_state, format("Exhaust fan flow rate = {:.4R}", ExhaustFanMassFlowRate));
    6658             :                             } else {
    6659           0 :                                 ++ErrCountVar;
    6660           0 :                                 ShowRecurringWarningErrorAtEnd(m_state,
    6661           0 :                                                                PressureControllerData(1).Name +
    6662             :                                                                    "\": Iteration limit warning exceeding pressure setpoint continues...",
    6663             :                                                                ErrIndexVar,
    6664             :                                                                ExhaustFanMassFlowRate,
    6665             :                                                                ExhaustFanMassFlowRate);
    6666             :                             }
    6667             :                         }
    6668           0 :                     } else if (SolFla == -2) {
    6669           0 :                         ShowFatalError(m_state,
    6670           0 :                                        "Zone pressure control failed using an exhaust fan: no solution is reached, for " +
    6671           0 :                                            PressureControllerData(1).Name);
    6672             :                     }
    6673             :                 }
    6674             :             }
    6675             :         } else { // PressureCtrlRelief - Pressure control type is Relief Flow
    6676        5775 :             AirLoopNum = AirflowNetworkNodeData(PressureControllerData(1).AFNNodeNum).AirLoopNum;
    6677        5775 :             MinReliefMassFlowrate = 2.0 * VerySmallMassFlow;
    6678        5775 :             MaxReliefMassFlowrate = Node(PressureControllerData(1).OANodeNum).MassFlowRate;
    6679        5775 :             if (m_state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopAFNInfo(AirLoopNum).LoopFanOperationMode == CycFanCycComp &&
    6680           0 :                 m_state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopAFNInfo(AirLoopNum).LoopOnOffFanPartLoadRatio > 0.0) {
    6681           0 :                 MaxReliefMassFlowrate = MaxReliefMassFlowrate / m_state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopAFNInfo(AirLoopNum).LoopOnOffFanPartLoadRatio;
    6682             :             }
    6683        5775 :             ReliefMassFlowRate = MinReliefMassFlowrate;
    6684        5775 :             initialize_calculation();
    6685        5775 :             airmov();
    6686        5775 :             ZonePressure1 = AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(PressureControllerData(1).AFNNodeNum).PZ;
    6687             : 
    6688        5775 :             if (ZonePressure1 <= PressureSet) {
    6689             :                 // The highest pressure due to minimum flow rate could not reach Pressure set, bypass pressure set calculation
    6690           0 :                 if (!m_state.dataGlobal->WarmupFlag) {
    6691           0 :                     if (ErrCountLowPre == 0) {
    6692           0 :                         ++ErrCountLowPre;
    6693           0 :                         ShowWarningError(m_state,
    6694             :                                          "The calculated pressure with minimum relief air rate is lower than the pressure setpoint. The pressure "
    6695             :                                          "control is unable to perform.");
    6696           0 :                         ShowContinueErrorTimeStamp(m_state,
    6697           0 :                                                    format("Calculated pressure = {:.2R}[Pa], Pressure setpoint ={:.2R}", ZonePressure1, PressureSet));
    6698             :                     } else {
    6699           0 :                         ++ErrCountLowPre;
    6700           0 :                         ShowRecurringWarningErrorAtEnd(m_state,
    6701           0 :                                                        AirflowNetworkNodeData(PressureControllerData(1).AFNNodeNum).Name +
    6702             :                                                            ": The AFN model continues not to perform pressure control due to lower zone pressure...",
    6703             :                                                        ErrIndexLowPre,
    6704             :                                                        ZonePressure1,
    6705             :                                                        ZonePressure1);
    6706             :                     }
    6707             :                 }
    6708             :             } else {
    6709        5775 :                 ReliefMassFlowRate = MaxReliefMassFlowrate;
    6710        5775 :                 initialize_calculation();
    6711        5775 :                 airmov();
    6712        5775 :                 ZonePressure2 = AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(PressureControllerData(1).AFNNodeNum).PZ;
    6713        5775 :                 if (ZonePressure2 >= PressureSet) {
    6714             :                     // The lowest pressure due to maximum flow rate is still higher than Pressure set, bypass pressure set calculation
    6715           0 :                     if (!m_state.dataGlobal->WarmupFlag) {
    6716           0 :                         if (ErrCountHighPre == 0) {
    6717           0 :                             ++ErrCountHighPre;
    6718           0 :                             ShowWarningError(m_state,
    6719             :                                              "The calculated pressure with maximum relief air rate is higher than the pressure setpoint. The "
    6720             :                                              "pressure control is unable to perform.");
    6721           0 :                             ShowContinueErrorTimeStamp(
    6722           0 :                                 m_state, format("Calculated pressure = {:.2R}[Pa], Pressure setpoint = {:.2R}", ZonePressure2, PressureSet));
    6723             :                         } else {
    6724           0 :                             ++ErrCountHighPre;
    6725           0 :                             ShowRecurringWarningErrorAtEnd(
    6726             :                                 m_state,
    6727           0 :                                 AirflowNetworkNodeData(PressureControllerData(1).AFNNodeNum).Name +
    6728             :                                     ": The AFN model continues not to perform pressure control due to higher zone pressure...",
    6729             :                                 ErrIndexHighPre,
    6730             :                                 ZonePressure2,
    6731             :                                 ZonePressure2);
    6732             :                         }
    6733             :                     }
    6734             :                 } else {
    6735             :                     //    if ( ZonePressure1 > PressureSet && ZonePressure2 < PressureSet ) {
    6736        5775 :                     auto &thisState = m_state; // can't use m_state directly in the capture list, just create a reference
    6737       30452 :                     auto f = [&thisState, PressureSet](Real64 const ControllerMassFlowRate) {
    6738             :                         return AFNPressureResidual(thisState, ControllerMassFlowRate, PressureSet);
    6739       36227 :                     };
    6740        5775 :                     General::SolveRoot(m_state, ErrorToler, MaxIte, SolFla, ReliefMassFlowRate, f, MinReliefMassFlowrate, MaxReliefMassFlowrate);
    6741        5775 :                     if (SolFla == -1) {
    6742           0 :                         if (!m_state.dataGlobal->WarmupFlag) {
    6743           0 :                             if (ErrCountVar == 0) {
    6744           0 :                                 ++ErrCountVar;
    6745           0 :                                 ShowWarningError(m_state, "Iteration limit exceeded pressure setpoint using relief air. Simulation continues.");
    6746           0 :                                 ShowContinueErrorTimeStamp(m_state, format("Relief air flow rate = {:.4R}", ReliefMassFlowRate));
    6747             :                             } else {
    6748           0 :                                 ++ErrCountVar;
    6749           0 :                                 ShowRecurringWarningErrorAtEnd(m_state,
    6750           0 :                                                                PressureControllerData(1).Name +
    6751             :                                                                    "\": Iteration limit warning exceeding pressure setpoint continues...",
    6752             :                                                                ErrIndexVar,
    6753             :                                                                ReliefMassFlowRate,
    6754             :                                                                ReliefMassFlowRate);
    6755             :                             }
    6756             :                         }
    6757        5775 :                     } else if (SolFla == -2) {
    6758           0 :                         ShowFatalError(
    6759           0 :                             m_state, "Zone pressure control failed using relief air: no solution is reached, for " + PressureControllerData(1).Name);
    6760             :                     }
    6761             :                 }
    6762             :             }
    6763             :         }
    6764      656873 :     }
    6765             : 
    6766       30452 :     Real64 AFNPressureResidual(EnergyPlusData &state,
    6767             :                                Real64 const ControllerMassFlowRate, // Pressure setpoint
    6768             :                                Real64 PressureSet)
    6769             :     {
    6770             :         // FUNCTION INFORMATION:
    6771             :         //       AUTHOR         Lixing Gu
    6772             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   April 2016
    6773             :         //       MODIFIED       NA
    6774             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  NA
    6775             : 
    6776             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS FUNCTION:
    6777             :         //  Calculates residual function ((ZonePressure - PressureSet)/PressureSet)
    6778             : 
    6779             :         // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
    6780             :         //  Calls AIRMOV to get the pressure in the controlled zone and calculates the residual as defined above
    6781             : 
    6782             :         // Return value
    6783             :         Real64 AFNPressureResidual;
    6784             : 
    6785             :         // FUNCTION LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
    6786             :         Real64 ZonePressure;
    6787             : 
    6788       30452 :         if (state.afn->PressureSetFlag == PressureCtrlExhaust) {
    6789           0 :             state.afn->ExhaustFanMassFlowRate = ControllerMassFlowRate;
    6790             :         }
    6791             : 
    6792       30452 :         if (state.afn->PressureSetFlag == PressureCtrlRelief) {
    6793       30452 :             state.afn->ReliefMassFlowRate = ControllerMassFlowRate;
    6794             :         }
    6795       30452 :         auto &solver = state.afn;
    6796       30452 :         solver->initialize_calculation();
    6797       30452 :         solver->airmov();
    6798             : 
    6799       30452 :         ZonePressure = state.afn->AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(state.afn->PressureControllerData(1).AFNNodeNum).PZ;
    6800             : 
    6801       30452 :         if (PressureSet != 0.0) {
    6802       30452 :             AFNPressureResidual = (ZonePressure - PressureSet) / PressureSet;
    6803             :         } else {
    6804           0 :             AFNPressureResidual = (ZonePressure - PressureSet);
    6805             :         }
    6806       30452 :         return AFNPressureResidual;
    6807             :     }
    6808             : 
    6809          41 :     static int makeTable(EnergyPlusData &state, const std::string &name, const int gridIndex, const std::vector<Real64> &y)
    6810             :     {
    6811             :         // Add a new table and performance curve
    6812          82 :         std::string contextString = "CalcWindPressureCoeffs: Creating table \"" + name + "\"";
    6813          82 :         std::pair<EnergyPlusData *, std::string> callbackPair{&state, contextString};
    6814          41 :         Btwxt::setMessageCallback(Curve::BtwxtMessageCallback, &callbackPair);
    6815             : 
    6816          41 :         int CurveNum = static_cast<int>(state.dataCurveManager->PerfCurve.size()) + 1;
    6817          41 :         state.dataCurveManager->PerfCurve.push_back(Curve::PerformanceCurveData());
    6818             : 
    6819          41 :         state.dataCurveManager->PerfCurve(CurveNum).Name = name;
    6820          41 :         state.dataCurveManager->PerfCurve(CurveNum).numDims = 1;
    6821             : 
    6822          41 :         state.dataCurveManager->PerfCurve(CurveNum).interpolationType = Curve::InterpType::BtwxtMethod;
    6823             : 
    6824          41 :         state.dataCurveManager->PerfCurve(CurveNum).inputLimits[0].min = 0.0;
    6825          41 :         state.dataCurveManager->PerfCurve(CurveNum).inputLimits[0].minPresent = true;
    6826          41 :         state.dataCurveManager->PerfCurve(CurveNum).inputLimits[0].max = 360.0;
    6827          41 :         state.dataCurveManager->PerfCurve(CurveNum).inputLimits[0].maxPresent = true;
    6828             : 
    6829          41 :         state.dataCurveManager->PerfCurve(CurveNum).TableIndex = gridIndex;
    6830          41 :         state.dataCurveManager->PerfCurve(CurveNum).GridValueIndex = state.dataCurveManager->btwxtManager.addOutputValues(gridIndex, y);
    6831             : 
    6832          41 :         state.dataCurveManager->NumCurves += 1;
    6833          82 :         return CurveNum;
    6834             :     }
    6835             : 
    6836           7 :     void Solver::calculate_Cps()
    6837             :     {
    6838             : 
    6839             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    6840             :         //       AUTHOR         Fred Winkelmann
    6841             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   May 2003
    6842             :         //       MODIFIED       Revised by L. Gu, Nov. 2005, to meet requirements of AirflowNetwork
    6843             :         //       MODIFIED       Revised by L. Gu, Dec. 2008, to set the number of external nodes based on
    6844             :         //                      the number of external surfaces
    6845             :         //       MODIFIED       Revised by J. DeGraw, Feb. 2017, to use tables
    6846             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
    6847             : 
    6848             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    6849             :         // Calculates surface-average wind pressure coefficients for
    6850             :         // the walls and roof of a rectangular building.
    6851             : 
    6852             :         // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
    6853             :         // Interpolates correlations between surface-average wind pressure coefficient and wind direction based on
    6854             :         // measurements (see REFERENCES). Applicable only to rectangular buildings.
    6855             : 
    6856             :         // REFERENCES:
    6857             :         // For low-rise buildings: M.V. Swami and S. Chandra, Correlations for Pressure Distribution
    6858             :         // on Buildings and Calculation of Natural-Ventilation Airflow. ASHRAE Transactions 94 (1): 243-266.
    6859             :         // For high-rise buildings: 2001 ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook, p. 16.5, Fig. 7, "Surface Averaged
    6860             :         // Wall Pressure Coefficients for Tall Buildings" and p.16.6, Fig. 9, "Surface Averaged Roof Pressure
    6861             :         // Coefficients for Tall Buildings; from R.E. Akins, J.A. Peterka, and J.E. Cermak. 1979.
    6862             :         // Averaged Pressure Coefficients for Rectangular Buildings. Wind Engineering. Proc. Fifth
    6863             :         // International Conference 7:369-80, Fort Collins, CO. Pergamon Press, NY.
    6864             : 
    6865             :         // Using/Aliasing
    6866             :         using namespace DataSurfaces;
    6867             : 
    6868             :         //  index 1 is wind incidence angle (0,30,60,...,300,330 deg)
    6869             :         //  index 2 is side ratio (0.25,1.0,4.0)
    6870             :         // Surface-averaged wind-pressure coefficient array for walls
    6871             :         static constexpr std::array<std::array<Real64, 12>, 3> CPHighRiseWall = {{
    6872             :             {0.60, 0.54, 0.23, -0.25, -0.61, -0.55, -0.51, -0.55, -0.61, -0.25, 0.23, 0.54},
    6873             :             {0.60, 0.48, 0.04, -0.56, -0.56, -0.42, -0.37, -0.42, -0.56, -0.56, 0.04, 0.48},
    6874             :             {0.60, 0.44, -0.26, -0.70, -0.53, -0.32, -0.22, -0.32, -0.53, -0.70, -0.26, 0.44},
    6875             :         }};
    6876             : 
    6877             :         //  index 1 is wind incidence angle (0,30,60,...,300,330 deg)
    6878             :         //  index 2 is side ratio (0.25,0.5,1.0)
    6879             :         // Surface-averaged wind-pressure coefficient array for roof
    6880             :         static constexpr std::array<std::array<Real64, 12>, 3> CPHighRiseRoof = {{
    6881             :             {-0.28, -0.69, -0.72, -0.76, -0.72, -0.69, -0.28, -0.69, -0.72, -0.76, -0.72, -0.69},
    6882             :             {-0.47, -0.52, -0.70, -0.76, -0.70, -0.52, -0.47, -0.52, -0.70, -0.76, -0.70, -0.52},
    6883             :             {-0.70, -0.55, -0.55, -0.70, -0.55, -0.55, -0.70, -0.55, -0.55, -0.70, -0.55, -0.55},
    6884             :         }};
    6885             : 
    6886             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
    6887             :         int FacadeNum;         // Facade number
    6888             :         int ExtNum;            // External number
    6889             :         int AFNZnNum;          // Zone number
    6890             :         Real64 SideRatio;      // For vertical facades, width of facade / width of adjacent facade
    6891             :         Real64 SR;             // SideRatio restricted to 0.25 to 4.0 range
    6892             :         Real64 SideRatioFac;   // LOG(SideRatio)
    6893             :         Real64 IncRad;         // IncAng in radians
    6894             :         int IAng;              // Incidence angle index; used in interpolation
    6895             :         Real64 DelAng;         // Incidence angle difference; used in interpolation
    6896             :         Real64 WtAng;          // Incidence angle weighting factor; used in interpolation
    6897             :         int ISR;               // Side ratio index, for interpolation
    6898             :         Real64 WtSR;           // Side ratio weighting factor; used in interpolation
    6899             :         int SurfNum;           // Surface number
    6900             :         int SurfDatNum;        // Surface data number
    6901             :         Real64 SurfAng;        // Azimuth angle of surface normal (degrees clockwise from North)
    6902             :         int FacadeNumThisSurf; // Facade number for a particular surface
    6903             :         Real64 AngDiff;        // Angle difference between wind and surface direction (deg)
    6904             :         Real64 AngDiffMin;     // Minimum angle difference between wind and surface direction (deg)
    6905          14 :         std::string Name;      // External node name
    6906          14 :         std::vector<int> curveIndex = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
    6907             : 
    6908             :         // Facade azimuth angle
    6909          35 :         for (FacadeNum = 1; FacadeNum <= 4; ++FacadeNum) {
    6910          28 :             FacadeAng(FacadeNum) = m_state.afn->simulation_control.azimuth + (FacadeNum - 1) * 90.0;
    6911          28 :             if (FacadeAng(FacadeNum) >= 360.0) {
    6912           1 :                 FacadeAng(FacadeNum) -= 360.0;
    6913             :             }
    6914             :         }
    6915             : 
    6916           7 :         FacadeAng(5) = simulation_control.azimuth + 90.0;
    6917             : 
    6918             :         // Create AirflowNetwork external node objects -- one for each of the external surfaces
    6919             : 
    6920           7 :         MultizoneExternalNodeData.allocate(AirflowNetworkNumOfExtSurfaces);
    6921           7 :         AirflowNetworkNumOfExtNode = AirflowNetworkNumOfExtSurfaces;
    6922           7 :         NumOfExtNodes = AirflowNetworkNumOfExtSurfaces;
    6923          72 :         for (ExtNum = 1; ExtNum <= NumOfExtNodes; ++ExtNum) {
    6924          65 :             MultizoneExternalNodeData(ExtNum).ExtNum = AirflowNetworkNumOfZones + ExtNum;
    6925          65 :             MultizoneExternalNodeData(ExtNum).Name = format("ExtNode{:4}", ExtNum);
    6926             :         }
    6927             : 
    6928             :         // Associate each external node with SurfaceData
    6929             : 
    6930           7 :         ExtNum = 0;
    6931          87 :         for (SurfDatNum = 1; SurfDatNum <= AirflowNetworkNumOfSurfaces; ++SurfDatNum) {
    6932          80 :             if (SurfDatNum > AirflowNetworkNumOfSurfaces - NumOfLinksIntraZone) {
    6933           0 :                 continue;
    6934             :             }
    6935          80 :             SurfNum = MultizoneSurfaceData(SurfDatNum).SurfNum;
    6936          80 :             if (SurfNum == 0) {
    6937           0 :                 continue; // Error caught earlier
    6938             :             }
    6939         160 :             if (m_state.dataSurface->Surface(SurfNum).ExtBoundCond == ExternalEnvironment ||
    6940          15 :                 (m_state.dataSurface->Surface(SurfNum).ExtBoundCond == OtherSideCoefNoCalcExt && m_state.dataSurface->Surface(SurfNum).ExtWind)) {
    6941          65 :                 ++ExtNum;
    6942          65 :                 if (m_state.dataSurface->Surface(SurfNum).Tilt >= 45.0) { // "Vertical" surface
    6943          59 :                     SurfAng = m_state.dataSurface->Surface(SurfNum).Azimuth;
    6944          59 :                     FacadeNumThisSurf = 1;
    6945          59 :                     AngDiffMin = std::abs(SurfAng - FacadeAng(1));
    6946          59 :                     if (AngDiffMin > 359.0) {
    6947           0 :                         AngDiffMin = std::abs(AngDiffMin - 360.0);
    6948             :                     }
    6949         236 :                     for (FacadeNum = 2; FacadeNum <= 4; ++FacadeNum) {
    6950         177 :                         AngDiff = std::abs(SurfAng - FacadeAng(FacadeNum));
    6951         177 :                         if (AngDiff > 359.0) {
    6952           0 :                             AngDiff = std::abs(AngDiff - 360.0);
    6953             :                         }
    6954         177 :                         if (AngDiff < AngDiffMin) {
    6955          82 :                             AngDiffMin = AngDiff;
    6956          82 :                             FacadeNumThisSurf = FacadeNum;
    6957             :                         }
    6958             :                     }
    6959          59 :                     MultizoneExternalNodeData(ExtNum).facadeNum = FacadeNumThisSurf;
    6960             :                 } else { // "Roof" surface
    6961           6 :                     MultizoneExternalNodeData(ExtNum).facadeNum = 5;
    6962             :                 }
    6963          65 :                 MultizoneSurfaceData(SurfDatNum).NodeNums[1] = MultizoneExternalNodeData(ExtNum).ExtNum;
    6964          65 :                 MultizoneSurfaceData(SurfDatNum).ExternalNodeName = MultizoneExternalNodeData(ExtNum).Name;
    6965             :             }
    6966             :         }
    6967             : 
    6968             :         // Check if using the advanced single sided model
    6969          27 :         for (AFNZnNum = 1; AFNZnNum <= AirflowNetworkNumOfZones; ++AFNZnNum) {
    6970          20 :             if (MultizoneZoneData(AFNZnNum).SingleSidedCpType == "ADVANCED") {
    6971           3 :                 ++AirflowNetworkNumOfSingleSideZones;
    6972             :             }
    6973             :         }
    6974             : 
    6975          14 :         std::vector<Real64> dirs30 = {0, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 210, 240, 270, 300, 330, 360};
    6976          14 :         std::vector<Btwxt::GridAxis> dirs30Axes;
    6977           7 :         dirs30Axes.emplace_back(dirs30, Btwxt::Method::LINEAR, Btwxt::Method::LINEAR, std::pair<double, double>{0.0, 360.0});
    6978             : 
    6979           7 :         auto dirs30GridIndex = m_state.dataCurveManager->btwxtManager.addGrid("30 Degree Increments", Btwxt::GriddedData(dirs30Axes));
    6980             : 
    6981           7 :         if (AirflowNetworkNumOfSingleSideZones == 0) { // do the standard surface average coefficient calculation
    6982             :             // Create the array of wind directions
    6983             : 
    6984             :             // Create a curve for each facade
    6985          36 :             for (FacadeNum = 1; FacadeNum <= 5; ++FacadeNum) {
    6986          30 :                 if (FacadeNum == 1 || FacadeNum == 3 || FacadeNum == 5) {
    6987          18 :                     SideRatio = simulation_control.aspect_ratio;
    6988             :                 } else { // FacadeNum = 2 or 4
    6989          12 :                     SideRatio = 1.0 / simulation_control.aspect_ratio;
    6990             :                 }
    6991          30 :                 if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(simulation_control.BldgType, "HighRise") && FacadeNum != 5) {
    6992           0 :                     SideRatio = 1.0 / SideRatio;
    6993             :                 }
    6994          30 :                 SideRatioFac = std::log(SideRatio);
    6995          60 :                 std::vector<Real64> vals(13);
    6996         390 :                 for (int windDirNum = 1; windDirNum <= 12; ++windDirNum) {
    6997         360 :                     Real64 WindAng = (windDirNum - 1) * 30.0;
    6998         360 :                     IncAng = std::abs(WindAng - FacadeAng(FacadeNum));
    6999         360 :                     if (IncAng > 180.0) IncAng = 360.0 - IncAng;
    7000         360 :                     IAng = int(IncAng / 30.0) + 1;
    7001         360 :                     DelAng = mod(IncAng, 30.0);
    7002         360 :                     WtAng = 1.0 - DelAng / 30.0;
    7003             : 
    7004             :                     // Wind-pressure coefficients for vertical facades, low-rise building
    7005             : 
    7006         360 :                     if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(simulation_control.BldgType, "LowRise") && FacadeNum <= 4) {
    7007         288 :                         IncRad = IncAng * DataGlobalConstants::DegToRadians;
    7008         288 :                         Real64 const cos_IncRad_over_2(std::cos(IncRad / 2.0));
    7009         864 :                         vals[windDirNum - 1] = 0.6 * std::log(1.248 - 0.703 * std::sin(IncRad / 2.0) - 1.175 * pow_2(std::sin(IncRad)) +
    7010         864 :                                                               0.131 * pow_3(std::sin(2.0 * IncRad * SideRatioFac)) + 0.769 * cos_IncRad_over_2 +
    7011         576 :                                                               0.07 * pow_2(SideRatioFac * std::sin(IncRad / 2.0)) + 0.717 * pow_2(cos_IncRad_over_2));
    7012             :                     }
    7013             : 
    7014             :                     // Wind-pressure coefficients for vertical facades, high-rise building
    7015             : 
    7016          72 :                     else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(simulation_control.BldgType, "HighRise") && FacadeNum <= 4) {
    7017           0 :                         SR = min(max(SideRatio, 0.25), 4.0);
    7018           0 :                         if (SR >= 0.25 && SR < 1.0) {
    7019           0 :                             ISR = 1;
    7020           0 :                             WtSR = (1.0 - SR) / 0.75;
    7021             :                         } else { // 1.0 <= SR <= 4.0
    7022           0 :                             ISR = 2;
    7023           0 :                             WtSR = (4.0 - SR) / 3.0;
    7024             :                         }
    7025           0 :                         vals[windDirNum - 1] = WtSR * (WtAng * CPHighRiseWall[ISR - 1][IAng - 1] + (1.0 - WtAng) * CPHighRiseWall[ISR - 1][IAng]) +
    7026           0 :                                                (1.0 - WtSR) * (WtAng * CPHighRiseWall[ISR][IAng - 1] + (1.0 - WtAng) * CPHighRiseWall[ISR][IAng]);
    7027             :                     }
    7028             : 
    7029             :                     // Wind-pressure coefficients for roof (assumed same for low-rise and high-rise buildings)
    7030             : 
    7031         216 :                     else if ((UtilityRoutines::SameString(simulation_control.BldgType, "HighRise") ||
    7032         144 :                               UtilityRoutines::SameString(simulation_control.BldgType, "LowRise")) &&
    7033          72 :                              FacadeNum == 5) {
    7034          72 :                         SR = min(max(SideRatio, 0.25), 1.0);
    7035          72 :                         if (SR >= 0.25 && SR < 0.5) {
    7036           0 :                             ISR = 1;
    7037           0 :                             WtSR = (0.5 - SR) / 0.25;
    7038             :                         } else { // 0.5 <= SR <= 1.0
    7039          72 :                             ISR = 2;
    7040          72 :                             WtSR = (1.0 - SR) / 0.5;
    7041             :                         }
    7042         144 :                         vals[windDirNum - 1] = WtSR * (WtAng * CPHighRiseRoof[ISR - 1][IAng - 1] + (1.0 - WtAng) * CPHighRiseRoof[ISR - 1][IAng]) +
    7043          72 :                                                (1.0 - WtSR) * (WtAng * CPHighRiseRoof[ISR][IAng - 1] + (1.0 - WtAng) * CPHighRiseRoof[ISR][IAng]);
    7044             :                     }
    7045             : 
    7046             :                 } // End of wind direction loop
    7047             :                 // Add new table
    7048          30 :                 vals[12] = vals[0]; // Enforce periodicity
    7049          30 :                 curveIndex[FacadeNum - 1] = AirflowNetwork::makeTable(m_state, format("!WPCTABLE{}", FacadeNum), dirs30GridIndex, vals);
    7050             :             } // End of facade number loop
    7051             : 
    7052             :         } else { //-calculate the advanced single sided wind pressure coefficients
    7053             : 
    7054             :             // Calculate the wind pressure coefficients vs. wind direction for each external node
    7055             :             // The wind pressure coeffients are stored temporarily in the "valsByFacade" vector and then
    7056             :             // converted into a table near the end of this else. There will be at least seven profiles
    7057             :             // (four sides plus one roof plus two for each pair of windows). The name is thus a little
    7058             :             // misleading, as it isn't really the values by facade once you get beyond the first five.
    7059           2 :             std::vector<std::vector<Real64>> valsByFacade(5);
    7060           5 :             for (FacadeNum = 0; FacadeNum < 4; ++FacadeNum) {
    7061           4 :                 valsByFacade[FacadeNum] = std::vector<Real64>(36);
    7062             :             }
    7063           1 :             FacadeNum = 4;
    7064           1 :             valsByFacade[FacadeNum] = std::vector<Real64>(12);
    7065           5 :             for (FacadeNum = 1; FacadeNum <= 4; ++FacadeNum) {
    7066           4 :                 if (FacadeNum == 1 || FacadeNum == 3) {
    7067           2 :                     SideRatio = simulation_control.aspect_ratio;
    7068             :                 } else { // FacadeNum = 2 or 4
    7069           2 :                     SideRatio = 1.0 / simulation_control.aspect_ratio;
    7070             :                 }
    7071           4 :                 if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(simulation_control.BldgType, "HighRise") && FacadeNum != 5) {
    7072           0 :                     SideRatio = 1.0 / SideRatio;
    7073             :                 }
    7074           4 :                 SideRatioFac = std::log(SideRatio);
    7075         148 :                 for (int windDirNum = 1; windDirNum <= 36; ++windDirNum) {
    7076         144 :                     Real64 WindAng = (windDirNum - 1) * 10.0;
    7077         144 :                     IncAng = std::abs(WindAng - FacadeAng(FacadeNum));
    7078         144 :                     if (IncAng > 180.0) IncAng = 360.0 - IncAng;
    7079         144 :                     IAng = int(IncAng / 10.0) + 1;
    7080         144 :                     DelAng = mod(IncAng, 10.0);
    7081         144 :                     WtAng = 1.0 - DelAng / 10.0;
    7082             :                     // Wind-pressure coefficients for vertical facades, low-rise building
    7083         144 :                     IncRad = IncAng * DataGlobalConstants::DegToRadians;
    7084         144 :                     valsByFacade[FacadeNum - 1][windDirNum - 1] =
    7085         432 :                         0.6 * std::log(1.248 - 0.703 * std::sin(IncRad / 2.0) - 1.175 * pow_2(std::sin(IncRad)) +
    7086         432 :                                        0.131 * pow_3(std::sin(2.0 * IncRad * SideRatioFac)) + 0.769 * std::cos(IncRad / 2.0) +
    7087         288 :                                        0.07 * pow_2(SideRatioFac * std::sin(IncRad / 2.0)) + 0.717 * pow_2(std::cos(IncRad / 2.0)));
    7088             :                 } // End of wind direction loop
    7089             :             }     // End of facade number loop
    7090             :             // Add a roof
    7091           1 :             FacadeNum = 5;
    7092           1 :             SR = min(max(SideRatio, 0.25), 1.0);
    7093           1 :             if (SR >= 0.25 && SR < 0.5) {
    7094           0 :                 ISR = 1;
    7095           0 :                 WtSR = (0.5 - SR) / 0.25;
    7096             :             } else { // 0.5 <= SR <= 1.0
    7097           1 :                 ISR = 2;
    7098           1 :                 WtSR = (1.0 - SR) / 0.5;
    7099             :             }
    7100          13 :             for (int windDirNum = 1; windDirNum <= 12; ++windDirNum) {
    7101          12 :                 Real64 WindAng = (windDirNum - 1) * 30.0;
    7102          12 :                 IncAng = std::abs(WindAng - FacadeAng(FacadeNum));
    7103          12 :                 if (IncAng > 180.0) IncAng = 360.0 - IncAng;
    7104          12 :                 IAng = int(IncAng / 30.0) + 1;
    7105          12 :                 DelAng = mod(IncAng, 30.0);
    7106          12 :                 WtAng = 1.0 - DelAng / 30.0;
    7107             :                 // Wind-pressure coefficients for roof (assumed same for low-rise and high-rise buildings)
    7108          12 :                 valsByFacade[FacadeNum - 1][windDirNum - 1] =
    7109          24 :                     WtSR * (WtAng * CPHighRiseRoof[ISR - 1][IAng - 1] + (1.0 - WtAng) * CPHighRiseRoof[ISR - 1][IAng]) +
    7110          12 :                     (1.0 - WtSR) * (WtAng * CPHighRiseRoof[ISR][IAng - 1] + (1.0 - WtAng) * CPHighRiseRoof[ISR][IAng]);
    7111             :             }
    7112           1 :             single_sided_Cps(valsByFacade); // run the advanced single sided subroutine if at least one zone calls for it
    7113             :             // Resize the curve index array
    7114           1 :             curveIndex.resize(valsByFacade.size());
    7115             :             // Create the curves
    7116             : 
    7117             :             std::vector<Real64> dirs10 = {0,   10,  20,  30,  40,  50,  60,  70,  80,  90,  100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160, 170, 180,
    7118           2 :                                           190, 200, 210, 220, 230, 240, 250, 260, 270, 280, 290, 300, 310, 320, 330, 340, 350, 360};
    7119             : 
    7120           2 :             std::vector<Btwxt::GridAxis> dirs10Axes;
    7121           1 :             dirs10Axes.emplace_back(dirs10, Btwxt::Method::LINEAR, Btwxt::Method::LINEAR, std::pair<double, double>{0.0, 360.0});
    7122             : 
    7123           1 :             auto dirs10GridIndex = m_state.dataCurveManager->btwxtManager.addGrid("10 Degree Increments", Btwxt::GriddedData(dirs10Axes));
    7124             : 
    7125           5 :             for (FacadeNum = 1; FacadeNum <= 4; ++FacadeNum) {
    7126           4 :                 valsByFacade[FacadeNum - 1].push_back(valsByFacade[FacadeNum - 1][0]); // Enforce periodicity
    7127           4 :                 curveIndex[FacadeNum - 1] =
    7128           8 :                     AirflowNetwork::makeTable(m_state, format("!SSWPCTABLEFACADE{}", FacadeNum), dirs10GridIndex, valsByFacade[FacadeNum - 1]);
    7129             :             }
    7130           1 :             FacadeNum = 5;
    7131           1 :             valsByFacade[FacadeNum - 1].push_back(valsByFacade[FacadeNum - 1][0]); // Enforce periodicity
    7132           1 :             curveIndex[FacadeNum - 1] =
    7133           2 :                 AirflowNetwork::makeTable(m_state, format("!SSWPCTABLEFACADE{}", FacadeNum), dirs30GridIndex, valsByFacade[FacadeNum - 1]);
    7134           7 :             for (unsigned facadeNum = 6; facadeNum <= valsByFacade.size(); ++facadeNum) {
    7135           6 :                 valsByFacade[facadeNum - 1].push_back(valsByFacade[facadeNum - 1][0]); // Enforce periodicity
    7136           6 :                 curveIndex[facadeNum - 1] =
    7137          12 :                     AirflowNetwork::makeTable(m_state, format("!SSWPCTABLE{}", facadeNum), dirs10GridIndex, valsByFacade[facadeNum - 1]);
    7138             :             }
    7139             :         }
    7140             :         // Connect the external nodes to the new curves
    7141          72 :         for (ExtNum = 1; ExtNum <= NumOfExtNodes; ++ExtNum) {
    7142          65 :             MultizoneExternalNodeData(ExtNum).curve = curveIndex[MultizoneExternalNodeData(ExtNum).facadeNum - 1];
    7143             :         }
    7144           7 :     }
    7145             : 
    7146     4891440 :     Real64 Solver::calculate_wind_pressure(int const curve,           // Curve index, change this to pointer after curve refactor
    7147             :                                            bool const symmetricCurve, // True if the curve is symmetric (0 to 180)
    7148             :                                            bool const relativeAngle,  // True if the Cp curve angle is measured relative to the surface
    7149             :                                            Real64 const azimuth,      // Azimuthal angle of surface
    7150             :                                            Real64 const windSpeed,    // Wind velocity
    7151             :                                            Real64 const windDir,      // Wind direction
    7152             :                                            Real64 const dryBulbTemp,  // Air node dry bulb temperature
    7153             :                                            Real64 const humRat        // Air node humidity ratio
    7154             :     )
    7155             :     {
    7156             : 
    7157             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    7158             :         //       AUTHOR         Lixing Gu
    7159             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   Oct. 2005
    7160             :         //       MODIFIED       Jason DeGraw, Feb. 2017, modify to use curves
    7161             :         //       MODIFIED       Xuan Luo, Aug. 2017, modify to use local air condition
    7162             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
    7163             : 
    7164             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    7165             :         // Calculates surface wind pressure based on given CP values
    7166             : 
    7167             :         // REFERENCES:
    7168             :         // COMIS Fundamentals
    7169             : 
    7170             :         // Return value is wind pressure[Pa]
    7171             : 
    7172             :         // FUNCTION LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
    7173     4891440 :         Real64 angle(windDir);
    7174             :         Real64 rho; // Outdoor air density
    7175             :         Real64 Cp;  // Cp value at given wind direction
    7176             : 
    7177             :         // Calculate outdoor density
    7178     4891440 :         rho = PsyRhoAirFnPbTdbW(m_state, m_state.dataEnvrn->OutBaroPress, dryBulbTemp, humRat);
    7179             : 
    7180             :         // Calculate pressure coefficient
    7181     4891440 :         if (relativeAngle) {
    7182           0 :             angle = angle - azimuth;
    7183           0 :             if (angle < 0.0) {
    7184           0 :                 angle += 360.0;
    7185             :             }
    7186             :         }
    7187     4891440 :         if (symmetricCurve) {
    7188           0 :             if (angle > 180.0) {
    7189           0 :                 angle = 360.0 - angle;
    7190             :             }
    7191             :         }
    7192     4891440 :         Cp = Curve::CurveValue(m_state, curve, angle);
    7193             : 
    7194     4891440 :         return Cp * 0.5 * rho * windSpeed * windSpeed;
    7195             :     }
    7196             : 
    7197    11095434 :     Real64 Solver::duct_inside_convection_resistance(Real64 const Tair, // Average air temperature
    7198             :                                                      Real64 const mdot, // Mass flow rate
    7199             :                                                      Real64 const Dh,   // Hydraulic diameter
    7200             :                                                      Real64 const hIn   // User defined convection coefficient
    7201             :     )
    7202             :     {
    7203             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    7204             :         //       AUTHOR         Matt Mitchell, Tony Fontanini
    7205             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   Feb. 2017
    7206             :         //       MODIFIED       na
    7207             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
    7208             : 
    7209             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    7210             :         // Calculates duct inside convection coefficients
    7211             : 
    7212             :         // REFERENCES:
    7213             :         // ASTM C1340
    7214             :         // Jakob, F.E.,  Fischer, R.D., Flanigan, L.J. 1987. "Experimental Validation of the Duct Submodel for the SP43 Simulation Model."
    7215             :         // ASHRAE Trans. pp 1499-1514.
    7216             : 
    7217    11095434 :         Real64 hIn_final = 0;
    7218             : 
    7219    11095434 :         if (hIn == 0) {
    7220             : 
    7221     7732463 :             Real64 Tair_IP = Tair * 1.8 + 32.0;     // Convert C to F
    7222     7732463 :             Real64 mdot_IP = mdot * 2.20462 * 3600; // Convert kg/s to lb/hr
    7223     7732463 :             Real64 Dh_IP = Dh * 3.28084;            // Convert m to ft
    7224     7732463 :             Real64 Ai_IP = pow_2(Dh_IP) * DataGlobalConstants::Pi / 4;
    7225             : 
    7226     7732463 :             Real64 CorrelationCoeff = 0.00368 + 1.5e-6 * (Tair_IP - 80);
    7227     7732463 :             Real64 MassFlux = mdot_IP / Ai_IP; // lb/hr-ft2
    7228             : 
    7229     7732463 :             Real64 DuctInsideConvCoeff_IP = CorrelationCoeff * pow(MassFlux, 0.8) / pow(Dh_IP, 0.2); // BTU/hr-ft2-F
    7230             : 
    7231     7732463 :             hIn_final = DuctInsideConvCoeff_IP * pow_2(3.28084) * 1.8 * 1055.06 / 3600; // Convert BTU/hr-ft2-F to W/m2-K
    7232             : 
    7233             :         } else {
    7234     3362971 :             hIn_final = hIn;
    7235             :         }
    7236             : 
    7237    11095434 :         if (hIn_final == 0) {
    7238           0 :             return 0;
    7239             :         } else {
    7240    11095434 :             return 1 / hIn_final;
    7241             :         }
    7242             :     }
    7243             : 
    7244    11095434 :     Real64 Solver::duct_outside_convection_resistance(Real64 const Ts,   // Surface temperature
    7245             :                                                       Real64 const Tamb, // Free air temperature
    7246             :                                                       Real64 const Wamb, // Free air humidity ratio
    7247             :                                                       Real64 const Pamb, // Free air barometric pressure
    7248             :                                                       Real64 const Dh,   // Hydraulic diameter
    7249             :                                                       int const ZoneNum, // Zone number
    7250             :                                                       Real64 const hOut  // User defined convection coefficient
    7251             :     )
    7252             :     {
    7253             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    7254             :         //       AUTHOR         Matt Mitchell, Tony Fontanini
    7255             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   Feb. 2017
    7256             :         //       MODIFIED       na
    7257             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
    7258             : 
    7259             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    7260             :         // Calculates duct outside convection coefficients
    7261             : 
    7262             :         // REFERENCES:
    7263             :         // ASTM C1340
    7264             : 
    7265    11095434 :         Real64 k = properties.thermal_conductivity(Ts);
    7266    11095434 :         auto &Zone(m_state.dataHeatBal->Zone);
    7267             : 
    7268    11095434 :         Real64 hOut_final = 0;
    7269             : 
    7270    11095434 :         if (hOut == 0) {
    7271             : 
    7272             :             // Free convection
    7273     7732463 :             Real64 Pr = properties.prandtl_number(Pamb, (Ts + Tamb) / 2, Wamb);
    7274     7732463 :             Real64 KinVisc = properties.kinematic_viscosity(Pamb, (Ts + Tamb) / 2, Wamb);
    7275     7732463 :             Real64 Beta = 2.0 / ((Tamb + DataGlobalConstants::KelvinConv) + (Ts + DataGlobalConstants::KelvinConv));
    7276     7732463 :             Real64 Gr = DataGlobalConstants::GravityConstant * Beta * std::abs(Ts - Tamb) * pow_3(Dh) / pow_2(KinVisc);
    7277     7732463 :             Real64 Ra = Gr * Pr;
    7278     7732463 :             Real64 Nu_free(0);
    7279             : 
    7280     7732463 :             if (Ra < 10e9) {
    7281     7732463 :                 Nu_free = 0.53 * pow(Ra, 0.25);
    7282             :             } else {
    7283           0 :                 Nu_free = 0.13 * pow(Ra, 0.333);
    7284             :             }
    7285             : 
    7286     7732463 :             Real64 V = 0;
    7287             :             // Forced convection
    7288     7732463 :             if (ZoneNum > 0) {
    7289     6008207 :                 Real64 ACH = zone_OA_change_rate(ZoneNum); // Zone air change rate [1/hr]
    7290     6008207 :                 Real64 Vol = Zone(ZoneNum).Volume;         // Zone volume [m3]
    7291     6008207 :                 V = pow(Vol, 0.333) * ACH / 3600;          // Average air speed in zone [m/s]
    7292             :             } else {
    7293     1724256 :                 V = m_state.dataEnvrn->WindSpeed;
    7294             :             }
    7295             : 
    7296     7732463 :             Real64 Re = V * Dh / KinVisc; // Reynolds number
    7297     7732463 :             Real64 c = 0;
    7298     7732463 :             Real64 n = 0;
    7299             : 
    7300     7732463 :             if (Re <= 4) {
    7301      366499 :                 c = 0.989;
    7302      366499 :                 n = 0.33;
    7303     7365964 :             } else if (4 < Re && Re <= 40) {
    7304          84 :                 c = 0.911;
    7305          84 :                 n = 0.385;
    7306     7365880 :             } else if (40 < Re && Re <= 4000) {
    7307     5641624 :                 c = 0.683;
    7308     5641624 :                 n = 0.466;
    7309     1724256 :             } else if (4000 < Re && Re <= 40000) {
    7310      243340 :                 c = 0.193;
    7311      243340 :                 n = 0.618;
    7312     1480916 :             } else if (40000 < Re) {
    7313     1480916 :                 c = 0.0266;
    7314     1480916 :                 n = 0.805;
    7315             :             }
    7316             : 
    7317     7732463 :             Real64 Nu_forced = c * pow(Re, n) * pow(Pr, 0.333);
    7318             : 
    7319     7732463 :             Real64 Nu_combined = pow(pow_3(Nu_free) + pow_3(Nu_forced), 0.333);
    7320     7732463 :             hOut_final = Nu_combined * k / Dh;
    7321             : 
    7322             :         } else {
    7323     3362971 :             hOut_final = hOut;
    7324             :         }
    7325             : 
    7326    11095434 :         if (hOut_final == 0) {
    7327          97 :             return 0;
    7328             :         } else {
    7329    11095337 :             return 1 / hOut_final;
    7330             :         }
    7331             :     }
    7332             : 
    7333      380734 :     void Solver::calculate_heat_balance()
    7334             :     {
    7335             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    7336             :         //       AUTHOR         Lixing Gu
    7337             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   Oct. 2005
    7338             :         //       MODIFIED       na
    7339             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  Revised based on Subroutine CalcADSHeatBalance
    7340             : 
    7341             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    7342             :         // This subroutine performs AirflowNetwork thermal simulations.
    7343             : 
    7344             :         // USE STATEMENTS:
    7345      380734 :         auto &TimeStepSys = m_state.dataHVACGlobal->TimeStepSys;
    7346             : 
    7347             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
    7348             :         int i;
    7349             :         int j;
    7350             :         int LF;
    7351             :         int LT;
    7352             :         int CompNum;
    7353             :         int NF;
    7354             :         int NT;
    7355             :         iComponentTypeNum CompTypeNum;
    7356             :         int TypeNum;
    7357             :         int ExtNodeNum;
    7358      761468 :         std::string CompName;
    7359             :         Real64 Ei;
    7360             :         Real64 DirSign;
    7361             :         Real64 Tamb;
    7362             :         Real64 Wamb;
    7363             :         Real64 Pamb;
    7364             :         Real64 CpAir;
    7365             :         Real64 TZON;
    7366             :         Real64 load;
    7367             :         int ZoneNum;
    7368             :         bool found;
    7369             :         bool OANode;
    7370             : 
    7371      380734 :         auto &Node(m_state.dataLoopNodes->Node);
    7372             : 
    7373      380734 :         MA = 0.0;
    7374      380734 :         MV = 0.0;
    7375             : 
    7376    13859032 :         for (i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfLinks; ++i) {
    7377    13478298 :             CompNum = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).CompNum;
    7378    13478298 :             CompTypeNum = AirflowNetworkCompData(CompNum).CompTypeNum;
    7379    13478298 :             CompName = AirflowNetworkCompData(CompNum).EPlusName;
    7380    26956596 :             CpAir = PsyCpAirFnW((AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0]).WZ +
    7381    13478298 :                                  AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1]).WZ) /
    7382             :                                 2.0);
    7383             :             // Calculate duct conduction loss
    7384    13478298 :             if (CompTypeNum == iComponentTypeNum::DWC && CompName == std::string()) { // Duct element only
    7385     5671808 :                 TypeNum = AirflowNetworkCompData(CompNum).TypeNum;
    7386     5671808 :                 if (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW > 0.0) { // flow direction is the same as input from node 1 to node 2
    7387     5664527 :                     LF = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0];
    7388     5664527 :                     LT = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1];
    7389     5664527 :                     DirSign = 1.0;
    7390             :                 } else { // flow direction is the opposite as input from node 2 to node 1
    7391        7281 :                     LF = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1];
    7392        7281 :                     LT = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0];
    7393        7281 :                     DirSign = -1.0;
    7394             :                 }
    7395             :                 // Fatal error when return flow is opposite to the desired direction
    7396     5671808 :                 if (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW == 0.0 && AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2 > 0.0) {
    7397        7281 :                     if (LoopOnOffFlag(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).AirLoopNum)) {
    7398           0 :                         ShowSevereError(m_state,
    7399             :                                         "AirflowNetwork: The airflow direction is opposite to the intended direction (from node 1 to node 2) in "
    7400           0 :                                         "AirflowNetwork:Distribution:Linkage = " +
    7401           0 :                                             AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).Name);
    7402           0 :                         ShowContinueErrorTimeStamp(m_state, "");
    7403           0 :                         ShowContinueError(m_state,
    7404             :                                           "The sum of the airflows entering the zone is greater than the airflows leaving the zone (e.g., wind "
    7405             :                                           "and stack effect).");
    7406           0 :                         ShowContinueError(m_state,
    7407             :                                           "Please check wind speed or reduce values of \"Window/Door Opening Factor, or Crack Factor\" defined in "
    7408             :                                           "AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:Surface objects.");
    7409             :                         //                    ShowFatalError(state,  "AirflowNetwork: The previous error causes termination." );
    7410             :                     }
    7411             :                 }
    7412             : 
    7413     5671808 :                 if (AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).ZoneNum < 0) {
    7414           0 :                     ExtNodeNum = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1];
    7415           0 :                     if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(ExtNodeNum).OutAirNodeNum > 0 && Node(AirflowNetworkNodeData(ExtNodeNum).OutAirNodeNum).IsLocalNode) {
    7416           0 :                         Tamb = Node(AirflowNetworkNodeData(ExtNodeNum).OutAirNodeNum).OutAirDryBulb;
    7417           0 :                         Wamb = Node(AirflowNetworkNodeData(ExtNodeNum).OutAirNodeNum).HumRat;
    7418             :                     } else {
    7419           0 :                         Tamb = OutDryBulbTempAt(m_state, AirflowNetworkNodeData(ExtNodeNum).NodeHeight);
    7420           0 :                         Wamb = m_state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat;
    7421             :                     }
    7422     5671808 :                 } else if (AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).ZoneNum == 0) {
    7423     2057286 :                     Tamb = AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(LT).TZ;
    7424     2057286 :                     Wamb = AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(LT).WZ;
    7425             :                 } else {
    7426     3614522 :                     Tamb = ANZT(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).ZoneNum);
    7427     3614522 :                     Wamb = ANZW(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).ZoneNum);
    7428             :                 }
    7429             : 
    7430     5671808 :                 Pamb = m_state.dataEnvrn->OutBaroPress;
    7431             : 
    7432     5671808 :                 Real64 constexpr tolerance = 0.001;
    7433     5671808 :                 Real64 UThermal(10); // Initialize. This will get updated.
    7434     5671808 :                 Real64 UThermal_iter = 0;
    7435     5671808 :                 Real64 Tsurr = Tamb;
    7436     5671808 :                 Real64 Tsurr_K = Tsurr + DataGlobalConstants::KelvinConv;
    7437     5671808 :                 Real64 Tin = AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(LF).TZ;
    7438     5671808 :                 Real64 TDuctSurf = (Tamb + Tin) / 2.0;
    7439     5671808 :                 Real64 TDuctSurf_K = TDuctSurf + DataGlobalConstants::KelvinConv;
    7440     5671808 :                 Real64 DuctSurfArea = DisSysCompDuctData(TypeNum).L * DisSysCompDuctData(TypeNum).hydraulicDiameter * DataGlobalConstants::Pi;
    7441             : 
    7442             :                 // If user defined view factors not present, calculate air-to-air heat transfer
    7443     5671808 :                 if (AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).LinkageViewFactorObjectNum == 0) {
    7444             : 
    7445             :                     // Calculate convection coefficient if one or both not present
    7446     5663489 :                     if (DisSysCompDuctData(TypeNum).InsideConvCoeff == 0 && DisSysCompDuctData(TypeNum).OutsideConvCoeff == 0) {
    7447    17700232 :                         while (std::abs(UThermal - UThermal_iter) > tolerance) {
    7448     7699857 :                             UThermal_iter = UThermal;
    7449             : 
    7450    23099571 :                             Real64 RThermConvIn = duct_inside_convection_resistance(Tin,
    7451     7699857 :                                                                                     AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW,
    7452     7699857 :                                                                                     DisSysCompDuctData(TypeNum).hydraulicDiameter,
    7453    15399714 :                                                                                     DisSysCompDuctData(TypeNum).InsideConvCoeff);
    7454    23099571 :                             Real64 RThermConvOut = duct_outside_convection_resistance(TDuctSurf,
    7455             :                                                                                       Tamb,
    7456             :                                                                                       Wamb,
    7457             :                                                                                       Pamb,
    7458     7699857 :                                                                                       DisSysCompDuctData(TypeNum).hydraulicDiameter,
    7459     7699857 :                                                                                       AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).ZoneNum,
    7460    15399714 :                                                                                       DisSysCompDuctData(TypeNum).OutsideConvCoeff);
    7461     7699857 :                             Real64 RThermConduct = 1.0 / DisSysCompDuctData(TypeNum).UThermConduct;
    7462     7699857 :                             Real64 RThermTotal = RThermConvIn + RThermConvOut + RThermConduct;
    7463     7699857 :                             UThermal = pow(RThermTotal, -1);
    7464             : 
    7465             :                             // Duct conduction, assuming effectiveness = 1 - exp(-NTU)
    7466     7699857 :                             Ei = General::epexp(-UThermal * DuctSurfArea, (DirSign * AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW * CpAir));
    7467     7699857 :                             Real64 QCondDuct = std::abs(AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW) * CpAir * (Tamb - Tin) * (1 - Ei);
    7468             : 
    7469     7699857 :                             TDuctSurf = Tamb - QCondDuct * RThermConvOut / DuctSurfArea;
    7470             :                         }
    7471             :                     } else { // Air-to-air only. U and h values are all known
    7472    10088913 :                         Real64 RThermConvIn = duct_inside_convection_resistance(Tin,
    7473     3362971 :                                                                                 AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW,
    7474     3362971 :                                                                                 DisSysCompDuctData(TypeNum).hydraulicDiameter,
    7475     6725942 :                                                                                 DisSysCompDuctData(TypeNum).InsideConvCoeff);
    7476    10088913 :                         Real64 RThermConvOut = duct_outside_convection_resistance(TDuctSurf,
    7477             :                                                                                   Tamb,
    7478             :                                                                                   Wamb,
    7479             :                                                                                   Pamb,
    7480     3362971 :                                                                                   DisSysCompDuctData(TypeNum).hydraulicDiameter,
    7481     3362971 :                                                                                   AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).ZoneNum,
    7482     6725942 :                                                                                   DisSysCompDuctData(TypeNum).OutsideConvCoeff);
    7483     3362971 :                         Real64 RThermConduct = 1.0 / DisSysCompDuctData(TypeNum).UThermConduct;
    7484     3362971 :                         Real64 RThermTotal = RThermConvIn + RThermConvOut + RThermConduct;
    7485     3362971 :                         UThermal = pow(RThermTotal, -1);
    7486             :                     }
    7487             : 
    7488     5663489 :                     Tsurr = Tamb;
    7489             : 
    7490             :                 } else { // Air-to-air + radiation heat transfer
    7491             : 
    7492        8319 :                     auto &VFObj(AirflowNetworkLinkageViewFactorData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).LinkageViewFactorObjectNum));
    7493        8319 :                     VFObj.QRad = 0;
    7494        8319 :                     VFObj.QConv = 0;
    7495             : 
    7496        8319 :                     Real64 Tin_ave = Tin;
    7497        8319 :                     Real64 hOut = 0;
    7498             : 
    7499       73531 :                     while (std::abs(UThermal - UThermal_iter) > tolerance) {
    7500       32606 :                         UThermal_iter = UThermal;
    7501             : 
    7502       97818 :                         Real64 RThermConvIn = duct_inside_convection_resistance(Tin_ave,
    7503       32606 :                                                                                 AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW,
    7504       32606 :                                                                                 DisSysCompDuctData(TypeNum).hydraulicDiameter,
    7505       65212 :                                                                                 DisSysCompDuctData(TypeNum).InsideConvCoeff);
    7506       97818 :                         Real64 RThermConvOut = duct_outside_convection_resistance(TDuctSurf,
    7507             :                                                                                   Tamb,
    7508             :                                                                                   Wamb,
    7509             :                                                                                   Pamb,
    7510       32606 :                                                                                   DisSysCompDuctData(TypeNum).hydraulicDiameter,
    7511       32606 :                                                                                   AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).ZoneNum,
    7512       65212 :                                                                                   DisSysCompDuctData(TypeNum).OutsideConvCoeff);
    7513             : 
    7514       32606 :                         if (RThermConvOut > 0.0) {
    7515       32605 :                             hOut = 1 / RThermConvOut;
    7516             :                         }
    7517             : 
    7518       32606 :                         Real64 RThermConduct = 1.0 / DisSysCompDuctData(TypeNum).UThermConduct;
    7519             : 
    7520       32606 :                         Real64 hrjTj_sum = 0;
    7521       32606 :                         Real64 hrj_sum = 0;
    7522             : 
    7523      195636 :                         for (int j = 1; j <= VFObj.LinkageSurfaceData.u(); ++j) {
    7524             : 
    7525      163030 :                             int ZoneSurfNum = VFObj.LinkageSurfaceData(j).SurfaceNum;
    7526             : 
    7527      163030 :                             Real64 TSurfj = m_state.dataHeatBalSurf->SurfOutsideTempHist(1)(ZoneSurfNum);
    7528      163030 :                             Real64 TSurfj_K = TSurfj + DataGlobalConstants::KelvinConv;
    7529             : 
    7530             :                             Real64 ZoneSurfEmissivity =
    7531      163030 :                                 m_state.dataConstruction->Construct(m_state.dataSurface->Surface(ZoneSurfNum).Construction).InsideAbsorpThermal;
    7532      163030 :                             Real64 ZoneSurfArea = m_state.dataSurface->Surface(ZoneSurfNum).Area;
    7533             : 
    7534      163030 :                             Real64 DuctEmissivity = VFObj.DuctEmittance;
    7535      163030 :                             Real64 DuctExposureFrac = VFObj.DuctExposureFraction;
    7536      163030 :                             Real64 DuctToZoneSurfViewFactor = VFObj.LinkageSurfaceData(j).ViewFactor;
    7537             : 
    7538      163030 :                             Real64 DuctSurfResistance = (1 - DuctEmissivity) / (DuctExposureFrac * DuctSurfArea * DuctEmissivity);
    7539      163030 :                             Real64 SpaceResistance = 1 / (DuctExposureFrac * DuctSurfArea * DuctToZoneSurfViewFactor);
    7540      163030 :                             Real64 ZoneSurfResistance = (1 - ZoneSurfEmissivity) / (ZoneSurfArea * ZoneSurfEmissivity);
    7541             : 
    7542      163030 :                             VFObj.LinkageSurfaceData(j).SurfaceResistanceFactor =
    7543      163030 :                                 DataGlobalConstants::StefanBoltzmann / (DuctSurfResistance + SpaceResistance + ZoneSurfResistance);
    7544             : 
    7545      326060 :                             Real64 hrj = VFObj.LinkageSurfaceData(j).SurfaceResistanceFactor * (TDuctSurf_K + TSurfj_K) *
    7546      326060 :                                          (pow_2(TDuctSurf_K) + pow_2(TSurfj_K)) / DuctSurfArea;
    7547             : 
    7548      163030 :                             hrjTj_sum += hrj * TSurfj;
    7549      163030 :                             hrj_sum += hrj;
    7550             :                         }
    7551             : 
    7552       32606 :                         Tsurr = (hOut * Tamb + hrjTj_sum) / (hOut + hrj_sum); // Surroundings temperature [C]
    7553       32606 :                         Tsurr_K = Tsurr + DataGlobalConstants::KelvinConv;
    7554             : 
    7555       32606 :                         Real64 RThermTotal = RThermConvIn + RThermConduct + 1 / (hOut + hrj_sum);
    7556       32606 :                         UThermal = pow(RThermTotal, -1);
    7557             : 
    7558       32606 :                         Real64 NTU = UThermal * DuctSurfArea / (DirSign * AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW * CpAir);
    7559       32606 :                         Tin_ave = Tsurr + (Tin - Tsurr) * (1 / NTU) * (1 - exp(-NTU));
    7560             : 
    7561       32606 :                         TDuctSurf = Tin_ave - UThermal * (RThermConvIn + RThermConduct) * (Tin_ave - Tsurr);
    7562       32606 :                         TDuctSurf_K = TDuctSurf + DataGlobalConstants::KelvinConv;
    7563             :                     }
    7564             : 
    7565       49914 :                     for (int j = 1; j <= VFObj.LinkageSurfaceData.u(); ++j) {
    7566       41595 :                         int ZoneSurfNum = VFObj.LinkageSurfaceData(j).SurfaceNum;
    7567       41595 :                         Real64 TSurfj = m_state.dataHeatBalSurf->SurfOutsideTempHist(1)(ZoneSurfNum);
    7568       41595 :                         Real64 TSurfj_K = TSurfj + DataGlobalConstants::KelvinConv;
    7569       83190 :                         VFObj.LinkageSurfaceData(j).SurfaceRadLoad = VFObj.LinkageSurfaceData(j).SurfaceResistanceFactor *
    7570       41595 :                                                                      (pow_4(TDuctSurf_K) - pow_4(TSurfj_K)); // Radiant load for this surface [W]
    7571       41595 :                         int SurfNum = VFObj.LinkageSurfaceData(j).SurfaceNum;
    7572       41595 :                         Real64 ZoneSurfaceArea = m_state.dataSurface->Surface(SurfNum).Area;
    7573       83190 :                         m_state.dataHeatBalFanSys->QRadSurfAFNDuct(SurfNum) += VFObj.LinkageSurfaceData(j).SurfaceRadLoad * TimeStepSys *
    7574       41595 :                                                                                DataGlobalConstants::SecInHour /
    7575             :                                                                                ZoneSurfaceArea; // Energy to each surface per unit area [J/m2]
    7576       41595 :                         VFObj.QRad += VFObj.LinkageSurfaceData(j).SurfaceRadLoad; // Total radiant load from all surfaces for this system timestep [W]
    7577             :                     }
    7578             : 
    7579        8319 :                     VFObj.QConv = hOut * DuctSurfArea * (TDuctSurf - Tamb);
    7580        8319 :                     UThermal = (VFObj.QRad + VFObj.QConv) / (DuctSurfArea * std::abs(Tsurr - Tin));
    7581             :                 }
    7582             : 
    7583     5671808 :                 if (!LoopOnOffFlag(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).AirLoopNum) && AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW <= 0.0) {
    7584        7281 :                     Ei = General::epexp(-UThermal * DuctSurfArea, (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2 * CpAir));
    7585        7281 :                     MA((LT - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + LT) += std::abs(AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2) * CpAir;
    7586        7281 :                     MA((LT - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + LF) = -std::abs(AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2) * CpAir * Ei;
    7587        7281 :                     MV(LT) += std::abs(AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2) * Tsurr * (1.0 - Ei) * CpAir;
    7588             :                 } else {
    7589     5664527 :                     Ei = General::epexp(-UThermal * DuctSurfArea, (DirSign * AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW * CpAir));
    7590     5664527 :                     MA((LT - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + LT) += std::abs(AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW) * CpAir;
    7591     5664527 :                     MA((LT - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + LF) = -std::abs(AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW) * CpAir * Ei;
    7592     5664527 :                     MV(LT) += std::abs(AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW) * Tsurr * (1.0 - Ei) * CpAir;
    7593             :                 }
    7594             :             }
    7595    13478298 :             if (CompTypeNum == iComponentTypeNum::TMU) { // Reheat unit: SINGLE DUCT:CONST VOLUME:REHEAT
    7596      109129 :                 TypeNum = AirflowNetworkCompData(CompNum).TypeNum;
    7597      109129 :                 if (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW > 0.0) { // flow direction is the same as input from node 1 to node 2
    7598      109129 :                     LF = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0];
    7599      109129 :                     LT = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1];
    7600      109129 :                     DirSign = 1.0;
    7601             :                 } else { // flow direction is the opposite as input from node 2 to node 1
    7602           0 :                     LF = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1];
    7603           0 :                     LT = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0];
    7604           0 :                     DirSign = -1.0;
    7605             :                 }
    7606      109129 :                 Ei = General::epexp(-0.001 * DisSysCompTermUnitData(TypeNum).L * DisSysCompTermUnitData(TypeNum).hydraulicDiameter *
    7607             :                                         DataGlobalConstants::Pi,
    7608      109129 :                                     (DirSign * AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW * CpAir));
    7609      109129 :                 Tamb = AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(LT).TZ;
    7610      109129 :                 if (!LoopOnOffFlag(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).AirLoopNum) && AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW <= 0.0) {
    7611           0 :                     Ei = General::epexp(-0.001 * DisSysCompTermUnitData(TypeNum).L * DisSysCompTermUnitData(TypeNum).hydraulicDiameter *
    7612             :                                             DataGlobalConstants::Pi,
    7613           0 :                                         (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2 * CpAir));
    7614           0 :                     MA((LT - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + LT) += std::abs(AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2) * CpAir;
    7615           0 :                     MA((LT - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + LF) = -std::abs(AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2) * CpAir * Ei;
    7616           0 :                     MV(LT) += std::abs(AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2) * Tamb * (1.0 - Ei) * CpAir;
    7617             :                 } else {
    7618      109129 :                     MA((LT - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + LT) += std::abs(AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW) * CpAir;
    7619      109129 :                     MA((LT - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + LF) = -std::abs(AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW) * CpAir * Ei;
    7620      109129 :                     MV(LT) += std::abs(AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW) * Tamb * (1.0 - Ei) * CpAir;
    7621             :                 }
    7622             :             }
    7623    13478298 :             if (CompTypeNum == iComponentTypeNum::COI) { // heating or cooling coil
    7624     1077244 :                 TypeNum = AirflowNetworkCompData(CompNum).TypeNum;
    7625     1077244 :                 if (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW > 0.0) { // flow direction is the same as input from node 1 to node 2
    7626     1075376 :                     LF = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0];
    7627     1075376 :                     LT = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1];
    7628     1075376 :                     DirSign = 1.0;
    7629             :                 } else { // flow direction is the opposite as input from node 2 to node 1
    7630        1868 :                     LF = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1];
    7631        1868 :                     LT = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0];
    7632        1868 :                     DirSign = -1.0;
    7633             :                 }
    7634             :             }
    7635             :             // Calculate temp in a constant pressure drop element
    7636    13478298 :             if (CompTypeNum == iComponentTypeNum::CPD && CompName == std::string()) { // constant pressure element only
    7637       77844 :                 if (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW > 0.0) {                           // flow direction is the same as input from node 1 to node 2
    7638       77844 :                     LF = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0];
    7639       77844 :                     LT = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1];
    7640             :                 } else { // flow direction is the opposite as input from node 2 to node 1
    7641           0 :                     LF = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1];
    7642           0 :                     LT = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0];
    7643             :                 }
    7644       77844 :                 if (!LoopOnOffFlag(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).AirLoopNum) && AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW <= 0.0) {
    7645           0 :                     MA((LT - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + LT) += std::abs(AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2) * CpAir;
    7646           0 :                     MA((LT - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + LF) = -std::abs(AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2) * CpAir;
    7647             :                 } else {
    7648       77844 :                     MA((LT - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + LT) += std::abs(AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW) * CpAir;
    7649       77844 :                     MA((LT - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + LF) = -std::abs(AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW) * CpAir;
    7650             :                 }
    7651       77844 :                 MV(LT) = 0.0;
    7652             :             }
    7653             :             // Calculate return leak
    7654    13478298 :             if ((CompTypeNum == iComponentTypeNum::PLR || CompTypeNum == iComponentTypeNum::ELR) && CompName == std::string()) {
    7655             :                 // Return leak element only
    7656     2599598 :                 if ((AirflowNetworkNodeData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0]).EPlusZoneNum > 0) &&
    7657     1445033 :                     (AirflowNetworkNodeData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1]).EPlusZoneNum == 0) && (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW > 0.0)) {
    7658      286424 :                     LF = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0];
    7659      286424 :                     LT = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1];
    7660      286424 :                     MA((LT - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + LT) += std::abs(AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW) * CpAir;
    7661      286424 :                     MA((LT - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + LF) = -std::abs(AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW) * CpAir;
    7662             :                 }
    7663     2315892 :                 if ((AirflowNetworkNodeData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0]).ExtNodeNum > 0) &&
    7664     1161327 :                     (AirflowNetworkNodeData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1]).EPlusZoneNum == 0) && (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW > 0.0)) {
    7665        6003 :                     LF = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0];
    7666        6003 :                     LT = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1];
    7667        6003 :                     MA((LT - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + LT) += std::abs(AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW) * CpAir;
    7668        6003 :                     MA((LT - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + LF) = -std::abs(AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW) * CpAir;
    7669             :                 }
    7670     2927386 :                 if ((AirflowNetworkNodeData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1]).EPlusZoneNum > 0) &&
    7671     1772821 :                     (AirflowNetworkNodeData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0]).EPlusZoneNum == 0) && (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2 > 0.0)) {
    7672         121 :                     LF = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1];
    7673         121 :                     LT = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0];
    7674         121 :                     MA((LT - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + LT) += std::abs(AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2) * CpAir;
    7675         121 :                     MA((LT - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + LF) = -std::abs(AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2) * CpAir;
    7676             :                 }
    7677     2548209 :                 if ((AirflowNetworkNodeData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1]).ExtNodeNum > 0) &&
    7678     1393644 :                     (AirflowNetworkNodeData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0]).EPlusZoneNum == 0) && (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2 > 0.0)) {
    7679      238355 :                     LF = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1];
    7680      238355 :                     LT = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0];
    7681      238355 :                     MA((LT - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + LT) += std::abs(AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2) * CpAir;
    7682      238355 :                     MA((LT - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + LF) = -std::abs(AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2) * CpAir;
    7683             :                 }
    7684             :             }
    7685             :             // Check reheat unit or coil
    7686    13478298 :             if (AirflowNetworkCompData(CompNum).EPlusTypeNum == iEPlusComponentType::RHT && (!AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).VAVTermDamper)) {
    7687      102367 :                 NF = 0;
    7688      102367 :                 NT = 0;
    7689      102367 :                 if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0]).EPlusNodeNum > 0) {
    7690      102367 :                     NF = AirflowNetworkNodeData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0]).EPlusNodeNum;
    7691             :                 }
    7692      102367 :                 if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1]).EPlusNodeNum > 0) {
    7693      102367 :                     NT = AirflowNetworkNodeData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1]).EPlusNodeNum;
    7694             :                 }
    7695      102367 :                 if ((NF == 0) || (NT == 0)) {
    7696           0 :                     ShowFatalError(m_state,
    7697           0 :                                    "Node number in the primary air loop is not found in AIRFLOWNETWORK:DISTRIBUTION:NODE = " +
    7698           0 :                                        AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).Name);
    7699             :                 }
    7700      102367 :                 if (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW > 0.0) {
    7701      102367 :                     LF = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0];
    7702      102367 :                     LT = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1];
    7703      102367 :                     load = Node(NT).Temp - Node(NF).Temp;
    7704             :                 } else {
    7705           0 :                     LF = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1];
    7706           0 :                     LT = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0];
    7707           0 :                     load = Node(NF).Temp - Node(NT).Temp;
    7708             :                 }
    7709      102367 :                 CpAir = PsyCpAirFnW(Node(NT).HumRat);
    7710      102367 :                 MV(LT) += AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW * CpAir * load;
    7711             :             }
    7712             :         }
    7713             : 
    7714             :         // Prescribe temperature for EPlus nodes
    7715    11541555 :         for (i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes; ++i) {
    7716    11160821 :             found = false;
    7717    11160821 :             OANode = false;
    7718   420016719 :             for (j = 1; j <= AirflowNetworkNumOfLinks; ++j) {
    7719   410519960 :                 if (AirflowNetworkLinkageData(j).NodeNums[0] == i || AirflowNetworkLinkageData(j).NodeNums[1] == i) {
    7720    26069154 :                     CompNum = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(j).CompNum;
    7721    26069154 :                     if (AirflowNetworkCompData(CompNum).EPlusTypeNum == iEPlusComponentType::RHT && (!AirflowNetworkLinkageData(j).VAVTermDamper)) {
    7722      204734 :                         found = true;
    7723      204734 :                         break;
    7724             :                     }
    7725             :                     // Overwrite fan outlet node
    7726    25864420 :                     if (AirflowNetworkCompData(CompNum).EPlusTypeNum == iEPlusComponentType::FAN && AirflowNetworkLinkageData(j).NodeNums[1] == i) {
    7727      391401 :                         found = false;
    7728      391401 :                         break;
    7729             :                     }
    7730             :                     // Overwrite return connection outlet
    7731    25473019 :                     if (AirflowNetworkLinkageData(j).ConnectionFlag == iEPlusComponentType::RCN) { // Modified on 9/2/09
    7732      567470 :                         found = true;
    7733      567470 :                         break;
    7734             :                     }
    7735    25688351 :                     if (AirflowNetworkLinkageData(j).ConnectionFlag == iEPlusComponentType::SCN &&
    7736      782802 :                         AirflowNetworkLinkageData(j).NodeNums[1] == i) { // Modified on 9/2/09
    7737      391401 :                         found = true;
    7738      391401 :                         break;
    7739             :                     }
    7740             :                 }
    7741   421257023 :                 if (AirflowNetworkLinkageData(j).NodeNums[1] == i &&
    7742    12292069 :                     AirflowNetworkNodeData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(j).NodeNums[0]).EPlusTypeNum == iEPlusNodeType::OAN) {
    7743      109056 :                     OANode = true;
    7744      109056 :                     break;
    7745             :                 }
    7746             :             }
    7747    11160821 :             if (found) continue;
    7748     9997216 :             if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).EPlusZoneNum == 0 && AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).EPlusTypeNum == iEPlusNodeType::ZIN) continue;
    7749     9554955 :             j = AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).EPlusNodeNum;
    7750             : 
    7751    15081940 :             if (j > 0 &&
    7752     8901137 :                 (AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).EPlusZoneNum > 0 || AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).EPlusTypeNum == iEPlusNodeType::FOU ||
    7753     3971894 :                  AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).EPlusTypeNum == iEPlusNodeType::COU || AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).EPlusTypeNum == iEPlusNodeType::HXO)) {
    7754     2066387 :                 MA((i - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + i) = 1.0e10;
    7755     2066387 :                 MV(i) = Node(j).Temp * 1.0e10;
    7756             :             }
    7757     9554955 :             if (j > 0 && OANode) {
    7758      109056 :                 MA((i - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + i) = 1.0e10;
    7759      109056 :                 MV(i) = Node(j).Temp * 1.0e10;
    7760             :             }
    7761     9554955 :             if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).EPlusZoneNum > 0 && MA((i - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + i) < 0.9e10) {
    7762      490748 :                 ZoneNum = AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).EPlusZoneNum;
    7763      490748 :                 MA((i - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + i) = 1.0e10;
    7764      490748 :                 MV(i) = ANZT(ZoneNum) * 1.0e10;
    7765             :             }
    7766     9554955 :             if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).ExtNodeNum > 0 && MA((i - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + i) < 0.9e10) {
    7767     3426318 :                 MA((i - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + i) = 1.0e10;
    7768     3426318 :                 if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).OutAirNodeNum > 0) {
    7769       12865 :                     MV(i) = Node(AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).OutAirNodeNum).OutAirDryBulb * 1.0e10;
    7770             :                 } else {
    7771     3413453 :                     MV(i) = OutDryBulbTempAt(m_state, AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).NodeHeight) * 1.0e10;
    7772             :                 }
    7773             :             }
    7774     9554955 :             if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).RAFNNodeNum > 0 && MA((i - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + i) < 0.9e10) {
    7775           0 :                 MA((i - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + i) = 1.0e10;
    7776           0 :                 ZoneNum = AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).EPlusZoneNum;
    7777           0 :                 if (m_state.dataRoomAirMod->RoomAirflowNetworkZoneInfo(ZoneNum).Node(AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).RAFNNodeNum).AirflowNetworkNodeID ==
    7778             :                     i) {
    7779           0 :                     MV(i) = m_state.dataRoomAirMod->RoomAirflowNetworkZoneInfo(ZoneNum).Node(AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).RAFNNodeNum).AirTemp * 1.0e10;
    7780             :                 }
    7781             :             }
    7782             :         }
    7783             : 
    7784             :         // Assign node value to distribution nodes with fan off
    7785     7156033 :         for (i = 1 + NumOfNodesMultiZone; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes; ++i) {
    7786     6775299 :             j = AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).EPlusNodeNum;
    7787     6775299 :             if (j > 0 && !LoopOnOffFlag(AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).AirLoopNum) && MA((i - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + i) < 1.0e9) {
    7788        4344 :                 MA((i - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + i) = 1.0e10;
    7789        4344 :                 MV(i) = Node(j).Temp * 1.0e10;
    7790             :             }
    7791     6775299 :             if (j == 0 && i > NumOfNodesMultiZone && !LoopOnOffFlag(AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).AirLoopNum)) {
    7792        5068 :                 MA((i - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + i) = 1.0e10;
    7793        5068 :                 MV(i) = AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(i).TZlast * 1.0e10;
    7794             :             }
    7795             :         }
    7796             : 
    7797             :         // Check singularity
    7798    11541555 :         for (i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes; ++i) {
    7799    11160821 :             if (MA((i - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + i) < 1.0e-6) {
    7800           0 :                 if (i > NumOfNodesMultiZone && !LoopOnOffFlag(AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).AirLoopNum)) {
    7801           0 :                     MA((i - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + i) = 1.0e10;
    7802           0 :                     MV(i) = AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(i).TZlast * 1.0e10;
    7803             :                 } else {
    7804           0 :                     ShowFatalError(m_state,
    7805           0 :                                    "CalcAirflowNetworkHeatBalance: A diagonal entity is zero in AirflowNetwork matrix at node " +
    7806           0 :                                        AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).Name);
    7807             :                 }
    7808             :             }
    7809             :         }
    7810             : 
    7811             :         // Get an inverse matrix
    7812      380734 :         mrxinv(AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes);
    7813             : 
    7814             :         // Calculate node temperatures
    7815    11541555 :         for (i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes; ++i) {
    7816    11160821 :             TZON = 0.0;
    7817   355203138 :             for (j = 1; j <= AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes; ++j) {
    7818   344042317 :                 TZON += MA((i - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + j) * MV(j);
    7819             :             }
    7820    11160821 :             AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(i).TZ = TZON;
    7821             :         }
    7822      380734 :     }
    7823             : 
    7824      380734 :     void Solver::calculate_moisture_balance()
    7825             :     {
    7826             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    7827             :         //       AUTHOR         Lixing Gu
    7828             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   Oct. 2005
    7829             :         //       MODIFIED       na
    7830             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  Revised based on Subroutine CalcADSMoistureBalance
    7831             : 
    7832             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    7833             :         // This subroutine performs AirflowNetwork moisture simulations.
    7834             : 
    7835             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
    7836             :         int i;
    7837             :         int j;
    7838             :         int LF;
    7839             :         int LT;
    7840             :         int CompNum;
    7841             :         int NF;
    7842             :         int NT;
    7843             :         iComponentTypeNum CompTypeNum;
    7844             :         int TypeNum;
    7845      761468 :         std::string CompName;
    7846             :         Real64 Ei;
    7847             :         Real64 DirSign;
    7848             :         Real64 Wamb;
    7849             :         Real64 WZON;
    7850             :         Real64 load;
    7851             :         int ZoneNum;
    7852             :         bool found;
    7853             :         bool OANode;
    7854             : 
    7855      380734 :         auto &Node(m_state.dataLoopNodes->Node);
    7856             : 
    7857      380734 :         MA = 0.0;
    7858      380734 :         MV = 0.0;
    7859    13859032 :         for (i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfLinks; ++i) {
    7860    13478298 :             CompNum = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).CompNum;
    7861    13478298 :             CompTypeNum = AirflowNetworkCompData(CompNum).CompTypeNum;
    7862    13478298 :             CompName = AirflowNetworkCompData(CompNum).EPlusName;
    7863             :             // Calculate duct moisture diffusion loss
    7864    13478298 :             if (CompTypeNum == iComponentTypeNum::DWC && CompName == std::string()) { // Duct component only
    7865     5671808 :                 TypeNum = AirflowNetworkCompData(CompNum).TypeNum;
    7866     5671808 :                 if (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW > 0.0) { // flow direction is the same as input from node 1 to node 2
    7867     5664527 :                     LF = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0];
    7868     5664527 :                     LT = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1];
    7869     5664527 :                     DirSign = 1.0;
    7870             :                 } else { // flow direction is the opposite as input from node 2 to node 1
    7871        7281 :                     LF = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1];
    7872        7281 :                     LT = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0];
    7873        7281 :                     DirSign = -1.0;
    7874             :                 }
    7875    11343616 :                 Ei = General::epexp(-DisSysCompDuctData(TypeNum).UMoisture * DisSysCompDuctData(TypeNum).L *
    7876     5671808 :                                         DisSysCompDuctData(TypeNum).hydraulicDiameter * DataGlobalConstants::Pi,
    7877     5671808 :                                     (DirSign * AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW));
    7878     5671808 :                 if (AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).ZoneNum < 0) {
    7879           0 :                     Wamb = m_state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat;
    7880     5671808 :                 } else if (AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).ZoneNum == 0) {
    7881     2057286 :                     Wamb = AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(LT).WZ;
    7882             :                 } else {
    7883     3614522 :                     Wamb = ANZW(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).ZoneNum);
    7884             :                 }
    7885     5671808 :                 if (!LoopOnOffFlag(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).AirLoopNum) && AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW <= 0.0) {
    7886       14562 :                     Ei = General::epexp(-DisSysCompDuctData(TypeNum).UMoisture * DisSysCompDuctData(TypeNum).L *
    7887        7281 :                                             DisSysCompDuctData(TypeNum).hydraulicDiameter * DataGlobalConstants::Pi,
    7888        7281 :                                         (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2));
    7889        7281 :                     MA((LT - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + LT) += std::abs(AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2);
    7890        7281 :                     MA((LT - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + LF) = -std::abs(AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2) * Ei;
    7891        7281 :                     MV(LT) += std::abs(AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2) * Wamb * (1.0 - Ei);
    7892             :                 } else {
    7893     5664527 :                     MA((LT - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + LT) += std::abs(AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW);
    7894     5664527 :                     MA((LT - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + LF) = -std::abs(AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW) * Ei;
    7895     5664527 :                     MV(LT) += std::abs(AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW) * Wamb * (1.0 - Ei);
    7896             :                 }
    7897             :             }
    7898    13478298 :             if (CompTypeNum == iComponentTypeNum::TMU) { // Reheat unit: SINGLE DUCT:CONST VOLUME:REHEAT
    7899      109129 :                 TypeNum = AirflowNetworkCompData(CompNum).TypeNum;
    7900      109129 :                 if (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW > 0.0) { // flow direction is the same as input from node 1 to node 2
    7901      109129 :                     LF = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0];
    7902      109129 :                     LT = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1];
    7903      109129 :                     DirSign = 1.0;
    7904             :                 } else { // flow direction is the opposite as input from node 2 to node 1
    7905           0 :                     LF = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1];
    7906           0 :                     LT = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0];
    7907           0 :                     DirSign = -1.0;
    7908             :                 }
    7909      109129 :                 Ei = General::epexp(-0.0001 * DisSysCompTermUnitData(TypeNum).L * DisSysCompTermUnitData(TypeNum).hydraulicDiameter *
    7910             :                                         DataGlobalConstants::Pi,
    7911      109129 :                                     (DirSign * AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW));
    7912      109129 :                 Wamb = AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(LT).WZ;
    7913      109129 :                 if (!LoopOnOffFlag(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).AirLoopNum) && AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW <= 0.0) {
    7914             : 
    7915           0 :                     Ei = General::epexp(-0.0001 * DisSysCompTermUnitData(TypeNum).L * DisSysCompTermUnitData(TypeNum).hydraulicDiameter *
    7916             :                                             DataGlobalConstants::Pi,
    7917           0 :                                         (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2));
    7918           0 :                     MA((LT - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + LT) += std::abs(AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2);
    7919           0 :                     MA((LT - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + LF) = -std::abs(AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2) * Ei;
    7920           0 :                     MV(LT) += std::abs(AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2) * Wamb * (1.0 - Ei);
    7921             :                 } else {
    7922      109129 :                     MA((LT - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + LT) += std::abs(AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW);
    7923      109129 :                     MA((LT - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + LF) = -std::abs(AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW) * Ei;
    7924      109129 :                     MV(LT) += std::abs(AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW) * Wamb * (1.0 - Ei);
    7925             :                 }
    7926             :             }
    7927    13478298 :             if (CompTypeNum == iComponentTypeNum::COI) { // heating or cooling coil
    7928     1077244 :                 TypeNum = AirflowNetworkCompData(CompNum).TypeNum;
    7929     1077244 :                 if (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW > 0.0) { // flow direction is the same as input from node 1 to node 2
    7930     1075376 :                     LF = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0];
    7931     1075376 :                     LT = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1];
    7932     1075376 :                     DirSign = 1.0;
    7933             :                 } else { // flow direction is the opposite as input from node 2 to node 1
    7934        1868 :                     LF = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1];
    7935        1868 :                     LT = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0];
    7936        1868 :                     DirSign = -1.0;
    7937             :                 }
    7938             :             }
    7939             :             // Calculate temp in a constant pressure drop component
    7940    13478298 :             if (CompTypeNum == iComponentTypeNum::CPD && CompName == std::string()) { // constant pressure element only
    7941       77844 :                 if (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW > 0.0) {                           // flow direction is the same as input from node 1 to node 2
    7942       77844 :                     LF = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0];
    7943       77844 :                     LT = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1];
    7944             :                 } else { // flow direction is the opposite as input from node 2 to node 1
    7945           0 :                     LF = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1];
    7946           0 :                     LT = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0];
    7947             :                 }
    7948       77844 :                 if (!LoopOnOffFlag(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).AirLoopNum) && AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW <= 0.0) {
    7949           0 :                     MA((LT - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + LT) += std::abs(AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2);
    7950           0 :                     MA((LT - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + LF) = -std::abs(AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2);
    7951             :                 } else {
    7952       77844 :                     MA((LT - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + LT) += std::abs(AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW);
    7953       77844 :                     MA((LT - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + LF) = -std::abs(AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW);
    7954             :                 }
    7955       77844 :                 MV(LT) = 0.0;
    7956             :             }
    7957             :             // Calculate return leak
    7958    13478298 :             if ((CompTypeNum == iComponentTypeNum::PLR || CompTypeNum == iComponentTypeNum::ELR) && CompName == std::string()) {
    7959             :                 // Return leak component only
    7960     2599598 :                 if ((AirflowNetworkNodeData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0]).EPlusZoneNum > 0) &&
    7961     1445033 :                     (AirflowNetworkNodeData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1]).EPlusZoneNum == 0) && (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW > 0.0)) {
    7962      286424 :                     LF = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0];
    7963      286424 :                     LT = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1];
    7964      286424 :                     MA((LT - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + LT) += std::abs(AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW);
    7965      286424 :                     MA((LT - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + LF) = -std::abs(AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW);
    7966             :                 }
    7967     2315892 :                 if ((AirflowNetworkNodeData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0]).ExtNodeNum > 0) &&
    7968     1161327 :                     (AirflowNetworkNodeData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1]).EPlusZoneNum == 0) && (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW > 0.0)) {
    7969        6003 :                     LF = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0];
    7970        6003 :                     LT = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1];
    7971        6003 :                     MA((LT - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + LT) += std::abs(AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW);
    7972        6003 :                     MA((LT - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + LF) = -std::abs(AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW);
    7973             :                 }
    7974     2927386 :                 if ((AirflowNetworkNodeData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1]).EPlusZoneNum > 0) &&
    7975     1772821 :                     (AirflowNetworkNodeData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0]).EPlusZoneNum == 0) && (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2 > 0.0)) {
    7976         121 :                     LF = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1];
    7977         121 :                     LT = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0];
    7978         121 :                     MA((LT - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + LT) += std::abs(AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2);
    7979         121 :                     MA((LT - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + LF) = -std::abs(AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2);
    7980             :                 }
    7981     2548209 :                 if ((AirflowNetworkNodeData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1]).ExtNodeNum > 0) &&
    7982     1393644 :                     (AirflowNetworkNodeData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0]).EPlusZoneNum == 0) && (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2 > 0.0)) {
    7983      238355 :                     LF = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1];
    7984      238355 :                     LT = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0];
    7985      238355 :                     MA((LT - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + LT) += std::abs(AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2);
    7986      238355 :                     MA((LT - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + LF) = -std::abs(AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2);
    7987             :                 }
    7988             :             }
    7989             :             // Check reheat unit
    7990    13478298 :             if (AirflowNetworkCompData(CompNum).EPlusTypeNum == iEPlusComponentType::RHT && (!AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).VAVTermDamper)) {
    7991      102367 :                 NF = 0;
    7992      102367 :                 NT = 0;
    7993      102367 :                 if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0]).EPlusNodeNum > 0) {
    7994      102367 :                     NF = AirflowNetworkNodeData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0]).EPlusNodeNum;
    7995             :                 }
    7996      102367 :                 if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1]).EPlusNodeNum > 0) {
    7997      102367 :                     NT = AirflowNetworkNodeData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1]).EPlusNodeNum;
    7998             :                 }
    7999      102367 :                 if ((NF == 0) || (NT == 0)) {
    8000           0 :                     ShowFatalError(m_state,
    8001           0 :                                    "Node number in the primary air loop is not found in AIRFLOWNETWORK:DISTRIBUTION:NODE = " +
    8002           0 :                                        AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).Name);
    8003             :                 }
    8004      102367 :                 if (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW > 0.0) {
    8005      102367 :                     LF = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0];
    8006      102367 :                     LT = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1];
    8007      102367 :                     load = Node(NT).HumRat - Node(NF).HumRat;
    8008             :                 } else {
    8009           0 :                     LF = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1];
    8010           0 :                     LT = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0];
    8011           0 :                     load = Node(NF).HumRat - Node(NT).HumRat;
    8012             :                 }
    8013      102367 :                 MV(LT) += AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW * load;
    8014             :             }
    8015             :         }
    8016             : 
    8017             :         // Prescribe temperature for EPlus nodes
    8018    11541555 :         for (i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes; ++i) {
    8019    11160821 :             found = false;
    8020    11160821 :             OANode = false;
    8021   420016719 :             for (j = 1; j <= AirflowNetworkNumOfLinks; ++j) {
    8022   410519960 :                 if (AirflowNetworkLinkageData(j).NodeNums[0] == i || AirflowNetworkLinkageData(j).NodeNums[1] == i) {
    8023    26069154 :                     CompNum = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(j).CompNum;
    8024    26069154 :                     if (AirflowNetworkCompData(CompNum).EPlusTypeNum == iEPlusComponentType::RHT && (!AirflowNetworkLinkageData(j).VAVTermDamper)) {
    8025      204734 :                         found = true;
    8026      204734 :                         break;
    8027             :                     }
    8028             :                     // Overwrite fan outlet node
    8029    25864420 :                     if (AirflowNetworkCompData(CompNum).EPlusTypeNum == iEPlusComponentType::FAN && AirflowNetworkLinkageData(j).NodeNums[1] == i) {
    8030      391401 :                         found = false;
    8031      391401 :                         break;
    8032             :                     }
    8033             :                     // Overwrite return connection outlet
    8034    25473019 :                     if (AirflowNetworkLinkageData(j).ConnectionFlag == iEPlusComponentType::RCN) { // Modified on 9/2/09
    8035      567470 :                         found = true;
    8036      567470 :                         break;
    8037             :                     }
    8038    25688351 :                     if (AirflowNetworkLinkageData(j).ConnectionFlag == iEPlusComponentType::SCN &&
    8039      782802 :                         AirflowNetworkLinkageData(j).NodeNums[1] == i) { // Modified on 9/2/09
    8040      391401 :                         found = true;
    8041      391401 :                         break;
    8042             :                     }
    8043             :                 }
    8044   421257023 :                 if (AirflowNetworkLinkageData(j).NodeNums[1] == i &&
    8045    12292069 :                     AirflowNetworkNodeData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(j).NodeNums[0]).EPlusTypeNum == iEPlusNodeType::OAN) {
    8046      109056 :                     OANode = true;
    8047      109056 :                     break;
    8048             :                 }
    8049             :             }
    8050    11160821 :             if (found) continue;
    8051     9997216 :             if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).EPlusZoneNum == 0 && AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).EPlusTypeNum == iEPlusNodeType::ZIN) continue;
    8052     9554955 :             j = AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).EPlusNodeNum;
    8053    15081940 :             if (j > 0 &&
    8054     8901137 :                 (AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).EPlusZoneNum > 0 || AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).EPlusTypeNum == iEPlusNodeType::FOU ||
    8055     3971894 :                  AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).EPlusTypeNum == iEPlusNodeType::COU || AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).EPlusTypeNum == iEPlusNodeType::HXO)) {
    8056     2066387 :                 MA((i - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + i) = 1.0e10;
    8057     2066387 :                 MV(i) = Node(j).HumRat * 1.0e10;
    8058             :             }
    8059     9554955 :             if (j > 0 && OANode) {
    8060      109056 :                 MA((i - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + i) = 1.0e10;
    8061      109056 :                 MV(i) = Node(j).HumRat * 1.0e10;
    8062             :             }
    8063     9554955 :             if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).EPlusZoneNum > 0 && MA((i - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + i) < 0.9e10) {
    8064      490748 :                 ZoneNum = AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).EPlusZoneNum;
    8065      490748 :                 MA((i - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + i) = 1.0e10;
    8066      490748 :                 MV(i) = ANZW(ZoneNum) * 1.0e10;
    8067             :             }
    8068     9554955 :             if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).ExtNodeNum > 0) {
    8069     3442760 :                 MA((i - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + i) = 1.0e10;
    8070     3442760 :                 MV(i) = m_state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat * 1.0e10;
    8071             :             }
    8072     9554955 :             if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).RAFNNodeNum > 0 && MA((i - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + i) < 0.9e10) {
    8073           0 :                 MA((i - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + i) = 1.0e10;
    8074           0 :                 ZoneNum = AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).EPlusZoneNum;
    8075           0 :                 if (m_state.dataRoomAirMod->RoomAirflowNetworkZoneInfo(ZoneNum).Node(AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).RAFNNodeNum).AirflowNetworkNodeID ==
    8076             :                     i) {
    8077           0 :                     MV(i) = m_state.dataRoomAirMod->RoomAirflowNetworkZoneInfo(ZoneNum).Node(AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).RAFNNodeNum).HumRat * 1.0e10;
    8078             :                 }
    8079             :             }
    8080             :         }
    8081             : 
    8082             :         // Assign node value to distribution nodes with fan off
    8083    11541555 :         for (i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes; ++i) {
    8084    11160821 :             j = AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).EPlusNodeNum;
    8085    11160821 :             if (j > 0 && !LoopOnOffFlag(AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).AirLoopNum) && MA((i - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + i) < 1.0e9) {
    8086        4344 :                 MA((i - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + i) = 1.0e10;
    8087        4344 :                 MV(i) = Node(j).HumRat * 1.0e10;
    8088             :             }
    8089    11160821 :             if (j == 0 && i > NumOfNodesMultiZone && !LoopOnOffFlag(AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).AirLoopNum)) {
    8090        5068 :                 MA((i - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + i) = 1.0e10;
    8091        5068 :                 MV(i) = AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(i).WZlast * 1.0e10;
    8092             :             }
    8093             :         }
    8094             : 
    8095             :         // Check singularity
    8096    11541555 :         for (i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes; ++i) {
    8097    11160821 :             if (MA((i - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + i) < 1.0e-8) {
    8098           0 :                 ShowFatalError(m_state,
    8099           0 :                                "CalcAirflowNetworkMoisBalance: A diagonal entity is zero in AirflowNetwork matrix at node " +
    8100           0 :                                    AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).Name);
    8101             :             }
    8102             :         }
    8103             : 
    8104             :         // Get an inverse matrix
    8105      380734 :         mrxinv(AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes);
    8106             : 
    8107             :         // Calculate node temperatures
    8108    11541555 :         for (i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes; ++i) {
    8109    11160821 :             WZON = 0.0;
    8110   355203138 :             for (j = 1; j <= AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes; ++j) {
    8111   344042317 :                 WZON += MA((i - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + j) * MV(j);
    8112             :             }
    8113    11160821 :             AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(i).WZ = WZON;
    8114             :         }
    8115      380734 :     }
    8116             : 
    8117        4178 :     void Solver::calculate_CO2_balance()
    8118             :     {
    8119             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    8120             :         //       AUTHOR         Lixing Gu
    8121             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   June. 2010
    8122             :         //       MODIFIED       na
    8123             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  Revised based on Subroutine CalcAirflowNetworkMoisBalance
    8124             : 
    8125             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    8126             :         // This subroutine performs AirflowNetwork CO2 simulations.
    8127             : 
    8128             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
    8129             :         int i;
    8130             :         int j;
    8131             :         int LF;
    8132             :         int LT;
    8133             :         int CompNum;
    8134             :         iComponentTypeNum CompTypeNum;
    8135             :         int TypeNum;
    8136        8356 :         std::string CompName;
    8137             :         Real64 DirSign;
    8138             :         Real64 COZN;
    8139             :         int ZoneNum;
    8140             :         bool found;
    8141             :         bool OANode;
    8142             : 
    8143        4178 :         MA = 0.0;
    8144        4178 :         MV = 0.0;
    8145      254858 :         for (i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfLinks; ++i) {
    8146      250680 :             CompNum = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).CompNum;
    8147      250680 :             CompTypeNum = AirflowNetworkCompData(CompNum).CompTypeNum;
    8148      250680 :             CompName = AirflowNetworkCompData(CompNum).EPlusName;
    8149             :             // Calculate duct moisture diffusion loss
    8150      250680 :             if (CompTypeNum == iComponentTypeNum::DWC && CompName == std::string()) { // Duct component only
    8151      108628 :                 TypeNum = AirflowNetworkCompData(CompNum).TypeNum;
    8152      108628 :                 if (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW > 0.0) { // flow direction is the same as input from node 1 to node 2
    8153      108628 :                     LF = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0];
    8154      108628 :                     LT = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1];
    8155      108628 :                     DirSign = 1.0;
    8156             :                 } else { // flow direction is the opposite as input from node 2 to node 1
    8157           0 :                     LF = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1];
    8158           0 :                     LT = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0];
    8159           0 :                     DirSign = -1.0;
    8160             :                 }
    8161      108628 :                 MA((LT - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + LT) += std::abs(AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW);
    8162      108628 :                 MA((LT - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + LF) = -std::abs(AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW);
    8163             :             }
    8164      250680 :             if (CompTypeNum == iComponentTypeNum::TMU) { // Reheat unit: SINGLE DUCT:CONST VOLUME:REHEAT
    8165        8356 :                 TypeNum = AirflowNetworkCompData(CompNum).TypeNum;
    8166        8356 :                 if (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW > 0.0) { // flow direction is the same as input from node 1 to node 2
    8167        8356 :                     LF = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0];
    8168        8356 :                     LT = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1];
    8169        8356 :                     DirSign = 1.0;
    8170             :                 } else { // flow direction is the opposite as input from node 2 to node 1
    8171           0 :                     LF = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1];
    8172           0 :                     LT = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0];
    8173           0 :                     DirSign = -1.0;
    8174             :                 }
    8175        8356 :                 MA((LT - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + LT) += std::abs(AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW);
    8176        8356 :                 MA((LT - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + LF) = -std::abs(AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW);
    8177             :             }
    8178      250680 :             if (CompTypeNum == iComponentTypeNum::COI) { // heating or cooling coil
    8179        8356 :                 TypeNum = AirflowNetworkCompData(CompNum).TypeNum;
    8180        8356 :                 if (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW > 0.0) { // flow direction is the same as input from node 1 to node 2
    8181        8356 :                     LF = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0];
    8182        8356 :                     LT = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1];
    8183        8356 :                     DirSign = 1.0;
    8184             :                 } else { // flow direction is the opposite as input from node 2 to node 1
    8185           0 :                     LF = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1];
    8186           0 :                     LT = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0];
    8187           0 :                     DirSign = -1.0;
    8188             :                 }
    8189             :             }
    8190             :             // Calculate temp in a constant pressure drop component
    8191      250680 :             if (CompTypeNum == iComponentTypeNum::CPD && CompName == std::string()) { // constant pressure element only
    8192        4178 :                 if (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW > 0.0) {                           // flow direction is the same as input from node 1 to node 2
    8193        4178 :                     LF = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0];
    8194        4178 :                     LT = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1];
    8195             :                 } else { // flow direction is the opposite as input from node 2 to node 1
    8196           0 :                     LF = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1];
    8197           0 :                     LT = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0];
    8198             :                 }
    8199        4178 :                 MA((LT - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + LT) += std::abs(AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW);
    8200        4178 :                 MA((LT - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + LF) = -std::abs(AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW);
    8201        4178 :                 MV(LT) = 0.0;
    8202             :             }
    8203             :             // Calculate return leak
    8204      250680 :             if ((CompTypeNum == iComponentTypeNum::PLR || CompTypeNum == iComponentTypeNum::ELR) && CompName == std::string()) {
    8205             :                 // Return leak component only
    8206       58492 :                 if ((AirflowNetworkNodeData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0]).EPlusZoneNum > 0) &&
    8207       29246 :                     (AirflowNetworkNodeData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1]).EPlusZoneNum == 0) && (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW > 0.0)) {
    8208           0 :                     LF = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0];
    8209           0 :                     LT = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1];
    8210           0 :                     MA((LT - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + LT) += std::abs(AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW);
    8211           0 :                     MA((LT - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + LF) = -std::abs(AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW);
    8212             :                 }
    8213       58492 :                 if ((AirflowNetworkNodeData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0]).ExtNodeNum > 0) &&
    8214       29246 :                     (AirflowNetworkNodeData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1]).EPlusZoneNum == 0) && (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW > 0.0)) {
    8215           0 :                     LF = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0];
    8216           0 :                     LT = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1];
    8217           0 :                     MA((LT - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + LT) += std::abs(AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW);
    8218           0 :                     MA((LT - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + LF) = -std::abs(AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW);
    8219             :                 }
    8220       75204 :                 if ((AirflowNetworkNodeData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1]).EPlusZoneNum > 0) &&
    8221       45958 :                     (AirflowNetworkNodeData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0]).EPlusZoneNum == 0) && (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2 > 0.0)) {
    8222           0 :                     LF = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1];
    8223           0 :                     LT = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0];
    8224           0 :                     MA((LT - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + LT) += std::abs(AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2);
    8225           0 :                     MA((LT - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + LF) = -std::abs(AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2);
    8226             :                 }
    8227       71026 :                 if ((AirflowNetworkNodeData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1]).ExtNodeNum > 0) &&
    8228       41780 :                     (AirflowNetworkNodeData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0]).EPlusZoneNum == 0) && (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2 > 0.0)) {
    8229       12534 :                     LF = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1];
    8230       12534 :                     LT = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0];
    8231       12534 :                     MA((LT - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + LT) += std::abs(AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2);
    8232       12534 :                     MA((LT - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + LF) = -std::abs(AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2);
    8233             :                 }
    8234             :             }
    8235             :         }
    8236             : 
    8237             :         // Prescribe temperature for EPlus nodes
    8238      158764 :         for (i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes; ++i) {
    8239      154586 :             found = false;
    8240      154586 :             OANode = false;
    8241     8656816 :             for (j = 1; j <= AirflowNetworkNumOfLinks; ++j) {
    8242     8539832 :                 if (AirflowNetworkLinkageData(j).NodeNums[0] == i || AirflowNetworkLinkageData(j).NodeNums[1] == i) {
    8243      480470 :                     CompNum = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(j).CompNum;
    8244      480470 :                     if (AirflowNetworkCompData(CompNum).EPlusTypeNum == iEPlusComponentType::RHT && (!AirflowNetworkLinkageData(j).VAVTermDamper)) {
    8245       16712 :                         found = true;
    8246       16712 :                         break;
    8247             :                     }
    8248             :                     // Overwrite fan outlet node
    8249      463758 :                     if (AirflowNetworkCompData(CompNum).EPlusTypeNum == iEPlusComponentType::FAN && AirflowNetworkLinkageData(j).NodeNums[1] == i) {
    8250        4178 :                         found = false;
    8251        4178 :                         break;
    8252             :                     }
    8253             :                     // Overwrite return connection outlet
    8254      459580 :                     if (AirflowNetworkLinkageData(j).ConnectionFlag == iEPlusComponentType::RCN) { // Modified on 9/2/09
    8255        8356 :                         found = true;
    8256        8356 :                         break;
    8257             :                     }
    8258      459580 :                     if (AirflowNetworkLinkageData(j).ConnectionFlag == iEPlusComponentType::SCN &&
    8259        8356 :                         AirflowNetworkLinkageData(j).NodeNums[1] == i) { // Modified on 9/2/09
    8260        4178 :                         found = true;
    8261        4178 :                         break;
    8262             :                     }
    8263             :                 }
    8264     8736198 :                 if (AirflowNetworkLinkageData(j).NodeNums[1] == i &&
    8265      229790 :                     AirflowNetworkNodeData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(j).NodeNums[0]).EPlusTypeNum == iEPlusNodeType::OAN) {
    8266        4178 :                     OANode = true;
    8267        4178 :                     break;
    8268             :                 }
    8269             :             }
    8270      154586 :             if (found) continue;
    8271      125340 :             if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).EPlusZoneNum == 0 && AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).EPlusTypeNum == iEPlusNodeType::ZIN) continue;
    8272      121162 :             j = AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).EPlusNodeNum;
    8273      196366 :             if (j > 0 &&
    8274      121162 :                 (AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).EPlusZoneNum > 0 || AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).EPlusTypeNum == iEPlusNodeType::FOU ||
    8275       58492 :                  AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).EPlusTypeNum == iEPlusNodeType::COU || AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).EPlusTypeNum == iEPlusNodeType::HXO)) {
    8276       25068 :                 MA((i - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + i) = 1.0e10;
    8277       25068 :                 MV(i) = m_state.dataLoopNodes->Node(j).CO2 * 1.0e10;
    8278             :             }
    8279      121162 :             if (j > 0 && OANode) {
    8280        4178 :                 MA((i - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + i) = 1.0e10;
    8281        4178 :                 MV(i) = m_state.dataLoopNodes->Node(j).CO2 * 1.0e10;
    8282             :             }
    8283      121162 :             if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).EPlusZoneNum > 0 && MA((i - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + i) < 0.9e10) {
    8284        4178 :                 ZoneNum = AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).EPlusZoneNum;
    8285        4178 :                 MA((i - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + i) = 1.0e10;
    8286        4178 :                 MV(i) = ANCO(ZoneNum) * 1.0e10;
    8287             :             }
    8288      121162 :             if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).ExtNodeNum > 0) {
    8289       25068 :                 MA((i - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + i) = 1.0e10;
    8290       25068 :                 MV(i) = m_state.dataContaminantBalance->OutdoorCO2 * 1.0e10;
    8291             :             }
    8292             :         }
    8293             : 
    8294             :         // Assign node value to distribution nodes with fan off
    8295      158764 :         for (i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes; ++i) {
    8296      154586 :             j = AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).EPlusNodeNum;
    8297      154586 :             if (j > 0 && !LoopOnOffFlag(AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).AirLoopNum) && MA((i - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + i) < 1.0e9) {
    8298           0 :                 MA((i - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + i) = 1.0e10;
    8299           0 :                 MV(i) = m_state.dataLoopNodes->Node(j).CO2 * 1.0e10;
    8300             :             }
    8301      154586 :             if (j == 0 && i > NumOfNodesMultiZone && !LoopOnOffFlag(AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).AirLoopNum)) {
    8302           0 :                 MA((i - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + i) = 1.0e10;
    8303           0 :                 MV(i) = AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(i).CO2Zlast * 1.0e10;
    8304             :             }
    8305             :         }
    8306             : 
    8307             :         // Check singularity
    8308      158764 :         for (i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes; ++i) {
    8309      154586 :             if (MA((i - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + i) < 1.0e-6) {
    8310           0 :                 ShowFatalError(m_state,
    8311           0 :                                "CalcAirflowNetworkCO2Balance: A diagonal entity is zero in AirflowNetwork matrix at node " +
    8312           0 :                                    AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).Name);
    8313             :             }
    8314             :         }
    8315             : 
    8316             :         // Get an inverse matrix
    8317        4178 :         mrxinv(AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes);
    8318             : 
    8319             :         // Calculate node temperatures
    8320      158764 :         for (i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes; ++i) {
    8321      154586 :             COZN = 0.0;
    8322     5874268 :             for (j = 1; j <= AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes; ++j) {
    8323     5719682 :                 COZN += MA((i - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + j) * MV(j);
    8324             :             }
    8325      154586 :             AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(i).CO2Z = COZN;
    8326             :         }
    8327        4178 :     }
    8328             : 
    8329        4077 :     void Solver::calculate_GC_balance()
    8330             :     {
    8331             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    8332             :         //       AUTHOR         Lixing Gu
    8333             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   Jan. 2012
    8334             :         //       MODIFIED       na
    8335             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  Revised based on Subroutine CalcAirflowNetworkCO2Balance
    8336             : 
    8337             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    8338             :         // This subroutine performs AirflowNetwork generic contaminant simulations.
    8339             : 
    8340             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
    8341             :         int i;
    8342             :         int j;
    8343             :         int LF;
    8344             :         int LT;
    8345             :         int CompNum;
    8346             :         iComponentTypeNum CompTypeNum;
    8347             :         int TypeNum;
    8348        8154 :         std::string CompName;
    8349             :         Real64 DirSign;
    8350             :         Real64 COZN;
    8351             :         int ZoneNum;
    8352             :         bool found;
    8353             :         bool OANode;
    8354             : 
    8355        4077 :         MA = 0.0;
    8356        4077 :         MV = 0.0;
    8357      240543 :         for (i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfLinks; ++i) {
    8358      236466 :             CompNum = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).CompNum;
    8359      236466 :             CompTypeNum = AirflowNetworkCompData(CompNum).CompTypeNum;
    8360      236466 :             CompName = AirflowNetworkCompData(CompNum).EPlusName;
    8361             :             // Calculate duct moisture diffusion loss
    8362      236466 :             if (CompTypeNum == iComponentTypeNum::DWC && CompName == std::string()) { // Duct component only
    8363      106002 :                 TypeNum = AirflowNetworkCompData(CompNum).TypeNum;
    8364      106002 :                 if (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW > 0.0) { // flow direction is the same as input from node 1 to node 2
    8365      106002 :                     LF = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0];
    8366      106002 :                     LT = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1];
    8367      106002 :                     DirSign = 1.0;
    8368             :                 } else { // flow direction is the opposite as input from node 2 to node 1
    8369           0 :                     LF = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1];
    8370           0 :                     LT = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0];
    8371           0 :                     DirSign = -1.0;
    8372             :                 }
    8373      106002 :                 MA((LT - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + LT) += std::abs(AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW);
    8374      106002 :                 MA((LT - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + LF) = -std::abs(AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW);
    8375             :             }
    8376      236466 :             if (CompTypeNum == iComponentTypeNum::TMU) { // Reheat unit: SINGLE DUCT:CONST VOLUME:REHEAT
    8377        8154 :                 TypeNum = AirflowNetworkCompData(CompNum).TypeNum;
    8378        8154 :                 if (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW > 0.0) { // flow direction is the same as input from node 1 to node 2
    8379        8154 :                     LF = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0];
    8380        8154 :                     LT = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1];
    8381        8154 :                     DirSign = 1.0;
    8382             :                 } else { // flow direction is the opposite as input from node 2 to node 1
    8383           0 :                     LF = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1];
    8384           0 :                     LT = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0];
    8385           0 :                     DirSign = -1.0;
    8386             :                 }
    8387        8154 :                 MA((LT - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + LT) += std::abs(AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW);
    8388        8154 :                 MA((LT - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + LF) = -std::abs(AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW);
    8389             :             }
    8390      236466 :             if (CompTypeNum == iComponentTypeNum::COI) { // heating or cooling coil
    8391        8154 :                 TypeNum = AirflowNetworkCompData(CompNum).TypeNum;
    8392        8154 :                 if (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW > 0.0) { // flow direction is the same as input from node 1 to node 2
    8393        8154 :                     LF = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0];
    8394        8154 :                     LT = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1];
    8395        8154 :                     DirSign = 1.0;
    8396             :                 } else { // flow direction is the opposite as input from node 2 to node 1
    8397           0 :                     LF = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1];
    8398           0 :                     LT = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0];
    8399           0 :                     DirSign = -1.0;
    8400             :                 }
    8401             :             }
    8402             :             // Calculate temp in a constant pressure drop component
    8403      236466 :             if (CompTypeNum == iComponentTypeNum::CPD && CompName == std::string()) { // constant pressure element only
    8404        4077 :                 if (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW > 0.0) {                           // flow direction is the same as input from node 1 to node 2
    8405        4077 :                     LF = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0];
    8406        4077 :                     LT = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1];
    8407             :                 } else { // flow direction is the opposite as input from node 2 to node 1
    8408           0 :                     LF = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1];
    8409           0 :                     LT = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0];
    8410             :                 }
    8411        4077 :                 MA((LT - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + LT) += std::abs(AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW);
    8412        4077 :                 MA((LT - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + LF) = -std::abs(AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW);
    8413        4077 :                 MV(LT) = 0.0;
    8414             :             }
    8415             :             // Calculate return leak
    8416      236466 :             if ((CompTypeNum == iComponentTypeNum::PLR || CompTypeNum == iComponentTypeNum::ELR) && CompName == std::string()) {
    8417             :                 // Return leak component only
    8418       57078 :                 if ((AirflowNetworkNodeData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0]).EPlusZoneNum > 0) &&
    8419       28539 :                     (AirflowNetworkNodeData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1]).EPlusZoneNum == 0) && (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW > 0.0)) {
    8420           0 :                     LF = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0];
    8421           0 :                     LT = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1];
    8422           0 :                     MA((LT - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + LT) += std::abs(AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW);
    8423           0 :                     MA((LT - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + LF) = -std::abs(AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW);
    8424             :                 }
    8425       57078 :                 if ((AirflowNetworkNodeData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0]).ExtNodeNum > 0) &&
    8426       28539 :                     (AirflowNetworkNodeData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1]).EPlusZoneNum == 0) && (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW > 0.0)) {
    8427           0 :                     LF = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0];
    8428           0 :                     LT = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1];
    8429           0 :                     MA((LT - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + LT) += std::abs(AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW);
    8430           0 :                     MA((LT - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + LF) = -std::abs(AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW);
    8431             :                 }
    8432       73386 :                 if ((AirflowNetworkNodeData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1]).EPlusZoneNum > 0) &&
    8433       44847 :                     (AirflowNetworkNodeData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0]).EPlusZoneNum == 0) && (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2 > 0.0)) {
    8434           0 :                     LF = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1];
    8435           0 :                     LT = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0];
    8436           0 :                     MA((LT - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + LT) += std::abs(AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2);
    8437           0 :                     MA((LT - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + LF) = -std::abs(AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2);
    8438             :                 }
    8439       69309 :                 if ((AirflowNetworkNodeData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1]).ExtNodeNum > 0) &&
    8440       40770 :                     (AirflowNetworkNodeData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0]).EPlusZoneNum == 0) && (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2 > 0.0)) {
    8441       12231 :                     LF = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1];
    8442       12231 :                     LT = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0];
    8443       12231 :                     MA((LT - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + LT) += std::abs(AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2);
    8444       12231 :                     MA((LT - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + LF) = -std::abs(AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2);
    8445             :                 }
    8446             :             }
    8447             :         }
    8448             : 
    8449             :         // Prescribe temperature for EPlus nodes
    8450      154926 :         for (i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes; ++i) {
    8451      150849 :             found = false;
    8452      150849 :             OANode = false;
    8453     8145846 :             for (j = 1; j <= AirflowNetworkNumOfLinks; ++j) {
    8454     8031690 :                 if (AirflowNetworkLinkageData(j).NodeNums[0] == i || AirflowNetworkLinkageData(j).NodeNums[1] == i) {
    8455      452547 :                     CompNum = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(j).CompNum;
    8456      452547 :                     if (AirflowNetworkCompData(CompNum).EPlusTypeNum == iEPlusComponentType::RHT && (!AirflowNetworkLinkageData(j).VAVTermDamper)) {
    8457       16308 :                         found = true;
    8458       16308 :                         break;
    8459             :                     }
    8460             :                     // Overwrite fan outlet node
    8461      436239 :                     if (AirflowNetworkCompData(CompNum).EPlusTypeNum == iEPlusComponentType::FAN && AirflowNetworkLinkageData(j).NodeNums[1] == i) {
    8462        4077 :                         found = false;
    8463        4077 :                         break;
    8464             :                     }
    8465             :                     // Overwrite return connection outlet
    8466      432162 :                     if (AirflowNetworkLinkageData(j).ConnectionFlag == iEPlusComponentType::RCN) { // Modified on 9/2/09
    8467        8154 :                         found = true;
    8468        8154 :                         break;
    8469             :                     }
    8470      432162 :                     if (AirflowNetworkLinkageData(j).ConnectionFlag == iEPlusComponentType::SCN &&
    8471        8154 :                         AirflowNetworkLinkageData(j).NodeNums[1] == i) { // Modified on 9/2/09
    8472        4077 :                         found = true;
    8473        4077 :                         break;
    8474             :                     }
    8475             :                 }
    8476     8215155 :                 if (AirflowNetworkLinkageData(j).NodeNums[1] == i &&
    8477      216081 :                     AirflowNetworkNodeData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(j).NodeNums[0]).EPlusTypeNum == iEPlusNodeType::OAN) {
    8478        4077 :                     OANode = true;
    8479        4077 :                     break;
    8480             :                 }
    8481             :             }
    8482      150849 :             if (found) continue;
    8483      122310 :             if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).EPlusZoneNum == 0 && AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).EPlusTypeNum == iEPlusNodeType::ZIN) continue;
    8484      118233 :             j = AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).EPlusNodeNum;
    8485      191619 :             if (j > 0 &&
    8486      118233 :                 (AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).EPlusZoneNum > 0 || AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).EPlusTypeNum == iEPlusNodeType::FOU ||
    8487       57078 :                  AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).EPlusTypeNum == iEPlusNodeType::COU || AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).EPlusTypeNum == iEPlusNodeType::HXO)) {
    8488       24462 :                 MA((i - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + i) = 1.0e10;
    8489       24462 :                 MV(i) = m_state.dataLoopNodes->Node(j).GenContam * 1.0e10;
    8490             :             }
    8491      118233 :             if (j > 0 && OANode) {
    8492        4077 :                 MA((i - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + i) = 1.0e10;
    8493        4077 :                 MV(i) = m_state.dataLoopNodes->Node(j).GenContam * 1.0e10;
    8494             :             }
    8495      118233 :             if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).EPlusZoneNum > 0 && MA((i - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + i) < 0.9e10) {
    8496        4077 :                 ZoneNum = AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).EPlusZoneNum;
    8497        4077 :                 MA((i - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + i) = 1.0e10;
    8498        4077 :                 MV(i) = ANGC(ZoneNum) * 1.0e10;
    8499             :             }
    8500      118233 :             if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).ExtNodeNum > 0) {
    8501       24462 :                 MA((i - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + i) = 1.0e10;
    8502       24462 :                 MV(i) = m_state.dataContaminantBalance->OutdoorGC * 1.0e10;
    8503             :             }
    8504             :         }
    8505             : 
    8506             :         // Assign node value to distribution nodes with fan off
    8507      154926 :         for (i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes; ++i) {
    8508      150849 :             j = AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).EPlusNodeNum;
    8509      150849 :             if (j > 0 && !LoopOnOffFlag(AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).AirLoopNum) && MA((i - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + i) < 1.0e9) {
    8510           0 :                 MA((i - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + i) = 1.0e10;
    8511           0 :                 MV(i) = m_state.dataLoopNodes->Node(j).GenContam * 1.0e10;
    8512             :             }
    8513      150849 :             if (j == 0 && i > NumOfNodesMultiZone && !LoopOnOffFlag(AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).AirLoopNum)) {
    8514           0 :                 MA((i - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + i) = 1.0e10;
    8515           0 :                 MV(i) = AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(i).GCZlast * 1.0e10;
    8516             :             }
    8517             :         }
    8518             : 
    8519             :         // Check singularity
    8520      154926 :         for (i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes; ++i) {
    8521      150849 :             if (MA((i - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + i) < 1.0e-6) {
    8522           0 :                 ShowFatalError(m_state,
    8523           0 :                                "CalcAirflowNetworkGCBalance: A diagonal entity is zero in AirflowNetwork matrix at node " +
    8524           0 :                                    AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).Name);
    8525             :             }
    8526             :         }
    8527             : 
    8528             :         // Get an inverse matrix
    8529        4077 :         mrxinv(AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes);
    8530             : 
    8531             :         // Calculate node temperatures
    8532      154926 :         for (i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes; ++i) {
    8533      150849 :             COZN = 0.0;
    8534     5732262 :             for (j = 1; j <= AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes; ++j) {
    8535     5581413 :                 COZN += MA((i - 1) * AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes + j) * MV(j);
    8536             :             }
    8537      150849 :             AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(i).GCZ = COZN;
    8538             :         }
    8539        4077 :     }
    8540             : 
    8541      769723 :     void Solver::mrxinv(int const NORDER)
    8542             :     {
    8543             : 
    8544             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    8545             :         //       AUTHOR         Lixing Gu
    8546             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   Oct. 2005
    8547             :         //       MODIFIED       na
    8548             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  Revised based on Subroutine ADSINV
    8549             : 
    8550             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    8551             :         // This subroutine inverses a matrix
    8552             : 
    8553             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
    8554             :         int i;
    8555             :         int j;
    8556             :         int K;
    8557             :         int M;
    8558             :         Real64 R1;
    8559             :         Real64 S;
    8560             : 
    8561      769723 :         IVEC = 0;
    8562    23396800 :         for (i = 1; i <= NORDER; ++i) {
    8563    22627077 :             IVEC(i + 20) = i;
    8564             :         }
    8565    23396800 :         for (i = 1; i <= NORDER; ++i) {
    8566    22627077 :             R1 = 0.0;
    8567    22627077 :             M = i;
    8568   383633480 :             for (j = i; j <= NORDER; ++j) {
    8569   361006403 :                 if (std::abs(R1) < std::abs(MA((i - 1) * NORDER + j))) {
    8570    22632702 :                     M = j;
    8571    22632702 :                     R1 = MA((i - 1) * NORDER + j);
    8572             :                 }
    8573             :             }
    8574    22627077 :             if (i != M) {
    8575        5625 :                 K = IVEC(M + 20);
    8576        5625 :                 IVEC(M + 20) = IVEC(i + 20);
    8577        5625 :                 IVEC(i + 20) = K;
    8578      118125 :                 for (j = 1; j <= NORDER; ++j) {
    8579      112500 :                     S = MA((j - 1) * NORDER + i);
    8580      112500 :                     MA((j - 1) * NORDER + i) = MA((j - 1) * NORDER + M);
    8581      112500 :                     MA((j - 1) * NORDER + M) = S;
    8582             :                 }
    8583             :             }
    8584    22627077 :             MA((i - 1) * NORDER + i) = 1.0;
    8585   722012806 :             for (j = 1; j <= NORDER; ++j) {
    8586   699385729 :                 MA((i - 1) * NORDER + j) /= R1;
    8587             :             }
    8588   722012806 :             for (j = 1; j <= NORDER; ++j) {
    8589   699385729 :                 if (i == j) continue;
    8590   676758652 :                 R1 = MA((j - 1) * NORDER + i);
    8591   676758652 :                 if (std::abs(R1) <= 1.0E-20) continue;
    8592    25911950 :                 MA((j - 1) * NORDER + i) = 0.0;
    8593   869331866 :                 for (K = 1; K <= NORDER; ++K) {
    8594   843419916 :                     MA((j - 1) * NORDER + K) -= R1 * MA((i - 1) * NORDER + K);
    8595             :                 }
    8596             :             }
    8597             :         }
    8598    23396800 :         for (i = 1; i <= NORDER; ++i) {
    8599    22627077 :             if (IVEC(i + 20) == i) continue;
    8600        5625 :             M = i;
    8601      129375 :             while (NORDER > M) {
    8602       67500 :                 ++M;
    8603       67500 :                 if (IVEC(M + 20) == i) break;
    8604             :             }
    8605        5625 :             IVEC(M + 20) = IVEC(i + 20);
    8606      118125 :             for (j = 1; j <= NORDER; ++j) {
    8607      112500 :                 R1 = MA((i - 1) * NORDER + j);
    8608      112500 :                 MA((i - 1) * NORDER + j) = MA((M - 1) * NORDER + j);
    8609      112500 :                 MA((M - 1) * NORDER + j) = R1;
    8610             :             }
    8611        5625 :             IVEC(i + 20) = i;
    8612             :         }
    8613      769723 :     }
    8614             : 
    8615       13012 :     void Solver::report()
    8616             :     {
    8617             : 
    8618             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    8619             :         //       AUTHOR         Lixing Gu
    8620             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   2/1/04
    8621             :         //       MODIFIED       na
    8622             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
    8623             : 
    8624             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    8625             :         // This subroutine reports outputs of air distribution systems
    8626             : 
    8627             :         // Using/Aliasing
    8628       13012 :         auto &NumPrimaryAirSys = m_state.dataHVACGlobal->NumPrimaryAirSys;
    8629       13012 :         auto &TimeStepSys = m_state.dataHVACGlobal->TimeStepSys;
    8630             : 
    8631       13012 :         auto &Zone(m_state.dataHeatBal->Zone);
    8632             : 
    8633             :         // SUBROUTINE PARAMETER DEFINITIONS:
    8634       13012 :         constexpr Real64 Lam(2.5e6); // Heat of vaporization (J/kg)
    8635             : 
    8636             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
    8637             :         int i;
    8638             :         int n;
    8639             :         int M;
    8640             :         int ZN1;
    8641             :         int ZN2;
    8642             :         Real64 AirDensity;
    8643             :         Real64 CpAir;
    8644             :         Real64 Tamb;
    8645             :         Real64 hg; // latent heat of vaporization
    8646             :         Real64 ReportingConstant;
    8647             :         Real64 ReportingFraction;
    8648             :         int AirLoopNum;
    8649             :         int FanNum;
    8650             :         Real64 RepOnOffFanRunTimeFraction;
    8651             : 
    8652       13012 :         if (simulation_control.type == ControlType::NoMultizoneOrDistribution) return;
    8653             : 
    8654       13012 :         if (!onetime) {
    8655          34 :             onceZoneFlag.dimension(m_state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones, false);
    8656          34 :             onceSurfFlag.dimension(AirflowNetworkNumOfLinks, false);
    8657          34 :             onetime = true;
    8658             :         }
    8659       13012 :         ReportingConstant = TimeStepSys * DataGlobalConstants::SecInHour;
    8660             : 
    8661       13012 :         m_state.dataHeatBal->ZoneTotalExfiltrationHeatLoss = 0.0;
    8662             : 
    8663       56596 :         for (auto &e : AirflowNetworkReportData) {
    8664       43584 :             e.MultiZoneInfiSenGainW = 0.0;
    8665       43584 :             e.MultiZoneInfiSenGainJ = 0.0;
    8666       43584 :             e.MultiZoneInfiSenLossW = 0.0;
    8667       43584 :             e.MultiZoneInfiSenLossJ = 0.0;
    8668       43584 :             e.MultiZoneInfiLatGainW = 0.0;
    8669       43584 :             e.MultiZoneInfiLatGainJ = 0.0;
    8670       43584 :             e.MultiZoneInfiLatLossW = 0.0;
    8671       43584 :             e.MultiZoneInfiLatLossJ = 0.0;
    8672       43584 :             e.MultiZoneVentSenGainW = 0.0;
    8673       43584 :             e.MultiZoneVentSenGainJ = 0.0;
    8674       43584 :             e.MultiZoneVentSenLossW = 0.0;
    8675       43584 :             e.MultiZoneVentSenLossJ = 0.0;
    8676       43584 :             e.MultiZoneVentLatGainW = 0.0;
    8677       43584 :             e.MultiZoneVentLatGainJ = 0.0;
    8678       43584 :             e.MultiZoneVentLatLossW = 0.0;
    8679       43584 :             e.MultiZoneVentLatLossJ = 0.0;
    8680       43584 :             e.MultiZoneMixSenGainW = 0.0;
    8681       43584 :             e.MultiZoneMixSenGainJ = 0.0;
    8682       43584 :             e.MultiZoneMixSenLossW = 0.0;
    8683       43584 :             e.MultiZoneMixSenLossJ = 0.0;
    8684       43584 :             e.MultiZoneMixLatGainW = 0.0;
    8685       43584 :             e.MultiZoneMixLatGainJ = 0.0;
    8686       43584 :             e.MultiZoneMixLatLossW = 0.0;
    8687       43584 :             e.MultiZoneMixLatLossJ = 0.0;
    8688       43584 :             e.LeakSenGainW = 0.0;
    8689       43584 :             e.LeakSenGainJ = 0.0;
    8690       43584 :             e.LeakSenLossW = 0.0;
    8691       43584 :             e.LeakSenLossJ = 0.0;
    8692       43584 :             e.LeakLatGainW = 0.0;
    8693       43584 :             e.LeakLatGainJ = 0.0;
    8694       43584 :             e.LeakLatLossW = 0.0;
    8695       43584 :             e.LeakLatLossJ = 0.0;
    8696       43584 :             e.CondSenGainW = 0.0;
    8697       43584 :             e.CondSenGainJ = 0.0;
    8698       43584 :             e.CondSenLossW = 0.0;
    8699       43584 :             e.CondSenLossJ = 0.0;
    8700       43584 :             e.DiffLatGainW = 0.0;
    8701       43584 :             e.DiffLatGainJ = 0.0;
    8702       43584 :             e.DiffLatLossW = 0.0;
    8703       43584 :             e.DiffLatLossJ = 0.0;
    8704       43584 :             e.RadGainW = 0.0;
    8705       43584 :             e.RadGainJ = 0.0;
    8706       43584 :             e.RadLossW = 0.0;
    8707       43584 :             e.RadLossJ = 0.0;
    8708       43584 :             e.TotalSenGainW = 0.0;
    8709       43584 :             e.TotalSenGainJ = 0.0;
    8710       43584 :             e.TotalSenLossW = 0.0;
    8711       43584 :             e.TotalSenLossJ = 0.0;
    8712       43584 :             e.TotalLatGainW = 0.0;
    8713       43584 :             e.TotalLatGainJ = 0.0;
    8714       43584 :             e.TotalLatLossW = 0.0;
    8715       43584 :             e.TotalLatLossJ = 0.0;
    8716             :         }
    8717             : 
    8718             :         // Calculate sensible and latent loads in each zone from multizone airflows
    8719       13785 :         if (multizone_always_simulated ||
    8720        1546 :             (simulation_control.type == ControlType::MultizoneWithDistributionOnlyDuringFanOperation && AirflowNetworkFanActivated)) {
    8721      196758 :             for (i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfSurfaces; ++i) { // Multizone airflow energy
    8722      183877 :                 n = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0];
    8723      183877 :                 M = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1];
    8724      183877 :                 ZN1 = AirflowNetworkNodeData(n).EPlusZoneNum;
    8725      183877 :                 ZN2 = AirflowNetworkNodeData(M).EPlusZoneNum;
    8726             :                 // Find a linkage from a zone to outdoors
    8727      183877 :                 if (ZN1 > 0 && ZN2 == 0) {
    8728      118002 :                     auto &zn1HB = m_state.dataZoneTempPredictorCorrector->zoneHeatBalance(ZN1);
    8729      118002 :                     if (m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum).SurfLinkedOutAirNode > 0) {
    8730           0 :                         Tamb = m_state.dataSurface->SurfOutDryBulbTemp(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum);
    8731           0 :                         CpAir = PsyCpAirFnW(Psychrometrics::PsyWFnTdbTwbPb(m_state,
    8732             :                                                                            Tamb,
    8733           0 :                                                                            m_state.dataSurface->SurfOutWetBulbTemp(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum),
    8734           0 :                                                                            m_state.dataEnvrn->OutBaroPress));
    8735             :                     } else {
    8736      118002 :                         Tamb = Zone(ZN1).OutDryBulbTemp;
    8737      118002 :                         CpAir = PsyCpAirFnW(m_state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat);
    8738             :                     }
    8739      118002 :                     hg = Psychrometrics::PsyHgAirFnWTdb(zn1HB.ZoneAirHumRat, zn1HB.MAT);
    8740             : 
    8741      160031 :                     if (AirflowNetworkCompData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).CompNum).CompTypeNum == iComponentTypeNum::SCR ||
    8742       42029 :                         AirflowNetworkCompData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).CompNum).CompTypeNum == iComponentTypeNum::SEL) {
    8743       90205 :                         if (Tamb > zn1HB.MAT) {
    8744       17774 :                             AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN1).MultiZoneInfiSenGainW += (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2 * CpAir * (Tamb - zn1HB.MAT));
    8745       17774 :                             AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN1).MultiZoneInfiSenGainJ +=
    8746       17774 :                                 (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2 * CpAir * (Tamb - zn1HB.MAT)) * ReportingConstant;
    8747             :                         } else {
    8748       72431 :                             AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN1).MultiZoneInfiSenLossW += (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2 * CpAir * (zn1HB.MAT - Tamb));
    8749       72431 :                             AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN1).MultiZoneInfiSenLossJ +=
    8750       72431 :                                 (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2 * CpAir * (zn1HB.MAT - Tamb)) * ReportingConstant;
    8751             :                         }
    8752       90205 :                         if (m_state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat > zn1HB.ZoneAirHumRat) {
    8753       44217 :                             AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN1).MultiZoneInfiLatGainW +=
    8754       44217 :                                 (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2 * (m_state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat - zn1HB.ZoneAirHumRat)) * hg;
    8755       44217 :                             AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN1).MultiZoneInfiLatGainJ +=
    8756       44217 :                                 (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2 * (m_state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat - zn1HB.ZoneAirHumRat)) * hg * ReportingConstant;
    8757             :                         } else {
    8758       45988 :                             AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN1).MultiZoneInfiLatLossW +=
    8759       45988 :                                 (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2 * (zn1HB.ZoneAirHumRat - m_state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat)) * hg;
    8760       45988 :                             AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN1).MultiZoneInfiLatLossJ +=
    8761       45988 :                                 (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2 * (zn1HB.ZoneAirHumRat - m_state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat)) * hg * ReportingConstant;
    8762             :                         }
    8763             :                     } else {
    8764       27797 :                         if (Tamb > zn1HB.MAT) {
    8765        6407 :                             AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN1).MultiZoneVentSenGainW += (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2 * CpAir * (Tamb - zn1HB.MAT));
    8766        6407 :                             AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN1).MultiZoneVentSenGainJ +=
    8767        6407 :                                 (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2 * CpAir * (Tamb - zn1HB.MAT)) * ReportingConstant;
    8768             :                         } else {
    8769       21390 :                             AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN1).MultiZoneVentSenLossW += (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2 * CpAir * (zn1HB.MAT - Tamb));
    8770       21390 :                             AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN1).MultiZoneVentSenLossJ +=
    8771       21390 :                                 (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2 * CpAir * (zn1HB.MAT - Tamb)) * ReportingConstant;
    8772             :                         }
    8773       27797 :                         if (m_state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat > zn1HB.ZoneAirHumRat) {
    8774       12785 :                             AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN1).MultiZoneVentLatGainW +=
    8775       12785 :                                 (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2 * (m_state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat - zn1HB.ZoneAirHumRat)) * hg;
    8776       12785 :                             AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN1).MultiZoneVentLatGainJ +=
    8777       12785 :                                 (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2 * (m_state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat - zn1HB.ZoneAirHumRat)) * hg * ReportingConstant;
    8778             :                         } else {
    8779       15012 :                             AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN1).MultiZoneVentLatLossW +=
    8780       15012 :                                 (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2 * (zn1HB.ZoneAirHumRat - m_state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat)) * hg;
    8781       15012 :                             AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN1).MultiZoneVentLatLossJ +=
    8782       15012 :                                 (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2 * (zn1HB.ZoneAirHumRat - m_state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat)) * hg * ReportingConstant;
    8783             :                         }
    8784             :                     }
    8785             :                 }
    8786      183877 :                 if (ZN1 == 0 && ZN2 > 0) {
    8787           0 :                     auto &zn2HB = m_state.dataZoneTempPredictorCorrector->zoneHeatBalance(ZN2);
    8788           0 :                     if (m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum).SurfLinkedOutAirNode > 0) {
    8789           0 :                         Tamb = m_state.dataSurface->SurfOutDryBulbTemp(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum);
    8790           0 :                         CpAir = PsyCpAirFnW(Psychrometrics::PsyWFnTdbTwbPb(m_state,
    8791             :                                                                            Tamb,
    8792           0 :                                                                            m_state.dataSurface->SurfOutWetBulbTemp(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum),
    8793           0 :                                                                            m_state.dataEnvrn->OutBaroPress));
    8794             :                     } else {
    8795           0 :                         Tamb = Zone(ZN2).OutDryBulbTemp;
    8796           0 :                         CpAir = PsyCpAirFnW(m_state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat);
    8797             :                     }
    8798           0 :                     hg = Psychrometrics::PsyHgAirFnWTdb(zn2HB.ZoneAirHumRat, zn2HB.MAT);
    8799             : 
    8800           0 :                     if (AirflowNetworkCompData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).CompNum).CompTypeNum == iComponentTypeNum::SCR ||
    8801           0 :                         AirflowNetworkCompData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).CompNum).CompTypeNum == iComponentTypeNum::SEL) {
    8802           0 :                         if (Tamb > zn2HB.MAT) {
    8803           0 :                             AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN2).MultiZoneInfiSenGainW += (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW * CpAir * (Tamb - zn2HB.MAT));
    8804           0 :                             AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN2).MultiZoneInfiSenGainJ +=
    8805           0 :                                 (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW * CpAir * (Tamb - zn2HB.MAT)) * ReportingConstant;
    8806             :                         } else {
    8807           0 :                             AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN2).MultiZoneInfiSenLossW += (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW * CpAir * (zn2HB.MAT - Tamb));
    8808           0 :                             AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN2).MultiZoneInfiSenLossJ +=
    8809           0 :                                 (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW * CpAir * (zn2HB.MAT - Tamb)) * ReportingConstant;
    8810             :                         }
    8811           0 :                         if (m_state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat > zn2HB.ZoneAirHumRat) {
    8812           0 :                             AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN2).MultiZoneInfiLatGainW +=
    8813           0 :                                 (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW * (m_state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat - zn2HB.ZoneAirHumRat)) * hg;
    8814           0 :                             AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN2).MultiZoneInfiLatGainJ +=
    8815           0 :                                 (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW * (m_state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat - zn2HB.ZoneAirHumRat)) * hg * ReportingConstant;
    8816             :                         } else {
    8817           0 :                             AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN2).MultiZoneInfiLatLossW +=
    8818           0 :                                 (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW * (zn2HB.ZoneAirHumRat - m_state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat)) * hg;
    8819           0 :                             AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN2).MultiZoneInfiLatLossJ +=
    8820           0 :                                 (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW * (zn2HB.ZoneAirHumRat - m_state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat)) * hg * ReportingConstant;
    8821             :                         }
    8822             :                     } else {
    8823           0 :                         if (Tamb > zn2HB.MAT) {
    8824           0 :                             AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN2).MultiZoneVentSenGainW += (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW * CpAir * (Tamb - zn2HB.MAT));
    8825           0 :                             AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN2).MultiZoneVentSenGainJ +=
    8826           0 :                                 (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW * CpAir * (Tamb - zn2HB.MAT)) * ReportingConstant;
    8827             :                         } else {
    8828           0 :                             AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN2).MultiZoneVentSenLossW += (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW * CpAir * (zn2HB.MAT - Tamb));
    8829           0 :                             AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN2).MultiZoneVentSenLossJ +=
    8830           0 :                                 (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW * CpAir * (zn2HB.MAT - Tamb)) * ReportingConstant;
    8831             :                         }
    8832           0 :                         if (m_state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat > zn2HB.ZoneAirHumRat) {
    8833           0 :                             AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN2).MultiZoneVentLatGainW +=
    8834           0 :                                 (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW * (m_state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat - zn2HB.ZoneAirHumRat)) * hg;
    8835           0 :                             AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN2).MultiZoneVentLatGainJ +=
    8836           0 :                                 (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW * (m_state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat - zn2HB.ZoneAirHumRat)) * hg * ReportingConstant;
    8837             :                         } else {
    8838           0 :                             AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN2).MultiZoneVentLatLossW +=
    8839           0 :                                 (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW * (zn2HB.ZoneAirHumRat - m_state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat)) * hg;
    8840           0 :                             AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN2).MultiZoneVentLatLossJ +=
    8841           0 :                                 (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW * (zn2HB.ZoneAirHumRat - m_state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat)) * hg * ReportingConstant;
    8842             :                         }
    8843             :                     }
    8844             :                 }
    8845             : 
    8846      183877 :                 if (ZN1 > 0 && ZN2 > 0) {
    8847       65875 :                     auto &zn1HB = m_state.dataZoneTempPredictorCorrector->zoneHeatBalance(ZN1);
    8848       65875 :                     auto &zn2HB = m_state.dataZoneTempPredictorCorrector->zoneHeatBalance(ZN2);
    8849       65875 :                     CpAir = PsyCpAirFnW((zn1HB.ZoneAirHumRat + zn2HB.ZoneAirHumRat) / 2.0);
    8850       65875 :                     hg = Psychrometrics::PsyHgAirFnWTdb((zn1HB.ZoneAirHumRat + zn2HB.ZoneAirHumRat) / 2.0, (zn1HB.MAT + zn2HB.MAT) / 2.0);
    8851       65875 :                     if (zn1HB.MAT > zn2HB.MAT) {
    8852       29301 :                         AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN2).MultiZoneMixSenGainW += (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW * CpAir * (zn1HB.MAT - zn2HB.MAT));
    8853       29301 :                         AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN2).MultiZoneMixSenGainJ +=
    8854       29301 :                             (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW * CpAir * (zn1HB.MAT - zn2HB.MAT)) * ReportingConstant;
    8855             :                     } else {
    8856       36574 :                         AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN2).MultiZoneMixSenLossW += (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW * CpAir * (zn2HB.MAT - zn1HB.MAT));
    8857       36574 :                         AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN2).MultiZoneMixSenLossJ +=
    8858       36574 :                             (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW * CpAir * (zn2HB.MAT - zn1HB.MAT)) * ReportingConstant;
    8859             :                     }
    8860       65875 :                     if (zn1HB.ZoneAirHumRat > zn2HB.ZoneAirHumRat) {
    8861       29720 :                         AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN2).MultiZoneMixLatGainW +=
    8862       29720 :                             (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW * (zn1HB.ZoneAirHumRat - zn2HB.ZoneAirHumRat)) * hg;
    8863       29720 :                         AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN2).MultiZoneMixLatGainJ +=
    8864       29720 :                             (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW * (zn1HB.ZoneAirHumRat - zn2HB.ZoneAirHumRat)) * hg * ReportingConstant;
    8865             :                     } else {
    8866       36155 :                         AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN2).MultiZoneMixLatLossW +=
    8867       36155 :                             (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW * (zn2HB.ZoneAirHumRat - zn1HB.ZoneAirHumRat)) * hg;
    8868       36155 :                         AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN2).MultiZoneMixLatLossJ +=
    8869       36155 :                             (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW * (zn2HB.ZoneAirHumRat - zn1HB.ZoneAirHumRat)) * hg * ReportingConstant;
    8870             :                     }
    8871       65875 :                     if (zn2HB.MAT > zn1HB.MAT) {
    8872       34082 :                         AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN1).MultiZoneMixSenGainW += (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2 * CpAir * (zn2HB.MAT - zn1HB.MAT));
    8873       34082 :                         AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN1).MultiZoneMixSenGainJ +=
    8874       34082 :                             (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2 * CpAir * (zn2HB.MAT - zn1HB.MAT)) * ReportingConstant;
    8875             :                     } else {
    8876       31793 :                         AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN1).MultiZoneMixSenLossW += (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2 * CpAir * (zn1HB.MAT - zn2HB.MAT));
    8877       31793 :                         AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN1).MultiZoneMixSenLossJ +=
    8878       31793 :                             (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2 * CpAir * (zn1HB.MAT - zn2HB.MAT)) * ReportingConstant;
    8879             :                     }
    8880       65875 :                     if (zn2HB.ZoneAirHumRat > zn1HB.ZoneAirHumRat) {
    8881       33108 :                         AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN1).MultiZoneMixLatGainW +=
    8882       33108 :                             (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2 * (zn2HB.ZoneAirHumRat - zn1HB.ZoneAirHumRat)) * hg;
    8883       33108 :                         AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN1).MultiZoneMixLatGainJ +=
    8884       33108 :                             (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2 * (zn2HB.ZoneAirHumRat - zn1HB.ZoneAirHumRat)) * hg * ReportingConstant;
    8885             :                     } else {
    8886       32767 :                         AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN1).MultiZoneMixLatLossW +=
    8887       32767 :                             std::abs(AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2 * (zn1HB.ZoneAirHumRat - zn2HB.ZoneAirHumRat)) * hg;
    8888       32767 :                         AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN1).MultiZoneMixLatLossJ +=
    8889       32767 :                             (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2 * (zn1HB.ZoneAirHumRat - zn2HB.ZoneAirHumRat)) * hg * ReportingConstant;
    8890             :                     }
    8891             :                 }
    8892             :             }
    8893             :         }
    8894             : 
    8895             :         // Assign data for report
    8896       13012 :         if (distribution_simulated) {
    8897       43122 :             for (i = 1; i <= m_state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++i) {
    8898       33502 :                 if (exchangeData(i).LeakSen > 0.0) {
    8899        4123 :                     AirflowNetworkReportData(i).LeakSenGainW = exchangeData(i).LeakSen;
    8900        4123 :                     AirflowNetworkReportData(i).LeakSenGainJ = exchangeData(i).LeakSen * ReportingConstant;
    8901             :                 } else {
    8902       29379 :                     AirflowNetworkReportData(i).LeakSenLossW = -exchangeData(i).LeakSen;
    8903       29379 :                     AirflowNetworkReportData(i).LeakSenLossJ = -exchangeData(i).LeakSen * ReportingConstant;
    8904             :                 }
    8905       33502 :                 if (exchangeData(i).LeakLat > 0.0) {
    8906        2610 :                     AirflowNetworkReportData(i).LeakLatGainW = exchangeData(i).LeakLat * Lam;
    8907        2610 :                     AirflowNetworkReportData(i).LeakLatGainJ = exchangeData(i).LeakLat * Lam * ReportingConstant;
    8908             :                 } else {
    8909       30892 :                     AirflowNetworkReportData(i).LeakLatLossW = -exchangeData(i).LeakLat * Lam;
    8910       30892 :                     AirflowNetworkReportData(i).LeakLatLossJ = -exchangeData(i).LeakLat * Lam * ReportingConstant;
    8911             :                 }
    8912       33502 :                 if (exchangeData(i).CondSen > 0.0) {
    8913        5893 :                     AirflowNetworkReportData(i).CondSenGainW = exchangeData(i).CondSen;
    8914        5893 :                     AirflowNetworkReportData(i).CondSenGainJ = exchangeData(i).CondSen * ReportingConstant;
    8915             :                 } else {
    8916       27609 :                     AirflowNetworkReportData(i).CondSenLossW = -exchangeData(i).CondSen;
    8917       27609 :                     AirflowNetworkReportData(i).CondSenLossJ = -exchangeData(i).CondSen * ReportingConstant;
    8918             :                 }
    8919       33502 :                 if (exchangeData(i).DiffLat > 0.0) {
    8920        6052 :                     AirflowNetworkReportData(i).DiffLatGainW = exchangeData(i).DiffLat * Lam;
    8921        6052 :                     AirflowNetworkReportData(i).DiffLatGainJ = exchangeData(i).DiffLat * Lam * ReportingConstant;
    8922             :                 } else {
    8923       27450 :                     AirflowNetworkReportData(i).DiffLatLossW = -exchangeData(i).DiffLat * Lam;
    8924       27450 :                     AirflowNetworkReportData(i).DiffLatLossJ = -exchangeData(i).DiffLat * Lam * ReportingConstant;
    8925             :                 }
    8926       33502 :                 if (exchangeData(i).RadGain < 0.0) {
    8927         235 :                     AirflowNetworkReportData(i).RadGainW = -exchangeData(i).RadGain;
    8928         235 :                     AirflowNetworkReportData(i).RadGainJ = -exchangeData(i).RadGain * ReportingConstant;
    8929             :                 } else {
    8930       33267 :                     AirflowNetworkReportData(i).RadLossW = exchangeData(i).RadGain;
    8931       33267 :                     AirflowNetworkReportData(i).RadLossJ = exchangeData(i).RadGain * ReportingConstant;
    8932             :                 }
    8933       33502 :                 if (exchangeData(i).TotalSen > 0.0) {
    8934        5878 :                     AirflowNetworkReportData(i).TotalSenGainW = exchangeData(i).TotalSen;
    8935        5878 :                     AirflowNetworkReportData(i).TotalSenGainJ = exchangeData(i).TotalSen * ReportingConstant;
    8936             :                 } else {
    8937       27624 :                     AirflowNetworkReportData(i).TotalSenLossW = -exchangeData(i).TotalSen;
    8938       27624 :                     AirflowNetworkReportData(i).TotalSenLossJ = -exchangeData(i).TotalSen * ReportingConstant;
    8939             :                 }
    8940       33502 :                 if (exchangeData(i).TotalLat > 0.0) {
    8941        5482 :                     AirflowNetworkReportData(i).TotalLatGainW = exchangeData(i).TotalLat * Lam;
    8942        5482 :                     AirflowNetworkReportData(i).TotalLatGainJ = exchangeData(i).TotalLat * Lam * ReportingConstant;
    8943             :                 } else {
    8944       28020 :                     AirflowNetworkReportData(i).TotalLatLossW = -exchangeData(i).TotalLat * Lam;
    8945       28020 :                     AirflowNetworkReportData(i).TotalLatLossJ = -exchangeData(i).TotalLat * Lam * ReportingConstant;
    8946             :                 }
    8947             :             }
    8948             :         }
    8949             : 
    8950             :         // Zone report
    8951             : 
    8952       56596 :         for (auto &e : AirflowNetworkZnRpt) {
    8953       43584 :             e.InfilVolume = 0.0;
    8954       43584 :             e.InfilMass = 0.0;
    8955       43584 :             e.InfilAirChangeRate = 0.0;
    8956       43584 :             e.VentilVolume = 0.0;
    8957       43584 :             e.VentilMass = 0.0;
    8958       43584 :             e.VentilAirChangeRate = 0.0;
    8959       43584 :             e.MixVolume = 0.0;
    8960       43584 :             e.MixMass = 0.0;
    8961             :         }
    8962             : 
    8963       23490 :         for (AirLoopNum = 1; AirLoopNum <= NumPrimaryAirSys; ++AirLoopNum) {
    8964       10478 :             if (DisSysNumOfCVFs == 0) continue;
    8965       10428 :             for (FanNum = 1; FanNum <= DisSysNumOfCVFs; ++FanNum) {
    8966       10428 :                 if (DisSysCompCVFData(FanNum).AirLoopNum == AirLoopNum) break;
    8967             :             }
    8968       12141 :             if (DisSysCompCVFData(FanNum).FanTypeNum == FanType_SimpleOnOff && LoopOnOffFanRunTimeFraction(AirLoopNum) < 1.0 &&
    8969        2117 :                 LoopOnOffFanRunTimeFraction(AirLoopNum) > 0.0) {
    8970             :                 // ON Cycle calculation
    8971        2117 :                 onceZoneFlag = false;
    8972        8468 :                 for (i = 1; i <= m_state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++i) {
    8973        6351 :                     if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).AirLoopNum > 0 && AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).AirLoopNum != AirLoopNum) continue;
    8974        5694 :                     if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).AirLoopNum == AirLoopNum) {
    8975        5694 :                         RepOnOffFanRunTimeFraction = LoopOnOffFanRunTimeFraction(AirLoopNum);
    8976             :                     }
    8977        5694 :                     if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).AirLoopNum == 0) {
    8978           0 :                         RepOnOffFanRunTimeFraction = MaxOnOffFanRunTimeFraction;
    8979             :                     }
    8980        5694 :                     if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).AirLoopNum == 0 && onceZoneFlag(i)) continue;
    8981        5694 :                     AirflowNetworkReportData(i).MultiZoneInfiSenGainW *= RepOnOffFanRunTimeFraction;
    8982        5694 :                     AirflowNetworkReportData(i).MultiZoneInfiSenGainJ *= RepOnOffFanRunTimeFraction;
    8983        5694 :                     AirflowNetworkReportData(i).MultiZoneInfiSenLossW *= RepOnOffFanRunTimeFraction;
    8984        5694 :                     AirflowNetworkReportData(i).MultiZoneInfiSenLossJ *= RepOnOffFanRunTimeFraction;
    8985        5694 :                     AirflowNetworkReportData(i).MultiZoneInfiLatGainW *= RepOnOffFanRunTimeFraction;
    8986        5694 :                     AirflowNetworkReportData(i).MultiZoneInfiLatGainJ *= RepOnOffFanRunTimeFraction;
    8987        5694 :                     AirflowNetworkReportData(i).MultiZoneInfiLatLossW *= RepOnOffFanRunTimeFraction;
    8988        5694 :                     AirflowNetworkReportData(i).MultiZoneInfiLatLossJ *= RepOnOffFanRunTimeFraction;
    8989        5694 :                     AirflowNetworkReportData(i).MultiZoneVentSenGainW *= RepOnOffFanRunTimeFraction;
    8990        5694 :                     AirflowNetworkReportData(i).MultiZoneVentSenGainJ *= RepOnOffFanRunTimeFraction;
    8991        5694 :                     AirflowNetworkReportData(i).MultiZoneVentSenLossW *= RepOnOffFanRunTimeFraction;
    8992        5694 :                     AirflowNetworkReportData(i).MultiZoneVentSenLossJ *= RepOnOffFanRunTimeFraction;
    8993        5694 :                     AirflowNetworkReportData(i).MultiZoneVentLatGainW *= RepOnOffFanRunTimeFraction;
    8994        5694 :                     AirflowNetworkReportData(i).MultiZoneVentLatGainJ *= RepOnOffFanRunTimeFraction;
    8995        5694 :                     AirflowNetworkReportData(i).MultiZoneVentLatLossW *= RepOnOffFanRunTimeFraction;
    8996        5694 :                     AirflowNetworkReportData(i).MultiZoneVentLatLossJ *= RepOnOffFanRunTimeFraction;
    8997        5694 :                     AirflowNetworkReportData(i).MultiZoneMixSenGainW *= RepOnOffFanRunTimeFraction;
    8998        5694 :                     AirflowNetworkReportData(i).MultiZoneMixSenGainJ *= RepOnOffFanRunTimeFraction;
    8999        5694 :                     AirflowNetworkReportData(i).MultiZoneMixSenLossW *= RepOnOffFanRunTimeFraction;
    9000        5694 :                     AirflowNetworkReportData(i).MultiZoneMixSenLossJ *= RepOnOffFanRunTimeFraction;
    9001        5694 :                     AirflowNetworkReportData(i).MultiZoneMixLatGainW *= RepOnOffFanRunTimeFraction;
    9002        5694 :                     AirflowNetworkReportData(i).MultiZoneMixLatGainJ *= RepOnOffFanRunTimeFraction;
    9003        5694 :                     AirflowNetworkReportData(i).MultiZoneMixLatLossW *= RepOnOffFanRunTimeFraction;
    9004        5694 :                     AirflowNetworkReportData(i).MultiZoneMixLatLossJ *= RepOnOffFanRunTimeFraction;
    9005        5694 :                     if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).AirLoopNum == 0) {
    9006           0 :                         onceZoneFlag(i) = true;
    9007             :                     }
    9008             :                 }
    9009             :                 // Off Cycle addon
    9010        2117 :                 onceSurfFlag = false;
    9011       21608 :                 for (i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfSurfaces; ++i) { // Multizone airflow energy
    9012       19491 :                     n = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0];
    9013       19491 :                     M = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1];
    9014       19491 :                     ZN1 = AirflowNetworkNodeData(n).EPlusZoneNum;
    9015       19491 :                     ZN2 = AirflowNetworkNodeData(M).EPlusZoneNum;
    9016             :                     // Find a linkage from a zone to outdoors
    9017       19491 :                     if (ZN1 > 0 && ZN2 == 0) {
    9018       12702 :                         auto &zn1HB = m_state.dataZoneTempPredictorCorrector->zoneHeatBalance(ZN1);
    9019       12702 :                         if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(n).AirLoopNum > 0 && AirflowNetworkNodeData(n).AirLoopNum != AirLoopNum) continue;
    9020       11169 :                         if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(n).AirLoopNum == AirLoopNum) {
    9021       11169 :                             RepOnOffFanRunTimeFraction = LoopOnOffFanRunTimeFraction(AirLoopNum);
    9022             :                         }
    9023       11169 :                         if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(n).AirLoopNum == 0) {
    9024           0 :                             RepOnOffFanRunTimeFraction = MaxOnOffFanRunTimeFraction;
    9025             :                         }
    9026       11169 :                         if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(n).AirLoopNum == 0 && onceSurfFlag(i)) continue;
    9027       11169 :                         ReportingFraction = (1.0 - RepOnOffFanRunTimeFraction);
    9028       11169 :                         Tamb = Zone(ZN1).OutDryBulbTemp;
    9029       11169 :                         CpAir = PsyCpAirFnW(m_state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat);
    9030       16863 :                         if (AirflowNetworkCompData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).CompNum).CompTypeNum == iComponentTypeNum::SCR ||
    9031        5694 :                             AirflowNetworkCompData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).CompNum).CompTypeNum == iComponentTypeNum::SEL) {
    9032       10731 :                             if (Tamb > zn1HB.MAT) {
    9033        3322 :                                 AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN1).MultiZoneInfiSenGainW +=
    9034        3322 :                                     (linkReport1(i).FLOW2OFF * CpAir * (Tamb - zn1HB.MAT)) * (1.0 - RepOnOffFanRunTimeFraction);
    9035        3322 :                                 AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN1).MultiZoneInfiSenGainJ +=
    9036        3322 :                                     (linkReport1(i).FLOW2OFF * CpAir * (Tamb - zn1HB.MAT)) * ReportingConstant * ReportingFraction;
    9037             :                             } else {
    9038        7409 :                                 AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN1).MultiZoneInfiSenLossW +=
    9039        7409 :                                     (linkReport1(i).FLOW2OFF * CpAir * (zn1HB.MAT - Tamb)) * (1.0 - RepOnOffFanRunTimeFraction);
    9040        7409 :                                 AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN1).MultiZoneInfiSenLossJ +=
    9041        7409 :                                     (linkReport1(i).FLOW2OFF * CpAir * (zn1HB.MAT - Tamb)) * ReportingConstant * ReportingFraction;
    9042             :                             }
    9043       10731 :                             if (m_state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat > zn1HB.ZoneAirHumRat) {
    9044        5475 :                                 AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN1).MultiZoneInfiLatGainW +=
    9045        5475 :                                     (linkReport1(i).FLOW2OFF * (m_state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat - zn1HB.ZoneAirHumRat)) * ReportingFraction;
    9046        5475 :                                 AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN1).MultiZoneInfiLatGainJ +=
    9047        5475 :                                     (linkReport1(i).FLOW2OFF * (m_state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat - zn1HB.ZoneAirHumRat)) * ReportingConstant *
    9048             :                                     ReportingFraction;
    9049             :                             } else {
    9050        5256 :                                 AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN1).MultiZoneInfiLatLossW +=
    9051        5256 :                                     (linkReport1(i).FLOW2OFF * (zn1HB.ZoneAirHumRat - m_state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat)) * ReportingFraction;
    9052        5256 :                                 AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN1).MultiZoneInfiLatLossJ +=
    9053        5256 :                                     (linkReport1(i).FLOW2OFF * (zn1HB.ZoneAirHumRat - m_state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat)) * ReportingConstant *
    9054             :                                     ReportingFraction;
    9055             :                             }
    9056             :                         } else {
    9057         438 :                             if (Tamb > zn1HB.MAT) {
    9058         152 :                                 AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN1).MultiZoneVentSenGainW +=
    9059         152 :                                     (linkReport1(i).FLOW2OFF * CpAir * (Tamb - zn1HB.MAT)) * (1.0 - RepOnOffFanRunTimeFraction);
    9060         152 :                                 AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN1).MultiZoneVentSenGainJ +=
    9061         152 :                                     (linkReport1(i).FLOW2OFF * CpAir * (Tamb - zn1HB.MAT)) * ReportingConstant * ReportingFraction;
    9062             :                             } else {
    9063         286 :                                 AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN1).MultiZoneVentSenLossW +=
    9064         286 :                                     (linkReport1(i).FLOW2OFF * CpAir * (zn1HB.MAT - Tamb)) * (1.0 - RepOnOffFanRunTimeFraction);
    9065         286 :                                 AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN1).MultiZoneVentSenLossJ +=
    9066         286 :                                     (linkReport1(i).FLOW2OFF * CpAir * (zn1HB.MAT - Tamb)) * ReportingConstant * ReportingFraction;
    9067             :                             }
    9068         438 :                             if (m_state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat > zn1HB.ZoneAirHumRat) {
    9069           0 :                                 AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN1).MultiZoneVentLatGainW +=
    9070           0 :                                     (linkReport1(i).FLOW2OFF * (m_state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat - zn1HB.ZoneAirHumRat)) * ReportingFraction;
    9071           0 :                                 AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN1).MultiZoneVentLatGainJ +=
    9072           0 :                                     (linkReport1(i).FLOW2OFF * (m_state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat - zn1HB.ZoneAirHumRat)) * ReportingConstant *
    9073             :                                     ReportingFraction;
    9074             :                             } else {
    9075         438 :                                 AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN1).MultiZoneVentLatLossW +=
    9076         438 :                                     (linkReport1(i).FLOW2OFF * (zn1HB.ZoneAirHumRat - m_state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat)) * ReportingFraction;
    9077         438 :                                 AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN1).MultiZoneVentLatLossJ +=
    9078         438 :                                     (linkReport1(i).FLOW2OFF * (zn1HB.ZoneAirHumRat - m_state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat)) * ReportingConstant *
    9079             :                                     ReportingFraction;
    9080             :                             }
    9081             :                         }
    9082       11169 :                         if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(n).AirLoopNum == 0) {
    9083           0 :                             onceSurfFlag(i) = true;
    9084             :                         }
    9085             :                     }
    9086       17958 :                     if (ZN1 == 0 && ZN2 > 0) {
    9087           0 :                         auto &zn2HB = m_state.dataZoneTempPredictorCorrector->zoneHeatBalance(ZN2);
    9088           0 :                         if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(M).AirLoopNum > 0 && AirflowNetworkNodeData(M).AirLoopNum != AirLoopNum) continue;
    9089           0 :                         if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(M).AirLoopNum == AirLoopNum) {
    9090           0 :                             RepOnOffFanRunTimeFraction = LoopOnOffFanRunTimeFraction(AirLoopNum);
    9091             :                         }
    9092           0 :                         if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(M).AirLoopNum == 0) {
    9093           0 :                             RepOnOffFanRunTimeFraction = MaxOnOffFanRunTimeFraction;
    9094             :                         }
    9095           0 :                         if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(M).AirLoopNum == 0 && onceSurfFlag(i)) continue;
    9096           0 :                         ReportingFraction = (1.0 - RepOnOffFanRunTimeFraction);
    9097           0 :                         Tamb = Zone(ZN2).OutDryBulbTemp;
    9098           0 :                         CpAir = PsyCpAirFnW(m_state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat);
    9099           0 :                         if (AirflowNetworkCompData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).CompNum).CompTypeNum == iComponentTypeNum::SCR ||
    9100           0 :                             AirflowNetworkCompData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).CompNum).CompTypeNum == iComponentTypeNum::SEL) {
    9101           0 :                             if (Tamb > zn2HB.MAT) {
    9102           0 :                                 AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN2).MultiZoneInfiSenGainW +=
    9103           0 :                                     (linkReport1(i).FLOWOFF * CpAir * (Tamb - zn2HB.MAT)) * ReportingFraction;
    9104           0 :                                 AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN2).MultiZoneInfiSenGainJ +=
    9105           0 :                                     (linkReport1(i).FLOWOFF * CpAir * (Tamb - zn2HB.MAT)) * ReportingConstant * ReportingFraction;
    9106             :                             } else {
    9107           0 :                                 AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN2).MultiZoneInfiSenLossW +=
    9108           0 :                                     (linkReport1(i).FLOWOFF * CpAir * (zn2HB.MAT - Tamb)) * ReportingFraction;
    9109           0 :                                 AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN2).MultiZoneInfiSenLossJ +=
    9110           0 :                                     (linkReport1(i).FLOWOFF * CpAir * (zn2HB.MAT - Tamb)) * ReportingConstant * ReportingFraction;
    9111             :                             }
    9112           0 :                             if (m_state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat > zn2HB.ZoneAirHumRat) {
    9113           0 :                                 AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN2).MultiZoneInfiLatGainW +=
    9114           0 :                                     (linkReport1(i).FLOWOFF * (m_state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat - zn2HB.ZoneAirHumRat)) * ReportingFraction;
    9115           0 :                                 AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN2).MultiZoneInfiLatGainJ +=
    9116           0 :                                     (linkReport1(i).FLOWOFF * (m_state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat - zn2HB.ZoneAirHumRat)) * ReportingConstant *
    9117             :                                     ReportingFraction;
    9118             :                             } else {
    9119           0 :                                 AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN2).MultiZoneInfiLatLossW +=
    9120           0 :                                     (linkReport1(i).FLOWOFF * (zn2HB.ZoneAirHumRat - m_state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat)) * ReportingFraction;
    9121           0 :                                 AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN2).MultiZoneInfiLatLossJ +=
    9122           0 :                                     (linkReport1(i).FLOWOFF * (zn2HB.ZoneAirHumRat - m_state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat)) * ReportingConstant *
    9123             :                                     ReportingFraction;
    9124             :                             }
    9125             :                         } else {
    9126           0 :                             if (Tamb > zn2HB.MAT) {
    9127           0 :                                 AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN2).MultiZoneVentSenGainW +=
    9128           0 :                                     (linkReport1(i).FLOWOFF * CpAir * (Tamb - zn2HB.MAT)) * ReportingFraction;
    9129           0 :                                 AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN2).MultiZoneVentSenGainJ +=
    9130           0 :                                     (linkReport1(i).FLOWOFF * CpAir * (Tamb - zn2HB.MAT)) * ReportingConstant * ReportingFraction;
    9131             :                             } else {
    9132           0 :                                 AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN2).MultiZoneVentSenLossW +=
    9133           0 :                                     (linkReport1(i).FLOWOFF * CpAir * (zn2HB.MAT - Tamb)) * ReportingFraction;
    9134           0 :                                 AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN2).MultiZoneVentSenLossJ +=
    9135           0 :                                     (linkReport1(i).FLOWOFF * CpAir * (zn2HB.MAT - Tamb)) * ReportingConstant * ReportingFraction;
    9136             :                             }
    9137           0 :                             if (m_state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat > zn2HB.ZoneAirHumRat) {
    9138           0 :                                 AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN2).MultiZoneVentLatGainW +=
    9139           0 :                                     (linkReport1(i).FLOWOFF * (m_state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat - zn2HB.ZoneAirHumRat)) * ReportingFraction;
    9140           0 :                                 AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN2).MultiZoneVentLatGainJ +=
    9141           0 :                                     (linkReport1(i).FLOWOFF * (m_state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat - zn2HB.ZoneAirHumRat)) * ReportingConstant *
    9142             :                                     ReportingFraction;
    9143             :                             } else {
    9144           0 :                                 AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN2).MultiZoneVentLatLossW +=
    9145           0 :                                     (linkReport1(i).FLOWOFF * (zn2HB.ZoneAirHumRat - m_state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat)) * ReportingFraction;
    9146           0 :                                 AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN2).MultiZoneVentLatLossJ +=
    9147           0 :                                     (linkReport1(i).FLOWOFF * (zn2HB.ZoneAirHumRat - m_state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat)) * ReportingConstant *
    9148             :                                     ReportingFraction;
    9149             :                             }
    9150             :                         }
    9151           0 :                         if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(M).AirLoopNum == 0) {
    9152           0 :                             onceSurfFlag(i) = true;
    9153             :                         }
    9154             :                     }
    9155             : 
    9156       17958 :                     if (ZN1 > 0 && ZN2 > 0) {
    9157        6789 :                         auto &zn1HB = m_state.dataZoneTempPredictorCorrector->zoneHeatBalance(ZN1);
    9158        6789 :                         auto &zn2HB = m_state.dataZoneTempPredictorCorrector->zoneHeatBalance(ZN2);
    9159        6789 :                         ReportingFraction = (1.0 - MaxOnOffFanRunTimeFraction);
    9160        6789 :                         CpAir = PsyCpAirFnW(zn1HB.ZoneAirHumRat);
    9161        6789 :                         if (zn1HB.MAT > zn2HB.MAT) {
    9162        2181 :                             AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN2).MultiZoneMixSenGainW +=
    9163        2181 :                                 (linkReport1(i).FLOWOFF * CpAir * (zn1HB.MAT - zn2HB.MAT)) * ReportingFraction;
    9164        2181 :                             AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN2).MultiZoneMixSenGainJ +=
    9165        2181 :                                 (linkReport1(i).FLOWOFF * CpAir * (zn1HB.MAT - zn2HB.MAT)) * ReportingConstant * ReportingFraction;
    9166             :                         } else {
    9167        4608 :                             AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN2).MultiZoneMixSenLossW +=
    9168        4608 :                                 (linkReport1(i).FLOWOFF * CpAir * (zn2HB.MAT - zn1HB.MAT)) * ReportingFraction;
    9169        4608 :                             AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN2).MultiZoneMixSenLossJ +=
    9170        4608 :                                 (linkReport1(i).FLOWOFF * CpAir * (zn2HB.MAT - zn1HB.MAT)) * ReportingConstant * ReportingFraction;
    9171             :                         }
    9172        6789 :                         if (zn1HB.ZoneAirHumRat > zn2HB.ZoneAirHumRat) {
    9173        2242 :                             AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN2).MultiZoneMixLatGainW +=
    9174        2242 :                                 (linkReport1(i).FLOWOFF * (zn1HB.ZoneAirHumRat - zn2HB.ZoneAirHumRat)) * ReportingFraction;
    9175        2242 :                             AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN2).MultiZoneMixLatGainJ +=
    9176        2242 :                                 (linkReport1(i).FLOWOFF * (zn1HB.ZoneAirHumRat - zn2HB.ZoneAirHumRat)) * ReportingConstant * ReportingFraction;
    9177             :                         } else {
    9178        4547 :                             AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN2).MultiZoneMixLatLossW +=
    9179        4547 :                                 (linkReport1(i).FLOWOFF * (zn2HB.ZoneAirHumRat - zn1HB.ZoneAirHumRat)) * ReportingFraction;
    9180        4547 :                             AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN2).MultiZoneMixLatLossJ +=
    9181        4547 :                                 (linkReport1(i).FLOWOFF * (zn2HB.ZoneAirHumRat - zn1HB.ZoneAirHumRat)) * ReportingConstant * ReportingFraction;
    9182             :                         }
    9183        6789 :                         CpAir = PsyCpAirFnW(zn2HB.ZoneAirHumRat);
    9184        6789 :                         if (zn2HB.MAT > zn1HB.MAT) {
    9185        4608 :                             AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN1).MultiZoneMixSenGainW +=
    9186        4608 :                                 (linkReport1(i).FLOW2OFF * CpAir * (zn2HB.MAT - zn1HB.MAT)) * ReportingFraction;
    9187        4608 :                             AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN1).MultiZoneMixSenGainJ +=
    9188        4608 :                                 (linkReport1(i).FLOW2OFF * CpAir * (zn2HB.MAT - zn1HB.MAT)) * ReportingConstant * ReportingFraction;
    9189             :                         } else {
    9190        2181 :                             AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN1).MultiZoneMixSenLossW +=
    9191        2181 :                                 (linkReport1(i).FLOW2OFF * CpAir * (zn1HB.MAT - zn2HB.MAT)) * ReportingFraction;
    9192        2181 :                             AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN1).MultiZoneMixSenLossJ +=
    9193        2181 :                                 (linkReport1(i).FLOW2OFF * CpAir * (zn1HB.MAT - zn2HB.MAT)) * ReportingConstant * ReportingFraction;
    9194             :                         }
    9195             : 
    9196        6789 :                         if (zn2HB.ZoneAirHumRat > zn1HB.ZoneAirHumRat) {
    9197        4547 :                             AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN1).MultiZoneMixLatGainW +=
    9198        4547 :                                 (linkReport1(i).FLOW2OFF * (zn2HB.ZoneAirHumRat - zn1HB.ZoneAirHumRat)) * ReportingFraction;
    9199        4547 :                             AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN1).MultiZoneMixLatGainJ +=
    9200        4547 :                                 (linkReport1(i).FLOW2OFF * (zn2HB.ZoneAirHumRat - zn1HB.ZoneAirHumRat)) * ReportingConstant * ReportingFraction;
    9201             :                         } else {
    9202        2242 :                             AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN1).MultiZoneMixLatLossW +=
    9203        2242 :                                 std::abs(linkReport1(i).FLOW2OFF * (zn1HB.ZoneAirHumRat - zn2HB.ZoneAirHumRat)) * ReportingFraction;
    9204        2242 :                             AirflowNetworkReportData(ZN1).MultiZoneMixLatLossJ +=
    9205        2242 :                                 (linkReport1(i).FLOW2OFF * (zn1HB.ZoneAirHumRat - zn2HB.ZoneAirHumRat)) * ReportingConstant * ReportingFraction;
    9206             :                         }
    9207             :                     }
    9208             :                 }
    9209             :             }
    9210             :         }
    9211             : 
    9212       13012 :         if (!multizone_always_simulated) {
    9213         773 :             return;
    9214             :         }
    9215             : 
    9216       53127 :         for (i = 1; i <= m_state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++i) { // Start of zone loads report variable update loop ...
    9217       40888 :             auto &thisZoneHB = m_state.dataZoneTempPredictorCorrector->zoneHeatBalance(i);
    9218       40888 :             Tamb = Zone(i).OutDryBulbTemp;
    9219       40888 :             CpAir = PsyCpAirFnW(thisZoneHB.ZoneAirHumRatAvg);
    9220       40888 :             AirDensity = PsyRhoAirFnPbTdbW(m_state, m_state.dataEnvrn->OutBaroPress, thisZoneHB.MAT, thisZoneHB.ZoneAirHumRatAvg);
    9221             : 
    9222       40888 :             AirflowNetworkZnRpt(i).InfilMass = (exchangeData(i).SumMCp / CpAir) * ReportingConstant;
    9223       40888 :             AirflowNetworkZnRpt(i).InfilVolume = AirflowNetworkZnRpt(i).InfilMass / AirDensity;
    9224       40888 :             AirflowNetworkZnRpt(i).InfilAirChangeRate = AirflowNetworkZnRpt(i).InfilVolume / (TimeStepSys * Zone(i).Volume);
    9225       40888 :             AirflowNetworkZnRpt(i).VentilMass = (exchangeData(i).SumMVCp / CpAir) * ReportingConstant;
    9226       40888 :             AirflowNetworkZnRpt(i).VentilVolume = AirflowNetworkZnRpt(i).VentilMass / AirDensity;
    9227       40888 :             AirflowNetworkZnRpt(i).VentilAirChangeRate = AirflowNetworkZnRpt(i).VentilVolume / (TimeStepSys * Zone(i).Volume);
    9228       40888 :             AirflowNetworkZnRpt(i).MixMass = (exchangeData(i).SumMMCp / CpAir) * ReportingConstant;
    9229       40888 :             AirflowNetworkZnRpt(i).MixVolume = AirflowNetworkZnRpt(i).MixMass / AirDensity;
    9230             :             // save values for predefined report
    9231       40888 :             Real64 stdDensAFNInfilVolume = AirflowNetworkZnRpt(i).InfilMass / m_state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir;
    9232       40888 :             Real64 stdDensAFNNatVentVolume = AirflowNetworkZnRpt(i).VentilMass / m_state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir;
    9233       40888 :             m_state.dataHeatBal->ZonePreDefRep(i).AFNVentVolStdDen = stdDensAFNNatVentVolume;
    9234       40888 :             m_state.dataHeatBal->ZonePreDefRep(i).AFNVentVolTotalStdDen += stdDensAFNNatVentVolume;
    9235       40888 :             m_state.dataHeatBal->ZonePreDefRep(i).AFNInfilVolTotalStdDen += stdDensAFNInfilVolume;
    9236       40888 :             if (m_state.dataHeatBal->ZonePreDefRep(i).isOccupied) {
    9237        3396 :                 m_state.dataHeatBal->ZonePreDefRep(i).AFNVentVolTotalOccStdDen += stdDensAFNNatVentVolume;
    9238        3396 :                 m_state.dataHeatBal->ZonePreDefRep(i).AFNInfilVolTotalOccStdDen += stdDensAFNInfilVolume;
    9239        3396 :                 m_state.dataHeatBal->ZonePreDefRep(i).AFNInfilVolTotalOcc +=
    9240        3396 :                     (AirflowNetworkZnRpt(i).InfilVolume + AirflowNetworkZnRpt(i).VentilVolume) * Zone(i).Multiplier * Zone(i).ListMultiplier;
    9241        6792 :                 if ((AirflowNetworkZnRpt(i).InfilVolume + AirflowNetworkZnRpt(i).VentilVolume) <
    9242        3396 :                     m_state.dataHeatBal->ZonePreDefRep(i).AFNInfilVolMin) {
    9243         685 :                     m_state.dataHeatBal->ZonePreDefRep(i).AFNInfilVolMin =
    9244         685 :                         (AirflowNetworkZnRpt(i).InfilVolume + AirflowNetworkZnRpt(i).VentilVolume) * Zone(i).Multiplier * Zone(i).ListMultiplier;
    9245             :                 }
    9246             :             }
    9247             : 
    9248       40888 :             Real64 H2OHtOfVap = Psychrometrics::PsyHgAirFnWTdb(m_state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat, Zone(i).OutDryBulbTemp);
    9249       40888 :             AirflowNetworkZnRpt(i).InletMass = 0;
    9250       40888 :             AirflowNetworkZnRpt(i).OutletMass = 0;
    9251       40888 :             if (m_state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(i).IsControlled) {
    9252       43209 :                 for (int j = 1; j <= m_state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(i).NumInletNodes; ++j) {
    9253       22512 :                     AirflowNetworkZnRpt(i).InletMass +=
    9254       22512 :                         m_state.dataLoopNodes->Node(m_state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(i).InletNode(j)).MassFlowRate * ReportingConstant;
    9255             :                 }
    9256       28438 :                 for (int j = 1; j <= m_state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(i).NumExhaustNodes; ++j) {
    9257        7741 :                     AirflowNetworkZnRpt(i).OutletMass +=
    9258        7741 :                         m_state.dataLoopNodes->Node(m_state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(i).ExhaustNode(j)).MassFlowRate * ReportingConstant;
    9259             :                 }
    9260       41394 :                 for (int j = 1; j <= m_state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(i).NumReturnNodes; ++j) {
    9261       20697 :                     AirflowNetworkZnRpt(i).OutletMass +=
    9262       20697 :                         m_state.dataLoopNodes->Node(m_state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(i).ReturnNode(j)).MassFlowRate * ReportingConstant;
    9263             :                 }
    9264             :             }
    9265      122664 :             AirflowNetworkZnRpt(i).ExfilMass = AirflowNetworkZnRpt(i).InfilMass + AirflowNetworkZnRpt(i).VentilMass + AirflowNetworkZnRpt(i).MixMass +
    9266       81776 :                                                AirflowNetworkZnRpt(i).InletMass - AirflowNetworkZnRpt(i).OutletMass;
    9267       40888 :             AirflowNetworkZnRpt(i).ExfilSensiLoss = AirflowNetworkZnRpt(i).ExfilMass / ReportingConstant * (thisZoneHB.MAT - Tamb) * CpAir;
    9268       40888 :             AirflowNetworkZnRpt(i).ExfilLatentLoss =
    9269       40888 :                 AirflowNetworkZnRpt(i).ExfilMass / ReportingConstant * (thisZoneHB.ZoneAirHumRat - m_state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat) * H2OHtOfVap;
    9270       40888 :             AirflowNetworkZnRpt(i).ExfilTotalLoss = AirflowNetworkZnRpt(i).ExfilSensiLoss + AirflowNetworkZnRpt(i).ExfilLatentLoss;
    9271             : 
    9272       40888 :             m_state.dataHeatBal->ZoneTotalExfiltrationHeatLoss += AirflowNetworkZnRpt(i).ExfilTotalLoss * ReportingConstant;
    9273             :         } // ... end of zone loads report variable update loop.
    9274             : 
    9275             :         // Rewrite AirflowNetwork airflow rate
    9276       21944 :         for (AirLoopNum = 1; AirLoopNum <= NumPrimaryAirSys; ++AirLoopNum) {
    9277        9705 :             if (DisSysNumOfCVFs == 0) continue;
    9278        9655 :             for (FanNum = 1; FanNum <= DisSysNumOfCVFs; ++FanNum) {
    9279        9655 :                 if (DisSysCompCVFData(FanNum).AirLoopNum == AirLoopNum) break;
    9280             :             }
    9281        9251 :             onceSurfFlag = false;
    9282             : 
    9283      146289 :             for (i = 1; i <= NumOfLinksMultiZone; ++i) {
    9284      137038 :                 if (onceSurfFlag(i)) continue;
    9285      137038 :                 if (DisSysCompCVFData(FanNum).AirLoopNum == AirLoopNum) {
    9286      137038 :                     Tamb = OutDryBulbTempAt(m_state, AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeHeights[0]);
    9287      137038 :                     AirDensity = PsyRhoAirFnPbTdbW(m_state, m_state.dataEnvrn->OutBaroPress, Tamb, m_state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat);
    9288      156529 :                     if (DisSysCompCVFData(FanNum).FanTypeNum == FanType_SimpleOnOff && LoopOnOffFanRunTimeFraction(AirLoopNum) < 1.0 &&
    9289       19491 :                         LoopOnOffFanRunTimeFraction(AirLoopNum) > 0.0) {
    9290       19491 :                         linkReport(i).VolFLOW = linkReport1(i).FLOW / AirDensity;
    9291       19491 :                         linkReport(i).VolFLOW2 = linkReport1(i).FLOW2 / AirDensity;
    9292             :                     } else {
    9293      117547 :                         linkReport(i).VolFLOW = linkReport(i).FLOW / AirDensity;
    9294      117547 :                         linkReport(i).VolFLOW2 = linkReport(i).FLOW2 / AirDensity;
    9295             :                     }
    9296      137038 :                     onceSurfFlag(i) = true;
    9297             :                 }
    9298             :             }
    9299             : 
    9300        9251 :             if (AirflowNetworkNumOfLinks > NumOfLinksMultiZone) {
    9301      303342 :                 for (i = NumOfLinksMultiZone + 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfLinks; ++i) {
    9302      294091 :                     if (onceSurfFlag(i)) continue;
    9303      294091 :                     if (DisSysCompCVFData(FanNum).AirLoopNum == AirLoopNum) {
    9304      294091 :                         n = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0];
    9305      294091 :                         M = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1];
    9306      294091 :                         AirDensity =
    9307     1176364 :                             PsyRhoAirFnPbTdbW(m_state,
    9308      294091 :                                               (AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(n).PZ + AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(M).PZ) / 2.0 + m_state.dataEnvrn->OutBaroPress,
    9309      294091 :                                               (AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(n).TZ + AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(M).TZ) / 2.0,
    9310      294091 :                                               (AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(n).WZ + AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(M).WZ) / 2.0);
    9311      339424 :                         if (DisSysCompCVFData(FanNum).FanTypeNum == FanType_SimpleOnOff && LoopOnOffFanRunTimeFraction(AirLoopNum) < 1.0 &&
    9312       45333 :                             LoopOnOffFanRunTimeFraction(AirLoopNum) > 0.0) {
    9313       45333 :                             linkReport(i).VolFLOW = linkReport(i).FLOW / AirDensity * (1.0 - LoopOnOffFanRunTimeFraction(AirLoopNum));
    9314       45333 :                             linkReport(i).VolFLOW2 = linkReport(i).FLOW2 / AirDensity * (1.0 - LoopOnOffFanRunTimeFraction(AirLoopNum));
    9315       45333 :                             onceSurfFlag(i) = true;
    9316             :                         } else {
    9317      248758 :                             linkReport(i).VolFLOW = linkReport(i).FLOW / AirDensity;
    9318      248758 :                             linkReport(i).VolFLOW2 = linkReport(i).FLOW2 / AirDensity;
    9319             :                         }
    9320             :                     }
    9321             :                 }
    9322             :             }
    9323             :         }
    9324             :     }
    9325             : 
    9326      656873 :     void Solver::update(Optional_bool_const FirstHVACIteration) // True when solution technique on first iteration
    9327             :     {
    9328             : 
    9329             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    9330             :         //       AUTHOR         Lixing Gu
    9331             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   12/10/05
    9332             :         //       MODIFIED       na
    9333             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
    9334             : 
    9335             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    9336             :         // This subroutine update variables used in the AirflowNetwork model.
    9337             : 
    9338             :         // Using/Aliasing
    9339      656873 :         auto &NumPrimaryAirSys = m_state.dataHVACGlobal->NumPrimaryAirSys;
    9340             :         using DataHVACGlobals::VerySmallMassFlow;
    9341             : 
    9342             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
    9343             :         int i;
    9344             :         int j;
    9345             :         int n;
    9346             :         int M;
    9347             :         int ZN1;
    9348             :         int ZN2;
    9349             :         int Node1;
    9350             :         int Node2;
    9351             :         int Node3;
    9352             :         Real64 CpAir;
    9353             :         Real64 Qsen;
    9354             :         Real64 Qlat;
    9355             :         Real64 AirDensity;
    9356             :         Real64 Tamb;
    9357             :         Real64 PartLoadRatio;
    9358             :         Real64 OnOffRatio;
    9359             :         Real64 NodeMass;
    9360             :         Real64 AFNMass;
    9361             :         bool WriteFlag;
    9362             : 
    9363      656873 :         auto &Zone(m_state.dataHeatBal->Zone);
    9364      656873 :         auto &Node(m_state.dataLoopNodes->Node);
    9365             : 
    9366     2615440 :         for (auto &e : exchangeData) {
    9367     1958567 :             e.SumMCp = 0.0;
    9368     1958567 :             e.SumMCpT = 0.0;
    9369     1958567 :             e.SumMVCp = 0.0;
    9370     1958567 :             e.SumMVCpT = 0.0;
    9371     1958567 :             e.SumMHr = 0.0;
    9372     1958567 :             e.SumMHrW = 0.0;
    9373     1958567 :             e.SumMMCp = 0.0;
    9374     1958567 :             e.SumMMCpT = 0.0;
    9375     1958567 :             e.SumMMHr = 0.0;
    9376     1958567 :             e.SumMMHrW = 0.0;
    9377             :         }
    9378      656873 :         if (m_state.dataContaminantBalance->Contaminant.CO2Simulation) {
    9379       57420 :             for (auto &e : exchangeData) {
    9380       45936 :                 e.SumMHrCO = 0.0;
    9381       45936 :                 e.SumMMHrCO = 0.0;
    9382             :             }
    9383             :         }
    9384      656873 :         if (m_state.dataContaminantBalance->Contaminant.GenericContamSimulation) {
    9385       45300 :             for (auto &e : exchangeData) {
    9386       36240 :                 e.SumMHrGC = 0.0;
    9387       36240 :                 e.SumMMHrGC = 0.0;
    9388             :             }
    9389             :         }
    9390             : 
    9391             :         // Calculate sensible and latent loads in each zone from multizone airflows
    9392      676859 :         if (multizone_always_simulated ||
    9393       39972 :             (simulation_control.type == ControlType::MultizoneWithDistributionOnlyDuringFanOperation && AirflowNetworkFanActivated)) {
    9394     9784604 :             for (i = 1; i <= NumOfLinksMultiZone; ++i) { // Multizone airflow energy
    9395     9136921 :                 n = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0];
    9396     9136921 :                 M = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1];
    9397     9136921 :                 ZN1 = AirflowNetworkNodeData(n).EPlusZoneNum;
    9398     9136921 :                 ZN2 = AirflowNetworkNodeData(M).EPlusZoneNum;
    9399     9136921 :                 if (ZN1 > 0 && ZN2 == 0) {
    9400             :                     // Find a linkage from outdoors to this zone
    9401     6572842 :                     Tamb = Zone(ZN1).OutDryBulbTemp;
    9402     6572842 :                     CpAir = PsyCpAirFnW(m_state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat);
    9403    10489644 :                     if (AirflowNetworkCompData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).CompNum).CompTypeNum == iComponentTypeNum::SCR ||
    9404     3916802 :                         AirflowNetworkCompData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).CompNum).CompTypeNum == iComponentTypeNum::SEL) {
    9405     5482090 :                         exchangeData(ZN1).SumMCp += AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2 * CpAir;
    9406     5482090 :                         exchangeData(ZN1).SumMCpT += AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2 * CpAir * Tamb;
    9407             :                     } else {
    9408     1090752 :                         exchangeData(ZN1).SumMVCp += AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2 * CpAir;
    9409     1090752 :                         exchangeData(ZN1).SumMVCpT += AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2 * CpAir * Tamb;
    9410             :                     }
    9411     6572842 :                     exchangeData(ZN1).SumMHr += AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2;
    9412     6572842 :                     exchangeData(ZN1).SumMHrW += AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2 * m_state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat;
    9413     6572842 :                     if (m_state.dataContaminantBalance->Contaminant.CO2Simulation) {
    9414      149292 :                         exchangeData(ZN1).SumMHrCO += AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2 * m_state.dataContaminantBalance->OutdoorCO2;
    9415             :                     }
    9416     6572842 :                     if (m_state.dataContaminantBalance->Contaminant.GenericContamSimulation) {
    9417      108720 :                         exchangeData(ZN1).SumMHrGC += AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2 * m_state.dataContaminantBalance->OutdoorGC;
    9418             :                     }
    9419             :                 }
    9420     9136921 :                 if (ZN1 == 0 && ZN2 > 0) {
    9421             :                     // Find a linkage from outdoors to this zone
    9422           0 :                     Tamb = Zone(ZN2).OutDryBulbTemp;
    9423           0 :                     CpAir = PsyCpAirFnW(m_state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat);
    9424           0 :                     if (AirflowNetworkCompData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).CompNum).CompTypeNum == iComponentTypeNum::SCR ||
    9425           0 :                         AirflowNetworkCompData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).CompNum).CompTypeNum == iComponentTypeNum::SEL) {
    9426           0 :                         exchangeData(ZN2).SumMCp += AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW * CpAir;
    9427           0 :                         exchangeData(ZN2).SumMCpT += AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW * CpAir * Tamb;
    9428             :                     } else {
    9429           0 :                         exchangeData(ZN2).SumMVCp += AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW * CpAir;
    9430           0 :                         exchangeData(ZN2).SumMVCpT += AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW * CpAir * Tamb;
    9431             :                     }
    9432           0 :                     exchangeData(ZN2).SumMHr += AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW;
    9433           0 :                     exchangeData(ZN2).SumMHrW += AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW * m_state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat;
    9434           0 :                     if (m_state.dataContaminantBalance->Contaminant.CO2Simulation) {
    9435           0 :                         exchangeData(ZN2).SumMHrCO += AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW * m_state.dataContaminantBalance->OutdoorCO2;
    9436             :                     }
    9437           0 :                     if (m_state.dataContaminantBalance->Contaminant.GenericContamSimulation) {
    9438           0 :                         exchangeData(ZN2).SumMHrGC += AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW * m_state.dataContaminantBalance->OutdoorGC;
    9439             :                     }
    9440             :                 }
    9441     9136921 :                 if (ZN1 > 0 && ZN2 > 0) {
    9442             :                     // Find a linkage from outdoors to this zone
    9443     2564079 :                     CpAir = PsyCpAirFnW(ANZW(ZN1));
    9444     2564079 :                     exchangeData(ZN2).SumMMCp += AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW * CpAir;
    9445     2564079 :                     exchangeData(ZN2).SumMMCpT += AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW * CpAir * ANZT(ZN1);
    9446     2564079 :                     exchangeData(ZN2).SumMMHr += AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW;
    9447     2564079 :                     exchangeData(ZN2).SumMMHrW += AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW * ANZW(ZN1);
    9448     2564079 :                     if (m_state.dataContaminantBalance->Contaminant.CO2Simulation) {
    9449       91872 :                         exchangeData(ZN2).SumMMHrCO += AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW * ANCO(ZN1);
    9450             :                     }
    9451     2564079 :                     if (m_state.dataContaminantBalance->Contaminant.GenericContamSimulation) {
    9452       63420 :                         exchangeData(ZN2).SumMMHrGC += AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW * ANGC(ZN1);
    9453             :                     }
    9454     2564079 :                     CpAir = PsyCpAirFnW(ANZW(ZN2));
    9455     2564079 :                     exchangeData(ZN1).SumMMCp += AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2 * CpAir;
    9456     2564079 :                     exchangeData(ZN1).SumMMCpT += AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2 * CpAir * ANZT(ZN2);
    9457     2564079 :                     exchangeData(ZN1).SumMMHr += AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2;
    9458     2564079 :                     exchangeData(ZN1).SumMMHrW += AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2 * ANZW(ZN2);
    9459     2564079 :                     if (m_state.dataContaminantBalance->Contaminant.CO2Simulation) {
    9460       91872 :                         exchangeData(ZN1).SumMMHrCO += AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2 * ANCO(ZN2);
    9461             :                     }
    9462     2564079 :                     if (m_state.dataContaminantBalance->Contaminant.GenericContamSimulation) {
    9463       63420 :                         exchangeData(ZN1).SumMMHrGC += AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2 * ANGC(ZN2);
    9464             :                     }
    9465             :                 }
    9466             :             }
    9467             :         }
    9468             :         // End of update of multizone airflow calculations
    9469             : 
    9470             :         // Initialize these values
    9471     2615440 :         for (auto &e : exchangeData) {
    9472     1958567 :             e.LeakSen = 0.0;
    9473     1958567 :             e.CondSen = 0.0;
    9474     1958567 :             e.LeakLat = 0.0;
    9475     1958567 :             e.DiffLat = 0.0;
    9476     1958567 :             e.MultiZoneSen = 0.0;
    9477     1958567 :             e.MultiZoneLat = 0.0;
    9478     1958567 :             e.RadGain = 0.0;
    9479             :         }
    9480             : 
    9481             :         // Rewrite AirflowNetwork airflow rate
    9482     9898997 :         for (i = 1; i <= NumOfLinksMultiZone; ++i) {
    9483     9242124 :             Tamb = OutDryBulbTempAt(m_state, AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeHeights[0]);
    9484     9242124 :             AirDensity = PsyRhoAirFnPbTdbW(m_state, m_state.dataEnvrn->OutBaroPress, Tamb, m_state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat);
    9485     9242124 :             AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).VolFLOW = AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW / AirDensity;
    9486     9242124 :             AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).VolFLOW2 = AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2 / AirDensity;
    9487             :         }
    9488             : 
    9489    24012877 :         for (std::size_t i = 0; i < linkReport.size(); ++i) {
    9490    23356004 :             auto &r(linkReport[i]);
    9491    23356004 :             auto &s(AirflowNetworkLinkSimu[i]);
    9492    23356004 :             r.FLOW = s.FLOW;
    9493    23356004 :             r.FLOW2 = s.FLOW2;
    9494    23356004 :             r.VolFLOW = s.VolFLOW;
    9495    23356004 :             r.VolFLOW2 = s.VolFLOW2;
    9496             :         }
    9497             : 
    9498             :         // Save zone loads from multizone calculation for later summation
    9499      656873 :         bool OnOffFanFlag = false;
    9500      868655 :         for (i = 1; i <= DisSysNumOfCVFs; i++) {
    9501      571719 :             if (DisSysCompCVFData(i).FanTypeNum == FanType_SimpleOnOff) {
    9502      359937 :                 OnOffFanFlag = true;
    9503      359937 :                 break;
    9504             :             }
    9505             :         }
    9506      656873 :         if (present(FirstHVACIteration)) {
    9507      656873 :             if (FirstHVACIteration && OnOffFanFlag) {
    9508       44520 :                 multiExchangeData = exchangeData;
    9509      168684 :                 for (i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfZones; ++i) {
    9510      124164 :                     nodeReport(i).PZ = AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(i).PZ;
    9511      124164 :                     nodeReport(i).PZOFF = AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(i).PZ;
    9512      124164 :                     nodeReport(i).PZON = 0.0;
    9513             :                 }
    9514      499276 :                 for (i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfSurfaces; ++i) {
    9515      454756 :                     linkReport1(i).FLOW = AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW;
    9516      454756 :                     linkReport1(i).FLOW2 = AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2;
    9517      454756 :                     linkReport1(i).VolFLOW = AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).VolFLOW;
    9518      454756 :                     linkReport1(i).VolFLOW2 = AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).VolFLOW2;
    9519      454756 :                     linkReport1(i).FLOWOFF = AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW;
    9520      454756 :                     linkReport1(i).FLOW2OFF = AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2;
    9521      454756 :                     linkReport1(i).VolFLOWOFF = AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).VolFLOW;
    9522      454756 :                     linkReport1(i).VolFLOW2OFF = AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).VolFLOW2;
    9523      454756 :                     linkReport1(i).DP = AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).DP;
    9524      454756 :                     linkReport1(i).DPOFF = AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).DP;
    9525      454756 :                     linkReport1(i).DPON = 0.0;
    9526             :                 }
    9527             :             }
    9528             :         }
    9529             : 
    9530      656873 :         if (!AirflowNetworkFanActivated && distribution_simulated) {
    9531     4333931 :             for (i = NumOfNodesMultiZone + NumOfNodesIntraZone + 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes; ++i) {
    9532     4159636 :                 AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(i).PZ = 0.0;
    9533             :             }
    9534     5720186 :             for (i = AirflowNetworkNumOfSurfaces + 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfLinks; ++i) {
    9535     5545891 :                 AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).DP = 0.0;
    9536     5545891 :                 linkReport(i).FLOW = 0.0;
    9537     5545891 :                 linkReport(i).FLOW2 = 0.0;
    9538     5545891 :                 linkReport(i).VolFLOW = 0.0;
    9539     5545891 :                 linkReport(i).VolFLOW2 = 0.0;
    9540             :             }
    9541             :         }
    9542             : 
    9543      656873 :         if (!(AirflowNetworkFanActivated && distribution_simulated)) return;
    9544             : 
    9545      380734 :         if (distribution_simulated) {
    9546     5291043 :             for (i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfSurfaces; ++i) { // Multizone airflow energy
    9547     4910309 :                 n = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0];
    9548     4910309 :                 M = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1];
    9549     4910309 :                 ZN1 = AirflowNetworkNodeData(n).EPlusZoneNum;
    9550     4910309 :                 ZN2 = AirflowNetworkNodeData(M).EPlusZoneNum;
    9551             :                 // Find a linkage from a zone to outdoors
    9552     4910309 :                 if (ZN1 > 0 && ZN2 == 0) {
    9553     3809911 :                     Tamb = Zone(ZN1).OutDryBulbTemp;
    9554     3809911 :                     CpAir = PsyCpAirFnW(m_state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat);
    9555     3809911 :                     exchangeData(ZN1).MultiZoneSen += AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2 * CpAir * (Tamb - ANZT(ZN1));
    9556     3809911 :                     exchangeData(ZN1).MultiZoneLat += AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2 * (m_state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat - ANZW(ZN1));
    9557             :                 }
    9558     4910309 :                 if (ZN1 == 0 && ZN2 > 0) {
    9559           0 :                     Tamb = Zone(ZN2).OutDryBulbTemp;
    9560           0 :                     CpAir = PsyCpAirFnW(m_state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat);
    9561           0 :                     exchangeData(ZN2).MultiZoneSen += AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW * CpAir * (Tamb - ANZT(ZN2));
    9562           0 :                     exchangeData(ZN2).MultiZoneLat += AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW * (m_state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat - ANZW(ZN2));
    9563             :                 }
    9564             : 
    9565     4910309 :                 if (ZN1 > 0 && ZN2 > 0) {
    9566     1100398 :                     if (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW > 0) { // Flow from ZN1 to ZN2
    9567      438802 :                         CpAir = PsyCpAirFnW(ANZW(ZN1));
    9568      438802 :                         exchangeData(ZN2).MultiZoneSen += AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW * CpAir * (ANZT(ZN1) - ANZT(ZN2));
    9569      438802 :                         exchangeData(ZN2).MultiZoneLat += AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW * (ANZW(ZN1) - ANZW(ZN2));
    9570      438802 :                         CpAir = PsyCpAirFnW(ANZW(ZN2));
    9571      438802 :                         exchangeData(ZN1).MultiZoneSen += std::abs(AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2) * CpAir * (ANZT(ZN2) - ANZT(ZN1));
    9572      438802 :                         exchangeData(ZN1).MultiZoneLat += std::abs(AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2) * (ANZW(ZN2) - ANZW(ZN1));
    9573             :                     } else {
    9574      661596 :                         CpAir = PsyCpAirFnW(ANZW(ZN2));
    9575      661596 :                         exchangeData(ZN1).MultiZoneSen += std::abs(AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2) * CpAir * (ANZT(ZN2) - ANZT(ZN1));
    9576      661596 :                         exchangeData(ZN1).MultiZoneLat += std::abs(AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2) * (ANZW(ZN2) - ANZW(ZN1));
    9577             :                     }
    9578             :                 }
    9579             :             }
    9580             :         }
    9581             : 
    9582             :         int AirLoopNum;
    9583             :         int FanNum;
    9584      380734 :         Real64 MaxPartLoadRatio = 0.0;
    9585      380734 :         Real64 OnOffFanRunTimeFraction = 0.0;
    9586      380734 :         MaxOnOffFanRunTimeFraction = 0.0;
    9587      772135 :         for (AirLoopNum = 1; AirLoopNum <= NumPrimaryAirSys; ++AirLoopNum) {
    9588      391401 :             MaxPartLoadRatio = max(MaxPartLoadRatio, m_state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopAFNInfo(AirLoopNum).LoopOnOffFanPartLoadRatio);
    9589      391401 :             MaxOnOffFanRunTimeFraction = max(MaxOnOffFanRunTimeFraction, LoopOnOffFanRunTimeFraction(AirLoopNum));
    9590             :         }
    9591      772135 :         for (AirLoopNum = 1; AirLoopNum <= NumPrimaryAirSys; ++AirLoopNum) {
    9592      402068 :             for (FanNum = 1; FanNum <= DisSysNumOfCVFs; ++FanNum) {
    9593      402068 :                 if (DisSysCompCVFData(FanNum).AirLoopNum == AirLoopNum) break;
    9594             :             }
    9595      391401 :             PartLoadRatio = 1.0;
    9596      391401 :             LoopPartLoadRatio(AirLoopNum) = 1.0;
    9597      391401 :             OnOffFanRunTimeFraction = 1.0;
    9598      391401 :             LoopOnOffFanRunTimeFraction(AirLoopNum) = 1.0;
    9599             :             // Calculate the part load ratio, can't be greater than 1 for a simple ONOFF fan
    9600     1077244 :             if (DisSysCompCVFData(FanNum).FanTypeNum == FanType_SimpleOnOff &&
    9601      685119 :                 Node(DisSysCompCVFData(FanNum).InletNode).MassFlowRate > VerySmallMassFlow &&
    9602      293718 :                 m_state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopAFNInfo(AirLoopNum).LoopFanOperationMode == CycFanCycCoil) {
    9603             :                 // Hard code here
    9604      280369 :                 PartLoadRatio = m_state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopAFNInfo(AirLoopNum).LoopOnOffFanPartLoadRatio;
    9605      280369 :                 LoopPartLoadRatio(AirLoopNum) = m_state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopAFNInfo(AirLoopNum).LoopOnOffFanPartLoadRatio;
    9606      560738 :                 OnOffFanRunTimeFraction = max(m_state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopAFNInfo(AirLoopNum).AFNLoopHeatingCoilMaxRTF,
    9607      280369 :                                               m_state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopAFNInfo(AirLoopNum).AFNLoopOnOffFanRTF,
    9608      280369 :                                               m_state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopAFNInfo(AirLoopNum).AFNLoopDXCoilRTF);
    9609      560738 :                 LoopOnOffFanRunTimeFraction(AirLoopNum) = max(m_state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopAFNInfo(AirLoopNum).AFNLoopHeatingCoilMaxRTF,
    9610      280369 :                                                               m_state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopAFNInfo(AirLoopNum).AFNLoopOnOffFanRTF,
    9611      280369 :                                                               m_state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopAFNInfo(AirLoopNum).AFNLoopDXCoilRTF);
    9612             :             }
    9613      391401 :             m_state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopAFNInfo(AirLoopNum).AFNLoopHeatingCoilMaxRTF = 0.0;
    9614             : 
    9615      391401 :             if (DisSysCompCVFData(FanNum).FanTypeNum == FanType_SimpleOnOff && LoopPartLoadRatio(AirLoopNum) < 1.0) {
    9616     6378580 :                 for (std::size_t i = 0; i < linkReport.size(); ++i) {
    9617     6173770 :                     auto &r(linkReport[i]);
    9618     6173770 :                     auto &s(AirflowNetworkLinkSimu[i]);
    9619     6173770 :                     auto &t(AirflowNetworkLinkageData[i]);
    9620     6173770 :                     if (t.AirLoopNum == AirLoopNum) {
    9621     3545118 :                         r.FLOW = s.FLOW * LoopPartLoadRatio(AirLoopNum);
    9622     3545118 :                         r.FLOW2 = s.FLOW2 * LoopPartLoadRatio(AirLoopNum);
    9623     3545118 :                         r.VolFLOW = s.VolFLOW * LoopPartLoadRatio(AirLoopNum);
    9624     3545118 :                         r.VolFLOW2 = s.VolFLOW2 * LoopPartLoadRatio(AirLoopNum);
    9625             :                     }
    9626     6173770 :                     if (t.AirLoopNum == 0) {
    9627     2507820 :                         r.FLOW = s.FLOW * MaxPartLoadRatio;
    9628     2507820 :                         r.FLOW2 = s.FLOW2 * MaxPartLoadRatio;
    9629     2507820 :                         r.VolFLOW = s.VolFLOW * MaxPartLoadRatio;
    9630     2507820 :                         r.VolFLOW2 = s.VolFLOW2 * MaxPartLoadRatio;
    9631             :                     }
    9632             :                 }
    9633             :             }
    9634             :         }
    9635             : 
    9636             :         // One time warning
    9637      380734 :         if (UpdateAirflowNetworkMyOneTimeFlag) {
    9638      772135 :             for (AirLoopNum = 1; AirLoopNum <= NumPrimaryAirSys; ++AirLoopNum) {
    9639      402068 :                 for (FanNum = 1; FanNum <= DisSysNumOfCVFs; ++FanNum) {
    9640      402068 :                     if (DisSysCompCVFData(FanNum).AirLoopNum == AirLoopNum) break;
    9641             :                 }
    9642      685843 :                 if (DisSysCompCVFData(FanNum).FanTypeNum == FanType_SimpleOnOff &&
    9643      294442 :                     m_state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopAFNInfo(AirLoopNum).LoopFanOperationMode == ContFanCycCoil) {
    9644       40047 :                     OnOffRatio = std::abs((m_state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopAFNInfo(AirLoopNum).LoopSystemOnMassFlowrate -
    9645       13349 :                                            m_state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopAFNInfo(AirLoopNum).LoopSystemOffMassFlowrate) /
    9646       13349 :                                           m_state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopAFNInfo(AirLoopNum).LoopSystemOnMassFlowrate);
    9647       13349 :                     if (OnOffRatio > 0.1) {
    9648           0 :                         ShowWarningError(m_state,
    9649             :                                          "The absolute percent difference of supply air mass flow rate between HVAC operation and No HVAC operation "
    9650             :                                          "is above 10% with fan operation mode = ContFanCycCoil.");
    9651           0 :                         ShowContinueError(m_state,
    9652             :                                           "The added zone loads using the AirflowNetwork model may not be accurate because the zone loads are "
    9653             :                                           "calculated based on the mass flow rate during HVAC operation.");
    9654           0 :                         ShowContinueError(
    9655             :                             m_state,
    9656           0 :                             format("The mass flow rate during HVAC operation = {:.2R} The mass flow rate during no HVAC operation = {:.2R}",
    9657           0 :                                    m_state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopAFNInfo(AirLoopNum).LoopSystemOnMassFlowrate,
    9658           0 :                                    m_state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopAFNInfo(AirLoopNum).LoopSystemOffMassFlowrate));
    9659           0 :                         UpdateAirflowNetworkMyOneTimeFlag = false;
    9660             :                     }
    9661             :                 }
    9662             :             }
    9663             :         }
    9664             : 
    9665             :         // Check mass flow differences in the zone inlet zones and splitter nodes between node and AFN links
    9666      380734 :         if (UpdateAirflowNetworkMyOneTimeFlag1) {
    9667          23 :             if ((!VAVSystem) && m_state.dataGlobal->DisplayExtraWarnings) {
    9668           1 :                 WriteFlag = false;
    9669          75 :                 for (i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfLinks; ++i) {
    9670          74 :                     Node1 = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0];
    9671          74 :                     Node2 = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1];
    9672         221 :                     if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(Node1).EPlusTypeNum == iEPlusNodeType::SPI ||
    9673         145 :                         AirflowNetworkNodeData(Node2).EPlusTypeNum == iEPlusNodeType::SPO ||
    9674          71 :                         AirflowNetworkNodeData(Node2).EPlusTypeNum == iEPlusNodeType::ZIN) {
    9675           6 :                         if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(Node1).EPlusTypeNum == iEPlusNodeType::SPI) {
    9676           1 :                             Node3 = Node1;
    9677             :                         } else {
    9678           5 :                             Node3 = Node2;
    9679             :                         }
    9680           6 :                         if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(Node2).EPlusTypeNum == iEPlusNodeType::ZIN) {
    9681           3 :                             if (AirflowNetworkCompData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).CompNum).EPlusTypeNum == iEPlusComponentType::Invalid) continue;
    9682             :                         }
    9683           4 :                         NodeMass = Node(AirflowNetworkNodeData(Node3).EPlusNodeNum).MassFlowRate;
    9684           4 :                         AFNMass = AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW;
    9685           4 :                         if (NodeMass > 0.0 && AFNMass > NodeMass + 0.01) {
    9686           3 :                             ShowWarningError(m_state,
    9687           2 :                                              "The mass flow rate difference is found between System Node = '" +
    9688           3 :                                                  m_state.dataLoopNodes->NodeID(AirflowNetworkNodeData(Node3).EPlusNodeNum) + "' and AFN Link = '" +
    9689           3 :                                                  AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).Name + "'.");
    9690           3 :                             ShowContinueError(m_state,
    9691           2 :                                               format("The system node max mass flow rate = {:.3R} kg/s. The AFN node mass flow rate = {:.3R} kg.s.",
    9692             :                                                      NodeMass,
    9693           1 :                                                      AFNMass));
    9694           1 :                             WriteFlag = true;
    9695             :                         }
    9696             :                     }
    9697             :                 }
    9698           1 :                 UpdateAirflowNetworkMyOneTimeFlag1 = false;
    9699           1 :                 if (WriteFlag) {
    9700           1 :                     ShowWarningError(m_state,
    9701             :                                      "Please adjust the rate of Maximum Air Flow Rate field in the terminal objects or duct pressure resistance.");
    9702             :                 }
    9703             :             } else {
    9704          22 :                 UpdateAirflowNetworkMyOneTimeFlag1 = false;
    9705             :             }
    9706             :         }
    9707             : 
    9708             :         // Assign airflows to EPLus nodes
    9709    13859032 :         for (i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfLinks; ++i) {
    9710    21284788 :             if (AirflowNetworkCompData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).CompNum).CompTypeNum == iComponentTypeNum::DWC ||
    9711     7806490 :                 AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).VAVTermDamper) {
    9712             :                 // Exclude envelope leakage Crack element
    9713     5678570 :                 Node1 = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0];
    9714     5678570 :                 Node2 = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1];
    9715             : 
    9716     5678570 :                 j = AirflowNetworkNodeData(Node1).EPlusNodeNum;
    9717     5678570 :                 if (j > 0 && AirflowNetworkNodeData(Node1).EPlusZoneNum == 0) {
    9718     2805096 :                     Node(j).MassFlowRate = AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW * LoopPartLoadRatio(AirflowNetworkNodeData(Node1).AirLoopNum);
    9719     2805096 :                     if (!LoopOnOffFlag(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).AirLoopNum)) Node(j).MassFlowRate = 0.0;
    9720     5603430 :                     if (!(AirflowNetworkNodeData(Node1).EPlusTypeNum == iEPlusNodeType::DIN ||
    9721     2798334 :                           AirflowNetworkNodeData(Node1).EPlusTypeNum == iEPlusNodeType::DOU)) {
    9722     2798334 :                         Node(j).MassFlowRateMaxAvail = AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW * LoopPartLoadRatio(AirflowNetworkNodeData(Node1).AirLoopNum);
    9723     2798334 :                         Node(j).MassFlowRateMax = AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW;
    9724             :                     }
    9725             :                 }
    9726             : 
    9727     5678570 :                 j = AirflowNetworkNodeData(Node2).EPlusNodeNum;
    9728     5678570 :                 if (j > 0) {
    9729     3349724 :                     Node(j).MassFlowRate = AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW * LoopPartLoadRatio(AirflowNetworkNodeData(Node2).AirLoopNum);
    9730     3349724 :                     if (!LoopOnOffFlag(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).AirLoopNum)) Node(j).MassFlowRate = 0.0;
    9731     6692686 :                     if (!(AirflowNetworkNodeData(Node2).EPlusTypeNum == iEPlusNodeType::DIN ||
    9732     3342962 :                           AirflowNetworkNodeData(Node2).EPlusTypeNum == iEPlusNodeType::DOU)) {
    9733     3336200 :                         Node(j).MassFlowRateMaxAvail = AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW * LoopPartLoadRatio(AirflowNetworkNodeData(Node2).AirLoopNum);
    9734     3336200 :                         Node(j).MassFlowRateMax = AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW;
    9735             :                     }
    9736             :                 }
    9737             :             }
    9738             :         }
    9739             : 
    9740             :         // Assign AirflowNetwork nodal values to Node array
    9741    11541555 :         for (i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes; ++i) {
    9742    11160821 :             j = AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).EPlusNodeNum;
    9743    11160821 :             if (j > 0) {
    9744     5066464 :                 Node(j).Enthalpy = PsyHFnTdbW(AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(i).TZ, AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(i).WZ);
    9745     5066464 :                 Node(j).Temp = AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(i).TZ;
    9746     5066464 :                 Node(j).HumRat = AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(i).WZ;
    9747     5066464 :                 if (m_state.dataContaminantBalance->Contaminant.CO2Simulation) {
    9748       83560 :                     Node(j).CO2 = AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(i).CO2Z;
    9749             :                 }
    9750     5066464 :                 if (m_state.dataContaminantBalance->Contaminant.GenericContamSimulation) {
    9751       81540 :                     Node(j).GenContam = AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(i).GCZ;
    9752             :                 }
    9753             :             }
    9754             :         }
    9755             : 
    9756             :         // Calculate sensible loads from forced air flow
    9757    13859032 :         for (i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfLinks; ++i) {
    9758    13478298 :             Node1 = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0];
    9759    13478298 :             Node2 = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1];
    9760    13478298 :             CpAir = PsyCpAirFnW((AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(Node1).WZ + AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(Node2).WZ) / 2.0);
    9761             :             // Calculate sensible loads from duct conduction losses and loads from duct radiation
    9762    17092820 :             if (AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).ZoneNum > 0 &&
    9763     3614522 :                 AirflowNetworkCompData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).CompNum).CompTypeNum == iComponentTypeNum::DWC) {
    9764     3614522 :                 Qsen = AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW * CpAir * (AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(Node2).TZ - AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(Node1).TZ);
    9765     3614522 :                 if (AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).LinkageViewFactorObjectNum != 0) {
    9766        8319 :                     auto &DuctRadObj(AirflowNetworkLinkageViewFactorData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).LinkageViewFactorObjectNum));
    9767        8319 :                     Qsen -= DuctRadObj.QRad;
    9768        8319 :                     exchangeData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).ZoneNum).RadGain -= DuctRadObj.QRad;
    9769             :                 }
    9770             :                 // When the Airloop is shut off, no duct sensible losses
    9771     3614522 :                 if (!LoopOnOffFlag(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).AirLoopNum)) Qsen = 0.0;
    9772     3614522 :                 exchangeData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).ZoneNum).CondSen -= Qsen;
    9773             :             }
    9774             :             // Calculate sensible leakage losses
    9775    26870339 :             if (AirflowNetworkCompData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).CompNum).CompTypeNum == iComponentTypeNum::PLR ||
    9776    13392041 :                 AirflowNetworkCompData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).CompNum).CompTypeNum == iComponentTypeNum::ELR) {
    9777             :                 // Calculate supply leak sensible losses
    9778     1772821 :                 if ((AirflowNetworkNodeData(Node2).EPlusZoneNum > 0) && (AirflowNetworkNodeData(Node1).EPlusNodeNum == 0) &&
    9779      618256 :                     (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW > 0.0)) {
    9780      618135 :                     ZN2 = AirflowNetworkNodeData(Node2).EPlusZoneNum;
    9781      618135 :                     Qsen = AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW * CpAir * (AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(Node1).TZ - AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(Node2).TZ);
    9782      618135 :                     if (!LoopOnOffFlag(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).AirLoopNum)) Qsen = 0.0;
    9783      618135 :                     exchangeData(ZN2).LeakSen += Qsen;
    9784             :                 }
    9785     1445033 :                 if ((AirflowNetworkNodeData(Node1).EPlusZoneNum > 0) && (AirflowNetworkNodeData(Node2).EPlusNodeNum == 0) &&
    9786      290468 :                     (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2 > 0.0)) {
    9787        4044 :                     ZN1 = AirflowNetworkNodeData(Node1).EPlusZoneNum;
    9788        4044 :                     Qsen = AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2 * CpAir * (AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(Node2).TZ - AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(Node1).TZ);
    9789        4044 :                     if (!LoopOnOffFlag(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).AirLoopNum)) Qsen = 0.0;
    9790        4044 :                     exchangeData(ZN1).LeakSen += Qsen;
    9791             :                 }
    9792             :             }
    9793             :         }
    9794             : 
    9795             :         // Calculate latent loads from forced air flow
    9796    13859032 :         for (i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfLinks; ++i) {
    9797    13478298 :             Node1 = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0];
    9798    13478298 :             Node2 = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1];
    9799             :             // Calculate latent loads from duct conduction losses
    9800    17092820 :             if (AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).ZoneNum > 0 &&
    9801     3614522 :                 AirflowNetworkCompData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).CompNum).CompTypeNum == iComponentTypeNum::DWC) {
    9802     3614522 :                 Qlat = AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW * (AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(Node2).WZ - AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(Node1).WZ);
    9803     3614522 :                 if (!LoopOnOffFlag(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).AirLoopNum)) Qlat = 0.0;
    9804     3614522 :                 exchangeData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).ZoneNum).DiffLat -= Qlat;
    9805             :             }
    9806             :             // Calculate latent leakage losses
    9807    26870339 :             if (AirflowNetworkCompData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).CompNum).CompTypeNum == iComponentTypeNum::PLR ||
    9808    13392041 :                 AirflowNetworkCompData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).CompNum).CompTypeNum == iComponentTypeNum::ELR) {
    9809             :                 // Calculate supply leak latent losses
    9810     1772821 :                 if ((AirflowNetworkNodeData(Node2).EPlusZoneNum > 0) && (AirflowNetworkNodeData(Node1).EPlusNodeNum == 0) &&
    9811      618256 :                     (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW > 0.0)) {
    9812      618135 :                     ZN2 = AirflowNetworkNodeData(Node2).EPlusZoneNum;
    9813      618135 :                     Qlat = AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW * (AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(Node1).WZ - AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(Node2).WZ);
    9814      618135 :                     if (!LoopOnOffFlag(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).AirLoopNum)) Qlat = 0.0;
    9815      618135 :                     exchangeData(ZN2).LeakLat += Qlat;
    9816      618135 :                     if (m_state.dataContaminantBalance->Contaminant.CO2Simulation) {
    9817       16712 :                         exchangeData(ZN2).TotalCO2 +=
    9818       16712 :                             AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW * (AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(Node1).CO2Z - AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(Node2).CO2Z);
    9819             :                     }
    9820      618135 :                     if (m_state.dataContaminantBalance->Contaminant.GenericContamSimulation) {
    9821       16308 :                         exchangeData(ZN2).TotalGC +=
    9822       16308 :                             AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW * (AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(Node1).GCZ - AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(Node2).GCZ);
    9823             :                     }
    9824             :                 }
    9825     1445033 :                 if ((AirflowNetworkNodeData(Node1).EPlusZoneNum > 0) && (AirflowNetworkNodeData(Node2).EPlusNodeNum == 0) &&
    9826      290468 :                     (AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2 > 0.0)) {
    9827        4044 :                     ZN1 = AirflowNetworkNodeData(Node1).EPlusZoneNum;
    9828        4044 :                     Qlat = AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2 * (AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(Node2).WZ - AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(Node1).WZ);
    9829        4044 :                     if (!LoopOnOffFlag(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).AirLoopNum)) Qlat = 0.0;
    9830        4044 :                     exchangeData(ZN1).LeakLat += Qlat;
    9831        4044 :                     if (m_state.dataContaminantBalance->Contaminant.CO2Simulation) {
    9832           0 :                         exchangeData(ZN1).TotalCO2 +=
    9833           0 :                             AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2 * (AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(Node2).CO2Z - AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(Node1).CO2Z);
    9834             :                     }
    9835        4044 :                     if (m_state.dataContaminantBalance->Contaminant.GenericContamSimulation) {
    9836           0 :                         exchangeData(ZN1).TotalGC +=
    9837           0 :                             AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2 * (AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(Node2).GCZ - AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(Node1).GCZ);
    9838             :                     }
    9839             :                 }
    9840             :             }
    9841             :         }
    9842             : 
    9843             :         // Sum all the loads
    9844     1416110 :         for (i = 1; i <= m_state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++i) {
    9845     1035376 :             exchangeData(i).TotalSen = exchangeData(i).LeakSen + exchangeData(i).CondSen + exchangeData(i).RadGain;
    9846     1035376 :             exchangeData(i).TotalLat = exchangeData(i).LeakLat + exchangeData(i).DiffLat;
    9847             :         }
    9848             : 
    9849             :         // Simple ONOFF fan
    9850      772135 :         for (AirLoopNum = 1; AirLoopNum <= NumPrimaryAirSys; ++AirLoopNum) {
    9851      402068 :             for (FanNum = 1; FanNum <= DisSysNumOfCVFs; ++FanNum) {
    9852      402068 :                 if (DisSysCompCVFData(FanNum).AirLoopNum == AirLoopNum) break;
    9853             :             }
    9854      391401 :             if (DisSysCompCVFData(FanNum).FanTypeNum == FanType_SimpleOnOff && OnOffFanRunTimeFraction < 1.0) {
    9855      651804 :                 for (i = 1; i <= m_state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++i) {
    9856      452543 :                     exchangeData(i).MultiZoneSen *= OnOffFanRunTimeFraction;
    9857      452543 :                     exchangeData(i).MultiZoneLat *= OnOffFanRunTimeFraction;
    9858      452543 :                     exchangeData(i).LeakSen *= OnOffFanRunTimeFraction;
    9859      452543 :                     exchangeData(i).LeakLat *= OnOffFanRunTimeFraction;
    9860      452543 :                     exchangeData(i).CondSen *= OnOffFanRunTimeFraction;
    9861      452543 :                     exchangeData(i).DiffLat *= OnOffFanRunTimeFraction;
    9862      452543 :                     exchangeData(i).RadGain *= OnOffFanRunTimeFraction;
    9863      452543 :                     exchangeData(i).TotalSen *= OnOffFanRunTimeFraction;
    9864      452543 :                     exchangeData(i).TotalLat *= OnOffFanRunTimeFraction;
    9865      452543 :                     exchangeData(i).SumMCp *= OnOffFanRunTimeFraction;
    9866      452543 :                     exchangeData(i).SumMCpT *= OnOffFanRunTimeFraction;
    9867      452543 :                     exchangeData(i).SumMVCp *= OnOffFanRunTimeFraction;
    9868      452543 :                     exchangeData(i).SumMVCpT *= OnOffFanRunTimeFraction;
    9869      452543 :                     exchangeData(i).SumMHr *= OnOffFanRunTimeFraction;
    9870      452543 :                     exchangeData(i).SumMHrW *= OnOffFanRunTimeFraction;
    9871      452543 :                     exchangeData(i).SumMMCp *= OnOffFanRunTimeFraction;
    9872      452543 :                     exchangeData(i).SumMMCpT *= OnOffFanRunTimeFraction;
    9873      452543 :                     exchangeData(i).SumMMHr *= OnOffFanRunTimeFraction;
    9874      452543 :                     exchangeData(i).SumMMHrW *= OnOffFanRunTimeFraction;
    9875      452543 :                     if (m_state.dataContaminantBalance->Contaminant.CO2Simulation) {
    9876           0 :                         exchangeData(i).SumMHrCO *= OnOffFanRunTimeFraction;
    9877           0 :                         exchangeData(i).SumMMHrCO *= OnOffFanRunTimeFraction;
    9878             :                     }
    9879      452543 :                     if (m_state.dataContaminantBalance->Contaminant.GenericContamSimulation) {
    9880           0 :                         exchangeData(i).SumMHrGC *= OnOffFanRunTimeFraction;
    9881           0 :                         exchangeData(i).SumMMHrGC *= OnOffFanRunTimeFraction;
    9882             :                     }
    9883             :                 }
    9884      199261 :                 if (m_state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopAFNInfo(AirLoopNum).LoopFanOperationMode == CycFanCycCoil) {
    9885      651804 :                     for (i = 1; i <= m_state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++i) {
    9886      452543 :                         exchangeData(i).SumMCp += multiExchangeData(i).SumMCp * (1.0 - OnOffFanRunTimeFraction);
    9887      452543 :                         exchangeData(i).SumMCpT += multiExchangeData(i).SumMCpT * (1.0 - OnOffFanRunTimeFraction);
    9888      452543 :                         exchangeData(i).SumMVCp += multiExchangeData(i).SumMVCp * (1.0 - OnOffFanRunTimeFraction);
    9889      452543 :                         exchangeData(i).SumMVCpT += multiExchangeData(i).SumMVCpT * (1.0 - OnOffFanRunTimeFraction);
    9890      452543 :                         exchangeData(i).SumMHr += multiExchangeData(i).SumMHr * (1.0 - OnOffFanRunTimeFraction);
    9891      452543 :                         exchangeData(i).SumMHrW += multiExchangeData(i).SumMHrW * (1.0 - OnOffFanRunTimeFraction);
    9892      452543 :                         exchangeData(i).SumMMCp += multiExchangeData(i).SumMMCp * (1.0 - OnOffFanRunTimeFraction);
    9893      452543 :                         exchangeData(i).SumMMCpT += multiExchangeData(i).SumMMCpT * (1.0 - OnOffFanRunTimeFraction);
    9894      452543 :                         exchangeData(i).SumMMHr += multiExchangeData(i).SumMMHr * (1.0 - OnOffFanRunTimeFraction);
    9895      452543 :                         exchangeData(i).SumMMHrW += multiExchangeData(i).SumMMHrW * (1.0 - OnOffFanRunTimeFraction);
    9896      452543 :                         if (m_state.dataContaminantBalance->Contaminant.CO2Simulation) {
    9897           0 :                             exchangeData(i).SumMHrCO += multiExchangeData(i).SumMHrCO * (1.0 - OnOffFanRunTimeFraction);
    9898           0 :                             exchangeData(i).SumMMHrCO += multiExchangeData(i).SumMMHrCO * (1.0 - OnOffFanRunTimeFraction);
    9899             :                         }
    9900      452543 :                         if (m_state.dataContaminantBalance->Contaminant.GenericContamSimulation) {
    9901           0 :                             exchangeData(i).SumMHrGC += multiExchangeData(i).SumMHrGC * (1.0 - OnOffFanRunTimeFraction);
    9902           0 :                             exchangeData(i).SumMMHrGC += multiExchangeData(i).SumMMHrGC * (1.0 - OnOffFanRunTimeFraction);
    9903             :                         }
    9904             :                     }
    9905             :                 }
    9906             :             }
    9907             : 
    9908      391401 :             if (DisSysCompCVFData(FanNum).FanTypeNum == FanType_SimpleOnOff) {
    9909     1007981 :                 for (i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfZones; ++i) {
    9910      713539 :                     if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).AirLoopNum == AirLoopNum) {
    9911     1363076 :                         nodeReport(i).PZ = AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(i).PZ * LoopPartLoadRatio(AirLoopNum) +
    9912      681538 :                                            nodeReport(i).PZOFF * (1.0 - LoopPartLoadRatio(AirLoopNum));
    9913      681538 :                         nodeReport(i).PZON = AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(i).PZ;
    9914             :                     }
    9915             :                 }
    9916     3750067 :                 for (i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfSurfaces; ++i) {
    9917     3455625 :                     PartLoadRatio = MaxPartLoadRatio;
    9918    11594820 :                     for (j = 1; j <= AirflowNetworkNumOfZones; ++j) {
    9919     8139195 :                         if (MultizoneZoneData(j).ZoneNum == MultizoneSurfaceData(i).ZonePtr) {
    9920           0 :                             if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(j).AirLoopNum == AirLoopNum) {
    9921           0 :                                 PartLoadRatio = LoopPartLoadRatio(AirLoopNum);
    9922           0 :                                 break;
    9923             :                             }
    9924             :                         }
    9925             :                     }
    9926     3455625 :                     linkReport1(i).FLOW = AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW * PartLoadRatio + linkReport1(i).FLOWOFF * (1.0 - PartLoadRatio);
    9927     3455625 :                     linkReport1(i).FLOW2 = AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2 * PartLoadRatio + linkReport1(i).FLOW2OFF * (1.0 - PartLoadRatio);
    9928     3455625 :                     linkReport1(i).VolFLOW = AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).VolFLOW * PartLoadRatio + linkReport1(i).VolFLOWOFF * (1.0 - PartLoadRatio);
    9929     3455625 :                     linkReport1(i).VolFLOW2 = AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).VolFLOW2 * PartLoadRatio + linkReport1(i).VolFLOW2OFF * (1.0 - PartLoadRatio);
    9930     3455625 :                     linkReport1(i).DP = AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).DP * PartLoadRatio + linkReport1(i).DPOFF * (1.0 - PartLoadRatio);
    9931     3455625 :                     linkReport1(i).DPON = AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).DP;
    9932             :                 }
    9933             :             }
    9934             :         }
    9935             : 
    9936             :         // Save values
    9937    11541555 :         for (i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes; ++i) {
    9938    11160821 :             AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(i).TZlast = AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(i).TZ;
    9939    11160821 :             AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(i).WZlast = AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(i).WZ;
    9940    11160821 :             if (m_state.dataContaminantBalance->Contaminant.CO2Simulation) {
    9941      154586 :                 AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(i).CO2Zlast = AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(i).CO2Z;
    9942             :             }
    9943    11160821 :             if (m_state.dataContaminantBalance->Contaminant.GenericContamSimulation) {
    9944      150849 :                 AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(i).GCZlast = AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(i).GCZ;
    9945             :             }
    9946             :         }
    9947             :     }
    9948             : 
    9949     1070087 :     void Solver::venting_control(int const i,       // AirflowNetwork surface number
    9950             :                                  Real64 &OpenFactor // Window or door opening factor (used to calculate airflow)
    9951             :     )
    9952             :     {
    9953             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    9954             :         //       AUTHOR         Fred Winkelmann
    9955             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   April 2003
    9956             :         //       MODIFIED       Feb 2004, FCW: allow venting control of interior window/door
    9957             :         //       MODIFIED       Nov. 2005, LG: to fit the requirement for AirflowNetwork Model
    9958             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED
    9959             : 
    9960             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    9961             :         // Determines the venting opening factor for an exterior or interior window or door
    9962             :         // as determined by the venting control method.
    9963             : 
    9964             :         // Using/Aliasing
    9965             :         using ScheduleManager::GetCurrentScheduleValue;
    9966             : 
    9967             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
    9968             :         Real64 VentTemp;                // Venting temperature (C)
    9969             :         Real64 ZoneAirEnthalpy;         // Enthalpy of zone air (J/kg)
    9970             :         Real64 OpenFactorMult;          // Window/door opening modulation multiplier on venting open factor
    9971             :         Real64 DelTemp;                 // Inside-outside air temperature difference (K)
    9972             :         Real64 DelEnthal;               // Inside-outside air enthalpy difference (J/kg)
    9973             :         int IZ;                         // AirflowNetwork zone number
    9974             :         int ZoneNum;                    // EnergyPlus zone number
    9975             :         int SurfNum;                    // Heat transfer surface number
    9976             :         Real64 LimValVentOpenFacMult;   // Limiting value of venting opening factor multiplier
    9977             :         Real64 LowerValInOutTempDiff;   // Lower value of inside/outside temperature difference for opening factor modulation
    9978             :         Real64 UpperValInOutTempDiff;   // Upper value of inside/outside temperature difference for opening factor modulation
    9979             :         Real64 LowerValInOutEnthalDiff; // Lower value of inside/outside enthalpy difference for opening factor modulation
    9980             :         Real64 UpperValInOutEnthalDiff; // Upper value of inside/outside enthalpy difference for opening factor modulation
    9981             :         bool VentingAllowed;            // True if venting schedule allows venting
    9982             :         int VentCtrlNum;                // Venting control strategy 1: Temperature control; 2: Enthalpy control
    9983             :         Real64 VentingSchVal;           // Current time step value of venting schedule
    9984             :         Real64 Tamb;                    // Outdoor dry bulb temperature at surface centroid height
    9985             :         int PeopleInd;
    9986             : 
    9987     1070087 :         if (MultizoneSurfaceData(i).EMSOpenFactorActuated) { // EMS sets value to use
    9988       18363 :             OpenFactor = MultizoneSurfaceData(i).EMSOpenFactor;
    9989       18363 :             SurfNum = MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum;
    9990       18363 :             if (MultizoneSurfaceData(i).Factor > 0.0) {
    9991       18363 :                 m_state.dataSurface->SurfWinVentingOpenFactorMultRep(SurfNum) = OpenFactor / MultizoneSurfaceData(i).Factor;
    9992             :             } else {
    9993           0 :                 m_state.dataSurface->SurfWinVentingOpenFactorMultRep(SurfNum) = OpenFactor;
    9994             :             }
    9995       18363 :             return;
    9996             :         }
    9997             : 
    9998     1051724 :         SurfNum = MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum;
    9999             : 
   10000     1051724 :         m_state.dataSurface->SurfWinVentingOpenFactorMultRep(SurfNum) = -1.0;
   10001             : 
   10002             :         // Get venting temperature and venting strategy for exterior window or door
   10003             :         // and determine whether venting is allowed
   10004             : 
   10005     1051724 :         m_state.dataSurface->SurfWinVentingAvailabilityRep(SurfNum) = 1.0;
   10006     1051724 :         VentingAllowed = true;
   10007     1051724 :         IZ = MultizoneSurfaceData(i).NodeNums[0];
   10008             :         // Revise for RoomAirflowNetwork model
   10009     1051724 :         if (MultizoneSurfaceData(i).RAFNflag) IZ = MultizoneSurfaceData(i).ZonePtr;
   10010     1051724 :         ZoneNum = MultizoneZoneData(IZ).ZoneNum;
   10011             : 
   10012             :         // Note in the following that individual venting control for a window/door takes
   10013             :         // precedence over zone-level control
   10014     1051724 :         if (MultizoneSurfaceData(i).IndVentControl) {
   10015       32487 :             VentTemp = GetCurrentScheduleValue(m_state, MultizoneSurfaceData(i).VentSchNum);
   10016       32487 :             VentCtrlNum = MultizoneSurfaceData(i).VentSurfCtrNum;
   10017       32487 :             if (MultizoneSurfaceData(i).VentingSchNum > 0) {
   10018           0 :                 VentingSchVal = GetCurrentScheduleValue(m_state, MultizoneSurfaceData(i).VentingSchNum);
   10019           0 :                 if (VentingSchVal <= 0.0) {
   10020           0 :                     VentingAllowed = false;
   10021           0 :                     m_state.dataSurface->SurfWinVentingAvailabilityRep(SurfNum) = 0.0;
   10022             :                 }
   10023             :             }
   10024             :         } else {
   10025             :             // Zone level only by Gu on Nov. 8, 2005
   10026     1019237 :             VentTemp = GetCurrentScheduleValue(m_state, MultizoneZoneData(IZ).VentSchNum);
   10027     1019237 :             VentCtrlNum = MultizoneZoneData(IZ).VentCtrNum;
   10028     1019237 :             if (MultizoneZoneData(IZ).VentingSchNum > 0) {
   10029      684082 :                 VentingSchVal = GetCurrentScheduleValue(m_state, MultizoneZoneData(IZ).VentingSchNum);
   10030      684082 :                 if (VentingSchVal <= 0.0) {
   10031      371109 :                     VentingAllowed = false;
   10032      371109 :                     m_state.dataSurface->SurfWinVentingAvailabilityRep(SurfNum) = 0.0;
   10033             :                 }
   10034             :             }
   10035             :         }
   10036             : 
   10037     1051724 :         m_state.dataSurface->SurfWinInsideTempForVentingRep(SurfNum) = VentTemp;
   10038     1051724 :         OpenFactor = 0.0;
   10039             : 
   10040             :         // Venting based on inside-outside air temperature difference
   10041             : 
   10042     1051724 :         if ((VentCtrlNum == VentControlType::Temp || VentCtrlNum == VentControlType::AdjTemp) && VentingAllowed) {
   10043      558656 :             Tamb = m_state.dataSurface->SurfOutDryBulbTemp(SurfNum);
   10044             :             // Check whether this surface is an interior wall or not. If Yes, use adjacent zone conditions
   10045      558656 :             if (VentCtrlNum == VentControlType::AdjTemp && MultizoneSurfaceData(i).IndVentControl) {
   10046           0 :                 Tamb = ANZT(MultizoneZoneData(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).NodeNums[1]).ZoneNum);
   10047             :             }
   10048      558656 :             if (ANZT(ZoneNum) > Tamb && ANZT(ZoneNum) > VentTemp) {
   10049      246447 :                 OpenFactor = MultizoneSurfaceData(i).Factor;
   10050      246447 :                 m_state.dataSurface->SurfWinVentingOpenFactorMultRep(SurfNum) = 1.0;
   10051             :                 // Modulation of OpenFactor
   10052      246447 :                 if (MultizoneSurfaceData(i).IndVentControl) {
   10053           0 :                     LimValVentOpenFacMult = MultizoneSurfaceData(i).ModulateFactor;
   10054           0 :                     LowerValInOutTempDiff = MultizoneSurfaceData(i).LowValueTemp;
   10055           0 :                     UpperValInOutTempDiff = MultizoneSurfaceData(i).UpValueTemp;
   10056             :                 } else {
   10057      246447 :                     LimValVentOpenFacMult = MultizoneZoneData(IZ).OpenFactor;
   10058      246447 :                     LowerValInOutTempDiff = MultizoneZoneData(IZ).LowValueTemp;
   10059      246447 :                     UpperValInOutTempDiff = MultizoneZoneData(IZ).UpValueTemp;
   10060             :                 }
   10061      246447 :                 if (LimValVentOpenFacMult != 1.0) {
   10062      154645 :                     DelTemp = ANZT(ZoneNum) - Tamb;
   10063      154645 :                     if (DelTemp <= LowerValInOutTempDiff) {
   10064      135339 :                         OpenFactorMult = 1.0;
   10065       19306 :                     } else if (DelTemp >= UpperValInOutTempDiff) {
   10066           0 :                         OpenFactorMult = LimValVentOpenFacMult;
   10067             :                     } else {
   10068       19306 :                         OpenFactorMult =
   10069             :                             LimValVentOpenFacMult +
   10070       19306 :                             ((UpperValInOutTempDiff - DelTemp) / (UpperValInOutTempDiff - LowerValInOutTempDiff)) * (1 - LimValVentOpenFacMult);
   10071             :                     }
   10072      154645 :                     OpenFactor *= OpenFactorMult;
   10073      154645 :                     m_state.dataSurface->SurfWinVentingOpenFactorMultRep(SurfNum) = OpenFactorMult;
   10074             :                 }
   10075             :             } else {
   10076      312209 :                 OpenFactor = 0.0;
   10077      312209 :                 m_state.dataSurface->SurfWinVentingOpenFactorMultRep(SurfNum) = -1.0;
   10078             :             }
   10079             :         }
   10080             : 
   10081             :         // Venting based on inside-outside air enthalpy difference
   10082             : 
   10083     1051724 :         if ((VentCtrlNum == VentControlType::Enth || VentCtrlNum == VentControlType::AdjEnth) && VentingAllowed) {
   10084           0 :             ZoneAirEnthalpy = PsyHFnTdbW(ANZT(ZoneNum), ANZW(ZoneNum));
   10085             :             // Check whether this surface is an interior wall or not. If Yes, use adjacent zone conditions
   10086           0 :             if (VentCtrlNum == VentControlType::AdjEnth && MultizoneSurfaceData(i).IndVentControl) {
   10087           0 :                 m_state.dataEnvrn->OutEnthalpy = PsyHFnTdbW(ANZT(MultizoneZoneData(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).NodeNums[1]).ZoneNum),
   10088           0 :                                                             ANZW(MultizoneZoneData(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).NodeNums[1]).ZoneNum));
   10089             :             }
   10090           0 :             if (ZoneAirEnthalpy > m_state.dataEnvrn->OutEnthalpy && ANZT(ZoneNum) > VentTemp) {
   10091           0 :                 OpenFactor = MultizoneSurfaceData(i).Factor;
   10092             :                 // Modulation of OpenFactor
   10093           0 :                 if (MultizoneSurfaceData(i).IndVentControl) {
   10094           0 :                     LimValVentOpenFacMult = MultizoneSurfaceData(i).ModulateFactor;
   10095           0 :                     LowerValInOutEnthalDiff = MultizoneSurfaceData(i).LowValueEnth;
   10096           0 :                     UpperValInOutEnthalDiff = MultizoneSurfaceData(i).UpValueEnth;
   10097             :                 } else {
   10098           0 :                     LimValVentOpenFacMult = MultizoneZoneData(IZ).OpenFactor;
   10099           0 :                     LowerValInOutEnthalDiff = MultizoneZoneData(IZ).LowValueEnth;
   10100           0 :                     UpperValInOutEnthalDiff = MultizoneZoneData(IZ).UpValueEnth;
   10101             :                 }
   10102           0 :                 m_state.dataSurface->SurfWinVentingOpenFactorMultRep(SurfNum) = 1.0;
   10103             : 
   10104           0 :                 if (LimValVentOpenFacMult != 1.0) {
   10105           0 :                     DelEnthal = ZoneAirEnthalpy - m_state.dataEnvrn->OutEnthalpy;
   10106           0 :                     if (DelEnthal <= LowerValInOutEnthalDiff) {
   10107           0 :                         OpenFactorMult = 1.0;
   10108           0 :                     } else if (DelEnthal >= UpperValInOutEnthalDiff) {
   10109           0 :                         OpenFactorMult = LimValVentOpenFacMult;
   10110             :                     } else {
   10111           0 :                         OpenFactorMult =
   10112           0 :                             LimValVentOpenFacMult + ((UpperValInOutEnthalDiff - DelEnthal) / (UpperValInOutEnthalDiff - LowerValInOutEnthalDiff)) *
   10113           0 :                                                         (1 - LimValVentOpenFacMult);
   10114             :                     }
   10115           0 :                     OpenFactor *= OpenFactorMult;
   10116           0 :                     m_state.dataSurface->SurfWinVentingOpenFactorMultRep(SurfNum) = OpenFactorMult;
   10117             :                 }
   10118             :             } else {
   10119           0 :                 OpenFactor = 0.0;
   10120           0 :                 m_state.dataSurface->SurfWinVentingOpenFactorMultRep(SurfNum) = -1.0;
   10121             :             }
   10122             :         }
   10123             : 
   10124             :         // Constant venting (opening factor as specified in IDF) - C-PH - added by Philip Haves 3/8/01
   10125             :         // subject to venting availability
   10126             : 
   10127     1051724 :         if (VentCtrlNum == VentControlType::Const && VentingAllowed) { // Constant
   10128       96807 :             OpenFactor = MultizoneSurfaceData(i).Factor;
   10129       96807 :             m_state.dataSurface->SurfWinVentingOpenFactorMultRep(SurfNum) = 1.0;
   10130             :         }
   10131             : 
   10132     1051724 :         if (VentCtrlNum == VentControlType::ASH55) {
   10133       25152 :             if (VentingAllowed && (!m_state.dataGlobal->BeginEnvrnFlag) && (!m_state.dataGlobal->WarmupFlag)) {
   10134        2196 :                 PeopleInd = MultizoneZoneData(IZ).ASH55PeopleInd;
   10135        2196 :                 if (PeopleInd > 0 && m_state.dataThermalComforts->ThermalComfortData(PeopleInd).ThermalComfortAdaptiveASH5590 != -1) {
   10136        1452 :                     if (m_state.dataThermalComforts->ThermalComfortData(PeopleInd).ThermalComfortOpTemp >
   10137         726 :                         m_state.dataThermalComforts->ThermalComfortData(PeopleInd).TComfASH55) {
   10138         654 :                         OpenFactor = MultizoneSurfaceData(i).Factor;
   10139         654 :                         m_state.dataSurface->SurfWinVentingOpenFactorMultRep(SurfNum) = 1.0;
   10140             :                     } else {
   10141          72 :                         OpenFactor = 0.0;
   10142             :                     }
   10143             :                 } else {
   10144        1470 :                     OpenFactor = 0.0;
   10145             :                 }
   10146             :             } else {
   10147       22956 :                 OpenFactor = 0.0;
   10148             :             }
   10149             :         }
   10150             : 
   10151     1051724 :         if (VentCtrlNum == VentControlType::CEN15251) {
   10152           0 :             if (VentingAllowed && (!m_state.dataGlobal->BeginEnvrnFlag) && (!m_state.dataGlobal->WarmupFlag)) {
   10153           0 :                 PeopleInd = MultizoneZoneData(IZ).CEN15251PeopleInd;
   10154           0 :                 if (PeopleInd > 0 && m_state.dataThermalComforts->ThermalComfortData(PeopleInd).ThermalComfortAdaptiveCEN15251CatI != -1) {
   10155           0 :                     if (m_state.dataThermalComforts->ThermalComfortData(PeopleInd).ThermalComfortOpTemp >
   10156           0 :                         m_state.dataThermalComforts->ThermalComfortData(PeopleInd).TComfCEN15251) {
   10157           0 :                         OpenFactor = MultizoneSurfaceData(i).Factor;
   10158           0 :                         m_state.dataSurface->SurfWinVentingOpenFactorMultRep(SurfNum) = 1.0;
   10159             :                     } else {
   10160           0 :                         OpenFactor = 0.0;
   10161             :                     }
   10162             :                 } else {
   10163           0 :                     OpenFactor = 0.0;
   10164             :                 }
   10165             :             } else {
   10166           0 :                 OpenFactor = 0.0;
   10167             :             }
   10168             :         }
   10169             : 
   10170             :         // No venting, i.e, window/door always closed - added YJH 8 Aug 02
   10171             : 
   10172     1051724 :         if (VentCtrlNum == VentControlType::NoVent) { // Novent
   10173           0 :             OpenFactor = 0.0;
   10174           0 :             m_state.dataSurface->SurfWinVentingOpenFactorMultRep(SurfNum) = -1.0;
   10175             :         }
   10176             :     }
   10177             : 
   10178          34 :     void Solver::assign_fan_airloop()
   10179             :     {
   10180             :         // Assign the system Fan AirLoop Number based on the zone inlet node
   10181             : 
   10182         146 :         for (int i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfZones; i++) {
   10183         528 :             for (int j = 1; j <= m_state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; j++) {
   10184         416 :                 if (!m_state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(j).IsControlled) continue;
   10185         203 :                 if ((MultizoneZoneData(i).ZoneNum == j) && (m_state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(j).NumInletNodes > 0)) {
   10186         105 :                     for (int k = 1; k <= DisSysNumOfCVFs; k++) {
   10187          52 :                         if (DisSysCompCVFData(k).AirLoopNum == 0) {
   10188          50 :                             DisSysCompCVFData(k).AirLoopNum = m_state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(j).InletNodeAirLoopNum(1);
   10189             :                         }
   10190             :                     }
   10191             :                 }
   10192             :             }
   10193             :         }
   10194          34 :     }
   10195             : 
   10196          23 :     void Solver::validate_distribution()
   10197             :     {
   10198             : 
   10199             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
   10200             :         //       AUTHOR         Lixing Gu
   10201             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   Oct. 2005
   10202             :         //       MODIFIED       L. Gu, Jan. 2009: allow a desuperheater coil and three heat exchangers
   10203             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
   10204             : 
   10205             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
   10206             :         // This subroutine validates the inputs of distribution system, since node data from a primary airloop
   10207             :         // are not available in the first call during reading input data of airflownetwork objects.
   10208             :         // Note: this routine shouldn't be called more than once
   10209             : 
   10210             :         // Using/Aliasing
   10211             :         using BranchNodeConnections::GetNodeConnectionType;
   10212             :         using MixedAir::GetNumOAMixers;
   10213             :         using MixedAir::GetOAMixerInletNodeNumber;
   10214             :         using MixedAir::GetOAMixerReliefNodeNumber;
   10215             :         using SingleDuct::GetHVACSingleDuctSysIndex;
   10216             :         using namespace DataLoopNode;
   10217          23 :         auto &NumPrimaryAirSys = m_state.dataHVACGlobal->NumPrimaryAirSys;
   10218             :         using DXCoils::SetDXCoilAirLoopNumber;
   10219             :         using Fans::SetFanAirLoopNumber;
   10220             :         using HeatingCoils::SetHeatingCoilAirLoopNumber;
   10221             :         using HVACStandAloneERV::GetStandAloneERVNodeNumber;
   10222             :         using SplitterComponent::GetSplitterNodeNumbers;
   10223             :         using SplitterComponent::GetSplitterOutletNumber;
   10224             :         using WaterThermalTanks::GetHeatPumpWaterHeaterNodeNumber;
   10225             :         using ZoneDehumidifier::GetZoneDehumidifierNodeNumber;
   10226             : 
   10227             :         // SUBROUTINE PARAMETER DEFINITIONS:
   10228             :         static constexpr std::string_view RoutineName("AirflowNetwork::Solver::validate_distribution: "); // include trailing blank space
   10229             : 
   10230             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
   10231             :         int i;
   10232             :         int j;
   10233             :         int k;
   10234             :         int n;
   10235             :         int S1;
   10236             :         int S2;
   10237             :         int R1;
   10238             :         int R2;
   10239             :         bool LocalError;
   10240          46 :         Array1D_bool NodeFound;
   10241             : 
   10242          23 :         bool ErrorsFound(false);
   10243          23 :         bool IsNotOK(false);
   10244          23 :         bool errFlag(false);
   10245          46 :         EPVector<DataLoopNode::ConnectionType> NodeConnectionType; // Specifies the type of node connection
   10246          46 :         std::string CurrentModuleObject;
   10247             : 
   10248          23 :         bool HPWHFound(false);          // Flag for HPWH identification
   10249          23 :         bool StandaloneERVFound(false); // Flag for Standalone ERV (ZoneHVAC:EnergyRecoveryVentilator) identification
   10250             : 
   10251             :         // Validate supply and return connections
   10252          23 :         NodeFound.dimension(m_state.dataLoopNodes->NumOfNodes, false);
   10253             :         // Validate inlet and outlet nodes for zone exhaust fans
   10254          36 :         for (i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfExhFan; ++i) {
   10255          13 :             NodeFound(MultizoneCompExhaustFanData(i).InletNode) = true;
   10256          13 :             NodeFound(MultizoneCompExhaustFanData(i).OutletNode) = true;
   10257             :         }
   10258             :         // Validate EPlus Node names and types
   10259         551 :         for (i = 1; i <= DisSysNumOfNodes; ++i) {
   10260         528 :             if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(DisSysNodeData(i).EPlusName, "") || UtilityRoutines::SameString(DisSysNodeData(i).EPlusName, "Other"))
   10261         195 :                 continue;
   10262         333 :             LocalError = false;
   10263        3717 :             for (j = 1; j <= m_state.dataLoopNodes->NumOfNodes; ++j) { // NodeID
   10264        3717 :                 if (DisSysNodeData(i).EPlusName == m_state.dataLoopNodes->NodeID(j)) {
   10265         333 :                     DisSysNodeData(i).AirLoopNum = get_airloop_number(j);
   10266         333 :                     if (DisSysNodeData(i).AirLoopNum == 0) {
   10267           0 :                         ShowSevereError(m_state,
   10268           0 :                                         format(RoutineName) + "The Node or Component Name defined in " + DisSysNodeData(i).Name +
   10269             :                                             " is not found in the AirLoopHVAC.");
   10270           0 :                         ShowContinueError(m_state,
   10271           0 :                                           "The entered name is " + DisSysNodeData(i).EPlusName + " in an AirflowNetwork:Distribution:Node object.");
   10272           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
   10273             :                     }
   10274         333 :                     DisSysNodeData(i).EPlusNodeNum = j;
   10275         333 :                     AirflowNetworkNodeData(NumOfNodesMultiZone + i).EPlusNodeNum = j;
   10276         333 :                     AirflowNetworkNodeData(NumOfNodesMultiZone + i).AirLoopNum = DisSysNodeData(i).AirLoopNum;
   10277         333 :                     NodeFound(j) = true;
   10278         333 :                     LocalError = true;
   10279         333 :                     break;
   10280             :                 }
   10281             :             }
   10282             :             // Check outdoor air node
   10283         999 :             if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(DisSysNodeData(i).EPlusType, "OutdoorAir:NodeList") ||
   10284         666 :                 UtilityRoutines::SameString(DisSysNodeData(i).EPlusType, "OutdoorAir:Node")) {
   10285           0 :                 if (!LocalError) {
   10286           0 :                     ShowSevereError(m_state,
   10287           0 :                                     format(RoutineName) + "The Node or Component Name defined in " + DisSysNodeData(i).Name +
   10288           0 :                                         " is not found in the " + DisSysNodeData(i).EPlusType);
   10289           0 :                     ShowContinueError(m_state,
   10290           0 :                                       "The entered name is " + DisSysNodeData(i).EPlusName + " in an AirflowNetwork:Distribution:Node object.");
   10291           0 :                     ErrorsFound = true;
   10292             :                 }
   10293             :             }
   10294         333 :             if (DisSysNodeData(i).EPlusNodeNum == 0) {
   10295           0 :                 ShowSevereError(m_state,
   10296           0 :                                 format(RoutineName) +
   10297           0 :                                     "Primary Air Loop Node is not found in AIRFLOWNETWORK:DISTRIBUTION:NODE = " + DisSysNodeData(i).Name);
   10298           0 :                 ErrorsFound = true;
   10299             :             }
   10300             :         }
   10301             : 
   10302             :         // Determine node numbers for zone inlets and outlets
   10303         103 :         for (int i = 1; i <= m_state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++i) {
   10304          80 :             if (!m_state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(i).IsControlled) continue;
   10305         103 :             for (int j = 1; j <= m_state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(i).NumInletNodes; ++j) {
   10306        1096 :                 for (int k = 1; k <= AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes; ++k) {
   10307        1091 :                     if (m_state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(i).InletNode(j) == AirflowNetworkNodeData(k).EPlusNodeNum) {
   10308          49 :                         AirflowNetworkNodeData(k).EPlusTypeNum = iEPlusNodeType::ZIN;
   10309          49 :                         break;
   10310             :                     }
   10311             :                 }
   10312             :             }
   10313          98 :             for (int j = 1; j <= m_state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(i).NumReturnNodes; ++j) {
   10314         995 :                 for (int k = 1; k <= AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes; ++k) {
   10315         995 :                     if (m_state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(i).ReturnNode(j) == AirflowNetworkNodeData(k).EPlusNodeNum) {
   10316          49 :                         AirflowNetworkNodeData(k).EPlusTypeNum = iEPlusNodeType::ZOU;
   10317          49 :                         break;
   10318             :                     }
   10319             :                 }
   10320             :             }
   10321             :         }
   10322             : 
   10323             :         // Eliminate node not related to AirLoopHVAC
   10324        1426 :         for (k = 1; k <= m_state.dataBranchNodeConnections->NumOfNodeConnections; ++k) {
   10325        1403 :             if (NodeFound(m_state.dataBranchNodeConnections->NodeConnections(k).NodeNumber)) continue;
   10326         281 :             if (m_state.dataBranchNodeConnections->NodeConnections(k).FluidStream == NodeInputManager::CompFluidStream::Secondary) {
   10327          12 :                 NodeFound(m_state.dataBranchNodeConnections->NodeConnections(k).NodeNumber) = true;
   10328             :             }
   10329             :         }
   10330             : 
   10331             :         // Eliminate nodes with fluidtype = water
   10332         514 :         for (k = 1; k <= m_state.dataLoopNodes->NumOfNodes; ++k) {
   10333         491 :             if (NodeFound(k)) continue;
   10334         120 :             if (m_state.dataLoopNodes->Node(k).FluidType == DataLoopNode::NodeFluidType::Water) {
   10335          40 :                 NodeFound(k) = true;
   10336             :             }
   10337             :         }
   10338             : 
   10339             :         // Eliminate local external air node for network
   10340         514 :         for (k = 1; k <= m_state.dataLoopNodes->NumOfNodes; ++k) {
   10341         491 :             if (NodeFound(k)) continue;
   10342          80 :             if (m_state.dataLoopNodes->Node(k).IsLocalNode) NodeFound(k) = true;
   10343             :         }
   10344             : 
   10345             :         // Ensure all the nodes used in Eplus are a subset of AirflowNetwork Nodes
   10346         514 :         for (i = 1; i <= m_state.dataLoopNodes->NumOfNodes; ++i) {
   10347         491 :             if (NodeFound(i)) continue;
   10348             :             // Skip the inlet and outlet nodes of zone dehumidifiers
   10349          79 :             if (GetZoneDehumidifierNodeNumber(m_state, i)) NodeFound(i) = true;
   10350             : 
   10351          79 :             if (simulation_control.allow_unsupported_zone_equipment) {
   10352             :                 // Skip HPWH nodes that don't have to be included in the AFN
   10353          16 :                 if (GetHeatPumpWaterHeaterNodeNumber(m_state, i)) {
   10354           6 :                     NodeFound(i) = true;
   10355           6 :                     HPWHFound = true;
   10356             :                 }
   10357             : 
   10358             :                 // Skip Standalone ERV nodes that don't have to be included in the AFN
   10359          16 :                 if (GetStandAloneERVNodeNumber(m_state, i)) {
   10360           6 :                     NodeFound(i) = true;
   10361           6 :                     StandaloneERVFound = true;
   10362             :                 }
   10363             :             }
   10364             : 
   10365         213 :             for (int zoneNum = 1; zoneNum <= m_state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++zoneNum) {
   10366         183 :                 if (!m_state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(zoneNum).IsControlled) continue;
   10367         148 :                 if (m_state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(zoneNum).ZoneNode == i) {
   10368          49 :                     if (zoneNum > AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes) {
   10369           0 :                         ShowSevereError(m_state,
   10370           0 :                                         format(RoutineName) + "'" + m_state.dataLoopNodes->NodeID(i) +
   10371             :                                             "' is not defined as an AirflowNetwork:Distribution:Node object.");
   10372           0 :                         ShowContinueError(
   10373           0 :                             m_state, "This Node is the zone air node for Zone '" + m_state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(zoneNum).ZoneName + "'.");
   10374           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
   10375             :                     } else {
   10376          49 :                         NodeFound(i) = true;
   10377          49 :                         AirflowNetworkNodeData(zoneNum).EPlusNodeNum = i;
   10378             :                     }
   10379          49 :                     break;
   10380             :                 }
   10381             :             }
   10382             : 
   10383             :             //   skip nodes that are not part of an airflow network
   10384             : 
   10385             :             //     DX COIL CONDENSER NODE TEST:
   10386             :             //     Outside air nodes are used for DX coil condenser inlet nodes, these are specified in an outside air node or
   10387             :             //     OutdoorAir:NodeList object (and classified with NodeConnectionType as OutsideAir). In addition,
   10388             :             //     this same node is specified in a Coil:DX:CoolingBypassFactorEmpirical object (and classified with
   10389             :             //     NodeConnectionType as OutsideAirReference). In the NodeConnectionType structure, both of these nodes have a
   10390             :             //     unique index but have the same node number. The Outside Air Node will usually be listed first. Search for all
   10391             :             //     indexes with the same node number and check if it is classified as NodeConnectionType = OutsideAirReference.
   10392             :             //     Mark this node as found since it is not used in an airflownetwork simulation.
   10393             :             //     Example (using AirflowNetwork_MultiZone_SmallOffice.idf with a single OA Mixer):
   10394             :             //             (the example shown below is identical to AirflowNetwork_SimpleHouse.idf with no OA Mixer except
   10395             :             //              that the NodeConnections indexes are (7) and (31), respectively and the NodeNumber = 6)
   10396             :             //   The GetNodeConnectionType CALL below returns DataLoopNode::NodeConnectionType::OutsideAir = 7 and
   10397             :             //   DataLoopNode::NodeConnectionType::OutsideAirReference = 14.
   10398             :             //     NodeConnections info from OUTSIDE AIR NODE object read:
   10399             :             //     NodeConnections(9)NodeNumber      = 10
   10400             :             //     NodeConnections(9)NodeName        = ACDXCOIL 1 CONDENSER NODE
   10401             :             //     NodeConnections(9)ObjectType      = OUTSIDE AIR NODE
   10402             :             //     NodeConnections(9)ObjectName      = OUTSIDE AIR NODE
   10403             :             //     NodeConnections(9)ConnectionType  = OutsideAir
   10404             :             //     NodeConnections info from Coil:DX:CoolingBypassFactorEmpirical object read:
   10405             :             //     NodeConnections(64)NodeNumber     = 10
   10406             :             //     NodeConnections(64)NodeName       = ACDXCOIL 1 CONDENSER NODE
   10407             :             //     NodeConnections(64)ObjectType     = COIL:DX:COOLINGBYPASSFACTOREMPIRICAL
   10408             :             //     NodeConnections(64)ObjectName     = ACDXCOIL 1
   10409             :             //     NodeConnections(64)ConnectionType = OutsideAirReference
   10410             : 
   10411          79 :             errFlag = false;
   10412          79 :             GetNodeConnectionType(m_state, i, NodeConnectionType, errFlag); // Gets all connection types for a given node number
   10413          79 :             if (errFlag) {
   10414           0 :                 ShowContinueError(m_state, "...occurs in Airflow Network simulation.");
   10415             :             } else {
   10416             :                 //   skip nodes for air cooled condensers
   10417         212 :                 for (j = 1; j <= isize(NodeConnectionType); ++j) {
   10418         133 :                     if (NodeConnectionType(j) == DataLoopNode::ConnectionType::OutsideAirReference) {
   10419           2 :                         NodeFound(i) = true;
   10420             :                     }
   10421             :                 }
   10422             :             }
   10423             : 
   10424          79 :             if (!NodeFound(i)) {
   10425             :                 // Check if this node is the OA relief node. For the time being, OA relief node is not used
   10426          14 :                 if (GetNumOAMixers(m_state) > 1) {
   10427             :                     //                        ShowSevereError(m_state,  format(RoutineName) + "Only one OutdoorAir:Mixer is allowed in the
   10428             :                     // AirflowNetwork model." );                         ErrorsFound = true;
   10429             :                     int OAFanNum;
   10430             :                     int OARelNum;
   10431             :                     int OAMixerNum;
   10432             : 
   10433           4 :                     for (OAFanNum = 1; OAFanNum <= NumOfOAFans; ++OAFanNum) {
   10434           2 :                         DisSysCompOutdoorAirData(OAFanNum).InletNode =
   10435           2 :                             GetOAMixerInletNodeNumber(m_state, DisSysCompOutdoorAirData(OAFanNum).OAMixerNum);
   10436             :                         //                            NodeFound( DisSysCompOutdoorAirData( OAFanNum ).InletNode
   10437             :                         //                            ) = true;
   10438             :                     }
   10439           4 :                     for (OARelNum = 1; OARelNum <= NumOfReliefFans; ++OARelNum) {
   10440           2 :                         DisSysCompReliefAirData(OARelNum).OutletNode =
   10441           2 :                             GetOAMixerInletNodeNumber(m_state, DisSysCompReliefAirData(OARelNum).OAMixerNum);
   10442             :                         //                            NodeFound( DisSysCompOutdoorAirData( OAFanNum ).InletNode
   10443             :                         //                            ) = true;
   10444             :                     }
   10445             :                     // Check NodeFound status
   10446           3 :                     for (OAMixerNum = 1; OAMixerNum <= GetNumOAMixers(m_state); ++OAMixerNum) {
   10447           3 :                         if (i == GetOAMixerReliefNodeNumber(m_state, OAMixerNum)) {
   10448           2 :                             NodeFound(i) = true;
   10449           2 :                             break;
   10450           1 :                         } else if (i == GetOAMixerInletNodeNumber(m_state, OAMixerNum)) {
   10451           0 :                             NodeFound(i) = true;
   10452           0 :                             break;
   10453             :                         } else {
   10454           1 :                             if (OAMixerNum == GetNumOAMixers(m_state)) {
   10455           0 :                                 ShowSevereError(m_state,
   10456           0 :                                                 format(RoutineName) + "'" + m_state.dataLoopNodes->NodeID(i) +
   10457             :                                                     "' is not defined as an AirflowNetwork:Distribution:Node object.");
   10458           0 :                                 ErrorsFound = true;
   10459             :                             }
   10460             :                         }
   10461             :                     }
   10462          12 :                 } else if (GetNumOAMixers(m_state) == 0) {
   10463           0 :                     ShowSevereError(m_state,
   10464           0 :                                     format(RoutineName) + "'" + m_state.dataLoopNodes->NodeID(i) +
   10465             :                                         "' is not defined as an AirflowNetwork:Distribution:Node object.");
   10466           0 :                     ErrorsFound = true;
   10467             :                 } else {
   10468             :                     // TODO: I fail to see how you could enter this block given than NumOAMixers (returned by GetNumOAMixers())
   10469             :                     // is initialized to zero, and we check above if '> 0' or '== 0'
   10470          12 :                     if (NumOfOAFans == 1 && DisSysCompOutdoorAirData(1).InletNode == 0) {
   10471           1 :                         DisSysCompOutdoorAirData(1).InletNode = GetOAMixerInletNodeNumber(m_state, 1);
   10472             :                     }
   10473          12 :                     if (NumOfReliefFans == 1 && DisSysCompReliefAirData(1).OutletNode == 0) {
   10474           1 :                         DisSysCompReliefAirData(1).OutletNode = GetOAMixerInletNodeNumber(m_state, 1);
   10475             :                     }
   10476          12 :                     if (i == GetOAMixerReliefNodeNumber(m_state, 1)) {
   10477          11 :                         NodeFound(i) = true;
   10478           1 :                     } else if (i == GetOAMixerInletNodeNumber(m_state, 1)) {
   10479           1 :                         NodeFound(i) = true;
   10480             :                     } else {
   10481           0 :                         ShowSevereError(m_state,
   10482           0 :                                         format(RoutineName) + "'" + m_state.dataLoopNodes->NodeID(i) +
   10483             :                                             "' is not defined as an AirflowNetwork:Distribution:Node object.");
   10484           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
   10485             :                     }
   10486             :                 }
   10487             :             }
   10488             :         }
   10489          23 :         if (HPWHFound) {
   10490           6 :             ShowWarningError(m_state,
   10491           4 :                              format(RoutineName) + "Heat pump water heater is simulated along with an AirflowNetwork but is not included in "
   10492             :                                                    "the AirflowNetwork.");
   10493             :         }
   10494          23 :         if (StandaloneERVFound) {
   10495           6 :             ShowWarningError(m_state,
   10496           4 :                              format(RoutineName) + "A ZoneHVAC:EnergyRecoveryVentilator is simulated along with an AirflowNetwork but is not "
   10497             :                                                    "included in the AirflowNetwork.");
   10498             :         }
   10499          23 :         NodeFound.deallocate();
   10500             : 
   10501             :         // Assign AirLoop Number to every node and linkage
   10502             :         // Zone first
   10503         103 :         for (i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfZones; i++) {
   10504         372 :             for (j = 1; j <= m_state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; j++) {
   10505         292 :                 if (!m_state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(j).IsControlled) continue;
   10506         186 :                 if ((MultizoneZoneData(i).ZoneNum == j) && (m_state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(j).NumInletNodes > 0)) {
   10507             :                     // No multiple Airloop
   10508          49 :                     AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).AirLoopNum = m_state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(j).InletNodeAirLoopNum(1);
   10509             :                 }
   10510             :             }
   10511             :         }
   10512             :         // Air Distribution system
   10513         724 :         for (i = AirflowNetworkNumOfSurfaces + 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfLinks; ++i) {
   10514         701 :             j = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0];
   10515         701 :             k = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1];
   10516         701 :             if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(j).AirLoopNum == 0 && AirflowNetworkNodeData(k).AirLoopNum == 0) {
   10517             :                 // Error messaage
   10518           0 :                 ShowSevereError(m_state,
   10519           0 :                                 format(RoutineName) + "AIRFLOWNETWORK:DISTRIBUTION:LINKAGE = " + AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).Name +
   10520             :                                     " is not valid for AirLoopNum assignment");
   10521           0 :                 ShowContinueError(m_state,
   10522           0 :                                   "AirLoopNum is not found in both nodes for the linkage: " + AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNames[0] + " and " +
   10523           0 :                                       AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNames[1]);
   10524           0 :                 ShowContinueError(m_state,
   10525             :                                   "Please ensure one of two AIRFLOWNETWORK:DISTRIBUTION:NODEs in the first AIRFLOWNETWORK:DISTRIBUTION:LINKAGE "
   10526             :                                   "object should be defined as EnergyPlus NodeID.");
   10527           0 :                 ErrorsFound = true;
   10528             :             }
   10529         701 :             if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(j).AirLoopNum > 0 && AirflowNetworkNodeData(k).AirLoopNum == 0) {
   10530         218 :                 AirflowNetworkNodeData(k).AirLoopNum = AirflowNetworkNodeData(j).AirLoopNum;
   10531             :             }
   10532         701 :             if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(j).AirLoopNum == 0 && AirflowNetworkNodeData(k).AirLoopNum > 0) {
   10533           7 :                 AirflowNetworkNodeData(j).AirLoopNum = AirflowNetworkNodeData(k).AirLoopNum;
   10534             :             }
   10535         701 :             if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(j).AirLoopNum == AirflowNetworkNodeData(k).AirLoopNum) {
   10536         701 :                 AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).AirLoopNum = AirflowNetworkNodeData(j).AirLoopNum;
   10537             :             }
   10538         701 :             if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(j).AirLoopNum != AirflowNetworkNodeData(k).AirLoopNum && AirflowNetworkNodeData(j).AirLoopNum > 0 &&
   10539           0 :                 AirflowNetworkNodeData(k).AirLoopNum > 0) {
   10540           0 :                 AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).AirLoopNum = AirflowNetworkNodeData(j).AirLoopNum;
   10541           0 :                 ShowSevereError(m_state,
   10542           0 :                                 "The AirLoopNum defined in both AIRFLOWNETWORK:DISTRIBUTION:NODE objects in " + AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).Name +
   10543             :                                     " are not the same. Please make sure both nodes should be listed in the same AirLoop as a valid linkage.");
   10544           0 :                 ShowContinueError(m_state,
   10545           0 :                                   "AirLoop defined in " + AirflowNetworkNodeData(j).Name + " is " +
   10546           0 :                                       m_state.dataAirSystemsData->PrimaryAirSystems(AirflowNetworkNodeData(j).AirLoopNum).Name +
   10547           0 :                                       ", and AirLoop defined in " + AirflowNetworkNodeData(k).Name + " is " +
   10548           0 :                                       m_state.dataAirSystemsData->PrimaryAirSystems(AirflowNetworkNodeData(k).AirLoopNum).Name);
   10549           0 :                 ErrorsFound = true;
   10550             :             }
   10551             :             // Set AirLoopNum to fans and coils
   10552         701 :             if (AirflowNetworkCompData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).CompNum).EPlusTypeNum == iEPlusComponentType::FAN) {
   10553          24 :                 n = m_state.afn->DisSysCompCVFData(AirflowNetworkCompData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).CompNum).TypeNum).FanIndex;
   10554          24 :                 m_state.afn->DisSysCompCVFData(AirflowNetworkCompData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).CompNum).TypeNum).AirLoopNum =
   10555          24 :                     AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).AirLoopNum;
   10556          24 :                 if (m_state.afn->DisSysCompCVFData(AirflowNetworkCompData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).CompNum).TypeNum).FanModelFlag) {
   10557           1 :                     m_state.dataHVACFan
   10558           2 :                         ->fanObjs[m_state.afn->DisSysCompCVFData(m_state.afn->AirflowNetworkCompData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).CompNum).TypeNum)
   10559           2 :                                       .FanIndex]
   10560           2 :                         ->AirLoopNum = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).AirLoopNum;
   10561             :                 } else {
   10562          23 :                     SetFanAirLoopNumber(m_state, n, AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).AirLoopNum);
   10563             :                 }
   10564             :             }
   10565         701 :             if (AirflowNetworkCompData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).CompNum).EPlusTypeNum == iEPlusComponentType::COI) {
   10566          57 :                 m_state.afn->DisSysCompCoilData(AirflowNetworkCompData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).CompNum).TypeNum).AirLoopNum =
   10567          57 :                     AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).AirLoopNum;
   10568             :             }
   10569             :         }
   10570             : 
   10571             :         // Validate coil name and type
   10572          23 :         CurrentModuleObject = "AirflowNetwork:Distribution:Component:Coil";
   10573          23 :         MultiSpeedHPIndicator = 0;
   10574          80 :         for (i = 1; i <= DisSysNumOfCoils; ++i) {
   10575             :             {
   10576         114 :                 auto const SELECT_CASE_var(UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase(DisSysCompCoilData(i).EPlusType));
   10577             : 
   10578          57 :                 if (SELECT_CASE_var == "COIL:COOLING:DX") {
   10579           0 :                     ValidateComponent(m_state, "Coil:Cooling:DX", DisSysCompCoilData(i).name, IsNotOK, format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject);
   10580           0 :                     if (IsNotOK) {
   10581           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
   10582             :                     } else {
   10583             :                         // Replace the convenience function with in-place code
   10584           0 :                         std::string mycoil = DisSysCompCoilData(i).name;
   10585           0 :                         auto it = std::find_if(m_state.dataCoilCooingDX->coilCoolingDXs.begin(),
   10586           0 :                                                m_state.dataCoilCooingDX->coilCoolingDXs.end(),
   10587           0 :                                                [&mycoil](const CoilCoolingDX &coil) { return == mycoil; });
   10588           0 :                         if (it != m_state.dataCoilCooingDX->coilCoolingDXs.end()) {
   10589             :                             // Set the airloop number on the CoilCoolingDX object, which is used to collect the runtime fraction
   10590           0 :                             it->airLoopNum = DisSysCompCoilData(i).AirLoopNum;
   10591             :                         } else {
   10592           0 :                             ShowSevereError(m_state, "SetDXCoilAirLoopNumber: Could not find Coil \"Name=\"" + DisSysCompCoilData(i).name + "\"");
   10593             :                         }
   10594             :                         // SetDXCoilAirLoopNumber(DisSysCompCoilData(i).name,
   10595             :                         // DisSysCompCoilData(i).AirLoopNum);
   10596             :                     }
   10597          57 :                 } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == "COIL:COOLING:DX:SINGLESPEED") {
   10598          44 :                     ValidateComponent(
   10599          66 :                         m_state, "Coil:Cooling:DX:SingleSpeed", DisSysCompCoilData(i).name, IsNotOK, format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject);
   10600          22 :                     if (IsNotOK) {
   10601           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
   10602             :                     } else {
   10603          22 :                         SetDXCoilAirLoopNumber(m_state, DisSysCompCoilData(i).name, DisSysCompCoilData(i).AirLoopNum);
   10604             :                     }
   10605             : 
   10606          35 :                 } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == "COIL:HEATING:DX:SINGLESPEED") {
   10607          14 :                     ValidateComponent(
   10608          21 :                         m_state, "Coil:Heating:DX:SingleSpeed", DisSysCompCoilData(i).name, IsNotOK, format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject);
   10609           7 :                     if (IsNotOK) {
   10610           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
   10611             :                     } else {
   10612           7 :                         SetDXCoilAirLoopNumber(m_state, DisSysCompCoilData(i).name, DisSysCompCoilData(i).AirLoopNum);
   10613             :                     }
   10614             : 
   10615          28 :                 } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == "COIL:HEATING:FUEL") {
   10616          22 :                     ValidateComponent(m_state, "Coil:Heating:Fuel", DisSysCompCoilData(i).name, IsNotOK, format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject);
   10617          22 :                     if (IsNotOK) {
   10618           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
   10619             :                     } else {
   10620          22 :                         SetHeatingCoilAirLoopNumber(m_state, DisSysCompCoilData(i).name, DisSysCompCoilData(i).AirLoopNum, ErrorsFound);
   10621             :                     }
   10622             : 
   10623           6 :                 } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == "COIL:HEATING:ELECTRIC") {
   10624           6 :                     ValidateComponent(
   10625           9 :                         m_state, "Coil:Heating:Electric", DisSysCompCoilData(i).name, IsNotOK, format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject);
   10626           3 :                     if (IsNotOK) {
   10627           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
   10628             :                     } else {
   10629           3 :                         SetHeatingCoilAirLoopNumber(m_state, DisSysCompCoilData(i).name, DisSysCompCoilData(i).AirLoopNum, ErrorsFound);
   10630             :                     }
   10631             : 
   10632           3 :                 } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == "COIL:COOLING:WATER") {
   10633           0 :                     ValidateComponent(m_state, "Coil:Cooling:Water", DisSysCompCoilData(i).name, IsNotOK, format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject);
   10634           0 :                     if (IsNotOK) {
   10635           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
   10636             :                     }
   10637             : 
   10638           3 :                 } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == "COIL:HEATING:WATER") {
   10639           0 :                     ValidateComponent(m_state, "Coil:Heating:Water", DisSysCompCoilData(i).name, IsNotOK, format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject);
   10640           0 :                     if (IsNotOK) {
   10641           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
   10642             :                     }
   10643             : 
   10644           3 :                 } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == "COIL:COOLING:WATER:DETAILEDGEOMETRY") {
   10645           0 :                     ValidateComponent(m_state,
   10646             :                                       "Coil:Cooling:Water:DetailedGeometry",
   10647           0 :                                       DisSysCompCoilData(i).name,
   10648             :                                       IsNotOK,
   10649           0 :                                       format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject);
   10650           0 :                     if (IsNotOK) {
   10651           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
   10652             :                     }
   10653             : 
   10654           3 :                 } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == "COIL:COOLING:DX:TWOSTAGEWITHHUMIDITYCONTROLMODE") {
   10655           0 :                     ValidateComponent(m_state,
   10656             :                                       "Coil:Cooling:DX:TwoStageWithHumidityControlMode",
   10657           0 :                                       DisSysCompCoilData(i).name,
   10658             :                                       IsNotOK,
   10659           0 :                                       format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject);
   10660           0 :                     if (IsNotOK) {
   10661           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
   10662             :                     } else {
   10663           0 :                         SetDXCoilAirLoopNumber(m_state, DisSysCompCoilData(i).name, DisSysCompCoilData(i).AirLoopNum);
   10664             :                     }
   10665             : 
   10666           3 :                 } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == "COIL:COOLING:DX:MULTISPEED") {
   10667           2 :                     ValidateComponent(
   10668           3 :                         m_state, "Coil:Cooling:DX:MultiSpeed", DisSysCompCoilData(i).name, IsNotOK, format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject);
   10669           1 :                     ++MultiSpeedHPIndicator;
   10670           1 :                     if (IsNotOK) {
   10671           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
   10672             :                     } else {
   10673           1 :                         SetDXCoilAirLoopNumber(m_state, DisSysCompCoilData(i).name, DisSysCompCoilData(i).AirLoopNum);
   10674             :                     }
   10675             : 
   10676           2 :                 } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == "COIL:HEATING:DX:MULTISPEED") {
   10677           2 :                     ValidateComponent(
   10678           3 :                         m_state, "Coil:Heating:DX:MultiSpeed", DisSysCompCoilData(i).name, IsNotOK, format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject);
   10679           1 :                     ++MultiSpeedHPIndicator;
   10680           1 :                     if (IsNotOK) {
   10681           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
   10682             :                     } else {
   10683           1 :                         SetDXCoilAirLoopNumber(m_state, DisSysCompCoilData(i).name, DisSysCompCoilData(i).AirLoopNum);
   10684             :                     }
   10685             : 
   10686           1 :                 } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == "COIL:HEATING:DESUPERHEATER") {
   10687           0 :                     ValidateComponent(
   10688           0 :                         m_state, "Coil:Heating:Desuperheater", DisSysCompCoilData(i).name, IsNotOK, format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject);
   10689           0 :                     if (IsNotOK) {
   10690           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
   10691             :                     }
   10692             : 
   10693           1 :                 } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == "COIL:COOLING:DX:TWOSPEED") {
   10694           2 :                     ValidateComponent(
   10695           3 :                         m_state, "Coil:Cooling:DX:TwoSpeed", DisSysCompCoilData(i).name, IsNotOK, format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject);
   10696           1 :                     if (IsNotOK) {
   10697           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
   10698             :                     } else {
   10699           1 :                         SetDXCoilAirLoopNumber(m_state, DisSysCompCoilData(i).name, DisSysCompCoilData(i).AirLoopNum);
   10700             :                     }
   10701             : 
   10702             :                 } else {
   10703           0 :                     ShowSevereError(m_state, format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + " Invalid coil type = " + DisSysCompCoilData(i).name);
   10704           0 :                     ErrorsFound = true;
   10705             :                 }
   10706             :             }
   10707             :         }
   10708             : 
   10709             :         // Validate terminal unit name and type
   10710          47 :         for (i = 1; i <= DisSysNumOfTermUnits; ++i) {
   10711          51 :             if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(DisSysCompTermUnitData(i).EPlusType, "AirTerminal:SingleDuct:ConstantVolume:Reheat") ||
   10712          27 :                 UtilityRoutines::SameString(DisSysCompTermUnitData(i).EPlusType, "AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat")) {
   10713          24 :                 LocalError = false;
   10714          24 :                 if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(DisSysCompTermUnitData(i).EPlusType, "AirTerminal:SingleDuct:ConstantVolume:Reheat"))
   10715          42 :                     GetHVACSingleDuctSysIndex(
   10716          21 :                         m_state, DisSysCompTermUnitData(i).name, n, LocalError, "AirflowNetwork:Distribution:Component:TerminalUnit");
   10717          24 :                 if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(DisSysCompTermUnitData(i).EPlusType, "AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat"))
   10718           9 :                     GetHVACSingleDuctSysIndex(m_state,
   10719           3 :                                               DisSysCompTermUnitData(i).name,
   10720             :                                               n,
   10721             :                                               LocalError,
   10722             :                                               "AirflowNetwork:Distribution:Component:TerminalUnit",
   10723           3 :                                               DisSysCompTermUnitData(i).DamperInletNode,
   10724           6 :                                               DisSysCompTermUnitData(i).DamperOutletNode);
   10725          24 :                 if (LocalError) ErrorsFound = true;
   10726          24 :                 if (VAVSystem) {
   10727           6 :                     for (j = 1; j <= DisSysNumOfCVFs; j++) {
   10728           3 :                         if (DisSysCompCVFData(j).FanTypeNum == FanType_SimpleVAV) {
   10729           9 :                             if (DisSysCompCVFData(j).AirLoopNum == DisSysCompTermUnitData(i).AirLoopNum &&
   10730           6 :                                 !UtilityRoutines::SameString(DisSysCompTermUnitData(i).EPlusType, "AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat")) {
   10731           0 :                                 ShowSevereError(m_state,
   10732           0 :                                                 format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject +
   10733           0 :                                                     " Invalid terminal type for a VAV system = " + DisSysCompTermUnitData(i).name);
   10734           0 :                                 ShowContinueError(m_state, "The input type = " + DisSysCompTermUnitData(i).EPlusType);
   10735           0 :                                 ShowContinueError(m_state, "A VAV system requires all terminal units with type = AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat");
   10736           0 :                                 ErrorsFound = true;
   10737             :                             }
   10738             :                         }
   10739             :                     }
   10740             :                 }
   10741             :             } else {
   10742           0 :                 ShowSevereError(m_state,
   10743           0 :                                 format(RoutineName) + "AIRFLOWNETWORK:DISTRIBUTION:COMPONENT TERMINAL UNIT: Invalid Terminal unit type = " +
   10744           0 :                                     DisSysCompTermUnitData(i).name);
   10745           0 :                 ErrorsFound = true;
   10746             :             }
   10747             :         }
   10748             : 
   10749             :         // Validate heat exchanger name and type
   10750          23 :         CurrentModuleObject = "AirflowNetwork:Distribution:Component:HeatExchanger";
   10751          24 :         for (i = 1; i <= DisSysNumOfHXs; ++i) {
   10752             :             {
   10753           2 :                 auto const SELECT_CASE_var(UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase(DisSysCompHXData(i).EPlusType));
   10754             : 
   10755           1 :                 if (SELECT_CASE_var == "HEATEXCHANGER:AIRTOAIR:FLATPLATE") {
   10756           0 :                     ValidateComponent(
   10757           0 :                         m_state, "HeatExchanger:AirToAir:FlatPlate", DisSysCompHXData(i).name, IsNotOK, format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject);
   10758           0 :                     if (IsNotOK) {
   10759           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
   10760             :                     }
   10761             : 
   10762           1 :                 } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == "HEATEXCHANGER:AIRTOAIR:SENSIBLEANDLATENT") {
   10763           0 :                     ValidateComponent(m_state,
   10764             :                                       "HeatExchanger:AirToAir:SensibleAndLatent",
   10765           0 :                                       DisSysCompHXData(i).name,
   10766             :                                       IsNotOK,
   10767           0 :                                       format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject);
   10768           0 :                     if (IsNotOK) {
   10769           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
   10770             :                     }
   10771             : 
   10772           1 :                 } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == "HEATEXCHANGER:DESICCANT:BALANCEDFLOW") {
   10773           2 :                     ValidateComponent(m_state,
   10774             :                                       "HeatExchanger:Desiccant:BalancedFlow",
   10775           1 :                                       DisSysCompHXData(i).name,
   10776             :                                       IsNotOK,
   10777           3 :                                       format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject);
   10778           1 :                     if (IsNotOK) {
   10779           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
   10780             :                     }
   10781             : 
   10782             :                 } else {
   10783           0 :                     ShowSevereError(m_state,
   10784           0 :                                     format(RoutineName) + CurrentModuleObject + " Invalid heat exchanger type = " + DisSysCompHXData(i).EPlusType);
   10785           0 :                     ErrorsFound = true;
   10786             :                 }
   10787             :             }
   10788             :         }
   10789             : 
   10790             :         // Assign supply and return connection
   10791          47 :         for (j = 1; j <= NumPrimaryAirSys; ++j) {
   10792          24 :             S1 = 0;
   10793          24 :             S2 = 0;
   10794          24 :             R1 = 0;
   10795          24 :             R2 = 0;
   10796         811 :             for (i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes; ++i) {
   10797         787 :                 if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).EPlusNodeNum == m_state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(j).AirLoopSupplyNodeNum(1)) S1 = i;
   10798         787 :                 if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).EPlusNodeNum == m_state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(j).ZoneEquipSupplyNodeNum(1)) S2 = i;
   10799         787 :                 if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).EPlusNodeNum == m_state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(j).ZoneEquipReturnNodeNum(1)) R1 = i;
   10800         787 :                 if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).EPlusNodeNum == m_state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(j).AirLoopReturnNodeNum(1)) R2 = i;
   10801             :             }
   10802        1128 :             for (i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfLinks; ++i) {
   10803        1104 :                 if (AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0] == R1 && AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1] == R2) {
   10804          16 :                     AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).ConnectionFlag = iEPlusComponentType::RCN;
   10805             :                 }
   10806        1104 :                 if (AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0] == S1 && AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1] == S2) {
   10807          24 :                     AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).ConnectionFlag = iEPlusComponentType::SCN;
   10808             :                 }
   10809             :             }
   10810             :         }
   10811             : 
   10812             :         // Assign fan inlet and outlet node, and coil outlet
   10813        1053 :         for (i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfLinks; ++i) {
   10814        1030 :             j = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).CompNum;
   10815        1030 :             if (AirflowNetworkCompData(j).CompTypeNum == iComponentTypeNum::CVF) {
   10816          24 :                 if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0]).EPlusTypeNum == iEPlusNodeType::Invalid)
   10817          24 :                     AirflowNetworkNodeData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0]).EPlusTypeNum = iEPlusNodeType::FIN;
   10818          24 :                 AirflowNetworkNodeData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1]).EPlusTypeNum = iEPlusNodeType::FOU;
   10819             :             }
   10820        1030 :             if (AirflowNetworkCompData(j).EPlusTypeNum == iEPlusComponentType::COI) {
   10821          57 :                 AirflowNetworkNodeData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1]).EPlusTypeNum = iEPlusNodeType::COU;
   10822             :             }
   10823        1030 :             if (AirflowNetworkCompData(j).EPlusTypeNum == iEPlusComponentType::HEX) {
   10824           2 :                 AirflowNetworkNodeData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1]).EPlusTypeNum = iEPlusNodeType::HXO;
   10825             :             }
   10826        1030 :             if (AirflowNetworkCompData(j).CompTypeNum == iComponentTypeNum::TMU) {
   10827          27 :                 if (DisSysCompTermUnitData(AirflowNetworkCompData(j).TypeNum).DamperInletNode > 0) {
   10828          12 :                     if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0]).EPlusNodeNum ==
   10829           9 :                             DisSysCompTermUnitData(AirflowNetworkCompData(j).TypeNum).DamperInletNode &&
   10830           3 :                         AirflowNetworkNodeData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1]).EPlusNodeNum ==
   10831           3 :                             DisSysCompTermUnitData(AirflowNetworkCompData(j).TypeNum).DamperOutletNode) {
   10832           3 :                         AirflowNetworkNodeData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0]).EPlusTypeNum = iEPlusNodeType::DIN;
   10833           3 :                         AirflowNetworkNodeData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1]).EPlusTypeNum = iEPlusNodeType::DOU;
   10834           3 :                         AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).VAVTermDamper = true;
   10835             :                     }
   10836             :                 }
   10837             :             }
   10838             :         }
   10839             : 
   10840             :         // Validate the position of constant pressure drop component
   10841          23 :         CurrentModuleObject = "AirflowNetwork:Distribution:Component:ConstantPressureDrop";
   10842        1053 :         for (i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfLinks; ++i) {
   10843        1030 :             if (AirflowNetworkCompData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).CompNum).CompTypeNum == iComponentTypeNum::CPD) {
   10844         741 :                 for (j = 1; j <= AirflowNetworkNumOfLinks; ++j) {
   10845         729 :                     if (AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0] == AirflowNetworkLinkageData(j).NodeNums[1]) {
   10846          12 :                         if (AirflowNetworkCompData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(j).CompNum).CompTypeNum != iComponentTypeNum::DWC) {
   10847           0 :                             ShowSevereError(m_state,
   10848           0 :                                             format(RoutineName) + "An " + CurrentModuleObject + " object (" + AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).CompName +
   10849             :                                                 ')');
   10850           0 :                             ShowContinueError(m_state, "must connect a duct component upstream and not " + AirflowNetworkLinkageData(j).Name);
   10851           0 :                             ErrorsFound = true;
   10852             :                         }
   10853             :                     }
   10854             :                 }
   10855          12 :                 if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0]).EPlusTypeNum == iEPlusNodeType::SPL) {
   10856           0 :                     ShowSevereError(m_state,
   10857           0 :                                     format(RoutineName) + "An " + CurrentModuleObject + " object (" + AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).CompName + ')');
   10858           0 :                     ShowContinueError(m_state,
   10859           0 :                                       "does not allow a AirLoopHVAC:ZoneSplitter node = " +
   10860           0 :                                           AirflowNetworkNodeData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0]).Name);
   10861           0 :                     ErrorsFound = true;
   10862             :                 }
   10863          12 :                 if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1]).EPlusTypeNum == iEPlusNodeType::SPL) {
   10864           0 :                     ShowSevereError(m_state,
   10865           0 :                                     format(RoutineName) + "An " + CurrentModuleObject + " object (" + AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).CompName + ')');
   10866           0 :                     ShowContinueError(m_state,
   10867           0 :                                       "does not allow a AirLoopHVAC:ZoneSplitter node = " +
   10868           0 :                                           AirflowNetworkNodeData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1]).Name);
   10869           0 :                     ErrorsFound = true;
   10870             :                 }
   10871          12 :                 if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0]).EPlusTypeNum == iEPlusNodeType::MIX) {
   10872           0 :                     ShowSevereError(m_state,
   10873           0 :                                     format(RoutineName) + "An " + CurrentModuleObject + " object (" + AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).CompName + ')');
   10874           0 :                     ShowContinueError(m_state,
   10875           0 :                                       "does not allow a AirLoopHVAC:ZoneMixer node = " +
   10876           0 :                                           AirflowNetworkNodeData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0]).Name);
   10877           0 :                     ErrorsFound = true;
   10878             :                 }
   10879          12 :                 if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1]).EPlusTypeNum == iEPlusNodeType::MIX) {
   10880           0 :                     ShowSevereError(m_state,
   10881           0 :                                     format(RoutineName) + "An " + CurrentModuleObject + " object (" + AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).CompName + ')');
   10882           0 :                     ShowContinueError(m_state,
   10883           0 :                                       "does not allow a AirLoopHVAC:ZoneMixer node = " +
   10884           0 :                                           AirflowNetworkNodeData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1]).Name);
   10885           0 :                     ErrorsFound = true;
   10886             :                 }
   10887          12 :                 if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0]).EPlusNodeNum > 0) {
   10888           0 :                     ShowSevereError(m_state,
   10889           0 :                                     format(RoutineName) + "An " + CurrentModuleObject + " object (" + AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).CompName + ')');
   10890           0 :                     ShowContinueError(m_state,
   10891           0 :                                       "does not allow to connect an EnergyPlus node = " +
   10892           0 :                                           AirflowNetworkNodeData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0]).Name);
   10893           0 :                     ErrorsFound = true;
   10894             :                 }
   10895          12 :                 if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1]).EPlusNodeNum > 0) {
   10896           0 :                     ShowSevereError(m_state,
   10897           0 :                                     format(RoutineName) + "An " + CurrentModuleObject + " object (" + AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).CompName + ')');
   10898           0 :                     ShowContinueError(m_state,
   10899           0 :                                       "does not allow to connect an EnergyPlus node = " +
   10900           0 :                                           AirflowNetworkNodeData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1]).Name);
   10901           0 :                     ErrorsFound = true;
   10902             :                 }
   10903          12 :                 if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0]).EPlusZoneNum > 0) {
   10904           0 :                     ShowSevereError(m_state,
   10905           0 :                                     format(RoutineName) + "An " + CurrentModuleObject + " object (" + AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).CompName + ')');
   10906           0 :                     ShowContinueError(m_state,
   10907           0 :                                       "does not allow to connect an EnergyPlus zone = " +
   10908           0 :                                           AirflowNetworkNodeData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0]).Name);
   10909           0 :                     ErrorsFound = true;
   10910             :                 }
   10911          12 :                 if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1]).EPlusZoneNum > 0) {
   10912           0 :                     ShowSevereError(m_state,
   10913           0 :                                     format(RoutineName) + "An " + CurrentModuleObject + " object (" + AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).CompName + ')');
   10914           0 :                     ShowContinueError(m_state,
   10915           0 :                                       "does not allow to connect an EnergyPlus zone = " +
   10916           0 :                                           AirflowNetworkNodeData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1]).Name);
   10917           0 :                     ErrorsFound = true;
   10918             :                 }
   10919             :             }
   10920             :         }
   10921             : 
   10922         551 :         for (i = NumOfNodesMultiZone + 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes; ++i) {
   10923         528 :             if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).EPlusTypeNum == iEPlusNodeType::SPL) {
   10924          24 :                 LocalError = false;
   10925          24 :                 j = GetSplitterOutletNumber(m_state, "", 1, LocalError);
   10926          24 :                 SplitterNodeNumbers.allocate(j + 2);
   10927          24 :                 SplitterNodeNumbers = GetSplitterNodeNumbers(m_state, "", 1, LocalError);
   10928          24 :                 if (LocalError) ErrorsFound = true;
   10929             :             }
   10930             :         }
   10931             : 
   10932             :         // Assigning inlet and outlet nodes for a splitter
   10933         758 :         for (i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes; ++i) {
   10934         735 :             if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).EPlusNodeNum == SplitterNodeNumbers(1)) {
   10935          23 :                 if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).EPlusTypeNum == iEPlusNodeType::Invalid) AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).EPlusTypeNum = iEPlusNodeType::SPI;
   10936             :             }
   10937        2424 :             for (j = 1; j <= SplitterNodeNumbers(2); ++j) {
   10938        1689 :                 if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).EPlusNodeNum == SplitterNodeNumbers(j + 2)) {
   10939          48 :                     if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).EPlusTypeNum == iEPlusNodeType::Invalid)
   10940          45 :                         AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).EPlusTypeNum = iEPlusNodeType::SPO;
   10941             :                 }
   10942             :             }
   10943             :         }
   10944             : 
   10945             :         // Add additional output variables
   10946          23 :         if (DisSysNumOfCVFs > 1) {
   10947           1 :             bool OnOffFanFlag = false;
   10948           2 :             for (i = 1; i <= DisSysNumOfCVFs; i++) {
   10949           2 :                 if (DisSysCompCVFData(i).FanTypeNum == FanType_SimpleOnOff && !DisSysCompCVFData(i).FanModelFlag) {
   10950           1 :                     OnOffFanFlag = true;
   10951           1 :                     break;
   10952             :                 }
   10953           1 :                 if (DisSysCompCVFData(i).FanModelFlag && DisSysCompCVFData(i).FanTypeNum == FanType_SimpleOnOff) {
   10954           0 :                     int fanIndex = HVACFan::getFanObjectVectorIndex(m_state, DisSysCompCVFData(i).name);
   10955           0 :                     if (m_state.dataHVACFan->fanObjs[fanIndex]->AirPathFlag) {
   10956           0 :                         DisSysCompCVFData(i).FanTypeNum = FanType_SimpleConstVolume;
   10957             :                     } else {
   10958           0 :                         OnOffFanFlag = true;
   10959           0 :                         break;
   10960             :                     }
   10961             :                 }
   10962             :             }
   10963           1 :             if (OnOffFanFlag) {
   10964           6 :                 for (j = 1; j <= AirflowNetworkNumOfZones; ++j) {
   10965           5 :                     if (!m_state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(AirflowNetworkNodeData(j).EPlusZoneNum).IsControlled) continue;
   10966           9 :                     for (i = 1; i <= DisSysNumOfCVFs; i++) {
   10967           9 :                         if (DisSysCompCVFData(i).AirLoopNum == AirflowNetworkNodeData(j).AirLoopNum &&
   10968           3 :                             DisSysCompCVFData(i).FanTypeNum != FanType_SimpleOnOff) {
   10969           8 :                             SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
   10970             :                                                 "AFN Node Total Pressure",
   10971             :                                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::Pa,
   10972           2 :                                                 AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(j).PZ,
   10973             :                                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   10974             :                                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
   10975           4 :                                                 AirflowNetworkNodeData(j).Name);
   10976             :                         }
   10977             :                     }
   10978             :                 }
   10979          22 :                 for (i = 1; i <= NumOfLinksMultiZone; ++i) {
   10980          42 :                     if (!m_state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(AirflowNetworkNodeData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0]).EPlusZoneNum)
   10981          21 :                              .IsControlled)
   10982           5 :                         continue;
   10983          48 :                     for (j = 1; j <= DisSysNumOfCVFs; j++) {
   10984          48 :                         if (DisSysCompCVFData(j).AirLoopNum == AirflowNetworkNodeData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0]).AirLoopNum &&
   10985          16 :                             DisSysCompCVFData(j).FanTypeNum != FanType_SimpleOnOff) {
   10986          44 :                             SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
   10987             :                                                 "AFN Linkage Node 1 to Node 2 Mass Flow Rate",
   10988             :                                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::kg_s,
   10989          11 :                                                 linkReport(i).FLOW,
   10990             :                                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   10991             :                                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
   10992          22 :                                                 AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).Name);
   10993          44 :                             SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
   10994             :                                                 "AFN Linkage Node 2 to Node 1 Mass Flow Rate",
   10995             :                                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::kg_s,
   10996          11 :                                                 linkReport(i).FLOW2,
   10997             :                                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   10998             :                                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
   10999          22 :                                                 AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).Name);
   11000          44 :                             SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
   11001             :                                                 "AFN Linkage Node 1 to Node 2 Volume Flow Rate",
   11002             :                                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::m3_s,
   11003          11 :                                                 linkReport(i).VolFLOW,
   11004             :                                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   11005             :                                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
   11006          22 :                                                 AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).Name);
   11007          44 :                             SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
   11008             :                                                 "AFN Linkage Node 2 to Node 1 Volume Flow Rate",
   11009             :                                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::m3_s,
   11010          11 :                                                 linkReport(i).VolFLOW2,
   11011             :                                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   11012             :                                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
   11013          22 :                                                 AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).Name);
   11014          44 :                             SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
   11015             :                                                 "AFN Linkage Node 1 to Node 2 Pressure Difference",
   11016             :                                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::Pa,
   11017          11 :                                                 AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).DP,
   11018             :                                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   11019             :                                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
   11020          22 :                                                 AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).Name);
   11021             :                         }
   11022             :                     }
   11023             :                 }
   11024             :             }
   11025             :         }
   11026          23 :         bool FanModelConstFlag = false;
   11027          47 :         for (i = 1; i <= DisSysNumOfCVFs; i++) {
   11028          24 :             if (DisSysCompCVFData(i).FanModelFlag) {
   11029           1 :                 int fanIndex = HVACFan::getFanObjectVectorIndex(m_state, DisSysCompCVFData(i).name);
   11030           1 :                 if (DisSysCompCVFData(i).FanTypeNum == FanType_SimpleOnOff && m_state.dataHVACFan->fanObjs[fanIndex]->AirPathFlag) {
   11031           0 :                     DisSysCompCVFData(i).FanTypeNum = FanType_SimpleConstVolume;
   11032           0 :                     SupplyFanType = FanType_SimpleConstVolume;
   11033           0 :                     FanModelConstFlag = true;
   11034           0 :                     break;
   11035             :                 }
   11036             :             }
   11037             :         }
   11038          23 :         if (FanModelConstFlag) {
   11039           0 :             for (i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfSurfaces; ++i) {
   11040           0 :                 if (SupplyFanType == FanType_SimpleConstVolume) {
   11041           0 :                     SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
   11042             :                                         "AFN Linkage Node 1 to Node 2 Mass Flow Rate",
   11043             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::kg_s,
   11044           0 :                                         linkReport(i).FLOW,
   11045             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   11046             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
   11047           0 :                                         AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).Name);
   11048           0 :                     SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
   11049             :                                         "AFN Linkage Node 2 to Node 1 Mass Flow Rate",
   11050             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::kg_s,
   11051           0 :                                         linkReport(i).FLOW2,
   11052             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   11053             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
   11054           0 :                                         AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).Name);
   11055           0 :                     SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
   11056             :                                         "AFN Linkage Node 1 to Node 2 Volume Flow Rate",
   11057             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::m3_s,
   11058           0 :                                         linkReport(i).VolFLOW,
   11059             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   11060             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
   11061           0 :                                         AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).Name);
   11062           0 :                     SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
   11063             :                                         "AFN Linkage Node 2 to Node 1 Volume Flow Rate",
   11064             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::m3_s,
   11065           0 :                                         linkReport(i).VolFLOW2,
   11066             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   11067             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
   11068           0 :                                         AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).Name);
   11069           0 :                     SetupOutputVariable(m_state,
   11070             :                                         "AFN Linkage Node 1 to Node 2 Pressure Difference",
   11071             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::Pa,
   11072           0 :                                         AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).DP,
   11073             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   11074             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
   11075           0 :                                         AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).Name);
   11076             :                 }
   11077             :             }
   11078             :         }
   11079             : 
   11080             :         // Add AirLoopNum to pressure control object
   11081          24 :         for (i = 1; i <= NumOfPressureControllers; ++i) {
   11082           5 :             for (j = 1; j <= m_state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++j) {
   11083           4 :                 if (PressureControllerData(i).ZoneNum == j) {
   11084           2 :                     for (k = 1; k <= m_state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(j).NumInletNodes; ++k) {
   11085           1 :                         if (m_state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(j).InletNodeAirLoopNum(k) > 0) {
   11086           1 :                             PressureControllerData(i).AirLoopNum = m_state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(j).InletNodeAirLoopNum(k);
   11087           1 :                             if (PressureControllerData(i).ControlTypeSet == PressureCtrlRelief) {
   11088           1 :                                 PressureControllerData(i).OANodeNum =
   11089           1 :                                     m_state.dataAirSystemsData->PrimaryAirSystems(PressureControllerData(i).AirLoopNum).OAMixOAInNodeNum;
   11090           2 :                                 for (n = 1; n <= NumOfReliefFans; ++n) {
   11091           1 :                                     if (DisSysCompReliefAirData(n).OutletNode == PressureControllerData(i).OANodeNum) {
   11092           1 :                                         DisSysCompReliefAirData(n).PressCtrlNum = i;
   11093             :                                     }
   11094             :                                 }
   11095             :                             }
   11096           1 :                             if (PressureControllerData(i).ControlTypeSet == PressureCtrlExhaust) {
   11097           0 :                                 PressureControllerData(i).OANodeNum =
   11098           0 :                                     m_state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(PressureControllerData(i).ZoneNum).ExhaustNode(1);
   11099           0 :                                 for (n = 1; n <= AirflowNetworkNumOfExhFan; ++n) {
   11100           0 :                                     if (MultizoneCompExhaustFanData(n).EPlusZoneNum == PressureControllerData(i).ZoneNum) {
   11101           0 :                                         MultizoneCompExhaustFanData(n).PressCtrlNum = i;
   11102             :                                     }
   11103             :                                 }
   11104             :                             }
   11105             :                         }
   11106             :                     }
   11107             :                 }
   11108             :             }
   11109             :         }
   11110             : 
   11111             :         // Check number of fans specified in an AirLoop #6748
   11112             :         int BranchNum;
   11113             :         int CompNum;
   11114             :         int NumOfFans;
   11115          46 :         std::string FanNames;
   11116          46 :         for (BranchNum = 1; BranchNum <= m_state.dataAirSystemsData->PrimaryAirSystems(1).NumBranches; ++BranchNum) {
   11117          23 :             NumOfFans = 0;
   11118          23 :             FanNames = "";
   11119          87 :             for (CompNum = 1; CompNum <= m_state.dataAirSystemsData->PrimaryAirSystems(1).Branch(BranchNum).TotalComponents; ++CompNum) {
   11120         128 :                 if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(m_state.dataAirSystemsData->PrimaryAirSystems(1).Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).TypeOf,
   11121         115 :                                                 "Fan:ConstantVolume") ||
   11122         115 :                     UtilityRoutines::SameString(m_state.dataAirSystemsData->PrimaryAirSystems(1).Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).TypeOf,
   11123         115 :                                                 "Fan:OnOff") ||
   11124         115 :                     UtilityRoutines::SameString(m_state.dataAirSystemsData->PrimaryAirSystems(1).Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).TypeOf,
   11125          51 :                                                 "Fan:VariableVolume")) {
   11126          14 :                     NumOfFans++;
   11127          14 :                     if (NumOfFans > 1) {
   11128           0 :                         FanNames += m_state.dataAirSystemsData->PrimaryAirSystems(1).Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).Name;
   11129           0 :                         break;
   11130             :                     } else {
   11131          14 :                         FanNames += m_state.dataAirSystemsData->PrimaryAirSystems(1).Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).Name + ",";
   11132             :                     }
   11133             :                 }
   11134             :             }
   11135          23 :             if (NumOfFans > 1) break;
   11136             :         }
   11137          23 :         if (NumOfFans > 1) {
   11138           0 :             ShowSevereError(m_state,
   11139           0 :                             format(RoutineName) + "An AirLoop branch, " + m_state.dataAirSystemsData->PrimaryAirSystems(1).Branch(BranchNum).Name +
   11140           0 :                                 ", has two or more fans: " + FanNames);
   11141           0 :             ShowContinueError(m_state,
   11142             :                               "The AirflowNetwork model allows a single supply fan in an AirLoop only. Please make changes in the input "
   11143             :                               "file accordingly.");
   11144           0 :             ErrorsFound = true;
   11145             :         }
   11146             : 
   11147          23 :         if (ErrorsFound) {
   11148           0 :             ShowFatalError(m_state, format("{}Program terminates for preceding reason(s).", RoutineName));
   11149             :         }
   11150          23 :     }
   11151             : 
   11152          23 :     void Solver::validate_fan_flowrate()
   11153             :     {
   11154             : 
   11155             :         // Catch a fan flow rate from EPlus input file and add a flag for VAV terminal damper
   11156        1053 :         for (int i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfLinks; ++i) {
   11157        1030 :             switch (AirflowNetworkCompData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).CompNum).CompTypeNum) {
   11158          24 :             case iComponentTypeNum::CVF: { // 'CVF'
   11159          24 :                 int typeNum = AirflowNetworkCompData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).CompNum).TypeNum;
   11160          24 :                 if (DisSysCompCVFData(typeNum).FanTypeNum == FanType_SimpleVAV) {
   11161           1 :                     if (DisSysCompCVFData(typeNum).FanModelFlag) {
   11162           0 :                         DisSysCompCVFData(typeNum).MaxAirMassFlowRate =
   11163           0 :                             m_state.dataHVACFan->fanObjs[DisSysCompCVFData(typeNum).FanIndex]->designAirVolFlowRate * m_state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir;
   11164             :                     } else {
   11165             :                         Real64 FanFlow; // Return type
   11166           1 :                         GetFanVolFlow(m_state, DisSysCompCVFData(typeNum).FanIndex, FanFlow);
   11167           1 :                         DisSysCompCVFData(typeNum).MaxAirMassFlowRate = FanFlow * m_state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir;
   11168             :                     }
   11169             :                 }
   11170          24 :             } break;
   11171          42 :             case iComponentTypeNum::FAN:
   11172             :             case iComponentTypeNum::SOP:
   11173             :             case iComponentTypeNum::TMU:
   11174          42 :                 break;
   11175         964 :             default:
   11176         964 :                 break;
   11177             :             }
   11178             :         }
   11179          23 :     }
   11180             : 
   11181      656869 :     void Solver::validate_exhaust_fan_input()
   11182             :     {
   11183             : 
   11184             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
   11185             :         //       AUTHOR         Lixing Gu
   11186             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   Dec. 2006
   11187             :         //       MODIFIED       na
   11188             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
   11189             : 
   11190             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
   11191             :         // This subroutine validate zone exhaust fan and associated surface
   11192             : 
   11193             :         // SUBROUTINE PARAMETER DEFINITIONS:
   11194             :         static constexpr std::string_view RoutineName("AirflowNetwork::Solver::validate_exhaust_fan_input: "); // include trailing blank space
   11195             : 
   11196             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
   11197             :         int i;
   11198             :         int j;
   11199             :         int k;
   11200      656869 :         bool ErrorsFound(false);
   11201             :         bool found;
   11202             :         int EquipTypeNum; // Equipment type number
   11203     1313738 :         std::string CurrentModuleObject;
   11204             : 
   11205             :         // Validate supply and return connections
   11206      656869 :         if (ValidateExhaustFanInputOneTimeFlag) {
   11207          34 :             CurrentModuleObject = "AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:Component:ZoneExhaustFan";
   11208          34 :             if (std::any_of(m_state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig.begin(),
   11209          34 :                             m_state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig.end(),
   11210          51 :                             [](DataZoneEquipment::EquipConfiguration const &e) { return e.IsControlled; })) {
   11211          25 :                 AirflowNetworkZoneExhaustFan.dimension(m_state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones, false);
   11212             :             }
   11213             :             // Ensure the number of exhaust fan defined in the AirflowNetwork model matches the number of Zone Exhaust Fan objects
   11214          34 :             if (NumOfExhaustFans != AirflowNetworkNumOfExhFan) {
   11215           0 :                 ShowSevereError(
   11216             :                     m_state,
   11217           0 :                     format("{}The number of {} is not equal to the number of Fan:ZoneExhaust fans defined in ZoneHVAC:EquipmentConnections",
   11218             :                            RoutineName,
   11219           0 :                            CurrentModuleObject));
   11220           0 :                 ShowContinueError(m_state, format("The number of {} is {}", CurrentModuleObject, AirflowNetworkNumOfExhFan));
   11221           0 :                 ShowContinueError(m_state,
   11222           0 :                                   format("The number of Zone exhaust fans defined in ZoneHVAC:EquipmentConnections is {}", NumOfExhaustFans));
   11223           0 :                 ErrorsFound = true;
   11224             :             }
   11225             : 
   11226          48 :             for (i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfExhFan; ++i) {
   11227             :                 // Get zone number
   11228          66 :                 for (j = 1; j <= m_state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++j) {
   11229          52 :                     if (!m_state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(j).IsControlled) continue;
   11230          39 :                     for (k = 1; k <= m_state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(j).NumExhaustNodes; ++k) {
   11231          15 :                         if (m_state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(j).ExhaustNode(k) == MultizoneCompExhaustFanData(i).InletNode) {
   11232          14 :                             MultizoneCompExhaustFanData(i).EPlusZoneNum = j;
   11233          14 :                             break;
   11234             :                         }
   11235             :                     }
   11236             :                 }
   11237          14 :                 if (MultizoneCompExhaustFanData(i).EPlusZoneNum == 0) {
   11238           0 :                     ShowSevereError(m_state,
   11239           0 :                                     format("{}Zone name in {} = {} does not match the zone name in ZoneHVAC:EquipmentConnections",
   11240             :                                            RoutineName,
   11241             :                                            CurrentModuleObject,
   11242           0 :                                            MultizoneCompExhaustFanData(i).name));
   11243           0 :                     ErrorsFound = true;
   11244             :                 }
   11245             :                 // Ensure a surface using zone exhaust fan to expose to the same zone
   11246          14 :                 found = false;
   11247         220 :                 for (j = 1; j <= AirflowNetworkNumOfSurfaces; ++j) {
   11248         220 :                     if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(MultizoneSurfaceData(j).OpeningName, MultizoneCompExhaustFanData(i).name)) {
   11249          14 :                         found = true;
   11250          14 :                         if (m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(j).SurfNum).ExtBoundCond != ExternalEnvironment &&
   11251           0 :                             !(m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum).ExtBoundCond == OtherSideCoefNoCalcExt &&
   11252           0 :                               m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(i).SurfNum).ExtWind)) {
   11253           0 :                             ShowSevereError(m_state,
   11254           0 :                                             format("{}The surface using {} is not an exterior surface: {}",
   11255             :                                                    RoutineName,
   11256             :                                                    CurrentModuleObject,
   11257           0 :                                                    MultizoneSurfaceData(j).SurfName));
   11258           0 :                             ErrorsFound = true;
   11259             :                         }
   11260          14 :                         break;
   11261             :                     }
   11262             :                 }
   11263          14 :                 if (!found) {
   11264           0 :                     ShowSevereError(m_state, CurrentModuleObject + "  = " + MultizoneCompExhaustFanData(i).name + " is defined and never used.");
   11265           0 :                     ErrorsFound = true;
   11266             :                 } else {
   11267          14 :                     if (MultizoneCompExhaustFanData(i).EPlusZoneNum != m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(j).SurfNum).Zone) {
   11268           0 :                         ShowSevereError(m_state,
   11269           0 :                                         format("{}Zone name in {} = {} does not match the zone name",
   11270             :                                                RoutineName,
   11271             :                                                CurrentModuleObject,
   11272           0 :                                                MultizoneCompExhaustFanData(i).name));
   11273           0 :                         ShowContinueError(m_state, "the surface is exposed to " + m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(j).SurfNum).Name);
   11274           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
   11275             :                     } else {
   11276          14 :                         AirflowNetworkZoneExhaustFan(MultizoneCompExhaustFanData(i).EPlusZoneNum) = true;
   11277             :                     }
   11278             :                 }
   11279             :             }
   11280             : 
   11281             :             // Ensure all zone exhaust fans are defined
   11282         146 :             for (j = 1; j <= m_state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++j) {
   11283         112 :                 if (!m_state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(j).IsControlled) continue;
   11284         125 :                 for (EquipTypeNum = 1; EquipTypeNum <= m_state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipList(j).NumOfEquipTypes; ++EquipTypeNum) {
   11285          72 :                     if (m_state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipList(j).EquipTypeEnum(EquipTypeNum) == DataZoneEquipment::ZoneEquip::ZoneExhaustFan) {
   11286          14 :                         found = false;
   11287          31 :                         for (k = 1; k <= m_state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(j).NumExhaustNodes; ++k) {
   11288          34 :                             for (i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfExhFan; ++i) {
   11289          17 :                                 if (m_state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(j).ExhaustNode(k) == MultizoneCompExhaustFanData(i).InletNode) {
   11290          14 :                                     MultizoneCompExhaustFanData(i).EPlusZoneNum = j;
   11291          14 :                                     found = true;
   11292             :                                 }
   11293             :                             }
   11294          17 :                             if (!found) {
   11295           0 :                                 ShowSevereError(m_state, format("{}Fan:ZoneExhaust is not defined in {}", RoutineName, CurrentModuleObject));
   11296           0 :                                 ShowContinueError(m_state,
   11297           0 :                                                   "Zone Air Exhaust Node in ZoneHVAC:EquipmentConnections =" +
   11298           0 :                                                       m_state.dataLoopNodes->NodeID(m_state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(j).ExhaustNode(k)));
   11299           0 :                                 ErrorsFound = true;
   11300             :                             }
   11301             :                         }
   11302             :                     }
   11303             :                 }
   11304             :             }
   11305             : 
   11306          34 :             ValidateExhaustFanInputOneTimeFlag = false;
   11307          34 :             if (ErrorsFound) {
   11308           0 :                 ShowFatalError(m_state, format("{}Program terminates for preceding reason(s).", RoutineName));
   11309             :             }
   11310             :         } // End if OneTimeFlag_FindFirstLastPtr
   11311      656869 :     }
   11312             : 
   11313       82448 :     void Solver::hybrid_ventilation_control()
   11314             :     {
   11315             : 
   11316             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
   11317             :         //       AUTHOR         Lixing Gu
   11318             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   Dec. 2006
   11319             :         //       MODIFIED       July 2012, Chandan Sharma - FSEC: Added zone hybrid ventilation managers
   11320             : 
   11321             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
   11322             :         // This subroutine performs hybrid ventilation control
   11323             : 
   11324       82448 :         auto &HybridVentSysAvailActualZoneNum = m_state.dataHVACGlobal->HybridVentSysAvailActualZoneNum;
   11325       82448 :         auto &HybridVentSysAvailAirLoopNum = m_state.dataHVACGlobal->HybridVentSysAvailAirLoopNum;
   11326       82448 :         auto &HybridVentSysAvailANCtrlStatus = m_state.dataHVACGlobal->HybridVentSysAvailANCtrlStatus;
   11327       82448 :         auto &HybridVentSysAvailMaster = m_state.dataHVACGlobal->HybridVentSysAvailMaster;
   11328       82448 :         auto &HybridVentSysAvailVentCtrl = m_state.dataHVACGlobal->HybridVentSysAvailVentCtrl;
   11329       82448 :         auto &HybridVentSysAvailWindModifier = m_state.dataHVACGlobal->HybridVentSysAvailWindModifier;
   11330       82448 :         auto &NumHybridVentSysAvailMgrs = m_state.dataHVACGlobal->NumHybridVentSysAvailMgrs;
   11331             : 
   11332             :         // SUBROUTINE PARAMETER DEFINITIONS:
   11333       82448 :         int constexpr HybridVentCtrl_Close(2);                                                                 // Open windows or doors
   11334       82448 :         int constexpr IndividualCtrlType(0);                                                                   // Individual window or door control
   11335       82448 :         int constexpr GlobalCtrlType(1);                                                                       // Global window or door control
   11336             :         static constexpr std::string_view RoutineName("AirflowNetwork::Solver::hybrid_ventilation_control: "); // include trailing blank space
   11337             : 
   11338             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
   11339             :         int SysAvailNum;       // Hybrid ventilation control number
   11340             :         int AirLoopNum;        // Airloop number
   11341             :         int ControlledZoneNum; // Controlled zone number
   11342             :         int ANSurfaceNum;      // AirflowNetwork Surface Number
   11343             :         int SurfNum;           // Surface number
   11344             :         int ControlType;       // Hybrid ventilation control type: 0 individual; 1 global
   11345             :         bool Found;            // Logical to indicate whether a master surface is found or not
   11346             : 
   11347     1779704 :         for (auto &e : MultizoneSurfaceData) {
   11348     1697256 :             e.HybridVentClose = false;
   11349     1697256 :             e.HybridCtrlGlobal = false;
   11350     1697256 :             e.HybridCtrlMaster = false;
   11351     1697256 :             e.WindModifier = 1.0;
   11352             :         }
   11353       82448 :         ControlType = IndividualCtrlType;
   11354             : 
   11355      180517 :         for (SysAvailNum = 1; SysAvailNum <= NumHybridVentSysAvailMgrs; ++SysAvailNum) {
   11356       98069 :             AirLoopNum = HybridVentSysAvailAirLoopNum(SysAvailNum);
   11357       98069 :             VentilationCtrl = HybridVentSysAvailVentCtrl(SysAvailNum);
   11358       98069 :             if (HybridVentSysAvailANCtrlStatus(SysAvailNum) > 0) {
   11359       41869 :                 ControlType = static_cast<int>(GetCurrentScheduleValue(m_state, HybridVentSysAvailANCtrlStatus(SysAvailNum)));
   11360             :             }
   11361       98069 :             Found = false;
   11362       98069 :             int ActualZoneNum = 0;
   11363      490345 :             for (ControlledZoneNum = 1; ControlledZoneNum <= m_state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++ControlledZoneNum) {
   11364      392276 :                 if (!m_state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(ControlledZoneNum).IsControlled) continue;
   11365             :                 // Ensure all the zones served by this AirLoopHVAC to be controlled by the hybrid ventilation
   11366      356708 :                 for (int zoneInNode = 1; zoneInNode <= m_state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(ControlledZoneNum).NumInletNodes; ++zoneInNode) {
   11367      294207 :                     if (AirLoopNum > 0) {
   11368      247347 :                         if (AirLoopNum == m_state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(ControlledZoneNum).InletNodeAirLoopNum(zoneInNode)) {
   11369      231706 :                             ActualZoneNum = ControlledZoneNum;
   11370      231706 :                             break;
   11371             :                         }
   11372             :                     } else {
   11373       46860 :                         if (HybridVentSysAvailActualZoneNum(SysAvailNum) == ControlledZoneNum) {
   11374       15620 :                             ActualZoneNum = HybridVentSysAvailActualZoneNum(SysAvailNum);
   11375             :                         }
   11376             :                     }
   11377             :                 }
   11378      294207 :                 if (ActualZoneNum > 0) {
   11379     6025996 :                     for (ANSurfaceNum = 1; ANSurfaceNum <= AirflowNetworkNumOfSurfaces; ++ANSurfaceNum) {
   11380     5747430 :                         SurfNum = MultizoneSurfaceData(ANSurfaceNum).SurfNum;
   11381     5747430 :                         if (m_state.dataSurface->Surface(SurfNum).Zone == ActualZoneNum) {
   11382     1699724 :                             if (VentilationCtrl == HybridVentCtrl_Close) {
   11383      865838 :                                 MultizoneSurfaceData(ANSurfaceNum).HybridVentClose = true;
   11384             :                             } else {
   11385      833886 :                                 if (HybridVentSysAvailWindModifier(SysAvailNum) >= 0) {
   11386      156892 :                                     MultizoneSurfaceData(ANSurfaceNum).WindModifier = HybridVentSysAvailWindModifier(SysAvailNum);
   11387             :                                 }
   11388      833886 :                                 if (ControlType == GlobalCtrlType) {
   11389      229552 :                                     MultizoneSurfaceData(ANSurfaceNum).HybridCtrlGlobal = true;
   11390      229552 :                                     if (HybridVentSysAvailMaster(SysAvailNum) == ActualZoneNum) {
   11391      545993 :                                         if ((m_state.dataSurface->SurfWinOriginalClass(SurfNum) == SurfaceClass::Window ||
   11392      288692 :                                              m_state.dataSurface->SurfWinOriginalClass(SurfNum) == SurfaceClass::Door ||
   11393      381256 :                                              m_state.dataSurface->SurfWinOriginalClass(SurfNum) == SurfaceClass::GlassDoor) &&
   11394       66673 :                                             m_state.dataSurface->Surface(SurfNum).ExtBoundCond == ExternalEnvironment) {
   11395       25891 :                                             MultizoneSurfaceData(ANSurfaceNum).HybridCtrlMaster = true;
   11396       25891 :                                             Found = true;
   11397             :                                         }
   11398             :                                     }
   11399             :                                 }
   11400             :                             }
   11401             :                         }
   11402             :                     }
   11403             :                 }
   11404             :             }
   11405       98069 :             if (ControlType == GlobalCtrlType && !Found && !m_state.dataGlobal->WarmupFlag && VentilationCtrl != HybridVentCtrl_Close) {
   11406           0 :                 ++HybridGlobalErrCount;
   11407           0 :                 if (HybridGlobalErrCount < 2) {
   11408           0 :                     ShowWarningError(m_state,
   11409           0 :                                      format("{}The hybrid ventilation control schedule value indicates global control in the controlled zone = {}",
   11410             :                                             RoutineName,
   11411           0 :                                             m_state.dataHeatBal->Zone(HybridVentSysAvailMaster(SysAvailNum)).Name));
   11412           0 :                     ShowContinueError(m_state,
   11413             :                                       "The exterior surface containing an opening component in the controlled zone is not found.  No global control "
   11414             :                                       "will not be modeled.");
   11415           0 :                     ShowContinueError(m_state, "The individual control is assumed.");
   11416           0 :                     ShowContinueErrorTimeStamp(m_state, "");
   11417             :                 } else {
   11418           0 :                     ShowRecurringWarningErrorAtEnd(
   11419             :                         m_state,
   11420           0 :                         format("{}The hybrid ventilation control requires a global control. The individual control continues...", RoutineName),
   11421             :                         HybridGlobalErrIndex,
   11422           0 :                         double(ControlType),
   11423           0 :                         double(ControlType));
   11424             :                 }
   11425             :             }
   11426             :         }
   11427       82448 :     }
   11428             : 
   11429           1 :     void Solver::single_sided_Cps(std::vector<std::vector<Real64>> &valsByFacade, int numWindDir)
   11430             :     {
   11431             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
   11432             :         //       AUTHOR         Sam Brunswick
   11433             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   September 2013
   11434             :         //       MODIFIED       Revised by J. DeGraw, May 2017, to use tables
   11435             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  n/a
   11436             : 
   11437             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
   11438             :         // Modify the wind pressure coefficients for single sided ventilation.
   11439             : 
   11440             :         // Using/Aliasing
   11441             :         using namespace DataEnvironment;
   11442             : 
   11443             :         // Locals
   11444             :         int windDirNum;
   11445             : 
   11446             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
   11447             :         int AFNZnNum; // counters
   11448             :         int SrfNum;
   11449             :         int ExtOpenNum;
   11450             :         int ZnNum;
   11451             :         int DetOpenNum; // row index of surface in MultizoneCompDetOpeningData
   11452             :         int SimOpenNum; // row index of surface in MultizoneCompSimOpeningData
   11453             :         int MZDZoneNum; // row index of surface zone in MultizoneZoneData
   11454             :         Real64 X1;
   11455             :         Real64 Y1;
   11456             :         Real64 X2;
   11457             :         Real64 Y2;
   11458             :         Real64 ZoneAng1;
   11459             :         Real64 ZoneAng2;
   11460             :         Real64 ZoneAngDiff;
   11461           2 :         Array1D<Real64> ZoneAng;        // Azimuth angle of the exterior wall of the zone
   11462           2 :         Array1D<Real64> PiFormula;      // Formula for the mean pressure difference
   11463           2 :         Array1D<Real64> SigmaFormula;   // Formula for the fluctuating pressure difference
   11464           2 :         Array1D<Real64> Sprime;         // The dimensionless ratio of the window separation to the building width
   11465           2 :         Array1D<Real64> CPV1;           // Wind pressure coefficient for the first opening in the zone
   11466           2 :         Array1D<Real64> CPV2;           // Wind pressure coefficient for the second opening in the zone
   11467           2 :         std::string Name;               // External node name
   11468           2 :         Array1D_int NumofExtSurfInZone; // List of the number of exterior openings in each zone
   11469             : 
   11470          13 :         struct AFNExtSurfacesProp // External opening information
   11471             :         {
   11472             :             // Members
   11473             :             int SurfNum;          // row index of the external opening in the Surface array
   11474             :             std::string SurfName; // Surface name
   11475             :             int MSDNum;           // row index of the external opening in the MultizoneSurfaceData array
   11476             :             int ZoneNum;          // EnergyPlus zone number
   11477             :             int MZDZoneNum;       // row index of the zone in the MultizoneZoneData array
   11478             :             int ExtNodeNum;       // External node number; = row index in MultizoneExternalNodeData array +
   11479             :                                   // AirflowNetworkNumOfZones
   11480             :             std::string ZoneName; // EnergyPlus zone name
   11481             :             int facadeNum;
   11482             :             int curve;                     // wind pressure coefficient curve index
   11483             :             iComponentTypeNum CompTypeNum; // Opening type (detailed, simple, etc.)
   11484             :             Real64 NodeHeight;             // Elevation of the opening node
   11485             :             Real64 OpeningArea;            // Opening area (=Height*Width)
   11486             :             Real64 Height;                 // Opening height = MultizoneSurfaceData()%Height
   11487             :             Real64 Width;                  // Opening width  = MultizoneSurfaceData()%Width
   11488             :             Real64 DischCoeff;             // Opening discharge coefficient
   11489             : 
   11490             :             // Default Constructor
   11491           1 :             AFNExtSurfacesProp()
   11492           1 :                 : SurfNum(0), MSDNum(0), ZoneNum(0), MZDZoneNum(0), ExtNodeNum(0), facadeNum(0), curve(0), CompTypeNum(iComponentTypeNum::Invalid),
   11493           1 :                   NodeHeight(0.0), OpeningArea(0.0), Height(0.0), Width(0.0), DischCoeff(0.0)
   11494             :             {
   11495           1 :             }
   11496             :         };
   11497             : 
   11498             :         // Object Data
   11499           2 :         Array1D<AFNExtSurfacesProp> AFNExtSurfaces; // Surface numbers of all exterior openings
   11500             :         // Count the total number of exterior simple and detailed openings and the number in each zone
   11501             :         // Verify that each zone with "ADVANCED" single sided wind pressure coefficients has exactly two openings.
   11502             :         // If it doesn't have two openings, change "ADVANCED" to "STANDARD"
   11503           1 :         NumofExtSurfInZone.dimension(AirflowNetworkNumOfZones, 0);
   11504           5 :         for (AFNZnNum = 1; AFNZnNum <= AirflowNetworkNumOfZones; ++AFNZnNum) {
   11505           4 :             if (MultizoneZoneData(AFNZnNum).SingleSidedCpType == "ADVANCED") {
   11506          45 :                 for (SrfNum = 1; SrfNum <= AirflowNetworkNumOfSurfaces; ++SrfNum) {
   11507          42 :                     if (m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(SrfNum).SurfNum).ExtBoundCond ==
   11508             :                         ExternalEnvironment) { // check if outdoor boundary condition
   11509          42 :                         MZDZoneNum = UtilityRoutines::FindItemInList(m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(SrfNum).SurfNum).ZoneName,
   11510             :                                                                      MultizoneZoneData,
   11511             :                                                                      &MultizoneZoneProp::ZoneName);
   11512          42 :                         if (MZDZoneNum == AFNZnNum) {
   11513             :                             // This is terrible, should not do it this way
   11514          18 :                             auto afe = elements.find(MultizoneSurfaceData(SrfNum).OpeningName);
   11515           9 :                             if (afe != elements.end()) {
   11516           9 :                                 auto type = afe->second->type();
   11517           9 :                                 if (type == ComponentType::DOP) {
   11518           6 :                                     ++AFNNumOfExtOpenings;
   11519           6 :                                     ++NumofExtSurfInZone(AFNZnNum);
   11520           3 :                                 } else if (type == ComponentType::SOP) {
   11521           0 :                                     ++AFNNumOfExtOpenings;
   11522           0 :                                     ++NumofExtSurfInZone(AFNZnNum);
   11523             :                                 }
   11524             :                             }
   11525             :                         }
   11526             :                     }
   11527             :                 }
   11528           3 :                 if (NumofExtSurfInZone(AFNZnNum) == 0) {
   11529           0 :                     ShowWarningError(m_state,
   11530           0 :                                      "AirflowNetwork:Multizone:Zone = " + MultizoneZoneData(AFNZnNum).ZoneName +
   11531             :                                          " has single side wind pressure coefficient type \"ADVANCED\", but has no exterior "
   11532             :                                          "AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:Component:DetailedOpening and/or AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:Component:SimpleOpening "
   11533             :                                          "objects.");
   11534           0 :                     ShowContinueError(m_state,
   11535             :                                       "Zones must have exactly two exterior openings in order for the \"ADVANCED\" single sided wind pressure "
   11536             :                                       "coefficient model to be used.");
   11537           0 :                     ShowContinueError(m_state,
   11538             :                                       "The wind pressure coefficient model for this zone will be set to \"STANDARD\" and simulation continues.");
   11539           0 :                     MultizoneZoneData(AFNZnNum).SingleSidedCpType = "STANDARD";
   11540           3 :                 } else if (NumofExtSurfInZone(AFNZnNum) == 1) {
   11541           0 :                     ShowWarningError(m_state, "AirflowNetwork:Multizone:Zone = " + MultizoneZoneData(AFNZnNum).ZoneName);
   11542           0 :                     ShowContinueError(m_state,
   11543             :                                       "has single side wind pressure coefficient type \"ADVANCED\", but has only one exterior "
   11544             :                                       "AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:Component:DetailedOpening and/or "
   11545             :                                       "AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:Component:SimpleOpening objects.");
   11546           0 :                     ShowContinueError(m_state,
   11547             :                                       "Zones must have exactly two openings in order for the \"ADVANCED\" single side wind pressure coefficient "
   11548             :                                       "model to be used.");
   11549           0 :                     ShowContinueError(m_state,
   11550             :                                       "The wind pressure coefficient model for this zone will be set to \"STANDARD\" and simulation continues.");
   11551           0 :                     MultizoneZoneData(AFNZnNum).SingleSidedCpType = "STANDARD";
   11552           3 :                 } else if (NumofExtSurfInZone(AFNZnNum) > 2) {
   11553           0 :                     ShowWarningError(m_state,
   11554           0 :                                      format("AirflowNetwork:Multizone:Zone = {} has single side wind pressure coefficient type "
   11555             :                                             "\"ADVANCED\", but has {} exterior "
   11556             :                                             "AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:Component:DetailedOpening and/or "
   11557             :                                             "AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:Component:SimpleOpening objects.",
   11558           0 :                                             MultizoneZoneData(AFNZnNum).ZoneName,
   11559           0 :                                             NumofExtSurfInZone(AFNZnNum)));
   11560           0 :                     ShowContinueError(m_state,
   11561             :                                       "Zones must have exactly two openings in order for the \"ADVANCED\" single side wind pressure coefficient "
   11562             :                                       "model to be used.");
   11563           0 :                     ShowContinueError(m_state,
   11564             :                                       "The wind pressure coefficient model for this zone will be set to \"STANDARD\" and simulation continues.");
   11565           0 :                     MultizoneZoneData(AFNZnNum).SingleSidedCpType = "STANDARD";
   11566             :                 }
   11567             :             }
   11568             :         }
   11569           1 :         if (AFNNumOfExtOpenings == 0) return;
   11570             :         // Recount the number of single sided zones
   11571           1 :         AirflowNetworkNumOfSingleSideZones = 0;
   11572           5 :         for (AFNZnNum = 1; AFNZnNum <= AirflowNetworkNumOfZones; ++AFNZnNum) {
   11573           4 :             if (MultizoneZoneData(AFNZnNum).SingleSidedCpType == "ADVANCED") {
   11574           3 :                 ++AirflowNetworkNumOfSingleSideZones;
   11575             :             }
   11576             :         }
   11577           1 :         if (AirflowNetworkNumOfSingleSideZones == 0) return; // Bail if no zones call for the advanced single sided model.
   11578             :         // Recount the number of detailed and simple exterior openings in zones with "ADVANCED" single sided wind pressure coefficients
   11579           1 :         AFNNumOfExtOpenings = 0;
   11580          15 :         for (SrfNum = 1; SrfNum <= AirflowNetworkNumOfSurfaces; ++SrfNum) {
   11581          28 :             MZDZoneNum = UtilityRoutines::FindItemInList(
   11582          14 :                 m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(SrfNum).SurfNum).ZoneName, MultizoneZoneData, &MultizoneZoneProp::ZoneName);
   11583          14 :             if (MultizoneZoneData(MZDZoneNum).SingleSidedCpType == "ADVANCED") {
   11584           9 :                 if (m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(SrfNum).SurfNum).ExtBoundCond ==
   11585             :                     ExternalEnvironment) { // check if outdoor boundary condition
   11586             :                     // This is terrible, should not do it this way
   11587          18 :                     auto afe = elements.find(MultizoneSurfaceData(SrfNum).OpeningName);
   11588           9 :                     if (afe != elements.end()) {
   11589           9 :                         auto type = afe->second->type();
   11590           9 :                         if (type == ComponentType::DOP) {
   11591           6 :                             ++AFNNumOfExtOpenings;
   11592           3 :                         } else if (type == ComponentType::SOP) {
   11593           0 :                             ++AFNNumOfExtOpenings;
   11594             :                         }
   11595             :                     }
   11596             :                 }
   11597             :             }
   11598             :         }
   11599           1 :         AFNExtSurfaces.allocate(AFNNumOfExtOpenings);
   11600             :         // Create array of properties for all the exterior single sided openings
   11601           1 :         ExtOpenNum = 1;
   11602          15 :         for (SrfNum = 1; SrfNum <= AirflowNetworkNumOfSurfaces; ++SrfNum) {
   11603          14 :             if (m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(SrfNum).SurfNum).ExtBoundCond == ExternalEnvironment) {
   11604          14 :                 if (AirflowNetworkNumOfDetOpenings > 0) {
   11605          28 :                     DetOpenNum = UtilityRoutines::FindItemInList(
   11606          14 :                         MultizoneSurfaceData(SrfNum).OpeningName, MultizoneCompDetOpeningData, &AirflowNetwork::DetailedOpening::name);
   11607          28 :                     MZDZoneNum = UtilityRoutines::FindItemInList(
   11608          14 :                         m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(SrfNum).SurfNum).ZoneName, MultizoneZoneData, &MultizoneZoneProp::ZoneName);
   11609          14 :                     if (MultizoneZoneData(MZDZoneNum).SingleSidedCpType == "ADVANCED") {
   11610           9 :                         if (DetOpenNum > 0) {
   11611           6 :                             AFNExtSurfaces(ExtOpenNum).MSDNum = SrfNum;
   11612           6 :                             AFNExtSurfaces(ExtOpenNum).SurfNum = MultizoneSurfaceData(SrfNum).SurfNum;
   11613           6 :                             AFNExtSurfaces(ExtOpenNum).NodeHeight = m_state.dataSurface->Surface(AFNExtSurfaces(ExtOpenNum).SurfNum).Centroid.z;
   11614           6 :                             AFNExtSurfaces(ExtOpenNum).SurfName = m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(SrfNum).SurfNum).Name;
   11615           6 :                             AFNExtSurfaces(ExtOpenNum).ZoneNum = m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(SrfNum).SurfNum).Zone;
   11616           6 :                             AFNExtSurfaces(ExtOpenNum).ZoneName = m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(SrfNum).SurfNum).ZoneName;
   11617           6 :                             AFNExtSurfaces(ExtOpenNum).MZDZoneNum =
   11618           6 :                                 UtilityRoutines::FindItemInList(AFNExtSurfaces(ExtOpenNum).ZoneName, MultizoneZoneData, &MultizoneZoneProp::ZoneName);
   11619           6 :                             AFNExtSurfaces(ExtOpenNum).CompTypeNum = iComponentTypeNum::DOP;
   11620           6 :                             AFNExtSurfaces(ExtOpenNum).Height = MultizoneSurfaceData(SrfNum).Height;
   11621           6 :                             AFNExtSurfaces(ExtOpenNum).Width = MultizoneSurfaceData(SrfNum).Width;
   11622           6 :                             AFNExtSurfaces(ExtOpenNum).OpeningArea =
   11623           6 :                                 MultizoneSurfaceData(SrfNum).Width * MultizoneSurfaceData(SrfNum).Height * MultizoneSurfaceData(SrfNum).OpenFactor;
   11624           6 :                             AFNExtSurfaces(ExtOpenNum).ExtNodeNum = MultizoneSurfaceData(ExtOpenNum).NodeNums[1];
   11625           6 :                             AFNExtSurfaces(ExtOpenNum).facadeNum =
   11626           6 :                                 MultizoneExternalNodeData(AFNExtSurfaces(ExtOpenNum).ExtNodeNum - AirflowNetworkNumOfZones).facadeNum;
   11627           6 :                             AFNExtSurfaces(ExtOpenNum).curve =
   11628           6 :                                 MultizoneExternalNodeData(AFNExtSurfaces(ExtOpenNum).ExtNodeNum - AirflowNetworkNumOfZones).curve;
   11629           6 :                             AFNExtSurfaces(ExtOpenNum).DischCoeff = MultizoneCompDetOpeningData(DetOpenNum).DischCoeff2;
   11630           6 :                             ++ExtOpenNum;
   11631             :                         }
   11632             :                     }
   11633           0 :                 } else if (AirflowNetworkNumOfSimOpenings > 0) {
   11634           0 :                     SimOpenNum = UtilityRoutines::FindItemInList(
   11635           0 :                         MultizoneSurfaceData(SrfNum).OpeningName, MultizoneCompSimpleOpeningData, &AirflowNetwork::SimpleOpening::name);
   11636           0 :                     if (SimOpenNum > 0) {
   11637           0 :                         AFNExtSurfaces(ExtOpenNum).MSDNum = SrfNum;
   11638           0 :                         AFNExtSurfaces(ExtOpenNum).SurfNum = MultizoneSurfaceData(SrfNum).SurfNum;
   11639           0 :                         AFNExtSurfaces(ExtOpenNum).SurfName = m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(SrfNum).SurfNum).Name;
   11640           0 :                         AFNExtSurfaces(ExtOpenNum).ZoneNum = m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(SrfNum).SurfNum).Zone;
   11641           0 :                         AFNExtSurfaces(ExtOpenNum).ZoneName = m_state.dataSurface->Surface(MultizoneSurfaceData(SrfNum).SurfNum).ZoneName;
   11642           0 :                         AFNExtSurfaces(ExtOpenNum).MZDZoneNum =
   11643           0 :                             UtilityRoutines::FindItemInList(AFNExtSurfaces(ExtOpenNum).ZoneName, MultizoneZoneData, &MultizoneZoneProp::ZoneName);
   11644           0 :                         AFNExtSurfaces(ExtOpenNum).CompTypeNum = iComponentTypeNum::SOP;
   11645           0 :                         AFNExtSurfaces(ExtOpenNum).Height = MultizoneSurfaceData(SrfNum).Height;
   11646           0 :                         AFNExtSurfaces(ExtOpenNum).Width = MultizoneSurfaceData(SrfNum).Width;
   11647           0 :                         AFNExtSurfaces(ExtOpenNum).OpeningArea =
   11648           0 :                             MultizoneSurfaceData(SrfNum).Width * MultizoneSurfaceData(SrfNum).Height * MultizoneSurfaceData(SrfNum).OpenFactor;
   11649           0 :                         AFNExtSurfaces(ExtOpenNum).ExtNodeNum = MultizoneSurfaceData(ExtOpenNum).NodeNums[1];
   11650           0 :                         AFNExtSurfaces(ExtOpenNum).curve =
   11651           0 :                             MultizoneExternalNodeData(AFNExtSurfaces(ExtOpenNum).ExtNodeNum - AirflowNetworkNumOfZones).curve;
   11652           0 :                         AFNExtSurfaces(ExtOpenNum).DischCoeff = MultizoneCompSimpleOpeningData(SimOpenNum).DischCoeff;
   11653           0 :                         ++ExtOpenNum;
   11654             :                     }
   11655             :                 }
   11656             :             }
   11657             :         }
   11658             :         // Calculate the azimuth and the coordinates of the centroid of each opening.
   11659             :         // Calculate Sprime and DeltaCp for each zone.
   11660           1 :         PiFormula.allocate(numWindDir);
   11661           1 :         SigmaFormula.allocate(numWindDir);
   11662           1 :         DeltaCp.allocate(AirflowNetworkNumOfZones);
   11663           1 :         EPDeltaCP.allocate(AirflowNetworkNumOfZones);
   11664           1 :         Sprime.allocate(AirflowNetworkNumOfZones);
   11665           1 :         ZoneAng.allocate(AirflowNetworkNumOfZones);
   11666           5 :         for (ZnNum = 1; ZnNum <= AirflowNetworkNumOfZones; ++ZnNum) {
   11667           4 :             DeltaCp(ZnNum).WindDir.allocate(numWindDir);
   11668           4 :             EPDeltaCP(ZnNum).WindDir.allocate(numWindDir);
   11669         148 :             for (windDirNum = 1; windDirNum <= numWindDir; ++windDirNum) {
   11670         144 :                 DeltaCp(ZnNum).WindDir(windDirNum) = 0.0;
   11671         144 :                 EPDeltaCP(ZnNum).WindDir(windDirNum) = 0.0;
   11672             :             }
   11673             :         }
   11674           1 :         Sprime = 0.0;
   11675           1 :         ZoneAng = 0.0;
   11676           5 :         for (ZnNum = 1; ZnNum <= AirflowNetworkNumOfZones; ++ZnNum) {
   11677           4 :             if (MultizoneZoneData(ZnNum).SingleSidedCpType == "ADVANCED") {
   11678           3 :                 OpenNuminZone = 1;
   11679          15 :                 for (ExtOpenNum = 1; ExtOpenNum <= AFNNumOfExtOpenings; ++ExtOpenNum) {
   11680          14 :                     if (OpenNuminZone > 2) break; // Tuned
   11681          12 :                     if (AFNExtSurfaces(ExtOpenNum).MZDZoneNum == ZnNum) {
   11682           6 :                         if (OpenNuminZone == 1) {
   11683           3 :                             X1 = m_state.dataSurface->Surface(AFNExtSurfaces(ExtOpenNum).SurfNum).Centroid.x;
   11684           3 :                             Y1 = m_state.dataSurface->Surface(AFNExtSurfaces(ExtOpenNum).SurfNum).Centroid.y;
   11685           3 :                             ZoneAng1 = m_state.dataSurface->Surface(AFNExtSurfaces(ExtOpenNum).SurfNum).Azimuth;
   11686           3 :                             ++OpenNuminZone;
   11687           3 :                         } else if (OpenNuminZone == 2) {
   11688           3 :                             X2 = m_state.dataSurface->Surface(AFNExtSurfaces(ExtOpenNum).SurfNum).Centroid.x;
   11689           3 :                             Y2 = m_state.dataSurface->Surface(AFNExtSurfaces(ExtOpenNum).SurfNum).Centroid.y;
   11690           3 :                             ZoneAng2 = m_state.dataSurface->Surface(AFNExtSurfaces(ExtOpenNum).SurfNum).Azimuth;
   11691           3 :                             ++OpenNuminZone;
   11692             :                         }
   11693             :                     }
   11694             :                 }
   11695           3 :                 ZoneAngDiff = ZoneAng1 - ZoneAng2;
   11696           3 :                 if (ZoneAngDiff > 0.01) {
   11697           0 :                     ShowWarningError(m_state,
   11698           0 :                                      "AirflowNetwork:Multizone:Zone = " + MultizoneZoneData(AFNZnNum).ZoneName +
   11699             :                                          " has single side wind pressure coefficient type \"ADVANCED\", but has openings which are not coplanar.");
   11700           0 :                     ShowContinueError(m_state, "The openings should be coplanar for the model to be valid. Simulation Continues.");
   11701             :                 }
   11702           3 :                 ZoneAng(ZnNum) = ZoneAng1;
   11703           3 :                 Sprime(ZnNum) = std::sqrt(pow_2(X1 - X2) + pow_2(Y1 - Y2)) / MultizoneZoneData(ZnNum).BuildWidth;
   11704             :                 // Calculate DeltaCp for each wind direction for each zone
   11705         111 :                 for (windDirNum = 1; windDirNum <= numWindDir; ++windDirNum) {
   11706         108 :                     m_state.dataEnvrn->WindDir = (windDirNum - 1) * 10.0;
   11707         108 :                     Real64 WindAng = (windDirNum - 1) * 10.0;
   11708         108 :                     IncAng = std::abs(WindAng - ZoneAng(ZnNum));
   11709         108 :                     if (std::abs(IncAng) > 180.0) IncAng -= 360.0;
   11710         108 :                     if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(simulation_control.WPCCntr, "SurfaceAverageCalculation")) {
   11711         108 :                         if (std::abs(IncAng) <= 67.5) {
   11712          39 :                             PiFormula(windDirNum) = 0.44 * sign(std::sin(2.67 * std::abs(IncAng) * DataGlobalConstants::Pi / 180.0), IncAng);
   11713          69 :                         } else if (std::abs(IncAng) <= 180.0) {
   11714          69 :                             PiFormula(windDirNum) = -0.69 * sign(std::sin((288 - 1.6 * std::abs(IncAng)) * DataGlobalConstants::Pi / 180.0), IncAng);
   11715             :                         }
   11716         108 :                         SigmaFormula(windDirNum) = 0.423 - 0.00163 * std::abs(IncAng);
   11717         108 :                         DeltaCp(ZnNum).WindDir(windDirNum) =
   11718         108 :                             (0.02 + (0.346 * std::abs(PiFormula(windDirNum)) + 0.084 * SigmaFormula(windDirNum)) * Sprime(ZnNum));
   11719             :                     }
   11720             :                 }
   11721             :             }
   11722             :         }
   11723             : 
   11724             :         // Calculate the single sided Cp arrays from DeltaCp for each single sided opening
   11725           1 :         CPV1.allocate(numWindDir); // These two arrays should probably be removed
   11726           1 :         CPV2.allocate(numWindDir);
   11727           1 :         CPV1 = 0.0;
   11728           1 :         CPV2 = 0.0;
   11729           1 :         SrfNum = 6;
   11730           5 :         for (ZnNum = 1; ZnNum <= AirflowNetworkNumOfZones; ++ZnNum) {
   11731           4 :             if (MultizoneZoneData(ZnNum).SingleSidedCpType == "ADVANCED") {
   11732           3 :                 OpenNuminZone = 1;
   11733          15 :                 for (ExtOpenNum = 1; ExtOpenNum <= AFNNumOfExtOpenings; ++ExtOpenNum) {
   11734          14 :                     if (OpenNuminZone > 2) break; // Tuned
   11735          12 :                     if (AFNExtSurfaces(ExtOpenNum).MZDZoneNum == ZnNum) {
   11736           6 :                         Real64 const VelRatio_2(std::pow(10.0 / AFNExtSurfaces(ExtOpenNum).NodeHeight, 2.0 * m_state.dataEnvrn->SiteWindExp));
   11737           6 :                         Real64 const AFNEExtSurface_fac(0.5 * (1.0 / pow_2(AFNExtSurfaces(ExtOpenNum).DischCoeff)));
   11738           6 :                         if (OpenNuminZone == 1) {
   11739           6 :                             std::vector<Real64> cpvalues(numWindDir);
   11740         111 :                             for (windDirNum = 1; windDirNum <= numWindDir; ++windDirNum) {
   11741         108 :                                 Real64 unmodifiedValue = valsByFacade[AFNExtSurfaces(ExtOpenNum).facadeNum - 1][windDirNum - 1] +
   11742         108 :                                                          AFNEExtSurface_fac * DeltaCp(ZnNum).WindDir(windDirNum);
   11743         108 :                                 cpvalues[windDirNum - 1] = CPV1(windDirNum) = VelRatio_2 * unmodifiedValue;
   11744             :                             }
   11745           3 :                             valsByFacade.push_back(cpvalues);
   11746           3 :                             MultizoneExternalNodeData(AFNExtSurfaces(ExtOpenNum).ExtNodeNum - AirflowNetworkNumOfZones).facadeNum = SrfNum;
   11747           3 :                             ++OpenNuminZone;
   11748           3 :                             ++SrfNum;
   11749           3 :                         } else if (OpenNuminZone == 2) {
   11750           6 :                             std::vector<Real64> cpvalues(numWindDir);
   11751         111 :                             for (windDirNum = 1; windDirNum <= numWindDir; ++windDirNum) {
   11752         108 :                                 Real64 unmodifiedValue = valsByFacade[AFNExtSurfaces(ExtOpenNum).facadeNum - 1][windDirNum - 1] -
   11753         108 :                                                          AFNEExtSurface_fac * DeltaCp(ZnNum).WindDir(windDirNum);
   11754         108 :                                 cpvalues[windDirNum - 1] = CPV2(windDirNum) = VelRatio_2 * unmodifiedValue;
   11755         108 :                                 EPDeltaCP(ZnNum).WindDir(windDirNum) = std::abs(CPV2(windDirNum) - CPV1(windDirNum));
   11756             :                             }
   11757           3 :                             valsByFacade.push_back(cpvalues);
   11758           3 :                             MultizoneExternalNodeData(AFNExtSurfaces(ExtOpenNum).ExtNodeNum - AirflowNetworkNumOfZones).facadeNum = SrfNum;
   11759           3 :                             ++OpenNuminZone;
   11760           3 :                             ++SrfNum;
   11761             :                         }
   11762             :                     }
   11763             :                 }
   11764             :             }
   11765             :         }
   11766             :         // Rewrite the CPVNum for all nodes that correspond with a simple or detailed opening
   11767             :         // Does this loop really do anything?
   11768           5 :         for (ZnNum = 1; ZnNum <= AirflowNetworkNumOfZones; ++ZnNum) {
   11769           4 :             OpenNuminZone = 1;
   11770          28 :             for (ExtOpenNum = 1; ExtOpenNum <= AFNNumOfExtOpenings; ++ExtOpenNum) {
   11771          24 :                 if (AFNExtSurfaces(ExtOpenNum).MZDZoneNum == ZnNum) {
   11772           6 :                     if (OpenNuminZone == 1) {
   11773           3 :                         ++OpenNuminZone;
   11774           3 :                     } else if (OpenNuminZone == 2) {
   11775           3 :                         ++OpenNuminZone;
   11776             :                     }
   11777             :                 }
   11778             :             }
   11779             :         }
   11780             :     }
   11781             : 
   11782     6012112 :     Real64 Solver::zone_OA_change_rate(int const ZoneNum) // hybrid ventilation system controlled zone number
   11783             :     {
   11784             : 
   11785             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
   11786             :         //       AUTHOR         Lixing Gu
   11787             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   May. 2007
   11788             : 
   11789             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
   11790             :         // This function outputs air change per hour in a given zone
   11791             : 
   11792     6012112 :         auto &TimeStepSys = m_state.dataHVACGlobal->TimeStepSys;
   11793     6012112 :         auto &thisZoneHB = m_state.dataZoneTempPredictorCorrector->zoneHeatBalance(ZoneNum);
   11794             : 
   11795     6012112 :         Real64 CpAir = PsyCpAirFnW(thisZoneHB.ZoneAirHumRat);
   11796     6012112 :         Real64 RhoAir = PsyRhoAirFnPbTdbW(m_state, m_state.dataEnvrn->OutBaroPress, thisZoneHB.MAT, thisZoneHB.ZoneAirHumRat);
   11797             :         Real64 InfilVolume =
   11798     6012112 :             ((exchangeData(ZoneNum).SumMCp + exchangeData(ZoneNum).SumMVCp) / CpAir / RhoAir) * TimeStepSys * DataGlobalConstants::SecInHour;
   11799     6012112 :         Real64 ACH = InfilVolume / (TimeStepSys * m_state.dataHeatBal->Zone(ZoneNum).Volume);
   11800             : 
   11801     6012112 :         return ACH;
   11802             :     }
   11803             : 
   11804         333 :     int Solver::get_airloop_number(int const NodeNumber) // Get air loop number for each distribution node and linkage
   11805             :     {
   11806             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
   11807             :         //       AUTHOR         Lixing Gu
   11808             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   Feb. 2018
   11809             : 
   11810             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
   11811             :         // This function outputs an AirLoopNum based on node number
   11812             : 
   11813             :         // Using/Aliasing
   11814             :         using BranchNodeConnections::GetChildrenData;
   11815             :         using BranchNodeConnections::GetNumChildren;
   11816             :         using BranchNodeConnections::IsParentObject;
   11817         333 :         auto &NumPrimaryAirSys = m_state.dataHVACGlobal->NumPrimaryAirSys;
   11818             :         using SingleDuct::GetHVACSingleDuctSysIndex;
   11819             : 
   11820             :         // Return value
   11821         333 :         int AirLoopNumber = 0;
   11822             : 
   11823             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
   11824             :         int BranchNum;
   11825             :         int NumOfNodes;
   11826             :         int NodeNum;
   11827             :         int OutNum;
   11828             :         int SupAirPath;
   11829             :         int SupAirPathOutNodeNum;
   11830             :         int CtrlZoneNum;
   11831             :         int ZoneInNum;
   11832             :         int ZoneOutNum;
   11833             :         int AirLoopNum;
   11834         333 :         int TUNum = 0;
   11835         333 :         int TermNum = 0;
   11836             :         bool LocalError;
   11837             :         int NumOfComp;
   11838             :         int NumOfSubComp;
   11839             :         bool ErrorsFound;
   11840         666 :         std::string TypeOfComp;
   11841         666 :         std::string NameOfComp;
   11842             :         int NumOfSubSubComp;
   11843             : 
   11844         447 :         for (AirLoopNum = 1; AirLoopNum <= NumPrimaryAirSys; ++AirLoopNum) {
   11845             :             // Check OAMixer OA inlet node
   11846         349 :             if (NodeNumber == m_state.dataAirSystemsData->PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).OAMixOAInNodeNum) {
   11847          13 :                 return AirLoopNum;
   11848             :             }
   11849             :             // Check branch
   11850         550 :             for (BranchNum = 1; BranchNum <= m_state.dataAirSystemsData->PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).NumBranches; ++BranchNum) {
   11851         336 :                 NumOfNodes = m_state.dataAirSystemsData->PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).Branch(BranchNum).TotalNodes;
   11852        1456 :                 for (NodeNum = 1; NodeNum <= NumOfNodes; ++NodeNum) {
   11853        1210 :                     if (NodeNumber == m_state.dataAirSystemsData->PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).Branch(BranchNum).NodeNum(NodeNum)) {
   11854          90 :                         return AirLoopNum;
   11855             :                     }
   11856             :                 }
   11857         939 :                 for (NumOfComp = 1; NumOfComp <= m_state.dataAirSystemsData->PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).Branch(BranchNum).TotalComponents;
   11858             :                      ++NumOfComp) {
   11859         725 :                     if (NodeNumber == m_state.dataAirSystemsData->PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).Branch(BranchNum).Comp(NumOfComp).NodeNumIn) {
   11860           0 :                         return AirLoopNum;
   11861             :                     }
   11862         725 :                     if (NodeNumber == m_state.dataAirSystemsData->PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).Branch(BranchNum).Comp(NumOfComp).NodeNumOut) {
   11863           0 :                         return AirLoopNum;
   11864             :                     }
   11865         725 :                     if (m_state.dataAirSystemsData->PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).Branch(BranchNum).Comp(NumOfComp).NumSubComps == 0) {
   11866             :                         DataLoopNode::ConnectionObjectType TypeOfComp =
   11867        1450 :                             static_cast<DataLoopNode::ConnectionObjectType>(EnergyPlus::getEnumerationValue(
   11868             :                                 BranchNodeConnections::ConnectionObjectTypeNamesUC,
   11869        1450 :                                 m_state.dataAirSystemsData->PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).Branch(BranchNum).Comp(NumOfComp).TypeOf));
   11870             :                         std::string const &NameOfComp =
   11871         725 :                             m_state.dataAirSystemsData->PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).Branch(BranchNum).Comp(NumOfComp).Name;
   11872         725 :                         if (IsParentObject(m_state, TypeOfComp, NameOfComp)) {
   11873             : 
   11874         417 :                             int NumChildren = GetNumChildren(m_state, TypeOfComp, NameOfComp);
   11875         802 :                             EPVector<DataLoopNode::ConnectionObjectType> SubCompTypes;
   11876         802 :                             Array1D_string SubCompNames;
   11877         802 :                             Array1D_string InletNodeNames;
   11878         802 :                             Array1D_int InletNodeNumbers;
   11879         802 :                             Array1D_string OutletNodeNames;
   11880         802 :                             Array1D_int OutletNodeNumbers;
   11881             : 
   11882         417 :                             SubCompTypes.allocate(NumChildren);
   11883         417 :                             SubCompNames.allocate(NumChildren);
   11884         417 :                             InletNodeNames.allocate(NumChildren);
   11885         417 :                             InletNodeNumbers.allocate(NumChildren);
   11886         417 :                             OutletNodeNames.allocate(NumChildren);
   11887         417 :                             OutletNodeNumbers.allocate(NumChildren);
   11888             : 
   11889         417 :                             GetChildrenData(m_state,
   11890             :                                             TypeOfComp,
   11891             :                                             NameOfComp,
   11892             :                                             NumChildren,
   11893             :                                             SubCompTypes,
   11894             :                                             SubCompNames,
   11895             :                                             InletNodeNames,
   11896             :                                             InletNodeNumbers,
   11897             :                                             OutletNodeNames,
   11898             :                                             OutletNodeNumbers,
   11899             :                                             ErrorsFound);
   11900             : 
   11901        1016 :                             for (NumOfSubComp = 1; NumOfSubComp <= NumChildren; ++NumOfSubComp) {
   11902         629 :                                 if (NodeNumber == InletNodeNumbers(NumOfSubComp)) {
   11903           1 :                                     SubCompTypes.deallocate();
   11904           1 :                                     SubCompNames.deallocate();
   11905           1 :                                     InletNodeNames.deallocate();
   11906           1 :                                     InletNodeNumbers.deallocate();
   11907           1 :                                     OutletNodeNames.deallocate();
   11908           1 :                                     OutletNodeNumbers.deallocate();
   11909           1 :                                     return AirLoopNum;
   11910             :                                 }
   11911         628 :                                 if (NodeNumber == OutletNodeNumbers(NumOfSubComp)) {
   11912          29 :                                     SubCompTypes.deallocate();
   11913          29 :                                     SubCompNames.deallocate();
   11914          29 :                                     InletNodeNames.deallocate();
   11915          29 :                                     InletNodeNumbers.deallocate();
   11916          29 :                                     OutletNodeNames.deallocate();
   11917          29 :                                     OutletNodeNumbers.deallocate();
   11918          29 :                                     return AirLoopNum;
   11919             :                                 }
   11920             :                             }
   11921         954 :                             for (NumOfSubComp = 1; NumOfSubComp <= NumChildren; ++NumOfSubComp) {
   11922         569 :                                 DataLoopNode::ConnectionObjectType TypeOfComp = SubCompTypes(NumOfSubComp);
   11923        1136 :                                 std::string NameOfComp = SubCompNames(NumOfSubComp);
   11924         569 :                                 if (IsParentObject(m_state, TypeOfComp, NameOfComp)) {
   11925             : 
   11926          13 :                                     int NumGrandChildren = GetNumChildren(m_state, TypeOfComp, NameOfComp);
   11927          24 :                                     EPVector<DataLoopNode::ConnectionObjectType> SubSubCompTypes;
   11928          24 :                                     Array1D_string SubSubCompNames;
   11929          24 :                                     Array1D_string SubSubInletNodeNames;
   11930          24 :                                     Array1D_int SubSubInletNodeNumbers;
   11931          24 :                                     Array1D_string SubSubOutletNodeNames;
   11932          24 :                                     Array1D_int SubSubOutletNodeNumbers;
   11933             : 
   11934          13 :                                     SubSubCompTypes.allocate(NumGrandChildren);
   11935          13 :                                     SubSubCompNames.allocate(NumGrandChildren);
   11936          13 :                                     SubSubInletNodeNames.allocate(NumGrandChildren);
   11937          13 :                                     SubSubInletNodeNumbers.allocate(NumGrandChildren);
   11938          13 :                                     SubSubOutletNodeNames.allocate(NumGrandChildren);
   11939          13 :                                     SubSubOutletNodeNumbers.allocate(NumGrandChildren);
   11940             : 
   11941          13 :                                     GetChildrenData(m_state,
   11942             :                                                     TypeOfComp,
   11943             :                                                     NameOfComp,
   11944             :                                                     NumGrandChildren,
   11945             :                                                     SubSubCompTypes,
   11946             :                                                     SubSubCompNames,
   11947             :                                                     SubSubInletNodeNames,
   11948             :                                                     SubSubInletNodeNumbers,
   11949             :                                                     SubSubOutletNodeNames,
   11950             :                                                     SubSubOutletNodeNumbers,
   11951             :                                                     ErrorsFound);
   11952          47 :                                     for (int SubSubCompNum = 1; SubSubCompNum <= NumGrandChildren; ++SubSubCompNum) {
   11953          36 :                                         if (NodeNumber == SubSubInletNodeNumbers(SubSubCompNum)) {
   11954           0 :                                             SubSubCompTypes.deallocate();
   11955           0 :                                             SubSubCompNames.deallocate();
   11956           0 :                                             SubSubInletNodeNames.deallocate();
   11957           0 :                                             SubSubInletNodeNumbers.deallocate();
   11958           0 :                                             SubSubOutletNodeNames.deallocate();
   11959           0 :                                             SubSubOutletNodeNumbers.deallocate();
   11960           0 :                                             SubCompTypes.deallocate();
   11961           0 :                                             SubCompNames.deallocate();
   11962           0 :                                             InletNodeNames.deallocate();
   11963           0 :                                             InletNodeNumbers.deallocate();
   11964           0 :                                             OutletNodeNames.deallocate();
   11965           0 :                                             OutletNodeNumbers.deallocate();
   11966           0 :                                             return AirLoopNum;
   11967             :                                         }
   11968          36 :                                         if (NodeNumber == SubSubOutletNodeNumbers(SubSubCompNum)) {
   11969           2 :                                             SubSubCompTypes.deallocate();
   11970           2 :                                             SubSubCompNames.deallocate();
   11971           2 :                                             SubSubInletNodeNames.deallocate();
   11972           2 :                                             SubSubInletNodeNumbers.deallocate();
   11973           2 :                                             SubSubOutletNodeNames.deallocate();
   11974           2 :                                             SubSubOutletNodeNumbers.deallocate();
   11975           2 :                                             SubCompTypes.deallocate();
   11976           2 :                                             SubCompNames.deallocate();
   11977           2 :                                             InletNodeNames.deallocate();
   11978           2 :                                             InletNodeNumbers.deallocate();
   11979           2 :                                             OutletNodeNames.deallocate();
   11980           2 :                                             OutletNodeNumbers.deallocate();
   11981           2 :                                             return AirLoopNum;
   11982             :                                         }
   11983             :                                     }
   11984          11 :                                     SubSubCompTypes.deallocate();
   11985          11 :                                     SubSubCompNames.deallocate();
   11986          11 :                                     SubSubInletNodeNames.deallocate();
   11987          11 :                                     SubSubInletNodeNumbers.deallocate();
   11988          11 :                                     SubSubOutletNodeNames.deallocate();
   11989          11 :                                     SubSubOutletNodeNumbers.deallocate();
   11990             :                                 }
   11991             :                             }
   11992             : 
   11993         385 :                             SubCompTypes.deallocate();
   11994         385 :                             SubCompNames.deallocate();
   11995         385 :                             InletNodeNames.deallocate();
   11996         385 :                             InletNodeNumbers.deallocate();
   11997         385 :                             OutletNodeNames.deallocate();
   11998         385 :                             OutletNodeNumbers.deallocate();
   11999             :                         }
   12000             :                     } else {
   12001           0 :                         for (NumOfSubComp = 1;
   12002           0 :                              NumOfSubComp <= m_state.dataAirSystemsData->PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).Branch(BranchNum).Comp(NumOfComp).NumSubComps;
   12003             :                              ++NumOfSubComp) {
   12004           0 :                             if (NodeNumber == m_state.dataAirSystemsData->PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum)
   12005           0 :                                                   .Branch(BranchNum)
   12006           0 :                                                   .Comp(NumOfComp)
   12007           0 :                                                   .SubComp(NumOfSubComp)
   12008           0 :                                                   .NodeNumIn) {
   12009           0 :                                 return AirLoopNum;
   12010             :                             }
   12011           0 :                             if (NodeNumber == m_state.dataAirSystemsData->PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum)
   12012           0 :                                                   .Branch(BranchNum)
   12013           0 :                                                   .Comp(NumOfComp)
   12014           0 :                                                   .SubComp(NumOfSubComp)
   12015           0 :                                                   .NodeNumOut) {
   12016           0 :                                 return AirLoopNum;
   12017             :                             }
   12018           0 :                             for (NumOfSubSubComp = 1; NumOfSubSubComp <= m_state.dataAirSystemsData->PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum)
   12019           0 :                                                                              .Branch(BranchNum)
   12020           0 :                                                                              .Comp(NumOfComp)
   12021           0 :                                                                              .SubComp(NumOfSubComp)
   12022           0 :                                                                              .NumSubSubComps;
   12023             :                                  ++NumOfSubSubComp) {
   12024           0 :                                 if (NodeNumber == m_state.dataAirSystemsData->PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum)
   12025           0 :                                                       .Branch(BranchNum)
   12026           0 :                                                       .Comp(NumOfComp)
   12027           0 :                                                       .SubComp(NumOfSubComp)
   12028           0 :                                                       .SubSubComp(NumOfSubSubComp)
   12029           0 :                                                       .NodeNumIn) {
   12030           0 :                                     return AirLoopNum;
   12031             :                                 }
   12032           0 :                                 if (NodeNumber == m_state.dataAirSystemsData->PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum)
   12033           0 :                                                       .Branch(BranchNum)
   12034           0 :                                                       .Comp(NumOfComp)
   12035           0 :                                                       .SubComp(NumOfSubComp)
   12036           0 :                                                       .SubSubComp(NumOfSubSubComp)
   12037           0 :                                                       .NodeNumOut) {
   12038           0 :                                     return AirLoopNum;
   12039             :                                 }
   12040             :                             }
   12041             :                         }
   12042             :                     }
   12043             :                 }
   12044             :             }
   12045             : 
   12046             :             // Check connection between supply and demand
   12047         328 :             for (OutNum = 1; OutNum <= m_state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirLoopNum).NumSupplyNodes; ++OutNum) {
   12048             :                 // AirLoop supply outlet node
   12049         214 :                 if (m_state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirLoopNum).AirLoopSupplyNodeNum(OutNum) == NodeNumber) {
   12050           0 :                     return AirLoopNum;
   12051             :                 }
   12052         214 :                 if (m_state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirLoopNum).ZoneEquipSupplyNodeNum(OutNum) == NodeNumber) {
   12053          24 :                     return AirLoopNum;
   12054             :                 }
   12055             :                 // supply path
   12056         353 :                 for (SupAirPath = 1; SupAirPath <= m_state.dataZoneEquip->NumSupplyAirPaths; ++SupAirPath) {
   12057         430 :                     if (m_state.dataZoneEquip->SupplyAirPath(SupAirPath).InletNodeNum ==
   12058         215 :                         m_state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirLoopNum).ZoneEquipSupplyNodeNum(OutNum)) {
   12059         553 :                         for (SupAirPathOutNodeNum = 1; SupAirPathOutNodeNum <= m_state.dataZoneEquip->SupplyAirPath(SupAirPath).NumOutletNodes;
   12060             :                              ++SupAirPathOutNodeNum) {
   12061         415 :                             if (m_state.dataZoneEquip->SupplyAirPath(SupAirPath).OutletNode(SupAirPathOutNodeNum) == NodeNumber) {
   12062          49 :                                 return AirLoopNum;
   12063             :                             }
   12064         972 :                             for (TUNum = 1; TUNum <= DisSysNumOfTermUnits; ++TUNum) {
   12065         609 :                                 if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(DisSysCompTermUnitData(TUNum).EPlusType, "AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat")) {
   12066          87 :                                     LocalError = false;
   12067         261 :                                     GetHVACSingleDuctSysIndex(m_state,
   12068          87 :                                                               DisSysCompTermUnitData(TUNum).name,
   12069             :                                                               TermNum,
   12070             :                                                               LocalError,
   12071             :                                                               "AirflowNetwork:Distribution:Component:TerminalUnit",
   12072          87 :                                                               DisSysCompTermUnitData(TUNum).DamperInletNode,
   12073         174 :                                                               DisSysCompTermUnitData(TUNum).DamperOutletNode);
   12074         174 :                                     if (m_state.dataZoneEquip->SupplyAirPath(SupAirPath).OutletNode(SupAirPathOutNodeNum) ==
   12075          87 :                                         DisSysCompTermUnitData(TUNum).DamperInletNode) {
   12076          30 :                                         if (DisSysCompTermUnitData(TUNum).DamperOutletNode == NodeNumber) {
   12077           3 :                                             DisSysCompTermUnitData(TUNum).AirLoopNum = AirLoopNum;
   12078           3 :                                             return AirLoopNum;
   12079             :                                         }
   12080             :                                     }
   12081          84 :                                     if (LocalError) {
   12082             :                                     }
   12083             :                                 }
   12084             :                             }
   12085             :                         }
   12086             :                     }
   12087             :                 }
   12088             :                 // return path
   12089         138 :                 if (m_state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirLoopNum).AirLoopReturnNodeNum(OutNum) == NodeNumber) {
   12090           0 :                     return AirLoopNum;
   12091             :                 }
   12092         138 :                 if (m_state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirLoopNum).ZoneEquipReturnNodeNum(OutNum) == NodeNumber) {
   12093          24 :                     return AirLoopNum;
   12094             :                 }
   12095         250 :                 for (int retPathNum = 1; retPathNum <= m_state.dataZoneEquip->NumReturnAirPaths; ++retPathNum) {
   12096         272 :                     if (m_state.dataZoneEquip->ReturnAirPath(retPathNum).OutletNodeNum ==
   12097         136 :                         m_state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirLoopNum).ZoneEquipReturnNodeNum(1)) {
   12098         114 :                         if (m_state.dataZoneEquip->ReturnAirPath(retPathNum).OutletNodeNum == NodeNumber) {
   12099           0 :                             return AirLoopNum;
   12100             :                         }
   12101             :                     }
   12102             :                 }
   12103             :                 // Supply inlet node
   12104             : 
   12105             :                 // Terminal damper node
   12106             :             }
   12107             :         }
   12108             : 
   12109         178 :         for (CtrlZoneNum = 1; CtrlZoneNum <= m_state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++CtrlZoneNum) {
   12110         178 :             if (!m_state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(CtrlZoneNum).IsControlled) continue;
   12111         308 :             for (ZoneInNum = 1; ZoneInNum <= m_state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(CtrlZoneNum).NumInletNodes; ++ZoneInNum) {
   12112         181 :                 if (m_state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(CtrlZoneNum).InletNode(ZoneInNum) == NodeNumber) {
   12113          49 :                     return m_state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(CtrlZoneNum).InletNodeAirLoopNum(ZoneInNum);
   12114             :                 }
   12115             :             }
   12116         205 :             for (ZoneOutNum = 1; ZoneOutNum <= m_state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(CtrlZoneNum).NumReturnNodes; ++ZoneOutNum) {
   12117         127 :                 if (m_state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(CtrlZoneNum).ReturnNode(ZoneOutNum) == NodeNumber) {
   12118          49 :                     return m_state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(CtrlZoneNum).ReturnNodeAirLoopNum(ZoneOutNum);
   12119             :                 }
   12120             :             }
   12121             :         }
   12122             : 
   12123           0 :         return AirLoopNumber;
   12124             :     }
   12125             : 
   12126           1 :     void Solver::SizeDucts()
   12127             :     {
   12128           1 :         Real64 constexpr EPS(0.001);
   12129           1 :         int constexpr MaxIte(500);
   12130           1 :         Real64 constexpr MinVelocity(0.5);  // minimum airflow velocity (m/s)
   12131           1 :         Real64 constexpr MaxVelocity(20.0); // maximum airflow velocity (m/s)
   12132             : 
   12133           1 :         int NodeLoopSupply = 0;
   12134           1 :         int NodeLoopReturn = 0;
   12135           1 :         int NodeSplitter = 0;
   12136           1 :         int NodeMixer = 0;
   12137           1 :         int NodeZoneIntlet = 0;
   12138           1 :         int NodeZoneReturn = 0;
   12139           1 :         int NumOfBranches = 0;
   12140             :         int AFNNodeNum;
   12141             :         int AFNLinkNum;
   12142             :         int AFNLinkNum1;
   12143           1 :         Real64 SumLength = 0.0;
   12144           1 :         Real64 DynamicLoss = 0.0;
   12145           1 :         Real64 MaxRough = 0.0;
   12146             :         bool DuctSizingSTFlag;
   12147             :         bool DuctSizingSBFlag;
   12148             :         bool DuctSizingRTFlag;
   12149             :         bool DuctSizingRBFlag;
   12150           1 :         Real64 hydraulicDiameter = 0.0;
   12151           1 :         Real64 SupplyTrunkD = 0.0;
   12152           1 :         Real64 SupplyTrunkArea = 0.0;
   12153           1 :         Real64 SupplyBranchD = 0.0;
   12154           1 :         Real64 SupplyBranchArea = 0.0;
   12155           1 :         Real64 ReturnTrunkD = 0.0;
   12156           1 :         Real64 ReturnTrunkArea = 0.0;
   12157           1 :         Real64 ReturnBranchD = 0.0;
   12158           1 :         Real64 ReturnBranchArea = 0.0;
   12159           1 :         Real64 MdotBranch = 0.0;
   12160           1 :         int SolFla = 0;
   12161             : 
   12162           1 :         int NumOfCtrlZones = 0;
   12163           4 :         for (int ZoneNum = 1; ZoneNum <= m_state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++ZoneNum) {
   12164           3 :             if (!m_state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(ZoneNum).IsControlled) continue;
   12165           1 :             NumOfCtrlZones++;
   12166           1 :             for (int EquipTypeNum = 1; EquipTypeNum <= m_state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipList(ZoneNum).NumOfEquipTypes; ++EquipTypeNum) {
   12167           1 :                 if (m_state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipList(ZoneNum).EquipTypeEnum(EquipTypeNum) == DataZoneEquipment::ZoneEquip::AirDistUnit) {
   12168           1 :                     int AirDistUnitNum = m_state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipList(ZoneNum).EquipIndex(EquipTypeNum);
   12169           1 :                     MdotBranch = m_state.dataDefineEquipment->AirDistUnit(AirDistUnitNum).MassFlowRateTU;
   12170           1 :                     break;
   12171             :                 }
   12172             :             }
   12173             :         }
   12174           1 :         if (NumOfCtrlZones != 1) {
   12175           0 :             ShowWarningError(m_state, "AirflowNetwork Duct Sizing: The current restriction is limited to a single controlled zone only");
   12176           0 :             ShowContinueError(m_state, format("The number of controlled zone is {}", NumOfCtrlZones));
   12177           0 :             ShowContinueError(m_state, "..Duct sizing is not performed");
   12178           0 :             simulation_control.autosize_ducts = false;
   12179           0 :             simulation_control.iWPCCnt = iWPCCntr::Input;
   12180           0 :             simulation_control.allow_unsupported_zone_equipment = false;
   12181             :         }
   12182           1 :         Real64 factor = simulation_control.ductSizing.factor;
   12183             : 
   12184           1 :         NodeLoopSupply = m_state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(1).ZoneEquipSupplyNodeNum(1);
   12185           1 :         NodeLoopReturn = m_state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(1).ZoneEquipReturnNodeNum(1);
   12186          23 :         for (AFNNodeNum = 1; AFNNodeNum <= AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes; AFNNodeNum++) {
   12187          22 :             if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(AFNNodeNum).EPlusTypeNum == iEPlusNodeType::SPL) {
   12188           1 :                 NodeSplitter = AFNNodeNum;
   12189          21 :             } else if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(AFNNodeNum).EPlusTypeNum == iEPlusNodeType::MIX) {
   12190           1 :                 NodeMixer = AFNNodeNum;
   12191          20 :             } else if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(AFNNodeNum).EPlusNodeNum == m_state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(1).ZoneEquipSupplyNodeNum(1)) {
   12192           1 :                 NodeLoopSupply = AFNNodeNum;
   12193          19 :             } else if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(AFNNodeNum).EPlusNodeNum == m_state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(1).ZoneEquipReturnNodeNum(1)) {
   12194           1 :                 NodeLoopReturn = AFNNodeNum;
   12195          18 :             } else if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(AFNNodeNum).EPlusTypeNum == iEPlusNodeType::ZIN) {
   12196           1 :                 NodeZoneIntlet = AFNNodeNum;
   12197          17 :             } else if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(AFNNodeNum).EPlusTypeNum == iEPlusNodeType::ZOU) {
   12198           1 :                 NodeZoneReturn = AFNNodeNum;
   12199             :             }
   12200             :         }
   12201             : 
   12202             :         // find trunk ducts
   12203           1 :         DuctSizingSTFlag = false;
   12204           1 :         DuctSizingSBFlag = false;
   12205           1 :         int CompNum = 0;
   12206           1 :         int TypeNum = 0;
   12207             : 
   12208          25 :         for (AFNLinkNum = 1; AFNLinkNum <= AirflowNetworkNumOfLinks; AFNLinkNum++) {
   12209          24 :             CompNum = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(AFNLinkNum).CompNum;
   12210          24 :             iComponentTypeNum CompTypeNum = AirflowNetworkCompData(CompNum).CompTypeNum;
   12211          24 :             SumLength = 0.0;
   12212          24 :             DynamicLoss = 0.0;
   12213          24 :             MaxRough = 0.0;
   12214             :             // supply duct trunk
   12215          24 :             if (AirflowNetworkLinkageData(AFNLinkNum).NodeNums[0] == NodeLoopSupply) {
   12216           1 :                 if (AirflowNetworkLinkageData(AFNLinkNum).NodeNums[1] == NodeSplitter) {
   12217             :                     // A single trunk duct
   12218           1 :                     if (CompTypeNum == iComponentTypeNum::DWC && AirflowNetworkLinkageData(AFNLinkNum).ZoneNum > 0) {
   12219           1 :                         AirflowNetworkLinkageData(AFNLinkNum).ductLineType = DuctLineType::SupplyTrunk;
   12220           1 :                         TypeNum = AirflowNetworkCompData(CompNum).TypeNum;
   12221           1 :                         auto &disSysCompDuct = DisSysCompDuctData(TypeNum);
   12222           1 :                         SumLength = disSysCompDuct.L;
   12223           1 :                         MaxRough = disSysCompDuct.roughness;
   12224           1 :                         DynamicLoss = disSysCompDuct.TurDynCoef;
   12225           1 :                         DuctSizingSTFlag = true;
   12226             :                     }
   12227             :                 } else {
   12228           0 :                     int NodeNum1 = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(AFNLinkNum).NodeNums[1];
   12229             :                     int CompNum1;
   12230             :                     iComponentTypeNum CompTypeNum1;
   12231           0 :                     CompNum1 = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(AFNLinkNum).CompNum;
   12232           0 :                     CompTypeNum1 = AirflowNetworkCompData(CompNum1).CompTypeNum;
   12233           0 :                     if (CompTypeNum1 == iComponentTypeNum::DWC) {
   12234           0 :                         AirflowNetworkLinkageData(AFNLinkNum).ductLineType = DuctLineType::SupplyTrunk;
   12235           0 :                         TypeNum = AirflowNetworkCompData(CompNum1).TypeNum;
   12236           0 :                         auto &disSysCompDuct = DisSysCompDuctData(TypeNum);
   12237           0 :                         SumLength += disSysCompDuct.L;
   12238           0 :                         MaxRough = max(MaxRough, disSysCompDuct.roughness);
   12239           0 :                         DynamicLoss += disSysCompDuct.TurDynCoef;
   12240             :                         // NodeNum1 = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(AFNLinkNum).NodeNums[0];
   12241           0 :                         DuctSizingSBFlag = true;
   12242             :                     }
   12243           0 :                     while (NodeNum1 != NodeSplitter) {
   12244           0 :                         for (AFNLinkNum1 = 1; AFNLinkNum1 <= AirflowNetworkNumOfLinks; AFNLinkNum1++) {
   12245           0 :                             if (NodeNum1 != AirflowNetworkLinkageData(AFNLinkNum1).NodeNums[0]) continue;
   12246           0 :                             if (AirflowNetworkCompData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(AFNLinkNum1).CompNum).CompTypeNum != iComponentTypeNum::DWC)
   12247           0 :                                 continue;
   12248           0 :                             if (NodeNum1 == AirflowNetworkLinkageData(AFNLinkNum1).NodeNums[0]) {
   12249           0 :                                 CompNum1 = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(AFNLinkNum1).CompNum;
   12250           0 :                                 CompTypeNum1 = AirflowNetworkCompData(CompNum1).CompTypeNum;
   12251           0 :                                 if (CompTypeNum1 == iComponentTypeNum::DWC) {
   12252           0 :                                     AirflowNetworkLinkageData(AFNLinkNum1).ductLineType = DuctLineType::SupplyTrunk;
   12253           0 :                                     TypeNum = AirflowNetworkCompData(CompNum1).TypeNum;
   12254           0 :                                     auto &disSysCompDuct = DisSysCompDuctData(TypeNum);
   12255           0 :                                     SumLength += disSysCompDuct.L;
   12256           0 :                                     MaxRough = max(MaxRough, disSysCompDuct.roughness);
   12257           0 :                                     DynamicLoss += disSysCompDuct.TurDynCoef;
   12258           0 :                                     NodeNum1 = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(AFNLinkNum1).NodeNums[1];
   12259           0 :                                     DuctSizingSTFlag = true;
   12260           0 :                                     break;
   12261             :                                 }
   12262             :                             }
   12263             :                         }
   12264             :                     }
   12265             :                 }
   12266           1 :                 if (DuctSizingSTFlag) {
   12267           1 :                     Real64 Velocity = 0.0;
   12268           1 :                     Real64 flowrate = DisSysCompCVFData(1).FlowRate / m_state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir;
   12269           1 :                     if (simulation_control.ductSizing.method == DuctSizingMethod::MaxVelocity) {
   12270           0 :                         SupplyTrunkD = sqrt(4.0 * flowrate / simulation_control.ductSizing.max_velocity / DataGlobalConstants::Pi);
   12271           0 :                         SupplyTrunkArea = SupplyTrunkD * SupplyTrunkD / 4.0 * DataGlobalConstants::Pi;
   12272             :                     } else {
   12273           1 :                         Real64 MaxDiameter = sqrt(4.0 * flowrate / MinVelocity / DataGlobalConstants::Pi);
   12274           1 :                         Real64 MinDiameter = sqrt(4.0 * flowrate / MaxVelocity / DataGlobalConstants::Pi);
   12275           1 :                         auto &thisState = m_state; // can't use m_state directly in the capture list, just create a reference
   12276           1 :                         auto &deltaP = simulation_control.ductSizing.supply_trunk_pressure_loss;
   12277           1 :                         auto &MassFlowRate = DisSysCompCVFData(1).FlowRate;
   12278          90 :                         auto f = [&thisState, deltaP, MassFlowRate, SumLength, DynamicLoss, MaxRough](Real64 const D) {
   12279             :                             return DuctDResidual(thisState, D, deltaP, MassFlowRate, SumLength, DynamicLoss, MaxRough);
   12280          91 :                         };
   12281           1 :                         General::SolveRoot(m_state, EPS, MaxIte, SolFla, hydraulicDiameter, f, MinDiameter, MaxDiameter);
   12282           1 :                         if (SolFla == -1) {
   12283           0 :                             if (!m_state.dataGlobal->WarmupFlag) {
   12284           0 :                                 if (ErrCountDuct == 0) {
   12285           0 :                                     ++ErrCountDuct; // TODO: Why is the error count shared among all heat pump units?
   12286           0 :                                     ShowWarningError(m_state,
   12287             :                                                      "AirflowNetwork Duct Autosizing: Iteration limit exceeded calculating Supply Duct Trunk size.");
   12288           0 :                                     ShowContinueErrorTimeStamp(m_state, format("Supply Duct Hydronic Diameter={:.2R}", hydraulicDiameter));
   12289             :                                 } else {
   12290           0 :                                     ++ErrCountDuct;
   12291           0 :                                     ShowRecurringWarningErrorAtEnd(
   12292             :                                         m_state,
   12293             :                                         "AirflowNetwork Duct Autosizing: Iteration limit warning exceeding Supply Duct Trunk "
   12294             :                                         "size. Supply Trunk is calculated using velocity at 5m/s. Simulation continues...",
   12295             :                                         ErrIndexDuct,
   12296             :                                         hydraulicDiameter,
   12297             :                                         hydraulicDiameter);
   12298             :                                 }
   12299             :                             }
   12300           1 :                         } else if (SolFla == -2) {
   12301           0 :                             ShowFatalError(
   12302             :                                 m_state,
   12303             :                                 "Duct Autosizing for Supply Trunk calculation failed: iteration limits exceeded. Supply Trunk is calculated "
   12304             :                                 "using velocity at 5m/s.");
   12305             :                         }
   12306           1 :                         if (SolFla < 0) {
   12307           0 :                             SupplyTrunkD = sqrt(4.0 * flowrate / 5.0 / DataGlobalConstants::Pi) * factor;
   12308             :                         } else {
   12309           1 :                             SupplyTrunkD = hydraulicDiameter * factor;
   12310             :                         }
   12311           1 :                         SupplyTrunkArea = SupplyTrunkD * SupplyTrunkD / 4.0 * DataGlobalConstants::Pi;
   12312           1 :                         Velocity = flowrate / SupplyTrunkArea;
   12313             :                     }
   12314           1 :                     if (simulation_control.ductSizing.method == DuctSizingMethod::VelocityAndLoss) {
   12315           0 :                         if (Velocity > simulation_control.ductSizing.max_velocity) {
   12316           0 :                             SupplyTrunkD = sqrt(4.0 * flowrate / simulation_control.ductSizing.max_velocity / DataGlobalConstants::Pi);
   12317           0 :                             SupplyTrunkArea = SupplyTrunkD * SupplyTrunkD / 4.0 * DataGlobalConstants::Pi;
   12318           0 :                             ShowWarningError(
   12319             :                                 m_state, "AirflowNetwork Duct Sizing: Duct Sizing Method = PressureLossWithMaximumVelocity for Supply Trunk size");
   12320           0 :                             ShowContinueError(
   12321             :                                 m_state,
   12322           0 :                                 format("The Maximum Airflow Velocity at {:.1R} is less than calculated velosity at {:.1R} using PressureLoss",
   12323             :                                        simulation_control.ductSizing.max_velocity,
   12324           0 :                                        Velocity));
   12325           0 :                             ShowContinueError(m_state, "..The Maximum Airflow Velocity is used to calculate Supply Trunk Diameter");
   12326             :                         }
   12327             :                     }
   12328             :                 }
   12329             :             }
   12330             :             // supply duct branch
   12331          24 :             if (AirflowNetworkLinkageData(AFNLinkNum).NodeNums[1] == NodeZoneIntlet) {
   12332           1 :                 SumLength = 0.0;
   12333           1 :                 DynamicLoss = 0.0;
   12334           1 :                 MaxRough = 0.0;
   12335           1 :                 if (AirflowNetworkLinkageData(AFNLinkNum).NodeNums[0] == NodeSplitter) {
   12336             :                     // A single branch duct
   12337           0 :                     if (CompTypeNum == iComponentTypeNum::DWC && AirflowNetworkLinkageData(AFNLinkNum).ZoneNum > 0) {
   12338           0 :                         AirflowNetworkLinkageData(AFNLinkNum).ductLineType = DuctLineType::SupplyTrunk;
   12339           0 :                         TypeNum = AirflowNetworkCompData(CompNum).TypeNum;
   12340           0 :                         auto &disSysCompDuct = DisSysCompDuctData(TypeNum);
   12341           0 :                         SumLength = disSysCompDuct.L;
   12342           0 :                         MaxRough = disSysCompDuct.roughness;
   12343           0 :                         DynamicLoss = disSysCompDuct.TurDynCoef;
   12344           0 :                         DuctSizingSTFlag = true;
   12345             :                     }
   12346             :                 } else {
   12347           1 :                     int NodeNum1 = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(AFNLinkNum).NodeNums[0];
   12348             :                     int CompNum1;
   12349             :                     iComponentTypeNum CompTypeNum1;
   12350           1 :                     CompNum1 = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(AFNLinkNum).CompNum;
   12351           1 :                     CompTypeNum1 = AirflowNetworkCompData(CompNum1).CompTypeNum;
   12352           1 :                     if (CompTypeNum1 == iComponentTypeNum::DWC) {
   12353           1 :                         AirflowNetworkLinkageData(AFNLinkNum).ductLineType = DuctLineType::SupplyBranch;
   12354           1 :                         TypeNum = AirflowNetworkCompData(CompNum1).TypeNum;
   12355           1 :                         auto &disSysCompDuct = DisSysCompDuctData(TypeNum);
   12356           1 :                         SumLength += disSysCompDuct.L;
   12357           1 :                         MaxRough = max(MaxRough, disSysCompDuct.roughness);
   12358           1 :                         DynamicLoss += disSysCompDuct.TurDynCoef;
   12359           1 :                         DuctSizingSBFlag = true;
   12360             :                     }
   12361           5 :                     while (NodeNum1 != NodeSplitter) {
   12362          18 :                         for (AFNLinkNum1 = 1; AFNLinkNum1 <= AirflowNetworkNumOfLinks; AFNLinkNum1++) {
   12363          18 :                             if (NodeNum1 != AirflowNetworkLinkageData(AFNLinkNum1).NodeNums[1]) continue;
   12364           2 :                             if (AirflowNetworkCompData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(AFNLinkNum1).CompNum).CompTypeNum != iComponentTypeNum::DWC)
   12365           0 :                                 continue;
   12366           2 :                             if (NodeNum1 == AirflowNetworkLinkageData(AFNLinkNum1).NodeNums[1]) {
   12367           2 :                                 CompNum1 = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(AFNLinkNum1).CompNum;
   12368           2 :                                 CompTypeNum1 = AirflowNetworkCompData(CompNum1).CompTypeNum;
   12369           2 :                                 if (CompTypeNum1 == iComponentTypeNum::DWC) {
   12370           2 :                                     AirflowNetworkLinkageData(AFNLinkNum1).ductLineType = DuctLineType::SupplyBranch;
   12371           2 :                                     TypeNum = AirflowNetworkCompData(CompNum1).TypeNum;
   12372           2 :                                     auto &disSysCompDuct = DisSysCompDuctData(TypeNum);
   12373           2 :                                     SumLength += disSysCompDuct.L;
   12374           2 :                                     MaxRough = max(MaxRough, disSysCompDuct.roughness);
   12375           2 :                                     DynamicLoss += disSysCompDuct.TurDynCoef;
   12376           2 :                                     NodeNum1 = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(AFNLinkNum1).NodeNums[0];
   12377           2 :                                     DuctSizingSBFlag = true;
   12378           2 :                                     break;
   12379             :                                 }
   12380             :                             }
   12381             :                         }
   12382             :                     }
   12383             :                 }
   12384           1 :                 if (DuctSizingSBFlag) {
   12385           1 :                     SolFla = 0;
   12386             :                     Real64 Velocity;
   12387           1 :                     Real64 flowrate = MdotBranch / m_state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir;
   12388           1 :                     if (simulation_control.ductSizing.method == DuctSizingMethod::MaxVelocity) {
   12389           0 :                         SupplyBranchD = sqrt(4.0 * flowrate / simulation_control.ductSizing.max_velocity / DataGlobalConstants::Pi);
   12390           0 :                         SupplyBranchArea = SupplyBranchD * SupplyBranchD / 4.0 * DataGlobalConstants::Pi;
   12391             :                     } else {
   12392           1 :                         Real64 MaxDiameter = sqrt(4.0 * flowrate / MinVelocity / DataGlobalConstants::Pi);
   12393           1 :                         Real64 MinDiameter = sqrt(4.0 * flowrate / MaxVelocity / DataGlobalConstants::Pi);
   12394           1 :                         auto &thisState = m_state; // can't use m_state directly in the capture list, just create a reference
   12395           1 :                         auto &deltaP = simulation_control.ductSizing.supply_branch_pressure_loss;
   12396          65 :                         auto f = [&thisState, deltaP, MdotBranch, SumLength, DynamicLoss, MaxRough](Real64 const D) {
   12397             :                             return DuctDResidual(thisState, D, deltaP, MdotBranch, SumLength, DynamicLoss, MaxRough);
   12398          66 :                         };
   12399           1 :                         General::SolveRoot(m_state, EPS, MaxIte, SolFla, hydraulicDiameter, f, MinDiameter, MaxDiameter);
   12400           1 :                         if (SolFla == -1) {
   12401           0 :                             if (!m_state.dataGlobal->WarmupFlag) {
   12402           0 :                                 if (ErrCountDuct == 0) {
   12403           0 :                                     ++ErrCountDuct; // TODO: Why is the error count shared among all heat pump units?
   12404           0 :                                     ShowWarningError(m_state,
   12405             :                                                      "AirflowNetwork Duct Autosizing: Iteration limit exceeded calculating Supply Duct Branch size.");
   12406           0 :                                     ShowContinueErrorTimeStamp(m_state, format("Supply Duct Hydronic Diameter={:.2R}", hydraulicDiameter));
   12407             :                                 } else {
   12408           0 :                                     ++ErrCountDuct;
   12409           0 :                                     ShowRecurringWarningErrorAtEnd(
   12410             :                                         m_state,
   12411             :                                         "AirflowNetwork Duct Autosizing: Iteration limit warning exceeding Supply Duct Branch "
   12412             :                                         "size. Supply Branch is calculated using velocity at 5m/s. Simulation continues...",
   12413             :                                         ErrIndexDuct,
   12414             :                                         hydraulicDiameter,
   12415             :                                         hydraulicDiameter);
   12416             :                                 }
   12417             :                             }
   12418           1 :                         } else if (SolFla == -2) {
   12419           0 :                             ShowFatalError(
   12420             :                                 m_state,
   12421             :                                 "Duct Autosizing for Supply Branch calculation failed: iteration limits exceeded. Supply Branch is calculated "
   12422             :                                 "using velocity at 5m/s.");
   12423             :                         }
   12424           1 :                         if (SolFla < 0) {
   12425           0 :                             SupplyBranchD = sqrt(4.0 * flowrate / 5.0 / DataGlobalConstants::Pi) * factor;
   12426             :                         } else {
   12427           1 :                             SupplyBranchD = hydraulicDiameter * factor;
   12428             :                         }
   12429           1 :                         SupplyBranchArea = SupplyBranchD * SupplyBranchD / 4.0 * DataGlobalConstants::Pi;
   12430           1 :                         Velocity = flowrate / SupplyBranchArea;
   12431             :                     }
   12432           1 :                     if (simulation_control.ductSizing.method == DuctSizingMethod::VelocityAndLoss) {
   12433           0 :                         if (Velocity > simulation_control.ductSizing.max_velocity) {
   12434           0 :                             SupplyBranchD = sqrt(4.0 * flowrate / simulation_control.ductSizing.max_velocity / DataGlobalConstants::Pi);
   12435           0 :                             SupplyBranchArea = SupplyBranchD * SupplyBranchD / 4.0 * DataGlobalConstants::Pi;
   12436           0 :                             ShowWarningError(
   12437             :                                 m_state, "AirflowNetwork Duct Sizing: Duct Sizing Method = PressureLossWithMaximumVelocity for Supply Branch size");
   12438           0 :                             ShowContinueError(
   12439             :                                 m_state,
   12440           0 :                                 format("The Maximum Airflow Velocity at {:.1R} is less than calculated velosity at {:.1R} using PressureLoss",
   12441             :                                        simulation_control.ductSizing.max_velocity,
   12442           0 :                                        Velocity));
   12443           0 :                             ShowContinueError(m_state, "..The Maximum Airflow Velocity is used to calculate Supply Branch Diameter");
   12444             :                         }
   12445             :                     }
   12446             :                 }
   12447             :             }
   12448             : 
   12449          24 :             DuctSizingRTFlag = false;
   12450          24 :             DuctSizingRBFlag = false;
   12451             : 
   12452             :             // return duct trunk
   12453          24 :             if (AirflowNetworkLinkageData(AFNLinkNum).NodeNums[1] == NodeLoopReturn) {
   12454           1 :                 SumLength = 0.0;
   12455           1 :                 DynamicLoss = 0.0;
   12456           1 :                 MaxRough = 0.0;
   12457           1 :                 if (AirflowNetworkLinkageData(AFNLinkNum).NodeNums[0] == NodeMixer) {
   12458             :                     // A single branch duct
   12459           1 :                     if (CompTypeNum == iComponentTypeNum::DWC && AirflowNetworkLinkageData(AFNLinkNum).ZoneNum > 0) {
   12460           1 :                         AirflowNetworkLinkageData(AFNLinkNum).ductLineType = DuctLineType::ReturnTrunk;
   12461           1 :                         TypeNum = AirflowNetworkCompData(CompNum).TypeNum;
   12462           1 :                         auto &disSysCompDuct = DisSysCompDuctData(TypeNum);
   12463           1 :                         SumLength = disSysCompDuct.L;
   12464           1 :                         MaxRough = disSysCompDuct.roughness;
   12465           1 :                         DynamicLoss = disSysCompDuct.TurDynCoef;
   12466           1 :                         DuctSizingRTFlag = true;
   12467             :                     }
   12468             :                 } else {
   12469           0 :                     int NodeNum1 = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(AFNLinkNum).NodeNums[0];
   12470             :                     int CompNum1;
   12471             :                     iComponentTypeNum CompTypeNum1;
   12472           0 :                     CompNum1 = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(AFNLinkNum).CompNum;
   12473           0 :                     CompTypeNum1 = AirflowNetworkCompData(CompNum1).CompTypeNum;
   12474           0 :                     if (CompTypeNum1 == iComponentTypeNum::DWC) {
   12475           0 :                         AirflowNetworkLinkageData(AFNLinkNum).ductLineType = DuctLineType::ReturnTrunk;
   12476           0 :                         TypeNum = AirflowNetworkCompData(CompNum1).TypeNum;
   12477           0 :                         auto &disSysCompDuct = DisSysCompDuctData(TypeNum);
   12478           0 :                         SumLength += disSysCompDuct.L;
   12479           0 :                         MaxRough = max(MaxRough, disSysCompDuct.roughness);
   12480           0 :                         DynamicLoss += disSysCompDuct.TurDynCoef;
   12481           0 :                         DuctSizingRTFlag = true;
   12482             :                     }
   12483           0 :                     while (NodeNum1 != NodeMixer) {
   12484           0 :                         for (AFNLinkNum1 = 1; AFNLinkNum1 <= AirflowNetworkNumOfLinks; AFNLinkNum1++) {
   12485           0 :                             if (NodeNum1 != AirflowNetworkLinkageData(AFNLinkNum1).NodeNums[1]) continue;
   12486           0 :                             if (AirflowNetworkCompData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(AFNLinkNum1).CompNum).CompTypeNum != iComponentTypeNum::DWC)
   12487           0 :                                 continue;
   12488           0 :                             if (NodeNum1 == AirflowNetworkLinkageData(AFNLinkNum1).NodeNums[1]) {
   12489           0 :                                 CompNum1 = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(AFNLinkNum1).CompNum;
   12490           0 :                                 CompTypeNum1 = AirflowNetworkCompData(CompNum1).CompTypeNum;
   12491           0 :                                 if (CompTypeNum1 == iComponentTypeNum::DWC) {
   12492           0 :                                     AirflowNetworkLinkageData(AFNLinkNum1).ductLineType = DuctLineType::ReturnTrunk;
   12493           0 :                                     TypeNum = AirflowNetworkCompData(CompNum1).TypeNum;
   12494           0 :                                     auto &disSysCompDuct = DisSysCompDuctData(TypeNum);
   12495           0 :                                     SumLength += disSysCompDuct.L;
   12496           0 :                                     MaxRough = max(MaxRough, disSysCompDuct.roughness);
   12497           0 :                                     DynamicLoss += disSysCompDuct.TurDynCoef;
   12498           0 :                                     NodeNum1 = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(AFNLinkNum1).NodeNums[0];
   12499           0 :                                     DuctSizingRTFlag = true;
   12500           0 :                                     break;
   12501             :                                 }
   12502             :                             }
   12503             :                         }
   12504             :                     }
   12505             :                 }
   12506           1 :                 if (DuctSizingRTFlag) {
   12507           1 :                     SolFla = 0;
   12508             :                     Real64 Velocity;
   12509           1 :                     Real64 flowrate = DisSysCompCVFData(1).FlowRate / m_state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir;
   12510           1 :                     if (simulation_control.ductSizing.method == DuctSizingMethod::MaxVelocity) {
   12511           0 :                         ReturnTrunkD = sqrt(4.0 * flowrate / simulation_control.ductSizing.max_velocity / DataGlobalConstants::Pi);
   12512           0 :                         ReturnTrunkArea = ReturnTrunkD * ReturnTrunkD / 4.0 * DataGlobalConstants::Pi;
   12513             :                     } else {
   12514           1 :                         Real64 MaxDiameter = sqrt(4.0 * flowrate / MinVelocity / DataGlobalConstants::Pi);
   12515           1 :                         Real64 MinDiameter = sqrt(4.0 * flowrate / MaxVelocity / DataGlobalConstants::Pi);
   12516           1 :                         auto &thisState = m_state; // can't use m_state directly in the capture list, just create a reference
   12517           1 :                         auto &deltaP = simulation_control.ductSizing.return_trunk_pressure_loss;
   12518           1 :                         auto &massFlowRate = DisSysCompCVFData(1).FlowRate;
   12519         145 :                         auto f = [&thisState, deltaP, massFlowRate, SumLength, DynamicLoss, MaxRough](Real64 const D) {
   12520             :                             return DuctDResidual(thisState, D, deltaP, massFlowRate, SumLength, DynamicLoss, MaxRough);
   12521         146 :                         };
   12522           1 :                         General::SolveRoot(m_state, EPS, MaxIte, SolFla, hydraulicDiameter, f, MinDiameter, MaxDiameter);
   12523           1 :                         if (SolFla == -1) {
   12524           0 :                             if (!m_state.dataGlobal->WarmupFlag) {
   12525           0 :                                 if (ErrCountDuct == 0) {
   12526           0 :                                     ++ErrCountDuct; // TODO: Why is the error count shared among all heat pump units?
   12527           0 :                                     ShowWarningError(m_state,
   12528             :                                                      "AirflowNetwork Duct Autosizing: Iteration limit exceeded calculating Return Duct Trunk size.");
   12529           0 :                                     ShowContinueErrorTimeStamp(m_state, format("Return Duct Hydronic Diameter={:.2R}", hydraulicDiameter));
   12530             :                                 } else {
   12531           0 :                                     ++ErrCountDuct;
   12532           0 :                                     ShowRecurringWarningErrorAtEnd(
   12533             :                                         m_state,
   12534             :                                         "AirflowNetwork Duct Autosizing: Iteration limit warning exceeding Return Duct Trunk "
   12535             :                                         "size. Supply Branch is calculated using velocity at 5m/s. Simulation continues...",
   12536             :                                         ErrIndexDuct,
   12537             :                                         hydraulicDiameter,
   12538             :                                         hydraulicDiameter);
   12539             :                                 }
   12540             :                             }
   12541           1 :                         } else if (SolFla == -2) {
   12542           0 :                             ShowFatalError(
   12543             :                                 m_state,
   12544             :                                 "Duct Autosizing for Return Trunk calculation failed: iteration limits exceeded. Return Trunk is calculated "
   12545             :                                 "using velocity at 5m/s.");
   12546             :                         }
   12547           1 :                         if (SolFla < 0) {
   12548           0 :                             ReturnTrunkD = sqrt(4.0 * flowrate / 5.0 / DataGlobalConstants::Pi) * factor;
   12549             :                         } else {
   12550           1 :                             ReturnTrunkD = hydraulicDiameter * factor;
   12551             :                         }
   12552           1 :                         ReturnTrunkArea = ReturnTrunkD * ReturnTrunkD / 4.0 * DataGlobalConstants::Pi;
   12553           1 :                         Velocity = flowrate / SupplyBranchArea;
   12554             :                     }
   12555           1 :                     if (simulation_control.ductSizing.method == DuctSizingMethod::VelocityAndLoss) {
   12556           0 :                         if (Velocity > simulation_control.ductSizing.max_velocity) {
   12557           0 :                             ReturnTrunkD = sqrt(4.0 * flowrate / simulation_control.ductSizing.max_velocity / DataGlobalConstants::Pi);
   12558           0 :                             ReturnTrunkArea = ReturnTrunkD * ReturnTrunkD / 4.0 * DataGlobalConstants::Pi;
   12559           0 :                             ShowWarningError(
   12560             :                                 m_state, "AirflowNetwork Duct Sizing: Duct Sizing Method = PressureLossWithMaximumVelocity for Return Trunk size");
   12561           0 :                             ShowContinueError(
   12562             :                                 m_state,
   12563           0 :                                 format("The Maximum Airflow Velocity at {:.1R} is less than calculated velosity at {:.1R} using PressureLoss",
   12564             :                                        simulation_control.ductSizing.max_velocity,
   12565           0 :                                        Velocity));
   12566           0 :                             ShowContinueError(m_state, "..The Maximum Airflow Velocity is used to calculate Return Trunk Diameter");
   12567             :                         }
   12568             :                     }
   12569             :                 }
   12570             :             }
   12571             : 
   12572             :             // return duct branch
   12573          24 :             if (AirflowNetworkLinkageData(AFNLinkNum).NodeNums[0] == NodeZoneReturn) {
   12574           1 :                 SumLength = 0.0;
   12575           1 :                 DynamicLoss = 0.0;
   12576           1 :                 MaxRough = 0.0;
   12577           1 :                 if (AirflowNetworkLinkageData(AFNLinkNum).NodeNums[1] == NodeMixer) {
   12578             :                     // A single trunk duct
   12579           0 :                     if (CompTypeNum == iComponentTypeNum::DWC && AirflowNetworkLinkageData(AFNLinkNum).ZoneNum > 0) {
   12580           0 :                         AirflowNetworkLinkageData(AFNLinkNum).ductLineType = DuctLineType::ReturnBranch;
   12581           0 :                         TypeNum = AirflowNetworkCompData(CompNum).TypeNum;
   12582           0 :                         auto &disSysCompDuct = DisSysCompDuctData(TypeNum);
   12583           0 :                         SumLength = disSysCompDuct.L;
   12584           0 :                         MaxRough = disSysCompDuct.roughness;
   12585           0 :                         DynamicLoss = disSysCompDuct.TurDynCoef;
   12586           0 :                         DuctSizingRBFlag = true;
   12587             :                     }
   12588             :                 } else {
   12589           1 :                     int NodeNum1 = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(AFNLinkNum).NodeNums[1];
   12590             :                     int CompNum1;
   12591             :                     iComponentTypeNum CompTypeNum1;
   12592           1 :                     CompNum1 = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(AFNLinkNum).CompNum;
   12593           1 :                     CompTypeNum1 = AirflowNetworkCompData(CompNum1).CompTypeNum;
   12594           1 :                     if (CompTypeNum1 == iComponentTypeNum::DWC) {
   12595           1 :                         AirflowNetworkLinkageData(AFNLinkNum).ductLineType = DuctLineType::ReturnBranch;
   12596           1 :                         TypeNum = AirflowNetworkCompData(CompNum1).TypeNum;
   12597           1 :                         auto &disSysCompDuct = DisSysCompDuctData(TypeNum);
   12598           1 :                         SumLength += disSysCompDuct.L;
   12599           1 :                         MaxRough = max(MaxRough, disSysCompDuct.roughness);
   12600           1 :                         DynamicLoss += disSysCompDuct.TurDynCoef;
   12601           1 :                         DuctSizingRBFlag = true;
   12602             :                     }
   12603           3 :                     while (NodeNum1 != NodeMixer) {
   12604          14 :                         for (AFNLinkNum1 = 1; AFNLinkNum1 <= AirflowNetworkNumOfLinks; AFNLinkNum1++) {
   12605          14 :                             if (NodeNum1 != AirflowNetworkLinkageData(AFNLinkNum1).NodeNums[0]) continue;
   12606           1 :                             if (AirflowNetworkCompData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(AFNLinkNum1).CompNum).CompTypeNum != iComponentTypeNum::DWC)
   12607           0 :                                 continue;
   12608           1 :                             if (NodeNum1 == AirflowNetworkLinkageData(AFNLinkNum1).NodeNums[0]) {
   12609           1 :                                 CompNum1 = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(AFNLinkNum1).CompNum;
   12610           1 :                                 CompTypeNum1 = AirflowNetworkCompData(CompNum1).CompTypeNum;
   12611           1 :                                 if (CompTypeNum1 == iComponentTypeNum::DWC) {
   12612           1 :                                     AirflowNetworkLinkageData(AFNLinkNum1).ductLineType = DuctLineType::ReturnBranch;
   12613           1 :                                     TypeNum = AirflowNetworkCompData(CompNum1).TypeNum;
   12614           1 :                                     auto &disSysCompDuct = DisSysCompDuctData(TypeNum);
   12615           1 :                                     SumLength += disSysCompDuct.L;
   12616           1 :                                     MaxRough = max(MaxRough, disSysCompDuct.roughness);
   12617           1 :                                     DynamicLoss += disSysCompDuct.TurDynCoef;
   12618           1 :                                     NodeNum1 = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(AFNLinkNum1).NodeNums[1];
   12619           1 :                                     DuctSizingRBFlag = true;
   12620           1 :                                     break;
   12621             :                                 }
   12622             :                             }
   12623             :                         }
   12624             :                     }
   12625             :                 }
   12626           1 :                 if (DuctSizingRBFlag) {
   12627           1 :                     SolFla = 0;
   12628             :                     Real64 Velocity;
   12629           1 :                     Real64 flowrate = MdotBranch / m_state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir;
   12630           1 :                     if (simulation_control.ductSizing.method == DuctSizingMethod::MaxVelocity) {
   12631           0 :                         ReturnBranchD = sqrt(4.0 * flowrate / simulation_control.ductSizing.max_velocity / DataGlobalConstants::Pi);
   12632           0 :                         ReturnBranchArea = ReturnBranchD * ReturnBranchD / 4.0 * DataGlobalConstants::Pi;
   12633             :                     } else {
   12634           1 :                         Real64 MaxDiameter = sqrt(4.0 * flowrate / MinVelocity / DataGlobalConstants::Pi);
   12635           1 :                         Real64 MinDiameter = sqrt(4.0 * flowrate / MaxVelocity / DataGlobalConstants::Pi);
   12636           1 :                         auto &thisState = m_state; // can't use m_state directly in the capture list, just create a reference
   12637           1 :                         auto &deltaP = simulation_control.ductSizing.return_branch_pressure_loss;
   12638         196 :                         auto f = [&thisState, deltaP, MdotBranch, SumLength, DynamicLoss, MaxRough](Real64 const D) {
   12639             :                             return DuctDResidual(thisState, D, deltaP, MdotBranch, SumLength, DynamicLoss, MaxRough);
   12640         197 :                         };
   12641           1 :                         General::SolveRoot(m_state, EPS, MaxIte, SolFla, hydraulicDiameter, f, MinDiameter, MaxDiameter);
   12642           1 :                         if (SolFla == -1) {
   12643           0 :                             if (!m_state.dataGlobal->WarmupFlag) {
   12644           0 :                                 if (ErrCountDuct == 0) {
   12645           0 :                                     ++ErrCountDuct; // TODO: Why is the error count shared among all heat pump units?
   12646           0 :                                     ShowWarningError(m_state,
   12647             :                                                      "AirflowNetwork Duct Autosizing: Iteration limit exceeded calculating Return Duct Branch size.");
   12648           0 :                                     ShowContinueErrorTimeStamp(m_state, format("Return Duct Hydronic Diameter={:.2R}", hydraulicDiameter));
   12649             :                                 } else {
   12650           0 :                                     ++ErrCountDuct;
   12651           0 :                                     ShowRecurringWarningErrorAtEnd(
   12652             :                                         m_state,
   12653             :                                         "AirflowNetwork Duct Autosizing: Iteration limit warning exceeding Supply Duct Branch "
   12654             :                                         "size. Return Branch is calculated using velocity at 5m/s. Simulation continues...",
   12655             :                                         ErrIndexDuct,
   12656             :                                         hydraulicDiameter,
   12657             :                                         hydraulicDiameter);
   12658             :                                 }
   12659             :                             }
   12660           1 :                         } else if (SolFla == -2) {
   12661           0 :                             ShowFatalError(
   12662             :                                 m_state,
   12663             :                                 "Duct Autosizing for Return Branch calculation failed: iteration limits exceeded. Return Branch is calculated "
   12664             :                                 "using velocity at 5m/s.");
   12665             :                         }
   12666           1 :                         if (SolFla < 0) {
   12667           0 :                             ReturnBranchD = sqrt(4.0 * flowrate / 5.0 / DataGlobalConstants::Pi) * factor;
   12668             :                         } else {
   12669           1 :                             ReturnBranchD = hydraulicDiameter * factor;
   12670             :                         }
   12671           1 :                         ReturnBranchArea = ReturnBranchD * ReturnBranchD / 4.0 * DataGlobalConstants::Pi;
   12672           1 :                         Velocity = flowrate / ReturnBranchArea;
   12673             :                     }
   12674           1 :                     if (simulation_control.ductSizing.method == DuctSizingMethod::VelocityAndLoss) {
   12675           0 :                         if (Velocity > simulation_control.ductSizing.max_velocity) {
   12676           0 :                             ReturnBranchD = sqrt(4.0 * flowrate / simulation_control.ductSizing.max_velocity / DataGlobalConstants::Pi);
   12677           0 :                             ReturnBranchArea = ReturnBranchD * ReturnBranchD / 4.0 * DataGlobalConstants::Pi;
   12678           0 :                             ShowWarningError(
   12679             :                                 m_state, "AirflowNetwork Duct Sizing: Duct Sizing Method = PressureLossWithMaximumVelocity for Return Branch size");
   12680           0 :                             ShowContinueError(
   12681             :                                 m_state,
   12682           0 :                                 format("The Maximum Airflow Velocity at {:.1R} is less than calculated velosity at {:.1R} using PressureLoss",
   12683             :                                        simulation_control.ductSizing.max_velocity,
   12684           0 :                                        Velocity));
   12685           0 :                             ShowContinueError(m_state, "..The Maximum Airflow Velocity is used to calculate Return Branch Diameter");
   12686             :                         }
   12687             :                     }
   12688             :                 }
   12689             :             }
   12690             :         }
   12691             :         // Assign autosize values in Duct element
   12692          25 :         for (AFNLinkNum = 1; AFNLinkNum <= AirflowNetworkNumOfLinks; AFNLinkNum++) {
   12693          24 :             CompNum = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(AFNLinkNum).CompNum;
   12694          24 :             TypeNum = AirflowNetworkCompData(CompNum).TypeNum;
   12695          24 :             auto &disSysCompDuct = DisSysCompDuctData(TypeNum);
   12696          24 :             if (AirflowNetworkLinkageData(AFNLinkNum).ductLineType == DuctLineType::SupplyTrunk) {
   12697           1 :                 disSysCompDuct.hydraulicDiameter = SupplyTrunkD;
   12698           1 :                 disSysCompDuct.A = SupplyTrunkArea;
   12699           1 :                 disSysCompDuct.RelRough = disSysCompDuct.roughness / SupplyTrunkD;       // e/D: relative roughness
   12700           1 :                 disSysCompDuct.RelL = disSysCompDuct.L / SupplyTrunkD;                   // L/D: relative length
   12701           1 :                 disSysCompDuct.A1 = 1.14 - 0.868589 * std::log(disSysCompDuct.RelRough); // 1.14 - 0.868589*ln(e/D)
   12702           1 :                 disSysCompDuct.g = disSysCompDuct.A1;                                    // 1/sqrt(Darcy friction factor)
   12703          23 :             } else if (AirflowNetworkLinkageData(AFNLinkNum).ductLineType == DuctLineType::SupplyBranch) {
   12704           3 :                 disSysCompDuct.hydraulicDiameter = SupplyBranchD;
   12705           3 :                 disSysCompDuct.A = SupplyBranchArea;
   12706           3 :                 disSysCompDuct.RelRough = disSysCompDuct.roughness / SupplyBranchD;      // e/D: relative roughness
   12707           3 :                 disSysCompDuct.RelL = disSysCompDuct.L / SupplyBranchD;                  // L/D: relative length
   12708           3 :                 disSysCompDuct.A1 = 1.14 - 0.868589 * std::log(disSysCompDuct.RelRough); // 1.14 - 0.868589*ln(e/D)
   12709           3 :                 disSysCompDuct.g = disSysCompDuct.A1;                                    // 1/sqrt(Darcy friction factor)
   12710          20 :             } else if (AirflowNetworkLinkageData(AFNLinkNum).ductLineType == DuctLineType::ReturnTrunk) {
   12711           1 :                 disSysCompDuct.hydraulicDiameter = ReturnTrunkD;
   12712           1 :                 disSysCompDuct.A = ReturnTrunkArea;
   12713           1 :                 disSysCompDuct.RelRough = disSysCompDuct.roughness / ReturnTrunkD;       // e/D: relative roughness
   12714           1 :                 disSysCompDuct.RelL = disSysCompDuct.L / ReturnTrunkD;                   // L/D: relative length
   12715           1 :                 disSysCompDuct.A1 = 1.14 - 0.868589 * std::log(disSysCompDuct.RelRough); // 1.14 - 0.868589*ln(e/D)
   12716           1 :                 disSysCompDuct.g = disSysCompDuct.A1;                                    // 1/sqrt(Darcy friction factor)
   12717          19 :             } else if (AirflowNetworkLinkageData(AFNLinkNum).ductLineType == DuctLineType::ReturnBranch) {
   12718           2 :                 disSysCompDuct.hydraulicDiameter = ReturnBranchD;
   12719           2 :                 disSysCompDuct.A = ReturnBranchArea;
   12720           2 :                 disSysCompDuct.RelRough = disSysCompDuct.roughness / ReturnBranchD;      // e/D: relative roughness
   12721           2 :                 disSysCompDuct.RelL = disSysCompDuct.L / ReturnBranchD;                  // L/D: relative length
   12722           2 :                 disSysCompDuct.A1 = 1.14 - 0.868589 * std::log(disSysCompDuct.RelRough); // 1.14 - 0.868589*ln(e/D)
   12723           2 :                 disSysCompDuct.g = disSysCompDuct.A1;                                    // 1/sqrt(Darcy friction factor)
   12724             :             }
   12725             :         }
   12726             : 
   12727             :         // Print data in eio
   12728           1 :         print(m_state.files.eio,
   12729           1 :               "! <AirflowNetwork Model:Duct Autosizing>, Linkage Name, Duct Type, Duct Name, Duct Hydraunic Diameter, Duct Cross Section Area\n");
   12730             : 
   12731             :         // Assign autosize values in Duct element
   12732          25 :         for (AFNLinkNum = 1; AFNLinkNum <= AirflowNetworkNumOfLinks; AFNLinkNum++) {
   12733          24 :             CompNum = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(AFNLinkNum).CompNum;
   12734          24 :             TypeNum = AirflowNetworkCompData(CompNum).TypeNum;
   12735          24 :             auto &disSysCompDuct = DisSysCompDuctData(TypeNum);
   12736          24 :             if (AirflowNetworkLinkageData(AFNLinkNum).ductLineType == DuctLineType::SupplyTrunk) {
   12737           3 :                 print(m_state.files.eio,
   12738             :                       "AirflowNetwork Model:Duct Autosizing, {}, Supply Trunk, {}, ",
   12739           1 :                       AirflowNetworkLinkageData(AFNLinkNum).Name,
   12740           1 :             ;
   12741           1 :                 print(m_state.files.eio, "{:.4R},{:.4R}\n", SupplyTrunkD, SupplyTrunkArea);
   12742             :             }
   12743          24 :             if (AirflowNetworkLinkageData(AFNLinkNum).ductLineType == DuctLineType::SupplyBranch) {
   12744           9 :                 print(m_state.files.eio,
   12745             :                       "AirflowNetwork Model:Duct Autosizing, {}, Supply Branch, {}, ",
   12746           3 :                       AirflowNetworkLinkageData(AFNLinkNum).Name,
   12747           3 :             ;
   12748           3 :                 print(m_state.files.eio, "{:.4R},{:.4R}\n", SupplyBranchD, SupplyBranchArea);
   12749             :             }
   12750          24 :             if (AirflowNetworkLinkageData(AFNLinkNum).ductLineType == DuctLineType::ReturnTrunk) {
   12751           3 :                 print(m_state.files.eio,
   12752             :                       "AirflowNetwork Model:Duct Autosizing, {}, Return Trunk, {}, ",
   12753           1 :                       AirflowNetworkLinkageData(AFNLinkNum).Name,
   12754           1 :             ;
   12755           1 :                 print(m_state.files.eio, "{:.4R},{:.4R}\n", ReturnTrunkD, ReturnTrunkArea);
   12756             :             }
   12757          24 :             if (AirflowNetworkLinkageData(AFNLinkNum).ductLineType == DuctLineType::ReturnBranch) {
   12758           6 :                 print(m_state.files.eio,
   12759             :                       "AirflowNetwork Model:Duct Autosizing, {}, Return Branch, {}, ",
   12760           2 :                       AirflowNetworkLinkageData(AFNLinkNum).Name,
   12761           2 :             ;
   12762           2 :                 print(m_state.files.eio, "{:.4R},{:.4R}\n", ReturnBranchD, ReturnBranchArea);
   12763             :             }
   12764             :         }
   12765           1 :     }
   12766             : 
   12767         496 :     Real64 Solver::CalcDuctDiameter(Real64 hydraulicDiameter, Real64 DeltaP, Real64 MassFlowrate, Real64 TotalL, Real64 TotalLossCoe, Real64 MaxRough)
   12768             :     {
   12769         496 :         Real64 CalcDeltaP = 0.0;
   12770             : 
   12771             :         Real64 A;
   12772             :         Real64 A0;
   12773             :         Real64 A1;
   12774             :         Real64 A2;
   12775             :         Real64 B;
   12776             :         Real64 D;
   12777             :         Real64 S2;
   12778             :         Real64 CDM;
   12779             :         Real64 FL; // friction factor for laminar flow.
   12780             :         Real64 FT; // friction factor for turbulent flow.
   12781             :         Real64 FTT;
   12782             :         Real64 RE; // Reynolds number.
   12783             :         Real64 ed;
   12784             :         Real64 ld;
   12785             :         Real64 g;
   12786             :         Real64 AA1;
   12787             :         Real64 velocity;
   12788         496 :         Real64 constexpr LamDynCoef(64.0);
   12789         496 :         Real64 constexpr LamFriCoef(0.001);
   12790         496 :         Real64 constexpr EPS(0.001);
   12791         496 :         Real64 constexpr C(0.868589);
   12792             : 
   12793             :         //// Initial guess with 5 m/s
   12794         496 :         Real64 flowrate = MassFlowrate / m_state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir;
   12795             : 
   12796         496 :         ed = MaxRough / hydraulicDiameter;
   12797         496 :         ld = TotalL / hydraulicDiameter;
   12798         496 :         g = 1.14 - 0.868589 * std::log(ed);
   12799         496 :         AA1 = g;
   12800         496 :         A = hydraulicDiameter * hydraulicDiameter / 4.0 * DataGlobalConstants::Pi;
   12801         496 :         Real64 viscosity{AirflowNetwork::AIRDYNAMICVISCOSITY_CONSTEXPR(20)};
   12802         496 :         velocity = flowrate / A;
   12803             : 
   12804             :         if (LamFriCoef >= 0.001) {
   12805         496 :             A2 = LamFriCoef / (2.0 * m_state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir * A * A);
   12806         496 :             A1 = (viscosity * LamDynCoef * ld) / (2.0 * m_state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir * A * hydraulicDiameter);
   12807         496 :             A0 = -DeltaP;
   12808         496 :             CDM = std::sqrt(A1 * A1 - 4.0 * A2 * A0);
   12809         496 :             FL = (CDM - A1) / (2.0 * A2);
   12810         496 :             CDM = 1.0 / CDM;
   12811             :         } else {
   12812             :             CDM = (2.0 * m_state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir * A * hydraulicDiameter) / (viscosity * LamDynCoef * ld);
   12813             :             FL = CDM * DeltaP;
   12814             :         }
   12815             : 
   12816             :         // CDM = (2.0 * m_state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir * A * hydraulicDiameter) / (viscosity * LamDynCoef * ld);
   12817             :         // FL = CDM * DeltaP;
   12818             : 
   12819         496 :         RE = FL * hydraulicDiameter / (viscosity * A);
   12820         496 :         S2 = std::sqrt(2.0 * m_state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir * DeltaP) * A;
   12821         496 :         FTT = S2 / std::sqrt(ld / pow_2(g) + TotalLossCoe);
   12822             :         while (true) {
   12823        1454 :             FT = FTT;
   12824         975 :             B = (9.3 * viscosity * A) / (FT * MaxRough);
   12825         975 :             D = 1.0 + g * B;
   12826         975 :             g -= (g - AA1 + C * std::log(D)) / (1.0 + C * B / D);
   12827         975 :             FTT = S2 / std::sqrt(ld / pow_2(g) + TotalLossCoe);
   12828         975 :             if (std::abs(FTT - FT) / FTT < EPS) break;
   12829             :         }
   12830         496 :         FT = FTT;
   12831             : 
   12832         496 :         Real64 f = 1.0 / (g * g);
   12833             : 
   12834             :         // CalcDeltaP = ((FT * TotalL) / hydraulicDiameter + TotalLossCoe) * (m_state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir * velocity * velocity / 2.0);
   12835         496 :         CalcDeltaP = ((f * TotalL) / hydraulicDiameter + TotalLossCoe) * (m_state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir * velocity * velocity / 2.0);
   12836             : 
   12837         496 :         return CalcDeltaP;
   12838             :     }
   12839             : 
   12840         496 :     Real64 DuctDResidual(EnergyPlusData &state,
   12841             :                          Real64 D, // duct diameter
   12842             :                          Real64 DeltaP,
   12843             :                          Real64 MassFlowrate,
   12844             :                          Real64 TotalL,
   12845             :                          Real64 TotalLossCoe,
   12846             :                          Real64 MaxRough)
   12847             :     {
   12848         496 :         Real64 CalcDeltaP = state.afn->CalcDuctDiameter(D, DeltaP, MassFlowrate, TotalL, TotalLossCoe, MaxRough);
   12849         496 :         return (CalcDeltaP - DeltaP) / DeltaP;
   12850             :     }
   12851             : 
   12852        5192 :     void OccupantVentilationControlProp::calc(EnergyPlusData &state,
   12853             :                                               int const ZoneNum,
   12854             :                                               Real64 const TimeOpenDuration,
   12855             :                                               Real64 const TimeCloseDuration,
   12856             :                                               int &OpeningStatus,
   12857             :                                               int &OpeningProbStatus,
   12858             :                                               int &ClosingProbStatus)
   12859             :     {
   12860             : 
   12861             :         Real64 Tcomfort;    // Thermal comfort temperature
   12862             :         Real64 ComfortBand; // Thermal comfort band
   12863             :         Real64 Toperative;  // Operative temperature
   12864             :         Real64 OutDryBulb;  // Outdoor dry-bulb temperature
   12865             : 
   12866        5192 :         auto &Zone(state.dataHeatBal->Zone);
   12867             : 
   12868        5192 :         if (TimeOpenDuration > 0) {
   12869        1832 :             if (TimeOpenDuration >= MinOpeningTime) {
   12870        1622 :                 OpeningStatus = OpenStatus::FreeOperation; // free operation
   12871             :             } else {
   12872         210 :                 OpeningStatus = OpenStatus::MinCheckForceOpen; // forced to open
   12873             :             }
   12874             :         }
   12875        5192 :         if (TimeCloseDuration > 0) {
   12876        3360 :             if (TimeCloseDuration >= MinClosingTime) {
   12877        3124 :                 OpeningStatus = OpenStatus::FreeOperation; // free operation
   12878             :             } else {
   12879         236 :                 OpeningStatus = OpenStatus::MinCheckForceClose; // forced to close
   12880             :             }
   12881             :         }
   12882             : 
   12883        5192 :         if (MinTimeControlOnly) return;
   12884             : 
   12885        5192 :         if (Zone(ZoneNum).LinkedOutAirNode > 0) {
   12886           0 :             OutDryBulb = Zone(ZoneNum).OutDryBulbTemp;
   12887             :         } else {
   12888        5192 :             OutDryBulb = OutDryBulbTempAt(state, Zone(ZoneNum).Centroid.z);
   12889             :         }
   12890             : 
   12891        5192 :         if (OutDryBulb < ComfortBouPoint) {
   12892        2616 :             Tcomfort = CurveValue(state, ComfortLowTempCurveNum, OutDryBulb);
   12893             :         } else {
   12894        2576 :             Tcomfort = CurveValue(state, ComfortHighTempCurveNum, OutDryBulb);
   12895             :         }
   12896        5192 :         ComfortBand = -0.0028 * (100 - MaxPPD) * (100 - MaxPPD) + 0.3419 * (100 - MaxPPD) - 6.6275;
   12897        5192 :         Toperative = 0.5 * (state.dataZoneTempPredictorCorrector->zoneHeatBalance(ZoneNum).MAT + state.dataHeatBal->ZoneMRT(ZoneNum));
   12898             : 
   12899        5192 :         if (Toperative > (Tcomfort + ComfortBand)) {
   12900         770 :             if (opening_probability(state, ZoneNum, TimeCloseDuration)) {
   12901          16 :                 OpeningProbStatus = ProbabilityCheck::ForceChange;
   12902             :                 ; // forced to open
   12903             :             } else {
   12904         754 :                 OpeningProbStatus = ProbabilityCheck::KeepStatus; // Keep previous status
   12905             :             }
   12906             :         } else {
   12907        4422 :             OpeningProbStatus = ProbabilityCheck::NoAction; // free operation
   12908             :         }
   12909             : 
   12910        5192 :         if (Toperative < (Tcomfort - ComfortBand)) {
   12911        2872 :             if (closing_probability(state, TimeOpenDuration)) {
   12912          82 :                 ClosingProbStatus = ProbabilityCheck::ForceChange; // forced to close
   12913             :             } else {
   12914        2790 :                 ClosingProbStatus = ProbabilityCheck::KeepStatus; // Keep previous status
   12915             :             }
   12916             :         } else {
   12917        2320 :             ClosingProbStatus = ProbabilityCheck::NoAction; // free operation
   12918             :         }
   12919             :     }
   12920             : 
   12921             :     bool
   12922         770 :     OccupantVentilationControlProp::opening_probability(EnergyPlusData &state,
   12923             :                                                         int const ZoneNum,
   12924             :                                                         Real64 const TimeCloseDuration) // function to perform calculations of opening probability
   12925             :     {
   12926             :         Real64 SchValue;
   12927             :         Real64 RandomValue;
   12928         770 :         auto &thisZoneHB = state.dataZoneTempPredictorCorrector->zoneHeatBalance(ZoneNum);
   12929             : 
   12930         770 :         if (TimeCloseDuration < MinClosingTime) {
   12931         754 :             return false;
   12932             :         }
   12933          16 :         if (OccupancyCheck) {
   12934          16 :             if (state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(ZoneNum).NOFOCC <= 0.0) {
   12935           0 :                 return false;
   12936             :             }
   12937             :         }
   12938             : 
   12939          16 :         switch (state.dataHeatBalFanSys->TempControlType(ZoneNum)) {
   12940           0 :         case DataHVACGlobals::ThermostatType::SingleHeating:
   12941           0 :             if (thisZoneHB.MAT <= state.dataHeatBalFanSys->ZoneThermostatSetPointLo(ZoneNum)) {
   12942           0 :                 return false;
   12943             :             }
   12944           0 :             break;
   12945           0 :         case DataHVACGlobals::ThermostatType::SingleCooling:
   12946           0 :             if (thisZoneHB.MAT >= state.dataHeatBalFanSys->ZoneThermostatSetPointHi(ZoneNum)) {
   12947           0 :                 return false;
   12948             :             }
   12949           0 :             break;
   12950           0 :         case DataHVACGlobals::ThermostatType::SingleHeatCool:
   12951           0 :             return false;
   12952           0 :         case DataHVACGlobals::ThermostatType::DualSetPointWithDeadBand:
   12953           0 :             if (thisZoneHB.MAT < state.dataHeatBalFanSys->ZoneThermostatSetPointLo(ZoneNum) ||
   12954           0 :                 thisZoneHB.MAT > state.dataHeatBalFanSys->ZoneThermostatSetPointHi(ZoneNum)) {
   12955           0 :                 return false;
   12956             :             }
   12957           0 :             break;
   12958          16 :         default:
   12959          16 :             break;
   12960             :         }
   12961             : 
   12962          16 :         if (OpeningProbSchNum == 0) {
   12963          16 :             return true;
   12964             :         } else {
   12965           0 :             SchValue = GetCurrentScheduleValue(state, OpeningProbSchNum);
   12966           0 :             RandomValue = Real64(rand()) / RAND_MAX;
   12967           0 :             if (SchValue > RandomValue) {
   12968           0 :                 return true;
   12969             :             } else {
   12970           0 :                 return false;
   12971             :             }
   12972             :         }
   12973             :     }
   12974             : 
   12975        2872 :     bool OccupantVentilationControlProp::closing_probability(EnergyPlusData &state,
   12976             :                                                              Real64 const TimeOpenDuration) // function to perform calculations of closing probability
   12977             :     {
   12978             :         Real64 SchValue;
   12979             :         Real64 RandomValue;
   12980             : 
   12981        2872 :         if (TimeOpenDuration < MinOpeningTime) {
   12982        2790 :             return false;
   12983             :         }
   12984          82 :         if (ClosingProbSchNum == 0) {
   12985          82 :             return true;
   12986             :         } else {
   12987           0 :             SchValue = GetCurrentScheduleValue(state, ClosingProbSchNum);
   12988           0 :             RandomValue = Real64(rand()) / RAND_MAX;
   12989           0 :             if (SchValue > RandomValue) {
   12990           0 :                 return true;
   12991             :             } else {
   12992           0 :                 return false;
   12993             :             }
   12994             :         }
   12995             :     }
   12996             : 
   12997          34 :     void Solver::allocate()
   12998             :     {
   12999             : 
   13000             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
   13001             :         //       AUTHOR         Lixing Gu
   13002             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   Aug. 2003
   13003             :         //       MODIFIED       na
   13004             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
   13005             : 
   13006             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
   13007             :         // This subroutine allocates dynamic arrays for AirflowNetworkSolver.
   13008             : 
   13009             :         // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
   13010             :         // na
   13011             : 
   13012             :         // REFERENCES:
   13013             :         // na
   13014             : 
   13015             :         // USE STATEMENTS:
   13016             :         // na
   13017             : 
   13018             :         // Locals
   13019             :         // SUBROUTINE ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS:
   13020             :         // na
   13021             : 
   13022             :         // SUBROUTINE PARAMETER DEFINITIONS:
   13023             :         // na
   13024             : 
   13025             :         // INTERFACE BLOCK SPECIFICATIONS
   13026             :         // na
   13027             : 
   13028             :         // DERIVED TYPE DEFINITIONS
   13029             :         // na
   13030             : 
   13031             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
   13032             :         int i;
   13033             :         iComponentTypeNum j;
   13034             :         int n;
   13035             : 
   13036             :         // Formats
   13037             : 
   13038             :         // Assume a network to simulate multizone airflow is a subset of the network to simulate air distribution system.
   13039             :         // Network array size is allocated based on the network of air distribution system.
   13040             :         // If multizone airflow is simulated only, the array size is allocated based on the multizone network.
   13041             : 
   13042          34 :         auto &NetworkNumOfLinks = ActualNumOfLinks;
   13043          34 :         auto &NetworkNumOfNodes = ActualNumOfNodes;
   13044             : 
   13045          34 :         NetworkNumOfLinks = AirflowNetworkNumOfLinks;
   13046          34 :         NetworkNumOfNodes = AirflowNetworkNumOfNodes;
   13047             : 
   13048          34 :         AFECTL.allocate(NetworkNumOfLinks);
   13049          34 :         AFLOW2.allocate(NetworkNumOfLinks);
   13050          34 :         AFLOW.allocate(NetworkNumOfLinks);
   13051          34 :         PW.allocate(NetworkNumOfLinks);
   13052          34 :         PS.allocate(NetworkNumOfLinks);
   13053             : 
   13054             :         // TZ.allocate(NetworkNumOfNodes);
   13055             :         // WZ.allocate(NetworkNumOfNodes);
   13056          34 :         PZ.allocate(NetworkNumOfNodes);
   13057             :         // RHOZ.allocate(NetworkNumOfNodes);
   13058             :         // SQRTDZ.allocate(NetworkNumOfNodes);
   13059             :         // VISCZ.allocate(NetworkNumOfNodes);
   13060          34 :         SUMAF.allocate(NetworkNumOfNodes);
   13061             : 
   13062         928 :         for (int it = 0; it <= NetworkNumOfNodes + 1; ++it)
   13063         894 :             node_states.emplace_back(properties.density(101325.0, 20.0, 0.0));
   13064             : 
   13065          34 :         ID.allocate(NetworkNumOfNodes);
   13066          34 :         IK.allocate(NetworkNumOfNodes + 1);
   13067             : #ifdef SKYLINE_MATRIX_REMOVE_ZERO_COLUMNS
   13068          34 :         newIK.allocate(NetworkNumOfNodes + 1);
   13069             : #endif
   13070          34 :         AD.allocate(NetworkNumOfNodes);
   13071          34 :         SUMF.allocate(NetworkNumOfNodes);
   13072             : 
   13073          34 :         n = 0;
   13074        1215 :         for (i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfLinks; ++i) {
   13075        1181 :             j = AirflowNetworkCompData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).CompNum).CompTypeNum;
   13076        1181 :             if (j == iComponentTypeNum::DOP) {
   13077          70 :                 ++n;
   13078             :             }
   13079             :         }
   13080             : 
   13081          34 :         dos.allocate(AirflowNetworkNumOfLinks, n);
   13082             : 
   13083          34 :         PB = 101325.0;
   13084             :         //   LIST = 5
   13085             :         // LIST = 0;
   13086             : 
   13087         860 :         for (n = 1; n <= NetworkNumOfNodes; ++n) {
   13088         826 :             ID(n) = n;
   13089             :         }
   13090        1215 :         for (i = 1; i <= NetworkNumOfLinks; ++i) {
   13091        1181 :             AFECTL(i) = 1.0;
   13092        1181 :             AFLOW(i) = 0.0;
   13093        1181 :             AFLOW2(i) = 0.0;
   13094             :         }
   13095             : 
   13096         860 :         for (i = 1; i <= NetworkNumOfNodes; ++i) {
   13097             :             // TZ(i) = AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(i).TZ;
   13098             :             // WZ(i) = AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(i).WZ;
   13099         826 :             PZ(i) = AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(i).PZ;
   13100         826 :             node_states[i].temperature = AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(i).TZ;
   13101         826 :             node_states[i].humidity_ratio = AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(i).WZ;
   13102             :             // properties[i].pressure = AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(i).PZ;
   13103             :         }
   13104             : 
   13105             :         // Assign linkage values
   13106        1215 :         for (i = 1; i <= NetworkNumOfLinks; ++i) {
   13107        1181 :             PW(i) = 0.0;
   13108             :         }
   13109             :         // Write an ouput file used for AIRNET input
   13110             :         /*
   13111             :         if (LIST >= 5) {
   13112             :             Unit11 = GetNewUnitNumber();
   13113             :             ObjexxFCL::gio::open(Unit11, DataStringGlobals::eplusADSFileName);
   13114             :             for (i = 1; i <= NetworkNumOfNodes; ++i) {
   13115             :                 ObjexxFCL::gio::write(Unit11, Format_901) << i << state.afn->AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).NodeTypeNum <<
   13116             :         state.afn->AirflowNetworkNodeData(i).NodeHeight << TZ(i)
   13117             :                                                << PZ(i);
   13118             :             }
   13119             :             ObjexxFCL::gio::write(Unit11, Format_900) << 0;
   13120             :             for (i = 1; i <= AirflowNetworkNumOfComps; ++i) {
   13121             :                 j = state.afn->AirflowNetworkCompData(i).TypeNum;
   13122             :                 {
   13123             :                     auto const SELECT_CASE_var(state.afn->AirflowNetworkCompData(i).CompTypeNum);
   13124             :                     if (SELECT_CASE_var == CompTypeNum_PLR) { //'PLR'  Power law component
   13125             :                         //              WRITE(Unit11,902)
   13126             :         state.afn->AirflowNetworkCompData(i)%CompNum,1,DisSysCompLeakData(j)%FlowCoef, &
   13127             :                         //                  DisSysCompLeakData(j)%FlowCoef,DisSysCompLeakData(j)%FlowCoef,DisSysCompLeakData(j)%FlowExpo
   13128             :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == CompTypeNum_SCR) { //'SCR'  Surface crack component
   13129             :                         ObjexxFCL::gio::write(Unit11, Format_902) << state.afn->AirflowNetworkCompData(i).CompNum << 1 <<
   13130             :         MultizoneSurfaceCrackData(j).FlowCoef
   13131             :                                                        << MultizoneSurfaceCrackData(j).FlowCoef << MultizoneSurfaceCrackData(j).FlowCoef
   13132             :                                                        << MultizoneSurfaceCrackData(j).FlowExpo;
   13133             :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == CompTypeNum_DWC) { //'DWC' Duct component
   13134             :                         //              WRITE(Unit11,902)
   13135             :         state.afn->AirflowNetworkCompData(i)%CompNum,2,DisSysCompDuctData(j)%L,DisSysCompDuctData(j)%D, &
   13136             :                         //                               DisSysCompDuctData(j)%A,DisSysCompDuctData(j)%Rough
   13137             :                         //              WRITE(Unit11,903) DisSysCompDuctData(i)%TurDynCoef,DisSysCompDuctData(j)%LamFriCoef, &
   13138             :                         //                               DisSysCompDuctData(j)%LamFriCoef,DisSysCompDuctData(j)%InitLamCoef
   13139             :                         //           CASE (CompTypeNum_CVF) ! 'CVF' Constant volume fan component
   13140             :                         //              WRITE(Unit11,904) state.afn->AirflowNetworkCompData(i)%CompNum,4,DisSysCompCVFData(j)%FlowRate
   13141             :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == CompTypeNum_EXF) { // 'EXF' Zone exhaust fan
   13142             :                         ObjexxFCL::gio::write(Unit11, Format_904) << state.afn->AirflowNetworkCompData(i).CompNum << 4 <<
   13143             :         MultizoneCompExhaustFanData(j).FlowRate; } else {
   13144             :                     }
   13145             :                 }
   13146             :             }
   13147             :             ObjexxFCL::gio::write(Unit11, Format_900) << 0;
   13148             :             for (i = 1; i <= NetworkNumOfLinks; ++i) {
   13149             :                 gio::write(Unit11, Format_910) << i << state.afn->AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0] <<
   13150             :         state.afn->AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeHeights[0]
   13151             :                                                << state.afn->AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1] <<
   13152             :         state.afn->AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeHeights[1]
   13153             :                                                << state.afn->AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).CompNum << 0 << 0;
   13154             :             }
   13155             :             ObjexxFCL::gio::write(Unit11, Format_900) << 0;
   13156             :         }
   13157             :         */
   13158          34 :         setsky();
   13159             : 
   13160             :         // SETSKY figures out the IK stuff -- which is why E+ doesn't allocate AU until here
   13161             : #ifdef SKYLINE_MATRIX_REMOVE_ZERO_COLUMNS
   13162             :         //   ! only printing to screen, can be commented
   13163             :         //   print*, "SKYLINE_MATRIX_REMOVE_ZERO_COLUMNS is defined"
   13164             :         //   write(*,'(2(a,i8))') "AllocateAirflowNetworkData: after SETSKY, allocating AU.  NetworkNumOfNodes=", &
   13165             :         //        NetworkNumOfNodes, " IK(NetworkNumOfNodes+1)= NNZE=", IK(NetworkNumOfNodes+1)
   13166             :         //   print*, " NetworkNumOfLinks=", NetworkNumOfLinks
   13167             :         // allocate same size as others -- this will be maximum  !noel
   13168          34 :         newAU.allocate(IK(NetworkNumOfNodes + 1));
   13169             : #endif
   13170             : 
   13171             :         // noel, GNU says the AU is indexed above its upper bound
   13172             :         // ALLOCATE(AU(IK(NetworkNumOfNodes+1)-1))
   13173          34 :         AU.allocate(IK(NetworkNumOfNodes + 1));
   13174          34 :     }
   13175             : 
   13176      698875 :     void Solver::initialize_calculation()
   13177             :     {
   13178             : 
   13179             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
   13180             :         //       AUTHOR         Lixing Gu
   13181             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   Aug. 2003
   13182             :         //       MODIFIED       na
   13183             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
   13184             : 
   13185             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
   13186             :         // This subroutine initializes variables for AirflowNetworkSolver.
   13187             : 
   13188             :         // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
   13189             :         // na
   13190             : 
   13191             :         // REFERENCES:
   13192             :         // na
   13193             : 
   13194             :         // USE STATEMENTS:
   13195             :         // na
   13196             : 
   13197             :         // Locals
   13198             :         // SUBROUTINE ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS:
   13199             :         // na
   13200             : 
   13201             :         // SUBROUTINE PARAMETER DEFINITIONS:
   13202             :         // na
   13203             : 
   13204             :         // INTERFACE BLOCK SPECIFICATIONS
   13205             :         // na
   13206             : 
   13207             :         // DERIVED TYPE DEFINITIONS
   13208             :         // na
   13209             : 
   13210             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
   13211             : 
   13212    15956040 :         for (int i = 1; i <= ActualNumOfNodes; ++i) {
   13213    15257165 :             ID(i) = i;
   13214             :         }
   13215    21029108 :         for (int i = 1; i <= ActualNumOfLinks; ++i) {
   13216    20330233 :             AFECTL(i) = 1.0;
   13217    20330233 :             AFLOW(i) = 0.0;
   13218    20330233 :             AFLOW2(i) = 0.0;
   13219             :         }
   13220             : 
   13221    15956040 :         for (int i = 1; i <= ActualNumOfNodes; ++i) {
   13222             :             // TZ(i) = AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(i).TZ;
   13223             :             // WZ(i) = AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(i).WZ;
   13224    15257165 :             PZ(i) = AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(i).PZ;
   13225    15257165 :             node_states[i].temperature = AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(i).TZ;
   13226    15257165 :             node_states[i].humidity_ratio = AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(i).WZ;
   13227             :             // properties[i].pressure = AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(i).PZ;
   13228             :         }
   13229      698875 :     }
   13230             : 
   13231          34 :     void Solver::setsky()
   13232             :     {
   13233             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
   13234             :         //       AUTHOR         George Walton
   13235             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   1998
   13236             :         //       MODIFIED       Feb. 2006 (L. Gu) to meet requirements of AirflowNetwork
   13237             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
   13238             : 
   13239             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
   13240             :         // This subroutine sets up the "IK" array describing the sparse matrix [A] in skyline
   13241             :         //     form by using the location matrix.
   13242             : 
   13243             :         // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
   13244             :         // na
   13245             : 
   13246             :         // REFERENCES:
   13247             :         // AIRNET
   13248             : 
   13249             :         // USE STATEMENTS:
   13250             :         // na
   13251             : 
   13252             :         // Locals
   13253             :         // SUBROUTINE ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS:
   13254             :         // na
   13255             : 
   13256             :         // SUBROUTINE PARAMETER DEFINITIONS:
   13257             :         // na
   13258             : 
   13259             :         // INTERFACE BLOCK SPECIFICATIONS
   13260             :         // na
   13261             : 
   13262             :         // DERIVED TYPE DEFINITIONS
   13263             :         // na
   13264             : 
   13265             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
   13266             :         // IK(K) - pointer to the top of column/row "K".
   13267             :         int i;
   13268             :         int j;
   13269             :         int k;
   13270             :         int L;
   13271             :         int M;
   13272             :         int N1;
   13273             :         int N2;
   13274             : 
   13275             :         // Initialize "IK".
   13276         894 :         for (i = 1; i <= ActualNumOfNodes + 1; ++i) {
   13277         860 :             IK(i) = 0;
   13278             :         }
   13279             :         // Determine column heights.
   13280        1215 :         for (M = 1; M <= ActualNumOfLinks; ++M) {
   13281        1181 :             j = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(M).NodeNums[1];
   13282        1181 :             if (j == 0) continue;
   13283        1181 :             L = ID(j);
   13284        1181 :             i = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(M).NodeNums[0];
   13285        1181 :             k = ID(i);
   13286        1181 :             N1 = std::abs(L - k);
   13287        1181 :             N2 = max(k, L);
   13288        1181 :             IK(N2) = max(IK(N2), N1);
   13289             :         }
   13290             :         // Convert heights to column addresses.
   13291          34 :         j = IK(1);
   13292          34 :         IK(1) = 1;
   13293         860 :         for (k = 1; k <= ActualNumOfNodes; ++k) {
   13294         826 :             i = IK(k + 1);
   13295         826 :             IK(k + 1) = IK(k) + j;
   13296         826 :             j = i;
   13297             :         }
   13298          34 :     }
   13299             : 
   13300      693100 :     void Solver::airmov()
   13301             :     {
   13302             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
   13303             :         //       AUTHOR         George Walton
   13304             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   Extracted from AIRNETf
   13305             :         //       MODIFIED       Lixing Gu, 2/1/04
   13306             :         //                      Revised the subroutine to meet E+ needs
   13307             :         //       MODIFIED       Lixing Gu, 6/8/05
   13308             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
   13309             : 
   13310             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
   13311             :         // This subroutine is a driver for AIRNET to calculate nodal pressures and linkage airflows
   13312             : 
   13313             :         // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
   13314             :         // na
   13315             : 
   13316             :         // REFERENCES:
   13317             :         // na
   13318             : 
   13319             :         // USE STATEMENTS:
   13320             : 
   13321             :         // Locals
   13322             :         // SUBROUTINE ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS:
   13323             :         // na
   13324             : 
   13325             :         // SUBROUTINE PARAMETER DEFINITIONS:
   13326             :         // na
   13327             : 
   13328             :         // INTERFACE BLOCK SPECIFICATIONS
   13329             :         // na
   13330             : 
   13331             :         // DERIVED TYPE DEFINITIONS
   13332             :         // na
   13333             : 
   13334             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
   13335             :         int i;
   13336             :         int m;
   13337             :         int n;
   13338             :         int ITER;
   13339             : 
   13340             :         // Formats
   13341             : 
   13342             :         // static ObjexxFCL::gio::Fmt Format_900("(,/,11X,'i    n    m       DP',12x,'F1',12X,'F2')");
   13343             :         // static ObjexxFCL::gio::Fmt Format_901("(1X,A6,3I5,3F14.6)");
   13344             :         // static ObjexxFCL::gio::Fmt Format_902("(,/,11X,'n       P',12x,'sumF')");
   13345             :         // static ObjexxFCL::gio::Fmt Format_903("(1X,A6,I5,3F14.6)");
   13346             :         // static ObjexxFCL::gio::Fmt Format_907("(,/,' CPU seconds for ',A,F12.3)");
   13347             : 
   13348      693100 :         auto &NetworkNumOfLinks = ActualNumOfLinks;
   13349      693100 :         auto &NetworkNumOfNodes = ActualNumOfNodes;
   13350             : 
   13351             :         // Initialize pressure for pressure control and for Initialization Type = LinearInitializationMethod
   13352      693100 :         if ((simulation_control.InitFlag == 0) || (PressureSetFlag > 0 && AirflowNetworkFanActivated)) {
   13353     1596076 :             for (n = 1; n <= NetworkNumOfNodes; ++n) {
   13354     1554074 :                 if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(n).NodeTypeNum == 0) PZ(n) = 0.0;
   13355             :             }
   13356             :         }
   13357             :         // Compute zone air properties.
   13358    15736590 :         for (n = 1; n <= NetworkNumOfNodes; ++n) {
   13359    15043490 :             node_states[n].density =
   13360    15043490 :                 properties.density(m_state.dataEnvrn->StdBaroPress + PZ(n), node_states[n].temperature, node_states[n].humidity_ratio);
   13361             :             // RHOZ(n) = PsyRhoAirFnPbTdbW(StdBaroPress + PZ(n), TZ(n), WZ(n));
   13362    15043490 :             if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(n).ExtNodeNum > 0) {
   13363     5201416 :                 node_states[n].density =
   13364     5201416 :                     properties.density(m_state.dataEnvrn->StdBaroPress + PZ(n), m_state.dataEnvrn->OutDryBulbTemp, m_state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat);
   13365     5201416 :                 node_states[n].temperature = m_state.dataEnvrn->OutDryBulbTemp;
   13366     5201416 :                 node_states[n].humidity_ratio = m_state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat;
   13367             :             }
   13368    15043490 :             node_states[n].sqrt_density = std::sqrt(node_states[n].density);
   13369    15043490 :             node_states[n].viscosity = 1.71432e-5 + 4.828e-8 * node_states[n].temperature;
   13370             :             // if (LIST >= 2) ObjexxFCL::gio::write(outputFile, Format_903) << "D,V:" << n << properties[n].density << properties[n].viscosity;
   13371             :         }
   13372             :         // Compute stack pressures.
   13373    20676833 :         for (i = 1; i <= NetworkNumOfLinks; ++i) {
   13374    19983733 :             n = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0];
   13375    19983733 :             m = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1];
   13376    19983733 :             if (AFLOW(i) > 0.0) {
   13377           0 :                 PS(i) = 9.80 * (node_states[n].density * (AirflowNetworkNodeData(n).NodeHeight - AirflowNetworkNodeData(m).NodeHeight) +
   13378           0 :                                 m_state.afn->AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeHeights[1] * (node_states[m].density - node_states[n].density));
   13379    19983733 :             } else if (AFLOW(i) < 0.0) {
   13380           0 :                 PS(i) = 9.80 * (node_states[m].density * (AirflowNetworkNodeData(n).NodeHeight - AirflowNetworkNodeData(m).NodeHeight) +
   13381           0 :                                 AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeHeights[0] * (node_states[m].density - node_states[n].density));
   13382             :             } else {
   13383    59951199 :                 PS(i) = 4.90 * ((node_states[n].density + node_states[m].density) *
   13384    39967466 :                                     (AirflowNetworkNodeData(n).NodeHeight - AirflowNetworkNodeData(m).NodeHeight) +
   13385    39967466 :                                 (AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeHeights[0] + AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeHeights[1]) *
   13386    19983733 :                                     (node_states[m].density - node_states[n].density));
   13387             :             }
   13388             :         }
   13389             : 
   13390             :         // Calculate pressure field in a large opening
   13391      693100 :         dos.pstack(m_state, node_states, PZ);
   13392      693100 :         solvzp(ITER);
   13393             : 
   13394             :         // Report element flows and zone pressures.
   13395    15736590 :         for (n = 1; n <= NetworkNumOfNodes; ++n) {
   13396    15043490 :             SUMAF(n) = 0.0;
   13397             :         }
   13398             :         // if (LIST >= 1) ObjexxFCL::gio::write(outputFile, Format_900);
   13399    20676833 :         for (i = 1; i <= NetworkNumOfLinks; ++i) {
   13400    19983733 :             n = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0];
   13401    19983733 :             m = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1];
   13402             :             // if (LIST >= 1) {
   13403             :             //    gio::write(outputFile, Format_901) << "Flow: " << i << n << m << AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).DP << AFLOW(i) << AFLOW2(i);
   13404             :             //}
   13405    19983733 :             if (AirflowNetworkCompData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).CompNum).CompTypeNum == iComponentTypeNum::HOP) {
   13406        7335 :                 SUMAF(n) = SUMAF(n) - AFLOW(i);
   13407        7335 :                 SUMAF(m) += AFLOW(i);
   13408             :             } else {
   13409    19976398 :                 SUMAF(n) = SUMAF(n) - AFLOW(i) - AFLOW2(i);
   13410    19976398 :                 SUMAF(m) += AFLOW(i) + AFLOW2(i);
   13411             :             }
   13412             :         }
   13413             :         // for (n = 1; n <= NetworkNumOfNodes; ++n) {
   13414             :         //    if (LIST >= 1) gio::write(outputFile, Format_903) << "Room: " << n << PZ(n) << SUMAF(n) << properties[n].temperature;
   13415             :         //}
   13416             : 
   13417    20676833 :         for (i = 1; i <= NetworkNumOfLinks; ++i) {
   13418    19983733 :             if (AFLOW2(i) != 0.0) {
   13419             :             }
   13420    19983733 :             if (AFLOW(i) > 0.0) {
   13421    15139134 :                 AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW = AFLOW(i);
   13422    15139134 :                 AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2 = 0.0;
   13423             :             } else {
   13424     4844599 :                 AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW = 0.0;
   13425     4844599 :                 AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2 = -AFLOW(i);
   13426             :             }
   13427    19983733 :             if (AirflowNetworkCompData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).CompNum).CompTypeNum == iComponentTypeNum::HOP) {
   13428        7335 :                 if (AFLOW(i) > 0.0) {
   13429         765 :                     AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW = AFLOW(i) + AFLOW2(i);
   13430         765 :                     AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2 = AFLOW2(i);
   13431             :                 } else {
   13432        6570 :                     AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW = AFLOW2(i);
   13433        6570 :                     AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2 = -AFLOW(i) + AFLOW2(i);
   13434             :                 }
   13435             :             }
   13436    19983733 :             if (AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).DetOpenNum > 0) {
   13437      749727 :                 if (AFLOW2(i) != 0.0) {
   13438      188066 :                     AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW = AFLOW(i) + AFLOW2(i);
   13439      188066 :                     AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2 = AFLOW2(i);
   13440             :                 }
   13441             :             }
   13442    19983733 :             if (AirflowNetworkCompData(AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).CompNum).CompTypeNum == iComponentTypeNum::SOP && AFLOW2(i) != 0.0) {
   13443        4804 :                 if (AFLOW(i) >= 0.0) {
   13444        3152 :                     AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW = AFLOW(i);
   13445        3152 :                     AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2 = std::abs(AFLOW2(i));
   13446             :                 } else {
   13447        1652 :                     AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW = std::abs(AFLOW2(i));
   13448        1652 :                     AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).FLOW2 = -AFLOW(i);
   13449             :                 }
   13450             :             }
   13451             :         }
   13452             : 
   13453    15736590 :         for (i = 1; i <= NetworkNumOfNodes; ++i) {
   13454    15043490 :             AirflowNetworkNodeSimu(i).PZ = PZ(i);
   13455             :         }
   13456      693100 :     }
   13457             : 
   13458      693100 :     void Solver::solvzp(int &ITER) // number of iterations
   13459             :     {
   13460             : 
   13461             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
   13462             :         //       AUTHOR         George Walton
   13463             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   Extracted from AIRNET
   13464             :         //       MODIFIED       Lixing Gu, 2/1/04
   13465             :         //                      Revised the subroutine to meet E+ needs
   13466             :         //       MODIFIED       Lixing Gu, 6/8/05
   13467             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
   13468             : 
   13469             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
   13470             :         // This subroutine solves zone pressures by modified Newton-Raphson iteration
   13471             : 
   13472             :         // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
   13473             :         // na
   13474             : 
   13475             :         // REFERENCES:
   13476             :         // na
   13477             : 
   13478      693100 :         auto &NetworkNumOfLinks = ActualNumOfLinks;
   13479      693100 :         auto &NetworkNumOfNodes = ActualNumOfNodes;
   13480             : 
   13481             :         // Argument array dimensioning (these used to be arguments, need to also test newAU and newIK)
   13482      693100 :         EP_SIZE_CHECK(IK, NetworkNumOfNodes + 1);
   13483      693100 :         EP_SIZE_CHECK(AD, NetworkNumOfNodes);
   13484      693100 :         EP_SIZE_CHECK(AU, IK(NetworkNumOfNodes + 1));
   13485             : 
   13486             :         // Locals
   13487             :         // SUBROUTINE ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS:
   13488             :         // noel GNU says AU is being indexed beyound bounds
   13489             :         // REAL(r64), INTENT(INOUT) :: AU(IK(NetworkNumOfNodes+1)-1) ! the upper triangle of [A] before and after factoring
   13490             : 
   13491             :         // SUBROUTINE PARAMETER DEFINITIONS:
   13492             : 
   13493             :         // INTERFACE BLOCK SPECIFICATIONS
   13494             :         // na
   13495             : 
   13496             :         // DERIVED TYPE DEFINITIONS
   13497             :         // na
   13498             : 
   13499             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
   13500             : 
   13501             :         //     NNZE   - number of nonzero entries in the "AU" array.
   13502             :         //     LFLAG   - if = 1, use laminar relationship (initialization).
   13503             :         //     I       - element number.
   13504             :         //     N       - number of node/zone 1.
   13505             :         //     M       - number of node/zone 2.
   13506             :         //     F       - flows through the element (kg/s).
   13507             :         //     DF      - partial derivatives:  DF/DP.
   13508             :         //     NF      - number of flows, 1 or 2.
   13509             :         //     SUMF    - sum of flows into node/zone.
   13510             :         //     CCF     - current pressure correction (Pa).
   13511             :         //     PCF     - previous pressure correction (Pa).
   13512             :         //     CEF     - convergence enhancement factor.
   13513             :         int n;
   13514             :         int NNZE;
   13515             :         int NSYM;
   13516             :         bool LFLAG;
   13517             :         int CONVG;
   13518             :         int ACCEL;
   13519      693100 :         Array1D<Real64> PCF(NetworkNumOfNodes);
   13520      693100 :         Array1D<Real64> CEF(NetworkNumOfNodes);
   13521             :         Real64 C;
   13522             :         Real64 SSUMF;
   13523             :         Real64 SSUMAF;
   13524             :         Real64 ACC0;
   13525             :         Real64 ACC1;
   13526      693100 :         Array1D<Real64> CCF(NetworkNumOfNodes);
   13527             : 
   13528             :         // auto &outputFile = std::cout;
   13529             : 
   13530      693100 :         ACC1 = 0.0;
   13531      693100 :         ACCEL = 0;
   13532      693100 :         NSYM = 0;
   13533      693100 :         NNZE = IK(NetworkNumOfNodes + 1) - 1;
   13534             :         // if (LIST >= 2) print(outputFile, "Initialization{:16}{:16}{:16}\n", NetworkNumOfNodes, NetworkNumOfLinks, NNZE);
   13535      693100 :         ITER = 0;
   13536             : 
   13537    15736590 :         for (n = 1; n <= NetworkNumOfNodes; ++n) {
   13538    15043490 :             PCF(n) = 0.0;
   13539    15043490 :             CEF(n) = 0.0;
   13540             :         }
   13541             : 
   13542      693100 :         if (simulation_control.InitFlag != 1) {
   13543             :             // Initialize node/zone pressure values by assuming only linear relationship between
   13544             :             // airflows and pressure drops.
   13545           0 :             LFLAG = true;
   13546           0 :             filjac(NNZE, LFLAG);
   13547           0 :             for (n = 1; n <= NetworkNumOfNodes; ++n) {
   13548           0 :                 if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(n).NodeTypeNum == 0) PZ(n) = SUMF(n);
   13549             :             }
   13550             :             // Data dump.
   13551             : //            if (LIST >= 3) {
   13552             : //                DUMPVD("AD:", AD, NetworkNumOfNodes, outputFile);
   13553             : //                DUMPVD("AU:", AU, NNZE, outputFile);
   13554             : //                DUMPVR("AF:", SUMF, NetworkNumOfNodes, outputFile);
   13555             : //            }
   13556             : // Solve linear system for approximate PZ.
   13557             : #ifdef SKYLINE_MATRIX_REMOVE_ZERO_COLUMNS
   13558           0 :             facsky(newAU, AD, newAU, newIK, NetworkNumOfNodes, NSYM);     // noel
   13559           0 :             slvsky(newAU, AD, newAU, PZ, newIK, NetworkNumOfNodes, NSYM); // noel
   13560             : #else
   13561             :             facsky(AU, AD, AU, IK, NetworkNumOfNodes, NSYM);
   13562             :             slvsky(AU, AD, AU, PZ, IK, NetworkNumOfNodes, NSYM);
   13563             : #endif
   13564             :             // if (LIST >= 2) DUMPVD("PZ:", PZ, NetworkNumOfNodes, outputFile);
   13565             :         }
   13566             :         // Solve nonlinear airflow network equations by modified Newton's method.
   13567    16851330 :         while (ITER < simulation_control.maximum_iterations) {
   13568     8772215 :             LFLAG = false;
   13569     8772215 :             ++ITER;
   13570             :             //            if (LIST >= 2) {
   13571             :             //                print(outputFile, "Begin iteration {}\n", ITER);
   13572             :             //            }
   13573             :             // Set up the Jacobian matrix.
   13574     8772215 :             filjac(NNZE, LFLAG);
   13575             :             // Data dump.
   13576             :             //            if (LIST >= 3) {
   13577             :             //                DUMPVR("SUMF:", SUMF, NetworkNumOfNodes, outputFile);
   13578             :             //                DUMPVR("SUMAF:", SUMAF, NetworkNumOfNodes, outputFile);
   13579             :             //            }
   13580             :             // Check convergence.
   13581     8772215 :             CONVG = 1;
   13582     8772215 :             SSUMF = 0.0;
   13583     8772215 :             SSUMAF = 0.0;
   13584   231325435 :             for (n = 1; n <= NetworkNumOfNodes; ++n) {
   13585   222553220 :                 SSUMF += std::abs(SUMF(n));
   13586   222553220 :                 SSUMAF += SUMAF(n);
   13587   222553220 :                 if (CONVG == 1) {
   13588    83917248 :                     if (std::abs(SUMF(n)) <= simulation_control.absolute_convergence_tolerance) continue;
   13589    10518881 :                     if (std::abs(SUMF(n) / SUMAF(n)) > simulation_control.relative_convergence_tolerance) CONVG = 0;
   13590             :                 }
   13591             :             }
   13592     8772215 :             ACC0 = ACC1;
   13593     8772215 :             if (SSUMAF > 0.0) ACC1 = SSUMF / SSUMAF;
   13594     8772215 :             if (CONVG == 1 && ITER > 1) return;
   13595     8079115 :             if (ITER >= simulation_control.maximum_iterations) break;
   13596             :             // Data dump.
   13597             :             //            if (LIST >= 3) {
   13598             :             //                DUMPVD("AD:", AD, NetworkNumOfNodes, outputFile);
   13599             :             //                DUMPVD("AU:", AU, NNZE, outputFile);
   13600             :             //            }
   13601             :             // Solve AA * CCF = SUMF.
   13602   215588845 :             for (n = 1; n <= NetworkNumOfNodes; ++n) {
   13603   207509730 :                 CCF(n) = SUMF(n);
   13604             :             }
   13605             : #ifdef SKYLINE_MATRIX_REMOVE_ZERO_COLUMNS
   13606     8079115 :             facsky(newAU, AD, newAU, newIK, NetworkNumOfNodes, NSYM);      // noel
   13607     8079115 :             slvsky(newAU, AD, newAU, CCF, newIK, NetworkNumOfNodes, NSYM); // noel
   13608             : #else
   13609             :             facsky(AU, AD, AU, IK, NetworkNumOfNodes, NSYM);
   13610             :             slvsky(AU, AD, AU, CCF, IK, NetworkNumOfNodes, NSYM);
   13611             : #endif
   13612             :             // Revise PZ (Steffensen iteration on the N-R correction factors to handle oscillating corrections).
   13613     8079115 :             if (ACCEL == 1) {
   13614     2456743 :                 ACCEL = 0;
   13615             :             } else {
   13616     5622372 :                 if (ITER > 2 && ACC1 > 0.5 * ACC0) ACCEL = 1;
   13617             :             }
   13618   215588845 :             for (n = 1; n <= NetworkNumOfNodes; ++n) {
   13619   207509730 :                 if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(n).NodeTypeNum == 1) continue;
   13620   143003788 :                 CEF(n) = 1.0;
   13621   143003788 :                 if (ACCEL == 1) {
   13622    47237112 :                     C = CCF(n) / PCF(n);
   13623    47237112 :                     if (C < simulation_control.convergence_acceleration_limit) CEF(n) = 1.0 / (1.0 - C);
   13624    47237112 :                     C = CCF(n) * CEF(n);
   13625             :                 } else {
   13626             :                     //            IF (CCF(N) .EQ. 0.0d0) CCF(N)=TINY(CCF(N))  ! 1.0E-40
   13627    95766676 :                     if (CCF(n) == 0.0) CCF(n) = DataGlobalConstants::rTinyValue; // 1.0E-40 (Epsilon)
   13628    95766676 :                     PCF(n) = CCF(n);
   13629    95766676 :                     C = CCF(n);
   13630             :                 }
   13631   143003788 :                 if (std::abs(C) > simulation_control.MaxPressure) {
   13632           0 :                     CEF(n) *= simulation_control.MaxPressure / std::abs(C);
   13633           0 :                     PZ(n) -= CCF(n) * CEF(n);
   13634             :                 } else {
   13635   143003788 :                     PZ(n) -= C;
   13636             :                 }
   13637             :             }
   13638             :             // Data revision dump.
   13639             :             //            if (LIST >= 2) {
   13640             :             //                for (n = 1; n <= NetworkNumOfNodes; ++n) {
   13641             :             //                    if (state.afn->AirflowNetworkNodeData(n).NodeTypeNum == 0) {
   13642             :             //                        print(outputFile, "Rev: {:5}{:3}{:14.6E} {:8.4F}{:24.14F}", n, SUMF(n), CCF(n), CEF(n), PZ(n));
   13643             :             //                    }
   13644             :             //                }
   13645             :             //            }
   13646             :         }
   13647             : 
   13648             :         // Error termination.
   13649           0 :         ShowSevereError(m_state, "Too many iterations (SOLVZP) in Airflow Network simulation");
   13650           0 :         ++ExtLargeOpeningErrCount;
   13651           0 :         if (ExtLargeOpeningErrCount < 2) {
   13652           0 :             ShowWarningError(m_state,
   13653             :                              "AirflowNetwork: SOLVER, Changing values for initialization flag, Relative airflow convergence, Absolute airflow "
   13654             :                              "convergence, Convergence acceleration limit or Maximum Iteration Number may solve the problem.");
   13655           0 :             ShowContinueErrorTimeStamp(m_state, "");
   13656           0 :             ShowContinueError(m_state,
   13657           0 :                               "..Iterations=" + std::to_string(ITER) + ", Max allowed=" + std::to_string(simulation_control.maximum_iterations));
   13658           0 :             ShowFatalError(m_state, "AirflowNetwork: SOLVER, The previous error causes termination.");
   13659             :         } else {
   13660           0 :             ShowRecurringWarningErrorAtEnd(
   13661             :                 m_state, "AirFlowNetwork: Too many iterations (SOLVZP) in AirflowNetwork simulation continues.", ExtLargeOpeningErrIndex);
   13662             :         }
   13663             :     }
   13664             : 
   13665     8772215 :     void Solver::filjac(int const NNZE,  // number of nonzero entries in the "AU" array.
   13666             :                         bool const LFLAG // if = 1, use laminar relationship (initialization).
   13667             :     )
   13668             :     {
   13669             : 
   13670             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
   13671             :         //       AUTHOR         George Walton
   13672             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   Extracted from AIRNET
   13673             :         //       MODIFIED       Lixing Gu, 2/1/04
   13674             :         //                      Revised the subroutine to meet E+ needs
   13675             :         //       MODIFIED       Lixing Gu, 6/8/05
   13676             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
   13677             : 
   13678             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
   13679             :         // This subroutine creates matrices for solution of flows
   13680             : 
   13681             :         // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
   13682             :         // na
   13683             : 
   13684             :         // REFERENCES:
   13685             :         // na
   13686             : 
   13687             :         // USE STATEMENTS:
   13688             :         // na
   13689             : 
   13690             :         // Locals
   13691             :         // SUBROUTINE ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS:
   13692             : 
   13693             :         // SUBROUTINE PARAMETER DEFINITIONS:
   13694             :         // na
   13695             : 
   13696             :         // INTERFACE BLOCK SPECIFICATIONS
   13697             :         // na
   13698             : 
   13699             :         // DERIVED TYPE DEFINITIONS
   13700             :         // na
   13701             : 
   13702             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
   13703             : 
   13704             :         // I       - component number.
   13705             :         // N       - number of node/zone 1.
   13706             :         // M       - number of node/zone 2.
   13707             :         // F       - flows through the element (kg/s).
   13708             :         // DF      - partial derivatives:  DF/DP.
   13709             :         // NF      - number of flows, 1 or 2.
   13710             :         int i;
   13711             :         int j;
   13712             :         int n;
   13713             :         int FLAG;
   13714             :         int NF;
   13715             : #ifdef SKYLINE_MATRIX_REMOVE_ZERO_COLUMNS
   13716             :         int LHK; // noel
   13717             :         int JHK;
   13718             :         int JHK1;
   13719             :         int newsum;
   13720             :         int newh;
   13721             :         int ispan;
   13722             :         int thisIK;
   13723             :         bool allZero; // noel
   13724             : #endif
   13725    17544430 :         Array1D<Real64> X(4);
   13726             :         Real64 DP;
   13727     8772215 :         std::array<Real64, 2> F{{0.0, 0.0}};
   13728     8772215 :         std::array<Real64, 2> DF{{0.0, 0.0}};
   13729             : 
   13730     8772215 :         auto &NetworkNumOfLinks = ActualNumOfLinks;
   13731     8772215 :         auto &NetworkNumOfNodes = ActualNumOfNodes;
   13732             : 
   13733   231325435 :         for (n = 1; n <= NetworkNumOfNodes; ++n) {
   13734   222553220 :             SUMF(n) = 0.0;
   13735   222553220 :             SUMAF(n) = 0.0;
   13736   222553220 :             if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(n).NodeTypeNum == 1) {
   13737    69707358 :                 AD(n) = 1.0;
   13738             :             } else {
   13739   152845862 :                 AD(n) = 0.0;
   13740             :             }
   13741             :         }
   13742  1342004243 :         for (n = 1; n <= NNZE; ++n) {
   13743  1333232028 :             AU(n) = 0.0;
   13744             :         }
   13745             :         // Loop(s) to calculate control, etc.
   13746             :         // Set up the Jacobian matrix.
   13747   297770703 :         for (i = 1; i <= NetworkNumOfLinks; ++i) {
   13748   288998488 :             if (AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).element == nullptr) {
   13749           0 :                 continue;
   13750             :             }
   13751   288998488 :             n = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[0];
   13752   288998488 :             int m = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums[1];
   13753             :             //!!! Check array of DP. DpL is used for multizone air flow calculation only
   13754             :             //!!! and is not for forced air calculation
   13755   288998488 :             if (i > NumOfLinksMultiZone) {
   13756   164691627 :                 DP = PZ(n) - PZ(m) + PS(i) + PW(i);
   13757             :             } else {
   13758   124306861 :                 DP = PZ(n) - PZ(m) + dos.DpL(i, 1) + PW(i);
   13759             :             }
   13760   288998488 :             Real64 multiplier = 1.0;
   13761   288998488 :             Real64 control = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).control;
   13762             :             // if (LIST >= 4) ObjexxFCL::gio::write(outputFile, Format_901) << "PS:" << i << n << M << PS(i) << PW(i) << AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).DP;
   13763   288998488 :             j = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).CompNum;
   13764             : 
   13765   288998488 :             NF = AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).element->calculate(m_state, LFLAG, DP, i, multiplier, control, node_states[n], node_states[m], F, DF);
   13766   288998488 :             if (AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).element->type() == ComponentType::CPD && DP != 0.0) {
   13767     1714157 :                 DP = DisSysCompCPDData(AirflowNetworkCompData(j).TypeNum).DP;
   13768             :             }
   13769             : 
   13770   288998488 :             AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).DP = DP;
   13771   288998488 :             AFLOW(i) = F[0];
   13772   288998488 :             AFLOW2(i) = 0.0;
   13773   288998488 :             if (AirflowNetworkCompData(j).CompTypeNum == iComponentTypeNum::DOP) {
   13774     6828273 :                 AFLOW2(i) = F[1];
   13775             :             }
   13776             :             // if (LIST >= 3) ObjexxFCL::gio::write(outputFile, Format_901) << " NRi:" << i << n << M << AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).DP << F[0] <<
   13777             :             // DF[0];
   13778   288998488 :             FLAG = 1;
   13779   288998488 :             if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(n).NodeTypeNum == 0) {
   13780   287984273 :                 ++FLAG;
   13781   287984273 :                 X(1) = DF[0];
   13782   287984273 :                 X(2) = -DF[0];
   13783   287984273 :                 SUMF(n) += F[0];
   13784   287984273 :                 SUMAF(n) += std::abs(F[0]);
   13785             :             }
   13786   288998488 :             if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(m).NodeTypeNum == 0) {
   13787   192786402 :                 FLAG += 2;
   13788   192786402 :                 X(4) = DF[0];
   13789   192786402 :                 X(3) = -DF[0];
   13790   192786402 :                 SUMF(m) -= F[0];
   13791   192786402 :                 SUMAF(m) += std::abs(F[0]);
   13792             :             }
   13793   288998488 :             if (FLAG != 1) filsky(X, AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums, IK, AU, AD, FLAG);
   13794   288998488 :             if (NF == 1) continue;
   13795       31015 :             AFLOW2(i) = F[1];
   13796             :             // if (LIST >= 3) ObjexxFCL::gio::write(outputFile, Format_901) << " NRj:" << i << n << m << AirflowNetworkLinkSimu(i).DP << F[1] <<
   13797             :             // DF[1];
   13798       31015 :             FLAG = 1;
   13799       31015 :             if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(n).NodeTypeNum == 0) {
   13800       31015 :                 ++FLAG;
   13801       31015 :                 X(1) = DF[1];
   13802       31015 :                 X(2) = -DF[1];
   13803       31015 :                 SUMF(n) += F[1];
   13804       31015 :                 SUMAF(n) += std::abs(F[1]);
   13805             :             }
   13806       31015 :             if (AirflowNetworkNodeData(m).NodeTypeNum == 0) {
   13807       31015 :                 FLAG += 2;
   13808       31015 :                 X(4) = DF[1];
   13809       31015 :                 X(3) = -DF[1];
   13810       31015 :                 SUMF(m) -= F[1];
   13811       31015 :                 SUMAF(m) += std::abs(F[1]);
   13812             :             }
   13813       31015 :             if (FLAG != 1) filsky(X, AirflowNetworkLinkageData(i).NodeNums, IK, AU, AD, FLAG);
   13814             :         }
   13815             : 
   13816             : #ifdef SKYLINE_MATRIX_REMOVE_ZERO_COLUMNS
   13817             : 
   13818             :         // After the matrix values have been set, we can look at them and see if any columns are filled with zeros.
   13819             :         // If they are, let's remove them from the matrix -- but only for the purposes of doing the solve.
   13820             :         // They way I do this is building a separate IK array (newIK) that simply changes the column heights.
   13821             :         // So the affected SOLVEs would use this newIK and nothing else changes.
   13822   240097650 :         for (n = 1; n <= NetworkNumOfNodes + 1; ++n) {
   13823   231325435 :             newIK(n) = IK(n);
   13824             :             // print*, " NetworkNumOfNodes  n=", n, " IK(n)=", IK(n)
   13825             :         }
   13826             : 
   13827     8772215 :         newsum = IK(2) - IK(1); // always 0?
   13828             : 
   13829     8772215 :         JHK = 1;
   13830   222553220 :         for (n = 2; n <= NetworkNumOfNodes; ++n) {
   13831   213781005 :             JHK1 = IK(n + 1); // starts at IK(3)-IK(2)
   13832   213781005 :             LHK = JHK1 - JHK;
   13833   223608688 :             if (LHK <= 0) {
   13834     9827683 :                 newIK(n + 1) = newIK(n);
   13835     9827683 :                 continue;
   13836             :             }
   13837             :             // write(*,'(4(a,i8))') "n=", n, " ik=", ik(n), " JHK=", JHK, " LHK=", LHK
   13838             : 
   13839             :             // is the entire column zero?  noel
   13840   203953322 :             allZero = true;
   13841   657936103 :             for (i = 0; i <= LHK - 1; ++i) {
   13842   583175016 :                 if (AU(JHK + i) != 0.0) {
   13843   129192235 :                     allZero = false;
   13844   129192235 :                     break;
   13845             :                 }
   13846             :             }
   13847             : 
   13848   203953322 :             newh = LHK;
   13849   203953322 :             if (allZero) {
   13850             :                 // print*, "allzero n=", n
   13851    74761087 :                 newh = 0;
   13852             :             } else {
   13853             :                 // DO i=0,LHK-1
   13854             :                 //   write(*, '(2(a,i8),a, f15.3)') "  n=", n, " i=", i, " AU(JHK+i)=", AU(JHK+i)
   13855             :                 // enddo
   13856             :             }
   13857   203953322 :             newIK(n + 1) = newIK(n) + newh;
   13858   203953322 :             newsum += newh;
   13859             : 
   13860             :             // do i = LHK-1,0, -1
   13861             :             //   write(*, '(2(a,i8),a, f15.3)') "  n=", n, " i=", i, " AU(JHK+i)=", AU(JHK+i)
   13862             :             // enddo
   13863   203953322 :             JHK = JHK1;
   13864             :         }
   13865             : 
   13866             :         // this is just a print to screen, is not necessary
   13867             :         //     if (firstTime) then
   13868             :         //        write(*, '(2(a,i8))') " After SKYLINE_MATRIX_REMOVE_ZERO_COLUMNS: newsum=", newsum, " oldsum=", IK(NetworkNumOfNodes+1)
   13869             :         //        firstTime=.FALSE.
   13870             :         //     endif
   13871             : 
   13872             :         // Now fill newAU from AU, using newIK
   13873     8772215 :         thisIK = 1;
   13874   222553220 :         for (n = 2; n <= NetworkNumOfNodes; ++n) {
   13875   213781005 :             thisIK = newIK(n);
   13876   213781005 :             ispan = newIK(n + 1) - thisIK;
   13877             : 
   13878   213781005 :             if (ispan <= 0) continue;
   13879  1008441482 :             for (i = 0; i <= ispan - 1; ++i) {
   13880   879249247 :                 newAU(thisIK + i) = AU(IK(n) + i);
   13881             :             }
   13882             :         }
   13883             : #endif
   13884     8772215 :     }
   13885             : 
   13886     8079115 :     void Solver::facsky(Array1D<Real64> &AU,   // the upper triangle of [A] before and after factoring
   13887             :                         Array1D<Real64> &AD,   // the main diagonal of [A] before and after factoring
   13888             :                         Array1D<Real64> &AL,   // the lower triangle of [A] before and after factoring
   13889             :                         const Array1D_int &IK, // pointer to the top of column/row "K"
   13890             :                         int const NEQ,         // number of equations
   13891             :                         int const NSYM         // symmetry:  0 = symmetric matrix, 1 = non-symmetric
   13892             :     )
   13893             :     {
   13894             : 
   13895             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
   13896             :         //       AUTHOR         George Walton
   13897             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   Extracted from AIRNET
   13898             :         //       MODIFIED       Lixing Gu, 2/1/04
   13899             :         //                      Revised the subroutine to meet E+ needs
   13900             :         //       MODIFIED       Lixing Gu, 6/8/05
   13901             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  This subroutine is revised from FACSKY developed by George Walton, NIST
   13902             : 
   13903             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
   13904             :         // This subroutine performs L-U factorization of a skyline ordered matrix, [A]
   13905             :         // The algorithm has been restructured for clarity.
   13906             :         // Note dependence on compiler for optimizing the inner do loops.
   13907             : 
   13908             :         // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
   13909             :         //     L-U factorization of a skyline ordered matrix, [A], used for
   13910             :         //     solution of simultaneous linear algebraic equations [A] * X = B.
   13911             :         //     No pivoting!  No scaling!  No warnings!!!
   13912             :         //     Related routines:  SLVSKY, SETSKY, FILSKY.
   13913             : 
   13914             :         // REFERENCES:
   13915             :         //     Algorithm is described in "The Finite Element Method Displayed",
   13916             :         //     by G. Dhatt and G. Touzot, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1984.
   13917             : 
   13918             :         // USE STATEMENTS:
   13919             :         // na
   13920             : 
   13921             :         // Argument array dimensioning
   13922     8079115 :         EP_SIZE_CHECK(IK, ActualNumOfNodes + 1);
   13923     8079115 :         EP_SIZE_CHECK(AU, IK(ActualNumOfNodes + 1));
   13924     8079115 :         EP_SIZE_CHECK(AD, ActualNumOfNodes);
   13925     8079115 :         EP_SIZE_CHECK(AL, IK(ActualNumOfNodes + 1) - 1);
   13926             : 
   13927             :         // Locals
   13928             :         // SUBROUTINE ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS:
   13929             :         // noel, GNU says the AU is indexed above its upper bound
   13930             :         // REAL(r64), INTENT(INOUT) :: AU(IK(NetworkNumOfNodes+1)-1) ! the upper triangle of [A] before and after factoring
   13931             : 
   13932             :         // SUBROUTINE PARAMETER DEFINITIONS:
   13933             :         // na
   13934             : 
   13935             :         // INTERFACE BLOCK SPECIFICATIONS
   13936             :         // na
   13937             : 
   13938             :         // DERIVED TYPE DEFINITIONS
   13939             :         // na
   13940             : 
   13941             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
   13942             :         int JHK;
   13943             :         int JHK1;
   13944             :         int LHK;
   13945             :         int LHK1;
   13946             :         int IMIN;
   13947             :         int IMIN1;
   13948             :         int JHJ;
   13949             :         int JHJ1;
   13950             :         int IC;
   13951             :         int i;
   13952             :         int j;
   13953             :         int k;
   13954             :         Real64 T1;
   13955             :         Real64 T2;
   13956             :         Real64 SDOT;
   13957             :         Real64 SUMD;
   13958             : 
   13959     8079115 :         AD(1) = 1.0 / AD(1);
   13960     8079115 :         JHK = 1;
   13961   207509730 :         for (k = 2; k <= NEQ; ++k) {
   13962   199430615 :             SUMD = 0.0;
   13963   199430615 :             JHK1 = IK(k + 1);
   13964   199430615 :             LHK = JHK1 - JHK;
   13965   199430615 :             if (LHK > 0) {
   13966   120957738 :                 LHK1 = LHK - 1;
   13967   120957738 :                 IMIN = k - LHK1;
   13968   120957738 :                 IMIN1 = IMIN - 1;
   13969   120957738 :                 if (NSYM == 1) AL(JHK) *= AD(IMIN1);
   13970   120957738 :                 if (LHK1 != 0) {
   13971    64200250 :                     JHJ = IK(IMIN);
   13972    64200250 :                     if (NSYM == 0) {
   13973   767550348 :                         for (j = 1; j <= LHK1; ++j) {
   13974   703350098 :                             JHJ1 = IK(IMIN + j);
   13975   703350098 :                             IC = min(j, JHJ1 - JHJ);
   13976   703350098 :                             if (IC > 0) {
   13977   382589757 :                                 SDOT = 0.0;
   13978  2416619539 :                                 for (i = 0; i <= IC - 1; ++i) {
   13979  2034029782 :                                     SDOT += AU(JHJ1 - IC + i) * AU(JHK + j - IC + i);
   13980             :                                 }
   13981   382589757 :                                 AU(JHK + j) -= SDOT;
   13982             :                             }
   13983   703350098 :                             JHJ = JHJ1;
   13984             :                         }
   13985             :                     } else {
   13986           0 :                         for (j = 1; j <= LHK1; ++j) {
   13987           0 :                             JHJ1 = IK(IMIN + j);
   13988           0 :                             IC = min(j, JHJ1 - JHJ);
   13989           0 :                             SDOT = 0.0;
   13990           0 :                             if (IC > 0) {
   13991           0 :                                 for (i = 0; i <= IC - 1; ++i) {
   13992           0 :                                     SDOT += AL(JHJ1 - IC + i) * AU(JHK + j - IC + i);
   13993             :                                 }
   13994           0 :                                 AU(JHK + j) -= SDOT;
   13995           0 :                                 SDOT = 0.0;
   13996           0 :                                 for (i = 0; i <= IC - 1; ++i) {
   13997           0 :                                     SDOT += AU(JHJ1 - IC + i) * AL(JHK + j - IC + i);
   13998             :                                 }
   13999             :                             }
   14000           0 :                             AL(JHK + j) = (AL(JHK + j) - SDOT) * AD(IMIN1 + j);
   14001           0 :                             JHJ = JHJ1;
   14002             :                         }
   14003             :                     }
   14004             :                 }
   14005   120957738 :                 if (NSYM == 0) {
   14006   945265574 :                     for (i = 0; i <= LHK1; ++i) {
   14007   824307836 :                         T1 = AU(JHK + i);
   14008   824307836 :                         T2 = T1 * AD(IMIN1 + i);
   14009   824307836 :                         AU(JHK + i) = T2;
   14010   824307836 :                         SUMD += T1 * T2;
   14011             :                     }
   14012             :                 } else {
   14013           0 :                     for (i = 0; i <= LHK1; ++i) {
   14014           0 :                         SUMD += AU(JHK + i) * AL(JHK + i);
   14015             :                     }
   14016             :                 }
   14017             :             }
   14018   199430615 :             if (AD(k) - SUMD == 0.0) {
   14019           0 :                 ShowSevereError(m_state, "AirflowNetworkSolver: L-U factorization in Subroutine FACSKY.");
   14020           0 :                 ShowContinueError(
   14021             :                     m_state,
   14022           0 :                     "The denominator used in L-U factorizationis equal to 0.0 at node = " + m_state.afn->AirflowNetworkNodeData(k).Name + '.');
   14023           0 :                 ShowContinueError(
   14024             :                     m_state, "One possible cause is that this node may not be connected directly, or indirectly via airflow network connections ");
   14025           0 :                 ShowContinueError(
   14026             :                     m_state, "(e.g., AirflowNetwork:Multizone:SurfaceCrack, AirflowNetwork:Multizone:Component:SimpleOpening, etc.), to an external");
   14027           0 :                 ShowContinueError(m_state, "node (AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:Surface).");
   14028           0 :                 ShowContinueError(m_state,
   14029             :                                   "Please send your input file and weather file to EnergyPlus support/development team for further investigation.");
   14030           0 :                 ShowFatalError(m_state, "Preceding condition causes termination.");
   14031             :             }
   14032   199430615 :             AD(k) = 1.0 / (AD(k) - SUMD);
   14033   199430615 :             JHK = JHK1;
   14034             :         }
   14035     8079115 :     }
   14036             : 
   14037     8079115 :     void Solver::slvsky(const Array1D<Real64> &AU, // the upper triangle of [A] before and after factoring
   14038             :                         const Array1D<Real64> &AD, // the main diagonal of [A] before and after factoring
   14039             :                         const Array1D<Real64> &AL, // the lower triangle of [A] before and after factoring
   14040             :                         Array1D<Real64> &B,        // "B" vector (input); "X" vector (output).
   14041             :                         const Array1D_int &IK,     // pointer to the top of column/row "K"
   14042             :                         int const NEQ,             // number of equations
   14043             :                         int const NSYM             // symmetry:  0 = symmetric matrix, 1 = non-symmetric
   14044             :     )
   14045             :     {
   14046             : 
   14047             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
   14048             :         //       AUTHOR         George Walton
   14049             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   Extracted from AIRNET
   14050             :         //       MODIFIED       Lixing Gu, 2/1/04
   14051             :         //                      Revised the subroutine to meet E+ needs
   14052             :         //       MODIFIED       Lixing Gu, 6/8/05
   14053             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  This subroutine is revised from CLVSKY developed by George Walton, NIST
   14054             : 
   14055             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
   14056             :         // This subroutine solves simultaneous linear algebraic equations [A] * X = B
   14057             :         // using L-U factored skyline form of [A] from "FACSKY"
   14058             : 
   14059             :         // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
   14060             :         // na
   14061             : 
   14062             :         // REFERENCES:
   14063             :         // na
   14064             : 
   14065             :         // USE STATEMENTS:
   14066             :         // na
   14067             : 
   14068             :         // Argument array dimensioning
   14069     8079115 :         EP_SIZE_CHECK(IK, ActualNumOfNodes + 1);
   14070     8079115 :         EP_SIZE_CHECK(AU, IK(ActualNumOfNodes + 1));
   14071     8079115 :         EP_SIZE_CHECK(AD, ActualNumOfNodes);
   14072     8079115 :         EP_SIZE_CHECK(AL, IK(ActualNumOfNodes + 1) - 1);
   14073     8079115 :         EP_SIZE_CHECK(B, ActualNumOfNodes);
   14074             : 
   14075             :         // Locals
   14076             :         // SUBROUTINE ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS:
   14077             :         // noel, GNU says the AU is indexed above its upper bound
   14078             :         // REAL(r64), INTENT(INOUT) :: AU(IK(NetworkNumOfNodes+1)-1) ! the upper triangle of [A] before and after factoring
   14079             : 
   14080             :         // SUBROUTINE PARAMETER DEFINITIONS:
   14081             :         // na
   14082             : 
   14083             :         // INTERFACE BLOCK SPECIFICATIONS
   14084             :         // na
   14085             : 
   14086             :         // DERIVED TYPE DEFINITIONS
   14087             :         // na
   14088             : 
   14089             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
   14090             : 
   14091             :         int i;
   14092             :         int JHK;
   14093             :         int JHK1;
   14094             :         int k;
   14095             :         int LHK;
   14096             :         Real64 SDOT;
   14097             :         Real64 T1;
   14098             : 
   14099     8079115 :         JHK = 1;
   14100   207509730 :         for (k = 2; k <= NEQ; ++k) {
   14101   199430615 :             JHK1 = IK(k + 1);
   14102   199430615 :             LHK = JHK1 - JHK;
   14103   199430615 :             if (LHK <= 0) continue;
   14104   120957738 :             SDOT = 0.0;
   14105   120957738 :             if (NSYM == 0) {
   14106   945265574 :                 for (i = 0; i <= LHK - 1; ++i) {
   14107   824307836 :                     SDOT += AU(JHK + i) * B(k - LHK + i);
   14108             :                 }
   14109             :             } else {
   14110           0 :                 for (i = 0; i <= LHK - 1; ++i) {
   14111           0 :                     SDOT += AL(JHK + i) * B(k - LHK + i);
   14112             :                 }
   14113             :             }
   14114   120957738 :             B(k) -= SDOT;
   14115   120957738 :             JHK = JHK1;
   14116             :         }
   14117     8079115 :         if (NSYM == 0) {
   14118   215588845 :             for (k = 1; k <= NEQ; ++k) {
   14119   207509730 :                 B(k) *= AD(k);
   14120             :             }
   14121             :         }
   14122     8079115 :         k = NEQ + 1;
   14123     8079115 :         JHK1 = IK(k);
   14124   406940345 :         while (k != 1) {
   14125   207509730 :             --k;
   14126   207509730 :             if (NSYM == 1) B(k) *= AD(k);
   14127   207509730 :             if (k == 1) break;
   14128             :             //        IF(K.EQ.1) RETURN
   14129   199430615 :             JHK = IK(k);
   14130   199430615 :             T1 = B(k);
   14131  1023738451 :             for (i = 0; i <= JHK1 - JHK - 1; ++i) {
   14132   824307836 :                 B(k - JHK1 + JHK + i) -= AU(JHK + i) * T1;
   14133             :             }
   14134   199430615 :             JHK1 = JHK;
   14135             :         }
   14136     8079115 :     }
   14137             : 
   14138   289029503 :     void Solver::filsky(const Array1D<Real64> &X,    // element array (row-wise sequence)
   14139             :                         std::array<int, 2> const LM, // location matrix
   14140             :                         const Array1D_int &IK,       // pointer to the top of column/row "K"
   14141             :                         Array1D<Real64> &AU,         // the upper triangle of [A] before and after factoring
   14142             :                         Array1D<Real64> &AD,         // the main diagonal of [A] before and after factoring
   14143             :                         int const FLAG               // mode of operation
   14144             :     )
   14145             :     {
   14146             : 
   14147             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
   14148             :         //       AUTHOR         George Walton
   14149             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   Extracted from AIRNET
   14150             :         //       MODIFIED       Lixing Gu, 2/1/04
   14151             :         //                      Revised the subroutine to meet E+ needs
   14152             :         //       MODIFIED       Lixing Gu, 6/8/05
   14153             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  This subroutine is revised from FILSKY developed by George Walton, NIST
   14154             : 
   14155             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
   14156             :         // This subroutine adds element array "X" to the sparse skyline matrix [A]
   14157             : 
   14158             :         // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
   14159             :         // na
   14160             : 
   14161             :         // REFERENCES:
   14162             :         // na
   14163             : 
   14164             :         // USE STATEMENTS:
   14165             :         // na
   14166             : 
   14167             :         // Argument array dimensioning
   14168   289029503 :         EP_SIZE_CHECK(X, 4);
   14169   289029503 :         EP_SIZE_CHECK(IK, ActualNumOfNodes + 1);
   14170   289029503 :         EP_SIZE_CHECK(AU, IK(ActualNumOfNodes + 1));
   14171   289029503 :         EP_SIZE_CHECK(AD, ActualNumOfNodes);
   14172             : 
   14173             :         // Locals
   14174             :         // SUBROUTINE ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS:
   14175             :         // noel, GNU says the AU is indexed above its upper bound
   14176             :         // REAL(r64), INTENT(INOUT) :: AU(IK(NetworkNumOfNodes+1)-1) ! the upper triangle of [A] before and after factoring
   14177             : 
   14178             :         // SUBROUTINE PARAMETER DEFINITIONS:
   14179             :         // na
   14180             : 
   14181             :         // INTERFACE BLOCK SPECIFICATIONS
   14182             :         // na
   14183             : 
   14184             :         // DERIVED TYPE DEFINITIONS
   14185             :         // na
   14186             : 
   14187             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
   14188             :         int j;
   14189             :         int k;
   14190             :         int L;
   14191             : 
   14192             :         // K = row number, L = column number.
   14193   289029503 :         if (FLAG > 1) {
   14194   289029503 :             k = LM[0];
   14195   289029503 :             L = LM[1];
   14196   289029503 :             if (FLAG == 4) {
   14197   191803202 :                 AD(k) += X(1);
   14198   191803202 :                 if (k < L) {
   14199   156315442 :                     j = IK(L + 1) - L + k;
   14200   156315442 :                     AU(j) += X(2);
   14201             :                 } else {
   14202    35487760 :                     j = IK(k + 1) - k + L;
   14203    35487760 :                     AU(j) += X(3);
   14204             :                 }
   14205   191803202 :                 AD(L) += X(4);
   14206    97226301 :             } else if (FLAG == 3) {
   14207     1014215 :                 AD(L) += X(4);
   14208    96212086 :             } else if (FLAG == 2) {
   14209    96212086 :                 AD(k) += X(1);
   14210             :             }
   14211             :         }
   14212   289029503 :     }
   14213             : 
   14214             : } // namespace AirflowNetwork
   14215             : 
   14216        2313 : } // namespace EnergyPlus

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