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Current view: top level - EnergyPlus - DXCoils.hh (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
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Date: 2023-01-17 19:17:23 Functions: 11 15 73.3 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : // EnergyPlus, Copyright (c) 1996-2023, The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois,
       2             : // The Regents of the University of California, through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
       3             : // (subject to receipt of any required approvals from the U.S. Dept. of Energy), Oak Ridge
       4             : // National Laboratory, managed by UT-Battelle, Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC, and other
       5             : // contributors. All rights reserved.
       6             : //
       7             : // NOTICE: This Software was developed under funding from the U.S. Department of Energy and the
       8             : // U.S. Government consequently retains certain rights. As such, the U.S. Government has been
       9             : // granted for itself and others acting on its behalf a paid-up, nonexclusive, irrevocable,
      10             : // worldwide license in the Software to reproduce, distribute copies to the public, prepare
      11             : // derivative works, and perform publicly and display publicly, and to permit others to do so.
      12             : //
      13             : // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted
      14             : // provided that the following conditions are met:
      15             : //
      16             : // (1) Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of
      17             : //     conditions and the following disclaimer.
      18             : //
      19             : // (2) Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of
      20             : //     conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
      21             : //     provided with the distribution.
      22             : //
      23             : // (3) Neither the name of the University of California, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,
      24             : //     the University of Illinois, U.S. Dept. of Energy nor the names of its contributors may be
      25             : //     used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior
      26             : //     written permission.
      27             : //
      28             : // (4) Use of EnergyPlus(TM) Name. If Licensee (i) distributes the software in stand-alone form
      29             : //     without changes from the version obtained under this License, or (ii) Licensee makes a
      30             : //     reference solely to the software portion of its product, Licensee must refer to the
      31             : //     software as "EnergyPlus version X" software, where "X" is the version number Licensee
      32             : //     obtained under this License and may not use a different name for the software. Except as
      33             : //     specifically required in this Section (4), Licensee shall not use in a company name, a
      34             : //     product name, in advertising, publicity, or other promotional activities any name, trade
      35             : //     name, trademark, logo, or other designation of "EnergyPlus", "E+", "e+" or confusingly
      36             : //     similar designation, without the U.S. Department of Energy's prior written consent.
      37             : //
      46             : // POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.
      47             : 
      48             : #ifndef DXCoils_hh_INCLUDED
      49             : #define DXCoils_hh_INCLUDED
      50             : 
      51             : // ObjexxFCL Headers
      52             : #include <ObjexxFCL/Array1D.hh>
      53             : #include <ObjexxFCL/Optional.hh>
      54             : 
      55             : // EnergyPlus Headers
      56             : #include <EnergyPlus/Data/BaseData.hh>
      57             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataEnvironment.hh>
      58             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataGlobals.hh>
      59             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataHVACGlobals.hh>
      60             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataHeatBalance.hh>
      61             : #include <EnergyPlus/EnergyPlus.hh>
      62             : #include <EnergyPlus/StandardRatings.hh>
      63             : 
      64             : namespace EnergyPlus {
      65             : 
      66             : // Forward declarations
      67             : struct EnergyPlusData;
      68             : 
      69             : namespace DXCoils {
      70             : 
      71             :     // Using/Aliasing
      72             :     using DataHVACGlobals::DryBulbIndicator;
      73             : 
      74             :     constexpr Real64 RatedInletAirTemp(26.6667);          // 26.6667C or 80F
      75             :     constexpr Real64 RatedInletWetBulbTemp(19.4444);      // 19.44 or 67F
      76             :     constexpr Real64 RatedInletAirHumRat(0.0111847);      // Humidity ratio corresponding to 80F dry bulb/67F wet bulb
      77             :     constexpr Real64 RatedOutdoorAirTemp(35.0);           // 35 C or 95F
      78             :     constexpr Real64 RatedInletAirTempHeat(21.1111);      // 21.11C or 70F
      79             :     constexpr Real64 RatedOutdoorAirTempHeat(8.3333);     // 8.33 C or 47F
      80             :     constexpr Real64 RatedOutdoorWetBulbTempHeat(6.1111); // 6.11 C or 43F
      81             :     constexpr Real64 RatedInletWetBulbTempHeat(15.5556);  // 15.55 or 60F
      82             :     constexpr Real64 DryCoilOutletHumRatioMin(0.00001);   // dry coil outlet minimum hum ratio kgWater/kgDryAir
      83             : 
      84             :     // Multimode DX Coil
      85             :     constexpr int MaxCapacityStages(2);                               // Maximum number of capacity stages supported
      86             :     constexpr int MaxDehumidModes(1);                                 // Maximum number of enhanced dehumidification modes supported
      87             :     constexpr int MaxModes(MaxCapacityStages *(MaxDehumidModes + 1)); // Maximum number of performance modes
      88             : 
      89             :     // Water Systems
      90             :     enum class CondensateCollectAction
      91             :     {
      92             :         Invalid = -1,
      93             :         Discard, // default mode where water is "lost"
      94             :         ToTank,  // collect coil condensate from air and store in water storage tank
      95             :         Num
      96             :     };
      97             : 
      98             :     enum class EvapWaterSupply
      99             :     {
     100             :         Invalid = -1,
     101             :         FromMains,
     102             :         FromTank,
     103             :         Num
     104             :     };
     105             : 
     106             :     // Types
     107             : 
     108        2145 :     struct DXCoilData
     109             :     {
     110             :         // Members
     111             :         //          Some variables in this type are arrays (dimension=MaxModes) to support coil type
     112             :         //          COIL:DX:MultiMode:CoolingEmpirical.  Other coil types only use the first element.
     113             :         std::string Name;       // Name of the DX Coil
     114             :         std::string DXCoilType; // type of coil
     115             :         int DXCoilType_Num;     // Integer equivalent to DXCoilType
     116             :         std::string Schedule;   // WaterCoil Operation Schedule
     117             :         int SchedPtr;           // Pointer to the correct schedule
     118             :         //          RatedCoolCap, RatedSHR and RatedCOP do not include the thermal or electrical
     119             :         //          effects due to the supply air fan
     120             :         Array1D<Real64> RatedTotCap;                 // Gross total cooling capacity at rated conditions [watts]
     121             :         Real64 HeatSizeRatio;                        // heat pump heating to cooling sizing ratio when autosized
     122             :         Array1D_bool RatedTotCapEMSOverrideOn;       // if true, then EMS is calling to override rated total capacity
     123             :         Array1D<Real64> RatedTotCapEMSOverrideValue; // value to use for EMS override
     124             :         Array1D<Real64> RatedSHR;                    // Sensible heat ratio (sens cap/total cap) at rated conditions
     125             :         Array1D_bool RatedSHREMSOverrideOn;          // if true, then EMS is calling to override Sensible heat ratio
     126             :         Array1D<Real64> RatedSHREMSOverrideValue;    // value to use for EMS override forSensible heat ratio
     127             :         Array1D<Real64> RatedCOP;                    // Coefficient of performance at rated conditions
     128             :         Array1D<Real64> RatedAirVolFlowRate;         // Air volume flow rate through coil at rated conditions [m3/s]
     129             :         // This is adjusted for bypassed air if any (see BypassedFlowFrac)
     130             :         Array1D_bool RatedAirVolFlowRateEMSOverrideON;       // if true, then EMS is calling to override Air volume flow rate
     131             :         Array1D<Real64> RatedAirVolFlowRateEMSOverrideValue; // value to use for EMS override Air volume flow rate
     132             :         Array1D<Real64> FanPowerPerEvapAirFlowRate;          // Fan Power Per Air volume flow rate through the
     133             :         // Evaporator coil at rated conditions [W/(m3/s)]
     134             :         Array1D<Real64> FanPowerPerEvapAirFlowRate_2023;
     135             :         Array1D<Real64> RatedAirMassFlowRate; // Air mass flow rate through coil at rated conditions [kg/s]
     136             :         // This is adjusted for bypassed air if any (see BypassedFlowFrac)
     137             :         Array1D<Real64> BypassedFlowFrac; // Fraction of air flow bypassed around coil
     138             :         Array1D<Real64> RatedCBF;         // rated coil bypass factor, determined using RatedTotCap and RatedSHR
     139             :         int AirInNode;                    // Air inlet node number
     140             :         int AirOutNode;                   // Air outlet node number
     141             :         Array1D_int CCapFTemp;            // index of total cooling capacity modifier curve
     142             :         // (function of entering wetbulb, outside drybulb)
     143             :         int CCapFTempErrorIndex; // Used for warning messages when output of CCapFTemp is negative
     144             :         Array1D_int CCapFFlow;   // index of total cooling capacity modifier curve
     145             :         // (function of actual supply air flow vs rated air flow)
     146             :         int CCapFFlowErrorIndex; // Used for warning messages when output of CCapFFlow is negative
     147             :         Array1D_int EIRFTemp;    // index of energy input ratio modifier curve
     148             :         // (function of entering wetbulb, outside drybulb)
     149             :         int EIRFTempErrorIndex; // Used for warning messages when output of EIRFTemp is negative
     150             :         Array1D_int EIRFFlow;   // index of energy input ratio modifier curve
     151             :         // (function of actual supply air flow vs rated air flow)
     152             :         int EIRFFlowErrorIndex;               // Used for warning messages when output of EIRFFlow is negative
     153             :         Array1D_int PLFFPLR;                  // index of part-load factor vs part-load ratio curve
     154             :         bool ReportCoolingCoilCrankcasePower; // logical determines if the cooling coil crankcase heater power is reported
     155             :         Real64 CrankcaseHeaterCapacity;       // total crankcase heater capacity [W]
     156             :         Real64 CrankcaseHeaterPower;          // report variable for average crankcase heater power [W]
     157             :         Real64 MaxOATCrankcaseHeater;         // maximum OAT for crankcase heater operation [C]
     158             :         Real64 CrankcaseHeaterConsumption;    // report variable for total crankcase heater energy consumption [J]
     159             :         Real64 BasinHeaterPowerFTempDiff;     // Basin heater capacity per degree C below setpoint (W/C)
     160             :         Real64 BasinHeaterSetPointTemp;       // setpoint temperature for basin heater operation (C)
     161             :         int CompanionUpstreamDXCoil;          // index number of the DX coil that is "upstream" of this DX coil. Currently used for
     162             :         // UnitarySystem:HeatPump:AirToAir for proper calculation of crankcase heater energy
     163             :         // consumption
     164             :         bool FindCompanionUpStreamCoil;    // Flag to get the companion coil in Init.
     165             :         Array1D_int CondenserInletNodeNum; // Node number of outdoor condenser(s) (actually an evaporator for heating coils)
     166             :         int LowOutletTempIndex;            // used for low outlet temperature warnings
     167             :         Real64 FullLoadOutAirTempLast;     // used for low outlet temperature warnings
     168             :         Real64 FullLoadInletAirTempLast;   // used for low outlet temperature warnings
     169             :         bool PrintLowOutTempMessage;       // used to print warning message for low outlet air dry-bulb conditions
     170             :         std::string LowOutTempBuffer1;     // holds warning message until next iteration (only prints 1 message/iteration)
     171             :         std::string LowOutTempBuffer2;     // holds warning message until next iteration (only prints 1 message/iteration)
     172             :         int HeatingCoilPLFCurvePTR;        // PLF curve index to gas or electric heating coil (used in latent degradation model)
     173             :         int BasinHeaterSchedulePtr;        // Pointer to basin heater schedule
     174             :         // start of multi-speed compressor variables
     175             :         Real64 RatedTotCap2; // Gross total cooling capacity at rated conditions, low speed [watts]
     176             :         // Note: For HPWHs, RatedTotCap2   = Water Heating Capacity for Coil:DX:HPWH and
     177             :         //                  RatedTotCap(1) = Air Cooling Coil Capacity for Coil:DX:HPWH
     178             :         Real64 RatedSHR2;             // Sensible heat ratio (sens cap/total cap) at rated conditions, low speed
     179             :         Real64 RatedCOP2;             // Coefficient of performance at rated conditions, low speed
     180             :         Real64 RatedAirVolFlowRate2;  // Air volume flow rate through unit at rated conditions, low speed [m3/s]
     181             :         Real64 RatedAirMassFlowRate2; // Air mass flow rate through unit at rated conditions, low speed [kg/s]
     182             :         Real64 RatedCBF2;             // rated coil bypass factor (low speed), determined using RatedTotCap2 and RatedSHR2
     183             :         int CCapFTemp2;               // index of total cooling capacity modifier curve (low speed)
     184             :         int EIRFTemp2;                // index of energy input ratio modifier curve (low speed)
     185             :         // (function of entering wetbulb, outside drybulb)
     186             :         Real64 RatedEIR2;                  // rated energy input ratio (low speed, inverse of COP2)
     187             :         Real64 InternalStaticPressureDrop; // for rating VAV system
     188             :         bool RateWithInternalStaticAndFanObject;
     189             :         int SupplyFanIndex;        // index of this fan in fan array or vector
     190             :         int SupplyFan_TypeNum;     // type of fan, in DataHVACGlobals
     191             :         std::string SupplyFanName; // name of fan associated with this dx coil
     192             :         std::string CoilSystemName;
     193             :         // end of multi-speed compressor variables
     194             :         Array1D<Real64> RatedEIR; // rated energy input ratio (inverse of COP)
     195             :         Real64 InletAirMassFlowRate;
     196             :         Real64 InletAirMassFlowRateMax;
     197             :         Real64 InletAirTemp;
     198             :         Real64 InletAirHumRat;
     199             :         Real64 InletAirEnthalpy;
     200             :         //  Eventually inlet air conditions will be used in DX Coil, these lines are commented out and marked with this comment line
     201             :         //  REAL(r64) :: InletAirPressure       =0.0d0
     202             :         Real64 OutletAirTemp;
     203             :         Real64 OutletAirHumRat;
     204             :         Real64 OutletAirEnthalpy;
     205             :         Real64 PartLoadRatio; // Ratio of actual sensible cooling load to steady-state sensible cooling capacity
     206             :         Real64 TotalCoolingEnergy;
     207             :         Real64 SensCoolingEnergy;
     208             :         Real64 LatCoolingEnergy;
     209             :         Real64 TotalCoolingEnergyRate;
     210             :         Real64 SensCoolingEnergyRate;
     211             :         Real64 LatCoolingEnergyRate;
     212             :         Real64 ElecCoolingConsumption;
     213             :         Real64 ElecCoolingPower;
     214             :         Real64 CoolingCoilRuntimeFraction; // Run time fraction of the DX cooling unit
     215             :         // start of variables used in heat pump heating coils only
     216             :         Real64 TotalHeatingEnergy;
     217             :         Real64 TotalHeatingEnergyRate;
     218             :         Real64 ElecHeatingConsumption;
     219             :         Real64 ElecHeatingPower;
     220             :         Real64 HeatingCoilRuntimeFraction;                // Run time fraction of the DX heating unit
     221             :         StandardRatings::DefrostStrat DefrostStrategy;    // defrost strategy; 1=reverse-cycle, 2=resistive
     222             :         StandardRatings::HPdefrostControl DefrostControl; // defrost control; 1=timed, 2=on-demand
     223             :         int EIRFPLR;                                      // index of energy input ratio vs part-load ratio curve
     224             :         int DefrostEIRFT;                                 // index of defrost mode total cooling capacity for reverse cycle heat pump
     225             :         int RegionNum;                                    // Region number for calculating HSPF of single speed DX heating coil
     226             :         Real64 MinOATCompressor;                          // Minimum OAT for heat pump compressor operation
     227             :         Real64 OATempCompressorOn;                        // The outdoor tempearture when the compressor is automatically turned back on,
     228             :         // if applicable, following automatic shut off. This field is used only for
     229             :         // HSPF calculation.
     230             :         Real64 MaxOATCompressor;        // Maximum OAT for VRF heat pump compressor operation
     231             :         Real64 MaxOATDefrost;           // Maximum OAT for defrost operation
     232             :         Real64 DefrostTime;             // Defrost time period in hours
     233             :         Real64 DefrostCapacity;         // Resistive defrost to nominal capacity (at 21.11C/8.33C) ratio
     234             :         Real64 HPCompressorRuntime;     // keep track of compressor runtime
     235             :         Real64 HPCompressorRuntimeLast; // keep track of last time step compressor runtime (if simulation downshifts)
     236             :         Real64 TimeLeftToDefrost;       // keep track of time left to defrost heat pump
     237             :         Real64 DefrostPower;            // power used during defrost
     238             :         Real64 DefrostConsumption;      // energy used during defrost
     239             :         int HeatingPerformanceOATType;  // Heating performance curve OAT type (1-wetbulb, 2-drybulb)
     240             :         bool HPCoilIsInCoilSystemHeatingDX;
     241             :         bool OATempCompressorOnOffBlank;
     242             :         // end of variables used in heat pump heating coils only
     243             :         // start of variables for DX cooling coil latent degradation model
     244             :         Array1D<Real64> Twet_Rated; // Nominal time for condensate to begin leaving the coil's
     245             :         // condensate drain line (sec)
     246             :         Array1D<Real64> Gamma_Rated; // Initial moisture evaporation rate divided by steady-state
     247             :         // AC latent capacity (dimensionless)
     248             :         Array1D<Real64> MaxONOFFCyclesperHour;      // Maximum ON/OFF cycles per hour for the compressor (cycles/hour)
     249             :         Array1D<Real64> LatentCapacityTimeConstant; // Time constant for latent capacity to reach steady state
     250             :         // after startup (sec)
     251             :         // end of variables for DX cooling coil latent degradation model
     252             :         Array1D<DataHeatBalance::RefrigCondenserType> CondenserType; // Type of condenser for DX cooling coil: AIR COOLED or EVAP COOLED
     253             :         // start of variables for DX cooling coil evaporative condenser option
     254             :         bool ReportEvapCondVars;        // true if any performance mode includes an evap condenser
     255             :         Array1D<Real64> EvapCondEffect; // effectiveness of the evaporatively cooled condenser
     256             :         // [high speed for multi-speed unit] (-)
     257             :         Real64 CondInletTemp;            // Evap condenser inlet temperature [C], report variable
     258             :         Array1D<Real64> EvapCondAirFlow; // Air flow rate through the evap condenser at high speed,
     259             :         // for water use calcs [m3/s]
     260             :         Array1D<Real64> EvapCondPumpElecNomPower; // Nominal power input to the evap condenser water circulation pump
     261             :         // at high speed [W]
     262             :         Real64 EvapCondPumpElecPower; // Average power consumed by the evap condenser water circulation pump over
     263             :         // the time step [W]
     264             :         Real64 EvapCondPumpElecConsumption; // Electric energy consumed by the evap condenser water circulation pump [J]
     265             :         Real64 EvapWaterConsumpRate;        // Evap condenser water consumption rate [m3/s]
     266             :         Real64 EvapWaterConsump;            // Evap condenser water consumption [m3]
     267             :         Real64 EvapCondAirFlow2;            // Air flow rate through the evap condenser at low speed, for water use calcs [m3/s]
     268             :         Real64 EvapCondEffect2;             // effectiveness of the evaporatively cooled condenser at low speed (-)
     269             :         Real64 EvapCondPumpElecNomPower2;   // Nominal power input to the evap condenser water circulation pump at low speed [W]
     270             :         Real64 BasinHeaterPower;            // Basin heater power (W)
     271             :         Real64 BasinHeaterConsumption;      // Basin heater energy consumption (J)
     272             :         // end of variables for DX cooling coil evaporative condenser option
     273             :         // start of variables for Multimode DX cooling coil
     274             :         int NumCapacityStages; // number of capacity stages, up to MaxCapacityStages for Multimode DX coil,
     275             :         // always 1 for other coils
     276             :         int NumDehumidModes; // number of enhanced dehumidification modes, up to MaxDehumidModes for Multimode DX coil,
     277             :         // always 0 for other coils)
     278             :         Array1D_string CoilPerformanceType;  // Coil Performance object type
     279             :         Array1D_int CoilPerformanceType_Num; // Coil Performance object type number
     280             :         Array1D_string CoilPerformanceName;  // Coil Performance object names
     281             :         Real64 CoolingCoilStg2RuntimeFrac;   // Run time fraction of stage 2
     282             :         int DehumidificationMode;            // Dehumidification mode for multimode coil,
     283             :         // 0=normal, 1+=enhanced dehumidification mode
     284             :         // end of variables for Multimode DX cooling coil
     285             :         // start of variables for heat pump water heater DX coil
     286             :         int WaterInNode;              // Condenser water inlet node number for HPWH DX coil
     287             :         int WaterOutNode;             // Condenser water outlet node number for HPWH DX coil
     288             :         int HCOPFTemp;                // COP as a function of temperature curve index
     289             :         int HCOPFTempErrorIndex;      // Used for warning messages when output of HCOPFTemp is negative
     290             :         int HCOPFAirFlow;             // COP as a function of air flow rate ratio curve index
     291             :         int HCOPFAirFlowErrorIndex;   // Used for warning messages when output of HCOPFAirFlow is negative
     292             :         int HCOPFWaterFlow;           // COP as a function of water flow rate ratio curve index
     293             :         int HCOPFWaterFlowErrorIndex; // Used for warning messages when output of HCOPFWaterFlow is negative
     294             :         int HCapFTemp;                // Heating capacity as a function of temperature curve index
     295             :         int HCapFTempErrorIndex;      // Used for warning messages when output of HCapFTemp is negative
     296             :         int HCapFAirFlow;             // Heating capacity as a function of air flow rate ratio curve index
     297             :         int HCapFAirFlowErrorIndex;   // Used for warning messages when output of HCapFAirFlow is negative
     298             :         int HCapFWaterFlow;           // Heating capacity as a function of water flow rate ratio curve index
     299             :         int HCapFWaterFlowErrorIndex; // Used for warning messages when output of HCapFWaterFlow is negative
     300             :         int InletAirTemperatureType;  // Specifies to use either air wet-bulb or dry-bulb temp for curve objects
     301             :         Real64 RatedInletDBTemp;      // Rated inlet air dry-bulb temperature [C]
     302             :         Real64 RatedInletWBTemp;      // Rated inlet air wet-bulb temperature [C]
     303             :         Real64 RatedInletWaterTemp;   // Rated condenser water inlet temperature [C]
     304             :         //  REAL(r64) :: CondenserInletWaterTemp     = 0.0d0     ! Actual inlet water temperature to condenser of the HPWH DX coil [C]
     305             :         Real64 HPWHCondPumpElecNomPower;    // Nominal power input to the condenser water circulation pump [W]
     306             :         Real64 HPWHCondPumpFracToWater;     // Nominal power fraction to water for the condenser water circulation pump
     307             :         Real64 RatedHPWHCondWaterFlow;      // Rated water flow rate through the condenser of the HPWH DX coil [m3/s]
     308             :         Real64 ElecWaterHeatingPower;       // Total electric power consumed by compressor and condenser pump [W]
     309             :         Real64 ElecWaterHeatingConsumption; // Total electric consumption by compressor and condenser pump [J]
     310             :         bool FanPowerIncludedInCOP;         // Indicates that fan heat is included in heating capacity and COP
     311             :         bool CondPumpHeatInCapacity;        // Indicates that condenser pump heat is included in heating capacity
     312             :         bool CondPumpPowerInCOP;            // Indicates that condenser pump power is included in heating COP
     313             :         // end of variables for heat pump water heater DX coil
     314             :         // Error tracking
     315             :         Real64 LowTempLast;  // low ambient temp entering condenser when warning message occurred
     316             :         Real64 HighTempLast; // high ambient temp entering condenser when warning message occurred
     317             :         int ErrIndex1;       // index/pointer to recurring error structure for Air volume flow rate per watt of
     318             :         // rated total cooling capacity error
     319             :         int ErrIndex2;              // index/pointer to recurring error structure for PLF curve values must be >= 0.7. error
     320             :         int ErrIndex3;              // index/pointer to recurring error structure for DX cooling coil runtime fraction > 1.0 warning
     321             :         int ErrIndex4;              // index/pointer to recurring error structure for DX heating coil runtime fraction > 1.0 warning
     322             :         int LowAmbErrIndex;         // index/pointer to recurring error structure for low ambient temp entering condenser
     323             :         int HighAmbErrIndex;        // index/pointer to recurring error structure for high ambient temp entering condenser
     324             :         int PLFErrIndex;            // index/pointer to recurring error structure for PLF <> 1 at speed 1 for a multiple speed coil
     325             :         int PLRErrIndex;            // index/pointer to recurring error structure for PLR < .7
     326             :         bool PrintLowAmbMessage;    // used to print warning message for low ambient conditions
     327             :         std::string LowAmbBuffer1;  // holds warning message until next iteration (only prints 1 message/iteration)
     328             :         std::string LowAmbBuffer2;  // holds warning message until next iteration (only prints 1 message/iteration)
     329             :         bool PrintHighAmbMessage;   // used to print warning message for high ambient conditions
     330             :         std::string HighAmbBuffer1; // holds warning message until next iteration (only prints 1 message/iteration)
     331             :         std::string HighAmbBuffer2; // holds warning message until next iteration (only prints 1 message/iteration)
     332             :         // begin variables for Water System interactions
     333             :         EvapWaterSupply EvapWaterSupplyMode; // where does water come from
     334             :         std::string EvapWaterSupplyName;     // name of water source e.g. water storage tank
     335             :         int EvapWaterSupTankID;
     336             :         int EvapWaterTankDemandARRID;
     337             :         CondensateCollectAction CondensateCollectMode; // where does water come from
     338             :         std::string CondensateCollectName;             // name of water source e.g. water storage tank
     339             :         int CondensateTankID;
     340             :         int CondensateTankSupplyARRID;
     341             :         Real64 CondensateVdot; // rate of water condensation from air stream [m3/s]
     342             :         Real64 CondensateVol;  // amount of water condensed from air stream [m3]
     343             :         // end variables for water system interactions
     344             :         // used to print low ambient warning message for DOE2 coil only after time step has incremented
     345             :         Real64 CurrentEndTimeLast; // end time of time step for last simulation time step
     346             :         Real64 TimeStepSysLast;    // last system time step (used to check for downshifting)
     347             :         // for multispeed DX coil type
     348             :         std::string FuelType;                          // Fuel type string
     349             :         DataGlobalConstants::ResourceType FuelTypeNum; // Fuel type number
     350             :         int NumOfSpeeds;                               // Number of speeds
     351             :         bool PLRImpact;                                // Part load fraction applied to Speed Number > 1
     352             :         bool LatentImpact;                             // Latent degradation applied to Speed Number > 1
     353             :         Array1D_int MSErrIndex;                        // index flag for num speeds/recurring messages
     354             :         Array1D<Real64> MSRatedTotCap;                 // Rated cooling capacity for MS heat pump [W]
     355             :         Array1D<Real64> MSRatedTotCapDes;              // Autosized Gross total cooling capacity at rated conditions [watts]
     356             :         Array1D<Real64> MSRatedSHR;                    // Rated SHR for MS heat pump [dimensionless]
     357             :         Array1D<Real64> MSRatedCOP;                    // Rated COP for MS heat pump [dimensionless]
     358             :         Array1D<Real64> MSRatedAirVolFlowRate;         // Air volume flow rate through unit at rated conditions [m3/s]
     359             :         Array1D<Real64> MSRatedAirMassFlowRate;        // Air mass flow rate through unit at rated conditions [m3/s]
     360             :         Array1D<Real64> MSRatedCBF;                    // rated coil bypass factor
     361             :         Array1D_int MSCCapFTemp;                       // index of total cooling capacity modifier curve
     362             :         Array1D_int MSCCapFFlow;                       // index of total cooling capacity modifier curve
     363             :         Array1D_int MSEIRFTemp;                        // index of energy input ratio modifier curve as a function of temperature
     364             :         Array1D_int MSEIRFFlow;                        // index of energy input ratio modifier curve as a function of flow fraction
     365             :         Array1D_int MSPLFFPLR;                         // index of part load factor as a function of part load ratio
     366             :         Array1D_int MSWasteHeat;                       // index of waste heat as a function of temperature
     367             :         Array1D<Real64> MSWasteHeatFrac;               // Waste heat fraction
     368             :         Array1D<Real64> MSEvapCondEffect;              // effectiveness of the evaporatively cooled condenser
     369             :         Array1D<Real64> MSEvapCondAirFlow;             // Air flow rate through the evap condenser for water use calcs [m3/s]
     370             :         Array1D<Real64> MSEvapCondPumpElecNomPower;    // Nominal power input to the evap condenser
     371             :         // water circulation pump
     372             :         Array1D<Real64> MSTwet_Rated; // Nominal time for condensate to begin leaving the coil's
     373             :         // condensate drain line (sec)
     374             :         Array1D<Real64> MSGamma_Rated; // Initial moisture evaporation rate divided by steady-state
     375             :         // AC latent capacity (dimensionless)
     376             :         Array1D<Real64> MSMaxONOFFCyclesperHour;      // Maximum ON/OFF cycles per hour for the compressor (cycles/hour)
     377             :         Array1D<Real64> MSLatentCapacityTimeConstant; // Time constant for latent capacity to reach steady state
     378             :         Array1D<Real64> MSFanPowerPerEvapAirFlowRate;
     379             :         Array1D<Real64> MSFanPowerPerEvapAirFlowRate_2023;
     380             :         Real64 FuelUsed;         // Energy used, in addition to electricity [W]
     381             :         Real64 FuelConsumed;     // Energy consumed, in addition to electricity [J]
     382             :         Real64 MSFuelWasteHeat;  // Total waste heat [J]
     383             :         bool MSHPHeatRecActive;  // True when entered Heat Rec Vol Flow Rate > 0
     384             :         int MSHPDesignSpecIndex; // index to MSHPDesignSpecification object used for variable speed coils
     385             :         // End of multispeed DX coil input
     386             :         // VRF system variables used for sizing
     387             :         bool CoolingCoilPresent;         // FALSE if coil not present
     388             :         bool HeatingCoilPresent;         // FALSE if coil not present
     389             :         bool ISHundredPercentDOASDXCoil; // FALSE if coil is regular dx coil
     390             :         Array1D_int SHRFTemp;            // index of sensible heat ratio modifier curve
     391             :         // (function of entering wetbulb and drybulb)
     392             :         int SHRFTempErrorIndex; // Used for warning messages when output of SHRFTemp is negative
     393             :         Array1D_int SHRFFlow;   // index of sensible heat ratio modifier curve
     394             :         // (function of actual supply air flow vs rated air flow)
     395             :         int SHRFFlowErrorIndex; // Used for warning messages when output of SHRFFlow is negative
     396             :         int SHRFTemp2;          // index of sensible heat ratio modifier curve
     397             :         // (function of entering wetbulb and drybulb)
     398             :         int SHRFFlow2; // index of sensible heat ratio modifier curve
     399             :         // (function of actual supply air flow vs rated air flow)
     400             :         bool UserSHRCurveExists; // TRUE if user specified SHR modifier curve exists
     401             :         bool ASHRAE127StdRprt;   // TRUE if user wishes to report ASHRAE 127 standard ratings
     402             : 
     403             :         int SecZonePtr;                                // index to the zone where the secondary coil is placed
     404             :         int SecCoilSHRFT;                              // index to the secondary coil sensible heat ratio temperature modifier curve
     405             :         int SecCoilSHRFF;                              // index to the secondary coil sensible heat ratio flor fraction modifier curve
     406             :         Real64 SecCoilAirFlow;                         // secondary coil air flow rate
     407             :         Real64 SecCoilAirFlowScalingFactor;            // secondary coil air flow rate autosize scaling factor
     408             :         Real64 SecCoilRatedSHR;                        // secondary coil nominal or rated sensible heat ratio
     409             :         Real64 SecCoilSHR;                             // secondary coil current sensible heat ratio
     410             :         Real64 EvapInletWetBulb;                       // secondary DX coil inlet wet bulb temperature (zone air node wet bulb temp.)
     411             :         Real64 SecCoilSensibleHeatGainRate;            // secondary zone sensible heat gain rate [W]
     412             :         Real64 SecCoilTotalHeatRemovalRate;            // secondary zone total heat removal rate [W]
     413             :         Real64 SecCoilSensibleHeatRemovalRate;         // secondary zone sensible heat removal rate [W]
     414             :         Real64 SecCoilLatentHeatRemovalRate;           // secondary zone latent heat removal rate [W]
     415             :         bool IsSecondaryDXCoilInZone;                  // true means secondary dx coil is zone instead of outside
     416             :         bool IsDXCoilInZone;                           // true means dx coil is in zone instead of outside
     417             :         Real64 CompressorPartLoadRatio;                // compressor part load ratio of the primary DX coil
     418             :         Array1D_int MSSecCoilSHRFT;                    // index to the multi speed secondary coil sensible heat ratio temperature modifier curve
     419             :         Array1D_int MSSecCoilSHRFF;                    //  index to the multi speed secondary coil sensible heat ratio flow fraction modifier curve
     420             :         Array1D<Real64> MSSecCoilAirFlow;              // multispeed secondary coil air flow rate
     421             :         Array1D<Real64> MSSecCoilAirFlowScalingFactor; // multispeed secondary coil air flow rate autosize scaling factor
     422             :         Array1D<Real64> MSSecCoilRatedSHR;             // multispeed secondary coil nominal or rated sensible heat ratio
     423             :         int MSSpeedNumLS;                              // current low speed number of multspeed HP
     424             :         int MSSpeedNumHS;                              // current high speed number of multspeed HP
     425             :         Real64 MSSpeedRatio;                           // current speed ratio of multspeed HP
     426             :         Real64 MSCycRatio;                             // current cycling ratio of multspeed HP
     427             : 
     428             :         // The following members are for VRF Coils (FluidTCtrl Model)
     429             :         int VRFIUPtr;              // index to the VRF Indoor Unit where the coil is placed
     430             :         int VRFOUPtr;              // index to the VRF Outdoor Unit that the coil serves
     431             :         Real64 EvaporatingTemp;    // indoor unit evaporating temperature [C]
     432             :         Real64 CondensingTemp;     // indoor unit condensing temperature [C]
     433             :         Real64 C1Te;               // VRF Indoor Unit Coefficient 1 to calculate Te,req [--]
     434             :         Real64 C2Te;               // VRF Indoor Unit Coefficient 2 to calculate Te,req [--]
     435             :         Real64 C3Te;               // VRF Indoor Unit Coefficient 3 to calculate Te,req [--]
     436             :         Real64 C1Tc;               // VRF Indoor Unit Coefficient 1 to calculate Tc,req [--]
     437             :         Real64 C2Tc;               // VRF Indoor Unit Coefficient 2 to calculate Tc,req [--]
     438             :         Real64 C3Tc;               // VRF Indoor Unit Coefficient 3 to calculate Tc,req [--]
     439             :         Real64 SH;                 // Superheating degrees [C]
     440             :         Real64 SC;                 // Subcooling  degrees [C]
     441             :         Real64 ActualSH;           // Actual superheating degrees [C]
     442             :         Real64 ActualSC;           // Actual subcooling degrees [C]
     443             :         Real64 RateBFVRFIUEvap;    // VRF Iutdoor Unit Evaporator Rated Bypass Factor
     444             :         Real64 RateBFVRFIUCond;    // VRF Iutdoor Unit Condenser Rated Bypass Factor
     445             :         int CAPFTErrIndex;         // index/pointer to recurring error structure for CAPFT curve value <= 0.0
     446             :         int EIRFTErrIndex;         // index/pointer to recurring error structure for EIRFT curve value <= 0.0
     447             :         bool reportCoilFinalSizes; // one time report of sizes to coil selection report
     448             :         Real64 capModFacTotal;     // current coil capacity modification factor
     449             :         int AirLoopNum;            // Airloop number
     450             : 
     451             :         // Default Constructor
     452         241 :         DXCoilData()
     453         241 :             : DXCoilType_Num(0), SchedPtr(0), RatedTotCap(MaxModes, 0.0), HeatSizeRatio(1.0), RatedTotCapEMSOverrideOn(MaxModes, false),
     454             :               RatedTotCapEMSOverrideValue(MaxModes, 0.0), RatedSHR(MaxModes, 0.0), RatedSHREMSOverrideOn(MaxModes, false),
     455             :               RatedSHREMSOverrideValue(MaxModes, 0.0), RatedCOP(MaxModes, 0.0), RatedAirVolFlowRate(MaxModes, 0.0),
     456             :               RatedAirVolFlowRateEMSOverrideON(MaxModes, false), RatedAirVolFlowRateEMSOverrideValue(MaxModes, 0.0),
     457             :               FanPowerPerEvapAirFlowRate(MaxModes, 0.0), FanPowerPerEvapAirFlowRate_2023(MaxModes, 0.0), RatedAirMassFlowRate(MaxModes, 0.0),
     458             :               BypassedFlowFrac(MaxModes, 0.0), RatedCBF(MaxModes, 0.0), AirInNode(0), AirOutNode(0), CCapFTemp(MaxModes, 0), CCapFTempErrorIndex(0),
     459             :               CCapFFlow(MaxModes, 0), CCapFFlowErrorIndex(0), EIRFTemp(MaxModes, 0), EIRFTempErrorIndex(0), EIRFFlow(MaxModes, 0),
     460             :               EIRFFlowErrorIndex(0), PLFFPLR(MaxModes, 0), ReportCoolingCoilCrankcasePower(true), CrankcaseHeaterCapacity(0.0),
     461             :               CrankcaseHeaterPower(0.0), MaxOATCrankcaseHeater(0.0), CrankcaseHeaterConsumption(0.0), BasinHeaterPowerFTempDiff(0.0),
     462             :               BasinHeaterSetPointTemp(0.0), CompanionUpstreamDXCoil(0), FindCompanionUpStreamCoil(true), CondenserInletNodeNum(MaxModes, 0),
     463             :               LowOutletTempIndex(0), FullLoadOutAirTempLast(0.0), FullLoadInletAirTempLast(0.0), PrintLowOutTempMessage(false),
     464             :               HeatingCoilPLFCurvePTR(0), BasinHeaterSchedulePtr(0), RatedTotCap2(0.0), RatedSHR2(0.0), RatedCOP2(0.0), RatedAirVolFlowRate2(0.0),
     465             :               RatedAirMassFlowRate2(0.0), RatedCBF2(0.0), CCapFTemp2(0), EIRFTemp2(0), RatedEIR2(0.0), InternalStaticPressureDrop(0.0),
     466             :               RateWithInternalStaticAndFanObject(false), SupplyFanIndex(-1), SupplyFan_TypeNum(0), RatedEIR(MaxModes, 0.0), InletAirMassFlowRate(0.0),
     467             :               InletAirMassFlowRateMax(0.0), InletAirTemp(0.0), InletAirHumRat(0.0), InletAirEnthalpy(0.0), OutletAirTemp(0.0), OutletAirHumRat(0.0),
     468             :               OutletAirEnthalpy(0.0), PartLoadRatio(0.0), TotalCoolingEnergy(0.0), SensCoolingEnergy(0.0), LatCoolingEnergy(0.0),
     469             :               TotalCoolingEnergyRate(0.0), SensCoolingEnergyRate(0.0), LatCoolingEnergyRate(0.0), ElecCoolingConsumption(0.0), ElecCoolingPower(0.0),
     470             :               CoolingCoilRuntimeFraction(0.0), TotalHeatingEnergy(0.0), TotalHeatingEnergyRate(0.0), ElecHeatingConsumption(0.0),
     471             :               ElecHeatingPower(0.0), HeatingCoilRuntimeFraction(0.0), DefrostStrategy(StandardRatings::DefrostStrat::Invalid),
     472             :               DefrostControl(StandardRatings::HPdefrostControl::Invalid), EIRFPLR(0), DefrostEIRFT(0), RegionNum(0), MinOATCompressor(0.0),
     473             :               OATempCompressorOn(0.0), MaxOATCompressor(0.0), MaxOATDefrost(0.0), DefrostTime(0.0), DefrostCapacity(0.0), HPCompressorRuntime(0.0),
     474             :               HPCompressorRuntimeLast(0.0), TimeLeftToDefrost(0.0), DefrostPower(0.0), DefrostConsumption(0.0),
     475             :               HeatingPerformanceOATType(DryBulbIndicator), HPCoilIsInCoilSystemHeatingDX(false), OATempCompressorOnOffBlank(false),
     476             :               Twet_Rated(MaxModes, 0.0), Gamma_Rated(MaxModes, 0.0), MaxONOFFCyclesperHour(MaxModes, 0.0), LatentCapacityTimeConstant(MaxModes, 0.0),
     477             :               CondenserType(MaxModes, DataHeatBalance::RefrigCondenserType::Air), ReportEvapCondVars(false), EvapCondEffect(MaxModes, 0.0),
     478             :               CondInletTemp(0.0), EvapCondAirFlow(MaxModes, 0.0), EvapCondPumpElecNomPower(MaxModes, 0.0), EvapCondPumpElecPower(0.0),
     479             :               EvapCondPumpElecConsumption(0.0), EvapWaterConsumpRate(0.0), EvapWaterConsump(0.0), EvapCondAirFlow2(0.0), EvapCondEffect2(0.0),
     480             :               EvapCondPumpElecNomPower2(0.0), BasinHeaterPower(0.0), BasinHeaterConsumption(0.0), NumCapacityStages(1), NumDehumidModes(0),
     481             :               CoilPerformanceType(MaxModes), CoilPerformanceType_Num(MaxModes, 0), CoilPerformanceName(MaxModes), CoolingCoilStg2RuntimeFrac(0.0),
     482             :               DehumidificationMode(0), WaterInNode(0), WaterOutNode(0), HCOPFTemp(0), HCOPFTempErrorIndex(0), HCOPFAirFlow(0),
     483             :               HCOPFAirFlowErrorIndex(0), HCOPFWaterFlow(0), HCOPFWaterFlowErrorIndex(0), HCapFTemp(0), HCapFTempErrorIndex(0), HCapFAirFlow(0),
     484             :               HCapFAirFlowErrorIndex(0), HCapFWaterFlow(0), HCapFWaterFlowErrorIndex(0), InletAirTemperatureType(0), RatedInletDBTemp(0.0),
     485             :               RatedInletWBTemp(0.0), RatedInletWaterTemp(0.0), HPWHCondPumpElecNomPower(0.0), HPWHCondPumpFracToWater(0.0),
     486             :               RatedHPWHCondWaterFlow(0.0), ElecWaterHeatingPower(0.0), ElecWaterHeatingConsumption(0.0), FanPowerIncludedInCOP(true),
     487             :               CondPumpHeatInCapacity(false), CondPumpPowerInCOP(false), LowTempLast(0.0), HighTempLast(0.0), ErrIndex1(0), ErrIndex2(0), ErrIndex3(0),
     488             :               ErrIndex4(0), LowAmbErrIndex(0), HighAmbErrIndex(0), PLFErrIndex(0), PLRErrIndex(0), PrintLowAmbMessage(false),
     489             :               PrintHighAmbMessage(false), EvapWaterSupplyMode(EvapWaterSupply::FromMains), EvapWaterSupTankID(0), EvapWaterTankDemandARRID(0),
     490             :               CondensateCollectMode(CondensateCollectAction::Discard), CondensateTankID(0), CondensateTankSupplyARRID(0), CondensateVdot(0.0),
     491             :               CondensateVol(0.0), CurrentEndTimeLast(0.0), TimeStepSysLast(0.0), FuelTypeNum(DataGlobalConstants::ResourceType::None), NumOfSpeeds(0),
     492             :               PLRImpact(false), LatentImpact(false), MSFuelWasteHeat(0.0), MSHPHeatRecActive(false), MSHPDesignSpecIndex(0), CoolingCoilPresent(true),
     493             :               HeatingCoilPresent(true), ISHundredPercentDOASDXCoil(false), SHRFTemp(MaxModes, 0), SHRFTempErrorIndex(0), SHRFFlow(MaxModes, 0),
     494             :               SHRFFlowErrorIndex(0), SHRFTemp2(0), SHRFFlow2(0), UserSHRCurveExists(false), ASHRAE127StdRprt(false), SecZonePtr(0), SecCoilSHRFT(0),
     495             :               SecCoilSHRFF(0), SecCoilAirFlow(0.0), SecCoilAirFlowScalingFactor(1.0), SecCoilRatedSHR(1.0), SecCoilSHR(1.0), EvapInletWetBulb(0.0),
     496             :               SecCoilSensibleHeatGainRate(0.0), SecCoilTotalHeatRemovalRate(0.0), SecCoilSensibleHeatRemovalRate(0.0),
     497             :               SecCoilLatentHeatRemovalRate(0.0), IsSecondaryDXCoilInZone(false), IsDXCoilInZone(false), CompressorPartLoadRatio(0.0), MSSpeedNumLS(1),
     498             :               MSSpeedNumHS(2), MSSpeedRatio(0.0), MSCycRatio(0.0), VRFIUPtr(0), VRFOUPtr(0), EvaporatingTemp(4.0), CondensingTemp(40.0), C1Te(0.0),
     499             :               C2Te(0.0), C3Te(0.0), C1Tc(0.0), C2Tc(0.0), C3Tc(0.0), SH(0.0), SC(0.0), ActualSH(0.0), ActualSC(0.0), RateBFVRFIUEvap(0.0592),
     500         241 :               RateBFVRFIUCond(0.1360), CAPFTErrIndex(0), EIRFTErrIndex(0), reportCoilFinalSizes(true), capModFacTotal(0.0), AirLoopNum(0)
     501             :         {
     502         241 :         }
     503             :     };
     504             : 
     505        3187 :     struct PerfModeData
     506             :     {
     507             :         // Members
     508             :         Array1D<std::string> FieldNames;
     509             : 
     510             :         // Default Constructor
     511        1193 :         PerfModeData() : FieldNames()
     512             :         {
     513        1193 :         }
     514             :     };
     515             : 
     516        2145 :     struct DXCoilNumericFieldData
     517             :     {
     518             :         // Members
     519             :         Array1D<PerfModeData> PerfMode; // Coil Performance object type
     520             : 
     521             :         // Default Constructor
     522         241 :         DXCoilNumericFieldData() : PerfMode(0)
     523             :         {
     524         241 :         }
     525             :     };
     526             : 
     527             :     // Functions
     528             : 
     529             :     void SimDXCoil(EnergyPlusData &state,
     530             :                    std::string_view CompName,                               // name of the fan coil unit
     531             :                    DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation const CompressorOp, // compressor operation; 1=on, 0=off
     532             :                    bool const FirstHVACIteration,                           // True when first HVAC iteration
     533             :                    int &CompIndex,
     534             :                    int const FanOpMode,                                   // allows parent object to control fan mode
     535             :                    Optional<Real64 const> PartLoadRatio = _,              // part load ratio (for single speed cycling unit)
     536             :                    Optional<Real64 const> OnOffAFR = _,                   // ratio of compressor on airflow to compressor off airflow
     537             :                    Optional<Real64 const> CoilCoolingHeatingPLRRatio = _, // used for cycling fan RH control
     538             :                    Optional<Real64 const> MaxCap = _,                     // maximum cooling capacity of VRF terminal units
     539             :                    Optional<Real64 const> CompCyclingRatio = _            // cycling ratio of VRF condenser connected to this TU
     540             :     );
     541             : 
     542             :     void SimDXCoilMultiSpeed(
     543             :         EnergyPlusData &state,
     544             :         std::string_view CompName, // name of the fan coil unit
     545             :         Real64 const SpeedRatio,   // = (CompressorSpeed - CompressorSpeedMin) /
     546             :         Real64 const CycRatio,     // cycling part load ratio for variable speed
     547             :         int &CompIndex,
     548             :         Optional_int_const SpeedNum = _,  // Speed number for multispeed cooling coil onlyn
     549             :         Optional_int_const FanOpMode = _, // Fan operation mode
     550             :         DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation CompressorOp = DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::Off, // Compressor on/off; 1=on, 0=off
     551             :         Optional_int_const SingleMode = _                                                              // Single mode operation Yes/No; 1=Yes, 0=No
     552             :     );
     553             : 
     554             :     void SimDXCoilMultiMode(EnergyPlusData &state,
     555             :                             std::string_view CompName,                         // name of the fan coil unit
     556             :                             DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation CompressorOp, // compressor operation; 1=on, 0=off !unused1208
     557             :                             bool const FirstHVACIteration,                     // true if first hvac iteration
     558             :                             Real64 const PartLoadRatio,                        // part load ratio
     559             :                             int const DehumidMode,                             // dehumidification mode (0=normal, 1=enhanced)
     560             :                             int &CompIndex,
     561             :                             int const FanOpMode // allows parent object to control fan mode
     562             :     );
     563             : 
     564             :     // TODO: Add New Property for AHRI 2023 Standard & Modify Numeric Fields (increment)
     565             :     void GetDXCoils(EnergyPlusData &state);
     566             : 
     567             :     void InitDXCoil(EnergyPlusData &state, int const DXCoilNum); // number of the current DX coil unit being simulated
     568             : 
     569             :     void SizeDXCoil(EnergyPlusData &state, int const DXCoilNum);
     570             : 
     571             :     void CalcHPWHDXCoil(EnergyPlusData &state,
     572             :                         int const DXCoilNum,       // the number of the DX coil to be simulated
     573             :                         Real64 const PartLoadRatio // sensible water heating load / full load sensible water heating capacity
     574             :     );
     575             : 
     576             :     void CalcDoe2DXCoil(EnergyPlusData &state,
     577             :                         int const DXCoilNum,                               // the number of the DX coil to be simulated
     578             :                         DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation CompressorOp, // compressor operation; 1=on, 0=off
     579             :                         bool const FirstHVACIteration,                     // true if this is the first iteration of HVAC
     580             :                         Real64 const PartLoadRatio,                        // sensible cooling load / full load sensible cooling capacity
     581             :                         int const FanOpMode,                               // Allows parent object to control fan operation
     582             :                         Optional_int_const PerfMode = _,                   // Performance mode for MultiMode DX coil; Always 1 for other coil types
     583             :                         Optional<Real64 const> OnOffAirFlowRatio = _,      // ratio of compressor on airflow to compressor off airflow
     584             :                         Optional<Real64 const> CoolingHeatingPLR = _       // used for cycling fan RH control
     585             :     );
     586             : 
     587             :     void CalcVRFCoolingCoil(EnergyPlusData &state,
     588             :                             int const DXCoilNum,                               // the number of the DX coil to be simulated
     589             :                             DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation CompressorOp, // compressor operation; 1=on, 0=off
     590             :                             bool const FirstHVACIteration,                     // true if this is the first iteration of HVAC
     591             :                             Real64 const PartLoadRatio,                        // sensible cooling load / full load sensible cooling capacity
     592             :                             int const FanOpMode,                               // Allows parent object to control fan operation
     593             :                             Real64 const CompCycRatio,                         // cycling ratio of VRF condenser
     594             :                             Optional_int_const PerfMode = _,              // Performance mode for MultiMode DX coil; Always 1 for other coil types
     595             :                             Optional<Real64 const> OnOffAirFlowRatio = _, // ratio of compressor on airflow to compressor off airflow
     596             :                             Optional<Real64 const> MaxCoolCap = _         // maximum capacity of DX coil
     597             :     );
     598             : 
     599             :     void CalcDXHeatingCoil(EnergyPlusData &state,
     600             :                            int const DXCoilNum,                          // the number of the DX heating coil to be simulated
     601             :                            Real64 const PartLoadRatio,                   // sensible cooling load / full load sensible cooling capacity
     602             :                            int const FanOpMode,                          // Allows parent object to control fan mode
     603             :                            Optional<Real64 const> OnOffAirFlowRatio = _, // ratio of compressor on airflow to compressor off airflow
     604             :                            Optional<Real64 const> MaxHeatCap = _         // maximum allowed heating capacity
     605             :     );
     606             : 
     607             :     void CalcMultiSpeedDXCoil(EnergyPlusData &state,
     608             :                               int const DXCoilNum,     // the number of the DX heating coil to be simulated
     609             :                               Real64 const SpeedRatio, // = (CompressorSpeed - CompressorSpeedMin) / (CompressorSpeedMax - CompressorSpeedMin)
     610             :                               Real64 const CycRatio,   // cycling part load ratio
     611             :                               Optional_bool_const ForceOn = _);
     612             : 
     613             :     void CalcBasinHeaterPowerForMultiModeDXCoil(EnergyPlusData &state,
     614             :                                                 int const DXCoilNum,  // Index of coil being simulated
     615             :                                                 int const DehumidMode // Dehumidification mode (0=normal, 1=enhanced)
     616             :     );
     617             : 
     618             :     Real64 AdjustCBF(Real64 const CBFNom,             // nominal coil bypass factor
     619             :                      Real64 const AirMassFlowRateNom, // nominal air mass flow rate [kg/s]
     620             :                      Real64 const AirMassFlowRate     // actual air mass flow rate [kg/s]
     621             :     );
     622             : 
     623             :     Real64 CalcCBF(EnergyPlusData &state,
     624             :                    std::string const &UnitType,
     625             :                    std::string const &UnitName,
     626             :                    Real64 const InletAirTemp,   // inlet air temperature [C]
     627             :                    Real64 const InletAirHumRat, // inlet air humidity ratio [kg water / kg dry air]
     628             :                    Real64 const TotCap,         // total cooling  capacity [Watts]
     629             :                    Real64 const AirVolFlowRate, // the air volume flow rate at the given capacity [m3/s]
     630             :                    Real64 const SHR,            // sensible heat ratio at the given capacity and flow rate
     631             :                    bool const PrintFlag = true  // flag used to print warnings if desired
     632             :     );
     633             : 
     634             :     Real64 ValidateADP(EnergyPlusData &state,
     635             :                        std::string const &UnitType,      // component name
     636             :                        std::string const &UnitName,      // component type
     637             :                        Real64 const RatedInletAirTemp,   // coil inlet air temperature [C]
     638             :                        Real64 const RatedInletAirHumRat, // coil inlet air humidity ratio [kg/kg]
     639             :                        Real64 const TotCap,              // coil total capacity [W]
     640             :                        Real64 const AirMassFlow,         // coil air mass flow rate [kg/s]
     641             :                        Real64 const InitialSHR,          // coil sensible heat ratio []
     642             :                        std::string const &CallingRoutine // function name calling this routine
     643             :     );
     644             : 
     645             :     Real64 CalcEffectiveSHR(EnergyPlusData &state,
     646             :                             int const DXCoilNum,                  // Index number for cooling coil
     647             :                             Real64 const SHRss,                   // Steady-state sensible heat ratio
     648             :                             Real64 const RTF,                     // Compressor run-time fraction
     649             :                             Real64 const QLatRated,               // Rated latent capacity
     650             :                             Real64 const QLatActual,              // Actual latent capacity
     651             :                             Real64 const EnteringDB,              // Entering air dry-bulb temperature
     652             :                             Real64 const EnteringWB,              // Entering air wet-bulb temperature
     653             :                             Optional_int_const Mode = _,          // Performance mode for MultiMode DX coil; Always 1 for other coil types
     654             :                             Optional<Real64 const> HeatingRTF = _ // Used to recalculate Toff for cycling fan systems
     655             :     );
     656             : 
     657             :     void CalcTotCapSHR(EnergyPlusData &state,
     658             :                        Real64 const InletDryBulb,     // inlet air dry bulb temperature [C]
     659             :                        Real64 const InletHumRat,      // inlet air humidity ratio [kg water / kg dry air]
     660             :                        Real64 const InletEnthalpy,    // inlet air specific enthalpy [J/kg]
     661             :                        Real64 const InletWetBulb,     // inlet air wet bulb temperature [C]
     662             :                        Real64 const AirMassFlowRatio, // Ratio of actual air mass flow to nominal air mass flow
     663             :                        Real64 const AirMassFlow,      // actual mass flow for capacity and SHR calculation
     664             :                        Real64 const TotCapNom,        // nominal total capacity [W]
     665             :                        Real64 const CBF,              // coil bypass factor
     666             :                        int const CCapFTemp,           // capacity modifier curve index, function of entering wetbulb
     667             :                        int const CCapFFlow,           // capacity modifier curve, function of actual flow vs rated flow
     668             :                        Real64 &TotCap,                // total capacity at the given conditions [W]
     669             :                        Real64 &SHR,                   // sensible heat ratio at the given conditions
     670             :                        Real64 const CondInletTemp,    // Condenser inlet temperature [C]
     671             :                        Real64 const Pressure,         // air pressure [Pa]
     672             :                        Real64 &TotCapModFac           // capacity modification factor, func of temp and func of flow
     673             :     );
     674             : 
     675             :     void CalcMultiSpeedDXCoilCooling(EnergyPlusData &state,
     676             :                                      int const DXCoilNum,     // the number of the DX heating coil to be simulated
     677             :                                      Real64 const SpeedRatio, // = (CompressorSpeed - CompressorSpeedMin) / (CompressorSpeedMax - CompressorSpeedMin)
     678             :                                      Real64 const CycRatio,   // cycling part load ratio
     679             :                                      int const SpeedNum,      // Speed number
     680             :                                      int const FanOpMode,     // Sets fan control to CycFanCycCoil or ContFanCycCoil
     681             :                                      DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation CompressorOp, // Compressor on/off; 1=on, 0=off
     682             :                                      int const SingleMode                               // Single mode operation Yes/No; 1=Yes, 0=No
     683             :     );
     684             : 
     685             :     void CalcMultiSpeedDXCoilHeating(EnergyPlusData &state,
     686             :                                      int const DXCoilNum,     // the number of the DX heating coil to be simulated
     687             :                                      Real64 const SpeedRatio, // = (CompressorSpeed - CompressorSpeedMin) / (CompressorSpeedMax - CompressorSpeedMin)
     688             :                                      Real64 const CycRatio,   // cycling part load ratio
     689             :                                      int const SpeedNum,      // Speed number
     690             :                                      int const FanOpMode,     // Fan operation mode
     691             :                                      int const SingleMode     // Single mode operation Yes/No; 1=Yes, 0=No
     692             :     );
     693             : 
     694             :     void UpdateDXCoil(EnergyPlusData &state, int const DXCoilNum); // number of the current fan coil unit being simulated
     695             : 
     696             :     void ReportDXCoil(EnergyPlusData &state, int const DXCoilNum); // number of the current fan coil unit being simulated
     697             : 
     698             :     void CalcTwoSpeedDXCoilStandardRating(EnergyPlusData &state, int const DXCoilNum);
     699             : 
     700             :     void GetFanIndexForTwoSpeedCoil(
     701             :         EnergyPlusData &state, int const CoolingCoilIndex, int &SupplyFanIndex, std::string &SupplyFanName, int &SupplyFan_TypeNum);
     702             : 
     703             :     void GetDXCoilIndex(EnergyPlusData &state,
     704             :                         std::string const &DXCoilName,
     705             :                         int &DXCoilIndex,
     706             :                         bool &ErrorsFound,
     707             :                         std::string_view const ThisObjectType = {},
     708             :                         bool const SuppressWarning = false);
     709             : 
     710             :     std::string GetDXCoilName(
     711             :         EnergyPlusData &state, int &DXCoilIndex, bool &ErrorsFound, std::string_view const ThisObjectType = {}, bool const SuppressWarning = false);
     712             : 
     713             :     Real64 GetCoilCapacity(EnergyPlusData &state,
     714             :                            std::string const &CoilType, // must match coil types in this module
     715             :                            std::string const &CoilName, // must match coil names for the coil type
     716             :                            bool &ErrorsFound            // set to true if problem
     717             :     );
     718             : 
     719             :     Real64 GetCoilCapacityByIndexType(EnergyPlusData &state,
     720             :                                       int const CoilIndex,    // must match coil index for the coil type
     721             :                                       int const CoilType_Num, // must match coil types in this module
     722             :                                       bool &ErrorsFound       // set to true if problem
     723             :     );
     724             : 
     725             :     int GetCoilTypeNum(EnergyPlusData &state,
     726             :                        std::string const &CoilType,         // must match coil types in this module
     727             :                        std::string const &CoilName,         // must match coil names for the coil type
     728             :                        bool &ErrorsFound,                   // set to true if problem
     729             :                        Optional_bool_const PrintWarning = _ // prints warning when true
     730             :     );
     731             : 
     732             :     Real64 GetMinOATCompressor(EnergyPlusData &state,
     733             :                                int const CoilIndex, // index to coil
     734             :                                bool &ErrorsFound    // set to true if problem
     735             :     );
     736             : 
     737             :     int GetCoilInletNode(EnergyPlusData &state,
     738             :                          std::string const &CoilType, // must match coil types in this module
     739             :                          std::string const &CoilName, // must match coil names for the coil type
     740             :                          bool &ErrorsFound            // set to true if problem
     741             :     );
     742             : 
     743             :     int GetCoilOutletNode(EnergyPlusData &state,
     744             :                           std::string const &CoilType, // must match coil types in this module
     745             :                           std::string const &CoilName, // must match coil names for the coil type
     746             :                           bool &ErrorsFound            // set to true if problem
     747             :     );
     748             : 
     749             :     int getCoilInNodeIndex(EnergyPlusData &state,
     750             :                            int CoilIndex,    // coil index
     751             :                            bool &ErrorsFound // set to true if problem
     752             :     );
     753             : 
     754             :     int getCoilOutNodeIndex(EnergyPlusData &state,
     755             :                             int CoilIndex,    // coil index
     756             :                             bool &ErrorsFound // set to true if problem
     757             :     );
     758             : 
     759             :     int GetCoilCondenserInletNode(EnergyPlusData &state,
     760             :                                   std::string const &CoilType, // must match coil types in this module
     761             :                                   std::string const &CoilName, // must match coil names for the coil type
     762             :                                   bool &ErrorsFound            // set to true if problem
     763             :     );
     764             : 
     765             :     Real64 GetDXCoilBypassedFlowFrac(EnergyPlusData &state,
     766             :                                      std::string const &CoilType, // must match coil types in this module
     767             :                                      std::string const &CoilName, // must match coil names for the coil type
     768             :                                      bool &ErrorsFound            // set to true if problem
     769             :     );
     770             : 
     771             :     int GetHPCoolingCoilIndex(EnergyPlusData &state,
     772             :                               std::string const &HeatingCoilType, // Type of DX heating coil used in HP
     773             :                               std::string const &HeatingCoilName, // Name of DX heating coil used in HP
     774             :                               int const HeatingCoilIndex          // Index of DX heating coil used in HP
     775             :     );
     776             : 
     777             :     int GetDXCoilNumberOfSpeeds(EnergyPlusData &state,
     778             :                                 std::string const &CoilType, // must match coil types in this module
     779             :                                 std::string const &CoilName, // must match coil names for the coil type
     780             :                                 bool &ErrorsFound            // set to true if problem
     781             :     );
     782             : 
     783             :     int GetDXCoilAvailSchPtr(EnergyPlusData &state,
     784             :                              std::string const &CoilType,     // must match coil types in this module
     785             :                              std::string const &CoilName,     // must match coil names for the coil type
     786             :                              bool &ErrorsFound,               // set to true if problem
     787             :                              Optional_int_const CoilIndex = _ // Coil index number
     788             :     );
     789             : 
     790             :     Real64 GetDXCoilAirFlow(EnergyPlusData &state,
     791             :                             std::string const &CoilType, // must match coil types in this module
     792             :                             std::string const &CoilName, // must match coil names for the coil type
     793             :                             bool &ErrorsFound            // set to true if problem
     794             :     );
     795             : 
     796             :     int GetDXCoilCapFTCurveIndex(EnergyPlusData &state,
     797             :                                  int const CoilIndex, // coil index pointer
     798             :                                  bool &ErrorsFound    // set to true if problem
     799             :     );
     800             : 
     801             :     void SetDXCoolingCoilData(EnergyPlusData &state,
     802             :                               int const DXCoilNum,                     // Number of DX Cooling Coil
     803             :                               bool &ErrorsFound,                       // Set to true if certain errors found
     804             :                               Optional_int HeatingCoilPLFCurvePTR = _, // Parameter equivalent of heating coil PLR curve index
     805             :                               Optional<DataHeatBalance::RefrigCondenserType> CondenserType = _, // Parameter equivalent of condenser type parameter
     806             :                               Optional_int CondenserInletNodeNum = _,                           // Parameter equivalent of condenser inlet node number
     807             :                               Optional<Real64> MaxOATCrankcaseHeater = _, // Parameter equivalent of condenser Max OAT for Crank Case Heater temp
     808             :                               Optional<Real64> MinOATCooling = _, // Parameter equivalent of condenser Min OAT for compressor cooling operation
     809             :                               Optional<Real64> MaxOATCooling = _, // Parameter equivalent of condenser Max OAT for compressor cooling operation
     810             :                               Optional<Real64> MinOATHeating = _, // Parameter equivalent of condenser Min OAT for compressor heating operation
     811             :                               Optional<Real64> MaxOATHeating = _, // Parameter equivalent of condenser Max OAT for compressor heating operation
     812             :                               Optional_int HeatingPerformanceOATType = _, // Parameter equivalent to condenser entering air temp type (1-db, 2=wb)
     813             :                               Optional<StandardRatings::DefrostStrat> DefrostStrategy = _,
     814             :                               Optional<StandardRatings::HPdefrostControl> DefrostControl = _,
     815             :                               Optional_int DefrostEIRPtr = _,
     816             :                               Optional<Real64> DefrostFraction = _,
     817             :                               Optional<Real64> DefrostCapacity = _,
     818             :                               Optional<Real64> MaxOATDefrost = _,
     819             :                               Optional_bool CoolingCoilPresent = _,
     820             :                               Optional_bool HeatingCoilPresent = _,
     821             :                               Optional<Real64> HeatSizeRatio = _,
     822             :                               Optional<Real64> TotCap = _,
     823             :                               Optional_int SupplyFanIndex = _,
     824             :                               Optional_string SupplyFanName = _,
     825             :                               Optional_int SupplyFan_TypeNum = _);
     826             : 
     827             :     void SetCoilSystemHeatingDXFlag(EnergyPlusData &state,
     828             :                                     std::string const &CoilType, // must match coil types in this module
     829             :                                     std::string const &CoilName  // must match coil names for the coil type
     830             :     );
     831             : 
     832             :     void SetCoilSystemCoolingData(EnergyPlusData &state,
     833             :                                   std::string const &CoilName, // must match coil names for the coil type
     834             :                                   std::string const &CoilSystemName);
     835             : 
     836             :     Real64 CalcSHRUserDefinedCurves(EnergyPlusData &state,
     837             :                                     Real64 const InletDryBulb,     // inlet air dry bulb temperature [C]
     838             :                                     Real64 const InletWetBulb,     // inlet air wet bulb temperature [C]
     839             :                                     Real64 const AirMassFlowRatio, // ratio of actual air mass flow to rated air mass flow
     840             :                                     int const SHRFTempCurveIndex,  // SHR modifier curve index
     841             :                                     int const SHRFFlowCurveIndex,  // SHR modifier curve index
     842             :                                     Real64 const SHRRated          // rated sensible heat ratio, user input
     843             :     );
     844             : 
     845             :     void SetDXCoilTypeData(EnergyPlusData &state, std::string const &CoilName); // must match coil names for the coil type
     846             : 
     847             :     void CalcSecondaryDXCoils(EnergyPlusData &state, int const DXCoilNum);
     848             : 
     849             :     Real64 CalcSecondaryDXCoilsSHR(EnergyPlusData &state,
     850             :                                    int const DXCoilNum,
     851             :                                    Real64 const EvapAirMassFlow,
     852             :                                    Real64 const TotalHeatRemovalRate,
     853             :                                    Real64 const PartLoadRatio,
     854             :                                    Real64 const SecCoilRatedSHR,
     855             :                                    Real64 const EvapInletDryBulb,
     856             :                                    Real64 const EvapInletHumRat,
     857             :                                    Real64 const EvapInletWetBulb,
     858             :                                    Real64 const EvapInletEnthalpy,
     859             :                                    Real64 const CondInletDryBulb,
     860             :                                    Real64 const SecCoilFlowFraction,
     861             :                                    int const SecCoilSHRFT,
     862             :                                    int const SecCoilSHRFF);
     863             : 
     864             :     // Begin of Methods for New VRF Model: Fluid Temperature Control
     865             :     //******************************************************************************
     866             :     void CalcVRFCoolingCoil_FluidTCtrl(EnergyPlusData &state,
     867             :                                        int const DXCoilNum,                               // the number of the DX coil to be simulated
     868             :                                        DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation CompressorOp, // compressor operation; 1=on, 0=off
     869             :                                        bool const FirstHVACIteration,                     // true if this is the first iteration of HVAC
     870             :                                        Real64 const PartLoadRatio,  // sensible cooling load / full load sensible cooling capacity
     871             :                                        int const FanOpMode,         // Allows parent object to control fan operation
     872             :                                        Real64 const CompCycRatio,   // cycling ratio of VRF condenser
     873             :                                        Optional_int_const PerfMode, // Performance mode for MultiMode DX coil; Always 1 for other coil types
     874             :                                        Optional<Real64 const> OnOffAirFlowRatio // ratio of compressor on airflow to compressor off airflow
     875             :     );
     876             : 
     877             :     void CalcVRFHeatingCoil_FluidTCtrl(EnergyPlusData &state,
     878             :                                        DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation CompressorOp, // compressor operation; 1=on, 0=off
     879             :                                        int const DXCoilNum,                               // the number of the DX heating coil to be simulated
     880             :                                        Real64 const PartLoadRatio,               // sensible cooling load / full load sensible cooling capacity
     881             :                                        int const FanOpMode,                      // Allows parent object to control fan mode
     882             :                                        Optional<Real64 const> OnOffAirFlowRatio, // ratio of compressor on airflow to compressor off airflow
     883             :                                        Optional<Real64 const> MaxHeatCap         // maximum allowed heating capacity
     884             :     );
     885             : 
     886             :     void ControlVRFIUCoil(EnergyPlusData &state,
     887             :                           int const CoilIndex,     // index to VRFTU coil
     888             :                           Real64 const QCoil,      // coil load
     889             :                           Real64 const Tin,        // inlet air temperature
     890             :                           Real64 const Win,        // inlet air humidity ratio
     891             :                           Real64 const TeTc,       // evaporating or condensing temperature
     892             :                           Real64 const OAMassFlow, // mass flow rate of outdoor air
     893             :                           Real64 &FanSpdRatio,     // fan speed ratio: actual flow rate / rated flow rate
     894             :                           Real64 &Wout,            // outlet air humidity ratio
     895             :                           Real64 &Tout,            // outlet air temperature
     896             :                           Real64 &Hout,            // outlet air enthalpy
     897             :                           Real64 &SHact,           // actual SH
     898             :                           Real64 &SCact            // actual SC
     899             :     );
     900             : 
     901             :     void CalcVRFCoilSenCap(EnergyPlusData &state,
     902             :                            int const OperationMode, // mode 0 for cooling, 1 for heating
     903             :                            int const CoilNum,       // index to VRFTU cooling or heating coil
     904             :                            Real64 const Tinlet,     // dry bulb temperature of air entering the coil
     905             :                            Real64 const TeTc,       // evaporating or condensing temperature
     906             :                            Real64 const SHSC,       // SH at cooling /SC at heating
     907             :                            Real64 const BF,         // Bypass factor
     908             :                            Real64 &Q_sen,           // VRF coil sensible capacity per air mass flow rate
     909             :                            Real64 &T_coil_surf      // Air temperature at coil surface
     910             :     );
     911             : 
     912             :     void CalcVRFCoilCapModFac(EnergyPlusData &state,
     913             :                               int const OperationMode,        // mode 0 for cooling, 1 for heating
     914             :                               Optional<int const> CoilIndex,  // index to VRFTU cooling or heating coil
     915             :                               Optional<std::string> CoilName, // name of VRFTU cooling or heating coil
     916             :                               Real64 const Tinlet,            // dry bulb temperature of air entering the coil
     917             :                               Optional<Real64 const> TeTc,    // evaporating or condensing temperature
     918             :                               Optional<Real64 const> SHSC,    // SH at cooling /SC at heating
     919             :                               Optional<Real64 const> BF,      // Bypass factor
     920             :                               Real64 &CapModFac               // Coil capacity modification factor
     921             :     );
     922             : 
     923             :     Real64 FanSpdResidualCool(Real64 FanSpdRto, Real64 QCoilSenCoolingLoad, Real64 Ts_1, Real64 Tin, Real64 Garate, Real64 BF);
     924             : 
     925             :     Real64 FanSpdResidualHeat(Real64 FanSpdRto, Real64 QCoilSenHeatingLoad, Real64 Ts_1, Real64 Tin, Real64 Garate, Real64 BF);
     926             : 
     927             :     void SetMSHPDXCoilHeatRecoveryFlag(EnergyPlusData &state, int const DXCoilNum); // must match coil names for the coil type
     928             : 
     929             :     void SetDXCoilAirLoopNumber(EnergyPlusData &state, std::string const &CoilName, int const AirLoopNum); // must match coil names for the coil type
     930             : 
     931             :     void DisableLatentDegradation(EnergyPlusData &state, int const DXCoilNum);
     932             : 
     933             : } // namespace DXCoils
     934             : 
     935        1542 : struct DXCoilsData : BaseGlobalStruct
     936             : {
     937             : 
     938             :     bool GetCoilsInputFlag = true; // First time, input is "gotten"
     939             :     bool MyOneTimeFlag = true;     // One time flag used to allocate MyEnvrnFlag and MySizeFlag
     940             :     bool CalcTwoSpeedDXCoilStandardRatingOneTimeEIOHeaderWrite = true;
     941             :     bool CrankcaseHeaterReportVarFlag = true;
     942             :     int NumVRFHeatingCoils = 0;                   // number of VRF heat pump heating coils
     943             :     int NumVRFCoolingCoils = 0;                   // number of VRF heat pump cooling coils
     944             :     int NumDXCoils = 0;                           // Total number of DX coils
     945             :     int NumVRFHeatingFluidTCtrlCoils = 0;         // number of VRF heat pump heating coils for FluidTCtrl Model
     946             :     int NumVRFCoolingFluidTCtrlCoils = 0;         // number of VRF heat pump cooling coils for FluidTCtrl Model
     947             :     int NumDXHeatingCoils = 0;                    // number of DX heat pump heating coils
     948             :     int NumDoe2DXCoils = 0;                       // number of doe2 DX  coils
     949             :     int NumDXHeatPumpWaterHeaterPumpedCoils = 0;  // number of DX  water heater coils, pumped
     950             :     int NumDXHeatPumpWaterHeaterWrappedCoils = 0; // number of DX  water heater coils, pumped
     951             :     int NumDXMulSpeedCoils = 0;                   // number of DX coils with multi-speed compressor
     952             :     int NumDXMulModeCoils = 0;                    // number of DX coils with multi-mode performance
     953             :     int NumDXMulSpeedCoolCoils = 0;               // number of multispeed DX cooling coils
     954             :     int NumDXMulSpeedHeatCoils = 0;               // number of multispeed DX heating coils
     955             :     Real64 HPWHHeatingCapacity = 0.0;             // Used by Heat Pump:Water Heater object as total water heating capacity [W]
     956             :     Real64 HPWHHeatingCOP = 0.0;                  // Used by Heat Pump:Water Heater object as water heating COP [W/W]
     957             :     Array1D_bool CheckEquipName;
     958             :     Array1D<Real64> DXCoilOutletTemp;           // DX coil outlet dry bulb temperature [C]
     959             :     Array1D<Real64> DXCoilOutletHumRat;         // DX coil outlet humidity ratio [kgWater/kgDryAir]
     960             :     Array1D<Real64> DXCoilPartLoadRatio;        // DX coil part-load ratio
     961             :     Array1D_int DXCoilFanOpMode;                // supply air fan operating mode
     962             :     Array1D<Real64> DXCoilFullLoadOutAirTemp;   // DX coil full load outlet dry bulb temperature [C]
     963             :     Array1D<Real64> DXCoilFullLoadOutAirHumRat; // DX coil full load outlet humidity ratio [kgWater/kgDryAir]
     964             :     Array1D<Real64> DXCoilTotalCooling;         // DX cooling coil total cooling output [W]
     965             :     Array1D<Real64> DXCoilTotalHeating;         // DX heating coil total heating output [W]
     966             :     Array1D<Real64> DXCoilCoolInletAirWBTemp;   // DX cooling coil inlet air wet-bulb temp [C]
     967             :     Array1D<Real64> DXCoilHeatInletAirDBTemp;   // DX heating coil inlet air dry-bulb temp [C]
     968             :     Array1D<Real64> DXCoilHeatInletAirWBTemp;   // DX heating coil inlet air wet-bulb temp [C]
     969             :     Array1D<DXCoils::DXCoilData> DXCoil;
     970             :     Array1D<DXCoils::DXCoilNumericFieldData> DXCoilNumericFields;
     971             : 
     972             :     Array1D_bool MyEnvrnFlag; // One time environment flag
     973             :     Array1D_bool MySizeFlag;  // One time sizing flag
     974             :     Real64 CurrentEndTime = 0.0;
     975             :     Real64 CalcVRFCoolingCoil_FluidTCtrlCurrentEndTime = 0.0;
     976             :     Real64 CalcVRFCoolingCoilCurrentEndTime = 0.0;
     977             :     Real64 NetCoolingCapRated = 0.0; // Net Cooling Coil capacity at Rated conditions, accounting for supply fan heat [W]
     978             :     Real64 EER = 0.0;                // Energy Efficiency Ratio in SI [W/W]
     979             :     Real64 IEER = 0.0;               // Integerated Energy Efficiency Ratio in SI [W/W]
     980             :     Real64 TotCapTempModFac = 0.0;   // Total capacity modifier (function of entering wetbulb, outside drybulb) [-]
     981             :     Real64 TotCapFlowModFac = 0.0;   // Total capacity modifier (function of actual supply air flow vs rated flow) [-]
     982             :     Real64 EIRTempModFac = 0.0;      // EIR modifier (function of entering wetbulb, outside drybulb) [-]
     983             :     Real64 EIRFlowModFac = 0.0;      // EIR modifier (function of actual supply air flow vs rated flow) [-]
     984             :     Real64 TempDryBulb_Leaving_Apoint = 0.0;
     985             : 
     986           0 :     void clear_state() override
     987             :     {
     988           0 :         new (this) DXCoilsData();
     989           0 :     }
     990             : };
     991             : 
     992             : } // namespace EnergyPlus
     993             : 
     994             : #endif

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