LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - EnergyPlus - DataBSDFWindow.hh (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: lcov.output.filtered Lines: 18 21 85.7 %
Date: 2023-01-17 19:17:23 Functions: 42 62 67.7 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : // EnergyPlus, Copyright (c) 1996-2023, The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois,
       2             : // The Regents of the University of California, through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
       3             : // (subject to receipt of any required approvals from the U.S. Dept. of Energy), Oak Ridge
       4             : // National Laboratory, managed by UT-Battelle, Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC, and other
       5             : // contributors. All rights reserved.
       6             : //
       7             : // NOTICE: This Software was developed under funding from the U.S. Department of Energy and the
       8             : // U.S. Government consequently retains certain rights. As such, the U.S. Government has been
       9             : // granted for itself and others acting on its behalf a paid-up, nonexclusive, irrevocable,
      10             : // worldwide license in the Software to reproduce, distribute copies to the public, prepare
      11             : // derivative works, and perform publicly and display publicly, and to permit others to do so.
      12             : //
      13             : // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted
      14             : // provided that the following conditions are met:
      15             : //
      16             : // (1) Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of
      17             : //     conditions and the following disclaimer.
      18             : //
      19             : // (2) Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of
      20             : //     conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
      21             : //     provided with the distribution.
      22             : //
      23             : // (3) Neither the name of the University of California, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,
      24             : //     the University of Illinois, U.S. Dept. of Energy nor the names of its contributors may be
      25             : //     used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior
      26             : //     written permission.
      27             : //
      28             : // (4) Use of EnergyPlus(TM) Name. If Licensee (i) distributes the software in stand-alone form
      29             : //     without changes from the version obtained under this License, or (ii) Licensee makes a
      30             : //     reference solely to the software portion of its product, Licensee must refer to the
      31             : //     software as "EnergyPlus version X" software, where "X" is the version number Licensee
      32             : //     obtained under this License and may not use a different name for the software. Except as
      33             : //     specifically required in this Section (4), Licensee shall not use in a company name, a
      34             : //     product name, in advertising, publicity, or other promotional activities any name, trade
      35             : //     name, trademark, logo, or other designation of "EnergyPlus", "E+", "e+" or confusingly
      36             : //     similar designation, without the U.S. Department of Energy's prior written consent.
      37             : //
      46             : // POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.
      47             : 
      48             : #ifndef DataBSDFWindow_hh_INCLUDED
      49             : #define DataBSDFWindow_hh_INCLUDED
      50             : 
      51             : // ObjexxFCL Headers
      52             : #include <ObjexxFCL/Array1D.hh>
      53             : #include <ObjexxFCL/Array2D.hh>
      54             : #include <ObjexxFCL/Array3D.hh>
      55             : 
      56             : // EnergyPlus Headers
      57             : #include <EnergyPlus/Data/BaseData.hh>
      58             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataVectorTypes.hh>
      59             : #include <EnergyPlus/EPVector.hh>
      60             : #include <EnergyPlus/EnergyPlus.hh>
      61             : 
      62             : namespace EnergyPlus {
      63             : 
      64             : namespace DataBSDFWindow {
      65             : 
      66             :     // Using/Aliasing
      67             :     using DataVectorTypes::Vector;
      68             : 
      69             :     enum class Basis
      70             :     {
      71             :         Invalid = -1,
      72             :         WINDOW,
      73             :         Custom,
      74             :         Num
      75             :     };
      76             : 
      77             :     enum class BasisSymmetry
      78             :     {
      79             :         Invalid = -1,
      80             :         Axisymmetric,
      81             :         None,
      82             :         Num
      83             :     };
      84             : 
      85             :     // Thermal calculations for complex fenestration can be used to generate reports for standard cases
      86             :     // noCondition is used when performing timestep calculations
      87             :     // 'Summer' will override certain parameters so that produced results are matching standard summer WINDOW  = software results
      88             :     // 'Winter' will override certain parameters so that produced results are matching standard winter WINDOW  = software results
      89             :     enum class Condition
      90             :     {
      91             :         Invalid = -1,
      92             :         Summer,
      93             :         Winter,
      94             :         Num
      95             :     };
      96             : 
      97          14 :     struct BasisElemDescr
      98             :     {
      99             :         // Members
     100             :         // The following are in the local coordinate system corresponding to the matrix
     101             :         Real64 Theta = 0.0;     // Centroid Theta value
     102             :         Real64 Phi = 0.0;       // Centroid Phi value
     103             :         Real64 dTheta = 0.0;    // Element width, Theta
     104             :         Real64 dPhi = 0.0;      // Element width, Phi
     105             :         Real64 UpprTheta = 0.0; // Patch upper edge, Theta
     106             :         Real64 LwrTheta = 0.0;  // Patch lower edge, Theta
     107             :         Real64 UpprPhi = 0.0;   // Patch upper edge, Phi
     108             :         Real64 LwrPhi = 0.0;    // Patch lower edge, Phi
     109             :         // Note: The dimension index of the BasisElementDescription object corresponds to
     110             :         // the position (index) of this element in the row or column of property matrix
     111             :         // Note:  the following are intended to be used for interpolating directions among basis elements
     112             :         int INNbInL = 0;  // Index of inward (lower Theta) neighbor, lower phi
     113             :         int INNbInH = 0;  // Index of inward (lower Theta) neighbor, higher phi
     114             :         int INNbOutL = 0; // Index of outward (higher Theta) neighbor, lower phi
     115             :         int INNbOutH = 0; // Index of outward (higher Theta) neighbor, higher phi
     116             :         int INNbLft = 0;  // Index of leftward (higher Phi) neighbor (same Theta)
     117             :         int INNbRt = 0;   // Index of rightward (lower Phi) neighbor (same Theta)
     118             :         // These indices are in the BasisElement array, which matches the row/column of the matrix
     119             :     };
     120             : 
     121             :     struct BSDFDaylghtPosition
     122             :     {
     123             :         // Members
     124             :         Real64 Altitude; // Altitude range is from -pi/2 to pi/2. Horizontal vector have altitude of zero
     125             :         Real64 Azimuth;  // Azimuth is measured from positive x counter clockwise. Its range is from -pi to pi
     126             : 
     127             :         // Default Constructor
     128        4158 :         BSDFDaylghtPosition() : Altitude(0.0), Azimuth(0.0)
     129             :         {
     130        4158 :         }
     131             : 
     132             :         // Member Constructor
     133          48 :         BSDFDaylghtPosition(Real64 const Altitude, // Altitude range is from -pi/2 to pi/2. Horizontal vector have altitude of zero
     134             :                             Real64 const Azimuth   // Azimuth is measured from positive x counter clockwise. Its range is from -pi to pi
     135             :                             )
     136          48 :             : Altitude(Altitude), Azimuth(Azimuth)
     137             :         {
     138          48 :         }
     139             :     };
     140             : 
     141         288 :     struct BasisStruct
     142             :     {
     143             :         // Members
     144             :         Basis BasisType = Basis::Invalid;                         // BasisType_WINDOW or BasisType_Custom  (see HeatBalanceManager)
     145             :         BasisSymmetry BasisSymmetryType = BasisSymmetry::Invalid; // BasisSymmetry_Axisymmetric or BasisSymmetry_None  (see HeatBalanceManager)
     146             :         int BasisMatIndex = 0;                                    // pointer to matrix for basis
     147             :         int NBasis = 0;                                           // No. elements in basis
     148             :         Array1D<Real64> Lamda;                                    // Vector of diagonal Lamda matrix elems for grid
     149             :         Array1D<Real64> SolAng;                                   // Vector of basis element solid angles for grid
     150             :         int NThetas = 0;                                          // No. Theta values in basis
     151             :         Array1D<Real64> Thetas;                                   // List of basis theta values
     152             :         Array1D_int NPhis;                                        // No. basis phi values for each theta
     153             :         Array2D<Real64> Phis;                                     // List of basis phi values for each theta
     154             :         Array2D_int BasisIndex;                                   // Index of basis element for theta, phi
     155             :         Array1D<BasisElemDescr> Grid;                             // actual basis (to be constructed from matrix)
     156             :     };
     157             : 
     158          96 :     struct BSDFGeomDescr
     159             :     {
     160             :         // Members
     161             :         BasisStruct Inc;                   // Basis for incident hemisphere
     162             :         Array1D<Vector> sInc;              // Central direction vectors of incident grid (World coords)
     163             :         Array1D<BSDFDaylghtPosition> pInc; // azimuth and altitude of incidence vectors
     164             :         Array1D<Real64> CosInc;            // cosine of incident angle
     165             :         Array1D<Real64> DAInc;             // cosine of incident angle times delta theta time delta phi (used in daylighting calculations)
     166             :         int NSkyUnobs = 0;                 // Number of Inc basis rays from unobstructed sky
     167             :         int NGndUnobs = 0;                 // Number of Inc basis rays from unobstructed ground
     168             :         int NSky = 0;                      // Number of Inc basis rays from sky
     169             :         int NGnd = 0;                      // Number of Inc basis rays from gnd
     170             :         int NReflSurf = 0;                 // Number of Inc basis rays from (potentially reflecting) surfaces
     171             :         Array1D_int SkyIndex;              // list of sky basis indices
     172             :         Array1D_int GndIndex;              // list of gnd basis indices
     173             :         Array1D<Vector> GndPt;             // gnd intersection pt of gnd basis ray (z=0)
     174             :         Array1D_int RefSurfIndex;          // list of basis indices of rays striking exterior surf
     175             :         Array1D_int RefRayNHits;           // for a given ray striking a surface, no. of surfaces pierced
     176             :         Array2D_int HitSurfNo;             // for a given ray striking surface, list of intersected surf nos
     177             :         Array2D<Real64> HitSurfDSq;        // for a given ray striking surface, list of distance^2
     178             :         //  from window
     179             :         Array2D<Vector> HitPt;       // for a given ray striking surface, list of hit pts
     180             :         Array1D<Real64> SolSkyWt;    // Sky intensity weights
     181             :         Array1D<Real64> SolSkyGndWt; // Wts for sky rad refl from grn
     182             :         Array3D<Real64> SolBmGndWt;  // Wts for beam rad refl from gnd (hour, timestep)
     183             :         Array2D_int SolBmIndex;      // Basis index corresponding to beam dir (hour, timestep)
     184             :         // Note this is zero if sun is not in incident hemisphere
     185             :         // otherwise in range 1..NBasis
     186             :         Array2D<Real64> ThetaBm; // Theta angle corresponging to beam dir (hour, timestep) (rad)
     187             :         Array2D<Real64> PhiBm;   // Theta angle corresponging to beam dir (hour, timestep) (rad)
     188             :         BasisStruct Trn;
     189             :         Array1D<Vector> sTrn;              // Central direction vectors of Outgoing grid (World coords)
     190             :         Array1D<BSDFDaylghtPosition> pTrn; // azimuth and altitude of incidence vectors
     191             :         Array1D_int NSurfInt;              // No. of basis rays intersecting back surface (dim from
     192             :         // NBkSurf in BSDF State Descr)
     193             :         Array2D_int SurfInt;    // Basis index (IBkSurf, j) of the jth ray intersecting IBkSurf
     194             :         Array2D<Real64> SjdotN; // dot product (IBksurf, j) of the jth ray direction with
     195             :         // the normal to the back surface
     196             :         Array2D<Real64> AOverlap; // Overlap areas for each outgoing
     197             :         // direction (Trn) (no of outgoing dir, NBKSurf)
     198             :         Array2D<Real64>
     199             :             ARhoVisOverlap; // Overlap areas multiplied with surface reflectance for each outgoing direction (Trn) (no of outgoing dir, NBKSurf)
     200             :         Array1D<Real64> AveRhoVisOverlap; // Average visible reflectance from overlap surface which originates from one outgoing direction
     201             :         bool InitState = true;            // Flag for marking that state needs to be initialized
     202             :     };
     203             : 
     204           8 :     struct BSDFRefPoints
     205             :     {
     206             :         // Members
     207             :         Array1D_int NSky;                   // number of sky elements for each window element (# window el)
     208             :         Array1D_int NGnd;                   // number of ground elements for each window element (# window el)
     209             :         Array1D_int NReflSurf;              // number of Inc basis rays from reflecting surfaces (# window el)
     210             :         Array2D_int SkyIndex;               // list of sky basis indices (# window el, NSky)
     211             :         Array2D_int GndIndex;               // list of gnd basis indices (# window el, NGnd)
     212             :         Array2D<Vector> GndPt;              // gnd intersection pt of gnd basis ray (z=0) (# window el, NGnd)
     213             :         Array2D<Real64> GndObstrMultiplier; // ground obstruction multiplier used in reflection calculatations (# window el, NGnd)
     214             :         Array2D_int RefSurfIndex;           // list of basis indices of rays striking exterior surf (# window el, NReflSurf)
     215             :         Array2D_int RefRayNHits;            // for a given ray striking a surface, no. of surfaces pierced (# window el, NReflSurf)
     216             :         Array2D<Real64> TransOutSurf; // total transmittance of exterior obstructions for given incoming basis direction. (# window el, NReflSurf)
     217             :         Array3D_int HitSurfNo;        // for a given ray striking surface, list of intersected surf nos (# window el, NReflSurf, RefRayNHits)
     218             :         Array3D<Real64> HitSurfDSq;   // for a given ray striking surface, list of distance^2 from window (# window el, NReflSurf, RefRayNHits)
     219             :         Array3D<Vector> HitPt;        // for a given ray striking surface, list of hit pts (# window el, NReflSurf, RefRayNHits)
     220             :         Array1D_int RefPointIndex;    // outgoing direction which containts reference point (# window el)
     221             :         Array1D_bool RefPointIntersection; // determines if reference point is laying in light tube of bsdf outgoing direction (NTrnBasis)
     222             :         Array1D<Real64> RefPtIntPosFac; // position factors for intersections from reference point to window for each outgoing direction (NTrnBasis)
     223             :     };
     224             : 
     225           8 :     struct BSDFDaylghtGeomDescr
     226             :     {
     227             :         // Members
     228             :         Array2D<BSDFRefPoints>
     229             :             IlluminanceMap; // array to keep bsdf coefficients for different illuminance maps (# of illuminance maps, # of reference points)
     230             :         Array1D<BSDFRefPoints> RefPoint; // keep reference points daylight coefficients (# of reference points)
     231             :     };
     232             : 
     233       13820 :     struct BSDFBkSurfDescr
     234             :     {
     235             :         // Members
     236             :         Array2D<Real64> WinDHBkRefl; // Back directional hemispherical reflectance (hour, timestep)
     237             :         // of this window for radiation from the back surface window
     238             :         Array3D<Real64> WinDirBkAbs; // back absorptance (hr, timestep, layer)
     239             :         //   for beam radiation absorbed in this
     240             :         //   window that comes from the back surface window
     241             :         // Performance May be faster in (layer,hr,timestep) order (loops are not consistent)
     242             :         // Note:  WinDHBkRefl and WinDirBkAbs are the same for all hours & timesteps if the back surface window is a
     243             :         // Complex Fenestration; they depend on the sun direction if the back surface window is a regular window
     244             :     };
     245             : 
     246        2788 :     struct BSDFStateDescr
     247             :     {
     248             :         // Members
     249             :         int Konst = 0; // pointer to construction for this state; property matrices are in the construction
     250             :         // INTEGER      :: ThermConst =0  ! pointer to thermal construction for this state
     251             :         Real64 WinDiffTrans = 0.0; // Window hemispherical ave diff trans
     252             :         // for use in corrections requiring a diffuse trans
     253             :         // that have not been redone in detail for Compex Fen
     254             :         Real64 WinDiffVisTrans = 0.0;    // Window hemispherical ave diff trans for visible spectrum
     255             :         Array2D<Real64> WinDirHemiTrans; // Directional-hemispherical transmittance(hr,ts)
     256             :         Array2D<Real64> WinDirSpecTrans; // Directional specular transmittance(hr,ts)
     257             :         Real64 WinSkyTrans = 0.0;        // Transmittance for sky radiation (weighted average over sky viewed)
     258             :         Real64 WinSkyGndTrans = 0.0;     // Transmittance for sky radiation reflected from ground (average over
     259             :         // viewed part of ground)
     260             :         Array2D<Real64> WinBmGndTrans; // Transmittance (hour, timestep) for beam radiation reflected
     261             :         // from ground (average over unshaded ground viewed)
     262             :         Real64 WinBkHemRefl = 0.0;    // Window back hemispherical reflectance
     263             :         Real64 WinBkHemVisRefl = 0.0; // Window back hemispherical reflectance (visible spectrum)
     264             :         //(for reflection of interior diffuse radiation)
     265             :         int NLayers = 0;              // Number of absorbing layers in this window
     266             :         Array3D<Real64> WinBmFtAbs;   // Front directional absorptance (hour, timestep, layer)
     267             :         Array1D<Real64> WinSkyFtAbs;  // Front absorptance (layer) averaged over sky
     268             :         Array1D<Real64> WinSkyGndAbs; // Front absorptance (layer) averaged over ground
     269             :         // viewed part of gnd  (for ground-reflected sky radiation)
     270             :         Array3D<Real64> WinBmGndAbs; // Front absorptance (hour, timestep, layer) averaged
     271             :         // over unshaded ground viewed by beam
     272             :         Array1D<Real64> WinFtHemAbs;      // Front hemispherical absorptance (layers)
     273             :         Array1D<Real64> WinBkHemAbs;      // Back hemispherical absorptance (layers)
     274             :         Array3D<Real64> WinToSurfBmTrans; // Beam transmittance (hour, timestep, bk surf no)
     275             :         // to back surface
     276             :         // Note: the following will be evaluated only if the given back surface is a  window
     277             :         Array1D<BSDFBkSurfDescr> BkSurf; // Structure dimensioned (bk surface no)
     278             :         // Integrated beam values at front and back sides of window.  It is used in calculations of how much of the energy is
     279             :         // leaving throught the window to other zone or to the outside for certain beam direction
     280             :         Array1D<Real64> IntegratedFtAbs;   // Sum of all back layer absorptances (for each back direction)
     281             :         Array1D<Real64> IntegratedFtRefl;  // Integrated back layer reflectance (for each back direction)
     282             :         Array1D<Real64> IntegratedFtTrans; // Integrated back layer transmittance (for each back direction)
     283             :         Array1D<Real64> IntegratedBkAbs;   // Sum of all back layer absorptances (for each back direction)
     284             :         Array1D<Real64> IntegratedBkRefl;  // Integrated back layer reflectance (for each back direction)
     285             :         Array1D<Real64> IntegratedBkTrans; // Integrated back layer transmittance (for each back direction)
     286             :     };
     287             : 
     288           8 :     struct BSDFRefPointsGeomDescr
     289             :     {
     290             :         // Members
     291             :         Array1D<Real64> SolidAngle;    // Solid angle from daylighting reference point to each window element (# window el)
     292             :         Array1D<Vector> SolidAngleVec; // unit vector from reference point towards center of window element (# window el)
     293             :     };
     294             : 
     295         355 :     struct BSDFWindowGeomDescr
     296             :     {
     297             :         // Members
     298             :         // This contains all the geometry info that we don't want to carry around in SurfaceWindow
     299             :         // This is dimensioned like SurfaceWindow, but only surfaces that are complex windows
     300             :         // will have the structure below allocated
     301             :         int NumStates = 0;                         // Number of states for this window
     302             :         Array1D<BSDFGeomDescr> Geom;               // This is dimensioned with number of states
     303             :         Array1D<BSDFDaylghtGeomDescr> DaylghtGeom; // This is dimensioned with number of states
     304             :         bool DaylightingInitialized = false;       // used for one time initialization only
     305             :         int NBkSurf = 0;                           // Number of back (interior) surfaces viewed by this window
     306             :         Array1D<Vector> sWinSurf;                  // Unit vector from window center to center of IBkSurf
     307             :         Array1D<Real64> sdotN;                     // Dot product of unit vector s with back surface normal
     308             :         // here s is vector from center of window to center of back surface
     309             :         // Function of the following subsumed by using an index of 0 if no beam incidence
     310             :         Array2D<BSDFRefPointsGeomDescr>
     311             :             IlluminanceMap; // array to keep bsdf coefficients for different illuminance maps (# of illuminance maps, # of reference points)
     312             :         Array1D<BSDFRefPointsGeomDescr> RefPoint; // keep reference points daylight coefficients (# of reference points)
     313             :     };
     314             : 
     315      141900 :     struct BSDFWindowDescript
     316             :     {
     317             :         // Members
     318             :         int NumStates = 0;               // Number of states for this window
     319             :         int CurrentState = 1;            // Current state of this window
     320             :         Array2D<Real64> ResultAllStates; // Array to hold calculated
     321             :         // quantities for all states.
     322             :         // Currently unallocated.  To be defined when control
     323             :         // scheme worked out.  This is an array (nvar, nstates)
     324             :         // to be set up for some number of variables, and calculated
     325             :         // for all states 1...NumStates each time step.  e.g., one variable could be
     326             :         // total beam transmitted solar, another total transmitted diffuse
     327             :         // The idea is that for a given time step when one has the
     328             :         // actual result (total cooling load or whatever), one needs to have
     329             :         // some information about all the states to decide where to
     330             :         // set the state variable for the next time step
     331             :         Array1D<BSDFStateDescr> State; // State description, dimensioned with number of states
     332             :     };
     333             : 
     334         104 :     struct BSDFLayerAbsorpStruct
     335             :     {
     336             :         // Members
     337             :         int MaterialIndex = 0;  // pointer to material layer
     338             :         int FrtAbsIndex = 0;    // pointer to matrix for Front directional absorptance vector
     339             :         int AbsNcols = 0;       // Number of elements (columns) in each of the absorption (row) vectors
     340             :         Array2D<Real64> FrtAbs; // Front directional absorptance vector
     341             :         int BkAbsIndex = 0;     // pointer to matrix for Back directional absorptance vector
     342             :         Array2D<Real64> BkAbs;  // Back directional absorptance vector
     343             :     };
     344             : 
     345       14477 :     struct BSDFWindowInputStruct
     346             :     {
     347             :         // Members
     348             :         // nested data for Construction
     349             :         Basis BasisType = Basis::Invalid;
     350             :         BasisSymmetry BasisSymmetryType = BasisSymmetry::Invalid;
     351             :         int ThermalModel = 0;        // Pointer to thermal model
     352             :         int BasisMatIndex = 0;       // pointer to matrix for basis
     353             :         int BasisMatNrows = 0;       // No. rows in matrix
     354             :         int BasisMatNcols = 0;       // No. columns in matrix
     355             :         int NBasis = 0;              // No. elements in basis
     356             :         Array2D<Real64> BasisMat;    // basis matrix
     357             :         int SolFrtTransIndex = 0;    // pointer to matrix for Front optical transmittance matrix
     358             :         int SolFrtTransNrows = 0;    // No. rows in matrix
     359             :         int SolFrtTransNcols = 0;    // No. columns in matrix
     360             :         Array2D<Real64> SolFrtTrans; // Front optical transmittance matrix
     361             :         int SolBkReflIndex = 0;      // pointer to matrix for Back optical reflectance matrix
     362             :         int SolBkReflNrows = 0;      // No. rows in matrix
     363             :         int SolBkReflNcols = 0;      // No. columns in matrix
     364             :         Array2D<Real64> SolBkRefl;   // Back optical reflectance matrix
     365             :         int VisFrtTransIndex = 0;    // pointer to matrix for Front visible transmittance matrix
     366             :         int VisFrtTransNrows = 0;    // No. rows in matrix
     367             :         int VisFrtTransNcols = 0;    // No. columns in matrix
     368             :         Array2D<Real64> VisFrtTrans; // Front visible transmittance matrix
     369             :         int VisBkReflIndex = 0;      // pointer to matrix for Back visible reflectance matrix
     370             :         int VisBkReflNrows = 0;      // No. rows in matrix
     371             :         int VisBkReflNcols = 0;      // No. columns in matrix
     372             :         Array2D<Real64> VisBkRefl;   // Back visible reflectance matrix
     373             :         int NumLayers = 0;
     374             :         Array1D<BSDFLayerAbsorpStruct> Layer;
     375             :     };
     376             : 
     377             : } // namespace DataBSDFWindow
     378             : 
     379        1542 : struct BSDFWindowData : BaseGlobalStruct
     380             : {
     381             : 
     382             :     int TotComplexFenStates = 0; // Number of complex fenestration construction definitions
     383             :     int FirstBSDF = 0;           // Location of first complex fenestration construction definition in Constr array
     384             :     int MaxBkSurf = 20;          // was 20    Maximum number of back surfaces in solar overlap & interior solar distribution
     385             :     int TotThermalModels = 0;    // Number of thermal models
     386             : 
     387             :     // calculation
     388             :     Array2D<Vector3<Real64>> SUNCOSTS = Array2D<Vector3<Real64>>(60, 24); // Timestep values of solar direction cosines
     389             :     Array2D<Real64> BSDFTempMtrx;                                         // Temporary matrix for holding axisymmetric input
     390             :     EPVector<DataBSDFWindow::BSDFWindowGeomDescr> ComplexWind;            // Window geometry structure: set in CalcPerSolarBeam/SolarShading
     391             : 
     392           0 :     void clear_state() override
     393             :     {
     394           0 :         *this = BSDFWindowData();
     395           0 :     }
     396             : };
     397             : 
     398             : } // namespace EnergyPlus
     399             : 
     400             : #endif

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