LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - EnergyPlus - DataRoomAirModel.hh (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: lcov.output.filtered Lines: 76 204 37.3 %
Date: 2023-01-17 19:17:23 Functions: 56 74 75.7 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : // EnergyPlus, Copyright (c) 1996-2023, The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois,
       2             : // The Regents of the University of California, through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
       3             : // (subject to receipt of any required approvals from the U.S. Dept. of Energy), Oak Ridge
       4             : // National Laboratory, managed by UT-Battelle, Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC, and other
       5             : // contributors. All rights reserved.
       6             : //
       7             : // NOTICE: This Software was developed under funding from the U.S. Department of Energy and the
       8             : // U.S. Government consequently retains certain rights. As such, the U.S. Government has been
       9             : // granted for itself and others acting on its behalf a paid-up, nonexclusive, irrevocable,
      10             : // worldwide license in the Software to reproduce, distribute copies to the public, prepare
      11             : // derivative works, and perform publicly and display publicly, and to permit others to do so.
      12             : //
      13             : // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted
      14             : // provided that the following conditions are met:
      15             : //
      16             : // (1) Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of
      17             : //     conditions and the following disclaimer.
      18             : //
      19             : // (2) Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of
      20             : //     conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
      21             : //     provided with the distribution.
      22             : //
      23             : // (3) Neither the name of the University of California, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,
      24             : //     the University of Illinois, U.S. Dept. of Energy nor the names of its contributors may be
      25             : //     used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior
      26             : //     written permission.
      27             : //
      28             : // (4) Use of EnergyPlus(TM) Name. If Licensee (i) distributes the software in stand-alone form
      29             : //     without changes from the version obtained under this License, or (ii) Licensee makes a
      30             : //     reference solely to the software portion of its product, Licensee must refer to the
      31             : //     software as "EnergyPlus version X" software, where "X" is the version number Licensee
      32             : //     obtained under this License and may not use a different name for the software. Except as
      33             : //     specifically required in this Section (4), Licensee shall not use in a company name, a
      34             : //     product name, in advertising, publicity, or other promotional activities any name, trade
      35             : //     name, trademark, logo, or other designation of "EnergyPlus", "E+", "e+" or confusingly
      36             : //     similar designation, without the U.S. Department of Energy's prior written consent.
      37             : //
      46             : // POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.
      47             : 
      48             : #ifndef DataRoomAirModel_hh_INCLUDED
      49             : #define DataRoomAirModel_hh_INCLUDED
      50             : 
      51             : // ObjexxFCL Headers
      52             : #include <ObjexxFCL/Array1D.hh>
      53             : #include <ObjexxFCL/Array2D.hh>
      54             : 
      55             : // EnergyPlus Headers
      56             : #include <EnergyPlus/Data/BaseData.hh>
      57             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataGlobals.hh>
      58             : #include <EnergyPlus/EnergyPlus.hh>
      59             : 
      60             : namespace EnergyPlus {
      61             : 
      62             : namespace DataRoomAirModel {
      63             : 
      64             :     auto constexpr cUserDefinedControlObject("RoomAir:TemperaturePattern:UserDefined");
      65             :     auto constexpr cTempPatternConstGradientObject("RoomAir:TemperaturePattern:ConstantGradient");
      66             :     auto constexpr cTempPatternTwoGradientObject("RoomAir:TemperaturePattern:TwoGradient");
      67             :     auto constexpr cTempPatternNDHeightObject("RoomAir:TemperaturePattern:NondimensionalHeight");
      68             :     auto constexpr cTempPatternSurfMapObject("RoomAir:TemperaturePattern:SurfaceMapping");
      69             : 
      70             :     // Parameters to indicate room air model selected
      71             :     enum class RoomAirModel : int
      72             :     {
      73             :         Invalid = -1,
      74             :         UserDefined,    // user defined patterns
      75             :         Mixing,         // mixing air model
      76             :         Mundt,          // Mundt nodal model
      77             :         UCSDDV,         // UCSD Displacement Ventilation model
      78             :         UCSDCV,         // UCSD-CV
      79             :         UCSDUFI,        // UCSD UFAD interior zone model
      80             :         UCSDUFE,        // UCSD UFAD exterior zone model
      81             :         AirflowNetwork, // RoomAirModel_AirflowNetwork interior zone model
      82             :         Num
      83             :     };
      84             :     constexpr const char *ChAirModel[] = {
      85             :         "*Invalid*", "UserDefined", "Mixing", "Mundt", "UCSD_DV", "UCSD_CV", "UCSD_UFI", "UCSD_UFE", "AirflowNetwork"};
      86             : 
      87             :     // Parameters to indicate air temperature coupling scheme
      88             :     enum class CouplingScheme
      89             :     {
      90             :         Invalid = -1,
      91             :         Direct,
      92             :         Indirect,
      93             :         Num
      94             :     };
      95             : 
      96             :     // Parameters to indicate type of air node, which is dependent on air models
      97             :     enum class AirNodeType
      98             :     {
      99             :         Invalid = -1,
     100             :         InletAir,              // air node at inlet (for Mundt and Rees&Haves Models)
     101             :         FloorAir,              // air node at floor (for Mundt and Rees&Haves Models)
     102             :         ControlAir,            // air node at control point (for Mundt Model)
     103             :         CeilingAir,            // air node at ceiling (for Mundt Model)
     104             :         MundtRoomAir,          // air node for vertical walls (for Mundt Model)
     105             :         ReturnAir,             // air node for return (for Mundt and Rees&Haves Models)
     106             :         AirflowNetworkRoomAir, // air node for airflow network based room air model
     107             :         PlumeAir,              // air node for plume load (for Rees&Haves Model)
     108             :         RoomAir,               // air node for vertical walls (for Rees&Haves Model)
     109             :         Num
     110             :     };
     111             : 
     112             :     // user-defined pattern two gradient interpolation modes
     113             :     enum class UserDefinedPatternMode
     114             :     {
     115             :         Invalid = -1,
     116             :         OutdoorDryBulb,   // by outdoor air bulb.
     117             :         SensibleCooling,  // by sensible cooling load
     118             :         SensibleHeating,  // by sensible heating load
     119             :         ZoneAirTemp,      // by zone air temperature
     120             :         DeltaOutdoorZone, // by difference between zone and outdoor
     121             :         Num
     122             :     };
     123             : 
     124             :     // user defined temperature pattern types
     125             :     enum class UserDefinedPatternType
     126             :     {
     127             :         Invalid = -1,
     128             :         ConstGradTemp,  // constant gradient in vertical direction
     129             :         TwoGradInterp,  // two gradient interpolation
     130             :         NonDimenHeight, // non-dimensionalized height
     131             :         SurfMapTemp,    // arbitrary surface mappings
     132             :         Num
     133             :     };
     134             : 
     135             :     // parameters to indicate diffuser type
     136             :     enum class Diffuser
     137             :     {
     138             :         Invalid = -1,
     139             :         Swirl,
     140             :         VarArea,
     141             :         DisplVent,
     142             :         LinBarGrille,
     143             :         Custom,
     144             :         Num
     145             :     };
     146             : 
     147             :     enum class Comfort
     148             :     {
     149             :         Invalid = -1,
     150             :         Jet,
     151             :         Recirculation,
     152             :         Num
     153             :     };
     154             : 
     155       10399 :     struct AirModelData
     156             :     {
     157             :         // Members
     158             :         std::string AirModelName;
     159             :         std::string ZoneName;
     160             :         int ZonePtr;               // Pointer to the zone number for this statement
     161             :         RoomAirModel AirModelType; // 1 = Mixing, 2 = Mundt, 3 = Rees and Haves,
     162             :         // 4 = UCSDDV, 5 = UCSDCV, -1 = user defined
     163             :         // 6 = UCSDUFI, 7 = UCSDUFE, 8 = AirflowNetwork
     164             :         CouplingScheme TempCoupleScheme; // 1 = absolute (direct),
     165             :         // 2 = relative air model temperature passing scheme (indirect)
     166             :         bool SimAirModel; // FALSE if Mixing air model is currently used and
     167             :         // TRUE if other air models are currently used
     168             : 
     169             :         // Default Constructor
     170         771 :         AirModelData() : ZonePtr(0), AirModelType(RoomAirModel::Mixing), TempCoupleScheme(CouplingScheme::Direct), SimAirModel(false)
     171             :         {
     172         771 :         }
     173             :     };
     174             : 
     175          74 :     struct AirNodeData
     176             :     {
     177             :         // Members
     178             :         std::string Name; // name
     179             :         std::string ZoneName;
     180             :         int ZonePtr;               // Pointer to the zone number for this statement
     181             :         AirNodeType ClassType;     // depending on type of model
     182             :         Real64 Height;             // height
     183             :         Real64 ZoneVolumeFraction; // portion of zone air volume associated with this node
     184             :         Array1D_bool SurfMask;     // limit of 60 surfaces at current sizing
     185             :         bool IsZone;               // TRUE if this node is zone node
     186             : 
     187             :         // Default Constructor
     188           2 :         AirNodeData() : ZonePtr(0), ClassType(AirNodeType::Invalid), Height(0.0), ZoneVolumeFraction(0), IsZone(false)
     189             :         {
     190           2 :         }
     191             :     };
     192             : 
     193          12 :     struct DVData
     194             :     {
     195             :         // Members
     196             :         std::string ZoneName;       // Name of zone
     197             :         int ZonePtr;                // Pointer to the zone number for this statement
     198             :         int SchedGainsPtr;          // Schedule for internal gain fraction to occupied zone
     199             :         std::string SchedGainsName; // Gains Schedule name
     200             :         Real64 NumPlumesPerOcc;     // Effective number of plumes per occupant
     201             :         Real64 ThermostatHeight;    // Height of thermostat/ temperature control sensor
     202             :         Real64 ComfortHeight;       // Height at which air temperature is measured for comfort purposes
     203             :         Real64 TempTrigger;         // Minimum temperature difference between TOC TMX for stratification
     204             : 
     205             :         // Default Constructor
     206           4 :         DVData() : ZonePtr(0), SchedGainsPtr(-1), NumPlumesPerOcc(1.0), ThermostatHeight(0.0), ComfortHeight(0.0), TempTrigger(0.0)
     207             :         {
     208           4 :         }
     209             :     };
     210             : 
     211           6 :     struct CVData
     212             :     {
     213             :         // Members
     214             :         std::string ZoneName;       // Name of zone
     215             :         int ZonePtr;                // Pointer to the zone number for this statement
     216             :         int SchedGainsPtr;          // Schedule for internal gain fraction to occupied zone
     217             :         std::string SchedGainsName; // Gains Schedule name
     218             :         Comfort VforComfort;        // Use Recirculation or Jet velocity and temperatures
     219             :         // for comfort models
     220             : 
     221             :         // Default Constructor
     222           2 :         CVData() : ZonePtr(-1), SchedGainsPtr(-1), VforComfort(Comfort::Invalid)
     223             :         {
     224           2 :         }
     225             :     };
     226             : 
     227             :     struct CVFlow
     228             :     {
     229             :         // Members
     230             :         int FlowFlag; // Equal to 1 if the opening has inflow, else equal to 0.
     231             :         Real64 Width; // Width of the opening [m]
     232             :         Real64 Area;  // Area of the opening [m2]
     233             :         Real64 Fin;   // Inflow volume flux through the opening [m3/s]
     234             :         Real64 Uin;   // Inflow air velocity through the opening [m/s]
     235             :         Real64 Vjet;  // Average maximum jet velocity for the opening [m/s]
     236             :         Real64 Yjet;  // Y in "Y = aX + b" formula
     237             :         Real64 Ujet;  // Volume average jet region velocity [m/s]
     238             :         Real64 Yrec;  // Y in "Y = aX + b" formula
     239             :         Real64 Urec;  // Area-averaged velocity in the y-z plane with maximum flow [m/s]
     240             :         Real64 YQrec; // Y in "Y = aX + b" formula
     241             :         Real64 Qrec;  // Total flow rate for the recirculation regions in the plane of maximum flow [m3/s]
     242             : 
     243             :         // Default Constructor
     244           7 :         CVFlow()
     245           7 :             : FlowFlag(0), Width(0.0), Area(0.0), Fin(0.0), Uin(0.0), Vjet(0.0), Yjet(0.0), Ujet(0.0), Yrec(0.0), Urec(0.0), YQrec(0.0), Qrec(0.0)
     246             :         {
     247           7 :         }
     248             :     };
     249             : 
     250             :     struct CVDVParameters
     251             :     {
     252             :         // Members
     253             :         Real64 Width;
     254             :         Real64 Height;
     255             :         int Shadow;
     256             :         Real64 Zmin;
     257             :         Real64 Zmax;
     258             : 
     259             :         // Default Constructor
     260           7 :         CVDVParameters() : Width(0.0), Height(0.0), Shadow(0), Zmin(0.0), Zmax(0.0)
     261             :         {
     262           7 :         }
     263             :     };
     264             : 
     265           3 :     struct UFIData
     266             :     {
     267             :         // Members
     268             :         std::string ZoneName;    // Name of zone
     269             :         int ZonePtr;             // Pointer to the zone number for this statement
     270             :         int ZoneEquipPtr;        // Pointer to zone equip for this UFAD zone
     271             :         Real64 DiffusersPerZone; // Number of diffusers in this zone
     272             :         Real64 PowerPerPlume;    // Power in each plume [W]
     273             :         Real64 DiffArea;         // Effective area of a diffuser [m2]
     274             :         Real64 DiffAngle;        // angle between diffuser slots and vertical (degrees)
     275             :         Real64 HeatSrcHeight;    // height of heat source above floor [m]
     276             :         Real64 ThermostatHeight; // Height of thermostat/ temperature control sensor [m]
     277             :         Real64 ComfortHeight;    // Height at which air temperature is measured for
     278             :         // comfort purposes [m]
     279             :         Real64 TempTrigger; // Minimum temperature difference between TOC TMX
     280             :         // for stratification [deltaC]
     281             :         Diffuser DiffuserType; // 1=Swirl, 2=variable area, 3=displacement, 4=linear bar grille, 5=custom
     282             :         Real64 TransHeight;    // user specified transition height [m]
     283             :         bool CalcTransHeight;  // flag to calc trans height or use user specified input
     284             :         Real64 A_Kc;           // Coefficient A in Formula Kc = A*Gamma**B + C + D*Gamma + E*Gamma**2
     285             :         Real64 B_Kc;           // Coefficient A in Formula Kc = A*Gamma**B + C + D*Gamma + E*Gamma**2
     286             :         Real64 C_Kc;           // Coefficient A in Formula Kc = A*Gamma**B + C + D*Gamma + E*Gamma**2
     287             :         Real64 D_Kc;           // Coefficient A in Formula Kc = A*Gamma**B + C + D*Gamma + E*Gamma**2
     288             :         Real64 E_Kc;           // Coefficient A in Formula Kc = A*Gamma**B + C + D*Gamma + E*Gamma**2
     289             : 
     290             :         // Default Constructor
     291           1 :         UFIData()
     292           1 :             : ZonePtr(0), ZoneEquipPtr(0), DiffusersPerZone(0.0), PowerPerPlume(0.0), DiffArea(0.0), DiffAngle(0.0), HeatSrcHeight(0.0),
     293             :               ThermostatHeight(0.0), ComfortHeight(0.0), TempTrigger(0.0), DiffuserType(Diffuser::Invalid), TransHeight(0.0), CalcTransHeight(false),
     294           1 :               A_Kc(0.0), B_Kc(0.0), C_Kc(0.0), D_Kc(0.0), E_Kc(0.0)
     295             :         {
     296           1 :         }
     297             :     };
     298             : 
     299           9 :     struct UFEData
     300             :     {
     301             :         // Members
     302             :         std::string ZoneName;    // Name of zone
     303             :         int ZonePtr;             // Pointer to the zone number for this statement
     304             :         int ZoneEquipPtr;        // Pointer to zone equip for this UFAD zone
     305             :         Real64 DiffusersPerZone; // Number of diffusers in this zone
     306             :         Real64 PowerPerPlume;    // Power in each plume [W]
     307             :         Real64 DiffArea;         // Effective area of a diffuser [m2]
     308             :         Real64 DiffAngle;        // angle between diffuser slots and vertical (degrees)
     309             :         Real64 HeatSrcHeight;    // height of heat source above floor [m]
     310             :         Real64 ThermostatHeight; // Height of thermostat/ temperature control sensor [m]
     311             :         Real64 ComfortHeight;    // Height at which air temperature is measured for
     312             :         // comfort purposes [m]
     313             :         Real64 TempTrigger; // Minimum temperature difference between TOC TMX
     314             :         // for stratification [deltaC]
     315             :         Diffuser DiffuserType; // 1=Swirl, 2=variable area, 3=displacement, 4=linear bar grille, 5=custom
     316             :         Real64 TransHeight;    // user specified transition height [m]
     317             :         bool CalcTransHeight;  // flag to calc trans height or use user specified input
     318             :         Real64 A_Kc;           // Coefficient A in Formula Kc = A*Gamma**B + C + D*Gamma + E*Gamma**2
     319             :         Real64 B_Kc;           // Coefficient A in Formula Kc = A*Gamma**B + C + D*Gamma + E*Gamma**2
     320             :         Real64 C_Kc;           // Coefficient A in Formula Kc = A*Gamma**B + C + D*Gamma + E*Gamma**2
     321             :         Real64 D_Kc;           // Coefficient A in Formula Kc = A*Gamma**B + C + D*Gamma + E*Gamma**2
     322             :         Real64 E_Kc;           // Coefficient A in Formula Kc = A*Gamma**B + C + D*Gamma + E*Gamma**2
     323             :         Real64 WinWidth;       // sum of widths of exterior windows in zone
     324             :         Real64 NumExtWin;      // number of exterior windows in the zone
     325             :         bool ShadeDown;        // signals shade up or down
     326             : 
     327             :         // Default Constructor
     328           1 :         UFEData()
     329           1 :             : ZonePtr(0), ZoneEquipPtr(0), DiffusersPerZone(0.0), PowerPerPlume(0.0), DiffArea(0.0), DiffAngle(0.0), HeatSrcHeight(0.0),
     330             :               ThermostatHeight(0.0), ComfortHeight(0.0), TempTrigger(0.0), DiffuserType(Diffuser::Invalid), TransHeight(0.0), CalcTransHeight(false),
     331           1 :               A_Kc(0.0), B_Kc(0.0), C_Kc(0.0), D_Kc(0.0), E_Kc(0.0), WinWidth(0.0), NumExtWin(0.0), ShadeDown(true)
     332             :         {
     333           1 :         }
     334             :     };
     335             : 
     336          27 :     struct SurfMapPattern // nested structure in RoomAirPattern
     337             :     {
     338             :         // Members
     339             :         // user variables
     340             :         Array1D_string SurfName;  // user defined name
     341             :         Array1D<Real64> DeltaTai; // (Tai - MAT ) offset from mean air temp
     342             :         int NumSurfs;             // number of surfaces in this pattern
     343             :         // calculated and from elsewhere
     344             :         Array1D_int SurfID; // index in HB surface structure array
     345             : 
     346             :         // Default Constructor
     347           1 :         SurfMapPattern() : NumSurfs(0)
     348             :         {
     349           1 :         }
     350             :     };
     351             : 
     352          27 :     struct ConstGradPattern // nested structure in RoomAirPattern
     353             :     {
     354             :         // Members
     355             :         // user variables
     356             :         std::string Name; // name
     357             :         Real64 Gradient;  // value of vertical gradient [C/m]
     358             : 
     359             :         // Default Constructor
     360           1 :         ConstGradPattern() : Gradient(0.0)
     361             :         {
     362           1 :         }
     363             :     };
     364             : 
     365          27 :     struct TwoVertGradInterpolPattern // nested structure in RoomAirPattern
     366             :     {
     367             :         // Members
     368             :         // user variables
     369             :         std::string Name;                                           // name
     370             :         Real64 TstatHeight;                                         // Height of thermostat/ temperature control sensor
     371             :         Real64 TleavingHeight;                                      // height of return air node where leaving zone
     372             :         Real64 TexhaustHeight;                                      // height of exhaust air node where leaving zone
     373             :         Real64 LowGradient;                                         // lower value of vertical gradient [C/m]
     374             :         Real64 HiGradient;                                          // upper value of vertical gradient [C/m]
     375             :         DataRoomAirModel::UserDefinedPatternMode InterpolationMode; // control for interpolation mode
     376             :         Real64 UpperBoundTempScale;                                 // temperature value for HiGradient
     377             :         Real64 LowerBoundTempScale;                                 // temperature value for LowGradient
     378             :         Real64 UpperBoundHeatRateScale;                             // load value for HiGradient
     379             :         Real64 LowerBoundHeatRateScale;                             // load value for lowGradient
     380             : 
     381             :         // Default Constructor
     382           1 :         TwoVertGradInterpolPattern()
     383           1 :             : TstatHeight(0.0), TleavingHeight(0.0), TexhaustHeight(0.0), LowGradient(0.0), HiGradient(0.0),
     384             :               InterpolationMode(DataRoomAirModel::UserDefinedPatternMode::Invalid), UpperBoundTempScale(0.0), LowerBoundTempScale(0.0),
     385           1 :               UpperBoundHeatRateScale(0.0), LowerBoundHeatRateScale(0.0)
     386             :         {
     387           1 :         }
     388             :     };
     389             : 
     390          27 :     struct TempVsHeightPattern // to be used as nested structure in RoomAirPattern
     391             :     {
     392             :         // Members
     393             :         Array1D<Real64> ZetaPatrn;     // non dimensional height from floor,
     394             :         Array1D<Real64> DeltaTaiPatrn; // Tai- MAT (TODO, check sign)
     395             : 
     396             :         // Default Constructor
     397           1 :         TempVsHeightPattern()
     398           1 :         {
     399           1 :         }
     400             :     };
     401             : 
     402          27 :     struct TemperaturePatternStruct // RoomAirPattern
     403             :     {
     404             :         // Members
     405             :         std::string Name;                        // unique identifier
     406             :         int PatrnID;                             // control ID for referencing in Schedules
     407             :         UserDefinedPatternType PatternMode;      // Control for what type of calcs in this pattern
     408             :         ConstGradPattern GradPatrn;              // Constant gradient pattern
     409             :         TwoVertGradInterpolPattern TwoGradPatrn; // Two gradient interpolation pattern
     410             :         TempVsHeightPattern VertPatrn;           // Vertical gradient profile pattern
     411             :         SurfMapPattern MapPatrn;                 // Generic Surface map pattern
     412             :         Real64 DeltaTstat;                       // (Tstat - MAT) offset   deg C
     413             :         Real64 DeltaTleaving;                    // (Tleaving - MAT) deg C
     414             :         Real64 DeltaTexhaust;                    // (Texhaust - MAT) deg C
     415             : 
     416             :         // Default Constructor
     417           1 :         TemperaturePatternStruct() : PatrnID(0), PatternMode(UserDefinedPatternType::Invalid), DeltaTstat(0.0), DeltaTleaving(0.0), DeltaTexhaust(0.0)
     418             :         {
     419           1 :         }
     420             :     };
     421             : 
     422         831 :     struct SurfaceAssocNestedStruct
     423             :     {
     424             :         // Members
     425             :         std::string Name;    // unique identifier
     426             :         int SurfID;          // id in HB surface structs
     427             :         Real64 TadjacentAir; // place to put resulting temperature value
     428             :         Real64 Zeta;         // non-dimensional height in zone ot
     429             : 
     430             :         // Default Constructor
     431           9 :         SurfaceAssocNestedStruct() : SurfID(0), TadjacentAir(23.0), Zeta(0.0)
     432             :         {
     433           9 :         }
     434             :     };
     435             : 
     436          23 :     struct AirPatternInfobyZoneStruct // becomes AirPatternZoneInfo
     437             :     {
     438             :         // Members
     439             :         // user variables
     440             :         bool IsUsed;                   // .TRUE. if user-defined patterns used in zone
     441             :         std::string Name;              // Name
     442             :         std::string ZoneName;          // Zone name in building
     443             :         int ZoneID;                    // Index of Zone in Heat Balance
     444             :         std::string AvailSched;        // Name of availability schedule
     445             :         int AvailSchedID;              // index of availability schedule
     446             :         std::string PatternCntrlSched; // name of schedule that selects pattern
     447             :         int PatternSchedID;            // index of pattern selecting schedule
     448             :         // calculated and from elsewhere
     449             :         Real64 ZoneHeight;                      // in meters, from Zone%CeilingHeight
     450             :         int ZoneNodeID;                         // index in Node array for this zone
     451             :         Array1D_int ExhaustAirNodeID;           // indexes in Node array
     452             :         Real64 TairMean;                        // comes from MAT
     453             :         Real64 Tstat;                           // temperature for thermostat
     454             :         Real64 Tleaving;                        // temperature for return air node
     455             :         Real64 Texhaust;                        // temperature for exhaust air node
     456             :         Array1D<SurfaceAssocNestedStruct> Surf; // nested struct w/ surface info
     457             :         int totNumSurfs;                        // total surfs for this zone
     458             :         int firstSurfID;                        // Index of first surface
     459             :         // report
     460             :         Real64 Gradient; // result for modeled gradient if using two-gradient interpolation
     461             : 
     462             :         // Default Constructor
     463           1 :         AirPatternInfobyZoneStruct()
     464           1 :             : IsUsed(false), ZoneID(0), AvailSchedID(0), PatternSchedID(0), ZoneHeight(0.0), ZoneNodeID(0), TairMean(23.0), Tstat(23.0),
     465           1 :               Tleaving(23.0), Texhaust(23.0), totNumSurfs(0), firstSurfID(0), Gradient(0.0)
     466             :         {
     467           1 :         }
     468             :     };
     469             : 
     470             :     struct AirflowLinkagesInfoNestedStruct // becomes link
     471             :     {
     472             :         // Members
     473             :         // user variables
     474             :         int AirflowNetworkLinkSimuID;    // point to this linkage in AirflowNetworkLinkSimu structure
     475             :         int AirflowNetworkLinkageDataID; // point to this linkage in AirflowNetworkLinkageData structure
     476             :         int AirflowNetworkLinkReportID;  // point to this linkage in AirflowNetworkLinkReport structure
     477             :         Real64 MdotIn;                   // mass flow rate of air into control volume(neg means leaving control volume) (kg / s)
     478             :         Real64 TempIn;                   // drybulb temperature of air into control volume
     479             :         Real64 HumRatIn;                 // humidity ratio of air into control volume
     480             : 
     481             :         // Default Constructor
     482           6 :         AirflowLinkagesInfoNestedStruct()
     483           6 :             : AirflowNetworkLinkSimuID(0), AirflowNetworkLinkageDataID(0), AirflowNetworkLinkReportID(0), MdotIn(0.0), TempIn(0.0), HumRatIn(0.0)
     484             :         {
     485           6 :         }
     486             :     };
     487             : 
     488          42 :     struct RoomAirflowNetworkNodeInternalGainsStruct // becomes IntGain
     489             :     {
     490             :         // Members
     491             :         // user variables
     492             :         DataHeatBalance::IntGainType Type; // Internal type
     493             :         std::string Name;                  // Intenral gain name
     494             :         bool UseRoomAirModelTempForGains;  // TRUE if user inputs temp for gains
     495             :         bool FractionCheck;                // TRUE if a fraction of internal gain for each object is checked
     496             : 
     497             :         // Default Constructor
     498           6 :         RoomAirflowNetworkNodeInternalGainsStruct()
     499           6 :             : Type(DataHeatBalance::IntGainType::Invalid), UseRoomAirModelTempForGains(false), FractionCheck(false)
     500             :         {
     501           6 :         }
     502             :     };
     503             : 
     504          18 :     struct RoomAirflowNetworkHVACStruct // becomes HVAC
     505             :     {
     506             :         // Members
     507             :         // user variables
     508             :         std::string Name;           // HVAC system name
     509             :         std::string ObjectTypeName; // HVAC object type name
     510             :         std::string SupplyNodeName; // HVAC system supply node name
     511             :         std::string ReturnNodeName; // HVAC system return node name
     512             :         int TypeOfNum;              // HVAC type num
     513             :         Real64 SupplyFraction;      // Supply flow fraction
     514             :         Real64 ReturnFraction;      // Return flow fraction
     515             :         int EquipConfigIndex;       // HVAC equipment configuration index
     516             :         int SupNodeNum;             // HVAC supply node number
     517             :         int RetNodeNum;             // HVAC return node number
     518             :         int CompIndex;              // Component index
     519             : 
     520             :         // Default Constructor
     521           6 :         RoomAirflowNetworkHVACStruct()
     522           6 :             : TypeOfNum(0),        // HVAC type num
     523             :               SupplyFraction(0),   // Supply flow fraction
     524             :               ReturnFraction(0),   // Return flow fraction
     525             :               EquipConfigIndex(0), // HVAC equipment configuration index
     526             :               SupNodeNum(0),       // HVAC supply node number
     527             :               RetNodeNum(0),       // HVAC return node number
     528           6 :               CompIndex(0)         // Component index
     529             :         {
     530           6 :         }
     531             :     };
     532             : 
     533          13 :     struct RoomAirflowNetworkAirNodeNestedStruct // becomes Node
     534             :     {
     535             :         // Members
     536             :         // user variables
     537             :         std::string Name;                                           // name of the node itself
     538             :         Real64 ZoneVolumeFraction;                                  // Zone volume fraction applied to this specific node
     539             :         std::string NodeSurfListName;                               // name of nodes' adjacent surface list
     540             :         bool HasSurfacesAssigned;                                   // True if this node has surfaces assigned
     541             :         Array1D<bool> SurfMask;                                     // Sized to num of surfs in Zone, true if surface is associated with this node
     542             :         std::string NodeIntGainsListName;                           // name of node's internal gains list
     543             :         bool HasIntGainsAssigned;                                   // True if this node has internal gain assigned
     544             :         int NumIntGains;                                            // Number of matching internal gain objects for all spaces in the zone
     545             :         Array1D<int> intGainsDeviceSpaces;                          // index pointers to space struct
     546             :         Array1D<int> IntGainsDeviceIndices;                         // index pointers to internal gains struct
     547             :         Array1D<Real64> IntGainsFractions;                          // gain fractions to this node
     548             :         Array1D<RoomAirflowNetworkNodeInternalGainsStruct> IntGain; // Internal gain struct
     549             :         std::string NodeHVACListName;                               // name of node's HVAC list
     550             :         bool HasHVACAssigned;                                       // True if HVAC systems are assigned to this node
     551             :         int NumHVACs;                                               // Number of HVAC systems
     552             :         Array1D<RoomAirflowNetworkHVACStruct> HVAC;                 // HVAC struct
     553             :         int AirflowNetworkNodeID;                                   // pointer to AirflowNetworkNodeData structure
     554             :         int NumOfAirflowLinks;                                      // Number of intra zone links
     555             :         Array1D<AirflowLinkagesInfoNestedStruct> Link;              // Linkage struct
     556             :         Real64 AirVolume;                                           // air volume in control volume associated with this node(m3 / s)
     557             :         Real64 RhoAir;                                              // current density of air for nodal control volume
     558             :         Real64 CpAir;                                               // current heat capacity of air for nodal control volume
     559             : 
     560             :         Real64 AirTemp;     // node air temperature
     561             :         Real64 AirTempX1;   // node air temperature at t minus 1 zone timestep
     562             :         Real64 AirTempX2;   // node air temperature at t minus 2 zone timestep
     563             :         Real64 AirTempX3;   // node air temperature at t minus 3 zone timestep
     564             :         Real64 AirTempX4;   // node air temperature at t minus 4 zone timestep
     565             :         Real64 AirTempDSX1; // node air temperature at t minus 1 system timestep
     566             :         Real64 AirTempDSX2; // node air temperature at t minus 2 system timestep
     567             :         Real64 AirTempDSX3; // node air temperature at t minus 3 system timestep
     568             :         Real64 AirTempDSX4; // node air temperature at t minus 4 system timestep
     569             :         Real64 AirTempT1;   // node air temperature at the previous time step used in Exact and Euler method
     570             :         Real64 AirTempTMX;  // temporary node air temperature to test convergence used in Exact and Euler method
     571             :         Real64 AirTempTM2;  // node air temperature at time step t-2 used in Exact and Euler method
     572             : 
     573             :         Real64 HumRat;     // node air humidity ratio
     574             :         Real64 HumRatX1;   // node air humidity ratio at t minus 1 zone timestep
     575             :         Real64 HumRatX2;   // node air humidity ratio at t minus 2 zone timestep
     576             :         Real64 HumRatX3;   // node air humidity ratio at t minus 3 zone timestep
     577             :         Real64 HumRatX4;   // node air humidity ratio at t minus 4 zone timestep
     578             :         Real64 HumRatDSX1; // node air humidity ratio at t minus 1 system timestep
     579             :         Real64 HumRatDSX2; // node air humidity ratio at t minus 2 system timestep
     580             :         Real64 HumRatDSX3; // node air humidity ratio at t minus 3 system timestep
     581             :         Real64 HumRatDSX4; // node air humidity ratio at t minus 4 system timestep
     582             :         Real64 HumRatW1;   // node air humidity ratio at the previous time step used in Exact and Euler method
     583             :         Real64 HumRatWMX;  // temporary node air humidity ratio to test convergence used in Exact and Euler method
     584             :         Real64 HumRatWM2;  // node air humidity ratio at time step t-2 used in Exact and Euler method
     585             : 
     586             :         Real64 RelHumidity; // node air relative humidity
     587             : 
     588             :         // sensible heat balance terms for node
     589             :         Real64 SumIntSensibleGain; // rate of heat gain from internal sensible gains(after fraction)
     590             :         Real64 SumHA;              // sum of Hc * Area for surfaces associated with this node(surface convection sensible gain term)
     591             :         Real64 SumHATsurf;         // sum of Hc * Area * Temp for surfaces associated with this node for convective heat transfer
     592             :         Real64 SumHATref;          // sum of Hc * Area * Temp for surfaces associated with this node for radiation exchange
     593             :         Real64 SumLinkMCp;         // sum of mdor*Cp for incoming airflows for this node derived from the AirflowNetwork model
     594             :         Real64 SumLinkMCpT; // sum of mdor*Cp*T for incoming airflows and source temperature for this node derived from the AirflowNetwork model
     595             :         Real64 SumSysMCp;   // sum of mdor*Cp for incoming supply airflows for this node
     596             :         Real64 SumSysMCpT;  // sum of mdor*Cp*T for incoming supply airflows and temperature for this node
     597             :         Real64 SumSysM;     // sum of mdot for incoming supply airflows for this node
     598             :         Real64 SumSysMW;    // sum of mdot*W for incoming supply airflows and temperature for this node
     599             :         Real64 NonAirSystemResponse;     // sum of convective system load
     600             :         Real64 SysDepZoneLoadsLagged;    // sum of system lagged load
     601             :         Real64 SysDepZoneLoadsLaggedOld; // sum of system lagged load
     602             :         Real64 AirCap;                   // Air storage term for energy balalce at each node
     603             :         Real64 AirHumRat;                // Air storage term for moisture balalce at each node
     604             :         // latent moisture balance terms for node
     605             :         Real64 SumIntLatentGain; // rate of heat gain form internal latent gains(after fraction)
     606             :         Real64 SumHmAW;          // sum of AREA*Moist CONVECTION COEFF*INSIDE Humidity Ratio
     607             :         Real64 SumHmARa;         // SUM OF ZONE AREA*Moist CONVECTION COEFF*Rho Air
     608             :         Real64 SumHmARaW;        // SUM OF ZONE AREA*Moist CONVECTION COEFF*Rho Air* Inside Humidity Ratio
     609             :         Real64 SumLinkM;         // sum of mdor for incoming airflows for this node derived from the AirflowNetwork model
     610             :         Real64 SumLinkMW; // sum of mdor*Cp*T for incoming airflows and source humidity ratio for this node derived from the AirflowNetwork model
     611             : 
     612             :         // Default Constructor
     613           1 :         RoomAirflowNetworkAirNodeNestedStruct()
     614           1 :             : ZoneVolumeFraction(0.0), HasSurfacesAssigned(false), HasIntGainsAssigned(false), NumIntGains(0), HasHVACAssigned(false), NumHVACs(0),
     615             :               AirflowNetworkNodeID(0),              // pointer to AirflowNetworkNodeData structure
     616             :               NumOfAirflowLinks(0), AirVolume(0.0), // air volume in control volume associated with this node(m3 / s)
     617             :               RhoAir(0.0),                          // current density of air for nodal control volume
     618             :               CpAir(0.0),                           // current heat capacity of air for nodal control volume
     619             :               AirTemp(0.0),                         // node air temperature
     620             :               AirTempX1(0.0),                       // node air temperature at t minus 1 zone timestep
     621             :               AirTempX2(0.0),                       // node air temperature at t minus 2 zone timestep
     622             :               AirTempX3(0.0),                       // node air temperature at t minus 3 zone timestep
     623             :               AirTempX4(0.0),                       // node air temperature at t minus 4 zone timestep
     624             :               AirTempDSX1(0.0),                     // node air temperature at t minus 1 system timestep
     625             :               AirTempDSX2(0.0),                     // node air temperature at t minus 2 system timestep
     626             :               AirTempDSX3(0.0),                     // node air temperature at t minus 3 system timestep
     627             :               AirTempDSX4(0.0),                     // node air temperature at t minus 4 system timestep
     628             :               AirTempT1(0.0),                       // node air temperature at the previous time step used in Exact and Euler method
     629             :               AirTempTMX(0.0),                      // temporary node air temperature to test convergence used in Exact and Euler method
     630             :               AirTempTM2(0.0),                      // node air temperature at time step t-2 used in Exact and Euler method
     631             :               HumRat(0.0),                          // node air humidity ratio
     632             :               HumRatX1(0.0),                        // node air humidity ratio at t minus 1 zone timestep
     633             :               HumRatX2(0.0),                        // node air humidity ratio at t minus 2 zone timestep
     634             :               HumRatX3(0.0),                        // node air humidity ratio at t minus 3 zone timestep
     635             :               HumRatX4(0.0),                        // node air humidity ratio at t minus 4 zone timestep
     636             :               HumRatDSX1(0.0),                      // node air humidity ratio at t minus 1 system timestep
     637             :               HumRatDSX2(0.0),                      // node air humidity ratio at t minus 2 system timestep
     638             :               HumRatDSX3(0.0),                      // node air humidity ratio at t minus 3 system timestep
     639             :               HumRatDSX4(0.0),                      // node air humidity ratio at t minus 4 system timestep
     640             :               HumRatW1(0.0),                        // node air humidity ratio at the previous time step used in Exact and Euler method
     641             :               HumRatWMX(0.0),                       // temporary node air humidity ratio to test convergence used in Exact and Euler method
     642             :               HumRatWM2(0.0),                       // node air humidity ratio at time step t-2 used in Exact and Euler method
     643             :               RelHumidity(0.0),                     // node air relative humidity
     644             :               // sensible heat balance terms for node
     645             :               SumIntSensibleGain(0.0),         // rate of heat gain from internal sensible gains(after fraction)
     646             :               SumHA(0.0),                      // sum of Hc * Area for surfaces associated with this node(surface convection sensible gain term)
     647             :               SumHATsurf(0.0), SumHATref(0.0), // sum of Hc * Area * Temp for surfaces associated with this node
     648             :               SumLinkMCp(0.0), SumLinkMCpT(0.0), SumSysMCp(0.0), SumSysMCpT(0.0), SumSysM(0.0), SumSysMW(0.0), NonAirSystemResponse(0.0),
     649             :               SysDepZoneLoadsLagged(0.0), SysDepZoneLoadsLaggedOld(0.0), AirCap(0.0), AirHumRat(0.0),
     650             :               // latent moisture balance terms for node
     651             :               SumIntLatentGain(0.0), // rate of heat gain form internal latent gains(after fraction)
     652             :               SumHmAW(0.0),          // sum of AREA*Moist CONVECTION COEFF*INSIDE Humidity Ratio
     653             :               SumHmARa(0.0),         // SUM OF ZONE AREA*Moist CONVECTION COEFF*Rho Air
     654             :               SumHmARaW(0.0),        // SUM OF ZONE AREA*Moist CONVECTION COEFF*Rho Air* Inside Humidity Ratio
     655           1 :               SumLinkM(0.0), SumLinkMW(0.0)
     656             :         {
     657           1 :         }
     658             :     };
     659             : 
     660          11 :     struct RoomAirflowNetworkInfoByZoneStruct // becomes RoomAirflowNetworkZoneInfo
     661             :     {
     662             :         // Members
     663             :         // user variables
     664             :         bool IsUsed;                                         // true. if RoomAirflowNetwork model used in zone
     665             :         std::string Name;                                    // Name
     666             :         std::string ZoneName;                                // Zone name in building
     667             :         int ZoneID;                                          // Index of Zone in Heat Balance
     668             :         int ActualZoneID;                                    // Index of controlled zones in ZoneCOnfigure
     669             :         std::string AvailSched;                              // Name of availability schedule
     670             :         int AvailSchedID;                                    // index of availability schedule
     671             :         int ControlAirNodeID;                                // index of roomair node that is HVAC control sensor location
     672             :         int NumOfAirNodes;                                   // Number of air nodes
     673             :         Array1D<RoomAirflowNetworkAirNodeNestedStruct> Node; // Node struct
     674             :         int ZoneNodeID;                                      // index in system Node array for this zone
     675             :         Real64 TairMean;                                     // comes from MAT
     676             :         Real64 Tstat;                                        // temperature for thermostat
     677             :         Real64 Tleaving;                                     // temperature for return air node
     678             :         Real64 Texhaust;                                     // temperature for exhaust air node
     679             :         int totNumSurfs;                                     // total surfs for this zone
     680             :         int firstSurfID;                                     // Index of first surface
     681             :         int RAFNNum;                                         // RAFN number
     682             : 
     683             :         // Default Constructor
     684           1 :         RoomAirflowNetworkInfoByZoneStruct()
     685           1 :             : IsUsed(false),       // true. if RoomAirflowNetwork model used in zone
     686             :               ZoneID(0),           // Index of Zone in Heat Balance
     687             :               ActualZoneID(0),     // Index of controlled zones in ZoneCOnfigure
     688             :               AvailSchedID(0),     // index of availability schedule
     689             :               ControlAirNodeID(0), // index of roomair node that is HVAC control sensor location
     690             :               NumOfAirNodes(0),    // Number of air nodes
     691             :               ZoneNodeID(0),       // index in system Node array for this zone
     692             :               TairMean(23.0),      // comes from MAT
     693             :               Tstat(23.0),         // temperature for thermostat
     694             :               Tleaving(23.0),      // temperature for return air node
     695             :               Texhaust(23.0),      // temperature for exhaust air node
     696             :               totNumSurfs(0),      // total surfs for this zone
     697             :               firstSurfID(0),      // Index of first surface
     698           1 :               RAFNNum(0)           // RAFN number
     699             :         {
     700           1 :         }
     701             :     };
     702             : 
     703             : } // namespace DataRoomAirModel
     704             : 
     705        1542 : struct RoomAirModelData : BaseGlobalStruct
     706             : {
     707             :     bool anyNonMixingRoomAirModel = false; // True if any zone RoomAirModelType is not Mixing
     708             :     int TotNumOfAirNodes = 0;
     709             :     int TotNumOfRoomAFNNodes = 0;
     710             :     Array1D_int TotNumOfZoneAirNodes;
     711             :     Array1D<Real64> ConvectiveFloorSplit;
     712             :     Array1D<Real64> InfiltratFloorSplit;
     713             :     // UCSD
     714             :     int TotUCSDDV = 0; // Total number of UCSDDV zones
     715             :     Array1D<Real64> DVHcIn;
     716             :     Array1D_bool IsZoneDV;        // Is the air model for the zone UCSDDV?
     717             :     Array1D<Real64> ZTOC;         // Temperature of occupied (lower) zone
     718             :     Array1D<Real64> AvgTempGrad;  // vertical Average Temperature Gradient in the room
     719             :     Array1D<Real64> ZTMX;         // Temperature of the mixing(upper) layer
     720             :     Array1D<Real64> MaxTempGrad;  // maximum Average Temperature Gradient in the room
     721             :     Array1D<Real64> HVACAirTemp;  // HVAC system temperature (DEG C)
     722             :     Array1D<Real64> HVACMassFlow; // HVAC system mass flow rate (KG/S)
     723             :     Array1D<Real64> ZTFloor;
     724             :     Array1D<Real64> HeightTransition;
     725             :     Array1D<Real64> FracMinFlow;
     726             :     Array1D_int ZoneDVMixedFlag;
     727             :     Array1D<Real64> ZoneDVMixedFlagRep;
     728             :     Array1D_bool ZoneAirSystemON;
     729             :     Array1D<Real64> TCMF; // comfort temperature
     730             :     Array1D<Real64> ZoneCeilingHeight;
     731             :     Array1D<Real64> MATFloor;    // [C] floor level mean air temp
     732             :     Array1D<Real64> XMATFloor;   // [C] floor level mean air temp at t minus 1 zone time step
     733             :     Array1D<Real64> XM2TFloor;   // [C] floor level mean air temp at t minus 2 zone time step
     734             :     Array1D<Real64> XM3TFloor;   // [C] floor level mean air temp at t minus 3 zone time step
     735             :     Array1D<Real64> XM4TFloor;   // [C] floor level mean air temp at t minus 4 zone time step
     736             :     Array1D<Real64> DSXMATFloor; // [C] floor level mean air temp at t minus 1 system time step
     737             :     Array1D<Real64> DSXM2TFloor; // [C] floor level mean air temp at t minus 2 system time step
     738             :     Array1D<Real64> DSXM3TFloor; // [C] floor level mean air temp at t minus 3 system time step
     739             :     Array1D<Real64> DSXM4TFloor; // [C] floor level mean air temp at t minus 4 system time step
     740             :     Array1D<Real64> MATOC;       // [C] occupied mean air temp
     741             :     Array1D<Real64> XMATOC;      // [C] occupied mean air temp at t minus 1 zone time step
     742             :     Array1D<Real64> XM2TOC;      // [C] occupied mean air temp at t minus 2 zone time step
     743             :     Array1D<Real64> XM3TOC;      // [C] occupied mean air temp at t minus 3 zone time step
     744             :     Array1D<Real64> XM4TOC;      // [C] occupied mean air temp at t minus 4 zone time step
     745             :     Array1D<Real64> DSXMATOC;    // [C] occupied mean air temp at t minus 1 system time step
     746             :     Array1D<Real64> DSXM2TOC;    // [C] occupied mean air temp at t minus 2 system time step
     747             :     Array1D<Real64> DSXM3TOC;    // [C] occupied mean air temp at t minus 3 system time step
     748             :     Array1D<Real64> DSXM4TOC;    // [C] occupied mean air temp at t minus 4 system time step
     749             :     Array1D<Real64> MATMX;       // [C] mixed (upper) mean air temp
     750             :     Array1D<Real64> XMATMX;      // [C] mixed (upper) mean air temp at t minus 1 zone time step
     751             :     Array1D<Real64> XM2TMX;      // [C] mixed (upper) mean air temp at t minus 2 zone time step
     752             :     Array1D<Real64> XM3TMX;      // [C] mixed (upper) mean air temp at t minus 3 zone time step
     753             :     Array1D<Real64> XM4TMX;      // [C] mixed (upper) mean air temp at t minus 4 zone time step
     754             :     Array1D<Real64> DSXMATMX;    // [C] mixed  mean air temp at t minus 1 system time step
     755             :     Array1D<Real64> DSXM2TMX;    // [C] mixed  mean air temp at t minus 2 system time step
     756             :     Array1D<Real64> DSXM3TMX;    // [C] mixed  mean air temp at t minus 3 system time step
     757             :     Array1D<Real64> DSXM4TMX;    // [C] mixed  mean air temp at t minus 4 system time step
     758             :     Array1D<Real64> ZTM1Floor;   // [C] difference equation's Floor air temp at t minus 1
     759             :     Array1D<Real64> ZTM2Floor;   // [C] difference equation's Floor air temp at t minus 2
     760             :     Array1D<Real64> ZTM3Floor;   // [C] difference equation's Floor air temp at t minus 3
     761             :     Array1D<Real64> ZTM1OC;      // [C] difference equation's Occupied air temp at t minus 1
     762             :     Array1D<Real64> ZTM2OC;      // [C] difference equation's Occupied air temp at t minus 2
     763             :     Array1D<Real64> ZTM3OC;      // [C] difference equation's Occupied air temp at t minus 3
     764             :     Array1D<Real64> ZTM1MX;      // [C] difference equation's Mixed  air temp at t minus 1
     765             :     Array1D<Real64> ZTM2MX;      // [C] difference equation's Mixed  air temp at t minus 1
     766             :     Array1D<Real64> ZTM3MX;      // [C] difference equation's Mixed  air temp at t minus 1
     767             :     Array1D<Real64> AIRRATFloor;
     768             :     Array1D<Real64> AIRRATOC;
     769             :     Array1D<Real64> AIRRATMX;
     770             :     // Euler and Exact solution algorithms
     771             :     Array1D<Real64> Zone1Floor;  // [C] difference equation's Floor air temp at previous dt
     772             :     Array1D<Real64> ZoneMXFloor; // [C] difference equation's Floor air temp at t minus 1
     773             :     Array1D<Real64> ZoneM2Floor; // [C] difference equation's Floor air temp at t minus 2
     774             :     Array1D<Real64> Zone1OC;     // [C] difference equation's Occupied air temp at previous dt
     775             :     Array1D<Real64> ZoneMXOC;    // [C] difference equation's Occupied air temp at t minus 1
     776             :     Array1D<Real64> ZoneM2OC;    // [C] difference equation's Occupied air temp at t minus 2
     777             :     Array1D<Real64> Zone1MX;     // [C] difference equation's Mixed  air temp at previous dt
     778             :     Array1D<Real64> ZoneMXMX;    // [C] difference equation's Mixed  air temp at t minus 1
     779             :     Array1D<Real64> ZoneM2MX;    // [C] difference equation's Mixed  air temp at t minus 2
     780             :     // UCSD-CV
     781             :     int TotUCSDCV = 0;                   // Total number of UCSDDV zones
     782             :     int CVNumAirflowNetworkSurfaces = 0; // total number of AirFlowNetwork surfaces.
     783             :     Array1D<Real64> CVHcIn;
     784             :     Array1D_bool IsZoneCV;           // Is the air model for the zone UCSDDV?
     785             :     Array1D<Real64> ZoneCVisMixing;  // Zone set to CV is actually using a mixing model
     786             :     Array1D<Real64> ZTJET;           // Jet Temperatures
     787             :     Array1D<Real64> ZTREC;           // Recirculation Temperatures
     788             :     Array1D<Real64> RoomOutflowTemp; // Temperature of air flowing out of the room
     789             :     Array1D<Real64> JetRecAreaRatio;
     790             :     Array1D<Real64> Urec;           // Recirculation region average velocity
     791             :     Array1D<Real64> Ujet;           // Jet region average velocity
     792             :     Array1D<Real64> Qrec;           // Recirculation zone total flow rate
     793             :     Array1D<Real64> Qtot;           // Total volumetric inflow rate through all active aperatures [m3/s]
     794             :     Array1D<Real64> RecInflowRatio; // Ratio of the recirculation volumetric flow rate to the total inflow flow rate []
     795             :     Array1D<Real64> Uhc;
     796             :     Array1D<Real64> Ain;                     // Inflow aperture area
     797             :     Array1D<Real64> Droom;                   // CV Zone average length
     798             :     Array1D<Real64> Dstar;                   // CV Zone average length, wind direction corrected
     799             :     Array1D<Real64> Tin;                     // Inflow air temperature
     800             :     Array1D<Real64> TotArea;                 // Sum of the areas of all apertures in the zone
     801             :     Array2D_int AirflowNetworkSurfaceUCSDCV; // table for AirflowNetwork surfaces organization
     802             :     // Interzone surfaces counts twice.
     803             :     Array1D<Real64> Rfr;          // Ration between inflow and recirculation air flows
     804             :     Array1D<Real64> ZoneCVhasREC; // Airflow pattern is C = 0, CR(1)
     805             :     bool UCSDModelUsed = false;
     806             :     bool MundtModelUsed = false;
     807             :     // UCSD-UF
     808             :     int TotUCSDUI = 0;     // total number of UCSDUI zones
     809             :     int TotUCSDUE = 0;     // total number of UCSDUE zones
     810             :     Array1D_bool IsZoneUI; // controls program flow, for interior or exterior UFAD model
     811             :     Array1D_int ZoneUFPtr;
     812             :     Array1D<Real64> UFHcIn;
     813             :     Array1D_int ZoneUFMixedFlag;
     814             :     Array1D<Real64> ZoneUFMixedFlagRep;
     815             :     Array1D<Real64> ZoneUFGamma;
     816             :     Array1D<Real64> ZoneUFPowInPlumes;            // [W]
     817             :     Array1D<Real64> ZoneUFPowInPlumesfromWindows; // [W]
     818             :     Array1D<Real64> Phi;                          // dimensionless measure of occupied subzone temperature
     819             :     // END UCSD
     820             :     // Begin NREL User-defined patterns
     821             :     int numTempDistContrldZones = 0; // count of zones with user-defined patterns
     822             :     int NumAirTempPatterns = 0;      // count of all different patterns in input file
     823             :     int NumConstantGradient = 0;     // count of constant gradient patterns in input
     824             :     int NumTwoGradientInterp = 0;    // count of two gradient interp patterns in input
     825             :     int NumNonDimensionalHeight = 0; // count of ND height profile patterns in input
     826             :     int NumSurfaceMapping = 0;       // count of generic surface map patterns in input
     827             :     bool UserDefinedUsed = false;    // true if user-defined model used anywhere
     828             :     // End User-defined patterns
     829             : 
     830             :     // RoomAirflowNetwork
     831             :     int NumOfRoomAirflowNetControl = 0; // count of RoomAirSettings:AirflowNetwork
     832             : 
     833             :     // Object Data
     834             :     Array1D<DataRoomAirModel::AirModelData> AirModel;
     835             :     Array1D<DataRoomAirModel::AirNodeData> AirNode;
     836             :     Array1D<DataRoomAirModel::DVData> ZoneUCSDDV; // UCSD
     837             :     Array1D<DataRoomAirModel::CVData> ZoneUCSDCV;
     838             :     Array1D<DataRoomAirModel::UFIData> ZoneUCSDUI;
     839             :     Array1D<DataRoomAirModel::UFEData> ZoneUCSDUE;
     840             :     Array2D<DataRoomAirModel::CVFlow> CVJetRecFlows;                                          // Jet and recirculation zone flows and properties
     841             :     Array1D<DataRoomAirModel::CVDVParameters> SurfParametersCVDV;                             // Surface parameters
     842             :     Array1D<DataRoomAirModel::TemperaturePatternStruct> RoomAirPattern;                       // user defined patterns ,various types
     843             :     Array1D<DataRoomAirModel::AirPatternInfobyZoneStruct> AirPatternZoneInfo;                 // added zone information for user defined patterns
     844             :     Array1D<DataRoomAirModel::RoomAirflowNetworkInfoByZoneStruct> RoomAirflowNetworkZoneInfo; // added zone info
     845             : 
     846           0 :     void clear_state() override
     847             :     {
     848           0 :         anyNonMixingRoomAirModel = false;
     849           0 :         TotNumOfAirNodes = 0;
     850           0 :         TotNumOfRoomAFNNodes = 0;
     851           0 :         TotNumOfZoneAirNodes.clear();
     852           0 :         ConvectiveFloorSplit.clear();
     853           0 :         InfiltratFloorSplit.clear();
     854             :         // UCSD
     855           0 :         TotUCSDDV = 0; // Total number of UCSDDV zones
     856           0 :         DVHcIn.clear();
     857           0 :         IsZoneDV.clear();     // Is the air model for the zone UCSDDV?
     858           0 :         ZTOC.clear();         // Temperature of occupied (lower) zone
     859           0 :         AvgTempGrad.clear();  // vertical Average Temperature Gradient in the room
     860           0 :         ZTMX.clear();         // Temperature of the mixing(upper) layer
     861           0 :         MaxTempGrad.clear();  // maximum Average Temperature Gradient in the room
     862           0 :         HVACAirTemp.clear();  // HVAC system temperature (DEG C)
     863           0 :         HVACMassFlow.clear(); // HVAC system mass flow rate (KG/S)
     864           0 :         ZTFloor.clear();
     865           0 :         HeightTransition.clear();
     866           0 :         FracMinFlow.clear();
     867           0 :         ZoneDVMixedFlag.clear();
     868           0 :         ZoneDVMixedFlagRep.clear();
     869           0 :         ZoneAirSystemON.clear();
     870           0 :         TCMF.clear(); // comfort temperature
     871           0 :         ZoneCeilingHeight.clear();
     872           0 :         MATFloor.clear();    // [C] floor level mean air temp
     873           0 :         XMATFloor.clear();   // [C] floor level mean air temp at t minus 1 zone time step
     874           0 :         XM2TFloor.clear();   // [C] floor level mean air temp at t minus 2 zone time step
     875           0 :         XM3TFloor.clear();   // [C] floor level mean air temp at t minus 3 zone time step
     876           0 :         XM4TFloor.clear();   // [C] floor level mean air temp at t minus 4 zone time step
     877           0 :         DSXMATFloor.clear(); // [C] floor level mean air temp at t minus 1 system time step
     878           0 :         DSXM2TFloor.clear(); // [C] floor level mean air temp at t minus 2 system time step
     879           0 :         DSXM3TFloor.clear(); // [C] floor level mean air temp at t minus 3 system time step
     880           0 :         DSXM4TFloor.clear(); // [C] floor level mean air temp at t minus 4 system time step
     881           0 :         MATOC.clear();       // [C] occupied mean air temp
     882           0 :         XMATOC.clear();      // [C] occupied mean air temp at t minus 1 zone time step
     883           0 :         XM2TOC.clear();      // [C] occupied mean air temp at t minus 2 zone time step
     884           0 :         XM3TOC.clear();      // [C] occupied mean air temp at t minus 3 zone time step
     885           0 :         XM4TOC.clear();      // [C] occupied mean air temp at t minus 4 zone time step
     886           0 :         DSXMATOC.clear();    // [C] occupied mean air temp at t minus 1 system time step
     887           0 :         DSXM2TOC.clear();    // [C] occupied mean air temp at t minus 2 system time step
     888           0 :         DSXM3TOC.clear();    // [C] occupied mean air temp at t minus 3 system time step
     889           0 :         DSXM4TOC.clear();    // [C] occupied mean air temp at t minus 4 system time step
     890           0 :         MATMX.clear();       // [C] mixed (upper) mean air temp
     891           0 :         XMATMX.clear();      // [C] mixed (upper) mean air temp at t minus 1 zone time step
     892           0 :         XM2TMX.clear();      // [C] mixed (upper) mean air temp at t minus 2 zone time step
     893           0 :         XM3TMX.clear();      // [C] mixed (upper) mean air temp at t minus 3 zone time step
     894           0 :         XM4TMX.clear();      // [C] mixed (upper) mean air temp at t minus 4 zone time step
     895           0 :         DSXMATMX.clear();    // [C] mixed  mean air temp at t minus 1 system time step
     896           0 :         DSXM2TMX.clear();    // [C] mixed  mean air temp at t minus 2 system time step
     897           0 :         DSXM3TMX.clear();    // [C] mixed  mean air temp at t minus 3 system time step
     898           0 :         DSXM4TMX.clear();    // [C] mixed  mean air temp at t minus 4 system time step
     899           0 :         ZTM1Floor.clear();   // [C] difference equation's Floor air temp at t minus 1
     900           0 :         ZTM2Floor.clear();   // [C] difference equation's Floor air temp at t minus 2
     901           0 :         ZTM3Floor.clear();   // [C] difference equation's Floor air temp at t minus 3
     902           0 :         ZTM1OC.clear();      // [C] difference equation's Occupied air temp at t minus 1
     903           0 :         ZTM2OC.clear();      // [C] difference equation's Occupied air temp at t minus 2
     904           0 :         ZTM3OC.clear();      // [C] difference equation's Occupied air temp at t minus 3
     905           0 :         ZTM1MX.clear();      // [C] difference equation's Mixed  air temp at t minus 1
     906           0 :         ZTM2MX.clear();      // [C] difference equation's Mixed  air temp at t minus 1
     907           0 :         ZTM3MX.clear();      // [C] difference equation's Mixed  air temp at t minus 1
     908           0 :         AIRRATFloor.clear();
     909           0 :         AIRRATOC.clear();
     910           0 :         AIRRATMX.clear();
     911             :         // Euler and Exact solution algorithms
     912           0 :         Zone1Floor.clear();  // [C] difference equation's Floor air temp at previous dt
     913           0 :         ZoneMXFloor.clear(); // [C] difference equation's Floor air temp at t minus 1
     914           0 :         ZoneM2Floor.clear(); // [C] difference equation's Floor air temp at t minus 2
     915           0 :         Zone1OC.clear();     // [C] difference equation's Occupied air temp at previous dt
     916           0 :         ZoneMXOC.clear();    // [C] difference equation's Occupied air temp at t minus 1
     917           0 :         ZoneM2OC.clear();    // [C] difference equation's Occupied air temp at t minus 2
     918           0 :         Zone1MX.clear();     // [C] difference equation's Mixed  air temp at previous dt
     919           0 :         ZoneMXMX.clear();    // [C] difference equation's Mixed  air temp at t minus 1
     920           0 :         ZoneM2MX.clear();    // [C] difference equation's Mixed  air temp at t minus 2
     921             :         // UCSD-CV
     922           0 :         TotUCSDCV = 0;                   // Total number of UCSDDV zones
     923           0 :         CVNumAirflowNetworkSurfaces = 0; // total number of AirFlowNetwork surfaces.
     924           0 :         CVHcIn.clear();
     925           0 :         IsZoneCV.clear();        // Is the air model for the zone UCSDDV?
     926           0 :         ZoneCVisMixing.clear();  // Zone set to CV is actually using a mixing model
     927           0 :         ZTJET.clear();           // Jet Temperatures
     928           0 :         ZTREC.clear();           // Recirculation Temperatures
     929           0 :         RoomOutflowTemp.clear(); // Temperature of air flowing out of the room
     930           0 :         JetRecAreaRatio.clear();
     931           0 :         Urec.clear();           // Recirculation region average velocity
     932           0 :         Ujet.clear();           // Jet region average velocity
     933           0 :         Qrec.clear();           // Recirculation zone total flow rate
     934           0 :         Qtot.clear();           // Total volumetric inflow rate through all active aperatures [m3/s]
     935           0 :         RecInflowRatio.clear(); // Ratio of the recirculation volumetric flow rate to the total inflow flow rate []
     936           0 :         Uhc.clear();
     937           0 :         Ain.clear();                         // Inflow aperture area
     938           0 :         Droom.clear();                       // CV Zone average length
     939           0 :         Dstar.clear();                       // CV Zone average length, wind direction corrected
     940           0 :         Tin.clear();                         // Inflow air temperature
     941           0 :         TotArea.clear();                     // Sum of the areas of all apertures in the zone
     942           0 :         AirflowNetworkSurfaceUCSDCV.clear(); // table for AirflowNetwork surfaces organization
     943             :         // Interzone surfaces counts twice.
     944           0 :         Rfr.clear();          // Ration between inflow and recirculation air flows
     945           0 :         ZoneCVhasREC.clear(); // Airflow pattern is C = 0, CR(1)
     946           0 :         UCSDModelUsed = false;
     947           0 :         MundtModelUsed = false;
     948             :         // UCSD-UF
     949           0 :         TotUCSDUI = 0;    // total number of UCSDUI zones
     950           0 :         TotUCSDUE = 0;    // total number of UCSDUE zones
     951           0 :         IsZoneUI.clear(); // controls program flow, for interior or exterior UFAD model
     952           0 :         ZoneUFPtr.clear();
     953           0 :         UFHcIn.clear();
     954           0 :         ZoneUFMixedFlag.clear();
     955           0 :         ZoneUFMixedFlagRep.clear();
     956           0 :         ZoneUFGamma.clear();
     957           0 :         ZoneUFPowInPlumes.clear();            // [W]
     958           0 :         ZoneUFPowInPlumesfromWindows.clear(); // [W]
     959           0 :         Phi.clear();                          // dimensionless measure of occupied subzone temperature
     960             :         // END UCSD
     961             :         // Begin NREL User-defined patterns
     962           0 :         numTempDistContrldZones = 0; // count of zones with user-defined patterns
     963           0 :         NumAirTempPatterns = 0;      // count of all different patterns in input file
     964           0 :         NumConstantGradient = 0;     // count of constant gradient patterns in input
     965           0 :         NumTwoGradientInterp = 0;    // count of two gradient interp patterns in input
     966           0 :         NumNonDimensionalHeight = 0; // count of ND height profile patterns in input
     967           0 :         NumSurfaceMapping = 0;       // count of generic surface map patterns in input
     968           0 :         UserDefinedUsed = false;     // true if user-defined model used anywhere
     969             :         // End User-defined patterns
     970             : 
     971             :         // RoomAirflowNetwork
     972           0 :         NumOfRoomAirflowNetControl = 0; // count of RoomAirSettings:AirflowNetwork
     973             : 
     974             :         // Object Data
     975           0 :         AirModel.clear();
     976           0 :         AirNode.clear();
     977           0 :         ZoneUCSDDV.clear(); // UCSD
     978           0 :         ZoneUCSDCV.clear();
     979           0 :         ZoneUCSDUI.clear();
     980           0 :         ZoneUCSDUE.clear();
     981           0 :         CVJetRecFlows.clear();              // Jet and recirculation zone flows and properties
     982           0 :         SurfParametersCVDV.clear();         // Surface parameters
     983           0 :         RoomAirPattern.clear();             // user defined patterns ,various types
     984           0 :         AirPatternZoneInfo.clear();         // added zone information for user defined patterns
     985           0 :         RoomAirflowNetworkZoneInfo.clear(); // added zone info
     986           0 :     }
     987             : };
     988             : 
     989             : } // namespace EnergyPlus
     990             : 
     991             : #endif

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