LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - EnergyPlus - (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: lcov.output.filtered Lines: 2236 3058 73.1 %
Date: 2023-01-17 19:17:23 Functions: 45 45 100.0 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : // EnergyPlus, Copyright (c) 1996-2023, The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois,
       2             : // The Regents of the University of California, through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
       3             : // (subject to receipt of any required approvals from the U.S. Dept. of Energy), Oak Ridge
       4             : // National Laboratory, managed by UT-Battelle, Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC, and other
       5             : // contributors. All rights reserved.
       6             : //
       7             : // NOTICE: This Software was developed under funding from the U.S. Department of Energy and the
       8             : // U.S. Government consequently retains certain rights. As such, the U.S. Government has been
       9             : // granted for itself and others acting on its behalf a paid-up, nonexclusive, irrevocable,
      10             : // worldwide license in the Software to reproduce, distribute copies to the public, prepare
      11             : // derivative works, and perform publicly and display publicly, and to permit others to do so.
      12             : //
      13             : // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted
      14             : // provided that the following conditions are met:
      15             : //
      16             : // (1) Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of
      17             : //     conditions and the following disclaimer.
      18             : //
      19             : // (2) Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of
      20             : //     conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
      21             : //     provided with the distribution.
      22             : //
      23             : // (3) Neither the name of the University of California, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,
      24             : //     the University of Illinois, U.S. Dept. of Energy nor the names of its contributors may be
      25             : //     used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior
      26             : //     written permission.
      27             : //
      28             : // (4) Use of EnergyPlus(TM) Name. If Licensee (i) distributes the software in stand-alone form
      29             : //     without changes from the version obtained under this License, or (ii) Licensee makes a
      30             : //     reference solely to the software portion of its product, Licensee must refer to the
      31             : //     software as "EnergyPlus version X" software, where "X" is the version number Licensee
      32             : //     obtained under this License and may not use a different name for the software. Except as
      33             : //     specifically required in this Section (4), Licensee shall not use in a company name, a
      34             : //     product name, in advertising, publicity, or other promotional activities any name, trade
      35             : //     name, trademark, logo, or other designation of "EnergyPlus", "E+", "e+" or confusingly
      36             : //     similar designation, without the U.S. Department of Energy's prior written consent.
      37             : //
      46             : // POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.
      47             : 
      48             : // C++ Headers
      49             : #include <cassert>
      50             : 
      51             : // ObjexxFCL Headers
      52             : #include <ObjexxFCL/Array.functions.hh>
      53             : #include <ObjexxFCL/Fmath.hh>
      54             : #include <ObjexxFCL/numeric.hh>
      55             : #include <ObjexxFCL/string.functions.hh>
      56             : 
      57             : // EnergyPlus Headers
      58             : #include <EnergyPlus/CostEstimateManager.hh>
      59             : #include <EnergyPlus/Data/EnergyPlusData.hh>
      60             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataEnvironment.hh>
      61             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataGlobalConstants.hh>
      62             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataIPShortCuts.hh>
      63             : #include <EnergyPlus/DisplayRoutines.hh>
      64             : #include <EnergyPlus/EconomicTariff.hh>
      65             : #include <EnergyPlus/General.hh>
      66             : #include <EnergyPlus/InputProcessing/InputProcessor.hh>
      67             : #include <EnergyPlus/OutputProcessor.hh>
      68             : #include <EnergyPlus/OutputReportPredefined.hh>
      69             : #include <EnergyPlus/OutputReportTabular.hh>
      70             : #include <EnergyPlus/ResultsFramework.hh>
      71             : #include <EnergyPlus/SQLiteProcedures.hh>
      72             : #include <EnergyPlus/ScheduleManager.hh>
      73             : #include <EnergyPlus/UtilityRoutines.hh>
      74             : 
      75             : namespace EnergyPlus::EconomicTariff {
      76             : 
      77             : // MODULE INFORMATION:
      78             : //    AUTHOR         Jason Glazer of GARD Analytics, Inc.
      79             : //    DATE WRITTEN   May 2004
      80             : 
      81             : //    Compute utility bills for a building based on energy
      82             : //    use estimate.
      83             : using ScheduleManager::GetScheduleIndex;
      84             : 
      85      299088 : void UpdateUtilityBills(EnergyPlusData &state)
      86             : {
      87             :     //    AUTHOR         Jason Glazer of GARD Analytics, Inc.
      88             :     //    DATE WRITTEN   September 2003
      89             : 
      90             :     //    Single routine used to call all get input
      91             :     //    routines for economics.
      92             : 
      93      299088 :     bool ErrorsFound(false);
      94             : 
      95      299088 :     if (state.dataEconTariff->Update_GetInput) {
      96         769 :         GetInputEconomicsTariff(state, ErrorsFound);
      97             :         // do rest of GetInput only if at least one tariff is defined.
      98         769 :         GetInputEconomicsCurrencyType(state, ErrorsFound);
      99         769 :         if (state.dataEconTariff->numTariff >= 1) {
     100          95 :             if (!ErrorsFound && state.dataOutRptTab->displayEconomicResultSummary)
     101          28 :                 OutputReportTabular::AddTOCEntry(state, "Economics Results Summary Report", "Entire Facility");
     102          95 :             CreateCategoryNativeVariables(state);
     103          95 :             GetInputEconomicsQualify(state, ErrorsFound);
     104          95 :             GetInputEconomicsChargeSimple(state, ErrorsFound);
     105          95 :             GetInputEconomicsChargeBlock(state, ErrorsFound);
     106          95 :             GetInputEconomicsRatchet(state, ErrorsFound);
     107          95 :             GetInputEconomicsVariable(state, ErrorsFound);
     108          95 :             GetInputEconomicsComputation(state, ErrorsFound);
     109          95 :             CreateDefaultComputation(state);
     110             :         }
     111         769 :         state.dataEconTariff->Update_GetInput = false;
     112         769 :         if (ErrorsFound) ShowFatalError(state, "UpdateUtilityBills: Preceding errors cause termination.");
     113             :     }
     114      299088 :     if (state.dataGlobal->DoOutputReporting && (state.dataGlobal->KindOfSim == DataGlobalConstants::KindOfSim::RunPeriodWeather)) {
     115       70176 :         GatherForEconomics(state);
     116             :     }
     117      299088 : }
     118             : 
     119             : //======================================================================================================================
     120             : //======================================================================================================================
     121             : 
     122             : //    GET INPUT ROUTINES
     123             : 
     124             : //======================================================================================================================
     125             : //======================================================================================================================
     126             : 
     127         769 : void GetInputEconomicsTariff(EnergyPlusData &state, bool &ErrorsFound) // true if errors found during getting input objects.
     128             : {
     129             :     // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
     130             :     //       AUTHOR         Jason Glazer of GARD Analytics, Inc.
     131             :     //       DATE WRITTEN   May 2004
     132             :     //       MODIFIED       Aug. 2017, Julien Marrec of EffiBEM. Handled conversions factor based on meter resources
     133             :     //
     134             :     // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
     135             :     // This subroutine reads the input file for "UtilityCost:Tariff" objects
     136             :     // It will be the right conversion factors based on the associated meter resource type
     137             :     // meaning if "CCF" is picked, the conversion factor isn't the same whether it's a water meter or a fuel meter.
     138             : 
     139             :     static constexpr std::string_view RoutineName("GetInputEconomicsTariff: ");
     140             :     int NumAlphas; // Number of elements in the alpha array
     141             :     int NumNums;   // Number of elements in the numeric array
     142             :     int IOStat;    // IO Status when calling get input subroutine
     143             :     bool isNotNumeric;
     144             :     // variables for getting report variable/meter index
     145             :     int KeyCount;
     146             :     OutputProcessor::VariableType TypeVar;
     147             :     OutputProcessor::StoreType AvgSumVar;
     148             :     OutputProcessor::TimeStepType StepTypeVar;
     149         769 :     OutputProcessor::Unit UnitsVar(OutputProcessor::Unit::None); // Units sting, may be blank
     150        1538 :     Array1D_string NamesOfKeys;                                  // Specific key name
     151        1538 :     Array1D_int IndexesForKeyVar;                                // Array index
     152             : 
     153         769 :     auto &tariff(state.dataEconTariff->tariff);
     154             : 
     155         769 :     std::string_view CurrentModuleObject = "UtilityCost:Tariff";
     156         769 :     state.dataEconTariff->numTariff = state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getNumObjectsFound(state, CurrentModuleObject);
     157         769 :     tariff.allocate(state.dataEconTariff->numTariff);
     158        1057 :     for (int iInObj = 1; iInObj <= state.dataEconTariff->numTariff; ++iInObj) {
     159        2016 :         state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectItem(state,
     160             :                                                                  CurrentModuleObject,
     161             :                                                                  iInObj,
     162         288 :                                                                  state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs,
     163             :                                                                  NumAlphas,
     164         288 :                                                                  state.dataIPShortCut->rNumericArgs,
     165             :                                                                  NumNums,
     166             :                                                                  IOStat,
     167         288 :                                                                  state.dataIPShortCut->lNumericFieldBlanks,
     168         288 :                                                                  state.dataIPShortCut->lAlphaFieldBlanks,
     169         288 :                                                                  state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaFieldNames,
     170         288 :                                                                  state.dataIPShortCut->cNumericFieldNames);
     171             :         // check to make sure none of the values are another economic object
     172        3642 :         for (int jFld = 1; jFld <= NumAlphas; ++jFld) {
     173             :             //  args are always turned to upper case but this is okay...
     174        3354 :             if (hasi(state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(jFld), "UtilityCost:")) {
     175           0 :                 ShowWarningError(state, format("{}{}=\"{}\".", RoutineName, CurrentModuleObject, state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(1)));
     176           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "... a field was found containing UtilityCost: which may indicate a missing comma.");
     177             :             }
     178             :         }
     179             :         // name of the tariff
     180         288 :         tariff(iInObj).tariffName = state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(1);
     181             :         // check if tariff name is unique
     182         288 :         int found = 0;
     183         681 :         for (int jObj = 1; jObj <= iInObj - 1; ++jObj) {
     184         393 :             if (tariff(iInObj).tariffName == tariff(jObj).tariffName) {
     185           0 :                 found = jObj;
     186           0 :                 break;
     187             :             }
     188             :         }
     189         288 :         if (found > 0) {
     190           0 :             ShowSevereError(state, format("{}{}=\"{}\" invalid data", RoutineName, CurrentModuleObject, state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(1)));
     191           0 :             ShowContinueError(state, "...Duplicate name. Name has already been used.");
     192           0 :             ErrorsFound = true;
     193             :         }
     194             :         // name of the report meter
     195         288 :         tariff(iInObj).reportMeter = state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(2);
     196             :         // call the key count function but only need count during this pass
     197         288 :         GetVariableKeyCountandType(state, tariff(iInObj).reportMeter, KeyCount, TypeVar, AvgSumVar, StepTypeVar, UnitsVar);
     198             :         // if no meters found for that name
     199         288 :         if (KeyCount == 0) {
     200           0 :             ShowWarningError(state, format("{}{}=\"{}\" missing meter", RoutineName, CurrentModuleObject, state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(1)));
     201           0 :             ShowContinueError(state,
     202           0 :                               format("Meter referenced is not present due to a lack of equipment that uses that energy source/meter:\"{}\".",
     203           0 :                                      tariff(iInObj).reportMeter));
     204           0 :             tariff(iInObj).reportMeterIndx = 0;
     205             :         } else {
     206         288 :             NamesOfKeys.allocate(KeyCount);
     207         288 :             IndexesForKeyVar.allocate(KeyCount);
     208         288 :             GetVariableKeys(state, tariff(iInObj).reportMeter, TypeVar, NamesOfKeys, IndexesForKeyVar);
     209             :             // although this retrieves all keys for a variable, we only need one so the first one is chosen
     210         288 :             if (KeyCount > 1) {
     211           0 :                 ShowWarningError(state, format("{}{}=\"{}\" multiple keys", RoutineName, CurrentModuleObject, state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(1)));
     212           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "... Multiple keys for variable select. First key will be used.");
     213             :             }
     214             :             // assign the index
     215         288 :             tariff(iInObj).reportMeterIndx = IndexesForKeyVar(1);
     216             :             // get rid of the arrays used to get the variable number
     217         288 :             NamesOfKeys.deallocate();
     218         288 :             IndexesForKeyVar.deallocate();
     219             :         }
     220             : 
     221             :         // Start by checking what type of meter we do have, some units can be used for several resources with different conversion factors
     222             :         // Explicitly assume it's not a water meter nor an electric meter nor a gas meter (was already done in constructor though)
     223         288 :         tariff(iInObj).kindWaterMtr = kindMeterNotWater;
     224         288 :         tariff(iInObj).kindElectricMtr = kindMeterNotElectric;
     225         288 :         tariff(iInObj).kindGasMtr = kindMeterNotGas;
     226             : 
     227             :         // Determine whether this meter is related to electricity, or water, or gas
     228         288 :         if (tariff(iInObj).reportMeterIndx != 0) {
     229             : 
     230             :             std::string const &SELECT_CASE_var(
     231         576 :                 UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase(state.dataOutputProcessor->EnergyMeters(tariff(iInObj).reportMeterIndx).ResourceType));
     232             : 
     233             :             // Various types of electricity meters
     234         288 :             if (SELECT_CASE_var == "ELECTRICITY") {
     235         187 :                 tariff(iInObj).kindElectricMtr = kindMeterElecSimple;
     236         101 :             } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == "ELECTRICITYPRODUCED") {
     237           0 :                 tariff(iInObj).kindElectricMtr = kindMeterElecProduced;
     238         101 :             } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == "ELECTRICITYPURCHASED") {
     239          11 :                 tariff(iInObj).kindElectricMtr = kindMeterElecPurchased;
     240          90 :             } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == "ELECTRICITYSURPLUSSOLD") {
     241           1 :                 tariff(iInObj).kindElectricMtr = kindMeterElecSurplusSold;
     242          89 :             } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == "ELECTRICITYNET") {
     243           5 :                 tariff(iInObj).kindElectricMtr = kindMeterElecNet;
     244             : 
     245             :                 // Handle the case where its a water meter
     246         334 :             } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == "WATER" || SELECT_CASE_var == "H2O" || SELECT_CASE_var == "ONSITEWATER" ||
     247         249 :                        SELECT_CASE_var == "WATERPRODUCED" || SELECT_CASE_var == "ONSITE WATER" || SELECT_CASE_var == "MAINSWATER" ||
     248         249 :                        SELECT_CASE_var == "WATERSUPPLY" || SELECT_CASE_var == "RAINWATER" || SELECT_CASE_var == "PRECIPITATION" ||
     249         250 :                        SELECT_CASE_var == "WELLWATER" || SELECT_CASE_var == "GROUNDWATER" || SELECT_CASE_var == "CONDENSATE") {
     250           1 :                 tariff(iInObj).kindWaterMtr = kindMeterWater;
     251             :                 // Or a Natural Gas meter
     252          83 :             } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == "GAS" || SELECT_CASE_var == "NATURALGAS") {
     253          83 :                 tariff(iInObj).kindGasMtr = kindMeterGas;
     254             :             }
     255             :         }
     256             : 
     257             :         // Assign the right conversion factors based on the resource type
     258             : 
     259             :         // If it's a water meter
     260             :         // We set demandConv to something analogous to m3/h
     261         288 :         if (tariff(iInObj).kindWaterMtr == kindMeterWater) {
     262             :             // conversion factor
     263           1 :             if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(3), "USERDEFINED")) {
     264           1 :                 tariff(iInObj).convChoice = EconConv::USERDEF;
     265           1 :                 tariff(iInObj).energyConv = state.dataIPShortCut->rNumericArgs(1); // energy conversion factor
     266           1 :                 tariff(iInObj).demandConv = state.dataIPShortCut->rNumericArgs(2); // demand conversion factor
     267           0 :             } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(3), "M3")) {
     268           0 :                 tariff(iInObj).convChoice = EconConv::M3;
     269           0 :                 tariff(iInObj).energyConv = 1.0;
     270           0 :                 tariff(iInObj).demandConv = 3600.0;
     271           0 :             } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(3), "CCF")) {
     272           0 :                 tariff(iInObj).convChoice = EconConv::CCF;
     273           0 :                 tariff(iInObj).energyConv = 0.35314666721488586;
     274           0 :                 tariff(iInObj).demandConv = 0.35314666721488586 * 3600;
     275           0 :             } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(3), "GAL")) {
     276           0 :                 tariff(iInObj).convChoice = EconConv::GAL;
     277           0 :                 tariff(iInObj).energyConv = 264.1720523602524;
     278           0 :                 tariff(iInObj).demandConv = 264.1720523602524 * 3600;
     279           0 :             } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(3), "KGAL")) {
     280           0 :                 tariff(iInObj).convChoice = EconConv::KGAL;
     281           0 :                 tariff(iInObj).energyConv = 0.2641720523602524;
     282           0 :                 tariff(iInObj).demandConv = 0.2641720523602524 * 3600;
     283             :             } else {
     284             :                 // ERROR: not a valid conversion, default to M3
     285           0 :                 tariff(iInObj).convChoice = EconConv::M3;
     286           0 :                 tariff(iInObj).energyConv = 1.0;
     287           0 :                 tariff(iInObj).demandConv = 3600.0;
     288           0 :                 ShowWarningError(state, format("{}{}=\"{}\" invalid data", RoutineName, CurrentModuleObject, state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(1)));
     289           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state,
     290           0 :                                   format("{}=\"{}\", Defaulting to m^3 (Water resource detected).",
     291           0 :                                          state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaFieldNames(3),
     292           0 :                                          state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(3)));
     293             :             }
     294             : 
     295             :             // If it's an electric meter
     296             :             // Volumetric units such as MCF or CCF doesn't make sense IMHO (JM)
     297             :             // THERM is strange for an electric meter but currently I accept but issue a warning
     298         287 :         } else if (tariff(iInObj).kindElectricMtr != kindMeterNotElectric) {
     299         204 :             if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(3), "USERDEFINED")) {
     300           0 :                 tariff(iInObj).convChoice = EconConv::USERDEF;
     301           0 :                 tariff(iInObj).energyConv = state.dataIPShortCut->rNumericArgs(1); // energy conversion factor
     302           0 :                 tariff(iInObj).demandConv = state.dataIPShortCut->rNumericArgs(2); // demand conversion factor
     303         204 :             } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(3), "KWH")) {
     304         204 :                 tariff(iInObj).convChoice = EconConv::KWH;
     305         204 :                 tariff(iInObj).energyConv = 0.0000002778;
     306         204 :                 tariff(iInObj).demandConv = 0.001;
     307           0 :             } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(3), "MJ")) {
     308           0 :                 tariff(iInObj).convChoice = EconConv::MJ;
     309           0 :                 tariff(iInObj).energyConv = 0.000001;
     310           0 :                 tariff(iInObj).demandConv = 0.0036;
     311           0 :             } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(3), "MMBTU")) {
     312           0 :                 tariff(iInObj).convChoice = EconConv::MMBTU;
     313           0 :                 tariff(iInObj).energyConv = 9.4781712e-10;
     314           0 :                 tariff(iInObj).demandConv = 0.000003412;
     315           0 :             } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(3), "KBTU")) {
     316           0 :                 tariff(iInObj).convChoice = EconConv::KBTU;
     317           0 :                 tariff(iInObj).energyConv = 9.4781712e-7;
     318           0 :                 tariff(iInObj).demandConv = 0.003412;
     319             : 
     320             :                 // We accept the following choices, but issue a warning
     321           0 :             } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(3), "THERM")) {
     322           0 :                 tariff(iInObj).convChoice = EconConv::THERM;
     323           0 :                 tariff(iInObj).energyConv = 9.4781712e-9;
     324           0 :                 tariff(iInObj).demandConv = 0.00003412;
     325           0 :                 ShowWarningError(
     326           0 :                     state, format("{}{}=\"{}\" potentially invalid data", RoutineName, CurrentModuleObject, state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(1)));
     327           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state,
     328           0 :                                   format("{}=\"{}\", Therm is an unusual choice for an electric resource.",
     329           0 :                                          state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaFieldNames(3),
     330           0 :                                          state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(3)));
     331             : 
     332             :                 // Otherwise, default to kWh
     333             :             } else {
     334           0 :                 tariff(iInObj).convChoice = EconConv::KWH;
     335           0 :                 tariff(iInObj).energyConv = 0.0000002778;
     336           0 :                 tariff(iInObj).demandConv = 0.001;
     337           0 :                 ShowWarningError(state, format("{}{}=\"{}\" invalid data", RoutineName, CurrentModuleObject, state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(1)));
     338           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state,
     339           0 :                                   format("{}=\"{}\", Defaulting to kWh (Electric resource detected)",
     340           0 :                                          state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaFieldNames(3),
     341           0 :                                          state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(3)));
     342             :             }
     343             : 
     344             :             // If it's a gas meter
     345          83 :         } else if (tariff(iInObj).kindGasMtr == kindMeterGas) {
     346          83 :             if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(3), "USERDEFINED")) {
     347           0 :                 tariff(iInObj).convChoice = EconConv::USERDEF;
     348           0 :                 tariff(iInObj).energyConv = state.dataIPShortCut->rNumericArgs(1); // energy conversion factor
     349           0 :                 tariff(iInObj).demandConv = state.dataIPShortCut->rNumericArgs(2); // demand conversion factor
     350          83 :             } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(3), "KWH")) {
     351           0 :                 tariff(iInObj).convChoice = EconConv::KWH;
     352           0 :                 tariff(iInObj).energyConv = 0.0000002778;
     353           0 :                 tariff(iInObj).demandConv = 0.001;
     354          83 :             } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(3), "THERM")) {
     355           1 :                 tariff(iInObj).convChoice = EconConv::THERM;
     356           1 :                 tariff(iInObj).energyConv = 9.4781712e-9;
     357           1 :                 tariff(iInObj).demandConv = 0.00003412;
     358          82 :             } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(3), "MMBTU")) {
     359           0 :                 tariff(iInObj).convChoice = EconConv::MMBTU;
     360           0 :                 tariff(iInObj).energyConv = 9.4781712e-10;
     361           0 :                 tariff(iInObj).demandConv = 0.000003412;
     362          82 :             } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(3), "MJ")) {
     363           0 :                 tariff(iInObj).convChoice = EconConv::MJ;
     364           0 :                 tariff(iInObj).energyConv = 0.000001;
     365           0 :                 tariff(iInObj).demandConv = 0.0036;
     366          82 :             } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(3), "KBTU")) {
     367           0 :                 tariff(iInObj).convChoice = EconConv::KBTU;
     368           0 :                 tariff(iInObj).energyConv = 9.4781712e-7;
     369           0 :                 tariff(iInObj).demandConv = 0.003412;
     370             : 
     371             :                 // Volumetric units for natural gas
     372             :                 // Actually assuming 1 therm = 1 CCF (= 100 ft^3)
     373          82 :             } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(3), "MCF")) {
     374          82 :                 tariff(iInObj).convChoice = EconConv::MCF;
     375          82 :                 tariff(iInObj).energyConv = 9.4781712e-10;
     376          82 :                 tariff(iInObj).demandConv = 0.000003412;
     377           0 :             } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(3), "CCF")) {
     378           0 :                 tariff(iInObj).convChoice = EconConv::CCF;
     379           0 :                 tariff(iInObj).energyConv = 9.4781712e-9;
     380           0 :                 tariff(iInObj).demandConv = 0.00003412;
     381           0 :             } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(3), "M3")) {
     382             :                 // Obtained from converting CCF above to m^3 so the same heat content of natural gas is used (1 therm = 1 CCF)
     383           0 :                 tariff(iInObj).convChoice = EconConv::M3;
     384           0 :                 tariff(iInObj).energyConv = 2.6839192e-10;
     385           0 :                 tariff(iInObj).demandConv = 9.6617081E-05;
     386             : 
     387             :                 // Otherwise, default to kWh
     388             :             } else {
     389           0 :                 tariff(iInObj).convChoice = EconConv::KWH;
     390           0 :                 tariff(iInObj).energyConv = 0.0000002778;
     391           0 :                 tariff(iInObj).demandConv = 0.001;
     392           0 :                 ShowWarningError(state, format("{}{}=\"{}\" invalid data", RoutineName, CurrentModuleObject, state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(1)));
     393           0 :                 ShowContinueError(
     394           0 :                     state, format("{}=\"{}\", Defaulting to kWh.", state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaFieldNames(3), state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(3)));
     395             :             }
     396             : 
     397             :             // It it's neither an electric, water or gas meter, we cannot accept volumetric units
     398             :             // because we cannot infer the heat content
     399             :         } else {
     400           0 :             if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(3), "USERDEFINED")) {
     401           0 :                 tariff(iInObj).convChoice = EconConv::USERDEF;
     402           0 :                 tariff(iInObj).energyConv = state.dataIPShortCut->rNumericArgs(1); // energy conversion factor
     403           0 :                 tariff(iInObj).demandConv = state.dataIPShortCut->rNumericArgs(2); // demand conversion factor
     404           0 :             } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(3), "KWH")) {
     405           0 :                 tariff(iInObj).convChoice = EconConv::KWH;
     406           0 :                 tariff(iInObj).energyConv = 0.0000002778;
     407           0 :                 tariff(iInObj).demandConv = 0.001;
     408           0 :             } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(3), "THERM")) {
     409           0 :                 tariff(iInObj).convChoice = EconConv::THERM;
     410           0 :                 tariff(iInObj).energyConv = 9.4781712e-9;
     411           0 :                 tariff(iInObj).demandConv = 0.00003412;
     412           0 :             } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(3), "MMBTU")) {
     413           0 :                 tariff(iInObj).convChoice = EconConv::MMBTU;
     414           0 :                 tariff(iInObj).energyConv = 9.4781712e-10;
     415           0 :                 tariff(iInObj).demandConv = 0.000003412;
     416           0 :             } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(3), "MJ")) {
     417           0 :                 tariff(iInObj).convChoice = EconConv::MJ;
     418           0 :                 tariff(iInObj).energyConv = 0.000001;
     419           0 :                 tariff(iInObj).demandConv = 0.0036;
     420           0 :             } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(3), "KBTU")) {
     421           0 :                 tariff(iInObj).convChoice = EconConv::KBTU;
     422           0 :                 tariff(iInObj).energyConv = 9.4781712e-7;
     423           0 :                 tariff(iInObj).demandConv = 0.003412;
     424             : 
     425             :                 // Otherwise, default to kWh
     426             :             } else {
     427           0 :                 tariff(iInObj).convChoice = EconConv::KWH;
     428           0 :                 tariff(iInObj).energyConv = 0.0000002778;
     429           0 :                 tariff(iInObj).demandConv = 0.001;
     430           0 :                 ShowWarningError(state, format("{}{}=\"{}\" invalid data", RoutineName, CurrentModuleObject, state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(1)));
     431           0 :                 ShowContinueError(
     432           0 :                     state, format("{}=\"{}\", Defaulting to kWh.", state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaFieldNames(3), state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(3)));
     433             :             }
     434             :         } // Default conversion factors have been applied from here on
     435             : 
     436             :         // schedules
     437             :         // period schedule
     438         288 :         if (len(state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(4)) > 0) {
     439          15 :             tariff(iInObj).periodSchedule = state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(4);                          // name of the period schedule (time of day)
     440          15 :             tariff(iInObj).periodSchIndex = GetScheduleIndex(state, state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(4)); // index to the period schedule
     441          15 :             if (tariff(iInObj).periodSchIndex == 0) {
     442           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state, format("{}{}=\"{}\" invalid data", RoutineName, CurrentModuleObject, state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(1)));
     443           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state,
     444           0 :                                   format(" not found {}=\"{}\".", state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaFieldNames(4), state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(4)));
     445           0 :                 ErrorsFound = true;
     446             :             }
     447             :         } else {
     448         273 :             tariff(iInObj).periodSchIndex = 0; // flag value for no schedule used
     449             :         }
     450             :         // season schedule
     451         288 :         if (len(state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(5)) > 0) {
     452          29 :             tariff(iInObj).seasonSchedule = state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(5); // name of the season schedule (winter/summer)
     453          29 :             tariff(iInObj).seasonSchIndex = GetScheduleIndex(state, state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(5)); // index to the season schedule
     454          29 :             if (tariff(iInObj).seasonSchIndex == 0) {
     455           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state, format("{}{}=\"{}\" invalid data", RoutineName, CurrentModuleObject, state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(1)));
     456           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state,
     457           0 :                                   format(" not found {}=\"{}\".", state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaFieldNames(5), state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(5)));
     458           0 :                 ErrorsFound = true;
     459             :             }
     460             :         } else {
     461         259 :             tariff(iInObj).seasonSchIndex = 0; // flag value for no schedule used
     462             :         }
     463             :         // month schedule
     464         288 :         if (len(state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(6)) > 0) {
     465           0 :             tariff(iInObj).monthSchedule = state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(6);                          // name of month schedule (when months end)
     466           0 :             tariff(iInObj).monthSchIndex = GetScheduleIndex(state, state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(6)); // index to the month schedule
     467           0 :             if (tariff(iInObj).monthSchIndex == 0) {
     468           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state, format("{}{}=\"{}\" invalid data", RoutineName, CurrentModuleObject, state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(1)));
     469           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state,
     470           0 :                                   format(" not found {}=\"{}\".", state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaFieldNames(6), state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(6)));
     471           0 :                 ErrorsFound = true;
     472             :             }
     473             :         } else {
     474         288 :             tariff(iInObj).monthSchIndex = 0; // flag value for no schedule used
     475             :         }
     476             :         // type of demand window
     477         288 :         if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(7), "QuarterHour")) {
     478             :             // check to make sure that the demand window and the TIMESTEP IN HOUR are consistant.
     479             :             {
     480           1 :                 auto const SELECT_CASE_var(state.dataGlobal->NumOfTimeStepInHour);
     481           1 :                 if ((SELECT_CASE_var == 1) || (SELECT_CASE_var == 3) || (SELECT_CASE_var == 5) || (SELECT_CASE_var == 15)) {
     482           0 :                     tariff(iInObj).demandWindow = DemandWindow::Hour;
     483           0 :                     tariff(iInObj).demWinTime = 1.00;
     484           0 :                     ShowWarningError(state,
     485           0 :                                      format("{}{}=\"{}\" invalid data", RoutineName, CurrentModuleObject, state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(1)));
     486           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state,
     487           0 :                                       format("Demand window of QuarterHour is not consistent with number of timesteps per hour [{}].",
     488           0 :                                              state.dataGlobal->NumOfTimeStepInHour));
     489           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "Demand window will be set to FullHour, and the simulation continues.");
     490           1 :                 } else if ((SELECT_CASE_var == 2) || (SELECT_CASE_var == 6) || (SELECT_CASE_var == 10) || (SELECT_CASE_var == 30)) {
     491           0 :                     tariff(iInObj).demandWindow = DemandWindow::Half;
     492           0 :                     tariff(iInObj).demWinTime = 0.50;
     493           0 :                     ShowWarningError(state,
     494           0 :                                      format("{}{}=\"{}\" invalid data", RoutineName, CurrentModuleObject, state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(1)));
     495           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state,
     496           0 :                                       format("Demand window of QuarterHour is not consistent with number of timesteps per hour [{}].",
     497           0 :                                              state.dataGlobal->NumOfTimeStepInHour));
     498           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "Demand window will be set to HalfHour, and the simulation continues.");
     499           1 :                 } else if ((SELECT_CASE_var == 4) || (SELECT_CASE_var == 12) || (SELECT_CASE_var == 20) || (SELECT_CASE_var == 60)) {
     500           1 :                     tariff(iInObj).demandWindow = DemandWindow::Quarter;
     501           1 :                     tariff(iInObj).demWinTime = 0.25;
     502             :                 }
     503             :             }
     504         287 :         } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(7), "HalfHour")) {
     505             :             {
     506         104 :                 auto const SELECT_CASE_var(state.dataGlobal->NumOfTimeStepInHour);
     507         104 :                 if ((SELECT_CASE_var == 1) || (SELECT_CASE_var == 3) || (SELECT_CASE_var == 5) || (SELECT_CASE_var == 15)) {
     508           0 :                     tariff(iInObj).demandWindow = DemandWindow::Hour;
     509           0 :                     tariff(iInObj).demWinTime = 1.00;
     510           0 :                     ShowWarningError(state,
     511           0 :                                      format("{}{}=\"{}\" invalid data", RoutineName, CurrentModuleObject, state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(1)));
     512           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state,
     513           0 :                                       format("Demand window of HalfHour is not consistent with number of timesteps per hour [{}].",
     514           0 :                                              state.dataGlobal->NumOfTimeStepInHour));
     515           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "Demand window will be set to FullHour, and the simulation continues.");
     516         104 :                 } else if ((SELECT_CASE_var == 2) || (SELECT_CASE_var == 4) || (SELECT_CASE_var == 6) || (SELECT_CASE_var == 10) ||
     517           0 :                            (SELECT_CASE_var == 12) || (SELECT_CASE_var == 20) || (SELECT_CASE_var == 30) || (SELECT_CASE_var == 60)) {
     518         104 :                     tariff(iInObj).demandWindow = DemandWindow::Half;
     519         104 :                     tariff(iInObj).demWinTime = 0.50;
     520             :                 }
     521             :             }
     522         183 :         } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(7), "FullHour")) {
     523           0 :             tariff(iInObj).demandWindow = DemandWindow::Hour;
     524           0 :             tariff(iInObj).demWinTime = 1.00;
     525         183 :         } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(7), "Day")) {
     526           0 :             tariff(iInObj).demandWindow = DemandWindow::Day;
     527           0 :             tariff(iInObj).demWinTime = 24.00;
     528         183 :         } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(7), "Week")) {
     529           0 :             tariff(iInObj).demandWindow = DemandWindow::Week;
     530           0 :             tariff(iInObj).demWinTime = 24.0 * 7.0;
     531             :         } else {
     532             :             // if not entered default to the same logic as quarter of an hour
     533             :             {
     534         183 :                 auto const SELECT_CASE_var(state.dataGlobal->NumOfTimeStepInHour);
     535         183 :                 if ((SELECT_CASE_var == 1) || (SELECT_CASE_var == 3) || (SELECT_CASE_var == 5) || (SELECT_CASE_var == 15)) {
     536           0 :                     tariff(iInObj).demandWindow = DemandWindow::Hour;
     537           0 :                     tariff(iInObj).demWinTime = 1.00;
     538         183 :                 } else if ((SELECT_CASE_var == 2) || (SELECT_CASE_var == 6) || (SELECT_CASE_var == 10) || (SELECT_CASE_var == 30)) {
     539         116 :                     tariff(iInObj).demandWindow = DemandWindow::Half;
     540         116 :                     tariff(iInObj).demWinTime = 0.50;
     541          67 :                 } else if ((SELECT_CASE_var == 4) || (SELECT_CASE_var == 12) || (SELECT_CASE_var == 20) || (SELECT_CASE_var == 60)) {
     542          67 :                     tariff(iInObj).demandWindow = DemandWindow::Quarter;
     543          67 :                     tariff(iInObj).demWinTime = 0.25;
     544             :                 }
     545             :             }
     546             :         }
     547             :         // monthly charge
     548         288 :         tariff(iInObj).monthChgVal = UtilityRoutines::ProcessNumber(state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(8), isNotNumeric);
     549         288 :         tariff(iInObj).monthChgPt =
     550         288 :             AssignVariablePt(state, state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(8), isNotNumeric, varIsArgument, varNotYetDefined, ObjType::Invalid, 0, iInObj);
     551             :         // minimum monthly charge
     552         288 :         if (len(state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(9)) > 0) {
     553           2 :             tariff(iInObj).minMonthChgVal = UtilityRoutines::ProcessNumber(state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(9), isNotNumeric);
     554             :         } else {
     555         286 :             tariff(iInObj).minMonthChgVal = -HUGE_(-1.0); // set to a very negative value
     556             :         }
     557         288 :         tariff(iInObj).minMonthChgPt =
     558         288 :             AssignVariablePt(state, state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(9), isNotNumeric, varIsArgument, varNotYetDefined, ObjType::Invalid, 0, iInObj);
     559             :         // real time pricing
     560         288 :         tariff(iInObj).chargeSchedule = state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(10);
     561         288 :         tariff(iInObj).chargeSchIndex = GetScheduleIndex(state, state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(10));
     562         288 :         tariff(iInObj).baseUseSchedule = state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(11);
     563         288 :         tariff(iInObj).baseUseSchIndex = GetScheduleIndex(state, state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(11));
     564             :         // group name for separate distribution and transmission rates
     565         288 :         tariff(iInObj).groupName = state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(12);
     566             :         // buy or sell option
     567         288 :         if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(13), "BuyFromUtility")) {
     568           1 :             tariff(iInObj).buyOrSell = buyFromUtility;
     569         287 :         } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(13), "SellToUtility")) {
     570           1 :             tariff(iInObj).buyOrSell = sellToUtility;
     571         286 :         } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(13), "NetMetering")) {
     572           1 :             tariff(iInObj).buyOrSell = netMetering;
     573             :         } else {
     574         285 :             tariff(iInObj).buyOrSell = buyFromUtility;
     575             :         }
     576             :         // check if meter is consistent with buy or sell option
     577         577 :         if ((tariff(iInObj).buyOrSell == sellToUtility) &&
     578         289 :             (!UtilityRoutines::SameString(tariff(iInObj).reportMeter, "ELECTRICITYSURPLUSSOLD:FACILITY"))) {
     579           0 :             ShowWarningError(state, format("{}{}=\"{}\" atypical meter", RoutineName, CurrentModuleObject, state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(1)));
     580           0 :             ShowContinueError(state,
     581           0 :                               format("The meter chosen \"{}\" is not typically used with the sellToUtility option.", tariff(iInObj).reportMeter));
     582           0 :             ShowContinueError(state, "Usually the ElectricitySurplusSold:Facility meter is selected when the sellToUtility option is used.");
     583             :         }
     584         288 :         if ((tariff(iInObj).buyOrSell == netMetering) && (!UtilityRoutines::SameString(tariff(iInObj).reportMeter, "ELECTRICITYNET:FACILITY"))) {
     585           0 :             ShowWarningError(state, format("{}{}=\"{}\" atypical meter", RoutineName, CurrentModuleObject, state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(1)));
     586           0 :             ShowContinueError(state,
     587           0 :                               format("The meter chosen \"{}\" is not typically used with the netMetering option.", tariff(iInObj).reportMeter));
     588           0 :             ShowContinueError(state, "Usually the ElectricityNet:Facility meter is selected when the netMetering option is used.");
     589             :         }
     590             :         // also test the buy option for electricity
     591         288 :         if (tariff(iInObj).buyOrSell == buyFromUtility) {
     592         286 :             if (hasi(tariff(iInObj).reportMeter, "Elec")) { // test if electric meter
     593         419 :                 if (!(UtilityRoutines::SameString(tariff(iInObj).reportMeter, "Electricity:Facility") ||
     594         217 :                       UtilityRoutines::SameString(tariff(iInObj).reportMeter, "ElectricityPurchased:Facility"))) {
     595          12 :                     ShowWarningError(state,
     596           8 :                                      format("{}{}=\"{}\" atypical meter", RoutineName, CurrentModuleObject, state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(1)));
     597          12 :                     ShowContinueError(
     598           8 :                         state, format("The meter chosen \"{}\" is not typically used with the buyFromUtility option.", tariff(iInObj).reportMeter));
     599           4 :                     ShowContinueError(state,
     600             :                                       "Usually the Electricity:Facility meter or the ElectricityPurchased:Facility is selected when the "
     601             :                                       "buyFromUtility option is used.");
     602             :                 }
     603             :             }
     604             :         }
     605             :         // initialize gathering arrays
     606         288 :         tariff(iInObj).seasonForMonth = 0;
     607         288 :         tariff(iInObj).gatherEnergy = 0.0;
     608         288 :         tariff(iInObj).gatherDemand = 0.0;
     609             :         // assume that the tariff is qualified
     610         288 :         tariff(iInObj).isQualified = true;
     611         288 :         tariff(iInObj).ptDisqualifier = 0;
     612             :         // assume that the tariff is not selected
     613         288 :         tariff(iInObj).isSelected = false;
     614         288 :         tariff(iInObj).totalAnnualCost = 0.0;
     615             :         // now create the Table Of Contents entries for an HTML file
     616         288 :         if (state.dataOutRptTab->displayTariffReport) {
     617          85 :             OutputReportTabular::AddTOCEntry(state, "Tariff Report", tariff(iInObj).tariffName);
     618             :         }
     619             :         // associate the resource number with each tariff
     620         288 :         if (tariff(iInObj).reportMeterIndx >= 1) {
     621         288 :             tariff(iInObj).resourceNum =
     622         288 :                 DataGlobalConstants::AssignResourceTypeNum(state.dataOutputProcessor->EnergyMeters(tariff(iInObj).reportMeterIndx).ResourceType);
     623             :         }
     624             :     }
     625         769 : }
     626             : 
     627          95 : void GetInputEconomicsQualify(EnergyPlusData &state, bool &ErrorsFound) // true if errors found during getting input objects.
     628             : {
     629             :     //    AUTHOR         Jason Glazer of GARD Analytics, Inc.
     630             :     //    DATE WRITTEN   May 2004
     631             : 
     632             :     //    Read the input file for "Economics:Qualify" objects.
     633             : 
     634             :     static constexpr std::string_view RoutineName("GetInputEconomicsQualify: ");
     635             :     int iInObj;    // loop index variable for reading in objects
     636             :     int NumAlphas; // Number of elements in the alpha array
     637             :     int NumNums;   // Number of elements in the numeric array
     638             :     int IOStat;    // IO Status when calling get input subroutine
     639             :     bool isNotNumeric;
     640             :     int jFld;
     641         190 :     std::string CurrentModuleObject; // for ease in renaming.
     642             : 
     643          95 :     auto &qualify(state.dataEconTariff->qualify);
     644             : 
     645          95 :     CurrentModuleObject = "UtilityCost:Qualify";
     646          95 :     state.dataEconTariff->numQualify = state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getNumObjectsFound(state, CurrentModuleObject);
     647          95 :     qualify.allocate(state.dataEconTariff->numQualify);
     648         304 :     for (iInObj = 1; iInObj <= state.dataEconTariff->numQualify; ++iInObj) {
     649        1463 :         state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectItem(state,
     650             :                                                                  CurrentModuleObject,
     651             :                                                                  iInObj,
     652         209 :                                                                  state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs,
     653             :                                                                  NumAlphas,
     654         209 :                                                                  state.dataIPShortCut->rNumericArgs,
     655             :                                                                  NumNums,
     656             :                                                                  IOStat,
     657         209 :                                                                  state.dataIPShortCut->lNumericFieldBlanks,
     658         209 :                                                                  state.dataIPShortCut->lAlphaFieldBlanks,
     659         209 :                                                                  state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaFieldNames,
     660         209 :                                                                  state.dataIPShortCut->cNumericFieldNames);
     661             :         // check to make sure none of the values are another economic object
     662        1672 :         for (jFld = 1; jFld <= NumAlphas; ++jFld) {
     663        1463 :             if (hasi(state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(jFld), "UtilityCost:")) {
     664           0 :                 ShowWarningError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(1) + "\".");
     665           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "... a field was found containing UtilityCost: which may indicate a missing comma.");
     666             :             }
     667             :         }
     668             :         // index of the tariff name in the tariff array
     669         209 :         qualify(iInObj).tariffIndx =
     670         209 :             FindTariffIndex(state, state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(2), state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(1), ErrorsFound, CurrentModuleObject);
     671         209 :         warnIfNativeVarname(state, state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(1), qualify(iInObj).tariffIndx, ErrorsFound, CurrentModuleObject);
     672         418 :         qualify(iInObj).namePt = AssignVariablePt(
     673         418 :             state, state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(1), true, varIsAssigned, varNotYetDefined, ObjType::Qualify, iInObj, qualify(iInObj).tariffIndx);
     674             :         // index of the variable in the variable array
     675         418 :         qualify(iInObj).sourcePt = AssignVariablePt(
     676         418 :             state, state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(3), true, varIsArgument, varNotYetDefined, ObjType::Invalid, 0, qualify(iInObj).tariffIndx);
     677             :         // indicator if maximum test otherwise minimum
     678         209 :         if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(4), "Minimum")) {
     679         105 :             qualify(iInObj).isMaximum = false;
     680         104 :         } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(4), "Maximum")) {
     681         104 :             qualify(iInObj).isMaximum = true;
     682             :         } else {
     683           0 :             ShowSevereError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(1) + "\" invalid data");
     684           0 :             ShowContinueError(state, state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaFieldNames(4) + "=\"" + state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(4) + "\".");
     685           0 :             ErrorsFound = true;
     686           0 :             qualify(iInObj).isMaximum = true;
     687             :         }
     688             :         // value of the threshold
     689         209 :         qualify(iInObj).thresholdVal = UtilityRoutines::ProcessNumber(state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(5), isNotNumeric);
     690         418 :         qualify(iInObj).thresholdPt = AssignVariablePt(state,
     691         209 :                                                        state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(5),
     692             :                                                        isNotNumeric,
     693             :                                                        varIsArgument,
     694             :                                                        varNotYetDefined,
     695             :                                                        ObjType::Invalid,
     696             :                                                        0,
     697         209 :                                                        qualify(iInObj).tariffIndx);
     698             :         // enumerated list of the kind of season
     699         209 :         qualify(iInObj).season = LookUpSeason(state, state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(6), state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(1));
     700             :         // indicator if consecutive months otherwise count
     701         209 :         if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(7), "Count")) {
     702         209 :             qualify(iInObj).isConsecutive = false;
     703           0 :         } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(7), "Consecutive")) {
     704           0 :             qualify(iInObj).isConsecutive = true;
     705             :         } else {
     706           0 :             ShowWarningError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(1) + "\" invalid data");
     707           0 :             ShowContinueError(state, state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaFieldNames(5) + "=\"" + state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(5) + "\".");
     708           0 :             ErrorsFound = true;
     709           0 :             qualify(iInObj).isConsecutive = true;
     710             :         }
     711             :         // number of months the test must be good for
     712         209 :         qualify(iInObj).numberOfMonths = state.dataIPShortCut->rNumericArgs(1);
     713             :     }
     714          95 : }
     715             : 
     716          95 : void GetInputEconomicsChargeSimple(EnergyPlusData &state, bool &ErrorsFound) // true if errors found during getting input objects.
     717             : {
     718             :     //    AUTHOR         Jason Glazer of GARD Analytics, Inc.
     719             :     //    DATE WRITTEN   May 2004
     720             : 
     721             :     //    Read the input file for "Economics:Charge:Simple" objects.
     722             : 
     723             :     static constexpr std::string_view RoutineName("GetInputEconomicsChargeSimple: ");
     724             :     int iInObj;    // loop index variable for reading in objects
     725             :     int NumAlphas; // Number of elements in the alpha array
     726             :     int NumNums;   // Number of elements in the numeric array
     727             :     int IOStat;    // IO Status when calling get input subroutine
     728             :     bool isNotNumeric;
     729             :     int jFld;
     730         190 :     std::string CurrentModuleObject; // for ease in renaming.
     731             : 
     732          95 :     auto &chargeSimple(state.dataEconTariff->chargeSimple);
     733          95 :     auto &tariff(state.dataEconTariff->tariff);
     734             : 
     735          95 :     CurrentModuleObject = "UtilityCost:Charge:Simple";
     736          95 :     state.dataEconTariff->numChargeSimple = state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getNumObjectsFound(state, CurrentModuleObject);
     737          95 :     chargeSimple.allocate(state.dataEconTariff->numChargeSimple);
     738        1648 :     for (iInObj = 1; iInObj <= state.dataEconTariff->numChargeSimple; ++iInObj) {
     739       10871 :         state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectItem(state,
     740             :                                                                  CurrentModuleObject,
     741             :                                                                  iInObj,
     742        1553 :                                                                  state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs,
     743             :                                                                  NumAlphas,
     744        1553 :                                                                  state.dataIPShortCut->rNumericArgs,
     745             :                                                                  NumNums,
     746             :                                                                  IOStat,
     747        1553 :                                                                  state.dataIPShortCut->lNumericFieldBlanks,
     748        1553 :                                                                  state.dataIPShortCut->lAlphaFieldBlanks,
     749        1553 :                                                                  state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaFieldNames,
     750        1553 :                                                                  state.dataIPShortCut->cNumericFieldNames);
     751             :         // check to make sure none of the values are another economic object
     752       10871 :         for (jFld = 1; jFld <= NumAlphas; ++jFld) {
     753        9318 :             if (hasi(state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(jFld), "UtilityCost:")) {
     754           0 :                 ShowWarningError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(1) + "\".");
     755           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "... a field was found containing UtilityCost: which may indicate a missing comma.");
     756             :             }
     757             :         }
     758             :         // index of the tariff name in the tariff array
     759        1553 :         chargeSimple(iInObj).tariffIndx =
     760        1553 :             FindTariffIndex(state, state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(2), state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(1), ErrorsFound, CurrentModuleObject);
     761        1553 :         warnIfNativeVarname(state, state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(1), chargeSimple(iInObj).tariffIndx, ErrorsFound, CurrentModuleObject);
     762        3106 :         chargeSimple(iInObj).namePt = AssignVariablePt(state,
     763        1553 :                                                        state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(1),
     764             :                                                        true,
     765             :                                                        varIsAssigned,
     766             :                                                        varNotYetDefined,
     767             :                                                        ObjType::ChargeSimple,
     768             :                                                        iInObj,
     769        1553 :                                                        chargeSimple(iInObj).tariffIndx);
     770             :         // index of the variable in the variable array
     771        3106 :         chargeSimple(iInObj).sourcePt = AssignVariablePt(
     772        3106 :             state, state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(3), true, varIsArgument, varNotYetDefined, ObjType::Invalid, 0, chargeSimple(iInObj).tariffIndx);
     773             :         // enumerated list of the kind of season
     774        1553 :         chargeSimple(iInObj).season = LookUpSeason(state, state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(4), state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(1));
     775             :         // check to make sure a seasonal schedule is specified if the season is not annual
     776        1553 :         if (chargeSimple(iInObj).season != seasonAnnual) {
     777         143 :             if (chargeSimple(iInObj).tariffIndx != 0) {
     778         143 :                 if (tariff(chargeSimple(iInObj).tariffIndx).seasonSchIndex == 0) {
     779           0 :                     ShowWarningError(
     780           0 :                         state, std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(1) + "\" invalid data");
     781           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaFieldNames(4) + "=\"" + state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(4) + "\".");
     782           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state,
     783             :                                       " a Season other than Annual is used but no Season Schedule Name is specified in the UtilityCost:Tariff.");
     784             :                 }
     785             :             }
     786             :         }
     787             :         // index of the category in the variable array
     788        3106 :         chargeSimple(iInObj).categoryPt = AssignVariablePt(state,
     789        1553 :                                                            state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(5),
     790             :                                                            true,
     791             :                                                            varIsAssigned,
     792             :                                                            varNotYetDefined,
     793             :                                                            ObjType::Category,
     794             :                                                            iInObj,
     795        1553 :                                                            chargeSimple(iInObj).tariffIndx);
     796             :         // cost per unit value or variable
     797        1553 :         chargeSimple(iInObj).costPerVal = UtilityRoutines::ProcessNumber(state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(6), isNotNumeric);
     798        3106 :         chargeSimple(iInObj).costPerPt = AssignVariablePt(state,
     799        1553 :                                                           state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(6),
     800             :                                                           isNotNumeric,
     801             :                                                           varIsArgument,
     802             :                                                           varNotYetDefined,
     803             :                                                           ObjType::Invalid,
     804             :                                                           0,
     805        1553 :                                                           chargeSimple(iInObj).tariffIndx);
     806             :     }
     807          95 : }
     808             : 
     809          95 : void GetInputEconomicsChargeBlock(EnergyPlusData &state, bool &ErrorsFound) // true if errors found during getting input objects.
     810             : {
     811             :     //    AUTHOR         Jason Glazer of GARD Analytics, Inc.
     812             :     //    DATE WRITTEN   May 2004
     813             : 
     814             :     //    Read the input file for "Economics:Charge:Block" objects.
     815             : 
     816             :     static constexpr std::string_view RoutineName("GetInputEconomicsChargeBlock: ");
     817             :     int iInObj;    // loop index variable for reading in objects
     818             :     int NumAlphas; // Number of elements in the alpha array
     819             :     int NumNums;   // Number of elements in the numeric array
     820             :     int IOStat;    // IO Status when calling get input subroutine
     821             :     bool isNotNumeric;
     822             :     int jBlk;               // loop index for blocks
     823             :     int alphaOffset;        // offset used in blocks for alpha array
     824          95 :     Real64 hugeNumber(0.0); // Autodesk Value not used but suppresses warning about HUGE_() call
     825             :     int jFld;
     826         190 :     std::string CurrentModuleObject; // for ease in renaming.
     827             : 
     828          95 :     auto &chargeBlock(state.dataEconTariff->chargeBlock);
     829          95 :     auto &tariff(state.dataEconTariff->tariff);
     830             : 
     831          95 :     CurrentModuleObject = "UtilityCost:Charge:Block";
     832          95 :     hugeNumber = HUGE_(hugeNumber);
     833          95 :     state.dataEconTariff->numChargeBlock = state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getNumObjectsFound(state, CurrentModuleObject);
     834          95 :     chargeBlock.allocate(state.dataEconTariff->numChargeBlock);
     835         365 :     for (iInObj = 1; iInObj <= state.dataEconTariff->numChargeBlock; ++iInObj) {
     836        1890 :         state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectItem(state,
     837             :                                                                  CurrentModuleObject,
     838             :                                                                  iInObj,
     839         270 :                                                                  state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs,
     840             :                                                                  NumAlphas,
     841         270 :                                                                  state.dataIPShortCut->rNumericArgs,
     842             :                                                                  NumNums,
     843             :                                                                  IOStat,
     844         270 :                                                                  state.dataIPShortCut->lNumericFieldBlanks,
     845         270 :                                                                  state.dataIPShortCut->lAlphaFieldBlanks,
     846         270 :                                                                  state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaFieldNames,
     847         270 :                                                                  state.dataIPShortCut->cNumericFieldNames);
     848             :         // check to make sure none of the values are another economic object
     849        3964 :         for (jFld = 1; jFld <= NumAlphas; ++jFld) {
     850        3694 :             if (hasi(state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(jFld), "UtilityCost:")) {
     851           0 :                 ShowWarningError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(1) + "\".");
     852           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "... a field was found containing UtilityCost: which may indicate a missing comma.");
     853             :             }
     854             :         }
     855             :         // index of the tariff name in the tariff array
     856         270 :         chargeBlock(iInObj).tariffIndx =
     857         270 :             FindTariffIndex(state, state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(2), state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(1), ErrorsFound, CurrentModuleObject);
     858         270 :         warnIfNativeVarname(state, state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(1), chargeBlock(iInObj).tariffIndx, ErrorsFound, CurrentModuleObject);
     859         540 :         chargeBlock(iInObj).namePt = AssignVariablePt(state,
     860         270 :                                                       state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(1),
     861             :                                                       true,
     862             :                                                       varIsAssigned,
     863             :                                                       varNotYetDefined,
     864             :                                                       ObjType::ChargeBlock,
     865             :                                                       iInObj,
     866         270 :                                                       chargeBlock(iInObj).tariffIndx);
     867             :         // index of the variable in the variable array
     868         540 :         chargeBlock(iInObj).sourcePt = AssignVariablePt(
     869         540 :             state, state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(3), true, varIsArgument, varNotYetDefined, ObjType::Invalid, 0, chargeBlock(iInObj).tariffIndx);
     870             :         // enumerated list of the kind of season
     871         270 :         chargeBlock(iInObj).season = LookUpSeason(state, state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(4), state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(1));
     872             :         // check to make sure a seasonal schedule is specified if the season is not annual
     873         270 :         if (chargeBlock(iInObj).season != seasonAnnual) {
     874          24 :             if (chargeBlock(iInObj).tariffIndx != 0) {
     875          24 :                 if (tariff(chargeBlock(iInObj).tariffIndx).seasonSchIndex == 0) {
     876           0 :                     ShowWarningError(
     877           0 :                         state, std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(1) + "\" invalid data");
     878           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaFieldNames(4) + "=\"" + state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(4) + "\".");
     879           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state,
     880             :                                       " a Season other than Annual is used but no Season Schedule Name is specified in the UtilityCost:Tariff.");
     881             :                 }
     882             :             }
     883             :         }
     884             :         // index of the category in the variable array
     885         540 :         chargeBlock(iInObj).categoryPt = AssignVariablePt(state,
     886         270 :                                                           state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(5),
     887             :                                                           true,
     888             :                                                           varIsAssigned,
     889             :                                                           varNotYetDefined,
     890             :                                                           ObjType::Category,
     891             :                                                           iInObj,
     892         270 :                                                           chargeBlock(iInObj).tariffIndx);
     893             :         // index of the remaining into variable in the variable array
     894         540 :         chargeBlock(iInObj).remainingPt = AssignVariablePt(state,
     895         270 :                                                            state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(6),
     896             :                                                            true,
     897             :                                                            varIsAssigned,
     898             :                                                            varNotYetDefined,
     899             :                                                            ObjType::Category,
     900             :                                                            iInObj,
     901         270 :                                                            chargeBlock(iInObj).tariffIndx);
     902             :         // block size multiplier
     903         270 :         if (len(state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(7)) == 0) { // if blank
     904         182 :             chargeBlock(iInObj).blkSzMultVal = 1.0;          // default is 1 if left blank
     905         182 :             chargeBlock(iInObj).blkSzMultPt = 0;
     906             :         } else {
     907          88 :             chargeBlock(iInObj).blkSzMultVal = UtilityRoutines::ProcessNumber(state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(7), isNotNumeric);
     908         176 :             chargeBlock(iInObj).blkSzMultPt = AssignVariablePt(state,
     909          88 :                                                                state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(7),
     910             :                                                                isNotNumeric,
     911             :                                                                varIsArgument,
     912             :                                                                varNotYetDefined,
     913             :                                                                ObjType::Invalid,
     914             :                                                                0,
     915          88 :                                                                chargeBlock(iInObj).tariffIndx);
     916             :         }
     917             :         // number of blocks used
     918         270 :         chargeBlock(iInObj).numBlk = (NumAlphas - 7) / 2;
     919        1172 :         for (jBlk = 1; jBlk <= chargeBlock(iInObj).numBlk; ++jBlk) {
     920         902 :             alphaOffset = 7 + (jBlk - 1) * 2;
     921             :             // catch the "remaining" code word for the block size
     922         902 :             if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(alphaOffset + 1), "REMAINING")) {
     923         269 :                 chargeBlock(iInObj).blkSzVal(jBlk) = hugeNumber / 1000000; // using small portion of largest possible value to prevent overflow
     924         269 :                 chargeBlock(iInObj).blkSzPt(jBlk) = 0;
     925             :             } else {
     926             :                 // array of block size
     927         633 :                 chargeBlock(iInObj).blkSzVal(jBlk) = UtilityRoutines::ProcessNumber(state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(alphaOffset + 1), isNotNumeric);
     928             : 
     929        1266 :                 chargeBlock(iInObj).blkSzPt(jBlk) = AssignVariablePt(state,
     930         633 :                                                                      state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(alphaOffset + 1),
     931             :                                                                      isNotNumeric,
     932             :                                                                      varIsArgument,
     933             :                                                                      varNotYetDefined,
     934             :                                                                      ObjType::Invalid,
     935             :                                                                      0,
     936         633 :                                                                      chargeBlock(iInObj).tariffIndx);
     937             :             }
     938             :             // array of block cost
     939         902 :             chargeBlock(iInObj).blkCostVal(jBlk) = UtilityRoutines::ProcessNumber(state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(alphaOffset + 2), isNotNumeric);
     940        1804 :             chargeBlock(iInObj).blkCostPt(jBlk) = AssignVariablePt(state,
     941         902 :                                                                    state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(alphaOffset + 2),
     942             :                                                                    isNotNumeric,
     943             :                                                                    varIsArgument,
     944             :                                                                    varNotYetDefined,
     945             :                                                                    ObjType::Invalid,
     946             :                                                                    0,
     947         902 :                                                                    chargeBlock(iInObj).tariffIndx);
     948             :         }
     949             :     }
     950          95 : }
     951             : 
     952          95 : void GetInputEconomicsRatchet(EnergyPlusData &state, bool &ErrorsFound) // true if errors found during getting input objects.
     953             : {
     954             :     //    AUTHOR         Jason Glazer of GARD Analytics, Inc.
     955             :     //    DATE WRITTEN   May 2004
     956             : 
     957             :     //    Read the input file for "Economics:Ratchet" objects.
     958             : 
     959             :     static constexpr std::string_view RoutineName("GetInputEconomicsRatchet: ");
     960             :     int iInObj;    // loop index variable for reading in objects
     961             :     int NumAlphas; // Number of elements in the alpha array
     962             :     int NumNums;   // Number of elements in the numeric array
     963             :     int IOStat;    // IO Status when calling get input subroutine
     964             :     bool isNotNumeric;
     965             :     int jFld;
     966         190 :     std::string CurrentModuleObject; // for ease in renaming.
     967             : 
     968          95 :     auto &ratchet(state.dataEconTariff->ratchet);
     969             : 
     970          95 :     CurrentModuleObject = "UtilityCost:Ratchet";
     971          95 :     state.dataEconTariff->numRatchet = state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getNumObjectsFound(state, CurrentModuleObject);
     972          95 :     ratchet.allocate(state.dataEconTariff->numRatchet);
     973          96 :     for (iInObj = 1; iInObj <= state.dataEconTariff->numRatchet; ++iInObj) {
     974           7 :         state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectItem(state,
     975             :                                                                  CurrentModuleObject,
     976             :                                                                  iInObj,
     977           1 :                                                                  state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs,
     978             :                                                                  NumAlphas,
     979           1 :                                                                  state.dataIPShortCut->rNumericArgs,
     980             :                                                                  NumNums,
     981             :                                                                  IOStat,
     982           1 :                                                                  state.dataIPShortCut->lNumericFieldBlanks,
     983           1 :                                                                  state.dataIPShortCut->lAlphaFieldBlanks,
     984           1 :                                                                  state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaFieldNames,
     985           1 :                                                                  state.dataIPShortCut->cNumericFieldNames);
     986             :         // check to make sure none of the values are another economic object
     987           9 :         for (jFld = 1; jFld <= NumAlphas; ++jFld) {
     988           8 :             if (hasi(state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(jFld), "UtilityCost:")) {
     989           0 :                 ShowWarningError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(1) + "\".");
     990           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "... a field was found containing UtilityCost: which may indicate a missing comma.");
     991             :             }
     992             :         }
     993             :         // index of the tariff name in the tariff array
     994           1 :         ratchet(iInObj).tariffIndx =
     995           1 :             FindTariffIndex(state, state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(2), state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(1), ErrorsFound, CurrentModuleObject);
     996           1 :         warnIfNativeVarname(state, state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(1), ratchet(iInObj).tariffIndx, ErrorsFound, CurrentModuleObject);
     997           2 :         ratchet(iInObj).namePt = AssignVariablePt(
     998           2 :             state, state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(1), true, varIsAssigned, varNotYetDefined, ObjType::Ratchet, iInObj, ratchet(iInObj).tariffIndx);
     999             :         // index of the variable in the variable array
    1000           2 :         ratchet(iInObj).baselinePt = AssignVariablePt(
    1001           2 :             state, state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(3), true, varIsArgument, varNotYetDefined, ObjType::Ratchet, iInObj, ratchet(iInObj).tariffIndx);
    1002             :         // index of the variable in the variable array
    1003           2 :         ratchet(iInObj).adjustmentPt = AssignVariablePt(
    1004           2 :             state, state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(4), true, varIsArgument, varNotYetDefined, ObjType::Ratchet, iInObj, ratchet(iInObj).tariffIndx);
    1005             :         // seasons to and from
    1006           1 :         ratchet(iInObj).seasonFrom = LookUpSeason(state, state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(5), state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(1));
    1007           1 :         ratchet(iInObj).seasonTo = LookUpSeason(state, state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(6), state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(1));
    1008             :         // ratchet multiplier
    1009           1 :         ratchet(iInObj).multiplierVal = UtilityRoutines::ProcessNumber(state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(7), isNotNumeric);
    1010           2 :         ratchet(iInObj).multiplierPt = AssignVariablePt(state,
    1011           1 :                                                         state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(7),
    1012             :                                                         isNotNumeric,
    1013             :                                                         varIsArgument,
    1014             :                                                         varNotYetDefined,
    1015             :                                                         ObjType::Invalid,
    1016             :                                                         0,
    1017           1 :                                                         ratchet(iInObj).tariffIndx);
    1018             :         // ratchet offset
    1019           1 :         ratchet(iInObj).offsetVal = UtilityRoutines::ProcessNumber(state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(8), isNotNumeric);
    1020           2 :         ratchet(iInObj).offsetPt = AssignVariablePt(state,
    1021           1 :                                                     state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(8),
    1022             :                                                     isNotNumeric,
    1023             :                                                     varIsArgument,
    1024             :                                                     varNotYetDefined,
    1025             :                                                     ObjType::Invalid,
    1026             :                                                     0,
    1027           1 :                                                     ratchet(iInObj).tariffIndx);
    1028             :     }
    1029          95 : }
    1030             : 
    1031          95 : void GetInputEconomicsVariable(EnergyPlusData &state, bool &ErrorsFound) // true if errors found during getting input objects.
    1032             : {
    1033             :     //    AUTHOR         Jason Glazer of GARD Analytics, Inc.
    1034             :     //    DATE WRITTEN   May 2004
    1035             : 
    1036             :     //    Read the input file for "Economics:Variable" objects.
    1037             : 
    1038             :     static constexpr std::string_view RoutineName("GetInputEconomicsVariable: ");
    1039             : 
    1040             :     int numEconVarObj;
    1041             :     int tariffPt;
    1042             :     int iInObj;    // loop index variable for reading in objects
    1043             :     int NumAlphas; // Number of elements in the alpha array
    1044             :     int NumNums;   // Number of elements in the numeric array
    1045             :     int IOStat;    // IO Status when calling get input subroutine
    1046             :     int jVal;
    1047             :     int variablePt;
    1048             :     int jFld;
    1049         190 :     std::string CurrentModuleObject; // for ease in renaming.
    1050             : 
    1051          95 :     auto &econVar(state.dataEconTariff->econVar);
    1052             : 
    1053          95 :     CurrentModuleObject = "UtilityCost:Variable";
    1054          95 :     numEconVarObj = state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getNumObjectsFound(state, CurrentModuleObject);
    1055         178 :     for (iInObj = 1; iInObj <= numEconVarObj; ++iInObj) {
    1056         581 :         state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectItem(state,
    1057             :                                                                  CurrentModuleObject,
    1058             :                                                                  iInObj,
    1059          83 :                                                                  state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs,
    1060             :                                                                  NumAlphas,
    1061          83 :                                                                  state.dataIPShortCut->rNumericArgs,
    1062             :                                                                  NumNums,
    1063             :                                                                  IOStat,
    1064          83 :                                                                  state.dataIPShortCut->lNumericFieldBlanks,
    1065          83 :                                                                  state.dataIPShortCut->lAlphaFieldBlanks,
    1066          83 :                                                                  state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaFieldNames,
    1067          83 :                                                                  state.dataIPShortCut->cNumericFieldNames);
    1068             :         // check to make sure none of the values are another economic object
    1069         332 :         for (jFld = 1; jFld <= NumAlphas; ++jFld) {
    1070         249 :             if (hasi(state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(jFld), "UtilityCost:")) {
    1071           0 :                 ShowWarningError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(1) + "\".");
    1072           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "... a field was found containing UtilityCost: which may indicate a missing comma.");
    1073             :             }
    1074             :         }
    1075          83 :         tariffPt = FindTariffIndex(state, state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(2), state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(1), ErrorsFound, CurrentModuleObject);
    1076          83 :         variablePt =
    1077          83 :             AssignVariablePt(state, state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(1), true, varIsArgument, varUserDefined, ObjType::Variable, iInObj, tariffPt);
    1078          83 :         warnIfNativeVarname(state, state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(1), tariffPt, ErrorsFound, CurrentModuleObject);
    1079             :         // validate the kind of variable - not used internally except for validation
    1080          83 :         if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(3), "ENERGY")) {
    1081           0 :             econVar(variablePt).varUnitType = varUnitTypeEnergy;
    1082          83 :         } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(3), "DEMAND")) {
    1083           0 :             econVar(variablePt).varUnitType = varUnitTypeDemand;
    1084          83 :         } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(3), "DIMENSIONLESS")) {
    1085           0 :             econVar(variablePt).varUnitType = varUnitTypeDimensionless;
    1086          83 :         } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(3), "CURRENCY")) {
    1087          83 :             econVar(variablePt).varUnitType = varUnitTypeCurrency;
    1088             :         } else {
    1089           0 :             econVar(variablePt).varUnitType = varUnitTypeDimensionless;
    1090           0 :             ShowSevereError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(1) + "\" invalid data");
    1091           0 :             ShowContinueError(state, "invalid " + state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaFieldNames(3) + "=\"" + state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(3) + "\".");
    1092           0 :             ErrorsFound = true;
    1093             :         }
    1094             :         // move number inputs into econVar
    1095        1079 :         for (jVal = 1; jVal <= NumNums; ++jVal) {
    1096         996 :             econVar(variablePt).values(jVal) = state.dataIPShortCut->rNumericArgs(jVal);
    1097             :         }
    1098             :         // fill the rest of the array with the last value entered
    1099          83 :         if (NumNums < MaxNumMonths) {
    1100           0 :             for (jVal = NumNums + 1; jVal <= MaxNumMonths; ++jVal) {
    1101           0 :                 econVar(variablePt).values(jVal) = state.dataIPShortCut->rNumericArgs(NumNums);
    1102             :             }
    1103             :         }
    1104             :     }
    1105          95 : }
    1106             : 
    1107          95 : void GetInputEconomicsComputation(EnergyPlusData &state, bool &ErrorsFound) // true if errors found during getting input objects.
    1108             : {
    1109             :     //    AUTHOR         Jason Glazer of GARD Analytics, Inc.
    1110             :     //    DATE WRITTEN   May 2004
    1111             : 
    1112             :     //    Read the input file for "Economics:Computation" objects.
    1113             :     //    This object is only used for very complex rates.
    1114             : 
    1115             :     static constexpr std::string_view RoutineName("GetInputEconomicsComputation: ");
    1116             : 
    1117             :     int tariffPt;
    1118             :     int iInObj;    // loop index variable for reading in objects
    1119             :     int NumAlphas; // Number of elements in the alpha array
    1120             :     int NumNums;   // Number of elements in the numeric array
    1121             :     int IOStat;    // IO Status when calling get input subroutine
    1122             :     int jLine;
    1123             :     int jFld;
    1124         190 :     std::string CurrentModuleObject; // for ease in renaming.
    1125             : 
    1126          95 :     auto &computation(state.dataEconTariff->computation);
    1127             : 
    1128          95 :     CurrentModuleObject = "UtilityCost:Computation";
    1129          95 :     state.dataEconTariff->numComputation = state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getNumObjectsFound(state, CurrentModuleObject);
    1130          95 :     computation.allocate(state.dataEconTariff->numTariff); // not the number of Computations but the number of tariffs
    1131             :     // set default values for computation
    1132         383 :     for (auto &e : computation) {
    1133         288 :         e.computeName.clear();
    1134         288 :         e.firstStep = 0;
    1135         288 :         e.lastStep = -1;
    1136         288 :         e.isUserDef = false;
    1137             :     }
    1138          96 :     for (iInObj = 1; iInObj <= state.dataEconTariff->numComputation; ++iInObj) {
    1139           7 :         state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectItem(state,
    1140             :                                                                  CurrentModuleObject,
    1141             :                                                                  iInObj,
    1142           1 :                                                                  state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs,
    1143             :                                                                  NumAlphas,
    1144           1 :                                                                  state.dataIPShortCut->rNumericArgs,
    1145             :                                                                  NumNums,
    1146             :                                                                  IOStat,
    1147           1 :                                                                  state.dataIPShortCut->lNumericFieldBlanks,
    1148           1 :                                                                  state.dataIPShortCut->lAlphaFieldBlanks,
    1149           1 :                                                                  state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaFieldNames,
    1150           1 :                                                                  state.dataIPShortCut->cNumericFieldNames);
    1151             :         // check to make sure none of the values are another economic object
    1152           9 :         for (jFld = 1; jFld <= NumAlphas; ++jFld) {
    1153           8 :             if (hasi(state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(jFld), "UtilityCost:")) {
    1154           0 :                 ShowWarningError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(1) + "\".");
    1155           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "... a field was found containing UtilityCost: which may indicate a missing comma.");
    1156             :             }
    1157             :         }
    1158           1 :         tariffPt = FindTariffIndex(state, state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(2), state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(1), ErrorsFound, CurrentModuleObject);
    1159           1 :         warnIfNativeVarname(state, state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(1), tariffPt, ErrorsFound, CurrentModuleObject);
    1160             :         // tariff and computation share the same index, the tariff index
    1161             :         // so all references are to the tariffPt
    1162           1 :         if (isWithinRange(state, tariffPt, 1, state.dataEconTariff->numTariff)) {
    1163           1 :             computation(tariffPt).computeName = state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(1);
    1164           1 :             computation(tariffPt).firstStep = state.dataEconTariff->numSteps + 1;
    1165           7 :             for (jLine = 3; jLine <= NumAlphas; ++jLine) {
    1166           6 :                 parseComputeLine(state, state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(jLine), tariffPt);
    1167             :             }
    1168           1 :             computation(tariffPt).lastStep = state.dataEconTariff->numSteps;
    1169             :             // check to make sure that some steps were defined
    1170           1 :             if (computation(tariffPt).firstStep >= computation(tariffPt).lastStep) {
    1171           0 :                 computation(tariffPt).firstStep = 0;
    1172           0 :                 computation(tariffPt).lastStep = -1;
    1173           0 :                 computation(tariffPt).isUserDef = false;
    1174           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state,
    1175           0 :                                 std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(1) + "\" invalid data.");
    1176           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "... No lines in the computation can be interpreted ");
    1177           0 :                 ErrorsFound = true;
    1178             :             } else {
    1179           1 :                 computation(tariffPt).isUserDef = true;
    1180             :             }
    1181             :         } else {
    1182           0 :             ShowSevereError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(1) + "\" invalid data.");
    1183           0 :             ShowContinueError(state,
    1184           0 :                               "... not found " + state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaFieldNames(2) + "=\"" + state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(2) + "\".");
    1185           0 :             ErrorsFound = true;
    1186             :         }
    1187             :     }
    1188          95 : }
    1189             : 
    1190         769 : void GetInputEconomicsCurrencyType(EnergyPlusData &state, bool &ErrorsFound) // true if errors found during getting input objects.
    1191             : {
    1192             :     //       AUTHOR         Jason Glazer
    1193             :     //       DATE WRITTEN   August 2008
    1194             : 
    1195             :     //   Sets the type of currency (U.S. Dollar, Euro, Yen, etc.. )
    1196             :     //   This is a "unique" object.
    1197             : 
    1198        1538 :     std::string const CurrentModuleObject("CurrencyType");
    1199             :     static constexpr std::string_view RoutineName("GetInputEconomicsCurrencyType: ");
    1200             : 
    1201             :     int NumCurrencyType;
    1202             :     int NumAlphas; // Number of elements in the alpha array
    1203             :     int NumNums;   // Number of elements in the numeric array
    1204             :     int IOStat;    // IO Status when calling get input subroutine
    1205             :     int i;
    1206             : 
    1207         769 :     initializeMonetaryUnit(state);
    1208         769 :     NumCurrencyType = state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getNumObjectsFound(state, CurrentModuleObject);
    1209         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->selectedMonetaryUnit = 0; // invalid
    1210         769 :     if (NumCurrencyType == 0) {
    1211         767 :         state.dataCostEstimateManager->selectedMonetaryUnit = 1; // USD - U.S. Dollar
    1212           2 :     } else if (NumCurrencyType == 1) {
    1213          14 :         state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectItem(state,
    1214             :                                                                  CurrentModuleObject,
    1215             :                                                                  1,
    1216           2 :                                                                  state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs,
    1217             :                                                                  NumAlphas,
    1218           2 :                                                                  state.dataIPShortCut->rNumericArgs,
    1219             :                                                                  NumNums,
    1220             :                                                                  IOStat,
    1221           2 :                                                                  state.dataIPShortCut->lNumericFieldBlanks,
    1222           2 :                                                                  state.dataIPShortCut->lAlphaFieldBlanks,
    1223           2 :                                                                  state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaFieldNames,
    1224           2 :                                                                  state.dataIPShortCut->cNumericFieldNames);
    1225             :         // Monetary Unit
    1226           2 :         for (i = 1; i <= (int)state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit.size(); ++i) {
    1227           2 :             if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(1), state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(i).code)) {
    1228           2 :                 state.dataCostEstimateManager->selectedMonetaryUnit = i;
    1229           2 :                 break;
    1230             :             }
    1231             :         }
    1232           2 :         if (state.dataCostEstimateManager->selectedMonetaryUnit == 0) {
    1233           0 :             ShowSevereError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaArgs(1) + "\" invalid data.");
    1234           0 :             ShowContinueError(state, "... invalid " + state.dataIPShortCut->cAlphaFieldNames(1) + '.');
    1235           0 :             ErrorsFound = true;
    1236             :         }
    1237           0 :     } else if (NumCurrencyType > 1) {
    1238           0 :         ShowWarningError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + " Only one instance of this object is allowed. USD will be used.");
    1239           0 :         state.dataCostEstimateManager->selectedMonetaryUnit = 1; // USD - U.S. Dollar
    1240             :     }
    1241         769 : }
    1242             : 
    1243           6 : void parseComputeLine(EnergyPlusData &state, std::string const &lineOfCompute, int const fromTariff)
    1244             : {
    1245             :     //    AUTHOR         Jason Glazer of GARD Analytics, Inc.
    1246             :     //    DATE WRITTEN   June 2004
    1247             : 
    1248             :     //   Converts a single line in the ECONOMICS:COMPUTE
    1249             :     //   command into tokens for computation
    1250             : 
    1251             :     //   Scan the line from the end of the line to the front of the
    1252             :     //   line and search for operators and variables. All items
    1253             :     //   are put into the step array.
    1254             : 
    1255          12 :     std::string word;
    1256             :     std::string::size_type endOfWord;
    1257             :     int token;
    1258             : 
    1259           6 :     endOfWord = len(lineOfCompute) - 1;
    1260          58 :     while (endOfWord != std::string::npos) {
    1261             :         // get a single word (text string delimited by spaces)
    1262          26 :         GetLastWord(lineOfCompute, endOfWord, word);
    1263             :         // first see if word is an operator
    1264          26 :         token = lookupOperator(word);
    1265             :         // if not an operator then look for
    1266          26 :         if (token == 0) {
    1267             :             // see if argument or assignment (assignment will be first string on line)
    1268          20 :             if (endOfWord != std::string::npos) {
    1269          14 :                 token = AssignVariablePt(state, word, true, varIsArgument, varNotYetDefined, ObjType::Invalid, 0, fromTariff);
    1270             :             } else {
    1271           6 :                 token = AssignVariablePt(state, word, true, varIsAssigned, varNotYetDefined, ObjType::AssignCompute, 0, fromTariff);
    1272             :             }
    1273             :         }
    1274             :         // if a token is found then put it into step array
    1275          26 :         if (token == 0) {
    1276           0 :             ShowWarningError(state, "In UtilityCost:Computation line: " + lineOfCompute);
    1277           0 :             ShowContinueError(state, "  Do not recognize: " + word + " Will skip.");
    1278             :         } else {
    1279          26 :             incrementSteps(state);
    1280          26 :             state.dataEconTariff->steps(state.dataEconTariff->numSteps) = token;
    1281             :         }
    1282             :     }
    1283           6 :     incrementSteps(state);
    1284           6 :     state.dataEconTariff->steps(state.dataEconTariff->numSteps) = 0; // at the end of the line show a zero to clear the stack
    1285           6 : }
    1286             : 
    1287          26 : void GetLastWord(std::string const &lineOfText, std::string::size_type &endOfScan, std::string &aWord)
    1288             : {
    1289             :     //    AUTHOR         Jason Glazer of GARD Analytics, Inc.
    1290             :     //    DATE WRITTEN   June 2004
    1291             : 
    1292             :     //   Returns the last substring of the line of text to the
    1293             :     //   left of the endOfSubStrg pointer. A substring is
    1294             :     //   delimitted by spaces.  Quotes are not significant
    1295             :     //   (they are treated just like any other non-space character)
    1296             : 
    1297             :     //   Scan the string from the end.
    1298             : 
    1299             :     bool isInWord;
    1300             :     bool isSpace;
    1301             :     std::string::size_type iString;
    1302             :     std::string::size_type curEndOfScan;
    1303             :     std::string::size_type beginOfWord;
    1304             :     std::string::size_type endOfWord;
    1305             : 
    1306          26 :     curEndOfScan = endOfScan;
    1307          26 :     if (curEndOfScan != std::string::npos) {
    1308          26 :         if (curEndOfScan >= len(lineOfText)) {
    1309           0 :             curEndOfScan = len(lineOfText) - 1;
    1310             :         }
    1311             :         // check if currently on a space or not
    1312          26 :         if (lineOfText[curEndOfScan] == ' ') {
    1313          20 :             isInWord = false;
    1314          20 :             beginOfWord = 0;
    1315          20 :             endOfWord = 0;
    1316             :         } else {
    1317           6 :             isInWord = true;
    1318           6 :             beginOfWord = curEndOfScan;
    1319           6 :             endOfWord = curEndOfScan;
    1320             :         }
    1321             :         // scan backwards from
    1322         274 :         for (iString = curEndOfScan; iString <= curEndOfScan; --iString) { // Unsigned will wrap to npos after 0
    1323         268 :             if (lineOfText[iString] == ' ') {
    1324          40 :                 isSpace = true;
    1325             :             } else {
    1326         228 :                 isSpace = false;
    1327             :             }
    1328             :             // all logical conditions of isSpace and isInWord
    1329         268 :             if (isSpace) {
    1330          40 :                 if (isInWord) {
    1331             :                     // found the space in front of the word
    1332          20 :                     break;
    1333             :                 } else {
    1334             :                     // still have not found the back of the word
    1335             :                     // do nothing
    1336             :                 }
    1337             :             } else {
    1338         228 :                 if (isInWord) {
    1339             :                     // still have not found the space in front of the word
    1340         208 :                     beginOfWord = iString;
    1341             :                 } else {
    1342             :                     // found the last character of the word
    1343          20 :                     endOfWord = iString;
    1344          20 :                     beginOfWord = iString;
    1345          20 :                     isInWord = true;
    1346             :                 }
    1347             :             }
    1348             :         }
    1349          26 :         aWord = lineOfText.substr(beginOfWord, endOfWord - beginOfWord + 1);
    1350          26 :         endOfScan = beginOfWord - 1;
    1351          26 :         if (endOfScan == std::string::npos) {
    1352           6 :             endOfScan = std::string::npos;
    1353             :         }
    1354             :     } else {
    1355           0 :         endOfScan = std::string::npos;
    1356           0 :         aWord = "";
    1357             :     }
    1358          26 : }
    1359             : 
    1360         769 : void initializeMonetaryUnit(EnergyPlusData &state)
    1361             : {
    1362             :     //       AUTHOR         Jason Glazer
    1363             :     //       DATE WRITTEN   August 2008
    1364             : 
    1365             :     //   Sets the type of monetary unit array.
    1366             : 
    1367             :     //   Uses get input structure similar to other objects
    1368             :     //   The monetaryUnitSymbols.xls spreadsheet helps create the code for this routine
    1369             : 
    1370             :     //
    1371             : 
    1372         769 :     int numMonetaryUnit = 111;
    1373         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit.allocate(numMonetaryUnit);
    1374         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(1).code = "USD";
    1375         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(2).code = "AFN";
    1376         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(3).code = "ALL";
    1377         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(4).code = "ANG";
    1378         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(5).code = "ARS";
    1379         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(6).code = "AUD";
    1380         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(7).code = "AWG";
    1381         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(8).code = "AZN";
    1382         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(9).code = "BAM";
    1383         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(10).code = "BBD";
    1384         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(11).code = "BGN";
    1385         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(12).code = "BMD";
    1386         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(13).code = "BND";
    1387         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(14).code = "BOB";
    1388         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(15).code = "BRL";
    1389         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(16).code = "BSD";
    1390         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(17).code = "BWP";
    1391         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(18).code = "BYR";
    1392         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(19).code = "BZD";
    1393         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(20).code = "CAD";
    1394         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(21).code = "CHF";
    1395         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(22).code = "CLP";
    1396         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(23).code = "CNY";
    1397         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(24).code = "COP";
    1398         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(25).code = "CRC";
    1399         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(26).code = "CUP";
    1400         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(27).code = "CZK";
    1401         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(28).code = "DKK";
    1402         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(29).code = "DOP";
    1403         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(30).code = "EEK";
    1404         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(31).code = "EGP";
    1405         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(32).code = "EUR";
    1406         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(33).code = "FJD";
    1407         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(34).code = "GBP";
    1408         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(35).code = "GHC";
    1409         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(36).code = "GIP";
    1410         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(37).code = "GTQ";
    1411         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(38).code = "GYD";
    1412         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(39).code = "HKD";
    1413         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(40).code = "HNL";
    1414         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(41).code = "HRK";
    1415         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(42).code = "HUF";
    1416         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(43).code = "IDR";
    1417         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(44).code = "ILS";
    1418         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(45).code = "IMP";
    1419         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(46).code = "INR";
    1420         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(47).code = "IRR";
    1421         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(48).code = "ISK";
    1422         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(49).code = "JEP";
    1423         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(50).code = "JMD";
    1424         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(51).code = "JPY";
    1425         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(52).code = "KGS";
    1426         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(53).code = "KHR";
    1427         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(54).code = "KPW";
    1428         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(55).code = "KRW";
    1429         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(56).code = "KYD";
    1430         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(57).code = "KZT";
    1431         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(58).code = "LAK";
    1432         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(59).code = "LBP";
    1433         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(60).code = "LKR";
    1434         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(61).code = "LRD";
    1435         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(62).code = "LTL";
    1436         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(63).code = "LVL";
    1437         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(64).code = "MKD";
    1438         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(65).code = "MNT";
    1439         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(66).code = "MUR";
    1440         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(67).code = "MXN";
    1441         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(68).code = "MYR";
    1442         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(69).code = "MZN";
    1443         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(70).code = "NAD";
    1444         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(71).code = "NGN";
    1445         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(72).code = "NIO";
    1446         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(73).code = "NOK";
    1447         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(74).code = "NPR";
    1448         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(75).code = "NZD";
    1449         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(76).code = "OMR";
    1450         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(77).code = "PAB";
    1451         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(78).code = "PEN";
    1452         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(79).code = "PHP";
    1453         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(80).code = "PKR";
    1454         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(81).code = "PLN";
    1455         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(82).code = "PYG";
    1456         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(83).code = "QAR";
    1457         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(84).code = "RON";
    1458         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(85).code = "RSD";
    1459         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(86).code = "RUB";
    1460         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(87).code = "SAR";
    1461         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(88).code = "SBD";
    1462         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(89).code = "SCR";
    1463         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(90).code = "SEK";
    1464         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(91).code = "SGD";
    1465         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(92).code = "SHP";
    1466         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(93).code = "SOS";
    1467         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(94).code = "SRD";
    1468         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(95).code = "SVC";
    1469         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(96).code = "SYP";
    1470         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(97).code = "THB";
    1471         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(98).code = "TRL";
    1472         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(99).code = "TRY";
    1473         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(100).code = "TTD";
    1474         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(101).code = "TVD";
    1475         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(102).code = "TWD";
    1476         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(103).code = "UAH";
    1477         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(104).code = "UYU";
    1478         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(105).code = "UZS";
    1479         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(106).code = "VEF";
    1480         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(107).code = "VND";
    1481         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(108).code = "XCD";
    1482         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(109).code = "YER";
    1483         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(110).code = "ZAR";
    1484         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(111).code = "ZWD";
    1485             : 
    1486         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(1).txt = "$";
    1487         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(2).txt = "AFN";
    1488         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(3).txt = "Lek";
    1489         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(4).txt = "ANG";
    1490         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(5).txt = "$";
    1491         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(6).txt = "$";
    1492         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(7).txt = "AWG";
    1493         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(8).txt = "AZN";
    1494         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(9).txt = "KM";
    1495         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(10).txt = "$";
    1496         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(11).txt = "BGN";
    1497         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(12).txt = "$";
    1498         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(13).txt = "$";
    1499         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(14).txt = "$b";
    1500         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(15).txt = "R$";
    1501         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(16).txt = "$";
    1502         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(17).txt = "P";
    1503         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(18).txt = "p.";
    1504         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(19).txt = "BZ$";
    1505         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(20).txt = "$";
    1506         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(21).txt = "CHF";
    1507         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(22).txt = "$";
    1508         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(23).txt = "CNY";
    1509         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(24).txt = "$";
    1510         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(25).txt = "CRC";
    1511         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(26).txt = "CUP";
    1512         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(27).txt = "CZK";
    1513         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(28).txt = "kr";
    1514         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(29).txt = "RD$";
    1515         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(30).txt = "kr";
    1516         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(31).txt = "£";
    1517         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(32).txt = "EUR";
    1518         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(33).txt = "$";
    1519         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(34).txt = "£";
    1520         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(35).txt = "¢";
    1521         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(36).txt = "£";
    1522         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(37).txt = "Q";
    1523         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(38).txt = "$";
    1524         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(39).txt = "HK$";
    1525         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(40).txt = "L";
    1526         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(41).txt = "kn";
    1527         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(42).txt = "Ft";
    1528         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(43).txt = "Rp";
    1529         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(44).txt = "ILS";
    1530         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(45).txt = "£";
    1531         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(46).txt = "INR";
    1532         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(47).txt = "IRR";
    1533         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(48).txt = "kr";
    1534         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(49).txt = "£";
    1535         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(50).txt = "J$";
    1536         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(51).txt = "Â¥";
    1537         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(52).txt = "KGS";
    1538         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(53).txt = "KHR";
    1539         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(54).txt = "KPW";
    1540         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(55).txt = "KRW";
    1541         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(56).txt = "$";
    1542         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(57).txt = "KZT";
    1543         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(58).txt = "LAK";
    1544         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(59).txt = "£";
    1545         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(60).txt = "LKR";
    1546         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(61).txt = "$";
    1547         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(62).txt = "Lt";
    1548         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(63).txt = "Ls";
    1549         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(64).txt = "MKD";
    1550         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(65).txt = "MNT";
    1551         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(66).txt = "MUR";
    1552         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(67).txt = "$";
    1553         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(68).txt = "RM";
    1554         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(69).txt = "MT";
    1555         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(70).txt = "$";
    1556         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(71).txt = "NGN";
    1557         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(72).txt = "C$";
    1558         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(73).txt = "kr";
    1559         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(74).txt = "NPR";
    1560         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(75).txt = "$";
    1561         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(76).txt = "OMR";
    1562         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(77).txt = "B/.";
    1563         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(78).txt = "S/.";
    1564         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(79).txt = "Php";
    1565         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(80).txt = "PKR";
    1566         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(81).txt = "PLN";
    1567         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(82).txt = "Gs";
    1568         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(83).txt = "QAR";
    1569         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(84).txt = "lei";
    1570         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(85).txt = "RSD";
    1571         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(86).txt = "RUB";
    1572         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(87).txt = "SAR";
    1573         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(88).txt = "$";
    1574         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(89).txt = "SCR";
    1575         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(90).txt = "kr";
    1576         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(91).txt = "$";
    1577         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(92).txt = "£";
    1578         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(93).txt = "S";
    1579         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(94).txt = "$";
    1580         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(95).txt = "$";
    1581         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(96).txt = "£";
    1582         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(97).txt = "THB";
    1583         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(98).txt = "TRL";
    1584         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(99).txt = "YTL";
    1585         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(100).txt = "TT$";
    1586         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(101).txt = "$";
    1587         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(102).txt = "NT$";
    1588         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(103).txt = "UAH";
    1589         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(104).txt = "$U";
    1590         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(105).txt = "UZS";
    1591         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(106).txt = "Bs";
    1592         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(107).txt = "VND";
    1593         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(108).txt = "$";
    1594         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(109).txt = "YER";
    1595         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(110).txt = "R";
    1596         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(111).txt = "Z$";
    1597             : 
    1598         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(1).html = "$";
    1599         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(2).html = "&#x060b;";
    1600         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(3).html = "Lek";
    1601         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(4).html = "&#x0192;";
    1602         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(5).html = "$";
    1603         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(6).html = "$";
    1604         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(7).html = "&#x0192;";
    1605         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(8).html = "&#x043c;&#x0430;&#x043d;";
    1606         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(9).html = "KM";
    1607         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(10).html = "$";
    1608         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(11).html = "&#x043b;&#x0432;";
    1609         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(12).html = "$";
    1610         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(13).html = "$";
    1611         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(14).html = "$b";
    1612         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(15).html = "R$";
    1613         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(16).html = "$";
    1614         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(17).html = "P";
    1615         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(18).html = "p.";
    1616         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(19).html = "BZ$";
    1617         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(20).html = "$";
    1618         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(21).html = "CHF";
    1619         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(22).html = "$";
    1620         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(23).html = "&#x5143;";
    1621         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(24).html = "$";
    1622         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(25).html = "&#x20a1;";
    1623         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(26).html = "&#x20b1;";
    1624         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(27).html = "&#x004b;&#x010d;";
    1625         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(28).html = "kr";
    1626         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(29).html = "RD$";
    1627         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(30).html = "kr";
    1628         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(31).html = "£";
    1629         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(32).html = "&#x20ac;";
    1630         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(33).html = "$";
    1631         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(34).html = "£";
    1632         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(35).html = "¢";
    1633         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(36).html = "£";
    1634         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(37).html = "Q";
    1635         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(38).html = "$";
    1636         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(39).html = "HK$";
    1637         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(40).html = "L";
    1638         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(41).html = "kn";
    1639         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(42).html = "Ft";
    1640         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(43).html = "Rp";
    1641         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(44).html = "&#x20aa;";
    1642         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(45).html = "£";
    1643         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(46).html = "&#x20a8;";
    1644         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(47).html = "&#xfdfc;";
    1645         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(48).html = "kr";
    1646         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(49).html = "£";
    1647         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(50).html = "J$";
    1648         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(51).html = "Â¥";
    1649         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(52).html = "&#x043b;&#x0432;";
    1650         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(53).html = "&#x17db;";
    1651         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(54).html = "&#x20a9;";
    1652         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(55).html = "&#x20a9;";
    1653         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(56).html = "$";
    1654         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(57).html = "&#x043b;&#x0432;";
    1655         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(58).html = "&#x20ad;";
    1656         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(59).html = "£";
    1657         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(60).html = "&#x20a8;";
    1658         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(61).html = "$";
    1659         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(62).html = "Lt";
    1660         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(63).html = "Ls";
    1661         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(64).html = "&#x0434;&#x0435;&#x043d;";
    1662         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(65).html = "&#x20ae;";
    1663         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(66).html = "&#x20a8;";
    1664         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(67).html = "$";
    1665         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(68).html = "RM";
    1666         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(69).html = "MT";
    1667         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(70).html = "$";
    1668         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(71).html = "&#x20a6;";
    1669         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(72).html = "C$";
    1670         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(73).html = "kr";
    1671         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(74).html = "&#x20a8;";
    1672         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(75).html = "$";
    1673         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(76).html = "&#xfdfc;";
    1674         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(77).html = "B/.";
    1675         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(78).html = "S/.";
    1676         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(79).html = "Php";
    1677         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(80).html = "&#x20a8;";
    1678         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(81).html = "&#x007a;&#x0142;";
    1679         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(82).html = "Gs";
    1680         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(83).html = "&#xfdfc;";
    1681         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(84).html = "lei";
    1682         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(85).html = "&#x0414;&#x0438;&#x043d;&#x002e;";
    1683         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(86).html = "&#x0440;&#x0443;&#x0431;";
    1684         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(87).html = "&#xfdfc;";
    1685         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(88).html = "$";
    1686         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(89).html = "&#x20a8;";
    1687         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(90).html = "kr";
    1688         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(91).html = "$";
    1689         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(92).html = "£";
    1690         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(93).html = "S";
    1691         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(94).html = "$";
    1692         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(95).html = "$";
    1693         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(96).html = "£";
    1694         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(97).html = "&#x0e3f;";
    1695         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(98).html = "&#x20a4;";
    1696         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(99).html = "YTL";
    1697         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(100).html = "TT$";
    1698         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(101).html = "$";
    1699         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(102).html = "NT$";
    1700         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(103).html = "&#x20b4;";
    1701         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(104).html = "$U";
    1702         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(105).html = "&#x043b;&#x0432;";
    1703         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(106).html = "Bs";
    1704         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(107).html = "&#x20ab;";
    1705         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(108).html = "$";
    1706         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(109).html = "&#xfdfc;";
    1707         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(110).html = "R";
    1708         769 :     state.dataCostEstimateManager->monetaryUnit(111).html = "Z$";
    1709         769 : }
    1710             : 
    1711        2034 : int LookUpSeason(EnergyPlusData &state, std::string const &nameOfSeason, std::string const &nameOfReferingObj)
    1712             : {
    1713             :     //    AUTHOR         Jason Glazer of GARD Analytics, Inc.
    1714             :     //    DATE WRITTEN   May 2004
    1715             : 
    1716             :     //    Find the index for the season string provided or else
    1717             :     //    raise a warning.
    1718             : 
    1719             :     int LookUpSeason;
    1720             : 
    1721        2034 :     if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(nameOfSeason, "Summer")) {
    1722         107 :         LookUpSeason = seasonSummer;
    1723        1927 :     } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(nameOfSeason, "Winter")) {
    1724          61 :         LookUpSeason = seasonWinter;
    1725        1866 :     } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(nameOfSeason, "Spring")) {
    1726           0 :         LookUpSeason = seasonSpring;
    1727        1866 :     } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(nameOfSeason, "Fall")) {
    1728           0 :         LookUpSeason = seasonFall;
    1729        1866 :     } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(nameOfSeason, "Annual")) {
    1730        1866 :         LookUpSeason = seasonAnnual;
    1731             :     } else {
    1732           0 :         ShowWarningError(state, "UtilityCost: Invalid season name " + nameOfSeason + " in: " + nameOfReferingObj);
    1733           0 :         ShowContinueError(state, "  Defaulting to Annual");
    1734           0 :         LookUpSeason = seasonAnnual;
    1735             :     }
    1736        2034 :     return LookUpSeason;
    1737             : }
    1738             : 
    1739        2117 : int FindTariffIndex(
    1740             :     EnergyPlusData &state, std::string const &nameOfTariff, std::string const &nameOfReferingObj, bool &ErrorsFound, std::string const &nameOfCurObj)
    1741             : {
    1742             :     //    AUTHOR         Jason Glazer of GARD Analytics, Inc.
    1743             :     //    DATE WRITTEN   May 2004
    1744             : 
    1745             :     //    Find the index for the tariff string provided or else
    1746             :     //    raise a warning.
    1747             : 
    1748             :     int FindTariffIndex;
    1749             :     int iTariff;
    1750             :     int found;
    1751             : 
    1752        2117 :     found = 0;
    1753        3912 :     for (iTariff = 1; iTariff <= state.dataEconTariff->numTariff; ++iTariff) {
    1754        3912 :         if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(nameOfTariff, state.dataEconTariff->tariff(iTariff).tariffName)) {
    1755        2117 :             found = iTariff;
    1756        2117 :             break;
    1757             :         }
    1758             :     }
    1759        2117 :     if (found > 0) {
    1760        2117 :         FindTariffIndex = found;
    1761             :     } else {
    1762           0 :         ShowSevereError(state, nameOfCurObj + "=\"" + nameOfReferingObj + "\" invalid tariff referenced");
    1763           0 :         ShowContinueError(state, "not found UtilityCost:Tariff=\"" + nameOfTariff + "\".");
    1764           0 :         ErrorsFound = true;
    1765           0 :         FindTariffIndex = 0;
    1766             :     }
    1767        2117 :     return FindTariffIndex;
    1768             : }
    1769             : 
    1770        2117 : void warnIfNativeVarname(
    1771             :     EnergyPlusData &state, std::string const &objName, int const curTariffIndex, bool &ErrorsFound, std::string const &curobjName)
    1772             : {
    1773             :     //    AUTHOR         Jason Glazer of GARD Analytics, Inc.
    1774             :     //    DATE WRITTEN   March 2007
    1775             : 
    1776             :     //   Issue a warning if the variable name (usually the object name) is
    1777             :     //   one of the names of native variables
    1778             : 
    1779             :     bool throwError;
    1780             : 
    1781        2117 :     throwError = false;
    1782        2117 :     if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(objName, "TotalEnergy")) throwError = true;
    1783        2117 :     if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(objName, "TotalDemand")) throwError = true;
    1784        2117 :     if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(objName, "PeakEnergy")) throwError = true;
    1785        2117 :     if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(objName, "PeakDemand")) throwError = true;
    1786        2117 :     if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(objName, "ShoulderEnergy")) throwError = true;
    1787        2117 :     if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(objName, "ShoulderDemand")) throwError = true;
    1788        2117 :     if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(objName, "OffPeakEnergy")) throwError = true;
    1789        2117 :     if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(objName, "OffPeakDemand")) throwError = true;
    1790        2117 :     if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(objName, "MidPeakEnergy")) throwError = true;
    1791        2117 :     if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(objName, "MidPeakDemand")) throwError = true;
    1792        2117 :     if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(objName, "PeakExceedsOffPeak")) throwError = true;
    1793        2117 :     if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(objName, "OffPeakExceedsPeak")) throwError = true;
    1794        2117 :     if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(objName, "PeakExceedsMidPeak")) throwError = true;
    1795        2117 :     if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(objName, "MidPeakExceedsPeak")) throwError = true;
    1796        2117 :     if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(objName, "PeakExceedsShoulder")) throwError = true;
    1797        2117 :     if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(objName, "ShoulderExceedsPeak")) throwError = true;
    1798        2117 :     if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(objName, "IsWinter")) throwError = true;
    1799        2117 :     if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(objName, "IsNotWinter")) throwError = true;
    1800        2117 :     if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(objName, "IsSpring")) throwError = true;
    1801        2117 :     if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(objName, "IsNotSpring")) throwError = true;
    1802        2117 :     if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(objName, "IsSummer")) throwError = true;
    1803        2117 :     if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(objName, "IsNotSummer")) throwError = true;
    1804        2117 :     if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(objName, "IsAutumn")) throwError = true;
    1805        2117 :     if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(objName, "IsNotAutumn")) throwError = true;
    1806        2117 :     if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(objName, "PeakAndShoulderEnergy")) throwError = true;
    1807        2117 :     if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(objName, "PeakAndShoulderDemand")) throwError = true;
    1808        2117 :     if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(objName, "PeakAndMidPeakEnergy")) throwError = true;
    1809        2117 :     if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(objName, "PeakAndMidPeakDemand")) throwError = true;
    1810        2117 :     if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(objName, "ShoulderAndOffPeakEnergy")) throwError = true;
    1811        2117 :     if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(objName, "ShoulderAndOffPeakDemand")) throwError = true;
    1812        2117 :     if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(objName, "PeakAndOffPeakEnergy")) throwError = true;
    1813        2117 :     if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(objName, "PeakAndOffPeakDemand")) throwError = true;
    1814        2117 :     if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(objName, "RealTimePriceCosts")) throwError = true;
    1815        2117 :     if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(objName, "AboveCustomerBaseCosts")) throwError = true;
    1816        2117 :     if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(objName, "BelowCustomerBaseCosts")) throwError = true;
    1817        2117 :     if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(objName, "AboveCustomerBaseEnergy")) throwError = true;
    1818        2117 :     if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(objName, "BelowCustomerBaseEnergy")) throwError = true;
    1819        2117 :     if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(objName, "EnergyCharges")) throwError = true;
    1820        2117 :     if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(objName, "DemandCharges")) throwError = true;
    1821        2117 :     if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(objName, "ServiceCharges")) throwError = true;
    1822        2117 :     if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(objName, "Basis")) throwError = true;
    1823        2117 :     if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(objName, "Surcharges")) throwError = true;
    1824        2117 :     if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(objName, "Adjustments")) throwError = true;
    1825        2117 :     if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(objName, "Subtotal")) throwError = true;
    1826        2117 :     if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(objName, "Taxes")) throwError = true;
    1827        2117 :     if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(objName, "Total")) throwError = true;
    1828        2117 :     if (throwError) {
    1829           0 :         ErrorsFound = true;
    1830           0 :         if (curTariffIndex >= 1 && curTariffIndex <= state.dataEconTariff->numTariff) {
    1831           0 :             ShowSevereError(state, "UtilityCost:Tariff=\"" + state.dataEconTariff->tariff(curTariffIndex).tariffName + "\" invalid referenced name");
    1832           0 :             ShowContinueError(state, curobjName + "=\"" + objName + "\" You cannot name an object using the same name as a native variable.");
    1833             :         } else {
    1834           0 :             ShowSevereError(state, curobjName + "=\"" + objName + "\" You cannot name an object using the same name as a native variable.");
    1835             :         }
    1836             :     }
    1837        2117 : }
    1838             : 
    1839       23762 : int AssignVariablePt(EnergyPlusData &state,
    1840             :                      std::string const &stringIn,
    1841             :                      bool const flagIfNotNumeric,
    1842             :                      int const useOfVar,
    1843             :                      int const varSpecific,
    1844             :                      ObjType const econObjKind,
    1845             :                      int const objIndex,
    1846             :                      int const tariffPt)
    1847             : {
    1848             :     //    AUTHOR         Jason Glazer of GARD Analytics, Inc.
    1849             :     //    DATE WRITTEN   May 2004
    1850             : 
    1851             :     //   If the string is not numeric, check if it is a valid string to use as
    1852             :     //   a variable name. Check if name has been used before and if not create
    1853             :     //   the variable using the string as its name.
    1854             :     //   Return the index of the variable.
    1855             : 
    1856             :     int AssignVariablePt;
    1857             : 
    1858       47524 :     std::string inNoSpaces;
    1859             :     int found;
    1860             :     int iVar;
    1861             : 
    1862       23762 :     auto &econVar(state.dataEconTariff->econVar);
    1863             : 
    1864       23762 :     if (flagIfNotNumeric && (len(stringIn) >= 1)) {
    1865       19701 :         inNoSpaces = RemoveSpaces(state, stringIn);
    1866       19701 :         found = 0;
    1867       19701 :         if (allocated(econVar)) {
    1868     1750315 :             for (iVar = 1; iVar <= state.dataEconTariff->numEconVar; ++iVar) {
    1869     1734769 :                 if (econVar(iVar).tariffIndx == tariffPt) {
    1870      450979 :                     if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(econVar(iVar).name, inNoSpaces)) {
    1871        4060 :                         found = iVar;
    1872        4060 :                         break;
    1873             :                     }
    1874             :                 }
    1875             :             }
    1876             :         }
    1877       19701 :         if (found > 0) {
    1878        4060 :             AssignVariablePt = found;
    1879        4060 :             if (econVar(found).kindOfObj == ObjType::Invalid) {
    1880          85 :                 econVar(found).kindOfObj = econObjKind;
    1881          85 :                 if (econVar(found).index == 0) econVar(found).index = objIndex;
    1882             :             }
    1883             :         } else {
    1884       15641 :             incrementEconVar(state);
    1885       15641 :             econVar(state.dataEconTariff->numEconVar).name = inNoSpaces;
    1886       15641 :             econVar(state.dataEconTariff->numEconVar).kindOfObj = econObjKind;
    1887       15641 :             econVar(state.dataEconTariff->numEconVar).index = objIndex;
    1888       15641 :             AssignVariablePt = state.dataEconTariff->numEconVar;
    1889             :         }
    1890             :         // now set the flag for the type of usage the variable has
    1891       19701 :         if (useOfVar == varIsArgument) {
    1892       12958 :             econVar(AssignVariablePt).isArgument = true;
    1893        6743 :         } else if (useOfVar == varIsAssigned) {
    1894        6743 :             econVar(AssignVariablePt).isAssigned = true;
    1895             :         }
    1896       19701 :         econVar(AssignVariablePt).tariffIndx = tariffPt;
    1897             :         // if the user defines the UtilityCost:Computation then this is called when reading the
    1898             :         // UtilityCost:Tariff with varNotYetDefined but they are already defined because
    1899             :         // the subroutine CreateCategoryNativeVariables has already been called.
    1900       19701 :         if (!((varSpecific == varNotYetDefined) && (econVar(AssignVariablePt).specific >= catEnergyCharges))) {
    1901       15748 :             econVar(AssignVariablePt).specific = varSpecific;
    1902             :         }
    1903             :     } else { // if the string was numeric return a zero
    1904        4061 :         AssignVariablePt = 0;
    1905             :     }
    1906       47524 :     return AssignVariablePt;
    1907             : }
    1908             : 
    1909       15641 : void incrementEconVar(EnergyPlusData &state)
    1910             : {
    1911             :     //    AUTHOR         Jason Glazer of GARD Analytics, Inc.
    1912             :     //    DATE WRITTEN   May 2004
    1913             : 
    1914             :     //   Increment the Increase the size of the
    1915             : 
    1916       15641 :     int constexpr sizeIncrement(100);
    1917             : 
    1918       15641 :     auto &econVar(state.dataEconTariff->econVar);
    1919             : 
    1920       15641 :     if (!allocated(econVar)) {
    1921          95 :         econVar.allocate(sizeIncrement);
    1922          95 :         state.dataEconTariff->sizeEconVar = sizeIncrement;
    1923          95 :         state.dataEconTariff->numEconVar = 1;
    1924             :     } else {
    1925       15546 :         ++state.dataEconTariff->numEconVar;
    1926             :         // if larger than current size grow the array
    1927       15546 :         if (state.dataEconTariff->numEconVar > state.dataEconTariff->sizeEconVar) {
    1928         101 :             econVar.redimension(state.dataEconTariff->sizeEconVar += sizeIncrement);
    1929             :         }
    1930             :     }
    1931             :     // initialize new record) //Autodesk Most of these match default initialization so not needed
    1932       15641 :     econVar(state.dataEconTariff->numEconVar).name = "";
    1933       15641 :     econVar(state.dataEconTariff->numEconVar).tariffIndx = 0;
    1934       15641 :     econVar(state.dataEconTariff->numEconVar).kindOfObj = ObjType::Invalid;
    1935       15641 :     econVar(state.dataEconTariff->numEconVar).index = 0;
    1936       15641 :     econVar(state.dataEconTariff->numEconVar).values = 0.0;
    1937       15641 :     econVar(state.dataEconTariff->numEconVar).isArgument = false;
    1938       15641 :     econVar(state.dataEconTariff->numEconVar).isAssigned = false;
    1939       15641 :     econVar(state.dataEconTariff->numEconVar).specific = varNotYetDefined;
    1940             :     //        econVar( numEconVar ).values = 0.0; //Autodesk Already initialized above
    1941             :     // Autodesk Don't initialize cntMeDependOn
    1942       15641 :     econVar(state.dataEconTariff->numEconVar).Operator = 0;
    1943       15641 :     econVar(state.dataEconTariff->numEconVar).firstOperand = 1; // Autodesk Default initialization sets this to 0
    1944       15641 :     econVar(state.dataEconTariff->numEconVar).lastOperand = 0;
    1945       15641 :     econVar(state.dataEconTariff->numEconVar).activeNow = false;
    1946       15641 :     econVar(state.dataEconTariff->numEconVar).isEvaluated = false;
    1947             :     // Autodesk Don't initialize isReported
    1948             :     // Autodesk Don't initialize varUnitType
    1949       15641 : }
    1950             : 
    1951       16769 : void incrementSteps(EnergyPlusData &state)
    1952             : {
    1953             :     //    AUTHOR         Jason Glazer of GARD Analytics, Inc.
    1954             :     //    DATE WRITTEN   June 2004
    1955             : 
    1956             :     //   Increment the step array counter and if
    1957             :     //   necessary increase the size of the array.
    1958             : 
    1959       16769 :     int constexpr sizeIncrement(100);
    1960             : 
    1961       16769 :     if (!allocated(state.dataEconTariff->steps)) {
    1962          95 :         state.dataEconTariff->steps.allocate(sizeIncrement);
    1963          95 :         state.dataEconTariff->sizeSteps = sizeIncrement;
    1964          95 :         state.dataEconTariff->numSteps = 1;
    1965             :     } else {
    1966       16674 :         ++state.dataEconTariff->numSteps;
    1967             :         // if larger than current size grow the array
    1968       16674 :         if (state.dataEconTariff->numSteps > state.dataEconTariff->sizeSteps) {
    1969          98 :             state.dataEconTariff->steps.redimension(state.dataEconTariff->sizeSteps += sizeIncrement);
    1970             :         }
    1971             :     }
    1972             :     // initialize new record
    1973       16769 :     state.dataEconTariff->steps(state.dataEconTariff->numSteps) = 0;
    1974       16769 : }
    1975             : 
    1976       19701 : std::string RemoveSpaces(EnergyPlusData &state, std::string const &StringIn)
    1977             : {
    1978             :     //    AUTHOR         Jason Glazer of GARD Analytics, Inc.
    1979             :     //    DATE WRITTEN   May 2004
    1980             : 
    1981             :     //   Return the string with all spaces removed.
    1982             : 
    1983       19701 :     std::string StringOut;
    1984       19701 :     bool foundSpaces = false;
    1985      310892 :     for (std::string::size_type iString = 0; iString < len(StringIn); ++iString) {
    1986      291191 :         if (StringIn[iString] != ' ') {
    1987      291191 :             StringOut += StringIn[iString];
    1988             :         } else {
    1989           0 :             foundSpaces = true;
    1990             :         }
    1991             :     }
    1992       19701 :     if (foundSpaces) {
    1993           0 :         ShowWarningError(state, "UtilityCost: Spaces were removed from the variable=\"" + StringIn + "\".");
    1994           0 :         ShowContinueError(state, "...Resultant variable=\"" + StringOut + "\".");
    1995             :     }
    1996       19701 :     return StringOut;
    1997             : }
    1998             : 
    1999          95 : void CreateCategoryNativeVariables(EnergyPlusData &state)
    2000             : {
    2001             :     //    AUTHOR         Jason Glazer of GARD Analytics, Inc.
    2002             :     //    DATE WRITTEN   May 2004
    2003             : 
    2004             :     //    For each tariff create variables that are used for the
    2005             :     //    categories (i.e., EnergyCharges).
    2006             : 
    2007             :     int iTariff;
    2008             : 
    2009          95 :     auto &tariff(state.dataEconTariff->tariff);
    2010             : 
    2011         383 :     for (iTariff = 1; iTariff <= state.dataEconTariff->numTariff; ++iTariff) {
    2012             :         // category variables first
    2013         288 :         tariff(iTariff).ptEnergyCharges =
    2014         576 :             AssignVariablePt(state, "EnergyCharges", true, varIsAssigned, catEnergyCharges, ObjType::Category, 0, iTariff);
    2015         288 :         tariff(iTariff).firstCategory = state.dataEconTariff->numEconVar;
    2016         288 :         tariff(iTariff).ptDemandCharges =
    2017         576 :             AssignVariablePt(state, "DemandCharges", true, varIsAssigned, catDemandCharges, ObjType::Category, 0, iTariff);
    2018         288 :         tariff(iTariff).ptServiceCharges =
    2019         576 :             AssignVariablePt(state, "ServiceCharges", true, varIsAssigned, catServiceCharges, ObjType::Category, 0, iTariff);
    2020         288 :         tariff(iTariff).ptBasis = AssignVariablePt(state, "Basis", true, varIsAssigned, catBasis, ObjType::Category, 0, iTariff);
    2021         288 :         tariff(iTariff).ptAdjustment = AssignVariablePt(state, "Adjustment", true, varIsAssigned, catAdjustment, ObjType::Category, 0, iTariff);
    2022         288 :         tariff(iTariff).ptSurcharge = AssignVariablePt(state, "Surcharge", true, varIsAssigned, catSurcharge, ObjType::Category, 0, iTariff);
    2023         288 :         tariff(iTariff).ptSubtotal = AssignVariablePt(state, "Subtotal", true, varIsAssigned, catSubtotal, ObjType::Category, 0, iTariff);
    2024         288 :         tariff(iTariff).ptTaxes = AssignVariablePt(state, "Taxes", true, varIsAssigned, catTaxes, ObjType::Category, 0, iTariff);
    2025         288 :         tariff(iTariff).ptTotal = AssignVariablePt(state, "Total", true, varIsAssigned, catTotal, ObjType::Category, 0, iTariff);
    2026         288 :         tariff(iTariff).ptNotIncluded = AssignVariablePt(state, "NotIncluded", true, varIsAssigned, catNotIncluded, ObjType::Category, 0, iTariff);
    2027         288 :         tariff(iTariff).lastCategory = state.dataEconTariff->numEconVar;
    2028             :         // category variables first
    2029         288 :         tariff(iTariff).nativeTotalEnergy =
    2030         576 :             AssignVariablePt(state, "TotalEnergy", true, varIsArgument, nativeTotalEnergy, ObjType::Native, 0, iTariff);
    2031         288 :         tariff(iTariff).firstNative = state.dataEconTariff->numEconVar;
    2032         288 :         tariff(iTariff).nativeTotalDemand =
    2033         576 :             AssignVariablePt(state, "TotalDemand", true, varIsArgument, nativeTotalDemand, ObjType::Native, 0, iTariff);
    2034         288 :         tariff(iTariff).nativePeakEnergy = AssignVariablePt(state, "PeakEnergy", true, varIsArgument, nativePeakEnergy, ObjType::Native, 0, iTariff);
    2035         288 :         tariff(iTariff).nativePeakDemand = AssignVariablePt(state, "PeakDemand", true, varIsArgument, nativePeakDemand, ObjType::Native, 0, iTariff);
    2036         288 :         tariff(iTariff).nativeShoulderEnergy =
    2037         576 :             AssignVariablePt(state, "ShoulderEnergy", true, varIsArgument, nativeShoulderEnergy, ObjType::Native, 0, iTariff);
    2038         288 :         tariff(iTariff).nativeShoulderDemand =
    2039         576 :             AssignVariablePt(state, "ShoulderDemand", true, varIsArgument, nativeShoulderDemand, ObjType::Native, 0, iTariff);
    2040         288 :         tariff(iTariff).nativeOffPeakEnergy =
    2041         576 :             AssignVariablePt(state, "OffPeakEnergy", true, varIsArgument, nativeOffPeakEnergy, ObjType::Native, 0, iTariff);
    2042         288 :         tariff(iTariff).nativeOffPeakDemand =
    2043         576 :             AssignVariablePt(state, "OffPeakDemand", true, varIsArgument, nativeOffPeakDemand, ObjType::Native, 0, iTariff);
    2044         288 :         tariff(iTariff).nativeMidPeakEnergy =
    2045         576 :             AssignVariablePt(state, "MidPeakEnergy", true, varIsArgument, nativeMidPeakEnergy, ObjType::Native, 0, iTariff);
    2046         288 :         tariff(iTariff).nativeMidPeakDemand =
    2047         576 :             AssignVariablePt(state, "MidPeakDemand", true, varIsArgument, nativeMidPeakDemand, ObjType::Native, 0, iTariff);
    2048         288 :         tariff(iTariff).nativePeakExceedsOffPeak =
    2049         576 :             AssignVariablePt(state, "PeakExceedsOffPeak", true, varIsArgument, nativePeakExceedsOffPeak, ObjType::Native, 0, iTariff);
    2050         288 :         tariff(iTariff).nativeOffPeakExceedsPeak =
    2051         576 :             AssignVariablePt(state, "OffPeakExceedsPeak", true, varIsArgument, nativeOffPeakExceedsPeak, ObjType::Native, 0, iTariff);
    2052         288 :         tariff(iTariff).nativePeakExceedsMidPeak =
    2053         576 :             AssignVariablePt(state, "PeakExceedsMidPeak", true, varIsArgument, nativePeakExceedsMidPeak, ObjType::Native, 0, iTariff);
    2054         288 :         tariff(iTariff).nativeMidPeakExceedsPeak =
    2055         576 :             AssignVariablePt(state, "MidPeakExceedsPeak", true, varIsArgument, nativeMidPeakExceedsPeak, ObjType::Native, 0, iTariff);
    2056         288 :         tariff(iTariff).nativePeakExceedsShoulder =
    2057         576 :             AssignVariablePt(state, "PeakExceedsShoulder", true, varIsArgument, nativePeakExceedsShoulder, ObjType::Native, 0, iTariff);
    2058         288 :         tariff(iTariff).nativeShoulderExceedsPeak =
    2059         576 :             AssignVariablePt(state, "ShoulderExceedsPeak", true, varIsArgument, nativeShoulderExceedsPeak, ObjType::Native, 0, iTariff);
    2060         288 :         tariff(iTariff).nativeIsWinter = AssignVariablePt(state, "IsWinter", true, varIsArgument, nativeIsWinter, ObjType::Native, 0, iTariff);
    2061         288 :         tariff(iTariff).nativeIsNotWinter =
    2062         576 :             AssignVariablePt(state, "IsNotWinter", true, varIsArgument, nativeIsNotWinter, ObjType::Native, 0, iTariff);
    2063         288 :         tariff(iTariff).nativeIsSpring = AssignVariablePt(state, "IsSpring", true, varIsArgument, nativeIsSpring, ObjType::Native, 0, iTariff);
    2064         288 :         tariff(iTariff).nativeIsNotSpring =
    2065         576 :             AssignVariablePt(state, "IsNotSpring", true, varIsArgument, nativeIsNotSpring, ObjType::Native, 0, iTariff);
    2066         288 :         tariff(iTariff).nativeIsSummer = AssignVariablePt(state, "IsSummer", true, varIsArgument, nativeIsSummer, ObjType::Native, 0, iTariff);
    2067         288 :         tariff(iTariff).nativeIsNotSummer =
    2068         576 :             AssignVariablePt(state, "IsNotSummer", true, varIsArgument, nativeIsNotSummer, ObjType::Native, 0, iTariff);
    2069         288 :         tariff(iTariff).nativeIsAutumn = AssignVariablePt(state, "IsAutumn", true, varIsArgument, nativeIsAutumn, ObjType::Native, 0, iTariff);
    2070         288 :         tariff(iTariff).nativeIsNotAutumn =
    2071         576 :             AssignVariablePt(state, "IsNotAutumn", true, varIsArgument, nativeIsNotAutumn, ObjType::Native, 0, iTariff);
    2072             : 
    2073         288 :         tariff(iTariff).nativePeakAndShoulderEnergy =
    2074         576 :             AssignVariablePt(state, "PeakAndShoulderEnergy", true, varIsArgument, nativePeakAndShoulderEnergy, ObjType::Native, 0, iTariff);
    2075         288 :         tariff(iTariff).nativePeakAndShoulderDemand =
    2076         576 :             AssignVariablePt(state, "PeakAndShoulderDemand", true, varIsArgument, nativePeakAndShoulderDemand, ObjType::Native, 0, iTariff);
    2077         288 :         tariff(iTariff).nativePeakAndMidPeakEnergy =
    2078         576 :             AssignVariablePt(state, "PeakAndMidPeakEnergy", true, varIsArgument, nativePeakAndMidPeakEnergy, ObjType::Native, 0, iTariff);
    2079         288 :         tariff(iTariff).nativePeakAndMidPeakDemand =
    2080         576 :             AssignVariablePt(state, "PeakAndMidPeakDemand", true, varIsArgument, nativePeakAndMidPeakDemand, ObjType::Native, 0, iTariff);
    2081         288 :         tariff(iTariff).nativeShoulderAndOffPeakEnergy =
    2082         576 :             AssignVariablePt(state, "ShoulderAndOffPeakEnergy", true, varIsArgument, nativeShoulderAndOffPeakEnergy, ObjType::Native, 0, iTariff);
    2083         288 :         tariff(iTariff).nativeShoulderAndOffPeakDemand =
    2084         576 :             AssignVariablePt(state, "ShoulderAndOffPeakDemand", true, varIsArgument, nativeShoulderAndOffPeakDemand, ObjType::Native, 0, iTariff);
    2085         288 :         tariff(iTariff).nativePeakAndOffPeakEnergy =
    2086         576 :             AssignVariablePt(state, "PeakAndOffPeakEnergy", true, varIsArgument, nativePeakAndOffPeakEnergy, ObjType::Native, 0, iTariff);
    2087         288 :         tariff(iTariff).nativePeakAndOffPeakDemand =
    2088         576 :             AssignVariablePt(state, "PeakAndOffPeakDemand", true, varIsArgument, nativePeakAndOffPeakDemand, ObjType::Native, 0, iTariff);
    2089         288 :         tariff(iTariff).nativeRealTimePriceCosts =
    2090         576 :             AssignVariablePt(state, "RealTimePriceCosts", true, varIsArgument, nativeRealTimePriceCosts, ObjType::Native, 0, iTariff);
    2091         288 :         tariff(iTariff).nativeAboveCustomerBaseCosts =
    2092         576 :             AssignVariablePt(state, "AboveCustomerBaseCosts", true, varIsArgument, nativeAboveCustomerBaseCosts, ObjType::Native, 0, iTariff);
    2093         288 :         tariff(iTariff).nativeBelowCustomerBaseCosts =
    2094         576 :             AssignVariablePt(state, "BelowCustomerBaseCosts", true, varIsArgument, nativeBelowCustomerBaseCosts, ObjType::Native, 0, iTariff);
    2095         288 :         tariff(iTariff).nativeAboveCustomerBaseEnergy =
    2096         576 :             AssignVariablePt(state, "AboveCustomerBaseEnergy", true, varIsArgument, nativeAboveCustomerBaseEnergy, ObjType::Native, 0, iTariff);
    2097         288 :         tariff(iTariff).nativeBelowCustomerBaseEnergy =
    2098         576 :             AssignVariablePt(state, "BelowCustomerBaseEnergy", true, varIsArgument, nativeBelowCustomerBaseEnergy, ObjType::Native, 0, iTariff);
    2099         288 :         tariff(iTariff).lastNative = state.dataEconTariff->numEconVar;
    2100             :     }
    2101          95 : }
    2102             : 
    2103          26 : int lookupOperator(std::string const &opString)
    2104             : {
    2105             :     //    AUTHOR         Jason Glazer of GARD Analytics, Inc.
    2106             :     //    DATE WRITTEN   May 2004
    2107             : 
    2108             :     int lookupOperator;
    2109             : 
    2110          26 :     if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(opString, "Sum")) {
    2111           6 :         lookupOperator = opSUM;
    2112          20 :     } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(opString, "MULTIPLY")) {
    2113           0 :         lookupOperator = opMULTIPLY;
    2114          20 :     } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(opString, "MULT")) {
    2115           0 :         lookupOperator = opMULTIPLY;
    2116          20 :     } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(opString, "SUBTRACT")) {
    2117           0 :         lookupOperator = opSUBTRACT;
    2118          20 :     } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(opString, "SUBT")) {
    2119           0 :         lookupOperator = opSUBTRACT;
    2120          20 :     } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(opString, "DIVIDE")) {
    2121           0 :         lookupOperator = opDIVIDE;
    2122          20 :     } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(opString, "DIV")) {
    2123           0 :         lookupOperator = opDIVIDE;
    2124          20 :     } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(opString, "ABSOLUTE")) {
    2125           0 :         lookupOperator = opABSOLUTE;
    2126          20 :     } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(opString, "ABS")) {
    2127           0 :         lookupOperator = opABSOLUTE;
    2128          20 :     } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(opString, "INTEGER")) {
    2129           0 :         lookupOperator = opINTEGER;
    2130          20 :     } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(opString, "INT")) {
    2131           0 :         lookupOperator = opINTEGER;
    2132          20 :     } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(opString, "SIGN")) {
    2133           0 :         lookupOperator = opSIGN;
    2134          20 :     } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(opString, "ROUND")) {
    2135           0 :         lookupOperator = opROUND;
    2136          20 :     } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(opString, "Maximum")) {
    2137           0 :         lookupOperator = opMAXIMUM;
    2138          20 :     } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(opString, "MAX")) {
    2139           0 :         lookupOperator = opMAXIMUM;
    2140          20 :     } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(opString, "MINIMUM")) {
    2141           0 :         lookupOperator = opMINIMUM;
    2142          20 :     } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(opString, "MIN")) {
    2143           0 :         lookupOperator = opMINIMUM;
    2144          20 :     } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(opString, "EXCEEDS")) {
    2145           0 :         lookupOperator = opEXCEEDS;
    2146          20 :     } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(opString, "ANNUALMINIMUM")) {
    2147           0 :         lookupOperator = opANNUALMINIMUM;
    2148          20 :     } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(opString, "ANMIN")) {
    2149           0 :         lookupOperator = opANNUALMINIMUM;
    2150          20 :     } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(opString, "ANNUALMAXIMUM")) {
    2151           0 :         lookupOperator = opANNUALMAXIMUM;
    2152          20 :     } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(opString, "ANMAX")) {
    2153           0 :         lookupOperator = opANNUALMAXIMUM;
    2154          20 :     } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(opString, "ANNUALSUM")) {
    2155           0 :         lookupOperator = opANNUALSUM;
    2156          20 :     } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(opString, "ANSUM")) {
    2157           0 :         lookupOperator = opANNUALSUM;
    2158          20 :     } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(opString, "ANNUALAVERAGE")) {
    2159           0 :         lookupOperator = opANNUALAVERAGE;
    2160          20 :     } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(opString, "ANAVG")) {
    2161           0 :         lookupOperator = opANNUALAVERAGE;
    2162          20 :     } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(opString, "ANNUALOR")) {
    2163           0 :         lookupOperator = opANNUALOR;
    2164          20 :     } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(opString, "ANOR")) {
    2165           0 :         lookupOperator = opANNUALOR;
    2166          20 :     } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(opString, "ANNUALAND")) {
    2167           0 :         lookupOperator = opANNUALAND;
    2168          20 :     } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(opString, "ANAND")) {
    2169           0 :         lookupOperator = opANNUALAND;
    2170          20 :     } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(opString, "ANNUALMAXIMUMZERO")) {
    2171           0 :         lookupOperator = opANNUALMAXIMUMZERO;
    2172          20 :     } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(opString, "ANMAXZ")) {
    2173           0 :         lookupOperator = opANNUALMAXIMUMZERO;
    2174          20 :     } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(opString, "ANNUALMINIMUMZERO")) {
    2175           0 :         lookupOperator = opANNUALMINIMUMZERO;
    2176          20 :     } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(opString, "ANMINZ")) {
    2177           0 :         lookupOperator = opANNUALMINIMUMZERO;
    2178          20 :     } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(opString, "IF")) {
    2179           0 :         lookupOperator = opIF;
    2180          20 :     } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(opString, "GREATERTHAN")) {
    2181           0 :         lookupOperator = opGREATERTHAN;
    2182          20 :     } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(opString, "GT")) {
    2183           0 :         lookupOperator = opGREATERTHAN;
    2184          20 :     } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(opString, "GREATEREQUAL")) {
    2185           0 :         lookupOperator = opGREATEREQUAL;
    2186          20 :     } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(opString, "GE")) {
    2187           0 :         lookupOperator = opGREATEREQUAL;
    2188          20 :     } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(opString, "LESSTHAN")) {
    2189           0 :         lookupOperator = opLESSTHAN;
    2190          20 :     } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(opString, "LT")) {
    2191           0 :         lookupOperator = opLESSTHAN;
    2192          20 :     } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(opString, "LESSEQUAL")) {
    2193           0 :         lookupOperator = opLESSEQUAL;
    2194          20 :     } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(opString, "LE")) {
    2195           0 :         lookupOperator = opLESSEQUAL;
    2196          20 :     } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(opString, "EQUAL")) {
    2197           0 :         lookupOperator = opEQUAL;
    2198          20 :     } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(opString, "EQ")) {
    2199           0 :         lookupOperator = opEQUAL;
    2200          20 :     } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(opString, "NOTEQUAL")) {
    2201           0 :         lookupOperator = opNOTEQUAL;
    2202          20 :     } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(opString, "NE")) {
    2203           0 :         lookupOperator = opNOTEQUAL;
    2204          20 :     } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(opString, "AND")) {
    2205           0 :         lookupOperator = opAND;
    2206          20 :     } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(opString, "OR")) {
    2207           0 :         lookupOperator = opOR;
    2208          20 :     } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(opString, "NOT")) {
    2209           0 :         lookupOperator = opNOT;
    2210          20 :     } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(opString, "FROM")) {
    2211           0 :         lookupOperator = opNOOP;
    2212          20 :     } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(opString, "ADD")) {
    2213           0 :         lookupOperator = opADD;
    2214             :     } else {
    2215          20 :         lookupOperator = 0;
    2216             :     }
    2217          26 :     return lookupOperator;
    2218             : }
    2219             : 
    2220             : //======================================================================================================================
    2221             : //======================================================================================================================
    2222             : 
    2224             : 
    2225             : //======================================================================================================================
    2226             : //======================================================================================================================
    2227             : 
    2228          95 : void CreateDefaultComputation(EnergyPlusData &state)
    2229             : {
    2230             :     //    AUTHOR         Jason Glazer of GARD Analytics, Inc.
    2231             :     //    DATE WRITTEN   June 2004
    2232             : 
    2233             :     // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    2234             :     //    For most tariffs defined in EnergyPlus no specific
    2235             :     //    ECONOMICS:COMPUTATION will be entered. In that case,
    2236             :     //    a default sequence of computation steps needs to be
    2237             :     //    created.  This routine creates the default
    2238             :     //    computation steps.
    2239             :     //    Object           Fields         Depend On Fields
    2240             :     //    Qualify          namePt         sourcePt
    2241             :     //                                    thresholdPt
    2242             :     //    Charge:Simple    namePt         sourcePt
    2243             :     //                     categoryPt     costPerPt
    2244             :     //    Charge:Block     namePt         sourcePt
    2245             :     //                     categoryPt     blkSzMultPt
    2246             :     //                     remainingPt    blkSzPt
    2247             :     //                                    blkCostPt
    2248             :     //    Ratchet          namePt         baselinePt
    2249             :     //                                    adjustmentPt
    2250             :     //                                    multiplierPt
    2251             :     //                                    offsetPt
    2252             :     //    These will be formed into expressions that look like
    2253             :     //      namePt NOOP sourcePt thresholdPt
    2254             :     //    The different Charges are combined using the SUM operation
    2255             :     //    into categories.
    2256             :     //      category SUM chg1Name chg2Name chg3Name
    2257             :     //    Since the dependency array has one target and multiple
    2258             :     //    parameters, remainingPt is shown as a seperate equation that
    2259             :     //    depends on namePt for Charge:Block. The equation will not be
    2260             :     //    displayed or processed except in the sort.
    2261             :     //      remainingPt NOOP namePt
    2262             :     //    Many lines of the computation will include just the name of
    2263             :     //    a single variable which triggers the calculation for that
    2264             :     //    charge, ratchet or qualify.
    2265             :     //      chg1Name
    2266             :     //    It is also possible that two variables referenced within one
    2267             :     //    object could include a dependancy relationship also. For
    2268             :     //    example, the blkSzPt could be calculated using the same sourePt
    2269             :     //    in Charge:Block.
    2270             : 
    2271             :     // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
    2272             :     //    Since some ECONOMCIS:* objects depend on other variables
    2273             :     //    first must create the order of when to perform the
    2274             :     //    computations. First a dependancy table is created that
    2275             :     //    indicates what variables are dependant on other variables.
    2276             :     //    A directed acyclic graph (DAG) describes the general
    2277             :     //    problem which is usually solved using a topological
    2278             :     //    sorting algorithm.
    2279             :     //    Each line/step is generated and put into the depend
    2280             :     //    array. Also in the array are counts of how many items it
    2281             :     //    depends on and a list of entries that are dependant on that
    2282             :     //    line.
    2283             : 
    2284             :     int iTariff;
    2285             :     int iVar;
    2286             :     int jVar;
    2287             :     int kObj;
    2288             :     int mBlock;
    2289             :     int kOperand;
    2290             :     int curBasis;
    2291             :     int curSubtotal;
    2292             :     int curTotal;
    2293             :     int curObject;
    2294             :     int numNoDepend;
    2295             :     int referVar;
    2296             :     int loopCount;
    2297             :     bool remainingVarFlag;
    2298             :     int remainPt;
    2299             : 
    2300          95 :     auto &tariff(state.dataEconTariff->tariff);
    2301          95 :     auto &econVar(state.dataEconTariff->econVar);
    2302          95 :     auto &computation(state.dataEconTariff->computation);
    2303          95 :     auto &qualify(state.dataEconTariff->qualify);
    2304          95 :     auto &ratchet(state.dataEconTariff->ratchet);
    2305          95 :     auto &chargeSimple(state.dataEconTariff->chargeSimple);
    2306          95 :     auto &chargeBlock(state.dataEconTariff->chargeBlock);
    2307             : 
    2308             :     // for each tariff that does not have a UtilityCost:Computation object go through the variables
    2309         383 :     for (iTariff = 1; iTariff <= state.dataEconTariff->numTariff; ++iTariff) {
    2310         288 :         if (!computation(iTariff).isUserDef) {
    2311             :             // clear all variables so that they are not active
    2312       57061 :             for (jVar = 1; jVar <= state.dataEconTariff->numEconVar; ++jVar) {
    2313       56774 :                 econVar(jVar).activeNow = false;
    2314             :             }
    2315             :             // make all native variables active
    2316       10906 :             for (jVar = tariff(iTariff).firstNative; jVar <= tariff(iTariff).lastNative; ++jVar) {
    2317       10619 :                 econVar(jVar).activeNow = true;
    2318             :             }
    2319             :             //"clear" the dependOn array
    2320         287 :             state.dataEconTariff->numOperand = 0;
    2321             :             // Define the preset equations (category sumation)
    2322         287 :             curTotal = tariff(iTariff).ptTotal;
    2323         287 :             curSubtotal = tariff(iTariff).ptSubtotal;
    2324         287 :             curBasis = tariff(iTariff).ptBasis;
    2325             :             // total SUM subtotal taxes
    2326         287 :             econVar(curTotal).Operator = opSUM;
    2327         287 :             econVar(curTotal).activeNow = true;
    2328         287 :             addOperand(state, curTotal, curSubtotal);
    2329         287 :             addOperand(state, curTotal, tariff(iTariff).ptTaxes);
    2330             :             // subtotal SUM basis adjustments surcharges
    2331         287 :             econVar(curSubtotal).Operator = opSUM;
    2332         287 :             econVar(curSubtotal).activeNow = true;
    2333         287 :             addOperand(state, curSubtotal, curBasis);
    2334         287 :             addOperand(state, curSubtotal, tariff(iTariff).ptAdjustment);
    2335         287 :             addOperand(state, curSubtotal, tariff(iTariff).ptSurcharge);
    2336             :             // basis SUM EnergyCharges DemandCharges ServiceCharges
    2337         287 :             econVar(curBasis).Operator = opSUM;
    2338         287 :             econVar(curBasis).activeNow = true;
    2339         287 :             addOperand(state, curBasis, tariff(iTariff).ptEnergyCharges);
    2340         287 :             addOperand(state, curBasis, tariff(iTariff).ptDemandCharges);
    2341         287 :             addOperand(state, curBasis, tariff(iTariff).ptServiceCharges);
    2342             :             // set up the equations for other objects
    2343         287 :             addChargesToOperand(state, iTariff, tariff(iTariff).ptEnergyCharges);
    2344         287 :             addChargesToOperand(state, iTariff, tariff(iTariff).ptDemandCharges);
    2345         287 :             addChargesToOperand(state, iTariff, tariff(iTariff).ptServiceCharges);
    2346         287 :             addChargesToOperand(state, iTariff, tariff(iTariff).ptAdjustment);
    2347         287 :             addChargesToOperand(state, iTariff, tariff(iTariff).ptSurcharge);
    2348         287 :             addChargesToOperand(state, iTariff, tariff(iTariff).ptTaxes);
    2349             :             // add the real time pricing to the energy charges
    2350         287 :             if (tariff(iTariff).chargeSchIndex != 0) {
    2351           1 :                 addOperand(state, tariff(iTariff).ptEnergyCharges, tariff(iTariff).nativeRealTimePriceCosts);
    2352             :             }
    2353             :             // now add equations with NOOP to represent each object with its
    2354             :             // dependancies
    2355             :             // Qualify
    2356        1012 :             for (kObj = 1; kObj <= state.dataEconTariff->numQualify; ++kObj) {
    2357         725 :                 if (qualify(kObj).tariffIndx == iTariff) {
    2358         208 :                     curObject = qualify(kObj).namePt;
    2359         208 :                     econVar(curObject).Operator = opNOOP;
    2360         208 :                     econVar(curObject).activeNow = true;
    2361         208 :                     addOperand(state, curObject, qualify(kObj).sourcePt);
    2362         208 :                     addOperand(state, curObject, qualify(kObj).thresholdPt);
    2363             :                 }
    2364             :             }
    2365             :             // Ratchet
    2366         301 :             for (kObj = 1; kObj <= state.dataEconTariff->numRatchet; ++kObj) {
    2367          14 :                 if (ratchet(kObj).tariffIndx == iTariff) {
    2368           1 :                     curObject = ratchet(kObj).namePt;
    2369           1 :                     econVar(curObject).Operator = opNOOP;
    2370           1 :                     econVar(curObject).activeNow = true;
    2371           1 :                     addOperand(state, curObject, ratchet(kObj).baselinePt);
    2372           1 :                     addOperand(state, curObject, ratchet(kObj).adjustmentPt);
    2373           1 :                     addOperand(state, curObject, ratchet(kObj).multiplierPt);
    2374           1 :                     addOperand(state, curObject, ratchet(kObj).offsetPt);
    2375             :                 }
    2376             :             }
    2377             :             // ChargeSimple
    2378        5327 :             for (kObj = 1; kObj <= state.dataEconTariff->numChargeSimple; ++kObj) {
    2379        5040 :                 if (chargeSimple(kObj).tariffIndx == iTariff) {
    2380        1549 :                     curObject = chargeSimple(kObj).namePt;
    2381        1549 :                     econVar(curObject).Operator = opNOOP;
    2382        1549 :                     econVar(curObject).activeNow = true;
    2383        1549 :                     addOperand(state, curObject, chargeSimple(kObj).sourcePt);
    2384        1549 :                     addOperand(state, curObject, chargeSimple(kObj).costPerPt);
    2385             :                 }
    2386             :             }
    2387             :             // ChargeBlock
    2388        1232 :             for (kObj = 1; kObj <= state.dataEconTariff->numChargeBlock; ++kObj) {
    2389         945 :                 if (chargeBlock(kObj).tariffIndx == iTariff) {
    2390         270 :                     curObject = chargeBlock(kObj).namePt;
    2391         270 :                     econVar(curObject).Operator = opNOOP;
    2392         270 :                     econVar(curObject).activeNow = true;
    2393         270 :                     addOperand(state, curObject, chargeBlock(kObj).sourcePt);
    2394         270 :                     addOperand(state, curObject, chargeBlock(kObj).blkSzMultPt);
    2395        1172 :                     for (mBlock = 1; mBlock <= chargeBlock(kObj).numBlk; ++mBlock) {
    2396         902 :                         addOperand(state, curObject, chargeBlock(kObj).blkSzPt(mBlock));
    2397         902 :                         addOperand(state, curObject, chargeBlock(kObj).blkCostPt(mBlock));
    2398             :                     }
    2399             :                     // now add a new "equation" for dependency of remainingPt on namePt
    2400         270 :                     remainPt = chargeBlock(kObj).remainingPt;
    2401         270 :                     if (remainPt > 0) {
    2402           1 :                         econVar(remainPt).Operator = opNOOP;
    2403           1 :                         econVar(remainPt).activeNow = true;
    2404           1 :                         addOperand(state, remainPt, curObject);
    2405             :                     }
    2406             :                 }
    2407             :             }
    2408             :             // Economic:Variable
    2409             :             // make all of the user defined variables as active
    2410       57061 :             for (iVar = 1; iVar <= state.dataEconTariff->numEconVar; ++iVar) {
    2411       56774 :                 if (econVar(iVar).tariffIndx == iTariff) {
    2412       15587 :                     if (econVar(iVar).kindOfObj == ObjType::Variable) {
    2413          83 :                         econVar(iVar).activeNow = true;
    2414             :                     }
    2415             :                 }
    2416             :             }
    2417             :             // make sure no compuation is already user defined
    2418         287 :             if (computation(iTariff).firstStep != 0) {
    2419           0 :                 ShowWarningError(state, "In UtilityCost:Tariff: Overwriting user defined tariff " + tariff(iTariff).tariffName);
    2420             :             }
    2421             :             // initialize the computation
    2422         287 :             computation(iTariff).computeName = "Autogenerated - " + tariff(iTariff).tariffName;
    2423         287 :             computation(iTariff).firstStep = state.dataEconTariff->numSteps + 1;
    2424         287 :             computation(iTariff).lastStep = -1; // this will be incremented by addStep
    2425         287 :             computation(iTariff).isUserDef = false;
    2426             :             // now all "equations" are defined, treat the variables with the list
    2427             :             // of dependancies as a directed acyclic graph and use "count down" algorithm
    2428             :             // to do a topological sort of the variables into the order for computation
    2429             :             // First, clear the counters
    2430       57061 :             for (jVar = 1; jVar <= state.dataEconTariff->numEconVar; ++jVar) {
    2431       56774 :                 econVar(jVar).cntMeDependOn = 0;
    2432             :             }
    2433             :             // Second, add up the number of dependancies on each variable
    2434       57061 :             for (iVar = 1; iVar <= state.dataEconTariff->numEconVar; ++iVar) {
    2435       56774 :                 if (econVar(iVar).activeNow) {
    2436       15300 :                     if (econVar(iVar).lastOperand >= econVar(iVar).firstOperand) {
    2437        3474 :                         econVar(iVar).cntMeDependOn = 1 + econVar(iVar).lastOperand - econVar(iVar).firstOperand;
    2438             :                     }
    2439             :                 }
    2440             :             }
    2441             :             // Third, start removing items with zero connections and decrease each
    2442             :             //   counter.
    2443         287 :             numNoDepend = -1;
    2444         287 :             loopCount = 0;
    2445        2709 :             while ((numNoDepend != 0) || (loopCount > 100000)) {
    2446        1211 :                 numNoDepend = 0;
    2447      232531 :                 for (iVar = 1; iVar <= state.dataEconTariff->numEconVar; ++iVar) {
    2448      231320 :                     if (econVar(iVar).activeNow) {
    2449             :                         // find a variable that has no more dangling dependancies
    2450       18139 :                         if (econVar(iVar).cntMeDependOn == 0) {
    2451             :                             // If the variable is a native variable then
    2452             :                             // IF (econVar(iVar)%kindOfObj .NE. iEconVarObjType::Native) THEN
    2453       15300 :                             if ((econVar(iVar).kindOfObj != ObjType::Native) && (econVar(iVar).kindOfObj != ObjType::Variable)) {
    2454        4598 :                                 if (econVar(iVar).lastOperand >= econVar(iVar).firstOperand) {
    2455             :                                     // transfer variables and operator to the computation and list of steps
    2456             :                                     // go through the operands backwards (end of line is evaluated first)
    2457        9789 :                                     for (kOperand = econVar(iVar).lastOperand; kOperand >= econVar(iVar).firstOperand; --kOperand) {
    2458        6315 :                                         incrementSteps(state);
    2459        6315 :                                         state.dataEconTariff->steps(state.dataEconTariff->numSteps) = state.dataEconTariff->operand(kOperand);
    2460             :                                     }
    2461             :                                     // append the operator (either SUM or NOOP)
    2462        3474 :                                     incrementSteps(state);
    2463        3474 :                                     state.dataEconTariff->steps(state.dataEconTariff->numSteps) = econVar(iVar).Operator;
    2464             :                                     // append the variable itself
    2465        3474 :                                     incrementSteps(state);
    2466        3474 :                                     state.dataEconTariff->steps(state.dataEconTariff->numSteps) = iVar;
    2467             :                                     // at the end of the line show a zero to clear the stack
    2468        3474 :                                     incrementSteps(state);
    2469        3474 :                                     state.dataEconTariff->steps(state.dataEconTariff->numSteps) = 0;
    2470             :                                 }
    2471             :                             }
    2472             :                             // go through each other variable looking for places where this variable is used
    2473             :                             // and decrement their counters.
    2474     3004731 :                             for (jVar = 1; jVar <= state.dataEconTariff->numEconVar; ++jVar) {
    2475     2989431 :                                 if (econVar(jVar).activeNow) {
    2476      729077 :                                     for (kOperand = econVar(jVar).firstOperand; kOperand <= econVar(jVar).lastOperand; ++kOperand) {
    2477      311614 :                                         referVar = state.dataEconTariff->operand(kOperand);
    2478      311614 :                                         if (iVar == referVar) {
    2479        6315 :                                             --econVar(jVar).cntMeDependOn;
    2480             :                                             // for each variable that has been decremented to zero increment the counter
    2481        6315 :                                             if (econVar(jVar).cntMeDependOn <= 0) {
    2482        3474 :                                                 ++numNoDepend;
    2483             :                                             }
    2484             :                                         }
    2485             :                                     }
    2486             :                                 }
    2487             :                             }
    2488             :                             // make the variable inactive
    2489       15300 :                             econVar(iVar).activeNow = false;
    2490             :                         }
    2491             :                     }
    2492             :                 }
    2493        1211 :                 ++loopCount;
    2494             :             }
    2495         287 :             if (loopCount > 100000) {
    2496           0 :                 ShowWarningError(state,
    2497           0 :                                  "UtilityCost:Tariff: Loop count exceeded when counting dependancies in tariff: " + tariff(iTariff).tariffName);
    2498             :             }
    2499             :             // make sure that all variables associated with the tariff are included
    2500         287 :             remainingVarFlag = false;
    2501       57061 :             for (iVar = 1; iVar <= state.dataEconTariff->numEconVar; ++iVar) {
    2502       56774 :                 if (econVar(iVar).activeNow) {
    2503           0 :                     remainingVarFlag = true;
    2504             :                 }
    2505             :             }
    2506         287 :             if (remainingVarFlag) {
    2507           0 :                 ShowWarningError(state,
    2508           0 :                                  "CreateDefaultComputation: In UtilityCost:Computation: Circular or invalid dependencies found in tariff: " +
    2509           0 :                                      tariff(iTariff).tariffName);
    2510           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "  UtilityCost variables that may have invalid dependencies and the variables they are dependant on.");
    2511           0 :                 for (iVar = 1; iVar <= state.dataEconTariff->numEconVar; ++iVar) {
    2512           0 :                     if (econVar(iVar).tariffIndx == iTariff) {
    2513           0 :                         if (econVar(iVar).activeNow) {
    2514           0 :                             ShowContinueError(state, "     " + econVar(iVar).name);
    2515           0 :                             for (kOperand = econVar(iVar).firstOperand; kOperand <= econVar(iVar).lastOperand; ++kOperand) {
    2516           0 :                                 ShowContinueError(state, "        ->  " + econVar(state.dataEconTariff->operand(kOperand)).name);
    2517             :                             }
    2518             :                         }
    2519             :                     }
    2520             :                 }
    2521             :             }
    2522             :             // set the end of the computations
    2523         287 :             computation(iTariff).lastStep = state.dataEconTariff->numSteps;
    2524         287 :             if (computation(iTariff).firstStep >= computation(iTariff).lastStep) {
    2525           0 :                 computation(iTariff).firstStep = 0;
    2526           0 :                 computation(iTariff).lastStep = -1;
    2527           0 :                 ShowWarningError(state,
    2528             :                                  "CreateDefaultComputation: In UtilityCost:Computation: No lines in the auto generated computation can be "
    2529           0 :                                  "interpreted in tariff: " +
    2530           0 :                                      tariff(iTariff).tariffName);
    2531             :             }
    2532             :         }
    2533             :     }
    2534          95 : }
    2535             : 
    2536        9978 : void addOperand(EnergyPlusData &state, int const varMe, int const varOperand)
    2537             : {
    2538             :     //    AUTHOR         Jason Glazer of GARD Analytics, Inc.
    2539             :     //    DATE WRITTEN   July 2004
    2540             : 
    2541             :     //   Used by CreateDefaultComputation to create the dependancy
    2542             :     //   relationship in the EconVar array
    2543             : 
    2544        9978 :     int constexpr sizeIncrement(100);
    2545             : 
    2546        9978 :     auto &econVar(state.dataEconTariff->econVar);
    2547             : 
    2548        9978 :     if (varOperand != 0) {
    2549             :         // increment the numOperand and allocate/reallocate the array
    2550             :         // if necessary
    2551        6315 :         if (!allocated(state.dataEconTariff->operand)) {
    2552          95 :             state.dataEconTariff->operand.allocate(sizeIncrement);
    2553          95 :             state.dataEconTariff->sizeOperand = sizeIncrement;
    2554          95 :             state.dataEconTariff->numOperand = 1;
    2555             :         } else {
    2556        6220 :             ++state.dataEconTariff->numOperand;
    2557             :             // if larger than current size grow the array
    2558        6220 :             if (state.dataEconTariff->numOperand > state.dataEconTariff->sizeOperand) {
    2559           0 :                 state.dataEconTariff->operand.redimension(state.dataEconTariff->sizeOperand += sizeIncrement);
    2560             :             }
    2561             :         }
    2562             :         // now add the dependency relationship
    2563        6315 :         state.dataEconTariff->operand(state.dataEconTariff->numOperand) = varOperand;
    2564        6315 :         econVar(varMe).lastOperand = state.dataEconTariff->numOperand;
    2565             :         // if it is the first time addOperand was called with the varMe value
    2566             :         // then set the first pointer as well
    2567        6315 :         if (varMe != state.dataEconTariff->addOperand_prevVarMe) {
    2568        3474 :             econVar(varMe).firstOperand = state.dataEconTariff->numOperand;
    2569        3474 :             state.dataEconTariff->addOperand_prevVarMe = varMe;
    2570             :         }
    2571             :     }
    2572        9978 : }
    2573             : 
    2574        1722 : void addChargesToOperand(EnergyPlusData &state, int const curTariff, int const curPointer)
    2575             : {
    2576             :     //    AUTHOR         Jason Glazer of GARD Analytics, Inc.
    2577             :     //    DATE WRITTEN   July 2004
    2578             : 
    2579             :     //   Used by CreateDefaultComputation to create the "equation"
    2580             :     //   for the categories that are summations of ECONOMICS:CHARGES:BLOCK
    2581             :     //   and ECONOMICS:CHARGES:SIMPLE
    2582             : 
    2583             :     int kObj;
    2584             : 
    2585        1722 :     auto &econVar(state.dataEconTariff->econVar);
    2586        1722 :     auto &chargeSimple(state.dataEconTariff->chargeSimple);
    2587        1722 :     auto &chargeBlock(state.dataEconTariff->chargeBlock);
    2588             : 
    2589        1722 :     econVar(curPointer).Operator = opSUM;
    2590        1722 :     econVar(curPointer).activeNow = true;
    2591       31962 :     for (kObj = 1; kObj <= state.dataEconTariff->numChargeSimple; ++kObj) {
    2592       30240 :         if (chargeSimple(kObj).tariffIndx == curTariff) {
    2593        9294 :             if (chargeSimple(kObj).categoryPt == curPointer) {
    2594        1549 :                 addOperand(state, curPointer, chargeSimple(kObj).namePt);
    2595             :             }
    2596             :         }
    2597             :     }
    2598        7392 :     for (kObj = 1; kObj <= state.dataEconTariff->numChargeBlock; ++kObj) {
    2599        5670 :         if (chargeBlock(kObj).tariffIndx == curTariff) {
    2600        1620 :             if (chargeBlock(kObj).categoryPt == curPointer) {
    2601         269 :                 addOperand(state, curPointer, chargeBlock(kObj).namePt);
    2602             :             }
    2603             :         }
    2604             :     }
    2605        1722 : }
    2606             : 
    2607             : //======================================================================================================================
    2608             : //======================================================================================================================
    2609             : 
    2610             : //    GATHER TIMESTEP VALUES ROUTINE
    2611             : 
    2612             : //======================================================================================================================
    2613             : //======================================================================================================================
    2614             : 
    2615       70176 : void GatherForEconomics(EnergyPlusData &state)
    2616             : {
    2617             :     //    AUTHOR         Jason Glazer of GARD Analytics, Inc.
    2618             :     //    DATE WRITTEN   June 2004
    2619             : 
    2620             :     //   Gathers the data each timestep and updates the arrays
    2621             :     //   holding the data that will be used by the tariff
    2622             :     //   calculation.
    2623             : 
    2624             :     using ScheduleManager::GetCurrentScheduleValue;
    2625             : 
    2626             :     int iTariff;
    2627             :     Real64 curInstantValue;
    2628             :     Real64 curDemand;
    2629             :     Real64 curEnergy;
    2630             :     bool isGood;
    2631             :     int curSeason;
    2632             :     int curMonth;
    2633             :     int curPeriod;
    2634             :     Real64 curRTPprice;    // real time price
    2635             :     Real64 curRTPbaseline; // real time price customer baseline load
    2636             :     Real64 curRTPenergy;   // energy applied to real time price
    2637             :     Real64 curRTPcost;     // cost for energy for current time
    2638             : 
    2639       70176 :     auto &tariff(state.dataEconTariff->tariff);
    2640             : 
    2641       70176 :     if (state.dataEconTariff->numTariff >= 1) {
    2642           0 :         for (iTariff = 1; iTariff <= state.dataEconTariff->numTariff; ++iTariff) {
    2643           0 :             isGood = false;
    2644             :             // if the meter is defined get the value
    2645           0 :             if (tariff(iTariff).reportMeterIndx != 0) {
    2646           0 :                 curInstantValue = GetCurrentMeterValue(state, tariff(iTariff).reportMeterIndx);
    2647             :             } else {
    2648           0 :                 curInstantValue = 0.0;
    2649             :             }
    2650             :             // remember the demand is still energy over a period of time divided by the
    2651             :             // length of time. This gathers the energy also.
    2652           0 :             tariff(iTariff).collectEnergy += curInstantValue;
    2653           0 :             tariff(iTariff).collectTime += state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    2654             :             // added *SecInHour when adding RTP support August 2008
    2655           0 :             if (tariff(iTariff).collectTime >= tariff(iTariff).demWinTime * DataGlobalConstants::SecInHour) {
    2656             :                 // get current value that has been converted into desired units
    2657           0 :                 curDemand = tariff(iTariff).demandConv * tariff(iTariff).collectEnergy / tariff(iTariff).collectTime;
    2658           0 :                 curEnergy = tariff(iTariff).energyConv * tariff(iTariff).collectEnergy;
    2659             :                 // get the schedule values
    2660             :                 // remember no confirmation of schedule values occurs prior to now
    2661           0 :                 if (tariff(iTariff).seasonSchIndex != 0) {
    2662           0 :                     curSeason = GetCurrentScheduleValue(state, tariff(iTariff).seasonSchIndex);
    2663             :                 } else {
    2664           0 :                     curSeason = 1;
    2665             :                 }
    2666           0 :                 if (tariff(iTariff).periodSchIndex != 0) {
    2667           0 :                     curPeriod = GetCurrentScheduleValue(state, tariff(iTariff).periodSchIndex);
    2668             :                 } else {
    2669           0 :                     curPeriod = 1;
    2670             :                 }
    2671           0 :                 if (tariff(iTariff).monthSchIndex != 0) {
    2672           0 :                     curMonth = GetCurrentScheduleValue(state, tariff(iTariff).monthSchIndex);
    2673             :                 } else {
    2674             :                     // #7814 - Have to be careful with DST. tariff::seasonForMonth is overwritten at each timestep, and only the last value is
    2675             :                     // retained, so make sure to capture the right one
    2676           0 :                     if ((state.dataGlobal->HourOfDay + state.dataEnvrn->DSTIndicator) <= 24) {
    2677           0 :                         curMonth = state.dataEnvrn->Month;
    2678             :                     } else {
    2679           0 :                         curMonth = state.dataEnvrn->MonthTomorrow;
    2680             :                     }
    2681             :                 }
    2682           0 :                 if (isWithinRange(state, curSeason, 1, 5)) {
    2683           0 :                     if (isWithinRange(state, curPeriod, 1, 4)) {
    2684           0 :                         if (isWithinRange(state, curMonth, 1, 12)) {
    2685           0 :                             isGood = true;
    2686             :                         }
    2687             :                     }
    2688             :                 }
    2689           0 :                 if (isGood) {
    2690           0 :                     tariff(iTariff).seasonForMonth(curMonth) = curSeason;
    2691           0 :                     tariff(iTariff).gatherEnergy(curMonth, curPeriod) += curEnergy;
    2692           0 :                     if (tariff(iTariff).gatherDemand(curMonth, curPeriod) < curDemand) {
    2693           0 :                         tariff(iTariff).gatherDemand(curMonth, curPeriod) = curDemand;
    2694             :                     }
    2695             :                 } else {
    2696           0 :                     ShowWarningError(state, "UtilityCost:Tariff: While gathering for: " + tariff(iTariff).tariffName);
    2697           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "Invalid schedule values - outside of range");
    2698             :                 }
    2699             :                 // Real Time Pricing
    2700           0 :                 if (tariff(iTariff).chargeSchIndex != 0) {
    2701           0 :                     curRTPprice = GetCurrentScheduleValue(state, tariff(iTariff).chargeSchIndex);
    2702             :                     // if customer baseline load schedule is used, subtract that off of the
    2703             :                     // current energy
    2704           0 :                     if (tariff(iTariff).baseUseSchIndex != 0) {
    2705           0 :                         curRTPbaseline = GetCurrentScheduleValue(state, tariff(iTariff).baseUseSchIndex);
    2706           0 :                         curRTPenergy = curEnergy - curRTPbaseline;
    2707             :                     } else {
    2708           0 :                         curRTPenergy = curEnergy;
    2709             :                     }
    2710             :                     // calculate the real time cost for current times energy
    2711           0 :                     curRTPcost = curRTPenergy * curRTPprice;
    2712           0 :                     tariff(iTariff).RTPcost(curMonth) += curRTPcost;
    2713           0 :                     if (curRTPcost > 0) {
    2714           0 :                         tariff(iTariff).RTPaboveBaseCost(curMonth) += curRTPcost;
    2715             :                     } else {
    2716           0 :                         tariff(iTariff).RTPbelowBaseCost(curMonth) += curRTPcost;
    2717             :                     }
    2718           0 :                     if (curRTPenergy > 0) {
    2719           0 :                         tariff(iTariff).RTPaboveBaseEnergy(curMonth) += curRTPenergy;
    2720             :                     } else {
    2721           0 :                         tariff(iTariff).RTPbelowBaseEnergy(curMonth) += curRTPenergy;
    2722             :                     }
    2723             :                 }
    2724             :                 // reset the counters
    2725           0 :                 tariff(iTariff).collectEnergy = 0.0;
    2726           0 :                 tariff(iTariff).collectTime = 0.0;
    2727             :             }
    2728             :         }
    2729             :     }
    2730       70176 : }
    2731             : 
    2732        1451 : bool isWithinRange(EnergyPlusData &state, int const testVal, int const minThreshold, int const maxThreshold)
    2733             : {
    2734             :     //    AUTHOR         Jason Glazer of GARD Analytics, Inc.
    2735             :     //    DATE WRITTEN   July 2004
    2736             : 
    2737             :     //   Simple function to check if an integer is equal to or between
    2738             :     //   two other values.
    2739             : 
    2740             :     bool isWithinRange;
    2741             : 
    2742        1451 :     if (maxThreshold < minThreshold) {
    2743           0 :         ShowWarningError(state, "UtilityCost: Invalid thresholds in IsWithinRange routine.");
    2744             :     }
    2745        1451 :     if ((testVal <= maxThreshold) && (testVal >= minThreshold)) {
    2746        1451 :         isWithinRange = true;
    2747             :     } else {
    2748           0 :         isWithinRange = false;
    2749             :     }
    2750        1451 :     return isWithinRange;
    2751             : }
    2752             : 
    2753             : //======================================================================================================================
    2754             : //======================================================================================================================
    2755             : 
    2757             : 
    2758             : //======================================================================================================================
    2759             : //======================================================================================================================
    2760             : 
    2761         769 : void ComputeTariff(EnergyPlusData &state)
    2762             : {
    2763             :     //    AUTHOR         Jason Glazer of GARD Analytics, Inc.
    2764             :     //    DATE WRITTEN   July 2004
    2765             : 
    2766             :     //    Perform the calculation steps to compute the monthly
    2767             :     //    utility bills for the user entered tariffs.
    2768             :     //    The list of steps for the tariff computation are in order
    2769             :     //    for stack based computation (reverse polish notation)
    2770             : 
    2771             :     // values used in specific operations
    2772        1537 :     Array1D<Real64> a(MaxNumMonths);
    2773             :     int aPt;
    2774        1537 :     Array1D<Real64> b(MaxNumMonths);
    2775             :     int bPt;
    2776        1537 :     Array1D<Real64> c(MaxNumMonths);
    2777             :     int cPt;
    2778        1537 :     Array1D<Real64> d(MaxNumMonths);
    2779             : 
    2780             :     int iTariff;
    2781             :     int jStep;
    2782             :     int lMonth;
    2783             :     int nVar;
    2784             :     int curStep;
    2785         769 :     int constexpr noVar(0);
    2786             : 
    2787             :     Real64 hugeValue;
    2788             :     Real64 annualAggregate;
    2789             :     int annualCnt;
    2790             : 
    2791         769 :     auto &econVar(state.dataEconTariff->econVar);
    2792         769 :     auto &computation(state.dataEconTariff->computation);
    2793             : 
    2794         769 :     if (!(state.files.outputControl.tabular || state.files.outputControl.sqlite)) {
    2795           1 :         state.dataOutRptTab->WriteTabularFiles = false;
    2796           1 :         return;
    2797             :     }
    2798             : 
    2799         768 :     hugeValue = HUGE_(Real64());
    2800             :     //  Clear the isEvaluated flags for all economics variables.
    2801       16244 :     for (nVar = 1; nVar <= state.dataEconTariff->numEconVar; ++nVar) {
    2802       15476 :         econVar(nVar).isEvaluated = false;
    2803             :     }
    2804         768 :     if (state.dataEconTariff->numTariff >= 1) {
    2805          94 :         state.dataOutRptTab->WriteTabularFiles = true;
    2806          94 :         setNativeVariables(state);
    2807         379 :         for (iTariff = 1; iTariff <= state.dataEconTariff->numTariff; ++iTariff) {
    2808       16870 :             for (jStep = computation(iTariff).firstStep; jStep <= computation(iTariff).lastStep; ++jStep) {
    2809       16585 :                 curStep = state.dataEconTariff->steps(jStep);
    2810             :                 {
    2811       16585 :                     auto const SELECT_CASE_var(curStep);
    2812       16585 :                     if (SELECT_CASE_var == 0) { // end of line - assign variable and clear stack
    2813             :                         // if the stack still has two items on it then assign the values to the
    2814             :                         // pointer otherwise if it follows a NOOP line it will only have one item
    2815             :                         // that has already been assigned and no further action is required.
    2816        3442 :                         if (state.dataEconTariff->topOfStack >= 2) {
    2817        1450 :                             popStack(state, b, bPt); // pop the variable pointer
    2818        1450 :                             popStack(state, a, aPt); // pop the values
    2819        1450 :                             if (isWithinRange(state, bPt, 1, state.dataEconTariff->numEconVar)) {
    2820        1450 :                                 econVar(bPt).values = a;
    2821             :                             }
    2822             :                         }
    2823        3442 :                         state.dataEconTariff->topOfStack = 0;
    2824       13143 :                     } else if ((SELECT_CASE_var >= 1)) { // all positive values are a reference to an econVar
    2825        9701 :                         pushStack(state, econVar(curStep).values, curStep);
    2826        3442 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == opSUM) {
    2827        1450 :                         a = 0.0;
    2828        5534 :                         for (int kStack = 1, kStack_end = state.dataEconTariff->topOfStack; kStack <= kStack_end;
    2829             :                              ++kStack) { // popStack modifies topOfStack
    2830        4084 :                             popStack(state, b, bPt);
    2831        4084 :                             a += b;
    2832             :                         }
    2833        1450 :                         pushStack(state, a, noVar);
    2834        1992 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == opMULTIPLY) {
    2835           0 :                         popStack(state, b, bPt);
    2836           0 :                         popStack(state, a, aPt);
    2837           0 :                         pushStack(state, a * b, noVar);
    2838        1992 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == opSUBTRACT) {
    2839           0 :                         popStack(state, b, bPt);
    2840           0 :                         popStack(state, a, aPt);
    2841           0 :                         pushStack(state, b - a, noVar);
    2842        1992 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == opDIVIDE) {
    2843           0 :                         popStack(state, a, aPt);
    2844           0 :                         popStack(state, b, bPt);
    2845           0 :                         for (lMonth = 1; lMonth <= MaxNumMonths; ++lMonth) {
    2846           0 :                             if (b(lMonth) != 0) {
    2847           0 :                                 c(lMonth) = a(lMonth) / b(lMonth);
    2848             :                             } else {
    2849           0 :                                 c(lMonth) = 0.0;
    2850             :                             }
    2851             :                         }
    2852           0 :                         pushStack(state, c, noVar);
    2853        1992 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == opABSOLUTE) {
    2854           0 :                         popStack(state, a, aPt);
    2855           0 :                         pushStack(state, ObjexxFCL::abs(a), noVar);
    2856        1992 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == opINTEGER) {
    2857           0 :                         popStack(state, a, aPt);
    2858           0 :                         pushStack(state, Array1D_double(Array1D_int(a)), noVar);
    2859        1992 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == opSIGN) {
    2860           0 :                         popStack(state, a, aPt);
    2861           0 :                         pushStack(state, sign(1.0, a), noVar);
    2862             :                         //        CASE (opROUND)
    2863             :                         //          CALL popStack(b,bPt)
    2864             :                         //          CALL popStack(a,aPt)
    2865             :                         //          DO lMonth = 1,MaxNumMonths
    2866             :                         //            IF ((b(lMonth) .LE. 5) .AND. (b(lMonth) .GE. -5)) THEN
    2867             :                         //              c(lMonth) = FLOAT(INT(a(lMonth) / (10 ** b(lMonth))) * (10 ** b(lMonth)))
    2868             :                         //            END IF
    2869             :                         //          END DO
    2870             :                         //          CALL pushStack(c,noVar)
    2871        1992 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == opMAXIMUM) {
    2872           0 :                         a = -hugeValue;
    2873           0 :                         for (int kStack = 1, kStack_end = state.dataEconTariff->topOfStack; kStack <= kStack_end;
    2874             :                              ++kStack) { // popStack modifies topOfStack
    2875           0 :                             popStack(state, b, bPt);
    2876           0 :                             for (lMonth = 1; lMonth <= MaxNumMonths; ++lMonth) {
    2877           0 :                                 if (b(lMonth) > a(lMonth)) {
    2878           0 :                                     a(lMonth) = b(lMonth);
    2879             :                                 }
    2880             :                             }
    2881             :                         }
    2882           0 :                         pushStack(state, a, noVar);
    2883        1992 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == opMINIMUM) {
    2884           0 :                         a = hugeValue;
    2885           0 :                         for (int kStack = 1, kStack_end = state.dataEconTariff->topOfStack; kStack <= kStack_end;
    2886             :                              ++kStack) { // popStack modifies topOfStack
    2887           0 :                             popStack(state, b, bPt);
    2888           0 :                             for (lMonth = 1; lMonth <= MaxNumMonths; ++lMonth) {
    2889           0 :                                 if (b(lMonth) < a(lMonth)) {
    2890           0 :                                     a(lMonth) = b(lMonth);
    2891             :                                 }
    2892             :                             }
    2893             :                         }
    2894           0 :                         pushStack(state, a, noVar);
    2895        1992 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == opEXCEEDS) {
    2896           0 :                         popStack(state, b, bPt);
    2897           0 :                         popStack(state, a, aPt);
    2898           0 :                         for (lMonth = 1; lMonth <= MaxNumMonths; ++lMonth) {
    2899           0 :                             if (a(lMonth) > b(lMonth)) {
    2900           0 :                                 c(lMonth) = a(lMonth) - b(lMonth);
    2901             :                             } else {
    2902           0 :                                 c(lMonth) = 0.0;
    2903             :                             }
    2904             :                         }
    2905           0 :                         pushStack(state, c, noVar);
    2906        1992 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == opANNUALMINIMUM) {
    2907             :                         // takes the minimum but ignores zeros
    2908           0 :                         annualAggregate = hugeValue;
    2909           0 :                         popStack(state, a, aPt);
    2910           0 :                         for (lMonth = 1; lMonth <= MaxNumMonths; ++lMonth) {
    2911           0 :                             if (a(lMonth) != 0) {
    2912           0 :                                 if (a(lMonth) < annualAggregate) {
    2913           0 :                                     annualAggregate = a(lMonth);
    2914             :                                 }
    2915             :                             }
    2916             :                         }
    2917             :                         // if all months are zero then hugeValue still in annual but should be zero
    2918           0 :                         if (annualAggregate == hugeValue) {
    2919           0 :                             annualAggregate = 0.0;
    2920             :                         }
    2921           0 :                         c = annualAggregate;
    2922           0 :                         pushStack(state, c, noVar);
    2923        1992 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == opANNUALMAXIMUM) {
    2924             :                         // takes the maximum but ignores zeros
    2925           0 :                         annualAggregate = -hugeValue;
    2926           0 :                         popStack(state, a, aPt);
    2927           0 :                         for (lMonth = 1; lMonth <= MaxNumMonths; ++lMonth) {
    2928           0 :                             if (a(lMonth) != 0) {
    2929           0 :                                 if (a(lMonth) > annualAggregate) {
    2930           0 :                                     annualAggregate = a(lMonth);
    2931             :                                 }
    2932             :                             }
    2933             :                         }
    2934             :                         // if all months are zero then hugeValue still in annual but should be zero
    2935           0 :                         if (annualAggregate == -hugeValue) {
    2936           0 :                             annualAggregate = 0.0;
    2937             :                         }
    2938           0 :                         c = annualAggregate;
    2939           0 :                         pushStack(state, c, noVar);
    2940        1992 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == opANNUALSUM) {
    2941             :                         // takes the maximum but ignores zeros
    2942           0 :                         annualAggregate = 0.0;
    2943           0 :                         popStack(state, a, aPt);
    2944           0 :                         for (lMonth = 1; lMonth <= MaxNumMonths; ++lMonth) {
    2945           0 :                             annualAggregate += a(lMonth);
    2946             :                         }
    2947           0 :                         c = annualAggregate;
    2948           0 :                         pushStack(state, c, noVar);
    2949        1992 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == opANNUALAVERAGE) {
    2950             :                         // takes the annual sum but ignores zeros
    2951           0 :                         annualAggregate = 0.0;
    2952           0 :                         annualCnt = 0;
    2953           0 :                         popStack(state, a, aPt);
    2954           0 :                         for (lMonth = 1; lMonth <= MaxNumMonths; ++lMonth) {
    2955           0 :                             if (a(lMonth) != 0) {
    2956           0 :                                 annualAggregate += a(lMonth);
    2957           0 :                                 ++annualCnt;
    2958             :                             }
    2959             :                         }
    2960             :                         // if all months are zero then return zero
    2961           0 :                         if (annualCnt != 0) {
    2962           0 :                             c = annualAggregate / annualCnt;
    2963             :                         } else {
    2964           0 :                             c = 0.0;
    2965             :                         }
    2966           0 :                         pushStack(state, c, noVar);
    2967        1992 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == opANNUALOR) {
    2968           0 :                         annualCnt = 0;
    2969           0 :                         popStack(state, a, aPt);
    2970           0 :                         for (lMonth = 1; lMonth <= MaxNumMonths; ++lMonth) {
    2971           0 :                             if (a(lMonth) != 0) {
    2972           0 :                                 ++annualCnt;
    2973             :                             }
    2974             :                         }
    2975             :                         // if any months is not zero then "true"
    2976           0 :                         if (annualCnt >= 1) {
    2977           0 :                             c = 1.0;
    2978             :                         } else {
    2979           0 :                             c = 0.0;
    2980             :                         }
    2981           0 :                         pushStack(state, c, noVar);
    2982        1992 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == opANNUALAND) {
    2983           0 :                         annualCnt = 0;
    2984           0 :                         popStack(state, a, aPt);
    2985           0 :                         for (lMonth = 1; lMonth <= MaxNumMonths; ++lMonth) {
    2986           0 :                             if (a(lMonth) != 0) {
    2987           0 :                                 ++annualCnt;
    2988             :                             }
    2989             :                         }
    2990             :                         // if all months are not zero then "true"
    2991           0 :                         if (annualCnt == MaxNumMonths) {
    2992           0 :                             c = 1.0;
    2993             :                         } else {
    2994           0 :                             c = 0.0;
    2995             :                         }
    2996           0 :                         pushStack(state, c, noVar);
    2997        1992 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == opANNUALMAXIMUMZERO) {
    2998             :                         // takes the maximum including zeros
    2999           0 :                         annualAggregate = -hugeValue;
    3000           0 :                         popStack(state, a, aPt);
    3001           0 :                         for (lMonth = 1; lMonth <= MaxNumMonths; ++lMonth) {
    3002           0 :                             if (a(lMonth) > annualAggregate) {
    3003           0 :                                 annualAggregate = a(lMonth);
    3004             :                             }
    3005             :                         }
    3006           0 :                         c = annualAggregate;
    3007           0 :                         pushStack(state, c, noVar);
    3008        1992 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == opANNUALMINIMUMZERO) {
    3009             :                         // takes the maximum including zeros
    3010           0 :                         annualAggregate = hugeValue;
    3011           0 :                         popStack(state, a, aPt);
    3012           0 :                         for (lMonth = 1; lMonth <= MaxNumMonths; ++lMonth) {
    3013           0 :                             if (a(lMonth) < annualAggregate) {
    3014           0 :                                 annualAggregate = a(lMonth);
    3015             :                             }
    3016             :                         }
    3017           0 :                         c = annualAggregate;
    3018           0 :                         pushStack(state, c, noVar);
    3019        1992 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == opIF) {
    3020           0 :                         popStack(state, c, cPt);
    3021           0 :                         popStack(state, b, bPt);
    3022           0 :                         popStack(state, a, aPt);
    3023           0 :                         for (lMonth = 1; lMonth <= MaxNumMonths; ++lMonth) {
    3024           0 :                             if (a(lMonth) != 0) {
    3025           0 :                                 d(lMonth) = b(lMonth);
    3026             :                             } else {
    3027           0 :                                 d(lMonth) = c(lMonth);
    3028             :                             }
    3029             :                         }
    3030           0 :                         pushStack(state, d, noVar);
    3031        1992 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == opGREATERTHAN) {
    3032           0 :                         popStack(state, b, bPt);
    3033           0 :                         popStack(state, a, aPt);
    3034           0 :                         for (lMonth = 1; lMonth <= MaxNumMonths; ++lMonth) {
    3035           0 :                             if (a(lMonth) > b(lMonth)) {
    3036           0 :                                 c(lMonth) = 1.0;
    3037             :                             } else {
    3038           0 :                                 c(lMonth) = 0.0;
    3039             :                             }
    3040             :                         }
    3041           0 :                         pushStack(state, c, noVar);
    3042        1992 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == opGREATEREQUAL) {
    3043           0 :                         popStack(state, b, bPt);
    3044           0 :                         popStack(state, a, aPt);
    3045           0 :                         for (lMonth = 1; lMonth <= MaxNumMonths; ++lMonth) {
    3046           0 :                             if (a(lMonth) >= b(lMonth)) {
    3047           0 :                                 c(lMonth) = 1.0;
    3048             :                             } else {
    3049           0 :                                 c(lMonth) = 0.0;
    3050             :                             }
    3051             :                         }
    3052           0 :                         pushStack(state, c, noVar);
    3053        1992 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == opLESSTHAN) {
    3054           0 :                         popStack(state, b, bPt);
    3055           0 :                         popStack(state, a, aPt);
    3056           0 :                         for (lMonth = 1; lMonth <= MaxNumMonths; ++lMonth) {
    3057           0 :                             if (a(lMonth) < b(lMonth)) {
    3058           0 :                                 c(lMonth) = 1.0;
    3059             :                             } else {
    3060           0 :                                 c(lMonth) = 0.0;
    3061             :                             }
    3062             :                         }
    3063           0 :                         pushStack(state, c, noVar);
    3064        1992 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == opLESSEQUAL) {
    3065           0 :                         popStack(state, b, bPt);
    3066           0 :                         popStack(state, a, aPt);
    3067           0 :                         for (lMonth = 1; lMonth <= MaxNumMonths; ++lMonth) {
    3068           0 :                             if (a(lMonth) <= b(lMonth)) {
    3069           0 :                                 c(lMonth) = 1.0;
    3070             :                             } else {
    3071           0 :                                 c(lMonth) = 0.0;
    3072             :                             }
    3073             :                         }
    3074           0 :                         pushStack(state, c, noVar);
    3075        1992 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == opEQUAL) {
    3076           0 :                         popStack(state, b, bPt);
    3077           0 :                         popStack(state, a, aPt);
    3078           0 :                         for (lMonth = 1; lMonth <= MaxNumMonths; ++lMonth) {
    3079           0 :                             if (a(lMonth) == b(lMonth)) {
    3080           0 :                                 c(lMonth) = 1.0;
    3081             :                             } else {
    3082           0 :                                 c(lMonth) = 0.0;
    3083             :                             }
    3084             :                         }
    3085           0 :                         pushStack(state, c, noVar);
    3086        1992 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == opNOTEQUAL) {
    3087           0 :                         popStack(state, b, bPt);
    3088           0 :                         popStack(state, a, aPt);
    3089           0 :                         for (lMonth = 1; lMonth <= MaxNumMonths; ++lMonth) {
    3090           0 :                             if (a(lMonth) != b(lMonth)) {
    3091           0 :                                 c(lMonth) = 1.0;
    3092             :                             } else {
    3093           0 :                                 c(lMonth) = 0.0;
    3094             :                             }
    3095             :                         }
    3096           0 :                         pushStack(state, c, noVar);
    3097        1992 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == opAND) {
    3098           0 :                         popStack(state, b, bPt);
    3099           0 :                         popStack(state, a, aPt);
    3100           0 :                         for (lMonth = 1; lMonth <= MaxNumMonths; ++lMonth) {
    3101           0 :                             if ((a(lMonth) != 0) && (b(lMonth) != 0)) {
    3102           0 :                                 c(lMonth) = 1.0;
    3103             :                             } else {
    3104           0 :                                 c(lMonth) = 0.0;
    3105             :                             }
    3106             :                         }
    3107           0 :                         pushStack(state, c, noVar);
    3108        1992 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == opOR) {
    3109           0 :                         popStack(state, b, bPt);
    3110           0 :                         popStack(state, a, aPt);
    3111           0 :                         for (lMonth = 1; lMonth <= MaxNumMonths; ++lMonth) {
    3112           0 :                             if ((a(lMonth) != 0) || (b(lMonth) != 0)) {
    3113           0 :                                 c(lMonth) = 1.0;
    3114             :                             } else {
    3115           0 :                                 c(lMonth) = 0.0;
    3116             :                             }
    3117             :                         }
    3118           0 :                         pushStack(state, c, noVar);
    3119        1992 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == opNOT) {
    3120           0 :                         popStack(state, a, aPt);
    3121           0 :                         for (lMonth = 1; lMonth <= MaxNumMonths; ++lMonth) {
    3122           0 :                             if (a(lMonth) == 0) {
    3123           0 :                                 c(lMonth) = 1.0;
    3124             :                             } else {
    3125           0 :                                 c(lMonth) = 0.0;
    3126             :                             }
    3127             :                         }
    3128           0 :                         pushStack(state, c, noVar);
    3129        1992 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == opADD) {
    3130           0 :                         popStack(state, b, bPt);
    3131           0 :                         popStack(state, a, aPt);
    3132           0 :                         pushStack(state, a + b, noVar);
    3133        1992 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == opNOOP) {
    3134             :                         // do nothing but clear the stack
    3135        1992 :                         state.dataEconTariff->topOfStack = 0;
    3136             :                         // No longer pushing a zero to fix bug
    3137             :                         // and push zero
    3138             :                         // a = 0
    3139             :                     }
    3140             :                 }
    3141             :             }
    3142         285 :             checkMinimumMonthlyCharge(state, iTariff);
    3143             :         }
    3144          94 :         selectTariff(state);
    3145          94 :         LEEDtariffReporting(state);
    3146             :     }
    3147             : }
    3148             : 
    3149       11151 : void pushStack(EnergyPlusData &state, Array1A<Real64> const monthlyArray, int const variablePointer)
    3150             : {
    3151             :     //    AUTHOR         Jason Glazer of GARD Analytics, Inc.
    3152             :     //    DATE WRITTEN   July 2004
    3153             : 
    3154             :     //    A stack is used in the evaluation of the tariff since
    3155             :     //    the variables and operators are in a reverse polish
    3156             :     //    notation order. The stack operates on a last-in
    3157             :     //    first out basis. The stack consists of both a pointer
    3158             :     //    to the variable and the twelve monthly values.
    3159             :     //    This routine puts an item on the top of the stack.
    3160             : 
    3161       11151 :     monthlyArray.dim(MaxNumMonths);
    3162             : 
    3163       22302 :     Array1D<Real64> curMonthlyArray(MaxNumMonths);
    3164       11151 :     int constexpr sizeIncrement(50);
    3165             : 
    3166       11151 :     auto &stack(state.dataEconTariff->stack);
    3167       11151 :     auto &econVar(state.dataEconTariff->econVar);
    3168       11151 :     auto &tariff(state.dataEconTariff->tariff);
    3169             : 
    3170       11151 :     curMonthlyArray = monthlyArray;
    3171       11151 :     if (!allocated(stack)) {
    3172          94 :         stack.allocate(sizeIncrement);
    3173          94 :         state.dataEconTariff->sizeStack = sizeIncrement;
    3174          94 :         state.dataEconTariff->topOfStack = 1;
    3175             :     } else {
    3176       11057 :         ++state.dataEconTariff->topOfStack;
    3177             :         // if larger than current size grow the array
    3178       11057 :         if (state.dataEconTariff->topOfStack > state.dataEconTariff->sizeStack) {
    3179           0 :             stack.redimension(state.dataEconTariff->sizeStack += sizeIncrement);
    3180             :         }
    3181             :     }
    3182             :     // now push the values on to the stack
    3183       11151 :     stack(state.dataEconTariff->topOfStack).varPt = variablePointer;
    3184             :     // check if variable has been evaluated if it is CHARGE:SIMPLE, CHARGE:BLOCK, RATCHET, or QUALIFY
    3185             :     // if it has not overwrite the values for monthlyArray with the evaluated values
    3186       11151 :     if (variablePointer != 0) {
    3187        9701 :         if (!econVar(variablePointer).isEvaluated) {
    3188             : 
    3189        7900 :             switch (econVar(variablePointer).kindOfObj) {
    3190        1525 :             case ObjType::ChargeSimple:
    3191        1525 :                 evaluateChargeSimple(state, variablePointer);
    3192        1525 :                 break;
    3193         263 :             case ObjType::ChargeBlock:
    3194         263 :                 evaluateChargeBlock(state, variablePointer);
    3195         263 :                 break;
    3196           1 :             case ObjType::Ratchet:
    3197           1 :                 evaluateRatchet(state, variablePointer);
    3198           1 :                 break;
    3199         206 :             case ObjType::Qualify:
    3200         206 :                 evaluateQualify(state, variablePointer);
    3201         206 :                 break;
    3202           0 :             case ObjType::Invalid:
    3203           0 :                 ShowWarningError(state, "UtilityCost variable not defined: " + econVar(variablePointer).name);
    3204           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "   In tariff: " + tariff(econVar(variablePointer).tariffIndx).tariffName);
    3205           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "   This may be the result of a misspelled variable name in the UtilityCost:Computation object.");
    3206           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "   All zero values will be assumed for this variable.");
    3207           0 :                 break;
    3208        5905 :             case ObjType::Variable:
    3209             :             case ObjType::Category:
    3210             :             case ObjType::Native:
    3211             :             case ObjType::AssignCompute:
    3212             :             case ObjType::Tariff:
    3213             :             case ObjType::Computation:
    3214             :                 // do nothing
    3215        5905 :                 break;
    3216           0 :             default:
    3217           0 :                 ShowWarningError(state,
    3218           0 :                                  format("UtilityCost Debugging issue. Invalid kind of variable used (pushStack). {} in tariff: {}",
    3219           0 :                                         econVar(variablePointer).kindOfObj,
    3220           0 :                                         tariff(econVar(variablePointer).tariffIndx).tariffName));
    3221             :             }
    3222             :             // if the serviceCharges are being evaluated add in the monthly charges
    3223        7900 :             if (econVar(variablePointer).specific == catServiceCharges) addMonthlyCharge(state, variablePointer);
    3224             :             // get the results of performing the evaulation - should have been
    3225             :             // put into the econVar values
    3226        7900 :             curMonthlyArray = econVar(variablePointer).values;
    3227             :         }
    3228             :     }
    3229             :     // now assign
    3230       11151 :     stack(state.dataEconTariff->topOfStack).values = curMonthlyArray;
    3231       11151 : }
    3232             : 
    3233        6984 : void popStack(EnergyPlusData &state, Array1A<Real64> monthlyArray, int &variablePointer)
    3234             : {
    3235             :     //    AUTHOR         Jason Glazer of GARD Analytics, Inc.
    3236             :     //    DATE WRITTEN   July 2004
    3237             : 
    3238             :     //    A stack is used in the evaluation of the tariff since
    3239             :     //    the variables and operators are in a reverse polish
    3240             :     //    notation order. The stack operates on a last-in
    3241             :     //    first out basis. The stack consists of both a pointer
    3242             :     //    to the variable and the twelve monthly values.
    3243             :     //    This routine returns the item on the top of the stack
    3244             :     //    and removes it from the stack.
    3245             : 
    3246        6984 :     monthlyArray.dim(MaxNumMonths);
    3247             : 
    3248        6984 :     auto &stack(state.dataEconTariff->stack);
    3249             : 
    3250        6984 :     if (state.dataEconTariff->topOfStack >= 1) {
    3251        6984 :         variablePointer = stack(state.dataEconTariff->topOfStack).varPt;
    3252        6984 :         monthlyArray = stack(state.dataEconTariff->topOfStack).values;
    3253             :     } else {
    3254           0 :         ShowWarningError(state,
    3255           0 :                          "UtilityCost:Tariff: stack underflow in calculation of utility bills. On variable: " +
    3256           0 :                              state.dataEconTariff->econVar(variablePointer).name);
    3257           0 :         variablePointer = 0;
    3258           0 :         monthlyArray = 0.0;
    3259           0 :         state.dataEconTariff->topOfStack = 0;
    3260             :     }
    3261        6984 :     --state.dataEconTariff->topOfStack;
    3262        6984 : }
    3263             : 
    3264        1525 : void evaluateChargeSimple(EnergyPlusData &state, int const usingVariable)
    3265             : {
    3266             :     //    AUTHOR         Jason Glazer of GARD Analytics, Inc.
    3267             :     //    DATE WRITTEN   July 2004
    3268             : 
    3269             :     int curTariff;
    3270             :     int indexInChg;
    3271        3050 :     Array1D<Real64> sourceVals(MaxNumMonths);
    3272        3050 :     Array1D<Real64> costPer(MaxNumMonths);
    3273        3050 :     Array1D<Real64> resultChg(MaxNumMonths);
    3274        3050 :     Array1D<Real64> seasonMask(MaxNumMonths);
    3275             : 
    3276        1525 :     auto &econVar(state.dataEconTariff->econVar);
    3277        1525 :     auto &chargeSimple(state.dataEconTariff->chargeSimple);
    3278        1525 :     auto &tariff(state.dataEconTariff->tariff);
    3279             : 
    3280        1525 :     curTariff = econVar(usingVariable).tariffIndx;
    3281        1525 :     indexInChg = econVar(usingVariable).index;
    3282             : 
    3283             :     // check the tariff - make sure they match
    3284        1525 :     if (chargeSimple(indexInChg).namePt != usingVariable) {
    3285           0 :         ShowWarningError(state, "UtilityCost:Tariff Debugging issue. ChargeSimple index does not match variable pointer.");
    3286           0 :         ShowContinueError(state, "   Between: " + econVar(usingVariable).name);
    3287           0 :         ShowContinueError(state, "       And: " + econVar(chargeSimple(indexInChg).namePt).name);
    3288             :     }
    3289        1525 :     if (chargeSimple(indexInChg).tariffIndx != curTariff) {
    3290           0 :         ShowWarningError(state, "UtilityCost:Tariff Debugging issue. ChargeSimple index does not match tariff index.");
    3291           0 :         ShowContinueError(state, "   Between: " + tariff(curTariff).tariffName);
    3292           0 :         ShowContinueError(state, "       And: " + tariff(chargeSimple(indexInChg).tariffIndx).tariffName);
    3293             :     }
    3294             :     // data from the Charge:Simple
    3295        1525 :     sourceVals = econVar(chargeSimple(indexInChg).sourcePt).values;
    3296             :     // determine if costPer should be based on variable or value
    3297        1525 :     if (chargeSimple(indexInChg).costPerPt != 0) {
    3298          81 :         costPer = econVar(chargeSimple(indexInChg).costPerPt).values;
    3299             :     } else {
    3300        1444 :         costPer = chargeSimple(indexInChg).costPerVal;
    3301             :     }
    3302             :     // find proper season mask
    3303             :     {
    3304        1525 :         auto const SELECT_CASE_var(chargeSimple(indexInChg).season);
    3305        1525 :         if (SELECT_CASE_var == seasonSummer) {
    3306          85 :             seasonMask = econVar(tariff(curTariff).nativeIsSummer).values;
    3307        1440 :         } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == seasonWinter) {
    3308          55 :             seasonMask = econVar(tariff(curTariff).nativeIsWinter).values;
    3309        1385 :         } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == seasonSpring) {
    3310           0 :             seasonMask = econVar(tariff(curTariff).nativeIsSpring).values;
    3311        1385 :         } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == seasonFall) {
    3312           0 :             seasonMask = econVar(tariff(curTariff).nativeIsAutumn).values;
    3313        1385 :         } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == seasonAnnual) {
    3314        1385 :             seasonMask = 1.0; // all months are 1
    3315             :         }
    3316             :     }
    3317             :     // finally perform calculations
    3318        1525 :     resultChg = sourceVals * costPer * seasonMask;
    3319             :     // store the cost in the name of the variable
    3320        1525 :     econVar(usingVariable).values = resultChg;
    3321             :     // set the flag that it has been evaluated so it won't be evaluated multiple times
    3322        1525 :     econVar(usingVariable).isEvaluated = true;
    3323        1525 : }
    3324             : 
    3325         263 : void evaluateChargeBlock(EnergyPlusData &state, int const usingVariable)
    3326             : {
    3327             :     //    AUTHOR         Jason Glazer of GARD Analytics, Inc.
    3328             :     //    DATE WRITTEN   July 2004
    3329             : 
    3330             :     int curTariff;
    3331             :     int indexInChg;
    3332             :     int iBlk;
    3333             :     int jMonth;
    3334         526 :     Array1D<Real64> sourceVals(MaxNumMonths);
    3335         526 :     Array1D<Real64> blkSzMult(MaxNumMonths);
    3336         526 :     Array1D<Real64> remainVals(MaxNumMonths);
    3337         526 :     Array1D<Real64> resultChg(MaxNumMonths);
    3338         526 :     Array1D<Real64> amountForBlk(MaxNumMonths);
    3339         526 :     Array1D<Real64> curBlkSz(MaxNumMonths);
    3340         526 :     Array1D<Real64> curBlkCost(MaxNumMonths);
    3341         526 :     Array1D<Real64> seasonMask(MaxNumMonths);
    3342             :     bool flagAllZero;
    3343             : 
    3344         263 :     auto &econVar(state.dataEconTariff->econVar);
    3345         263 :     auto &chargeBlock(state.dataEconTariff->chargeBlock);
    3346         263 :     auto &tariff(state.dataEconTariff->tariff);
    3347             : 
    3348         263 :     curTariff = econVar(usingVariable).tariffIndx;
    3349         263 :     indexInChg = econVar(usingVariable).index;
    3350             : 
    3351             :     // check the tariff - make sure they match
    3352         263 :     if (chargeBlock(indexInChg).namePt != usingVariable) {
    3353           0 :         ShowWarningError(state, "UtilityCost:Tariff Debugging issue. chargeBlock index does not match variable pointer.");
    3354           0 :         ShowContinueError(state, "   Between: " + econVar(usingVariable).name);
    3355           0 :         ShowContinueError(state, "       And: " + econVar(chargeBlock(indexInChg).namePt).name);
    3356             :     }
    3357         263 :     if (chargeBlock(indexInChg).tariffIndx != curTariff) {
    3358           0 :         ShowWarningError(state, "UtilityCost:Tariff Debugging issue. chargeBlock index does not match tariff index.");
    3359           0 :         ShowContinueError(state, "   Between: " + tariff(curTariff).tariffName);
    3360           0 :         ShowContinueError(state, "       And: " + tariff(chargeBlock(indexInChg).tariffIndx).tariffName);
    3361             :     }
    3362             :     // data from the chargeBlock
    3363         263 :     sourceVals = econVar(chargeBlock(indexInChg).sourcePt).values;
    3364             :     // find proper season mask
    3365             :     {
    3366         263 :         auto const SELECT_CASE_var(chargeBlock(indexInChg).season);
    3367         263 :         if (SELECT_CASE_var == seasonSummer) {
    3368          14 :             seasonMask = econVar(tariff(curTariff).nativeIsSummer).values;
    3369         249 :         } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == seasonWinter) {
    3370           6 :             seasonMask = econVar(tariff(curTariff).nativeIsWinter).values;
    3371         243 :         } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == seasonSpring) {
    3372           0 :             seasonMask = econVar(tariff(curTariff).nativeIsSpring).values;
    3373         243 :         } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == seasonFall) {
    3374           0 :             seasonMask = econVar(tariff(curTariff).nativeIsAutumn).values;
    3375         243 :         } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == seasonAnnual) {
    3376         243 :             seasonMask = 1.0; // all months are 1
    3377             :         }
    3378             :     }
    3379             :     // get block size multiplier
    3380         263 :     if (chargeBlock(indexInChg).blkSzMultPt != 0) {
    3381          83 :         blkSzMult = econVar(chargeBlock(indexInChg).blkSzMultPt).values;
    3382             :     } else {
    3383         180 :         blkSzMult = chargeBlock(indexInChg).blkSzMultVal;
    3384             :     }
    3385             :     // initially set the remaing energy or demand to the source
    3386         263 :     remainVals = sourceVals;
    3387             :     // initially set the result (cost) to zero
    3388         263 :     resultChg = 0.0;
    3389             :     // loop through the blocks performing calculations
    3390        1142 :     for (iBlk = 1; iBlk <= chargeBlock(indexInChg).numBlk; ++iBlk) {
    3391         879 :         if (chargeBlock(indexInChg).blkSzPt(iBlk) != 0) {
    3392           0 :             curBlkSz = econVar(chargeBlock(indexInChg).blkSzPt(iBlk)).values;
    3393             :         } else {
    3394         879 :             curBlkSz = chargeBlock(indexInChg).blkSzVal(iBlk);
    3395             :         }
    3396         879 :         if (chargeBlock(indexInChg).blkCostPt(iBlk) != 0) {
    3397           0 :             curBlkCost = econVar(chargeBlock(indexInChg).blkCostPt(iBlk)).values;
    3398             :         } else {
    3399         879 :             curBlkCost = chargeBlock(indexInChg).blkCostVal(iBlk);
    3400             :         }
    3401             :         // loop through the months
    3402       11427 :         for (jMonth = 1; jMonth <= MaxNumMonths; ++jMonth) {
    3403       10548 :             if (seasonMask(jMonth) == 1) {
    3404             :                 // IF ((curBlkSz(jMonth) * blkSzMult(jMonth)) .GT. remainVals(jMonth)) THEN - CR 6547
    3405        9924 :                 if (blkSzMult(jMonth) != 0) {
    3406        7380 :                     if (curBlkSz(jMonth) > (remainVals(jMonth) / blkSzMult(jMonth))) {
    3407        7380 :                         amountForBlk(jMonth) = remainVals(jMonth);
    3408             :                     } else {
    3409           0 :                         amountForBlk(jMonth) = curBlkSz(jMonth) * blkSzMult(jMonth);
    3410             :                     }
    3411             :                 } else {
    3412        2544 :                     amountForBlk(jMonth) = 0.0;
    3413             :                 }
    3414        9924 :                 resultChg(jMonth) += amountForBlk(jMonth) * curBlkCost(jMonth);
    3415        9924 :                 remainVals(jMonth) -= amountForBlk(jMonth);
    3416             :             }
    3417             :         }
    3418             :     }
    3419             :     // store the amount remaining if a variable is specified
    3420         263 :     if (chargeBlock(indexInChg).remainingPt != 0) {
    3421           1 :         econVar(chargeBlock(indexInChg).remainingPt).values = remainVals;
    3422             :     } else {
    3423         262 :         flagAllZero = true;
    3424        3406 :         for (jMonth = 1; jMonth <= MaxNumMonths; ++jMonth) {
    3425        3144 :             if (seasonMask(jMonth) == 1) {
    3426        2904 :                 if (remainVals(jMonth) != 0) {
    3427           0 :                     flagAllZero = false;
    3428             :                 }
    3429             :             }
    3430             :         }
    3431         262 :         if (!flagAllZero) {
    3432           0 :             ShowWarningError(state, "UtilityCost:Tariff Not all energy or demand was assigned in the block charge: " + econVar(usingVariable).name);
    3433             :         }
    3434             :     }
    3435             :     // store the cost in the name of the variable
    3436         263 :     econVar(usingVariable).values = resultChg;
    3437             :     // set the flag that it has been evaluated so it won't be evaluated multiple times
    3438         263 :     econVar(usingVariable).isEvaluated = true;
    3439         263 : }
    3440             : 
    3441           1 : void evaluateRatchet(EnergyPlusData &state, int const usingVariable)
    3442             : {
    3443             :     //    AUTHOR         Jason Glazer of GARD Analytics, Inc.
    3444             :     //    DATE WRITTEN   July 2004
    3445             : 
    3446             :     int curTariff;
    3447             :     int indexInChg;
    3448           2 :     Array1D<Real64> baselineVals(MaxNumMonths);
    3449           2 :     Array1D<Real64> adjustmentVals(MaxNumMonths);
    3450           2 :     Array1D<Real64> multiplierVals(MaxNumMonths);
    3451           2 :     Array1D<Real64> offsetVals(MaxNumMonths);
    3452           2 :     Array1D<Real64> seasonFromMask(MaxNumMonths);
    3453           2 :     Array1D<Real64> seasonToMask(MaxNumMonths);
    3454           1 :     bool isMonthly(false);
    3455           2 :     Array1D<Real64> adjSeasonal(MaxNumMonths);
    3456           2 :     Array1D<Real64> adjPeak(MaxNumMonths);
    3457           2 :     Array1D<Real64> maxAdjBase(MaxNumMonths);
    3458             :     Real64 maximumVal;
    3459             :     int iMonth;
    3460           2 :     Array1D<Real64> finalResult(MaxNumMonths);
    3461             : 
    3462           1 :     auto &econVar(state.dataEconTariff->econVar);
    3463           1 :     auto &tariff(state.dataEconTariff->tariff);
    3464           1 :     auto &ratchet(state.dataEconTariff->ratchet);
    3465             : 
    3466           1 :     curTariff = econVar(usingVariable).tariffIndx;
    3467           1 :     indexInChg = econVar(usingVariable).index;
    3468             : 
    3469             :     // check the tariff - make sure they match
    3470           1 :     if (ratchet(indexInChg).namePt != usingVariable) {
    3471           0 :         ShowWarningError(state, "UtilityCost:Tariff Debugging issue. Ratchet index does not match variable pointer.");
    3472           0 :         ShowContinueError(state, "   Between: " + econVar(usingVariable).name);
    3473           0 :         ShowContinueError(state, "       And: " + econVar(ratchet(indexInChg).namePt).name);
    3474             :     }
    3475           1 :     if (ratchet(indexInChg).tariffIndx != curTariff) {
    3476           0 :         ShowWarningError(state, "UtilityCost:Tariff Debugging issue. Ratchet index does not match tariff index.");
    3477           0 :         ShowContinueError(state, "   Between: " + tariff(curTariff).tariffName);
    3478           0 :         ShowContinueError(state, "       And: " + tariff(ratchet(indexInChg).tariffIndx).tariffName);
    3479             :     }
    3480             :     // data from the Ratchet
    3481           1 :     baselineVals = econVar(ratchet(indexInChg).baselinePt).values;
    3482           1 :     adjustmentVals = econVar(ratchet(indexInChg).adjustmentPt).values;
    3483             :     // determine if multiplier should be based on variable or value
    3484           1 :     if (ratchet(indexInChg).multiplierPt != 0) {
    3485           0 :         multiplierVals = econVar(ratchet(indexInChg).multiplierPt).values;
    3486             :     } else {
    3487           1 :         multiplierVals = ratchet(indexInChg).multiplierVal;
    3488             :     }
    3489             :     // determine if offset should be based on variable or value
    3490           1 :     if (ratchet(indexInChg).offsetPt != 0) {
    3491           0 :         offsetVals = econVar(ratchet(indexInChg).offsetPt).values;
    3492             :     } else {
    3493           1 :         offsetVals = ratchet(indexInChg).offsetVal;
    3494             :     }
    3495             :     // find proper season from mask
    3496             :     {
    3497           1 :         auto const SELECT_CASE_var(ratchet(indexInChg).seasonFrom);
    3498           1 :         if (SELECT_CASE_var == seasonSummer) {
    3499           1 :             seasonFromMask = econVar(tariff(curTariff).nativeIsSummer).values;
    3500           1 :             isMonthly = false;
    3501           0 :         } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == seasonWinter) {
    3502           0 :             seasonFromMask = econVar(tariff(curTariff).nativeIsWinter).values;
    3503           0 :             isMonthly = false;
    3504           0 :         } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == seasonSpring) {
    3505           0 :             seasonFromMask = econVar(tariff(curTariff).nativeIsSpring).values;
    3506           0 :             isMonthly = false;
    3507           0 :         } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == seasonFall) {
    3508           0 :             seasonFromMask = econVar(tariff(curTariff).nativeIsAutumn).values;
    3509           0 :             isMonthly = false;
    3510           0 :         } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == seasonAnnual) {
    3511           0 :             seasonFromMask = 1.0; // all months are 1
    3512           0 :             isMonthly = false;
    3513           0 :         } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == seasonMonthly) {
    3514           0 :             seasonFromMask = 1.0; // all months are 1
    3515           0 :             isMonthly = true;
    3516             :         } else {
    3517           0 :             assert(false);
    3518             :         }
    3519             :     }
    3520             :     // find proper season to mask
    3521             :     {
    3522           1 :         auto const SELECT_CASE_var(ratchet(indexInChg).seasonTo);
    3523           1 :         if (SELECT_CASE_var == seasonSummer) {
    3524           0 :             seasonToMask = econVar(tariff(curTariff).nativeIsSummer).values;
    3525           1 :         } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == seasonWinter) {
    3526           0 :             seasonToMask = econVar(tariff(curTariff).nativeIsWinter).values;
    3527           1 :         } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == seasonSpring) {
    3528           0 :             seasonToMask = econVar(tariff(curTariff).nativeIsSpring).values;
    3529           1 :         } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == seasonFall) {
    3530           0 :             seasonToMask = econVar(tariff(curTariff).nativeIsAutumn).values;
    3531           1 :         } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == seasonAnnual) {
    3532           1 :             seasonToMask = 1.0; // all months are 1
    3533             :         }
    3534             :     }
    3535             :     // finally perform calculations
    3536           1 :     if (isMonthly) {
    3537           0 :         adjSeasonal = adjustmentVals;
    3538             :     } else {
    3539           1 :         maximumVal = -HUGE_(Real64());
    3540          13 :         for (iMonth = 1; iMonth <= MaxNumMonths; ++iMonth) {
    3541          12 :             if (seasonFromMask(iMonth) == 1) {
    3542           0 :                 if (adjustmentVals(iMonth) > maximumVal) {
    3543           0 :                     maximumVal = adjustmentVals(iMonth);
    3544             :                 }
    3545             :             }
    3546             :         }
    3547           1 :         adjSeasonal = maximumVal;
    3548             :     }
    3549          13 :     for (iMonth = 1; iMonth <= MaxNumMonths; ++iMonth) {
    3550             :         // calculate adjusted peak value after offset and multiplier
    3551          12 :         adjPeak(iMonth) = (adjSeasonal(iMonth) + offsetVals(iMonth)) * multiplierVals(iMonth);
    3552             :         // the maximum of the adjustment and the baseline
    3553          12 :         if (adjPeak(iMonth) > baselineVals(iMonth)) {
    3554           0 :             maxAdjBase(iMonth) = adjPeak(iMonth);
    3555             :         } else {
    3556          12 :             maxAdjBase(iMonth) = baselineVals(iMonth);
    3557             :         }
    3558             :     }
    3559          13 :     for (iMonth = 1; iMonth <= MaxNumMonths; ++iMonth) {
    3560          12 :         if (seasonToMask(iMonth) == 1) {
    3561          12 :             finalResult(iMonth) = maxAdjBase(iMonth);
    3562             :         } else {
    3563           0 :             finalResult(iMonth) = baselineVals(iMonth);
    3564             :         }
    3565             :     }
    3566             :     // store the cost in the name of the variable
    3567           1 :     econVar(usingVariable).values = finalResult;
    3568             :     // set the flag that it has been evaluated so it won't be evaluated multiple times
    3569           1 :     econVar(usingVariable).isEvaluated = true;
    3570           1 : }
    3571             : 
    3572         206 : void evaluateQualify(EnergyPlusData &state, int const usingVariable)
    3573             : {
    3574             :     //    AUTHOR         Jason Glazer of GARD Analytics, Inc.
    3575             :     //    DATE WRITTEN   July 2004
    3576             : 
    3577             :     int curTariff;
    3578             :     int indexInQual;
    3579         412 :     Array1D<Real64> sourceVals(MaxNumMonths);
    3580         412 :     Array1D<Real64> thresholdVals(MaxNumMonths);
    3581         412 :     Array1D_int monthsQualify(MaxNumMonths);
    3582         412 :     Array1D<Real64> seasonMask(MaxNumMonths);
    3583             :     bool curIsMaximum;
    3584             :     bool curIsConsecutive;
    3585             :     int curNumberOfMonths;
    3586             :     int adjNumberOfMonths;
    3587             :     int iMonth;
    3588             :     bool isQualified;
    3589             :     int monthsInSeason;
    3590             :     int cntAllQualMonths;
    3591             :     int cntConsecQualMonths;
    3592             :     int maxConsecQualMonths;
    3593             : 
    3594         206 :     auto &econVar(state.dataEconTariff->econVar);
    3595         206 :     auto &qualify(state.dataEconTariff->qualify);
    3596         206 :     auto &tariff(state.dataEconTariff->tariff);
    3597             : 
    3598         206 :     curTariff = econVar(usingVariable).tariffIndx;
    3599         206 :     indexInQual = econVar(usingVariable).index;
    3600             :     // check the tariff - make sure they match
    3601         206 :     if (qualify(indexInQual).namePt != usingVariable) {
    3602           0 :         ShowWarningError(state, "UtilityCost:Tariff Debugging issue. Qualify index does not match variable pointer.");
    3603           0 :         ShowContinueError(state, "   Between: " + econVar(usingVariable).name);
    3604           0 :         ShowContinueError(state, "       And: " + econVar(qualify(indexInQual).namePt).name);
    3605             :     }
    3606         206 :     if (qualify(indexInQual).tariffIndx != curTariff) {
    3607           0 :         ShowWarningError(state, "UtilityCost:Tariff Debugging issue. Qualify index does not match tariff index.");
    3608           0 :         ShowContinueError(state, "   Between: " + tariff(curTariff).tariffName);
    3609           0 :         ShowContinueError(state, "       And: " + tariff(qualify(indexInQual).tariffIndx).tariffName);
    3610             :     }
    3611             :     // data from the Qualify
    3612         206 :     sourceVals = econVar(qualify(indexInQual).sourcePt).values;
    3613         206 :     curIsMaximum = qualify(indexInQual).isMaximum;
    3614         206 :     curIsConsecutive = qualify(indexInQual).isConsecutive;
    3615         206 :     curNumberOfMonths = qualify(indexInQual).numberOfMonths;
    3616             :     // determine if threshold should be based on variable or value
    3617         206 :     if (qualify(indexInQual).thresholdPt != 0) {
    3618           0 :         thresholdVals = econVar(qualify(indexInQual).thresholdPt).values;
    3619             :     } else {
    3620         206 :         thresholdVals = qualify(indexInQual).thresholdVal;
    3621             :     }
    3622             :     // find proper season mask
    3623             :     {
    3624         206 :         auto const SELECT_CASE_var(qualify(indexInQual).season);
    3625         206 :         if (SELECT_CASE_var == seasonSummer) {
    3626           0 :             seasonMask = econVar(tariff(curTariff).nativeIsSummer).values;
    3627         206 :         } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == seasonWinter) {
    3628           0 :             seasonMask = econVar(tariff(curTariff).nativeIsWinter).values;
    3629         206 :         } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == seasonSpring) {
    3630           0 :             seasonMask = econVar(tariff(curTariff).nativeIsSpring).values;
    3631         206 :         } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == seasonFall) {
    3632           0 :             seasonMask = econVar(tariff(curTariff).nativeIsAutumn).values;
    3633         206 :         } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == seasonAnnual) {
    3634         206 :             seasonMask = 1.0; // all months are 1
    3635             :         }
    3636             :     }
    3637             :     // any months with no energy use are excluded from the qualification process
    3638        2678 :     for (iMonth = 1; iMonth <= MaxNumMonths; ++iMonth) {
    3639        2472 :         if (econVar(tariff(curTariff).nativeTotalEnergy).values(iMonth) == 0) {
    3640        2472 :             seasonMask(iMonth) = 0.0;
    3641             :         }
    3642             :     }
    3643             :     // finally perform calculations
    3644             :     // loop through the months
    3645         206 :     monthsInSeason = 0;
    3646        2678 :     for (iMonth = 1; iMonth <= MaxNumMonths; ++iMonth) {
    3647        2472 :         if (seasonMask(iMonth) == 1) {
    3648           0 :             ++monthsInSeason;
    3649             :             // use threshold as maximum or minimum
    3650           0 :             if (curIsMaximum) {
    3651           0 :                 if (sourceVals(iMonth) > thresholdVals(iMonth)) {
    3652           0 :                     monthsQualify(iMonth) = 0; // greater than maximum threshold so it is not qualified
    3653             :                 } else {
    3654           0 :                     monthsQualify(iMonth) = 1; // less than maximum threshold so it is qualified
    3655             :                 }
    3656             :             } else {
    3657           0 :                 if (sourceVals(iMonth) < thresholdVals(iMonth)) {
    3658           0 :                     monthsQualify(iMonth) = 0; // less than minimum threshold so it is not qualified
    3659             :                 } else {
    3660           0 :                     monthsQualify(iMonth) = 1; // greater than minimum threshold so it is qualified
    3661             :                 }
    3662             :             }
    3663             :         } else {
    3664        2472 :             monthsQualify(iMonth) = -1; // flag that indicates not part of the season
    3665             :         }
    3666             :     }
    3667             :     // see if the number of months is longer then the number of months and adjust
    3668         206 :     if (curNumberOfMonths > monthsInSeason) {
    3669         206 :         adjNumberOfMonths = monthsInSeason;
    3670             :     } else {
    3671           0 :         adjNumberOfMonths = curNumberOfMonths;
    3672             :     }
    3673             :     // now that each month is qualified or not, depending on the type of test see if the entire qualify passe or not
    3674         206 :     cntAllQualMonths = 0;
    3675         206 :     cntConsecQualMonths = 0;
    3676         206 :     maxConsecQualMonths = 0;
    3677        2678 :     for (iMonth = 1; iMonth <= MaxNumMonths; ++iMonth) {
    3678             :         {
    3679        2472 :             auto const SELECT_CASE_var(monthsQualify(iMonth));
    3680        2472 :             if (SELECT_CASE_var == 1) { // qualified
    3681           0 :                 ++cntAllQualMonths;
    3682           0 :                 ++cntConsecQualMonths;
    3683             :                 // see if the count is greater then the previous count and if it is make it the new count
    3684           0 :                 if (cntConsecQualMonths > maxConsecQualMonths) {
    3685           0 :                     maxConsecQualMonths = cntConsecQualMonths;
    3686             :                 }
    3687        2472 :             } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == 0) { // not qualified
    3688             :                 // reset the counter on consecutive months
    3689           0 :                 cntConsecQualMonths = 0;
    3690             :             }
    3691             :         }
    3692             :     }
    3693             :     // if test is for consecutive months
    3694         206 :     if (curIsConsecutive) {
    3695           0 :         if (maxConsecQualMonths >= adjNumberOfMonths) {
    3696           0 :             isQualified = true;
    3697             :         } else {
    3698           0 :             isQualified = false;
    3699             :         }
    3700             :     } else { // count not consecutive
    3701         206 :         if (cntAllQualMonths >= adjNumberOfMonths) {
    3702         206 :             isQualified = true;
    3703             :         } else {
    3704           0 :             isQualified = false;
    3705             :         }
    3706             :     }
    3707             :     // now update the tariff level qualifier - only update if the tariff is still qualified
    3708             :     // and the current qualifer fails.
    3709         206 :     if (tariff(curTariff).isQualified) {
    3710         206 :         if (!isQualified) {
    3711           0 :             tariff(curTariff).isQualified = false;
    3712           0 :             tariff(curTariff).ptDisqualifier = usingVariable;
    3713             :         }
    3714             :     }
    3715             :     // store the cost in the name of the variable
    3716         206 :     econVar(usingVariable).values = monthsQualify;
    3717             :     // set the flag that it has been evaluated so it won't be evaluated multiple times
    3718         206 :     econVar(usingVariable).isEvaluated = true;
    3719         206 : }
    3720             : 
    3721         285 : void addMonthlyCharge(EnergyPlusData &state, int const usingVariable)
    3722             : {
    3723             :     //    AUTHOR         Jason Glazer of GARD Analytics, Inc.
    3724             :     //    DATE WRITTEN   July 2004
    3725             : 
    3726             :     //    Include the monthly charges in the calculations
    3727             : 
    3728             :     int curTariff;
    3729             : 
    3730         285 :     auto &econVar(state.dataEconTariff->econVar);
    3731         285 :     auto &tariff(state.dataEconTariff->tariff);
    3732             : 
    3733         285 :     curTariff = econVar(usingVariable).tariffIndx;
    3734             :     // check the tariff - make sure they match
    3735         285 :     if (tariff(curTariff).ptServiceCharges != usingVariable) {
    3736           0 :         ShowWarningError(state, "UtilityCost:Tariff Debugging issue. Tariff index for service charge does not match variable pointer.");
    3737           0 :         ShowContinueError(state, "   Between: " + tariff(curTariff).tariffName);
    3738           0 :         ShowContinueError(state, "       And: " + tariff(tariff(curTariff).ptServiceCharges).tariffName);
    3739             :     }
    3740         285 :     if (tariff(curTariff).monthChgPt != 0) {
    3741           1 :         econVar(usingVariable).values += econVar(tariff(curTariff).monthChgPt).values;
    3742             :     } else {
    3743         284 :         econVar(usingVariable).values += tariff(curTariff).monthChgVal;
    3744             :     }
    3745             :     // zero out months with no energy consumption
    3746             :     // curTotalEnergy = tariff(curTariff)%nativeTotalEnergy
    3747             :     // DO iMonth = 1, MaxNumMonths
    3748             :     //  IF (econVar(curTotalEnergy)%values(iMonth) .EQ. 0) THEN
    3749             :     //    econVar(usingVariable)%values(iMonth) = 0
    3750             :     //  END IF
    3751             :     // END DO
    3752         285 : }
    3753             : 
    3754         285 : void checkMinimumMonthlyCharge(EnergyPlusData &state, int const curTariff)
    3755             : {
    3756             :     //    AUTHOR         Jason Glazer of GARD Analytics, Inc.
    3757             :     //    DATE WRITTEN   August 2008
    3758             : 
    3759             :     //    Check if the total is as big as the minimum monthly charge
    3760             : 
    3761             :     int iMonth;
    3762             :     int totalVar;
    3763             :     int minMonVar;
    3764             : 
    3765         285 :     auto &tariff(state.dataEconTariff->tariff);
    3766         285 :     auto &econVar(state.dataEconTariff->econVar);
    3767             : 
    3768         285 :     totalVar = tariff(curTariff).ptTotal;
    3769         285 :     minMonVar = tariff(curTariff).minMonthChgPt;
    3770             :     // if a variable is defined use that
    3771         285 :     if (minMonVar != 0) {
    3772           0 :         for (iMonth = 1; iMonth <= MaxNumMonths; ++iMonth) {
    3773           0 :             if (econVar(totalVar).values(iMonth) < econVar(minMonVar).values(iMonth)) {
    3774           0 :                 econVar(totalVar).values(iMonth) = econVar(minMonVar).values(iMonth);
    3775             :             }
    3776             :         }
    3777             :     } else { // use the constant value
    3778        3705 :         for (iMonth = 1; iMonth <= MaxNumMonths; ++iMonth) {
    3779        3420 :             if (econVar(totalVar).values(iMonth) < tariff(curTariff).minMonthChgVal) {
    3780          24 :                 econVar(totalVar).values(iMonth) = tariff(curTariff).minMonthChgVal;
    3781             :             }
    3782             :         }
    3783             :     }
    3784         285 : }
    3785             : 
    3786          94 : void setNativeVariables(EnergyPlusData &state)
    3787             : {
    3788             :     //    AUTHOR         Jason Glazer of GARD Analytics, Inc.
    3789             :     //    DATE WRITTEN   July 2004
    3790             : 
    3791             :     //    Set up the "built in" i.e. native variables that hold
    3792             :     //    the energy and demand from the simulation.
    3793             : 
    3794             :     int iTariff;
    3795             :     int jPeriod;
    3796             :     int kMonth;
    3797         188 :     Array1D<Real64> monthVal(MaxNumMonths);
    3798          94 :     Real64 bigNumber(0.0); // Autodesk Value not used but suppresses warning about HUGE_() call
    3799             : 
    3800          94 :     auto &tariff(state.dataEconTariff->tariff);
    3801          94 :     auto &econVar(state.dataEconTariff->econVar);
    3802             : 
    3803          94 :     bigNumber = HUGE_(bigNumber);
    3804         379 :     for (iTariff = 1; iTariff <= state.dataEconTariff->numTariff; ++iTariff) {
    3805             :         // nativeTotalEnergy
    3806         285 :         monthVal = 0.0;
    3807        1425 :         for (jPeriod = 1; jPeriod <= countPeriod; ++jPeriod) {
    3808       14820 :             for (kMonth = 1; kMonth <= MaxNumMonths; ++kMonth) {
    3809       13680 :                 monthVal(kMonth) += tariff(iTariff).gatherEnergy(kMonth, jPeriod);
    3810             :             }
    3811             :         }
    3812         285 :         econVar(tariff(iTariff).nativeTotalEnergy).values = monthVal;
    3813             :         // nativeTotalDemand
    3814         285 :         monthVal = -bigNumber;
    3815        1425 :         for (jPeriod = 1; jPeriod <= countPeriod; ++jPeriod) {
    3816       14820 :             for (kMonth = 1; kMonth <= MaxNumMonths; ++kMonth) {
    3817       13680 :                 if (tariff(iTariff).gatherDemand(kMonth, jPeriod) > monthVal(kMonth)) {
    3818        3420 :                     monthVal(kMonth) = tariff(iTariff).gatherDemand(kMonth, jPeriod);
    3819             :                 }
    3820             :             }
    3821             :         }
    3822             :         // if no maximum was set just set to zero
    3823        3705 :         for (kMonth = 1; kMonth <= MaxNumMonths; ++kMonth) {
    3824        3420 :             if (monthVal(kMonth) == -bigNumber) {
    3825           0 :                 monthVal(kMonth) = 0.0;
    3826             :             }
    3827             :         }
    3828         285 :         econVar(tariff(iTariff).nativeTotalDemand).values = monthVal;
    3829        3705 :         for (kMonth = 1; kMonth <= MaxNumMonths; ++kMonth) {
    3830             :             // nativePeakEnergy
    3831        3420 :             econVar(tariff(iTariff).nativePeakEnergy).values(kMonth) = tariff(iTariff).gatherEnergy(kMonth, periodPeak);
    3832             :             // nativePeakDemand
    3833        3420 :             econVar(tariff(iTariff).nativePeakDemand).values(kMonth) = tariff(iTariff).gatherDemand(kMonth, periodPeak);
    3834             :             // nativeShoulderEnergy
    3835        3420 :             econVar(tariff(iTariff).nativeShoulderEnergy).values(kMonth) = tariff(iTariff).gatherEnergy(kMonth, periodShoulder);
    3836             :             // nativeShoulderDemand
    3837        3420 :             econVar(tariff(iTariff).nativeShoulderDemand).values(kMonth) = tariff(iTariff).gatherDemand(kMonth, periodShoulder);
    3838             :             // nativeOffPeakEnergy
    3839        3420 :             econVar(tariff(iTariff).nativeOffPeakEnergy).values(kMonth) = tariff(iTariff).gatherEnergy(kMonth, periodOffPeak);
    3840             :             // nativeOffPeakDemand
    3841        3420 :             econVar(tariff(iTariff).nativeOffPeakDemand).values(kMonth) = tariff(iTariff).gatherDemand(kMonth, periodOffPeak);
    3842             :             // nativeMidPeakEnergy
    3843        3420 :             econVar(tariff(iTariff).nativeMidPeakEnergy).values(kMonth) = tariff(iTariff).gatherEnergy(kMonth, periodMidPeak);
    3844             :             // nativeMidPeakDemand
    3845        3420 :             econVar(tariff(iTariff).nativeMidPeakDemand).values(kMonth) = tariff(iTariff).gatherDemand(kMonth, periodMidPeak);
    3846             :             // nativePeakExceedsOffPeak
    3847        3420 :             monthVal(kMonth) = tariff(iTariff).gatherDemand(kMonth, periodPeak) - tariff(iTariff).gatherDemand(kMonth, periodOffPeak);
    3848        3420 :             if (monthVal(kMonth) > 0) {
    3849           0 :                 econVar(tariff(iTariff).nativePeakExceedsOffPeak).values(kMonth) = monthVal(kMonth);
    3850             :             } else {
    3851        3420 :                 econVar(tariff(iTariff).nativePeakExceedsOffPeak).values(kMonth) = 0.0;
    3852             :             }
    3853             :             // nativeOffPeakExceedsPeak
    3854        3420 :             monthVal(kMonth) = tariff(iTariff).gatherDemand(kMonth, periodOffPeak) - tariff(iTariff).gatherDemand(kMonth, periodPeak);
    3855        3420 :             if (monthVal(kMonth) > 0) {
    3856           0 :                 econVar(tariff(iTariff).nativeOffPeakExceedsPeak).values(kMonth) = monthVal(kMonth);
    3857             :             } else {
    3858        3420 :                 econVar(tariff(iTariff).nativeOffPeakExceedsPeak).values(kMonth) = 0.0;
    3859             :             }
    3860             :             // nativePeakExceedsMidPeak
    3861        3420 :             monthVal(kMonth) = tariff(iTariff).gatherDemand(kMonth, periodPeak) - tariff(iTariff).gatherDemand(kMonth, periodMidPeak);
    3862        3420 :             if (monthVal(kMonth) > 0) {
    3863           0 :                 econVar(tariff(iTariff).nativePeakExceedsMidPeak).values(kMonth) = monthVal(kMonth);
    3864             :             } else {
    3865        3420 :                 econVar(tariff(iTariff).nativePeakExceedsOffPeak).values(kMonth) = 0.0;
    3866             :             }
    3867             :             // nativeMidPeakExceedsPeak
    3868        3420 :             monthVal(kMonth) = tariff(iTariff).gatherDemand(kMonth, periodMidPeak) - tariff(iTariff).gatherDemand(kMonth, periodPeak);
    3869        3420 :             if (monthVal(kMonth) > 0) {
    3870           0 :                 econVar(tariff(iTariff).nativeMidPeakExceedsPeak).values(kMonth) = monthVal(kMonth);
    3871             :             } else {
    3872        3420 :                 econVar(tariff(iTariff).nativeMidPeakExceedsPeak).values(kMonth) = 0.0;
    3873             :             }
    3874             :             // nativePeakExceedsShoulder
    3875        3420 :             monthVal(kMonth) = tariff(iTariff).gatherDemand(kMonth, periodPeak) - tariff(iTariff).gatherDemand(kMonth, periodShoulder);
    3876        3420 :             if (monthVal(kMonth) > 0) {
    3877           0 :                 econVar(tariff(iTariff).nativePeakExceedsShoulder).values(kMonth) = monthVal(kMonth);
    3878             :             } else {
    3879        3420 :                 econVar(tariff(iTariff).nativePeakExceedsShoulder).values(kMonth) = 0.0;
    3880             :             }
    3881             :             // nativeShoulderExceedsPeak
    3882        3420 :             monthVal(kMonth) = tariff(iTariff).gatherDemand(kMonth, periodShoulder) - tariff(iTariff).gatherDemand(kMonth, periodPeak);
    3883        3420 :             if (monthVal(kMonth) > 0) {
    3884           0 :                 econVar(tariff(iTariff).nativeShoulderExceedsPeak).values(kMonth) = monthVal(kMonth);
    3885             :             } else {
    3886        3420 :                 econVar(tariff(iTariff).nativeShoulderExceedsPeak).values(kMonth) = 0.0;
    3887             :             }
    3888             :             // nativeIsWinter
    3889             :             // nativeIsNotWinter
    3890        3420 :             if (tariff(iTariff).seasonForMonth(kMonth) == seasonWinter) {
    3891           0 :                 econVar(tariff(iTariff).nativeIsWinter).values(kMonth) = 1.0;
    3892           0 :                 econVar(tariff(iTariff).nativeIsNotWinter).values(kMonth) = 0.0;
    3893             :             } else {
    3894        3420 :                 econVar(tariff(iTariff).nativeIsWinter).values(kMonth) = 0.0;
    3895        3420 :                 econVar(tariff(iTariff).nativeIsNotWinter).values(kMonth) = 1.0;
    3896             :             }
    3897             :             // nativeIsSpring
    3898             :             // nativeIsNotSpring
    3899        3420 :             if (tariff(iTariff).seasonForMonth(kMonth) == seasonSpring) {
    3900           0 :                 econVar(tariff(iTariff).nativeIsSpring).values(kMonth) = 1.0;
    3901           0 :                 econVar(tariff(iTariff).nativeIsNotSpring).values(kMonth) = 0.0;
    3902             :             } else {
    3903        3420 :                 econVar(tariff(iTariff).nativeIsSpring).values(kMonth) = 0.0;
    3904        3420 :                 econVar(tariff(iTariff).nativeIsNotSpring).values(kMonth) = 1.0;
    3905             :             }
    3906             :             // nativeIsSummer
    3907             :             // nativeIsNotSummer
    3908        3420 :             if (tariff(iTariff).seasonForMonth(kMonth) == seasonSummer) {
    3909           0 :                 econVar(tariff(iTariff).nativeIsSummer).values(kMonth) = 1.0;
    3910           0 :                 econVar(tariff(iTariff).nativeIsNotSummer).values(kMonth) = 0.0;
    3911             :             } else {
    3912        3420 :                 econVar(tariff(iTariff).nativeIsSummer).values(kMonth) = 0.0;
    3913        3420 :                 econVar(tariff(iTariff).nativeIsNotSummer).values(kMonth) = 1.0;
    3914             :             }
    3915             :             // nativeIsAutumn
    3916             :             // nativeIsNotAutumn
    3917        3420 :             if (tariff(iTariff).seasonForMonth(kMonth) == seasonFall) {
    3918           0 :                 econVar(tariff(iTariff).nativeIsAutumn).values(kMonth) = 1.0;
    3919           0 :                 econVar(tariff(iTariff).nativeIsNotAutumn).values(kMonth) = 0.0;
    3920             :             } else {
    3921        3420 :                 econVar(tariff(iTariff).nativeIsAutumn).values(kMonth) = 0.0;
    3922        3420 :                 econVar(tariff(iTariff).nativeIsNotAutumn).values(kMonth) = 1.0;
    3923             :             }
    3924             :             // nativePeakAndShoulderEnergy
    3925        3420 :             econVar(tariff(iTariff).nativePeakAndShoulderEnergy).values(kMonth) =
    3926        3420 :                 tariff(iTariff).gatherEnergy(kMonth, periodPeak) + tariff(iTariff).gatherEnergy(kMonth, periodShoulder);
    3927             :             // nativePeakAndShoulderDemand
    3928        3420 :             if (tariff(iTariff).gatherDemand(kMonth, periodPeak) > tariff(iTariff).gatherDemand(kMonth, periodShoulder)) {
    3929           0 :                 econVar(tariff(iTariff).nativePeakAndShoulderDemand).values(kMonth) = tariff(iTariff).gatherDemand(kMonth, periodPeak);
    3930             :             } else {
    3931        3420 :                 econVar(tariff(iTariff).nativePeakAndShoulderDemand).values(kMonth) = tariff(iTariff).gatherDemand(kMonth, periodShoulder);
    3932             :             }
    3933             :             // nativePeakAndMidPeakEnergy
    3934        3420 :             econVar(tariff(iTariff).nativePeakAndMidPeakEnergy).values(kMonth) =
    3935        3420 :                 tariff(iTariff).gatherEnergy(kMonth, periodPeak) + tariff(iTariff).gatherEnergy(kMonth, periodMidPeak);
    3936             :             // nativePeakAndMidPeakDemand
    3937        3420 :             if (tariff(iTariff).gatherDemand(kMonth, periodPeak) > tariff(iTariff).gatherDemand(kMonth, periodMidPeak)) {
    3938           0 :                 econVar(tariff(iTariff).nativePeakAndMidPeakDemand).values(kMonth) = tariff(iTariff).gatherDemand(kMonth, periodPeak);
    3939             :             } else {
    3940        3420 :                 econVar(tariff(iTariff).nativePeakAndMidPeakDemand).values(kMonth) = tariff(iTariff).gatherDemand(kMonth, periodMidPeak);
    3941             :             }
    3942             :             // nativeShoulderAndOffPeakEnergy
    3943        3420 :             econVar(tariff(iTariff).nativeShoulderAndOffPeakEnergy).values(kMonth) =
    3944        3420 :                 tariff(iTariff).gatherEnergy(kMonth, periodShoulder) + tariff(iTariff).gatherEnergy(kMonth, periodOffPeak);
    3945             :             // nativeShoulderAndOffPeakDemand
    3946        3420 :             if (tariff(iTariff).gatherDemand(kMonth, periodShoulder) > tariff(iTariff).gatherDemand(kMonth, periodOffPeak)) {
    3947           0 :                 econVar(tariff(iTariff).nativeShoulderAndOffPeakDemand).values(kMonth) = tariff(iTariff).gatherDemand(kMonth, periodShoulder);
    3948             :             } else {
    3949        3420 :                 econVar(tariff(iTariff).nativeShoulderAndOffPeakDemand).values(kMonth) = tariff(iTariff).gatherDemand(kMonth, periodOffPeak);
    3950             :             }
    3951             :             // nativePeakAndOffPeakEnergy
    3952        3420 :             econVar(tariff(iTariff).nativePeakAndOffPeakEnergy).values(kMonth) =
    3953        3420 :                 tariff(iTariff).gatherEnergy(kMonth, periodPeak) + tariff(iTariff).gatherEnergy(kMonth, periodOffPeak);
    3954             :             // nativePeakAndOffPeakDemand
    3955        3420 :             if (tariff(iTariff).gatherDemand(kMonth, periodPeak) > tariff(iTariff).gatherDemand(kMonth, periodOffPeak)) {
    3956           0 :                 econVar(tariff(iTariff).nativePeakAndOffPeakDemand).values(kMonth) = tariff(iTariff).gatherDemand(kMonth, periodPeak);
    3957             :             } else {
    3958        3420 :                 econVar(tariff(iTariff).nativePeakAndOffPeakDemand).values(kMonth) = tariff(iTariff).gatherDemand(kMonth, periodOffPeak);
    3959             :             }
    3960             :             // nativeRealTimePriceCosts
    3961        3420 :             econVar(tariff(iTariff).nativeRealTimePriceCosts).values(kMonth) = tariff(iTariff).RTPcost(kMonth);
    3962             :             // nativeAboveCustomerBaseCosts
    3963        3420 :             econVar(tariff(iTariff).nativeAboveCustomerBaseCosts).values(kMonth) = tariff(iTariff).RTPaboveBaseCost(kMonth);
    3964             :             // nativeBelowCustomerBaseCosts
    3965        3420 :             econVar(tariff(iTariff).nativeBelowCustomerBaseCosts).values(kMonth) = tariff(iTariff).RTPbelowBaseCost(kMonth);
    3966             :             // nativeAboveCustomerBaseEnergy
    3967        3420 :             econVar(tariff(iTariff).nativeAboveCustomerBaseEnergy).values(kMonth) = tariff(iTariff).RTPaboveBaseEnergy(kMonth);
    3968             :             // nativeBelowCustomerBaseEnergy
    3969        3420 :             econVar(tariff(iTariff).nativeBelowCustomerBaseEnergy).values(kMonth) = tariff(iTariff).RTPbelowBaseEnergy(kMonth);
    3970             :         }
    3971             :     }
    3972          94 : }
    3973             : 
    3974          94 : void LEEDtariffReporting(EnergyPlusData &state)
    3975             : {
    3976             :     //    AUTHOR         Jason Glazer of GARD Analytics, Inc.
    3977             :     //    DATE WRITTEN   October 2012
    3978             : 
    3979             :     //    Write the economic results for LEED reporting
    3980             : 
    3981             :     using namespace OutputReportPredefined;
    3982             : 
    3983             :     int distCoolFacilMeter;
    3984             :     int distHeatFacilMeter;
    3985             :     Real64 elecTotalEne;
    3986             :     Real64 gasTotalEne;
    3987             :     Real64 distCoolTotalEne;
    3988             :     Real64 distHeatTotalEne;
    3989             :     Real64 otherTotalEne;
    3990             :     Real64 elecTotalCost;
    3991             :     Real64 gasTotalCost;
    3992             :     Real64 otherTotalCost;
    3993             :     Real64 distCoolTotalCost;
    3994             :     Real64 distHeatTotalCost;
    3995             :     Real64 allTotalCost;
    3996         188 :     std::string elecTariffNames;
    3997         188 :     std::string gasTariffNames;
    3998         188 :     std::string distCoolTariffNames;
    3999         188 :     std::string distHeatTariffNames;
    4000         188 :     std::string othrTariffNames;
    4001             :     EconConv elecUnits;
    4002             :     EconConv gasUnits;
    4003             :     EconConv distCoolUnits;
    4004             :     EconConv distHeatUnits;
    4005             :     EconConv othrUnits;
    4006             :     DemandWindow gasDemWindowUnits;
    4007             :     DemandWindow distCoolDemWindowUnits;
    4008             :     DemandWindow distHeatDemWindowUnits;
    4009             :     DemandWindow othrDemWindowUnits;
    4010             :     int iTariff;
    4011             : 
    4012          94 :     auto &tariff(state.dataEconTariff->tariff);
    4013             : 
    4014          94 :     if (state.dataEconTariff->numTariff > 0) {
    4015          94 :         distCoolFacilMeter = GetMeterIndex(state, "DISTRICTCOOLING:FACILITY");
    4016          94 :         distHeatFacilMeter = GetMeterIndex(state, "DISTRICTHEATING:FACILITY");
    4017          94 :         elecTotalEne = 0.0;
    4018          94 :         gasTotalEne = 0.0;
    4019          94 :         distCoolTotalEne = 0.0;
    4020          94 :         distHeatTotalEne = 0.0;
    4021          94 :         otherTotalEne = 0.0;
    4022          94 :         elecTotalCost = 0.0;
    4023          94 :         gasTotalCost = 0.0;
    4024          94 :         distCoolTotalCost = 0.0;
    4025          94 :         distHeatTotalCost = 0.0;
    4026          94 :         otherTotalCost = 0.0;
    4027          94 :         allTotalCost = 0.0;
    4028          94 :         elecUnits = EconConv::USERDEF;
    4029          94 :         gasUnits = EconConv::USERDEF;
    4030          94 :         distCoolUnits = EconConv::USERDEF;
    4031          94 :         distHeatUnits = EconConv::USERDEF;
    4032          94 :         othrUnits = EconConv::USERDEF;
    4033          94 :         gasDemWindowUnits = DemandWindow::Invalid;
    4034          94 :         othrDemWindowUnits = DemandWindow::Invalid;
    4035          94 :         elecTariffNames = "";
    4036          94 :         gasTariffNames = "";
    4037          94 :         distCoolTariffNames = "";
    4038          94 :         distHeatTariffNames = "";
    4039          94 :         othrTariffNames = "";
    4040         379 :         for (iTariff = 1; iTariff <= state.dataEconTariff->numTariff; ++iTariff) {
    4041         285 :             if (tariff(iTariff).isSelected) {
    4042         178 :                 allTotalCost += tariff(iTariff).totalAnnualCost;
    4043         178 :                 if (tariff(iTariff).kindElectricMtr >= kindMeterElecSimple) {
    4044          95 :                     if (tariff(iTariff).totalAnnualEnergy > elecTotalEne) elecTotalEne = tariff(iTariff).totalAnnualEnergy;
    4045          95 :                     elecTotalCost += tariff(iTariff).totalAnnualCost;
    4046          95 :                     elecTariffNames += ' ' + tariff(iTariff).tariffName;
    4047          95 :                     elecUnits = tariff(iTariff).convChoice;
    4048          83 :                 } else if (tariff(iTariff).kindGasMtr == kindMeterGas) {
    4049          82 :                     if (tariff(iTariff).totalAnnualEnergy > gasTotalEne) gasTotalEne = tariff(iTariff).totalAnnualEnergy;
    4050          82 :                     gasTotalCost += tariff(iTariff).totalAnnualCost;
    4051          82 :                     gasTariffNames += ' ' + tariff(iTariff).tariffName;
    4052          82 :                     gasUnits = tariff(iTariff).convChoice;
    4053          82 :                     gasDemWindowUnits = tariff(iTariff).demandWindow;
    4054           1 :                 } else if (tariff(iTariff).reportMeterIndx == distCoolFacilMeter) {
    4055           0 :                     if (tariff(iTariff).totalAnnualEnergy > distCoolTotalEne) distCoolTotalEne = tariff(iTariff).totalAnnualEnergy;
    4056           0 :                     distCoolTotalCost += tariff(iTariff).totalAnnualCost;
    4057           0 :                     distCoolTariffNames += ' ' + tariff(iTariff).tariffName;
    4058           0 :                     distCoolUnits = tariff(iTariff).convChoice;
    4059           0 :                     distCoolDemWindowUnits = tariff(iTariff).demandWindow;
    4060           1 :                 } else if (tariff(iTariff).reportMeterIndx == distHeatFacilMeter) {
    4061           0 :                     if (tariff(iTariff).totalAnnualEnergy > distHeatTotalEne) distHeatTotalEne = tariff(iTariff).totalAnnualEnergy;
    4062           0 :                     distHeatTotalCost += tariff(iTariff).totalAnnualCost;
    4063           0 :                     distHeatTariffNames += ' ' + tariff(iTariff).tariffName;
    4064           0 :                     distHeatUnits = tariff(iTariff).convChoice;
    4065           0 :                     distHeatDemWindowUnits = tariff(iTariff).demandWindow;
    4066           1 :                 } else if (tariff(iTariff).kindWaterMtr == kindMeterNotWater) {
    4067           0 :                     if (tariff(iTariff).totalAnnualEnergy > otherTotalEne) otherTotalEne = tariff(iTariff).totalAnnualEnergy;
    4068           0 :                     otherTotalCost += tariff(iTariff).totalAnnualCost;
    4069           0 :                     othrTariffNames += ' ' + tariff(iTariff).tariffName;
    4070           0 :                     othrUnits = tariff(iTariff).convChoice;
    4071           0 :                     othrDemWindowUnits = tariff(iTariff).demandWindow;
    4072             :                 } else {
    4073             :                 }
    4074             :             }
    4075             :         }
    4076             :         // names of the rates
    4077          94 :         PreDefTableEntry(state, state.dataOutRptPredefined->pdchLeedEtsRtNm, "Electricity", elecTariffNames);
    4078          94 :         PreDefTableEntry(state, state.dataOutRptPredefined->pdchLeedEtsRtNm, "Natural Gas", gasTariffNames);
    4079          94 :         if (distCoolTotalEne != 0) PreDefTableEntry(state, state.dataOutRptPredefined->pdchLeedEtsRtNm, "District Cooling", distCoolTariffNames);
    4080          94 :         if (distHeatTotalEne != 0) PreDefTableEntry(state, state.dataOutRptPredefined->pdchLeedEtsRtNm, "District Heating", distHeatTariffNames);
    4081          94 :         PreDefTableEntry(state, state.dataOutRptPredefined->pdchLeedEtsRtNm, "Other", othrTariffNames);
    4082             :         // virtual rate
    4083          94 :         if (elecTotalEne != 0) PreDefTableEntry(state, state.dataOutRptPredefined->pdchLeedEtsVirt, "Electricity", elecTotalCost / elecTotalEne, 3);
    4084          94 :         if (gasTotalEne != 0) PreDefTableEntry(state, state.dataOutRptPredefined->pdchLeedEtsVirt, "Natural Gas", gasTotalCost / gasTotalEne, 3);
    4085          94 :         if (otherTotalEne != 0) PreDefTableEntry(state, state.dataOutRptPredefined->pdchLeedEtsVirt, "Other", otherTotalCost / otherTotalEne, 3);
    4086             :         // units
    4087          94 :         PreDefTableEntry(state, state.dataOutRptPredefined->pdchLeedEtsEneUnt, "Electricity", format("{}", convEneStrings(elecUnits)));
    4088          94 :         PreDefTableEntry(state, state.dataOutRptPredefined->pdchLeedEtsEneUnt, "Natural Gas", format("{}", convEneStrings(gasUnits)));
    4089          94 :         PreDefTableEntry(state, state.dataOutRptPredefined->pdchLeedEtsEneUnt, "Other", format("{}", convEneStrings(othrUnits)));
    4090          94 :         PreDefTableEntry(state, state.dataOutRptPredefined->pdchLeedEtsDemUnt, "Electricity", format("{}", convDemStrings(elecUnits)));
    4091         188 :         PreDefTableEntry(state,
    4092          94 :                          state.dataOutRptPredefined->pdchLeedEtsDemUnt,
    4093             :                          "Natural Gas",
    4094         282 :                          format("{}{}", convDemStrings(gasUnits), demWindowStrings(gasDemWindowUnits)));
    4095         188 :         PreDefTableEntry(state,
    4096          94 :                          state.dataOutRptPredefined->pdchLeedEtsDemUnt,
    4097             :                          "Other",
    4098         282 :                          format("{}{}", convDemStrings(othrUnits), demWindowStrings(othrDemWindowUnits)));
    4099             :         // total cost
    4100          94 :         PreDefTableEntry(state, state.dataOutRptPredefined->pdchLeedEcsTotal, "Electricity", elecTotalCost, 2);
    4101          94 :         PreDefTableEntry(state, state.dataOutRptPredefined->pdchLeedEcsTotal, "Natural Gas", gasTotalCost, 2);
    4102          94 :         PreDefTableEntry(state, state.dataOutRptPredefined->pdchLeedEcsTotal, "Other", otherTotalCost, 2);
    4103             :         // show district energy if used
    4104          94 :         if (distCoolTotalEne != 0) {
    4105           0 :             PreDefTableEntry(state, state.dataOutRptPredefined->pdchLeedEtsVirt, "District Cooling", distCoolTotalCost / distCoolTotalEne, 3);
    4106           0 :             PreDefTableEntry(state, state.dataOutRptPredefined->pdchLeedEtsEneUnt, "District Cooling", format("{}", convEneStrings(distCoolUnits)));
    4107           0 :             PreDefTableEntry(state,
    4108           0 :                              state.dataOutRptPredefined->pdchLeedEtsDemUnt,
    4109             :                              "District Cooling",
    4110           0 :                              format("{}{}", convDemStrings(distCoolUnits), demWindowStrings(distCoolDemWindowUnits)));
    4111           0 :             PreDefTableEntry(state, state.dataOutRptPredefined->pdchLeedEcsTotal, "District Cooling", distCoolTotalCost, 2);
    4112             :         }
    4113          94 :         if (distHeatTotalEne != 0) {
    4114           0 :             PreDefTableEntry(state, state.dataOutRptPredefined->pdchLeedEtsVirt, "District Heating", distHeatTotalCost / distHeatTotalEne, 3);
    4115           0 :             PreDefTableEntry(state, state.dataOutRptPredefined->pdchLeedEtsEneUnt, "District Heating", format("{}", convEneStrings(distHeatUnits)));
    4116           0 :             PreDefTableEntry(state,
    4117           0 :                              state.dataOutRptPredefined->pdchLeedEtsDemUnt,
    4118             :                              "District Heating",
    4119           0 :                              format("{}{}", convDemStrings(distHeatUnits), demWindowStrings(distHeatDemWindowUnits)));
    4120           0 :             PreDefTableEntry(state, state.dataOutRptPredefined->pdchLeedEcsTotal, "District Heating", distHeatTotalCost, 2);
    4121             :         }
    4122             :         // save the total costs for later to compute process fraction
    4123          94 :         state.dataOutRptPredefined->LEEDelecCostTotal = elecTotalCost;
    4124          94 :         state.dataOutRptPredefined->LEEDgasCostTotal = gasTotalCost;
    4125          94 :         state.dataOutRptPredefined->LEEDothrCostTotal = distCoolTotalCost + distHeatTotalCost + otherTotalCost;
    4126         282 :         PreDefTableEntry(state,
    4127          94 :                          state.dataOutRptPredefined->pdchLeedEcsTotal,
    4128             :                          "Total",
    4129          94 :                          elecTotalCost + gasTotalCost + distCoolTotalCost + distHeatTotalCost + otherTotalCost,
    4130          94 :                          2);
    4131             :     }
    4132          94 : }
    4133             : 
    4134         769 : void WriteTabularTariffReports(EnergyPlusData &state)
    4135             : {
    4136             :     //    AUTHOR         Jason Glazer of GARD Analytics, Inc.
    4137             :     //    DATE WRITTEN   July 2004
    4138             :     //    MODIFIED       January 2010, Kyle Benne
    4139             :     //                   Added SQLite output
    4140             : 
    4141             :     using OutputReportTabular::ConvertIP;
    4142             :     using OutputReportTabular::DetermineBuildingFloorArea;
    4143             :     using OutputReportTabular::LookupSItoIP;
    4144             :     using OutputReportTabular::RealToStr;
    4145             :     using OutputReportTabular::WriteReportHeaders;
    4146             :     using OutputReportTabular::WriteSubtitle;
    4147             :     using OutputReportTabular::WriteTable;
    4148             :     using OutputReportTabular::WriteTextLine;
    4149             : 
    4150             :     // all arrays are in the format: (row, column)
    4151        1538 :     Array1D_string columnHead;
    4152        1538 :     Array1D_int columnWidth;
    4153        1538 :     Array1D_string rowHead;
    4154        1538 :     Array2D_string tableBody;
    4155             :     // other local variables
    4156             :     Real64 elecTotalCost;
    4157             :     Real64 gasTotalCost;
    4158             :     Real64 otherTotalCost;
    4159             :     Real64 allTotalCost;
    4160        1538 :     std::string outString; // an arbitarilty long string
    4161             :     int curStep;
    4162             :     int indexInChg;
    4163             :     int iTariff;
    4164             :     int kVar;
    4165             :     int lStep;
    4166        1538 :     std::string SIunit;
    4167         769 :     int unitConvIndex(0);
    4168         769 :     Real64 perAreaUnitConv(0.0);
    4169        1538 :     std::string perAreaUnitName;
    4170             : 
    4171         769 :     auto &tariff(state.dataEconTariff->tariff);
    4172         769 :     auto &econVar(state.dataEconTariff->econVar);
    4173         769 :     auto &computation(state.dataEconTariff->computation);
    4174         769 :     auto &chargeSimple(state.dataEconTariff->chargeSimple);
    4175         769 :     auto &chargeBlock(state.dataEconTariff->chargeBlock);
    4176             : 
    4177             :     // Here to it is ready to assign ort->unitStyle_SQLite (not in
    4178             :     // when ort->unitsStyle inputs should have been concretely processed and assigned.
    4179             :     // Included this here to make sure the units specifications are correctly updated.
    4180         769 :     if (state.dataOutRptTab->unitsStyle_SQLite == OutputReportTabular::UnitsStyle::NotFound) {
    4181           0 :         state.dataOutRptTab->unitsStyle_SQLite = state.dataOutRptTab->unitsStyle; // This is the default UseOutputControlTableStyles
    4182             :     }
    4183             : 
    4184             :     // compute floor area if no ABUPS
    4185         769 :     if (state.dataOutRptTab->buildingConditionedFloorArea == 0.0) {
    4186         117 :         DetermineBuildingFloorArea(state);
    4187             :     }
    4188             : 
    4189         769 :     if (state.dataEconTariff->numTariff > 0) {
    4190          95 :         if (state.dataOutRptTab->displayEconomicResultSummary) {
    4191          28 :             DisplayString(state, "Writing Tariff Reports");
    4192        6028 :             for (auto &e : econVar)
    4193        6000 :                 e.isReported = false;
    4194          28 :             showWarningsBasedOnTotal(state);
    4195             :             //---------------------------------
    4196             :             // Economics Results Summary Report
    4197             :             //---------------------------------
    4198          28 :             WriteReportHeaders(state, "Economics Results Summary Report", "Entire Facility", OutputProcessor::StoreType::Averaged);
    4199             : 
    4200          56 :             for (int iUnitSystem = 0; iUnitSystem <= 1; iUnitSystem++) {
    4201          56 :                 OutputReportTabular::UnitsStyle unitsStyle_cur = state.dataOutRptTab->unitsStyle;
    4202          56 :                 bool produceTabular = true;
    4203          56 :                 bool produceSQLite = false;
    4204         112 :                 if (produceDualUnitsFlags(iUnitSystem,
    4205          56 :                                           state.dataOutRptTab->unitsStyle,
    4206          56 :                                           state.dataOutRptTab->unitsStyle_SQLite,
    4207             :                                           unitsStyle_cur,
    4208             :                                           produceTabular,
    4209             :                                           produceSQLite))
    4210          28 :                     break;
    4211             : 
    4212             :                 // do unit conversions if necessary
    4213          28 :                 if (unitsStyle_cur == OutputReportTabular::UnitsStyle::InchPound) {
    4214           0 :                     SIunit = "[~~$~~/m2]";
    4215           0 :                     LookupSItoIP(state, SIunit, unitConvIndex, perAreaUnitName);
    4216           0 :                     perAreaUnitConv = ConvertIP(state, unitConvIndex, 1.0);
    4217             :                 } else {
    4218          28 :                     perAreaUnitName = "[~~$~~/m2]";
    4219          28 :                     perAreaUnitConv = 1.0;
    4220             :                 }
    4221             : 
    4222             :                 //---- Annual Summary
    4223          28 :                 rowHead.allocate(3);
    4224          28 :                 columnHead.allocate(4);
    4225          28 :                 columnWidth.allocate(4);
    4226          28 :                 tableBody.allocate(4, 3);
    4227          28 :                 tableBody = "";
    4228          28 :                 columnHead(1) = "Electricity";
    4229          28 :                 columnHead(2) = "Natural Gas";
    4230          28 :                 columnHead(3) = "Other";
    4231          28 :                 columnHead(4) = "Total";
    4232          28 :                 rowHead(1) = "Cost [~~$~~]";
    4233          28 :                 rowHead(2) = "Cost per Total Building Area " + perAreaUnitName;
    4234          28 :                 rowHead(3) = "Cost per Net Conditioned Building Area " + perAreaUnitName;
    4235          28 :                 elecTotalCost = 0.0;
    4236          28 :                 gasTotalCost = 0.0;
    4237          28 :                 otherTotalCost = 0.0;
    4238          28 :                 allTotalCost = 0.0;
    4239         113 :                 for (iTariff = 1; iTariff <= state.dataEconTariff->numTariff; ++iTariff) {
    4240          85 :                     if (tariff(iTariff).isSelected) {
    4241          46 :                         allTotalCost += tariff(iTariff).totalAnnualCost;
    4242          46 :                         if (tariff(iTariff).kindElectricMtr >= kindMeterElecSimple) {
    4243          29 :                             elecTotalCost += tariff(iTariff).totalAnnualCost;
    4244          17 :                         } else if (tariff(iTariff).kindGasMtr == kindMeterGas) {
    4245          16 :                             gasTotalCost += tariff(iTariff).totalAnnualCost;
    4246           1 :                         } else if (tariff(iTariff).kindWaterMtr == kindMeterNotWater) {
    4247           0 :                             otherTotalCost += tariff(iTariff).totalAnnualCost;
    4248             :                             // removed because this was confusing        columnHead(3) = tariff(iTariff)%reportMeter
    4249             :                         } else {
    4250             :                         }
    4251             :                     }
    4252             :                 }
    4253          28 :                 tableBody(1, 1) = RealToStr(elecTotalCost, 2);
    4254          28 :                 tableBody(2, 1) = RealToStr(gasTotalCost, 2);
    4255          28 :                 tableBody(3, 1) = RealToStr(otherTotalCost, 2);
    4256          28 :                 tableBody(4, 1) = RealToStr(allTotalCost, 2);
    4257          28 :                 if (state.dataOutRptTab->buildingGrossFloorArea > 0.0) {
    4258          28 :                     tableBody(1, 2) = RealToStr((elecTotalCost / state.dataOutRptTab->buildingGrossFloorArea) * perAreaUnitConv, 2);
    4259          28 :                     tableBody(2, 2) = RealToStr((gasTotalCost / state.dataOutRptTab->buildingGrossFloorArea) * perAreaUnitConv, 2);
    4260          28 :                     tableBody(3, 2) = RealToStr((otherTotalCost / state.dataOutRptTab->buildingGrossFloorArea) * perAreaUnitConv, 2);
    4261          28 :                     tableBody(4, 2) = RealToStr((allTotalCost / state.dataOutRptTab->buildingGrossFloorArea) * perAreaUnitConv, 2);
    4262             :                 }
    4263          28 :                 if (state.dataOutRptTab->buildingConditionedFloorArea > 0.0) {
    4264          28 :                     tableBody(1, 3) = RealToStr((elecTotalCost / state.dataOutRptTab->buildingConditionedFloorArea) * perAreaUnitConv, 2);
    4265          28 :                     tableBody(2, 3) = RealToStr((gasTotalCost / state.dataOutRptTab->buildingConditionedFloorArea) * perAreaUnitConv, 2);
    4266          28 :                     tableBody(3, 3) = RealToStr((otherTotalCost / state.dataOutRptTab->buildingConditionedFloorArea) * perAreaUnitConv, 2);
    4267          28 :                     tableBody(4, 3) = RealToStr((allTotalCost / state.dataOutRptTab->buildingConditionedFloorArea) * perAreaUnitConv, 2);
    4268             :                 }
    4269          28 :                 columnWidth = 14; // array assignment - same for all columns
    4270          28 :                 if (produceTabular) {
    4271          28 :                     WriteSubtitle(state, "Annual Cost");
    4272          28 :                     WriteTable(state, tableBody, rowHead, columnHead, columnWidth);
    4273             :                 }
    4274          28 :                 if (produceSQLite) {
    4275          28 :                     if (state.dataSQLiteProcedures->sqlite) {
    4276           9 :                         state.dataSQLiteProcedures->sqlite->createSQLiteTabularDataRecords(
    4277             :                             tableBody, rowHead, columnHead, "Economics Results Summary Report", "Entire Facility", "Annual Cost");
    4278             :                     }
    4279             :                 }
    4280          28 :                 if (produceTabular) {
    4281          28 :                     if (state.dataResultsFramework->resultsFramework->timeSeriesAndTabularEnabled()) {
    4282           0 :                         state.dataResultsFramework->resultsFramework->TabularReportsCollection.addReportTable(
    4283             :                             tableBody, rowHead, columnHead, "Economics Results Summary Report", "Entire Facility", "Annual Cost");
    4284             :                     }
    4285             :                 }
    4286          28 :                 columnHead.deallocate();
    4287          28 :                 rowHead.deallocate();
    4288          28 :                 columnWidth.deallocate();
    4289          28 :                 tableBody.deallocate();
    4290             :             }
    4291             :             //---- Tariff Summary
    4292          28 :             rowHead.allocate(state.dataEconTariff->numTariff);
    4293          28 :             columnHead.allocate(6);
    4294          28 :             columnWidth.allocate(6);
    4295          28 :             tableBody.allocate(6, state.dataEconTariff->numTariff);
    4296          28 :             tableBody = "";
    4297          28 :             columnHead(1) = "Selected";
    4298          28 :             columnHead(2) = "Qualified";
    4299          28 :             columnHead(3) = "Meter";
    4300          28 :             columnHead(4) = "Buy or Sell";
    4301          28 :             columnHead(5) = "Group";
    4302          28 :             columnHead(6) = "Annual Cost (~~$~~)";
    4303         113 :             for (iTariff = 1; iTariff <= state.dataEconTariff->numTariff; ++iTariff) {
    4304          85 :                 rowHead(iTariff) = tariff(iTariff).tariffName;
    4305          85 :                 if (tariff(iTariff).isSelected) {
    4306          46 :                     tableBody(1, iTariff) = "Yes";
    4307             :                 } else {
    4308          39 :                     tableBody(1, iTariff) = "No";
    4309             :                 }
    4310          85 :                 if (tariff(iTariff).isQualified) {
    4311          85 :                     tableBody(2, iTariff) = "Yes";
    4312             :                 } else {
    4313           0 :                     tableBody(2, iTariff) = "No";
    4314             :                 }
    4315          85 :                 tableBody(3, iTariff) = tariff(iTariff).reportMeter;
    4316             :                 {
    4317          85 :                     auto const SELECT_CASE_var(tariff(iTariff).buyOrSell);
    4318          85 :                     if (SELECT_CASE_var == buyFromUtility) {
    4319          83 :                         tableBody(4, iTariff) = "Buy";
    4320           2 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == sellToUtility) {
    4321           1 :                         tableBody(4, iTariff) = "Sell";
    4322           1 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == netMetering) {
    4323           1 :                         tableBody(4, iTariff) = "Net";
    4324             :                     }
    4325             :                 }
    4326          85 :                 if (tariff(iTariff).groupName == "") {
    4327          21 :                     tableBody(5, iTariff) = "(none)";
    4328             :                 } else {
    4329          64 :                     tableBody(5, iTariff) = tariff(iTariff).groupName;
    4330             :                 }
    4331          85 :                 tableBody(6, iTariff) = RealToStr(tariff(iTariff).totalAnnualCost, 2);
    4332             :             }
    4333          28 :             columnWidth = 14; // array assignment - same for all columns
    4334          28 :             WriteSubtitle(state, "Tariff Summary");
    4335          28 :             WriteTable(state, tableBody, rowHead, columnHead, columnWidth);
    4336          28 :             if (state.dataSQLiteProcedures->sqlite) {
    4337           9 :                 state.dataSQLiteProcedures->sqlite->createSQLiteTabularDataRecords(
    4338             :                     tableBody, rowHead, columnHead, "Economics Results Summary Report", "Entire Facility", "Tariff Summary");
    4339             :             }
    4340          28 :             if (state.dataResultsFramework->resultsFramework->timeSeriesAndTabularEnabled()) {
    4341           0 :                 state.dataResultsFramework->resultsFramework->TabularReportsCollection.addReportTable(
    4342             :                     tableBody, rowHead, columnHead, "Economics Results Summary Report", "Entire Facility", "Tariff Summary");
    4343             :             }
    4344          28 :             columnHead.deallocate();
    4345          28 :             rowHead.deallocate();
    4346          28 :             columnWidth.deallocate();
    4347          28 :             tableBody.deallocate();
    4348             :         }
    4349             :         //---------------------------------
    4350             :         // Tariff Report
    4351             :         //---------------------------------
    4352          95 :         if (state.dataOutRptTab->displayTariffReport) {
    4353         113 :             for (iTariff = 1; iTariff <= state.dataEconTariff->numTariff; ++iTariff) {
    4354          85 :                 WriteReportHeaders(state, "Tariff Report", tariff(iTariff).tariffName, OutputProcessor::StoreType::Averaged);
    4355          85 :                 rowHead.allocate(7);
    4356          85 :                 columnHead.allocate(1);
    4357          85 :                 columnWidth.allocate(1);
    4358          85 :                 tableBody.allocate(1, 7);
    4359          85 :                 tableBody = "";
    4360          85 :                 columnHead(1) = "Parameter";
    4361          85 :                 rowHead(1) = "Meter";
    4362          85 :                 rowHead(2) = "Selected";
    4363          85 :                 rowHead(3) = "Group";
    4364          85 :                 rowHead(4) = "Qualified";
    4365          85 :                 rowHead(5) = "Disqualifier";
    4366          85 :                 rowHead(6) = "Computation";
    4367          85 :                 rowHead(7) = "Units";
    4368          85 :                 tableBody(1, 1) = tariff(iTariff).reportMeter;
    4369          85 :                 if (tariff(iTariff).isSelected) {
    4370          46 :                     tableBody(1, 2) = "Yes";
    4371             :                 } else {
    4372          39 :                     tableBody(1, 2) = "No";
    4373             :                 }
    4374          85 :                 if (tariff(iTariff).groupName == "") {
    4375          21 :                     tableBody(1, 3) = "(none)";
    4376             :                 } else {
    4377          64 :                     tableBody(1, 3) = tariff(iTariff).groupName;
    4378             :                 }
    4379          85 :                 if (tariff(iTariff).isQualified) {
    4380          85 :                     tableBody(1, 4) = "Yes";
    4381             :                 } else {
    4382           0 :                     tableBody(1, 4) = "No";
    4383             :                 }
    4384          85 :                 if (tariff(iTariff).isQualified) {
    4385          85 :                     tableBody(1, 5) = "n/a";
    4386             :                 } else {
    4387           0 :                     tableBody(1, 5) = econVar(tariff(iTariff).ptDisqualifier).name;
    4388             :                 }
    4389          85 :                 if (computation(iTariff).isUserDef) {
    4390           1 :                     tableBody(1, 6) = computation(iTariff).computeName;
    4391             :                 } else {
    4392          84 :                     tableBody(1, 6) = "automatic";
    4393             :                 }
    4394          85 :                 switch (tariff(iTariff).convChoice) {
    4395           1 :                 case EconConv::USERDEF: {
    4396           1 :                     tableBody(1, 7) = "User Defined";
    4397           1 :                 } break;
    4398          68 :                 case EconConv::KWH: {
    4399          68 :                     tableBody(1, 7) = "kWh";
    4400          68 :                 } break;
    4401           1 :                 case EconConv::THERM: {
    4402           1 :                     tableBody(1, 7) = "Therm";
    4403           1 :                 } break;
    4404           0 :                 case EconConv::MMBTU: {
    4405           0 :                     tableBody(1, 7) = "MMBtu";
    4406           0 :                 } break;
    4407           0 :                 case EconConv::MJ: {
    4408           0 :                     tableBody(1, 7) = "MJ";
    4409           0 :                 } break;
    4410           0 :                 case EconConv::KBTU: {
    4411           0 :                     tableBody(1, 7) = "kBtu";
    4412           0 :                 } break;
    4413          15 :                 case EconConv::MCF: {
    4414          15 :                     tableBody(1, 7) = "MCF";
    4415          15 :                 } break;
    4416           0 :                 case EconConv::CCF: {
    4417           0 :                     tableBody(1, 7) = "CCF";
    4418           0 :                 } break;
    4419           0 :                 default:
    4420           0 :                     break;
    4421             :                 }
    4422          85 :                 columnWidth = 14; // array assignment - same for all columns
    4423          85 :                 WriteSubtitle(state, "General");
    4424          85 :                 WriteTable(state, tableBody, rowHead, columnHead, columnWidth);
    4425          85 :                 if (state.dataSQLiteProcedures->sqlite) {
    4426          52 :                     state.dataSQLiteProcedures->sqlite->createSQLiteTabularDataRecords(
    4427          26 :                         tableBody, rowHead, columnHead, "Tariff Report", tariff(iTariff).tariffName, "General");
    4428             :                 }
    4429          85 :                 if (state.dataResultsFramework->resultsFramework->timeSeriesAndTabularEnabled()) {
    4430           0 :                     state.dataResultsFramework->resultsFramework->TabularReportsCollection.addReportTable(
    4431           0 :                         tableBody, rowHead, columnHead, "Tariff Report", tariff(iTariff).tariffName, "General");
    4432             :                 }
    4433          85 :                 columnHead.deallocate();
    4434          85 :                 rowHead.deallocate();
    4435          85 :                 columnWidth.deallocate();
    4436          85 :                 tableBody.deallocate();
    4437             :                 //---- Categories
    4438       28285 :                 for (auto &e : econVar)
    4439       28200 :                     e.activeNow = false;
    4440          85 :                 econVar(tariff(iTariff).ptEnergyCharges).activeNow = true;
    4441          85 :                 econVar(tariff(iTariff).ptDemandCharges).activeNow = true;
    4442          85 :                 econVar(tariff(iTariff).ptServiceCharges).activeNow = true;
    4443          85 :                 econVar(tariff(iTariff).ptBasis).activeNow = true;
    4444          85 :                 econVar(tariff(iTariff).ptAdjustment).activeNow = true;
    4445          85 :                 econVar(tariff(iTariff).ptSurcharge).activeNow = true;
    4446          85 :                 econVar(tariff(iTariff).ptSubtotal).activeNow = true;
    4447          85 :                 econVar(tariff(iTariff).ptTaxes).activeNow = true;
    4448          85 :                 econVar(tariff(iTariff).ptTotal).activeNow = true;
    4449          85 :                 ReportEconomicVariable(state, "Categories", false, true, tariff(iTariff).tariffName);
    4450             :                 //---- Charges
    4451       28285 :                 for (auto &e : econVar)
    4452       28200 :                     e.activeNow = false;
    4453       23649 :                 for (kVar = 1; kVar <= state.dataEconTariff->numEconVar; ++kVar) {
    4454       23564 :                     if (econVar(kVar).tariffIndx == iTariff) {
    4455        4476 :                         if ((econVar(kVar).kindOfObj == ObjType::ChargeSimple) || (econVar(kVar).kindOfObj == ObjType::ChargeBlock)) {
    4456         390 :                             econVar(kVar).activeNow = true;
    4457             :                         }
    4458             :                     }
    4459             :                 }
    4460          85 :                 ReportEconomicVariable(state, "Charges", true, true, tariff(iTariff).tariffName);
    4461             :                 //---- Sources for Charges
    4462       28285 :                 for (auto &e : econVar)
    4463       28200 :                     e.activeNow = false;
    4464       23649 :                 for (kVar = 1; kVar <= state.dataEconTariff->numEconVar; ++kVar) {
    4465       23564 :                     if (econVar(kVar).tariffIndx == iTariff) {
    4466        4476 :                         indexInChg = econVar(kVar).index;
    4467        4476 :                         if (econVar(kVar).kindOfObj == ObjType::ChargeSimple) {
    4468         318 :                             if (chargeSimple(indexInChg).sourcePt > 0) {
    4469         318 :                                 econVar(chargeSimple(indexInChg).sourcePt).activeNow = true;
    4470             :                             }
    4471        4158 :                         } else if (econVar(kVar).kindOfObj == ObjType::ChargeBlock) {
    4472          72 :                             if (chargeBlock(indexInChg).sourcePt > 0) {
    4473          72 :                                 econVar(chargeBlock(indexInChg).sourcePt).activeNow = true;
    4474             :                             }
    4475             :                         }
    4476             :                     }
    4477             :                 }
    4478          85 :                 ReportEconomicVariable(state, "Corresponding Sources for Charges", false, false, tariff(iTariff).tariffName);
    4479             :                 //---- Rachets
    4480       28285 :                 for (auto &e : econVar)
    4481       28200 :                     e.activeNow = false;
    4482       23649 :                 for (kVar = 1; kVar <= state.dataEconTariff->numEconVar; ++kVar) {
    4483       23564 :                     if (econVar(kVar).tariffIndx == iTariff) {
    4484        4476 :                         if (econVar(kVar).kindOfObj == ObjType::Ratchet) {
    4485           1 :                             econVar(kVar).activeNow = true;
    4486             :                         }
    4487             :                     }
    4488             :                 }
    4489          85 :                 ReportEconomicVariable(state, "Ratchets", false, false, tariff(iTariff).tariffName);
    4490             :                 //---- Qualifies
    4491       28285 :                 for (auto &e : econVar)
    4492       28200 :                     e.activeNow = false;
    4493       23649 :                 for (kVar = 1; kVar <= state.dataEconTariff->numEconVar; ++kVar) {
    4494       23564 :                     if (econVar(kVar).tariffIndx == iTariff) {
    4495        4476 :                         if (econVar(kVar).kindOfObj == ObjType::Qualify) {
    4496          71 :                             econVar(kVar).activeNow = true;
    4497             :                         }
    4498             :                     }
    4499             :                 }
    4500          85 :                 ReportEconomicVariable(state, "Qualifies", false, false, tariff(iTariff).tariffName);
    4501             :                 //---- Native Variables
    4502       28285 :                 for (auto &e : econVar)
    4503       28200 :                     e.activeNow = false;
    4504        3230 :                 for (kVar = tariff(iTariff).firstNative; kVar <= tariff(iTariff).lastNative; ++kVar) {
    4505        3145 :                     econVar(kVar).activeNow = true;
    4506             :                 }
    4507          85 :                 ReportEconomicVariable(state, "Native Variables", false, false, tariff(iTariff).tariffName);
    4508             :                 //---- Other Variables
    4509       28285 :                 for (auto &e : econVar)
    4510       28200 :                     e.activeNow = false;
    4511       23649 :                 for (kVar = 1; kVar <= state.dataEconTariff->numEconVar; ++kVar) {
    4512       23564 :                     if (econVar(kVar).tariffIndx == iTariff) {
    4513        4476 :                         if (!econVar(kVar).isReported) {
    4514         103 :                             econVar(kVar).activeNow = true;
    4515             :                         }
    4516             :                     }
    4517             :                 }
    4518          85 :                 ReportEconomicVariable(state, "Other Variables", false, false, tariff(iTariff).tariffName);
    4519             :                 //---- Computation
    4520          85 :                 if (computation(iTariff).isUserDef) {
    4521           1 :                     WriteTextLine(state, "Computation -  User Defined", true);
    4522             :                 } else {
    4523          84 :                     WriteTextLine(state, "Computation -  Automatic", true);
    4524             :                 }
    4525          85 :                 outString = "";
    4526        4386 :                 for (lStep = computation(iTariff).firstStep; lStep <= computation(iTariff).lastStep; ++lStep) {
    4527        4301 :                     curStep = state.dataEconTariff->steps(lStep);
    4528             :                     {
    4529        4301 :                         auto const SELECT_CASE_var(curStep);
    4530        4301 :                         if (SELECT_CASE_var == 0) { // end of line
    4531         901 :                             WriteTextLine(state, rstrip(outString));
    4532         901 :                             outString = "";
    4533        3400 :                         } else if ((SELECT_CASE_var >= 1)) { // all positive values are a reference to an econVar
    4534        2499 :                             outString = econVar(curStep).name + ' ' + outString;
    4535         901 :                         } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == opSUM) {
    4536         443 :                             outString = "SUM " + outString;
    4537         458 :                         } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == opMULTIPLY) {
    4538           0 :                             outString = "MULTIPLY " + outString;
    4539         458 :                         } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == opSUBTRACT) {
    4540           0 :                             outString = "SUBTRACT " + outString;
    4541         458 :                         } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == opDIVIDE) {
    4542           0 :                             outString = "DIVIDE " + outString;
    4543         458 :                         } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == opABSOLUTE) {
    4544           0 :                             outString = "ABSOLUTE " + outString;
    4545         458 :                         } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == opINTEGER) {
    4546           0 :                             outString = "INTEGER " + outString;
    4547         458 :                         } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == opSIGN) {
    4548           0 :                             outString = "SIGN " + outString;
    4549         458 :                         } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == opROUND) {
    4550           0 :                             outString = "ROUND " + outString;
    4551         458 :                         } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == opMAXIMUM) {
    4552           0 :                             outString = "MAXIMUM " + outString;
    4553         458 :                         } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == opMINIMUM) {
    4554           0 :                             outString = "MINIMUM " + outString;
    4555         458 :                         } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == opEXCEEDS) {
    4556           0 :                             outString = "EXCEEDS " + outString;
    4557         458 :                         } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == opANNUALMINIMUM) {
    4558           0 :                             outString = "ANNUALMINIMUM " + outString;
    4559         458 :                         } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == opANNUALMAXIMUM) {
    4560           0 :                             outString = "ANNUALMAXIMUM " + outString;
    4561         458 :                         } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == opANNUALSUM) {
    4562           0 :                             outString = "ANNUALSUM " + outString;
    4563         458 :                         } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == opANNUALAVERAGE) {
    4564           0 :                             outString = "ANNUALAVERAGE " + outString;
    4565         458 :                         } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == opANNUALOR) {
    4566           0 :                             outString = "ANNUALOR " + outString;
    4567         458 :                         } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == opANNUALAND) {
    4568           0 :                             outString = "ANNUALAND " + outString;
    4569         458 :                         } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == opANNUALMAXIMUMZERO) {
    4570           0 :                             outString = "ANNUALMAXIMUMZERO " + outString;
    4571         458 :                         } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == opANNUALMINIMUMZERO) {
    4572           0 :                             outString = "ANNUALMINIMUMZERO " + outString;
    4573         458 :                         } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == opIF) {
    4574           0 :                             outString = "IF " + outString;
    4575         458 :                         } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == opGREATERTHAN) {
    4576           0 :                             outString = "GREATERTHAN " + outString;
    4577         458 :                         } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == opGREATEREQUAL) {
    4578           0 :                             outString = "GREATEREQUAL " + outString;
    4579         458 :                         } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == opLESSTHAN) {
    4580           0 :                             outString = "LESSTHAN " + outString;
    4581         458 :                         } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == opLESSEQUAL) {
    4582           0 :                             outString = "LESSEQUAL " + outString;
    4583         458 :                         } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == opEQUAL) {
    4584           0 :                             outString = "EQUAL " + outString;
    4585         458 :                         } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == opNOTEQUAL) {
    4586           0 :                             outString = "NOTEQUAL " + outString;
    4587         458 :                         } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == opAND) {
    4588           0 :                             outString = "AND " + outString;
    4589         458 :                         } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == opOR) {
    4590           0 :                             outString = "OR " + outString;
    4591         458 :                         } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == opNOT) {
    4592           0 :                             outString = "NOT " + outString;
    4593         458 :                         } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == opADD) {
    4594           0 :                             outString = "ADD " + outString;
    4595         458 :                         } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == opNOOP) { // should clear the outString when done debugging
    4596             :                             // outString = ''
    4597         458 :                             outString = "FROM " + outString;
    4598             :                         }
    4599             :                     }
    4600             :                 }
    4601             :             }
    4602             :         }
    4603             :     }
    4604         769 : }
    4605             : 
    4606          28 : void showWarningsBasedOnTotal(EnergyPlusData &state)
    4607             : {
    4608             :     //    AUTHOR         Jason Glazer of GARD Analytics, Inc.
    4609             :     //    DATE WRITTEN   July 2004
    4610             : 
    4611             :     //    Get the annual maximum and sum for the econVariable.
    4612             : 
    4613             :     int iTariff;
    4614          28 :     auto &tariff(state.dataEconTariff->tariff);
    4615             : 
    4616          28 :     if (state.dataEconTariff->numTariff > 0) {
    4617         113 :         for (iTariff = 1; iTariff <= state.dataEconTariff->numTariff; ++iTariff) {
    4618             :             {
    4619          85 :                 auto const SELECT_CASE_var(tariff(iTariff).buyOrSell);
    4620          85 :                 if (SELECT_CASE_var == buyFromUtility) {
    4621          83 :                     if (tariff(iTariff).totalAnnualCost < 0) {
    4622           0 :                         ShowWarningError(state,
    4623             :                                          "UtilityCost:Tariff: A negative annual total cost when buying electricity from a utility is unusual. ");
    4624           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "  In UtilityCost:Tariff named " + tariff(iTariff).tariffName);
    4625             :                     }
    4626           2 :                 } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == sellToUtility) {
    4627           1 :                     if (tariff(iTariff).totalAnnualCost > 0) {
    4628           0 :                         ShowWarningError(state,
    4629             :                                          "UtilityCost:Tariff: A positive annual total cost when selling electricity to a utility is unusual. ");
    4630           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "  In UtilityCost:Tariff named " + tariff(iTariff).tariffName);
    4631             :                     }
    4632             :                 }
    4633             :             }
    4634             :         }
    4635             :     }
    4636          28 : }
    4637             : 
    4638        4703 : void getMaxAndSum(EnergyPlusData &state, int const varPointer, Real64 &sumResult, Real64 &maxResult)
    4639             : {
    4640             :     //    AUTHOR         Jason Glazer of GARD Analytics, Inc.
    4641             :     //    DATE WRITTEN   July 2004
    4642             : 
    4643             :     //    Get the annual maximum and sum for the econVariable.
    4644             : 
    4645             :     Real64 sumVal;
    4646        4703 :     Real64 maximumVal(0.0); // Autodesk Value not used but suppresses warning about HUGE_() call
    4647             :     Real64 curVal;
    4648             :     int jMonth;
    4649             : 
    4650        4703 :     auto &econVar(state.dataEconTariff->econVar);
    4651             : 
    4652        4703 :     sumVal = 0.0;
    4653        4703 :     maximumVal = -HUGE_(maximumVal);
    4654       61139 :     for (jMonth = 1; jMonth <= 12; ++jMonth) { // note not all months get printed out if more than 12 are used.- need to fix this later
    4655       56436 :         curVal = econVar(varPointer).values(jMonth);
    4656       56436 :         sumVal += curVal;
    4657       56436 :         if (curVal > maximumVal) {
    4658        4819 :             maximumVal = curVal;
    4659             :         }
    4660             :     }
    4661        4703 :     sumResult = sumVal;
    4662        4703 :     maxResult = maximumVal;
    4663        4703 : }
    4664             : 
    4665         595 : void ReportEconomicVariable(
    4666             :     EnergyPlusData &state, std::string const &titleString, bool const includeCategory, bool const showCurrencySymbol, std::string const &forString)
    4667             : {
    4668             :     //    AUTHOR         Jason Glazer of GARD Analytics, Inc.
    4669             :     //    DATE WRITTEN   July 2004
    4670             :     //    MODIFIED       January 2010, Kyle Benne
    4671             :     //                   Added sqlite output
    4672             : 
    4673             :     //    Report all econVar that show as activeNow
    4674             : 
    4675             :     using OutputReportTabular::RealToStr;
    4676             :     using OutputReportTabular::WriteReportHeaders;
    4677             :     using OutputReportTabular::WriteSubtitle;
    4678             :     using OutputReportTabular::WriteTable;
    4679             : 
    4680             :     // all arrays are in the format: (row, column)
    4681        1190 :     Array1D_string columnHead;
    4682        1190 :     Array1D_int columnWidth;
    4683        1190 :     Array1D_string rowHead;
    4684        1190 :     Array2D_string tableBody;
    4685             :     Real64 sumVal;
    4686             :     Real64 maximumVal;
    4687             :     Real64 curVal;
    4688             :     int curIndex;
    4689             :     int curCatPt;
    4690             :     int curCategory;
    4691             : 
    4692             :     int iVar;
    4693             :     int jMonth;
    4694             :     int cntOfVar;
    4695             :     int nCntOfVar;
    4696             : 
    4697         595 :     auto &econVar(state.dataEconTariff->econVar);
    4698         595 :     auto &chargeBlock(state.dataEconTariff->chargeBlock);
    4699         595 :     auto &chargeSimple(state.dataEconTariff->chargeSimple);
    4700             : 
    4701         595 :     cntOfVar = 0;
    4702      165543 :     for (iVar = 1; iVar <= state.dataEconTariff->numEconVar; ++iVar) {
    4703      164948 :         if (econVar(iVar).activeNow) {
    4704        4703 :             ++cntOfVar;
    4705             :         }
    4706             :     }
    4707         595 :     if (includeCategory) {
    4708          85 :         rowHead.allocate(cntOfVar);
    4709          85 :         columnHead.allocate(15);
    4710          85 :         columnWidth.allocate(15);
    4711          85 :         tableBody.allocate(15, cntOfVar);
    4712             :     } else {
    4713         510 :         rowHead.allocate(cntOfVar);
    4714         510 :         columnHead.allocate(14);
    4715         510 :         columnWidth.allocate(14);
    4716         510 :         tableBody.allocate(14, cntOfVar);
    4717             :     }
    4718             :     // column names
    4719         595 :     columnHead(1) = "Jan";
    4720         595 :     columnHead(2) = "Feb";
    4721         595 :     columnHead(3) = "Mar";
    4722         595 :     columnHead(4) = "Apr";
    4723         595 :     columnHead(5) = "May";
    4724         595 :     columnHead(6) = "Jun";
    4725         595 :     columnHead(7) = "Jul";
    4726         595 :     columnHead(8) = "Aug";
    4727         595 :     columnHead(9) = "Sep";
    4728         595 :     columnHead(10) = "Oct";
    4729         595 :     columnHead(11) = "Nov";
    4730         595 :     columnHead(12) = "Dec";
    4731         595 :     columnHead(13) = "Sum";
    4732         595 :     columnHead(14) = "Max";
    4733         595 :     if (includeCategory) {
    4734          85 :         columnHead(15) = "Category";
    4735             :     }
    4736         595 :     nCntOfVar = 0;
    4737             :     // row names
    4738      165543 :     for (iVar = 1; iVar <= state.dataEconTariff->numEconVar; ++iVar) {
    4739      164948 :         if (econVar(iVar).activeNow) {
    4740        4703 :             ++nCntOfVar;
    4741        4703 :             if (showCurrencySymbol) {
    4742        1155 :                 rowHead(nCntOfVar) = econVar(iVar).name + " (~~$~~)";
    4743             :             } else {
    4744        3548 :                 rowHead(nCntOfVar) = econVar(iVar).name;
    4745             :             }
    4746             :         }
    4747             :     }
    4748             :     // fill the body
    4749         595 :     nCntOfVar = 0;
    4750      165543 :     for (iVar = 1; iVar <= state.dataEconTariff->numEconVar; ++iVar) {
    4751      164948 :         if (econVar(iVar).activeNow) {
    4752        4703 :             ++nCntOfVar;
    4753       61139 :             for (jMonth = 1; jMonth <= 12; ++jMonth) { // note not all months get printed out if more than 12 are used.- need to fix this later
    4754       56436 :                 curVal = econVar(iVar).values(jMonth);
    4755       56436 :                 if ((curVal > 0) && (curVal < 1)) {
    4756         408 :                     tableBody(jMonth, nCntOfVar) = RealToStr(curVal, 4);
    4757             :                 } else {
    4758       56028 :                     tableBody(jMonth, nCntOfVar) = RealToStr(curVal, 2);
    4759             :                 }
    4760             :             }
    4761        4703 :             getMaxAndSum(state, iVar, sumVal, maximumVal);
    4762        4703 :             tableBody(13, nCntOfVar) = RealToStr(sumVal, 2);
    4763        4703 :             tableBody(14, nCntOfVar) = RealToStr(maximumVal, 2);
    4764        4703 :             if (includeCategory) {
    4765             :                 // first find category
    4766         390 :                 curCategory = 0;
    4767         390 :                 curIndex = econVar(iVar).index;
    4768             : 
    4769         390 :                 switch (econVar(iVar).kindOfObj) {
    4770         318 :                 case ObjType::ChargeSimple:
    4771         318 :                     if ((curIndex >= 1) && (curIndex <= state.dataEconTariff->numChargeSimple)) {
    4772         318 :                         curCatPt = chargeSimple(curIndex).categoryPt;
    4773             :                     }
    4774         318 :                     break;
    4775          72 :                 case ObjType::ChargeBlock:
    4776          72 :                     if ((curIndex >= 1) && (curIndex <= state.dataEconTariff->numChargeBlock)) {
    4777          72 :                         curCatPt = chargeBlock(curIndex).categoryPt;
    4778             :                     }
    4779          72 :                     break;
    4780           0 :                 default:
    4781           0 :                     break;
    4782             :                 }
    4783             : 
    4784         390 :                 if ((curCatPt >= 1) && (curCatPt <= state.dataEconTariff->numEconVar)) {
    4785         390 :                     curCategory = econVar(curCatPt).specific;
    4786             :                 }
    4787             :                 {
    4788         390 :                     auto const SELECT_CASE_var(curCategory);
    4789         390 :                     if (SELECT_CASE_var == catEnergyCharges) {
    4790         245 :                         tableBody(15, nCntOfVar) = "EnergyCharges";
    4791         145 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == catDemandCharges) {
    4792          80 :                         tableBody(15, nCntOfVar) = "DemandCharges";
    4793          65 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == catServiceCharges) {
    4794           0 :                         tableBody(15, nCntOfVar) = "ServiceCharges";
    4795          65 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == catBasis) {
    4796           0 :                         tableBody(15, nCntOfVar) = "Basis";
    4797          65 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == catAdjustment) {
    4798           0 :                         tableBody(15, nCntOfVar) = "Adjustment";
    4799          65 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == catSurcharge) {
    4800           0 :                         tableBody(15, nCntOfVar) = "Surcharge";
    4801          65 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == catSubtotal) {
    4802           0 :                         tableBody(15, nCntOfVar) = "Subtotal";
    4803          65 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == catTaxes) {
    4804          64 :                         tableBody(15, nCntOfVar) = "Taxes";
    4805           1 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == catTotal) {
    4806           0 :                         tableBody(15, nCntOfVar) = "Total";
    4807             :                     } else {
    4808           1 :                         tableBody(15, nCntOfVar) = "none";
    4809             :                     }
    4810             :                 }
    4811             :             }
    4812        4703 :             econVar(iVar).isReported = true;
    4813             :         }
    4814             :     }
    4815         595 :     columnWidth = 14; // array assignment - same for all columns
    4816         595 :     WriteSubtitle(state, titleString);
    4817         595 :     WriteTable(state, tableBody, rowHead, columnHead, columnWidth);
    4818         595 :     if (state.dataSQLiteProcedures->sqlite) {
    4819         182 :         state.dataSQLiteProcedures->sqlite->createSQLiteTabularDataRecords(tableBody, rowHead, columnHead, "Tariff Report", forString, titleString);
    4820             :     }
    4821         595 :     if (state.dataResultsFramework->resultsFramework->timeSeriesAndTabularEnabled()) {
    4822           0 :         state.dataResultsFramework->resultsFramework->TabularReportsCollection.addReportTable(
    4823             :             tableBody, rowHead, columnHead, "Tariff Report", forString, titleString);
    4824             :     }
    4825         595 :     columnHead.deallocate();
    4826         595 :     rowHead.deallocate();
    4827         595 :     columnWidth.deallocate();
    4828         595 :     tableBody.deallocate();
    4829         595 : }
    4830             : 
    4831          94 : void selectTariff(EnergyPlusData &state)
    4832             : {
    4833             :     //    AUTHOR         Jason Glazer of GARD Analytics, Inc.
    4834             :     //    DATE WRITTEN   July 2004
    4835             : 
    4836             :     //    To select tariffs for each combination of meter and
    4837             :     //    group.  If multipler tariffs have the same meter and
    4838             :     //    group, then select the one with the lowest cost.
    4839             :     //    For electric tariffs, since they may have buy, sell, or
    4840             :     //    netmetering, they need to be combined more carefully.
    4841             :     //    Multiple meters are used but buy + sell might be more or
    4842             :     //    less expensive than netmeter.
    4843             : 
    4844             :     int totalVarPt;
    4845             :     int totEneVarPt;
    4846             :     Real64 annualTotal;
    4847             :     Real64 annEneTotal;
    4848             :     int iTariff;
    4849             :     int jMonth;
    4850             :     int kTariff;
    4851             :     int lMin;
    4852             :     int mGroup;
    4853         188 :     Array1D_int groupIndex;     // index number (in tariff) for the group name
    4854         188 :     Array1D_int MinTariffIndex; // tariff index for the Minimum value
    4855             :     int numMins;
    4856             :     int curMinTariffIndex;
    4857             :     bool isFound;
    4858             :     int groupCount;
    4859             :     int lowestSimpleTariff;
    4860             :     int lowestPurchaseTariff;
    4861             :     int lowestSurplusSoldTariff;
    4862             :     int lowestNetMeterTariff;
    4863             : 
    4864          94 :     auto &tariff(state.dataEconTariff->tariff);
    4865          94 :     auto &econVar(state.dataEconTariff->econVar);
    4866             : 
    4867          94 :     groupIndex.dimension(state.dataEconTariff->numTariff, 0);
    4868          94 :     groupCount = 0;
    4869          94 :     numMins = 0;
    4870          94 :     MinTariffIndex.dimension(state.dataEconTariff->numTariff, 0);
    4871         379 :     for (iTariff = 1; iTariff <= state.dataEconTariff->numTariff; ++iTariff) {
    4872             :         // compute the total annual cost of each tariff
    4873         285 :         totalVarPt = tariff(iTariff).ptTotal;
    4874         285 :         totEneVarPt = tariff(iTariff).nativeTotalEnergy;
    4875         285 :         annualTotal = 0.0;
    4876         285 :         annEneTotal = 0.0;
    4877        3705 :         for (jMonth = 1; jMonth <= MaxNumMonths; ++jMonth) {
    4878        3420 :             annualTotal += econVar(totalVarPt).values(jMonth);
    4879        3420 :             annEneTotal += econVar(totEneVarPt).values(jMonth);
    4880             :         }
    4881         285 :         tariff(iTariff).totalAnnualCost = annualTotal;
    4882         285 :         tariff(iTariff).totalAnnualEnergy = annEneTotal;
    4883             :         // Set the groupIndex
    4884         285 :         if (groupIndex(iTariff) == 0) {
    4885             :             // set the current item to the tariff index
    4886         175 :             ++groupCount;
    4887         175 :             groupIndex(iTariff) = groupCount;
    4888             :             // set all remaining matching items to the same index
    4889         367 :             for (kTariff = iTariff + 1; kTariff <= state.dataEconTariff->numTariff; ++kTariff) {
    4890         192 :                 if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(tariff(kTariff).groupName, tariff(iTariff).groupName)) {
    4891         110 :                     groupIndex(kTariff) = groupCount;
    4892             :                 }
    4893             :             }
    4894             :         }
    4895             :     }
    4896             :     // First process the all tariff and identify the lowest cost for each type of meter and group.
    4897         379 :     for (iTariff = 1; iTariff <= state.dataEconTariff->numTariff; ++iTariff) {
    4898         285 :         if (tariff(iTariff).isQualified) {
    4899         285 :             isFound = false;
    4900         503 :             for (lMin = 1; lMin <= numMins; ++lMin) {
    4901         218 :                 curMinTariffIndex = MinTariffIndex(lMin);
    4902             :                 // find matching meter and group
    4903         218 :                 if (tariff(iTariff).reportMeterIndx == tariff(curMinTariffIndex).reportMeterIndx) {
    4904         106 :                     if (groupIndex(iTariff) == groupIndex(curMinTariffIndex)) {
    4905         106 :                         isFound = true;
    4906             :                         // found the matching mater and group now test if smaller Min is current tariff
    4907         106 :                         if (tariff(iTariff).totalAnnualCost < tariff(curMinTariffIndex).totalAnnualCost) {
    4908          94 :                             MinTariffIndex(lMin) = iTariff;
    4909             :                             // select the new Minimum tariff and deselect the one that was just exceeded
    4910          94 :                             tariff(curMinTariffIndex).isSelected = false;
    4911          94 :                             tariff(iTariff).isSelected = true;
    4912             :                         }
    4913             :                     }
    4914             :                 }
    4915             :             }
    4916         285 :             if (!isFound) {
    4917         179 :                 ++numMins;
    4918         179 :                 if (numMins > state.dataEconTariff->numTariff) {
    4919           0 :                     ShowWarningError(state, "UtilityCost:Tariff Debugging error numMins greater than numTariff.");
    4920             :                 }
    4921         179 :                 MinTariffIndex(numMins) = iTariff;
    4922             :                 // tariff(numMins)%isSelected = .TRUE.  !original
    4923         179 :                 tariff(iTariff).isSelected = true; // BTG changed 2/7/2005     CR6573
    4924             :             }
    4925             :         }
    4926             :     }
    4927             :     // Now select for the electric meters. If electric buying and selling and netmetering all are going
    4928             :     // on, need to determine which combination should be selected. Within each group select just one set
    4929             :     // of electric results.  The electric results can be either the buy rate only, the buy rate plus the
    4930             :     // sell rate, or the netmetering rate, whichever of these three is the lowest combination.
    4931             :     // (The kindElectricMtr was assigned in GetInputEconomicsTariff)
    4932         269 :     for (mGroup = 1; mGroup <= groupCount; ++mGroup) {
    4933         175 :         lowestSimpleTariff = 0;
    4934         175 :         lowestPurchaseTariff = 0;
    4935         175 :         lowestSurplusSoldTariff = 0;
    4936         175 :         lowestNetMeterTariff = 0;
    4937         715 :         for (iTariff = 1; iTariff <= state.dataEconTariff->numTariff; ++iTariff) {
    4938         540 :             if (tariff(iTariff).isQualified) {
    4939         540 :                 if (tariff(iTariff).isSelected) {
    4940         341 :                     if (groupIndex(iTariff) == mGroup) {
    4941             :                         {
    4942         179 :                             auto const SELECT_CASE_var(tariff(iTariff).kindElectricMtr);
    4943         179 :                             if (SELECT_CASE_var == kindMeterElecSimple) {
    4944          91 :                                 lowestSimpleTariff = iTariff;
    4945          88 :                             } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == kindMeterElecProduced) {
    4946             :                                 // don't show electric produced rates as ever selected since surplus sold is more relevant
    4947           0 :                                 tariff(iTariff).isSelected = false;
    4948          88 :                             } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == kindMeterElecPurchased) {
    4949           1 :                                 lowestPurchaseTariff = iTariff;
    4950          87 :                             } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == kindMeterElecSurplusSold) {
    4951           1 :                                 lowestSurplusSoldTariff = iTariff;
    4952          86 :                             } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == kindMeterElecNet) {
    4953           3 :                                 lowestNetMeterTariff = iTariff;
    4954             :                             }
    4955             :                         }
    4956             :                     }
    4957             :                 }
    4958             :             }
    4959             :         }
    4960             :         // compare the simple and purchased metered tariffs
    4961         175 :         if ((lowestSimpleTariff > 0) && (lowestPurchaseTariff > 0)) {
    4962           0 :             if (tariff(lowestSimpleTariff).totalAnnualCost < tariff(lowestPurchaseTariff).totalAnnualCost) {
    4963           0 :                 tariff(lowestPurchaseTariff).isSelected = false;
    4964           0 :                 lowestPurchaseTariff = 0;
    4965             :             } else {
    4966           0 :                 tariff(lowestSimpleTariff).isSelected = false;
    4967           0 :                 lowestSimpleTariff = 0;
    4968             :             }
    4969             :         }
    4970             :         // if surplus sold is negative use it otherwise don't
    4971         175 :         if (lowestSurplusSoldTariff > 0) {
    4972           1 :             if (tariff(lowestSurplusSoldTariff).totalAnnualCost > 0) {
    4973           0 :                 tariff(lowestSurplusSoldTariff).isSelected = false;
    4974           0 :                 lowestSurplusSoldTariff = 0;
    4975             :             }
    4976             :         }
    4977             :         // if netmetering is used compare it to simple plus surplus
    4978         175 :         if (((lowestNetMeterTariff > 0) && (lowestSurplusSoldTariff > 0)) && (lowestSimpleTariff > 0)) {
    4979           0 :             if (tariff(lowestNetMeterTariff).totalAnnualCost <
    4980           0 :                 (tariff(lowestSimpleTariff).totalAnnualCost + tariff(lowestSurplusSoldTariff).totalAnnualCost)) {
    4981           0 :                 tariff(lowestSimpleTariff).isSelected = false;
    4982           0 :                 lowestSimpleTariff = 0;
    4983           0 :                 tariff(lowestSurplusSoldTariff).isSelected = false;
    4984           0 :                 lowestSurplusSoldTariff = 0;
    4985             :             } else {
    4986           0 :                 tariff(lowestNetMeterTariff).isSelected = false;
    4987           0 :                 lowestNetMeterTariff = 0;
    4988             :             }
    4989             :         }
    4990             :         // if netmetering is used compare it to purchased plus surplus
    4991         175 :         if (((lowestNetMeterTariff > 0) && (lowestSurplusSoldTariff > 0)) && (lowestPurchaseTariff > 0)) {
    4992           2 :             if (tariff(lowestNetMeterTariff).totalAnnualCost <
    4993           1 :                 (tariff(lowestPurchaseTariff).totalAnnualCost + tariff(lowestSurplusSoldTariff).totalAnnualCost)) {
    4994           0 :                 tariff(lowestPurchaseTariff).isSelected = false;
    4995           0 :                 lowestPurchaseTariff = 0;
    4996           0 :                 tariff(lowestSurplusSoldTariff).isSelected = false;
    4997           0 :                 lowestSurplusSoldTariff = 0;
    4998             :             } else {
    4999           1 :                 tariff(lowestNetMeterTariff).isSelected = false;
    5000           1 :                 lowestNetMeterTariff = 0;
    5001             :             }
    5002             :         }
    5003             :         // if netmetering is used compare it to simple only
    5004         175 :         if ((lowestNetMeterTariff > 0) && (lowestSimpleTariff > 0)) {
    5005           0 :             if (tariff(lowestNetMeterTariff).totalAnnualCost < tariff(lowestSimpleTariff).totalAnnualCost) {
    5006           0 :                 tariff(lowestSimpleTariff).isSelected = false;
    5007           0 :                 lowestSimpleTariff = 0;
    5008             :             } else {
    5009           0 :                 tariff(lowestNetMeterTariff).isSelected = false;
    5010           0 :                 lowestNetMeterTariff = 0;
    5011             :             }
    5012             :         }
    5013             :         // if netmetering is used compare it to purchased only
    5014         175 :         if ((lowestNetMeterTariff > 0) && (lowestPurchaseTariff > 0)) {
    5015           0 :             if (tariff(lowestNetMeterTariff).totalAnnualCost < tariff(lowestPurchaseTariff).totalAnnualCost) {
    5016           0 :                 tariff(lowestPurchaseTariff).isSelected = false;
    5017           0 :                 lowestPurchaseTariff = 0;
    5018             :             } else {
    5019           0 :                 tariff(lowestNetMeterTariff).isSelected = false;
    5020           0 :                 lowestNetMeterTariff = 0;
    5021             :             }
    5022             :         }
    5023             :     }
    5024          94 :     groupIndex.deallocate();
    5025          94 :     MinTariffIndex.deallocate();
    5026          94 : }
    5027             : 
    5028          47 : void GetMonthlyCostForResource(EnergyPlusData &state, DataGlobalConstants::ResourceType const inResourceNumber, Array1A<Real64> outMonthlyCosts)
    5029             : {
    5030             :     //       AUTHOR         Jason Glazer
    5031             :     //       DATE WRITTEN   May 2010
    5032             : 
    5033             :     //  Return the total annual cost for a given resource number.
    5034             : 
    5035             :     // Argument array dimensioning
    5036          47 :     outMonthlyCosts.dim(12);
    5037             : 
    5038             :     int iTariff;
    5039             :     int jMonth;
    5040             :     int totalVarPt;
    5041             : 
    5042          47 :     auto &tariff(state.dataEconTariff->tariff);
    5043          47 :     auto &econVar(state.dataEconTariff->econVar);
    5044             : 
    5045          47 :     outMonthlyCosts = 0.0;
    5046         752 :     for (iTariff = 1; iTariff <= state.dataEconTariff->numTariff; ++iTariff) {
    5047         705 :         if (tariff(iTariff).isSelected) {
    5048         188 :             if (tariff(iTariff).resourceNum == inResourceNumber) {
    5049           4 :                 totalVarPt = tariff(iTariff).ptTotal;
    5050          52 :                 for (jMonth = 1; jMonth <= 12; ++jMonth) { // use 12 because LCC assume 12 months
    5051          48 :                     outMonthlyCosts(jMonth) += econVar(totalVarPt).values(jMonth);
    5052             :                 }
    5053             :             }
    5054             :         }
    5055             :     }
    5056          47 : }
    5057             : 
    5058        2313 : } // namespace EnergyPlus::EconomicTariff

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