LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - EnergyPlus - ElectricPowerServiceManager.hh (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: lcov.output.filtered Lines: 12 15 80.0 %
Date: 2023-01-17 19:17:23 Functions: 10 11 90.9 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : // EnergyPlus, Copyright (c) 1996-2023, The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois,
       2             : // The Regents of the University of California, through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
       3             : // (subject to receipt of any required approvals from the U.S. Dept. of Energy), Oak Ridge
       4             : // National Laboratory, managed by UT-Battelle, Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC, and other
       5             : // contributors. All rights reserved.
       6             : //
       7             : // NOTICE: This Software was developed under funding from the U.S. Department of Energy and the
       8             : // U.S. Government consequently retains certain rights. As such, the U.S. Government has been
       9             : // granted for itself and others acting on its behalf a paid-up, nonexclusive, irrevocable,
      10             : // worldwide license in the Software to reproduce, distribute copies to the public, prepare
      11             : // derivative works, and perform publicly and display publicly, and to permit others to do so.
      12             : //
      13             : // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted
      14             : // provided that the following conditions are met:
      15             : //
      16             : // (1) Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of
      17             : //     conditions and the following disclaimer.
      18             : //
      19             : // (2) Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of
      20             : //     conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
      21             : //     provided with the distribution.
      22             : //
      23             : // (3) Neither the name of the University of California, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,
      24             : //     the University of Illinois, U.S. Dept. of Energy nor the names of its contributors may be
      25             : //     used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior
      26             : //     written permission.
      27             : //
      28             : // (4) Use of EnergyPlus(TM) Name. If Licensee (i) distributes the software in stand-alone form
      29             : //     without changes from the version obtained under this License, or (ii) Licensee makes a
      30             : //     reference solely to the software portion of its product, Licensee must refer to the
      31             : //     software as "EnergyPlus version X" software, where "X" is the version number Licensee
      32             : //     obtained under this License and may not use a different name for the software. Except as
      33             : //     specifically required in this Section (4), Licensee shall not use in a company name, a
      34             : //     product name, in advertising, publicity, or other promotional activities any name, trade
      35             : //     name, trademark, logo, or other designation of "EnergyPlus", "E+", "e+" or confusingly
      36             : //     similar designation, without the U.S. Department of Energy's prior written consent.
      37             : //
      46             : // POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.
      47             : 
      48             : #ifndef ElectricPowerServiceManager_hh_INCLUDED
      49             : #define ElectricPowerServiceManager_hh_INCLUDED
      50             : 
      51             : // C++ Headers
      52             : #include <memory>
      53             : #include <string>
      54             : #include <vector>
      55             : 
      56             : // EnergyPlus Headers
      57             : #include <EnergyPlus/Data/BaseData.hh>
      58             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataGlobalConstants.hh>
      59             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataHeatBalance.hh>
      60             : #include <EnergyPlus/EMSManager.hh>
      61             : #include <EnergyPlus/EnergyPlus.hh>
      62             : #include <EnergyPlus/OutputProcessor.hh>
      63             : #include <EnergyPlus/PVWatts.hh>
      64             : #include <EnergyPlus/Plant/Enums.hh>
      65             : #include <EnergyPlus/Plant/PlantLocation.hh>
      66             : 
      67             : // SSC Headers
      68             : #include <../third_party/ssc/shared/lib_battery.h>
      69             : 
      70             : namespace EnergyPlus {
      71             : 
      72             : enum class GeneratorType
      73             : {
      74             :     Invalid = -1,
      75             :     ICEngine,
      76             :     CombTurbine,
      77             :     PV,
      78             :     FuelCell,
      79             :     MicroCHP,
      80             :     Microturbine,
      81             :     WindTurbine,
      82             :     PVWatts,
      83             :     Num
      84             : };
      85             : 
      86             : static constexpr std::array<std::string_view, static_cast<int>(GeneratorType::Num)> GeneratorTypeNames{"Generator:InternalCombustionEngine",
      87             :                                                                                                        "Generator:CombustionTurbine",
      88             :                                                                                                        "Generator:Photovoltaic",
      89             :                                                                                                        "Generator:FuelCell",
      90             :                                                                                                        "Generator:MicroCHP",
      91             :                                                                                                        "Generator:MicroTurbine",
      92             :                                                                                                        "Generator:WindTurbine",
      93             :                                                                                                        "Generator:PVWatts"};
      94             : 
      95             : static constexpr std::array<std::string_view, static_cast<int>(GeneratorType::Num)> GeneratorTypeNamesUC{"GENERATOR:INTERNALCOMBUSTIONENGINE",
      96             :                                                                                                          "GENERATOR:COMBUSTIONTURBINE",
      97             :                                                                                                          "GENERATOR:PHOTOVOLTAIC",
      98             :                                                                                                          "GENERATOR:FUELCELL",
      99             :                                                                                                          "GENERATOR:MICROCHP",
     100             :                                                                                                          "GENERATOR:MICROTURBINE",
     101             :                                                                                                          "GENERATOR:WINDTURBINE",
     102             :                                                                                                          "GENERATOR:PVWATTS"};
     103             : 
     104             : enum class ThermalLossDestination
     105             : {
     106             :     Invalid = -1,
     107             :     ZoneGains,     // device thermal losses are added to a zone as internal gains
     108             :     LostToOutside, // device thermal losses have no destination
     109             :     Num
     110             : };
     111             : 
     112             : void initializeElectricPowerServiceZoneGains(EnergyPlusData &state);
     113             : 
     114          11 : class DCtoACInverter
     115             : // This class is for modelling a power conversion device that takes DC power in and produces AC power out.
     116             : // This class combines three separate input objects that have different methods of determining efficiency.
     117             : {
     118             : 
     119             : public: // Methods
     120             :     enum class InverterModelType
     121             :     {
     122             :         Invalid = -1,
     123             :         CECLookUpTableModel,
     124             :         CurveFuncOfPower,
     125             :         SimpleConstantEff,
     126             :         PVWatts,
     127             :         Num
     128             :     };
     129             : 
     130             :     // Constructor
     131             :     DCtoACInverter(EnergyPlusData &state, std::string const &objectName);
     132             : 
     133             :     void simulate(EnergyPlusData &state, Real64 const powerIntoInverter);
     134             : 
     135             :     void reinitAtBeginEnvironment();
     136             : 
     137             :     void reinitZoneGainsAtBeginEnvironment();
     138             : 
     139             :     void setPVWattsDCCapacity(EnergyPlusData &state, Real64 const dcCapacity);
     140             : 
     141             :     Real64 pvWattsDCCapacity();
     142             : 
     143             :     Real64 pvWattsInverterEfficiency();
     144             : 
     145             :     Real64 pvWattsDCtoACSizeRatio();
     146             : 
     147             :     Real64 thermLossRate() const;
     148             : 
     149             :     Real64 getLossRateForOutputPower(EnergyPlusData &state, Real64 const powerOutOfInverter);
     150             : 
     151             :     Real64 aCPowerOut() const;
     152             : 
     153             :     Real64 aCEnergyOut() const;
     154             : 
     155             :     InverterModelType modelType() const;
     156             : 
     157             :     std::string const &name() const;
     158             : 
     159             : private: // Methods
     160             :     void calcEfficiency(EnergyPlusData &state);
     161             : 
     162             : private:               // data
     163             :     std::string name_; // user identifier
     164             :     Real64 aCPowerOut_;
     165             :     Real64 aCEnergyOut_;
     166             :     Real64 efficiency_;
     167             :     Real64 dCPowerIn_;
     168             :     Real64 dCEnergyIn_;
     169             :     Real64 conversionLossPower_;
     170             :     Real64 conversionLossEnergy_;
     171             :     Real64 conversionLossEnergyDecrement_;
     172             :     Real64 thermLossRate_;
     173             :     Real64 thermLossEnergy_;
     174             :     Real64 qdotConvZone_;
     175             :     Real64 qdotRadZone_;
     176             :     Real64 ancillACuseRate_;
     177             :     Real64 ancillACuseEnergy_;
     178             :     InverterModelType modelType_; // type of inverter model used
     179             :     int availSchedPtr_;           // number for availability schedule.
     180             :     ThermalLossDestination heatLossesDestination_;
     181             :     int zoneNum_;                              // destination zone for heat losses from inverter.
     182             :     Real64 zoneRadFract_;                      // radiative fraction for thermal losses to zone
     183             :     Real64 nominalVoltage_;                    // CEC lookup table model
     184             :     std::vector<Real64> nomVoltEfficiencyARR_; // eff at 10, 20, 30, 50, 75, & 100% CEC lookup table model
     185             :     int curveNum_;                             // curve index for eff as func of power
     186             :     Real64 ratedPower_;                        // rated, max continuous power output level for inverter
     187             :     Real64 minPower_;
     188             :     Real64 maxPower_;
     189             :     Real64 minEfficiency_;
     190             :     Real64 maxEfficiency_;
     191             :     Real64 standbyPower_;
     192             :     Real64 pvWattsDCtoACSizeRatio_;
     193             :     Real64 pvWattsInverterEfficiency_;
     194             : 
     195             : }; // DCtoACInverter
     196             : 
     197           4 : class ACtoDCConverter
     198             : // This class is for modelling a power conversion device that takes AC power in and produces DC power out.
     199             : 
     200             : {
     201             : 
     202             : public: // Methods
     203             :     // Constructor
     204             :     ACtoDCConverter(EnergyPlusData &state, std::string const &objectName);
     205             : 
     206             :     void simulate(EnergyPlusData &state, Real64 const powerOutFromConverter);
     207             : 
     208             :     void reinitAtBeginEnvironment();
     209             : 
     210             :     void reinitZoneGainsAtBeginEnvironment();
     211             : 
     212             :     Real64 thermLossRate() const;
     213             : 
     214             :     Real64 dCPowerOut() const;
     215             : 
     216             :     Real64 dCEnergyOut() const;
     217             : 
     218             :     Real64 aCPowerIn() const;
     219             : 
     220             :     Real64 getLossRateForInputPower(EnergyPlusData &state, Real64 const powerIntoConverter); // AC power going into inverter
     221             : 
     222             :     std::string const &name() const;
     223             : 
     224             : private: // methods
     225             :     void calcEfficiency(EnergyPlusData &state);
     226             : 
     227             : private: // data
     228             :     enum class ConverterModelType
     229             :     {
     230             :         Invalid = -1,
     231             :         CurveFuncOfPower,
     232             :         SimpleConstantEff,
     233             :         Num
     234             :     };
     235             : 
     236             :     std::string name_; // user identifier
     237             :     Real64 efficiency_;
     238             :     Real64 aCPowerIn_;
     239             :     Real64 aCEnergyIn_;
     240             :     Real64 dCPowerOut_;
     241             :     Real64 dCEnergyOut_;
     242             :     Real64 conversionLossPower_;
     243             :     Real64 conversionLossEnergy_;
     244             :     Real64 conversionLossEnergyDecrement_;
     245             :     Real64 thermLossRate_;
     246             :     Real64 thermLossEnergy_;
     247             :     Real64 qdotConvZone_;
     248             :     Real64 qdotRadZone_;
     249             :     Real64 ancillACuseRate_;
     250             :     Real64 ancillACuseEnergy_;
     251             :     int availSchedPtr_;            // number for availability schedule.
     252             :     ConverterModelType modelType_; // type of inverter model used
     253             :     int curveNum_;                 // performance curve or table index
     254             :     ThermalLossDestination heatLossesDestination_;
     255             :     int zoneNum_;         // destination zone for heat losses from inverter.
     256             :     Real64 zoneRadFract_; // radiative fraction for thermal losses to zone
     257             :     Real64 standbyPower_;
     258             :     Real64 maxPower_;
     259             : };
     260             : 
     261           8 : class ElectricStorage
     262             : // This class is for modeling a device for storing electric power over time.
     263             : // This class combines two separate input objects that have different models.
     264             : {
     265             : 
     266             : public: // methods
     267             :     // Constructor
     268             :     ElectricStorage(EnergyPlusData &state, std::string const &objectName);
     269             : 
     270             :     void timeCheckAndUpdate(EnergyPlusData &state);
     271             : 
     272             :     void simulate(EnergyPlusData &state,
     273             :                   Real64 &powerCharge,
     274             :                   Real64 &powerDischarge,
     275             :                   bool &charging,
     276             :                   bool &discharging,
     277             :                   Real64 const controlSOCMaxFracLimit,
     278             :                   Real64 const controlSOCMinFracLimit);
     279             : 
     280             :     // void calcAndReportSimpleBucketModel();
     281             : 
     282             :     // void calcAndReportKineticBatteryModel();
     283             : 
     284             :     void reinitAtBeginEnvironment();
     285             : 
     286             :     void reinitZoneGainsAtBeginEnvironment();
     287             : 
     288             :     void reinitAtEndWarmup();
     289             : 
     290             :     Real64 drawnPower() const;
     291             : 
     292             :     Real64 storedPower() const;
     293             : 
     294             :     Real64 drawnEnergy() const;
     295             : 
     296             :     Real64 storedEnergy() const;
     297             : 
     298             :     Real64 stateOfChargeFraction() const;
     299             : 
     300             :     Real64 batteryTemperature() const;
     301             : 
     302             :     bool determineCurrentForBatteryDischarge(EnergyPlusData &state,
     303             :                                              Real64 &curI0,
     304             :                                              Real64 &curT0,
     305             :                                              Real64 &curVolt,
     306             :                                              Real64 const Pw,
     307             :                                              Real64 const q0,
     308             :                                              int const CurveNum,
     309             :                                              Real64 const k,
     310             :                                              Real64 const c,
     311             :                                              Real64 const qmax,
     312             :                                              Real64 const E0c,
     313             :                                              Real64 const InternalR);
     314             : 
     315             :     std::string const &name() const;
     316             : 
     317             : private:                            // methods
     318             :     void simulateSimpleBucketModel( // request charge discharge and
     319             :         EnergyPlusData &state,
     320             :         Real64 &powerCharge,
     321             :         Real64 &powerDischarge,
     322             :         bool &charging,
     323             :         bool &discharging,
     324             :         Real64 const controlSOCMaxFracLimit,
     325             :         Real64 const controlSOCMinFracLimit);
     326             : 
     327             :     void simulateKineticBatteryModel(EnergyPlusData &state,
     328             :                                      Real64 &powerCharge,
     329             :                                      Real64 &powerDischarge,
     330             :                                      bool &charging,
     331             :                                      bool &discharging,
     332             :                                      Real64 const controlSOCMaxFracLimit,
     333             :                                      Real64 const controlSOCMinFracLimit);
     334             : 
     335             :     void simulateLiIonNmcBatteryModel(EnergyPlusData &state,
     336             :                                       Real64 &powerCharge,
     337             :                                       Real64 &powerDischarge,
     338             :                                       bool &charging,
     339             :                                       bool &discharging,
     340             :                                       Real64 const controlSOCMaxFracLimit,
     341             :                                       Real64 const controlSOCMinFracLimit);
     342             : 
     343             :     void rainflow(int const numbin,           // numbin = constant value
     344             :                   Real64 const input,         // input = input value from other object (battery model)
     345             :                   std::vector<Real64> &B1,    // stores values of points, calculated here - stored for next timestep
     346             :                   std::vector<Real64> &X,     // stores values of two data point difference, calculated here - stored for next timestep
     347             :                   int &count,                 // calculated here - stored for next timestep in main loop
     348             :                   std::vector<Real64> &Nmb,   // calculated here - stored for next timestep in main loop
     349             :                   std::vector<Real64> &OneNmb // calculated here - stored for next timestep in main loop
     350             :                                               //    int const dim // end dimension of array
     351             :     );
     352             : 
     353             :     void shift(std::vector<Real64> &A, int const m, int const n, std::vector<Real64> &B
     354             :                //    int const dim // end dimension of arrays
     355             :     );
     356             : 
     357             : private: // data
     358             :     enum class StorageModelType
     359             :     {
     360             :         Invalid = -1,
     361             :         SimpleBucketStorage,
     362             :         KIBaMBattery,
     363             :         LiIonNmcBattery,
     364             :         Num
     365             :     };
     366             : 
     367             :     enum class BatteryDegradationModelType
     368             :     {
     369             :         Invalid = -1,
     370             :         LifeCalculationYes,
     371             :         LifeCalculationNo,
     372             :         Num
     373             :     };
     374             : 
     375             :     std::string name_;               // name of this electrical storage module
     376             :     Real64 storedPower_;             // [W]
     377             :     Real64 storedEnergy_;            // [J]
     378             :     Real64 drawnPower_;              // [W]
     379             :     Real64 drawnEnergy_;             // [J]
     380             :     Real64 decrementedEnergyStored_; // [J] this is the negative of StoredEnergy
     381             :     int maxRainflowArrayBounds_;
     382             :     bool myWarmUpFlag_;
     383             :     StorageModelType storageModelMode_;            // type of model parameter, SimpleBucketStorage
     384             :     int availSchedPtr_;                            // availability schedule index.
     385             :     ThermalLossDestination heatLossesDestination_; // mode for where thermal losses go
     386             :     int zoneNum_;                                  // destination zone for heat losses from inverter.
     387             :     Real64 zoneRadFract_;                          // radiative fraction for thermal losses to zone
     388             :     Real64 startingEnergyStored_;                  // [J] joules inside at beginning of environment period
     389             :     Real64 energeticEfficCharge_;                  // [ ] efficiency of charging
     390             :     Real64 energeticEfficDischarge_;               // [ ] efficiency of discharging
     391             :     Real64 maxPowerDraw_;                          // [W] max rate of discharge
     392             :     Real64 maxPowerStore_;                         // [W] max rate of charge
     393             :     Real64 maxEnergyCapacity_;                     // [J] max storage capacity
     394             :     int parallelNum_;                              // [ ] number of battery modules in parallel
     395             :     int seriesNum_;                                // [ ] number of battery modules in series
     396             :     int numBattery_;                               // total number of batteries all together
     397             :     int chargeCurveNum_;                           // [ ] voltage change curve index number for charging
     398             :     int dischargeCurveNum_;                        // [ ] voltage change curve index number for discharging
     399             :     int cycleBinNum_;                              // [ ] number of cycle bins
     400             :     Real64 startingSOC_;                           // [ ] initial fractional state of charge
     401             :     Real64 maxAhCapacity_;                         // [Ah]maximum capacity
     402             :     Real64 availableFrac_;                         // [ ] maximum fraction of available charge capacity
     403             :     Real64 chargeConversionRate_;                  // [1/h]change rate from bound charge energy to available charge
     404             :     Real64 chargedOCV_;                            // [V] fully charged open circuit voltage
     405             :     Real64 dischargedOCV_;                         // [V] fully discharged open circuit voltage
     406             :     Real64 internalR_;                             // [ohm]internal electric resistance
     407             :     Real64 maxDischargeI_;                         // [A] maximum discharging current
     408             :     Real64 cutoffV_;                               // [V] cut-off voltage
     409             :     Real64 maxChargeRate_;                         // [1/h] charge rate limit
     410             :     BatteryDegradationModelType lifeCalculation_;  // [ ] battery life calculation: Yes or No
     411             :     int lifeCurveNum_;                             // [ ] battery life curve name index number
     412             :     Real64 liIon_dcToDcChargingEff_;               // [ ] DC to DC Charging Efficiency (Li-ion NMC model)
     413             :     Real64 liIon_mass_;                            // [kg] mass of battery (Li-ion NMC model)
     414             :     Real64 liIon_surfaceArea_;                     // [m2] battery surface area (Li-ion NMC model)
     415             :     Real64 liIon_Cp_;                              // [J/kg-K] battery specific heat capacity (Li-ion NMC model)
     416             :     Real64 liIon_heatTransferCoef_;                // [W/m2-K] Heat Transfer Coefficient Between Battery and Ambient (Li-ion NMC model)
     417             :     Real64 liIon_Vfull_;                           // [V] Fully charged cell voltage (Li-ion NMC model)
     418             :     Real64 liIon_Vexp_;                            // [V] Cell Voltage at End of Exponential Zone (Li-ion NMC model)
     419             :     Real64 liIon_Vnom_;                            // [V] Cell voltage at end of nominal zone (Li-ion NMC model)
     420             :     Real64 liIon_Vnom_default_;                    // [V] Default nominal cell voltage (Li-ion NMC model)
     421             :     Real64 liIon_Qfull_;                           // [A-h] Fully charged cell capacity (Li-ion NMC model)
     422             :     Real64 liIon_Qexp_;                            // [A-h] Cell capacity at end of exponential zone (Li-ion NMC model)
     423             :     Real64 liIon_Qnom_;                            // [A-h] Cell capacity at end of nominal zone (Li-ion NMC model)
     424             :     Real64 liIon_C_rate_;                          // [ ] Rate at which voltage vs capacity curve input (Li-ion NMC model)
     425             :     // calculated and from elsewhere vars
     426             :     Real64 thisTimeStepStateOfCharge_; // [J]
     427             :     Real64 lastTimeStepStateOfCharge_; // [J]
     428             :     Real64 pelNeedFromStorage_;        // [W]
     429             :     Real64 pelFromStorage_;            // [W]
     430             :     Real64 pelIntoStorage_;            // [W]
     431             :     Real64 qdotConvZone_;              // [W]
     432             :     Real64 qdotRadZone_;               // [W]
     433             :     Real64 timeElapsed_;               // [h]
     434             :     Real64 thisTimeStepAvailable_;     // [Ah] available charge at the current timestep
     435             :     Real64 thisTimeStepBound_;         // [Ah] bound charge at the current timestep
     436             :     Real64 lastTimeStepAvailable_;     // [Ah] available charge at the previous timestep
     437             :     Real64 lastTimeStepBound_;         // [Ah] bound charge at the previous timestep
     438             :     Real64 lastTwoTimeStepAvailable_;  // [Ah] available charge at the previous two timesteps
     439             :     Real64 lastTwoTimeStepBound_;      // [Ah] bound charge at the previous two timesteps
     440             :     // Li-ion NMC battery objects from SAM Simulation Core lib_battery
     441             :     std::unique_ptr<battery_t> ssc_battery_;
     442             :     std::unique_ptr<battery_state> ssc_lastBatteryState_;
     443             :     std::unique_ptr<battery_state> ssc_initBatteryState_;
     444             :     // battery life calculation variables
     445             :     int count0_;
     446             :     std::vector<Real64> b10_;
     447             :     std::vector<Real64> x0_;
     448             :     std::vector<Real64> nmb0_;
     449             :     std::vector<Real64> oneNmb0_;
     450             :     // report
     451             :     Real64 electEnergyinStorage_; // [J] state of charge
     452             :     Real64 thermLossRate_;        // [W]
     453             :     Real64 thermLossEnergy_;      // [J]
     454             :     int storageMode_;             // [ ] mode of operation 0 for idle, 1 for discharging, 2 for charging
     455             :     Real64 absoluteSOC_;          // [Ah] total state of charge
     456             :     Real64 fractionSOC_;          // [ ] fractional state of charge
     457             :     Real64 batteryCurrent_;       // [A] total current
     458             :     Real64 batteryVoltage_;       // [V] total voltage
     459             :     Real64 batteryDamage_;        // [ ] fractional battery damage
     460             :     Real64 batteryTemperature_;   // [C] battery temperature (only used in Li-ion batteries)
     461             : 
     462             : }; // ElectricStorage
     463             : 
     464          13 : class ElectricTransformer
     465             : // This class is for modeling a power conversion device that changes from one voltage to another, or serves as an isolation transformer
     466             : {
     467             : 
     468             : public: // methods
     469             :     // Constructor
     470             :     ElectricTransformer(EnergyPlusData &state, std::string const &objectName);
     471             : 
     472             :     Real64 getLossRateForOutputPower(EnergyPlusData &state, Real64 const powerOutOfTransformer);
     473             : 
     474             :     Real64 getLossRateForInputPower(EnergyPlusData &state, Real64 const powerIntoTransformer);
     475             : 
     476             :     void manageTransformers(EnergyPlusData &state, Real64 const surplusPowerOutFromLoadCenters);
     477             : 
     478             :     void setupMeterIndices(EnergyPlusData &state);
     479             : 
     480             :     void reinitAtBeginEnvironment();
     481             : 
     482             :     void reinitZoneGainsAtBeginEnvironment();
     483             : 
     484             :     std::string const &name() const;
     485             : 
     486             : private: // data
     487             :     enum class TransformerUse
     488             :     {
     489             :         Invalid = -1,
     490             :         PowerInFromGrid,               // condition power from grid going into building buss
     491             :         PowerOutFromBldgToGrid,        // condition power from building buss going out to grid
     492             :         PowerBetweenLoadCenterAndBldg, // condition power from a load center going into building buss, or from building buss into load center for
     493             :                                        // draws
     494             :         Num
     495             :     };
     496             :     enum class TransformerPerformanceInput
     497             :     {
     498             :         Invalid = -1,
     499             :         LossesMethod,
     500             :         EfficiencyMethod,
     501             :         Num
     502             :     };
     503             : 
     504             :     std::string name_; // user identifier
     505             :     bool myOneTimeFlag_;
     506             :     int availSchedPtr_;                                // availability schedule index.
     507             :     TransformerUse usageMode_;                         // mode for transformer usage
     508             :     ThermalLossDestination heatLossesDestination_;     // mode for where thermal losses go
     509             :     int zoneNum_;                                      // destination zone for heat losses from inverter.
     510             :     Real64 zoneRadFrac_;                               // radiative fraction for thermal losses to zone
     511             :     Real64 ratedCapacity_;                             // rated capacity [VA]
     512             :     int phase_;                                        // phase
     513             :     Real64 factorTempCoeff_;                           // thermal coefficient of resistance for winding material
     514             :     Real64 tempRise_;                                  // full load temperature rise [C]
     515             :     Real64 eddyFrac_;                                  // fraction of eddy current losses []
     516             :     TransformerPerformanceInput performanceInputMode_; // performance input method
     517             :     Real64 ratedEfficiency_;                           // nameplate efficiency []
     518             :     Real64 ratedPUL_;                                  // per unit load for nameplate efficiency []
     519             :     Real64 ratedTemp_;                                 // reference temperature for nameplate efficiency [C]
     520             :     Real64 maxPUL_;                                    // per unit load for maximum efficiency []
     521             :     bool considerLosses_;                              // if true, consider transformer lossses in metering
     522             :     std::vector<std::string> wiredMeterNames_;         // names of the meters wired to transformer
     523             :     std::vector<int> wiredMeterPtrs_;                  // array of "pointers" to meters wired to transformer
     524             :     std::vector<bool> specialMeter_;                   // indicates whether a meter needs special consideration
     525             :     // Electricity:Facility and Electricity:HVAC are two special
     526             :     // meters because tranformer loss is part of them
     527             :     // calculated and from elsewhere vars
     528             :     Real64 ratedNL_;         // rated no load losses, user input or calculated [W]
     529             :     Real64 ratedLL_;         // rated load losses, user input or calculated [W]
     530             :     int overloadErrorIndex_; // used for warning message when transformer is overloaded
     531             :     // results and reporting
     532             :     Real64 efficiency_;                  // transformer efficiency
     533             :     Real64 powerIn_;                     // [W]
     534             :     Real64 energyIn_;                    // [J]
     535             :     Real64 powerOut_;                    // [W]
     536             :     Real64 energyOut_;                   // [J]
     537             :     Real64 noLoadLossRate_;              // [W]
     538             :     Real64 noLoadLossEnergy_;            // [J]
     539             :     Real64 loadLossRate_;                // [W]
     540             :     Real64 loadLossEnergy_;              // [J]
     541             :     Real64 totalLossRate_;               // [W]
     542             :     Real64 totalLossEnergy_;             // [J]
     543             :     Real64 thermalLossRate_;             // [W]
     544             :     Real64 thermalLossEnergy_;           // [J]
     545             :     Real64 elecUseMeteredUtilityLosses_; // [J] Energy consumption for a utility transformer (power in)
     546             :     // Positive values
     547             :     Real64 powerConversionMeteredLosses_; // [J] Energy consumption for a (cogeneration )transformer (power out from building to grid)
     548             :     // Negative values
     549             :     Real64 qdotConvZone_; // [W]
     550             :     Real64 qdotRadZone_;  // [W]
     551             : };                        // ElectricTransformer
     552             : 
     553          75 : class GeneratorController
     554             : // this class is used as part of the supervisory control and calling of electric power generators.  Each instances is for one generator
     555             : {
     556             : 
     557             : public: // Method
     558             :     // Constructor
     559             :     GeneratorController(EnergyPlusData &state,
     560             :                         std::string const &objectName,
     561             :                         std::string const &objectType,
     562             :                         Real64 ratedElecPowerOutput,
     563             :                         std::string const &availSchedName,
     564             :                         Real64 thermalToElectRatio);
     565             : 
     566             :     void simGeneratorGetPowerOutput(EnergyPlusData &state,
     567             :                                     bool const runFlag,             // true if generator is on
     568             :                                     Real64 const myElecLoadRequest, // target electric power production request
     569             :                                     bool const FirstHVACIteration,  //
     570             :                                     Real64 &electricPowerOutput,    // Actual generator electric power output
     571             :                                     Real64 &thermalPowerOutput      // Actual generator thermal power output
     572             :     );
     573             : 
     574             :     void reinitAtBeginEnvironment();
     575             : 
     576             : public:                          // data // might make this class a friend of ElectPowerLoadCenter?
     577             :     std::string name;            // user identifier
     578             :     GeneratorType generatorType; // Numeric designator for generator CompType (TypeOf), in DataGlobalConstants
     579             :     DataPlant::PlantEquipmentType compPlantType{DataPlant::PlantEquipmentType::Invalid}; // numeric designator for plant component, in DataPlant
     580             :     std::string compPlantName;                                                           // name of plant component if heat recovery
     581             :     int generatorIndex;                                                                  // index in generator model data struct
     582             :     Real64 maxPowerOut;                                                                  // Maximum Power Output (W)
     583             :     std::string availSched;                                                              // Operation Schedule.
     584             :     int availSchedPtr;                                                                   // pointer to operation schedule
     585             :     Real64 powerRequestThisTimestep;                                                     // Current Demand on Equipment (W)
     586             :     bool onThisTimestep;                                                                 // Indicator whether Generator on
     587             :     Real64 eMSPowerRequest;                                                              // EMS actuator for current demand on equipment (W)
     588             :     bool eMSRequestOn;                                                                   // EMS actuating On if true.
     589             :     bool plantInfoFound;
     590             :     PlantLocation cogenLocation;
     591             :     Real64 nominalThermElectRatio; // Cogen: nominal ratio of thermal to elect production
     592             :     // results of component models for load center reporting
     593             :     Real64 dCElectricityProd; // Current DC Electric Produced from Equipment (J)
     594             :     Real64 dCElectProdRate;   // Current DC Electric Production Rate from Equipment (W)
     595             :     Real64 electricityProd;   // Current AC Electric Produced from Equipment (J)
     596             :     Real64 electProdRate;     // Current AC Electric Production Rate from Equipment (W)
     597             :     Real64 thermalProd;       // Current Thermal energy Produced from Equipment (J)
     598             :     Real64 thermProdRate;     // Current Thermal energy Production Rate from Equipment (W)
     599             : 
     600             :     std::unique_ptr<PVWatts::PVWattsGenerator> pvwattsGenerator; // PVWattsGenerator object pointer
     601             : 
     602             : private:
     603             :     int errCountNegElectProd_; // error count for reccuring error when generators produce negative electric power
     604             : 
     605             : }; // class GeneratorController
     606             : 
     607         705 : class ElectPowerLoadCenter
     608             : // This class if for modeling a load center which can be thought of as a kind of subpanel that connects power equipment to a main panel
     609             : // multiple subpanels can be connected to the main panel and each ElectPowerLoadCenter object is a subpanel
     610             : // Each load center will contain other power conversion devices and/or generator(s).
     611             : {
     612             : 
     613             : public: // Methods
     614             :     // Constructor
     615             :     ElectPowerLoadCenter(EnergyPlusData &state, int const objectNum);
     616             : 
     617             :     void manageElecLoadCenter(EnergyPlusData &state, bool const firstHVACIteration, Real64 &remainingPowerDemand);
     618             : 
     619             :     void setupLoadCenterMeterIndices(EnergyPlusData &state);
     620             : 
     621             :     void reinitAtBeginEnvironment();
     622             : 
     623             :     void reinitZoneGainsAtBeginEnvironment();
     624             : 
     625             :     std::string const &transformerName() const;
     626             : 
     627             :     std::string const &generatorListName() const;
     628             : 
     629             :     void updateLoadCenterGeneratorRecords(EnergyPlusData &state);
     630             : 
     631             : private: // Methods
     632             :     void dispatchGenerators(EnergyPlusData &state, bool const firstHVACIteration, Real64 &remainingPowerDemand);
     633             : 
     634             :     void dispatchStorage(EnergyPlusData &state, Real64 const remainingPowerDemand);
     635             : 
     636             :     Real64 calcLoadCenterThermalLoad(EnergyPlusData &state); // returns heat rate called for from cogenerator(watts)
     637             : 
     638             : public: // data public for unit test
     639             :     enum class ElectricBussType
     640             :     {
     641             :         Invalid = -1,
     642             :         ACBuss,
     643             :         DCBussInverter,
     644             :         ACBussStorage,
     645             :         DCBussInverterDCStorage,
     646             :         DCBussInverterACStorage,
     647             :         Num
     648             :     };
     649             : 
     650             :     std::unique_ptr<ElectricStorage> storageObj;
     651             :     std::unique_ptr<ACtoDCConverter> converterObj;
     652             :     std::unique_ptr<ElectricTransformer> transformerObj;
     653             :     int numGenerators;                                                 // Number of Generators
     654             :     std::vector<std::unique_ptr<GeneratorController>> elecGenCntrlObj; // generator controller objects
     655             :     ElectricBussType bussType;                                         // is this load center powered by AC or DC generators
     656             :     Real64 thermalProd;                                                // Current thermal energy Produced from generators in load center (J)
     657             :     Real64 thermalProdRate;                                            // Current thermal energy production rate from generators in load center (W)
     658             :     bool inverterPresent;
     659             :     std::string inverterName; // hold name for verificaton and error messages
     660             :     std::unique_ptr<DCtoACInverter> inverterObj;
     661             :     Real64 subpanelFeedInRequest;
     662             :     // subpanel terms, interact with main panel
     663             :     Real64 subpanelFeedInRate; // Current AC electric power fed into main panel by load center, adjusted by inverter if any (W)
     664             :     Real64 subpanelDrawRate;   // Current AC electric power draw from main panel into load center (W)
     665             :     // storage operation terms,
     666             :     Real64 genElectricProd;       // Current electric produced by generators in the load center, DC or AC (J)
     667             :     Real64 genElectProdRate;      // Current electric power produced by generators in the load center, DC or AC (W)
     668             :     Real64 storOpCVGenRate;       // power from generators (and maybe inverter) going into storage operation control volume, DC or AC ( W )
     669             :     Real64 storOpCVDrawRate;      // power drawn from main panel into storage operation control volume after any converter, DC or AC ( W )
     670             :     Real64 storOpCVFeedInRate;    // power fed toward main panel from storage operation control volume before any inverter, DC or AC ( W )
     671             :     Real64 storOpCVChargeRate;    // power fed into storage device from storage operation control volume, before any storage losses, DC or AC ( W )
     672             :     Real64 storOpCVDischargeRate; // power drawn from storage device into storage operation control volume, after any storage losses, DC or AC ( W )
     673             :     bool storOpIsCharging;        // true if storage operation scheme is trying to charge
     674             :     bool storOpIsDischarging;     // true if storage operation scheme is trying to discharge
     675             : 
     676             : private: // data
     677             :     enum class GeneratorOpScheme : int
     678             :     {
     679             :         Invalid = -1,
     680             :         BaseLoad,
     681             :         DemandLimit,
     682             :         TrackElectrical,
     683             :         TrackSchedule,
     684             :         TrackMeter,
     685             :         ThermalFollow,
     686             :         ThermalFollowLimitElectrical,
     687             :         Num
     688             :     };
     689             : 
     690             :     enum class StorageOpScheme : int
     691             :     {
     692             :         Invalid = -1,
     693             :         FacilityDemandStoreExcessOnSite, // legacy control behavior
     694             :         MeterDemandStoreExcessOnSite,
     695             :         ChargeDischargeSchedules,
     696             :         FacilityDemandLeveling,
     697             :         Num
     698             :     };
     699             : 
     700             :     std::string name_;                     // user identifier
     701             :     std::string generatorListName_;        // List name of available generators
     702             :     GeneratorOpScheme genOperationScheme_; // Name of Operation Scheme
     703             :     std::string demandMeterName_;          // Name of Demand Energy Meter for "on demand" operation
     704             :     int demandMeterPtr_;                   // "pointer" to Meter for electrical Demand to meet
     705             :     std::string generationMeterName_;      // Name of Generated Energy Meter for "on demand" operation
     706             :     bool generatorsPresent_;               // true if any generators
     707             :     bool myCoGenSetupFlag_;
     708             :     Real64 demandLimit_;            // Demand Limit in Watts(W) which the generator will operate above
     709             :     int trackSchedPtr_;             // "pointer" to schedule for electrical demand to meet.
     710             :     Real64 dCElectricityProd_;      // Current DC Elect produced (J) (if buss type DCbussInverter)
     711             :     Real64 dCElectProdRate_;        // Current DC Elect power produced (W) (if buss type DCbussInverter)
     712             :     Real64 dCpowerConditionLosses_; // current DC to AC inverter losses (W) (if DCbussInverter)
     713             :     bool storagePresent_;
     714             :     std::string storageName_;            // hold name for verificaton and error messages
     715             :     bool transformerPresent_;            // should only be transformers for on-site load center, not facility service
     716             :     std::string transformerName_;        // hold name for verificaton and error messages
     717             :     Real64 totalPowerRequest_;           // Total electric power request from the load center (W)
     718             :     Real64 totalThermalPowerRequest_;    // Total thermal power request from the load center (W)
     719             :     StorageOpScheme storageScheme_;      // what options are available for charging storage.
     720             :     std::string trackSorageOpMeterName_; // user name for a specific meter
     721             :     int trackStorageOpMeterIndex_;       // points to meter being
     722             :     bool converterPresent_;
     723             :     std::string converterName_;
     724             :     Real64 maxStorageSOCFraction_; // Fraction of storage capacity used as upper limit for controlling charging (don't overcharge the batteries)
     725             :     Real64 minStorageSOCFraction_; // Fraction of storage capacity used as lower limit for controlling discharging (dont drain the batteries too far)
     726             :     Real64 designStorageChargePower_;        // rate of electric power drawn from grid to go into storage
     727             :     bool designStorageChargePowerWasSet_;    // true if a value was input
     728             :     Real64 designStorageDischargePower_;     // rate of electric power exported to grid by being drawn from storage
     729             :     bool designStorageDischargePowerWasSet_; // true if value was input
     730             :     int storageChargeModSchedIndex_;         // index of fraction schedule for controlling charge rate over time
     731             :     int storageDischargeModSchedIndex_;      // index of fraction schedule for controlling discharge rate over time.
     732             :     Real64 facilityDemandTarget_;            // target utility demand level in Watts
     733             :     int facilityDemandTargetModSchedIndex_;  // index of fracton schedule for controlling target demand over time.
     734             :     bool eMSOverridePelFromStorage_;         // if true, EMS calling for override
     735             :     Real64 eMSValuePelFromStorage_;          // value EMS is directing to use, power from storage [W]
     736             :     bool eMSOverridePelIntoStorage_;         // if true, EMS calling for override
     737             :     Real64 eMSValuePelIntoStorage_;          // value EMS is directing to use, power into storage [W]
     738             : 
     739             : }; // class ElectPowerLoadCenter
     740             : 
     741         771 : class ElectricPowerServiceManager //
     742             :                                   // This class if the top level object for modeling complex electric power service.  It contains transformers and/or
     743             :                                   // load center(s).
     744             : {
     745             : 
     746             : public: // Creation
     747             :     // Default Constructor
     748         771 :     ElectricPowerServiceManager()
     749         771 :         : newEnvironmentInternalGainsFlag(true), numElecStorageDevices(0), getInputFlag_(true), newEnvironmentFlag_(true), numLoadCenters_(0),
     750             :           numTransformers_(0), setupMeterIndexFlag_(true), elecFacilityIndex_(0), elecProducedCoGenIndex_(0), elecProducedPVIndex_(0),
     751             :           elecProducedWTIndex_(0), elecProducedStorageIndex_(0), elecProducedPowerConversionIndex_(0), name_("Whole Building"),
     752             :           facilityPowerInTransformerPresent_(false), numPowerOutTransformers_(0), wholeBldgRemainingLoad_(0.0), electricityProd_(0.0),
     753             :           electProdRate_(0.0), electricityPurch_(0.0), electPurchRate_(0.0), electSurplusRate_(0.0), electricitySurplus_(0.0),
     754             :           electricityNetRate_(0.0), electricityNet_(0.0), totalBldgElecDemand_(0.0), totalHVACElecDemand_(0.0), totalElectricDemand_(0.0),
     755             :           elecProducedPVRate_(0.0), elecProducedWTRate_(0.0), elecProducedStorageRate_(0.0), elecProducedPowerConversionRate_(0.0),
     756         771 :           elecProducedCoGenRate_(0.0)
     757             :     {
     758         771 :     }
     759             : 
     760             : public: // Methods
     761             :     void manageElectricPowerService(EnergyPlusData &state,
     762             :                                     bool const FirstHVACIteration,
     763             :                                     bool &SimElecCircuits,      // simulation convergence flag
     764             :                                     bool const UpdateMetersOnly // if true then don't resimulate generators, just update meters.
     765             :     );
     766             : 
     767             :     void reinitZoneGainsAtBeginEnvironment();
     768             : 
     769             :     void verifyCustomMetersElecPowerMgr(EnergyPlusData &state);
     770             : 
     771             : private: // Methods
     772             :     void getPowerManagerInput(EnergyPlusData &state);
     773             : 
     774             :     void setupMeterIndices(EnergyPlusData &state);
     775             : 
     776             :     void reinitAtBeginEnvironment();
     777             : 
     778             :     void updateWholeBuildingRecords(EnergyPlusData &state);
     779             : 
     780             :     void reportPVandWindCapacity(EnergyPlusData &state);
     781             : 
     782             :     void sumUpNumberOfStorageDevices();
     783             : 
     784             :     void checkLoadCenters(EnergyPlusData &state);
     785             : 
     786             : public: // data
     787             :     bool newEnvironmentInternalGainsFlag;
     788             :     int numElecStorageDevices;
     789             :     std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ElectPowerLoadCenter>> elecLoadCenterObjs;
     790             : 
     791             : private:                      // data
     792             :     bool getInputFlag_;       // control if object needs to get input and call factory methods
     793             :     bool newEnvironmentFlag_; // control if object needs to reinit at beginning of a new environment period
     794             :     int numLoadCenters_;
     795             :     int numTransformers_;
     796             :     bool setupMeterIndexFlag_; // control if object needs to make calls to GetMeterIndex
     797             :     int elecFacilityIndex_;
     798             :     int elecProducedCoGenIndex_;
     799             :     int elecProducedPVIndex_;
     800             :     int elecProducedWTIndex_;
     801             :     int elecProducedStorageIndex_;
     802             :     int elecProducedPowerConversionIndex_;
     803             :     std::string name_;
     804             :     bool facilityPowerInTransformerPresent_;
     805             :     std::string facilityPowerInTransformerName_; // hold name for verificaton and error messages
     806             :     std::unique_ptr<ElectricTransformer> facilityPowerInTransformerObj_;
     807             :     int numPowerOutTransformers_;
     808             :     std::string powerOutTransformerName_;
     809             :     std::unique_ptr<ElectricTransformer> powerOutTransformerObj_;
     810             :     Real64 wholeBldgRemainingLoad_;
     811             :     Real64 electricityProd_;                 // Current Electric Produced from Equipment (J)
     812             :     Real64 electProdRate_;                   // Current Electric Production Rate from Equipment (W)
     813             :     Real64 electricityPurch_;                // Current Purchased Electric (J)
     814             :     Real64 electPurchRate_;                  // Current Electric Purhcased Rate (W)
     815             :     Real64 electSurplusRate_;                // Current excess power (W)
     816             :     Real64 electricitySurplus_;              // Current excess energy (J)
     817             :     Real64 electricityNetRate_;              // Net elect rate, + is Purchased, - is Surplus (W)
     818             :     Real64 electricityNet_;                  // Net energy, + is Purchased, - is Surplus (J)
     819             :     Real64 totalBldgElecDemand_;             // Current Total Building Electric Demand (W)
     820             :     Real64 totalHVACElecDemand_;             // Current Total HVAC Electric Demand (W)
     821             :     Real64 totalElectricDemand_;             // Current Total Electric Demand (W)
     822             :     Real64 elecProducedPVRate_;              // Current Rate of PV Produced from the Arrays (W)
     823             :     Real64 elecProducedWTRate_;              // Current Rate of Wind Turbine Produced (W)
     824             :     Real64 elecProducedStorageRate_;         // Current Rate of power to(-)/from(+) storage
     825             :     Real64 elecProducedPowerConversionRate_; // Current rate of power loss from power conversion, negative (W)
     826             :     Real64 elecProducedCoGenRate_;           // Current Rate of Cogeneration generators produced ( W )
     827             :     Real64 pvTotalCapacity_;                 // for LEED report, total installed PV capacity
     828             :     Real64 windTotalCapacity_;               // for LEED report, total installed wind capacity
     829             : 
     830             : }; // class ElectricPowerServiceManager
     831             : 
     832             : void createFacilityElectricPowerServiceObject(EnergyPlusData &state);
     833             : 
     834             : Real64 checkUserEfficiencyInput(EnergyPlusData &state, Real64 userInputValue, std::string whichType, std::string deviceName, bool &errorsFound);
     835             : 
     836        1542 : struct ElectPwrSvcMgrData : BaseGlobalStruct
     837             : {
     838             : 
     839             :     std::unique_ptr<ElectricPowerServiceManager> facilityElectricServiceObj;
     840             : 
     841           0 :     void clear_state() override
     842             :     {
     843           0 :         this->facilityElectricServiceObj.release();
     844           0 :     }
     845             : };
     846             : 
     847             : } // namespace EnergyPlus
     848             : #endif // ElectricPowerServiceManager_hh_INCLUDED

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