LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - EnergyPlus - FluidProperties.hh (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: lcov.output.filtered Lines: 44 78 56.4 %
Date: 2023-01-17 19:17:23 Functions: 21 29 72.4 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : // EnergyPlus, Copyright (c) 1996-2023, The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois,
       2             : // The Regents of the University of California, through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
       3             : // (subject to receipt of any required approvals from the U.S. Dept. of Energy), Oak Ridge
       4             : // National Laboratory, managed by UT-Battelle, Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC, and other
       5             : // contributors. All rights reserved.
       6             : //
       7             : // NOTICE: This Software was developed under funding from the U.S. Department of Energy and the
       8             : // U.S. Government consequently retains certain rights. As such, the U.S. Government has been
       9             : // granted for itself and others acting on its behalf a paid-up, nonexclusive, irrevocable,
      10             : // worldwide license in the Software to reproduce, distribute copies to the public, prepare
      11             : // derivative works, and perform publicly and display publicly, and to permit others to do so.
      12             : //
      13             : // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted
      14             : // provided that the following conditions are met:
      15             : //
      16             : // (1) Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of
      17             : //     conditions and the following disclaimer.
      18             : //
      19             : // (2) Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of
      20             : //     conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
      21             : //     provided with the distribution.
      22             : //
      23             : // (3) Neither the name of the University of California, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,
      24             : //     the University of Illinois, U.S. Dept. of Energy nor the names of its contributors may be
      25             : //     used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior
      26             : //     written permission.
      27             : //
      28             : // (4) Use of EnergyPlus(TM) Name. If Licensee (i) distributes the software in stand-alone form
      29             : //     without changes from the version obtained under this License, or (ii) Licensee makes a
      30             : //     reference solely to the software portion of its product, Licensee must refer to the
      31             : //     software as "EnergyPlus version X" software, where "X" is the version number Licensee
      32             : //     obtained under this License and may not use a different name for the software. Except as
      33             : //     specifically required in this Section (4), Licensee shall not use in a company name, a
      34             : //     product name, in advertising, publicity, or other promotional activities any name, trade
      35             : //     name, trademark, logo, or other designation of "EnergyPlus", "E+", "e+" or confusingly
      36             : //     similar designation, without the U.S. Department of Energy's prior written consent.
      37             : //
      46             : // POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.
      47             : 
      48             : #ifndef FluidProperties_hh_INCLUDED
      49             : #define FluidProperties_hh_INCLUDED
      50             : 
      51             : // C++ Headers
      52             : #include <cmath>
      53             : 
      54             : // ObjexxFCL Headers
      55             : #include <ObjexxFCL/Array1D.hh>
      56             : #include <ObjexxFCL/Array2D.hh>
      57             : #include <ObjexxFCL/Array2S.hh>
      58             : 
      59             : // EnergyPlus Headers
      60             : #include <EnergyPlus/Data/BaseData.hh>
      61             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataGlobals.hh>
      62             : #include <EnergyPlus/EnergyPlus.hh>
      63             : #include <EnergyPlus/Psychrometrics.hh>
      64             : 
      65             : namespace EnergyPlus {
      66             : 
      67             : // Forward declarations
      68             : struct EnergyPlusData;
      69             : 
      70             : namespace FluidProperties {
      71             : 
      72             :     // Using/Aliasing
      73             : 
      74             :     // Data
      75             :     // MODULE PARAMETER DEFINITIONS
      76             : 
      77             :     int constexpr EthyleneGlycolIndex = -2;
      78             :     int constexpr PropyleneGlycolIndex = -1;
      79             :     int constexpr iRefri = 1;
      80             :     int constexpr iGlyco = 1;
      81             : 
      82             :     constexpr int DefaultNumGlyTemps(33);                  // Temperature dimension of default glycol data
      83             :     constexpr int DefaultNumGlyConcs(10);                  // Concentration dimension of default glycol data
      84             :     constexpr int DefaultNumSteamTemps(111);               // Temperature dimension of default steam data.
      85             :     constexpr int DefaultNumSteamSuperheatedTemps(114);    // Temperature dimension of default steam data.
      86             :     constexpr int DefaultNumSteamSuperheatedPressure(114); // Temperature dimension of default steam data.
      87             : 
      88             :     constexpr static std::string_view Refrig("REFRIGERANT");
      89             :     constexpr static std::string_view Glycol("GLYCOL");
      90             :     constexpr static std::string_view Pressure("PRESSURE");
      91             :     constexpr static std::string_view Enthalpy("ENTHALPY");
      92             :     constexpr static std::string_view Density("DENSITY");
      93             :     constexpr static std::string_view SpecificHeat("SPECIFICHEAT");
      94             :     constexpr static std::string_view Conductivity("CONDUCTIVITY");
      95             :     constexpr static std::string_view Viscosity("VISCOSITY");
      96             :     constexpr static std::string_view Fluid("FLUID");
      97             :     constexpr static std::string_view GasFluid("FLUIDGAS");
      98             :     constexpr static std::string_view Water("Water");
      99             :     constexpr static std::string_view Steam("Steam");
     100             :     constexpr static std::string_view EthyleneGlycol("EthyleneGlycol");
     101             :     constexpr static std::string_view PropyleneGlycol("PropyleneGlycol");
     102             : 
     103             :     // DERIVED TYPE DEFINITIONS
     104             : 
     105             :     // INTERFACE BLOCK SPECIFICATIONS
     106             :     // na
     107             : 
     108             :     // MODULE VARIABLE DECLARATIONS
     109             : 
     110             : #ifdef EP_cache_GlycolSpecificHeat
     111             :     int constexpr t_sh_cache_size = 1024 * 1024;
     112             :     int constexpr t_sh_precision_bits = 24;
     113             :     std::uint64_t constexpr t_sh_cache_mask = (t_sh_cache_size - 1);
     114             : #endif
     116             : 
     117             :     // Types
     118             : 
     119        1463 :     struct FluidPropsRefrigerantData
     120             :     {
     121             :         // Members
     122             :         std::string Name;            // Name of the refrigerant
     123             :         int NumPsPoints;             // Number of saturation pressure
     124             :         Real64 PsLowTempValue;       // Low Temperature Value for Ps (>0.0)
     125             :         Real64 PsHighTempValue;      // High Temperature Value for Ps (max in tables)
     126             :         int PsLowTempIndex;          // Low Temperature Min Index for Ps (>0.0)
     127             :         int PsHighTempIndex;         // High Temperature Max Index for Ps (>0.0)
     128             :         Real64 PsLowPresValue;       // Low Pressure Value for Ps (>0.0)
     129             :         Real64 PsHighPresValue;      // High Pressure Value for Ps (max in tables)
     130             :         int PsLowPresIndex;          // Low Pressure Min Index for Ps (>0.0)
     131             :         int PsHighPresIndex;         // High Pressure Max Index for Ps (>0.0)
     132             :         Array1D<Real64> PsTemps;     // Temperatures for saturation pressures
     133             :         Array1D<Real64> PsValues;    // Saturation pressures at PsTemps
     134             :         int NumHPoints;              // Number of enthalpy points
     135             :         Real64 HfLowTempValue;       // Low Temperature Value for Hf (>0.0)
     136             :         Real64 HfHighTempValue;      // High Temperature Value for Hf (max in tables)
     137             :         int HfLowTempIndex;          // Low Temperature Min Index for Hf (>0.0)
     138             :         int HfHighTempIndex;         // High Temperature Max Index for Hf (>0.0)
     139             :         Real64 HfgLowTempValue;      // Low Temperature Value for Hfg (>0.0)
     140             :         Real64 HfgHighTempValue;     // High Temperature Value for Hfg (max in tables)
     141             :         int HfgLowTempIndex;         // Low Temperature Min Index for Hfg (>0.0)
     142             :         int HfgHighTempIndex;        // High Temperature Max Index for Hfg (>0.0)
     143             :         Array1D<Real64> HTemps;      // Temperatures for enthalpy points
     144             :         Array1D<Real64> HfValues;    // Enthalpy of saturated fluid at HTemps
     145             :         Array1D<Real64> HfgValues;   // Enthalpy of saturated fluid/gas at HTemps
     146             :         int NumCpPoints;             // Number of specific heat of fluid points
     147             :         Real64 CpfLowTempValue;      // Low Temperature Value for Cpf (>0.0)
     148             :         Real64 CpfHighTempValue;     // High Temperature Value for Cpf (max in tables)
     149             :         int CpfLowTempIndex;         // Low Temperature Min Index for Cpf (>0.0)
     150             :         int CpfHighTempIndex;        // High Temperature Max Index for Cpf (>0.0)
     151             :         Real64 CpfgLowTempValue;     // Low Temperature Value for Cpfg (>0.0)
     152             :         Real64 CpfgHighTempValue;    // High Temperature Value for Cpfg (max in tables)
     153             :         int CpfgLowTempIndex;        // Low Temperature Min Index for Cpfg (>0.0)
     154             :         int CpfgHighTempIndex;       // High Temperature Max Index for Cpfg (>0.0)
     155             :         Array1D<Real64> CpTemps;     // Temperatures for specific heat points
     156             :         Array1D<Real64> CpfValues;   // Specific heat of saturated fluid at CpTemps
     157             :         Array1D<Real64> CpfgValues;  // Specific heat of saturated fluid/gas at CpTemps
     158             :         int NumRhoPoints;            // Number of density of fluid points
     159             :         Real64 RhofLowTempValue;     // Low Temperature Value for Rhof (>0.0)
     160             :         Real64 RhofHighTempValue;    // High Temperature Value for Rhof (max in tables)
     161             :         int RhofLowTempIndex;        // Low Temperature Min Index for Rhof (>0.0)
     162             :         int RhofHighTempIndex;       // High Temperature Max Index for Rhof (>0.0)
     163             :         Real64 RhofgLowTempValue;    // Low Temperature Value for Rhofg (>0.0)
     164             :         Real64 RhofgHighTempValue;   // High Temperature Value for Rhofg (max in tables)
     165             :         int RhofgLowTempIndex;       // Low Temperature Min Index for Rhofg (>0.0)
     166             :         int RhofgHighTempIndex;      // High Temperature Max Index for Rhofg (>0.0)
     167             :         Array1D<Real64> RhoTemps;    // Temperatures for density of fluid points
     168             :         Array1D<Real64> RhofValues;  // Density of saturated fluid at RhoTemps
     169             :         Array1D<Real64> RhofgValues; // Density of saturated fluid/gas at RhoTemps
     170             :         int NumSuperTempPts;         // Number of temperature points for superheated enthalpy
     171             :         int NumSuperPressPts;        // Number of pressure points for superheated enthalpy
     172             :         Array1D<Real64> SHTemps;     // Temperatures for superheated gas
     173             :         Array1D<Real64> SHPress;     // Pressures for superheated gas
     174             :         Array2D<Real64> HshValues;   // Enthalpy of superheated gas at HshTemps, HshPress
     175             :         Array2D<Real64> RhoshValues; // Density of superheated gas at HshTemps, HshPress
     176             : 
     177             :         // Default Constructor
     178         469 :         FluidPropsRefrigerantData()
     179         469 :             : NumPsPoints(0), PsLowTempValue(0.0), PsHighTempValue(0.0), PsLowTempIndex(0), PsHighTempIndex(0), PsLowPresValue(0.0),
     180             :               PsHighPresValue(0.0), PsLowPresIndex(0), PsHighPresIndex(0), NumHPoints(0), HfLowTempValue(0.0), HfHighTempValue(0.0),
     181             :               HfLowTempIndex(0), HfHighTempIndex(0), HfgLowTempValue(0.0), HfgHighTempValue(0.0), HfgLowTempIndex(0), HfgHighTempIndex(0),
     182             :               NumCpPoints(0), CpfLowTempValue(0.0), CpfHighTempValue(0.0), CpfLowTempIndex(0), CpfHighTempIndex(0), CpfgLowTempValue(0.0),
     183             :               CpfgHighTempValue(0.0), CpfgLowTempIndex(0), CpfgHighTempIndex(0), NumRhoPoints(0), RhofLowTempValue(0.0), RhofHighTempValue(0.0),
     184             :               RhofLowTempIndex(0), RhofHighTempIndex(0), RhofgLowTempValue(0.0), RhofgHighTempValue(0.0), RhofgLowTempIndex(0), RhofgHighTempIndex(0),
     185         469 :               NumSuperTempPts(0), NumSuperPressPts(0)
     186             :         {
     187         469 :         }
     188             :     };
     189             : 
     190          33 :     struct FluidPropsGlycolRawData
     191             :     {
     192             :         // Members
     193             :         std::string Name;           // Name of the glycol
     194             :         bool CpDataPresent;         // Flag set when specific heat data is available
     195             :         int NumCpTempPts;           // Number of temperature points for specific heat
     196             :         int NumCpConcPts;           // Number of concentration points for specific heat
     197             :         Array1D<Real64> CpTemps;    // Temperatures for specific heat of glycol
     198             :         Array1D<Real64> CpConcs;    // Concentration for specific heat of glycol
     199             :         Array2D<Real64> CpValues;   // Specific heat data values
     200             :         bool RhoDataPresent;        // Flag set when density data is available
     201             :         int NumRhoTempPts;          // Number of temperature points for density
     202             :         int NumRhoConcPts;          // Number of concentration points for density
     203             :         Array1D<Real64> RhoTemps;   // Temperatures for density of glycol
     204             :         Array1D<Real64> RhoConcs;   // Concentration for density of glycol
     205             :         Array2D<Real64> RhoValues;  // Density data values
     206             :         bool CondDataPresent;       // Flag set when conductivity data is available
     207             :         int NumCondTempPts;         // Number of temperature points for conductivity
     208             :         int NumCondConcPts;         // Number of concentration points for conductivity
     209             :         Array1D<Real64> CondTemps;  // Temperatures for conductivity of glycol
     210             :         Array1D<Real64> CondConcs;  // Concentration for conductivity of glycol
     211             :         Array2D<Real64> CondValues; // conductivity values
     212             :         bool ViscDataPresent;       // Flag set when viscosity data is available
     213             :         int NumViscTempPts;         // Number of temperature points for viscosity
     214             :         int NumViscConcPts;         // Number of concentration points for viscosity
     215             :         Array1D<Real64> ViscTemps;  // Temperatures for viscosity of glycol
     216             :         Array1D<Real64> ViscConcs;  // Concentration for viscosity of glycol
     217             :         Array2D<Real64> ViscValues; // viscosity values
     218             : 
     219             :         // Default Constructor
     220          11 :         FluidPropsGlycolRawData()
     221          11 :             : CpDataPresent(false), NumCpTempPts(0), NumCpConcPts(0), RhoDataPresent(false), NumRhoTempPts(0), NumRhoConcPts(0),
     222          11 :               CondDataPresent(false), NumCondTempPts(0), NumCondConcPts(0), ViscDataPresent(false), NumViscTempPts(0), NumViscConcPts(0)
     223             :         {
     224          11 :         }
     225             :     };
     226             : 
     227        1463 :     struct FluidPropsGlycolData
     228             :     {
     229             :         // Members
     230             :         std::string Name;       // Name of the glycol mixture (used by other parts of code)
     231             :         std::string GlycolName; // Name of non-water fluid that is part of this mixture
     232             :         // (refers to ethylene glycol, propylene glycol, or user fluid)
     233             :         int GlycolIndex; // Index in user defined glycol data (>0 = index in raw data,
     234             :         // -1=propylene glycol, -2=ethylene glycol)
     235             :         Real64 Concentration;       // Concentration (if applicable)
     236             :         bool CpDataPresent;         // Flag set when specific heat data is available
     237             :         Real64 CpLowTempValue;      // Low Temperature Value for Cp (>0.0)
     238             :         Real64 CpHighTempValue;     // High Temperature Value for Cp (max in tables)
     239             :         int CpLowTempIndex;         // Low Temperature Min Index for Cp (>0.0)
     240             :         int CpHighTempIndex;        // High Temperature Max Index for Cp (>0.0)
     241             :         int NumCpTempPts;           // Number of temperature points for specific heat
     242             :         Array1D<Real64> CpTemps;    // Temperatures for specific heat of glycol
     243             :         Array1D<Real64> CpValues;   // Specific heat data values (J/kg-K)
     244             :         bool RhoDataPresent;        // Flag set when density data is available
     245             :         int NumRhoTempPts;          // Number of temperature points for density
     246             :         Real64 RhoLowTempValue;     // Low Temperature Value for Rho (>0.0)
     247             :         Real64 RhoHighTempValue;    // High Temperature Value for Rho (max in tables)
     248             :         int RhoLowTempIndex;        // Low Temperature Min Index for Rho (>0.0)
     249             :         int RhoHighTempIndex;       // High Temperature Max Index for Rho (>0.0)
     250             :         Array1D<Real64> RhoTemps;   // Temperatures for density of glycol
     251             :         Array1D<Real64> RhoValues;  // Density data values (kg/m3)
     252             :         bool CondDataPresent;       // Flag set when conductivity data is available
     253             :         int NumCondTempPts;         // Number of temperature points for conductivity
     254             :         Real64 CondLowTempValue;    // Low Temperature Value for Cond (>0.0)
     255             :         Real64 CondHighTempValue;   // High Temperature Value for Cond (max in tables)
     256             :         int CondLowTempIndex;       // Low Temperature Min Index for Cond (>0.0)
     257             :         int CondHighTempIndex;      // High Temperature Max Index for Cond (>0.0)
     258             :         Array1D<Real64> CondTemps;  // Temperatures for conductivity of glycol
     259             :         Array1D<Real64> CondValues; // conductivity values (W/m-K)
     260             :         bool ViscDataPresent;       // Flag set when viscosity data is available
     261             :         int NumViscTempPts;         // Number of temperature points for viscosity
     262             :         Real64 ViscLowTempValue;    // Low Temperature Value for Visc (>0.0)
     263             :         Real64 ViscHighTempValue;   // High Temperature Value for Visc (max in tables)
     264             :         int ViscLowTempIndex;       // Low Temperature Min Index for Visc (>0.0)
     265             :         int ViscHighTempIndex;      // High Temperature Max Index for Visc (>0.0)
     266             :         Array1D<Real64> ViscTemps;  // Temperatures for viscosity of glycol
     267             :         Array1D<Real64> ViscValues; // viscosity values (mPa-s)
     268             : 
     269             :         // Default Constructor
     270         469 :         FluidPropsGlycolData()
     271         469 :             : GlycolIndex(0), Concentration(1.0), CpDataPresent(false), CpLowTempValue(0.0), CpHighTempValue(0.0), CpLowTempIndex(0),
     272             :               CpHighTempIndex(0), NumCpTempPts(0), RhoDataPresent(false), NumRhoTempPts(0), RhoLowTempValue(0.0), RhoHighTempValue(0.0),
     273             :               RhoLowTempIndex(0), RhoHighTempIndex(0), CondDataPresent(false), NumCondTempPts(0), CondLowTempValue(0.0), CondHighTempValue(0.0),
     274             :               CondLowTempIndex(0), CondHighTempIndex(0), ViscDataPresent(false), NumViscTempPts(0), ViscLowTempValue(0.0), ViscHighTempValue(0.0),
     275         469 :               ViscLowTempIndex(0), ViscHighTempIndex(0)
     276             :         {
     277         469 :         }
     278             :     };
     279             : 
     280        1463 :     struct FluidPropsRefrigErrors
     281             :     {
     282             :         // Members
     283             :         std::string Name;
     284             :         int SatTempErrIndex;            // Index for Sat Temperature Error (Recurring errors)
     285             :         int SatTempErrCount;            // Count for Sat Temperature Error (Recurring errors)
     286             :         int SatPressErrIndex;           // Index for Sat Pressure Error (Recurring errors)
     287             :         int SatPressErrCount;           // Count for Sat Pressure Error (Recurring errors)
     288             :         int SatTempDensityErrIndex;     // Index for Sat Temperature (Density) Error (Recurring errors)
     289             :         int SatTempDensityErrCount;     // Count for Sat Temperature (Density) Error (Recurring errors)
     290             :         int SatSupEnthalpyErrIndex;     // Index for Sat Temperature (Density) Error (Recurring errors)
     291             :         int SatSupEnthalpyErrCount;     // Count for Sat Temperature (Density) Error (Recurring errors)
     292             :         int SatSupEnthalpyTempErrIndex; // Index for Sat Temperature (Density) Error (Recurring errors)
     293             :         int SatSupEnthalpyTempErrCount; // Count for Sat Temperature (Density) Error (Recurring errors)
     294             :         int SatSupEnthalpyPresErrIndex; // Index for Sat Temperature (Density) Error (Recurring errors)
     295             :         int SatSupEnthalpyPresErrCount; // Count for Sat Temperature (Density) Error (Recurring errors)
     296             :         int SatSupPressureErrIndex;     // Index for Sat Temperature (Density) Error (Recurring errors)
     297             :         int SatSupPressureErrCount;     // Count for Sat Temperature (Density) Error (Recurring errors)
     298             :         int SatSupPressureTempErrIndex; // Index for Sat Temperature (Density) Error (Recurring errors)
     299             :         int SatSupPressureTempErrCount; // Count for Sat Temperature (Density) Error (Recurring errors)
     300             :         int SatSupPressureEnthErrIndex; // Index for Sat Temperature (Density) Error (Recurring errors)
     301             :         int SatSupPressureEnthErrCount; // Count for Sat Temperature (Density) Error (Recurring errors)
     302             :         int SatSupDensityErrIndex;      // Index for Sat Temperature (Density) Error (Recurring errors)
     303             :         int SatSupDensityErrCount;      // Count for Sat Temperature (Density) Error (Recurring errors)
     304             :         int SatSupDensityTempErrIndex;  // Index for Sat Temperature (Density) Error (Recurring errors)
     305             :         int SatSupDensityTempErrCount;  // Count for Sat Temperature (Density) Error (Recurring errors)
     306             :         int SatSupDensityPresErrIndex;  // Index for Sat Temperature (Density) Error (Recurring errors)
     307             :         int SatSupDensityPresErrCount;  // Count for Sat Temperature (Density) Error (Recurring errors)
     308             : 
     309             :         // Default Constructor
     310         469 :         FluidPropsRefrigErrors()
     311         469 :             : SatTempErrIndex(0), SatTempErrCount(0), SatPressErrIndex(0), SatPressErrCount(0), SatTempDensityErrIndex(0), SatTempDensityErrCount(0),
     312             :               SatSupEnthalpyErrIndex(0), SatSupEnthalpyErrCount(0), SatSupEnthalpyTempErrIndex(0), SatSupEnthalpyTempErrCount(0),
     313             :               SatSupEnthalpyPresErrIndex(0), SatSupEnthalpyPresErrCount(0), SatSupPressureErrIndex(0), SatSupPressureErrCount(0),
     314             :               SatSupPressureTempErrIndex(0), SatSupPressureTempErrCount(0), SatSupPressureEnthErrIndex(0), SatSupPressureEnthErrCount(0),
     315             :               SatSupDensityErrIndex(0), SatSupDensityErrCount(0), SatSupDensityTempErrIndex(0), SatSupDensityTempErrCount(0),
     316         469 :               SatSupDensityPresErrIndex(0), SatSupDensityPresErrCount(0)
     317             :         {
     318         469 :         }
     319             :     };
     320             : 
     321        1463 :     struct FluidPropsGlycolErrors
     322             :     {
     323             :         // Members
     324             :         std::string Name;             // Which glycol this error structure is for
     325             :         int SpecHeatLowErrIndex;      // Index for Specific Heat Low Error (Recurring errors)
     326             :         int SpecHeatHighErrIndex;     // Index for Specific Heat High Error (Recurring errors)
     327             :         int SpecHeatLowErrCount;      // Count for Specific Heat Low Error (Recurring errors)
     328             :         int SpecHeatHighErrCount;     // Count for Specific Heat High Error (Recurring errors)
     329             :         int DensityHighErrCount;      // Index for Density Low Error (Recurring errors)
     330             :         int DensityLowErrIndex;       // Index for Density High Error (Recurring errors)
     331             :         int DensityHighErrIndex;      // Count for Density Low Error (Recurring errors)
     332             :         int DensityLowErrCount;       // Count for Density High Error (Recurring errors)
     333             :         int ConductivityLowErrIndex;  // Index for Conductivity Low Error (Recurring errors)
     334             :         int ConductivityHighErrIndex; // Index for Conductivity High Error (Recurring errors)
     335             :         int ConductivityLowErrCount;  // Count for Conductivity Low Error (Recurring errors)
     336             :         int ConductivityHighErrCount; // Count for Conductivity High Error (Recurring errors)
     337             :         int ViscosityLowErrIndex;     // Index for Viscosity Low Error (Recurring errors)
     338             :         int ViscosityHighErrIndex;    // Index for Viscosity High Error (Recurring errors)
     339             :         int ViscosityLowErrCount;     // Count for Viscosity Low Error (Recurring errors)
     340             :         int ViscosityHighErrCount;    // Count for Viscosity High Error (Recurring errors)
     341             : 
     342             :         // Default Constructor
     343         469 :         FluidPropsGlycolErrors()
     344         469 :             : SpecHeatLowErrIndex(0), SpecHeatHighErrIndex(0), SpecHeatLowErrCount(0), SpecHeatHighErrCount(0), DensityHighErrCount(0),
     345             :               DensityLowErrIndex(0), DensityHighErrIndex(0), DensityLowErrCount(0), ConductivityLowErrIndex(0), ConductivityHighErrIndex(0),
     346             :               ConductivityLowErrCount(0), ConductivityHighErrCount(0), ViscosityLowErrIndex(0), ViscosityHighErrIndex(0), ViscosityLowErrCount(0),
     347         469 :               ViscosityHighErrCount(0)
     348             :         {
     349         469 :         }
     350             :     };
     351             : 
     352             :     struct cached_tsh
     353             :     {
     354             :         // Members
     355             :         std::uint64_t iT;
     356             :         Real64 sh;
     357             : 
     358             :         // Default Constructor
     359   808452565 :         cached_tsh() : iT(1000), sh(0.0)
     360             :         {
     361   808452565 :         }
     362             :     };
     363             : 
     364             : #ifdef EP_cache_GlycolSpecificHeat
     365             :     extern std::array<FluidProperties::cached_tsh, t_sh_cache_size> cached_t_sh;
     366             : #endif
     367             :     // Object Data
     368             : 
     369             :     // Functions
     370             : 
     371             :     void InitializeGlycRoutines();
     372             : 
     373             :     void GetFluidPropertiesData(EnergyPlusData &state);
     374             : 
     375             :     //*****************************************************************************
     376             : 
     377             :     template <size_t NumOfTemps, size_t NumOfConcs>
     378             :     void InterpDefValuesForGlycolConc(
     379             :         EnergyPlusData &state,
     380             :         const std::array<Real64, NumOfConcs> &RawConcData,                         // concentrations for raw data
     381             :         const std::array<std::array<Real64, NumOfTemps>, NumOfConcs> &RawPropData, // raw property data (concentration, temperature)
     382             :         Real64 Concentration,                                                      // concentration of actual fluid mix
     383             :         Array1D<Real64> &InterpData                                                // interpolated output data at proper concentration
     384             :     );
     385             : 
     386             :     //*****************************************************************************
     387             : 
     388             :     void InterpValuesForGlycolConc(EnergyPlusData &state,
     389             :                                    int NumOfConcs,                     // number of concentrations (dimension of raw data)
     390             :                                    int NumOfTemps,                     // number of temperatures (dimension of raw data)
     391             :                                    const Array1D<Real64> &RawConcData, // concentrations for raw data
     392             :                                    Array2S<Real64> RawPropData,        // raw property data (temperature,concentration)
     393             :                                    Real64 Concentration,               // concentration of actual fluid mix
     394             :                                    Array1D<Real64> &InterpData         // interpolated output data at proper concentration
     395             :     );
     396             : 
     397             :     //*****************************************************************************
     398             : 
     399             :     void InitializeGlycolTempLimits(EnergyPlusData &state, bool &ErrorsFound); // set to true if errors found here
     400             : 
     401             :     //*****************************************************************************
     402             : 
     403             :     void InitializeRefrigerantLimits(EnergyPlusData &state, bool &ErrorsFound); // set to true if errors found here
     404             : 
     405             :     //*****************************************************************************
     406             : 
     407             :     void ReportAndTestGlycols(EnergyPlusData &state);
     408             : 
     409             :     //*****************************************************************************
     410             : 
     411             :     void ReportAndTestRefrigerants(EnergyPlusData &state);
     412             : 
     413             :     //*****************************************************************************
     414             : 
     415             :     Real64 GetSatPressureRefrig(EnergyPlusData &state,
     416             :                                 std::string_view const Refrigerant, // carries in substance name
     417             :                                 Real64 Temperature,                 // actual temperature given as input
     418             :                                 int &RefrigIndex,                   // Index to Refrigerant Properties
     419             :                                 std::string_view const CalledFrom   // routine this function was called from (error messages)
     420             :     );
     421             : 
     422             :     //*****************************************************************************
     423             : 
     424             :     Real64 GetSatTemperatureRefrig(EnergyPlusData &state,
     425             :                                    std::string_view const Refrigerant, // carries in substance name
     426             :                                    Real64 Pressure,                    // actual temperature given as input
     427             :                                    int &RefrigIndex,                   // Index to Refrigerant Properties
     428             :                                    std::string_view const CalledFrom   // routine this function was called from (error messages)
     429             :     );
     430             : 
     431             :     //*****************************************************************************
     432             : 
     433             :     Real64 GetSatEnthalpyRefrig(EnergyPlusData &state,
     434             :                                 std::string_view const Refrigerant, // carries in substance name
     435             :                                 Real64 Temperature,                 // actual temperature given as input
     436             :                                 Real64 Quality,                     // actual quality given as input
     437             :                                 int &RefrigIndex,                   // Index to Refrigerant Properties
     438             :                                 std::string_view const CalledFrom   // routine this function was called from (error messages)
     439             :     );
     440             : 
     441             :     //*****************************************************************************
     442             : 
     443             :     Real64 GetSatDensityRefrig(EnergyPlusData &state,
     444             :                                std::string_view const Refrigerant, // carries in substance name
     445             :                                Real64 Temperature,                 // actual temperature given as input
     446             :                                Real64 Quality,                     // actual quality given as input
     447             :                                int &RefrigIndex,                   // Index to Refrigerant Properties
     448             :                                std::string_view const CalledFrom   // routine this function was called from (error messages)
     449             :     );
     450             : 
     451             :     //*****************************************************************************
     452             : 
     453             :     Real64 GetSatSpecificHeatRefrig(EnergyPlusData &state,
     454             :                                     std::string_view const Refrigerant, // carries in substance name
     455             :                                     Real64 Temperature,                 // actual temperature given as input
     456             :                                     Real64 Quality,                     // actual quality given as input
     457             :                                     int &RefrigIndex,                   // Index to Refrigerant Properties
     458             :                                     std::string_view const CalledFrom   // routine this function was called from (error messages)
     459             :     );
     460             : 
     461             :     //*****************************************************************************
     462             : 
     463             :     Real64 GetSupHeatEnthalpyRefrig(EnergyPlusData &state,
     464             :                                     std::string_view const Refrigerant, // carries in substance name
     465             :                                     Real64 Temperature,                 // actual temperature given as input
     466             :                                     Real64 Pressure,                    // actual pressure given as input
     467             :                                     int &RefrigIndex,                   // Index to Refrigerant Properties
     468             :                                     std::string_view const CalledFrom   // routine this function was called from (error messages)
     469             :     );
     470             : 
     471             :     //*****************************************************************************
     472             : 
     473             :     Real64 GetSupHeatPressureRefrig(EnergyPlusData &state,
     474             :                                     std::string_view const Refrigerant, // carries in substance name
     475             :                                     Real64 Temperature,                 // actual temperature given as input
     476             :                                     Real64 Enthalpy,                    // actual enthalpy given as input
     477             :                                     int &RefrigIndex,                   // Index to Refrigerant Properties
     478             :                                     std::string_view const CalledFrom   // routine this function was called from (error messages)
     479             :     );
     480             : 
     481             :     //*****************************************************************************
     482             : 
     483             :     Real64 GetSupHeatTempRefrig(EnergyPlusData &state,
     484             :                                 std::string_view const Refrigerant, // carries in substance name
     485             :                                 Real64 Pressure,                    // actual pressure given as input
     486             :                                 Real64 Enthalpy,                    // actual enthalpy given as input
     487             :                                 Real64 TempLow,                     // lower bound of temperature in the iteration
     488             :                                 Real64 TempUp,                      // upper bound of temperature in the iteration
     489             :                                 int &RefrigIndex,                   // Index to Refrigerant Properties
     490             :                                 std::string_view const CalledFrom   // routine this function was called from (error messages)
     491             :     );
     492             : 
     493             :     Real64 GetSupHeatDensityRefrig(EnergyPlusData &state,
     494             :                                    std::string_view const Refrigerant, // carries in substance name
     495             :                                    Real64 Temperature,                 // actual temperature given as input
     496             :                                    Real64 Pressure,                    // actual pressure given as input
     497             :                                    int &RefrigIndex,                   // Index to Refrigerant Properties
     498             :                                    std::string_view const CalledFrom   // routine this function was called from (error messages)
     499             :     );
     500             : 
     501             : //*****************************************************************************
     502             : #ifdef EP_cache_GlycolSpecificHeat
     503             :     Real64 GetSpecificHeatGlycol_raw(EnergyPlusData &state,
     504             :                                      std::string_view const Glycol,    // carries in substance name
     505             :                                      Real64 const Temperature,         // actual temperature given as input
     506             :                                      int &GlycolIndex,                 // Index to Glycol Properties
     507             :                                      std::string_view const CalledFrom // routine this function was called from (error messages)
     508             :     );
     509             : 
     510   517139879 :     inline Real64 GetSpecificHeatGlycol(EnergyPlusData &state,
     511             :                                         std::string_view const Glycol,    // carries in substance name
     512             :                                         Real64 const Temperature,         // actual temperature given as input
     513             :                                         int &GlycolIndex,                 // Index to Glycol Properties
     514             :                                         std::string_view const CalledFrom // routine this function was called from (error messages)
     515             :     )
     516             :     {
     517   517139879 :         std::uint64_t constexpr Grid_Shift = 64 - 12 - t_sh_precision_bits;
     518             : 
     519   517139879 :         double const t(Temperature + 1000 * GlycolIndex);
     520             : 
     521             :         DISABLE_WARNING_PUSH
     522             :         DISABLE_WARNING_STRICT_ALIASING
     523             :         DISABLE_WARNING_UNINITIALIZED
     524   517139879 :         std::uint64_t const T_tag(*reinterpret_cast<std::uint64_t const *>(&t) >> Grid_Shift);
     525             :         DISABLE_WARNING_POP
     526             : 
     527   517139879 :         std::uint64_t const hash(T_tag & t_sh_cache_mask);
     528   517139879 :         auto &cTsh(cached_t_sh[hash]);
     529             : 
     530   517139879 :         if (cTsh.iT != T_tag) {
     531    21209813 :             cTsh.iT = T_tag;
     532    21209813 :    = GetSpecificHeatGlycol_raw(state, Glycol, Temperature, GlycolIndex, CalledFrom);
     533             :         }
     534             : 
     535   517139879 :         return; // saturation pressure {Pascals}
     536             :     }
     537             : #else
     538             :     Real64 GetSpecificHeatGlycol(EnergyPlusData &state,
     539             :                                  std::string_view const Glycol,    // carries in substance name
     540             :                                  Real64 const Temperature,         // actual temperature given as input
     541             :                                  int &GlycolIndex,                 // Index to Glycol Properties
     542             :                                  std::string_view const CalledFrom // routine this function was called from (error messages)
     543             :     );
     544             : #endif
     545             : 
     546             :     //*****************************************************************************
     547             : 
     548             :     Real64 GetDensityGlycol(EnergyPlusData &state,
     549             :                             std::string_view const Glycol,    // carries in substance name
     550             :                             Real64 Temperature,               // actual temperature given as input
     551             :                             int &GlycolIndex,                 // Index to Glycol Properties
     552             :                             std::string_view const CalledFrom // routine this function was called from (error messages)
     553             :     );
     554             : 
     555             :     //*****************************************************************************
     556             : 
     557             :     Real64 GetConductivityGlycol(EnergyPlusData &state,
     558             :                                  std::string_view const Glycol,    // carries in substance name
     559             :                                  Real64 Temperature,               // actual temperature given as input
     560             :                                  int &GlycolIndex,                 // Index to Glycol Properties
     561             :                                  std::string_view const CalledFrom // routine this function was called from (error messages)
     562             :     );
     563             : 
     564             :     //*****************************************************************************
     565             : 
     566             :     Real64 GetViscosityGlycol(EnergyPlusData &state,
     567             :                               std::string_view const Glycol,    // carries in substance name
     568             :                               Real64 Temperature,               // actual temperature given as input
     569             :                               int &GlycolIndex,                 // Index to Glycol Properties
     570             :                               std::string_view const CalledFrom // routine this function was called from (error messages)
     571             :     );
     572             : 
     573             :     //*****************************************************************************
     574             : 
     575             :     void GetInterpValue_error(EnergyPlusData &state);
     576             : 
     577   104365014 :     inline Real64 GetInterpValue(EnergyPlusData &state,
     578             :                                  Real64 const Tact, // actual temperature at which we want the property of interest
     579             :                                  Real64 const Tlo,  // temperature below Tact for which we have property data
     580             :                                  Real64 const Thi,  // temperature above Tact for which we have property data
     581             :                                  Real64 const Xlo,  // value of property at Tlo
     582             :                                  Real64 const Xhi   // value of property at Thi
     583             :     )
     584             :     {
     585             :         // FUNCTION INFORMATION:
     586             :         //       AUTHOR         Rick Strand
     587             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   June 2004
     588             :         //       MODIFIED       N/A
     589             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  N/A
     590             : 
     591             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS FUNCTION:
     592             :         // This subroutine does a simple linear interpolation.
     593             : 
     594             :         // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
     595             :         // No mysteries here...just plain-old linear interpolation.
     596             : 
     597             :         // REFERENCES:
     598             :         // Any basic engineering mathematic text.
     599             : 
     600             :         // USE STATEMENTS:
     601             :         // na
     602             : 
     603             :         // Return value
     604             :         // na
     605             : 
     606             :         // Locals
     607             :         // FUNCTION ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS:
     608             : 
     609             :         // SUBROUTINE PARAMETER DEFINITIONS:
     610   104365014 :         Real64 constexpr TempToler(0.001); // Some reasonable value for comparisons
     611             : 
     612             :         // INTERFACE BLOCK SPECIFICATIONS:
     613             :         // na
     614             : 
     615             :         // DERIVED TYPE DEFINITIONS:
     616             :         // na
     617             : 
     618             :         // FUNCTION LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
     619             :         // na
     620             : 
     621   104365014 :         if (std::abs(Thi - Tlo) > TempToler) {
     622   104365014 :             return Xhi - (((Thi - Tact) / (Thi - Tlo)) * (Xhi - Xlo));
     623             :         } else {
     624           0 :             GetInterpValue_error(state);
     625           0 :             return 0.0;
     626             :         }
     627             :     }
     628             : 
     629    21209702 :     inline Real64 GetInterpValue_fast(Real64 const Tact, // actual temperature at which we want the property of interest
     630             :                                       Real64 const Tlo,  // temperature below Tact for which we have property data
     631             :                                       Real64 const Thi,  // temperature above Tact for which we have property data
     632             :                                       Real64 const Xlo,  // value of property at Tlo
     633             :                                       Real64 const Xhi   // value of property at Thi
     634             :     )
     635             :     {
     636    21209702 :         return Xhi - (((Thi - Tact) / (Thi - Tlo)) * (Xhi - Xlo));
     637             :     }
     638             : 
     639             :     //*****************************************************************************
     640             : 
     641             :     Real64 GetQualityRefrig(EnergyPlusData &state,
     642             :                             std::string const &Refrigerant,   // carries in substance name
     643             :                             Real64 Temperature,               // actual temperature given as input
     644             :                             Real64 Enthalpy,                  // actual enthalpy given as input
     645             :                             int &RefrigIndex,                 // Index to Refrigerant Properties
     646             :                             std::string_view const CalledFrom // routine this function was called from (error messages)
     647             :     );
     648             : 
     649             :     //*****************************************************************************
     650             : 
     651             :     int FindRefrigerant(EnergyPlusData &state, std::string_view const Rrefrigerant); // carries in substance name
     652             : 
     653             :     //*****************************************************************************
     654             : 
     655             :     int FindGlycol(EnergyPlusData &state, std::string_view const Glycol); // carries in substance name
     656             : 
     657             :     //*****************************************************************************
     658             : 
     659             :     std::string GetGlycolNameByIndex(EnergyPlusData &state, int Idx); // carries in substance index
     660             : 
     661             :     //*****************************************************************************
     662             : 
     663             :     int FindArrayIndex(Real64 Value,                 // Value to be placed/found within the array of values
     664             :                        Array1D<Real64> const &Array, // Array of values in ascending order
     665             :                        int LowBound,                 // Valid values lower bound (set by calling program)
     666             :                        int UpperBound                // Valid values upper bound (set by calling program)
     667             :     );
     668             : 
     669             :     int FindArrayIndex(Real64 Value,                // Value to be placed/found within the array of values
     670             :                        Array1D<Real64> const &Array // Array of values in ascending order
     671             :     );
     672             : 
     673             :     //*****************************************************************************
     674             : 
     675             :     Real64 GetInterpolatedSatProp(EnergyPlusData &state,
     676             :                                   Real64 Temperature,                // Saturation Temp.
     677             :                                   Array1D<Real64> const &PropTemps,  // Array of temperature at which props are available
     678             :                                   Array1D<Real64> const &LiqProp,    // Array of saturated liquid properties
     679             :                                   Array1D<Real64> const &VapProp,    // Array of saturatedvapour properties
     680             :                                   Real64 Quality,                    // Quality
     681             :                                   std::string_view const CalledFrom, // routine this function was called from (error messages)
     682             :                                   int LowBound,                      // Valid values lower bound (set by calling program)
     683             :                                   int UpperBound                     // Valid values upper bound (set by calling program)
     684             :     );
     685             : 
     686             :     //*****************************************************************************
     687             : 
     688             :     int CheckFluidPropertyName(EnergyPlusData &state,
     689             :                                std::string const &NameToCheck); // Name from input(?) to be checked against valid FluidPropertyNames
     690             : 
     691             :     void ReportOrphanFluids(EnergyPlusData &state);
     692             : 
     693             :     void ReportFatalGlycolErrors(EnergyPlusData &state,
     694             :                                  int NumGlycols,                     // Number of Glycols in input/data
     695             :                                  int GlycolNum,                      // Glycol Index
     696             :                                  bool DataPresent,                   // data is present for this fluid.
     697             :                                  std::string_view const GlycolName,  // Name being reported
     698             :                                  std::string_view const RoutineName, // Routine name to show
     699             :                                  std::string_view const Property,    // Property being requested
     700             :                                  std::string_view const CalledFrom   // original called from (external to fluid properties)
     701             :     );
     702             : 
     703             :     void ReportFatalRefrigerantErrors(EnergyPlusData &state,
     704             :                                       int NumRefrigerants,                    // Number of Refrigerants in input/data
     705             :                                       int RefrigerantNum,                     // Refrigerant Index
     706             :                                       bool DataPresent,                       // data is present for this fluid.
     707             :                                       std::string_view const RefrigerantName, // Name being reported
     708             :                                       std::string_view const RoutineName,     // Routine name to show
     709             :                                       std::string_view const Property,        // Property being requested
     710             :                                       std::string_view const CalledFrom       // original called from (external to fluid properties)
     711             :     );
     712             : 
     713             :     void GetFluidDensityTemperatureLimits(EnergyPlusData &state, int FluidIndex, Real64 &MinTempLimit, Real64 &MaxTempLimit);
     714             : 
     715             :     void GetFluidSpecificHeatTemperatureLimits(EnergyPlusData &state, int FluidIndex, Real64 &MinTempLimit, Real64 &MaxTempLimit);
     716             : 
     717             :     struct GlycolAPI
     718             :     {
     719             :         std::string glycolName;
     720             :         int glycolIndex;
     721             :         std::string cf;
     722             :         explicit GlycolAPI(EnergyPlusData &state, std::string const &glycolName);
     723           0 :         ~GlycolAPI() = default;
     724             :         Real64 specificHeat(EnergyPlusData &state, Real64 temperature);
     725             :         Real64 density(EnergyPlusData &state, Real64 temperature);
     726             :         Real64 conductivity(EnergyPlusData &state, Real64 temperature);
     727             :         Real64 viscosity(EnergyPlusData &state, Real64 temperature);
     728             :     };
     729             : 
     730             :     struct RefrigerantAPI
     731             :     {
     732             :         std::string rName;
     733             :         int rIndex;
     734             :         std::string cf;
     735             :         explicit RefrigerantAPI(EnergyPlusData &state, std::string const &refrigName);
     736           0 :         ~RefrigerantAPI() = default;
     737             :         Real64 saturationPressure(EnergyPlusData &state, Real64 temperature);
     738             :         Real64 saturationTemperature(EnergyPlusData &state, Real64 pressure);
     739             :         Real64 saturatedEnthalpy(EnergyPlusData &state, Real64 temperature, Real64 quality);
     740             :         Real64 saturatedDensity(EnergyPlusData &state, Real64 temperature, Real64 quality);
     741             :         Real64 saturatedSpecificHeat(EnergyPlusData &state, Real64 temperature, Real64 quality);
     742             :         Real64 superHeatedEnthalpy(EnergyPlusData &state, Real64 temperature, Real64 pressure);
     743             :         Real64 superHeatedPressure(EnergyPlusData &state, Real64 temperature, Real64 enthalpy);
     744             :         Real64 superHeatedDensity(EnergyPlusData &state, Real64 temperature, Real64 pressure);
     745             :     };
     746             : 
     747             : } // namespace FluidProperties
     748             : 
     749        1542 : struct FluidPropertiesData : BaseGlobalStruct
     750             : {
     751             : 
     752             :     bool GetInput = true;      // Used to get the input once only
     753             :     int NumOfRefrigerants = 0; // Total number of refrigerants input by user
     754             :     int NumOfGlycols = 0;      // Total number of glycols input by user
     755             :     bool DebugReportGlycols = false;
     756             :     bool DebugReportRefrigerants = false;
     757             :     int GlycolErrorLimitTest = 1;      // how many times error is printed with details before recurring called
     758             :     int RefrigerantErrorLimitTest = 1; // how many times error is printed with details before recurring called
     759             :     Array1D_bool RefrigUsed;
     760             :     Array1D_bool GlycolUsed;
     761             : 
     762             :     Array1D<FluidProperties::FluidPropsRefrigerantData> RefrigData;
     763             :     Array1D<FluidProperties::FluidPropsRefrigErrors> RefrigErrorTracking;
     764             :     Array1D<FluidProperties::FluidPropsGlycolRawData> GlyRawData;
     765             :     Array1D<FluidProperties::FluidPropsGlycolData> GlycolData;
     766             :     Array1D<FluidProperties::FluidPropsGlycolErrors> GlycolErrorTracking;
     767             : 
     768             :     int SatErrCountGetSupHeatEnthalpyRefrig = 0;
     769             :     int SatErrCountGetSupHeatDensityRefrig = 0;
     770             :     int HighTempLimitErrGetSpecificHeatGlycol_raw = 0;
     771             :     int LowTempLimitErrGetSpecificHeatGlycol_raw = 0;
     772             :     int HighTempLimitErrGetDensityGlycol = 0;
     773             :     int LowTempLimitErrGetDensityGlycol = 0;
     774             :     int HighTempLimitErrGetConductivityGlycol = 0;
     775             :     int LowTempLimitErrGetConductivityGlycol = 0;
     776             :     int HighTempLimitErrGetViscosityGlycol = 0;
     777             :     int LowTempLimitErrGetViscosityGlycol = 0;
     778             :     int TempLoRangeErrIndexGetQualityRefrig = 0;
     779             :     int TempHiRangeErrIndexGetQualityRefrig = 0;
     780             :     int TempRangeErrCountGetInterpolatedSatProp = 0;
     781             :     int TempRangeErrIndexGetInterpolatedSatProp = 0;
     782             : 
     783           0 :     void clear_state() override
     784             :     {
     785           0 :         this->GetInput = true;
     786           0 :         this->NumOfRefrigerants = 0;
     787           0 :         this->NumOfGlycols = 0;
     788           0 :         this->DebugReportGlycols = false;
     789           0 :         this->DebugReportRefrigerants = false;
     790           0 :         this->GlycolErrorLimitTest = 1;
     791           0 :         this->RefrigerantErrorLimitTest = 1;
     792           0 :         this->RefrigUsed.deallocate();
     793           0 :         this->GlycolUsed.deallocate();
     794             : 
     795           0 :         this->RefrigData.deallocate();
     796           0 :         this->RefrigErrorTracking.deallocate();
     797           0 :         this->GlyRawData.deallocate();
     798           0 :         this->GlycolData.deallocate();
     799           0 :         this->GlycolErrorTracking.deallocate();
     800             : 
     801           0 :         this->SatErrCountGetSupHeatEnthalpyRefrig = 0;
     802           0 :         this->SatErrCountGetSupHeatDensityRefrig = 0;
     803           0 :         this->HighTempLimitErrGetSpecificHeatGlycol_raw = 0;
     804           0 :         this->LowTempLimitErrGetSpecificHeatGlycol_raw = 0;
     805           0 :         this->HighTempLimitErrGetDensityGlycol = 0;
     806           0 :         this->LowTempLimitErrGetDensityGlycol = 0;
     807           0 :         this->HighTempLimitErrGetConductivityGlycol = 0;
     808           0 :         this->LowTempLimitErrGetConductivityGlycol = 0;
     809           0 :         this->HighTempLimitErrGetViscosityGlycol = 0;
     810           0 :         this->LowTempLimitErrGetViscosityGlycol = 0;
     811           0 :         this->TempLoRangeErrIndexGetQualityRefrig = 0;
     812           0 :         this->TempHiRangeErrIndexGetQualityRefrig = 0;
     813           0 :         this->TempRangeErrCountGetInterpolatedSatProp = 0;
     814           0 :         this->TempRangeErrIndexGetInterpolatedSatProp = 0;
     815           0 :     }
     816             : };
     817             : 
     818             : } // namespace EnergyPlus
     819             : 
     820             : #endif

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