LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - EnergyPlus - FuelCellElectricGenerator.hh (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: lcov.output.filtered Lines: 53 59 89.8 %
Date: 2023-01-17 19:17:23 Functions: 33 44 75.0 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : // EnergyPlus, Copyright (c) 1996-2023, The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois,
       2             : // The Regents of the University of California, through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
       3             : // (subject to receipt of any required approvals from the U.S. Dept. of Energy), Oak Ridge
       4             : // National Laboratory, managed by UT-Battelle, Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC, and other
       5             : // contributors. All rights reserved.
       6             : //
       7             : // NOTICE: This Software was developed under funding from the U.S. Department of Energy and the
       8             : // U.S. Government consequently retains certain rights. As such, the U.S. Government has been
       9             : // granted for itself and others acting on its behalf a paid-up, nonexclusive, irrevocable,
      10             : // worldwide license in the Software to reproduce, distribute copies to the public, prepare
      11             : // derivative works, and perform publicly and display publicly, and to permit others to do so.
      12             : //
      13             : // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted
      14             : // provided that the following conditions are met:
      15             : //
      16             : // (1) Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of
      17             : //     conditions and the following disclaimer.
      18             : //
      19             : // (2) Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of
      20             : //     conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
      21             : //     provided with the distribution.
      22             : //
      23             : // (3) Neither the name of the University of California, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,
      24             : //     the University of Illinois, U.S. Dept. of Energy nor the names of its contributors may be
      25             : //     used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior
      26             : //     written permission.
      27             : //
      28             : // (4) Use of EnergyPlus(TM) Name. If Licensee (i) distributes the software in stand-alone form
      29             : //     without changes from the version obtained under this License, or (ii) Licensee makes a
      30             : //     reference solely to the software portion of its product, Licensee must refer to the
      31             : //     software as "EnergyPlus version X" software, where "X" is the version number Licensee
      32             : //     obtained under this License and may not use a different name for the software. Except as
      33             : //     specifically required in this Section (4), Licensee shall not use in a company name, a
      34             : //     product name, in advertising, publicity, or other promotional activities any name, trade
      35             : //     name, trademark, logo, or other designation of "EnergyPlus", "E+", "e+" or confusingly
      36             : //     similar designation, without the U.S. Department of Energy's prior written consent.
      37             : //
      46             : // POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.
      47             : 
      48             : #ifndef FuelCellElectricGenerator_hh_INCLUDED
      49             : #define FuelCellElectricGenerator_hh_INCLUDED
      50             : 
      51             : // ObjexxFCL Headers
      52             : #include <ObjexxFCL/Array1D.hh>
      53             : 
      54             : // EnergyPlus Headers
      55             : #include <EnergyPlus/Data/BaseData.hh>
      56             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataGenerators.hh>
      57             : #include <EnergyPlus/EnergyPlus.hh>
      58             : #include <EnergyPlus/Plant/DataPlant.hh>
      59             : #include <EnergyPlus/PlantComponent.hh>
      60             : 
      61             : namespace EnergyPlus {
      62             : 
      63             : namespace FuelCellElectricGenerator {
      64             : 
      65             :     enum class GasID
      66             :     // This enum starts at 1 because it has to match Gas Phase ThermoChemistry Structure Array in DataGenerators & GeneratorFuelSupply
      67             :     {
      68             :         Invalid = -1,
      69             :         CarbonDioxide = 1,
      70             :         Nitrogen,
      71             :         Oxygen,
      72             :         Water,
      73             :         Argon,
      74             :         Num
      75             :     };
      76             : 
      77           6 :     struct FCPowerModuleStruct
      78             :     {
      79             :         std::string Name;                      // name of this PowerModule data
      80             :         DataGenerators::CurveMode EffMode;     // mode for efficiency curves
      81             :         int EffCurveID;                        // pointer to curve for efficiency
      82             :         Real64 NomEff;                         // nominal efficiency
      83             :         Real64 NomPel;                         // nominal power rate at rating point
      84             :         int NumCyclesAtStart;                  // number of start stop cycles at beggining of simulation (user input)
      85             :         int NumCycles;                         // number of start stop cycles
      86             :         Real64 CyclingDegradRat;               // rate of degradation from cycles
      87             :         Real64 NumRunHours;                    // number of hours of operation
      88             :         Real64 OperateDegradRat;               // rate of degradation from run time (per hour)
      89             :         Real64 ThreshRunHours;                 // number of hours before degradation starts
      90             :         Real64 UpTranLimit;                    // power up transient limit
      91             :         Real64 DownTranLimit;                  // power down tran limit
      92             :         Real64 StartUpTime;                    // time for start up [hours]
      93             :         Real64 StartUpFuel;                    // fuel use during start up
      94             :         Real64 StartUpElectConsum;             // electricity used during start up
      95             :         Real64 StartUpElectProd;               // electricity produced during start up
      96             :         Real64 ShutDownTime;                   // time to shut down [hours]
      97             :         Real64 ShutDownFuel;                   // fuel consumed during shut down
      98             :         Real64 ShutDownElectConsum;            // Elect consumed during shut down
      99             :         Real64 ANC0;                           // Ancilliary Loads constant term
     100             :         Real64 ANC1;                           // Ancilliary Loads linear term
     101             :         DataGenerators::SkinLoss SkinLossMode; // how are skin losses determined
     102             :         std::string ZoneName;
     103             :         int ZoneID; // "pointer" to zone with component in it
     104             :         Real64 RadiativeFract;
     105             :         Real64 QdotSkin;
     106             :         Real64 UAskin;
     107             :         int SkinLossCurveID;
     108             :         int WaterSupplyCurveID;            // pointer to curve for water use in reforming
     109             :         Real64 NdotDilutionAir;            // user defined constant flow of dilution air (kmol/sec)
     110             :         Real64 StackHeatLossToDilution;    // (watts)
     111             :         std::string DilutionInletNodeName; // dilution -> AirHR ?? added air heat recovery path
     112             :         int DilutionInletNode;             // pointer to node for inlet
     113             :         std::string DilutionExhaustNodeName;
     114             :         int DilutionExhaustNode; // pointer to node getting exhaust
     115             :         Real64 PelMin;           // minimum operating point for FCPM electrical power Pel
     116             :         Real64 PelMax;           // maximum operating point for FCPM electrical power Pel
     117             :         // Calculated values and input from elsewhere
     118             :         Real64 Pel; // current DC electrical power produced
     119             :         Real64 PelLastTimeStep;
     120             :         Real64 Eel;                         // power module efficiency
     121             :         Real64 QdotStackCool;               // Heat removed by stack cooler
     122             :         Real64 FractionalDayofLastStartUp;  // fractional days into simulation
     123             :         Real64 FractionalDayofLastShutDown; // fractional Days into simulations
     124             :         bool HasBeenOn;
     125             :         bool DuringShutDown;
     126             :         bool DuringStartUp;
     127             :         Real64 NdotFuel;           // molar fuel use rate.  (kmol/sec)
     128             :         Real64 TotFuelInEnthalphy; // Enthalpy of fuel coming into FCPM (watts)
     129             :         Real64 NdotProdGas;        // (kmol/sec)
     130             :         Array1D<Real64> ConstitMolalFract;
     131             :         Array1D<GasID> GasLibID; // lookup ID in Gas Phase ThermoChemistry Structure Array
     132             :         Real64 TprodGasLeavingFCPM;
     133             :         Real64 NdotAir;           // molar air use rate    (kmol/sec)
     134             :         Real64 TotAirInEnthalphy; // Enthalpy of air coming nto FCPM energy balance (watts)
     135             :         Real64 NdotLiqwater;      // molar water use rate (kmol/sec)
     136             :         Real64 TwaterInlet;
     137             :         Real64 WaterInEnthalpy;       // Enthalpy of liquid water used for reforming (watts)
     138             :         Real64 DilutionAirInEnthalpy; // Enthalpy of Dilution air coming into FCPM (watts)
     139             :         Real64 DilutionAirOutEnthalpy;
     140             :         Real64 PelancillariesAC;    // ancillary power (watts)
     141             :         Real64 TotProdGasEnthalphy; // Enthalphy of product gases leaving FCPM   (watts)
     142             :         Real64 WaterOutEnthalpy;    // enthalpy of vapor from water used for reforming
     143             :         int SeqSubstitIter;
     144             :         int RegulaFalsiIter;
     145             : 
     146             :         // Default Constructor
     147           2 :         FCPowerModuleStruct()
     148           2 :             : EffMode(DataGenerators::CurveMode::Invalid), EffCurveID(0), NomEff(0.0), NomPel(0.0), NumCycles(0), CyclingDegradRat(0.0),
     149             :               NumRunHours(0.0), OperateDegradRat(0.0), ThreshRunHours(0.0), UpTranLimit(0.0), DownTranLimit(0.0), StartUpTime(0.0), StartUpFuel(0.0),
     150             :               StartUpElectConsum(0.0), StartUpElectProd(0.0), ShutDownTime(0.0), ShutDownFuel(0.0), ShutDownElectConsum(0.0), ANC0(0.0), ANC1(0.0),
     151             :               SkinLossMode(DataGenerators::SkinLoss::Invalid), ZoneID(0), RadiativeFract(0.0), QdotSkin(0.0), UAskin(0.0), SkinLossCurveID(0),
     152             :               WaterSupplyCurveID(0), NdotDilutionAir(0.0), StackHeatLossToDilution(0.0), DilutionInletNode(0), DilutionExhaustNode(0), PelMin(0.0),
     153             :               PelMax(0.0), Pel(0.0), PelLastTimeStep(0.0), Eel(0.0), QdotStackCool(0.0), FractionalDayofLastStartUp(0.0),
     154             :               FractionalDayofLastShutDown(0.0), HasBeenOn(true), DuringShutDown(false), DuringStartUp(false), NdotFuel(0.0), TotFuelInEnthalphy(0.0),
     155             :               NdotProdGas(0.0), ConstitMolalFract(14, 0.0), GasLibID(14, GasID::Invalid), TprodGasLeavingFCPM(0.0), NdotAir(0.0),
     156             :               TotAirInEnthalphy(0.0), NdotLiqwater(0.0), TwaterInlet(0.0), WaterInEnthalpy(0.0), DilutionAirInEnthalpy(0.0),
     157             :               DilutionAirOutEnthalpy(0.0), PelancillariesAC(0.0), TotProdGasEnthalphy(0.0), WaterOutEnthalpy(0.0), SeqSubstitIter(0),
     158           2 :               RegulaFalsiIter(0)
     159             :         {
     160           2 :         }
     161             :     };
     162             : 
     163           6 :     struct FCAirSupplyDataStruct
     164             :     {
     165             :         std::string Name;                              // name of this
     166             :         std::string NodeName;                          // Air supply node name
     167             :         int SupNodeNum;                                // Air supply node ID
     168             :         int BlowerPowerCurveID;                        // "pointer" to blower power quadratic
     169             :         Real64 BlowerHeatLossFactor;                   // alpha for blower heat loss fraction
     170             :         DataGenerators::AirSupRateMode AirSupRateMode; // control for modeling method used to deterime supply air flow rate
     171             :         Real64 Stoics;                                 // excess air ratio
     172             :         int AirFuncPelCurveID;                         // "pointer" to curve for air as function of power
     173             :         Real64 AirTempCoeff;                           // coeff a3 in equ 16.
     174             :         int AirFuncNdotCurveID;                        // "pointer" to curve for air as function of fuel flow rate
     175             :         DataGenerators::RecoverMode IntakeRecoveryMode;
     176             :         DataGenerators::ConstituentMode ConstituentMode; // how are air data input
     177             :         int NumConstituents;
     178             :         Array1D_string ConstitName;
     179             :         Array1D<Real64> ConstitMolalFract;
     180             :         // Calculated values and input from elsewhere
     181             :         Array1D<GasID> GasLibID; // lookup ID in Gas Phase ThermoChemistry Structure Array
     182             :         Real64 O2fraction;
     183             :         Real64 TairIntoBlower;  // temperature entering blower
     184             :         Real64 TairIntoFCPM;    // temperature leaving blower and entering FCPM
     185             :         Real64 PairCompEl;      // power drawn by compressor
     186             :         Real64 QskinLoss;       // pumping losses for zone
     187             :         Real64 QintakeRecovery; // heat recovered on intake air by accessories
     188             : 
     189             :         // Default Constructor
     190           2 :         FCAirSupplyDataStruct()
     191           2 :             : SupNodeNum(0), BlowerPowerCurveID(0), BlowerHeatLossFactor(0.0), AirSupRateMode(DataGenerators::AirSupRateMode::Invalid), Stoics(0.0),
     192             :               AirFuncPelCurveID(0), AirTempCoeff(0.0), AirFuncNdotCurveID(0), IntakeRecoveryMode(DataGenerators::RecoverMode::Invalid),
     193             :               ConstituentMode(DataGenerators::ConstituentMode::Invalid), NumConstituents(0), ConstitName(14), ConstitMolalFract(14, 0.0),
     194             :               GasLibID(14, GasID::Invalid), O2fraction(0.0), TairIntoBlower(0.0), TairIntoFCPM(0.0), PairCompEl(0.0), QskinLoss(0.0),
     195           2 :               QintakeRecovery(0.0)
     196             :         {
     197           2 :         }
     198             :     };
     199             : 
     200           6 :     struct FCWaterSupplyDataStruct
     201             :     {
     202             :         std::string Name;                                   // name of this water supply module
     203             :         DataGenerators::WaterTemperatureMode WaterTempMode; // temperature of water inlet determination
     204             :         std::string NodeName;                               // node name for temperature at input
     205             :         int NodeNum;                                        // node number for temperature at input
     206             :         int SchedNum;                                       // water temperature at input
     207             :         int WaterSupRateCurveID;                            // "pointer" to water flow rate curve as a function of fuel rate
     208             :         int PmpPowerCurveID;                                // "pointer to Pump power curve as a function of water flow Rate
     209             :         Real64 PmpPowerLossFactor;                          // Pump heat loss factor
     210             :         // calculated data
     211             :         bool IsModeled;
     212             :         Real64 TwaterIntoCompress; // inlet Water Temperature
     213             :         Real64 TwaterIntoFCPM;     // pumped water temp
     214             :         Real64 PwaterCompEl;       // water pump power
     215             :         Real64 QskinLoss;          // pumping losses for zone
     216             : 
     217             :         // Default Constructor
     218           2 :         FCWaterSupplyDataStruct()
     219           2 :             : WaterTempMode(DataGenerators::WaterTemperatureMode::Invalid), NodeNum(0), SchedNum(0), WaterSupRateCurveID(0), PmpPowerCurveID(0),
     220           2 :               PmpPowerLossFactor(0.0), IsModeled(true), TwaterIntoCompress(0.0), TwaterIntoFCPM(0.0), PwaterCompEl(0.0), QskinLoss(0.0)
     221             :         {
     222           2 :         }
     223             :     };
     224             : 
     225           6 :     struct FCAuxilHeatDataStruct
     226             :     {
     227             :         std::string Name; // name of this auxiliary heating module
     228             :         std::string ZoneName;
     229             :         int ZoneID;
     230             :         Real64 UASkin; // for skin losses to zone
     231             :         Real64 ExcessAirRAT;
     232             :         Real64 ANC0;
     233             :         Real64 ANC1;
     234             :         DataGenerators::LossDestination SkinLossDestination; // control mode for where lost heat goes
     235             :         Real64 MaxPowerW;
     236             :         Real64 MinPowerW;
     237             :         Real64 MaxPowerkmolperSec;
     238             :         Real64 MinPowerkmolperSec;
     239             :         // calculated and from elsewhere
     240             :         int NumConstituents;
     241             :         Real64 TauxMix;
     242             :         Real64 NdotAuxMix;
     243             :         Array1D<Real64> ConstitMolalFract;
     244             :         Array1D<GasID> GasLibID; // lookup ID in Gas Phase ThermoChemistry Structure Array
     245             :         Real64 QskinLoss;        // Heat lost to room
     246             :         Real64 QairIntake;       // heat into intake air
     247             : 
     248             :         // Default Constructor
     249           2 :         FCAuxilHeatDataStruct()
     250           2 :             : ZoneID(0), UASkin(0.0), ExcessAirRAT(0.0), ANC0(0.0), ANC1(0.0), SkinLossDestination(DataGenerators::LossDestination::Invalid),
     251             :               MaxPowerW(0.0), MinPowerW(0.0), MaxPowerkmolperSec(0.0), MinPowerkmolperSec(0.0), NumConstituents(0), TauxMix(0.0), NdotAuxMix(0.0),
     252           2 :               ConstitMolalFract(14, 0.0), GasLibID(14, GasID::Invalid), QskinLoss(0.0), QairIntake(0.0)
     253             :         {
     254           2 :         }
     255             :     };
     256             : 
     257           6 :     struct FCExhaustHXDataStruct
     258             :     {
     259             :         std::string Name;                         // name of this exhaust gas heat recovery
     260             :         std::string WaterInNodeName;              // HR Water Inlet Node
     261             :         int WaterInNode;                          // HR Water Outlet Node ID
     262             :         std::string WaterOutNodeName;             // HR water outlet Node name
     263             :         int WaterOutNode;                         // HR Water outlet Node ID
     264             :         Real64 WaterVolumeFlowMax;                // HR water flow rate max avail
     265             :         std::string ExhaustOutNodeName;           // air node for exhaust flow
     266             :         int ExhaustOutNode;                       // Exhaust Air node ID
     267             :         DataGenerators::ExhaustGasHX HXmodelMode; // Heat Exchanger Calculation Method
     268             :         Real64 HXEffect;                          // Heat Exchanger Effectiveness (method 1)
     269             :         Real64 hxs0;                              // (method 2)
     270             :         Real64 hxs1;                              // (method 2)
     271             :         Real64 hxs2;                              // (method 2)
     272             :         Real64 hxs3;                              // (method 2)
     273             :         Real64 hxs4;                              // (method 2)
     274             :         Real64 h0gas;                             // (method 3)
     275             :         Real64 NdotGasRef;                        // (method 3)
     276             :         Real64 nCoeff;                            // (method 3)
     277             :         Real64 AreaGas;                           // (method 3)
     278             :         Real64 h0Water;                           // (method 3)
     279             :         Real64 NdotWaterRef;                      // (method 3)
     280             :         Real64 mCoeff;                            // (method 3)
     281             :         Real64 AreaWater;                         // (method 3)
     282             :         Real64 Fadjust;                           // (method 3)
     283             :         Real64 l1Coeff;                           // (method 4)
     284             :         Real64 l2Coeff;                           // (method 4)
     285             :         Real64 CondensationThresholdTemp;         // (method 4) [degrees C]
     286             :         // calculated
     287             :         Real64 qHX;                     // heat flow from gas stream to water
     288             :         Real64 THXexh;                  // temperature of exhaust gases leaving heat exchanger.
     289             :         Real64 WaterMassFlowRateDesign; // Design level of water flow rate
     290             :         Real64 WaterMassFlowRate;       // water flow rate in plant loop
     291             :         Real64 WaterInletTemp;
     292             :         Real64 WaterVaporFractExh; // water vapor fraction in exhaust gas stream.
     293             :         Real64 CondensateRate;     // water condensation rate.
     294             :         Array1D<Real64> ConstitMolalFract;
     295             :         Array1D<GasID> GasLibID; // lookup ID in Gas Phase ThermoChemistry Structure Array
     296             :         Real64 NdotHXleaving;
     297             :         Real64 WaterOutletTemp;
     298             :         Real64 WaterOutletEnthalpy;
     299             : 
     300             :         // Default Constructor
     301           2 :         FCExhaustHXDataStruct()
     302           2 :             : WaterInNode(0), WaterOutNode(0), WaterVolumeFlowMax(0.0), ExhaustOutNode(0), HXmodelMode(DataGenerators::ExhaustGasHX::Invalid),
     303             :               HXEffect(0.0), hxs0(0.0), hxs1(0.0), hxs2(0.0), hxs3(0.0), hxs4(0.0), h0gas(0.0), NdotGasRef(0.0), nCoeff(0.0), AreaGas(0.0),
     304             :               h0Water(0.0), NdotWaterRef(0.0), mCoeff(0.0), AreaWater(0.0), Fadjust(0.0), l1Coeff(0.0), l2Coeff(0.0), CondensationThresholdTemp(0.0),
     305             :               qHX(0.0), THXexh(0.0), WaterMassFlowRateDesign(0.0), WaterMassFlowRate(0.0), WaterInletTemp(0.0), WaterVaporFractExh(0.0),
     306             :               CondensateRate(0.0), ConstitMolalFract(14, 0.0), GasLibID(14, GasID::Invalid), NdotHXleaving(0.0), WaterOutletTemp(0.0),
     307           2 :               WaterOutletEnthalpy(0.0)
     308             :         {
     309           2 :         }
     310             :     };
     311             : 
     312           6 :     struct BatteryDichargeDataStruct
     313             :     {
     314             :         std::string Name; // name of this battery data set
     315             :         Real64 NumInSeries;
     316             :         Real64 NumInParallel;
     317             :         Real64 NominalVoltage;
     318             :         Real64 LowVoltsDischarged; // not used
     319             :         int NumTablePairs;
     320             :         Array1D<Real64> DischargeCurrent; // amps
     321             :         Array1D<Real64> DischargeTime;    // hours
     322             :         // calculated variables
     323             :         Real64 k;    // parameter in Manwell McGowan model
     324             :         Real64 c;    // parameter in Manwell McGowan model
     325             :         Real64 qmax; // parameter in Manwell McGowan model
     326             : 
     327             :         // Default Constructor
     328           2 :         BatteryDichargeDataStruct()
     329           2 :             : NumInSeries(0.0), NumInParallel(0.0), NominalVoltage(0.0), LowVoltsDischarged(0.0), NumTablePairs(0), k(0.0), c(0.0), qmax(0.0)
     330             :         {
     331           2 :         }
     332             :     };
     333             : 
     334           6 :     struct FCElecStorageDataStruct
     335             :     {
     336             :         std::string Name; // name of this electrical storage module
     337             :         DataGenerators::ElectricalStorage StorageModelMode;
     338             :         Real64 StartingEnergyStored; // joules inside
     339             :         Real64 EnergeticEfficCharge; // for
     340             :         Real64 EnergeticEfficDischarge;
     341             :         Real64 MaxPowerDraw;  // for simple bucket method 0
     342             :         Real64 MaxPowerStore; // for simple bucket method 0
     343             :         Real64 NominalVoltage;
     344             :         Real64 NominalEnergyCapacity; // [J]
     345             :         // calculated and from elsewhere vars
     346             :         Real64 ThisTimeStepStateOfCharge; // [J]
     347             :         Real64 LastTimeStepStateOfCharge; // [J]
     348             :         Real64 PelNeedFromStorage;
     349             :         Real64 IdesiredDischargeCurrent;
     350             :         Real64 PelFromStorage; // power
     351             :         Real64 IfromStorage;   // current this timestepm
     352             :         Real64 PelIntoStorage;
     353             :         Real64 QairIntake; // heat into intake air
     354             :         // nested structures
     355             :         BatteryDichargeDataStruct Battery;
     356             : 
     357             :         // Default Constructor
     358           2 :         FCElecStorageDataStruct()
     359           2 :             : StorageModelMode(DataGenerators::ElectricalStorage::Invalid), StartingEnergyStored(0.0), EnergeticEfficCharge(0.0),
     360             :               EnergeticEfficDischarge(0.0), MaxPowerDraw(0.0), MaxPowerStore(0.0), NominalVoltage(0.0), NominalEnergyCapacity(0.0),
     361             :               ThisTimeStepStateOfCharge(0.0), LastTimeStepStateOfCharge(0.0), PelNeedFromStorage(0.0), IdesiredDischargeCurrent(0.0),
     362           2 :               PelFromStorage(0.0), IfromStorage(0.0), PelIntoStorage(0.0), QairIntake(0.0)
     363             :         {
     364           2 :         }
     365             :     };
     366             : 
     367           6 :     struct FCInverterDataStruct
     368             :     {
     369             :         std::string Name;                               // name of this inverter
     370             :         DataGenerators::InverterEfficiencyMode EffMode; // efficiency calculation mode
     371             :         Real64 ConstEff;
     372             :         int EffQuadraticCurveID;
     373             :         // calculated and from elsewhere
     374             :         Real64 PCUlosses;
     375             :         Real64 QairIntake;
     376             : 
     377             :         // Default Constructor
     378           2 :         FCInverterDataStruct()
     379           2 :             : EffMode(DataGenerators::InverterEfficiencyMode::Invalid), ConstEff(0.0), EffQuadraticCurveID(0), PCUlosses(0.0), QairIntake(0.0)
     380             :         {
     381           2 :         }
     382             :     };
     383             : 
     384             :     struct FCReportDataStruct
     385             :     {
     386             :         // Members
     387             :         Real64 ACPowerGen;           // reporting: power (W)
     388             :         Real64 ACEnergyGen;          // reporting: energy (J)
     389             :         Real64 QdotExhaust;          // reporting: exhaust gas heat recovered (W)
     390             :         Real64 TotalHeatEnergyRec;   // reporting: total heat recovered (J)
     391             :         Real64 ExhaustEnergyRec;     // reporting: exhaust gas heat recovered (J)
     392             :         Real64 FuelEnergyLHV;        // reporting: Fuel Energy used in Lower Heating Value(J)
     393             :         Real64 FuelEnergyUseRateLHV; // reporting: Fuel Energy used in Lower Heating Value(W)
     394             :         Real64 FuelEnergyHHV;        // reporting: Fuel Energy used in Lower Heating Value(J)
     395             :         Real64 FuelEnergyUseRateHHV; // reporting: Fuel Energy used in Lower Heating Value(W)
     396             :         Real64 FuelRateMdot;         // (Kg/s)
     397             :         Real64 HeatRecInletTemp;     // reporting: Heat Recovery Loop Inlet Temperature (C)
     398             :         Real64 HeatRecOutletTemp;    // reporting: Heat Recovery Loop Outlet Temperature (C)
     399             :         Real64 HeatRecMdot;          // reporting: Heat Recovery Loop Mass flow rate (kg/s)
     400             :         // air supply and blower
     401             :         Real64 TairInlet;         // State point 1
     402             :         Real64 TairIntoFCPM;      // Temperature at State point 4
     403             :         Real64 NdotAir;           // air flow in kmol/sec
     404             :         Real64 TotAirInEnthalphy; // Enthalpy at State point 4
     405             :         Real64 BlowerPower;       // electrical power used by air supply blower
     406             :         Real64 BlowerEnergy;      // electrical energy used by air supply blower
     407             :         Real64 BlowerSkinLoss;    // heat rate of losses by blower
     408             :         // fuel supply and compressor
     409             :         Real64 TfuelInlet;           // State point 2 [C]
     410             :         Real64 TfuelIntoFCPM;        // state point 5 [C]
     411             :         Real64 NdotFuel;             // fuel flow in [kmol/sec]
     412             :         Real64 TotFuelInEnthalpy;    // state point 5 [W]
     413             :         Real64 FuelCompressPower;    // electrical power used by fuel supply compressor [W]
     414             :         Real64 FuelCompressEnergy;   // electrical energy used by fuel supply compressor [J]
     415             :         Real64 FuelCompressSkinLoss; // heat rate of fuel supply compressor [W]
     416             :         // reformer water supply
     417             :         Real64 TwaterInlet;           // State point 3
     418             :         Real64 TwaterIntoFCPM;        // State point 6
     419             :         Real64 NdotWater;             // water flow in kmol/sec (reformer water)
     420             :         Real64 WaterPumpPower;        // electrical power used by water pump [W]
     421             :         Real64 WaterPumpEnergy;       // electrical energy used by water pump [J]
     422             :         Real64 WaterIntoFCPMEnthalpy; // state point 6
     423             :         // product (exhaust) gas leaving power module
     424             :         Real64 TprodGas;      // State point 7 Product Gas temperature
     425             :         Real64 EnthalProdGas; // state point 7 product gas enthalpy
     426             :         Real64 NdotProdGas;   // point 7 flow rate [kmol/sec]
     427             :         Real64 NdotProdAr;    // argon flow rate at point 7
     428             :         Real64 NdotProdCO2;   // carbon dioxide flow rate at point 7
     429             :         Real64 NdotProdH2O;   // water vapor flow rate at point 7
     430             :         Real64 NdotProdN2;    // nitrogen flow rate at point 7
     431             :         Real64 NdotProdO2;    // oxygen flow rate at point 7
     432             :         // heat exchanger for water to exhaust heat recovery
     433             :         Real64 qHX;                // heat flow from gas stream to water [W]
     434             :         Real64 HXenergy;           // energy from gas stream to water [J]
     435             :         Real64 THXexh;             // temperature of exhaust gases leaving heat exchanger.
     436             :         Real64 WaterVaporFractExh; // water vapor fraction in exhaust gas stream
     437             :         // relative to water vapor entering HX  (NdotH2O/Ndoaux-mix)
     438             :         Real64 CondensateRate;     // water condensation rate [kmol/s]
     439             :         int SeqSubstIterations;    // number of iterations in SOFC loop
     440             :         int RegulaFalsiIterations; // number of iterations in Tproduct gas solving
     441             :         Real64 ACancillariesPower;
     442             :         Real64 ACancillariesEnergy;
     443             :         Real64 PCUlosses;            // power conditioning Unit losses
     444             :         Real64 DCPowerGen;           // Pel, Power module power level [W]
     445             :         Real64 DCPowerEff;           // Eel, power module efficiency []
     446             :         Real64 ElectEnergyinStorage; // State of charge in Electrical Storage [J]
     447             :         Real64 StoredPower;          // Power added to Electrical Storage [W]
     448             :         Real64 StoredEnergy;         // energy added to Electrical STorage [J]
     449             :         Real64 DrawnPower;           // Power drawn from Electrical STorage [W]
     450             :         Real64 DrawnEnergy;          // Energy drawn from Electrical STorage [J]
     451             :         Real64 SkinLossPower;        // heat loss to surrounding zone [W]
     452             :         Real64 SkinLossEnergy;       // heat loss to surround zone [J]
     453             :         Real64 SkinLossConvect;      // convective heat loss to zone [W]
     454             :         Real64 SkinLossRadiat;       // radiative heat loss to zone [W}
     455             :         Real64 ElectEfficiency;
     456             :         Real64 ThermalEfficiency;
     457             :         Real64 OverallEfficiency;
     458             :         Real64 ExergyEfficiency;
     459             :         int NumCycles;       // Number of start-stop cycles
     460             :         Real64 FCPMSkinLoss; // Power module skin losses [W]
     461             : 
     462             :         // Default Constructor
     463           2 :         FCReportDataStruct()
     464           2 :             : ACPowerGen(0.0), ACEnergyGen(0.0), QdotExhaust(0.0), TotalHeatEnergyRec(0.0), ExhaustEnergyRec(0.0), FuelEnergyLHV(0.0),
     465             :               FuelEnergyUseRateLHV(0.0), FuelEnergyHHV(0.0), FuelEnergyUseRateHHV(0.0), FuelRateMdot(0.0), HeatRecInletTemp(0.0),
     466             :               HeatRecOutletTemp(0.0), HeatRecMdot(0.0), TairInlet(0.0), TairIntoFCPM(0.0), NdotAir(0.0), TotAirInEnthalphy(0.0), BlowerPower(0.0),
     467             :               BlowerEnergy(0.0), BlowerSkinLoss(0.0), TfuelInlet(0.0), TfuelIntoFCPM(0.0), NdotFuel(0.0), TotFuelInEnthalpy(0.0),
     468             :               FuelCompressPower(0.0), FuelCompressEnergy(0.0), FuelCompressSkinLoss(0.0), TwaterInlet(0.0), TwaterIntoFCPM(0.0), NdotWater(0.0),
     469             :               WaterPumpPower(0.0), WaterPumpEnergy(0.0), WaterIntoFCPMEnthalpy(0.0), TprodGas(0.0), EnthalProdGas(0.0), NdotProdGas(0.0),
     470             :               NdotProdAr(0.0), NdotProdCO2(0.0), NdotProdH2O(0.0), NdotProdN2(0.0), NdotProdO2(0.0), qHX(0.0), HXenergy(0.0), THXexh(0.0),
     471             :               WaterVaporFractExh(0.0), CondensateRate(0.0), SeqSubstIterations(0), RegulaFalsiIterations(0), ACancillariesPower(0.0),
     472             :               ACancillariesEnergy(0.0), PCUlosses(0.0), DCPowerGen(0.0), DCPowerEff(0.0), ElectEnergyinStorage(0.0), StoredPower(0.0),
     473             :               StoredEnergy(0.0), DrawnPower(0.0), DrawnEnergy(0.0), SkinLossPower(0.0), SkinLossEnergy(0.0), SkinLossConvect(0.0),
     474             :               SkinLossRadiat(0.0), ElectEfficiency(0.0), ThermalEfficiency(0.0), OverallEfficiency(0.0), ExergyEfficiency(0.0), NumCycles(0),
     475           2 :               FCPMSkinLoss(0.0)
     476             :         {
     477           2 :         }
     478             :     };
     479             : 
     480           6 :     struct FCStackCoolerDataStruct
     481             :     {
     482             :         std::string Name;             // name of this stack cooler module
     483             :         std::string WaterInNodeName;  // HR Water Inlet Node
     484             :         int WaterInNode;              // HR Water Outlet Node ID
     485             :         std::string WaterOutNodeName; // HR water outlet Node name
     486             :         int WaterOutNode;             // HR Water outlet Node ID
     487             :         Real64 TstackNom;             // nominal fuel cell stack temperature
     488             :         Real64 TstackActual;          // actual fuel cell stack temperature
     489             :         Real64 r0;                    // stack cooling power coefficient r0
     490             :         Real64 r1;                    // stack cooling power coefficient r1
     491             :         Real64 r2;                    // stack cooling power coefficient r2
     492             :         Real64 r3;                    // stack cooling power coefficient r3
     493             :         Real64 MdotStackCoolant;      // stack coolant flow rate kg/s
     494             :         Real64 UAs_cool;              // stack heat transfer coef
     495             :         Real64 Fs_cogen;
     496             :         Real64 As_cogen;
     497             :         Real64 MdotCogenNom;
     498             :         Real64 hCogenNom;
     499             :         Real64 ns;
     500             :         Real64 PstackPumpEl;
     501             :         Real64 PmpPowerLossFactor;
     502             :         Real64 f0;
     503             :         Real64 f1;
     504             :         Real64 f2;
     505             :         // calculated and from elsewhere
     506             :         bool StackCoolerPresent; // control modeling
     507             :         Real64 qs_cool;
     508             :         Real64 qs_air;
     509             : 
     510             :         // Default Constructor
     511           2 :         FCStackCoolerDataStruct()
     512           2 :             : WaterInNode(0), WaterOutNode(0), TstackNom(0.0), TstackActual(0.0), r0(0.0), r1(0.0), r2(0.0), r3(0.0), MdotStackCoolant(0.0),
     513             :               UAs_cool(0.0), Fs_cogen(0.0), As_cogen(0.0), MdotCogenNom(0.0), hCogenNom(0.0), ns(0.0), PstackPumpEl(0.0), PmpPowerLossFactor(0.0),
     514           2 :               f0(0.0), f1(0.0), f2(0.0), StackCoolerPresent(false), qs_cool(0.0), qs_air(0.0)
     515             :         {
     516           2 :         }
     517             :     };
     518             : 
     519           6 :     struct FCDataStruct : PlantComponent
     520             :     {
     521             :         // Members
     522             :         // from input data and nested types for subsystems
     523             :         DataPlant::PlantEquipmentType Type;
     524             :         std::string Name;                    // user identifier
     525             :         std::string NameFCPM;                // name of FC Power Module
     526             :         FCPowerModuleStruct FCPM;            // data for Power Module
     527             :         std::string NameFCAirSup;            // name of air supply module for fuel cell
     528             :         FCAirSupplyDataStruct AirSup;        // data for air supply module
     529             :         std::string NameFCFuelSup;           // name of fuel supply module
     530             :         int FuelSupNum;                      // index for fuel supply module structure
     531             :         std::string NameFCWaterSup;          // name of water supply module
     532             :         FCWaterSupplyDataStruct WaterSup;    // data for water supply module
     533             :         std::string NameFCAuxilHeat;         // name of auxiliary heating module
     534             :         FCAuxilHeatDataStruct AuxilHeat;     // data for auxiliary heating module
     535             :         std::string NameExhaustHX;           // name of Exhaust HX module
     536             :         FCExhaustHXDataStruct ExhaustHX;     // data for Exhaust heat exchanger module
     537             :         std::string NameElecStorage;         // name of Battery module
     538             :         FCElecStorageDataStruct ElecStorage; // data for Battery module
     539             :         std::string NameInverter;            // name of Inverter Module
     540             :         FCInverterDataStruct Inverter;       // data for Inverter module
     541             :         std::string NameStackCooler;         // name of Inverter Module
     542             :         FCStackCoolerDataStruct StackCooler; // data for Inverter module
     543             :         PlantLocation CWPlantLoc;            // cooling water plant loop component index
     544             :         FCReportDataStruct Report;           // data for reporting as E+ output variables
     545             :         // calculated whole-system level variables
     546             :         Real64 ACPowerGen; // Net output from SOFC unit
     547             :         Real64 QconvZone;  // convective heat lost to surrounding zone
     548             :         Real64 QradZone;   // radiative heat lost to surrounding zone
     549             :         int DynamicsControlID;
     550             :         Real64 TimeElapsed; // used to track when timestep has changed
     551             :         bool MyEnvrnFlag_Init;
     552             :         bool MyWarmupFlag_Init;
     553             :         bool MyPlantScanFlag_Init;
     554             : 
     555             :         int SolverErr_Type1_Iter;      // Iteration counter for Fuel Cell solver root finding Type 1 error warning messages
     556             :         int SolverErr_Type1_IterIndex; // Index for Fuel Cell solver root finding Type 1 error warning messages
     557             :         int SolverErr_Type2_Iter;      // Iteration counter for Fuel Cell solver root finding Type 2 error warning messages
     558             :         int SolverErr_Type2_IterIndex; // Index for Fuel Cell solver root finding Type 2 error warning messages
     559             : 
     560             :         // Default Constructor
     561           2 :         FCDataStruct()
     562           2 :             : Type(DataPlant::PlantEquipmentType::Invalid), FuelSupNum(0), CWPlantLoc{}, ACPowerGen(0.0), QconvZone(0.0), QradZone(0.0),
     563             :               DynamicsControlID(0), TimeElapsed(0.0), MyEnvrnFlag_Init(true), MyWarmupFlag_Init(false), MyPlantScanFlag_Init(true),
     564           2 :               SolverErr_Type1_Iter(0), SolverErr_Type1_IterIndex(0), SolverErr_Type2_Iter(0), SolverErr_Type2_IterIndex(0)
     565             :         {
     566           2 :         }
     567             : 
     568             :         static PlantComponent *factory(EnergyPlusData &state, std::string const &objectName);
     569             : 
     570             :         static PlantComponent *factory_exhaust(EnergyPlusData &state, std::string const &objectName);
     571             : 
     572             :         void initialize(EnergyPlusData &state);
     573             : 
     574             :         void getDesignCapacities(
     575             :             EnergyPlusData &state, const PlantLocation &calledFromLocation, Real64 &MaxLoad, Real64 &MinLoad, Real64 &OptLoad) override;
     576             : 
     577             :         void setupOutputVars(EnergyPlusData &state);
     578             : 
     579             :         void simulate([[maybe_unused]] EnergyPlusData &state,
     580             :                       const PlantLocation &calledFromLocation,
     581             :                       bool FirstHVACIteration,
     582             :                       Real64 &CurLoad,
     583             :                       bool RunFlag) override;
     584             : 
     585             :         void FigureAirHeatCap(EnergyPlusData &state, Real64 FluidTemp, Real64 &Cp);
     586             : 
     587             :         void FigureAirEnthalpy(EnergyPlusData &state, Real64 FluidTemp, Real64 &Hair);
     588             : 
     589             :         void FigureFuelHeatCap(EnergyPlusData &state, Real64 FluidTemp, Real64 &Cp) const;
     590             : 
     591             :         void FigureFuelEnthalpy(EnergyPlusData &state, Real64 FluidTemp, Real64 &Hfuel) const;
     592             : 
     593             :         void FigureProductGasesEnthalpy(EnergyPlusData &state, Real64 FluidTemp, Real64 &HProdGases);
     594             : 
     595             :         void FigureAuxilHeatGasHeatCap(EnergyPlusData &state, Real64 FluidTemp, Real64 &Cp);
     596             : 
     597             :         void FigureACAncillaries(EnergyPlusData &state, Real64 &PacAncill);
     598             : 
     599             :         void FigurePowerConditioningLosses(EnergyPlusData &state, Real64 Pdemand, Real64 &PpcuLosses) const;
     600             : 
     601             :         void FigureTransientConstraints(EnergyPlusData &state,
     602             :                                         Real64 &Pel,       // DC power control setting for power module
     603             :                                         bool &Constrained, // true if transient constraints kick in
     604             :                                         Real64 &PelDiff    // if constrained then this is the difference, positive
     605             :         );
     606             : 
     607             :         static void FigureGaseousWaterEnthalpy(Real64 FluidTemp, Real64 &HGasWater);
     608             : 
     609             :         static void FigureLiquidWaterEnthalpy(Real64 FluidTemp, Real64 &HLiqWater);
     610             : 
     611             :         static void FigureLiquidWaterHeatCap(Real64 FluidTemp, Real64 &Cp);
     612             : 
     613             :         void CalcFuelCellAuxHeater();
     614             : 
     615             :         void CalcFuelCellGenHeatRecovery(EnergyPlusData &state);
     616             : 
     617             :         void CalcFuelCellGeneratorModel(EnergyPlusData &state, bool RunFlag, Real64 MyLoad, bool FirstHVACIteration);
     618             : 
     619             :         void CalcUpdateHeatRecovery(EnergyPlusData &state, bool FirstHVACIteration) const;
     620             : 
     621             :         void ManageElectStorInteractions(EnergyPlusData &state,
     622             :                                          Real64 Pdemand,
     623             :                                          Real64 PpcuLosses,
     624             :                                          bool &Constrained, // TODO: This one is never used anywhere in the code
     625             :                                          Real64 &Pstorage,
     626             :                                          Real64 &PgridOverage // electricity that can't be stored and needs to go out
     627             :         );
     628             : 
     629             :         void SimFuelCellGenerator(EnergyPlusData &state,
     630             :                                   bool RunFlag,  // simulate Generator when TRUE
     631             :                                   Real64 MyLoad, // demand on electric generator
     632             :                                   bool FirstHVACIteration);
     633             : 
     634             :         void UpdateFuelCellGeneratorRecords(EnergyPlusData &state);
     635             : 
     636             :         void oneTimeInit(EnergyPlusData &state) override;
     637             : 
     638             :         void oneTimeInit_new(EnergyPlusData &state) override;
     639             :     };
     640             : 
     641             :     void getFuelCellInput(EnergyPlusData &state);
     642             : 
     643             :     void FigureFuelCellZoneGains(EnergyPlusData &state);
     644             : 
     645             : } // namespace FuelCellElectricGenerator
     646             : 
     647        1542 : struct FuelCellElectricGeneratorData : BaseGlobalStruct
     648             : {
     649             : 
     650             :     int NumFuelCellGenerators = 0;
     651             :     bool getFuelCellInputFlag = true;
     652             :     bool MyEnvrnFlag = true;
     653             :     Array1D<FuelCellElectricGenerator::FCDataStruct> FuelCell;
     654             : 
     655           0 :     void clear_state() override
     656             :     {
     657           0 :         this->NumFuelCellGenerators = 0;
     658           0 :         this->getFuelCellInputFlag = true;
     659           0 :         this->MyEnvrnFlag = true;
     660           0 :         this->FuelCell.deallocate();
     661           0 :     }
     662             : };
     663             : 
     664             : } // namespace EnergyPlus
     665             : 
     666             : #endif

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