LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - EnergyPlus - (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: lcov.output.filtered Lines: 694 847 81.9 %
Date: 2023-01-17 19:17:23 Functions: 10 10 100.0 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : // EnergyPlus, Copyright (c) 1996-2023, The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois,
       2             : // The Regents of the University of California, through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
       3             : // (subject to receipt of any required approvals from the U.S. Dept. of Energy), Oak Ridge
       4             : // National Laboratory, managed by UT-Battelle, Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC, and other
       5             : // contributors. All rights reserved.
       6             : //
       7             : // NOTICE: This Software was developed under funding from the U.S. Department of Energy and the
       8             : // U.S. Government consequently retains certain rights. As such, the U.S. Government has been
       9             : // granted for itself and others acting on its behalf a paid-up, nonexclusive, irrevocable,
      10             : // worldwide license in the Software to reproduce, distribute copies to the public, prepare
      11             : // derivative works, and perform publicly and display publicly, and to permit others to do so.
      12             : //
      13             : // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted
      14             : // provided that the following conditions are met:
      15             : //
      16             : // (1) Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of
      17             : //     conditions and the following disclaimer.
      18             : //
      19             : // (2) Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of
      20             : //     conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
      21             : //     provided with the distribution.
      22             : //
      23             : // (3) Neither the name of the University of California, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,
      24             : //     the University of Illinois, U.S. Dept. of Energy nor the names of its contributors may be
      25             : //     used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior
      26             : //     written permission.
      27             : //
      28             : // (4) Use of EnergyPlus(TM) Name. If Licensee (i) distributes the software in stand-alone form
      29             : //     without changes from the version obtained under this License, or (ii) Licensee makes a
      30             : //     reference solely to the software portion of its product, Licensee must refer to the
      31             : //     software as "EnergyPlus version X" software, where "X" is the version number Licensee
      32             : //     obtained under this License and may not use a different name for the software. Except as
      33             : //     specifically required in this Section (4), Licensee shall not use in a company name, a
      34             : //     product name, in advertising, publicity, or other promotional activities any name, trade
      35             : //     name, trademark, logo, or other designation of "EnergyPlus", "E+", "e+" or confusingly
      36             : //     similar designation, without the U.S. Department of Energy's prior written consent.
      37             : //
      46             : // POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.
      47             : 
      48             : // C++ Headers
      49             : #include <cmath>
      50             : #include <string>
      51             : 
      52             : // ObjexxFCL Headers
      53             : #include <ObjexxFCL/Fmath.hh>
      54             : #include <ObjexxFCL/member.functions.hh>
      55             : 
      56             : // EnergyPlus Headers
      57             : #include <EnergyPlus/Construction.hh>
      58             : #include <EnergyPlus/Data/EnergyPlusData.hh>
      59             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataEnvironment.hh>
      60             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataHeatBalSurface.hh>
      61             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataHeatBalance.hh>
      62             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataIPShortCuts.hh>
      63             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataMoistureBalance.hh>
      64             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataSurfaces.hh>
      65             : #include <EnergyPlus/DisplayRoutines.hh>
      66             : #include <EnergyPlus/General.hh>
      67             : #include <EnergyPlus/HeatBalanceHAMTManager.hh>
      68             : #include <EnergyPlus/InputProcessing/InputProcessor.hh>
      69             : #include <EnergyPlus/Material.hh>
      70             : #include <EnergyPlus/OutputProcessor.hh>
      71             : #include <EnergyPlus/Psychrometrics.hh>
      72             : #include <EnergyPlus/UtilityRoutines.hh>
      73             : #include <EnergyPlus/ZoneTempPredictorCorrector.hh>
      74             : 
      75             : namespace EnergyPlus {
      76             : 
      77             : namespace HeatBalanceHAMTManager {
      78             : 
      79             :     // MODULE INFORMATION:
      80             :     //       AUTHOR      Phillip Biddulph
      81             :     //       DATE WRITTEN   June 2008
      82             :     //       MODIFIED
      83             :     //       Bug fixes to make sure HAMT can cope with data limits  ! PDB August 2009
      84             :     //       RE-ENGINEERED
      85             : 
      86             :     // PURPOSE OF THIS MODULE:
      87             :     // Calculate, record and report the one dimentional heat and moisture transfer
      88             :     // through a surface given the material composition of the building surface and
      89             :     // the external and internal Temperatures and Relative Humidities.
      90             : 
      91             :     // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
      92             :     // Each surface is split into "cells", where all characteristics are initiallised.
      93             :     // Cells are matched and links created in the initialisation routine.
      94             :     // The internal and external "surfaces" of the surface are virtual cells to allow for the
      95             :     // input of heat and vapor via heat transfer coefficients, radiation,
      96             :     // and vapor transfer coefficients
      97             :     // Uses Forward (implicit) finite difference alogorithm. Heat transfer is caclulated first,
      98             :     // with the option of including the latent heat, then liquid and vapor transfer. The process is ittereated.
      99             :     // Once the temperatures have converged the internal surface
     100             :     // temperature and vapor densities are passed back to EnergyPlus.
     101             : 
     102             :     // Temperatures and relative humidities are updated once EnergyPlus has checked that
     103             :     // the zone temperatures have converged.
     104             : 
     105             :     // REFERENCES:
     106             :     // K?zel, H.M. (1995) Simultaneous Heat and Moisture Transport in Building Components.
     107             :     // One- and two-dimensional calculation using simple parameters. IRB Verlag 1995
     108             :     // Holman, J.P. (2002) Heat Transfer, Ninth Edition. McGraw-Hill
     109             :     // Winterton, R.H.S. (1997) Heat Transfer. (Oxford Chemistry Primers; 50) Oxford University Press
     110             :     // Kumar Kumaran, M. (1996) IEA ANNEX 24, Final Report, Volume 3
     111             : 
     112             :     // USE STATEMENTS:
     113             : 
     114             :     // Using/Aliasing
     115             :     using namespace DataSurfaces;
     116             :     using DataHeatBalSurface::MinSurfaceTempLimit;
     117             :     using DataHeatBalSurface::MinSurfaceTempLimitBeforeFatal;
     118             :     using namespace DataHeatBalance;
     119             :     using namespace Psychrometrics;
     120             : 
     121      353337 :     void ManageHeatBalHAMT(EnergyPlusData &state, int const SurfNum, Real64 &SurfTempInTmp, Real64 &TempSurfOutTmp)
     122             :     {
     123             : 
     124             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
     125             :         //       AUTHOR         Phillip Biddulph
     126             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   June 2008
     127             :         //       MODIFIED       na
     128             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
     129             : 
     130             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
     131             :         // Manages the Heat and Moisture Transfer calculations.
     132             : 
     133             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
     134      353337 :         auto &OneTimeFlag = state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->OneTimeFlag;
     135             : 
     136      353337 :         if (OneTimeFlag) {
     137           3 :             OneTimeFlag = false;
     138           3 :             DisplayString(state, "Initialising Heat and Moisture Transfer Model");
     139           3 :             GetHeatBalHAMTInput(state);
     140           3 :             InitHeatBalHAMT(state);
     141             :         }
     142             : 
     143      353337 :         CalcHeatBalHAMT(state, SurfNum, SurfTempInTmp, TempSurfOutTmp);
     144      353337 :     }
     145             : 
     146           3 :     void GetHeatBalHAMTInput(EnergyPlusData &state)
     147             :     {
     148             : 
     149             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
     150             :         //       AUTHOR         Phillip Biddulph
     151             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   June 2008
     152             :         //       MODIFIED       na
     153             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
     154             : 
     155             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
     156             :         // gets input for the HAMT model
     157             : 
     158             :         // SUBROUTINE PARAMETER DEFINITIONS:
     159           3 :         static std::string const cHAMTObject1("MaterialProperty:HeatAndMoistureTransfer:Settings");
     160           3 :         static std::string const cHAMTObject2("MaterialProperty:HeatAndMoistureTransfer:SorptionIsotherm");
     161           3 :         static std::string const cHAMTObject3("MaterialProperty:HeatAndMoistureTransfer:Suction");
     162           3 :         static std::string const cHAMTObject4("MaterialProperty:HeatAndMoistureTransfer:Redistribution");
     163           3 :         static std::string const cHAMTObject5("MaterialProperty:HeatAndMoistureTransfer:Diffusion");
     164           3 :         static std::string const cHAMTObject6("MaterialProperty:HeatAndMoistureTransfer:ThermalConductivity");
     165           3 :         static std::string const cHAMTObject7("SurfaceProperties:VaporCoefficients");
     166             : 
     167             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
     168             : 
     169           6 :         Array1D_string AlphaArray;
     170           6 :         Array1D_string cAlphaFieldNames;
     171           6 :         Array1D_string cNumericFieldNames;
     172             : 
     173           6 :         Array1D_bool lAlphaBlanks;
     174           6 :         Array1D_bool lNumericBlanks;
     175             : 
     176           6 :         Array1D<Real64> NumArray;
     177             : 
     178             :         Real64 dumrh;
     179             :         Real64 dumdata;
     180             :         Real64 avdata;
     181             : 
     182             :         int MaxNums;
     183             :         int MaxAlphas;
     184             :         int NumParams;
     185             :         int NumNums;
     186             :         int NumAlphas;
     187             :         int status;
     188             :         int matid;
     189             :         int iso;
     190             :         int Numid;
     191             :         int suc;
     192             :         int red;
     193             :         int mu;
     194             :         int tc;
     195             : 
     196             :         int HAMTitems;
     197             :         int item;
     198             :         int ii;
     199             :         int jj;
     200             :         int vtcsid;
     201             : 
     202             :         bool avflag;
     203             :         bool isoerrrise;
     204             :         bool ErrorsFound;
     205             : 
     206           3 :         state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->watertot.allocate(state.dataSurface->TotSurfaces);
     207           3 :         state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->surfrh.allocate(state.dataSurface->TotSurfaces);
     208           3 :         state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->surfextrh.allocate(state.dataSurface->TotSurfaces);
     209           3 :         state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->surftemp.allocate(state.dataSurface->TotSurfaces);
     210           3 :         state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->surfexttemp.allocate(state.dataSurface->TotSurfaces);
     211           3 :         state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->surfvp.allocate(state.dataSurface->TotSurfaces);
     212             : 
     213           3 :         state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->firstcell.allocate(state.dataSurface->TotSurfaces);
     214           3 :         state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->lastcell.allocate(state.dataSurface->TotSurfaces);
     215           3 :         state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->Extcell.allocate(state.dataSurface->TotSurfaces);
     216           3 :         state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->ExtRadcell.allocate(state.dataSurface->TotSurfaces);
     217           3 :         state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->ExtConcell.allocate(state.dataSurface->TotSurfaces);
     218           3 :         state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->ExtSkycell.allocate(state.dataSurface->TotSurfaces);
     219           3 :         state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->ExtGrncell.allocate(state.dataSurface->TotSurfaces);
     220           3 :         state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->Intcell.allocate(state.dataSurface->TotSurfaces);
     221           3 :         state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->IntConcell.allocate(state.dataSurface->TotSurfaces);
     222             : 
     223           3 :         state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->extvtc.allocate(state.dataSurface->TotSurfaces);
     224           3 :         state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->intvtc.allocate(state.dataSurface->TotSurfaces);
     225           3 :         state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->extvtcflag.allocate(state.dataSurface->TotSurfaces);
     226           3 :         state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->intvtcflag.allocate(state.dataSurface->TotSurfaces);
     227           3 :         state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->MyEnvrnFlag.allocate(state.dataSurface->TotSurfaces);
     228             : 
     229           3 :         state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->extvtc = -1.0;
     230           3 :         state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->intvtc = -1.0;
     231           3 :         state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->extvtcflag = false;
     232           3 :         state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->intvtcflag = false;
     233           3 :         state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->MyEnvrnFlag = true;
     234             : 
     235           3 :         state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->latswitch = true;
     236           3 :         state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->rainswitch = true;
     237             : 
     238           3 :         MaxAlphas = 0;
     239           3 :         MaxNums = 0;
     240           3 :         state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectDefMaxArgs(state, cHAMTObject1, NumParams, NumAlphas, NumNums);
     241           3 :         MaxAlphas = max(MaxAlphas, NumAlphas);
     242           3 :         MaxNums = max(MaxNums, NumNums);
     243           3 :         state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectDefMaxArgs(state, cHAMTObject2, NumParams, NumAlphas, NumNums);
     244           3 :         MaxAlphas = max(MaxAlphas, NumAlphas);
     245           3 :         MaxNums = max(MaxNums, NumNums);
     246           3 :         state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectDefMaxArgs(state, cHAMTObject3, NumParams, NumAlphas, NumNums);
     247           3 :         MaxAlphas = max(MaxAlphas, NumAlphas);
     248           3 :         MaxNums = max(MaxNums, NumNums);
     249           3 :         state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectDefMaxArgs(state, cHAMTObject4, NumParams, NumAlphas, NumNums);
     250           3 :         MaxAlphas = max(MaxAlphas, NumAlphas);
     251           3 :         MaxNums = max(MaxNums, NumNums);
     252           3 :         state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectDefMaxArgs(state, cHAMTObject5, NumParams, NumAlphas, NumNums);
     253           3 :         MaxAlphas = max(MaxAlphas, NumAlphas);
     254           3 :         MaxNums = max(MaxNums, NumNums);
     255           3 :         state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectDefMaxArgs(state, cHAMTObject6, NumParams, NumAlphas, NumNums);
     256           3 :         MaxAlphas = max(MaxAlphas, NumAlphas);
     257           3 :         MaxNums = max(MaxNums, NumNums);
     258           3 :         state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectDefMaxArgs(state, cHAMTObject7, NumParams, NumAlphas, NumNums);
     259           3 :         MaxAlphas = max(MaxAlphas, NumAlphas);
     260           3 :         MaxNums = max(MaxNums, NumNums);
     261             : 
     262           3 :         ErrorsFound = false;
     263             : 
     264           3 :         AlphaArray.allocate(MaxAlphas);
     265           3 :         cAlphaFieldNames.allocate(MaxAlphas);
     266           3 :         cNumericFieldNames.allocate(MaxNums);
     267           3 :         NumArray.dimension(MaxNums, 0.0);
     268           3 :         lAlphaBlanks.dimension(MaxAlphas, false);
     269           3 :         lNumericBlanks.dimension(MaxNums, false);
     270             : 
     271           3 :         HAMTitems =
     272           3 :             state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getNumObjectsFound(state, cHAMTObject1); // MaterialProperty:HeatAndMoistureTransfer:Settings
     273          16 :         for (item = 1; item <= HAMTitems; ++item) {
     274          13 :             state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectItem(state,
     275             :                                                                      cHAMTObject1,
     276             :                                                                      item,
     277             :                                                                      AlphaArray,
     278             :                                                                      NumAlphas,
     279             :                                                                      NumArray,
     280             :                                                                      NumNums,
     281             :                                                                      status,
     282             :                                                                      lNumericBlanks,
     283             :                                                                      lAlphaBlanks,
     284             :                                                                      cAlphaFieldNames,
     285             :                                                                      cNumericFieldNames);
     286             : 
     287          13 :             matid = UtilityRoutines::FindItemInList(AlphaArray(1), state.dataMaterial->Material);
     288             : 
     289          13 :             if (matid == 0) {
     290           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state, cHAMTObject1 + ' ' + cAlphaFieldNames(1) + "=\"" + AlphaArray(1) + "\" is invalid (undefined).");
     291           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "The basic material must be defined in addition to specifying HeatAndMoistureTransfer properties.");
     292           0 :                 ErrorsFound = true;
     293           0 :                 continue;
     294             :             }
     295          13 :             if (state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).ROnly) {
     296           0 :                 ShowWarningError(state,
     297           0 :                                  cHAMTObject1 + ' ' + cAlphaFieldNames(1) + "=\"" + AlphaArray(1) + "\" is defined as an R-only value material.");
     298           0 :                 continue;
     299             :             }
     300             : 
     301          13 :             state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).Porosity = NumArray(1);
     302          13 :             state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).iwater = NumArray(2);
     303             :         }
     304             : 
     305           3 :         HAMTitems = state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getNumObjectsFound(
     306             :             state, cHAMTObject2); // MaterialProperty:HeatAndMoistureTransfer:SorptionIsotherm
     307          16 :         for (item = 1; item <= HAMTitems; ++item) {
     308          13 :             state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectItem(state,
     309             :                                                                      cHAMTObject2,
     310             :                                                                      item,
     311             :                                                                      AlphaArray,
     312             :                                                                      NumAlphas,
     313             :                                                                      NumArray,
     314             :                                                                      NumNums,
     315             :                                                                      status,
     316             :                                                                      lNumericBlanks,
     317             :                                                                      lAlphaBlanks,
     318             :                                                                      cAlphaFieldNames,
     319             :                                                                      cNumericFieldNames);
     320             : 
     321          13 :             matid = UtilityRoutines::FindItemInList(AlphaArray(1), state.dataMaterial->Material);
     322             : 
     323          13 :             if (matid == 0) {
     324           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state, cHAMTObject2 + ' ' + cAlphaFieldNames(1) + "=\"" + AlphaArray(1) + "\" is invalid (undefined).");
     325           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "The basic material must be defined in addition to specifying HeatAndMoistureTransfer properties.");
     326           0 :                 ErrorsFound = true;
     327           0 :                 continue;
     328             :             }
     329          13 :             if (state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).ROnly) {
     330           0 :                 ShowWarningError(state,
     331           0 :                                  cHAMTObject2 + ' ' + cAlphaFieldNames(1) + "=\"" + AlphaArray(1) + "\" is defined as an R-only value material.");
     332           0 :                 continue;
     333             :             }
     334             : 
     335          13 :             Numid = 1;
     336             : 
     337          13 :             state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).niso = int(NumArray(Numid));
     338             : 
     339         115 :             for (iso = 1; iso <= state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).niso; ++iso) {
     340         102 :                 ++Numid;
     341         102 :                 state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).isorh(iso) = NumArray(Numid);
     342         102 :                 ++Numid;
     343         102 :                 state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).isodata(iso) = NumArray(Numid);
     344             :             }
     345             : 
     346          13 :             ++state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).niso;
     347          13 :             state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).isorh(state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).niso) = rhmax;
     348          13 :             state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).isodata(state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).niso) =
     349          13 :                 state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).Porosity * wdensity;
     350             : 
     351          13 :             ++state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).niso;
     352          13 :             state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).isorh(state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).niso) = 0.0;
     353          13 :             state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).isodata(state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).niso) = 0.0;
     354             :         }
     355             : 
     356             :         // check the isotherm
     357          27 :         for (matid = 1; matid <= state.dataHeatBal->TotMaterials; ++matid) {
     358          24 :             if (state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).niso > 0) {
     359             :                 // - First sort
     360         128 :                 for (jj = 1; jj <= state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).niso - 1; ++jj) {
     361         722 :                     for (ii = jj + 1; ii <= state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).niso; ++ii) {
     362         607 :                         if (state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).isorh(jj) > state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).isorh(ii)) {
     363             : 
     364         115 :                             dumrh = state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).isorh(jj);
     365         115 :                             dumdata = state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).isodata(jj);
     366             : 
     367         115 :                             state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).isorh(jj) = state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).isorh(ii);
     368         115 :                             state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).isodata(jj) = state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).isodata(ii);
     369             : 
     370         115 :                             state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).isorh(ii) = dumrh;
     371         115 :                             state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).isodata(ii) = dumdata;
     372             :                         }
     373             :                     }
     374             :                 }
     375             :                 //- Now make sure the data rises
     376          13 :                 isoerrrise = false;
     377          13 :                 for (ii = 1; ii <= 100; ++ii) {
     378          13 :                     avflag = true;
     379         128 :                     for (jj = 1; jj <= state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).niso - 1; ++jj) {
     380         115 :                         if (state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).isodata(jj) > state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).isodata(jj + 1)) {
     381           0 :                             isoerrrise = true;
     382           0 :                             avdata = (state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).isodata(jj) + state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).isodata(jj + 1)) / 2.0;
     383           0 :                             state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).isodata(jj) = avdata;
     384           0 :                             state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).isodata(jj + 1) = avdata;
     385           0 :                             avflag = false;
     386             :                         }
     387             :                     }
     388          13 :                     if (avflag) break;
     389             :                 }
     390          13 :                 if (isoerrrise) {
     391           0 :                     ShowWarningError(state, cHAMTObject2 + " data not rising - Check material " + state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).Name);
     392           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "Isotherm data has been fixed, and the simulation continues.");
     393             :                 }
     394             :             }
     395             :         }
     396             : 
     397           3 :         HAMTitems =
     398           3 :             state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getNumObjectsFound(state, cHAMTObject3); // MaterialProperty:HeatAndMoistureTransfer:Suction
     399          16 :         for (item = 1; item <= HAMTitems; ++item) {
     400          13 :             state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectItem(state,
     401             :                                                                      cHAMTObject3,
     402             :                                                                      item,
     403             :                                                                      AlphaArray,
     404             :                                                                      NumAlphas,
     405             :                                                                      NumArray,
     406             :                                                                      NumNums,
     407             :                                                                      status,
     408             :                                                                      lNumericBlanks,
     409             :                                                                      lAlphaBlanks,
     410             :                                                                      cAlphaFieldNames,
     411             :                                                                      cNumericFieldNames);
     412             : 
     413          13 :             matid = UtilityRoutines::FindItemInList(AlphaArray(1), state.dataMaterial->Material);
     414             : 
     415          13 :             if (matid == 0) {
     416           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state, cHAMTObject3 + ' ' + cAlphaFieldNames(1) + "=\"" + AlphaArray(1) + "\" is invalid (undefined).");
     417           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "The basic material must be defined in addition to specifying HeatAndMoistureTransfer properties.");
     418           0 :                 ErrorsFound = true;
     419           0 :                 continue;
     420             :             }
     421          13 :             if (state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).ROnly) {
     422           0 :                 ShowWarningError(state,
     423           0 :                                  cHAMTObject3 + ' ' + cAlphaFieldNames(1) + "=\"" + AlphaArray(1) + "\" is defined as an R-only value material.");
     424           0 :                 continue;
     425             :             }
     426             : 
     427          13 :             Numid = 1;
     428             : 
     429          13 :             state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).nsuc = NumArray(Numid);
     430          44 :             for (suc = 1; suc <= state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).nsuc; ++suc) {
     431          31 :                 ++Numid;
     432          31 :                 state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).sucwater(suc) = NumArray(Numid);
     433          31 :                 ++Numid;
     434          31 :                 state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).sucdata(suc) = NumArray(Numid);
     435             :             }
     436             : 
     437          13 :             ++state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).nsuc;
     438          13 :             state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).sucwater(state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).nsuc) =
     439          13 :                 state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).isodata(state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).niso);
     440          13 :             state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).sucdata(state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).nsuc) =
     441          13 :                 state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).sucdata(state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).nsuc - 1);
     442             :         }
     443             : 
     444           3 :         HAMTitems = state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getNumObjectsFound(
     445             :             state, cHAMTObject4); // MaterialProperty:HeatAndMoistureTransfer:Redistribution
     446          16 :         for (item = 1; item <= HAMTitems; ++item) {
     447          13 :             state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectItem(state,
     448             :                                                                      cHAMTObject4,
     449             :                                                                      item,
     450             :                                                                      AlphaArray,
     451             :                                                                      NumAlphas,
     452             :                                                                      NumArray,
     453             :                                                                      NumNums,
     454             :                                                                      status,
     455             :                                                                      lNumericBlanks,
     456             :                                                                      lAlphaBlanks,
     457             :                                                                      cAlphaFieldNames,
     458             :                                                                      cNumericFieldNames);
     459             : 
     460          13 :             matid = UtilityRoutines::FindItemInList(AlphaArray(1), state.dataMaterial->Material);
     461          13 :             if (matid == 0) {
     462           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state, cHAMTObject4 + ' ' + cAlphaFieldNames(1) + "=\"" + AlphaArray(1) + "\" is invalid (undefined).");
     463           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "The basic material must be defined in addition to specifying HeatAndMoistureTransfer properties.");
     464           0 :                 ErrorsFound = true;
     465           0 :                 continue;
     466             :             }
     467          13 :             if (state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).ROnly) {
     468           0 :                 ShowWarningError(state,
     469           0 :                                  cHAMTObject4 + ' ' + cAlphaFieldNames(1) + "=\"" + AlphaArray(1) + "\" is defined as an R-only value material.");
     470           0 :                 continue;
     471             :             }
     472          13 :             Numid = 1;
     473             : 
     474          13 :             state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).nred = NumArray(Numid);
     475          44 :             for (red = 1; red <= state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).nred; ++red) {
     476          31 :                 ++Numid;
     477          31 :                 state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).redwater(red) = NumArray(Numid);
     478          31 :                 ++Numid;
     479          31 :                 state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).reddata(red) = NumArray(Numid);
     480             :             }
     481             : 
     482          13 :             ++state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).nred;
     483          13 :             state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).redwater(state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).nred) =
     484          13 :                 state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).isodata(state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).niso);
     485          13 :             state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).reddata(state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).nred) =
     486          13 :                 state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).reddata(state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).nred - 1);
     487             :         }
     488             : 
     489           3 :         HAMTitems =
     490           3 :             state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getNumObjectsFound(state, cHAMTObject5); // MaterialProperty:HeatAndMoistureTransfer:Diffusion
     491          16 :         for (item = 1; item <= HAMTitems; ++item) {
     492          13 :             state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectItem(state,
     493             :                                                                      cHAMTObject5,
     494             :                                                                      item,
     495             :                                                                      AlphaArray,
     496             :                                                                      NumAlphas,
     497             :                                                                      NumArray,
     498             :                                                                      NumNums,
     499             :                                                                      status,
     500             :                                                                      lNumericBlanks,
     501             :                                                                      lAlphaBlanks,
     502             :                                                                      cAlphaFieldNames,
     503             :                                                                      cNumericFieldNames);
     504             : 
     505          13 :             matid = UtilityRoutines::FindItemInList(AlphaArray(1), state.dataMaterial->Material);
     506          13 :             if (matid == 0) {
     507           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state, cHAMTObject5 + ' ' + cAlphaFieldNames(1) + "=\"" + AlphaArray(1) + "\" is invalid (undefined).");
     508           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "The basic material must be defined in addition to specifying HeatAndMoistureTransfer properties.");
     509           0 :                 ErrorsFound = true;
     510           0 :                 continue;
     511             :             }
     512          13 :             if (state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).ROnly) {
     513           0 :                 ShowWarningError(state,
     514           0 :                                  cHAMTObject5 + ' ' + cAlphaFieldNames(1) + "=\"" + AlphaArray(1) + "\" is defined as an R-only value material.");
     515           0 :                 continue;
     516             :             }
     517             : 
     518          13 :             Numid = 1;
     519             : 
     520          13 :             state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).nmu = NumArray(Numid);
     521          13 :             if (state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).nmu > 0) {
     522          30 :                 for (mu = 1; mu <= state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).nmu; ++mu) {
     523          17 :                     ++Numid;
     524          17 :                     state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).murh(mu) = NumArray(Numid);
     525          17 :                     ++Numid;
     526          17 :                     state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).mudata(mu) = NumArray(Numid);
     527             :                 }
     528             : 
     529          13 :                 ++state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).nmu;
     530          13 :                 state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).murh(state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).nmu) =
     531          13 :                     state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).isorh(state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).niso);
     532          13 :                 state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).mudata(state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).nmu) =
     533          13 :                     state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).mudata(state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).nmu - 1);
     534             :             }
     535             :         }
     536             : 
     537           3 :         HAMTitems = state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getNumObjectsFound(
     538             :             state, cHAMTObject6); // MaterialProperty:HeatAndMoistureTransfer:ThermalConductivity
     539          16 :         for (item = 1; item <= HAMTitems; ++item) {
     540          13 :             state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectItem(state,
     541             :                                                                      cHAMTObject6,
     542             :                                                                      item,
     543             :                                                                      AlphaArray,
     544             :                                                                      NumAlphas,
     545             :                                                                      NumArray,
     546             :                                                                      NumNums,
     547             :                                                                      status,
     548             :                                                                      lNumericBlanks,
     549             :                                                                      lAlphaBlanks,
     550             :                                                                      cAlphaFieldNames,
     551             :                                                                      cNumericFieldNames);
     552             : 
     553          13 :             matid = UtilityRoutines::FindItemInList(AlphaArray(1), state.dataMaterial->Material);
     554          13 :             if (matid == 0) {
     555           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state, cHAMTObject6 + ' ' + cAlphaFieldNames(1) + "=\"" + AlphaArray(1) + "\" is invalid (undefined).");
     556           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "The basic material must be defined in addition to specifying HeatAndMoistureTransfer properties.");
     557           0 :                 ErrorsFound = true;
     558           0 :                 continue;
     559             :             }
     560          13 :             if (state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).ROnly) {
     561           0 :                 ShowWarningError(state,
     562           0 :                                  cHAMTObject6 + ' ' + cAlphaFieldNames(1) + "=\"" + AlphaArray(1) + "\" is defined as an R-only value material.");
     563           0 :                 continue;
     564             :             }
     565          13 :             Numid = 1;
     566             : 
     567          13 :             state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).ntc = NumArray(Numid);
     568          13 :             if (state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).ntc > 0) {
     569          37 :                 for (tc = 1; tc <= state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).ntc; ++tc) {
     570          24 :                     ++Numid;
     571          24 :                     state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).tcwater(tc) = NumArray(Numid);
     572          24 :                     ++Numid;
     573          24 :                     state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).tcdata(tc) = NumArray(Numid);
     574             :                 }
     575             : 
     576          13 :                 ++state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).ntc;
     577          13 :                 state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).tcwater(state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).ntc) =
     578          13 :                     state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).isodata(state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).niso);
     579          13 :                 state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).tcdata(state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).ntc) =
     580          13 :                     state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).tcdata(state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).ntc - 1);
     581             :             }
     582             :         }
     583             : 
     584             :         // Vapor Transfer coefficients
     585           3 :         HAMTitems = state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getNumObjectsFound(state, cHAMTObject7); // SurfaceProperties:VaporCoefficients
     586          15 :         for (item = 1; item <= HAMTitems; ++item) {
     587          12 :             state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectItem(state,
     588             :                                                                      cHAMTObject7,
     589             :                                                                      item,
     590             :                                                                      AlphaArray,
     591             :                                                                      NumAlphas,
     592             :                                                                      NumArray,
     593             :                                                                      NumNums,
     594             :                                                                      status,
     595             :                                                                      lNumericBlanks,
     596             :                                                                      lAlphaBlanks,
     597             :                                                                      cAlphaFieldNames,
     598             :                                                                      cNumericFieldNames);
     599             : 
     600          12 :             vtcsid = UtilityRoutines::FindItemInList(AlphaArray(1), state.dataSurface->Surface);
     601          12 :             if (vtcsid == 0) {
     602           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state, cHAMTObject7 + ' ' + cAlphaFieldNames(1) + "=\"" + AlphaArray(1) + "\" is invalid (undefined).");
     603           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "The basic material must be defined in addition to specifying HeatAndMoistureTransfer properties.");
     604           0 :                 ErrorsFound = true;
     605           0 :                 continue;
     606             :             }
     607             : 
     608          12 :             if (AlphaArray(2) == "YES") {
     609          12 :                 state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->extvtcflag(vtcsid) = true;
     610          12 :                 state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->extvtc(vtcsid) = NumArray(1);
     611             :             }
     612             : 
     613          12 :             if (AlphaArray(3) == "YES") {
     614          12 :                 state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->intvtcflag(vtcsid) = true;
     615          12 :                 state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->intvtc(vtcsid) = NumArray(2);
     616             :             }
     617             :         }
     618             : 
     619           3 :         AlphaArray.deallocate();
     620           3 :         cAlphaFieldNames.deallocate();
     621           3 :         cNumericFieldNames.deallocate();
     622           3 :         NumArray.deallocate();
     623           3 :         lAlphaBlanks.deallocate();
     624           3 :         lNumericBlanks.deallocate();
     625             : 
     626           3 :         if (ErrorsFound) {
     627           0 :             ShowFatalError(state, "GetHeatBalHAMTInput: Errors found getting input.  Program terminates.");
     628             :         }
     629           3 :     }
     630             : 
     631           3 :     void InitHeatBalHAMT(EnergyPlusData &state)
     632             :     {
     633             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
     634             :         //       AUTHOR         Phillip Biddulph
     635             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   June 2008
     636             :         //       MODIFIED       B. Griffith, Aug 2012 for surface-specific algorithms
     637             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
     638             : 
     639             :         // Using/Aliasing
     640             :         using General::ScanForReports;
     641             : 
     642             :         // Locals
     643             :         // SUBROUTINE PARAMETER DEFINITIONS:
     644           3 :         Real64 constexpr adjdist(0.00005); // Allowable distance between two cells, also used as limit on cell length
     645             :         static constexpr std::string_view RoutineName("InitCombinedHeatAndMoistureFiniteElement: ");
     646             : 
     647             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
     648             :         int ii;
     649             :         int cid;
     650             :         int cid1;
     651             :         int cid2;
     652             :         int sid;
     653             :         int conid;
     654             :         int lid;
     655             :         int matid;
     656             :         int did;
     657             :         int adj1;
     658             :         int adj2;
     659             :         int errorCount;
     660             :         int MaterNum;
     661             : 
     662             :         Real64 runor;
     663             :         Real64 high1;
     664             :         Real64 low2;
     665             :         Real64 testlen;
     666             :         Real64 waterd; // water density
     667             :         bool DoReport;
     668             : 
     669           3 :         auto &cells(state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->cells);
     670             : 
     671           3 :         state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->deltat = state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZone * 3600.0;
     672             : 
     673             :         // Check the materials information and work out how many cells are required.
     674           3 :         errorCount = 0;
     675           3 :         state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->TotCellsMax = 0;
     676          27 :         for (sid = 1; sid <= state.dataSurface->TotSurfaces; ++sid) {
     677          24 :             if (state.dataSurface->Surface(sid).Class == SurfaceClass::Window) continue;
     678          20 :             if (state.dataSurface->Surface(sid).HeatTransferAlgorithm != DataSurfaces::HeatTransferModel::HAMT) continue;
     679          13 :             conid = state.dataSurface->Surface(sid).Construction;
     680          13 :             if (conid == 0) continue;
     681          59 :             for (lid = 1; lid <= state.dataConstruction->Construct(conid).TotLayers; ++lid) {
     682          46 :                 matid = state.dataConstruction->Construct(conid).LayerPoint(lid);
     683          46 :                 if (state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).ROnly) {
     684           0 :                     ShowSevereError(state,
     685           0 :                                     std::string{RoutineName} + "Construction=" + state.dataConstruction->Construct(conid).Name +
     686             :                                         " cannot contain R-only value materials.");
     687           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "Reference Material=\"" + state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).Name + "\".");
     688           0 :                     ++errorCount;
     689           0 :                     continue;
     690             :                 }
     691             : 
     692          46 :                 if (state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).nmu < 0) {
     693           0 :                     ShowSevereError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + "Construction=" + state.dataConstruction->Construct(conid).Name);
     694           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state,
     695           0 :                                       "Reference Material=\"" + state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).Name +
     696             :                                           "\" does not have required Water Vapor Diffusion Resistance Factor (mu) data.");
     697           0 :                     ++errorCount;
     698             :                 }
     699             : 
     700          46 :                 if (state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).niso < 0) {
     701           0 :                     ShowSevereError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + "Construction=" + state.dataConstruction->Construct(conid).Name);
     702           0 :                     ShowContinueError(
     703           0 :                         state, "Reference Material=\"" + state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).Name + "\" does not have required isotherm data.");
     704           0 :                     ++errorCount;
     705             :                 }
     706          46 :                 if (state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).nsuc < 0) {
     707           0 :                     ShowSevereError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + "Construction=" + state.dataConstruction->Construct(conid).Name);
     708           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state,
     709           0 :                                       "Reference Material=\"" + state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).Name +
     710             :                                           "\" does not have required liquid transport coefficient (suction) data.");
     711           0 :                     ++errorCount;
     712             :                 }
     713          46 :                 if (state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).nred < 0) {
     714           0 :                     ShowSevereError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + "Construction=" + state.dataConstruction->Construct(conid).Name);
     715           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state,
     716           0 :                                       "Reference Material=\"" + state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).Name +
     717             :                                           "\" does not have required liquid transport coefficient (redistribution) data.");
     718           0 :                     ++errorCount;
     719             :                 }
     720          46 :                 if (state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).ntc < 0) {
     721           0 :                     if (state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).Conductivity > 0) {
     722           0 :                         ShowWarningError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + "Construction=" + state.dataConstruction->Construct(conid).Name);
     723           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state,
     724           0 :                                           "Reference Material=\"" + state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).Name +
     725             :                                               "\" does not have thermal conductivity data. Using fixed value.");
     726           0 :                         state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).ntc = 2;
     727           0 :                         state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).tcwater(1) = 0.0;
     728           0 :                         state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).tcdata(1) = state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).Conductivity;
     729           0 :                         state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).tcwater(2) =
     730           0 :                             state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).isodata(state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).niso);
     731           0 :                         state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).tcdata(2) = state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).Conductivity;
     732             :                     } else {
     733           0 :                         ShowSevereError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + "Construction=" + state.dataConstruction->Construct(conid).Name);
     734           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state,
     735           0 :                                           "Reference Material=\"" + state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).Name +
     736             :                                               "\" does not have required thermal conductivity data.");
     737           0 :                         ++errorCount;
     738             :                     }
     739             :                 }
     740             : 
     741             :                 // convert material water content to RH
     742             : 
     743          46 :                 waterd = state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).iwater * state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).Density;
     744         184 :                 interp(state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).niso,
     745          46 :                        state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).isodata,
     746          46 :                        state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).isorh,
     747             :                        waterd,
     748          46 :                        state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).irh);
     749             : 
     750          46 :                 state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).divs =
     751          92 :                     int(state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).Thickness / state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).divsize) +
     752          46 :                     state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).divmin;
     753          46 :                 if (state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).divs > state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).divmax) {
     754          22 :                     state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).divs = state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).divmax;
     755             :                 }
     756             :                 // Check length of cell - reduce number of divisions if necessary
     757          46 :                 Real64 const sin_negPIOvr2 = std::sin(-DataGlobalConstants::Pi / 2.0);
     758             :                 while (true) {
     759          92 :                     testlen = state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).Thickness *
     760          46 :                               ((std::sin(DataGlobalConstants::Pi * (-1.0 / double(state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).divs)) -
     761          46 :                                          DataGlobalConstants::Pi / 2.0) /
     762          46 :                                 2.0) -
     763             :                                (sin_negPIOvr2 / 2.0));
     764          46 :                     if (testlen > adjdist) break;
     765           0 :                     --state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).divs;
     766           0 :                     if (state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).divs < 1) {
     767           0 :                         ShowSevereError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + "Construction=" + state.dataConstruction->Construct(conid).Name);
     768           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "Reference Material=\"" + state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).Name + "\" is too thin.");
     769           0 :                         ++errorCount;
     770           0 :                         break;
     771             :                     }
     772             :                 }
     773          46 :                 state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->TotCellsMax += state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).divs;
     774             :             }
     775          13 :             state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->TotCellsMax += 7;
     776             :         }
     777             : 
     778           3 :         if (errorCount > 0) {
     779           0 :             ShowFatalError(state, "CombinedHeatAndMoistureFiniteElement: Incomplete data to start solution, program terminates.");
     780             :         }
     781             : 
     782             :         // Make the cells and initialize
     783           3 :         cells.allocate(state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->TotCellsMax);
     784         440 :         for (auto &e : cells) {
     785         437 :             e.adjs = -1;
     786         437 :             e.adjsl = -1;
     787             :         }
     788             : 
     789           3 :         cid = 0;
     790             : 
     791             :         // Set up surface cell structure
     792          27 :         for (sid = 1; sid <= state.dataSurface->TotSurfaces; ++sid) {
     793          24 :             if (!state.dataSurface->Surface(sid).HeatTransSurf) continue;
     794          22 :             if (state.dataSurface->Surface(sid).Class == SurfaceClass::Window) continue;
     795          18 :             if (state.dataSurface->Surface(sid).HeatTransferAlgorithm != DataSurfaces::HeatTransferModel::HAMT) continue;
     796             :             // Boundary Cells
     797          13 :             runor = -0.02;
     798             :             // Air Convection Cell
     799          13 :             ++cid;
     800          13 :             state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->firstcell(sid) = cid;
     801          13 :             state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->ExtConcell(sid) = cid;
     802          13 :             cells(cid).rh = 0.0;
     803          13 :             cells(cid).sid = sid;
     804          13 :             cells(cid).length(1) = 0.01;
     805          13 :             cells(cid).origin(1) = cells(cid).length(1) / 2.0 + runor;
     806             : 
     807             :             // Air Radiation Cell
     808          13 :             ++cid;
     809          13 :             state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->ExtRadcell(sid) = cid;
     810          13 :             cells(cid).rh = 0.0;
     811          13 :             cells(cid).sid = sid;
     812          13 :             cells(cid).length(1) = 0.01;
     813          13 :             cells(cid).origin(1) = cells(cid).length(1) / 2.0 + runor;
     814             : 
     815             :             // Sky Cell
     816          13 :             ++cid;
     817          13 :             state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->ExtSkycell(sid) = cid;
     818          13 :             cells(cid).rh = 0.0;
     819          13 :             cells(cid).sid = sid;
     820          13 :             cells(cid).length(1) = 0.01;
     821          13 :             cells(cid).origin(1) = cells(cid).length(1) / 2.0 + runor;
     822             : 
     823             :             // Ground Cell
     824          13 :             ++cid;
     825          13 :             state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->ExtGrncell(sid) = cid;
     826          13 :             cells(cid).rh = 0.0;
     827          13 :             cells(cid).sid = sid;
     828          13 :             cells(cid).length(1) = 0.01;
     829          13 :             cells(cid).origin(1) = cells(cid).length(1) / 2.0 + runor;
     830          13 :             runor += cells(cid).length(1);
     831             : 
     832             :             // External Virtual Cell
     833          13 :             ++cid;
     834          13 :             state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->Extcell(sid) = cid;
     835          13 :             cells(cid).rh = 0.0;
     836          13 :             cells(cid).sid = sid;
     837          13 :             cells(cid).length(1) = 0.01;
     838          13 :             cells(cid).origin(1) = cells(cid).length(1) / 2.0 + runor;
     839          13 :             runor += cells(cid).length(1);
     840             : 
     841             :             // Material Cells
     842          13 :             conid = state.dataSurface->Surface(sid).Construction;
     843          59 :             for (lid = 1; lid <= state.dataConstruction->Construct(conid).TotLayers; ++lid) {
     844          46 :                 matid = state.dataConstruction->Construct(conid).LayerPoint(lid);
     845             : 
     846         392 :                 for (did = 1; did <= state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).divs; ++did) {
     847         346 :                     ++cid;
     848             : 
     849         346 :                     cells(cid).matid = matid;
     850         346 :                     cells(cid).sid = sid;
     851             : 
     852         346 :                     cells(cid).temp = state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).itemp;
     853         346 :                     cells(cid).tempp1 = state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).itemp;
     854         346 :                     cells(cid).tempp2 = state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).itemp;
     855             : 
     856         346 :                     cells(cid).rh = state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).irh;
     857         346 :                     cells(cid).rhp1 = state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).irh;
     858         346 :                     cells(cid).rhp2 = state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).irh;
     859             : 
     860         346 :                     cells(cid).density = state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).Density;
     861         346 :                     cells(cid).spech = state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).SpecHeat;
     862             : 
     863             :                     // Make cells smaller near the surface
     864         346 :                     cells(cid).length(1) =
     865         692 :                         state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).Thickness *
     866         346 :                         ((std::sin(DataGlobalConstants::Pi * (-double(did) / double(state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).divs)) -
     867         346 :                                    DataGlobalConstants::Pi / 2.0) /
     868         346 :                           2.0) -
     869         346 :                          (std::sin(DataGlobalConstants::Pi * (-double(did - 1) / double(state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).divs)) -
     870         346 :                                    DataGlobalConstants::Pi / 2.0) /
     871             :                           2.0));
     872             : 
     873         346 :                     cells(cid).origin(1) = runor + cells(cid).length(1) / 2.0;
     874         346 :                     runor += cells(cid).length(1);
     875             : 
     876         346 :                     cells(cid).volume = cells(cid).length(1) * state.dataSurface->Surface(sid).Area;
     877             :                 }
     878             :             }
     879             : 
     880             :             // Interior Virtual Cell
     881          13 :             ++cid;
     882          13 :             state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->Intcell(sid) = cid;
     883          13 :             cells(cid).sid = sid;
     884          13 :             cells(cid).rh = 0.0;
     885          13 :             cells(cid).length(1) = 0.01;
     886          13 :             cells(cid).origin(1) = cells(cid).length(1) / 2.0 + runor;
     887          13 :             runor += cells(cid).length(1);
     888             : 
     889             :             // Air Convection Cell
     890          13 :             ++cid;
     891          13 :             state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->lastcell(sid) = cid;
     892          13 :             state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->IntConcell(sid) = cid;
     893          13 :             cells(cid).rh = 0.0;
     894          13 :             cells(cid).sid = sid;
     895          13 :             cells(cid).length(1) = 0.01;
     896          13 :             cells(cid).origin(1) = cells(cid).length(1) / 2.0 + runor;
     897             :         }
     898             : 
     899             :         // Find adjacent cells.
     900         440 :         for (cid1 = 1; cid1 <= state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->TotCellsMax; ++cid1) {
     901       81806 :             for (cid2 = 1; cid2 <= state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->TotCellsMax; ++cid2) {
     902       81369 :                 if ((cid1 != cid2) && (cells(cid1).sid == cells(cid2).sid)) {
     903       14652 :                     high1 = cells(cid1).origin(1) + cells(cid1).length(1) / 2.0;
     904       14652 :                     low2 = cells(cid2).origin(1) - cells(cid2).length(1) / 2.0;
     905       14652 :                     if (std::abs(low2 - high1) < adjdist) {
     906         424 :                         adj1 = 0;
     907         835 :                         for (ii = 1; ii <= adjmax; ++ii) {
     908         835 :                             ++adj1;
     909         835 :                             if (cells(cid1).adjs(adj1) == -1) break;
     910             :                         }
     911         424 :                         adj2 = 0;
     912         502 :                         for (ii = 1; ii <= adjmax; ++ii) {
     913         502 :                             ++adj2;
     914         502 :                             if (cells(cid2).adjs(adj2) == -1) break;
     915             :                         }
     916         424 :                         cells(cid1).adjs(adj1) = cid2;
     917         424 :                         cells(cid2).adjs(adj2) = cid1;
     918             : 
     919         424 :                         cells(cid1).adjsl(adj1) = adj2;
     920         424 :                         cells(cid2).adjsl(adj2) = adj1;
     921             : 
     922         424 :                         sid = cells(cid1).sid;
     923         424 :                         cells(cid1).overlap(adj1) = state.dataSurface->Surface(sid).Area;
     924         424 :                         cells(cid2).overlap(adj2) = state.dataSurface->Surface(sid).Area;
     925         424 :                         cells(cid1).dist(adj1) = cells(cid1).length(1) / 2.0;
     926         424 :                         cells(cid2).dist(adj2) = cells(cid2).length(1) / 2.0;
     927             :                     }
     928             :                 }
     929             :             }
     930             :         }
     931             : 
     932             :         // Reset surface virtual cell origins and volumes. Initialize report variables.
     933             :         static constexpr std::string_view Format_1966("! <HAMT cells>, Surface Name, Construction Name, Cell Numbers\n");
     934           3 :         print(state.files.eio, Format_1966);
     935             :         static constexpr std::string_view Format_1965("! <HAMT origins>, Surface Name, Construction Name, Cell origins (m) \n");
     936           3 :         print(state.files.eio, Format_1965);
     937             :         // cCurrentModuleObject='MaterialProperty:HeatAndMoistureTransfer:*'
     938          27 :         for (sid = 1; sid <= state.dataSurface->TotSurfaces; ++sid) {
     939          24 :             if (!state.dataSurface->Surface(sid).HeatTransSurf) continue;
     940          22 :             if (state.dataSurface->Surface(sid).Class == SurfaceClass::Window) continue;
     941          18 :             if (state.dataSurface->Surface(sid).HeatTransferAlgorithm != DataSurfaces::HeatTransferModel::HAMT) continue;
     942          13 :             cells(state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->Extcell(sid)).origin(1) += cells(state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->Extcell(sid)).length(1) / 2.0;
     943          13 :             cells(state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->Intcell(sid)).origin(1) -= cells(state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->Intcell(sid)).length(1) / 2.0;
     944          13 :             cells(state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->Extcell(sid)).volume = 0.0;
     945          13 :             cells(state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->Intcell(sid)).volume = 0.0;
     946          13 :             state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->watertot(sid) = 0.0;
     947          13 :             state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->surfrh(sid) = 0.0;
     948          13 :             state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->surfextrh(sid) = 0.0;
     949          13 :             state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->surftemp(sid) = 0.0;
     950          13 :             state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->surfexttemp(sid) = 0.0;
     951          13 :             state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->surfvp(sid) = 0.0;
     952          39 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
     953             :                                 "HAMT Surface Average Water Content Ratio",
     954             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::kg_kg,
     955          13 :                                 state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->watertot(sid),
     956             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
     957             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::State,
     958          26 :                                 state.dataSurface->Surface(sid).Name);
     959          39 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
     960             :                                 "HAMT Surface Inside Face Temperature",
     961             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::C,
     962          13 :                                 state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->surftemp(sid),
     963             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
     964             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::State,
     965          26 :                                 state.dataSurface->Surface(sid).Name);
     966          39 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
     967             :                                 "HAMT Surface Inside Face Relative Humidity",
     968             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::Perc,
     969          13 :                                 state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->surfrh(sid),
     970             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
     971             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::State,
     972          26 :                                 state.dataSurface->Surface(sid).Name);
     973          39 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
     974             :                                 "HAMT Surface Inside Face Vapor Pressure",
     975             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::Pa,
     976          13 :                                 state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->surfvp(sid),
     977             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
     978             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::State,
     979          26 :                                 state.dataSurface->Surface(sid).Name);
     980          39 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
     981             :                                 "HAMT Surface Outside Face Temperature",
     982             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::C,
     983          13 :                                 state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->surfexttemp(sid),
     984             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
     985             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::State,
     986          26 :                                 state.dataSurface->Surface(sid).Name);
     987          39 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
     988             :                                 "HAMT Surface Outside Face Relative Humidity",
     989             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::Perc,
     990          13 :                                 state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->surfextrh(sid),
     991             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
     992             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::State,
     993          26 :                                 state.dataSurface->Surface(sid).Name);
     994             : 
     995             :             // write cell origins to initialization output file
     996          13 :             conid = state.dataSurface->Surface(sid).Construction;
     997          13 :             print(state.files.eio, "HAMT cells, {},{}", state.dataSurface->Surface(sid).Name, state.dataConstruction->Construct(conid).Name);
     998         385 :             for (int concell = 1, concell_end = state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->Intcell(sid) - state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->Extcell(sid) + 1;
     999         385 :                  concell <= concell_end;
    1000             :                  ++concell) {
    1001         372 :                 print(state.files.eio, ",{:4}", concell);
    1002             :             }
    1003          13 :             print(state.files.eio, "\n");
    1004          13 :             print(state.files.eio, "HAMT origins,{},{}", state.dataSurface->Surface(sid).Name, state.dataConstruction->Construct(conid).Name);
    1005         385 :             for (int cellid = state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->Extcell(sid); cellid <= state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->Intcell(sid); ++cellid) {
    1006         372 :                 print(state.files.eio, ",{:10.7F}", cells(cellid).origin(1));
    1007             :             }
    1008          13 :             print(state.files.eio, "\n");
    1009             : 
    1010         385 :             for (int cellid = state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->Extcell(sid), concell = 1; cellid <= state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->Intcell(sid);
    1011             :                  ++cellid, ++concell) {
    1012        1860 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    1013         744 :                                     format("HAMT Surface Temperature Cell {}", concell),
    1014             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::C,
    1015         372 :                                     cells(cellid).temp,
    1016             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    1017             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::State,
    1018         372 :                                     state.dataSurface->Surface(sid).Name);
    1019             :             }
    1020         385 :             for (int cellid = state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->Extcell(sid), concell = 1; cellid <= state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->Intcell(sid);
    1021             :                  ++cellid, ++concell) {
    1022        1860 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    1023         744 :                                     format("HAMT Surface Water Content Cell {}", concell),
    1024             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::kg_kg,
    1025         372 :                                     cells(cellid).wreport,
    1026             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    1027             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::State,
    1028         372 :                                     state.dataSurface->Surface(sid).Name);
    1029             :             }
    1030         385 :             for (int cellid = state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->Extcell(sid), concell = 1; cellid <= state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->Intcell(sid);
    1031             :                  ++cellid, ++concell) {
    1032        1860 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    1033         744 :                                     format("HAMT Surface Relative Humidity Cell {}", concell),
    1034             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::Perc,
    1035         372 :                                     cells(cellid).rhp,
    1036             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    1037             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::State,
    1038         372 :                                     state.dataSurface->Surface(sid).Name);
    1039             :             }
    1040             :         }
    1041             : 
    1042           3 :         ScanForReports(state, "Constructions", DoReport, "Constructions");
    1043           3 :         if (DoReport) {
    1044             : 
    1045             :             static constexpr std::string_view Format_108("! <Material Nominal Resistance>, Material Name,  Nominal R\n");
    1046           2 :             print(state.files.eio, Format_108);
    1047             : 
    1048          19 :             for (MaterNum = 1; MaterNum <= state.dataHeatBal->TotMaterials; ++MaterNum) {
    1049             : 
    1050             :                 static constexpr std::string_view Format_111("Material Nominal Resistance,{},{:.4R}\n");
    1051          17 :                 print(state.files.eio, Format_111, state.dataMaterial->Material(MaterNum).Name, state.dataHeatBal->NominalR(MaterNum));
    1052             :             }
    1053             :         }
    1054           3 :     }
    1055             : 
    1056      353337 :     void CalcHeatBalHAMT(EnergyPlusData &state, int const sid, Real64 &SurfTempInTmp, Real64 &TempSurfOutTmp)
    1057             :     {
    1058             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    1059             :         //       AUTHOR         Phillip Biddulph
    1060             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   June 2008
    1061             :         //       MODIFIED       na
    1062             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
    1063             : 
    1064             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    1065             :         // To calculate the heat and moisture transfer through the surface
    1066             : 
    1067             :         // Using/Aliasing
    1068             :         using DataSurfaces::OtherSideCondModeledExt;
    1069             : 
    1070             :         // Locals
    1071             :         // SUBROUTINE ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS:
    1072             : 
    1073             :         // SUBROUTINE PARAMETER DEFINITIONS:
    1074      353337 :         static std::string const HAMTExt("HAMT-Ext");
    1075      353337 :         static std::string const HAMTInt("HAMT-Int");
    1076             : 
    1077             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
    1078             :         Real64 SurfTempInP;
    1079             :         Real64 RhoIn;
    1080             :         Real64 RhoOut;
    1081             :         Real64 torsum;
    1082             :         Real64 oorsum;
    1083             :         Real64 phioosum;
    1084             :         Real64 phiorsum;
    1085             :         Real64 vpoosum;
    1086             :         Real64 vporsum;
    1087             :         Real64 rhr1;
    1088             :         Real64 rhr2;
    1089             :         Real64 wcap;
    1090             :         Real64 thermr1;
    1091             :         Real64 thermr2;
    1092             :         Real64 tcap;
    1093             :         Real64 qvp;
    1094             :         Real64 vaporr1;
    1095             :         Real64 vaporr2;
    1096             :         Real64 vpdiff;
    1097             :         Real64 sumtp1;
    1098             :         Real64 tempmax;
    1099             :         Real64 tempmin;
    1100             : 
    1101             :         int ii;
    1102             :         int matid;
    1103             :         int itter;
    1104             :         int cid;
    1105             :         int adj;
    1106             :         int adjl;
    1107             : 
    1108      353337 :         auto &qvpErrCount = state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->qvpErrCount;
    1109      353337 :         auto &qvpErrReport = state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->qvpErrReport;
    1110             :         Real64 denominator;
    1111             : 
    1112      353337 :         auto &cells(state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->cells);
    1113      353337 :         auto &Extcell(state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->Extcell);
    1114      353337 :         auto &Intcell(state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->Intcell);
    1115             : 
    1116      353337 :         if (state.dataGlobal->BeginEnvrnFlag && state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->MyEnvrnFlag(sid)) {
    1117         118 :             cells(Extcell(sid)).rh = 0.0;
    1118         118 :             cells(Extcell(sid)).rhp1 = 0.0;
    1119         118 :             cells(Extcell(sid)).rhp2 = 0.0;
    1120             : 
    1121         118 :             cells(Extcell(sid)).temp = 10.0;
    1122         118 :             cells(Extcell(sid)).tempp1 = 10.0;
    1123         118 :             cells(Extcell(sid)).tempp2 = 10.0;
    1124             : 
    1125         118 :             cells(Intcell(sid)).rh = 0.0;
    1126         118 :             cells(Intcell(sid)).rhp1 = 0.0;
    1127         118 :             cells(Intcell(sid)).rhp2 = 0.0;
    1128             : 
    1129         118 :             cells(Intcell(sid)).temp = 10.0;
    1130         118 :             cells(Intcell(sid)).tempp1 = 10.0;
    1131         118 :             cells(Intcell(sid)).tempp2 = 10.0;
    1132             : 
    1133        3240 :             for (cid = Extcell(sid) + 1; cid <= Intcell(sid) - 1; ++cid) {
    1134        3122 :                 matid = cells(cid).matid;
    1135             : 
    1136        3122 :                 cells(cid).temp = state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).itemp;
    1137        3122 :                 cells(cid).tempp1 = state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).itemp;
    1138        3122 :                 cells(cid).tempp2 = state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).itemp;
    1139             : 
    1140        3122 :                 cells(cid).rh = state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).irh;
    1141        3122 :                 cells(cid).rhp1 = state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).irh;
    1142        3122 :                 cells(cid).rhp2 = state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).irh;
    1143             :             }
    1144         118 :             state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->MyEnvrnFlag(sid) = false;
    1145             :         }
    1146      353337 :         if (!state.dataGlobal->BeginEnvrnFlag) {
    1147      352727 :             state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->MyEnvrnFlag(sid) = true;
    1148             :         }
    1149             : 
    1150             :         // Set all the boundary values
    1151      353337 :         cells(state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->ExtRadcell(sid)).temp = state.dataMstBal->TempOutsideAirFD(sid);
    1152      353337 :         cells(state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->ExtConcell(sid)).temp = state.dataMstBal->TempOutsideAirFD(sid);
    1153      353337 :         auto &thisZoneHB = state.dataZoneTempPredictorCorrector->zoneHeatBalance(state.dataSurface->Surface(sid).Zone);
    1154      353337 :         if (state.dataSurface->Surface(sid).ExtBoundCond == OtherSideCondModeledExt) {
    1155             :             // CR8046 switch modeled rad temp for sky temp.
    1156           0 :             cells(state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->ExtSkycell(sid)).temp = state.dataSurface->OSCM(state.dataSurface->Surface(sid).OSCMPtr).TRad;
    1157           0 :             cells(Extcell(sid)).Qadds = 0.0; // eliminate incident shortwave on underlying surface
    1158             :         } else {
    1159      353337 :             cells(state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->ExtSkycell(sid)).temp = state.dataEnvrn->SkyTemp;
    1160             : 
    1161      353337 :             cells(Extcell(sid)).Qadds = state.dataSurface->Surface(sid).Area * state.dataHeatBalSurf->SurfOpaqQRadSWOutAbs(sid);
    1162             :         }
    1163             : 
    1164      353337 :         cells(state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->ExtGrncell(sid)).temp = state.dataMstBal->TempOutsideAirFD(sid);
    1165      353337 :         RhoOut = state.dataMstBal->RhoVaporAirOut(sid);
    1166             : 
    1167             :         // Special case when the surface is an internal mass
    1168      353337 :         if (state.dataSurface->Surface(sid).ExtBoundCond == sid) {
    1169           0 :             cells(state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->ExtConcell(sid)).temp = thisZoneHB.MAT;
    1170           0 :             RhoOut = state.dataMstBal->RhoVaporAirIn(sid);
    1171             :         }
    1172             : 
    1173      353337 :         RhoIn = state.dataMstBal->RhoVaporAirIn(sid);
    1174             : 
    1175      353337 :         cells(state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->ExtRadcell(sid)).htc = state.dataMstBal->HAirFD(sid);
    1176      353337 :         cells(state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->ExtConcell(sid)).htc = state.dataMstBal->HConvExtFD(sid);
    1177      353337 :         cells(state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->ExtSkycell(sid)).htc = state.dataMstBal->HSkyFD(sid);
    1178      353337 :         cells(state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->ExtGrncell(sid)).htc = state.dataMstBal->HGrndFD(sid);
    1179             : 
    1180      353337 :         cells(state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->IntConcell(sid)).temp = thisZoneHB.MAT;
    1181             : 
    1182      353337 :         cells(state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->IntConcell(sid)).htc = state.dataMstBal->HConvInFD(sid);
    1183             : 
    1184      706674 :         cells(Intcell(sid)).Qadds = state.dataSurface->Surface(sid).Area *
    1185      706674 :                                     (state.dataHeatBalSurf->SurfOpaqQRadSWInAbs(sid) + state.dataHeatBalSurf->SurfQdotRadNetLWInPerArea(sid) +
    1186     1060011 :                                      state.dataHeatBalSurf->SurfQdotRadHVACInPerArea(sid) + state.dataHeatBal->SurfQdotRadIntGainsInPerArea(sid) +
    1187      353337 :                                      state.dataHeatBalSurf->SurfQAdditionalHeatSourceInside(sid));
    1188             : 
    1189      353337 :         cells(state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->ExtConcell(sid)).rh =
    1190      353337 :             PsyRhFnTdbRhov(state, cells(state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->ExtConcell(sid)).temp, RhoOut, HAMTExt);
    1191      353337 :         cells(state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->IntConcell(sid)).rh =
    1192      353337 :             PsyRhFnTdbRhov(state, cells(state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->IntConcell(sid)).temp, RhoIn, HAMTInt);
    1193             : 
    1194      353337 :         if (cells(state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->ExtConcell(sid)).rh > rhmax) {
    1195           0 :             cells(state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->ExtConcell(sid)).rh = rhmax;
    1196             :         }
    1197      353337 :         if (cells(state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->IntConcell(sid)).rh > rhmax) {
    1198           0 :             cells(state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->IntConcell(sid)).rh = rhmax;
    1199             :         }
    1200             : 
    1201             :         // PDB August 2009 Start! Correction for when no vapour transfer coefficient have been defined.
    1202      353337 :         if (state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->extvtcflag(sid)) {
    1203      312264 :             cells(state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->ExtConcell(sid)).vtc = state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->extvtc(sid);
    1204             :         } else {
    1205       41073 :             if (cells(state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->ExtConcell(sid)).rh > 0) {
    1206       41073 :                 cells(state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->ExtConcell(sid)).vtc =
    1207       82146 :                     state.dataMstBal->HMassConvExtFD(sid) * RhoOut /
    1208       82146 :                     (PsyPsatFnTemp(state, state.dataMstBal->TempOutsideAirFD(sid)) * cells(state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->ExtConcell(sid)).rh);
    1209             :             } else {
    1210           0 :                 cells(state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->ExtConcell(sid)).vtc = 10000.0;
    1211             :             }
    1212             :         }
    1213             : 
    1214      353337 :         if (state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->intvtcflag(sid)) {
    1215      312264 :             cells(state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->IntConcell(sid)).vtc = state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->intvtc(sid);
    1216      936792 :             state.dataMstBal->HMassConvInFD(sid) = cells(state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->IntConcell(sid)).vtc * PsyPsatFnTemp(state, thisZoneHB.MAT) *
    1217      624528 :                                                    cells(state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->IntConcell(sid)).rh / RhoIn;
    1218             :         } else {
    1219       41073 :             if (cells(state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->IntConcell(sid)).rh > 0) {
    1220       41073 :                 cells(state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->IntConcell(sid)).vtc =
    1221       82146 :                     state.dataMstBal->HMassConvInFD(sid) * RhoIn /
    1222       82146 :                     (PsyPsatFnTemp(state, thisZoneHB.MAT) * cells(state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->IntConcell(sid)).rh);
    1223             :             } else {
    1224           0 :                 cells(state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->IntConcell(sid)).vtc = 10000.0;
    1225             :             }
    1226             :         }
    1227             :         // PDB August 2009 End
    1228             : 
    1229             :         // Initialise
    1230     1766685 :         for (cid = state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->firstcell(sid); cid <= Extcell(sid) - 1; ++cid) {
    1231     1413348 :             cells(cid).tempp1 = cells(cid).temp;
    1232     1413348 :             cells(cid).tempp2 = cells(cid).temp;
    1233     1413348 :             cells(cid).rhp1 = cells(cid).rh;
    1234     1413348 :             cells(cid).rhp2 = cells(cid).rh;
    1235             :         }
    1236      706674 :         for (cid = Intcell(sid) + 1; cid <= state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->lastcell(sid); ++cid) {
    1237      353337 :             cells(cid).tempp1 = cells(cid).temp;
    1238      353337 :             cells(cid).tempp2 = cells(cid).temp;
    1239      353337 :             cells(cid).rhp1 = cells(cid).rh;
    1240      353337 :             cells(cid).rhp2 = cells(cid).rh;
    1241             :         }
    1242             : 
    1243      353337 :         itter = 0;
    1244             :         while (true) {
    1245     2442031 :             ++itter;
    1246             :             // Update Moisture values
    1247             : 
    1248    49373529 :             for (cid = state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->firstcell(sid); cid <= state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->lastcell(sid); ++cid) {
    1249    47975845 :                 matid = cells(cid).matid;
    1250    47975845 :                 cells(cid).vp = RHtoVP(state, cells(cid).rh, cells(cid).temp);
    1251    47975845 :                 cells(cid).vpp1 = RHtoVP(state, cells(cid).rhp1, cells(cid).tempp1);
    1252    47975845 :                 cells(cid).vpsat = PsyPsatFnTemp(state, cells(cid).tempp1);
    1253    47975845 :                 if (matid > 0) {
    1254   190960285 :                     interp(state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).niso,
    1255    38192057 :                            state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).isorh,
    1256    38192057 :                            state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).isodata,
    1257    38192057 :                            cells(cid).rhp1,
    1258    38192057 :                            cells(cid).water,
    1259    38192057 :                            cells(cid).dwdphi);
    1260    38192057 :                     if (state.dataEnvrn->IsRain && state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->rainswitch) {
    1261           0 :                         interp(state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).nsuc,
    1262           0 :                                state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).sucwater,
    1263           0 :                                state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).sucdata,
    1264           0 :                                cells(cid).water,
    1265           0 :                                cells(cid).dw);
    1266             :                     } else {
    1267   190960285 :                         interp(state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).nred,
    1268    38192057 :                                state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).redwater,
    1269    38192057 :                                state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).reddata,
    1270    38192057 :                                cells(cid).water,
    1271    38192057 :                                cells(cid).dw);
    1272             :                     }
    1273   190960285 :                     interp(state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).nmu,
    1274    38192057 :                            state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).murh,
    1275    38192057 :                            state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).mudata,
    1276    38192057 :                            cells(cid).rhp1,
    1277    38192057 :                            cells(cid).mu);
    1278   190960285 :                     interp(state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).ntc,
    1279    38192057 :                            state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).tcwater,
    1280    38192057 :                            state.dataMaterial->Material(matid).tcdata,
    1281    38192057 :                            cells(cid).water,
    1282    38192057 :                            cells(cid).wthermalc);
    1283             :                 }
    1284             :             }
    1285             : 
    1286             :             // Calculate Heat and Vapor resistances,
    1287    42385109 :             for (cid = Extcell(sid); cid <= Intcell(sid); ++cid) {
    1288    40987425 :                 torsum = 0.0;
    1289    40987425 :                 oorsum = 0.0;
    1290    40987425 :                 vpdiff = 0.0;
    1291   127155327 :                 for (ii = 1; ii <= adjmax; ++ii) {
    1292   127155327 :                     adj = cells(cid).adjs(ii);
    1293   127155327 :                     adjl = cells(cid).adjsl(ii);
    1294   127155327 :                     if (adj == -1) break;
    1295             : 
    1296    86167902 :                     if (cells(cid).htc > 0) {
    1297           0 :                         thermr1 = 1.0 / (cells(cid).overlap(ii) * cells(cid).htc);
    1298    86167902 :                     } else if (cells(cid).matid > 0) {
    1299    76384114 :                         thermr1 = cells(cid).dist(ii) / (cells(cid).overlap(ii) * cells(cid).wthermalc);
    1300             :                     } else {
    1301     9783788 :                         thermr1 = 0.0;
    1302             :                     }
    1303             : 
    1304    86167902 :                     if (cells(cid).vtc > 0) {
    1305           0 :                         vaporr1 = 1.0 / (cells(cid).overlap(ii) * cells(cid).vtc);
    1306    86167902 :                     } else if (cells(cid).matid > 0) {
    1307    76384114 :                         vaporr1 =
    1308    76384114 :                             (cells(cid).dist(ii) * cells(cid).mu) / (cells(cid).overlap(ii) * WVDC(cells(cid).tempp1, state.dataEnvrn->OutBaroPress));
    1309             :                     } else {
    1310     9783788 :                         vaporr1 = 0.0;
    1311             :                     }
    1312             : 
    1313    86167902 :                     if (cells(adj).htc > 0) {
    1314     6082930 :                         thermr2 = 1.0 / (cells(cid).overlap(ii) * cells(adj).htc);
    1315    80084972 :                     } else if (cells(adj).matid > 0) {
    1316    76384114 :                         thermr2 = cells(adj).dist(adjl) / (cells(cid).overlap(ii) * cells(adj).wthermalc);
    1317             :                     } else {
    1318     3700858 :                         thermr2 = 0.0;
    1319             :                     }
    1320             : 
    1321    86167902 :                     if (cells(adj).vtc > 0) {
    1322     2795368 :                         vaporr2 = 1.0 / (cells(cid).overlap(ii) * cells(adj).vtc);
    1323    83372534 :                     } else if (cells(adj).matid > 0) {
    1324    76384114 :                         vaporr2 =
    1325    76384114 :                             cells(adj).mu * cells(adj).dist(adjl) / (WVDC(cells(adj).tempp1, state.dataEnvrn->OutBaroPress) * cells(cid).overlap(ii));
    1326             :                     } else {
    1327     6988420 :                         vaporr2 = 0.0;
    1328             :                     }
    1329             : 
    1330    86167902 :                     if (thermr1 + thermr2 > 0) {
    1331    85262412 :                         oorsum += 1.0 / (thermr1 + thermr2);
    1332    85262412 :                         torsum += cells(adj).tempp1 / (thermr1 + thermr2);
    1333             :                     }
    1334    86167902 :                     if (vaporr1 + vaporr2 > 0) {
    1335    81974850 :                         vpdiff += (cells(adj).vp - cells(cid).vp) / (vaporr1 + vaporr2);
    1336             :                     }
    1337             :                 }
    1338             : 
    1339             :                 // Calculate Heat Capacitance
    1340    40987425 :                 tcap = ((cells(cid).density * cells(cid).spech + cells(cid).water * wspech) * cells(cid).volume);
    1341             : 
    1342             :                 // calculate the latent heat if wanted and check for divergence
    1343    40987425 :                 qvp = 0.0;
    1344    40987425 :                 if ((cells(cid).matid > 0) && (state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->latswitch)) {
    1345    38192057 :                     qvp = vpdiff * whv;
    1346             :                 }
    1347    40987425 :                 if (std::abs(qvp) > qvplim) {
    1348           0 :                     if (!state.dataGlobal->WarmupFlag) {
    1349           0 :                         ++qvpErrCount;
    1350           0 :                         if (qvpErrCount < 16) {
    1351           0 :                             ShowWarningError(state, "HeatAndMoistureTransfer: Large Latent Heat for Surface " + state.dataSurface->Surface(sid).Name);
    1352             :                         } else {
    1353           0 :                             ShowRecurringWarningErrorAtEnd(state, "HeatAndMoistureTransfer: Large Latent Heat Errors ", qvpErrReport);
    1354             :                         }
    1355             :                     }
    1356           0 :                     qvp = 0.0;
    1357             :                 }
    1358             : 
    1359             :                 // Calculate the temperature for the next time step
    1360    81974850 :                 cells(cid).tempp1 = (torsum + qvp + cells(cid).Qadds + (tcap * cells(cid).temp / state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->deltat)) /
    1361    40987425 :                                     (oorsum + (tcap / state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->deltat));
    1362             :             }
    1363             : 
    1364             :             // Check for silly temperatures
    1365     1397684 :             tempmax = maxval(cells, &subcell::tempp1);
    1366     1397684 :             tempmin = minval(cells, &subcell::tempp1);
    1367     1397684 :             if (tempmax > state.dataHeatBalSurf->MaxSurfaceTempLimit) {
    1368           0 :                 if (!state.dataGlobal->WarmupFlag) {
    1369           0 :                     if (state.dataSurface->SurfHighTempErrCount(sid) == 0) {
    1370           0 :                         ShowSevereMessage(
    1371             :                             state,
    1372           0 :                             format("HAMT: Temperature (high) out of bounds ({:.2R}) for surface={}", tempmax, state.dataSurface->Surface(sid).Name));
    1373           0 :                         ShowContinueErrorTimeStamp(state, "");
    1374             :                     }
    1375           0 :                     ShowRecurringWarningErrorAtEnd(state,
    1376           0 :                                                    "HAMT: Temperature Temperature (high) out of bounds; Surface=" +
    1377           0 :                                                        state.dataSurface->Surface(sid).Name,
    1378           0 :                                                    state.dataSurface->SurfHighTempErrCount(sid),
    1379             :                                                    tempmax,
    1380             :                                                    tempmax,
    1381             :                                                    _,
    1382             :                                                    "C",
    1383             :                                                    "C");
    1384             :                 }
    1385             :             }
    1386     1397684 :             if (tempmax > state.dataHeatBalSurf->MaxSurfaceTempLimitBeforeFatal) {
    1387           0 :                 if (!state.dataGlobal->WarmupFlag) {
    1388           0 :                     ShowSevereError(state,
    1389           0 :                                     format("HAMT: HAMT: Temperature (high) out of bounds ( {:.2R}) for surface={}",
    1390             :                                            tempmax,
    1391           0 :                                            state.dataSurface->Surface(sid).Name));
    1392           0 :                     ShowContinueErrorTimeStamp(state, "");
    1393           0 :                     ShowFatalError(state, "Program terminates due to preceding condition.");
    1394             :                 }
    1395             :             }
    1396     1397684 :             if (tempmin < MinSurfaceTempLimit) {
    1397           0 :                 if (!state.dataGlobal->WarmupFlag) {
    1398           0 :                     if (state.dataSurface->SurfHighTempErrCount(sid) == 0) {
    1399           0 :                         ShowSevereMessage(
    1400             :                             state,
    1401           0 :                             format("HAMT: Temperature (low) out of bounds ({:.2R}) for surface={}", tempmin, state.dataSurface->Surface(sid).Name));
    1402           0 :                         ShowContinueErrorTimeStamp(state, "");
    1403             :                     }
    1404           0 :                     ShowRecurringWarningErrorAtEnd(state,
    1405           0 :                                                    "HAMT: Temperature Temperature (high) out of bounds; Surface=" +
    1406           0 :                                                        state.dataSurface->Surface(sid).Name,
    1407           0 :                                                    state.dataSurface->SurfHighTempErrCount(sid),
    1408             :                                                    tempmin,
    1409             :                                                    tempmin,
    1410             :                                                    _,
    1411             :                                                    "C",
    1412             :                                                    "C");
    1413             :                 }
    1414             :             }
    1415     1397684 :             if (tempmin < MinSurfaceTempLimitBeforeFatal) {
    1416           0 :                 if (!state.dataGlobal->WarmupFlag) {
    1417           0 :                     ShowSevereError(state,
    1418           0 :                                     format("HAMT: HAMT: Temperature (low) out of bounds ( {:.2R}) for surface={}",
    1419             :                                            tempmin,
    1420           0 :                                            state.dataSurface->Surface(sid).Name));
    1421           0 :                     ShowContinueErrorTimeStamp(state, "");
    1422           0 :                     ShowFatalError(state, "Program terminates due to preceding condition.");
    1423             :                 }
    1424             :             }
    1425             : 
    1426             :             // Calculate the liquid and vapor resisitances
    1427    42385109 :             for (cid = Extcell(sid); cid <= Intcell(sid); ++cid) {
    1428    40987425 :                 phioosum = 0.0;
    1429    40987425 :                 phiorsum = 0.0;
    1430    40987425 :                 vpoosum = 0.0;
    1431    40987425 :                 vporsum = 0.0;
    1432             : 
    1433   127155327 :                 for (ii = 1; ii <= adjmax; ++ii) {
    1434   127155327 :                     adj = cells(cid).adjs(ii);
    1435   127155327 :                     adjl = cells(cid).adjsl(ii);
    1436   127155327 :                     if (adj == -1) break;
    1437             : 
    1438    86167902 :                     if (cells(cid).vtc > 0) {
    1439           0 :                         vaporr1 = 1.0 / (cells(cid).overlap(ii) * cells(cid).vtc);
    1440    86167902 :                     } else if (cells(cid).matid > 0) {
    1441    76384114 :                         vaporr1 =
    1442    76384114 :                             (cells(cid).dist(ii) * cells(cid).mu) / (cells(cid).overlap(ii) * WVDC(cells(cid).tempp1, state.dataEnvrn->OutBaroPress));
    1443             :                     } else {
    1444     9783788 :                         vaporr1 = 0.0;
    1445             :                     }
    1446             : 
    1447    86167902 :                     if (cells(adj).vtc > 0) {
    1448     2795368 :                         vaporr2 = 1.0 / (cells(cid).overlap(ii) * cells(adj).vtc);
    1449    83372534 :                     } else if (cells(adj).matid > 0) {
    1450   152768228 :                         vaporr2 = (cells(adj).dist(adjl) * cells(adj).mu) /
    1451    76384114 :                                   (cells(cid).overlap(ii) * WVDC(cells(adj).tempp1, state.dataEnvrn->OutBaroPress));
    1452             :                     } else {
    1453     6988420 :                         vaporr2 = 0.0;
    1454             :                     }
    1455    86167902 :                     if (vaporr1 + vaporr2 > 0) {
    1456    81974850 :                         vpoosum += 1.0 / (vaporr1 + vaporr2);
    1457    81974850 :                         vporsum += (cells(adj).vpp1 / (vaporr1 + vaporr2));
    1458             :                     }
    1459             : 
    1460    86167902 :                     if ((cells(cid).dw > 0) && (cells(cid).dwdphi > 0)) {
    1461    44430394 :                         rhr1 = cells(cid).dist(ii) / (cells(cid).overlap(ii) * cells(cid).dw * cells(cid).dwdphi);
    1462             :                     } else {
    1463    41737508 :                         rhr1 = 0.0;
    1464             :                     }
    1465    86167902 :                     if ((cells(adj).dw > 0) && (cells(adj).dwdphi > 0)) {
    1466    44430394 :                         rhr2 = cells(adj).dist(adjl) / (cells(cid).overlap(ii) * cells(adj).dw * cells(adj).dwdphi);
    1467             :                     } else {
    1468    41737508 :                         rhr2 = 0.0;
    1469             :                     }
    1470             : 
    1471             :                     //             IF(rhr1+rhr2>0)THEN
    1472    86167902 :                     if (rhr1 * rhr2 > 0) {
    1473    39602664 :                         phioosum += 1.0 / (rhr1 + rhr2);
    1474    39602664 :                         phiorsum += (cells(adj).rhp1 / (rhr1 + rhr2));
    1475             :                     }
    1476             :                 }
    1477             : 
    1478             :                 // Moisture Capacitance
    1479    40987425 :                 if (cells(cid).dwdphi > 0.0) {
    1480    38167079 :                     wcap = cells(cid).dwdphi * cells(cid).volume;
    1481             :                 } else {
    1482     2820346 :                     wcap = 0.0;
    1483             :                 }
    1484             : 
    1485             :                 // Calculate the RH for the next time step
    1486    40987425 :                 denominator = (phioosum + vpoosum * cells(cid).vpsat + wcap / state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->deltat);
    1487    40987425 :                 if (denominator != 0.0) {
    1488    40987425 :                     cells(cid).rhp1 = (phiorsum + vporsum + (wcap * cells(cid).rh) / state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->deltat) / denominator;
    1489             :                 } else {
    1490           0 :                     ShowSevereError(state, "CalcHeatBalHAMT: demoninator in calculating RH is zero.  Check material properties for accuracy.");
    1491           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "...Problem occurs in Material=\"" + state.dataMaterial->Material(cells(cid).matid).Name + "\".");
    1492           0 :                     ShowFatalError(state, "Program terminates due to preceding condition.");
    1493             :                 }
    1494             : 
    1495    40987425 :                 if (cells(cid).rhp1 > rhmax) {
    1496       52991 :                     cells(cid).rhp1 = rhmax;
    1497             :                 }
    1498             :             }
    1499             : 
    1500             :             // Check for convergence or too many itterations
    1501     1397684 :             sumtp1 = 0.0;
    1502    42385109 :             for (cid = Extcell(sid); cid <= Intcell(sid); ++cid) {
    1503    40987425 :                 if (sumtp1 < std::abs(cells(cid).tempp2 - cells(cid).tempp1)) {
    1504     6023386 :                     sumtp1 = std::abs(cells(cid).tempp2 - cells(cid).tempp1);
    1505             :                 }
    1506             :             }
    1507     1397684 :             if (sumtp1 < convt) {
    1508      353039 :                 break;
    1509             :             }
    1510     1044645 :             if (itter > ittermax) {
    1511         298 :                 break;
    1512             :             }
    1513    37091691 :             for (cid = state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->firstcell(sid); cid <= state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->lastcell(sid); ++cid) {
    1514    36047344 :                 cells(cid).tempp2 = cells(cid).tempp1;
    1515    36047344 :                 cells(cid).rhp2 = cells(cid).rhp1;
    1516             :             }
    1517             :         }
    1518             : 
    1519             :         // report back to CalcHeatBalanceInsideSurf
    1520      353337 :         TempSurfOutTmp = cells(Extcell(sid)).tempp1;
    1521      353337 :         SurfTempInTmp = cells(Intcell(sid)).tempp1;
    1522             : 
    1523      353337 :         SurfTempInP = cells(Intcell(sid)).rhp1 * PsyPsatFnTemp(state, cells(Intcell(sid)).tempp1);
    1524             : 
    1525      353337 :         state.dataMstBal->RhoVaporSurfIn(sid) = SurfTempInP / (461.52 * (thisZoneHB.MAT + DataGlobalConstants::KelvinConv));
    1526      353337 :     }
    1527             : 
    1528      171564 :     void UpdateHeatBalHAMT(EnergyPlusData &state, int const sid)
    1529             :     {
    1530             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    1531             :         //       AUTHOR         Phillip Biddulph
    1532             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   June 2008
    1533             :         //       MODIFIED       na
    1534             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
    1535             : 
    1536             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    1537             :         // The zone heat balance equation has converged, so now the HAMT values are to be fixed
    1538             :         // ready for the next itteration.
    1539             :         // Fill all the report variables
    1540             : 
    1541             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
    1542             :         int cid;
    1543             :         Real64 watermass;
    1544             :         Real64 matmass;
    1545             :         // unused1208    REAL(r64), SAVE :: InOld=0.0D0
    1546             :         // unused1208    REAL(r64), SAVE :: OutOld=0.0D0
    1547             : 
    1548             :         // Update Temperatures and RHs. Calculate report variables
    1549      171564 :         matmass = 0.0;
    1550      171564 :         watermass = 0.0;
    1551     5927346 :         for (cid = state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->firstcell(sid); cid <= state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->lastcell(sid); ++cid) {
    1552             :             // fix HAMT values for this surface
    1553     5755782 :             state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->cells(cid).temp = state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->cells(cid).tempp1;
    1554     5755782 :             state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->cells(cid).rh = state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->cells(cid).rhp1;
    1555     5755782 :             state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->cells(cid).rhp = state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->cells(cid).rh * 100.0;
    1556     5755782 :             if (state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->cells(cid).density > 0.0) {
    1557     4554834 :                 state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->cells(cid).wreport =
    1558     4554834 :                     state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->cells(cid).water / state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->cells(cid).density;
    1559     4554834 :                 watermass += (state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->cells(cid).water * state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->cells(cid).volume);
    1560     4554834 :                 matmass += (state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->cells(cid).density * state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->cells(cid).volume);
    1561             :             }
    1562             :         }
    1563             : 
    1564      171564 :         state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->watertot(sid) = 0.0;
    1565      171564 :         if (matmass > 0) state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->watertot(sid) = watermass / matmass;
    1566             : 
    1567      171564 :         state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->surfrh(sid) = 100.0 * state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->cells(state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->Intcell(sid)).rh;
    1568      171564 :         state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->surfextrh(sid) = 100.0 * state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->cells(state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->Extcell(sid)).rh;
    1569      171564 :         state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->surftemp(sid) = state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->cells(state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->Intcell(sid)).temp;
    1570      171564 :         state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->surfexttemp(sid) = state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->cells(state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->Extcell(sid)).temp;
    1571      343128 :         state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->surfvp(sid) = RHtoVP(state,
    1572      171564 :                                                        state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->cells(state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->Intcell(sid)).rh,
    1573      171564 :                                                        state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->cells(state.dataHeatBalHAMTMgr->Intcell(sid)).temp);
    1574      171564 :     }
    1575             : 
    1576             :     void
    1577   152768274 :     interp(int const ndata, const Array1D<Real64> &xx, const Array1D<Real64> &yy, Real64 const invalue, Real64 &outvalue, Optional<Real64> outgrad)
    1578             :     {
    1579             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    1580             :         //       AUTHOR         Phillip Biddulph
    1581             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   June 2008
    1582             :         //       MODIFIED       na
    1583             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
    1584             : 
    1585             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    1586             :         // To find a value by searching an array and interpolating between two coordinates
    1587             :         // Also returns the gradient if required.
    1588             : 
    1589             :         // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
    1590             :         // Simple search
    1591             : 
    1592             :         // Argument array dimensioning
    1593   152768274 :         EP_SIZE_CHECK(xx, ndata);
    1594   152768274 :         EP_SIZE_CHECK(yy, ndata);
    1595             : 
    1596             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
    1597             :         Real64 xxlow;
    1598             :         Real64 xxhigh;
    1599             :         Real64 yylow;
    1600             :         Real64 yyhigh;
    1601             :         Real64 mygrad;
    1602             :         int step;
    1603             : 
    1604   152768274 :         mygrad = 0.0;
    1605   152768274 :         outvalue = 0.0;
    1606             : 
    1607   152768274 :         if (ndata > 1) {
    1608   152768274 :             xxlow = xx(1);
    1609   152768274 :             yylow = yy(1);
    1610   214871054 :             for (step = 2; step <= ndata; ++step) {
    1611   214871054 :                 xxhigh = xx(step);
    1612   214871054 :                 yyhigh = yy(step);
    1613   214871054 :                 if (invalue <= xxhigh) break;
    1614    62102780 :                 xxlow = xxhigh;
    1615    62102780 :                 yylow = yyhigh;
    1616             :             }
    1617             : 
    1618   152768274 :             if (xxhigh > xxlow) {
    1619   152768274 :                 mygrad = (yyhigh - yylow) / (xxhigh - xxlow);
    1620   152768274 :                 outvalue = (invalue - xxlow) * mygrad + yylow;
    1621             :                 // PDB August 2009 bug fix
    1622           0 :             } else if (std::abs(xxhigh - xxlow) < 0.0000000001) {
    1623           0 :                 outvalue = yylow;
    1624             :             }
    1625             :         }
    1626             : 
    1627   152768274 :         if (present(outgrad)) {
    1628             :             // return gradient if required
    1629    38192057 :             outgrad = mygrad;
    1630             :         }
    1631   152768274 :     }
    1632             : 
    1633    96123254 :     Real64 RHtoVP(EnergyPlusData &state, Real64 const RH, Real64 const Temperature)
    1634             :     {
    1635             :         // FUNCTION INFORMATION:
    1636             :         //       AUTHOR         Phillip Biddulph
    1637             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   June 2008
    1638             :         //       MODIFIED       na
    1639             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
    1640             : 
    1641             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS FUNCTION:
    1642             :         // Convert Relative Humidity and Temperature to Vapor Pressure
    1643             : 
    1644             :         // Return value
    1645             :         Real64 RHtoVP;
    1646             : 
    1647             :         // FUNCTION LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
    1648             :         Real64 VPSat;
    1649             : 
    1650    96123254 :         VPSat = PsyPsatFnTemp(state, Temperature);
    1651             : 
    1652    96123254 :         RHtoVP = RH * VPSat;
    1653             : 
    1654    96123254 :         return RHtoVP;
    1655             :     }
    1656             : 
    1657   305536456 :     Real64 WVDC(Real64 const Temperature, Real64 const ambp)
    1658             :     {
    1659             :         // FUNCTION INFORMATION:
    1660             :         //       AUTHOR         Phillip Biddulph
    1661             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   June 2008
    1662             :         //       MODIFIED       na
    1663             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
    1664             : 
    1665             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS FUNCTION:
    1666             :         // To calculate the Water Vapor Diffusion Coefficient in air
    1667             :         // using the temperature and ambient atmospheric pressor
    1668             : 
    1669             :         // REFERENCES:
    1670             :         // K?zel, H.M. (1995) Simultaneous Heat and Moisture Transport in Building Components.
    1671             :         // One- and two-dimensional calculation using simple parameters. IRB Verlag 1995
    1672             : 
    1673             :         // Return value
    1674             :         Real64 WVDC;
    1675             : 
    1676   305536456 :         WVDC = (2.e-7 * std::pow(Temperature + DataGlobalConstants::KelvinConv, 0.81)) / ambp;
    1677             : 
    1678   305536456 :         return WVDC;
    1679             :     }
    1680             : 
    1681             :     //                                 COPYRIGHT NOTICE
    1682             : 
    1683             :     //     Portions Copyright (c) University College London 2007.  All rights
    1684             :     //     reserved.
    1685             : 
    1686             :     //     UCL LEGAL NOTICE
    1687             :     //     Neither UCL, members of UCL nor any person or organisation acting on
    1688             :     //     behalf of either:
    1689             : 
    1690             :     //     A. Makes any warranty of representation, express or implied with
    1691             :     //        respect to the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the
    1692             :     //        information contained in this program, including any warranty of
    1693             :     //        merchantability or fitness of any purpose with respect to the
    1694             :     //        program, or that the use of any information disclosed in this
    1695             :     //        program may not infringe privately-owned rights, or
    1696             : 
    1697             :     //     B. Assumes any liability with respect to the use of, or for any and
    1698             :     //        all damages resulting from the use of the program or any portion
    1699             :     //        thereof or any information disclosed therein.
    1700             : 
    1701             : } // namespace HeatBalanceHAMTManager
    1702             : 
    1703        2313 : } // namespace EnergyPlus

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