LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - EnergyPlus - HeatRecovery.hh (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: lcov.output.filtered Lines: 5 8 62.5 %
Date: 2023-01-17 19:17:23 Functions: 13 19 68.4 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : // EnergyPlus, Copyright (c) 1996-2023, The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois,
       2             : // The Regents of the University of California, through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
       3             : // (subject to receipt of any required approvals from the U.S. Dept. of Energy), Oak Ridge
       4             : // National Laboratory, managed by UT-Battelle, Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC, and other
       5             : // contributors. All rights reserved.
       6             : //
       7             : // NOTICE: This Software was developed under funding from the U.S. Department of Energy and the
       8             : // U.S. Government consequently retains certain rights. As such, the U.S. Government has been
       9             : // granted for itself and others acting on its behalf a paid-up, nonexclusive, irrevocable,
      10             : // worldwide license in the Software to reproduce, distribute copies to the public, prepare
      11             : // derivative works, and perform publicly and display publicly, and to permit others to do so.
      12             : //
      13             : // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted
      14             : // provided that the following conditions are met:
      15             : //
      16             : // (1) Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of
      17             : //     conditions and the following disclaimer.
      18             : //
      19             : // (2) Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of
      20             : //     conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
      21             : //     provided with the distribution.
      22             : //
      23             : // (3) Neither the name of the University of California, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,
      24             : //     the University of Illinois, U.S. Dept. of Energy nor the names of its contributors may be
      25             : //     used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior
      26             : //     written permission.
      27             : //
      28             : // (4) Use of EnergyPlus(TM) Name. If Licensee (i) distributes the software in stand-alone form
      29             : //     without changes from the version obtained under this License, or (ii) Licensee makes a
      30             : //     reference solely to the software portion of its product, Licensee must refer to the
      31             : //     software as "EnergyPlus version X" software, where "X" is the version number Licensee
      32             : //     obtained under this License and may not use a different name for the software. Except as
      33             : //     specifically required in this Section (4), Licensee shall not use in a company name, a
      34             : //     product name, in advertising, publicity, or other promotional activities any name, trade
      35             : //     name, trademark, logo, or other designation of "EnergyPlus", "E+", "e+" or confusingly
      36             : //     similar designation, without the U.S. Department of Energy's prior written consent.
      37             : //
      46             : // POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.
      47             : 
      48             : #ifndef HeatRecovery_hh_INCLUDED
      49             : #define HeatRecovery_hh_INCLUDED
      50             : 
      51             : // ObjexxFCL Headers
      52             : #include <ObjexxFCL/Array1D.hh>
      53             : #include <ObjexxFCL/Optional.hh>
      54             : 
      55             : // EnergyPlus Headers
      56             : #include <EnergyPlus/Data/BaseData.hh>
      57             : #include <EnergyPlus/EnergyPlus.hh>
      58             : 
      59             : namespace EnergyPlus {
      60             : 
      61             : // Forward declarations
      62             : struct EnergyPlusData;
      63             : 
      64             : namespace HeatRecovery {
      65             : 
      66             :     enum class HXConfiguration
      67             :     {
      68             :         Invalid = -1,
      69             :         CounterFlow,
      70             :         ParallelFlow,
      71             :         CrossFlowBothUnmixed,
      72             :         CrossFlowOther,
      73             :         Num
      74             :     };
      75             : 
      76             :     enum class HXConfigurationType
      77             :     {
      78             :         Invalid = -1,
      79             :         Plate,
      80             :         Rotary,
      81             :         Num
      82             :     };
      83             : 
      84             :     enum class FrostControlOption
      85             :     {
      86             :         Invalid = -1,
      87             :         None,
      88             :         ExhaustOnly,
      89             :         ExhaustAirRecirculation,
      90             :         MinimumExhaustTemperature,
      91             :         Num
      92             :     };
      93             : 
      94             :     // invalid and num are not used for this internal enum class, but if I leave them out, the custom_check script complains
      95             :     // I'm not sure whether to leave them in unused, or add them to the exception list in the script
      96             :     // leaving them for now.
      97             :     enum class CalculateNTUBoundsErrors
      98             :     {
      99             :         Invalid = -1,
     100             :         NoError,
     101             :         MassFlowRatio,
     102             :         NominalEffectiveness1,
     103             :         NominalEffectiveness2,
     104             :         Quantity,
     105             :         NominalEffectiveness3,
     106             :         Num
     107             :     };
     108             : 
     109         398 :     struct HeatExchCond
     110             :     {
     111             :         std::string Name;                                   // name of component
     112             :         int ExchType = 0;                                   // Integer equivalent to ExchType
     113             :         std::string HeatExchPerfName;                       // Desiccant balanced heat exchanger performance data name
     114             :         int SchedPtr = 0;                                   // index of schedule
     115             :         HXConfiguration FlowArr = HXConfiguration::Invalid; // flow Arrangement:
     116             :         bool EconoLockOut = false;
     117             :         Real64 hARatio = 0.0;          // ratio of supply side h*A to secondary side h*A
     118             :         Real64 NomSupAirVolFlow = 0.0; // nominal supply air volume flow rate (m3/s)
     119             :         Real64 NomSupAirInTemp = 0.0;  // nominal supply air inlet temperature (C)
     120             :         Real64 NomSupAirOutTemp = 0.0; // nominal supply air outlet temperature (C)
     121             :         Real64 NomSecAirVolFlow = 0.0; // nominal secondary air volume flow rate (m3/s)
     122             :         Real64 NomSecAirInTemp = 0.0;  // nominal secondary air inlet temperature (C)
     123             :         Real64 NomElecPower = 0.0;     // nominal electric power consumption [W]
     124             :         // values describing nominal condition (derived from input parameters)
     125             :         Real64 UA0 = 0.0;               // (Uavg*A) at nominal condition
     126             :         Real64 mTSup0 = 0.0;            // product mDot*Tabs, supply  air, nominal cond.
     127             :         Real64 mTSec0 = 0.0;            // product mDot*Tabs, exhaust air, nominal cond
     128             :         Real64 NomSupAirMassFlow = 0.0; // nominal supply air mass flow rate (kg/s)
     129             :         Real64 NomSecAirMassFlow = 0.0; // nominal secondary air mass flow rate (kg/s)
     130             :         // Nodes
     131             :         int SupInletNode = 0;  // supply air inlet node number
     132             :         int SupOutletNode = 0; // supply air outlet node number
     133             :         int SecInletNode = 0;  // secondary air inlet node number
     134             :         int SecOutletNode = 0; // secondary air outlet node number
     135             :         // inlet conditions
     136             :         Real64 SupInTemp = 0.0;     // supply air inlet temperature (C)
     137             :         Real64 SupInHumRat = 0.0;   // supply air inlet humidity ratio (kg water/kg dry air)
     138             :         Real64 SupInEnth = 0.0;     // supply air inlet enthalpy (J/kg)
     139             :         Real64 SupInMassFlow = 0.0; // supply air inlet mass flow rate (kg/s)
     140             :         Real64 SecInTemp = 0.0;     // secondary air inlet temperature (C)
     141             :         Real64 SecInHumRat = 0.0;   // secondary air inlet humidity ratio (kg water/kg dry air)
     142             :         Real64 SecInEnth = 0.0;     // secondary air inlet enthalpy (J/kg)
     143             :         Real64 SecInMassFlow = 0.0; // secondary air inlet mass flow rate (kg/s)
     144             :         // balanced desiccant inputs
     145             :         int PerfDataIndex = 0; // Performance data index allocating performance data number to heat exchanger
     146             :         Real64 FaceArea = 0.0; // face area of balanced desiccant heat exchangers to determine face velocity [m2]
     147             :         // generic hx performance inputs
     148             :         Real64 HeatEffectSensible100 = 0.0; // heating sensible effectiveness at 100% rated air flow
     149             :         Real64 HeatEffectSensible75 = 0.0;  // heating sensible effectiveness at 75% rated air flow
     150             :         Real64 HeatEffectLatent100 = 0.0;   // heating latent effectiveness at 100% rated air flow
     151             :         Real64 HeatEffectLatent75 = 0.0;    // heating latent effectiveness at 75% rated air flow
     152             :         Real64 CoolEffectSensible100 = 0.0; // cooling sensible effectiveness at 100% rated air flow
     153             :         Real64 CoolEffectSensible75 = 0.0;  // cooling sensible effectiveness at 75% rated air flow
     154             :         Real64 CoolEffectLatent100 = 0.0;   // cooling latent effectiveness at 100% rated air flow
     155             :         Real64 CoolEffectLatent75 = 0.0;    // cooling latent effectiveness at 75% rated air flow
     156             :         // 1 = None, 2 = Bypass, 3 = Stop Rotary HX Rotation
     157             :         HXConfigurationType ExchConfig = HXConfigurationType::Invalid; // parameter equivalent of HX configuration, plate or rotary
     158             :         // frost control parameters
     159             :         FrostControlOption FrostControlType = FrostControlOption::Invalid; // type of frost control used if any
     160             :         Real64 ThresholdTemperature = 0.0;                                 // threshold temperature for frost control
     161             :         Real64 InitialDefrostTime = 0.0;                                   // initial defrost time
     162             :         Real64 RateofDefrostTimeIncrease = 0.0;                            // rate of change of defrost time
     163             :         Real64 DefrostFraction = 0.0;                                      // fraction of time HX is in frost control mode
     164             :         bool ControlToTemperatureSetPoint = false;                         // temperature control flag for generic HX
     165             :         // outlet conditions
     166             :         Real64 SupOutTemp = 0.0;     // supply air outlet temperature (C)
     167             :         Real64 SupOutHumRat = 0.0;   // supply air outlet humidity ratio (kg water/kg dry air)
     168             :         Real64 SupOutEnth = 0.0;     // supply air outlet enthalpy (J/kg)
     169             :         Real64 SupOutMassFlow = 0.0; // supply air outlet mass flow rate (kg/s)
     170             :         Real64 SecOutTemp = 0.0;     // secondary air outlet temperature (C)
     171             :         Real64 SecOutHumRat = 0.0;   // secondary air outlet humidity ratio (kg water/kg dry air)
     172             :         Real64 SecOutEnth = 0.0;     // secondary air outlet enthalpy (J/kg)
     173             :         Real64 SecOutMassFlow = 0.0; // secondary air outlet mass flow rate (kg/s)
     174             :         // report values
     175             :         Real64 SensHeatingRate = 0.0;       // rate of sensible heat being added to the supply (primary) air [W]
     176             :         Real64 SensHeatingEnergy = 0.0;     // sensible heat added to the supply (primary) air [J]
     177             :         Real64 LatHeatingRate = 0.0;        // rate of latent heat being added to the supply (primary) air [W]
     178             :         Real64 LatHeatingEnergy = 0.0;      // latent heat added to the supply (primary) air [J]
     179             :         Real64 TotHeatingRate = 0.0;        // rate of total heat being added to the supply (primary) air [W]
     180             :         Real64 TotHeatingEnergy = 0.0;      // total heat added to the supply (primary) air [J]
     181             :         Real64 SensCoolingRate = 0.0;       // rate of sensible heat being removed from the supply (primary) air [W]
     182             :         Real64 SensCoolingEnergy = 0.0;     // sensible heat removed from the supply (primary) air [J]
     183             :         Real64 LatCoolingRate = 0.0;        // rate of latent heat being removed from the supply (primary) air [W]
     184             :         Real64 LatCoolingEnergy = 0.0;      // latent heat removed from the supply (primary) air [J]
     185             :         Real64 TotCoolingRate = 0.0;        // rate of total heat being removed from the supply (primary) air [W]
     186             :         Real64 TotCoolingEnergy = 0.0;      // total heat removed from the supply (primary) air [J]
     187             :         Real64 ElecUseEnergy = 0.0;         // electricity consumption [J]
     188             :         Real64 ElecUseRate = 0.0;           // electricity consumption rate [W]
     189             :         Real64 SensEffectiveness = 0.0;     // heat exchanger sensible effectiveness [-]
     190             :         Real64 LatEffectiveness = 0.0;      // heat exchanger latent effectiveness [-]
     191             :         Real64 SupBypassMassFlow = 0.0;     // supply air mass flow rate bypassing the heat exchanger [kg/s]
     192             :         Real64 SecBypassMassFlow = 0.0;     // secondary air mass flow rate bypassing the heat exchanger [kg/s]
     193             :         int LowFlowErrCount = 0;            // Counter for recurring warning message
     194             :         int LowFlowErrIndex = 0;            // Index to recurring warning message
     195             :         int UnBalancedErrCount = 0;         // Counter for recurring warning message
     196             :         int UnBalancedErrIndex = 0;         // Index to recurring warning message
     197             :         bool myEnvrnFlag = true;            // one-time-init flag
     198             :         bool SensEffectivenessFlag = false; // flag for error message when sensible effectiveness is negative
     199             :         bool LatEffectivenessFlag = false;  // flag for error message when latent effectiveness is negative
     200             :         Array1D_string NumericFieldNames;
     201             :         bool MySetPointTest = true;
     202             :         bool MySizeFlag = true;
     203             : 
     204             :         void initialize(EnergyPlusData &state, int CompanionCoilIndex, int CompanionCoilType_Num);
     205             : 
     206             :         void size(EnergyPlusData &state);
     207             : 
     208             :         void CalcAirToAirPlateHeatExch(EnergyPlusData &state,
     209             :                                        bool HXUnitOn,                          // flag to simulate heat exchager heat recovery
     210             :                                        Optional_bool_const EconomizerFlag = _, // economizer flag pass by air loop or OA sys
     211             :                                        Optional_bool_const HighHumCtrlFlag = _ // high humidity control flag passed by airloop or OA sys
     212             :         );
     213             : 
     214             :         void CalcAirToAirGenericHeatExch(EnergyPlusData &state,
     215             :                                          bool HXUnitOn,                             // flag to simulate heat exchanger heat recovery
     216             :                                          bool FirstHVACIteration,                   // first HVAC iteration flag
     217             :                                          int FanOpMode,                             // Supply air fan operating mode (1=cycling, 2=constant)
     218             :                                          Optional_bool_const EconomizerFlag = _,    // economizer flag pass by air loop or OA sys
     219             :                                          Optional_bool_const HighHumCtrlFlag = _,   // high humidity control flag passed by airloop or OA sys
     220             :                                          Optional<Real64 const> HXPartLoadRatio = _ //
     221             :         );
     222             : 
     223             :         void CalcDesiccantBalancedHeatExch(EnergyPlusData &state,
     224             :                                            bool HXUnitOn,           // flag to simulate heat exchager heat recovery
     225             :                                            bool FirstHVACIteration, // First HVAC iteration flag
     226             :                                            int FanOpMode,           // Supply air fan operating mode (1=cycling, 2=constant)
     227             :                                            Real64 PartLoadRatio,    // Part load ratio requested of DX compressor
     228             :                                            int CompanionCoilIndex,  // index of companion cooling coil
     229             :                                            bool RegenInletIsOANode, // Flag to determine if regen side inlet is OANode, if so this air stream cycles
     230             :                                            Optional_bool_const EconomizerFlag = _, // economizer flag pass by air loop or OA sys
     231             :                                            Optional_bool_const HighHumCtrlFlag = _ // high humidity control flag passed by airloop or OA sys
     232             :         );
     233             : 
     234             :         void FrostControl(EnergyPlusData &state);
     235             : 
     236             :         void UpdateHeatRecovery(EnergyPlusData &state);
     237             : 
     238             :         void ReportHeatRecovery(EnergyPlusData &state);
     239             : 
     240             :         void CheckModelBoundsTempEq(EnergyPlusData &state,
     241             :                                     Real64 &T_RegenInTemp,   // current regen inlet temperature (C) for regen outlet temp eqn
     242             :                                     Real64 &T_RegenInHumRat, // current regen inlet hum rat for regen outlet temp eqn
     243             :                                     Real64 &T_ProcInTemp,    // current process inlet temperature (C) for regen outlet temp eqn
     244             :                                     Real64 &T_ProcInHumRat,  // current process inlet hum rat for regen outlet temp eqn
     245             :                                     Real64 &T_FaceVel,       // current process and regen face velocity (m/s)
     246             :                                     bool FirstHVACIteration  // First HVAC iteration flag
     247             :         ) const;
     248             : 
     249             :         void CheckModelBoundsHumRatEq(EnergyPlusData &state,
     250             :                                       Real64 &H_RegenInTemp,   // current regen inlet temperature (C) for regen outlet hum rat eqn
     251             :                                       Real64 &H_RegenInHumRat, // current regen inlet hum rat for regen outlet hum rat eqn
     252             :                                       Real64 &H_ProcInTemp,    // current process inlet temperature (C) for regen outlet hum rat eqn
     253             :                                       Real64 &H_ProcInHumRat,  // current process inlet hum rat for regen outlet hum rat eqn
     254             :                                       Real64 &H_FaceVel,       // current process and regen face velocity (m/s)
     255             :                                       bool FirstHVACIteration  // First HVAC iteration flag
     256             :         ) const;
     257             : 
     258             :         void CheckModelBoundOutput_Temp(EnergyPlusData &state,
     259             :                                         Real64 RegenInTemp,     // current regen inlet temp passed to eqn
     260             :                                         Real64 &RegenOutTemp,   // current regen outlet temp from eqn
     261             :                                         bool FirstHVACIteration // First HVAC iteration flag
     262             :         ) const;
     263             : 
     264             :         void CheckModelBoundOutput_HumRat(EnergyPlusData &state,
     265             :                                           Real64 RegenInHumRat,   // current regen inlet hum rat passed to eqn
     266             :                                           Real64 &RegenOutHumRat, // current regen outlet hum rat from eqn
     267             :                                           bool FirstHVACIteration // First HVAC iteration flag
     268             :         ) const;
     269             : 
     270             :         void CheckModelBoundsRH_TempEq(EnergyPlusData &state,
     271             :                                        Real64 T_RegenInTemp,   // current regen inlet temperature passed to eqn
     272             :                                        Real64 T_RegenInHumRat, // current regen inlet hum rat passed to eqn
     273             :                                        Real64 T_ProcInTemp,    // current process inlet temperature passed to eqn
     274             :                                        Real64 T_ProcInHumRat,  // current regen outlet hum rat from eqn
     275             :                                        bool FirstHVACIteration // first HVAC iteration flag
     276             :         ) const;
     277             : 
     278             :         void CheckModelBoundsRH_HumRatEq(EnergyPlusData &state,
     279             :                                          Real64 H_RegenInTemp,   // current regen inlet temperature passed to eqn
     280             :                                          Real64 H_RegenInHumRat, // current regen inlet hum rat passed to eqn
     281             :                                          Real64 H_ProcInTemp,    // current process inlet temperature passed to eqn
     282             :                                          Real64 H_ProcInHumRat,  // current process inlet hum rat passed to eqn
     283             :                                          bool FirstHVACIteration // first HVAC iteration flag
     284             :         ) const;
     285             : 
     286             :         void CheckForBalancedFlow(EnergyPlusData &state,
     287             :                                   Real64 ProcessInMassFlow, // current process inlet air mass flow rate (m3/s)
     288             :                                   Real64 RegenInMassFlow,   // current regeneration inlet air mass flow rate (m3/s)
     289             :                                   bool FirstHVACIteration   // first HVAC iteration flag
     290             :         ) const;
     291             :     };
     292             : 
     293         456 :     struct ErrorTracker
     294             :     {
     295             :         bool print = false;  // - flag to print error message
     296             :         int index = 0;       // - index to recurring error struct
     297             :         int count = 0;       // - counter if limits are exceeded
     298             :         std::string buffer1; // - buffer for warn mess on following timestep
     299             :         std::string buffer2; // - buffer for warn mess on following timestep
     300             :         std::string buffer3; // - buffer for warn mess on following timestep
     301             :         Real64 last = 0.0;   // - last value
     302             :     };
     303             : 
     304          24 :     struct BalancedDesDehumPerfData
     305             :     {
     306             :         std::string Name;               // unique name of balanced desiccant performance data type object
     307             :         std::string PerfType;           // Type of performance data set
     308             :         Real64 NomSupAirVolFlow = 0.0;  // nominal supply air volumetric flow rate m^3/s
     309             :         Real64 NomProcAirFaceVel = 0.0; // nominal process air face velocity m/s
     310             :         Real64 NomElecPower = 0.0;      // nominal electric power consumption [W]
     311             : 
     312             :         std::array<Real64, 8> B = {0}; // regeneration outlet temperature equation coefficients and limits
     313             :         // index 0: constant coefficient for outlet regeneration temperature equation
     314             :         // index 1: regen inlet humidity ratio coefficient for outlet regen temperature equation
     315             :         // index 2: regen inlet temp coefficient for outlet regen temperature equation
     316             :         // index 3: (regen in humrat/regen in temp) coefficient for outlet regen temp eq
     317             :         // index 4: process inlet humidity ratio coefficient for outlet regen temp equation
     318             :         // index 5: process inlet temp coefficient for outlet regen temp equation
     319             :         // index 6: (process in humrat/proc in temp) coefficient for outlet regen temp eq
     320             :         // index 7: process, regen face velocity coefficient for outlet regen temp eq
     321             : 
     322             :         Real64 T_MinRegenAirInTemp = 0.0;   // min allowable regen inlet air temperature [C]
     323             :         Real64 T_MaxRegenAirInTemp = 0.0;   // max allowable regen inlet air temperature [C]
     324             :         Real64 T_MinRegenAirInHumRat = 0.0; // min allowable regen inlet air humidity ratio [kg water / kg air]
     325             :         Real64 T_MaxRegenAirInHumRat = 0.0; // max allowable regen inlet air humidity ratio [kg water / kg air]
     326             :         Real64 T_MinProcAirInTemp = 0.0;    // min allowable process inlet air temperature [C]
     327             :         Real64 T_MaxProcAirInTemp = 0.0;    // max allowable process inlet air temperature [C]
     328             :         Real64 T_MinProcAirInHumRat = 0.0;  // min allowable process inlet air humidity ratio [kg water/kg air]
     329             :         Real64 T_MaxProcAirInHumRat = 0.0;  // max allowable process inlet air humidity ratio [kg water/kg air]
     330             :         Real64 T_MinFaceVel = 0.0;          // min allowable process, regen face velocity [m/s]
     331             :         Real64 T_MaxFaceVel = 0.0;          // max allowable process, regen face velocity [m/s]
     332             :         Real64 MinRegenAirOutTemp = 0.0;    // min allowable regen outlet air temperature [C]
     333             :         Real64 MaxRegenAirOutTemp = 0.0;    // max allowable regen outlet air temperature [C]
     334             :         Real64 T_MinRegenAirInRelHum = 0.0; // min allowable regen inlet air relative humidity [%]
     335             :         Real64 T_MaxRegenAirInRelHum = 0.0; // max allowable regen inlet air relative humidity [%]
     336             :         Real64 T_MinProcAirInRelHum = 0.0;  // min allowable process inlet air relative humidity [%]
     337             :         Real64 T_MaxProcAirInRelHum = 0.0;  // max allowable process inlet air relative humidity [%]
     338             : 
     339             :         std::array<Real64, 8> C = {0}; // regeneration outlet humidity ratio equation coefficients and limits
     340             :         // index 0: constant coefficient for outlet regen humidity ratio equation
     341             :         // index 1: regen inlet humidity ratio coefficient for outlet regen humidity ratio eq
     342             :         // index 2: regen inlet temp coefficient for outlet regen humidity ratio equation
     343             :         // index 3: (regen in humrat/regen in temp) coefficient for outlet regen humidity ratio eq
     344             :         // index 4: process inlet humidity ratio coefficient for outlet regen humidity ratio eq
     345             :         // index 5: process inlet temp coefficient for outlet regen humidity ratio eq
     346             :         // index 6: (proc in humrat/proc in temp) coefficient for outlet regen humidity ratio eq
     347             :         // index 7: process, regen face velocity coefficient for outlet regen humidity ratio eq
     348             : 
     349             :         Real64 H_MinRegenAirInTemp = 0.0;   // min allowable regen inlet air temperature [C]
     350             :         Real64 H_MaxRegenAirInTemp = 0.0;   // max allowable regen inlet air temperature [C]
     351             :         Real64 H_MinRegenAirInHumRat = 0.0; // min allowable regen inlet air humidity ratio [kg water / kg air]
     352             :         Real64 H_MaxRegenAirInHumRat = 0.0; // max allowable regen inlet air humidity ratio [kg water / kg air]
     353             :         Real64 H_MinProcAirInTemp = 0.0;    // min allowable process inlet air temperature [C]
     354             :         Real64 H_MaxProcAirInTemp = 0.0;    // max allowable process inlet air temperature [C]
     355             :         Real64 H_MinProcAirInHumRat = 0.0;  // min allowable process inlet air humidity ratio [kg water/kg air]
     356             :         Real64 H_MaxProcAirInHumRat = 0.0;  // max allowable process inlet air humidity ratio [kg water/kg air]
     357             :         Real64 H_MinFaceVel = 0.0;          // min allowable process, regen face velocity [m/s]
     358             :         Real64 H_MaxFaceVel = 0.0;          // max allowable process, regen face velocity [m/s]
     359             :         Real64 MinRegenAirOutHumRat = 0.0;  // min allowable regen outlet air temperature [C]
     360             :         Real64 MaxRegenAirOutHumRat = 0.0;  // max allowable regen outlet air temperature [C]
     361             :         Real64 H_MinRegenAirInRelHum = 0.0; // min allowable regen inlet air relative humidity [%]
     362             :         Real64 H_MaxRegenAirInRelHum = 0.0; // max allowable regen inlet air relative humidity [%]
     363             :         Real64 H_MinProcAirInRelHum = 0.0;  // min allowable process inlet air relative humidity [%]
     364             :         Real64 H_MaxProcAirInRelHum = 0.0;  // max allowable process inlet air relative humidity [%]
     365             : 
     366             :         // for model bound checking
     367             :         ErrorTracker regenInRelHumTempErr;    // regen inlet relative humidity for temperature equation
     368             :         ErrorTracker procInRelHumTempErr;     // process inlet relative humidity for temperature equation
     369             :         ErrorTracker regenInRelHumHumRatErr;  // regen inlet relative humidity for humidity ratio equation
     370             :         ErrorTracker procInRelHumHumRatErr;   // process inlet relative humidity for humidity ratio equation
     371             :         ErrorTracker regenOutHumRatFailedErr; // regen outlet hum rat variables used when regen outlet humidity ratio is below regen inlet humrat,
     372             :                                               // verify coefficients warning issued
     373             :         ErrorTracker imbalancedFlowErr;       // used when regen and process mass flow rates are not equal to within 2%
     374             :         ErrorTracker T_RegenInTempError;      // regen outlet temp eqn
     375             :         ErrorTracker T_RegenInHumRatError;    //- T_RegenInhumidity ratio = Regen inlet humidity ratio
     376             :         ErrorTracker T_ProcInTempError;       //- T_ProcInTemp = Process inlet temperature
     377             :         ErrorTracker T_ProcInHumRatError;     //- T_ProcInhumidity ratio = Process inlet humidity ratio
     378             :         ErrorTracker T_FaceVelError;          //- T_FaceVel = Process and regen face velocity
     379             :         ErrorTracker regenOutTempError;       //- T_RegenOutTemp = Regen outlet temperature
     380             :         ErrorTracker regenOutTempFailedError;
     381             :         ErrorTracker H_RegenInTempError;   // regen outlet humidity ratio variables
     382             :         ErrorTracker H_RegenInHumRatError; //- H_RegenInhumidity ratio = Regen inlet humidity ratio
     383             :         ErrorTracker H_ProcInTempError;    //- H_ProcInTemp = Process inlet temperature
     384             :         ErrorTracker H_ProcInHumRatError;  //- H_ProcInhumidity ratio = Process inlet humidity ratio
     385             :         ErrorTracker H_FaceVelError;       //- H_FaceVel = Process and regen face velocity
     386             :         ErrorTracker regenOutHumRatError;  //- H_RegenOutTemp = Regen outlet temperature
     387             : 
     388             :         Array1D_string NumericFieldNames;
     389             :     };
     390             : 
     391             :     void SimHeatRecovery(EnergyPlusData &state,
     392             :                          std::string_view CompName,                   // name of the heat exchanger unit
     393             :                          bool FirstHVACIteration,                     // TRUE if 1st HVAC simulation of system timestep
     394             :                          int &CompIndex,                              // Pointer to Component
     395             :                          int FanOpMode,                               // Supply air fan operating mode
     396             :                          Optional<Real64 const> HXPartLoadRatio = _,  // Part load ratio requested of DX compressor
     397             :                          Optional_bool_const HXUnitEnable = _,        // Flag to operate heat exchanger
     398             :                          Optional_int_const CompanionCoilIndex = _,   // index of companion cooling coil
     399             :                          Optional_bool_const RegenInletIsOANode = _,  // flag to determine if supply inlet is OA node, if so air flow cycles
     400             :                          Optional_bool_const EconomizerFlag = _,      // economizer operation flag passed by airloop or OA sys
     401             :                          Optional_bool_const HighHumCtrlFlag = _,     // high humidity control flag passed by airloop or OA sys
     402             :                          Optional_int_const CompanionCoilType_Num = _ // cooling coil type of coil
     403             :     );
     404             : 
     405             :     void GetHeatRecoveryInput(EnergyPlusData &state);
     406             : 
     407             :     Real64 SafeDiv(Real64 a, Real64 b);
     408             : 
     409             :     Real64 CalculateEpsFromNTUandZ(EnergyPlusData &state,
     410             :                                    Real64 NTU,             // number of transfer units
     411             :                                    Real64 Z,               // capacity rate ratio
     412             :                                    HXConfiguration FlowArr // flow arrangement
     413             :     );
     414             : 
     415             :     void CalculateNTUfromEpsAndZ(EnergyPlusData &state,
     416             :                                  Real64 &NTU,                   // number of transfer units
     417             :                                  CalculateNTUBoundsErrors &Err, // error indicator
     418             :                                  Real64 Z,                      // capacity rate ratio
     419             :                                  HXConfiguration FlowArr,       // flow arrangement
     420             :                                  Real64 Eps                     // heat exchanger effectiveness
     421             :     );
     422             : 
     423             :     Real64 GetNTUforCrossFlowBothUnmixed(EnergyPlusData &state,
     424             :                                          Real64 Eps, // heat exchanger effectiveness
     425             :                                          Real64 Z    // capacity rate ratio
     426             :     );
     427             : 
     428             :     int GetSupplyInletNode(EnergyPlusData &state,
     429             :                            std::string const &HXName, // must match HX names for the ExchCond type
     430             :                            bool &ErrorsFound          // set to true if problem
     431             :     );
     432             : 
     433             :     int GetSupplyOutletNode(EnergyPlusData &state,
     434             :                             std::string const &HXName, // must match HX names for the ExchCond type
     435             :                             bool &ErrorsFound          // set to true if problem
     436             :     );
     437             : 
     438             :     int GetSecondaryInletNode(EnergyPlusData &state,
     439             :                               std::string const &HXName, // must match HX names for the ExchCond type
     440             :                               bool &ErrorsFound          // set to true if problem
     441             :     );
     442             : 
     443             :     int GetSecondaryOutletNode(EnergyPlusData &state,
     444             :                                std::string const &HXName, // must match HX names for the ExchCond type
     445             :                                bool &ErrorsFound          // set to true if problem
     446             :     );
     447             : 
     448             :     Real64 GetSupplyAirFlowRate(EnergyPlusData &state,
     449             :                                 std::string const &HXName, // must match HX names for the ExchCond type
     450             :                                 bool &ErrorsFound          // set to true if problem
     451             :     );
     452             : 
     453             :     int GetHeatExchangerObjectTypeNum(EnergyPlusData &state,
     454             :                                       std::string const &HXName, // must match HX names for the ExchCond type
     455             :                                       bool &ErrorsFound          // set to true if problem
     456             :     );
     457             : 
     458             :     void SetHeatExchangerData(EnergyPlusData &state,
     459             :                               int HXNum,                               // Index of HX
     460             :                               bool &ErrorsFound,                       // Set to true if certain errors found
     461             :                               std::string const &HXName,               // Name of HX
     462             :                               Optional<Real64> SupplyAirVolFlow = _,   // HX supply air flow rate    [m3/s]
     463             :                               Optional<Real64> SecondaryAirVolFlow = _ // HX secondary air flow rate [m3/s]
     464             :     );
     465             : 
     466             : } // namespace HeatRecovery
     467             : 
     468        9252 : struct ErrorTracker2
     469             : {
     470             :     std::string OutputChar;          // character string for warning messages
     471             :     std::string OutputCharLo;        // character string for warning messages
     472             :     std::string OutputCharHi;        // character string for warning messages
     473             :     std::string CharValue;           // character string for warning messages
     474             :     Real64 TimeStepSysLast = 0.0;    // last system time step (used to check for downshifting)
     475             :     Real64 CurrentEndTime = 0.0;     // end time of time step for current simulation time step
     476             :     Real64 CurrentEndTimeLast = 0.0; // end time of time step for last simulation time step
     477             : };
     478             : 
     479        1542 : struct HeatRecoveryData : BaseGlobalStruct
     480             : {
     481             : 
     482             :     int NumHeatExchangers = 0;       // number of heat exchangers
     483             :     Real64 FullLoadOutAirTemp = 0.0; // Used with desiccant HX empirical model, water coils use inlet node condition
     484             :     // DX coils use DXCoilFullLoadOutAirTemp when coil is ON otherwise inlet node
     485             :     Real64 FullLoadOutAirHumRat = 0.0; // Used with desiccant HX empirical model, water coils use inlet node condition
     486             :     // DX coils use DXCoilFullLoadOutAirHumRat when coil is ON otherwise inlet node
     487             :     bool GetInputFlag = true;           // First time, input is "gotten"
     488             :     bool CalledFromParentObject = true; // Indicates that HX is called from parent object (this object is not on a branch)
     489             :     Array1D_bool CheckEquipName;
     490             :     ErrorTracker2 error1;
     491             :     ErrorTracker2 error2;
     492             :     ErrorTracker2 error3;
     493             :     ErrorTracker2 error4;
     494             :     ErrorTracker2 error5;
     495             :     ErrorTracker2 error6;
     496             :     std::string OutputCharProc;       // character string for warning messages
     497             :     std::string OutputCharRegen;      // character string for warning messages
     498             :     Real64 TimeStepSysLast7 = 0.0;    // last system time step (used to check for downshifting)
     499             :     Real64 CurrentEndTime7 = 0.0;     // end time of time step for current simulation time step
     500             :     Real64 CurrentEndTimeLast7 = 0.0; // end time of time step for last simulation time step
     501             :     Real64 RegenInletRH = 0.0;        // Regeneration inlet air relative humidity
     502             :     Real64 ProcInletRH = 0.0;         // Process inlet air relative humidity
     503             :     Real64 RegenInletRH2 = 0.0;       // Regeneration inlet air relative humidity
     504             :     Real64 ProcInletRH2 = 0.0;        // Process inlet air relative humidity
     505             : 
     506             :     std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> HeatExchangerUniqueNames;
     507             :     Array1D<HeatRecovery::HeatExchCond> ExchCond;
     508             :     Array1D<HeatRecovery::BalancedDesDehumPerfData> BalDesDehumPerfData;
     509             : 
     510           0 :     void clear_state() override
     511             :     {
     512           0 :         *this = HeatRecoveryData();
     513           0 :     }
     514             : };
     515             : 
     516             : } // namespace EnergyPlus
     517             : 
     518             : #endif

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