LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - EnergyPlus - (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: lcov.output.filtered Lines: 3777 4828 78.2 %
Date: 2023-01-17 19:17:23 Functions: 37 37 100.0 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : // EnergyPlus, Copyright (c) 1996-2023, The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois,
       2             : // The Regents of the University of California, through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
       3             : // (subject to receipt of any required approvals from the U.S. Dept. of Energy), Oak Ridge
       4             : // National Laboratory, managed by UT-Battelle, Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC, and other
       5             : // contributors. All rights reserved.
       6             : //
       7             : // NOTICE: This Software was developed under funding from the U.S. Department of Energy and the
       8             : // U.S. Government consequently retains certain rights. As such, the U.S. Government has been
       9             : // granted for itself and others acting on its behalf a paid-up, nonexclusive, irrevocable,
      10             : // worldwide license in the Software to reproduce, distribute copies to the public, prepare
      11             : // derivative works, and perform publicly and display publicly, and to permit others to do so.
      12             : //
      13             : // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted
      14             : // provided that the following conditions are met:
      15             : //
      16             : // (1) Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of
      17             : //     conditions and the following disclaimer.
      18             : //
      19             : // (2) Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of
      20             : //     conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
      21             : //     provided with the distribution.
      22             : //
      23             : // (3) Neither the name of the University of California, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,
      24             : //     the University of Illinois, U.S. Dept. of Energy nor the names of its contributors may be
      25             : //     used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior
      26             : //     written permission.
      27             : //
      28             : // (4) Use of EnergyPlus(TM) Name. If Licensee (i) distributes the software in stand-alone form
      29             : //     without changes from the version obtained under this License, or (ii) Licensee makes a
      30             : //     reference solely to the software portion of its product, Licensee must refer to the
      31             : //     software as "EnergyPlus version X" software, where "X" is the version number Licensee
      32             : //     obtained under this License and may not use a different name for the software. Except as
      33             : //     specifically required in this Section (4), Licensee shall not use in a company name, a
      34             : //     product name, in advertising, publicity, or other promotional activities any name, trade
      35             : //     name, trademark, logo, or other designation of "EnergyPlus", "E+", "e+" or confusingly
      36             : //     similar designation, without the U.S. Department of Energy's prior written consent.
      37             : //
      46             : // POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.
      47             : 
      48             : // C++ Headers
      49             : #include <cmath>
      50             : #include <map>
      51             : #include <string>
      52             : 
      53             : // ObjexxFCL Headers
      54             : #include <ObjexxFCL/Array.functions.hh>
      55             : #include <ObjexxFCL/Array1D.hh>
      56             : #include <ObjexxFCL/Fmath.hh>
      57             : 
      58             : // EnergyPlus Headers
      59             : #include <EnergyPlus/CurveManager.hh>
      60             : #include <EnergyPlus/Data/EnergyPlusData.hh>
      61             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataContaminantBalance.hh>
      62             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataDaylighting.hh>
      63             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataEnvironment.hh>
      64             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataHVACGlobals.hh>
      65             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataHeatBalSurface.hh>
      66             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataHeatBalance.hh>
      67             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataIPShortCuts.hh>
      68             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataLoopNode.hh>
      69             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataPrecisionGlobals.hh>
      70             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataRoomAirModel.hh>
      71             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataViewFactorInformation.hh>
      72             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataZoneEquipment.hh>
      73             : #include <EnergyPlus/DaylightingDevices.hh>
      74             : #include <EnergyPlus/EMSManager.hh>
      75             : #include <EnergyPlus/ElectricPowerServiceManager.hh>
      76             : #include <EnergyPlus/ExteriorEnergyUse.hh>
      77             : #include <EnergyPlus/FuelCellElectricGenerator.hh>
      78             : #include <EnergyPlus/General.hh>
      79             : #include <EnergyPlus/HeatBalanceInternalHeatGains.hh>
      80             : #include <EnergyPlus/HybridModel.hh>
      81             : #include <EnergyPlus/InputProcessing/InputProcessor.hh>
      82             : #include <EnergyPlus/InternalHeatGains.hh>
      83             : #include <EnergyPlus/MicroCHPElectricGenerator.hh>
      84             : #include <EnergyPlus/NodeInputManager.hh>
      85             : #include <EnergyPlus/OutputProcessor.hh>
      86             : #include <EnergyPlus/OutputReportPredefined.hh>
      87             : #include <EnergyPlus/OutputReportTabular.hh>
      88             : #include <EnergyPlus/PipeHeatTransfer.hh>
      89             : #include <EnergyPlus/Psychrometrics.hh>
      90             : #include <EnergyPlus/RefrigeratedCase.hh>
      91             : #include <EnergyPlus/ScheduleManager.hh>
      92             : #include <EnergyPlus/SetPointManager.hh>
      93             : #include <EnergyPlus/UtilityRoutines.hh>
      94             : #include <EnergyPlus/WaterThermalTanks.hh>
      95             : #include <EnergyPlus/WaterUse.hh>
      96             : #include <EnergyPlus/ZonePlenum.hh>
      97             : #include <EnergyPlus/ZoneTempPredictorCorrector.hh>
      98             : 
      99             : namespace EnergyPlus {
     100             : 
     101             : namespace InternalHeatGains {
     102             :     // Module containing the routines dealing with the internal heat gains
     103             : 
     104             :     // MODULE INFORMATION:
     105             :     //       AUTHOR         Rick Strand
     106             :     //       DATE WRITTEN   August 2000
     107             :     //       MODIFIED       Aug 2005, PGE (Added object names and report variables)
     108             :     //                      Feb 2006, PGE (Added end-use subcategories)
     109             :     //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
     110             : 
     111             :     // PURPOSE OF THIS MODULE:
     112             :     // Part of the heat balance modularization/re-engineering.  Purpose of this
     113             :     // module is to contain the internal heat gain routines in a single location.
     114             : 
     115             :     // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
     116             :     // Routines are called as subroutines to supply the data-only module structures
     117             :     // with the proper values.
     118             : 
     119             :     // REFERENCES:
     120             :     // Legacy BLAST code
     121             : 
     122             :     // OTHER NOTES: none
     123             : 
     124             :     // Using/Aliasing
     125             :     using namespace DataEnvironment;
     126             :     using namespace DataHeatBalance;
     127             :     using namespace DataSurfaces;
     128             : 
     129     2569280 :     void ManageInternalHeatGains(EnergyPlusData &state,
     130             :                                  Optional_bool_const InitOnly) // when true, just calls the get input, if appropriate and returns.
     131             :     {
     132             : 
     133             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
     134             :         //       AUTHOR         Rick Strand
     135             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   May 2000
     136             :         //       MODIFIED       Mar 2004, FCW: move call to DayltgElecLightingControl from InitSurfaceHeatBalance
     137             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
     138             : 
     139             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
     140             :         // This is the main driver subroutine for the internal heat gains.
     141             : 
     142     2569280 :         if (state.dataInternalHeatGains->GetInternalHeatGainsInputFlag) {
     143         771 :             GetInternalHeatGainsInput(state);
     144         771 :             state.dataInternalHeatGains->GetInternalHeatGainsInputFlag = false;
     145             :         }
     146             : 
     147     2569280 :         if (present(InitOnly)) {
     148     2569280 :             if (InitOnly) return;
     149             :         }
     150             : 
     151     2568509 :         InitInternalHeatGains(state);
     152             : 
     153     2568509 :         ReportInternalHeatGains(state);
     154             : 
     155     2568509 :         CheckReturnAirHeatGain(state);
     156             : 
     157             :         // for the load component report, gather the load components for each timestep but not when doing pulse
     158     2568509 :         if (state.dataGlobal->ZoneSizingCalc) GatherComponentLoadsIntGain(state);
     159             :     }
     160             : 
     161         771 :     void GetInternalHeatGainsInput(EnergyPlusData &state)
     162             :     {
     163             : 
     164             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
     165             :         //       AUTHOR         Linda K. Lawrie
     166             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   September 1997
     167             :         //       MODIFIED       September 1998, FW
     168             :         //                      May 2009, BG: added calls to setup for possible EMS override
     169             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  August 2000, RKS
     170             : 
     171             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
     172             :         // This subroutine gets the Internal Heat Gain Data for the Zones.
     173             :         // Sets up the various data that will be used later with the
     174             :         // schedulemanager to determine the actual values.
     175             : 
     176             :         // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
     177             :         // The GetObjectItem routines are employed to retrieve the data.
     178             : 
     179             :         // REFERENCES:
     180             :         // IDD Objects:
     181             :         // People
     182             :         // Lights
     183             :         // ElectricEquipment
     184             :         // GasEquipment
     185             :         // SteamEquipment
     186             :         // HotWaterEquipment
     187             :         // OtherEquipment
     188             :         // ElectricEquipment:ITE:AirCooled
     189             :         // ZoneBaseboard:OutdoorTemperatureControlled
     190             : 
     191             :         // Using/Aliasing
     192             :         using namespace ScheduleManager;
     193             :         using General::CheckCreatedZoneItemName;
     194             : 
     195             :         using namespace OutputReportPredefined;
     196             :         using namespace DataLoopNode;
     197             :         using Curve::GetCurveIndex;
     198             :         using NodeInputManager::GetOnlySingleNode;
     199             : 
     200             :         // SUBROUTINE PARAMETER DEFINITIONS:
     201             :         static constexpr std::string_view RoutineName("GetInternalHeatGains: ");
     202             : 
     203             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
     204             :         int IOStat;
     205             : 
     206             :         //   Variables for reporting nominal internal gains
     207             :         Real64 LightTot;       // Total Lights for calculating lights per square meter
     208             :         Real64 ElecTot;        // Total Electric Load for calculating electric per square meter
     209             :         Real64 GasTot;         // Total Gas load for calculating gas per square meter
     210             :         Real64 OthTot;         // Total Other load for calculating other load per square meter
     211             :         Real64 HWETot;         // Total Hot Water Equipment for calculating HWE per square meter
     212             :         Real64 StmTot;         // Total Steam for calculating Steam per square meter
     213        1542 :         std::string BBHeatInd; // Yes if BBHeat in zone, no if not.
     214             :         Real64 SchMin;
     215             :         Real64 SchMax;
     216        1542 :         std::string liteName;
     217             : 
     218             :         // Formats
     219             :         static constexpr std::string_view Format_720(" Zone Internal Gains Nominal, {},{:.2R},{:.1R},");
     220             :         static constexpr std::string_view Format_722(" {} Internal Gains Nominal, {},{},{},{:.2R},{:.1R},");
     221             :         static constexpr std::string_view Format_723(
     222             :             "! <{} Internal Gains Nominal>,Name,Schedule Name,Zone Name,Zone Floor Area {{m2}},# Zone Occupants,{}");
     223             :         static constexpr std::string_view Format_724(" {}, {}\n");
     224             : 
     225       29270 :         auto print_and_divide_if_greater_than_zero = [&](const Real64 numerator, const Real64 denominator) {
     226       29270 :             if (denominator > 0.0) {
     227       29270 :                 print(state.files.eio, "{:.3R},", numerator / denominator);
     228             :             } else {
     229        3314 :                 print(state.files.eio, "N/A,");
     230             :             }
     231       30041 :         };
     232             : 
     233         771 :         auto &ErrorsFound(state.dataInternalHeatGains->ErrorsFound);
     234             : 
     235             :         // TODO MJW: Punt for now, sometimes unit test need these to be allocated in AllocateZoneHeatBalArrays, but simulations need them here
     236         771 :         if (!state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain.allocated()) {
     237         771 :             DataHeatBalance::AllocateIntGains(state);
     238             :         }
     239         771 :         state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt.allocate(state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones);
     240         771 :         state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt.allocate(state.dataGlobal->numSpaces);
     241         771 :         state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntEEuse.allocate(state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones);
     242         771 :         state.dataHeatBal->RefrigCaseCredit.allocate(state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones);
     243             : 
     244        1542 :         Array1D_bool RepVarSet;
     245         771 :         RepVarSet.allocate(state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones);
     246        5585 :         for (int zoneNum = 1; zoneNum <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++zoneNum) {
     247        4814 :             RepVarSet(zoneNum) = true;
     248             :         }
     249             : 
     250        1542 :         const std::string peopleModuleObject = "People";
     251        1542 :         const std::string lightsModuleObject = "Lights";
     252        1542 :         const std::string elecEqModuleObject = "ElectricEquipment";
     253        1542 :         const std::string gasEqModuleObject = "GasEquipment";
     254        1542 :         const std::string hwEqModuleObject = "HotWaterEquipment";
     255        1542 :         const std::string stmEqModuleObject = "SteamEquipment";
     256        1542 :         const std::string othEqModuleObject = "OtherEquipment";
     257        1542 :         const std::string itEqModuleObject = "ElectricEquipment:ITE:AirCooled";
     258        1542 :         const std::string bbModuleObject = "ZoneBaseboard:OutdoorTemperatureControlled";
     259        1542 :         const std::string contamSSModuleObject = "ZoneContaminantSourceAndSink:CarbonDioxide";
     260             : 
     261             :         // Because there are occassions where getObjectItem will be called a second time within the routine (#9680)
     262             :         // We should use local arrays instead of state.dataIPShortCut
     263         771 :         int IHGNumAlphas = 0;
     264         771 :         int IHGNumNumbers = 0;
     265        1542 :         Array1D<Real64> IHGNumbers;
     266        1542 :         Array1D_string IHGAlphas;
     267        1542 :         Array1D_bool IHGNumericFieldBlanks;
     268        1542 :         Array1D_bool IHGAlphaFieldBlanks;
     269        1542 :         Array1D_string IHGAlphaFieldNames;
     270        1542 :         Array1D_string IHGNumericFieldNames;
     271             : 
     272             :         {
     273         771 :             int MaxAlphas = 0;
     274         771 :             int MaxNums = 0;
     275         771 :             int NumParams = 0;
     276       15420 :             for (const auto &moduleName : {peopleModuleObject,
     277             :                                            lightsModuleObject,
     278             :                                            elecEqModuleObject,
     279             :                                            gasEqModuleObject,
     280             :                                            hwEqModuleObject,
     281             :                                            stmEqModuleObject,
     282             :                                            othEqModuleObject,
     283             :                                            itEqModuleObject,
     284             :                                            bbModuleObject,
     285        1542 :                                            contamSSModuleObject}) {
     286        7710 :                 state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectDefMaxArgs(state, moduleName, NumParams, IHGNumAlphas, IHGNumNumbers);
     287        7710 :                 MaxAlphas = std::max(MaxAlphas, IHGNumAlphas);
     288        7710 :                 MaxNums = std::max(MaxNums, IHGNumNumbers);
     289             :             }
     290         771 :             IHGAlphas.allocate(MaxAlphas);
     291         771 :             IHGAlphaFieldNames.allocate(MaxAlphas);
     292         771 :             IHGAlphaFieldBlanks.dimension(MaxAlphas, true);
     293             : 
     294         771 :             IHGNumbers.dimension(MaxNums, 0.0);
     295         771 :             IHGNumericFieldNames.allocate(MaxNums);
     296         771 :             IHGNumericFieldBlanks.dimension(MaxNums, true);
     297         771 :             IHGNumAlphas = 0;
     298         771 :             IHGNumNumbers = 0;
     299             :         }
     300             : 
     301             :         // PEOPLE: Includes both information related to the heat balance and thermal comfort
     302        1542 :         EPVector<InternalHeatGains::GlobalInternalGainMiscObject> peopleObjects;
     303         771 :         int numPeopleStatements = 0;
     304         771 :         setupIHGZonesAndSpaces(state, peopleModuleObject, peopleObjects, numPeopleStatements, state.dataHeatBal->TotPeople, ErrorsFound);
     305             : 
     306         771 :         if (state.dataHeatBal->TotPeople > 0) {
     307         642 :             state.dataHeatBal->People.allocate(state.dataHeatBal->TotPeople);
     308         642 :             int peopleNum = 0;
     309        4466 :             for (int peopleInputNum = 1; peopleInputNum <= numPeopleStatements; ++peopleInputNum) {
     310        3824 :                 state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectItem(state,
     311             :                                                                          peopleModuleObject,
     312             :                                                                          peopleInputNum,
     313             :                                                                          IHGAlphas,
     314             :                                                                          IHGNumAlphas,
     315             :                                                                          IHGNumbers,
     316             :                                                                          IHGNumNumbers,
     317             :                                                                          IOStat,
     318             :                                                                          IHGNumericFieldBlanks,
     319             :                                                                          IHGAlphaFieldBlanks,
     320             :                                                                          IHGAlphaFieldNames,
     321             :                                                                          IHGNumericFieldNames);
     322             : 
     323             :                 // Create one People instance for every space associated with this People input object
     324        3824 :                 auto &thisPeopleInput = peopleObjects(peopleInputNum);
     325        7694 :                 for (int Item1 = 1; Item1 <= thisPeopleInput.numOfSpaces; ++Item1) {
     326        3870 :                     ++peopleNum;
     327        3870 :                     auto &thisPeople = state.dataHeatBal->People(peopleNum);
     328        3870 :                     int const spaceNum = thisPeopleInput.spaceNums(Item1);
     329        3870 :                     int const zoneNum = state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).zoneNum;
     330        3870 :                     thisPeople.Name = thisPeopleInput.names(Item1);
     331        3870 :                     thisPeople.spaceIndex = spaceNum;
     332        3870 :                     thisPeople.ZonePtr = zoneNum;
     333             : 
     334        3870 :                     thisPeople.NumberOfPeoplePtr = GetScheduleIndex(state, IHGAlphas(3));
     335        3870 :                     SchMin = 0.0;
     336        3870 :                     SchMax = 0.0;
     337        3870 :                     if (thisPeople.NumberOfPeoplePtr == 0) {
     338           0 :                         if (Item1 == 1) { // only show error on first one
     339           0 :                             if (IHGAlphaFieldBlanks(3)) {
     340           0 :                                 ShowSevereError(state,
     341           0 :                                                 std::string{RoutineName} + peopleModuleObject + "=\"" + IHGAlphas(1) + "\", " +
     342           0 :                                                     IHGAlphaFieldNames(3) + " is required.");
     343             :                             } else {
     344           0 :                                 ShowSevereError(state,
     345           0 :                                                 std::string{RoutineName} + peopleModuleObject + "=\"" + IHGAlphas(1) + "\", invalid " +
     346           0 :                                                     IHGAlphaFieldNames(3) + " entered=" + IHGAlphas(3));
     347             :                             }
     348           0 :                             ErrorsFound = true;
     349             :                         }
     350             :                     } else { // check min/max on schedule
     351        3870 :                         SchMin = GetScheduleMinValue(state, thisPeople.NumberOfPeoplePtr);
     352        3870 :                         SchMax = GetScheduleMaxValue(state, thisPeople.NumberOfPeoplePtr);
     353        3870 :                         if (SchMin < 0.0 || SchMax < 0.0) {
     354           0 :                             if (Item1 == 1) {
     355           0 :                                 if (SchMin < 0.0) {
     356           0 :                                     ShowSevereError(state,
     357           0 :                                                     std::string{RoutineName} + peopleModuleObject + "=\"" + IHGAlphas(1) + "\", " +
     358           0 :                                                         IHGAlphaFieldNames(3) + ", minimum is < 0.0");
     359           0 :                                     ShowContinueError(state,
     360           0 :                                                       format("Schedule=\"{}\". Minimum is [{:.1R}]. Values must be >= 0.0.", IHGAlphas(3), SchMin));
     361           0 :                                     ErrorsFound = true;
     362             :                                 }
     363             :                             }
     364           0 :                             if (Item1 == 1) {
     365           0 :                                 if (SchMax < 0.0) {
     366           0 :                                     ShowSevereError(state,
     367           0 :                                                     std::string{RoutineName} + peopleModuleObject + "=\"" + IHGAlphas(1) + "\", " +
     368           0 :                                                         IHGAlphaFieldNames(3) + ", maximum is < 0.0");
     369           0 :                                     ShowContinueError(state,
     370           0 :                                                       format("Schedule=\"{}\". Maximum is [{:.1R}]. Values must be >= 0.0.", IHGAlphas(3), SchMax));
     371           0 :                                     ErrorsFound = true;
     372             :                                 }
     373             :                             }
     374             :                         }
     375             :                     }
     376             : 
     377             :                     // Number of people calculation method.
     378             :                     {
     379        7740 :                         auto const peopleMethod(IHGAlphas(4));
     380        3870 :                         if (peopleMethod == "PEOPLE") {
     381             :                             // Set space load fraction
     382        2752 :                             Real64 spaceFrac = 1.0;
     383        2752 :                             if (thisPeopleInput.numOfSpaces > 1) {
     384           6 :                                 Real64 const zoneArea = state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).FloorArea;
     385           6 :                                 if (zoneArea > 0.0) {
     386           6 :                                     spaceFrac = state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).floorArea / zoneArea;
     387             :                                 } else {
     388           0 :                                     ShowSevereError(state,
     389           0 :                                                     std::string(RoutineName) + "Zone floor area is zero when allocating People loads to Spaces.");
     390           0 :                                     ShowContinueError(state,
     391           0 :                                                       "Occurs for People object =" + thisPeopleInput.Name +
     392           0 :                                                           " in Zone=" + state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
     393           0 :                                     ErrorsFound = true;
     394             :                                 }
     395             :                             }
     396        2752 :                             thisPeople.NumberOfPeople = IHGNumbers(1) * spaceFrac;
     397        2752 :                             if (IHGNumericFieldBlanks(1)) {
     398          60 :                                 ShowWarningError(state,
     399          40 :                                                  std::string{RoutineName} + peopleModuleObject + "=\"" + thisPeople.Name + "\", specifies " +
     400          60 :                                                      IHGNumericFieldNames(1) + ", but that field is blank.  0 People will result.");
     401             :                             }
     402             : 
     403        1118 :                         } else if (peopleMethod == "PEOPLE/AREA") {
     404         125 :                             if (spaceNum != 0) {
     405         125 :                                 if (IHGNumbers(2) >= 0.0) {
     406         125 :                                     thisPeople.NumberOfPeople = IHGNumbers(2) * state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).floorArea;
     407         126 :                                     if ((state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).floorArea <= 0.0) &&
     408           1 :                                         !state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).isRemainderSpace) {
     409           0 :                                         ShowWarningError(state,
     410           0 :                                                          std::string{RoutineName} + peopleModuleObject + "=\"" + thisPeople.Name + "\", specifies " +
     411           0 :                                                              IHGNumericFieldNames(2) + ", but Space Floor Area = 0.  0 People will result.");
     412             :                                     }
     413             :                                 } else {
     414           0 :                                     ShowSevereError(state,
     415           0 :                                                     format("{}{}=\"{}\", invalid {}, value  [<0.0]={:.3R}",
     416             :                                                            RoutineName,
     417             :                                                            peopleModuleObject,
     418             :                                                            thisPeople.Name,
     419             :                                                            IHGNumericFieldNames(2),
     420           0 :                                                            IHGNumbers(2)));
     421           0 :                                     ErrorsFound = true;
     422             :                                 }
     423             :                             }
     424         125 :                             if (IHGNumericFieldBlanks(2)) {
     425           0 :                                 ShowWarningError(state,
     426           0 :                                                  std::string{RoutineName} + peopleModuleObject + "=\"" + thisPeople.Name + "\", specifies " +
     427           0 :                                                      IHGNumericFieldNames(2) + ", but that field is blank.  0 People will result.");
     428             :                             }
     429             : 
     430         993 :                         } else if (peopleMethod == "AREA/PERSON") {
     431         993 :                             if (spaceNum != 0) {
     432         993 :                                 if (IHGNumbers(3) > 0.0) {
     433         993 :                                     thisPeople.NumberOfPeople = state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).floorArea / IHGNumbers(3);
     434         993 :                                     if ((state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).floorArea <= 0.0) &&
     435           0 :                                         !state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).isRemainderSpace) {
     436           0 :                                         ShowWarningError(state,
     437           0 :                                                          std::string{RoutineName} + peopleModuleObject + "=\"" + thisPeople.Name + "\", specifies " +
     438           0 :                                                              IHGNumericFieldNames(3) + ", but Space Floor Area = 0.  0 People will result.");
     439             :                                     }
     440             :                                 } else {
     441           0 :                                     ShowSevereError(state,
     442           0 :                                                     format("{}{}=\"{}\", invalid {}, value  [<0.0]={:.3R}",
     443             :                                                            RoutineName,
     444             :                                                            peopleModuleObject,
     445             :                                                            thisPeople.Name,
     446             :                                                            IHGNumericFieldNames(3),
     447           0 :                                                            IHGNumbers(3)));
     448           0 :                                     ErrorsFound = true;
     449             :                                 }
     450             :                             }
     451         993 :                             if (IHGNumericFieldBlanks(3)) {
     452           0 :                                 ShowWarningError(state,
     453           0 :                                                  std::string{RoutineName} + peopleModuleObject + "=\"" + thisPeople.Name + "\", specifies " +
     454           0 :                                                      IHGNumericFieldNames(3) + ", but that field is blank.  0 People will result.");
     455             :                             }
     456             : 
     457             :                         } else {
     458           0 :                             if (Item1 == 1) {
     459           0 :                                 ShowSevereError(state,
     460           0 :                                                 std::string{RoutineName} + peopleModuleObject + "=\"" + IHGAlphas(1) + "\", invalid " +
     461           0 :                                                     IHGAlphaFieldNames(4) + ", value  =" + IHGAlphas(4));
     462           0 :                                 ShowContinueError(state, "...Valid values are \"People\", \"People/Area\", \"Area/Person\".");
     463           0 :                                 ErrorsFound = true;
     464             :                             }
     465             :                         }
     466             :                     }
     467             : 
     468             :                     // Calculate nominal min/max people
     469        3870 :                     thisPeople.NomMinNumberPeople = thisPeople.NumberOfPeople * SchMin;
     470        3870 :                     thisPeople.NomMaxNumberPeople = thisPeople.NumberOfPeople * SchMax;
     471             : 
     472        3870 :                     if (zoneNum > 0) {
     473        3870 :                         state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).TotOccupants += thisPeople.NumberOfPeople;
     474             :                         // Note that min/max occupants are non-coincident
     475        3870 :                         state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).minOccupants += thisPeople.NomMinNumberPeople;
     476        3870 :                         state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).maxOccupants += thisPeople.NomMaxNumberPeople;
     477             :                     }
     478             : 
     479        3870 :                     if (spaceNum > 0) {
     480        3870 :                         state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).totOccupants += thisPeople.NumberOfPeople;
     481             :                         // Note that min/max occupants are non-coincident
     482        3870 :                         state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).minOccupants += thisPeople.NomMinNumberPeople;
     483        3870 :                         state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).maxOccupants += thisPeople.NomMaxNumberPeople;
     484             :                     }
     485        3870 :                     thisPeople.FractionRadiant = IHGNumbers(4);
     486        3870 :                     thisPeople.FractionConvected = 1.0 - thisPeople.FractionRadiant;
     487        3870 :                     if (Item1 == 1) {
     488        3824 :                         if (thisPeople.FractionConvected < 0.0) {
     489           0 :                             ShowSevereError(state,
     490           0 :                                             format("{}{}=\"{}\", {} < 0.0, value ={:.2R}",
     491             :                                                    RoutineName,
     492             :                                                    peopleModuleObject,
     493             :                                                    IHGAlphas(1),
     494             :                                                    IHGNumericFieldNames(4),
     495           0 :                                                    IHGNumbers(4)));
     496           0 :                             ErrorsFound = true;
     497             :                         }
     498             :                     }
     499             : 
     500        3870 :                     if (IHGNumNumbers >= 5 && !IHGNumericFieldBlanks(5)) {
     501        1959 :                         thisPeople.UserSpecSensFrac = IHGNumbers(5);
     502             :                     } else {
     503        1911 :                         thisPeople.UserSpecSensFrac = DataGlobalConstants::AutoCalculate;
     504             :                     }
     505             : 
     506        3870 :                     if (IHGNumNumbers >= 6 && !IHGNumericFieldBlanks(6)) {
     507        1123 :                         thisPeople.CO2RateFactor = IHGNumbers(6);
     508             :                     } else {
     509        2747 :                         thisPeople.CO2RateFactor = 3.82e-8; // m3/s-W
     510             :                     }
     511             : 
     512        3870 :                     if (IHGNumNumbers >= 7 && !IHGNumericFieldBlanks(7)) {
     513           6 :                         thisPeople.ColdStressTempThresh = IHGNumbers(7);
     514             :                     } else {
     515        3864 :                         thisPeople.ColdStressTempThresh = 15.56; // degree C
     516             :                     }
     517             : 
     518        3870 :                     if (IHGNumNumbers == 8 && !IHGNumericFieldBlanks(8)) {
     519           6 :                         thisPeople.HeatStressTempThresh = IHGNumbers(8);
     520             :                     } else {
     521        3864 :                         thisPeople.HeatStressTempThresh = 30.0; // degree C
     522             :                     }
     523             : 
     524        3870 :                     if (thisPeople.CO2RateFactor < 0.0) {
     525           0 :                         ShowSevereError(state,
     526           0 :                                         format("{}{}=\"{}\", {} < 0.0, value ={:.2R}",
     527             :                                                RoutineName,
     528             :                                                peopleModuleObject,
     529             :                                                IHGAlphas(1),
     530             :                                                IHGNumericFieldNames(6),
     531           0 :                                                IHGNumbers(6)));
     532           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
     533             :                     }
     534             : 
     535        3870 :                     thisPeople.ActivityLevelPtr = GetScheduleIndex(state, IHGAlphas(5));
     536        3870 :                     if (thisPeople.ActivityLevelPtr == 0) {
     537           0 :                         if (Item1 == 1) {
     538           0 :                             if (IHGAlphaFieldBlanks(5)) {
     539           0 :                                 ShowSevereError(state,
     540           0 :                                                 std::string{RoutineName} + peopleModuleObject + "=\"" + IHGAlphas(1) + "\", " +
     541           0 :                                                     IHGAlphaFieldNames(5) + " is required.");
     542             :                             } else {
     543           0 :                                 ShowSevereError(state,
     544           0 :                                                 std::string{RoutineName} + peopleModuleObject + "=\"" + IHGAlphas(1) + "\", invalid " +
     545           0 :                                                     IHGAlphaFieldNames(5) + " entered=" + IHGAlphas(5));
     546             :                             }
     547           0 :                             ErrorsFound = true;
     548             :                         }
     549             :                     } else { // Check values in Schedule
     550        3870 :                         SchMin = GetScheduleMinValue(state, thisPeople.ActivityLevelPtr);
     551        3870 :                         SchMax = GetScheduleMaxValue(state, thisPeople.ActivityLevelPtr);
     552        3870 :                         if (SchMin < 0.0 || SchMax < 0.0) {
     553           0 :                             if (Item1 == 1) {
     554           0 :                                 if (SchMin < 0.0) {
     555           0 :                                     ShowSevereError(state,
     556           0 :                                                     std::string{RoutineName} + peopleModuleObject + "=\"" + IHGAlphas(1) + "\", " +
     557           0 :                                                         IHGAlphaFieldNames(5) + " minimum is < 0.0");
     558           0 :                                     ShowContinueError(state,
     559           0 :                                                       format("Schedule=\"{}\". Minimum is [{:.1R}]. Values must be >= 0.0.", IHGAlphas(5), SchMin));
     560           0 :                                     ErrorsFound = true;
     561             :                                 }
     562             :                             }
     563           0 :                             if (Item1 == 1) {
     564           0 :                                 if (SchMax < 0.0) {
     565           0 :                                     ShowSevereError(state,
     566           0 :                                                     std::string{RoutineName} + peopleModuleObject + "=\"" + IHGAlphas(1) + "\", " +
     567           0 :                                                         IHGAlphaFieldNames(5) + " maximum is < 0.0");
     568           0 :                                     ShowContinueError(state,
     569           0 :                                                       format("Schedule=\"{}\". Maximum is [{:.1R}]. Values must be >= 0.0.", IHGAlphas(5), SchMax));
     570           0 :                                     ErrorsFound = true;
     571             :                                 }
     572             :                             }
     573        3870 :                         } else if (SchMin < 70.0 || SchMax > 1000.0) {
     574           0 :                             if (Item1 == 1) {
     575           0 :                                 ShowWarningError(state,
     576           0 :                                                  std::string{RoutineName} + peopleModuleObject + "=\"" + IHGAlphas(1) + "\", " +
     577           0 :                                                      IHGAlphaFieldNames(5) + " values");
     578           0 :                                 ShowContinueError(state, "fall outside typical range [70,1000] W/person for Thermal Comfort Reporting.");
     579           0 :                                 ShowContinueError(state, "Odd comfort values may result; Schedule=\"" + IHGAlphas(5) + "\".");
     580           0 :                                 ShowContinueError(state, format("Entered min/max range=[{:.1R},] W/person.{:.1R}", SchMin, SchMax));
     581             :                             }
     582             :                         }
     583             :                     }
     584             : 
     585             :                     // Following is an optional parameter (ASHRAE 55 warnings
     586        3870 :                     if (IHGNumAlphas >= 6) {
     587        2576 :                         if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(IHGAlphas(6), "Yes")) {
     588           0 :                             thisPeople.Show55Warning = true;
     589        2576 :                         } else if (!UtilityRoutines::SameString(IHGAlphas(6), "No") && !IHGAlphaFieldBlanks(6)) {
     590           0 :                             if (Item1 == 1) {
     591           0 :                                 ShowSevereError(state,
     592           0 :                                                 std::string{RoutineName} + peopleModuleObject + "=\"" + IHGAlphas(1) + "\", " +
     593           0 :                                                     IHGAlphaFieldNames(6) + " field should be Yes or No");
     594           0 :                                 ShowContinueError(state, "...Field value=\"" + IHGAlphas(6) + "\" is invalid.");
     595           0 :                                 ErrorsFound = true;
     596             :                             }
     597             :                         }
     598             :                     }
     599             : 
     600        3870 :                     if (IHGNumAlphas > 6) { // Optional parameters present--thermal comfort data follows...
     601        2576 :                         int lastOption = 0;
     602        2576 :                         state.dataInternalHeatGains->UsingThermalComfort = false;
     603        2576 :                         if (IHGNumAlphas > 20) {
     604           7 :                             lastOption = 20;
     605             :                         } else {
     606        2569 :                             lastOption = IHGNumAlphas;
     607             :                         }
     608             : 
     609             :                         // check to see if the user has specified schedules for air velocity, clothing insulation, and/or work efficiency
     610             :                         // but have NOT made a selection for a thermal comfort model.  If so, then the schedules are reported as unused
     611             :                         // which could cause confusion.  The solution is for the user to either remove those schedules or pick a thermal
     612             :                         // comfort model.
     613        2576 :                         int constexpr NumFirstTCModel = 14;
     614        2576 :                         if (IHGNumAlphas < NumFirstTCModel) {
     615         127 :                             bool NoTCModelSelectedWithSchedules = false;
     616         127 :                             NoTCModelSelectedWithSchedules =
     617         127 :                                 CheckThermalComfortSchedules(IHGAlphaFieldBlanks(9), IHGAlphaFieldBlanks(12), IHGAlphaFieldBlanks(13));
     618         127 :                             if (NoTCModelSelectedWithSchedules) {
     619         102 :                                 ShowWarningError(state,
     620          68 :                                                  std::string{RoutineName} + peopleModuleObject + "=\"" + IHGAlphas(1) +
     621             :                                                      "\" has comfort related schedules but no thermal comfort model selected.");
     622          34 :                                 ShowContinueError(state,
     623             :                                                   "If schedules are specified for air velocity, clothing insulation, and/or work efficiency but no "
     624             :                                                   "thermal comfort");
     625          34 :                                 ShowContinueError(
     626             :                                     state, "thermal comfort model is selected, the schedules will be listed as unused schedules in the .err file.");
     627          34 :                                 ShowContinueError(
     628             :                                     state,
     629             :                                     "To avoid these errors, select a valid thermal comfort model or eliminate these schedules in the PEOPLE input.");
     630             :                             }
     631             :                         }
     632             : 
     633        5079 :                         for (int OptionNum = NumFirstTCModel; OptionNum <= lastOption; ++OptionNum) {
     634             : 
     635             :                             {
     636        5006 :                                 auto const thermalComfortType(IHGAlphas(OptionNum));
     637             : 
     638        2503 :                                 if (thermalComfortType == "FANGER") {
     639        2438 :                                     thisPeople.Fanger = true;
     640        2438 :                                     state.dataInternalHeatGains->UsingThermalComfort = true;
     641             : 
     642          65 :                                 } else if (thermalComfortType == "PIERCE") {
     643          11 :                                     thisPeople.Pierce = true;
     644          11 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->AnyThermalComfortPierceModel = true;
     645          11 :                                     state.dataInternalHeatGains->UsingThermalComfort = true;
     646             : 
     647          54 :                                 } else if (thermalComfortType == "KSU") {
     648           6 :                                     thisPeople.KSU = true;
     649           6 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->AnyThermalComfortKSUModel = true;
     650           6 :                                     state.dataInternalHeatGains->UsingThermalComfort = true;
     651             : 
     652          48 :                                 } else if (thermalComfortType == "ADAPTIVEASH55") {
     653           6 :                                     thisPeople.AdaptiveASH55 = true;
     654           6 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->AdaptiveComfortRequested_ASH55 = true;
     655           6 :                                     state.dataInternalHeatGains->UsingThermalComfort = true;
     656             : 
     657          42 :                                 } else if (thermalComfortType == "ADAPTIVECEN15251") {
     658           1 :                                     thisPeople.AdaptiveCEN15251 = true;
     659           1 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->AdaptiveComfortRequested_CEN15251 = true;
     660           1 :                                     state.dataInternalHeatGains->UsingThermalComfort = true;
     661             : 
     662          41 :                                 } else if (thermalComfortType == "COOLINGEFFECTASH55") {
     663           1 :                                     thisPeople.CoolingEffectASH55 = true;
     664           1 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->AnyThermalComfortCoolingEffectModel = true;
     665           1 :                                     state.dataInternalHeatGains->UsingThermalComfort = true;
     666             : 
     667          40 :                                 } else if (thermalComfortType == "ANKLEDRAFTASH55") {
     668           1 :                                     thisPeople.AnkleDraftASH55 = true;
     669           1 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->AnyThermalComfortAnkleDraftModel = true;
     670           1 :                                     state.dataInternalHeatGains->UsingThermalComfort = true;
     671             : 
     672          39 :                                 } else if (thermalComfortType == "") { // Blank input field--just ignore this
     673             : 
     674             :                                 } else { // An invalid keyword was entered--warn but ignore
     675           0 :                                     if (Item1 == 1) {
     676           0 :                                         ShowWarningError(state,
     677           0 :                                                          std::string{RoutineName} + peopleModuleObject + "=\"" + IHGAlphas(1) + "\", invalid " +
     678           0 :                                                              IHGAlphaFieldNames(OptionNum) + " Option=" + IHGAlphas(OptionNum));
     679           0 :                                         ShowContinueError(state,
     680             :                                                           "Valid Values are \"Fanger\", \"Pierce\", \"KSU\", \"AdaptiveASH55\", "
     681             :                                                           "\"AdaptiveCEN15251\", \"CoolingEffectASH55\", \"AnkleDraftASH55\"");
     682             :                                     }
     683             :                                 }
     684             :                             }
     685             :                         }
     686             : 
     687        2576 :                         if (state.dataInternalHeatGains->UsingThermalComfort) {
     688             : 
     689             :                             // Set the default value of MRTCalcType as 'ZoneAveraged'
     690        2449 :                             thisPeople.MRTCalcType = DataHeatBalance::CalcMRT::ZoneAveraged;
     691             : 
     692        4913 :                             bool ModelWithAdditionalInputs = thisPeople.Fanger || thisPeople.Pierce || thisPeople.KSU ||
     693        2457 :                                                              thisPeople.CoolingEffectASH55 || thisPeople.AnkleDraftASH55;
     694             : 
     695             :                             // MRT Calculation Type and Surface Name
     696             :                             {
     697        4898 :                                 auto const mrtType(IHGAlphas(7));
     698             : 
     699        2449 :                                 if (mrtType == "ZONEAVERAGED") {
     700        2440 :                                     thisPeople.MRTCalcType = DataHeatBalance::CalcMRT::ZoneAveraged;
     701             : 
     702           9 :                                 } else if (mrtType == "SURFACEWEIGHTED") {
     703           6 :                                     thisPeople.MRTCalcType = DataHeatBalance::CalcMRT::SurfaceWeighted;
     704           6 :                                     thisPeople.SurfacePtr = UtilityRoutines::FindItemInList(IHGAlphas(8), state.dataSurface->Surface);
     705           6 :                                     if (thisPeople.SurfacePtr == 0 && ModelWithAdditionalInputs) {
     706           0 :                                         if (Item1 == 1) {
     707           0 :                                             ShowSevereError(state,
     708           0 :                                                             std::string{RoutineName} + peopleModuleObject + "=\"" + IHGAlphas(1) + "\", " +
     709           0 :                                                                 IHGAlphaFieldNames(7) + '=' + IHGAlphas(7) + " invalid Surface Name=" + IHGAlphas(8));
     710           0 :                                             ErrorsFound = true;
     711             :                                         }
     712           6 :                                     } else if (state.dataSurface->Surface(thisPeople.SurfacePtr).Zone != thisPeople.ZonePtr &&
     713             :                                                ModelWithAdditionalInputs) {
     714           0 :                                         ShowSevereError(state,
     715           0 :                                                         std::string{RoutineName} + peopleModuleObject + "=\"" + IHGAlphas(1) +
     716           0 :                                                             "\", Surface referenced in " + IHGAlphaFieldNames(7) + '=' + IHGAlphas(7) +
     717             :                                                             " in different zone.");
     718           0 :                                         ShowContinueError(state,
     719           0 :                                                           "Surface is in Zone=" +
     720           0 :                                                               state.dataHeatBal->Zone(state.dataSurface->Surface(thisPeople.SurfacePtr).Zone).Name +
     721           0 :                                                               " and " + peopleModuleObject + " is in Zone=" + IHGAlphas(2));
     722           0 :                                         ErrorsFound = true;
     723             :                                     }
     724             : 
     725           3 :                                 } else if (mrtType == "ANGLEFACTOR") {
     726           3 :                                     thisPeople.MRTCalcType = DataHeatBalance::CalcMRT::AngleFactor;
     727           3 :                                     thisPeople.AngleFactorListName = IHGAlphas(8);
     728             : 
     729           0 :                                 } else if (mrtType == "") { // Blank input field--just ignore this
     730           0 :                                     if (Item1 == 1 && ModelWithAdditionalInputs)
     731           0 :                                         ShowWarningError(state,
     732           0 :                                                          std::string{RoutineName} + peopleModuleObject + "=\"" + IHGAlphas(1) + "\", blank " +
     733           0 :                                                              IHGAlphaFieldNames(7));
     734             : 
     735             :                                 } else { // An invalid keyword was entered--warn but ignore
     736           0 :                                     if (Item1 == 1 && ModelWithAdditionalInputs) {
     737           0 :                                         ShowWarningError(state,
     738           0 :                                                          std::string{RoutineName} + peopleModuleObject + "=\"" + IHGAlphas(1) + "\", invalid " +
     739           0 :                                                              IHGAlphaFieldNames(7) + '=' + IHGAlphas(7));
     740           0 :                                         ShowContinueError(state, "...Valid values are \"ZoneAveraged\", \"SurfaceWeighted\", \"AngleFactor\".");
     741             :                                     }
     742             :                                 }
     743             :                             }
     744             : 
     745        2449 :                             if (!IHGAlphaFieldBlanks(9)) {
     746        2449 :                                 thisPeople.WorkEffPtr = GetScheduleIndex(state, IHGAlphas(9));
     747        2449 :                                 if (thisPeople.WorkEffPtr == 0) {
     748           0 :                                     if (Item1 == 1) {
     749           0 :                                         ShowSevereError(state,
     750           0 :                                                         std::string{RoutineName} + peopleModuleObject + "=\"" + IHGAlphas(1) + "\", invalid " +
     751           0 :                                                             IHGAlphaFieldNames(9) + " entered=" + IHGAlphas(9));
     752           0 :                                         ErrorsFound = true;
     753             :                                     }
     754             :                                 } else { // check min/max on schedule
     755        2449 :                                     SchMin = GetScheduleMinValue(state, thisPeople.WorkEffPtr);
     756        2449 :                                     SchMax = GetScheduleMaxValue(state, thisPeople.WorkEffPtr);
     757        2449 :                                     if (SchMin < 0.0 || SchMax < 0.0) {
     758           0 :                                         if (SchMin < 0.0) {
     759           0 :                                             if (Item1 == 1) {
     760           0 :                                                 ShowSevereError(state,
     761           0 :                                                                 std::string{RoutineName} + peopleModuleObject + "=\"" + IHGAlphas(1) + "\", " +
     762           0 :                                                                     IHGAlphaFieldNames(9) + ", minimum is < 0.0");
     763           0 :                                                 ShowContinueError(
     764             :                                                     state,
     765           0 :                                                     format("Schedule=\"{}\". Minimum is [{:.1R}]. Values must be >= 0.0.", IHGAlphas(9), SchMin));
     766           0 :                                                 ErrorsFound = true;
     767             :                                             }
     768             :                                         }
     769           0 :                                         if (SchMax < 0.0) {
     770           0 :                                             if (Item1 == 1) {
     771           0 :                                                 ShowSevereError(state,
     772           0 :                                                                 std::string{RoutineName} + peopleModuleObject + "=\"" + IHGAlphas(1) + "\", " +
     773           0 :                                                                     IHGAlphaFieldNames(9) + ", maximum is < 0.0");
     774           0 :                                                 ShowContinueError(
     775             :                                                     state,
     776           0 :                                                     format("Schedule=\"{}\". Maximum is [{:.1R}]. Values must be >= 0.0.", IHGAlphas(9), SchMax));
     777           0 :                                                 ErrorsFound = true;
     778             :                                             }
     779             :                                         }
     780             :                                     }
     781        2449 :                                     if (SchMax > 1.0) {
     782           0 :                                         if (Item1 == 1) {
     783           0 :                                             ShowWarningError(state,
     784           0 :                                                              std::string{RoutineName} + peopleModuleObject + "=\"" + IHGAlphas(1) + "\", " +
     785           0 :                                                                  IHGAlphaFieldNames(9) + ", maximum is > 1.0");
     786           0 :                                             ShowContinueError(state,
     787           0 :                                                               format("Schedule=\"{}\"; Entered min/max range=[{:.1R},{:.1R}] Work Efficiency.",
     788             :                                                                      IHGAlphas(9),
     789             :                                                                      SchMin,
     790           0 :                                                                      SchMax));
     791             :                                         }
     792             :                                     }
     793             :                                 }
     794           0 :                             } else if (ModelWithAdditionalInputs) {
     795           0 :                                 if (Item1 == 1) {
     796           0 :                                     ShowSevereError(state,
     797           0 :                                                     std::string{RoutineName} + peopleModuleObject + "=\"" + IHGAlphas(1) + "\", blank " +
     798           0 :                                                         IHGAlphaFieldNames(9) + ". " + IHGAlphaFieldNames(9) +
     799             :                                                         " is required when Thermal Comfort Model Type is one of "
     800             :                                                         "\"Fanger\", \"Pierce\", \"KSU\", \"CoolingEffectASH55\" or \"AnkleDraftASH55\"");
     801           0 :                                     ErrorsFound = true;
     802             :                                 }
     803             :                             }
     804             : 
     805        2449 :                             if (!IHGAlphaFieldBlanks(10) || !IHGAlphas(10).empty()) {
     806        2449 :                                 thisPeople.clothingType = static_cast<ClothingType>(getEnumerationValue(clothingTypeNamesUC, IHGAlphas(10)));
     807        2449 :                                 if (thisPeople.clothingType == ClothingType::Invalid) {
     808           0 :                                     ShowSevereError(state,
     809           0 :                                                     std::string{RoutineName} + peopleModuleObject + "=\"" + thisPeople.Name + "\", invalid " +
     810           0 :                                                         IHGAlphaFieldNames(10) + ", value  =" + IHGAlphas(10));
     811           0 :                                     ShowContinueError(state,
     812           0 :                                                       format(R"(...Valid values are "{}", "{}", "{}")",
     813           0 :                                                              clothingTypeNamesUC[0],
     814           0 :                                                              clothingTypeNamesUC[1],
     815           0 :                                                              clothingTypeNamesUC[2]));
     816           0 :                                     ErrorsFound = true;
     817             :                                 }
     818        2449 :                                 switch (thisPeople.clothingType) {
     819        2446 :                                 case ClothingType::InsulationSchedule:
     820        2446 :                                     thisPeople.clothingType = ClothingType::InsulationSchedule;
     821        2446 :                                     thisPeople.ClothingPtr = GetScheduleIndex(state, IHGAlphas(12));
     822        2446 :                                     if (thisPeople.ClothingPtr == 0 && ModelWithAdditionalInputs) {
     823           0 :                                         if (Item1 == 1) {
     824           0 :                                             ShowSevereError(state,
     825           0 :                                                             std::string{RoutineName} + peopleModuleObject + "=\"" + IHGAlphas(1) + "\", invalid " +
     826           0 :                                                                 IHGAlphaFieldNames(12) + " entered=\"" + IHGAlphas(12) + "\".");
     827           0 :                                             ErrorsFound = true;
     828             :                                         }
     829             :                                     } else { // check min/max on schedule
     830        2446 :                                         SchMin = GetScheduleMinValue(state, thisPeople.ClothingPtr);
     831        2446 :                                         SchMax = GetScheduleMaxValue(state, thisPeople.ClothingPtr);
     832        2446 :                                         if (SchMin < 0.0 || SchMax < 0.0) {
     833           0 :                                             if (SchMin < 0.0) {
     834           0 :                                                 if (Item1 == 1) {
     835           0 :                                                     ShowSevereError(state,
     836           0 :                                                                     std::string{RoutineName} + peopleModuleObject + "=\"" + IHGAlphas(1) + "\", " +
     837           0 :                                                                         IHGAlphaFieldNames(12) + ", minimum is < 0.0");
     838           0 :                                                     ShowContinueError(state,
     839           0 :                                                                       format("Schedule=\"{}\". Minimum is [{:.1R}]. Values must be >= 0.0.",
     840             :                                                                              IHGAlphas(12),
     841           0 :                                                                              SchMin));
     842           0 :                                                     ErrorsFound = true;
     843             :                                                 }
     844             :                                             }
     845           0 :                                             if (SchMax < 0.0) {
     846           0 :                                                 if (Item1 == 1) {
     847           0 :                                                     ShowSevereError(state,
     848           0 :                                                                     std::string{RoutineName} + peopleModuleObject + "=\"" + IHGAlphas(1) + "\", " +
     849           0 :                                                                         IHGAlphaFieldNames(12) + ", maximum is < 0.0");
     850           0 :                                                     ShowContinueError(state,
     851           0 :                                                                       format("Schedule=\"{}\". Maximum is [{:.1R}]. Values must be >= 0.0.",
     852             :                                                                              IHGAlphas(12),
     853           0 :                                                                              SchMax));
     854           0 :                                                     ErrorsFound = true;
     855             :                                                 }
     856             :                                             }
     857             :                                         }
     858        2446 :                                         if (SchMax > 2.0) {
     859           0 :                                             if (Item1 == 1) {
     860           0 :                                                 ShowWarningError(state,
     861           0 :                                                                  std::string{RoutineName} + peopleModuleObject + "=\"" + IHGAlphas(1) + "\", " +
     862           0 :                                                                      IHGAlphaFieldNames(12) + ", maximum is > 2.0");
     863           0 :                                                 ShowContinueError(state,
     864           0 :                                                                   format("Schedule=\"{}\"; Entered min/max range=[{:.1R},{:.1R}] Clothing.",
     865             :                                                                          IHGAlphas(12),
     866             :                                                                          SchMin,
     867           0 :                                                                          SchMax));
     868             :                                             }
     869             :                                         }
     870             :                                     }
     871        2446 :                                     break;
     872             : 
     873           2 :                                 case ClothingType::DynamicAshrae55:
     874           2 :                                     break; // nothing extra to do, at least for now
     875             : 
     876           1 :                                 case ClothingType::CalculationSchedule:
     877           1 :                                     thisPeople.ClothingMethodPtr = GetScheduleIndex(state, IHGAlphas(11));
     878           1 :                                     if (thisPeople.ClothingMethodPtr == 0) {
     879           0 :                                         if (Item1 == 1) {
     880           0 :                                             ShowSevereError(state,
     881           0 :                                                             std::string{RoutineName} + peopleModuleObject + "=\"" + IHGAlphas(1) + "\", invalid " +
     882           0 :                                                                 IHGAlphaFieldNames(11) + " entered=\"" + IHGAlphas(11) + "\".");
     883           0 :                                             ErrorsFound = true;
     884             :                                         }
     885             :                                     }
     886           1 :                                     if (CheckScheduleValue(state, thisPeople.ClothingMethodPtr, 1)) {
     887           1 :                                         thisPeople.ClothingPtr = GetScheduleIndex(state, IHGAlphas(12));
     888           1 :                                         if (thisPeople.ClothingPtr == 0) {
     889           0 :                                             if (Item1 == 1) {
     890           0 :                                                 ShowSevereError(state,
     891           0 :                                                                 std::string{RoutineName} + peopleModuleObject + "=\"" + IHGAlphas(1) +
     892           0 :                                                                     "\", invalid " + IHGAlphaFieldNames(12) + " entered=\"" + IHGAlphas(12) + "\".");
     893           0 :                                                 ErrorsFound = true;
     894             :                                             }
     895             :                                         }
     896             :                                     }
     897           1 :                                     break;
     898           0 :                                 default:
     899           0 :                                     break; // nothing to do for the other cases
     900             :                                 }
     901             :                             }
     902             : 
     903        2449 :                             if (!IHGAlphaFieldBlanks(13)) {
     904        2449 :                                 thisPeople.AirVelocityPtr = GetScheduleIndex(state, IHGAlphas(13));
     905        2449 :                                 if (thisPeople.AirVelocityPtr == 0) {
     906           0 :                                     if (Item1 == 1) {
     907           0 :                                         ShowSevereError(state,
     908           0 :                                                         std::string{RoutineName} + peopleModuleObject + "=\"" + IHGAlphas(1) + "\", invalid " +
     909           0 :                                                             IHGAlphaFieldNames(13) + " entered=\"" + IHGAlphas(13) + "\".");
     910           0 :                                         ErrorsFound = true;
     911             :                                     }
     912             :                                 } else { // check min/max on schedule
     913        2449 :                                     SchMin = GetScheduleMinValue(state, thisPeople.AirVelocityPtr);
     914        2449 :                                     SchMax = GetScheduleMaxValue(state, thisPeople.AirVelocityPtr);
     915        2449 :                                     if (SchMin < 0.0 || SchMax < 0.0) {
     916           0 :                                         if (SchMin < 0.0) {
     917           0 :                                             if (Item1 == 1) {
     918           0 :                                                 ShowSevereError(state,
     919           0 :                                                                 std::string{RoutineName} + peopleModuleObject + "=\"" + IHGAlphas(1) + "\", " +
     920           0 :                                                                     IHGAlphaFieldNames(13) + ", minimum is < 0.0");
     921           0 :                                                 ShowContinueError(
     922             :                                                     state,
     923           0 :                                                     format("Schedule=\"{}\". Minimum is [{:.1R}]. Values must be >= 0.0.", IHGAlphas(13), SchMin));
     924           0 :                                                 ErrorsFound = true;
     925             :                                             }
     926             :                                         }
     927           0 :                                         if (SchMax < 0.0) {
     928           0 :                                             if (Item1 == 1) {
     929           0 :                                                 ShowSevereError(state,
     930           0 :                                                                 std::string{RoutineName} + peopleModuleObject + "=\"" + IHGAlphas(1) + "\", " +
     931           0 :                                                                     IHGAlphaFieldNames(13) + ", maximum is < 0.0");
     932           0 :                                                 ShowContinueError(
     933             :                                                     state,
     934           0 :                                                     format("Schedule=\"{}\". Maximum is [{:.1R}]. Values must be >= 0.0.", IHGAlphas(13), SchMax));
     935           0 :                                                 ErrorsFound = true;
     936             :                                             }
     937             :                                         }
     938             :                                     }
     939             :                                 }
     940           0 :                             } else if (ModelWithAdditionalInputs) {
     941           0 :                                 if (Item1 == 1) {
     942           0 :                                     ShowSevereError(state,
     943           0 :                                                     std::string{RoutineName} + peopleModuleObject + "=\"" + IHGAlphas(1) + "\", blank " +
     944           0 :                                                         IHGAlphaFieldNames(13) + ". " + IHGAlphaFieldNames(13) +
     945             :                                                         " is required when Thermal Comfort Model Type is one of "
     946             :                                                         "\"Fanger\", \"Pierce\", \"KSU\", \"CoolingEffectASH55\" or \"AnkleDraftASH55\"");
     947           0 :                                     ErrorsFound = true;
     948             :                                 }
     949             :                             }
     950             : 
     951        2449 :                             int indexAnkleAirVelPtr = 21;
     952        2449 :                             if (!IHGAlphaFieldBlanks(indexAnkleAirVelPtr) || !IHGAlphas(indexAnkleAirVelPtr).empty()) {
     953           1 :                                 thisPeople.AnkleAirVelocityPtr = GetScheduleIndex(state, IHGAlphas(indexAnkleAirVelPtr));
     954           1 :                                 if (thisPeople.AnkleAirVelocityPtr == 0) {
     955           0 :                                     if (Item1 == 1) {
     956           0 :                                         ShowSevereError(state,
     957           0 :                                                         std::string{RoutineName} + peopleModuleObject + "=\"" + IHGAlphas(1) + "\", invalid " +
     958           0 :                                                             IHGAlphaFieldNames(indexAnkleAirVelPtr) + " entered=\"" + IHGAlphas(indexAnkleAirVelPtr) +
     959             :                                                             "\".");
     960           0 :                                         ErrorsFound = true;
     961             :                                     }
     962             :                                 }
     963        2448 :                             } else if (thisPeople.AnkleDraftASH55) {
     964           0 :                                 if (Item1 == 1) {
     965           0 :                                     ShowSevereError(state,
     966           0 :                                                     std::string{RoutineName} + peopleModuleObject + "=\"" + IHGAlphas(1) + "\", blank " +
     967           0 :                                                         IHGAlphaFieldNames(indexAnkleAirVelPtr) + ". " + IHGAlphaFieldNames(indexAnkleAirVelPtr) +
     968             :                                                         " is required when Thermal Comfort Model Type is one of "
     969             :                                                         "\"Fanger\", \"Pierce\", \"KSU\", \"CoolingEffectASH55\" or \"AnkleDraftASH55\"");
     970           0 :                                     ErrorsFound = true;
     971             :                                 }
     972             :                             }
     973             : 
     974             :                         } // usingthermalcomfort block
     975             : 
     976             :                     } // ...end of thermal comfort data IF-THEN block  (IHGNumAlphass > 6)
     977             : 
     978        3870 :                     if (thisPeople.ZonePtr <= 0) continue; // Error, will be caught and terminated later
     979             :                 }
     980             :             }
     981             : 
     982        4512 :             for (int peopleNum = 1; peopleNum <= state.dataHeatBal->TotPeople; ++peopleNum) {
     983        3870 :                 if (state.dataGlobal->AnyEnergyManagementSystemInModel) {
     984        3656 :                     SetupEMSActuator(state,
     985             :                                      "People",
     986         914 :                                      state.dataHeatBal->People(peopleNum).Name,
     987             :                                      "Number of People",
     988             :                                      "[each]",
     989         914 :                                      state.dataHeatBal->People(peopleNum).EMSPeopleOn,
     990        2742 :                                      state.dataHeatBal->People(peopleNum).EMSNumberOfPeople);
     991        2742 :                     SetupEMSInternalVariable(state,
     992             :                                              "People Count Design Level",
     993         914 :                                              state.dataHeatBal->People(peopleNum).Name,
     994             :                                              "[each]",
     995        2742 :                                              state.dataHeatBal->People(peopleNum).NumberOfPeople);
     996             :                 }
     997             : 
     998             :                 // setup internal gains
     999        3870 :                 if (!ErrorsFound) {
    1000       23220 :                     SetupSpaceInternalGain(state,
    1001        3870 :                                            state.dataHeatBal->People(peopleNum).spaceIndex,
    1002             :                                            1.0,
    1003        3870 :                                            state.dataHeatBal->People(peopleNum).Name,
    1004             :                                            DataHeatBalance::IntGainType::People,
    1005        3870 :                                            &state.dataHeatBal->People(peopleNum).ConGainRate,
    1006             :                                            nullptr,
    1007        3870 :                                            &state.dataHeatBal->People(peopleNum).RadGainRate,
    1008        3870 :                                            &state.dataHeatBal->People(peopleNum).LatGainRate,
    1009             :                                            nullptr,
    1010        3870 :                                            &state.dataHeatBal->People(peopleNum).CO2GainRate);
    1011             :                 }
    1012             :             }
    1013             : 
    1014             :             // transfer the nominal number of people in a zone to the tabular reporting
    1015        5217 :             for (int Loop = 1; Loop <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++Loop) {
    1016        4575 :                 if (state.dataHeatBal->Zone(Loop).TotOccupants > 0.0) {
    1017        7584 :                     if (state.dataHeatBal->Zone(Loop).FloorArea > 0.0 &&
    1018        3792 :                         state.dataHeatBal->Zone(Loop).FloorArea / state.dataHeatBal->Zone(Loop).TotOccupants < 0.1) {
    1019           0 :                         ShowWarningError(state,
    1020           0 :                                          std::string{RoutineName} + "Zone=\"" + state.dataHeatBal->Zone(Loop).Name +
    1021             :                                              "\" occupant density is extremely high.");
    1022           0 :                         if (state.dataHeatBal->Zone(Loop).FloorArea > 0.0) {
    1023           0 :                             ShowContinueError(state,
    1024           0 :                                               format("Occupant Density=[{:.0R}] person/m2.",
    1025           0 :                                                      state.dataHeatBal->Zone(Loop).TotOccupants / state.dataHeatBal->Zone(Loop).FloorArea));
    1026             :                         }
    1027           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state,
    1028           0 :                                           format("Occupant Density=[{:.3R}] m2/person. Problems in Temperature Out of Bounds may result.",
    1029           0 :                                                  state.dataHeatBal->Zone(Loop).FloorArea / state.dataHeatBal->Zone(Loop).TotOccupants));
    1030             :                     }
    1031        3792 :                     Real64 maxOccupLoad = 0.0;
    1032        3792 :                     int OptionNum = 0;
    1033       82561 :                     for (int Loop1 = 1; Loop1 <= state.dataHeatBal->TotPeople; ++Loop1) {
    1034       78769 :                         if (state.dataHeatBal->People(Loop1).ZonePtr != Loop) continue;
    1035        7622 :                         if (maxOccupLoad < GetScheduleMaxValue(state, state.dataHeatBal->People(Loop1).NumberOfPeoplePtr) *
    1036        3811 :                                                state.dataHeatBal->People(Loop1).NumberOfPeople) {
    1037        7568 :                             maxOccupLoad = GetScheduleMaxValue(state, state.dataHeatBal->People(Loop1).NumberOfPeoplePtr) *
    1038        3784 :                                            state.dataHeatBal->People(Loop1).NumberOfPeople;
    1039        3784 :                             OptionNum = Loop1;
    1040             :                         }
    1041             :                     }
    1042        3792 :                     if (maxOccupLoad > state.dataHeatBal->Zone(Loop).TotOccupants) {
    1043           0 :                         if (state.dataHeatBal->Zone(Loop).FloorArea > 0.0 && state.dataHeatBal->Zone(Loop).FloorArea / maxOccupLoad < 0.1) {
    1044           0 :                             ShowWarningError(state,
    1045           0 :                                              std::string{RoutineName} + "Zone=\"" + state.dataHeatBal->Zone(Loop).Name +
    1046             :                                                  "\" occupant density at a maximum schedule value is extremely high.");
    1047           0 :                             if (state.dataHeatBal->Zone(Loop).FloorArea > 0.0) {
    1048           0 :                                 ShowContinueError(
    1049           0 :                                     state, format("Occupant Density=[{:.0R}] person/m2.", maxOccupLoad / state.dataHeatBal->Zone(Loop).FloorArea));
    1050             :                             }
    1051           0 :                             ShowContinueError(state,
    1052           0 :                                               format("Occupant Density=[{:.3R}] m2/person. Problems in Temperature Out of Bounds may result.",
    1053           0 :                                                      state.dataHeatBal->Zone(Loop).FloorArea / maxOccupLoad));
    1054           0 :                             ShowContinueError(state,
    1055           0 :                                               "Check values in People=" + state.dataHeatBal->People(OptionNum).Name + ", Number of People Schedule=" +
    1056           0 :                                                   GetScheduleName(state, state.dataHeatBal->People(OptionNum).NumberOfPeoplePtr));
    1057             :                         }
    1058             :                     }
    1059             :                 }
    1060             : 
    1061        4575 :                 if (state.dataHeatBal->Zone(Loop).isNominalControlled) { // conditioned zones only
    1062        3975 :                     if (state.dataHeatBal->Zone(Loop).TotOccupants > 0.0) {
    1063        3713 :                         state.dataHeatBal->Zone(Loop).isNominalOccupied = true;
    1064       14852 :                         PreDefTableEntry(state,
    1065        3713 :                                          state.dataOutRptPredefined->pdchOaoNomNumOcc1,
    1066        3713 :                                          state.dataHeatBal->Zone(Loop).Name,
    1067        3713 :                                          state.dataHeatBal->Zone(Loop).TotOccupants);
    1068       14852 :                         PreDefTableEntry(state,
    1069        3713 :                                          state.dataOutRptPredefined->pdchOaoNomNumOcc2,
    1070        3713 :                                          state.dataHeatBal->Zone(Loop).Name,
    1071        3713 :                                          state.dataHeatBal->Zone(Loop).TotOccupants);
    1072             :                     }
    1073             :                 }
    1074             :             }
    1075             :         } // TotPeople > 0
    1076             : 
    1077             :         // Lights
    1078             :         // Declared in state because the lights inputs are needed for demand manager
    1079         771 :         int numLightsStatements = 0;
    1080        1542 :         setupIHGZonesAndSpaces(
    1081        1542 :             state, lightsModuleObject, state.dataInternalHeatGains->lightsObjects, numLightsStatements, state.dataHeatBal->TotLights, ErrorsFound);
    1082             : 
    1083         771 :         if (state.dataHeatBal->TotLights > 0) {
    1084         641 :             state.dataHeatBal->Lights.allocate(state.dataHeatBal->TotLights);
    1085         641 :             bool CheckSharedExhaustFlag = false;
    1086         641 :             int lightsNum = 0;
    1087        4656 :             for (int lightsInputNum = 1; lightsInputNum <= numLightsStatements; ++lightsInputNum) {
    1088             : 
    1089        4015 :                 state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectItem(state,
    1090             :                                                                          lightsModuleObject,
    1091             :                                                                          lightsInputNum,
    1092             :                                                                          IHGAlphas,
    1093             :                                                                          IHGNumAlphas,
    1094             :                                                                          IHGNumbers,
    1095             :                                                                          IHGNumNumbers,
    1096             :                                                                          IOStat,
    1097             :                                                                          IHGNumericFieldBlanks,
    1098             :                                                                          IHGAlphaFieldBlanks,
    1099             :                                                                          IHGAlphaFieldNames,
    1100             :                                                                          IHGNumericFieldNames);
    1101             : 
    1102        4015 :                 auto &thisLightsInput = state.dataInternalHeatGains->lightsObjects(lightsInputNum);
    1103             :                 // Create one Lights instance for every space associated with this Lights input object
    1104        8066 :                 for (int Item1 = 1; Item1 <= thisLightsInput.numOfSpaces; ++Item1) {
    1105        4051 :                     ++lightsNum;
    1106        4051 :                     auto &thisLights = state.dataHeatBal->Lights(lightsNum);
    1107        4051 :                     int const spaceNum = thisLightsInput.spaceNums(Item1);
    1108        4051 :                     int const zoneNum = state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).zoneNum;
    1109        4051 :                     thisLights.Name = thisLightsInput.names(Item1);
    1110        4051 :                     thisLights.spaceIndex = spaceNum;
    1111        4051 :                     thisLights.ZonePtr = zoneNum;
    1112             : 
    1113        4051 :                     thisLights.SchedPtr = GetScheduleIndex(state, IHGAlphas(3));
    1114        4051 :                     SchMin = 0.0;
    1115        4051 :                     SchMax = 0.0;
    1116        4051 :                     if (thisLights.SchedPtr == 0) {
    1117           0 :                         if (Item1 == 1) {
    1118           0 :                             if (IHGAlphaFieldBlanks(3)) {
    1119           0 :                                 ShowSevereError(state,
    1120           0 :                                                 std::string{RoutineName} + lightsModuleObject + "=\"" + IHGAlphas(1) + "\", " +
    1121           0 :                                                     IHGAlphaFieldNames(3) + " is required.");
    1122             :                             } else {
    1123           0 :                                 ShowSevereError(state,
    1124           0 :                                                 std::string{RoutineName} + lightsModuleObject + "=\"" + IHGAlphas(1) + "\", invalid " +
    1125           0 :                                                     IHGAlphaFieldNames(3) + " entered=" + IHGAlphas(3));
    1126             :                             }
    1127           0 :                             ErrorsFound = true;
    1128             :                         }
    1129             :                     } else { // check min/max on schedule
    1130        4051 :                         SchMin = GetScheduleMinValue(state, thisLights.SchedPtr);
    1131        4051 :                         SchMax = GetScheduleMaxValue(state, thisLights.SchedPtr);
    1132        4051 :                         if (SchMin < 0.0 || SchMax < 0.0) {
    1133           0 :                             if (Item1 == 1) {
    1134           0 :                                 if (SchMin < 0.0) {
    1135           0 :                                     ShowSevereError(state,
    1136           0 :                                                     std::string{RoutineName} + lightsModuleObject + "=\"" + IHGAlphas(1) + "\", " +
    1137           0 :                                                         IHGAlphaFieldNames(3) + ", minimum is < 0.0");
    1138           0 :                                     ShowContinueError(state,
    1139           0 :                                                       format("Schedule=\"{}\". Minimum is [{:.1R}]. Values must be >= 0.0.", IHGAlphas(3), SchMin));
    1140           0 :                                     ErrorsFound = true;
    1141             :                                 }
    1142             :                             }
    1143           0 :                             if (Item1 == 1) {
    1144           0 :                                 if (SchMax < 0.0) {
    1145           0 :                                     ShowSevereError(state,
    1146           0 :                                                     std::string{RoutineName} + lightsModuleObject + "=\"" + IHGAlphas(1) + "\", " +
    1147           0 :                                                         IHGAlphaFieldNames(3) + ", maximum is < 0.0");
    1148           0 :                                     ShowContinueError(state,
    1149           0 :                                                       format("Schedule=\"{}\". Maximum is [{:.1R}]. Values must be >= 0.0.", IHGAlphas(3), SchMax));
    1150           0 :                                     ErrorsFound = true;
    1151             :                                 }
    1152             :                             }
    1153             :                         }
    1154             :                     }
    1155             : 
    1156             :                     // Lights Design Level calculation method.
    1157             :                     {
    1158             :                         // Set space load fraction
    1159        8102 :                         auto const lightingLevel(IHGAlphas(4));
    1160        4051 :                         if (lightingLevel == "LIGHTINGLEVEL") {
    1161        2255 :                             Real64 spaceFrac = 1.0;
    1162        2255 :                             if (thisLightsInput.numOfSpaces > 1) {
    1163           3 :                                 Real64 const zoneArea = state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).FloorArea;
    1164           3 :                                 if (zoneArea > 0.0) {
    1165           3 :                                     spaceFrac = state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).floorArea / zoneArea;
    1166             :                                 } else {
    1167           0 :                                     ShowSevereError(state,
    1168           0 :                                                     std::string(RoutineName) + "Zone floor area is zero when allocating Lights loads to Spaces.");
    1169           0 :                                     ShowContinueError(
    1170           0 :                                         state, "Occurs for Lights object =" + IHGAlphas(1) + " in Zone=" + state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    1171           0 :                                     ErrorsFound = true;
    1172             :                                 }
    1173             :                             }
    1174             : 
    1175        2255 :                             thisLights.DesignLevel = IHGNumbers(1) * spaceFrac;
    1176        2255 :                             if (IHGNumericFieldBlanks(1)) {
    1177           0 :                                 ShowWarningError(state,
    1178           0 :                                                  std::string{RoutineName} + lightsModuleObject + "=\"" + IHGAlphas(1) + "\", specifies " +
    1179           0 :                                                      IHGNumericFieldNames(1) + ", but that field is blank.  0 Lights will result.");
    1180             :                             }
    1181        1796 :                         } else if (lightingLevel == "WATTS/AREA") {
    1182        1794 :                             if (spaceNum != 0) {
    1183        1794 :                                 if (IHGNumbers(2) >= 0.0) {
    1184        1794 :                                     thisLights.DesignLevel = IHGNumbers(2) * state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).floorArea;
    1185        1794 :                                     if ((state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).floorArea <= 0.0) &&
    1186           0 :                                         !state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).isRemainderSpace) {
    1187           0 :                                         ShowWarningError(state,
    1188           0 :                                                          std::string{RoutineName} + lightsModuleObject + "=\"" + thisLights.Name + "\", specifies " +
    1189           0 :                                                              IHGNumericFieldNames(2) + ", but Space Floor Area = 0.  0 Lights will result.");
    1190             :                                     }
    1191             :                                 } else {
    1192           0 :                                     ShowSevereError(state,
    1193           0 :                                                     format("{}{}=\"{}\", invalid {}, value  [<0.0]={:.3R}",
    1194             :                                                            RoutineName,
    1195             :                                                            lightsModuleObject,
    1196             :                                                            thisLights.Name,
    1197             :                                                            IHGNumericFieldNames(2),
    1198           0 :                                                            IHGNumbers(2)));
    1199           0 :                                     ErrorsFound = true;
    1200             :                                 }
    1201             :                             }
    1202        1794 :                             if (IHGNumericFieldBlanks(2)) {
    1203           3 :                                 ShowWarningError(state,
    1204           2 :                                                  std::string{RoutineName} + lightsModuleObject + "=\"" + IHGAlphas(1) + "\", specifies " +
    1205           3 :                                                      IHGNumericFieldNames(2) + ", but that field is blank.  0 Lights will result.");
    1206             :                             }
    1207           2 :                         } else if (lightingLevel == "WATTS/PERSON") {
    1208           2 :                             if (spaceNum != 0) {
    1209           2 :                                 if (IHGNumbers(3) >= 0.0) {
    1210           2 :                                     thisLights.DesignLevel = IHGNumbers(3) * state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).totOccupants;
    1211           2 :                                     if (state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).totOccupants <= 0.0) {
    1212           0 :                                         ShowWarningError(state,
    1213           0 :                                                          std::string{RoutineName} + lightsModuleObject + "=\"" + thisLights.Name + "\", specifies " +
    1214           0 :                                                              IHGNumericFieldNames(2) + ", but Total Occupants = 0.  0 Lights will result.");
    1215             :                                     }
    1216             :                                 } else {
    1217           0 :                                     ShowSevereError(state,
    1218           0 :                                                     format("{}{}=\"{}\", invalid {}, value  [<0.0]={:.3R}",
    1219             :                                                            RoutineName,
    1220             :                                                            lightsModuleObject,
    1221             :                                                            thisLights.Name,
    1222             :                                                            IHGNumericFieldNames(3),
    1223           0 :                                                            IHGNumbers(3)));
    1224           0 :                                     ErrorsFound = true;
    1225             :                                 }
    1226             :                             }
    1227           2 :                             if (IHGNumericFieldBlanks(3)) {
    1228           0 :                                 ShowWarningError(state,
    1229           0 :                                                  std::string{RoutineName} + lightsModuleObject + "=\"" + IHGAlphas(1) + "\", specifies " +
    1230           0 :                                                      IHGNumericFieldNames(3) + ", but that field is blank.  0 Lights will result.");
    1231             :                             }
    1232             :                         } else {
    1233           0 :                             if (Item1 == 1) {
    1234           0 :                                 ShowSevereError(state,
    1235           0 :                                                 std::string{RoutineName} + lightsModuleObject + "=\"" + IHGAlphas(1) + "\", invalid " +
    1236           0 :                                                     IHGAlphaFieldNames(4) + ", value  =" + IHGAlphas(4));
    1237           0 :                                 ShowContinueError(state, R"(...Valid values are "LightingLevel", "Watts/Area", "Watts/Person".)");
    1238           0 :                                 ErrorsFound = true;
    1239             :                             }
    1240             :                         }
    1241             :                     }
    1242             : 
    1243             :                     // Calculate nominal min/max lighting level
    1244        4051 :                     thisLights.NomMinDesignLevel = thisLights.DesignLevel * SchMin;
    1245        4051 :                     thisLights.NomMaxDesignLevel = thisLights.DesignLevel * SchMax;
    1246             : 
    1247        4051 :                     thisLights.FractionReturnAir = IHGNumbers(4);
    1248        4051 :                     thisLights.FractionRadiant = IHGNumbers(5);
    1249        4051 :                     thisLights.FractionShortWave = IHGNumbers(6);
    1250        4051 :                     thisLights.FractionReplaceable = IHGNumbers(7);
    1251        4051 :                     thisLights.FractionReturnAirPlenTempCoeff1 = IHGNumbers(8);
    1252        4051 :                     thisLights.FractionReturnAirPlenTempCoeff2 = IHGNumbers(9);
    1253             : 
    1254        4051 :                     thisLights.FractionConvected = 1.0 - (thisLights.FractionReturnAir + thisLights.FractionRadiant + thisLights.FractionShortWave);
    1255        4051 :                     if (std::abs(thisLights.FractionConvected) <= 0.001) thisLights.FractionConvected = 0.0;
    1256        4051 :                     if (thisLights.FractionConvected < 0.0) {
    1257           0 :                         if (Item1 == 1) {
    1258           0 :                             ShowSevereError(state,
    1259           0 :                                             std::string{RoutineName} + lightsModuleObject + "=\"" + thisLights.Name + "\", Sum of Fractions > 1.0");
    1260           0 :                             ErrorsFound = true;
    1261             :                         }
    1262             :                     }
    1263             : 
    1264             :                     // Note: if FractionReturnAirIsCalculated = Yes and there is a return-air plenum:
    1265             :                     // (1) The input values of FractionReturnAir, FractionRadiant and FractionShortWave, and the
    1266             :                     // value of FractionConvected calculated from these are used in the zone sizing calculations;
    1267             :                     // (2) in the regular calculation, FractionReturnAir is calculated each time step in
    1268             :                     // Subr. InitInternalHeatGains as a function of the zone's return plenum air temperature
    1269             :                     // using FractionReturnAirPlenTempCoeff1 and FractionReturnAirPlenTempCoeff2; then
    1270             :                     // FractionRadiant and FractionConvected are adjusted from their input values such that
    1271             :                     // FractionReturnAir + FractionRadiant + FractionShortWave + FractionConvected = 1.0, assuming
    1272             :                     // FractionShortWave is constant and equal to its input value.
    1273             : 
    1274        4051 :                     if (IHGNumAlphas > 4) {
    1275        4031 :                         thisLights.EndUseSubcategory = IHGAlphas(5);
    1276             :                     } else {
    1277          20 :                         thisLights.EndUseSubcategory = "General";
    1278             :                     }
    1279             : 
    1280        4051 :                     if (IHGAlphaFieldBlanks(6)) {
    1281        1963 :                         thisLights.FractionReturnAirIsCalculated = false;
    1282        2088 :                     } else if (IHGAlphas(6) != "YES" && IHGAlphas(6) != "NO") {
    1283           0 :                         if (Item1 == 1) {
    1284           0 :                             ShowWarningError(state,
    1285           0 :                                              std::string{RoutineName} + lightsModuleObject + "=\"" + thisLightsInput.Name + "\", invalid " +
    1286           0 :                                                  IHGAlphaFieldNames(6) + ", value  =" + IHGAlphas(6));
    1287           0 :                             ShowContinueError(state, ".. Return Air Fraction from Plenum will NOT be calculated.");
    1288             :                         }
    1289           0 :                         thisLights.FractionReturnAirIsCalculated = false;
    1290             :                     } else {
    1291        2088 :                         thisLights.FractionReturnAirIsCalculated = (IHGAlphas(6) == "YES");
    1292             :                     }
    1293             : 
    1294             :                     // Set return air node number
    1295        4051 :                     thisLights.ZoneReturnNum = 0;
    1296        4051 :                     thisLights.RetNodeName = "";
    1297        4051 :                     if (!IHGAlphaFieldBlanks(7)) {
    1298           1 :                         if (thisLightsInput.ZoneListActive) {
    1299           0 :                             ShowSevereError(state,
    1300           0 :                                             std::string{RoutineName} + lightsModuleObject + "=\"" + thisLightsInput.Name +
    1301           0 :                                                 "\": " + IHGAlphaFieldNames(7) + " must be blank when using a ZoneList.");
    1302           0 :                             ErrorsFound = true;
    1303             :                         } else {
    1304           1 :                             thisLights.RetNodeName = IHGAlphas(7);
    1305             :                         }
    1306             :                     }
    1307        4051 :                     if (thisLights.ZonePtr > 0) {
    1308        4051 :                         thisLights.ZoneReturnNum = DataZoneEquipment::GetReturnNumForZone(state, thisLights.ZonePtr, thisLights.RetNodeName);
    1309             :                     }
    1310             : 
    1311        4051 :                     if ((thisLights.ZoneReturnNum == 0) && (thisLights.FractionReturnAir > 0.0) && (!IHGAlphaFieldBlanks(7))) {
    1312           0 :                         ShowSevereError(state,
    1313           0 :                                         std::string{RoutineName} + lightsModuleObject + "=\"" + IHGAlphas(1) + "\", invalid " +
    1314           0 :                                             IHGAlphaFieldNames(7) + " =" + IHGAlphas(7));
    1315           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "No matching Zone Return Air Node found.");
    1316           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
    1317             :                     }
    1318             :                     // Set exhaust air node number
    1319        4051 :                     thisLights.ZoneExhaustNodeNum = 0;
    1320        4051 :                     if (!IHGAlphaFieldBlanks(8)) {
    1321           1 :                         if (thisLightsInput.ZoneListActive) {
    1322           0 :                             ShowSevereError(state,
    1323           0 :                                             std::string{RoutineName} + lightsModuleObject + "=\"" + thisLightsInput.Name +
    1324           0 :                                                 "\": " + IHGAlphaFieldNames(8) + " must be blank when using a ZoneList.");
    1325           0 :                             ErrorsFound = true;
    1326             :                         } else {
    1327           1 :                             bool exhaustNodeError = false;
    1328           2 :                             thisLights.ZoneExhaustNodeNum = GetOnlySingleNode(state,
    1329           1 :                                                                               IHGAlphas(8),
    1330             :                                                                               exhaustNodeError,
    1331             :                                                                               DataLoopNode::ConnectionObjectType::Lights,
    1332             :                                                                               thisLights.Name,
    1333             :                                                                               DataLoopNode::NodeFluidType::Air,
    1334             :                                                                               DataLoopNode::ConnectionType::ZoneExhaust,
    1335             :                                                                               NodeInputManager::CompFluidStream::Primary,
    1336           1 :                                                                               ObjectIsNotParent);
    1337           1 :                             if (!exhaustNodeError) { // GetOnlySingleNode will throw error messages if this is a NodeList Name and for other issues
    1338           1 :                                 exhaustNodeError =
    1339           1 :                                     DataZoneEquipment::VerifyLightsExhaustNodeForZone(state, thisLights.ZonePtr, thisLights.ZoneExhaustNodeNum);
    1340             :                             }
    1341           1 :                             if (exhaustNodeError) {
    1342           0 :                                 ShowSevereError(state,
    1343           0 :                                                 std::string{RoutineName} + lightsModuleObject + "=\"" + IHGAlphas(1) + "\", invalid " +
    1344           0 :                                                     IHGAlphaFieldNames(8) + " = " + IHGAlphas(8));
    1345           0 :                                 ShowContinueError(state, "No matching Zone Exhaust Air Node found.");
    1346           0 :                                 ErrorsFound = true;
    1347             :                             } else {
    1348           1 :                                 if (thisLights.ZoneReturnNum > 0) {
    1349           1 :                                     state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(thisLights.ZonePtr).ReturnNodeExhaustNodeNum(thisLights.ZoneReturnNum) =
    1350           1 :                                         thisLights.ZoneExhaustNodeNum;
    1351           1 :                                     CheckSharedExhaustFlag = true;
    1352             :                                 } else {
    1353           0 :                                     ShowSevereError(state,
    1354           0 :                                                     std::string{RoutineName} + lightsModuleObject + "=\"" + IHGAlphas(1) + "\", " +
    1355           0 :                                                         IHGAlphaFieldNames(8) + " =" + IHGAlphas(8) + " is not used");
    1356           0 :                                     ShowContinueError(
    1357             :                                         state, "No matching Zone Return Air Node found. The Exhaust Node requires Return Node to work together");
    1358           0 :                                     ErrorsFound = true;
    1359             :                                 }
    1360             :                             }
    1361             :                         }
    1362             : 
    1363           1 :                         if (thisLights.ZonePtr <= 0) continue; // Error, will be caught and terminated later
    1364             :                     }
    1365             :                 }
    1366             :             }
    1367         641 :             if (state.dataGlobal->AnyEnergyManagementSystemInModel) {
    1368        1207 :                 for (int lightsNum = 1; lightsNum <= state.dataHeatBal->TotLights; ++lightsNum) {
    1369        4560 :                     SetupEMSActuator(state,
    1370             :                                      "Lights",
    1371        1140 :                                      state.dataHeatBal->Lights(lightsNum).Name,
    1372             :                                      "Electricity Rate",
    1373             :                                      "[W]",
    1374        1140 :                                      state.dataHeatBal->Lights(lightsNum).EMSLightsOn,
    1375        3420 :                                      state.dataHeatBal->Lights(lightsNum).EMSLightingPower);
    1376        3420 :                     SetupEMSInternalVariable(state,
    1377             :                                              "Lighting Power Design Level",
    1378        1140 :                                              state.dataHeatBal->Lights(lightsNum).Name,
    1379             :                                              "[W]",
    1380        3420 :                                              state.dataHeatBal->Lights(lightsNum).DesignLevel);
    1381             :                 } // EMS
    1382             :             }
    1383        4692 :             for (int lightsNum = 1; lightsNum <= state.dataHeatBal->TotLights; ++lightsNum) {
    1384        4051 :                 int spaceNum = state.dataHeatBal->Lights(lightsNum).spaceIndex;
    1385        4051 :                 int zoneNum = state.dataHeatBal->Lights(lightsNum).ZonePtr;
    1386             :                 // setup internal gains
    1387        4051 :                 int returnNodeNum = 0;
    1388        7971 :                 if ((state.dataHeatBal->Lights(lightsNum).ZoneReturnNum > 0) &&
    1389        3920 :                     (state.dataHeatBal->Lights(lightsNum).ZoneReturnNum <= state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(zoneNum).NumReturnNodes)) {
    1390        3919 :                     returnNodeNum = state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(zoneNum).ReturnNode(state.dataHeatBal->Lights(lightsNum).ZoneReturnNum);
    1391             :                 }
    1392        4051 :                 if (!ErrorsFound) {
    1393       20255 :                     SetupSpaceInternalGain(state,
    1394        4051 :                                            state.dataHeatBal->Lights(lightsNum).spaceIndex,
    1395             :                                            1.0,
    1396        4051 :                                            state.dataHeatBal->Lights(lightsNum).Name,
    1397             :                                            DataHeatBalance::IntGainType::Lights,
    1398        4051 :                                            &state.dataHeatBal->Lights(lightsNum).ConGainRate,
    1399        4051 :                                            &state.dataHeatBal->Lights(lightsNum).RetAirGainRate,
    1400        4051 :                                            &state.dataHeatBal->Lights(lightsNum).RadGainRate,
    1401             :                                            nullptr,
    1402             :                                            nullptr,
    1403             :                                            nullptr,
    1404             :                                            nullptr,
    1405             :                                            returnNodeNum);
    1406             :                 }
    1407             : 
    1408        4051 :                 if (state.dataHeatBal->Lights(lightsNum).FractionReturnAir > 0)
    1409        1014 :                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(state.dataHeatBal->Lights(lightsNum).ZonePtr).HasLtsRetAirGain = true;
    1410             :                 // send values to predefined lighting summary report
    1411        4051 :                 liteName = state.dataHeatBal->Lights(lightsNum).Name;
    1412        4051 :                 Real64 mult = state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Multiplier * state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).ListMultiplier;
    1413        4051 :                 Real64 spaceArea = state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).floorArea;
    1414        4051 :                 state.dataInternalHeatGains->sumArea += spaceArea * mult;
    1415        4051 :                 state.dataInternalHeatGains->sumPower += state.dataHeatBal->Lights(lightsNum).DesignLevel * mult;
    1416        4051 :                 PreDefTableEntry(state, state.dataOutRptPredefined->pdchInLtZone, liteName, state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    1417        4051 :                 PreDefTableEntry(state, state.dataOutRptPredefined->pdchInLtSpace, liteName, state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    1418        4051 :                 PreDefTableEntry(state, state.dataOutRptPredefined->pdchInLtSpaceType, liteName, state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).spaceType);
    1419        4051 :                 if (spaceArea > 0.0) {
    1420       12150 :                     PreDefTableEntry(
    1421        8100 :                         state, state.dataOutRptPredefined->pdchInLtDens, liteName, state.dataHeatBal->Lights(lightsNum).DesignLevel / spaceArea, 4);
    1422             :                 } else {
    1423           1 :                     PreDefTableEntry(state, state.dataOutRptPredefined->pdchInLtDens, liteName, DataPrecisionGlobals::constant_zero, 4);
    1424             :                 }
    1425        4051 :                 PreDefTableEntry(state, state.dataOutRptPredefined->pdchInLtArea, liteName, spaceArea * mult);
    1426        4051 :                 PreDefTableEntry(state, state.dataOutRptPredefined->pdchInLtPower, liteName, state.dataHeatBal->Lights(lightsNum).DesignLevel * mult);
    1427        4051 :                 PreDefTableEntry(state, state.dataOutRptPredefined->pdchInLtEndUse, liteName, state.dataHeatBal->Lights(lightsNum).EndUseSubcategory);
    1428        8102 :                 PreDefTableEntry(
    1429       12153 :                     state, state.dataOutRptPredefined->pdchInLtSchd, liteName, GetScheduleName(state, state.dataHeatBal->Lights(lightsNum).SchedPtr));
    1430       12153 :                 PreDefTableEntry(
    1431        8102 :                     state, state.dataOutRptPredefined->pdchInLtRetAir, liteName, state.dataHeatBal->Lights(lightsNum).FractionReturnAir, 4);
    1432             :             } // Item1 - Number of Lights instances
    1433         641 :             if (CheckSharedExhaustFlag) {
    1434           1 :                 DataZoneEquipment::CheckSharedExhaust(state);
    1435           2 :                 Array1D_bool ReturnNodeShared; // zone supply air inlet nodes
    1436           1 :                 ReturnNodeShared.allocate(state.dataHeatBal->TotLights);
    1437           1 :                 ReturnNodeShared = false;
    1438           6 :                 for (int Loop = 1; Loop <= state.dataHeatBal->TotLights; ++Loop) {
    1439           5 :                     int ZoneNum = state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop).ZonePtr;
    1440           5 :                     int ReturnNum = state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop).ZoneReturnNum;
    1441           5 :                     int ExhaustNodeNum = state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop).ZoneExhaustNodeNum;
    1442           5 :                     if (ReturnNum == 0 || ExhaustNodeNum == 0) continue;
    1443           5 :                     for (int Loop1 = Loop + 1; Loop1 <= state.dataHeatBal->TotLights; ++Loop1) {
    1444           4 :                         if (ZoneNum != state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop1).ZonePtr) continue;
    1445           0 :                         if (ReturnNodeShared(Loop1)) continue;
    1446           0 :                         if (ReturnNum == state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop1).ZoneReturnNum &&
    1447           0 :                             ExhaustNodeNum != state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop1).ZoneExhaustNodeNum) {
    1448           0 :                             ShowSevereError(state,
    1449           0 :                                             std::string{RoutineName} + lightsModuleObject +
    1450           0 :                                                 ": Duplicated Return Air Node = " + state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop1).RetNodeName + " is found, ");
    1451           0 :                             ShowContinueError(state,
    1452           0 :                                               " in both Lights objects = " + state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop).Name + " and " +
    1453           0 :                                                   state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop1).Name + ".");
    1454           0 :                             ErrorsFound = true;
    1455           0 :                             ReturnNodeShared(Loop1) = true;
    1456             :                         }
    1457             :                     }
    1458             :                 }
    1459           1 :                 ReturnNodeShared.deallocate();
    1460             :             }
    1461             :         } // TotLights > 0 check
    1462             :         // add total line to lighting summary table
    1463         771 :         if (state.dataInternalHeatGains->sumArea > 0.0) {
    1464        1923 :             PreDefTableEntry(state,
    1465         641 :                              state.dataOutRptPredefined->pdchInLtDens,
    1466             :                              "Interior Lighting Total",
    1467         641 :                              state.dataInternalHeatGains->sumPower / state.dataInternalHeatGains->sumArea,
    1468         641 :                              4); // line 792
    1469             :         } else {
    1470         130 :             PreDefTableEntry(state, state.dataOutRptPredefined->pdchInLtDens, "Interior Lighting Total", DataPrecisionGlobals::constant_zero, 4);
    1471             :         }
    1472         771 :         PreDefTableEntry(state, state.dataOutRptPredefined->pdchInLtArea, "Interior Lighting Total", state.dataInternalHeatGains->sumArea);
    1473         771 :         PreDefTableEntry(state, state.dataOutRptPredefined->pdchInLtPower, "Interior Lighting Total", state.dataInternalHeatGains->sumPower);
    1474             : 
    1475             :         // ElectricEquipment
    1476             :         // Declared in state because the lights inputs are needed for demand manager
    1477         771 :         int numZoneElectricStatements = 0;
    1478        1542 :         setupIHGZonesAndSpaces(state,
    1479             :                                elecEqModuleObject,
    1480         771 :                                state.dataInternalHeatGains->zoneElectricObjects,
    1481             :                                numZoneElectricStatements,
    1482         771 :                                state.dataHeatBal->TotElecEquip,
    1483             :                                ErrorsFound);
    1484             : 
    1485         771 :         if (state.dataHeatBal->TotElecEquip > 0) {
    1486         629 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric.allocate(state.dataHeatBal->TotElecEquip);
    1487         629 :             int elecEqNum = 0;
    1488        4762 :             for (int elecEqInputNum = 1; elecEqInputNum <= numZoneElectricStatements; ++elecEqInputNum) {
    1489             : 
    1490        4133 :                 state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectItem(state,
    1491             :                                                                          elecEqModuleObject,
    1492             :                                                                          elecEqInputNum,
    1493             :                                                                          IHGAlphas,
    1494             :                                                                          IHGNumAlphas,
    1495             :                                                                          IHGNumbers,
    1496             :                                                                          IHGNumNumbers,
    1497             :                                                                          IOStat,
    1498             :                                                                          IHGNumericFieldBlanks,
    1499             :                                                                          IHGAlphaFieldBlanks,
    1500             :                                                                          IHGAlphaFieldNames,
    1501             :                                                                          IHGNumericFieldNames);
    1502             : 
    1503        4133 :                 auto &thisElecEqInput = state.dataInternalHeatGains->zoneElectricObjects(elecEqInputNum);
    1504        8307 :                 for (int Item1 = 1; Item1 <= thisElecEqInput.numOfSpaces; ++Item1) {
    1505        4174 :                     ++elecEqNum;
    1506        4174 :                     auto &thisZoneElectric = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(elecEqNum);
    1507        4174 :                     int const spaceNum = thisElecEqInput.spaceNums(Item1);
    1508        4174 :                     int const zoneNum = state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).zoneNum;
    1509        4174 :                     thisZoneElectric.Name = thisElecEqInput.names(Item1);
    1510        4174 :                     thisZoneElectric.spaceIndex = spaceNum;
    1511        4174 :                     thisZoneElectric.ZonePtr = zoneNum;
    1512             : 
    1513        4174 :                     thisZoneElectric.SchedPtr = GetScheduleIndex(state, IHGAlphas(3));
    1514        4174 :                     SchMin = 0.0;
    1515        4174 :                     SchMax = 0.0;
    1516        4174 :                     if (thisZoneElectric.SchedPtr == 0) {
    1517           0 :                         if (IHGAlphaFieldBlanks(3)) {
    1518           0 :                             ShowSevereError(state,
    1519           0 :                                             std::string{RoutineName} + elecEqModuleObject + "=\"" + IHGAlphas(1) + "\", " + IHGAlphaFieldNames(3) +
    1520             :                                                 " is required.");
    1521             :                         } else {
    1522           0 :                             ShowSevereError(state,
    1523           0 :                                             std::string{RoutineName} + elecEqModuleObject + "=\"" + IHGAlphas(1) + "\", invalid " +
    1524           0 :                                                 IHGAlphaFieldNames(3) + " entered=" + IHGAlphas(3));
    1525             :                         }
    1526           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
    1527             :                     } else { // check min/max on schedule
    1528        4174 :                         SchMin = GetScheduleMinValue(state, thisZoneElectric.SchedPtr);
    1529        4174 :                         SchMax = GetScheduleMaxValue(state, thisZoneElectric.SchedPtr);
    1530        4174 :                         if (SchMin < 0.0 || SchMax < 0.0) {
    1531           0 :                             if (SchMin < 0.0) {
    1532           0 :                                 ShowSevereError(state,
    1533           0 :                                                 std::string{RoutineName} + elecEqModuleObject + "=\"" + IHGAlphas(1) + "\", " +
    1534           0 :                                                     IHGAlphaFieldNames(3) + ", minimum is < 0.0");
    1535           0 :                                 ShowContinueError(state,
    1536           0 :                                                   format("Schedule=\"{}\". Minimum is [{:.1R}]. Values must be >= 0.0.", IHGAlphas(3), SchMin));
    1537           0 :                                 ErrorsFound = true;
    1538             :                             }
    1539           0 :                             if (SchMax < 0.0) {
    1540           0 :                                 ShowSevereError(state,
    1541           0 :                                                 std::string{RoutineName} + elecEqModuleObject + "=\"" + IHGAlphas(1) + "\", " +
    1542           0 :                                                     IHGAlphaFieldNames(3) + ", maximum is < 0.0");
    1543           0 :                                 ShowContinueError(state,
    1544           0 :                                                   format("Schedule=\"{}\". Maximum is [{:.1R}]. Values must be >= 0.0.", IHGAlphas(3), SchMax));
    1545           0 :                                 ErrorsFound = true;
    1546             :                             }
    1547             :                         }
    1548             :                     }
    1549             : 
    1550             :                     // Electric equipment design level calculation method.
    1551             :                     {
    1552        8348 :                         auto const equipmentLevel(IHGAlphas(4));
    1553        4174 :                         if (equipmentLevel == "EQUIPMENTLEVEL") {
    1554        3031 :                             Real64 spaceFrac = 1.0;
    1555        3031 :                             if (thisElecEqInput.numOfSpaces > 1) {
    1556           0 :                                 Real64 const zoneArea = state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).FloorArea;
    1557           0 :                                 if (zoneArea > 0.0) {
    1558           0 :                                     spaceFrac = state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).floorArea / zoneArea;
    1559             :                                 } else {
    1560           0 :                                     ShowSevereError(state,
    1561           0 :                                                     std::string(RoutineName) +
    1562             :                                                         "Zone floor area is zero when allocating ElectricEquipment loads to Spaces.");
    1563           0 :                                     ShowContinueError(state,
    1564           0 :                                                       "Occurs for ElectricEquipment object =" + thisElecEqInput.Name +
    1565           0 :                                                           " in Zone=" + state.dataHeatBal->Zone(thisZoneElectric.ZonePtr).Name);
    1566           0 :                                     ErrorsFound = true;
    1567             :                                 }
    1568             :                             }
    1569        3031 :                             thisZoneElectric.DesignLevel = IHGNumbers(1) * spaceFrac;
    1570        3031 :                             if (IHGNumericFieldBlanks(1)) {
    1571           0 :                                 ShowWarningError(state,
    1572           0 :                                                  std::string{RoutineName} + elecEqModuleObject + "=\"" + thisElecEqInput.Name + "\", specifies " +
    1573           0 :                                                      IHGNumericFieldNames(1) + ", but that field is blank.  0 Electric Equipment will result.");
    1574             :                             }
    1575        1143 :                         } else if (equipmentLevel == "WATTS/AREA") {
    1576        1111 :                             if (spaceNum != 0) {
    1577        1111 :                                 if (IHGNumbers(2) >= 0.0) {
    1578        1111 :                                     thisZoneElectric.DesignLevel = IHGNumbers(2) * state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).floorArea;
    1579        1111 :                                     if ((state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).floorArea <= 0.0) &&
    1580           0 :                                         !state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).isRemainderSpace) {
    1581           0 :                                         ShowWarningError(state,
    1582           0 :                                                          std::string{RoutineName} + elecEqModuleObject + "=\"" + thisZoneElectric.Name +
    1583           0 :                                                              "\", specifies " + IHGNumericFieldNames(2) +
    1584             :                                                              ", but Space Floor Area = 0.  0 Electric Equipment will result.");
    1585             :                                     }
    1586             :                                 } else {
    1587           0 :                                     ShowSevereError(state,
    1588           0 :                                                     format("{}{}=\"{}\", invalid {}, value  [<0.0]={:.3R}",
    1589             :                                                            RoutineName,
    1590             :                                                            elecEqModuleObject,
    1591             :                                                            thisZoneElectric.Name,
    1592             :                                                            IHGNumericFieldNames(2),
    1593           0 :                                                            IHGNumbers(2)));
    1594           0 :                                     ErrorsFound = true;
    1595             :                                 }
    1596             :                             }
    1597        1111 :                             if (IHGNumericFieldBlanks(2)) {
    1598           0 :                                 ShowWarningError(state,
    1599           0 :                                                  std::string{RoutineName} + elecEqModuleObject + "=\"" + thisElecEqInput.Name + "\", specifies " +
    1600           0 :                                                      IHGNumericFieldNames(2) + ", but that field is blank.  0 Electric Equipment will result.");
    1601             :                             }
    1602             : 
    1603          32 :                         } else if (equipmentLevel == "WATTS/PERSON") {
    1604          32 :                             if (spaceNum != 0) {
    1605          32 :                                 if (IHGNumbers(3) >= 0.0) {
    1606          32 :                                     thisZoneElectric.DesignLevel = IHGNumbers(3) * state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).totOccupants;
    1607          32 :                                     if (state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).totOccupants <= 0.0) {
    1608           0 :                                         ShowWarningError(state,
    1609           0 :                                                          std::string{RoutineName} + elecEqModuleObject + "=\"" + thisZoneElectric.Name +
    1610           0 :                                                              "\", specifies " + IHGNumericFieldNames(2) +
    1611             :                                                              ", but Total Occupants = 0.  0 Electric Equipment will result.");
    1612             :                                     }
    1613             :                                 } else {
    1614           0 :                                     ShowSevereError(state,
    1615           0 :                                                     format("{}{}=\"{}\", invalid {}, value  [<0.0]={:.3R}",
    1616             :                                                            RoutineName,
    1617             :                                                            elecEqModuleObject,
    1618             :                                                            thisZoneElectric.Name,
    1619             :                                                            IHGNumericFieldNames(3),
    1620           0 :                                                            IHGNumbers(3)));
    1621           0 :                                     ErrorsFound = true;
    1622             :                                 }
    1623             :                             }
    1624          32 :                             if (IHGNumericFieldBlanks(3)) {
    1625           0 :                                 ShowWarningError(state,
    1626           0 :                                                  std::string{RoutineName} + elecEqModuleObject + "=\"" + thisElecEqInput.Name + "\", specifies " +
    1627           0 :                                                      IHGNumericFieldNames(3) + ", but that field is blank.  0 Electric Equipment will result.");
    1628             :                             }
    1629             : 
    1630             :                         } else {
    1631           0 :                             if (Item1 == 1) {
    1632           0 :                                 ShowSevereError(state,
    1633           0 :                                                 std::string{RoutineName} + elecEqModuleObject + "=\"" + thisElecEqInput.Name + "\", invalid " +
    1634           0 :                                                     IHGAlphaFieldNames(4) + ", value  =" + IHGAlphas(4));
    1635           0 :                                 ShowContinueError(state, "...Valid values are \"EquipmentLevel\", \"Watts/Area\", \"Watts/Person\".");
    1636           0 :                                 ErrorsFound = true;
    1637             :                             }
    1638             :                         }
    1639             :                     }
    1640             : 
    1641             :                     // Calculate nominal min/max equipment level
    1642        4174 :                     thisZoneElectric.NomMinDesignLevel = thisZoneElectric.DesignLevel * SchMin;
    1643        4174 :                     thisZoneElectric.NomMaxDesignLevel = thisZoneElectric.DesignLevel * SchMax;
    1644             : 
    1645        4174 :                     thisZoneElectric.FractionLatent = IHGNumbers(4);
    1646        4174 :                     thisZoneElectric.FractionRadiant = IHGNumbers(5);
    1647        4174 :                     thisZoneElectric.FractionLost = IHGNumbers(6);
    1648             :                     // FractionConvected is a calculated field
    1649        4174 :                     thisZoneElectric.FractionConvected =
    1650        4174 :                         1.0 - (thisZoneElectric.FractionLatent + thisZoneElectric.FractionRadiant + thisZoneElectric.FractionLost);
    1651        4174 :                     if (std::abs(thisZoneElectric.FractionConvected) <= 0.001) thisZoneElectric.FractionConvected = 0.0;
    1652        4174 :                     if (thisZoneElectric.FractionConvected < 0.0) {
    1653           0 :                         ShowSevereError(state,
    1654           0 :                                         std::string{RoutineName} + elecEqModuleObject + "=\"" + thisElecEqInput.Name + "\", Sum of Fractions > 1.0");
    1655           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
    1656             :                     }
    1657             : 
    1658        4174 :                     if (IHGNumAlphas > 4) {
    1659        2232 :                         thisZoneElectric.EndUseSubcategory = IHGAlphas(5);
    1660             :                     } else {
    1661        1942 :                         thisZoneElectric.EndUseSubcategory = "General";
    1662             :                     }
    1663        4174 :                     if (state.dataGlobal->AnyEnergyManagementSystemInModel) {
    1664        3195 :                         SetupEMSActuator(state,
    1665             :                                          "ElectricEquipment",
    1666             :                                          thisZoneElectric.Name,
    1667             :                                          "Electricity Rate",
    1668             :                                          "[W]",
    1669             :                                          thisZoneElectric.EMSZoneEquipOverrideOn,
    1670        2130 :                                          thisZoneElectric.EMSEquipPower);
    1671        3195 :                         SetupEMSInternalVariable(
    1672        2130 :                             state, "Plug and Process Power Design Level", thisZoneElectric.Name, "[W]", thisZoneElectric.DesignLevel);
    1673             :                     } // EMS
    1674        4174 :                     if (!ErrorsFound) {
    1675        4174 :                         SetupSpaceInternalGain(state,
    1676             :                                                thisZoneElectric.spaceIndex,
    1677             :                                                1.0,
    1678             :                                                thisZoneElectric.Name,
    1679             :                                                DataHeatBalance::IntGainType::ElectricEquipment,
    1680             :                                                &thisZoneElectric.ConGainRate,
    1681             :                                                nullptr,
    1682             :                                                &thisZoneElectric.RadGainRate,
    1683             :                                                &thisZoneElectric.LatGainRate);
    1684             :                     }
    1685             :                 } // for elecEqInputNum.NumOfSpaces
    1686             :             }     // for elecEqInputNum
    1687             :         }         // TotElecEquip > 0
    1688             : 
    1689             :         // GasEquipment
    1690        1542 :         EPVector<InternalHeatGains::GlobalInternalGainMiscObject> zoneGasObjects;
    1691         771 :         int numZoneGasStatements = 0;
    1692         771 :         setupIHGZonesAndSpaces(state, gasEqModuleObject, zoneGasObjects, numZoneGasStatements, state.dataHeatBal->TotGasEquip, ErrorsFound);
    1693             : 
    1694         771 :         if (state.dataHeatBal->TotGasEquip > 0) {
    1695          36 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas.allocate(state.dataHeatBal->TotGasEquip);
    1696          36 :             int gasEqNum = 0;
    1697         112 :             for (int gasEqInputNum = 1; gasEqInputNum <= numZoneGasStatements; ++gasEqInputNum) {
    1698             : 
    1699          76 :                 state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectItem(state,
    1700             :                                                                          gasEqModuleObject,
    1701             :                                                                          gasEqInputNum,
    1702             :                                                                          IHGAlphas,
    1703             :                                                                          IHGNumAlphas,
    1704             :                                                                          IHGNumbers,
    1705             :                                                                          IHGNumNumbers,
    1706             :                                                                          IOStat,
    1707             :                                                                          IHGNumericFieldBlanks,
    1708             :                                                                          IHGAlphaFieldBlanks,
    1709             :                                                                          IHGAlphaFieldNames,
    1710             :                                                                          IHGNumericFieldNames);
    1711             : 
    1712          76 :                 auto &thisGasEqInput = zoneGasObjects(gasEqInputNum);
    1713         154 :                 for (int Item1 = 1; Item1 <= thisGasEqInput.numOfSpaces; ++Item1) {
    1714          78 :                     ++gasEqNum;
    1715          78 :                     auto &thisZoneGas = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(gasEqNum);
    1716          78 :                     int const spaceNum = thisGasEqInput.spaceNums(Item1);
    1717          78 :                     int const zoneNum = state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).zoneNum;
    1718          78 :                     thisZoneGas.Name = thisGasEqInput.names(Item1);
    1719          78 :                     thisZoneGas.spaceIndex = spaceNum;
    1720          78 :                     thisZoneGas.ZonePtr = zoneNum;
    1721             : 
    1722          78 :                     thisZoneGas.SchedPtr = GetScheduleIndex(state, IHGAlphas(3));
    1723          78 :                     SchMin = 0.0;
    1724          78 :                     SchMax = 0.0;
    1725          78 :                     if (thisZoneGas.SchedPtr == 0) {
    1726           0 :                         if (Item1 == 1) {
    1727           0 :                             if (IHGAlphaFieldBlanks(3)) {
    1728           0 :                                 ShowSevereError(state,
    1729           0 :                                                 std::string{RoutineName} + gasEqModuleObject + "=\"" + thisGasEqInput.Name + "\", " +
    1730           0 :                                                     IHGAlphaFieldNames(3) + " is required.");
    1731             :                             } else {
    1732           0 :                                 ShowSevereError(state,
    1733           0 :                                                 std::string{RoutineName} + gasEqModuleObject + "=\"" + thisGasEqInput.Name + "\", invalid " +
    1734           0 :                                                     IHGAlphaFieldNames(3) + " entered=" + IHGAlphas(3));
    1735             :                             }
    1736           0 :                             ErrorsFound = true;
    1737             :                         }
    1738             :                     } else { // check min/max on schedule
    1739          78 :                         SchMin = GetScheduleMinValue(state, thisZoneGas.SchedPtr);
    1740          78 :                         SchMax = GetScheduleMaxValue(state, thisZoneGas.SchedPtr);
    1741          78 :                         if (SchMin < 0.0 || SchMax < 0.0) {
    1742           0 :                             if (Item1 == 1) {
    1743           0 :                                 if (SchMin < 0.0) {
    1744           0 :                                     ShowSevereError(state,
    1745           0 :                                                     std::string{RoutineName} + gasEqModuleObject + "=\"" + thisGasEqInput.Name + "\", " +
    1746           0 :                                                         IHGAlphaFieldNames(3) + ", minimum is < 0.0");
    1747           0 :                                     ShowContinueError(state,
    1748           0 :                                                       format("Schedule=\"{}\". Minimum is [{:.1R}]. Values must be >= 0.0.", IHGAlphas(3), SchMin));
    1749           0 :                                     ErrorsFound = true;
    1750             :                                 }
    1751             :                             }
    1752           0 :                             if (Item1 == 1) {
    1753           0 :                                 if (SchMax < 0.0) {
    1754           0 :                                     ShowSevereError(state,
    1755           0 :                                                     std::string{RoutineName} + gasEqModuleObject + "=\"" + thisGasEqInput.Name + "\", " +
    1756           0 :                                                         IHGAlphaFieldNames(3) + ", maximum is < 0.0");
    1757           0 :                                     ShowContinueError(state,
    1758           0 :                                                       format("Schedule=\"{}\". Maximum is [{:.1R}]. Values must be >= 0.0.", IHGAlphas(3), SchMax));
    1759           0 :                                     ErrorsFound = true;
    1760             :                                 }
    1761             :                             }
    1762             :                         }
    1763             :                     }
    1764             : 
    1765             :                     // Gas equipment design level calculation method.
    1766             :                     {
    1767         156 :                         auto const equipmentLevel(IHGAlphas(4));
    1768          78 :                         if (equipmentLevel == "EQUIPMENTLEVEL") {
    1769          71 :                             Real64 spaceFrac = 1.0;
    1770          71 :                             if (thisGasEqInput.numOfSpaces > 1) {
    1771           0 :                                 Real64 const zoneArea = state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).FloorArea;
    1772           0 :                                 if (zoneArea > 0.0) {
    1773           0 :                                     spaceFrac = state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).floorArea / zoneArea;
    1774             :                                 } else {
    1775           0 :                                     ShowSevereError(
    1776           0 :                                         state, std::string(RoutineName) + "Zone floor area is zero when allocating GasEquipment loads to Spaces.");
    1777           0 :                                     ShowContinueError(state,
    1778           0 :                                                       "Occurs for GasEquipment object =" + thisGasEqInput.Name +
    1779           0 :                                                           " in Zone=" + state.dataHeatBal->Zone(thisZoneGas.ZonePtr).Name);
    1780           0 :                                     ErrorsFound = true;
    1781             :                                 }
    1782             :                             }
    1783          71 :                             thisZoneGas.DesignLevel = IHGNumbers(1) * spaceFrac;
    1784          71 :                             if (IHGNumericFieldBlanks(1)) {
    1785           0 :                                 ShowWarningError(state,
    1786           0 :                                                  std::string{RoutineName} + gasEqModuleObject + "=\"" + thisGasEqInput.Name + "\", specifies " +
    1787           0 :                                                      IHGNumericFieldNames(1) + ", but that field is blank.  0 Gas Equipment will result.");
    1788             :                             }
    1789           7 :                         } else if (equipmentLevel == "WATTS/AREA" || equipmentLevel == "POWER/AREA") {
    1790           7 :                             if (spaceNum != 0) {
    1791           7 :                                 if (IHGNumbers(2) >= 0.0) {
    1792           7 :                                     thisZoneGas.DesignLevel = IHGNumbers(2) * state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).floorArea;
    1793           7 :                                     if ((state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).floorArea <= 0.0) &&
    1794           0 :                                         !state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).isRemainderSpace) {
    1795           0 :                                         ShowWarningError(state,
    1796           0 :                                                          std::string{RoutineName} + gasEqModuleObject + "=\"" + thisZoneGas.Name + "\", specifies " +
    1797           0 :                                                              IHGNumericFieldNames(2) + ", but Space Floor Area = 0.  0 Gas Equipment will result.");
    1798             :                                     }
    1799             :                                 } else {
    1800           0 :                                     ShowSevereError(state,
    1801           0 :                                                     format("{}{}=\"{}\", invalid {}, value  [<0.0]={:.3R}",
    1802             :                                                            RoutineName,
    1803             :                                                            gasEqModuleObject,
    1804             :                                                            thisGasEqInput.Name,
    1805             :                                                            IHGNumericFieldNames(2),
    1806           0 :                                                            IHGNumbers(2)));
    1807           0 :                                     ErrorsFound = true;
    1808             :                                 }
    1809             :                             }
    1810           7 :                             if (IHGNumericFieldBlanks(2)) {
    1811           0 :                                 ShowWarningError(state,
    1812           0 :                                                  std::string{RoutineName} + gasEqModuleObject + "=\"" + thisGasEqInput.Name + "\", specifies " +
    1813           0 :                                                      IHGNumericFieldNames(2) + ", but that field is blank.  0 Gas Equipment will result.");
    1814             :                             }
    1815             : 
    1816           0 :                         } else if (equipmentLevel == "WATTS/PERSON" || equipmentLevel == "POWER/PERSON") {
    1817           0 :                             if (spaceNum != 0) {
    1818           0 :                                 if (IHGNumbers(3) >= 0.0) {
    1819           0 :                                     thisZoneGas.DesignLevel = IHGNumbers(3) * state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).totOccupants;
    1820           0 :                                     if (state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).totOccupants <= 0.0) {
    1821           0 :                                         ShowWarningError(state,
    1822           0 :                                                          std::string{RoutineName} + gasEqModuleObject + "=\"" + thisZoneGas.Name + "\", specifies " +
    1823           0 :                                                              IHGNumericFieldNames(2) + ", but Total Occupants = 0.  0 Gas Equipment will result.");
    1824             :                                     }
    1825             :                                 } else {
    1826           0 :                                     ShowSevereError(state,
    1827           0 :                                                     format("{}{}=\"{}\", invalid {}, value  [<0.0]={:.3R}",
    1828             :                                                            RoutineName,
    1829             :                                                            gasEqModuleObject,
    1830             :                                                            thisGasEqInput.Name,
    1831             :                                                            IHGNumericFieldNames(3),
    1832           0 :                                                            IHGNumbers(3)));
    1833           0 :                                     ErrorsFound = true;
    1834             :                                 }
    1835             :                             }
    1836           0 :                             if (IHGNumericFieldBlanks(3)) {
    1837           0 :                                 ShowWarningError(state,
    1838           0 :                                                  std::string{RoutineName} + gasEqModuleObject + "=\"" + thisGasEqInput.Name + "\", specifies " +
    1839           0 :                                                      IHGNumericFieldNames(3) + ", but that field is blank.  0 Gas Equipment will result.");
    1840             :                             }
    1841             : 
    1842             :                         } else {
    1843           0 :                             if (Item1 == 1) {
    1844           0 :                                 ShowSevereError(state,
    1845           0 :                                                 std::string{RoutineName} + gasEqModuleObject + "=\"" + thisGasEqInput.Name + "\", invalid " +
    1846           0 :                                                     IHGAlphaFieldNames(4) + ", value  =" + IHGAlphas(4));
    1847           0 :                                 ShowContinueError(state, "...Valid values are \"EquipmentLevel\", \"Watts/Area\", \"Watts/Person\".");
    1848           0 :                                 ErrorsFound = true;
    1849             :                             }
    1850             :                         }
    1851             :                     }
    1852             : 
    1853             :                     // Calculate nominal min/max equipment level
    1854          78 :                     thisZoneGas.NomMinDesignLevel = thisZoneGas.DesignLevel * SchMin;
    1855          78 :                     thisZoneGas.NomMaxDesignLevel = thisZoneGas.DesignLevel * SchMax;
    1856             : 
    1857          78 :                     thisZoneGas.FractionLatent = IHGNumbers(4);
    1858          78 :                     thisZoneGas.FractionRadiant = IHGNumbers(5);
    1859          78 :                     thisZoneGas.FractionLost = IHGNumbers(6);
    1860             : 
    1861          78 :                     if ((IHGNumNumbers == 7) || (!IHGNumericFieldBlanks(7))) {
    1862          70 :                         thisZoneGas.CO2RateFactor = IHGNumbers(7);
    1863             :                     }
    1864          78 :                     if (thisZoneGas.CO2RateFactor < 0.0) {
    1865           0 :                         ShowSevereError(state,
    1866           0 :                                         format("{}{}=\"{}\", {} < 0.0, value ={:.2R}",
    1867             :                                                RoutineName,
    1868             :                                                gasEqModuleObject,
    1869             :                                                thisGasEqInput.Name,
    1870             :                                                IHGNumericFieldNames(7),
    1871           0 :                                                IHGNumbers(7)));
    1872           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
    1873             :                     }
    1874          78 :                     if (thisZoneGas.CO2RateFactor > 4.0e-7) {
    1875           0 :                         ShowSevereError(state,
    1876           0 :                                         format("{}{}=\"{}\", {} > 4.0E-7, value ={:.2R}",
    1877             :                                                RoutineName,
    1878             :                                                gasEqModuleObject,
    1879             :                                                thisGasEqInput.Name,
    1880             :                                                IHGNumericFieldNames(7),
    1881           0 :                                                IHGNumbers(7)));
    1882           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
    1883             :                     }
    1884             :                     // FractionConvected is a calculated field
    1885          78 :                     thisZoneGas.FractionConvected = 1.0 - (thisZoneGas.FractionLatent + thisZoneGas.FractionRadiant + thisZoneGas.FractionLost);
    1886          78 :                     if (std::abs(thisZoneGas.FractionConvected) <= 0.001) thisZoneGas.FractionConvected = 0.0;
    1887          78 :                     if (thisZoneGas.FractionConvected < 0.0) {
    1888           0 :                         if (Item1 == 1) {
    1889           0 :                             ShowSevereError(
    1890           0 :                                 state, std::string{RoutineName} + gasEqModuleObject + "=\"" + thisGasEqInput.Name + "\", Sum of Fractions > 1.0");
    1891           0 :                             ErrorsFound = true;
    1892             :                         }
    1893             :                     }
    1894             : 
    1895          78 :                     if (IHGNumAlphas > 4) {
    1896          70 :                         thisZoneGas.EndUseSubcategory = IHGAlphas(5);
    1897             :                     } else {
    1898           8 :                         thisZoneGas.EndUseSubcategory = "General";
    1899             :                     }
    1900             : 
    1901          78 :                     if (state.dataGlobal->AnyEnergyManagementSystemInModel) {
    1902          48 :                         SetupEMSActuator(state,
    1903             :                                          "GasEquipment",
    1904             :                                          thisZoneGas.Name,
    1905             :                                          "NaturalGas Rate",
    1906             :                                          "[W]",
    1907             :                                          thisZoneGas.EMSZoneEquipOverrideOn,
    1908          32 :                                          thisZoneGas.EMSEquipPower);
    1909          16 :                         SetupEMSInternalVariable(state, "Gas Process Power Design Level", thisZoneGas.Name, "[W]", thisZoneGas.DesignLevel);
    1910             :                     } // EMS
    1911             : 
    1912          78 :                     if (!ErrorsFound)
    1913          78 :                         SetupSpaceInternalGain(state,
    1914             :                                                thisZoneGas.spaceIndex,
    1915             :                                                1.0,
    1916             :                                                thisZoneGas.Name,
    1917             :                                                DataHeatBalance::IntGainType::GasEquipment,
    1918             :                                                &thisZoneGas.ConGainRate,
    1919             :                                                nullptr,
    1920             :                                                &thisZoneGas.RadGainRate,
    1921             :                                                &thisZoneGas.LatGainRate,
    1922             :                                                nullptr,
    1923             :                                                &thisZoneGas.CO2GainRate);
    1924             : 
    1925             :                 } // for gasEqInputNum.NumOfSpaces
    1926             :             }     // for gasEqInputNum
    1927             :         }         // TotGasEquip > 0
    1928             : 
    1929             :         // HotWaterEquipment
    1930        1542 :         EPVector<InternalHeatGains::GlobalInternalGainMiscObject> hotWaterEqObjects;
    1931         771 :         int numHotWaterEqStatements = 0;
    1932         771 :         setupIHGZonesAndSpaces(state, hwEqModuleObject, hotWaterEqObjects, numHotWaterEqStatements, state.dataHeatBal->TotHWEquip, ErrorsFound);
    1933             : 
    1934         771 :         if (state.dataHeatBal->TotHWEquip > 0) {
    1935           6 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq.allocate(state.dataHeatBal->TotHWEquip);
    1936           6 :             int hwEqNum = 0;
    1937          12 :             for (int hwEqInputNum = 1; hwEqInputNum <= numHotWaterEqStatements; ++hwEqInputNum) {
    1938             : 
    1939           6 :                 state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectItem(state,
    1940             :                                                                          hwEqModuleObject,
    1941             :                                                                          hwEqInputNum,
    1942             :                                                                          IHGAlphas,
    1943             :                                                                          IHGNumAlphas,
    1944             :                                                                          IHGNumbers,
    1945             :                                                                          IHGNumNumbers,
    1946             :                                                                          IOStat,
    1947             :                                                                          IHGNumericFieldBlanks,
    1948             :                                                                          IHGAlphaFieldBlanks,
    1949             :                                                                          IHGAlphaFieldNames,
    1950             :                                                                          IHGNumericFieldNames);
    1951             : 
    1952           6 :                 auto &thisHWEqInput = hotWaterEqObjects(hwEqInputNum);
    1953          20 :                 for (int Item1 = 1; Item1 <= thisHWEqInput.numOfSpaces; ++Item1) {
    1954          14 :                     ++hwEqNum;
    1955          14 :                     auto &thisZoneHWEq = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq(hwEqNum);
    1956          14 :                     int const spaceNum = thisHWEqInput.spaceNums(Item1);
    1957          14 :                     int const zoneNum = state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).zoneNum;
    1958          14 :                     thisZoneHWEq.Name = thisHWEqInput.names(Item1);
    1959          14 :                     thisZoneHWEq.spaceIndex = spaceNum;
    1960          14 :                     thisZoneHWEq.ZonePtr = zoneNum;
    1961             : 
    1962          14 :                     thisZoneHWEq.SchedPtr = GetScheduleIndex(state, IHGAlphas(3));
    1963          14 :                     SchMin = 0.0;
    1964          14 :                     SchMax = 0.0;
    1965          14 :                     if (thisZoneHWEq.SchedPtr == 0) {
    1966           0 :                         if (IHGAlphaFieldBlanks(3)) {
    1967           0 :                             ShowSevereError(state,
    1968           0 :                                             std::string{RoutineName} + hwEqModuleObject + "=\"" + thisHWEqInput.Name + "\", " +
    1969           0 :                                                 IHGAlphaFieldNames(3) + " is required.");
    1970             :                         } else {
    1971           0 :                             ShowSevereError(state,
    1972           0 :                                             std::string{RoutineName} + hwEqModuleObject + "=\"" + thisHWEqInput.Name + "\", invalid " +
    1973           0 :                                                 IHGAlphaFieldNames(3) + " entered=" + IHGAlphas(3));
    1974             :                         }
    1975           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
    1976             :                     } else { // check min/max on schedule
    1977          14 :                         SchMin = GetScheduleMinValue(state, thisZoneHWEq.SchedPtr);
    1978          14 :                         SchMax = GetScheduleMaxValue(state, thisZoneHWEq.SchedPtr);
    1979          14 :                         if (SchMin < 0.0 || SchMax < 0.0) {
    1980           0 :                             if (SchMin < 0.0) {
    1981           0 :                                 ShowSevereError(state,
    1982           0 :                                                 std::string{RoutineName} + hwEqModuleObject + "=\"" + thisHWEqInput.Name + "\", " +
    1983           0 :                                                     IHGAlphaFieldNames(3) + ", minimum is < 0.0");
    1984           0 :                                 ShowContinueError(state,
    1985           0 :                                                   format("Schedule=\"{}\". Minimum is [{:.1R}]. Values must be >= 0.0.", IHGAlphas(3), SchMin));
    1986           0 :                                 ErrorsFound = true;
    1987             :                             }
    1988           0 :                             if (SchMax < 0.0) {
    1989           0 :                                 ShowSevereError(state,
    1990           0 :                                                 std::string{RoutineName} + hwEqModuleObject + "=\"" + thisHWEqInput.Name + "\", " +
    1991           0 :                                                     IHGAlphaFieldNames(3) + ", maximum is < 0.0");
    1992           0 :                                 ShowContinueError(state,
    1993           0 :                                                   format("Schedule=\"{}\". Maximum is [{:.1R}]. Values must be >= 0.0.", IHGAlphas(3), SchMax));
    1994           0 :                                 ErrorsFound = true;
    1995             :                             }
    1996             :                         }
    1997             :                     }
    1998             : 
    1999             :                     // Hot Water equipment design level calculation method.
    2000             :                     {
    2001          28 :                         auto const equipmentLevel(IHGAlphas(4));
    2002          14 :                         if (equipmentLevel == "EQUIPMENTLEVEL") {
    2003           5 :                             Real64 spaceFrac = 1.0;
    2004           5 :                             if (thisHWEqInput.numOfSpaces > 1) {
    2005           0 :                                 Real64 const zoneArea = state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).FloorArea;
    2006           0 :                                 if (zoneArea > 0.0) {
    2007           0 :                                     spaceFrac = state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).floorArea / zoneArea;
    2008             :                                 } else {
    2009           0 :                                     ShowSevereError(state,
    2010           0 :                                                     std::string(RoutineName) +
    2011             :                                                         "Zone floor area is zero when allocating HotWaterEquipment loads to Spaces.");
    2012           0 :                                     ShowContinueError(state,
    2013           0 :                                                       "Occurs for HotWaterEquipment object =" + thisHWEqInput.Name +
    2014           0 :                                                           " in Zone=" + state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    2015           0 :                                     ErrorsFound = true;
    2016             :                                 }
    2017             :                             }
    2018           5 :                             thisZoneHWEq.DesignLevel = IHGNumbers(1) * spaceFrac;
    2019           5 :                             if (IHGNumericFieldBlanks(1)) {
    2020           0 :                                 ShowWarningError(state,
    2021           0 :                                                  std::string{RoutineName} + hwEqModuleObject + "=\"" + thisHWEqInput.Name + "\", specifies " +
    2022           0 :                                                      IHGNumericFieldNames(1) + ", but that field is blank.  0 Hot Water Equipment will result.");
    2023             :                             }
    2024           9 :                         } else if (equipmentLevel == "WATTS/AREA" || equipmentLevel == "POWER/AREA") {
    2025           0 :                             if (spaceNum != 0) {
    2026           0 :                                 if (IHGNumbers(2) >= 0.0) {
    2027           0 :                                     thisZoneHWEq.DesignLevel = IHGNumbers(2) * state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).floorArea;
    2028           0 :                                     if ((state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).floorArea <= 0.0) &&
    2029           0 :                                         !state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).isRemainderSpace) {
    2030           0 :                                         ShowWarningError(state,
    2031           0 :                                                          std::string{RoutineName} + hwEqModuleObject + "=\"" + thisZoneHWEq.Name + "\", specifies " +
    2032           0 :                                                              IHGNumericFieldNames(2) +
    2033             :                                                              ", but Space Floor Area = 0.  0 Hot Water Equipment will result.");
    2034             :                                     }
    2035             :                                 } else {
    2036           0 :                                     ShowSevereError(state,
    2037           0 :                                                     format("{}{}=\"{}\", invalid {}, value  [<0.0]={:.3R}",
    2038             :                                                            RoutineName,
    2039             :                                                            hwEqModuleObject,
    2040             :                                                            thisHWEqInput.Name,
    2041             :                                                            IHGNumericFieldNames(2),
    2042           0 :                                                            IHGNumbers(2)));
    2043           0 :                                     ErrorsFound = true;
    2044             :                                 }
    2045             :                             }
    2046           0 :                             if (IHGNumericFieldBlanks(2)) {
    2047           0 :                                 ShowWarningError(state,
    2048           0 :                                                  std::string{RoutineName} + hwEqModuleObject + "=\"" + thisHWEqInput.Name + "\", specifies " +
    2049           0 :                                                      IHGNumericFieldNames(2) + ", but that field is blank.  0 Hot Water Equipment will result.");
    2050             :                             }
    2051             : 
    2052           9 :                         } else if (equipmentLevel == "WATTS/PERSON" || equipmentLevel == "POWER/PERSON") {
    2053           9 :                             if (spaceNum != 0) {
    2054           9 :                                 if (IHGNumbers(3) >= 0.0) {
    2055           9 :                                     thisZoneHWEq.DesignLevel = IHGNumbers(3) * state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).totOccupants;
    2056           9 :                                     if (state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).totOccupants <= 0.0) {
    2057           0 :                                         ShowWarningError(state,
    2058           0 :                                                          std::string{RoutineName} + hwEqModuleObject + "=\"" + thisZoneHWEq.Name + "\", specifies " +
    2059           0 :                                                              IHGNumericFieldNames(2) +
    2060             :                                                              ", but Total Occupants = 0.  0 Hot Water Equipment will result.");
    2061             :                                     }
    2062             :                                 } else {
    2063           0 :                                     ShowSevereError(state,
    2064           0 :                                                     format("{}{}=\"{}\", invalid {}, value  [<0.0]={:.3R}",
    2065             :                                                            RoutineName,
    2066             :                                                            hwEqModuleObject,
    2067             :                                                            thisHWEqInput.Name,
    2068             :                                                            IHGNumericFieldNames(3),
    2069           0 :                                                            IHGNumbers(3)));
    2070           0 :                                     ErrorsFound = true;
    2071             :                                 }
    2072             :                             }
    2073           9 :                             if (IHGNumericFieldBlanks(3)) {
    2074           0 :                                 ShowWarningError(state,
    2075           0 :                                                  std::string{RoutineName} + hwEqModuleObject + "=\"" + thisHWEqInput.Name + "\", specifies " +
    2076           0 :                                                      IHGNumericFieldNames(3) + ", but that field is blank.  0 Hot Water Equipment will result.");
    2077             :                             }
    2078             : 
    2079             :                         } else {
    2080           0 :                             if (Item1 == 1) {
    2081           0 :                                 ShowSevereError(state,
    2082           0 :                                                 std::string{RoutineName} + hwEqModuleObject + "=\"" + thisHWEqInput.Name + "\", invalid " +
    2083           0 :                                                     IHGAlphaFieldNames(4) + ", value  =" + IHGAlphas(4));
    2084           0 :                                 ShowContinueError(state, "...Valid values are \"EquipmentLevel\", \"Watts/Area\", \"Watts/Person\".");
    2085           0 :                                 ErrorsFound = true;
    2086             :                             }
    2087             :                         }
    2088             :                     }
    2089             : 
    2090             :                     // Calculate nominal min/max equipment level
    2091          14 :                     thisZoneHWEq.NomMinDesignLevel = thisZoneHWEq.DesignLevel * SchMin;
    2092          14 :                     thisZoneHWEq.NomMaxDesignLevel = thisZoneHWEq.DesignLevel * SchMax;
    2093             : 
    2094          14 :                     thisZoneHWEq.FractionLatent = IHGNumbers(4);
    2095          14 :                     thisZoneHWEq.FractionRadiant = IHGNumbers(5);
    2096          14 :                     thisZoneHWEq.FractionLost = IHGNumbers(6);
    2097             :                     // FractionConvected is a calculated field
    2098          14 :                     thisZoneHWEq.FractionConvected = 1.0 - (thisZoneHWEq.FractionLatent + thisZoneHWEq.FractionRadiant + thisZoneHWEq.FractionLost);
    2099          14 :                     if (std::abs(thisZoneHWEq.FractionConvected) <= 0.001) thisZoneHWEq.FractionConvected = 0.0;
    2100          14 :                     if (thisZoneHWEq.FractionConvected < 0.0) {
    2101           0 :                         ShowSevereError(state,
    2102           0 :                                         std::string{RoutineName} + hwEqModuleObject + "=\"" + thisHWEqInput.Name + "\", Sum of Fractions > 1.0");
    2103           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
    2104             :                     }
    2105             : 
    2106          14 :                     if (IHGNumAlphas > 4) {
    2107          14 :                         thisZoneHWEq.EndUseSubcategory = IHGAlphas(5);
    2108             :                     } else {
    2109           0 :                         thisZoneHWEq.EndUseSubcategory = "General";
    2110             :                     }
    2111             : 
    2112          14 :                     if (state.dataGlobal->AnyEnergyManagementSystemInModel) {
    2113           0 :                         SetupEMSActuator(state,
    2114             :                                          "HotWaterEquipment",
    2115             :                                          thisZoneHWEq.Name,
    2116             :                                          "District Heating Power Level",
    2117             :                                          "[W]",
    2118             :                                          thisZoneHWEq.EMSZoneEquipOverrideOn,
    2119           0 :                                          thisZoneHWEq.EMSEquipPower);
    2120           0 :                         SetupEMSInternalVariable(state, "Process District Heat Design Level", thisZoneHWEq.Name, "[W]", thisZoneHWEq.DesignLevel);
    2121             :                     } // EMS
    2122             : 
    2123          14 :                     if (!ErrorsFound)
    2124          14 :                         SetupSpaceInternalGain(state,
    2125             :                                                thisZoneHWEq.spaceIndex,
    2126             :                                                1.0,
    2127             :                                                thisZoneHWEq.Name,
    2128             :                                                DataHeatBalance::IntGainType::HotWaterEquipment,
    2129             :                                                &thisZoneHWEq.ConGainRate,
    2130             :                                                nullptr,
    2131             :                                                &thisZoneHWEq.RadGainRate,
    2132             :                                                &thisZoneHWEq.LatGainRate);
    2133             : 
    2134             :                 } // for hwEqInputNum.NumOfSpaces
    2135             :             }     // for hwEqInputNum
    2136             :         }         // TotHWEquip > 0
    2137             : 
    2138             :         // SteamEquipment
    2139        1542 :         EPVector<InternalHeatGains::GlobalInternalGainMiscObject> steamEqObjects;
    2140         771 :         int numSteamEqStatements = 0;
    2141         771 :         setupIHGZonesAndSpaces(state, stmEqModuleObject, steamEqObjects, numSteamEqStatements, state.dataHeatBal->TotStmEquip, ErrorsFound);
    2142             : 
    2143         771 :         if (state.dataHeatBal->TotStmEquip > 0) {
    2144           5 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq.allocate(state.dataHeatBal->TotStmEquip);
    2145           5 :             int stmEqNum = 0;
    2146          10 :             for (int stmEqInputNum = 1; stmEqInputNum <= numSteamEqStatements; ++stmEqInputNum) {
    2147           5 :                 state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectItem(state,
    2148             :                                                                          stmEqModuleObject,
    2149             :                                                                          stmEqInputNum,
    2150             :                                                                          IHGAlphas,
    2151             :                                                                          IHGNumAlphas,
    2152             :                                                                          IHGNumbers,
    2153             :                                                                          IHGNumNumbers,
    2154             :                                                                          IOStat,
    2155             :                                                                          IHGNumericFieldBlanks,
    2156             :                                                                          IHGAlphaFieldBlanks,
    2157             :                                                                          IHGAlphaFieldNames,
    2158             :                                                                          IHGNumericFieldNames);
    2159             : 
    2160           5 :                 auto &thisStmEqInput = steamEqObjects(stmEqInputNum);
    2161          10 :                 for (int Item1 = 1; Item1 <= thisStmEqInput.numOfSpaces; ++Item1) {
    2162           5 :                     ++stmEqNum;
    2163           5 :                     auto &thisZoneStmEq = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq(stmEqNum);
    2164           5 :                     int const spaceNum = thisStmEqInput.spaceNums(Item1);
    2165           5 :                     int const zoneNum = state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).zoneNum;
    2166           5 :                     thisZoneStmEq.Name = thisStmEqInput.names(Item1);
    2167           5 :                     thisZoneStmEq.spaceIndex = spaceNum;
    2168           5 :                     thisZoneStmEq.ZonePtr = zoneNum;
    2169             : 
    2170           5 :                     thisZoneStmEq.SchedPtr = GetScheduleIndex(state, IHGAlphas(3));
    2171           5 :                     SchMin = 0.0;
    2172           5 :                     SchMax = 0.0;
    2173           5 :                     if (thisZoneStmEq.SchedPtr == 0) {
    2174           0 :                         if (IHGAlphaFieldBlanks(3)) {
    2175           0 :                             ShowSevereError(state,
    2176           0 :                                             std::string{RoutineName} + stmEqModuleObject + "=\"" + thisStmEqInput.Name + "\", " +
    2177           0 :                                                 IHGAlphaFieldNames(3) + " is required.");
    2178             :                         } else {
    2179           0 :                             ShowSevereError(state,
    2180           0 :                                             std::string{RoutineName} + stmEqModuleObject + "=\"" + thisStmEqInput.Name + "\", invalid " +
    2181           0 :                                                 IHGAlphaFieldNames(3) + " entered=" + IHGAlphas(3));
    2182             :                         }
    2183           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
    2184             :                     } else { // check min/max on schedule
    2185           5 :                         SchMin = GetScheduleMinValue(state, thisZoneStmEq.SchedPtr);
    2186           5 :                         SchMax = GetScheduleMaxValue(state, thisZoneStmEq.SchedPtr);
    2187           5 :                         if (SchMin < 0.0 || SchMax < 0.0) {
    2188           0 :                             if (SchMin < 0.0) {
    2189           0 :                                 ShowSevereError(state,
    2190           0 :                                                 std::string{RoutineName} + stmEqModuleObject + "=\"" + thisStmEqInput.Name + "\", " +
    2191           0 :                                                     IHGAlphaFieldNames(3) + ", minimum is < 0.0");
    2192           0 :                                 ShowContinueError(state,
    2193           0 :                                                   format("Schedule=\"{}\". Minimum is [{:.1R}]. Values must be >= 0.0.", IHGAlphas(3), SchMin));
    2194           0 :                                 ErrorsFound = true;
    2195             :                             }
    2196           0 :                             if (SchMax < 0.0) {
    2197           0 :                                 ShowSevereError(state,
    2198           0 :                                                 std::string{RoutineName} + stmEqModuleObject + "=\"" + thisStmEqInput.Name + "\", " +
    2199           0 :                                                     IHGAlphaFieldNames(3) + ", maximum is < 0.0");
    2200           0 :                                 ShowContinueError(state,
    2201           0 :                                                   format("Schedule=\"{}\". Maximum is [{:.1R}]. Values must be >= 0.0.", IHGAlphas(3), SchMax));
    2202           0 :                                 ErrorsFound = true;
    2203             :                             }
    2204             :                         }
    2205             :                     }
    2206             : 
    2207             :                     // Steam equipment design level calculation method.
    2208             :                     {
    2209          10 :                         auto const equipmentLevel(IHGAlphas(4));
    2210           5 :                         if (equipmentLevel == "EQUIPMENTLEVEL") {
    2211           5 :                             Real64 spaceFrac = 1.0;
    2212           5 :                             if (thisStmEqInput.numOfSpaces > 1) {
    2213           0 :                                 Real64 const zoneArea = state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).FloorArea;
    2214           0 :                                 if (zoneArea > 0.0) {
    2215           0 :                                     spaceFrac = state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).floorArea / zoneArea;
    2216             :                                 } else {
    2217           0 :                                     ShowSevereError(
    2218           0 :                                         state, std::string(RoutineName) + "Zone floor area is zero when allocating SteamEquipment loads to Spaces.");
    2219           0 :                                     ShowContinueError(state,
    2220           0 :                                                       "Occurs for SteamEquipment object =" + thisStmEqInput.Name +
    2221           0 :                                                           " in Zone=" + state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    2222           0 :                                     ErrorsFound = true;
    2223             :                                 }
    2224             :                             }
    2225           5 :                             thisZoneStmEq.DesignLevel = IHGNumbers(1) * spaceFrac;
    2226           5 :                             if (IHGNumericFieldBlanks(1)) {
    2227           0 :                                 ShowWarningError(state,
    2228           0 :                                                  std::string{RoutineName} + hwEqModuleObject + "=\"" + thisStmEqInput.Name + "\", specifies " +
    2229           0 :                                                      IHGNumericFieldNames(1) + ", but that field is blank.  0 Steam Equipment will result.");
    2230             :                             }
    2231           0 :                         } else if (equipmentLevel == "WATTS/AREA" || equipmentLevel == "POWER/AREA") {
    2232           0 :                             if (spaceNum > 0) {
    2233           0 :                                 if (IHGNumbers(2) >= 0.0) {
    2234           0 :                                     thisZoneStmEq.DesignLevel = IHGNumbers(2) * state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).floorArea;
    2235           0 :                                     if ((state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).floorArea <= 0.0) &&
    2236           0 :                                         !state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).isRemainderSpace) {
    2237           0 :                                         ShowWarningError(state,
    2238           0 :                                                          std::string{RoutineName} + stmEqModuleObject + "=\"" + thisZoneStmEq.Name +
    2239           0 :                                                              "\", specifies " + IHGNumericFieldNames(2) +
    2240             :                                                              ", but Space Floor Area = 0.  0 Steam Equipment will result.");
    2241             :                                     }
    2242             :                                 } else {
    2243           0 :                                     ShowSevereError(state,
    2244           0 :                                                     format("{}{}=\"{}\", invalid {}, value  [<0.0]={:.3R}",
    2245             :                                                            RoutineName,
    2246             :                                                            stmEqModuleObject,
    2247             :                                                            IHGAlphas(1),
    2248             :                                                            IHGNumericFieldNames(2),
    2249           0 :                                                            IHGNumbers(2)));
    2250           0 :                                     ErrorsFound = true;
    2251             :                                 }
    2252             :                             }
    2253           0 :                             if (IHGNumericFieldBlanks(2)) {
    2254           0 :                                 ShowWarningError(state,
    2255           0 :                                                  std::string{RoutineName} + stmEqModuleObject + "=\"" + thisStmEqInput.Name + "\", specifies " +
    2256           0 :                                                      IHGNumericFieldNames(2) + ", but that field is blank.  0 Steam Equipment will result.");
    2257             :                             }
    2258             : 
    2259           0 :                         } else if (equipmentLevel == "WATTS/PERSON" || equipmentLevel == "POWER/PERSON") {
    2260           0 :                             if (spaceNum != 0) {
    2261           0 :                                 if (IHGNumbers(3) >= 0.0) {
    2262           0 :                                     thisZoneStmEq.DesignLevel = IHGNumbers(3) * state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).totOccupants;
    2263           0 :                                     if (state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).totOccupants <= 0.0) {
    2264           0 :                                         ShowWarningError(state,
    2265           0 :                                                          std::string{RoutineName} + stmEqModuleObject + "=\"" + thisZoneStmEq.Name +
    2266           0 :                                                              "\", specifies " + IHGNumericFieldNames(2) +
    2267             :                                                              ", but Total Occupants = 0.  0 Steam Equipment will result.");
    2268             :                                     }
    2269             :                                 } else {
    2270           0 :                                     ShowSevereError(state,
    2271           0 :                                                     format("{}{}=\"{}\", invalid {}, value  [<0.0]={:.3R}",
    2272             :                                                            RoutineName,
    2273             :                                                            stmEqModuleObject,
    2274             :                                                            IHGAlphas(1),
    2275             :                                                            IHGNumericFieldNames(3),
    2276           0 :                                                            IHGNumbers(3)));
    2277           0 :                                     ErrorsFound = true;
    2278             :                                 }
    2279             :                             }
    2280           0 :                             if (IHGNumericFieldBlanks(3)) {
    2281           0 :                                 ShowWarningError(state,
    2282           0 :                                                  std::string{RoutineName} + stmEqModuleObject + "=\"" + IHGAlphas(1) + "\", specifies " +
    2283           0 :                                                      IHGNumericFieldNames(3) + ", but that field is blank.  0 Steam Equipment will result.");
    2284             :                             }
    2285             : 
    2286             :                         } else {
    2287           0 :                             if (Item1 == 1) {
    2288           0 :                                 ShowSevereError(state,
    2289           0 :                                                 std::string{RoutineName} + stmEqModuleObject + "=\"" + IHGAlphas(1) + "\", invalid " +
    2290           0 :                                                     IHGAlphaFieldNames(4) + ", value  =" + IHGAlphas(4));
    2291           0 :                                 ShowContinueError(state, "...Valid values are \"EquipmentLevel\", \"Watts/Area\", \"Watts/Person\".");
    2292           0 :                                 ErrorsFound = true;
    2293             :                             }
    2294             :                         }
    2295             :                     }
    2296             : 
    2297             :                     // Calculate nominal min/max equipment level
    2298           5 :                     thisZoneStmEq.NomMinDesignLevel = thisZoneStmEq.DesignLevel * SchMin;
    2299           5 :                     thisZoneStmEq.NomMaxDesignLevel = thisZoneStmEq.DesignLevel * SchMax;
    2300             : 
    2301           5 :                     thisZoneStmEq.FractionLatent = IHGNumbers(4);
    2302           5 :                     thisZoneStmEq.FractionRadiant = IHGNumbers(5);
    2303           5 :                     thisZoneStmEq.FractionLost = IHGNumbers(6);
    2304             :                     // FractionConvected is a calculated field
    2305           5 :                     thisZoneStmEq.FractionConvected =
    2306           5 :                         1.0 - (thisZoneStmEq.FractionLatent + thisZoneStmEq.FractionRadiant + thisZoneStmEq.FractionLost);
    2307           5 :                     if (std::abs(thisZoneStmEq.FractionConvected) <= 0.001) thisZoneStmEq.FractionConvected = 0.0;
    2308           5 :                     if (thisZoneStmEq.FractionConvected < 0.0) {
    2309           0 :                         ShowSevereError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + stmEqModuleObject + "=\"" + IHGAlphas(1) + "\", Sum of Fractions > 1.0");
    2310           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
    2311             :                     }
    2312             : 
    2313           5 :                     if (IHGNumAlphas > 4) {
    2314           5 :                         thisZoneStmEq.EndUseSubcategory = IHGAlphas(5);
    2315             :                     } else {
    2316           0 :                         thisZoneStmEq.EndUseSubcategory = "General";
    2317             :                     }
    2318             : 
    2319           5 :                     if (thisZoneStmEq.ZonePtr <= 0) continue; // Error, will be caught and terminated later
    2320             : 
    2321           5 :                     if (state.dataGlobal->AnyEnergyManagementSystemInModel) {
    2322           0 :                         SetupEMSActuator(state,
    2323             :                                          "SteamEquipment",
    2324             :                                          thisZoneStmEq.Name,
    2325             :                                          "District Heating Power Level",
    2326             :                                          "[W]",
    2327             :                                          thisZoneStmEq.EMSZoneEquipOverrideOn,
    2328           0 :                                          thisZoneStmEq.EMSEquipPower);
    2329           0 :                         SetupEMSInternalVariable(
    2330           0 :                             state, "Process Steam District Heat Design Level", thisZoneStmEq.Name, "[W]", thisZoneStmEq.DesignLevel);
    2331             :                     } // EMS
    2332             : 
    2333           5 :                     if (!ErrorsFound)
    2334           5 :                         SetupSpaceInternalGain(state,
    2335             :                                                thisZoneStmEq.spaceIndex,
    2336             :                                                1.0,
    2337             :                                                thisZoneStmEq.Name,
    2338             :                                                DataHeatBalance::IntGainType::SteamEquipment,
    2339             :                                                &thisZoneStmEq.ConGainRate,
    2340             :                                                nullptr,
    2341             :                                                &thisZoneStmEq.RadGainRate,
    2342             :                                                &thisZoneStmEq.LatGainRate);
    2343             : 
    2344             :                 } // for stmEqInputNum.NumOfSpaces
    2345             :             }     // for stmEqInputNum
    2346             :         }         // TotStmEquip > 0
    2347             : 
    2348             :         // OtherEquipment
    2349        1542 :         EPVector<InternalHeatGains::GlobalInternalGainMiscObject> otherEqObjects;
    2350         771 :         int numOtherEqStatements = 0;
    2351         771 :         setupIHGZonesAndSpaces(state, othEqModuleObject, otherEqObjects, numOtherEqStatements, state.dataHeatBal->TotOthEquip, ErrorsFound);
    2352             : 
    2353         771 :         if (state.dataHeatBal->TotOthEquip > 0) {
    2354          28 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq.allocate(state.dataHeatBal->TotOthEquip);
    2355          28 :             int othEqNum = 0;
    2356          92 :             for (int othEqInputNum = 1; othEqInputNum <= numOtherEqStatements; ++othEqInputNum) {
    2357             : 
    2358          64 :                 state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectItem(state,
    2359             :                                                                          othEqModuleObject,
    2360             :                                                                          othEqInputNum,
    2361             :                                                                          IHGAlphas,
    2362             :                                                                          IHGNumAlphas,
    2363             :                                                                          IHGNumbers,
    2364             :                                                                          IHGNumNumbers,
    2365             :                                                                          IOStat,
    2366             :                                                                          IHGNumericFieldBlanks,
    2367             :                                                                          IHGAlphaFieldBlanks,
    2368             :                                                                          IHGAlphaFieldNames,
    2369             :                                                                          IHGNumericFieldNames);
    2370             : 
    2371          64 :                 auto &thisOthEqInput = otherEqObjects(othEqInputNum);
    2372         128 :                 for (int Item1 = 1; Item1 <= thisOthEqInput.numOfSpaces; ++Item1) {
    2373          64 :                     ++othEqNum;
    2374          64 :                     auto &thisZoneOthEq = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(othEqNum);
    2375          64 :                     int const spaceNum = thisOthEqInput.spaceNums(Item1);
    2376          64 :                     int const zoneNum = state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).zoneNum;
    2377          64 :                     thisZoneOthEq.Name = thisOthEqInput.names(Item1);
    2378          64 :                     thisZoneOthEq.spaceIndex = spaceNum;
    2379          64 :                     thisZoneOthEq.ZonePtr = zoneNum;
    2380             : 
    2381         128 :                     std::string FuelTypeString("");
    2382          64 :                     if (IHGAlphas(2) == "NONE") {
    2383          62 :                         thisZoneOthEq.OtherEquipFuelType = ExteriorEnergyUse::ExteriorFuelUsage::Invalid;
    2384          62 :                         FuelTypeString = IHGAlphas(2);
    2385             :                     } else {
    2386           2 :                         ExteriorEnergyUse::ValidateFuelType(state,
    2387             :                                                             thisZoneOthEq.OtherEquipFuelType,
    2388           2 :                                                             IHGAlphas(2),
    2389             :                                                             FuelTypeString,
    2390             :                                                             othEqModuleObject,
    2391           2 :                                                             IHGAlphaFieldNames(2),
    2392           2 :                                                             IHGAlphas(2));
    2393           4 :                         if (thisZoneOthEq.OtherEquipFuelType == ExteriorEnergyUse::ExteriorFuelUsage::Invalid ||
    2394           2 :                             thisZoneOthEq.OtherEquipFuelType == ExteriorEnergyUse::ExteriorFuelUsage::WaterUse) {
    2395           0 :                             ShowSevereError(state,
    2396           0 :                                             std::string{RoutineName} + othEqModuleObject + ": invalid " + IHGAlphaFieldNames(2) +
    2397           0 :                                                 " entered=" + IHGAlphas(2) + " for " + IHGAlphaFieldNames(1) + '=' + thisOthEqInput.Name);
    2398           0 :                             ErrorsFound = true;
    2399             :                         }
    2400           2 :                         thisZoneOthEq.otherEquipFuelTypeString = FuelTypeString; // Save for output variable setup later
    2401             :                         // Build list of fuel types used in each zone and space (excluding None and Water)
    2402           2 :                         bool found = false;
    2403           2 :                         for (auto fuelType : state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).otherEquipFuelTypeNums) {
    2404           0 :                             if (thisZoneOthEq.OtherEquipFuelType == fuelType) {
    2405           0 :                                 found = true;
    2406           0 :                                 break;
    2407             :                             }
    2408             :                         }
    2409           2 :                         if (!found) {
    2410           2 :                             state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).otherEquipFuelTypeNums.emplace_back(thisZoneOthEq.OtherEquipFuelType);
    2411           2 :                             state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).otherEquipFuelTypeNames.emplace_back(FuelTypeString);
    2412             :                         }
    2413           2 :                         found = false;
    2414           2 :                         for (auto fuelType : state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).otherEquipFuelTypeNums) {
    2415           0 :                             if (thisZoneOthEq.OtherEquipFuelType == fuelType) {
    2416           0 :                                 found = true;
    2417           0 :                                 break;
    2418             :                             }
    2419             :                         }
    2420           2 :                         if (!found) {
    2421           2 :                             state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).otherEquipFuelTypeNums.emplace_back(thisZoneOthEq.OtherEquipFuelType);
    2422           2 :                             state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).otherEquipFuelTypeNames.emplace_back(FuelTypeString);
    2423             :                         }
    2424             :                     }
    2425             : 
    2426          64 :                     thisZoneOthEq.SchedPtr = GetScheduleIndex(state, IHGAlphas(4));
    2427          64 :                     SchMin = 0.0;
    2428          64 :                     SchMax = 0.0;
    2429          64 :                     if (thisZoneOthEq.SchedPtr == 0) {
    2430           0 :                         if (IHGAlphaFieldBlanks(4)) {
    2431           0 :                             ShowSevereError(state,
    2432           0 :                                             std::string{RoutineName} + othEqModuleObject + "=\"" + thisOthEqInput.Name + "\", " +
    2433           0 :                                                 IHGAlphaFieldNames(4) + " is required.");
    2434             :                         } else {
    2435           0 :                             ShowSevereError(state,
    2436           0 :                                             std::string{RoutineName} + othEqModuleObject + "=\"" + thisOthEqInput.Name + "\", invalid " +
    2437           0 :                                                 IHGAlphaFieldNames(4) + " entered=" + IHGAlphas(4));
    2438             :                         }
    2439           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
    2440             :                     } else { // check min/max on schedule
    2441          64 :                         SchMin = GetScheduleMinValue(state, thisZoneOthEq.SchedPtr);
    2442          64 :                         SchMax = GetScheduleMaxValue(state, thisZoneOthEq.SchedPtr);
    2443             :                     }
    2444             : 
    2445             :                     // equipment design level calculation method.
    2446             :                     unsigned int DesignLevelFieldNumber;
    2447             :                     {
    2448         128 :                         auto const equipmentLevel(IHGAlphas(5));
    2449          64 :                         if (equipmentLevel == "EQUIPMENTLEVEL") {
    2450          64 :                             DesignLevelFieldNumber = 1;
    2451          64 :                             Real64 spaceFrac = 1.0;
    2452          64 :                             if (thisOthEqInput.numOfSpaces > 1) {
    2453           0 :                                 Real64 const zoneArea = state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).FloorArea;
    2454           0 :                                 if (zoneArea > 0.0) {
    2455           0 :                                     spaceFrac = state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).floorArea / zoneArea;
    2456             :                                 } else {
    2457           0 :                                     ShowSevereError(
    2458           0 :                                         state, std::string(RoutineName) + "Zone floor area is zero when allocating OtherEquipment loads to Spaces.");
    2459           0 :                                     ShowContinueError(state,
    2460           0 :                                                       "Occurs for OtherEquipment object =" + thisOthEqInput.Name +
    2461           0 :                                                           " in Zone=" + state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    2462           0 :                                     ErrorsFound = true;
    2463             :                                 }
    2464             :                             }
    2465          64 :                             thisZoneOthEq.DesignLevel = IHGNumbers(1) * spaceFrac;
    2466          64 :                             if (IHGNumericFieldBlanks(DesignLevelFieldNumber)) {
    2467           0 :                                 ShowWarningError(state,
    2468           0 :                                                  std::string{RoutineName} + othEqModuleObject + "=\"" + thisOthEqInput.Name + "\", specifies " +
    2469           0 :                                                      IHGNumericFieldNames(DesignLevelFieldNumber) +
    2470             :                                                      ", but that field is blank.  0 Other Equipment will result.");
    2471             :                             }
    2472             : 
    2473           0 :                         } else if (equipmentLevel == "WATTS/AREA" || equipmentLevel == "POWER/AREA") {
    2474           0 :                             DesignLevelFieldNumber = 2;
    2475           0 :                             if (spaceNum > 0) {
    2476           0 :                                 thisZoneOthEq.DesignLevel = IHGNumbers(DesignLevelFieldNumber) * state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).floorArea;
    2477           0 :                                 if ((state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).floorArea <= 0.0) && !state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).isRemainderSpace) {
    2478           0 :                                     ShowWarningError(state,
    2479           0 :                                                      std::string{RoutineName} + othEqModuleObject + "=\"" + thisZoneOthEq.Name + "\", specifies " +
    2480           0 :                                                          IHGNumericFieldNames(DesignLevelFieldNumber) +
    2481             :                                                          ", but Space Floor Area = 0.  0 Other Equipment will result.");
    2482             :                                 }
    2483             :                             }
    2484           0 :                             if (IHGNumericFieldBlanks(DesignLevelFieldNumber)) {
    2485           0 :                                 ShowWarningError(state,
    2486           0 :                                                  std::string{RoutineName} + othEqModuleObject + "=\"" + IHGAlphas(1) + "\", specifies " +
    2487           0 :                                                      IHGNumericFieldNames(DesignLevelFieldNumber) +
    2488             :                                                      ", but that field is blank.  0 Other Equipment will result.");
    2489             :                             }
    2490             : 
    2491           0 :                         } else if (equipmentLevel == "WATTS/PERSON" || equipmentLevel == "POWER/PERSON") {
    2492           0 :                             DesignLevelFieldNumber = 3;
    2493           0 :                             if (thisZoneOthEq.ZonePtr != 0) {
    2494           0 :                                 thisZoneOthEq.DesignLevel = IHGNumbers(3) * state.dataHeatBal->Zone(thisZoneOthEq.ZonePtr).TotOccupants;
    2495           0 :                                 if (state.dataHeatBal->Zone(thisZoneOthEq.ZonePtr).TotOccupants <= 0.0) {
    2496           0 :                                     ShowWarningError(state,
    2497           0 :                                                      std::string{RoutineName} + othEqModuleObject + "=\"" + thisZoneOthEq.Name + "\", specifies " +
    2498           0 :                                                          IHGNumericFieldNames(DesignLevelFieldNumber) +
    2499             :                                                          ", but Total Occupants = 0.  0 Other Equipment will result.");
    2500             :                                 }
    2501             :                             }
    2502           0 :                             if (IHGNumericFieldBlanks(DesignLevelFieldNumber)) {
    2503           0 :                                 ShowWarningError(state,
    2504           0 :                                                  std::string{RoutineName} + othEqModuleObject + "=\"" + thisOthEqInput.Name + "\", specifies " +
    2505           0 :                                                      IHGNumericFieldNames(DesignLevelFieldNumber) +
    2506             :                                                      ", but that field is blank.  0 Other Equipment will result.");
    2507             :                             }
    2508             : 
    2509             :                         } else {
    2510           0 :                             if (Item1 == 1) {
    2511           0 :                                 ShowSevereError(state,
    2512           0 :                                                 std::string{RoutineName} + othEqModuleObject + "=\"" + thisOthEqInput.Name + "\", invalid " +
    2513           0 :                                                     IHGAlphaFieldNames(5) + ", value  =" + IHGAlphas(5));
    2514           0 :                                 ShowContinueError(state, "...Valid values are \"EquipmentLevel\", \"Watts/Area\", \"Watts/Person\".");
    2515           0 :                                 ErrorsFound = true;
    2516             :                             }
    2517             :                         }
    2518             :                     }
    2519             : 
    2520             :                     // Throw an error if the design level is negative and we have a fuel type
    2521          64 :                     if (thisZoneOthEq.DesignLevel < 0.0 && thisZoneOthEq.OtherEquipFuelType != ExteriorEnergyUse::ExteriorFuelUsage::Invalid) {
    2522           0 :                         ShowSevereError(state,
    2523           0 :                                         std::string{RoutineName} + othEqModuleObject + "=\"" + thisOthEqInput.Name + "\", " +
    2524           0 :                                             IHGNumericFieldNames(DesignLevelFieldNumber) + " is not allowed to be negative");
    2525           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "... when a fuel type of " + FuelTypeString + " is specified.");
    2526           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
    2527             :                     }
    2528             : 
    2529             :                     // Calculate nominal min/max equipment level
    2530          64 :                     thisZoneOthEq.NomMinDesignLevel = thisZoneOthEq.DesignLevel * SchMin;
    2531          64 :                     thisZoneOthEq.NomMaxDesignLevel = thisZoneOthEq.DesignLevel * SchMax;
    2532             : 
    2533          64 :                     thisZoneOthEq.FractionLatent = IHGNumbers(4);
    2534          64 :                     thisZoneOthEq.FractionRadiant = IHGNumbers(5);
    2535          64 :                     thisZoneOthEq.FractionLost = IHGNumbers(6);
    2536             : 
    2537          64 :                     if ((IHGNumNumbers == 7) || (!IHGNumericFieldBlanks(7))) {
    2538          15 :                         thisZoneOthEq.CO2RateFactor = IHGNumbers(7);
    2539             :                     }
    2540          64 :                     if (thisZoneOthEq.CO2RateFactor < 0.0) {
    2541           0 :                         ShowSevereError(state,
    2542           0 :                                         format("{}{}=\"{}\", {} < 0.0, value ={:.2R}",
    2543             :                                                RoutineName,
    2544             :                                                othEqModuleObject,
    2545             :                                                thisOthEqInput.Name,
    2546             :                                                IHGNumericFieldNames(7),
    2547           0 :                                                IHGNumbers(7)));
    2548           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
    2549             :                     }
    2550          64 :                     if (thisZoneOthEq.CO2RateFactor > 4.0e-7) {
    2551           0 :                         ShowSevereError(state,
    2552           0 :                                         format("{}{}=\"{}\", {} > 4.0E-7, value ={:.2R}",
    2553             :                                                RoutineName,
    2554             :                                                othEqModuleObject,
    2555             :                                                thisOthEqInput.Name,
    2556             :                                                IHGNumericFieldNames(7),
    2557           0 :                                                IHGNumbers(7)));
    2558           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
    2559             :                     }
    2560             : 
    2561             :                     // FractionConvected is a calculated field
    2562          64 :                     thisZoneOthEq.FractionConvected =
    2563          64 :                         1.0 - (thisZoneOthEq.FractionLatent + thisZoneOthEq.FractionRadiant + thisZoneOthEq.FractionLost);
    2564          64 :                     if (std::abs(thisZoneOthEq.FractionConvected) <= 0.001) thisZoneOthEq.FractionConvected = 0.0;
    2565          64 :                     if (thisZoneOthEq.FractionConvected < 0.0) {
    2566           0 :                         ShowSevereError(state,
    2567           0 :                                         std::string{RoutineName} + othEqModuleObject + "=\"" + thisOthEqInput.Name + "\", Sum of Fractions > 1.0");
    2568           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
    2569             :                     }
    2570             : 
    2571          64 :                     if (IHGNumAlphas > 5) {
    2572          15 :                         thisZoneOthEq.EndUseSubcategory = IHGAlphas(6);
    2573             :                     } else {
    2574          49 :                         thisZoneOthEq.EndUseSubcategory = "General";
    2575             :                     }
    2576             : 
    2577          64 :                     if (state.dataGlobal->AnyEnergyManagementSystemInModel) {
    2578          51 :                         SetupEMSActuator(state,
    2579             :                                          "OtherEquipment",
    2580             :                                          thisZoneOthEq.Name,
    2581             :                                          "Power Level",
    2582             :                                          "[W]",
    2583             :                                          thisZoneOthEq.EMSZoneEquipOverrideOn,
    2584          34 :                                          thisZoneOthEq.EMSEquipPower);
    2585          17 :                         SetupEMSInternalVariable(state, "Other Equipment Design Level", thisZoneOthEq.Name, "[W]", thisZoneOthEq.DesignLevel);
    2586             :                     } // EMS
    2587             : 
    2588          64 :                     if (!ErrorsFound)
    2589          64 :                         SetupSpaceInternalGain(state,
    2590             :                                                thisZoneOthEq.spaceIndex,
    2591             :                                                1.0,
    2592             :                                                thisZoneOthEq.Name,
    2593             :                                                DataHeatBalance::IntGainType::OtherEquipment,
    2594             :                                                &thisZoneOthEq.ConGainRate,
    2595             :                                                nullptr,
    2596             :                                                &thisZoneOthEq.RadGainRate,
    2597             :                                                &thisZoneOthEq.LatGainRate);
    2598             : 
    2599             :                 } // for othEqInputNum.NumOfSpaces
    2600             :             }     // for othEqInputNum
    2601             :         }         // TotOtherEquip > 0
    2602             : 
    2603             :         // ElectricEquipment:ITE:AirCooled
    2604        1542 :         EPVector<InternalHeatGains::GlobalInternalGainMiscObject> iTEqObjects;
    2605         771 :         int numZoneITEqStatements = 0;
    2606             :         // Note that this object type does not support ZoneList due to node names in input fields
    2607         771 :         bool zoneListNotAllowed = true;
    2608        1542 :         setupIHGZonesAndSpaces(
    2609         771 :             state, itEqModuleObject, iTEqObjects, numZoneITEqStatements, state.dataHeatBal->TotITEquip, ErrorsFound, zoneListNotAllowed);
    2610             : 
    2611         771 :         if (state.dataHeatBal->TotITEquip > 0) {
    2612           5 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq.allocate(state.dataHeatBal->TotITEquip);
    2613           5 :             int itEqNum = 0;
    2614          12 :             for (int itEqInputNum = 1; itEqInputNum <= numZoneITEqStatements; ++itEqInputNum) {
    2615             : 
    2616           7 :                 state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectItem(state,
    2617             :                                                                          itEqModuleObject,
    2618             :                                                                          itEqInputNum,
    2619             :                                                                          IHGAlphas,
    2620             :                                                                          IHGNumAlphas,
    2621             :                                                                          IHGNumbers,
    2622             :                                                                          IHGNumNumbers,
    2623             :                                                                          IOStat,
    2624             :                                                                          IHGNumericFieldBlanks,
    2625             :                                                                          IHGAlphaFieldBlanks,
    2626             :                                                                          IHGAlphaFieldNames,
    2627             :                                                                          IHGNumericFieldNames);
    2628             : 
    2629           7 :                 auto &thisITEqInput = iTEqObjects(itEqInputNum);
    2630          14 :                 for (int Item1 = 1; Item1 <= thisITEqInput.numOfSpaces; ++Item1) {
    2631           7 :                     ++itEqNum;
    2632           7 :                     auto &thisZoneITEq = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(itEqNum);
    2633           7 :                     int const spaceNum = thisITEqInput.spaceNums(Item1);
    2634           7 :                     int const zoneNum = state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).zoneNum;
    2635           7 :                     thisZoneITEq.Name = thisITEqInput.names(Item1);
    2636           7 :                     thisZoneITEq.spaceIndex = spaceNum;
    2637           7 :                     thisZoneITEq.ZonePtr = zoneNum;
    2638             : 
    2639             :                     // IT equipment design level calculation method.
    2640           7 :                     if (IHGAlphaFieldBlanks(3)) {
    2641           0 :                         thisZoneITEq.FlowControlWithApproachTemps = false;
    2642             :                     } else {
    2643           7 :                         if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(IHGAlphas(3), "FlowFromSystem")) {
    2644           3 :                             thisZoneITEq.FlowControlWithApproachTemps = false;
    2645           4 :                         } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(IHGAlphas(3), "FlowControlWithApproachTemperatures")) {
    2646           4 :                             thisZoneITEq.FlowControlWithApproachTemps = true;
    2647           4 :                             state.dataHeatBal->Zone(thisZoneITEq.ZonePtr).HasAdjustedReturnTempByITE = true;
    2648           4 :                             state.dataHeatBal->Zone(thisZoneITEq.ZonePtr).NoHeatToReturnAir = false;
    2649             :                         } else {
    2650           0 :                             ShowSevereError(state,
    2651           0 :                                             std::string{RoutineName} + itEqModuleObject + "=\"" + IHGAlphas(1) +
    2652           0 :                                                 "\": invalid calculation method: " + IHGAlphas(3));
    2653           0 :                             ErrorsFound = true;
    2654             :                         }
    2655             :                     }
    2656             : 
    2657             :                     {
    2658          14 :                         auto const equipmentLevel(IHGAlphas(4));
    2659           7 :                         if (equipmentLevel == "WATTS/UNIT") {
    2660           3 :                             Real64 spaceFrac = 1.0;
    2661           3 :                             if (thisITEqInput.numOfSpaces > 1) {
    2662           0 :                                 Real64 const zoneArea = state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).FloorArea;
    2663           0 :                                 if (zoneArea > 0.0) {
    2664           0 :                                     spaceFrac = state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).floorArea / zoneArea;
    2665             :                                 } else {
    2666           0 :                                     ShowSevereError(state,
    2667           0 :                                                     std::string(RoutineName) +
    2668             :                                                         "Zone floor area is zero when allocating ElectricEquipment:ITE:AirCooled loads to Spaces.");
    2669           0 :                                     ShowContinueError(state,
    2670           0 :                                                       "Occurs for ElectricEquipment:ITE:AirCooled object =" + thisITEqInput.Name +
    2671           0 :                                                           " in Zone=" + state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    2672           0 :                                     ErrorsFound = true;
    2673             :                                 }
    2674             :                             }
    2675           3 :                             thisZoneITEq.DesignTotalPower = IHGNumbers(1) * IHGNumbers(2) * spaceFrac;
    2676           3 :                             if (IHGNumericFieldBlanks(1)) {
    2677           0 :                                 ShowWarningError(state,
    2678           0 :                                                  std::string{RoutineName} + itEqModuleObject + "=\"" + IHGAlphas(1) + "\", specifies " +
    2679           0 :                                                      IHGNumericFieldNames(1) + ", but that field is blank.  0 IT Equipment will result.");
    2680             :                             }
    2681           3 :                             if (IHGNumericFieldBlanks(2)) {
    2682           0 :                                 ShowWarningError(state,
    2683           0 :                                                  std::string{RoutineName} + itEqModuleObject + "=\"" + IHGAlphas(1) + "\", specifies " +
    2684           0 :                                                      IHGNumericFieldNames(2) + ", but that field is blank.  0 IT Equipment will result.");
    2685             :                             }
    2686             : 
    2687           4 :                         } else if (equipmentLevel == "WATTS/AREA") {
    2688           4 :                             if (thisZoneITEq.ZonePtr != 0) {
    2689           4 :                                 if (IHGNumbers(3) >= 0.0) {
    2690           4 :                                     if (spaceNum > 0) {
    2691           4 :                                         thisZoneITEq.DesignTotalPower = IHGNumbers(3) * state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).floorArea;
    2692           4 :                                         if ((state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).floorArea <= 0.0) &&
    2693           0 :                                             !state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).isRemainderSpace) {
    2694           0 :                                             ShowWarningError(state,
    2695           0 :                                                              std::string{RoutineName} + itEqModuleObject + "=\"" + IHGAlphas(1) + "\", specifies " +
    2696           0 :                                                                  IHGNumericFieldNames(3) +
    2697             :                                                                  ", but Space Floor Area = 0.  0 IT Equipment will result.");
    2698             :                                         }
    2699             :                                     } else {
    2700           0 :                                         ShowSevereError(state,
    2701           0 :                                                         format("{}{}=\"{}\", invalid {}, value  [<0.0]={:.3R}",
    2702             :                                                                RoutineName,
    2703             :                                                                itEqModuleObject,
    2704             :                                                                IHGAlphas(1),
    2705             :                                                                IHGNumericFieldNames(3),
    2706           0 :                                                                IHGNumbers(3)));
    2707           0 :                                         ErrorsFound = true;
    2708             :                                     }
    2709             :                                 }
    2710           4 :                                 if (IHGNumericFieldBlanks(3)) {
    2711           0 :                                     ShowWarningError(state,
    2712           0 :                                                      std::string{RoutineName} + itEqModuleObject + "=\"" + IHGAlphas(1) + "\", specifies " +
    2713           0 :                                                          IHGNumericFieldNames(3) + ", but that field is blank.  0 IT Equipment will result.");
    2714             :                                 }
    2715             : 
    2716             :                             } else {
    2717           0 :                                 ShowSevereError(state,
    2718           0 :                                                 std::string{RoutineName} + itEqModuleObject + "=\"" + IHGAlphas(1) + "\", invalid " +
    2719           0 :                                                     IHGAlphaFieldNames(4) + ", value  =" + IHGAlphas(4));
    2720           0 :                                 ShowContinueError(state, "...Valid values are \"Watts/Unit\" or \"Watts/Area\".");
    2721           0 :                                 ErrorsFound = true;
    2722             :                             }
    2723             :                         }
    2724             : 
    2725           7 :                         if (IHGAlphaFieldBlanks(5)) {
    2726           0 :                             thisZoneITEq.OperSchedPtr = DataGlobalConstants::ScheduleAlwaysOn;
    2727             :                         } else {
    2728           7 :                             thisZoneITEq.OperSchedPtr = GetScheduleIndex(state, IHGAlphas(5));
    2729             :                         }
    2730           7 :                         SchMin = 0.0;
    2731           7 :                         SchMax = 0.0;
    2732           7 :                         if (thisZoneITEq.OperSchedPtr == 0) {
    2733           0 :                             ShowSevereError(state,
    2734           0 :                                             std::string{RoutineName} + itEqModuleObject + "=\"" + IHGAlphas(1) + "\", invalid " +
    2735           0 :                                                 IHGAlphaFieldNames(5) + " entered=" + IHGAlphas(5));
    2736           0 :                             ErrorsFound = true;
    2737             :                         } else { // check min/max on schedule
    2738           7 :                             SchMin = GetScheduleMinValue(state, thisZoneITEq.OperSchedPtr);
    2739           7 :                             SchMax = GetScheduleMaxValue(state, thisZoneITEq.OperSchedPtr);
    2740           7 :                             if (SchMin < 0.0 || SchMax < 0.0) {
    2741           0 :                                 if (SchMin < 0.0) {
    2742           0 :                                     ShowSevereError(state,
    2743           0 :                                                     std::string{RoutineName} + itEqModuleObject + "=\"" + IHGAlphas(1) + "\", " +
    2744           0 :                                                         IHGAlphaFieldNames(5) + ", minimum is < 0.0");
    2745           0 :                                     ShowContinueError(state,
    2746           0 :                                                       format("Schedule=\"{}\". Minimum is [{:.1R}]. Values must be >= 0.0.", IHGAlphas(5), SchMin));
    2747           0 :                                     ErrorsFound = true;
    2748             :                                 }
    2749           0 :                                 if (SchMax < 0.0) {
    2750           0 :                                     ShowSevereError(state,
    2751           0 :                                                     std::string{RoutineName} + itEqModuleObject + "=\"" + IHGAlphas(1) + "\", " +
    2752           0 :                                                         IHGAlphaFieldNames(5) + ", maximum is < 0.0");
    2753           0 :                                     ShowContinueError(state,
    2754           0 :                                                       format("Schedule=\"{}\". Maximum is [{:.1R}]. Values must be >= 0.0.", IHGAlphas(5), SchMax));
    2755           0 :                                     ErrorsFound = true;
    2756             :                                 }
    2757             :                             }
    2758             :                         }
    2759             : 
    2760           7 :                         if (IHGAlphaFieldBlanks(6)) {
    2761           0 :                             thisZoneITEq.CPULoadSchedPtr = DataGlobalConstants::ScheduleAlwaysOn;
    2762             :                         } else {
    2763           7 :                             thisZoneITEq.CPULoadSchedPtr = GetScheduleIndex(state, IHGAlphas(6));
    2764             :                         }
    2765           7 :                         SchMin = 0.0;
    2766           7 :                         SchMax = 0.0;
    2767           7 :                         if (thisZoneITEq.CPULoadSchedPtr == 0) {
    2768           0 :                             ShowSevereError(state,
    2769           0 :                                             std::string{RoutineName} + itEqModuleObject + "=\"" + IHGAlphas(1) + "\", invalid " +
    2770           0 :                                                 IHGAlphaFieldNames(6) + " entered=" + IHGAlphas(6));
    2771           0 :                             ErrorsFound = true;
    2772             :                         } else { // check min/max on schedule
    2773           7 :                             SchMin = GetScheduleMinValue(state, thisZoneITEq.CPULoadSchedPtr);
    2774           7 :                             SchMax = GetScheduleMaxValue(state, thisZoneITEq.CPULoadSchedPtr);
    2775           7 :                             if (SchMin < 0.0 || SchMax < 0.0) {
    2776           0 :                                 if (SchMin < 0.0) {
    2777           0 :                                     ShowSevereError(state,
    2778           0 :                                                     std::string{RoutineName} + itEqModuleObject + "=\"" + IHGAlphas(1) + "\", " +
    2779           0 :                                                         IHGAlphaFieldNames(6) + ", minimum is < 0.0");
    2780           0 :                                     ShowContinueError(state,
    2781           0 :                                                       format("Schedule=\"{}\". Minimum is [{:.1R}]. Values must be >= 0.0.", IHGAlphas(6), SchMin));
    2782           0 :                                     ErrorsFound = true;
    2783             :                                 }
    2784           0 :                                 if (SchMax < 0.0) {
    2785           0 :                                     ShowSevereError(state,
    2786           0 :                                                     std::string{RoutineName} + itEqModuleObject + "=\"" + IHGAlphas(1) + "\", " +
    2787           0 :                                                         IHGAlphaFieldNames(6) + ", maximum is < 0.0");
    2788           0 :                                     ShowContinueError(state,
    2789           0 :                                                       format("Schedule=\"{}\". Maximum is [{:.1R}]. Values must be >= 0.0.", IHGAlphas(6), SchMax));
    2790           0 :                                     ErrorsFound = true;
    2791             :                                 }
    2792             :                             }
    2793             :                         }
    2794             : 
    2795             :                         // Calculate nominal min/max equipment level
    2796           7 :                         thisZoneITEq.NomMinDesignLevel = thisZoneITEq.DesignTotalPower * SchMin;
    2797           7 :                         thisZoneITEq.NomMaxDesignLevel = thisZoneITEq.DesignTotalPower * SchMax;
    2798             : 
    2799           7 :                         thisZoneITEq.DesignFanPowerFrac = IHGNumbers(4);
    2800           7 :                         thisZoneITEq.DesignFanPower = thisZoneITEq.DesignFanPowerFrac * thisZoneITEq.DesignTotalPower;
    2801           7 :                         thisZoneITEq.DesignCPUPower = (1.0 - thisZoneITEq.DesignFanPowerFrac) * thisZoneITEq.DesignTotalPower;
    2802           7 :                         thisZoneITEq.DesignAirVolFlowRate = IHGNumbers(5) * thisZoneITEq.DesignTotalPower;
    2803           7 :                         thisZoneITEq.DesignTAirIn = IHGNumbers(6);
    2804           7 :                         thisZoneITEq.DesignRecircFrac = IHGNumbers(7);
    2805           7 :                         thisZoneITEq.DesignUPSEfficiency = IHGNumbers(8);
    2806           7 :                         thisZoneITEq.UPSLossToZoneFrac = IHGNumbers(9);
    2807           7 :                         thisZoneITEq.SupplyApproachTemp = IHGNumbers(10);
    2808           7 :                         thisZoneITEq.ReturnApproachTemp = IHGNumbers(11);
    2809             : 
    2810           7 :                         bool hasSupplyApproachTemp = !IHGNumericFieldBlanks(10);
    2811           7 :                         bool hasReturnApproachTemp = !IHGNumericFieldBlanks(11);
    2812             : 
    2813             :                         // Performance curves
    2814           7 :                         thisZoneITEq.CPUPowerFLTCurve = GetCurveIndex(state, IHGAlphas(7));
    2815           7 :                         if (thisZoneITEq.CPUPowerFLTCurve == 0) {
    2816           0 :                             ShowSevereError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + itEqModuleObject + " \"" + IHGAlphas(1) + "\"");
    2817           0 :                             ShowContinueError(state, "Invalid " + IHGAlphaFieldNames(7) + '=' + IHGAlphas(7));
    2818           0 :                             ErrorsFound = true;
    2819             :                         }
    2820             : 
    2821           7 :                         thisZoneITEq.AirFlowFLTCurve = GetCurveIndex(state, IHGAlphas(8));
    2822           7 :                         if (thisZoneITEq.AirFlowFLTCurve == 0) {
    2823           0 :                             ShowSevereError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + itEqModuleObject + " \"" + IHGAlphas(1) + "\"");
    2824           0 :                             ShowContinueError(state, "Invalid " + IHGAlphaFieldNames(8) + '=' + IHGAlphas(8));
    2825           0 :                             ErrorsFound = true;
    2826             :                         }
    2827             : 
    2828           7 :                         thisZoneITEq.FanPowerFFCurve = GetCurveIndex(state, IHGAlphas(9));
    2829           7 :                         if (thisZoneITEq.FanPowerFFCurve == 0) {
    2830           0 :                             ShowSevereError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + itEqModuleObject + " \"" + IHGAlphas(1) + "\"");
    2831           0 :                             ShowContinueError(state, "Invalid " + IHGAlphaFieldNames(9) + '=' + IHGAlphas(9));
    2832           0 :                             ErrorsFound = true;
    2833             :                         }
    2834             : 
    2835           7 :                         if (!IHGAlphaFieldBlanks(15)) {
    2836             :                             // If this field isn't blank, it must point to a valid curve
    2837           7 :                             thisZoneITEq.RecircFLTCurve = GetCurveIndex(state, IHGAlphas(15));
    2838           7 :                             if (thisZoneITEq.RecircFLTCurve == 0) {
    2839           0 :                                 ShowSevereError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + itEqModuleObject + " \"" + IHGAlphas(1) + "\"");
    2840           0 :                                 ShowContinueError(state, "Invalid " + IHGAlphaFieldNames(15) + '=' + IHGAlphas(15));
    2841           0 :                                 ErrorsFound = true;
    2842             :                             }
    2843             :                         } else {
    2844             :                             // If this curve is left blank, then the curve is assumed to always equal 1.0.
    2845           0 :                             thisZoneITEq.RecircFLTCurve = 0;
    2846             :                         }
    2847             : 
    2848           7 :                         if (!IHGAlphaFieldBlanks(16)) {
    2849             :                             // If this field isn't blank, it must point to a valid curve
    2850           7 :                             thisZoneITEq.UPSEfficFPLRCurve = GetCurveIndex(state, IHGAlphas(16));
    2851           7 :                             if (thisZoneITEq.UPSEfficFPLRCurve == 0) {
    2852           0 :                                 ShowSevereError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + itEqModuleObject + " \"" + IHGAlphas(1) + "\"");
    2853           0 :                                 ShowContinueError(state, "Invalid " + IHGAlphaFieldNames(16) + '=' + IHGAlphas(16));
    2854           0 :                                 ErrorsFound = true;
    2855             :                             }
    2856             :                         } else {
    2857             :                             // If this curve is left blank, then the curve is assumed to always equal 1.0.
    2858           0 :                             thisZoneITEq.UPSEfficFPLRCurve = 0;
    2859             :                         }
    2860             : 
    2861             :                         // Environmental class
    2862           7 :                         thisZoneITEq.Class =
    2863          14 :                             static_cast<ITEClass>(getEnumerationValue(ITEClassNamesUC, UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase(IHGAlphas(10))));
    2864           7 :                         ErrorsFound = ErrorsFound || (thisZoneITEq.Class == ITEClass::Invalid);
    2865             : 
    2866             :                         // Air and supply inlet connections
    2867           7 :                         thisZoneITEq.AirConnectionType = static_cast<ITEInletConnection>(
    2868          14 :                             getEnumerationValue(ITEInletConnectionNamesUC, UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase(IHGAlphas(11))));
    2869           7 :                         if (thisZoneITEq.AirConnectionType == ITEInletConnection::RoomAirModel) {
    2870             :                             // ZoneITEq(Loop).AirConnectionType = ITEInletConnection::RoomAirModel;
    2871           0 :                             ShowWarningError(state,
    2872           0 :                                              std::string{RoutineName} + itEqModuleObject + "=\"" + IHGAlphas(1) +
    2873             :                                                  "Air Inlet Connection Type = RoomAirModel is not implemented yet, using ZoneAirNode");
    2874           0 :                             thisZoneITEq.AirConnectionType = ITEInletConnection::ZoneAirNode;
    2875             :                         }
    2876           7 :                         ErrorsFound = ErrorsFound || (thisZoneITEq.AirConnectionType == ITEInletConnection::Invalid);
    2877             : 
    2878           7 :                         if (IHGAlphaFieldBlanks(14)) {
    2879           0 :                             if (thisZoneITEq.AirConnectionType == ITEInletConnection::AdjustedSupply) {
    2880           0 :                                 ShowSevereError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + itEqModuleObject + ": " + IHGAlphas(1));
    2881           0 :                                 ShowContinueError(state,
    2882           0 :                                                   "For " + IHGAlphaFieldNames(11) + "= AdjustedSupply, " + IHGAlphaFieldNames(14) +
    2883             :                                                       " is required, but this field is blank.");
    2884           0 :                                 ErrorsFound = true;
    2885           0 :                             } else if (thisZoneITEq.FlowControlWithApproachTemps) {
    2886           0 :                                 ShowSevereError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + itEqModuleObject + ": " + IHGAlphas(1));
    2887           0 :                                 ShowContinueError(state,
    2888           0 :                                                   "For " + IHGAlphaFieldNames(3) + "= FlowControlWithApproachTemperatures, " +
    2889           0 :                                                       IHGAlphaFieldNames(14) + " is required, but this field is blank.");
    2890           0 :                                 ErrorsFound = true;
    2891             :                             }
    2892             :                         } else {
    2893           7 :                             thisZoneITEq.SupplyAirNodeNum = GetOnlySingleNode(state,
    2894           7 :                                                                               IHGAlphas(14),
    2895             :                                                                               ErrorsFound,
    2896             :                                                                               DataLoopNode::ConnectionObjectType::ElectricEquipmentITEAirCooled,
    2897           7 :                                                                               IHGAlphas(1),
    2898             :                                                                               DataLoopNode::NodeFluidType::Air,
    2899             :                                                                               DataLoopNode::ConnectionType::Sensor,
    2900             :                                                                               NodeInputManager::CompFluidStream::Primary,
    2901           7 :                                                                               ObjectIsNotParent);
    2902             :                         }
    2903             : 
    2904             :                         // check supply air node for matches with zone equipment supply air node
    2905           7 :                         int zoneEqIndex = DataZoneEquipment::GetControlledZoneIndex(state, state.dataHeatBal->Zone(thisZoneITEq.ZonePtr).Name);
    2906           7 :                         if (zoneEqIndex > 0) { // zoneEqIndex could be zero in the case of an uncontrolled zone
    2907           7 :                             auto itStart = state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(zoneEqIndex).InletNode.begin();
    2908           7 :                             auto itEnd = state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(zoneEqIndex).InletNode.end();
    2909           7 :                             auto key = thisZoneITEq.SupplyAirNodeNum;
    2910           7 :                             thisZoneITEq.inControlledZone = true;
    2911           7 :                             bool supplyNodeFound = false;
    2912           7 :                             if (std::find(itStart, itEnd, key) != itEnd) {
    2913           7 :                                 supplyNodeFound = true;
    2914             :                             }
    2915             : 
    2916           7 :                             if (thisZoneITEq.AirConnectionType == ITEInletConnection::AdjustedSupply && !supplyNodeFound) {
    2917             :                                 // supply air node must match zone equipment supply air node for these conditions
    2918           0 :                                 ShowSevereError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + ": ElectricEquipment:ITE:AirCooled " + thisZoneITEq.Name);
    2919           0 :                                 ShowContinueError(state, "Air Inlet Connection Type = AdjustedSupply but no Supply Air Node is specified.");
    2920           0 :                                 ErrorsFound = true;
    2921           7 :                             } else if (thisZoneITEq.FlowControlWithApproachTemps && !supplyNodeFound) {
    2922             :                                 // supply air node must match zone equipment supply air node for these conditions
    2923           0 :                                 ShowSevereError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + ": ElectricEquipment:ITE:AirCooled " + thisZoneITEq.Name);
    2924           0 :                                 ShowContinueError(state, "Air Inlet Connection Type = AdjustedSupply but no Supply Air Node is specified.");
    2925           0 :                                 ErrorsFound = true;
    2926           7 :                             } else if (thisZoneITEq.SupplyAirNodeNum != 0 && !supplyNodeFound) {
    2927             :                                 // the given supply air node does not match any zone equipment supply air nodes
    2928           0 :                                 ShowWarningError(state,
    2929           0 :                                                  itEqModuleObject + "name: '" + IHGAlphas(1) + ". " + "Supply Air Node Name '" + IHGAlphas(14) +
    2930             :                                                      "' does not match any ZoneHVAC:EquipmentConnections objects.");
    2931             :                             }
    2932             :                         } // end of if block for zoneEqIndex > 0
    2933             : 
    2934             :                         // End-Use subcategories
    2935           7 :                         if (IHGNumAlphas > 16) {
    2936           7 :                             thisZoneITEq.EndUseSubcategoryCPU = IHGAlphas(17);
    2937             :                         } else {
    2938           0 :                             thisZoneITEq.EndUseSubcategoryCPU = "ITE-CPU";
    2939             :                         }
    2940             : 
    2941           7 :                         if (IHGNumAlphas > 17) {
    2942           7 :                             thisZoneITEq.EndUseSubcategoryFan = IHGAlphas(18);
    2943             :                         } else {
    2944           0 :                             thisZoneITEq.EndUseSubcategoryFan = "ITE-Fans";
    2945             :                         }
    2946           7 :                         if (thisZoneITEq.ZonePtr <= 0) continue; // Error, will be caught and terminated later
    2947             : 
    2948           7 :                         if (IHGNumAlphas > 18) {
    2949           7 :                             thisZoneITEq.EndUseSubcategoryUPS = IHGAlphas(19);
    2950             :                         } else {
    2951           0 :                             thisZoneITEq.EndUseSubcategoryUPS = "ITE-UPS";
    2952             :                         }
    2953           7 :                         if (thisZoneITEq.FlowControlWithApproachTemps) {
    2954           4 :                             if (!IHGAlphaFieldBlanks(20)) {
    2955           0 :                                 thisZoneITEq.SupplyApproachTempSch = GetScheduleIndex(state, IHGAlphas(20));
    2956           0 :                                 if (thisZoneITEq.SupplyApproachTempSch == 0) {
    2957           0 :                                     ShowSevereError(state,
    2958           0 :                                                     std::string{RoutineName} + itEqModuleObject + "=\"" + IHGAlphas(1) + "\", invalid " +
    2959           0 :                                                         IHGAlphaFieldNames(20) + " entered=" + IHGAlphas(20));
    2960           0 :                                     ErrorsFound = true;
    2961             :                                 }
    2962             :                             } else {
    2963           4 :                                 if (!hasSupplyApproachTemp) {
    2964           0 :                                     ShowSevereError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + itEqModuleObject + " \"" + IHGAlphas(1) + "\"");
    2965           0 :                                     ShowContinueError(state,
    2966           0 :                                                       "For " + IHGAlphaFieldNames(3) + "= FlowControlWithApproachTemperatures, either " +
    2967           0 :                                                           IHGNumericFieldNames(10) + " or " + IHGAlphaFieldNames(20) +
    2968             :                                                           " is required, but both are left blank.");
    2969           0 :                                     ErrorsFound = true;
    2970             :                                 }
    2971             :                             }
    2972             : 
    2973           4 :                             if (!IHGAlphaFieldBlanks(21)) {
    2974           0 :                                 thisZoneITEq.ReturnApproachTempSch = GetScheduleIndex(state, IHGAlphas(21));
    2975           0 :                                 if (thisZoneITEq.ReturnApproachTempSch == 0) {
    2976           0 :                                     ShowSevereError(state,
    2977           0 :                                                     std::string{RoutineName} + itEqModuleObject + "=\"" + IHGAlphas(1) + "\", invalid " +
    2978           0 :                                                         IHGAlphaFieldNames(20) + " entered=" + IHGAlphas(20));
    2979           0 :                                     ErrorsFound = true;
    2980             :                                 }
    2981             :                             } else {
    2982           4 :                                 if (!hasReturnApproachTemp) {
    2983           0 :                                     ShowSevereError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + itEqModuleObject + " \"" + IHGAlphas(1) + "\"");
    2984           0 :                                     ShowContinueError(state,
    2985           0 :                                                       "For " + IHGAlphaFieldNames(3) + "= FlowControlWithApproachTemperatures, either " +
    2986           0 :                                                           IHGNumericFieldNames(11) + " or " + IHGAlphaFieldNames(21) +
    2987             :                                                           " is required, but both are left blank.");
    2988           0 :                                     ErrorsFound = true;
    2989             :                                 }
    2990             :                             }
    2991             :                         }
    2992             : 
    2993           7 :                         if (thisZoneITEq.FlowControlWithApproachTemps) {
    2994           4 :                             Real64 TAirInSizing = 0.0;
    2995             :                             // Set the TAirInSizing to the maximun setpoint value to do sizing based on the maximum fan and cpu power of the ite
    2996             :                             // object
    2997           4 :                             SetPointManager::GetSetPointManagerInputData(state, ErrorsFound);
    2998           8 :                             for (int SetPtMgrNum = 1; SetPtMgrNum <= state.dataSetPointManager->NumSZClSetPtMgrs; ++SetPtMgrNum) {
    2999           4 :                                 if (state.dataSetPointManager->SingZoneClSetPtMgr(SetPtMgrNum).ControlZoneNum == zoneNum) {
    3000           2 :                                     TAirInSizing = state.dataSetPointManager->SingZoneClSetPtMgr(SetPtMgrNum).MaxSetTemp;
    3001             :                                 }
    3002             :                             }
    3003             : 
    3004           4 :                             thisZoneITEq.SizingTAirIn = max(TAirInSizing, thisZoneITEq.DesignTAirIn);
    3005             :                         }
    3006             : 
    3007             :                         // MJW - EMS Not in place yet
    3008             :                         // if ( AnyEnergyManagementSystemInModel ) {
    3009             :                         // SetupEMSActuator( "ElectricEquipment", ZoneITEq( Loop ).Name, "Electric Power Level", "[W]", ZoneITEq( Loop
    3010             :                         // ).EMSZoneEquipOverrideOn, ZoneITEq( Loop ).EMSEquipPower ); SetupEMSInternalVariable( "Plug and Process Power Design
    3011             :                         // Level", ZoneITEq( Loop ).Name, "[W]", ZoneITEq( Loop ).DesignTotalPower ); } // EMS
    3012             : 
    3013           7 :                         if (!ErrorsFound)
    3014           7 :                             SetupSpaceInternalGain(state,
    3015             :                                                    thisZoneITEq.spaceIndex,
    3016             :                                                    1.0,
    3017             :                                                    thisZoneITEq.Name,
    3018             :                                                    DataHeatBalance::IntGainType::ElectricEquipmentITEAirCooled,
    3019           7 :                                                    &thisZoneITEq.PowerRpt[(int)PERptVars::ConGainToZone]);
    3020             :                     }
    3021             :                 } // for itEqInputNum.NumOfSpaces
    3022             :             }     // for itEqInputNum
    3023          12 :             for (int Loop = 1; Loop <= state.dataHeatBal->TotITEquip; ++Loop) {
    3024          11 :                 if (state.dataHeatBal->Zone(state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).ZonePtr).HasAdjustedReturnTempByITE &&
    3025           4 :                     (!state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).FlowControlWithApproachTemps)) {
    3026           0 :                     ShowSevereError(state,
    3027           0 :                                     std::string{RoutineName} + itEqModuleObject + "=\"" + IHGAlphas(1) + "\": invalid calculation method " +
    3028           0 :                                         IHGAlphas(3) + " for Zone: " + IHGAlphas(2));
    3029           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "...Multiple flow control methods apply to one zone. ");
    3030           0 :                     ErrorsFound = true;
    3031             :                 }
    3032             :             }
    3033             :         } // TotITEquip > 0
    3034             : 
    3035             :         // ZoneBaseboard:OutdoorTemperatureControlled
    3036        1542 :         EPVector<InternalHeatGains::GlobalInternalGainMiscObject> zoneBBHeatObjects;
    3037         771 :         int numZoneBBHeatStatements = 0;
    3038         771 :         setupIHGZonesAndSpaces(state, bbModuleObject, zoneBBHeatObjects, numZoneBBHeatStatements, state.dataHeatBal->TotBBHeat, ErrorsFound);
    3039             : 
    3040         771 :         if (state.dataHeatBal->TotBBHeat > 0) {
    3041           3 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneBBHeat.allocate(state.dataHeatBal->TotBBHeat);
    3042           3 :             int bbHeatNum = 0;
    3043           6 :             for (int bbHeatInputNum = 1; bbHeatInputNum <= numZoneBBHeatStatements; ++bbHeatInputNum) {
    3044           3 :                 state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectItem(state,
    3045             :                                                                          bbModuleObject,
    3046             :                                                                          bbHeatInputNum,
    3047             :                                                                          IHGAlphas,
    3048             :                                                                          IHGNumAlphas,
    3049             :                                                                          IHGNumbers,
    3050             :                                                                          IHGNumNumbers,
    3051             :                                                                          IOStat,
    3052             :                                                                          IHGNumericFieldBlanks,
    3053             :                                                                          IHGAlphaFieldBlanks,
    3054             :                                                                          IHGAlphaFieldNames,
    3055             :                                                                          IHGNumericFieldNames);
    3056             : 
    3057           3 :                 auto &thisBBHeatInput = zoneBBHeatObjects(bbHeatInputNum);
    3058           6 :                 for (int Item1 = 1; Item1 <= thisBBHeatInput.numOfSpaces; ++Item1) {
    3059           3 :                     ++bbHeatNum;
    3060           3 :                     auto &thisZoneBBHeat = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneBBHeat(bbHeatNum);
    3061           3 :                     int const spaceNum = thisBBHeatInput.spaceNums(Item1);
    3062           3 :                     int const zoneNum = state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).zoneNum;
    3063           3 :                     thisZoneBBHeat.Name = thisBBHeatInput.names(Item1);
    3064           3 :                     thisZoneBBHeat.spaceIndex = spaceNum;
    3065           3 :                     thisZoneBBHeat.ZonePtr = zoneNum;
    3066             : 
    3067           3 :                     thisZoneBBHeat.SchedPtr = GetScheduleIndex(state, IHGAlphas(3));
    3068           3 :                     if (thisZoneBBHeat.SchedPtr == 0) {
    3069           0 :                         if (IHGAlphaFieldBlanks(3)) {
    3070           0 :                             ShowSevereError(state,
    3071           0 :                                             std::string{RoutineName} + bbModuleObject + "=\"" + thisBBHeatInput.Name + "\", " +
    3072           0 :                                                 IHGAlphaFieldNames(3) + " is required.");
    3073             :                         } else {
    3074           0 :                             ShowSevereError(state,
    3075           0 :                                             std::string{RoutineName} + bbModuleObject + "=\"" + thisBBHeatInput.Name + "\", invalid " +
    3076           0 :                                                 IHGAlphaFieldNames(3) + " entered=" + IHGAlphas(3));
    3077             :                         }
    3078           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
    3079             :                     } else { // check min/max on schedule
    3080           3 :                         SchMin = GetScheduleMinValue(state, thisZoneBBHeat.SchedPtr);
    3081           3 :                         SchMax = GetScheduleMaxValue(state, thisZoneBBHeat.SchedPtr);
    3082           3 :                         if (SchMin < 0.0 || SchMax < 0.0) {
    3083           0 :                             if (SchMin < 0.0) {
    3084           0 :                                 ShowSevereError(state,
    3085           0 :                                                 std::string{RoutineName} + bbModuleObject + "=\"" + thisBBHeatInput.Name + "\", " +
    3086           0 :                                                     IHGAlphaFieldNames(3) + ", minimum is < 0.0");
    3087           0 :                                 ShowContinueError(state,
    3088           0 :                                                   format("Schedule=\"{}\". Minimum is [{:.1R}]. Values must be >= 0.0.", IHGAlphas(3), SchMin));
    3089           0 :                                 ErrorsFound = true;
    3090             :                             }
    3091           0 :                             if (SchMax < 0.0) {
    3092           0 :                                 ShowSevereError(state,
    3093           0 :                                                 std::string{RoutineName} + bbModuleObject + "=\"" + thisBBHeatInput.Name + "\", " +
    3094           0 :                                                     IHGAlphaFieldNames(3) + ", maximum is < 0.0");
    3095           0 :                                 ShowContinueError(state,
    3096           0 :                                                   format("Schedule=\"{}\". Maximum is [{:.1R}]. Values must be >= 0.0.", IHGAlphas(3), SchMax));
    3097           0 :                                 ErrorsFound = true;
    3098             :                             }
    3099             :                         }
    3100             :                     }
    3101             : 
    3102           3 :                     if (IHGNumAlphas > 3) {
    3103           3 :                         thisZoneBBHeat.EndUseSubcategory = IHGAlphas(4);
    3104             :                     } else {
    3105           0 :                         thisZoneBBHeat.EndUseSubcategory = "General";
    3106             :                     }
    3107             : 
    3108           3 :                     thisZoneBBHeat.CapatLowTemperature = IHGNumbers(1);
    3109           3 :                     thisZoneBBHeat.LowTemperature = IHGNumbers(2);
    3110           3 :                     thisZoneBBHeat.CapatHighTemperature = IHGNumbers(3);
    3111           3 :                     thisZoneBBHeat.HighTemperature = IHGNumbers(4);
    3112           3 :                     thisZoneBBHeat.FractionRadiant = IHGNumbers(5);
    3113           3 :                     thisZoneBBHeat.FractionConvected = 1.0 - thisZoneBBHeat.FractionRadiant;
    3114           3 :                     if (thisZoneBBHeat.FractionConvected < 0.0) {
    3115           0 :                         ShowSevereError(state,
    3116           0 :                                         std::string{RoutineName} + bbModuleObject + "=\"" + thisBBHeatInput.Name + "\", Sum of Fractions > 1.0");
    3117           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
    3118             :                     }
    3119             : 
    3120           3 :                     if (thisZoneBBHeat.ZonePtr <= 0) continue; // Error, will be caught and terminated later
    3121             : 
    3122           3 :                     if (state.dataGlobal->AnyEnergyManagementSystemInModel) {
    3123           0 :                         SetupEMSActuator(state,
    3124             :                                          "ZoneBaseboard:OutdoorTemperatureControlled",
    3125             :                                          thisZoneBBHeat.Name,
    3126             :                                          "Power Level",
    3127             :                                          "[W]",
    3128             :                                          thisZoneBBHeat.EMSZoneBaseboardOverrideOn,
    3129           0 :                                          thisZoneBBHeat.EMSZoneBaseboardPower);
    3130           0 :                         SetupEMSInternalVariable(state,
    3131             :                                                  "Simple Zone Baseboard Capacity At Low Temperature",
    3132             :                                                  thisZoneBBHeat.Name,
    3133             :                                                  "[W]",
    3134           0 :                                                  thisZoneBBHeat.CapatLowTemperature);
    3135           0 :                         SetupEMSInternalVariable(state,
    3136             :                                                  "Simple Zone Baseboard Capacity At High Temperature",
    3137             :                                                  thisZoneBBHeat.Name,
    3138             :                                                  "[W]",
    3139           0 :                                                  thisZoneBBHeat.CapatHighTemperature);
    3140             :                     } // EMS
    3141             : 
    3142           3 :                     SetupSpaceInternalGain(state,
    3143             :                                            thisZoneBBHeat.spaceIndex,
    3144             :                                            1.0,
    3145             :                                            thisZoneBBHeat.Name,
    3146             :                                            DataHeatBalance::IntGainType::ZoneBaseboardOutdoorTemperatureControlled,
    3147             :                                            &thisZoneBBHeat.ConGainRate,
    3148             :                                            nullptr,
    3149             :                                            &thisZoneBBHeat.RadGainRate);
    3150             :                 } // for bbHeatInputNum.NumOfSpaces
    3151             :             }     // for bbHeatInputNum
    3152             :         }         // TotBBHeat > 0
    3153             : 
    3154         771 :         state.dataHeatBal->TotCO2Gen = state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getNumObjectsFound(state, contamSSModuleObject);
    3155         771 :         state.dataHeatBal->ZoneCO2Gen.allocate(state.dataHeatBal->TotCO2Gen);
    3156             : 
    3157         775 :         for (int Loop = 1; Loop <= state.dataHeatBal->TotCO2Gen; ++Loop) {
    3158           4 :             IHGAlphas = "";
    3159           4 :             IHGNumbers = 0.0;
    3160           4 :             state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectItem(state,
    3161             :                                                                      contamSSModuleObject,
    3162             :                                                                      Loop,
    3163             :                                                                      IHGAlphas,
    3164             :                                                                      IHGNumAlphas,
    3165             :                                                                      IHGNumbers,
    3166             :                                                                      IHGNumNumbers,
    3167             :                                                                      IOStat,
    3168             :                                                                      IHGNumericFieldBlanks,
    3169             :                                                                      IHGAlphaFieldBlanks,
    3170             :                                                                      IHGAlphaFieldNames,
    3171             :                                                                      IHGNumericFieldNames);
    3172           4 :             UtilityRoutines::IsNameEmpty(state, IHGAlphas(1), contamSSModuleObject, ErrorsFound);
    3173             : 
    3174           4 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneCO2Gen(Loop).Name = IHGAlphas(1);
    3175             : 
    3176           4 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneCO2Gen(Loop).ZonePtr = UtilityRoutines::FindItemInList(IHGAlphas(2), state.dataHeatBal->Zone);
    3177           4 :             if (state.dataHeatBal->ZoneCO2Gen(Loop).ZonePtr == 0) {
    3178           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state,
    3179           0 :                                 std::string{RoutineName} + contamSSModuleObject + "=\"" + IHGAlphas(1) + "\", invalid " + IHGAlphaFieldNames(2) +
    3180           0 :                                     " entered=" + IHGAlphas(2));
    3181           0 :                 ErrorsFound = true;
    3182             :             }
    3183             : 
    3184           4 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneCO2Gen(Loop).SchedPtr = GetScheduleIndex(state, IHGAlphas(3));
    3185           4 :             if (state.dataHeatBal->ZoneCO2Gen(Loop).SchedPtr == 0) {
    3186           0 :                 if (IHGAlphaFieldBlanks(3)) {
    3187           0 :                     ShowSevereError(state,
    3188           0 :                                     std::string{RoutineName} + contamSSModuleObject + "=\"" + IHGAlphas(1) + "\", " + IHGAlphaFieldNames(3) +
    3189             :                                         " is required.");
    3190             :                 } else {
    3191           0 :                     ShowSevereError(state,
    3192           0 :                                     std::string{RoutineName} + contamSSModuleObject + "=\"" + IHGAlphas(1) + "\", invalid " + IHGAlphaFieldNames(3) +
    3193           0 :                                         " entered=" + IHGAlphas(3));
    3194             :                 }
    3195           0 :                 ErrorsFound = true;
    3196             :             } else { // check min/max on schedule
    3197           4 :                 SchMin = GetScheduleMinValue(state, state.dataHeatBal->ZoneCO2Gen(Loop).SchedPtr);
    3198           4 :                 SchMax = GetScheduleMaxValue(state, state.dataHeatBal->ZoneCO2Gen(Loop).SchedPtr);
    3199           4 :                 if (SchMin < 0.0 || SchMax < 0.0) {
    3200           0 :                     if (SchMin < 0.0) {
    3201           0 :                         ShowSevereError(state,
    3202           0 :                                         std::string{RoutineName} + contamSSModuleObject + "=\"" + IHGAlphas(1) + "\", " + IHGAlphaFieldNames(3) +
    3203             :                                             ", minimum is < 0.0");
    3204           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, format("Schedule=\"{}\". Minimum is [{:.1R}]. Values must be >= 0.0.", IHGAlphas(3), SchMin));
    3205           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
    3206             :                     }
    3207           0 :                     if (SchMax < 0.0) {
    3208           0 :                         ShowSevereError(state,
    3209           0 :                                         std::string{RoutineName} + contamSSModuleObject + "=\"" + IHGAlphas(1) + "\", " + IHGAlphaFieldNames(3) +
    3210             :                                             ", maximum is < 0.0");
    3211           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, format("Schedule=\"{}\". Maximum is [{:.1R}]. Values must be >= 0.0.", IHGAlphas(3), SchMax));
    3212           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
    3213             :                     }
    3214             :                 }
    3215             :             }
    3216             : 
    3217           4 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneCO2Gen(Loop).CO2DesignRate = IHGNumbers(1);
    3218             : 
    3219           4 :             if (state.dataHeatBal->ZoneCO2Gen(Loop).ZonePtr <= 0) continue; // Error, will be caught and terminated later
    3220             : 
    3221             :             // Object report variables
    3222          16 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    3223             :                                 "Contaminant Source or Sink CO2 Gain Volume Flow Rate",
    3224             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::m3_s,
    3225           4 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneCO2Gen(Loop).CO2GainRate,
    3226             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    3227             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    3228           8 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneCO2Gen(Loop).Name);
    3229             : 
    3230             :             // Zone total report variables
    3231           4 :             if (RepVarSet(state.dataHeatBal->ZoneCO2Gen(Loop).ZonePtr)) {
    3232           4 :                 RepVarSet(state.dataHeatBal->ZoneCO2Gen(Loop).ZonePtr) = false;
    3233             : 
    3234          16 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    3235             :                                     "Zone Contaminant Source or Sink CO2 Gain Volume Flow Rate",
    3236             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::m3_s,
    3237           4 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(state.dataHeatBal->ZoneCO2Gen(Loop).ZonePtr).CO2Rate,
    3238             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    3239             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    3240           8 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(state.dataHeatBal->ZoneCO2Gen(Loop).ZonePtr).Name);
    3241             :             }
    3242             : 
    3243          12 :             SetupZoneInternalGain(state,
    3244           4 :                                   state.dataHeatBal->ZoneCO2Gen(Loop).ZonePtr,
    3245           4 :                                   state.dataHeatBal->ZoneCO2Gen(Loop).Name,
    3246             :                                   DataHeatBalance::IntGainType::ZoneContaminantSourceAndSinkCarbonDioxide,
    3247             :                                   nullptr,
    3248             :                                   nullptr,
    3249             :                                   nullptr,
    3250             :                                   nullptr,
    3251             :                                   nullptr,
    3252           4 :                                   &state.dataHeatBal->ZoneCO2Gen(Loop).CO2GainRate);
    3253             :         }
    3254             : 
    3255         771 :         RepVarSet.deallocate();
    3256             : 
    3257         771 :         if (ErrorsFound) {
    3258           0 :             ShowFatalError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + "Errors found in Getting Internal Gains Input, Program Stopped");
    3259             :         }
    3260             : 
    3261         771 :         setupIHGOutputs(state);
    3262             : 
    3263             :         static constexpr std::string_view Format_721(
    3264             :             "! <Zone Internal Gains Nominal>,Zone Name, Floor Area {{m2}},# Occupants,Area per Occupant "
    3265             :             "{{m2/person}},Occupant per Area {{person/m2}},Interior Lighting {{W/m2}},Electric Load {{W/m2}},Gas Load {{W/m2}},Other "
    3266             :             "Load {{W/m2}},Hot Water Eq {{W/m2}},Steam Equipment {{W/m2}},Sum Loads per Area {{W/m2}},Outdoor Controlled Baseboard "
    3267             :             "Heat\n");
    3268             : 
    3269         771 :         print(state.files.eio, Format_721);
    3270        5585 :         for (int Loop = 1; Loop <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++Loop) {
    3271        4814 :             LightTot = 0.0;
    3272        4814 :             ElecTot = 0.0;
    3273        4814 :             GasTot = 0.0;
    3274        4814 :             OthTot = 0.0;
    3275        4814 :             HWETot = 0.0;
    3276        4814 :             StmTot = 0.0;
    3277        4814 :             BBHeatInd = "No";
    3278      135570 :             for (int Loop1 = 1; Loop1 <= state.dataHeatBal->TotLights; ++Loop1) {
    3279      130756 :                 if (state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop1).ZonePtr != Loop) continue;
    3280        4051 :                 LightTot += state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop1).DesignLevel;
    3281             :             }
    3282      129628 :             for (int Loop1 = 1; Loop1 <= state.dataHeatBal->TotElecEquip; ++Loop1) {
    3283      124814 :                 if (state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(Loop1).ZonePtr != Loop) continue;
    3284        4174 :                 ElecTot += state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(Loop1).DesignLevel;
    3285             :             }
    3286        4833 :             for (int Loop1 = 1; Loop1 <= state.dataHeatBal->TotITEquip; ++Loop1) {
    3287          19 :                 if (state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop1).ZonePtr != Loop) continue;
    3288           7 :                 ElecTot += state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop1).DesignTotalPower;
    3289             :             }
    3290        7395 :             for (int Loop1 = 1; Loop1 <= state.dataHeatBal->TotGasEquip; ++Loop1) {
    3291        2581 :                 if (state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(Loop1).ZonePtr != Loop) continue;
    3292          78 :                 GasTot += state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(Loop1).DesignLevel;
    3293             :             }
    3294        4979 :             for (int Loop1 = 1; Loop1 <= state.dataHeatBal->TotOthEquip; ++Loop1) {
    3295         165 :                 if (state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(Loop1).ZonePtr != Loop) continue;
    3296          64 :                 OthTot += state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(Loop1).DesignLevel;
    3297             :             }
    3298        4844 :             for (int Loop1 = 1; Loop1 <= state.dataHeatBal->TotStmEquip; ++Loop1) {
    3299          30 :                 if (state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq(Loop1).ZonePtr != Loop) continue;
    3300           5 :                 StmTot += state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq(Loop1).DesignLevel;
    3301             :             }
    3302        4925 :             for (int Loop1 = 1; Loop1 <= state.dataHeatBal->TotHWEquip; ++Loop1) {
    3303         111 :                 if (state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq(Loop1).ZonePtr != Loop) continue;
    3304          14 :                 HWETot += state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq(Loop1).DesignLevel;
    3305             :             }
    3306        4832 :             for (int Loop1 = 1; Loop1 <= state.dataHeatBal->TotBBHeat; ++Loop1) {
    3307          18 :                 if (state.dataHeatBal->ZoneBBHeat(Loop1).ZonePtr != Loop) continue;
    3308           3 :                 BBHeatInd = "Yes";
    3309             :             }
    3310        4814 :             state.dataHeatBal->Zone(Loop).InternalHeatGains = LightTot + ElecTot + GasTot + OthTot + HWETot + StmTot;
    3311        4814 :             if (state.dataHeatBal->Zone(Loop).FloorArea > 0.0) {
    3312       14436 :                 print(state.files.eio,
    3313             :                       Format_720,
    3314        4812 :                       state.dataHeatBal->Zone(Loop).Name,
    3315        4812 :                       state.dataHeatBal->Zone(Loop).FloorArea,
    3316        4812 :                       state.dataHeatBal->Zone(Loop).TotOccupants);
    3317        4812 :                 print_and_divide_if_greater_than_zero(state.dataHeatBal->Zone(Loop).FloorArea, state.dataHeatBal->Zone(Loop).TotOccupants);
    3318        4812 :                 print(state.files.eio, "{:.3R},", state.dataHeatBal->Zone(Loop).TotOccupants / state.dataHeatBal->Zone(Loop).FloorArea);
    3319        4812 :                 print(state.files.eio, "{:.3R},", LightTot / state.dataHeatBal->Zone(Loop).FloorArea);
    3320        4812 :                 print(state.files.eio, "{:.3R},", ElecTot / state.dataHeatBal->Zone(Loop).FloorArea);
    3321        4812 :                 print(state.files.eio, "{:.3R},", GasTot / state.dataHeatBal->Zone(Loop).FloorArea);
    3322        4812 :                 print(state.files.eio, "{:.3R},", OthTot / state.dataHeatBal->Zone(Loop).FloorArea);
    3323        4812 :                 print(state.files.eio, "{:.3R},", HWETot / state.dataHeatBal->Zone(Loop).FloorArea);
    3324        4812 :                 print(state.files.eio, "{:.3R},", StmTot / state.dataHeatBal->Zone(Loop).FloorArea);
    3325        4812 :                 print(state.files.eio,
    3326             :                       "{:.3R},{}\n",
    3327        9624 :                       state.dataHeatBal->Zone(Loop).InternalHeatGains / state.dataHeatBal->Zone(Loop).FloorArea,
    3328        4812 :                       BBHeatInd);
    3329             :             } else {
    3330           6 :                 print(state.files.eio,
    3331             :                       Format_720,
    3332           2 :                       state.dataHeatBal->Zone(Loop).Name,
    3333           2 :                       state.dataHeatBal->Zone(Loop).FloorArea,
    3334           2 :                       state.dataHeatBal->Zone(Loop).TotOccupants);
    3335           2 :                 print(state.files.eio, "0.0,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,{}\n", BBHeatInd);
    3336             :             }
    3337             :         }
    3338        4641 :         for (int Loop = 1; Loop <= state.dataHeatBal->TotPeople; ++Loop) {
    3339        3870 :             if (Loop == 1) {
    3340         642 :                 print(state.files.eio,
    3341             :                       Format_723,
    3342             :                       "People",
    3343             :                       "Number of People {},People/Floor Area {person/m2},Floor Area per person {m2/person},Fraction Radiant,Fraction "
    3344             :                       "Convected,Sensible Fraction Calculation,Activity level,ASHRAE 55 Warnings,Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate,Nominal Minimum "
    3345             :                       "Number of People,Nominal Maximum Number of People");
    3346        1831 :                 if (state.dataHeatBal->People(Loop).Fanger || state.dataHeatBal->People(Loop).Pierce || state.dataHeatBal->People(Loop).KSU ||
    3347        1184 :                     state.dataHeatBal->People(Loop).CoolingEffectASH55 || state.dataHeatBal->People(Loop).AnkleDraftASH55) {
    3348         371 :                     print(state.files.eio,
    3349             :                           ",MRT Calculation Type,Work Efficiency, Clothing Insulation Calculation Method,Clothing "
    3350             :                           "Insulation Calculation Method Schedule,Clothing,Air Velocity,Fanger Calculation,Pierce "
    3351         371 :                           "Calculation,KSU Calculation,Cooling Effect Calculation,Ankle Draft Calculation\n");
    3352             :                 } else {
    3353         271 :                     print(state.files.eio, "\n");
    3354             :                 }
    3355             :             }
    3356             : 
    3357        3870 :             int ZoneNum = state.dataHeatBal->People(Loop).ZonePtr;
    3358             : 
    3359        3870 :             if (ZoneNum == 0) {
    3360           0 :                 print(state.files.eio, Format_724, "People-Illegal Zone specified", state.dataHeatBal->People(Loop).Name);
    3361           0 :                 continue;
    3362             :             }
    3363             : 
    3364       15480 :             print(state.files.eio,
    3365             :                   Format_722,
    3366             :                   "People",
    3367        3870 :                   state.dataHeatBal->People(Loop).Name,
    3368        7740 :                   GetScheduleName(state, state.dataHeatBal->People(Loop).NumberOfPeoplePtr),
    3369        3870 :                   state.dataHeatBal->Zone(ZoneNum).Name,
    3370        3870 :                   state.dataHeatBal->Zone(ZoneNum).FloorArea,
    3371        3870 :                   state.dataHeatBal->Zone(ZoneNum).TotOccupants);
    3372             : 
    3373        3870 :             print(state.files.eio, "{:.1R},", state.dataHeatBal->People(Loop).NumberOfPeople);
    3374             : 
    3375        3870 :             print_and_divide_if_greater_than_zero(state.dataHeatBal->People(Loop).NumberOfPeople, state.dataHeatBal->Zone(ZoneNum).FloorArea);
    3376             : 
    3377        3870 :             if (state.dataHeatBal->People(Loop).NumberOfPeople > 0.0) {
    3378        3809 :                 print_and_divide_if_greater_than_zero(state.dataHeatBal->Zone(ZoneNum).FloorArea, state.dataHeatBal->People(Loop).NumberOfPeople);
    3379             :             } else {
    3380          61 :                 print(state.files.eio, "N/A,");
    3381             :             }
    3382             : 
    3383        3870 :             print(state.files.eio, "{:.3R},", state.dataHeatBal->People(Loop).FractionRadiant);
    3384        3870 :             print(state.files.eio, "{:.3R},", state.dataHeatBal->People(Loop).FractionConvected);
    3385        3870 :             if (state.dataHeatBal->People(Loop).UserSpecSensFrac == DataGlobalConstants::AutoCalculate) {
    3386        3827 :                 print(state.files.eio, "AutoCalculate,");
    3387             :             } else {
    3388          43 :                 print(state.files.eio, "{:.3R},", state.dataHeatBal->People(Loop).UserSpecSensFrac);
    3389             :             }
    3390        3870 :             print(state.files.eio, "{},", GetScheduleName(state, state.dataHeatBal->People(Loop).ActivityLevelPtr));
    3391             : 
    3392        3870 :             if (state.dataHeatBal->People(Loop).Show55Warning) {
    3393           0 :                 print(state.files.eio, "Yes,");
    3394             :             } else {
    3395        3870 :                 print(state.files.eio, "No,");
    3396             :             }
    3397        3870 :             print(state.files.eio, "{:.4R},", state.dataHeatBal->People(Loop).CO2RateFactor);
    3398        3870 :             print(state.files.eio, "{:.0R},", state.dataHeatBal->People(Loop).NomMinNumberPeople);
    3399             : 
    3400       10597 :             if (state.dataHeatBal->People(Loop).Fanger || state.dataHeatBal->People(Loop).Pierce || state.dataHeatBal->People(Loop).KSU ||
    3401        6720 :                 state.dataHeatBal->People(Loop).CoolingEffectASH55 || state.dataHeatBal->People(Loop).AnkleDraftASH55) {
    3402        2445 :                 print(state.files.eio, "{:.0R},", state.dataHeatBal->People(Loop).NomMaxNumberPeople);
    3403             : 
    3404        2445 :                 if (state.dataHeatBal->People(Loop).MRTCalcType == DataHeatBalance::CalcMRT::ZoneAveraged) {
    3405        2436 :                     print(state.files.eio, "Zone Averaged,");
    3406           9 :                 } else if (state.dataHeatBal->People(Loop).MRTCalcType == DataHeatBalance::CalcMRT::SurfaceWeighted) {
    3407           6 :                     print(state.files.eio, "Surface Weighted,");
    3408           3 :                 } else if (state.dataHeatBal->People(Loop).MRTCalcType == DataHeatBalance::CalcMRT::AngleFactor) {
    3409           3 :                     print(state.files.eio, "Angle Factor,");
    3410             :                 } else {
    3411           0 :                     print(state.files.eio, "N/A,");
    3412             :                 }
    3413        2445 :                 print(state.files.eio, "{},", GetScheduleName(state, state.dataHeatBal->People(Loop).WorkEffPtr));
    3414             : 
    3415        2445 :                 print(state.files.eio, clothingTypeEIOStrings[static_cast<int>(state.dataHeatBal->People(Loop).clothingType)]);
    3416             : 
    3417        2445 :                 if (state.dataHeatBal->People(Loop).clothingType == ClothingType::CalculationSchedule) {
    3418           1 :                     print(state.files.eio, "{},", GetScheduleName(state, state.dataHeatBal->People(Loop).ClothingMethodPtr));
    3419             :                 } else {
    3420        2444 :                     print(state.files.eio, "N/A,");
    3421             :                 }
    3422             : 
    3423        2445 :                 print(state.files.eio, "{},", GetScheduleName(state, state.dataHeatBal->People(Loop).ClothingPtr));
    3424        2445 :                 print(state.files.eio, "{},", GetScheduleName(state, state.dataHeatBal->People(Loop).AirVelocityPtr));
    3425             : 
    3426        2445 :                 if (state.dataHeatBal->People(Loop).Fanger) {
    3427        2438 :                     print(state.files.eio, "Yes,");
    3428             :                 } else {
    3429           7 :                     print(state.files.eio, "No,");
    3430             :                 }
    3431        2445 :                 if (state.dataHeatBal->People(Loop).Pierce) {
    3432          11 :                     print(state.files.eio, "Yes,");
    3433             :                 } else {
    3434        2434 :                     print(state.files.eio, "No,");
    3435             :                 }
    3436        2445 :                 if (state.dataHeatBal->People(Loop).KSU) {
    3437           6 :                     print(state.files.eio, "Yes,");
    3438             :                 } else {
    3439        2439 :                     print(state.files.eio, "No,");
    3440             :                 }
    3441        2445 :                 if (state.dataHeatBal->People(Loop).CoolingEffectASH55) {
    3442           1 :                     print(state.files.eio, "Yes,");
    3443             :                 } else {
    3444        2444 :                     print(state.files.eio, "No,");
    3445             :                 }
    3446        2445 :                 if (state.dataHeatBal->People(Loop).AnkleDraftASH55) {
    3447           1 :                     print(state.files.eio, "Yes\n");
    3448             :                 } else {
    3449        2444 :                     print(state.files.eio, "No\n");
    3450             :                 }
    3451             :             } else {
    3452        1425 :                 print(state.files.eio, "{:.0R}\n", state.dataHeatBal->People(Loop).NomMaxNumberPeople);
    3453             :             }
    3454             :         }
    3455        4822 :         for (int Loop = 1; Loop <= state.dataHeatBal->TotLights; ++Loop) {
    3456        4051 :             if (Loop == 1) {
    3457         641 :                 print(state.files.eio,
    3458             :                       Format_723,
    3459             :                       "Lights",
    3460             :                       "Lighting Level {W},Lights/Floor Area {W/m2},Lights per person {W/person},Fraction Return "
    3461             :                       "Air,Fraction Radiant,Fraction Short Wave,Fraction Convected,Fraction Replaceable,End-Use "
    3462             :                       "Category,Nominal Minimum Lighting Level {W},Nominal Maximum Lighting Level {W}\n");
    3463             :             }
    3464             : 
    3465        4051 :             int ZoneNum = state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop).ZonePtr;
    3466             : 
    3467        4051 :             if (ZoneNum == 0) {
    3468           0 :                 print(state.files.eio, "Lights-Illegal Zone specified", state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop).Name);
    3469           0 :                 continue;
    3470             :             }
    3471       16204 :             print(state.files.eio,
    3472             :                   Format_722,
    3473             :                   "Lights",
    3474        4051 :                   state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop).Name,
    3475        8102 :                   GetScheduleName(state, state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop).SchedPtr),
    3476        4051 :                   state.dataHeatBal->Zone(ZoneNum).Name,
    3477        4051 :                   state.dataHeatBal->Zone(ZoneNum).FloorArea,
    3478        4051 :                   state.dataHeatBal->Zone(ZoneNum).TotOccupants);
    3479             : 
    3480        4051 :             print(state.files.eio, "{:.3R},", state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop).DesignLevel);
    3481             : 
    3482        4051 :             print_and_divide_if_greater_than_zero(state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop).DesignLevel, state.dataHeatBal->Zone(ZoneNum).FloorArea);
    3483        4051 :             print_and_divide_if_greater_than_zero(state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop).DesignLevel, state.dataHeatBal->Zone(ZoneNum).TotOccupants);
    3484             : 
    3485        4051 :             print(state.files.eio, "{:.3R},", state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop).FractionReturnAir);
    3486        4051 :             print(state.files.eio, "{:.3R},", state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop).FractionRadiant);
    3487        4051 :             print(state.files.eio, "{:.3R},", state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop).FractionShortWave);
    3488        4051 :             print(state.files.eio, "{:.3R},", state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop).FractionConvected);
    3489        4051 :             print(state.files.eio, "{:.3R},", state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop).FractionReplaceable);
    3490        4051 :             print(state.files.eio, "{},", state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop).EndUseSubcategory);
    3491        4051 :             print(state.files.eio, "{:.3R},", state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop).NomMinDesignLevel);
    3492        4051 :             print(state.files.eio, "{:.3R}\n", state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop).NomMaxDesignLevel);
    3493             :         }
    3494        4945 :         for (int Loop = 1; Loop <= state.dataHeatBal->TotElecEquip; ++Loop) {
    3495        4174 :             if (Loop == 1) {
    3496         629 :                 print(state.files.eio,
    3497             :                       Format_723,
    3498             :                       "ElectricEquipment",
    3499             :                       "Equipment Level {W},Equipment/Floor Area {W/m2},Equipment per person {W/person},Fraction Latent,Fraction Radiant,Fraction "
    3500             :                       "Lost,Fraction Convected,End-Use SubCategory,Nominal Minimum Equipment Level {W},Nominal Maximum Equipment Level {W}\n");
    3501             :             }
    3502             : 
    3503        4174 :             int ZoneNum = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(Loop).ZonePtr;
    3504             : 
    3505        4174 :             if (ZoneNum == 0) {
    3506           0 :                 print(state.files.eio, Format_724, "Electric Equipment-Illegal Zone specified", state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(Loop).Name);
    3507           0 :                 continue;
    3508             :             }
    3509       16696 :             print(state.files.eio,
    3510             :                   Format_722,
    3511             :                   "ElectricEquipment",
    3512        4174 :                   state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(Loop).Name,
    3513        8348 :                   GetScheduleName(state, state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(Loop).SchedPtr),
    3514        4174 :                   state.dataHeatBal->Zone(ZoneNum).Name,
    3515        4174 :                   state.dataHeatBal->Zone(ZoneNum).FloorArea,
    3516        4174 :                   state.dataHeatBal->Zone(ZoneNum).TotOccupants);
    3517             : 
    3518        4174 :             print(state.files.eio, "{:.3R},", state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(Loop).DesignLevel);
    3519             : 
    3520        4174 :             print_and_divide_if_greater_than_zero(state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(Loop).DesignLevel, state.dataHeatBal->Zone(ZoneNum).FloorArea);
    3521        4174 :             print_and_divide_if_greater_than_zero(state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(Loop).DesignLevel, state.dataHeatBal->Zone(ZoneNum).TotOccupants);
    3522             : 
    3523        4174 :             print(state.files.eio, "{:.3R},", state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(Loop).FractionLatent);
    3524        4174 :             print(state.files.eio, "{:.3R},", state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(Loop).FractionRadiant);
    3525        4174 :             print(state.files.eio, "{:.3R},", state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(Loop).FractionLost);
    3526        4174 :             print(state.files.eio, "{:.3R},", state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(Loop).FractionConvected);
    3527        4174 :             print(state.files.eio, "{},", state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(Loop).EndUseSubcategory);
    3528        4174 :             print(state.files.eio, "{:.3R},", state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(Loop).NomMinDesignLevel);
    3529        4174 :             print(state.files.eio, "{:.3R}\n", state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(Loop).NomMaxDesignLevel);
    3530             :         }
    3531         849 :         for (int Loop = 1; Loop <= state.dataHeatBal->TotGasEquip; ++Loop) {
    3532          78 :             if (Loop == 1) {
    3533          36 :                 print(state.files.eio,
    3534             :                       Format_723,
    3535             :                       "GasEquipment",
    3536             :                       "Equipment Level {W},Equipment/Floor Area {W/m2},Equipment per person {W/person},Fraction Latent,Fraction Radiant,Fraction "
    3537             :                       "Lost,Fraction Convected,End-Use SubCategory,Nominal Minimum Equipment Level {W},Nominal Maximum Equipment Level {W}\n");
    3538             :             }
    3539             : 
    3540          78 :             int ZoneNum = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(Loop).ZonePtr;
    3541             : 
    3542          78 :             if (ZoneNum == 0) {
    3543           0 :                 print(state.files.eio, Format_724, "Gas Equipment-Illegal Zone specified", state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(Loop).Name);
    3544           0 :                 continue;
    3545             :             }
    3546             : 
    3547         312 :             print(state.files.eio,
    3548             :                   Format_722,
    3549             :                   "GasEquipment",
    3550          78 :                   state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(Loop).Name,
    3551         156 :                   GetScheduleName(state, state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(Loop).SchedPtr),
    3552          78 :                   state.dataHeatBal->Zone(ZoneNum).Name,
    3553          78 :                   state.dataHeatBal->Zone(ZoneNum).FloorArea,
    3554          78 :                   state.dataHeatBal->Zone(ZoneNum).TotOccupants);
    3555             : 
    3556          78 :             print(state.files.eio, "{:.3R},", state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(Loop).DesignLevel);
    3557             : 
    3558          78 :             print_and_divide_if_greater_than_zero(state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(Loop).DesignLevel, state.dataHeatBal->Zone(ZoneNum).FloorArea);
    3559          78 :             print_and_divide_if_greater_than_zero(state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(Loop).DesignLevel, state.dataHeatBal->Zone(ZoneNum).TotOccupants);
    3560             : 
    3561          78 :             print(state.files.eio, "{:.3R},", state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(Loop).FractionLatent);
    3562          78 :             print(state.files.eio, "{:.3R},", state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(Loop).FractionRadiant);
    3563          78 :             print(state.files.eio, "{:.3R},", state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(Loop).FractionLost);
    3564          78 :             print(state.files.eio, "{:.3R},", state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(Loop).FractionConvected);
    3565          78 :             print(state.files.eio, "{},", state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(Loop).EndUseSubcategory);
    3566          78 :             print(state.files.eio, "{:.3R},", state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(Loop).NomMinDesignLevel);
    3567          78 :             print(state.files.eio, "{:.3R}\n", state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(Loop).NomMaxDesignLevel);
    3568             :         }
    3569             : 
    3570         785 :         for (int Loop = 1; Loop <= state.dataHeatBal->TotHWEquip; ++Loop) {
    3571          14 :             if (Loop == 1) {
    3572           6 :                 print(state.files.eio,
    3573             :                       Format_723,
    3574             :                       "HotWaterEquipment",
    3575             :                       "Equipment Level {W},Equipment/Floor Area {W/m2},Equipment per person {W/person},Fraction Latent,Fraction Radiant,Fraction "
    3576             :                       "Lost,Fraction Convected,End-Use SubCategory,Nominal Minimum Equipment Level {W},Nominal Maximum Equipment Level {W}\n");
    3577             :             }
    3578             : 
    3579          14 :             int ZoneNum = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq(Loop).ZonePtr;
    3580             : 
    3581          14 :             if (ZoneNum == 0) {
    3582           0 :                 print(state.files.eio, Format_724, "Hot Water Equipment-Illegal Zone specified", state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq(Loop).Name);
    3583           0 :                 continue;
    3584             :             }
    3585             : 
    3586          56 :             print(state.files.eio,
    3587             :                   Format_722,
    3588             :                   "HotWaterEquipment",
    3589          14 :                   state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq(Loop).Name,
    3590          28 :                   GetScheduleName(state, state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq(Loop).SchedPtr),
    3591          14 :                   state.dataHeatBal->Zone(ZoneNum).Name,
    3592          14 :                   state.dataHeatBal->Zone(ZoneNum).FloorArea,
    3593          14 :                   state.dataHeatBal->Zone(ZoneNum).TotOccupants);
    3594             : 
    3595          14 :             print(state.files.eio, "{:.3R},", state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq(Loop).DesignLevel);
    3596             : 
    3597          14 :             print_and_divide_if_greater_than_zero(state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq(Loop).DesignLevel, state.dataHeatBal->Zone(ZoneNum).FloorArea);
    3598          14 :             print_and_divide_if_greater_than_zero(state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq(Loop).DesignLevel, state.dataHeatBal->Zone(ZoneNum).TotOccupants);
    3599             : 
    3600          14 :             print(state.files.eio, "{:.3R},", state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq(Loop).FractionLatent);
    3601          14 :             print(state.files.eio, "{:.3R},", state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq(Loop).FractionRadiant);
    3602          14 :             print(state.files.eio, "{:.3R},", state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq(Loop).FractionLost);
    3603          14 :             print(state.files.eio, "{:.3R},", state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq(Loop).FractionConvected);
    3604          14 :             print(state.files.eio, "{},", state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq(Loop).EndUseSubcategory);
    3605          14 :             print(state.files.eio, "{:.3R},", state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq(Loop).NomMinDesignLevel);
    3606          14 :             print(state.files.eio, "{:.3R}\n", state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq(Loop).NomMaxDesignLevel);
    3607             :         }
    3608             : 
    3609         776 :         for (int Loop = 1; Loop <= state.dataHeatBal->TotStmEquip; ++Loop) {
    3610           5 :             if (Loop == 1) {
    3611           5 :                 print(state.files.eio,
    3612             :                       Format_723,
    3613             :                       "SteamEquipment",
    3614             :                       "Equipment Level {W},Equipment/Floor Area {W/m2},Equipment per person {W/person},Fraction Latent,Fraction Radiant,Fraction "
    3615             :                       "Lost,Fraction Convected,End-Use SubCategory,Nominal Minimum Equipment Level {W},Nominal Maximum Equipment Level {W}\n");
    3616             :             }
    3617             : 
    3618           5 :             int ZoneNum = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq(Loop).ZonePtr;
    3619             : 
    3620           5 :             if (ZoneNum == 0) {
    3621           0 :                 print(state.files.eio, Format_724, "Steam Equipment-Illegal Zone specified", state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq(Loop).Name);
    3622           0 :                 continue;
    3623             :             }
    3624             : 
    3625          20 :             print(state.files.eio,
    3626             :                   Format_722,
    3627             :                   "SteamEquipment",
    3628           5 :                   state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq(Loop).Name,
    3629          10 :                   GetScheduleName(state, state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq(Loop).SchedPtr),
    3630           5 :                   state.dataHeatBal->Zone(ZoneNum).Name,
    3631           5 :                   state.dataHeatBal->Zone(ZoneNum).FloorArea,
    3632           5 :                   state.dataHeatBal->Zone(ZoneNum).TotOccupants);
    3633             : 
    3634           5 :             print(state.files.eio, "{:.3R},", state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq(Loop).DesignLevel);
    3635             : 
    3636           5 :             print_and_divide_if_greater_than_zero(state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq(Loop).DesignLevel, state.dataHeatBal->Zone(ZoneNum).FloorArea);
    3637           5 :             print_and_divide_if_greater_than_zero(state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq(Loop).DesignLevel, state.dataHeatBal->Zone(ZoneNum).TotOccupants);
    3638             : 
    3639           5 :             print(state.files.eio, "{:.3R},", state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq(Loop).FractionLatent);
    3640           5 :             print(state.files.eio, "{:.3R},", state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq(Loop).FractionRadiant);
    3641           5 :             print(state.files.eio, "{:.3R},", state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq(Loop).FractionLost);
    3642           5 :             print(state.files.eio, "{:.3R},", state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq(Loop).FractionConvected);
    3643           5 :             print(state.files.eio, "{},", state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq(Loop).EndUseSubcategory);
    3644           5 :             print(state.files.eio, "{:.3R},", state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq(Loop).NomMinDesignLevel);
    3645           5 :             print(state.files.eio, "{:.3R}\n", state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq(Loop).NomMaxDesignLevel);
    3646             :         }
    3647             : 
    3648         835 :         for (int Loop = 1; Loop <= state.dataHeatBal->TotOthEquip; ++Loop) {
    3649          64 :             if (Loop == 1) {
    3650          28 :                 print(state.files.eio,
    3651             :                       Format_723,
    3652             :                       "OtherEquipment",
    3653             :                       "Equipment Level {W},Equipment/Floor Area {W/m2},Equipment per person {W/person},Fraction Latent,Fraction Radiant,Fraction "
    3654             :                       "Lost,Fraction Convected,Nominal Minimum Equipment Level {W},Nominal Maximum Equipment Level {W}\n");
    3655             :             }
    3656             : 
    3657          64 :             int ZoneNum = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(Loop).ZonePtr;
    3658             : 
    3659          64 :             if (ZoneNum == 0) {
    3660           0 :                 print(state.files.eio, Format_724, "Other Equipment-Illegal Zone specified", state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(Loop).Name);
    3661           0 :                 continue;
    3662             :             }
    3663             : 
    3664         256 :             print(state.files.eio,
    3665             :                   Format_722,
    3666             :                   "OtherEquipment",
    3667          64 :                   state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(Loop).Name,
    3668         128 :                   GetScheduleName(state, state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(Loop).SchedPtr),
    3669          64 :                   state.dataHeatBal->Zone(ZoneNum).Name,
    3670          64 :                   state.dataHeatBal->Zone(ZoneNum).FloorArea,
    3671          64 :                   state.dataHeatBal->Zone(ZoneNum).TotOccupants);
    3672             : 
    3673          64 :             print(state.files.eio, "{:.3R},", state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(Loop).DesignLevel);
    3674             : 
    3675          64 :             print_and_divide_if_greater_than_zero(state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(Loop).DesignLevel, state.dataHeatBal->Zone(ZoneNum).FloorArea);
    3676          64 :             print_and_divide_if_greater_than_zero(state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(Loop).DesignLevel, state.dataHeatBal->Zone(ZoneNum).TotOccupants);
    3677             : 
    3678          64 :             print(state.files.eio, "{:.3R},", state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(Loop).FractionLatent);
    3679          64 :             print(state.files.eio, "{:.3R},", state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(Loop).FractionRadiant);
    3680          64 :             print(state.files.eio, "{:.3R},", state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(Loop).FractionLost);
    3681          64 :             print(state.files.eio, "{:.3R},", state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(Loop).FractionConvected);
    3682          64 :             print(state.files.eio, "{:.3R},", state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(Loop).NomMinDesignLevel);
    3683          64 :             print(state.files.eio, "{:.3R}\n", state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(Loop).NomMaxDesignLevel);
    3684             :         }
    3685             : 
    3686         778 :         for (int Loop = 1; Loop <= state.dataHeatBal->TotITEquip; ++Loop) {
    3687           7 :             if (Loop == 1) {
    3688           5 :                 print(state.files.eio,
    3689             :                       Format_723,
    3690             :                       "ElectricEquipment:ITE:AirCooled",
    3691             :                       "Equipment Level {W},"
    3692             :                       "Equipment/Floor Area {W/m2},Equipment per person {W/person},"
    3693             :                       "Fraction Convected,CPU End-Use SubCategory,Fan End-Use SubCategory,UPS End-Use SubCategory,"
    3694             :                       "Nominal Minimum Equipment Level {W},Nominal Maximum Equipment Level {W}, Design Air Volume Flow Rate {m3/s}\n");
    3695             :             }
    3696             : 
    3697           7 :             int ZoneNum = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).ZonePtr;
    3698             : 
    3699           7 :             if (ZoneNum == 0) {
    3700           0 :                 print(state.files.eio, Format_724, "ElectricEquipment:ITE:AirCooled-Illegal Zone specified", state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).Name);
    3701           0 :                 continue;
    3702             :             }
    3703          28 :             print(state.files.eio,
    3704             :                   Format_722,
    3705             :                   "ElectricEquipment:ITE:AirCooled",
    3706           7 :                   state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).Name,
    3707          14 :                   GetScheduleName(state, state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).OperSchedPtr),
    3708           7 :                   state.dataHeatBal->Zone(ZoneNum).Name,
    3709           7 :                   state.dataHeatBal->Zone(ZoneNum).FloorArea,
    3710           7 :                   state.dataHeatBal->Zone(ZoneNum).TotOccupants);
    3711             : 
    3712           7 :             print(state.files.eio, "{:.3R},", state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).DesignTotalPower);
    3713             : 
    3714           7 :             print_and_divide_if_greater_than_zero(state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).DesignTotalPower, state.dataHeatBal->Zone(ZoneNum).FloorArea);
    3715             : 
    3716             :             // ElectricEquipment:ITE:AirCooled is 100% convective
    3717           7 :             print(state.files.eio, "1.0,");
    3718             : 
    3719           7 :             print(state.files.eio, "{},", state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).EndUseSubcategoryCPU);
    3720           7 :             print(state.files.eio, "{},", state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).EndUseSubcategoryFan);
    3721           7 :             print(state.files.eio, "{},", state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).EndUseSubcategoryUPS);
    3722           7 :             print(state.files.eio, "{:.3R},", state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).NomMinDesignLevel);
    3723           7 :             print(state.files.eio, "{:.3R},", state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).NomMaxDesignLevel);
    3724           7 :             print(state.files.eio, "{:.10R}\n", state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).DesignAirVolFlowRate);
    3725             :         }
    3726             : 
    3727         774 :         for (int Loop = 1; Loop <= state.dataHeatBal->TotBBHeat; ++Loop) {
    3728           3 :             if (Loop == 1) {
    3729           3 :                 print(state.files.eio,
    3730             :                       Format_723,
    3731             :                       "Outdoor Controlled Baseboard Heat",
    3732             :                       "Capacity at Low Temperature {W},Low Temperature {C},Capacity at High Temperature "
    3733             :                       "{W},High Temperature {C},Fraction Radiant,Fraction Convected,End-Use Subcategory\n");
    3734             :             }
    3735             : 
    3736           3 :             int ZoneNum = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneBBHeat(Loop).ZonePtr;
    3737             : 
    3738           3 :             if (ZoneNum == 0) {
    3739           0 :                 print(state.files.eio,
    3740             :                       Format_724,
    3741             :                       "Outdoor Controlled Baseboard Heat-Illegal Zone specified",
    3742           0 :                       state.dataHeatBal->ZoneBBHeat(Loop).Name);
    3743           0 :                 continue;
    3744             :             }
    3745          12 :             print(state.files.eio,
    3746             :                   Format_722,
    3747             :                   "Outdoor Controlled Baseboard Heat",
    3748           3 :                   state.dataHeatBal->ZoneBBHeat(Loop).Name,
    3749           6 :                   GetScheduleName(state, state.dataHeatBal->ZoneBBHeat(Loop).SchedPtr),
    3750           3 :                   state.dataHeatBal->Zone(ZoneNum).Name,
    3751           3 :                   state.dataHeatBal->Zone(ZoneNum).FloorArea,
    3752           3 :                   state.dataHeatBal->Zone(ZoneNum).TotOccupants);
    3753             : 
    3754           3 :             print(state.files.eio, "{:.3R},", state.dataHeatBal->ZoneBBHeat(Loop).CapatLowTemperature);
    3755           3 :             print(state.files.eio, "{:.3R},", state.dataHeatBal->ZoneBBHeat(Loop).LowTemperature);
    3756           3 :             print(state.files.eio, "{:.3R},", state.dataHeatBal->ZoneBBHeat(Loop).CapatHighTemperature);
    3757           3 :             print(state.files.eio, "{:.3R},", state.dataHeatBal->ZoneBBHeat(Loop).HighTemperature);
    3758           3 :             print(state.files.eio, "{:.3R},", state.dataHeatBal->ZoneBBHeat(Loop).FractionRadiant);
    3759           3 :             print(state.files.eio, "{:.3R},", state.dataHeatBal->ZoneBBHeat(Loop).FractionConvected);
    3760           3 :             print(state.files.eio, "{}\n", state.dataHeatBal->ZoneBBHeat(Loop).EndUseSubcategory);
    3761             :         }
    3762         771 :     }
    3763             : 
    3764       12336 :     void setupIHGZonesAndSpaces(EnergyPlusData &state,
    3765             :                                 const std::string objectType,
    3766             :                                 EPVector<InternalHeatGains::GlobalInternalGainMiscObject> &inputObjects,
    3767             :                                 int &numInputObjects,
    3768             :                                 int &numGainInstances,
    3769             :                                 bool &errors,
    3770             :                                 const bool zoneListNotAllowed)
    3771             :     {
    3772             :         // This function pre-processes the input objects for objectType and determines the ultimate number
    3773             :         // of simulation instances for each input object after expansion for SpaceList, Zone, or ZoneList.
    3774             :         // inputObjects is allocated here and filled with data for further input processing.
    3775             : 
    3776       12336 :         constexpr std::string_view routineName = "setupIHGZonesAndSpaces: ";
    3777       12336 :         bool localErrFlag = false;
    3778             : 
    3779       12336 :         auto &ip = state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor;
    3780       24672 :         auto const instances = ip->epJSON.find(objectType);
    3781       12336 :         if (instances != ip->epJSON.end()) {
    3782       12336 :             auto const &objectSchemaProps = ip->getObjectSchemaProps(state, objectType);
    3783       12336 :             auto &instancesValue = instances.value();
    3784       12336 :             numInputObjects = int(instancesValue.size());
    3785       12336 :             inputObjects.allocate(numInputObjects);
    3786             : 
    3787       12336 :             numGainInstances = 0;
    3788       12336 :             int counter = 0;
    3789       28010 :             for (auto instance = instancesValue.begin(); instance != instancesValue.end(); ++instance) {
    3790       15674 :                 auto const &objectFields = instance.value();
    3791       15674 :                 auto const &thisObjectName = UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase(instance.key());
    3792       15674 :                 ip->markObjectAsUsed(objectType, instance.key());
    3793             : 
    3794             :                 // For incoming idf, maintain object order
    3795       15674 :                 ++counter;
    3796       15674 :                 int objNum = ip->getIDFObjNum(state, objectType, counter);
    3797       15674 :                 inputObjects(objNum).Name = thisObjectName;
    3798       15674 :                 std::string areaFieldName;
    3799       15674 :                 if (zoneListNotAllowed) {
    3800         205 :                     areaFieldName = "zone_or_space_name";
    3801             :                 } else {
    3802       15469 :                     areaFieldName = "zone_or_zonelist_or_space_or_spacelist_name";
    3803             :                 }
    3804       15674 :                 std::string areaName = ip->getAlphaFieldValue(objectFields, objectSchemaProps, areaFieldName);
    3805             : 
    3806       15674 :                 int zoneNum = UtilityRoutines::FindItemInList(areaName, state.dataHeatBal->Zone);
    3807       15674 :                 if (zoneNum > 0) {
    3808       15639 :                     inputObjects(objNum).spaceStartPtr = numGainInstances + 1;
    3809       15639 :                     int numSpaces = state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).numSpaces;
    3810       15639 :                     numGainInstances += numSpaces;
    3811       15639 :                     inputObjects(objNum).numOfSpaces = numSpaces;
    3812       15639 :                     inputObjects(objNum).ZoneListActive = false;
    3813       15639 :                     if (numSpaces == 1) {
    3814       15634 :                         inputObjects(objNum).spaceNums.emplace_back(state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).spaceIndexes(1));
    3815       15634 :                         inputObjects(objNum).names.emplace_back(inputObjects(objNum).Name);
    3816             :                     } else {
    3817          20 :                         for (int const spaceNum : state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).spaceIndexes) {
    3818          15 :                             inputObjects(objNum).spaceNums.emplace_back(spaceNum);
    3819          15 :                             inputObjects(objNum).names.emplace_back(state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name + ' ' + inputObjects(objNum).Name);
    3820             :                         }
    3821             :                     }
    3822       15639 :                     continue;
    3823             :                 }
    3824          35 :                 int spaceNum = UtilityRoutines::FindItemInList(areaName, state.dataHeatBal->space);
    3825          38 :                 if (spaceNum > 0) {
    3826           3 :                     inputObjects(objNum).spaceStartPtr = numGainInstances + 1;
    3827           3 :                     ++numGainInstances;
    3828           3 :                     inputObjects(objNum).numOfSpaces = 1;
    3829           3 :                     inputObjects(objNum).spaceListActive = false;
    3830           3 :                     inputObjects(objNum).spaceOrSpaceListPtr = spaceNum;
    3831           3 :                     inputObjects(objNum).spaceNums.emplace_back(spaceNum);
    3832           3 :                     inputObjects(objNum).names.emplace_back(inputObjects(objNum).Name);
    3833           3 :                     continue;
    3834             :                 }
    3835          32 :                 int zoneListNum = UtilityRoutines::FindItemInList(areaName, state.dataHeatBal->ZoneList);
    3836          32 :                 if (zoneListNum > 0) {
    3837          30 :                     if (zoneListNotAllowed) {
    3838           0 :                         ShowSevereError(
    3839           0 :                             state, objectType + "=\"" + thisObjectName + "\" ZoneList Name=\"" + areaName + "\" not allowed for " + objectType + ".");
    3840           0 :                         errors = true;
    3841           0 :                         localErrFlag = true;
    3842             :                     } else {
    3843             : 
    3844          30 :                         inputObjects(objNum).spaceStartPtr = numGainInstances + 1;
    3845          30 :                         int numSpaces = 0;
    3846         180 :                         for (int const listZoneIdx : state.dataHeatBal->ZoneList(zoneListNum).Zone) {
    3847         150 :                             numSpaces += state.dataHeatBal->Zone(listZoneIdx).numSpaces;
    3848         304 :                             for (int const spaceNum : state.dataHeatBal->Zone(listZoneIdx).spaceIndexes) {
    3849         154 :                                 inputObjects(objNum).spaceNums.emplace_back(spaceNum);
    3850         154 :                                 inputObjects(objNum).names.emplace_back(state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name + ' ' + inputObjects(objNum).Name);
    3851             :                             }
    3852             :                         }
    3853          30 :                         numGainInstances += numSpaces;
    3854          30 :                         inputObjects(objNum).numOfSpaces = numSpaces;
    3855          30 :                         inputObjects(objNum).ZoneListActive = true;
    3856             :                     }
    3857          30 :                     continue;
    3858             :                 }
    3859           2 :                 int spaceListNum = UtilityRoutines::FindItemInList(areaName, state.dataHeatBal->spaceList);
    3860           2 :                 if (spaceListNum > 0) {
    3861           2 :                     if (zoneListNotAllowed) {
    3862           0 :                         ShowSevereError(state,
    3863           0 :                                         objectType + "=\"" + thisObjectName + "\" SpaceList Name=\"" + areaName + "\" not allowed for " + objectType +
    3864             :                                             ".");
    3865           0 :                         errors = true;
    3866           0 :                         localErrFlag = true;
    3867             :                     } else {
    3868           2 :                         inputObjects(objNum).spaceStartPtr = numGainInstances + 1;
    3869           2 :                         int numSpaces = state.dataHeatBal->spaceList(spaceListNum).numListSpaces;
    3870           2 :                         numGainInstances += numSpaces;
    3871           2 :                         inputObjects(objNum).numOfSpaces = numSpaces;
    3872           2 :                         inputObjects(objNum).spaceListActive = true;
    3873           2 :                         inputObjects(objNum).spaceOrSpaceListPtr = spaceListNum;
    3874          11 :                         for (int const spaceNum : state.dataHeatBal->spaceList(spaceListNum).spaces) {
    3875           9 :                             inputObjects(objNum).spaceNums.emplace_back(spaceNum);
    3876           9 :                             inputObjects(objNum).names.emplace_back(state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name + ' ' + inputObjects(objNum).Name);
    3877             :                         }
    3878             :                     }
    3879           2 :                     continue;
    3880             :                 }
    3881           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state, objectType + "=\"" + thisObjectName + "\" invalid " + areaFieldName + "=\"" + areaName + "\" not found.");
    3882           0 :                 errors = true;
    3883           0 :                 localErrFlag = true;
    3884             :             }
    3885       12336 :             if (localErrFlag) {
    3886           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state, std::string{routineName} + "Errors with invalid names in " + objectType + " objects.");
    3887           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "...These will not be read in.  Other errors may occur.");
    3888           0 :                 numGainInstances = 0;
    3889             :             }
    3890             :         }
    3891       12336 :     }
    3892             : 
    3893         771 :     void setupIHGOutputs(EnergyPlusData &state)
    3894             :     {
    3895        5585 :         for (int zoneNum = 1; zoneNum <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++zoneNum) {
    3896             :             // Overall Zone Variables
    3897       19256 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    3898             :                                 "Zone Total Internal Radiant Heating Energy",
    3899             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    3900        4814 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).TotRadiantGain,
    3901             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    3902             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    3903        9628 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    3904       19256 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    3905             :                                 "Zone Total Internal Radiant Heating Rate",
    3906             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    3907        4814 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).TotRadiantGainRate,
    3908             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    3909             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    3910        9628 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    3911       19256 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    3912             :                                 "Zone Total Internal Visible Radiation Heating Energy",
    3913             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    3914        4814 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).TotVisHeatGain,
    3915             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    3916             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    3917        9628 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    3918       19256 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    3919             :                                 "Zone Total Internal Visible Radiation Heating Rate",
    3920             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    3921        4814 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).TotVisHeatGainRate,
    3922             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    3923             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    3924        9628 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    3925       19256 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    3926             :                                 "Zone Total Internal Convective Heating Energy",
    3927             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    3928        4814 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).TotConvectiveGain,
    3929             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    3930             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    3931        9628 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    3932       19256 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    3933             :                                 "Zone Total Internal Convective Heating Rate",
    3934             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    3935        4814 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).TotConvectiveGainRate,
    3936             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    3937             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    3938        9628 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    3939       19256 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    3940             :                                 "Zone Total Internal Latent Gain Energy",
    3941             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    3942        4814 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).TotLatentGain,
    3943             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    3944             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    3945        9628 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    3946       19256 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    3947             :                                 "Zone Total Internal Latent Gain Rate",
    3948             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    3949        4814 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).TotLatentGainRate,
    3950             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    3951             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    3952        9628 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    3953       19256 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    3954             :                                 "Zone Total Internal Total Heating Energy",
    3955             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    3956        4814 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).TotTotalHeatGain,
    3957             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    3958             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    3959        9628 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    3960       19256 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    3961             :                                 "Zone Total Internal Total Heating Rate",
    3962             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    3963        4814 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).TotTotalHeatGainRate,
    3964             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    3965             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    3966        9628 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    3967             :         }
    3968             : 
    3969        5589 :         for (int spaceNum = 1; spaceNum <= state.dataGlobal->numSpaces; ++spaceNum) {
    3970             :             // Overall Space Variables
    3971       19272 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    3972             :                                 "Space Total Internal Radiant Heating Energy",
    3973             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    3974        4818 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).TotRadiantGain,
    3975             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    3976             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    3977        9636 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    3978       19272 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    3979             :                                 "Space Total Internal Radiant Heating Rate",
    3980             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    3981        4818 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).TotRadiantGainRate,
    3982             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    3983             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    3984        9636 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    3985       19272 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    3986             :                                 "Space Total Internal Visible Radiation Heating Energy",
    3987             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    3988        4818 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).TotVisHeatGain,
    3989             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    3990             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    3991        9636 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    3992       19272 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    3993             :                                 "Space Total Internal Visible Radiation Heating Rate",
    3994             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    3995        4818 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).TotVisHeatGainRate,
    3996             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    3997             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    3998        9636 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    3999       19272 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4000             :                                 "Space Total Internal Convective Heating Energy",
    4001             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    4002        4818 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).TotConvectiveGain,
    4003             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4004             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    4005        9636 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    4006       19272 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4007             :                                 "Space Total Internal Convective Heating Rate",
    4008             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    4009        4818 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).TotConvectiveGainRate,
    4010             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4011             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    4012        9636 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    4013       19272 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4014             :                                 "Space Total Internal Latent Gain Energy",
    4015             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    4016        4818 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).TotLatentGain,
    4017             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4018             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    4019        9636 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    4020       19272 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4021             :                                 "Space Total Internal Latent Gain Rate",
    4022             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    4023        4818 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).TotLatentGainRate,
    4024             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4025             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    4026        9636 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    4027       19272 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4028             :                                 "Space Total Internal Total Heating Energy",
    4029             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    4030        4818 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).TotTotalHeatGain,
    4031             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4032             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    4033        9636 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    4034       19272 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4035             :                                 "Space Total Internal Total Heating Rate",
    4036             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    4037        4818 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).TotTotalHeatGainRate,
    4038             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4039             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    4040        9636 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    4041             :         }
    4042             : 
    4043             :         // Add zone and space outputs only where the particular type of equipment is actually present
    4044        1542 :         Array1D_bool addZoneOutputs;
    4045         771 :         addZoneOutputs.dimension(state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones, false);
    4046        1542 :         Array1D_bool addSpaceOutputs;
    4047         771 :         addSpaceOutputs.dimension(state.dataGlobal->numSpaces, false);
    4048             : 
    4049        4641 :         for (int peopleNum = 1; peopleNum <= state.dataHeatBal->TotPeople; ++peopleNum) {
    4050             :             // Set flags for zone and space total report variables
    4051        3870 :             addZoneOutputs(state.dataHeatBal->People(peopleNum).ZonePtr) = true;
    4052        3870 :             addSpaceOutputs(state.dataHeatBal->People(peopleNum).spaceIndex) = true;
    4053             :             // Object report variables
    4054       15480 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4055             :                                 "People Occupant Count",
    4056             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::None,
    4057        3870 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->People(peopleNum).NumOcc,
    4058             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4059             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    4060        7740 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->People(peopleNum).Name);
    4061       15480 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4062             :                                 "People Radiant Heating Energy",
    4063             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    4064        3870 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->People(peopleNum).RadGainEnergy,
    4065             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4066             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    4067        7740 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->People(peopleNum).Name);
    4068       15480 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4069             :                                 "People Radiant Heating Rate",
    4070             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    4071        3870 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->People(peopleNum).RadGainRate,
    4072             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4073             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    4074        7740 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->People(peopleNum).Name);
    4075       15480 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4076             :                                 "People Convective Heating Energy",
    4077             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    4078        3870 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->People(peopleNum).ConGainEnergy,
    4079             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4080             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    4081        7740 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->People(peopleNum).Name);
    4082       15480 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4083             :                                 "People Convective Heating Rate",
    4084             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    4085        3870 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->People(peopleNum).ConGainRate,
    4086             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4087             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    4088        7740 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->People(peopleNum).Name);
    4089       15480 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4090             :                                 "People Sensible Heating Energy",
    4091             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    4092        3870 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->People(peopleNum).SenGainEnergy,
    4093             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4094             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    4095        7740 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->People(peopleNum).Name);
    4096       15480 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4097             :                                 "People Sensible Heating Rate",
    4098             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    4099        3870 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->People(peopleNum).SenGainRate,
    4100             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4101             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    4102        7740 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->People(peopleNum).Name);
    4103       15480 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4104             :                                 "People Latent Gain Energy",
    4105             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    4106        3870 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->People(peopleNum).LatGainEnergy,
    4107             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4108             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    4109        7740 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->People(peopleNum).Name);
    4110       15480 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4111             :                                 "People Latent Gain Rate",
    4112             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    4113        3870 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->People(peopleNum).LatGainRate,
    4114             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4115             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    4116        7740 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->People(peopleNum).Name);
    4117       15480 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4118             :                                 "People Total Heating Energy",
    4119             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    4120        3870 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->People(peopleNum).TotGainEnergy,
    4121             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4122             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    4123        7740 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->People(peopleNum).Name);
    4124       15480 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4125             :                                 "People Total Heating Rate",
    4126             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    4127        3870 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->People(peopleNum).TotGainRate,
    4128             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4129             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    4130        7740 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->People(peopleNum).Name);
    4131       15480 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4132             :                                 "People Air Temperature",
    4133             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::C,
    4134        3870 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->People(peopleNum).TemperatureInZone,
    4135             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4136             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    4137        7740 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->People(peopleNum).Name);
    4138       15480 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4139             :                                 "People Air Relative Humidity",
    4140             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::Perc,
    4141        3870 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->People(peopleNum).RelativeHumidityInZone,
    4142             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4143             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    4144        7740 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->People(peopleNum).Name);
    4145             :         }
    4146             : 
    4147        5585 :         for (int zoneNum = 1; zoneNum <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++zoneNum) {
    4148        4814 :             if (addZoneOutputs(zoneNum)) {
    4149             :                 // Zone total report variables
    4150       15404 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4151             :                                     "Zone People Occupant Count",
    4152             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::None,
    4153        3851 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).PeopleNumOcc,
    4154             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4155             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    4156        7702 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    4157       15404 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4158             :                                     "Zone People Radiant Heating Energy",
    4159             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    4160        3851 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).PeopleRadGain,
    4161             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4162             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    4163        7702 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    4164       15404 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4165             :                                     "Zone People Radiant Heating Rate",
    4166             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    4167        3851 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).PeopleRadGainRate,
    4168             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4169             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    4170        7702 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    4171       15404 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4172             :                                     "Zone People Convective Heating Energy",
    4173             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    4174        3851 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).PeopleConGain,
    4175             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4176             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    4177        7702 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    4178       15404 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4179             :                                     "Zone People Convective Heating Rate",
    4180             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    4181        3851 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).PeopleConGainRate,
    4182             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4183             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    4184        7702 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    4185       15404 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4186             :                                     "Zone People Sensible Heating Energy",
    4187             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    4188        3851 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).PeopleSenGain,
    4189             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4190             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    4191        7702 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    4192       15404 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4193             :                                     "Zone People Sensible Heating Rate",
    4194             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    4195        3851 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).PeopleSenGainRate,
    4196             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4197             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    4198        7702 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    4199       15404 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4200             :                                     "Zone People Latent Gain Energy",
    4201             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    4202        3851 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).PeopleLatGain,
    4203             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4204             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    4205        7702 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    4206       15404 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4207             :                                     "Zone People Latent Gain Rate",
    4208             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    4209        3851 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).PeopleLatGainRate,
    4210             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4211             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    4212        7702 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    4213       15404 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4214             :                                     "Zone People Total Heating Energy",
    4215             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    4216        3851 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).PeopleTotGain,
    4217             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4218             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    4219        7702 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    4220       15404 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4221             :                                     "Zone People Total Heating Rate",
    4222             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    4223        3851 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).PeopleTotGainRate,
    4224             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4225             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    4226        7702 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    4227             :             }
    4228             :             // Reset zone output flag
    4229        4814 :             addZoneOutputs(zoneNum) = false;
    4230             :         }
    4231             : 
    4232             :         // Space total report variables
    4233        5589 :         for (int spaceNum = 1; spaceNum <= state.dataGlobal->numSpaces; ++spaceNum) {
    4234        4818 :             if (addSpaceOutputs(spaceNum)) {
    4235       15420 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4236             :                                     "Space People Occupant Count",
    4237             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::None,
    4238        3855 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).PeopleNumOcc,
    4239             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4240             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    4241        7710 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    4242       15420 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4243             :                                     "Space People Radiant Heating Energy",
    4244             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    4245        3855 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).PeopleRadGain,
    4246             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4247             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    4248        7710 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    4249       15420 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4250             :                                     "Space People Radiant Heating Rate",
    4251             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    4252        3855 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).PeopleRadGainRate,
    4253             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4254             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    4255        7710 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    4256       15420 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4257             :                                     "Space People Convective Heating Energy",
    4258             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    4259        3855 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).PeopleConGain,
    4260             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4261             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    4262        7710 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    4263       15420 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4264             :                                     "Space People Convective Heating Rate",
    4265             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    4266        3855 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).PeopleConGainRate,
    4267             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4268             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    4269        7710 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    4270       15420 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4271             :                                     "Space People Sensible Heating Energy",
    4272             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    4273        3855 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).PeopleSenGain,
    4274             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4275             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    4276        7710 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    4277       15420 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4278             :                                     "Space People Sensible Heating Rate",
    4279             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    4280        3855 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).PeopleSenGainRate,
    4281             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4282             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    4283        7710 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    4284       15420 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4285             :                                     "Space People Latent Gain Energy",
    4286             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    4287        3855 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).PeopleLatGain,
    4288             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4289             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    4290        7710 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    4291       15420 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4292             :                                     "Space People Latent Gain Rate",
    4293             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    4294        3855 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).PeopleLatGainRate,
    4295             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4296             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    4297        7710 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    4298       15420 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4299             :                                     "Space People Total Heating Energy",
    4300             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    4301        3855 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).PeopleTotGain,
    4302             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4303             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    4304        7710 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    4305       15420 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4306             :                                     "Space People Total Heating Rate",
    4307             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    4308        3855 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).PeopleTotGainRate,
    4309             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4310             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    4311        7710 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    4312             :             }
    4313             :             // Reset space output flag
    4314        4818 :             addSpaceOutputs(spaceNum) = false;
    4315             :         }
    4316             : 
    4317        4822 :         for (int lightsNum = 1; lightsNum <= state.dataHeatBal->TotLights; ++lightsNum) {
    4318             :             // Set flags for zone and space total report variables
    4319        4051 :             addZoneOutputs(state.dataHeatBal->Lights(lightsNum).ZonePtr) = true;
    4320        4051 :             addSpaceOutputs(state.dataHeatBal->Lights(lightsNum).spaceIndex) = true;
    4321             :             // Object report variables
    4322       16204 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4323             :                                 "Lights Electricity Rate",
    4324             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    4325        4051 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->Lights(lightsNum).Power,
    4326             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4327             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    4328        8102 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->Lights(lightsNum).Name);
    4329             : 
    4330       16204 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4331             :                                 "Lights Radiant Heating Energy",
    4332             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    4333        4051 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->Lights(lightsNum).RadGainEnergy,
    4334             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4335             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    4336        8102 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->Lights(lightsNum).Name);
    4337       16204 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4338             :                                 "Lights Radiant Heating Rate",
    4339             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    4340        4051 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->Lights(lightsNum).RadGainRate,
    4341             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4342             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    4343        8102 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->Lights(lightsNum).Name);
    4344       16204 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4345             :                                 "Lights Visible Radiation Heating Energy",
    4346             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    4347        4051 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->Lights(lightsNum).VisGainEnergy,
    4348             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4349             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    4350        8102 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->Lights(lightsNum).Name);
    4351             : 
    4352       16204 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4353             :                                 "Lights Visible Radiation Heating Rate",
    4354             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    4355        4051 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->Lights(lightsNum).VisGainRate,
    4356             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4357             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    4358        8102 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->Lights(lightsNum).Name);
    4359       16204 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4360             :                                 "Lights Convective Heating Energy",
    4361             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    4362        4051 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->Lights(lightsNum).ConGainEnergy,
    4363             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4364             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    4365        8102 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->Lights(lightsNum).Name);
    4366       16204 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4367             :                                 "Lights Convective Heating Rate",
    4368             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    4369        4051 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->Lights(lightsNum).ConGainRate,
    4370             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4371             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    4372        8102 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->Lights(lightsNum).Name);
    4373       16204 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4374             :                                 "Lights Return Air Heating Energy",
    4375             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    4376        4051 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->Lights(lightsNum).RetAirGainEnergy,
    4377             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4378             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    4379        8102 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->Lights(lightsNum).Name);
    4380       16204 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4381             :                                 "Lights Return Air Heating Rate",
    4382             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    4383        4051 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->Lights(lightsNum).RetAirGainRate,
    4384             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4385             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    4386        8102 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->Lights(lightsNum).Name);
    4387       16204 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4388             :                                 "Lights Total Heating Energy",
    4389             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    4390        4051 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->Lights(lightsNum).TotGainEnergy,
    4391             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4392             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    4393        8102 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->Lights(lightsNum).Name);
    4394       16204 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4395             :                                 "Lights Total Heating Rate",
    4396             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    4397        4051 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->Lights(lightsNum).TotGainRate,
    4398             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4399             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    4400        8102 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->Lights(lightsNum).Name);
    4401       32408 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4402             :                                 "Lights Electricity Energy",
    4403             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    4404        4051 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->Lights(lightsNum).Consumption,
    4405             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4406             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    4407        4051 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->Lights(lightsNum).Name,
    4408             :                                 _,
    4409             :                                 "Electricity",
    4410             :                                 "InteriorLights",
    4411        4051 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->Lights(lightsNum).EndUseSubcategory,
    4412             :                                 "Building",
    4413        4051 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->Zone(state.dataHeatBal->Lights(lightsNum).ZonePtr).Name,
    4414        4051 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->Zone(state.dataHeatBal->Lights(lightsNum).ZonePtr).Multiplier,
    4415        4051 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->Zone(state.dataHeatBal->Lights(lightsNum).ZonePtr).ListMultiplier,
    4416             :                                 _,
    4417             :                                 _,
    4418        8102 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->space(state.dataHeatBal->Lights(lightsNum).spaceIndex).spaceType);
    4419             :         }
    4420             : 
    4421             :         // Zone total report variables
    4422        5585 :         for (int zoneNum = 1; zoneNum <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++zoneNum) {
    4423        4814 :             if (addZoneOutputs(zoneNum)) {
    4424       15628 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4425             :                                     "Zone Lights Electricity Rate",
    4426             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    4427        3907 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).LtsPower,
    4428             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4429             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    4430        7814 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    4431       15628 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4432             :                                     "Zone Lights Electricity Energy",
    4433             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    4434        3907 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).LtsElecConsump,
    4435             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4436             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    4437        7814 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    4438       15628 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4439             :                                     "Zone Lights Radiant Heating Energy",
    4440             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    4441        3907 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).LtsRadGain,
    4442             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4443             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    4444        7814 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    4445       15628 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4446             :                                     "Zone Lights Radiant Heating Rate",
    4447             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    4448        3907 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).LtsRadGainRate,
    4449             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4450             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    4451        7814 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    4452       15628 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4453             :                                     "Zone Lights Visible Radiation Heating Energy",
    4454             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    4455        3907 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).LtsVisGain,
    4456             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4457             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    4458        7814 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    4459       15628 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4460             :                                     "Zone Lights Visible Radiation Heating Rate",
    4461             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    4462        3907 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).LtsVisGainRate,
    4463             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4464             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    4465        7814 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    4466       15628 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4467             :                                     "Zone Lights Convective Heating Energy",
    4468             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    4469        3907 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).LtsConGain,
    4470             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4471             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    4472        7814 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    4473       15628 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4474             :                                     "Zone Lights Convective Heating Rate",
    4475             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    4476        3907 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).LtsConGainRate,
    4477             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4478             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    4479        7814 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    4480       15628 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4481             :                                     "Zone Lights Return Air Heating Energy",
    4482             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    4483        3907 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).LtsRetAirGain,
    4484             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4485             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    4486        7814 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    4487       15628 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4488             :                                     "Zone Lights Return Air Heating Rate",
    4489             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    4490        3907 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).LtsRetAirGainRate,
    4491             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4492             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    4493        7814 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    4494       15628 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4495             :                                     "Zone Lights Total Heating Energy",
    4496             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    4497        3907 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).LtsTotGain,
    4498             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4499             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    4500        7814 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    4501       15628 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4502             :                                     "Zone Lights Total Heating Rate",
    4503             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    4504        3907 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).LtsTotGainRate,
    4505             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4506             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    4507        7814 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    4508             :             }
    4509             :             // Reset zone output flag
    4510        4814 :             addZoneOutputs(zoneNum) = false;
    4511             :         }
    4512             : 
    4513             :         // Space total report variables
    4514        5589 :         for (int spaceNum = 1; spaceNum <= state.dataGlobal->numSpaces; ++spaceNum) {
    4515        4818 :             if (addSpaceOutputs(spaceNum)) {
    4516       15644 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4517             :                                     "Space Lights Electricity Rate",
    4518             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    4519        3911 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).LtsPower,
    4520             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4521             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    4522        7822 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    4523       15644 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4524             :                                     "Space Lights Electricity Energy",
    4525             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    4526        3911 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).LtsElecConsump,
    4527             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4528             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    4529        7822 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    4530       15644 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4531             :                                     "Space Lights Radiant Heating Energy",
    4532             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    4533        3911 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).LtsRadGain,
    4534             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4535             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    4536        7822 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    4537       15644 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4538             :                                     "Space Lights Radiant Heating Rate",
    4539             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    4540        3911 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).LtsRadGainRate,
    4541             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4542             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    4543        7822 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    4544       15644 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4545             :                                     "Space Lights Visible Radiation Heating Energy",
    4546             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    4547        3911 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).LtsVisGain,
    4548             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4549             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    4550        7822 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    4551       15644 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4552             :                                     "Space Lights Visible Radiation Heating Rate",
    4553             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    4554        3911 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).LtsVisGainRate,
    4555             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4556             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    4557        7822 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    4558       15644 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4559             :                                     "Space Lights Convective Heating Energy",
    4560             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    4561        3911 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).LtsConGain,
    4562             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4563             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    4564        7822 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    4565       15644 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4566             :                                     "Space Lights Convective Heating Rate",
    4567             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    4568        3911 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).LtsConGainRate,
    4569             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4570             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    4571        7822 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    4572       15644 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4573             :                                     "Space Lights Return Air Heating Energy",
    4574             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    4575        3911 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).LtsRetAirGain,
    4576             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4577             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    4578        7822 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    4579       15644 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4580             :                                     "Space Lights Return Air Heating Rate",
    4581             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    4582        3911 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).LtsRetAirGainRate,
    4583             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4584             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    4585        7822 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    4586       15644 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4587             :                                     "Space Lights Total Heating Energy",
    4588             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    4589        3911 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).LtsTotGain,
    4590             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4591             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    4592        7822 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    4593       15644 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4594             :                                     "Space Lights Total Heating Rate",
    4595             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    4596        3911 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).LtsTotGainRate,
    4597             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4598             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    4599        7822 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    4600             :             }
    4601             :             // Reset space output flag
    4602        4818 :             addSpaceOutputs(spaceNum) = false;
    4603             :         }
    4604        4945 :         for (int elecEqNum = 1; elecEqNum <= state.dataHeatBal->TotElecEquip; ++elecEqNum) {
    4605             :             // Set flags for zone and space total report variables
    4606        4174 :             addZoneOutputs(state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(elecEqNum).ZonePtr) = true;
    4607        4174 :             addSpaceOutputs(state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(elecEqNum).spaceIndex) = true;
    4608             :             // Object report variables
    4609       16696 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4610             :                                 "Electric Equipment Electricity Rate",
    4611             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    4612        4174 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(elecEqNum).Power,
    4613             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4614             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    4615        8348 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(elecEqNum).Name);
    4616       33392 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4617             :                                 "Electric Equipment Electricity Energy",
    4618             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    4619        4174 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(elecEqNum).Consumption,
    4620             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4621             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    4622        4174 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(elecEqNum).Name,
    4623             :                                 _,
    4624             :                                 "Electricity",
    4625             :                                 "InteriorEquipment",
    4626        4174 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(elecEqNum).EndUseSubcategory,
    4627             :                                 "Building",
    4628        4174 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->Zone(state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(elecEqNum).ZonePtr).Name,
    4629        4174 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->Zone(state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(elecEqNum).ZonePtr).Multiplier,
    4630        4174 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->Zone(state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(elecEqNum).ZonePtr).ListMultiplier,
    4631             :                                 _,
    4632             :                                 _,
    4633        8348 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->space(state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(elecEqNum).spaceIndex).spaceType);
    4634             : 
    4635       16696 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4636             :                                 "Electric Equipment Radiant Heating Energy",
    4637             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    4638        4174 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(elecEqNum).RadGainEnergy,
    4639             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4640             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    4641        8348 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(elecEqNum).Name);
    4642       16696 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4643             :                                 "Electric Equipment Radiant Heating Rate",
    4644             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    4645        4174 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(elecEqNum).RadGainRate,
    4646             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4647             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    4648        8348 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(elecEqNum).Name);
    4649       16696 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4650             :                                 "Electric Equipment Convective Heating Energy",
    4651             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    4652        4174 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(elecEqNum).ConGainEnergy,
    4653             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4654             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    4655        8348 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(elecEqNum).Name);
    4656       16696 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4657             :                                 "Electric Equipment Convective Heating Rate",
    4658             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    4659        4174 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(elecEqNum).ConGainRate,
    4660             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4661             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    4662        8348 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(elecEqNum).Name);
    4663       16696 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4664             :                                 "Electric Equipment Latent Gain Energy",
    4665             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    4666        4174 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(elecEqNum).LatGainEnergy,
    4667             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4668             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    4669        8348 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(elecEqNum).Name);
    4670       16696 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4671             :                                 "Electric Equipment Latent Gain Rate",
    4672             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    4673        4174 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(elecEqNum).LatGainRate,
    4674             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4675             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    4676        8348 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(elecEqNum).Name);
    4677       16696 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4678             :                                 "Electric Equipment Lost Heat Energy",
    4679             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    4680        4174 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(elecEqNum).LostEnergy,
    4681             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4682             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    4683        8348 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(elecEqNum).Name);
    4684       16696 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4685             :                                 "Electric Equipment Lost Heat Rate",
    4686             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    4687        4174 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(elecEqNum).LostRate,
    4688             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4689             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    4690        8348 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(elecEqNum).Name);
    4691       16696 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4692             :                                 "Electric Equipment Total Heating Energy",
    4693             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    4694        4174 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(elecEqNum).TotGainEnergy,
    4695             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4696             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    4697        8348 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(elecEqNum).Name);
    4698       16696 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4699             :                                 "Electric Equipment Total Heating Rate",
    4700             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    4701        4174 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(elecEqNum).TotGainRate,
    4702             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4703             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    4704        8348 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(elecEqNum).Name);
    4705             :         }
    4706             : 
    4707             :         // Zone total report variables
    4708        5585 :         for (int zoneNum = 1; zoneNum <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++zoneNum) {
    4709        4814 :             if (addZoneOutputs(zoneNum)) {
    4710       15892 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4711             :                                     "Zone Electric Equipment Electricity Rate",
    4712             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    4713        3973 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).ElecPower,
    4714             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4715             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    4716        7946 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    4717       15892 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4718             :                                     "Zone Electric Equipment Electricity Energy",
    4719             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    4720        3973 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).ElecConsump,
    4721             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4722             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    4723        7946 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    4724             : 
    4725       15892 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4726             :                                     "Zone Electric Equipment Radiant Heating Energy",
    4727             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    4728        3973 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).ElecRadGain,
    4729             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4730             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    4731        7946 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    4732       15892 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4733             :                                     "Zone Electric Equipment Radiant Heating Rate",
    4734             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    4735        3973 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).ElecRadGainRate,
    4736             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4737             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    4738        7946 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    4739       15892 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4740             :                                     "Zone Electric Equipment Convective Heating Energy",
    4741             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    4742        3973 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).ElecConGain,
    4743             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4744             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    4745        7946 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    4746       15892 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4747             :                                     "Zone Electric Equipment Convective Heating Rate",
    4748             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    4749        3973 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).ElecConGainRate,
    4750             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4751             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    4752        7946 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    4753       15892 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4754             :                                     "Zone Electric Equipment Latent Gain Energy",
    4755             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    4756        3973 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).ElecLatGain,
    4757             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4758             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    4759        7946 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    4760       15892 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4761             :                                     "Zone Electric Equipment Latent Gain Rate",
    4762             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    4763        3973 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).ElecLatGainRate,
    4764             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4765             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    4766        7946 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    4767       15892 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4768             :                                     "Zone Electric Equipment Lost Heat Energy",
    4769             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    4770        3973 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).ElecLost,
    4771             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4772             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    4773        7946 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    4774       15892 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4775             :                                     "Zone Electric Equipment Lost Heat Rate",
    4776             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    4777        3973 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).ElecLostRate,
    4778             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4779             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    4780        7946 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    4781       15892 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4782             :                                     "Zone Electric Equipment Total Heating Energy",
    4783             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    4784        3973 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).ElecTotGain,
    4785             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4786             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    4787        7946 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    4788       15892 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4789             :                                     "Zone Electric Equipment Total Heating Rate",
    4790             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    4791        3973 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).ElecTotGainRate,
    4792             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4793             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    4794        7946 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    4795             :             }
    4796             :             // Reset zone output flag
    4797        4814 :             addZoneOutputs(zoneNum) = false;
    4798             :         }
    4799             : 
    4800             :         // space total report variables
    4801        5589 :         for (int spaceNum = 1; spaceNum <= state.dataGlobal->numSpaces; ++spaceNum) {
    4802        4818 :             if (addSpaceOutputs(spaceNum)) {
    4803       15904 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4804             :                                     "Space Electric Equipment Electricity Rate",
    4805             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    4806        3976 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).ElecPower,
    4807             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4808             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    4809        7952 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    4810       15904 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4811             :                                     "Space Electric Equipment Electricity Energy",
    4812             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    4813        3976 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).ElecConsump,
    4814             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4815             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    4816        7952 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    4817             : 
    4818       15904 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4819             :                                     "Space Electric Equipment Radiant Heating Energy",
    4820             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    4821        3976 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).ElecRadGain,
    4822             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4823             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    4824        7952 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    4825       15904 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4826             :                                     "Space Electric Equipment Radiant Heating Rate",
    4827             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    4828        3976 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).ElecRadGainRate,
    4829             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4830             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    4831        7952 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    4832       15904 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4833             :                                     "Space Electric Equipment Convective Heating Energy",
    4834             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    4835        3976 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).ElecConGain,
    4836             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4837             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    4838        7952 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    4839       15904 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4840             :                                     "Space Electric Equipment Convective Heating Rate",
    4841             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    4842        3976 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).ElecConGainRate,
    4843             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4844             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    4845        7952 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    4846       15904 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4847             :                                     "Space Electric Equipment Latent Gain Energy",
    4848             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    4849        3976 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).ElecLatGain,
    4850             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4851             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    4852        7952 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    4853       15904 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4854             :                                     "Space Electric Equipment Latent Gain Rate",
    4855             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    4856        3976 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).ElecLatGainRate,
    4857             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4858             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    4859        7952 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    4860       15904 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4861             :                                     "Space Electric Equipment Lost Heat Energy",
    4862             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    4863        3976 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).ElecLost,
    4864             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4865             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    4866        7952 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    4867       15904 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4868             :                                     "Space Electric Equipment Lost Heat Rate",
    4869             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    4870        3976 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).ElecLostRate,
    4871             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4872             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    4873        7952 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    4874       15904 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4875             :                                     "Space Electric Equipment Total Heating Energy",
    4876             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    4877        3976 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).ElecTotGain,
    4878             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4879             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    4880        7952 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    4881       15904 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4882             :                                     "Space Electric Equipment Total Heating Rate",
    4883             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    4884        3976 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).ElecTotGainRate,
    4885             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4886             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    4887        7952 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    4888             :             }
    4889             :             // Reset space output flag
    4890        4818 :             addSpaceOutputs(spaceNum) = false;
    4891             :         }
    4892             :         // Object report variables
    4893         849 :         for (int gasEqNum = 1; gasEqNum <= state.dataHeatBal->TotGasEquip; ++gasEqNum) {
    4894             :             // Set flags for zone and space total report variables
    4895          78 :             addZoneOutputs(state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(gasEqNum).ZonePtr) = true;
    4896          78 :             addSpaceOutputs(state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(gasEqNum).spaceIndex) = true;
    4897         312 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4898             :                                 "Gas Equipment NaturalGas Rate",
    4899             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    4900          78 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(gasEqNum).Power,
    4901             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4902             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    4903         156 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(gasEqNum).Name);
    4904         624 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4905             :                                 "Gas Equipment NaturalGas Energy",
    4906             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    4907          78 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(gasEqNum).Consumption,
    4908             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4909             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    4910          78 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(gasEqNum).Name,
    4911             :                                 _,
    4912             :                                 "NaturalGas",
    4913             :                                 "InteriorEquipment",
    4914          78 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(gasEqNum).EndUseSubcategory,
    4915             :                                 "Building",
    4916          78 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->Zone(state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(gasEqNum).ZonePtr).Name,
    4917          78 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->Zone(state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(gasEqNum).ZonePtr).Multiplier,
    4918          78 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->Zone(state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(gasEqNum).ZonePtr).ListMultiplier,
    4919             :                                 _,
    4920             :                                 _,
    4921         156 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->space(state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(gasEqNum).spaceIndex).spaceType);
    4922             : 
    4923         312 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4924             :                                 "Gas Equipment Radiant Heating Energy",
    4925             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    4926          78 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(gasEqNum).RadGainEnergy,
    4927             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4928             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    4929         156 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(gasEqNum).Name);
    4930         312 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4931             :                                 "Gas Equipment Convective Heating Energy",
    4932             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    4933          78 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(gasEqNum).ConGainEnergy,
    4934             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4935             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    4936         156 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(gasEqNum).Name);
    4937         312 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4938             :                                 "Gas Equipment Latent Gain Energy",
    4939             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    4940          78 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(gasEqNum).LatGainEnergy,
    4941             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4942             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    4943         156 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(gasEqNum).Name);
    4944         312 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4945             :                                 "Gas Equipment Lost Heat Energy",
    4946             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    4947          78 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(gasEqNum).LostEnergy,
    4948             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4949             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    4950         156 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(gasEqNum).Name);
    4951         312 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4952             :                                 "Gas Equipment Total Heating Energy",
    4953             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    4954          78 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(gasEqNum).TotGainEnergy,
    4955             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4956             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    4957         156 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(gasEqNum).Name);
    4958         312 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4959             :                                 "Gas Equipment Radiant Heating Rate",
    4960             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    4961          78 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(gasEqNum).RadGainRate,
    4962             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4963             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    4964         156 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(gasEqNum).Name);
    4965         312 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4966             :                                 "Gas Equipment Convective Heating Rate",
    4967             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    4968          78 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(gasEqNum).ConGainRate,
    4969             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4970             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    4971         156 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(gasEqNum).Name);
    4972         312 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4973             :                                 "Gas Equipment Latent Gain Rate",
    4974             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    4975          78 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(gasEqNum).LatGainRate,
    4976             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4977             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    4978         156 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(gasEqNum).Name);
    4979         312 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4980             :                                 "Gas Equipment Lost Heat Rate",
    4981             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    4982          78 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(gasEqNum).LostRate,
    4983             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4984             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    4985         156 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(gasEqNum).Name);
    4986         312 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4987             :                                 "Gas Equipment Total Heating Rate",
    4988             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    4989          78 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(gasEqNum).TotGainRate,
    4990             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4991             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    4992         156 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(gasEqNum).Name);
    4993             :         }
    4994             : 
    4995             :         // Zone total report variables
    4996        5585 :         for (int zoneNum = 1; zoneNum <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++zoneNum) {
    4997        4814 :             if (addZoneOutputs(zoneNum)) {
    4998             : 
    4999         312 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5000             :                                     "Zone Gas Equipment NaturalGas Rate",
    5001             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    5002          78 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).GasPower,
    5003             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5004             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5005         156 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    5006         312 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5007             :                                     "Zone Gas Equipment NaturalGas Energy",
    5008             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    5009          78 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).GasConsump,
    5010             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5011             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    5012         156 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    5013             : 
    5014         312 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5015             :                                     "Zone Gas Equipment Radiant Heating Energy",
    5016             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    5017          78 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).GasRadGain,
    5018             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5019             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    5020         156 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    5021         312 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5022             :                                     "Zone Gas Equipment Radiant Heating Rate",
    5023             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    5024          78 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).GasRadGainRate,
    5025             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5026             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5027         156 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    5028         312 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5029             :                                     "Zone Gas Equipment Convective Heating Energy",
    5030             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    5031          78 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).GasConGain,
    5032             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5033             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    5034         156 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    5035         312 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5036             :                                     "Zone Gas Equipment Convective Heating Rate",
    5037             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    5038          78 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).GasConGainRate,
    5039             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5040             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5041         156 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    5042         312 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5043             :                                     "Zone Gas Equipment Latent Gain Energy",
    5044             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    5045          78 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).GasLatGain,
    5046             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5047             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    5048         156 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    5049         312 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5050             :                                     "Zone Gas Equipment Latent Gain Rate",
    5051             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    5052          78 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).GasLatGainRate,
    5053             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5054             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5055         156 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    5056         312 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5057             :                                     "Zone Gas Equipment Lost Heat Energy",
    5058             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    5059          78 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).GasLost,
    5060             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5061             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    5062         156 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    5063         312 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5064             :                                     "Zone Gas Equipment Lost Heat Rate",
    5065             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    5066          78 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).GasLostRate,
    5067             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5068             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5069         156 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    5070         312 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5071             :                                     "Zone Gas Equipment Total Heating Energy",
    5072             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    5073          78 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).GasTotGain,
    5074             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5075             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    5076         156 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    5077         312 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5078             :                                     "Zone Gas Equipment Total Heating Rate",
    5079             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    5080          78 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).GasTotGainRate,
    5081             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5082             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5083         156 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    5084             :             }
    5085             :             // Reset zone output flag
    5086        4814 :             addZoneOutputs(zoneNum) = false;
    5087             :         }
    5088             : 
    5089             :         // Space total report variables
    5090        5589 :         for (int spaceNum = 1; spaceNum <= state.dataGlobal->numSpaces; ++spaceNum) {
    5091        4818 :             if (addSpaceOutputs(spaceNum)) {
    5092             : 
    5093         312 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5094             :                                     "Space Gas Equipment NaturalGas Rate",
    5095             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    5096          78 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).GasPower,
    5097             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5098             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5099         156 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    5100         312 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5101             :                                     "Space Gas Equipment NaturalGas Energy",
    5102             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    5103          78 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).GasConsump,
    5104             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5105             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    5106         156 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    5107             : 
    5108         312 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5109             :                                     "Space Gas Equipment Radiant Heating Energy",
    5110             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    5111          78 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).GasRadGain,
    5112             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5113             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    5114         156 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    5115         312 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5116             :                                     "Space Gas Equipment Radiant Heating Rate",
    5117             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    5118          78 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).GasRadGainRate,
    5119             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5120             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5121         156 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    5122         312 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5123             :                                     "Space Gas Equipment Convective Heating Energy",
    5124             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    5125          78 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).GasConGain,
    5126             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5127             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    5128         156 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    5129         312 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5130             :                                     "Space Gas Equipment Convective Heating Rate",
    5131             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    5132          78 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).GasConGainRate,
    5133             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5134             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5135         156 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    5136         312 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5137             :                                     "Space Gas Equipment Latent Gain Energy",
    5138             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    5139          78 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).GasLatGain,
    5140             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5141             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    5142         156 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    5143         312 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5144             :                                     "Space Gas Equipment Latent Gain Rate",
    5145             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    5146          78 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).GasLatGainRate,
    5147             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5148             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5149         156 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    5150         312 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5151             :                                     "Space Gas Equipment Lost Heat Energy",
    5152             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    5153          78 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).GasLost,
    5154             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5155             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    5156         156 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    5157         312 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5158             :                                     "Space Gas Equipment Lost Heat Rate",
    5159             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    5160          78 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).GasLostRate,
    5161             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5162             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5163         156 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    5164         312 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5165             :                                     "Space Gas Equipment Total Heating Energy",
    5166             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    5167          78 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).GasTotGain,
    5168             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5169             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    5170         156 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    5171         312 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5172             :                                     "Space Gas Equipment Total Heating Rate",
    5173             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    5174          78 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).GasTotGainRate,
    5175             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5176             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5177         156 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    5178             :             }
    5179             :             // Reset space output flag
    5180        4818 :             addSpaceOutputs(spaceNum) = false;
    5181             :         }
    5182             : 
    5183             :         // Object report variables
    5184         785 :         for (int hwEqNum = 1; hwEqNum <= state.dataHeatBal->TotHWEquip; ++hwEqNum) {
    5185             :             // Set flags for zone and space total report variables
    5186          14 :             addZoneOutputs(state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq(hwEqNum).ZonePtr) = true;
    5187          14 :             addSpaceOutputs(state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq(hwEqNum).spaceIndex) = true;
    5188          56 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5189             :                                 "Hot Water Equipment District Heating Rate",
    5190             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    5191          14 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq(hwEqNum).Power,
    5192             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5193             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5194          28 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq(hwEqNum).Name);
    5195         112 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5196             :                                 "Hot Water Equipment District Heating Energy",
    5197             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    5198          14 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq(hwEqNum).Consumption,
    5199             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5200             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    5201          14 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq(hwEqNum).Name,
    5202             :                                 _,
    5203             :                                 "DistrictHeating",
    5204             :                                 "InteriorEquipment",
    5205          14 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq(hwEqNum).EndUseSubcategory,
    5206             :                                 "Building",
    5207          14 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->Zone(state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq(hwEqNum).ZonePtr).Name,
    5208          14 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->Zone(state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq(hwEqNum).ZonePtr).Multiplier,
    5209          14 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->Zone(state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq(hwEqNum).ZonePtr).ListMultiplier,
    5210             :                                 _,
    5211             :                                 _,
    5212          28 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->space(state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq(hwEqNum).spaceIndex).spaceType);
    5213             : 
    5214          56 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5215             :                                 "Hot Water Equipment Radiant Heating Energy",
    5216             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    5217          14 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq(hwEqNum).RadGainEnergy,
    5218             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5219             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    5220          28 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq(hwEqNum).Name);
    5221          56 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5222             :                                 "Hot Water Equipment Radiant Heating Rate",
    5223             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    5224          14 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq(hwEqNum).RadGainRate,
    5225             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5226             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5227          28 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq(hwEqNum).Name);
    5228          56 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5229             :                                 "Hot Water Equipment Convective Heating Energy",
    5230             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    5231          14 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq(hwEqNum).ConGainEnergy,
    5232             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5233             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    5234          28 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq(hwEqNum).Name);
    5235          56 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5236             :                                 "Hot Water Equipment Convective Heating Rate",
    5237             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    5238          14 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq(hwEqNum).ConGainRate,
    5239             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5240             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5241          28 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq(hwEqNum).Name);
    5242          56 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5243             :                                 "Hot Water Equipment Latent Gain Energy",
    5244             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    5245          14 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq(hwEqNum).LatGainEnergy,
    5246             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5247             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    5248          28 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq(hwEqNum).Name);
    5249          56 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5250             :                                 "Hot Water Equipment Latent Gain Rate",
    5251             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    5252          14 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq(hwEqNum).LatGainRate,
    5253             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5254             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5255          28 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq(hwEqNum).Name);
    5256          56 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5257             :                                 "Hot Water Equipment Lost Heat Energy",
    5258             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    5259          14 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq(hwEqNum).LostEnergy,
    5260             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5261             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    5262          28 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq(hwEqNum).Name);
    5263          56 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5264             :                                 "Hot Water Equipment Lost Heat Rate",
    5265             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    5266          14 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq(hwEqNum).LostRate,
    5267             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5268             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5269          28 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq(hwEqNum).Name);
    5270          56 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5271             :                                 "Hot Water Equipment Total Heating Energy",
    5272             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    5273          14 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq(hwEqNum).TotGainEnergy,
    5274             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5275             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    5276          28 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq(hwEqNum).Name);
    5277          56 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5278             :                                 "Hot Water Equipment Total Heating Rate",
    5279             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    5280          14 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq(hwEqNum).TotGainRate,
    5281             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5282             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5283          28 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq(hwEqNum).Name);
    5284             :         }
    5285             : 
    5286             :         // Zone total report variables
    5287        5585 :         for (int zoneNum = 1; zoneNum <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++zoneNum) {
    5288        4814 :             if (addZoneOutputs(zoneNum)) {
    5289          56 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5290             :                                     "Zone Hot Water Equipment District Heating Rate",
    5291             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    5292          14 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).HWPower,
    5293             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5294             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5295          28 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    5296          56 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5297             :                                     "Zone Hot Water Equipment District Heating Energy",
    5298             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    5299          14 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).HWConsump,
    5300             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5301             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    5302          28 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    5303             : 
    5304          56 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5305             :                                     "Zone Hot Water Equipment Radiant Heating Energy",
    5306             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    5307          14 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).HWRadGain,
    5308             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5309             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    5310          28 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    5311          56 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5312             :                                     "Zone Hot Water Equipment Radiant Heating Rate",
    5313             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    5314          14 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).HWRadGainRate,
    5315             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5316             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5317          28 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    5318          56 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5319             :                                     "Zone Hot Water Equipment Convective Heating Energy",
    5320             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    5321          14 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).HWConGain,
    5322             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5323             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    5324          28 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    5325          56 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5326             :                                     "Zone Hot Water Equipment Convective Heating Rate",
    5327             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    5328          14 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).HWConGainRate,
    5329             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5330             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5331          28 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    5332          56 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5333             :                                     "Zone Hot Water Equipment Latent Gain Energy",
    5334             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    5335          14 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).HWLatGain,
    5336             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5337             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    5338          28 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    5339          56 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5340             :                                     "Zone Hot Water Equipment Latent Gain Rate",
    5341             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    5342          14 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).HWLatGainRate,
    5343             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5344             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5345          28 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    5346          56 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5347             :                                     "Zone Hot Water Equipment Lost Heat Energy",
    5348             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    5349          14 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).HWLost,
    5350             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5351             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    5352          28 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    5353          56 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5354             :                                     "Zone Hot Water Equipment Lost Heat Rate",
    5355             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    5356          14 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).HWLostRate,
    5357             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5358             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5359          28 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    5360          56 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5361             :                                     "Zone Hot Water Equipment Total Heating Energy",
    5362             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    5363          14 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).HWTotGain,
    5364             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5365             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    5366          28 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    5367          56 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5368             :                                     "Zone Hot Water Equipment Total Heating Rate",
    5369             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    5370          14 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).HWTotGainRate,
    5371             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5372             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5373          28 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    5374             :             }
    5375             :             // Reset zone output flag
    5376        4814 :             addZoneOutputs(zoneNum) = false;
    5377             :         }
    5378             : 
    5379             :         // Space total report variables
    5380        5589 :         for (int spaceNum = 1; spaceNum <= state.dataGlobal->numSpaces; ++spaceNum) {
    5381        4818 :             if (addSpaceOutputs(spaceNum)) {
    5382          56 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5383             :                                     "Space Hot Water Equipment District Heating Rate",
    5384             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    5385          14 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).HWPower,
    5386             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5387             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5388          28 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    5389          56 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5390             :                                     "Space Hot Water Equipment District Heating Energy",
    5391             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    5392          14 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).HWConsump,
    5393             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5394             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    5395          28 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    5396             : 
    5397          56 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5398             :                                     "Space Hot Water Equipment Radiant Heating Energy",
    5399             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    5400          14 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).HWRadGain,
    5401             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5402             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    5403          28 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    5404          56 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5405             :                                     "Space Hot Water Equipment Radiant Heating Rate",
    5406             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    5407          14 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).HWRadGainRate,
    5408             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5409             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5410          28 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    5411          56 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5412             :                                     "Space Hot Water Equipment Convective Heating Energy",
    5413             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    5414          14 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).HWConGain,
    5415             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5416             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    5417          28 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    5418          56 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5419             :                                     "Space Hot Water Equipment Convective Heating Rate",
    5420             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    5421          14 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).HWConGainRate,
    5422             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5423             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5424          28 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    5425          56 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5426             :                                     "Space Hot Water Equipment Latent Gain Energy",
    5427             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    5428          14 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).HWLatGain,
    5429             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5430             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    5431          28 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    5432          56 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5433             :                                     "Space Hot Water Equipment Latent Gain Rate",
    5434             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    5435          14 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).HWLatGainRate,
    5436             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5437             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5438          28 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    5439          56 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5440             :                                     "Space Hot Water Equipment Lost Heat Energy",
    5441             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    5442          14 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).HWLost,
    5443             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5444             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    5445          28 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    5446          56 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5447             :                                     "Space Hot Water Equipment Lost Heat Rate",
    5448             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    5449          14 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).HWLostRate,
    5450             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5451             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5452          28 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    5453          56 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5454             :                                     "Space Hot Water Equipment Total Heating Energy",
    5455             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    5456          14 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).HWTotGain,
    5457             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5458             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    5459          28 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    5460          56 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5461             :                                     "Space Hot Water Equipment Total Heating Rate",
    5462             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    5463          14 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).HWTotGainRate,
    5464             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5465             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5466          28 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    5467             :             }
    5468             :             // Reset space output flag
    5469        4818 :             addSpaceOutputs(spaceNum) = false;
    5470             :         }
    5471             : 
    5472             :         // Object report variables
    5473         776 :         for (int stmEqNum = 1; stmEqNum <= state.dataHeatBal->TotStmEquip; ++stmEqNum) {
    5474             :             // Set flags for zone and space total report variables
    5475           5 :             addZoneOutputs(state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq(stmEqNum).ZonePtr) = true;
    5476           5 :             addSpaceOutputs(state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq(stmEqNum).spaceIndex) = true;
    5477          20 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5478             :                                 "Steam Equipment District Heating Rate",
    5479             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    5480           5 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq(stmEqNum).Power,
    5481             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5482             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5483          10 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq(stmEqNum).Name);
    5484          40 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5485             :                                 "Steam Equipment District Heating Energy",
    5486             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    5487           5 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq(stmEqNum).Consumption,
    5488             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5489             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    5490           5 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq(stmEqNum).Name,
    5491             :                                 _,
    5492             :                                 "DistrictHeating",
    5493             :                                 "InteriorEquipment",
    5494           5 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq(stmEqNum).EndUseSubcategory,
    5495             :                                 "Building",
    5496           5 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->Zone(state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq(stmEqNum).ZonePtr).Name,
    5497           5 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->Zone(state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq(stmEqNum).ZonePtr).Multiplier,
    5498           5 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->Zone(state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq(stmEqNum).ZonePtr).ListMultiplier,
    5499             :                                 _,
    5500             :                                 _,
    5501          10 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->space(state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq(stmEqNum).spaceIndex).spaceType);
    5502             : 
    5503          20 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5504             :                                 "Steam Equipment Radiant Heating Energy",
    5505             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    5506           5 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq(stmEqNum).RadGainEnergy,
    5507             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5508             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    5509          10 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq(stmEqNum).Name);
    5510          20 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5511             :                                 "Steam Equipment Radiant Heating Rate",
    5512             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    5513           5 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq(stmEqNum).RadGainRate,
    5514             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5515             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5516          10 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq(stmEqNum).Name);
    5517          20 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5518             :                                 "Steam Equipment Convective Heating Energy",
    5519             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    5520           5 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq(stmEqNum).ConGainEnergy,
    5521             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5522             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    5523          10 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq(stmEqNum).Name);
    5524          20 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5525             :                                 "Steam Equipment Convective Heating Rate",
    5526             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    5527           5 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq(stmEqNum).ConGainRate,
    5528             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5529             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5530          10 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq(stmEqNum).Name);
    5531          20 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5532             :                                 "Steam Equipment Latent Gain Energy",
    5533             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    5534           5 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq(stmEqNum).LatGainEnergy,
    5535             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5536             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    5537          10 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq(stmEqNum).Name);
    5538          20 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5539             :                                 "Steam Equipment Latent Gain Rate",
    5540             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    5541           5 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq(stmEqNum).LatGainRate,
    5542             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5543             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5544          10 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq(stmEqNum).Name);
    5545          20 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5546             :                                 "Steam Equipment Lost Heat Energy",
    5547             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    5548           5 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq(stmEqNum).LostEnergy,
    5549             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5550             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    5551          10 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq(stmEqNum).Name);
    5552          20 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5553             :                                 "Steam Equipment Lost Heat Rate",
    5554             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    5555           5 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq(stmEqNum).LostRate,
    5556             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5557             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5558          10 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq(stmEqNum).Name);
    5559          20 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5560             :                                 "Steam Equipment Total Heating Energy",
    5561             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    5562           5 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq(stmEqNum).TotGainEnergy,
    5563             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5564             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    5565          10 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq(stmEqNum).Name);
    5566          20 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5567             :                                 "Steam Equipment Total Heating Rate",
    5568             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    5569           5 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq(stmEqNum).TotGainRate,
    5570             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5571             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5572          10 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq(stmEqNum).Name);
    5573             :         }
    5574             : 
    5575             :         // Zone total report variables
    5576        5585 :         for (int zoneNum = 1; zoneNum <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++zoneNum) {
    5577        4814 :             if (addZoneOutputs(zoneNum)) {
    5578          20 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5579             :                                     "Zone Steam Equipment District Heating Rate",
    5580             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    5581           5 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).SteamPower,
    5582             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5583             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5584          10 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    5585          20 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5586             :                                     "Zone Steam Equipment District Heating Energy",
    5587             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    5588           5 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).SteamConsump,
    5589             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5590             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    5591          10 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    5592             : 
    5593          20 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5594             :                                     "Zone Steam Equipment Radiant Heating Energy",
    5595             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    5596           5 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).SteamRadGain,
    5597             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5598             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    5599          10 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    5600          20 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5601             :                                     "Zone Steam Equipment Radiant Heating Rate",
    5602             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    5603           5 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).SteamRadGainRate,
    5604             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5605             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5606          10 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    5607          20 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5608             :                                     "Zone Steam Equipment Convective Heating Energy",
    5609             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    5610           5 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).SteamConGain,
    5611             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5612             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    5613          10 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    5614          20 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5615             :                                     "Zone Steam Equipment Convective Heating Rate",
    5616             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    5617           5 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).SteamConGainRate,
    5618             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5619             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5620          10 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    5621          20 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5622             :                                     "Zone Steam Equipment Latent Gain Energy",
    5623             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    5624           5 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).SteamLatGain,
    5625             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5626             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    5627          10 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    5628          20 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5629             :                                     "Zone Steam Equipment Latent Gain Rate",
    5630             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    5631           5 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).SteamLatGainRate,
    5632             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5633             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5634          10 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    5635          20 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5636             :                                     "Zone Steam Equipment Lost Heat Energy",
    5637             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    5638           5 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).SteamLost,
    5639             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5640             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    5641          10 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    5642          20 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5643             :                                     "Zone Steam Equipment Lost Heat Rate",
    5644             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    5645           5 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).SteamLostRate,
    5646             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5647             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5648          10 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    5649          20 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5650             :                                     "Zone Steam Equipment Total Heating Energy",
    5651             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    5652           5 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).SteamTotGain,
    5653             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5654             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    5655          10 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    5656          20 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5657             :                                     "Zone Steam Equipment Total Heating Rate",
    5658             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    5659           5 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).SteamTotGainRate,
    5660             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5661             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5662          10 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    5663             :             }
    5664             :             // Reset zone output flag
    5665        4814 :             addZoneOutputs(zoneNum) = false;
    5666             :         }
    5667             : 
    5668             :         // Space total report variables
    5669        5589 :         for (int spaceNum = 1; spaceNum <= state.dataGlobal->numSpaces; ++spaceNum) {
    5670        4818 :             if (addSpaceOutputs(spaceNum)) {
    5671          20 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5672             :                                     "Space Steam Equipment District Heating Rate",
    5673             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    5674           5 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).SteamPower,
    5675             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5676             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5677          10 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    5678          20 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5679             :                                     "Space Steam Equipment District Heating Energy",
    5680             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    5681           5 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).SteamConsump,
    5682             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5683             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    5684          10 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    5685             : 
    5686          20 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5687             :                                     "Space Steam Equipment Radiant Heating Energy",
    5688             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    5689           5 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).SteamRadGain,
    5690             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5691             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    5692          10 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    5693          20 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5694             :                                     "Space Steam Equipment Radiant Heating Rate",
    5695             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    5696           5 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).SteamRadGainRate,
    5697             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5698             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5699          10 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    5700          20 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5701             :                                     "Space Steam Equipment Convective Heating Energy",
    5702             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    5703           5 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).SteamConGain,
    5704             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5705             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    5706          10 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    5707          20 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5708             :                                     "Space Steam Equipment Convective Heating Rate",
    5709             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    5710           5 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).SteamConGainRate,
    5711             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5712             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5713          10 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    5714          20 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5715             :                                     "Space Steam Equipment Latent Gain Energy",
    5716             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    5717           5 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).SteamLatGain,
    5718             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5719             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    5720          10 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    5721          20 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5722             :                                     "Space Steam Equipment Latent Gain Rate",
    5723             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    5724           5 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).SteamLatGainRate,
    5725             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5726             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5727          10 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    5728          20 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5729             :                                     "Space Steam Equipment Lost Heat Energy",
    5730             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    5731           5 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).SteamLost,
    5732             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5733             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    5734          10 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    5735          20 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5736             :                                     "Space Steam Equipment Lost Heat Rate",
    5737             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    5738           5 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).SteamLostRate,
    5739             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5740             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5741          10 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    5742          20 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5743             :                                     "Space Steam Equipment Total Heating Energy",
    5744             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    5745           5 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).SteamTotGain,
    5746             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5747             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    5748          10 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    5749          20 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5750             :                                     "Space Steam Equipment Total Heating Rate",
    5751             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    5752           5 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).SteamTotGainRate,
    5753             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5754             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5755          10 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    5756             :             }
    5757             :             // Reset space output flag
    5758        4818 :             addSpaceOutputs(spaceNum) = false;
    5759             :         }
    5760             : 
    5761             :         // Object report variables
    5762         835 :         for (int othEqNum = 1; othEqNum <= state.dataHeatBal->TotOthEquip; ++othEqNum) {
    5763             :             // Set flags for zone and space total report variables
    5764          64 :             addZoneOutputs(state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(othEqNum).ZonePtr) = true;
    5765          64 :             addSpaceOutputs(state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(othEqNum).spaceIndex) = true;
    5766          64 :             if (state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(othEqNum).OtherEquipFuelType != ExteriorEnergyUse::ExteriorFuelUsage::Invalid) {
    5767           4 :                 std::string fuelTypeString = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(othEqNum).otherEquipFuelTypeString;
    5768          10 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5769           4 :                                     "Other Equipment " + fuelTypeString + " Rate",
    5770             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    5771           2 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(othEqNum).Power,
    5772             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5773             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5774           2 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(othEqNum).Name);
    5775          18 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5776           4 :                                     "Other Equipment " + fuelTypeString + " Energy",
    5777             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    5778           2 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(othEqNum).Consumption,
    5779             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5780             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    5781           2 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(othEqNum).Name,
    5782             :                                     _,
    5783             :                                     fuelTypeString,
    5784             :                                     "InteriorEquipment",
    5785           2 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(othEqNum).EndUseSubcategory,
    5786             :                                     "Building",
    5787           2 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(othEqNum).ZonePtr).Name,
    5788           2 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(othEqNum).ZonePtr).Multiplier,
    5789           2 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(othEqNum).ZonePtr).ListMultiplier,
    5790             :                                     _,
    5791             :                                     _,
    5792           2 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(othEqNum).spaceIndex).spaceType);
    5793             :             }
    5794             : 
    5795         256 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5796             :                                 "Other Equipment Radiant Heating Energy",
    5797             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    5798          64 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(othEqNum).RadGainEnergy,
    5799             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5800             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    5801         128 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(othEqNum).Name);
    5802         256 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5803             :                                 "Other Equipment Radiant Heating Rate",
    5804             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    5805          64 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(othEqNum).RadGainRate,
    5806             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5807             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5808         128 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(othEqNum).Name);
    5809         256 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5810             :                                 "Other Equipment Convective Heating Energy",
    5811             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    5812          64 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(othEqNum).ConGainEnergy,
    5813             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5814             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    5815         128 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(othEqNum).Name);
    5816         256 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5817             :                                 "Other Equipment Convective Heating Rate",
    5818             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    5819          64 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(othEqNum).ConGainRate,
    5820             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5821             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5822         128 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(othEqNum).Name);
    5823         256 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5824             :                                 "Other Equipment Latent Gain Energy",
    5825             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    5826          64 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(othEqNum).LatGainEnergy,
    5827             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5828             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    5829         128 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(othEqNum).Name);
    5830         256 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5831             :                                 "Other Equipment Latent Gain Rate",
    5832             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    5833          64 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(othEqNum).LatGainRate,
    5834             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5835             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5836         128 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(othEqNum).Name);
    5837         256 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5838             :                                 "Other Equipment Lost Heat Energy",
    5839             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    5840          64 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(othEqNum).LostEnergy,
    5841             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5842             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    5843         128 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(othEqNum).Name);
    5844         256 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5845             :                                 "Other Equipment Lost Heat Rate",
    5846             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    5847          64 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(othEqNum).LostRate,
    5848             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5849             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5850         128 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(othEqNum).Name);
    5851         256 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5852             :                                 "Other Equipment Total Heating Energy",
    5853             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    5854          64 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(othEqNum).TotGainEnergy,
    5855             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5856             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    5857         128 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(othEqNum).Name);
    5858         256 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5859             :                                 "Other Equipment Total Heating Rate",
    5860             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    5861          64 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(othEqNum).TotGainRate,
    5862             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5863             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5864         128 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(othEqNum).Name);
    5865             :         }
    5866             : 
    5867             :         // Zone total report variables
    5868        5585 :         for (int zoneNum = 1; zoneNum <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++zoneNum) {
    5869        4814 :             if (addZoneOutputs(zoneNum)) {
    5870          33 :                 bool firstFuelType = true;
    5871          66 :                 std::string firstFuel;
    5872          35 :                 for (std::string fuelTypeString : state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).otherEquipFuelTypeNames) {
    5873           2 :                     if (firstFuelType) {
    5874           2 :                         firstFuel = fuelTypeString;
    5875          10 :                         SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5876           4 :                                             "Zone Other Equipment " + fuelTypeString + " Rate",
    5877             :                                             OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    5878           2 :                                             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).OtherPower,
    5879             :                                             OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5880             :                                             OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5881           2 :                                             state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    5882          10 :                         SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5883           4 :                                             "Zone Other Equipment " + fuelTypeString + " Energy",
    5884             :                                             OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    5885           2 :                                             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).OtherConsump,
    5886             :                                             OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5887             :                                             OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    5888           2 :                                             state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    5889           2 :                         firstFuelType = false;
    5890             :                     } else {
    5891           0 :                         ShowWarningError(state,
    5892           0 :                                          "setupIHGOutputs: Output variables=Zone Other Equipment " + fuelTypeString +
    5893             :                                              " Rate and Energy are not available.");
    5894           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "Only the first Other Equipment fuel type used in a zone is reported. (" + firstFuel + ")");
    5895             :                     }
    5896             :                 }
    5897             : 
    5898         132 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5899             :                                     "Zone Other Equipment Radiant Heating Energy",
    5900             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    5901          33 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).OtherRadGain,
    5902             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5903             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    5904          66 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    5905         132 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5906             :                                     "Zone Other Equipment Radiant Heating Rate",
    5907             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    5908          33 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).OtherRadGainRate,
    5909             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5910             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5911          66 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    5912         132 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5913             :                                     "Zone Other Equipment Convective Heating Energy",
    5914             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    5915          33 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).OtherConGain,
    5916             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5917             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    5918          66 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    5919         132 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5920             :                                     "Zone Other Equipment Convective Heating Rate",
    5921             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    5922          33 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).OtherConGainRate,
    5923             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5924             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5925          66 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    5926         132 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5927             :                                     "Zone Other Equipment Latent Gain Energy",
    5928             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    5929          33 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).OtherLatGain,
    5930             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5931             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    5932          66 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    5933         132 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5934             :                                     "Zone Other Equipment Latent Gain Rate",
    5935             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    5936          33 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).OtherLatGainRate,
    5937             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5938             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5939          66 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    5940         132 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5941             :                                     "Zone Other Equipment Lost Heat Energy",
    5942             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    5943          33 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).OtherLost,
    5944             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5945             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    5946          66 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    5947         132 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5948             :                                     "Zone Other Equipment Lost Heat Rate",
    5949             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    5950          33 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).OtherLostRate,
    5951             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5952             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5953          66 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    5954         132 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5955             :                                     "Zone Other Equipment Total Heating Energy",
    5956             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    5957          33 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).OtherTotGain,
    5958             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5959             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    5960          66 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    5961         132 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5962             :                                     "Zone Other Equipment Total Heating Rate",
    5963             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    5964          33 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).OtherTotGainRate,
    5965             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5966             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5967          66 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    5968             :             }
    5969             :             // Reset zone output flag
    5970        4814 :             addZoneOutputs(zoneNum) = false;
    5971             :         }
    5972             : 
    5973             :         // Space total report variables
    5974        5589 :         for (int spaceNum = 1; spaceNum <= state.dataGlobal->numSpaces; ++spaceNum) {
    5975        4818 :             if (addSpaceOutputs(spaceNum)) {
    5976          33 :                 bool firstFuelType = true;
    5977          66 :                 std::string firstFuel;
    5978          35 :                 for (std::string fuelTypeString : state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).otherEquipFuelTypeNames) {
    5979           2 :                     if (firstFuelType) {
    5980           2 :                         firstFuel = fuelTypeString;
    5981          10 :                         SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5982           4 :                                             "Space Other Equipment " + fuelTypeString + " Rate",
    5983             :                                             OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    5984           2 :                                             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).OtherPower,
    5985             :                                             OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5986             :                                             OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    5987           2 :                                             state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    5988          10 :                         SetupOutputVariable(state,
    5989           4 :                                             "Space Other Equipment " + fuelTypeString + " Energy",
    5990             :                                             OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    5991           2 :                                             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).OtherConsump,
    5992             :                                             OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    5993             :                                             OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    5994           2 :                                             state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    5995           2 :                         firstFuelType = false;
    5996             :                     } else {
    5997           0 :                         ShowWarningError(state,
    5998           0 :                                          "setupIHGOutputs: Output variables=Space Other Equipment " + fuelTypeString +
    5999             :                                              " Rate and Energy are not available.");
    6000           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "Only the first Other Equipment fuel type used in a zone is reported. (" + firstFuel + ")");
    6001             :                     }
    6002             :                 }
    6003             : 
    6004         132 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    6005             :                                     "Space Other Equipment Radiant Heating Energy",
    6006             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    6007          33 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).OtherRadGain,
    6008             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6009             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    6010          66 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    6011         132 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    6012             :                                     "Space Other Equipment Radiant Heating Rate",
    6013             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    6014          33 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).OtherRadGainRate,
    6015             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6016             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    6017          66 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    6018         132 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    6019             :                                     "Space Other Equipment Convective Heating Energy",
    6020             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    6021          33 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).OtherConGain,
    6022             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6023             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    6024          66 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    6025         132 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    6026             :                                     "Space Other Equipment Convective Heating Rate",
    6027             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    6028          33 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).OtherConGainRate,
    6029             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6030             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    6031          66 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    6032         132 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    6033             :                                     "Space Other Equipment Latent Gain Energy",
    6034             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    6035          33 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).OtherLatGain,
    6036             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6037             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    6038          66 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    6039         132 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    6040             :                                     "Space Other Equipment Latent Gain Rate",
    6041             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    6042          33 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).OtherLatGainRate,
    6043             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6044             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    6045          66 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    6046         132 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    6047             :                                     "Space Other Equipment Lost Heat Energy",
    6048             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    6049          33 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).OtherLost,
    6050             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6051             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    6052          66 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    6053         132 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    6054             :                                     "Space Other Equipment Lost Heat Rate",
    6055             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    6056          33 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).OtherLostRate,
    6057             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6058             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    6059          66 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    6060         132 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    6061             :                                     "Space Other Equipment Total Heating Energy",
    6062             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    6063          33 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).OtherTotGain,
    6064             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6065             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    6066          66 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    6067         132 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    6068             :                                     "Space Other Equipment Total Heating Rate",
    6069             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    6070          33 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).OtherTotGainRate,
    6071             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6072             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    6073          66 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    6074             :             }
    6075             :             // Reset space output flag
    6076        4818 :             addSpaceOutputs(spaceNum) = false;
    6077             :         }
    6078             :         // Object report variables
    6079         778 :         for (int itEqNum = 1; itEqNum <= state.dataHeatBal->TotITEquip; ++itEqNum) {
    6080             :             // Set flags for zone and space total report variables
    6081           7 :             addZoneOutputs(state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(itEqNum).ZonePtr) = true;
    6082           7 :             addSpaceOutputs(state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(itEqNum).spaceIndex) = true;
    6083             : 
    6084           7 :             constexpr std::array<std::string_view, (int)PERptVars::Num> PowerOutputVariableStrings = {
    6085             :                 "ITE CPU Electricity Rate",
    6086             :                 "ITE Fan Electricity Rate",
    6087             :                 "ITE UPS Electricity Rate",
    6088             :                 "ITE CPU Electricity Rate at Design Inlet Conditions",
    6089             :                 "ITE Fan Electricity Rate at Design Inlet Conditions",
    6090             :                 "ITE UPS Heat Gain to Zone Rate",
    6091             :                 "ITE Total Heat Gain to Zone Rate"};
    6092             : 
    6093          56 :             for (int i = 0; i < (int)PERptVars::Num; ++i) {
    6094         147 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    6095          49 :                                     PowerOutputVariableStrings[i],
    6096             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    6097          49 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(itEqNum).PowerRpt[i],
    6098             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6099             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    6100          49 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(itEqNum).Name);
    6101             :             }
    6102             : 
    6103          49 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    6104             :                                 "ITE CPU Electricity Energy",
    6105             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    6106           7 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(itEqNum).EnergyRpt[(int)PERptVars::CPU],
    6107             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6108             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    6109           7 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(itEqNum).Name,
    6110             :                                 _,
    6111             :                                 "Electricity",
    6112             :                                 "InteriorEquipment",
    6113           7 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(itEqNum).EndUseSubcategoryCPU,
    6114             :                                 "Building",
    6115           7 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->Zone(state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(itEqNum).ZonePtr).Name,
    6116           7 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->Zone(state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(itEqNum).ZonePtr).Multiplier,
    6117           7 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->Zone(state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(itEqNum).ZonePtr).ListMultiplier,
    6118             :                                 _,
    6119             :                                 _,
    6120          14 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->space(state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(itEqNum).spaceIndex).spaceType);
    6121             : 
    6122          49 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    6123             :                                 "ITE Fan Electricity Energy",
    6124             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    6125           7 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(itEqNum).EnergyRpt[(int)PERptVars::Fan],
    6126             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6127             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    6128           7 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(itEqNum).Name,
    6129             :                                 _,
    6130             :                                 "Electricity",
    6131             :                                 "InteriorEquipment",
    6132           7 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(itEqNum).EndUseSubcategoryFan,
    6133             :                                 "Building",
    6134           7 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->Zone(state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(itEqNum).ZonePtr).Name,
    6135           7 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->Zone(state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(itEqNum).ZonePtr).Multiplier,
    6136           7 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->Zone(state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(itEqNum).ZonePtr).ListMultiplier,
    6137             :                                 _,
    6138             :                                 _,
    6139          14 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->space(state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(itEqNum).spaceIndex).spaceType);
    6140          49 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    6141             :                                 "ITE UPS Electricity Energy",
    6142             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    6143           7 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(itEqNum).EnergyRpt[(int)PERptVars::UPS],
    6144             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6145             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    6146           7 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(itEqNum).Name,
    6147             :                                 _,
    6148             :                                 "Electricity",
    6149             :                                 "InteriorEquipment",
    6150           7 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(itEqNum).EndUseSubcategoryUPS,
    6151             :                                 "Building",
    6152           7 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->Zone(state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(itEqNum).ZonePtr).Name,
    6153           7 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->Zone(state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(itEqNum).ZonePtr).Multiplier,
    6154           7 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->Zone(state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(itEqNum).ZonePtr).ListMultiplier,
    6155             :                                 _,
    6156             :                                 _,
    6157          14 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->space(state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(itEqNum).spaceIndex).spaceType);
    6158          21 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    6159             :                                 "ITE CPU Electricity Energy at Design Inlet Conditions",
    6160             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    6161           7 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(itEqNum).EnergyRpt[(int)PERptVars::CPUAtDesign],
    6162             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6163             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    6164          14 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(itEqNum).Name);
    6165          21 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    6166             :                                 "ITE Fan Electricity Energy at Design Inlet Conditions",
    6167             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    6168           7 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(itEqNum).EnergyRpt[(int)PERptVars::FanAtDesign],
    6169             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6170             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    6171          14 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(itEqNum).Name);
    6172          21 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    6173             :                                 "ITE UPS Heat Gain to Zone Energy",
    6174             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    6175           7 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(itEqNum).EnergyRpt[(int)PERptVars::UPSGainToZone],
    6176             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6177             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    6178          14 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(itEqNum).Name);
    6179          21 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    6180             :                                 "ITE Total Heat Gain to Zone Energy",
    6181             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    6182           7 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(itEqNum).EnergyRpt[(int)PERptVars::ConGainToZone],
    6183             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6184             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    6185          14 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(itEqNum).Name);
    6186             : 
    6187          28 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    6188             :                                 "ITE Standard Density Air Volume Flow Rate",
    6189             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::m3_s,
    6190           7 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(itEqNum).AirVolFlowStdDensity,
    6191             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6192             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    6193          14 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(itEqNum).Name);
    6194          28 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    6195             :                                 "ITE Current Density Air Volume Flow Rate",
    6196             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::m3_s,
    6197           7 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(itEqNum).AirVolFlowCurDensity,
    6198             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6199             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    6200          14 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(itEqNum).Name);
    6201          28 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    6202             :                                 "ITE Air Mass Flow Rate",
    6203             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::kg_s,
    6204           7 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(itEqNum).AirMassFlow,
    6205             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6206             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    6207          14 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(itEqNum).Name);
    6208          28 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    6209             :                                 "ITE Air Inlet Dry-Bulb Temperature",
    6210             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::C,
    6211           7 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(itEqNum).AirInletDryBulbT,
    6212             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6213             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    6214          14 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(itEqNum).Name);
    6215          28 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    6216             :                                 "ITE Air Inlet Dewpoint Temperature",
    6217             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::C,
    6218           7 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(itEqNum).AirInletDewpointT,
    6219             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6220             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    6221          14 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(itEqNum).Name);
    6222          28 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    6223             :                                 "ITE Air Inlet Relative Humidity",
    6224             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::Perc,
    6225           7 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(itEqNum).AirInletRelHum,
    6226             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6227             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    6228          14 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(itEqNum).Name);
    6229          28 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    6230             :                                 "ITE Air Outlet Dry-Bulb Temperature",
    6231             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::C,
    6232           7 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(itEqNum).AirOutletDryBulbT,
    6233             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6234             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    6235          14 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(itEqNum).Name);
    6236           7 :             if (state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(itEqNum).SupplyAirNodeNum != 0) {
    6237          28 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    6238             :                                     "ITE Supply Heat Index",
    6239             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::None,
    6240           7 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(itEqNum).SHI,
    6241             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6242             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    6243          14 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(itEqNum).Name);
    6244             :             }
    6245          28 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    6246             :                                 "ITE Air Inlet Operating Range Exceeded Time",
    6247             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::hr,
    6248           7 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(itEqNum).TimeOutOfOperRange,
    6249             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6250             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    6251          14 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(itEqNum).Name);
    6252          28 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    6253             :                                 "ITE Air Inlet Dry-Bulb Temperature Above Operating Range Time",
    6254             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::hr,
    6255           7 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(itEqNum).TimeAboveDryBulbT,
    6256             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6257             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    6258          14 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(itEqNum).Name);
    6259          28 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    6260             :                                 "ITE Air Inlet Dry-Bulb Temperature Below Operating Range Time",
    6261             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::hr,
    6262           7 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(itEqNum).TimeBelowDryBulbT,
    6263             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6264             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    6265          14 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(itEqNum).Name);
    6266          28 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    6267             :                                 "ITE Air Inlet Dewpoint Temperature Above Operating Range Time",
    6268             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::hr,
    6269           7 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(itEqNum).TimeAboveDewpointT,
    6270             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6271             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    6272          14 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(itEqNum).Name);
    6273          28 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    6274             :                                 "ITE Air Inlet Dewpoint Temperature Below Operating Range Time",
    6275             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::hr,
    6276           7 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(itEqNum).TimeBelowDewpointT,
    6277             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6278             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    6279          14 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(itEqNum).Name);
    6280          28 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    6281             :                                 "ITE Air Inlet Relative Humidity Above Operating Range Time",
    6282             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::hr,
    6283           7 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(itEqNum).TimeAboveRH,
    6284             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6285             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    6286          14 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(itEqNum).Name);
    6287          28 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    6288             :                                 "ITE Air Inlet Relative Humidity Below Operating Range Time",
    6289             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::hr,
    6290           7 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(itEqNum).TimeBelowRH,
    6291             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6292             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    6293          14 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(itEqNum).Name);
    6294          28 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    6295             :                                 "ITE Air Inlet Dry-Bulb Temperature Difference Above Operating Range",
    6296             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::deltaC,
    6297           7 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(itEqNum).DryBulbTAboveDeltaT,
    6298             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6299             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    6300          14 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(itEqNum).Name);
    6301          28 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    6302             :                                 "ITE Air Inlet Dry-Bulb Temperature Difference Below Operating Range",
    6303             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::deltaC,
    6304           7 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(itEqNum).DryBulbTBelowDeltaT,
    6305             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6306             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    6307          14 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(itEqNum).Name);
    6308          28 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    6309             :                                 "ITE Air Inlet Dewpoint Temperature Difference Above Operating Range",
    6310             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::deltaC,
    6311           7 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(itEqNum).DewpointTAboveDeltaT,
    6312             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6313             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    6314          14 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(itEqNum).Name);
    6315          28 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    6316             :                                 "ITE Air Inlet Dewpoint Temperature Difference Below Operating Range",
    6317             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::deltaC,
    6318           7 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(itEqNum).DewpointTBelowDeltaT,
    6319             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6320             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    6321          14 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(itEqNum).Name);
    6322          28 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    6323             :                                 "ITE Air Inlet Relative Humidity Difference Above Operating Range",
    6324             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::Perc,
    6325           7 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(itEqNum).RHAboveDeltaRH,
    6326             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6327             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    6328          14 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(itEqNum).Name);
    6329          28 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    6330             :                                 "ITE Air Inlet Relative Humidity Difference Below Operating Range",
    6331             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::Perc,
    6332           7 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(itEqNum).RHBelowDeltaRH,
    6333             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6334             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    6335          14 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(itEqNum).Name);
    6336             :         }
    6337             : 
    6338             :         // Zone total report variables
    6339        5585 :         for (int zoneNum = 1; zoneNum <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++zoneNum) {
    6340        4814 :             if (addZoneOutputs(zoneNum)) {
    6341             : 
    6342           7 :                 constexpr std::array<std::string_view, (int)PERptVars::Num> PowerOutputVariableStrings = {
    6343             :                     "Zone ITE CPU Electricity Rate",
    6344             :                     "Zone ITE Fan Electricity Rate",
    6345             :                     "Zone ITE UPS Electricity Rate",
    6346             :                     "Zone ITE CPU Electricity Rate at Design Inlet Conditions",
    6347             :                     "Zone ITE Fan Electricity Rate at Design Inlet Conditions",
    6348             :                     "Zone ITE UPS Heat Gain to Zone Rate",
    6349             :                     "Zone ITE Total Heat Gain to Zone Rate"};
    6350             : 
    6351          56 :                 for (int i = 0; i < (int)PERptVars::Num; ++i) {
    6352         147 :                     SetupOutputVariable(state,
    6353          49 :                                         PowerOutputVariableStrings[i],
    6354             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    6355          49 :                                         state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).PowerRpt[i],
    6356             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6357             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    6358          49 :                                         state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    6359             :                 }
    6360             : 
    6361          28 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    6362             :                                     "Zone ITE Adjusted Return Air Temperature",
    6363             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    6364           7 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).ITEAdjReturnTemp,
    6365             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6366             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    6367          14 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    6368             : 
    6369           7 :                 constexpr std::array<std::string_view, (int)PERptVars::Num> EnergyOutputVariableStrings = {
    6370             :                     "Zone ITE CPU Electricity Energy",
    6371             :                     "Zone ITE Fan Electricity Energy",
    6372             :                     "Zone ITE UPS Electricity Energy",
    6373             :                     "Zone ITE CPU Electricity Energy at Design Inlet Conditions",
    6374             :                     "Zone ITE Fan Electricity Energy at Design Inlet Conditions",
    6375             :                     "Zone ITE UPS Heat Gain to Zone Energy",
    6376             :                     "Zone ITE Total Heat Gain to Zone Energy"};
    6377             : 
    6378          56 :                 for (int i = 0; i < (int)PERptVars::Num; ++i) {
    6379         147 :                     SetupOutputVariable(state,
    6380          49 :                                         EnergyOutputVariableStrings[i],
    6381             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    6382          49 :                                         state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).EnergyRpt[i],
    6383             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6384             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    6385          49 :                                         state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    6386             :                 }
    6387             : 
    6388          28 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    6389             :                                     "Zone ITE Standard Density Air Volume Flow Rate",
    6390             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::m3_s,
    6391           7 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).ITEqAirVolFlowStdDensity,
    6392             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6393             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    6394          14 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    6395          28 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    6396             :                                     "Zone ITE Air Mass Flow Rate",
    6397             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::kg_s,
    6398           7 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).ITEqAirMassFlow,
    6399             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6400             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    6401          14 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    6402          28 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    6403             :                                     "Zone ITE Average Supply Heat Index",
    6404             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::None,
    6405           7 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).ITEqSHI,
    6406             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6407             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    6408          14 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    6409          28 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    6410             :                                     "Zone ITE Any Air Inlet Operating Range Exceeded Time",
    6411             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::hr,
    6412           7 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).ITEqTimeOutOfOperRange,
    6413             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6414             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    6415          14 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    6416          28 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    6417             :                                     "Zone ITE Any Air Inlet Dry-Bulb Temperature Above Operating Range Time",
    6418             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::hr,
    6419           7 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).ITEqTimeAboveDryBulbT,
    6420             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6421             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    6422          14 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    6423          28 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    6424             :                                     "Zone ITE Any Air Inlet Dry-Bulb Temperature Below Operating Range Time",
    6425             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::hr,
    6426           7 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).ITEqTimeBelowDryBulbT,
    6427             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6428             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    6429          14 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    6430          28 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    6431             :                                     "Zone ITE Any Air Inlet Dewpoint Temperature Above Operating Range Time",
    6432             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::hr,
    6433           7 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).ITEqTimeAboveDewpointT,
    6434             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6435             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    6436          14 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    6437          28 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    6438             :                                     "Zone ITE Any Air Inlet Dewpoint Temperature Below Operating Range Time",
    6439             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::hr,
    6440           7 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).ITEqTimeBelowDewpointT,
    6441             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6442             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    6443          14 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    6444          28 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    6445             :                                     "Zone ITE Any Air Inlet Relative Humidity Above Operating Range Time",
    6446             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::hr,
    6447           7 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).ITEqTimeAboveRH,
    6448             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6449             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    6450          14 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    6451          28 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    6452             :                                     "Zone ITE Any Air Inlet Relative Humidity Below Operating Range Time",
    6453             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::hr,
    6454           7 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).ITEqTimeBelowRH,
    6455             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6456             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    6457          14 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    6458             :             }
    6459             :             // Reset zone output flag
    6460        4814 :             addZoneOutputs(zoneNum) = false;
    6461             :         }
    6462             : 
    6463             :         // Space total report variables
    6464        5589 :         for (int spaceNum = 1; spaceNum <= state.dataGlobal->numSpaces; ++spaceNum) {
    6465        4818 :             if (addSpaceOutputs(spaceNum)) {
    6466           7 :                 constexpr std::array<std::string_view, (int)PERptVars::Num> PowerOutputVariableStrings = {
    6467             :                     "Space ITE CPU Electricity Rate",
    6468             :                     "Space ITE Fan Electricity Rate",
    6469             :                     "Space ITE UPS Electricity Rate",
    6470             :                     "Space ITE CPU Electricity Rate at Design Inlet Conditions",
    6471             :                     "Space ITE Fan Electricity Rate at Design Inlet Conditions",
    6472             :                     "Space ITE UPS Heat Gain to Zone Rate",
    6473             :                     "Space ITE Total Heat Gain to Zone Rate"};
    6474             : 
    6475          56 :                 for (int i = 0; i < (int)PERptVars::Num; ++i) {
    6476         147 :                     SetupOutputVariable(state,
    6477          49 :                                         PowerOutputVariableStrings[i],
    6478             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    6479          49 :                                         state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).PowerRpt[i],
    6480             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6481             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    6482          49 :                                         state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    6483             :                 }
    6484             : 
    6485             :                 // Not applicable for space until space has it's own air temeratures
    6486             :                 // Setup Output Variable(state,
    6487             :                 //                    "Space ITE Adjusted Return Air Temperature",
    6488             :                 //                    OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    6489             :                 //                    state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).ITEAdjReturnTemp,
    6490             :                 //                    OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6491             :                 //                    OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    6492             :                 //                    state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    6493             : 
    6494           7 :                 constexpr std::array<std::string_view, (int)PERptVars::Num> EnergyOutputVariableStrings = {
    6495             :                     "Space ITE CPU Electricity Energy",
    6496             :                     "Space ITE Fan Electricity Energy",
    6497             :                     "Space ITE UPS Electricity Energy",
    6498             :                     "Space ITE CPU Electricity Energy at Design Inlet Conditions",
    6499             :                     "Space ITE Fan Electricity Energy at Design Inlet Conditions",
    6500             :                     "Space ITE UPS Heat Gain to Zone Energy",
    6501             :                     "Space ITE Total Heat Gain to Zone Energy"};
    6502             : 
    6503          56 :                 for (int i = 0; i < (int)PERptVars::Num; ++i) {
    6504         147 :                     SetupOutputVariable(state,
    6505          49 :                                         EnergyOutputVariableStrings[i],
    6506             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    6507          49 :                                         state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).EnergyRpt[i],
    6508             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6509             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    6510          49 :                                         state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    6511             :                 }
    6512             : 
    6513          28 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    6514             :                                     "Space ITE Standard Density Air Volume Flow Rate",
    6515             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::m3_s,
    6516           7 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).ITEqAirVolFlowStdDensity,
    6517             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6518             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    6519          14 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    6520          28 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    6521             :                                     "Space ITE Air Mass Flow Rate",
    6522             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::kg_s,
    6523           7 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).ITEqAirMassFlow,
    6524             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6525             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    6526          14 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    6527          28 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    6528             :                                     "Space ITE Average Supply Heat Index",
    6529             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::None,
    6530           7 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).ITEqSHI,
    6531             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6532             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    6533          14 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    6534          28 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    6535             :                                     "Space ITE Any Air Inlet Operating Range Exceeded Time",
    6536             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::hr,
    6537           7 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).ITEqTimeOutOfOperRange,
    6538             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6539             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    6540          14 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    6541          28 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    6542             :                                     "Space ITE Any Air Inlet Dry-Bulb Temperature Above Operating Range Time",
    6543             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::hr,
    6544           7 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).ITEqTimeAboveDryBulbT,
    6545             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6546             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    6547          14 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    6548          28 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    6549             :                                     "Space ITE Any Air Inlet Dry-Bulb Temperature Below Operating Range Time",
    6550             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::hr,
    6551           7 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).ITEqTimeBelowDryBulbT,
    6552             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6553             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    6554          14 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    6555          28 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    6556             :                                     "Space ITE Any Air Inlet Dewpoint Temperature Above Operating Range Time",
    6557             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::hr,
    6558           7 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).ITEqTimeAboveDewpointT,
    6559             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6560             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    6561          14 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    6562          28 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    6563             :                                     "Space ITE Any Air Inlet Dewpoint Temperature Below Operating Range Time",
    6564             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::hr,
    6565           7 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).ITEqTimeBelowDewpointT,
    6566             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6567             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    6568          14 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    6569          28 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    6570             :                                     "Space ITE Any Air Inlet Relative Humidity Above Operating Range Time",
    6571             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::hr,
    6572           7 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).ITEqTimeAboveRH,
    6573             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6574             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    6575          14 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    6576          28 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    6577             :                                     "Space ITE Any Air Inlet Relative Humidity Below Operating Range Time",
    6578             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::hr,
    6579           7 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).ITEqTimeBelowRH,
    6580             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6581             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    6582          14 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    6583             :             }
    6584             :             // Reset space output flag
    6585        4818 :             addSpaceOutputs(spaceNum) = false;
    6586             :         }
    6587             : 
    6588             :         // Object report variables
    6589         774 :         for (int bbHeatNum = 1; bbHeatNum <= state.dataHeatBal->TotBBHeat; ++bbHeatNum) {
    6590             :             // Set flags for zone and space total report variables
    6591           3 :             addZoneOutputs(state.dataHeatBal->ZoneBBHeat(bbHeatNum).ZonePtr) = true;
    6592           3 :             addSpaceOutputs(state.dataHeatBal->ZoneBBHeat(bbHeatNum).spaceIndex) = true;
    6593          12 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    6594             :                                 "Baseboard Electricity Rate",
    6595             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    6596           3 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneBBHeat(bbHeatNum).Power,
    6597             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6598             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    6599           6 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneBBHeat(bbHeatNum).Name);
    6600          24 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    6601             :                                 "Baseboard Electricity Energy",
    6602             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    6603           3 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneBBHeat(bbHeatNum).Consumption,
    6604             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6605             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    6606           3 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneBBHeat(bbHeatNum).Name,
    6607             :                                 _,
    6608             :                                 "Electricity",
    6609             :                                 "InteriorEquipment",
    6610           3 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneBBHeat(bbHeatNum).EndUseSubcategory,
    6611             :                                 "Building",
    6612           3 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->Zone(state.dataHeatBal->ZoneBBHeat(bbHeatNum).ZonePtr).Name,
    6613           3 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->Zone(state.dataHeatBal->ZoneBBHeat(bbHeatNum).ZonePtr).Multiplier,
    6614           3 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->Zone(state.dataHeatBal->ZoneBBHeat(bbHeatNum).ZonePtr).ListMultiplier,
    6615             :                                 _,
    6616             :                                 _,
    6617           6 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->space(state.dataHeatBal->ZoneBBHeat(bbHeatNum).spaceIndex).spaceType);
    6618             : 
    6619          12 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    6620             :                                 "Baseboard Radiant Heating Energy",
    6621             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    6622           3 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneBBHeat(bbHeatNum).RadGainEnergy,
    6623             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6624             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    6625           6 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneBBHeat(bbHeatNum).Name);
    6626          12 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    6627             :                                 "Baseboard Radiant Heating Rate",
    6628             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    6629           3 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneBBHeat(bbHeatNum).RadGainRate,
    6630             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6631             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    6632           6 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneBBHeat(bbHeatNum).Name);
    6633          12 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    6634             :                                 "Baseboard Convective Heating Energy",
    6635             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    6636           3 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneBBHeat(bbHeatNum).ConGainEnergy,
    6637             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6638             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    6639           6 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneBBHeat(bbHeatNum).Name);
    6640          12 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    6641             :                                 "Baseboard Convective Heating Rate",
    6642             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    6643           3 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneBBHeat(bbHeatNum).ConGainRate,
    6644             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6645             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    6646           6 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneBBHeat(bbHeatNum).Name);
    6647          12 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    6648             :                                 "Baseboard Total Heating Energy",
    6649             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    6650           3 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneBBHeat(bbHeatNum).TotGainEnergy,
    6651             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6652             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    6653           6 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneBBHeat(bbHeatNum).Name);
    6654          12 :             SetupOutputVariable(state,
    6655             :                                 "Baseboard Total Heating Rate",
    6656             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    6657           3 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneBBHeat(bbHeatNum).TotGainRate,
    6658             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6659             :                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    6660           6 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneBBHeat(bbHeatNum).Name);
    6661             :         }
    6662             : 
    6663             :         // Zone total report variables
    6664        5585 :         for (int zoneNum = 1; zoneNum <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++zoneNum) {
    6665        4814 :             if (addZoneOutputs(zoneNum)) {
    6666          12 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    6667             :                                     "Zone Baseboard Electricity Rate",
    6668             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    6669           3 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).BaseHeatPower,
    6670             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6671             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    6672           6 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    6673          12 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    6674             :                                     "Zone Baseboard Electricity Energy",
    6675             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    6676           3 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).BaseHeatElecCons,
    6677             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6678             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    6679           6 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    6680             : 
    6681          12 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    6682             :                                     "Zone Baseboard Radiant Heating Energy",
    6683             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    6684           3 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).BaseHeatRadGain,
    6685             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6686             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    6687           6 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    6688          12 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    6689             :                                     "Zone Baseboard Radiant Heating Rate",
    6690             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    6691           3 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).BaseHeatRadGainRate,
    6692             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6693             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    6694           6 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    6695          12 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    6696             :                                     "Zone Baseboard Convective Heating Energy",
    6697             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    6698           3 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).BaseHeatConGain,
    6699             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6700             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    6701           6 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    6702          12 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    6703             :                                     "Zone Baseboard Convective Heating Rate",
    6704             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    6705           3 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).BaseHeatConGainRate,
    6706             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6707             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    6708           6 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    6709          12 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    6710             :                                     "Zone Baseboard Total Heating Energy",
    6711             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    6712           3 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).BaseHeatTotGain,
    6713             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6714             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    6715           6 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    6716          12 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    6717             :                                     "Zone Baseboard Total Heating Rate",
    6718             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    6719           3 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(zoneNum).BaseHeatTotGainRate,
    6720             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6721             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    6722           6 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).Name);
    6723             :             }
    6724             :             // Reset zone output flag
    6725        4814 :             addZoneOutputs(zoneNum) = false;
    6726             :         }
    6727             : 
    6728             :         // Space total report variables
    6729        5589 :         for (int spaceNum = 1; spaceNum <= state.dataGlobal->numSpaces; ++spaceNum) {
    6730        4818 :             if (addSpaceOutputs(spaceNum)) {
    6731          12 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    6732             :                                     "Space Baseboard Electricity Rate",
    6733             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    6734           3 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).BaseHeatPower,
    6735             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6736             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    6737           6 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    6738          12 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    6739             :                                     "Space Baseboard Electricity Energy",
    6740             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    6741           3 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).BaseHeatElecCons,
    6742             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6743             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    6744           6 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    6745             : 
    6746          12 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    6747             :                                     "Space Baseboard Radiant Heating Energy",
    6748             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    6749           3 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).BaseHeatRadGain,
    6750             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6751             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    6752           6 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    6753          12 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    6754             :                                     "Space Baseboard Radiant Heating Rate",
    6755             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    6756           3 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).BaseHeatRadGainRate,
    6757             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6758             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    6759           6 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    6760          12 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    6761             :                                     "Space Baseboard Convective Heating Energy",
    6762             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    6763           3 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).BaseHeatConGain,
    6764             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6765             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    6766           6 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    6767          12 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    6768             :                                     "Space Baseboard Convective Heating Rate",
    6769             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    6770           3 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).BaseHeatConGainRate,
    6771             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6772             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    6773           6 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    6774          12 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    6775             :                                     "Space Baseboard Total Heating Energy",
    6776             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
    6777           3 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).BaseHeatTotGain,
    6778             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6779             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    6780           6 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    6781          12 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    6782             :                                     "Space Baseboard Total Heating Rate",
    6783             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
    6784           3 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).BaseHeatTotGainRate,
    6785             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    6786             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    6787           6 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).Name);
    6788             :             }
    6789             :             // Reset space output flag
    6790        4818 :             addSpaceOutputs(spaceNum) = false;
    6791             :         }
    6792         771 :     }
    6793             : 
    6794     2568509 :     void InitInternalHeatGains(EnergyPlusData &state)
    6795             :     {
    6796             : 
    6797             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    6798             :         //       AUTHOR         Linda K. Lawrie
    6799             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   September 1997
    6800             :         //       MODIFIED       November 1998, FW: add adjustment to elec lights for dayltg controls
    6801             :         //                      August 2003, FCW: add optional calculation of light-to-return fraction
    6802             :         //                       as a function of return plenum air temperature.
    6803             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
    6804             : 
    6805             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    6806             :         // This subroutine sets up the zone internal heat gains
    6807             :         // that are independent of the zone air temperature.
    6808             : 
    6809             :         // Using/Aliasing
    6810             :         using namespace ScheduleManager;
    6811             :         using DaylightingDevices::FigureTDDZoneGains;
    6812             :         using FuelCellElectricGenerator::FigureFuelCellZoneGains;
    6813             :         using MicroCHPElectricGenerator::FigureMicroCHPZoneGains;
    6814             :         using OutputReportTabular::AllocateLoadComponentArrays;
    6815             :         using Psychrometrics::PsyRhoAirFnPbTdbW;
    6816             :         using RefrigeratedCase::FigureRefrigerationZoneGains;
    6817             :         using WaterThermalTanks::CalcWaterThermalTankZoneGains;
    6818             :         using WaterUse::CalcWaterUseZoneGains;
    6819             : 
    6820             :         // SUBROUTINE PARAMETER DEFINITIONS:
    6821             :         static constexpr std::array<Real64, 9> C = {
    6822             :             6.4611027, 0.946892, 0.0000255737, 7.139322, -0.0627909, 0.0000589271, -0.198550, 0.000940018, -0.00000149532};
    6823     2568509 :         static ZoneCatEUseData const zeroZoneCatEUse; // For initialization
    6824             : 
    6825             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
    6826             :         Real64 ActivityLevel_WperPerson; // Units on Activity Level (Schedule)
    6827             :         Real64 NumberOccupants;          // Number of occupants
    6828             :         Real64 Q;                        // , QR
    6829             :         Real64 TotalPeopleGain;          // Total heat gain from people (intermediate calculational variable)
    6830             :         Real64 SensiblePeopleGain;       // Sensible heat gain from people (intermediate calculational variable)
    6831             :         Real64 FractionConvected;        // For general lighting, fraction of heat from lights convected to zone air
    6832             :         Real64 FractionReturnAir;        // For general lighting, fraction of heat from lights convected to zone's return air
    6833             :         Real64 FractionRadiant;          // For general lighting, fraction of heat from lights to zone that is long wave
    6834             :         Real64 ReturnPlenumTemp;         // Air temperature of a zone's return air plenum (C)
    6835             :         Real64 pulseMultipler;           // use to create a pulse for the load component report computations
    6836             : 
    6837             :         //  REAL(r64), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:) :: QSA
    6838             : 
    6839             :         //  IF (.NOT. ALLOCATED(QSA)) ALLOCATE(QSA(NumOfZones))
    6840             : 
    6841             :         //  Zero out time step variables
    6842    21015074 :         for (auto &e : state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain) {
    6843    18446565 :             e.NOFOCC = 0.0;
    6844    18446565 :             e.QOCTOT = 0.0;
    6845    18446565 :             e.QOCSEN = 0.0;
    6846    18446565 :             e.QOCLAT = 0.0;
    6847    18446565 :             e.QOCRAD = 0.0;
    6848    18446565 :             e.QOCCON = 0.0;
    6849    18446565 :             e.QLTSW = 0.0;
    6850    18446565 :             e.QLTCRA = 0.0;
    6851    18446565 :             e.QLTRAD = 0.0;
    6852    18446565 :             e.QLTCON = 0.0;
    6853    18446565 :             e.QLTTOT = 0.0;
    6854             : 
    6855    18446565 :             e.QEELAT = 0.0;
    6856    18446565 :             e.QEERAD = 0.0;
    6857    18446565 :             e.QEECON = 0.0;
    6858    18446565 :             e.QEELost = 0.0;
    6859    18446565 :             e.QGELAT = 0.0;
    6860    18446565 :             e.QGERAD = 0.0;
    6861    18446565 :             e.QGECON = 0.0;
    6862    18446565 :             e.QGELost = 0.0;
    6863    18446565 :             e.QBBRAD = 0.0;
    6864    18446565 :             e.QBBCON = 0.0;
    6865    18446565 :             e.QOELAT = 0.0;
    6866    18446565 :             e.QOERAD = 0.0;
    6867    18446565 :             e.QOECON = 0.0;
    6868    18446565 :             e.QOELost = 0.0;
    6869    18446565 :             e.QHWLAT = 0.0;
    6870    18446565 :             e.QHWRAD = 0.0;
    6871    18446565 :             e.QHWCON = 0.0;
    6872    18446565 :             e.QHWLost = 0.0;
    6873    18446565 :             e.QSELAT = 0.0;
    6874    18446565 :             e.QSERAD = 0.0;
    6875    18446565 :             e.QSECON = 0.0;
    6876    18446565 :             e.QSELost = 0.0;
    6877             :         }
    6878             : 
    6879    21031250 :         for (auto &e : state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain) {
    6880    18462741 :             e.NOFOCC = 0.0;
    6881    18462741 :             e.QOCTOT = 0.0;
    6882    18462741 :             e.QOCSEN = 0.0;
    6883    18462741 :             e.QOCLAT = 0.0;
    6884    18462741 :             e.QOCRAD = 0.0;
    6885    18462741 :             e.QOCCON = 0.0;
    6886    18462741 :             e.QLTSW = 0.0;
    6887    18462741 :             e.QLTCRA = 0.0;
    6888    18462741 :             e.QLTRAD = 0.0;
    6889    18462741 :             e.QLTCON = 0.0;
    6890    18462741 :             e.QLTTOT = 0.0;
    6891             : 
    6892    18462741 :             e.QEELAT = 0.0;
    6893    18462741 :             e.QEERAD = 0.0;
    6894    18462741 :             e.QEECON = 0.0;
    6895    18462741 :             e.QEELost = 0.0;
    6896    18462741 :             e.QGELAT = 0.0;
    6897    18462741 :             e.QGERAD = 0.0;
    6898    18462741 :             e.QGECON = 0.0;
    6899    18462741 :             e.QGELost = 0.0;
    6900    18462741 :             e.QBBRAD = 0.0;
    6901    18462741 :             e.QBBCON = 0.0;
    6902    18462741 :             e.QOELAT = 0.0;
    6903    18462741 :             e.QOERAD = 0.0;
    6904    18462741 :             e.QOECON = 0.0;
    6905    18462741 :             e.QOELost = 0.0;
    6906    18462741 :             e.QHWLAT = 0.0;
    6907    18462741 :             e.QHWRAD = 0.0;
    6908    18462741 :             e.QHWCON = 0.0;
    6909    18462741 :             e.QHWLost = 0.0;
    6910    18462741 :             e.QSELAT = 0.0;
    6911    18462741 :             e.QSERAD = 0.0;
    6912    18462741 :             e.QSECON = 0.0;
    6913    18462741 :             e.QSELost = 0.0;
    6914             :         }
    6915             : 
    6916     2568509 :         state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntEEuse = zeroZoneCatEUse; // Set all member arrays to zeros
    6917             : 
    6918    21015074 :         for (auto &e : state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt) {
    6919    18446565 :             e.LtsPower = 0.0;
    6920    18446565 :             e.ElecPower = 0.0;
    6921    18446565 :             e.GasPower = 0.0;
    6922    18446565 :             e.HWPower = 0.0;
    6923    18446565 :             e.SteamPower = 0.0;
    6924    18446565 :             e.BaseHeatPower = 0.0;
    6925    18446565 :             e.CO2Rate = 0.0;
    6926             :         }
    6927             : 
    6928    21031250 :         for (auto &e : state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt) {
    6929    18462741 :             e.LtsPower = 0.0;
    6930    18462741 :             e.ElecPower = 0.0;
    6931    18462741 :             e.GasPower = 0.0;
    6932    18462741 :             e.HWPower = 0.0;
    6933    18462741 :             e.SteamPower = 0.0;
    6934    18462741 :             e.BaseHeatPower = 0.0;
    6935    18462741 :             e.CO2Rate = 0.0;
    6936             :         }
    6937             : 
    6938    21015074 :         for (auto &e : state.dataHeatBal->ZonePreDefRep) {
    6939    18446565 :             e.NumOcc = 0.0;
    6940             :         }
    6941             : 
    6942             :         //  QSA = 0.0
    6943             : 
    6944             :         // Process Internal Heat Gains, People done below
    6945             :         // Occupant Stuff
    6946             :         //   METHOD:
    6947             :         //       The function is based on a curve fit to data presented in
    6948             :         //       Table 48 'Heat Gain From People' of Chapter 1 of the 'Carrier
    6949             :         //       Handbook of Air Conditioning System Design', 1965.  Values of
    6950             :         //       Sensible gain were obtained from the table at average adjusted
    6951             :         //       metabolic rates 350, 400, 450, 500, 750, 850, 1000, and
    6952             :         //       1450 Btu/hr each at temperatures 82, 80, 78, 75, and 70F.
    6953             :         //       Sensible gains of 0.0 at 96F and equal to the metabolic rate
    6954             :         //       at 30F were assumed in order to give reasonable values beyond
    6955             :         //       The reported temperature range.
    6956    17672913 :         for (int Loop = 1; Loop <= state.dataHeatBal->TotPeople; ++Loop) {
    6957    15104404 :             int NZ = state.dataHeatBal->People(Loop).ZonePtr;
    6958    15104404 :             auto &thisZoneHB = state.dataZoneTempPredictorCorrector->zoneHeatBalance(NZ);
    6959    15104404 :             NumberOccupants =
    6960    15104404 :                 state.dataHeatBal->People(Loop).NumberOfPeople * GetCurrentScheduleValue(state, state.dataHeatBal->People(Loop).NumberOfPeoplePtr);
    6961    15104404 :             if (state.dataHeatBal->People(Loop).EMSPeopleOn) NumberOccupants = state.dataHeatBal->People(Loop).EMSNumberOfPeople;
    6962             : 
    6963    15104404 :             TotalPeopleGain = 0.0;
    6964    15104404 :             SensiblePeopleGain = 0.0;
    6965             : 
    6966    15104404 :             if (NumberOccupants > 0.0) {
    6967     6901312 :                 ActivityLevel_WperPerson = GetCurrentScheduleValue(state, state.dataHeatBal->People(Loop).ActivityLevelPtr);
    6968     6901312 :                 TotalPeopleGain = NumberOccupants * ActivityLevel_WperPerson;
    6969             :                 // if the user did not specify a sensible fraction, calculate the sensible heat gain
    6970     6901312 :                 if (state.dataHeatBal->People(Loop).UserSpecSensFrac == DataGlobalConstants::AutoCalculate) {
    6971     6826142 :                     Real64 airTemp = thisZoneHB.MAT;
    6972     6826142 :                     if (state.dataRoomAirMod->anyNonMixingRoomAirModel) {
    6973       39066 :                         if (state.dataRoomAirMod->IsZoneDV(NZ) || state.dataRoomAirMod->IsZoneUI(NZ)) {
    6974       15024 :                             airTemp = state.dataRoomAirMod->TCMF(NZ);
    6975             :                         }
    6976             :                     }
    6977     6826142 :                     SensiblePeopleGain =
    6978    13652284 :                         NumberOccupants * (C[0] + ActivityLevel_WperPerson * (C[1] + ActivityLevel_WperPerson * C[2]) +
    6979    13652284 :                                            airTemp * ((C[3] + ActivityLevel_WperPerson * (C[4] + ActivityLevel_WperPerson * C[5])) +
    6980     6826142 :                                                       airTemp * (C[6] + ActivityLevel_WperPerson * (C[7] + ActivityLevel_WperPerson * C[8]))));
    6981             :                 } else { // if the user did specify a sensible fraction, use it
    6982       75170 :                     SensiblePeopleGain = TotalPeopleGain * state.dataHeatBal->People(Loop).UserSpecSensFrac;
    6983             :                 }
    6984             : 
    6985     6901312 :                 if (SensiblePeopleGain > TotalPeopleGain) SensiblePeopleGain = TotalPeopleGain;
    6986     6901312 :                 if (SensiblePeopleGain < 0.0) SensiblePeopleGain = 0.0;
    6987             : 
    6988             :                 // For predefined tabular reports related to outside air ventilation
    6989     6901312 :                 state.dataHeatBal->ZonePreDefRep(NZ).isOccupied = true; // set flag to occupied to be used in tabular reporting for ventilation
    6990     6901312 :                 state.dataHeatBal->ZonePreDefRep(NZ).NumOcc += NumberOccupants;
    6991     6901312 :                 state.dataHeatBal->ZonePreDefRep(NZ).NumOccAccum += NumberOccupants * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZone;
    6992     6901312 :                 state.dataHeatBal->ZonePreDefRep(NZ).NumOccAccumTime += state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZone;
    6993             :             } else {
    6994     8203092 :                 state.dataHeatBal->ZonePreDefRep(NZ).isOccupied = false; // set flag to occupied to be used in tabular reporting for ventilation
    6995             :             }
    6996             : 
    6997    15104404 :             state.dataHeatBal->People(Loop).NumOcc = NumberOccupants;
    6998    15104404 :             state.dataHeatBal->People(Loop).RadGainRate = SensiblePeopleGain * state.dataHeatBal->People(Loop).FractionRadiant;
    6999    15104404 :             state.dataHeatBal->People(Loop).ConGainRate = SensiblePeopleGain * state.dataHeatBal->People(Loop).FractionConvected;
    7000    15104404 :             state.dataHeatBal->People(Loop).SenGainRate = SensiblePeopleGain;
    7001    15104404 :             state.dataHeatBal->People(Loop).LatGainRate = TotalPeopleGain - SensiblePeopleGain;
    7002    15104404 :             state.dataHeatBal->People(Loop).TotGainRate = TotalPeopleGain;
    7003    15104404 :             state.dataHeatBal->People(Loop).CO2GainRate = TotalPeopleGain * state.dataHeatBal->People(Loop).CO2RateFactor;
    7004             : 
    7005    15104404 :             int spaceNum = state.dataHeatBal->People(Loop).spaceIndex;
    7006    15104404 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).NOFOCC += state.dataHeatBal->People(Loop).NumOcc;
    7007    15104404 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QOCRAD += state.dataHeatBal->People(Loop).RadGainRate;
    7008    15104404 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QOCCON += state.dataHeatBal->People(Loop).ConGainRate;
    7009    15104404 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QOCSEN += state.dataHeatBal->People(Loop).SenGainRate;
    7010    15104404 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QOCLAT += state.dataHeatBal->People(Loop).LatGainRate;
    7011    15104404 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QOCTOT += state.dataHeatBal->People(Loop).TotGainRate;
    7012             :         }
    7013             : 
    7014    21015074 :         for (int zoneNum = 1; zoneNum <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++zoneNum) {
    7015    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(zoneNum).NOFOCC = 0.0;
    7016    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(zoneNum).QOCRAD = 0.0;
    7017    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(zoneNum).QOCCON = 0.0;
    7018    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(zoneNum).QOCSEN = 0.0;
    7019    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(zoneNum).QOCLAT = 0.0;
    7020    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(zoneNum).QOCTOT = 0.0;
    7021    36909306 :             for (int spaceNum : state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).spaceIndexes) {
    7022    18462741 :                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(zoneNum).NOFOCC += state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).NOFOCC;
    7023    18462741 :                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(zoneNum).QOCRAD += state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QOCRAD;
    7024    18462741 :                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(zoneNum).QOCCON += state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QOCCON;
    7025    18462741 :                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(zoneNum).QOCSEN += state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QOCSEN;
    7026    18462741 :                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(zoneNum).QOCLAT += state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QOCLAT;
    7027    18462741 :                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(zoneNum).QOCTOT += state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QOCTOT;
    7028             :             }
    7029             :         }
    7030             : 
    7031    18547344 :         for (int Loop = 1; Loop <= state.dataHeatBal->TotLights; ++Loop) {
    7032    15978835 :             int NZ = state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop).ZonePtr;
    7033    15978835 :             int spaceNum = state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop).spaceIndex;
    7034    15978835 :             Q = state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop).DesignLevel * GetCurrentScheduleValue(state, state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop).SchedPtr);
    7035             : 
    7036    15978835 :             if (state.dataDaylightingData->ZoneDaylight(NZ).totRefPts > 0) {
    7037     1415124 :                 if (state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop).FractionReplaceable > 0.0) { // FractionReplaceable can only be 0 or 1 for these models
    7038     1415124 :                     Q *= state.dataDaylightingData->spacePowerReductionFactor(spaceNum);
    7039             :                 }
    7040             :             }
    7041             : 
    7042             :             // Reduce lighting power due to demand limiting
    7043    15978835 :             if (state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop).ManageDemand && (Q > state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop).DemandLimit))
    7044        1020 :                 Q = state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop).DemandLimit;
    7045             : 
    7046             :             // Set Q to EMS override if being called for by EMs
    7047    15978835 :             if (state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop).EMSLightsOn) Q = state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop).EMSLightingPower;
    7048             : 
    7049    15978835 :             FractionConvected = state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop).FractionConvected;
    7050    15978835 :             FractionReturnAir = state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop).FractionReturnAir;
    7051    15978835 :             FractionRadiant = state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop).FractionRadiant;
    7052    15978835 :             if (state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop).FractionReturnAirIsCalculated && !state.dataGlobal->ZoneSizingCalc &&
    7053           0 :                 state.dataGlobal->SimTimeSteps > 1) {
    7054             :                 // Calculate FractionReturnAir based on conditions in the zone's return air plenum, if there is one.
    7055           0 :                 if (state.dataHeatBal->Zone(NZ).IsControlled) {
    7056           0 :                     int retNum = state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop).ZoneReturnNum;
    7057           0 :                     int ReturnZonePlenumCondNum = state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(NZ).ReturnNodePlenumNum(retNum);
    7058           0 :                     if (ReturnZonePlenumCondNum > 0) {
    7059           0 :                         ReturnPlenumTemp = state.dataZonePlenum->ZoneRetPlenCond(ReturnZonePlenumCondNum).ZoneTemp;
    7060           0 :                         FractionReturnAir = state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop).FractionReturnAirPlenTempCoeff1 -
    7061           0 :                                             state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop).FractionReturnAirPlenTempCoeff2 * ReturnPlenumTemp;
    7062           0 :                         FractionReturnAir = max(0.0, min(1.0, FractionReturnAir));
    7063           0 :                         if (FractionReturnAir >= (1.0 - state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop).FractionShortWave)) {
    7064           0 :                             FractionReturnAir = 1.0 - state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop).FractionShortWave;
    7065           0 :                             FractionRadiant = 0.0;
    7066           0 :                             FractionConvected = 0.0;
    7067             :                         } else {
    7068           0 :                             FractionRadiant =
    7069           0 :                                 ((1.0 - FractionReturnAir - state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop).FractionShortWave) /
    7070           0 :                                  (state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop).FractionRadiant + state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop).FractionConvected)) *
    7071           0 :                                 state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop).FractionRadiant;
    7072           0 :                             FractionConvected = 1.0 - (FractionReturnAir + FractionRadiant + state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop).FractionShortWave);
    7073             :                         }
    7074             :                     }
    7075             :                 }
    7076             :             }
    7077             : 
    7078    15978835 :             state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop).Power = Q;
    7079    15978835 :             state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop).RadGainRate = Q * FractionRadiant;
    7080    15978835 :             state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop).VisGainRate = Q * state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop).FractionShortWave;
    7081    15978835 :             state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop).ConGainRate = Q * FractionConvected;
    7082    15978835 :             state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop).RetAirGainRate = Q * FractionReturnAir;
    7083    15978835 :             state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop).TotGainRate = Q;
    7084             : 
    7085    15978835 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(NZ).LtsPower += state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop).Power;
    7086    15978835 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(NZ).QLTRAD += state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop).RadGainRate;
    7087    15978835 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(NZ).QLTSW += state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop).VisGainRate;
    7088    15978835 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(NZ).QLTCON += state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop).ConGainRate;
    7089    15978835 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(NZ).QLTCRA += state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop).RetAirGainRate;
    7090    15978835 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(NZ).QLTTOT += state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop).TotGainRate;
    7091             : 
    7092    15978835 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).LtsPower += state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop).Power;
    7093    15978835 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QLTRAD += state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop).RadGainRate;
    7094    15978835 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QLTSW += state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop).VisGainRate;
    7095    15978835 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QLTCON += state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop).ConGainRate;
    7096    15978835 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QLTCRA += state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop).RetAirGainRate;
    7097    15978835 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QLTTOT += state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop).TotGainRate;
    7098             :         }
    7099             : 
    7100    19156386 :         for (int Loop = 1; Loop <= state.dataHeatBal->TotElecEquip; ++Loop) {
    7101    16587877 :             Q = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(Loop).DesignLevel * GetCurrentScheduleValue(state, state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(Loop).SchedPtr);
    7102             : 
    7103             :             // Reduce equipment power due to demand limiting
    7104    16587877 :             if (state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(Loop).ManageDemand && (Q > state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(Loop).DemandLimit))
    7105         850 :                 Q = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(Loop).DemandLimit;
    7106             : 
    7107             :             // Set Q to EMS override if being called for by EMs
    7108    16587877 :             if (state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(Loop).EMSZoneEquipOverrideOn) Q = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(Loop).EMSEquipPower;
    7109             : 
    7110    16587877 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(Loop).Power = Q;
    7111    16587877 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(Loop).RadGainRate = Q * state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(Loop).FractionRadiant;
    7112    16587877 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(Loop).ConGainRate = Q * state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(Loop).FractionConvected;
    7113    16587877 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(Loop).LatGainRate = Q * state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(Loop).FractionLatent;
    7114    16587877 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(Loop).LostRate = Q * state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(Loop).FractionLost;
    7115    16587877 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(Loop).TotGainRate = Q - state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(Loop).LostRate;
    7116             : 
    7117    16587877 :             int NZ = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(Loop).ZonePtr;
    7118    16587877 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(NZ).ElecPower += state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(Loop).Power;
    7119    16587877 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(NZ).QEERAD += state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(Loop).RadGainRate;
    7120    16587877 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(NZ).QEECON += state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(Loop).ConGainRate;
    7121    16587877 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(NZ).QEELAT += state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(Loop).LatGainRate;
    7122    16587877 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(NZ).QEELost += state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(Loop).LostRate;
    7123             : 
    7124    16587877 :             int spaceNum = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(Loop).spaceIndex;
    7125    16587877 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).ElecPower += state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(Loop).Power;
    7126    16587877 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QEERAD += state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(Loop).RadGainRate;
    7127    16587877 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QEECON += state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(Loop).ConGainRate;
    7128    16587877 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QEELAT += state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(Loop).LatGainRate;
    7129    16587877 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QEELost += state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(Loop).LostRate;
    7130             :         }
    7131             : 
    7132     2867342 :         for (int Loop = 1; Loop <= state.dataHeatBal->TotGasEquip; ++Loop) {
    7133      298833 :             Q = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(Loop).DesignLevel * GetCurrentScheduleValue(state, state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(Loop).SchedPtr);
    7134             : 
    7135             :             // Set Q to EMS override if being called for by EMs
    7136      298833 :             if (state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(Loop).EMSZoneEquipOverrideOn) Q = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(Loop).EMSEquipPower;
    7137             : 
    7138      298833 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(Loop).Power = Q;
    7139      298833 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(Loop).RadGainRate = Q * state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(Loop).FractionRadiant;
    7140      298833 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(Loop).ConGainRate = Q * state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(Loop).FractionConvected;
    7141      298833 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(Loop).LatGainRate = Q * state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(Loop).FractionLatent;
    7142      298833 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(Loop).LostRate = Q * state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(Loop).FractionLost;
    7143      298833 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(Loop).TotGainRate = Q - state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(Loop).LostRate;
    7144      298833 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(Loop).CO2GainRate = Q * state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(Loop).CO2RateFactor;
    7145             : 
    7146      298833 :             int NZ = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(Loop).ZonePtr;
    7147      298833 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(NZ).GasPower += state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(Loop).Power;
    7148      298833 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(NZ).QGERAD += state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(Loop).RadGainRate;
    7149      298833 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(NZ).QGECON += state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(Loop).ConGainRate;
    7150      298833 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(NZ).QGELAT += state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(Loop).LatGainRate;
    7151      298833 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(NZ).QGELost += state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(Loop).LostRate;
    7152             : 
    7153      298833 :             int spaceNum = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(Loop).spaceIndex;
    7154      298833 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).GasPower += state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(Loop).Power;
    7155      298833 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QGERAD += state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(Loop).RadGainRate;
    7156      298833 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QGECON += state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(Loop).ConGainRate;
    7157      298833 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QGELAT += state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(Loop).LatGainRate;
    7158      298833 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QGELost += state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(Loop).LostRate;
    7159             :         }
    7160             : 
    7161     2895071 :         for (int Loop = 1; Loop <= state.dataHeatBal->TotOthEquip; ++Loop) {
    7162      326562 :             Q = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(Loop).DesignLevel * GetCurrentScheduleValue(state, state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(Loop).SchedPtr);
    7163             : 
    7164             :             // Set Q to EMS override if being called for by EMs
    7165      326562 :             if (state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(Loop).EMSZoneEquipOverrideOn) Q = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(Loop).EMSEquipPower;
    7166             : 
    7167      326562 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(Loop).Power = Q;
    7168      326562 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(Loop).RadGainRate = Q * state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(Loop).FractionRadiant;
    7169      326562 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(Loop).ConGainRate = Q * state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(Loop).FractionConvected;
    7170      326562 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(Loop).LatGainRate = Q * state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(Loop).FractionLatent;
    7171      326562 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(Loop).LostRate = Q * state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(Loop).FractionLost;
    7172      326562 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(Loop).TotGainRate = Q - state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(Loop).LostRate;
    7173             : 
    7174      326562 :             int NZ = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(Loop).ZonePtr;
    7175      326562 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(NZ).OtherPower += state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(Loop).Power;
    7176      326562 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(NZ).QOERAD += state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(Loop).RadGainRate;
    7177      326562 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(NZ).QOECON += state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(Loop).ConGainRate;
    7178      326562 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(NZ).QOELAT += state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(Loop).LatGainRate;
    7179      326562 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(NZ).QOELost += state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(Loop).LostRate;
    7180             : 
    7181      326562 :             int spaceNum = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(Loop).spaceIndex;
    7182      326562 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).OtherPower += state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(Loop).Power;
    7183      326562 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QOERAD += state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(Loop).RadGainRate;
    7184      326562 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QOECON += state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(Loop).ConGainRate;
    7185      326562 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QOELAT += state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(Loop).LatGainRate;
    7186      326562 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QOELost += state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(Loop).LostRate;
    7187             :         }
    7188             : 
    7189     2654789 :         for (int Loop = 1; Loop <= state.dataHeatBal->TotHWEquip; ++Loop) {
    7190       86280 :             Q = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq(Loop).DesignLevel * GetCurrentScheduleValue(state, state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq(Loop).SchedPtr);
    7191             : 
    7192             :             // Set Q to EMS override if being called for by EMs
    7193       86280 :             if (state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq(Loop).EMSZoneEquipOverrideOn) Q = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq(Loop).EMSEquipPower;
    7194             : 
    7195       86280 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq(Loop).Power = Q;
    7196       86280 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq(Loop).RadGainRate = Q * state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq(Loop).FractionRadiant;
    7197       86280 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq(Loop).ConGainRate = Q * state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq(Loop).FractionConvected;
    7198       86280 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq(Loop).LatGainRate = Q * state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq(Loop).FractionLatent;
    7199       86280 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq(Loop).LostRate = Q * state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq(Loop).FractionLost;
    7200       86280 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq(Loop).TotGainRate = Q - state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq(Loop).LostRate;
    7201             : 
    7202       86280 :             int NZ = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq(Loop).ZonePtr;
    7203       86280 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(NZ).HWPower += state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq(Loop).Power;
    7204       86280 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(NZ).QHWRAD += state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq(Loop).RadGainRate;
    7205       86280 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(NZ).QHWCON += state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq(Loop).ConGainRate;
    7206       86280 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(NZ).QHWLAT += state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq(Loop).LatGainRate;
    7207       86280 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(NZ).QHWLost += state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq(Loop).LostRate;
    7208             : 
    7209       86280 :             int spaceNum = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq(Loop).spaceIndex;
    7210       86280 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).HWPower += state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq(Loop).Power;
    7211       86280 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QHWRAD += state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq(Loop).RadGainRate;
    7212       86280 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QHWCON += state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq(Loop).ConGainRate;
    7213       86280 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QHWLAT += state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq(Loop).LatGainRate;
    7214       86280 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QHWLost += state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq(Loop).LostRate;
    7215             :         }
    7216             : 
    7217     2582024 :         for (int Loop = 1; Loop <= state.dataHeatBal->TotStmEquip; ++Loop) {
    7218       13515 :             Q = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq(Loop).DesignLevel * GetCurrentScheduleValue(state, state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq(Loop).SchedPtr);
    7219             : 
    7220             :             // Set Q to EMS override if being called for by EMs
    7221       13515 :             if (state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq(Loop).EMSZoneEquipOverrideOn) Q = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq(Loop).EMSEquipPower;
    7222             : 
    7223       13515 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq(Loop).Power = Q;
    7224       13515 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq(Loop).RadGainRate = Q * state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq(Loop).FractionRadiant;
    7225       13515 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq(Loop).ConGainRate = Q * state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq(Loop).FractionConvected;
    7226       13515 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq(Loop).LatGainRate = Q * state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq(Loop).FractionLatent;
    7227       13515 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq(Loop).LostRate = Q * state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq(Loop).FractionLost;
    7228       13515 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq(Loop).TotGainRate = Q - state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq(Loop).LostRate;
    7229             : 
    7230       13515 :             int NZ = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq(Loop).ZonePtr;
    7231       13515 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(NZ).SteamPower += state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq(Loop).Power;
    7232       13515 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(NZ).QSERAD += state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq(Loop).RadGainRate;
    7233       13515 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(NZ).QSECON += state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq(Loop).ConGainRate;
    7234       13515 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(NZ).QSELAT += state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq(Loop).LatGainRate;
    7235       13515 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(NZ).QSELost += state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq(Loop).LostRate;
    7236             : 
    7237       13515 :             int spaceNum = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq(Loop).spaceIndex;
    7238       13515 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).SteamPower += state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq(Loop).Power;
    7239       13515 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QSERAD += state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq(Loop).RadGainRate;
    7240       13515 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QSECON += state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq(Loop).ConGainRate;
    7241       13515 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QSELAT += state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq(Loop).LatGainRate;
    7242       13515 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QSELost += state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq(Loop).LostRate;
    7243             :         }
    7244             : 
    7245     2576618 :         for (int Loop = 1; Loop <= state.dataHeatBal->TotBBHeat; ++Loop) {
    7246        8109 :             int NZ = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneBBHeat(Loop).ZonePtr;
    7247        8109 :             if (state.dataHeatBal->Zone(NZ).OutDryBulbTemp >= state.dataHeatBal->ZoneBBHeat(Loop).HighTemperature) {
    7248        4059 :                 Q = 0.0;
    7249        4050 :             } else if (state.dataHeatBal->Zone(NZ).OutDryBulbTemp > state.dataHeatBal->ZoneBBHeat(Loop).LowTemperature) {
    7250        4050 :                 Q = (state.dataHeatBal->Zone(NZ).OutDryBulbTemp - state.dataHeatBal->ZoneBBHeat(Loop).LowTemperature) *
    7251        2700 :                         (state.dataHeatBal->ZoneBBHeat(Loop).CapatHighTemperature - state.dataHeatBal->ZoneBBHeat(Loop).CapatLowTemperature) /
    7252        1350 :                         (state.dataHeatBal->ZoneBBHeat(Loop).HighTemperature - state.dataHeatBal->ZoneBBHeat(Loop).LowTemperature) +
    7253        1350 :                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneBBHeat(Loop).CapatLowTemperature;
    7254             :             } else {
    7255        2700 :                 Q = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneBBHeat(Loop).CapatLowTemperature;
    7256             :             }
    7257        8109 :             Q *= GetCurrentScheduleValue(state, state.dataHeatBal->ZoneBBHeat(Loop).SchedPtr);
    7258             : 
    7259             :             // set with EMS value if being called for.
    7260        8109 :             if (state.dataHeatBal->ZoneBBHeat(Loop).EMSZoneBaseboardOverrideOn) Q = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneBBHeat(Loop).EMSZoneBaseboardPower;
    7261             : 
    7262        8109 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneBBHeat(Loop).Power = Q;
    7263        8109 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneBBHeat(Loop).RadGainRate = Q * state.dataHeatBal->ZoneBBHeat(Loop).FractionRadiant;
    7264        8109 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneBBHeat(Loop).ConGainRate = Q * state.dataHeatBal->ZoneBBHeat(Loop).FractionConvected;
    7265        8109 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneBBHeat(Loop).TotGainRate = Q;
    7266             : 
    7267        8109 :             NZ = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneBBHeat(Loop).ZonePtr;
    7268        8109 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(NZ).BaseHeatPower += state.dataHeatBal->ZoneBBHeat(Loop).Power;
    7269        8109 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(NZ).QBBRAD += state.dataHeatBal->ZoneBBHeat(Loop).RadGainRate;
    7270        8109 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(NZ).QBBCON += state.dataHeatBal->ZoneBBHeat(Loop).ConGainRate;
    7271             : 
    7272        8109 :             int spaceNum = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneBBHeat(Loop).spaceIndex;
    7273        8109 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).BaseHeatPower += state.dataHeatBal->ZoneBBHeat(Loop).Power;
    7274        8109 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QBBRAD += state.dataHeatBal->ZoneBBHeat(Loop).RadGainRate;
    7275        8109 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QBBCON += state.dataHeatBal->ZoneBBHeat(Loop).ConGainRate;
    7276             :         }
    7277             : 
    7278     2576753 :         for (int Loop = 1; Loop <= state.dataHeatBal->TotCO2Gen; ++Loop) {
    7279        8244 :             int NZ = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneCO2Gen(Loop).ZonePtr;
    7280        8244 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneCO2Gen(Loop).CO2GainRate =
    7281        8244 :                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneCO2Gen(Loop).CO2DesignRate * GetCurrentScheduleValue(state, state.dataHeatBal->ZoneCO2Gen(Loop).SchedPtr);
    7282        8244 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(NZ).CO2Rate += state.dataHeatBal->ZoneCO2Gen(Loop).CO2GainRate;
    7283             :         }
    7284             : 
    7285     2568509 :         if (state.dataHeatBal->TotITEquip > 0) CalcZoneITEq(state);
    7286             : 
    7287     2568509 :         CalcWaterThermalTankZoneGains(state);
    7288     2568509 :         PipeHeatTransfer::PipeHTData::CalcZonePipesHeatGain(state);
    7289     2568509 :         CalcWaterUseZoneGains(state);
    7290     2568509 :         FigureFuelCellZoneGains(state);
    7291     2568509 :         FigureMicroCHPZoneGains(state);
    7292     2568509 :         initializeElectricPowerServiceZoneGains(state);
    7293     2568509 :         FigureTDDZoneGains(state);
    7294     2568509 :         FigureRefrigerationZoneGains(state);
    7295             : 
    7296             :         // store pointer values to hold generic internal gain values constant for entire timestep
    7297     2568509 :         UpdateInternalGainValues(state);
    7298             : 
    7299    21015074 :         for (int NZ = 1; NZ <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++NZ) {
    7300             : 
    7301    18446565 :             auto &thisZoneHB = state.dataZoneTempPredictorCorrector->zoneHeatBalance(NZ);
    7302    18446565 :             thisZoneHB.ZoneLatentGain = InternalHeatGains::SumAllInternalLatentGains(state, NZ); // Also sets space gains
    7303             :             // Added for hybrid model
    7304    18446565 :             if (state.dataHybridModel->FlagHybridModel_PC) {
    7305        8096 :                 thisZoneHB.ZoneLatentGainExceptPeople = InternalHeatGains::SumAllInternalLatentGainsExceptPeople(state, NZ); // Also sets space gains
    7306             :             }
    7307             :         }
    7308             : 
    7309             :         // QL is per radiant enclosure (one or more spaces if grouped by air boundaries)
    7310    21002924 :         for (int enclosureNum = 1; enclosureNum <= state.dataViewFactor->NumOfRadiantEnclosures; ++enclosureNum) {
    7311    18434415 :             auto &thisEnclosure(state.dataViewFactor->EnclRadInfo(enclosureNum));
    7312    18434415 :             thisEnclosure.radQThermalRad = 0.0;
    7313    36897156 :             for (int const spaceNum : thisEnclosure.spaceNums) {
    7314    18462741 :                 Real64 spaceQL = SumAllSpaceInternalRadiationGains(state, spaceNum);
    7315    18462741 :                 thisEnclosure.radQThermalRad += spaceQL;
    7316             :             }
    7317             :         }
    7318             : 
    7319     2568509 :         pulseMultipler = 0.01; // the W/sqft pulse for the zone
    7320     2568509 :         if (state.dataGlobal->CompLoadReportIsReq) {
    7321      161772 :             AllocateLoadComponentArrays(state);
    7322             :         }
    7323    21015074 :         for (int zoneNum = 1; zoneNum <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++zoneNum) { // Loop through all surfaces...
    7324    36909306 :             for (int spaceNum : state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).spaceIndexes) {
    7325    18462741 :                 auto &thisSpace = state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum);
    7326    18462741 :                 int const firstSurf = thisSpace.HTSurfaceFirst;
    7327    18462741 :                 int const lastSurf = thisSpace.HTSurfaceLast;
    7328    18462741 :                 if (firstSurf <= 0) continue;
    7329   178178515 :                 for (int SurfNum = firstSurf; SurfNum <= lastSurf; ++SurfNum) {
    7330   159715774 :                     auto &thisEnclosure(state.dataViewFactor->EnclRadInfo(state.dataSurface->Surface(SurfNum).RadEnclIndex));
    7331             : 
    7332   159715774 :                     if (!state.dataGlobal->doLoadComponentPulseNow) {
    7333   159713656 :                         state.dataHeatBal->SurfQdotRadIntGainsInPerArea(SurfNum) =
    7334   159713656 :                             thisEnclosure.radQThermalRad * thisEnclosure.radThermAbsMult * state.dataHeatBalSurf->SurfAbsThermalInt(SurfNum);
    7335             :                     } else {
    7336        2118 :                         state.dataInternalHeatGains->curQL = thisEnclosure.radQThermalRad;
    7337             :                         // for the loads component report during the special sizing run increase the radiant portion
    7338             :                         // a small amount to create a "pulse" of heat that is used for the delayed loads
    7339        2118 :                         state.dataInternalHeatGains->adjQL = state.dataInternalHeatGains->curQL + thisEnclosure.FloorArea * pulseMultipler;
    7340             :                         // ITABSF is the Inside Thermal Absorptance
    7341             :                         // EnclRadThermAbsMult is a multiplier for each zone
    7342             :                         // SurfQdotRadIntGainsInPerArea is the thermal radiation absorbed on inside surfaces
    7343        2118 :                         state.dataHeatBal->SurfQdotRadIntGainsInPerArea(SurfNum) =
    7344        2118 :                             state.dataInternalHeatGains->adjQL * thisEnclosure.radThermAbsMult * state.dataHeatBalSurf->SurfAbsThermalInt(SurfNum);
    7345             :                         // store the magnitude and time of the pulse
    7346        2118 :                         state.dataOutRptTab->radiantPulseTimestep(state.dataSize->CurOverallSimDay, zoneNum) =
    7347        2118 :                             (state.dataGlobal->HourOfDay - 1) * state.dataGlobal->NumOfTimeStepInHour + state.dataGlobal->TimeStep;
    7348        2118 :                         state.dataOutRptTab->radiantPulseReceived(state.dataSize->CurOverallSimDay, SurfNum) =
    7349        4236 :                             (state.dataInternalHeatGains->adjQL - state.dataInternalHeatGains->curQL) * thisEnclosure.radThermAbsMult *
    7350        4236 :                             state.dataHeatBalSurf->SurfAbsThermalInt(SurfNum) * state.dataSurface->Surface(SurfNum).Area;
    7351             :                     }
    7352             :                 }
    7353             :             }
    7354             :         }
    7355     2568509 :     }
    7356             : 
    7357     2568509 :     void CheckReturnAirHeatGain(EnergyPlusData &state)
    7358             :     {
    7359             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    7360             :         //       AUTHOR         Xuan Luo
    7361             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   Jan 2018
    7362             : 
    7363             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    7364             :         // This subroutine currently creates the values for standard "zone loads" reporting
    7365             :         // from the heat balance module.
    7366             : 
    7367             :         // Using/Aliasing
    7368             : 
    7369    21015074 :         for (int ZoneNum = 1; ZoneNum <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++ZoneNum) {
    7370    18446565 :             if (state.dataHeatBal->Zone(ZoneNum).HasAdjustedReturnTempByITE && state.dataHeatBal->Zone(ZoneNum).HasLtsRetAirGain) {
    7371           0 :                 ShowFatalError(state,
    7372             :                                "Return air heat gains from lights are not allowed when Air Flow Calculation Method = "
    7373             :                                "FlowControlWithApproachTemperatures in zones with ITE objects.");
    7374             :             }
    7375    18446565 :             if (state.dataHeatBal->Zone(ZoneNum).HasAdjustedReturnTempByITE && state.dataHeatBal->Zone(ZoneNum).HasAirFlowWindowReturn) {
    7376           0 :                 ShowFatalError(state,
    7377             :                                "Return air heat gains from windows are not allowed when Air Flow Calculation Method = "
    7378             :                                "FlowControlWithApproachTemperatures in zones with ITE objects.");
    7379             :             }
    7380             :         }
    7381     2568509 :     }
    7382             : 
    7383       11508 :     void CalcZoneITEq(EnergyPlusData &state)
    7384             :     {
    7385             : 
    7386             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    7387             :         //       AUTHOR         M.J. Witte
    7388             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   October 2014
    7389             : 
    7390             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    7391             :         // This subroutine calculates the gains and other results for ElectricEquipment:ITE:AirCooled.
    7392             :         // This broken into a separate subroutine, because the calculations are more detailed than the other
    7393             :         // types of internal gains.
    7394             : 
    7395             :         using ScheduleManager::GetCurrentScheduleValue;
    7396             :         using namespace Psychrometrics;
    7397             :         using Curve::CurveValue;
    7398             :         using DataHVACGlobals::SmallAirVolFlow;
    7399             :         using DataHVACGlobals::SmallTempDiff;
    7400             : 
    7401             :         // Operating Limits for environmental class: None, A1, A2, A3, A4, B, C, H1
    7402             :         // From ASHRAE 2021 Thermal Guidelines environmental classes for Air-Cooled ITE
    7403             :         static constexpr std::array<Real64, static_cast<int>(ITEClass::Num)> DBMin = {
    7404             :             -99.0, 15.0, 10.0, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0}; // Minimum dry-bulb temperature [C]
    7405             :         static constexpr std::array<Real64, static_cast<int>(ITEClass::Num)> DBMax = {
    7406             :             99.0, 32.0, 35.0, 40.0, 45.0, 35.0, 40.0, 25.0}; // Maximum dry-bulb temperature [C]
    7407             :         static constexpr std::array<Real64, static_cast<int>(ITEClass::Num)> DPMin = {
    7408             :             -99.0, -12.0, -12.0, -12.0, -12.0, -99.0, -99.0, -12.0}; // Minimum dewpoint temperature [C]
    7409             :         static constexpr std::array<Real64, static_cast<int>(ITEClass::Num)> DPMax = {
    7410             :             99.0, 17.0, 21.0, 24.0, 24.0, 28.0, 28.0, 17.0}; // Maximum dewpoint temperature [C]
    7411             :         static constexpr std::array<Real64, static_cast<int>(ITEClass::Num)> RHMin = {
    7412             :             0.0, 8.0, 8.0, 8.0, 8.0, 8.0, 8.0, 8.0}; // Minimum relative humidity [%]
    7413             :         static constexpr std::array<Real64, static_cast<int>(ITEClass::Num)> RHMax = {
    7414             :             99.0, 80.0, 80.0, 85.0, 90.0, 80.0, 80.0, 80.0}; // Maximum relative humidity [%]
    7415             : 
    7416             :         static constexpr std::string_view RoutineName("CalcZoneITEq");
    7417             :         int Loop;
    7418             :         int NZ;
    7419             :         int SupplyNodeNum;                // Supply air node number (if zero, then not specified)
    7420             :         Real64 OperSchedFrac;             // Operating schedule fraction
    7421             :         Real64 CPULoadSchedFrac;          // CPU loading schedule fraction
    7422             :         ITEInletConnection AirConnection; // Air connection type
    7423       11508 :         Real64 TSupply(0.0);              // Supply air temperature [C]
    7424             :         Real64 WSupply;                   // Supply air humidity ratio [kgWater/kgDryAir]
    7425             :         Real64 RecircFrac;                // Recirulation fraction - current
    7426             :         Real64 TRecirc;                   // Recirulation air temperature [C]
    7427             :         Real64 WRecirc;                   // Recirulation air humidity ratio [kgWater/kgDryAir]
    7428             :         Real64 TAirIn;                    // Entering air dry-bulb temperature [C]
    7429             :         Real64 TAirInDesign;              // Design entering air dry-bulb temperature [C]
    7430             :         Real64 WAirIn;                    // Entering air humidity ratio [kgWater/kgDryAir]
    7431             :         Real64 TDPAirIn;                  // Entering air dewpoint temperature [C]
    7432             :         Real64 RHAirIn;                   // Entering air relative humidity [%]
    7433             :         Real64 SupplyHeatIndex;           // Supply heat index
    7434             :         Real64 TAirOut;                   // Leaving air temperature [C]
    7435             :         Real64 AirVolFlowFrac;            // Air volume flow fraction
    7436             :         Real64 AirVolFlowFracDesignT;     // Air volume flow fraction at design entering air temperature
    7437             :         Real64 AirVolFlowRate;            // Air volume flow rate at current density [m3/s]
    7438             :         Real64 AirMassFlowRate;           // Air mass flow rate [kg/s]
    7439             :         Real64 CPUPower;                  // CPU power input [W]
    7440             :         Real64 FanPower;                  // Fan power input [W]
    7441             :         Real64 UPSPower;                  // UPS new power input (losses) [W]
    7442             :         Real64 UPSPartLoadRatio;          // UPS part load ratio (current total power input / design total power input)
    7443             :         Real64 UPSHeatGain;               // UPS convective heat gain to zone [W]
    7444             : 
    7445       23016 :         std::map<int, std::vector<int>> ZoneITEMap;
    7446             : 
    7447             :         //  Zero out time step variables
    7448             :         // Object report variables
    7449       28440 :         for (Loop = 1; Loop <= state.dataHeatBal->TotITEquip; ++Loop) {
    7450             : 
    7451      135456 :             for (int i = 0; i < (int)PERptVars::Num; ++i) {
    7452      118524 :                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).PowerRpt[i] = 0.0;
    7453      118524 :                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).EnergyRpt[i] = 0.0;
    7454             :             }
    7455             : 
    7456       16932 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).AirVolFlowStdDensity = 0.0;
    7457       16932 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).AirVolFlowCurDensity = 0.0;
    7458       16932 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).AirMassFlow = 0.0;
    7459       16932 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).AirInletDryBulbT = 0.0;
    7460       16932 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).AirInletDewpointT = 0.0;
    7461       16932 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).AirInletRelHum = 0.0;
    7462       16932 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).AirOutletDryBulbT = 0.0;
    7463       16932 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).SHI = 0.0;
    7464       16932 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).TimeOutOfOperRange = 0.0;
    7465       16932 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).TimeAboveDryBulbT = 0.0;
    7466       16932 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).TimeBelowDryBulbT = 0.0;
    7467       16932 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).TimeAboveDewpointT = 0.0;
    7468       16932 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).TimeBelowDewpointT = 0.0;
    7469       16932 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).TimeAboveRH = 0.0;
    7470       16932 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).TimeBelowRH = 0.0;
    7471       16932 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).DryBulbTAboveDeltaT = 0.0;
    7472       16932 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).DryBulbTBelowDeltaT = 0.0;
    7473       16932 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).DewpointTAboveDeltaT = 0.0;
    7474       16932 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).DewpointTBelowDeltaT = 0.0;
    7475       16932 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).RHAboveDeltaRH = 0.0;
    7476       16932 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).RHBelowDeltaRH = 0.0;
    7477             :         } // ZoneITEq init loop
    7478             : 
    7479             :         // Zone total report variables
    7480       39288 :         for (Loop = 1; Loop <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++Loop) {
    7481             : 
    7482      222240 :             for (int i = 0; i < (int)PERptVars::Num; ++i) {
    7483      194460 :                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(Loop).PowerRpt[i] = 0.0;
    7484      194460 :                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(Loop).EnergyRpt[i] = 0.0;
    7485             :             }
    7486             : 
    7487       27780 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(Loop).ITEAdjReturnTemp = 0.0;
    7488             : 
    7489       27780 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(Loop).ITEqAirVolFlowStdDensity = 0.0;
    7490       27780 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(Loop).ITEqAirMassFlow = 0.0;
    7491       27780 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(Loop).ITEqSHI = 0.0;
    7492       27780 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(Loop).ITEqTimeOutOfOperRange = 0.0;
    7493       27780 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(Loop).ITEqTimeAboveDryBulbT = 0.0;
    7494       27780 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(Loop).ITEqTimeBelowDryBulbT = 0.0;
    7495       27780 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(Loop).ITEqTimeAboveDewpointT = 0.0;
    7496       27780 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(Loop).ITEqTimeBelowDewpointT = 0.0;
    7497       27780 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(Loop).ITEqTimeAboveRH = 0.0;
    7498       27780 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(Loop).ITEqTimeBelowRH = 0.0;
    7499             : 
    7500       27780 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(Loop).SumTinMinusTSup = 0.0;
    7501       27780 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(Loop).SumToutMinusTSup = 0.0;
    7502             :         } // Zone init loop
    7503             : 
    7504             :         // Space total report variables
    7505       39288 :         for (int spaceNum = 1; spaceNum <= state.dataGlobal->numSpaces; ++spaceNum) {
    7506             : 
    7507      222240 :             for (int i = 0; i < (int)PERptVars::Num; ++i) {
    7508      194460 :                 state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).PowerRpt[i] = 0.0;
    7509      194460 :                 state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).EnergyRpt[i] = 0.0;
    7510             :             }
    7511             : 
    7512       27780 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).ITEAdjReturnTemp = 0.0;
    7513             : 
    7514       27780 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).ITEqAirVolFlowStdDensity = 0.0;
    7515       27780 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).ITEqAirMassFlow = 0.0;
    7516       27780 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).ITEqSHI = 0.0;
    7517       27780 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).ITEqTimeOutOfOperRange = 0.0;
    7518       27780 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).ITEqTimeAboveDryBulbT = 0.0;
    7519       27780 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).ITEqTimeBelowDryBulbT = 0.0;
    7520       27780 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).ITEqTimeAboveDewpointT = 0.0;
    7521       27780 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).ITEqTimeBelowDewpointT = 0.0;
    7522       27780 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).ITEqTimeAboveRH = 0.0;
    7523       27780 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).ITEqTimeBelowRH = 0.0;
    7524             : 
    7525       27780 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).SumTinMinusTSup = 0.0;
    7526       27780 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).SumToutMinusTSup = 0.0;
    7527             :         } // Space init spaceNum
    7528             : 
    7529       28440 :         for (Loop = 1; Loop <= state.dataHeatBal->TotITEquip; ++Loop) {
    7530             :             // Get schedules
    7531       16932 :             NZ = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).ZonePtr;
    7532       16932 :             auto &thisZoneHB = state.dataZoneTempPredictorCorrector->zoneHeatBalance(NZ);
    7533       16932 :             int spaceNum = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).spaceIndex;
    7534       16932 :             OperSchedFrac = GetCurrentScheduleValue(state, state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).OperSchedPtr);
    7535       16932 :             CPULoadSchedFrac = GetCurrentScheduleValue(state, state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).CPULoadSchedPtr);
    7536             : 
    7537             :             // Determine inlet air temperature and humidity
    7538       16932 :             AirConnection = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).AirConnectionType;
    7539       16932 :             RecircFrac = 0.0;
    7540       16932 :             SupplyNodeNum = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).SupplyAirNodeNum;
    7541       16932 :             if (state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).FlowControlWithApproachTemps) {
    7542        9480 :                 TSupply = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(SupplyNodeNum).Temp;
    7543        9480 :                 WSupply = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(SupplyNodeNum).HumRat;
    7544        9480 :                 if (state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).SupplyApproachTempSch != 0) {
    7545           0 :                     TAirIn = TSupply + GetCurrentScheduleValue(state, state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).SupplyApproachTempSch);
    7546             :                 } else {
    7547        9480 :                     TAirIn = TSupply + state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).SupplyApproachTemp;
    7548             :                 }
    7549        9480 :                 WAirIn = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(SupplyNodeNum).HumRat;
    7550             :             } else {
    7551        7452 :                 if (AirConnection == ITEInletConnection::AdjustedSupply) {
    7552        7452 :                     TSupply = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(SupplyNodeNum).Temp;
    7553        7452 :                     WSupply = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(SupplyNodeNum).HumRat;
    7554        7452 :                     if (state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).RecircFLTCurve != 0) {
    7555       14904 :                         RecircFrac = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).DesignRecircFrac *
    7556       14904 :                                      CurveValue(state, state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).RecircFLTCurve, CPULoadSchedFrac, TSupply);
    7557             :                     } else {
    7558           0 :                         RecircFrac = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).DesignRecircFrac;
    7559             :                     }
    7560        7452 :                     TRecirc = thisZoneHB.MAT;
    7561        7452 :                     WRecirc = thisZoneHB.ZoneAirHumRat;
    7562        7452 :                     TAirIn = TRecirc * RecircFrac + TSupply * (1.0 - RecircFrac);
    7563        7452 :                     WAirIn = WRecirc * RecircFrac + WSupply * (1.0 - RecircFrac);
    7564           0 :                 } else if (AirConnection == ITEInletConnection::RoomAirModel) {
    7565             :                     // Room air model option: TAirIn=TAirZone, according to EngineeringRef 17.1.4
    7566           0 :                     TAirIn = thisZoneHB.MAT;
    7567           0 :                     TSupply = TAirIn;
    7568           0 :                     WAirIn = thisZoneHB.ZoneAirHumRat;
    7569             :                 } else {
    7570             :                     // TAirIn = TRoomAirNodeIn, according to EngineeringRef 17.1.4
    7571           0 :                     if (state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).inControlledZone) {
    7572           0 :                         int ZoneAirInletNode = state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(NZ).InletNode(1);
    7573           0 :                         TSupply = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(ZoneAirInletNode).Temp;
    7574             :                     } else {
    7575           0 :                         TSupply = thisZoneHB.MAT;
    7576             :                     }
    7577           0 :                     TAirIn = thisZoneHB.MAT;
    7578           0 :                     WAirIn = thisZoneHB.ZoneAirHumRat;
    7579             :                 }
    7580             :             }
    7581       16932 :             TDPAirIn = PsyTdpFnWPb(state, WAirIn, state.dataEnvrn->StdBaroPress, RoutineName);
    7582       16932 :             RHAirIn = 100.0 * PsyRhFnTdbWPb(state, TAirIn, WAirIn, state.dataEnvrn->StdBaroPress, RoutineName); // RHAirIn is %
    7583             : 
    7584             :             // Calculate power input and airflow
    7585       16932 :             TAirInDesign = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).DesignTAirIn;
    7586             : 
    7587       16932 :             if (state.dataGlobal->DoingSizing && state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).FlowControlWithApproachTemps) {
    7588             : 
    7589        2700 :                 TAirInDesign = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).SizingTAirIn;
    7590        2700 :                 if (state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).SupplyApproachTempSch != 0) {
    7591           0 :                     TAirInDesign = TAirInDesign + GetCurrentScheduleValue(state, state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).SupplyApproachTempSch);
    7592             :                 } else {
    7593        2700 :                     TAirInDesign = TAirInDesign + state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).SupplyApproachTemp;
    7594             :                 }
    7595        2700 :                 OperSchedFrac = GetCurrentScheduleValue(state, state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).OperSchedPtr);
    7596        2700 :                 CPULoadSchedFrac = GetCurrentScheduleValue(state, state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).CPULoadSchedPtr);
    7597             :             }
    7598             : 
    7599       33864 :             CPUPower = max(state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).DesignCPUPower * OperSchedFrac *
    7600       33864 :                                CurveValue(state, state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).CPUPowerFLTCurve, CPULoadSchedFrac, TAirIn),
    7601             :                            0.0);
    7602       16932 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).PowerRpt[(int)PERptVars::CPUAtDesign] =
    7603       33864 :                 max(state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).DesignCPUPower * OperSchedFrac *
    7604       33864 :                         CurveValue(state, state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).CPUPowerFLTCurve, CPULoadSchedFrac, TAirInDesign),
    7605             :                     0.0);
    7606             : 
    7607       16932 :             AirVolFlowFrac = max(CurveValue(state, state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).AirFlowFLTCurve, CPULoadSchedFrac, TAirIn), 0.0);
    7608       16932 :             AirVolFlowRate = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).DesignAirVolFlowRate * OperSchedFrac * AirVolFlowFrac;
    7609       16932 :             if (AirVolFlowRate < SmallAirVolFlow) {
    7610          21 :                 AirVolFlowRate = 0.0;
    7611             :             }
    7612       16932 :             AirVolFlowFracDesignT = max(CurveValue(state, state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).AirFlowFLTCurve, CPULoadSchedFrac, TAirInDesign), 0.0);
    7613             : 
    7614       33864 :             FanPower = max(state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).DesignFanPower * OperSchedFrac *
    7615       33864 :                                CurveValue(state, state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).FanPowerFFCurve, AirVolFlowFrac),
    7616             :                            0.0);
    7617       16932 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).PowerRpt[(int)PERptVars::FanAtDesign] =
    7618       33864 :                 max(state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).DesignFanPower * OperSchedFrac *
    7619       33864 :                         CurveValue(state, state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).FanPowerFFCurve, AirVolFlowFracDesignT),
    7620             :                     0.0);
    7621             : 
    7622             :             // Calculate UPS net power input (power in less power to ITEquip) and UPS heat gain to zone
    7623       16932 :             if (state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).DesignTotalPower > 0.0) {
    7624       16932 :                 UPSPartLoadRatio = (CPUPower + FanPower) / state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).DesignTotalPower;
    7625             :             } else {
    7626           0 :                 UPSPartLoadRatio = 0.0;
    7627             :             }
    7628       16932 :             if (state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).UPSEfficFPLRCurve != 0) {
    7629       16932 :                 UPSPower =
    7630       33864 :                     (CPUPower + FanPower) * max((1.0 - state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).DesignUPSEfficiency *
    7631       33864 :                                                            CurveValue(state, state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).UPSEfficFPLRCurve, UPSPartLoadRatio)),
    7632             :                                                 0.0);
    7633             :             } else {
    7634           0 :                 UPSPower = (CPUPower + FanPower) * max((1.0 - state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).DesignUPSEfficiency), 0.0);
    7635             :             }
    7636       16932 :             UPSHeatGain = UPSPower * state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).UPSLossToZoneFrac;
    7637             : 
    7638             :             // Calculate air outlet conditions and convective heat gain to zone
    7639             : 
    7640       16932 :             AirMassFlowRate = AirVolFlowRate * PsyRhoAirFnPbTdbW(state, state.dataEnvrn->StdBaroPress, TAirIn, WAirIn, RoutineName);
    7641       16932 :             if (AirMassFlowRate > 0.0) {
    7642       16911 :                 TAirOut = TAirIn + (CPUPower + FanPower) / AirMassFlowRate / PsyCpAirFnW(WAirIn);
    7643             :             } else {
    7644          21 :                 TAirOut = TAirIn;
    7645             :             }
    7646             : 
    7647       16932 :             if (std::abs(TAirOut - TSupply) < SmallTempDiff) {
    7648           0 :                 TAirOut = TSupply;
    7649             :             }
    7650             : 
    7651       16932 :             if ((SupplyNodeNum != 0) && (TAirOut != TSupply)) {
    7652       16932 :                 SupplyHeatIndex = (TAirIn - TSupply) / (TAirOut - TSupply);
    7653             :             } else {
    7654           0 :                 SupplyHeatIndex = 0.0;
    7655             :             }
    7656             : 
    7657       16932 :             if (AirConnection == ITEInletConnection::AdjustedSupply || AirConnection == ITEInletConnection::ZoneAirNode) {
    7658             :                 // If not a room air model, then all ITEquip power input is a convective heat gain to the zone heat balance, plus UPS heat gain
    7659       16932 :                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).PowerRpt[(int)PERptVars::ConGainToZone] = CPUPower + FanPower + UPSHeatGain;
    7660           0 :             } else if (AirConnection == ITEInletConnection::RoomAirModel) {
    7661             :                 // Room air model option not implemented yet - set room air model outlet node conditions here
    7662             :                 // If a room air model, then the only convective heat gain to the zone heat balance is the UPS heat gain
    7663           0 :                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).PowerRpt[(int)PERptVars::ConGainToZone] = UPSHeatGain;
    7664             :             }
    7665       16932 :             if (state.dataHeatBal->Zone(state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).ZonePtr).HasAdjustedReturnTempByITE) {
    7666        9480 :                 ZoneITEMap[state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).ZonePtr].push_back(Loop);
    7667             :             }
    7668       16932 :             if (state.dataGlobal->DoingSizing && state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).FlowControlWithApproachTemps) {
    7669        8100 :                 if (state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).PowerRpt[(int)PERptVars::FanAtDesign] +
    7670        5400 :                         state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).PowerRpt[(int)PERptVars::CPUAtDesign] >
    7671        2700 :                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).DesignTotalPower) {
    7672        2700 :                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).PowerRpt[(int)PERptVars::ConGainToZone] =
    7673        5400 :                         state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).PowerRpt[(int)PERptVars::FanAtDesign] +
    7674        2700 :                         state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).PowerRpt[(int)PERptVars::CPUAtDesign];
    7675             :                 }
    7676             :             }
    7677             :             // Object report variables
    7678       16932 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).PowerRpt[(int)PERptVars::CPU] = CPUPower;
    7679       16932 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).PowerRpt[(int)PERptVars::Fan] = FanPower;
    7680       16932 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).PowerRpt[(int)PERptVars::UPS] = UPSPower;
    7681             :             // ZoneITEq( Loop ).CPUPowerAtDesign = set above
    7682             :             // ZoneITEq( Loop ).FanPowerAtDesign = set above
    7683       16932 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).PowerRpt[(int)PERptVars::UPSGainToZone] = UPSHeatGain; // UPSGainRateToZone = UPSHeatGain;
    7684             :             // ZoneITEq( Loop ).ConGainRateToZone = set above
    7685             : 
    7686      135456 :             for (int i = 0; i < (int)PERptVars::Num; ++i) {
    7687      118524 :                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(NZ).PowerRpt[i] += state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).PowerRpt[i];
    7688      118524 :                 state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).PowerRpt[i] += state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).PowerRpt[i];
    7689      118524 :                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).EnergyRpt[i] = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).PowerRpt[i] * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    7690      118524 :                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(NZ).EnergyRpt[i] += state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).EnergyRpt[i];
    7691      118524 :                 state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).EnergyRpt[i] += state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).EnergyRpt[i];
    7692             :             }
    7693             : 
    7694       16932 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).AirVolFlowStdDensity = AirMassFlowRate * state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir;
    7695       16932 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).AirVolFlowCurDensity = AirVolFlowRate;
    7696       16932 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).AirMassFlow = AirMassFlowRate;
    7697       16932 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).AirInletDryBulbT = TAirIn;
    7698       16932 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).AirInletDewpointT = TDPAirIn;
    7699       16932 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).AirInletRelHum = RHAirIn;
    7700       16932 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).AirOutletDryBulbT = TAirOut;
    7701       16932 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).SHI = SupplyHeatIndex;
    7702             : 
    7703       16932 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(NZ).ITEqAirVolFlowStdDensity += state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).AirVolFlowStdDensity;
    7704       16932 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(NZ).ITEqAirMassFlow += state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).AirMassFlow;
    7705       16932 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(NZ).SumTinMinusTSup += (TAirIn - TSupply) * AirVolFlowRate;
    7706       16932 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(NZ).SumToutMinusTSup += (TAirOut - TSupply) * AirVolFlowRate;
    7707             : 
    7708       16932 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).ITEqAirVolFlowStdDensity += state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).AirVolFlowStdDensity;
    7709       16932 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).ITEqAirMassFlow += state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).AirMassFlow;
    7710       16932 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).SumTinMinusTSup += (TAirIn - TSupply) * AirVolFlowRate;
    7711       16932 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).SumToutMinusTSup += (TAirOut - TSupply) * AirVolFlowRate;
    7712             : 
    7713             :             // Check environmental class operating range limits (defined as parameters in this subroutine)
    7714             :             // Index for environmental class (None=0, A1=1, A2=2, A3=3, A4=4, B=5, C=6, H1=7)
    7715       16932 :             int EnvClass = static_cast<int>(state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).Class);
    7716       16932 :             if (EnvClass > 0) {
    7717       16932 :                 if (TAirIn > DBMax[EnvClass]) {
    7718        2951 :                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).TimeAboveDryBulbT = state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZone;
    7719        2951 :                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).TimeOutOfOperRange = state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZone;
    7720        2951 :                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).DryBulbTAboveDeltaT = TAirIn - DBMax[EnvClass];
    7721        2951 :                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(NZ).ITEqTimeAboveDryBulbT = state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZone;
    7722        2951 :                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(NZ).ITEqTimeOutOfOperRange = state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZone;
    7723        2951 :                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).ITEqTimeAboveDryBulbT = state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZone;
    7724        2951 :                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).ITEqTimeOutOfOperRange = state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZone;
    7725             :                 }
    7726       16932 :                 if (TAirIn < DBMin[EnvClass]) {
    7727        1379 :                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).TimeBelowDryBulbT = state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZone;
    7728        1379 :                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).TimeOutOfOperRange = state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZone;
    7729        1379 :                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).DryBulbTBelowDeltaT = TAirIn - DBMin[EnvClass];
    7730        1379 :                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(NZ).ITEqTimeBelowDryBulbT = state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZone;
    7731        1379 :                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(NZ).ITEqTimeOutOfOperRange = state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZone;
    7732        1379 :                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).ITEqTimeBelowDryBulbT = state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZone;
    7733        1379 :                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).ITEqTimeOutOfOperRange = state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZone;
    7734             :                 }
    7735       16932 :                 if (TDPAirIn > DPMax[EnvClass]) {
    7736           6 :                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).TimeAboveDewpointT = state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZone;
    7737           6 :                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).TimeOutOfOperRange = state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZone;
    7738           6 :                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).DewpointTAboveDeltaT = TDPAirIn - DPMax[EnvClass];
    7739           6 :                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(NZ).ITEqTimeAboveDewpointT = state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZone;
    7740           6 :                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(NZ).ITEqTimeOutOfOperRange = state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZone;
    7741           6 :                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).ITEqTimeAboveDewpointT = state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZone;
    7742           6 :                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).ITEqTimeOutOfOperRange = state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZone;
    7743             :                 }
    7744       16932 :                 if (TDPAirIn < DPMin[EnvClass]) {
    7745        5215 :                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).TimeBelowDewpointT = state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZone;
    7746        5215 :                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).TimeOutOfOperRange = state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZone;
    7747        5215 :                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).DewpointTBelowDeltaT = TDPAirIn - DPMin[EnvClass];
    7748        5215 :                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(NZ).ITEqTimeBelowDewpointT = state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZone;
    7749        5215 :                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(NZ).ITEqTimeOutOfOperRange = state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZone;
    7750        5215 :                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).ITEqTimeBelowDewpointT = state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZone;
    7751        5215 :                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).ITEqTimeOutOfOperRange = state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZone;
    7752             :                 }
    7753       16932 :                 if (RHAirIn > RHMax[EnvClass]) {
    7754         696 :                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).TimeAboveRH = state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZone;
    7755         696 :                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).TimeOutOfOperRange = state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZone;
    7756         696 :                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).RHAboveDeltaRH = RHAirIn - RHMax[EnvClass];
    7757         696 :                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(NZ).ITEqTimeAboveRH = state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZone;
    7758         696 :                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(NZ).ITEqTimeOutOfOperRange = state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZone;
    7759         696 :                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).ITEqTimeAboveRH = state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZone;
    7760         696 :                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).ITEqTimeOutOfOperRange = state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZone;
    7761             :                 }
    7762       16932 :                 if (RHAirIn < RHMin[EnvClass]) {
    7763        5703 :                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).TimeBelowRH = state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZone;
    7764        5703 :                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).TimeOutOfOperRange = state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZone;
    7765        5703 :                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).RHBelowDeltaRH = RHAirIn - RHMin[EnvClass];
    7766        5703 :                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(NZ).ITEqTimeBelowRH = state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZone;
    7767        5703 :                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(NZ).ITEqTimeOutOfOperRange = state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZone;
    7768        5703 :                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).ITEqTimeBelowRH = state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZone;
    7769        5703 :                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).ITEqTimeOutOfOperRange = state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZone;
    7770             :                 }
    7771             :             }
    7772             : 
    7773             :         } // ZoneITEq calc loop
    7774             : 
    7775             :         // Zone and space-level sensible heat index
    7776       28440 :         for (Loop = 1; Loop <= state.dataHeatBal->TotITEquip; ++Loop) {
    7777       16932 :             int ZN = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).ZonePtr;
    7778       16932 :             int spaceNum = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(Loop).spaceIndex;
    7779       16932 :             if (state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZN).SumToutMinusTSup != 0.0) {
    7780       16911 :                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZN).ITEqSHI =
    7781       16911 :                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZN).SumTinMinusTSup / state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZN).SumToutMinusTSup;
    7782             :             }
    7783       16932 :             if (state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).SumToutMinusTSup != 0.0) {
    7784       16911 :                 state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).ITEqSHI =
    7785       16911 :                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).SumTinMinusTSup / state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).SumToutMinusTSup;
    7786             :             }
    7787             :         }
    7788             : 
    7789       23016 :         std::map<int, std::vector<int>>::iterator it = ZoneITEMap.begin();
    7790             :         Real64 totalGain;
    7791             :         Real64 totalRate;
    7792             :         Real64 TAirReturn;
    7793       30468 :         while (it != ZoneITEMap.end()) {
    7794        9480 :             if (state.dataHeatBal->Zone(it->first).HasAdjustedReturnTempByITE) {
    7795        9480 :                 totalGain = 0;
    7796        9480 :                 totalRate = 0;
    7797       18960 :                 for (int i : it->second) {
    7798        9480 :                     if (state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(i).ReturnApproachTempSch != 0) {
    7799           0 :                         TAirReturn = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(i).AirOutletDryBulbT +
    7800           0 :                                      GetCurrentScheduleValue(state, state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(i).ReturnApproachTempSch);
    7801             :                     } else {
    7802        9480 :                         TAirReturn = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(i).AirOutletDryBulbT + state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(i).ReturnApproachTemp;
    7803             :                     }
    7804        9480 :                     totalRate += state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(i).AirMassFlow;
    7805        9480 :                     totalGain += state.dataHeatBal->ZoneITEq(i).AirMassFlow * TAirReturn;
    7806             :                 }
    7807        9480 :                 if (totalRate != 0) {
    7808        9468 :                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(it->first).AdjustedReturnTempByITE = totalGain / totalRate;
    7809        9468 :                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(it->first).ITEAdjReturnTemp = state.dataHeatBal->Zone(it->first).AdjustedReturnTempByITE;
    7810             :                 }
    7811             :             }
    7812        9480 :             it++;
    7813             :         }
    7814             : 
    7815       11508 :     } // End CalcZoneITEq
    7816             : 
    7817     2568509 :     void ReportInternalHeatGains(EnergyPlusData &state)
    7818             :     {
    7819             : 
    7820             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    7821             :         //       AUTHOR         Richard Liesen
    7822             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   June 1997
    7823             :         //       MODIFIED       July 1997 RKS
    7824             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  December 1998 LKL
    7825             : 
    7826             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    7827             :         // This subroutine currently creates the values for standard "zone loads" reporting
    7828             :         // from the heat balance module.
    7829             : 
    7830             :         // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
    7831             :         // The reporting methodology is described in the OutputDataStructure.doc
    7832             :         // as the "modified modular" format.
    7833             : 
    7834             :         // REFERENCES:
    7835             :         // OutputDataStructure.doc (EnergyPlus documentation)
    7836             : 
    7837             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
    7838             :         static constexpr std::array<DataHeatBalance::IntGainType, 8> TradIntGainTypes = {DataHeatBalance::IntGainType::People,
    7839             :                                                                                          DataHeatBalance::IntGainType::Lights,
    7840             :                                                                                          DataHeatBalance::IntGainType::ElectricEquipment,
    7841             :                                                                                          DataHeatBalance::IntGainType::ElectricEquipmentITEAirCooled,
    7842             :                                                                                          DataHeatBalance::IntGainType::GasEquipment,
    7843             :                                                                                          DataHeatBalance::IntGainType::HotWaterEquipment,
    7844             :                                                                                          DataHeatBalance::IntGainType::SteamEquipment,
    7845             :                                                                                          DataHeatBalance::IntGainType::OtherEquipment};
    7846             : 
    7847    17672913 :         for (int Loop = 1; Loop <= state.dataHeatBal->TotPeople; ++Loop) {
    7848    15104404 :             state.dataHeatBal->People(Loop).RadGainEnergy = state.dataHeatBal->People(Loop).RadGainRate * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    7849    15104404 :             state.dataHeatBal->People(Loop).ConGainEnergy = state.dataHeatBal->People(Loop).ConGainRate * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    7850    15104404 :             state.dataHeatBal->People(Loop).SenGainEnergy = state.dataHeatBal->People(Loop).SenGainRate * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    7851    15104404 :             state.dataHeatBal->People(Loop).LatGainEnergy = state.dataHeatBal->People(Loop).LatGainRate * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    7852    15104404 :             state.dataHeatBal->People(Loop).TotGainEnergy = state.dataHeatBal->People(Loop).TotGainRate * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    7853             :         }
    7854             : 
    7855    18547344 :         for (int Loop = 1; Loop <= state.dataHeatBal->TotLights; ++Loop) {
    7856    15978835 :             state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop).Consumption = state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop).Power * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    7857    15978835 :             state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop).RadGainEnergy = state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop).RadGainRate * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    7858    15978835 :             state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop).VisGainEnergy = state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop).VisGainRate * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    7859    15978835 :             state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop).ConGainEnergy = state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop).ConGainRate * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    7860    15978835 :             state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop).RetAirGainEnergy = state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop).RetAirGainRate * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    7861    15978835 :             state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop).TotGainEnergy = state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop).TotGainRate * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    7862    15978835 :             if (!state.dataGlobal->WarmupFlag) {
    7863     3946594 :                 if (state.dataGlobal->DoOutputReporting && state.dataOutRptTab->WriteTabularFiles &&
    7864     1497614 :                     (state.dataGlobal->KindOfSim == DataGlobalConstants::KindOfSim::RunPeriodWeather)) { // for weather simulations only
    7865             :                     // for tabular report, accumulate the total electricity used for each Light object
    7866      350870 :                     state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop).SumConsumption += state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop).Consumption;
    7867             :                     // for tabular report, accumulate the time when each Light has consumption (using a very small threshold instead of zero)
    7868      350870 :                     if (state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop).Power > 0.01 * state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop).DesignLevel) {
    7869      350870 :                         state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop).SumTimeNotZeroCons += state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZone;
    7870             :                     }
    7871             :                 }
    7872             :             }
    7873             :         }
    7874             : 
    7875    19156386 :         for (int Loop = 1; Loop <= state.dataHeatBal->TotElecEquip; ++Loop) {
    7876    16587877 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(Loop).Consumption = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(Loop).Power * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    7877    16587877 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(Loop).RadGainEnergy =
    7878    16587877 :                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(Loop).RadGainRate * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    7879    16587877 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(Loop).ConGainEnergy =
    7880    16587877 :                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(Loop).ConGainRate * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    7881    16587877 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(Loop).LatGainEnergy =
    7882    16587877 :                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(Loop).LatGainRate * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    7883    16587877 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(Loop).LostEnergy = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(Loop).LostRate * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    7884    16587877 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(Loop).TotGainEnergy =
    7885    16587877 :                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(Loop).TotGainRate * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    7886             :         }
    7887             : 
    7888     2867342 :         for (int Loop = 1; Loop <= state.dataHeatBal->TotGasEquip; ++Loop) {
    7889      298833 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(Loop).Consumption = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(Loop).Power * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    7890      298833 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(Loop).RadGainEnergy = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(Loop).RadGainRate * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    7891      298833 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(Loop).ConGainEnergy = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(Loop).ConGainRate * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    7892      298833 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(Loop).LatGainEnergy = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(Loop).LatGainRate * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    7893      298833 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(Loop).LostEnergy = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(Loop).LostRate * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    7894      298833 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(Loop).TotGainEnergy = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(Loop).TotGainRate * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    7895             :         }
    7896             : 
    7897     2895071 :         for (int Loop = 1; Loop <= state.dataHeatBal->TotOthEquip; ++Loop) {
    7898      326562 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(Loop).Consumption = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(Loop).Power * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    7899      326562 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(Loop).RadGainEnergy = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(Loop).RadGainRate * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    7900      326562 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(Loop).ConGainEnergy = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(Loop).ConGainRate * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    7901      326562 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(Loop).LatGainEnergy = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(Loop).LatGainRate * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    7902      326562 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(Loop).LostEnergy = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(Loop).LostRate * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    7903      326562 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(Loop).TotGainEnergy = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(Loop).TotGainRate * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    7904             :         }
    7905             : 
    7906     2654789 :         for (int Loop = 1; Loop <= state.dataHeatBal->TotHWEquip; ++Loop) {
    7907       86280 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq(Loop).Consumption = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq(Loop).Power * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    7908       86280 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq(Loop).RadGainEnergy = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq(Loop).RadGainRate * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    7909       86280 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq(Loop).ConGainEnergy = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq(Loop).ConGainRate * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    7910       86280 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq(Loop).LatGainEnergy = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq(Loop).LatGainRate * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    7911       86280 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq(Loop).LostEnergy = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq(Loop).LostRate * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    7912       86280 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq(Loop).TotGainEnergy = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq(Loop).TotGainRate * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    7913             :         }
    7914             : 
    7915     2582024 :         for (int Loop = 1; Loop <= state.dataHeatBal->TotStmEquip; ++Loop) {
    7916       13515 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq(Loop).Consumption = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq(Loop).Power * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    7917       13515 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq(Loop).RadGainEnergy = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq(Loop).RadGainRate * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    7918       13515 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq(Loop).ConGainEnergy = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq(Loop).ConGainRate * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    7919       13515 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq(Loop).LatGainEnergy = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq(Loop).LatGainRate * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    7920       13515 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq(Loop).LostEnergy = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq(Loop).LostRate * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    7921       13515 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq(Loop).TotGainEnergy = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq(Loop).TotGainRate * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    7922             :         }
    7923             : 
    7924     2576618 :         for (int Loop = 1; Loop <= state.dataHeatBal->TotBBHeat; ++Loop) {
    7925        8109 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneBBHeat(Loop).Consumption = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneBBHeat(Loop).Power * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    7926        8109 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneBBHeat(Loop).RadGainEnergy = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneBBHeat(Loop).RadGainRate * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    7927        8109 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneBBHeat(Loop).ConGainEnergy = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneBBHeat(Loop).ConGainRate * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    7928        8109 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneBBHeat(Loop).TotGainEnergy = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneBBHeat(Loop).TotGainRate * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    7929             :         }
    7930             : 
    7931    21031250 :         for (int spaceNum = 1; spaceNum <= state.dataGlobal->numSpaces; ++spaceNum) {
    7932             :             // People
    7933    18462741 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).PeopleNumOcc = state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).NOFOCC;
    7934    18462741 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).PeopleRadGain =
    7935    18462741 :                 state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QOCRAD * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    7936    18462741 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).PeopleConGain =
    7937    18462741 :                 state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QOCCON * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    7938    18462741 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).PeopleSenGain =
    7939    18462741 :                 state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QOCSEN * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    7940    18462741 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).PeopleLatGain =
    7941    18462741 :                 state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QOCLAT * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    7942    18462741 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).PeopleTotGain =
    7943    18462741 :                 state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QOCTOT * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    7944    18462741 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).PeopleRadGainRate = state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QOCRAD;
    7945    18462741 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).PeopleConGainRate = state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QOCCON;
    7946    18462741 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).PeopleSenGainRate = state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QOCSEN;
    7947    18462741 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).PeopleLatGainRate = state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QOCLAT;
    7948    18462741 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).PeopleTotGainRate = state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QOCTOT;
    7949             : 
    7950             :             // General Lights
    7951    18462741 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).LtsRetAirGain =
    7952    18462741 :                 state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QLTCRA * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    7953    18462741 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).LtsRadGain = state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QLTRAD * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    7954    18462741 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).LtsTotGain = state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QLTTOT * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    7955    18462741 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).LtsConGain = state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QLTCON * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    7956    18462741 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).LtsVisGain = state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QLTSW * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    7957    18462741 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).LtsRetAirGainRate = state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QLTCRA;
    7958    18462741 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).LtsRadGainRate = state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QLTRAD;
    7959    18462741 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).LtsTotGainRate = state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QLTTOT;
    7960    18462741 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).LtsConGainRate = state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QLTCON;
    7961    18462741 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).LtsVisGainRate = state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QLTSW;
    7962    18462741 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).LtsElecConsump = state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).LtsTotGain;
    7963             : 
    7964             :             // Electric Equipment
    7965    18462741 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).ElecConGain = state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QEECON * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    7966    18462741 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).ElecRadGain = state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QEERAD * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    7967    18462741 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).ElecLatGain = state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QEELAT * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    7968    18462741 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).ElecLost = state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QEELost * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    7969    18462741 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).ElecConGainRate = state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QEECON;
    7970    18462741 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).ElecRadGainRate = state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QEERAD;
    7971    18462741 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).ElecLatGainRate = state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QEELAT;
    7972    18462741 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).ElecLostRate = state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QEELost;
    7973    18462741 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).ElecConsump =
    7974    36925482 :                 state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).ElecConGain + state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).ElecRadGain +
    7975    36925482 :                 state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).ElecLatGain + state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).ElecLost;
    7976    55388223 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).ElecTotGain = state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).ElecConGain +
    7977    36925482 :                                                                 state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).ElecRadGain +
    7978    18462741 :                                                                 state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).ElecLatGain;
    7979    55388223 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).ElecTotGainRate = state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).ElecConGainRate +
    7980    36925482 :                                                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).ElecRadGainRate +
    7981    18462741 :                                                                     state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).ElecLatGainRate;
    7982             : 
    7983             :             // Gas Equipment
    7984    18462741 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).GasConGain = state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QGECON * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    7985    18462741 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).GasRadGain = state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QGERAD * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    7986    18462741 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).GasLatGain = state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QGELAT * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    7987    18462741 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).GasLost = state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QGELost * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    7988    18462741 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).GasConGainRate = state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QGECON;
    7989    18462741 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).GasRadGainRate = state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QGERAD;
    7990    18462741 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).GasLatGainRate = state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QGELAT;
    7991    18462741 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).GasLostRate = state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QGELost;
    7992    18462741 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).GasConsump =
    7993    36925482 :                 state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).GasConGain + state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).GasRadGain +
    7994    36925482 :                 state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).GasLatGain + state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).GasLost;
    7995    55388223 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).GasTotGain = state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).GasConGain +
    7996    36925482 :                                                                state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).GasRadGain +
    7997    18462741 :                                                                state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).GasLatGain;
    7998    55388223 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).GasTotGainRate = state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).GasConGainRate +
    7999    36925482 :                                                                    state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).GasRadGainRate +
    8000    18462741 :                                                                    state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).GasLatGainRate;
    8001             : 
    8002             :             // Hot Water Equipment
    8003    18462741 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).HWConGain = state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QHWCON * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    8004    18462741 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).HWRadGain = state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QHWRAD * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    8005    18462741 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).HWLatGain = state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QHWLAT * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    8006    18462741 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).HWLost = state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QHWLost * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    8007    18462741 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).HWConGainRate = state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QHWCON;
    8008    18462741 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).HWRadGainRate = state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QHWRAD;
    8009    18462741 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).HWLatGainRate = state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QHWLAT;
    8010    18462741 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).HWLostRate = state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QHWLost;
    8011    18462741 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).HWConsump =
    8012    36925482 :                 state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).HWConGain + state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).HWRadGain +
    8013    36925482 :                 state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).HWLatGain + state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).HWLost;
    8014    55388223 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).HWTotGain = state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).HWConGain +
    8015    36925482 :                                                               state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).HWRadGain +
    8016    18462741 :                                                               state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).HWLatGain;
    8017    55388223 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).HWTotGainRate = state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).HWConGainRate +
    8018    36925482 :                                                                   state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).HWRadGainRate +
    8019    18462741 :                                                                   state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).HWLatGainRate;
    8020             : 
    8021             :             // Steam Equipment
    8022    18462741 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).SteamConGain = state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QSECON * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    8023    18462741 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).SteamRadGain = state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QSERAD * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    8024    18462741 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).SteamLatGain = state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QSELAT * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    8025    18462741 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).SteamLost = state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QSELost * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    8026    18462741 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).SteamConGainRate = state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QSECON;
    8027    18462741 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).SteamRadGainRate = state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QSERAD;
    8028    18462741 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).SteamLatGainRate = state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QSELAT;
    8029    18462741 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).SteamLostRate = state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QSELost;
    8030    18462741 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).SteamConsump =
    8031    36925482 :                 state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).SteamConGain + state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).SteamRadGain +
    8032    36925482 :                 state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).SteamLatGain + state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).SteamLost;
    8033    55388223 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).SteamTotGain = state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).SteamConGain +
    8034    36925482 :                                                                  state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).SteamRadGain +
    8035    18462741 :                                                                  state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).SteamLatGain;
    8036    55388223 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).SteamTotGainRate = state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).SteamConGainRate +
    8037    36925482 :                                                                      state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).SteamRadGainRate +
    8038    18462741 :                                                                      state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).SteamLatGainRate;
    8039             : 
    8040             :             // Other Equipment
    8041    18462741 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).OtherConGain = state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QOECON * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    8042    18462741 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).OtherRadGain = state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QOERAD * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    8043    18462741 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).OtherLatGain = state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QOELAT * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    8044    18462741 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).OtherLost = state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QOELost * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    8045    18462741 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).OtherConGainRate = state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QOECON;
    8046    18462741 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).OtherRadGainRate = state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QOERAD;
    8047    18462741 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).OtherLatGainRate = state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QOELAT;
    8048    18462741 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).OtherLostRate = state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QOELost;
    8049    18462741 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).OtherConsump =
    8050    36925482 :                 state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).OtherConGain + state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).OtherRadGain +
    8051    36925482 :                 state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).OtherLatGain + state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).OtherLost;
    8052    55388223 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).OtherTotGain = state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).OtherConGain +
    8053    36925482 :                                                                  state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).OtherRadGain +
    8054    18462741 :                                                                  state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).OtherLatGain;
    8055    55388223 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).OtherTotGainRate = state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).OtherConGainRate +
    8056    36925482 :                                                                      state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).OtherRadGainRate +
    8057    18462741 :                                                                      state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).OtherLatGainRate;
    8058             : 
    8059             :             // Baseboard Heat
    8060    18462741 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).BaseHeatConGain =
    8061    18462741 :                 state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QBBCON * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    8062    18462741 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).BaseHeatRadGain =
    8063    18462741 :                 state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QBBRAD * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    8064    18462741 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).BaseHeatConGainRate = state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QBBCON;
    8065    18462741 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).BaseHeatRadGainRate = state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGain(spaceNum).QBBRAD;
    8066    18462741 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).BaseHeatTotGain =
    8067    18462741 :                 state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).BaseHeatConGain + state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).BaseHeatRadGain;
    8068    18462741 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).BaseHeatTotGainRate =
    8069    18462741 :                 state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).BaseHeatConGainRate + state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).BaseHeatRadGainRate;
    8070    18462741 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).BaseHeatElecCons = state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).BaseHeatTotGain;
    8071             : 
    8072             :             // Overall Space Variables
    8073             : 
    8074             :             // these overalls include component gains from devices like water heater, water use, and generators
    8075             :             //   working vars QFCConv QGenConv QFCRad QGenRad  WaterUseLatentGain WaterThermalTankGain WaterUseSensibleGain
    8076             : 
    8077    18462741 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).TotVisHeatGain = state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).LtsVisGain;
    8078    18462741 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).TotVisHeatGainRate = state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).LtsVisGainRate;
    8079             : 
    8080    18462741 :             int zoneNum = state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).zoneNum;
    8081    18462741 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).TotRadiantGainRate = SumInternalRadiationGainsByTypes(state, zoneNum, TradIntGainTypes, spaceNum);
    8082    18462741 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).TotRadiantGain =
    8083    18462741 :                 state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).TotRadiantGainRate * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    8084             : 
    8085    18462741 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).TotConvectiveGainRate =
    8086    36925482 :                 SumInternalConvectionGainsByTypes(state, zoneNum, TradIntGainTypes, spaceNum);
    8087    18462741 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).TotConvectiveGain =
    8088    18462741 :                 state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).TotConvectiveGainRate * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    8089             : 
    8090    18462741 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).TotLatentGainRate = SumInternalLatentGainsByTypes(state, zoneNum, TradIntGainTypes, spaceNum);
    8091    18462741 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).TotLatentGain =
    8092    18462741 :                 state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).TotLatentGainRate * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    8093             : 
    8094    18462741 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).TotTotalHeatGainRate =
    8095    36925482 :                 state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).TotLatentGainRate + state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).TotRadiantGainRate +
    8096    36925482 :                 state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).TotConvectiveGainRate + state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).TotVisHeatGainRate;
    8097    18462741 :             state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).TotTotalHeatGain =
    8098    18462741 :                 state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).TotTotalHeatGainRate * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    8099             :         }
    8100             : 
    8101    21015074 :         for (int ZoneLoop = 1; ZoneLoop <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++ZoneLoop) {
    8102             :             // People
    8103    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).PeopleNumOcc = 0.0;
    8104    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).PeopleRadGain = 0.0;
    8105    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).PeopleConGain = 0.0;
    8106    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).PeopleSenGain = 0.0;
    8107    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).PeopleLatGain = 0.0;
    8108    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).PeopleTotGain = 0.0;
    8109    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).PeopleRadGainRate = 0.0;
    8110    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).PeopleConGainRate = 0.0;
    8111    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).PeopleSenGainRate = 0.0;
    8112    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).PeopleLatGainRate = 0.0;
    8113    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).PeopleTotGainRate = 0.0;
    8114             : 
    8115    36909306 :             for (int spaceNum : state.dataHeatBal->Zone(ZoneLoop).spaceIndexes) {
    8116             :                 // People
    8117    18462741 :                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).PeopleNumOcc += state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).PeopleNumOcc;
    8118    18462741 :                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).PeopleRadGain += state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).PeopleRadGain;
    8119    18462741 :                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).PeopleConGain += state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).PeopleConGain;
    8120    18462741 :                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).PeopleSenGain += state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).PeopleSenGain;
    8121    18462741 :                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).PeopleLatGain += state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).PeopleLatGain;
    8122    18462741 :                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).PeopleTotGain += state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).PeopleTotGain;
    8123    18462741 :                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).PeopleRadGainRate += state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).PeopleRadGainRate;
    8124    18462741 :                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).PeopleConGainRate += state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).PeopleConGainRate;
    8125    18462741 :                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).PeopleSenGainRate += state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).PeopleSenGainRate;
    8126    18462741 :                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).PeopleLatGainRate += state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).PeopleLatGainRate;
    8127    18462741 :                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).PeopleTotGainRate += state.dataHeatBal->spaceRpt(spaceNum).PeopleTotGainRate;
    8128             :             }
    8129             :             // General Lights
    8130    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).LtsRetAirGain = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(ZoneLoop).QLTCRA * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    8131    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).LtsRadGain = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(ZoneLoop).QLTRAD * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    8132    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).LtsTotGain = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(ZoneLoop).QLTTOT * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    8133    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).LtsConGain = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(ZoneLoop).QLTCON * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    8134    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).LtsVisGain = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(ZoneLoop).QLTSW * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    8135    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).LtsRetAirGainRate = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(ZoneLoop).QLTCRA;
    8136    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).LtsRadGainRate = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(ZoneLoop).QLTRAD;
    8137    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).LtsTotGainRate = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(ZoneLoop).QLTTOT;
    8138    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).LtsConGainRate = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(ZoneLoop).QLTCON;
    8139    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).LtsVisGainRate = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(ZoneLoop).QLTSW;
    8140    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).LtsElecConsump = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).LtsTotGain;
    8141             : 
    8142             :             // Electric Equipment
    8143    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).ElecConGain = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(ZoneLoop).QEECON * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    8144    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).ElecRadGain = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(ZoneLoop).QEERAD * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    8145    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).ElecLatGain = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(ZoneLoop).QEELAT * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    8146    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).ElecLost = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(ZoneLoop).QEELost * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    8147    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).ElecConGainRate = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(ZoneLoop).QEECON;
    8148    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).ElecRadGainRate = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(ZoneLoop).QEERAD;
    8149    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).ElecLatGainRate = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(ZoneLoop).QEELAT;
    8150    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).ElecLostRate = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(ZoneLoop).QEELost;
    8151    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).ElecConsump =
    8152    36893130 :                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).ElecConGain + state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).ElecRadGain +
    8153    36893130 :                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).ElecLatGain + state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).ElecLost;
    8154    55339695 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).ElecTotGain = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).ElecConGain +
    8155    36893130 :                                                                state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).ElecRadGain +
    8156    18446565 :                                                                state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).ElecLatGain;
    8157    55339695 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).ElecTotGainRate = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).ElecConGainRate +
    8158    36893130 :                                                                    state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).ElecRadGainRate +
    8159    18446565 :                                                                    state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).ElecLatGainRate;
    8160             : 
    8161             :             // Gas Equipment
    8162    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).GasConGain = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(ZoneLoop).QGECON * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    8163    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).GasRadGain = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(ZoneLoop).QGERAD * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    8164    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).GasLatGain = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(ZoneLoop).QGELAT * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    8165    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).GasLost = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(ZoneLoop).QGELost * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    8166    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).GasConGainRate = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(ZoneLoop).QGECON;
    8167    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).GasRadGainRate = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(ZoneLoop).QGERAD;
    8168    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).GasLatGainRate = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(ZoneLoop).QGELAT;
    8169    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).GasLostRate = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(ZoneLoop).QGELost;
    8170    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).GasConsump =
    8171    36893130 :                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).GasConGain + state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).GasRadGain +
    8172    36893130 :                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).GasLatGain + state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).GasLost;
    8173    55339695 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).GasTotGain = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).GasConGain +
    8174    36893130 :                                                               state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).GasRadGain +
    8175    18446565 :                                                               state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).GasLatGain;
    8176    55339695 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).GasTotGainRate = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).GasConGainRate +
    8177    36893130 :                                                                   state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).GasRadGainRate +
    8178    18446565 :                                                                   state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).GasLatGainRate;
    8179             : 
    8180             :             // Hot Water Equipment
    8181    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).HWConGain = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(ZoneLoop).QHWCON * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    8182    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).HWRadGain = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(ZoneLoop).QHWRAD * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    8183    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).HWLatGain = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(ZoneLoop).QHWLAT * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    8184    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).HWLost = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(ZoneLoop).QHWLost * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    8185    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).HWConGainRate = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(ZoneLoop).QHWCON;
    8186    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).HWRadGainRate = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(ZoneLoop).QHWRAD;
    8187    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).HWLatGainRate = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(ZoneLoop).QHWLAT;
    8188    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).HWLostRate = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(ZoneLoop).QHWLost;
    8189    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).HWConsump =
    8190    36893130 :                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).HWConGain + state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).HWRadGain +
    8191    36893130 :                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).HWLatGain + state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).HWLost;
    8192    55339695 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).HWTotGain = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).HWConGain +
    8193    36893130 :                                                              state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).HWRadGain +
    8194    18446565 :                                                              state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).HWLatGain;
    8195    55339695 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).HWTotGainRate = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).HWConGainRate +
    8196    36893130 :                                                                  state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).HWRadGainRate +
    8197    18446565 :                                                                  state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).HWLatGainRate;
    8198             : 
    8199             :             // Steam Equipment
    8200    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).SteamConGain = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(ZoneLoop).QSECON * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    8201    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).SteamRadGain = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(ZoneLoop).QSERAD * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    8202    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).SteamLatGain = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(ZoneLoop).QSELAT * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    8203    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).SteamLost = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(ZoneLoop).QSELost * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    8204    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).SteamConGainRate = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(ZoneLoop).QSECON;
    8205    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).SteamRadGainRate = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(ZoneLoop).QSERAD;
    8206    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).SteamLatGainRate = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(ZoneLoop).QSELAT;
    8207    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).SteamLostRate = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(ZoneLoop).QSELost;
    8208    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).SteamConsump =
    8209    36893130 :                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).SteamConGain + state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).SteamRadGain +
    8210    36893130 :                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).SteamLatGain + state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).SteamLost;
    8211    55339695 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).SteamTotGain = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).SteamConGain +
    8212    36893130 :                                                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).SteamRadGain +
    8213    18446565 :                                                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).SteamLatGain;
    8214    55339695 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).SteamTotGainRate = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).SteamConGainRate +
    8215    36893130 :                                                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).SteamRadGainRate +
    8216    18446565 :                                                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).SteamLatGainRate;
    8217             : 
    8218             :             // Other Equipment
    8219    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).OtherConGain = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(ZoneLoop).QOECON * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    8220    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).OtherRadGain = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(ZoneLoop).QOERAD * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    8221    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).OtherLatGain = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(ZoneLoop).QOELAT * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    8222    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).OtherLost = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(ZoneLoop).QOELost * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    8223    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).OtherConGainRate = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(ZoneLoop).QOECON;
    8224    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).OtherRadGainRate = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(ZoneLoop).QOERAD;
    8225    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).OtherLatGainRate = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(ZoneLoop).QOELAT;
    8226    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).OtherLostRate = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(ZoneLoop).QOELost;
    8227    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).OtherConsump =
    8228    36893130 :                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).OtherConGain + state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).OtherRadGain +
    8229    36893130 :                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).OtherLatGain + state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).OtherLost;
    8230    55339695 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).OtherTotGain = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).OtherConGain +
    8231    36893130 :                                                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).OtherRadGain +
    8232    18446565 :                                                                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).OtherLatGain;
    8233    55339695 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).OtherTotGainRate = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).OtherConGainRate +
    8234    36893130 :                                                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).OtherRadGainRate +
    8235    18446565 :                                                                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).OtherLatGainRate;
    8236             : 
    8237             :             // Baseboard Heat
    8238    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).BaseHeatConGain =
    8239    18446565 :                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(ZoneLoop).QBBCON * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    8240    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).BaseHeatRadGain =
    8241    18446565 :                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(ZoneLoop).QBBRAD * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    8242    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).BaseHeatConGainRate = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(ZoneLoop).QBBCON;
    8243    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).BaseHeatRadGainRate = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain(ZoneLoop).QBBRAD;
    8244    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).BaseHeatTotGain =
    8245    18446565 :                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).BaseHeatConGain + state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).BaseHeatRadGain;
    8246    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).BaseHeatTotGainRate =
    8247    18446565 :                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).BaseHeatConGainRate + state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).BaseHeatRadGainRate;
    8248    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).BaseHeatElecCons = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).BaseHeatTotGain;
    8249             : 
    8250             :             // Overall Zone Variables
    8251             : 
    8252             :             // these overalls include component gains from devices like water heater, water use, and generators
    8253             :             //   working vars QFCConv QGenConv QFCRad QGenRad  WaterUseLatentGain WaterThermalTankGain WaterUseSensibleGain
    8254             : 
    8255    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).TotVisHeatGain = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).LtsVisGain;
    8256    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).TotVisHeatGainRate = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).LtsVisGainRate;
    8257             : 
    8258    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).TotRadiantGainRate = SumInternalRadiationGainsByTypes(state, ZoneLoop, TradIntGainTypes);
    8259    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).TotRadiantGain =
    8260    18446565 :                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).TotRadiantGainRate * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    8261             : 
    8262    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).TotConvectiveGainRate = SumInternalConvectionGainsByTypes(state, ZoneLoop, TradIntGainTypes);
    8263    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).TotConvectiveGain =
    8264    18446565 :                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).TotConvectiveGainRate * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    8265             : 
    8266    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).TotLatentGainRate = SumInternalLatentGainsByTypes(state, ZoneLoop, TradIntGainTypes);
    8267    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).TotLatentGain =
    8268    18446565 :                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).TotLatentGainRate * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    8269             : 
    8270    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).TotTotalHeatGainRate =
    8271    36893130 :                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).TotLatentGainRate + state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).TotRadiantGainRate +
    8272    36893130 :                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).TotConvectiveGainRate + state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).TotVisHeatGainRate;
    8273    18446565 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).TotTotalHeatGain =
    8274    18446565 :                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(ZoneLoop).TotTotalHeatGainRate * state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZoneSec;
    8275             :         }
    8276     2568509 :     }
    8277             : 
    8278         290 :     Real64 GetDesignLightingLevelForZone(EnergyPlusData &state, int const WhichZone) // name of zone
    8279             :     {
    8280             : 
    8281             :         // FUNCTION INFORMATION:
    8282             :         //       AUTHOR         Linda Lawrie
    8283             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   April 2007; January 2008 - moved to InternalGains
    8284             :         //       MODIFIED       na
    8285             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
    8286             : 
    8287             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS FUNCTION:
    8288             :         // This routine sums the Lighting Level for a zone.
    8289             :         // Will issue a severe error for illegal zone.
    8290             :         // Must be called after InternalHeatGains get input.
    8291             : 
    8292             :         // Using/Aliasing
    8293             :         using namespace DataHeatBalance;
    8294             :         // Return value
    8295             :         Real64 DesignLightingLevelSum; // Sum of design lighting level for this zone
    8296             : 
    8297             :         // FUNCTION LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
    8298             :         int Loop;
    8299             : 
    8300         290 :         if (state.dataInternalHeatGains->GetInternalHeatGainsInputFlag) {
    8301           0 :             ShowFatalError(state, "GetDesignLightingLevelForZone: Function called prior to Getting Lights Input.");
    8302             :         }
    8303             : 
    8304         290 :         DesignLightingLevelSum = 0.0;
    8305             : 
    8306        6985 :         for (Loop = 1; Loop <= state.dataHeatBal->TotLights; ++Loop) {
    8307        6695 :             if (state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop).ZonePtr == WhichZone) {
    8308         290 :                 DesignLightingLevelSum += state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop).DesignLevel;
    8309             :             }
    8310             :         }
    8311             : 
    8312         290 :         return DesignLightingLevelSum;
    8313             :     }
    8314             : 
    8315         127 :     bool CheckThermalComfortSchedules(bool const WorkEffSch, // Blank work efficiency schedule = true
    8316             :                                       bool const CloInsSch,  // Blank clothing insulation schedule = true
    8317             :                                       bool const AirVeloSch) // Blank air velocity schedule = true
    8318             :     {
    8319         127 :         bool TCSchedsPresent = false;
    8320             : 
    8321         127 :         if (!WorkEffSch || !CloInsSch || !AirVeloSch) {
    8322          34 :             TCSchedsPresent = true;
    8323             :         }
    8324             : 
    8325         127 :         return TCSchedsPresent;
    8326             :     }
    8327             : 
    8328         290 :     void CheckLightsReplaceableMinMaxForZone(EnergyPlusData &state, int const WhichZone) // Zone Number
    8329             :     {
    8330             : 
    8331             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    8332             :         //       AUTHOR         Linda Lawrie
    8333             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   April 2007
    8334             :         //       MODIFIED       na
    8335             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
    8336             : 
    8337             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    8338             :         // Daylighting is not available unless Lights (replaceable) is 0.0 or 1.0.  No dimming will be done
    8339             :         // unless the lights replaceable fraction is 1.0.  This is documented in the InputOutputReference but
    8340             :         // not warned about.  Also, this will sum the Zone Design Lighting level, in case the calling routine
    8341             :         // would like to have an error if the lights is zero and daylighting is requested.
    8342             : 
    8343             :         // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
    8344             :         // Traverse the LIGHTS structure and get fraction replaceable - min/max as well as lighting
    8345             :         // level for a zone.
    8346             : 
    8347             :         // Using/Aliasing
    8348             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
    8349             :         int Loop;
    8350             :         Real64 LightsRepMin; // Minimum Lighting replacement fraction for any lights statement for this zone
    8351             :         Real64 LightsRepMax; // Maximum Lighting replacement fraction for any lights statement for this zone
    8352             :         int NumLights;       // Number of Lights statement for that zone.
    8353             : 
    8354         290 :         if (state.dataInternalHeatGains->GetInternalHeatGainsInputFlag) {
    8355           0 :             ShowFatalError(state, "CheckLightsReplaceableMinMaxForZone: Function called prior to Getting Lights Input.");
    8356             :         }
    8357             : 
    8358         290 :         LightsRepMin = 99999.0;
    8359         290 :         LightsRepMax = -99999.0;
    8360         290 :         NumLights = 0;
    8361             : 
    8362        6985 :         for (Loop = 1; Loop <= state.dataHeatBal->TotLights; ++Loop) {
    8363        6695 :             if (state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop).ZonePtr != WhichZone) continue;
    8364         290 :             LightsRepMin = min(LightsRepMin, state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop).FractionReplaceable);
    8365         290 :             LightsRepMax = max(LightsRepMax, state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop).FractionReplaceable);
    8366         290 :             ++NumLights;
    8367         580 :             if ((state.dataDaylightingData->ZoneDaylight(WhichZone).totRefPts > 0) &&
    8368         580 :                 (state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop).FractionReplaceable > 0.0 && state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop).FractionReplaceable < 1.0)) {
    8369           0 :                 ShowWarningError(state, "CheckLightsReplaceableMinMaxForZone: Fraction Replaceable must be 0.0 or 1.0 if used with daylighting.");
    8370           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state,
    8371           0 :                                   "..Lights=\"" + state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop).Name +
    8372             :                                       "\", Fraction Replaceable will be reset to 1.0 to allow dimming controls");
    8373           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, " Zone=" + state.dataHeatBal->Zone(WhichZone).Name);
    8374           0 :                 state.dataHeatBal->Lights(Loop).FractionReplaceable = 1.0;
    8375             :             }
    8376             :         }
    8377             : 
    8378         290 :         if (state.dataDaylightingData->ZoneDaylight(WhichZone).totRefPts > 0) {
    8379         290 :             if (LightsRepMax == 0.0) {
    8380           0 :                 ShowWarningError(state, "CheckLightsReplaceable: Zone \"" + state.dataHeatBal->Zone(WhichZone).Name + "\" has Daylighting:Controls.");
    8381           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "but all of the LIGHTS object in that zone have zero Fraction Replaceable.");
    8382           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "The daylighting controls will have no effect.");
    8383             :             }
    8384         290 :             if (NumLights == 0) {
    8385           0 :                 ShowWarningError(state, "CheckLightsReplaceable: Zone \"" + state.dataHeatBal->Zone(WhichZone).Name + "\" has Daylighting:Controls.");
    8386           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "but there are no LIGHTS objects in that zone.");
    8387           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "The daylighting controls will have no effect.");
    8388             :             }
    8389             :         }
    8390         290 :     }
    8391             : 
    8392     6192269 :     void UpdateInternalGainValues(EnergyPlusData &state, Optional_bool_const SuppressRadiationUpdate, Optional_bool_const SumLatentGains)
    8393             :     {
    8394             : 
    8395             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    8396             :         //       AUTHOR         B. Griffith
    8397             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   Dec. 2011
    8398     6192269 :         bool DoRadiationUpdate = true;
    8399     6192269 :         bool ReSumLatentGains = false;
    8400             : 
    8401     6192269 :         if (present(SuppressRadiationUpdate)) {
    8402     3623760 :             if (SuppressRadiationUpdate) DoRadiationUpdate = false;
    8403             :         }
    8404             : 
    8405     6192269 :         if (present(SumLatentGains)) {
    8406     3623760 :             if (SumLatentGains) ReSumLatentGains = true;
    8407             :         }
    8408             : 
    8409             :         // store pointer values to hold generic internal gain values constant for entire timestep
    8410    52604097 :         for (int spaceNum = 1; spaceNum <= state.dataGlobal->numSpaces; ++spaceNum) {
    8411    46411828 :             auto &thisIntGain = state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGainDevices(spaceNum);
    8412   173838559 :             for (int Loop = 1; Loop <= thisIntGain.numberOfDevices; ++Loop) {
    8413   127426731 :                 thisIntGain.device(Loop).ConvectGainRate = *thisIntGain.device(Loop).PtrConvectGainRate * thisIntGain.device(Loop).spaceGainFrac;
    8414   127426731 :                 thisIntGain.device(Loop).ReturnAirConvGainRate =
    8415   127426731 :                     *thisIntGain.device(Loop).PtrReturnAirConvGainRate * thisIntGain.device(Loop).spaceGainFrac;
    8416   127426731 :                 if (DoRadiationUpdate)
    8417    51386660 :                     thisIntGain.device(Loop).RadiantGainRate = *thisIntGain.device(Loop).PtrRadiantGainRate * thisIntGain.device(Loop).spaceGainFrac;
    8418   127426731 :                 thisIntGain.device(Loop).LatentGainRate = *thisIntGain.device(Loop).PtrLatentGainRate * thisIntGain.device(Loop).spaceGainFrac;
    8419   127426731 :                 thisIntGain.device(Loop).ReturnAirLatentGainRate =
    8420   127426731 :                     *thisIntGain.device(Loop).PtrReturnAirLatentGainRate * thisIntGain.device(Loop).spaceGainFrac;
    8421   127426731 :                 thisIntGain.device(Loop).CarbonDioxideGainRate =
    8422   127426731 :                     *thisIntGain.device(Loop).PtrCarbonDioxideGainRate * thisIntGain.device(Loop).spaceGainFrac;
    8423   127426731 :                 thisIntGain.device(Loop).GenericContamGainRate =
    8424   127426731 :                     *thisIntGain.device(Loop).PtrGenericContamGainRate * thisIntGain.device(Loop).spaceGainFrac;
    8425             :             }
    8426             :         }
    8427     6192269 :         if (ReSumLatentGains) {
    8428    31551851 :             for (int NZ = 1; NZ <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++NZ) {
    8429    27928091 :                 auto &thisZoneHB = state.dataZoneTempPredictorCorrector->zoneHeatBalance(NZ);
    8430    27928091 :                 thisZoneHB.ZoneLatentGain = InternalHeatGains::SumAllInternalLatentGains(state, NZ);
    8431             :                 // Added for the hybrid model
    8432    27928091 :                 if (state.dataHybridModel->FlagHybridModel_PC) {
    8433        8216 :                     thisZoneHB.ZoneLatentGainExceptPeople = InternalHeatGains::SumAllInternalLatentGainsExceptPeople(state, NZ);
    8434             :                 }
    8435             :             }
    8436             :         }
    8437             : 
    8438     6192269 :         if (state.dataContaminantBalance->Contaminant.GenericContamSimulation && allocated(state.dataContaminantBalance->ZoneGCGain)) {
    8439      353309 :             for (int NZ = 1; NZ <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++NZ) {
    8440      322745 :                 state.dataContaminantBalance->ZoneGCGain(NZ) = InternalHeatGains::SumAllInternalGenericContamGains(state, NZ);
    8441      322745 :                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneRpt(NZ).GCRate = state.dataContaminantBalance->ZoneGCGain(NZ);
    8442             :             }
    8443             :         }
    8444     6192269 :     }
    8445             : 
    8446    83836874 :     Real64 zoneSumAllInternalConvectionGains(EnergyPlusData &state,
    8447             :                                              int const zoneNum // zone index pointer to sum gains for
    8448             :     )
    8449             :     {
    8450    83836874 :         Real64 zoneSumConvGainRate(0.0);
    8451             :         // worker routine for summing all the internal gain types
    8452             : 
    8453   167736736 :         for (int spaceNum : state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).spaceIndexes) {
    8454    83899862 :             if (state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGainDevices(spaceNum).numberOfDevices == 0) continue;
    8455    73926567 :             zoneSumConvGainRate += InternalHeatGains::spaceSumAllInternalConvectionGains(state, spaceNum);
    8456             :         }
    8457             : 
    8458    83836874 :         return zoneSumConvGainRate;
    8459             :     }
    8460             : 
    8461    73986591 :     Real64 spaceSumAllInternalConvectionGains(EnergyPlusData &state,
    8462             :                                               int const spaceNum // space index pointer to sum gains for
    8463             :     )
    8464             :     {
    8465             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    8466             :         //       AUTHOR         B. Griffith
    8467             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   Nov. 2011
    8468             : 
    8469             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    8470             :         // worker routine for summing all the internal gain types
    8471             : 
    8472    73986591 :         Real64 spaceSumConvGainRate(0.0);
    8473             : 
    8474   302379520 :         for (int DeviceNum = 1; DeviceNum <= state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGainDevices(spaceNum).numberOfDevices; ++DeviceNum) {
    8475   228392929 :             spaceSumConvGainRate += state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGainDevices(spaceNum).device(DeviceNum).ConvectGainRate;
    8476             :         }
    8477    73986591 :         return spaceSumConvGainRate;
    8478             :     }
    8479             : 
    8480             :     // For HybridModel
    8481       16432 :     Real64 SumAllInternalConvectionGainsExceptPeople(EnergyPlusData &state, int const ZoneNum)
    8482             :     {
    8483             :         // Return value
    8484       16432 :         Real64 SumConvGainRateExceptPeople(0.0);
    8485             : 
    8486       32864 :         std::string str_people = "PEOPLE";
    8487             : 
    8488       32864 :         for (int spaceNum : state.dataHeatBal->Zone(ZoneNum).spaceIndexes) {
    8489       16432 :             if (state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGainDevices(spaceNum).numberOfDevices == 0) {
    8490           0 :                 continue;
    8491             :             }
    8492             : 
    8493       32864 :             for (int DeviceNum = 1; DeviceNum <= state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGainDevices(spaceNum).numberOfDevices; ++DeviceNum) {
    8494       16432 :                 if (state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGainDevices(spaceNum).device(DeviceNum).CompObjectType != str_people) {
    8495           0 :                     SumConvGainRateExceptPeople += state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGainDevices(spaceNum).device(DeviceNum).ConvectGainRate;
    8496             :                 }
    8497             :             }
    8498             :         }
    8499             : 
    8500       32864 :         return SumConvGainRateExceptPeople;
    8501             :     }
    8502             : 
    8503    38464914 :     Real64 SumInternalConvectionGainsByTypes(
    8504             :         EnergyPlusData &state,
    8505             :         int const ZoneNum,                                         // zone index pointer for which zone to sum gains for
    8506             :         gsl::span<const DataHeatBalance::IntGainType> GainTypeARR, // variable length 1-d array of enum valued gain types
    8507             :         int const spaceIndex)                                      // space index pointer, sum gains only for this space
    8508             :     {
    8509             : 
    8510             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    8511             :         //       AUTHOR         B. Griffith
    8512             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   Nov. 2011cl
    8513             : 
    8514             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    8515             :         // worker routine for summing a subset of the internal gain types
    8516             : 
    8517             :         // Return value
    8518    38464914 :         Real64 SumConvGainRate = 0.0;
    8519             : 
    8520    38464914 :         int NumberOfTypes = GainTypeARR.size();
    8521             : 
    8522             :         // TODO MJW: This could be refactored to avoid duplicate code, but for now . . . .
    8523    38464914 :         if (spaceIndex > 0) {
    8524    69849401 :             for (int DeviceNum = 1; DeviceNum <= state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGainDevices(spaceIndex).numberOfDevices; ++DeviceNum) {
    8525   462479940 :                 for (int TypeNum = 0; TypeNum < NumberOfTypes; ++TypeNum) {
    8526   411093280 :                     if (state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGainDevices(spaceIndex).device(DeviceNum).CompType == GainTypeARR[TypeNum]) {
    8527    48428209 :                         SumConvGainRate += state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGainDevices(spaceIndex).device(DeviceNum).ConvectGainRate;
    8528             :                     }
    8529             :                 }
    8530             :             }
    8531             :         } else {
    8532    40063722 :             for (int spaceNum : state.dataHeatBal->Zone(ZoneNum).spaceIndexes) {
    8533    20061549 :                 if (state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGainDevices(spaceNum).numberOfDevices == 0) {
    8534     2282414 :                     continue;
    8535             :                 }
    8536    73425469 :                 for (int DeviceNum = 1; DeviceNum <= state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGainDevices(spaceNum).numberOfDevices; ++DeviceNum) {
    8537   496932398 :                     for (int TypeNum = 0; TypeNum < NumberOfTypes; ++TypeNum) {
    8538   441286064 :                         if (state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGainDevices(spaceNum).device(DeviceNum).CompType == GainTypeARR[TypeNum]) {
    8539    49059546 :                             SumConvGainRate += state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGainDevices(spaceNum).device(DeviceNum).ConvectGainRate;
    8540             :                         }
    8541             :                     }
    8542             :                 }
    8543             :             }
    8544             :         }
    8545             : 
    8546    38464914 :         return SumConvGainRate;
    8547             :     }
    8548             : 
    8549    56018484 :     Real64 zoneSumAllReturnAirConvectionGains(EnergyPlusData &state,
    8550             :                                               int const zoneNum,      // zone index pointer  to sum gains for
    8551             :                                               int const returnNodeNum // return air node number
    8552             :     )
    8553             :     {
    8554    56018484 :         Real64 zoneSumReturnAirGainRate = 0.0;
    8555   112068608 :         for (int spaceNum : state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).spaceIndexes) {
    8556    56050124 :             if (state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGainDevices(spaceNum).numberOfDevices == 0) continue;
    8557    55145159 :             zoneSumReturnAirGainRate += InternalHeatGains::spaceSumAllReturnAirConvectionGains(state, spaceNum, returnNodeNum);
    8558             :         }
    8559             : 
    8560    56018484 :         return zoneSumReturnAirGainRate;
    8561             :     }
    8562             : 
    8563    55145159 :     Real64 spaceSumAllReturnAirConvectionGains(EnergyPlusData &state,
    8564             :                                                int const spaceNum,     // space index pointer to sum gains for
    8565             :                                                int const returnNodeNum // return air node number
    8566             :     )
    8567             :     {
    8568             : 
    8569             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    8570             :         //       AUTHOR         B. Griffith
    8571             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   Dec. 2011
    8572             : 
    8573             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    8574             :         // worker routine for summing all the internal gain types
    8575             : 
    8576    55145159 :         Real64 spaceSumReturnAirGainRate = 0.0;
    8577             : 
    8578   231544425 :         for (int DeviceNum = 1; DeviceNum <= state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGainDevices(spaceNum).numberOfDevices; ++DeviceNum) {
    8579             :             // If ReturnNodeNum is zero, sum for entire zone, otherwise sum only for specified ReturnNodeNum
    8580   176399266 :             if ((returnNodeNum == 0) || (returnNodeNum == state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGainDevices(spaceNum).device(DeviceNum).ReturnAirNodeNum)) {
    8581    73717896 :                 spaceSumReturnAirGainRate += state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGainDevices(spaceNum).device(DeviceNum).ReturnAirConvGainRate;
    8582             :             }
    8583             :         }
    8584             : 
    8585    55145159 :         return spaceSumReturnAirGainRate;
    8586             :     }
    8587             : 
    8588      372600 :     Real64 SumReturnAirConvectionGainsByTypes(
    8589             :         EnergyPlusData &state,
    8590             :         int const ZoneNum,                                        // zone index pointer for which zone to sum gains for
    8591             :         gsl::span<const DataHeatBalance::IntGainType> GainTypeARR // variable length 1-d array of integer valued gain types
    8592             :     )
    8593             :     {
    8594             : 
    8595             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    8596             :         //       AUTHOR         B. Griffith
    8597             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   Nov. 2011
    8598             : 
    8599             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    8600             :         // worker routine for summing a subset of the internal gain types
    8601             : 
    8602             :         // Return value
    8603      372600 :         Real64 SumReturnAirGainRate(0.0);
    8604             : 
    8605      372600 :         int NumberOfTypes = GainTypeARR.size();
    8606             : 
    8607      756000 :         for (int spaceNum : state.dataHeatBal->Zone(ZoneNum).spaceIndexes) {
    8608      383400 :             if (state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGainDevices(spaceNum).numberOfDevices == 0) {
    8609       62100 :                 continue;
    8610             :             }
    8611             : 
    8612     1320300 :             for (int DeviceNum = 1; DeviceNum <= state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGainDevices(spaceNum).numberOfDevices; ++DeviceNum) {
    8613     6493500 :                 for (int TypeNum = 0; TypeNum < NumberOfTypes; ++TypeNum) {
    8614             : 
    8615     5494500 :                     if (state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGainDevices(spaceNum).device(DeviceNum).CompType == GainTypeARR[TypeNum]) {
    8616      160650 :                         SumReturnAirGainRate += state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGainDevices(spaceNum).device(DeviceNum).ReturnAirConvGainRate;
    8617             :                     }
    8618             :                 }
    8619             :             }
    8620             :         }
    8621             : 
    8622      372600 :         return SumReturnAirGainRate;
    8623             :     }
    8624             : 
    8625    18462741 :     Real64 SumAllSpaceInternalRadiationGains(EnergyPlusData &state,
    8626             :                                              int const spaceNum // space index pointer for which space to sum gains for
    8627             :     )
    8628             :     {
    8629             : 
    8630             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    8631             :         //       AUTHOR         B. Griffith
    8632             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   Nov. 2011
    8633             : 
    8634             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    8635             :         // worker routine for summing all the internal gain types
    8636             : 
    8637             :         // Return value
    8638    18462741 :         Real64 sumRadGainRate(0.0);
    8639             : 
    8640    18462741 :         if (state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGainDevices(spaceNum).numberOfDevices == 0) {
    8641     2034014 :             sumRadGainRate = 0.0;
    8642     2034014 :             return sumRadGainRate;
    8643             :         }
    8644             : 
    8645    67815387 :         for (int DeviceNum = 1; DeviceNum <= state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGainDevices(spaceNum).numberOfDevices; ++DeviceNum) {
    8646    51386660 :             sumRadGainRate += state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGainDevices(spaceNum).device(DeviceNum).RadiantGainRate;
    8647             :         }
    8648             : 
    8649    16428727 :         return sumRadGainRate;
    8650             :     }
    8651             : 
    8652             :     Real64
    8653    37840806 :     SumInternalRadiationGainsByTypes(EnergyPlusData &state,
    8654             :                                      int const ZoneNum,                                         // zone index pointer for which zone to sum gains for
    8655             :                                      gsl::span<const DataHeatBalance::IntGainType> GainTypeARR, // variable length 1-d array of enum valued gain types
    8656             :                                      int const spaceIndex)                                      // space index pointer, sum gains only for this space
    8657             :     {
    8658             : 
    8659             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    8660             :         //       AUTHOR         B. Griffith
    8661             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   Dec. 2011
    8662             : 
    8663             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    8664             :         // worker routine for summing a subset of the internal gain types
    8665             : 
    8666             :         // Return value
    8667    37840806 :         Real64 SumRadiationGainRate(0.0);
    8668             : 
    8669    37840806 :         int NumberOfTypes = GainTypeARR.size();
    8670             : 
    8671             :         // TODO MJW: This could be refactored to avoid duplicate code, but for now . . . .
    8672    37840806 :         if (spaceIndex > 0) {
    8673    69849401 :             for (int DeviceNum = 1; DeviceNum <= state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGainDevices(spaceIndex).numberOfDevices; ++DeviceNum) {
    8674   462479940 :                 for (int TypeNum = 0; TypeNum < NumberOfTypes; ++TypeNum) {
    8675   411093280 :                     if (state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGainDevices(spaceIndex).device(DeviceNum).CompType == GainTypeARR[TypeNum]) {
    8676    48428209 :                         SumRadiationGainRate += state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGainDevices(spaceIndex).device(DeviceNum).RadiantGainRate;
    8677             :                     }
    8678             :                 }
    8679             :             }
    8680             :         } else {
    8681    38799306 :             for (int spaceNum : state.dataHeatBal->Zone(ZoneNum).spaceIndexes) {
    8682    19421241 :                 if (state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGainDevices(spaceNum).numberOfDevices == 0) {
    8683     2189264 :                     continue;
    8684             :                 }
    8685    71116137 :                 for (int DeviceNum = 1; DeviceNum <= state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGainDevices(spaceNum).numberOfDevices; ++DeviceNum) {
    8686   483958440 :                     for (int TypeNum = 0; TypeNum < NumberOfTypes; ++TypeNum) {
    8687   430074280 :                         if (state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGainDevices(spaceNum).device(DeviceNum).CompType == GainTypeARR[TypeNum]) {
    8688    48927709 :                             SumRadiationGainRate += state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGainDevices(spaceNum).device(DeviceNum).RadiantGainRate;
    8689             :                         }
    8690             :                     }
    8691             :                 }
    8692             :             }
    8693             :         }
    8694             : 
    8695    37840806 :         return SumRadiationGainRate;
    8696             :     }
    8697             : 
    8698    46374656 :     Real64 SumAllInternalLatentGains(EnergyPlusData &state,
    8699             :                                      int const ZoneNum // zone index pointer for which zone to sum gains for
    8700             :     )
    8701             :     {
    8702             : 
    8703             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    8704             :         //       AUTHOR         B. Griffith
    8705             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   Nov. 2011
    8706             : 
    8707             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    8708             :         // worker routine for summing all the internal gain types
    8709             : 
    8710             :         // Return value
    8711    46374656 :         Real64 SumLatentGainRate(0.0);
    8712             : 
    8713    92786484 :         for (int spaceNum : state.dataHeatBal->Zone(ZoneNum).spaceIndexes) {
    8714    46411828 :             if (state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGainDevices(spaceNum).numberOfDevices == 0) {
    8715     5356701 :                 continue;
    8716             :             }
    8717             : 
    8718   168481858 :             for (int DeviceNum = 1; DeviceNum <= state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGainDevices(spaceNum).numberOfDevices; ++DeviceNum) {
    8719   127426731 :                 SumLatentGainRate += state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGainDevices(spaceNum).device(DeviceNum).LatentGainRate;
    8720             :             }
    8721    41055127 :             state.dataZoneTempPredictorCorrector->spaceHeatBalance(spaceNum).ZoneLatentGain = SumLatentGainRate;
    8722             :         }
    8723             : 
    8724    46374656 :         return SumLatentGainRate;
    8725             :     }
    8726             : 
    8727             :     // Added for hybrid model -- calculate the latent gain from all sources except for people
    8728       16312 :     Real64 SumAllInternalLatentGainsExceptPeople(EnergyPlusData &state,
    8729             :                                                  int const ZoneNum // zone index pointer for which zone to sum gains for
    8730             :     )
    8731             :     {
    8732             :         // Return value
    8733       16312 :         Real64 SumLatentGainRateExceptPeople(0.0);
    8734             : 
    8735       32624 :         for (int spaceNum : state.dataHeatBal->Zone(ZoneNum).spaceIndexes) {
    8736       16312 :             if (state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGainDevices(spaceNum).numberOfDevices == 0) {
    8737           0 :                 continue;
    8738             :             }
    8739             : 
    8740       32624 :             for (int DeviceNum = 1; DeviceNum <= state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGainDevices(spaceNum).numberOfDevices; ++DeviceNum) {
    8741       16312 :                 if (state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGainDevices(spaceNum).device(DeviceNum).CompType != DataHeatBalance::IntGainType::People) {
    8742           0 :                     SumLatentGainRateExceptPeople += state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGainDevices(spaceNum).device(DeviceNum).LatentGainRate;
    8743             :                 }
    8744             :             }
    8745       16312 :             state.dataZoneTempPredictorCorrector->spaceHeatBalance(spaceNum).ZoneLatentGainExceptPeople = SumLatentGainRateExceptPeople;
    8746             :         }
    8747             : 
    8748       16312 :         return SumLatentGainRateExceptPeople;
    8749             :     }
    8750             : 
    8751             :     Real64
    8752    37654506 :     SumInternalLatentGainsByTypes(EnergyPlusData &state,
    8753             :                                   int const ZoneNum,                                         // zone index pointer for which zone to sum gains for
    8754             :                                   gsl::span<const DataHeatBalance::IntGainType> GainTypeARR, // variable length 1-d array of enum valued gain types
    8755             :                                   int const spaceIndex)                                      // space index pointer, sum gains only for this space
    8756             :     {
    8757             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    8758             :         //       AUTHOR         B. Griffith
    8759             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   Dec. 2011
    8760             : 
    8761             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    8762             :         // worker routine for summing a subset of the internal gain types
    8763             : 
    8764             :         // Return value
    8765    37654506 :         Real64 SumLatentGainRate(0.0);
    8766             : 
    8767    37654506 :         int NumberOfTypes = GainTypeARR.size();
    8768             : 
    8769             :         // TODO MJW: This could be refactored to avoid duplicate code, but for now . . . .
    8770    37654506 :         if (spaceIndex > 0) {
    8771    69849401 :             for (int DeviceNum = 1; DeviceNum <= state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGainDevices(spaceIndex).numberOfDevices; ++DeviceNum) {
    8772   462479940 :                 for (int TypeNum = 0; TypeNum < NumberOfTypes; ++TypeNum) {
    8773   411093280 :                     if (state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGainDevices(spaceIndex).device(DeviceNum).CompType == GainTypeARR[TypeNum]) {
    8774    48428209 :                         SumLatentGainRate += state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGainDevices(spaceIndex).device(DeviceNum).LatentGainRate;
    8775             :                     }
    8776             :                 }
    8777             :             }
    8778             :         } else {
    8779    38421306 :             for (int spaceNum : state.dataHeatBal->Zone(ZoneNum).spaceIndexes) {
    8780    19229541 :                 if (state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGainDevices(spaceNum).numberOfDevices == 0) {
    8781     2158214 :                     continue;
    8782             :                 }
    8783    70455987 :                 for (int DeviceNum = 1; DeviceNum <= state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGainDevices(spaceNum).numberOfDevices; ++DeviceNum) {
    8784   474467940 :                     for (int TypeNum = 0; TypeNum < NumberOfTypes; ++TypeNum) {
    8785   421083280 :                         if (state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGainDevices(spaceNum).device(DeviceNum).CompType == GainTypeARR[TypeNum]) {
    8786    48767059 :                             SumLatentGainRate += state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGainDevices(spaceNum).device(DeviceNum).LatentGainRate;
    8787             :                         }
    8788             :                     }
    8789             :                 }
    8790             :             }
    8791             :         }
    8792             : 
    8793    37654506 :         return SumLatentGainRate;
    8794             :     }
    8795             : 
    8796    46863198 :     Real64 SumAllReturnAirLatentGains(EnergyPlusData &state,
    8797             :                                       int const ZoneNum,      // zone index pointer for which zone to sum gains for
    8798             :                                       int const ReturnNodeNum // return air node number
    8799             :     )
    8800             :     {
    8801             : 
    8802             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    8803             :         //       AUTHOR         B. Griffith
    8804             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   Nov. 2011
    8805             : 
    8806             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    8807             :         // worker routine for summing all the internal gain types
    8808             : 
    8809    46863198 :         Real64 SumRetAirLatentGainRate(0.0);
    8810             : 
    8811    93758036 :         for (int spaceNum : state.dataHeatBal->Zone(ZoneNum).spaceIndexes) {
    8812    46894838 :             if (state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGainDevices(spaceNum).numberOfDevices == 0) {
    8813      412770 :                 continue;
    8814             :             }
    8815             : 
    8816   195896688 :             for (int DeviceNum = 1; DeviceNum <= state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGainDevices(spaceNum).numberOfDevices; ++DeviceNum) {
    8817             :                 // If ReturnNodeNum is zero, sum for entire zone, otherwise sum only for specified ReturnNodeNum
    8818   149414620 :                 if ((ReturnNodeNum == 0) || (ReturnNodeNum == state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGainDevices(spaceNum).device(DeviceNum).ReturnAirNodeNum)) {
    8819    46733952 :                     SumRetAirLatentGainRate += state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGainDevices(spaceNum).device(DeviceNum).ReturnAirLatentGainRate;
    8820             :                 }
    8821             :             }
    8822             :         }
    8823             : 
    8824    46863198 :         return SumRetAirLatentGainRate;
    8825             :     }
    8826             : 
    8827      138756 :     Real64 SumAllInternalCO2Gains(EnergyPlusData &state,
    8828             :                                   int const ZoneNum // zone index pointer for which zone to sum gains for
    8829             :     )
    8830             :     {
    8831             : 
    8832             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    8833             :         //       AUTHOR         B. Griffith
    8834             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   Dec. 2011
    8835             : 
    8836             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    8837             :         // worker routine for summing all the internal gain types
    8838             : 
    8839             :         // Return value
    8840      138756 :         Real64 SumCO2GainRate(0.0);
    8841             : 
    8842      277512 :         for (int spaceNum : state.dataHeatBal->Zone(ZoneNum).spaceIndexes) {
    8843      138756 :             if (state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGainDevices(spaceNum).numberOfDevices == 0) {
    8844        7440 :                 continue;
    8845             :             }
    8846             : 
    8847      529353 :             for (int DeviceNum = 1; DeviceNum <= state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGainDevices(spaceNum).numberOfDevices; ++DeviceNum) {
    8848      398037 :                 SumCO2GainRate += state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGainDevices(spaceNum).device(DeviceNum).CarbonDioxideGainRate;
    8849             :             }
    8850             :         }
    8851             : 
    8852      138756 :         return SumCO2GainRate;
    8853             :     }
    8854             : 
    8855             :     // Added for hybrid model -- function for calculating CO2 gains except people
    8856        8100 :     Real64 SumAllInternalCO2GainsExceptPeople(EnergyPlusData &state,
    8857             :                                               int const ZoneNum // zone index pointer for which zone to sum gains for
    8858             :     )
    8859             :     {
    8860             :         // Return value
    8861        8100 :         Real64 SumCO2GainRateExceptPeople(0.0);
    8862             : 
    8863       16200 :         for (int spaceNum : state.dataHeatBal->Zone(ZoneNum).spaceIndexes) {
    8864        8100 :             if (state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGainDevices(spaceNum).numberOfDevices == 0) {
    8865           0 :                 continue;
    8866             :             }
    8867             : 
    8868       16200 :             for (int DeviceNum = 1; DeviceNum <= state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGainDevices(spaceNum).numberOfDevices; ++DeviceNum) {
    8869        8100 :                 if (state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGainDevices(spaceNum).device(DeviceNum).CompType != DataHeatBalance::IntGainType::People) {
    8870           0 :                     SumCO2GainRateExceptPeople += state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGainDevices(spaceNum).device(DeviceNum).CarbonDioxideGainRate;
    8871             :                 }
    8872             :             }
    8873             :         }
    8874             : 
    8875        8100 :         return SumCO2GainRateExceptPeople;
    8876             :     }
    8877             : 
    8878             :     Real64
    8879      138756 :     SumInternalCO2GainsByTypes(EnergyPlusData &state,
    8880             :                                int const ZoneNum,                                        // zone index pointer for which zone to sum gains for
    8881             :                                gsl::span<const DataHeatBalance::IntGainType> GainTypeARR // variable length 1-d array of integer valued gain types
    8882             :     )
    8883             :     {
    8884             : 
    8885             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    8886             :         //       AUTHOR         B. Griffith
    8887             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   Dec. 2011
    8888             : 
    8889             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    8890             :         // worker routine for summing a subset of the internal gain types
    8891             : 
    8892             :         // Return value
    8893      138756 :         Real64 SumCO2GainRate(0.0);
    8894             : 
    8895      138756 :         int NumberOfTypes = GainTypeARR.size();
    8896             : 
    8897      277512 :         for (int spaceNum : state.dataHeatBal->Zone(ZoneNum).spaceIndexes) {
    8898      138756 :             if (state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGainDevices(spaceNum).numberOfDevices == 0) {
    8899        7440 :                 continue;
    8900             :             }
    8901             : 
    8902      529353 :             for (int DeviceNum = 1; DeviceNum <= state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGainDevices(spaceNum).numberOfDevices; ++DeviceNum) {
    8903      796074 :                 for (int TypeNum = 0; TypeNum < NumberOfTypes; ++TypeNum) {
    8904             : 
    8905      398037 :                     if (state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGainDevices(spaceNum).device(DeviceNum).CompType == GainTypeARR[TypeNum]) {
    8906      138444 :                         SumCO2GainRate += state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGainDevices(spaceNum).device(DeviceNum).CarbonDioxideGainRate;
    8907             :                     }
    8908             :                 }
    8909             :             }
    8910             :         }
    8911             : 
    8912      138756 :         return SumCO2GainRate;
    8913             :     }
    8914             : 
    8915      322745 :     Real64 SumAllInternalGenericContamGains(EnergyPlusData &state,
    8916             :                                             int const ZoneNum // zone index pointer for which zone to sum gains for
    8917             :     )
    8918             :     {
    8919             : 
    8920             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    8921             :         //       AUTHOR         L. Gu
    8922             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   Feb. 2012
    8923             : 
    8924             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    8925             :         // worker routine for summing all the internal gain types based on the existing subrotine SumAllInternalCO2Gains
    8926             : 
    8927             :         // Return value
    8928      322745 :         Real64 SumGCGainRate(0.0);
    8929             : 
    8930      645490 :         for (int spaceNum : state.dataHeatBal->Zone(ZoneNum).spaceIndexes) {
    8931      322745 :             if (state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGainDevices(spaceNum).numberOfDevices == 0) {
    8932        5047 :                 continue;
    8933             :             }
    8934             : 
    8935     1335719 :             for (int DeviceNum = 1; DeviceNum <= state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGainDevices(spaceNum).numberOfDevices; ++DeviceNum) {
    8936     1018021 :                 SumGCGainRate += state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGainDevices(spaceNum).device(DeviceNum).GenericContamGainRate;
    8937             :             }
    8938             :         }
    8939             : 
    8940      322745 :         return SumGCGainRate;
    8941             :     }
    8942             : 
    8943      783283 :     void GatherComponentLoadsIntGain(EnergyPlusData &state)
    8944             :     {
    8945             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    8946             :         //       AUTHOR         Jason Glazer
    8947             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   September 2012
    8948             :         //       MODIFIED       na
    8949             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
    8950             : 
    8951             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    8952             :         //   Gather values during sizing used for loads component report.
    8953             : 
    8954             :         // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
    8955             :         //   Save sequence of values for report during sizing.
    8956             : 
    8957             :         // Using/Aliasing
    8958             :         using namespace DataHeatBalance;
    8959             : 
    8960             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
    8961             :         static constexpr std::array<DataHeatBalance::IntGainType, 1> IntGainTypesPeople = {DataHeatBalance::IntGainType::People};
    8962             :         static constexpr std::array<DataHeatBalance::IntGainType, 1> IntGainTypesLight = {DataHeatBalance::IntGainType::Lights};
    8963             :         static constexpr std::array<DataHeatBalance::IntGainType, 6> IntGainTypesEquip = {DataHeatBalance::IntGainType::ElectricEquipment,
    8964             :                                                                                           DataHeatBalance::IntGainType::ElectricEquipmentITEAirCooled,
    8965             :                                                                                           DataHeatBalance::IntGainType::GasEquipment,
    8966             :                                                                                           DataHeatBalance::IntGainType::HotWaterEquipment,
    8967             :                                                                                           DataHeatBalance::IntGainType::SteamEquipment,
    8968             :                                                                                           DataHeatBalance::IntGainType::OtherEquipment};
    8969             :         static constexpr std::array<DataHeatBalance::IntGainType, 10> IntGainTypesRefrig = {
    8970             :             DataHeatBalance::IntGainType::RefrigerationCase,
    8971             :             DataHeatBalance::IntGainType::RefrigerationCompressorRack,
    8972             :             DataHeatBalance::IntGainType::RefrigerationSystemAirCooledCondenser,
    8973             :             DataHeatBalance::IntGainType::RefrigerationSystemSuctionPipe,
    8974             :             DataHeatBalance::IntGainType::RefrigerationSecondaryReceiver,
    8975             :             DataHeatBalance::IntGainType::RefrigerationSecondaryPipe,
    8976             :             DataHeatBalance::IntGainType::RefrigerationWalkIn,
    8977             :             DataHeatBalance::IntGainType::RefrigerationTransSysAirCooledGasCooler,
    8978             :             DataHeatBalance::IntGainType::RefrigerationTransSysSuctionPipeMT,
    8979             :             DataHeatBalance::IntGainType::RefrigerationTransSysSuctionPipeLT};
    8980             :         static constexpr std::array<DataHeatBalance::IntGainType, 3> IntGainTypesWaterUse = {DataHeatBalance::IntGainType::WaterUseEquipment,
    8981             :                                                                                              DataHeatBalance::IntGainType::WaterHeaterMixed,
    8982             :                                                                                              DataHeatBalance::IntGainType::WaterHeaterStratified};
    8983             :         static constexpr std::array<DataHeatBalance::IntGainType, 20> IntGainTypesHvacLoss = {
    8984             :             DataHeatBalance::IntGainType::ZoneBaseboardOutdoorTemperatureControlled,
    8985             :             DataHeatBalance::IntGainType::ThermalStorageChilledWaterMixed,
    8986             :             DataHeatBalance::IntGainType::ThermalStorageChilledWaterStratified,
    8987             :             DataHeatBalance::IntGainType::PipeIndoor,
    8988             :             DataHeatBalance::IntGainType::Pump_VarSpeed,
    8989             :             DataHeatBalance::IntGainType::Pump_ConSpeed,
    8990             :             DataHeatBalance::IntGainType::Pump_Cond,
    8991             :             DataHeatBalance::IntGainType::PumpBank_VarSpeed,
    8992             :             DataHeatBalance::IntGainType::PumpBank_ConSpeed,
    8993             :             DataHeatBalance::IntGainType::PlantComponentUserDefined,
    8994             :             DataHeatBalance::IntGainType::CoilUserDefined,
    8995             :             DataHeatBalance::IntGainType::ZoneHVACForcedAirUserDefined,
    8996             :             DataHeatBalance::IntGainType::AirTerminalUserDefined,
    8997             :             DataHeatBalance::IntGainType::PackagedTESCoilTank,
    8998             :             DataHeatBalance::IntGainType::FanSystemModel,
    8999             :             DataHeatBalance::IntGainType::SecCoolingDXCoilSingleSpeed,
    9000             :             DataHeatBalance::IntGainType::SecHeatingDXCoilSingleSpeed,
    9001             :             DataHeatBalance::IntGainType::SecCoolingDXCoilTwoSpeed,
    9002             :             DataHeatBalance::IntGainType::SecCoolingDXCoilMultiSpeed,
    9003             :             DataHeatBalance::IntGainType::SecHeatingDXCoilMultiSpeed};
    9004             :         static constexpr std::array<DataHeatBalance::IntGainType, 10> IntGainTypesPowerGen = {
    9005             :             DataHeatBalance::IntGainType::GeneratorFuelCell,
    9006             :             DataHeatBalance::IntGainType::GeneratorMicroCHP,
    9007             :             DataHeatBalance::IntGainType::ElectricLoadCenterTransformer,
    9008             :             DataHeatBalance::IntGainType::ElectricLoadCenterInverterSimple,
    9009             :             DataHeatBalance::IntGainType::ElectricLoadCenterInverterFunctionOfPower,
    9010             :             DataHeatBalance::IntGainType::ElectricLoadCenterInverterLookUpTable,
    9011             :             DataHeatBalance::IntGainType::ElectricLoadCenterStorageLiIonNmcBattery,
    9012             :             DataHeatBalance::IntGainType::ElectricLoadCenterStorageBattery,
    9013             :             DataHeatBalance::IntGainType::ElectricLoadCenterStorageSimple,
    9014             :             DataHeatBalance::IntGainType::ElectricLoadCenterConverter};
    9015             : 
    9016      783283 :         if (state.dataGlobal->CompLoadReportIsReq && !state.dataGlobal->isPulseZoneSizing) {
    9017       31050 :             int TimeStepInDay = (state.dataGlobal->HourOfDay - 1) * state.dataGlobal->NumOfTimeStepInHour + state.dataGlobal->TimeStep;
    9018      217350 :             for (int iZone = 1; iZone <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++iZone) {
    9019      186300 :                 state.dataOutRptTab->peopleInstantSeq(state.dataSize->CurOverallSimDay, TimeStepInDay, iZone) =
    9020      372600 :                     SumInternalConvectionGainsByTypes(state, iZone, IntGainTypesPeople);
    9021      186300 :                 state.dataOutRptTab->peopleLatentSeq(state.dataSize->CurOverallSimDay, TimeStepInDay, iZone) =
    9022      372600 :                     SumInternalLatentGainsByTypes(state, iZone, IntGainTypesPeople);
    9023      186300 :                 state.dataOutRptTab->peopleRadSeq(state.dataSize->CurOverallSimDay, TimeStepInDay, iZone) =
    9024      372600 :                     SumInternalRadiationGainsByTypes(state, iZone, IntGainTypesPeople);
    9025             : 
    9026      186300 :                 state.dataOutRptTab->lightInstantSeq(state.dataSize->CurOverallSimDay, TimeStepInDay, iZone) =
    9027      372600 :                     SumInternalConvectionGainsByTypes(state, iZone, IntGainTypesLight);
    9028      186300 :                 state.dataOutRptTab->lightRetAirSeq(state.dataSize->CurOverallSimDay, TimeStepInDay, iZone) =
    9029      372600 :                     SumReturnAirConvectionGainsByTypes(state, iZone, IntGainTypesLight);
    9030      186300 :                 state.dataOutRptTab->lightLWRadSeq(state.dataSize->CurOverallSimDay, TimeStepInDay, iZone) =
    9031      372600 :                     SumInternalRadiationGainsByTypes(state, iZone, IntGainTypesLight);
    9032             : 
    9033      186300 :                 state.dataOutRptTab->equipInstantSeq(state.dataSize->CurOverallSimDay, TimeStepInDay, iZone) =
    9034      372600 :                     SumInternalConvectionGainsByTypes(state, iZone, IntGainTypesEquip);
    9035      186300 :                 state.dataOutRptTab->equipLatentSeq(state.dataSize->CurOverallSimDay, TimeStepInDay, iZone) =
    9036      372600 :                     SumInternalLatentGainsByTypes(state, iZone, IntGainTypesEquip);
    9037      186300 :                 state.dataOutRptTab->equipRadSeq(state.dataSize->CurOverallSimDay, TimeStepInDay, iZone) =
    9038      372600 :                     SumInternalRadiationGainsByTypes(state, iZone, IntGainTypesEquip);
    9039             : 
    9040      186300 :                 state.dataOutRptTab->refrigInstantSeq(state.dataSize->CurOverallSimDay, TimeStepInDay, iZone) =
    9041      372600 :                     SumInternalConvectionGainsByTypes(state, iZone, IntGainTypesRefrig);
    9042      186300 :                 state.dataOutRptTab->refrigRetAirSeq(state.dataSize->CurOverallSimDay, TimeStepInDay, iZone) =
    9043      372600 :                     SumReturnAirConvectionGainsByTypes(state, iZone, IntGainTypesRefrig);
    9044      186300 :                 state.dataOutRptTab->refrigLatentSeq(state.dataSize->CurOverallSimDay, TimeStepInDay, iZone) =
    9045      372600 :                     SumInternalLatentGainsByTypes(state, iZone, IntGainTypesRefrig);
    9046             : 
    9047      186300 :                 state.dataOutRptTab->waterUseInstantSeq(state.dataSize->CurOverallSimDay, TimeStepInDay, iZone) =
    9048      372600 :                     SumInternalConvectionGainsByTypes(state, iZone, IntGainTypesWaterUse);
    9049      186300 :                 state.dataOutRptTab->waterUseLatentSeq(state.dataSize->CurOverallSimDay, TimeStepInDay, iZone) =
    9050      372600 :                     SumInternalLatentGainsByTypes(state, iZone, IntGainTypesWaterUse);
    9051             : 
    9052      186300 :                 state.dataOutRptTab->hvacLossInstantSeq(state.dataSize->CurOverallSimDay, TimeStepInDay, iZone) =
    9053      372600 :                     SumInternalConvectionGainsByTypes(state, iZone, IntGainTypesHvacLoss);
    9054      186300 :                 state.dataOutRptTab->hvacLossRadSeq(state.dataSize->CurOverallSimDay, TimeStepInDay, iZone) =
    9055      372600 :                     SumInternalRadiationGainsByTypes(state, iZone, IntGainTypesHvacLoss);
    9056             : 
    9057      186300 :                 state.dataOutRptTab->powerGenInstantSeq(state.dataSize->CurOverallSimDay, TimeStepInDay, iZone) =
    9058      372600 :                     SumInternalConvectionGainsByTypes(state, iZone, IntGainTypesPowerGen);
    9059      186300 :                 state.dataOutRptTab->powerGenRadSeq(state.dataSize->CurOverallSimDay, TimeStepInDay, iZone) =
    9060      372600 :                     SumInternalRadiationGainsByTypes(state, iZone, IntGainTypesPowerGen);
    9061             :             }
    9062             :         }
    9063      783283 :     }
    9064             : 
    9065          18 :     int GetInternalGainDeviceIndex(EnergyPlusData &state,
    9066             :                                    int const spaceNum,                             // space index pointer for which space to sum gains for
    9067             :                                    DataHeatBalance::IntGainType const intGainType, // space internal gain type enum
    9068             :                                    std::string_view const intGainName)             // Internal gain name
    9069             :     {
    9070             : 
    9071             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    9072             :         //       AUTHOR         B. Griffith
    9073             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   June 2012
    9074             : 
    9075             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    9076             :         // utility to retrieve index pointer to a specific internal gain
    9077             :         // the subroutine returns the index of matched internal gain device or -1 if no match found.
    9078             : 
    9079             :         int DeviceNum;
    9080             :         int DeviceIndex;
    9081          18 :         if (state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGainDevices(spaceNum).numberOfDevices == 0) {
    9082           0 :             DeviceIndex = -1;
    9083           0 :             return DeviceIndex;
    9084             :         }
    9085          36 :         for (DeviceNum = 1; DeviceNum <= state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGainDevices(spaceNum).numberOfDevices; ++DeviceNum) {
    9086          72 :             if ((UtilityRoutines::SameString(state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGainDevices(spaceNum).device(DeviceNum).CompObjectName,
    9087          54 :                                     &&
    9088          18 :                 (state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGainDevices(spaceNum).device(DeviceNum).CompType == intGainType)) {
    9089          18 :                 DeviceIndex = DeviceNum;
    9090          18 :                 break;
    9091             :             } else {
    9092          18 :                 DeviceIndex = -1;
    9093             :             }
    9094             :         }
    9095          18 :         return DeviceIndex;
    9096             :     }
    9097             : 
    9098       53823 :     Real64 SumInternalConvectionGainsByIndices(
    9099             :         EnergyPlusData &state,
    9100             :         int const numGains,                // number of device gains to sum
    9101             :         const Array1D_int &deviceSpaceARR, // variable length 1-d array of integer space index pointers to include in summation
    9102             :         const Array1D_int &deviceIndexARR, // variable length 1-d array of integer device index pointers to include in summation
    9103             :         const Array1D<Real64> &fractionARR // array of fractional multipliers to apply to devices
    9104             :     )
    9105             :     {
    9106             : 
    9107             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    9108             :         //       AUTHOR         B. Griffith
    9109             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   June 2012
    9110             : 
    9111             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    9112             :         // worker routine for summing a subset of the internal gains by index
    9113             : 
    9114             :         // Return value
    9115       53823 :         Real64 sumConvGainRate(0.0);
    9116             : 
    9117       53823 :         assert(numGains <= isize(deviceSpaceARR));
    9118       53823 :         assert(numGains <= isize(deviceIndexARR));
    9119       53823 :         assert(numGains <= isize(fractionARR));
    9120             : 
    9121      215292 :         for (int loop = 1; loop <= numGains; ++loop) {
    9122      161469 :             int spaceNum = deviceSpaceARR(loop);
    9123      161469 :             int deviceNum = deviceIndexARR(loop);
    9124      161469 :             Real64 deviceFraction = fractionARR(loop);
    9125      161469 :             sumConvGainRate += state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGainDevices(spaceNum).device(deviceNum).ConvectGainRate * deviceFraction;
    9126             :         }
    9127       53823 :         return sumConvGainRate;
    9128             :     }
    9129             : 
    9130       53823 :     Real64 SumInternalLatentGainsByIndices(
    9131             :         EnergyPlusData &state,
    9132             :         int const numGains,                // number of device gains to sum
    9133             :         const Array1D_int &deviceSpaceARR, // variable length 1-d array of integer space index pointers to include in summation
    9134             :         const Array1D_int &deviceIndexARR, // variable length 1-d array of integer device index pointers to include in summation
    9135             :         const Array1D<Real64> &fractionARR // array of fractional multipliers to apply to devices
    9136             :     )
    9137             :     {
    9138             : 
    9139             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    9140             :         //       AUTHOR         B. Griffith
    9141             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   June 2012
    9142             : 
    9143             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    9144             :         // worker routine for summing a subset of the internal gains by index
    9145             : 
    9146             :         // Return value
    9147       53823 :         Real64 sumLatentGainRate(0.0);
    9148             : 
    9149       53823 :         assert(numGains <= isize(deviceSpaceARR));
    9150       53823 :         assert(numGains <= isize(deviceIndexARR));
    9151       53823 :         assert(numGains <= isize(fractionARR));
    9152             : 
    9153      215292 :         for (int loop = 1; loop <= numGains; ++loop) {
    9154      161469 :             int spaceNum = deviceSpaceARR(loop);
    9155      161469 :             int deviceNum = deviceIndexARR(loop);
    9156      161469 :             Real64 deviceFraction = fractionARR(loop);
    9157      161469 :             sumLatentGainRate =
    9158      161469 :                 sumLatentGainRate + state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGainDevices(spaceNum).device(deviceNum).LatentGainRate * deviceFraction;
    9159             :         }
    9160       53823 :         return sumLatentGainRate;
    9161             :     }
    9162             : 
    9163       27433 :     Real64 SumReturnAirConvectionGainsByIndices(
    9164             :         EnergyPlusData &state,
    9165             :         int const numGains,                // number of device gains to sum
    9166             :         const Array1D_int &deviceSpaceARR, // variable length 1-d array of integer space index pointers to include in summation
    9167             :         const Array1D_int &deviceIndexARR, // variable length 1-d array of integer device index pointers to include in summation
    9168             :         const Array1D<Real64> &fractionARR // array of fractional multipliers to apply to devices
    9169             :     )
    9170             :     {
    9171             : 
    9172             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    9173             :         //       AUTHOR         B. Griffith
    9174             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   June 2012
    9175             : 
    9176             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    9177             :         // worker routine for summing a subset of the internal gains by index
    9178             : 
    9179             :         // Return value
    9180       27433 :         Real64 sumReturnAirGainRate(0.0);
    9181             : 
    9182       27433 :         assert(numGains <= isize(deviceSpaceARR));
    9183       27433 :         assert(numGains <= isize(deviceIndexARR));
    9184       27433 :         assert(numGains <= isize(fractionARR));
    9185             : 
    9186      109732 :         for (int loop = 1; loop <= numGains; ++loop) {
    9187       82299 :             int spaceNum = deviceSpaceARR(loop);
    9188       82299 :             int deviceNum = deviceIndexARR(loop);
    9189       82299 :             Real64 deviceFraction = fractionARR(loop);
    9190       82299 :             sumReturnAirGainRate =
    9191       82299 :                 sumReturnAirGainRate + state.dataHeatBal->spaceIntGainDevices(spaceNum).device(deviceNum).ReturnAirConvGainRate * deviceFraction;
    9192             :         }
    9193       27433 :         return sumReturnAirGainRate;
    9194             :     }
    9195             : 
    9196             : } // namespace InternalHeatGains
    9197             : 
    9198        2313 : } // namespace EnergyPlus

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