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Current view: top level - EnergyPlus - Material.hh (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
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Date: 2023-01-17 19:17:23 Functions: 6 9 66.7 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : // EnergyPlus, Copyright (c) 1996-2023, The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois,
       2             : // The Regents of the University of California, through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
       3             : // (subject to receipt of any required approvals from the U.S. Dept. of Energy), Oak Ridge
       4             : // National Laboratory, managed by UT-Battelle, Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC, and other
       5             : // contributors. All rights reserved.
       6             : //
       7             : // NOTICE: This Software was developed under funding from the U.S. Department of Energy and the
       8             : // U.S. Government consequently retains certain rights. As such, the U.S. Government has been
       9             : // granted for itself and others acting on its behalf a paid-up, nonexclusive, irrevocable,
      10             : // worldwide license in the Software to reproduce, distribute copies to the public, prepare
      11             : // derivative works, and perform publicly and display publicly, and to permit others to do so.
      12             : //
      13             : // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted
      14             : // provided that the following conditions are met:
      15             : //
      16             : // (1) Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of
      17             : //     conditions and the following disclaimer.
      18             : //
      19             : // (2) Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of
      20             : //     conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
      21             : //     provided with the distribution.
      22             : //
      23             : // (3) Neither the name of the University of California, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,
      24             : //     the University of Illinois, U.S. Dept. of Energy nor the names of its contributors may be
      25             : //     used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior
      26             : //     written permission.
      27             : //
      28             : // (4) Use of EnergyPlus(TM) Name. If Licensee (i) distributes the software in stand-alone form
      29             : //     without changes from the version obtained under this License, or (ii) Licensee makes a
      30             : //     reference solely to the software portion of its product, Licensee must refer to the
      31             : //     software as "EnergyPlus version X" software, where "X" is the version number Licensee
      32             : //     obtained under this License and may not use a different name for the software. Except as
      33             : //     specifically required in this Section (4), Licensee shall not use in a company name, a
      34             : //     product name, in advertising, publicity, or other promotional activities any name, trade
      35             : //     name, trademark, logo, or other designation of "EnergyPlus", "E+", "e+" or confusingly
      36             : //     similar designation, without the U.S. Department of Energy's prior written consent.
      37             : //
      46             : // POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.
      47             : 
      48             : #ifndef Material_hh_INCLUDED
      49             : #define Material_hh_INCLUDED
      50             : 
      51             : // EnergyPlus Headers
      52             : #include <EnergyPlus/Data/BaseData.hh>
      53             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataSurfaces.hh>
      54             : #include <EnergyPlus/EnergyPlus.hh>
      55             : #include <EnergyPlus/PhaseChangeModeling/HysteresisModel.hh>
      56             : 
      57             : namespace EnergyPlus {
      58             : 
      59             : namespace Material {
      60             : 
      61       27997 :     struct MaterialProperties
      62             :     {
      63             :         // Members
      64             :         std::string Name;                     // Name of material layer
      65             :         DataHeatBalance::MaterialGroup Group; // Material group type (see Material Parameters above.  Currently
      66             :         // active: RegularMaterial, Shade, Air, WindowGlass,
      67             :         // WindowGas, WindowBlind, WindowGasMixture, Screen, EcoRoof,
      68             :         // IRTMaterial, WindowSimpleGlazing, ComplexWindowShade, ComplexWindowGap)
      69             :         DataSurfaces::SurfaceRoughness Roughness; // Surface roughness index (See Surface Roughness parameters
      70             :         // above.  Current: VerySmooth, Smooth, MediumSmooth,
      71             :         // MediumRough, Rough, VeryRough)
      72             :         // Thermo-physical material properties
      73             :         Real64 Conductivity; // Thermal conductivity of layer (W/m2K)
      74             :         Real64 Density;      // Layer density (kg/m3)
      75             :         Real64 IsoMoistCap;  // Isothermal moisture capacity on water vapor density (m3/kg)
      76             :         Real64 Porosity;     // Layer porosity
      77             :         Real64 Resistance;   // Layer thermal resistance (alternative to Density,
      78             :         // Conductivity, Thickness, and Specific Heat; K/W)
      79             :         bool ROnly;           // Material defined with "R" only
      80             :         Real64 SpecHeat;      // Layer specific heat (J/kgK)
      81             :         Real64 ThermGradCoef; // Thermal-gradient coefficient for moisture capacity
      82             :         // based on the water vapor density (kg/kgK)
      83             :         Real64 Thickness;    // Layer thickness (m)
      84             :         Real64 VaporDiffus;  // Layer vapor diffusivity
      85             :         Array1D_int GasType; // Gas type (air=1, argon=2, krypton=3, xenon=4, custom=0) for
      86             :         //  up to 5 gases in a mixture [Window gas only].  It is defined as parameter (GasCoefs)
      87             :         int GlassSpectralDataPtr;         // Number of a spectral data set associated with a window glass material
      88             :         int NumberOfGasesInMixture;       // Number of gases in a window gas mixture
      89             :         Array2D<Real64> GasCon;           // Gas conductance coefficients for up to 5 gases in a mixture
      90             :         Array2D<Real64> GasVis;           // Gas viscosity coefficients for up to 5 gases in a mixture
      91             :         Array2D<Real64> GasCp;            // Gas specific-heat coefficients for up to 5 gases in a mixture
      92             :         Array1D<Real64> GasWght;          // Gas molecular weight for up to 5 gases in a mixture
      93             :         Array1D<Real64> GasSpecHeatRatio; // Gas specific heat ratio (used for low pressure calculations)
      94             :         Array1D<Real64> GasFract;         // Gas fractions for up to 5 gases in a mixture
      95             :         // Radiation parameters
      96             :         Real64 AbsorpSolar;              // Layer solar absorptance
      97             :         Real64 AbsorpSolarInput;         // Layer solar absorptance input by user
      98             :         bool AbsorpSolarEMSOverrideOn;   // if true, then EMS calling to override value for solar absorptance
      99             :         Real64 AbsorpSolarEMSOverride;   // value to use when EMS calling to override value for solar absorptance
     100             :         Real64 AbsorpThermal;            // Layer thermal absorptance
     101             :         Real64 AbsorpThermalInput;       // Layer thermal absorptance input by user
     102             :         bool AbsorpThermalEMSOverrideOn; // if true, then EMS calling to override value for thermal absorptance
     103             :         Real64 AbsorpThermalEMSOverride; // value to use when EMS calling to override value for thermal absorptance
     104             :         Real64 AbsorpVisible;            // Layer Visible Absorptance
     105             :         Real64 AbsorpVisibleInput;       // Layer Visible Absorptance input by user
     106             :         bool AbsorpVisibleEMSOverrideOn; // if true, then EMS calling to override value for visible absorptance
     107             :         Real64 AbsorpVisibleEMSOverride; // value to use when EMS calling to override value for visible absorptance
     108             :         // Window-related radiation parameters
     109             :         Real64 Trans;                    // Transmittance of layer (glass, shade)
     110             :         Real64 TransVis;                 // Visible transmittance (at normal incidence)
     111             :         Real64 GlassTransDirtFactor;     // Multiplier on glass transmittance due to dirt
     112             :         bool SolarDiffusing;             // True if glass diffuses beam solar radiation
     113             :         Real64 ReflectShade;             // Shade or screen reflectance (interior shade only)
     114             :         Real64 ReflectShadeVis;          // Shade reflectance for visible radiation
     115             :         Real64 AbsorpThermalBack;        // Infrared radiation back absorption
     116             :         Real64 AbsorpThermalFront;       // Infrared radiation front absorption
     117             :         Real64 ReflectSolBeamBack;       // Solar back reflectance (beam to everything)
     118             :         Real64 ReflectSolBeamFront;      // Solar front reflectance (beam to everything)
     119             :         Real64 ReflectSolDiffBack;       // Solar back diffuse reflectance
     120             :         Real64 ReflectSolDiffFront;      // Solar front diffuse reflectance
     121             :         Real64 ReflectVisBeamBack;       // Visible back reflectance (beam to everything)
     122             :         Real64 ReflectVisBeamFront;      // Visible front reflectance (beam to everything)
     123             :         Real64 ReflectVisDiffBack;       // Visible back diffuse reflectance
     124             :         Real64 ReflectVisDiffFront;      // Visible front diffuse reflectance
     125             :         std::string ReflectanceModeling; // method used to account for screen scattering
     126             :         Real64 TransSolBeam;             // Solar transmittance (beam to everything)
     127             :         Real64 TransThermal;             // Infrared radiation transmittance
     128             :         Real64 TransVisBeam;             // Visible transmittance (beam to everything)
     129             :         int BlindDataPtr;                // Pointer to window blind data
     130             :         int ScreenDataPtr;               // Pointer to window screen data
     131             :         int ScreenMapResolution;         // Resolution of azimuth and altitude angles to print in transmittance map
     132             :         // Complex fenestration parameters
     133             :         Real64 YoungModulus;       // Young's modulus (Pa) - used in window deflection calculations
     134             :         Real64 PoissonsRatio;      // Poisson's ratio - used in window deflection calculations
     135             :         Real64 DeflectedThickness; // Minimum gap thickness in deflected state (m).  Used with measured deflection
     136             :         Real64 Pressure;           // Window Gap pressure (Pa)
     137             :         int SupportPillarPtr;      // Pointer to support pillar data
     138             :         int DeflectionStatePtr;    // Pointer to deflection state
     139             :         int ComplexShadePtr;       // Pointer to complex shade data
     140             :         int GasPointer;            // Pointer to gas or gas mixture used in the gap
     141             :         // Window-shade thermal model parameters
     142             :         Real64 WinShadeToGlassDist;    // Distance between window shade and adjacent glass (m)
     143             :         Real64 WinShadeTopOpeningMult; // Area of air-flow opening at top of shade, expressed as a fraction
     144             :         //  of the shade-to-glass opening area at the top of the shade
     145             :         Real64 WinShadeBottomOpeningMult; // Area of air-flow opening at bottom of shade, expressed as a fraction
     146             :         //  of the shade-to-glass opening area at the bottom of the shade
     147             :         Real64 WinShadeLeftOpeningMult; // Area of air-flow opening at left side of shade, expressed as a fraction
     148             :         //  of the shade-to-glass opening area at the left side of the shade
     149             :         Real64 WinShadeRightOpeningMult; // Area of air-flow opening at right side of shade, expressed as a fraction
     150             :         //  of the shade-to-glass opening area at the right side of the shade
     151             :         Real64 WinShadeAirFlowPermeability; // The effective area of openings in the shade itself, expressed as a
     152             :         //  fraction of the shade area
     153             :         bool EMPDMaterialProps;      // True if EMPD properties have been assigned
     154             :         Real64 EMPDmu;               // Water Vapor Diffusion Resistance Factor (dimensionless)
     155             :         Real64 MoistACoeff;          // Moisture Equation Coefficient a
     156             :         Real64 MoistBCoeff;          // Moisture Equation Coefficient b
     157             :         Real64 MoistCCoeff;          // Moisture Equation Coefficient c
     158             :         Real64 MoistDCoeff;          // Moisture Equation Coefficient d
     159             :         Real64 EMPDSurfaceDepth;     // Surface-layer penetration depth (m)
     160             :         Real64 EMPDDeepDepth;        // Deep-layer penetration depth (m)
     161             :         Real64 EMPDCoatingThickness; // Coating Layer Thickness (m)
     162             :         Real64 EMPDmuCoating;        // Coating Layer water vapor diffusion resistance factor (dimensionless)
     163             :         // EcoRoof-Related properties, essentially for the plant layer,
     164             :         //    the soil layer uses the same resource as a regular material
     165             :         int EcoRoofCalculationMethod; // 1-Simple, 2-SchaapGenuchten
     166             :         Real64 HeightOfPlants;        // plants' height
     167             :         Real64 LAI;                   // LeafAreaIndex (Dimensionless???)
     168             :         Real64 Lreflectivity;         // LeafReflectivity
     169             :         Real64 LEmissitivity;         // LeafEmissivity
     170             :         Real64 InitMoisture;          // Initial soil moisture DJS
     171             :         Real64 MinMoisture;           // Minimum moisture allowed DJS
     172             :         Real64 RStomata;              // Minimum stomatal resistance DJS
     173             :         // HAMT
     174             :         int niso;                 // Number of data points
     175             :         Array1D<Real64> isodata;  // isotherm values
     176             :         Array1D<Real64> isorh;    // isotherm RH values
     177             :         int nsuc;                 // Number of data points
     178             :         Array1D<Real64> sucdata;  // suction values
     179             :         Array1D<Real64> sucwater; // suction water values
     180             :         int nred;                 // Number of data points
     181             :         Array1D<Real64> reddata;  // redistribution values
     182             :         Array1D<Real64> redwater; // redistribution water values
     183             :         int nmu;                  // Number of data points
     184             :         Array1D<Real64> mudata;   // mu values
     185             :         Array1D<Real64> murh;     // mu rh values
     186             :         int ntc;                  // Number of data points
     187             :         Array1D<Real64> tcdata;   // thermal conductivity values
     188             :         Array1D<Real64> tcwater;  // thermal conductivity water values
     189             :         Real64 itemp;             // initial Temperature
     190             :         Real64 irh;               // Initial RH
     191             :         Real64 iwater;            // Initial water content kg/kg
     192             :         int divs;                 // Number of divisions
     193             :         Real64 divsize;           // Average Cell Size
     194             :         int divmin;               // Minimum number of cells
     195             :         int divmax;               // Maximum number of cells
     196             :         // Added 12/22/2008 for thermochromic window glazing material
     197             :         Real64 SpecTemp; // Temperature corresponding to the specified material properties
     198             :         int TCParent;    // Reference to the parent object WindowMaterial:Glazing:Thermochromic
     199             :         // Simple Glazing System
     200             :         Real64 SimpleWindowUfactor;     // user input for simple window U-factor with film coeffs (W/m2-k)
     201             :         Real64 SimpleWindowSHGC;        // user input for simple window Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (non-dimensional)
     202             :         Real64 SimpleWindowVisTran;     // (optional) user input for simple window Visual Transmittance (non-dimensional)
     203             :         bool SimpleWindowVTinputByUser; // false means not input, true means user provide VT input
     204             :         bool WarnedForHighDiffusivity;  // used to limit error messaging to just the first instance
     205             :         // Equivalent Layer (ASHWAT) Model
     206             :         Real64 ReflFrontBeamBeam;                               // Beam-Beam solar reflectance front at zero incident
     207             :         Real64 ReflBackBeamBeam;                                // Beam-Beam solar reflectance back at zero incident
     208             :         Real64 TausFrontBeamBeam;                               // Beam-Beam solar transmittance front at zero incident
     209             :         Real64 TausBackBeamBeam;                                // Beam-Beam solar transmittance back at zero incident
     210             :         Real64 ReflFrontBeamBeamVis;                            // Beam-Beam visible reflectance front at zero incident
     211             :         Real64 ReflBackBeamBeamVis;                             // Beam-Beam visible reflectance back at zero incident
     212             :         Real64 TausFrontBeamBeamVis;                            // Beam-Beam visible transmittance front at zero incident
     213             :         Real64 TausBackBeamBeamVis;                             // Beam-Beam visible transmittance back at zero incident
     214             :         Real64 ReflFrontBeamDiff;                               // Beam-Diffuse solar reflectance front at zero incident
     215             :         Real64 ReflBackBeamDiff;                                // Beam-Diffuse solar reflectance back at zero incident
     216             :         Real64 TausFrontBeamDiff;                               // Beam-Diffuse solar transmittance front at zero incident
     217             :         Real64 TausBackBeamDiff;                                // Beam-Diffuse solar transmittance back at zero incident
     218             :         Real64 ReflFrontBeamDiffVis;                            // Beam-Diffuse visible reflectance front at zero incident
     219             :         Real64 ReflBackBeamDiffVis;                             // Beam-Diffuse visible reflectance back at zero incident
     220             :         Real64 TausFrontBeamDiffVis;                            // Beam-Diffuse visible transmittance front at zero incident
     221             :         Real64 TausBackBeamDiffVis;                             // Beam-Diffuse visible transmittance back at zero incident
     222             :         Real64 ReflFrontDiffDiff;                               // Diffuse-Diffuse solar reflectance front
     223             :         Real64 ReflBackDiffDiff;                                // Diffuse-Diffuse solar reflectance back
     224             :         Real64 TausDiffDiff;                                    // Diffuse-Diffuse solar transmittance (front and back)
     225             :         Real64 ReflFrontDiffDiffVis;                            // Diffuse-Diffuse visible reflectance front
     226             :         Real64 ReflBackDiffDiffVis;                             // Diffuse-Diffuse visible reflectance back
     227             :         Real64 TausDiffDiffVis;                                 // Diffuse-Diffuse visible transmittance (front and back)
     228             :         Real64 EmissThermalFront;                               // Front side thermal or infrared Emissivity
     229             :         Real64 EmissThermalBack;                                // Back side thermal or infrared Emissivity
     230             :         Real64 TausThermal;                                     // Thermal transmittance (front and back)
     231             :         int GapVentType;                                        // Gap Ven type for equivalent Layer window model
     232             :         bool ISPleatedDrape;                                    // if pleated drape= true, if nonpleated drape = false
     233             :         Real64 PleatedDrapeWidth;                               // width of the pleated drape fabric section
     234             :         Real64 PleatedDrapeLength;                              // length of the pleated drape fabric section
     235             :         Real64 ScreenWireSpacing;                               // insect screen wire spacing
     236             :         Real64 ScreenWireDiameter;                              // insect screen wire diameter
     237             :         Real64 SlatWidth;                                       // slat width
     238             :         Real64 SlatSeparation;                                  // slat separation
     239             :         Real64 SlatCrown;                                       // slat crown
     240             :         Real64 SlatAngle;                                       // slat angle
     241             :         int SlatAngleType;                                      // slat angle control type, 0=fixed, 1=maximize solar, 2=block beam
     242             :         DataWindowEquivalentLayer::Orientation SlatOrientation; // horizontal or vertical
     243             :         std::string GasName;                                    // Name of gas type ("Air", "Argon", "Krypton", "Xenon")
     244             :         HysteresisPhaseChange::HysteresisPhaseChange *phaseChange = nullptr;
     245             :         bool GlassSpectralAndAngle;    // if SpectralAndAngle is an entered choice
     246             :         int GlassSpecAngTransDataPtr;  // Data set index of transmittance as a function of spectral and angle associated with a window glass material
     247             :         int GlassSpecAngFRefleDataPtr; // Data set index of front reflectance as a function of spectral and angle associated with a window glass
     248             :         // material
     249             :         int GlassSpecAngBRefleDataPtr; // Data set index of back reflectance as a function of spectral and angle associated with a window glass
     250             :         // material
     251             : 
     252             :         // Default Constructor
     253         777 :         MaterialProperties()
     254         777 :             : Group(DataHeatBalance::MaterialGroup::Invalid), Roughness(DataSurfaces::SurfaceRoughness::Invalid), Conductivity(0.0), Density(0.0),
     255             :               IsoMoistCap(0.0), Porosity(0.0), Resistance(0.0), ROnly(false), SpecHeat(0.0), ThermGradCoef(0.0), Thickness(0.0), VaporDiffus(0.0),
     256             :               GasType(5, 0), GlassSpectralDataPtr(0), NumberOfGasesInMixture(0), GasCon(3, 5, 0.0), GasVis(3, 5, 0.0), GasCp(3, 5, 0.0),
     257             :               GasWght(5, 0.0), GasSpecHeatRatio(5, 0.0), GasFract(5, 0.0), AbsorpSolar(0.0), AbsorpSolarInput(0.0), AbsorpSolarEMSOverrideOn(false),
     258             :               AbsorpSolarEMSOverride(0.0), AbsorpThermal(0.0), AbsorpThermalInput(0.0), AbsorpThermalEMSOverrideOn(false),
     259             :               AbsorpThermalEMSOverride(0.0), AbsorpVisible(0.0), AbsorpVisibleInput(0.0), AbsorpVisibleEMSOverrideOn(false),
     260             :               AbsorpVisibleEMSOverride(0.0), Trans(0.0), TransVis(0.0), GlassTransDirtFactor(1.0), SolarDiffusing(false), ReflectShade(0.0),
     261             :               ReflectShadeVis(0.0), AbsorpThermalBack(0.0), AbsorpThermalFront(0.0), ReflectSolBeamBack(0.0), ReflectSolBeamFront(0.0),
     262             :               ReflectSolDiffBack(0.0), ReflectSolDiffFront(0.0), ReflectVisBeamBack(0.0), ReflectVisBeamFront(0.0), ReflectVisDiffBack(0.0),
     263             :               ReflectVisDiffFront(0.0), TransSolBeam(0.0), TransThermal(0.0), TransVisBeam(0.0), BlindDataPtr(0), ScreenDataPtr(0),
     264             :               ScreenMapResolution(0), YoungModulus(0.0), PoissonsRatio(0.0), DeflectedThickness(0.0), Pressure(0.0), SupportPillarPtr(0),
     265             :               DeflectionStatePtr(0), ComplexShadePtr(0), GasPointer(0), WinShadeToGlassDist(0.0), WinShadeTopOpeningMult(0.0),
     266             :               WinShadeBottomOpeningMult(0.0), WinShadeLeftOpeningMult(0.0), WinShadeRightOpeningMult(0.0), WinShadeAirFlowPermeability(0.0),
     267             :               EMPDMaterialProps(false), EMPDmu(0.0), MoistACoeff(0.0), MoistBCoeff(0.0), MoistCCoeff(0.0), MoistDCoeff(0.0), EMPDSurfaceDepth(0.0),
     268             :               EMPDDeepDepth(0.0), EMPDCoatingThickness(0.0), EMPDmuCoating(0.0), EcoRoofCalculationMethod(0), HeightOfPlants(0.0), LAI(0.0),
     269             :               Lreflectivity(0.0), LEmissitivity(0.0), InitMoisture(0.0), MinMoisture(0.0), RStomata(0.0), niso(-1), isodata(27, 0.0), isorh(27, 0.0),
     270             :               nsuc(-1), sucdata(27, 0.0), sucwater(27, 0.0), nred(-1), reddata(27, 0.0), redwater(27, 0.0), nmu(-1), mudata(27, 0.0), murh(27, 0.0),
     271             :               ntc(-1), tcdata(27, 0.0), tcwater(27, 0.0), itemp(10.0), irh(0.5), iwater(0.2), divs(3), divsize(0.005), divmin(3), divmax(10),
     272             :               SpecTemp(0.0), TCParent(0), SimpleWindowUfactor(0.0), SimpleWindowSHGC(0.0), SimpleWindowVisTran(0.0), SimpleWindowVTinputByUser(false),
     273             :               WarnedForHighDiffusivity(false), ReflFrontBeamBeam(0.0), ReflBackBeamBeam(0.0), TausFrontBeamBeam(0.0), TausBackBeamBeam(0.0),
     274             :               ReflFrontBeamBeamVis(0.0), ReflBackBeamBeamVis(0.0), TausFrontBeamBeamVis(0.0), TausBackBeamBeamVis(0.0), ReflFrontBeamDiff(0.0),
     275             :               ReflBackBeamDiff(0.0), TausFrontBeamDiff(0.0), TausBackBeamDiff(0.0), ReflFrontBeamDiffVis(0.0), ReflBackBeamDiffVis(0.0),
     276             :               TausFrontBeamDiffVis(0.0), TausBackBeamDiffVis(0.0), ReflFrontDiffDiff(0.0), ReflBackDiffDiff(0.0), TausDiffDiff(0.0),
     277             :               ReflFrontDiffDiffVis(0.0), ReflBackDiffDiffVis(0.0), TausDiffDiffVis(0.0), EmissThermalFront(0.0), EmissThermalBack(0.0),
     278             :               TausThermal(0.0), GapVentType(0), ISPleatedDrape(false), PleatedDrapeWidth(0.0), PleatedDrapeLength(0.0), ScreenWireSpacing(0.0),
     279             :               ScreenWireDiameter(0.0), SlatWidth(0.0), SlatSeparation(0.0), SlatCrown(0.0), SlatAngle(0.0), SlatAngleType(0),
     280             :               SlatOrientation(DataWindowEquivalentLayer::Orientation::Invalid), GlassSpectralAndAngle(false), GlassSpecAngTransDataPtr(0),
     281         777 :               GlassSpecAngFRefleDataPtr(0), GlassSpecAngBRefleDataPtr(0)
     282             :         {
     283         777 :         }
     284             :     };
     285             : 
     286             : } // namespace Material
     287             : 
     288        1542 : struct MaterialData : BaseGlobalStruct
     289             : {
     290             :     Array1D<Material::MaterialProperties> Material;
     291             : 
     292           0 :     void clear_state() override
     293             :     {
     294           0 :         Material.deallocate();
     295           0 :     }
     296             : };
     297             : 
     298             : } // namespace EnergyPlus
     299             : 
     300             : #endif

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