LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - EnergyPlus - OutputProcessor.hh (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: lcov.output.filtered Lines: 35 124 28.2 %
Date: 2023-01-17 19:17:23 Functions: 36 57 63.2 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : // EnergyPlus, Copyright (c) 1996-2023, The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois,
       2             : // The Regents of the University of California, through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
       3             : // (subject to receipt of any required approvals from the U.S. Dept. of Energy), Oak Ridge
       4             : // National Laboratory, managed by UT-Battelle, Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC, and other
       5             : // contributors. All rights reserved.
       6             : //
       7             : // NOTICE: This Software was developed under funding from the U.S. Department of Energy and the
       8             : // U.S. Government consequently retains certain rights. As such, the U.S. Government has been
       9             : // granted for itself and others acting on its behalf a paid-up, nonexclusive, irrevocable,
      10             : // worldwide license in the Software to reproduce, distribute copies to the public, prepare
      11             : // derivative works, and perform publicly and display publicly, and to permit others to do so.
      12             : //
      13             : // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted
      14             : // provided that the following conditions are met:
      15             : //
      16             : // (1) Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of
      17             : //     conditions and the following disclaimer.
      18             : //
      19             : // (2) Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of
      20             : //     conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
      21             : //     provided with the distribution.
      22             : //
      23             : // (3) Neither the name of the University of California, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,
      24             : //     the University of Illinois, U.S. Dept. of Energy nor the names of its contributors may be
      25             : //     used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior
      26             : //     written permission.
      27             : //
      28             : // (4) Use of EnergyPlus(TM) Name. If Licensee (i) distributes the software in stand-alone form
      29             : //     without changes from the version obtained under this License, or (ii) Licensee makes a
      30             : //     reference solely to the software portion of its product, Licensee must refer to the
      31             : //     software as "EnergyPlus version X" software, where "X" is the version number Licensee
      32             : //     obtained under this License and may not use a different name for the software. Except as
      33             : //     specifically required in this Section (4), Licensee shall not use in a company name, a
      34             : //     product name, in advertising, publicity, or other promotional activities any name, trade
      35             : //     name, trademark, logo, or other designation of "EnergyPlus", "E+", "e+" or confusingly
      36             : //     similar designation, without the U.S. Department of Energy's prior written consent.
      37             : //
      46             : // POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.
      47             : 
      48             : #ifndef OutputProcessor_hh_INCLUDED
      49             : #define OutputProcessor_hh_INCLUDED
      50             : 
      51             : // C++ Headers
      52             : #include <iosfwd>
      53             : #include <map>
      54             : #include <unordered_map>
      55             : 
      56             : // ObjexxFCL Headers
      57             : #include <ObjexxFCL/Array1D.hh>
      58             : #include <ObjexxFCL/Array2D.hh>
      59             : #include <ObjexxFCL/Optional.hh>
      60             : #include <ObjexxFCL/Reference.hh>
      61             : 
      62             : // EnergyPlus Headers
      63             : #include <EnergyPlus/Data/BaseData.hh>
      64             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataGlobals.hh>
      65             : #include <EnergyPlus/DisplayRoutines.hh>
      66             : #include <EnergyPlus/EPVector.hh>
      67             : #include <EnergyPlus/EnergyPlus.hh>
      68             : 
      69             : // Third party Headers
      70             : #include "re2/re2.h"
      71             : 
      72             : namespace EnergyPlus {
      73             : 
      74             : // Forward declarations
      75             : class InputOutputFile;
      76             : struct EnergyPlusData;
      77             : 
      78             : namespace OutputProcessor {
      79             : 
      80             :     // enumerations for SetupOutputVariable calls -- for now these are direct mappings from the original strings, no change in functionality
      81             :     enum class SOVTimeStepType
      82             :     {
      83             :         Invalid = -1,
      84             :         System,
      85             :         HVAC,
      86             :         Zone,
      87             :         Plant,
      88             :         Num
      89             :     };
      90             :     static constexpr std::array<std::string_view, (int)SOVTimeStepType::Num> sovTimeStepTypeStrings = {"System", "HVAC", "Zone", "Plant"};
      91             :     enum class SOVStoreType
      92             :     {
      93             :         Invalid = -1,
      94             :         State,
      95             :         NonState,
      96             :         Summed,
      97             :         Average,
      98             :         Num
      99             :     };
     100             :     static constexpr std::array<std::string_view, (int)SOVStoreType::Num> sovStoreTypeStrings = {"State", "NonState", "Summed", "Average"};
     101             : 
     102             :     enum class ReportVDD
     103             :     {
     104             :         Invalid = -1,
     105             :         No,  // Don't report the variable dictionaries in any form
     106             :         Yes, // Report the variable dictionaries in "report format"
     107             :         IDF, // Report the variable dictionaries in "IDF format"
     108             :         Num
     109             :     };
     110             : 
     111             :     constexpr Real64 MinSetValue(99999999999999.0);
     112             :     constexpr Real64 MaxSetValue(-99999999999999.0);
     113             :     constexpr int IMinSetValue(999999);
     114             :     constexpr int IMaxSetValue(-999999);
     115             : 
     116             :     enum class VariableType
     117             :     {
     118             :         Invalid = -1,
     119             :         NotFound, // ref: GetVariableKeyCountandType, 0 = not found
     120             :         Integer,  // ref: GetVariableKeyCountandType, 1 = integer
     121             :         Real,     // ref: GetVariableKeyCountandType, 2 = real
     122             :         Meter,    // ref: GetVariableKeyCountandType, 3 = meter
     123             :         Schedule, // ref: GetVariableKeyCountandType, 4 = schedule
     124             :         Num
     125             :     };
     126             : 
     127             :     enum class MtrType
     128             :     {
     129             :         Invalid = -1,
     130             :         Normal,     // Type value for normal meters
     131             :         Custom,     // Type value for custom meters
     132             :         CustomDec,  // Type value for custom meters that decrement another meter
     133             :         CustomDiff, // Type value for custom meters that difference another meter
     134             :         Num
     135             :     };
     136             : 
     137             :     constexpr int N_WriteTimeStampFormatData(100);
     138             : 
     139             :     static constexpr std::array<std::string_view, 14> endUseCategoryNames = {"HEATING",
     140             :                                                                              "COOLING",
     141             :                                                                              "INTERIORLIGHTS",
     142             :                                                                              "EXTERIORLIGHTS",
     143             :                                                                              "INTERIOREQUIPMENT",
     144             :                                                                              "EXTERIOREQUIPMENT",
     145             :                                                                              "FANS",
     146             :                                                                              "PUMPS",
     147             :                                                                              "HEATREJECTION",
     148             :                                                                              "HUMIDIFIER",
     149             :                                                                              "HEATRECOVERY",
     150             :                                                                              "WATERSYSTEMS",
     151             :                                                                              "REFRIGERATION",
     152             :                                                                              "COGENERATION"};
     153             : 
     154             :     constexpr int RVarAllocInc(1000);
     155             :     constexpr int LVarAllocInc(1000);
     156             :     constexpr int IVarAllocInc(10);
     157             : 
     158             :     //  For IP Units (tabular reports) certain resources will be put in sub-tables
     159             :     enum class RT_IPUnits
     160             :     {
     161             :         Invalid = -1,
     162             :         OtherJ,
     163             :         Electricity,
     164             :         Gas,
     165             :         Cooling,
     166             :         Water,
     167             :         OtherKG,
     168             :         OtherM3,
     169             :         OtherL,
     170             :         Num
     171             :     };
     172             : 
     173             :     enum class Unit
     174             :     {
     175             :         Invalid = -1,
     176             :         kg_s,
     177             :         C,
     178             :         kgWater_kgDryAir,
     179             :         ppm,
     180             :         Pa,
     181             :         m3_s,
     182             :         None,
     183             :         min,
     184             :         W,
     185             :         J,
     186             :         m3,
     187             :         kg,
     188             :         ach,
     189             :         W_W,
     190             :         lux,
     191             :         lum_W,
     192             :         hr,
     193             :         cd_m2,
     194             :         J_kgWater,
     195             :         m_s,
     196             :         W_m2,
     197             :         m,
     198             :         Ah,
     199             :         A,
     200             :         V,
     201             :         deltaC,
     202             :         kmol_s,
     203             :         rev_min,
     204             :         Btu_h_W,
     205             :         W_m2K,
     206             :         J_kg,
     207             :         kg_kg,
     208             :         Perc,
     209             :         deg,
     210             :         s,
     211             :         kg_m3,
     212             :         kg_m2s,
     213             :         J_kgK,
     214             :         L,
     215             :         K_m,
     216             :         m2,
     217             :         W_m2C,
     218             :         rad,
     219             :         J_m2,
     220             :         clo,
     221             :         W_mK,
     222             :         W_K,
     223             :         K_W,
     224             :         kgWater_s,
     225             :         unknown,
     226             :         customEMS,
     227             :         Num
     228             :     };
     229             : 
     230             :     enum class ReportingFrequency
     231             :     {
     232             :         EachCall = -1, // Write out each time UpdatedataandReport is called
     233             :         TimeStep,      // Write out at 'EndTimeStepFlag'
     234             :         Hourly,        // Write out at 'EndHourFlag'
     235             :         Daily,         // Write out at 'EndDayFlag'
     236             :         Monthly,       // Write out at end of month (must be determined)
     237             :         Simulation,    // Write out once per environment 'EndEnvrnFlag'
     238             :         Yearly,        // Write out at 'EndYearFlag'
     239             :         Num
     240             :     };
     241             : 
     242             :     enum class StoreType
     243             :     {
     244             :         Invalid = -1,
     245             :         Averaged = 1, // Type value for "averaged" variables
     246             :         Summed,       // Type value for "summed" variables
     247             :         Num
     248             :     };
     249             : 
     250             :     enum class TimeStepType
     251             :     {
     252             :         Invalid = -1,
     253             :         Zone = 1,   // Type value for "zone" timestep variables
     254             :         System = 2, // Type value for "system" timestep variables
     255             :         Num
     256             :     };
     257             : 
     258             :     struct TimeSteps
     259             :     {
     260             :         Real64 *TimeStep = nullptr; // fortran POINTER Pointer to the Actual Time Step Variable (Zone or HVAC)
     261             :         Real64 CurMinute = 0.0;     // Current minute (decoded from real Time Step Value)
     262             :     };
     263             : 
     264     1988830 :     struct RealVariables
     265             :     {
     266             :         Real64 *Which;       // The POINTER to the actual variable holding the value
     267             :         Real64 Value;        // Current Value of the variable (to resolution of Zone Time Step)
     268             :         Real64 TSValue;      // Value of this variable at the Zone Time Step
     269             :         Real64 EITSValue;    // Value of this variable at the Zone Time Step for external interface
     270             :         Real64 StoreValue;   // At end of Zone Time Step, value is placed here for later reporting
     271             :         Real64 NumStored;    // Number of hours stored
     272             :         StoreType storeType; // Variable Type (Summed/Non-Static or Average/Static)
     273             :         bool Stored;         // True when value is stored
     274             :         bool Report;         // User has requested reporting of this variable in the IDF
     275             :         bool tsStored;       // if stored for this zone timestep
     276             :         bool thisTSStored;   // if stored for this zone timestep
     277             :         int thisTSCount;
     278             :         ReportingFrequency frequency; // How often to report this variable
     279             :         Real64 MaxValue;              // Maximum reporting (only for Averaged variables, and those greater than Time Step)
     280             :         int maxValueDate;             // Date stamp of maximum
     281             :         Real64 MinValue;              // Minimum reporting (only for Averaged variables, and those greater than Time Step)
     282             :         int minValueDate;             // Date stamp of minimum
     283             :         int ReportID;                 // Report variable ID number
     284             :         std::string ReportIDChr;      // Report variable ID number (character -- for printing)
     285             :         int SchedPtr;                 // If scheduled, this points to the schedule
     286             :         int MeterArrayPtr;            // If metered, this points to an array of applicable meters
     287             :         int ZoneMult;                 // If metered, Zone Multiplier is applied
     288             :         int ZoneListMult;             // If metered, Zone List Multiplier is applied
     289             : 
     290             :         // Default Constructor
     291         830 :         RealVariables()
     292         830 :             : Value(0.0), TSValue(0.0), EITSValue(0.0), StoreValue(0.0), NumStored(0.0), storeType(StoreType::Averaged), Stored(false), Report(false),
     293             :               tsStored(false), thisTSStored(false), thisTSCount(0), frequency(ReportingFrequency::Hourly), MaxValue(-9999.0), maxValueDate(0),
     294         830 :               MinValue(9999.0), minValueDate(0), ReportID(0), SchedPtr(0), MeterArrayPtr(0), ZoneMult(1), ZoneListMult(1)
     295             :         {
     296         830 :         }
     297             :     };
     298             : 
     299       79573 :     struct IntegerVariables
     300             :     {
     301             :         // Members
     302             :         int *Which;          // The POINTER to the actual variable holding the value
     303             :         Real64 Value;        // Current Value of the variable (to resolution of Zone Time Step)
     304             :         Real64 TSValue;      // Value of this variable at the Zone Time Step
     305             :         Real64 EITSValue;    // Value of this variable at the Zone Time Step for external interface
     306             :         Real64 StoreValue;   // At end of Zone Time Step, value is placed here for later reporting
     307             :         Real64 NumStored;    // Number of hours stored
     308             :         StoreType storeType; // Variable Type (Summed/Non-Static or Average/Static)
     309             :         bool Stored;         // True when value is stored
     310             :         bool Report;         // User has requested reporting of this variable in the IDF
     311             :         bool tsStored;       // if stored for this zone timestep
     312             :         bool thisTSStored;   // if stored for this zone timestep
     313             :         int thisTSCount;
     314             :         ReportingFrequency frequency; // How often to report this variable
     315             :         int MaxValue;                 // Maximum reporting (only for Averaged variables, and those greater than Time Step)
     316             :         int maxValueDate;             // Date stamp of maximum
     317             :         int MinValue;                 // Minimum reporting (only for Averaged variables, and those greater than Time Step)
     318             :         int minValueDate;             // Date stamp of minimum
     319             :         int ReportID;                 // Report variable ID number
     320             :         std::string ReportIDChr;      // Report variable ID number (character -- for printing)
     321             :         int SchedPtr;                 // If scheduled, this points to the schedule
     322             : 
     323             :         // Default Constructor
     324        1073 :         IntegerVariables()
     325        1073 :             : Value(0.0), TSValue(0.0), EITSValue(0.0), StoreValue(0.0), NumStored(0.0), storeType(StoreType::Averaged), Stored(false), Report(false),
     326             :               tsStored(false), thisTSStored(false), thisTSCount(0), frequency(ReportingFrequency::Hourly), MaxValue(-9999), maxValueDate(0),
     327        1073 :               MinValue(9999), minValueDate(0), ReportID(0), SchedPtr(0)
     328             :         {
     329        1073 :         }
     330             :     };
     331             : 
     332     1546772 :     struct VariableTypeForDDOutput
     333             :     {
     334             :         // Members
     335             :         TimeStepType timeStepType;     // Type whether Zone or HVAC
     336             :         StoreType storeType;           // Variable Type (Summed/Non-Static or Average/Static)
     337             :         VariableType variableType;     // Integer, Real.
     338             :         int Next;                      // Next variable of same name (different units)
     339             :         bool ReportedOnDDFile;         // true after written to .rdd/.mdd file
     340             :         std::string VarNameOnly;       // Name of Variable
     341             :         OutputProcessor::Unit units;   // Units for Variable
     342             :         std::string unitNameCustomEMS; // name of units when customEMS is used for EMS variables that are unusual
     343             : 
     344             :         // Default Constructor
     345         772 :         VariableTypeForDDOutput()
     346         772 :             : timeStepType(TimeStepType::Zone), storeType(StoreType::Averaged), variableType(VariableType::NotFound), Next(0),
     347         772 :               ReportedOnDDFile(false), units(OutputProcessor::Unit::None)
     348             :         {
     349         772 :         }
     350             :     };
     351             : 
     352     1988830 :     struct RealVariableType
     353             :     {
     354             :         // Members
     355             :         TimeStepType timeStepType;     // Type whether Zone or HVAC
     356             :         StoreType storeType;           // Variable Type (Summed/Non-Static or Average/Static)
     357             :         int ReportID;                  // Report variable ID number
     358             :         std::string VarName;           // Name of Variable key:variable
     359             :         std::string VarNameUC;         // Name of Variable (Uppercase)
     360             :         std::string VarNameOnly;       // Name of Variable
     361             :         std::string VarNameOnlyUC;     // Name of Variable with out key in uppercase
     362             :         std::string KeyNameOnlyUC;     // Name of key only witht out variable in uppercase
     363             :         OutputProcessor::Unit units;   // Units for Variable
     364             :         std::string unitNameCustomEMS; // name of units when customEMS is used for EMS variables that are unusual
     365             :         RealVariables VarPtr;          // Pointer used to real Variables structure
     366             : 
     367             :         // Default Constructor
     368         830 :         RealVariableType() : timeStepType(TimeStepType::Zone), storeType(StoreType::Averaged), ReportID(0), units(OutputProcessor::Unit::None)
     369             :         {
     370         830 :         }
     371             :     };
     372             : 
     373       79573 :     struct IntegerVariableType
     374             :     {
     375             :         // Members
     376             :         TimeStepType timeStepType;   // Type whether Zone or HVAC
     377             :         StoreType storeType;         // Variable Type (Summed/Non-Static or Average/Static)
     378             :         int ReportID;                // Report variable ID number
     379             :         std::string VarName;         // Name of Variable
     380             :         std::string VarNameUC;       // Name of Variable
     381             :         std::string VarNameOnly;     // Name of Variable
     382             :         std::string VarNameOnlyUC;   // Name of Variable with out key in uppercase
     383             :         std::string KeyNameOnlyUC;   // Name of key only witht out variable in uppercase
     384             :         OutputProcessor::Unit units; // Units for Variable
     385             :         IntegerVariables VarPtr;     // Pointer used to integer Variables structure
     386             : 
     387             :         // Default Constructor
     388        1073 :         IntegerVariableType() : timeStepType(TimeStepType::Zone), storeType(StoreType::Averaged), ReportID(0), units(OutputProcessor::Unit::None)
     389             :         {
     390        1073 :         }
     391             :     };
     392             : 
     393       41485 :     struct ReqReportVariables // Structure for requested Report Variables
     394             :     {
     395             :         // Members
     396             :         std::string Key;              // Could be blank or "*"
     397             :         std::string VarName;          // Name of Variable
     398             :         ReportingFrequency frequency; // Reporting Frequency
     399             :         int SchedPtr;                 // Index of the Schedule
     400             :         std::string SchedName;        // Schedule Name
     401             :         bool Used;                    // True when this combination (key, varname, frequency) has been set
     402             : 
     403             :         bool is_simple_string; // Whether the Key potentially includes a Regular Expression pattern
     404             :         std::shared_ptr<RE2> case_insensitive_pattern;
     405             : 
     406             :         // Default Constructor
     407         771 :         ReqReportVariables()
     408         771 :             : frequency(ReportingFrequency::Hourly), SchedPtr(0), Used(false), is_simple_string(true), case_insensitive_pattern(nullptr)
     409             :         {
     410         771 :         }
     411             :     };
     412             : 
     413    18446085 :     struct MeterArrayType
     414             :     {
     415             :         // Members
     416             :         int NumOnMeters;            // Number of OnMeter Entries for variable
     417             :         int RepVariable;            // Backwards pointer to real Variable
     418             :         Array1D_int OnMeters;       // Forward pointer to Meter Numbers
     419             :         int NumOnCustomMeters;      // Number of OnCustomMeter Entries for variable
     420             :         Array1D_int OnCustomMeters; // Forward pointer to Custom Meter Numbers
     421             : 
     422             :         // Default Constructor
     423       56223 :         MeterArrayType() : NumOnMeters(0), RepVariable(0), OnMeters(10, 0), NumOnCustomMeters(0)
     424             :         {
     425       56223 :         }
     426             :     };
     427             : 
     428    25498289 :     struct MeterType
     429             :     {
     430             :         // Members
     431             :         std::string Name;                          // Name of the meter
     432             :         std::string ResourceType;                  // Resource Type of the meter
     433             :         std::string EndUse;                        // End Use of the meter
     434             :         std::string EndUseSub;                     // End Use subcategory of the meter
     435             :         std::string Group;                         // Group of the meter
     436             :         OutputProcessor::Unit Units;               // Units for the Meter
     437             :         OutputProcessor::RT_IPUnits RT_forIPUnits; // Resource type number for IP Units (tabular) reporting
     438             :         MtrType TypeOfMeter;                       // type of meter
     439             :         int SourceMeter;                           // for custom decrement meters, this is the meter number for the subtraction
     440             : 
     441             :         Real64 TSValue;          // TimeStep Value
     442             :         Real64 CurTSValue;       // Current TimeStep Value (internal access)
     443             :         bool RptTS;              // Report at End of TimeStep (Zone)
     444             :         bool RptTSFO;            // Report at End of TimeStep (Zone) -- meter file only
     445             :         int TSRptNum;            // Report Number for TS Values
     446             :         std::string TSRptNumChr; // Report Number for TS Values (character -- for printing)
     447             : 
     448             :         Real64 HRValue;          // Hourly Value
     449             :         bool RptHR;              // Report at End of Hour
     450             :         bool RptHRFO;            // Report at End of Hour -- meter file only
     451             :         int HRRptNum;            // Report Number for HR Values
     452             :         std::string HRRptNumChr; // Report Number for HR Values (character -- for printing)
     453             : 
     454             :         Real64 DYValue;          // Daily Value
     455             :         bool RptDY;              // Report at End of Day
     456             :         bool RptDYFO;            // Report at End of Day -- meter file only
     457             :         Real64 DYMaxVal;         // Maximum Value (Day)
     458             :         int DYMaxValDate;        // Date stamp of maximum
     459             :         Real64 DYMinVal;         // Minimum Value (Day)
     460             :         int DYMinValDate;        // Date stamp of minimum
     461             :         int DYRptNum;            // Report Number for DY Values
     462             :         std::string DYRptNumChr; // Report Number for DY Values (character -- for printing)
     463             : 
     464             :         Real64 MNValue;          // Monthly Value
     465             :         bool RptMN;              // Report at End of Month
     466             :         bool RptMNFO;            // Report at End of Month -- meter file only
     467             :         Real64 MNMaxVal;         // Maximum Value (Month)
     468             :         int MNMaxValDate;        // Date stamp of maximum
     469             :         Real64 MNMinVal;         // Minimum Value (Month)
     470             :         int MNMinValDate;        // Date stamp of minimum
     471             :         int MNRptNum;            // Report Number for MN Values
     472             :         std::string MNRptNumChr; // Report Number for MN Values (character -- for printing)
     473             : 
     474             :         Real64 YRValue;          // Yearly Value
     475             :         bool RptYR;              // Report at End of Year
     476             :         bool RptYRFO;            // Report at End of Year
     477             :         Real64 YRMaxVal;         // Maximum Value (Yearly)
     478             :         int YRMaxValDate;        // Date stamp of maximum
     479             :         Real64 YRMinVal;         // Minimum Value (Yearly)
     480             :         int YRMinValDate;        // Date stamp of minimum
     481             :         int YRRptNum;            // Report Number for YR Values
     482             :         std::string YRRptNumChr; // Report Number for YR Values (character -- for printing)
     483             : 
     484             :         Real64 SMValue;          // Simulation Value
     485             :         bool RptSM;              // Report at End of Environment/Simulation
     486             :         bool RptSMFO;            // Report at End of Environment/Simulation -- meter file only
     487             :         Real64 SMMaxVal;         // Maximum Value (Sim)
     488             :         int SMMaxValDate;        // Date stamp of maximum
     489             :         Real64 SMMinVal;         // Minimum Value (Sim)
     490             :         int SMMinValDate;        // Date stamp of minimum
     491             :         int SMRptNum;            // Report Number for SM Values
     492             :         std::string SMRptNumChr; // Report Number for SM Values (character -- for printing)
     493             : 
     494             :         Real64 LastSMValue;      // Simulation Value
     495             :         Real64 LastSMMaxVal;     // Maximum Value (Sim)
     496             :         int LastSMMaxValDate;    // Date stamp of maximum
     497             :         Real64 LastSMMinVal;     // Minimum Value (Sim)
     498             :         int LastSMMinValDate;    // Date stamp of minimum
     499             :         Real64 FinYrSMValue;     // Final Year Simulation Value
     500             :         Real64 FinYrSMMaxVal;    // Maximum Value (Sim)
     501             :         int FinYrSMMaxValDate;   // Date stamp of maximum
     502             :         Real64 FinYrSMMinVal;    // Minimum Value (Sim)
     503             :         int FinYrSMMinValDate;   // Date stamp of minimum
     504             :         bool RptAccTS;           // Report Cumulative Meter at Time Step
     505             :         bool RptAccTSFO;         // Report Cumulative Meter at Time Step -- meter file only
     506             :         bool RptAccHR;           // Report Cumulative Meter at Hour
     507             :         bool RptAccHRFO;         // Report Cumulative Meter at Hour -- meter file only
     508             :         bool RptAccDY;           // Report Cumulative Meter at Day
     509             :         bool RptAccDYFO;         // Report Cumulative Meter at Day -- meter file only
     510             :         bool RptAccMN;           // Report Cumulative Meter at Month
     511             :         bool RptAccMNFO;         // Report Cumulative Meter at Month -- meter file only
     512             :         bool RptAccYR;           // Report Cumulative Meter at Year
     513             :         bool RptAccYRFO;         // Report Cumulative Meter at Year -- meter file only
     514             :         bool RptAccSM;           // Report Cumulative Meter at Run Period
     515             :         bool RptAccSMFO;         // Report Cumulative Meter at Run Period -- meter file only
     516             :         int TSAccRptNum;         // Report Number for Acc Values
     517             :         int HRAccRptNum;         // Report Number for Acc Values
     518             :         int DYAccRptNum;         // Report Number for Acc Values
     519             :         int MNAccRptNum;         // Report Number for Acc Values
     520             :         int YRAccRptNum;         // Report Number for Acc Values
     521             :         int SMAccRptNum;         // Report Number for Acc Values
     522             :         int InstMeterCacheStart; // index of the beginning of the instant meter cache
     523             :         int InstMeterCacheEnd;   // index of the end of the instant meter cache
     524             : 
     525             :         // Default Constructor
     526       93065 :         MeterType()
     527       93065 :             : Units(OutputProcessor::Unit::None), RT_forIPUnits(OutputProcessor::RT_IPUnits::Invalid), TypeOfMeter(MtrType::Normal), SourceMeter(0),
     528             :               TSValue(0.0), CurTSValue(0.0), RptTS(false), RptTSFO(false), TSRptNum(0), HRValue(0.0), RptHR(false), RptHRFO(false), HRRptNum(0),
     529             :               DYValue(0.0), RptDY(false), RptDYFO(false), DYMaxVal(-99999.0), DYMaxValDate(0), DYMinVal(99999.0), DYMinValDate(0), DYRptNum(0),
     530             :               MNValue(0.0), RptMN(false), RptMNFO(false), MNMaxVal(-99999.0), MNMaxValDate(0), MNMinVal(99999.0), MNMinValDate(0), MNRptNum(0),
     531             :               YRValue(0.0), RptYR(false), RptYRFO(false), YRMaxVal(-99999.0), YRMaxValDate(0), YRMinVal(99999.0), YRMinValDate(0), YRRptNum(0),
     532             :               SMValue(0.0), RptSM(false), RptSMFO(false), SMMaxVal(-99999.0), SMMaxValDate(0), SMMinVal(99999.0), SMMinValDate(0), SMRptNum(0),
     533             :               LastSMValue(0.0), LastSMMaxVal(-99999.0), LastSMMaxValDate(0), LastSMMinVal(99999.0), LastSMMinValDate(0), FinYrSMValue(0.0),
     534             :               FinYrSMMaxVal(-99999.0), FinYrSMMaxValDate(0), FinYrSMMinVal(99999.0), FinYrSMMinValDate(0), RptAccTS(false), RptAccTSFO(false),
     535             :               RptAccHR(false), RptAccHRFO(false), RptAccDY(false), RptAccDYFO(false), RptAccMN(false), RptAccMNFO(false), RptAccYR(false),
     536             :               RptAccYRFO(false), RptAccSM(false), RptAccSMFO(false), TSAccRptNum(0), HRAccRptNum(0), DYAccRptNum(0), MNAccRptNum(0), YRAccRptNum(0),
     537       93065 :               SMAccRptNum(0), InstMeterCacheStart(0), InstMeterCacheEnd(0)
     538             :         {
     539       93065 :         }
     540             :     };
     541             : 
     542       33153 :     struct EndUseCategoryType
     543             :     {
     544             :         // Members
     545             :         std::string Name;        // End use category name
     546             :         std::string DisplayName; // Display name for output table
     547             :         int NumSubcategories = 0;
     548             :         Array1D_string SubcategoryName; // Array of subcategory names
     549             :         int numSpaceTypes = 0;
     550             :         Array1D_string spaceTypeName; // Array of space type names
     551             :     };
     552             : 
     553             :     void InitializeOutput(EnergyPlusData &state);
     554             : 
     555             :     void SetupTimePointers(EnergyPlusData &state,
     556             :                            OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType IndexKey, // Which timestep is being set up, 'Zone'=1, 'HVAC'=2
     557             :                            Real64 &TimeStep                           // The timestep variable.  Used to get the address
     558             :     );
     559             : 
     560             :     void CheckReportVariable(EnergyPlusData &state,
     561             :                              std::string_view const KeyedValue, // Associated Key for this variable
     562             :                              std::string_view const VarName     // String Name of variable (without units)
     563             :     );
     564             : 
     565             :     void GetReportVariableInput(EnergyPlusData &state);
     566             : 
     567             :     ReportingFrequency determineFrequency(EnergyPlusData &state, std::string const &FreqString);
     568             : 
     569             :     std::string reportingFrequency(ReportingFrequency reportingInterval);
     570             : 
     571             :     void ProduceMinMaxString(std::string &String,          // Current value
     572             :                              int DateValue,                // Date of min/max
     573             :                              ReportingFrequency ReportFreq // Reporting Frequency
     574             :     );
     575             : 
     576             :     // TODO: GET RID OF THESE REDIMENSIONS
     577             :     inline void ReallocateIntegerArray(Array1D_int &Array,
     578             :                                        int &ArrayMax,     // Current and resultant dimension for Array
     579             :                                        int const ArrayInc // increment for redimension
     580             :     )
     581             :     {
     582             :         Array.redimension(ArrayMax += ArrayInc, 0);
     583             :     }
     584             : 
     585             :     inline void ReallocateRVar(EnergyPlusData &state);
     586             : 
     587             :     inline void ReallocateIVar(EnergyPlusData &state);
     588             : 
     589             :     TimeStepType ValidateTimeStepType(EnergyPlusData &state,
     590             :                                       OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType TimeStepTypeKey // Index type (Zone, HVAC) for variables
     591             :     );
     592             : 
     593             :     std::string StandardTimeStepTypeKey(TimeStepType timeStepType);
     594             : 
     595             :     StoreType validateVariableType(EnergyPlusData &state, OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType VariableTypeKey);
     596             : 
     597             :     std::string standardVariableTypeKey(StoreType VariableType);
     598             : 
     599             :     // *****************************************************************************
     600             :     // The following routines implement Energy Meters in EnergyPlus.
     601             :     // *****************************************************************************
     602             : 
     603             :     void InitializeMeters(EnergyPlusData &state);
     604             : 
     605             :     void GetCustomMeterInput(EnergyPlusData &state, bool &ErrorsFound);
     606             : 
     607             :     void
     608             :     GetStandardMeterResourceType(EnergyPlusData &state, std::string &OutResourceType, std::string const &UserInputResourceType, bool &ErrorsFound);
     609             : 
     610             :     void AddMeter(EnergyPlusData &state,
     611             :                   std::string const &Name,         // Name for the meter
     612             :                   OutputProcessor::Unit MtrUnits,  // Units for the meter
     613             :                   std::string const &ResourceType, // ResourceType for the meter
     614             :                   std::string const &EndUse,       // EndUse for the meter
     615             :                   std::string const &EndUseSub,    // EndUse subcategory for the meter
     616             :                   std::string const &Group         // Group for the meter
     617             :     );
     618             : 
     619             :     void AttachMeters(EnergyPlusData &state,
     620             :                       EnergyPlus::OutputProcessor::Unit MtrUnits, // Units for this meter
     621             :                       std::string &ResourceType,                  // Electricity, Gas, etc.
     622             :                       std::string &EndUse,                        // End-use category (Lights, Heating, etc.)
     623             :                       std::string &EndUseSub,                     // End-use subcategory (user-defined, e.g., General Lights, Task Lights, etc.)
     624             :                       std::string &Group,                         // Group key (Facility, Zone, Building, etc.)
     625             :                       std::string const &ZoneName,                // Zone key only applicable for Building group
     626             :                       std::string const &SpaceTypeName,           // Space Type key only applicable for Building group
     627             :                       int RepVarNum,                              // Number of this report variable
     628             :                       int &MeterArrayPtr,                         // Output set of Pointers to Meters
     629             :                       bool &ErrorsFound                           // True if errors in this call
     630             :     );
     631             : 
     632             :     void AttachCustomMeters(EnergyPlusData &state,
     633             :                             int RepVarNum,      // Number of this report variable
     634             :                             int &MeterArrayPtr, // Input/Output set of Pointers to Meters
     635             :                             int MeterIndex      // Which meter this is
     636             :     );
     637             : 
     638             :     void ValidateNStandardizeMeterTitles(EnergyPlusData &state,
     639             :                                          OutputProcessor::Unit MtrUnits, // Units for the meter
     640             :                                          std::string &ResourceType,      // Electricity, Gas, etc.
     641             :                                          std::string &EndUse,            // End Use Type (Lights, Heating, etc.)
     642             :                                          std::string &EndUseSub,         // End Use Sub Type (General Lights, Task Lights, etc.)
     643             :                                          std::string &Group,             // Group key (Facility, Zone, Building, etc.)
     644             :                                          bool &ErrorsFound,              // True if errors in this call
     645             :                                          const std::string &ZoneName,    // Zone Name when Group=Building
     646             :                                          const std::string &SpaceType    // Space Type when Group=Building
     647             :     );
     648             : 
     649             :     void DetermineMeterIPUnits(EnergyPlusData &state,
     650             :                                OutputProcessor::RT_IPUnits &CodeForIPUnits, // Output Code for IP Units
     651             :                                std::string const &ResourceType,             // Resource Type
     652             :                                OutputProcessor::Unit MtrUnits,              // Meter units
     653             :                                bool &ErrorsFound                            // true if errors found during subroutine
     654             :     );
     655             : 
     656             :     void UpdateMeters(EnergyPlusData &state, int TimeStamp); // Current TimeStamp (for max/min)
     657             : 
     658             :     void ResetAccumulationWhenWarmupComplete(EnergyPlusData &state);
     659             : 
     660             :     void ReportTSMeters(EnergyPlusData &state,
     661             :                         Real64 StartMinute,      // Start Minute for TimeStep
     662             :                         Real64 EndMinute,        // End Minute for TimeStep
     663             :                         bool &PrintESOTimeStamp, // True if the ESO Time Stamp also needs to be printed
     664             :                         bool PrintTimeStampToSQL // Print Time Stamp to SQL file
     665             :     );
     666             : 
     667             :     void ReportHRMeters(EnergyPlusData &state, bool PrintTimeStampToSQL // Print Time Stamp to SQL file
     668             :     );
     669             : 
     670             :     void ReportDYMeters(EnergyPlusData &state, bool PrintTimeStampToSQL // Print Time Stamp to SQL file
     671             :     );
     672             : 
     673             :     void ReportMNMeters(EnergyPlusData &state, bool PrintTimeStampToSQL // Print Time Stamp to SQL file
     674             :     );
     675             : 
     676             :     void ReportSMMeters(EnergyPlusData &state, bool PrintTimeStampToSQL // Print Time Stamp to SQL file
     677             :     );
     678             : 
     679             :     void ReportYRMeters(EnergyPlusData &state, bool PrintTimeStampToSQL);
     680             : 
     681             :     void ReportForTabularReports(EnergyPlusData &state);
     682             : 
     683             :     std::string DateToStringWithMonth(int codedDate); // word containing encoded month, day, hour, minute
     684             : 
     685             :     void ReportMeterDetails(EnergyPlusData &state);
     686             : 
     687             :     // *****************************************************************************
     688             :     // End of routines for Energy Meters implementation in EnergyPlus.
     689             :     // *****************************************************************************
     690             : 
     691             :     void addEndUseSubcategory(EnergyPlusData &state, std::string const &EndUseName, std::string const &EndUseSubName);
     692             : 
     693             :     void addEndUseSpaceType(EnergyPlusData &state, std::string const &EndUseName, std::string const &EndUseSpTypeName);
     694             : 
     695             :     void WriteTimeStampFormatData(EnergyPlusData &state,
     696             :                                   InputOutputFile &outputFile,
     697             :                                   ReportingFrequency reportingInterval,   // Reporting frequency.
     698             :                                   int reportID,                           // The ID of the time stamp
     699             :                                   std::string const &reportIDString,      // The ID of the time stamp
     700             :                                   std::string const &DayOfSimChr,         // the number of days simulated so far
     701             :                                   bool writeToSQL,                        // write to SQLite
     702             :                                   Optional_int_const Month = _,           // the month of the reporting interval
     703             :                                   Optional_int_const DayOfMonth = _,      // The day of the reporting interval
     704             :                                   Optional_int_const Hour = _,            // The hour of the reporting interval
     705             :                                   Optional<Real64 const> EndMinute = _,   // The last minute in the reporting interval
     706             :                                   Optional<Real64 const> StartMinute = _, // The starting minute of the reporting interval
     707             :                                   Optional_int_const DST = _,             // A flag indicating whether daylight savings time is observed
     708             :                                   Optional_string_const DayType = _       // The day tied for the data (e.g., Monday)
     709             :     );
     710             : 
     711             :     void WriteYearlyTimeStamp(EnergyPlusData &state,
     712             :                               InputOutputFile &outputFile,
     713             :                               std::string const &reportIDString, // The ID of the time stamp
     714             :                               std::string const &yearOfSimChr,   // the year of the simulation
     715             :                               bool writeToSQL);
     716             : 
     717             :     void WriteReportVariableDictionaryItem(EnergyPlusData &state,
     718             :                                            ReportingFrequency reportingInterval, // The reporting interval (e.g., hourly, daily)
     719             :                                            StoreType storeType,
     720             :                                            int reportID,                        // The reporting ID for the data
     721             :                                            int indexGroupKey,                   // The reporting group (e.g., Zone, Plant Loop, etc.)
     722             :                                            std::string const &indexGroup,       // The reporting group (e.g., Zone, Plant Loop, etc.)
     723             :                                            std::string const &reportIDChr,      // The reporting ID for the data
     724             :                                            std::string_view const keyedValue,   // The key name for the data
     725             :                                            std::string_view const variableName, // The variable's actual name
     726             :                                            TimeStepType timeStepType,
     727             :                                            OutputProcessor::Unit unitsForVar, // The variables units
     728             :                                            Optional_string_const customUnitName = _,
     729             :                                            std::string_view const ScheduleName = {});
     730             : 
     731             :     void WriteMeterDictionaryItem(EnergyPlusData &state,
     732             :                                   ReportingFrequency reportingInterval, // The reporting interval (e.g., hourly, daily)
     733             :                                   StoreType storeType,
     734             :                                   int reportID,                   // The reporting ID in for the variable
     735             :                                   int indexGroupKey,              // The reporting group for the variable
     736             :                                   std::string const &indexGroup,  // The reporting group for the variable
     737             :                                   std::string const &reportIDChr, // The reporting ID in for the variable
     738             :                                   std::string const &meterName,   // The variable's meter name
     739             :                                   OutputProcessor::Unit unit,     // The variables units
     740             :                                   bool cumulativeMeterFlag,       // A flag indicating cumulative data
     741             :                                   bool meterFileOnlyFlag          // A flag indicating whether the data is to be written to standard output
     742             :     );
     743             : 
     744             :     void WriteRealVariableOutput(EnergyPlusData &state,
     745             :                                  RealVariables &realVar,       // Real variable to write out
     746             :                                  ReportingFrequency reportType // The report type or interval (e.g., hourly)
     747             :     );
     748             : 
     749             :     void WriteReportRealData(EnergyPlusData &state,
     750             :                              int reportID,
     751             :                              std::string const &creportID,
     752             :                              Real64 repValue,
     753             :                              StoreType storeType,
     754             :                              Real64 numOfItemsStored,
     755             :                              ReportingFrequency reportingInterval,
     756             :                              Real64 minValue,
     757             :                              int minValueDate,
     758             :                              Real64 MaxValue,
     759             :                              int maxValueDate);
     760             : 
     761             :     void WriteCumulativeReportMeterData(EnergyPlusData &state,
     762             :                                         int reportID,                 // The variable's report ID
     763             :                                         std::string const &creportID, // variable ID in characters
     764             :                                         Real64 repValue,              // The variable's value
     765             :                                         bool meterOnlyFlag            // A flag that indicates if the data should be written to standard output
     766             :     );
     767             : 
     768             :     void WriteReportMeterData(EnergyPlusData &state,
     769             :                               int reportID,                         // The variable's report ID
     770             :                               std::string const &creportID,         // variable ID in characters
     771             :                               Real64 repValue,                      // The variable's value
     772             :                               ReportingFrequency reportingInterval, // The variable's reporting interval (e.g., hourly)
     773             :                               Real64 minValue,                      // The variable's minimum value during the reporting interval
     774             :                               int minValueDate,                     // The date the minimum value occurred
     775             :                               Real64 MaxValue,                      // The variable's maximum value during the reporting interval
     776             :                               int maxValueDate,                     // The date of the maximum value
     777             :                               bool meterOnlyFlag                    // Indicates whether the data is for the meter file only
     778             :     );
     779             : 
     780             :     void WriteNumericData(EnergyPlusData &state,
     781             :                           int reportID,                 // The variable's reporting ID
     782             :                           std::string const &creportID, // variable ID in characters
     783             :                           Real64 repValue               // The variable's value
     784             :     );
     785             : 
     786             :     void WriteNumericData(EnergyPlusData &state,
     787             :                           int reportID,                 // The variable's reporting ID
     788             :                           std::string const &creportID, // variable ID in characters
     789             :                           int32_t repValue              // The variable's value
     790             :     );
     791             : 
     792             :     void WriteIntegerVariableOutput(EnergyPlusData &state,
     793             :                                     IntegerVariables &intVar,     // Integer variable to write out
     794             :                                     ReportingFrequency reportType // The report type (i.e., the reporting interval)
     795             :     );
     796             : 
     797             :     void WriteReportIntegerData(EnergyPlusData &state,
     798             :                                 int reportID,                         // The variable's reporting ID
     799             :                                 std::string const &reportIDString,    // The variable's reporting ID (character)
     800             :                                 Real64 repValue,                      // The variable's value
     801             :                                 StoreType storeType,                  // Type of item (averaged or summed)
     802             :                                 Real64 numOfItemsStored,              // The number of items (hours or timesteps) of data stored
     803             :                                 ReportingFrequency reportingInterval, // The reporting interval (e.g., monthly)
     804             :                                 int minValue,                         // The variable's minimum value during the reporting interval
     805             :                                 int minValueDate,                     // The date the minimum value occurred
     806             :                                 int MaxValue,                         // The variable's maximum value during the reporting interval
     807             :                                 int maxValueDate                      // The date the maximum value occurred
     808             :     );
     809             : 
     810             :     int DetermineIndexGroupKeyFromMeterName(EnergyPlusData &state, std::string const &meterName); // the meter name
     811             : 
     812             :     std::string DetermineIndexGroupFromMeterGroup(MeterType const &meter); // the meter
     813             : 
     814             :     void SetInternalVariableValue(EnergyPlusData &state,
     815             :                                   OutputProcessor::VariableType varType, // 1=integer, 2=real, 3=meter
     816             :                                   int keyVarIndex,                       // Array index
     817             :                                   Real64 SetRealVal,                     // real value to set, if type is real or meter
     818             :                                   int SetIntVal                          // integer value to set if type is integer
     819             :     );
     820             : 
     821             :     std::string unitEnumToStringBrackets(EnergyPlus::OutputProcessor::Unit unitIn);
     822             : 
     823             :     std::string unitEnumToString(OutputProcessor::Unit unitIn);
     824             : 
     825             :     OutputProcessor::Unit unitStringToEnum(std::string const &unitIn);
     826             : 
     827             :     std::string unitStringFromDDitem(EnergyPlusData &state, int ddItemPtr // index provided for DDVariableTypes
     828             :     );
     829             : 
     830           0 :     struct APIOutputVariableRequest
     831             :     {
     832             :         std::string varName;
     833             :         std::string varKey;
     834             :     };
     835             : 
     836             : } // namespace OutputProcessor
     837             : 
     838             : //==============================================================================================
     839             : // *****************************************************************************
     840             : // These routines are available outside the OutputProcessor Module (i.e. calling
     841             : // routines do not have to "USE OutputProcessor".  But each of these routines
     842             : // will use the OutputProcessor and take advantage that everything is PUBLIC
     843             : // within the OutputProcessor.
     844             : // *****************************************************************************
     845             : 
     846             : void SetupOutputVariable(EnergyPlusData &state,
     847             :                          std::string_view const VariableName,              // String Name of variable (with units)
     848             :                          OutputProcessor::Unit VariableUnit,               // Actual units corresponding to the actual variable
     849             :                          Real64 &ActualVariable,                           // Actual Variable, used to set up pointer
     850             :                          OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType TimeStepTypeKey, // Zone, HeatBalance=1, HVAC, System, Plant=2
     851             :                          OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType VariableTypeKey,    // State, Average=1, NonState, Sum=2
     852             :                          std::string_view const KeyedValue,                // Associated Key for this variable
     853             :                          Optional_string_const ReportFreq = _,             // Internal use -- causes reporting at this freqency
     854             :                          Optional_string_const ResourceTypeKey = _,        // Meter Resource Type (Electricity, Gas, etc)
     855             :                          Optional_string_const EndUseKey = _,              // Meter End Use Key (Lights, Heating, Cooling, etc)
     856             :                          Optional_string_const EndUseSubKey = _,           // Meter End Use Sub Key (General Lights, Task Lights, etc)
     857             :                          Optional_string_const GroupKey = _,               // Meter Super Group Key (Building, System, Plant)
     858             :                          Optional_string_const ZoneKey = _,                // Meter Zone Key (zone name)
     859             :                          Optional_int_const ZoneMult = _,                  // Zone Multiplier, defaults to 1
     860             :                          Optional_int_const ZoneListMult = _,              // Zone List Multiplier, defaults to 1
     861             :                          Optional_int_const indexGroupKey = _,             // Group identifier for SQL output
     862             :                          Optional_string_const customUnitName = _,         // the custom name for the units from EMS definition of units
     863             :                          Optional_string_const SpaceType = _               // Space type (applicable for Building group only)
     864             : );
     865             : 
     866             : void SetupOutputVariable(EnergyPlusData &state,
     867             :                          std::string_view const VariableName,              // String Name of variable
     868             :                          OutputProcessor::Unit VariableUnit,               // Actual units corresponding to the actual variable
     869             :                          int &ActualVariable,                              // Actual Variable, used to set up pointer
     870             :                          OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType TimeStepTypeKey, // Zone, HeatBalance=1, HVAC, System, Plant=2
     871             :                          OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType VariableTypeKey,    // State, Average=1, NonState, Sum=2
     872             :                          std::string_view const KeyedValue,                // Associated Key for this variable
     873             :                          Optional_string_const ReportFreq = _,             // Internal use -- causes reporting at this freqency
     874             :                          Optional_int_const indexGroupKey = _              // Group identifier for SQL output
     875             : );
     876             : 
     877             : void UpdateDataandReport(EnergyPlusData &state, OutputProcessor::TimeStepType TimeStepTypeKey); // What kind of data to update (Zone, HVAC)
     878             : 
     879             : void AssignReportNumber(EnergyPlusData &state, int &ReportNumber);
     880             : 
     881             : void GenOutputVariablesAuditReport(EnergyPlusData &state);
     882             : 
     883             : void UpdateMeterReporting(EnergyPlusData &state);
     884             : 
     885             : void SetInitialMeterReportingAndOutputNames(EnergyPlusData &state,
     886             :                                             int WhichMeter,                                         // Which meter number
     887             :                                             bool MeterFileOnlyIndicator,                            // true if this is a meter file only reporting
     888             :                                             OutputProcessor::ReportingFrequency FrequencyIndicator, // at what frequency is the meter reported
     889             :                                             bool CumulativeIndicator                                // true if this is a Cumulative meter reporting
     890             : );
     891             : 
     892             : int GetMeterIndex(EnergyPlusData &state, std::string const &MeterName);
     893             : 
     894             : std::string GetMeterResourceType(EnergyPlusData &state, int MeterNumber); // Which Meter Number (from GetMeterIndex)
     895             : 
     896             : Real64 GetCurrentMeterValue(EnergyPlusData &state, int MeterNumber); // Which Meter Number (from GetMeterIndex)
     897             : 
     898             : Real64 GetInstantMeterValue(EnergyPlusData &state,
     899             :                             int MeterNumber,                           // Which Meter Number (from GetMeterIndex)
     900             :                             OutputProcessor::TimeStepType TimeStepType // Whether this is zone of HVAC
     901             : );
     902             : 
     903             : void IncrementInstMeterCache(EnergyPlusData &state);
     904             : 
     905             : Real64 GetInternalVariableValue(EnergyPlusData &state,
     906             :                                 OutputProcessor::VariableType varType, // 1=integer, 2=real, 3=meter
     907             :                                 int keyVarIndex                        // Array index
     908             : );
     909             : 
     910             : Real64 GetInternalVariableValueExternalInterface(EnergyPlusData &state,
     911             :                                                  OutputProcessor::VariableType varType, // 1=integer, 2=REAL(r64), 3=meter
     912             :                                                  int keyVarIndex                        // Array index
     913             : );
     914             : 
     915             : int GetNumMeteredVariables(EnergyPlusData &state,
     916             :                            std::string const &ComponentType, // Given Component Type
     917             :                            std::string const &ComponentName  // Given Component Name (user defined)
     918             : );
     919             : 
     920             : void GetMeteredVariables(EnergyPlusData &state,
     921             :                          std::string const &ComponentType,                                // Given Component Type
     922             :                          std::string const &ComponentName,                                // Given Component Name (user defined)
     923             :                          Array1D_int &VarIndexes,                                         // Variable Numbers
     924             :                          Array1D<OutputProcessor::VariableType> &VarTypes,                // Variable Types (1=integer, 2=real, 3=meter)
     925             :                          Array1D<OutputProcessor::TimeStepType> &TimeStepTypes,           // Variable Index Types (1=Zone,2=HVAC),
     926             :                          Array1D<OutputProcessor::Unit> &unitsForVar,                     // units from enum for each variable
     927             :                          std::map<int, DataGlobalConstants::ResourceType> &ResourceTypes, // ResourceTypes for each variable
     928             :                          Array1D_string &EndUses,                                         // EndUses for each variable
     929             :                          Array1D_string &Groups,                                          // Groups for each variable
     930             :                          Array1D_string &Names,                                           // Variable Names for each variable
     931             :                          int &NumFound                                                    // Number Found
     932             : );
     933             : 
     934             : void GetMeteredVariables(EnergyPlusData &state,
     935             :                          std::string const &ComponentType,                                // Given Component Type
     936             :                          std::string const &ComponentName,                                // Given Component Name (user defined)
     937             :                          Array1D_int &VarIndexes,                                         // Variable Numbers
     938             :                          Array1D<OutputProcessor::VariableType> &VarTypes,                // Variable Types (1=integer, 2=real, 3=meter)
     939             :                          Array1D<OutputProcessor::TimeStepType> &TimeStepTypes,           // Variable Index Types (1=Zone,2=HVAC),
     940             :                          Array1D<OutputProcessor::Unit> &unitsForVar,                     // units from enum for each variable
     941             :                          std::map<int, DataGlobalConstants::ResourceType> &ResourceTypes, // ResourceTypes for each variable
     942             :                          Array1D_string &EndUses,                                         // EndUses for each variable
     943             :                          Array1D_string &Groups,                                          // Groups for each variable
     944             :                          Array1D_string &Names,                                           // Variable Names for each variable
     945             :                          Array1D_int &VarIDs                                              // Variable Report Numbers
     946             : );
     947             : 
     948             : void GetVariableKeyCountandType(EnergyPlusData &state,
     949             :                                 std::string const &varName, // Standard variable name
     950             :                                 int &numKeys,               // Number of keys found
     951             :                                 OutputProcessor::VariableType &varType,
     952             :                                 OutputProcessor::StoreType &varAvgSum,      // Variable  is Averaged=1 or Summed=2
     953             :                                 OutputProcessor::TimeStepType &varStepType, // Variable time step is Zone=1 or HVAC=2
     954             :                                 OutputProcessor::Unit &varUnits             // Units enumeration
     955             : );
     956             : 
     957             : void GetVariableKeys(EnergyPlusData &state,
     958             :                      std::string const &varName, // Standard variable name
     959             :                      OutputProcessor::VariableType varType,
     960             :                      Array1D_string &keyNames,  // Specific key name
     961             :                      Array1D_int &keyVarIndexes // Array index for
     962             : );
     963             : 
     964             : bool ReportingThisVariable(EnergyPlusData &state, std::string const &RepVarName);
     965             : 
     966             : void InitPollutionMeterReporting(EnergyPlusData &state, std::string const &ReportFreqName);
     967             : 
     968             : void ProduceRDDMDD(EnergyPlusData &state);
     969             : 
     970             : void AddToOutputVariableList(EnergyPlusData &state,
     971             :                              std::string_view const VarName, // Variable Name
     972             :                              OutputProcessor::TimeStepType TimeStepType,
     973             :                              OutputProcessor::StoreType StateType,
     974             :                              OutputProcessor::VariableType VariableType,
     975             :                              OutputProcessor::Unit unitsForVar,
     976             :                              Optional_string_const customUnitName = _ // the custom name for the units from EMS definition of units
     977             : );
     978             : 
     979             : int initErrorFile(EnergyPlusData &state);
     980             : 
     981        1542 : struct OutputProcessorData : BaseGlobalStruct
     982             : {
     983             : 
     984             :     int InstMeterCacheSize = 1000;    // the maximum size of the instant meter cache used in GetInstantMeterValue
     985             :     int InstMeterCacheSizeInc = 1000; // the increment for the instant meter cache used in GetInstantMeterValue
     986             :     Array1D_int InstMeterCache;       // contains a list of RVariableTypes that make up a specific meter
     987             :     int InstMeterCacheLastUsed = 0;   // the last item in the instant meter cache used
     988             :     int CurrentReportNumber = 0;
     989             :     int NumVariablesForOutput = 0;
     990             :     int MaxVariablesForOutput = 0;
     991             :     int NumOfRVariable_Setup = 0;
     992             :     int NumTotalRVariable = 0;
     993             :     int NumOfRVariable_Sum = 0;
     994             :     int NumOfRVariable_Meter = 0;
     995             :     int NumOfRVariable = 0;
     996             :     int MaxRVariable = 0;
     997             :     int NumOfIVariable_Setup = 0;
     998             :     int NumTotalIVariable = 0;
     999             :     int NumOfIVariable_Sum = 0;
    1000             :     int NumOfIVariable = 0;
    1001             :     int MaxIVariable = 0;
    1002             :     bool OutputInitialized = false;
    1003             :     OutputProcessor::ReportVDD ProduceReportVDD = OutputProcessor::ReportVDD::No;
    1004             :     int NumHoursInMonth = 0;
    1005             :     int NumHoursInSim = 0;
    1006             :     Array1D_int ReportList;
    1007             :     int NumReportList = 0;
    1008             :     int NumExtraVars = 0;
    1009             :     int NumOfReqVariables = 0;               // Current number of Requested Report Variables
    1010             :     int NumVarMeterArrays = 0;               // Current number of Arrays pointing to meters
    1011             :     int NumEnergyMeters = 0;                 // Current number of Energy Meters
    1012             :     Array1D<Real64> MeterValue;              // This holds the current timestep value for each meter.
    1013             :     int TimeStepStampReportNbr = 0;          // TimeStep and Hourly Report number
    1014             :     std::string TimeStepStampReportChr;      // TimeStep and Hourly Report number (character -- for printing)
    1015             :     bool TrackingHourlyVariables = false;    // Requested Hourly Report Variables
    1016             :     int DailyStampReportNbr = 0;             // Daily Report number
    1017             :     std::string DailyStampReportChr;         // Daily Report number (character -- for printing)
    1018             :     bool TrackingDailyVariables = false;     // Requested Daily Report Variables
    1019             :     int MonthlyStampReportNbr = 0;           // Monthly Report number
    1020             :     std::string MonthlyStampReportChr;       // Monthly Report number (character -- for printing)
    1021             :     bool TrackingMonthlyVariables = false;   // Requested Monthly Report Variables
    1022             :     int YearlyStampReportNbr = 0;            // Yearly Report number
    1023             :     std::string YearlyStampReportChr;        // Yearly Report number (character -- for printing)
    1024             :     bool TrackingYearlyVariables = false;    // Requested Yearly Report Variables
    1025             :     int RunPeriodStampReportNbr;             // RunPeriod Report number
    1026             :     std::string RunPeriodStampReportChr;     // RunPeriod Report number (character -- for printing)
    1027             :     bool TrackingRunPeriodVariables = false; // Requested RunPeriod Report Variables
    1028             :     Real64 TimeStepZoneSec = 0;              // Seconds from NumTimeStepInHour
    1029             :     bool ErrorsLogged = false;
    1030             :     int MaxNumSubcategories = 1;
    1031             :     int maxNumEndUseSpaceTypes = 1;
    1032             :     bool isFinalYear = false;
    1033             :     bool GetOutputInputFlag = true;
    1034             :     OutputProcessor::ReportingFrequency minimumReportFrequency = OutputProcessor::ReportingFrequency::EachCall;
    1035             :     std::vector<OutputProcessor::APIOutputVariableRequest> apiVarRequests;
    1036             :     int ReportNumberCounter = 0;        // The report number is used in output reports as a key.
    1037             :     int LHourP = -1;                    // Helps set hours for timestamp output
    1038             :     Real64 LStartMin = -1.0;            // Helps set minutes for timestamp output
    1039             :     Real64 LEndMin = -1.0;              // Helps set minutes for timestamp output
    1040             :     bool GetMeterIndexFirstCall = true; // trigger setup in GetMeterIndex
    1041             :     bool InitFlag = true;
    1042             :     Array1D_int keyVarIndexes;                                                     // Array index for specific key name
    1043             :     int curKeyVarIndexLimit = 0;                                                   // current limit for keyVarIndexes
    1044             :     Array1D_string varNames;                                                       // stored variable names
    1045             :     Array1D_int ivarNames;                                                         // pointers for sorted information
    1046             :     int numVarNames = 0;                                                           // number of variable names
    1047             :     std::map<OutputProcessor::TimeStepType, OutputProcessor::TimeSteps> TimeValue; // Pointers to the actual TimeStep variables
    1048             :     Array1D<OutputProcessor::RealVariableType> RVariableTypes;                     // Variable Types structure (use NumOfRVariables to traverse)
    1049             :     Array1D<OutputProcessor::IntegerVariableType> IVariableTypes;                  // Variable Types structure (use NumOfIVariables to traverse)
    1050             :     Array1D<OutputProcessor::VariableTypeForDDOutput> DDVariableTypes;             // Variable Types structure (use NumVariablesForOutput to traverse)
    1051             :     Array1D<OutputProcessor::ReqReportVariables> ReqRepVars;
    1052             :     Array1D<OutputProcessor::MeterArrayType> VarMeterArrays;
    1053             :     Array1D<OutputProcessor::MeterType> EnergyMeters;
    1054             :     EPVector<OutputProcessor::EndUseCategoryType> EndUseCategory;
    1055             :     std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> UniqueMeterNames;
    1056             :     char stamp[OutputProcessor::N_WriteTimeStampFormatData];
    1057             :     char s_WriteReportRealData[129];
    1058             :     char s_WriteCumulativeReportMeterData[129];
    1059             :     char s_WriteReportMeterData[129];
    1060             :     char s_WriteNumericData[129];
    1061             :     bool Rept = false;
    1062             :     bool OpaqSurfWarned = false;
    1063             :     Array1D_string ValidMeterNames;
    1064             :     Array1D_int iValidMeterNames;
    1065             :     int NumValidMeters = 0;
    1066             : 
    1067             :     // statics
    1068             : 
    1069             :     Real64 rDummy1TS = 0.0;
    1070             :     Real64 rDummy2TS = 0.0;
    1071             :     int iDummy1TS = 0;
    1072             :     int iDummy2TS = 0;
    1073             :     Real64 rDummy1 = 0.0;
    1074             :     Real64 rDummy2 = 0.0;
    1075             :     int iDummy1 = 0;
    1076             :     int iDummy2 = 0;
    1077             :     int indexGroupKey = -1;
    1078             : 
    1079           0 :     void clear_state() override
    1080             :     {
    1081           0 :         this->InstMeterCacheSize = 1000;
    1082           0 :         this->InstMeterCacheSizeInc = 1000;
    1083           0 :         this->InstMeterCache.deallocate();
    1084           0 :         this->InstMeterCacheLastUsed = 0;
    1085           0 :         this->CurrentReportNumber = 0;
    1086           0 :         this->NumVariablesForOutput = 0;
    1087           0 :         this->MaxVariablesForOutput = 0;
    1088           0 :         this->NumOfRVariable_Setup = 0;
    1089           0 :         this->NumTotalRVariable = 0;
    1090           0 :         this->NumOfRVariable_Sum = 0;
    1091           0 :         this->NumOfRVariable_Meter = 0;
    1092           0 :         this->NumOfRVariable = 0;
    1093           0 :         this->MaxRVariable = 0;
    1094           0 :         this->NumOfIVariable_Setup = 0;
    1095           0 :         this->NumTotalIVariable = 0;
    1096           0 :         this->NumOfIVariable_Sum = 0;
    1097           0 :         this->NumOfIVariable = 0;
    1098           0 :         this->MaxIVariable = 0;
    1099           0 :         this->OutputInitialized = false;
    1100           0 :         this->ProduceReportVDD = OutputProcessor::ReportVDD::No;
    1101           0 :         this->NumHoursInMonth = 0;
    1102           0 :         this->NumHoursInSim = 0;
    1103           0 :         this->ReportList.deallocate();
    1104           0 :         this->NumReportList = 0;
    1105           0 :         this->NumExtraVars = 0;
    1106           0 :         this->NumOfReqVariables = 0;
    1107           0 :         this->NumVarMeterArrays = 0;
    1108           0 :         this->NumEnergyMeters = 0;
    1109           0 :         this->MeterValue.deallocate();
    1110           0 :         this->TimeStepStampReportNbr = 0;
    1111           0 :         this->TimeStepStampReportChr.clear();
    1112           0 :         this->TrackingHourlyVariables = false;
    1113           0 :         this->DailyStampReportNbr = 0;
    1114           0 :         this->DailyStampReportChr.clear();
    1115           0 :         this->TrackingDailyVariables = false;
    1116           0 :         this->MonthlyStampReportNbr = 0;
    1117           0 :         this->MonthlyStampReportChr.clear();
    1118           0 :         this->TrackingMonthlyVariables = false;
    1119           0 :         this->YearlyStampReportNbr = 0;
    1120           0 :         this->YearlyStampReportChr.clear();
    1121           0 :         this->TrackingYearlyVariables = false;
    1122           0 :         this->RunPeriodStampReportNbr = 0;
    1123           0 :         this->RunPeriodStampReportChr.clear();
    1124           0 :         this->TrackingRunPeriodVariables = false;
    1125           0 :         this->TimeStepZoneSec = 0;
    1126           0 :         this->ErrorsLogged = false;
    1127           0 :         this->MaxNumSubcategories = 1;
    1128           0 :         this->maxNumEndUseSpaceTypes = 1;
    1129           0 :         this->isFinalYear = false;
    1130           0 :         this->GetOutputInputFlag = true;
    1131           0 :         this->minimumReportFrequency = OutputProcessor::ReportingFrequency::EachCall;
    1132           0 :         this->apiVarRequests.clear();
    1133           0 :         this->ReportNumberCounter = 0;
    1134           0 :         this->LHourP = -1;
    1135           0 :         this->LStartMin = -1.0;
    1136           0 :         this->LEndMin = -1.0;
    1137           0 :         this->GetMeterIndexFirstCall = true;
    1138           0 :         this->InitFlag = true;
    1139           0 :         this->keyVarIndexes.deallocate();
    1140           0 :         this->curKeyVarIndexLimit = 0;
    1141           0 :         this->varNames.deallocate();
    1142           0 :         this->ivarNames.deallocate();
    1143           0 :         this->numVarNames = 0;
    1144           0 :         this->TimeValue.clear();
    1145           0 :         this->RVariableTypes.deallocate();
    1146           0 :         this->IVariableTypes.deallocate();
    1147           0 :         this->DDVariableTypes.deallocate();
    1148           0 :         this->ReqRepVars.deallocate();
    1149           0 :         this->VarMeterArrays.deallocate();
    1150           0 :         this->EnergyMeters.deallocate();
    1151           0 :         this->EndUseCategory.deallocate();
    1152           0 :         this->UniqueMeterNames.clear();
    1153             : 
    1154           0 :         this->rDummy1TS = 0.0;
    1155           0 :         this->rDummy2TS = 0.0;
    1156           0 :         this->iDummy1TS = 0;
    1157           0 :         this->iDummy2TS = 0;
    1158           0 :         this->rDummy1 = 0.0;
    1159           0 :         this->rDummy2 = 0.0;
    1160           0 :         this->iDummy1 = 0;
    1161           0 :         this->iDummy2 = 0;
    1162           0 :         this->indexGroupKey = -1;
    1163           0 :         this->Rept = false;
    1164           0 :         this->OpaqSurfWarned = false;
    1165           0 :         this->ValidMeterNames.clear();
    1166           0 :         this->iValidMeterNames.clear();
    1167           0 :         this->NumValidMeters = 0;
    1168           0 :     }
    1169             : };
    1170             : 
    1171             : } // namespace EnergyPlus
    1172             : 
    1173             : #endif

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