LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - EnergyPlus - PierceSurface.hh (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: lcov.output.filtered Lines: 58 140 41.4 %
Date: 2023-01-17 19:17:23 Functions: 1 3 33.3 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : // EnergyPlus, Copyright (c) 1996-2023, The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois,
       2             : // The Regents of the University of California, through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
       3             : // (subject to receipt of any required approvals from the U.S. Dept. of Energy), Oak Ridge
       4             : // National Laboratory, managed by UT-Battelle, Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC, and other
       5             : // contributors. All rights reserved.
       6             : //
       7             : // NOTICE: This Software was developed under funding from the U.S. Department of Energy and the
       8             : // U.S. Government consequently retains certain rights. As such, the U.S. Government has been
       9             : // granted for itself and others acting on its behalf a paid-up, nonexclusive, irrevocable,
      10             : // worldwide license in the Software to reproduce, distribute copies to the public, prepare
      11             : // derivative works, and perform publicly and display publicly, and to permit others to do so.
      12             : //
      13             : // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted
      14             : // provided that the following conditions are met:
      15             : //
      16             : // (1) Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of
      17             : //     conditions and the following disclaimer.
      18             : //
      19             : // (2) Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of
      20             : //     conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
      21             : //     provided with the distribution.
      22             : //
      23             : // (3) Neither the name of the University of California, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,
      24             : //     the University of Illinois, U.S. Dept. of Energy nor the names of its contributors may be
      25             : //     used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior
      26             : //     written permission.
      27             : //
      28             : // (4) Use of EnergyPlus(TM) Name. If Licensee (i) distributes the software in stand-alone form
      29             : //     without changes from the version obtained under this License, or (ii) Licensee makes a
      30             : //     reference solely to the software portion of its product, Licensee must refer to the
      31             : //     software as "EnergyPlus version X" software, where "X" is the version number Licensee
      32             : //     obtained under this License and may not use a different name for the software. Except as
      33             : //     specifically required in this Section (4), Licensee shall not use in a company name, a
      34             : //     product name, in advertising, publicity, or other promotional activities any name, trade
      35             : //     name, trademark, logo, or other designation of "EnergyPlus", "E+", "e+" or confusingly
      36             : //     similar designation, without the U.S. Department of Energy's prior written consent.
      37             : //
      46             : // POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.
      47             : 
      48             : #ifndef EnergyPlus_PierceSurface_hh_INCLUDED
      49             : #define EnergyPlus_PierceSurface_hh_INCLUDED
      50             : 
      51             : // Purpose: Functions for checking if a ray hits a surface
      52             : //
      53             : // Author: Stuart Mentzer (
      54             : //
      55             : // History:
      56             : //  Jun 2015: Last update of legacy version based on DOE-2 DPIERC
      57             : //  Jan 2016: Initial release
      58             : //
      59             : // Notes:
      60             : //  This is filling the role of the former PierceSurface function authored by Fred Winkelmann and based on
      61             : //   DOE-2.1E subroutine DPIERC and some aspects of this version are analogous
      62             : //  To match the former behavior rays with origin exactly on the surface are treated as not hitting
      63             : //  These functions are VERY performance critical for daylighting and solar reflection
      64             : //   This high-performance implementation was built to complement the octree system for scalability of those systems
      65             : //  This has been carefully designed for speed but is probably not be optimal yet
      66             : //   For EnergyPlus most surfaces are rectangular so that is the most important for performance
      67             : //   Inlining, storing preprocessed values in Surface, 2D projection, & short circuiting are used here for speed
      68             : //   Agressive inlining options may be needed to get peak performance
      69             : //   Don't make changes here without validating the performance impact
      70             : 
      71             : // EnergyPlus Headers
      72             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataSurfaces.hh>
      73             : #include <EnergyPlus/EnergyPlus.hh>
      74             : #include <EnergyPlus/Platform.hh>
      75             : 
      76             : // ObjexxFCL Headers
      77             : #include <ObjexxFCL/Vector2.hh>
      78             : #include <ObjexxFCL/Vector3.hh>
      79             : #include <ObjexxFCL/Vector4.hh>
      80             : 
      81             : // C++ Headers
      82             : #include <algorithm>
      83             : #include <cassert>
      84             : #include <limits>
      85             : 
      86             : namespace EnergyPlus {
      87             : 
      88           0 : inline void PierceSurface_Triangular(DataSurfaces::Surface2D const &s2d, // 2D surface
      89             :                                      Vector2<Real64> const &h2d,         // 2D hit point
      90             :                                      bool &hit                           // Ray intersects surface?
      91             : )
      92             : {
      93             :     // Purpose: Check if a 2D hit point is in a triangular 2D surface
      94             :     //
      95             :     // Author: Stuart Mentzer (
      96             :     //
      97             :     // History:
      98             :     //  Jan 2016: Initial release
      99             :     //
     100             :     // Notes:
     101             :     //  Pulled this case out into separate function to facilitate inlining
     102             : 
     103             :     using DataSurfaces::Surface2D;
     104           0 :     Surface2D::Vertices const &vs(s2d.vertices); // 2D surface vertices
     105           0 :     Surface2D::Vectors const &es(s2d.edges);     // 2D surface edge vectors
     106           0 :     if (es[0].cross(h2d - vs[0]) < 0.0) return;
     107           0 :     if (es[1].cross(h2d - vs[1]) < 0.0) return;
     108           0 :     if (es[2].cross(h2d - vs[2]) < 0.0) return;
     109           0 :     hit = true;
     110             : }
     111             : 
     112       23940 : inline void PierceSurface_Convex(DataSurfaces::Surface2D const &s2d, // 2D surface
     113             :                                  Vector2<Real64> const &h2d,         // 2D hit point
     114             :                                  bool &hit                           // Ray intersects surface?
     115             : )
     116             : {
     117             :     // Purpose: Check if a 2D hit point is in a convex 2D surface
     118             :     //
     119             :     // Author: Stuart Mentzer (
     120             :     //
     121             :     // History:
     122             :     //  Jan 2016: Initial release
     123             :     //
     124             :     // Notes:
     125             :     //  Pulled this rare case out into separate function to facilitate inlining
     126             :     //  This is O( n ) complexity so it is isn't used for many-vertex surfaces
     127             : 
     128             :     using DataSurfaces::Surface2D;
     129       23940 :     Surface2D::Vertices const &vs(s2d.vertices); // 2D surface vertices
     130       23940 :     Surface2D::Vectors const &es(s2d.edges);     // 2D surface edge vectors
     131       23940 :     Surface2D::Vertices::size_type const n(vs.size());
     132       23940 :     assert(n >= 3u);
     133       23940 :     switch (n) {
     134           0 :     case 8:
     135           0 :         if (es[7].cross(h2d - vs[7]) < 0.0) {
     136           0 :             return;
     137             :         }
     138             :         // fallthrough
     139             :     case 7:
     140           0 :         if (es[6].cross(h2d - vs[6]) < 0.0) {
     141           0 :             return;
     142             :         }
     143             :         // fallthrough
     144             :     case 6:
     145           0 :         if (es[5].cross(h2d - vs[5]) < 0.0) {
     146           0 :             return;
     147             :         }
     148             :         // fallthrough
     149             :     case 5:
     150           0 :         if (es[4].cross(h2d - vs[4]) < 0.0) {
     151           0 :             return;
     152             :         }
     153             :         // fallthrough
     154             :     case 4:
     155       23940 :         if (es[3].cross(h2d - vs[3]) < 0.0) {
     156        5978 :             return;
     157             :         }
     158             :         // fallthrough
     159             :     case 3:
     160       17962 :         if (es[2].cross(h2d - vs[2]) < 0.0) {
     161          18 :             return;
     162             :         }
     163       17944 :         if (es[1].cross(h2d - vs[1]) < 0.0) {
     164          18 :             return;
     165             :         }
     166       17926 :         if (es[0].cross(h2d - vs[0]) < 0.0) {
     167        5902 :             return;
     168             :         }
     169       12024 :         hit = true;
     170       12024 :         return;
     171           0 :     default:
     172           0 :         for (Surface2D::Vertices::size_type i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
     173           0 :             if (es[i].cross(h2d - vs[i]) < 0.0) return;
     174           0 :         }
     175           0 :         hit = true;
     176           0 :         return;
     177             :     }
     178             : }
     179             : 
     180           0 : inline void PierceSurface_Nonconvex(DataSurfaces::Surface2D const &s2d, // 2D surface
     181             :                                     Vector2<Real64> const &h2d,         // 2D hit point
     182             :                                     bool &hit                           // Ray intersects surface?
     183             : )
     184             : {
     185             :     // Purpose: Check if a 2D hit point is in a 2D possibly nonconvex surface
     186             :     //
     187             :     // Author: Stuart Mentzer (
     188             :     //
     189             :     // History:
     190             :     //  Jan 2016: Initial release
     191             :     //
     192             :     // Notes:
     193             :     //  Pulled this rare case out into separate function to facilitate inlining
     194             :     //  This works for nonconvex "simple" (no edge crossings) polygons
     195             :     //  This is also a fast O( log n ) algorithm for many-vertex convex surfaces
     196             : 
     197             :     using DataSurfaces::Surface2D;
     198             :     using size_type = Surface2D::Vertices::size_type;
     199             :     using Slab = DataSurfaces::Surface2DSlab;
     200             :     using Vertex2D = Vector2<Real64>;
     201           0 :     assert(s2d.vertices.size() >= 3u);
     202           0 :     Surface2D::Slabs const &slabs(s2d.slabs);    // 2D surface y slice slabs
     203           0 :     Surface2D::SlabYs const &slabYs(s2d.slabYs); // 2D surface slab y coordinates
     204           0 :     assert(slabYs.size() > 0u);
     205           0 :     Real64 const yHit(h2d.y); // Hit point y coordinate
     206             : 
     207             :     // Find slab with y range containing hit point
     208           0 :     auto const iHit(std::lower_bound(slabYs.begin(), slabYs.end(), yHit));
     209           0 :     assert((yHit >= slabYs.front()) && (yHit <= slabYs.back())); // Passed bounding box check so hit point in slabs y range
     210           0 :     assert(iHit != slabYs.end());                                // Hit point can't be above all slabs: passed bounding box check
     211           0 :     size_type const iSlab(std::min(static_cast<size_type>(iHit - 1 - slabYs.begin()), slabs.size())); // Hit slab index
     212           0 :     Slab const &slab(slabs[iSlab]);
     213             : 
     214             :     // Check hit point within slab bounding box x range
     215           0 :     Real64 const xHit(h2d.x);                         // Hit point x coordinate
     216           0 :     if ((xHit < slab.xl) || (xHit > slab.xu)) return; // Hit point outside slab bounding box
     217             : 
     218             :     // Find edge pair surrounding hit point
     219           0 :     Slab::Edges const &slabEdges(slab.edges);
     220           0 :     Slab::EdgesXY const &slabEdgesXY(slab.edgesXY);
     221           0 :     size_type const nEdges(slabEdges.size());
     222           0 :     assert(nEdges >= 2u);
     223           0 :     if (nEdges == 2) { // 2 edges
     224           0 :         Slab::Edge const se0(slabEdges[0]);
     225           0 :         Slab::EdgeXY const eXY0(slabEdgesXY[0]);
     226           0 :         Vertex2D v0(s2d.vertices[se0]);
     227           0 :         Surface2D::Edge e0(s2d.edges[se0]);
     228           0 :         Real64 const x0(v0.x + (yHit - v0.y) * eXY0);
     229           0 :         if (xHit < x0) return; // Hit point x is left of left edge
     230           0 :         Slab::Edge const se1(slabEdges[1]);
     231           0 :         Slab::EdgeXY const eXY1(slabEdgesXY[1]);
     232           0 :         Vertex2D v1(s2d.vertices[se1]);
     233           0 :         Surface2D::Edge e1(s2d.edges[se1]);
     234           0 :         Real64 const x1(v1.x + (yHit - v1.y) * eXY1);
     235           0 :         if (x1 < xHit) return; // Hit point is right of right edge
     236             :     } else {                   // 4+ edges: Binary search for edges surrounding hit point
     237           0 :         assert(nEdges >= 4u);
     238           0 :         assert(nEdges % 2 == 0u);
     239           0 :         size_type l(0u), u(nEdges - 1);
     240           0 :         Slab::Edge const il(slabEdges[l]);
     241           0 :         Slab::EdgeXY const eXYl(slabEdgesXY[l]);
     242           0 :         Vertex2D const &vl(s2d.vertices[il]);
     243           0 :         Surface2D::Edge const el(s2d.edges[il]);
     244           0 :         Real64 const xl(vl.x + (yHit - vl.y) * eXYl);
     245           0 :         if (xHit < xl) return; // Hit point x is left of leftmost edge
     246           0 :         Slab::Edge const iu(slabEdges[u]);
     247           0 :         Slab::EdgeXY const eXYu(slabEdgesXY[u]);
     248           0 :         Vertex2D const &vu(s2d.vertices[iu]);
     249           0 :         Surface2D::Edge const eu(s2d.edges[iu]);
     250           0 :         Real64 const xu(vu.x + (yHit - vu.y) * eXYu);
     251           0 :         if (xu < xHit) return; // Hit point is right of rightmost edge
     252           0 :         while (u - l > 1u) {
     253           0 :             size_type const m((l + u) / 2);
     254           0 :             Slab::Edge const im(slabEdges[m]);
     255           0 :             Slab::EdgeXY const eXYm(slabEdgesXY[m]);
     256           0 :             Vertex2D const &vm(s2d.vertices[im]);
     257           0 :             Surface2D::Edge const em(s2d.edges[im]);
     258           0 :             Real64 xm(vm.x + (yHit - vm.y) * eXYm);
     259           0 :             if (xHit <= xm) {
     260           0 :                 u = m;
     261             :             } else {
     262           0 :                 l = m;
     263             :             }
     264             :         }
     265           0 :         assert(u - l == 1u);
     266           0 :         if (u % 2 == 0u) return; // Outside of nonconvex surface polygon
     267             :     }
     268           0 :     hit = true;
     269             : }
     270             : 
     271             : ALWAYS_INLINE
     272             : void PierceSurface_polygon(DataSurfaces::SurfaceData const &surface, // Surface
     273             :                            Vector3<Real64> const &hitPt,             // Ray-plane intersection point
     274             :                            bool &hit                                 // Ray intersects surface?
     275             : )
     276             : {
     277             :     // Purpose: Check if hit point on surface plane is in surface polygon
     278             :     //
     279             :     // Author: Stuart Mentzer (
     280             :     //
     281             :     // History:
     282             :     //  Jan 2016: Initial release
     283             : 
     284             :     using DataSurfaces::nVerticesBig;
     285             :     using DataSurfaces::Surface2D;
     286             :     using Vertex2D = Vector2<Real64>;
     287    46019967 :     Surface2D const &s2d(surface.surface2d);
     288    46019967 :     int const axis(s2d.axis);
     289    46019967 :     Vertex2D const h2d(axis == 0 ? hitPt.y : hitPt.x, axis == 2 ? hitPt.y : hitPt.z);                 // Hit point in 2D surface's plane
     290    46019967 :     if ((h2d.x < s2d.vl.x) || ( < h2d.x) || (h2d.y < s2d.vl.y) || ( < h2d.y)) return; // Misses 2D surface bounding box
     291      684701 :     ShapeCat const shapeCat(surface.shapeCat);
     292      684701 :     if (shapeCat == ShapeCat::Rectangular) { // Rectangular is most common: Special case algorithm is faster but assumes these are really rectangular
     293      660761 :         Vertex2D const v0h(h2d - s2d.vertices[0]);
     294      660761 :         Real64 const he1([0]));
     295      660761 :         if ((he1 < 0.0) || (he1 > s2d.s1)) return;
     296      658715 :         Real64 const he3([3]));
     297      658715 :         if ((he3 < 0.0) || (he3 > s2d.s3)) return;
     298      653048 :         hit = true;
     299       23940 :     } else if (shapeCat == ShapeCat::Triangular) { // Cross products all nonnegative <=> Hit point in triangle
     300           0 :         PierceSurface_Triangular(s2d, h2d, hit);
     301       47880 :     } else if ((shapeCat == ShapeCat::Nonconvex) ||
     302       23940 :                (s2d.vertices.size() >= nVerticesBig)) { // O( log n ) algorithm for nonconvex and many-vertex convex surfaces
     303           0 :         PierceSurface_Nonconvex(s2d, h2d, hit);
     304       23940 :     } else if (shapeCat == ShapeCat::Convex) { // O( n ) algorithm for convex surface without too many vertices
     305       23940 :         PierceSurface_Convex(s2d, h2d, hit);
     306             :     }
     307             : }
     308             : 
     309             : ALWAYS_INLINE
     310             : void PierceSurface(DataSurfaces::SurfaceData const &surface, // Surface
     311             :                    Vector3<Real64> const &rayOri,            // Ray origin point
     312             :                    Vector3<Real64> const &rayDir,            // Ray direction vector
     313             :                    Vector3<Real64> &hitPt,                   // Ray-plane intersection point
     314             :                    bool &hit                                 // Ray intersects surface?
     315             : )
     316             : {
     317             :     // Purpose: Check if a ray hits a surface and return the point of intersection
     318             :     //  with the surface's plane if they intersect.
     319             :     //  Convex and concave surfaces with 3 or more vertices are supported.
     320             :     //
     321             :     // Author: Stuart Mentzer (
     322             :     //
     323             :     // History:
     324             :     //  Jan 2016: Initial release
     325             : 
     326             :     // Find ray intersection with surface plane
     327   116037740 :     hit = false;
     328   116037740 :     DataSurfaces::SurfaceData::Plane const &plane(surface.plane);
     329   116037740 :     Real64 const den((plane.x * rayDir.x) + (plane.y * rayDir.y) + (plane.z * rayDir.z));
     330   116037740 :     if (den == 0.0) { // Ray is parallel to plane: This not treated as piercing even if ray lies in plane
     331             :         return;
     332             :     } else { // Ray's line intersects plane
     333   116030410 :         Real64 const num(-((plane.x * rayOri.x) + (plane.y * rayOri.y) + (plane.z * rayOri.z) + plane.w));
     334   116030410 :         if (num * den <=
     335             :             0.0) { // Ray points away from surface or ray origin is on surface: This looks odd but is fast way to check for different signs
     336             :             return;
     337             :         } else {                                 // Ray points toward surface: Compute hit point
     338    45879305 :             Real64 const t(num / den);           // Ray parameter at plane intersection: hitPt = rayOri + t * rayDir
     339    45879305 :             hitPt.x = rayOri.x + (t * rayDir.x); // Compute by coordinate to avoid Vertex temporaries
     340    45879305 :             hitPt.y = rayOri.y + (t * rayDir.y);
     341    45879305 :             hitPt.z = rayOri.z + (t * rayDir.z);
     342             :         }
     343             :     }
     344             : 
     345             :     // Check if hit point is in surface polygon
     346             :     PierceSurface_polygon(surface, hitPt, hit);
     347             : }
     348             : 
     349             : ALWAYS_INLINE
     350             : void PierceSurface(EnergyPlusData &state,
     351             :                    int const iSurf,               // Surface index
     352             :                    Vector3<Real64> const &rayOri, // Ray origin point
     353             :                    Vector3<Real64> const &rayDir, // Ray direction vector
     354             :                    Vector3<Real64> &hitPt,        // Ray-plane intersection point
     355             :                    bool &hit                      // Ray intersects surface?
     356             : )
     357             : {
     358             :     // Purpose: Overload taking surface index instead of surface
     359             :     //
     360             :     // Author: Stuart Mentzer (
     361             :     //
     362             :     // History:
     363             :     //  Jan 2016: Initial release
     364             : 
     365    51293363 :     PierceSurface(state.dataSurface->Surface(iSurf), rayOri, rayDir, hitPt, hit);
     366             : }
     367             : 
     368             : ALWAYS_INLINE
     369             : void PierceSurface(DataSurfaces::SurfaceData const &surface, // Surface
     370             :                    Vector3<Real64> const &rayOri,            // Ray origin point
     371             :                    Vector3<Real64> const &rayDir,            // Ray direction unit vector
     372             :                    Real64 const dMax,                        // Max distance from rayOri to hit point
     373             :                    Vector3<Real64> &hitPt,                   // Ray-plane intersection point
     374             :                    bool &hit                                 // Ray intersects surface?
     375             : )
     376             : {
     377             :     // Purpose: Check if a ray hits a surface and return the point of intersection
     378             :     //  with the surface's plane if they intersect.
     379             :     //  Convex and concave surfaces with 3 or more vertices are supported.
     380             :     //  This overload limits the ray-surface distance for a hit.
     381             :     //
     382             :     // Author: Stuart Mentzer (
     383             :     //
     384             :     // History:
     385             :     //  Jan 2016: Initial release
     386             : 
     387             :     // Input checks
     388    13999066 :     assert(std::abs(rayDir.mag_squared() - 1.0) <
     389             :            6 * std::numeric_limits<Real64>::epsilon()); // Check unit vector (6x is rough estimate. Increase slightly as needed.)
     390    13999066 :     assert(dMax >= 0.0);                                // Distance must be nonnegative
     391             : 
     392             :     // Find ray intersection with surface plane
     393    13999066 :     hit = false;
     394    13999066 :     DataSurfaces::SurfaceData::Plane const &plane(surface.plane);
     395    13999066 :     Real64 const den((plane.x * rayDir.x) + (plane.y * rayDir.y) + (plane.z * rayDir.z));
     396    13999066 :     if (den == 0.0) { // Ray is parallel to plane: This not treated as piercing even if ray lies in plane
     397             :         return;
     398             :     } else { // Ray's line intersects plane
     399    13997731 :         Real64 const num(-((plane.x * rayOri.x) + (plane.y * rayOri.y) + (plane.z * rayOri.z) + plane.w));
     400    13997731 :         if (num * den <=
     401             :             0.0) { // Ray points away from surface or ray origin is on surface: This looks odd but is fast way to check for different signs
     402             :             return;
     403             :         } else {                                 // Ray points toward surface: Compute hit point
     404     5808671 :             Real64 const t(num / den);           // Ray parameter at plane intersection: hitPt = rayOri + t * rayDir
     405     5808671 :             if (t > dMax) return;                // Hit point exceeds distance from rayOri limit
     406      140662 :             hitPt.x = rayOri.x + (t * rayDir.x); // Compute by coordinate to avoid Vertex temporaries
     407      140662 :             hitPt.y = rayOri.y + (t * rayDir.y);
     408      140662 :             hitPt.z = rayOri.z + (t * rayDir.z);
     409             :         }
     410             :     }
     411             : 
     412             :     // Check if hit point is in surface polygon
     413             :     PierceSurface_polygon(surface, hitPt, hit);
     414             : }
     415             : 
     416             : ALWAYS_INLINE
     417             : void PierceSurface(EnergyPlusData &state,
     418             :                    int const iSurf,               // Surface index
     419             :                    Vector3<Real64> const &rayOri, // Ray origin point
     420             :                    Vector3<Real64> const &rayDir, // Ray direction unit vector
     421             :                    Real64 const dMax,             // Max distance from rayOri to hit point
     422             :                    Vector3<Real64> &hitPt,        // Ray-plane intersection point
     423             :                    bool &hit                      // Ray intersects surface?
     424             : )
     425             : {
     426             :     // Purpose: Overload taking surface index instead of surface
     427             :     //
     428             :     // Author: Stuart Mentzer (
     429             :     //
     430             :     // History:
     431             :     //  Jan 2016: Initial release
     432             : 
     433    11582415 :     PierceSurface(state.dataSurface->Surface(iSurf), rayOri, rayDir, dMax, hitPt, hit);
     434             : }
     435             : 
     436             : } // namespace EnergyPlus
     437             : 
     438             : #endif

Generated by: LCOV version 1.13