LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - EnergyPlus - (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: lcov.output.filtered Lines: 1778 2548 69.8 %
Date: 2023-01-17 19:17:23 Functions: 23 30 76.7 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : // EnergyPlus, Copyright (c) 1996-2023, The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois,
       2             : // The Regents of the University of California, through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
       3             : // (subject to receipt of any required approvals from the U.S. Dept. of Energy), Oak Ridge
       4             : // National Laboratory, managed by UT-Battelle, Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC, and other
       5             : // contributors. All rights reserved.
       6             : //
       7             : // NOTICE: This Software was developed under funding from the U.S. Department of Energy and the
       8             : // U.S. Government consequently retains certain rights. As such, the U.S. Government has been
       9             : // granted for itself and others acting on its behalf a paid-up, nonexclusive, irrevocable,
      10             : // worldwide license in the Software to reproduce, distribute copies to the public, prepare
      11             : // derivative works, and perform publicly and display publicly, and to permit others to do so.
      12             : //
      13             : // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted
      14             : // provided that the following conditions are met:
      15             : //
      16             : // (1) Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of
      17             : //     conditions and the following disclaimer.
      18             : //
      19             : // (2) Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of
      20             : //     conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
      21             : //     provided with the distribution.
      22             : //
      23             : // (3) Neither the name of the University of California, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,
      24             : //     the University of Illinois, U.S. Dept. of Energy nor the names of its contributors may be
      25             : //     used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior
      26             : //     written permission.
      27             : //
      28             : // (4) Use of EnergyPlus(TM) Name. If Licensee (i) distributes the software in stand-alone form
      29             : //     without changes from the version obtained under this License, or (ii) Licensee makes a
      30             : //     reference solely to the software portion of its product, Licensee must refer to the
      31             : //     software as "EnergyPlus version X" software, where "X" is the version number Licensee
      32             : //     obtained under this License and may not use a different name for the software. Except as
      33             : //     specifically required in this Section (4), Licensee shall not use in a company name, a
      34             : //     product name, in advertising, publicity, or other promotional activities any name, trade
      35             : //     name, trademark, logo, or other designation of "EnergyPlus", "E+", "e+" or confusingly
      36             : //     similar designation, without the U.S. Department of Energy's prior written consent.
      37             : //
      46             : // POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.
      47             : 
      48             : // C++ Headers
      49             : #include <cassert>
      50             : #include <cmath>
      51             : 
      52             : // ObjexxFCL Headers
      53             : #include <ObjexxFCL/Array.functions.hh>
      54             : #include <ObjexxFCL/Array2D.hh>
      55             : #include <ObjexxFCL/ArrayS.functions.hh>
      56             : #include <ObjexxFCL/Fmath.hh>
      57             : #include <ObjexxFCL/char.functions.hh>
      58             : #include <ObjexxFCL/random.hh>
      59             : #include <ObjexxFCL/string.functions.hh>
      60             : #include <ObjexxFCL/time.hh>
      61             : 
      62             : // EnergyPlus Headers
      63             : #include <EnergyPlus/Construction.hh>
      64             : #include <EnergyPlus/CurveManager.hh>
      65             : #include <EnergyPlus/Data/EnergyPlusData.hh>
      66             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataEnvironment.hh>
      67             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataHVACGlobals.hh>
      68             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataIPShortCuts.hh>
      69             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataSystemVariables.hh>
      70             : #include <EnergyPlus/EMSManager.hh>
      71             : #include <EnergyPlus/General.hh>
      72             : #include <EnergyPlus/GlobalNames.hh>
      73             : #include <EnergyPlus/InputProcessing/InputProcessor.hh>
      74             : #include <EnergyPlus/OutputProcessor.hh>
      75             : #include <EnergyPlus/Psychrometrics.hh>
      76             : #include <EnergyPlus/RuntimeLanguageProcessor.hh>
      77             : #include <EnergyPlus/UtilityRoutines.hh>
      78             : #include <EnergyPlus/WeatherManager.hh>
      79             : 
      80             : namespace EnergyPlus::RuntimeLanguageProcessor {
      81             : 
      82             : // MODULE INFORMATION:
      83             : //       AUTHOR         Peter Graham Ellis
      84             : //       DATE WRITTEN   June 2006
      85             : //       MODIFIED       Brent Griffith, May - August 2009
      86             : //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
      87             : 
      88             : // Using/Aliasing
      89             : using namespace DataRuntimeLanguage;
      90             : 
      91     4116712 : void InitializeRuntimeLanguage(EnergyPlusData &state)
      92             : {
      93             : 
      94             :     // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
      95             :     //       AUTHOR         Peter Graham Ellis
      96             :     //       DATE WRITTEN   June 2006
      97             :     //       MODIFIED       Rui Zhang February 2010
      98             :     //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
      99             : 
     100             :     // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
     101             :     // One time run.  Must be run BEFORE anything gets parsed.
     102             : 
     103             :     // Using/Aliasing
     104     4116712 :     auto &SysTimeElapsed = state.dataHVACGlobal->SysTimeElapsed;
     105     4116712 :     auto &TimeStepSys = state.dataHVACGlobal->TimeStepSys;
     106             : 
     107     4116712 :     Real64 tmpCurrentTime(0.0);
     108     4116712 :     Real64 tmpMinutes(0.0);
     109     4116712 :     Real64 tmpHours(0.0);
     110     4116712 :     Real64 tmpCurEnvirNum(0.0);
     111     8233424 :     Array1D_int datevalues(8);
     112             :     // value(1)   Current year
     113             :     // value(2)   Current month
     114             :     // value(3)   Current day
     115             :     // value(4)   Time difference with respect to UTC in minutes (0-59)
     116             :     // value(5)   Hour of the day (0-23)
     117             :     // value(6)   Minutes (0-59)
     118             :     // value(7)   Seconds (0-59)
     119             :     // value(8)   Milliseconds (0-999)
     120             : 
     121     8233424 :     std::string datestring; // supposedly returns blank when no date available.
     122             : 
     123     4116712 :     if (state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->InitializeOnce) {
     124             : 
     125          71 :         state.dataRuntimeLang->False = SetErlValueNumber(0.0);
     126          71 :         state.dataRuntimeLang->True = SetErlValueNumber(1.0);
     127             : 
     128             :         // Create constant built-in variables
     129          71 :         state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->NullVariableNum = NewEMSVariable(state, "NULL", 0, SetErlValueNumber(0.0));
     130          71 :         state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlVariable(state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->NullVariableNum).Value.Type = Value::Null;
     131          71 :         state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->FalseVariableNum = NewEMSVariable(state, "FALSE", 0, state.dataRuntimeLang->False);
     132          71 :         state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->TrueVariableNum = NewEMSVariable(state, "TRUE", 0, state.dataRuntimeLang->True);
     133          71 :         state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->OffVariableNum = NewEMSVariable(state, "OFF", 0, state.dataRuntimeLang->False);
     134          71 :         state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->OnVariableNum = NewEMSVariable(state, "ON", 0, state.dataRuntimeLang->True);
     135          71 :         state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->PiVariableNum = NewEMSVariable(state, "PI", 0, SetErlValueNumber(DataGlobalConstants::Pi));
     136          71 :         state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->TimeStepsPerHourVariableNum =
     137         142 :             NewEMSVariable(state, "TIMESTEPSPERHOUR", 0, SetErlValueNumber(double(state.dataGlobal->NumOfTimeStepInHour)));
     138             : 
     139             :         // Create dynamic built-in variables
     140          71 :         state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->YearVariableNum = NewEMSVariable(state, "YEAR", 0);
     141          71 :         state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->MonthVariableNum = NewEMSVariable(state, "MONTH", 0);
     142          71 :         state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->DayOfMonthVariableNum = NewEMSVariable(state, "DAYOFMONTH", 0); // 'DAYOFMONTH'?
     143          71 :         state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->DayOfWeekVariableNum = NewEMSVariable(state, "DAYOFWEEK", 0);
     144          71 :         state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->DayOfYearVariableNum = NewEMSVariable(state, "DAYOFYEAR", 0);
     145          71 :         state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->HourVariableNum = NewEMSVariable(state, "HOUR", 0);
     146          71 :         state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->TimeStepNumVariableNum = NewEMSVariable(state, "TIMESTEPNUM", 0);
     147          71 :         state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->MinuteVariableNum = NewEMSVariable(state, "MINUTE", 0);
     148          71 :         state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->HolidayVariableNum = NewEMSVariable(state, "HOLIDAY", 0);
     149          71 :         state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->DSTVariableNum = NewEMSVariable(state, "DAYLIGHTSAVINGS", 0);
     150          71 :         state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->CurrentTimeVariableNum = NewEMSVariable(state, "CURRENTTIME", 0);
     151          71 :         state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->SunIsUpVariableNum = NewEMSVariable(state, "SUNISUP", 0);
     152          71 :         state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->IsRainingVariableNum = NewEMSVariable(state, "ISRAINING", 0);
     153          71 :         state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->SystemTimeStepVariableNum = NewEMSVariable(state, "SYSTEMTIMESTEP", 0);
     154          71 :         state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->ZoneTimeStepVariableNum = NewEMSVariable(state, "ZONETIMESTEP", 0);
     155         142 :         state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlVariable(state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->ZoneTimeStepVariableNum).Value =
     156         213 :             SetErlValueNumber(state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZone);
     157          71 :         state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->CurrentEnvironmentPeriodNum = NewEMSVariable(state, "CURRENTENVIRONMENT", 0);
     158          71 :         state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->ActualDateAndTimeNum = NewEMSVariable(state, "ACTUALDATEANDTIME", 0);
     159          71 :         state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->ActualTimeNum = NewEMSVariable(state, "ACTUALTIME", 0);
     160          71 :         state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->WarmUpFlagNum = NewEMSVariable(state, "WARMUPFLAG", 0);
     161             : 
     162          71 :         GetRuntimeLanguageUserInput(state); // Load and parse all runtime language objects
     163             : 
     164          71 :         date_and_time(datestring, _, _, datevalues);
     165          71 :         if (datestring != "") {
     166         142 :             state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlVariable(state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->ActualDateAndTimeNum).Value =
     167         213 :                 SetErlValueNumber(double(sum(datevalues)));
     168             :             // datevalues(1)+datevalues(2)+datevalues(3)+  &
     169             :             // datevalues(5)+datevalues(6)+datevalues(7)+datevalues(8)
     170         142 :             state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlVariable(state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->ActualTimeNum).Value =
     171         213 :                 SetErlValueNumber(double(sum(datevalues({5, 8}))));
     172             :             // datevalues(5)+datevalues(6)+datevalues(7)+datevalues(8)
     173             :             //    ELSE
     174             :             //      ErlVariable(ActualDateAndTimeNum)%Value  = SetErlValueNumber(REAL(RANDOM_NUMBER(X=509),r64))
     175             :             //      ErlVariable(ActualTimeNum)%Value  = SetErlValueNumber(REAL(RANDOM_NUMBER(X=400),r64))
     176             :         }
     177             : 
     178          71 :         state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->InitializeOnce = false;
     179             :     }
     180             : 
     181             :     // Update built-in variables
     182     4116712 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlVariable(state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->YearVariableNum).Value = SetErlValueNumber(double(state.dataEnvrn->Year));
     183     4116712 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlVariable(state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->MonthVariableNum).Value = SetErlValueNumber(double(state.dataEnvrn->Month));
     184     8233424 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlVariable(state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->DayOfMonthVariableNum).Value =
     185    12350136 :         SetErlValueNumber(double(state.dataEnvrn->DayOfMonth));
     186     8233424 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlVariable(state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->DayOfWeekVariableNum).Value =
     187    12350136 :         SetErlValueNumber(double(state.dataEnvrn->DayOfWeek));
     188     8233424 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlVariable(state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->DayOfYearVariableNum).Value =
     189    12350136 :         SetErlValueNumber(double(state.dataEnvrn->DayOfYear));
     190     8233424 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlVariable(state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->TimeStepNumVariableNum).Value =
     191    12350136 :         SetErlValueNumber(double(state.dataGlobal->TimeStep));
     192             : 
     193     8233424 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlVariable(state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->DSTVariableNum).Value =
     194    12350136 :         SetErlValueNumber(double(state.dataEnvrn->DSTIndicator));
     195             :     // DSTadjust = REAL(DSTIndicator, r64)
     196     4116712 :     tmpHours = double(state.dataGlobal->HourOfDay - 1); // no, just stay on 0..23+ DSTadjust ! offset by 1 and daylight savings time
     197     4116712 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlVariable(state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->HourVariableNum).Value = SetErlValueNumber(tmpHours);
     198             : 
     199     4116712 :     if (TimeStepSys < state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZone) {
     200             :         // CurrentTime is for end of zone timestep, need to account for system timestep
     201     1165961 :         tmpCurrentTime = state.dataGlobal->CurrentTime - state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZone + SysTimeElapsed + TimeStepSys;
     202             :     } else {
     203     2950751 :         tmpCurrentTime = state.dataGlobal->CurrentTime;
     204             :     }
     205     4116712 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlVariable(state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->CurrentTimeVariableNum).Value = SetErlValueNumber(tmpCurrentTime);
     206     4116712 :     tmpMinutes = ((tmpCurrentTime - double(state.dataGlobal->HourOfDay - 1)) * 60.0); // -1.0 // off by 1
     207     4116712 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlVariable(state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->MinuteVariableNum).Value = SetErlValueNumber(tmpMinutes);
     208             :     // Subtract 7 from HolidayIndex to maintain compatability for EMS where 1=Holiday,2=SummerDesignDay, 3=WinterDesignDay, 4=CustomDay1,
     209             :     // 5=CustomDay2, but not <0
     210     4116712 :     if (state.dataEnvrn->HolidayIndex == 0) {
     211        5359 :         state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlVariable(state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->HolidayVariableNum).Value = SetErlValueNumber(0.0);
     212             :     } else {
     213     8222706 :         state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlVariable(state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->HolidayVariableNum).Value =
     214    12334059 :             SetErlValueNumber(double(state.dataEnvrn->HolidayIndex - 7));
     215             :     }
     216     4116712 :     if (state.dataEnvrn->SunIsUp) {
     217     1995253 :         state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlVariable(state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->SunIsUpVariableNum).Value = SetErlValueNumber(1.0);
     218             :     } else {
     219     2121459 :         state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlVariable(state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->SunIsUpVariableNum).Value = SetErlValueNumber(0.0);
     220             :     }
     221     4116712 :     if (state.dataEnvrn->IsRain) {
     222          48 :         state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlVariable(state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->IsRainingVariableNum).Value = SetErlValueNumber(1.0);
     223             :     } else {
     224     4116664 :         state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlVariable(state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->IsRainingVariableNum).Value = SetErlValueNumber(0.0);
     225             :     }
     226     4116712 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlVariable(state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->SystemTimeStepVariableNum).Value = SetErlValueNumber(TimeStepSys);
     227             : 
     228     4116712 :     tmpCurEnvirNum = double(state.dataEnvrn->CurEnvirNum);
     229     4116712 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlVariable(state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->CurrentEnvironmentPeriodNum).Value = SetErlValueNumber(tmpCurEnvirNum);
     230     4116712 :     if (state.dataGlobal->WarmupFlag) {
     231     3588197 :         state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlVariable(state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->WarmUpFlagNum).Value = SetErlValueNumber(1.0);
     232             :     } else {
     233      528515 :         state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlVariable(state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->WarmUpFlagNum).Value = SetErlValueNumber(0.0);
     234             :     }
     235     4116712 : }
     236             : 
     237         208 : void BeginEnvrnInitializeRuntimeLanguage(EnergyPlusData &state)
     238             : {
     239             : 
     240             :     // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
     241             :     //       AUTHOR         B. Griffith
     242             :     //       DATE WRITTEN   March 2010
     243             :     //       MODIFIED       B. Griffith, added Sensor initialation
     244             :     //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
     245             : 
     246             :     // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
     247             :     // re initialize Erl for new simulation environment period
     248             : 
     249             :     // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
     250             :     // na
     251             : 
     252             :     // REFERENCES:
     253             :     // na
     254             : 
     255             :     // Using/Aliasing
     256             :     using OutputProcessor::SetInternalVariableValue;
     257             : 
     258             :     // Locals
     259             :     // SUBROUTINE ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS:
     260             :     // na
     261             : 
     262             :     // SUBROUTINE PARAMETER DEFINITIONS:
     263             :     // na
     264             : 
     265             :     // INTERFACE BLOCK SPECIFICATIONS:
     266             :     // na
     267             : 
     268             :     // DERIVED TYPE DEFINITIONS:
     269             :     // na
     270             : 
     272             :     int ActuatorUsedLoop;
     273             :     int EMSActuatorVariableNum;
     274             :     int ErlVariableNum;
     275             :     int TrendVarNum;
     276             :     int SensorNum;
     277             :     int TrendDepth;
     278             :     int loop;
     279             :     bool CycleThisVariable;
     280             : 
     281             :     // reinitialize state of Erl variable values to zero, this gets sensors and internal variables used
     282       22735 :     for (ErlVariableNum = 1; ErlVariableNum <= state.dataRuntimeLang->NumErlVariables; ++ErlVariableNum) {
     283             :         // but skip constant built-in variables so don't overwrite them
     284       22527 :         if (ErlVariableNum == state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->NullVariableNum) continue;
     285       22319 :         if (ErlVariableNum == state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->FalseVariableNum) continue;
     286       22111 :         if (ErlVariableNum == state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->TrueVariableNum) continue;
     287       21903 :         if (ErlVariableNum == state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->OffVariableNum) continue;
     288       21695 :         if (ErlVariableNum == state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->OnVariableNum) continue;
     289       21487 :         if (ErlVariableNum == state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->PiVariableNum) continue;
     290       21279 :         if (ErlVariableNum == state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->ZoneTimeStepVariableNum) continue;
     291       21071 :         if (ErlVariableNum == state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->ActualDateAndTimeNum) continue;
     292       20863 :         if (ErlVariableNum == state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->ActualTimeNum) continue;
     293             : 
     294             :         // need to preserve curve index variables
     295       20655 :         CycleThisVariable = false;
     296       25500 :         for (loop = 1; loop <= state.dataRuntimeLang->NumEMSCurveIndices; ++loop) {
     297        4845 :             if (ErlVariableNum == state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->CurveIndexVariableNums(loop)) CycleThisVariable = true;
     298             :         }
     299       20655 :         if (CycleThisVariable) continue;
     300       20625 :         CycleThisVariable = false;
     301       22791 :         for (loop = 1; loop <= state.dataRuntimeLang->NumEMSConstructionIndices; ++loop) {
     302        2166 :             if (ErlVariableNum == state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->ConstructionIndexVariableNums(loop)) CycleThisVariable = true;
     303             :         }
     304       20625 :         if (CycleThisVariable) continue;
     305             : 
     306       20568 :         if (state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlVariable(ErlVariableNum).Value.initialized) {
     307       35312 :             state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlVariable(ErlVariableNum).Value =
     308       52968 :                 SetErlValueNumber(0.0, state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlVariable(ErlVariableNum).Value);
     309             :         }
     310             :     }
     311             :     // reinitialize state of actuators
     312        2296 :     for (ActuatorUsedLoop = 1; ActuatorUsedLoop <= state.dataRuntimeLang->numActuatorsUsed + state.dataRuntimeLang->NumExternalInterfaceActuatorsUsed;
     313             :          ++ActuatorUsedLoop) {
     314        2088 :         EMSActuatorVariableNum = state.dataRuntimeLang->EMSActuatorUsed(ActuatorUsedLoop).ActuatorVariableNum;
     315        2088 :         ErlVariableNum = state.dataRuntimeLang->EMSActuatorUsed(ActuatorUsedLoop).ErlVariableNum;
     316        2088 :         state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlVariable(ErlVariableNum).Value.Type = Value::Null;
     317        2088 :         *state.dataRuntimeLang->EMSActuatorAvailable(EMSActuatorVariableNum).Actuated = false;
     318        2088 :         switch (state.dataRuntimeLang->EMSActuatorAvailable(EMSActuatorVariableNum).PntrVarTypeUsed) {
     319        2052 :         case PtrDataType::Real:
     320        2052 :             *state.dataRuntimeLang->EMSActuatorAvailable(EMSActuatorVariableNum).RealValue = 0.0;
     321        2052 :             break;
     322          36 :         case PtrDataType::Integer:
     323          36 :             *state.dataRuntimeLang->EMSActuatorAvailable(EMSActuatorVariableNum).IntValue = 0;
     324          36 :             break;
     325           0 :         case PtrDataType::Logical:
     326           0 :             *state.dataRuntimeLang->EMSActuatorAvailable(EMSActuatorVariableNum).LogValue = false;
     327           0 :             break;
     328           0 :         default:
     329           0 :             break; // nothing to do for those
     330             :         }
     331             :     }
     332             : 
     333             :     // reinitialize trend variables so old data are purged
     334         217 :     for (TrendVarNum = 1; TrendVarNum <= state.dataRuntimeLang->NumErlTrendVariables; ++TrendVarNum) {
     335           9 :         TrendDepth = state.dataRuntimeLang->TrendVariable(TrendVarNum).LogDepth;
     336           9 :         state.dataRuntimeLang->TrendVariable(TrendVarNum).TrendValARR({1, TrendDepth}) = 0.0;
     337             :     }
     338             : 
     339             :     // reinitilize sensors
     340        6277 :     for (SensorNum = 1; SensorNum <= state.dataRuntimeLang->NumSensors; ++SensorNum) {
     341       12138 :         SetInternalVariableValue(
     342       12138 :             state, state.dataRuntimeLang->Sensor(SensorNum).VariableType, state.dataRuntimeLang->Sensor(SensorNum).Index, 0.0, 0);
     343             :     }
     344         208 : }
     345             : 
     346         629 : void ParseStack(EnergyPlusData &state, int const StackNum)
     347             : {
     348             : 
     349             :     // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
     350             :     //       AUTHOR         Peter Graham Ellis
     351             :     //       DATE WRITTEN   June 2006
     352             :     //       MODIFIED       Brent Griffith June 2009
     353             :     //                      Brent Griffith March 2012, add WHILE loops
     354             :     //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
     355             : 
     356             :     // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
     357             :     // Parsing a block of text creates a program stack in DataRuntimeLanguage.
     358             :     // This routine only executes once for each Erl program.
     359             : 
     360             :     // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
     361             :     // Loop over each line of Erl code and parse based on statement keyword
     362             : 
     363             :     // Using/Aliasing
     364             : 
     365             :     // Locals
     366             :     // SUBROUTINE ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS:
     367             : 
     368             :     // SUBROUTINE PARAMETER DEFINITIONS:
     369         629 :     int constexpr IfDepthAllowed(5);        // depth of IF block nesting
     370         629 :     int constexpr ELSEIFLengthAllowed(200); // number of ELSEIFs allowed
     371         629 :     int constexpr WhileDepthAllowed(1);     // depth of While block nesting
     372             : 
     374             :     int LineNum;
     375             :     int StackNum2;
     376             :     std::string::size_type Pos;
     377             :     int ExpressionNum;
     378             :     int VariableNum;
     379        1258 :     std::string Line;      // local copy of a single line of Erl program code
     380        1258 :     std::string Keyword;   // local copy of statement keyword parsed from line (Run, Set, If, etc)
     381        1258 :     std::string Remainder; // local copy of what is left for text in the line after keyword
     382        1258 :     std::string Expression;
     383        1258 :     std::string Variable;
     384             :     int NestedIfDepth;    // indicates depth into If statement,
     385             :     int NestedWhileDepth; // indicates depth into While statement
     386             :     int InstructionNum;
     387             :     int InstructionNum2;
     388             :     int GotoNum;
     389        1258 :     Array1D_int SavedIfInstructionNum(IfDepthAllowed); // index is depth of If statements
     390        1258 :     Array2D_int SavedGotoInstructionNum(ELSEIFLengthAllowed, IfDepthAllowed);
     391        1258 :     Array1D_int NumGotos(IfDepthAllowed); // index is depth of If statements,
     392             :     int SavedWhileInstructionNum;
     393             :     int SavedWhileExpressionNum;
     394             :     int NumWhileGotos;
     395        1258 :     Array1D_bool ReadyForElse(IfDepthAllowed);
     396        1258 :     Array1D_bool ReadyForEndif(IfDepthAllowed);
     397             : 
     398         629 :     LineNum = 1;
     399         629 :     NestedIfDepth = 0;
     400         629 :     ReadyForElse = false;
     401         629 :     ReadyForEndif = false;
     402         629 :     SavedIfInstructionNum = 0;
     403         629 :     SavedGotoInstructionNum = 0;
     404         629 :     NumGotos = 0;
     405         629 :     NestedWhileDepth = 0;
     406         629 :     SavedWhileInstructionNum = 0;
     407         629 :     SavedWhileExpressionNum = 0;
     408         629 :     NumWhileGotos = 0;
     409             : 
     410       17727 :     while (LineNum <= state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlStack(StackNum).NumLines) {
     411             : 
     412        8549 :         Line = stripped(state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlStack(StackNum).Line(LineNum));
     413        8549 :         if (len(Line) == 0) {
     414           0 :             ++LineNum;
     415           0 :             continue; // Blank lines can be skipped
     416             :         }
     417             : 
     418        8549 :         Pos = scan(Line, ' ');
     419        8549 :         if (Pos == std::string::npos) {
     420        1425 :             Pos = len(Line);
     421        1425 :             Remainder.clear();
     422             :         } else {
     423        7124 :             Remainder = stripped(Line.substr(Pos + 1));
     424             :         }
     425             :         //    Keyword = UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase(Line(1:Pos-1))
     426        8549 :         Keyword = Line.substr(0, Pos);
     427             : 
     428             :         // the functionality in each block of this parser structure is so different that a regular IF block seems reasonable
     429        8549 :         if (Keyword == "RETURN") {
     430          33 :             if (state.dataSysVars->DeveloperFlag) print(state.files.debug, "RETURN \"{}\"\n", Line);
     431          33 :             if (Remainder.empty()) {
     432          33 :                 InstructionNum = AddInstruction(state, StackNum, LineNum, RuntimeLanguageProcessor::ErlKeywordParam::Return);
     433             :             } else {
     434           0 :                 ParseExpression(state, Remainder, StackNum, ExpressionNum, Line);
     435           0 :                 InstructionNum = AddInstruction(state, StackNum, LineNum, DataRuntimeLanguage::ErlKeywordParam::Return, ExpressionNum);
     436             :             }
     437             : 
     438        8516 :         } else if (Keyword == "SET") {
     439        5600 :             if (state.dataSysVars->DeveloperFlag) print(state.files.debug, "SET \"{}\"\n", Line);
     440        5600 :             Pos = scan(Remainder, '=');
     441        5600 :             if (Pos == std::string::npos) {
     442           0 :                 AddError(state, StackNum, LineNum, "Equal sign missing for the SET instruction.");
     443        5600 :             } else if (Pos == 0) {
     444           0 :                 AddError(state, StackNum, LineNum, "Variable name missing for the SET instruction.");
     445             :             } else {
     446        5600 :                 Variable = stripped(Remainder.substr(0, Pos)); // VariableName would be more expressive
     447        5600 :                 VariableNum = NewEMSVariable(state, Variable, StackNum);
     448             :                 // Check for invalid variable name
     449             : 
     450        5600 :                 if (Pos + 1 < Remainder.length()) {
     451        5600 :                     Expression = stripped(Remainder.substr(Pos + 1));
     452             :                 } else {
     453           0 :                     Expression.clear();
     454             :                 }
     455        5600 :                 if (Expression.empty()) {
     456           0 :                     AddError(state, StackNum, LineNum, "Expression missing for the SET instruction.");
     457             :                 } else {
     458        5600 :                     ParseExpression(state, Expression, StackNum, ExpressionNum, Line);
     459        5600 :                     InstructionNum = AddInstruction(state, StackNum, LineNum, DataRuntimeLanguage::ErlKeywordParam::Set, VariableNum, ExpressionNum);
     460             :                 }
     461             :             }
     462             : 
     463        2916 :         } else if (Keyword == "RUN") {
     464          34 :             if (state.dataSysVars->DeveloperFlag) print(state.files.debug, "RUN \"{}\"\n", Line);
     465          34 :             if (Remainder.empty()) {
     466           0 :                 AddError(state, StackNum, LineNum, "Program or Subroutine name missing for the RUN instruction.");
     467             :             } else {
     468          34 :                 Pos = scan(Remainder, ' ');
     469          34 :                 if (Pos == std::string::npos) Pos = Remainder.length();
     470          34 :                 Variable =
     471          68 :                     UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase(stripped(Remainder.substr(0, Pos))); // really the subroutine, or reference to instruction set
     472          34 :                 StackNum2 = UtilityRoutines::FindItemInList(Variable, state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlStack);
     473          34 :                 if (StackNum2 == 0) {
     474           0 :                     AddError(state, StackNum, LineNum, "Program or Subroutine name [" + Variable + "] not found for the RUN instruction.");
     475             :                 } else {
     476          34 :                     InstructionNum = AddInstruction(state, StackNum, LineNum, DataRuntimeLanguage::ErlKeywordParam::Run, StackNum2);
     477             :                 }
     478             :             }
     479             : 
     480        2882 :         } else if (Keyword == "IF") {
     481         818 :             if (state.dataSysVars->DeveloperFlag) {
     482           0 :                 print(state.files.debug, "IF \"{}\"\n", Line);
     483           0 :                 print(state.files.debug, "NestedIf={}\n", NestedIfDepth);
     484             :             }
     485         818 :             if (Remainder.empty()) {
     486           0 :                 AddError(state, StackNum, LineNum, "Expression missing for the IF instruction.");
     487           0 :                 ExpressionNum = 0;
     488             :             } else {
     489         818 :                 Expression = stripped(Remainder);
     490         818 :                 ParseExpression(state, Expression, StackNum, ExpressionNum, Line);
     491             :             }
     492             : 
     493         818 :             ++NestedIfDepth;
     494         818 :             ReadyForElse(NestedIfDepth) = true;
     495         818 :             ReadyForEndif(NestedIfDepth) = true;
     496         818 :             if (NestedIfDepth > IfDepthAllowed) {
     497           0 :                 AddError(state, StackNum, LineNum, "Detected IF nested deeper than is allowed; need to terminate an earlier IF instruction.");
     498           0 :                 break;
     499             :             } else {
     500         818 :                 InstructionNum = AddInstruction(state,
     501             :                                                 StackNum,
     502             :                                                 LineNum,
     503             :                                                 DataRuntimeLanguage::ErlKeywordParam::If,
     504             :                                                 ExpressionNum); // Arg2 added at next ELSEIF, ELSE, ENDIF
     505         818 :                 SavedIfInstructionNum(NestedIfDepth) = InstructionNum;
     506             :             }
     507             : 
     508        2064 :         } else if (Keyword == "ELSEIF") {
     509         670 :             if (state.dataSysVars->DeveloperFlag) {
     510           0 :                 print(state.files.debug, "ELSEIF \"{}\"\n", Line);
     511           0 :                 print(state.files.debug, "NestedIf={}\n", NestedIfDepth);
     512             :             }
     513         670 :             if (NestedIfDepth == 0) {
     514           0 :                 AddError(state, StackNum, LineNum, "Starting IF instruction missing for the ELSEIF instruction.");
     515           0 :                 break; // Getting strange error on DEALLOCATE for the next instruction that I try to add, so doing EXIT here
     516             :             }
     517             : 
     518             :             // Complete the preceding block with a GOTO instruction
     519         670 :             InstructionNum = AddInstruction(state, StackNum, 0, DataRuntimeLanguage::ErlKeywordParam::Goto); // Arg2 is added at the ENDIF
     520         670 :             ++NumGotos(NestedIfDepth);
     521         670 :             if (NumGotos(NestedIfDepth) > ELSEIFLengthAllowed) {
     522           0 :                 AddError(state, StackNum, LineNum, "Detected ELSEIF series that is longer than allowed; terminate earlier IF instruction.");
     523           0 :                 break;
     524             :             } else {
     525         670 :                 SavedGotoInstructionNum(NumGotos(NestedIfDepth), NestedIfDepth) = InstructionNum;
     526             :             }
     527             : 
     528         670 :             if (Remainder.empty()) {
     529           0 :                 AddError(state, StackNum, LineNum, "Expression missing for the ELSEIF instruction.");
     530           0 :                 ExpressionNum = 0;
     531             :             } else {
     532         670 :                 Expression = stripped(Remainder);
     533         670 :                 ParseExpression(state, Expression, StackNum, ExpressionNum, Line);
     534             :             }
     535             : 
     536         670 :             InstructionNum = AddInstruction(state,
     537             :                                             StackNum,
     538             :                                             LineNum,
     539             :                                             DataRuntimeLanguage::ErlKeywordParam::If,
     540             :                                             ExpressionNum); // Arg2 added at next ELSEIF, ELSE, ENDIF
     541         670 :             state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlStack(StackNum).Instruction(SavedIfInstructionNum(NestedIfDepth)).Argument2 = InstructionNum;
     542         670 :             SavedIfInstructionNum(NestedIfDepth) = InstructionNum;
     543             : 
     544        1394 :         } else if (Keyword == "ELSE") {
     545         572 :             if (state.dataSysVars->DeveloperFlag) {
     546           0 :                 print(state.files.debug, "ELSE \"{}\"\n", Line);
     547           0 :                 print(state.files.debug, "NestedIf={}\n", NestedIfDepth);
     548             :             }
     549         572 :             if (NestedIfDepth == 0) {
     550           0 :                 AddError(state, StackNum, LineNum, "Starting IF instruction missing for the ELSE instruction.");
     551           0 :                 break; // Getting strange error on DEALLOCATE for the next instruction that I try to add, so doing EXIT here
     552             :             }
     553         572 :             if (!ReadyForElse(NestedIfDepth)) {
     554           0 :                 AddError(state, StackNum, LineNum, "ELSE statement without corresponding IF statement.");
     555             :             }
     556         572 :             ReadyForElse(NestedIfDepth) = false;
     557             : 
     558             :             // Complete the preceding block with a GOTO instruction
     559         572 :             InstructionNum = AddInstruction(state, StackNum, 0, DataRuntimeLanguage::ErlKeywordParam::Goto); // Arg2 is added at the ENDIF
     560         572 :             ++NumGotos(NestedIfDepth);
     561         572 :             if (NumGotos(NestedIfDepth) > ELSEIFLengthAllowed) {
     562           0 :                 AddError(state, StackNum, LineNum, "Detected ELSEIF-ELSE series that is longer than allowed.");
     563           0 :                 break;
     564             :             } else {
     565         572 :                 SavedGotoInstructionNum(NumGotos(NestedIfDepth), NestedIfDepth) = InstructionNum;
     566             :             }
     567             : 
     568         572 :             if (!Remainder.empty()) {
     569           0 :                 AddError(state, StackNum, LineNum, "Nothing is allowed to follow the ELSE instruction.");
     570             :             }
     571             : 
     572         572 :             InstructionNum = AddInstruction(state, StackNum, LineNum, DataRuntimeLanguage::ErlKeywordParam::Else); // can make this into a KeywordIf?
     573         572 :             state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlStack(StackNum).Instruction(SavedIfInstructionNum(NestedIfDepth)).Argument2 = InstructionNum;
     574         572 :             SavedIfInstructionNum(NestedIfDepth) = InstructionNum;
     575             : 
     576         822 :         } else if (Keyword == "ENDIF") {
     577         818 :             if (state.dataSysVars->DeveloperFlag) {
     578           0 :                 print(state.files.debug, "ENDIF \"{}\"\n", Line);
     579           0 :                 print(state.files.debug, "NestedIf={}\n", NestedIfDepth);
     580             :             }
     581         818 :             if (NestedIfDepth == 0) {
     582           0 :                 AddError(state, StackNum, LineNum, "Starting IF instruction missing for the ENDIF instruction.");
     583           0 :                 break; // PE Getting strange error on DEALLOCATE for the next instruction that I try to add, so doing EXIT here
     584             :             }
     585             : 
     586         818 :             if (!ReadyForEndif(NestedIfDepth)) {
     587           0 :                 AddError(state, StackNum, LineNum, "ENDIF statement without corresponding IF stetement.");
     588             :             }
     589         818 :             ReadyForEndif(NestedIfDepth) = false;
     590         818 :             ReadyForElse(NestedIfDepth) = false;
     591             : 
     592         818 :             if (!Remainder.empty()) {
     593           0 :                 AddError(state, StackNum, LineNum, "Nothing is allowed to follow the ENDIF instruction.");
     594             :             }
     595             : 
     596         818 :             InstructionNum = AddInstruction(state, StackNum, LineNum, DataRuntimeLanguage::ErlKeywordParam::EndIf);
     597         818 :             state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlStack(StackNum).Instruction(SavedIfInstructionNum(NestedIfDepth)).Argument2 = InstructionNum;
     598             : 
     599             :             // Go back and complete all of the GOTOs that terminate each IF and ELSEIF block
     600        2060 :             for (GotoNum = 1; GotoNum <= NumGotos(NestedIfDepth); ++GotoNum) {
     601        1242 :                 InstructionNum2 = SavedGotoInstructionNum(GotoNum, NestedIfDepth);
     602        1242 :                 state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlStack(StackNum).Instruction(InstructionNum2).Argument1 = InstructionNum;
     603        1242 :                 SavedGotoInstructionNum(GotoNum, NestedIfDepth) = 0;
     604             :             }
     605             : 
     606         818 :             NumGotos(NestedIfDepth) = 0;
     607         818 :             SavedIfInstructionNum(NestedIfDepth) = 0;
     608         818 :             --NestedIfDepth;
     609             : 
     610           4 :         } else if (Keyword == "WHILE") {
     611           2 :             if (state.dataSysVars->DeveloperFlag) print(state.files.debug, "WHILE \"{}\"\n", Line);
     612           2 :             if (Remainder.empty()) {
     613           0 :                 AddError(state, StackNum, LineNum, "Expression missing for the WHILE instruction.");
     614           0 :                 ExpressionNum = 0;
     615             :             } else {
     616           2 :                 Expression = stripped(Remainder);
     617           2 :                 ParseExpression(state, Expression, StackNum, ExpressionNum, Line);
     618             :             }
     619             : 
     620           2 :             ++NestedWhileDepth;
     621           2 :             if (NestedWhileDepth > WhileDepthAllowed) {
     622           0 :                 AddError(state, StackNum, LineNum, "Detected WHILE nested deeper than is allowed; need to terminate an earlier WHILE instruction.");
     623           0 :                 break;
     624             :             } else {
     625           2 :                 InstructionNum = AddInstruction(state, StackNum, LineNum, DataRuntimeLanguage::ErlKeywordParam::While, ExpressionNum);
     626           2 :                 SavedWhileInstructionNum = InstructionNum;
     627           2 :                 SavedWhileExpressionNum = ExpressionNum;
     628             :             }
     629             : 
     630           2 :         } else if (Keyword == "ENDWHILE") {
     631           2 :             if (state.dataSysVars->DeveloperFlag) print(state.files.debug, "ENDWHILE \"{}\"\n", Line);
     632           2 :             if (NestedWhileDepth == 0) {
     633           0 :                 AddError(state, StackNum, LineNum, "Starting WHILE instruction missing for the ENDWHILE instruction.");
     634           0 :                 break;
     635             :             }
     636           2 :             if (!Remainder.empty()) {
     637           0 :                 AddError(state, StackNum, LineNum, "Nothing is allowed to follow the ENDWHILE instruction.");
     638             :             }
     639             : 
     640           2 :             InstructionNum = AddInstruction(state, StackNum, LineNum, DataRuntimeLanguage::ErlKeywordParam::EndWhile);
     641           2 :             state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlStack(StackNum).Instruction(SavedWhileInstructionNum).Argument2 = InstructionNum;
     642           2 :             state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlStack(StackNum).Instruction(InstructionNum).Argument1 = SavedWhileExpressionNum;
     643           2 :             state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlStack(StackNum).Instruction(InstructionNum).Argument2 = SavedWhileInstructionNum;
     644             : 
     645           2 :             NestedWhileDepth = 0;
     646           2 :             SavedWhileInstructionNum = 0;
     647           2 :             SavedWhileExpressionNum = 0;
     648             : 
     649             :         } else {
     650           0 :             if (state.dataSysVars->DeveloperFlag) print(state.files.debug, "ERROR \"{}\"\n", Line);
     651           0 :             AddError(state, StackNum, LineNum, "Unknown keyword [" + Keyword + "].");
     652             :         }
     653             : 
     654        8549 :         ++LineNum;
     655             :     } // LineNum
     656             : 
     657         629 :     if (NestedIfDepth == 1) {
     658           0 :         AddError(state, StackNum, 0, "Missing an ENDIF instruction needed to terminate an earlier IF instruction.");
     659         629 :     } else if (NestedIfDepth > 1) {
     660           0 :         AddError(state, StackNum, 0, format("Missing {} ENDIF instructions needed to terminate earlier IF instructions.", NestedIfDepth));
     661             :     }
     662             : 
     663             :     //  ALLOCATE(DummyError(ErlStack(StackNum)%NumErrors))
     664             :     //  DummyError = ErlStack(StackNum)%Error
     665         629 : }
     666             : 
     667        9791 : int AddInstruction(EnergyPlusData &state,
     668             :                    int const StackNum,
     669             :                    int const LineNum,
     670             :                    DataRuntimeLanguage::ErlKeywordParam Keyword,
     671             :                    Optional_int_const Argument1, // Erl variable index
     672             :                    Optional_int_const Argument2)
     673             : {
     674             : 
     675             :     // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
     676             :     //       AUTHOR         Peter Graham Ellis
     677             :     //       DATE WRITTEN   June 2006
     678             :     //       MODIFIED       na
     679             :     //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
     680             : 
     681             :     // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
     682             :     // Adds an instruction to a stack.
     683             : 
     684             :     // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
     685             : 
     686             :     // Return value
     687             :     int InstructionNum;
     688             : 
     689             :     // Locals
     690             :     // SUBROUTINE ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS:
     691             : 
     693             : 
     694             :     // Object Data
     695       19582 :     ErlStackType TempStack;
     696             : 
     697        9791 :     if (state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlStack(StackNum).NumInstructions == 0) {
     698         629 :         state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlStack(StackNum).Instruction.allocate(1);
     699         629 :         state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlStack(StackNum).NumInstructions = 1;
     700             :     } else {
     701        9162 :         TempStack = state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlStack(StackNum);
     702        9162 :         state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlStack(StackNum).Instruction.deallocate();
     703        9162 :         state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlStack(StackNum).Instruction.allocate(state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlStack(StackNum).NumInstructions + 1);
     704        9162 :         state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlStack(StackNum).Instruction({1, state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlStack(StackNum).NumInstructions}) =
     705       18324 :             TempStack.Instruction({1, state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlStack(StackNum).NumInstructions});
     706        9162 :         ++state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlStack(StackNum).NumInstructions;
     707             :     }
     708             : 
     709        9791 :     InstructionNum = state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlStack(StackNum).NumInstructions;
     710        9791 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlStack(StackNum).Instruction(InstructionNum).LineNum = LineNum;
     711        9791 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlStack(StackNum).Instruction(InstructionNum).Keyword = Keyword;
     712             : 
     713        9791 :     if (present(Argument1)) state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlStack(StackNum).Instruction(InstructionNum).Argument1 = Argument1;
     714        9791 :     if (present(Argument2)) state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlStack(StackNum).Instruction(InstructionNum).Argument2 = Argument2;
     715             : 
     716       19582 :     return InstructionNum;
     717             : }
     718             : 
     719           0 : void AddError(EnergyPlusData &state,
     720             :               int const StackNum,      // index pointer to location in ErlStack structure
     721             :               int const LineNum,       // Erl program line number
     722             :               std::string const &Error // error message to be added to ErlStack
     723             : )
     724             : {
     725             : 
     726             :     // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
     727             :     //       AUTHOR         Peter Graham Ellis
     728             :     //       DATE WRITTEN   June 2006
     729             :     //       MODIFIED       na
     730             :     //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
     731             : 
     732             :     // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
     733             :     // Adds an error message to a stack.
     734             : 
     735             :     // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
     736             : 
     737             :     // Locals
     738             :     // SUBROUTINE ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS:
     739             : 
     741             :     int ErrorNum; // local count of errors for this ErlStack
     742             : 
     743             :     // Object Data
     744           0 :     ErlStackType TempStack; // temporary copy of single ErlStack
     745             : 
     746           0 :     if (state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlStack(StackNum).NumErrors == 0) {
     747           0 :         state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlStack(StackNum).Error.allocate(1);
     748           0 :         state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlStack(StackNum).NumErrors = 1;
     749             :     } else {
     750           0 :         TempStack = state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlStack(StackNum);
     751           0 :         state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlStack(StackNum).Error.deallocate();
     752           0 :         state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlStack(StackNum).Error.allocate(state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlStack(StackNum).NumErrors + 1);
     753           0 :         state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlStack(StackNum).Error({1, state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlStack(StackNum).NumErrors}) =
     754           0 :             TempStack.Error({1, state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlStack(StackNum).NumErrors});
     755           0 :         ++state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlStack(StackNum).NumErrors;
     756             :     }
     757             : 
     758           0 :     ErrorNum = state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlStack(StackNum).NumErrors;
     759           0 :     if (LineNum > 0) {
     760           0 :         state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlStack(StackNum).Error(ErrorNum) =
     761           0 :             format("Line {}:  {} \"{}\"", LineNum, Error, state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlStack(StackNum).Line(LineNum));
     762             :     } else {
     763           0 :         state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlStack(StackNum).Error(ErrorNum) = Error;
     764             :     }
     765           0 : }
     766             : 
     767     3035803 : ErlValueType EvaluateStack(EnergyPlusData &state, int const StackNum)
     768             : {
     769             : 
     770             :     // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
     771             :     //       AUTHOR         Peter Graham Ellis
     772             :     //       DATE WRITTEN   June 2006
     773             :     //       MODIFIED       Brent Griffith, May 2009
     774             :     //                      Brent Griffith, March 2012, add While loop support
     775             :     //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
     776             : 
     777             :     // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
     778             :     // Runs a stack with the interpreter.
     779             : 
     780             :     // Return value
     781     3035803 :     ErlValueType ReturnValue;
     782             : 
     783             :     // Locals
     784             :     // SUBROUTINE ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS:
     785             : 
     787             :     int InstructionNum;
     788             :     int InstructionNum2;
     789             :     int ExpressionNum;
     790             :     int ESVariableNum;
     791             :     int WhileLoopExitCounter;      // to avoid infinite loop in While loop
     792     3035803 :     bool seriousErrorFound(false); // once it gets set true (inside EvaluateExpresssion) it will trigger a fatal (in WriteTrace)
     793             : 
     794     3035803 :     WhileLoopExitCounter = 0;
     795     3035803 :     ReturnValue.Type = Value::Number;
     796     3035803 :     ReturnValue.Number = 0.0;
     797             : 
     798     3035803 :     InstructionNum = 1;
     799    59437981 :     while (InstructionNum <= state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlStack(StackNum).NumInstructions) {
     800             : 
     801             :         {
     802    28280495 :             auto const SELECT_CASE_var(state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlStack(StackNum).Instruction(InstructionNum).Keyword);
     803             : 
     804    28280495 :             if (SELECT_CASE_var == DataRuntimeLanguage::ErlKeywordParam::None) {
     805             :                 // There probably shouldn't be any of these
     806             : 
     807    28280495 :             } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == DataRuntimeLanguage::ErlKeywordParam::Return) {
     808       79404 :                 if (state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlStack(StackNum).Instruction(InstructionNum).Argument1 > 0)
     809           0 :                     ReturnValue =
     810           0 :                         EvaluateExpression(state, state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlStack(StackNum).Instruction(InstructionNum).Argument1, seriousErrorFound);
     811       79404 :                 WriteTrace(state, StackNum, InstructionNum, ReturnValue, seriousErrorFound);
     812       79404 :                 break; // RETURN always terminates an instruction stack
     813             : 
     814    28201091 :             } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == DataRuntimeLanguage::ErlKeywordParam::Set) {
     815             : 
     816    16329448 :                 ReturnValue =
     817    32658897 :                     EvaluateExpression(state, state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlStack(StackNum).Instruction(InstructionNum).Argument2, seriousErrorFound);
     818    16329448 :                 ESVariableNum = state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlStack(StackNum).Instruction(InstructionNum).Argument1;
     819    32658896 :                 if ((!state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlVariable(ESVariableNum).ReadOnly) &&
     820    16329448 :                     (!state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlVariable(ESVariableNum).Value.TrendVariable)) {
     821    16308546 :                     state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlVariable(ESVariableNum).Value = ReturnValue;
     822       20902 :                 } else if (state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlVariable(ESVariableNum).Value.TrendVariable) {
     823       20902 :                     state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlVariable(ESVariableNum).Value.Number = ReturnValue.Number;
     824       20902 :                     state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlVariable(ESVariableNum).Value.Error = ReturnValue.Error;
     825             :                 }
     826             : 
     827    16329448 :                 WriteTrace(state, StackNum, InstructionNum, ReturnValue, seriousErrorFound);
     828             : 
     829    11871642 :             } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == DataRuntimeLanguage::ErlKeywordParam::Run) {
     830      135326 :                 ReturnValue.Type = Value::String;
     831      135326 :                 ReturnValue.String = "";
     832      135326 :                 WriteTrace(state, StackNum, InstructionNum, ReturnValue, seriousErrorFound);
     833      135326 :                 ReturnValue = EvaluateStack(state, state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlStack(StackNum).Instruction(InstructionNum).Argument1);
     834    11736316 :             } else if ((SELECT_CASE_var == DataRuntimeLanguage::ErlKeywordParam::If) ||
     835             :                        (SELECT_CASE_var == DataRuntimeLanguage::ErlKeywordParam::Else)) { // same???
     836     6687612 :                 ExpressionNum = state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlStack(StackNum).Instruction(InstructionNum).Argument1;
     837     6687612 :                 InstructionNum2 = state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlStack(StackNum).Instruction(InstructionNum).Argument2;
     838     9636876 :                 if (ExpressionNum > 0) { // could be 0 if this was an ELSE
     839     5540835 :                     ReturnValue = EvaluateExpression(state, ExpressionNum, seriousErrorFound);
     840     5540835 :                     WriteTrace(state, StackNum, InstructionNum, ReturnValue, seriousErrorFound);
     841     9279183 :                     if (ReturnValue.Number == 0.0) { //  This is the FALSE case
     842             :                         // Eventually should handle strings and arrays too
     843     3738348 :                         InstructionNum = InstructionNum2;
     844     3738348 :                         continue;
     845             :                     }
     846             :                 } else {
     847             :                     // KeywordELSE  -- kind of a kludge
     848     1146777 :                     ReturnValue.Type = Value::Number;
     849     1146777 :                     ReturnValue.Number = 1.0;
     850     1146777 :                     WriteTrace(state, StackNum, InstructionNum, ReturnValue, seriousErrorFound);
     851             :                 }
     852     6460751 :             } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == DataRuntimeLanguage::ErlKeywordParam::Goto) {
     853     1412047 :                 InstructionNum = state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlStack(StackNum).Instruction(InstructionNum).Argument1;
     854             : 
     855             :                 // For debug purposes only...
     856     1412047 :                 ReturnValue.Type = Value::String;
     857     1412047 :                 ReturnValue.String = ""; // IntegerToString(InstructionNum)
     858             : 
     859     1412047 :                 continue;
     860             :                 // PE if this ever went out of bounds, would the DO loop save it?  or need check here?
     861             : 
     862     3636657 :             } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == DataRuntimeLanguage::ErlKeywordParam::EndIf) {
     863     3552773 :                 ReturnValue.Type = Value::String;
     864     3552773 :                 ReturnValue.String = "";
     865     3552773 :                 WriteTrace(state, StackNum, InstructionNum, ReturnValue, seriousErrorFound);
     866             : 
     867       83884 :             } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == DataRuntimeLanguage::ErlKeywordParam::While) {
     868             :                 // evaluate expression at while, skip to past endwhile if not true
     869       41942 :                 ExpressionNum = state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlStack(StackNum).Instruction(InstructionNum).Argument1;
     870       41942 :                 InstructionNum2 = state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlStack(StackNum).Instruction(InstructionNum).Argument2;
     871       41942 :                 ReturnValue = EvaluateExpression(state, ExpressionNum, seriousErrorFound);
     872       41942 :                 WriteTrace(state, StackNum, InstructionNum, ReturnValue, seriousErrorFound);
     873       41942 :                 if (ReturnValue.Number == 0.0) { //  This is the FALSE case
     874             :                     // Eventually should handle strings and arrays too
     875           0 :                     InstructionNum = InstructionNum2;
     876             :                     // CYCLE
     877             :                 }
     878       41942 :             } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == DataRuntimeLanguage::ErlKeywordParam::EndWhile) {
     879             : 
     880             :                 // reevaluate expression at While and goto there if true, otherwise continue
     881       41942 :                 ExpressionNum = state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlStack(StackNum).Instruction(InstructionNum).Argument1;
     882       41942 :                 InstructionNum2 = state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlStack(StackNum).Instruction(InstructionNum).Argument2;
     883       41942 :                 ReturnValue = EvaluateExpression(state, ExpressionNum, seriousErrorFound);
     884       73709 :                 if ((ReturnValue.Number != 0.0) && (WhileLoopExitCounter <= MaxWhileLoopIterations)) { //  This is the True case
     885             :                     // Eventually should handle strings and arrays too
     886       31767 :                     WriteTrace(state, StackNum, InstructionNum, ReturnValue, seriousErrorFound); // duplicative?
     887       31767 :                     InstructionNum = InstructionNum2;
     888       31767 :                     ++WhileLoopExitCounter;
     889             : 
     890       31767 :                     continue;
     891             :                 } else { // false, leave while block
     892       10175 :                     if (WhileLoopExitCounter > MaxWhileLoopIterations) {
     893           0 :                         WhileLoopExitCounter = 0;
     894           0 :                         ReturnValue.Type = Value::Error;
     895           0 :                         ReturnValue.Error = "Maximum WHILE loop iteration limit reached";
     896           0 :                         WriteTrace(state, StackNum, InstructionNum, ReturnValue, seriousErrorFound);
     897             :                     } else {
     898       10175 :                         ReturnValue.Type = Value::Number;
     899       10175 :                         ReturnValue.Number = 0.0;
     900       10175 :                         WriteTrace(state, StackNum, InstructionNum, ReturnValue, seriousErrorFound);
     901       10175 :                         WhileLoopExitCounter = 0;
     902             :                     }
     903             :                 }
     904             :             } else {
     905           0 :                 ShowFatalError(state, "Fatal error in RunStack:  Unknown keyword.");
     906             :             }
     907             :         }
     908             : 
     909    23018927 :         ++InstructionNum;
     910             :     } // InstructionNum
     911             : 
     912     3035801 :     return ReturnValue;
     913             : }
     914             : 
     915    26868447 : void WriteTrace(EnergyPlusData &state, int const StackNum, int const InstructionNum, ErlValueType const &ReturnValue, bool const seriousErrorFound)
     916             : {
     917             : 
     918             :     // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
     919             :     //       AUTHOR         Peter Graham Ellis
     920             :     //       DATE WRITTEN   June 2006
     921             :     //       MODIFIED       Brent Griffith, May 2009
     922             :     //                      Brent Griffith, May 2016, added bool and fatal error messages for runtime problems with math and unitialized vars
     923             :     //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
     924             : 
     925             :     // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
     926             : 
     927             :     // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
     928             : 
     929             :     // Using/Aliasing
     930             :     using General::CreateSysTimeIntervalString;
     931             : 
     932             :     // Locals
     933             :     // SUBROUTINE ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS:
     934             : 
     936             :     int LineNum;
     937    28781250 :     std::string NameString;
     938    28781250 :     std::string LineNumString;
     939    28781250 :     std::string LineString;
     940    28781250 :     std::string cValueString;
     941    28781250 :     std::string TimeString;
     942    28781250 :     std::string DuringWarmup;
     943             : 
     944    26868447 :     if ((!state.dataRuntimeLang->OutputFullEMSTrace) && (!state.dataRuntimeLang->OutputEMSErrors) && (!seriousErrorFound)) return;
     945             : 
     946    17550416 :     if ((state.dataRuntimeLang->OutputEMSErrors) && (!state.dataRuntimeLang->OutputFullEMSTrace) && (!seriousErrorFound)) {
     947             :         // see if error needs to be reported.
     948    15637902 :         if (ReturnValue.Type != Value::Error) return;
     949             :     }
     950             : 
     951     1912803 :     if (!state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->WriteTraceMyOneTimeFlag) {
     952          25 :         print(state.files.edd, "****  Begin EMS Language Processor Error and Trace Output  *** \n");
     953          25 :         print(state.files.edd, "<Erl program name, line #, line text, result, occurrence timing information ... >\n");
     954          25 :         state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->WriteTraceMyOneTimeFlag = true;
     955             :     }
     956             :     // if have not return'd yet then write out full trace
     957             : 
     958     1912803 :     NameString = state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlStack(StackNum).Name;
     959     1912803 :     LineNum = state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlStack(StackNum).Instruction(InstructionNum).LineNum;
     960     1912803 :     LineNumString = fmt::to_string(LineNum);
     961     1912803 :     LineString = state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlStack(StackNum).Line(LineNum);
     962     1912803 :     cValueString = ValueToString(ReturnValue);
     963             : 
     964             :     // put together timestamp info
     965     1912803 :     if (state.dataGlobal->WarmupFlag) {
     966     1686745 :         if (!state.dataGlobal->DoingSizing) {
     967     1623067 :             DuringWarmup = " During Warmup, Occurrence info=";
     968             :         } else {
     969       63678 :             DuringWarmup = " During Warmup & Sizing, Occurrence info=";
     970             :         }
     971             :     } else {
     972      226058 :         if (!state.dataGlobal->DoingSizing) {
     973      215538 :             DuringWarmup = " Occurrence info=";
     974             :         } else {
     975       10520 :             DuringWarmup = " During Sizing, Occurrence info=";
     976             :         }
     977             :     }
     978     1912803 :     TimeString = DuringWarmup + state.dataEnvrn->EnvironmentName + ", " + state.dataEnvrn->CurMnDy + ' ' + CreateSysTimeIntervalString(state);
     979             : 
     980     1912803 :     if (state.dataRuntimeLang->OutputFullEMSTrace || (state.dataRuntimeLang->OutputEMSErrors && (ReturnValue.Type == Value::Error))) {
     981     1912803 :         print(state.files.edd, "{},Line {},{},{},{}\n", NameString, LineNumString, LineString, cValueString, TimeString);
     982             :     }
     983             : 
     984     1912803 :     if (seriousErrorFound) { // throw EnergyPlus severe then fatal
     985           0 :         ShowSevereError(state, "Problem found in EMS EnergyPlus Runtime Language.");
     986           0 :         ShowContinueError(state, "Erl program name: " + NameString);
     987           0 :         ShowContinueError(state, "Erl program line number: " + LineNumString);
     988           0 :         ShowContinueError(state, "Erl program line text: " + LineString);
     989           0 :         ShowContinueError(state, "Error message: " + cValueString);
     990           0 :         ShowContinueErrorTimeStamp(state, "");
     991           0 :         ShowFatalError(state, "Previous EMS error caused program termination.");
     992             :     }
     993             : }
     994             : 
     995             : //******************************************************************************************
     996             : 
     997             : //  Expression Processor
     998             : 
     999             : //******************************************************************************************
    1000             : 
    1001        7090 : void ParseExpression(EnergyPlusData &state,
    1002             :                      std::string const &InString, // String of expression text written in the Runtime Language
    1003             :                      int const StackNum,          // Parent StackNum??
    1004             :                      int &ExpressionNum,          // index of expression in structure
    1005             :                      std::string const &Line      // Actual line from string
    1006             : )
    1007             : {
    1008             : 
    1009             :     // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    1010             :     //       AUTHOR         Peter Graham Ellis
    1011             :     //       DATE WRITTEN   June 2006
    1012             :     //       MODIFIED       Brent Griffith, May 2009
    1013             :     //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
    1014             : 
    1015             :     // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    1016             :     // Parsing string into a series of tokens
    1017             : 
    1018             :     // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
    1019             : 
    1020             :     // Using/Aliasing
    1021             : 
    1022             :     // Locals
    1023             :     // SUBROUTINE PARAMETER DEFINITIONS:
    1024        7090 :     int constexpr MaxDoLoopCounts(500);
    1025             : 
    1026             :     // SUBROUTINE ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS:
    1027             : 
    1029             :     //  CHARACTER(len=120), DIMENSION(MaxErrors) :: Error  ! Errors should be stored with the stack
    1030             :     int NumErrors;
    1031             :     std::string::size_type Pos;
    1032       14180 :     std::string StringToken;
    1033             :     char NextChar;
    1034             :     bool PeriodFound;
    1035             :     bool MinusFound;
    1036             :     bool PlusFound;
    1037             :     bool MultFound;
    1038             :     bool DivFound;
    1039             :     bool ErrorFlag;
    1040             :     bool OperatorProcessing;
    1041             :     int CountDoLooping;
    1042             :     bool LastED; // last character in a numeric was an E or D
    1043             : 
    1044        7090 :     CountDoLooping = 0;
    1045        7090 :     NumErrors = 0;
    1046             :     //  Error = 'No errors.'
    1047             : 
    1048             :     // Break the string into tokens
    1049        7090 :     int NumTokens(0);
    1050       14180 :     std::string String(InString);
    1051             : 
    1052             :     // Following is a workaround to parse unitary operators as first value in the expression.
    1053             :     // i.e. Set X = -1
    1054             :     // this creates Set X = 0-1
    1055             :     // and seems to work.
    1056             : 
    1057        7090 :     assert(!String.empty());
    1058        7090 :     if (String[0] == '-') {
    1059          18 :         String = "0" + String;
    1060        7072 :     } else if (String[0] == '+') {
    1061           0 :         String = "0" + String;
    1062             :     }
    1063        7090 :     std::string::size_type LastPos(String.length());
    1064        7090 :     Pos = 0;
    1065        7090 :     OperatorProcessing = false; // true when an operator is found until terminated by non-operator
    1066        7090 :     MinusFound = false;
    1067        7090 :     MultFound = false;
    1068        7090 :     DivFound = false;
    1069       96724 :     while (Pos < LastPos) {
    1070       44817 :         ++CountDoLooping;
    1071       44817 :         if (CountDoLooping > MaxDoLoopCounts) {
    1072           0 :             ShowSevereError(state, "EMS ParseExpression: Entity=" + state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlStack(StackNum).Name);
    1073           0 :             ShowContinueError(state, "...Line=" + Line);
    1074           0 :             ShowContinueError(state, "...Failed to process String=\"" + String + "\".");
    1075           0 :             ShowFatalError(state, "...program terminates due to preceding condition.");
    1076             :         }
    1077       44817 :         NextChar = String[Pos];
    1078       59320 :         if (NextChar == ' ') {
    1079       14503 :             ++Pos;
    1080       14503 :             continue;
    1081             :         }
    1082             : 
    1083             :         // Extend the token array
    1084       30314 :         state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->PEToken.redimension(++NumTokens);
    1085             : 
    1086             :         // Get the next token
    1087       30314 :         StringToken = "";
    1088       30314 :         PeriodFound = false;
    1089       30314 :         PlusFound = false;
    1090       30314 :         ErrorFlag = false;
    1091       30314 :         LastED = false;
    1092       30314 :         if (is_any_of(NextChar, "0123456789.")) {
    1093             :             // Parse a number literal token
    1094        5904 :             ++Pos;
    1095        5904 :             StringToken += NextChar;
    1096        5904 :             OperatorProcessing = false;
    1097        5904 :             MultFound = false;
    1098        5904 :             DivFound = false;
    1099             : 
    1100        5904 :             if (NextChar == '.') PeriodFound = true;
    1101             : 
    1102       26512 :             while (Pos < LastPos) {
    1103       13555 :                 NextChar = String[Pos];
    1104       13555 :                 if (is_any_of(NextChar, "0123456789.eEdD")) {
    1105       10302 :                     ++Pos;
    1106       10302 :                     if (NextChar == '.') {
    1107        2501 :                         if (PeriodFound) {
    1108             :                             // ERROR:  two periods appearing in a number literal!
    1109           0 :                             ShowSevereError(state, "EMS Parse Expression, for \"" + state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlStack(StackNum).Name + "\".");
    1110           0 :                             ShowContinueError(state, "...Line=\"" + Line + "\".");
    1111           0 :                             ShowContinueError(state, "...Bad String=\"" + String + "\".");
    1112           0 :                             ShowContinueError(state, "...Two decimal points detected in String.");
    1113           0 :                             ++NumErrors;
    1114           0 :                             ErrorFlag = true;
    1115           0 :                             break;
    1116             :                         } else {
    1117        2501 :                             PeriodFound = true;
    1118             :                         }
    1119             :                     }
    1120       10302 :                     if (is_any_of(NextChar, "eEdD")) {
    1121          29 :                         StringToken += NextChar;
    1122          29 :                         if (LastED) {
    1123           0 :                             ShowSevereError(state, "EMS Parse Expression, for \"" + state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlStack(StackNum).Name + "\".");
    1124           0 :                             ShowContinueError(state, "...Line=\"" + Line + "\".");
    1125           0 :                             ShowContinueError(state, "...Bad String=\"" + String + "\".");
    1126           0 :                             ShowContinueError(state, "...Two D/E in numeric String.");
    1127           0 :                             ++NumErrors;
    1128           0 :                             ErrorFlag = true;
    1129             :                             // error
    1130           0 :                             break;
    1131             :                         } else {
    1132          29 :                             LastED = true;
    1133             :                         }
    1134             :                     } else {
    1135       10273 :                         StringToken += NextChar;
    1136             :                     }
    1137        3253 :                 } else if (is_any_of(NextChar, "+-")) { // +/- following an ED is okay.
    1138         215 :                     if (LastED) {
    1139           2 :                         StringToken += NextChar;
    1140           2 :                         ++Pos;
    1141           2 :                         LastED = false;
    1142             :                     } else {
    1143             :                         // +/- will be processed on next pass, nothing needs to be done after a numeral
    1144         213 :                         break;
    1145             :                     }
    1146        3038 :                 } else if (is_any_of(NextChar, " +-*/^=<>)")) { // Any binary operator is okay
    1147        3038 :                     break;                                      // End of token
    1148             :                 } else {
    1149             :                     // Error: strange sequence of characters:  return TokenString//NextChar   e.g.,  234.44a or 234.44%
    1150           0 :                     StringToken += NextChar;
    1151           0 :                     break;
    1152             :                 }
    1153             :             }
    1154             : 
    1155             :             // Save the number token
    1156        5904 :             if (!ErrorFlag) {
    1157        5904 :                 state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->PEToken(NumTokens).Type = Token::Number;
    1158        5904 :                 state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->PEToken(NumTokens).String = StringToken;
    1159        5904 :                 if (state.dataSysVars->DeveloperFlag) print(state.files.debug, "Number=\"{}\"\n", StringToken);
    1160        5904 :                 state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->PEToken(NumTokens).Number = UtilityRoutines::ProcessNumber(StringToken, ErrorFlag);
    1161        5904 :                 if (state.dataSysVars->DeveloperFlag && ErrorFlag) print(state.files.debug, "{}\n", "Numeric error flagged");
    1162        5904 :                 if (MinusFound) {
    1163           0 :                     state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->PEToken(NumTokens).Number = -state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->PEToken(NumTokens).Number;
    1164           0 :                     MinusFound = false;
    1165             :                 }
    1166        5904 :                 if (ErrorFlag) {
    1167             :                     // Error: something wrong with this number!
    1168           0 :                     ShowSevereError(state, "EMS Parse Expression, for \"" + state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlStack(StackNum).Name + "\".");
    1169           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "...Line=\"" + Line + "\".");
    1170           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "...Bad String=\"" + String + "\".");
    1171           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "Invalid numeric=\"" + StringToken + "\".");
    1172           0 :                     ++NumErrors;
    1173             :                 }
    1174             :             }
    1175             : 
    1176       24410 :         } else if (is_any_of(NextChar, "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ")) {
    1177             :             // Parse an undetermined string token (could be a variable, subroutine, or named operator)
    1178       10134 :             ++Pos;
    1179       10134 :             StringToken += NextChar;
    1180       10134 :             OperatorProcessing = false;
    1181       10134 :             MultFound = false;
    1182       10134 :             DivFound = false;
    1183             : 
    1184      301100 :             while (Pos < LastPos) {
    1185      152810 :                 NextChar = String[Pos];
    1186      152810 :                 if (is_any_of(NextChar, "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_0123456789")) {
    1187      145483 :                     ++Pos;
    1188      145483 :                     StringToken += NextChar;
    1189        7327 :                 } else if (is_any_of(NextChar, " +-*/^=<>()")) {
    1190        7327 :                     break; // End of token
    1191             :                 } else {
    1192             :                     // Error: bad syntax:  return TokenString//NextChar   e.g.,  var1$ or b%
    1193           0 :                     break;
    1194             :                 }
    1195             :             }
    1196             : 
    1197             :             // Save the variable token
    1198       10134 :             state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->PEToken(NumTokens).Type = Token::Variable;
    1199       10134 :             state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->PEToken(NumTokens).String = StringToken;
    1200       10134 :             if (state.dataSysVars->DeveloperFlag) print(state.files.debug, "Variable=\"{}\"\n", StringToken);
    1201       10134 :             state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->PEToken(NumTokens).Variable = NewEMSVariable(state, StringToken, StackNum);
    1202             : 
    1203       14276 :         } else if (is_any_of(NextChar, "+-*/^=<>@|&")) {
    1204             :             // Parse an operator token
    1205        8950 :             if (NextChar == '-') {
    1206         776 :                 StringToken = "-";
    1207         776 :                 if (MultFound) {
    1208           0 :                     ShowSevereError(state, "EMS Parse Expression, for \"" + state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlStack(StackNum).Name + "\".");
    1209           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "...Line = \"" + Line + "\".");
    1210           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "...Minus sign used on the right side of multiplication sign.");
    1211           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "...Use parenthesis to wrap appropriate variables. For example, X * ( -Y ).");
    1212           0 :                     ++NumErrors;
    1213           0 :                     MultFound = false;
    1214         776 :                 } else if (DivFound) {
    1215           0 :                     ShowSevereError(state, "EMS Parse Expression, for \"" + state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlStack(StackNum).Name + "\".");
    1216           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "...Line = \"" + Line + "\".");
    1217           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "...Minus sign used on the right side of division sign.");
    1218           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "...Use parenthesis to wrap appropriate variables. For example, X / ( -Y ).");
    1219           0 :                     ++NumErrors;
    1220           0 :                     DivFound = false;
    1221         776 :                 } else if (OperatorProcessing && (NextChar == '-')) {
    1222             :                     // if operator was deterined last pass and this character is a -, then insert a 0 before the minus and treat as subtraction
    1223             :                     // example: change "Var == -1" to "Var == 0-1"
    1224           0 :                     OperatorProcessing = false;
    1225           0 :                     String.insert(Pos, "0");
    1226           0 :                     ++LastPos;
    1227           0 :                     StringToken = "0";
    1228           0 :                     MultFound = false;
    1229           0 :                     DivFound = false;
    1230             :                 } else {
    1231         776 :                     StringToken = NextChar;
    1232         776 :                     state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->PEToken(NumTokens).Type = Token::Operator;
    1233             :                 }
    1234             :             } else { // any other character process as operator
    1235        8174 :                 StringToken = NextChar;
    1236        8174 :                 state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->PEToken(NumTokens).Type = Token::Operator;
    1237             :             }
    1238             : 
    1239             :             // parse an operator if found,
    1240             :             // returns true and increments position, other wise returns false and leaves state untouched
    1241       59319 :             const auto parse = [&](const char *string, ErlFunc op, bool case_insensitive) {
    1242       59319 :                 const auto len = strlen(string);
    1243      124392 :                 const auto potential_match = String.substr(Pos, len);
    1244             : 
    1245       59319 :                 if ((case_insensitive && UtilityRoutines::SameString(potential_match, string)) || (!case_insensitive && potential_match == string)) {
    1246        8631 :                     if (state.dataSysVars->DeveloperFlag) print(state.files.debug, "OPERATOR \"{}\"\n", potential_match);
    1247        8631 :                     state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->PEToken(NumTokens).Operator = op;
    1248        5754 :                     state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->PEToken(NumTokens).String = potential_match;
    1249        5754 :                     Pos += (len - 1);
    1250        2877 :                     return true;
    1251             :                 } else {
    1252       56442 :                     return false;
    1253             :                 }
    1254        8950 :             };
    1255             : 
    1256             :             // case insensitive wrapper call to parse
    1257       19880 :             const auto i_parse = [&](const char *string, const ErlFunc op) { return parse(string, op, true); };
    1258             : 
    1259             :             // First check for two character operators:  == <> <= >= || &&
    1260       17900 :             std::string const cc(String.substr(Pos, 2));
    1261       33960 :             if (parse("==", ErlFunc::Equal, false) || parse("<>", ErlFunc::NotEqual, false) || parse("<=", ErlFunc::LessOrEqual, false) ||
    1262       24365 :                 parse(">=", ErlFunc::GreaterOrEqual, false) || parse("||", ErlFunc::LogicalOR, false) || parse("&&", ErlFunc::LogicalAND, false)) {
    1263             :                 // One of the comparision / logical operators
    1264        2295 :                 OperatorProcessing = true;
    1265             : 
    1266        6655 :             } else if (String[Pos] == '@') { // next check for builtin functions signaled by "@"
    1267             : 
    1268        2322 :                 if (i_parse("@Round", ErlFunc::Round) || i_parse("@Mod", ErlFunc::Mod) || i_parse("@Sin", ErlFunc::Sin) ||
    1269        1728 :                     i_parse("@Cos", ErlFunc::Cos) || i_parse("@ArcCos", ErlFunc::ArcCos) || i_parse("@ArcSin", ErlFunc::ArcSin) ||
    1270        1706 :                     i_parse("@DegToRad", ErlFunc::DegToRad) || i_parse("@RadToDeg", ErlFunc::RadToDeg) || i_parse("@Exp", ErlFunc::Exp) ||
    1271        1322 :                     i_parse("@Ln", ErlFunc::Ln) || i_parse("@Max", ErlFunc::Max) || i_parse("@Min", ErlFunc::Min) || i_parse("@Abs", ErlFunc::ABS) ||
    1272         603 :                     i_parse("@RANDOMUNIFORM", ErlFunc::RandU) || i_parse("@RANDOMNORMAL", ErlFunc::RandG) ||
    1273         589 :                     i_parse("@SEEDRANDOM", ErlFunc::RandSeed) || i_parse("@RhoAirFnPbTdbW", ErlFunc::RhoAirFnPbTdbW) ||
    1274         540 :                     i_parse("@CpAirFnW", ErlFunc::CpAirFnW) || i_parse("@HfgAirFnWTdb", ErlFunc::HfgAirFnWTdb) ||
    1275         516 :                     i_parse("@HgAirFnWTdb", ErlFunc::HgAirFnWTdb) || i_parse("@TdpFnTdbTwbPb", ErlFunc::TdpFnTdbTwbPb) ||
    1276         466 :                     i_parse("@TdpFnWPb", ErlFunc::TdpFnWPb) || i_parse("@HFnTdbW", ErlFunc::HFnTdbW) || i_parse("@HFnTdbRhPb", ErlFunc::HFnTdbRhPb) ||
    1277         342 :                     i_parse("@TdbFnHW", ErlFunc::TdbFnHW) || i_parse("@RhovFnTdbRhLBnd0C", ErlFunc::RhovFnTdbRhLBnd0C) ||
    1278         318 :                     i_parse("@RhovFnTdbRh", ErlFunc::RhovFnTdbRh) || i_parse("@RhovFnTdbWPb", ErlFunc::RhovFnTdbWPb) ||
    1279         312 :                     i_parse("@RhFnTdbRhovLBnd0C", ErlFunc::RhFnTdbRhovLBnd0C) || i_parse("@RhFnTdbRhov", ErlFunc::RhFnTdbRhov) ||
    1280         301 :                     i_parse("@RhFnTdbWPb", ErlFunc::RhFnTdbWPb) || i_parse("@TwbFnTdbWPb", ErlFunc::TwbFnTdbWPb) ||
    1281         283 :                     i_parse("@VFnTdbWPb", ErlFunc::VFnTdbWPb) || i_parse("@WFnTdpPb", ErlFunc::WFnTdpPb) || i_parse("@WFnTdbH", ErlFunc::WFnTdbH) ||
    1282         261 :                     i_parse("@WFnTdbTwbPb", ErlFunc::WFnTdbTwbPb) || i_parse("@WFnTdbRhPb", ErlFunc::WFnTdbRhPb) ||
    1283         239 :                     i_parse("@PsatFnTemp", ErlFunc::PsatFnTemp) || i_parse("@TsatFnHPb", ErlFunc::TsatFnHPb) ||
    1284         209 :                     i_parse("@TsatFnPb", ErlFunc::TsatFnPb) || i_parse("@CpCW", ErlFunc::CpCW) || i_parse("@CpHW", ErlFunc::CpHW) ||
    1285         133 :                     i_parse("@RhoH2O", ErlFunc::RhoH2O) || i_parse("@FATALHALTEP", ErlFunc::FatalHaltEp) ||
    1286         109 :                     i_parse("@SEVEREWARNEP", ErlFunc::SevereWarnEp) || i_parse("@WARNEP", ErlFunc::WarnEp) ||
    1287          90 :                     i_parse("@TRENDVALUE", ErlFunc::TrendValue) || i_parse("@TRENDAVERAGE", ErlFunc::TrendAverage) ||
    1288          72 :                     i_parse("@TRENDMAX", ErlFunc::TrendMax) || i_parse("@TRENDMIN", ErlFunc::TrendMin) ||
    1289          59 :                     i_parse("@TRENDDIRECTION", ErlFunc::TrendDirection) || i_parse("@TRENDSUM", ErlFunc::TrendSum) ||
    1290          17 :                     i_parse("@CURVEVALUE", ErlFunc::CurveValue) || i_parse("@TODAYISRAIN", ErlFunc::TodayIsRain) ||
    1291           0 :                     i_parse("@TODAYISSNOW", ErlFunc::TodayIsSnow) || i_parse("@TODAYOUTDRYBULBTEMP", ErlFunc::TodayOutDryBulbTemp) ||
    1292           0 :                     i_parse("@TODAYOUTDEWPOINTTEMP", ErlFunc::TodayOutDewPointTemp) || i_parse("@TODAYOUTBAROPRESS", ErlFunc::TodayOutBaroPress) ||
    1293           0 :                     i_parse("@TODAYOUTRELHUM", ErlFunc::TodayOutRelHum) || i_parse("@TODAYWINDSPEED", ErlFunc::TodayWindSpeed) ||
    1294           0 :                     i_parse("@TODAYWINDDIR", ErlFunc::TodayWindDir) || i_parse("@TODAYSKYTEMP", ErlFunc::TodaySkyTemp) ||
    1295           0 :                     i_parse("@TODAYHORIZIRSKY", ErlFunc::TodayHorizIRSky) || i_parse("@TODAYBEAMSOLARRAD", ErlFunc::TodayBeamSolarRad) ||
    1296           0 :                     i_parse("@TODAYDIFSOLARRAD", ErlFunc::TodayDifSolarRad) || i_parse("@TODAYALBEDO", ErlFunc::TodayAlbedo) ||
    1297           0 :                     i_parse("@TODAYLIQUIDPRECIP", ErlFunc::TodayLiquidPrecip) || i_parse("@TOMORROWISRAIN", ErlFunc::TomorrowIsRain) ||
    1298           0 :                     i_parse("@TOMORROWISSNOW", ErlFunc::TomorrowIsSnow) || i_parse("@TOMORROWOUTDRYBULBTEMP", ErlFunc::TomorrowOutDryBulbTemp) ||
    1299           0 :                     i_parse("@TOMORROWOUTDEWPOINTTEMP", ErlFunc::TomorrowOutDewPointTemp) ||
    1300           0 :                     i_parse("@TOMORROWOUTBAROPRESS", ErlFunc::TomorrowOutBaroPress) || i_parse("@TOMORROWOUTRELHUM", ErlFunc::TomorrowOutRelHum) ||
    1301           0 :                     i_parse("@TOMORROWWINDSPEED", ErlFunc::TomorrowWindSpeed) || i_parse("@TOMORROWWINDDIR", ErlFunc::TomorrowWindDir) ||
    1302           0 :                     i_parse("@TOMORROWSKYTEMP", ErlFunc::TomorrowSkyTemp) || i_parse("@TOMORROWHORIZIRSKY", ErlFunc::TomorrowHorizIRSky) ||
    1303           0 :                     i_parse("@TOMORROWBEAMSOLARRAD", ErlFunc::TomorrowBeamSolarRad) ||
    1304         582 :                     i_parse("@TOMORROWDIFSOLARRAD", ErlFunc::TomorrowDifSolarRad) || i_parse("@TOMORROWALBEDO", ErlFunc::TomorrowAlbedo) ||
    1305           0 :                     i_parse("@TOMORROWLIQUIDPRECIP", ErlFunc::TomorrowLiquidPrecip)) {
    1306             :                     // was a built in function operator
    1307             :                 } else { // throw error
    1308           0 :                     if (state.dataSysVars->DeveloperFlag) print(state.files.debug, "ERROR \"{}\"\n", String);
    1309           0 :                     ShowFatalError(state, "EMS Runtime Language: did not find valid input for built-in function =" + String);
    1310             :                 }
    1311             :             } else {
    1312             :                 // Check for remaining single character operators
    1313        6073 :                 state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->PEToken(NumTokens).String = StringToken;
    1314        6073 :                 MultFound = false;
    1315        6073 :                 DivFound = false;
    1316             : 
    1317        6073 :                 if (state.dataSysVars->DeveloperFlag) print(state.files.debug, "OPERATOR \"{}\"\n", StringToken);
    1318             : 
    1319        6073 :                 if (StringToken == "+") {
    1320        1638 :                     if (!OperatorProcessing) {
    1321        1638 :                         state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->PEToken(NumTokens).Operator = ErlFunc::Add;
    1322        1638 :                         OperatorProcessing = true;
    1323             :                     } else {
    1324           0 :                         PlusFound = true;
    1325           0 :                         OperatorProcessing = false;
    1326             :                     }
    1327        4435 :                 } else if (StringToken == "-") {
    1328         776 :                     if (!OperatorProcessing) {
    1329         776 :                         state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->PEToken(NumTokens).Operator = ErlFunc::Subtract;
    1330         776 :                         OperatorProcessing = true;
    1331             :                     } else {
    1332           0 :                         MinusFound = true;
    1333           0 :                         OperatorProcessing = false;
    1334             :                     }
    1335        3659 :                 } else if (StringToken == "*") {
    1336        1622 :                     state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->PEToken(NumTokens).Operator = ErlFunc::Multiply;
    1337        1622 :                     MultFound = true;
    1338        1622 :                     OperatorProcessing = true;
    1339        2037 :                 } else if (StringToken == "/") {
    1340         829 :                     state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->PEToken(NumTokens).Operator = ErlFunc::Divide;
    1341         829 :                     DivFound = true;
    1342         829 :                     OperatorProcessing = true;
    1343        1208 :                 } else if (StringToken == "<") {
    1344         151 :                     state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->PEToken(NumTokens).Operator = ErlFunc::LessThan;
    1345         151 :                     OperatorProcessing = true;
    1346        1057 :                 } else if (StringToken == ">") {
    1347         897 :                     state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->PEToken(NumTokens).Operator = ErlFunc::GreaterThan;
    1348         897 :                     OperatorProcessing = true;
    1349         160 :                 } else if (StringToken == "^") {
    1350         160 :                     state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->PEToken(NumTokens).Operator = ErlFunc::RaiseToPower;
    1351         160 :                     OperatorProcessing = true;
    1352           0 :                 } else if (StringToken == "0" && (NextChar == '-')) {
    1353             :                     // process string insert = "0"
    1354           0 :                     state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->PEToken(NumTokens).Type = Token::Number;
    1355           0 :                     state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->PEToken(NumTokens).String = StringToken;
    1356             :                 } else {
    1357             :                     // Uh OH, this should never happen! throw error
    1358           0 :                     if (state.dataSysVars->DeveloperFlag) print(state.files.debug, "ERROR \"{}\"\n", StringToken);
    1359           0 :                     ShowFatalError(state, "EMS, caught unexpected token = \"" + StringToken + "\" ; while parsing string=" + String);
    1360             :                 }
    1361             :             }
    1362             : 
    1363        8950 :             ++Pos;
    1364             : 
    1365        5326 :         } else if (is_any_of(NextChar, "()")) {
    1366             :             // Parse a parenthesis token
    1367        5326 :             ++Pos;
    1368        5326 :             StringToken = NextChar;
    1369        5326 :             if (state.dataSysVars->DeveloperFlag) print(state.files.debug, "PAREN \"{}\"\n", StringToken);
    1370        5326 :             state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->PEToken(NumTokens).Type = Token::Parenthesis;
    1371        5326 :             state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->PEToken(NumTokens).String = StringToken;
    1372        5326 :             if (NextChar == '(') {
    1373        2663 :                 state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->PEToken(NumTokens).Parenthesis = Token::ParenthesisLeft;
    1374        2663 :                 OperatorProcessing = true;
    1375             :             }
    1376        5326 :             if (NextChar == ')') state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->PEToken(NumTokens).Parenthesis = Token::ParenthesisRight;
    1377             : 
    1378           0 :         } else if (is_any_of(NextChar, "\"")) {
    1379             :             // Parse a string literal token
    1380           0 :             if (state.dataSysVars->DeveloperFlag) print(state.files.debug, "{}\n", "LITERAL STRING");
    1381           0 :             ++Pos;
    1382             : 
    1383             :         } else {
    1384             :             // Error: bad start to the token
    1385             :         }
    1386             :     }
    1387             : 
    1388        7090 :     if (NumErrors > 0) {
    1389           0 :         if (state.dataSysVars->DeveloperFlag) print(state.files.debug, "{}\n", "ERROR OUT");
    1390           0 :         ShowFatalError(state, "EMS, previous errors cause termination.");
    1391             :     }
    1392             : 
    1393        7090 :     ExpressionNum = ProcessTokens(state, state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->PEToken, NumTokens, StackNum, String);
    1394        7090 : }
    1395             : 
    1396        9753 : int ProcessTokens(
    1397             :     EnergyPlusData &state, const Array1D<TokenType> &TokenIN, int const NumTokensIN, int const StackNum, std::string const &ParsingString)
    1398             : {
    1399             : 
    1400             :     // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    1401             :     //       AUTHOR         Peter Graham Ellis
    1402             :     //       DATE WRITTEN   June 2006
    1403             :     //       MODIFIED       na
    1404             :     //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
    1405             : 
    1406             :     // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    1407             :     // Processes tokens into expressions.
    1408             : 
    1409             :     // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
    1410             :     // Uses recursion to handle tokens with compound expressions
    1411             : 
    1412             :     // Return value
    1413             :     int ExpressionNum;
    1414             : 
    1416             :     int Pos;
    1417             :     int LastPos;
    1418             :     int TokenNum;
    1419             :     int NumTokens;
    1420             :     int Depth;
    1421             :     int NumSubTokens;
    1422             :     int NewNumTokens;
    1423             :     int OperatorNum;
    1424             :     int NumOperands;
    1425             :     int ParenthWhileCounter; // used to trap for unbalanced parentheses
    1426             : 
    1427             :     // Object Data
    1428       19506 :     Array1D<TokenType> Token(TokenIN);
    1429       19506 :     Array1D<TokenType> SubTokenList;
    1430             : 
    1431        9753 :     ExpressionNum = 0;
    1432        9753 :     NumTokens = NumTokensIN;
    1433             : 
    1434             :     // Process parentheses
    1435        9753 :     Pos = 0;
    1436       33424 :     for (TokenNum = 1; TokenNum <= NumTokens; ++TokenNum) {
    1437       25935 :         if (Token(TokenNum).Type == Token::Parenthesis) {
    1438        2264 :             Pos = TokenNum;
    1439        2264 :             break;
    1440             :         }
    1441             :     }
    1442             : 
    1443        9753 :     ParenthWhileCounter = 0;
    1444             : 
    1445       15079 :     while ((Pos > 0) && (ParenthWhileCounter < 50)) {
    1446        2663 :         ++ParenthWhileCounter;
    1447        2663 :         Depth = 0;
    1448       19923 :         for (TokenNum = 1; TokenNum <= NumTokens; ++TokenNum) {
    1449       19923 :             if (Token(TokenNum).Type == Token::Parenthesis) {
    1450        5956 :                 if (Token(TokenNum).Parenthesis == Token::ParenthesisLeft) {
    1451        2978 :                     if (Depth == 0) Pos = TokenNum; // Record position of first left parenthesis
    1452        2978 :                     ++Depth;
    1453             :                 }
    1454        5956 :                 if (Token(TokenNum).Parenthesis == Token::ParenthesisRight) {
    1455        2978 :                     --Depth;
    1456        2978 :                     if (Depth == 0) {
    1457        2663 :                         LastPos = TokenNum;
    1458        2663 :                         NumSubTokens = LastPos - Pos - 1;
    1459        2663 :                         SubTokenList.allocate(NumSubTokens);
    1460        2663 :                         SubTokenList({1, NumSubTokens}) = Token({Pos + 1, LastPos - 1}); // Need to check that these don't exceed bounds
    1461        2663 :                         ExpressionNum = ProcessTokens(state, SubTokenList, NumSubTokens, StackNum, ParsingString);
    1462        2663 :                         SubTokenList.deallocate();
    1463             : 
    1464             :                         // Replace the parenthetical tokens with one expression token
    1465        2663 :                         NewNumTokens = NumTokens - NumSubTokens - 1;
    1466        2663 :                         if (NewNumTokens > 0) {
    1467        2663 :                             if (LastPos + 1 <= NumTokens) {
    1468         938 :                                 Token({Pos + 1, NewNumTokens}) = Token({LastPos + 1, _});
    1469             :                             }
    1470        2663 :                             Token.redimension(NewNumTokens);
    1471        2663 :                             Token(Pos).Type = Token::Expression;
    1472        2663 :                             Token(Pos).Expression = ExpressionNum;
    1473        2663 :                             Token(Pos).String = "Expr";
    1474        2663 :                             NumTokens = NewNumTokens;
    1475             :                         }
    1476             : 
    1477             :                         // Reset loop for next parenthetical set
    1478        2663 :                         break;
    1479             :                     }
    1480             :                 }
    1481             :             }
    1482             :         }
    1483             : 
    1484             :         // This repeats code again...  Just checks to see if there are any more parentheses to be found
    1485        2663 :         Pos = 0;
    1486        9826 :         for (TokenNum = 1; TokenNum <= NumTokens; ++TokenNum) {
    1487        7562 :             if (Token(TokenNum).Type == Token::Parenthesis) {
    1488         399 :                 Pos = TokenNum;
    1489         399 :                 break;
    1490             :             }
    1491             :         }
    1492             :     }
    1493             : 
    1494        9753 :     if (ParenthWhileCounter == 50) { // symptom of mismatched parenthesis
    1495           0 :         ShowSevereError(state, "EMS error parsing parentheses, check that parentheses are balanced");
    1496           0 :         ShowContinueError(state, "String being parsed=\"" + ParsingString + "\".");
    1497           0 :         ShowFatalError(state, "Program terminates due to preceding error.");
    1498             :     }
    1499             : 
    1500        9753 :     SetupPossibleOperators(state); // includes built-in functions
    1501             : 
    1502             :     // Process operators and builtin functions
    1503             :     // Loop thru all operators and group expressions in the order of precedence
    1504      946041 :     for (OperatorNum = 1; OperatorNum <= NumPossibleOperators; ++OperatorNum) {
    1505             : 
    1506             :         // Find the next occurrence of the operator
    1507      936288 :         Pos = 0; //  position in sequence of tokens
    1508     2086092 :         for (TokenNum = 1; TokenNum <= NumTokens; ++TokenNum) {
    1509     1157747 :             if ((Token(TokenNum).Type == Token::Operator) && (Token(TokenNum).Operator == static_cast<ErlFunc>(OperatorNum))) {
    1510        7943 :                 Pos = TokenNum;
    1511        7943 :                 break;
    1512             :             }
    1513             :         }
    1514             : 
    1515      953024 :         while (Pos > 0) {
    1516        8950 :             if (Pos == 1) {
    1517             :                 // if first token is for a built-in function starting with "@" then okay, otherwise the operator needs a LHS
    1518         582 :                 if (static_cast<int>(Token(TokenNum).Operator) > static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::LogicalOR)) { // we have a function expression to set up
    1519         582 :                     ExpressionNum = NewExpression(state);
    1520         582 :                     state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlExpression(ExpressionNum).Operator = static_cast<ErlFunc>(OperatorNum);
    1521         582 :                     NumOperands = state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(OperatorNum).NumOperands;
    1522         582 :                     state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlExpression(ExpressionNum).NumOperands = NumOperands;
    1523         582 :                     state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlExpression(ExpressionNum).Operand.allocate(NumOperands);
    1524             : 
    1525         582 :                     state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlExpression(ExpressionNum).Operand(1).Type = static_cast<Value>(static_cast<int>(Token(Pos + 1).Type));
    1526         582 :                     state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlExpression(ExpressionNum).Operand(1).Number = Token(Pos + 1).Number;
    1527         582 :                     state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlExpression(ExpressionNum).Operand(1).Expression = Token(Pos + 1).Expression;
    1528         582 :                     state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlExpression(ExpressionNum).Operand(1).Variable = Token(Pos + 1).Variable;
    1529         582 :                     if (Token(Pos + 1).Variable > 0) {
    1530         311 :                         state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlExpression(ExpressionNum).Operand(1).TrendVariable =
    1531         311 :                             state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlVariable(Token(Pos + 1).Variable).Value.TrendVariable;
    1532         311 :                         state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlExpression(ExpressionNum).Operand(1).TrendVarPointer =
    1533         311 :                             state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlVariable(Token(Pos + 1).Variable).Value.TrendVarPointer;
    1534             :                     }
    1535         582 :                     if ((NumOperands >= 2) && (NumTokens >= 3)) {
    1536         483 :                         state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlExpression(ExpressionNum).Operand(2).Type =
    1537         483 :                             static_cast<Value>(static_cast<int>(Token(Pos + 2).Type));
    1538         483 :                         state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlExpression(ExpressionNum).Operand(2).Number = Token(Pos + 2).Number;
    1539         483 :                         state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlExpression(ExpressionNum).Operand(2).Expression = Token(Pos + 2).Expression;
    1540         483 :                         state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlExpression(ExpressionNum).Operand(2).Variable = Token(Pos + 2).Variable;
    1541             :                     }
    1542             : 
    1543         582 :                     if ((NumOperands >= 3) && (NumTokens >= 4)) {
    1544          43 :                         state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlExpression(ExpressionNum).Operand(3).Type =
    1545          43 :                             static_cast<Value>(static_cast<int>(Token(Pos + 3).Type));
    1546          43 :                         state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlExpression(ExpressionNum).Operand(3).Number = Token(Pos + 3).Number;
    1547          43 :                         state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlExpression(ExpressionNum).Operand(3).Expression = Token(Pos + 3).Expression;
    1548          43 :                         state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlExpression(ExpressionNum).Operand(3).Variable = Token(Pos + 3).Variable;
    1549          43 :                         if ((NumOperands == 3) && (NumTokens - 4 > 0)) { // too many tokens for this non-binary operator
    1550           0 :                             ShowFatalError(state, "EMS error parsing tokens, too many for built-in function");
    1551             :                         }
    1552             :                     }
    1553             : 
    1554         582 :                     if ((NumOperands >= 4) && (NumTokens >= 5)) {
    1555          19 :                         state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlExpression(ExpressionNum).Operand(4).Type =
    1556          19 :                             static_cast<Value>(static_cast<int>(Token(Pos + 4).Type));
    1557          19 :                         state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlExpression(ExpressionNum).Operand(4).Number = Token(Pos + 4).Number;
    1558          19 :                         state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlExpression(ExpressionNum).Operand(4).Expression = Token(Pos + 4).Expression;
    1559          19 :                         state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlExpression(ExpressionNum).Operand(4).Variable = Token(Pos + 4).Variable;
    1560          19 :                         if ((NumOperands == 4) && (NumTokens - 5 > 0)) { // too many tokens for this non-binary operator
    1561           0 :                             ShowFatalError(state, "EMS error parsing tokens, too many for built-in function");
    1562             :                         }
    1563             :                     }
    1564             : 
    1565         582 :                     if ((NumOperands == 5) && (NumTokens >= 6)) {
    1566           0 :                         state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlExpression(ExpressionNum).Operand(5).Type =
    1567           0 :                             static_cast<Value>(static_cast<int>(Token(Pos + 5).Type));
    1568           0 :                         state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlExpression(ExpressionNum).Operand(5).Number = Token(Pos + 5).Number;
    1569           0 :                         state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlExpression(ExpressionNum).Operand(5).Expression = Token(Pos + 5).Expression;
    1570           0 :                         state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlExpression(ExpressionNum).Operand(5).Variable = Token(Pos + 5).Variable;
    1571           0 :                         if ((NumOperands == 5) && (NumTokens - 6 > 0)) { // too many tokens for this non-binary operator
    1572           0 :                             ShowFatalError(state, "EMS error parsing tokens, too many for  built-in function");
    1573             :                         }
    1574             :                     }
    1575         582 :                     break;
    1576             :                 } else {
    1577           0 :                     ShowSevereError(state,
    1578           0 :                                     "The operator \"" + state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(OperatorNum).Symbol +
    1579             :                                         "\" is missing the left-hand operand!");
    1580           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "String being parsed=\"" + ParsingString + "\".");
    1581           0 :                     break;
    1582             :                 }
    1583        8368 :             } else if (Pos == NumTokens) {
    1584           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state,
    1585           0 :                                 "The operator \"" + state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(OperatorNum).Symbol +
    1586             :                                     "\" is missing the right-hand operand!");
    1587           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "String being parsed=\"" + ParsingString + "\".");
    1588           0 :                 break;
    1589             :             } else {
    1590             : 
    1591        8368 :                 ExpressionNum = NewExpression(state);
    1592        8368 :                 state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlExpression(ExpressionNum).Operator = static_cast<ErlFunc>(OperatorNum);
    1593        8368 :                 NumOperands = state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(OperatorNum).NumOperands;
    1594        8368 :                 state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlExpression(ExpressionNum).NumOperands = NumOperands;
    1595        8368 :                 state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlExpression(ExpressionNum).Operand.allocate(NumOperands);
    1596             : 
    1597             :                 // PE commment: Need a right-hand and left-hand check for these, not just number of operators
    1598             :                 // Unification of TYPEs would turn these into one-liners
    1599             : 
    1600        8368 :                 state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlExpression(ExpressionNum).Operand(1).Type = static_cast<Value>(static_cast<int>(Token(Pos - 1).Type));
    1601        8368 :                 state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlExpression(ExpressionNum).Operand(1).Number = Token(Pos - 1).Number;
    1602        8368 :                 state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlExpression(ExpressionNum).Operand(1).Expression = Token(Pos - 1).Expression;
    1603        8368 :                 state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlExpression(ExpressionNum).Operand(1).Variable = Token(Pos - 1).Variable;
    1604             : 
    1605        8368 :                 if (NumOperands >= 2) {
    1606        8368 :                     state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlExpression(ExpressionNum).Operand(2).Type = static_cast<Value>(static_cast<int>(Token(Pos + 1).Type));
    1607        8368 :                     state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlExpression(ExpressionNum).Operand(2).Number = Token(Pos + 1).Number;
    1608        8368 :                     state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlExpression(ExpressionNum).Operand(2).Expression = Token(Pos + 1).Expression;
    1609        8368 :                     state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlExpression(ExpressionNum).Operand(2).Variable = Token(Pos + 1).Variable;
    1610             :                 }
    1611             : 
    1612             :                 // Replace the three tokens with one expression token
    1613        8368 :                 if ((NumOperands == 2) && (NumTokens - 2 > 0)) {
    1614        8368 :                     if (Pos + 2 <= NumTokens) {
    1615        1384 :                         Token({Pos, NumTokens - 2}) = Token({Pos + 2, _});
    1616             :                     }
    1617        8368 :                     Token(Pos - 1).Type = Token::Expression;
    1618        8368 :                     Token(Pos - 1).Expression = ExpressionNum;
    1619        8368 :                     Token(Pos - 1).String = "Expr";
    1620        8368 :                     NumTokens -= 2;
    1621        8368 :                     Token.redimension(NumTokens);
    1622             :                 }
    1623             :             }
    1624             : 
    1625             :             // Find the next occurrence of the operator  (this repeats code, but don't have better idea)
    1626        8368 :             Pos = 0;
    1627       23108 :             for (TokenNum = 1; TokenNum <= NumTokens; ++TokenNum) {
    1628       15747 :                 if ((Token(TokenNum).Type == Token::Operator) && (Token(TokenNum).Operator == static_cast<ErlFunc>(OperatorNum))) {
    1629        1007 :                     Pos = TokenNum;
    1630        1007 :                     break;
    1631             :                 }
    1632             :             }
    1633             :         }
    1634             :     }
    1635             : 
    1636             :     // Should be down to just one token now
    1637        9753 :     if (Token(1).Type == Token::Number) {
    1638        1341 :         ExpressionNum = NewExpression(state);
    1639        1341 :         state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlExpression(ExpressionNum).Operator = ErlFunc::Literal;
    1640        1341 :         state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlExpression(ExpressionNum).NumOperands = 1;
    1641        1341 :         state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlExpression(ExpressionNum).Operand.allocate(1);
    1642        1341 :         state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlExpression(ExpressionNum).Operand(1).Type = static_cast<Value>(static_cast<int>(Token(1).Type));
    1643        1341 :         state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlExpression(ExpressionNum).Operand(1).Number = Token(1).Number;
    1644        8412 :     } else if (Token(1).Type == Token::Variable) {
    1645        1216 :         ExpressionNum = NewExpression(state);
    1646        1216 :         state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlExpression(ExpressionNum).Operator = ErlFunc::Literal;
    1647        1216 :         state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlExpression(ExpressionNum).NumOperands = 1;
    1648        1216 :         state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlExpression(ExpressionNum).Operand.allocate(1);
    1649        1216 :         state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlExpression(ExpressionNum).Operand(1).Type = static_cast<Value>(static_cast<int>(Token(1).Type));
    1650        1216 :         state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlExpression(ExpressionNum).Operand(1).Variable = Token(1).Variable;
    1651             :     }
    1652             : 
    1653        9753 :     Token.deallocate();
    1654             : 
    1655       19506 :     return ExpressionNum;
    1656             : }
    1657             : 
    1658       11507 : int NewExpression(EnergyPlusData &state)
    1659             : {
    1660             : 
    1661             :     // FUNCTION INFORMATION:
    1662             :     //       AUTHOR         Peter Graham Ellis
    1663             :     //       DATE WRITTEN   June 2006
    1664             :     //       MODIFIED       na
    1665             :     //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
    1666             : 
    1667             :     // PURPOSE OF THIS FUNCTION:
    1668             :     // Creates a new expression.
    1669             : 
    1670             :     // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
    1671             : 
    1672             :     // Return value
    1673             : 
    1674             :     // Locals
    1675             :     // FUNCTION ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS:
    1676             : 
    1677             :     // FUNCTION LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
    1678             : 
    1679             :     // Object Data
    1680             : 
    1681       11507 :     if (state.dataRuntimeLang->NumExpressions == 0) {
    1682          52 :         state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlExpression.allocate(1);
    1683          52 :         state.dataRuntimeLang->NumExpressions = 1;
    1684             :     } else {
    1685       11455 :         state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlExpression.redimension(++state.dataRuntimeLang->NumExpressions);
    1686             :     }
    1687             : 
    1688       11507 :     return state.dataRuntimeLang->NumExpressions;
    1689             : }
    1690             : 
    1691    31735891 : ErlValueType EvaluateExpression(EnergyPlusData &state, int const ExpressionNum, bool &seriousErrorFound)
    1692             : {
    1693             : 
    1694             :     // FUNCTION INFORMATION:
    1695             :     //       AUTHOR         Peter Graham Ellis
    1696             :     //       DATE WRITTEN   June 2006
    1697             :     //       MODIFIED       Brent Griffith, May 2009
    1698             :     //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
    1699             : 
    1700             :     // PURPOSE OF THIS FUNCTION:
    1701             :     // Evaluates an expression.
    1702             : 
    1703             :     // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
    1704             : 
    1705             :     // USE, INTRINSIC :: IEEE_ARITHMETIC, ONLY : IEEE_IS_NAN ! Use IEEE_IS_NAN when GFortran supports it
    1706             :     // Using/Aliasing
    1707             :     using namespace Psychrometrics;
    1708             :     using Curve::CurveValue;
    1709             : 
    1710             :     // Return value
    1711    31735891 :     ErlValueType ReturnValue;
    1712             : 
    1713             :     // Locals
    1714             :     // FUNCTION ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS:
    1715             : 
    1716             :     // FUNCTION LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
    1717             :     int thisTrend;      // local temporary
    1718             :     int thisIndex;      // local temporary
    1719             :     Real64 thisAverage; // local temporary
    1720             :     int loop;           // local temporary
    1721             :     Real64 thisSlope;   // local temporary
    1722             :     Real64 thisMax;     // local temporary
    1723             :     Real64 thisMin;     // local temporary
    1724             :     int OperandNum;
    1725             :     int SeedN;              // number of digits in the number used to seed the generator
    1726    63471782 :     Array1D_int SeedIntARR; // local temporary for random seed
    1727             :     Real64 tmpRANDU1;       // local temporary for uniform random number
    1728             :     Real64 tmpRANDU2;       // local temporary for uniform random number
    1729             :     Real64 tmpRANDG;        // local temporary for gaussian random number
    1730             :     Real64 UnitCircleTest;  // local temporary for Box-Muller algo
    1731             :     Real64 TestValue;       // local temporary
    1732             : 
    1733             :     // Object Data
    1734    63471782 :     Array1D<ErlValueType> Operand;
    1735             : 
    1736    31735891 :     auto constexpr EMSBuiltInFunction("EMS Built-In Function");
    1737             : 
    1738    31735891 :     ReturnValue.Type = Value::Number;
    1739    31735891 :     ReturnValue.Number = 0.0;
    1740             : 
    1741    31735891 :     if (ExpressionNum > 0) {
    1742             :         // is there a way to keep these and not allocate and deallocate all the time?
    1743    31735891 :         Operand.allocate(state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlExpression(ExpressionNum).NumOperands);
    1744             :         // Reduce operands down to literals
    1745    85896527 :         for (OperandNum = 1; OperandNum <= state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlExpression(ExpressionNum).NumOperands; ++OperandNum) {
    1746    54160636 :             Operand(OperandNum) = state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlExpression(ExpressionNum).Operand(OperandNum);
    1747    54160636 :             if (Operand(OperandNum).Type == Value::Expression) {
    1748     9781723 :                 Operand(OperandNum) = EvaluateExpression(state, Operand(OperandNum).Expression, seriousErrorFound); // recursive call
    1749             :                 // check if recursive call found an error in nested expression, want to preserve error message from that
    1750     9781723 :                 if (seriousErrorFound) {
    1751           0 :                     ReturnValue.Type = Value::Error;
    1752           0 :                     ReturnValue.Error = Operand(OperandNum).Error;
    1753             :                 }
    1754             : 
    1755    44378913 :             } else if (Operand(OperandNum).Type == Value::Variable) {
    1756    32727267 :                 if (state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlVariable(Operand(OperandNum).Variable).Value.initialized) { // check that value has been initialized
    1757    30976856 :                     Operand(OperandNum) = state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlVariable(Operand(OperandNum).Variable).Value;
    1758             :                 } else { // value has never been set
    1759     1750411 :                     ReturnValue.Type = Value::Error;
    1760     3500822 :                     ReturnValue.Error = "EvaluateExpression: Variable = '" + state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlVariable(Operand(OperandNum).Variable).Name +
    1761     1750411 :                                         "' used in expression has not been initialized!";
    1762     1750411 :                     if (!state.dataGlobal->DoingSizing && !state.dataGlobal->KickOffSimulation && !state.dataEMSMgr->FinishProcessingUserInput) {
    1763             : 
    1764             :                         // check if this is an arg in CurveValue,
    1765           0 :                         if (state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlExpression(ExpressionNum).Operator !=
    1766             :                             ErlFunc::CurveValue) { // padding the argument list for CurveValue is too common to fatal on.  only reported to EDD
    1767           0 :                             seriousErrorFound = true;
    1768             :                         }
    1769             :                     }
    1770             :                 }
    1771             :             }
    1772             :         }
    1773             : 
    1774    31735891 :         if (ReturnValue.Type != Value::Error) {
    1775             : 
    1776             :             // Perform the operation
    1777             : 
    1778    30237990 :             switch (state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlExpression(ExpressionNum).Operator) {
    1779             : 
    1780     9458872 :             case ErlFunc::Literal:
    1781     9458872 :                 ReturnValue = Operand(1);
    1782     9458872 :                 ReturnValue.initialized = true;
    1783     9458872 :                 break;
    1784             : 
    1785           0 :             case ErlFunc::Negative: // unary minus sign.  parsing does not work yet
    1786           0 :                 ReturnValue = SetErlValueNumber(-1.0 * Operand(1).Number);
    1787           0 :                 break;
    1788             : 
    1789     1361365 :             case ErlFunc::Divide:
    1790     1361365 :                 if ((Operand(1).Type == Value::Number) && (Operand(2).Type == Value::Number)) {
    1791     1361271 :                     if (Operand(2).Number == 0.0) {
    1792          27 :                         ReturnValue.Type = Value::Error;
    1793          27 :                         ReturnValue.Error = "EvaluateExpression: Divide By Zero in EMS Program!";
    1794          27 :                         if (!state.dataGlobal->DoingSizing && !state.dataGlobal->KickOffSimulation && !state.dataEMSMgr->FinishProcessingUserInput) {
    1795           0 :                             seriousErrorFound = true;
    1796             :                         }
    1797             :                     } else {
    1798     1361244 :                         ReturnValue = SetErlValueNumber(Operand(1).Number / Operand(2).Number);
    1799             :                     }
    1800             :                 }
    1801     1361365 :                 break;
    1802             : 
    1803     2801690 :             case ErlFunc::Multiply:
    1804     2801690 :                 if ((Operand(1).Type == Value::Number) && (Operand(2).Type == Value::Number)) {
    1805     2792810 :                     ReturnValue = SetErlValueNumber(Operand(1).Number * Operand(2).Number);
    1806             :                 }
    1807     2801690 :                 break;
    1808             : 
    1809     1593481 :             case ErlFunc::Subtract:
    1810     1593481 :                 if ((Operand(1).Type == Value::Number) && (Operand(2).Type == Value::Number)) {
    1811     1593481 :                     ReturnValue = SetErlValueNumber(Operand(1).Number - Operand(2).Number);
    1812             :                 }
    1813     1593481 :                 break;
    1814             : 
    1815     2289490 :             case ErlFunc::Add:
    1816     2289490 :                 if ((Operand(1).Type == Value::Number) && (Operand(2).Type == Value::Number)) {
    1817     2269476 :                     ReturnValue = SetErlValueNumber(Operand(1).Number + Operand(2).Number);
    1818             :                 }
    1819     2289490 :                 break;
    1820             : 
    1821     1656404 :             case ErlFunc::Equal:
    1822     1656404 :                 if (Operand(1).Type == Operand(2).Type) {
    1823     1656404 :                     if (Operand(1).Type == Value::Null) {
    1824           0 :                         ReturnValue = state.dataRuntimeLang->True;
    1825     1656404 :                     } else if ((Operand(1).Type == Value::Number) && (Operand(1).Number == Operand(2).Number)) {
    1826     1042604 :                         ReturnValue = state.dataRuntimeLang->True;
    1827             :                     } else {
    1828      613800 :                         ReturnValue = state.dataRuntimeLang->False;
    1829             :                     }
    1830             :                 } else {
    1831           0 :                     ReturnValue = state.dataRuntimeLang->False;
    1832             :                 }
    1833     1656404 :                 break;
    1834             : 
    1835       15539 :             case ErlFunc::NotEqual:
    1836       15539 :                 if ((Operand(1).Type == Value::Number) && (Operand(2).Type == Value::Number)) {
    1837       15539 :                     if (Operand(1).Number != Operand(2).Number) {
    1838       15538 :                         ReturnValue = state.dataRuntimeLang->True;
    1839             :                     } else {
    1840           1 :                         ReturnValue = state.dataRuntimeLang->False;
    1841             :                     }
    1842             :                 }
    1843       15539 :                 break;
    1844             : 
    1845     1413780 :             case ErlFunc::LessOrEqual:
    1846     1413780 :                 if ((Operand(1).Type == Value::Number) && (Operand(2).Type == Value::Number)) {
    1847     1413780 :                     if (Operand(1).Number <= Operand(2).Number) {
    1848      821661 :                         ReturnValue = state.dataRuntimeLang->True;
    1849             :                     } else {
    1850      592119 :                         ReturnValue = state.dataRuntimeLang->False;
    1851             :                     }
    1852             :                 }
    1853     1413780 :                 break;
    1854             : 
    1855      554855 :             case ErlFunc::GreaterOrEqual:
    1856      554855 :                 if ((Operand(1).Type == Value::Number) && (Operand(2).Type == Value::Number)) {
    1857      554855 :                     if (Operand(1).Number >= Operand(2).Number) {
    1858      268798 :                         ReturnValue = state.dataRuntimeLang->True;
    1859             :                     } else {
    1860      286057 :                         ReturnValue = state.dataRuntimeLang->False;
    1861             :                     }
    1862             :                 }
    1863      554855 :                 break;
    1864             : 
    1865     1005932 :             case ErlFunc::LessThan:
    1866     1005932 :                 if ((Operand(1).Type == Value::Number) && (Operand(2).Type == Value::Number)) {
    1867     1005932 :                     if (Operand(1).Number < Operand(2).Number) {
    1868      428928 :                         ReturnValue = state.dataRuntimeLang->True;
    1869             :                     } else {
    1870      577004 :                         ReturnValue = state.dataRuntimeLang->False;
    1871             :                     }
    1872             :                 }
    1873     1005932 :                 break;
    1874             : 
    1875     3432819 :             case ErlFunc::GreaterThan:
    1876     3432819 :                 if ((Operand(1).Type == Value::Number) && (Operand(2).Type == Value::Number)) {
    1877     3431099 :                     if (Operand(1).Number > Operand(2).Number) {
    1878     1121133 :                         ReturnValue = state.dataRuntimeLang->True;
    1879             :                     } else {
    1880     2309966 :                         ReturnValue = state.dataRuntimeLang->False;
    1881             :                     }
    1882             :                 }
    1883     3432819 :                 break;
    1884             : 
    1885       94289 :             case ErlFunc::RaiseToPower:
    1886       94289 :                 if ((Operand(1).Type == Value::Number) && (Operand(2).Type == Value::Number)) {
    1887       94289 :                     TestValue = std::pow(Operand(1).Number, Operand(2).Number);
    1888       94289 :                     if (std::isnan(TestValue)) {
    1889             :                         // throw Error
    1890           0 :                         ReturnValue.Type = Value::Error;
    1891           0 :                         ReturnValue.Error =
    1892           0 :                             format("EvaluateExpression: Attempted to raise to power with incompatible numbers: {:.6T} raised to {:.6T}",
    1893           0 :                                    Operand(1).Number,
    1894           0 :                                    Operand(2).Number);
    1895           0 :                         if (!state.dataGlobal->DoingSizing && !state.dataGlobal->KickOffSimulation && !state.dataEMSMgr->FinishProcessingUserInput) {
    1896           0 :                             seriousErrorFound = true;
    1897             :                         }
    1898             :                     } else {
    1899       94289 :                         ReturnValue = SetErlValueNumber(TestValue);
    1900             :                     }
    1901             :                 }
    1902       94289 :                 break;
    1903             : 
    1904     2457001 :             case ErlFunc::LogicalAND:
    1905     2457001 :                 if ((Operand(1).Type == Value::Number) && (Operand(2).Type == Value::Number)) {
    1906     2457001 :                     if ((Operand(1).Number == state.dataRuntimeLang->True.Number) && (Operand(2).Number == state.dataRuntimeLang->True.Number)) {
    1907      425338 :                         ReturnValue = state.dataRuntimeLang->True;
    1908             :                     } else {
    1909     2031663 :                         ReturnValue = state.dataRuntimeLang->False;
    1910             :                     }
    1911             :                 }
    1912     2457001 :                 break;
    1913             : 
    1914          47 :             case ErlFunc::LogicalOR:
    1915          47 :                 if ((Operand(1).Type == Value::Number) && (Operand(2).Type == Value::Number)) {
    1916          47 :                     if ((Operand(1).Number == state.dataRuntimeLang->True.Number) || (Operand(2).Number == state.dataRuntimeLang->True.Number)) {
    1917          47 :                         ReturnValue = state.dataRuntimeLang->True;
    1918             :                     } else {
    1919           0 :                         ReturnValue = state.dataRuntimeLang->False;
    1920             :                     }
    1921             :                 }
    1922          47 :                 break;
    1923             : 
    1924           2 :             case ErlFunc::Round:
    1925           2 :                 ReturnValue = SetErlValueNumber(nint(Operand(1).Number));
    1926           2 :                 break;
    1927             : 
    1928           1 :             case ErlFunc::Mod:
    1929           1 :                 ReturnValue = SetErlValueNumber(mod(Operand(1).Number, Operand(2).Number));
    1930           1 :                 break;
    1931             : 
    1932           1 :             case ErlFunc::Sin:
    1933           1 :                 ReturnValue = SetErlValueNumber(std::sin(Operand(1).Number));
    1934           1 :                 break;
    1935             : 
    1936           1 :             case ErlFunc::Cos:
    1937           1 :                 ReturnValue = SetErlValueNumber(std::cos(Operand(1).Number));
    1938           1 :                 break;
    1939             : 
    1940           1 :             case ErlFunc::ArcSin:
    1941           1 :                 ReturnValue = SetErlValueNumber(std::asin(Operand(1).Number));
    1942           1 :                 break;
    1943             : 
    1944       22195 :             case ErlFunc::ArcCos:
    1945       22195 :                 ReturnValue = SetErlValueNumber(std::acos(Operand(1).Number));
    1946       22195 :                 break;
    1947             : 
    1948           2 :             case ErlFunc::DegToRad:
    1949           2 :                 ReturnValue = SetErlValueNumber(Operand(1).Number * DataGlobalConstants::DegToRadians);
    1950           2 :                 break;
    1951             : 
    1952       22196 :             case ErlFunc::RadToDeg:
    1953       22196 :                 ReturnValue = SetErlValueNumber(Operand(1).Number / DataGlobalConstants::DegToRadians);
    1954       22196 :                 break;
    1955             : 
    1956       11904 :             case ErlFunc::Exp:
    1957       11904 :                 if ((Operand(1).Number < 700.0) && (Operand(1).Number > -20.0)) {
    1958       11904 :                     ReturnValue = SetErlValueNumber(std::exp(Operand(1).Number));
    1959           0 :                 } else if (Operand(1).Number <= -20.0) {
    1960           0 :                     ReturnValue = SetErlValueNumber(0.0);
    1961             :                 } else {
    1962             :                     // throw Error
    1963           0 :                     ReturnValue.Error =
    1964           0 :                         format("EvaluateExpression: Attempted to calculate exponential value of too large a number: {:.4T}", Operand(1).Number);
    1965           0 :                     ReturnValue.Type = Value::Error;
    1966           0 :                     if (!state.dataGlobal->DoingSizing && !state.dataGlobal->KickOffSimulation && !state.dataEMSMgr->FinishProcessingUserInput) {
    1967           0 :                         seriousErrorFound = true;
    1968             :                     }
    1969             :                 }
    1970       11904 :                 break;
    1971             : 
    1972       10178 :             case ErlFunc::Ln:
    1973       10178 :                 if (Operand(1).Number > 0.0) {
    1974       10177 :                     ReturnValue = SetErlValueNumber(std::log(Operand(1).Number));
    1975             :                 } else {
    1976             :                     // throw error,
    1977           1 :                     ReturnValue.Type = Value::Error;
    1978           1 :                     ReturnValue.Error = format("EvaluateExpression: Natural Log of zero or less! ln of value = {:.4T}", Operand(1).Number);
    1979           1 :                     if (!state.dataGlobal->DoingSizing && !state.dataGlobal->KickOffSimulation && !state.dataEMSMgr->FinishProcessingUserInput) {
    1980           0 :                         seriousErrorFound = true;
    1981             :                     }
    1982             :                 }
    1983       10178 :                 break;
    1984             : 
    1985       73096 :             case ErlFunc::Max:
    1986       73096 :                 ReturnValue = SetErlValueNumber(max(Operand(1).Number, Operand(2).Number));
    1987       73096 :                 break;
    1988             : 
    1989      176587 :             case ErlFunc::Min:
    1990      176587 :                 ReturnValue = SetErlValueNumber(min(Operand(1).Number, Operand(2).Number));
    1991      176587 :                 break;
    1992             : 
    1993      229011 :             case ErlFunc::ABS:
    1994      229011 :                 ReturnValue = SetErlValueNumber(std::abs(Operand(1).Number));
    1995      229011 :                 break;
    1996             : 
    1997           2 :             case ErlFunc::RandU:
    1998           2 :                 RANDOM_NUMBER(tmpRANDU1);
    1999           2 :                 tmpRANDU1 = Operand(1).Number + (Operand(2).Number - Operand(1).Number) * tmpRANDU1;
    2000           2 :                 ReturnValue = SetErlValueNumber(tmpRANDU1);
    2001           2 :                 break;
    2002             : 
    2003           2 :             case ErlFunc::RandG:
    2004             :                 while (true) { // Box-Muller algorithm
    2005           2 :                     RANDOM_NUMBER(tmpRANDU1);
    2006           2 :                     RANDOM_NUMBER(tmpRANDU2);
    2007           2 :                     tmpRANDU1 = 2.0 * tmpRANDU1 - 1.0;
    2008           2 :                     tmpRANDU2 = 2.0 * tmpRANDU2 - 1.0;
    2009           2 :                     UnitCircleTest = square(tmpRANDU1) + square(tmpRANDU2);
    2010           2 :                     if (UnitCircleTest > 0.0 && UnitCircleTest < 1.0) break;
    2011             :                 }
    2012           2 :                 tmpRANDG = std::sqrt(-2.0 * std::log(UnitCircleTest) / UnitCircleTest);
    2013           2 :                 tmpRANDG *= tmpRANDU1; // standard normal ran
    2014             :                 //  x     = ran      * sigma             + mean
    2015           2 :                 tmpRANDG = tmpRANDG * Operand(2).Number + Operand(1).Number;
    2016           2 :                 tmpRANDG = max(tmpRANDG, Operand(3).Number); // min limit
    2017           2 :                 tmpRANDG = min(tmpRANDG, Operand(4).Number); // max limit
    2018           2 :                 ReturnValue = SetErlValueNumber(tmpRANDG);
    2019           2 :                 break;
    2020             : 
    2021           0 :             case ErlFunc::RandSeed:
    2022             :                 // convert arg to an integer array for the seed.
    2023           0 :                 RANDOM_SEED(SeedN); // obtains processor's use size as output
    2024           0 :                 SeedIntARR.allocate(SeedN);
    2025           0 :                 for (loop = 1; loop <= SeedN; ++loop) {
    2026           0 :                     if (loop == 1) {
    2027           0 :                         SeedIntARR(loop) = std::floor(Operand(1).Number);
    2028             :                     } else {
    2029           0 :                         SeedIntARR(loop) = std::floor(Operand(1).Number) * loop;
    2030             :                     }
    2031             :                 }
    2032           0 :                 RANDOM_SEED(_, SeedIntARR);
    2033           0 :                 ReturnValue = SetErlValueNumber(double(SeedIntARR(1))); // just return first number pass as seed
    2034           0 :                 SeedIntARR.deallocate();
    2035           0 :                 break;
    2036             : 
    2037       11129 :             case ErlFunc::RhoAirFnPbTdbW:
    2038       44516 :                 ReturnValue = SetErlValueNumber(PsyRhoAirFnPbTdbW(state,
    2039       11129 :                                                                   Operand(1).Number,
    2040       11129 :                                                                   Operand(2).Number,
    2041       11129 :                                                                   Operand(3).Number,
    2042       11129 :                                                                   EMSBuiltInFunction)); // result =>   density of moist air (kg/m3) | pressure
    2043             :                                                                                         // (Pa) | drybulb (C) | Humidity ratio (kg water
    2044             :                                                                                         // vapor/kg dry air) | called from
    2045       11129 :                 break;
    2046             : 
    2047       14371 :             case ErlFunc::CpAirFnW:
    2048       14371 :                 ReturnValue = SetErlValueNumber(PsyCpAirFnW(Operand(1).Number)); // result =>   heat capacity of air
    2049             :                                                                                  // {J/kg-C} | Humidity ratio (kg water vapor/kg dry air)
    2050       14371 :                 break;
    2051             : 
    2052         864 :             case ErlFunc::HfgAirFnWTdb:
    2053             :                 // BG comment these two psych funct seems confusing (?) is this the enthalpy of water in the air?
    2054         864 :                 ReturnValue = SetErlValueNumber(PsyHfgAirFnWTdb(Operand(1).Number, Operand(2).Number)); // result =>   heat of vaporization
    2055             :                                                                                                         // for moist air {J/kg} | Humidity
    2056             :                                                                                                         // ratio (kg water vapor/kg dry air) |
    2057             :                                                                                                         // drybulb (C)
    2058         864 :                 break;
    2059             : 
    2060           0 :             case ErlFunc::HgAirFnWTdb:
    2061             :                 // confusing ?  seems like this is really classical Hfg, heat of vaporization
    2062           0 :                 ReturnValue = SetErlValueNumber(PsyHgAirFnWTdb(Operand(1).Number, Operand(2).Number)); // result =>   enthalpy of the gas
    2063             :                                                                                                        // {units?} | Humidity ratio (kg water
    2064             :                                                                                                        // vapor/kg dry air) | drybulb (C)
    2065           0 :                 break;
    2066             : 
    2067           0 :             case ErlFunc::TdpFnTdbTwbPb:
    2068           0 :                 ReturnValue = SetErlValueNumber(
    2069             :                     PsyTdpFnTdbTwbPb(state,
    2070           0 :                                      Operand(1).Number,
    2071           0 :                                      Operand(2).Number,
    2072           0 :                                      Operand(3).Number,
    2073           0 :                                      EMSBuiltInFunction)); // result =>   dew-point temperature {C} | drybulb (C) | wetbulb (C) | pressure (Pa)
    2074           0 :                 break;
    2075             : 
    2076       48102 :             case ErlFunc::TdpFnWPb:
    2077      144306 :                 ReturnValue = SetErlValueNumber(PsyTdpFnWPb(
    2078             :                     state,
    2079       48102 :                     Operand(1).Number,
    2080       48102 :                     Operand(2).Number,
    2081       48102 :                     EMSBuiltInFunction)); // result =>  dew-point temperature {C} | Humidity ratio (kg water vapor/kg dry air) | pressure (Pa)
    2082       48102 :                 break;
    2083             : 
    2084      925582 :             case ErlFunc::HFnTdbW:
    2085     2776746 :                 ReturnValue = SetErlValueNumber(
    2086      925582 :                     PsyHFnTdbW(Operand(1).Number,
    2087      925582 :                                Operand(2).Number)); // result =>  enthalpy (J/kg) | drybulb (C) | Humidity ratio (kg water vapor/kg dry air)
    2088      925582 :                 break;
    2089             : 
    2090           0 :             case ErlFunc::HFnTdbRhPb:
    2091           0 :                 ReturnValue = SetErlValueNumber(PsyHFnTdbRhPb(
    2092             :                     state,
    2093           0 :                     Operand(1).Number,
    2094           0 :                     Operand(2).Number,
    2095           0 :                     Operand(3).Number,
    2096           0 :                     EMSBuiltInFunction)); // result =>  enthalpy (J/kg) | drybulb (C) | relative humidity value (0.0 - 1.0) | pressure (Pa)
    2097           0 :                 break;
    2098             : 
    2099      306455 :             case ErlFunc::TdbFnHW:
    2100      919365 :                 ReturnValue = SetErlValueNumber(PsyTdbFnHW(
    2101      306455 :                     Operand(1).Number,
    2102      306455 :                     Operand(2).Number)); // result =>  dry-bulb temperature {C} | enthalpy (J/kg) | Humidity ratio (kg water vapor/kg dry air)
    2103      306455 :                 break;
    2104             : 
    2105           0 :             case ErlFunc::RhovFnTdbRh:
    2106           0 :                 ReturnValue = SetErlValueNumber(PsyRhovFnTdbRh(
    2107             :                     state,
    2108           0 :                     Operand(1).Number,
    2109           0 :                     Operand(2).Number,
    2110           0 :                     EMSBuiltInFunction)); // result =>  Vapor density in air (kg/m3) | drybulb (C) | relative humidity value (0.0 - 1.0)
    2111           0 :                 break;
    2112             : 
    2113           0 :             case ErlFunc::RhovFnTdbRhLBnd0C:
    2114           0 :                 ReturnValue = SetErlValueNumber(PsyRhovFnTdbRhLBnd0C(
    2115           0 :                     Operand(1).Number,
    2116           0 :                     Operand(2).Number)); // result =>  Vapor density in air (kg/m3) | drybulb (C) | relative humidity value (0.0 - 1.0)
    2117           0 :                 break;
    2118             : 
    2119           0 :             case ErlFunc::RhovFnTdbWPb:
    2120           0 :                 ReturnValue = SetErlValueNumber(
    2121           0 :                     PsyRhovFnTdbWPb(Operand(1).Number, Operand(2).Number, Operand(3).Number)); // result =>  Vapor density in air (kg/m3) |
    2122             :                                                                                                // drybulb (C) | Humidity ratio (kg water
    2123             :                                                                                                // vapor/kg dry air) | pressure (Pa)
    2124           0 :                 break;
    2125             : 
    2126           0 :             case ErlFunc::RhFnTdbRhov:
    2127           0 :                 ReturnValue = SetErlValueNumber(
    2128             :                     PsyRhFnTdbRhov(state,
    2129           0 :                                    Operand(1).Number,
    2130           0 :                                    Operand(2).Number,
    2131           0 :                                    EMSBuiltInFunction)); // result => relative humidity value (0.0-1.0) | drybulb (C) | vapor density in air (kg/m3)
    2132           0 :                 break;
    2133             : 
    2134           0 :             case ErlFunc::RhFnTdbRhovLBnd0C:
    2135           0 :                 ReturnValue = SetErlValueNumber(
    2136             :                     PsyRhFnTdbRhovLBnd0C(state,
    2137           0 :                                          Operand(1).Number,
    2138           0 :                                          Operand(2).Number,
    2139           0 :                                          EMSBuiltInFunction)); // relative humidity value (0.0-1.0) | drybulb (C) | vapor density in air (kg/m3)
    2140           0 :                 break;
    2141             : 
    2142         876 :             case ErlFunc::RhFnTdbWPb:
    2143        3504 :                 ReturnValue = SetErlValueNumber(PsyRhFnTdbWPb(state,
    2144         876 :                                                               Operand(1).Number,
    2145         876 :                                                               Operand(2).Number,
    2146         876 :                                                               Operand(3).Number,
    2147         876 :                                                               EMSBuiltInFunction)); // result =>  relative humidity value (0.0-1.0) | drybulb
    2148             :                                                                                     // (C) | Humidity ratio (kg water vapor/kg dry air) |
    2149             :                                                                                     // pressure (Pa)
    2150         876 :                 break;
    2151             : 
    2152       11881 :             case ErlFunc::TwbFnTdbWPb:
    2153       47524 :                 ReturnValue = SetErlValueNumber(PsyTwbFnTdbWPb(state,
    2154       11881 :                                                                Operand(1).Number,
    2155       11881 :                                                                Operand(2).Number,
    2156       11881 :                                                                Operand(3).Number,
    2157       11881 :                                                                EMSBuiltInFunction)); // result=> Temperature Wet-Bulb {C} | drybulb (C) |
    2158             :                                                                                      // Humidity ratio (kg water vapor/kg dry air) | pressure
    2159             :                                                                                      // (Pa)
    2160       11881 :                 break;
    2161             : 
    2162           0 :             case ErlFunc::VFnTdbWPb:
    2163           0 :                 ReturnValue = SetErlValueNumber(PsyVFnTdbWPb(state,
    2164           0 :                                                              Operand(1).Number,
    2165           0 :                                                              Operand(2).Number,
    2166           0 :                                                              Operand(3).Number,
    2167           0 :                                                              EMSBuiltInFunction)); // result=> specific volume {m3/kg} | drybulb (C) |
    2168             :                                                                                    // Humidity ratio (kg water vapor/kg dry air) | pressure
    2169             :                                                                                    // (Pa)
    2170           0 :                 break;
    2171             : 
    2172           0 :             case ErlFunc::WFnTdpPb:
    2173           0 :                 ReturnValue = SetErlValueNumber(PsyWFnTdpPb(
    2174             :                     state,
    2175           0 :                     Operand(1).Number,
    2176           0 :                     Operand(2).Number,
    2177           0 :                     EMSBuiltInFunction)); // result=> humidity ratio  (kg water vapor/kg dry air) | dew point temperature (C) | pressure (Pa)
    2178           0 :                 break;
    2179             : 
    2180       20350 :             case ErlFunc::WFnTdbH:
    2181       61050 :                 ReturnValue = SetErlValueNumber(
    2182             :                     PsyWFnTdbH(state,
    2183       20350 :                                Operand(1).Number,
    2184       20350 :                                Operand(2).Number,
    2185       20350 :                                EMSBuiltInFunction)); // result=> humidity ratio  (kg water vapor/kg dry air) | drybulb (C) | enthalpy (J/kg)
    2186       20350 :                 break;
    2187             : 
    2188           0 :             case ErlFunc::WFnTdbTwbPb:
    2189           0 :                 ReturnValue = SetErlValueNumber(PsyWFnTdbTwbPb(state,
    2190           0 :                                                                Operand(1).Number,
    2191           0 :                                                                Operand(2).Number,
    2192           0 :                                                                Operand(3).Number,
    2193           0 :                                                                EMSBuiltInFunction)); // result=> humidity ratio  (kg water vapor/kg dry air) |
    2194             :                                                                                      // drybulb (C) | wet-bulb temperature {C} | pressure (Pa)
    2195           0 :                 break;
    2196             : 
    2197      116910 :             case ErlFunc::WFnTdbRhPb:
    2198      467640 :                 ReturnValue = SetErlValueNumber(PsyWFnTdbRhPb(state,
    2199      116910 :                                                               Operand(1).Number,
    2200      116910 :                                                               Operand(2).Number,
    2201      116910 :                                                               Operand(3).Number,
    2202      116910 :                                                               EMSBuiltInFunction)); // result=> humidity ratio  (kg water vapor/kg dry air) |
    2203             :                                                                                     // drybulb (C) | relative humidity value (0.0-1.0) |
    2204             :                                                                                     // pressure (Pa)
    2205      116910 :                 break;
    2206             : 
    2207           0 :             case ErlFunc::PsatFnTemp:
    2208           0 :                 ReturnValue = SetErlValueNumber(
    2209           0 :                     PsyPsatFnTemp(state, Operand(1).Number, EMSBuiltInFunction)); // result=> saturation pressure {Pascals} | drybulb (C)
    2210           0 :                 break;
    2211             : 
    2212       34231 :             case ErlFunc::TsatFnHPb:
    2213       34231 :                 ReturnValue =
    2214      136924 :                     SetErlValueNumber(PsyTsatFnHPb(state,
    2215       34231 :                                                    Operand(1).Number,
    2216       34231 :                                                    Operand(2).Number,
    2217       34231 :                                                    EMSBuiltInFunction)); // result=> saturation temperature {C} | enthalpy {J/kg} | pressure (Pa)
    2218       34231 :                 break;
    2219             : 
    2220             :             // I'm not sure why FuncTsatFnPb was commented out, but it goes all the way back to the Fortran implementation, so it's staying like that
    2221             :             // for now.
    2222             :             //      CASE (FuncTsatFnPb)
    2223             :             //        ReturnValue = NumberValue( &   ! result=> saturation temperature {C}
    2224             :             //                        PsyTsatFnPb(Operand(1)%Number, & ! pressure (Pa)
    2225             :             //                                    'EMS Built-In Function') )
    2226         859 :             case ErlFunc::CpCW:
    2227         859 :                 ReturnValue =
    2228        1718 :                     SetErlValueNumber(CPCW(Operand(1).Number)); // result => specific heat of water (J/kg-K) = 4180.d0 | temperature (C) unused
    2229         859 :                 break;
    2230             : 
    2231           0 :             case ErlFunc::CpHW:
    2232           0 :                 ReturnValue =
    2233           0 :                     SetErlValueNumber(CPHW(Operand(1).Number)); // result => specific heat of water (J/kg-K) = 4180.d0 | temperature (C) unused
    2234           0 :                 break;
    2235             : 
    2236         859 :             case ErlFunc::RhoH2O:
    2237         859 :                 ReturnValue = SetErlValueNumber(RhoH2O(Operand(1).Number)); // result => density of water (kg/m3) | temperature (C)
    2238         859 :                 break;
    2239             : 
    2240           0 :             case ErlFunc::FatalHaltEp:
    2241           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state, "EMS user program found serious problem and is halting simulation");
    2242           0 :                 ShowContinueErrorTimeStamp(state, "");
    2243           0 :                 ShowFatalError(state, format("EMS user program halted simulation with error code = {:.2T}", Operand(1).Number));
    2244           0 :                 ReturnValue = SetErlValueNumber(Operand(1).Number); // returns back the error code
    2245           0 :                 break;
    2246             : 
    2247           0 :             case ErlFunc::SevereWarnEp:
    2248           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state, format("EMS user program issued severe warning with error code = {:.2T}", Operand(1).Number));
    2249           0 :                 ShowContinueErrorTimeStamp(state, "");
    2250           0 :                 ReturnValue = SetErlValueNumber(Operand(1).Number); // returns back the error code
    2251           0 :                 break;
    2252             : 
    2253           0 :             case ErlFunc::WarnEp:
    2254           0 :                 ShowWarningError(state, format("EMS user program issued warning with error code = {:.2T}", Operand(1).Number));
    2255           0 :                 ShowContinueErrorTimeStamp(state, "");
    2256           0 :                 ReturnValue = SetErlValueNumber(Operand(1).Number); // returns back the error code
    2257           0 :                 break;
    2258             : 
    2259        6563 :             case ErlFunc::TrendValue:
    2260             :                 // find TrendVariable , first operand is ErlVariable
    2261        6563 :                 if (Operand(1).TrendVariable) {
    2262        6563 :                     thisTrend = Operand(1).TrendVarPointer;
    2263             :                     // second operand is number for index
    2264        6563 :                     thisIndex = std::floor(Operand(2).Number);
    2265        6563 :                     if (thisIndex >= 1) {
    2266        6563 :                         if (thisIndex <= state.dataRuntimeLang->TrendVariable(thisTrend).LogDepth) {
    2267        6563 :                             ReturnValue = SetErlValueNumber(state.dataRuntimeLang->TrendVariable(thisTrend).TrendValARR(thisIndex), Operand(1));
    2268             :                         } else {
    2269           0 :                             ReturnValue.Type = Value::Error;
    2270           0 :                             ReturnValue.Error = "Built-in trend function called with index larger than what is being logged";
    2271             :                         }
    2272             :                     } else {
    2273           0 :                         ReturnValue.Type = Value::Error;
    2274           0 :                         ReturnValue.Error = "Built-in trend function called with index less than 1";
    2275             :                     }
    2276             :                 } else { // not registered as a trend variable
    2277           0 :                     ReturnValue.Type = Value::Error;
    2278           0 :                     ReturnValue.Error = "Variable used with built-in trend function is not associated with a registered trend variable";
    2279             :                 }
    2280        6563 :                 break;
    2281             : 
    2282        4049 :             case ErlFunc::TrendAverage:
    2283             :                 // find TrendVariable , first operand is ErlVariable
    2284        4049 :                 if (Operand(1).TrendVariable) {
    2285        4049 :                     thisTrend = Operand(1).TrendVarPointer;
    2286        4049 :                     thisIndex = std::floor(Operand(2).Number);
    2287        4049 :                     if (thisIndex >= 1) {
    2288        4049 :                         if (thisIndex <= state.dataRuntimeLang->TrendVariable(thisTrend).LogDepth) {
    2289             :                             // calculate average
    2290        4049 :                             thisAverage = sum(state.dataRuntimeLang->TrendVariable(thisTrend).TrendValARR({1, thisIndex})) / double(thisIndex);
    2291        4049 :                             ReturnValue = SetErlValueNumber(thisAverage, Operand(1));
    2292             :                         } else {
    2293           0 :                             ReturnValue.Type = Value::Error;
    2294           0 :                             ReturnValue.Error = "Built-in trend function called with index larger than what is being logged";
    2295             :                         }
    2296             :                     } else {
    2297           0 :                         ReturnValue.Type = Value::Error;
    2298           0 :                         ReturnValue.Error = "Built-in trend function called with index less than 1";
    2299             :                     }
    2300             :                 } else { // not registered as a trend variable
    2301           0 :                     ReturnValue.Type = Value::Error;
    2302           0 :                     ReturnValue.Error = "Variable used with built-in trend function is not associated with a registered trend variable";
    2303             :                 }
    2304        4049 :                 break;
    2305             : 
    2306           1 :             case ErlFunc::TrendMax:
    2307           1 :                 if (Operand(1).TrendVariable) {
    2308           1 :                     thisTrend = Operand(1).TrendVarPointer;
    2309           1 :                     thisIndex = std::floor(Operand(2).Number);
    2310           1 :                     if (thisIndex >= 1) {
    2311           1 :                         if (thisIndex <= state.dataRuntimeLang->TrendVariable(thisTrend).LogDepth) {
    2312           1 :                             thisMax = 0.0;
    2313           1 :                             if (thisIndex == 1) {
    2314           0 :                                 thisMax = state.dataRuntimeLang->TrendVariable(thisTrend).TrendValARR(1);
    2315             :                             } else {
    2316           5 :                                 for (loop = 2; loop <= thisIndex; ++loop) {
    2317           4 :                                     if (loop == 2) {
    2318           1 :                                         thisMax = max(state.dataRuntimeLang->TrendVariable(thisTrend).TrendValARR(1),
    2319           1 :                                                       state.dataRuntimeLang->TrendVariable(thisTrend).TrendValARR(2));
    2320             :                                     } else {
    2321           3 :                                         thisMax = max(thisMax, state.dataRuntimeLang->TrendVariable(thisTrend).TrendValARR(loop));
    2322             :                                     }
    2323             :                                 }
    2324             :                             }
    2325           1 :                             ReturnValue = SetErlValueNumber(thisMax, Operand(1));
    2326             :                         } else {
    2327           0 :                             ReturnValue.Type = Value::Error;
    2328           0 :                             ReturnValue.Error = "Built-in trend function called with index larger than what is being logged";
    2329             :                         }
    2330             :                     } else {
    2331           0 :                         ReturnValue.Type = Value::Error;
    2332           0 :                         ReturnValue.Error = "Built-in trend function called with index less than 1";
    2333             :                     }
    2334             :                 } else { // not registered as a trend variable
    2335           0 :                     ReturnValue.Type = Value::Error;
    2336           0 :                     ReturnValue.Error = "Variable used with built-in trend function is not associated with a registered trend variable";
    2337             :                 }
    2338           1 :                 break;
    2339             : 
    2340           1 :             case ErlFunc::TrendMin:
    2341           1 :                 if (Operand(1).TrendVariable) {
    2342           1 :                     thisTrend = Operand(1).TrendVarPointer;
    2343           1 :                     thisIndex = std::floor(Operand(2).Number);
    2344           1 :                     if (thisIndex >= 1) {
    2345           1 :                         if (thisIndex <= state.dataRuntimeLang->TrendVariable(thisTrend).LogDepth) {
    2346           1 :                             thisMin = 0.0;
    2347           1 :                             if (thisIndex == 1) {
    2348           0 :                                 thisMin = state.dataRuntimeLang->TrendVariable(thisTrend).TrendValARR(1);
    2349             :                             } else {
    2350           5 :                                 for (loop = 2; loop <= thisIndex; ++loop) {
    2351           4 :                                     if (loop == 2) {
    2352           1 :                                         thisMin = min(state.dataRuntimeLang->TrendVariable(thisTrend).TrendValARR(1),
    2353           1 :                                                       state.dataRuntimeLang->TrendVariable(thisTrend).TrendValARR(2));
    2354             :                                     } else {
    2355           3 :                                         thisMin = min(thisMin, state.dataRuntimeLang->TrendVariable(thisTrend).TrendValARR(loop));
    2356             :                                     }
    2357             :                                 }
    2358             :                             }
    2359           1 :                             ReturnValue = SetErlValueNumber(thisMin, Operand(1));
    2360             : 
    2361             :                         } else {
    2362           0 :                             ReturnValue.Type = Value::Error;
    2363           0 :                             ReturnValue.Error = "Built-in trend function called with index larger than what is being logged";
    2364             :                         }
    2365             : 
    2366             :                     } else {
    2367           0 :                         ReturnValue.Type = Value::Error;
    2368           0 :                         ReturnValue.Error = "Built-in trend function called with index less than 1";
    2369             :                     }
    2370             :                 } else { // not registered as a trend variable
    2371           0 :                     ReturnValue.Type = Value::Error;
    2372           0 :                     ReturnValue.Error = "Variable used with built-in trend function is not associated with a registered trend variable";
    2373             :                 }
    2374           1 :                 break;
    2375             : 
    2376        3282 :             case ErlFunc::TrendDirection:
    2377        3282 :                 if (Operand(1).TrendVariable) {
    2378             :                     // do a linear least squares fit and get slope of line
    2379        3282 :                     thisTrend = Operand(1).TrendVarPointer;
    2380        3282 :                     thisIndex = std::floor(Operand(2).Number);
    2381        3282 :                     if (thisIndex >= 1) {
    2382             : 
    2383        3282 :                         if (thisIndex <= state.dataRuntimeLang->TrendVariable(thisTrend).LogDepth) {
    2384             :                             // closed form solution for slope of linear least squares fit
    2385       13128 :                             thisSlope = (sum(state.dataRuntimeLang->TrendVariable(thisTrend).TimeARR({1, thisIndex})) *
    2386        9846 :                                              sum(state.dataRuntimeLang->TrendVariable(thisTrend).TrendValARR({1, thisIndex})) -
    2387        9846 :                                          thisIndex * sum((state.dataRuntimeLang->TrendVariable(thisTrend).TimeARR({1, thisIndex}) *
    2388        6564 :                                                           state.dataRuntimeLang->TrendVariable(thisTrend).TrendValARR({1, thisIndex})))) /
    2389        9846 :                                         (pow_2(sum(state.dataRuntimeLang->TrendVariable(thisTrend).TimeARR({1, thisIndex}))) -
    2390        6564 :                                          thisIndex * sum(pow(state.dataRuntimeLang->TrendVariable(thisTrend).TimeARR({1, thisIndex}), 2)));
    2391        3282 :                             ReturnValue = SetErlValueNumber(thisSlope, Operand(1)); // rate of change per hour
    2392             :                         } else {
    2393           0 :                             ReturnValue.Type = Value::Error;
    2394           0 :                             ReturnValue.Error = "Built-in trend function called with index larger than what is being logged";
    2395             :                         }
    2396             : 
    2397             :                     } else {
    2398           0 :                         ReturnValue.Type = Value::Error;
    2399           0 :                         ReturnValue.Error = "Built-in trend function called with index less than 1";
    2400             :                     }
    2401             :                 } else { // not registered as a trend variable
    2402           0 :                     ReturnValue.Type = Value::Error;
    2403           0 :                     ReturnValue.Error = "Variable used with built-in trend function is not associated with a registered trend variable";
    2404             :                 }
    2405        3282 :                 break;
    2406             : 
    2407           2 :             case ErlFunc::TrendSum:
    2408           2 :                 if (Operand(1).TrendVariable) {
    2409             : 
    2410           2 :                     thisTrend = Operand(1).TrendVarPointer;
    2411           2 :                     thisIndex = std::floor(Operand(2).Number);
    2412           2 :                     if (thisIndex >= 1) {
    2413           2 :                         if (thisIndex <= state.dataRuntimeLang->TrendVariable(thisTrend).LogDepth) {
    2414           2 :                             ReturnValue =
    2415           4 :                                 SetErlValueNumber(sum(state.dataRuntimeLang->TrendVariable(thisTrend).TrendValARR({1, thisIndex})), Operand(1));
    2416             :                         } else {
    2417           0 :                             ReturnValue.Type = Value::Error;
    2418           0 :                             ReturnValue.Error = "Built-in trend function called with index larger than what is being logged";
    2419             :                         }
    2420             :                     } else {
    2421           0 :                         ReturnValue.Type = Value::Error;
    2422           0 :                         ReturnValue.Error = "Built-in trend function called with index less than 1";
    2423             :                     }
    2424             :                 } else { // not registered as a trend variable
    2425           0 :                     ReturnValue.Type = Value::Error;
    2426           0 :                     ReturnValue.Error = "Variable used with built-in trend function is not associated with a registered trend variable";
    2427             :                 }
    2428           2 :                 break;
    2429             : 
    2430       50880 :             case ErlFunc::CurveValue:
    2431       50880 :                 if (Operand(3).Type == Value::Null && Operand(4).Type == Value::Null && Operand(5).Type == Value::Null &&
    2432           0 :                     Operand(6).Type == Value::Null) {
    2433           0 :                     ReturnValue =
    2434           0 :                         SetErlValueNumber(CurveValue(state, std::floor(Operand(1).Number), Operand(2).Number)); // curve index | X value | Y
    2435             :                                                                                                                 // value, 2nd independent | Z
    2436             :                                                                                                                 // Value, 3rd independent | 4th
    2437             :                                                                                                                 // independent | 5th independent
    2438       50880 :                 } else if (Operand(4).Type == Value::Null && Operand(5).Type == Value::Null && Operand(6).Type == Value::Null) {
    2439           0 :                     ReturnValue = SetErlValueNumber(CurveValue(state,
    2440           0 :                                                                std::floor(Operand(1).Number),
    2441           0 :                                                                Operand(2).Number,
    2442           0 :                                                                Operand(3).Number)); // curve index | X value | Y value, 2nd independent | Z
    2443             :                                                                                     // Value, 3rd independent | 4th independent | 5th
    2444             :                                                                                     // independent
    2445       50880 :                 } else if (Operand(5).Type == Value::Null && Operand(6).Type == Value::Null) {
    2446      254401 :                     ReturnValue = SetErlValueNumber(CurveValue(state,
    2447       50880 :                                                                std::floor(Operand(1).Number),
    2448       50880 :                                                                Operand(2).Number,
    2449       50880 :                                                                Operand(3).Number,
    2450       50880 :                                                                Operand(4).Number)); // curve index | X value | Y value, 2nd independent | Z
    2451             :                                                                                     // Value, 3rd independent | 4th independent | 5th
    2452             :                                                                                     // independent
    2453           0 :                 } else if (Operand(6).Type == Value::Null) {
    2454           0 :                     ReturnValue = SetErlValueNumber(CurveValue(state,
    2455           0 :                                                                std::floor(Operand(1).Number),
    2456           0 :                                                                Operand(2).Number,
    2457           0 :                                                                Operand(3).Number,
    2458           0 :                                                                Operand(4).Number,
    2459           0 :                                                                Operand(5).Number)); // curve index | X value | Y value, 2nd independent | Z Value,
    2460             :                                                                                     // 3rd independent | 4th independent | 5th independent
    2461             :                 } else {
    2462           0 :                     ReturnValue = SetErlValueNumber(CurveValue(state,
    2463           0 :                                                                std::floor(Operand(1).Number),
    2464           0 :                                                                Operand(2).Number,
    2465           0 :                                                                Operand(3).Number,
    2466           0 :                                                                Operand(4).Number,
    2467           0 :                                                                Operand(5).Number,
    2468           0 :                                                                Operand(6).Number)); // curve index | X value | Y value, 2nd
    2469             :                                                                                     // independent | Z Value, 3rd independent | 4th
    2470             :                                                                                     // independent | 5th independent
    2471             :                 }
    2472       50879 :                 break;
    2473             : 
    2474           0 :             case ErlFunc::TodayIsRain:
    2475           0 :                 TodayTomorrowWeather(
    2476           0 :                     state, ErlFunc::TodayIsRain, Operand(1).Number, Operand(2).Number, state.dataWeatherManager->TodayIsRain, ReturnValue);
    2477           0 :                 break;
    2478             : 
    2479           0 :             case ErlFunc::TodayIsSnow:
    2480           0 :                 TodayTomorrowWeather(
    2481           0 :                     state, ErlFunc::TodayIsSnow, Operand(1).Number, Operand(2).Number, state.dataWeatherManager->TodayIsSnow, ReturnValue);
    2482           0 :                 break;
    2483             : 
    2484           0 :             case ErlFunc::TodayOutDryBulbTemp:
    2485           0 :                 TodayTomorrowWeather(state,
    2486             :                                      ErlFunc::TodayOutDryBulbTemp,
    2487           0 :                                      Operand(1).Number,
    2488           0 :                                      Operand(2).Number,
    2489           0 :                                      state.dataWeatherManager->TodayOutDryBulbTemp,
    2490             :                                      ReturnValue);
    2491           0 :                 break;
    2492             : 
    2493           0 :             case ErlFunc::TodayOutDewPointTemp:
    2494           0 :                 TodayTomorrowWeather(state,
    2495             :                                      ErlFunc::TodayOutDewPointTemp,
    2496           0 :                                      Operand(1).Number,
    2497           0 :                                      Operand(2).Number,
    2498           0 :                                      state.dataWeatherManager->TodayOutDewPointTemp,
    2499             :                                      ReturnValue);
    2500           0 :                 break;
    2501             : 
    2502           0 :             case ErlFunc::TodayOutBaroPress:
    2503           0 :                 TodayTomorrowWeather(state,
    2504             :                                      ErlFunc::TodayOutBaroPress,
    2505           0 :                                      Operand(1).Number,
    2506           0 :                                      Operand(2).Number,
    2507           0 :                                      state.dataWeatherManager->TodayOutBaroPress,
    2508             :                                      ReturnValue);
    2509           0 :                 break;
    2510             : 
    2511           0 :             case ErlFunc::TodayOutRelHum:
    2512           0 :                 TodayTomorrowWeather(
    2513           0 :                     state, ErlFunc::TodayOutRelHum, Operand(1).Number, Operand(2).Number, state.dataWeatherManager->TodayOutRelHum, ReturnValue);
    2514           0 :                 break;
    2515             : 
    2516           0 :             case ErlFunc::TodayWindSpeed:
    2517           0 :                 TodayTomorrowWeather(
    2518           0 :                     state, ErlFunc::TodayWindSpeed, Operand(1).Number, Operand(2).Number, state.dataWeatherManager->TodayWindSpeed, ReturnValue);
    2519           0 :                 break;
    2520             : 
    2521           0 :             case ErlFunc::TodayWindDir:
    2522           0 :                 TodayTomorrowWeather(
    2523           0 :                     state, ErlFunc::TodayWindDir, Operand(1).Number, Operand(2).Number, state.dataWeatherManager->TodayWindDir, ReturnValue);
    2524           0 :                 break;
    2525             : 
    2526           0 :             case ErlFunc::TodaySkyTemp:
    2527           0 :                 TodayTomorrowWeather(
    2528           0 :                     state, ErlFunc::TodaySkyTemp, Operand(1).Number, Operand(2).Number, state.dataWeatherManager->TodaySkyTemp, ReturnValue);
    2529           0 :                 break;
    2530             : 
    2531           0 :             case ErlFunc::TodayHorizIRSky:
    2532           0 :                 TodayTomorrowWeather(
    2533           0 :                     state, ErlFunc::TodayHorizIRSky, Operand(1).Number, Operand(2).Number, state.dataWeatherManager->TodayHorizIRSky, ReturnValue);
    2534           0 :                 break;
    2535             : 
    2536           0 :             case ErlFunc::TodayBeamSolarRad:
    2537           0 :                 TodayTomorrowWeather(state,
    2538             :                                      ErlFunc::TodayBeamSolarRad,
    2539           0 :                                      Operand(1).Number,
    2540           0 :                                      Operand(2).Number,
    2541           0 :                                      state.dataWeatherManager->TodayBeamSolarRad,
    2542             :                                      ReturnValue);
    2543           0 :                 break;
    2544             : 
    2545           0 :             case ErlFunc::TodayDifSolarRad:
    2546           0 :                 TodayTomorrowWeather(
    2547           0 :                     state, ErlFunc::TodayDifSolarRad, Operand(1).Number, Operand(2).Number, state.dataWeatherManager->TodayDifSolarRad, ReturnValue);
    2548           0 :                 break;
    2549             : 
    2550           0 :             case ErlFunc::TodayAlbedo:
    2551           0 :                 TodayTomorrowWeather(
    2552           0 :                     state, ErlFunc::TodayAlbedo, Operand(1).Number, Operand(2).Number, state.dataWeatherManager->TodayAlbedo, ReturnValue);
    2553           0 :                 break;
    2554             : 
    2555           0 :             case ErlFunc::TodayLiquidPrecip:
    2556           0 :                 TodayTomorrowWeather(state,
    2557             :                                      ErlFunc::TodayLiquidPrecip,
    2558           0 :                                      Operand(1).Number,
    2559           0 :                                      Operand(2).Number,
    2560           0 :                                      state.dataWeatherManager->TodayLiquidPrecip,
    2561             :                                      ReturnValue);
    2562           0 :                 break;
    2563             : 
    2564           0 :             case ErlFunc::TomorrowIsRain:
    2565           0 :                 TodayTomorrowWeather(
    2566           0 :                     state, ErlFunc::TomorrowIsRain, Operand(1).Number, Operand(2).Number, state.dataWeatherManager->TomorrowIsRain, ReturnValue);
    2567           0 :                 break;
    2568             : 
    2569           0 :             case ErlFunc::TomorrowIsSnow:
    2570           0 :                 TodayTomorrowWeather(
    2571           0 :                     state, ErlFunc::TomorrowIsSnow, Operand(1).Number, Operand(2).Number, state.dataWeatherManager->TomorrowIsSnow, ReturnValue);
    2572           0 :                 break;
    2573             : 
    2574           0 :             case ErlFunc::TomorrowOutDryBulbTemp:
    2575           0 :                 TodayTomorrowWeather(state,
    2576             :                                      ErlFunc::TomorrowOutDryBulbTemp,
    2577           0 :                                      Operand(1).Number,
    2578           0 :                                      Operand(2).Number,
    2579           0 :                                      state.dataWeatherManager->TomorrowOutDryBulbTemp,
    2580             :                                      ReturnValue);
    2581           0 :                 break;
    2582             : 
    2583           0 :             case ErlFunc::TomorrowOutDewPointTemp:
    2584           0 :                 TodayTomorrowWeather(state,
    2585             :                                      ErlFunc::TomorrowOutDewPointTemp,
    2586           0 :                                      Operand(1).Number,
    2587           0 :                                      Operand(2).Number,
    2588           0 :                                      state.dataWeatherManager->TomorrowOutDewPointTemp,
    2589             :                                      ReturnValue);
    2590           0 :                 break;
    2591             : 
    2592           0 :             case ErlFunc::TomorrowOutBaroPress:
    2593           0 :                 TodayTomorrowWeather(state,
    2594             :                                      ErlFunc::TomorrowOutBaroPress,
    2595           0 :                                      Operand(1).Number,
    2596           0 :                                      Operand(2).Number,
    2597           0 :                                      state.dataWeatherManager->TomorrowOutBaroPress,
    2598             :                                      ReturnValue);
    2599           0 :                 break;
    2600             : 
    2601           0 :             case ErlFunc::TomorrowOutRelHum:
    2602           0 :                 TodayTomorrowWeather(state,
    2603             :                                      ErlFunc::TomorrowOutRelHum,
    2604           0 :                                      Operand(1).Number,
    2605           0 :                                      Operand(2).Number,
    2606           0 :                                      state.dataWeatherManager->TomorrowOutRelHum,
    2607             :                                      ReturnValue);
    2608           0 :                 break;
    2609             : 
    2610           0 :             case ErlFunc::TomorrowWindSpeed:
    2611           0 :                 TodayTomorrowWeather(state,
    2612             :                                      ErlFunc::TomorrowWindSpeed,
    2613           0 :                                      Operand(1).Number,
    2614           0 :                                      Operand(2).Number,
    2615           0 :                                      state.dataWeatherManager->TomorrowWindSpeed,
    2616             :                                      ReturnValue);
    2617           0 :                 break;
    2618             : 
    2619           0 :             case ErlFunc::TomorrowWindDir:
    2620           0 :                 TodayTomorrowWeather(
    2621           0 :                     state, ErlFunc::TomorrowWindDir, Operand(1).Number, Operand(2).Number, state.dataWeatherManager->TomorrowWindDir, ReturnValue);
    2622           0 :                 break;
    2623             : 
    2624           0 :             case ErlFunc::TomorrowSkyTemp:
    2625           0 :                 TodayTomorrowWeather(
    2626           0 :                     state, ErlFunc::TomorrowSkyTemp, Operand(1).Number, Operand(2).Number, state.dataWeatherManager->TomorrowSkyTemp, ReturnValue);
    2627           0 :                 break;
    2628             : 
    2629           0 :             case ErlFunc::TomorrowHorizIRSky:
    2630           0 :                 TodayTomorrowWeather(state,
    2631             :                                      ErlFunc::TomorrowHorizIRSky,
    2632           0 :                                      Operand(1).Number,
    2633           0 :                                      Operand(2).Number,
    2634           0 :                                      state.dataWeatherManager->TomorrowHorizIRSky,
    2635             :                                      ReturnValue);
    2636           0 :                 break;
    2637             : 
    2638           0 :             case ErlFunc::TomorrowBeamSolarRad:
    2639           0 :                 TodayTomorrowWeather(state,
    2640             :                                      ErlFunc::TomorrowBeamSolarRad,
    2641           0 :                                      Operand(1).Number,
    2642           0 :                                      Operand(2).Number,
    2643           0 :                                      state.dataWeatherManager->TomorrowBeamSolarRad,
    2644             :                                      ReturnValue);
    2645           0 :                 break;
    2646             : 
    2647           0 :             case ErlFunc::TomorrowDifSolarRad:
    2648           0 :                 TodayTomorrowWeather(state,
    2649             :                                      ErlFunc::TomorrowDifSolarRad,
    2650           0 :                                      Operand(1).Number,
    2651           0 :                                      Operand(2).Number,
    2652           0 :                                      state.dataWeatherManager->TomorrowDifSolarRad,
    2653             :                                      ReturnValue);
    2654           0 :                 break;
    2655             : 
    2656           0 :             case ErlFunc::TomorrowAlbedo:
    2657           0 :                 TodayTomorrowWeather(
    2658           0 :                     state, ErlFunc::TomorrowAlbedo, Operand(1).Number, Operand(2).Number, state.dataWeatherManager->TomorrowAlbedo, ReturnValue);
    2659           0 :                 break;
    2660             : 
    2661           0 :             case ErlFunc::TomorrowLiquidPrecip:
    2662           0 :                 TodayTomorrowWeather(state,
    2663             :                                      ErlFunc::TomorrowLiquidPrecip,
    2664           0 :                                      Operand(1).Number,
    2665           0 :                                      Operand(2).Number,
    2666           0 :                                      state.dataWeatherManager->TomorrowLiquidPrecip,
    2667             :                                      ReturnValue);
    2668           0 :                 break;
    2669           0 :             case ErlFunc::Invalid:
    2670             :             case ErlFunc::Null:
    2671             :             case ErlFunc::TsatFnPb:
    2672             :             case ErlFunc::Num:
    2673             :                 // throw Error, these cases are not supported -- they all make sense except TsatFnPb which was commented out above a long time ago
    2674           0 :                 ShowFatalError(state, "caught unexpected Expression(ExpressionNum)%Operator in EvaluateExpression");
    2675             :             }
    2676             :         }
    2677    31735890 :         Operand.deallocate();
    2678             :     }
    2679             : 
    2680    63471780 :     return ReturnValue;
    2681             : }
    2682             : 
    2683           0 : void TodayTomorrowWeather(EnergyPlusData &state,
    2684             :                           ErlFunc const FunctionCode,
    2685             :                           Real64 const Operand1,
    2686             :                           Real64 const Operand2,
    2687             :                           Array2D<Real64> &TodayTomorrowWeatherSource,
    2688             :                           ErlValueType &ReturnVal)
    2689             : {
    2690           0 :     int iHour = (Operand1 + 1); // Operand 1 is hour from 0:23
    2691           0 :     int iTimeStep = Operand2;
    2692           0 :     if ((iHour > 0) && (iHour <= 24) && (iTimeStep > 0) && (iTimeStep <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfTimeStepInHour)) {
    2693           0 :         ReturnVal = SetErlValueNumber(TodayTomorrowWeatherSource(iTimeStep, iHour));
    2694             :     } else {
    2695           0 :         ReturnVal.Type = DataRuntimeLanguage::Value::Error;
    2696           0 :         ReturnVal.Error = format("{} function called with invalid arguments: Hour={:.1R}, Timestep={:.1R}",
    2697           0 :                                  state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(FunctionCode)).Symbol,
    2698             :                                  Operand1,
    2699           0 :                                  Operand2);
    2700             :     }
    2701           0 : }
    2702             : 
    2703           0 : void TodayTomorrowWeather(EnergyPlusData &state,
    2704             :                           ErlFunc const FunctionCode,
    2705             :                           Real64 const Operand1,
    2706             :                           Real64 const Operand2,
    2707             :                           Array2D_bool &TodayTomorrowWeatherSource,
    2708             :                           ErlValueType &ReturnVal)
    2709             : {
    2710           0 :     int iHour = (Operand1 + 1); // Operand 1 is hour from 0:23
    2711           0 :     int iTimeStep = Operand2;
    2712           0 :     if ((iHour > 0) && (iHour <= 24) && (iTimeStep > 0) && (iTimeStep <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfTimeStepInHour)) {
    2713             :         // For logicals return 1 or 0
    2714           0 :         if (TodayTomorrowWeatherSource(iTimeStep, iHour)) {
    2715           0 :             ReturnVal = SetErlValueNumber(1.0);
    2716             :         } else {
    2717           0 :             ReturnVal = SetErlValueNumber(0.0);
    2718             :         }
    2719             :     } else {
    2720           0 :         ReturnVal.Type = DataRuntimeLanguage::Value::Error;
    2721           0 :         ReturnVal.Error = format("{} function called with invalid arguments: Hour={:.1R}, Timestep={:.1R}",
    2722           0 :                                  state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(FunctionCode)).Symbol,
    2723             :                                  Operand1,
    2724           0 :                                  Operand2);
    2725             :     }
    2726           0 : }
    2727             : 
    2728         288 : int TodayTomorrowWeather(EnergyPlusData &state, int hour, int timestep, Array2D<Real64> &TodayTomorrowWeatherSource, Real64 &value)
    2729             : {
    2730         288 :     int iHour = hour + 1;
    2731         288 :     if ((iHour > 0) && (iHour <= 24) && (timestep > 0) && (timestep <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfTimeStepInHour)) {
    2732         288 :         value = TodayTomorrowWeatherSource(timestep, iHour);
    2733         288 :         return 0;
    2734             :     } else {
    2735           0 :         return 1;
    2736             :     }
    2737             : }
    2738             : 
    2739           0 : int TodayTomorrowWeather(EnergyPlusData &state, int hour, int timestep, Array2D<bool> &TodayTomorrowWeatherSource, int &value)
    2740             : {
    2741           0 :     int iHour = hour + 1;
    2742           0 :     if ((iHour > 0) && (iHour <= 24) && (timestep > 0) && (timestep <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfTimeStepInHour)) {
    2743           0 :         if (TodayTomorrowWeatherSource(timestep, iHour)) {
    2744           0 :             value = 1.0;
    2745             :         } else {
    2746           0 :             value = 0.0;
    2747             :         }
    2748           0 :         return 0;
    2749             :     } else {
    2750           0 :         return 1;
    2751             :     }
    2752             : }
    2753             : 
    2754          71 : void GetRuntimeLanguageUserInput(EnergyPlusData &state)
    2755             : {
    2756             : 
    2757             :     // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    2758             :     //       AUTHOR         Peter Graham Ellis
    2759             :     //       DATE WRITTEN   June 2006
    2760             :     //       MODIFIED       Brent Griffith April 2009
    2761             :     //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
    2762             : 
    2763             :     // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    2764             :     // Gets the runtime language objects from the input file.
    2765             :     // GetInput is called from other modules that reference runtime language objects.
    2766             :     // The runtime language objects are all loaded in one pass
    2767             : 
    2768             :     // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
    2769             :     // The runtime language objects are all loaded in one step, names registered, etc.  They are parsed in a second step
    2770             :     // once all the object names are known.
    2771             : 
    2772             :     // Using/Aliasing
    2773             :     using Curve::GetCurveIndex;
    2774             : 
    2775             :     // Locals
    2776             :     // SUBROUTINE PARAMETER DEFINITIONS:
    2777          71 :     auto constexpr RoutineName("GetRuntimeLanguageUserInput: ");
    2778             : 
    2780             :     int GlobalNum;
    2781             :     int StackNum;
    2782             :     int ErrorNum;
    2783             :     int NumAlphas; // Number of elements in the alpha array
    2784             :     int NumNums;   // Number of elements in the numeric array
    2785             :     int IOStat;    // IO Status when calling get input subroutine
    2786          71 :     bool ErrorsFound(false);
    2787          71 :     int VariableNum(0); // temporary
    2788             :     int RuntimeReportVarNum;
    2789             :     bool Found;
    2790             :     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType FreqString; // temporary
    2791             :     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType VarTypeString; // temporary
    2792         142 :     std::string ResourceTypeString;
    2793         142 :     std::string GroupTypeString;
    2794         142 :     std::string EndUseTypeString;
    2795         142 :     std::string EndUseSubCatString;
    2796             : 
    2797             :     int TrendNum;
    2798             :     int NumTrendSteps;
    2799             :     int loop;
    2800             :     int ErlVarLoop;
    2801             :     int CurveIndexNum;
    2802          71 :     int MaxNumAlphas(0);  // argument for call to GetObjectDefMaxArgs
    2803          71 :     int MaxNumNumbers(0); // argument for call to GetObjectDefMaxArgs
    2804          71 :     int TotalArgs(0);     // argument for call to GetObjectDefMaxArgs
    2805         142 :     Array1D_string cAlphaFieldNames;
    2806         142 :     Array1D_string cNumericFieldNames;
    2807         142 :     Array1D_bool lNumericFieldBlanks;
    2808         142 :     Array1D_bool lAlphaFieldBlanks;
    2809         142 :     Array1D_string cAlphaArgs;
    2810         142 :     Array1D<Real64> rNumericArgs;
    2811         142 :     std::string cCurrentModuleObject;
    2812             :     int ConstructNum;
    2813             :     bool errFlag;
    2814             :     std::string::size_type lbracket;
    2815         142 :     std::string UnitsA;
    2816         142 :     std::string UnitsB;
    2817          71 :     OutputProcessor::Unit curUnit(OutputProcessor::Unit::None);
    2818             :     std::string::size_type ptr;
    2819             : 
    2820          71 :     if (state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->GetInput) { // GetInput check is redundant with the InitializeRuntimeLanguage routine
    2821          71 :         state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->GetInput = false;
    2822             : 
    2823          71 :         cCurrentModuleObject = "EnergyManagementSystem:Sensor";
    2824          71 :         state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectDefMaxArgs(state, cCurrentModuleObject, TotalArgs, NumAlphas, NumNums);
    2825          71 :         MaxNumNumbers = NumNums;
    2826          71 :         MaxNumAlphas = NumAlphas;
    2827          71 :         cCurrentModuleObject = "EnergyManagementSystem:Actuator";
    2828          71 :         state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectDefMaxArgs(state, cCurrentModuleObject, TotalArgs, NumAlphas, NumNums);
    2829          71 :         MaxNumNumbers = max(MaxNumNumbers, NumNums);
    2830          71 :         MaxNumAlphas = max(MaxNumAlphas, NumAlphas);
    2831          71 :         cCurrentModuleObject = "EnergyManagementSystem:ProgramCallingManager";
    2832          71 :         state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectDefMaxArgs(state, cCurrentModuleObject, TotalArgs, NumAlphas, NumNums);
    2833          71 :         MaxNumNumbers = max(MaxNumNumbers, NumNums);
    2834          71 :         MaxNumAlphas = max(MaxNumAlphas, NumAlphas);
    2835          71 :         cCurrentModuleObject = "EnergyManagementSystem:Program";
    2836          71 :         state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectDefMaxArgs(state, cCurrentModuleObject, TotalArgs, NumAlphas, NumNums);
    2837          71 :         MaxNumNumbers = max(MaxNumNumbers, NumNums);
    2838          71 :         MaxNumAlphas = max(MaxNumAlphas, NumAlphas);
    2839          71 :         cCurrentModuleObject = "EnergyManagementSystem:Subroutine";
    2840          71 :         state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectDefMaxArgs(state, cCurrentModuleObject, TotalArgs, NumAlphas, NumNums);
    2841          71 :         MaxNumNumbers = max(MaxNumNumbers, NumNums);
    2842          71 :         MaxNumAlphas = max(MaxNumAlphas, NumAlphas);
    2843          71 :         cCurrentModuleObject = "EnergyManagementSystem:OutputVariable";
    2844          71 :         state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectDefMaxArgs(state, cCurrentModuleObject, TotalArgs, NumAlphas, NumNums);
    2845          71 :         MaxNumNumbers = max(MaxNumNumbers, NumNums);
    2846          71 :         MaxNumAlphas = max(MaxNumAlphas, NumAlphas);
    2847          71 :         cCurrentModuleObject = "EnergyManagementSystem:MeteredOutputVariable";
    2848          71 :         state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectDefMaxArgs(state, cCurrentModuleObject, TotalArgs, NumAlphas, NumNums);
    2849          71 :         MaxNumNumbers = max(MaxNumNumbers, NumNums);
    2850          71 :         MaxNumAlphas = max(MaxNumAlphas, NumAlphas);
    2851          71 :         cCurrentModuleObject = "ExternalInterface:Variable";
    2852          71 :         state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectDefMaxArgs(state, cCurrentModuleObject, TotalArgs, NumAlphas, NumNums);
    2853          71 :         MaxNumNumbers = max(MaxNumNumbers, NumNums);
    2854          71 :         MaxNumAlphas = max(MaxNumAlphas, NumAlphas);
    2855          71 :         cCurrentModuleObject = "ExternalInterface:Actuator";
    2856          71 :         state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectDefMaxArgs(state, cCurrentModuleObject, TotalArgs, NumAlphas, NumNums);
    2857          71 :         MaxNumNumbers = max(MaxNumNumbers, NumNums);
    2858          71 :         MaxNumAlphas = max(MaxNumAlphas, NumAlphas);
    2859          71 :         cCurrentModuleObject = "ExternalInterface:FunctionalMockupUnitImport:To:Variable";
    2860          71 :         state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectDefMaxArgs(state, cCurrentModuleObject, TotalArgs, NumAlphas, NumNums);
    2861          71 :         MaxNumNumbers = max(MaxNumNumbers, NumNums);
    2862          71 :         MaxNumAlphas = max(MaxNumAlphas, NumAlphas);
    2863          71 :         cCurrentModuleObject = "ExternalInterface:FunctionalMockupUnitImport:To:Actuator";
    2864          71 :         state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectDefMaxArgs(state, cCurrentModuleObject, TotalArgs, NumAlphas, NumNums);
    2865          71 :         MaxNumNumbers = max(MaxNumNumbers, NumNums);
    2866          71 :         MaxNumAlphas = max(MaxNumAlphas, NumAlphas);
    2867          71 :         cCurrentModuleObject = "ExternalInterface:FunctionalMockupUnitExport:To:Variable";
    2868          71 :         state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectDefMaxArgs(state, cCurrentModuleObject, TotalArgs, NumAlphas, NumNums);
    2869          71 :         MaxNumNumbers = max(MaxNumNumbers, NumNums);
    2870          71 :         MaxNumAlphas = max(MaxNumAlphas, NumAlphas);
    2871          71 :         cCurrentModuleObject = "ExternalInterface:FunctionalMockupUnitExport:To:Actuator";
    2872          71 :         state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectDefMaxArgs(state, cCurrentModuleObject, TotalArgs, NumAlphas, NumNums);
    2873          71 :         MaxNumNumbers = max(MaxNumNumbers, NumNums);
    2874          71 :         MaxNumAlphas = max(MaxNumAlphas, NumAlphas);
    2875             :         //  cCurrentModuleObject = 'EnergyManagementSystem:Sensor'
    2876             :         //  CALL state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectDefMaxArgs(cCurrentModuleObject,TotalArgs,NumAlphas,NumNums)
    2877             :         //  MaxNumNumbers=MAX(MaxNumNumbers,NumNums)
    2878             :         //  MaxNumAlphas=MAX(MaxNumAlphas,NumAlphas)
    2879          71 :         cCurrentModuleObject = "EnergyManagementSystem:GlobalVariable";
    2880          71 :         state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectDefMaxArgs(state, cCurrentModuleObject, TotalArgs, NumAlphas, NumNums);
    2881          71 :         MaxNumNumbers = max(MaxNumNumbers, NumNums);
    2882          71 :         MaxNumAlphas = max(MaxNumAlphas, NumAlphas);
    2883          71 :         cCurrentModuleObject = "EnergyManagementSystem:CurveOrTableIndexVariable";
    2884          71 :         state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectDefMaxArgs(state, cCurrentModuleObject, TotalArgs, NumAlphas, NumNums);
    2885          71 :         MaxNumNumbers = max(MaxNumNumbers, NumNums);
    2886          71 :         MaxNumAlphas = max(MaxNumAlphas, NumAlphas);
    2887          71 :         cCurrentModuleObject = "EnergyManagementSystem:ConstructionIndexVariable";
    2888          71 :         state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectDefMaxArgs(state, cCurrentModuleObject, TotalArgs, NumAlphas, NumNums);
    2889          71 :         MaxNumNumbers = max(MaxNumNumbers, NumNums);
    2890          71 :         MaxNumAlphas = max(MaxNumAlphas, NumAlphas);
    2891             : 
    2892          71 :         cAlphaFieldNames.allocate(MaxNumAlphas);
    2893          71 :         cAlphaArgs.allocate(MaxNumAlphas);
    2894          71 :         lAlphaFieldBlanks.dimension(MaxNumAlphas, false);
    2895          71 :         cNumericFieldNames.allocate(MaxNumNumbers);
    2896          71 :         rNumericArgs.dimension(MaxNumNumbers, 0.0);
    2897          71 :         lNumericFieldBlanks.dimension(MaxNumNumbers, false);
    2898             : 
    2899          71 :         cCurrentModuleObject = "EnergyManagementSystem:GlobalVariable";
    2900             : 
    2901         213 :         if (state.dataRuntimeLang->NumUserGlobalVariables + state.dataRuntimeLang->NumExternalInterfaceGlobalVariables +
    2902         142 :                 state.dataRuntimeLang->NumExternalInterfaceFunctionalMockupUnitImportGlobalVariables +
    2903         142 :                 state.dataRuntimeLang->NumExternalInterfaceFunctionalMockupUnitExportGlobalVariables >
    2904             :             0) {
    2905         182 :             for (GlobalNum = 1;
    2906         546 :                  GlobalNum <= state.dataRuntimeLang->NumUserGlobalVariables + state.dataRuntimeLang->NumExternalInterfaceGlobalVariables +
    2907         364 :                                   state.dataRuntimeLang->NumExternalInterfaceFunctionalMockupUnitImportGlobalVariables +
    2908         182 :                                   state.dataRuntimeLang->NumExternalInterfaceFunctionalMockupUnitExportGlobalVariables;
    2909             :                  ++GlobalNum) {
    2910             :                 // If we process the ExternalInterface actuators, all we need to do is to change the
    2911             :                 // name of the module object, and add an offset for the variable number
    2912             :                 // This is done in the following IF/THEN section.
    2913         142 :                 if (GlobalNum <= state.dataRuntimeLang->NumUserGlobalVariables) {
    2914         141 :                     state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectItem(state,
    2915             :                                                                              cCurrentModuleObject,
    2916             :                                                                              GlobalNum,
    2917             :                                                                              cAlphaArgs,
    2918             :                                                                              NumAlphas,
    2919             :                                                                              rNumericArgs,
    2920             :                                                                              NumNums,
    2921             :                                                                              IOStat,
    2922             :                                                                              lNumericFieldBlanks,
    2923             :                                                                              lAlphaFieldBlanks,
    2924             :                                                                              cAlphaFieldNames,
    2925             :                                                                              cNumericFieldNames);
    2926           2 :                 } else if (GlobalNum > state.dataRuntimeLang->NumUserGlobalVariables &&
    2927           1 :                            GlobalNum <= state.dataRuntimeLang->NumUserGlobalVariables + state.dataRuntimeLang->NumExternalInterfaceGlobalVariables) {
    2928           0 :                     cCurrentModuleObject = "ExternalInterface:Variable";
    2929           0 :                     state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectItem(state,
    2930             :                                                                              cCurrentModuleObject,
    2931           0 :                                                                              GlobalNum - state.dataRuntimeLang->NumUserGlobalVariables,
    2932             :                                                                              cAlphaArgs,
    2933             :                                                                              NumAlphas,
    2934             :                                                                              rNumericArgs,
    2935             :                                                                              NumNums,
    2936             :                                                                              IOStat,
    2937             :                                                                              lNumericFieldBlanks,
    2938             :                                                                              lAlphaFieldBlanks,
    2939             :                                                                              cAlphaFieldNames,
    2940             :                                                                              cNumericFieldNames);
    2941           2 :                 } else if (GlobalNum > state.dataRuntimeLang->NumUserGlobalVariables + state.dataRuntimeLang->NumExternalInterfaceGlobalVariables &&
    2942           2 :                            GlobalNum <= state.dataRuntimeLang->NumUserGlobalVariables + state.dataRuntimeLang->NumExternalInterfaceGlobalVariables +
    2943           1 :                                             state.dataRuntimeLang->NumExternalInterfaceFunctionalMockupUnitImportGlobalVariables) {
    2944           1 :                     cCurrentModuleObject = "ExternalInterface:FunctionalMockupUnitImport:To:Variable";
    2945           2 :                     state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectItem(state,
    2946             :                                                                              cCurrentModuleObject,
    2947           1 :                                                                              GlobalNum - state.dataRuntimeLang->NumUserGlobalVariables -
    2948           1 :                                                                                  state.dataRuntimeLang->NumExternalInterfaceGlobalVariables,
    2949             :                                                                              cAlphaArgs,
    2950             :                                                                              NumAlphas,
    2951             :                                                                              rNumericArgs,
    2952             :                                                                              NumNums,
    2953             :                                                                              IOStat,
    2954             :                                                                              lNumericFieldBlanks,
    2955             :                                                                              lAlphaFieldBlanks,
    2956             :                                                                              cAlphaFieldNames,
    2957             :                                                                              cNumericFieldNames);
    2958             : 
    2959           0 :                 } else if (GlobalNum > state.dataRuntimeLang->NumUserGlobalVariables + state.dataRuntimeLang->NumExternalInterfaceGlobalVariables +
    2960           0 :                                            state.dataRuntimeLang->NumExternalInterfaceFunctionalMockupUnitImportGlobalVariables &&
    2961           0 :                            GlobalNum <= state.dataRuntimeLang->NumUserGlobalVariables + state.dataRuntimeLang->NumExternalInterfaceGlobalVariables +
    2962           0 :                                             state.dataRuntimeLang->NumExternalInterfaceFunctionalMockupUnitImportGlobalVariables +
    2963           0 :                                             state.dataRuntimeLang->NumExternalInterfaceFunctionalMockupUnitExportGlobalVariables) {
    2964           0 :                     cCurrentModuleObject = "ExternalInterface:FunctionalMockupUnitExport:To:Variable";
    2965           0 :                     state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectItem(
    2966             :                         state,
    2967             :                         cCurrentModuleObject,
    2968           0 :                         GlobalNum - state.dataRuntimeLang->NumUserGlobalVariables - state.dataRuntimeLang->NumExternalInterfaceGlobalVariables -
    2969           0 :                             state.dataRuntimeLang->NumExternalInterfaceFunctionalMockupUnitImportGlobalVariables,
    2970             :                         cAlphaArgs,
    2971             :                         NumAlphas,
    2972             :                         rNumericArgs,
    2973             :                         NumNums,
    2974             :                         IOStat,
    2975             :                         lNumericFieldBlanks,
    2976             :                         lAlphaFieldBlanks,
    2977             :                         cAlphaFieldNames,
    2978             :                         cNumericFieldNames);
    2979             :                 }
    2980             : 
    2981             :                 // loop over each alpha and register variable named as global Erl variable
    2982         818 :                 for (ErlVarLoop = 1; ErlVarLoop <= NumAlphas; ++ErlVarLoop) {
    2983         676 :                     if (("ExternalInterface:FunctionalMockupUnitImport:To:Variable") == 0)) {
    2984           4 :                         if (ErlVarLoop == 1) {
    2985             :                             // Only validate first field of object ExternalInterface:FunctionalMockupUnitImport:To:Variable.
    2986             :                             // This object is allowed to contain fields that do not need to be valid EMS fields (e.g. path to the FMU).
    2987           1 :                             ValidateEMSVariableName(
    2988           1 :                                 state, cCurrentModuleObject, cAlphaArgs(ErlVarLoop), cAlphaFieldNames(ErlVarLoop), errFlag, ErrorsFound);
    2989             :                         }
    2990             :                     } else {
    2991         672 :                         ValidateEMSVariableName(
    2992         672 :                             state, cCurrentModuleObject, cAlphaArgs(ErlVarLoop), cAlphaFieldNames(ErlVarLoop), errFlag, ErrorsFound);
    2993             :                     }
    2994         676 :                     if (lAlphaFieldBlanks(ErlVarLoop)) {
    2995           0 :                         ShowWarningError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + cCurrentModuleObject);
    2996           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "Blank " + cAlphaFieldNames(1));
    2997           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "Blank entry will be skipped, and the simulation continues");
    2998         676 :                     } else if (!errFlag) {
    2999         676 :                         VariableNum = FindEMSVariable(state, cAlphaArgs(ErlVarLoop), 0);
    3000             :                         // Still need to check for conflicts with program and function names too
    3001             : 
    3002         676 :                         if (VariableNum > 0) {
    3003           0 :                             ShowSevereError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + cCurrentModuleObject + ", invalid entry.");
    3004           0 :                             ShowContinueError(state, "Invalid " + cAlphaFieldNames(ErlVarLoop) + '=' + cAlphaArgs(ErlVarLoop));
    3005           0 :                             ShowContinueError(state, "Name conflicts with an existing global variable name");
    3006           0 :                             ErrorsFound = true;
    3007             :                         } else {
    3008         676 :                             VariableNum = NewEMSVariable(state, cAlphaArgs(ErlVarLoop), 0);
    3009         676 :                             if (GlobalNum > state.dataRuntimeLang->NumUserGlobalVariables) {
    3010             :                                 // Initialize variables for the ExternalInterface variables.
    3011             :                                 // This object requires an initial value.
    3012           4 :                                 ExternalInterfaceInitializeErlVariable(state, VariableNum, SetErlValueNumber(rNumericArgs(1)), false);
    3013             :                             }
    3014             :                         }
    3015             :                     }
    3016             :                 }
    3017             :             }
    3018             :         }
    3019             : 
    3020          71 :         cCurrentModuleObject = "EnergyManagementSystem:CurveOrTableIndexVariable";
    3021          71 :         state.dataRuntimeLang->NumEMSCurveIndices = state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getNumObjectsFound(state, cCurrentModuleObject);
    3022          71 :         if (state.dataRuntimeLang->NumEMSCurveIndices > 0) {
    3023           3 :             state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->CurveIndexVariableNums.dimension(state.dataRuntimeLang->NumEMSCurveIndices, 0);
    3024          16 :             for (loop = 1; loop <= state.dataRuntimeLang->NumEMSCurveIndices; ++loop) {
    3025          13 :                 state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectItem(state,
    3026             :                                                                          cCurrentModuleObject,
    3027             :                                                                          loop,
    3028             :                                                                          cAlphaArgs,
    3029             :                                                                          NumAlphas,
    3030             :                                                                          rNumericArgs,
    3031             :                                                                          NumNums,
    3032             :                                                                          IOStat,
    3033             :                                                                          lNumericFieldBlanks,
    3034             :                                                                          lAlphaFieldBlanks,
    3035             :                                                                          cAlphaFieldNames,
    3036             :                                                                          cNumericFieldNames);
    3037             : 
    3038             :                 // check if variable name is unique and well formed
    3039          13 :                 ValidateEMSVariableName(state, cCurrentModuleObject, cAlphaArgs(1), cAlphaFieldNames(1), errFlag, ErrorsFound);
    3040          13 :                 if (lAlphaFieldBlanks(1)) {
    3041           0 :                     ShowSevereError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + cCurrentModuleObject);
    3042           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "Blank " + cAlphaFieldNames(1));
    3043           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "Blank entry for Erl variable name is not allowed");
    3044           0 :                     ErrorsFound = true;
    3045          13 :                 } else if (!errFlag) {
    3046          13 :                     VariableNum = FindEMSVariable(state, cAlphaArgs(1), 0);
    3047          13 :                     if (VariableNum > 0) {
    3048           0 :                         ShowSevereError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + cCurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + cAlphaArgs(1) + " invalid field.");
    3049           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "Invalid " + cAlphaFieldNames(1));
    3050           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "Name conflicts with an existing variable name");
    3051           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
    3052             :                     } else {
    3053             :                         // create new EMS variable
    3054          13 :                         VariableNum = NewEMSVariable(state, cAlphaArgs(1), 0);
    3055             :                         // store variable num
    3056          13 :                         state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->CurveIndexVariableNums(loop) = VariableNum;
    3057             :                     }
    3058             :                 }
    3059             : 
    3060          13 :                 CurveIndexNum = GetCurveIndex(state, cAlphaArgs(2)); // curve name
    3061          13 :                 if (CurveIndexNum == 0) {
    3062           0 :                     if (lAlphaFieldBlanks(2)) {
    3063           0 :                         ShowSevereError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + cCurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + cAlphaArgs(1) + " blank field.");
    3064           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "Blank " + cAlphaFieldNames(2));
    3065           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "Blank entry for curve or table name is not allowed");
    3066             :                     } else {
    3067           0 :                         ShowSevereError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + cCurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + cAlphaArgs(1) + " invalid field.");
    3068           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "Invalid " + cAlphaFieldNames(2) + '=' + cAlphaArgs(2));
    3069           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "Curve or table was not found.");
    3070             :                     }
    3071           0 :                     ErrorsFound = true;
    3072             :                 } else {
    3073             :                     // fill Erl variable with curve index
    3074          13 :                     state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlVariable(VariableNum).Value = SetErlValueNumber(double(CurveIndexNum));
    3075             :                 }
    3076             :             }
    3077             : 
    3078             :         } // NumEMSCurveIndices > 0
    3079             : 
    3080          71 :         cCurrentModuleObject = "EnergyManagementSystem:ConstructionIndexVariable";
    3081          71 :         state.dataRuntimeLang->NumEMSConstructionIndices = state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getNumObjectsFound(state, cCurrentModuleObject);
    3082          71 :         if (state.dataRuntimeLang->NumEMSConstructionIndices > 0) {
    3083           1 :             state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->ConstructionIndexVariableNums.dimension(state.dataRuntimeLang->NumEMSConstructionIndices, 0);
    3084          20 :             for (loop = 1; loop <= state.dataRuntimeLang->NumEMSConstructionIndices; ++loop) {
    3085          19 :                 state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectItem(state,
    3086             :                                                                          cCurrentModuleObject,
    3087             :                                                                          loop,
    3088             :                                                                          cAlphaArgs,
    3089             :                                                                          NumAlphas,
    3090             :                                                                          rNumericArgs,
    3091             :                                                                          NumNums,
    3092             :                                                                          IOStat,
    3093             :                                                                          lNumericFieldBlanks,
    3094             :                                                                          lAlphaFieldBlanks,
    3095             :                                                                          cAlphaFieldNames,
    3096             :                                                                          cNumericFieldNames);
    3097             : 
    3098             :                 // check if variable name is unique and well formed
    3099          19 :                 ValidateEMSVariableName(state, cCurrentModuleObject, cAlphaArgs(1), cAlphaFieldNames(1), errFlag, ErrorsFound);
    3100          19 :                 if (lAlphaFieldBlanks(1)) {
    3101           0 :                     ShowSevereError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + cCurrentModuleObject);
    3102           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "Blank " + cAlphaFieldNames(1));
    3103           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "Blank entry for Erl variable name is not allowed");
    3104           0 :                     ErrorsFound = true;
    3105          19 :                 } else if (!errFlag) {
    3106          19 :                     VariableNum = FindEMSVariable(state, cAlphaArgs(1), 0);
    3107          19 :                     if (VariableNum > 0) {
    3108           0 :                         ShowSevereError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + cCurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + cAlphaArgs(1) + " invalid field.");
    3109           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "Invalid " + cAlphaFieldNames(1));
    3110           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "Name conflicts with an existing variable name");
    3111           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
    3112             :                     } else {
    3113             :                         // create new EMS variable
    3114          19 :                         VariableNum = NewEMSVariable(state, cAlphaArgs(1), 0);
    3115             :                         // store variable num
    3116          19 :                         state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->ConstructionIndexVariableNums(loop) = VariableNum;
    3117             :                     }
    3118             :                 } else {
    3119           0 :                     continue;
    3120             :                 }
    3121             : 
    3122          19 :                 ConstructNum = UtilityRoutines::FindItemInList(cAlphaArgs(2), state.dataConstruction->Construct);
    3123             : 
    3124          19 :                 if (ConstructNum == 0) {
    3125           0 :                     if (lAlphaFieldBlanks(2)) {
    3126           0 :                         ShowSevereError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + cCurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + cAlphaArgs(1) + " blank field.");
    3127           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "Blank " + cAlphaFieldNames(2));
    3128           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "Blank entry for construction name is not allowed");
    3129             :                     } else {
    3130           0 :                         ShowSevereError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + cCurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + cAlphaArgs(1) + " invalid field.");
    3131           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "Invalid " + cAlphaFieldNames(2) + '=' + cAlphaArgs(2));
    3132           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "Construction was not found.");
    3133             :                     }
    3134           0 :                     ErrorsFound = true;
    3135             :                 } else {
    3136             :                     // fill Erl variable with curve index
    3137          19 :                     state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlVariable(VariableNum).Value = SetErlValueNumber(double(ConstructNum));
    3138             :                 }
    3139             :             }
    3140             : 
    3141             :         } // NumEMSConstructionIndices > 0
    3142             : 
    3143          71 :         state.dataRuntimeLang->NumErlStacks = state.dataRuntimeLang->NumErlPrograms + state.dataRuntimeLang->NumErlSubroutines;
    3144          71 :         state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlStack.allocate(state.dataRuntimeLang->NumErlStacks);
    3145          71 :         state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->ErlStackUniqueNames.reserve(static_cast<unsigned>(state.dataRuntimeLang->NumErlStacks));
    3146             : 
    3147          71 :         if (state.dataRuntimeLang->NumErlPrograms > 0) {
    3148          52 :             cCurrentModuleObject = "EnergyManagementSystem:Program";
    3149         662 :             for (StackNum = 1; StackNum <= state.dataRuntimeLang->NumErlPrograms; ++StackNum) {
    3150         610 :                 state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectItem(state,
    3151             :                                                                          cCurrentModuleObject,
    3152             :                                                                          StackNum,
    3153             :                                                                          cAlphaArgs,
    3154             :                                                                          NumAlphas,
    3155             :                                                                          rNumericArgs,
    3156             :                                                                          NumNums,
    3157             :                                                                          IOStat,
    3158             :                                                                          lNumericFieldBlanks,
    3159             :                                                                          lAlphaFieldBlanks,
    3160             :                                                                          cAlphaFieldNames,
    3161             :                                                                          cNumericFieldNames);
    3162        1220 :                 GlobalNames::VerifyUniqueInterObjectName(state,
    3163         610 :                                                          state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->ErlStackUniqueNames,
    3164         610 :                                                          cAlphaArgs(1),
    3165             :                                                          cCurrentModuleObject,
    3166         610 :                                                          cAlphaFieldNames(1),
    3167             :                                                          ErrorsFound);
    3168             : 
    3169         610 :                 ValidateEMSProgramName(state, cCurrentModuleObject, cAlphaArgs(1), cAlphaFieldNames(1), "Programs", errFlag, ErrorsFound);
    3170         610 :                 if (!errFlag) {
    3171         610 :                     state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlStack(StackNum).Name = cAlphaArgs(1);
    3172             :                 }
    3173             : 
    3174         610 :                 if (NumAlphas > 1) {
    3175         610 :                     state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlStack(StackNum).Line.allocate(NumAlphas - 1);
    3176         610 :                     state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlStack(StackNum).NumLines = NumAlphas - 1;
    3177         610 :                     state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlStack(StackNum).Line({1, NumAlphas - 1}) = cAlphaArgs({2, NumAlphas}); // note array assignment
    3178             :                 }
    3179             : 
    3180             :             } // ProgramNum
    3181             :         }
    3182             : 
    3183          71 :         if (state.dataRuntimeLang->NumErlSubroutines > 0) {
    3184           5 :             cCurrentModuleObject = "EnergyManagementSystem:Subroutine";
    3185          24 :             for (StackNum = state.dataRuntimeLang->NumErlPrograms + 1; StackNum <= state.dataRuntimeLang->NumErlStacks; ++StackNum) {
    3186          38 :                 state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectItem(state,
    3187             :                                                                          cCurrentModuleObject,
    3188          19 :                                                                          StackNum - state.dataRuntimeLang->NumErlPrograms,
    3189             :                                                                          cAlphaArgs,
    3190             :                                                                          NumAlphas,
    3191             :                                                                          rNumericArgs,
    3192             :                                                                          NumNums,
    3193             :                                                                          IOStat,
    3194             :                                                                          lNumericFieldBlanks,
    3195             :                                                                          lAlphaFieldBlanks,
    3196             :                                                                          cAlphaFieldNames,
    3197             :                                                                          cNumericFieldNames);
    3198          38 :                 GlobalNames::VerifyUniqueInterObjectName(state,
    3199          19 :                                                          state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->ErlStackUniqueNames,
    3200          19 :                                                          cAlphaArgs(1),
    3201             :                                                          cCurrentModuleObject,
    3202          19 :                                                          cAlphaFieldNames(1),
    3203             :                                                          ErrorsFound);
    3204             : 
    3205          19 :                 ValidateEMSProgramName(state, cCurrentModuleObject, cAlphaArgs(1), cAlphaFieldNames(1), "Subroutines", errFlag, ErrorsFound);
    3206          19 :                 if (!errFlag) {
    3207          19 :                     state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlStack(StackNum).Name = cAlphaArgs(1);
    3208             :                 }
    3209             : 
    3210          19 :                 if (NumAlphas > 1) {
    3211          19 :                     state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlStack(StackNum).Line.allocate(NumAlphas - 1);
    3212          19 :                     state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlStack(StackNum).NumLines = NumAlphas - 1;
    3213          19 :                     state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlStack(StackNum).Line({1, NumAlphas - 1}) = cAlphaArgs({2, NumAlphas}); // note array assignment
    3214             :                 }
    3215             :             }
    3216             :         }
    3217             : 
    3218          71 :         cCurrentModuleObject = "EnergyManagementSystem:TrendVariable";
    3219          71 :         state.dataRuntimeLang->NumErlTrendVariables = state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getNumObjectsFound(state, cCurrentModuleObject);
    3220          71 :         if (state.dataRuntimeLang->NumErlTrendVariables > 0) {
    3221           3 :             state.dataRuntimeLang->TrendVariable.allocate(state.dataRuntimeLang->NumErlTrendVariables);
    3222           8 :             for (TrendNum = 1; TrendNum <= state.dataRuntimeLang->NumErlTrendVariables; ++TrendNum) {
    3223           5 :                 state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectItem(state,
    3224             :                                                                          cCurrentModuleObject,
    3225             :                                                                          TrendNum,
    3226             :                                                                          cAlphaArgs,
    3227             :                                                                          NumAlphas,
    3228             :                                                                          rNumericArgs,
    3229             :                                                                          NumNums,
    3230             :                                                                          IOStat,
    3231             :                                                                          lNumericFieldBlanks,
    3232             :                                                                          lAlphaFieldBlanks,
    3233             :                                                                          cAlphaFieldNames,
    3234             :                                                                          cNumericFieldNames);
    3235           5 :                 UtilityRoutines::IsNameEmpty(state, cAlphaArgs(1), cCurrentModuleObject, ErrorsFound);
    3236             : 
    3237           5 :                 ValidateEMSVariableName(state, cCurrentModuleObject, cAlphaArgs(1), cAlphaFieldNames(1), errFlag, ErrorsFound);
    3238           5 :                 if (!errFlag) {
    3239           5 :                     state.dataRuntimeLang->TrendVariable(TrendNum).Name = cAlphaArgs(1);
    3240             :                 }
    3241             : 
    3242           5 :                 VariableNum = FindEMSVariable(state, cAlphaArgs(2), 0);
    3243             :                 // Still need to check for conflicts with program and function names too
    3244           5 :                 if (VariableNum == 0) { // did not find it
    3245           0 :                     ShowSevereError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + cCurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + cAlphaArgs(1) + " invalid field.");
    3246           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "Invalid " + cAlphaFieldNames(2) + '=' + cAlphaArgs(2));
    3247           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "Did not find a match with an EMS variable name");
    3248           0 :                     ErrorsFound = true;
    3249             :                 } else { // found it.
    3250           5 :                     state.dataRuntimeLang->TrendVariable(TrendNum).ErlVariablePointer = VariableNum;
    3251             :                     // register the trend pointer in ErlVariable.
    3252           5 :                     state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlVariable(VariableNum).Value.TrendVariable = true;
    3253           5 :                     state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlVariable(VariableNum).Value.TrendVarPointer = TrendNum;
    3254           5 :                     state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlVariable(VariableNum).Value.initialized = true; // Cannot figure out how to get around needing this,
    3255             :                 }
    3256             : 
    3257           5 :                 NumTrendSteps = std::floor(rNumericArgs(1));
    3258           5 :                 if (NumTrendSteps > 0) {
    3259           5 :                     state.dataRuntimeLang->TrendVariable(TrendNum).LogDepth = NumTrendSteps;
    3260             :                     // setup data arrays using NumTrendSteps
    3261           5 :                     state.dataRuntimeLang->TrendVariable(TrendNum).TrendValARR.allocate(NumTrendSteps);
    3262           5 :                     state.dataRuntimeLang->TrendVariable(TrendNum).TrendValARR = 0.0; // array init
    3263           5 :                     state.dataRuntimeLang->TrendVariable(TrendNum).tempTrendARR.allocate(NumTrendSteps);
    3264           5 :                     state.dataRuntimeLang->TrendVariable(TrendNum).tempTrendARR = 0.0; // array init
    3265           5 :                     state.dataRuntimeLang->TrendVariable(TrendNum).TimeARR.allocate(NumTrendSteps);
    3266             :                     // construct time data array for use with other calculations later
    3267             :                     // current time is zero, each value in trend log array is one zone timestep further back in time
    3268             :                     // units are hours.  all terms negative, getting increasingly negative the further back in time
    3269             :                     //  further back in time is higher index in array
    3270        1805 :                     for (loop = 1; loop <= NumTrendSteps; ++loop) {
    3271        1805 :                         if (loop == 1) {
    3272           5 :                             state.dataRuntimeLang->TrendVariable(TrendNum).TimeARR(loop) = -state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZone;
    3273           5 :                             continue;
    3274             :                         } else {
    3275        1795 :                             state.dataRuntimeLang->TrendVariable(TrendNum).TimeARR(loop) =
    3276        1795 :                                 state.dataRuntimeLang->TrendVariable(TrendNum).TimeARR(loop - 1) - state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZone; // fractional hours
    3277             :                         }
    3278             :                     }
    3279             :                 } else {
    3280           0 :                     ShowSevereError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + cCurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + cAlphaArgs(1) + " invalid field.");
    3281           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, format("Invalid {}={:.2T}", cNumericFieldNames(1), rNumericArgs(1)));
    3282           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "must be greater than zero");
    3283           0 :                     ErrorsFound = true;
    3284             :                 }
    3285             : 
    3286             :             } // trendnum
    3287             :         }
    3288             : 
    3289          71 :         if (ErrorsFound) {
    3290           0 :             ShowFatalError(state, "Errors found in getting EMS Runtime Language input. Preceding condition causes termination.");
    3291             :         }
    3292             : 
    3293             :         // Parse the runtime language code
    3294         700 :         for (StackNum = 1; StackNum <= state.dataRuntimeLang->NumErlStacks; ++StackNum) {
    3295         629 :             ParseStack(state, StackNum);
    3296             : 
    3297         629 :             if (state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlStack(StackNum).NumErrors > 0) {
    3298           0 :                 ShowSevereError(
    3299           0 :                     state, "Errors found parsing EMS Runtime Language program or subroutine = " + state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlStack(StackNum).Name);
    3300           0 :                 for (ErrorNum = 1; ErrorNum <= state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlStack(StackNum).NumErrors; ++ErrorNum) {
    3301           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlStack(StackNum).Error(ErrorNum));
    3302             :                 }
    3303           0 :                 ErrorsFound = true;
    3304             :             }
    3305             :         } // StackNum
    3306             : 
    3307          71 :         if (ErrorsFound) {
    3308           0 :             ShowFatalError(state, "Errors found in parsing EMS Runtime Language input. Preceding condition causes termination.");
    3309             :         }
    3310             : 
    3311          71 :         if ((state.dataRuntimeLang->NumEMSOutputVariables > 0) || (state.dataRuntimeLang->NumEMSMeteredOutputVariables > 0)) {
    3312         111 :             state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->RuntimeReportVar.allocate(state.dataRuntimeLang->NumEMSOutputVariables +
    3313         111 :                                                                       state.dataRuntimeLang->NumEMSMeteredOutputVariables);
    3314             :         }
    3315             : 
    3316          71 :         if (state.dataRuntimeLang->NumEMSOutputVariables > 0) {
    3317          37 :             cCurrentModuleObject = "EnergyManagementSystem:OutputVariable";
    3318         373 :             for (RuntimeReportVarNum = 1; RuntimeReportVarNum <= state.dataRuntimeLang->NumEMSOutputVariables; ++RuntimeReportVarNum) {
    3319         336 :                 state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectItem(state,
    3320             :                                                                          cCurrentModuleObject,
    3321             :                                                                          RuntimeReportVarNum,
    3322             :                                                                          cAlphaArgs,
    3323             :                                                                          NumAlphas,
    3324             :                                                                          rNumericArgs,
    3325             :                                                                          NumNums,
    3326             :                                                                          IOStat,
    3327             :                                                                          lNumericFieldBlanks,
    3328             :                                                                          lAlphaFieldBlanks,
    3329             :                                                                          cAlphaFieldNames,
    3330             :                                                                          cNumericFieldNames);
    3331         672 :                 GlobalNames::VerifyUniqueInterObjectName(state,
    3332         336 :                                                          state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->RuntimeReportVarUniqueNames,
    3333         336 :                                                          cAlphaArgs(1),
    3334             :                                                          cCurrentModuleObject,
    3335         336 :                                                          cAlphaFieldNames(1),
    3336             :                                                          ErrorsFound);
    3337             : 
    3338         336 :                 lbracket = index(cAlphaArgs(1), '[');
    3339         336 :                 if (lbracket == std::string::npos) {
    3340         336 :                     UnitsA = "";
    3341             :                     //          if (lAlphaFieldBlanks(6)) then
    3342             :                     //            CALL ShowWarningError(state, RoutineName//TRIM(cCurrentModuleObject)//'="'//TRIM(cAlphaArgs(1))//' no units
    3343             :                     //            indicated.') CALL ShowContinueError(state, ' units indicated for this variable. [] is assumed.')
    3344             :                     //            cAlphaArgs(1)=TRIM(cAlphaArgs(1))//' []'
    3345             :                     //          endif
    3346         336 :                     UnitsB = cAlphaArgs(6);
    3347         336 :                     lbracket = index(UnitsB, '[');
    3348         336 :                     ptr = index(UnitsB, ']');
    3349         336 :                     if (lbracket != std::string::npos) {
    3350           0 :                         UnitsB[lbracket] = ' ';
    3351           0 :                         if (ptr != std::string::npos) {
    3352           0 :                             UnitsB[ptr] = ' ';
    3353             :                         }
    3354           0 :                         strip(UnitsB);
    3355             :                     }
    3356             :                 } else { // units shown on Name field (7.2 and pre versions)
    3357           0 :                     ptr = index(cAlphaArgs(1), ']');
    3358           0 :                     if (ptr != std::string::npos) {
    3359           0 :                         UnitsA = cAlphaArgs(1).substr(lbracket + 1, ptr - lbracket - 1);
    3360             :                     } else {
    3361           0 :                         UnitsA = cAlphaArgs(1).substr(lbracket + 1);
    3362             :                     }
    3363           0 :                     cAlphaArgs(1).erase(lbracket - 1);
    3364           0 :                     UnitsB = cAlphaArgs(6);
    3365           0 :                     lbracket = index(UnitsB, '[');
    3366           0 :                     ptr = index(UnitsB, ']');
    3367           0 :                     if (lbracket != std::string::npos) {
    3368           0 :                         UnitsB[lbracket] = ' ';
    3369           0 :                         if (ptr != std::string::npos) {
    3370           0 :                             UnitsB[ptr] = ' ';
    3371             :                         }
    3372           0 :                         strip(UnitsB);
    3373             :                     }
    3374           0 :                     if (UnitsA != "" && UnitsB != "") {
    3375           0 :                         if (UnitsA != UnitsB) {
    3376           0 :                             ShowWarningError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + cCurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + cAlphaArgs(1) + " mismatched units.");
    3377           0 :                             ShowContinueError(state, "...Units entered in " + cAlphaFieldNames(1) + " (deprecated use)=\"" + UnitsA + "\"");
    3378           0 :                             ShowContinueError(state, "..." + cAlphaFieldNames(6) + "=\"" + UnitsB + "\" (will be used)");
    3379             :                         }
    3380           0 :                     } else if (UnitsB == "" && UnitsA != "") {
    3381           0 :                         UnitsB = UnitsA;
    3382           0 :                         ShowWarningError(state,
    3383           0 :                                          std::string{RoutineName} + cCurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + cAlphaArgs(1) +
    3384             :                                              "\" using deprecated units designation.");
    3385           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "...Units entered in " + cAlphaFieldNames(1) + " (deprecated use)=\"" + UnitsA + "\"");
    3386             :                     }
    3387             :                 }
    3388         336 :                 curUnit = OutputProcessor::unitStringToEnum(UnitsB);
    3389             : 
    3390         336 :                 state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->RuntimeReportVar(RuntimeReportVarNum).Name = cAlphaArgs(1);
    3391             : 
    3392         336 :                 if (!lAlphaFieldBlanks(5)) {
    3393             :                     // Lookup the Runtime Language Context, i.e., PROGRAM, FUNCTION, or global
    3394         241 :                     Found = false;
    3395       10989 :                     for (StackNum = 1; StackNum <= state.dataRuntimeLang->NumErlStacks; ++StackNum) {
    3396       10989 :                         if (state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlStack(StackNum).Name == cAlphaArgs(5)) {
    3397         241 :                             Found = true;
    3398         241 :                             break;
    3399             :                         }
    3400             :                     }
    3401         241 :                     if (!Found) {
    3402           0 :                         StackNum = 0;
    3403           0 :                         ShowSevereError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + cCurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + cAlphaArgs(1) + " invalid field.");
    3404           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "Invalid " + cAlphaFieldNames(5) + '=' + cAlphaArgs(5));
    3405           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "EMS program or subroutine not found.");
    3406           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
    3407             :                     }
    3408             :                 } else {
    3409          95 :                     StackNum = 0;
    3410             :                 }
    3411             : 
    3412         336 :                 VariableNum = FindEMSVariable(state, cAlphaArgs(2), StackNum);
    3413             : 
    3414         336 :                 if (VariableNum == 0) {
    3415           0 :                     if (lAlphaFieldBlanks(5)) {
    3416           0 :                         ShowSevereError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + cCurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + cAlphaArgs(1) + " invalid field.");
    3417           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "Invalid " + cAlphaFieldNames(2) + '=' + cAlphaArgs(2));
    3418           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "EMS variable not found among global variables.");
    3419           0 :                     } else if (StackNum != 0) {
    3420           0 :                         ShowSevereError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + cCurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + cAlphaArgs(1) + " invalid field.");
    3421           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "Invalid " + cAlphaFieldNames(2) + '=' + cAlphaArgs(2));
    3422           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "EMS variable not found among local variables in " + cAlphaArgs(5));
    3423             :                     }
    3424           0 :                     ErrorsFound = true;
    3425             :                     //        ELSEIF (INDEX('0123456789',cAlphaArgs(2)(1:1)) > 0) THEN
    3426             :                     //            CALL ShowSevereError(state, 'Invalid '//TRIM(cAlphaFieldNames(2))//'='//TRIM(cAlphaArgs(2)))
    3427             :                     //            CALL ShowContinueError(state, 'Entered in '//TRIM(cCurrentModuleObject)//'='//TRIM(cAlphaArgs(1)))
    3428             :                     //            CALL ShowContinueError(state, 'Names used as Erl output variables cannot start with numeric characters.')
    3429             :                     //            ErrorsFound = .TRUE.
    3430             :                 } else {
    3431         336 :                     state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->RuntimeReportVar(RuntimeReportVarNum).VariableNum = VariableNum;
    3432             :                 }
    3433             : 
    3434             :                 {
    3435         672 :                     auto const SELECT_CASE_var(cAlphaArgs(3));
    3436             : 
    3437         336 :                     if (SELECT_CASE_var == "AVERAGED") {
    3438         142 :                         VarTypeString = OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average;
    3439         194 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == "SUMMED") {
    3440         194 :                         VarTypeString = OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed;
    3441             :                     } else {
    3442           0 :                         ShowSevereError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + cCurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + cAlphaArgs(1) + " invalid field.");
    3443           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "Invalid " + cAlphaFieldNames(3) + '=' + cAlphaArgs(3));
    3444           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "...valid values are Averaged or Summed.");
    3445           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
    3446             :                     }
    3447             :                 }
    3448             : 
    3449             :                 {
    3450         672 :                     auto const SELECT_CASE_var(cAlphaArgs(4));
    3451             : 
    3452         336 :                     if (SELECT_CASE_var == "ZONETIMESTEP") {
    3453         236 :                         FreqString = OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone;
    3454         100 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == "SYSTEMTIMESTEP") {
    3455         100 :                         FreqString = OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System;
    3456             :                     } else {
    3457           0 :                         ShowSevereError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + cCurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + cAlphaArgs(1) + " invalid field.");
    3458           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "Invalid " + cAlphaFieldNames(4) + '=' + cAlphaArgs(4));
    3459           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "...valid values are ZoneTimestep or SystemTimestep.");
    3460           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
    3461             :                     }
    3462             :                 }
    3463             : 
    3464         336 :                 if (curUnit != OutputProcessor::Unit::unknown) {
    3465         990 :                     SetupOutputVariable(state,
    3466         330 :                                         cAlphaArgs(1),
    3467             :                                         curUnit,
    3468         330 :                                         state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->RuntimeReportVar(RuntimeReportVarNum).Value,
    3469             :                                         FreqString,
    3470             :                                         VarTypeString,
    3471         330 :                                         "EMS");
    3472             :                 } else {
    3473          18 :                     SetupOutputVariable(state,
    3474           6 :                                         cAlphaArgs(1),
    3475             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::customEMS,
    3476           6 :                                         state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->RuntimeReportVar(RuntimeReportVarNum).Value,
    3477             :                                         FreqString,
    3478             :                                         VarTypeString,
    3479             :                                         "EMS",
    3480             :                                         _,
    3481             :                                         _,
    3482             :                                         _,
    3483             :                                         _,
    3484             :                                         _,
    3485             :                                         _,
    3486             :                                         _,
    3487             :                                         _,
    3488             :                                         _,
    3489           6 :                                         UnitsB);
    3490             :                 }
    3491             :                 // Last field is index key, no indexing here so mimic weather output data
    3492             : 
    3493             :             } // RuntimeReportVarNum
    3494             :         }     // NumEMSOutputVariables > 0
    3495             : 
    3496          71 :         if (state.dataRuntimeLang->NumEMSMeteredOutputVariables > 0) {
    3497           4 :             cCurrentModuleObject = "EnergyManagementSystem:MeteredOutputVariable";
    3498          15 :             for (loop = 1; loop <= state.dataRuntimeLang->NumEMSMeteredOutputVariables; ++loop) {
    3499          11 :                 RuntimeReportVarNum = state.dataRuntimeLang->NumEMSOutputVariables + loop;
    3500          11 :                 state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectItem(state,
    3501             :                                                                          cCurrentModuleObject,
    3502             :                                                                          loop,
    3503             :                                                                          cAlphaArgs,
    3504             :                                                                          NumAlphas,
    3505             :                                                                          rNumericArgs,
    3506             :                                                                          NumNums,
    3507             :                                                                          IOStat,
    3508             :                                                                          lNumericFieldBlanks,
    3509             :                                                                          lAlphaFieldBlanks,
    3510             :                                                                          cAlphaFieldNames,
    3511             :                                                                          cNumericFieldNames);
    3512             : 
    3513          22 :                 GlobalNames::VerifyUniqueInterObjectName(state,
    3514          11 :                                                          state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->RuntimeReportVarUniqueNames,
    3515          11 :                                                          cAlphaArgs(1),
    3516             :                                                          cCurrentModuleObject,
    3517          11 :                                                          cAlphaFieldNames(1),
    3518             :                                                          ErrorsFound);
    3519             : 
    3520          11 :                 lbracket = index(cAlphaArgs(1), '[');
    3521          11 :                 if (lbracket == std::string::npos) {
    3522          10 :                     UnitsA = "";
    3523             :                     //          if (lAlphaFieldBlanks(9)) then
    3524             :                     //            CALL ShowWarningError(state, RoutineName//TRIM(cCurrentModuleObject)//'="'//TRIM(cAlphaArgs(1))//' no units
    3525             :                     //            indicated.') CALL ShowContinueError(state, ' units indicated for this variable. [] is assumed.')
    3526             :                     //            cAlphaArgs(1)=TRIM(cAlphaArgs(1))//' []'
    3527             :                     //          endif
    3528          10 :                     UnitsB = cAlphaArgs(9);
    3529          10 :                     lbracket = index(UnitsB, '[');
    3530          10 :                     ptr = index(UnitsB, ']');
    3531          10 :                     if (lbracket != std::string::npos) {
    3532           0 :                         UnitsB[lbracket] = ' ';
    3533           0 :                         if (ptr != std::string::npos) {
    3534           0 :                             UnitsB[ptr] = ' ';
    3535             :                         }
    3536           0 :                         strip(UnitsB);
    3537             :                     }
    3538             :                 } else { // units shown on Name field (7.2 and pre versions)
    3539           1 :                     ptr = index(cAlphaArgs(1), ']');
    3540           1 :                     if (ptr != std::string::npos) {
    3541           1 :                         UnitsA = cAlphaArgs(1).substr(lbracket + 1, ptr - lbracket - 1);
    3542             :                     } else {
    3543           0 :                         UnitsA = cAlphaArgs(1).substr(lbracket + 1);
    3544             :                     }
    3545           1 :                     cAlphaArgs(1).erase(lbracket - 1);
    3546           1 :                     UnitsB = cAlphaArgs(9);
    3547           1 :                     lbracket = index(UnitsB, '[');
    3548           1 :                     ptr = index(UnitsB, ']');
    3549           1 :                     if (lbracket != std::string::npos) {
    3550           0 :                         UnitsB[lbracket] = ' ';
    3551           0 :                         if (ptr != std::string::npos) {
    3552           0 :                             UnitsB[ptr] = ' ';
    3553             :                         }
    3554           0 :                         strip(UnitsB);
    3555             :                     }
    3556           1 :                     if (UnitsA != "" && UnitsB != "") {
    3557           0 :                         if (UnitsA != UnitsB) {
    3558           0 :                             ShowWarningError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + cCurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + cAlphaArgs(1) + " mismatched units.");
    3559           0 :                             ShowContinueError(state, "...Units entered in " + cAlphaFieldNames(1) + " (deprecated use)=\"" + UnitsA + "\"");
    3560           0 :                             ShowContinueError(state, "..." + cAlphaFieldNames(9) + "=\"" + UnitsB + "\" (will be used)");
    3561             :                         }
    3562           1 :                     } else if (UnitsB == "" && UnitsA != "") {
    3563           1 :                         UnitsB = UnitsA;
    3564           3 :                         ShowWarningError(state,
    3565           2 :                                          std::string{RoutineName} + cCurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + cAlphaArgs(1) +
    3566             :                                              "\" using deprecated units designation.");
    3567           1 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "...Units entered in " + cAlphaFieldNames(1) + " (deprecated use)=\"" + UnitsA + "\"");
    3568             :                     }
    3569             :                 }
    3570          11 :                 curUnit = OutputProcessor::unitStringToEnum(UnitsB);
    3571             : 
    3572          11 :                 state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->RuntimeReportVar(RuntimeReportVarNum).Name = cAlphaArgs(1);
    3573             : 
    3574          11 :                 if (!lAlphaFieldBlanks(4)) {
    3575             :                     // Lookup the Runtime Language Context, i.e., PROGRAM, FUNCTION, or global
    3576          11 :                     Found = false;
    3577          63 :                     for (StackNum = 1; StackNum <= state.dataRuntimeLang->NumErlStacks; ++StackNum) {
    3578          63 :                         if (state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlStack(StackNum).Name == cAlphaArgs(4)) {
    3579          11 :                             Found = true;
    3580          11 :                             break;
    3581             :                         }
    3582             :                     }
    3583          11 :                     if (!Found) {
    3584           0 :                         StackNum = 0;
    3585           0 :                         ShowSevereError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + cCurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + cAlphaArgs(1) + " invalid field.");
    3586           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "Invalid " + cAlphaFieldNames(4) + '=' + cAlphaArgs(4));
    3587           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "EMS program or subroutine not found.");
    3588           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
    3589             :                     }
    3590             :                 } else {
    3591           0 :                     StackNum = 0;
    3592             :                 }
    3593             : 
    3594          11 :                 VariableNum = FindEMSVariable(state, cAlphaArgs(2), StackNum);
    3595          11 :                 if (VariableNum == 0) {
    3596           0 :                     if (lAlphaFieldBlanks(4)) {
    3597           0 :                         ShowSevereError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + cCurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + cAlphaArgs(1) + " invalid field.");
    3598           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "Invalid " + cAlphaFieldNames(2) + '=' + cAlphaArgs(2));
    3599           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "EMS variable not found among global variables.");
    3600           0 :                     } else if (StackNum != 0) {
    3601           0 :                         ShowSevereError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + cCurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + cAlphaArgs(1) + " invalid field.");
    3602           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "Invalid " + cAlphaFieldNames(2) + '=' + cAlphaArgs(2));
    3603           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "EMS variable not found among local variables in " + cAlphaArgs(5));
    3604             :                     }
    3605           0 :                     ErrorsFound = true;
    3606             :                     //        ELSEIF (INDEX('0123456789',cAlphaArgs(2)(1:1)) > 0) THEN
    3607             :                     //            CALL ShowSevereError(state, 'Invalid '//TRIM(cAlphaFieldNames(2))//'='//TRIM(cAlphaArgs(2)))
    3608             :                     //            CALL ShowContinueError(state, 'Entered in '//TRIM(cCurrentModuleObject)//'='//TRIM(cAlphaArgs(1)))
    3609             :                     //            CALL ShowContinueError(state, 'Names used as Erl output variables cannot start with numeric characters.')
    3610             :                     //            ErrorsFound = .TRUE.
    3611             :                 } else {
    3612          11 :                     state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->RuntimeReportVar(RuntimeReportVarNum).VariableNum = VariableNum;
    3613             :                 }
    3614             : 
    3615          11 :                 VarTypeString = OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed; // all metered vars are sum type
    3616             : 
    3617             :                 {
    3618          22 :                     auto const SELECT_CASE_var(cAlphaArgs(3));
    3619             : 
    3620          11 :                     if (SELECT_CASE_var == "ZONETIMESTEP") {
    3621           0 :                         FreqString = OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone;
    3622          11 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == "SYSTEMTIMESTEP") {
    3623          11 :                         FreqString = OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System;
    3624             :                     } else {
    3625           0 :                         ShowSevereError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + cCurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + cAlphaArgs(1) + " invalid field.");
    3626           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "Invalid " + cAlphaFieldNames(4) + '=' + cAlphaArgs(4));
    3627           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "...valid values are ZoneTimestep or SystemTimestep.");
    3628           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
    3629             :                     }
    3630             :                 }
    3631             : 
    3632             :                 // Resource Type
    3633             :                 {
    3634          22 :                     auto const SELECT_CASE_var(cAlphaArgs(5));
    3635             : 
    3636          11 :                     if (SELECT_CASE_var == "ELECTRICITY") {
    3637           5 :                         ResourceTypeString = "Electricity";
    3638           6 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == "NATURALGAS") {
    3639           0 :                         ResourceTypeString = "NaturalGas";
    3640           6 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == "GASOLINE") {
    3641           0 :                         ResourceTypeString = "Gasoline";
    3642           6 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == "DIESEL") {
    3643           0 :                         ResourceTypeString = "Diesel";
    3644           6 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == "COAL") {
    3645           0 :                         ResourceTypeString = "Coal";
    3646           6 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == "FUELOILNO1") {
    3647           0 :                         ResourceTypeString = "FuelOilNo1";
    3648           6 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == "FUELOILNO2") {
    3649           0 :                         ResourceTypeString = "FuelOilNo2";
    3650           6 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == "OTHERFUEL1") {
    3651           0 :                         ResourceTypeString = "OtherFuel1";
    3652           6 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == "OTHERFUEL2") {
    3653           0 :                         ResourceTypeString = "OtherFuel2";
    3654           6 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == "PROPANE") {
    3655           0 :                         ResourceTypeString = "Propane";
    3656           6 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == "WATERUSE") {
    3657           0 :                         ResourceTypeString = "Water";
    3658           6 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == "ONSITEWATERPRODUCED") {
    3659           0 :                         ResourceTypeString = "OnSiteWater";
    3660           6 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == "MAINSWATERSUPPLY") {
    3661           0 :                         ResourceTypeString = "MainsWater";
    3662           6 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == "RAINWATERCOLLECTED") {
    3663           0 :                         ResourceTypeString = "RainWater";
    3664           6 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == "WELLWATERDRAWN") {
    3665           0 :                         ResourceTypeString = "WellWater";
    3666           6 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == "CONDENSATEWATERCOLLECTED") {
    3667           0 :                         ResourceTypeString = "Condensate";
    3668           6 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == "ENERGYTRANSFER") {
    3669           6 :                         ResourceTypeString = "EnergyTransfer";
    3670           0 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == "STEAM") {
    3671           0 :                         ResourceTypeString = "Steam";
    3672           0 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == "DISTRICTCOOLING") {
    3673           0 :                         ResourceTypeString = "DistrictCooling";
    3674           0 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == "DISTRICTHEATING") {
    3675           0 :                         ResourceTypeString = "DistrictHeating";
    3676           0 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == "ELECTRICITYPRODUCEDONSITE") {
    3677           0 :                         ResourceTypeString = "ElectricityProduced";
    3678           0 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == "SOLARWATERHEATING") {
    3679           0 :                         ResourceTypeString = "SolarWater";
    3680           0 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == "SOLARAIRHEATING") {
    3681           0 :                         ResourceTypeString = "SolarAir";
    3682             :                     } else {
    3683           0 :                         ShowSevereError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + cCurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + cAlphaArgs(1) + " invalid field.");
    3684           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "Invalid " + cAlphaFieldNames(5) + '=' + cAlphaArgs(5));
    3685           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
    3686             :                     }
    3687             :                 }
    3688             : 
    3689             :                 // Group Type
    3690             :                 {
    3691          22 :                     auto const SELECT_CASE_var(cAlphaArgs(6));
    3692             : 
    3693          11 :                     if (SELECT_CASE_var == "BUILDING") {
    3694           0 :                         GroupTypeString = "Building";
    3695          11 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == "HVAC") {
    3696           5 :                         GroupTypeString = "HVAC";
    3697           6 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == "PLANT") {
    3698           0 :                         GroupTypeString = "Plant";
    3699           6 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == "SYSTEM") {
    3700           6 :                         GroupTypeString = "System";
    3701             :                     } else {
    3702           0 :                         ShowSevereError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + cCurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + cAlphaArgs(1) + " invalid field.");
    3703           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "Invalid " + cAlphaFieldNames(6) + '=' + cAlphaArgs(6));
    3704           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
    3705             :                     }
    3706             :                 }
    3707             : 
    3708             :                 // End Use Type
    3709             :                 {
    3710          22 :                     auto const SELECT_CASE_var(cAlphaArgs(7));
    3711             : 
    3712          11 :                     if (SELECT_CASE_var == "HEATING") {
    3713           0 :                         EndUseTypeString = "Heating";
    3714          11 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == "COOLING") {
    3715           5 :                         EndUseTypeString = "Cooling";
    3716           6 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == "INTERIORLIGHTS") {
    3717           0 :                         EndUseTypeString = "InteriorLights";
    3718           6 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == "EXTERIORLIGHTS") {
    3719           0 :                         EndUseTypeString = "ExteriorLights";
    3720           6 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == "INTERIOREQUIPMENT") {
    3721           0 :                         EndUseTypeString = "InteriorEquipment";
    3722           6 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == "EXTERIOREQUIPMENT") {
    3723           0 :                         EndUseTypeString = "ExteriorEquipment";
    3724           6 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == "FANS") {
    3725           0 :                         EndUseTypeString = "Fans";
    3726           6 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == "PUMPS") {
    3727           0 :                         EndUseTypeString = "Pumps";
    3728           6 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == "HEATREJECTION") {
    3729           0 :                         EndUseTypeString = "HeatRejection";
    3730           6 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == "HUMIDIFIER") {
    3731           0 :                         EndUseTypeString = "Humidifier";
    3732           6 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == "HEATRECOVERY") {
    3733           0 :                         EndUseTypeString = "HeatRecovery";
    3734           6 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == "WATERSYSTEMS") {
    3735           0 :                         EndUseTypeString = "WaterSystems";
    3736           6 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == "REFRIGERATION") {
    3737           0 :                         EndUseTypeString = "Refrigeration";
    3738           6 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == "ONSITEGENERATION") {
    3739           0 :                         EndUseTypeString = "Cogeneration";
    3740           6 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == "HEATINGCOILS") {
    3741           2 :                         EndUseTypeString = "HeatingCoils";
    3742           4 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == "COOLINGCOILS") {
    3743           4 :                         EndUseTypeString = "CoolingCoils";
    3744           0 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == "CHILLERS") {
    3745           0 :                         EndUseTypeString = "Chillers";
    3746           0 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == "BOILERS") {
    3747           0 :                         EndUseTypeString = "Boilers";
    3748           0 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == "BASEBOARD") {
    3749           0 :                         EndUseTypeString = "Baseboard";
    3750           0 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == "HEATRECOVERYFORCOOLING") {
    3751           0 :                         EndUseTypeString = "HeatRecoveryForCooling";
    3752           0 :                     } else if (SELECT_CASE_var == "HEATRECOVERYFORHEATING") {
    3753           0 :                         EndUseTypeString = "HeatRecoveryForHeating";
    3754             :                     } else {
    3755           0 :                         ShowSevereError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + cCurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + cAlphaArgs(1) + " invalid field.");
    3756           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "Invalid " + cAlphaFieldNames(7) + '=' + cAlphaArgs(7));
    3757           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
    3758             :                     }
    3759             :                 }
    3760             : 
    3761             :                 // Additional End Use Types Only Used for EnergyTransfer
    3762          16 :                 if ((ResourceTypeString != "EnergyTransfer") &&
    3763          15 :                     (EndUseTypeString == "HeatingCoils" || EndUseTypeString == "CoolingCoils" || EndUseTypeString == "Chillers" ||
    3764          15 :                      EndUseTypeString == "Boilers" || EndUseTypeString == "Baseboard" || EndUseTypeString == "HeatRecoveryForCooling" ||
    3765           5 :                      EndUseTypeString == "HeatRecoveryForHeating")) {
    3766           0 :                     ShowWarningError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + cCurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + cAlphaArgs(1) + " invalid field.");
    3767           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state,
    3768           0 :                                       "Invalid " + cAlphaFieldNames(5) + "=" + cAlphaArgs(5) + " for " + cAlphaFieldNames(7) + "=" + cAlphaArgs(7));
    3769           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "Field " + cAlphaFieldNames(5) + " is reset from " + cAlphaArgs(5) + " to EnergyTransfer");
    3770           0 :                     ResourceTypeString = "EnergyTransfer";
    3771             :                 }
    3772             : 
    3773          11 :                 if (!lAlphaFieldBlanks(8)) {
    3774           5 :                     EndUseSubCatString = cAlphaArgs(8);
    3775             : 
    3776          15 :                     SetupOutputVariable(state,
    3777           5 :                                         cAlphaArgs(1),
    3778             :                                         curUnit,
    3779           5 :                                         state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->RuntimeReportVar(RuntimeReportVarNum).Value,
    3780             :                                         FreqString,
    3781             :                                         VarTypeString,
    3782             :                                         "EMS",
    3783             :                                         _,
    3784             :                                         ResourceTypeString,
    3785             :                                         EndUseTypeString,
    3786             :                                         EndUseSubCatString,
    3787           5 :                                         GroupTypeString);
    3788             :                 } else { // no subcat
    3789          18 :                     SetupOutputVariable(state,
    3790           6 :                                         cAlphaArgs(1),
    3791             :                                         curUnit,
    3792           6 :                                         state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->RuntimeReportVar(RuntimeReportVarNum).Value,
    3793             :                                         FreqString,
    3794             :                                         VarTypeString,
    3795             :                                         "EMS",
    3796             :                                         _,
    3797             :                                         ResourceTypeString,
    3798             :                                         EndUseTypeString,
    3799             :                                         _,
    3800           6 :                                         GroupTypeString);
    3801             :                 }
    3802             :             }
    3803             :         } // NumEMSMeteredOutputVariables > 0
    3804             : 
    3805          71 :         cAlphaFieldNames.deallocate();
    3806          71 :         cAlphaArgs.deallocate();
    3807          71 :         lAlphaFieldBlanks.deallocate();
    3808          71 :         cNumericFieldNames.deallocate();
    3809          71 :         rNumericArgs.deallocate();
    3810          71 :         lNumericFieldBlanks.deallocate();
    3811             : 
    3812          71 :         if (ErrorsFound) {
    3813           0 :             ShowFatalError(state, "Errors found in getting EMS Runtime Language input. Preceding condition causes termination.");
    3814             :         }
    3815             : 
    3816             :     } // GetInput
    3817          71 : }
    3818             : 
    3819     1069041 : void ReportRuntimeLanguage(EnergyPlusData &state)
    3820             : {
    3821             : 
    3822             :     // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    3823             :     //       AUTHOR         Peter Graham Ellis
    3824             :     //       DATE WRITTEN   June 2006
    3825             :     //       MODIFIED       na
    3826             :     //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
    3827             : 
    3828             :     // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    3829             : 
    3830             :     // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
    3831             : 
    3832             :     // USE STATEMENTS:
    3833             : 
    3834             :     // Locals
    3836             :     int RuntimeReportVarNum;
    3837             :     int VariableNum;
    3838             : 
    3839     6446780 :     for (RuntimeReportVarNum = 1;
    3840     6446780 :          RuntimeReportVarNum <= state.dataRuntimeLang->NumEMSOutputVariables + state.dataRuntimeLang->NumEMSMeteredOutputVariables;
    3841             :          ++RuntimeReportVarNum) {
    3842     5377739 :         VariableNum = state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->RuntimeReportVar(RuntimeReportVarNum).VariableNum;
    3843     5377739 :         if (state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlVariable(VariableNum).Value.Type == Value::Number) {
    3844     4761940 :             state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->RuntimeReportVar(RuntimeReportVarNum).Value =
    3845     4761940 :                 state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlVariable(VariableNum).Value.Number;
    3846             :         } else {
    3847      615799 :             state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->RuntimeReportVar(RuntimeReportVarNum).Value = 0.0;
    3848             :         }
    3849             :     }
    3850     1069041 : }
    3851             : 
    3852   172934876 : ErlValueType SetErlValueNumber(Real64 const Number, Optional<ErlValueType const> OrigValue)
    3853             : {
    3854             :     // FUNCTION INFORMATION:
    3855             :     //       AUTHOR         P. Ellis
    3856             :     //       DATE WRITTEN   unknown
    3857             :     //       MODIFIED       na
    3858             :     //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
    3859             : 
    3860             :     // PURPOSE OF THIS FUNCTION:
    3861             :     // <description>
    3862             : 
    3863             :     // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
    3864             :     // <description>
    3865             : 
    3866             :     // REFERENCES:
    3867             :     // na
    3868             : 
    3869             :     // USE STATEMENTS:
    3870             :     // na
    3871             : 
    3872             :     // Return value
    3873   172934876 :     ErlValueType newValue;
    3874             : 
    3875             :     // Locals
    3876             :     // FUNCTION ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS:
    3877             :     // na
    3878             : 
    3879             :     // FUNCTION PARAMETER DEFINITIONS:
    3880             :     // na
    3881             : 
    3882             :     // INTERFACE BLOCK SPECIFICATIONS:
    3883             :     // na
    3884             : 
    3885             :     // DERIVED TYPE DEFINITIONS:
    3886             :     // na
    3887             : 
    3888             :     // FUNCTION LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
    3889             :     // na
    3890             : 
    3891   172934876 :     if (present(OrigValue)) { // preserve other parts of structure and only updated Value%Number
    3892    71149181 :         newValue = OrigValue;
    3893    71149181 :         newValue.Number = Number;
    3894             :     } else {
    3895   101785695 :         newValue.Type = Value::Number;
    3896   101785695 :         newValue.Number = Number;
    3897             :     }
    3898             : 
    3899   172934876 :     newValue.initialized = true;
    3900   172934876 :     return newValue;
    3901             : }
    3902             : 
    3903           0 : ErlValueType StringValue(std::string const &String)
    3904             : {
    3905             :     // FUNCTION INFORMATION:
    3906             :     //       AUTHOR         P. Ellis
    3907             :     //       DATE WRITTEN   unkown
    3908             :     //       MODIFIED       na
    3909             :     //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
    3910             : 
    3911             :     // PURPOSE OF THIS FUNCTION:
    3912             :     // convert string to Erl Value structure
    3913             : 
    3914             :     // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
    3915             :     // <description>
    3916             : 
    3917             :     // REFERENCES:
    3918             :     // na
    3919             : 
    3920             :     // USE STATEMENTS:
    3921             :     // na
    3922             : 
    3923             :     // Return value
    3924           0 :     ErlValueType Value;
    3925             : 
    3926             :     // Locals
    3927             :     // FUNCTION ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS:
    3928             :     // na
    3929             : 
    3930             :     // FUNCTION PARAMETER DEFINITIONS:
    3931             :     // na
    3932             : 
    3933             :     // INTERFACE BLOCK SPECIFICATIONS:
    3934             :     // na
    3935             : 
    3936             :     // DERIVED TYPE DEFINITIONS:
    3937             :     // na
    3938             : 
    3939             :     // FUNCTION LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
    3940             :     // na
    3941             : 
    3942           0 :     Value.Type = Value::String;
    3943           0 :     Value.String = String;
    3944             : 
    3945           0 :     return Value;
    3946             : }
    3947             : 
    3948     1912803 : std::string ValueToString(ErlValueType const &Value)
    3949             : {
    3950             :     // FUNCTION INFORMATION:
    3951             :     //       AUTHOR         P. Ellis
    3952             :     //       DATE WRITTEN   Unknown
    3953             :     //       MODIFIED       na
    3954             :     //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
    3955             : 
    3956             :     // PURPOSE OF THIS FUNCTION:
    3957             :     // <description>
    3958             : 
    3959             :     // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
    3960             :     // <description>
    3961             : 
    3962             :     // REFERENCES:
    3963             :     // na
    3964             : 
    3965             :     // Using/Aliasing
    3966             : 
    3967             :     // Return value
    3968     1912803 :     std::string String;
    3969             : 
    3970             :     // Locals
    3971             :     // FUNCTION ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS:
    3972             : 
    3973     1912803 :     String = "";
    3974             : 
    3975     1912803 :     switch (Value.Type) {
    3976     1451639 :     case Value::Number:
    3977     1451639 :         if (Value.Number == 0.0) {
    3978      531020 :             String = "0.0";
    3979             :         } else {
    3980      920619 :             String = format("{:.6T}", Value.Number); //(String)
    3981             :         }
    3982     1451639 :         break;
    3983             : 
    3984      352904 :     case Value::String:
    3985      352904 :         String = Value.String;
    3986      352904 :         break;
    3987             : 
    3988           0 :     case Value::Array:
    3989             :         // TBD
    3990           0 :         break;
    3991             : 
    3992         417 :     case Value::Error:
    3993         417 :         String = " *** Error: " + Value.Error + " *** ";
    3994         417 :         break;
    3995             : 
    3996      107843 :     default:
    3997             :         // Nothing to do
    3998      107843 :         break;
    3999             :     }
    4000             : 
    4001     1912803 :     return String;
    4002             : }
    4003             : 
    4004       25458 : int FindEMSVariable(EnergyPlusData &state,
    4005             :                     std::string const &VariableName, // variable name in Erl
    4006             :                     int const StackNum)
    4007             : {
    4008             : 
    4009             :     // FUNCTION INFORMATION:
    4010             :     //       AUTHOR         Peter Graham Ellis
    4011             :     //       DATE WRITTEN   June 2006
    4012             :     //       MODIFIED       na
    4013             :     //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
    4014             : 
    4015             :     // PURPOSE OF THIS FUNCTION:
    4016             : 
    4017             :     // Return value
    4018             :     int VariableNum;
    4019             : 
    4020             :     // FUNCTION LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
    4021             :     bool Found;
    4022             :     int TrendVarNum;
    4023             : 
    4024       25458 :     Found = false;
    4025       50916 :     std::string const UppercaseName = UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase(VariableName);
    4026             : 
    4027             :     // check in ErlVariables
    4028     7733275 :     for (VariableNum = 1; VariableNum <= state.dataRuntimeLang->NumErlVariables; ++VariableNum) {
    4029     7722314 :         if (state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlVariable(VariableNum).Name == UppercaseName) {
    4030       27942 :             if ((state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlVariable(VariableNum).StackNum == StackNum) ||
    4031       12403 :                 (state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlVariable(VariableNum).StackNum == 0)) {
    4032       14497 :                 Found = true;
    4033       14497 :                 break;
    4034             :             }
    4035             :         }
    4036             :     }
    4037             : 
    4038             :     // check in Trend variables
    4039       27242 :     for (TrendVarNum = 1; TrendVarNum <= state.dataRuntimeLang->NumErlTrendVariables; ++TrendVarNum) {
    4040        1803 :         if (state.dataRuntimeLang->TrendVariable(TrendVarNum).Name == UppercaseName) {
    4041          19 :             VariableNum = state.dataRuntimeLang->TrendVariable(TrendVarNum).ErlVariablePointer;
    4042          38 :             if ((state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlVariable(VariableNum).StackNum == StackNum) ||
    4043          19 :                 (state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlVariable(VariableNum).StackNum == 0)) {
    4044          19 :                 Found = true;
    4045          19 :                 break;
    4046             :             }
    4047             :         }
    4048             :     }
    4049             : 
    4050       25458 :     if (!Found) VariableNum = 0;
    4051             : 
    4052       50916 :     return VariableNum;
    4053             : }
    4054             : 
    4055       21342 : int NewEMSVariable(EnergyPlusData &state, std::string const &VariableName, int const StackNum, Optional<ErlValueType const> Value)
    4056             : {
    4057             : 
    4058             :     // FUNCTION INFORMATION:
    4059             :     //       AUTHOR         Peter Graham Ellis
    4060             :     //       DATE WRITTEN   June 2006
    4061             :     //       MODIFIED       na
    4062             :     //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
    4063             : 
    4064             :     // PURPOSE OF THIS FUNCTION:
    4065             :     // Creates new variable if it doesn't exist.  If exists, returns existing variable number.
    4066             : 
    4067       21342 :     int VariableNum = FindEMSVariable(state, VariableName, StackNum);
    4068             : 
    4069       21342 :     if (VariableNum == 0) { // Variable does not exist anywhere yet
    4070        7180 :         if (state.dataRuntimeLang->NumErlVariables == 0) {
    4071          71 :             state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlVariable.allocate(1);
    4072          71 :             state.dataRuntimeLang->NumErlVariables = 1;
    4073             :         } else { // Extend the variable array
    4074        7109 :             state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlVariable.redimension(++state.dataRuntimeLang->NumErlVariables);
    4075             :         }
    4076             : 
    4077             :         // Add the new variable
    4078        7180 :         VariableNum = state.dataRuntimeLang->NumErlVariables;
    4079        7180 :         state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlVariable(VariableNum).Name = UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase(VariableName);
    4080        7180 :         state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlVariable(VariableNum).StackNum = StackNum;
    4081        7180 :         state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlVariable(VariableNum).Value.Type = Value::Number; // ErlVariable values are numbers
    4082             :     }
    4083             : 
    4084       21342 :     if (present(Value)) state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlVariable(VariableNum).Value = Value;
    4085             : 
    4086       21342 :     return VariableNum;
    4087             : }
    4088             : 
    4089        9753 : void SetupPossibleOperators(EnergyPlusData &state)
    4090             : {
    4091             : 
    4092             :     // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    4093             :     //       AUTHOR         Brent Griffith
    4094             :     //       DATE WRITTEN   May 2009
    4095             :     //       MODIFIED       na
    4096             :     //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
    4097             : 
    4098             :     // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    4099             :     //  setup hard coded list of possible operands
    4100             : 
    4101             :     // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
    4102             :     // Allocate structure and fill basic info on opertors and operands
    4103             :     //  operators include built-in functions where operands are function arguments
    4104             : 
    4105             :     // REFERENCES:
    4106             :     // na
    4107             : 
    4108             :     // USE STATEMENTS:
    4109             :     // na
    4110             : 
    4111             :     // Locals
    4112             :     // SUBROUTINE ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS:
    4113             :     // na
    4114             : 
    4115             :     // SUBROUTINE PARAMETER DEFINITIONS:
    4116             :     // na
    4117             : 
    4118             :     // INTERFACE BLOCK SPECIFICATIONS:
    4119             :     // na
    4120             : 
    4121             :     // DERIVED TYPE DEFINITIONS:
    4122             :     // na
    4123             : 
    4125             : 
    4126        9753 :     if (state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->AlreadyDidOnce) return;
    4127             : 
    4128          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators.allocate(NumPossibleOperators);
    4129             : 
    4130             :     // Build operator table
    4131             :     // Order in this table is the order of precedence
    4132             : 
    4133          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::Literal)).NumOperands = 1;
    4134          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::Literal)).Code = ErlFunc::Literal;
    4135             : 
    4136             :     // not sure how to distinguish from subtract in parsing of tokens, not yet available
    4137             :     //  PossibleOperators(OperatorNegative)%NumOperands = 1
    4138             :     //  PossibleOperators(OperatorNegative)%Code        = OperatorNegative
    4139             :     //  PossibleOperators(OperatorNegative)%Symbol      = '-'
    4140             : 
    4141          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::Divide)).Symbol = "/";
    4142          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::Divide)).NumOperands = 2;
    4143          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::Divide)).Code = ErlFunc::Divide;
    4144             : 
    4145          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::Multiply)).Symbol = "*";
    4146          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::Multiply)).NumOperands = 2;
    4147          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::Multiply)).Code = ErlFunc::Multiply;
    4148             : 
    4149          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::Subtract)).Symbol = "-";
    4150          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::Subtract)).NumOperands = 2;
    4151          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::Subtract)).Code = ErlFunc::Subtract;
    4152             : 
    4153          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::Add)).Symbol = "+";
    4154          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::Add)).NumOperands = 2;
    4155          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::Add)).Code = ErlFunc::Add;
    4156             : 
    4157          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::Equal)).Symbol = "==";
    4158          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::Equal)).NumOperands = 2;
    4159          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::Equal)).Code = ErlFunc::Equal;
    4160             : 
    4161          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::NotEqual)).Symbol = "<>";
    4162          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::NotEqual)).NumOperands = 2;
    4163          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::NotEqual)).Code = ErlFunc::NotEqual;
    4164             : 
    4165          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::LessOrEqual)).Symbol = "<=";
    4166          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::LessOrEqual)).NumOperands = 2;
    4167          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::LessOrEqual)).Code = ErlFunc::LessOrEqual;
    4168             : 
    4169          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::GreaterOrEqual)).Symbol = ">=";
    4170          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::GreaterOrEqual)).NumOperands = 2;
    4171          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::GreaterOrEqual)).Code = ErlFunc::GreaterOrEqual;
    4172             : 
    4173          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::LessThan)).Symbol = "<";
    4174          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::LessThan)).NumOperands = 2;
    4175          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::LessThan)).Code = ErlFunc::LessThan;
    4176             : 
    4177          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::GreaterThan)).Symbol = ">";
    4178          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::GreaterThan)).NumOperands = 2;
    4179          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::GreaterThan)).Code = ErlFunc::GreaterThan;
    4180             : 
    4181          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::RaiseToPower)).Symbol = "^";
    4182          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::RaiseToPower)).NumOperands = 2;
    4183          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::RaiseToPower)).Code = ErlFunc::RaiseToPower;
    4184             : 
    4185          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::LogicalAND)).Symbol = "&&";
    4186          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::LogicalAND)).NumOperands = 2;
    4187          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::LogicalAND)).Code = ErlFunc::LogicalAND;
    4188             : 
    4189          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::LogicalOR)).Symbol = "||";
    4190          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::LogicalOR)).NumOperands = 2;
    4191          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::LogicalOR)).Code = ErlFunc::LogicalOR;
    4192             : 
    4193          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::Round)).Symbol = "@ROUND";
    4194          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::Round)).NumOperands = 1;
    4195          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::Round)).Code = ErlFunc::Round;
    4196             : 
    4197          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::Mod)).Symbol = "@MOD";
    4198          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::Mod)).NumOperands = 2;
    4199          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::Mod)).Code = ErlFunc::Mod;
    4200             : 
    4201          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::Sin)).Symbol = "@SIN";
    4202          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::Sin)).NumOperands = 1;
    4203          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::Sin)).Code = ErlFunc::Sin;
    4204             : 
    4205          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::Cos)).Symbol = "@COS";
    4206          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::Cos)).NumOperands = 1;
    4207          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::Cos)).Code = ErlFunc::Cos;
    4208             : 
    4209          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::ArcSin)).Symbol = "@ARCSIN";
    4210          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::ArcSin)).NumOperands = 1;
    4211          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::ArcSin)).Code = ErlFunc::ArcSin;
    4212             : 
    4213          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::ArcCos)).Symbol = "@ARCCOS";
    4214          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::ArcCos)).NumOperands = 1;
    4215          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::ArcCos)).Code = ErlFunc::ArcCos;
    4216             : 
    4217          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::DegToRad)).Symbol = "@DEGTORAD";
    4218          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::DegToRad)).NumOperands = 1;
    4219          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::DegToRad)).Code = ErlFunc::DegToRad;
    4220             : 
    4221          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::RadToDeg)).Symbol = "@RADTODEG";
    4222          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::RadToDeg)).NumOperands = 1;
    4223          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::RadToDeg)).Code = ErlFunc::RadToDeg;
    4224             : 
    4225          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::Exp)).Symbol = "@EXP";
    4226          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::Exp)).NumOperands = 1;
    4227          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::Exp)).Code = ErlFunc::Exp;
    4228             : 
    4229          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::Ln)).Symbol = "@LN";
    4230          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::Ln)).NumOperands = 1;
    4231          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::Ln)).Code = ErlFunc::Ln;
    4232             : 
    4233          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::Max)).Symbol = "@MAX";
    4234          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::Max)).NumOperands = 2;
    4235          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::Max)).Code = ErlFunc::Max;
    4236             : 
    4237          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::Min)).Symbol = "@MIN";
    4238          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::Min)).NumOperands = 2;
    4239          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::Min)).Code = ErlFunc::Min;
    4240             : 
    4241          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::ABS)).Symbol = "@ABS";
    4242          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::ABS)).NumOperands = 1;
    4243          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::ABS)).Code = ErlFunc::ABS;
    4244             : 
    4245          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::RandU)).Symbol = "@RANDOMUNIFORM";
    4246          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::RandU)).NumOperands = 2;
    4247          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::RandU)).Code = ErlFunc::RandU;
    4248             : 
    4249          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::RandG)).Symbol = "@RANDOMNORMAL";
    4250          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::RandG)).NumOperands = 4;
    4251          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::RandG)).Code = ErlFunc::RandG;
    4252             : 
    4253          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::RandSeed)).Symbol = "@SEEDRANDOM";
    4254          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::RandSeed)).NumOperands = 1;
    4255          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::RandSeed)).Code = ErlFunc::RandSeed;
    4256             : 
    4257          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::RhoAirFnPbTdbW)).Symbol = "@RHOAIRFNPBTDBW";
    4258          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::RhoAirFnPbTdbW)).NumOperands = 3;
    4259          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::RhoAirFnPbTdbW)).Code = ErlFunc::RhoAirFnPbTdbW;
    4260             : 
    4261          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::CpAirFnW)).Symbol = "@CPAIRFNW";
    4262          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::CpAirFnW)).NumOperands = 1;
    4263          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::CpAirFnW)).Code = ErlFunc::CpAirFnW;
    4264             : 
    4265          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::HfgAirFnWTdb)).Symbol = "@HFGAIRFNWTDB";
    4266          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::HfgAirFnWTdb)).NumOperands = 2;
    4267          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::HfgAirFnWTdb)).Code = ErlFunc::HfgAirFnWTdb;
    4268             : 
    4269          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::HgAirFnWTdb)).Symbol = "@HGAIRFNWTDB";
    4270          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::HgAirFnWTdb)).NumOperands = 2;
    4271          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::HgAirFnWTdb)).Code = ErlFunc::HgAirFnWTdb;
    4272             : 
    4273          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TdpFnTdbTwbPb)).Symbol = "@TDPFNTDBTWBPB";
    4274          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TdpFnTdbTwbPb)).NumOperands = 3;
    4275          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TdpFnTdbTwbPb)).Code = ErlFunc::TdpFnTdbTwbPb;
    4276             : 
    4277          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TdpFnWPb)).Symbol = "@TDPFNWPB";
    4278          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TdpFnWPb)).NumOperands = 2;
    4279          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TdpFnWPb)).Code = ErlFunc::TdpFnWPb;
    4280             : 
    4281          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::HFnTdbW)).Symbol = "@HFNTDBW";
    4282          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::HFnTdbW)).NumOperands = 2;
    4283          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::HFnTdbW)).Code = ErlFunc::HFnTdbW;
    4284             : 
    4285          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::HFnTdbRhPb)).Symbol = "@HFNTDBRHPB";
    4286          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::HFnTdbRhPb)).NumOperands = 3;
    4287          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::HFnTdbRhPb)).Code = ErlFunc::HFnTdbRhPb;
    4288             : 
    4289          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TdbFnHW)).Symbol = "@TDBFNHW";
    4290          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TdbFnHW)).NumOperands = 2;
    4291          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TdbFnHW)).Code = ErlFunc::TdbFnHW;
    4292             : 
    4293          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::RhovFnTdbRh)).Symbol = "@RHOVFNTDBR";
    4294          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::RhovFnTdbRh)).NumOperands = 2;
    4295          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::RhovFnTdbRh)).Code = ErlFunc::RhovFnTdbRh;
    4296             : 
    4297          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::RhovFnTdbRhLBnd0C)).Symbol = "@RhovFnTdbRhLBnd0C";
    4298          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::RhovFnTdbRhLBnd0C)).NumOperands = 2;
    4299          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::RhovFnTdbRhLBnd0C)).Code = ErlFunc::RhovFnTdbRhLBnd0C;
    4300             : 
    4301          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::RhovFnTdbWPb)).Symbol = "@RHOVFNTDBWPB";
    4302          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::RhovFnTdbWPb)).NumOperands = 3;
    4303          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::RhovFnTdbWPb)).Code = ErlFunc::RhovFnTdbWPb;
    4304             : 
    4305          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::RhFnTdbRhov)).Symbol = "@RHFNTDBRHOV";
    4306          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::RhFnTdbRhov)).NumOperands = 2;
    4307          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::RhFnTdbRhov)).Code = ErlFunc::RhFnTdbRhov;
    4308             : 
    4309          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::RhFnTdbRhovLBnd0C)).Symbol = "@RHFNTDBRHOVLBND0C";
    4310          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::RhFnTdbRhovLBnd0C)).NumOperands = 2;
    4311          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::RhFnTdbRhovLBnd0C)).Code = ErlFunc::RhFnTdbRhovLBnd0C;
    4312             : 
    4313          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::RhFnTdbWPb)).Symbol = "@RHFNTDBWPB";
    4314          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::RhFnTdbWPb)).NumOperands = 3;
    4315          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::RhFnTdbWPb)).Code = ErlFunc::RhFnTdbWPb;
    4316             : 
    4317          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TwbFnTdbWPb)).Symbol = "@TWBFNTDBWPB";
    4318          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TwbFnTdbWPb)).NumOperands = 3;
    4319          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TwbFnTdbWPb)).Code = ErlFunc::TwbFnTdbWPb;
    4320             : 
    4321          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::VFnTdbWPb)).Symbol = "@VFNTDBWPB";
    4322          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::VFnTdbWPb)).NumOperands = 3;
    4323          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::VFnTdbWPb)).Code = ErlFunc::VFnTdbWPb;
    4324             : 
    4325          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::WFnTdpPb)).Symbol = "@WFNTDPPB";
    4326          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::WFnTdpPb)).NumOperands = 2;
    4327          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::WFnTdpPb)).Code = ErlFunc::WFnTdpPb;
    4328             : 
    4329          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::WFnTdbH)).Symbol = "@WFNTDBH";
    4330          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::WFnTdbH)).NumOperands = 2;
    4331          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::WFnTdbH)).Code = ErlFunc::WFnTdbH;
    4332             : 
    4333          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::WFnTdbTwbPb)).Symbol = "@WFNTDBTWBPB";
    4334          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::WFnTdbTwbPb)).NumOperands = 3;
    4335          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::WFnTdbTwbPb)).Code = ErlFunc::WFnTdbTwbPb;
    4336             : 
    4337          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::WFnTdbRhPb)).Symbol = "@WFNTDBRHPB";
    4338          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::WFnTdbRhPb)).NumOperands = 4;
    4339          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::WFnTdbRhPb)).Code = ErlFunc::WFnTdbRhPb;
    4340             : 
    4341          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::PsatFnTemp)).Symbol = "@PSATFNTEMP";
    4342          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::PsatFnTemp)).NumOperands = 1;
    4343          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::PsatFnTemp)).Code = ErlFunc::PsatFnTemp;
    4344             : 
    4345          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TsatFnHPb)).Symbol = "@TSATFNHPB";
    4346          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TsatFnHPb)).NumOperands = 2;
    4347          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TsatFnHPb)).Code = ErlFunc::TsatFnHPb;
    4348             : 
    4349          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TsatFnPb)).Symbol = "@TSATFNPB";
    4350          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TsatFnPb)).NumOperands = 1;
    4351          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TsatFnPb)).Code = ErlFunc::TsatFnPb;
    4352             : 
    4353          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::CpCW)).Symbol = "@CPCW";
    4354          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::CpCW)).NumOperands = 1;
    4355          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::CpCW)).Code = ErlFunc::CpCW;
    4356             : 
    4357          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::CpHW)).Symbol = "@CPHW";
    4358          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::CpHW)).NumOperands = 1;
    4359          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::CpHW)).Code = ErlFunc::CpHW;
    4360             : 
    4361          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::RhoH2O)).Symbol = "@RHOH2O";
    4362          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::RhoH2O)).NumOperands = 1;
    4363          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::RhoH2O)).Code = ErlFunc::RhoH2O;
    4364             : 
    4365          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::FatalHaltEp)).Symbol = "@FATALHALTEP";
    4366          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::FatalHaltEp)).NumOperands = 1;
    4367          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::FatalHaltEp)).Code = ErlFunc::FatalHaltEp;
    4368             : 
    4369          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::SevereWarnEp)).Symbol = "@SEVEREWARNEP";
    4370          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::SevereWarnEp)).NumOperands = 1;
    4371          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::SevereWarnEp)).Code = ErlFunc::SevereWarnEp;
    4372             : 
    4373          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::WarnEp)).Symbol = "@WARNEP";
    4374          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::WarnEp)).NumOperands = 1;
    4375          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::WarnEp)).Code = ErlFunc::WarnEp;
    4376             : 
    4377          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TrendValue)).Symbol = "@TRENDVALUE";
    4378          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TrendValue)).NumOperands = 2;
    4379          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TrendValue)).Code = ErlFunc::TrendValue;
    4380             : 
    4381          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TrendAverage)).Symbol = "@TRENDAVERAGE";
    4382          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TrendAverage)).NumOperands = 2;
    4383          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TrendAverage)).Code = ErlFunc::TrendAverage;
    4384             : 
    4385          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TrendMax)).Symbol = "@TRENDMAX";
    4386          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TrendMax)).NumOperands = 2;
    4387          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TrendMax)).Code = ErlFunc::TrendMax;
    4388             : 
    4389          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TrendMin)).Symbol = "@TRENDMIN";
    4390          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TrendMin)).NumOperands = 2;
    4391          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TrendMin)).Code = ErlFunc::TrendMin;
    4392             : 
    4393          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TrendDirection)).Symbol = "@TRENDDIRECTION";
    4394          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TrendDirection)).NumOperands = 2;
    4395          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TrendDirection)).Code = ErlFunc::TrendDirection;
    4396             : 
    4397          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TrendSum)).Symbol = "@TRENDSUM";
    4398          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TrendSum)).NumOperands = 2;
    4399          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TrendSum)).Code = ErlFunc::TrendSum;
    4400             : 
    4401          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::CurveValue)).Symbol = "@CURVEVALUE";
    4402          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::CurveValue)).NumOperands = 6;
    4403          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::CurveValue)).Code = ErlFunc::CurveValue;
    4404             : 
    4405          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TodayIsRain)).Symbol = "@TODAYISRAIN";
    4406          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TodayIsRain)).NumOperands = 2;
    4407          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TodayIsRain)).Code = ErlFunc::TodayIsRain;
    4408             : 
    4409          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TodayIsSnow)).Symbol = "@TODAYISSNOW";
    4410          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TodayIsSnow)).NumOperands = 2;
    4411          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TodayIsSnow)).Code = ErlFunc::TodayIsSnow;
    4412             : 
    4413          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TodayOutDryBulbTemp)).Symbol = "@TODAYOUTDRYBULBTEMP";
    4414          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TodayOutDryBulbTemp)).NumOperands = 2;
    4415          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TodayOutDryBulbTemp)).Code = ErlFunc::TodayOutDryBulbTemp;
    4416             : 
    4417          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TodayOutDewPointTemp)).Symbol = "@TODAYOUTDEWPOINTTEMP";
    4418          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TodayOutDewPointTemp)).NumOperands = 2;
    4419          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TodayOutDewPointTemp)).Code = ErlFunc::TodayOutDewPointTemp;
    4420             : 
    4421          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TodayOutBaroPress)).Symbol = "@TODAYOUTBAROPRESS";
    4422          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TodayOutBaroPress)).NumOperands = 2;
    4423          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TodayOutBaroPress)).Code = ErlFunc::TodayOutBaroPress;
    4424             : 
    4425          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TodayOutRelHum)).Symbol = "@TODAYOUTRELHUM";
    4426          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TodayOutRelHum)).NumOperands = 2;
    4427          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TodayOutRelHum)).Code = ErlFunc::TodayOutRelHum;
    4428             : 
    4429          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TodayWindSpeed)).Symbol = "@TODAYWINDSPEED";
    4430          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TodayWindSpeed)).NumOperands = 2;
    4431          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TodayWindSpeed)).Code = ErlFunc::TodayWindSpeed;
    4432             : 
    4433          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TodayWindDir)).Symbol = "@TODAYWINDDIR";
    4434          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TodayWindDir)).NumOperands = 2;
    4435          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TodayWindDir)).Code = ErlFunc::TodayWindDir;
    4436             : 
    4437          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TodaySkyTemp)).Symbol = "@TODAYSKYTEMP";
    4438          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TodaySkyTemp)).NumOperands = 2;
    4439          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TodaySkyTemp)).Code = ErlFunc::TodaySkyTemp;
    4440             : 
    4441          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TodayHorizIRSky)).Symbol = "@TODAYHORIZIRSKY";
    4442          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TodayHorizIRSky)).NumOperands = 2;
    4443          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TodayHorizIRSky)).Code = ErlFunc::TodayHorizIRSky;
    4444             : 
    4445          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TodayBeamSolarRad)).Symbol = "@TODAYBEAMSOLARRAD";
    4446          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TodayBeamSolarRad)).NumOperands = 2;
    4447          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TodayBeamSolarRad)).Code = ErlFunc::TodayBeamSolarRad;
    4448             : 
    4449          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TodayDifSolarRad)).Symbol = "@TODAYDIFSOLARRAD";
    4450          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TodayDifSolarRad)).NumOperands = 2;
    4451          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TodayDifSolarRad)).Code = ErlFunc::TodayDifSolarRad;
    4452             : 
    4453          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TodayAlbedo)).Symbol = "@TODAYALBEDO";
    4454          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TodayAlbedo)).NumOperands = 2;
    4455          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TodayAlbedo)).Code = ErlFunc::TodayAlbedo;
    4456             : 
    4457          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TodayLiquidPrecip)).Symbol = "@TODAYLIQUIDPRECIP";
    4458          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TodayLiquidPrecip)).NumOperands = 2;
    4459          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TodayLiquidPrecip)).Code = ErlFunc::TodayLiquidPrecip;
    4460             : 
    4461          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TomorrowIsRain)).Symbol = "@TOMORROWISRAIN";
    4462          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TomorrowIsRain)).NumOperands = 2;
    4463          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TomorrowIsRain)).Code = ErlFunc::TomorrowIsRain;
    4464             : 
    4465          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TomorrowIsSnow)).Symbol = "@TOMORROWISSNOW";
    4466          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TomorrowIsSnow)).NumOperands = 2;
    4467          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TomorrowIsSnow)).Code = ErlFunc::TomorrowIsSnow;
    4468             : 
    4469          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TomorrowOutDryBulbTemp)).Symbol = "@TOMORROWOUTDRYBULBTEMP";
    4470          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TomorrowOutDryBulbTemp)).NumOperands = 2;
    4471          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TomorrowOutDryBulbTemp)).Code = ErlFunc::TomorrowOutDryBulbTemp;
    4472             : 
    4473          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TomorrowOutDewPointTemp)).Symbol = "@TOMORROWOUTDEWPOINTTEMP";
    4474          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TomorrowOutDewPointTemp)).NumOperands = 2;
    4475          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TomorrowOutDewPointTemp)).Code = ErlFunc::TomorrowOutDewPointTemp;
    4476             : 
    4477          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TomorrowOutBaroPress)).Symbol = "@TOMORROWOUTBAROPRESS";
    4478          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TomorrowOutBaroPress)).NumOperands = 2;
    4479          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TomorrowOutBaroPress)).Code = ErlFunc::TomorrowOutBaroPress;
    4480             : 
    4481          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TomorrowOutRelHum)).Symbol = "@TOMORROWOUTRELHUM";
    4482          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TomorrowOutRelHum)).NumOperands = 2;
    4483          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TomorrowOutRelHum)).Code = ErlFunc::TomorrowOutRelHum;
    4484             : 
    4485          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TomorrowWindSpeed)).Symbol = "@TOMORROWWINDSPEED";
    4486          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TomorrowWindSpeed)).NumOperands = 2;
    4487          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TomorrowWindSpeed)).Code = ErlFunc::TomorrowWindSpeed;
    4488             : 
    4489          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TomorrowWindDir)).Symbol = "@TOMORROWWINDDIR";
    4490          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TomorrowWindDir)).NumOperands = 2;
    4491          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TomorrowWindDir)).Code = ErlFunc::TomorrowWindDir;
    4492             : 
    4493          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TomorrowSkyTemp)).Symbol = "@TOMORROWSKYTEMP";
    4494          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TomorrowSkyTemp)).NumOperands = 2;
    4495          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TomorrowSkyTemp)).Code = ErlFunc::TomorrowSkyTemp;
    4496             : 
    4497          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TomorrowHorizIRSky)).Symbol = "@TOMORROWHORIZIRSKY";
    4498          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TomorrowHorizIRSky)).NumOperands = 2;
    4499          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TomorrowHorizIRSky)).Code = ErlFunc::TomorrowHorizIRSky;
    4500             : 
    4501          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TomorrowBeamSolarRad)).Symbol = "@TOMORROWBEAMSOLARRAD";
    4502          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TomorrowBeamSolarRad)).NumOperands = 2;
    4503          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TomorrowBeamSolarRad)).Code = ErlFunc::TomorrowBeamSolarRad;
    4504             : 
    4505          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TomorrowDifSolarRad)).Symbol = "@TOMORROWDIFSOLARRAD";
    4506          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TomorrowDifSolarRad)).NumOperands = 2;
    4507          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TomorrowDifSolarRad)).Code = ErlFunc::TomorrowDifSolarRad;
    4508             : 
    4509          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TomorrowAlbedo)).Symbol = "@TOMORROWALBEDO";
    4510          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TomorrowAlbedo)).NumOperands = 2;
    4511          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TomorrowAlbedo)).Code = ErlFunc::TomorrowAlbedo;
    4512             : 
    4513          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TomorrowLiquidPrecip)).Symbol = "@TOMORROWLIQUIDPRECIP";
    4514          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TomorrowLiquidPrecip)).NumOperands = 2;
    4515          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->PossibleOperators(static_cast<int>(ErlFunc::TomorrowLiquidPrecip)).Code = ErlFunc::TomorrowLiquidPrecip;
    4516             : 
    4517          52 :     state.dataRuntimeLangProcessor->AlreadyDidOnce = true;
    4518             : }
    4519             : 
    4520           0 : void ExternalInterfaceSetErlVariable(EnergyPlusData &state,
    4521             :                                      int const varNum,  // The variable index to be written during run time
    4522             :                                      Real64 const value // The real time value of the vairable to be set
    4523             : )
    4524             : {
    4525             : 
    4526             :     // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    4527             :     //       AUTHOR         Rui Zhang
    4528             :     //       DATE WRITTEN   February 2010
    4529             :     //       MODIFIED       na
    4530             :     //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
    4531             : 
    4532             :     // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    4533             :     // This is the ExternalInterface runtime write ErlVariable function
    4534             : 
    4535             :     // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
    4536             :     // USE STATEMENTS:
    4537             : 
    4538             :     // Locals
    4539             :     // SUBROUTINE ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS:
    4540             : 
    4542             : 
    4543           0 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlVariable(varNum).Value = SetErlValueNumber(value);
    4544           0 : }
    4545             : 
    4546           5 : void ExternalInterfaceInitializeErlVariable(EnergyPlusData &state,
    4547             :                                             int const varNum,                 // The variable index to be written during run time
    4548             :                                             ErlValueType const &initialValue, // The initial value
    4549             :                                             bool const setToNull              // Flag, if true, value will be initialized to Null
    4550             : )
    4551             : {
    4552             : 
    4553             :     // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    4554             :     //       AUTHOR         Michael Wetter
    4555             :     //       DATE WRITTEN   February 2010
    4556             :     //       MODIFIED       na
    4557             :     //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
    4558             : 
    4559             :     // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    4560             :     // This subroutine sets flags for ExternalInterface variables
    4561             : 
    4562             :     // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
    4563             :     // USE STATEMENTS:
    4564             : 
    4565             :     // Locals
    4566             :     // SUBROUTINE ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS:
    4567             : 
    4569             :     // Set initial value
    4570           5 :     if (setToNull) {
    4571           0 :         state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlVariable(varNum).Value.Type = Value::Null;
    4572             :     } else {
    4573           5 :         state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlVariable(varNum).Value = initialValue;
    4574             :     }
    4575             : 
    4576             :     // Set variables to read-only as we don't want that other programs write to them
    4577           5 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlVariable(varNum).ReadOnly = true;
    4578             :     // Set flag that it is used by the ExternalInterface. This is needed to make sure that the ExternalInterface
    4579             :     // interface writes only to ExternalInterface variables, and not to other ErlVariable
    4580           5 :     state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlVariable(varNum).SetByExternalInterface = true;
    4581           5 : }
    4582             : 
    4583           0 : bool isExternalInterfaceErlVariable(EnergyPlusData &state, int const varNum) // The variable index to be written during run time
    4584             : {
    4585             : 
    4586             :     // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    4587             :     //       AUTHOR         Michael Wetter
    4588             :     //       DATE WRITTEN   February 2010
    4589             :     //       MODIFIED       na
    4590             :     //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
    4591             : 
    4592             :     // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    4593             :     // This function checks if an Erl name obtained from the xml file
    4594             :     // is indeed specified as a ExternalInterface variable in the idf file
    4595             : 
    4596             :     // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
    4597             :     // USE STATEMENTS:
    4598             : 
    4599             :     // Return value
    4600             :     bool isExternalInterfaceVar; // Set to true if the variable is a ExternalInterface variable
    4601             : 
    4602             :     // Locals
    4603             :     // SUBROUTINE ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS:
    4604             : 
    4605           0 :     isExternalInterfaceVar = state.dataRuntimeLang->ErlVariable(varNum).SetByExternalInterface;
    4606             : 
    4607           0 :     return isExternalInterfaceVar;
    4608             : }
    4609             : 
    4610        2313 : } // namespace EnergyPlus::RuntimeLanguageProcessor

Generated by: LCOV version 1.13