LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - EnergyPlus - (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: lcov.output.filtered Lines: 1277 1431 89.2 %
Date: 2023-01-17 19:17:23 Functions: 114 125 91.2 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : // EnergyPlus, Copyright (c) 1996-2023, The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois,
       2             : // The Regents of the University of California, through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
       3             : // (subject to receipt of any required approvals from the U.S. Dept. of Energy), Oak Ridge
       4             : // National Laboratory, managed by UT-Battelle, Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC, and other
       5             : // contributors. All rights reserved.
       6             : //
       7             : // NOTICE: This Software was developed under funding from the U.S. Department of Energy and the
       8             : // U.S. Government consequently retains certain rights. As such, the U.S. Government has been
       9             : // granted for itself and others acting on its behalf a paid-up, nonexclusive, irrevocable,
      10             : // worldwide license in the Software to reproduce, distribute copies to the public, prepare
      11             : // derivative works, and perform publicly and display publicly, and to permit others to do so.
      12             : //
      13             : // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted
      14             : // provided that the following conditions are met:
      15             : //
      16             : // (1) Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of
      17             : //     conditions and the following disclaimer.
      18             : //
      19             : // (2) Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of
      20             : //     conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
      21             : //     provided with the distribution.
      22             : //
      23             : // (3) Neither the name of the University of California, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,
      24             : //     the University of Illinois, U.S. Dept. of Energy nor the names of its contributors may be
      25             : //     used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior
      26             : //     written permission.
      27             : //
      28             : // (4) Use of EnergyPlus(TM) Name. If Licensee (i) distributes the software in stand-alone form
      29             : //     without changes from the version obtained under this License, or (ii) Licensee makes a
      30             : //     reference solely to the software portion of its product, Licensee must refer to the
      31             : //     software as "EnergyPlus version X" software, where "X" is the version number Licensee
      32             : //     obtained under this License and may not use a different name for the software. Except as
      33             : //     specifically required in this Section (4), Licensee shall not use in a company name, a
      34             : //     product name, in advertising, publicity, or other promotional activities any name, trade
      35             : //     name, trademark, logo, or other designation of "EnergyPlus", "E+", "e+" or confusingly
      36             : //     similar designation, without the U.S. Department of Energy's prior written consent.
      37             : //
      46             : // POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.
      47             : 
      48             : // C++ headers
      49             : #include <memory>
      50             : #include <sstream>
      51             : #include <stdexcept>
      52             : 
      53             : // EnergyPlus Headers
      54             : #include <EnergyPlus/Construction.hh>
      55             : #include <EnergyPlus/Data/EnergyPlusData.hh>
      56             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataEnvironment.hh>
      57             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataHeatBalance.hh>
      58             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataRoomAirModel.hh>
      59             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataStringGlobals.hh>
      60             : #include <EnergyPlus/General.hh>
      61             : #include <EnergyPlus/InputProcessing/InputProcessor.hh>
      62             : #include <EnergyPlus/Material.hh>
      63             : #include <EnergyPlus/OutputReportTabular.hh>
      64             : #include <EnergyPlus/SQLiteProcedures.hh>
      65             : #include <EnergyPlus/ScheduleManager.hh>
      66             : #include <EnergyPlus/UtilityRoutines.hh>
      67             : 
      68             : namespace EnergyPlus {
      69             : 
      70             : const int SQLite::LocalReportEach = -1;    // Write out each time UpdatedataandLocalReport is called
      71             : const int SQLite::LocalReportTimeStep = 0; // Write out at 'EndTimeStepFlag'
      72             : const int SQLite::LocalReportHourly = 1;   // Write out at 'EndHourFlag'
      73             : const int SQLite::LocalReportDaily = 2;    // Write out at 'EndDayFlag'
      74             : const int SQLite::LocalReportMonthly = 3;  // Write out at end of month (must be determined)
      75             : const int SQLite::LocalReportSim = 4;      // Write out once per environment 'EndEnvrnFlag'
      76             : const int SQLite::LocalReportYearly = 5;   // Write out once per year
      77             : const int SQLite::ReportNameId = 1;
      78             : const int SQLite::ReportForStringId = 2;
      79             : const int SQLite::TableNameId = 3;
      80             : const int SQLite::RowNameId = 4;
      81             : const int SQLite::ColumnNameId = 5;
      82             : const int SQLite::UnitsId = 6;
      83             : 
      84         771 : std::unique_ptr<SQLite> CreateSQLiteDatabase(EnergyPlusData &state)
      85             : {
      86         771 :     if (!state.files.outputControl.sqlite) {
      87           1 :         return nullptr;
      88             :     }
      89             :     try {
      90         770 :         int numberOfSQLiteObjects = state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getNumObjectsFound(state, "Output:SQLite");
      91         770 :         bool writeOutputToSQLite = false;
      92         770 :         bool writeTabularDataToSQLite = false;
      93             : 
      94         770 :         if (numberOfSQLiteObjects == 0) {
      95         654 :             state.files.outputControl.sqlite = false;
      96         654 :             return nullptr;
      97         116 :         } else if (numberOfSQLiteObjects == 1) {
      98         232 :             Array1D_string alphas(5);
      99             :             int numAlphas;
     100         232 :             Array1D<Real64> numbers(2);
     101             :             int numNumbers;
     102             :             int status;
     103             : 
     104         116 :             auto &sql_ort(state.dataOutRptTab);
     105             : 
     106         116 :             state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectItem(state, "Output:SQLite", 1, alphas, numAlphas, numbers, numNumbers, status);
     107         116 :             if (numAlphas > 0) {
     108         232 :                 std::string option = alphas(1);
     109         116 :                 if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(option, "SimpleAndTabular")) {
     110          22 :                     writeTabularDataToSQLite = true;
     111          22 :                     writeOutputToSQLite = true;
     112             : 
     113          22 :                     if (numAlphas > 1) {
     114           0 :                         std::string option2 = alphas(2);
     115           0 :                         if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(option2, "None")) {
     116           0 :                             sql_ort->unitsStyle_SQLite = OutputReportTabular::UnitsStyle::None;
     117           0 :                         } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(option2, "JtoKWH")) {
     118           0 :                             sql_ort->unitsStyle_SQLite = OutputReportTabular::UnitsStyle::JtoKWH;
     119           0 :                         } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(option2, "JtoMJ")) {
     120           0 :                             sql_ort->unitsStyle_SQLite = OutputReportTabular::UnitsStyle::JtoMJ;
     121           0 :                         } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(option2, "JtoGJ")) {
     122           0 :                             sql_ort->unitsStyle_SQLite = OutputReportTabular::UnitsStyle::JtoGJ;
     123           0 :                         } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(option2, "InchPound")) {
     124           0 :                             sql_ort->unitsStyle_SQLite = OutputReportTabular::UnitsStyle::InchPound;
     125             :                         } else { // (UtilityRoutines::SameString(option2, "UseOutputControlTableStyles")) {
     126             :                             // Jan 2021 Note: Since here we do not know weather sql_ort->unitsStyle has been processed or not,
     127             :                             // the value "NotFound" is used for the option "UseOutputControlTableStyles" at this point;
     128             :                             // This will be updated again and got concretely assigned first thing in OutputReportTabular::WriteTabularReports().
     129           0 :                             sql_ort->unitsStyle_SQLite = OutputReportTabular::UnitsStyle::NotFound; // sql_ort->unitsStyle;
     130             :                         }
     131             :                     }
     132          94 :                 } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(option, "Simple")) {
     133          94 :                     writeOutputToSQLite = true;
     134             :                 }
     135             :             }
     136             :         }
     137         232 :         auto errorStream = std::make_shared<std::ofstream>(state.dataStrGlobals->outputSqliteErrFilePath, std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::trunc);
     138             :         return std::make_unique<SQLite>(errorStream,
     139         116 :                                         state.dataStrGlobals->outputSqlFilePath,
     140         116 :                                         state.dataStrGlobals->outputSqliteErrFilePath,
     141             :                                         writeOutputToSQLite,
     142         232 :                                         writeTabularDataToSQLite);
     143           0 :     } catch (const std::runtime_error &error) {
     144           0 :         ShowFatalError(state, error.what());
     145           0 :         return nullptr;
     146             :     }
     147             : }
     148             : 
     149         769 : void CreateSQLiteZoneExtendedOutput(EnergyPlusData &state)
     150             : {
     151         769 :     if (state.dataSQLiteProcedures->sqlite && state.dataSQLiteProcedures->sqlite->writeOutputToSQLite()) {
     152        1453 :         for (int zoneNum = 1; zoneNum <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++zoneNum) {
     153        1337 :             state.dataSQLiteProcedures->sqlite->addZoneData(zoneNum, state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum));
     154             :         }
     155         120 :         for (int listNum = 1; listNum <= state.dataHeatBal->NumOfZoneLists; ++listNum) {
     156           4 :             state.dataSQLiteProcedures->sqlite->addZoneListData(listNum, state.dataHeatBal->ZoneList(listNum));
     157             :         }
     158         119 :         for (int groupNum = 1; groupNum <= state.dataHeatBal->NumOfZoneGroups; ++groupNum) {
     159           3 :             state.dataSQLiteProcedures->sqlite->addZoneGroupData(groupNum, state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGroup(groupNum));
     160             :         }
     161        3254 :         for (int scheduleNumber = 1, numberOfSchedules = ScheduleManager::GetNumberOfSchedules(state); scheduleNumber <= numberOfSchedules;
     162             :              ++scheduleNumber) {
     163        6276 :             state.dataSQLiteProcedures->sqlite->addScheduleData(scheduleNumber,
     164        6276 :                                                                 ScheduleManager::GetScheduleName(state, scheduleNumber),
     165        6276 :                                                                 ScheduleManager::GetScheduleType(state, scheduleNumber),
     166             :                                                                 ScheduleManager::GetScheduleMinValue(state, scheduleNumber),
     167             :                                                                 ScheduleManager::GetScheduleMaxValue(state, scheduleNumber));
     168             :         }
     169       12214 :         for (int surfaceNumber = 1; surfaceNumber <= state.dataSurface->TotSurfaces; ++surfaceNumber) {
     170       12098 :             auto const &surface = state.dataSurface->Surface(surfaceNumber);
     171       12098 :             state.dataSQLiteProcedures->sqlite->addSurfaceData(surfaceNumber, surface, DataSurfaces::cSurfaceClass(surface.Class));
     172             :         }
     173        1902 :         for (int materialNum = 1; materialNum <= state.dataHeatBal->TotMaterials; ++materialNum) {
     174        1786 :             state.dataSQLiteProcedures->sqlite->addMaterialData(materialNum, state.dataMaterial->Material(materialNum));
     175             :         }
     176         960 :         for (int constructNum = 1; constructNum <= state.dataHeatBal->TotConstructs; ++constructNum) {
     177         844 :             auto const &construction = state.dataConstruction->Construct(constructNum);
     178         844 :             if (construction.TotGlassLayers == 0) {
     179         669 :                 state.dataSQLiteProcedures->sqlite->addConstructionData(constructNum, construction, construction.UValue);
     180             :             } else {
     181         175 :                 state.dataSQLiteProcedures->sqlite->addConstructionData(constructNum, construction, state.dataHeatBal->NominalU(constructNum));
     182             :             }
     183             :         }
     184        1302 :         for (int lightNum = 1; lightNum <= state.dataHeatBal->TotLights; ++lightNum) {
     185        1186 :             state.dataSQLiteProcedures->sqlite->addNominalLightingData(lightNum, state.dataHeatBal->Lights(lightNum));
     186             :         }
     187        1185 :         for (int peopleNum = 1; peopleNum <= state.dataHeatBal->TotPeople; ++peopleNum) {
     188        1069 :             state.dataSQLiteProcedures->sqlite->addNominalPeopleData(peopleNum, state.dataHeatBal->People(peopleNum));
     189             :         }
     190        1309 :         for (int elecEquipNum = 1; elecEquipNum <= state.dataHeatBal->TotElecEquip; ++elecEquipNum) {
     191        1193 :             state.dataSQLiteProcedures->sqlite->addNominalElectricEquipmentData(elecEquipNum, state.dataHeatBal->ZoneElectric(elecEquipNum));
     192             :         }
     193         151 :         for (int gasEquipNum = 1; gasEquipNum <= state.dataHeatBal->TotGasEquip; ++gasEquipNum) {
     194          35 :             state.dataSQLiteProcedures->sqlite->addNominalGasEquipmentData(gasEquipNum, state.dataHeatBal->ZoneGas(gasEquipNum));
     195             :         }
     196         116 :         for (int steamEquipNum = 1; steamEquipNum <= state.dataHeatBal->TotStmEquip; ++steamEquipNum) {
     197           0 :             state.dataSQLiteProcedures->sqlite->addNominalSteamEquipmentData(steamEquipNum, state.dataHeatBal->ZoneSteamEq(steamEquipNum));
     198             :         }
     199         125 :         for (int hWEquipNum = 1; hWEquipNum <= state.dataHeatBal->TotHWEquip; ++hWEquipNum) {
     200           9 :             state.dataSQLiteProcedures->sqlite->addNominalHotWaterEquipmentData(hWEquipNum, state.dataHeatBal->ZoneHWEq(hWEquipNum));
     201             :         }
     202         134 :         for (int otherEquipNum = 1; otherEquipNum <= state.dataHeatBal->TotOthEquip; ++otherEquipNum) {
     203          18 :             state.dataSQLiteProcedures->sqlite->addNominalOtherEquipmentData(otherEquipNum, state.dataHeatBal->ZoneOtherEq(otherEquipNum));
     204             :         }
     205         116 :         for (int bBHeatNum = 1; bBHeatNum <= state.dataHeatBal->TotBBHeat; ++bBHeatNum) {
     206           0 :             state.dataSQLiteProcedures->sqlite->addNominalBaseboardData(bBHeatNum, state.dataHeatBal->ZoneBBHeat(bBHeatNum));
     207             :         }
     208        1141 :         for (int infilNum = 1; infilNum <= state.dataHeatBal->TotInfiltration; ++infilNum) {
     209        1025 :             state.dataSQLiteProcedures->sqlite->addInfiltrationData(infilNum, state.dataHeatBal->Infiltration(infilNum));
     210             :         }
     211         124 :         for (int ventNum = 1; ventNum <= state.dataHeatBal->TotVentilation; ++ventNum) {
     212           8 :             state.dataSQLiteProcedures->sqlite->addVentilationData(ventNum, state.dataHeatBal->Ventilation(ventNum));
     213             :         }
     214        1453 :         for (int zoneNum = 1; zoneNum <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++zoneNum) {
     215        1337 :             state.dataSQLiteProcedures->sqlite->addRoomAirModelData(zoneNum, state.dataRoomAirMod->AirModel(zoneNum));
     216             :         }
     217             : 
     218         116 :         state.dataSQLiteProcedures->sqlite->createZoneExtendedOutput();
     219             :     }
     220         769 : }
     221             : 
     222         116 : SQLite::SQLite(std::shared_ptr<std::ostream> errorStream,
     223             :                fs::path const &dbName,
     224             :                fs::path const &errorFilePath,
     225             :                bool writeOutputToSQLite,
     226         116 :                bool writeTabularDataToSQLite)
     227             :     : SQLiteProcedures(errorStream, writeOutputToSQLite, dbName, errorFilePath), m_writeTabularDataToSQLite(writeTabularDataToSQLite),
     228             :       m_sqlDBTimeIndex(0), m_reportDataInsertStmt(nullptr), m_reportExtendedDataInsertStmt(nullptr), m_reportDictionaryInsertStmt(nullptr),
     229             :       m_timeIndexInsertStmt(nullptr), m_zoneInfoInsertStmt(nullptr), m_zoneInfoZoneListInsertStmt(nullptr), m_nominalLightingInsertStmt(nullptr),
     230             :       m_nominalElectricEquipmentInsertStmt(nullptr), m_nominalGasEquipmentInsertStmt(nullptr), m_nominalSteamEquipmentInsertStmt(nullptr),
     231             :       m_nominalHotWaterEquipmentInsertStmt(nullptr), m_nominalOtherEquipmentInsertStmt(nullptr), m_nominalBaseboardHeatInsertStmt(nullptr),
     232             :       m_surfaceInsertStmt(nullptr), m_constructionInsertStmt(nullptr), m_constructionLayerInsertStmt(nullptr), m_materialInsertStmt(nullptr),
     233             :       m_zoneListInsertStmt(nullptr), m_zoneGroupInsertStmt(nullptr), m_infiltrationInsertStmt(nullptr), m_ventilationInsertStmt(nullptr),
     234             :       m_nominalPeopleInsertStmt(nullptr), m_zoneSizingInsertStmt(nullptr), m_systemSizingInsertStmt(nullptr), m_componentSizingInsertStmt(nullptr),
     235             :       m_roomAirModelInsertStmt(nullptr), m_groundTemperatureInsertStmt(nullptr), m_weatherFileInsertStmt(nullptr), m_scheduleInsertStmt(nullptr),
     236             :       m_daylightMapTitleInsertStmt(nullptr), m_daylightMapHourlyTitleInsertStmt(nullptr), m_daylightMapHourlyDataInsertStmt(nullptr),
     237             :       m_environmentPeriodInsertStmt(nullptr), m_simulationsInsertStmt(nullptr), m_tabularDataInsertStmt(nullptr), m_stringsInsertStmt(nullptr),
     238             :       m_stringsLookUpStmt(nullptr), m_errorInsertStmt(nullptr), m_errorUpdateStmt(nullptr), m_simulationUpdateStmt(nullptr),
     239         116 :       m_simulationDataUpdateStmt(nullptr)
     240             : {
     241         116 :     if (m_writeOutputToSQLite) {
     242         116 :         sqliteExecuteCommand("PRAGMA locking_mode = EXCLUSIVE;");
     243         116 :         sqliteExecuteCommand("PRAGMA journal_mode = OFF;");
     244         116 :         sqliteExecuteCommand("PRAGMA synchronous = OFF;");
     245         116 :         sqliteExecuteCommand("PRAGMA encoding=\"UTF-8\";");
     246             : 
     247             :         // Turn this to ON for Foreign Key constraints.
     248             :         // This must be turned ON for every connection
     249             :         // Currently, inserting into daylighting tables does not work with this ON. The ZoneIndex referenced by DaylightMaps does not exist in
     250             :         // the database at the time data is inserted.
     251         116 :         sqliteExecuteCommand("PRAGMA foreign_keys = OFF;");
     252             : 
     253         116 :         initializeSimulationsTable();
     254         116 :         initializeEnvironmentPeriodsTable();
     255         116 :         initializeErrorsTable();
     256         116 :         initializeTimeIndicesTable();
     257         116 :         initializeZoneInfoTable();
     258         116 :         initializeZoneListTable();
     259         116 :         initializeZoneGroupTable();
     260         116 :         initializeZoneInfoZoneListTable();
     261         116 :         initializeSchedulesTable();
     262         116 :         initializeMaterialsTable();
     263         116 :         initializeConstructionsTables();
     264         116 :         initializeSurfacesTable();
     265         116 :         initializeReportDataDictionaryTable();
     266         116 :         initializeReportDataTables();
     267         116 :         initializeNominalPeopleTable();
     268         116 :         initializeNominalLightingTable();
     269         116 :         initializeNominalElectricEquipmentTable();
     270         116 :         initializeNominalGasEquipmentTable();
     271         116 :         initializeNominalSteamEquipmentTable();
     272         116 :         initializeNominalHotWaterEquipmentTable();
     273         116 :         initializeNominalOtherEquipmentTable();
     274         116 :         initializeNominalBaseboardHeatTable();
     275         116 :         initializeNominalInfiltrationTable();
     276         116 :         initializeNominalVentilationTable();
     277         116 :         initializeZoneSizingTable();
     278         116 :         initializeSystemSizingTable();
     279         116 :         initializeComponentSizingTable();
     280         116 :         initializeRoomAirModelTable();
     281         116 :         initializeDaylightMapTables();
     282         116 :         initializeViews();
     283             : 
     284         116 :         if (m_writeTabularDataToSQLite) {
     285          22 :             initializeTabularDataTable();
     286          22 :             initializeTabularDataView();
     287             :         }
     288             :     }
     289         116 : }
     290             : 
     291         348 : SQLite::~SQLite()
     292             : {
     293         116 :     sqlite3_finalize(m_reportDataInsertStmt);
     294         116 :     sqlite3_finalize(m_reportExtendedDataInsertStmt);
     295         116 :     sqlite3_finalize(m_reportDictionaryInsertStmt);
     296         116 :     sqlite3_finalize(m_timeIndexInsertStmt);
     297         116 :     sqlite3_finalize(m_zoneInfoInsertStmt);
     298         116 :     sqlite3_finalize(m_zoneListInsertStmt);
     299         116 :     sqlite3_finalize(m_zoneGroupInsertStmt);
     300         116 :     sqlite3_finalize(m_zoneInfoZoneListInsertStmt);
     301         116 :     sqlite3_finalize(m_nominalLightingInsertStmt);
     302         116 :     sqlite3_finalize(m_nominalElectricEquipmentInsertStmt);
     303         116 :     sqlite3_finalize(m_nominalGasEquipmentInsertStmt);
     304         116 :     sqlite3_finalize(m_nominalSteamEquipmentInsertStmt);
     305         116 :     sqlite3_finalize(m_nominalHotWaterEquipmentInsertStmt);
     306         116 :     sqlite3_finalize(m_nominalOtherEquipmentInsertStmt);
     307         116 :     sqlite3_finalize(m_nominalBaseboardHeatInsertStmt);
     308         116 :     sqlite3_finalize(m_surfaceInsertStmt);
     309         116 :     sqlite3_finalize(m_constructionInsertStmt);
     310         116 :     sqlite3_finalize(m_constructionLayerInsertStmt);
     311         116 :     sqlite3_finalize(m_materialInsertStmt);
     312         116 :     sqlite3_finalize(m_infiltrationInsertStmt);
     313         116 :     sqlite3_finalize(m_ventilationInsertStmt);
     314         116 :     sqlite3_finalize(m_nominalPeopleInsertStmt);
     315         116 :     sqlite3_finalize(m_zoneSizingInsertStmt);
     316         116 :     sqlite3_finalize(m_systemSizingInsertStmt);
     317         116 :     sqlite3_finalize(m_componentSizingInsertStmt);
     318         116 :     sqlite3_finalize(m_roomAirModelInsertStmt);
     319         116 :     sqlite3_finalize(m_groundTemperatureInsertStmt);
     320         116 :     sqlite3_finalize(m_weatherFileInsertStmt);
     321         116 :     sqlite3_finalize(m_scheduleInsertStmt);
     322         116 :     sqlite3_finalize(m_daylightMapTitleInsertStmt);
     323         116 :     sqlite3_finalize(m_daylightMapHourlyTitleInsertStmt);
     324         116 :     sqlite3_finalize(m_daylightMapHourlyDataInsertStmt);
     325         116 :     sqlite3_finalize(m_environmentPeriodInsertStmt);
     326         116 :     sqlite3_finalize(m_simulationsInsertStmt);
     327         116 :     sqlite3_finalize(m_tabularDataInsertStmt);
     328         116 :     sqlite3_finalize(m_stringsInsertStmt);
     329         116 :     sqlite3_finalize(m_stringsLookUpStmt);
     330         116 :     sqlite3_finalize(m_errorInsertStmt);
     331         116 :     sqlite3_finalize(m_errorUpdateStmt);
     332         116 :     sqlite3_finalize(m_simulationUpdateStmt);
     333         116 :     sqlite3_finalize(m_simulationDataUpdateStmt);
     334         232 : }
     335             : 
     336         116 : bool SQLite::writeOutputToSQLite() const
     337             : {
     338         116 :     return m_writeOutputToSQLite;
     339             : }
     340             : 
     341           0 : bool SQLite::writeTabularDataToSQLite() const
     342             : {
     343           0 :     return m_writeTabularDataToSQLite;
     344             : }
     345             : 
     346        2531 : void SQLite::sqliteBegin()
     347             : {
     348        2531 :     if (m_writeOutputToSQLite) {
     349        2531 :         sqliteExecuteCommand("BEGIN;");
     350             :     }
     351        2531 : }
     352             : 
     353        2349 : void SQLite::sqliteCommit()
     354             : {
     355        2349 :     if (m_writeOutputToSQLite) {
     356        2349 :         sqliteExecuteCommand("COMMIT;");
     357             :     }
     358        2349 : }
     359             : 
     360         182 : void SQLite::sqliteRollback()
     361             : {
     362         182 :     if (m_writeOutputToSQLite) {
     363         182 :         sqliteExecuteCommand("ROLLBACK;");
     364             :     }
     365         182 : }
     366             : 
     367           0 : bool SQLite::sqliteWithinTransaction()
     368             : {
     369           0 :     if (m_writeOutputToSQLite) {
     370           0 :         return SQLiteProcedures::sqliteWithinTransaction();
     371             :     }
     372           0 :     return false;
     373             : }
     374             : 
     375           0 : void SQLite::sqliteWriteMessage(const std::string &message)
     376             : {
     377           0 :     if (m_writeOutputToSQLite) {
     378           0 :         *m_errorStream << "SQLite3 message, " << message << std::endl;
     379             :     }
     380           0 : }
     381             : 
     382         116 : void SQLite::initializeReportDataDictionaryTable()
     383             : {
     384             :     const std::string newTableSQL = "CREATE TABLE ReportDataDictionary("
     385             :                                     "ReportDataDictionaryIndex INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, "
     386             :                                     "IsMeter INTEGER, "
     387             :                                     "Type TEXT, "
     388             :                                     "IndexGroup TEXT, "
     389             :                                     "TimestepType TEXT, "
     390             :                                     "KeyValue TEXT, "
     391             :                                     "Name TEXT, "
     392             :                                     "ReportingFrequency TEXT, "
     393             :                                     "ScheduleName TEXT, "
     394         232 :                                     "Units TEXT);";
     395             : 
     396         116 :     sqliteExecuteCommand(newTableSQL);
     397             : 
     398             :     const std::string preparedSQL = "INSERT INTO ReportDataDictionary ("
     399             :                                     "ReportDataDictionaryIndex, "
     400             :                                     "IsMeter, "
     401             :                                     "Type, "
     402             :                                     "IndexGroup, "
     403             :                                     "TimestepType, "
     404             :                                     "KeyValue, "
     405             :                                     "Name, "
     406             :                                     "ReportingFrequency, "
     407             :                                     "ScheduleName, "
     408             :                                     "Units) "
     409         232 :                                     "VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?);";
     410             : 
     411         116 :     sqlitePrepareStatement(m_reportDictionaryInsertStmt, preparedSQL);
     412         116 : }
     413             : 
     414         116 : void SQLite::initializeReportDataTables()
     415             : {
     416             :     const std::string reportDataTableSQL = "CREATE TABLE ReportData ("
     417             :                                            "ReportDataIndex INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, "
     418             :                                            "TimeIndex INTEGER, "
     419             :                                            "ReportDataDictionaryIndex INTEGER, "
     420             :                                            "Value REAL, "
     421             :                                            "FOREIGN KEY(TimeIndex) REFERENCES Time(TimeIndex) "
     422             :                                            "ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE "
     423             :                                            "FOREIGN KEY(ReportDataDictionaryIndex) REFERENCES ReportDataDictionary(ReportDataDictionaryIndex) "
     424             :                                            "ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE "
     425         232 :                                            ");";
     426             : 
     427         116 :     sqliteExecuteCommand(reportDataTableSQL);
     428             : 
     429             :     const std::string reportDataInsertSQL = "INSERT INTO ReportData ("
     430             :                                             "ReportDataIndex, "
     431             :                                             "TimeIndex, "
     432             :                                             "ReportDataDictionaryIndex, "
     433             :                                             "Value) "
     434         232 :                                             "VALUES(?,?,?,?);";
     435             : 
     436         116 :     sqlitePrepareStatement(m_reportDataInsertStmt, reportDataInsertSQL);
     437             : 
     438             :     const std::string reportExtendedDataTableSQL = "CREATE TABLE ReportExtendedData ("
     439             :                                                    "ReportExtendedDataIndex INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, "
     440             :                                                    "ReportDataIndex INTEGER, "
     441             :                                                    "MaxValue REAL, "
     442             :                                                    "MaxMonth INTEGER, "
     443             :                                                    "MaxDay INTEGER, "
     444             :                                                    "MaxHour INTEGER, "
     445             :                                                    "MaxStartMinute INTEGER, "
     446             :                                                    "MaxMinute INTEGER, "
     447             :                                                    "MinValue REAL, "
     448             :                                                    "MinMonth INTEGER, "
     449             :                                                    "MinDay INTEGER, "
     450             :                                                    "MinHour INTEGER, "
     451             :                                                    "MinStartMinute INTEGER, "
     452             :                                                    "MinMinute INTEGER, "
     453             :                                                    "FOREIGN KEY(ReportDataIndex) REFERENCES ReportData(ReportDataIndex) "
     454             :                                                    "ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE "
     455         232 :                                                    ");";
     456             : 
     457         116 :     sqliteExecuteCommand(reportExtendedDataTableSQL);
     458             : 
     459             :     const std::string reportExtendedDataInsertSQL = "INSERT INTO ReportExtendedData ("
     460             :                                                     "ReportExtendedDataIndex, "
     461             :                                                     "ReportDataIndex, "
     462             :                                                     "MaxValue, "
     463             :                                                     "MaxMonth, "
     464             :                                                     "MaxDay, "
     465             :                                                     "MaxHour, "
     466             :                                                     "MaxStartMinute, "
     467             :                                                     "MaxMinute, "
     468             :                                                     "MinValue, "
     469             :                                                     "MinMonth, "
     470             :                                                     "MinDay, "
     471             :                                                     "MinHour, "
     472             :                                                     "MinStartMinute, "
     473             :                                                     "MinMinute) "
     474         232 :                                                     "VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?);";
     475             : 
     476         116 :     sqlitePrepareStatement(m_reportExtendedDataInsertStmt, reportExtendedDataInsertSQL);
     477         116 : }
     478             : 
     479         116 : void SQLite::initializeTimeIndicesTable()
     480             : {
     481             :     const std::string timeTableSQL = "CREATE TABLE Time ("
     482             :                                      "TimeIndex INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, "
     483             :                                      "Year INTEGER, "
     484             :                                      "Month INTEGER, "
     485             :                                      "Day INTEGER, "
     486             :                                      "Hour INTEGER, "
     487             :                                      "Minute INTEGER, "
     488             :                                      "Dst INTEGER, "
     489             :                                      "Interval INTEGER, "
     490             :                                      "IntervalType INTEGER, "
     491             :                                      "SimulationDays INTEGER, "
     492             :                                      "DayType TEXT, "
     493             :                                      "EnvironmentPeriodIndex INTEGER, "
     494         232 :                                      "WarmupFlag INTEGER);";
     495             : 
     496         116 :     sqliteExecuteCommand(timeTableSQL);
     497             : 
     498             :     const std::string timeIndexInsertSQL = "INSERT INTO Time ("
     499             :                                            "TimeIndex, "
     500             :                                            "Year, "
     501             :                                            "Month, "
     502             :                                            "Day, "
     503             :                                            "Hour, "
     504             :                                            "Minute, "
     505             :                                            "DST, "
     506             :                                            "Interval, "
     507             :                                            "IntervalType, "
     508             :                                            "SimulationDays, "
     509             :                                            "DayType, "
     510             :                                            "EnvironmentPeriodIndex, "
     511             :                                            "WarmupFlag) "
     512         232 :                                            "VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?);";
     513             : 
     514         116 :     sqlitePrepareStatement(m_timeIndexInsertStmt, timeIndexInsertSQL);
     515         116 : }
     516             : 
     517         116 : void SQLite::initializeZoneInfoTable()
     518             : {
     519             :     const std::string zonesTableSQL = "CREATE TABLE Zones ("
     520             :                                       "ZoneIndex INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, "
     521             :                                       "ZoneName TEXT, "
     522             :                                       "RelNorth REAL, "
     523             :                                       "OriginX REAL, "
     524             :                                       "OriginY REAL, "
     525             :                                       "OriginZ REAL, "
     526             :                                       "CentroidX REAL, "
     527             :                                       "CentroidY REAL, "
     528             :                                       "CentroidZ REAL, "
     529             :                                       "OfType INTEGER, "
     530             :                                       "Multiplier REAL, "
     531             :                                       "ListMultiplier REAL, "
     532             :                                       "MinimumX REAL, "
     533             :                                       "MaximumX REAL, "
     534             :                                       "MinimumY REAL, "
     535             :                                       "MaximumY REAL, "
     536             :                                       "MinimumZ REAL, "
     537             :                                       "MaximumZ REAL, "
     538             :                                       "CeilingHeight REAL, "
     539             :                                       "Volume REAL, "
     540             :                                       "InsideConvectionAlgo INTEGER, "
     541             :                                       "OutsideConvectionAlgo INTEGER, "
     542             :                                       "FloorArea REAL, "
     543             :                                       "ExtGrossWallArea REAL, "
     544             :                                       "ExtNetWallArea REAL, "
     545             :                                       "ExtWindowArea REAL, "
     546         232 :                                       "IsPartOfTotalArea INTEGER);";
     547             : 
     548         116 :     sqliteExecuteCommand(zonesTableSQL);
     549             : 
     550             :     const std::string zoneInfoInsertSQL = "INSERT INTO Zones ("
     551             :                                           "ZoneIndex, "
     552             :                                           "ZoneName, "
     553             :                                           "RelNorth, "
     554             :                                           "OriginX, "
     555             :                                           "OriginY, "
     556             : 
     557             :                                           "OriginZ, "
     558             :                                           "CentroidX, "
     559             :                                           "CentroidY, "
     560             :                                           "CentroidZ, "
     561             :                                           "OfType, "
     562             : 
     563             :                                           "Multiplier, "
     564             :                                           "ListMultiplier, "
     565             :                                           "MinimumX, "
     566             :                                           "MaximumX, "
     567             :                                           "MinimumY, "
     568             : 
     569             :                                           "MaximumY, "
     570             :                                           "MinimumZ, "
     571             :                                           "MaximumZ, "
     572             :                                           "CeilingHeight, "
     573             :                                           "Volume, "
     574             : 
     575             :                                           "InsideConvectionAlgo, "
     576             :                                           "OutsideConvectionAlgo, "
     577             :                                           "FloorArea, "
     578             :                                           "ExtGrossWallArea, "
     579             :                                           "ExtNetWallArea, "
     580             : 
     581             :                                           "ExtWindowArea, "
     582             :                                           "IsPartOfTotalArea) "
     583         232 :                                           "VALUES (?,?,?,?,?, ?,?,?,?,?, ?,?,?,?,?, ?,?,?,?,?, ?,?,?,?,?, ?,?);";
     584             : 
     585         116 :     sqlitePrepareStatement(m_zoneInfoInsertStmt, zoneInfoInsertSQL);
     586         116 : }
     587             : 
     588         116 : void SQLite::initializeZoneInfoZoneListTable()
     589             : {
     590             :     const std::string zoneInfoZoneListTableSQL = "CREATE TABLE ZoneInfoZoneLists ("
     591             :                                                  "ZoneListIndex INTEGER NOT NULL, "
     592             :                                                  "ZoneIndex INTEGER NOT NULL, "
     593             :                                                  "PRIMARY KEY(ZoneListIndex, ZoneIndex), "
     594             :                                                  "FOREIGN KEY(ZoneListIndex) REFERENCES ZoneLists(ZoneListIndex) "
     595             :                                                  "ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, "
     596             :                                                  "FOREIGN KEY(ZoneIndex) REFERENCES Zones(ZoneIndex) "
     597             :                                                  "ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE "
     598         232 :                                                  ");";
     599             : 
     600         116 :     sqliteExecuteCommand(zoneInfoZoneListTableSQL);
     601             : 
     602             :     const std::string zoneInfoZoneListInsertSQL = "INSERT INTO ZoneInfoZoneLists ("
     603             :                                                   "ZoneListIndex, "
     604             :                                                   "ZoneIndex) "
     605         232 :                                                   "VALUES (?,?);";
     606             : 
     607         116 :     sqlitePrepareStatement(m_zoneInfoZoneListInsertStmt, zoneInfoZoneListInsertSQL);
     608         116 : }
     609             : 
     610         116 : void SQLite::initializeNominalPeopleTable()
     611             : {
     612             :     const std::string nominalPeopleTableSQL =
     613             :         "CREATE TABLE NominalPeople ( "
     614             :         "NominalPeopleIndex INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, ObjectName TEXT, ZoneIndex INTEGER,"
     615             :         "NumberOfPeople INTEGER, NumberOfPeopleScheduleIndex INTEGER, ActivityScheduleIndex INTEGER, FractionRadiant REAL, "
     616             :         "FractionConvected REAL, WorkEfficiencyScheduleIndex INTEGER, ClothingEfficiencyScheduleIndex INTEGER, "
     617             :         "AirVelocityScheduleIndex INTEGER, Fanger INTEGER, Pierce INTEGER, KSU INTEGER, "
     618             :         "MRTCalcType INTEGER, SurfaceIndex INTEGER, "
     619             :         "AngleFactorListName TEXT, AngleFactorList INTEGER, UserSpecifeidSensibleFraction REAL, Show55Warning INTEGER, "
     620             :         "FOREIGN KEY(ZoneIndex) REFERENCES Zones(ZoneIndex) "
     621             :         "ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, "
     622             :         "FOREIGN KEY(NumberOfPeopleScheduleIndex) REFERENCES Schedules(ScheduleIndex) "
     623             :         "ON UPDATE CASCADE, "
     624             :         "FOREIGN KEY(ActivityScheduleIndex) REFERENCES Schedules(ScheduleIndex) "
     625             :         "ON UPDATE CASCADE, "
     626             :         "FOREIGN KEY(WorkEfficiencyScheduleIndex) REFERENCES Schedules(ScheduleIndex) "
     627             :         "ON UPDATE CASCADE, "
     628             :         "FOREIGN KEY(ClothingEfficiencyScheduleIndex) REFERENCES Schedules(ScheduleIndex) "
     629             :         "ON UPDATE CASCADE, "
     630             :         "FOREIGN KEY(AirVelocityScheduleIndex) REFERENCES Schedules(ScheduleIndex) "
     631             :         "ON UPDATE CASCADE, "
     632             :         "FOREIGN KEY(SurfaceIndex) REFERENCES Surfaces(SurfaceIndex) "
     633             :         "ON UPDATE CASCADE "
     634         232 :         ");";
     635             : 
     636         116 :     sqliteExecuteCommand(nominalPeopleTableSQL);
     637             : 
     638         232 :     const std::string nominalPeopleInsertSQL = "INSERT INTO NominalPeople VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?);";
     639             : 
     640         116 :     sqlitePrepareStatement(m_nominalPeopleInsertStmt, nominalPeopleInsertSQL);
     641         116 : }
     642             : 
     643         116 : void SQLite::initializeNominalLightingTable()
     644             : {
     645             :     const std::string nominalLightingTableSQL =
     646             :         "CREATE TABLE NominalLighting ( "
     647             :         "NominalLightingIndex INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, ObjectName TEXT, "
     648             :         "ZoneIndex INTEGER, ScheduleIndex INTEGER, DesignLevel REAL, FractionReturnAir REAL, FractionRadiant REAL, "
     649             :         "FractionShortWave REAL, FractionReplaceable REAL, FractionConvected REAL, EndUseSubcategory TEXT, "
     650             :         "FOREIGN KEY(ZoneIndex) REFERENCES Zones(ZoneIndex) "
     651             :         "ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, "
     652             :         "FOREIGN KEY(ScheduleIndex) REFERENCES Schedules(ScheduleIndex) "
     653             :         "ON UPDATE CASCADE "
     654         232 :         ");";
     655             : 
     656         116 :     sqliteExecuteCommand(nominalLightingTableSQL);
     657             : 
     658         232 :     const std::string nominalLightingInsertSQL = "INSERT INTO NominalLighting VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?);";
     659             : 
     660         116 :     sqlitePrepareStatement(m_nominalLightingInsertStmt, nominalLightingInsertSQL);
     661         116 : }
     662             : 
     663         116 : void SQLite::initializeNominalElectricEquipmentTable()
     664             : {
     665             :     const std::string nominalElectricEquipmentTableSQL = "CREATE TABLE NominalElectricEquipment ("
     666             :                                                          "NominalElectricEquipmentIndex INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, "
     667             :                                                          "ObjectName TEXT, "
     668             :                                                          "ZoneIndex INTEGER, ScheduleIndex INTEGER, DesignLevel REAL, "
     669             :                                                          "FractionLatent REAL, FractionRadiant REAL, FractionLost REAL, "
     670             :                                                          "FractionConvected REAL, EndUseSubcategory TEXT, "
     671             :                                                          "FOREIGN KEY(ZoneIndex) REFERENCES Zones(ZoneIndex) "
     672             :                                                          "ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, "
     673             :                                                          "FOREIGN KEY(ScheduleIndex) REFERENCES Schedules(ScheduleIndex) "
     674             :                                                          "ON UPDATE CASCADE "
     675         232 :                                                          ");";
     676             : 
     677         116 :     sqliteExecuteCommand(nominalElectricEquipmentTableSQL);
     678             : 
     679         232 :     const std::string nominalElectricEquipmentInsertSQL = "INSERT INTO NominalElectricEquipment VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?);";
     680             : 
     681         116 :     sqlitePrepareStatement(m_nominalElectricEquipmentInsertStmt, nominalElectricEquipmentInsertSQL);
     682         116 : }
     683             : 
     684         116 : void SQLite::initializeNominalGasEquipmentTable()
     685             : {
     686             :     const std::string nominalGasEquipmentTableSQL = "CREATE TABLE NominalGasEquipment( "
     687             :                                                     "NominalGasEquipmentIndex INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, ObjectName TEXT, "
     688             :                                                     "ZoneIndex INTEGER, ScheduleIndex INTEGER, "
     689             :                                                     "DesignLevel REAL, FractionLatent REAL, FractionRadiant REAL, FractionLost REAL, "
     690             :                                                     "FractionConvected REAL, EndUseSubcategory TEXT, "
     691             :                                                     "FOREIGN KEY(ZoneIndex) REFERENCES Zones(ZoneIndex) "
     692             :                                                     "ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, "
     693             :                                                     "FOREIGN KEY(ScheduleIndex) REFERENCES Schedules(ScheduleIndex) "
     694             :                                                     "ON UPDATE CASCADE "
     695         232 :                                                     ");";
     696             : 
     697         116 :     sqliteExecuteCommand(nominalGasEquipmentTableSQL);
     698             : 
     699         232 :     const std::string nominalGasEquipmentInsertSQL = "INSERT INTO NominalGasEquipment VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?);";
     700             : 
     701         116 :     sqlitePrepareStatement(m_nominalGasEquipmentInsertStmt, nominalGasEquipmentInsertSQL);
     702         116 : }
     703             : 
     704         116 : void SQLite::initializeNominalSteamEquipmentTable()
     705             : {
     706             :     const std::string nominalSteamEquipmentTableSQL = "CREATE TABLE NominalSteamEquipment( "
     707             :                                                       "NominalSteamEquipmentIndex INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, ObjectName TEXT, "
     708             :                                                       "ZoneIndex INTEGER, ScheduleIndex INTEGER, DesignLevel REAL, "
     709             :                                                       "FractionLatent REAL, FractionRadiant REAL, FractionLost REAL, "
     710             :                                                       "FractionConvected REAL, EndUseSubcategory TEXT, "
     711             :                                                       "FOREIGN KEY(ZoneIndex) REFERENCES Zones(ZoneIndex) "
     712             :                                                       "ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, "
     713             :                                                       "FOREIGN KEY(ScheduleIndex) REFERENCES Schedules(ScheduleIndex) "
     714             :                                                       "ON UPDATE CASCADE "
     715         232 :                                                       ");";
     716             : 
     717         116 :     sqliteExecuteCommand(nominalSteamEquipmentTableSQL);
     718             : 
     719         232 :     const std::string nominalSteamEquipmentInsertSQL = "INSERT INTO NominalSteamEquipment VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?);";
     720             : 
     721         116 :     sqlitePrepareStatement(m_nominalSteamEquipmentInsertStmt, nominalSteamEquipmentInsertSQL);
     722         116 : }
     723             : 
     724         116 : void SQLite::initializeNominalHotWaterEquipmentTable()
     725             : {
     726             :     const std::string nominalHotWaterEquipmentTableSQL =
     727             :         "CREATE TABLE NominalHotWaterEquipment("
     728             :         "NominalHotWaterEquipmentIndex INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, "
     729             :         "ObjectName TEXT, "
     730             :         "ZoneIndex INTEGER, SchedNo INTEGER, DesignLevel REAL, FractionLatent REAL, FractionRadiant REAL, FractionLost REAL, "
     731             :         "FractionConvected REAL, EndUseSubcategory TEXT, "
     732             :         "FOREIGN KEY(ZoneIndex) REFERENCES Zones(ZoneIndex) "
     733             :         "ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, "
     734             :         "FOREIGN KEY(SchedNo) REFERENCES Schedules(ScheduleIndex) "
     735             :         "ON UPDATE CASCADE "
     736         232 :         ");";
     737             : 
     738         116 :     sqliteExecuteCommand(nominalHotWaterEquipmentTableSQL);
     739             : 
     740         232 :     const std::string nominalHotWaterEquipmentInsertSQL = "INSERT INTO NominalHotWaterEquipment VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?);";
     741             : 
     742         116 :     sqlitePrepareStatement(m_nominalHotWaterEquipmentInsertStmt, nominalHotWaterEquipmentInsertSQL);
     743         116 : }
     744             : 
     745         116 : void SQLite::initializeNominalOtherEquipmentTable()
     746             : {
     747             :     const std::string nominalOtherEquipmentTableSQL = "CREATE TABLE NominalOtherEquipment( "
     748             :                                                       "NominalOtherEquipmentIndex INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, ObjectName TEXT, "
     749             :                                                       "ZoneIndex INTEGER, ScheduleIndex INTEGER, DesignLevel REAL, FractionLatent REAL, "
     750             :                                                       "FractionRadiant REAL, FractionLost REAL, "
     751             :                                                       "FractionConvected REAL, EndUseSubcategory TEXT, "
     752             :                                                       "FOREIGN KEY(ZoneIndex) REFERENCES Zones(ZoneIndex) "
     753             :                                                       "ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, "
     754             :                                                       "FOREIGN KEY(ScheduleIndex) REFERENCES Schedules(ScheduleIndex) "
     755             :                                                       "ON UPDATE CASCADE "
     756         232 :                                                       ");";
     757             : 
     758         116 :     sqliteExecuteCommand(nominalOtherEquipmentTableSQL);
     759             : 
     760         232 :     const std::string nominalOtherEquipmentInsertSQL = "INSERT INTO NominalOtherEquipment VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?);";
     761             : 
     762         116 :     sqlitePrepareStatement(m_nominalOtherEquipmentInsertStmt, nominalOtherEquipmentInsertSQL);
     763         116 : }
     764             : 
     765         116 : void SQLite::initializeNominalBaseboardHeatTable()
     766             : {
     767             :     const std::string nominalBaseboardHeatersTableSQL =
     768             :         "CREATE TABLE NominalBaseboardHeaters ( "
     769             :         "NominalBaseboardHeaterIndex INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, ObjectName TEXT, "
     770             :         "ZoneIndex INTEGER, ScheduleIndex INTEGER, CapatLowTemperature REAL, LowTemperature REAL, CapatHighTemperature REAL, "
     771             :         "HighTemperature REAL, FractionRadiant REAL, FractionConvected REAL, EndUseSubcategory TEXT, "
     772             :         "FOREIGN KEY(ZoneIndex) REFERENCES Zones(ZoneIndex) "
     773             :         "ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, "
     774             :         "FOREIGN KEY(ScheduleIndex) REFERENCES Schedules(ScheduleIndex) "
     775             :         "ON UPDATE CASCADE "
     776         232 :         ");";
     777             : 
     778         116 :     sqliteExecuteCommand(nominalBaseboardHeatersTableSQL);
     779             : 
     780         232 :     const std::string nominalBaseboardHeatInsertSQL = "INSERT INTO NominalBaseboardHeaters VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?);";
     781             : 
     782         116 :     sqlitePrepareStatement(m_nominalBaseboardHeatInsertStmt, nominalBaseboardHeatInsertSQL);
     783         116 : }
     784             : 
     785         116 : void SQLite::initializeSurfacesTable()
     786             : {
     787             :     const std::string surfacesTableSQL = "CREATE TABLE Surfaces ( "
     788             :                                          "SurfaceIndex INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, SurfaceName TEXT, ConstructionIndex INTEGER, "
     789             :                                          "ClassName TEXT, Area REAL, GrossArea REAL, Perimeter REAL, "
     790             :                                          "Azimuth REAL, Height REAL, Reveal REAL, "
     791             :                                          "Shape INTEGER, Sides INTEGER, Tilt REAL, Width REAL, HeatTransferSurf INTEGER, "
     792             :                                          "BaseSurfaceIndex INTEGER, ZoneIndex INTEGER, ExtBoundCond INTEGER,  "
     793             :                                          "ExtSolar INTEGER, ExtWind INTEGER, "
     794             :                                          "FOREIGN KEY(ConstructionIndex) REFERENCES Constructions(ConstructionIndex) "
     795             :                                          "ON UPDATE CASCADE, "
     796             :                                          "FOREIGN KEY(BaseSurfaceIndex) REFERENCES Surfaces(SurfaceIndex) "
     797             :                                          "ON UPDATE CASCADE, "
     798             :                                          "FOREIGN KEY(ZoneIndex) REFERENCES Zones(ZoneIndex) "
     799             :                                          "ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE "
     800         232 :                                          ");";
     801             : 
     802         116 :     sqliteExecuteCommand(surfacesTableSQL);
     803             : 
     804         232 :     const std::string surfaceInsertSQL = "INSERT INTO Surfaces VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?);";
     805             : 
     806         116 :     sqlitePrepareStatement(m_surfaceInsertStmt, surfaceInsertSQL);
     807         116 : }
     808             : 
     809         116 : void SQLite::initializeConstructionsTables()
     810             : {
     811             :     const std::string constructionsTableSQL = "CREATE TABLE Constructions ( "
     812             :                                               "ConstructionIndex INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, Name TEXT, TotalLayers INTEGER, "
     813             :                                               "TotalSolidLayers INTEGER, TotalGlassLayers INTEGER, InsideAbsorpVis REAL, OutsideAbsorpVis REAL, "
     814             :                                               "InsideAbsorpSolar REAL, OutsideAbsorpSolar REAL, InsideAbsorpThermal REAL, OutsideAbsorpThermal REAL, "
     815             :                                               "OutsideRoughness INTEGER, TypeIsWindow INTEGER, Uvalue REAL"
     816         232 :                                               ");";
     817             : 
     818         116 :     sqliteExecuteCommand(constructionsTableSQL);
     819             : 
     820         232 :     const std::string constructionInsertSQL = "INSERT INTO Constructions VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?);";
     821             : 
     822         116 :     sqlitePrepareStatement(m_constructionInsertStmt, constructionInsertSQL);
     823             : 
     824             :     const std::string constructionLayersTableSQL = "CREATE TABLE ConstructionLayers ( "
     825             :                                                    "ConstructionLayersIndex INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, "
     826             :                                                    "ConstructionIndex INTEGER, LayerIndex INTEGER, MaterialIndex INTEGER, "
     827             :                                                    "FOREIGN KEY(ConstructionIndex) REFERENCES Constructions(ConstructionIndex) "
     828             :                                                    "ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, "
     829             :                                                    "FOREIGN KEY(MaterialIndex) REFERENCES Materials(MaterialIndex) "
     830             :                                                    "ON UPDATE CASCADE "
     831         232 :                                                    ");";
     832             : 
     833         116 :     sqliteExecuteCommand(constructionLayersTableSQL);
     834             : 
     835         232 :     const std::string constructionLayerInsertSQL = "INSERT INTO ConstructionLayers(ConstructionIndex, LayerIndex, MaterialIndex) VALUES(?,?,?);";
     836             : 
     837         116 :     sqlitePrepareStatement(m_constructionLayerInsertStmt, constructionLayerInsertSQL);
     838         116 : }
     839             : 
     840         116 : void SQLite::initializeMaterialsTable()
     841             : {
     842             :     const std::string materialsTableSQL = "CREATE TABLE Materials ( "
     843             :                                           "MaterialIndex INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, "
     844             :                                           "Name TEXT, MaterialType INTEGER, Roughness INTEGER, "
     845             :                                           "Conductivity REAL, Density REAL, IsoMoistCap REAL, Porosity REAL, Resistance REAL, "
     846             :                                           "ROnly INTEGER, SpecHeat REAL, ThermGradCoef REAL, Thickness REAL, VaporDiffus REAL "
     847         232 :                                           ");";
     848             : 
     849         116 :     sqliteExecuteCommand(materialsTableSQL);
     850             : 
     851         232 :     const std::string materialInsertSQL = "INSERT INTO Materials VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?);";
     852             : 
     853         116 :     sqlitePrepareStatement(m_materialInsertStmt, materialInsertSQL);
     854         116 : }
     855             : 
     856         116 : void SQLite::initializeZoneListTable()
     857             : {
     858             :     const std::string zoneListsTableSQL = "CREATE TABLE ZoneLists ( "
     859         232 :                                           "ZoneListIndex INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, Name TEXT);";
     860             : 
     861         116 :     sqliteExecuteCommand(zoneListsTableSQL);
     862             : 
     863         232 :     const std::string zoneListInsertSQL = "INSERT INTO ZoneLists VALUES(?,?);";
     864             : 
     865         116 :     sqlitePrepareStatement(m_zoneListInsertStmt, zoneListInsertSQL);
     866         116 : }
     867             : 
     868         116 : void SQLite::initializeZoneGroupTable()
     869             : {
     870             :     const std::string zoneGroupsTableSQL = "CREATE TABLE ZoneGroups ( "
     871             :                                            "ZoneGroupIndex INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, "
     872             :                                            "ZoneGroupName TEXT, "
     873             :                                            "ZoneListIndex INTEGER, "
     874             :                                            "ZoneListMultiplier INTEGER, "
     875             :                                            "FOREIGN KEY(ZoneListIndex) REFERENCES ZoneLists(ZoneListIndex) "
     876             :                                            "ON UPDATE CASCADE "
     877         232 :                                            ");";
     878             : 
     879         116 :     sqliteExecuteCommand(zoneGroupsTableSQL);
     880             : 
     881         232 :     const std::string zoneGroupInsertSQL = "INSERT INTO ZoneGroups VALUES(?,?,?,?);";
     882             : 
     883         116 :     sqlitePrepareStatement(m_zoneGroupInsertStmt, zoneGroupInsertSQL);
     884         116 : }
     885             : 
     886         116 : void SQLite::initializeNominalInfiltrationTable()
     887             : {
     888             :     const std::string nominalInfiltrationTableSQL = "CREATE TABLE NominalInfiltration ( "
     889             :                                                     "NominalInfiltrationIndex INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, "
     890             :                                                     "ObjectName TEXT, "
     891             :                                                     "ZoneIndex INTEGER, ScheduleIndex INTEGER, DesignLevel REAL, "
     892             :                                                     "FOREIGN KEY(ZoneIndex) REFERENCES Zones(ZoneIndex) "
     893             :                                                     "ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, "
     894             :                                                     "FOREIGN KEY(ScheduleIndex) REFERENCES Schedules(ScheduleIndex) "
     895             :                                                     "ON UPDATE CASCADE "
     896         232 :                                                     ");";
     897             : 
     898         116 :     sqliteExecuteCommand(nominalInfiltrationTableSQL);
     899             : 
     900             :     const std::string infiltrationInsertSQL =
     901             :         "INSERT INTO NominalInfiltration (NominalInfiltrationIndex, ObjectName, ZoneIndex, ScheduleIndex, DesignLevel)"
     902         232 :         "VALUES (?,?,?,?,?);";
     903             : 
     904         116 :     sqlitePrepareStatement(m_infiltrationInsertStmt, infiltrationInsertSQL);
     905         116 : }
     906             : 
     907         116 : void SQLite::initializeNominalVentilationTable()
     908             : {
     909             :     const std::string nominalVentilationTableSQL = "CREATE TABLE NominalVentilation ( "
     910             :                                                    "NominalVentilationIndex INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, "
     911             :                                                    "ObjectName TEXT, "
     912             :                                                    "ZoneIndex INTEGER, ScheduleIndex INTEGER, DesignLevel REAL, "
     913             :                                                    "FOREIGN KEY(ZoneIndex) REFERENCES Zones(ZoneIndex) "
     914             :                                                    "ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, "
     915             :                                                    "FOREIGN KEY(ScheduleIndex) REFERENCES Schedules(ScheduleIndex) "
     916             :                                                    "ON UPDATE CASCADE "
     917         232 :                                                    ");";
     918             : 
     919         116 :     sqliteExecuteCommand(nominalVentilationTableSQL);
     920             : 
     921         232 :     const std::string ventilationInsertSQL = "INSERT INTO NominalVentilation VALUES(?,?,?,?,?);";
     922             : 
     923         116 :     sqlitePrepareStatement(m_ventilationInsertStmt, ventilationInsertSQL);
     924         116 : }
     925             : 
     926         116 : void SQLite::initializeZoneSizingTable()
     927             : {
     928             :     const std::string zoneSizesTableSQL = "CREATE TABLE ZoneSizes ( "
     929             :                                           "ZoneSizesIndex INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, ZoneName TEXT, LoadType TEXT, "
     930             :                                           "CalcDesLoad REAL, UserDesLoad REAL, CalcDesFlow REAL, UserDesFlow REAL, DesDayName TEXT, PeakHrMin TEXT, "
     931             :                                           "PeakTemp REAL, PeakHumRat REAL, CalcOutsideAirFlow REAL, DOASHeatAddRate REAL"
     932         232 :                                           ");";
     933             : 
     934         116 :     sqliteExecuteCommand(zoneSizesTableSQL);
     935             : 
     936         232 :     const std::string zoneSizingInsertSQL = "INSERT INTO ZoneSizes VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?);";
     937             : 
     938         116 :     sqlitePrepareStatement(m_zoneSizingInsertStmt, zoneSizingInsertSQL);
     939         116 : }
     940             : 
     941         116 : void SQLite::initializeSystemSizingTable()
     942             : {
     943             :     const std::string systemSizesTableSQL =
     944             :         "CREATE TABLE SystemSizes (SystemSizesIndex INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, SystemName TEXT, LoadType TEXT, PeakLoadType TEXT, "
     945         232 :         "UserDesCap REAL, CalcDesVolFlow REAL, UserDesVolFlow REAL, DesDayName TEXT, PeakHrMin TEXT);";
     946             : 
     947         116 :     sqliteExecuteCommand(systemSizesTableSQL);
     948             : 
     949         232 :     const std::string systemSizingInsertSQL = "INSERT INTO SystemSizes VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?);";
     950             : 
     951         116 :     sqlitePrepareStatement(m_systemSizingInsertStmt, systemSizingInsertSQL);
     952         116 : }
     953             : 
     954         116 : void SQLite::initializeComponentSizingTable()
     955             : {
     956             :     const std::string componentSizesTableSQL = "CREATE TABLE ComponentSizes (ComponentSizesIndex INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, "
     957         232 :                                                "CompType TEXT, CompName TEXT, Description TEXT, Value REAL, Units TEXT);";
     958             : 
     959         116 :     sqliteExecuteCommand(componentSizesTableSQL);
     960             : 
     961         232 :     const std::string componentSizingInsertSQL = "INSERT INTO ComponentSizes VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?);";
     962             : 
     963         116 :     sqlitePrepareStatement(m_componentSizingInsertStmt, componentSizingInsertSQL);
     964         116 : }
     965             : 
     966         116 : void SQLite::initializeRoomAirModelTable()
     967             : {
     968             :     const std::string roomAirModelsTableSQL = "CREATE TABLE RoomAirModels (ZoneIndex INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, AirModelName TEXT, AirModelType INTEGER, "
     969         232 :                                               "TempCoupleScheme INTEGER, SimAirModel INTEGER);";
     970             : 
     971         116 :     sqliteExecuteCommand(roomAirModelsTableSQL);
     972             : 
     973         232 :     const std::string roomAirModelInsertSQL = "INSERT INTO RoomAirModels VALUES(?,?,?,?,?);";
     974             : 
     975         116 :     sqlitePrepareStatement(m_roomAirModelInsertStmt, roomAirModelInsertSQL);
     976         116 : }
     977             : 
     978         116 : void SQLite::initializeSchedulesTable()
     979             : {
     980             :     const std::string scheduleTableSQL = "CREATE TABLE Schedules (ScheduleIndex INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, ScheduleName TEXT, "
     981         232 :                                          "ScheduleType TEXT, ScheduleMinimum REAL, ScheduleMaximum REAL);";
     982             : 
     983         116 :     sqliteExecuteCommand(scheduleTableSQL);
     984             : 
     985         232 :     const std::string scheduleInsertSQL = "INSERT INTO Schedules VALUES(?,?,?,?,?);";
     986             : 
     987         116 :     sqlitePrepareStatement(m_scheduleInsertStmt, scheduleInsertSQL);
     988         116 : }
     989             : 
     990         116 : void SQLite::initializeDaylightMapTables()
     991             : {
     992             :     const std::string daylightMapsTableSQL = "CREATE TABLE DaylightMaps ( "
     993             :                                              "MapNumber INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, MapName TEXT, "
     994             :                                              "Environment TEXT, Zone INTEGER, ReferencePts TEXT, Z REAL, "
     995             :                                              "FOREIGN KEY(Zone) REFERENCES Zones(ZoneIndex) "
     996             :                                              "ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE "
     997         232 :                                              ");";
     998             : 
     999         116 :     sqliteExecuteCommand(daylightMapsTableSQL);
    1000             : 
    1001         232 :     const std::string daylightMapTitleInsertSQL = "INSERT INTO DaylightMaps VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?);";
    1002             : 
    1003         116 :     sqlitePrepareStatement(m_daylightMapTitleInsertStmt, daylightMapTitleInsertSQL);
    1004             : 
    1005             :     const std::string daylightMapHourlyReportsTableSQL = "CREATE TABLE DaylightMapHourlyReports ( "
    1006             :                                                          "HourlyReportIndex INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, "
    1007             :                                                          "MapNumber INTEGER, Year INTEGER, Month INTEGER, DayOfMonth INTEGER, Hour INTEGER, "
    1008             :                                                          "FOREIGN KEY(MapNumber) REFERENCES DaylightMaps(MapNumber) "
    1009             :                                                          "ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE "
    1010         232 :                                                          ");";
    1011             : 
    1012         116 :     sqliteExecuteCommand(daylightMapHourlyReportsTableSQL);
    1013             : 
    1014         232 :     const std::string daylightMapHourlyTitleInsertSQL = "INSERT INTO DaylightMapHourlyReports VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?);";
    1015             : 
    1016         116 :     sqlitePrepareStatement(m_daylightMapHourlyTitleInsertStmt, daylightMapHourlyTitleInsertSQL);
    1017             : 
    1018             :     const std::string daylightMapHourlyDataTableSQL = "CREATE TABLE DaylightMapHourlyData ( "
    1019             :                                                       "HourlyDataIndex INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, HourlyReportIndex INTEGER, "
    1020             :                                                       "X REAL, Y REAL, Illuminance REAL, "
    1021             :                                                       "FOREIGN KEY(HourlyReportIndex) REFERENCES DaylightMapHourlyReports(HourlyReportIndex) "
    1022             :                                                       "ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE "
    1023         232 :                                                       ");";
    1024             : 
    1025         116 :     sqliteExecuteCommand(daylightMapHourlyDataTableSQL);
    1026             : 
    1027         232 :     const std::string daylightMapHourlyDataInsertSQL = "INSERT INTO DaylightMapHourlyData VALUES(?,?,?,?,?);";
    1028             : 
    1029         116 :     sqlitePrepareStatement(m_daylightMapHourlyDataInsertStmt, daylightMapHourlyDataInsertSQL);
    1030         116 : }
    1031             : 
    1032         116 : void SQLite::initializeViews()
    1033             : {
    1034             :     const std::string reportVariableWithTimeViewSQL =
    1035             :         "CREATE VIEW ReportVariableWithTime AS "
    1036             :         "SELECT rd.ReportDataIndex, rd.TimeIndex, rd.ReportDataDictionaryIndex, red.ReportExtendedDataIndex, rd.Value, "
    1037             :         "t.Month, t.Day, t.Hour, t.Minute, t.Dst, t.Interval, t.IntervalType, t.SimulationDays, t.DayType, t.EnvironmentPeriodIndex, t.WarmupFlag, "
    1038             :         "rdd.IsMeter, rdd.Type, rdd.IndexGroup, rdd.TimestepType, rdd.KeyValue, rdd.Name, rdd.ReportingFrequency, rdd.ScheduleName, rdd.Units, "
    1039             :         "red.MaxValue, red.MaxMonth, red.MaxDay, red.MaxStartMinute, red.MaxMinute, red.MinValue, red.MinMonth, red.MinDay, red.MinStartMinute, "
    1040             :         "red.MinMinute "
    1041             :         "FROM ReportData As rd "
    1042             :         "INNER JOIN ReportDataDictionary As rdd "
    1043             :         "ON rd.ReportDataDictionaryIndex = rdd.ReportDataDictionaryIndex "
    1044             :         "LEFT OUTER JOIN ReportExtendedData As red "
    1045             :         "ON rd.ReportDataIndex = red.ReportDataIndex "
    1046             :         "INNER JOIN Time As t "
    1047         232 :         "ON rd.TimeIndex = t.TimeIndex;";
    1048             : 
    1049         116 :     sqliteExecuteCommand(reportVariableWithTimeViewSQL);
    1050             : 
    1051             :     const std::string reportVariableDataViewSQL =
    1052             :         "CREATE VIEW ReportVariableData AS "
    1053             :         "SELECT rd.ReportDataIndex As rowid, rd.TimeIndex, rd.ReportDataDictionaryIndex As ReportVariableDataDictionaryIndex, "
    1054             :         "rd.Value As VariableValue, red.ReportExtendedDataIndex As ReportVariableExtendedDataIndex "
    1055             :         "FROM ReportData As rd "
    1056             :         "LEFT OUTER JOIN ReportExtendedData As red "
    1057         232 :         "ON rd.ReportDataIndex = red.ReportDataIndex;";
    1058             : 
    1059         116 :     sqliteExecuteCommand(reportVariableDataViewSQL);
    1060             : 
    1061             :     const std::string reportVariableDataDictionaryViewSQL =
    1062             :         "CREATE VIEW ReportVariableDataDictionary AS "
    1063             :         "SELECT rdd.ReportDataDictionaryIndex As ReportVariableDataDictionaryIndex, rdd.Type As VariableType, rdd.IndexGroup, rdd.TimestepType, "
    1064             :         "rdd.KeyValue, rdd.Name As VariableName, rdd.ReportingFrequency, rdd.ScheduleName, rdd.Units As VariableUnits "
    1065         232 :         "FROM ReportDataDictionary As rdd;";
    1066             : 
    1067         116 :     sqliteExecuteCommand(reportVariableDataDictionaryViewSQL);
    1068             : 
    1069             :     const std::string reportVariableExtendedDataViewSQL =
    1070             :         "CREATE VIEW ReportVariableExtendedData AS "
    1071             :         "SELECT red.ReportExtendedDataIndex As ReportVariableExtendedDataIndex, red.MaxValue, red.MaxMonth, red.MaxDay, "
    1072             :         "red.MaxStartMinute, red.MaxMinute, red.MinValue, red.MinMonth, red.MinDay, red.MinStartMinute, red.MinMinute "
    1073         232 :         "FROM ReportExtendedData As red;";
    1074             : 
    1075         116 :     sqliteExecuteCommand(reportVariableExtendedDataViewSQL);
    1076             : 
    1077             :     const std::string reportMeterDataViewSQL =
    1078             :         "CREATE VIEW ReportMeterData AS "
    1079             :         "SELECT rd.ReportDataIndex As rowid, rd.TimeIndex, rd.ReportDataDictionaryIndex As ReportMeterDataDictionaryIndex, "
    1080             :         "rd.Value As VariableValue, red.ReportExtendedDataIndex As ReportVariableExtendedDataIndex "
    1081             :         "FROM ReportData As rd "
    1082             :         "LEFT OUTER JOIN ReportExtendedData As red "
    1083             :         "ON rd.ReportDataIndex = red.ReportDataIndex "
    1084             :         "INNER JOIN ReportDataDictionary As rdd "
    1085             :         "ON rd.ReportDataDictionaryIndex = rdd.ReportDataDictionaryIndex "
    1086         232 :         "WHERE rdd.IsMeter = 1;";
    1087             : 
    1088         116 :     sqliteExecuteCommand(reportMeterDataViewSQL);
    1089             : 
    1090             :     const std::string reportMeterDataDictionaryViewSQL =
    1091             :         "CREATE VIEW ReportMeterDataDictionary AS "
    1092             :         "SELECT rdd.ReportDataDictionaryIndex As ReportMeterDataDictionaryIndex, rdd.Type As VariableType, rdd.IndexGroup, rdd.TimestepType, "
    1093             :         "rdd.KeyValue, rdd.Name As VariableName, rdd.ReportingFrequency, rdd.ScheduleName, rdd.Units As VariableUnits "
    1094             :         "FROM ReportDataDictionary As rdd "
    1095         232 :         "WHERE rdd.IsMeter = 1;";
    1096             : 
    1097         116 :     sqliteExecuteCommand(reportMeterDataDictionaryViewSQL);
    1098             : 
    1099             :     const std::string reportMeterExtendedDataViewSQL =
    1100             :         "CREATE VIEW ReportMeterExtendedData AS "
    1101             :         "SELECT red.ReportExtendedDataIndex As ReportMeterExtendedDataIndex, red.MaxValue, red.MaxMonth, red.MaxDay, "
    1102             :         "red.MaxStartMinute, red.MaxMinute, red.MinValue, red.MinMonth, red.MinDay, red.MinStartMinute, red.MinMinute "
    1103             :         "FROM ReportExtendedData As red "
    1104             :         "LEFT OUTER JOIN ReportData As rd "
    1105             :         "ON rd.ReportDataIndex = red.ReportDataIndex "
    1106             :         "INNER JOIN ReportDataDictionary As rdd "
    1107             :         "ON rd.ReportDataDictionaryIndex = rdd.ReportDataDictionaryIndex "
    1108         232 :         "WHERE rdd.IsMeter = 1;";
    1109             : 
    1110         116 :     sqliteExecuteCommand(reportMeterExtendedDataViewSQL);
    1111         116 : }
    1112             : 
    1113         116 : void SQLite::initializeSimulationsTable()
    1114             : {
    1115             :     const std::string simulationsTableSQL = "CREATE TABLE Simulations (SimulationIndex INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, "
    1116             :                                             "EnergyPlusVersion TEXT, TimeStamp TEXT, NumTimestepsPerHour INTEGER, Completed BOOL, "
    1117         232 :                                             "CompletedSuccessfully BOOL);";
    1118             : 
    1119         116 :     sqliteExecuteCommand(simulationsTableSQL);
    1120             : 
    1121             :     const std::string simulationsInsertSQL =
    1122             :         "INSERT INTO Simulations(SimulationIndex, EnergyPlusVersion, TimeStamp, Completed, CompletedSuccessfully) "
    1123         232 :         "VALUES(?,?,?,'FALSE','FALSE');";
    1124             : 
    1125         116 :     sqlitePrepareStatement(m_simulationsInsertStmt, simulationsInsertSQL);
    1126             : 
    1127             :     const std::string simulationUpdateSQL = "UPDATE Simulations SET "
    1128             :                                             "Completed = ?, CompletedSuccessfully = ? "
    1129         232 :                                             "WHERE SimulationIndex = ?";
    1130             : 
    1131         116 :     sqlitePrepareStatement(m_simulationUpdateStmt, simulationUpdateSQL);
    1132             : 
    1133             :     const std::string simulationDataUpdateSQL = "UPDATE Simulations SET "
    1134             :                                                 "NumTimestepsPerHour = ? "
    1135         232 :                                                 "WHERE SimulationIndex = ?";
    1136             : 
    1137         116 :     sqlitePrepareStatement(m_simulationDataUpdateStmt, simulationDataUpdateSQL);
    1138         116 : }
    1139             : 
    1140         116 : void SQLite::initializeErrorsTable()
    1141             : {
    1142             :     const std::string errorsTableSQL = "CREATE TABLE Errors ( "
    1143             :                                        "ErrorIndex INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, SimulationIndex INTEGER, "
    1144             :                                        "ErrorType INTEGER, ErrorMessage TEXT, Count INTEGER, "
    1145             :                                        "FOREIGN KEY(SimulationIndex) REFERENCES Simulations(SimulationIndex) "
    1146             :                                        "ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE "
    1147         232 :                                        ");";
    1148             : 
    1149         116 :     sqliteExecuteCommand(errorsTableSQL);
    1150             : 
    1151         232 :     const std::string errorInsertSQL = "INSERT INTO Errors VALUES(?,?,?,?,?);";
    1152             : 
    1153         116 :     sqlitePrepareStatement(m_errorInsertStmt, errorInsertSQL);
    1154             : 
    1155             :     const std::string errorUpdateSQL =
    1156             :         "UPDATE Errors SET "
    1157         232 :         "ErrorMessage = ErrorMessage || ? WHERE ErrorIndex = (SELECT ErrorIndex FROM Errors ORDER BY ErrorIndex DESC LIMIT 1)";
    1158             : 
    1159         116 :     sqlitePrepareStatement(m_errorUpdateStmt, errorUpdateSQL);
    1160         116 : }
    1161             : 
    1162         116 : void SQLite::initializeEnvironmentPeriodsTable()
    1163             : {
    1164             :     const std::string environmentPeriodsTableSQL = "CREATE TABLE EnvironmentPeriods ( "
    1165             :                                                    "EnvironmentPeriodIndex INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, "
    1166             :                                                    "SimulationIndex INTEGER, EnvironmentName TEXT, EnvironmentType INTEGER, "
    1167             :                                                    "FOREIGN KEY(SimulationIndex) REFERENCES Simulations(SimulationIndex) "
    1168             :                                                    "ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE "
    1169         232 :                                                    ");";
    1170             : 
    1171         116 :     sqliteExecuteCommand(environmentPeriodsTableSQL);
    1172             : 
    1173         232 :     const std::string environmentPeriodInsertSQL = "INSERT INTO EnvironmentPeriods VALUES(?,?,?,?);";
    1174             : 
    1175         116 :     sqlitePrepareStatement(m_environmentPeriodInsertStmt, environmentPeriodInsertSQL);
    1176         116 : }
    1177             : 
    1178          22 : void SQLite::initializeTabularDataTable()
    1179             : {
    1180             :     const std::string sql = "CREATE TABLE StringTypes ( "
    1181             :                             "StringTypeIndex INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, "
    1182             :                             "Value TEXT"
    1183          44 :                             ");";
    1184             : 
    1185          22 :     sqliteExecuteCommand(sql);
    1186             : 
    1187          22 :     sqliteExecuteCommand(format("INSERT INTO StringTypes VALUES({},'ReportName');", ReportNameId));
    1188          22 :     sqliteExecuteCommand(format("INSERT INTO StringTypes VALUES({},'ReportForString');", ReportForStringId));
    1189          22 :     sqliteExecuteCommand(format("INSERT INTO StringTypes VALUES({},'TableName');", TableNameId));
    1190          22 :     sqliteExecuteCommand(format("INSERT INTO StringTypes VALUES({},'RowName');", RowNameId));
    1191          22 :     sqliteExecuteCommand(format("INSERT INTO StringTypes VALUES({},'ColumnName');", ColumnNameId));
    1192          22 :     sqliteExecuteCommand(format("INSERT INTO StringTypes VALUES({},'Units');", UnitsId));
    1193             : 
    1194             :     const std::string sql2 = "CREATE TABLE Strings ( "
    1195             :                              "StringIndex INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, "
    1196             :                              "StringTypeIndex INTEGER, "
    1197             :                              "Value TEXT, "
    1198             :                              "UNIQUE(StringTypeIndex, Value), "
    1199             :                              "FOREIGN KEY(StringTypeIndex) REFERENCES StringTypes(StringTypeIndex) "
    1200             :                              "ON UPDATE CASCADE "
    1201          44 :                              ");";
    1202             : 
    1203          22 :     sqliteExecuteCommand(sql2);
    1204             : 
    1205          44 :     const std::string sql3 = "INSERT INTO Strings (StringIndex,StringTypeIndex,Value) VALUES(?,?,?);";
    1206             : 
    1207          22 :     sqlitePrepareStatement(m_stringsInsertStmt, sql3);
    1208             : 
    1209          44 :     const std::string sql4 = "SELECT StringIndex FROM Strings WHERE StringTypeIndex=? AND Value=?;";
    1210             : 
    1211          22 :     sqlitePrepareStatement(m_stringsLookUpStmt, sql4);
    1212             : 
    1213             :     const std::string sql5 = "CREATE TABLE TabularData ( "
    1214             :                              "TabularDataIndex INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, "
    1215             :                              "ReportNameIndex INTEGER, "
    1216             :                              "ReportForStringIndex INTEGER, "
    1217             :                              "TableNameIndex INTEGER, "
    1218             :                              "RowNameIndex INTEGER, "
    1219             :                              "ColumnNameIndex INTEGER, "
    1220             :                              "UnitsIndex INTEGER, "
    1221             :                              "SimulationIndex INTEGER, "
    1222             :                              "RowId INTEGER, "
    1223             :                              "ColumnId INTEGER, "
    1224             :                              "Value TEXT "
    1225             :                              "Value TEXT, "
    1226             :                              "FOREIGN KEY(ReportNameIndex) REFERENCES Strings(StringIndex) "
    1227             :                              "ON UPDATE CASCADE "
    1228             :                              "FOREIGN KEY(ReportForStringIndex) REFERENCES Strings(StringIndex) "
    1229             :                              "ON UPDATE CASCADE "
    1230             :                              "FOREIGN KEY(TableNameIndex) REFERENCES Strings(StringIndex) "
    1231             :                              "ON UPDATE CASCADE "
    1232             :                              "FOREIGN KEY(RowNameIndex) REFERENCES Strings(StringIndex) "
    1233             :                              "ON UPDATE CASCADE "
    1234             :                              "FOREIGN KEY(ColumnNameIndex) REFERENCES Strings(StringIndex) "
    1235             :                              "ON UPDATE CASCADE "
    1236             :                              "FOREIGN KEY(UnitsIndex) REFERENCES Strings(StringIndex) "
    1237             :                              "ON UPDATE CASCADE "
    1238             :                              "FOREIGN KEY(SimulationIndex) REFERENCES Simulations(SimulationIndex) "
    1239             :                              "ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE "
    1240          44 :                              ");";
    1241             : 
    1242          22 :     sqliteExecuteCommand(sql5);
    1243             : 
    1244          44 :     const std::string sql6 = "INSERT INTO TabularData VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?);";
    1245             : 
    1246          22 :     sqlitePrepareStatement(m_tabularDataInsertStmt, sql6);
    1247          22 : }
    1248             : 
    1249          22 : void SQLite::initializeTabularDataView()
    1250             : {
    1251             :     const std::string sql = "CREATE VIEW TabularDataWithStrings AS SELECT "
    1252             :                             "td.TabularDataIndex, "
    1253             :                             "td.Value As Value, "
    1254             :                             "reportn.Value As ReportName, "
    1255             :                             "fs.Value As ReportForString, "
    1256             :                             "tn.Value As TableName, "
    1257             :                             "rn.Value As RowName, "
    1258             :                             "cn.Value As ColumnName, "
    1259             :                             "u.Value As Units "
    1260             :                             "FROM TabularData As td "
    1261             :                             "INNER JOIN Strings As reportn ON reportn.StringIndex=td.ReportNameIndex "
    1262             :                             "INNER JOIN Strings As fs ON fs.StringIndex=td.ReportForStringIndex "
    1263             :                             "INNER JOIN Strings As tn ON tn.StringIndex=td.TableNameIndex "
    1264             :                             "INNER JOIN Strings As rn ON rn.StringIndex=td.RowNameIndex "
    1265             :                             "INNER JOIN Strings As cn ON cn.StringIndex=td.ColumnNameIndex "
    1266          44 :                             "INNER JOIN Strings As u ON u.StringIndex=td.UnitsIndex;";
    1267             : 
    1268          22 :     sqliteExecuteCommand(sql);
    1269          22 : }
    1270             : 
    1271         116 : void SQLite::initializeIndexes()
    1272             : {
    1273         116 :     if (m_writeOutputToSQLite) {
    1274         116 :         sqliteExecuteCommand("CREATE INDEX rddMTR ON ReportDataDictionary (IsMeter);");
    1275         116 :         sqliteExecuteCommand("CREATE INDEX redRD ON ReportExtendedData (ReportDataIndex);");
    1276             : 
    1277             :         // These following indexes could potentially be used by sqlite, but for a narrow range of queries
    1278             :         // There are no built in views that use these indexes in their queries.
    1279             :         // sqliteExecuteCommand("CREATE INDEX dmhdHRI ON DaylightMapHourlyData (HourlyReportIndex);");
    1280             :         // sqliteExecuteCommand("CREATE INDEX dmhrMNI ON DaylightMapHourlyReports (MapNumber);");
    1281             : 
    1282             :         // This following index is used by sqlite, but doesn't seem to increase performance in my testing
    1283             :         // sqliteExecuteCommand("CREATE INDEX tdI ON TabularData (ReportNameIndex, ReportForStringIndex, TableNameIndex, RowNameIndex,
    1284             :         // ColumnNameIndex, UnitsIndex, Value);");
    1285             :     }
    1286         116 : }
    1287             : 
    1288       14433 : std::string SQLite::storageType(const int storageTypeIndex)
    1289             : {
    1290       14433 :     std::string result;
    1291             : 
    1292       14433 :     switch (storageTypeIndex) {
    1293       11166 :     case 1: // static_cast<int>(OutputProcessor::StoreType::Averaged)
    1294       11166 :         result = "Avg";
    1295       11166 :         break;
    1296        3267 :     case 2: // static_cast<int>(OutputProcessor::StoreType::Summed)
    1297        3267 :         result = "Sum";
    1298        3267 :         break;
    1299           0 :     default:
    1300           0 :         result = "Unknown!!!";
    1301             :     }
    1302             : 
    1303       14433 :     return result;
    1304             : }
    1305             : 
    1306       14433 : std::string SQLite::timestepTypeName(const int timestepType)
    1307             : {
    1308       14433 :     std::string result;
    1309             : 
    1310       14433 :     switch (timestepType) {
    1311        6373 :     case 1: // static_cast<int>(OutputProcessor::TimeStepType::TimeStepZone)
    1312        6373 :         result = "Zone";
    1313        6373 :         break;
    1314        8060 :     case 2: // static_cast<int>(OutputProcessor::TimeStepType::TimeStepSystem)
    1315        8060 :         result = "HVAC System";
    1316        8060 :         break;
    1317           0 :     default:
    1318           0 :         result = "Unknown!!!";
    1319             :     }
    1320             : 
    1321       14433 :     return result;
    1322             : }
    1323             : 
    1324       14433 : std::string SQLite::reportingFreqName(const int reportingFreqIndex)
    1325             : {
    1326       14433 :     std::string result;
    1327             : 
    1328       14433 :     switch (reportingFreqIndex) {
    1329         373 :     case LocalReportEach:
    1330         373 :         result = "HVAC System Timestep";
    1331         373 :         break;
    1332        3702 :     case LocalReportTimeStep:
    1333        3702 :         result = "Zone Timestep";
    1334        3702 :         break;
    1335        8396 :     case LocalReportHourly:
    1336        8396 :         result = "Hourly";
    1337        8396 :         break;
    1338         609 :     case LocalReportDaily:
    1339         609 :         result = "Daily";
    1340         609 :         break;
    1341        1072 :     case LocalReportMonthly:
    1342        1072 :         result = "Monthly";
    1343        1072 :         break;
    1344         279 :     case LocalReportSim:
    1345         279 :         result = "Run Period";
    1346         279 :         break;
    1347           2 :     case LocalReportYearly:
    1348           2 :         result = "Annual";
    1349           2 :         break;
    1350           0 :     default:
    1351           0 :         result = "Unknown!!!";
    1352           0 :         break;
    1353             :     }
    1354             : 
    1355       14433 :     return result;
    1356             : }
    1357             : 
    1358       26472 : void SQLite::adjustReportingHourAndMinutes(int &hour, int &minutes)
    1359             : {
    1360       26472 :     switch (minutes) {
    1361        4157 :     case 60:
    1362        4157 :         minutes = 0;
    1363        4157 :         break;
    1364       22315 :     default:
    1365       22315 :         --hour;
    1366             :     }
    1367       26472 : }
    1368             : 
    1369      355991 : void SQLite::parseUnitsAndDescription(std::string_view combinedString, std::string &units, std::string &description)
    1370             : {
    1371      355991 :     std::size_t leftPos = combinedString.find("[");
    1372      355991 :     std::size_t rightPos = combinedString.find("]");
    1373             : 
    1374      355991 :     if ((leftPos < rightPos) && (leftPos != std::string::npos) && (rightPos != std::string::npos)) {
    1375       29681 :         units = combinedString.substr(leftPos + 1, rightPos - leftPos - 1);
    1376       29681 :         description = combinedString.substr(0, leftPos - 1);
    1377             :     } else {
    1378      326310 :         units = "";
    1379      326310 :         description = combinedString;
    1380             :     }
    1381      355991 : }
    1382             : 
    1383           0 : int SQLite::logicalToInteger(const bool value)
    1384             : {
    1385           0 :     return value ? 1 : 0;
    1386             : }
    1387             : 
    1388       14433 : void SQLite::createSQLiteReportDictionaryRecord(int const reportVariableReportID,
    1389             :                                                 int const storeTypeIndex,
    1390             :                                                 std::string const &indexGroup,
    1391             :                                                 std::string_view keyedValueString,
    1392             :                                                 std::string_view const variableName,
    1393             :                                                 int const indexType,
    1394             :                                                 std::string const &units,
    1395             :                                                 int const reportingFreq,
    1396             :                                                 bool isMeter,
    1397             :                                                 std::string_view const scheduleName)
    1398             : {
    1399       14433 :     if (m_writeOutputToSQLite) {
    1400       14433 :         sqliteBindInteger(m_reportDictionaryInsertStmt, 1, reportVariableReportID);
    1401       14433 :         sqliteBindLogical(m_reportDictionaryInsertStmt, 2, isMeter);
    1402       14433 :         sqliteBindText(m_reportDictionaryInsertStmt, 3, storageType(storeTypeIndex));
    1403       14433 :         sqliteBindText(m_reportDictionaryInsertStmt, 4, indexGroup);
    1404       14433 :         sqliteBindText(m_reportDictionaryInsertStmt, 5, timestepTypeName(indexType));
    1405       14433 :         sqliteBindText(m_reportDictionaryInsertStmt, 6, keyedValueString);
    1406       14433 :         sqliteBindText(m_reportDictionaryInsertStmt, 7, variableName);
    1407       14433 :         sqliteBindText(m_reportDictionaryInsertStmt, 8, reportingFreqName(reportingFreq));
    1408             : 
    1409       14433 :         if (!scheduleName.empty()) {
    1410         225 :             sqliteBindText(m_reportDictionaryInsertStmt, 9, scheduleName);
    1411             :         } else {
    1412       14208 :             sqliteBindNULL(m_reportDictionaryInsertStmt, 9);
    1413             :         }
    1414             : 
    1415       14433 :         sqliteBindText(m_reportDictionaryInsertStmt, 10, units);
    1416             : 
    1417       14433 :         sqliteStepCommand(m_reportDictionaryInsertStmt);
    1418       14433 :         sqliteResetCommand(m_reportDictionaryInsertStmt);
    1419             :     }
    1420       14433 : }
    1421             : 
    1422     1979378 : void SQLite::createSQLiteReportDataRecord(int const recordIndex,
    1423             :                                           Real64 const value,
    1424             :                                           Optional_int_const reportingInterval,
    1425             :                                           Optional<Real64 const> minValue,
    1426             :                                           Optional_int_const minValueDate,
    1427             :                                           Optional<Real64 const> maxValue,
    1428             :                                           Optional_int_const maxValueDate,
    1429             :                                           Optional_int_const minutesPerTimeStep)
    1430             : {
    1431     1979378 :     if (m_writeOutputToSQLite) {
    1432     1979378 :         ++m_dataIndex;
    1433             : 
    1434     1979378 :         sqliteBindInteger(m_reportDataInsertStmt, 1, m_dataIndex);
    1435     1979378 :         sqliteBindForeignKey(m_reportDataInsertStmt, 2, m_sqlDBTimeIndex);
    1436     1979378 :         sqliteBindForeignKey(m_reportDataInsertStmt, 3, recordIndex);
    1437     1979378 :         sqliteBindDouble(m_reportDataInsertStmt, 4, value);
    1438             : 
    1439     1979378 :         sqliteStepCommand(m_reportDataInsertStmt);
    1440     1979378 :         sqliteResetCommand(m_reportDataInsertStmt);
    1441             : 
    1442     1979378 :         if (reportingInterval.present() && minValueDate != 0 && maxValueDate != 0) {
    1443             :             int minMonth;
    1444             :             int minDay;
    1445             :             int minHour;
    1446             :             int minMinute;
    1447             :             int maxMonth;
    1448             :             int maxDay;
    1449             :             int maxHour;
    1450             :             int maxMinute;
    1451             : 
    1452        4692 :             General::DecodeMonDayHrMin(minValueDate, minMonth, minDay, minHour, minMinute);
    1453        4692 :             General::DecodeMonDayHrMin(maxValueDate, maxMonth, maxDay, maxHour, maxMinute);
    1454             : 
    1455        4692 :             adjustReportingHourAndMinutes(minHour, minMinute);
    1456        4692 :             adjustReportingHourAndMinutes(maxHour, maxMinute);
    1457             : 
    1458        4692 :             ++m_extendedDataIndex;
    1459             : 
    1460        4692 :             if (minutesPerTimeStep.present()) { // This is for data created by a 'Report Meter' statement
    1461        2988 :                 switch (reportingInterval()) {
    1462        2988 :                 case LocalReportHourly:
    1463             :                 case LocalReportDaily:
    1464             :                 case LocalReportMonthly:
    1465             :                 case LocalReportSim:
    1466             :                 case LocalReportYearly:
    1467        2988 :                     sqliteBindInteger(m_reportExtendedDataInsertStmt, 1, m_extendedDataIndex);
    1468        2988 :                     sqliteBindForeignKey(m_reportExtendedDataInsertStmt, 2, m_dataIndex);
    1469             : 
    1470        2988 :                     sqliteBindDouble(m_reportExtendedDataInsertStmt, 3, maxValue);
    1471        2988 :                     sqliteBindInteger(m_reportExtendedDataInsertStmt, 4, maxMonth);
    1472        2988 :                     sqliteBindInteger(m_reportExtendedDataInsertStmt, 5, maxDay);
    1473        2988 :                     sqliteBindInteger(m_reportExtendedDataInsertStmt, 6, maxHour);
    1474        2988 :                     sqliteBindInteger(m_reportExtendedDataInsertStmt, 7, maxMinute - minutesPerTimeStep + 1);
    1475        2988 :                     sqliteBindInteger(m_reportExtendedDataInsertStmt, 8, maxMinute);
    1476             : 
    1477        2988 :                     sqliteBindDouble(m_reportExtendedDataInsertStmt, 9, minValue);
    1478        2988 :                     sqliteBindInteger(m_reportExtendedDataInsertStmt, 10, minMonth);
    1479        2988 :                     sqliteBindInteger(m_reportExtendedDataInsertStmt, 11, minDay);
    1480        2988 :                     sqliteBindInteger(m_reportExtendedDataInsertStmt, 12, minHour);
    1481        2988 :                     sqliteBindInteger(m_reportExtendedDataInsertStmt, 13, minMinute - minutesPerTimeStep + 1);
    1482        2988 :                     sqliteBindInteger(m_reportExtendedDataInsertStmt, 14, minMinute);
    1483             : 
    1484        2988 :                     sqliteStepCommand(m_reportExtendedDataInsertStmt);
    1485        2988 :                     sqliteResetCommand(m_reportExtendedDataInsertStmt);
    1486        5976 :                     break;
    1487             : 
    1488           0 :                 case LocalReportTimeStep:
    1489           0 :                     --m_extendedDataIndex; // Reset the data index to account for the error
    1490           0 :                     break;
    1491             : 
    1492           0 :                 default:
    1493           0 :                     --m_extendedDataIndex; // Reset the data index to account for the error
    1494           0 :                     std::stringstream ss;
    1495           0 :                     ss << "Illegal reportingInterval passed to CreateSQLiteMeterRecord: " << reportingInterval;
    1496           0 :                     sqliteWriteMessage(ss.str());
    1497             :                 }
    1498             :             } else { // This is for data created by a 'Report Variable' statement
    1499        1704 :                 switch (reportingInterval()) {
    1500        1704 :                 case LocalReportDaily:
    1501             :                 case LocalReportMonthly:
    1502             :                 case LocalReportSim:
    1503             :                 case LocalReportYearly:
    1504        1704 :                     sqliteBindInteger(m_reportExtendedDataInsertStmt, 1, m_extendedDataIndex);
    1505        1704 :                     sqliteBindForeignKey(m_reportExtendedDataInsertStmt, 2, m_dataIndex);
    1506             : 
    1507        1704 :                     sqliteBindDouble(m_reportExtendedDataInsertStmt, 3, maxValue);
    1508        1704 :                     sqliteBindInteger(m_reportExtendedDataInsertStmt, 4, maxMonth);
    1509        1704 :                     sqliteBindInteger(m_reportExtendedDataInsertStmt, 5, maxDay);
    1510        1704 :                     sqliteBindInteger(m_reportExtendedDataInsertStmt, 6, maxHour);
    1511        1704 :                     sqliteBindNULL(m_reportExtendedDataInsertStmt, 7);
    1512        1704 :                     sqliteBindInteger(m_reportExtendedDataInsertStmt, 8, maxMinute);
    1513             : 
    1514        1704 :                     sqliteBindDouble(m_reportExtendedDataInsertStmt, 9, minValue);
    1515        1704 :                     sqliteBindInteger(m_reportExtendedDataInsertStmt, 10, minMonth);
    1516        1704 :                     sqliteBindInteger(m_reportExtendedDataInsertStmt, 11, minDay);
    1517        1704 :                     sqliteBindInteger(m_reportExtendedDataInsertStmt, 12, minHour);
    1518        1704 :                     sqliteBindNULL(m_reportExtendedDataInsertStmt, 13);
    1519        1704 :                     sqliteBindInteger(m_reportExtendedDataInsertStmt, 14, minMinute);
    1520             : 
    1521        1704 :                     sqliteStepCommand(m_reportExtendedDataInsertStmt);
    1522        1704 :                     sqliteResetCommand(m_reportExtendedDataInsertStmt);
    1523        1704 :                     break;
    1524             : 
    1525           0 :                 default:
    1526           0 :                     --m_extendedDataIndex; // Reset the data index to account for the error
    1527           0 :                     std::stringstream ss;
    1528           0 :                     ss << "Illegal reportingInterval passed to CreateSQLiteMeterRecord: " << reportingInterval;
    1529           0 :                     sqliteWriteMessage(ss.str());
    1530             :                 }
    1531             :             }
    1532             :         }
    1533             :     }
    1534     1979378 : }
    1535             : 
    1536       22196 : void SQLite::createSQLiteTimeIndexRecord(int const reportingInterval,
    1537             :                                          [[maybe_unused]] int const recordIndex,
    1538             :                                          int const cumlativeSimulationDays,
    1539             :                                          int const curEnvirNum,
    1540             :                                          int const simulationYear,
    1541             :                                          Optional_int_const month,
    1542             :                                          Optional_int_const dayOfMonth,
    1543             :                                          Optional_int_const hour,
    1544             :                                          Optional<Real64 const> endMinute,
    1545             :                                          Optional<Real64 const> startMinute,
    1546             :                                          Optional_int_const dst,
    1547             :                                          Optional_string_const dayType,
    1548             :                                          bool const warmupFlag)
    1549             : {
    1550       22196 :     if (m_writeOutputToSQLite) {
    1551       22196 :         int intStartMinute = 0;
    1552       22196 :         int intervalInMinutes = 60;
    1553             : 
    1554       22196 :         static const std::vector<int> lastDayOfMonth = {31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31};
    1555             : 
    1556       22196 :         switch (reportingInterval) {
    1557       17088 :         case LocalReportEach:
    1558             :         case LocalReportTimeStep: {
    1559       34176 :             if (!month.present() || !dayOfMonth.present() || !hour.present() || !endMinute.present() || !startMinute.present() || !dst.present() ||
    1560       17088 :                 !dayType.present()) {
    1561           0 :                 sqliteWriteMessage("Empty month, dayOfMonth, hour, endMinute, startMinute, dst, or dayType passed to CreateSQLiteTimeIndexRecord");
    1562           0 :                 break;
    1563             :             }
    1564       17088 :             ++m_sqlDBTimeIndex;
    1565             : 
    1566       17088 :             int intEndMinute = static_cast<int>(endMinute() + 0.5);
    1567       17088 :             intStartMinute = static_cast<int>(startMinute() + 0.5);
    1568       17088 :             int t_hour = hour();
    1569       17088 :             intervalInMinutes = intEndMinute - intStartMinute;
    1570       17088 :             adjustReportingHourAndMinutes(t_hour, intEndMinute);
    1571             : 
    1572       17088 :             sqliteBindInteger(m_timeIndexInsertStmt, 1, m_sqlDBTimeIndex);
    1573       17088 :             sqliteBindInteger(m_timeIndexInsertStmt, 2, simulationYear);
    1574       17088 :             sqliteBindInteger(m_timeIndexInsertStmt, 3, month());
    1575       17088 :             sqliteBindInteger(m_timeIndexInsertStmt, 4, dayOfMonth());
    1576       17088 :             sqliteBindInteger(m_timeIndexInsertStmt, 5, t_hour);
    1577       17088 :             sqliteBindInteger(m_timeIndexInsertStmt, 6, intEndMinute);
    1578       17088 :             sqliteBindInteger(m_timeIndexInsertStmt, 7, dst());
    1579       17088 :             sqliteBindInteger(m_timeIndexInsertStmt, 8, intervalInMinutes);
    1580       17088 :             sqliteBindInteger(m_timeIndexInsertStmt, 9, reportingInterval);
    1581       17088 :             sqliteBindInteger(m_timeIndexInsertStmt, 10, cumlativeSimulationDays);
    1582       17088 :             sqliteBindText(m_timeIndexInsertStmt, 11, dayType());
    1583       17088 :             sqliteBindInteger(m_timeIndexInsertStmt, 12, curEnvirNum);
    1584       17088 :             sqliteBindLogical(m_timeIndexInsertStmt, 13, warmupFlag);
    1585             : 
    1586       17088 :             sqliteStepCommand(m_timeIndexInsertStmt);
    1587       17088 :             sqliteResetCommand(m_timeIndexInsertStmt);
    1588             : 
    1589       17088 :             break;
    1590             :         }
    1591        4968 :         case LocalReportHourly: {
    1592        4968 :             if (!month.present() || !dayOfMonth.present() || !hour.present() || !dst.present() || !dayType.present()) {
    1593           0 :                 sqliteWriteMessage("Empty month, dayOfMonth, hour, dst, or dayType passed to CreateSQLiteTimeIndexRecord");
    1594           0 :                 break;
    1595             :             }
    1596        4968 :             ++m_sqlDBTimeIndex;
    1597             : 
    1598        4968 :             sqliteBindInteger(m_timeIndexInsertStmt, 1, m_sqlDBTimeIndex);
    1599        4968 :             sqliteBindInteger(m_timeIndexInsertStmt, 2, simulationYear);
    1600        4968 :             sqliteBindInteger(m_timeIndexInsertStmt, 3, month());
    1601        4968 :             sqliteBindInteger(m_timeIndexInsertStmt, 4, dayOfMonth());
    1602        4968 :             sqliteBindInteger(m_timeIndexInsertStmt, 5, hour());
    1603        4968 :             sqliteBindInteger(m_timeIndexInsertStmt, 6, 0);
    1604        4968 :             sqliteBindInteger(m_timeIndexInsertStmt, 7, dst());
    1605        4968 :             sqliteBindInteger(m_timeIndexInsertStmt, 8, intervalInMinutes);
    1606        4968 :             sqliteBindInteger(m_timeIndexInsertStmt, 9, reportingInterval);
    1607        4968 :             sqliteBindInteger(m_timeIndexInsertStmt, 10, cumlativeSimulationDays);
    1608        4968 :             sqliteBindText(m_timeIndexInsertStmt, 11, dayType());
    1609        4968 :             sqliteBindInteger(m_timeIndexInsertStmt, 12, curEnvirNum);
    1610             : 
    1611        4968 :             sqliteStepCommand(m_timeIndexInsertStmt);
    1612        4968 :             sqliteResetCommand(m_timeIndexInsertStmt);
    1613             : 
    1614        4968 :             break;
    1615             :         }
    1616          17 :         case LocalReportDaily: {
    1617          17 :             if (!month.present() || !dayOfMonth.present() || !dst.present() || !dayType.present()) {
    1618           0 :                 sqliteWriteMessage("Empty month, dayOfMonth, dst, or dayType passed to CreateSQLiteTimeIndexRecord");
    1619           0 :                 break;
    1620             :             }
    1621          17 :             ++m_sqlDBTimeIndex;
    1622             : 
    1623          17 :             intervalInMinutes = 60 * 24;
    1624          17 :             sqliteBindInteger(m_timeIndexInsertStmt, 1, m_sqlDBTimeIndex);
    1625          17 :             sqliteBindInteger(m_timeIndexInsertStmt, 2, simulationYear);
    1626          17 :             sqliteBindInteger(m_timeIndexInsertStmt, 3, month());
    1627          17 :             sqliteBindInteger(m_timeIndexInsertStmt, 4, dayOfMonth());
    1628          17 :             sqliteBindInteger(m_timeIndexInsertStmt, 5, 24);
    1629          17 :             sqliteBindInteger(m_timeIndexInsertStmt, 6, 0);
    1630          17 :             sqliteBindInteger(m_timeIndexInsertStmt, 7, dst());
    1631          17 :             sqliteBindInteger(m_timeIndexInsertStmt, 8, intervalInMinutes);
    1632          17 :             sqliteBindInteger(m_timeIndexInsertStmt, 9, reportingInterval);
    1633          17 :             sqliteBindInteger(m_timeIndexInsertStmt, 10, cumlativeSimulationDays);
    1634          17 :             sqliteBindText(m_timeIndexInsertStmt, 11, dayType());
    1635          17 :             sqliteBindInteger(m_timeIndexInsertStmt, 12, curEnvirNum);
    1636             : 
    1637          17 :             sqliteStepCommand(m_timeIndexInsertStmt);
    1638          17 :             sqliteResetCommand(m_timeIndexInsertStmt);
    1639             : 
    1640          17 :             break;
    1641             :         }
    1642         115 :         case LocalReportMonthly: {
    1643         115 :             if (!month.present()) {
    1644           0 :                 sqliteWriteMessage("Empty month passed to CreateSQLiteTimeIndexRecord");
    1645           0 :                 break;
    1646             :             }
    1647         115 :             ++m_sqlDBTimeIndex;
    1648             : 
    1649         115 :             intervalInMinutes = 60 * 24 * lastDayOfMonth[month() - 1];
    1650         115 :             sqliteBindInteger(m_timeIndexInsertStmt, 1, m_sqlDBTimeIndex);
    1651         115 :             sqliteBindInteger(m_timeIndexInsertStmt, 2, simulationYear);
    1652         115 :             sqliteBindInteger(m_timeIndexInsertStmt, 3, month());
    1653         115 :             sqliteBindInteger(m_timeIndexInsertStmt, 4, lastDayOfMonth[month() - 1]);
    1654         115 :             sqliteBindInteger(m_timeIndexInsertStmt, 5, 24);
    1655         115 :             sqliteBindInteger(m_timeIndexInsertStmt, 6, 0);
    1656         115 :             sqliteBindNULL(m_timeIndexInsertStmt, 7);
    1657         115 :             sqliteBindInteger(m_timeIndexInsertStmt, 8, intervalInMinutes);
    1658         115 :             sqliteBindInteger(m_timeIndexInsertStmt, 9, reportingInterval);
    1659         115 :             sqliteBindInteger(m_timeIndexInsertStmt, 10, cumlativeSimulationDays);
    1660         115 :             sqliteBindNULL(m_timeIndexInsertStmt, 11);
    1661         115 :             sqliteBindInteger(m_timeIndexInsertStmt, 12, curEnvirNum);
    1662             : 
    1663         115 :             sqliteStepCommand(m_timeIndexInsertStmt);
    1664         115 :             sqliteResetCommand(m_timeIndexInsertStmt);
    1665             : 
    1666         115 :             break;
    1667             :         }
    1668           8 :         case LocalReportSim: {
    1669           8 :             ++m_sqlDBTimeIndex;
    1670             : 
    1671           8 :             intervalInMinutes = 60 * 24 * cumlativeSimulationDays;
    1672           8 :             sqliteBindInteger(m_timeIndexInsertStmt, 1, m_sqlDBTimeIndex);
    1673           8 :             sqliteBindNULL(m_timeIndexInsertStmt, 2);
    1674           8 :             sqliteBindNULL(m_timeIndexInsertStmt, 3);
    1675           8 :             sqliteBindNULL(m_timeIndexInsertStmt, 4);
    1676           8 :             sqliteBindNULL(m_timeIndexInsertStmt, 5);
    1677           8 :             sqliteBindNULL(m_timeIndexInsertStmt, 6);
    1678           8 :             sqliteBindNULL(m_timeIndexInsertStmt, 7);
    1679           8 :             sqliteBindInteger(m_timeIndexInsertStmt, 8, intervalInMinutes);
    1680           8 :             sqliteBindInteger(m_timeIndexInsertStmt, 9, reportingInterval);
    1681           8 :             sqliteBindInteger(m_timeIndexInsertStmt, 10, cumlativeSimulationDays);
    1682           8 :             sqliteBindNULL(m_timeIndexInsertStmt, 11);
    1683           8 :             sqliteBindInteger(m_timeIndexInsertStmt, 12, curEnvirNum);
    1684             : 
    1685           8 :             sqliteStepCommand(m_timeIndexInsertStmt);
    1686           8 :             sqliteResetCommand(m_timeIndexInsertStmt);
    1687             : 
    1688           8 :             break;
    1689             :         }
    1690           0 :         default: {
    1691           0 :             std::stringstream ss;
    1692           0 :             ss << "Illegal reportingInterval passed to CreateSQLiteTimeIndexRecord: " << reportingInterval;
    1693           0 :             sqliteWriteMessage(ss.str());
    1694             :         }
    1695             :         }
    1696             :     }
    1697       22196 : }
    1698             : 
    1699           0 : void SQLite::createYearlyTimeIndexRecord(int const simulationYear, int const curEnvirNum)
    1700             : {
    1701           0 :     if (m_writeOutputToSQLite) {
    1702             : 
    1703           0 :         ++m_sqlDBTimeIndex;
    1704             : 
    1705           0 :         sqliteBindInteger(m_timeIndexInsertStmt, 1, m_sqlDBTimeIndex);
    1706           0 :         sqliteBindInteger(m_timeIndexInsertStmt, 2, simulationYear);
    1707           0 :         sqliteBindNULL(m_timeIndexInsertStmt, 3);
    1708           0 :         sqliteBindNULL(m_timeIndexInsertStmt, 4);
    1709           0 :         sqliteBindNULL(m_timeIndexInsertStmt, 5);
    1710           0 :         sqliteBindNULL(m_timeIndexInsertStmt, 6);
    1711           0 :         sqliteBindNULL(m_timeIndexInsertStmt, 7);
    1712           0 :         sqliteBindNULL(m_timeIndexInsertStmt, 8);
    1713           0 :         sqliteBindInteger(m_timeIndexInsertStmt, 9, LocalReportYearly);
    1714           0 :         sqliteBindNULL(m_timeIndexInsertStmt, 10);
    1715           0 :         sqliteBindNULL(m_timeIndexInsertStmt, 11);
    1716           0 :         sqliteBindInteger(m_timeIndexInsertStmt, 12, curEnvirNum);
    1717             : 
    1718           0 :         sqliteStepCommand(m_timeIndexInsertStmt);
    1719           0 :         sqliteResetCommand(m_timeIndexInsertStmt);
    1720             :     }
    1721           0 : }
    1722             : 
    1723        2180 : void SQLite::addSQLiteZoneSizingRecord(std::string const &zoneName,   // the name of the zone
    1724             :                                        std::string const &loadType,   // the description of the input variable
    1725             :                                        Real64 const calcDesLoad,      // the value from the sizing calculation [W]
    1726             :                                        Real64 const userDesLoad,      // the value from the sizing calculation modified by user input [W]
    1727             :                                        Real64 const calcDesFlow,      // calculated design air flow rate [m3/s]
    1728             :                                        Real64 const userDesFlow,      // user input or modified design air flow rate [m3/s]
    1729             :                                        std::string const &desDayName, // the name of the design day that produced the peak
    1730             :                                        std::string const &peakHrMin,  // time stamp of the peak
    1731             :                                        Real64 const peakTemp,         // temperature at peak [C]
    1732             :                                        Real64 const peakHumRat,       // humidity ratio at peak [kg water/kg dry air]
    1733             :                                        Real64 const minOAVolFlow,     // zone design minimum outside air flow rate [m3/s]
    1734             :                                        Real64 const DOASHeatAddRate   // zone design heat addition rate from the DOAS [W]
    1735             : )
    1736             : {
    1737        2180 :     if (m_writeOutputToSQLite) {
    1738        2180 :         ++m_zoneSizingIndex;
    1739        2180 :         sqliteBindInteger(m_zoneSizingInsertStmt, 1, m_zoneSizingIndex);
    1740        2180 :         sqliteBindText(m_zoneSizingInsertStmt, 2, zoneName);
    1741        2180 :         sqliteBindText(m_zoneSizingInsertStmt, 3, loadType);
    1742             : 
    1743        2180 :         sqliteBindDouble(m_zoneSizingInsertStmt, 4, calcDesLoad);
    1744        2180 :         sqliteBindDouble(m_zoneSizingInsertStmt, 5, userDesLoad);
    1745        2180 :         sqliteBindDouble(m_zoneSizingInsertStmt, 6, calcDesFlow);
    1746        2180 :         sqliteBindDouble(m_zoneSizingInsertStmt, 7, userDesFlow);
    1747             : 
    1748        2180 :         sqliteBindText(m_zoneSizingInsertStmt, 8, desDayName);
    1749        2180 :         sqliteBindText(m_zoneSizingInsertStmt, 9, peakHrMin);
    1750             : 
    1751        2180 :         sqliteBindDouble(m_zoneSizingInsertStmt, 10, peakTemp);
    1752        2180 :         sqliteBindDouble(m_zoneSizingInsertStmt, 11, peakHumRat);
    1753        2180 :         sqliteBindDouble(m_zoneSizingInsertStmt, 12, minOAVolFlow);
    1754        2180 :         sqliteBindDouble(m_zoneSizingInsertStmt, 13, DOASHeatAddRate);
    1755             : 
    1756        2180 :         sqliteStepCommand(m_zoneSizingInsertStmt);
    1757        2180 :         sqliteResetCommand(m_zoneSizingInsertStmt);
    1758             :     }
    1759        2180 : }
    1760             : 
    1761         512 : void SQLite::addSQLiteSystemSizingRecord(std::string const &SysName,      // the name of the system
    1762             :                                          std::string const &LoadType,     // either "Cooling" or "Heating"
    1763             :                                          std::string const &PeakLoadType, // either "Sensible" or "Total"
    1764             :                                          Real64 const &UserDesCap,        // User  Design Capacity
    1765             :                                          Real64 const &CalcDesVolFlow,    // Calculated Cooling Design Air Flow Rate
    1766             :                                          Real64 const &UserDesVolFlow,    // User Cooling Design Air Flow Rate
    1767             :                                          std::string const &DesDayName,   // the name of the design day that produced the peak
    1768             :                                          std::string const &PeakHrMin     // time stamp of the peak
    1769             : )
    1770             : {
    1771         512 :     if (m_writeOutputToSQLite) {
    1772         512 :         ++m_systemSizingIndex;
    1773         512 :         sqliteBindInteger(m_systemSizingInsertStmt, 1, m_systemSizingIndex);
    1774         512 :         sqliteBindText(m_systemSizingInsertStmt, 2, SysName);
    1775         512 :         sqliteBindText(m_systemSizingInsertStmt, 3, LoadType);
    1776         512 :         sqliteBindText(m_systemSizingInsertStmt, 4, PeakLoadType);
    1777             : 
    1778         512 :         sqliteBindDouble(m_systemSizingInsertStmt, 5, UserDesCap);
    1779         512 :         sqliteBindDouble(m_systemSizingInsertStmt, 6, CalcDesVolFlow);
    1780         512 :         sqliteBindDouble(m_systemSizingInsertStmt, 7, UserDesVolFlow);
    1781         512 :         sqliteBindText(m_systemSizingInsertStmt, 8, DesDayName);
    1782         512 :         sqliteBindText(m_systemSizingInsertStmt, 9, PeakHrMin);
    1783             : 
    1784         512 :         sqliteStepCommand(m_systemSizingInsertStmt);
    1785         512 :         sqliteResetCommand(m_systemSizingInsertStmt);
    1786             :     }
    1787         512 : }
    1788             : 
    1789       17832 : void SQLite::addSQLiteComponentSizingRecord(std::string_view compType, // the type of the component
    1790             :                                             std::string_view compName, // the name of the component
    1791             :                                             std::string_view varDesc,  // the description of the input variable
    1792             :                                             Real64 const varValue      // the value from the sizing calculation
    1793             : )
    1794             : {
    1795       17832 :     if (m_writeOutputToSQLite) {
    1796       17832 :         ++m_componentSizingIndex;
    1797             : 
    1798       35664 :         std::string description;
    1799       35664 :         std::string units;
    1800             : 
    1801       17832 :         parseUnitsAndDescription(varDesc, units, description);
    1802             : 
    1803       17832 :         sqliteBindInteger(m_componentSizingInsertStmt, 1, m_componentSizingIndex);
    1804       17832 :         sqliteBindText(m_componentSizingInsertStmt, 2, compType);
    1805       17832 :         sqliteBindText(m_componentSizingInsertStmt, 3, compName);
    1806       17832 :         sqliteBindText(m_componentSizingInsertStmt, 4, description);
    1807       17832 :         sqliteBindDouble(m_componentSizingInsertStmt, 5, varValue);
    1808       17832 :         sqliteBindText(m_componentSizingInsertStmt, 6, units);
    1809             : 
    1810       17832 :         sqliteStepCommand(m_componentSizingInsertStmt);
    1811       17832 :         sqliteResetCommand(m_componentSizingInsertStmt);
    1812             :     }
    1813       17832 : }
    1814             : 
    1815           1 : void SQLite::createSQLiteDaylightMapTitle(
    1816             :     int const mapNum, std::string const &mapName, std::string const &environmentName, int const zone, std::string const &refPts, Real64 const zCoord)
    1817             : {
    1818           1 :     if (m_writeOutputToSQLite) {
    1819             :         // for some reason it is adding extra mapNumbers that are getting UNIQUE constraint ignored.
    1820             :         // Might need to look into it, basically I think something is getting double inserted (12/06/14)
    1821           1 :         sqliteBindInteger(m_daylightMapTitleInsertStmt, 1, mapNum);
    1822           1 :         sqliteBindText(m_daylightMapTitleInsertStmt, 2, mapName);
    1823           1 :         sqliteBindText(m_daylightMapTitleInsertStmt, 3, environmentName);
    1824           1 :         sqliteBindForeignKey(m_daylightMapTitleInsertStmt, 4, zone);
    1825           1 :         sqliteBindText(m_daylightMapTitleInsertStmt, 5, refPts);
    1826           1 :         sqliteBindDouble(m_daylightMapTitleInsertStmt, 6, zCoord);
    1827             : 
    1828           1 :         sqliteStepCommand(m_daylightMapTitleInsertStmt);
    1829           1 :         sqliteResetCommand(m_daylightMapTitleInsertStmt);
    1830             :     }
    1831           1 : }
    1832             : 
    1833          16 : void SQLite::createSQLiteDaylightMap(int const mapNum,
    1834             :                                      int const year,
    1835             :                                      int const month,
    1836             :                                      int const dayOfMonth,
    1837             :                                      int const hourOfDay,
    1838             :                                      int const nX,
    1839             :                                      Array1D<Real64> const &x,
    1840             :                                      int const nY,
    1841             :                                      Array1D<Real64> const &y,
    1842             :                                      Array2<Real64> const &illuminance)
    1843             : {
    1844          16 :     if (m_writeOutputToSQLite) {
    1845          16 :         ++m_hourlyReportIndex;
    1846          16 :         int b = 0;
    1847          16 :         sqliteBindInteger(m_daylightMapHourlyTitleInsertStmt, ++b, m_hourlyReportIndex);
    1848          16 :         sqliteBindForeignKey(m_daylightMapHourlyTitleInsertStmt, ++b, mapNum);
    1849          16 :         sqliteBindForeignKey(m_daylightMapHourlyTitleInsertStmt, ++b, year);
    1850          16 :         sqliteBindInteger(m_daylightMapHourlyTitleInsertStmt, ++b, month);
    1851          16 :         sqliteBindInteger(m_daylightMapHourlyTitleInsertStmt, ++b, dayOfMonth);
    1852          16 :         sqliteBindInteger(m_daylightMapHourlyTitleInsertStmt, ++b, hourOfDay);
    1853             : 
    1854          16 :         sqliteStepCommand(m_daylightMapHourlyTitleInsertStmt);
    1855          16 :         sqliteResetCommand(m_daylightMapHourlyTitleInsertStmt);
    1856             : 
    1857         176 :         for (int yIndex = 1; yIndex <= nY; ++yIndex) {
    1858        1760 :             for (int xIndex = 1; xIndex <= nX; ++xIndex) {
    1859        1600 :                 ++m_hourlyDataIndex;
    1860        1600 :                 sqliteBindInteger(m_daylightMapHourlyDataInsertStmt, 1, m_hourlyDataIndex);
    1861        1600 :                 sqliteBindForeignKey(m_daylightMapHourlyDataInsertStmt, 2, m_hourlyReportIndex);
    1862        1600 :                 sqliteBindDouble(m_daylightMapHourlyDataInsertStmt, 3, x(xIndex));
    1863        1600 :                 sqliteBindDouble(m_daylightMapHourlyDataInsertStmt, 4, y(yIndex));
    1864        1600 :                 sqliteBindDouble(m_daylightMapHourlyDataInsertStmt, 5, illuminance(xIndex, yIndex));
    1865             : 
    1866        1600 :                 sqliteStepCommand(m_daylightMapHourlyDataInsertStmt);
    1867        1600 :                 sqliteResetCommand(m_daylightMapHourlyDataInsertStmt);
    1868             :             }
    1869             :         }
    1870             :     }
    1871          16 : }
    1872             : 
    1873       15830 : void SQLite::createSQLiteTabularDataRecords(Array2D_string const &body, // html table row, html table column
    1874             :                                             Array1D_string const &rowLabels,
    1875             :                                             Array1D_string const &columnLabels,
    1876             :                                             std::string const &reportName,
    1877             :                                             std::string const &reportForString,
    1878             :                                             std::string const &tableName)
    1879             : {
    1880       15830 :     if (m_writeTabularDataToSQLite) {
    1881        3185 :         size_t sizeColumnLabels = columnLabels.size();
    1882        3185 :         size_t sizeRowLabels = rowLabels.size();
    1883             : 
    1884        3185 :         int const reportNameIndex = createSQLiteStringTableRecord(reportName, ReportNameId);
    1885        3185 :         int const reportForStringIndex = createSQLiteStringTableRecord(reportForString, ReportForStringId);
    1886        3185 :         int const tableNameIndex = createSQLiteStringTableRecord(tableName, TableNameId);
    1887             :         int unitsIndex;
    1888             : 
    1889       26433 :         for (size_t iCol = 0, k = body.index(1, 1); iCol < sizeColumnLabels; ++iCol) {
    1890       46496 :             std::string colUnits;
    1891       46496 :             std::string colDescription;
    1892       23248 :             parseUnitsAndDescription(columnLabels[iCol], colUnits, colDescription);
    1893             : 
    1894       23248 :             int const columnLabelIndex = createSQLiteStringTableRecord(colDescription, ColumnNameId);
    1895             : 
    1896       23248 :             if (!colUnits.empty()) {
    1897       12104 :                 unitsIndex = createSQLiteStringTableRecord(colUnits, UnitsId);
    1898             :             }
    1899             : 
    1900      338159 :             for (size_t iRow = 0; iRow < sizeRowLabels; ++iRow) {
    1901      314911 :                 ++m_tabularDataIndex;
    1902      629822 :                 std::string rowUnits;
    1903      629822 :                 std::string rowDescription;
    1904      314911 :                 parseUnitsAndDescription(rowLabels[iRow], rowUnits, rowDescription);
    1905             : 
    1906      314911 :                 int const rowLabelIndex = createSQLiteStringTableRecord(rowDescription, RowNameId);
    1907             : 
    1908      314911 :                 if (colUnits.empty()) {
    1909      158424 :                     unitsIndex = createSQLiteStringTableRecord(rowUnits, UnitsId);
    1910             :                 }
    1911             : 
    1912      314911 :                 sqliteBindInteger(m_tabularDataInsertStmt, 1, m_tabularDataIndex);
    1913      314911 :                 sqliteBindForeignKey(m_tabularDataInsertStmt, 2, reportNameIndex);
    1914      314911 :                 sqliteBindForeignKey(m_tabularDataInsertStmt, 3, reportForStringIndex);
    1915      314911 :                 sqliteBindForeignKey(m_tabularDataInsertStmt, 4, tableNameIndex);
    1916      314911 :                 sqliteBindForeignKey(m_tabularDataInsertStmt, 5, rowLabelIndex);
    1917      314911 :                 sqliteBindForeignKey(m_tabularDataInsertStmt, 6, columnLabelIndex);
    1918      314911 :                 sqliteBindForeignKey(m_tabularDataInsertStmt, 7, unitsIndex);
    1919      314911 :                 sqliteBindForeignKey(m_tabularDataInsertStmt, 8, 1);
    1920      314911 :                 sqliteBindInteger(m_tabularDataInsertStmt, 9, iRow);
    1921      314911 :                 sqliteBindInteger(m_tabularDataInsertStmt, 10, iCol);
    1922      314911 :                 sqliteBindText(m_tabularDataInsertStmt, 11, body[k]);
    1923             : 
    1924      314911 :                 sqliteStepCommand(m_tabularDataInsertStmt);
    1925      314911 :                 sqliteResetCommand(m_tabularDataInsertStmt);
    1926             : 
    1927      314911 :                 ++k;
    1928             :             }
    1929             :         }
    1930             :     }
    1931       15830 : }
    1932             : 
    1933      518242 : int SQLite::createSQLiteStringTableRecord(std::string const &stringValue, int const stringType)
    1934             : {
    1935      518242 :     int rowId = -1;
    1936      518242 :     if (m_writeOutputToSQLite) {
    1937             : 
    1938     1036484 :         auto ret = m_tabularStrings.emplace(make_pair(stringValue, stringType), 0);
    1939             : 
    1940      518242 :         if (!ret.second) {
    1941      484221 :             rowId = ret.first->second;
    1942             :         } else {
    1943       34021 :             sqliteBindInteger(m_stringsInsertStmt, 1, m_stringIndex);
    1944       34021 :             sqliteBindForeignKey(m_stringsInsertStmt, 2, stringType);
    1945       34021 :             sqliteBindText(m_stringsInsertStmt, 3, stringValue);
    1946             : 
    1947       34021 :             int errorcode = sqliteStepCommand(m_stringsInsertStmt);
    1948       34021 :             sqliteResetCommand(m_stringsInsertStmt);
    1949             : 
    1950       34021 :             if (errorcode != SQLITE_CONSTRAINT) {
    1951       34021 :                 rowId = m_stringIndex++;
    1952             :             } else {
    1953           0 :                 sqliteBindInteger(m_stringsLookUpStmt, 1, stringType);
    1954           0 :                 sqliteBindText(m_stringsLookUpStmt, 2, stringValue);
    1955           0 :                 sqliteStepCommand(m_stringsLookUpStmt);
    1956           0 :                 rowId = sqlite3_column_int(m_stringsLookUpStmt, 0);
    1957           0 :                 sqliteResetCommand(m_stringsLookUpStmt);
    1958             :             }
    1959       34021 :             ret.first->second = rowId;
    1960             :         }
    1961             :     }
    1962      518242 :     return rowId;
    1963             : }
    1964             : 
    1965         116 : void SQLite::createSQLiteSimulationsRecord(int const id, const std::string &verString, const std::string &currentDateTime)
    1966             : {
    1967         116 :     if (m_writeOutputToSQLite) {
    1968         116 :         sqliteBindInteger(m_simulationsInsertStmt, 1, id);
    1969         116 :         sqliteBindText(m_simulationsInsertStmt, 2, verString);
    1970         116 :         sqliteBindText(m_simulationsInsertStmt, 3, currentDateTime);
    1971             : 
    1972         116 :         sqliteStepCommand(m_simulationsInsertStmt);
    1973         116 :         sqliteResetCommand(m_simulationsInsertStmt);
    1974             :     }
    1975         116 : }
    1976             : 
    1977        1920 : void SQLite::createSQLiteErrorRecord(int const simulationIndex, int const errorType, std::string const &errorMessage, int const cnt)
    1978             : {
    1979        1920 :     if (m_writeOutputToSQLite) {
    1980        1920 :         ++m_errorIndex;
    1981             : 
    1982        1920 :         sqliteBindInteger(m_errorInsertStmt, 1, m_errorIndex);
    1983        1920 :         sqliteBindForeignKey(m_errorInsertStmt, 2, simulationIndex);
    1984        1920 :         sqliteBindInteger(m_errorInsertStmt, 3, errorType);
    1985        1920 :         sqliteBindText(m_errorInsertStmt, 4, errorMessage);
    1986        1920 :         sqliteBindInteger(m_errorInsertStmt, 5, cnt);
    1987             : 
    1988        1920 :         sqliteStepCommand(m_errorInsertStmt);
    1989        1920 :         sqliteResetCommand(m_errorInsertStmt);
    1990             :     }
    1991        1920 : }
    1992             : 
    1993         662 : void SQLite::updateSQLiteErrorRecord(std::string const &errorMessage)
    1994             : {
    1995         662 :     if (m_writeOutputToSQLite) {
    1996         662 :         sqliteBindText(m_errorUpdateStmt, 1, "  " + errorMessage);
    1997             : 
    1998         662 :         sqliteStepCommand(m_errorUpdateStmt);
    1999         662 :         sqliteResetCommand(m_errorUpdateStmt);
    2000             :     }
    2001         662 : }
    2002             : 
    2003         116 : void SQLite::updateSQLiteSimulationRecord(int const id, int const numOfTimeStepInHour)
    2004             : {
    2005         116 :     if (m_writeOutputToSQLite) {
    2006         116 :         sqliteBindInteger(m_simulationDataUpdateStmt, 1, numOfTimeStepInHour);
    2007         116 :         sqliteBindForeignKey(m_simulationDataUpdateStmt, 2, id);
    2008             : 
    2009         116 :         sqliteStepCommand(m_simulationDataUpdateStmt);
    2010         116 :         sqliteResetCommand(m_simulationDataUpdateStmt);
    2011             :     }
    2012         116 : }
    2013             : 
    2014           0 : void SQLite::updateSQLiteSimulationRecord(bool const completed, bool const completedSuccessfully, int const id)
    2015             : {
    2016           0 :     if (m_writeOutputToSQLite) {
    2017           0 :         sqliteBindLogical(m_simulationUpdateStmt, 1, completed);
    2018           0 :         sqliteBindLogical(m_simulationUpdateStmt, 2, completedSuccessfully);
    2019           0 :         sqliteBindForeignKey(m_simulationUpdateStmt, 3, id); // seems to always be 1, SimulationManager::ManageSimulation()
    2020             : 
    2021           0 :         sqliteStepCommand(m_simulationUpdateStmt);
    2022           0 :         sqliteResetCommand(m_simulationUpdateStmt);
    2023             :     }
    2024           0 : }
    2025             : 
    2026         116 : void SQLite::createZoneExtendedOutput()
    2027             : {
    2028         116 :     if (m_writeOutputToSQLite) {
    2029        1453 :         for (auto const &zone : zones) {
    2030        1337 :             zone->insertIntoSQLite(m_zoneInfoInsertStmt);
    2031             :         }
    2032         120 :         for (auto const &zoneList : zoneLists) {
    2033           4 :             zoneList->insertIntoSQLite(m_zoneListInsertStmt, m_zoneInfoZoneListInsertStmt);
    2034             :         }
    2035         119 :         for (auto const &zoneGroup : zoneGroups) {
    2036           3 :             zoneGroup->insertIntoSQLite(m_zoneGroupInsertStmt);
    2037             :         }
    2038        3254 :         for (auto const &schedule : schedules) {
    2039        3138 :             schedule->insertIntoSQLite(m_scheduleInsertStmt);
    2040             :         }
    2041        1902 :         for (auto const &material : materials) {
    2042        1786 :             material->insertIntoSQLite(m_materialInsertStmt);
    2043             :         }
    2044         960 :         for (auto const &construction : constructions) {
    2045         844 :             construction->insertIntoSQLite(m_constructionInsertStmt, m_constructionLayerInsertStmt);
    2046             :         }
    2047       12214 :         for (auto const &surface : surfaces) {
    2048       12098 :             surface->insertIntoSQLite(m_surfaceInsertStmt);
    2049             :         }
    2050        1302 :         for (auto const &nominalLighting : nominalLightings) {
    2051        1186 :             nominalLighting->insertIntoSQLite(m_nominalLightingInsertStmt);
    2052             :         }
    2053        1185 :         for (auto const &nominalPeople : nominalPeoples) {
    2054        1069 :             nominalPeople->insertIntoSQLite(m_nominalPeopleInsertStmt);
    2055             :         }
    2056        1309 :         for (auto const &nominalElectricEquipment : nominalElectricEquipments) {
    2057        1193 :             nominalElectricEquipment->insertIntoSQLite(m_nominalElectricEquipmentInsertStmt);
    2058             :         }
    2059         151 :         for (auto const &nominalGasEquipment : nominalGasEquipments) {
    2060          35 :             nominalGasEquipment->insertIntoSQLite(m_nominalGasEquipmentInsertStmt);
    2061             :         }
    2062         116 :         for (auto const &nominalSteamEquipment : nominalSteamEquipments) {
    2063           0 :             nominalSteamEquipment->insertIntoSQLite(m_nominalSteamEquipmentInsertStmt);
    2064             :         }
    2065         125 :         for (auto const &nominalHotWaterEquipment : nominalHotWaterEquipments) {
    2066           9 :             nominalHotWaterEquipment->insertIntoSQLite(m_nominalHotWaterEquipmentInsertStmt);
    2067             :         }
    2068         134 :         for (auto const &nominalOtherEquipment : nominalOtherEquipments) {
    2069          18 :             nominalOtherEquipment->insertIntoSQLite(m_nominalOtherEquipmentInsertStmt);
    2070             :         }
    2071         116 :         for (auto const &nominalBaseboardHeat : nominalBaseboardHeats) {
    2072           0 :             nominalBaseboardHeat->insertIntoSQLite(m_nominalBaseboardHeatInsertStmt);
    2073             :         }
    2074        1141 :         for (auto const &infiltration : infiltrations) {
    2075        1025 :             infiltration->insertIntoSQLite(m_infiltrationInsertStmt);
    2076             :         }
    2077         124 :         for (auto const &ventilation : ventilations) {
    2078           8 :             ventilation->insertIntoSQLite(m_ventilationInsertStmt);
    2079             :         }
    2080        1453 :         for (auto const &roomAirModel : roomAirModels) {
    2081        1337 :             roomAirModel->insertIntoSQLite(m_roomAirModelInsertStmt);
    2082             :         }
    2083             :     }
    2084         116 : }
    2085             : 
    2086         237 : void SQLite::createSQLiteEnvironmentPeriodRecord(const int curEnvirNum,
    2087             :                                                  const std::string &environmentName,
    2088             :                                                  const DataGlobalConstants::KindOfSim kindOfSim,
    2089             :                                                  const int simulationIndex)
    2090             : {
    2091         237 :     if (m_writeOutputToSQLite) {
    2092         237 :         sqliteBindInteger(m_environmentPeriodInsertStmt, 1, curEnvirNum);
    2093         237 :         sqliteBindForeignKey(m_environmentPeriodInsertStmt, 2, simulationIndex);
    2094         237 :         sqliteBindText(m_environmentPeriodInsertStmt, 3, environmentName);
    2095         237 :         sqliteBindInteger(m_environmentPeriodInsertStmt, 4, static_cast<int>(kindOfSim));
    2096             : 
    2097         237 :         sqliteStepCommand(m_environmentPeriodInsertStmt);
    2098         237 :         sqliteResetCommand(m_environmentPeriodInsertStmt);
    2099             :     }
    2100         237 : }
    2101             : 
    2102        3138 : void SQLite::addScheduleData(int const number, std::string const &name, std::string const &type, double const minValue, double const maxValue)
    2103             : {
    2104        3138 :     schedules.push_back(std::make_unique<Schedule>(m_errorStream, m_db, number, name, type, minValue, maxValue));
    2105        3138 : }
    2106             : 
    2107        1337 : void SQLite::addZoneData(int const number, DataHeatBalance::ZoneData const &zoneData)
    2108             : {
    2109        1337 :     zones.push_back(std::make_unique<Zone>(m_errorStream, m_db, number, zoneData));
    2110        1337 : }
    2111             : 
    2112           4 : void SQLite::addZoneListData(int const number, DataHeatBalance::ZoneListData const &zoneListData)
    2113             : {
    2114           4 :     zoneLists.push_back(std::make_unique<ZoneList>(m_errorStream, m_db, number, zoneListData));
    2115           4 : }
    2116             : 
    2117       12098 : void SQLite::addSurfaceData(int const number, DataSurfaces::SurfaceData const &surfaceData, std::string const &surfaceClass)
    2118             : {
    2119       12098 :     surfaces.push_back(std::make_unique<Surface>(m_errorStream, m_db, number, surfaceData, surfaceClass));
    2120       12098 : }
    2121             : 
    2122           3 : void SQLite::addZoneGroupData(int const number, DataHeatBalance::ZoneGroupData const &zoneGroupData)
    2123             : {
    2124           3 :     zoneGroups.push_back(std::make_unique<ZoneGroup>(m_errorStream, m_db, number, zoneGroupData));
    2125           3 : }
    2126             : 
    2127        1786 : void SQLite::addMaterialData(int const number, EnergyPlus::Material::MaterialProperties const &materialData)
    2128             : {
    2129        1786 :     materials.push_back(std::make_unique<Material>(m_errorStream, m_db, number, materialData));
    2130        1786 : }
    2131         844 : void SQLite::addConstructionData(int const number,
    2132             :                                  EnergyPlus::Construction::ConstructionProps const &constructionData,
    2133             :                                  double const &constructionUValue)
    2134             : {
    2135         844 :     constructions.push_back(std::make_unique<Construction>(m_errorStream, m_db, number, constructionData, constructionUValue));
    2136         844 : }
    2137        1186 : void SQLite::addNominalLightingData(int const number, DataHeatBalance::LightsData const &nominalLightingData)
    2138             : {
    2139        1186 :     nominalLightings.push_back(std::make_unique<NominalLighting>(m_errorStream, m_db, number, nominalLightingData));
    2140        1186 : }
    2141        1069 : void SQLite::addNominalPeopleData(int const number, DataHeatBalance::PeopleData const &nominalPeopleData)
    2142             : {
    2143        1069 :     nominalPeoples.push_back(std::make_unique<NominalPeople>(m_errorStream, m_db, number, nominalPeopleData));
    2144        1069 : }
    2145        1193 : void SQLite::addNominalElectricEquipmentData(int const number, DataHeatBalance::ZoneEquipData const &nominalElectricEquipmentData)
    2146             : {
    2147        1193 :     nominalElectricEquipments.push_back(std::make_unique<NominalElectricEquipment>(m_errorStream, m_db, number, nominalElectricEquipmentData));
    2148        1193 : }
    2149          35 : void SQLite::addNominalGasEquipmentData(int const number, DataHeatBalance::ZoneEquipData const &nominalGasEquipmentData)
    2150             : {
    2151          35 :     nominalGasEquipments.push_back(std::make_unique<NominalGasEquipment>(m_errorStream, m_db, number, nominalGasEquipmentData));
    2152          35 : }
    2153           0 : void SQLite::addNominalSteamEquipmentData(int const number, DataHeatBalance::ZoneEquipData const &nominalSteamEquipmentData)
    2154             : {
    2155           0 :     nominalSteamEquipments.push_back(std::make_unique<NominalSteamEquipment>(m_errorStream, m_db, number, nominalSteamEquipmentData));
    2156           0 : }
    2157           9 : void SQLite::addNominalHotWaterEquipmentData(int const number, DataHeatBalance::ZoneEquipData const &nominalHotWaterEquipmentData)
    2158             : {
    2159           9 :     nominalHotWaterEquipments.push_back(std::make_unique<NominalHotWaterEquipment>(m_errorStream, m_db, number, nominalHotWaterEquipmentData));
    2160           9 : }
    2161          18 : void SQLite::addNominalOtherEquipmentData(int const number, DataHeatBalance::ZoneEquipData const &nominalOtherEquipmentData)
    2162             : {
    2163          18 :     nominalOtherEquipments.push_back(std::make_unique<NominalOtherEquipment>(m_errorStream, m_db, number, nominalOtherEquipmentData));
    2164          18 : }
    2165           0 : void SQLite::addNominalBaseboardData(int const number, DataHeatBalance::BBHeatData const &nominalBaseboardData)
    2166             : {
    2167           0 :     nominalBaseboardHeats.push_back(std::make_unique<NominalBaseboardHeat>(m_errorStream, m_db, number, nominalBaseboardData));
    2168           0 : }
    2169        1025 : void SQLite::addInfiltrationData(int const number, DataHeatBalance::InfiltrationData const &infiltrationData)
    2170             : {
    2171        1025 :     infiltrations.push_back(std::make_unique<Infiltration>(m_errorStream, m_db, number, infiltrationData));
    2172        1025 : }
    2173           8 : void SQLite::addVentilationData(int const number, DataHeatBalance::VentilationData const &ventilationData)
    2174             : {
    2175           8 :     ventilations.push_back(std::make_unique<Ventilation>(m_errorStream, m_db, number, ventilationData));
    2176           8 : }
    2177        1337 : void SQLite::addRoomAirModelData(int const number, DataRoomAirModel::AirModelData const &roomAirModelData)
    2178             : {
    2179        1337 :     roomAirModels.push_back(std::make_unique<RoomAirModel>(m_errorStream, m_db, number, roomAirModelData));
    2180        1337 : }
    2181             : 
    2182           3 : bool SQLite::ZoneGroup::insertIntoSQLite(sqlite3_stmt *insertStmt)
    2183             : {
    2184           3 :     sqliteBindInteger(insertStmt, 1, number);
    2185           3 :     sqliteBindText(insertStmt, 2, name);
    2186           3 :     sqliteBindForeignKey(insertStmt, 3, zoneList);
    2187           3 :     sqliteBindInteger(insertStmt, 4, multiplier);
    2188             : 
    2189           3 :     int rc = sqliteStepCommand(insertStmt);
    2190           3 :     bool validInsert = sqliteStepValidity(rc);
    2191           3 :     sqliteResetCommand(insertStmt);
    2192           3 :     return validInsert;
    2193             : }
    2194        1786 : bool SQLite::Material::insertIntoSQLite(sqlite3_stmt *insertStmt)
    2195             : {
    2196        1786 :     sqliteBindInteger(insertStmt, 1, number);
    2197        1786 :     sqliteBindText(insertStmt, 2, name);
    2198        1786 :     sqliteBindInteger(insertStmt, 3, static_cast<int>(group));
    2199        1786 :     sqliteBindInteger(insertStmt, 4, static_cast<int>(roughness));
    2200        1786 :     sqliteBindDouble(insertStmt, 5, conductivity);
    2201        1786 :     sqliteBindDouble(insertStmt, 6, density);
    2202        1786 :     sqliteBindDouble(insertStmt, 7, isoMoistCap);
    2203        1786 :     sqliteBindDouble(insertStmt, 8, porosity);
    2204        1786 :     sqliteBindDouble(insertStmt, 9, resistance);
    2205        1786 :     sqliteBindLogical(insertStmt, 10, rOnly);
    2206        1786 :     sqliteBindDouble(insertStmt, 11, specHeat);
    2207        1786 :     sqliteBindDouble(insertStmt, 12, thermGradCoef);
    2208        1786 :     sqliteBindDouble(insertStmt, 13, thickness);
    2209        1786 :     sqliteBindDouble(insertStmt, 14, vaporDiffus);
    2210             : 
    2211        1786 :     int rc = sqliteStepCommand(insertStmt);
    2212        1786 :     bool validInsert = sqliteStepValidity(rc);
    2213        1786 :     sqliteResetCommand(insertStmt);
    2214        1786 :     return validInsert;
    2215             : }
    2216         844 : bool SQLite::Construction::insertIntoSQLite(sqlite3_stmt *insertStmt)
    2217             : {
    2218         844 :     sqliteBindInteger(insertStmt, 1, number);
    2219         844 :     sqliteBindText(insertStmt, 2, name);
    2220         844 :     sqliteBindInteger(insertStmt, 3, totLayers);
    2221         844 :     sqliteBindInteger(insertStmt, 4, totSolidLayers);
    2222         844 :     sqliteBindInteger(insertStmt, 5, totGlassLayers);
    2223         844 :     sqliteBindDouble(insertStmt, 6, insideAbsorpVis);
    2224         844 :     sqliteBindDouble(insertStmt, 7, outsideAbsorpVis);
    2225         844 :     sqliteBindDouble(insertStmt, 8, insideAbsorpSolar);
    2226         844 :     sqliteBindDouble(insertStmt, 9, outsideAbsorpSolar);
    2227         844 :     sqliteBindDouble(insertStmt, 10, insideAbsorpThermal);
    2228         844 :     sqliteBindDouble(insertStmt, 11, outsideAbsorpThermal);
    2229         844 :     sqliteBindInteger(insertStmt, 12, static_cast<int>(outsideRoughness));
    2230         844 :     sqliteBindLogical(insertStmt, 13, typeIsWindow);
    2231         844 :     sqliteBindDouble(insertStmt, 14, uValue);
    2232             : 
    2233         844 :     int rc = sqliteStepCommand(insertStmt);
    2234         844 :     bool validInsert = sqliteStepValidity(rc);
    2235         844 :     sqliteResetCommand(insertStmt);
    2236         844 :     return validInsert;
    2237             : }
    2238         844 : bool SQLite::Construction::insertIntoSQLite(sqlite3_stmt *insertStmt, sqlite3_stmt *subInsertStmt)
    2239             : {
    2240         844 :     bool constructionInsertValid = insertIntoSQLite(insertStmt);
    2241         844 :     if (!constructionInsertValid) return false;
    2242             : 
    2243         844 :     bool valid = true;
    2244        2672 :     for (auto const &constructionLayer : constructionLayers) {
    2245        1828 :         bool validInsert = constructionLayer->insertIntoSQLite(subInsertStmt);
    2246        1828 :         if (valid && !validInsert) valid = false;
    2247             :     }
    2248         844 :     return valid;
    2249             : }
    2250        1828 : bool SQLite::Construction::ConstructionLayer::insertIntoSQLite(sqlite3_stmt *insertStmt)
    2251             : {
    2252        1828 :     sqliteBindForeignKey(insertStmt, 1, constructNumber);
    2253        1828 :     sqliteBindInteger(insertStmt, 2, layerNumber);
    2254        1828 :     sqliteBindForeignKey(insertStmt, 3, layerPoint);
    2255             : 
    2256        1828 :     int rc = sqliteStepCommand(insertStmt);
    2257        1828 :     bool validInsert = sqliteStepValidity(rc);
    2258        1828 :     sqliteResetCommand(insertStmt);
    2259        1828 :     return validInsert;
    2260             : }
    2261        1186 : bool SQLite::NominalLighting::insertIntoSQLite(sqlite3_stmt *insertStmt)
    2262             : {
    2263        1186 :     sqliteBindInteger(insertStmt, 1, number);
    2264        1186 :     sqliteBindText(insertStmt, 2, name);
    2265        1186 :     sqliteBindForeignKey(insertStmt, 3, zonePtr);
    2266        1186 :     sqliteBindForeignKey(insertStmt, 4, schedulePtr);
    2267        1186 :     sqliteBindDouble(insertStmt, 5, designLevel);
    2268        1186 :     sqliteBindDouble(insertStmt, 6, fractionReturnAir);
    2269        1186 :     sqliteBindDouble(insertStmt, 7, fractionRadiant);
    2270        1186 :     sqliteBindDouble(insertStmt, 8, fractionShortWave);
    2271        1186 :     sqliteBindDouble(insertStmt, 9, fractionReplaceable);
    2272        1186 :     sqliteBindDouble(insertStmt, 10, fractionConvected);
    2273        1186 :     sqliteBindText(insertStmt, 11, endUseSubcategory);
    2274             : 
    2275        1186 :     int rc = sqliteStepCommand(insertStmt);
    2276        1186 :     bool validInsert = sqliteStepValidity(rc);
    2277        1186 :     sqliteResetCommand(insertStmt);
    2278        1186 :     return validInsert;
    2279             : }
    2280        1069 : bool SQLite::NominalPeople::insertIntoSQLite(sqlite3_stmt *insertStmt)
    2281             : {
    2282        1069 :     sqliteBindInteger(insertStmt, 1, number);
    2283        1069 :     sqliteBindText(insertStmt, 2, name);
    2284        1069 :     sqliteBindForeignKey(insertStmt, 3, zonePtr);
    2285        1069 :     sqliteBindDouble(insertStmt, 4, numberOfPeople);
    2286        1069 :     sqliteBindForeignKey(insertStmt, 5, numberOfPeoplePtr);
    2287        1069 :     sqliteBindForeignKey(insertStmt, 6, activityLevelPtr);
    2288        1069 :     sqliteBindDouble(insertStmt, 7, fractionRadiant);
    2289        1069 :     sqliteBindDouble(insertStmt, 8, fractionConvected);
    2290        1069 :     sqliteBindForeignKey(insertStmt, 9, workEffPtr);
    2291        1069 :     sqliteBindForeignKey(insertStmt, 10, clothingPtr);
    2292        1069 :     sqliteBindForeignKey(insertStmt, 11, airVelocityPtr);
    2293        1069 :     sqliteBindLogical(insertStmt, 12, fanger);
    2294        1069 :     sqliteBindLogical(insertStmt, 13, pierce);
    2295        1069 :     sqliteBindLogical(insertStmt, 14, ksu);
    2296        1069 :     sqliteBindInteger(insertStmt, 15, static_cast<int>(mrtCalcType));
    2297        1069 :     sqliteBindForeignKey(insertStmt, 16, surfacePtr);
    2298        1069 :     sqliteBindText(insertStmt, 17, angleFactorListName);
    2299        1069 :     sqliteBindInteger(insertStmt, 18, angleFactorListPtr);
    2300        1069 :     sqliteBindDouble(insertStmt, 19, userSpecSensFrac);
    2301        1069 :     sqliteBindLogical(insertStmt, 20, show55Warning);
    2302             : 
    2303        1069 :     int rc = sqliteStepCommand(insertStmt);
    2304        1069 :     bool validInsert = sqliteStepValidity(rc);
    2305        1069 :     sqliteResetCommand(insertStmt);
    2306        1069 :     return validInsert;
    2307             : }
    2308        1193 : bool SQLite::NominalElectricEquipment::insertIntoSQLite(sqlite3_stmt *insertStmt)
    2309             : {
    2310        1193 :     sqliteBindInteger(insertStmt, 1, number);
    2311        1193 :     sqliteBindText(insertStmt, 2, name);
    2312        1193 :     sqliteBindForeignKey(insertStmt, 3, zonePtr);
    2313        1193 :     sqliteBindForeignKey(insertStmt, 4, schedulePtr);
    2314        1193 :     sqliteBindDouble(insertStmt, 5, designLevel);
    2315        1193 :     sqliteBindDouble(insertStmt, 6, fractionLatent);
    2316        1193 :     sqliteBindDouble(insertStmt, 7, fractionRadiant);
    2317        1193 :     sqliteBindDouble(insertStmt, 8, fractionLost);
    2318        1193 :     sqliteBindDouble(insertStmt, 9, fractionConvected);
    2319        1193 :     sqliteBindText(insertStmt, 10, endUseSubcategory);
    2320             : 
    2321        1193 :     int rc = sqliteStepCommand(insertStmt);
    2322        1193 :     bool validInsert = sqliteStepValidity(rc);
    2323        1193 :     sqliteResetCommand(insertStmt);
    2324        1193 :     return validInsert;
    2325             : }
    2326          35 : bool SQLite::NominalGasEquipment::insertIntoSQLite(sqlite3_stmt *insertStmt)
    2327             : {
    2328          35 :     sqliteBindInteger(insertStmt, 1, number);
    2329          35 :     sqliteBindText(insertStmt, 2, name);
    2330          35 :     sqliteBindForeignKey(insertStmt, 3, zonePtr);
    2331          35 :     sqliteBindForeignKey(insertStmt, 4, schedulePtr);
    2332          35 :     sqliteBindDouble(insertStmt, 5, designLevel);
    2333          35 :     sqliteBindDouble(insertStmt, 6, fractionLatent);
    2334          35 :     sqliteBindDouble(insertStmt, 7, fractionRadiant);
    2335          35 :     sqliteBindDouble(insertStmt, 8, fractionLost);
    2336          35 :     sqliteBindDouble(insertStmt, 9, fractionConvected);
    2337          35 :     sqliteBindText(insertStmt, 10, endUseSubcategory);
    2338             : 
    2339          35 :     int rc = sqliteStepCommand(insertStmt);
    2340          35 :     bool validInsert = sqliteStepValidity(rc);
    2341          35 :     sqliteResetCommand(insertStmt);
    2342          35 :     return validInsert;
    2343             : }
    2344           0 : bool SQLite::NominalSteamEquipment::insertIntoSQLite(sqlite3_stmt *insertStmt)
    2345             : {
    2346           0 :     sqliteBindInteger(insertStmt, 1, number);
    2347           0 :     sqliteBindText(insertStmt, 2, name);
    2348           0 :     sqliteBindForeignKey(insertStmt, 3, zonePtr);
    2349           0 :     sqliteBindForeignKey(insertStmt, 4, schedulePtr);
    2350           0 :     sqliteBindDouble(insertStmt, 5, designLevel);
    2351           0 :     sqliteBindDouble(insertStmt, 6, fractionLatent);
    2352           0 :     sqliteBindDouble(insertStmt, 7, fractionRadiant);
    2353           0 :     sqliteBindDouble(insertStmt, 8, fractionLost);
    2354           0 :     sqliteBindDouble(insertStmt, 9, fractionConvected);
    2355           0 :     sqliteBindText(insertStmt, 10, endUseSubcategory);
    2356             : 
    2357           0 :     int rc = sqliteStepCommand(insertStmt);
    2358           0 :     bool validInsert = sqliteStepValidity(rc);
    2359           0 :     sqliteResetCommand(insertStmt);
    2360           0 :     return validInsert;
    2361             : }
    2362           9 : bool SQLite::NominalHotWaterEquipment::insertIntoSQLite(sqlite3_stmt *insertStmt)
    2363             : {
    2364           9 :     sqliteBindInteger(insertStmt, 1, number);
    2365           9 :     sqliteBindText(insertStmt, 2, name);
    2366           9 :     sqliteBindForeignKey(insertStmt, 3, zonePtr);
    2367           9 :     sqliteBindForeignKey(insertStmt, 4, schedulePtr);
    2368           9 :     sqliteBindDouble(insertStmt, 5, designLevel);
    2369           9 :     sqliteBindDouble(insertStmt, 6, fractionLatent);
    2370           9 :     sqliteBindDouble(insertStmt, 7, fractionRadiant);
    2371           9 :     sqliteBindDouble(insertStmt, 8, fractionLost);
    2372           9 :     sqliteBindDouble(insertStmt, 9, fractionConvected);
    2373           9 :     sqliteBindText(insertStmt, 10, endUseSubcategory);
    2374             : 
    2375           9 :     int rc = sqliteStepCommand(insertStmt);
    2376           9 :     bool validInsert = sqliteStepValidity(rc);
    2377           9 :     sqliteResetCommand(insertStmt);
    2378           9 :     return validInsert;
    2379             : }
    2380          18 : bool SQLite::NominalOtherEquipment::insertIntoSQLite(sqlite3_stmt *insertStmt)
    2381             : {
    2382          18 :     sqliteBindInteger(insertStmt, 1, number);
    2383          18 :     sqliteBindText(insertStmt, 2, name);
    2384          18 :     sqliteBindForeignKey(insertStmt, 3, zonePtr);
    2385          18 :     sqliteBindForeignKey(insertStmt, 4, schedulePtr);
    2386          18 :     sqliteBindDouble(insertStmt, 5, designLevel);
    2387          18 :     sqliteBindDouble(insertStmt, 6, fractionLatent);
    2388          18 :     sqliteBindDouble(insertStmt, 7, fractionRadiant);
    2389          18 :     sqliteBindDouble(insertStmt, 8, fractionLost);
    2390          18 :     sqliteBindDouble(insertStmt, 9, fractionConvected);
    2391          18 :     sqliteBindText(insertStmt, 10, endUseSubcategory);
    2392             : 
    2393          18 :     int rc = sqliteStepCommand(insertStmt);
    2394          18 :     bool validInsert = sqliteStepValidity(rc);
    2395          18 :     sqliteResetCommand(insertStmt);
    2396          18 :     return validInsert;
    2397             : }
    2398           0 : bool SQLite::NominalBaseboardHeat::insertIntoSQLite(sqlite3_stmt *insertStmt)
    2399             : {
    2400           0 :     sqliteBindInteger(insertStmt, 1, number);
    2401           0 :     sqliteBindText(insertStmt, 2, name);
    2402           0 :     sqliteBindForeignKey(insertStmt, 3, zonePtr);
    2403           0 :     sqliteBindForeignKey(insertStmt, 4, schedPtr);
    2404           0 :     sqliteBindDouble(insertStmt, 5, capatLowTemperature);
    2405           0 :     sqliteBindDouble(insertStmt, 6, lowTemperature);
    2406           0 :     sqliteBindDouble(insertStmt, 7, capatHighTemperature);
    2407           0 :     sqliteBindDouble(insertStmt, 8, highTemperature);
    2408           0 :     sqliteBindDouble(insertStmt, 9, fractionRadiant);
    2409           0 :     sqliteBindDouble(insertStmt, 10, fractionConvected);
    2410           0 :     sqliteBindText(insertStmt, 11, endUseSubcategory);
    2411             : 
    2412           0 :     int rc = sqliteStepCommand(insertStmt);
    2413           0 :     bool validInsert = sqliteStepValidity(rc);
    2414           0 :     sqliteResetCommand(insertStmt);
    2415           0 :     return validInsert;
    2416             : }
    2417        1025 : bool SQLite::Infiltration::insertIntoSQLite(sqlite3_stmt *insertStmt)
    2418             : {
    2419        1025 :     sqliteBindInteger(insertStmt, 1, number);
    2420        1025 :     sqliteBindText(insertStmt, 2, name);
    2421        1025 :     sqliteBindForeignKey(insertStmt, 3, zonePtr);
    2422        1025 :     sqliteBindForeignKey(insertStmt, 4, schedPtr);
    2423        1025 :     sqliteBindDouble(insertStmt, 5, designLevel);
    2424             : 
    2425        1025 :     int rc = sqliteStepCommand(insertStmt);
    2426        1025 :     bool validInsert = sqliteStepValidity(rc);
    2427        1025 :     sqliteResetCommand(insertStmt);
    2428        1025 :     return validInsert;
    2429             : }
    2430           8 : bool SQLite::Ventilation::insertIntoSQLite(sqlite3_stmt *insertStmt)
    2431             : {
    2432           8 :     sqliteBindInteger(insertStmt, 1, number);
    2433           8 :     sqliteBindText(insertStmt, 2, name);
    2434           8 :     sqliteBindForeignKey(insertStmt, 3, zonePtr);
    2435           8 :     sqliteBindForeignKey(insertStmt, 4, schedPtr);
    2436           8 :     sqliteBindDouble(insertStmt, 5, designLevel);
    2437             : 
    2438           8 :     int rc = sqliteStepCommand(insertStmt);
    2439           8 :     bool validInsert = sqliteStepValidity(rc);
    2440           8 :     sqliteResetCommand(insertStmt);
    2441           8 :     return validInsert;
    2442             : }
    2443        1337 : bool SQLite::RoomAirModel::insertIntoSQLite(sqlite3_stmt *insertStmt)
    2444             : {
    2445        1337 :     sqliteBindInteger(insertStmt, 1, number);
    2446        1337 :     sqliteBindText(insertStmt, 2, airModelName);
    2447        1337 :     sqliteBindInteger(insertStmt, 3, static_cast<int>(airModelType));
    2448        1337 :     sqliteBindInteger(insertStmt, 4, static_cast<int>(tempCoupleScheme));
    2449        1337 :     sqliteBindLogical(insertStmt, 5, simAirModel);
    2450             : 
    2451        1337 :     int rc = sqliteStepCommand(insertStmt);
    2452        1337 :     bool validInsert = sqliteStepValidity(rc);
    2453        1337 :     sqliteResetCommand(insertStmt);
    2454        1337 :     return validInsert;
    2455             : }
    2456             : 
    2457       12098 : bool SQLite::Surface::insertIntoSQLite(sqlite3_stmt *insertStmt)
    2458             : {
    2459       12098 :     sqliteBindInteger(insertStmt, 1, number);
    2460       12098 :     sqliteBindText(insertStmt, 2, name);
    2461       12098 :     sqliteBindForeignKey(insertStmt, 3, construction);
    2462       12098 :     sqliteBindText(insertStmt, 4, surfaceClass);
    2463       12098 :     sqliteBindDouble(insertStmt, 5, area);
    2464       12098 :     sqliteBindDouble(insertStmt, 6, grossArea);
    2465       12098 :     sqliteBindDouble(insertStmt, 7, perimeter);
    2466       12098 :     sqliteBindDouble(insertStmt, 8, azimuth);
    2467       12098 :     sqliteBindDouble(insertStmt, 9, height);
    2468       12098 :     sqliteBindDouble(insertStmt, 10, reveal);
    2469       12098 :     sqliteBindInteger(insertStmt, 11, static_cast<int>(shape));
    2470       12098 :     sqliteBindInteger(insertStmt, 12, sides);
    2471       12098 :     sqliteBindDouble(insertStmt, 13, tilt);
    2472       12098 :     sqliteBindDouble(insertStmt, 14, width);
    2473       12098 :     sqliteBindLogical(insertStmt, 15, heatTransSurf);
    2474       12098 :     sqliteBindForeignKey(insertStmt, 16, baseSurf);
    2475       12098 :     sqliteBindForeignKey(insertStmt, 17, zone);
    2476       12098 :     sqliteBindInteger(insertStmt, 18, extBoundCond);
    2477       12098 :     sqliteBindLogical(insertStmt, 19, extSolar);
    2478       12098 :     sqliteBindLogical(insertStmt, 20, extWind);
    2479             : 
    2480       12098 :     int rc = sqliteStepCommand(insertStmt);
    2481       12098 :     bool validInsert = sqliteStepValidity(rc);
    2482       12098 :     sqliteResetCommand(insertStmt);
    2483       12098 :     return validInsert;
    2484             : }
    2485             : 
    2486           4 : bool SQLite::ZoneList::insertIntoSQLite(sqlite3_stmt *insertStmt)
    2487             : {
    2488           4 :     sqliteBindInteger(insertStmt, 1, number);
    2489           4 :     sqliteBindText(insertStmt, 2, name);
    2490             : 
    2491           4 :     int rc = sqliteStepCommand(insertStmt);
    2492           4 :     bool validInsert = sqliteStepValidity(rc);
    2493           4 :     sqliteResetCommand(insertStmt);
    2494           4 :     return validInsert;
    2495             : }
    2496             : 
    2497           4 : bool SQLite::ZoneList::insertIntoSQLite(sqlite3_stmt *insertStmt, sqlite3_stmt *subInsertStmt)
    2498             : {
    2499           4 :     bool zoneListInsertValid = insertIntoSQLite(insertStmt);
    2500           4 :     if (!zoneListInsertValid) return false;
    2501           4 :     bool valid = true;
    2502          22 :     for (size_t i = 1; i <= zones.size(); ++i) {
    2503          18 :         sqliteBindForeignKey(subInsertStmt, 1, number);
    2504          18 :         sqliteBindForeignKey(subInsertStmt, 2, zones(i));
    2505          18 :         int rc = sqliteStepCommand(subInsertStmt);
    2506          18 :         bool validInsert = sqliteStepValidity(rc);
    2507          18 :         sqliteResetCommand(subInsertStmt);
    2508          18 :         if (valid && !validInsert) valid = false;
    2509             :     }
    2510           4 :     return valid;
    2511             : }
    2512             : 
    2513        3138 : bool SQLite::Schedule::insertIntoSQLite(sqlite3_stmt *insertStmt)
    2514             : {
    2515        3138 :     sqliteBindInteger(insertStmt, 1, number);
    2516        3138 :     sqliteBindText(insertStmt, 2, name);
    2517        3138 :     sqliteBindText(insertStmt, 3, type);
    2518        3138 :     sqliteBindDouble(insertStmt, 4, minValue);
    2519        3138 :     sqliteBindDouble(insertStmt, 5, maxValue);
    2520             : 
    2521        3138 :     int rc = sqliteStepCommand(insertStmt);
    2522        3138 :     bool validInsert = sqliteStepValidity(rc);
    2523        3138 :     sqliteResetCommand(insertStmt);
    2524        3138 :     return validInsert;
    2525             : }
    2526             : 
    2527        1337 : bool SQLite::Zone::insertIntoSQLite(sqlite3_stmt *insertStmt)
    2528             : {
    2529        1337 :     sqliteBindInteger(insertStmt, 1, number);
    2530        1337 :     sqliteBindText(insertStmt, 2, name);
    2531        1337 :     sqliteBindDouble(insertStmt, 3, relNorth);
    2532        1337 :     sqliteBindDouble(insertStmt, 4, originX);
    2533        1337 :     sqliteBindDouble(insertStmt, 5, originY);
    2534        1337 :     sqliteBindDouble(insertStmt, 6, originZ);
    2535        1337 :     sqliteBindDouble(insertStmt, 7, centroidX);
    2536        1337 :     sqliteBindDouble(insertStmt, 8, centroidY);
    2537        1337 :     sqliteBindDouble(insertStmt, 9, centroidZ);
    2538        1337 :     sqliteBindInteger(insertStmt, 10, ofType);
    2539        1337 :     sqliteBindInteger(insertStmt, 11, multiplier);
    2540        1337 :     sqliteBindInteger(insertStmt, 12, listMultiplier);
    2541        1337 :     sqliteBindDouble(insertStmt, 13, minimumX);
    2542        1337 :     sqliteBindDouble(insertStmt, 14, maximumX);
    2543        1337 :     sqliteBindDouble(insertStmt, 15, minimumY);
    2544        1337 :     sqliteBindDouble(insertStmt, 16, maximumY);
    2545        1337 :     sqliteBindDouble(insertStmt, 17, minimumZ);
    2546        1337 :     sqliteBindDouble(insertStmt, 18, maximumZ);
    2547        1337 :     sqliteBindDouble(insertStmt, 19, ceilingHeight);
    2548        1337 :     sqliteBindDouble(insertStmt, 20, volume);
    2549        1337 :     sqliteBindInteger(insertStmt, 21, insideConvectionAlgo);
    2550        1337 :     sqliteBindInteger(insertStmt, 22, outsideConvectionAlgo);
    2551        1337 :     sqliteBindDouble(insertStmt, 23, floorArea);
    2552        1337 :     sqliteBindDouble(insertStmt, 24, extGrossWallArea);
    2553        1337 :     sqliteBindDouble(insertStmt, 25, extNetWallArea);
    2554        1337 :     sqliteBindDouble(insertStmt, 26, extWindowArea);
    2555        1337 :     sqliteBindLogical(insertStmt, 27, isPartOfTotalArea);
    2556             : 
    2557        1337 :     int rc = sqliteStepCommand(insertStmt);
    2558        1337 :     bool validInsert = sqliteStepValidity(rc);
    2559        1337 :     sqliteResetCommand(insertStmt);
    2560        1337 :     return validInsert;
    2561             : }
    2562             : 
    2563       26918 : SQLite::SQLiteData::SQLiteData(std::shared_ptr<std::ostream> const &errorStream, std::shared_ptr<sqlite3> const &db)
    2564       26918 :     : SQLiteProcedures(errorStream, db)
    2565             : {
    2566       26918 : }
    2567             : 
    2568       26918 : SQLiteProcedures::SQLiteProcedures(std::shared_ptr<std::ostream> const &errorStream, std::shared_ptr<sqlite3> const &db)
    2569       26918 :     : m_writeOutputToSQLite(true), m_errorStream(errorStream), m_connection(nullptr), m_db(db)
    2570             : {
    2571       26918 : }
    2572             : 
    2573         116 : SQLiteProcedures::SQLiteProcedures(std::shared_ptr<std::ostream> const &errorStream,
    2574             :                                    bool writeOutputToSQLite,
    2575             :                                    fs::path const &dbName,
    2576         116 :                                    fs::path const &errorFilePath)
    2577         116 :     : m_writeOutputToSQLite(writeOutputToSQLite), m_errorStream(errorStream), m_connection(nullptr)
    2578             : {
    2579         116 :     if (m_writeOutputToSQLite) {
    2580         116 :         int rc = -1;
    2581         116 :         bool ok = true;
    2582             : 
    2583             :         // Test if we can write to the sqlite error file
    2584             :         //  Does there need to be a seperate sqlite.err file at all?  Consider using eplusout.err
    2585         116 :         if (m_errorStream) {
    2586         116 :             *m_errorStream << "SQLite3 message, " << errorFilePath.string() << " open for processing!" << std::endl;
    2587             :         } else {
    2588           0 :             ok = false;
    2589             :         }
    2590             : 
    2591             :         // Test if we can create a new file named dbName
    2592         116 :         if (ok && dbName != ":memory:") {
    2593         232 :             std::ofstream test(dbName, std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::trunc);
    2594         116 :             if (test.is_open()) {
    2595         116 :                 test.close();
    2596             :             } else {
    2597           0 :                 ok = false;
    2598             :             }
    2599             :         }
    2600             : 
    2601             :         // Test if we can write to the database
    2602             :         // If we can't then there are probably locks on the database
    2603         116 :         if (ok) {
    2604         116 :             sqlite3_open_v2(dbName.string().c_str(), &m_connection, SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE, nullptr);
    2605         116 :             char *zErrMsg = nullptr;
    2606         116 :             rc = sqlite3_exec(m_connection, "CREATE TABLE Test(x INTEGER PRIMARY KEY)", nullptr, 0, &zErrMsg);
    2607         116 :             sqlite3_close(m_connection);
    2608         116 :             if (rc) {
    2609           0 :                 *m_errorStream << "SQLite3 message, can't get exclusive lock on existing database: " << sqlite3_errmsg(m_connection) << std::endl;
    2610           0 :                 ok = false;
    2611             :             } else {
    2612         116 :                 if (dbName != ":memory:") {
    2613             :                     // Remove test db
    2614         116 :                     rc = remove(dbName.string().c_str());
    2615         116 :                     if (rc) {
    2616           0 :                         *m_errorStream << "SQLite3 message, can't remove old database: " << sqlite3_errmsg(m_connection) << std::endl;
    2617           0 :                         ok = false;
    2618             :                     }
    2619             :                 }
    2620             :             }
    2621         116 :             sqlite3_free(zErrMsg);
    2622             :         }
    2623             : 
    2624         116 :         if (ok) {
    2625             :             // Now open the output db for the duration of the simulation
    2626         116 :             rc = sqlite3_open_v2(dbName.string().c_str(), &m_connection, SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE | SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE, nullptr);
    2627         116 :             m_db = std::shared_ptr<sqlite3>(m_connection, sqlite3_close);
    2628         116 :             if (rc) {
    2629           0 :                 *m_errorStream << "SQLite3 message, can't open new database: " << sqlite3_errmsg(m_connection) << std::endl;
    2630           0 :                 ok = false;
    2631             :             }
    2632             :         }
    2633             : 
    2634         116 :         if (!ok) {
    2635           0 :             throw std::runtime_error("The SQLite database failed to open.");
    2636             :         }
    2637             :     }
    2638         116 : }
    2639             : 
    2640       10734 : int SQLiteProcedures::sqliteExecuteCommand(const std::string &commandBuffer)
    2641             : {
    2642       10734 :     char *zErrMsg = 0;
    2643             : 
    2644       10734 :     int rc = sqlite3_exec(m_db.get(), commandBuffer.c_str(), NULL, 0, &zErrMsg);
    2645       10734 :     if (rc != SQLITE_OK) {
    2646           0 :         *m_errorStream << zErrMsg;
    2647             :     }
    2648       10734 :     sqlite3_free(zErrMsg);
    2649             : 
    2650       10734 :     return rc;
    2651             : }
    2652             : 
    2653        4242 : int SQLiteProcedures::sqlitePrepareStatement(sqlite3_stmt *&stmt, const std::string &stmtBuffer)
    2654             : {
    2655        4242 :     int rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(m_db.get(), stmtBuffer.c_str(), -1, &stmt, nullptr);
    2656        4242 :     if (rc != SQLITE_OK) {
    2657           0 :         *m_errorStream << "SQLite3 message, sqlite3_prepare_v2 message: " << stmtBuffer << std::endl;
    2658             :     }
    2659             : 
    2660        4242 :     return rc;
    2661             : }
    2662             : 
    2663      601759 : int SQLiteProcedures::sqliteBindText(sqlite3_stmt *stmt, const int stmtInsertLocationIndex, std::string_view textBuffer)
    2664             : {
    2665      601759 :     int rc = sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, stmtInsertLocationIndex,, textBuffer.size(), SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
    2666      601759 :     if (rc != SQLITE_OK) {
    2667           0 :         *m_errorStream << "SQLite3 message, sqlite3_bind_text failed: " << textBuffer << std::endl;
    2668             :     }
    2669             : 
    2670      601759 :     return rc;
    2671             : }
    2672             : 
    2673     3452472 : int SQLiteProcedures::sqliteBindInteger(sqlite3_stmt *stmt, const int stmtInsertLocationIndex, const int intToInsert)
    2674             : {
    2675     3452472 :     int rc = sqlite3_bind_int(stmt, stmtInsertLocationIndex, intToInsert);
    2676     3452472 :     if (rc != SQLITE_OK) {
    2677           0 :         *m_errorStream << "SQLite3 message, sqlite3_bind_int failed: " << intToInsert << std::endl;
    2678             :     }
    2679             : 
    2680     3452472 :     return rc;
    2681             : }
    2682             : 
    2683     2199516 : int SQLiteProcedures::sqliteBindDouble(sqlite3_stmt *stmt, const int stmtInsertLocationIndex, const double doubleToInsert)
    2684             : {
    2685     2199516 :     int rc = sqlite3_bind_double(stmt, stmtInsertLocationIndex, doubleToInsert);
    2686     2199516 :     if (rc != SQLITE_OK) {
    2687           0 :         *m_errorStream << "SQLite3 message, sqlite3_bind_double failed: " << doubleToInsert << std::endl;
    2688             :     }
    2689             : 
    2690     2199516 :     return rc;
    2691             : }
    2692             : 
    2693       17902 : int SQLiteProcedures::sqliteBindNULL(sqlite3_stmt *stmt, const int stmtInsertLocationIndex)
    2694             : {
    2695       17902 :     int rc = sqlite3_bind_null(stmt, stmtInsertLocationIndex);
    2696       17902 :     if (rc != SQLITE_OK) {
    2697           0 :         *m_errorStream << "SQLite3 message, sqlite3_bind_null failed" << std::endl;
    2698             :     }
    2699             : 
    2700       17902 :     return rc;
    2701             : }
    2702             : 
    2703     6260172 : int SQLiteProcedures::sqliteBindForeignKey(sqlite3_stmt *stmt, const int stmtInsertLocationIndex, const int intToInsert)
    2704             : {
    2705     6260172 :     int rc = -1;
    2706     6260172 :     if (intToInsert > 0) {
    2707     6258252 :         rc = sqlite3_bind_int(stmt, stmtInsertLocationIndex, intToInsert);
    2708             :     } else {
    2709        1920 :         rc = sqlite3_bind_null(stmt, stmtInsertLocationIndex);
    2710             :     }
    2711     6260172 :     if (rc != SQLITE_OK) {
    2712           0 :         *m_errorStream << "SQLite3 message, sqliteBindForeignKey failed: " << intToInsert << std::endl;
    2713             :     }
    2714             : 
    2715     6260172 :     return rc;
    2716             : }
    2717             : 
    2718       77395 : int SQLiteProcedures::sqliteBindLogical(sqlite3_stmt *stmt, const int stmtInsertLocationIndex, const bool valueToInsert)
    2719             : {
    2720       77395 :     return sqliteBindInteger(stmt, stmtInsertLocationIndex, valueToInsert ? 1 : 0);
    2721             : }
    2722             : 
    2723       26936 : bool SQLiteProcedures::sqliteStepValidity(int const rc)
    2724             : {
    2725       26936 :     bool isValid = false;
    2726       26936 :     switch (rc) {
    2727       26936 :     case SQLITE_DONE:
    2728             :     case SQLITE_OK:
    2729             :     case SQLITE_ROW:
    2730       26936 :         isValid = true;
    2731       26936 :         break;
    2732           0 :     default:
    2733           0 :         break;
    2734             :     }
    2735       26936 :     return isValid;
    2736             : }
    2737             : 
    2738     2421759 : int SQLiteProcedures::sqliteStepCommand(sqlite3_stmt *stmt)
    2739             : {
    2740     2421759 :     int rc = sqlite3_step(stmt);
    2741     2421759 :     switch (rc) {
    2742     2421759 :     case SQLITE_DONE:
    2743             :     case SQLITE_OK:
    2744             :     case SQLITE_ROW:
    2745     2421759 :         break;
    2746           0 :     default:
    2747           0 :         *m_errorStream << "SQLite3 message, sqlite3_step message: " << sqlite3_errmsg(m_db.get()) << std::endl;
    2748           0 :         break;
    2749             :     }
    2750             : 
    2751     2421759 :     return rc;
    2752             : }
    2753             : 
    2754     2421759 : int SQLiteProcedures::sqliteResetCommand(sqlite3_stmt *stmt)
    2755             : {
    2756     2421759 :     return sqlite3_reset(stmt);
    2757             : }
    2758             : 
    2759           0 : bool SQLiteProcedures::sqliteWithinTransaction()
    2760             : {
    2761           0 :     return (sqlite3_get_autocommit(m_connection) == 0);
    2762             : }
    2763             : 
    2764             : // int SQLiteProcedures::sqliteClearBindings(sqlite3_stmt * stmt)
    2765             : // {
    2766             : //     return sqlite3_clear_bindings(stmt);
    2767             : // }
    2768             : 
    2769             : // int SQLiteProcedures::sqliteFinalizeCommand(sqlite3_stmt * stmt)
    2770             : // {
    2771             : //     return sqlite3_finalize(stmt);
    2772             : // }
    2773             : 
    2774        2313 : } // namespace EnergyPlus

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