LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - EnergyPlus - (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: lcov.output.filtered Lines: 1488 2178 68.3 %
Date: 2023-01-17 19:17:23 Functions: 33 35 94.3 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : // EnergyPlus, Copyright (c) 1996-2023, The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois,
       2             : // The Regents of the University of California, through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
       3             : // (subject to receipt of any required approvals from the U.S. Dept. of Energy), Oak Ridge
       4             : // National Laboratory, managed by UT-Battelle, Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC, and other
       5             : // contributors. All rights reserved.
       6             : //
       7             : // NOTICE: This Software was developed under funding from the U.S. Department of Energy and the
       8             : // U.S. Government consequently retains certain rights. As such, the U.S. Government has been
       9             : // granted for itself and others acting on its behalf a paid-up, nonexclusive, irrevocable,
      10             : // worldwide license in the Software to reproduce, distribute copies to the public, prepare
      11             : // derivative works, and perform publicly and display publicly, and to permit others to do so.
      12             : //
      13             : // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted
      14             : // provided that the following conditions are met:
      15             : //
      16             : // (1) Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of
      17             : //     conditions and the following disclaimer.
      18             : //
      19             : // (2) Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of
      20             : //     conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
      21             : //     provided with the distribution.
      22             : //
      23             : // (3) Neither the name of the University of California, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,
      24             : //     the University of Illinois, U.S. Dept. of Energy nor the names of its contributors may be
      25             : //     used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior
      26             : //     written permission.
      27             : //
      28             : // (4) Use of EnergyPlus(TM) Name. If Licensee (i) distributes the software in stand-alone form
      29             : //     without changes from the version obtained under this License, or (ii) Licensee makes a
      30             : //     reference solely to the software portion of its product, Licensee must refer to the
      31             : //     software as "EnergyPlus version X" software, where "X" is the version number Licensee
      32             : //     obtained under this License and may not use a different name for the software. Except as
      33             : //     specifically required in this Section (4), Licensee shall not use in a company name, a
      34             : //     product name, in advertising, publicity, or other promotional activities any name, trade
      35             : //     name, trademark, logo, or other designation of "EnergyPlus", "E+", "e+" or confusingly
      36             : //     similar designation, without the U.S. Department of Energy's prior written consent.
      37             : //
      46             : // POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.
      47             : 
      48             : // C++ Headers
      49             : #include <map>
      50             : 
      51             : // ObjexxFCL Headers
      52             : #include <ObjexxFCL/Array.functions.hh>
      53             : #include <ObjexxFCL/ArrayS.functions.hh>
      54             : #include <ObjexxFCL/Fmath.hh>
      55             : #include <ObjexxFCL/string.functions.hh>
      56             : 
      57             : // EnergyPlus Headers
      58             : #include <EnergyPlus/CommandLineInterface.hh>
      59             : #include <EnergyPlus/Data/EnergyPlusData.hh>
      60             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataEnvironment.hh>
      61             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataStringGlobals.hh>
      62             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataSystemVariables.hh>
      63             : #include <EnergyPlus/EMSManager.hh>
      64             : #include <EnergyPlus/FileSystem.hh>
      65             : #include <EnergyPlus/General.hh>
      66             : #include <EnergyPlus/GlobalNames.hh>
      67             : #include <EnergyPlus/InputProcessing/CsvParser.hh>
      68             : #include <EnergyPlus/InputProcessing/InputProcessor.hh>
      69             : #include <EnergyPlus/OutputProcessor.hh>
      70             : #include <EnergyPlus/ScheduleManager.hh>
      71             : #include <EnergyPlus/StringUtilities.hh>
      72             : #include <EnergyPlus/UtilityRoutines.hh>
      73             : #include <EnergyPlus/WeatherManager.hh>
      74             : 
      75             : namespace EnergyPlus {
      76             : 
      77             : namespace ScheduleManager {
      78             :     // Module containing the Schedule Manager routines
      79             : 
      80             :     // MODULE INFORMATION:
      81             :     //       AUTHOR         Linda K. Lawrie
      82             :     //       DATE WRITTEN   September 1997
      83             :     //       MODIFIED       January 2003 -- added sub-hourly schedule possibility (and interval scheduling)
      84             :     //                      J. Glazer January 2005 -- added Schedule:File
      85             :     //                      Michael Wetter February 2010 -- added Schedule for external Interface
      86             :     //                      L Lawrie - October 2012 - added sub-hourly option for Schedule:File
      87             : 
      88             :     // PURPOSE OF THIS MODULE:
      89             :     // To provide the capabilities of getting the schedule data from the input,
      90             :     // validating it, and storing it in such a manner that the schedule manager
      91             :     // can provide the scheduling value needs for the simulation.
      92             : 
      93             :     // REFERENCES:
      94             :     // Proposal for Schedule Manager in EnergyPlus (Rick Strand)
      95             : 
      96             :     // MODULE PARAMETER DEFINITIONS
      97             :     static constexpr std::string_view BlankString;
      98             :     // Day types are 1-based for EMS and output and other uses, so add a dummy
      99             :     constexpr std::array<std::string_view, static_cast<int>(DayType::Num)> dayTypeNames{"dummy",
     100             :                                                                                         "Sunday",
     101             :                                                                                         "Monday",
     102             :                                                                                         "Tuesday",
     103             :                                                                                         "Wednesday",
     104             :                                                                                         "Thursday",
     105             :                                                                                         "Friday",
     106             :                                                                                         "Saturday",
     107             :                                                                                         "Holiday",
     108             :                                                                                         "SummerDesignDay",
     109             :                                                                                         "WinterDesignDay",
     110             :                                                                                         "CustomDay1",
     111             :                                                                                         "CustomDay2"};
     112             : 
     113             :     constexpr std::array<std::string_view, static_cast<int>(DayType::Num)> dayTypeNamesUC{"dummy",
     114             :                                                                                           "SUNDAY",
     115             :                                                                                           "MONDAY",
     116             :                                                                                           "TUESDAY",
     117             :                                                                                           "WEDNESDAY",
     118             :                                                                                           "THURSDAY",
     119             :                                                                                           "FRIDAY",
     120             :                                                                                           "SATURDAY",
     121             :                                                                                           "HOLIDAY",
     122             :                                                                                           "SUMMERDESIGNDAY",
     123             :                                                                                           "WINTERDESIGNDAY",
     124             :                                                                                           "CUSTOMDAY1",
     125             :                                                                                           "CUSTOMDAY2"};
     126             : 
     127             :     int constexpr numScheduleTypeLimitUnitTypes = 14;
     128             :     static constexpr std::array<std::string_view, static_cast<int>(numScheduleTypeLimitUnitTypes)> scheduleTypeLimitUnitTypes{"DIMENSIONLESS",
     129             :                                                                                                                               "TEMPERATURE",
     130             :                                                                                                                               "DELTATEMPERATURE",
     131             :                                                                                                                               "PRECIPITATIONRATE",
     132             :                                                                                                                               "ANGLE",
     133             :                                                                                                                               "CONVECTIONCOEFFICIENT",
     134             :                                                                                                                               "ACTIVITYLEVEL",
     135             :                                                                                                                               "VELOCITY",
     136             :                                                                                                                               "CAPACITY",
     137             :                                                                                                                               "POWER",
     138             :                                                                                                                               "AVAILABILITY",
     139             :                                                                                                                               "PERCENT",
     140             :                                                                                                                               "CONTROL",
     141             :                                                                                                                               "MODE"};
     142             : 
     143             :     constexpr std::array<std::string_view, static_cast<int>(OutputReportLevel::Num)> outputScheduleReportLevelNames = {"Hourly", "Timestep"};
     144             :     constexpr std::array<std::string_view, static_cast<int>(OutputReportLevel::Num)> outputScheduleReportLevelNamesUC = {"HOURLY", "TIMESTEP"};
     145             :     constexpr std::array<std::string_view, static_cast<int>(ScheduleInterpolation::Num)> interpolationTypes = {"No", "Average", "Linear"};
     146             :     constexpr std::array<std::string_view, static_cast<int>(ScheduleInterpolation::Num)> interpolationTypesUC = {"NO", "AVERAGE", "LINEAR"};
     147             : 
     148         771 :     void ProcessScheduleInput(EnergyPlusData &state)
     149             :     {
     150             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
     151             :         //       AUTHOR         Linda K. Lawrie
     152             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   September 1997
     153             :         //       MODIFIED       Rui Zhang February 2010
     154             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
     155             : 
     156             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
     157             :         // This subroutine processes the schedules input for EnergyPlus.
     158             : 
     159             :         // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
     160             :         // Uses the standard get routines in the InputProcessor.
     161             : 
     162             :         // Using/Aliasing
     163             :         using DataStringGlobals::CharComma;
     164             :         using DataStringGlobals::CharSemicolon;
     165             :         using DataStringGlobals::CharSpace;
     166             :         using DataStringGlobals::CharTab;
     167             :         using DataSystemVariables::CheckForActualFilePath;
     168             :         using General::ProcessDateString;
     169             : 
     170             :         // Locals
     171             :         // SUBROUTINE PARAMETER DEFINITIONS:
     172         771 :         auto constexpr RoutineName("ProcessScheduleInput: ");
     173             : 
     174             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
     175             : 
     176        1542 :         Array1D_int DaysInYear(366);
     177             :         int LoopIndex;
     178             :         int InLoopIndex;
     179             :         int DayIndex;
     180             :         int WeekIndex;
     181        1542 :         Array1D_string Alphas;
     182        1542 :         Array1D_string cAlphaFields;
     183        1542 :         Array1D_string cNumericFields;
     184        1542 :         Array1D<Real64> Numbers;
     185        1542 :         Array1D_bool lAlphaBlanks;
     186        1542 :         Array1D_bool lNumericBlanks;
     187             :         int NumAlphas;
     188             :         int NumNumbers;
     189             :         int Status;
     190             :         int StartMonth;
     191             :         int StartDay;
     192             :         int EndMonth;
     193             :         int EndDay;
     194             :         int StartPointer;
     195             :         int EndPointer;
     196             :         int NumPointer;
     197             :         int Count;
     198             :         int CheckIndex;
     199         771 :         bool ErrorsFound(false);
     200             :         bool NumErrorFlag;
     201             :         int SchedTypePtr;
     202        1542 :         std::string CFld; // Character field for error message
     203             :         //  CHARACTER(len=20) CFld1        ! Character field for error message
     204             :         int NumHrDaySchedules;                                       // Number of "hourly" dayschedules
     205             :         int NumIntDaySchedules;                                      // Number of "interval" dayschedules
     206             :         int NumExternalInterfaceSchedules;                           // Number of "PtolemyServer ExternalInterface" "compact" Schedules
     207             :         int NumExternalInterfaceFunctionalMockupUnitImportSchedules; // Number of "FunctionalMockupUnitImport ExternalInterface"
     208             :         // "compact" Schedules ! added for FMU Import
     209             :         int NumExternalInterfaceFunctionalMockupUnitExportSchedules; // Number of "FunctionalMockupUnitExport ExternalInterface"
     210             :         // "compact" Schedules ! added for FMU Export
     211             :         int NumLstDaySchedules;            // Number of "list" dayschedules
     212             :         int NumRegDaySchedules;            // Number of hourly+interval+list dayschedules
     213             :         int NumRegWeekSchedules;           // Number of "regular" Weekschedules
     214             :         int NumRegSchedules;               // Number of "regular" Schedules
     215             :         int NumCptWeekSchedules;           // Number of "compact" WeekSchedules
     216             :         int NumCptSchedules;               // Number of "compact" Schedules
     217             :         int NumCommaFileSchedules;         // Number of Schedule:File schedules
     218             :         int NumConstantSchedules;          // Number of "constant" schedules
     219         771 :         int NumCSVAllColumnsSchedules = 0; // Number of imported shading schedules
     220             :         int NumCommaFileShading;           // Number of shading csv schedules
     221             :         int TS;                            // Counter for Num Of Time Steps in Hour
     222             :         int Hr;                            // Hour Counter
     223        1542 :         Array2D<Real64> MinuteValue;       // Temporary for processing interval schedules
     224        1542 :         Array2D_bool SetMinuteValue;       // Temporary for processing interval schedules
     225             :         int NumFields;
     226             :         int SCount;
     227             :         //  LOGICAL RptSchedule
     228             :         int RptLevel;
     229             :         int CurMinute;
     230             :         int MinutesPerItem;
     231             :         int NumExpectedItems;
     232             :         int MaxNums;
     233             :         int MaxAlps;
     234             :         int AddWeekSch;
     235             :         int AddDaySch;
     236        1542 :         Array1D_bool AllDays(maxDayTypes);
     237        1542 :         Array1D_bool TheseDays(maxDayTypes);
     238             :         bool ErrorHere;
     239             :         int SchNum;
     240             :         int WkCount;
     241             :         int DyCount;
     242             :         int NumField;
     243             :         WeatherManager::DateType PDateType;
     244             :         int PWeekDay;
     245             :         int ThruField;
     246             :         int UntilFld;
     247             :         int xxcount;
     248             :         //  REAL(r64) tempval
     249        1542 :         std::string CurrentThrough;
     250        1542 :         std::string LastFor;
     251        1542 :         std::string errmsg;
     252             :         int kdy;
     253             :         // for SCHEDULE:FILE
     254             :         int rowCnt;
     255        1542 :         std::string subString;
     256             :         int iDay;
     257             :         int hDay;
     258             :         int jHour;
     259             :         int kDayType;
     260             :         Real64 curHrVal;
     261             :         std::string::size_type sPos;
     262        1542 :         std::string CurrentModuleObject; // for ease in getting objects
     263             :         int MaxNums1;
     264             :         char ColumnSep;
     265             :         bool FileIntervalInterpolated;
     266             :         int rowLimitCount;
     267             :         int skiprowCount;
     268             :         int curcolCount;
     269             :         int numHourlyValues;
     270         771 :         int numerrors = 0;
     271             :         int ifld;
     272             :         int hrLimitCount;
     273             : 
     274         771 :         if (state.dataScheduleMgr->ScheduleInputProcessed) {
     275           0 :             return;
     276             :         }
     277         771 :         state.dataScheduleMgr->ScheduleInputProcessed = true;
     278             : 
     279         771 :         MaxNums = 1; // Need at least 1 number because it's used as a local variable in the Schedule Types loop
     280         771 :         MaxAlps = 0;
     281             : 
     282         771 :         CurrentModuleObject = "ScheduleTypeLimits";
     283         771 :         state.dataScheduleMgr->NumScheduleTypes = state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getNumObjectsFound(state, CurrentModuleObject);
     284         771 :         if (state.dataScheduleMgr->NumScheduleTypes > 0) {
     285         769 :             state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectDefMaxArgs(state, CurrentModuleObject, Count, NumAlphas, NumNumbers);
     286         769 :             MaxNums = max(MaxNums, NumNumbers);
     287         769 :             MaxAlps = max(MaxAlps, NumAlphas);
     288             :         }
     289         771 :         CurrentModuleObject = "Schedule:Day:Hourly";
     290         771 :         NumHrDaySchedules = state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getNumObjectsFound(state, CurrentModuleObject);
     291         771 :         if (NumHrDaySchedules > 0) {
     292          16 :             state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectDefMaxArgs(state, CurrentModuleObject, Count, NumAlphas, NumNumbers);
     293          16 :             MaxNums = max(MaxNums, NumNumbers);
     294          16 :             MaxAlps = max(MaxAlps, NumAlphas);
     295             :         }
     296         771 :         CurrentModuleObject = "Schedule:Day:Interval";
     297         771 :         NumIntDaySchedules = state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getNumObjectsFound(state, CurrentModuleObject);
     298         771 :         if (NumIntDaySchedules > 0) {
     299           6 :             state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectDefMaxArgs(state, CurrentModuleObject, Count, NumAlphas, NumNumbers);
     300           6 :             MaxNums = max(MaxNums, NumNumbers);
     301           6 :             MaxAlps = max(MaxAlps, NumAlphas);
     302             :         }
     303         771 :         CurrentModuleObject = "Schedule:Day:List";
     304         771 :         NumLstDaySchedules = state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getNumObjectsFound(state, CurrentModuleObject);
     305         771 :         if (NumLstDaySchedules > 0) {
     306           1 :             state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectDefMaxArgs(state, CurrentModuleObject, Count, NumAlphas, NumNumbers);
     307           1 :             MaxNums = max(MaxNums, NumNumbers);
     308           1 :             MaxAlps = max(MaxAlps, NumAlphas);
     309             :         }
     310         771 :         CurrentModuleObject = "Schedule:Week:Daily";
     311         771 :         NumRegWeekSchedules = state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getNumObjectsFound(state, CurrentModuleObject);
     312         771 :         if (NumRegWeekSchedules > 0) {
     313          16 :             state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectDefMaxArgs(state, CurrentModuleObject, Count, NumAlphas, NumNumbers);
     314          16 :             MaxNums = max(MaxNums, NumNumbers);
     315          16 :             MaxAlps = max(MaxAlps, NumAlphas);
     316             :         }
     317         771 :         CurrentModuleObject = "Schedule:Week:Compact";
     318         771 :         NumCptWeekSchedules = state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getNumObjectsFound(state, CurrentModuleObject);
     319         771 :         if (NumCptWeekSchedules > 0) {
     320           3 :             state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectDefMaxArgs(state, CurrentModuleObject, Count, NumAlphas, NumNumbers);
     321           3 :             MaxNums = max(MaxNums, NumNumbers);
     322           3 :             MaxAlps = max(MaxAlps, NumAlphas);
     323             :         }
     324         771 :         CurrentModuleObject = "Schedule:Year";
     325         771 :         NumRegSchedules = state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getNumObjectsFound(state, CurrentModuleObject);
     326         771 :         if (NumRegSchedules > 0) {
     327          19 :             state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectDefMaxArgs(state, CurrentModuleObject, Count, NumAlphas, NumNumbers);
     328          19 :             MaxNums = max(MaxNums, NumNumbers);
     329          19 :             MaxAlps = max(MaxAlps, NumAlphas);
     330             :         }
     331         771 :         CurrentModuleObject = "Schedule:Compact";
     332         771 :         NumCptSchedules = state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getNumObjectsFound(state, CurrentModuleObject);
     333         771 :         if (NumCptSchedules > 0) {
     334         743 :             state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectDefMaxArgs(state, CurrentModuleObject, Count, NumAlphas, NumNumbers);
     335         743 :             MaxNums = max(MaxNums, NumNumbers);
     336         743 :             MaxAlps = max(MaxAlps, NumAlphas + 1);
     337             :         }
     338         771 :         CurrentModuleObject = "Schedule:File";
     339         771 :         NumCommaFileSchedules = state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getNumObjectsFound(state, CurrentModuleObject);
     340         771 :         if (NumCommaFileSchedules > 0) {
     341           8 :             state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectDefMaxArgs(state, CurrentModuleObject, Count, NumAlphas, NumNumbers);
     342           8 :             MaxNums = max(MaxNums, NumNumbers);
     343           8 :             MaxAlps = max(MaxAlps, NumAlphas);
     344             :         }
     345             : 
     346         771 :         CurrentModuleObject = "Schedule:Constant";
     347         771 :         NumConstantSchedules = state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getNumObjectsFound(state, CurrentModuleObject);
     348         771 :         if (NumConstantSchedules > 0) {
     349          87 :             state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectDefMaxArgs(state, CurrentModuleObject, Count, NumAlphas, NumNumbers);
     350          87 :             MaxNums = max(MaxNums, NumNumbers);
     351          87 :             MaxAlps = max(MaxAlps, NumAlphas);
     352             :         }
     353         771 :         CurrentModuleObject = "ExternalInterface:Schedule";
     354         771 :         NumExternalInterfaceSchedules = state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getNumObjectsFound(state, CurrentModuleObject);
     355             :         // added for FMI
     356         771 :         if (NumExternalInterfaceSchedules > 0) {
     357           0 :             state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectDefMaxArgs(state, CurrentModuleObject, Count, NumAlphas, NumNumbers);
     358           0 :             MaxNums = max(MaxNums, NumNumbers);
     359           0 :             MaxAlps = max(MaxAlps, NumAlphas + 1);
     360             :         }
     361             :         // added for FMU Import
     362         771 :         CurrentModuleObject = "ExternalInterface:FunctionalMockupUnitImport:To:Schedule";
     363         771 :         NumExternalInterfaceFunctionalMockupUnitImportSchedules =
     364         771 :             state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getNumObjectsFound(state, CurrentModuleObject);
     365         771 :         if (NumExternalInterfaceFunctionalMockupUnitImportSchedules > 0) {
     366           1 :             state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectDefMaxArgs(state, CurrentModuleObject, Count, NumAlphas, NumNumbers);
     367           1 :             MaxNums = max(MaxNums, NumNumbers);
     368           1 :             MaxAlps = max(MaxAlps, NumAlphas + 1);
     369             :         }
     370             :         // added for FMU Export
     371         771 :         CurrentModuleObject = "ExternalInterface:FunctionalMockupUnitExport:To:Schedule";
     372         771 :         NumExternalInterfaceFunctionalMockupUnitExportSchedules =
     373         771 :             state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getNumObjectsFound(state, CurrentModuleObject);
     374         771 :         if (NumExternalInterfaceFunctionalMockupUnitExportSchedules > 0) {
     375           0 :             state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectDefMaxArgs(state, CurrentModuleObject, Count, NumAlphas, NumNumbers);
     376           0 :             MaxNums = max(MaxNums, NumNumbers);
     377           0 :             MaxAlps = max(MaxAlps, NumAlphas + 1);
     378             :         }
     379         771 :         CurrentModuleObject = "Output:Schedules";
     380         771 :         state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectDefMaxArgs(state, CurrentModuleObject, Count, NumAlphas, NumNumbers);
     381         771 :         MaxNums = max(MaxNums, NumNumbers);
     382         771 :         MaxAlps = max(MaxAlps, NumAlphas);
     383             : 
     384         771 :         Alphas.allocate(MaxAlps); // Maximum Alphas possible
     385         771 :         cAlphaFields.allocate(MaxAlps);
     386         771 :         cNumericFields.allocate(MaxNums);
     387         771 :         Numbers.dimension(MaxNums, 0.0); // Maximum Numbers possible
     388         771 :         lAlphaBlanks.dimension(MaxAlps, true);
     389         771 :         lNumericBlanks.dimension(MaxNums, true);
     390             : 
     391             :         // Prescan to determine extra day and week schedules due to compact schedule input
     392         771 :         AddWeekSch = 0;
     393         771 :         AddDaySch = 0;
     394         771 :         CurrentModuleObject = "Schedule:Compact";
     395         771 :         MaxNums1 = 0;
     396       16195 :         for (LoopIndex = 1; LoopIndex <= NumCptSchedules; ++LoopIndex) {
     397       15424 :             state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectItem(
     398             :                 state, CurrentModuleObject, LoopIndex, Alphas, NumAlphas, Numbers, NumNumbers, Status);
     399             :             // # 'THROUGH" => Number of additional week schedules
     400             :             // # 'FOR' => Number of additional day schedules
     401      221410 :             for (Count = 3; Count <= NumAlphas; ++Count) {
     402      205986 :                 if (has_prefix(Alphas(Count), "THROUGH")) ++AddWeekSch;
     403      205986 :                 if (has_prefix(Alphas(Count), "FOR")) ++AddDaySch;
     404      205986 :                 if (has_prefix(Alphas(Count), "UNTIL")) ++MaxNums1;
     405             :             }
     406             :         }
     407         771 :         if (MaxNums1 > MaxNums) {
     408         722 :             MaxNums = MaxNums1;
     409         722 :             cNumericFields.deallocate();
     410         722 :             Numbers.deallocate();
     411         722 :             lNumericBlanks.deallocate();
     412         722 :             cNumericFields.allocate(MaxNums);
     413         722 :             Numbers.dimension(MaxNums, 0.0); // Maximum Numbers possible
     414         722 :             lNumericBlanks.dimension(MaxNums, true);
     415             :         }
     416             :         // add week and day schedules for each FILE:COMMA schedule
     417         771 :         AddWeekSch += NumCommaFileSchedules * 366; // number of days/year because need a week for each day
     418         771 :         AddDaySch += NumCommaFileSchedules * 366;  // number of days/year
     419         771 :         AddWeekSch += NumConstantSchedules;
     420         771 :         AddDaySch += NumConstantSchedules;
     421             :         // add week and day schedules for each ExternalInterface:Schedule schedule
     422         771 :         AddWeekSch += NumExternalInterfaceSchedules * 366; // number of days/year because need a week for each day
     423         771 :         AddDaySch += NumExternalInterfaceSchedules;        // one day schedule for ExternalInterface to update during run time
     424             :         // added for FMU Import
     425             :         // add week and day schedules for each ExternalInterface:FunctionalMockupUnitImport:Schedule
     426         771 :         AddWeekSch += NumExternalInterfaceFunctionalMockupUnitImportSchedules * 366; // number of days/year
     427             :         // because need a week for each day
     428         771 :         AddDaySch += NumExternalInterfaceFunctionalMockupUnitImportSchedules; // one day schedule for ExternalInterface
     429             :         // to update during run time
     430             :         // added for FMU Export
     431             :         // add week and day schedules for each ExternalInterface:FunctionalMockupUnitExport:Schedule
     432         771 :         AddWeekSch += NumExternalInterfaceFunctionalMockupUnitExportSchedules * 366; // number of days/year
     433             :         // because need a week for each day
     434         771 :         AddDaySch += NumExternalInterfaceFunctionalMockupUnitExportSchedules; // one day schedule for ExternalInterface
     435             :         // to update during run time
     436             : 
     437         771 :         CurrentModuleObject = "Schedule:File:Shading";
     438         771 :         NumCommaFileShading = state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getNumObjectsFound(state, CurrentModuleObject);
     439         771 :         NumAlphas = 0;
     440         771 :         NumNumbers = 0;
     441         771 :         if (NumCommaFileShading > 1) {
     442           0 :             ShowWarningError(state, CurrentModuleObject + ": More than 1 occurrence of this object found, only first will be used.");
     443             :         }
     444             : 
     445        1542 :         std::map<fs::path, nlohmann::json>::iterator schedule_file_shading_result;
     446         771 :         if (NumCommaFileShading != 0) {
     447           1 :             state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectItem(state,
     448             :                                                                      CurrentModuleObject,
     449             :                                                                      1,
     450             :                                                                      Alphas,
     451             :                                                                      NumAlphas,
     452             :                                                                      Numbers,
     453             :                                                                      NumNumbers,
     454             :                                                                      Status,
     455             :                                                                      lNumericBlanks,
     456             :                                                                      lAlphaBlanks,
     457             :                                                                      cAlphaFields,
     458             :                                                                      cNumericFields);
     459           2 :             std::string ShadingSunlitFracFileName = Alphas(1);
     460             : 
     461           2 :             std::string contextString = CurrentModuleObject + ", " + cAlphaFields(1) + ": ";
     462           1 :             state.files.TempFullFilePath.filePath = CheckForActualFilePath(state, ShadingSunlitFracFileName, contextString);
     463             : 
     464           1 :             if (state.files.TempFullFilePath.filePath.empty()) {
     465           0 :                 ShowFatalError(state, "Program terminates due to previous condition.");
     466             :             }
     467             : 
     468           1 :             if (state.dataEnvrn->CurrentYearIsLeapYear) {
     469           0 :                 rowLimitCount = 366 * 24 * state.dataGlobal->NumOfTimeStepInHour;
     470             :             } else {
     471           1 :                 rowLimitCount = 365 * 24 * state.dataGlobal->NumOfTimeStepInHour;
     472             :             }
     473           1 :             ColumnSep = CharComma;
     474             : 
     475           1 :             schedule_file_shading_result = state.dataScheduleMgr->UniqueProcessedExternalFiles.find(state.files.TempFullFilePath.filePath);
     476           1 :             if (schedule_file_shading_result == state.dataScheduleMgr->UniqueProcessedExternalFiles.end()) {
     477             : 
     478           1 :                 auto const ext = FileSystem::getFileType(state.files.TempFullFilePath.filePath);
     479           1 :                 if (FileSystem::is_flat_file_type(ext)) {
     480           2 :                     auto const schedule_data = FileSystem::readFile(state.files.TempFullFilePath.filePath);
     481           2 :                     CsvParser csvParser;
     482           1 :                     skiprowCount = 1; // make sure to parse header row only for Schedule:File:Shading
     483           1 :                     auto it = state.dataScheduleMgr->UniqueProcessedExternalFiles.emplace(state.files.TempFullFilePath.filePath,
     484           2 :                                                                                           csvParser.decode(schedule_data, ColumnSep, skiprowCount));
     485           1 :                     schedule_file_shading_result = it.first;
     486           0 :                 } else if (FileSystem::is_all_json_type(ext)) {
     487           0 :                     auto schedule_data = FileSystem::readJSON(state.files.TempFullFilePath.filePath);
     488             :                     auto it =
     489           0 :                         state.dataScheduleMgr->UniqueProcessedExternalFiles.emplace(state.files.TempFullFilePath.filePath, std::move(schedule_data));
     490           0 :                     schedule_file_shading_result = it.first;
     491             :                 } else {
     492           0 :                     ShowSevereError(state,
     493           0 :                                     fmt::format(R"({}{}="{}", {}="{}" has an unknown file extension and cannot be read by this program.)",
     494             :                                                 RoutineName,
     495             :                                                 CurrentModuleObject,
     496             :                                                 Alphas(1),
     497             :                                                 cAlphaFields(3),
     498             :                                                 Alphas(3)));
     499           0 :                     ShowFatalError(state, "Program terminates due to previous condition.");
     500             :                 }
     501             :             }
     502             : 
     503           1 :             auto const &column_json = schedule_file_shading_result->second["values"].at(0); // assume there is at least 1 column
     504           1 :             rowCnt = column_json.size();
     505           1 :             NumCSVAllColumnsSchedules =
     506           2 :                 schedule_file_shading_result->second["header"].get<std::set<std::string>>().size() - 1; // -1 to account for timestamp column
     507             : 
     508           1 :             if (rowCnt != rowLimitCount) {
     509           0 :                 if (rowCnt < rowLimitCount) {
     510           0 :                     ShowSevereError(state, format("{}{}=\"{}\" {} data values read.", RoutineName, CurrentModuleObject, Alphas(1), rowCnt));
     511           0 :                 } else if (rowCnt > rowLimitCount) {
     512           0 :                     ShowSevereError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + Alphas(1) + "\" too many data values read.");
     513             :                 }
     514           0 :                 ShowContinueError(
     515             :                     state,
     516           0 :                     format("Number of rows in the shading file must be a full year multiplied by the simulation TimeStep: {}.", rowLimitCount));
     517           0 :                 ShowFatalError(state, "Program terminates due to previous condition.");
     518             :             }
     519             : 
     520             :             // schedule values have been filled into the CSVAllColumnNameAndValues map.
     521           1 :             state.dataScheduleMgr->ScheduleFileShadingProcessed = true;
     522             : 
     523           1 :             if (numerrors > 0) {
     524           0 :                 ShowWarningError(
     525             :                     state,
     526           0 :                     format("{}{}=\"{}\" {} records had errors - these values are set to 0.", RoutineName, CurrentModuleObject, Alphas(1), numerrors));
     527             :             }
     528             :         }
     529             : 
     530             :         // add week and day schedules for each ExternalInterface:FunctionalMockupUnitExport:Schedule
     531         771 :         AddWeekSch += NumCSVAllColumnsSchedules * 366; // number of days/year
     532             :         // because need a week for each day
     533         771 :         AddDaySch += NumCSVAllColumnsSchedules * 366;
     534             :         // to update during run time
     535             : 
     536             :         // include additional schedules in with count
     537         771 :         NumRegDaySchedules = NumHrDaySchedules + NumIntDaySchedules + NumLstDaySchedules;
     538         771 :         state.dataScheduleMgr->NumDaySchedules = NumRegDaySchedules + AddDaySch;
     539         771 :         state.dataScheduleMgr->NumWeekSchedules = NumRegWeekSchedules + NumCptWeekSchedules + AddWeekSch;
     540        1542 :         state.dataScheduleMgr->NumSchedules = NumRegSchedules + NumCptSchedules + NumCommaFileSchedules + NumConstantSchedules +
     541         771 :                                               NumExternalInterfaceSchedules + NumExternalInterfaceFunctionalMockupUnitImportSchedules +
     542         771 :                                               NumExternalInterfaceFunctionalMockupUnitExportSchedules + NumCSVAllColumnsSchedules;
     543             : 
     544             :         //!  Most initializations in the schedule data structures are taken care of in
     545             :         //!  the definitions (see above)
     546             : 
     547         771 :         state.dataScheduleMgr->ScheduleType.allocate({0, state.dataScheduleMgr->NumScheduleTypes});
     548             : 
     549         771 :         state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule.allocate({0, state.dataScheduleMgr->NumDaySchedules});
     550         771 :         state.dataScheduleMgr->UniqueDayScheduleNames.reserve(static_cast<unsigned>(state.dataScheduleMgr->NumDaySchedules));
     551             :         //    Initialize
     552      124474 :         for (LoopIndex = 0; LoopIndex <= state.dataScheduleMgr->NumDaySchedules; ++LoopIndex) {
     553      123703 :             state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(LoopIndex).TSValue.allocate(state.dataGlobal->NumOfTimeStepInHour, 24);
     554     3092575 :             for (Count = 1; Count <= 24; ++Count) {
     555    16664688 :                 for (TS = 1; TS <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfTimeStepInHour; ++TS) {
     556    13695816 :                     state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(LoopIndex).TSValue(TS, Count) = 0.0;
     557             :                 }
     558             :             }
     559             :         }
     560             : 
     561         771 :         state.dataScheduleMgr->WeekSchedule.allocate({0, state.dataScheduleMgr->NumWeekSchedules});
     562         771 :         state.dataScheduleMgr->UniqueWeekScheduleNames.reserve(static_cast<unsigned>(state.dataScheduleMgr->NumWeekSchedules));
     563             : 
     564         771 :         state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule.allocate({-1, state.dataScheduleMgr->NumSchedules});
     565         771 :         state.dataScheduleMgr->UniqueScheduleNames.reserve(static_cast<unsigned>(state.dataScheduleMgr->NumSchedules));
     566         771 :         state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(-1).ScheduleTypePtr = -1;
     567         771 :         state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(-1).WeekSchedulePointer = 1;
     568         771 :         state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(0).ScheduleTypePtr = 0;
     569         771 :         state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(0).WeekSchedulePointer = 0;
     570             : 
     571         771 :         print(state.files.audit.ensure_open(state, "ProcessScheduleInput", state.files.outputControl.audit),
     572             :               "{}\n",
     573         771 :               "  Processing Schedule Input -- Start");
     574             : 
     575             :         //!! Get Schedule Types
     576             : 
     577         771 :         CurrentModuleObject = "ScheduleTypeLimits";
     578        4826 :         for (LoopIndex = 1; LoopIndex <= state.dataScheduleMgr->NumScheduleTypes; ++LoopIndex) {
     579        4055 :             state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectItem(state,
     580             :                                                                      CurrentModuleObject,
     581             :                                                                      LoopIndex,
     582             :                                                                      Alphas,
     583             :                                                                      NumAlphas,
     584             :                                                                      Numbers,
     585             :                                                                      NumNumbers,
     586             :                                                                      Status,
     587             :                                                                      lNumericBlanks,
     588             :                                                                      lAlphaBlanks,
     589             :                                                                      cAlphaFields,
     590             :                                                                      cNumericFields);
     591        4055 :             UtilityRoutines::IsNameEmpty(state, Alphas(1), CurrentModuleObject, ErrorsFound);
     592             : 
     593        4055 :             state.dataScheduleMgr->ScheduleType(LoopIndex).Name = Alphas(1);
     594        4055 :             if (lNumericBlanks(1) || lNumericBlanks(2)) {
     595         951 :                 state.dataScheduleMgr->ScheduleType(LoopIndex).Limited = false;
     596        3104 :             } else if (!lNumericBlanks(1) && !lNumericBlanks(2)) {
     597        3104 :                 state.dataScheduleMgr->ScheduleType(LoopIndex).Limited = true;
     598             :             }
     599        4055 :             if (!lNumericBlanks(1)) {
     600        3110 :                 state.dataScheduleMgr->ScheduleType(LoopIndex).Minimum = Numbers(1);
     601             :             }
     602        4055 :             if (!lNumericBlanks(2)) {
     603        3104 :                 state.dataScheduleMgr->ScheduleType(LoopIndex).Maximum = Numbers(2);
     604             :             }
     605        4055 :             if (state.dataScheduleMgr->ScheduleType(LoopIndex).Limited) {
     606        3104 :                 if (Alphas(2) == "DISCRETE" || Alphas(2) == "INTEGER") {
     607        1325 :                     state.dataScheduleMgr->ScheduleType(LoopIndex).IsReal = false;
     608             :                 } else {
     609        1779 :                     if (Alphas(2) != "CONTINUOUS" && Alphas(2) != "REAL") {
     610           0 :                         ShowWarningError(state,
     611           0 :                                          std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" +
     612           0 :                                              state.dataScheduleMgr->ScheduleType(LoopIndex).Name + "\", invalid " + cAlphaFields(2) + '=' +
     613           0 :                                              Alphas(2));
     614           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
     615             :                     }
     616        1779 :                     state.dataScheduleMgr->ScheduleType(LoopIndex).IsReal = true;
     617             :                 }
     618             :             }
     619        4055 :             if (NumAlphas >= 3) {
     620         563 :                 if (!lAlphaBlanks(3)) {
     621         563 :                     state.dataScheduleMgr->ScheduleType(LoopIndex).UnitType = getEnumerationValue(scheduleTypeLimitUnitTypes, Alphas(3)) + 1;
     622         563 :                     if (state.dataScheduleMgr->ScheduleType(LoopIndex).UnitType == 0) {
     623           0 :                         ShowWarningError(state,
     624           0 :                                          std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + Alphas(1) + "\", " + cAlphaFields(3) + "=\"" +
     625           0 :                                              Alphas(3) + "\" is invalid.");
     626             :                     }
     627             :                 }
     628             :             }
     629        4055 :             if (state.dataScheduleMgr->ScheduleType(LoopIndex).Limited) {
     630        3104 :                 if (state.dataScheduleMgr->ScheduleType(LoopIndex).Minimum > state.dataScheduleMgr->ScheduleType(LoopIndex).Maximum) {
     631           0 :                     if (state.dataScheduleMgr->ScheduleType(LoopIndex).IsReal) {
     632           0 :                         ShowSevereError(state,
     633           0 :                                         format("{}{}=\"{}\", {} [{:.2R}] > {} [{:.2R}].",
     634             :                                                RoutineName,
     635             :                                                CurrentModuleObject,
     636             :                                                Alphas(1),
     637             :                                                cNumericFields(1),
     638           0 :                                                state.dataScheduleMgr->ScheduleType(LoopIndex).Minimum,
     639             :                                                cNumericFields(2),
     640           0 :                                                state.dataScheduleMgr->ScheduleType(LoopIndex).Maximum));
     641           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "  Other warning/severes about schedule values may appear.");
     642             :                     } else {
     643           0 :                         ShowSevereError(state,
     644           0 :                                         format("{}{}=\"{}\", {} [{:.0R}] > {} [{:.0R}].",
     645             :                                                RoutineName,
     646             :                                                CurrentModuleObject,
     647             :                                                Alphas(1),
     648             :                                                cNumericFields(1),
     649           0 :                                                state.dataScheduleMgr->ScheduleType(LoopIndex).Minimum,
     650             :                                                cNumericFields(2),
     651           0 :                                                state.dataScheduleMgr->ScheduleType(LoopIndex).Maximum));
     652           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "  Other warning/severes about schedule values may appear.");
     653             :                     }
     654             :                 }
     655             :             }
     656             :         }
     657             : 
     658             :         //!! Get Day Schedules (all types)
     659             : 
     660             :         //!!=> Get "DAYSCHEDULE" (Hourly)
     661             : 
     662         771 :         Count = 0;
     663         771 :         CurrentModuleObject = "Schedule:Day:Hourly";
     664         913 :         for (LoopIndex = 1; LoopIndex <= NumHrDaySchedules; ++LoopIndex) {
     665         142 :             state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectItem(state,
     666             :                                                                      CurrentModuleObject,
     667             :                                                                      LoopIndex,
     668             :                                                                      Alphas,
     669             :                                                                      NumAlphas,
     670             :                                                                      Numbers,
     671             :                                                                      NumNumbers,
     672             :                                                                      Status,
     673             :                                                                      lNumericBlanks,
     674             :                                                                      lAlphaBlanks,
     675             :                                                                      cAlphaFields,
     676             :                                                                      cNumericFields);
     677         284 :             GlobalNames::VerifyUniqueInterObjectName(
     678         284 :                 state, state.dataScheduleMgr->UniqueDayScheduleNames, Alphas(1), CurrentModuleObject, cAlphaFields(1), ErrorsFound);
     679         142 :             ++Count;
     680         142 :             state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(Count).Name = Alphas(1);
     681             :             // Validate ScheduleType
     682         142 :             if (state.dataScheduleMgr->NumScheduleTypes > 0) {
     683         142 :                 CheckIndex =
     684         284 :                     UtilityRoutines::FindItemInList(Alphas(2), state.dataScheduleMgr->ScheduleType({1, state.dataScheduleMgr->NumScheduleTypes}));
     685         142 :                 if (CheckIndex == 0) {
     686           0 :                     if (!lAlphaBlanks(2)) {
     687           0 :                         ShowWarningError(state,
     688           0 :                                          std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + Alphas(1) + "\", " + cAlphaFields(2) + "=\"" +
     689           0 :                                              Alphas(2) + "\" not found -- will not be validated");
     690             :                     } else {
     691           0 :                         ShowWarningError(state,
     692           0 :                                          std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + Alphas(1) + "\", Blank " + cAlphaFields(2) +
     693             :                                              " input -- will not be validated.");
     694             :                     }
     695             :                 } else {
     696         142 :                     state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(Count).ScheduleTypePtr = CheckIndex;
     697             :                 }
     698             :             }
     699        3550 :             for (Hr = 1; Hr <= 24; ++Hr) {
     700        3408 :                 state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(Count).TSValue({1, state.dataGlobal->NumOfTimeStepInHour}, Hr) = Numbers(Hr);
     701             :             }
     702         142 :             state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(Count).IntervalInterpolated = ScheduleInterpolation::No;
     703         142 :             SchedTypePtr = state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(Count).ScheduleTypePtr;
     704         142 :             if (state.dataScheduleMgr->ScheduleType(SchedTypePtr).Limited) {
     705         268 :                 if (any_lt(state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(Count).TSValue, state.dataScheduleMgr->ScheduleType(SchedTypePtr).Minimum) ||
     706         134 :                     any_gt(state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(Count).TSValue, state.dataScheduleMgr->ScheduleType(SchedTypePtr).Maximum)) {
     707           0 :                     ShowWarningError(state,
     708           0 :                                      std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + Alphas(1) + "\", Values are outside of range for " +
     709           0 :                                          cAlphaFields(2) + '=' + Alphas(2));
     710             :                 }
     711             :             }
     712         142 :             if (!state.dataScheduleMgr->ScheduleType(SchedTypePtr).IsReal) {
     713             :                 // Make sure each is integer
     714          12 :                 NumErrorFlag = false; // only show error message once
     715         300 :                 for (Hr = 1; Hr <= 24; ++Hr) {
     716        2304 :                     for (TS = 1; TS <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfTimeStepInHour; ++TS) {
     717        4032 :                         if (state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(Count).TSValue(TS, Hr) !=
     718        2016 :                             int(state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(Count).TSValue(TS, Hr))) {
     719           0 :                             if (!NumErrorFlag) {
     720           0 :                                 ShowWarningError(state,
     721           0 :                                                  std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + Alphas(1) +
     722           0 :                                                      "\", One or more values are not integer as required by " + cAlphaFields(2) + '=' + Alphas(2));
     723           0 :                                 NumErrorFlag = true;
     724             :                             }
     725             :                         }
     726             :                     }
     727             :                 }
     728             :             }
     729             :         }
     730             : 
     731         771 :         MinuteValue.allocate(60, 24);
     732         771 :         SetMinuteValue.allocate(60, 24);
     733             : 
     734             :         //!! Get "DaySchedule:Interval"
     735             : 
     736         771 :         CurrentModuleObject = "Schedule:Day:Interval";
     737         947 :         for (LoopIndex = 1; LoopIndex <= NumIntDaySchedules; ++LoopIndex) {
     738         176 :             state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectItem(state,
     739             :                                                                      CurrentModuleObject,
     740             :                                                                      LoopIndex,
     741             :                                                                      Alphas,
     742             :                                                                      NumAlphas,
     743             :                                                                      Numbers,
     744             :                                                                      NumNumbers,
     745             :                                                                      Status,
     746             :                                                                      lNumericBlanks,
     747             :                                                                      lAlphaBlanks,
     748             :                                                                      cAlphaFields,
     749             :                                                                      cNumericFields);
     750         352 :             GlobalNames::VerifyUniqueInterObjectName(
     751         352 :                 state, state.dataScheduleMgr->UniqueDayScheduleNames, Alphas(1), CurrentModuleObject, cAlphaFields(1), ErrorsFound);
     752         176 :             ++Count;
     753         176 :             state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(Count).Name = Alphas(1);
     754             :             // Validate ScheduleType
     755         176 :             if (state.dataScheduleMgr->NumScheduleTypes > 0) {
     756         176 :                 CheckIndex =
     757         352 :                     UtilityRoutines::FindItemInList(Alphas(2), state.dataScheduleMgr->ScheduleType({1, state.dataScheduleMgr->NumScheduleTypes}));
     758         176 :                 if (CheckIndex == 0) {
     759           0 :                     if (!lAlphaBlanks(2)) {
     760           0 :                         ShowWarningError(state,
     761           0 :                                          std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + Alphas(1) + "\", " + cAlphaFields(2) + "=\"" +
     762           0 :                                              Alphas(2) + "\" not found -- will not be validated");
     763             :                     } else {
     764           0 :                         ShowWarningError(state,
     765           0 :                                          std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + Alphas(1) + "\", Blank " + cAlphaFields(2) +
     766             :                                              " input -- will not be validated.");
     767             :                     }
     768             :                 } else {
     769         176 :                     state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(Count).ScheduleTypePtr = CheckIndex;
     770             :                 }
     771             :             }
     772         176 :             NumFields = NumAlphas - 3;
     773             :             // check to see if numfield=0
     774         176 :             if (NumFields == 0) {
     775           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state,
     776           0 :                                 std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + Alphas(1) +
     777             :                                     "\", Insufficient data entered for a full schedule day.");
     778           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, format("...Number of interval fields = = [{}].", NumFields));
     779           0 :                 ErrorsFound = true;
     780             :             }
     781             : 
     782             :             // Depending on value of "Interpolate" field, the value for each time step in each hour gets processed:
     783         176 :             state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(Count).IntervalInterpolated =
     784         352 :                 static_cast<ScheduleInterpolation>(getEnumerationValue(interpolationTypesUC, Alphas(3)));
     785         176 :             if (state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(Count).IntervalInterpolated == ScheduleInterpolation::Invalid) {
     786           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state,
     787           0 :                                 std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + Alphas(1) + "Invalid value for \"" + cAlphaFields(3) +
     788           0 :                                     "\" field=\"" + Alphas(3) + "\"");
     789           0 :                 ErrorsFound = true;
     790             :             }
     791         704 :             ProcessIntervalFields(state,
     792         352 :                                   Alphas({4, _}),
     793             :                                   Numbers,
     794             :                                   NumFields,
     795             :                                   NumNumbers,
     796             :                                   MinuteValue,
     797             :                                   SetMinuteValue,
     798             :                                   ErrorsFound,
     799         176 :                                   Alphas(1),
     800             :                                   CurrentModuleObject,
     801         176 :                                   state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(Count).IntervalInterpolated);
     802         176 :             if (state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(Count).IntervalInterpolated == ScheduleInterpolation::Average) {
     803          25 :                 for (Hr = 1; Hr <= 24; ++Hr) {
     804          24 :                     SCount = 1;
     805          24 :                     CurMinute = state.dataGlobal->MinutesPerTimeStep;
     806         120 :                     for (TS = 1; TS <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfTimeStepInHour; ++TS) {
     807          96 :                         state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(Count).TSValue(TS, Hr) =
     808         192 :                             sum(MinuteValue({SCount, CurMinute}, Hr)) / double(state.dataGlobal->MinutesPerTimeStep);
     809          96 :                         SCount = CurMinute + 1;
     810          96 :                         CurMinute += state.dataGlobal->MinutesPerTimeStep;
     811             :                     }
     812             :                 }
     813             :             } else {
     814        4375 :                 for (Hr = 1; Hr <= 24; ++Hr) {
     815        4200 :                     CurMinute = state.dataGlobal->MinutesPerTimeStep;
     816       21768 :                     for (TS = 1; TS <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfTimeStepInHour; ++TS) {
     817       17568 :                         state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(Count).TSValue(TS, Hr) = MinuteValue(CurMinute, Hr);
     818       17568 :                         CurMinute += state.dataGlobal->MinutesPerTimeStep;
     819             :                     }
     820             :                 }
     821             :             }
     822             : 
     823         176 :             SchedTypePtr = state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(Count).ScheduleTypePtr;
     824         176 :             if (!state.dataScheduleMgr->ScheduleType(SchedTypePtr).IsReal) {
     825             :                 // Make sure each is integer
     826           3 :                 NumErrorFlag = false; // only show error message once
     827          75 :                 for (Hr = 1; Hr <= 24; ++Hr) {
     828         360 :                     for (TS = 1; TS <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfTimeStepInHour; ++TS) {
     829         576 :                         if (state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(Count).TSValue(TS, Hr) !=
     830         288 :                             int(state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(Count).TSValue(TS, Hr))) {
     831           0 :                             if (!NumErrorFlag) {
     832           0 :                                 ShowWarningError(state,
     833           0 :                                                  std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + Alphas(1) +
     834           0 :                                                      "\", , One or more values are not integer as required by " + cAlphaFields(2) + '=' + Alphas(2));
     835           0 :                                 NumErrorFlag = true;
     836             :                             }
     837             :                         }
     838             :                     }
     839             :                 }
     840             :             }
     841             :         }
     842             : 
     843             :         //!! Get "DaySchedule:List"
     844             : 
     845         771 :         CurrentModuleObject = "Schedule:Day:List";
     846         777 :         for (LoopIndex = 1; LoopIndex <= NumLstDaySchedules; ++LoopIndex) {
     847           6 :             state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectItem(state,
     848             :                                                                      CurrentModuleObject,
     849             :                                                                      LoopIndex,
     850             :                                                                      Alphas,
     851             :                                                                      NumAlphas,
     852             :                                                                      Numbers,
     853             :                                                                      NumNumbers,
     854             :                                                                      Status,
     855             :                                                                      lNumericBlanks,
     856             :                                                                      lAlphaBlanks,
     857             :                                                                      cAlphaFields,
     858             :                                                                      cNumericFields);
     859          12 :             GlobalNames::VerifyUniqueInterObjectName(
     860          12 :                 state, state.dataScheduleMgr->UniqueDayScheduleNames, Alphas(1), CurrentModuleObject, cAlphaFields(1), ErrorsFound);
     861           6 :             ++Count;
     862           6 :             state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(Count).Name = Alphas(1);
     863             :             // Validate ScheduleType
     864           6 :             if (state.dataScheduleMgr->NumScheduleTypes > 0) {
     865           6 :                 CheckIndex =
     866          12 :                     UtilityRoutines::FindItemInList(Alphas(2), state.dataScheduleMgr->ScheduleType({1, state.dataScheduleMgr->NumScheduleTypes}));
     867           6 :                 if (CheckIndex == 0) {
     868           0 :                     if (!lAlphaBlanks(2)) {
     869           0 :                         ShowWarningError(state,
     870           0 :                                          std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + Alphas(1) + "\", " + cAlphaFields(2) + "=\"" +
     871           0 :                                              Alphas(2) + "\" not found -- will not be validated");
     872             :                     } else {
     873           0 :                         ShowWarningError(state,
     874           0 :                                          std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + Alphas(1) + "\", Blank " + cAlphaFields(2) +
     875             :                                              " input -- will not be validated.");
     876             :                     }
     877             :                 } else {
     878           6 :                     state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(Count).ScheduleTypePtr = CheckIndex;
     879             :                 }
     880             :             }
     881             : 
     882             :             // Depending on value of "Interpolate" field, the value for each time step in each hour gets processed:
     883           6 :             if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(Alphas(3), "NO")) {
     884           1 :                 state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(Count).IntervalInterpolated = ScheduleInterpolation::No;
     885           5 :             } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(Alphas(3), "AVERAGE")) {
     886           5 :                 state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(Count).IntervalInterpolated = ScheduleInterpolation::Average;
     887           0 :             } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(Alphas(3), "LINEAR")) {
     888           0 :                 state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(Count).IntervalInterpolated = ScheduleInterpolation::Linear;
     889             :             } else {
     890           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state,
     891           0 :                                 std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + Alphas(1) + "Invalid value for \"" + cAlphaFields(3) +
     892           0 :                                     "\" field=\"" + Alphas(3) + "\"");
     893           0 :                 ErrorsFound = true;
     894             :             }
     895             : 
     896             :             // check to see if there are any fields
     897           6 :             if (Numbers(1) <= 0.0) {
     898           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state,
     899           0 :                                 std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + Alphas(1) +
     900             :                                     "\", Insufficient data entered for a full schedule day.");
     901           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, format("...Minutes per Item field = [{}].", Numbers(1)));
     902           0 :                 ErrorsFound = true;
     903           0 :                 continue;
     904             :             }
     905           6 :             if (NumNumbers < 25) {
     906           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state,
     907           0 :                                 std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + Alphas(1) +
     908             :                                     "\", Insufficient data entered for a full schedule day.");
     909           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state,
     910           0 :                                   format("...Minutes per Item field = [{}] and only [{}] to apply to list fields.", Numbers(1), NumNumbers - 1));
     911           0 :                 ErrorsFound = true;
     912           0 :                 continue;
     913             :             }
     914           6 :             MinutesPerItem = int(Numbers(1));
     915           6 :             NumExpectedItems = 1440 / MinutesPerItem;
     916           6 :             if ((NumNumbers - 1) != NumExpectedItems) {
     917           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state,
     918           0 :                                 std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + Alphas(1) + ", Number of Entered Items=" +
     919           0 :                                     format("{} not equal number of expected items={}", NumNumbers - 1, NumExpectedItems));
     920           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, format("based on {} field value={}", cNumericFields(1), MinutesPerItem));
     921           0 :                 ErrorsFound = true;
     922           0 :                 continue;
     923             :             }
     924             : 
     925           6 :             if (mod(60, MinutesPerItem) != 0) {
     926           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + Alphas(1));
     927           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, format("Requested {} field value ({}) not evenly divisible into 60", cNumericFields(1), MinutesPerItem));
     928           0 :                 ErrorsFound = true;
     929           0 :                 continue;
     930             :             }
     931             : 
     932             :             // Number of numbers in the Numbers list okay to process
     933           6 :             Hr = 1;
     934           6 :             CurMinute = MinutesPerItem;
     935           6 :             SCount = 1;
     936         438 :             for (NumFields = 2; NumFields <= NumNumbers; ++NumFields) {
     937         432 :                 MinuteValue({SCount, CurMinute}, Hr) = Numbers(NumFields);
     938         432 :                 SCount = CurMinute + 1;
     939         432 :                 CurMinute += MinutesPerItem;
     940         432 :                 if (CurMinute > 60) {
     941         144 :                     CurMinute = MinutesPerItem;
     942         144 :                     SCount = 1;
     943         144 :                     ++Hr;
     944             :                 }
     945             :             }
     946             : 
     947             :             // Now parcel into TS Value....
     948             : 
     949           6 :             if (state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(Count).IntervalInterpolated == ScheduleInterpolation::Average) {
     950         125 :                 for (Hr = 1; Hr <= 24; ++Hr) {
     951         120 :                     SCount = 1;
     952         120 :                     CurMinute = state.dataGlobal->MinutesPerTimeStep;
     953         600 :                     for (TS = 1; TS <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfTimeStepInHour; ++TS) {
     954         480 :                         state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(Count).TSValue(TS, Hr) =
     955         960 :                             sum(MinuteValue({SCount, CurMinute}, Hr)) / double(state.dataGlobal->MinutesPerTimeStep);
     956         480 :                         SCount = CurMinute + 1;
     957         480 :                         CurMinute += state.dataGlobal->MinutesPerTimeStep;
     958             :                     }
     959             :                 }
     960             :             } else {
     961          25 :                 for (Hr = 1; Hr <= 24; ++Hr) {
     962          24 :                     CurMinute = state.dataGlobal->MinutesPerTimeStep;
     963         120 :                     for (TS = 1; TS <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfTimeStepInHour; ++TS) {
     964          96 :                         state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(Count).TSValue(TS, Hr) = MinuteValue(CurMinute, Hr);
     965          96 :                         CurMinute += state.dataGlobal->MinutesPerTimeStep;
     966             :                     }
     967             :                 }
     968             :             }
     969             : 
     970           6 :             SchedTypePtr = state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(Count).ScheduleTypePtr;
     971           6 :             if (state.dataScheduleMgr->ScheduleType(SchedTypePtr).Limited) {
     972           0 :                 if (any_lt(state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(Count).TSValue, state.dataScheduleMgr->ScheduleType(SchedTypePtr).Minimum) ||
     973           0 :                     any_gt(state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(Count).TSValue, state.dataScheduleMgr->ScheduleType(SchedTypePtr).Maximum)) {
     974           0 :                     ShowWarningError(state,
     975           0 :                                      std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + Alphas(1) + "\", Values are outside of range for " +
     976           0 :                                          cAlphaFields(2) + '=' + Alphas(2));
     977             :                 }
     978             :             }
     979           6 :             if (!state.dataScheduleMgr->ScheduleType(SchedTypePtr).IsReal) {
     980             :                 // Make sure each is integer
     981           0 :                 NumErrorFlag = false; // only show error message once
     982           0 :                 for (Hr = 1; Hr <= 24; ++Hr) {
     983           0 :                     for (TS = 1; TS <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfTimeStepInHour; ++TS) {
     984           0 :                         if (state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(Count).TSValue(TS, Hr) !=
     985           0 :                             int(state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(Count).TSValue(TS, Hr))) {
     986           0 :                             if (!NumErrorFlag) {
     987           0 :                                 ShowWarningError(state,
     988           0 :                                                  std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + Alphas(1) +
     989           0 :                                                      "\", , One or more values are not integer as required by " + cAlphaFields(2) + '=' + Alphas(2));
     990           0 :                                 NumErrorFlag = true;
     991             :                             }
     992             :                         }
     993             :                     }
     994             :                 }
     995             :             }
     996             :         }
     997             : 
     998             :         //!! Get Week Schedules - regular
     999             : 
    1000         771 :         CurrentModuleObject = "Schedule:Week:Daily";
    1001         963 :         for (LoopIndex = 1; LoopIndex <= NumRegWeekSchedules; ++LoopIndex) {
    1002         192 :             state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectItem(state,
    1003             :                                                                      CurrentModuleObject,
    1004             :                                                                      LoopIndex,
    1005             :                                                                      Alphas,
    1006             :                                                                      NumAlphas,
    1007             :                                                                      Numbers,
    1008             :                                                                      NumNumbers,
    1009             :                                                                      Status,
    1010             :                                                                      lNumericBlanks,
    1011             :                                                                      lAlphaBlanks,
    1012             :                                                                      cAlphaFields,
    1013             :                                                                      cNumericFields);
    1014         384 :             GlobalNames::VerifyUniqueInterObjectName(
    1015         384 :                 state, state.dataScheduleMgr->UniqueWeekScheduleNames, Alphas(1), CurrentModuleObject, cAlphaFields(1), ErrorsFound);
    1016         192 :             state.dataScheduleMgr->WeekSchedule(LoopIndex).Name = Alphas(1);
    1017             :             // Rest of Alphas are processed into Pointers
    1018        2496 :             for (InLoopIndex = 1; InLoopIndex <= maxDayTypes; ++InLoopIndex) {
    1019        2304 :                 DayIndex = UtilityRoutines::FindItemInList(Alphas(InLoopIndex + 1), state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule({1, NumRegDaySchedules}));
    1020        2304 :                 if (DayIndex == 0) {
    1021           0 :                     ShowSevereError(state,
    1022           0 :                                     std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + Alphas(1) + "\", " + cAlphaFields(InLoopIndex + 1) +
    1023           0 :                                         " \"" + Alphas(InLoopIndex + 1) + "\" not Found",
    1024           0 :                                     OptionalOutputFileRef{state.files.audit});
    1025           0 :                     ErrorsFound = true;
    1026             :                 } else {
    1027        2304 :                     state.dataScheduleMgr->WeekSchedule(LoopIndex).DaySchedulePointer(InLoopIndex) = DayIndex;
    1028             :                 }
    1029             :             }
    1030             :         }
    1031             : 
    1032             :         //!! Get Week Schedules - compact
    1033         771 :         Count = NumRegWeekSchedules;
    1034         771 :         CurrentModuleObject = "Schedule:Week:Compact";
    1035         806 :         for (LoopIndex = 1; LoopIndex <= NumCptWeekSchedules; ++LoopIndex) {
    1036          35 :             state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectItem(state,
    1037             :                                                                      CurrentModuleObject,
    1038             :                                                                      LoopIndex,
    1039             :                                                                      Alphas,
    1040             :                                                                      NumAlphas,
    1041             :                                                                      Numbers,
    1042             :                                                                      NumNumbers,
    1043             :                                                                      Status,
    1044             :                                                                      lNumericBlanks,
    1045             :                                                                      lAlphaBlanks,
    1046             :                                                                      cAlphaFields,
    1047             :                                                                      cNumericFields);
    1048          35 :             if (Count > 0) {
    1049          64 :                 GlobalNames::VerifyUniqueInterObjectName(
    1050          64 :                     state, state.dataScheduleMgr->UniqueWeekScheduleNames, Alphas(1), CurrentModuleObject, cAlphaFields(1), ErrorsFound);
    1051             :             }
    1052          35 :             ++Count;
    1053          35 :             state.dataScheduleMgr->WeekSchedule(Count).Name = Alphas(1);
    1054          35 :             AllDays = false;
    1055             :             // Rest of Alphas are processed into Pointers
    1056          94 :             for (InLoopIndex = 2; InLoopIndex <= NumAlphas; InLoopIndex += 2) {
    1057          59 :                 DayIndex = UtilityRoutines::FindItemInList(Alphas(InLoopIndex + 1), state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule({1, NumRegDaySchedules}));
    1058          59 :                 if (DayIndex == 0) {
    1059           0 :                     ShowSevereError(state,
    1060           0 :                                     std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + Alphas(1) + "\", " + cAlphaFields(InLoopIndex + 1) +
    1061           0 :                                         " \"" + Alphas(InLoopIndex + 1) + "\" not Found",
    1062           0 :                                     OptionalOutputFileRef{state.files.audit});
    1063           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "ref: " + cAlphaFields(InLoopIndex) + " \"" + Alphas(InLoopIndex) + "\"");
    1064           0 :                     ErrorsFound = true;
    1065             :                 } else {
    1066          59 :                     TheseDays = false;
    1067          59 :                     ErrorHere = false;
    1068          59 :                     ProcessForDayTypes(state, Alphas(InLoopIndex), TheseDays, AllDays, ErrorHere);
    1069          59 :                     if (ErrorHere) {
    1070           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + Alphas(1));
    1071           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
    1072             :                     } else {
    1073         767 :                         for (Hr = 1; Hr <= maxDayTypes; ++Hr) {
    1074         708 :                             if (TheseDays(Hr)) {
    1075         420 :                                 state.dataScheduleMgr->WeekSchedule(Count).DaySchedulePointer(Hr) = DayIndex;
    1076             :                             }
    1077             :                         }
    1078             :                     }
    1079             :                 }
    1080             :             }
    1081             :             //  Have processed all named days, check to make sure all given
    1082          35 :             if (!all(AllDays)) {
    1083           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + Alphas(1) + "\", Missing some day assignments");
    1084           0 :                 ErrorsFound = true;
    1085             :             }
    1086             :         }
    1087         771 :         NumRegWeekSchedules = Count;
    1088             : 
    1089             :         //!! Get Schedules (all types)
    1090             : 
    1091             :         //!! Get Regular Schedules
    1092             : 
    1093         771 :         CurrentModuleObject = "Schedule:Year";
    1094         884 :         for (LoopIndex = 1; LoopIndex <= NumRegSchedules; ++LoopIndex) {
    1095         113 :             state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectItem(state,
    1096             :                                                                      CurrentModuleObject,
    1097             :                                                                      LoopIndex,
    1098             :                                                                      Alphas,
    1099             :                                                                      NumAlphas,
    1100             :                                                                      Numbers,
    1101             :                                                                      NumNumbers,
    1102             :                                                                      Status,
    1103             :                                                                      lNumericBlanks,
    1104             :                                                                      lAlphaBlanks,
    1105             :                                                                      cAlphaFields,
    1106             :                                                                      cNumericFields);
    1107         226 :             GlobalNames::VerifyUniqueInterObjectName(
    1108         226 :                 state, state.dataScheduleMgr->UniqueScheduleNames, Alphas(1), CurrentModuleObject, cAlphaFields(1), ErrorsFound);
    1109         113 :             state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(LoopIndex).Name = Alphas(1);
    1110         113 :             state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(LoopIndex).SchType = SchedType::ScheduleInput_year;
    1111             :             // Validate ScheduleType
    1112         113 :             if (state.dataScheduleMgr->NumScheduleTypes > 0) {
    1113         113 :                 CheckIndex =
    1114         226 :                     UtilityRoutines::FindItemInList(Alphas(2), state.dataScheduleMgr->ScheduleType({1, state.dataScheduleMgr->NumScheduleTypes}));
    1115         113 :                 if (CheckIndex == 0) {
    1116           0 :                     if (!lAlphaBlanks(2)) {
    1117           0 :                         ShowWarningError(state,
    1118           0 :                                          std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + Alphas(1) + "\", " + cAlphaFields(2) + "=\"" +
    1119           0 :                                              Alphas(2) + "\" not found -- will not be validated");
    1120             :                     } else {
    1121           0 :                         ShowWarningError(state,
    1122           0 :                                          std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + Alphas(1) + "\", Blank " + cAlphaFields(2) +
    1123             :                                              " input -- will not be validated.");
    1124             :                     }
    1125             :                 } else {
    1126         113 :                     state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(LoopIndex).ScheduleTypePtr = CheckIndex;
    1127             :                 }
    1128             :             }
    1129         113 :             NumPointer = 0;
    1130         113 :             DaysInYear = 0;
    1131             :             // Rest of Alphas (Weekschedules) are processed into Pointers
    1132         347 :             for (InLoopIndex = 3; InLoopIndex <= NumAlphas; ++InLoopIndex) {
    1133         234 :                 WeekIndex = UtilityRoutines::FindItemInList(Alphas(InLoopIndex), state.dataScheduleMgr->WeekSchedule({1, NumRegWeekSchedules}));
    1134         234 :                 if (WeekIndex == 0) {
    1135           0 :                     ShowSevereError(state,
    1136           0 :                                     std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + Alphas(1) + "\", " + cAlphaFields(InLoopIndex) + "=\"" +
    1137           0 :                                         Alphas(InLoopIndex) + "\" not found.",
    1138           0 :                                     OptionalOutputFileRef{state.files.audit});
    1139           0 :                     ErrorsFound = true;
    1140             :                 } else {
    1141             :                     // Process for month, day
    1142         234 :                     StartMonth = int(Numbers(NumPointer + 1));
    1143         234 :                     StartDay = int(Numbers(NumPointer + 2));
    1144         234 :                     EndMonth = int(Numbers(NumPointer + 3));
    1145         234 :                     EndDay = int(Numbers(NumPointer + 4));
    1146         234 :                     NumPointer += 4;
    1147         234 :                     StartPointer = General::OrdinalDay(StartMonth, StartDay, 1);
    1148         234 :                     EndPointer = General::OrdinalDay(EndMonth, EndDay, 1);
    1149         234 :                     if (StartPointer <= EndPointer) {
    1150       41592 :                         for (Count = StartPointer; Count <= EndPointer; ++Count) {
    1151       41358 :                             ++DaysInYear(Count);
    1152       41358 :                             state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(LoopIndex).WeekSchedulePointer(Count) = WeekIndex;
    1153             :                         }
    1154             :                     } else {
    1155           0 :                         for (Count = StartPointer; Count <= 366; ++Count) {
    1156           0 :                             ++DaysInYear(Count);
    1157           0 :                             state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(LoopIndex).WeekSchedulePointer(Count) = WeekIndex;
    1158             :                         }
    1159           0 :                         for (Count = 1; Count <= EndPointer; ++Count) {
    1160           0 :                             ++DaysInYear(Count);
    1161           0 :                             state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(LoopIndex).WeekSchedulePointer(Count) = WeekIndex;
    1162             :                         }
    1163             :                     }
    1164             :                 }
    1165             :             }
    1166             :             // Perform Error checks on this item
    1167             :             // Do special test for Feb 29.  Make equal to Feb 28.
    1168         113 :             if (DaysInYear(60) == 0) {
    1169           0 :                 DaysInYear(60) = DaysInYear(59);
    1170           0 :                 state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(LoopIndex).WeekSchedulePointer(60) =
    1171           0 :                     state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(LoopIndex).WeekSchedulePointer(59);
    1172             :             }
    1173         113 :             if (any_eq(DaysInYear, 0)) {
    1174           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state,
    1175           0 :                                 std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(LoopIndex).Name +
    1176             :                                     "\" has missing days in its schedule pointers",
    1177           0 :                                 OptionalOutputFileRef{state.files.audit});
    1178           0 :                 ErrorsFound = true;
    1179             :             }
    1180         113 :             if (any_gt(DaysInYear, 1)) {
    1181           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state,
    1182           0 :                                 std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(LoopIndex).Name +
    1183             :                                     "\" has overlapping days in its schedule pointers",
    1184           0 :                                 OptionalOutputFileRef{state.files.audit});
    1185           0 :                 ErrorsFound = true;
    1186             :             }
    1187             : 
    1188         113 :             if (state.dataGlobal->AnyEnergyManagementSystemInModel) { // setup constant schedules as actuators
    1189         144 :                 SetupEMSActuator(state,
    1190             :                                  "Schedule:Year",
    1191          36 :                                  state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(LoopIndex).Name,
    1192             :                                  "Schedule Value",
    1193             :                                  "[ ]",
    1194          36 :                                  state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(LoopIndex).EMSActuatedOn,
    1195         108 :                                  state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(LoopIndex).EMSValue);
    1196             :             }
    1197             :         }
    1198             : 
    1199             :         //!! Get Compact Schedules
    1200             :         // SCHEDULE:COMPACT,
    1201             :         //   \memo Irregular object.  Does not follow the usual definition for fields.  Fields A3... are:
    1202             :         //   \memo Through: Date
    1203             :         //   \memo For: Applicable days (ref: Weekschedule:Compact)
    1204             :         //   \memo Interpolate: Yes/No (ref: Dayschedule:interval) -- optional, if not used will be "No"
    1205             :         //   \memo Until: <Time> (ref: Dayschedule:Interval)
    1206             :         //   \memo <numeric value>
    1207             :         //   \memo words "Through","For","Interpolate","Until" must be included.
    1208             :         //  A1 , \field Name
    1209             :         //       \required-field
    1210             :         //       \type alpha
    1211             :         //       \reference ScheduleNames
    1212             :         //  A2 , \field ScheduleType
    1213             :         //       \type object-list
    1214             :         //       \object-list ScheduleTypeNames
    1215             :         //  A3 , \field Complex Field #1
    1216             :         //  A4 , \field Complex Field #2
    1217             :         //  A5 , \field Complex Field #3
    1218             : 
    1219         771 :         SchNum = NumRegSchedules;
    1220         771 :         AddWeekSch = NumRegWeekSchedules;
    1221         771 :         AddDaySch = NumRegDaySchedules;
    1222         771 :         CurrentModuleObject = "Schedule:Compact";
    1223       16195 :         for (LoopIndex = 1; LoopIndex <= NumCptSchedules; ++LoopIndex) {
    1224       15424 :             state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectItem(state,
    1225             :                                                                      CurrentModuleObject,
    1226             :                                                                      LoopIndex,
    1227             :                                                                      Alphas,
    1228             :                                                                      NumAlphas,
    1229             :                                                                      Numbers,
    1230             :                                                                      NumNumbers,
    1231             :                                                                      Status,
    1232             :                                                                      lNumericBlanks,
    1233             :                                                                      lAlphaBlanks,
    1234             :                                                                      cAlphaFields,
    1235             :                                                                      cNumericFields);
    1236       30848 :             GlobalNames::VerifyUniqueInterObjectName(
    1237       30848 :                 state, state.dataScheduleMgr->UniqueScheduleNames, Alphas(1), CurrentModuleObject, cAlphaFields(1), ErrorsFound);
    1238       15424 :             ++SchNum;
    1239       15424 :             state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(SchNum).Name = Alphas(1);
    1240       15424 :             state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(SchNum).SchType = SchedType::ScheduleInput_compact;
    1241             :             // Validate ScheduleType
    1242       15424 :             CheckIndex =
    1243       30848 :                 UtilityRoutines::FindItemInList(Alphas(2), state.dataScheduleMgr->ScheduleType({1, state.dataScheduleMgr->NumScheduleTypes}));
    1244       15424 :             if (CheckIndex == 0) {
    1245          10 :                 if (!lAlphaBlanks(2)) {
    1246          30 :                     ShowWarningError(state,
    1247          20 :                                      std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + Alphas(1) + "\", " + cAlphaFields(2) + "=\"" +
    1248          30 :                                          Alphas(2) + "\" not found -- will not be validated");
    1249             :                 } else {
    1250           0 :                     ShowWarningError(state,
    1251           0 :                                      std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + Alphas(1) + "\", Blank " + cAlphaFields(2) +
    1252             :                                          " input -- will not be validated.");
    1253             :                 }
    1254             :             } else {
    1255       15414 :                 state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(SchNum).ScheduleTypePtr = CheckIndex;
    1256             :             }
    1257       15424 :             NumPointer = 0;
    1258       15424 :             DaysInYear = 0;
    1259             :             // Process the "complex" fields -- so named because they are not a 1:1 correspondence
    1260             :             // as other objects are
    1261       15424 :             NumField = 3;
    1262       15424 :             StartPointer = 1;
    1263       15424 :             WkCount = 0;
    1264       15424 :             DyCount = 0;
    1265       15424 :             bool FullYearSet = false;
    1266       57648 :             while (NumField < NumAlphas) {
    1267             :                 //   Process "Through"
    1268       21112 :                 if (!has_prefix(Alphas(NumField), "THROUGH:") && !has_prefix(Alphas(NumField), "THROUGH")) {
    1269           0 :                     ShowSevereError(state,
    1270           0 :                                     std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(SchNum).Name +
    1271             :                                         "\", Expecting \"Through:\" date");
    1272           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "Instead, found entry=" + Alphas(NumField));
    1273           0 :                     ErrorsFound = true;
    1274           0 :                     goto Through_exit;
    1275             :                 } else {
    1276       21112 :                     if (Alphas(NumField)[7] == ':') {
    1277       21105 :                         sPos = 8;
    1278             :                     } else {
    1279           7 :                         sPos = 7;
    1280             :                     }
    1281       21112 :                     Alphas(NumField).erase(0, sPos);
    1282       21112 :                     strip(Alphas(NumField));
    1283             :                 }
    1284       21112 :                 CurrentThrough = Alphas(NumField);
    1285       21112 :                 ErrorHere = false;
    1286       21112 :                 ProcessDateString(state, Alphas(NumField), EndMonth, EndDay, PWeekDay, PDateType, ErrorHere);
    1287       21112 :                 if (PDateType == WeatherManager::DateType::NthDayInMonth || PDateType == WeatherManager::DateType::LastDayInMonth) {
    1288           0 :                     ShowSevereError(state,
    1289           0 :                                     std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(SchNum).Name +
    1290             :                                         "\", Invalid \"Through:\" date");
    1291           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "Found entry=" + Alphas(NumField));
    1292           0 :                     ErrorsFound = true;
    1293           0 :                     goto Through_exit;
    1294       21112 :                 } else if (ErrorHere) {
    1295           0 :                     ShowSevereError(state,
    1296           0 :                                     std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(SchNum).Name +
    1297             :                                         "\", Invalid \"Through:\" date");
    1298           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "Found entry=" + Alphas(NumField));
    1299           0 :                     ErrorsFound = true;
    1300           0 :                     goto Through_exit;
    1301             :                 } else {
    1302       21112 :                     EndPointer = General::OrdinalDay(EndMonth, EndDay, 1);
    1303       21112 :                     if (EndPointer == 366) {
    1304       15424 :                         if (FullYearSet) {
    1305           0 :                             ShowSevereError(state,
    1306           0 :                                             std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(SchNum).Name +
    1307             :                                                 "\", New \"Through\" entry when \"full year\" already set");
    1308           0 :                             ShowContinueError(state, "\"Through\" field=" + CurrentThrough);
    1309           0 :                             ErrorsFound = true;
    1310             :                         }
    1311       15424 :                         FullYearSet = true;
    1312             :                     }
    1313             :                 }
    1314       21112 :                 ++WkCount;
    1315       21112 :                 ++AddWeekSch;
    1316       21112 :                 state.dataScheduleMgr->WeekSchedule(AddWeekSch).Name = format("{}_wk_{}", Alphas(1), WkCount);
    1317       21112 :                 state.dataScheduleMgr->WeekSchedule(AddWeekSch).Used = true;
    1318     5666296 :                 for (Hr = StartPointer; Hr <= EndPointer; ++Hr) {
    1319     5645184 :                     state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(SchNum).WeekSchedulePointer(Hr) = AddWeekSch;
    1320     5645184 :                     ++DaysInYear(Hr);
    1321             :                 }
    1322       21112 :                 StartPointer = EndPointer + 1;
    1323       21112 :                 ThruField = NumField;
    1324       21112 :                 AllDays = false;
    1325       21112 :                 ++NumField;
    1326       85826 :                 while (NumField < NumAlphas) { // Continues until next "Through"
    1327       38045 :                     if (has_prefix(Alphas(NumField), "THROUGH")) goto For_exit;
    1328             :                     //   "For" must be next, adds to "# Day Schedules"
    1329       32357 :                     if (has_prefix(Alphas(NumField), "FOR")) {
    1330       32357 :                         ++DyCount;
    1331       32357 :                         ++AddDaySch;
    1332       32357 :                         state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(AddDaySch).Name = format("{}_dy_{}", Alphas(1), DyCount);
    1333       32357 :                         state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(AddDaySch).ScheduleTypePtr = state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(SchNum).ScheduleTypePtr;
    1334       32357 :                         state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(AddDaySch).Used = true;
    1335       32357 :                         TheseDays = false;
    1336       32357 :                         ErrorHere = false;
    1337       32357 :                         LastFor = Alphas(NumField);
    1338       32357 :                         ProcessForDayTypes(state, Alphas(NumField), TheseDays, AllDays, ErrorHere);
    1339       32357 :                         if (ErrorHere) {
    1340           0 :                             ShowContinueError(state, "ref " + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + Alphas(1) + "\"");
    1341           0 :                             ShowContinueError(state, "ref Through field=" + Alphas(ThruField));
    1342           0 :                             ErrorsFound = true;
    1343             :                         } else {
    1344      420641 :                             for (Hr = 1; Hr <= maxDayTypes; ++Hr) {
    1345      388284 :                                 if (TheseDays(Hr)) {
    1346      253344 :                                     state.dataScheduleMgr->WeekSchedule(AddWeekSch).DaySchedulePointer(Hr) = AddDaySch;
    1347             :                                 }
    1348             :                             }
    1349             :                         }
    1350             :                     } else {
    1351           0 :                         ShowSevereError(state,
    1352           0 :                                         std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + Alphas(1) +
    1353           0 :                                             "\", Looking for \"For\" field, found=" + Alphas(NumField));
    1354           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
    1355             :                         //          CALL ShowSevereError(state, RoutineName//TRIM(CurrentModuleObject)//'="'//TRIM(Schedule(SchNum)%Name)//  &
    1356             :                         //               '", Expecting "For:" day types')
    1357             :                         //          CALL ShowContinueError(state, 'Instead, found entry='//TRIM(Alphas(NumField)))
    1358           0 :                         goto Through_exit;
    1359             :                     }
    1360             :                     // Check for "Interpolate"
    1361       32357 :                     ++NumField;
    1362       32357 :                     if (has_prefix(Alphas(NumField), "INTERPOLATE")) {
    1363         327 :                         if (has(Alphas(NumField), "NO")) {
    1364          87 :                             state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(AddDaySch).IntervalInterpolated = ScheduleInterpolation::No;
    1365         240 :                         } else if (has(Alphas(NumField), "AVERAGE")) {
    1366         240 :                             state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(AddDaySch).IntervalInterpolated = ScheduleInterpolation::Average;
    1367           0 :                         } else if (has(Alphas(NumField), "LINEAR")) {
    1368           0 :                             state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(AddDaySch).IntervalInterpolated = ScheduleInterpolation::Linear;
    1369             :                         } else {
    1370           0 :                             ShowSevereError(state,
    1371           0 :                                             std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + Alphas(1) + "Invalid value for \"" +
    1372           0 :                                                 cAlphaFields(NumField) + "\" field=\"" + Alphas(NumField) + "\"");
    1373           0 :                             ErrorsFound = true;
    1374             :                         }
    1375         327 :                         ++NumField;
    1376             :                     } else {
    1377       32030 :                         if (!has_prefix(Alphas(NumField), "UNTIL")) {
    1378           0 :                             if (has(Alphas(NumField), "NO")) {
    1379           0 :                                 state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(AddDaySch).IntervalInterpolated = ScheduleInterpolation::No;
    1380           0 :                             } else if (has(Alphas(NumField), "AVERAGE")) {
    1381           0 :                                 state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(AddDaySch).IntervalInterpolated = ScheduleInterpolation::Average;
    1382           0 :                             } else if (has(Alphas(NumField), "LINEAR")) {
    1383           0 :                                 state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(AddDaySch).IntervalInterpolated = ScheduleInterpolation::Linear;
    1384             :                             } else {
    1385           0 :                                 ShowSevereError(state,
    1386           0 :                                                 std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + Alphas(1) +
    1387           0 :                                                     "\", Illegal Field entered =" + Alphas(NumField));
    1388           0 :                                 ErrorsFound = true;
    1389             :                             }
    1390           0 :                             ++NumField;
    1391             :                         }
    1392             :                     }
    1393       32357 :                     NumNumbers = 0;
    1394       32357 :                     xxcount = 0;
    1395       32357 :                     UntilFld = NumField;
    1396             :                     while (true) {
    1397      153699 :                         if (has_prefix(Alphas(NumField), "FOR")) break;
    1398       81783 :                         if (has_prefix(Alphas(NumField), "THROUGH")) break;
    1399       76095 :                         if (has_prefix(Alphas(NumField), "UNTIL")) {
    1400             :                             // Process Until/Value pairs for later processing by other routine.
    1401       76095 :                             ++NumField;
    1402       76095 :                             ++xxcount;
    1403       76095 :                             ++NumNumbers;
    1404       76095 :                             Numbers(NumNumbers) = UtilityRoutines::ProcessNumber(Alphas(NumField), ErrorHere);
    1405       76095 :                             if (ErrorHere) {
    1406           0 :                                 ShowSevereError(state, CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + Alphas(1) + "\"");
    1407           0 :                                 ShowContinueError(state,
    1408           0 :                                                   "Until field=[" + Alphas(NumField - 1) + "] has illegal value field=[" + Alphas(NumField) + "].");
    1409           0 :                                 ErrorsFound = true;
    1410             :                             }
    1411       76095 :                             ++NumField;
    1412       76095 :                             Alphas(UntilFld + xxcount) = Alphas(NumField); // Incase next is "until"
    1413             :                         } else {
    1414           0 :                             ShowSevereError(state,
    1415           0 :                                             std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + Alphas(1) +
    1416           0 :                                                 "\", Looking for \"Until\" field, found=" + Alphas(NumField));
    1417           0 :                             ErrorsFound = true;
    1418           0 :                             goto Through_exit;
    1419             :                         }
    1420       76095 :                         if (Alphas(NumField).empty()) break;
    1421             :                     }
    1422             :                     // Process Untils, Numbers
    1423       32357 :                     if (NumNumbers > 0) {
    1424       32357 :                         NumFields = NumNumbers;
    1425       32357 :                         ErrorHere = false;
    1426      129428 :                         ProcessIntervalFields(state,
    1427       64714 :                                               Alphas({UntilFld, _}),
    1428             :                                               Numbers,
    1429             :                                               NumFields,
    1430             :                                               NumNumbers,
    1431             :                                               MinuteValue,
    1432             :                                               SetMinuteValue,
    1433             :                                               ErrorHere,
    1434       32357 :                                               state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(AddDaySch).Name,
    1435       64714 :                                               CurrentModuleObject + " DaySchedule Fields",
    1436       32357 :                                               state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(AddDaySch).IntervalInterpolated);
    1437             :                         // Depending on value of "Interpolate" field, the value for each time step in each hour gets processed:
    1438       32357 :                         if (ErrorHere) {
    1439           0 :                             ShowContinueError(state, "ref " + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + Alphas(1) + "\"");
    1440           0 :                             ErrorsFound = true;
    1441             :                         }
    1442       32357 :                         if (state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(AddDaySch).IntervalInterpolated ==
    1443             :                             ScheduleInterpolation::No) { // No validation done on the value of the interpolation field
    1444      802925 :                             for (Hr = 1; Hr <= 24; ++Hr) {
    1445      770808 :                                 CurMinute = state.dataGlobal->MinutesPerTimeStep;
    1446     5273448 :                                 for (TS = 1; TS <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfTimeStepInHour; ++TS) {
    1447     4502640 :                                     state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(AddDaySch).TSValue(TS, Hr) = MinuteValue(CurMinute, Hr);
    1448     4502640 :                                     CurMinute += state.dataGlobal->MinutesPerTimeStep;
    1449             :                                 }
    1450             :                             }
    1451             :                         } else {
    1452        6000 :                             for (Hr = 1; Hr <= 24; ++Hr) {
    1453        5760 :                                 SCount = 1;
    1454        5760 :                                 CurMinute = state.dataGlobal->MinutesPerTimeStep;
    1455       36240 :                                 for (TS = 1; TS <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfTimeStepInHour; ++TS) {
    1456             :                                     //                tempval=SUM(MinuteValue(Hr,SCount:CurMinute))/REAL(MinutesPerTimeStep,r64)
    1457       30480 :                                     state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(AddDaySch).TSValue(TS, Hr) =
    1458       60960 :                                         sum(MinuteValue({SCount, CurMinute}, Hr)) / double(state.dataGlobal->MinutesPerTimeStep);
    1459       30480 :                                     SCount = CurMinute + 1;
    1460       30480 :                                     CurMinute += state.dataGlobal->MinutesPerTimeStep;
    1461             :                                 }
    1462             :                             }
    1463             :                         }
    1464             :                     }
    1465             :                 }
    1466       15424 :             For_exit:;
    1467       21112 :                 if (!all(AllDays)) {
    1468           0 :                     ShowWarningError(state,
    1469           0 :                                      std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(SchNum).Name +
    1470           0 :                                          "\" has missing day types in Through=" + CurrentThrough);
    1471           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "Last \"For\" field=" + LastFor);
    1472           0 :                     errmsg = "Missing day types=,";
    1473           0 :                     for (kdy = 1; kdy <= maxDayTypes; ++kdy) {
    1474           0 :                         if (AllDays(kdy)) continue;
    1475           0 :                         errmsg.erase(errmsg.length() - 1);
    1476           0 :                         errmsg += "\"" + static_cast<std::string>(dayTypeNames[kdy]) + "\",-";
    1477             :                     }
    1478           0 :                     errmsg.erase(errmsg.length() - 2);
    1479           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, errmsg);
    1480           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "Missing day types will have 0.0 as Schedule Values");
    1481             :                 }
    1482             :             }
    1483       15424 :         Through_exit:;
    1484       15424 :             if (DaysInYear(60) == 0) {
    1485           0 :                 DaysInYear(60) = DaysInYear(59);
    1486           0 :                 state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(LoopIndex).WeekSchedulePointer(60) =
    1487           0 :                     state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(LoopIndex).WeekSchedulePointer(59);
    1488             :             }
    1489       15424 :             if (any_eq(DaysInYear, 0)) {
    1490           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state,
    1491           0 :                                 std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(SchNum).Name +
    1492             :                                     "\" has missing days in its schedule pointers",
    1493           0 :                                 OptionalOutputFileRef{state.files.audit});
    1494           0 :                 ErrorsFound = true;
    1495             :             }
    1496       15424 :             if (any_gt(DaysInYear, 1)) {
    1497           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state,
    1498           0 :                                 std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(SchNum).Name +
    1499             :                                     "\" has overlapping days in its schedule pointers",
    1500           0 :                                 OptionalOutputFileRef{state.files.audit});
    1501           0 :                 ErrorsFound = true;
    1502             :             }
    1503             : 
    1504       15424 :             if (state.dataGlobal->AnyEnergyManagementSystemInModel) { // setup constant schedules as actuators
    1505       12820 :                 SetupEMSActuator(state,
    1506             :                                  "Schedule:Compact",
    1507        3205 :                                  state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(SchNum).Name,
    1508             :                                  "Schedule Value",
    1509             :                                  "[ ]",
    1510        3205 :                                  state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(SchNum).EMSActuatedOn,
    1511        9615 :                                  state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(SchNum).EMSValue);
    1512             :             }
    1513             :         }
    1514             : 
    1515             :         //  Schedule:File,
    1516             :         //   \min-fields 5
    1517             :         //         \memo A Schedule:File points to a text computer file that has 8760-8784 hours of data.
    1518             :         //    A1 , \field Name
    1519             :         //         \required-field
    1520             :         //         \type alpha
    1521             :         //         \reference ScheduleNames
    1522             :         //    A2 , \field Schedule Type Limits Name
    1523             :         //         \type object-list
    1524             :         //         \object-list ScheduleTypeLimitsNames
    1525             :         //    A3 , \field File Name
    1526             :         //         \required-field
    1527             :         //         \retaincase
    1528             :         //    N1 , \field Column Number
    1529             :         //         \required-field
    1530             :         //         \type integer
    1531             :         //         \minimum 1
    1532             :         //    N2 , \field Rows to Skip at Top
    1533             :         //         \required-field
    1534             :         //         \type integer
    1535             :         //         \minimum 0
    1536             :         //    N3 , \field Number of Hours of Data
    1537             :         //         \note 8760 hours does not account for leap years, 8784 does.
    1538             :         //         \note should be either 8760 or 8784
    1539             :         //         \default 8760
    1540             :         //         \minimum 8760
    1541             :         //         \maximum 8784
    1542             :         //    A4 , \field Column Separator
    1543             :         //         \type choice
    1544             :         //         \key Comma
    1545             :         //         \key Tab
    1546             :         //         \key Fixed
    1547             :         //         \key Semicolon
    1548             :         //         \default Comma
    1549             :         //    A5 , \field Interpolate to Timestep
    1550             :         //         \note when the interval does not match the user specified timestep a "Yes" choice will average between the intervals request (to
    1551             :         //         \note timestep resolution.  a "No" choice will use the interval value at the simulation timestep without regard to if it matches
    1552             :         //         \note the boundary or not.
    1553             :         //         \type choice
    1554             :         //         \key Yes
    1555             :         //         \key No
    1556             :         //         \default No
    1557             :         //    N4 ; \field Minutes per Item
    1558             :         //         \note Must be evenly divisible into 60
    1559             :         //         \type integer
    1560             :         //         \minimum 1
    1561             :         //         \maximum 60
    1562             : 
    1563             :         // continue adding to SchNum,AddWeekSch,AddDaySch
    1564         771 :         CurrentModuleObject = "Schedule:File";
    1565         904 :         for (LoopIndex = 1; LoopIndex <= NumCommaFileSchedules; ++LoopIndex) {
    1566         133 :             state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectItem(state,
    1567             :                                                                      CurrentModuleObject,
    1568             :                                                                      LoopIndex,
    1569             :                                                                      Alphas,
    1570             :                                                                      NumAlphas,
    1571             :                                                                      Numbers,
    1572             :                                                                      NumNumbers,
    1573             :                                                                      Status,
    1574             :                                                                      lNumericBlanks,
    1575             :                                                                      lAlphaBlanks,
    1576             :                                                                      cAlphaFields,
    1577             :                                                                      cNumericFields);
    1578         266 :             GlobalNames::VerifyUniqueInterObjectName(
    1579         266 :                 state, state.dataScheduleMgr->UniqueScheduleNames, Alphas(1), CurrentModuleObject, cAlphaFields(1), ErrorsFound);
    1580         133 :             ++SchNum;
    1581         133 :             state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(SchNum).Name = Alphas(1);
    1582         133 :             state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(SchNum).SchType = SchedType::ScheduleInput_file;
    1583             :             // Validate ScheduleType
    1584         133 :             if (state.dataScheduleMgr->NumScheduleTypes > 0) {
    1585         133 :                 CheckIndex = 0;
    1586         133 :                 if (!lAlphaBlanks(2))
    1587         133 :                     CheckIndex =
    1588         266 :                         UtilityRoutines::FindItemInList(Alphas(2), state.dataScheduleMgr->ScheduleType({1, state.dataScheduleMgr->NumScheduleTypes}));
    1589         133 :                 if (CheckIndex == 0) {
    1590           0 :                     if (!lAlphaBlanks(2)) {
    1591           0 :                         ShowWarningError(state,
    1592           0 :                                          "ProcessScheduleInput: For " + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + Alphas(1) + "\", " + cAlphaFields(2) + "=\"" +
    1593           0 :                                              Alphas(2) + "\" not found -- will not be validated");
    1594             :                     } else {
    1595           0 :                         ShowWarningError(state,
    1596           0 :                                          "For " + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + Alphas(1) + "\", Blank " + cAlphaFields(2) +
    1597             :                                              " input -- will not be validated.");
    1598             :                     }
    1599             :                 } else {
    1600         133 :                     state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(SchNum).ScheduleTypePtr = CheckIndex;
    1601             :                 }
    1602             :             }
    1603             : 
    1604             :             // Numbers(1) - which column
    1605         133 :             curcolCount = Numbers(1);
    1606             :             // Numbers(2) - number of rows to skip
    1607         133 :             skiprowCount = Numbers(2);
    1608         133 :             if (Numbers(3) == 0) Numbers(3) = 8760.0;
    1609         133 :             if (Numbers(3) != 8760 && Numbers(3) != 8784) {
    1610           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state,
    1611           0 :                                 std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + Alphas(1) + "\", " + cNumericFields(3) +
    1612             :                                     " must = 8760 or 8784 (for a leap year)");
    1613           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, format("..Value for field = {:.0T}, Schedule not processed.", Numbers(3)));
    1614           0 :                 ErrorsFound = true;
    1615           0 :                 continue;
    1616             :             }
    1617             : 
    1618         133 :             if (lAlphaBlanks(4) || UtilityRoutines::SameString(Alphas(4), "comma")) {
    1619         133 :                 ColumnSep = CharComma;
    1620         133 :                 Alphas(4) = "comma";
    1621           0 :             } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(Alphas(4), "semicolon")) {
    1622           0 :                 ColumnSep = CharSemicolon;
    1623           0 :             } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(Alphas(4), "tab")) {
    1624           0 :                 ColumnSep = CharTab;
    1625           0 :             } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(Alphas(4), "space")) {
    1626           0 :                 ColumnSep = CharSpace;
    1627             :             } else {
    1628           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state,
    1629           0 :                                 std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + Alphas(1) + "\", " + cAlphaFields(4) + " illegal value=\"" +
    1630           0 :                                     Alphas(4) + "\".");
    1631           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "..must be Comma, Semicolon, Tab, or Space.");
    1632           0 :                 ErrorsFound = true;
    1633           0 :                 continue;
    1634             :             }
    1635             : 
    1636             :             // Depending on value of "Interpolate" field, the value for each time step in each hour gets processed:
    1637         133 :             FileIntervalInterpolated = false;
    1638         133 :             if (lAlphaBlanks(5)) Alphas(5) = "NO";
    1639         133 :             if (Alphas(5) != "NO" && Alphas(5) != "YES") {
    1640           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state,
    1641           0 :                                 std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + Alphas(1) + "Invalid value for \"" + cAlphaFields(5) +
    1642           0 :                                     "\" field=\"" + Alphas(5) + "\"");
    1643           0 :                 ErrorsFound = true;
    1644         133 :             } else if (Alphas(5) != "YES") { // No validation done on the value of the interpolation field
    1645         133 :                 FileIntervalInterpolated = false;
    1646             :             } else {
    1647           0 :                 FileIntervalInterpolated = true;
    1648             :             }
    1649             : 
    1650         133 :             state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(SchNum).UseDaylightSaving = true;
    1651         133 :             if ((Alphas(6)) == "NO") {
    1652           2 :                 state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(SchNum).UseDaylightSaving = false;
    1653             :             }
    1654             : 
    1655             :             // is it a sub-hourly schedule or not?
    1656         133 :             MinutesPerItem = 60;
    1657         133 :             if (NumNumbers > 3) {
    1658         133 :                 MinutesPerItem = int(Numbers(4));
    1659         133 :                 NumExpectedItems = 1440 / MinutesPerItem;
    1660         133 :                 if (mod(60, MinutesPerItem) != 0) {
    1661           0 :                     ShowSevereError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + Alphas(1));
    1662           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, format("Requested {} field value ({}) not evenly divisible into 60", cNumericFields(4), MinutesPerItem));
    1663           0 :                     ErrorsFound = true;
    1664           0 :                     continue;
    1665             :                 }
    1666             :             }
    1667             : 
    1668         133 :             numHourlyValues = Numbers(3);
    1669         133 :             rowLimitCount = (Numbers(3) * 60.0) / MinutesPerItem;
    1670         133 :             hrLimitCount = 60 / MinutesPerItem;
    1671             : 
    1672         266 :             std::string contextString = CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + Alphas(1) + "\", " + cAlphaFields(3) + ": ";
    1673             : 
    1674         133 :             state.files.TempFullFilePath.filePath = CheckForActualFilePath(state, Alphas(3), contextString);
    1675             :             // Setup file reading parameters
    1676         133 :             if (state.files.TempFullFilePath.filePath.empty()) {
    1677           0 :                 ErrorsFound = true;
    1678             :             } else {
    1679         266 :                 auto result = state.dataScheduleMgr->UniqueProcessedExternalFiles.find(state.files.TempFullFilePath.filePath);
    1680         133 :                 if (result == state.dataScheduleMgr->UniqueProcessedExternalFiles.end()) {
    1681           9 :                     auto const ext = FileSystem::getFileType(state.files.TempFullFilePath.filePath);
    1682           9 :                     if (FileSystem::is_flat_file_type(ext)) {
    1683          18 :                         auto const schedule_data = FileSystem::readFile(state.files.TempFullFilePath.filePath);
    1684          18 :                         CsvParser csvParser;
    1685           9 :                         auto it = state.dataScheduleMgr->UniqueProcessedExternalFiles.emplace(
    1686          18 :                             state.files.TempFullFilePath.filePath, csvParser.decode(schedule_data, ColumnSep, skiprowCount));
    1687           9 :                         result = it.first;
    1688           0 :                     } else if (FileSystem::is_all_json_type(ext)) {
    1689           0 :                         auto it = state.dataScheduleMgr->UniqueProcessedExternalFiles.emplace(
    1690           0 :                             state.files.TempFullFilePath.filePath, FileSystem::readJSON(state.files.TempFullFilePath.filePath));
    1691           0 :                         result = it.first;
    1692             :                     } else {
    1693           0 :                         ShowSevereError(state,
    1694           0 :                                         fmt::format(R"({}{}="{}", {}="{}" has an unknown file extension and cannot be read by this program.)",
    1695             :                                                     RoutineName,
    1696             :                                                     CurrentModuleObject,
    1697             :                                                     Alphas(1),
    1698             :                                                     cAlphaFields(3),
    1699             :                                                     Alphas(3)));
    1700           0 :                         ShowFatalError(state, "Program terminates due to previous condition.");
    1701             :                     }
    1702             :                 }
    1703             : 
    1704         133 :                 auto const &column_json = result->second["values"][curcolCount - 1];
    1705         133 :                 rowCnt = column_json.size();
    1706         266 :                 auto const column_values = column_json.get<std::vector<Real64>>();
    1707             : 
    1708             :                 // schedule values have been filled into the hourlyFileValues array.
    1709             : 
    1710         133 :                 if (numerrors > 0) {
    1711           0 :                     ShowWarningError(state,
    1712           0 :                                      format("{}{}=\"{}\" {} records had errors - these values are set to 0.",
    1713             :                                             RoutineName,
    1714             :                                             CurrentModuleObject,
    1715             :                                             Alphas(1),
    1716           0 :                                             numerrors));
    1717           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "Use Output:Diagnostics,DisplayExtraWarnings; to see individual records in error.");
    1718             :                 }
    1719         133 :                 if (rowCnt < rowLimitCount) {
    1720           0 :                     ShowWarningError(
    1721             :                         state,
    1722           0 :                         format(
    1723           0 :                             "{}{}=\"{}\" less than {} hourly values read from file.", RoutineName, CurrentModuleObject, Alphas(1), numHourlyValues));
    1724           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, format("..Number read={}.", (rowCnt * 60) / MinutesPerItem));
    1725             :                 }
    1726         133 :                 if (rowCnt < rowLimitCount) {
    1727           0 :                     ShowWarningError(state,
    1728           0 :                                      std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + Alphas(1) +
    1729             :                                          "\" less than specified hourly values read from file.");
    1730           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state,
    1731           0 :                                       format("..Specified Number of Hourly Values={} Actual number of hourly values included={}",
    1732             :                                              numHourlyValues,
    1733           0 :                                              (rowCnt * 60) / MinutesPerItem));
    1734             :                 }
    1735             : 
    1736             :                 // process the data into the normal schedule data structures
    1737             :                 // note -- schedules are ALWAYS 366 days so some special measures have to be done at 29 Feb "day of year" (60)
    1738         133 :                 iDay = 0;
    1739         133 :                 hDay = 0;
    1740         133 :                 ifld = 0;
    1741             :                 while (true) {
    1742             :                     // create string of which day of year
    1743       97223 :                     ++iDay;
    1744       48678 :                     ++hDay;
    1745       48678 :                     if (iDay > 366) break;
    1746             :                     // increment both since a week schedule is being defined for each day so that a day is valid
    1747             :                     // no matter what the day type that is used in a design day.
    1748       48545 :                     ++AddWeekSch;
    1749       48545 :                     ++AddDaySch;
    1750             :                     // define week schedule
    1751       97090 :                     state.dataScheduleMgr->WeekSchedule(AddWeekSch).Name = fmt::format("{}_wk_{}", Alphas(1), iDay);
    1752             :                     // for all day types point the week schedule to the newly defined day schedule
    1753      631085 :                     for (kDayType = 1; kDayType <= maxDayTypes; ++kDayType) {
    1754      582540 :                         state.dataScheduleMgr->WeekSchedule(AddWeekSch).DaySchedulePointer(kDayType) = AddDaySch;
    1755             :                     }
    1756             :                     // day schedule
    1757       97090 :                     state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(AddDaySch).Name = fmt::format("{}_dy_{}", Alphas(1), iDay);
    1758       48545 :                     state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(AddDaySch).ScheduleTypePtr = state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(SchNum).ScheduleTypePtr;
    1759             :                     // schedule is pointing to the week schedule
    1760       48545 :                     state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(SchNum).WeekSchedulePointer(iDay) = AddWeekSch;
    1761       48545 :                     if (MinutesPerItem == 60) {
    1762      100375 :                         for (jHour = 1; jHour <= 24; ++jHour) {
    1763       96360 :                             curHrVal = column_values[ifld]; // hourlyFileValues((hDay - 1) * 24 + jHour)
    1764       96360 :                             ++ifld;
    1765      481800 :                             for (TS = 1; TS <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfTimeStepInHour; ++TS) {
    1766      385440 :                                 state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(AddDaySch).TSValue(TS, jHour) = curHrVal;
    1767             :                             }
    1768             :                         }
    1769             :                     } else { // Minutes Per Item < 60
    1770     1113250 :                         for (Hr = 1; Hr <= 24; ++Hr) {
    1771     1068720 :                             CurMinute = MinutesPerItem;
    1772     1068720 :                             SCount = 1;
    1773     5694000 :                             for (NumFields = 1; NumFields <= hrLimitCount; ++NumFields) {
    1774     4625280 :                                 MinuteValue({SCount, CurMinute}, Hr) = column_values[ifld];
    1775     4625280 :                                 ++ifld;
    1776     4625280 :                                 SCount = CurMinute + 1;
    1777     4625280 :                                 CurMinute += MinutesPerItem;
    1778             :                             }
    1779             :                         }
    1780       44530 :                         if (FileIntervalInterpolated) {
    1781           0 :                             for (Hr = 1; Hr <= 24; ++Hr) {
    1782           0 :                                 SCount = 1;
    1783           0 :                                 CurMinute = state.dataGlobal->MinutesPerTimeStep;
    1784           0 :                                 for (TS = 1; TS <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfTimeStepInHour; ++TS) {
    1785           0 :                                     state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(AddDaySch).TSValue(TS, Hr) =
    1786           0 :                                         sum(MinuteValue({SCount, CurMinute}, Hr)) / double(state.dataGlobal->MinutesPerTimeStep);
    1787           0 :                                     SCount = CurMinute + 1;
    1788           0 :                                     CurMinute += state.dataGlobal->MinutesPerTimeStep;
    1789             :                                 }
    1790             :                             }
    1791             :                         } else {
    1792     1113250 :                             for (Hr = 1; Hr <= 24; ++Hr) {
    1793     1068720 :                                 CurMinute = state.dataGlobal->MinutesPerTimeStep;
    1794     5694000 :                                 for (TS = 1; TS <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfTimeStepInHour; ++TS) {
    1795     4625280 :                                     state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(AddDaySch).TSValue(TS, Hr) = MinuteValue(CurMinute, Hr);
    1796     4625280 :                                     CurMinute += state.dataGlobal->MinutesPerTimeStep;
    1797             :                                 }
    1798             :                             }
    1799             :                         }
    1800             :                     }
    1801       48545 :                     if (iDay == 59 && rowCnt < 8784 * hrLimitCount) { // 28 Feb
    1802             :                         // Dup 28 Feb to 29 Feb (60)
    1803         133 :                         ++iDay;
    1804         133 :                         state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(SchNum).WeekSchedulePointer(iDay) =
    1805         133 :                             state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(SchNum).WeekSchedulePointer(iDay - 1);
    1806             :                     }
    1807             :                 }
    1808             :             }
    1809             : 
    1810         133 :             if (state.dataGlobal->AnyEnergyManagementSystemInModel) { // setup constant schedules as actuators
    1811           0 :                 SetupEMSActuator(state,
    1812             :                                  "Schedule:File",
    1813           0 :                                  state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(SchNum).Name,
    1814             :                                  "Schedule Value",
    1815             :                                  "[ ]",
    1816           0 :                                  state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(SchNum).EMSActuatedOn,
    1817           0 :                                  state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(SchNum).EMSValue);
    1818             :             }
    1819             :         }
    1820             : 
    1821         771 :         if (NumCommaFileShading != 0) {
    1822           1 :             auto const &values_json = schedule_file_shading_result->second["values"];
    1823           2 :             auto const headers = schedule_file_shading_result->second["header"].get<std::vector<std::string>>();
    1824           2 :             auto const headers_set = schedule_file_shading_result->second["header"].get<std::set<std::string>>();
    1825             : 
    1826         115 :             for (auto const &header : headers_set) {
    1827         114 :                 size_t column = 0;
    1828         227 :                 auto column_it = std::find(headers.begin(), headers.end(), header);
    1829         114 :                 if (column_it != headers.end()) {
    1830         114 :                     column = std::distance(headers.begin(), column_it);
    1831             :                 }
    1832         114 :                 if (column == 0) continue; // Skip timestamp column and any duplicate column, which will be 0 as well since it won't be found.
    1833         226 :                 auto const column_values =<std::vector<Real64>>();
    1834             : 
    1835         226 :                 std::string curName = fmt::format("{}_shading", header);
    1836         226 :                 GlobalNames::VerifyUniqueInterObjectName(
    1837         226 :                     state, state.dataScheduleMgr->UniqueScheduleNames, curName, CurrentModuleObject, cAlphaFields(1), ErrorsFound);
    1838         113 :                 ++SchNum;
    1839         113 :                 state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(SchNum).Name = curName;
    1840         113 :                 state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(SchNum).SchType = SchedType::ScheduleInput_file;
    1841             : 
    1842         113 :                 iDay = 0;
    1843         113 :                 ifld = 0;
    1844             :                 while (true) {
    1845             :                     // create string of which day of year
    1846       82603 :                     ++iDay;
    1847       41358 :                     if (iDay > 366) {
    1848         113 :                         break;
    1849             :                     }
    1850             :                     // increment both since a week schedule is being defined for each day so that a day is valid
    1851             :                     // no matter what the day type that is used in a design day.
    1852       41245 :                     ++AddWeekSch;
    1853       41245 :                     ++AddDaySch;
    1854             :                     // define week schedule
    1855       41245 :                     state.dataScheduleMgr->WeekSchedule(AddWeekSch).Name = fmt::format("{}_wk_{}", curName, iDay);
    1856             :                     // for all day types point the week schedule to the newly defined day schedule
    1857      536185 :                     for (kDayType = 1; kDayType <= maxDayTypes; ++kDayType) {
    1858      494940 :                         state.dataScheduleMgr->WeekSchedule(AddWeekSch).DaySchedulePointer(kDayType) = AddDaySch;
    1859             :                     }
    1860             :                     // day schedule
    1861       41245 :                     state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(AddDaySch).Name = fmt::format("{}_dy_{}", curName, iDay);
    1862       41245 :                     state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(AddDaySch).ScheduleTypePtr = state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(SchNum).ScheduleTypePtr;
    1863             :                     // schedule is pointing to the week schedule
    1864       41245 :                     state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(SchNum).WeekSchedulePointer(iDay) = AddWeekSch;
    1865             : 
    1866     1031125 :                     for (jHour = 1; jHour <= 24; ++jHour) {
    1867     4949400 :                         for (TS = 1; TS <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfTimeStepInHour; ++TS) {
    1868     3959520 :                             state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(AddDaySch).TSValue(TS, jHour) = column_values[ifld];
    1869     3959520 :                             ++ifld;
    1870             :                         }
    1871             :                     }
    1872       41245 :                     if (iDay == 59 && !state.dataEnvrn->CurrentYearIsLeapYear) { // 28 Feb
    1873             :                         // Dup 28 Feb to 29 Feb (60)
    1874         113 :                         ++iDay;
    1875         113 :                         state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(SchNum).WeekSchedulePointer(iDay) =
    1876         113 :                             state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(SchNum).WeekSchedulePointer(iDay - 1);
    1877             :                     }
    1878             :                 }
    1879             :             }
    1880             :         }
    1881             : 
    1882         771 :         MinuteValue.deallocate();
    1883         771 :         SetMinuteValue.deallocate();
    1884             : 
    1885             :         // Constant Schedules
    1886         771 :         CurrentModuleObject = "Schedule:Constant";
    1887         984 :         for (LoopIndex = 1; LoopIndex <= NumConstantSchedules; ++LoopIndex) {
    1888         213 :             state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectItem(state,
    1889             :                                                                      CurrentModuleObject,
    1890             :                                                                      LoopIndex,
    1891             :                                                                      Alphas,
    1892             :                                                                      NumAlphas,
    1893             :                                                                      Numbers,
    1894             :                                                                      NumNumbers,
    1895             :                                                                      Status,
    1896             :                                                                      lNumericBlanks,
    1897             :                                                                      lAlphaBlanks,
    1898             :                                                                      cAlphaFields,
    1899             :                                                                      cNumericFields);
    1900         426 :             GlobalNames::VerifyUniqueInterObjectName(
    1901         426 :                 state, state.dataScheduleMgr->UniqueScheduleNames, Alphas(1), CurrentModuleObject, cAlphaFields(1), ErrorsFound);
    1902         213 :             ++SchNum;
    1903         213 :             state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(SchNum).Name = Alphas(1);
    1904         213 :             state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(SchNum).SchType = SchedType::ScheduleInput_constant;
    1905             :             // Validate ScheduleType
    1906         213 :             if (state.dataScheduleMgr->NumScheduleTypes > 0) {
    1907         211 :                 CheckIndex =
    1908         422 :                     UtilityRoutines::FindItemInList(Alphas(2), state.dataScheduleMgr->ScheduleType({1, state.dataScheduleMgr->NumScheduleTypes}));
    1909         211 :                 if (CheckIndex == 0) {
    1910          34 :                     if (!lAlphaBlanks(2)) {
    1911           0 :                         ShowWarningError(state,
    1912           0 :                                          std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + Alphas(1) + "\", " + cAlphaFields(2) + "=\"" +
    1913           0 :                                              Alphas(2) + "\" not found -- will not be validated");
    1914             :                     } else {
    1915         102 :                         ShowWarningError(state,
    1916          68 :                                          std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + Alphas(1) + "\", Blank " + cAlphaFields(2) +
    1917             :                                              " input -- will not be validated.");
    1918             :                     }
    1919             :                 } else {
    1920         177 :                     state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(SchNum).ScheduleTypePtr = CheckIndex;
    1921             :                 }
    1922             :             }
    1923         213 :             ++AddWeekSch;
    1924         213 :             ++AddDaySch;
    1925             :             // define week schedule
    1926         213 :             state.dataScheduleMgr->WeekSchedule(AddWeekSch).Name = Alphas(1) + "_wk_";
    1927             :             // for all day types point the week schedule to the newly defined day schedule
    1928        2769 :             for (kDayType = 1; kDayType <= maxDayTypes; ++kDayType) {
    1929        2556 :                 state.dataScheduleMgr->WeekSchedule(AddWeekSch).DaySchedulePointer(kDayType) = AddDaySch;
    1930             :             }
    1931             :             // day schedule
    1932         213 :             state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(AddDaySch).Name = Alphas(1) + "_dy_";
    1933         213 :             state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(AddDaySch).ScheduleTypePtr = state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(SchNum).ScheduleTypePtr;
    1934             :             // schedule is pointing to the week schedule
    1935         213 :             state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(SchNum).WeekSchedulePointer = AddWeekSch;
    1936         213 :             curHrVal = Numbers(1);
    1937         213 :             state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(AddDaySch).TSValue = Numbers(1);
    1938             : 
    1939         213 :             if (state.dataGlobal->AnyEnergyManagementSystemInModel) { // setup constant schedules as actuators
    1940         268 :                 SetupEMSActuator(state,
    1941             :                                  "Schedule:Constant",
    1942          67 :                                  state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(SchNum).Name,
    1943             :                                  "Schedule Value",
    1944             :                                  "[ ]",
    1945          67 :                                  state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(SchNum).EMSActuatedOn,
    1946         201 :                                  state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(SchNum).EMSValue);
    1947             :             }
    1948             :         }
    1949             : 
    1950         771 :         CurrentModuleObject = "ExternalInterface:Schedule";
    1951         771 :         for (LoopIndex = 1; LoopIndex <= NumExternalInterfaceSchedules; ++LoopIndex) {
    1952             : 
    1953           0 :             state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectItem(state,
    1954             :                                                                      CurrentModuleObject,
    1955             :                                                                      LoopIndex,
    1956             :                                                                      Alphas,
    1957             :                                                                      NumAlphas,
    1958             :                                                                      Numbers,
    1959             :                                                                      NumNumbers,
    1960             :                                                                      Status,
    1961             :                                                                      lNumericBlanks,
    1962             :                                                                      lAlphaBlanks,
    1963             :                                                                      cAlphaFields,
    1964             :                                                                      cNumericFields);
    1965           0 :             GlobalNames::VerifyUniqueInterObjectName(
    1966           0 :                 state, state.dataScheduleMgr->UniqueScheduleNames, Alphas(1), CurrentModuleObject, cAlphaFields(1), ErrorsFound);
    1967           0 :             ++SchNum;
    1968           0 :             state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(SchNum).Name = Alphas(1);
    1969           0 :             state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(SchNum).SchType = SchedType::ScheduleInput_external;
    1970             : 
    1971             :             // Validate ScheduleType
    1972           0 :             CheckIndex =
    1973           0 :                 UtilityRoutines::FindItemInList(Alphas(2), state.dataScheduleMgr->ScheduleType({1, state.dataScheduleMgr->NumScheduleTypes}));
    1974           0 :             if (CheckIndex == 0) {
    1975           0 :                 if (!lAlphaBlanks(2)) {
    1976           0 :                     ShowWarningError(state,
    1977           0 :                                      std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + Alphas(1) + "\", " + cAlphaFields(2) + "=\"" +
    1978           0 :                                          Alphas(2) + "\" not found -- will not be validated");
    1979             :                 } else {
    1980           0 :                     ShowWarningError(state,
    1981           0 :                                      std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + Alphas(1) + "\", Blank " + cAlphaFields(2) +
    1982             :                                          " input -- will not be validated.");
    1983             :                 }
    1984             :             } else {
    1985           0 :                 state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(SchNum).ScheduleTypePtr = CheckIndex;
    1986             :             }
    1987           0 :             ++AddWeekSch;
    1988           0 :             state.dataScheduleMgr->WeekSchedule(AddWeekSch).Name = Alphas(1);
    1989           0 :             state.dataScheduleMgr->WeekSchedule(AddWeekSch).Used = true;
    1990           0 :             for (Hr = 1; Hr <= 366; ++Hr) {
    1991           0 :                 state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(SchNum).WeekSchedulePointer(Hr) = AddWeekSch;
    1992             :             }
    1993           0 :             ++AddDaySch;
    1994           0 :             state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(AddDaySch).Name = Alphas(1);
    1995           0 :             state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(AddDaySch).ScheduleTypePtr = state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(SchNum).ScheduleTypePtr;
    1996           0 :             state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(AddDaySch).Used = true;
    1997           0 :             for (Hr = 1; Hr <= maxDayTypes; ++Hr) {
    1998           0 :                 state.dataScheduleMgr->WeekSchedule(AddWeekSch).DaySchedulePointer(Hr) = AddDaySch;
    1999             :             }
    2000             :             //   Initialize the ExternalInterface day schedule for the ExternalInterface compact schedule.
    2001             :             //   It will be overwritten during run time stepping after the warm up period
    2002           0 :             if (NumNumbers < 1) {
    2003           0 :                 ShowWarningError(state,
    2004           0 :                                  std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + Alphas(1) +
    2005             :                                      "\", initial value is not numeric or is missing. Fix idf file.");
    2006           0 :                 NumErrorFlag = true;
    2007             :             }
    2008           0 :             ExternalInterfaceSetSchedule(state, AddDaySch, Numbers(1));
    2009             :         }
    2010             :         // added for FMU Import
    2011         771 :         CurrentModuleObject = "ExternalInterface:FunctionalMockupUnitImport:To:Schedule";
    2012         773 :         for (LoopIndex = 1; LoopIndex <= NumExternalInterfaceFunctionalMockupUnitImportSchedules; ++LoopIndex) {
    2013             : 
    2014           2 :             state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectItem(state,
    2015             :                                                                      CurrentModuleObject,
    2016             :                                                                      LoopIndex,
    2017             :                                                                      Alphas,
    2018             :                                                                      NumAlphas,
    2019             :                                                                      Numbers,
    2020             :                                                                      NumNumbers,
    2021             :                                                                      Status,
    2022             :                                                                      lNumericBlanks,
    2023             :                                                                      lAlphaBlanks,
    2024             :                                                                      cAlphaFields,
    2025             :                                                                      cNumericFields);
    2026             : 
    2027           2 :             if (NumExternalInterfaceSchedules >= 1) {
    2028           0 :                 GlobalNames::VerifyUniqueInterObjectName(
    2029             :                     state,
    2030           0 :                     state.dataScheduleMgr->UniqueScheduleNames,
    2031           0 :                     Alphas(1),
    2032             :                     CurrentModuleObject,
    2033           0 :                     cAlphaFields(1) + "(defined as an ExternalInterface:Schedule and ExternalInterface:FunctionalMockupUnitImport:To:Schedule. This "
    2034             :                                       "will cause the schedule to be overwritten by PtolemyServer and FunctionalMockUpUnitImport)",
    2035             :                     ErrorsFound);
    2036             :             } else {
    2037           4 :                 GlobalNames::VerifyUniqueInterObjectName(
    2038           4 :                     state, state.dataScheduleMgr->UniqueScheduleNames, Alphas(1), CurrentModuleObject, cAlphaFields(1), ErrorsFound);
    2039             :             }
    2040           2 :             ++SchNum;
    2041           2 :             state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(SchNum).Name = Alphas(1);
    2042           2 :             state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(SchNum).SchType = SchedType::ScheduleInput_external;
    2043             : 
    2044             :             // Validate ScheduleType
    2045           2 :             CheckIndex =
    2046           4 :                 UtilityRoutines::FindItemInList(Alphas(2), state.dataScheduleMgr->ScheduleType({1, state.dataScheduleMgr->NumScheduleTypes}));
    2047           2 :             if (CheckIndex == 0) {
    2048           0 :                 if (!lAlphaBlanks(2)) {
    2049           0 :                     ShowWarningError(state,
    2050           0 :                                      std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + Alphas(1) + "\", " + cAlphaFields(2) + "=\"" +
    2051           0 :                                          Alphas(2) + "\" not found -- will not be validated");
    2052             :                 } else {
    2053           0 :                     ShowWarningError(state,
    2054           0 :                                      std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + Alphas(1) + "\", Blank " + cAlphaFields(2) +
    2055             :                                          " input -- will not be validated.");
    2056             :                 }
    2057             :             } else {
    2058           2 :                 state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(SchNum).ScheduleTypePtr = CheckIndex;
    2059             :             }
    2060           2 :             ++AddWeekSch;
    2061           2 :             state.dataScheduleMgr->WeekSchedule(AddWeekSch).Name = Alphas(1);
    2062           2 :             state.dataScheduleMgr->WeekSchedule(AddWeekSch).Used = true;
    2063         734 :             for (Hr = 1; Hr <= 366; ++Hr) {
    2064         732 :                 state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(SchNum).WeekSchedulePointer(Hr) = AddWeekSch;
    2065             :             }
    2066           2 :             ++AddDaySch;
    2067           2 :             state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(AddDaySch).Name = Alphas(1);
    2068           2 :             state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(AddDaySch).ScheduleTypePtr = state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(SchNum).ScheduleTypePtr;
    2069           2 :             state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(AddDaySch).Used = true;
    2070          26 :             for (Hr = 1; Hr <= maxDayTypes; ++Hr) {
    2071          24 :                 state.dataScheduleMgr->WeekSchedule(AddWeekSch).DaySchedulePointer(Hr) = AddDaySch;
    2072             :             }
    2073             :             //   Initialize the ExternalInterface day schedule for the ExternalInterface compact schedule.
    2074             :             //   It will be overwritten during run time stepping after the warm up period
    2075           2 :             if (NumNumbers < 1) {
    2076           0 :                 ShowWarningError(state,
    2077           0 :                                  std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + Alphas(1) +
    2078             :                                      "\", initial value is not numeric or is missing. Fix idf file.");
    2079           0 :                 NumErrorFlag = true;
    2080             :             }
    2081           2 :             ExternalInterfaceSetSchedule(state, AddDaySch, Numbers(1));
    2082             :         }
    2083             : 
    2084             :         // added for FMU Export
    2085         771 :         CurrentModuleObject = "ExternalInterface:FunctionalMockupUnitExport:To:Schedule";
    2086         771 :         for (LoopIndex = 1; LoopIndex <= NumExternalInterfaceFunctionalMockupUnitExportSchedules; ++LoopIndex) {
    2087           0 :             state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectItem(state,
    2088             :                                                                      CurrentModuleObject,
    2089             :                                                                      LoopIndex,
    2090             :                                                                      Alphas,
    2091             :                                                                      NumAlphas,
    2092             :                                                                      Numbers,
    2093             :                                                                      NumNumbers,
    2094             :                                                                      Status,
    2095             :                                                                      lNumericBlanks,
    2096             :                                                                      lAlphaBlanks,
    2097             :                                                                      cAlphaFields,
    2098             :                                                                      cNumericFields);
    2099             : 
    2100           0 :             if (NumExternalInterfaceSchedules >= 1) {
    2101           0 :                 GlobalNames::VerifyUniqueInterObjectName(
    2102             :                     state,
    2103           0 :                     state.dataScheduleMgr->UniqueScheduleNames,
    2104           0 :                     Alphas(1),
    2105             :                     CurrentModuleObject,
    2106           0 :                     cAlphaFields(1) + "(defined as an ExternalInterface:Schedule and ExternalInterface:FunctionalMockupUnitExport:To:Schedule. This "
    2107             :                                       "will cause the schedule to be overwritten by PtolemyServer and FunctionalMockUpUnitExport)",
    2108             :                     ErrorsFound);
    2109             :             } else {
    2110           0 :                 GlobalNames::VerifyUniqueInterObjectName(
    2111           0 :                     state, state.dataScheduleMgr->UniqueScheduleNames, Alphas(1), CurrentModuleObject, cAlphaFields(1), ErrorsFound);
    2112             :             }
    2113             : 
    2114           0 :             ++SchNum;
    2115           0 :             state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(SchNum).Name = Alphas(1);
    2116           0 :             state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(SchNum).SchType = SchedType::ScheduleInput_external;
    2117             : 
    2118             :             // Validate ScheduleType
    2119           0 :             CheckIndex =
    2120           0 :                 UtilityRoutines::FindItemInList(Alphas(2), state.dataScheduleMgr->ScheduleType({1, state.dataScheduleMgr->NumScheduleTypes}));
    2121           0 :             if (CheckIndex == 0) {
    2122           0 :                 if (!lAlphaBlanks(2)) {
    2123           0 :                     ShowWarningError(state,
    2124           0 :                                      std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + Alphas(1) + "\", " + cAlphaFields(2) + "=\"" +
    2125           0 :                                          Alphas(2) + "\" not found -- will not be validated");
    2126             :                 } else {
    2127           0 :                     ShowWarningError(state,
    2128           0 :                                      std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + Alphas(1) + "\", Blank " + cAlphaFields(2) +
    2129             :                                          " input -- will not be validated.");
    2130             :                 }
    2131             :             } else {
    2132           0 :                 state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(SchNum).ScheduleTypePtr = CheckIndex;
    2133             :             }
    2134           0 :             ++AddWeekSch;
    2135           0 :             state.dataScheduleMgr->WeekSchedule(AddWeekSch).Name = Alphas(1);
    2136           0 :             state.dataScheduleMgr->WeekSchedule(AddWeekSch).Used = true;
    2137           0 :             for (Hr = 1; Hr <= 366; ++Hr) {
    2138           0 :                 state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(SchNum).WeekSchedulePointer(Hr) = AddWeekSch;
    2139             :             }
    2140           0 :             ++AddDaySch;
    2141           0 :             state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(AddDaySch).Name = Alphas(1);
    2142           0 :             state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(AddDaySch).ScheduleTypePtr = state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(SchNum).ScheduleTypePtr;
    2143           0 :             state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(AddDaySch).Used = true;
    2144           0 :             for (Hr = 1; Hr <= maxDayTypes; ++Hr) {
    2145           0 :                 state.dataScheduleMgr->WeekSchedule(AddWeekSch).DaySchedulePointer(Hr) = AddDaySch;
    2146             :             }
    2147             :             //   Initialize the ExternalInterface day schedule for the ExternalInterface compact schedule.
    2148             :             //   It will be overwritten during run time stepping after the warm up period
    2149           0 :             if (NumNumbers < 1) {
    2150           0 :                 ShowWarningError(state,
    2151           0 :                                  std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + Alphas(1) +
    2152             :                                      "\", initial value is not numeric or is missing. Fix idf file.");
    2153           0 :                 NumErrorFlag = true;
    2154             :             }
    2155           0 :             ExternalInterfaceSetSchedule(state, AddDaySch, Numbers(1));
    2156             :         }
    2157             : 
    2158             :         // Validate by ScheduleLimitsType
    2159       16769 :         for (SchNum = 1; SchNum <= state.dataScheduleMgr->NumSchedules; ++SchNum) {
    2160       15998 :             NumPointer = state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(SchNum).ScheduleTypePtr;
    2161       15998 :             if (!state.dataScheduleMgr->ScheduleType(NumPointer).Limited) continue;
    2162       24870 :             if (CheckScheduleValueMinMax(state,
    2163             :                                          SchNum,
    2164             :                                          ">=",
    2165       12435 :                                          state.dataScheduleMgr->ScheduleType(NumPointer).Minimum,
    2166             :                                          "<=",
    2167       12435 :                                          state.dataScheduleMgr->ScheduleType(NumPointer).Maximum))
    2168       12435 :                 continue;
    2169           0 :             ShowSevereError(state,
    2170           0 :                             format("{}Schedule=\"{}\" has values outside its Schedule Type ({}) range",
    2171             :                                    RoutineName,
    2172           0 :                                    state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(SchNum).Name,
    2173           0 :                                    state.dataScheduleMgr->ScheduleType(NumPointer).Name));
    2174           0 :             ShowContinueError(state,
    2175           0 :                               format("  Minimum should be >={:.3R} and Maximum should be <={:.3R}",
    2176           0 :                                      state.dataScheduleMgr->ScheduleType(NumPointer).Minimum,
    2177           0 :                                      state.dataScheduleMgr->ScheduleType(NumPointer).Maximum));
    2178           0 :             ErrorsFound = true;
    2179             :         }
    2180             : 
    2181         771 :         if (ErrorsFound) {
    2182           0 :             ShowFatalError(state, format("{}Preceding Errors cause termination.", RoutineName));
    2183             :         }
    2184             : 
    2185        2313 :         if (state.dataScheduleMgr->NumScheduleTypes + state.dataScheduleMgr->NumDaySchedules + state.dataScheduleMgr->NumWeekSchedules +
    2186        1542 :                 state.dataScheduleMgr->NumSchedules >
    2187             :             0) { // Report to EIO file
    2188         770 :             CurrentModuleObject = "Output:Schedules";
    2189         770 :             NumFields = state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getNumObjectsFound(state, CurrentModuleObject);
    2190             : 
    2191             :             //    RptSchedule=.FALSE.
    2192         770 :             RptLevel = 1;
    2193         793 :             for (Count = 1; Count <= NumFields; ++Count) {
    2194          23 :                 state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectItem(
    2195             :                     state, CurrentModuleObject, Count, Alphas, NumAlphas, Numbers, NumNumbers, Status);
    2196             :                 //      RptSchedule=.TRUE.
    2197             : 
    2198             :                 // IDD only allows Hourly or Timestep as valid values on the required field, anything else should be an error in the input processor
    2199             :                 OutputReportLevel reportLevel =
    2200          23 :                     static_cast<OutputReportLevel>(getEnumerationValue(outputScheduleReportLevelNamesUC, Alphas(1))); // NOLINT(modernize-use-auto)
    2201          23 :                 if (reportLevel == OutputReportLevel::Invalid) {
    2202           0 :                     ShowWarningError(state, format("{}Report for Schedules should specify \"HOURLY\" or \"TIMESTEP\" (\"DETAILED\")", RoutineName));
    2203           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "HOURLY report will be done");
    2204           0 :                     reportLevel = OutputReportLevel::Hourly;
    2205             :                 }
    2206          23 :                 ReportScheduleDetails(state, reportLevel);
    2207             :             }
    2208             :         }
    2209             : 
    2210         771 :         Alphas.deallocate();
    2211         771 :         cAlphaFields.deallocate();
    2212         771 :         cNumericFields.deallocate();
    2213         771 :         Numbers.deallocate();
    2214         771 :         lAlphaBlanks.deallocate();
    2215         771 :         lNumericBlanks.deallocate();
    2216             : 
    2217         771 :         print(state.files.audit, "{}\n", "  Processing Schedule Input -- Complete");
    2218             :     }
    2219             : 
    2220          23 :     void ReportScheduleDetails(EnergyPlusData &state,
    2221             :                                OutputReportLevel const LevelOfDetail) // =1: hourly; =2: timestep; = 3: make IDF excerpt
    2222             :     {
    2223             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    2224             :         //       AUTHOR         Linda K. Lawrie
    2225             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   January 2003
    2226             :         //       MODIFIED       February 2008 - add IDF outputs (compact schedules)
    2227             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
    2228             : 
    2229             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    2230             :         // This subroutine puts the details of the Schedules on the .eio file (Inits file).
    2231             : 
    2232             :         // SUBROUTINE PARAMETER DEFINITIONS:
    2233          23 :         constexpr std::array<std::string_view, 12> Months = {"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"};
    2234          23 :         constexpr std::array<std::string_view, 25> HrField = {"00", "01", "02", "03", "04", "05", "06", "07", "08", "09", "10", "11", "12",
    2235             :                                                               "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "22", "23", "24"};
    2236             : 
    2237             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
    2238             :         int NumF;
    2239             :         int PMon;
    2240             :         int PDay;
    2241          46 :         Array1D_string ShowMinute;
    2242          46 :         Array1D_string TimeHHMM;
    2243          46 :         std::string NoAverageLinear;
    2244          46 :         std::string YesNo2;
    2245          46 :         std::string Num1;
    2246          46 :         std::string Num2;
    2247          46 :         Array2D_string RoundTSValue;
    2248          23 :         std::string_view constexpr SchDFmtdata{",{}"};
    2249             : 
    2250          23 :         ShowMinute.allocate(state.dataGlobal->NumOfTimeStepInHour);
    2251          23 :         TimeHHMM.allocate(state.dataGlobal->NumOfTimeStepInHour * 24);
    2252          23 :         RoundTSValue.allocate(state.dataGlobal->NumOfTimeStepInHour, 24);
    2253          23 :         ShowMinute = std::string{};
    2254          23 :         TimeHHMM = std::string{};
    2255          23 :         RoundTSValue = std::string{};
    2256             : 
    2257          23 :         int CurMinute = state.dataGlobal->MinutesPerTimeStep;
    2258         128 :         for (int Count = 1; Count <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfTimeStepInHour - 1; ++Count) {
    2259         105 :             ShowMinute(Count) = format("{:02}", CurMinute);
    2260         105 :             CurMinute += state.dataGlobal->MinutesPerTimeStep;
    2261             :         }
    2262          23 :         ShowMinute(state.dataGlobal->NumOfTimeStepInHour) = "00";
    2263             : 
    2264          23 :         switch (LevelOfDetail) {
    2265          23 :         case OutputReportLevel::Hourly:
    2266             :         case OutputReportLevel::TimeStep:
    2267          23 :             NumF = 1;
    2268         575 :             for (int Hr = 1; Hr <= 24; ++Hr) {
    2269         552 :                 if (LevelOfDetail == OutputReportLevel::TimeStep) {
    2270        2784 :                     for (int TS = 1; TS <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfTimeStepInHour - 1; ++TS) {
    2271        2304 :                         TimeHHMM(NumF) = format("{}:{}", HrField[Hr - 1], ShowMinute(TS));
    2272        2304 :                         ++NumF;
    2273             :                     }
    2274             :                 }
    2275         552 :                 TimeHHMM(NumF) = format("{}:{}", HrField[Hr], ShowMinute(state.dataGlobal->NumOfTimeStepInHour));
    2276         552 :                 ++NumF;
    2277          23 :             }
    2278          23 :             --NumF;
    2279             : 
    2280             :             // SchTFmt Schedule Types Header
    2281             :             {
    2282          23 :                 std::string_view constexpr SchTFmt0("! Schedule Details Report={} =====================\n");
    2283          23 :                 std::string_view constexpr SchDFmt{",{}"};
    2284          23 :                 print(state.files.eio, SchTFmt0, outputScheduleReportLevelNames[static_cast<int>(LevelOfDetail)]);
    2285             : 
    2286          23 :                 std::string_view constexpr SchTFmt("! <ScheduleType>,Name,Limited? {Yes/No},Minimum,Maximum,Continuous? {Yes/No - Discrete}");
    2287          23 :                 print(state.files.eio, "{}\n", SchTFmt);
    2288          23 :                 std::string_view constexpr SchDFmt0("! <DaySchedule>,Name,ScheduleType,Interpolated {Yes/No},Time (HH:MM) =>");
    2289          23 :                 print(state.files.eio, "{}", SchDFmt0);
    2290        2879 :                 for (int Count = 1; Count <= NumF; ++Count) {
    2291        2856 :                     print(state.files.eio, SchDFmt, TimeHHMM(Count));
    2292             :                 }
    2293          23 :                 print(state.files.eio, "\n");
    2294             :                 // SchWFmt Header (WeekSchedule)
    2295          46 :                 std::string SchWFmt("! <WeekSchedule>,Name");
    2296         299 :                 for (int Count = 1; Count <= maxDayTypes; ++Count) {
    2297         276 :                     SchWFmt += "," + static_cast<std::string>(dayTypeNames[Count]);
    2298             :                 }
    2299          23 :                 print(state.files.eio, "{}\n", SchWFmt);
    2300          23 :                 std::string_view constexpr SchSFmt("! <Schedule>,Name,ScheduleType,{Until Date,WeekSchedule}** Repeated until Dec 31");
    2301          46 :                 print(state.files.eio, "{}\n", SchSFmt);
    2302             :             }
    2303             : 
    2304         164 :             for (int Count = 1; Count <= state.dataScheduleMgr->NumScheduleTypes; ++Count) {
    2305         141 :                 if (state.dataScheduleMgr->ScheduleType(Count).Limited) {
    2306         103 :                     NoAverageLinear = "Average";
    2307         103 :                     Num1 = format("{:.2R}", state.dataScheduleMgr->ScheduleType(Count).Minimum);
    2308         103 :                     strip(Num1);
    2309         103 :                     Num2 = format("{:.2R}", state.dataScheduleMgr->ScheduleType(Count).Maximum);
    2310         103 :                     strip(Num2);
    2311         103 :                     if (state.dataScheduleMgr->ScheduleType(Count).IsReal) {
    2312          66 :                         YesNo2 = "Yes";
    2313             :                     } else {
    2314          37 :                         YesNo2 = "No";
    2315          37 :                         Num1 = fmt::to_string(static_cast<int>(state.dataScheduleMgr->ScheduleType(Count).Minimum));
    2316          37 :                         Num2 = fmt::to_string(static_cast<int>(state.dataScheduleMgr->ScheduleType(Count).Maximum));
    2317             :                     }
    2318             :                 } else {
    2319          38 :                     NoAverageLinear = "No";
    2320          38 :                     Num1 = "N/A";
    2321          38 :                     Num2 = "N/A";
    2322          38 :                     YesNo2 = "N/A";
    2323             :                 }
    2324         141 :                 std::string_view constexpr SchTFmtdata("ScheduleTypeLimits,{},{},{},{},{}\n");
    2325         141 :                 print(state.files.eio, SchTFmtdata, state.dataScheduleMgr->ScheduleType(Count).Name, NoAverageLinear, Num1, Num2, YesNo2);
    2326          23 :             }
    2327             : 
    2328         946 :             for (int Count = 1; Count <= state.dataScheduleMgr->NumDaySchedules; ++Count) {
    2329         923 :                 NoAverageLinear = interpolationTypes[static_cast<int>(state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(Count).IntervalInterpolated)];
    2330       23075 :                 for (int Hr = 1; Hr <= 24; ++Hr) {
    2331      153000 :                     for (int TS = 1; TS <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfTimeStepInHour; ++TS) {
    2332      130848 :                         RoundTSValue(TS, Hr) = format("{:.2R}", state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(Count).TSValue(TS, Hr));
    2333             :                     }
    2334             :                 }
    2335         923 :                 std::string_view constexpr SchDFmtdata0("DaySchedule,{},{},{},{}");
    2336        1846 :                 print(state.files.eio,
    2337             :                       SchDFmtdata0,
    2338         923 :                       state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(Count).Name,
    2339         923 :                       state.dataScheduleMgr->ScheduleType(state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(Count).ScheduleTypePtr).Name,
    2340             :                       NoAverageLinear,
    2341             :                       "Values:");
    2342         923 :                 switch (LevelOfDetail) {
    2343          24 :                 case OutputReportLevel::Hourly:
    2344         600 :                     for (int Hr = 1; Hr <= 24; ++Hr) {
    2345         576 :                         print(state.files.eio, SchDFmtdata, RoundTSValue(state.dataGlobal->NumOfTimeStepInHour, Hr));
    2346          24 :                     }
    2347          24 :                     break;
    2348         899 :                 case OutputReportLevel::TimeStep:
    2349       22475 :                     for (int Hr = 1; Hr <= 24; ++Hr) {
    2350      150120 :                         for (int TS = 1; TS <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfTimeStepInHour; ++TS) {
    2351      128544 :                             print(state.files.eio, SchDFmtdata, RoundTSValue(TS, Hr));
    2352             :                         }
    2353         899 :                     }
    2354         899 :                     break;
    2355           0 :                 default:
    2356           0 :                     assert(false);
    2357             :                 }
    2358         923 :                 print(state.files.eio, "\n");
    2359          23 :             }
    2360             : 
    2361         674 :             for (int Count = 1; Count <= state.dataScheduleMgr->NumWeekSchedules; ++Count) {
    2362         651 :                 std::string_view constexpr SchWFmtdata("Schedule:Week:Daily,{}");
    2363         651 :                 print(state.files.eio, SchWFmtdata, state.dataScheduleMgr->WeekSchedule(Count).Name);
    2364        8463 :                 for (NumF = 1; NumF <= maxDayTypes; ++NumF) {
    2365       15624 :                     print(state.files.eio,
    2366             :                           ",{}",
    2367       15624 :                           state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(state.dataScheduleMgr->WeekSchedule(Count).DaySchedulePointer(NumF)).Name);
    2368             :                 }
    2369         651 :                 print(state.files.eio, "\n");
    2370          23 :             }
    2371             : 
    2372         666 :             for (int Count = 1; Count <= state.dataScheduleMgr->NumSchedules; ++Count) {
    2373         643 :                 NumF = 1;
    2374        1929 :                 print(state.files.eio,
    2375             :                       "Schedule,{},{}",
    2376         643 :                       state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(Count).Name,
    2377        1286 :                       state.dataScheduleMgr->ScheduleType(state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(Count).ScheduleTypePtr).Name);
    2378        1945 :                 while (NumF <= 366) {
    2379         651 :                     int TS = state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(Count).WeekSchedulePointer(NumF);
    2380         651 :                     std::string_view constexpr ThruFmt(",Through {} {:02},{}");
    2381      470041 :                     while (state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(Count).WeekSchedulePointer(NumF) == TS && NumF <= 366) {
    2382      235338 :                         if (NumF == 366) {
    2383         643 :                             General::InvOrdinalDay(NumF, PMon, PDay, 1);
    2384         643 :                             print(state.files.eio, ThruFmt, Months[PMon - 1], PDay, state.dataScheduleMgr->WeekSchedule(TS).Name);
    2385             :                         }
    2386      235338 :                         ++NumF;
    2387      235338 :                         if (NumF > 366) break; // compound If might have a problem unless this included.
    2388             :                     }
    2389         651 :                     if (NumF <= 366) {
    2390           8 :                         General::InvOrdinalDay(NumF - 1, PMon, PDay, 1);
    2391           8 :                         print(state.files.eio, ThruFmt, Months[PMon - 1], PDay, state.dataScheduleMgr->WeekSchedule(TS).Name);
    2392             :                     }
    2393             :                 }
    2394         643 :                 print(state.files.eio, "\n");
    2395          23 :             }
    2396          23 :             break;
    2397           0 :         default:
    2398           0 :             break;
    2399             :         }
    2400             : 
    2401             :         // So this section of the code was not accessible.  The input processor would never have let anything but hourly or timestep on the object
    2402             :         // This code is obviously not covered by any of our integration or unit tests.
    2403             :         //            for (Count = 1; Count <= state.dataScheduleMgr->NumSchedules; ++Count) {
    2404             :         //                print(state.files.debug, "\n");
    2405             :         //                print(state.files.debug, "  Schedule:Compact,\n");
    2406             :         //                print(state.files.debug, "    {},           !- Name\n", state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(Count).Name);
    2407             :         //                print(state.files.debug,
    2408             :         //                      "    {},          !- ScheduleTypeLimits\n",
    2409             :         //                      state.dataScheduleMgr->ScheduleType(state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(Count).ScheduleTypePtr).Name);
    2410             :         //                NumF = 1;
    2411             :         //                while (NumF <= 366) {
    2412             :         //                    TS = state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(Count).WeekSchedulePointer(NumF);
    2413             :         //                    while (state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(Count).WeekSchedulePointer(NumF) == TS && NumF <= 366) {
    2414             :         //                        if (NumF == 366) {
    2415             :         //                            General::InvOrdinalDay(NumF, PMon, PDay, 1);
    2416             :         //                            print(state.files.debug, "    Through: {}/{},\n", PMon, PDay);
    2417             :         //                            iDayP = 0;
    2418             :         //                            for (DT = 2; DT <= 6; ++DT) {
    2419             :         //                                print(state.files.debug, "    For: {},\n", ValidDayTypes(DT));
    2420             :         //                                iWeek = state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(Count).WeekSchedulePointer(NumF - 1);
    2421             :         //                                iDay = state.dataScheduleMgr->WeekSchedule(iWeek).DaySchedulePointer(DT);
    2422             :         //                                if (iDay != iDayP) {
    2423             :         //                                    for (Hr = 1; Hr <= 24; ++Hr) {
    2424             :         //                                        print(state.files.debug,
    2425             :         //                                              "    Until: {}:{},{:.2R},\n",
    2426             :         //                                              Hr,
    2427             :         //                                              ShowMinute(state.dataGlobal->NumOfTimeStepInHour),
    2428             :         //                                              state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(iDay).TSValue(state.dataGlobal->NumOfTimeStepInHour, Hr));
    2429             :         //                                    }
    2430             :         //                                } else {
    2431             :         //                                    print(state.files.debug, "    Same as previous\n");
    2432             :         //                                }
    2433             :         //                                iDayP = iDay;
    2434             :         //                            }
    2435             :         //                            DT = 1;
    2436             :         //                            print(state.files.debug, "    For: {},\n", ValidDayTypes(DT));
    2437             :         //                            iWeek = state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(Count).WeekSchedulePointer(NumF - 1);
    2438             :         //                            iDay = state.dataScheduleMgr->WeekSchedule(iWeek).DaySchedulePointer(DT);
    2439             :         //                            if (iDay != iDayP) {
    2440             :         //                                for (Hr = 1; Hr <= 24; ++Hr) {
    2441             :         //                                    print(state.files.debug,
    2442             :         //                                          "    Until: {}:{},{:.2R},\n",
    2443             :         //                                          Hr,
    2444             :         //                                          ShowMinute(state.dataGlobal->NumOfTimeStepInHour),
    2445             :         //                                          state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(iDay).TSValue(state.dataGlobal->NumOfTimeStepInHour, Hr));
    2446             :         //                                }
    2447             :         //                            } else {
    2448             :         //                                print(state.files.debug, "    Same as previous\n");
    2449             :         //                            }
    2450             :         //                            iDayP = iDay;
    2451             :         //                            for (DT = 7; DT <= MaxDayTypes; ++DT) {
    2452             :         //                                print(state.files.debug, "    For: {},\n", ValidDayTypes(DT));
    2453             :         //                                iWeek = state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(Count).WeekSchedulePointer(NumF - 1);
    2454             :         //                                iDay = state.dataScheduleMgr->WeekSchedule(iWeek).DaySchedulePointer(DT);
    2455             :         //                                if (iDay != iDayP) {
    2456             :         //                                    for (Hr = 1; Hr <= 24; ++Hr) {
    2457             :         //                                        print(state.files.debug,
    2458             :         //                                              "    Until: {}:{},{:.2R},\n",
    2459             :         //                                              Hr,
    2460             :         //                                              ShowMinute(state.dataGlobal->NumOfTimeStepInHour),
    2461             :         //                                              state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(iDay).TSValue(state.dataGlobal->NumOfTimeStepInHour, Hr));
    2462             :         //                                    }
    2463             :         //                                } else {
    2464             :         //                                    print(state.files.debug, "    Same as previous\n");
    2465             :         //                                }
    2466             :         //                                iDayP = iDay;
    2467             :         //                            }
    2468             :         //                        }
    2469             :         //                        ++NumF;
    2470             :         //                        if (NumF > 366) break; // compound If might have a problem unless this included.
    2471             :         //                    }
    2472             :         //                    if (NumF <= 366) {
    2473             :         //                        General::InvOrdinalDay(NumF - 1, PMon, PDay, 1);
    2474             :         //                        print(state.files.debug, "    Through: {}/{},\n", PMon, PDay);
    2475             :         //                        iDayP = 0;
    2476             :         //                        for (DT = 2; DT <= 6; ++DT) {
    2477             :         //                            print(state.files.debug, "    For: {},\n", ValidDayTypes(DT));
    2478             :         //                            iWeek = state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(Count).WeekSchedulePointer(NumF - 1);
    2479             :         //                            iDay = state.dataScheduleMgr->WeekSchedule(iWeek).DaySchedulePointer(DT);
    2480             :         //                            if (iDay != iDayP) {
    2481             :         //                                for (Hr = 1; Hr <= 24; ++Hr) {
    2482             :         //                                    print(state.files.debug,
    2483             :         //                                          "    Until: {}:{},{:.2R},\n",
    2484             :         //                                          Hr,
    2485             :         //                                          ShowMinute(state.dataGlobal->NumOfTimeStepInHour),
    2486             :         //                                          state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(iDay).TSValue(state.dataGlobal->NumOfTimeStepInHour, Hr));
    2487             :         //                                }
    2488             :         //                            } else {
    2489             :         //                                print(state.files.debug, "    Same as previous\n");
    2490             :         //                            }
    2491             :         //                            iDayP = iDay;
    2492             :         //                        }
    2493             :         //                        DT = 1;
    2494             :         //                        print(state.files.debug, "    For: {},\n", ValidDayTypes(DT));
    2495             :         //                        iWeek = state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(Count).WeekSchedulePointer(NumF - 1);
    2496             :         //                        iDay = state.dataScheduleMgr->WeekSchedule(iWeek).DaySchedulePointer(DT);
    2497             :         //                        if (iDay != iDayP) {
    2498             :         //                            for (Hr = 1; Hr <= 24; ++Hr) {
    2499             :         //                                print(state.files.debug,
    2500             :         //                                      "    Until: {}:{},{:.2R},\n",
    2501             :         //                                      Hr,
    2502             :         //                                      ShowMinute(state.dataGlobal->NumOfTimeStepInHour),
    2503             :         //                                      state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(iDay).TSValue(state.dataGlobal->NumOfTimeStepInHour, Hr));
    2504             :         //                            }
    2505             :         //                        } else {
    2506             :         //                            print(state.files.debug, "    Same as previous\n");
    2507             :         //                        }
    2508             :         //                        iDayP = iDay;
    2509             :         //                        for (DT = 7; DT <= MaxDayTypes; ++DT) {
    2510             :         //                            print(state.files.debug, "    For: {},\n", ValidDayTypes(DT));
    2511             :         //                            iWeek = state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(Count).WeekSchedulePointer(NumF - 1);
    2512             :         //                            iDay = state.dataScheduleMgr->WeekSchedule(iWeek).DaySchedulePointer(DT);
    2513             :         //                            if (iDay != iDayP) {
    2514             :         //                                for (Hr = 1; Hr <= 24; ++Hr) {
    2515             :         //                                    print(state.files.debug,
    2516             :         //                                          "    Until: {}:{},{:.2R},\n",
    2517             :         //                                          Hr,
    2518             :         //                                          ShowMinute(state.dataGlobal->NumOfTimeStepInHour),
    2519             :         //                                          state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(iDay).TSValue(state.dataGlobal->NumOfTimeStepInHour, Hr));
    2520             :         //                                }
    2521             :         //                            } else {
    2522             :         //                                print(state.files.debug, "    Same as previous\n");
    2523             :         //                            }
    2524             :         //                            iDayP = iDay;
    2525             :         //                        }
    2526             :         //                    }
    2527             :         //                }
    2528             :         //            }
    2529             : 
    2530          23 :         ShowMinute.deallocate();
    2531          23 :         TimeHHMM.deallocate();
    2532          23 :         RoundTSValue.deallocate();
    2533          23 :     }
    2534             : 
    2535  1425810255 :     Real64 GetCurrentScheduleValue(EnergyPlusData &state, int const ScheduleIndex)
    2536             :     {
    2537             :         // FUNCTION INFORMATION:
    2538             :         //       AUTHOR         Linda K. Lawrie
    2539             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   September 1997
    2540             :         //       MODIFIED       August 2011; adapt Autodesk changes (time reduction)
    2541             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
    2542             : 
    2543             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS FUNCTION:
    2544             :         // This function returns the hourly schedule value for the current day.
    2545             : 
    2546             :         // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
    2547             :         // Use internal Schedule data structure to return value.  Note that missing values in
    2548             :         // input will equate to 0 indices in arrays -- which has been set up to return legally with
    2549             :         // 0.0 values.
    2550             : 
    2551             :         // REFERENCES:
    2552             :         // na
    2553             : 
    2554             :         // USE STATEMENTS:
    2555             :         // na
    2556             : 
    2557             :         // Return value
    2558             : 
    2559             :         // Locals
    2560             :         // FUNCTION ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS:
    2561             : 
    2562             :         // FUNCTION PARAMETER DEFINITIONS:
    2563             :         // na
    2564             : 
    2565             :         // INTERFACE BLOCK SPECIFICATIONS
    2566             :         // na
    2567             : 
    2568             :         // DERIVED TYPE DEFINITIONS
    2569             :         // na
    2570             : 
    2571             :         // FUNCTION LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
    2572             :         // na
    2573             : 
    2574             :         // Checking if valid index is passed is necessary
    2575  1425810255 :         if (ScheduleIndex == -1) {
    2576   283141222 :             return 1.0;
    2577  1142669033 :         } else if (ScheduleIndex == 0) {
    2578      649965 :             return 0.0;
    2579  1142019068 :         } else if (!state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(ScheduleIndex).EMSActuatedOn) {
    2580  1141053564 :             return state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(ScheduleIndex)
    2581  1141053564 :                 .CurrentValue; // This block probably unecessary, UpdateScheduleValues already does it
    2582             :         } else {
    2583      965504 :             return state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(ScheduleIndex).EMSValue;
    2584             :         }
    2585             :     }
    2586             : 
    2587     5229481 :     void UpdateScheduleValues(EnergyPlusData &state)
    2588             :     {
    2589             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    2590             :         //       AUTHOR         Linda Lawrie
    2591             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   August 2011; adapted from Autodesk (time reduction)
    2592             :         //       MODIFIED       na
    2593             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
    2594             : 
    2595             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    2596             :         // This routine calculates all the scheduled values as a time reduction measure and
    2597             :         // stores them in the CurrentValue item of the schedule data structure.
    2598             : 
    2599             :         // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
    2600             :         // Use internal Schedule data structure to calculate current value.  Note that missing values in
    2601             :         // input will equate to 0 indices in arrays -- which has been set up to return legally with
    2602             :         // 0.0 values.
    2603             : 
    2604             :         // REFERENCES:
    2605             :         // na
    2606             : 
    2607             :         // Using/Aliasing
    2608             : 
    2609             :         // Locals
    2610             :         // SUBROUTINE ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS:
    2611             :         // na
    2612             : 
    2613             :         // SUBROUTINE PARAMETER DEFINITIONS:
    2614             :         // na
    2615             : 
    2616             :         // INTERFACE BLOCK SPECIFICATIONS:
    2617             :         // na
    2618             : 
    2619             :         // DERIVED TYPE DEFINITIONS:
    2620             :         // na
    2621             : 
    2622             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
    2623             : 
    2624     5229481 :         if (!state.dataScheduleMgr->ScheduleInputProcessed) {
    2625         699 :             ProcessScheduleInput(state);
    2626         699 :             state.dataScheduleMgr->ScheduleInputProcessed = true;
    2627             :         }
    2628             : 
    2629   123448443 :         for (int ScheduleIndex = 1; ScheduleIndex <= state.dataScheduleMgr->NumSchedules; ++ScheduleIndex) {
    2630   118218962 :             if (state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(ScheduleIndex).EMSActuatedOn) {
    2631      148069 :                 state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(ScheduleIndex).CurrentValue = state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(ScheduleIndex).EMSValue;
    2632             :             } else {
    2633   118070893 :                 state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(ScheduleIndex).CurrentValue =
    2634   118070893 :                     LookUpScheduleValue(state, ScheduleIndex, state.dataGlobal->HourOfDay, state.dataGlobal->TimeStep);
    2635             :             }
    2636             :         }
    2637     5229481 :     }
    2638             : 
    2639   123079624 :     Real64 LookUpScheduleValue(EnergyPlusData &state,
    2640             :                                int const ScheduleIndex,
    2641             :                                int const ThisHour,
    2642             :                                int const ThisTimeStep // Negative => unspecified
    2643             :     )
    2644             :     {
    2645             :         // FUNCTION INFORMATION:
    2646             :         //       AUTHOR         Linda K. Lawrie
    2647             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   January 2003
    2648             :         //       MODIFIED       na
    2649             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
    2650             : 
    2651             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS FUNCTION:
    2652             :         // This function provides a method to look up schedule values for any hour, timestep, day
    2653             :         // of the year (rather than just the "current time").
    2654             : 
    2655             :         // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
    2656             :         // na
    2657             : 
    2658             :         // REFERENCES:
    2659             :         // na
    2660             : 
    2661             :         // Using/Aliasing
    2662             : 
    2663             :         // Return value
    2664   123079624 :         Real64 scheduleValue(0.0);
    2665             : 
    2666             :         // Locals
    2667             :         // FUNCTION ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS:
    2668             : 
    2669             :         // FUNCTION PARAMETER DEFINITIONS:
    2670             :         // na
    2671             : 
    2672             :         // INTERFACE BLOCK SPECIFICATIONS
    2673             :         // na
    2674             : 
    2675             :         // DERIVED TYPE DEFINITIONS
    2676             :         // na
    2677             : 
    2678             :         // FUNCTION LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
    2679             : 
    2680   123079624 :         if (ThisHour > 24) {
    2681           0 :             ShowFatalError(state, format("LookUpScheduleValue called with thisHour={}", ThisHour));
    2682             :         }
    2683             : 
    2684   123079624 :         if (ScheduleIndex == -1) {
    2685           0 :             return 1.0;
    2686   123079624 :         } else if (ScheduleIndex == 0) {
    2687     1341647 :             return 0.0;
    2688             :         }
    2689             : 
    2690   121737977 :         if (!state.dataScheduleMgr->ScheduleInputProcessed) {
    2691           0 :             ProcessScheduleInput(state);
    2692           0 :             state.dataScheduleMgr->ScheduleInputProcessed = true;
    2693             :         }
    2694             : 
    2695             :         //  so, current date, but maybe TimeStep added
    2696             : 
    2697             :         // Hourly Value
    2698   121737977 :         int thisHour = ThisHour + state.dataEnvrn->DSTIndicator * state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(ScheduleIndex).UseDaylightSaving;
    2699             : 
    2700   121737977 :         int thisDayOfYear = state.dataEnvrn->DayOfYear_Schedule;
    2701   121737977 :         int thisDayOfWeek = state.dataEnvrn->DayOfWeek;
    2702   121737977 :         int thisHolidayIndex = state.dataEnvrn->HolidayIndex;
    2703   121737977 :         if (thisHour > 24) { // In case HourOfDay is 24 and DSTIndicator is 1, you're actually the next day
    2704       42064 :             thisDayOfYear += 1;
    2705       42064 :             thisHour -= 24;
    2706       42064 :             thisDayOfWeek = state.dataEnvrn->DayOfWeekTomorrow;
    2707       42064 :             thisHolidayIndex = state.dataEnvrn->HolidayIndexTomorrow;
    2708             :         }
    2709             : 
    2710             :         // In the case where DST is applied on 12/31 at 24:00, which is the case for a Southern Hemisphere location for eg
    2711             :         // (DayOfYear_Schedule is a bit weird, ScheduleManager always assumes LeapYear)
    2712   121737977 :         if (thisDayOfYear == 367) {
    2713           0 :             thisDayOfYear = 1;
    2714             :         }
    2715             : 
    2716   121737977 :         int WeekSchedulePointer = state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(ScheduleIndex).WeekSchedulePointer(thisDayOfYear);
    2717             :         int DaySchedulePointer;
    2718             : 
    2719   121737977 :         if (thisHolidayIndex > 0) {
    2720   115832368 :             DaySchedulePointer = state.dataScheduleMgr->WeekSchedule(WeekSchedulePointer).DaySchedulePointer(thisHolidayIndex);
    2721             :         } else {
    2722     5905609 :             DaySchedulePointer = state.dataScheduleMgr->WeekSchedule(WeekSchedulePointer).DaySchedulePointer(thisDayOfWeek);
    2723             :         }
    2724             : 
    2725             :         // If Unspecified or equal to zero, use NumOfTimeStepInHour, otherwise use supplied
    2726   121737977 :         int thisTimeStep = ThisTimeStep > 0 ? ThisTimeStep : state.dataGlobal->NumOfTimeStepInHour;
    2727   121737977 :         scheduleValue = state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(DaySchedulePointer).TSValue(thisTimeStep, thisHour);
    2728             : 
    2729   121737977 :         return scheduleValue;
    2730             :     }
    2731             : 
    2732      134134 :     int GetScheduleIndex(EnergyPlusData &state, std::string const &ScheduleName)
    2733             :     {
    2734             :         // FUNCTION INFORMATION:
    2735             :         //       AUTHOR         Linda K. Lawrie
    2736             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   September 1997
    2737             :         //       MODIFIED       na
    2738             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
    2739             : 
    2740             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS FUNCTION:
    2741             :         // This function returns the internal pointer to Schedule "ScheduleName".
    2742             : 
    2743             :         // Return value
    2744             :         int GetScheduleIndex;
    2745             : 
    2746             :         // FUNCTION LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
    2747             :         int DayCtr;
    2748             :         int WeekCtr;
    2749             : 
    2750      134134 :         if (!state.dataScheduleMgr->ScheduleInputProcessed) {
    2751          70 :             ProcessScheduleInput(state);
    2752          70 :             state.dataScheduleMgr->ScheduleInputProcessed = true;
    2753             :         }
    2754             : 
    2755      134134 :         if (state.dataScheduleMgr->NumSchedules > 0) {
    2756      134114 :             GetScheduleIndex =
    2757      268228 :                 UtilityRoutines::FindItemInList(ScheduleName, state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule({1, state.dataScheduleMgr->NumSchedules}));
    2758      134114 :             if (GetScheduleIndex > 0) {
    2759       70014 :                 if (!state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(GetScheduleIndex).Used) {
    2760       15287 :                     state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(GetScheduleIndex).Used = true;
    2761     5610329 :                     for (WeekCtr = 1; WeekCtr <= 366; ++WeekCtr) {
    2762     5595042 :                         if (state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(GetScheduleIndex).WeekSchedulePointer(WeekCtr) > 0) {
    2763     5595042 :                             state.dataScheduleMgr->WeekSchedule(state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(GetScheduleIndex).WeekSchedulePointer(WeekCtr)).Used =
    2764             :                                 true;
    2765    72735546 :                             for (DayCtr = 1; DayCtr <= maxDayTypes; ++DayCtr) {
    2766             :                                 state.dataScheduleMgr
    2767    67140504 :                                     ->DaySchedule(state.dataScheduleMgr
    2768    67140504 :                                                       ->WeekSchedule(state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(GetScheduleIndex).WeekSchedulePointer(WeekCtr))
    2769   134281008 :                                                       .DaySchedulePointer(DayCtr))
    2770    67140504 :                                     .Used = true;
    2771             :                             }
    2772             :                         }
    2773             :                     }
    2774             :                 }
    2775             :             }
    2776             :         } else {
    2777          20 :             GetScheduleIndex = 0;
    2778             :         }
    2779             : 
    2780      134134 :         return GetScheduleIndex;
    2781             :     }
    2782             : 
    2783       19060 :     std::string GetScheduleType(EnergyPlusData &state, int const ScheduleIndex)
    2784             :     {
    2785             :         // FUNCTION INFORMATION:
    2786             :         //       AUTHOR         Jason Glazer
    2787             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   July 2007
    2788             :         //       MODIFIED       na
    2789             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
    2790             : 
    2791             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS FUNCTION:
    2792             :         // This function returns the internal pointer to Schedule "ScheduleName".
    2793             : 
    2794             :         // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
    2795             :         // na
    2796             : 
    2797             :         // REFERENCES:
    2798             :         // na
    2799             : 
    2800             :         // USE STATEMENTS:
    2801             : 
    2802             :         // Return value
    2803       19060 :         std::string TypeOfSchedule;
    2804             : 
    2805             :         // Locals
    2806             :         // FUNCTION ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS:
    2807             : 
    2808             :         // FUNCTION PARAMETER DEFINITIONS:
    2809             :         // na
    2810             : 
    2811             :         // INTERFACE BLOCK SPECIFICATIONS
    2812             :         // na
    2813             : 
    2814             :         // DERIVED TYPE DEFINITIONS
    2815             :         // na
    2816             : 
    2817             :         // FUNCTION LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
    2818             :         int curSchType;
    2819             : 
    2820       19060 :         if (!state.dataScheduleMgr->ScheduleInputProcessed) {
    2821           0 :             ProcessScheduleInput(state);
    2822           0 :             state.dataScheduleMgr->ScheduleInputProcessed = true;
    2823             :         }
    2824             : 
    2825       19060 :         if ((ScheduleIndex > 0) && (ScheduleIndex <= state.dataScheduleMgr->NumSchedules)) {
    2826       19060 :             curSchType = state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(ScheduleIndex).ScheduleTypePtr;
    2827       19060 :             if ((curSchType > 0) && (curSchType <= state.dataScheduleMgr->NumScheduleTypes)) {
    2828       18898 :                 TypeOfSchedule = state.dataScheduleMgr->ScheduleType(curSchType).Name;
    2829             :             } else {
    2830         162 :                 TypeOfSchedule = "";
    2831             :             }
    2832             :         } else {
    2833           0 :             TypeOfSchedule = "";
    2834             :         }
    2835       19060 :         return TypeOfSchedule;
    2836             :     }
    2837             : 
    2838          21 :     int GetDayScheduleIndex(EnergyPlusData &state, std::string &ScheduleName)
    2839             :     {
    2840             :         // FUNCTION INFORMATION:
    2841             :         //       AUTHOR         Linda K. Lawrie
    2842             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   August 2003
    2843             :         //       MODIFIED       na
    2844             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
    2845             : 
    2846             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS FUNCTION:
    2847             :         // This function returns the internal pointer to Day Schedule "ScheduleName".
    2848             : 
    2849             :         // Return value
    2850             :         int GetDayScheduleIndex;
    2851             : 
    2852          21 :         if (!state.dataScheduleMgr->ScheduleInputProcessed) {
    2853           2 :             ProcessScheduleInput(state);
    2854           2 :             state.dataScheduleMgr->ScheduleInputProcessed = true;
    2855             :         }
    2856             : 
    2857          21 :         if (state.dataScheduleMgr->NumDaySchedules > 0) {
    2858          21 :             GetDayScheduleIndex =
    2859          42 :                 UtilityRoutines::FindItemInList(ScheduleName, state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule({1, state.dataScheduleMgr->NumDaySchedules}));
    2860          21 :             if (GetDayScheduleIndex > 0) {
    2861          21 :                 state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(GetDayScheduleIndex).Used = true;
    2862             :             }
    2863             :         } else {
    2864           0 :             GetDayScheduleIndex = 0;
    2865             :         }
    2866             : 
    2867          21 :         return GetDayScheduleIndex;
    2868             :     }
    2869             : 
    2870       33298 :     void GetScheduleValuesForDay(
    2871             :         EnergyPlusData &state, int const ScheduleIndex, Array2S<Real64> DayValues, Optional_int_const JDay, Optional_int_const CurDayofWeek)
    2872             :     {
    2873             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    2874             :         //       AUTHOR         Linda K. Lawrie
    2875             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   September 1997
    2876             :         //       MODIFIED       na
    2877             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
    2878             : 
    2879             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    2880             :         // This subroutine returns an entire day's worth of schedule values.
    2881             : 
    2882             :         // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
    2883             :         // Use internal data to fill DayValues array.
    2884             : 
    2885             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
    2886             :         int WeekSchedulePointer;
    2887             :         int DaySchedulePointer;
    2888             : 
    2889       33298 :         if (!state.dataScheduleMgr->ScheduleInputProcessed) {
    2890           0 :             ProcessScheduleInput(state);
    2891           0 :             state.dataScheduleMgr->ScheduleInputProcessed = true;
    2892             :         }
    2893             : 
    2894       33298 :         if (ScheduleIndex == -1) {
    2895           0 :             DayValues({1, state.dataGlobal->NumOfTimeStepInHour}, {1, 24}) = 1.0;
    2896           0 :             return;
    2897       33298 :         } else if (ScheduleIndex == 0) {
    2898          32 :             DayValues({1, state.dataGlobal->NumOfTimeStepInHour}, {1, 24}) = 0.0;
    2899          32 :             return;
    2900             :         }
    2901             : 
    2902             :         // Determine which Week Schedule is used
    2903       33266 :         if (!present(JDay)) {
    2904       28072 :             WeekSchedulePointer = state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(ScheduleIndex).WeekSchedulePointer(state.dataEnvrn->DayOfYear_Schedule);
    2905             :         } else {
    2906        5194 :             WeekSchedulePointer = state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(ScheduleIndex).WeekSchedulePointer(JDay);
    2907             :         }
    2908             : 
    2909             :         // Now, which day?
    2910       33266 :         if (!present(CurDayofWeek)) {
    2911       28224 :             if (state.dataEnvrn->HolidayIndex > 0) {
    2912       28224 :                 DaySchedulePointer = state.dataScheduleMgr->WeekSchedule(WeekSchedulePointer).DaySchedulePointer(state.dataEnvrn->HolidayIndex);
    2913             :             } else {
    2914           0 :                 DaySchedulePointer = state.dataScheduleMgr->WeekSchedule(WeekSchedulePointer).DaySchedulePointer(state.dataEnvrn->DayOfWeek);
    2915             :             }
    2916        5042 :         } else if (CurDayofWeek <= 7 && state.dataEnvrn->HolidayIndex > 0) {
    2917        5042 :             DaySchedulePointer = state.dataScheduleMgr->WeekSchedule(WeekSchedulePointer).DaySchedulePointer(state.dataEnvrn->HolidayIndex);
    2918             :         } else {
    2919           0 :             DaySchedulePointer = state.dataScheduleMgr->WeekSchedule(WeekSchedulePointer).DaySchedulePointer(CurDayofWeek);
    2920             :         }
    2921             : 
    2922             :         // Return Values
    2923       33266 :         DayValues({1, state.dataGlobal->NumOfTimeStepInHour}, {1, 24}) = state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(DaySchedulePointer).TSValue;
    2924             :     }
    2925             : 
    2926          20 :     void GetSingleDayScheduleValues(EnergyPlusData &state,
    2927             :                                     int const DayScheduleIndex, // Index of the DaySchedule for values
    2928             :                                     Array2S<Real64> DayValues   // Returned set of values
    2929             :     )
    2930             :     {
    2931             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    2932             :         //       AUTHOR         Linda K. Lawrie
    2933             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   August 2003
    2934             :         //       MODIFIED       na
    2935             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
    2936             : 
    2937             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    2938             :         // This subroutine returns an entire day's worth of schedule values for a specified Day Schedule Index item.
    2939             : 
    2940             :         // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
    2941             :         // Use internal data to fill DayValues array.
    2942             : 
    2943             :         // REFERENCES:
    2944             :         // na
    2945             : 
    2946             :         // USE STATEMENTS:
    2947             :         // na
    2948             : 
    2949             :         // Argument array dimensioning
    2950             : 
    2951             :         // Locals
    2952             :         // SUBROUTINE ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS:
    2953             : 
    2954             :         // SUBROUTINE PARAMETER DEFINITIONS:
    2955             :         // na
    2956             : 
    2957             :         // INTERFACE BLOCK SPECIFICATIONS
    2958             :         // na
    2959             : 
    2960             :         // DERIVED TYPE DEFINITIONS
    2961             :         // na
    2962             : 
    2963             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
    2964             :         // na
    2965             : 
    2966          20 :         if (!state.dataScheduleMgr->ScheduleInputProcessed) {
    2967           0 :             ProcessScheduleInput(state);
    2968           0 :             state.dataScheduleMgr->ScheduleInputProcessed = true;
    2969             :         }
    2970             : 
    2971             :         // Return Values
    2972          20 :         DayValues({1, state.dataGlobal->NumOfTimeStepInHour}, {1, 24}) = state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(DayScheduleIndex).TSValue;
    2973          20 :     }
    2974             : 
    2975           2 :     void ExternalInterfaceSetSchedule(EnergyPlusData &state,
    2976             :                                       int &ScheduleIndex,
    2977             :                                       Real64 &Value // The new value for the schedule
    2978             :     )
    2979             :     {
    2980             :         // FUNCTION INFORMATION:
    2981             :         //       AUTHOR         Michael Wetter
    2982             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   February 2010
    2983             :         //       MODIFIED       na
    2984             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
    2985             : 
    2986             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    2987             :         // This subroutine sets all values of the schedule referenced by 'ScheduleIndex'
    2988             :         // to the value specified by 'Value'. The subroutine is used by the ExternalInterface to
    2989             :         // write real-time data into a schedule so that EnergyPlus modules can use
    2990             :         // real-time data by referencing a schedule. This allows overwriting setpoint
    2991             :         // for supervisory controls or internal gains obtained from real-time occupancy
    2992             :         // measurements.
    2993             : 
    2994             :         // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
    2995             :         // na
    2996             : 
    2997             :         // REFERENCES:
    2998             :         // na
    2999             : 
    3000             :         // Using/Aliasing
    3001             :         // Locals
    3002             :         // FUNCTION ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS:
    3003             : 
    3004             :         // FUNCTION PARAMETER DEFINITIONS:
    3005             :         // na
    3006             : 
    3007             :         // INTERFACE BLOCK SPECIFICATIONS
    3008             :         // na
    3009             : 
    3010             :         // DERIVED TYPE DEFINITIONS
    3011             :         // na
    3012             : 
    3013             :         // FUNCTION LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
    3014             :         int TS; // Counter for Num Of Time Steps in Hour
    3015             :         int Hr; // Hour Counter
    3016             : 
    3017             :         // Assign the value of the variable
    3018          50 :         for (Hr = 1; Hr <= 24; ++Hr) {
    3019         240 :             for (TS = 1; TS <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfTimeStepInHour; ++TS) {
    3020         192 :                 state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(ScheduleIndex).TSValue(TS, Hr) = Value;
    3021             :             }
    3022             :         }
    3023           2 :     }
    3024             : 
    3025       32533 :     void ProcessIntervalFields(EnergyPlusData &state,
    3026             :                                Array1S_string const Untils,
    3027             :                                Array1S<Real64> const Numbers,
    3028             :                                int const NumUntils,
    3029             :                                int const NumNumbers,
    3030             :                                Array2A<Real64> MinuteValue,
    3031             :                                Array2A_bool SetMinuteValue,
    3032             :                                bool &ErrorsFound,
    3033             :                                std::string const &DayScheduleName,     // Name (used for errors)
    3034             :                                std::string const &ErrContext,          // Context (used for errors)
    3035             :                                ScheduleInterpolation interpolationKind // enumeration on how to interpolate values in schedule
    3036             :     )
    3037             :     {
    3038             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    3039             :         //       AUTHOR         <author>
    3040             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   <date_written>
    3041             :         //       MODIFIED       na
    3042             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
    3043             : 
    3044             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    3045             :         // This subroutine processes the "interval" fields with/without optional "until" in front of
    3046             :         // time (hh:mm).
    3047             : 
    3048             :         // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
    3049             :         // na.
    3050             : 
    3051             :         // REFERENCES:
    3052             :         // na
    3053             : 
    3054             :         // USE STATEMENTS:
    3055             :         // na
    3056             : 
    3057             :         // Argument array dimensioning
    3058       32533 :         MinuteValue.dim(60, 24);
    3059       32533 :         SetMinuteValue.dim(60, 24);
    3060             : 
    3061             :         // Locals
    3062             :         // SUBROUTINE ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS:
    3063             : 
    3064             :         // SUBROUTINE PARAMETER DEFINITIONS:
    3065             :         // na
    3066             : 
    3067             :         // INTERFACE BLOCK SPECIFICATIONS
    3068             :         // na
    3069             : 
    3070             :         // DERIVED TYPE DEFINITIONS
    3071             :         // na
    3072             : 
    3073             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
    3074             :         int Count;
    3075             :         std::string::size_type Pos;
    3076             :         int HHField;
    3077             :         int MMField;
    3078             :         int Hr;
    3079             :         int Min;
    3080             :         int SHr;  // starting hour
    3081             :         int SMin; // starting minute
    3082             :         int EHr;  // ending hour
    3083             :         int EMin; // ending minute
    3084             :         std::string::size_type sFld;
    3085             :         int totalMinutes;
    3086             :         Real64 incrementPerMinute;
    3087             :         Real64 curValue;
    3088             : 
    3089       32533 :         MinuteValue = 0.0;
    3090       32533 :         SetMinuteValue = false;
    3091       32533 :         SHr = 1;
    3092       32533 :         SMin = 1;
    3093       32533 :         EHr = 0;
    3094       32533 :         EMin = 0;
    3095       32533 :         sFld = 0;
    3096             : 
    3097       32533 :         Real64 StartValue = 0;
    3098       32533 :         Real64 EndValue = 0;
    3099             : 
    3100       32533 :         if (NumUntils != NumNumbers) {
    3101           0 :             ShowSevereError(state,
    3102           0 :                             "ProcessScheduleInput: ProcessIntervalFields, number of Time fields does not match number of value fields, " +
    3103           0 :                                 ErrContext + '=' + DayScheduleName);
    3104           0 :             ErrorsFound = true;
    3105           0 :             return;
    3106             :         }
    3107             : 
    3108      110988 :         for (Count = 1; Count <= NumUntils; ++Count) {
    3109       78455 :             Pos = index(Untils(Count), "UNTIL");
    3110       78455 :             if (Pos == 0) {
    3111       76317 :                 if (Untils(Count)[5] == ':') {
    3112       76301 :                     sFld = 6;
    3113             :                 } else {
    3114          16 :                     sFld = 5;
    3115             :                 }
    3116       76317 :                 DecodeHHMMField(state, Untils(Count).substr(sFld), HHField, MMField, ErrorsFound, DayScheduleName, Untils(Count), interpolationKind);
    3117        2138 :             } else if (Pos == std::string::npos) {
    3118        2138 :                 DecodeHHMMField(state, Untils(Count), HHField, MMField, ErrorsFound, DayScheduleName, Untils(Count), interpolationKind);
    3119             :             } else { // Until found but wasn't first field
    3120           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state, "ProcessScheduleInput: ProcessIntervalFields, Invalid \"Until\" field encountered=" + Untils(Count));
    3121           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "Occurred in Day Schedule=" + DayScheduleName);
    3122           0 :                 ErrorsFound = true;
    3123           0 :                 continue;
    3124             :             }
    3125             :             // Field decoded
    3126       78455 :             if (HHField < 0 || HHField > 24 || MMField < 0 || MMField > 60) {
    3127           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state, "ProcessScheduleInput: ProcessIntervalFields, Invalid \"Until\" field encountered=" + Untils(Count));
    3128           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "Occurred in Day Schedule=" + DayScheduleName);
    3129           0 :                 ErrorsFound = true;
    3130           0 :                 continue;
    3131             :             }
    3132       78455 :             if (HHField == 24 && MMField > 0 && MMField < 60) {
    3133           0 :                 ShowWarningError(state, "ProcessScheduleInput: ProcessIntervalFields, Invalid \"Until\" field encountered=" + Untils(Count));
    3134           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "Occurred in Day Schedule=" + DayScheduleName);
    3135           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "Terminating the field at 24:00");
    3136           0 :                 MMField = 0;
    3137             :             }
    3138             : 
    3139             :             // Fill in values
    3140       78455 :             if (MMField == 0) {
    3141       77617 :                 EHr = HHField + 1;
    3142       77617 :                 EMin = 60;
    3143             :             }
    3144       78455 :             if (MMField < 60) {
    3145       78455 :                 EHr = HHField + 1;
    3146       78455 :                 EMin = MMField;
    3147             :             }
    3148             : 
    3149       78455 :             if (interpolationKind == ScheduleInterpolation::Linear) {
    3150           0 :                 totalMinutes = (EHr - SHr) * 60 + (EMin - SMin) + 1;
    3151           0 :                 if (totalMinutes == 0) totalMinutes = 1; // protect future division
    3152           0 :                 if (Count == 1) {
    3153           0 :                     StartValue = Numbers(Count); // assume first period is flat
    3154           0 :                     EndValue = Numbers(Count);
    3155             :                 } else {
    3156           0 :                     StartValue = EndValue;
    3157           0 :                     EndValue = Numbers(Count);
    3158             :                 }
    3159           0 :                 incrementPerMinute = (EndValue - StartValue) / totalMinutes;
    3160           0 :                 curValue = StartValue + incrementPerMinute;
    3161             :             }
    3162             : 
    3163       78455 :             if (SHr == EHr) {
    3164       15784 :                 for (Min = SMin; Min <= EMin; ++Min) {
    3165       15088 :                     if (SetMinuteValue(Min, SHr)) {
    3166           0 :                         ShowSevereError(state,
    3167           0 :                                         "ProcessScheduleInput: ProcessIntervalFields, Processing time fields, overlapping times detected, " +
    3168           0 :                                             ErrContext + '=' + DayScheduleName);
    3169           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
    3170           0 :                         goto UntilLoop_exit;
    3171             :                     }
    3172       15088 :                     if (interpolationKind == ScheduleInterpolation::Linear) {
    3173           0 :                         MinuteValue(Min, EHr) = curValue;
    3174           0 :                         curValue += incrementPerMinute;
    3175           0 :                         SetMinuteValue(Min, SHr) = true;
    3176             :                     } else {
    3177       15088 :                         MinuteValue(Min, SHr) = Numbers(Count);
    3178       15088 :                         SetMinuteValue(Min, SHr) = true;
    3179             :                     }
    3180             :                 }
    3181         696 :                 SMin = EMin + 1;
    3182         696 :                 if (SMin > 60) {
    3183           0 :                     ++SHr;
    3184           0 :                     SMin = 1;
    3185             :                 }
    3186       77759 :             } else if (EHr < SHr) {
    3187           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state,
    3188           0 :                                 "ProcessScheduleInput: ProcessIntervalFields, Processing time fields, overlapping times detected, " + ErrContext +
    3189           0 :                                     '=' + DayScheduleName);
    3190           0 :                 ErrorsFound = true;
    3191             :             } else {
    3192       77759 :                 if (interpolationKind == ScheduleInterpolation::Linear) {
    3193           0 :                     for (Min = SMin; Min <= 60; ++Min) { // for portion of starting hour
    3194           0 :                         MinuteValue(Min, SHr) = curValue;
    3195           0 :                         curValue += incrementPerMinute;
    3196           0 :                         SetMinuteValue(Min, SHr) = true;
    3197             :                     }
    3198           0 :                     for (Hr = SHr + 1; Hr <= EHr - 1; ++Hr) { // for intermediate hours
    3199           0 :                         for (Min = 1; Min <= 60; ++Min) {
    3200           0 :                             MinuteValue(Min, Hr) = curValue;
    3201           0 :                             curValue += incrementPerMinute;
    3202           0 :                             SetMinuteValue(Min, Hr) = true;
    3203             :                         }
    3204             :                     }
    3205           0 :                     for (Min = 1; Min <= EMin; ++Min) { // for ending hour
    3206           0 :                         MinuteValue(Min, EHr) = curValue;
    3207           0 :                         curValue += incrementPerMinute;
    3208           0 :                         SetMinuteValue(Min, EHr) = true;
    3209             :                     }
    3210             :                 } else { // either no interpolation or "average" interpolation (average just is when the interval does not match the timestep)
    3211     4724037 :                     for (Min = SMin; Min <= 60; ++Min) { // for portion of starting hour
    3212     4646278 :                         MinuteValue(Min, SHr) = Numbers(Count);
    3213     4646278 :                         SetMinuteValue(Min, SHr) = true;
    3214             :                     }
    3215      780792 :                     for (Hr = SHr + 1; Hr <= EHr - 1; ++Hr) { // for intermediate hours
    3216      703033 :                         MinuteValue(_, Hr) = Numbers(Count);
    3217      703033 :                         SetMinuteValue(_, Hr) = true;
    3218             :                     }
    3219       81933 :                     for (Min = 1; Min <= EMin; ++Min) { // for ending hour
    3220        4174 :                         MinuteValue(Min, EHr) = Numbers(Count);
    3221        4174 :                         SetMinuteValue(Min, EHr) = true;
    3222             :                     }
    3223             :                 }
    3224       77759 :                 SHr = EHr;
    3225       77759 :                 SMin = EMin + 1;
    3226       77759 :                 if (SMin > 60) {
    3227           0 :                     ++SHr;
    3228           0 :                     SMin = 1;
    3229             :                 }
    3230             :             }
    3231             :         }
    3232       32533 :     UntilLoop_exit:;
    3233             : 
    3234       32533 :         if (!all(SetMinuteValue)) {
    3235           0 :             ShowSevereError(state,
    3236           0 :                             "ProcessScheduleInput: ProcessIntervalFields, Processing time fields, incomplete day detected, " + ErrContext + '=' +
    3237             :                                 DayScheduleName);
    3238           0 :             ErrorsFound = true;
    3239             :         }
    3240             :     }
    3241             : 
    3242       78455 :     void DecodeHHMMField(EnergyPlusData &state,
    3243             :                          std::string const &FieldValue,          // Input field value
    3244             :                          int &RetHH,                             // Returned "hour"
    3245             :                          int &RetMM,                             // Returned "minute"
    3246             :                          bool &ErrorsFound,                      // True if errors found in this field
    3247             :                          std::string const &DayScheduleName,     // originating day schedule name
    3248             :                          std::string const &FullFieldValue,      // Full Input field value
    3249             :                          ScheduleInterpolation interpolationKind // enumeration on how to interpolate values in schedule
    3250             :     )
    3251             :     {
    3252             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    3253             :         //       AUTHOR         Linda K Lawrie
    3254             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   January 2003
    3255             :         //       MODIFIED       na
    3256             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
    3257             : 
    3258             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    3259             :         // This subroutine decodes a hhmm date field input as part of the "until" time in a schedule
    3260             :         // representation.
    3261             : 
    3262             :         // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
    3263             :         // na
    3264             : 
    3265             :         // REFERENCES:
    3266             :         // na
    3267             : 
    3268             :         // USE STATEMENTS:
    3269             :         // na
    3270             : 
    3271             :         // Locals
    3272             :         // SUBROUTINE ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS:
    3273             : 
    3274             :         // SUBROUTINE PARAMETER DEFINITIONS:
    3275             : 
    3276             :         // INTERFACE BLOCK SPECIFICATIONS
    3277             :         // na
    3278             : 
    3279             :         // DERIVED TYPE DEFINITIONS
    3280             :         // na
    3281             : 
    3282             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
    3283             :         Real64 rRetHH; // real Returned "hour"
    3284             :         Real64 rRetMM; // real Returned "minute"
    3285             :         bool nonIntegral;
    3286      156910 :         std::string hHour;
    3287      156910 :         std::string mMinute;
    3288             : 
    3289      156910 :         std::string String = stripped(FieldValue);
    3290       78455 :         std::string::size_type const Pos = index(String, ':');
    3291       78455 :         nonIntegral = false;
    3292       78455 :         if (Pos == std::string::npos) {
    3293           0 :             ShowSevereError(state,
    3294           0 :                             "ProcessScheduleInput: DecodeHHMMField, Invalid \"until\" field submitted (no : separator in hh:mm)=" +
    3295           0 :                                 stripped(FullFieldValue));
    3296           0 :             ShowContinueError(state, "Occurred in Day Schedule=" + DayScheduleName);
    3297           0 :             ErrorsFound = true;
    3298           0 :             return;
    3299       78455 :         } else if (Pos == 0) {
    3300           0 :             RetHH = 0;
    3301             :         } else {
    3302       78455 :             bool error = false;
    3303       78455 :             rRetHH = UtilityRoutines::ProcessNumber(String.substr(0, Pos), error);
    3304       78455 :             RetHH = int(rRetHH);
    3305       78455 :             if (double(RetHH) != rRetHH || error || rRetHH < 0.0) {
    3306           0 :                 if (double(RetHH) != rRetHH && rRetHH >= 0.0) {
    3307           0 :                     ShowWarningError(state,
    3308           0 :                                      "ProcessScheduleInput: DecodeHHMMField, Invalid \"until\" field submitted (non-integer numeric in HH)=" +
    3309           0 :                                          stripped(FullFieldValue));
    3310           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "Other errors may result. Occurred in Day Schedule=" + DayScheduleName);
    3311           0 :                     nonIntegral = true;
    3312             :                 } else {
    3313           0 :                     ShowSevereError(state,
    3314           0 :                                     "ProcessScheduleInput: DecodeHHMMField, Invalid \"until\" field submitted (invalid numeric in HH)=" +
    3315           0 :                                         stripped(FullFieldValue));
    3316           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "Field values must be integer and represent hours:minutes. Occurred in Day Schedule=" + DayScheduleName);
    3317           0 :                     ErrorsFound = true;
    3318           0 :                     return;
    3319             :                 }
    3320             :             }
    3321             :         }
    3322             : 
    3323       78455 :         String.erase(0, Pos + 1);
    3324       78455 :         bool error = false;
    3325       78455 :         rRetMM = UtilityRoutines::ProcessNumber(String, error);
    3326       78455 :         RetMM = int(rRetMM);
    3327       78455 :         if (double(RetMM) != rRetMM || error || rRetMM < 0.0) {
    3328           0 :             if (double(RetMM) != rRetMM && rRetMM >= 0.0) {
    3329           0 :                 ShowWarningError(state,
    3330           0 :                                  "ProcessScheduleInput: DecodeHHMMField, Invalid \"until\" field submitted (non-integer numeric in MM)=" +
    3331           0 :                                      stripped(FullFieldValue));
    3332           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "Other errors may result. Occurred in Day Schedule=" + DayScheduleName);
    3333           0 :                 nonIntegral = true;
    3334             :             } else {
    3335           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state,
    3336           0 :                                 "ProcessScheduleInput: DecodeHHMMField, Invalid \"until\" field submitted (invalid numeric in MM)=" +
    3337           0 :                                     stripped(FullFieldValue));
    3338           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "Field values must be integer and represent hours:minutes. Occurred in Day Schedule=" + DayScheduleName);
    3339           0 :                 ErrorsFound = true;
    3340           0 :                 return;
    3341             :             }
    3342             :         }
    3343             : 
    3344       78455 :         if (nonIntegral) {
    3345           0 :             ShowContinueError(state, format("Until value to be used will be: {:2.2F}:{:2.2F}", hHour, mMinute));
    3346             :         }
    3347       78455 :         if (interpolationKind == ScheduleInterpolation::No) {
    3348       77143 :             if (!isMinuteMultipleOfTimestep(RetMM, state.dataGlobal->MinutesPerTimeStep)) {
    3349         123 :                 ShowWarningError(
    3350             :                     state,
    3351          82 :                     "ProcessScheduleInput: DecodeHHMMField, Invalid \"until\" field value is not a multiple of the minutes for each timestep: " +
    3352          82 :                         stripped(FullFieldValue));
    3353          41 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "Other errors may result. Occurred in Day Schedule=" + DayScheduleName);
    3354             :             }
    3355             :         }
    3356             :     }
    3357             : 
    3358       77143 :     bool isMinuteMultipleOfTimestep(int minute, int numMinutesPerTimestep)
    3359             :     {
    3360       77143 :         if (minute != 0) {
    3361         250 :             return (minute % numMinutesPerTimestep == 0);
    3362             :         } else {
    3363       76893 :             return true;
    3364             :         }
    3365             :     }
    3366             : 
    3367       32416 :     void ProcessForDayTypes(EnergyPlusData &state,
    3368             :                             std::string const &ForDayField, // Field containing the "FOR:..."
    3369             :                             Array1D_bool &TheseDays,        // Array to contain returned "true" days
    3370             :                             Array1D_bool &AlReady,          // Array of days already done
    3371             :                             bool &ErrorsFound               // Will be true if error found.
    3372             :     )
    3373             :     {
    3374             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    3375             :         //       AUTHOR         Linda K. Lawrie
    3376             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   February 2003
    3377             :         //       MODIFIED       na
    3378             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
    3379             : 
    3380             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    3381             :         // This subroutine processes a field "For: day types" and returns
    3382             :         // those day types (can be multiple) from field.
    3383             : 
    3384             :         // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
    3385             :         // na
    3386             : 
    3387             :         // REFERENCES:
    3388             :         // na
    3389             : 
    3390             :         // USE STATEMENTS:
    3391             :         // na
    3392             : 
    3393             :         // Argument array dimensioning
    3394       32416 :         EP_SIZE_CHECK(TheseDays, maxDayTypes);
    3395       32416 :         EP_SIZE_CHECK(AlReady, maxDayTypes);
    3396             : 
    3397             :         // Locals
    3398             :         // SUBROUTINE ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS:
    3399             : 
    3400             :         // SUBROUTINE PARAMETER DEFINITIONS:
    3401             :         // na
    3402             : 
    3403             :         // INTERFACE BLOCK SPECIFICATIONS
    3404             :         // na
    3405             : 
    3406             :         // DERIVED TYPE DEFINITIONS
    3407             :         // na
    3408             : 
    3409             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
    3410             :         int DayT;
    3411             :         bool OneValid;
    3412             :         bool DupAssignment;
    3413             : 
    3414       32416 :         OneValid = false;
    3415       32416 :         DupAssignment = false;
    3416             :         // Just test for specific days
    3417       32416 :         if (has(ForDayField, "WEEKDAY")) {
    3418        4725 :             TheseDays({2, 6}) = true;
    3419        4725 :             if (any(AlReady({2, 6}))) {
    3420           0 :                 DupAssignment = true;
    3421             :             } else {
    3422        4725 :                 AlReady({2, 6}) = true;
    3423             :             }
    3424        4725 :             OneValid = true;
    3425             :         }
    3426       32416 :         if (has(ForDayField, "MONDAY")) {
    3427         106 :             TheseDays(2) = true;
    3428         106 :             if (AlReady(2)) {
    3429           0 :                 DupAssignment = true;
    3430             :             } else {
    3431         106 :                 AlReady(2) = true;
    3432             :             }
    3433         106 :             OneValid = true;
    3434             :         }
    3435       32416 :         if (has(ForDayField, "TUESDAY")) {
    3436         143 :             TheseDays(3) = true;
    3437         143 :             if (AlReady(3)) {
    3438           0 :                 DupAssignment = true;
    3439             :             } else {
    3440         143 :                 AlReady(3) = true;
    3441             :             }
    3442         143 :             OneValid = true;
    3443             :         }
    3444       32416 :         if (has(ForDayField, "WEDNESDAY")) {
    3445          88 :             TheseDays(4) = true;
    3446          88 :             if (AlReady(4)) {
    3447           0 :                 DupAssignment = true;
    3448             :             } else {
    3449          88 :                 AlReady(4) = true;
    3450             :             }
    3451          88 :             OneValid = true;
    3452             :         }
    3453       32416 :         if (has(ForDayField, "THURSDAY")) {
    3454          88 :             TheseDays(5) = true;
    3455          88 :             if (AlReady(5)) {
    3456           0 :                 DupAssignment = true;
    3457             :             } else {
    3458          88 :                 AlReady(5) = true;
    3459             :             }
    3460          88 :             OneValid = true;
    3461             :         }
    3462       32416 :         if (has(ForDayField, "FRIDAY")) {
    3463         125 :             TheseDays(6) = true;
    3464         125 :             if (AlReady(6)) {
    3465           0 :                 DupAssignment = true;
    3466             :             } else {
    3467         125 :                 AlReady(6) = true;
    3468             :             }
    3469         125 :             OneValid = true;
    3470             :         }
    3471       32416 :         if (has(ForDayField, "WEEKEND")) {
    3472        1983 :             TheseDays(1) = true;
    3473        1983 :             TheseDays(7) = true;
    3474        1983 :             if (AlReady(1)) {
    3475           0 :                 DupAssignment = true;
    3476             :             } else {
    3477        1983 :                 AlReady(1) = true;
    3478             :             }
    3479        1983 :             if (AlReady(7)) {
    3480           0 :                 DupAssignment = true;
    3481             :             } else {
    3482        1983 :                 AlReady(7) = true;
    3483             :             }
    3484        1983 :             OneValid = true;
    3485             :         }
    3486       32416 :         if (has(ForDayField, "SATURDAY")) {
    3487        1661 :             TheseDays(7) = true;
    3488        1661 :             if (AlReady(7)) {
    3489           0 :                 DupAssignment = true;
    3490             :             } else {
    3491        1661 :                 AlReady(7) = true;
    3492             :             }
    3493        1661 :             OneValid = true;
    3494             :         }
    3495       32416 :         if (has(ForDayField, "SUNDAY")) {
    3496        1188 :             TheseDays(1) = true;
    3497        1188 :             if (AlReady(1)) {
    3498           0 :                 DupAssignment = true;
    3499             :             } else {
    3500        1188 :                 AlReady(1) = true;
    3501             :             }
    3502        1188 :             OneValid = true;
    3503             :         }
    3504       32416 :         if (has(ForDayField, "CUSTOMDAY1")) {
    3505        1703 :             TheseDays(11) = true;
    3506        1703 :             if (AlReady(11)) {
    3507           0 :                 DupAssignment = true;
    3508             :             } else {
    3509        1703 :                 AlReady(11) = true;
    3510             :             }
    3511        1703 :             OneValid = true;
    3512             :         }
    3513       32416 :         if (has(ForDayField, "CUSTOMDAY2")) {
    3514        1691 :             TheseDays(12) = true;
    3515        1691 :             if (AlReady(12)) {
    3516           0 :                 DupAssignment = true;
    3517             :             } else {
    3518        1691 :                 AlReady(12) = true;
    3519             :             }
    3520        1691 :             OneValid = true;
    3521             :         }
    3522       32416 :         if (has(ForDayField, "ALLDAY")) {
    3523       15849 :             TheseDays({1, maxDayTypes}) = true;
    3524       15849 :             if (any(AlReady)) {
    3525           0 :                 DupAssignment = true;
    3526             :             } else {
    3527       15849 :                 AlReady = true;
    3528             :             }
    3529       15849 :             OneValid = true;
    3530             :         }
    3531       32416 :         if (has(ForDayField, "HOLIDAY")) {
    3532        3140 :             TheseDays(8) = true;
    3533        3140 :             if (AlReady(8)) {
    3534           0 :                 DupAssignment = true;
    3535             :             } else {
    3536        3140 :                 AlReady(8) = true;
    3537             :             }
    3538        3140 :             OneValid = true;
    3539             :         }
    3540       32416 :         if (has(ForDayField, "SUMMER")) {
    3541        4663 :             TheseDays(9) = true;
    3542        4663 :             if (AlReady(9)) {
    3543           0 :                 DupAssignment = true;
    3544             :             } else {
    3545        4663 :                 AlReady(9) = true;
    3546             :             }
    3547        4663 :             OneValid = true;
    3548             :         }
    3549       32416 :         if (has(ForDayField, "WINTER")) {
    3550        4375 :             TheseDays(10) = true;
    3551        4375 :             if (AlReady(10)) {
    3552           0 :                 DupAssignment = true;
    3553             :             } else {
    3554        4375 :                 AlReady(10) = true;
    3555             :             }
    3556        4375 :             OneValid = true;
    3557             :         }
    3558       32416 :         if (has(ForDayField, "ALLOTHERDAY")) {
    3559       47736 :             for (DayT = 1; DayT <= maxDayTypes; ++DayT) {
    3560       44064 :                 if (AlReady(DayT)) continue;
    3561       17014 :                 TheseDays(DayT) = true;
    3562       17014 :                 AlReady(DayT) = true;
    3563             :             }
    3564        3672 :             OneValid = true;
    3565             :         }
    3566             : 
    3567       32416 :         if (DupAssignment) {
    3568           0 :             ShowSevereError(state, "ProcessScheduleInput: ProcessForDayTypes, Duplicate assignment attempted in \"for\" days field=" + ForDayField);
    3569           0 :             ErrorsFound = true;
    3570             :         }
    3571       32416 :         if (!OneValid) {
    3572           0 :             ShowSevereError(state, "ProcessScheduleInput: ProcessForDayTypes, No valid day assignments found in \"for\" days field=" + ForDayField);
    3573           0 :             ErrorsFound = true;
    3574             :         }
    3575       32416 :     }
    3576             : 
    3577          17 :     bool CheckScheduleValueMinMax(EnergyPlusData &state,
    3578             :                                   int const ScheduleIndex,      // Which Schedule being tested
    3579             :                                   std::string const &MinString, // Minimum indicator ('>', '>=')
    3580             :                                   Real64 const Minimum          // Minimum desired value
    3581             :     )
    3582             :     {
    3583             :         // FUNCTION INFORMATION:
    3584             :         //       AUTHOR         Linda K. Lawrie
    3585             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   February 2003
    3586             :         //       MODIFIED       na
    3587             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
    3588             : 
    3589             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS FUNCTION:
    3590             :         // This function checks the indicated schedule values for validity.  Uses the ScheduleIndex
    3591             :         // from (GetScheduleIndex), a minimum and a maximum -- one or other optional to check "internals".
    3592             : 
    3593             :         // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
    3594             :         // Schedule data structure stores this on first validity check.  If there, then is returned else
    3595             :         // looks up minimum and maximum values for the schedule and then sets result of function based on
    3596             :         // requested minimum/maximum checks.
    3597             : 
    3598             :         // REFERENCES:
    3599             :         // na
    3600             : 
    3601             :         // USE STATEMENTS:
    3602             :         // na
    3603             : 
    3604             :         // Return value
    3605             :         bool CheckScheduleValueMinMax;
    3606             : 
    3607             :         // Locals
    3608             :         // FUNCTION ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS:
    3609             : 
    3610             :         // FUNCTION PARAMETER DEFINITIONS:
    3611             :         // na
    3612             : 
    3613             :         // INTERFACE BLOCK SPECIFICATIONS
    3614             :         // na
    3615             : 
    3616             :         // DERIVED TYPE DEFINITIONS
    3617             :         // na
    3618             : 
    3619             :         // FUNCTION LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
    3620             :         int Loop;             // Loop Control variable
    3621             :         int DayT;             // Day Type Loop control
    3622             :         int WkSch;            // Pointer for WeekSchedule value
    3623          17 :         Real64 MinValue(0.0); // For total minimum
    3624          17 :         Real64 MaxValue(0.0); // For total maximum
    3625          17 :         bool MinValueOk(true);
    3626          17 :         bool MaxValueOk(true);
    3627             : 
    3628          17 :         if (ScheduleIndex == -1) {
    3629           0 :             MinValue = 1.0;
    3630           0 :             MaxValue = 1.0;
    3631          17 :         } else if (ScheduleIndex == 0) {
    3632           0 :             MinValue = 0.0;
    3633           0 :             MaxValue = 0.0;
    3634          17 :         } else if (ScheduleIndex < 1 || ScheduleIndex > state.dataScheduleMgr->NumSchedules) {
    3635           0 :             ShowFatalError(state, "CheckScheduleValueMinMax called with ScheduleIndex out of range");
    3636             :         }
    3637             : 
    3638          17 :         if (ScheduleIndex > 0) {
    3639          17 :             if (!state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(ScheduleIndex).MaxMinSet) { // Set Minimum/Maximums for this schedule
    3640          12 :                 WkSch = state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(ScheduleIndex).WeekSchedulePointer(1);
    3641          12 :                 MinValue = minval(state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(state.dataScheduleMgr->WeekSchedule(WkSch).DaySchedulePointer(1)).TSValue);
    3642          12 :                 MaxValue = maxval(state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(state.dataScheduleMgr->WeekSchedule(WkSch).DaySchedulePointer(1)).TSValue);
    3643         144 :                 for (DayT = 2; DayT <= maxDayTypes; ++DayT) {
    3644         132 :                     MinValue =
    3645         132 :                         min(MinValue,
    3646         132 :                             minval(state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(state.dataScheduleMgr->WeekSchedule(WkSch).DaySchedulePointer(DayT)).TSValue));
    3647         132 :                     MaxValue =
    3648         132 :                         max(MaxValue,
    3649         132 :                             maxval(state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(state.dataScheduleMgr->WeekSchedule(WkSch).DaySchedulePointer(DayT)).TSValue));
    3650             :                 }
    3651        4392 :                 for (Loop = 2; Loop <= 366; ++Loop) {
    3652        4380 :                     WkSch = state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(ScheduleIndex).WeekSchedulePointer(Loop);
    3653       56940 :                     for (DayT = 1; DayT <= maxDayTypes; ++DayT) {
    3654       52560 :                         MinValue = min(
    3655             :                             MinValue,
    3656       52560 :                             minval(state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(state.dataScheduleMgr->WeekSchedule(WkSch).DaySchedulePointer(DayT)).TSValue));
    3657       52560 :                         MaxValue = max(
    3658             :                             MaxValue,
    3659       52560 :                             maxval(state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(state.dataScheduleMgr->WeekSchedule(WkSch).DaySchedulePointer(DayT)).TSValue));
    3660             :                     }
    3661             :                 }
    3662          12 :                 state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(ScheduleIndex).MaxMinSet = true;
    3663          12 :                 state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(ScheduleIndex).MinValue = MinValue;
    3664          12 :                 state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(ScheduleIndex).MaxValue = MaxValue;
    3665             :             }
    3666             :         }
    3667             : 
    3668             :         //  Min/max for schedule has been set.  Test.
    3669          17 :         MinValueOk = (FLT_EPSILON >= Minimum - state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(ScheduleIndex).MinValue);
    3670          17 :         if (MinString == ">") {
    3671           7 :             MinValueOk = (state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(ScheduleIndex).MinValue > Minimum);
    3672             :         } else {
    3673          10 :             MinValueOk = (FLT_EPSILON >= Minimum - state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(ScheduleIndex).MinValue);
    3674             :         }
    3675             : 
    3676          17 :         CheckScheduleValueMinMax = (MinValueOk && MaxValueOk);
    3677             : 
    3678          17 :         return CheckScheduleValueMinMax;
    3679             :     }
    3680             : 
    3681       19273 :     bool CheckScheduleValueMinMax(EnergyPlusData &state,
    3682             :                                   int const ScheduleIndex,      // Which Schedule being tested
    3683             :                                   std::string const &MinString, // Minimum indicator ('>', '>=')
    3684             :                                   Real64 const Minimum,         // Minimum desired value
    3685             :                                   std::string const &MaxString, // Maximum indicator ('<', ',=')
    3686             :                                   Real64 const Maximum          // Maximum desired value
    3687             :     )
    3688             :     {
    3689             :         // FUNCTION INFORMATION:
    3690             :         //       AUTHOR         Linda K. Lawrie
    3691             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   February 2003
    3692             :         //       MODIFIED       na
    3693             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
    3694             : 
    3695             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS FUNCTION:
    3696             :         // This function checks the indicated schedule values for validity.  Uses the ScheduleIndex
    3697             :         // from (GetScheduleIndex), a minimum and a maximum -- one or other optional to check "internals".
    3698             : 
    3699             :         // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
    3700             :         // Schedule data structure stores this on first validity check.  If there, then is returned else
    3701             :         // looks up minimum and maximum values for the schedule and then sets result of function based on
    3702             :         // requested minimum/maximum checks.
    3703             : 
    3704             :         // REFERENCES:
    3705             :         // na
    3706             : 
    3707             :         // USE STATEMENTS:
    3708             :         // na
    3709             : 
    3710             :         // Return value
    3711             :         bool CheckScheduleValueMinMax;
    3712             : 
    3713             :         // Locals
    3714             :         // FUNCTION ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS:
    3715             : 
    3716             :         // FUNCTION PARAMETER DEFINITIONS:
    3717             :         // na
    3718             : 
    3719             :         // INTERFACE BLOCK SPECIFICATIONS
    3720             :         // na
    3721             : 
    3722             :         // DERIVED TYPE DEFINITIONS
    3723             :         // na
    3724             : 
    3725             :         // FUNCTION LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
    3726             :         int Loop;             // Loop Control variable
    3727             :         int DayT;             // Day Type Loop control
    3728             :         int WkSch;            // Pointer for WeekSchedule value
    3729       19273 :         Real64 MinValue(0.0); // For total minimum
    3730       19273 :         Real64 MaxValue(0.0); // For total maximum
    3731       19273 :         bool MinValueOk(true);
    3732       19273 :         bool MaxValueOk(true);
    3733             :         /////////// hoisted into namespace CheckScheduleValueMinMaxRunOnceOnly////////////
    3734             :         // static bool RunOnceOnly( true );
    3735             :         /////////////////////////////////////////////////
    3736             :         // precompute the dayschedule max and min so that it is not in nested loop
    3737       19273 :         if (state.dataScheduleMgr->CheckScheduleValueMinMaxRunOnceOnly) {
    3738      124400 :             for (Loop = 0; Loop <= state.dataScheduleMgr->NumDaySchedules; ++Loop) {
    3739      123643 :                 state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(Loop).TSValMin = minval(state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(Loop).TSValue);
    3740      123643 :                 state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(Loop).TSValMax = maxval(state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(Loop).TSValue);
    3741             :             }
    3742         757 :             state.dataScheduleMgr->CheckScheduleValueMinMaxRunOnceOnly = false;
    3743             :         }
    3744             : 
    3745       19273 :         if (ScheduleIndex == -1) {
    3746           0 :             MinValue = 1.0;
    3747           0 :             MaxValue = 1.0;
    3748       19273 :         } else if (ScheduleIndex == 0) {
    3749           0 :             MinValue = 0.0;
    3750           0 :             MaxValue = 0.0;
    3751       19273 :         } else if (ScheduleIndex < 1 || ScheduleIndex > state.dataScheduleMgr->NumSchedules) {
    3752           0 :             ShowFatalError(state, "CheckScheduleValueMinMax called with ScheduleIndex out of range");
    3753             :         }
    3754             : 
    3755       19273 :         if (ScheduleIndex > 0) {
    3756       19273 :             if (!state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(ScheduleIndex).MaxMinSet) { // Set Minimum/Maximums for this schedule
    3757       12770 :                 WkSch = state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(ScheduleIndex).WeekSchedulePointer(1);
    3758       12770 :                 MinValue = state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(state.dataScheduleMgr->WeekSchedule(WkSch).DaySchedulePointer(1)).TSValMin;
    3759       12770 :                 MaxValue = state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(state.dataScheduleMgr->WeekSchedule(WkSch).DaySchedulePointer(1)).TSValMax;
    3760      153240 :                 for (DayT = 2; DayT <= maxDayTypes; ++DayT) {
    3761      140470 :                     MinValue = min(MinValue,
    3762      140470 :                                    state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(state.dataScheduleMgr->WeekSchedule(WkSch).DaySchedulePointer(DayT)).TSValMin);
    3763      140470 :                     MaxValue = max(MaxValue,
    3764      140470 :                                    state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(state.dataScheduleMgr->WeekSchedule(WkSch).DaySchedulePointer(DayT)).TSValMax);
    3765             :                 }
    3766     4673820 :                 for (Loop = 2; Loop <= 366; ++Loop) {
    3767     4661050 :                     WkSch = state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(ScheduleIndex).WeekSchedulePointer(Loop);
    3768    60593650 :                     for (DayT = 1; DayT <= maxDayTypes; ++DayT) {
    3769    55932600 :                         MinValue =
    3770    55932600 :                             min(MinValue,
    3771    55932600 :                                 state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(state.dataScheduleMgr->WeekSchedule(WkSch).DaySchedulePointer(DayT)).TSValMin);
    3772    55932600 :                         MaxValue =
    3773    55932600 :                             max(MaxValue,
    3774    55932600 :                                 state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(state.dataScheduleMgr->WeekSchedule(WkSch).DaySchedulePointer(DayT)).TSValMax);
    3775             :                     }
    3776             :                 }
    3777       12770 :                 state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(ScheduleIndex).MaxMinSet = true;
    3778       12770 :                 state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(ScheduleIndex).MinValue = MinValue;
    3779       12770 :                 state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(ScheduleIndex).MaxValue = MaxValue;
    3780             :             }
    3781             :         }
    3782             : 
    3783             :         //  Min/max for schedule has been set.  Test.
    3784       19273 :         if (MinString == ">") {
    3785          15 :             MinValueOk = (state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(ScheduleIndex).MinValue > Minimum);
    3786             :         } else {
    3787       19258 :             MinValueOk = (FLT_EPSILON >= Minimum - state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(ScheduleIndex).MinValue);
    3788             :         }
    3789             : 
    3790       19273 :         MaxValueOk = (state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(ScheduleIndex).MaxValue - Maximum <= FLT_EPSILON);
    3791       19273 :         if (MaxString == "<") {
    3792           0 :             MaxValueOk = (state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(ScheduleIndex).MaxValue < Maximum);
    3793             :         } else {
    3794       19273 :             MaxValueOk = (state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(ScheduleIndex).MaxValue - Maximum <= FLT_EPSILON);
    3795             :         }
    3796             : 
    3797       19273 :         CheckScheduleValueMinMax = (MinValueOk && MaxValueOk);
    3798             : 
    3799       19273 :         return CheckScheduleValueMinMax;
    3800             :     }
    3801             : 
    3802           0 :     bool CheckScheduleValueMinMax(EnergyPlusData &state,
    3803             :                                   int const ScheduleIndex,      // Which Schedule being tested
    3804             :                                   std::string const &MinString, // Minimum indicator ('>', '>=')
    3805             :                                   Real32 const Minimum          // Minimum desired value
    3806             :     )
    3807             :     {
    3808             :         // FUNCTION INFORMATION:
    3809             :         //       AUTHOR         Linda K. Lawrie
    3810             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   February 2003
    3811             :         //       MODIFIED       na
    3812             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
    3813             : 
    3814             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS FUNCTION:
    3815             :         // This function checks the indicated schedule values for validity.  Uses the ScheduleIndex
    3816             :         // from (GetScheduleIndex), a minimum and a maximum -- one or other optional to check "internals".
    3817             : 
    3818             :         // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
    3819             :         // Schedule data structure stores this on first validity check.  If there, then is returned else
    3820             :         // looks up minimum and maximum values for the schedule and then sets result of function based on
    3821             :         // requested minimum/maximum checks.
    3822             : 
    3823             :         // REFERENCES:
    3824             :         // na
    3825             : 
    3826             :         // USE STATEMENTS:
    3827             :         // na
    3828             : 
    3829             :         // Return value
    3830             :         bool CheckScheduleValueMinMax;
    3831             : 
    3832             :         // Locals
    3833             :         // FUNCTION ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS:
    3834             : 
    3835             :         // FUNCTION PARAMETER DEFINITIONS:
    3836             :         // na
    3837             : 
    3838             :         // INTERFACE BLOCK SPECIFICATIONS
    3839             :         // na
    3840             : 
    3841             :         // DERIVED TYPE DEFINITIONS
    3842             :         // na
    3843             : 
    3844             :         // FUNCTION LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
    3845             :         int Loop;             // Loop Control variable
    3846             :         int DayT;             // Day Type Loop control
    3847             :         int WkSch;            // Pointer for WeekSchedule value
    3848           0 :         Real64 MinValue(0.0); // For total minimum
    3849           0 :         Real64 MaxValue(0.0); // For total maximum
    3850           0 :         bool MinValueOk(true);
    3851           0 :         bool MaxValueOk(true);
    3852             : 
    3853           0 :         if (ScheduleIndex == -1) {
    3854           0 :             MinValue = 1.0;
    3855           0 :             MaxValue = 1.0;
    3856           0 :         } else if (ScheduleIndex == 0) {
    3857           0 :             MinValue = 0.0;
    3858           0 :             MaxValue = 0.0;
    3859           0 :         } else if (ScheduleIndex < 1 || ScheduleIndex > state.dataScheduleMgr->NumSchedules) {
    3860           0 :             ShowFatalError(state, "CheckScheduleValueMinMax called with ScheduleIndex out of range");
    3861             :         }
    3862             : 
    3863           0 :         if (ScheduleIndex > 0) {
    3864           0 :             if (!state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(ScheduleIndex).MaxMinSet) { // Set Minimum/Maximums for this schedule
    3865           0 :                 WkSch = state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(ScheduleIndex).WeekSchedulePointer(1);
    3866           0 :                 MinValue = minval(state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(state.dataScheduleMgr->WeekSchedule(WkSch).DaySchedulePointer(1)).TSValue);
    3867           0 :                 MaxValue = maxval(state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(state.dataScheduleMgr->WeekSchedule(WkSch).DaySchedulePointer(1)).TSValue);
    3868           0 :                 for (DayT = 2; DayT <= maxDayTypes; ++DayT) {
    3869           0 :                     MinValue =
    3870           0 :                         min(MinValue,
    3871           0 :                             minval(state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(state.dataScheduleMgr->WeekSchedule(WkSch).DaySchedulePointer(DayT)).TSValue));
    3872           0 :                     MaxValue =
    3873           0 :                         max(MaxValue,
    3874           0 :                             maxval(state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(state.dataScheduleMgr->WeekSchedule(WkSch).DaySchedulePointer(DayT)).TSValue));
    3875             :                 }
    3876           0 :                 for (Loop = 2; Loop <= 366; ++Loop) {
    3877           0 :                     WkSch = state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(ScheduleIndex).WeekSchedulePointer(Loop);
    3878           0 :                     for (DayT = 1; DayT <= maxDayTypes; ++DayT) {
    3879           0 :                         MinValue = min(
    3880             :                             MinValue,
    3881           0 :                             minval(state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(state.dataScheduleMgr->WeekSchedule(WkSch).DaySchedulePointer(DayT)).TSValue));
    3882           0 :                         MaxValue = max(
    3883             :                             MaxValue,
    3884           0 :                             maxval(state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(state.dataScheduleMgr->WeekSchedule(WkSch).DaySchedulePointer(DayT)).TSValue));
    3885             :                     }
    3886             :                 }
    3887           0 :                 state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(ScheduleIndex).MaxMinSet = true;
    3888           0 :                 state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(ScheduleIndex).MinValue = MinValue;
    3889           0 :                 state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(ScheduleIndex).MaxValue = MaxValue;
    3890             :             }
    3891             :         }
    3892             : 
    3893             :         //  Min/max for schedule has been set.  Test.
    3894           0 :         MinValueOk = (FLT_EPSILON >= Minimum - state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(ScheduleIndex).MinValue);
    3895           0 :         if (MinString == ">") {
    3896           0 :             MinValueOk = (state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(ScheduleIndex).MinValue > Minimum);
    3897             :         } else {
    3898           0 :             MinValueOk = (FLT_EPSILON >= Minimum - state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(ScheduleIndex).MinValue);
    3899             :         }
    3900             : 
    3901           0 :         CheckScheduleValueMinMax = (MinValueOk && MaxValueOk);
    3902             : 
    3903           0 :         return CheckScheduleValueMinMax;
    3904             :     }
    3905             : 
    3906           0 :     bool CheckScheduleValueMinMax(EnergyPlusData &state,
    3907             :                                   int const ScheduleIndex,      // Which Schedule being tested
    3908             :                                   std::string const &MinString, // Minimum indicator ('>', '>=')
    3909             :                                   Real32 const Minimum,         // Minimum desired value
    3910             :                                   std::string const &MaxString, // Maximum indicator ('<', ',=')
    3911             :                                   Real32 const Maximum          // Maximum desired value
    3912             :     )
    3913             :     {
    3914             :         // FUNCTION INFORMATION:
    3915             :         //       AUTHOR         Linda K. Lawrie
    3916             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   February 2003
    3917             :         //       MODIFIED       na
    3918             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
    3919             : 
    3920             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS FUNCTION:
    3921             :         // This function checks the indicated schedule values for validity.  Uses the ScheduleIndex
    3922             :         // from (GetScheduleIndex), a minimum and a maximum -- one or other optional to check "internals".
    3923             : 
    3924             :         // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
    3925             :         // Schedule data structure stores this on first validity check.  If there, then is returned else
    3926             :         // looks up minimum and maximum values for the schedule and then sets result of function based on
    3927             :         // requested minimum/maximum checks.
    3928             : 
    3929             :         // REFERENCES:
    3930             :         // na
    3931             : 
    3932             :         // USE STATEMENTS:
    3933             :         // na
    3934             : 
    3935             :         // Return value
    3936             :         bool CheckScheduleValueMinMax;
    3937             : 
    3938             :         // Locals
    3939             :         // FUNCTION ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS:
    3940             : 
    3941             :         // FUNCTION PARAMETER DEFINITIONS:
    3942             :         // na
    3943             : 
    3944             :         // INTERFACE BLOCK SPECIFICATIONS
    3945             :         // na
    3946             : 
    3947             :         // DERIVED TYPE DEFINITIONS
    3948             :         // na
    3949             : 
    3950             :         // FUNCTION LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
    3951             :         int Loop;             // Loop Control variable
    3952             :         int DayT;             // Day Type Loop control
    3953             :         int WkSch;            // Pointer for WeekSchedule value
    3954           0 :         Real64 MinValue(0.0); // For total minimum
    3955           0 :         Real64 MaxValue(0.0); // For total maximum
    3956             :         bool MinValueOk;
    3957             :         bool MaxValueOk;
    3958             : 
    3959           0 :         if (ScheduleIndex == -1) {
    3960           0 :             MinValue = 1.0;
    3961           0 :             MaxValue = 1.0;
    3962           0 :         } else if (ScheduleIndex == 0) {
    3963           0 :             MinValue = 0.0;
    3964           0 :             MaxValue = 0.0;
    3965           0 :         } else if (ScheduleIndex < 1 || ScheduleIndex > state.dataScheduleMgr->NumSchedules) {
    3966           0 :             ShowFatalError(state, "CheckScheduleValueMinMax called with ScheduleIndex out of range");
    3967             :         }
    3968             : 
    3969           0 :         if (ScheduleIndex > 0) {
    3970           0 :             if (!state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(ScheduleIndex).MaxMinSet) { // Set Minimum/Maximums for this schedule
    3971           0 :                 WkSch = state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(ScheduleIndex).WeekSchedulePointer(1);
    3972           0 :                 MinValue = minval(state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(state.dataScheduleMgr->WeekSchedule(WkSch).DaySchedulePointer(1)).TSValue);
    3973           0 :                 MaxValue = maxval(state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(state.dataScheduleMgr->WeekSchedule(WkSch).DaySchedulePointer(1)).TSValue);
    3974           0 :                 for (DayT = 2; DayT <= maxDayTypes; ++DayT) {
    3975           0 :                     MinValue =
    3976           0 :                         min(MinValue,
    3977           0 :                             minval(state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(state.dataScheduleMgr->WeekSchedule(WkSch).DaySchedulePointer(DayT)).TSValue));
    3978           0 :                     MaxValue =
    3979           0 :                         max(MaxValue,
    3980           0 :                             maxval(state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(state.dataScheduleMgr->WeekSchedule(WkSch).DaySchedulePointer(DayT)).TSValue));
    3981             :                 }
    3982           0 :                 for (Loop = 2; Loop <= 366; ++Loop) {
    3983           0 :                     WkSch = state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(ScheduleIndex).WeekSchedulePointer(Loop);
    3984           0 :                     for (DayT = 1; DayT <= maxDayTypes; ++DayT) {
    3985           0 :                         MinValue = min(
    3986             :                             MinValue,
    3987           0 :                             minval(state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(state.dataScheduleMgr->WeekSchedule(WkSch).DaySchedulePointer(DayT)).TSValue));
    3988           0 :                         MaxValue = max(
    3989             :                             MaxValue,
    3990           0 :                             maxval(state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(state.dataScheduleMgr->WeekSchedule(WkSch).DaySchedulePointer(DayT)).TSValue));
    3991             :                     }
    3992             :                 }
    3993           0 :                 state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(ScheduleIndex).MaxMinSet = true;
    3994           0 :                 state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(ScheduleIndex).MinValue = MinValue;
    3995           0 :                 state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(ScheduleIndex).MaxValue = MaxValue;
    3996             :             }
    3997             :         }
    3998             : 
    3999             :         //  Min/max for schedule has been set.  Test.
    4000           0 :         MinValueOk = true;
    4001           0 :         MaxValueOk = true;
    4002           0 :         if (MinString == ">") {
    4003           0 :             MinValueOk = (state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(ScheduleIndex).MinValue > Minimum);
    4004             :         } else {
    4005           0 :             MinValueOk = (FLT_EPSILON >= Minimum - state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(ScheduleIndex).MinValue);
    4006             :         }
    4007             : 
    4008           0 :         MaxValueOk = (state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(ScheduleIndex).MaxValue - Maximum <= FLT_EPSILON);
    4009           0 :         if (MaxString == "<") {
    4010           0 :             MaxValueOk = (state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(ScheduleIndex).MaxValue < Maximum);
    4011             :         } else {
    4012           0 :             MaxValueOk = (state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(ScheduleIndex).MaxValue - Maximum <= FLT_EPSILON);
    4013             :         }
    4014             : 
    4015           0 :         CheckScheduleValueMinMax = (MinValueOk && MaxValueOk);
    4016             : 
    4017           0 :         return CheckScheduleValueMinMax;
    4018             :     }
    4019             : 
    4020         580 :     bool CheckScheduleValue(EnergyPlusData &state,
    4021             :                             int const ScheduleIndex, // Which Schedule being tested
    4022             :                             Real64 const Value       // Actual desired value
    4023             :     )
    4024             :     {
    4025             :         // FUNCTION INFORMATION:
    4026             :         //       AUTHOR         Linda K. Lawrie
    4027             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   November 2004
    4028             :         //       MODIFIED       na
    4029             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
    4030             : 
    4031             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS FUNCTION:
    4032             :         // This function checks the indicated schedule value for validity.  Uses the ScheduleIndex
    4033             :         // from (GetScheduleIndex).
    4034             : 
    4035             :         // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
    4036             :         // This routine is best used with "discrete" schedules.  The routine must traverse all values
    4037             :         // in the schedule and compares by equality.
    4038             : 
    4039             :         // REFERENCES:
    4040             :         // na
    4041             : 
    4042             :         // USE STATEMENTS:
    4043             :         // na
    4044             : 
    4045             :         // Return value
    4046             :         bool CheckScheduleValue;
    4047             : 
    4048             :         // Locals
    4049             :         // FUNCTION ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS:
    4050             : 
    4051             :         // FUNCTION PARAMETER DEFINITIONS:
    4052             :         // na
    4053             : 
    4054             :         // INTERFACE BLOCK SPECIFICATIONS
    4055             :         // na
    4056             : 
    4057             :         // DERIVED TYPE DEFINITIONS
    4058             :         // na
    4059             : 
    4060             :         // FUNCTION LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
    4061             :         int Loop;  // Loop Control variable
    4062             :         int DayT;  // Day Type Loop control
    4063             :         int WkSch; // Pointer for WeekSchedule value
    4064             : 
    4065         580 :         CheckScheduleValue = false;
    4066             : 
    4067         580 :         if (ScheduleIndex == -1) {
    4068           0 :             CheckScheduleValue = (Value == 1.0);
    4069         580 :         } else if (ScheduleIndex == 0) {
    4070           0 :             CheckScheduleValue = (Value == 0.0);
    4071         580 :         } else if (ScheduleIndex < 1 || ScheduleIndex > state.dataScheduleMgr->NumSchedules) {
    4072           0 :             ShowFatalError(state, "CheckScheduleValue called with ScheduleIndex out of range");
    4073             :         }
    4074             : 
    4075         580 :         if (ScheduleIndex > 0) {
    4076         580 :             CheckScheduleValue = false;
    4077       73414 :             for (Loop = 1; Loop <= 366; ++Loop) {
    4078       73215 :                 WkSch = state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(ScheduleIndex).WeekSchedulePointer(Loop);
    4079      947225 :                 for (DayT = 1; DayT <= maxDayTypes; ++DayT) {
    4080      874391 :                     if (any_eq(state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(state.dataScheduleMgr->WeekSchedule(WkSch).DaySchedulePointer(DayT)).TSValue,
    4081             :                                Value)) {
    4082         381 :                         CheckScheduleValue = true;
    4083         381 :                         goto DayLoop_exit;
    4084             :                     }
    4085             :                 }
    4086             :             }
    4087         199 :         DayLoop_exit:;
    4088             :         }
    4089             : 
    4090         580 :         return CheckScheduleValue;
    4091             :     }
    4092             : 
    4093         675 :     bool CheckScheduleValue(EnergyPlusData &state,
    4094             :                             int const ScheduleIndex, // Which Schedule being tested
    4095             :                             int const Value          // Actual desired value
    4096             :     )
    4097             :     {
    4098             :         // FUNCTION INFORMATION:
    4099             :         //       AUTHOR         Linda K. Lawrie
    4100             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   November 2004
    4101             :         //       MODIFIED       na
    4102             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
    4103             : 
    4104             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS FUNCTION:
    4105             :         // This function checks the indicated schedule value for validity.  Uses the ScheduleIndex
    4106             :         // from (GetScheduleIndex).
    4107             : 
    4108             :         // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
    4109             :         // This routine is best used with "discrete" schedules.  The routine must traverse all values
    4110             :         // in the schedule and compares by equality.
    4111             : 
    4112             :         // REFERENCES:
    4113             :         // na
    4114             : 
    4115             :         // USE STATEMENTS:
    4116             :         // na
    4117             : 
    4118             :         // Return value
    4119             :         bool CheckScheduleValue;
    4120             : 
    4121             :         // Locals
    4122             :         // FUNCTION ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS:
    4123             : 
    4124             :         // FUNCTION PARAMETER DEFINITIONS:
    4125             :         // na
    4126             : 
    4127             :         // INTERFACE BLOCK SPECIFICATIONS
    4128             :         // na
    4129             : 
    4130             :         // DERIVED TYPE DEFINITIONS
    4131             :         // na
    4132             : 
    4133             :         // FUNCTION LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
    4134             :         int Loop;  // Loop Control variable
    4135             :         int DayT;  // Day Type Loop control
    4136             :         int WkSch; // Pointer for WeekSchedule value
    4137             : 
    4138         675 :         CheckScheduleValue = false;
    4139         675 :         if (ScheduleIndex == -1) {
    4140           0 :             CheckScheduleValue = (Value == 1);
    4141         675 :         } else if (ScheduleIndex == 0) {
    4142           0 :             CheckScheduleValue = (Value == 0);
    4143         675 :         } else if (ScheduleIndex < 1 || ScheduleIndex > state.dataScheduleMgr->NumSchedules) {
    4144           0 :             ShowFatalError(state, "CheckScheduleValue called with ScheduleIndex out of range");
    4145             :         }
    4146             : 
    4147         675 :         if (ScheduleIndex > 0) {
    4148      246627 :             for (Loop = 1; Loop <= 366; ++Loop) {
    4149      245955 :                 WkSch = state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(ScheduleIndex).WeekSchedulePointer(Loop);
    4150     3197379 :                 for (DayT = 1; DayT <= maxDayTypes; ++DayT) {
    4151     5902854 :                     if (any_eq(state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(state.dataScheduleMgr->WeekSchedule(WkSch).DaySchedulePointer(DayT)).TSValue,
    4152     5902854 :                                double(Value))) {
    4153           3 :                         CheckScheduleValue = true;
    4154           3 :                         goto DayLoop_exit;
    4155             :                     }
    4156             :                 }
    4157             :             }
    4158         672 :         DayLoop_exit:;
    4159             :         }
    4160             : 
    4161         675 :         return CheckScheduleValue;
    4162             :     }
    4163             : 
    4164           8 :     bool CheckDayScheduleValueMinMax(EnergyPlusData &state,
    4165             :                                      int const ScheduleIndex, // Which Day Schedule being tested
    4166             :                                      Real64 const Minimum,    // Minimum desired value
    4167             :                                      bool const exclusiveMin, // Minimum indicator ('>', '>=')
    4168             :                                      Real64 const Maximum,    // Maximum desired value
    4169             :                                      bool const exclusiveMax  // Maximum indicator ('<', ',=')
    4170             :     )
    4171             :     {
    4172             :         // FUNCTION INFORMATION:
    4173             :         //       AUTHOR         Linda K. Lawrie
    4174             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   February 2003
    4175             :         //       MODIFIED       na
    4176             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
    4177             : 
    4178             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS FUNCTION:
    4179             :         // This function checks the indicated schedule values for validity.  Uses the ScheduleIndex
    4180             :         // from (GetScheduleIndex), a minimum and a maximum -- one or other optional to check "internals".
    4181             : 
    4182             :         // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
    4183             :         // Schedule data structure stores this on first validity check.  If there, then is returned else
    4184             :         // looks up minimum and maximum values for the schedule and then sets result of function based on
    4185             :         // requested minimum/maximum checks.
    4186             : 
    4187             :         // REFERENCES:
    4188             :         // na
    4189             : 
    4190             :         // USE STATEMENTS:
    4191             :         // na
    4192             : 
    4193             :         // Return value
    4194             :         bool CheckDayScheduleValueMinMax;
    4195             : 
    4196             :         // Locals
    4197             :         // FUNCTION ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS:
    4198             : 
    4199             :         // FUNCTION PARAMETER DEFINITIONS:
    4200             :         // na
    4201             : 
    4202             :         // INTERFACE BLOCK SPECIFICATIONS
    4203             :         // na
    4204             : 
    4205             :         // DERIVED TYPE DEFINITIONS
    4206             :         // na
    4207             : 
    4208             :         // FUNCTION LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
    4209           8 :         Real64 MinValue(0.0); // For total minimum
    4210           8 :         Real64 MaxValue(0.0); // For total maximum
    4211             :         bool MinValueOk;
    4212             :         bool MaxValueOk;
    4213             : 
    4214           8 :         if (ScheduleIndex == -1) {
    4215           0 :             MinValue = 1.0;
    4216           0 :             MaxValue = 1.0;
    4217           8 :         } else if (ScheduleIndex == 0) {
    4218           0 :             MinValue = 0.0;
    4219           0 :             MaxValue = 0.0;
    4220           8 :         } else if (ScheduleIndex < 1 || ScheduleIndex > state.dataScheduleMgr->NumDaySchedules) {
    4221           0 :             ShowFatalError(state, "CheckDayScheduleValueMinMax called with ScheduleIndex out of range");
    4222             :         }
    4223             : 
    4224           8 :         if (ScheduleIndex > 0) {
    4225           8 :             MinValue = minval(state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(ScheduleIndex).TSValue);
    4226           8 :             MaxValue = maxval(state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(ScheduleIndex).TSValue);
    4227             :         }
    4228             : 
    4229             :         //  Min/max for schedule has been set.  Test.
    4230           8 :         MinValueOk = true;
    4231           8 :         MaxValueOk = true;
    4232             : 
    4233           8 :         if (exclusiveMin) {
    4234           0 :             MinValueOk = (MinValue > Minimum);
    4235             :         } else {
    4236           8 :             MinValueOk = (FLT_EPSILON >= Minimum - MinValue);
    4237             :         }
    4238             : 
    4239           8 :         if (exclusiveMax) {
    4240           0 :             MaxValueOk = (MaxValue < Maximum);
    4241             :         } else {
    4242           8 :             MaxValueOk = (MaxValue - Maximum <= FLT_EPSILON);
    4243             :         }
    4244             : 
    4245           8 :         CheckDayScheduleValueMinMax = (MinValueOk && MaxValueOk);
    4246             : 
    4247           8 :         return CheckDayScheduleValueMinMax;
    4248             :     }
    4249             : 
    4250           9 :     bool CheckDayScheduleValueMinMax(EnergyPlusData &state,
    4251             :                                      int const ScheduleIndex, // Which Day Schedule being tested
    4252             :                                      Real64 const Minimum,    // Minimum desired value
    4253             :                                      bool const exclusiveMin  // Minimum indicator ('>', '>=')
    4254             :     )
    4255             :     {
    4256             :         // FUNCTION INFORMATION:
    4257             :         //       AUTHOR         Linda K. Lawrie
    4258             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   February 2003
    4259             :         //       MODIFIED       na
    4260             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
    4261             : 
    4262             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS FUNCTION:
    4263             :         // This function checks the indicated schedule values for validity.  Uses the ScheduleIndex
    4264             :         // from (GetScheduleIndex), a minimum and a maximum -- one or other optional to check "internals".
    4265             : 
    4266             :         // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
    4267             :         // Schedule data structure stores this on first validity check.  If there, then is returned else
    4268             :         // looks up minimum and maximum values for the schedule and then sets result of function based on
    4269             :         // requested minimum/maximum checks.
    4270             : 
    4271             :         // REFERENCES:
    4272             :         // na
    4273             : 
    4274             :         // USE STATEMENTS:
    4275             :         // na
    4276             : 
    4277             :         // Return value
    4278             :         bool CheckDayScheduleValueMinMax;
    4279             : 
    4280             :         // Locals
    4281             :         // FUNCTION ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS:
    4282             : 
    4283             :         // FUNCTION PARAMETER DEFINITIONS:
    4284             :         // na
    4285             : 
    4286             :         // INTERFACE BLOCK SPECIFICATIONS
    4287             :         // na
    4288             : 
    4289             :         // DERIVED TYPE DEFINITIONS
    4290             :         // na
    4291             : 
    4292             :         // FUNCTION LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
    4293           9 :         Real64 MinValue(0.0); // For total minimum
    4294             :         bool MinValueOk;
    4295             : 
    4296           9 :         if (ScheduleIndex == -1) {
    4297           0 :             MinValue = 1.0;
    4298           9 :         } else if (ScheduleIndex == 0) {
    4299           0 :             MinValue = 0.0;
    4300           9 :         } else if (ScheduleIndex < 1 || ScheduleIndex > state.dataScheduleMgr->NumDaySchedules) {
    4301           0 :             ShowFatalError(state, "CheckDayScheduleValueMinMax called with ScheduleIndex out of range");
    4302             :         }
    4303             : 
    4304           9 :         if (ScheduleIndex > 0) {
    4305           9 :             MinValue = minval(state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(ScheduleIndex).TSValue);
    4306             :         }
    4307             : 
    4308             :         //  Min/max for schedule has been set.  Test.
    4309           9 :         MinValueOk = true;
    4310             : 
    4311           9 :         if (exclusiveMin) {
    4312           0 :             MinValueOk = (MinValue > Minimum);
    4313             :         } else {
    4314           9 :             MinValueOk = (FLT_EPSILON >= Minimum - MinValue);
    4315             :         }
    4316             : 
    4317           9 :         CheckDayScheduleValueMinMax = MinValueOk;
    4318             : 
    4319           9 :         return CheckDayScheduleValueMinMax;
    4320             :     }
    4321             : 
    4322         141 :     bool HasFractionalScheduleValue(EnergyPlusData &state, int const ScheduleIndex) // Which Schedule being tested
    4323             :     {
    4324             :         // FUNCTION INFORMATION:
    4325             :         //       AUTHOR         Linda K. Lawrie
    4326             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   March 2008
    4327             :         //       MODIFIED       na
    4328             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
    4329             : 
    4330             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS FUNCTION:
    4331             :         // This function returns true if the schedule contains fractional
    4332             :         // values [>0, <1].
    4333             : 
    4334             :         // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
    4335             :         // na
    4336             : 
    4337             :         // REFERENCES:
    4338             :         // na
    4339             : 
    4340             :         // USE STATEMENTS:
    4341             :         // na
    4342             : 
    4343             :         // Return value
    4344             :         bool HasFractions; // True if the schedule has fractional values
    4345             : 
    4346             :         // Locals
    4347             :         // FUNCTION ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS:
    4348             : 
    4349             :         // FUNCTION PARAMETER DEFINITIONS:
    4350             :         // na
    4351             : 
    4352             :         // INTERFACE BLOCK SPECIFICATIONS
    4353             :         // na
    4354             : 
    4355             :         // DERIVED TYPE DEFINITIONS
    4356             :         // na
    4357             : 
    4358             :         // FUNCTION LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
    4359             :         int WkSch;
    4360             :         int DayT;
    4361             :         int Loop;
    4362             :         int Hour;
    4363             :         int TStep;
    4364             : 
    4365         141 :         if (ScheduleIndex == -1 || ScheduleIndex == 0) {
    4366             : 
    4367         141 :         } else if (ScheduleIndex < 1 || ScheduleIndex > state.dataScheduleMgr->NumSchedules) {
    4368           0 :             ShowFatalError(state, "HasFractionalScheduleValue called with ScheduleIndex out of range");
    4369             :         }
    4370             : 
    4371         141 :         HasFractions = false;
    4372             : 
    4373         141 :         if (ScheduleIndex > 0) {
    4374         141 :             WkSch = state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(ScheduleIndex).WeekSchedulePointer(1);
    4375        1833 :             for (DayT = 1; DayT <= maxDayTypes; ++DayT) {
    4376       42300 :                 for (Hour = 1; Hour <= 24; ++Hour) {
    4377      237600 :                     for (TStep = 1; TStep <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfTimeStepInHour; ++TStep) {
    4378      393984 :                         if (state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(state.dataScheduleMgr->WeekSchedule(WkSch).DaySchedulePointer(DayT))
    4379      351326 :                                     .TSValue(TStep, Hour) > 0.0 &&
    4380      154334 :                             state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(state.dataScheduleMgr->WeekSchedule(WkSch).DaySchedulePointer(DayT))
    4381      154334 :                                     .TSValue(TStep, Hour) < 1.0) {
    4382           0 :                             HasFractions = true;
    4383           0 :                             goto DayTLoop_exit;
    4384             :                         }
    4385             :                     }
    4386             :                 }
    4387             :             }
    4388         141 :         DayTLoop_exit:;
    4389         141 :             if (!HasFractions) {
    4390       51606 :                 for (Loop = 2; Loop <= 366; ++Loop) {
    4391       51465 :                     WkSch = state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(ScheduleIndex).WeekSchedulePointer(Loop);
    4392      669045 :                     for (DayT = 1; DayT <= maxDayTypes; ++DayT) {
    4393    15439500 :                         for (Hour = 1; Hour <= 24; ++Hour) {
    4394    86724000 :                             for (TStep = 1; TStep <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfTimeStepInHour; ++TStep) {
    4395   143804160 :                                 if (state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(state.dataScheduleMgr->WeekSchedule(WkSch).DaySchedulePointer(DayT))
    4396   124851248 :                                             .TSValue(TStep, Hour) > 0.0 &&
    4397    52949168 :                                     state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(state.dataScheduleMgr->WeekSchedule(WkSch).DaySchedulePointer(DayT))
    4398    52949168 :                                             .TSValue(TStep, Hour) < 1.0) {
    4399           0 :                                     HasFractions = true;
    4400           0 :                                     goto DayTLoop2_exit;
    4401             :                                 }
    4402             :                             }
    4403             :                         }
    4404             :                     }
    4405       51465 :                 DayTLoop2_exit:;
    4406             :                 }
    4407             :             }
    4408             :         }
    4409             : 
    4410         141 :         return HasFractions;
    4411             :     }
    4412             : 
    4413       35290 :     Real64 GetScheduleMinValue(EnergyPlusData &state, int const ScheduleIndex) // Which Schedule being tested
    4414             :     {
    4415             :         // FUNCTION INFORMATION:
    4416             :         //       AUTHOR         Linda K. Lawrie
    4417             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   February 2004
    4418             :         //       MODIFIED       na
    4419             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
    4420             : 
    4421             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS FUNCTION:
    4422             :         // This function returns the minimum value used by a schedule over
    4423             :         // the entire year.
    4424             : 
    4425             :         // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
    4426             :         // na
    4427             : 
    4428             :         // REFERENCES:
    4429             :         // na
    4430             : 
    4431             :         // USE STATEMENTS:
    4432             :         // na
    4433             : 
    4434             :         // Return value
    4435             :         Real64 MinimumValue; // Minimum value for schedule
    4436             : 
    4437             :         // Locals
    4438             :         // FUNCTION ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS:
    4439             : 
    4440             :         // FUNCTION PARAMETER DEFINITIONS:
    4441             :         // na
    4442             : 
    4443             :         // INTERFACE BLOCK SPECIFICATIONS
    4444             :         // na
    4445             : 
    4446             :         // DERIVED TYPE DEFINITIONS
    4447             :         // na
    4448             : 
    4449             :         // FUNCTION LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
    4450       35290 :         Real64 MinValue(0.0);
    4451       35290 :         Real64 MaxValue(0.0);
    4452             :         int WkSch;
    4453             :         int DayT;
    4454             :         int Loop;
    4455             : 
    4456       35290 :         if (ScheduleIndex == -1) {
    4457           0 :             MinValue = 1.0;
    4458           0 :             MaxValue = 1.0;
    4459       35290 :         } else if (ScheduleIndex == 0) {
    4460           0 :             MinValue = 0.0;
    4461           0 :             MaxValue = 0.0;
    4462       35290 :         } else if (ScheduleIndex < 1 || ScheduleIndex > state.dataScheduleMgr->NumSchedules) {
    4463           0 :             ShowFatalError(state, "GetScheduleMinValue called with ScheduleIndex out of range");
    4464             :         }
    4465             : 
    4466       35290 :         if (ScheduleIndex > 0) {
    4467       35290 :             if (!state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(ScheduleIndex).MaxMinSet) { // Set Minimum/Maximums for this schedule
    4468        2114 :                 WkSch = state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(ScheduleIndex).WeekSchedulePointer(1);
    4469        2114 :                 MinValue = minval(state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(state.dataScheduleMgr->WeekSchedule(WkSch).DaySchedulePointer(1)).TSValue);
    4470        2114 :                 MaxValue = maxval(state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(state.dataScheduleMgr->WeekSchedule(WkSch).DaySchedulePointer(1)).TSValue);
    4471       25368 :                 for (DayT = 2; DayT <= maxDayTypes; ++DayT) {
    4472       23254 :                     MinValue =
    4473       23254 :                         min(MinValue,
    4474       23254 :                             minval(state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(state.dataScheduleMgr->WeekSchedule(WkSch).DaySchedulePointer(DayT)).TSValue));
    4475       23254 :                     MaxValue =
    4476       23254 :                         max(MaxValue,
    4477       23254 :                             maxval(state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(state.dataScheduleMgr->WeekSchedule(WkSch).DaySchedulePointer(DayT)).TSValue));
    4478             :                 }
    4479      773724 :                 for (Loop = 2; Loop <= 366; ++Loop) {
    4480      771610 :                     WkSch = state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(ScheduleIndex).WeekSchedulePointer(Loop);
    4481    10030930 :                     for (DayT = 1; DayT <= maxDayTypes; ++DayT) {
    4482     9259320 :                         MinValue = min(
    4483             :                             MinValue,
    4484     9259320 :                             minval(state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(state.dataScheduleMgr->WeekSchedule(WkSch).DaySchedulePointer(DayT)).TSValue));
    4485     9259320 :                         MaxValue = max(
    4486             :                             MaxValue,
    4487     9259320 :                             maxval(state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(state.dataScheduleMgr->WeekSchedule(WkSch).DaySchedulePointer(DayT)).TSValue));
    4488             :                     }
    4489             :                 }
    4490        2114 :                 state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(ScheduleIndex).MaxMinSet = true;
    4491        2114 :                 state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(ScheduleIndex).MinValue = MinValue;
    4492        2114 :                 state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(ScheduleIndex).MaxValue = MaxValue;
    4493             :             }
    4494             : 
    4495             :             //  Min/max for schedule has been set.
    4496       35290 :             MinimumValue = state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(ScheduleIndex).MinValue;
    4497             :         } else {
    4498           0 :             MinimumValue = MinValue;
    4499             :         }
    4500             : 
    4501       35290 :         return MinimumValue;
    4502             :     }
    4503             : 
    4504       43258 :     Real64 GetScheduleMaxValue(EnergyPlusData &state, int const ScheduleIndex) // Which Schedule being tested
    4505             :     {
    4506             :         // FUNCTION INFORMATION:
    4507             :         //       AUTHOR         Linda K. Lawrie
    4508             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   February 2004
    4509             :         //       MODIFIED       na
    4510             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
    4511             : 
    4512             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS FUNCTION:
    4513             :         // This function returns the maximum value used by a schedule over
    4514             :         // the entire year.
    4515             : 
    4516             :         // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
    4517             :         // na
    4518             : 
    4519             :         // REFERENCES:
    4520             :         // na
    4521             : 
    4522             :         // USE STATEMENTS:
    4523             :         // na
    4524             : 
    4525             :         // Return value
    4526             :         Real64 MaximumValue; // Maximum value for schedule
    4527             : 
    4528             :         // Locals
    4529             :         // FUNCTION ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS:
    4530             : 
    4531             :         // FUNCTION PARAMETER DEFINITIONS:
    4532             :         // na
    4533             : 
    4534             :         // INTERFACE BLOCK SPECIFICATIONS
    4535             :         // na
    4536             : 
    4537             :         // DERIVED TYPE DEFINITIONS
    4538             :         // na
    4539             : 
    4540             :         // FUNCTION LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
    4541       43258 :         Real64 MinValue(0.0);
    4542       43258 :         Real64 MaxValue(0.0);
    4543             :         int WkSch;
    4544             :         int DayT;
    4545             :         int Loop;
    4546             : 
    4547       43258 :         if (ScheduleIndex == -1) {
    4548           0 :             MinValue = 1.0;
    4549           0 :             MaxValue = 1.0;
    4550       43258 :         } else if (ScheduleIndex == 0) {
    4551           0 :             MinValue = 0.0;
    4552           0 :             MaxValue = 0.0;
    4553       43258 :         } else if (ScheduleIndex < 1 || ScheduleIndex > state.dataScheduleMgr->NumSchedules) {
    4554           0 :             ShowFatalError(state, "CheckScheduleMaxValue called with ScheduleIndex out of range");
    4555             :         }
    4556             : 
    4557       43258 :         if (ScheduleIndex > 0) {
    4558       43258 :             if (!state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(ScheduleIndex).MaxMinSet) { // Set Minimum/Maximums for this schedule
    4559         190 :                 WkSch = state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(ScheduleIndex).WeekSchedulePointer(1);
    4560         190 :                 MinValue = minval(state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(state.dataScheduleMgr->WeekSchedule(WkSch).DaySchedulePointer(1)).TSValue);
    4561         190 :                 MaxValue = maxval(state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(state.dataScheduleMgr->WeekSchedule(WkSch).DaySchedulePointer(1)).TSValue);
    4562        2280 :                 for (DayT = 2; DayT <= maxDayTypes; ++DayT) {
    4563        2090 :                     MinValue =
    4564        2090 :                         min(MinValue,
    4565        2090 :                             minval(state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(state.dataScheduleMgr->WeekSchedule(WkSch).DaySchedulePointer(DayT)).TSValue));
    4566        2090 :                     MaxValue =
    4567        2090 :                         max(MaxValue,
    4568        2090 :                             maxval(state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(state.dataScheduleMgr->WeekSchedule(WkSch).DaySchedulePointer(DayT)).TSValue));
    4569             :                 }
    4570       69540 :                 for (Loop = 2; Loop <= 366; ++Loop) {
    4571       69350 :                     WkSch = state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(ScheduleIndex).WeekSchedulePointer(Loop);
    4572      901550 :                     for (DayT = 1; DayT <= maxDayTypes; ++DayT) {
    4573      832200 :                         MinValue = min(
    4574             :                             MinValue,
    4575      832200 :                             minval(state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(state.dataScheduleMgr->WeekSchedule(WkSch).DaySchedulePointer(DayT)).TSValue));
    4576      832200 :                         MaxValue = max(
    4577             :                             MaxValue,
    4578      832200 :                             maxval(state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(state.dataScheduleMgr->WeekSchedule(WkSch).DaySchedulePointer(DayT)).TSValue));
    4579             :                     }
    4580             :                 }
    4581         190 :                 state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(ScheduleIndex).MaxMinSet = true;
    4582         190 :                 state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(ScheduleIndex).MinValue = MinValue;
    4583         190 :                 state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(ScheduleIndex).MaxValue = MaxValue;
    4584             :             }
    4585             : 
    4586             :             //  Min/max for schedule has been set.
    4587             : 
    4588       43258 :             MaximumValue = state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(ScheduleIndex).MaxValue;
    4589             :         } else {
    4590           0 :             MaximumValue = MaxValue;
    4591             :         }
    4592             : 
    4593       43258 :         return MaximumValue;
    4594             :     }
    4595             : 
    4596       34590 :     std::string GetScheduleName(EnergyPlusData &state, int const ScheduleIndex)
    4597             :     {
    4598             :         // FUNCTION INFORMATION:
    4599             :         //       AUTHOR         Linda K. Lawrie
    4600             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   February 2008
    4601             :         //       MODIFIED       na
    4602             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
    4603             : 
    4604             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS FUNCTION:
    4605             :         // This function returns the schedule name from the Schedule Index.
    4606             : 
    4607             :         // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
    4608             :         // na
    4609             : 
    4610             :         // REFERENCES:
    4611             :         // na
    4612             : 
    4613             :         // USE STATEMENTS:
    4614             :         // na
    4615             : 
    4616             :         // Return value
    4617       34590 :         std::string ScheduleName;
    4618             : 
    4619             :         // Locals
    4620             :         // FUNCTION ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS:
    4621             : 
    4622             :         // FUNCTION PARAMETER DEFINITIONS:
    4623             :         // na
    4624             : 
    4625             :         // INTERFACE BLOCK SPECIFICATIONS
    4626             :         // na
    4627             : 
    4628             :         // DERIVED TYPE DEFINITIONS
    4629             :         // na
    4630             : 
    4631             :         // FUNCTION LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
    4632             :         // na
    4633             : 
    4634       34590 :         if (!state.dataScheduleMgr->ScheduleInputProcessed) {
    4635           0 :             ProcessScheduleInput(state);
    4636           0 :             state.dataScheduleMgr->ScheduleInputProcessed = true;
    4637             :         }
    4638             : 
    4639       34590 :         if (ScheduleIndex > 0) {
    4640       34449 :             ScheduleName = state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(ScheduleIndex).Name;
    4641         141 :         } else if (ScheduleIndex == -1) {
    4642           8 :             ScheduleName = "Constant-1.0";
    4643         133 :         } else if (ScheduleIndex == 0) {
    4644         133 :             ScheduleName = "Constant-0.0";
    4645             :         } else {
    4646           0 :             ScheduleName = "N/A-Invalid";
    4647             :         }
    4648             : 
    4649       34590 :         return ScheduleName;
    4650             :     }
    4651             : 
    4652     2568312 :     void ReportScheduleValues(EnergyPlusData &state)
    4653             :     {
    4654             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    4655             :         //       AUTHOR         Linda Lawrie
    4656             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   February 2004
    4657             :         //       MODIFIED       na
    4658             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
    4659             : 
    4660             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    4661             :         // This subroutine puts the proper current schedule values into the "reporting"
    4662             :         // slot for later reporting.
    4663             : 
    4664     2568312 :         if (!state.dataScheduleMgr->ScheduleInputProcessed) {
    4665           0 :             ProcessScheduleInput(state);
    4666           0 :             state.dataScheduleMgr->ScheduleInputProcessed = true;
    4667             :         }
    4668             : 
    4669     2568312 :         if (state.dataScheduleMgr->DoScheduleReportingSetup) { // CurrentModuleObject='Any Schedule'
    4670       16730 :             for (int ScheduleIndex = 1; ScheduleIndex <= state.dataScheduleMgr->NumSchedules; ++ScheduleIndex) {
    4671             :                 // Set Up Reporting
    4672       63840 :                 SetupOutputVariable(state,
    4673             :                                     "Schedule Value",
    4674             :                                     OutputProcessor::Unit::None,
    4675       15960 :                                     state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(ScheduleIndex).CurrentValue,
    4676             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::Zone,
    4677             :                                     OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    4678       31920 :                                     state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(ScheduleIndex).Name);
    4679             :             }
    4680         770 :             state.dataScheduleMgr->DoScheduleReportingSetup = false;
    4681             :         }
    4682             : 
    4683             :         // TODO: Is this needed?
    4684             :         // Why is it doing exactly the same as UpdateScheduleValues?
    4685     2568312 :         UpdateScheduleValues(state);
    4686     2568312 :     }
    4687             : 
    4688         769 :     void ReportOrphanSchedules(EnergyPlusData &state)
    4689             :     {
    4690             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    4691             :         //       AUTHOR         Linda Lawrie
    4692             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   April 2008
    4693             :         //       MODIFIED       na
    4694             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
    4695             : 
    4696             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    4697             :         // In response to CR7498, report orphan (unused) schedule items.
    4698             : 
    4699             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
    4700             :         bool NeedOrphanMessage;
    4701             :         bool NeedUseMessage;
    4702             :         int Item;
    4703             :         int NumCount;
    4704             : 
    4705         769 :         NeedOrphanMessage = true;
    4706         769 :         NeedUseMessage = false;
    4707         769 :         NumCount = 0;
    4708             : 
    4709       16691 :         for (Item = 1; Item <= state.dataScheduleMgr->NumSchedules; ++Item) {
    4710       15922 :             if (state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(Item).Used) continue;
    4711         677 :             if (NeedOrphanMessage && state.dataGlobal->DisplayUnusedSchedules) {
    4712           1 :                 ShowWarningError(state, "The following schedule names are \"Unused Schedules\".  These schedules are in the idf");
    4713           1 :                 ShowContinueError(state, " file but are never obtained by the simulation and therefore are NOT used.");
    4714           1 :                 NeedOrphanMessage = false;
    4715             :             }
    4716         677 :             if (state.dataGlobal->DisplayUnusedSchedules) {
    4717           3 :                 ShowMessage(state,
    4718           2 :                             "Schedule:Year or Schedule:Compact or Schedule:File or Schedule:Constant=" + state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(Item).Name);
    4719             :             } else {
    4720         676 :                 ++NumCount;
    4721             :             }
    4722             :         }
    4723             : 
    4724         769 :         if (NumCount > 0) {
    4725         196 :             ShowMessage(state, fmt::format("There are {} unused schedules in input.", NumCount));
    4726          98 :             NeedUseMessage = true;
    4727             :         }
    4728             : 
    4729         769 :         NeedOrphanMessage = true;
    4730         769 :         NumCount = 0;
    4731             : 
    4732      113005 :         for (Item = 1; Item <= state.dataScheduleMgr->NumWeekSchedules; ++Item) {
    4733      112236 :             if (state.dataScheduleMgr->WeekSchedule(Item).Used) continue;
    4734        1025 :             if (state.dataScheduleMgr->WeekSchedule(Item).Name == BlankString) continue;
    4735          49 :             if (NeedOrphanMessage && state.dataGlobal->DisplayUnusedSchedules) {
    4736           0 :                 ShowWarningError(state, "The following week schedule names are \"Unused Schedules\".  These schedules are in the idf");
    4737           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, " file but are never obtained by the simulation and therefore are NOT used.");
    4738           0 :                 NeedOrphanMessage = false;
    4739             :             }
    4740          49 :             if (state.dataGlobal->DisplayUnusedSchedules) {
    4741           0 :                 ShowMessage(state, "Schedule:Week:Daily or Schedule:Week:Compact=" + state.dataScheduleMgr->WeekSchedule(Item).Name);
    4742             :             } else {
    4743          49 :                 ++NumCount;
    4744             :             }
    4745             :         }
    4746             : 
    4747         769 :         if (NumCount > 0) {
    4748          16 :             ShowMessage(state, fmt::format("There are {} unused week schedules in input.", NumCount));
    4749           8 :             NeedUseMessage = true;
    4750             :         }
    4751             : 
    4752         769 :         NeedOrphanMessage = true;
    4753         769 :         NumCount = 0;
    4754             : 
    4755      123543 :         for (Item = 1; Item <= state.dataScheduleMgr->NumDaySchedules; ++Item) {
    4756      122774 :             if (state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(Item).Used) continue;
    4757         321 :             if (state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(Item).Name == BlankString) continue;
    4758          75 :             if (NeedOrphanMessage && state.dataGlobal->DisplayUnusedSchedules) {
    4759           0 :                 ShowWarningError(state, "The following day schedule names are \"Unused Schedules\".  These schedules are in the idf");
    4760           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, " file but are never obtained by the simulation and therefore are NOT used.");
    4761           0 :                 NeedOrphanMessage = false;
    4762             :             }
    4763          75 :             if (state.dataGlobal->DisplayUnusedSchedules) {
    4764           0 :                 ShowMessage(state,
    4765           0 :                             "Schedule:Day:Hourly or Schedule:Day:Interval or Schedule:Day:List=" + state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(Item).Name);
    4766             :             } else {
    4767          75 :                 ++NumCount;
    4768             :             }
    4769             :         }
    4770             : 
    4771         769 :         if (NumCount > 0) {
    4772          18 :             ShowMessage(state, fmt::format("There are {} unused day schedules in input.", NumCount));
    4773           9 :             NeedUseMessage = true;
    4774             :         }
    4775             : 
    4776         769 :         if (NeedUseMessage) ShowMessage(state, "Use Output:Diagnostics,DisplayUnusedSchedules; to see them.");
    4777         769 :     }
    4778             : 
    4779             :     // returns the annual full load hours for a schedule - essentially the sum of the hourly values
    4780       10462 :     Real64 ScheduleAnnualFullLoadHours(EnergyPlusData &state,
    4781             :                                        int const ScheduleIndex,  // Which Schedule being tested
    4782             :                                        int const StartDayOfWeek, // Day of week for start of year
    4783             :                                        bool const isItLeapYear   // true if it is a leap year containing February 29
    4784             :     )
    4785             :     {
    4786             :         // J. Glazer - July 2017
    4787             :         // adapted from Linda K. Lawrie original code for ScheduleAverageHoursPerWeek()
    4788             : 
    4789             :         int DaysInYear;
    4790             : 
    4791       10462 :         if (isItLeapYear) {
    4792          16 :             DaysInYear = 366;
    4793             :         } else {
    4794       10446 :             DaysInYear = 365;
    4795             :         }
    4796             : 
    4797       10462 :         if (ScheduleIndex < -1 || ScheduleIndex > state.dataScheduleMgr->NumSchedules) {
    4798           0 :             ShowFatalError(state, "ScheduleAnnualFullLoadHours called with ScheduleIndex out of range");
    4799             :         }
    4800             : 
    4801       10462 :         int DayT = StartDayOfWeek;
    4802       10462 :         Real64 TotalHours = 0.0;
    4803             : 
    4804       10462 :         if (DayT == 0) return TotalHours;
    4805             : 
    4806     3829108 :         for (int Loop = 1; Loop <= DaysInYear; ++Loop) {
    4807     3818646 :             int WkSch = state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(ScheduleIndex).WeekSchedulePointer(Loop);
    4808     7637292 :             TotalHours += sum(state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(state.dataScheduleMgr->WeekSchedule(WkSch).DaySchedulePointer(DayT)).TSValue) /
    4809     3818646 :                           double(state.dataGlobal->NumOfTimeStepInHour);
    4810     3818646 :             ++DayT;
    4811     3818646 :             if (DayT > 7) DayT = 1;
    4812             :         }
    4813             : 
    4814       10462 :         return TotalHours;
    4815             :     }
    4816             : 
    4817             :     // returns the average number of hours per week based on the schedule index provided
    4818        4058 :     Real64 ScheduleAverageHoursPerWeek(EnergyPlusData &state,
    4819             :                                        int const ScheduleIndex,  // Which Schedule being tested
    4820             :                                        int const StartDayOfWeek, // Day of week for start of year
    4821             :                                        bool const isItLeapYear   // true if it is a leap year containing February 29
    4822             :     )
    4823             :     {
    4824             :         // FUNCTION INFORMATION:
    4825             :         //       AUTHOR         Linda K. Lawrie
    4826             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   August 2006
    4827             :         //       MODIFIED       September 2012; Glazer - CR8849
    4828             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
    4829             : 
    4830             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS FUNCTION:
    4831             :         // This function returns the "average" hours per week for a schedule over
    4832             :         // the entire year.
    4833             : 
    4834             :         // Return value
    4835             : 
    4836             :         Real64 WeeksInYear;
    4837             : 
    4838        4058 :         if (isItLeapYear) {
    4839           5 :             WeeksInYear = 366.0 / 7.0;
    4840             :         } else {
    4841        4053 :             WeeksInYear = 365.0 / 7.0;
    4842             :         }
    4843             : 
    4844        4058 :         if (ScheduleIndex < -1 || ScheduleIndex > state.dataScheduleMgr->NumSchedules) {
    4845           0 :             ShowFatalError(state, "ScheduleAverageHoursPerWeek called with ScheduleIndex out of range");
    4846             :         }
    4847             : 
    4848        4058 :         Real64 TotalHours = ScheduleAnnualFullLoadHours(state, ScheduleIndex, StartDayOfWeek, isItLeapYear);
    4849             : 
    4850        4058 :         return TotalHours / WeeksInYear; // Ok to return a fraction since WeeksInYear we know is always non-zero
    4851             :     }
    4852             : 
    4853             :     // returns the annual hours greater than 1% for a schedule - essentially the number of hours with any operation
    4854        6404 :     Real64 ScheduleHoursGT1perc(EnergyPlusData &state,
    4855             :                                 int const ScheduleIndex,  // Which Schedule being tested
    4856             :                                 int const StartDayOfWeek, // Day of week for start of year
    4857             :                                 bool const isItLeapYear   // true if it is a leap year containing February 29
    4858             :     )
    4859             :     {
    4860             :         // J. Glazer - July 2017
    4861             :         // adapted from Linda K. Lawrie original code for ScheduleAverageHoursPerWeek()
    4862             : 
    4863             :         int DaysInYear;
    4864             : 
    4865        6404 :         if (isItLeapYear) {
    4866          11 :             DaysInYear = 366;
    4867             :         } else {
    4868        6393 :             DaysInYear = 365;
    4869             :         }
    4870             : 
    4871        6404 :         if (ScheduleIndex < -1 || ScheduleIndex > state.dataScheduleMgr->NumSchedules) {
    4872           0 :             ShowFatalError(state, "ScheduleHoursGT1perc called with ScheduleIndex out of range");
    4873             :         }
    4874             : 
    4875        6404 :         int DayT = StartDayOfWeek;
    4876        6404 :         Real64 TotalHours = 0.0;
    4877             : 
    4878        6404 :         if (DayT == 0) return TotalHours;
    4879             : 
    4880     2343875 :         for (int Loop = 1; Loop <= DaysInYear; ++Loop) {
    4881     2337471 :             int WkSch = state.dataScheduleMgr->Schedule(ScheduleIndex).WeekSchedulePointer(Loop);
    4882    58436775 :             for (int hrOfDay = 1; hrOfDay <= 24; ++hrOfDay) {
    4883   342482280 :                 for (int TS = 1; TS <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfTimeStepInHour; ++TS) {
    4884   572765952 :                     if (state.dataScheduleMgr->DaySchedule(state.dataScheduleMgr->WeekSchedule(WkSch).DaySchedulePointer(DayT))
    4885   286382976 :                             .TSValue(TS, hrOfDay)) {
    4886   208311327 :                         TotalHours += state.dataGlobal->TimeStepZone;
    4887             :                     }
    4888             :                 }
    4889             :             }
    4890             : 
    4891     2337471 :             ++DayT;
    4892     2337471 :             if (DayT > 7) DayT = 1;
    4893             :         }
    4894             : 
    4895        6404 :         return TotalHours;
    4896             :     }
    4897             : 
    4898         116 :     int GetNumberOfSchedules(EnergyPlusData &state)
    4899             :     {
    4900             :         // FUNCTION INFORMATION:
    4901             :         //       AUTHOR         Greg Stark
    4902             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   September 2008
    4903             :         //       MODIFIED       na
    4904             :         //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
    4905             : 
    4906             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS FUNCTION:
    4907             :         // This function returns the number of schedules.
    4908             : 
    4909             :         // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
    4910             :         // na
    4911             : 
    4912             :         // REFERENCES:
    4913             :         // na
    4914             : 
    4915             :         // USE STATEMENTS:
    4916             :         // na
    4917             : 
    4918             :         // Return value
    4919             :         int NumberOfSchedules;
    4920             : 
    4921             :         // Locals
    4922             :         // FUNCTION ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS:
    4923             : 
    4924             :         // FUNCTION PARAMETER DEFINITIONS:
    4925             :         // na
    4926             : 
    4927             :         // INTERFACE BLOCK SPECIFICATIONS
    4928             :         // na
    4929             : 
    4930             :         // DERIVED TYPE DEFINITIONS
    4931             :         // na
    4932             : 
    4933             :         // FUNCTION LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
    4934             :         // na
    4935             : 
    4936         116 :         NumberOfSchedules = state.dataScheduleMgr->NumSchedules;
    4937             : 
    4938         116 :         return NumberOfSchedules;
    4939             :     }
    4940             : 
    4941             : } // namespace ScheduleManager
    4942             : 
    4943        2313 : } // namespace EnergyPlus

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