LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - EnergyPlus - (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: lcov.output.filtered Lines: 3450 4200 82.1 %
Date: 2023-01-17 19:17:23 Functions: 33 34 97.1 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : // EnergyPlus, Copyright (c) 1996-2023, The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois,
       2             : // The Regents of the University of California, through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
       3             : // (subject to receipt of any required approvals from the U.S. Dept. of Energy), Oak Ridge
       4             : // National Laboratory, managed by UT-Battelle, Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC, and other
       5             : // contributors. All rights reserved.
       6             : //
       7             : // NOTICE: This Software was developed under funding from the U.S. Department of Energy and the
       8             : // U.S. Government consequently retains certain rights. As such, the U.S. Government has been
       9             : // granted for itself and others acting on its behalf a paid-up, nonexclusive, irrevocable,
      10             : // worldwide license in the Software to reproduce, distribute copies to the public, prepare
      11             : // derivative works, and perform publicly and display publicly, and to permit others to do so.
      12             : //
      13             : // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted
      14             : // provided that the following conditions are met:
      15             : //
      16             : // (1) Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of
      17             : //     conditions and the following disclaimer.
      18             : //
      19             : // (2) Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of
      20             : //     conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
      21             : //     provided with the distribution.
      22             : //
      23             : // (3) Neither the name of the University of California, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,
      24             : //     the University of Illinois, U.S. Dept. of Energy nor the names of its contributors may be
      25             : //     used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior
      26             : //     written permission.
      27             : //
      28             : // (4) Use of EnergyPlus(TM) Name. If Licensee (i) distributes the software in stand-alone form
      29             : //     without changes from the version obtained under this License, or (ii) Licensee makes a
      30             : //     reference solely to the software portion of its product, Licensee must refer to the
      31             : //     software as "EnergyPlus version X" software, where "X" is the version number Licensee
      32             : //     obtained under this License and may not use a different name for the software. Except as
      33             : //     specifically required in this Section (4), Licensee shall not use in a company name, a
      34             : //     product name, in advertising, publicity, or other promotional activities any name, trade
      35             : //     name, trademark, logo, or other designation of "EnergyPlus", "E+", "e+" or confusingly
      36             : //     similar designation, without the U.S. Department of Energy's prior written consent.
      37             : //
      46             : // POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.
      47             : 
      48             : // C++ Headers
      49             : #include <algorithm>
      50             : #include <cmath>
      51             : #include <memory>
      52             : 
      53             : // ObjexxFCL Headers
      54             : #include <ObjexxFCL/Array.functions.hh>
      55             : #include <ObjexxFCL/Array1D.hh>
      56             : #include <ObjexxFCL/Fmath.hh>
      57             : #include <ObjexxFCL/string.functions.hh>
      58             : 
      59             : // EnergyPlus Headers
      60             : #include <AirflowNetwork/Solver.hpp>
      61             : #include <EnergyPlus/AirLoopHVACDOAS.hh>
      62             : #include <EnergyPlus/Autosizing/Base.hh>
      63             : #include <EnergyPlus/BranchInputManager.hh>
      64             : #include <EnergyPlus/Data/EnergyPlusData.hh>
      65             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataAirLoop.hh>
      66             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataAirSystems.hh>
      67             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataContaminantBalance.hh>
      68             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataConvergParams.hh>
      69             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataDefineEquip.hh>
      70             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataEnvironment.hh>
      71             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataGlobalConstants.hh>
      72             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataHVACGlobals.hh>
      73             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataHeatBalance.hh>
      74             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataLoopNode.hh>
      75             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataPrecisionGlobals.hh>
      76             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataSizing.hh>
      77             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataSystemVariables.hh>
      78             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataZoneEquipment.hh>
      79             : #include <EnergyPlus/DesiccantDehumidifiers.hh>
      80             : #include <EnergyPlus/EMSManager.hh>
      81             : #include <EnergyPlus/EvaporativeCoolers.hh>
      82             : #include <EnergyPlus/Fans.hh>
      83             : #include <EnergyPlus/Furnaces.hh>
      84             : #include <EnergyPlus/General.hh>
      85             : #include <EnergyPlus/GeneralRoutines.hh>
      86             : #include <EnergyPlus/HVACControllers.hh>
      87             : #include <EnergyPlus/HVACDXHeatPumpSystem.hh>
      88             : #include <EnergyPlus/HVACDuct.hh>
      89             : #include <EnergyPlus/HVACFan.hh>
      90             : #include <EnergyPlus/HVACHXAssistedCoolingCoil.hh>
      91             : #include <EnergyPlus/HVACInterfaceManager.hh>
      92             : #include <EnergyPlus/HVACMultiSpeedHeatPump.hh>
      93             : #include <EnergyPlus/HVACUnitaryBypassVAV.hh>
      94             : #include <EnergyPlus/HVACVariableRefrigerantFlow.hh>
      95             : #include <EnergyPlus/HeatRecovery.hh>
      96             : #include <EnergyPlus/HeatingCoils.hh>
      97             : #include <EnergyPlus/Humidifiers.hh>
      98             : #include <EnergyPlus/InputProcessing/InputProcessor.hh>
      99             : #include <EnergyPlus/MixedAir.hh>
     100             : #include <EnergyPlus/MixerComponent.hh>
     101             : #include <EnergyPlus/NodeInputManager.hh>
     102             : #include <EnergyPlus/OutAirNodeManager.hh>
     103             : #include <EnergyPlus/OutputProcessor.hh>
     104             : #include <EnergyPlus/OutputReportPredefined.hh>
     105             : #include <EnergyPlus/Psychrometrics.hh>
     106             : #include <EnergyPlus/SimAirServingZones.hh>
     107             : #include <EnergyPlus/SizingManager.hh>
     108             : #include <EnergyPlus/SplitterComponent.hh>
     109             : #include <EnergyPlus/SteamCoils.hh>
     110             : #include <EnergyPlus/SystemAvailabilityManager.hh>
     111             : #include <EnergyPlus/UnitarySystem.hh>
     112             : #include <EnergyPlus/UserDefinedComponents.hh>
     113             : #include <EnergyPlus/UtilityRoutines.hh>
     114             : #include <EnergyPlus/WaterCoils.hh>
     115             : #include <EnergyPlus/ZonePlenum.hh>
     116             : 
     117             : namespace EnergyPlus::SimAirServingZones {
     118             : 
     119             : // MODULE INFORMATION
     120             : //       AUTHOR:  Russ Taylor, Dan Fisher, Fred Buhl
     121             : //       DATE WRITTEN:  Oct 1997
     122             : //       MODIFIED:  Dec 1997 Fred Buhl; Richard Liesen  Apr 1998,
     123             : //                  Dec 1999 Fred Buhl
     124             : //                  22Aug2010 Craig Wray - added Fan:ComponentModel
     125             : //       RE-ENGINEERED:  This is new code, not reengineered
     126             : 
     127             : // PURPOSE OF THIS MODULE:
     128             : // Contains the data and code for simulating the HVAC forced
     129             : // air systems.
     130             : 
     131             : // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
     132             : // Successive iteration forward from the return air inlet
     133             : // to the supply air outlets.
     134             : 
     135             : using namespace DataLoopNode;
     136             : using namespace DataAirLoop;
     137             : using namespace DataHVACGlobals;
     138             : using namespace DataSizing;
     139             : using namespace DataZoneEquipment;
     140             : using namespace DataAirSystems;
     141             : 
     142     6484926 : void ManageAirLoops(EnergyPlusData &state,
     143             :                     bool const FirstHVACIteration, // TRUE if first full HVAC iteration in an HVAC timestep
     144             :                     bool &SimAir,                  // TRUE means air loops must be (re)simulated
     145             :                     bool &SimZoneEquipment         // TRUE means zone equipment must be (re) simulated
     146             : )
     147             : {
     148             : 
     149             :     // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION
     150             :     //             AUTHOR:  Russ Taylor, Dan Fisher, Fred Buhl
     151             :     //       DATE WRITTEN:  Oct 1997
     152             :     //           MODIFIED:  Dec 1997 Fred Buhl
     153             :     //      RE-ENGINEERED:  This is new code, not reengineered
     154             : 
     155             :     // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
     156             :     // This is the manager subroutine for the air loop simulation.
     157             :     // Called from SimSelectedEquipment, which is called from SimHVAC,
     158             :     // which is called from ManageHVAC, the top level system/plant driver.
     159             :     // The subroutine performs the usual manager functions: it calls the
     160             :     // Get, Init, Sim, Update, and Report routines.
     161             : 
     162     6484926 :     auto &AirLoopControlInfo(state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopControlInfo);
     163             : 
     164             :     using MixedAir::ManageOutsideAirSystem;
     165             : 
     166     6484926 :     if (state.dataSimAirServingZones->GetAirLoopInputFlag) { // First time subroutine has been entered
     167         770 :         GetAirPathData(state);                               // Get air loop descriptions from input file
     168         770 :         state.dataSimAirServingZones->GetAirLoopInputFlag = false;
     169             :     }
     170             : 
     171             :     // Initialize air loop related parameters
     172     6484926 :     InitAirLoops(state, FirstHVACIteration);
     173             : 
     174             :     // Call the AirLoop Simulation
     175     6484925 :     if (state.dataGlobal->SysSizingCalc) {
     176         329 :         SizeAirLoops(state);
     177     6484596 :     } else if (!state.dataGlobal->SysSizingCalc) {
     178     6484596 :         SimAirLoops(state, FirstHVACIteration, SimZoneEquipment);
     179             :     }
     180             : 
     181             :     // This flag could be used to resimulate only the air loops that needed additional iterations.
     182             :     // This flag would have to be moved inside SimAirLoops to gain this flexibility.
     183     6484925 :     SimAir = std::any_of(
     184    24972786 :         AirLoopControlInfo.begin(), AirLoopControlInfo.end(), [](DataAirLoop::AirLoopControlData const &e) { return e.ResimAirLoopFlag; });
     185     6484925 : }
     186             : 
     187             : // Get Input Section of the Module
     188             : //******************************************************************************
     189             : 
     190         770 : void GetAirPathData(EnergyPlusData &state)
     191             : {
     192             : 
     193             :     // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION
     194             :     //             AUTHOR:  Fred Buhl
     195             :     //       DATE WRITTEN:  Jan 1998
     196             :     //           MODIFIED: Richard Liesen April 1998, Fred Buhl Dec 1999
     197             :     //      RE-ENGINEERED:  This is new code, not reengineered
     198             : 
     199             :     // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
     200             :     // Input all the data needed to simulate the air loops in the problem.
     201             : 
     202             :     // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
     203             :     // Use the various "Get" routines from the InputProcessor module to
     204             :     // obtain input data and store it in the data structures defined in MODULE SimAirServingZones
     205             : 
     206             :     // REFERENCES: This gets the following object:
     207             :     // AirLoopHVAC,
     208             :     //        \min-fields 10
     209             :     //        \memo Defines a central forced air system
     210             :     //    A1, \field Name
     211             :     //        \required-field
     212             :     //        \type alpha
     213             :     //        \reference AirPrimaryLoops
     214             :     //    A2, \field Controller List Name
     215             :     //        \note Enter the name of an AirLoopHVAC:ControllerList object.
     216             :     //        \type object-list
     217             :     //        \object-list ControllerLists
     218             :     //    A3, \field Availability Manager List Name
     219             :     //        \note Enter the name of an AvailabilityManagerAssignmentList object.
     220             :     //        \type object-list
     221             :     //        \object-list SystemAvailabilityManagerLists
     222             :     //    N1, \field Design Primary Air Flow Rate
     223             :     //        \default 0
     224             :     //        \units m3/s
     225             :     //        \autosizable
     226             :     //    A4, \field BranchList Name
     227             :     //        \note Name of a BranchList containing all the branches in this air loop
     228             :     //        \required-field
     229             :     //        \type object-list
     230             :     //        \object-list BranchLists
     231             :     //    A5, \field ConnectorList Name
     232             :     //        \note Name of a Connector List containing all the splitters and mixers in the loop
     233             :     //        \type object-list
     234             :     //        \object-list ConnectorLists
     235             :     //    A6, \field Supply Side Inlet Node Name
     236             :     //        \note Name of inlet node where return air enters the supply side of the air loop
     237             :     //        \required-field
     238             :     //    A7, \field Demand Side Outlet Node Name
     239             :     //        \note Name of outlet node where return air leaves the demand side and enters the supply side.
     240             :     //        \required-field
     241             :     //    A8, \field Demand Side Inlet Node Names
     242             :     //        \note Name of a Node or NodeList containing the inlet node(s) supplying air to zone equipment.
     243             :     //        \required-field
     244             :     //    A9; \field Supply Side Outlet Node Names
     245             :     //        \note Name of a Node or NodeList containing the outlet node(s) supplying air to the demand side.
     246             :     //        \required-field
     247             : 
     248             :     // Using/Aliasing
     249             :     using BranchInputManager::GetBranchData;
     250             :     using BranchInputManager::GetBranchList;
     251             :     using BranchInputManager::GetLoopMixer;
     252             :     using BranchInputManager::GetLoopSplitter;
     253             :     using BranchInputManager::GetNumSplitterMixerInConntrList;
     254             :     using BranchInputManager::NumBranchesInBranchList;
     255             :     using BranchInputManager::NumCompsInBranch;
     256             :     using HVACControllers::CheckCoilWaterInletNode;
     257             :     using HVACControllers::GetControllerActuatorNodeNum;
     258             :     using MixedAir::FindOAMixerMatchForOASystem;
     259             :     using MixedAir::GetNumOASystems;
     260             :     using MixedAir::GetOACompListNumber;
     261             :     using MixedAir::GetOACompName;
     262             :     using MixedAir::GetOACompType;
     263             :     using MixedAir::GetOACompTypeNum;
     264             :     using MixedAir::GetOAMixerInletNodeNumber;
     265             :     using MixedAir::GetOASysControllerListIndex;
     266             :     using MixedAir::GetOASysNumCoolingCoils;
     267             :     using MixedAir::GetOASysNumHeatingCoils;
     268             :     using MixedAir::GetOASysNumHXs;
     269             :     using MixedAir::GetOASysNumSimpControllers;
     270             :     using MixedAir::GetOASystemNumber;
     271             :     using NodeInputManager::GetNodeNums;
     272             :     using NodeInputManager::GetOnlySingleNode;
     273             :     using SystemAvailabilityManager::GetAirLoopAvailabilityManager;
     274             :     using WaterCoils::GetCoilWaterInletNode;
     275             : 
     276             :     // SUBROUTINE PARAMETER DEFINITIONS:
     277         770 :     constexpr const char *RoutineName("GetAirPathData: ");
     278             : 
     279         770 :     auto &OutsideAirSys(state.dataAirLoop->OutsideAirSys);
     280         770 :     auto &AirLoopControlInfo(state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopControlInfo);
     281             : 
     283             :     int NumNumbers;                // number of numbers returned by GetObjectItem
     284        1294 :     Array1D<Real64> Numbers;       // numbers (REAL(r64)s) returned by GetObjectItem
     285        1294 :     Array1D_string cNumericFields; // Numeric field names
     286        1294 :     Array1D_bool lNumericBlanks;   // Logical array, numeric field input BLANK = .TRUE.
     287             :     int NumAlphas;                 // number of strings returned by GetObjectItem
     288             :     int NumParams;
     289             :     int MaxNumbers;
     290             :     int MaxAlphas;
     291        1294 :     Array1D_string Alphas;           // alpha strings returned by GetObjectItem
     292        1294 :     Array1D_string cAlphaFields;     // Alpha field names
     293        1294 :     Array1D_bool lAlphaBlanks;       // Logical array, alpha field input BLANK = .TRUE.
     294        1294 :     std::string CurrentModuleObject; // Object type for getting and error messages
     295             :     int NumNodes;                    // number of nodes returned by GetNodeNums
     296        1294 :     Array1D_int NodeNums;            // node numbers returned by GetNodeNums
     297             :     int NodeNum;                     // a node number
     298             :     int AirSysNum;                   // an air system (air loop) number
     299             :     int OANum;                       // outside air system index
     300             :     int NumInList;
     301             :     int OAMixNum;                     // outside air mixer index
     302             :     int IOStat;                       // status number returned by GetObjectItem
     303             :     int NumControllers;               // number of controllers
     304             :     int ControllerListNum;            // Controller List index
     305             :     int ControllerNum;                // Controller index
     306             :     int I;                            // do loop index
     307             :     int BranchNum;                    // branch index
     308             :     int CompNum;                      // component index
     309             :     int NumCompsOnBranch;             // Number of components on a branch
     310             :     int OutBranchNum;                 // outlet branch index
     311             :     int InBranchNum;                  // inlet branch index
     312        1294 :     std::string ControllerName;       // controller name
     313        1294 :     std::string ControllerType;       // controller type
     314        1294 :     std::string BranchListName;       // Name of a Branch List object
     315        1294 :     std::string ControllerListName;   // Name of a controller list object
     316        1294 :     std::string AvailManagerListName; // Name of an availability manager list object
     317        1294 :     std::string ConnectorListName;    // Name of a connector list object
     318        1294 :     Array1D_string BranchNames;       // Branch names from GetBranchList call
     319        1294 :     Array1D_string CompTypes;         // Component types from GetBranchList call
     320        1294 :     Array1D_string CompNames;         // Component names from GetBranchList call
     321        1294 :     Array1D_string InletNodeNames;    // Component inlet node names from GetBranchData call
     322        1294 :     Array1D_string OutletNodeNames;   // Component outlet node names from GetBranchData call
     323        1294 :     Array1D_string NodeNames;         // Outlet node names from GetLoopSplitter call
     324        1294 :     Array1D_int NodeNumbers;          // Outlet node numbers from GetLoopSplitter call
     325        1294 :     Array1D_int InletNodeNumbers;     // Component inlet node numbers from GetBranchData call
     326        1294 :     Array1D_int OutletNodeNumbers;    // Component outlet node numbers from GetBranchData call
     327             :     DataBranchAirLoopPlant::PressureCurveType PressCurveType;
     328             :     int PressCurveIndex;
     329         770 :     bool ErrorsFound(false); // TRUE if errors detected in input
     330        1294 :     Array1D_bool PackagedUnit;
     331             :     int test;
     332             :     int count;
     333             :     bool ErrInList;
     334         770 :     int ConListNum(0);          // index of a Connector List object in the input
     335         770 :     bool SplitterExists(false); // TRUE if there is a slitter in a primary air system
     336         770 :     bool MixerExists(false);    // TRUE if there is a mixer in a primary air system
     337             :     bool errFlag;
     338             :     bool IsNotOK;
     339             :     /////////// hoisted into namespace
     340             :     // static int TestUniqueNodesNum( 0 );
     341             :     ///////////////////////////
     342             :     int NumOASysSimpControllers; // number of simple controllers in the OA Sys of an air primary system
     343             :     int NumOASysControllers;     // total number of controllers in the OA Sys
     344             :     int OASysContListNum;        // index of the controller list of the OA Sys
     345             :     int OASysControllerNum;      // index of OA Sys simple controller in the air primary system controller lists
     346             :     bool NodeNotFound;           // true if matching actuator node not found
     347             :     CompType CompType_Num;       // numeric equivalent for component type
     348        1294 :     std::string CompType;        // component type
     349             :     int WaterCoilNodeNum;        // numeric equivalent for water coil node number
     350             :     int ActuatorNodeNum;         // numeric equivalent for controller actuator node number
     351        1294 :     Array1D_string MatchNodeName(3);
     352             : 
     353       10186 :     struct AirUniqueNodes
     354             :     {
     355             :         // Members
     356             :         std::string NodeName;
     357             :         std::string AirLoopName;
     358             :         std::string FieldName;
     359             :         bool NodeNameUsed;
     360             : 
     361             :         // Default Constructor
     362         770 :         AirUniqueNodes() : NodeNameUsed(false)
     363             :         {
     364         770 :         }
     365             :     };
     366             : 
     367             :     // Object Data
     368        1294 :     Array1D<AirUniqueNodes> TestUniqueNodes;
     369             : 
     370         770 :     state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectDefMaxArgs(state, "AirLoopHVAC", NumParams, MaxAlphas, MaxNumbers);
     371         770 :     state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectDefMaxArgs(state, "ConnectorList", NumParams, NumAlphas, NumNumbers);
     372         770 :     MaxAlphas = max(MaxAlphas, NumAlphas);
     373         770 :     MaxNumbers = max(MaxNumbers, NumNumbers);
     374         770 :     state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectDefMaxArgs(state, "AirLoopHVAC:ControllerList", NumParams, NumAlphas, NumNumbers);
     375         770 :     MaxAlphas = max(MaxAlphas, NumAlphas);
     376         770 :     MaxNumbers = max(MaxNumbers, NumNumbers);
     377             : 
     378         770 :     Numbers.allocate(MaxNumbers);
     379         770 :     cNumericFields.allocate(MaxNumbers);
     380         770 :     lNumericBlanks.allocate(MaxNumbers);
     381         770 :     Alphas.allocate(MaxAlphas);
     382         770 :     cAlphaFields.allocate(MaxAlphas);
     383         770 :     lAlphaBlanks.allocate(MaxAlphas);
     384             : 
     385             :     // Initialize some local arrays
     386         770 :     Numbers = 0.0;
     387         770 :     cNumericFields = "";
     388         770 :     lNumericBlanks = true;
     389         770 :     Alphas = "";
     390         770 :     cAlphaFields = "";
     391         770 :     lAlphaBlanks = true;
     392             : 
     393         770 :     state.dataSimAirServingZones->NumOfTimeStepInDay = state.dataGlobal->NumOfTimeStepInHour * 24;
     394             : 
     395         770 :     state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectDefMaxArgs(state, "NodeList", NumParams, NumAlphas, NumNumbers);
     396         770 :     NodeNums.dimension(NumParams, 0);
     397             : 
     398         770 :     auto &NumPrimaryAirSys = state.dataHVACGlobal->NumPrimaryAirSys;
     399             : 
     400             :     // Find number of primary air systems
     401         770 :     NumPrimaryAirSys = state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getNumObjectsFound(state, "AirLoopHVAC");
     402         770 :     TestUniqueNodes.allocate(NumPrimaryAirSys * 4); // used to look at specific nodes that must be unique, fields A6-A9
     403             : 
     404         770 :     state.dataAirSystemsData->PrimaryAirSystems.allocate(NumPrimaryAirSys); // allocate the primary air sys data array
     405         770 :     state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo.allocate(NumPrimaryAirSys);        // allocate the array that stores the air sys / zone equp connection data
     406         770 :     state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopZoneInfo.allocate(NumPrimaryAirSys);          // allocate array that has cleaner list of zones attached to air loop
     407         770 :     state.dataAirLoop->AirToOANodeInfo.allocate(NumPrimaryAirSys);          // allocate the array that stores the OA node connections (reporting)
     408         770 :     PackagedUnit.allocate(NumPrimaryAirSys);
     409         770 :     AirLoopControlInfo.allocate(NumPrimaryAirSys);
     410         770 :     state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopFlow.allocate(NumPrimaryAirSys);
     411         770 :     state.dataConvergeParams->AirLoopConvergence.allocate(NumPrimaryAirSys);
     412         770 :     state.dataSize->UnitarySysEqSizing.allocate(NumPrimaryAirSys);
     413         770 :     if (state.afn->distribution_simulated) {
     414          23 :         state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopAFNInfo.allocate(NumPrimaryAirSys);
     415             :     }
     416             : 
     417         770 :     state.dataHVACGlobal->GetAirPathDataDone = true; // used by UnitarySystem::getUnitarySystemInputData to determine if airloops are setup yet
     418         770 :     if (NumPrimaryAirSys <= 0) {
     419         246 :         TestUniqueNodes.deallocate();
     420         246 :         NodeNums.deallocate();
     421         246 :         return;
     422             :     }
     423             : 
     424             :     // Loop through the primary air systems and obtain the data for each system
     425        1701 :     for (AirSysNum = 1; AirSysNum <= NumPrimaryAirSys; ++AirSysNum) {
     426        1177 :         auto &primaryAirSystems = state.dataAirSystemsData->PrimaryAirSystems(AirSysNum);
     427        1177 :         auto &airLoopZoneInfo = state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirSysNum);
     428        1177 :         NumOASysControllers = 0;
     429        1177 :         NumOASysSimpControllers = 0;
     430        1177 :         OASysContListNum = 0;
     431        1177 :         PackagedUnit(AirSysNum) = false;
     432        1177 :         primaryAirSystems.OASysExists = false; // init Outside Air system connection data to none
     433        1177 :         primaryAirSystems.isAllOA = false;
     434        1177 :         primaryAirSystems.OASysInletNodeNum = 0;
     435        1177 :         primaryAirSystems.OASysOutletNodeNum = 0;
     436        1177 :         primaryAirSystems.NumOAHeatCoils = 0;
     437        1177 :         primaryAirSystems.NumOACoolCoils = 0;
     438        1177 :         AirLoopControlInfo(AirSysNum).FanOpMode = DataHVACGlobals::ContFanCycCoil; // initialize to constant fan mode for all air loops
     439        1177 :         state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopFlow(AirSysNum).FanPLR = 1.0;                    // initialize to 1 for all air loops
     440             : 
     441        1177 :         CurrentModuleObject = "AirLoopHVAC";
     442             : 
     443        1177 :         state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectItem(state,
     444             :                                                                  CurrentModuleObject,
     445             :                                                                  AirSysNum,
     446             :                                                                  Alphas,
     447             :                                                                  NumAlphas,
     448             :                                                                  Numbers,
     449             :                                                                  NumNumbers,
     450             :                                                                  IOStat,
     451             :                                                                  lNumericBlanks,
     452             :                                                                  lAlphaBlanks,
     453             :                                                                  cAlphaFields,
     454             :                                                                  cNumericFields); // get all the input data for the air system
     455             : 
     456             :         // Assign the air system data to the simulation variables.
     457             :         // Data needed to simulate the system goes into PrimaryAirSystem.
     458             :         // Data connecting the air system to the zone equipment goes into AirToZoneNodeInfo (in DataLoopNode).
     459        1177 :         UtilityRoutines::IsNameEmpty(state, Alphas(1), CurrentModuleObject, ErrorsFound);
     460        1177 :         primaryAirSystems.Name = Alphas(1);
     461        1177 :         airLoopZoneInfo.AirLoopName = Alphas(1);
     462        1177 :         if (NumAlphas < 9) {
     463           0 :             ShowSevereError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + Alphas(1) + "\", insufficient information.");
     464           0 :             ShowContinueError(state, "...Have supplied less than 9 alpha fields.");
     465           0 :             ErrorsFound = true;
     466           0 :             continue;
     467             :         }
     468        1177 :         if (NumNumbers < 1) {
     469           0 :             ShowSevereError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + Alphas(1) + "\", insufficient information.");
     470           0 :             ShowContinueError(state, "...Have supplied less than 1 numeric field.");
     471           0 :             ErrorsFound = true;
     472           0 :             continue;
     473             :         }
     474        1177 :         primaryAirSystems.DesignVolFlowRate = Numbers(1);
     475        1177 :         if (!lNumericBlanks(2)) {
     476           1 :             primaryAirSystems.DesignReturnFlowFraction = Numbers(2);
     477             :         }
     478             :         // Only allow one return air node (at the loop level)
     479        1177 :         airLoopZoneInfo.NumReturnNodes = 1;
     480             :         // Allocate the return air node arrays
     481        1177 :         airLoopZoneInfo.AirLoopReturnNodeNum.allocate(airLoopZoneInfo.NumReturnNodes);
     482        1177 :         airLoopZoneInfo.ZoneEquipReturnNodeNum.allocate(airLoopZoneInfo.NumReturnNodes);
     483             :         // fill the return air node arrays with node numbers
     484        1177 :         airLoopZoneInfo.AirLoopReturnNodeNum(1) = GetOnlySingleNode(state,
     485        1177 :                                                                     Alphas(6),
     486             :                                                                     ErrorsFound,
     487             :                                                                     DataLoopNode::ConnectionObjectType::AirLoopHVAC,
     488        1177 :                                                                     Alphas(1),
     489             :                                                                     DataLoopNode::NodeFluidType::Air,
     490             :                                                                     DataLoopNode::ConnectionType::Inlet,
     491             :                                                                     NodeInputManager::CompFluidStream::Primary,
     492        1177 :                                                                     ObjectIsParent);
     493        1177 :         if (!lAlphaBlanks(7)) {
     494        1173 :             airLoopZoneInfo.ZoneEquipReturnNodeNum(1) = GetOnlySingleNode(state,
     495        1173 :                                                                           Alphas(7),
     496             :                                                                           ErrorsFound,
     497             :                                                                           DataLoopNode::ConnectionObjectType::AirLoopHVAC,
     498        1173 :                                                                           Alphas(1),
     499             :                                                                           DataLoopNode::NodeFluidType::Air,
     500             :                                                                           DataLoopNode::ConnectionType::Outlet,
     501             :                                                                           NodeInputManager::CompFluidStream::Primary,
     502        1173 :                                                                           ObjectIsParent);
     503             :         } else {
     504             :             // If no return path, set this to zero to trigger special handling when calling UpdateHVACInterface
     505           4 :             airLoopZoneInfo.ZoneEquipReturnNodeNum(1) = 0;
     506             :         }
     507             : 
     508             :         // work on unique nodes
     509        1177 :         test =
     510        1177 :             UtilityRoutines::FindItemInList(Alphas(6), TestUniqueNodes, &AirUniqueNodes::NodeName, state.dataSimAirServingZones->TestUniqueNodesNum);
     511        1177 :         if (test == 0) {
     512        1177 :             ++state.dataSimAirServingZones->TestUniqueNodesNum;
     513        1177 :             TestUniqueNodes(state.dataSimAirServingZones->TestUniqueNodesNum).NodeName = Alphas(6);
     514        1177 :             TestUniqueNodes(state.dataSimAirServingZones->TestUniqueNodesNum).AirLoopName = Alphas(1);
     515        1177 :             TestUniqueNodes(state.dataSimAirServingZones->TestUniqueNodesNum).FieldName = cAlphaFields(6);
     516        1177 :             TestUniqueNodes(state.dataSimAirServingZones->TestUniqueNodesNum).NodeNameUsed = true;
     517             :         } else {
     518           0 :             ShowSevereError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + Alphas(1) + "\", duplicate node name.");
     519           0 :             ShowContinueError(state, "...used for " + cAlphaFields(6) + "=\"" + Alphas(6) + "\"");
     520           0 :             ShowContinueError(state,
     521           0 :                               "...first used in " + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + TestUniqueNodes(test).AirLoopName + "\" for " +
     522           0 :                                   TestUniqueNodes(test).FieldName);
     523           0 :             ErrorsFound = true;
     524             :         }
     525        1177 :         if (!lAlphaBlanks(7)) {
     526        2346 :             test = UtilityRoutines::FindItemInList(
     527        2346 :                 Alphas(7), TestUniqueNodes, &AirUniqueNodes::NodeName, state.dataSimAirServingZones->TestUniqueNodesNum);
     528        1173 :             if (test == 0) {
     529        1173 :                 ++state.dataSimAirServingZones->TestUniqueNodesNum;
     530        1173 :                 TestUniqueNodes(state.dataSimAirServingZones->TestUniqueNodesNum).NodeName = Alphas(7);
     531        1173 :                 TestUniqueNodes(state.dataSimAirServingZones->TestUniqueNodesNum).AirLoopName = Alphas(1);
     532        1173 :                 TestUniqueNodes(state.dataSimAirServingZones->TestUniqueNodesNum).FieldName = cAlphaFields(7);
     533        1173 :                 TestUniqueNodes(state.dataSimAirServingZones->TestUniqueNodesNum).NodeNameUsed = true;
     534             :             } else {
     535           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + Alphas(1) + "\", duplicate node name.");
     536           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "...used for " + cAlphaFields(7) + "=\"" + Alphas(7) + "\"");
     537           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state,
     538           0 :                                   "...first used in " + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + TestUniqueNodes(test).AirLoopName + "\" for " +
     539           0 :                                       TestUniqueNodes(test).FieldName);
     540           0 :                 ErrorsFound = true;
     541             :             }
     542             :         }
     543        1177 :         test =
     544        1177 :             UtilityRoutines::FindItemInList(Alphas(8), TestUniqueNodes, &AirUniqueNodes::NodeName, state.dataSimAirServingZones->TestUniqueNodesNum);
     545        1177 :         if (test == 0) {
     546        1177 :             ++state.dataSimAirServingZones->TestUniqueNodesNum;
     547        1177 :             TestUniqueNodes(state.dataSimAirServingZones->TestUniqueNodesNum).NodeName = Alphas(8);
     548        1177 :             TestUniqueNodes(state.dataSimAirServingZones->TestUniqueNodesNum).AirLoopName = Alphas(1);
     549        1177 :             TestUniqueNodes(state.dataSimAirServingZones->TestUniqueNodesNum).FieldName = cAlphaFields(8);
     550        1177 :             TestUniqueNodes(state.dataSimAirServingZones->TestUniqueNodesNum).NodeNameUsed = true;
     551             :         } else {
     552           0 :             ShowSevereError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + Alphas(1) + "\", duplicate node name/list.");
     553           0 :             ShowContinueError(state, "...used for " + cAlphaFields(8) + "=\"" + Alphas(8) + "\"");
     554           0 :             ShowContinueError(state,
     555           0 :                               "...first used in " + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + TestUniqueNodes(test).AirLoopName + "\" for " +
     556           0 :                                   TestUniqueNodes(test).FieldName);
     557           0 :             ErrorsFound = true;
     558             :         }
     559        1177 :         test =
     560        1177 :             UtilityRoutines::FindItemInList(Alphas(9), TestUniqueNodes, &AirUniqueNodes::NodeName, state.dataSimAirServingZones->TestUniqueNodesNum);
     561        1177 :         if (test == 0) {
     562        1177 :             ++state.dataSimAirServingZones->TestUniqueNodesNum;
     563        1177 :             TestUniqueNodes(state.dataSimAirServingZones->TestUniqueNodesNum).NodeName = Alphas(9);
     564        1177 :             TestUniqueNodes(state.dataSimAirServingZones->TestUniqueNodesNum).AirLoopName = Alphas(1);
     565        1177 :             TestUniqueNodes(state.dataSimAirServingZones->TestUniqueNodesNum).FieldName = cAlphaFields(9);
     566        1177 :             TestUniqueNodes(state.dataSimAirServingZones->TestUniqueNodesNum).NodeNameUsed = true;
     567             :         } else {
     568           0 :             ShowSevereError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + Alphas(1) + "\", duplicate node name/list.");
     569           0 :             ShowContinueError(state, "...used for " + cAlphaFields(9) + "=\"" + Alphas(9) + "\"");
     570           0 :             ShowContinueError(state,
     571           0 :                               "...first used in " + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + TestUniqueNodes(test).AirLoopName + "\" for " +
     572           0 :                                   TestUniqueNodes(test).FieldName);
     573           0 :             ErrorsFound = true;
     574             :         }
     575             :         // this test depends on the controlled zone input having been "gotten"
     576        1177 :         test = 0;
     577        6469 :         for (count = 1; count <= state.dataZoneEquip->NumReturnAirPaths; ++count) {
     578        6456 :             if (state.dataZoneEquip->ReturnAirPath(count).OutletNodeNum == airLoopZoneInfo.ZoneEquipReturnNodeNum(1)) {
     579        1164 :                 test = state.dataZoneEquip->ReturnAirPath(count).OutletNodeNum;
     580        1164 :                 break;
     581             :             }
     582             :         }
     583        1177 :         if ((test == 0) && (airLoopZoneInfo.NumReturnNodes > 0)) { // there, see if it's in the controlled zone info
     584          53 :             for (count = 1; count <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++count) {
     585          85 :                 for (int retNode = 1; retNode <= state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(count).NumReturnNodes; ++retNode) {
     586          45 :                     if (state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(count).ReturnNode(retNode) != airLoopZoneInfo.ZoneEquipReturnNodeNum(1)) continue;
     587           9 :                     test = count;
     588           9 :                     break;
     589             :                 }
     590          49 :                 if (test == count) break;
     591             :             }
     592             :         }
     593        1177 :         if ((test == 0) && (airLoopZoneInfo.NumReturnNodes > 0) && !lAlphaBlanks(7)) {
     594           0 :             ShowSevereError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + Alphas(1) + "\", invalid.");
     595           0 :             ShowContinueError(state, cAlphaFields(7) + " (Return Air Path or ZoneHVAC:EquipmentConnections) not valid = \"" + Alphas(7) + "\".");
     596           0 :             ErrorsFound = true;
     597             :         }
     598             :         // Get the supply nodes
     599        1177 :         ErrInList = false;
     600        2354 :         GetNodeNums(state,
     601        1177 :                     Alphas(8),
     602             :                     NumNodes,
     603             :                     NodeNums,
     604             :                     ErrInList,
     605             :                     DataLoopNode::NodeFluidType::Air,
     606             :                     DataLoopNode::ConnectionObjectType::AirLoopHVAC,
     607             :                     primaryAirSystems.Name,
     608             :                     DataLoopNode::ConnectionType::Inlet,
     609             :                     NodeInputManager::CompFluidStream::Primary,
     610             :                     ObjectIsParent,
     611             :                     false,
     612        1177 :                     cAlphaFields(8));
     613        1177 :         if (ErrInList) {
     614           0 :             ErrorsFound = true;
     615             :         }
     616             :         // Allow at most 3 supply nodes (for a 3 deck system)
     617        1177 :         if (NumNodes > 3) {
     618           0 :             ShowSevereError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + primaryAirSystems.Name + "\", too many nodes.");
     619           0 :             ShowContinueError(state, "Only 1st 3 Nodes will be used from " + cAlphaFields(8) + "=\"" + Alphas(8) + "\".");
     620           0 :             ErrorsFound = true;
     621             :         }
     622        1177 :         if (NumNodes == 0) {
     623           0 :             ShowSevereError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + primaryAirSystems.Name + "\", too few nodes.");
     624           0 :             ShowContinueError(state, "There must be at least 1 supply node in the system.");
     625           0 :             ErrorsFound = true;
     626             :         }
     627        1177 :         airLoopZoneInfo.NumSupplyNodes = NumNodes;
     628             :         // Allocate the supply node arrays in AirToZoneNodeInfo
     629        1177 :         airLoopZoneInfo.ZoneEquipSupplyNodeNum.allocate(airLoopZoneInfo.NumSupplyNodes);
     630        1177 :         airLoopZoneInfo.AirLoopSupplyNodeNum.allocate(airLoopZoneInfo.NumSupplyNodes);
     631        1177 :         airLoopZoneInfo.SupplyDuctType.allocate(airLoopZoneInfo.NumSupplyNodes);
     632             :         // Fill the supply node arrays with node numbers
     633        2362 :         for (I = 1; I <= airLoopZoneInfo.NumSupplyNodes; ++I) {
     634        1185 :             airLoopZoneInfo.ZoneEquipSupplyNodeNum(I) = NodeNums(I);
     635        1185 :             airLoopZoneInfo.SupplyDuctType(I) = DataHVACGlobals::AirDuctType::Invalid;
     636             :         }
     637        1177 :         ErrInList = false;
     638        2354 :         GetNodeNums(state,
     639        1177 :                     Alphas(9),
     640             :                     NumNodes,
     641             :                     NodeNums,
     642             :                     ErrInList,
     643             :                     DataLoopNode::NodeFluidType::Air,
     644             :                     DataLoopNode::ConnectionObjectType::AirLoopHVAC,
     645             :                     primaryAirSystems.Name,
     646             :                     DataLoopNode::ConnectionType::Outlet,
     647             :                     NodeInputManager::CompFluidStream::Primary,
     648             :                     ObjectIsParent,
     649             :                     false,
     650        1177 :                     cAlphaFields(9));
     651        1177 :         if (ErrInList) {
     652           0 :             ErrorsFound = true;
     653             :         }
     654        1177 :         if (NumNodes != airLoopZoneInfo.NumSupplyNodes) {
     655           0 :             ShowSevereError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + Alphas(1) + "\", node mismatch.");
     656           0 :             ShowContinueError(state,
     657           0 :                               format("...number of air system exit nodes [{}] must match number of zone equip inlet nodes [{}].",
     658             :                                      NumNodes,
     659           0 :                                      airLoopZoneInfo.NumSupplyNodes));
     660           0 :             ErrorsFound = true;
     661             :         }
     662        2362 :         for (I = 1; I <= airLoopZoneInfo.NumSupplyNodes; ++I) {
     663        1185 :             airLoopZoneInfo.AirLoopSupplyNodeNum(I) = NodeNums(I);
     664             :         }
     665        1177 :         airLoopZoneInfo.NumZonesCooled = 0;
     666        1177 :         airLoopZoneInfo.NumZonesHeated = 0;
     667             :         // Branch, Controller, Availability Manager and Connector List Names to access later
     668        1177 :         ControllerListName = Alphas(2);
     669        1177 :         BranchListName = Alphas(4);
     670        1177 :         AvailManagerListName = Alphas(3);
     671        1177 :         ConnectorListName = Alphas(5);
     672        1177 :         primaryAirSystems.NumBranches = NumBranchesInBranchList(state, BranchListName);
     673        1177 :         if (primaryAirSystems.NumBranches == 0) {
     674           0 :             ShowSevereError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + primaryAirSystems.Name + "\", insufficient information.");
     675           0 :             ShowContinueError(state, "...there must be at least 1 branch specified.");
     676           0 :             ErrorsFound = true;
     677             :         }
     678        1177 :         BranchNames.allocate(primaryAirSystems.NumBranches);
     679        1177 :         BranchNames = "";
     680             :         // get the branch lists
     681        1177 :         GetBranchList(state, primaryAirSystems.Name, BranchListName, primaryAirSystems.NumBranches, BranchNames, "Air");
     682        1177 :         primaryAirSystems.Branch.allocate(primaryAirSystems.NumBranches);
     683             :         // Cycle through all of the branches and set up the branch data
     684        2373 :         for (BranchNum = 1; BranchNum <= primaryAirSystems.NumBranches; ++BranchNum) {
     685        1196 :             primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).Name = BranchNames(BranchNum);
     686        1196 :             NumCompsOnBranch = NumCompsInBranch(state, BranchNames(BranchNum));
     687        1196 :             if (NumCompsOnBranch <= 0) {
     688           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state,
     689           0 :                                 std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + primaryAirSystems.Name + "\", insufficient information.");
     690           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "...Branch=\"" + BranchNames(BranchNum) + "\", no components on branch.");
     691           0 :                 ErrorsFound = true;
     692           0 :                 continue;
     693             :             }
     694        1196 :             CompTypes.allocate(NumCompsOnBranch);
     695        1196 :             CompNames.allocate(NumCompsOnBranch);
     696        1196 :             InletNodeNames.allocate(NumCompsOnBranch);
     697        1196 :             InletNodeNumbers.dimension(NumCompsOnBranch, 0);
     698        1196 :             OutletNodeNames.allocate(NumCompsOnBranch);
     699        1196 :             OutletNodeNumbers.dimension(NumCompsOnBranch, 0);
     700             : 
     701        1196 :             GetBranchData(state,
     702             :                           primaryAirSystems.Name,
     703        1196 :                           BranchNames(BranchNum),
     704             :                           PressCurveType,
     705             :                           PressCurveIndex,
     706             :                           NumCompsOnBranch,
     707             :                           CompTypes,
     708             :                           CompNames,
     709             :                           InletNodeNames,
     710             :                           InletNodeNumbers,
     711             :                           OutletNodeNames,
     712             :                           OutletNodeNumbers,
     713             :                           ErrorsFound); // Placeholders for plant branch pressure data (not used in air loops)
     714        1196 :             primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).Comp.allocate(NumCompsOnBranch);
     715        1196 :             primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).TotalComponents = NumCompsOnBranch;
     716             : 
     717        1196 :             primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).TotalNodes = NumCompsOnBranch + 1;
     718        1196 :             primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).NodeNum.allocate(NumCompsOnBranch + 1);
     719        1196 :             primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).NodeNum(1) = InletNodeNumbers(1);
     720        1196 :             primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).DuctType = DataHVACGlobals::AirDuctType::Main;
     721             : 
     722             :             // If first node is an outdoor air node, then consider this to have a simple OA system (many places check for this)
     723        1196 :             if (OutAirNodeManager::CheckOutAirNodeNumber(state, InletNodeNumbers(1))) {
     724           4 :                 primaryAirSystems.OASysExists = true;
     725           4 :                 primaryAirSystems.isAllOA = true;
     726           4 :                 primaryAirSystems.OASysInletNodeNum = InletNodeNumbers(1);
     727           4 :                 primaryAirSystems.OASysOutletNodeNum = InletNodeNumbers(1);
     728           4 :                 primaryAirSystems.OAMixOAInNodeNum = InletNodeNumbers(1);
     729           4 :                 state.dataAirLoop->AirToOANodeInfo(AirSysNum).OASysExists = true;
     730           4 :                 state.dataAirLoop->AirToOANodeInfo(AirSysNum).OASysInletNodeNum = InletNodeNumbers(1);
     731           4 :                 state.dataAirLoop->AirToOANodeInfo(AirSysNum).OASysOutletNodeNum = InletNodeNumbers(1);
     732             :             }
     733        4822 :             for (CompNum = 1; CompNum <= primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).TotalComponents; ++CompNum) {
     734             : 
     735        3626 :                 primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).TypeOf = CompTypes(CompNum);
     736        3626 :                 primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).Name = CompNames(CompNum);
     737        3626 :                 primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).CompIndex = 0;
     738        3626 :                 primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).NodeNameIn = InletNodeNames(CompNum);
     739        3626 :                 primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).NodeNumIn = InletNodeNumbers(CompNum);
     740        3626 :                 primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).NodeNameOut = OutletNodeNames(CompNum);
     741        3626 :                 primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).NodeNumOut = OutletNodeNumbers(CompNum);
     742        3626 :                 primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).NodeNum(CompNum + 1) = OutletNodeNumbers(CompNum);
     743             : 
     744             :                 // Check for Outside Air system; if there, store its connection node numbers to primary air system
     745        3626 :                 if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(CompTypes(CompNum), "AirLoopHVAC:OutdoorAirSystem")) {
     746        1026 :                     if (primaryAirSystems.OASysExists) {
     747           0 :                         ShowSevereError(state,
     748           0 :                                         std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + primaryAirSystems.Name +
     749             :                                             "\", too many outdoor air systems.");
     750           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "Only one AirLoopHVAC:OutdoorAirSystem allowed.");
     751           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
     752           0 :                         continue;
     753             :                     }
     754        1026 :                     primaryAirSystems.OASysExists = true;
     755        1026 :                     primaryAirSystems.OASysInletNodeNum = InletNodeNumbers(CompNum);
     756        1026 :                     primaryAirSystems.OASysOutletNodeNum = OutletNodeNumbers(CompNum);
     757        1026 :                     state.dataAirLoop->AirToOANodeInfo(AirSysNum).OASysExists = true;
     758        1026 :                     state.dataAirLoop->AirToOANodeInfo(AirSysNum).OASysInletNodeNum = InletNodeNumbers(CompNum);
     759        1026 :                     state.dataAirLoop->AirToOANodeInfo(AirSysNum).OASysOutletNodeNum = OutletNodeNumbers(CompNum);
     760        1026 :                     OANum = GetOASystemNumber(state, CompNames(CompNum));
     761        1026 :                     if (OANum > 0) {
     762        1026 :                         NumOASysSimpControllers = GetOASysNumSimpControllers(state, OANum);
     763        1026 :                         primaryAirSystems.NumOAHeatCoils = GetOASysNumHeatingCoils(state, OANum);
     764        1026 :                         primaryAirSystems.NumOACoolCoils = GetOASysNumCoolingCoils(state, OANum);
     765        1026 :                         primaryAirSystems.NumOAHXs = GetOASysNumHXs(state, OANum);
     766        1026 :                         OASysContListNum = GetOASysControllerListIndex(state, OANum);
     767        1026 :                         OAMixNum = FindOAMixerMatchForOASystem(state, OANum);
     768        1026 :                         if (OAMixNum > 0) {
     769        1026 :                             primaryAirSystems.OAMixOAInNodeNum = GetOAMixerInletNodeNumber(state, OAMixNum);
     770             :                         } else {
     771           0 :                             ShowSevereError(state,
     772           0 :                                             std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + primaryAirSystems.Name + "\", item not found.");
     773           0 :                             ShowContinueError(state, "OutdoorAir:Mixer for AirLoopHVAC:OutdoorAirSystem=\"" + CompNames(CompNum) + "\" not found.");
     774           0 :                             ErrorsFound = true;
     775             :                         }
     776             :                     } else {
     777           0 :                         ShowSevereError(state,
     778           0 :                                         std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + primaryAirSystems.Name + "\", item not found.");
     779           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "AirLoopHVAC:OutdoorAirSystem=\"" + CompNames(CompNum) + "\" not found.");
     780           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "  referenced in Branch=\"" + primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).Name + "\".");
     781           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
     782             :                     }
     783             :                 }
     784             :                 {
     785        7252 :                     auto const componentType(uppercased(CompTypes(CompNum)));
     786        3626 :                     if (componentType == "COILSYSTEM:COOLING:DX") {
     787         283 :                         PackagedUnit(AirSysNum) = true;
     788        3343 :                     } else if (componentType == "COILSYSTEM:HEATING:DX") {
     789           2 :                         PackagedUnit(AirSysNum) = true;
     790        3341 :                     } else if (componentType == "COILSYSTEM:COOLING:WATER") {
     791           2 :                         PackagedUnit(AirSysNum) = true;
     792        3339 :                     } else if (componentType == "AIRLOOPHVAC:UNITARYSYSTEM") {
     793         104 :                         PackagedUnit(AirSysNum) = true;
     794        3235 :                     } else if (componentType == "AIRLOOPHVAC:UNITARY:FURNACE:HEATONLY") {
     795           3 :                         PackagedUnit(AirSysNum) = true;
     796        3232 :                     } else if (componentType == "AIRLOOPHVAC:UNITARY:FURNACE:HEATCOOL") {
     797         108 :                         PackagedUnit(AirSysNum) = true;
     798        3124 :                     } else if (componentType == "AIRLOOPHVAC:UNITARYHEATONLY") {
     799           1 :                         PackagedUnit(AirSysNum) = true;
     800        3123 :                     } else if (componentType == "AIRLOOPHVAC:UNITARYHEATCOOL") {
     801          73 :                         PackagedUnit(AirSysNum) = true;
     802        3050 :                     } else if (componentType == "AIRLOOPHVAC:UNITARYHEATPUMP:AIRTOAIR") {
     803          32 :                         PackagedUnit(AirSysNum) = true;
     804        3018 :                     } else if (componentType == "AIRLOOPHVAC:UNITARYHEATPUMP:WATERTOAIR") {
     805         139 :                         PackagedUnit(AirSysNum) = true;
     806        2879 :                     } else if (componentType == "AIRLOOPHVAC:UNITARYHEATCOOL:VAVCHANGEOVERBYPASS") {
     807           4 :                         PackagedUnit(AirSysNum) = true;
     808        2875 :                     } else if (componentType == "AIRLOOPHVAC:UNITARYHEATPUMP:AIRTOAIR:MULTISPEED") {
     809          11 :                         PackagedUnit(AirSysNum) = true;
     810             :                     }
     811             :                 }
     812             : 
     813             :             } // end of component loop
     814             : 
     815        1196 :             primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).ControlType = "";
     816        1196 :             primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).NodeNumIn = InletNodeNumbers(1);
     817        1196 :             primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).NodeNumOut = OutletNodeNumbers(NumCompsOnBranch);
     818             : 
     819        1196 :             CompTypes.deallocate();
     820        1196 :             CompNames.deallocate();
     821        1196 :             InletNodeNames.deallocate();
     822        1196 :             InletNodeNumbers.deallocate();
     823        1196 :             OutletNodeNames.deallocate();
     824        1196 :             OutletNodeNumbers.deallocate();
     825             : 
     826             :         } // end of branch loop
     827             : 
     828        1177 :         BranchNames.deallocate();
     829             : 
     830             :         // find and store the primary air system outlet branch reference numbers
     831        1177 :         primaryAirSystems.NumOutletBranches = airLoopZoneInfo.NumSupplyNodes;
     832        2362 :         for (OutBranchNum = 1; OutBranchNum <= 3; ++OutBranchNum) {
     833        2362 :             primaryAirSystems.OutletBranchNum[OutBranchNum - 1] = 0;
     834        2362 :             if (OutBranchNum > primaryAirSystems.NumOutletBranches) break;
     835        1185 :             MatchNodeName(OutBranchNum) = state.dataLoopNodes->NodeID(airLoopZoneInfo.AirLoopSupplyNodeNum(OutBranchNum));
     836        2405 :             for (BranchNum = 1; BranchNum <= primaryAirSystems.NumBranches; ++BranchNum) {
     837        1220 :                 if (airLoopZoneInfo.AirLoopSupplyNodeNum(OutBranchNum) == primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).NodeNumOut) {
     838        1185 :                     primaryAirSystems.OutletBranchNum[OutBranchNum - 1] = BranchNum;
     839             :                 }
     840             :             }
     841             :         }
     842             :         //  Check for errors
     843        2362 :         for (OutBranchNum = 1; OutBranchNum <= primaryAirSystems.NumOutletBranches; ++OutBranchNum) {
     844        1185 :             if (primaryAirSystems.OutletBranchNum[OutBranchNum - 1] != 0) continue;
     845           0 :             ShowSevereError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + primaryAirSystems.Name + "\", branch in error.");
     846           0 :             ShowContinueError(state, "Probable missing or misspelled node referenced in the branch(es):");
     847           0 :             for (BranchNum = 1; BranchNum <= primaryAirSystems.NumBranches; ++BranchNum) {
     848           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "Possible Error in Branch Object=\"" + primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).Name + "\".");
     849             :             }
     850           0 :             ShowContinueError(state, "...looking to match to Node=\"" + MatchNodeName(OutBranchNum) + "\".");
     851           0 :             ErrorsFound = true;
     852             :         }
     853             : 
     854             :         // find and store the primary air system inlet branch numbers
     855        1177 :         primaryAirSystems.NumInletBranches = airLoopZoneInfo.NumReturnNodes;
     856        2354 :         for (InBranchNum = 1; InBranchNum <= primaryAirSystems.NumInletBranches; ++InBranchNum) {
     857        1177 :             primaryAirSystems.InletBranchNum[InBranchNum - 1] = 0;
     858        2373 :             for (BranchNum = 1; BranchNum <= primaryAirSystems.NumBranches; ++BranchNum) {
     859        1196 :                 if (airLoopZoneInfo.AirLoopReturnNodeNum(InBranchNum) == primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).NodeNumIn) {
     860        1177 :                     primaryAirSystems.InletBranchNum[InBranchNum - 1] = BranchNum;
     861             :                 }
     862             :             }
     863        1177 :             if (primaryAirSystems.InletBranchNum[InBranchNum - 1] == 0) {
     864           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + primaryAirSystems.Name + "\", connection to zone.");
     865           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "No Connection found for Return Air from Zone");
     866           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state,
     867           0 :                                   "Expected node name =\"" + state.dataLoopNodes->NodeID(airLoopZoneInfo.AirLoopReturnNodeNum(InBranchNum)) + "\".");
     868           0 :                 ErrorsFound = true;
     869             :             }
     870             :         }
     871             : 
     872             :         // Check to see if a spliter and/or mixer exist
     873        1177 :         SplitterExists = false;
     874        1177 :         MixerExists = false;
     875             : 
     876        1177 :         if (ConnectorListName != std::string()) {
     877           9 :             ConListNum = state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectItemNum(state, "ConnectorList", ConnectorListName);
     878           9 :             if (ConListNum > 0) {
     879          18 :                 state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectItem(
     880           9 :                     state, "ConnectorList", ConListNum, Alphas, NumAlphas, Numbers, NumNumbers, IOStat);
     881          18 :                 if ((UtilityRoutines::SameString(Alphas(2), "Connector:Splitter")) ||
     882           9 :                     (UtilityRoutines::SameString(Alphas(4), "Connector:Splitter"))) {
     883           9 :                     SplitterExists = true;
     884             :                 }
     885           9 :                 if ((UtilityRoutines::SameString(Alphas(2), "Connector:Mixer")) || (UtilityRoutines::SameString(Alphas(4), "Connector:Mixer"))) {
     886           1 :                     MixerExists = true;
     887             :                 }
     888             :             } else {
     889           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state,
     890           0 :                                 std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + primaryAirSystems.Name + "\", connector list object.");
     891           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "ConnectorList object=\"" + ConnectorListName + "\" not found in input.");
     892             :             }
     893           9 :             errFlag = false;
     894          18 :             GetNumSplitterMixerInConntrList(
     895          18 :                 state, "AirLoop", ConnectorListName, state.dataLoopNodes->NumofSplitters, state.dataLoopNodes->NumofMixers, errFlag);
     896           9 :             if (errFlag) {
     897             :             }
     898             :         }
     899             : 
     900             :         // If there is a SPLITTER, get its data
     901        1177 :         if (SplitterExists) {
     902           9 :             state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectDefMaxArgs(state, "Connector:Splitter", NumParams, NumAlphas, NumNodes);
     903           9 :             NodeNames.allocate(NumAlphas);
     904           9 :             NodeNumbers.allocate(NumAlphas);
     905           9 :             GetLoopSplitter(state,
     906             :                             primaryAirSystems.Name,
     907             :                             ConnectorListName,
     908             :                             primaryAirSystems.Splitter.Name,
     909             :                             primaryAirSystems.Splitter.Exists,
     910             :                             primaryAirSystems.Splitter.NodeNameIn,
     911             :                             primaryAirSystems.Splitter.NodeNumIn,
     912             :                             primaryAirSystems.Splitter.TotalOutletNodes,
     913             :                             NodeNames,
     914             :                             NodeNumbers,
     915             :                             ErrorsFound);
     916             : 
     917           9 :             primaryAirSystems.Splitter.NodeNameOut.allocate(primaryAirSystems.Splitter.TotalOutletNodes);
     918           9 :             primaryAirSystems.Splitter.NodeNumOut.allocate(primaryAirSystems.Splitter.TotalOutletNodes);
     919           9 :             primaryAirSystems.Splitter.BranchNumOut.allocate(primaryAirSystems.Splitter.TotalOutletNodes);
     920             : 
     921          27 :             for (NodeNum = 1; NodeNum <= primaryAirSystems.Splitter.TotalOutletNodes; ++NodeNum) {
     922             : 
     923          18 :                 primaryAirSystems.Splitter.NodeNameOut(NodeNum) = NodeNames(NodeNum);
     924          18 :                 primaryAirSystems.Splitter.NodeNumOut(NodeNum) = NodeNumbers(NodeNum);
     925             : 
     926          18 :                 primaryAirSystems.Splitter.BranchNumOut(NodeNum) = 0;
     927          45 :                 for (BranchNum = 1; BranchNum <= primaryAirSystems.NumBranches; ++BranchNum) {
     928             : 
     929          45 :                     if (primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).NodeNumIn == primaryAirSystems.Splitter.NodeNumOut(NodeNum)) {
     930          18 :                         primaryAirSystems.Splitter.BranchNumOut(NodeNum) = BranchNum;
     931          18 :                         break;
     932             :                     }
     933             :                 }
     934             :             }
     935             : 
     936           9 :             primaryAirSystems.Splitter.BranchNumIn = 0;
     937           9 :             for (BranchNum = 1; BranchNum <= primaryAirSystems.NumBranches; ++BranchNum) {
     938             : 
     939           9 :                 if (primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).NodeNumOut == primaryAirSystems.Splitter.NodeNumIn) {
     940           9 :                     primaryAirSystems.Splitter.BranchNumIn = BranchNum;
     941           9 :                     break;
     942             :                 }
     943             :             }
     944             : 
     945           9 :             if (allocated(NodeNames)) {
     946           9 :                 NodeNames.deallocate();
     947           9 :                 NodeNumbers.deallocate();
     948             :             }
     949             : 
     950             :         } else {
     951        1168 :             primaryAirSystems.Splitter.Exists = false;
     952        1168 :             primaryAirSystems.Splitter.NodeNumIn = 0;
     953        1168 :             primaryAirSystems.Splitter.BranchNumIn = 0;
     954        1168 :             primaryAirSystems.Splitter.NodeNameIn = "";
     955        1168 :             primaryAirSystems.Splitter.TotalOutletNodes = 0;
     956        1168 :             primaryAirSystems.Splitter.NodeNumOut.allocate(0);
     957        1168 :             primaryAirSystems.Splitter.BranchNumOut.allocate(0);
     958        1168 :             primaryAirSystems.Splitter.NodeNameOut.allocate(0);
     959             :         }
     960             : 
     961             :         // If there is a MIXER, get its data
     962        1177 :         if (MixerExists) {
     963           1 :             state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectDefMaxArgs(state, "Connector:Mixer", NumParams, NumAlphas, NumNodes);
     964           1 :             NodeNames.allocate(NumAlphas);
     965           1 :             NodeNumbers.allocate(NumAlphas);
     966           1 :             GetLoopMixer(state,
     967             :                          primaryAirSystems.Name,
     968             :                          ConnectorListName,
     969             :                          primaryAirSystems.Mixer.Name,
     970             :                          primaryAirSystems.Mixer.Exists,
     971             :                          primaryAirSystems.Mixer.NodeNameOut,
     972             :                          primaryAirSystems.Mixer.NodeNumOut,
     973             :                          primaryAirSystems.Mixer.TotalInletNodes,
     974             :                          NodeNames,
     975             :                          NodeNumbers,
     976             :                          ErrorsFound);
     977             : 
     978           1 :             primaryAirSystems.Mixer.NodeNameIn.allocate(primaryAirSystems.Mixer.TotalInletNodes);
     979           1 :             primaryAirSystems.Mixer.NodeNumIn.allocate(primaryAirSystems.Mixer.TotalInletNodes);
     980           1 :             primaryAirSystems.Mixer.BranchNumIn.allocate(primaryAirSystems.Mixer.TotalInletNodes);
     981             : 
     982           3 :             for (NodeNum = 1; NodeNum <= primaryAirSystems.Mixer.TotalInletNodes; ++NodeNum) {
     983             : 
     984           2 :                 primaryAirSystems.Mixer.NodeNameIn(NodeNum) = NodeNames(NodeNum);
     985           2 :                 primaryAirSystems.Mixer.NodeNumIn(NodeNum) = NodeNumbers(NodeNum);
     986             : 
     987           2 :                 primaryAirSystems.Mixer.BranchNumIn(NodeNum) = 0;
     988          10 :                 for (BranchNum = 1; BranchNum <= primaryAirSystems.NumBranches; ++BranchNum) {
     989             : 
     990           8 :                     if (primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).NodeNumIn == primaryAirSystems.Mixer.NodeNumIn(NodeNum)) {
     991           0 :                         primaryAirSystems.Mixer.BranchNumIn(NodeNum) = BranchNum;
     992           0 :                         break;
     993             :                     }
     994             :                 }
     995             :             }
     996             : 
     997           1 :             primaryAirSystems.Mixer.BranchNumOut = 0;
     998           4 :             for (BranchNum = 1; BranchNum <= primaryAirSystems.NumBranches; ++BranchNum) {
     999             : 
    1000           4 :                 if (primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).NodeNumIn == primaryAirSystems.Mixer.NodeNumOut) {
    1001           1 :                     primaryAirSystems.Mixer.BranchNumOut = BranchNum;
    1002           1 :                     break;
    1003             :                 }
    1004             :             }
    1005             : 
    1006           1 :             if (allocated(NodeNames)) {
    1007           1 :                 NodeNames.deallocate();
    1008           1 :                 NodeNumbers.deallocate();
    1009             :             }
    1010             : 
    1011             :         } else {
    1012        1176 :             primaryAirSystems.Mixer.Exists = false;
    1013        1176 :             primaryAirSystems.Mixer.NodeNumOut = 0;
    1014        1176 :             primaryAirSystems.Mixer.BranchNumOut = 0;
    1015        1176 :             primaryAirSystems.Mixer.NodeNameOut = "";
    1016        1176 :             primaryAirSystems.Mixer.TotalInletNodes = 0;
    1017        1176 :             primaryAirSystems.Mixer.NodeNumIn.allocate(0);
    1018        1176 :             primaryAirSystems.Mixer.BranchNumIn.allocate(0);
    1019        1176 :             primaryAirSystems.Mixer.NodeNameIn.allocate(0);
    1020             :         }
    1021             : 
    1022        1177 :         NumControllers = 0;
    1023        1177 :         if (ControllerListName != std::string()) { // If not blank, then must be there and valid
    1024             :             // Loop through the controller lists until you find the one attached to this primary air system
    1025         415 :             ControllerListNum = state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectItemNum(state, "AirLoopHVAC:ControllerList", ControllerListName);
    1026         415 :             if (ControllerListNum > 0) {
    1027         830 :                 state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectItem(
    1028         415 :                     state, "AirLoopHVAC:ControllerList", ControllerListNum, Alphas, NumAlphas, Numbers, NumNumbers, IOStat);
    1029             :                 // Check the current controller list and if it matches input names
    1030         415 :                 NumControllers = (NumAlphas - 1) / 2; // Subtract off the controller list name first
    1031             :                 // store all the controller data
    1032         415 :                 primaryAirSystems.NumControllers = NumControllers + NumOASysSimpControllers;
    1033         415 :                 primaryAirSystems.ControllerName.allocate(NumControllers + NumOASysSimpControllers);
    1034         415 :                 primaryAirSystems.ControllerType.allocate(NumControllers + NumOASysSimpControllers);
    1035         415 :                 primaryAirSystems.ControllerIndex.allocate(NumControllers + NumOASysSimpControllers);
    1036         415 :                 primaryAirSystems.ControllerIndex = 0;
    1037         415 :                 primaryAirSystems.ControlConverged.allocate(NumControllers + NumOASysSimpControllers);
    1038         415 :                 primaryAirSystems.CanBeLockedOutByEcono.allocate(NumControllers + NumOASysSimpControllers);
    1039        1183 :                 for (ControllerNum = NumOASysSimpControllers + 1; ControllerNum <= NumOASysSimpControllers + NumControllers; ++ControllerNum) {
    1040         768 :                     ControllerName = Alphas((ControllerNum - NumOASysSimpControllers) * 2 + 1);
    1041         768 :                     ControllerType = Alphas((ControllerNum - NumOASysSimpControllers) * 2);
    1042         768 :                     primaryAirSystems.ControllerName(ControllerNum) = ControllerName;
    1043         768 :                     primaryAirSystems.ControllerType(ControllerNum) = ControllerType;
    1044         768 :                     IsNotOK = false;
    1045         768 :                     ValidateComponent(state, ControllerType, ControllerName, IsNotOK, CurrentModuleObject);
    1046         768 :                     if (IsNotOK) {
    1047           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state,
    1048           0 :                                           std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + primaryAirSystems.Name +
    1049           0 :                                               "\", for ControllerList=\"" + ControllerListName + "\".");
    1050           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
    1051             :                     }
    1052         768 :                     primaryAirSystems.ControlConverged(ControllerNum) = false;
    1053         768 :                     primaryAirSystems.CanBeLockedOutByEcono(ControllerNum) = false;
    1054             :                 } // End of ControllerListNum Loop
    1055             :             } else {
    1056           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state,
    1057           0 :                                 std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + primaryAirSystems.Name + "\", controller list object.");
    1058           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "ControllerList object=\"" + ControllerListName + "\" not found in input.");
    1059           0 :                 ErrorsFound = true;
    1060             :             }
    1061             :         }
    1062        1177 :         if (NumOASysSimpControllers > 0) {
    1063          54 :             state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectItem(
    1064          27 :                 state, "AirLoopHVAC:ControllerList", OASysContListNum, Alphas, NumAlphas, Numbers, NumNumbers, IOStat);
    1065             :             // allocate air primary system controller lists if not already done
    1066          27 :             if (NumControllers == 0) {
    1067           2 :                 primaryAirSystems.NumControllers = NumOASysSimpControllers;
    1068           2 :                 primaryAirSystems.ControllerName.allocate(NumOASysSimpControllers);
    1069           2 :                 primaryAirSystems.ControllerType.allocate(NumOASysSimpControllers);
    1070           2 :                 primaryAirSystems.ControllerIndex.allocate(NumOASysSimpControllers);
    1071           2 :                 primaryAirSystems.ControllerIndex = 0;
    1072           2 :                 primaryAirSystems.ControlConverged.allocate(NumOASysSimpControllers);
    1073           2 :                 primaryAirSystems.CanBeLockedOutByEcono.allocate(NumOASysSimpControllers);
    1074           2 :                 primaryAirSystems.ControlConverged = false;
    1075           2 :                 primaryAirSystems.CanBeLockedOutByEcono = false;
    1076             :             }
    1077             :             // loop over the OA Sys controllers and move them up to the primary air system controller lists
    1078          27 :             OASysControllerNum = 0;
    1079          27 :             NumOASysControllers = (NumAlphas - 1) / 2;
    1080         106 :             for (ControllerNum = 1; ControllerNum <= NumOASysControllers; ++ControllerNum) {
    1081          79 :                 ControllerName = Alphas(ControllerNum * 2 + 1);
    1082          79 :                 ControllerType = Alphas(ControllerNum * 2);
    1083          79 :                 if (!UtilityRoutines::SameString(ControllerType, "Controller:OutdoorAir")) {
    1084          52 :                     ++OASysControllerNum;
    1085          52 :                     primaryAirSystems.ControllerName(OASysControllerNum) = ControllerName;
    1086          52 :                     primaryAirSystems.ControllerType(OASysControllerNum) = ControllerType;
    1087          52 :                     primaryAirSystems.ControlConverged(OASysControllerNum) = false;
    1088          52 :                     primaryAirSystems.CanBeLockedOutByEcono(OASysControllerNum) = true;
    1089          52 :                     GetControllerActuatorNodeNum(state, ControllerName, ActuatorNodeNum, errFlag);
    1090             : 
    1091          52 :                     bool nonLockoutCoilFound = false;
    1092          52 :                     WaterCoilNodeNum = -1;
    1093             :                     // added to fix bug issue #5695, if HW coil on outdoor air system, don't lock out during economizing
    1094          52 :                     if (OANum > 0) {
    1095          54 :                         for (int OACompNum = 1; OACompNum <= OutsideAirSys(OANum).NumComponents; ++OACompNum) {
    1096          54 :                             CompType = OutsideAirSys(OANum).ComponentType(OACompNum);
    1097          54 :                             if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(CompType, "Coil:Heating:Water")) {
    1098          52 :                                 WaterCoilNodeNum = GetCoilWaterInletNode(state, CompType, OutsideAirSys(OANum).ComponentName(OACompNum), ErrorsFound);
    1099          52 :                                 if (WaterCoilNodeNum == ActuatorNodeNum) nonLockoutCoilFound = true;
    1100          52 :                                 break;
    1101             :                             }
    1102             :                         }
    1103             :                     }
    1104          52 :                     if (!nonLockoutCoilFound) {
    1105             :                         //         Coil controllers can be entered either in the air loop controller list or the
    1106             :                         //         OA system controller list. The CanBeLockedOutByEcono should only be set for OA coils
    1107             :                         //         First get the OA controller actuator node and then compare to the air loop coil water inlet node
    1108             :                         //         If these node numbers match, the coil is in the main air loop and the lockout flag should be reset to FALSE
    1109          50 :                         for (BranchNum = 1; BranchNum <= primaryAirSystems.NumBranches; ++BranchNum) {
    1110         125 :                             for (CompNum = 1; CompNum <= primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).TotalComponents; ++CompNum) {
    1111         100 :                                 if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).TypeOf,
    1112         100 :                                                                 "AirloopHVAC:OutdoorAirSystem"))
    1113          25 :                                     continue;
    1114          75 :                                 CompType = primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).TypeOf;
    1115         225 :                                 if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(CompType, "Coil:Cooling:Water:DetailedGeometry") ||
    1116         200 :                                     UtilityRoutines::SameString(CompType, "Coil:Heating:Water") ||
    1117         125 :                                     UtilityRoutines::SameString(CompType, "Coil:Cooling:Water")) {
    1118          50 :                                     WaterCoilNodeNum =
    1119          50 :                                         GetCoilWaterInletNode(state, CompType, primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).Name, ErrorsFound);
    1120          50 :                                     if (WaterCoilNodeNum == ActuatorNodeNum) {
    1121           0 :                                         nonLockoutCoilFound = true;
    1122           0 :                                         break;
    1123             :                                     }
    1124             :                                 }
    1125             :                             }
    1126             :                         }
    1127             :                     }
    1128          52 :                     if (nonLockoutCoilFound) {
    1129          27 :                         primaryAirSystems.CanBeLockedOutByEcono(OASysControllerNum) = false;
    1130             :                     }
    1131             :                 }
    1132             :             }
    1133             :         }
    1134        1177 :         if (NumControllers + NumOASysSimpControllers == 0) {
    1135         760 :             if (!PackagedUnit(AirSysNum)) {
    1136          25 :                 ShowWarningError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + primaryAirSystems.Name + "\" has no Controllers.");
    1137             :             }
    1138         760 :             primaryAirSystems.NumControllers = 0;
    1139         760 :             primaryAirSystems.ControllerName.allocate(0);
    1140         760 :             primaryAirSystems.ControllerType.allocate(0);
    1141         760 :             primaryAirSystems.ControlConverged.allocate(0);
    1142         760 :             primaryAirSystems.CanBeLockedOutByEcono.allocate(0);
    1143             :         }
    1144             : 
    1145        1177 :         errFlag = false;
    1146        1177 :         GetAirLoopAvailabilityManager(state, AvailManagerListName, AirSysNum, NumPrimaryAirSys, errFlag);
    1147             : 
    1148        1177 :         if (errFlag) {
    1149           0 :             ShowContinueError(state, "Occurs in " + CurrentModuleObject + " = " + primaryAirSystems.Name);
    1150           0 :             ErrorsFound = true;
    1151             :         }
    1152             : 
    1153             :     } // End Air Loop
    1154             : 
    1155         524 :     Numbers.deallocate();
    1156         524 :     cNumericFields.deallocate();
    1157         524 :     lNumericBlanks.deallocate();
    1158         524 :     Alphas.deallocate();
    1159         524 :     cAlphaFields.deallocate();
    1160         524 :     lAlphaBlanks.deallocate();
    1161             : 
    1162         524 :     TestUniqueNodes.deallocate();
    1163        1701 :     for (AirSysNum = 1; AirSysNum <= NumPrimaryAirSys; ++AirSysNum) {
    1164        1177 :         auto &primaryAirSystems = state.dataAirSystemsData->PrimaryAirSystems(AirSysNum);
    1165        2373 :         for (BranchNum = 1; BranchNum <= primaryAirSystems.NumBranches; ++BranchNum) {
    1166        4822 :             for (CompNum = 1; CompNum <= primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).TotalComponents; ++CompNum) {
    1167             : 
    1168             :                 {
    1169        7252 :                     auto const componentType(uppercased(primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).TypeOf));
    1170             : 
    1171        3626 :                     if (componentType == "AIRLOOPHVAC:OUTDOORAIRSYSTEM") {
    1172        1026 :                         primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).CompType_Num = CompType::OAMixer_Num;
    1173             : 
    1174             :                         // Fan Types for the air sys simulation
    1175        2600 :                     } else if (componentType == "FAN:CONSTANTVOLUME") {
    1176         333 :                         primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).CompType_Num = CompType::Fan_Simple_CV;
    1177             : 
    1178        2267 :                     } else if (componentType == "FAN:VARIABLEVOLUME") {
    1179         366 :                         primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).CompType_Num = CompType::Fan_Simple_VAV;
    1180             : 
    1181        1901 :                     } else if (componentType == "FAN:SYSTEMMODEL") {
    1182           9 :                         primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).CompType_Num = CompType::Fan_System_Object;
    1183             :                         // Construct fan object
    1184           9 :                         if (HVACFan::getFanObjectVectorIndex(state, primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).Name, false) < 0) {
    1185          18 :                             state.dataHVACFan->fanObjs.emplace_back(
    1186          18 :                                 new HVACFan::FanSystem(state, primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).Name));
    1187             :                         }
    1188           9 :                         primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).CompIndex =
    1189           9 :                             HVACFan::getFanObjectVectorIndex(state, primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).Name) +
    1190             :                             1; // + 1 for shift from zero-based vector to 1-based compIndex
    1191           9 :                         state.dataHVACFan->fanObjs[HVACFan::getFanObjectVectorIndex(state, primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).Name)]
    1192           9 :                             ->AirPathFlag = true;
    1193        1892 :                     } else if (componentType == "FAN:COMPONENTMODEL") {
    1194           1 :                         primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).CompType_Num = CompType::Fan_ComponentModel;
    1195             : 
    1196             :                         // Coil Types for the air sys simulation
    1197             :                         //        HX Assisted coils are not allowed on a branch at this time
    1198             :                         //        CASE('COILSYSTEM:COOLING:DX:HEATEXCHANGERASSISTED')
    1199             :                         //          PrimaryAirSystem(AirSysNum)%Branch(BranchNum)%Comp(CompNum)%CompType_Num=DXCoil_CoolingHXAsst
    1200        1891 :                     } else if (componentType == "COILSYSTEM:COOLING:WATER:HEATEXCHANGERASSISTED") {
    1201           5 :                         primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).CompType_Num = CompType::WaterCoil_CoolingHXAsst;
    1202        1886 :                     } else if (componentType == "COIL:HEATING:WATER") {
    1203         358 :                         primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).CompType_Num = CompType::WaterCoil_SimpleHeat;
    1204        1528 :                     } else if (componentType == "COIL:HEATING:STEAM") {
    1205           2 :                         primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).CompType_Num = CompType::SteamCoil_AirHeat;
    1206        1526 :                     } else if (componentType == "COIL:COOLING:WATER:DETAILEDGEOMETRY") {
    1207         138 :                         primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).CompType_Num = CompType::WaterCoil_DetailedCool;
    1208        1388 :                     } else if (componentType == "COIL:COOLING:WATER") {
    1209         267 :                         primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).CompType_Num = CompType::WaterCoil_Cooling;
    1210        1121 :                     } else if (componentType == "COIL:HEATING:ELECTRIC") {
    1211          30 :                         primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).CompType_Num = CompType::Coil_ElectricHeat;
    1212        1091 :                     } else if (componentType == "COIL:HEATING:FUEL") {
    1213         246 :                         primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).CompType_Num = CompType::Coil_GasHeat;
    1214             : 
    1215             :                         // Heat reclaim
    1216         845 :                     } else if (componentType == "COIL:HEATING:DESUPERHEATER") {
    1217           0 :                         primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).CompType_Num = CompType::Coil_DeSuperHeat;
    1218             : 
    1219         845 :                     } else if (componentType == "COILSYSTEM:COOLING:DX") {
    1220         283 :                         primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).CompType_Num = CompType::DXSystem;
    1221         562 :                     } else if (componentType == "COILSYSTEM:HEATING:DX") {
    1222           2 :                         primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).CompType_Num = CompType::DXHeatPumpSystem;
    1223         560 :                     } else if (componentType == "COIL:USERDEFINED") {
    1224           4 :                         primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).CompType_Num = CompType::CoilUserDefined;
    1225         556 :                     } else if (componentType == "AIRLOOPHVAC:UNITARYSYSTEM") {
    1226         104 :                         primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).CompType_Num = CompType::UnitarySystemModel;
    1227         208 :                         UnitarySystems::UnitarySys thisSys;
    1228         104 :                         primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).compPointer = thisSys.factory(
    1229         104 :                             state, DataHVACGlobals::UnitarySys_AnyCoilType, primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).Name, false, 0);
    1230         452 :                     } else if (componentType == "COILSYSTEM:COOLING:WATER") {
    1231           2 :                         primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).CompType_Num = CompType::CoilSystemWater;
    1232           4 :                         UnitarySystems::UnitarySys thisSys;
    1233           2 :                         primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).compPointer = thisSys.factory(
    1234           2 :                             state, DataHVACGlobals::UnitarySys_AnyCoilType, primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).Name, false, 0);
    1235         450 :                     } else if (componentType == "AIRLOOPHVAC:UNITARY:FURNACE:HEATONLY") {
    1236           3 :                         primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).CompType_Num = CompType::Furnace_UnitarySys_HeatOnly;
    1237         447 :                     } else if (componentType == "AIRLOOPHVAC:UNITARY:FURNACE:HEATCOOL") {
    1238         108 :                         primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).CompType_Num = CompType::Furnace_UnitarySys_HeatCool;
    1239         339 :                     } else if (componentType == "AIRLOOPHVAC:UNITARYHEATONLY") {
    1240           1 :                         primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).CompType_Num = CompType::Furnace_UnitarySys_HeatOnly;
    1241         338 :                     } else if (componentType == "AIRLOOPHVAC:UNITARYHEATCOOL") {
    1242          73 :                         primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).CompType_Num = CompType::Furnace_UnitarySys_HeatCool;
    1243         265 :                     } else if (componentType == "AIRLOOPHVAC:UNITARYHEATPUMP:AIRTOAIR") {
    1244          32 :                         primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).CompType_Num = CompType::Furnace_UnitarySys_HeatCool;
    1245         233 :                     } else if (componentType == "AIRLOOPHVAC:UNITARYHEATPUMP:WATERTOAIR") {
    1246         139 :                         primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).CompType_Num = CompType::Furnace_UnitarySys_HeatCool;
    1247             : 
    1248          94 :                     } else if (componentType == "AIRLOOPHVAC:UNITARYHEATCOOL:VAVCHANGEOVERBYPASS") {
    1249           4 :                         primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).CompType_Num = CompType::UnitarySystem_BypassVAVSys;
    1250             : 
    1251             :                         // Humidifier Types for the air system simulation
    1252          90 :                     } else if (componentType == "HUMIDIFIER:STEAM:ELECTRIC") {
    1253          34 :                         primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).CompType_Num = CompType::Humidifier;
    1254             : 
    1255          56 :                     } else if (componentType == "HUMIDIFIER:STEAM:GAS") {
    1256           1 :                         primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).CompType_Num = CompType::Humidifier;
    1257             : 
    1258             :                         // Evap Cooler Types for the air system simulation
    1259          55 :                     } else if (componentType == "EVAPORATIVECOOLER:DIRECT:CELDEKPAD") {
    1260           7 :                         primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).CompType_Num = CompType::EvapCooler;
    1261          48 :                     } else if (componentType == "EVAPORATIVECOOLER:INDIRECT:CELDEKPAD") {
    1262           1 :                         primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).CompType_Num = CompType::EvapCooler;
    1263          47 :                     } else if (componentType == "EVAPORATIVECOOLER:INDIRECT:WETCOIL") {
    1264           1 :                         primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).CompType_Num = CompType::EvapCooler;
    1265          46 :                     } else if (componentType == "EVAPORATIVECOOLER:INDIRECT:RESEARCHSPECIAL") {
    1266          24 :                         primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).CompType_Num = CompType::EvapCooler;
    1267          22 :                     } else if (componentType == "EVAPORATIVECOOLER:DIRECT:RESEARCHSPECIAL") {
    1268           4 :                         primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).CompType_Num = CompType::EvapCooler;
    1269             : 
    1270             :                         // Desiccant Dehumidifier Types for the air system simulation
    1271          18 :                     } else if (componentType == "DEHUMIDIFIER:DESICCANT:NOFANS") {
    1272           0 :                         primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).CompType_Num = CompType::Desiccant;
    1273          18 :                     } else if (componentType == "DEHUMIDIFIER:DESICCANT:SYSTEM") {
    1274           2 :                         primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).CompType_Num = CompType::Desiccant;
    1275             : 
    1276             :                         // Heat recovery
    1277          16 :                     } else if (componentType == "HEATEXCHANGER:AIRTOAIR:FLATPLATE") {
    1278           0 :                         primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).CompType_Num = CompType::HeatXchngr;
    1279             : 
    1280          16 :                     } else if (componentType == "HEATEXCHANGER:AIRTOAIR:SENSIBLEANDLATENT") {
    1281           1 :                         primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).CompType_Num = CompType::HeatXchngr;
    1282             : 
    1283          15 :                     } else if (componentType == "HEATEXCHANGER:DESICCANT:BALANCEDFLOW") {
    1284           0 :                         primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).CompType_Num = CompType::HeatXchngr;
    1285             : 
    1286             :                         // Ducts
    1287          15 :                     } else if (componentType == "DUCT") {
    1288           3 :                         primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).CompType_Num = CompType::Duct;
    1289             : 
    1290          12 :                     } else if (componentType == "AIRLOOPHVAC:UNITARYHEATPUMP:AIRTOAIR:MULTISPEED") {
    1291          11 :                         primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).CompType_Num = CompType::UnitarySystem_MSHeatPump;
    1292             : 
    1293           1 :                     } else if (componentType == "ZONEHVAC:TERMINALUNIT:VARIABLEREFRIGERANTFLOW") {
    1294           1 :                         primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).CompType_Num = CompType::ZoneVRFasAirLoopEquip;
    1295             : 
    1296           0 :                     } else if (componentType == "FAN:ONOFF" || componentType == "COIL:COOLING:DX:SINGLESPEED" ||
    1297           0 :                                componentType == "COIL:HEATING:DX:SINGLESPEED" || componentType == "COIL:COOLING:DX:TWOSTAGEWITHHUMIDITYCONTROLMODE" ||
    1298           0 :                                componentType == "COIL:COOLING:DX:MULTISPEED" || componentType == "COIL:HEATING:DX:MULTISPEED") {
    1299           0 :                         ShowSevereError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + " = \"" + primaryAirSystems.Name + "\".");
    1300           0 :                         ShowContinueError(
    1301           0 :                             state, "..Invalid Air Loop Component Type = \"" + primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).TypeOf + "\".");
    1302           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "..Air Loop Component Name = \"" + primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).Name + "\".");
    1303           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "..reference Branch = \"" + primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).Name + "\".");
    1304           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state,
    1305             :                                           "...This component may only be referenced by a parent component such as "
    1306             :                                           "AirLoopHVAC:Unitary:Furnace:HeatCool or similar.");
    1307           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
    1308             : 
    1309             :                     } else {
    1310           0 :                         ShowSevereError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + " = \"" + primaryAirSystems.Name + "\".");
    1311           0 :                         ShowContinueError(
    1312           0 :                             state, "..Invalid Air Loop Component Type = \"" + primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).TypeOf + "\".");
    1313           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "..Air Loop Component Name = \"" + primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).Name + "\".");
    1314           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "..reference Branch = \"" + primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).Name + "\".");
    1315           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
    1316             :                     }
    1317             :                 }
    1318             :             }
    1319             :         }
    1320             :     }
    1321             : 
    1322             :     // check that actuator nodes are matched by a water coil inlet node
    1323             : 
    1324        1701 :     for (AirSysNum = 1; AirSysNum <= NumPrimaryAirSys; ++AirSysNum) {
    1325        1177 :         auto &primaryAirSystems = state.dataAirSystemsData->PrimaryAirSystems(AirSysNum);
    1326        2373 :         for (BranchNum = 1; BranchNum <= primaryAirSystems.NumBranches; ++BranchNum) {
    1327        4822 :             for (CompNum = 1; CompNum <= primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).TotalComponents; ++CompNum) {
    1328        3626 :                 CompType_Num = primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).CompType_Num;
    1329        3626 :                 if (CompType_Num == CompType::WaterCoil_DetailedCool || CompType_Num == CompType::WaterCoil_SimpleHeat ||
    1330             :                     CompType_Num == CompType::WaterCoil_Cooling) {
    1331        1526 :                     WaterCoilNodeNum = GetCoilWaterInletNode(state,
    1332         763 :                                                              primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).TypeOf,
    1333         763 :                                                              primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).Name,
    1334             :                                                              ErrorsFound);
    1335         763 :                     CheckCoilWaterInletNode(state, WaterCoilNodeNum, NodeNotFound);
    1336         763 :                     if (NodeNotFound) {
    1337           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
    1338           0 :                         ShowSevereError(state,
    1339           0 :                                         std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" +
    1340           0 :                                             primaryAirSystems.Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).Name + "\", invalid actuator.");
    1341           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state,
    1342             :                                           "...this coil requires a water coil controller and the inlet node of a water coil must also be an "
    1343             :                                           "actuator node of a water coil controller.");
    1344             :                     }
    1345             :                 }
    1346             :             }
    1347             :         }
    1348             :     }
    1349             : 
    1350         524 :     OANum = GetNumOASystems(state);
    1351        1551 :     for (int OASysNum = 1; OASysNum <= OANum; ++OASysNum) {
    1352        1027 :         NumInList = GetOACompListNumber(state, OASysNum);
    1353        2176 :         for (int OACompNum = 1; OACompNum <= NumInList; ++OACompNum) {
    1354        1149 :             CompType_Num = GetOACompTypeNum(state, OASysNum, OACompNum);
    1355        1149 :             if (CompType_Num == CompType::WaterCoil_DetailedCool || CompType_Num == CompType::WaterCoil_SimpleHeat ||
    1356             :                 CompType_Num == CompType::WaterCoil_Cooling) {
    1357          55 :                 WaterCoilNodeNum =
    1358         110 :                     GetCoilWaterInletNode(state, GetOACompType(state, OASysNum, OACompNum), GetOACompName(state, OASysNum, OACompNum), ErrorsFound);
    1359          55 :                 CheckCoilWaterInletNode(state, WaterCoilNodeNum, NodeNotFound);
    1360          55 :                 UnitarySystems::isWaterCoilHeatRecoveryType(state, WaterCoilNodeNum, NodeNotFound);
    1361          55 :                 if (NodeNotFound) {
    1362           0 :                     ErrorsFound = true;
    1363           0 :                     ShowSevereError(state,
    1364           0 :                                     std::string{RoutineName} + CurrentModuleObject + "=\"" + GetOACompName(state, OASysNum, OACompNum) +
    1365             :                                         "\", invalid actuator.");
    1366           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state,
    1367             :                                       "...this coil requires a water coil controller and the inlet node of a water coil must also be an actuator "
    1368             :                                       "node of a water coil controller.");
    1369             :                 }
    1370             :             }
    1371             :         }
    1372             :     }
    1373             : 
    1374         524 :     if (ErrorsFound) {
    1375           0 :         ShowFatalError(state, format("{}Errors found retrieving input for {}.", RoutineName, CurrentModuleObject));
    1376             :     }
    1377             : 
    1378        1701 :     for (AirSysNum = 1; AirSysNum <= NumPrimaryAirSys; ++AirSysNum) {
    1379        4708 :         SetupOutputVariable(state,
    1380             :                             "Air System Simulation Cycle On Off Status",
    1381             :                             OutputProcessor::Unit::None,
    1382        1177 :                             state.dataAirLoop->PriAirSysAvailMgr(AirSysNum).AvailStatus,
    1383             :                             OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::HVAC,
    1384             :                             OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
    1385        2354 :                             state.dataAirSystemsData->PrimaryAirSystems(AirSysNum).Name);
    1386             :     }
    1387             : 
    1388         524 :     if (state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getNumObjectsFound(state, "AirLoopHVAC:DedicatedOutdoorAirSystem") > 0) {
    1389           1 :         if (state.dataAirLoopHVACDOAS->GetInputOnceFlag) {
    1390           1 :             AirLoopHVACDOAS::getAirLoopHVACDOASInput(state);
    1391           1 :             state.dataAirLoopHVACDOAS->GetInputOnceFlag = false;
    1392             :         }
    1393             :     }
    1394             : }
    1395             : 
    1396             : // End of Get Input subroutines for the Module
    1397             : //******************************************************************************
    1398             : 
    1399             : // Beginning Initialization Section of the Module
    1400             : //******************************************************************************
    1401             : 
    1402     6484926 : void InitAirLoops(EnergyPlusData &state, bool const FirstHVACIteration) // TRUE if first full HVAC iteration in an HVAC timestep
    1403             : {
    1404             : 
    1405             :     // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    1406             :     //       AUTHOR         Richard J. Liesen
    1407             :     //       DATE WRITTEN   April 1998
    1408             :     //       MODIFIED       Dec 1999 Fred Buhl
    1409             : 
    1410             :     // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    1411             :     // Initializes the primary air system simulation
    1412             : 
    1413             :     // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
    1414             :     // (1) For the first simulation in an HVAC timestep, the air system is initialized to
    1415             :     //     design air flow rates.
    1416             :     // (2) For subsequent simulations, air flow data is set by the zone equipment inlet
    1417             :     //     nodes and the return air node.
    1418             :     // (3) Other air system node data such as temperatures and humidity ratios are only
    1419             :     //     initialized at the start of an environment (run period or design day).
    1420             : 
    1421     6484926 :     int const numPrimaryAirSys = state.dataHVACGlobal->NumPrimaryAirSys;
    1422             : 
    1423     6484926 :     bool ErrorsFound = false;
    1424     6484926 :     state.dataHVACGlobal->AirLoopInit = true;
    1425             : 
    1426             :     // Do the one time initializations
    1427     6484926 :     if (state.dataSimAirServingZones->InitAirLoopsOneTimeFlag) {
    1428             : 
    1429             :         // Figure out what zones are served by each primary air system (air loop) and
    1430             :         // store the results in AirToZoneNodeInfo()%CoolCtrlZoneNums and AirToZoneNodeInfo()%HeatCtrlZoneNums
    1431             : 
    1432             :         // Temporary air loop zone data
    1433        9640 :         struct AirloopZone
    1434             :         {
    1435             :             int ctrlZoneNum = 0;         // Controlled zone num
    1436             :             int zoneInletNode = 0;       // Zone supply inlet node
    1437             :             int termUnitInletNode = 0;   // Terminal unit inlet node
    1438             :             int termUnitSizingIndex = 0; // Terminal unit sizing index
    1439             :         };
    1440             : 
    1441        1540 :         EPVector<AirloopZone> cooledZone;
    1442        1540 :         EPVector<AirloopZone> heatedZone;
    1443         770 :         size_t atuArraySize = max(static_cast<size_t>(state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones), state.dataDefineEquipment->AirDistUnit.size());
    1444         770 :         cooledZone.allocate(atuArraySize);
    1445         770 :         heatedZone.allocate(atuArraySize);
    1446             : 
    1447         770 :         state.dataSimAirServingZones->MassFlowSetToler = DataConvergParams::HVACFlowRateToler * 0.00001;
    1448             : 
    1449        1951 :         for (int SupAirPath = 1; SupAirPath <= state.dataZoneEquip->NumSupplyAirPaths; ++SupAirPath) {
    1450             : 
    1451        1181 :             int NumAllSupAirPathNodes = 0;
    1452        1181 :             int SupAirPathNodeNum = 0;
    1453        1181 :             int SupAirPathOutNodeNum = 0;
    1454        1181 :             int NumSupAirPathOutNodes = 0;
    1455        1181 :             int NumSupAirPathNodes = 0;
    1456        1181 :             int NumSupAirPathIntNodes = 0;
    1457             : 
    1458             :             // each supply air path may have up to one splitter and one plenum.  Check for all combinations count
    1459             :             // all nodes (including duplicates)
    1460        2369 :             for (int CompNum = 1; CompNum <= state.dataZoneEquip->SupplyAirPath(SupAirPath).NumOfComponents; ++CompNum) {
    1461        1188 :                 if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(state.dataZoneEquip->SupplyAirPath(SupAirPath).ComponentType(CompNum), "AirLoopHVAC:ZoneSplitter")) {
    1462        1180 :                     int SplitterNum = UtilityRoutines::FindItemInList(state.dataZoneEquip->SupplyAirPath(SupAirPath).ComponentName(CompNum),
    1463        1180 :                                                                       state.dataSplitterComponent->SplitterCond,
    1464        1180 :                                                                       &SplitterComponent::SplitterConditions::SplitterName);
    1465        1180 :                     if (SplitterNum == 0) {
    1466           0 :                         ShowSevereError(
    1467           0 :                             state, "AirLoopHVAC:ZoneSplitter not found=" + state.dataZoneEquip->SupplyAirPath(SupAirPath).ComponentName(CompNum));
    1468           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "Occurs in AirLoopHVAC:SupplyPath=" + state.dataZoneEquip->SupplyAirPath(SupAirPath).Name);
    1469           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
    1470             :                     }
    1471        1180 :                     state.dataZoneEquip->SupplyAirPath(SupAirPath).SplitterIndex(CompNum) = SplitterNum;
    1472        1180 :                     NumAllSupAirPathNodes += state.dataSplitterComponent->SplitterCond(SplitterNum).NumOutletNodes + 1;
    1473           8 :                 } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(state.dataZoneEquip->SupplyAirPath(SupAirPath).ComponentType(CompNum),
    1474           8 :                                                        "AirLoopHVAC:SupplyPlenum")) {
    1475           8 :                     int PlenumNum = UtilityRoutines::FindItemInList(state.dataZoneEquip->SupplyAirPath(SupAirPath).ComponentName(CompNum),
    1476           8 :                                                                     state.dataZonePlenum->ZoneSupPlenCond,
    1477           8 :                                                                     &ZonePlenum::ZoneSupplyPlenumConditions::ZonePlenumName);
    1478           8 :                     if (PlenumNum == 0) {
    1479           0 :                         ShowSevereError(
    1480           0 :                             state, "AirLoopHVAC:SupplyPlenum not found=" + state.dataZoneEquip->SupplyAirPath(SupAirPath).ComponentName(CompNum));
    1481           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "Occurs in AirLoopHVAC:SupplyPath=" + state.dataZoneEquip->SupplyAirPath(SupAirPath).Name);
    1482           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
    1483             :                     }
    1484           8 :                     state.dataZoneEquip->SupplyAirPath(SupAirPath).PlenumIndex(CompNum) = PlenumNum;
    1485           8 :                     NumAllSupAirPathNodes += state.dataZonePlenum->ZoneSupPlenCond(PlenumNum).NumOutletNodes + 1;
    1486             :                 }
    1487             :             }
    1488        2362 :             EPVector<int> supNode;
    1489        2362 :             EPVector<DataZoneEquipment::AirNodeType> supNodeType;
    1490        1181 :             supNode.allocate(NumAllSupAirPathNodes);
    1491        1181 :             supNodeType.allocate(NumAllSupAirPathNodes);
    1492             : 
    1493             :             // figure out the order of the splitter and plenum in the path, by flagging the first node of the component
    1494             :             // as either a 'pathinlet' or a 'compinlet'
    1495        2369 :             for (int CompNum = 1; CompNum <= state.dataZoneEquip->SupplyAirPath(SupAirPath).NumOfComponents; ++CompNum) {
    1496        1188 :                 int SplitterNum = state.dataZoneEquip->SupplyAirPath(SupAirPath).SplitterIndex(CompNum);
    1497        1188 :                 int PlenumNum = state.dataZoneEquip->SupplyAirPath(SupAirPath).PlenumIndex(CompNum);
    1498        1188 :                 if (SplitterNum > 0) {
    1499        1180 :                     ++SupAirPathNodeNum;
    1500        1180 :                     supNode(SupAirPathNodeNum) = state.dataSplitterComponent->SplitterCond(SplitterNum).InletNode;
    1501        1180 :                     if (CompNum == 1) {
    1502        1173 :                         supNodeType(SupAirPathNodeNum) = DataZoneEquipment::AirNodeType::PathInlet;
    1503             :                     } else {
    1504           7 :                         supNodeType(SupAirPathNodeNum) = DataZoneEquipment::AirNodeType::CompInlet;
    1505             :                     }
    1506        4660 :                     for (int SplitterOutNum = 1; SplitterOutNum <= state.dataSplitterComponent->SplitterCond(SplitterNum).NumOutletNodes;
    1507             :                          ++SplitterOutNum) {
    1508        3480 :                         ++SupAirPathNodeNum;
    1509        3480 :                         supNode(SupAirPathNodeNum) = state.dataSplitterComponent->SplitterCond(SplitterNum).OutletNode(SplitterOutNum);
    1510        3480 :                         supNodeType(SupAirPathNodeNum) = DataZoneEquipment::AirNodeType::Invalid;
    1511             :                     }
    1512           8 :                 } else if (PlenumNum > 0) {
    1513           8 :                     ++SupAirPathNodeNum;
    1514           8 :                     supNode(SupAirPathNodeNum) = state.dataZonePlenum->ZoneSupPlenCond(PlenumNum).InletNode;
    1515           8 :                     if (CompNum == 1) {
    1516           8 :                         supNodeType(SupAirPathNodeNum) = DataZoneEquipment::AirNodeType::PathInlet;
    1517             :                     } else {
    1518           0 :                         supNodeType(SupAirPathNodeNum) = DataZoneEquipment::AirNodeType::CompInlet;
    1519             :                     }
    1520          20 :                     for (int PlenumOutNum = 1; PlenumOutNum <= state.dataZonePlenum->ZoneSupPlenCond(PlenumNum).NumOutletNodes; ++PlenumOutNum) {
    1521          12 :                         ++SupAirPathNodeNum;
    1522          12 :                         supNode(SupAirPathNodeNum) = state.dataZonePlenum->ZoneSupPlenCond(PlenumNum).OutletNode(PlenumOutNum);
    1523          12 :                         supNodeType(SupAirPathNodeNum) = DataZoneEquipment::AirNodeType::Invalid;
    1524             :                     }
    1525             :                 }
    1526             :             }
    1527             : 
    1528             :             // find the nodes that connect a splitter and a plenum
    1529        5861 :             for (int SupNodeIndex = 1; SupNodeIndex <= NumAllSupAirPathNodes; ++SupNodeIndex) {
    1530        4680 :                 if (supNodeType(SupNodeIndex) == DataZoneEquipment::AirNodeType::Invalid) {
    1531       17640 :                     for (int SupNodeIndex2 = SupNodeIndex + 1; SupNodeIndex2 <= NumAllSupAirPathNodes; ++SupNodeIndex2) {
    1532       14162 :                         if ((supNode(SupNodeIndex) == supNode(SupNodeIndex2)) &&
    1533           7 :                             (supNodeType(SupNodeIndex2) == DataZoneEquipment::AirNodeType::CompInlet)) {
    1534           7 :                             supNodeType(SupNodeIndex) = DataZoneEquipment::AirNodeType::Intermediate;
    1535           7 :                             break;
    1536             :                         }
    1537             :                     }
    1538             :                 }
    1539             :             }
    1540             : 
    1541             :             //  the rest of the nodes are outlet nodes and count the duplicated intermediate nodes
    1542        5861 :             for (int SupNodeIndex = 1; SupNodeIndex <= NumAllSupAirPathNodes; ++SupNodeIndex) {
    1543        4680 :                 if (supNodeType(SupNodeIndex) == DataZoneEquipment::AirNodeType::Invalid) {
    1544        3485 :                     ++NumSupAirPathOutNodes;
    1545        3485 :                     supNodeType(SupNodeIndex) = DataZoneEquipment::AirNodeType::Outlet;
    1546        1195 :                 } else if (supNodeType(SupNodeIndex) == DataZoneEquipment::AirNodeType::Intermediate) {
    1547           7 :                     ++NumSupAirPathIntNodes;
    1548             :                 }
    1549             :             }
    1550             : 
    1551             :             //  eliminate the duplicates to find the number of nodes in the supply air path
    1552        1181 :             NumSupAirPathNodes = NumAllSupAirPathNodes - NumSupAirPathIntNodes;
    1553        1181 :             SupAirPathNodeNum = 0;
    1554        1181 :             state.dataZoneEquip->SupplyAirPath(SupAirPath).OutletNode.allocate(NumSupAirPathOutNodes);
    1555        1181 :             state.dataZoneEquip->SupplyAirPath(SupAirPath).Node.allocate(NumSupAirPathNodes);
    1556        1181 :             state.dataZoneEquip->SupplyAirPath(SupAirPath).NodeType.allocate(NumSupAirPathNodes);
    1557        1181 :             state.dataZoneEquip->SupplyAirPath(SupAirPath).NumNodes = NumSupAirPathNodes;
    1558        1181 :             state.dataZoneEquip->SupplyAirPath(SupAirPath).NumOutletNodes = NumSupAirPathOutNodes;
    1559             : 
    1560             :             // transfer data from the local SupNode array to the SupplyAirPath data structure
    1561        5861 :             for (int SupNodeIndex = 1; SupNodeIndex <= NumAllSupAirPathNodes; ++SupNodeIndex) {
    1562       12859 :                 if (supNodeType(SupNodeIndex) == DataZoneEquipment::AirNodeType::PathInlet ||
    1563        8172 :                     supNodeType(SupNodeIndex) == DataZoneEquipment::AirNodeType::Intermediate ||
    1564        3492 :                     supNodeType(SupNodeIndex) == DataZoneEquipment::AirNodeType::Outlet) {
    1565        4673 :                     ++SupAirPathNodeNum;
    1566             :                     // map the local node numbers to the HVAC (global) node numbers
    1567        4673 :                     state.dataZoneEquip->SupplyAirPath(SupAirPath).Node(SupAirPathNodeNum) = supNode(SupNodeIndex);
    1568        4673 :                     state.dataZoneEquip->SupplyAirPath(SupAirPath).NodeType(SupAirPathNodeNum) = supNodeType(SupNodeIndex);
    1569             :                 }
    1570        4680 :                 if (supNodeType(SupNodeIndex) == DataZoneEquipment::AirNodeType::Outlet) {
    1571        3485 :                     ++SupAirPathOutNodeNum;
    1572             :                     // map the outlet node number to the HVAC (global) node number
    1573        3485 :                     state.dataZoneEquip->SupplyAirPath(SupAirPath).OutletNode(SupAirPathOutNodeNum) = supNode(SupNodeIndex);
    1574             :                 }
    1575             :             }
    1576             :         }
    1577             : 
    1578             :         // Now loop over the air loops
    1579        1947 :         for (int AirLoopNum = 1; AirLoopNum <= numPrimaryAirSys; ++AirLoopNum) {
    1580        1177 :             auto &thisPrimaryAirSys = state.dataAirSystemsData->PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum);
    1581        1177 :             auto &thisAirLoopControlInfo = state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopControlInfo(AirLoopNum);
    1582       23667 :             for (size_t num = 1; num <= atuArraySize; ++num) {
    1583       22490 :                 cooledZone(num).ctrlZoneNum = 0;
    1584       22490 :                 heatedZone(num).ctrlZoneNum = 0;
    1585       22490 :                 cooledZone(num).zoneInletNode = 0;
    1586       22490 :                 heatedZone(num).zoneInletNode = 0;
    1587       22490 :                 cooledZone(num).termUnitInletNode = 0;
    1588       22490 :                 heatedZone(num).termUnitInletNode = 0;
    1589       22490 :                 cooledZone(num).termUnitSizingIndex = 0;
    1590       22490 :                 heatedZone(num).termUnitSizingIndex = 0;
    1591             :             }
    1592        1177 :             int NumZonesCool = 0;
    1593        1177 :             int NumZonesHeat = 0;
    1594        1177 :             int NumComponentsInSys = 0;
    1595             : 
    1596             :             // count the number of components in this primary air system
    1597        2373 :             for (int BranchNum = 1; BranchNum <= thisPrimaryAirSys.NumBranches; ++BranchNum) {
    1598        1196 :                 NumComponentsInSys += thisPrimaryAirSys.Branch(BranchNum).TotalComponents;
    1599             :             }
    1600             :             // set the Simple flag
    1601        1177 :             if (thisPrimaryAirSys.NumBranches == 1 && NumComponentsInSys == 1) {
    1602          60 :                 thisAirLoopControlInfo.Simple = true;
    1603             :             }
    1604             : 
    1605        1177 :             auto &thisAirToZoneNodeInfo = state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirLoopNum);
    1606             :             // loop over the air loop's output nodes
    1607        2362 :             for (int OutNum = 1; OutNum <= thisAirToZoneNodeInfo.NumSupplyNodes; ++OutNum) {
    1608        1185 :                 int ZoneSideNodeNum = thisAirToZoneNodeInfo.ZoneEquipSupplyNodeNum(OutNum);
    1609             :                 // find the corresponding branch number
    1610        1185 :                 int OutBranchNum = thisPrimaryAirSys.OutletBranchNum[OutNum - 1];
    1611             :                 // find the supply air path corresponding to each air loop outlet node
    1612        1185 :                 int SupAirPathNum = 0;
    1613             :                 // loop over the air loop's output nodes
    1614        6496 :                 for (int SupAirPath = 1; SupAirPath <= state.dataZoneEquip->NumSupplyAirPaths; ++SupAirPath) {
    1615        6492 :                     if (ZoneSideNodeNum == state.dataZoneEquip->SupplyAirPath(SupAirPath).InletNodeNum) {
    1616        1181 :                         SupAirPathNum = SupAirPath;
    1617        1181 :                         break;
    1618             :                     }
    1619             :                 }
    1620        1185 :                 int NumSupAirPathOutNodes = 0;
    1621        1185 :                 if (SupAirPathNum > 0) {
    1622        1181 :                     NumSupAirPathOutNodes = state.dataZoneEquip->SupplyAirPath(SupAirPathNum).NumOutletNodes;
    1623             :                 }
    1624             : 
    1625             :                 // Now Loop over the Supply Air Path outlet nodes and find out which zone and which air terminal
    1626             :                 // unit on that zone is connected to that supply air path.
    1627             : 
    1628        4670 :                 for (int SupAirPathOutNodeNum = 1; SupAirPathOutNodeNum <= NumSupAirPathOutNodes; ++SupAirPathOutNodeNum) {
    1629        3485 :                     int FoundSupPathZoneConnect = false;
    1630             :                     // loop over all controlled zones.
    1631       53729 :                     for (int CtrlZoneNum = 1; CtrlZoneNum <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++CtrlZoneNum) {
    1632       53724 :                         if (!state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(CtrlZoneNum).IsControlled) continue;
    1633             :                         // Loop over the air distribution unit inlets for each controlled zone.
    1634             :                         // Look for a match between the zone splitter outlet node and the air distribution unit inlet node.
    1635             :                         // When match found save the controlled zone number in CtrlZoneNumsCool or CtrlZoneNumsHeat
    1636      101674 :                         for (int ZoneInNum = 1; ZoneInNum <= state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(CtrlZoneNum).NumInletNodes; ++ZoneInNum) {
    1637             : 
    1638             :                             // BEGIN COOLING: Check for a match between the cooling air distribution unit inlet
    1639             :                             // and the supply air path outlet
    1640      108938 :                             if (state.dataZoneEquip->SupplyAirPath(SupAirPathNum).OutletNode(SupAirPathOutNodeNum) ==
    1641       54469 :                                 state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(CtrlZoneNum).AirDistUnitCool(ZoneInNum).InNode) {
    1642        3451 :                                 ++NumZonesCool;
    1643             :                                 // Set Duct Type for branch for dual duct
    1644        3451 :                                 if (NumZonesCool == 1 && OutBranchNum > 1) {
    1645           9 :                                     thisPrimaryAirSys.Branch(OutBranchNum).DuctType = DataHVACGlobals::AirDuctType::Cooling;
    1646             :                                 }
    1647        3451 :                                 if (NumZonesCool == 1) {
    1648        1168 :                                     thisAirToZoneNodeInfo.SupplyDuctType(OutNum) = DataHVACGlobals::AirDuctType::Cooling;
    1649             :                                 }
    1650        3451 :                                 cooledZone(NumZonesCool).ctrlZoneNum = CtrlZoneNum;
    1651        3451 :                                 cooledZone(NumZonesCool).zoneInletNode = state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(CtrlZoneNum).InletNode(ZoneInNum);
    1652        3451 :                                 cooledZone(NumZonesCool).termUnitInletNode =
    1653        3451 :                                     state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(CtrlZoneNum).AirDistUnitCool(ZoneInNum).InNode;
    1654        3451 :                                 cooledZone(NumZonesCool).termUnitSizingIndex =
    1655        3451 :                                     state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(CtrlZoneNum).AirDistUnitCool(ZoneInNum).TermUnitSizingIndex;
    1656        3451 :                                 if (AirLoopNum > 0) {
    1657        3451 :                                     if (thisPrimaryAirSys.OASysExists) {
    1658        3105 :                                         state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(CtrlZoneNum).ZoneHasAirLoopWithOASys = true;
    1659             :                                     }
    1660             :                                 }
    1661        3451 :                                 state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(CtrlZoneNum).InletNodeAirLoopNum(ZoneInNum) = AirLoopNum;
    1662        3451 :                                 FoundSupPathZoneConnect = true;
    1663             : 
    1664             :                                 // set the supply air path
    1665        3451 :                                 state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(CtrlZoneNum).AirDistUnitCool(ZoneInNum).SupplyAirPathExists = true;
    1666             : 
    1667             :                                 // Once a match is found between a supply air path outlet node and an air distribution inlet
    1668             :                                 // node, we go on to the next supply air path outlet.  Therefore, *both* the air distribution
    1669             :                                 // unit loop and the controlled zone loop may be exited.
    1670        3451 :                                 goto ControlledZoneLoop_exit;
    1671             :                             } // end check for cooling air distribution units
    1672             : 
    1673             :                             // END COOLING: end check for match between supply air path outlet and cooling air
    1674             :                             // distribution inlet
    1675             : 
    1676             :                             // BEGIN HEATING: If we don't get a match, check for a heating match
    1677      102036 :                             if (state.dataZoneEquip->SupplyAirPath(SupAirPathNum).OutletNode(SupAirPathOutNodeNum) ==
    1678       51018 :                                 state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(CtrlZoneNum).AirDistUnitHeat(ZoneInNum).InNode) {
    1679          29 :                                 ++NumZonesHeat;
    1680             :                                 // Set Duct Type for branch for dual duct
    1681          29 :                                 if (NumZonesHeat == 1 && OutBranchNum > 1) {
    1682           8 :                                     thisPrimaryAirSys.Branch(OutBranchNum).DuctType = DataHVACGlobals::AirDuctType::Heating;
    1683             :                                 }
    1684          29 :                                 if (NumZonesHeat == 1) {
    1685           8 :                                     thisAirToZoneNodeInfo.SupplyDuctType(OutNum) = DataHVACGlobals::AirDuctType::Heating;
    1686             :                                 }
    1687          29 :                                 heatedZone(NumZonesHeat).ctrlZoneNum = CtrlZoneNum;
    1688          29 :                                 heatedZone(NumZonesHeat).zoneInletNode = state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(CtrlZoneNum).InletNode(ZoneInNum);
    1689          29 :                                 heatedZone(NumZonesHeat).termUnitInletNode =
    1690          29 :                                     state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(CtrlZoneNum).AirDistUnitHeat(ZoneInNum).InNode;
    1691          29 :                                 heatedZone(NumZonesHeat).termUnitSizingIndex =
    1692          29 :                                     state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(CtrlZoneNum).AirDistUnitHeat(ZoneInNum).TermUnitSizingIndex;
    1693          29 :                                 if (state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(CtrlZoneNum).InletNodeAirLoopNum(ZoneInNum) == 0)
    1694          29 :                                     state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(CtrlZoneNum).InletNodeAirLoopNum(ZoneInNum) = AirLoopNum;
    1695          29 :                                 FoundSupPathZoneConnect = true;
    1696             : 
    1697             :                                 // Set the supply air path flag
    1698          29 :                                 state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(CtrlZoneNum).AirDistUnitHeat(ZoneInNum).SupplyAirPathExists = true;
    1699             : 
    1700             :                                 // Once a match is found between a supply air path outlet node and an air distribution inlet
    1701             :                                 // node, we go on to the next supply air path outlet.  Therefore, *both* the air distribution
    1702             :                                 // unit loop and the controlled zone loop may be exited.
    1703          29 :                                 goto ControlledZoneLoop_exit;
    1704             :                             } // end check for heatingair distribution units
    1705             :                         }
    1706             :                     }
    1707           5 :                 ControlledZoneLoop_exit:;
    1708             : 
    1709             :                     // If the supply air path is not connected to either a heating or a cooling air distribution
    1710             :                     // unit...we have a problem!
    1711        3485 :                     if (!FoundSupPathZoneConnect) {
    1712          15 :                         ShowSevereError(
    1713             :                             state,
    1714          10 :                             "Node " +
    1715          15 :                                 state.dataLoopNodes->NodeID(state.dataZoneEquip->SupplyAirPath(SupAirPathNum).OutletNode(SupAirPathOutNodeNum)) +
    1716             :                                 " connects to no component");
    1717           5 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "Occurs in Supply Air Path=" + state.dataZoneEquip->SupplyAirPath(SupAirPathNum).Name);
    1718           5 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "Check the connection to a ZoneHVAC:EquipmentConnections object");
    1719           5 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "Check if this component is missing from the Supply Air Path");
    1720           5 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
    1721             :                     }
    1722             :                 }
    1723             : 
    1724             :                 // What if there is no supply air path & the air loop outlet is just hooked directly to
    1725             :                 // an air distribution unit of a single zone? In this case look for a match between
    1726             :                 // ZoneSideNodeNum and a zone's air distribution unit inlets.
    1727        1185 :                 if (SupAirPathNum == 0) {
    1728             : 
    1729          10 :                     for (int CtrlZoneNum = 1; CtrlZoneNum <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++CtrlZoneNum) {
    1730          10 :                         if (!state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(CtrlZoneNum).IsControlled) continue;
    1731             :                         // Loop over the air distribution unit inlets for each controlled zone.
    1732             :                         // Look for a match between the zone equip inlet node and the air distribution unit inlet node.
    1733             :                         // When match found save the controlled zone number in CtrlZoneNumsCool or CtrlZoneNumsHeat
    1734          16 :                         for (int ZoneInNum = 1; ZoneInNum <= state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(CtrlZoneNum).NumInletNodes; ++ZoneInNum) {
    1735             : 
    1736             :                             // set supply air path flag
    1737          10 :                             state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(CtrlZoneNum).AirDistUnitCool(ZoneInNum).SupplyAirPathExists = false;
    1738             : 
    1739          10 :                             if (ZoneSideNodeNum == state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(CtrlZoneNum).AirDistUnitCool(ZoneInNum).InNode) {
    1740           4 :                                 ++NumZonesCool;
    1741             :                                 // Set Duct Type for branch for dual duct
    1742           4 :                                 if (NumZonesCool == 1 && OutBranchNum > 1) {
    1743           0 :                                     thisPrimaryAirSys.Branch(OutBranchNum).DuctType = DataHVACGlobals::AirDuctType::Cooling;
    1744             :                                 }
    1745           4 :                                 cooledZone(NumZonesCool).ctrlZoneNum = CtrlZoneNum;
    1746           4 :                                 cooledZone(NumZonesCool).zoneInletNode = state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(CtrlZoneNum).InletNode(ZoneInNum);
    1747           4 :                                 cooledZone(NumZonesCool).termUnitInletNode =
    1748           4 :                                     state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(CtrlZoneNum).AirDistUnitCool(ZoneInNum).InNode;
    1749           4 :                                 cooledZone(NumZonesCool).termUnitSizingIndex =
    1750           4 :                                     state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(CtrlZoneNum).AirDistUnitCool(ZoneInNum).TermUnitSizingIndex;
    1751           4 :                                 if (state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(CtrlZoneNum).InletNodeAirLoopNum(ZoneInNum) == 0)
    1752           4 :                                     state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(CtrlZoneNum).InletNodeAirLoopNum(ZoneInNum) = AirLoopNum;
    1753           4 :                                 goto ControlledZoneLoop2_exit;
    1754             :                             }
    1755             : 
    1756           6 :                             if (ZoneSideNodeNum == state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(CtrlZoneNum).AirDistUnitHeat(ZoneInNum).InNode) {
    1757           0 :                                 ++NumZonesHeat;
    1758             :                                 // Set Duct Type for branch for dual duct
    1759           0 :                                 if (NumZonesHeat == 1 && OutBranchNum > 1) {
    1760           0 :                                     thisPrimaryAirSys.Branch(OutBranchNum).DuctType = DataHVACGlobals::AirDuctType::Heating;
    1761             :                                 }
    1762           0 :                                 heatedZone(NumZonesHeat).ctrlZoneNum = CtrlZoneNum;
    1763           0 :                                 heatedZone(NumZonesHeat).zoneInletNode = state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(CtrlZoneNum).InletNode(ZoneInNum);
    1764           0 :                                 heatedZone(NumZonesHeat).termUnitInletNode =
    1765           0 :                                     state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(CtrlZoneNum).AirDistUnitHeat(ZoneInNum).InNode;
    1766           0 :                                 heatedZone(NumZonesHeat).termUnitSizingIndex =
    1767           0 :                                     state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(CtrlZoneNum).AirDistUnitHeat(ZoneInNum).TermUnitSizingIndex;
    1768           0 :                                 if (state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(CtrlZoneNum).InletNodeAirLoopNum(ZoneInNum) == 0)
    1769           0 :                                     state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(CtrlZoneNum).InletNodeAirLoopNum(ZoneInNum) = AirLoopNum;
    1770           0 :                                 goto ControlledZoneLoop2_exit;
    1771             :                             }
    1772             :                         }
    1773             :                     }
    1774           0 :                 ControlledZoneLoop2_exit:;
    1775             :                 } // End of no supply air path case
    1776        1185 :                 if ((NumZonesCool + NumZonesHeat) == 0) {
    1777           5 :                     ShowSevereError(state, "An outlet node in AirLoopHVAC=\"" + thisPrimaryAirSys.Name + "\" is not connected to any zone");
    1778          15 :                     ShowContinueError(state,
    1779          10 :                                       "Could not match ZoneEquipGroup Inlet Node=\"" + state.dataLoopNodes->NodeID(ZoneSideNodeNum) +
    1780             :                                           "\" to any Supply Air Path or controlled zone");
    1781           5 :                     ErrorsFound = true;
    1782             :                 }
    1783             :             }
    1784             : 
    1785             :             // we now know the number of heated and cooled zones served by this primary air system.
    1786             :             // Allocate the subarrays in AirToZoneNodeInfo
    1787        1177 :             thisAirToZoneNodeInfo.CoolCtrlZoneNums.allocate(NumZonesCool);
    1788        1177 :             thisAirToZoneNodeInfo.HeatCtrlZoneNums.allocate(NumZonesHeat);
    1789        1177 :             thisAirToZoneNodeInfo.CoolZoneInletNodes.allocate(NumZonesCool);
    1790        1177 :             thisAirToZoneNodeInfo.HeatZoneInletNodes.allocate(NumZonesHeat);
    1791        1177 :             thisAirToZoneNodeInfo.TermUnitCoolInletNodes.allocate(NumZonesCool);
    1792        1177 :             thisAirToZoneNodeInfo.TermUnitHeatInletNodes.allocate(NumZonesHeat);
    1793        1177 :             thisAirToZoneNodeInfo.TermUnitCoolSizingIndex.allocate(NumZonesCool);
    1794        1177 :             thisAirToZoneNodeInfo.TermUnitHeatSizingIndex.allocate(NumZonesHeat);
    1795             :             // Move the controlled zone numbers from the scratch arrays into AirToZoneNodeInfo
    1796        4632 :             for (int ZoneInSysIndex = 1; ZoneInSysIndex <= NumZonesCool; ++ZoneInSysIndex) {
    1797        3455 :                 thisAirToZoneNodeInfo.CoolCtrlZoneNums(ZoneInSysIndex) = cooledZone(ZoneInSysIndex).ctrlZoneNum;
    1798        3455 :                 thisAirToZoneNodeInfo.CoolZoneInletNodes(ZoneInSysIndex) = cooledZone(ZoneInSysIndex).zoneInletNode;
    1799        3455 :                 thisAirToZoneNodeInfo.TermUnitCoolInletNodes(ZoneInSysIndex) = cooledZone(ZoneInSysIndex).termUnitInletNode;
    1800        3455 :                 thisAirToZoneNodeInfo.TermUnitCoolSizingIndex(ZoneInSysIndex) = cooledZone(ZoneInSysIndex).termUnitSizingIndex;
    1801             :             }
    1802             : 
    1803        1206 :             for (int ZoneInSysIndex = 1; ZoneInSysIndex <= NumZonesHeat; ++ZoneInSysIndex) {
    1804          29 :                 thisAirToZoneNodeInfo.HeatCtrlZoneNums(ZoneInSysIndex) = heatedZone(ZoneInSysIndex).ctrlZoneNum;
    1805          29 :                 thisAirToZoneNodeInfo.HeatZoneInletNodes(ZoneInSysIndex) = heatedZone(ZoneInSysIndex).zoneInletNode;
    1806          29 :                 thisAirToZoneNodeInfo.TermUnitHeatInletNodes(ZoneInSysIndex) = heatedZone(ZoneInSysIndex).termUnitInletNode;
    1807          29 :                 thisAirToZoneNodeInfo.TermUnitHeatSizingIndex(ZoneInSysIndex) = heatedZone(ZoneInSysIndex).termUnitSizingIndex;
    1808             :             }
    1809             : 
    1810        1177 :             thisAirToZoneNodeInfo.NumZonesCooled = NumZonesCool;
    1811        1177 :             thisAirToZoneNodeInfo.NumZonesHeated = NumZonesHeat;
    1812             : 
    1813             :             // now fill the return air bypass information needed by the RAB setpoint manager
    1814        1177 :             if (thisPrimaryAirSys.Splitter.Exists && thisPrimaryAirSys.Mixer.Exists) {
    1815           1 :                 thisPrimaryAirSys.RABExists = true;
    1816           5 :                 for (int BranchNum = 1; BranchNum <= thisPrimaryAirSys.NumBranches; ++BranchNum) {
    1817             :                     // find the RAB branch; its inlet is a splitter outlet and it outlet is a mixer inlet
    1818          11 :                     if ((thisPrimaryAirSys.Branch(BranchNum).NodeNumIn == thisPrimaryAirSys.Splitter.NodeNumOut(1) ||
    1819           5 :                          thisPrimaryAirSys.Branch(BranchNum).NodeNumIn == thisPrimaryAirSys.Splitter.NodeNumOut(2)) &&
    1820           3 :                         (thisPrimaryAirSys.Branch(BranchNum).NodeNumOut == thisPrimaryAirSys.Mixer.NodeNumIn(1) ||
    1821           3 :                          thisPrimaryAirSys.Branch(BranchNum).NodeNumOut == thisPrimaryAirSys.Mixer.NodeNumIn(2)) &&
    1822           7 :                         (thisPrimaryAirSys.Branch(BranchNum).TotalComponents == 1) &&
    1823           5 :                         (UtilityRoutines::SameString(thisPrimaryAirSys.Branch(BranchNum).Comp(1).TypeOf, "Duct"))) {
    1824             :                         // set the RAB splitter outlet node and the RAB mixer inlet node
    1825           1 :                         thisPrimaryAirSys.RABSplitOutNode = thisPrimaryAirSys.Branch(BranchNum).NodeNumIn;
    1826           1 :                         thisPrimaryAirSys.RABMixInNode = thisPrimaryAirSys.Branch(BranchNum).NodeNumOut;
    1827             :                         // set the other nodes
    1828           1 :                         if (thisPrimaryAirSys.Splitter.NodeNumOut(1) == thisPrimaryAirSys.RABSplitOutNode) {
    1829           1 :                             thisPrimaryAirSys.OtherSplitOutNode = thisPrimaryAirSys.Splitter.NodeNumOut(2);
    1830             :                         } else {
    1831           0 :                             thisPrimaryAirSys.OtherSplitOutNode = thisPrimaryAirSys.Splitter.NodeNumOut(1);
    1832             :                         }
    1833           1 :                         if (thisPrimaryAirSys.Mixer.NodeNumIn(1) == thisPrimaryAirSys.RABMixInNode) {
    1834           0 :                             thisPrimaryAirSys.SupMixInNode = thisPrimaryAirSys.Mixer.NodeNumIn(2);
    1835             :                         } else {
    1836           1 :                             thisPrimaryAirSys.SupMixInNode = thisPrimaryAirSys.Mixer.NodeNumIn(1);
    1837             :                         }
    1838             :                         // set the duct type
    1839           1 :                         thisPrimaryAirSys.Branch(BranchNum).DuctType = DataHVACGlobals::AirDuctType::RAB;
    1840             :                     }
    1841             :                 }
    1842           1 :                 thisPrimaryAirSys.MixOutNode = thisPrimaryAirSys.Mixer.NodeNumOut;
    1843             :             }
    1844             :         }
    1845             : 
    1846             :         // now fill out AirLoopZoneInfo for cleaner struct of zones attached to air loop, moved from MixedAir to here for use with Std. 62.1
    1847         770 :         int MaxNumAirLoopZones = 0;
    1848        1947 :         for (int AirLoopNum = 1; AirLoopNum <= numPrimaryAirSys; ++AirLoopNum) {
    1849        1177 :             auto &thisAirToZoneNodeInfo = state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirLoopNum);
    1850        1177 :             int NumAirLoopZones = thisAirToZoneNodeInfo.NumZonesCooled + thisAirToZoneNodeInfo.NumZonesHeated;
    1851             :             // NumZonesCooled + NumZonesHeated must be > 0 or Fatal error is issued in SimAirServingZones
    1852        1177 :             MaxNumAirLoopZones = max(MaxNumAirLoopZones, NumAirLoopZones); // Max number of zones on any air loop being simulated
    1853             :         }
    1854             :         // Find the zones attached to each air loop
    1855        1947 :         for (int AirLoopNum = 1; AirLoopNum <= numPrimaryAirSys; ++AirLoopNum) {
    1856        1177 :             auto &thisAirToZoneNodeInfo = state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirLoopNum);
    1857        1177 :             auto &thisAirLoopZoneInfo = state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopZoneInfo(AirLoopNum);
    1858        1177 :             thisAirLoopZoneInfo.Zone.allocate(MaxNumAirLoopZones);
    1859        1177 :             thisAirLoopZoneInfo.ActualZoneNumber.allocate(MaxNumAirLoopZones);
    1860        1177 :             int NumAirLoopCooledZones = thisAirToZoneNodeInfo.NumZonesCooled;
    1861        1177 :             int AirLoopZones = NumAirLoopCooledZones;
    1862        1177 :             int NumAirLoopHeatedZones = thisAirToZoneNodeInfo.NumZonesHeated;
    1863             :             // Store cooling zone numbers in AirLoopZoneInfo data structure
    1864        4632 :             for (int NumAirLoopCooledZonesTemp = 1; NumAirLoopCooledZonesTemp <= NumAirLoopCooledZones; ++NumAirLoopCooledZonesTemp) {
    1865        3455 :                 thisAirLoopZoneInfo.Zone(NumAirLoopCooledZonesTemp) = thisAirToZoneNodeInfo.CoolCtrlZoneNums(NumAirLoopCooledZonesTemp);
    1866        3455 :                 thisAirLoopZoneInfo.ActualZoneNumber(NumAirLoopCooledZonesTemp) = thisAirToZoneNodeInfo.CoolCtrlZoneNums(NumAirLoopCooledZonesTemp);
    1867             :             }
    1868             :             // Store heating zone numbers in AirLoopZoneInfo data structure
    1869             :             // Only store zone numbers that aren't already defined as cooling zones above
    1870        1206 :             for (int NumAirLoopHeatedZonesTemp = 1; NumAirLoopHeatedZonesTemp <= NumAirLoopHeatedZones; ++NumAirLoopHeatedZonesTemp) {
    1871          29 :                 int ZoneNum = thisAirToZoneNodeInfo.HeatCtrlZoneNums(NumAirLoopHeatedZonesTemp);
    1872          29 :                 bool CommonZone = false;
    1873         144 :                 for (int NumAirLoopCooledZonesTemp = 1; NumAirLoopCooledZonesTemp <= NumAirLoopCooledZones; ++NumAirLoopCooledZonesTemp) {
    1874         115 :                     if (ZoneNum != thisAirToZoneNodeInfo.CoolCtrlZoneNums(NumAirLoopCooledZonesTemp)) continue;
    1875          29 :                     CommonZone = true;
    1876             :                 }
    1877          29 :                 if (!CommonZone) {
    1878           0 :                     ++AirLoopZones;
    1879           0 :                     thisAirLoopZoneInfo.Zone(AirLoopZones) = ZoneNum;
    1880           0 :                     thisAirLoopZoneInfo.ActualZoneNumber(AirLoopZones) = ZoneNum;
    1881             :                 }
    1882             :             }
    1883        1177 :             thisAirLoopZoneInfo.NumZones = AirLoopZones;
    1884             :         }
    1885             : 
    1886             :         // now register zone inlet nodes as critical demand nodes in the convergence tracking
    1887         770 :         state.dataConvergeParams->ZoneInletConvergence.allocate(state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones);
    1888        5578 :         for (int ZoneNum = 1; ZoneNum <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++ZoneNum) {
    1889        4808 :             if (state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(ZoneNum).NumInletNodes > 0) {
    1890        4017 :                 state.dataConvergeParams->ZoneInletConvergence(ZoneNum).NumInletNodes = state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(ZoneNum).NumInletNodes;
    1891        8034 :                 state.dataConvergeParams->ZoneInletConvergence(ZoneNum).InletNode.allocate(
    1892        8034 :                     state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(ZoneNum).NumInletNodes);
    1893        8255 :                 for (int nodeLoop = 1; nodeLoop <= state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(ZoneNum).NumInletNodes; ++nodeLoop) {
    1894        4238 :                     state.dataConvergeParams->ZoneInletConvergence(ZoneNum).InletNode(nodeLoop).NodeNum =
    1895        4238 :                         state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(ZoneNum).InletNode(nodeLoop);
    1896             :                 }
    1897             :             }
    1898             :         }
    1899             : 
    1900             :         // now connect return nodes with airloops and corresponding inlet nodes
    1901         770 :         ConnectReturnNodes(state);
    1902             : 
    1903         770 :         state.dataSimAirServingZones->InitAirLoopsOneTimeFlag = false;
    1904             : 
    1905         770 :         if (ErrorsFound) {
    1906           2 :             ShowFatalError(state, "Preceding errors cause termination");
    1907             :         }
    1908             : 
    1909        1941 :         for (int AirLoopNum = 1; AirLoopNum <= numPrimaryAirSys; ++AirLoopNum) {
    1910        1172 :             auto &thisPrimaryAirSys = state.dataAirSystemsData->PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum);
    1911             : 
    1912        1172 :             int SupFanIndex = 0;
    1913        1172 :             int RetFanIndex = 0;
    1914        1172 :             bool FoundOASys = false;
    1915        1172 :             thisPrimaryAirSys.FanDesCoolLoad = 0.0;
    1916        1172 :             FanModelType supFanModelType = FanModelType::Invalid;
    1917        1172 :             FanModelType retFanModelType = FanModelType::Invalid;
    1918             : 
    1919        1172 :             bool FoundCentralCoolCoil = false;
    1920        1653 :             for (int BranchNum = 1; BranchNum <= thisPrimaryAirSys.NumBranches; ++BranchNum) {
    1921             : 
    1922        3885 :                 for (int CompNum = 1; CompNum <= thisPrimaryAirSys.Branch(BranchNum).TotalComponents; ++CompNum) {
    1923        3404 :                     CompType compType = thisPrimaryAirSys.Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).CompType_Num;
    1924        3404 :                     if (thisPrimaryAirSys.Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).CompType_Num == CompType::OAMixer_Num) {
    1925        1021 :                         FoundOASys = true;
    1926             :                     }
    1927        3404 :                     if (compType == CompType::WaterCoil_Cooling || compType == CompType::WaterCoil_DetailedCool ||
    1928        3088 :                         compType == CompType::WaterCoil_CoolingHXAsst || compType == CompType::DXSystem) {
    1929         561 :                         FoundCentralCoolCoil = true;
    1930             :                     }
    1931        3404 :                     if (compType == CompType::Fan_Simple_CV || compType == CompType::Fan_Simple_VAV || compType == CompType::Fan_ComponentModel) {
    1932         695 :                         if (thisPrimaryAirSys.OASysExists && !thisPrimaryAirSys.isAllOA) {
    1933         609 :                             if (FoundOASys) {
    1934         599 :                                 if (thisPrimaryAirSys.Branch(BranchNum).DuctType != DataHVACGlobals::AirDuctType::Heating) {
    1935         597 :                                     Fans::GetFanIndex(state, thisPrimaryAirSys.Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).Name, SupFanIndex, ErrorsFound);
    1936         597 :                                     supFanModelType = StructArrayLegacyFanModels;
    1937         597 :                                     goto EndOfAirLoop;
    1938             :                                 }
    1939             :                             } else {
    1940           4 :                                 Fans::GetFanIndex(state, thisPrimaryAirSys.Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).Name, RetFanIndex, ErrorsFound);
    1941           4 :                                 retFanModelType = StructArrayLegacyFanModels;
    1942             :                             }
    1943             :                         } else {
    1944          92 :                             Fans::GetFanIndex(state, thisPrimaryAirSys.Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).Name, SupFanIndex, ErrorsFound);
    1945          92 :                             supFanModelType = StructArrayLegacyFanModels;
    1946          92 :                             goto EndOfAirLoop;
    1947             :                         }
    1948             :                     }
    1949        2715 :                     if (compType == CompType::Fan_System_Object) {
    1950           9 :                         if (thisPrimaryAirSys.OASysExists && !thisPrimaryAirSys.isAllOA) {
    1951           9 :                             if (FoundOASys) {
    1952           9 :                                 if (thisPrimaryAirSys.Branch(BranchNum).DuctType != DataHVACGlobals::AirDuctType::Heating) {
    1953           9 :                                     SupFanIndex = HVACFan::getFanObjectVectorIndex(state, thisPrimaryAirSys.Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).Name);
    1954           9 :                                     supFanModelType = ObjectVectorOOFanSystemModel;
    1955           9 :                                     goto EndOfAirLoop;
    1956             :                                 }
    1957             :                             } else {
    1958           0 :                                 RetFanIndex = HVACFan::getFanObjectVectorIndex(state, thisPrimaryAirSys.Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).Name);
    1959           0 :                                 retFanModelType = ObjectVectorOOFanSystemModel;
    1960             :                             }
    1961             :                         } else {
    1962           0 :                             SupFanIndex = HVACFan::getFanObjectVectorIndex(state, thisPrimaryAirSys.Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).Name);
    1963           0 :                             supFanModelType = ObjectVectorOOFanSystemModel;
    1964           0 :                             goto EndOfAirLoop;
    1965             :                         }
    1966             :                     }
    1967             : 
    1968             :                 } // end of component loop
    1969             : 
    1970             :             } // end of Branch loop
    1971         474 :         EndOfAirLoop:;
    1972             : 
    1973        1172 :             if (supFanModelType == StructArrayLegacyFanModels) {
    1974         689 :                 thisPrimaryAirSys.SupFanNum = SupFanIndex;
    1975         689 :                 thisPrimaryAirSys.supFanModelType = StructArrayLegacyFanModels;
    1976         483 :             } else if (supFanModelType == ObjectVectorOOFanSystemModel) {
    1977           9 :                 thisPrimaryAirSys.supFanVecIndex = SupFanIndex;
    1978           9 :                 thisPrimaryAirSys.supFanModelType = ObjectVectorOOFanSystemModel;
    1979             :             }
    1980        1172 :             if (FoundCentralCoolCoil) { // parent systems with fan will need to set the fan placement
    1981         549 :                 thisPrimaryAirSys.supFanLocation = FanPlacement::DrawThru;
    1982             :             } else {
    1983         623 :                 thisPrimaryAirSys.supFanLocation = FanPlacement::BlowThru;
    1984             :             }
    1985             : 
    1986        1172 :             if (retFanModelType == StructArrayLegacyFanModels) {
    1987           4 :                 thisPrimaryAirSys.retFanModelType = StructArrayLegacyFanModels;
    1988           4 :                 thisPrimaryAirSys.RetFanNum = RetFanIndex;
    1989        1168 :             } else if (retFanModelType == ObjectVectorOOFanSystemModel) {
    1990           0 :                 thisPrimaryAirSys.retFanModelType = ObjectVectorOOFanSystemModel;
    1991           0 :                 thisPrimaryAirSys.retFanVecIndex = RetFanIndex;
    1992             :             }
    1993             :         }
    1994             :         // Check whether there are Central Heating Coils in the Primary Air System
    1995        1941 :         for (int AirLoopNum = 1; AirLoopNum <= numPrimaryAirSys; ++AirLoopNum) {
    1996        1172 :             auto &thisPrimaryAirSys = state.dataAirSystemsData->PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum);
    1997        1172 :             bool FoundCentralHeatCoil = false;
    1998        1172 :             bool unitaryCoolingCoilExists = false;
    1999        1172 :             bool unitaryHeatingCoilExists = false;
    2000        2354 :             for (int BranchNum = 1; !FoundCentralHeatCoil && BranchNum <= thisPrimaryAirSys.NumBranches; ++BranchNum) {
    2001        4127 :                 for (int CompNum = 1; !FoundCentralHeatCoil && CompNum <= thisPrimaryAirSys.Branch(BranchNum).TotalComponents; ++CompNum) {
    2002        2945 :                     std::string &CompName = thisPrimaryAirSys.Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).Name;
    2003        2945 :                     CompType CompTypeNum = thisPrimaryAirSys.Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).CompType_Num;
    2004        2945 :                     switch (CompTypeNum) {
    2005         947 :                     case CompType::WaterCoil_SimpleHeat:
    2006             :                     case CompType::Coil_ElectricHeat:
    2007             :                     case CompType::Coil_GasHeat:
    2008             :                     case CompType::SteamCoil_AirHeat:
    2009             :                     case CompType::Coil_DeSuperHeat:
    2010             :                     case CompType::DXHeatPumpSystem:
    2011             :                     case CompType::Furnace_UnitarySys_HeatOnly:
    2012             :                     case CompType::Furnace_UnitarySys_HeatCool:
    2013             :                     case CompType::UnitarySystem_BypassVAVSys:
    2014             :                     case CompType::UnitarySystem_MSHeatPump:
    2015             :                     case CompType::CoilUserDefined:
    2016         947 :                         FoundCentralHeatCoil = true;
    2017         947 :                         break;
    2018         104 :                     case CompType::UnitarySystemModel:
    2019             :                         // mine HeatCoilExists from UnitarySystem
    2020         104 :                         unitaryCoolingCoilExists = false;
    2021         104 :                         unitaryHeatingCoilExists = false;
    2022         104 :                         UnitarySystems::UnitarySys::getUnitarySysHeatCoolCoil(state, CompName, unitaryCoolingCoilExists, unitaryHeatingCoilExists, 0);
    2023         104 :                         if (unitaryHeatingCoilExists) FoundCentralHeatCoil = true;
    2024         104 :                         break;
    2025        1894 :                     default:
    2026        1894 :                         break;
    2027             :                     }
    2028             :                 } // end of component loop
    2029             :             }     // end of Branch loop
    2030        1172 :             thisPrimaryAirSys.CentralHeatCoilExists = FoundCentralHeatCoil;
    2031             :         } // end of AirLoop loop
    2032             : 
    2033             :         // Check whether there are Central Cooling Coils in the Primary Air System
    2034        1941 :         for (int AirLoopNum = 1; AirLoopNum <= numPrimaryAirSys; ++AirLoopNum) {
    2035        1172 :             auto &thisPrimaryAirSys = state.dataAirSystemsData->PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum);
    2036        1172 :             bool FoundCentralCoolCoil = false;
    2037        1172 :             bool unitaryCoolingCoilExists = false;
    2038        1172 :             bool unitaryHeatingCoilExists = false;
    2039        2361 :             for (int BranchNum = 1; !FoundCentralCoolCoil && BranchNum <= thisPrimaryAirSys.NumBranches; ++BranchNum) {
    2040        3632 :                 for (int CompNum = 1; !FoundCentralCoolCoil && CompNum <= thisPrimaryAirSys.Branch(BranchNum).TotalComponents; ++CompNum) {
    2041        2443 :                     CompType CompTypeNum = thisPrimaryAirSys.Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).CompType_Num;
    2042        2443 :                     std::string &CompName = thisPrimaryAirSys.Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).Name;
    2043        2443 :                     switch (CompTypeNum) {
    2044        1040 :                     case CompType::WaterCoil_Cooling:
    2045             :                     case CompType::WaterCoil_DetailedCool:
    2046             :                     case CompType::WaterCoil_CoolingHXAsst:
    2047             :                     case CompType::DXSystem:
    2048             :                     case CompType::Furnace_UnitarySys_HeatCool:
    2049             :                     case CompType::UnitarySystem_BypassVAVSys:
    2050             :                     case CompType::UnitarySystem_MSHeatPump:
    2051             :                     case CompType::CoilUserDefined:
    2052        1040 :                         FoundCentralCoolCoil = true;
    2053        1040 :                         break;
    2054         103 :                     case CompType::UnitarySystemModel:
    2055             :                         // mine CoolHeat coil exists from UnitarySys
    2056         103 :                         unitaryCoolingCoilExists = false;
    2057         103 :                         unitaryHeatingCoilExists = false;
    2058         103 :                         UnitarySystems::UnitarySys::getUnitarySysHeatCoolCoil(state, CompName, unitaryCoolingCoilExists, unitaryHeatingCoilExists, 0);
    2059         103 :                         if (unitaryCoolingCoilExists) FoundCentralCoolCoil = true;
    2060         103 :                         break;
    2061        1300 :                     default:
    2062        1300 :                         break;
    2063             :                     }
    2064             :                 } // end of component loop
    2065             :             }     // end of Branch loop
    2066        1172 :             thisPrimaryAirSys.CentralCoolCoilExists = FoundCentralCoolCoil;
    2067             :         } // end of AirLoop loop
    2068             : 
    2069             :     } // one time flag
    2070             : 
    2071             :     // Size the air loop branch air flows
    2072     6484925 :     if (!state.dataGlobal->SysSizingCalc && state.dataSimAirServingZones->InitAirLoopsBranchSizingFlag) {
    2073             : 
    2074        1941 :         for (int AirLoopNum = 1; AirLoopNum <= numPrimaryAirSys; ++AirLoopNum) {
    2075        1172 :             auto &thisPrimaryAirSys = state.dataAirSystemsData->PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum);
    2076             : 
    2077        2363 :             for (int BranchNum = 1; BranchNum <= thisPrimaryAirSys.NumBranches; ++BranchNum) {
    2078        1191 :                 SizeAirLoopBranches(state, AirLoopNum, BranchNum);
    2079             :             }
    2080             :         }
    2081             : 
    2082         769 :         state.dataSimAirServingZones->InitAirLoopsBranchSizingFlag = false;
    2083             : 
    2084             :         // calculate the ratio of air loop design flow to the sum of the zone design flows
    2085        1941 :         for (int AirLoopNum = 1; AirLoopNum <= numPrimaryAirSys; ++AirLoopNum) {
    2086        1172 :             auto &thisPrimaryAirSys = state.dataAirSystemsData->PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum);
    2087        1172 :             auto &thisAirToZoneNodeInfo = state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirLoopNum);
    2088        1172 :             state.dataSimAirServingZones->SumZoneDesFlow = 0.0;
    2089        1172 :             state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopFlow(AirLoopNum).DesSupply = thisPrimaryAirSys.DesignVolFlowRate * state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir;
    2090        1172 :             state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopFlow(AirLoopNum).DesReturnFrac = thisPrimaryAirSys.DesignReturnFlowFraction;
    2091        4627 :             for (int ZoneInSysIndex = 1; ZoneInSysIndex <= thisAirToZoneNodeInfo.NumZonesCooled; ++ZoneInSysIndex) {
    2092        3455 :                 state.dataSimAirServingZones->TUInNode = thisAirToZoneNodeInfo.TermUnitCoolInletNodes(ZoneInSysIndex);
    2093        3455 :                 state.dataSimAirServingZones->SumZoneDesFlow += state.dataLoopNodes->Node(state.dataSimAirServingZones->TUInNode).MassFlowRateMax;
    2094             :             }
    2095        1172 :             if (state.dataSimAirServingZones->SumZoneDesFlow > VerySmallMassFlow) {
    2096        1150 :                 state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopFlow(AirLoopNum).SysToZoneDesFlowRatio =
    2097        1150 :                     state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopFlow(AirLoopNum).DesSupply / state.dataSimAirServingZones->SumZoneDesFlow;
    2098             :             } else {
    2099          22 :                 state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopFlow(AirLoopNum).SysToZoneDesFlowRatio = 1.0;
    2100             :             }
    2101             :         }
    2102             : 
    2103        5571 :         for (int ZoneNum = 1; ZoneNum <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++ZoneNum) {
    2104        4802 :             if (!state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(ZoneNum).IsControlled) continue;
    2105             :             // sets design supply air flow rate in the ZoneEquipConfig struct for use with zone air mass balance
    2106        8192 :             for (int returnNum = 1; returnNum <= state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(ZoneNum).NumReturnNodes; ++returnNum) {
    2107        4098 :                 int airLoop = state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(ZoneNum).ReturnNodeAirLoopNum(returnNum);
    2108        4098 :                 if (airLoop > 0) {
    2109        3435 :                     state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(ZoneNum).AirLoopDesSupply = state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopFlow(airLoop).DesSupply;
    2110             :                 }
    2111             :             }
    2112             :         }
    2113             :     }
    2114             : 
    2115             :     // Do the Begin Environment initializations
    2116     6484925 :     if (state.dataGlobal->BeginEnvrnFlag && FirstHVACIteration && state.dataSimAirServingZones->MyEnvrnFlag) {
    2117             : 
    2118        4495 :         if (numPrimaryAirSys > 0) {
    2119       10523 :             for (auto &e : state.dataAirLoop->PriAirSysAvailMgr) {
    2120        7372 :                 e.AvailStatus = NoAction;
    2121        7372 :                 e.StartTime = 0;
    2122        7372 :                 e.StopTime = 0;
    2123             :             }
    2124             :         }
    2125             : 
    2126       11867 :         for (int AirLoopNum = 1; AirLoopNum <= numPrimaryAirSys; ++AirLoopNum) { // Start looping through all of the air loops...
    2127        7372 :             auto &thisPrimaryAirSys = state.dataAirSystemsData->PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum);
    2128             : 
    2129       14870 :             for (int BranchNum = 1; BranchNum <= thisPrimaryAirSys.NumBranches; ++BranchNum) { // loop over all branches in system
    2130       37792 :                 for (int NodeIndex = 1; NodeIndex <= thisPrimaryAirSys.Branch(BranchNum).TotalNodes; ++NodeIndex) { // loop over alll nodes on branch
    2131             : 
    2132       30294 :                     int NodeNum = thisPrimaryAirSys.Branch(BranchNum).NodeNum(NodeIndex);
    2133             : 
    2134             :                     // Initialize the nodes to a standard set of initial conditions that will
    2135             :                     //  change after the first iteration to a system value
    2136       30294 :                     state.dataLoopNodes->Node(NodeNum).Temp = 20.0;
    2137       30294 :                     state.dataLoopNodes->Node(NodeNum).HumRat = state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat;
    2138       30294 :                     state.dataLoopNodes->Node(NodeNum).Enthalpy =
    2139       30294 :                         Psychrometrics::PsyHFnTdbW(state.dataLoopNodes->Node(NodeNum).Temp, state.dataLoopNodes->Node(NodeNum).HumRat);
    2140             :                     // set the node mass flow rates to the airloop max mass flow rate
    2141       30294 :                     state.dataLoopNodes->Node(NodeNum).MassFlowRate = state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopFlow(AirLoopNum).DesSupply;
    2142       30294 :                     state.dataLoopNodes->Node(NodeNum).MassFlowRateMax = state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopFlow(AirLoopNum).DesSupply;
    2143       30294 :                     state.dataLoopNodes->Node(NodeNum).MassFlowRateMaxAvail = state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopFlow(AirLoopNum).DesSupply;
    2144       30294 :                     state.dataLoopNodes->Node(NodeNum).MassFlowRateMin = 0.0;
    2145       30294 :                     state.dataLoopNodes->Node(NodeNum).MassFlowRateSetPoint = 0.0;
    2146       30294 :                     state.dataLoopNodes->Node(NodeNum).MassFlowRateMinAvail = 0.0;
    2147       30294 :                     state.dataLoopNodes->Node(NodeNum).Press = state.dataEnvrn->StdBaroPress;
    2148       30294 :                     state.dataLoopNodes->Node(NodeNum).Quality = 0.0;
    2149       30294 :                     if (state.dataContaminantBalance->Contaminant.CO2Simulation) {
    2150         126 :                         state.dataLoopNodes->Node(NodeNum).CO2 = state.dataContaminantBalance->OutdoorCO2;
    2151             :                     }
    2152       30294 :                     if (state.dataContaminantBalance->Contaminant.GenericContamSimulation) {
    2153          45 :                         state.dataLoopNodes->Node(NodeNum).GenContam = state.dataContaminantBalance->OutdoorGC;
    2154             :                     }
    2155             : 
    2156             :                 } // end of loop over nodes on each branch
    2157             : 
    2158             :             } // end of loop through branches in system
    2159             : 
    2160             :         } // end of loop over primary air systems
    2161        4495 :         state.dataSimAirServingZones->MyEnvrnFlag = false;
    2162             : 
    2163             :     } // End the environment initializations
    2164             : 
    2165     6484925 :     if (!state.dataGlobal->BeginEnvrnFlag) {
    2166     6460100 :         state.dataSimAirServingZones->MyEnvrnFlag = true;
    2167             :     }
    2168             : 
    2169             :     // Do the Begin Day initializations
    2170     6484925 :     if (state.dataGlobal->BeginDayFlag) {
    2171             :     }
    2172             : 
    2173             :     // There are no hourly initializations done in the heat balance
    2174             : 
    2175             :     // Do the following initializations (every time step).
    2176             : 
    2177    18559940 :     for (int AirLoopNum = 1; AirLoopNum <= numPrimaryAirSys; ++AirLoopNum) {
    2178    12075015 :         auto &thisPrimaryAirSys = state.dataAirSystemsData->PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum);
    2179    12075015 :         auto &thisAirToZoneNodeInfo = state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirLoopNum);
    2180    12075015 :         auto &thisAirLoopControlInfo = state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopControlInfo(AirLoopNum);
    2181             :         // zero all MassFlowRateSetPoints
    2182    24272908 :         for (int BranchNum = 1; BranchNum <= thisPrimaryAirSys.NumBranches; ++BranchNum) { // loop over all branches in system
    2183    12197893 :             if (thisPrimaryAirSys.Branch(BranchNum).DuctType == DataHVACGlobals::AirDuctType::RAB) continue;
    2184    61437726 :             for (int NodeIndex = 1; NodeIndex <= thisPrimaryAirSys.Branch(BranchNum).TotalNodes; ++NodeIndex) { // loop over alll nodes on branch
    2185    49244207 :                 int NodeNum = thisPrimaryAirSys.Branch(BranchNum).NodeNum(NodeIndex);
    2186    49244207 :                 state.dataLoopNodes->Node(NodeNum).MassFlowRateSetPoint = 0.0;
    2187             :                 // Reset MassFlowRateMaxAvail at start of each HVAC simulation
    2188    49244207 :                 if (FirstHVACIteration) {
    2189    17854819 :                     state.dataLoopNodes->Node(NodeNum).MassFlowRateMaxAvail = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(NodeNum).MassFlowRateMax;
    2190    17854819 :                     state.dataLoopNodes->Node(NodeNum).MassFlowRateMinAvail = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(NodeNum).MassFlowRateMin;
    2191             :                 }
    2192             :             }
    2193             :         }
    2194             : 
    2195             :         // set the required flow (from zone equipment) at system outlet nodes
    2196    24204908 :         for (int OutNum = 1; OutNum <= thisPrimaryAirSys.NumOutletBranches; ++OutNum) {
    2197    12129893 :             int OutBranchNum = thisPrimaryAirSys.OutletBranchNum[OutNum - 1];
    2198    12129893 :             int NodeNumOut = thisPrimaryAirSys.Branch(OutBranchNum).NodeNumOut;
    2199    12129893 :             int ZoneSideNodeNum = thisAirToZoneNodeInfo.ZoneEquipSupplyNodeNum(OutNum);
    2200    12129893 :             Real64 MassFlowSet = 0.0;
    2201             : 
    2202    12129893 :             if (!FirstHVACIteration) {
    2203     7883785 :                 MassFlowSet = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(ZoneSideNodeNum).MassFlowRate;
    2204             :             } else { // first time through in each HVAC timestep, use loop design mass flow rates for required mass flows
    2205     4246108 :                 MassFlowSet = state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopFlow(AirLoopNum).DesSupply;
    2206             :             }
    2207             :             // Need to make sure that flows are greater than zero
    2208    12129893 :             if (MassFlowSet >= 0.0) {
    2209    12129893 :                 state.dataLoopNodes->Node(NodeNumOut).MassFlowRateSetPoint = MassFlowSet;
    2210           0 :             } else if (MassFlowSet < 0.0) {
    2211           0 :                 state.dataLoopNodes->Node(NodeNumOut).MassFlowRateSetPoint = 0.0;
    2212             :             }
    2213             : 
    2214    12129893 :             if (state.dataLoopNodes->Node(NodeNumOut).MassFlowRateSetPoint < state.dataSimAirServingZones->MassFlowSetToler) {
    2215     1150539 :                 state.dataLoopNodes->Node(NodeNumOut).MassFlowRateSetPoint = 0.0;
    2216             :             }
    2217             : 
    2218             :             // Pass the required mass flow upstream to the start of each outlet branch
    2219    49105392 :             for (int BranchNodeIndex = thisPrimaryAirSys.Branch(OutBranchNum).TotalNodes - 1; BranchNodeIndex >= 1; --BranchNodeIndex) {
    2220    36975499 :                 int NodeNum = thisPrimaryAirSys.Branch(OutBranchNum).NodeNum(BranchNodeIndex);
    2221    36975499 :                 if (thisPrimaryAirSys.OASysExists && (NodeNum == thisPrimaryAirSys.OASysInletNodeNum)) {
    2222             :                     // need to modify if OA relief and supply not balanced because of exhaust fans
    2223    20966586 :                     state.dataSimAirServingZones->OAReliefDiff = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(thisPrimaryAirSys.OASysOutletNodeNum).MassFlowRate -
    2224    10483293 :                                                                  state.dataLoopNodes->Node(NodeNum).MassFlowRate;
    2225    20966586 :                     if (state.dataSimAirServingZones->OAReliefDiff > 0.0) {
    2226     3697792 :                         state.dataLoopNodes->Node(NodeNum).MassFlowRateSetPoint =
    2227     3697792 :                             state.dataLoopNodes->Node(NodeNumOut).MassFlowRateSetPoint - state.dataSimAirServingZones->OAReliefDiff;
    2228             :                     } else {
    2229     6785501 :                         state.dataLoopNodes->Node(NodeNum).MassFlowRateSetPoint = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(NodeNumOut).MassFlowRateSetPoint;
    2230             :                     }
    2231             :                 } else {
    2232    26492206 :                     state.dataLoopNodes->Node(NodeNum).MassFlowRateSetPoint = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(NodeNumOut).MassFlowRateSetPoint;
    2233             :                 }
    2234             :             } // end loop over branch nodes
    2235             : 
    2236             :         } // end loop over outlet branches
    2237             : 
    2238             :         // [DC/LBNL] Initialize flag for current air loop
    2239    12075015 :         thisAirLoopControlInfo.NewFlowRateFlag = false;
    2240             : 
    2241             :         // start each HVAC simulation at design air flow rate
    2242    12075015 :         if (FirstHVACIteration) {
    2243             :             // At each new HVAC iteration reset air loop converged flag to avoid attempting a warm restart
    2244             :             // in SimAirLoop
    2245     4222351 :             thisAirLoopControlInfo.ConvergedFlag = false;
    2246             : 
    2247     8444702 :             for (int InNum = 1; InNum <= thisPrimaryAirSys.NumInletBranches; ++InNum) {
    2248     4222351 :                 int InBranchNum = thisPrimaryAirSys.InletBranchNum[InNum - 1];
    2249     4222351 :                 if (InBranchNum == 0) {
    2250           0 :                     ShowFatalError(state, "Missing Inlet Branch on Primary Air System=" + thisPrimaryAirSys.Name);
    2251             :                 }
    2252     4222351 :                 int NodeNumIn = thisPrimaryAirSys.Branch(InBranchNum).NodeNumIn;
    2253             : 
    2254             :                 // [DC/LBNL] Save previous mass flow rate
    2255     4222351 :                 Real64 MassFlowSaved = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(NodeNumIn).MassFlowRate;
    2256             : 
    2257     4222351 :                 state.dataLoopNodes->Node(NodeNumIn).MassFlowRate = state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopFlow(AirLoopNum).DesSupply;
    2258             : 
    2259             :                 // [DC/LBNL] Detect if air mass flow rate has changed since last air loop simulation
    2260     4222351 :                 if (state.dataLoopNodes->Node(NodeNumIn).MassFlowRate != MassFlowSaved) {
    2261     3124062 :                     thisAirLoopControlInfo.NewFlowRateFlag = true;
    2262             :                 }
    2263             : 
    2264             :             } // end loop over inlet branches
    2265     4222351 :             thisAirLoopControlInfo.EconoLockout = false;
    2266             :         }
    2267             :         // if a flow rate is specified for the loop use it here
    2268    12075015 :         if (thisAirLoopControlInfo.LoopFlowRateSet && !FirstHVACIteration) {
    2269       15190 :             for (int InNum = 1; InNum <= thisPrimaryAirSys.NumInletBranches; ++InNum) {
    2270        7595 :                 int InBranchNum = thisPrimaryAirSys.InletBranchNum[InNum - 1];
    2271        7595 :                 int NodeNumIn = thisPrimaryAirSys.Branch(InBranchNum).NodeNumIn;
    2272        7595 :                 state.dataLoopNodes->Node(NodeNumIn).MassFlowRate =
    2273       15190 :                     state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopFlow(AirLoopNum).DesSupply * state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopFlow(AirLoopNum).ReqSupplyFrac -
    2274        7595 :                     (state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopFlow(AirLoopNum).SupFlow - state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopFlow(AirLoopNum).SysRetFlow);
    2275             :             }
    2276             :         }
    2277             : 
    2278             :     } // end loop over primary air systems
    2279     6484925 : }
    2280             : 
    2281         770 : void ConnectReturnNodes(EnergyPlusData &state)
    2282             : {
    2283             :     // This initializes ZoneEquipConfig.ReturnNodeInletNum and ReturnNodeAirLoopNum
    2284             :     // Search all return paths to match return nodes with the airloop they are connected to and find the corresponding zone inlet node
    2285             :     // (same zone, same airloop)
    2286             : 
    2287         770 :     auto &AirToZoneNodeInfo(state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo);
    2288         770 :     auto &NumPrimaryAirSys = state.dataHVACGlobal->NumPrimaryAirSys;
    2289             : 
    2290         770 :     if (!state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipInputsFilled) return;
    2291             : 
    2292         770 :     bool returnPathFound = false;
    2293             :     // Loop over all controlled zones
    2294        5578 :     for (int ctrlZoneNum = 1; ctrlZoneNum <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++ctrlZoneNum) {
    2295        4808 :         auto &thisZoneEquip(state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(ctrlZoneNum));
    2296        4808 :         if (!thisZoneEquip.IsControlled) continue;
    2297             :         // Loop over each return node for this zone
    2298        8202 :         for (int zoneOutNum = 1; zoneOutNum <= thisZoneEquip.NumReturnNodes; ++zoneOutNum) {
    2299        4103 :             returnPathFound = false;
    2300        4103 :             int airLoopNum = 0;
    2301        4103 :             int thisReturnNode = thisZoneEquip.ReturnNode(zoneOutNum);
    2302             :             // Loop over all return paths
    2303       12865 :             for (int retPathNum = 1; retPathNum <= state.dataZoneEquip->NumReturnAirPaths; ++retPathNum) {
    2304       12193 :                 auto const &thisRetPath(state.dataZoneEquip->ReturnAirPath(retPathNum));
    2305             :                 // Find which airloop this return path is on
    2306      119830 :                 for (int sysNum = 1; sysNum <= NumPrimaryAirSys; ++sysNum) {
    2307      119830 :                     if (AirToZoneNodeInfo(sysNum).NumReturnNodes > 0) {
    2308      119830 :                         if (thisRetPath.OutletNodeNum == AirToZoneNodeInfo(sysNum).ZoneEquipReturnNodeNum(1)) {
    2309       12193 :                             airLoopNum = sysNum;
    2310       12193 :                             break;
    2311             :                         }
    2312             :                     }
    2313             :                 }
    2314             :                 // Loop over components in return path and each component's inlet nodes
    2315       21577 :                 for (int compNum = 1; compNum <= thisRetPath.NumOfComponents; ++compNum) {
    2316       12815 :                     DataZoneEquipment::AirLoopHVACZone compType = thisRetPath.ComponentTypeEnum(compNum);
    2317       12815 :                     if (compType == DataZoneEquipment::AirLoopHVACZone::Mixer) {
    2318       10845 :                         auto const &thisMixer(state.dataMixerComponent->MixerCond(thisRetPath.ComponentIndex(compNum)));
    2319       54085 :                         for (int inNode = 1; inNode <= thisMixer.NumInletNodes; ++inNode) {
    2320       45421 :                             if (thisReturnNode == thisMixer.InletNode(inNode)) {
    2321        2181 :                                 thisZoneEquip.ReturnNodeAirLoopNum(zoneOutNum) = airLoopNum; // set the return node airloop num
    2322        2181 :                                 returnPathFound = true;
    2323        2181 :                                 break; // leave component inlet node loop
    2324             :                             }
    2325             :                         }
    2326        1970 :                     } else if (compType == DataZoneEquipment::AirLoopHVACZone::ReturnPlenum) {
    2327        1970 :                         auto const &thisPlenum(state.dataZonePlenum->ZoneRetPlenCond(thisRetPath.ComponentIndex(compNum)));
    2328        7628 :                         for (int inNode = 1; inNode <= thisPlenum.NumInletNodes; ++inNode) {
    2329        6908 :                             if (thisReturnNode == thisPlenum.InletNode(inNode)) {
    2330        1250 :                                 thisZoneEquip.ReturnNodeAirLoopNum(zoneOutNum) = airLoopNum; // set the return node airloop num
    2331        1250 :                                 returnPathFound = true;
    2332        1250 :                                 break; // leave component inlet node loop
    2333             :                             }
    2334             :                         }
    2335             :                     }
    2336       12815 :                     if (returnPathFound) break; // leave return path component loop
    2337             :                 }
    2338       12193 :                 if (returnPathFound) break; // leave return path loop
    2339             :             }
    2340             : 
    2341        4103 :             if (airLoopNum > 0) {
    2342             :                 // Find matching inlet node connected to the same air loop
    2343        3821 :                 for (int inletNum = 1; inletNum <= thisZoneEquip.NumInletNodes; ++inletNum) {
    2344        3648 :                     if (thisZoneEquip.InletNodeAirLoopNum(inletNum) == airLoopNum) {
    2345        3426 :                         thisZoneEquip.ReturnNodeInletNum(zoneOutNum) = inletNum;
    2346        3426 :                         break;
    2347             :                     }
    2348             :                 }
    2349             :             }
    2350             :         } // return nodes loop
    2351             :     }     // controlled zones loop
    2352             : 
    2353             :     // Check for any air loops that may be connected directly to a zone return node
    2354        1947 :     for (int airLoopNum = 1; airLoopNum <= NumPrimaryAirSys; ++airLoopNum) {
    2355        1177 :         bool returnFound = false;
    2356        1177 :         if (AirToZoneNodeInfo(airLoopNum).NumReturnNodes > 0) {
    2357        1177 :             int zeqReturnNodeNum = AirToZoneNodeInfo(airLoopNum).ZoneEquipReturnNodeNum(1);
    2358        1177 :             if (zeqReturnNodeNum > 0) {
    2359       23615 :                 for (int ctrlZoneNum = 1; ctrlZoneNum <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++ctrlZoneNum) {
    2360       22442 :                     auto &thisZoneEquip(state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(ctrlZoneNum));
    2361       22442 :                     if (!thisZoneEquip.IsControlled) continue;
    2362       40241 :                     for (int zoneOutNum = 1; zoneOutNum <= thisZoneEquip.NumReturnNodes; ++zoneOutNum) {
    2363       20148 :                         if (thisZoneEquip.ReturnNode(zoneOutNum) == zeqReturnNodeNum) {
    2364           9 :                             thisZoneEquip.ReturnNodeAirLoopNum(zoneOutNum) = airLoopNum;
    2365           9 :                             returnFound = true;
    2366             :                             // Find matching inlet node connected to the same air loop
    2367           9 :                             for (int inletNum = 1; inletNum <= thisZoneEquip.NumInletNodes; ++inletNum) {
    2368           9 :                                 if (thisZoneEquip.InletNodeAirLoopNum(inletNum) == airLoopNum) {
    2369           9 :                                     thisZoneEquip.ReturnNodeInletNum(zoneOutNum) = inletNum;
    2370           9 :                                     break;
    2371             :                                 }
    2372             :                             }
    2373           9 :                             break; // leave zone return node loop
    2374             :                         }
    2375       20139 :                         if (returnFound) break; // leave controlled zone loop
    2376             :                     }
    2377             :                 }
    2378             :             }
    2379             :         }
    2380             :     }
    2381             : }
    2382             : 
    2383     6484596 : void SimAirLoops(EnergyPlusData &state, bool const FirstHVACIteration, bool &SimZoneEquipment)
    2384             : {
    2385             : 
    2386             :     // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION
    2387             :     //             AUTHOR:  Russ Taylor, Dan Fisher, Fred Buhl
    2388             :     //       DATE WRITTEN:  Oct 1997
    2389             :     //           MODIFIED:  Dec 1997 Fred Buhl
    2390             :     //           MODIFIED:  Apr 1998 Richard Liesen
    2391             :     //           MODIFIED:  Dec 1999 Fred Buhl
    2392             :     //           MODIFIED:  Feb 2006 Dimitri Curtil (LBNL)
    2393             :     //                      - Moved air loop simulation to SimAirLoop() routine.
    2394             :     //      RE-ENGINEERED:  This is new code, not reengineered
    2395             : 
    2396             :     // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    2397             :     // This is the driver subroutine for the air loop simulation. It simulates
    2398             :     // each primary air system in the problem and passes the outlet node conditions
    2399             :     // on to the attached Zone Equipment inlet nodes.
    2400             : 
    2401             :     // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
    2402             :     // For each primary air system:
    2403             :     // (1) each component in the system is simulated in natural order, beginning at
    2404             :     //     the return air inlet and progressing to the supply air outlets. Node data
    2405             :     //     is passed in the same direction.
    2406             :     // (2) The controllers and their actions are simulated.
    2407             :     // (3) Steps 2 and 3 are repeated until the control criteria are satisfied.
    2408             :     // (4) A mass balance check is performed; if it fails, mass balance is imposed
    2409             :     //     and steps 1, 2, and 3 are repeated. At the end we should have a correct,
    2410             :     //     self consistent primary air system simulation.
    2411             : 
    2412             :     // REFERENCES: None
    2413             : 
    2414             :     // Using/Aliasing
    2415             :     using General::GetPreviousHVACTime;
    2416             :     using HVACInterfaceManager::UpdateHVACInterface;
    2417             : 
    2418             :     // Locals
    2419             :     // SUBROUTINE ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS:
    2420             :     // TRUE if first full HVAC iteration in an HVAC timestep
    2421             :     // TRUE if Zone Equipment needs to be resimulated.
    2422             : 
    2424             :     Real64 rxTime;
    2425             :     // Primary Air Sys DO loop index
    2426             :     int AirLoopNum;
    2427             :     // Max number of iterations performed by controllers on each air loop
    2428             :     int AirLoopIterMax;
    2429             :     // Aggregated number of iterations across all controllers on each air loop
    2430             :     int AirLoopIterTot;
    2431             :     // Total number of times SimAirLoopComponents() has been invoked to simulate each air loop
    2432             :     int AirLoopNumCalls;
    2433             :     // Primary air system outlet DO loop index
    2434             :     int AirSysOutNum;
    2435             :     // DO loop index; there are 2 passes - the 2nd is done only if mass balance fails
    2436             :     int AirLoopPass;
    2437             :     // Flag set by ResolveSysFlow; if TRUE, mass balance failed and there must be a second pass
    2438             :     bool SysReSim;
    2439             :     DataConvergParams::CalledFrom CalledFrom;
    2440             : 
    2441     6484596 :     auto &AirToZoneNodeInfo(state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo);
    2442     6484596 :     auto &AirLoopControlInfo(state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopControlInfo);
    2443             : 
    2444             :     // Set up output variables
    2445     6484596 :     if (!state.dataSimAirServingZones->OutputSetupFlag) {
    2446        2307 :         SetupOutputVariable(state,
    2447             :                             "Air System Simulation Maximum Iteration Count",
    2448             :                             OutputProcessor::Unit::None,
    2449         769 :                             state.dataSimAirServingZones->salIterMax,
    2450             :                             OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::HVAC,
    2451             :                             OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    2452        1538 :                             "SimAir");
    2453        2307 :         SetupOutputVariable(state,
    2454             :                             "Air System Simulation Iteration Count",
    2455             :                             OutputProcessor::Unit::None,
    2456         769 :                             state.dataSimAirServingZones->salIterTot,
    2457             :                             OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::HVAC,
    2458             :                             OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    2459        1538 :                             "SimAir");
    2460        2307 :         SetupOutputVariable(state,
    2461             :                             "Air System Component Model Simulation Calls",
    2462             :                             OutputProcessor::Unit::None,
    2463         769 :                             state.dataSimAirServingZones->NumCallsTot,
    2464             :                             OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::HVAC,
    2465             :                             OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
    2466        1538 :                             "SimAir");
    2467         769 :         state.dataSimAirServingZones->OutputSetupFlag = true;
    2468             :     }
    2469             : 
    2470             :     // BUG: IterMax should not be aggregated as a Sum output variable
    2471             :     //      We need a new aggregation scheme to track the max value across HVAC steps
    2472             :     //      instead of summing it up.
    2473     6484596 :     state.dataSimAirServingZones->salIterMax = 0;
    2474             : 
    2475             :     // Reset counters to capture statistics for the current zone time step
    2476             :     // Aggregate statistics over all HVAC time steps, even the rejected ones, to properly
    2477             :     // reflect the numerical work. The condition to detect a new HVAC time step is essentially
    2478             :     // based on the time stamp at the beginning of the current HVAC step (expressed in seconds).
    2479     6484596 :     if (FirstHVACIteration) {
    2480     2638872 :         rxTime = GetPreviousHVACTime(state);
    2481     2638872 :         if (state.dataSimAirServingZones->SavedPreviousHVACTime != rxTime) {
    2482     2397118 :             state.dataSimAirServingZones->SavedPreviousHVACTime = rxTime;
    2483     2397118 :             state.dataSimAirServingZones->salIterTot = 0;
    2484     2397118 :             state.dataSimAirServingZones->NumCallsTot = 0;
    2485             :         }
    2486             :     }
    2487             : 
    2488             :     // Loop over all the primary air loop; simulate their components (equipment)
    2489             :     // and controllers
    2490    18558686 :     for (AirLoopNum = 1; AirLoopNum <= state.dataHVACGlobal->NumPrimaryAirSys; ++AirLoopNum) { // NumPrimaryAirSys is the number of primary air loops
    2491             : 
    2492             :         // Check to see if System Availability Managers are asking for fans to cycle on or shut off
    2493             :         // and set fan on/off flags accordingly.
    2494    12074090 :         state.dataHVACGlobal->TurnFansOn = false;
    2495    12074090 :         state.dataHVACGlobal->TurnFansOff = false;
    2496    12074090 :         state.dataHVACGlobal->NightVentOn = false;
    2497    12074090 :         if (state.dataAirLoop->PriAirSysAvailMgr(AirLoopNum).AvailStatus == CycleOn) {
    2498     7395941 :             state.dataHVACGlobal->TurnFansOn = true;
    2499             :         }
    2500    12074090 :         if (state.dataAirLoop->PriAirSysAvailMgr(AirLoopNum).AvailStatus == ForceOff) {
    2501      673860 :             state.dataHVACGlobal->TurnFansOff = true;
    2502             :         }
    2503    12074090 :         if (AirLoopControlInfo(AirLoopNum).NightVent) {
    2504           0 :             state.dataHVACGlobal->NightVentOn = true;
    2505             :         }
    2506             : 
    2507             :         //   Set current system number for sizing routines
    2508    12074090 :         state.dataSize->CurSysNum = AirLoopNum;
    2509             : 
    2510             :         // 2 passes; 1 usually suffices; 2 is done if ResolveSysFlow detects a failure of mass balance
    2511    19591810 :         for (AirLoopPass = 1; AirLoopPass <= 2; ++AirLoopPass) {
    2512             : 
    2513    15832950 :             SysReSim = false;
    2514    15832950 :             AirLoopControlInfo(AirLoopNum).AirLoopPass = AirLoopPass; // save for use without passing as argument
    2515             : 
    2516             :             // Simulate controllers on air loop with current air mass flow rates
    2517    15832950 :             SimAirLoop(state, FirstHVACIteration, AirLoopNum, AirLoopPass, AirLoopIterMax, AirLoopIterTot, AirLoopNumCalls);
    2518             : 
    2519             :             // Update tracker for maximum number of iterations needed by any controller on all air loops
    2520    15832950 :             state.dataSimAirServingZones->salIterMax = max(state.dataSimAirServingZones->salIterMax, AirLoopIterMax);
    2521             :             // Update tracker for aggregated number of iterations needed by all controllers on all air loops
    2522    15832950 :             state.dataSimAirServingZones->salIterTot += AirLoopIterTot;
    2523             :             // Update tracker for total number of times SimAirLoopComponents() has been invoked across all air loops
    2524    15832950 :             state.dataSimAirServingZones->NumCallsTot += AirLoopNumCalls;
    2525             : 
    2526             :             // At the end of the first pass, check whether a second pass is needed or not
    2527    15832950 :             if (AirLoopPass == 1) {
    2528             :                 // If simple system, skip second pass
    2529    12074090 :                 if (AirLoopControlInfo(AirLoopNum).Simple) break;
    2530    11036464 :                 ResolveSysFlow(state, AirLoopNum, SysReSim);
    2531             :                 // If mass balance OK, skip second pass
    2532    11036464 :                 if (!SysReSim) break;
    2533             :             }
    2534             :         }
    2535             : 
    2536             :         // Air system side has been simulated, now transfer conditions across to
    2537             :         // the zone equipment side, looping through all supply air paths for this
    2538             :         // air loop.
    2539    24203055 :         for (AirSysOutNum = 1; AirSysOutNum <= AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirLoopNum).NumSupplyNodes; ++AirSysOutNum) {
    2540    12128965 :             if (AirSysOutNum == 1) CalledFrom = DataConvergParams::CalledFrom::AirSystemSupplySideDeck1;
    2541    12128965 :             if (AirSysOutNum == 2) CalledFrom = DataConvergParams::CalledFrom::AirSystemSupplySideDeck2;
    2542    24257930 :             UpdateHVACInterface(state,
    2543             :                                 AirLoopNum,
    2544             :                                 CalledFrom,
    2545    12128965 :                                 AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirLoopNum).AirLoopSupplyNodeNum(AirSysOutNum),
    2546    12128965 :                                 AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirLoopNum).ZoneEquipSupplyNodeNum(AirSysOutNum),
    2547             :                                 SimZoneEquipment);
    2548             :         } // ...end of DO loop over supply air paths for this air loop.
    2549             : 
    2550             :     } // End of Air Loop iteration
    2551             : 
    2552     6484596 :     if ((int)state.dataAirLoopHVACDOAS->airloopDOAS.size() > 0) {
    2553             :         int index;
    2554       10882 :         Real64 OAMassFLowrate = 0.0;
    2555       21764 :         for (std::size_t loop = 0; loop < state.dataAirLoopHVACDOAS->airloopDOAS.size(); ++loop) {
    2556       10882 :             auto &thisAirLoopDOASObjec = state.dataAirLoopHVACDOAS->airloopDOAS[loop]; // <- regular reference variable, not a pointer
    2557       10882 :             if (thisAirLoopDOASObjec.m_AirLoopDOASNum > -1) {
    2558       10882 :                 index = thisAirLoopDOASObjec.m_AirLoopDOASNum;
    2559             :             } else {
    2560           0 :                 index = -1;
    2561             :             }
    2562       10882 :             thisAirLoopDOASObjec.SimAirLoopHVACDOAS(state, FirstHVACIteration, index);
    2563       10882 :             OAMassFLowrate += thisAirLoopDOASObjec.SumMassFlowRate;
    2564             :         }
    2565             : 
    2566       10882 :         if (OAMassFLowrate > 0.0) {
    2567       32148 :             for (AirLoopNum = 1; AirLoopNum <= state.dataHVACGlobal->NumPrimaryAirSys;
    2568             :                  ++AirLoopNum) { // NumPrimaryAirSys is the number of primary air loops
    2569       26790 :                 state.dataHVACGlobal->TurnFansOn = false;
    2570       26790 :                 state.dataHVACGlobal->TurnFansOff = false;
    2571       26790 :                 state.dataHVACGlobal->NightVentOn = false;
    2572       26790 :                 if (state.dataAirLoop->PriAirSysAvailMgr(AirLoopNum).AvailStatus == CycleOn) {
    2573           0 :                     state.dataHVACGlobal->TurnFansOn = true;
    2574             :                 }
    2575       26790 :                 if (state.dataAirLoop->PriAirSysAvailMgr(AirLoopNum).AvailStatus == ForceOff) {
    2576           0 :                     state.dataHVACGlobal->TurnFansOff = true;
    2577             :                 }
    2578       26790 :                 if (AirLoopControlInfo(AirLoopNum).NightVent) {
    2579           0 :                     state.dataHVACGlobal->NightVentOn = true;
    2580             :                 }
    2581             : 
    2582             :                 //   Set current system number for sizing routines
    2583       26790 :                 state.dataSize->CurSysNum = AirLoopNum;
    2584             : 
    2585             :                 // 2 passes; 1 usually suffices; 2 is done if ResolveSysFlow detects a failure of mass balance
    2586       26790 :                 for (AirLoopPass = 1; AirLoopPass <= 2; ++AirLoopPass) {
    2587             : 
    2588       26790 :                     SysReSim = false;
    2589       26790 :                     AirLoopControlInfo(AirLoopNum).AirLoopPass = AirLoopPass; // save for use without passing as argument
    2590             : 
    2591             :                     // Simulate controllers on air loop with current air mass flow rates
    2592       26790 :                     SimAirLoop(state, FirstHVACIteration, AirLoopNum, AirLoopPass, AirLoopIterMax, AirLoopIterTot, AirLoopNumCalls);
    2593             : 
    2594             :                     // Update tracker for maximum number of iterations needed by any controller on all air loops
    2595       26790 :                     state.dataSimAirServingZones->salIterMax = max(state.dataSimAirServingZones->salIterMax, AirLoopIterMax);
    2596             :                     // Update tracker for aggregated number of iterations needed by all controllers on all air loops
    2597       26790 :                     state.dataSimAirServingZones->salIterTot += AirLoopIterTot;
    2598             :                     // Update tracker for total number of times SimAirLoopComponents() has been invoked across all air loops
    2599       26790 :                     state.dataSimAirServingZones->NumCallsTot += AirLoopNumCalls;
    2600             : 
    2601             :                     // At the end of the first pass, check whether a second pass is needed or not
    2602       26790 :                     if (AirLoopPass == 1) {
    2603             :                         // If simple system, skip second pass
    2604       26790 :                         if (AirLoopControlInfo(AirLoopNum).Simple) break;
    2605       26790 :                         ResolveSysFlow(state, AirLoopNum, SysReSim);
    2606             :                         // If mass balance OK, skip second pass
    2607       26790 :                         if (!SysReSim) break;
    2608             :                     }
    2609             :                 }
    2610             : 
    2611             :                 // Air system side has been simulated, now transfer conditions across to
    2612             :                 // the zone equipment side, looping through all supply air paths for this
    2613             :                 // air loop.
    2614       53580 :                 for (AirSysOutNum = 1; AirSysOutNum <= AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirLoopNum).NumSupplyNodes; ++AirSysOutNum) {
    2615       26790 :                     if (AirSysOutNum == 1) CalledFrom = DataConvergParams::CalledFrom::AirSystemSupplySideDeck1;
    2616       26790 :                     if (AirSysOutNum == 2) CalledFrom = DataConvergParams::CalledFrom::AirSystemSupplySideDeck2;
    2617       53580 :                     UpdateHVACInterface(state,
    2618             :                                         AirLoopNum,
    2619             :                                         CalledFrom,
    2620       26790 :                                         AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirLoopNum).AirLoopSupplyNodeNum(AirSysOutNum),
    2621       26790 :                                         AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirLoopNum).ZoneEquipSupplyNodeNum(AirSysOutNum),
    2622             :                                         SimZoneEquipment);
    2623             :                 } // ...end of DO loop over supply air paths for this air loop.
    2624             : 
    2625             :             } // End of Air Loop iteration
    2626             :             // check convergence at the mixer outlet or at the AirLoopDOAS outlet
    2627        5358 :             AirLoopHVACDOAS::CheckConvergence(state);
    2628             :         }
    2629             :     }
    2630             :     // Reset current system number for sizing routines
    2631     6484596 :     state.dataSize->CurSysNum = 0;
    2632     6484596 : }
    2633             : 
    2634    15859740 : void SimAirLoop(EnergyPlusData &state,
    2635             :                 bool const FirstHVACIteration,
    2636             :                 int const AirLoopNum,
    2637             :                 int const AirLoopPass,
    2638             :                 int &AirLoopIterMax,
    2639             :                 int &AirLoopIterTot,
    2640             :                 int &AirLoopNumCalls)
    2641             : {
    2642             : 
    2643             :     // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION
    2644             :     //             AUTHOR:  Dimitri Curtil (LBNL)
    2645             :     //       DATE WRITTEN:  March 2006
    2646             :     //                      - Fine-tuned outer loop over controllers.
    2647             :     //                      - Added convergence tracing for air loop controllers.
    2648             :     //                      - Added mechanism for speculative warm restart after first iteration.
    2649             :     //      RE-ENGINEERED:  This is new code based on the code that used to be part
    2650             :     //                      of SimAirLoops().
    2651             : 
    2652             :     // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    2653             :     // This subroutine simulates the desired air loop by solving for all the
    2654             :     // controllers on the air loop in the order they are specified.
    2655             : 
    2656             :     // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
    2657             :     // To speed up the simulation, we introduced the possiblity to perform the controller
    2658             :     // simulation on each air loop using a warm restart from the solution obtained
    2659             :     // at the previous HVAC step iteration. This is only attempted if the air mass flow
    2660             :     // rate(s) for the air system have not changed since the last iteration.
    2661             :     // Of course if the warm restart fails, then we perform a normal simulation from
    2662             :     // a cold start. We refer to this scheme as speculative warm restart.
    2663             : 
    2664             :     // REFERENCES: None
    2665             : 
    2666             :     // Using/Aliasing
    2667             :     using namespace DataHVACControllers;
    2668             :     using namespace DataSystemVariables;
    2669             :     using General::CreateSysTimeIntervalString;
    2670             :     using HVACControllers::TraceAirLoopControllers;
    2671             :     using HVACControllers::TrackAirLoopControllers;
    2672             : 
    2673             :     // Locals
    2674             :     // SUBROUTINE ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS:
    2675             :     // TRUE if first full HVAC iteration in an HVAC timestep
    2676             :     // Index of the air loop to simulate
    2677             :     // There are 2 passes - the 2nd is done only if mass balance fails
    2678             :     // Max number of iterations performed by controllers across this air loop
    2679             :     // Aggregated number of iterations across all controllers on this air loop
    2680             :     // Total number of times SimAirLoopComponents() has been invoked to simulate this air loop
    2681             : 
    2683             : 
    2684    15859740 :     auto &PrimaryAirSystems(state.dataAirSystemsData->PrimaryAirSystems);
    2685    15859740 :     auto &AirLoopControlInfo(state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopControlInfo);
    2686             : 
    2687             :     // Reset air loop trackers to zero
    2688    15859740 :     AirLoopIterMax = 0;
    2689    15859740 :     AirLoopIterTot = 0;
    2690    15859740 :     AirLoopNumCalls = 0;
    2691             : 
    2692             :     // Perform air loop simulation to satisfy convergence for all controllers
    2693             :     // If first HVAC iteration or new air flow we force a cold restart.
    2694             :     // Otherwise we attempt a speculative warm restart.
    2695             :     // TODO: Improve detection of when air flow rate has changed since last air loop simulation
    2696             :     // TODO: Detect whether warm restart is supported on air loop on very first air loop
    2697             :     //       simulation only instead of at each HVAC iteration as done now.
    2698             :     // Only enabled if there are controllers on the air loop
    2699             :     // Check that the speculative warm restart feature is allowed
    2700             :     // Never done at first HVAC iteration
    2701             :     // Never done during sizing
    2702             :     // Next condition is true whenever the final check for the air loop was converged
    2703             :     // at the previous SimAirLoop call
    2704             :     // Next conditions should detect when air mass flow rates have changed
    2705    15859740 :     state.dataSimAirServingZones->DoWarmRestartFlagSAL =
    2706    23414448 :         PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).NumControllers > 0 && AirLoopControlInfo(AirLoopNum).AllowWarmRestartFlag && !FirstHVACIteration &&
    2707    23760218 :         !state.dataGlobal->SysSizingCalc && AirLoopControlInfo(AirLoopNum).ConvergedFlag && !AirLoopControlInfo(AirLoopNum).LoopFlowRateSet &&
    2708     2617032 :         !AirLoopControlInfo(AirLoopNum).NewFlowRateFlag;
    2709             : 
    2710    15859740 :     if (!state.dataSimAirServingZones->DoWarmRestartFlagSAL) {
    2711             :         // Solve controllers with cold start using default initial values
    2712    52970832 :         SolveAirLoopControllers(state,
    2713             :                                 FirstHVACIteration,
    2714             :                                 AirLoopNum,
    2715    13242708 :                                 state.dataSimAirServingZones->AirLoopConvergedFlagSAL,
    2716    13242708 :                                 state.dataSimAirServingZones->IterMaxSAL2,
    2717    13242708 :                                 state.dataSimAirServingZones->IterTotSAL2,
    2718    13242708 :                                 state.dataSimAirServingZones->NumCallsSAL2);
    2719             : 
    2720             :         // Update air loop trackers
    2721    13242708 :         state.dataSimAirServingZones->WarmRestartStatusSAL = ControllerWarmRestart::None;
    2722    13242708 :         AirLoopNumCalls += state.dataSimAirServingZones->NumCallsSAL2;
    2723    13242708 :         AirLoopIterMax = max(AirLoopIterMax, state.dataSimAirServingZones->IterMaxSAL2);
    2724    13242708 :         AirLoopIterTot += state.dataSimAirServingZones->IterTotSAL2;
    2725             :     } else {
    2726             :         // First try with speculative warm restart using previous solution
    2727    10468128 :         ReSolveAirLoopControllers(state,
    2728             :                                   FirstHVACIteration,
    2729             :                                   AirLoopNum,
    2730     2617032 :                                   state.dataSimAirServingZones->AirLoopConvergedFlagSAL,
    2731     2617032 :                                   state.dataSimAirServingZones->IterMaxSAL2,
    2732     2617032 :                                   state.dataSimAirServingZones->IterTotSAL2,
    2733     2617032 :                                   state.dataSimAirServingZones->NumCallsSAL2);
    2734             : 
    2735             :         // Update air loop trackers
    2736     2617032 :         state.dataSimAirServingZones->WarmRestartStatusSAL = ControllerWarmRestart::Success;
    2737     2617032 :         AirLoopNumCalls += state.dataSimAirServingZones->NumCallsSAL2;
    2738     2617032 :         AirLoopIterMax = max(AirLoopIterMax, state.dataSimAirServingZones->IterMaxSAL2);
    2739     2617032 :         AirLoopIterTot += state.dataSimAirServingZones->IterTotSAL2;
    2740             : 
    2741             :         // Retry with cold start using default initial values if speculative warm restart did not work
    2742     2617032 :         if (!state.dataSimAirServingZones->AirLoopConvergedFlagSAL) {
    2743     4719000 :             SolveAirLoopControllers(state,
    2744             :                                     FirstHVACIteration,
    2745             :                                     AirLoopNum,
    2746     1179750 :                                     state.dataSimAirServingZones->AirLoopConvergedFlagSAL,
    2747     1179750 :                                     state.dataSimAirServingZones->IterMaxSAL2,
    2748     1179750 :                                     state.dataSimAirServingZones->IterTotSAL2,
    2749     1179750 :                                     state.dataSimAirServingZones->NumCallsSAL2);
    2750             : 
    2751             :             // Update air loop trackers
    2752     1179750 :             state.dataSimAirServingZones->WarmRestartStatusSAL = DataHVACControllers::ControllerWarmRestart::Fail;
    2753     1179750 :             AirLoopNumCalls += state.dataSimAirServingZones->NumCallsSAL2;
    2754     1179750 :             AirLoopIterMax = max(AirLoopIterMax, state.dataSimAirServingZones->IterMaxSAL2);
    2755     1179750 :             AirLoopIterTot += state.dataSimAirServingZones->IterTotSAL2;
    2756             :         }
    2757             :     }
    2758             : 
    2759             :     // Updates air loop statistics
    2760             :     // To enable runtime statistics tracking for each air loop, define the environment variable
    2761             :     // TRACK_AIRLOOP=YES or TRACK_AIRLOOP=Y
    2762    15859740 :     if (state.dataSysVars->TrackAirLoopEnvFlag) {
    2763           0 :         TrackAirLoopControllers(
    2764           0 :             state, AirLoopNum, state.dataSimAirServingZones->WarmRestartStatusSAL, AirLoopIterMax, AirLoopIterTot, AirLoopNumCalls);
    2765             :     }
    2766             : 
    2767             :     // Generate trace for all controllers on this air loop
    2768             :     // To enable generating a trace file with the converged solution for all controllers on each air loop,
    2769             :     // define the environment variable TRACE_AIRLOOP=YES or TRACE_AIRLOOP=Y.
    2770    15859740 :     if (state.dataSysVars->TraceAirLoopEnvFlag) {
    2771           0 :         TraceAirLoopControllers(
    2772           0 :             state, FirstHVACIteration, AirLoopNum, AirLoopPass, state.dataSimAirServingZones->AirLoopConvergedFlagSAL, AirLoopNumCalls);
    2773             :     }
    2774             : 
    2775             :     // When there is more than 1 controller on an air loop, each controller sensing
    2776             :     // different nodes with potentially different setpoints, it is likely that
    2777             :     // AirLoopConvergedFlag will be false as the individual setpoints will not
    2778             :     // be satisfied once all the controllers have been simulated. Typically, this could
    2779             :     // happen if
    2780             :     // If this is the case then we do not want to try a warm restart as it is very
    2781             :     // unlikely to succeed.
    2782    15859740 :     AirLoopControlInfo(AirLoopNum).ConvergedFlag = state.dataSimAirServingZones->AirLoopConvergedFlagSAL;
    2783    15859740 : }
    2784             : 
    2785    14422458 : void SolveAirLoopControllers(
    2786             :     EnergyPlusData &state, bool const FirstHVACIteration, int const AirLoopNum, bool &AirLoopConvergedFlag, int &IterMax, int &IterTot, int &NumCalls)
    2787             : {
    2788             : 
    2789             :     // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION
    2790             :     //             AUTHOR:  Dimitri Curtil (LBNL)
    2791             :     //       DATE WRITTEN:  Feb 2006
    2792             :     //           MODIFIED:
    2793             :     //      RE-ENGINEERED:  This is reengineered code that used to be in SimAirLoops()
    2794             : 
    2795             :     // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    2796             :     // This subroutine solves for the controllers on the specfied air loop assuming a cold start.
    2797             : 
    2798             :     // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
    2799             :     // For the specified primary air system:
    2800             :     // (1) each component in the system is simulated in natural order, beginning at
    2801             :     //     the return air inlet and progressing to the supply air outlets. Node data
    2802             :     //     is passed in the same direction.
    2803             :     // (2) The controllers and their actions are simulated.
    2804             :     // (3) Steps 2 and 3 are repeated until the control criteria are satisfied.
    2805             : 
    2806             :     // REFERENCES: None
    2807             : 
    2808             :     // Using/Aliasing
    2809             :     using namespace DataHVACControllers;
    2810             :     using General::CreateSysTimeIntervalString;
    2811             :     using HVACControllers::ManageControllers;
    2812             : 
    2813             :     // Locals
    2814             :     // SUBROUTINE ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS:
    2815             :     // TRUE if first full HVAC iteration in an HVAC timestep
    2816             :     // DO loop index; there are 2 passes the 2nd is done only if mass balance fails
    2817             :     // Index of the air loop being simulated
    2818             :     // TRUE when primary air system & controllers simulation has converged;
    2819             :     // Max number of iterations performed by controllers across this air loop
    2820             :     // Aggregated number of iterations across all controllers on this air loop
    2821             :     // Total number of times SimAirLoopComponents() has been invoked
    2822             : 
    2823             :     // SUBROUTINE PARAMETER DEFINITIONS:
    2824             :     // Maximum iterations of an air system/controllers simulation sequence
    2825    14422458 :     int constexpr MaxIter(50);
    2826             : 
    2827             :     // INTERFACE BLOCK DEFINITIONS: None
    2828             : 
    2829             :     // DERIVED TYPE DEFINITIONS: None
    2830             : 
    2832             :     // TRUE if controller supports speculative warm restart
    2833             :     bool AllowWarmRestartFlag;
    2834             :     // TRUE when controller has converged
    2835             :     bool ControllerConvergedFlag;
    2836             :     // TRUE when air loop has been evaluated with latest actuated variables
    2837             :     bool IsUpToDateFlag;
    2838             : 
    2839    14422458 :     auto &PrimaryAirSystems(state.dataAirSystemsData->PrimaryAirSystems);
    2840    14422458 :     auto &AirLoopControlInfo(state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopControlInfo);
    2841             : 
    2842             :     // To track number of calls to SimAirLoopComponents() for each air loop
    2843             :     // Represents the most computationally expensive operation in the iteration.
    2844             :     // Best metric to use to assess the runtime performance of air loop simulation
    2845    14422458 :     NumCalls = 0;
    2846    14422458 :     IterMax = 0;
    2847    14422458 :     IterTot = 0;
    2848             : 
    2849    14422458 :     AirLoopConvergedFlag = true;
    2850    14422458 :     state.dataSimAirServingZones->BypassOAControllerSALC = true; // don't simulate OA contollers at this time (see SolveWaterCoilController)
    2851    14422458 :     IsUpToDateFlag = false;
    2852    14422458 :     PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).ControlConverged = false;
    2853             : 
    2854    14422458 :     AllowWarmRestartFlag = true;
    2855    14422458 :     AirLoopControlInfo(AirLoopNum).AllowWarmRestartFlag = true;
    2856             : 
    2857    14422458 :     if (PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).SizeAirloopCoil) { // one time flag to initialize controller index and size coils if needed
    2858             :         // Loop through the controllers first to set the controller index in the PrimaryAirSystem array.
    2859             :         // Need to actaully simulate controller to get controller index.
    2860        1992 :         for (int AirLoopControlNum = 1; AirLoopControlNum <= PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).NumControllers; ++AirLoopControlNum) {
    2861         820 :             PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).ControllerIndex(AirLoopControlNum) =
    2862         820 :                 HVACControllers::GetControllerIndex(state, PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).ControllerName(AirLoopControlNum));
    2863         820 :             state.dataHVACControllers->ControllerProps(PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).ControllerIndex(AirLoopControlNum)).AirLoopControllerIndex =
    2864             :                 AirLoopControlNum;
    2865             :         }
    2866             :         // When using controllers, size air loop coils so ControllerProps (e.g., Min/Max Actuated) can be set
    2867        1172 :         if (PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).NumControllers > 0) SimAirLoopComponents(state, AirLoopNum, FirstHVACIteration);
    2868        1172 :         PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).SizeAirloopCoil = false;
    2869             :     }
    2870             : 
    2871             :     // This call to ManageControllers reinitializes the controllers actuated variables to zero
    2872             :     // E.g., actuator inlet water flow
    2873    21988992 :     for (int AirLoopControlNum = 1; AirLoopControlNum <= PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).NumControllers; ++AirLoopControlNum) {
    2874             : 
    2875             :         // BypassOAController is true here since we do not want to simulate the controller if it has already been simulated in the OA
    2876             :         // system ControllerConvergedFlag is returned true here for water coils in OA system
    2877    30266136 :         ManageControllers(state,
    2878     7566534 :                           PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).ControllerName(AirLoopControlNum),
    2879     7566534 :                           PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).ControllerIndex(AirLoopControlNum),
    2880             :                           FirstHVACIteration,
    2881             :                           AirLoopNum,
    2882             :                           ControllerOperation::ColdStart,
    2883             :                           ControllerConvergedFlag,
    2884             :                           IsUpToDateFlag,
    2885     7566534 :                           state.dataSimAirServingZones->BypassOAControllerSALC,
    2886             :                           AllowWarmRestartFlag);
    2887             :         // Detect whether the speculative warm restart feature is supported by each controller
    2888             :         // on this air loop.
    2889     7566534 :         AirLoopControlInfo(AirLoopNum).AllowWarmRestartFlag = AirLoopControlInfo(AirLoopNum).AllowWarmRestartFlag && AllowWarmRestartFlag;
    2890             :     }
    2891             : 
    2892             :     // Evaluate air loop components with new actuated variables
    2893    14422458 :     ++NumCalls;
    2894    14422458 :     SimAirLoopComponents(state, AirLoopNum, FirstHVACIteration);
    2895    14422458 :     IsUpToDateFlag = true;
    2896             : 
    2897             :     // Loop over the air sys controllers until convergence or MaxIter iterations
    2898    21988992 :     for (int AirLoopControlNum = 1; AirLoopControlNum <= PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).NumControllers; ++AirLoopControlNum) {
    2899             : 
    2900     7566534 :         state.dataSimAirServingZones->IterSALC = 0;
    2901     7566534 :         ControllerConvergedFlag = false;
    2902             :         // if the controller can be locked out by the economizer operation and the economizer is active, leave the controller inactive
    2903     7566534 :         if (AirLoopControlInfo(AirLoopNum).EconoActive) {
    2904             :             // nesting this next if to try and speed this up. If economizer is not active, it doesn't matter if CanBeLockedOutByEcono =
    2905             :             // true
    2906     2077535 :             if (PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).CanBeLockedOutByEcono(AirLoopControlNum)) {
    2907           0 :                 ControllerConvergedFlag = true;
    2908           0 :                 continue;
    2909             :             }
    2910             :         }
    2911             : 
    2912             :         // For each controller in sequence, iterate until convergence
    2913    41362760 :         while (!ControllerConvergedFlag) {
    2914             : 
    2915    16898143 :             ++state.dataSimAirServingZones->IterSALC;
    2916             : 
    2917    67592572 :             ManageControllers(state,
    2918    16898143 :                               PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).ControllerName(AirLoopControlNum),
    2919    16898143 :                               PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).ControllerIndex(AirLoopControlNum),
    2920             :                               FirstHVACIteration,
    2921             :                               AirLoopNum,
    2922             :                               ControllerOperation::Iterate,
    2923             :                               ControllerConvergedFlag,
    2924             :                               IsUpToDateFlag,
    2925    16898143 :                               state.dataSimAirServingZones->BypassOAControllerSALC);
    2926             : 
    2927    16898143 :             PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).ControlConverged(AirLoopControlNum) = ControllerConvergedFlag;
    2928             : 
    2929    16898143 :             if (!ControllerConvergedFlag) {
    2930             :                 // Only check abnormal termination if not yet converged
    2931             :                 // The iteration counter has been exceeded.
    2932     9331639 :                 if (state.dataSimAirServingZones->IterSALC > MaxIter) {
    2933             :                     // Indicate that this air loop is not converged
    2934          30 :                     AirLoopConvergedFlag = false;
    2935             : 
    2936             :                     // The warning message will be suppressed during the warm up days.
    2937          30 :                     if (!state.dataGlobal->WarmupFlag) {
    2938           4 :                         ++state.dataSimAirServingZones->ErrCountSALC;
    2939           4 :                         if (state.dataSimAirServingZones->ErrCountSALC < 15) {
    2940           4 :                             state.dataSimAirServingZones->ErrEnvironmentName = state.dataEnvrn->EnvironmentName;
    2941           8 :                             const auto CharErrOut = fmt::to_string(MaxIter);
    2942          12 :                             ShowWarningError(state,
    2943           8 :                                              "SolveAirLoopControllers: Maximum iterations (" + CharErrOut + ") exceeded for " +
    2944          12 :                                                  PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).Name + ", " +
    2945          12 :                                                  PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).ControllerName(AirLoopControlNum) + ", at " +
    2946          12 :                                                  state.dataEnvrn->EnvironmentName + ", " + state.dataEnvrn->CurMnDy + ' ' +
    2947           8 :                                                  CreateSysTimeIntervalString(state));
    2948             :                         } else {
    2949           0 :                             if (state.dataEnvrn->EnvironmentName != state.dataSimAirServingZones->ErrEnvironmentName) {
    2950           0 :                                 state.dataSimAirServingZones->MaxErrCountSALC = 0;
    2951           0 :                                 state.dataSimAirServingZones->ErrEnvironmentName = state.dataEnvrn->EnvironmentName;
    2952             :                             }
    2953           0 :                             ShowRecurringWarningErrorAtEnd(state,
    2954           0 :                                                            "SolveAirLoopControllers: Exceeding Maximum iterations for " +
    2955           0 :                                                                PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).Name + " during " + state.dataEnvrn->EnvironmentName +
    2956             :                                                                " continues",
    2957           0 :                                                            state.dataSimAirServingZones->MaxErrCountSALC);
    2958             :                         }
    2959             :                     }
    2960             : 
    2961             :                     // It is necessary to execute this statement anytime, even if the warning message is suppressed.
    2962             :                     // To continue the simulation it must be able to goto the Exit statement
    2963          30 :                     break; // It will not converge this time
    2964             :                 }
    2965             : 
    2966             :                 // Re-evaluate air loop components with new actuated variables
    2967     9331609 :                 ++NumCalls;
    2968             :                 // this call to SimAirLoopComponents will simulate the OA system and set the PrimaryAirSystem( AirLoopNum
    2969             :                 // ).ControlConverged( AirLoopControlNum ) flag for controllers of water coils in the OA system for controllers not in the
    2970             :                 // OA system, this flag is set above in this function
    2971     9331609 :                 SimAirLoopComponents(state, AirLoopNum, FirstHVACIteration);
    2972             :                 // pass convergence flag from OA system water coils (i.e., SolveWaterCoilController) back to this loop
    2973             :                 // for future reference, the PrimaryAirSystem().ControlConverged flag is set while managing OA system water coils.
    2974             :                 // If convergence is not achieved with OA system water coils, suspect how this flag is passed back here or why OA system
    2975             :                 // coils do not converge
    2976     9331609 :                 ControllerConvergedFlag = PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).ControlConverged(AirLoopControlNum);
    2977     9331609 :                 IsUpToDateFlag = true;
    2978             :             }
    2979             : 
    2980             :         } // End of the Convergence Iteration
    2981             : 
    2982             :         // Update tracker for max iteration counter across all controllers on this air loops
    2983     7566534 :         IterMax = max(IterMax, state.dataSimAirServingZones->IterSALC);
    2984             :         // Update tracker for aggregated counter of air loop inner iterations across controllers
    2985             :         // on this air loop
    2986     7566534 :         IterTot += state.dataSimAirServingZones->IterSALC;
    2987             : 
    2988             :     } // End of controller loop
    2989             : 
    2990             :     // Once the controllers are converged then need to simulate the components once
    2991             :     // more to ensure that they are simulated with the latest values.
    2992    14422458 :     if (!IsUpToDateFlag || !AirLoopConvergedFlag) {
    2993       76846 :         ++NumCalls;
    2994       76846 :         SimAirLoopComponents(state, AirLoopNum, FirstHVACIteration);
    2995       76846 :         IsUpToDateFlag = true;
    2996             :     }
    2997             : 
    2998             :     // Check that all active controllers are still convergence
    2999    21988992 :     for (int AirLoopControlNum = 1; AirLoopControlNum <= PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).NumControllers; ++AirLoopControlNum) {
    3000             : 
    3001     7566534 :         ControllerConvergedFlag = false;
    3002             : 
    3003    30266136 :         ManageControllers(state,
    3004     7566534 :                           PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).ControllerName(AirLoopControlNum),
    3005     7566534 :                           PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).ControllerIndex(AirLoopControlNum),
    3006             :                           FirstHVACIteration,
    3007             :                           AirLoopNum,
    3008             :                           ControllerOperation::End,
    3009             :                           ControllerConvergedFlag,
    3010             :                           IsUpToDateFlag,
    3011     7566534 :                           state.dataSimAirServingZones->BypassOAControllerSALC);
    3012             : 
    3013     7566534 :         PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).ControlConverged(AirLoopControlNum) = ControllerConvergedFlag;
    3014             : 
    3015     7566534 :         AirLoopConvergedFlag = AirLoopConvergedFlag && ControllerConvergedFlag;
    3016             :     }
    3017    14422458 : }
    3018             : 
    3019     2544316 : void SolveWaterCoilController(EnergyPlusData &state,
    3020             :                               bool const FirstHVACIteration,
    3021             :                               int const AirLoopNum,
    3022             :                               std::string const &CompName,
    3023             :                               int &CompIndex,
    3024             :                               std::string const &ControllerName,
    3025             :                               int ControllerIndex,
    3026             :                               bool const HXAssistedWaterCoil)
    3027             : {
    3028             : 
    3029             :     // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION
    3030             :     //       AUTHOR:  Richard Raustad (FSEC)
    3031             :     //       DATE WRITTEN:  July 2017
    3032             : 
    3033             :     // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    3034             :     // This subroutine solves for the controllers in the specfied air loop OA system.
    3035             : 
    3036             :     // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
    3037             :     // For the specified primary air system:
    3038             :     // (1) the specific component in the OA system is simulated
    3039             :     // (2) The controllers and their actions are simulated
    3040             :     // (3) Steps 2 and 3 are repeated until the control criteria are satisfied
    3041             :     // (4) convergence is passed back to SolveAirLoopControllers via PrimaryAirSystem( AirLoopNum ).ControlConverged( ControllerIndex )
    3042             : 
    3043             :     // REFERENCES: None
    3044             : 
    3045             :     // Using/Aliasing
    3046             :     using namespace DataHVACControllers;
    3047             :     using General::CreateSysTimeIntervalString;
    3048             :     using HVACControllers::ManageControllers;
    3049             :     using HVACHXAssistedCoolingCoil::SimHXAssistedCoolingCoil;
    3050             :     using WaterCoils::SimulateWaterCoilComponents;
    3051             : 
    3052             :     // Locals
    3053             :     // SUBROUTINE ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS:
    3054             :     // TRUE if first full HVAC iteration in an HVAC timestep
    3055             :     // DO loop index; there are 2 passes the 2nd is done only if mass balance fails
    3056             :     // Index of the air loop being simulated
    3057             :     // TRUE when primary air system & controllers simulation has converged;
    3058             :     // Max number of iterations performed by controllers across this air loop
    3059             :     // Aggregated number of iterations across all controllers on this air loop
    3060             :     // Total number of times SimAirLoopComponents() has been invoked
    3061             : 
    3062             :     // SUBROUTINE PARAMETER DEFINITIONS:
    3063             :     // Maximum iterations of an air system/controllers simulation sequence
    3064     2544316 :     constexpr int MaxIter(50);
    3065             : 
    3067             :     // TRUE if controller supports speculative warm restart
    3068             :     bool AllowWarmRestartFlag;
    3069             :     // TRUE when controller has converged
    3070             :     bool ControllerConvergedFlag;
    3071             :     // TRUE when air loop has been evaluated with latest actuated variables
    3072             :     bool IsUpToDateFlag;
    3073             : 
    3074             :     // A character string equivalent of ErrCount
    3075             : 
    3076     2544316 :     auto &PrimaryAirSystems(state.dataAirSystemsData->PrimaryAirSystems);
    3077     2544316 :     auto &AirLoopControlInfo(state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopControlInfo);
    3078             : 
    3079     2544316 :     bool AirLoopCheck = false;
    3080     2544316 :     if (AirLoopNum > 0) {
    3081     2522552 :         AirLoopCheck = true;
    3082             :     }
    3083     2544316 :     state.dataSimAirServingZones->BypassOAControllerSWCC = false; // simulate OA water coil controllers
    3084     2544316 :     if (AirLoopCheck) {
    3085     2522552 :         state.dataSimAirServingZones->AirLoopPassSWCC = AirLoopControlInfo(AirLoopNum).AirLoopPass;
    3086             :     }
    3087     2544316 :     IsUpToDateFlag = false;
    3088     2544316 :     if (AirLoopCheck) {
    3089     2522552 :         PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).ControlConverged = false;
    3090             :     }
    3091             : 
    3092     2544316 :     AllowWarmRestartFlag = true;
    3093     2544316 :     if (AirLoopCheck) {
    3094     2522552 :         AirLoopControlInfo(AirLoopNum).AllowWarmRestartFlag = true;
    3095             :     }
    3096             : 
    3097             :     // This call to ManageControllers reinitializes the controllers actuated variables to zero
    3098             : 
    3099             :     // BypassOAController is false here since we want to simulate the controller
    3100     5088632 :     ManageControllers(state,
    3101             :                       ControllerName,
    3102             :                       ControllerIndex,
    3103             :                       FirstHVACIteration,
    3104             :                       AirLoopNum,
    3105             :                       ControllerOperation::ColdStart,
    3106             :                       ControllerConvergedFlag,
    3107             :                       IsUpToDateFlag,
    3108     2544316 :                       state.dataSimAirServingZones->BypassOAControllerSWCC,
    3109             :                       AllowWarmRestartFlag);
    3110             : 
    3111             :     // Detect whether the speculative warm restart feature is supported by each controller on this air loop.
    3112     2544316 :     if (AirLoopCheck) {
    3113     2522552 :         AirLoopControlInfo(AirLoopNum).AllowWarmRestartFlag = AirLoopControlInfo(AirLoopNum).AllowWarmRestartFlag && AllowWarmRestartFlag;
    3114             :     }
    3115             : 
    3116             :     // Evaluate water coils with new actuated variables
    3117     2544316 :     if (HXAssistedWaterCoil) {
    3118           0 :         SimHXAssistedCoolingCoil(state, CompName, FirstHVACIteration, CompressorOperation::On, 0.0, CompIndex, ContFanCycCoil);
    3119             :     } else {
    3120     2544316 :         SimulateWaterCoilComponents(state, CompName, FirstHVACIteration, CompIndex);
    3121             :     }
    3122     2544316 :     IsUpToDateFlag = true;
    3123             : 
    3124             :     // Loop over the air sys controllers until convergence or MaxIter iterations
    3125     2544316 :     state.dataSimAirServingZones->IterSWCC = 0;
    3126     2544316 :     ControllerConvergedFlag = false;
    3127             :     // if the controller can be locked out by the economizer operation and the economizer is active, leave the controller inactive
    3128     2544316 :     if (AirLoopCheck) {
    3129     2522552 :         if (AirLoopControlInfo(AirLoopNum).EconoActive) {
    3130           0 :             if (PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum)
    3131           0 :                     .CanBeLockedOutByEcono(state.dataHVACControllers->ControllerProps(ControllerIndex).AirLoopControllerIndex)) {
    3132           0 :                 ControllerConvergedFlag = true;
    3133             :             }
    3134             :         }
    3135             :     }
    3136             : 
    3137             :     // For this controller, iterate until convergence
    3138    10332890 :     while (!ControllerConvergedFlag) {
    3139             : 
    3140     3894287 :         ++state.dataSimAirServingZones->IterSWCC;
    3141             : 
    3142     7788574 :         ManageControllers(state,
    3143             :                           ControllerName,
    3144             :                           ControllerIndex,
    3145             :                           FirstHVACIteration,
    3146             :                           AirLoopNum,
    3147             :                           ControllerOperation::Iterate,
    3148             :                           ControllerConvergedFlag,
    3149             :                           IsUpToDateFlag,
    3150     3894287 :                           state.dataSimAirServingZones->BypassOAControllerSWCC);
    3151             : 
    3152     3894287 :         if (AirLoopCheck) {
    3153     3863525 :             PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).ControlConverged(state.dataHVACControllers->ControllerProps(ControllerIndex).AirLoopControllerIndex) =
    3154             :                 ControllerConvergedFlag;
    3155             :         }
    3156             : 
    3157     3894287 :         if (!ControllerConvergedFlag) {
    3158             :             // Only check abnormal termination if not yet converged
    3159             :             // The iteration counter has been exceeded.
    3160     1349971 :             if (state.dataSimAirServingZones->IterSWCC > MaxIter) {
    3161             : 
    3162             :                 // The warning message will be suppressed during the warm up days.
    3163           0 :                 if (!state.dataGlobal->WarmupFlag) {
    3164           0 :                     ++state.dataSimAirServingZones->ErrCountSWCC;
    3165           0 :                     if (state.dataSimAirServingZones->ErrCountSWCC < 15) {
    3166           0 :                         state.dataSimAirServingZones->ErrEnvironmentNameSolveWaterCoilController = state.dataEnvrn->EnvironmentName;
    3167           0 :                         const auto CharErrOut = fmt::to_string(MaxIter);
    3168           0 :                         ShowWarningError(state,
    3169           0 :                                          "SolveAirLoopControllers: Maximum iterations (" + CharErrOut + ") exceeded for " +
    3170           0 :                                              PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).Name + ":" + ControllerName + ", at " + state.dataEnvrn->EnvironmentName +
    3171           0 :                                              ", " + state.dataEnvrn->CurMnDy + ' ' + CreateSysTimeIntervalString(state));
    3172             :                     } else {
    3173           0 :                         if (state.dataEnvrn->EnvironmentName != state.dataSimAirServingZones->ErrEnvironmentNameSolveWaterCoilController) {
    3174           0 :                             state.dataSimAirServingZones->MaxErrCountSWCC = 0;
    3175           0 :                             state.dataSimAirServingZones->ErrEnvironmentNameSolveWaterCoilController = state.dataEnvrn->EnvironmentName;
    3176             :                         }
    3177           0 :                         ShowRecurringWarningErrorAtEnd(state,
    3178           0 :                                                        "SolveAirLoopControllers: Exceeding Maximum iterations for " +
    3179           0 :                                                            PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).Name + " during " + state.dataEnvrn->EnvironmentName +
    3180             :                                                            " continues",
    3181           0 :                                                        state.dataSimAirServingZones->MaxErrCountSWCC);
    3182             :                     }
    3183             :                 }
    3184             : 
    3185             :                 // It is necessary to execute this statement anytime, even if the warning message is suppressed.
    3186             :                 // To continue the simulation it must be able to goto the Exit statement
    3187           0 :                 break; // It will not converge this time
    3188             :             }
    3189             : 
    3190             :             // Re-evaluate air loop components with new actuated variables
    3191     1349971 :             if (HXAssistedWaterCoil) {
    3192           0 :                 SimHXAssistedCoolingCoil(state, CompName, FirstHVACIteration, CompressorOperation::On, 0.0, CompIndex, ContFanCycCoil);
    3193             :             } else {
    3194     1349971 :                 SimulateWaterCoilComponents(state, CompName, FirstHVACIteration, CompIndex);
    3195             :             }
    3196     1349971 :             IsUpToDateFlag = true;
    3197             :         }
    3198             : 
    3199             :     } // End of the Convergence Iteration
    3200             : 
    3201     2544316 :     IsUpToDateFlag = true;
    3202             : 
    3203             :     // Check that this controller is still converged
    3204             : 
    3205     2544316 :     ControllerConvergedFlag = false;
    3206             : 
    3207     5088632 :     ManageControllers(state,
    3208             :                       ControllerName,
    3209             :                       ControllerIndex,
    3210             :                       FirstHVACIteration,
    3211             :                       AirLoopNum,
    3212             :                       ControllerOperation::End,
    3213             :                       ControllerConvergedFlag,
    3214             :                       IsUpToDateFlag,
    3215     2544316 :                       state.dataSimAirServingZones->BypassOAControllerSWCC);
    3216             : 
    3217             :     // pass convergence of OA system water coils back to SolveAirLoopControllers via PrimaryAirSystem().ControlConverged flag
    3218     2544316 :     if (AirLoopCheck) {
    3219     2522552 :         PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).ControlConverged(state.dataHVACControllers->ControllerProps(ControllerIndex).AirLoopControllerIndex) =
    3220             :             ControllerConvergedFlag;
    3221     2522552 :         AirLoopControlInfo(AirLoopNum).ConvergedFlag = AirLoopControlInfo(AirLoopNum).ConvergedFlag && ControllerConvergedFlag;
    3222             :     }
    3223     2544316 : }
    3224             : 
    3225     2617032 : void ReSolveAirLoopControllers(
    3226             :     EnergyPlusData &state, bool const FirstHVACIteration, int const AirLoopNum, bool &AirLoopConvergedFlag, int &IterMax, int &IterTot, int &NumCalls)
    3227             : {
    3228             : 
    3229             :     // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION
    3230             :     //             AUTHOR:  Dimitri Curtil (LBNL)
    3231             :     //       DATE WRITTEN:  Feb 2006
    3232             :     //           MODIFIED:
    3233             :     //      RE-ENGINEERED:  This is new code
    3234             : 
    3235             :     // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    3236             :     // This subroutine solves for the controllers on the specfied air loop by reusing
    3237             :     // the solution from the previous HVAC iteration.
    3238             :     // It is used in the context of the optimization technique referred to as
    3239             :     // speculative warm restart.
    3240             : 
    3241             :     // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
    3242             :     // For the specified primary air system:
    3243             :     // (1) each component in the system is simulated in natural order, beginning at
    3244             :     //     the return air inlet and progressing to the supply air outlets. Node data
    3245             :     //     is passed in the same direction.
    3246             :     // (2) The controllers and their actions are simulated.
    3247             : 
    3248             :     // REFERENCES: None
    3249             : 
    3250             :     // Using/Aliasing
    3251             :     using namespace DataHVACControllers;
    3252             :     using HVACControllers::ManageControllers;
    3253             : 
    3254             :     // Locals
    3255             :     // SUBROUTINE ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS:
    3256             :     // TRUE if first full HVAC iteration in an HVAC timestep
    3257             :     // DO loop index; there are 2 passes the 2nd is done only if mass balance fails
    3258             :     // TRUE when primary air system & controllers simulation has converged;
    3259             :     // Max number of iterations performed by controllers across all air loops
    3260             :     // Aggregated number of iterations across all air loops
    3261             :     // Total number of times SimAirLoopComponents() has been invoked
    3262             : 
    3264             :     // Controller DO loop index
    3265             :     int AirLoopControlNum;
    3266             :     // TRUE when controller has converged
    3267             :     bool ControllerConvergedFlag;
    3268             :     // TRUE when air loop needs to be refreshed.
    3269             :     // Note that it is not used by ManageControllers() in the WARM_RESTART mode.
    3270             :     bool IsUpToDateFlag;
    3271             : 
    3272     2617032 :     auto &PrimaryAirSystems(state.dataAirSystemsData->PrimaryAirSystems);
    3273             : 
    3274             :     // To track number of calls to SimAirLoopComponents() for each air loop
    3275             :     // Represents the most computationally expensive operation in the iteration.
    3276             :     // Best metric to use to assess the runtime performance of air loop simulation
    3277     2617032 :     NumCalls = 0;
    3278     2617032 :     IterMax = 0;
    3279     2617032 :     IterTot = 0;
    3280             : 
    3281     2617032 :     AirLoopConvergedFlag = true;
    3282     2617032 :     state.dataSimAirServingZones->BypassOAControllerRSALC =
    3283             :         false; // not exactly sure of this but it seems all controllers need to be simulated -- don't bypass
    3284     2617032 :     IsUpToDateFlag = false;
    3285     2617032 :     PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).ControlConverged = false;
    3286             : 
    3287             :     // This call to ManageControllers reinitializes the controllers actuated variables to zero
    3288             :     // E.g., actuator inlet water flow
    3289     7718145 :     for (AirLoopControlNum = 1; AirLoopControlNum <= PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).NumControllers; ++AirLoopControlNum) {
    3290             : 
    3291             :         // BypassOAController is false here since we want to simulate the controller during ReSolveAirLoopControllers calls ?
    3292    20404452 :         ManageControllers(state,
    3293     5101113 :                           PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).ControllerName(AirLoopControlNum),
    3294     5101113 :                           PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).ControllerIndex(AirLoopControlNum),
    3295             :                           FirstHVACIteration,
    3296             :                           AirLoopNum,
    3297             :                           ControllerOperation::WarmRestart,
    3298             :                           ControllerConvergedFlag,
    3299             :                           IsUpToDateFlag,
    3300     5101113 :                           state.dataSimAirServingZones->BypassOAControllerRSALC);
    3301             :     }
    3302             : 
    3303             :     // Evaluate air loop components with new actuated variables
    3304     2617032 :     ++NumCalls;
    3305     2617032 :     SimAirLoopComponents(state, AirLoopNum, FirstHVACIteration);
    3306     2617032 :     IsUpToDateFlag = true;
    3307             : 
    3308             :     // Check that all active controllers are still convergence
    3309             :     // Check that actuated variables are within min/max constraints
    3310     7718145 :     for (AirLoopControlNum = 1; AirLoopControlNum <= PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).NumControllers; ++AirLoopControlNum) {
    3311             : 
    3312     5101113 :         ControllerConvergedFlag = false;
    3313             : 
    3314    20404452 :         ManageControllers(state,
    3315     5101113 :                           PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).ControllerName(AirLoopControlNum),
    3316     5101113 :                           PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).ControllerIndex(AirLoopControlNum),
    3317             :                           FirstHVACIteration,
    3318             :                           AirLoopNum,
    3319             :                           ControllerOperation::End,
    3320             :                           ControllerConvergedFlag,
    3321             :                           IsUpToDateFlag,
    3322     5101113 :                           state.dataSimAirServingZones->BypassOAControllerRSALC);
    3323             : 
    3324     5101113 :         PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).ControlConverged(AirLoopControlNum) = ControllerConvergedFlag;
    3325             : 
    3326     5101113 :         AirLoopConvergedFlag = AirLoopConvergedFlag && ControllerConvergedFlag;
    3327             : 
    3328             :         // Update tracker for max iteration counter across all controllers on all air loops
    3329     5101113 :         IterMax = max(IterMax, 0);
    3330             :         // Update tracker for aggregated counter of air loop inner iterations across all controllers
    3331     5101113 :         IterTot += 0;
    3332             : 
    3333             :     } // end of controller loop
    3334     2617032 : }
    3335             : 
    3336    26448362 : void SimAirLoopComponents(EnergyPlusData &state,
    3337             :                           int const AirLoopNum,         // Index of the air loop being currently simulated
    3338             :                           bool const FirstHVACIteration // TRUE if first full HVAC iteration in an HVAC timestep
    3339             : )
    3340             : {
    3341             :     // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION
    3342             :     //             AUTHOR:  Dimitri Curtil (LBNL)
    3343             :     //       DATE WRITTEN:  Feb 2006
    3344             :     //           MODIFIED:
    3345             :     //      RE-ENGINEERED:
    3346             : 
    3347             :     // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    3348             :     // This simulates all components on a particular air loop in the primary air system.
    3349             :     // This code used to appear in different places in SimAirLoops(). Now consolidated
    3350             :     // into one subroutine called many times.
    3351             : 
    3352             :     // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
    3353             :     // For each branch in the air loop:
    3354             :     // (1) update branch connection with (BeforeBranchSim)
    3355             :     // (2) simulate each component
    3356             :     // (3) update branch connection with (AfterBranchSim) to enforce continuity through splitter
    3357             :     // Sets current branch number to CurBranchNum defined in MODULE DataSizing
    3358             :     // Sets duct type of current branch to CurDuctType defined in MODULE DataSizing
    3359             :     // Upon exiting, resets both counters to 0.
    3360             : 
    3361             :     // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DEFINITIONS: None
    3362             :     int BranchNum; // Branch DO loop index
    3363             :     int CompNum;   // Component DO loop index
    3364             :     // std::string CompType; // Component type
    3365             :     // std::string CompName; // Component name
    3366             :     CompType CompType_Num; // Numeric equivalent for CompType
    3367             : 
    3368    26448362 :     auto &PrimaryAirSystems(state.dataAirSystemsData->PrimaryAirSystems);
    3369             : 
    3370    53489177 :     for (BranchNum = 1; BranchNum <= PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).NumBranches; ++BranchNum) { // loop over all branches in air system
    3371             : 
    3372    27040815 :         UpdateBranchConnections(state, AirLoopNum, BranchNum, BeforeBranchSim);
    3373             : 
    3374    27040815 :         state.dataSize->CurBranchNum = BranchNum;
    3375    27040815 :         state.dataSize->CurDuctType = PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).Branch(BranchNum).DuctType;
    3376             : 
    3377             :         // Loop over components in branch
    3378   117976056 :         for (CompNum = 1; CompNum <= PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).Branch(BranchNum).TotalComponents; ++CompNum) {
    3379             :             // CompType = PrimaryAirSystem( AirLoopNum ).Branch( BranchNum ).Comp( CompNum ).TypeOf;
    3380             :             // CompName = PrimaryAirSystem( AirLoopNum ).Branch( BranchNum ).Comp( CompNum ).Name;
    3381    90935241 :             CompType_Num = PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).CompType_Num;
    3382             : 
    3383             :             // Simulate each component on PrimaryAirSystem(AirLoopNum)%Branch(BranchNum)%Name
    3384   272805723 :             SimAirLoopComponent(state,
    3385    90935241 :                                 PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).Name,
    3386             :                                 CompType_Num,
    3387             :                                 FirstHVACIteration,
    3388             :                                 AirLoopNum,
    3389    90935241 :                                 PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).CompIndex,
    3390    90935241 :                                 PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).compPointer,
    3391             :                                 AirLoopNum,
    3392             :                                 BranchNum,
    3393             :                                 CompNum);
    3394             :         } // End of component loop
    3395             : 
    3396             :         // Enforce continuity through the splitter
    3397    27040815 :         UpdateBranchConnections(state, AirLoopNum, BranchNum, AfterBranchSim);
    3398             : 
    3399             :     } // End of branch loop
    3400             : 
    3401    26448362 :     state.dataSize->CurBranchNum = 0;
    3402    26448362 :     state.dataSize->CurDuctType = DataHVACGlobals::AirDuctType::Invalid;
    3403    26448362 : }
    3404             : 
    3405    90935241 : void SimAirLoopComponent(EnergyPlusData &state,
    3406             :                          std::string const &CompName,   // the component Name
    3407             :                          CompType const CompType_Num,   // numeric equivalent for component type
    3408             :                          bool const FirstHVACIteration, // TRUE if first full HVAC iteration in an HVAC timestep
    3409             :                          int const AirLoopNum,          // Primary air loop number
    3410             :                          int &CompIndex,                // numeric pointer for CompType/CompName -- passed back from other routines
    3411             :                          HVACSystemData *CompPointer,   // equipment actual pointer
    3412             :                          int const airLoopNum,          // index to AirloopHVAC
    3413             :                          int const branchNum,           // index to AirloopHVAC branch
    3414             :                          int const compNum              // index to AirloopHVAC branch component
    3415             : )
    3416             : {
    3417             : 
    3418             :     // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION
    3419             :     //             AUTHOR:  Russ Taylor, Dan Fisher, Fred Buhl
    3420             :     //       DATE WRITTEN:  Oct 1997
    3421             :     //           MODIFIED:  Dec 1997 Fred Buhl, Richard Raustad,FSEC Sept 2003
    3422             :     //      RE-ENGINEERED:  This is new code, not reengineered
    3423             : 
    3424             :     // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    3425             :     // Calls the individual air loop component simulation routines
    3426             : 
    3427             :     // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED: None
    3428             : 
    3429             :     // REFERENCES: None
    3430             : 
    3431             :     // USE Statements
    3432             :     // Using/Aliasing
    3433             :     using DesiccantDehumidifiers::SimDesiccantDehumidifier;
    3434             :     using EvaporativeCoolers::SimEvapCooler;
    3435             :     using Fans::SimulateFanComponents;
    3436             :     using Furnaces::SimFurnace;
    3437             :     using HeatingCoils::SimulateHeatingCoilComponents;
    3438             :     using HeatRecovery::SimHeatRecovery;
    3439             :     using Humidifiers::SimHumidifier;
    3440             :     using HVACDuct::SimDuct;
    3441             :     using HVACDXHeatPumpSystem::SimDXHeatPumpSystem;
    3442             :     using HVACHXAssistedCoolingCoil::SimHXAssistedCoolingCoil;
    3443             :     using HVACMultiSpeedHeatPump::SimMSHeatPump;
    3444             :     using HVACUnitaryBypassVAV::SimUnitaryBypassVAV;
    3445             :     using MixedAir::ManageOutsideAirSystem;
    3446             :     using SteamCoils::SimulateSteamCoilComponents;
    3447             :     using UserDefinedComponents::SimCoilUserDefined;
    3448             :     using WaterCoils::SimulateWaterCoilComponents;
    3449             : 
    3450             :     // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DEFINITIONS:
    3451             :     Real64 QActual;
    3452    90935241 :     int OAUnitNum = 0;           // used only for UnitarySystem call
    3453    90935241 :     Real64 OAUCoilOutTemp = 0.0; // used only for UnitarySystem call
    3454    90935241 :     bool ZoneEquipFlag = false;  // used only for UnitarySystem call
    3455    90935241 :     bool CoolingActive = false;
    3456    90935241 :     bool HeatingActive = false;
    3457             : 
    3458    90935241 :     auto &AirLoopControlInfo(state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopControlInfo);
    3459             : 
    3460    90935241 :     switch (CompType_Num) {
    3461    24257718 :     case CompType::OAMixer_Num: { // 'OUTSIDE AIR SYSTEM'
    3462    24257718 :         ManageOutsideAirSystem(state, CompName, FirstHVACIteration, AirLoopNum, CompIndex);
    3463             :         // Fan Types for the air sys simulation
    3464    24257718 :     } break;
    3465     4409270 :     case CompType::Fan_Simple_CV: { // 'Fan:ConstantVolume'
    3466     4409270 :         Fans::SimulateFanComponents(state, CompName, FirstHVACIteration, CompIndex);
    3467     4409270 :     } break;
    3468    14024316 :     case CompType::Fan_Simple_VAV: { // 'Fan:VariableVolume'
    3469    14024316 :         Fans::SimulateFanComponents(state, CompName, FirstHVACIteration, CompIndex);
    3470    14024316 :     } break;
    3471      121808 :     case CompType::Fan_System_Object: {                                        // "Fan:SystemModel" new for V8.6
    3472      121808 :         if (CompIndex == 0) {                                                  // 0 means has not been filled because of 1-based arrays in old fortran
    3473           0 :             CompIndex = HVACFan::getFanObjectVectorIndex(state, CompName) + 1; // + 1 for shift from zero-based vector to 1-based compIndex
    3474             :         }
    3475             :         // if the fan is here, it can't (yet) really be cycling fan operation, set this ugly global in the event that there are dx coils
    3476             :         // involved but the fan should really run like constant volume and not cycle with compressor
    3477      121808 :         state.dataHVACGlobal->OnOffFanPartLoadFraction = 1.0;
    3478      121808 :         state.dataHVACFan->fanObjs[CompIndex - 1]->simulate(state, _, _, _, _); // vector is 0 based, but CompIndex is 1 based so shift
    3479      121808 :     } break;
    3480       31069 :     case CompType::Fan_ComponentModel: { // 'Fan:ComponentModel'
    3481       31069 :         Fans::SimulateFanComponents(state, CompName, FirstHVACIteration, CompIndex);
    3482             : 
    3483             :         // Coil Types for the air sys simulation
    3484             :         //  Currently no control for HX Assisted coils
    3485             :         //  CASE(DXCoil_CoolingHXAsst)  ! 'CoilSystem:Cooling:DX:HeatExchangerAssisted'
    3486             :         //    CALL SimHXAssistedCoolingCoil(CompName,FirstHVACIteration,CoilOn,0.0,CompIndex,ContFanCycCoil)
    3487       31069 :     } break;
    3488      126536 :     case CompType::WaterCoil_CoolingHXAsst: { // 'CoilSystem:Cooling:Water:HeatExchangerAssisted'
    3489      126536 :         SimHXAssistedCoolingCoil(state,
    3490             :                                  CompName,
    3491             :                                  FirstHVACIteration,
    3492             :                                  CompressorOperation::On,
    3493             :                                  DataPrecisionGlobals::constant_zero,
    3494             :                                  CompIndex,
    3495             :                                  ContFanCycCoil,
    3496             :                                  _,
    3497             :                                  _,
    3498             :                                  _,
    3499             :                                  QActual);
    3500      126536 :         if (QActual > 0.0) CoolingActive = true; // determine if coil is ON
    3501      126536 :     } break;
    3502    16216198 :     case CompType::WaterCoil_SimpleHeat: { // 'Coil:Heating:Water'
    3503    16216198 :         SimulateWaterCoilComponents(state, CompName, FirstHVACIteration, CompIndex, QActual);
    3504    16216198 :         if (QActual > 0.0) HeatingActive = true; // determine if coil is ON
    3505    16216198 :     } break;
    3506       34258 :     case CompType::SteamCoil_AirHeat: { // 'Coil:Heating:Steam'
    3507       34258 :         SimulateSteamCoilComponents(state, CompName, FirstHVACIteration, CompIndex, DataPrecisionGlobals::constant_zero, QActual);
    3508       34258 :         if (QActual > 0.0) HeatingActive = true; // determine if coil is ON
    3509       34258 :     } break;
    3510     2847311 :     case CompType::WaterCoil_DetailedCool: { // 'Coil:Cooling:Water:DetailedGeometry'
    3511     2847311 :         SimulateWaterCoilComponents(state, CompName, FirstHVACIteration, CompIndex, QActual);
    3512     2847311 :         if (QActual > 0.0) CoolingActive = true; // determine if coil is ON
    3513     2847311 :     } break;
    3514    12577871 :     case CompType::WaterCoil_Cooling: { // 'Coil:Cooling:Water'
    3515    12577871 :         SimulateWaterCoilComponents(state, CompName, FirstHVACIteration, CompIndex, QActual);
    3516    12577871 :         if (QActual > 0.0) CoolingActive = true; // determine if coil is ON
    3517             :         // stand-alone coils are temperature controlled (do not pass QCoilReq in argument list, QCoilReq overrides temp SP)
    3518    12577871 :     } break;
    3519      508714 :     case CompType::Coil_ElectricHeat: { // 'Coil:Heating:Electric'
    3520      508714 :         SimulateHeatingCoilComponents(state, CompName, FirstHVACIteration, _, CompIndex, QActual);
    3521      508714 :         if (QActual > 0.0) HeatingActive = true; // determine if coil is ON
    3522             :         // stand-alone coils are temperature controlled (do not pass QCoilReq in argument list, QCoilReq overrides temp SP)
    3523      508714 :     } break;
    3524     2729615 :     case CompType::Coil_GasHeat: { // 'Coil:Heating:Fuel'
    3525     2729615 :         SimulateHeatingCoilComponents(state, CompName, FirstHVACIteration, _, CompIndex, QActual);
    3526     2729615 :         if (QActual > 0.0) HeatingActive = true; // determine if coil is ON
    3527             :         // stand-alone coils are temperature controlled (do not pass QCoilReq in argument list, QCoilReq overrides temp SP)
    3528     2729615 :     } break;
    3529           0 :     case CompType::Coil_DeSuperHeat: { // 'Coil:Heating:Desuperheater' - heat reclaim
    3530           0 :         SimulateHeatingCoilComponents(state, CompName, FirstHVACIteration, _, CompIndex, QActual);
    3531           0 :         if (QActual > 0.0) HeatingActive = true; // determine if coil is ON
    3532           0 :     } break;
    3533     3329811 :     case CompType::DXSystem: { // CoilSystem:Cooling:DX  old 'AirLoopHVAC:UnitaryCoolOnly'
    3534     3329811 :         if (CompPointer == nullptr) {
    3535         556 :             UnitarySystems::UnitarySys thisSys;
    3536         278 :             CompPointer = thisSys.factory(state, DataHVACGlobals::UnitarySys_AnyCoilType, CompName, false, 0);
    3537             :             // temporary fix for saving pointer, eventually apply to UnitarySystem 25 lines down
    3538         278 :             state.dataAirSystemsData->PrimaryAirSystems(airLoopNum).Branch(branchNum).Comp(compNum).compPointer = CompPointer;
    3539             :         }
    3540     3329811 :         Real64 sensOut = 0.0;
    3541     3329811 :         Real64 latOut = 0.0;
    3542     3329811 :         CompPointer->simulate(state,
    3543             :                               CompName,
    3544             :                               FirstHVACIteration,
    3545             :                               AirLoopNum,
    3546             :                               CompIndex,
    3547             :                               HeatingActive,
    3548             :                               CoolingActive,
    3549             :                               OAUnitNum,
    3550             :                               OAUCoilOutTemp,
    3551             :                               ZoneEquipFlag,
    3552             :                               sensOut,
    3553     6659622 :                               latOut);
    3554             : 
    3555     3329811 :     } break;
    3556        8182 :     case CompType::DXHeatPumpSystem: { // 'CoilSystem:Heating:DX'
    3557        8182 :         SimDXHeatPumpSystem(state, CompName, FirstHVACIteration, AirLoopNum, CompIndex, _, _, QActual);
    3558        8182 :         if (QActual > 0.0) HeatingActive = true; // determine if coil is ON
    3559        8182 :     } break;
    3560       53564 :     case CompType::CoilUserDefined: { // Coil:UserDefined
    3561       53564 :         SimCoilUserDefined(state, CompName, CompIndex, AirLoopNum, HeatingActive, CoolingActive);
    3562       53564 :     } break;
    3563     1339278 :     case CompType::UnitarySystemModel: { // 'AirLoopHVAC:UnitarySystem'
    3564     1339278 :         Real64 sensOut = 0.0;
    3565     1339278 :         Real64 latOut = 0.0;
    3566     1339278 :         CompPointer->simulate(state,
    3567             :                               CompName,
    3568             :                               FirstHVACIteration,
    3569             :                               AirLoopNum,
    3570             :                               CompIndex,
    3571             :                               HeatingActive,
    3572             :                               CoolingActive,
    3573             :                               OAUnitNum,
    3574             :                               OAUCoilOutTemp,
    3575             :                               ZoneEquipFlag,
    3576             :                               sensOut,
    3577     2678556 :                               latOut);
    3578     1339278 :     } break;
    3579       41294 :     case CompType::CoilSystemWater: { // 'CoilSystemCooling:Water'
    3580       41294 :         if (CompPointer == nullptr) {
    3581           0 :             UnitarySystems::UnitarySys thisSys;
    3582           0 :             CompPointer = thisSys.factory(state, DataHVACGlobals::UnitarySys_AnyCoilType, CompName, false, 0);
    3583             :             // temporary fix for saving pointer, eventually apply to UnitarySystem 16 lines above
    3584           0 :             state.dataAirSystemsData->PrimaryAirSystems(airLoopNum).Branch(branchNum).Comp(compNum).compPointer = CompPointer;
    3585             :         }
    3586       41294 :         Real64 sensOut = 0.0;
    3587       41294 :         Real64 latOut = 0.0;
    3588       41294 :         CompPointer->simulate(state,
    3589             :                               CompName,
    3590             :                               FirstHVACIteration,
    3591             :                               AirLoopNum,
    3592             :                               CompIndex,
    3593             :                               HeatingActive,
    3594             :                               CoolingActive,
    3595             :                               OAUnitNum,
    3596             :                               OAUCoilOutTemp,
    3597             :                               ZoneEquipFlag,
    3598             :                               sensOut,
    3599       82588 :                               latOut);
    3600       41294 :     } break;
    3601     6396161 :     case CompType::Furnace_UnitarySys_HeatOnly:
    3602             :     case CompType::Furnace_UnitarySys_HeatCool: {
    3603             :         // 'AirLoopHVAC:Unitary:Furnace:HeatOnly', 'AirLoopHVAC:Unitary:Furnace:HeatCool',
    3604             :         // 'AirLoopHVAC:UnitaryHeatOnly', 'AirLoopHVAC:UnitaryHeatCool'
    3605             :         // 'AirLoopHVAC:UnitaryHeatPump:AirToAir', 'AirLoopHVAC:UnitaryHeatPump:WaterToAir'
    3606     6396161 :         SimFurnace(state, CompName, FirstHVACIteration, AirLoopNum, CompIndex);
    3607     6396161 :     } break;
    3608       22842 :     case CompType::UnitarySystem_BypassVAVSys: { // 'AirLoopHVAC:UnitaryHeatCool:VAVChangeoverBypass'
    3609       22842 :         SimUnitaryBypassVAV(state, CompName, FirstHVACIteration, AirLoopNum, CompIndex);
    3610       22842 :     } break;
    3611      251050 :     case CompType::UnitarySystem_MSHeatPump: { // 'AirLoopHVAC:UnitaryHeatPump:AirToAir:Multispeed'
    3612      251050 :         SimMSHeatPump(state, CompName, FirstHVACIteration, AirLoopNum, CompIndex);
    3613             :         // Humidifier Types for the air system simulation
    3614      251050 :     } break;
    3615     1203119 :     case CompType::Humidifier: { // 'Humidifier:Steam:Electric' and 'Humidifier:Steam:Gas'
    3616     1203119 :         SimHumidifier(state, CompName, FirstHVACIteration, CompIndex);
    3617             :         // Evap Cooler Types for the air system simulation
    3618     1203119 :     } break;
    3619      276446 :     case CompType::EvapCooler: { // 'EvaporativeCooler:Direct:CelDekPad', 'EvaporativeCooler:Indirect:CelDekPad'
    3620             :         // 'EvaporativeCooler:Indirect:WetCoil', 'EvaporativeCooler:Indirect:ResearchSpecial'
    3621      276446 :         SimEvapCooler(state, CompName, CompIndex, state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopFlow(AirLoopNum).FanPLR);
    3622             :         // Desiccant Dehumidifier Types for the air system simulation
    3623      276446 :     } break;
    3624       17404 :     case CompType::Desiccant: { // 'Dehumidifier:Desiccant:NoFans', 'Dehumidifier:Desiccant:System'
    3625       17404 :         SimDesiccantDehumidifier(state, CompName, FirstHVACIteration, CompIndex);
    3626             :         // Heat recovery
    3627       17404 :     } break;
    3628       15695 :     case CompType::HeatXchngr: { // 'HeatExchanger:AirToAir:FlatPlate', 'HeatExchanger:AirToAir:SensibleAndLatent'
    3629             :         // 'HeatExchanger:Desiccant:BalancedFlow'
    3630       78475 :         SimHeatRecovery(state,
    3631             :                         CompName,
    3632             :                         FirstHVACIteration,
    3633             :                         CompIndex,
    3634       15695 :                         AirLoopControlInfo(AirLoopNum).FanOpMode,
    3635       15695 :                         state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopFlow(AirLoopNum).FanPLR,
    3636             :                         _,
    3637             :                         _,
    3638             :                         _,
    3639       15695 :                         AirLoopControlInfo(AirLoopNum).EconoActive,
    3640       15695 :                         AirLoopControlInfo(AirLoopNum).HighHumCtrlActive);
    3641             : 
    3642             :         // Ducts
    3643       15695 :     } break;
    3644        3184 :     case CompType::ZoneVRFasAirLoopEquip: { // 'ZoneHVAC:TerminalUnit:VariableRefrigerantFlow'
    3645        3184 :         int ControlledZoneNum = 0;
    3646        3184 :         int constexpr OAUnitNumLocal = 0;
    3647        3184 :         Real64 constexpr OAUCoilOutTempLocal = 0.0;
    3648        3184 :         bool constexpr ZoneEquipment = false;
    3649        3184 :         Real64 sysOut = 0.0;
    3650        3184 :         Real64 latOut = 0.0;
    3651        3184 :         HVACVariableRefrigerantFlow::SimulateVRF(state,
    3652             :                                                  CompName,
    3653             :                                                  FirstHVACIteration,
    3654             :                                                  ControlledZoneNum,
    3655             :                                                  CompIndex,
    3656             :                                                  HeatingActive,
    3657             :                                                  CoolingActive,
    3658             :                                                  OAUnitNumLocal,
    3659             :                                                  OAUCoilOutTempLocal,
    3660             :                                                  ZoneEquipment,
    3661             :                                                  sysOut,
    3662        3184 :                                                  latOut);
    3663             : 
    3664        3184 :     } break;
    3665       92527 :     case CompType::Duct: { // 'Duct'
    3666       92527 :         SimDuct(state, CompName, FirstHVACIteration, CompIndex);
    3667       92527 :     } break;
    3668           0 :     default:
    3669           0 :         break;
    3670             :     }
    3671             : 
    3672             :     // Set AirLoopControlInfo flag to identify coil operation for "Air Loop Coils"
    3673             :     // Any coil operation from multiple coils causes flag to be TRUE
    3674             :     // Flag is reset at beginning of each iteration (Subroutine SimHVAC)
    3675    90935241 :     AirLoopControlInfo(AirLoopNum).CoolingActiveFlag = AirLoopControlInfo(AirLoopNum).CoolingActiveFlag || CoolingActive;
    3676    90935241 :     AirLoopControlInfo(AirLoopNum).HeatingActiveFlag = AirLoopControlInfo(AirLoopNum).HeatingActiveFlag || HeatingActive;
    3677    90935241 : }
    3678             : 
    3679    54081630 : void UpdateBranchConnections(EnergyPlusData &state,
    3680             :                              int const AirLoopNum, // primary air system number
    3681             :                              int const BranchNum,  // branch reference number
    3682             :                              int const Update      // 1=BeforeBranchSim; 2=AfterBranchSim
    3683             : )
    3684             : {
    3685             : 
    3686             :     // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION
    3687             :     //             AUTHOR:  Fred Buhl
    3688             :     //       DATE WRITTEN:  Nov 1999
    3689             :     //           MODIFIED:
    3690             :     //      RE-ENGINEERED:  This is new code, not reengineered
    3691             : 
    3692             :     // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    3693             :     // This routine passes node data from a branch exit node through a
    3694             :     // splitter.
    3695             : 
    3696             :     // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
    3697             :     // Temperature, humidity ratio, and enthalpy are passed through from
    3698             :     // the inlet to the outlets. The mass flow is divided among the outlets
    3699             :     // according to the required mass flows established by the zone equipment
    3700             :     // simulation. The required mass flows are were stored in the node data
    3701             :     // as MassFlowRateSetPoints in the InitAirLoops routine.
    3702             : 
    3703             :     // Using/Aliasing
    3704             :     using Psychrometrics::PsyTdbFnHW;
    3705             : 
    3706             :     int OutletNum;                  // splitter outlet DO loop index
    3707             :     int InletNum;                   // mixer inlet DO loop index
    3708             :     int InletNodeNum;               // node number of splitter inlet node
    3709             :     int OutletNodeNum;              // node number of a splitter outlet node
    3710             :     int RABNodeNum;                 // splitter outlet RAB node
    3711             :     int NonRABNodeNum;              // splitter outlet nonRAB node
    3712             :     Real64 MassFlowRateSetSum;      // sum of mass flow rate setpoints for splitter outlet nodes
    3713             :     Real64 MassFlowRateOut;         // outlet mass flow rate of mixer
    3714             :     Real64 MassFlowRateMinAvailOut; // outlet minimum available mass flow rate
    3715             :     Real64 OutletHumRat;            // outlet humidity ratio of mixer
    3716             :     Real64 OutletEnthalpy;          // outlet enthalpy of mixer
    3717             :     Real64 OutletPress;
    3718             :     Real64 OutletCO2; // outlet CO2 of mixer
    3719             :     Real64 OutletGC;  // outlet generic contaminant of mixer
    3720    54081630 :     MassFlowRateSetSum = 0.0;
    3721    54081630 :     MassFlowRateOut = 0.0;
    3722    54081630 :     MassFlowRateMinAvailOut = 0.0;
    3723    54081630 :     OutletHumRat = 0.0;
    3724    54081630 :     OutletEnthalpy = 0.0;
    3725    54081630 :     OutletPress = 0.0;
    3726    54081630 :     RABNodeNum = 0;
    3727    54081630 :     NonRABNodeNum = 0;
    3728    54081630 :     OutletCO2 = 0.0;
    3729    54081630 :     OutletGC = 0.0;
    3730             : 
    3731    54081630 :     auto &PrimaryAirSystems(state.dataAirSystemsData->PrimaryAirSystems);
    3732    54081630 :     auto &AirLoopControlInfo(state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopControlInfo);
    3733             : 
    3734    54081630 :     if (PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).Splitter.Exists && Update == AfterBranchSim) {
    3735             :         // if we are at an inlet branch, pass data through the splitter
    3736      881009 :         if (PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).Splitter.BranchNumIn == BranchNum) {
    3737      288556 :             InletNodeNum = PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).Splitter.NodeNumIn;
    3738             :             // Pass node data through the splitter
    3739      865668 :             for (OutletNum = 1; OutletNum <= PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).Splitter.TotalOutletNodes; ++OutletNum) {
    3740      577112 :                 OutletNodeNum = PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).Splitter.NodeNumOut(OutletNum);
    3741      577112 :                 state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNodeNum).Temp = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNodeNum).Temp;
    3742      577112 :                 state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNodeNum).HumRat = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNodeNum).HumRat;
    3743      577112 :                 state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNodeNum).Enthalpy = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNodeNum).Enthalpy;
    3744      577112 :                 state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNodeNum).Press = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNodeNum).Press;
    3745      577112 :                 MassFlowRateSetSum +=
    3746      577112 :                     min(state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNodeNum).MassFlowRateSetPoint, state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNodeNum).MassFlowRateMaxAvail);
    3747      577112 :                 if (state.dataContaminantBalance->Contaminant.CO2Simulation) {
    3748           0 :                     state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNodeNum).CO2 = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNodeNum).CO2;
    3749             :                 }
    3750      577112 :                 if (state.dataContaminantBalance->Contaminant.GenericContamSimulation) {
    3751           0 :                     state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNodeNum).GenContam = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNodeNum).GenContam;
    3752             :                 }
    3753             :             }
    3754      288556 :             if (!PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).RABExists) {
    3755             :                 // set the outlet mass flows
    3756      819645 :                 for (OutletNum = 1; OutletNum <= PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).Splitter.TotalOutletNodes; ++OutletNum) {
    3757      546430 :                     OutletNodeNum = PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).Splitter.NodeNumOut(OutletNum);
    3758      546430 :                     if (MassFlowRateSetSum < SmallMassFlow || state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNodeNum).MassFlowRate < SmallMassFlow) {
    3759       30414 :                         state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNodeNum).MassFlowRate = 0.0;
    3760             :                     } else {
    3761     1032032 :                         state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNodeNum).MassFlowRate = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNodeNum).MassFlowRate *
    3762      516016 :                                                                                 (min(state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNodeNum).MassFlowRateSetPoint,
    3763     1032032 :                                                                                      state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNodeNum).MassFlowRateMaxAvail) /
    3764             :                                                                                  MassFlowRateSetSum);
    3765             :                     }
    3766      546430 :                     state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNodeNum).MassFlowRateMaxAvail = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNodeNum).MassFlowRateMaxAvail;
    3767      546430 :                     state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNodeNum).MassFlowRateMinAvail = 0.0;
    3768             :                 }
    3769             :             } else { // set the RAB flow rates
    3770       15341 :                 RABNodeNum = PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).RABSplitOutNode;
    3771       15341 :                 NonRABNodeNum = PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).OtherSplitOutNode;
    3772       15341 :                 if (AirLoopControlInfo(AirLoopNum).EconoActive) {
    3773           0 :                     state.dataLoopNodes->Node(RABNodeNum).MassFlowRate = 0.0;
    3774           0 :                     state.dataLoopNodes->Node(NonRABNodeNum).MassFlowRate = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNodeNum).MassFlowRate;
    3775             :                 } else {
    3776       15341 :                     state.dataLoopNodes->Node(RABNodeNum).MassFlowRate = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(RABNodeNum).MassFlowRateSetPoint;
    3777       15341 :                     state.dataLoopNodes->Node(NonRABNodeNum).MassFlowRate =
    3778       15341 :                         state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNodeNum).MassFlowRate - state.dataLoopNodes->Node(RABNodeNum).MassFlowRate;
    3779       15341 :                     if (state.dataLoopNodes->Node(NonRABNodeNum).MassFlowRate <= state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopFlow(AirLoopNum).MinOutAir) {
    3780        3290 :                         state.dataLoopNodes->Node(NonRABNodeNum).MassFlowRate =
    3781        3290 :                             min(state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopFlow(AirLoopNum).MinOutAir, state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNodeNum).MassFlowRate);
    3782        3290 :                         state.dataLoopNodes->Node(RABNodeNum).MassFlowRate =
    3783        3290 :                             state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNodeNum).MassFlowRate - state.dataLoopNodes->Node(NonRABNodeNum).MassFlowRate;
    3784             :                     }
    3785             :                 }
    3786             :             }
    3787             :         }
    3788             :     }
    3789             : 
    3790    54081630 :     if (PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).Mixer.Exists && Update == BeforeBranchSim) {
    3791             :         // if we are at a mixer outlet branch, calculate the outlet branch conditions
    3792       61364 :         if (PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).Mixer.BranchNumOut == BranchNum) {
    3793       15341 :             OutletNodeNum = PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).Mixer.NodeNumOut;
    3794             :             // get the outlet mass flow rate and the outlet minavail mass flow rate
    3795       46023 :             for (InletNum = 1; InletNum <= PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).Mixer.TotalInletNodes; ++InletNum) {
    3796       30682 :                 InletNodeNum = PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).Mixer.NodeNumIn(InletNum);
    3797       30682 :                 MassFlowRateOut += state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNodeNum).MassFlowRate;
    3798       30682 :                 MassFlowRateMinAvailOut += state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNodeNum).MassFlowRateMinAvail;
    3799             :             }
    3800             :             // set the outlet mass flow
    3801       15341 :             state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNodeNum).MassFlowRate = MassFlowRateOut;
    3802       15341 :             state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNodeNum).MassFlowRateMinAvail = MassFlowRateMinAvailOut;
    3803       15341 :             state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNodeNum).MassFlowRateMaxAvail = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNodeNum).MassFlowRateMax;
    3804             :             // calculate the outlet humidity ratio and enthalpy and pressure
    3805       15341 :             if (MassFlowRateOut > 0.0) {
    3806       46005 :                 for (InletNum = 1; InletNum <= PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).Mixer.TotalInletNodes; ++InletNum) {
    3807       30670 :                     InletNodeNum = PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).Mixer.NodeNumIn(InletNum);
    3808       30670 :                     OutletHumRat +=
    3809       30670 :                         (state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNodeNum).MassFlowRate * state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNodeNum).HumRat) / MassFlowRateOut;
    3810       30670 :                     OutletEnthalpy +=
    3811       30670 :                         (state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNodeNum).MassFlowRate * state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNodeNum).Enthalpy) / MassFlowRateOut;
    3812       30670 :                     OutletPress +=
    3813       30670 :                         (state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNodeNum).MassFlowRate * state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNodeNum).Press) / MassFlowRateOut;
    3814       30670 :                     if (state.dataContaminantBalance->Contaminant.CO2Simulation) {
    3815           0 :                         OutletCO2 +=
    3816           0 :                             (state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNodeNum).MassFlowRate * state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNodeNum).CO2) / MassFlowRateOut;
    3817             :                     }
    3818       30670 :                     if (state.dataContaminantBalance->Contaminant.GenericContamSimulation) {
    3819           0 :                         OutletGC += (state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNodeNum).MassFlowRate * state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNodeNum).GenContam) /
    3820             :                                     MassFlowRateOut;
    3821             :                     }
    3822             :                 }
    3823             :             } else {
    3824           6 :                 InletNodeNum = PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).Mixer.NodeNumIn(1);
    3825           6 :                 OutletHumRat = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNodeNum).HumRat;
    3826           6 :                 OutletEnthalpy = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNodeNum).Enthalpy;
    3827           6 :                 OutletPress = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNodeNum).Press;
    3828           6 :                 if (state.dataContaminantBalance->Contaminant.CO2Simulation) {
    3829           0 :                     OutletCO2 = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNodeNum).CO2;
    3830             :                 }
    3831           6 :                 if (state.dataContaminantBalance->Contaminant.GenericContamSimulation) {
    3832           0 :                     OutletGC = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNodeNum).GenContam;
    3833             :                 }
    3834             :             }
    3835       15341 :             state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNodeNum).HumRat = OutletHumRat;
    3836       15341 :             state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNodeNum).Enthalpy = OutletEnthalpy;
    3837       15341 :             state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNodeNum).Press = OutletPress;
    3838             :             // calculate the outlet temperature
    3839       15341 :             state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNodeNum).Temp = PsyTdbFnHW(OutletEnthalpy, OutletHumRat);
    3840       15341 :             if (state.dataContaminantBalance->Contaminant.CO2Simulation) {
    3841           0 :                 state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNodeNum).CO2 = OutletCO2;
    3842             :             }
    3843       15341 :             if (state.dataContaminantBalance->Contaminant.GenericContamSimulation) {
    3844           0 :                 state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNodeNum).GenContam = OutletGC;
    3845             :             }
    3846             :         }
    3847             :     }
    3848    54081630 : }
    3849             : 
    3850    11063254 : void ResolveSysFlow(EnergyPlusData &state,
    3851             :                     int const SysNum, // the primary air system number
    3852             :                     bool &SysReSim    // Set to TRUE if mass balance fails and resimulation is needed
    3853             : )
    3854             : {
    3855             : 
    3856             :     // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION
    3857             :     //             AUTHOR:  Fred Buhl
    3858             :     //       DATE WRITTEN:  Dec 1999
    3859             :     //           MODIFIED:
    3860             :     //      RE-ENGINEERED:  This is new code, not reengineered
    3861             : 
    3862             :     // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    3863             :     // This subroutines checks for mass flow balance in all air system branches
    3864             :     // and across all connections. If there is a failure of mass flow
    3865             :     // balance, mass flows are imposed to achieve mass flow balance and
    3866             :     // the resimulate flag SysReSim is set to true.
    3867             : 
    3868             :     // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
    3869             :     // Node()%MassFlowRateMaxAvail for every node is set to the minimum
    3870             :     // Node()%MassFlowRateMaxAvail on each branch.  Mass balance is imposed
    3871             :     // at the branch connections. System inlet mass flows are forced to
    3872             :     // be less than or equal to the resulting inlet MassFlowRateMaxAvails.
    3873             : 
    3874             :     int BranchNum;                 // branch DO loop index
    3875             :     int NodeIndex;                 // node on branch DO loop index
    3876             :     Real64 MassFlowRateOutSum;     // sum of splitter outlet mass flow rates (imposed)
    3877             :     Real64 BranchMassFlowMaxAvail; // branch level maximum flow rate possible
    3878             :     int OutletNum;                 // splitter outlet DO loop index
    3879             :     int OutletNodeNum;             // a splitter outlet node number
    3880             :     int InletNodeNum;              // splitter inlet node number
    3881             :     int NodeNum;                   // a node number
    3882             :     int NodeNumNext;               // node number of next node on a branch
    3883             :     int InNodeNum;                 // air system inlet node
    3884             :     int InBranchNum;               // air system inlet branch number
    3885             :     int InBranchIndex;             // air sys inlet branch DO loop index
    3886             : 
    3887    11063254 :     auto &PrimaryAirSystems(state.dataAirSystemsData->PrimaryAirSystems);
    3888    11063254 :     auto &AirLoopControlInfo(state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopControlInfo);
    3889             : 
    3890             :     // Find the minimum MassFlowMaxAvail for each branch in the system and store it on the branch inlet node.
    3891             :     // Check for mass flow conservation on each branch. Set SysReSim to TRUE is mass flow not conserved.
    3892    22249377 :     for (BranchNum = 1; BranchNum <= PrimaryAirSystems(SysNum).NumBranches; ++BranchNum) { // loop over branches in system
    3893             :         // Initialize branch max avail mass flow to max avail mass flow at outlet node
    3894    11186123 :         BranchMassFlowMaxAvail = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(PrimaryAirSystems(SysNum).Branch(BranchNum).NodeNumOut).MassFlowRateMaxAvail;
    3895    58493799 :         for (NodeIndex = 1; NodeIndex <= PrimaryAirSystems(SysNum).Branch(BranchNum).TotalNodes; ++NodeIndex) { // loop over nodes on branch
    3896             :             // Get the new smallest max avail mass flow
    3897    47307676 :             NodeNum = PrimaryAirSystems(SysNum).Branch(BranchNum).NodeNum(NodeIndex);
    3898    47307676 :             BranchMassFlowMaxAvail = min(BranchMassFlowMaxAvail, state.dataLoopNodes->Node(NodeNum).MassFlowRateMaxAvail);
    3899             :             // Check for mass flow conservation on the branch
    3900    47307676 :             if (NodeIndex < PrimaryAirSystems(SysNum).Branch(BranchNum).TotalNodes) {
    3901             :                 // Set ReSim flag to TRUE if mass flow not conserved on this branch
    3902    36121553 :                 NodeNumNext = PrimaryAirSystems(SysNum).Branch(BranchNum).NodeNum(NodeIndex + 1);
    3903    36121553 :                 if (NodeNum == PrimaryAirSystems(SysNum).OASysInletNodeNum) continue; // don't enforce mass balance across OA Sys
    3904             :                 // Changeover bypass system connected to a plenum or mixer will need to include the bypass flow rate
    3905    76815519 :                 if (std::abs(state.dataLoopNodes->Node(NodeNum).MassFlowRate - state.dataLoopNodes->Node(NodeNumNext).MassFlowRate -
    3906    51210346 :                              state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopFlow(SysNum).BypassMassFlow) > SmallMassFlow)
    3907     1528772 :                     SysReSim = true;
    3908             :             }
    3909             :         } // end node loop
    3910             :         // Store the minimum MassFlowMaxAvail for this branch on the branch inlet node (AirloopHVAC supply inlet node)
    3911    11186123 :         state.dataLoopNodes->Node(PrimaryAirSystems(SysNum).Branch(BranchNum).NodeNumIn).MassFlowRateMaxAvail = BranchMassFlowMaxAvail;
    3912             :     } // end branch loop
    3913             :     // force resimulation for fan-cycling, nonsimple systems
    3914    11063254 :     if (!AirLoopControlInfo(SysNum).Simple && AirLoopControlInfo(SysNum).CyclingFan) {
    3915     2820106 :         SysReSim = true;
    3916             :     }
    3917             : 
    3918             :     // If mass flow conserved on each branch, check for mass balance across splitter
    3919    11063254 :     if (!SysReSim && PrimaryAirSystems(SysNum).Splitter.Exists) {
    3920       54180 :         MassFlowRateOutSum = 0.0;
    3921       54180 :         InletNodeNum = PrimaryAirSystems(SysNum).Splitter.NodeNumIn;
    3922             :         // Get sum of splitter outlet mass flows
    3923      162540 :         for (OutletNum = 1; OutletNum <= PrimaryAirSystems(SysNum).Splitter.TotalOutletNodes; ++OutletNum) {
    3924      108360 :             OutletNodeNum = PrimaryAirSystems(SysNum).Splitter.NodeNumOut(OutletNum);
    3925      108360 :             MassFlowRateOutSum += state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNodeNum).MassFlowRate;
    3926             :         }
    3927             :         // Check whether sum of splitter outlet mass flows equals splitter inlet flow.
    3928       54180 :         if (std::abs(MassFlowRateOutSum - state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNodeNum).MassFlowRate) > SmallMassFlow) SysReSim = true;
    3929             :     }
    3930             : 
    3931             :     //// Resimulate if the zone air mass flow conservation convergence critreon is not met
    3932    11063254 :     if (state.dataHVACGlobal->ZoneMassBalanceHVACReSim) SysReSim = true;
    3933             : 
    3934             :     // If mass balance failed, resimulation is needed. Impose a mass balance for the new simulation.
    3935    11063254 :     if (SysReSim) {
    3936             :         // Set the MassFlowRateMaxAvail on each node to the minimum MassFlowRateMaxAvail for the branch.
    3937     7527859 :         for (BranchNum = 1; BranchNum <= PrimaryAirSystems(SysNum).NumBranches; ++BranchNum) {                      // loop over branches in system
    3938    13098336 :             for (NodeIndex = 2; NodeIndex <= PrimaryAirSystems(SysNum).Branch(BranchNum).TotalNodes; ++NodeIndex) { // loop over nodes on branch
    3939     9329337 :                 NodeNum = PrimaryAirSystems(SysNum).Branch(BranchNum).NodeNum(NodeIndex);
    3940     9329337 :                 state.dataLoopNodes->Node(NodeNum).MassFlowRateMaxAvail =
    3941     9329337 :                     state.dataLoopNodes->Node(PrimaryAirSystems(SysNum).Branch(BranchNum).NodeNumIn).MassFlowRateMaxAvail;
    3942             :             }
    3943             :         }
    3944             : 
    3945             :         // Impose mass balance at splitter
    3946     3758860 :         if (PrimaryAirSystems(SysNum).Splitter.Exists) {
    3947        5068 :             InBranchNum = PrimaryAirSystems(SysNum).Splitter.BranchNumIn;
    3948        5068 :             MassFlowRateOutSum = 0.0;
    3949        5068 :             InletNodeNum = PrimaryAirSystems(SysNum).Splitter.NodeNumIn;
    3950       15204 :             for (OutletNum = 1; OutletNum <= PrimaryAirSystems(SysNum).Splitter.TotalOutletNodes; ++OutletNum) {
    3951       10136 :                 OutletNodeNum = PrimaryAirSystems(SysNum).Splitter.NodeNumOut(OutletNum);
    3952       10136 :                 MassFlowRateOutSum +=
    3953       10136 :                     min(state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNodeNum).MassFlowRateMaxAvail, state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNodeNum).MassFlowRateSetPoint);
    3954             :             }
    3955             :             // set the splitter inlet Max Avail mass flow rate
    3956        5068 :             if (state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNodeNum).MassFlowRateMaxAvail > MassFlowRateOutSum + SmallMassFlow) {
    3957           3 :                 state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNodeNum).MassFlowRateMaxAvail = MassFlowRateOutSum;
    3958             :             }
    3959             :             // Pass the splitter inlet Max Avail mass flow rate upstream to the mixed air node
    3960       10142 :             for (NodeIndex = PrimaryAirSystems(SysNum).Branch(InBranchNum).TotalNodes - 1; NodeIndex >= 1; --NodeIndex) {
    3961        5074 :                 NodeNum = PrimaryAirSystems(SysNum).Branch(InBranchNum).NodeNum(NodeIndex);
    3962        5074 :                 state.dataLoopNodes->Node(NodeNum).MassFlowRateMaxAvail = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNodeNum).MassFlowRateMaxAvail;
    3963        5074 :                 if (NodeNum == PrimaryAirSystems(SysNum).OASysOutletNodeNum) break;
    3964             :             }
    3965             :         }
    3966             : 
    3967             :         // Make sure air system inlet nodes have flow consistent with MassFlowRateMaxAvail
    3968     7517720 :         for (InBranchIndex = 1; InBranchIndex <= PrimaryAirSystems(SysNum).NumInletBranches; ++InBranchIndex) {
    3969     3758860 :             InBranchNum = PrimaryAirSystems(SysNum).InletBranchNum[InBranchIndex - 1];
    3970     3758860 :             InNodeNum = PrimaryAirSystems(SysNum).Branch(InBranchNum).NodeNumIn;
    3971     3758860 :             state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InNodeNum).MassFlowRate =
    3972     3758860 :                 min(state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InNodeNum).MassFlowRate, state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InNodeNum).MassFlowRateMaxAvail);
    3973             :         }
    3974             :     }
    3975    11063254 : }
    3976             : 
    3977         329 : void SizeAirLoops(EnergyPlusData &state)
    3978             : {
    3979             : 
    3980             :     // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    3981             :     //       AUTHOR         Fred Buhl
    3982             :     //       DATE WRITTEN   February 2001
    3983             :     //       MODIFIED       na
    3984             :     //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
    3985             : 
    3986             :     // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    3987             :     // Will perform central air system sizing simulations. Right now just
    3988             :     // initializes system sizing arrays. Calculations based on System Sizing
    3989             :     // input and the Zone Sizing simulations are done in UpdateSysSizing.
    3990             : 
    3991             :     // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
    3992             :     // Will run purchased hot and chilled water type simulations to determine
    3993             :     // central plant flow rates. Right now just uses one time flag to call
    3994             :     // SetUpSysSizingArrays.
    3995             : 
    3996         329 :     if (state.dataSimAirServingZones->SizeAirLoopsOneTimeFlag) {
    3997         329 :         SetUpSysSizingArrays(state);
    3998         329 :         state.dataSimAirServingZones->SizeAirLoopsOneTimeFlag = false;
    3999             :     }
    4000         329 : }
    4001             : 
    4002        1191 : void SizeAirLoopBranches(EnergyPlusData &state, int const AirLoopNum, int const BranchNum)
    4003             : {
    4004             : 
    4005             :     // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    4006             :     //       AUTHOR         Fred Buhl
    4007             :     //       DATE WRITTEN   September 2001
    4008             :     //       MODIFIED       na
    4009             :     //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
    4010             : 
    4011             :     // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    4012             :     // This subroutine is for sizing air loop branches for which flow rates have not been
    4013             :     // specified in the input.
    4014             : 
    4015             :     // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
    4016             :     // Obtains flow rates from the zone or system sizing arrays.
    4017             : 
    4018             :     // Using/Aliasing
    4019             :     using namespace DataSizing;
    4020             :     using HVACHXAssistedCoolingCoil::GetHXCoilType;
    4021             :     using HVACHXAssistedCoolingCoil::GetHXDXCoilName;
    4022             :     using WaterCoils::SetCoilDesFlow;
    4023             : 
    4024        2382 :     std::string CompType; // Component type
    4025        2382 :     std::string CompName; // Component name
    4026        2382 :     std::string CoilName;
    4027        2382 :     std::string CoilType;
    4028        2382 :     std::string ScalableSM;                    // scalable sizing methods label for reporting
    4029             :     SimAirServingZones::CompType CompType_Num; // Numeric equivalent for CompType
    4030             :     int CompNum;
    4031             :     bool ErrorsFound;
    4032             : 
    4033        1191 :     auto &FinalSysSizing(state.dataSize->FinalSysSizing);
    4034        1191 :     auto &PrimaryAirSystems(state.dataAirSystemsData->PrimaryAirSystems);
    4035             : 
    4036        1191 :     ErrorsFound = false;
    4037             : 
    4038        1191 :     if (BranchNum == 1) {
    4039             : 
    4040        1172 :         if (PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).DesignVolFlowRate == AutoSize) {
    4041         908 :             CheckSysSizing(state, "AirLoopHVAC", PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).Name);
    4042         908 :             PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).DesignVolFlowRate = FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).DesMainVolFlow;
    4043         908 :             switch (FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).ScaleCoolSAFMethod) {
    4044           0 :             case FlowPerFloorArea: {
    4045           0 :                 ScalableSM = "User-Specified(scaled by flow / area) ";
    4046           0 :             } break;
    4047           0 :             case FractionOfAutosizedCoolingAirflow: {
    4048           0 :                 ScalableSM = "User-Specified(scaled by fractional multiplier) ";
    4049           0 :             } break;
    4050           1 :             case FlowPerCoolingCapacity: {
    4051           1 :                 ScalableSM = "User-Specified(scaled by flow / capacity) ";
    4052           1 :             } break;
    4053         907 :             default: {
    4054         907 :                 ScalableSM = "Design ";
    4055         907 :             } break;
    4056             :             }
    4057        5448 :             BaseSizer::reportSizerOutput(state,
    4058             :                                          "AirLoopHVAC",
    4059         908 :                                          PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).Name,
    4060        1816 :                                          ScalableSM + "Supply Air Flow Rate [m3/s]",
    4061        1816 :                                          PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).DesignVolFlowRate);
    4062             :             // Initialize MaxOutAir for DOAS loops with no actual OASys, systems with an OA controller will overwrite this is
    4063             :             // CalcOAController
    4064         908 :             if (PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).isAllOA)
    4065           4 :                 state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopFlow(AirLoopNum).MaxOutAir = PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).DesignVolFlowRate * state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir;
    4066             :         }
    4067             : 
    4068        1172 :         if (allocated(FinalSysSizing) && FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).SysAirMinFlowRatWasAutoSized) {
    4069           0 :             BaseSizer::reportSizerOutput(state,
    4070             :                                          "AirLoopHVAC",
    4071           0 :                                          PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).Name,
    4072             :                                          "Central Heating Maximum System Air Flow Ratio",
    4073           0 :                                          FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).SysAirMinFlowRat);
    4074             :         }
    4075             : 
    4076        1172 :         if (PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).DesignVolFlowRate < SmallAirVolFlow) {
    4077           0 :             ShowSevereError(state,
    4078           0 :                             format("SizeAirLoopBranches: AirLoopHVAC {} has air flow less than {:.4R} m3/s.",
    4079           0 :                                    PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).Name,
    4080           0 :                                    SmallAirVolFlow));
    4081           0 :             ShowContinueError(state,
    4082           0 :                               format("Primary air system volumetric flow rate = {:.4R} m3/s.", PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).DesignVolFlowRate));
    4083           0 :             ShowContinueError(state, "Check flow rate inputs for components in this air loop and,");
    4084           0 :             ShowContinueError(state, "if autosized, check Sizing:Zone and Sizing:System objects and related inputs.");
    4085           0 :             ShowFatalError(state, "Previous condition causes termination.");
    4086             :         }
    4087             :     }
    4088             : 
    4089             :     // Loop over components in branch; pass the design air flow rate to the coil components that don't have
    4090             :     // design air flow as an input
    4091        4797 :     for (CompNum = 1; CompNum <= PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).Branch(BranchNum).TotalComponents; ++CompNum) {
    4092        3606 :         CompType = PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).TypeOf;
    4093        3606 :         CompName = PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).Name;
    4094        3606 :         CompType_Num = PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).CompType_Num;
    4095        3606 :         if (CompType_Num == CompType::WaterCoil_DetailedCool || CompType_Num == CompType::WaterCoil_SimpleHeat ||
    4096             :             CompType_Num == CompType::WaterCoil_CoolingHXAsst) {
    4097         501 :             if (CompType_Num == CompType::WaterCoil_CoolingHXAsst) {
    4098           5 :                 CoilName = GetHXDXCoilName(state, CompType, CompName, ErrorsFound);
    4099           5 :                 CoilType = GetHXCoilType(state, CompType, CompName, ErrorsFound);
    4100             :             } else {
    4101         496 :                 CoilName = CompName;
    4102         496 :                 CoilType = CompType;
    4103             :             }
    4104         501 :             SetCoilDesFlow(state, CoilType, CoilName, PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).DesignVolFlowRate, ErrorsFound);
    4105             :         }
    4106             :     } // End of component loop
    4107        1191 :     if (ErrorsFound) {
    4108           0 :         ShowFatalError(state, "Preceding sizing errors cause program termination");
    4109             :     }
    4110        1191 : }
    4111             : 
    4112         329 : void SetUpSysSizingArrays(EnergyPlusData &state)
    4113             : {
    4114             : 
    4115             :     // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    4116             :     //       AUTHOR         Fred Buhl
    4117             :     //       DATE WRITTEN   February 2001
    4118             : 
    4119             :     // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    4120             :     // Allocate and fill the SysSizing data array.
    4121             : 
    4122             :     // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
    4123             :     // Uses data from System Sizing input and the system to zone connection data
    4124             :     // calculated in InitAirLoops and stored in AirToZoneNodeInfo in DataLoopNode..
    4125             : 
    4126         329 :     bool ErrorsFound(false); // Set to true if errors in input, fatal at end of routine
    4127         329 :     int numAirTerminalUnits = state.dataSize->NumAirTerminalUnits;
    4128         329 :     int numPrimaryAirSys = state.dataHVACGlobal->NumPrimaryAirSys;
    4129             :     // have moved a large number of std 62.1 variables to DataSizing.hh so they can be used outside of this routine
    4130             : 
    4131             :     // allocate arrays used to store values for standard 62.1 tabular report
    4132         329 :     if (!allocated(state.dataSize->VpzClgByZone)) {
    4133         329 :         state.dataSize->VdzClgByZone.dimension(numAirTerminalUnits, 0.0);
    4134         329 :         state.dataSize->VdzMinClgByZone.dimension(numAirTerminalUnits, 0.0);
    4135         329 :         state.dataSize->VdzHtgByZone.dimension(numAirTerminalUnits, 0.0);
    4136         329 :         state.dataSize->VdzMinHtgByZone.dimension(numAirTerminalUnits, 0.0);
    4137         329 :         state.dataSize->ZdzClgByZone.dimension(numAirTerminalUnits, 0.0);
    4138         329 :         state.dataSize->ZdzHtgByZone.dimension(numAirTerminalUnits, 0.0);
    4139         329 :         state.dataSize->VpzClgByZone.dimension(numAirTerminalUnits, 0.0);
    4140         329 :         state.dataSize->VpzMinClgByZone.dimension(numAirTerminalUnits, 0.0);
    4141         329 :         state.dataSize->VpzHtgByZone.dimension(numAirTerminalUnits, 0.0);
    4142         329 :         state.dataSize->VpzMinHtgByZone.dimension(numAirTerminalUnits, 0.0);
    4143         329 :         state.dataSize->VbzByZone.dimension(numAirTerminalUnits, 0.0);
    4144         329 :         state.dataSize->VpzClgSumBySys.dimension(numPrimaryAirSys, 0.0);
    4145         329 :         state.dataSize->VpzHtgSumBySys.dimension(numPrimaryAirSys, 0.0);
    4146         329 :         state.dataSize->PzSumBySys.dimension(numPrimaryAirSys, 0.0);
    4147         329 :         state.dataSize->PsBySys.dimension(numPrimaryAirSys, 0.0);
    4148         329 :         state.dataSize->DBySys.dimension(numPrimaryAirSys, 0.0);
    4149         329 :         state.dataSize->SumRpxPzBySys.dimension(numPrimaryAirSys, 0.0);
    4150         329 :         state.dataSize->SumRaxAzBySys.dimension(numPrimaryAirSys, 0.0);
    4151         329 :         state.dataSize->PeakPsOccurrenceDateTimeStringBySys.dimension(numPrimaryAirSys, "");
    4152         329 :         state.dataSize->PeakPsOccurrenceEnvironmentStringBySys.dimension(numPrimaryAirSys, "");
    4153         329 :         state.dataSize->VouBySys.dimension(numPrimaryAirSys, 0.0);
    4154         329 :         state.dataSize->VpsClgBySys.dimension(numPrimaryAirSys, 0.0);
    4155         329 :         state.dataSize->VpsHtgBySys.dimension(numPrimaryAirSys, 0.0);
    4156             :     }
    4157             : 
    4158        1250 :     for (int SysSizIndex = 1; SysSizIndex <= state.dataSize->NumSysSizInput; ++SysSizIndex) {
    4159         921 :         auto &sysSizInput = state.dataSize->SysSizInput(SysSizIndex);
    4160         921 :         int PrimAirIndex = UtilityRoutines::FindItemInList(sysSizInput.AirPriLoopName, state.dataAirSystemsData->PrimaryAirSystems);
    4161         921 :         if (PrimAirIndex == 0) {
    4162           0 :             ShowSevereError(state, format("Sizing:System: {} references unknown AirLoopHVAC", sysSizInput.AirPriLoopName));
    4163           0 :             ErrorsFound = true;
    4164             :         } else {
    4165         921 :             sysSizInput.AirLoopNum = PrimAirIndex;
    4166             :         }
    4167             :     }
    4168         329 :     if (ErrorsFound) {
    4169           0 :         ShowFatalError(state, "Errors found in Sizing:System input");
    4170             :     }
    4171             : 
    4172         329 :     state.dataSize->SysSizing.allocate(state.dataEnvrn->TotDesDays + state.dataEnvrn->TotRunDesPersDays, numPrimaryAirSys);
    4173         329 :     state.dataSize->FinalSysSizing.allocate(numPrimaryAirSys);
    4174         329 :     state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing.allocate(numPrimaryAirSys);
    4175         329 :     state.dataSize->SysSizPeakDDNum.allocate(numPrimaryAirSys);
    4176             : 
    4177        1254 :     for (int AirLoopNum = 1; AirLoopNum <= numPrimaryAirSys; ++AirLoopNum) {
    4178         925 :         auto &primaryAirSystems = state.dataAirSystemsData->PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum);
    4179         925 :         int SysSizNum = UtilityRoutines::FindItemInList(primaryAirSystems.Name, state.dataSize->SysSizInput, &SystemSizingInputData::AirPriLoopName);
    4180         925 :         if (SysSizNum <= 0) {
    4181           4 :             SysSizNum = 1;
    4182          12 :             ShowWarningError(
    4183             :                 state,
    4184          12 :                 format(
    4185             :                     "SetUpSysSizingArrays: Sizing for System (HVACAirLoop)=\" {}\" will use Sizing:System specifications listed for System=\" {}\".",
    4186             :                     primaryAirSystems.Name,
    4187           8 :                     state.dataSize->SysSizInput(1).AirPriLoopName));
    4188             :         }
    4189         925 :         auto &sysSizInput = state.dataSize->SysSizInput(SysSizNum);
    4190        2871 :         for (int DesDayEnvrnNum = 1; DesDayEnvrnNum <= state.dataEnvrn->TotDesDays + state.dataEnvrn->TotRunDesPersDays; ++DesDayEnvrnNum) {
    4191        1946 :             auto &sysSizing = state.dataSize->SysSizing(DesDayEnvrnNum, AirLoopNum);
    4192             :             // move data from system sizing input
    4193        1946 :             sysSizing.AirPriLoopName = primaryAirSystems.Name;
    4194        1946 :             sysSizing.loadSizingType = sysSizInput.loadSizingType;
    4195        1946 :             sysSizing.coolingPeakLoad = sysSizInput.coolingPeakLoad;
    4196        1946 :             sysSizing.CoolCapControl = sysSizInput.CoolCapControl;
    4197        1946 :             sysSizing.DesOutAirVolFlow = sysSizInput.DesOutAirVolFlow;
    4198        1946 :             sysSizing.SysAirMinFlowRat = sysSizInput.SysAirMinFlowRat;
    4199        1946 :             sysSizing.SysAirMinFlowRatWasAutoSized = sysSizInput.SysAirMinFlowRatWasAutoSized;
    4200        1946 :             sysSizing.PreheatTemp = sysSizInput.PreheatTemp;
    4201        1946 :             sysSizing.PreheatHumRat = sysSizInput.PreheatHumRat;
    4202        1946 :             sysSizing.PrecoolTemp = sysSizInput.PrecoolTemp;
    4203        1946 :             sysSizing.PrecoolHumRat = sysSizInput.PrecoolHumRat;
    4204        1946 :             sysSizing.CoolSupTemp = sysSizInput.CoolSupTemp;
    4205        1946 :             sysSizing.HeatSupTemp = sysSizInput.HeatSupTemp;
    4206        1946 :             sysSizing.CoolSupHumRat = sysSizInput.CoolSupHumRat;
    4207        1946 :             sysSizing.HeatSupHumRat = sysSizInput.HeatSupHumRat;
    4208        1946 :             sysSizing.SizingOption = sysSizInput.SizingOption;
    4209        1946 :             if (primaryAirSystems.isAllOA) {
    4210           8 :                 sysSizing.CoolOAOption = AllOA;
    4211           8 :                 sysSizing.HeatOAOption = AllOA;
    4212             :             } else {
    4213        1938 :                 sysSizing.CoolOAOption = sysSizInput.CoolOAOption;
    4214        1938 :                 sysSizing.HeatOAOption = sysSizInput.HeatOAOption;
    4215             :             }
    4216        1946 :             sysSizing.CoolAirDesMethod = sysSizInput.CoolAirDesMethod;
    4217        1946 :             sysSizing.HeatAirDesMethod = sysSizInput.HeatAirDesMethod;
    4218        1946 :             sysSizing.ScaleCoolSAFMethod = sysSizInput.ScaleCoolSAFMethod;
    4219        1946 :             sysSizing.ScaleHeatSAFMethod = sysSizInput.ScaleHeatSAFMethod;
    4220        1946 :             sysSizing.CoolingCapMethod = sysSizInput.CoolingCapMethod;
    4221        1946 :             sysSizing.HeatingCapMethod = sysSizInput.HeatingCapMethod;
    4222        1946 :             sysSizing.InpDesCoolAirFlow = sysSizInput.DesCoolAirFlow;
    4223        1946 :             sysSizing.InpDesHeatAirFlow = sysSizInput.DesHeatAirFlow;
    4224        1946 :             sysSizing.MaxZoneOAFraction = sysSizInput.MaxZoneOAFraction;
    4225        1946 :             sysSizing.OAAutoSized = sysSizInput.OAAutoSized;
    4226             : 
    4227        1946 :             sysSizing.HeatFlowSeq.dimension(state.dataSimAirServingZones->NumOfTimeStepInDay, 0.0);
    4228        1946 :             sysSizing.SumZoneHeatLoadSeq.dimension(state.dataSimAirServingZones->NumOfTimeStepInDay, 0.0);
    4229        1946 :             sysSizing.CoolFlowSeq.dimension(state.dataSimAirServingZones->NumOfTimeStepInDay, 0.0);
    4230        1946 :             sysSizing.SumZoneCoolLoadSeq.dimension(state.dataSimAirServingZones->NumOfTimeStepInDay, 0.0);
    4231        1946 :             sysSizing.CoolZoneAvgTempSeq.dimension(state.dataSimAirServingZones->NumOfTimeStepInDay, 0.0);
    4232        1946 :             sysSizing.HeatZoneAvgTempSeq.dimension(state.dataSimAirServingZones->NumOfTimeStepInDay, 0.0);
    4233        1946 :             sysSizing.SensCoolCapSeq.dimension(state.dataSimAirServingZones->NumOfTimeStepInDay, 0.0);
    4234        1946 :             sysSizing.TotCoolCapSeq.dimension(state.dataSimAirServingZones->NumOfTimeStepInDay, 0.0);
    4235        1946 :             sysSizing.HeatCapSeq.dimension(state.dataSimAirServingZones->NumOfTimeStepInDay, 0.0);
    4236        1946 :             sysSizing.PreheatCapSeq.dimension(state.dataSimAirServingZones->NumOfTimeStepInDay, 0.0);
    4237        1946 :             sysSizing.SysCoolRetTempSeq.dimension(state.dataSimAirServingZones->NumOfTimeStepInDay, 0.0);
    4238        1946 :             sysSizing.SysCoolRetHumRatSeq.dimension(state.dataSimAirServingZones->NumOfTimeStepInDay, 0.0);
    4239        1946 :             sysSizing.SysHeatRetTempSeq.dimension(state.dataSimAirServingZones->NumOfTimeStepInDay, 0.0);
    4240        1946 :             sysSizing.SysHeatRetHumRatSeq.dimension(state.dataSimAirServingZones->NumOfTimeStepInDay, 0.0);
    4241        1946 :             sysSizing.SysCoolOutTempSeq.dimension(state.dataSimAirServingZones->NumOfTimeStepInDay, 0.0);
    4242        1946 :             sysSizing.SysCoolOutHumRatSeq.dimension(state.dataSimAirServingZones->NumOfTimeStepInDay, 0.0);
    4243        1946 :             sysSizing.SysHeatOutTempSeq.dimension(state.dataSimAirServingZones->NumOfTimeStepInDay, 0.0);
    4244        1946 :             sysSizing.SysHeatOutHumRatSeq.dimension(state.dataSimAirServingZones->NumOfTimeStepInDay, 0.0);
    4245        1946 :             sysSizing.SysDOASHeatAddSeq.dimension(state.dataSimAirServingZones->NumOfTimeStepInDay, 0.0);
    4246        1946 :             sysSizing.SysDOASLatAddSeq.dimension(state.dataSimAirServingZones->NumOfTimeStepInDay, 0.0);
    4247             :         } // end the design day loop
    4248             : 
    4249         925 :         auto &finalSysSizing = state.dataSize->FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum);
    4250         925 :         auto &calcSysSizing = state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum);
    4251         925 :         finalSysSizing.AirPriLoopName = primaryAirSystems.Name;
    4252         925 :         calcSysSizing.AirPriLoopName = primaryAirSystems.Name;
    4253             : 
    4254             :         // move data from system sizing input
    4255         925 :         finalSysSizing.loadSizingType = sysSizInput.loadSizingType;
    4256         925 :         finalSysSizing.coolingPeakLoad = sysSizInput.coolingPeakLoad;
    4257         925 :         finalSysSizing.CoolCapControl = sysSizInput.CoolCapControl;
    4258         925 :         finalSysSizing.DesOutAirVolFlow = sysSizInput.DesOutAirVolFlow;
    4259         925 :         finalSysSizing.SysAirMinFlowRat = sysSizInput.SysAirMinFlowRat;
    4260         925 :         finalSysSizing.SysAirMinFlowRatWasAutoSized = sysSizInput.SysAirMinFlowRatWasAutoSized;
    4261         925 :         finalSysSizing.PreheatTemp = sysSizInput.PreheatTemp;
    4262         925 :         finalSysSizing.PreheatHumRat = sysSizInput.PreheatHumRat;
    4263         925 :         finalSysSizing.PrecoolTemp = sysSizInput.PrecoolTemp;
    4264         925 :         finalSysSizing.PrecoolHumRat = sysSizInput.PrecoolHumRat;
    4265         925 :         finalSysSizing.CoolSupTemp = sysSizInput.CoolSupTemp;
    4266         925 :         finalSysSizing.HeatSupTemp = sysSizInput.HeatSupTemp;
    4267         925 :         finalSysSizing.CoolSupHumRat = sysSizInput.CoolSupHumRat;
    4268         925 :         finalSysSizing.HeatSupHumRat = sysSizInput.HeatSupHumRat;
    4269         925 :         finalSysSizing.SizingOption = sysSizInput.SizingOption;
    4270         925 :         finalSysSizing.CoolAirDesMethod = sysSizInput.CoolAirDesMethod;
    4271         925 :         finalSysSizing.HeatAirDesMethod = sysSizInput.HeatAirDesMethod;
    4272         925 :         finalSysSizing.ScaleCoolSAFMethod = sysSizInput.ScaleCoolSAFMethod;
    4273         925 :         finalSysSizing.ScaleHeatSAFMethod = sysSizInput.ScaleHeatSAFMethod;
    4274         925 :         finalSysSizing.CoolingCapMethod = sysSizInput.CoolingCapMethod;
    4275         925 :         finalSysSizing.HeatingCapMethod = sysSizInput.HeatingCapMethod;
    4276         925 :         finalSysSizing.ScaledCoolingCapacity = sysSizInput.ScaledCoolingCapacity;
    4277         925 :         finalSysSizing.ScaledHeatingCapacity = sysSizInput.ScaledHeatingCapacity;
    4278         925 :         finalSysSizing.InpDesCoolAirFlow = sysSizInput.DesCoolAirFlow;
    4279         925 :         finalSysSizing.InpDesHeatAirFlow = sysSizInput.DesHeatAirFlow;
    4280         925 :         finalSysSizing.SystemOAMethod = sysSizInput.SystemOAMethod;
    4281         925 :         finalSysSizing.MaxZoneOAFraction = sysSizInput.MaxZoneOAFraction;
    4282         925 :         finalSysSizing.OAAutoSized = sysSizInput.OAAutoSized;
    4283         925 :         finalSysSizing.FlowPerFloorAreaCooled = sysSizInput.FlowPerFloorAreaCooled;
    4284         925 :         finalSysSizing.FlowPerFloorAreaHeated = sysSizInput.FlowPerFloorAreaHeated;
    4285         925 :         finalSysSizing.FractionOfAutosizedCoolingAirflow = sysSizInput.FractionOfAutosizedCoolingAirflow;
    4286         925 :         finalSysSizing.FractionOfAutosizedHeatingAirflow = sysSizInput.FractionOfAutosizedHeatingAirflow;
    4287         925 :         finalSysSizing.FlowPerCoolingCapacity = sysSizInput.FlowPerCoolingCapacity;
    4288         925 :         finalSysSizing.FlowPerHeatingCapacity = sysSizInput.FlowPerHeatingCapacity;
    4289             : 
    4290         925 :         if (primaryAirSystems.isAllOA) {
    4291           4 :             finalSysSizing.CoolOAOption = AllOA;
    4292           4 :             finalSysSizing.HeatOAOption = AllOA;
    4293           4 :             calcSysSizing.CoolOAOption = AllOA;
    4294           4 :             calcSysSizing.HeatOAOption = AllOA;
    4295             :         } else {
    4296         921 :             finalSysSizing.CoolOAOption = sysSizInput.CoolOAOption;
    4297         921 :             finalSysSizing.HeatOAOption = sysSizInput.HeatOAOption;
    4298         921 :             calcSysSizing.CoolOAOption = sysSizInput.CoolOAOption;
    4299         921 :             calcSysSizing.HeatOAOption = sysSizInput.HeatOAOption;
    4300             :         }
    4301             : 
    4302         925 :         calcSysSizing.loadSizingType = sysSizInput.loadSizingType;
    4303         925 :         calcSysSizing.coolingPeakLoad = sysSizInput.coolingPeakLoad;
    4304         925 :         calcSysSizing.CoolCapControl = sysSizInput.CoolCapControl;
    4305         925 :         calcSysSizing.DesOutAirVolFlow = sysSizInput.DesOutAirVolFlow;
    4306         925 :         calcSysSizing.SysAirMinFlowRat = sysSizInput.SysAirMinFlowRat;
    4307         925 :         calcSysSizing.SysAirMinFlowRatWasAutoSized = sysSizInput.SysAirMinFlowRatWasAutoSized;
    4308         925 :         calcSysSizing.PreheatTemp = sysSizInput.PreheatTemp;
    4309         925 :         calcSysSizing.PreheatHumRat = sysSizInput.PreheatHumRat;
    4310         925 :         calcSysSizing.PrecoolTemp = sysSizInput.PrecoolTemp;
    4311         925 :         calcSysSizing.PrecoolHumRat = sysSizInput.PrecoolHumRat;
    4312         925 :         calcSysSizing.CoolSupTemp = sysSizInput.CoolSupTemp;
    4313         925 :         calcSysSizing.HeatSupTemp = sysSizInput.HeatSupTemp;
    4314         925 :         calcSysSizing.CoolSupHumRat = sysSizInput.CoolSupHumRat;
    4315         925 :         calcSysSizing.HeatSupHumRat = sysSizInput.HeatSupHumRat;
    4316         925 :         calcSysSizing.SizingOption = sysSizInput.SizingOption;
    4317         925 :         calcSysSizing.CoolAirDesMethod = sysSizInput.CoolAirDesMethod;
    4318         925 :         calcSysSizing.HeatAirDesMethod = sysSizInput.HeatAirDesMethod;
    4319         925 :         calcSysSizing.ScaleCoolSAFMethod = sysSizInput.ScaleCoolSAFMethod;
    4320         925 :         calcSysSizing.ScaleHeatSAFMethod = sysSizInput.ScaleHeatSAFMethod;
    4321         925 :         calcSysSizing.CoolingCapMethod = sysSizInput.CoolingCapMethod;
    4322         925 :         calcSysSizing.HeatingCapMethod = sysSizInput.HeatingCapMethod;
    4323         925 :         calcSysSizing.ScaledCoolingCapacity = sysSizInput.ScaledCoolingCapacity;
    4324         925 :         calcSysSizing.ScaledHeatingCapacity = sysSizInput.ScaledHeatingCapacity;
    4325         925 :         calcSysSizing.InpDesCoolAirFlow = sysSizInput.DesCoolAirFlow;
    4326         925 :         calcSysSizing.InpDesHeatAirFlow = sysSizInput.DesHeatAirFlow;
    4327         925 :         calcSysSizing.SystemOAMethod = sysSizInput.SystemOAMethod;
    4328         925 :         calcSysSizing.MaxZoneOAFraction = sysSizInput.MaxZoneOAFraction;
    4329         925 :         calcSysSizing.OAAutoSized = sysSizInput.OAAutoSized;
    4330         925 :         calcSysSizing.FlowPerFloorAreaCooled = sysSizInput.FlowPerFloorAreaCooled;
    4331         925 :         calcSysSizing.FlowPerFloorAreaHeated = sysSizInput.FlowPerFloorAreaHeated;
    4332         925 :         calcSysSizing.FractionOfAutosizedCoolingAirflow = sysSizInput.FractionOfAutosizedCoolingAirflow;
    4333         925 :         calcSysSizing.FractionOfAutosizedHeatingAirflow = sysSizInput.FractionOfAutosizedHeatingAirflow;
    4334         925 :         calcSysSizing.FlowPerCoolingCapacity = sysSizInput.FlowPerCoolingCapacity;
    4335         925 :         calcSysSizing.FlowPerHeatingCapacity = sysSizInput.FlowPerHeatingCapacity;
    4336             : 
    4337         925 :         finalSysSizing.HeatFlowSeq.dimension(state.dataSimAirServingZones->NumOfTimeStepInDay, 0.0);
    4338         925 :         finalSysSizing.SumZoneHeatLoadSeq.dimension(state.dataSimAirServingZones->NumOfTimeStepInDay, 0.0);
    4339         925 :         finalSysSizing.CoolFlowSeq.dimension(state.dataSimAirServingZones->NumOfTimeStepInDay, 0.0);
    4340         925 :         finalSysSizing.SumZoneCoolLoadSeq.dimension(state.dataSimAirServingZones->NumOfTimeStepInDay, 0.0);
    4341         925 :         finalSysSizing.CoolZoneAvgTempSeq.dimension(state.dataSimAirServingZones->NumOfTimeStepInDay, 0.0);
    4342         925 :         finalSysSizing.HeatZoneAvgTempSeq.dimension(state.dataSimAirServingZones->NumOfTimeStepInDay, 0.0);
    4343         925 :         finalSysSizing.SensCoolCapSeq.dimension(state.dataSimAirServingZones->NumOfTimeStepInDay, 0.0);
    4344         925 :         finalSysSizing.TotCoolCapSeq.dimension(state.dataSimAirServingZones->NumOfTimeStepInDay, 0.0);
    4345         925 :         finalSysSizing.HeatCapSeq.dimension(state.dataSimAirServingZones->NumOfTimeStepInDay, 0.0);
    4346         925 :         finalSysSizing.PreheatCapSeq.dimension(state.dataSimAirServingZones->NumOfTimeStepInDay, 0.0);
    4347         925 :         finalSysSizing.SysCoolRetTempSeq.dimension(state.dataSimAirServingZones->NumOfTimeStepInDay, 0.0);
    4348         925 :         finalSysSizing.SysCoolRetHumRatSeq.dimension(state.dataSimAirServingZones->NumOfTimeStepInDay, 0.0);
    4349         925 :         finalSysSizing.SysHeatRetTempSeq.dimension(state.dataSimAirServingZones->NumOfTimeStepInDay, 0.0);
    4350         925 :         finalSysSizing.SysHeatRetHumRatSeq.dimension(state.dataSimAirServingZones->NumOfTimeStepInDay, 0.0);
    4351         925 :         finalSysSizing.SysCoolOutTempSeq.dimension(state.dataSimAirServingZones->NumOfTimeStepInDay, 0.0);
    4352         925 :         finalSysSizing.SysCoolOutHumRatSeq.dimension(state.dataSimAirServingZones->NumOfTimeStepInDay, 0.0);
    4353         925 :         finalSysSizing.SysHeatOutTempSeq.dimension(state.dataSimAirServingZones->NumOfTimeStepInDay, 0.0);
    4354         925 :         finalSysSizing.SysHeatOutHumRatSeq.dimension(state.dataSimAirServingZones->NumOfTimeStepInDay, 0.0);
    4355         925 :         finalSysSizing.SysDOASHeatAddSeq.dimension(state.dataSimAirServingZones->NumOfTimeStepInDay, 0.0);
    4356         925 :         finalSysSizing.SysDOASLatAddSeq.dimension(state.dataSimAirServingZones->NumOfTimeStepInDay, 0.0);
    4357         925 :         finalSysSizing.FloorAreaOnAirLoopCooled = 0.0;
    4358         925 :         finalSysSizing.FloorAreaOnAirLoopHeated = 0.0;
    4359         925 :         calcSysSizing.HeatFlowSeq.dimension(state.dataSimAirServingZones->NumOfTimeStepInDay, 0.0);
    4360         925 :         calcSysSizing.SumZoneHeatLoadSeq.dimension(state.dataSimAirServingZones->NumOfTimeStepInDay, 0.0);
    4361         925 :         calcSysSizing.CoolFlowSeq.dimension(state.dataSimAirServingZones->NumOfTimeStepInDay, 0.0);
    4362         925 :         calcSysSizing.SumZoneCoolLoadSeq.dimension(state.dataSimAirServingZones->NumOfTimeStepInDay, 0.0);
    4363         925 :         calcSysSizing.CoolZoneAvgTempSeq.dimension(state.dataSimAirServingZones->NumOfTimeStepInDay, 0.0);
    4364         925 :         calcSysSizing.HeatZoneAvgTempSeq.dimension(state.dataSimAirServingZones->NumOfTimeStepInDay, 0.0);
    4365         925 :         calcSysSizing.SensCoolCapSeq.dimension(state.dataSimAirServingZones->NumOfTimeStepInDay, 0.0);
    4366         925 :         calcSysSizing.TotCoolCapSeq.dimension(state.dataSimAirServingZones->NumOfTimeStepInDay, 0.0);
    4367         925 :         calcSysSizing.HeatCapSeq.dimension(state.dataSimAirServingZones->NumOfTimeStepInDay, 0.0);
    4368         925 :         calcSysSizing.PreheatCapSeq.dimension(state.dataSimAirServingZones->NumOfTimeStepInDay, 0.0);
    4369         925 :         calcSysSizing.SysCoolRetTempSeq.dimension(state.dataSimAirServingZones->NumOfTimeStepInDay, 0.0);
    4370         925 :         calcSysSizing.SysCoolRetHumRatSeq.dimension(state.dataSimAirServingZones->NumOfTimeStepInDay, 0.0);
    4371         925 :         calcSysSizing.SysHeatRetTempSeq.dimension(state.dataSimAirServingZones->NumOfTimeStepInDay, 0.0);
    4372         925 :         calcSysSizing.SysHeatRetHumRatSeq.dimension(state.dataSimAirServingZones->NumOfTimeStepInDay, 0.0);
    4373         925 :         calcSysSizing.SysCoolOutTempSeq.dimension(state.dataSimAirServingZones->NumOfTimeStepInDay, 0.0);
    4374         925 :         calcSysSizing.SysCoolOutHumRatSeq.dimension(state.dataSimAirServingZones->NumOfTimeStepInDay, 0.0);
    4375         925 :         calcSysSizing.SysHeatOutTempSeq.dimension(state.dataSimAirServingZones->NumOfTimeStepInDay, 0.0);
    4376         925 :         calcSysSizing.SysHeatOutHumRatSeq.dimension(state.dataSimAirServingZones->NumOfTimeStepInDay, 0.0);
    4377         925 :         calcSysSizing.SysDOASHeatAddSeq.dimension(state.dataSimAirServingZones->NumOfTimeStepInDay, 0.0);
    4378         925 :         calcSysSizing.SysDOASLatAddSeq.dimension(state.dataSimAirServingZones->NumOfTimeStepInDay, 0.0);
    4379         925 :         calcSysSizing.FloorAreaOnAirLoopCooled = 0.0;
    4380         925 :         calcSysSizing.FloorAreaOnAirLoopHeated = 0.0;
    4381             : 
    4382         925 :         auto &sysSizePeakDDNum = state.dataSize->SysSizPeakDDNum(AirLoopNum);
    4383         925 :         sysSizePeakDDNum.TimeStepAtSensCoolPk.dimension(state.dataEnvrn->TotDesDays + state.dataEnvrn->TotRunDesPersDays, 0);
    4384         925 :         sysSizePeakDDNum.TimeStepAtTotCoolPk.dimension(state.dataEnvrn->TotDesDays + state.dataEnvrn->TotRunDesPersDays, 0);
    4385         925 :         sysSizePeakDDNum.TimeStepAtCoolFlowPk.dimension(state.dataEnvrn->TotDesDays + state.dataEnvrn->TotRunDesPersDays, 0);
    4386         925 :         sysSizePeakDDNum.TimeStepAtHeatPk.dimension(state.dataEnvrn->TotDesDays + state.dataEnvrn->TotRunDesPersDays, 0);
    4387             : 
    4388         925 :         if (state.dataGlobal->AnyEnergyManagementSystemInModel) {
    4389             : 
    4390         969 :             SetupEMSInternalVariable(state,
    4391             :                                      "Intermediate Air System Main Supply Volume Flow Rate",
    4392             :                                      finalSysSizing.AirPriLoopName,
    4393             :                                      "[m3/s]",
    4394         646 :                                      finalSysSizing.DesMainVolFlow);
    4395         969 :             SetupEMSActuator(state,
    4396             :                              "Sizing:System",
    4397             :                              finalSysSizing.AirPriLoopName,
    4398             :                              "Main Supply Volume Flow Rate",
    4399             :                              "[m3/s]",
    4400             :                              finalSysSizing.EMSOverrideDesMainVolFlowOn,
    4401         646 :                              finalSysSizing.EMSValueDesMainVolFlow);
    4402             : 
    4403         969 :             SetupEMSInternalVariable(state,
    4404             :                                      "Intermediate Air System Coincident Peak Cooling Mass Flow Rate",
    4405             :                                      finalSysSizing.AirPriLoopName,
    4406             :                                      "[kg/s]",
    4407         646 :                                      finalSysSizing.CoinCoolMassFlow);
    4408         969 :             SetupEMSActuator(state,
    4409             :                              "Sizing:System",
    4410             :                              finalSysSizing.AirPriLoopName,
    4411             :                              "Main Supply Coincident Peak Cooling Mass Flow Rate",
    4412             :                              "[kg/s]",
    4413             :                              finalSysSizing.EMSOverrideCoinCoolMassFlowOn,
    4414         646 :                              finalSysSizing.EMSValueCoinCoolMassFlow);
    4415             : 
    4416         969 :             SetupEMSInternalVariable(state,
    4417             :                                      "Intermediate Air System Coincident Peak Heating Mass Flow Rate",
    4418             :                                      finalSysSizing.AirPriLoopName,
    4419             :                                      "[kg/s]",
    4420         646 :                                      finalSysSizing.CoinHeatMassFlow);
    4421         969 :             SetupEMSActuator(state,
    4422             :                              "Sizing:System",
    4423             :                              finalSysSizing.AirPriLoopName,
    4424             :                              "Main Supply Coincident Peak Heating Mass Flow Rate",
    4425             :                              "[kg/s]",
    4426             :                              finalSysSizing.EMSOverrideCoinHeatMassFlowOn,
    4427         646 :                              finalSysSizing.EMSValueCoinHeatMassFlow);
    4428             : 
    4429         969 :             SetupEMSInternalVariable(state,
    4430             :                                      "Intermediate Air System Noncoincident Peak Cooling Mass Flow Rate",
    4431             :                                      finalSysSizing.AirPriLoopName,
    4432             :                                      "[kg/s]",
    4433         646 :                                      finalSysSizing.NonCoinCoolMassFlow);
    4434         969 :             SetupEMSActuator(state,
    4435             :                              "Sizing:System",
    4436             :                              finalSysSizing.AirPriLoopName,
    4437             :                              "Main Supply Noncoincident Peak Cooling Mass Flow Rate",
    4438             :                              "[kg/s]",
    4439             :                              finalSysSizing.EMSOverrideNonCoinCoolMassFlowOn,
    4440         646 :                              finalSysSizing.EMSValueNonCoinCoolMassFlow);
    4441         969 :             SetupEMSInternalVariable(state,
    4442             :                                      "Intermediate Air System Noncoincident Peak Heating Mass Flow Rate",
    4443             :                                      finalSysSizing.AirPriLoopName,
    4444             :                                      "[kg/s]",
    4445         646 :                                      finalSysSizing.NonCoinHeatMassFlow);
    4446         969 :             SetupEMSActuator(state,
    4447             :                              "Sizing:System",
    4448             :                              finalSysSizing.AirPriLoopName,
    4449             :                              "Main Supply Noncoincident Peak Heating Mass Flow Rate",
    4450             :                              "[kg/s]",
    4451             :                              finalSysSizing.EMSOverrideNonCoinHeatMassFlowOn,
    4452         646 :                              finalSysSizing.EMSValueNonCoinHeatMassFlow);
    4453             : 
    4454         969 :             SetupEMSInternalVariable(
    4455         646 :                 state, "Intermediate Air System Heating Volume Flow Rate", finalSysSizing.AirPriLoopName, "[m3/s]", finalSysSizing.DesHeatVolFlow);
    4456         969 :             SetupEMSActuator(state,
    4457             :                              "Sizing:System",
    4458             :                              finalSysSizing.AirPriLoopName,
    4459             :                              "Main Heating Volume Flow Rate",
    4460             :                              "[m3/s]",
    4461             :                              finalSysSizing.EMSOverrideDesHeatVolFlowOn,
    4462         646 :                              finalSysSizing.EMSValueDesHeatVolFlow);
    4463             : 
    4464         969 :             SetupEMSInternalVariable(
    4465         646 :                 state, "Intermediate Air System Cooling Volume Flow Rate", finalSysSizing.AirPriLoopName, "[m3/s]", finalSysSizing.DesCoolVolFlow);
    4466         969 :             SetupEMSActuator(state,
    4467             :                              "Sizing:System",
    4468             :                              finalSysSizing.AirPriLoopName,
    4469             :                              "Main Cooling Volume Flow Rate",
    4470             :                              "[m3/s]",
    4471             :                              finalSysSizing.EMSOverrideDesCoolVolFlowOn,
    4472         646 :                              finalSysSizing.EMSValueDesCoolVolFlow);
    4473             :             // internal variables useful for sizing air system component models
    4474         969 :             SetupEMSInternalVariable(
    4475         646 :                 state, "Air System Cooling Design Sensible Capacity", finalSysSizing.AirPriLoopName, "[W]", finalSysSizing.SensCoolCap);
    4476         969 :             SetupEMSInternalVariable(
    4477         646 :                 state, "Air System Cooling Design Total Capacity", finalSysSizing.AirPriLoopName, "[W]", finalSysSizing.TotCoolCap);
    4478         969 :             SetupEMSInternalVariable(
    4479         646 :                 state, "Air System Heating Design Sensible Capacity", finalSysSizing.AirPriLoopName, "[W]", finalSysSizing.HeatCap);
    4480         969 :             SetupEMSInternalVariable(
    4481         646 :                 state, "Air System Preheating Design Sensible Capacity", finalSysSizing.AirPriLoopName, "[W]", finalSysSizing.PreheatCap);
    4482             : 
    4483         969 :             SetupEMSInternalVariable(
    4484         646 :                 state, "Air System Outdoor Air Design Volume Flow Rate", finalSysSizing.AirPriLoopName, "[m3/s]", finalSysSizing.DesOutAirVolFlow);
    4485             : 
    4486         969 :             SetupEMSInternalVariable(
    4487         646 :                 state, "Air System Cooling Design Mixed Air Temperature", finalSysSizing.AirPriLoopName, "[C]", finalSysSizing.MixTempAtCoolPeak);
    4488         969 :             SetupEMSInternalVariable(state,
    4489             :                                      "Air System Cooling Design Mixed Air Humidity Ratio",
    4490             :                                      finalSysSizing.AirPriLoopName,
    4491             :                                      "[kgWater/kgDryAir]",
    4492         646 :                                      finalSysSizing.MixHumRatAtCoolPeak);
    4493         969 :             SetupEMSInternalVariable(
    4494         646 :                 state, "Air System Cooling Design Return Air Temperature", finalSysSizing.AirPriLoopName, "[C]", finalSysSizing.RetTempAtCoolPeak);
    4495         969 :             SetupEMSInternalVariable(state,
    4496             :                                      "Air System Cooling Design Return Air Humidity Ratio",
    4497             :                                      finalSysSizing.AirPriLoopName,
    4498             :                                      "[kgWater/kgDryAir]",
    4499         646 :                                      finalSysSizing.RetHumRatAtCoolPeak);
    4500         969 :             SetupEMSInternalVariable(
    4501         646 :                 state, "Air System Cooling Design Outdoor Air Temperature", finalSysSizing.AirPriLoopName, "[C]", finalSysSizing.OutTempAtCoolPeak);
    4502         969 :             SetupEMSInternalVariable(state,
    4503             :                                      "Air System Cooling Design Outdoor Air Humidity Ratio",
    4504             :                                      finalSysSizing.AirPriLoopName,
    4505             :                                      "[kgWater/kgDryAir]",
    4506         646 :                                      finalSysSizing.OutHumRatAtCoolPeak);
    4507             : 
    4508         969 :             SetupEMSInternalVariable(
    4509         646 :                 state, "Air System Heating Design Mixed Air Temperature", finalSysSizing.AirPriLoopName, "[C]", finalSysSizing.HeatMixTemp);
    4510         969 :             SetupEMSInternalVariable(state,
    4511             :                                      "Air System Heating Design Mixed Air Humidity Ratio",
    4512             :                                      finalSysSizing.AirPriLoopName,
    4513             :                                      "[kgWater/kgDryAir]",
    4514         646 :                                      finalSysSizing.HeatMixHumRat);
    4515         969 :             SetupEMSInternalVariable(
    4516         646 :                 state, "Air System Heating Design Return Air Temperature", finalSysSizing.AirPriLoopName, "[C]", finalSysSizing.HeatRetTemp);
    4517         969 :             SetupEMSInternalVariable(state,
    4518             :                                      "Air System Heating Design Return Air Humidity Ratio",
    4519             :                                      finalSysSizing.AirPriLoopName,
    4520             :                                      "[kgWater/kgDryAir]",
    4521         646 :                                      finalSysSizing.HeatRetHumRat);
    4522         969 :             SetupEMSInternalVariable(
    4523         646 :                 state, "Air System Heating Design Outdoor Air Temperature", finalSysSizing.AirPriLoopName, "[C]", finalSysSizing.HeatOutTemp);
    4524         969 :             SetupEMSInternalVariable(state,
    4525             :                                      "Air System Heating Design Outdoor Air Humidity Ratio",
    4526             :                                      finalSysSizing.AirPriLoopName,
    4527             :                                      "[kgWater/kgDryAir]",
    4528         646 :                                      finalSysSizing.HeatOutHumRat);
    4529             :         }
    4530             : 
    4531             :     } // end the primary air system loop
    4532         329 : }
    4533             : 
    4534         329 : void SizeSysOutdoorAir(EnergyPlusData &state)
    4535             : {
    4536             : 
    4537             :     using namespace OutputReportPredefined;
    4538             : 
    4539             :     Real64 MinOAFlow;                // design minimum outside air flow for a system
    4540             :     Real64 ZoneOAFracCooling;        // zone OA fraction for cooling design air flow
    4541             :     Real64 ZoneOAFracHeating;        // zone OA fraction for heating design air flow
    4542             :     Real64 ZoneSA;                   // Zone supply air flow rate
    4543             :     Real64 ZonePA;                   // Zone primary air flow rate
    4544             :     Real64 ClgSupplyAirAdjustFactor; // temporary variable
    4545             :     Real64 HtgSupplyAirAdjustFactor; // temporary variable
    4546             :     Real64 SysOAUnc;                 // uncorrected system OA summing up people and area based OA for all zones for VRP
    4547             :     Real64 ZoneOAUnc;                // uncorrected zone OA summing up people and area based OA for each zone
    4548             : 
    4549             :     // begin system OA calcs, this is the first pass, std 62.1 calcs are redone after adjustments and zone units are set up
    4550             :     // call refactored routine for Pz, Ps and D
    4551         329 :     SizingManager::DetermineSystemPopulationDiversity(state);
    4552             : 
    4553             :     // If the system design minimum outside air flow rate is autosized, calculate it from the zone data
    4554             :     // Note that all TermUnitFinalZoneSizing values have already been scaled by air terminal sizing factors
    4555        1254 :     for (int AirLoopNum = 1; AirLoopNum <= state.dataHVACGlobal->NumPrimaryAirSys; ++AirLoopNum) {
    4556         925 :         auto &finalSysSizing = state.dataSize->FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum);
    4557         925 :         auto &airToZoneNodeInfo = state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirLoopNum);
    4558         925 :         MinOAFlow = 0.0;
    4559         925 :         SysOAUnc = 0.0;
    4560         925 :         ClgSupplyAirAdjustFactor = 1.0;
    4561         925 :         HtgSupplyAirAdjustFactor = 1.0;
    4562             :         int SysSizNum =
    4563         925 :             UtilityRoutines::FindItemInList(finalSysSizing.AirPriLoopName, state.dataSize->SysSizInput, &SystemSizingInputData::AirPriLoopName);
    4564         925 :         if (SysSizNum == 0) SysSizNum = 1; // use first when none applicable
    4565         925 :         if (finalSysSizing.OAAutoSized) {
    4566         886 :             int NumZonesCooled = airToZoneNodeInfo.NumZonesCooled;
    4567             : 
    4568             :             // people related code removed, see SizingManager::DetermineSystemPopulationDiversity
    4569             : 
    4570        3481 :             for (int ZonesCooledNum = 1; ZonesCooledNum <= NumZonesCooled; ++ZonesCooledNum) {
    4571        2595 :                 int TermUnitSizingIndex = airToZoneNodeInfo.TermUnitCoolSizingIndex(ZonesCooledNum);
    4572        2595 :                 if (TermUnitSizingIndex == 0) {
    4573           0 :                     ShowSevereError(state,
    4574           0 :                                     "SetUpSysSizingArray: TermUnitSizingIndex = 0 for AirLoop=" + airToZoneNodeInfo.AirLoopName +
    4575           0 :                                         ", Zone =" + state.dataHeatBal->Zone(airToZoneNodeInfo.CoolCtrlZoneNums(ZonesCooledNum)).Name);
    4576           0 :                     ShowFatalError(state, "This is a defect. Please report this issue.");
    4577             :                 }
    4578        2595 :                 auto &termUnitSizing = state.dataSize->TermUnitSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex);
    4579        2595 :                 auto &termUnitFinalZoneSizing = state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex);
    4580        2595 :                 if (SysSizNum > 0) {
    4581        2595 :                     ZoneOAUnc =
    4582        2595 :                         termUnitFinalZoneSizing.TotalOAFromPeople +
    4583        2595 :                         termUnitFinalZoneSizing.TotalOAFromArea; // should not have diversity at this point (no should have diversity in Vou if VRP)
    4584        2595 :                     if (state.dataSize->SysSizInput(SysSizNum).SystemOAMethod == SysOAMethod::ZoneSum) { // ZoneSum Method
    4585        2555 :                         SysOAUnc += ZoneOAUnc;
    4586          45 :                     } else if (state.dataSize->SysSizInput(SysSizNum).SystemOAMethod == SysOAMethod::VRP ||
    4587           5 :                                state.dataSize->SysSizInput(SysSizNum).SystemOAMethod == SysOAMethod::SP) { // Ventilation Rate Procedure
    4588          80 :                         SysOAUnc += termUnitFinalZoneSizing.TotalOAFromPeople * state.dataSize->DBySys(AirLoopNum) +
    4589          40 :                                     termUnitFinalZoneSizing.TotalOAFromArea; // apply D to people term
    4590             :                     }
    4591        2595 :                     state.dataSize->SumRpxPzBySys(AirLoopNum) += termUnitFinalZoneSizing.TotalOAFromPeople;
    4592        2595 :                     state.dataSize->SumRaxAzBySys(AirLoopNum) += termUnitFinalZoneSizing.TotalOAFromArea;
    4593             : 
    4594             :                     // save for Standard 62 tabular report
    4595        2595 :                     state.dataSize->VbzByZone(TermUnitSizingIndex) = ZoneOAUnc; // fixed now, previously RHS already had Ez factored in.
    4596             :                     // Save Std 62.1 cooling ventilation required by zone
    4597        2595 :                     if (termUnitFinalZoneSizing.ZoneADEffCooling > 0.0) {
    4598        2595 :                         termUnitFinalZoneSizing.VozClgByZone = ZoneOAUnc / termUnitFinalZoneSizing.ZoneADEffCooling;
    4599             :                     } else {
    4600           0 :                         termUnitFinalZoneSizing.VozClgByZone = ZoneOAUnc;
    4601             :                     }
    4602             : 
    4603        2595 :                     if (state.dataSize->SysSizInput(SysSizNum).SystemOAMethod == SysOAMethod::ZoneSum) { // ZoneSum Method
    4604        2555 :                         MinOAFlow += termUnitFinalZoneSizing.MinOA;
    4605        2555 :                         if (termUnitFinalZoneSizing.DesCoolVolFlow > 0.0) {
    4606        5110 :                             ZoneOAFracCooling = termUnitFinalZoneSizing.VozClgByZone /
    4607        2555 :                                                 termUnitFinalZoneSizing.DesCoolVolFlow; // calculate anyway for use with zone OA max fraction below
    4608             :                         } else {
    4609           0 :                             ZoneOAFracCooling = 0.0;
    4610             :                         }
    4611          45 :                     } else if (state.dataSize->SysSizInput(SysSizNum).SystemOAMethod == SysOAMethod::VRP ||
    4612           5 :                                state.dataSize->SysSizInput(SysSizNum).SystemOAMethod == SysOAMethod::SP) { // Ventilation Rate Procedure
    4613             :                         // CR 8872 - check to see if uncorrected OA is calculated to be greater than 0
    4614          40 :                         if (!(ZoneOAUnc > 0.0)) {
    4615           0 :                             ShowSevereError(state, "Sizing:System - The system outdoor air method is set to VRP in " + finalSysSizing.AirPriLoopName);
    4616           0 :                             ShowContinueError(
    4617           0 :                                 state, "But zone \"" + termUnitFinalZoneSizing.ZoneName + "\" associated with system does not have OA flow/person");
    4618           0 :                             ShowContinueError(state,
    4619             :                                               "or flow/area values specified in DesignSpecification:OutdoorAir object associated with the zone");
    4620             :                         }
    4621             : 
    4622             :                         // Save Std 62.1 cooling ventilation required by zone
    4623          40 :                         MinOAFlow += termUnitFinalZoneSizing.VozClgByZone; // Don't include D
    4624             : 
    4625          40 :                         if (termUnitFinalZoneSizing.DesCoolVolFlow > 0.0) {
    4626          40 :                             if (termUnitFinalZoneSizing.ZoneSecondaryRecirculation > 0.0 || termUnitFinalZoneSizing.DesCoolVolFlowMin <= 0) {
    4627             :                                 // multi-path system or VAV Minimum not defined
    4628           1 :                                 ZoneOAFracCooling =
    4629           1 :                                     termUnitFinalZoneSizing.VozClgByZone /
    4630           1 :                                     termUnitFinalZoneSizing.DesCoolVolFlow; // this should be based on final atu flows, not sizing design
    4631             : 
    4632             :                             } else {
    4633             :                                 // Single path; Use VAV Minimum as the Vpz in the Zp = Voz / Vpz equations
    4634          39 :                                 ZoneOAFracCooling =
    4635          39 :                                     termUnitFinalZoneSizing.VozClgByZone /
    4636          39 :                                     termUnitFinalZoneSizing.DesCoolVolFlowMin; // this should be based on final atu flows, not sizing design
    4637             :                             }
    4638             :                         } else {
    4639           0 :                             ZoneOAFracCooling = 0.0;
    4640             :                         }
    4641             :                     } else { // error
    4642             :                     }
    4643             :                 } else { // ZoneSum Method
    4644           0 :                     MinOAFlow += termUnitFinalZoneSizing.MinOA;
    4645           0 :                     ZoneOAFracCooling = 0.0;
    4646             :                 }
    4647             : 
    4648             :                 // Calc maximum zone OA fraction and supply air adjustment factor based on
    4649             :                 // user entered max allowed OA fraction
    4650        2595 :                 if (finalSysSizing.MaxZoneOAFraction > 0 && ZoneOAFracCooling > finalSysSizing.MaxZoneOAFraction) {
    4651          18 :                     if (finalSysSizing.CoolAirDesMethod == FromDDCalc) { // DesignDay Method
    4652           9 :                         ClgSupplyAirAdjustFactor = ZoneOAFracCooling / finalSysSizing.MaxZoneOAFraction;
    4653           9 :                         if (termUnitFinalZoneSizing.ZoneSecondaryRecirculation > 0.0 || termUnitFinalZoneSizing.DesCoolVolFlowMin <= 0) {
    4654             :                             // multi-path system or VAV Minimum not defined
    4655           0 :                             termUnitFinalZoneSizing.DesCoolVolFlow *= ClgSupplyAirAdjustFactor;
    4656             :                         } else {
    4657             :                             // Single path; Use VAV Minimum as the Vpz in the Zp = Voz / Vpz equations
    4658           9 :                             termUnitFinalZoneSizing.DesCoolVolFlowMin *=
    4659             :                                 ClgSupplyAirAdjustFactor; // from code inspection value set here is used above, before being set.
    4660             : 
    4661             :                             // Don't allow the design cooling airflow to be less than the VAV minimum airflow
    4662           9 :                             termUnitFinalZoneSizing.DesCoolVolFlow =
    4663           9 :                                 max(termUnitFinalZoneSizing.DesCoolVolFlow, termUnitFinalZoneSizing.DesCoolVolFlowMin);
    4664             :                         }
    4665             :                         // Don't allow the design terminal airflow to be less than the design cooling airflow
    4666           9 :                         termUnitSizing.AirVolFlow = max(termUnitSizing.AirVolFlow, termUnitFinalZoneSizing.DesCoolVolFlow);
    4667           9 :                         ZoneOAFracCooling = finalSysSizing.MaxZoneOAFraction;
    4668             :                     } else {
    4669           0 :                         ClgSupplyAirAdjustFactor = 1.0;
    4670             :                     }
    4671             :                 } else {
    4672        2586 :                     ClgSupplyAirAdjustFactor = 1.0;
    4673             :                 }
    4674             : 
    4675        2595 :                 ZoneSA = 0.0;
    4676        2595 :                 ZonePA = 0.0;
    4677        2595 :                 state.dataSimAirServingZones->EpSSOA = 1.0;
    4678        2595 :                 if (termUnitFinalZoneSizing.ZoneSecondaryRecirculation > 0.0) { // multi-path system
    4679             :                     // Vpz: "Primary" supply air from main air handler served by an oa mixer
    4680           1 :                     ZonePA = termUnitFinalZoneSizing.DesCoolVolFlow;
    4681             :                     // Vdz: "Discharge" supply air delivered to zone by terminal unit
    4682           1 :                     ZoneSA = max(termUnitSizing.AirVolFlow, ZonePA);
    4683             : 
    4684             :                     // For re-circulation systems, Vpz used to determine Zpz is the design terminal airflow
    4685             :                     // Std 62.1-2010, section "Vpz (used to determin Zpz) is the primary airflow rate
    4686             :                     // rate to the ventilation zone from the air handler, including outdoor air and recirculated air.
    4687             :                     // MJW - Not sure this is correct, seems like it should be ZonePA - above comments contradict each other
    4688           1 :                     state.dataSize->VpzMinClgByZone(TermUnitSizingIndex) = ZoneSA;
    4689             : 
    4690             :                 } else { // single path system
    4691             :                     // Vdz: "Discharge" supply air delivered to zone by terminal unit
    4692        2594 :                     ZonePA = termUnitFinalZoneSizing.DesCoolVolFlow;
    4693             :                     // Vpz: "Primary" supply air from main air handler served by an oa mixer
    4694        2594 :                     ZoneSA = termUnitFinalZoneSizing.DesCoolVolFlow;
    4695             : 
    4696             :                     // Save VpzMin in case this is a single path VAV system.
    4697             :                     // Std 62.1-2010, section "For VAV-system design purposes, Vpz is the lowest zone primary
    4698             :                     // airflow value expected at the design condition analyzed."
    4699        2594 :                     state.dataSize->VpzMinClgByZone(TermUnitSizingIndex) =
    4700        2594 :                         termUnitFinalZoneSizing.DesCoolVolFlowMin; // this may be getting used before it gets filled ??
    4701             : 
    4702             :                     // In case for some reason the VAV minimum has not been defined, use the design primary airflow
    4703        2594 :                     if (termUnitFinalZoneSizing.DesCoolVolFlowMin <= 0) state.dataSize->VpzMinClgByZone(TermUnitSizingIndex) = ZonePA;
    4704             :                 }
    4705             : 
    4706             :                 // save zone discharge supply airflow
    4707        2595 :                 state.dataSize->VdzClgByZone(TermUnitSizingIndex) = ZoneSA;
    4708             : 
    4709             :                 // save Vpz zone primary airflow for standard 62.1 report
    4710        2595 :                 state.dataSize->VpzClgByZone(TermUnitSizingIndex) = ZonePA;
    4711        2595 :                 state.dataSize->VpzClgSumBySys(AirLoopNum) += ZonePA;
    4712             : 
    4713             :                 // Fraction of required zone ventilation to minimum primary airflow expected at condition analyzed
    4714        2595 :                 termUnitFinalZoneSizing.ZpzClgByZone = 0.0;
    4715        2595 :                 if (state.dataSize->VpzMinClgByZone(TermUnitSizingIndex) > 0) {
    4716        2595 :                     termUnitFinalZoneSizing.ZpzClgByZone =
    4717        2595 :                         min(1.0, termUnitFinalZoneSizing.VozClgByZone / state.dataSize->VpzMinClgByZone(TermUnitSizingIndex));
    4718             :                 }
    4719             : 
    4720             :                 // calc zone primary air fraction
    4721        2595 :                 if (ZoneSA > 0.0) state.dataSimAirServingZones->EpSSOA = ZonePA / ZoneSA;
    4722        2595 :                 if (state.dataSimAirServingZones->EpSSOA > 1.0) state.dataSimAirServingZones->EpSSOA = 1.0;
    4723        2595 :                 termUnitFinalZoneSizing.ZonePrimaryAirFraction = state.dataSimAirServingZones->EpSSOA;
    4724        2595 :                 termUnitFinalZoneSizing.ZoneOAFracCooling = ZoneOAFracCooling;
    4725             : 
    4726             :                 // determined cooled zone floor area in an airloop
    4727        2595 :                 finalSysSizing.FloorAreaOnAirLoopCooled += termUnitFinalZoneSizing.TotalZoneFloorArea;
    4728             : 
    4729        2595 :                 termUnitFinalZoneSizing.SupplyAirAdjustFactor = max(ClgSupplyAirAdjustFactor, HtgSupplyAirAdjustFactor);
    4730             :             }
    4731             : 
    4732         886 :             int NumZonesHeated = airToZoneNodeInfo.NumZonesHeated;
    4733         886 :             if (NumZonesHeated > 0) {
    4734          17 :                 for (int ZonesHeatedNum = 1; ZonesHeatedNum <= NumZonesHeated; ++ZonesHeatedNum) {
    4735          14 :                     int TermUnitSizingIndex = airToZoneNodeInfo.TermUnitHeatSizingIndex(ZonesHeatedNum);
    4736          14 :                     if (TermUnitSizingIndex == 0) {
    4737           0 :                         ShowSevereError(state,
    4738           0 :                                         "SetUpSysSizingArray: TermUnitSizingIndex = 0 for AirLoop=" + airToZoneNodeInfo.AirLoopName +
    4739           0 :                                             ", Zone =" + state.dataHeatBal->Zone(airToZoneNodeInfo.HeatCtrlZoneNums(ZonesHeatedNum)).Name);
    4740           0 :                         ShowFatalError(state, "This is a defect. Please report this issue.");
    4741             :                     }
    4742          14 :                     auto &termUnitSizing = state.dataSize->TermUnitSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex);
    4743          14 :                     auto &termUnitFinalZoneSizing = state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex);
    4744             :                     int MatchingCooledZoneNum =
    4745          14 :                         General::FindNumberInList(TermUnitSizingIndex, airToZoneNodeInfo.TermUnitCoolSizingIndex, NumZonesCooled);
    4746          14 :                     if (MatchingCooledZoneNum == 0) {
    4747           0 :                         if (SysSizNum > 0) {
    4748           0 :                             ZoneOAUnc = termUnitFinalZoneSizing.TotalOAFromPeople +
    4749           0 :                                         termUnitFinalZoneSizing.TotalOAFromArea; // should not have diversity at this point
    4750           0 :                             if (state.dataSize->SysSizInput(SysSizNum).SystemOAMethod == SysOAMethod::ZoneSum) { // ZoneSum Method
    4751           0 :                                 SysOAUnc += ZoneOAUnc;
    4752           0 :                             } else if (state.dataSize->SysSizInput(SysSizNum).SystemOAMethod == SysOAMethod::VRP ||
    4753           0 :                                        state.dataSize->SysSizInput(SysSizNum).SystemOAMethod ==
    4754             :                                            SysOAMethod::SP) { // Ventilation Rate and Simplified Procedure
    4755           0 :                                 SysOAUnc += termUnitFinalZoneSizing.TotalOAFromPeople * state.dataSize->DBySys(AirLoopNum) +
    4756           0 :                                             termUnitFinalZoneSizing.TotalOAFromArea; // apply D to people term
    4757             :                             }
    4758           0 :                             state.dataSize->SumRpxPzBySys(AirLoopNum) += termUnitFinalZoneSizing.TotalOAFromPeople;
    4759           0 :                             state.dataSize->SumRaxAzBySys(AirLoopNum) += termUnitFinalZoneSizing.TotalOAFromArea;
    4760             :                             // save for Standard 62 tabular report
    4761           0 :                             state.dataSize->VbzByZone(TermUnitSizingIndex) = ZoneOAUnc; // fixed now, previously RHS already had Ez factored in.
    4762             :                             // Save Std 62.1 heating ventilation required by zone
    4763           0 :                             if (termUnitFinalZoneSizing.ZoneADEffHeating > 0.0) {
    4764           0 :                                 termUnitFinalZoneSizing.VozHtgByZone = ZoneOAUnc / termUnitFinalZoneSizing.ZoneADEffHeating;
    4765             :                             } else {
    4766           0 :                                 termUnitFinalZoneSizing.VozHtgByZone = ZoneOAUnc;
    4767             :                             }
    4768             : 
    4769           0 :                             if (state.dataSize->SysSizInput(SysSizNum).SystemOAMethod == SysOAMethod::ZoneSum) { // ZoneSum Method
    4770           0 :                                 MinOAFlow += termUnitFinalZoneSizing.MinOA;
    4771           0 :                                 if (termUnitFinalZoneSizing.DesHeatVolFlow > 0.0) {
    4772           0 :                                     ZoneOAFracHeating =
    4773           0 :                                         termUnitFinalZoneSizing.VozHtgByZone /
    4774           0 :                                         termUnitFinalZoneSizing.DesHeatVolFlow; // calculate anyway for use with zone OA max fraction below
    4775             :                                 } else {
    4776           0 :                                     ZoneOAFracHeating = 0.0;
    4777             :                                 }
    4778             : 
    4779           0 :                             } else if (state.dataSize->SysSizInput(SysSizNum).SystemOAMethod == SysOAMethod::VRP ||
    4780           0 :                                        state.dataSize->SysSizInput(SysSizNum).SystemOAMethod ==
    4781             :                                            SysOAMethod::SP) { // Ventilation Rate and Simplified Procedure
    4782             :                                 // CR 8872 - check to see if uncorrected OA is calculated to be greater than 0
    4783           0 :                                 if (!(ZoneOAUnc > 0.0)) {
    4784           0 :                                     ShowSevereError(
    4785           0 :                                         state, "Sizing:System - The system outdoor air method is set to VRP in " + finalSysSizing.AirPriLoopName);
    4786           0 :                                     ShowContinueError(state,
    4787           0 :                                                       "But zone \"" + termUnitFinalZoneSizing.ZoneName +
    4788             :                                                           "\" associated with system does not have OA flow/person");
    4789           0 :                                     ShowContinueError(state,
    4790             :                                                       "or flow/area values specified in DesignSpecification:OutdoorAir object associated "
    4791             :                                                       "with the zone");
    4792             :                                 }
    4793             : 
    4794             :                                 // Save Std 62.1 heating ventilation required by zone
    4795           0 :                                 MinOAFlow += termUnitFinalZoneSizing.VozHtgByZone; // Don't include D
    4796             : 
    4797           0 :                                 if (termUnitFinalZoneSizing.DesHeatVolFlow > 0.0) {
    4798           0 :                                     if (termUnitFinalZoneSizing.ZoneSecondaryRecirculation > 0.0) { // multi-path system
    4799             :                                         // multi-path system
    4800           0 :                                         ZoneOAFracHeating = termUnitFinalZoneSizing.VozHtgByZone / termUnitSizing.AirVolFlow;
    4801             :                                     } else {
    4802             :                                         // Single path system
    4803           0 :                                         ZoneOAFracHeating = termUnitFinalZoneSizing.VozHtgByZone / termUnitFinalZoneSizing.DesHeatVolFlow;
    4804             :                                     }
    4805             :                                 } else {
    4806           0 :                                     ZoneOAFracHeating = 0.0;
    4807             :                                 }
    4808             :                             } else { // would be error
    4809             :                             }
    4810             :                         } else { // ZoneSum Method
    4811           0 :                             MinOAFlow += termUnitFinalZoneSizing.MinOA;
    4812           0 :                             ZoneOAFracHeating = 0.0;
    4813             :                         }
    4814             :                     } else { // matching cooled zone > 0
    4815             :                         //?? so what happens if zone is both heated and cooled this makes little sense?  Don't want to double count in
    4816             :                         // MinOAFlow
    4817             :                         // but still need to do std62.1 heating calcs ??
    4818          14 :                         ZoneOAFracHeating = 0.0;
    4819             :                     }
    4820             : 
    4821             :                     // Calc maximum zone OA fraction and supply air adjustment factor based
    4822             :                     // on user entered max allowed OA fraction
    4823          14 :                     if (finalSysSizing.MaxZoneOAFraction > 0 && ZoneOAFracHeating > finalSysSizing.MaxZoneOAFraction) {
    4824           0 :                         if (finalSysSizing.CoolAirDesMethod == FromDDCalc) { // DesignDay Method
    4825           0 :                             HtgSupplyAirAdjustFactor = ZoneOAFracHeating / finalSysSizing.MaxZoneOAFraction;
    4826           0 :                             if (termUnitFinalZoneSizing.ZoneSecondaryRecirculation > 0.0 || termUnitFinalZoneSizing.DesCoolVolFlowMin <= 0) {
    4827             :                                 // multi-path system or VAV Heating airflow max not defined
    4828           0 :                                 termUnitSizing.AirVolFlow *= HtgSupplyAirAdjustFactor;
    4829             :                             } else {
    4830             :                                 // Single path; Use VAV Heating airflow max as the Vpz in the Zp = Voz / Vpz equations
    4831           0 :                                 termUnitFinalZoneSizing.DesHeatVolFlow *= HtgSupplyAirAdjustFactor;
    4832             :                                 // Don't allow the design terminal airflow to be less than the design heating airflow
    4833           0 :                                 termUnitSizing.AirVolFlow = max(termUnitSizing.AirVolFlow, termUnitFinalZoneSizing.DesHeatVolFlow);
    4834             :                             }
    4835           0 :                             ZoneOAFracHeating = finalSysSizing.MaxZoneOAFraction;
    4836             :                         } else {
    4837           0 :                             HtgSupplyAirAdjustFactor = 1.0;
    4838             :                         }
    4839             :                     } else {
    4840          14 :                         HtgSupplyAirAdjustFactor = 1.0;
    4841             :                     }
    4842             : 
    4843          14 :                     ZoneSA = 0.0;
    4844          14 :                     ZonePA = 0.0;
    4845          14 :                     state.dataSimAirServingZones->EpSSOA = 1.0;
    4846          14 :                     if (termUnitFinalZoneSizing.ZoneSecondaryRecirculation > 0.0) { // multi-path system
    4847             :                         // Vpz: "Primary" supply air from main air handler served by an oa mixer
    4848           0 :                         ZonePA = termUnitFinalZoneSizing.DesHeatVolFlow;
    4849             :                         // Vdz: "Discharge" supply air delivered to zone by terminal unit
    4850           0 :                         ZoneSA = max(termUnitSizing.AirVolFlow, ZonePA);
    4851             : 
    4852             :                         // For re-circulation systems, Vpz used to determine Zpz is the design terminal airflow
    4853             :                         // Std 62.1-2010, section "Vpz (used to determin Zpz) is the primary airflow rate
    4854             :                         // rate to the ventilation zone from the air handler, including outdoor air and recirculated air.
    4855           0 :                         state.dataSize->VpzMinHtgByZone(TermUnitSizingIndex) = ZoneSA;
    4856             : 
    4857             :                     } else { // single path system
    4858             : 
    4859          14 :                         ZonePA = termUnitFinalZoneSizing.DesHeatVolFlow;
    4860          14 :                         ZoneSA = termUnitFinalZoneSizing.DesHeatVolFlow;
    4861             : 
    4862             :                         // We do not use the cooling VAV min for heating because the VAV-box heating maximum may be larger.
    4863          14 :                         state.dataSize->VpzMinHtgByZone(TermUnitSizingIndex) = ZoneSA;
    4864             :                     }
    4865             : 
    4866             :                     // save Vdz zone discharge supply airflow for standard 62.1 report
    4867          14 :                     state.dataSize->VdzHtgByZone(TermUnitSizingIndex) = ZoneSA;
    4868             : 
    4869             :                     // save Vpz zone primary airflow for standard 62.1 report
    4870          14 :                     state.dataSize->VpzHtgByZone(TermUnitSizingIndex) = ZonePA;
    4871          14 :                     state.dataSize->VpzHtgSumBySys(AirLoopNum) += ZonePA;
    4872             : 
    4873             :                     // Fraction of required zone ventilation to minimum primary airflow expected at condition analyzed
    4874          14 :                     termUnitFinalZoneSizing.ZpzHtgByZone = 0.0;
    4875          14 :                     if (state.dataSize->VpzMinHtgByZone(TermUnitSizingIndex) > 0) {
    4876          14 :                         termUnitFinalZoneSizing.ZpzHtgByZone =
    4877          14 :                             min(1.0, termUnitFinalZoneSizing.VozHtgByZone / state.dataSize->VpzMinHtgByZone(TermUnitSizingIndex));
    4878             :                     }
    4879             : 
    4880             :                     // calc zone primary air fraction
    4881          14 :                     if (ZoneSA > 0.0) state.dataSimAirServingZones->EpSSOA = ZonePA / ZoneSA;
    4882          14 :                     if (state.dataSimAirServingZones->EpSSOA > 1.0) state.dataSimAirServingZones->EpSSOA = 1.0;
    4883          14 :                     termUnitFinalZoneSizing.ZonePrimaryAirFractionHtg = state.dataSimAirServingZones->EpSSOA;
    4884          14 :                     termUnitFinalZoneSizing.ZoneOAFracHeating = ZoneOAFracHeating;
    4885             : 
    4886             :                     // determined heated zone floor area in an airloop
    4887          14 :                     finalSysSizing.FloorAreaOnAirLoopHeated += termUnitFinalZoneSizing.TotalZoneFloorArea;
    4888             : 
    4889          14 :                     termUnitFinalZoneSizing.SupplyAirAdjustFactor = max(ClgSupplyAirAdjustFactor, HtgSupplyAirAdjustFactor);
    4890             : 
    4891             :                 } // end for loop of heated zones
    4892             : 
    4893             :             } else { // getting heating flow based values for Std 62.1 report for single path systems
    4894         883 :                 ZoneOAFracHeating = 0.0;
    4895        3464 :                 for (int ZonesHeatedNum = 1; ZonesHeatedNum <= NumZonesCooled; ++ZonesHeatedNum) {
    4896        2581 :                     int TermUnitSizingIndex = airToZoneNodeInfo.TermUnitCoolSizingIndex(ZonesHeatedNum);
    4897        2581 :                     if (TermUnitSizingIndex == 0) {
    4898           0 :                         ShowSevereError(state,
    4899           0 :                                         "SetUpSysSizingArray: TermUnitSizingIndex = 0 for AirLoop=" + airToZoneNodeInfo.AirLoopName +
    4900           0 :                                             ", Zone =" + state.dataHeatBal->Zone(airToZoneNodeInfo.CoolCtrlZoneNums(ZonesHeatedNum)).Name);
    4901           0 :                         ShowFatalError(state, "This is a defect. Please report this issue.");
    4902             :                     }
    4903        2581 :                     auto &termUnitSizing = state.dataSize->TermUnitSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex);
    4904        2581 :                     auto &termUnitFinalZoneSizing = state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex);
    4905             :                     // Save Std 62.1 heating ventilation required by zone
    4906        2581 :                     if (termUnitFinalZoneSizing.ZoneADEffHeating > 0.0) {
    4907        2581 :                         termUnitFinalZoneSizing.VozHtgByZone =
    4908        2581 :                             state.dataSize->VbzByZone(TermUnitSizingIndex) / termUnitFinalZoneSizing.ZoneADEffHeating;
    4909             :                     } else {
    4910           0 :                         termUnitFinalZoneSizing.VozHtgByZone = state.dataSize->VbzByZone(TermUnitSizingIndex);
    4911             :                     }
    4912             : 
    4913        2581 :                     if (termUnitFinalZoneSizing.DesHeatVolFlow > 0.0) {
    4914        2575 :                         if (termUnitFinalZoneSizing.ZoneSecondaryRecirculation > 0.0) { // multi-path system
    4915             :                             // multi-path system
    4916           1 :                             if (termUnitSizing.AirVolFlow != 0) {
    4917           0 :                                 ZoneOAFracHeating = termUnitFinalZoneSizing.VozHtgByZone / termUnitSizing.AirVolFlow;
    4918             :                             }
    4919             :                         } else {
    4920             :                             // Single path system
    4921        2574 :                             ZoneOAFracHeating = termUnitFinalZoneSizing.VozHtgByZone / termUnitFinalZoneSizing.DesHeatVolFlow;
    4922             :                         }
    4923             :                     } else {
    4924           6 :                         ZoneOAFracHeating = 0.0;
    4925             :                     }
    4926             : 
    4927             :                     // Calc maximum zone OA fraction and supply air adjustment factor based
    4928             :                     // on user entered max allowed OA fraction - a TRACE feature
    4929        2581 :                     if (finalSysSizing.MaxZoneOAFraction > 0 && ZoneOAFracHeating > finalSysSizing.MaxZoneOAFraction) {
    4930           6 :                         if (finalSysSizing.HeatAirDesMethod == FromDDCalc) { // DesignDay Method
    4931           6 :                             HtgSupplyAirAdjustFactor = ZoneOAFracHeating / finalSysSizing.MaxZoneOAFraction;
    4932           6 :                             if (termUnitFinalZoneSizing.ZoneSecondaryRecirculation > 0.0 || termUnitFinalZoneSizing.DesCoolVolFlowMin <= 0) {
    4933             :                                 // multi-path system or VAV Heating airflow max not defined
    4934           0 :                                 termUnitSizing.AirVolFlow *= HtgSupplyAirAdjustFactor;
    4935             :                             } else {
    4936             :                                 // Single path; Use VAV Heating airflow max as the Vpz in the Zp = Voz / Vpz equations
    4937           6 :                                 termUnitFinalZoneSizing.DesHeatVolFlow *= HtgSupplyAirAdjustFactor;
    4938             :                                 // Don't allow the design terminal airflow to be less than the design heating airflow
    4939           6 :                                 termUnitSizing.AirVolFlow = max(termUnitSizing.AirVolFlow, termUnitFinalZoneSizing.DesHeatVolFlow);
    4940             :                             }
    4941           6 :                             ZoneOAFracHeating = finalSysSizing.MaxZoneOAFraction;
    4942             :                         }
    4943             :                     }
    4944        2581 :                     ZonePA = termUnitFinalZoneSizing.DesHeatVolFlow;
    4945        2581 :                     ZoneSA = termUnitFinalZoneSizing.DesHeatVolFlow;
    4946             :                     // save Vdz zone discharge airflow for standard 62.1 report
    4947        2581 :                     state.dataSize->VdzHtgByZone(TermUnitSizingIndex) = ZoneSA;
    4948             :                     // save Vpz zone primary airflow for standard 62.1 report
    4949        2581 :                     state.dataSize->VpzHtgByZone(TermUnitSizingIndex) = ZonePA;
    4950        2581 :                     state.dataSize->VpzHtgSumBySys(AirLoopNum) += ZonePA;
    4951             : 
    4952             :                     // We do not use the cooling VAV min for heating because the VAV-box heating maximum may be larger.
    4953        2581 :                     state.dataSize->VpzMinHtgByZone(TermUnitSizingIndex) = ZoneSA;
    4954             : 
    4955             :                     // Fraction of required zone ventilation to minimum primary airflow expected at condition analyzed
    4956        2581 :                     termUnitFinalZoneSizing.ZpzHtgByZone = 0.0;
    4957        2581 :                     if (state.dataSize->VpzMinHtgByZone(TermUnitSizingIndex) > 0) {
    4958        2575 :                         termUnitFinalZoneSizing.ZpzHtgByZone =
    4959        2575 :                             termUnitFinalZoneSizing.VozHtgByZone / state.dataSize->VpzMinHtgByZone(TermUnitSizingIndex);
    4960             :                     }
    4961             : 
    4962             :                     // calc zone primary air fraction
    4963        2581 :                     state.dataSimAirServingZones->EpSSOA = 1.0;
    4964        2581 :                     if (ZoneSA > 0.0) state.dataSimAirServingZones->EpSSOA = ZonePA / ZoneSA;
    4965        2581 :                     if (state.dataSimAirServingZones->EpSSOA > 1.0) state.dataSimAirServingZones->EpSSOA = 1.0;
    4966        2581 :                     termUnitFinalZoneSizing.ZonePrimaryAirFractionHtg = state.dataSimAirServingZones->EpSSOA;
    4967        2581 :                     termUnitFinalZoneSizing.ZoneOAFracHeating = ZoneOAFracHeating;
    4968        2581 :                     termUnitFinalZoneSizing.SupplyAirAdjustFactor = max(ClgSupplyAirAdjustFactor, HtgSupplyAirAdjustFactor);
    4969             : 
    4970             :                 } // end for loop over cooled zones (for htg calcs though)
    4971         883 :                 finalSysSizing.FloorAreaOnAirLoopHeated = finalSysSizing.FloorAreaOnAirLoopCooled;
    4972             :             }
    4973             : 
    4974         886 :             finalSysSizing.SysUncOA = SysOAUnc;
    4975         886 :             state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).SysUncOA = SysOAUnc;
    4976         886 :             state.dataSize->VouBySys(AirLoopNum) = SysOAUnc;
    4977             : 
    4978         886 :             finalSysSizing.DesOutAirVolFlow = MinOAFlow;
    4979         886 :             state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).DesOutAirVolFlow = MinOAFlow;
    4980             : 
    4981        2754 :             for (int DesDayEnvrnNum = 1; DesDayEnvrnNum <= state.dataEnvrn->TotDesDays + state.dataEnvrn->TotRunDesPersDays; ++DesDayEnvrnNum) {
    4982        1868 :                 state.dataSize->SysSizing(DesDayEnvrnNum, AirLoopNum).DesOutAirVolFlow = finalSysSizing.DesOutAirVolFlow;
    4983             :             }
    4984             :         }
    4985             :     }
    4986             : 
    4987             :     // END SYSTEM OA CALCS
    4988             : 
    4989             :     // have moved std 62.1 table report writing to ManageSystemVentilationAdjustments in SizingManager
    4990         329 : }
    4991             : 
    4992       85815 : void UpdateSysSizing(EnergyPlusData &state, DataGlobalConstants::CallIndicator const CallIndicator)
    4993             : {
    4994             : 
    4995             :     // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    4996             :     //       AUTHOR         Fred Buhl
    4997             :     //       DATE WRITTEN   February 2001
    4998             : 
    4999             :     // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    5000             :     // Update the result variables of the zone sizing calculation
    5001             : 
    5002             :     // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
    5003             :     // CallIndicator = 1 (BeginDay) zero the result arrays
    5004             :     // CallIndicator = 2 (DuringDay) fill arrays, averaging over 1 zone time step
    5005             :     // CallIndicator = 3 (EndDay) calculate daily maxima
    5006             :     // CallIndicator = 5 (EndSysSizingCalc) write out results
    5007             : 
    5008             :     // Using/Aliasing
    5009             :     using EMSManager::ManageEMS;
    5010             :     using General::FindNumberInList;
    5011             :     using Psychrometrics::PsyCpAirFnW;
    5012             :     using Psychrometrics::PsyHFnTdbW;
    5013             :     using Psychrometrics::PsyRhoAirFnPbTdbW;
    5014             :     using namespace OutputReportPredefined;
    5015             :     using namespace DataSizing;
    5016             : 
    5017             :     // Locals
    5018             :     int numOfTimeStepInDay; // number of zone time steps in a day
    5019             : 
    5021             :     int AirLoopNum;                // primary air system index
    5022             :     int TimeStepInDay;             // zone time step in day
    5023             :     int TimeStepIndex;             // zone time step index
    5024             :     int I;                         // write statement index
    5025             :     int J;                         // write statement index
    5026             :     Real64 SysCoolRetTemp;         // system cooling return temperature for a time step [C]
    5027             :     Real64 SysHeatRetTemp;         // system heating return temperature for a time step [C]
    5028             :     Real64 RhoAir;                 // density of air kg/m3
    5029             :     Real64 OutAirFrac;             // outside air fraction
    5030             :     Real64 SysCoolMixTemp;         // system cooling mixed air temperature [C]
    5031             :     Real64 SysHeatMixTemp;         // system heating mixed air temperature [C]
    5032             :     Real64 SysSensCoolCap;         // system sensible cooling capacity [W]
    5033             :     Real64 SysTotCoolCap;          // system total cooling capacity [W]
    5034             :     Real64 SysCoolZoneAvgTemp;     // system cooling zone average temperature [C]
    5035             :     Real64 SysHeatZoneAvgTemp;     // system heating zone average temperature [C]
    5036             :     Real64 SysHeatCap;             // system heating capacity [W]
    5037             :     int HourCounter;               // Hour Counter
    5038             :     int TimeStepCounter;           // Time Step Counter
    5039             :     int Minutes;                   // Current Minutes Counter
    5040             :     int HourPrint;                 // Hour to print (timestamp)
    5041             :     int DDNum;                     // design day index
    5042             :     int CoolDDNum;                 // design day index of a peak cooling day
    5043             :     int HeatDDNum;                 // design day index of a peak cooling day
    5044             :     int CoolTimeStepNum;           // time step index (in day) of a cooling peak
    5045             :     int HeatTimeStepNum;           // time step index (in day) of a cooling peak
    5046             :     Real64 OutAirTemp;             // outside air temperature
    5047             :     Real64 OutAirHumRat;           // outside air humifity ratio
    5048             :     Real64 SysCoolMixHumRat;       // system cooling mixed air humidity ratio [kg water/kg dry air]
    5049             :     Real64 SysCoolRetHumRat;       // system coolingreturn air humifity ratio [kg water/kg dry air]
    5050             :     Real64 SysHeatMixHumRat;       // system heating mixed air humidity ratio [kg water/kg dry air]
    5051             :     Real64 SysHeatRetHumRat;       // system heatingreturn air humifity ratio [kg water/kg dry air]
    5052             :     Real64 SysCoolOutTemp;         // system cooling outside air temperature [C]
    5053             :     Real64 SysCoolOutHumRat;       // system cooling outside air humidity ratio [kg water/kg dry air]
    5054             :     Real64 SysHeatOutTemp;         // system heating outside air temperature [C]
    5055             :     Real64 SysHeatOutHumRat;       // system heating outside air humidity ratio [kg water/kg dry air]
    5056             :     Real64 SysDOASHeatAdd;         // system DOAS heat addition rate [W]
    5057             :     Real64 SysDOASLatAdd;          // system DOAS latent heat addition rate [W]
    5058             :     Real64 SysCoolSizingRat;       // ratio of user input design flow for cooling divided by calculated design cooling flow
    5059             :     Real64 SysHeatSizingRat;       // ratio of user input design flow for heating divided by calculated design heating flow
    5060             :     Real64 ZoneOARatio;            // ratio of zone OA flow to zone design cooling or heating flow
    5061             :     Real64 RetTempRise;            // difference between zone return temperature and zone temperature [delta K]
    5062             :     Real64 SysCoolingEv;           // System level ventilation effectiveness for cooling mode
    5063             :     Real64 SysHeatingEv;           // System level ventilation effectiveness for heating mode
    5064             :     Real64 SysHtgPeakAirflow;      // Peak heating airflow
    5065             :     int MatchingCooledZoneNum;     // temporary variable
    5066             :     Real64 termunitsizingtempfrac; // 1.0/(1.0+termunitsizing(ctrlzone)%inducrat)
    5067             :     Real64 termunitsizingtemp;     // (1.0+termunitsizing(ctrlzone)%inducrat)
    5068       85815 :     Real64 VozClg(0.0);            // corrected (for ventilation efficiency) zone outside air flow rate [m3/s]
    5069             : 
    5070       85815 :     numOfTimeStepInDay = state.dataGlobal->NumOfTimeStepInHour * 24;
    5071             : 
    5072             :     // allocate scratch arrays
    5073       85815 :     if (!allocated(state.dataSize->SensCoolCapTemp)) {
    5074         329 :         state.dataSize->SensCoolCapTemp.dimension(state.dataHVACGlobal->NumPrimaryAirSys, 0.0);
    5075         329 :         state.dataSize->TotCoolCapTemp.dimension(state.dataHVACGlobal->NumPrimaryAirSys, 0.0);
    5076             :     }
    5077             : 
    5078             :     // allocate arrays used to store values for standard 62.1 tabular report
    5079       85815 :     if (!allocated(state.dataSize->FaByZoneCool)) {
    5080         329 :         state.dataSize->FaByZoneCool.dimension(state.dataSize->NumAirTerminalUnits, 0.0);
    5081         329 :         state.dataSize->FaByZoneHeat.dimension(state.dataSize->NumAirTerminalUnits, 0.0);
    5082         329 :         state.dataSize->FbByZoneCool.dimension(state.dataSize->NumAirTerminalUnits, 0.0);
    5083         329 :         state.dataSize->FbByZoneHeat.dimension(state.dataSize->NumAirTerminalUnits, 0.0);
    5084         329 :         state.dataSize->FcByZoneCool.dimension(state.dataSize->NumAirTerminalUnits, 0.0);
    5085         329 :         state.dataSize->FcByZoneHeat.dimension(state.dataSize->NumAirTerminalUnits, 0.0);
    5086         329 :         state.dataSimAirServingZones->EvBySysCool.dimension(state.dataHVACGlobal->NumPrimaryAirSys, 1.0);
    5087         329 :         state.dataSimAirServingZones->EvBySysHeat.dimension(state.dataHVACGlobal->NumPrimaryAirSys, 1.0);
    5088         329 :         state.dataSize->XsBySysCool.dimension(state.dataHVACGlobal->NumPrimaryAirSys, 1.0);
    5089         329 :         state.dataSize->XsBySysHeat.dimension(state.dataHVACGlobal->NumPrimaryAirSys, 1.0);
    5090         329 :         state.dataSize->EvzByZoneCool.dimension(state.dataSize->NumAirTerminalUnits, 1.0);
    5091         329 :         state.dataSize->EvzByZoneCoolPrev.dimension(state.dataSize->NumAirTerminalUnits, 1.0);
    5092         329 :         state.dataSize->EvzByZoneHeat.dimension(state.dataSize->NumAirTerminalUnits, 1.0);
    5093         329 :         state.dataSize->EvzByZoneHeatPrev.dimension(state.dataSize->NumAirTerminalUnits, 1.0);
    5094         329 :         state.dataSize->EvzMinBySysCool.dimension(state.dataHVACGlobal->NumPrimaryAirSys, 1.0);
    5095         329 :         state.dataSize->EvzMinBySysHeat.dimension(state.dataHVACGlobal->NumPrimaryAirSys, 1.0);
    5096         329 :         state.dataSize->VotClgBySys.dimension(state.dataHVACGlobal->NumPrimaryAirSys, 0.0);
    5097         329 :         state.dataSize->VotHtgBySys.dimension(state.dataHVACGlobal->NumPrimaryAirSys, 0.0);
    5098         329 :         state.dataSize->VozSumClgBySys.dimension(state.dataHVACGlobal->NumPrimaryAirSys, 0.0);
    5099         329 :         state.dataSize->VozSumHtgBySys.dimension(state.dataHVACGlobal->NumPrimaryAirSys, 0.0);
    5100             :     }
    5101             : 
    5102       85815 :     switch (CallIndicator) {
    5103         695 :     case DataGlobalConstants::CallIndicator::BeginDay: {
    5104             :         // Correct the zone return temperature in ZoneSizing for the case of induction units. The calc in
    5105             :         // ZoneEquipmentManager assumes all the air entering the zone goes into the return node.
    5106        8078 :         for (int CtrlZoneNum = 1; CtrlZoneNum <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++CtrlZoneNum) {
    5107        7383 :             auto &zoneEquipConfig = state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(CtrlZoneNum);
    5108        7383 :             auto &zoneSizing = state.dataSize->ZoneSizing(state.dataSize->CurOverallSimDay, CtrlZoneNum);
    5109        7383 :             if (!zoneEquipConfig.IsControlled) continue;
    5110             :             // Use first non-zero airdistunit for now
    5111        6497 :             int TermUnitSizingIndex = 0;
    5112        6497 :             for (int InletNode = 1; InletNode <= zoneEquipConfig.NumInletNodes; ++InletNode) {
    5113        6497 :                 TermUnitSizingIndex = zoneEquipConfig.AirDistUnitCool(InletNode).TermUnitSizingIndex;
    5114        6497 :                 if (TermUnitSizingIndex == 0) continue;
    5115        6497 :                 termunitsizingtemp = (1.0 + state.dataSize->TermUnitSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).InducRat);
    5116        6497 :                 termunitsizingtempfrac = (1.0 / termunitsizingtemp);
    5117        6497 :                 if (TermUnitSizingIndex > 0) break;
    5118             :             }
    5119        6497 :             if (TermUnitSizingIndex == 0) continue; // Skip this if there are no terminal units
    5120        6497 :             RetTempRise = zoneSizing.ZoneRetTempAtCoolPeak - zoneSizing.ZoneTempAtCoolPeak;
    5121        6497 :             if (RetTempRise > 0.01) {
    5122        3185 :                 zoneSizing.ZoneRetTempAtCoolPeak = zoneSizing.ZoneTempAtCoolPeak + RetTempRise * termunitsizingtempfrac;
    5123             :             }
    5124        6497 :             RetTempRise = zoneSizing.ZoneRetTempAtHeatPeak - zoneSizing.ZoneTempAtHeatPeak;
    5125        6497 :             if (RetTempRise > 0.01) {
    5126         779 :                 zoneSizing.ZoneRetTempAtHeatPeak = zoneSizing.ZoneTempAtHeatPeak + RetTempRise * termunitsizingtempfrac;
    5127             :             }
    5128             :         }
    5129             : 
    5130        2641 :         for (AirLoopNum = 1; AirLoopNum <= state.dataHVACGlobal->NumPrimaryAirSys; ++AirLoopNum) { // start of begin day loop over primary air systems
    5131        1946 :             auto &airToZoneNodeInfo = state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirLoopNum);
    5132        1946 :             int NumZonesCooled = airToZoneNodeInfo.NumZonesCooled;
    5133        1946 :             int NumZonesHeated = airToZoneNodeInfo.NumZonesHeated;
    5134        1946 :             state.dataSize->SysSizing(state.dataSize->CurOverallSimDay, AirLoopNum).CoolDesDay = state.dataEnvrn->EnvironmentName;
    5135        1946 :             state.dataSize->SysSizing(state.dataSize->CurOverallSimDay, AirLoopNum).HeatDesDay = state.dataEnvrn->EnvironmentName;
    5136        1946 :             state.dataSize->SensCoolCapTemp(AirLoopNum) = 0.0;
    5137        1946 :             state.dataSize->TotCoolCapTemp(AirLoopNum) = 0.0;
    5138             : 
    5139        8159 :             for (int ZonesCooledNum = 1; ZonesCooledNum <= NumZonesCooled; ++ZonesCooledNum) { // loop over cooled zones
    5140        6213 :                 int CtrlZoneNum = airToZoneNodeInfo.CoolCtrlZoneNums(ZonesCooledNum);
    5141        6213 :                 int TermUnitSizingIndex = airToZoneNodeInfo.TermUnitCoolSizingIndex(ZonesCooledNum);
    5142             :                 Real64 adjCoolMassFlow =
    5143        6213 :                     state.dataSize->TermUnitSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex)
    5144        6213 :                         .applyTermUnitSizingCoolFlow(state.dataSize->ZoneSizing(state.dataSize->CurOverallSimDay, CtrlZoneNum).DesCoolMassFlow,
    5145       12426 :                                                      state.dataSize->ZoneSizing(state.dataSize->CurOverallSimDay, CtrlZoneNum).DesCoolMassFlowNoOA);
    5146        6213 :                 state.dataSize->SysSizing(state.dataSize->CurOverallSimDay, AirLoopNum).NonCoinCoolMassFlow +=
    5147        6213 :                     adjCoolMassFlow / (1.0 + state.dataSize->TermUnitSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).InducRat);
    5148        6223 :                 if (state.dataSize->SysSizing(state.dataSize->CurOverallSimDay, AirLoopNum).loadSizingType == DataSizing::LoadSizing::Latent &&
    5149          10 :                     !state.dataSize->FinalZoneSizing.empty()) {
    5150          10 :                     if (!state.dataSize->FinalZoneSizing(CtrlZoneNum).zoneLatentSizing && state.dataSize->CurOverallSimDay == 1) {
    5151           0 :                         ShowWarningError(state,
    5152           0 :                                          format("Latent Sizing for AirLoop = {} requires latent sizing in Sizing:Zone object for Zone = {}",
    5153             :                                                 airToZoneNodeInfo.AirLoopName,
    5154           0 :                                                 state.dataSize->FinalZoneSizing(CtrlZoneNum).ZoneName));
    5155             :                     }
    5156        6203 :                 } else if (!state.dataSize->FinalZoneSizing.empty()) { // not latent sizing for air loop
    5157        6203 :                     if (state.dataSize->FinalZoneSizing(CtrlZoneNum).zoneLatentSizing && state.dataSize->CurOverallSimDay == 1) {
    5158           0 :                         ShowWarningError(state,
    5159           0 :                                          format("Sizing for AirLoop = {} includes latent sizing in Sizing:Zone object for Zone = {}",
    5160             :                                                 airToZoneNodeInfo.AirLoopName,
    5161           0 :                                                 state.dataSize->FinalZoneSizing(CtrlZoneNum).ZoneName));
    5162             :                     }
    5163             :                 }
    5164             :             } // end of loop over cooled zones
    5165             : 
    5166        1946 :             if (NumZonesHeated > 0) {                                                              // if there are zones supplied with central hot air
    5167          97 :                 for (int ZonesHeatedNum = 1; ZonesHeatedNum <= NumZonesHeated; ++ZonesHeatedNum) { // loop over heated zones
    5168          76 :                     int CtrlZoneNum = airToZoneNodeInfo.HeatCtrlZoneNums(ZonesHeatedNum);
    5169          76 :                     int TermUnitSizingIndex = airToZoneNodeInfo.TermUnitHeatSizingIndex(ZonesHeatedNum);
    5170          76 :                     Real64 adjHeatMassFlow = state.dataSize->TermUnitSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex)
    5171         152 :                                                  .applyTermUnitSizingHeatFlow(
    5172          76 :                                                      state.dataSize->ZoneSizing(state.dataSize->CurOverallSimDay, CtrlZoneNum).DesHeatMassFlow,
    5173         152 :                                                      state.dataSize->ZoneSizing(state.dataSize->CurOverallSimDay, CtrlZoneNum).DesHeatMassFlowNoOA);
    5174          76 :                     state.dataSize->SysSizing(state.dataSize->CurOverallSimDay, AirLoopNum).NonCoinHeatMassFlow +=
    5175          76 :                         adjHeatMassFlow / (1.0 + state.dataSize->TermUnitSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).InducRat);
    5176             :                 }                                                                                  // end of loop over heated zones
    5177             :             } else {                                                                               // otherwise use cool supply zones
    5178        8062 :                 for (int ZonesCooledNum = 1; ZonesCooledNum <= NumZonesCooled; ++ZonesCooledNum) { // loop over cooled zones
    5179        6137 :                     int CtrlZoneNum = airToZoneNodeInfo.CoolCtrlZoneNums(ZonesCooledNum);
    5180        6137 :                     int TermUnitSizingIndex = airToZoneNodeInfo.TermUnitCoolSizingIndex(ZonesCooledNum);
    5181        6137 :                     Real64 adjHeatMassFlow = state.dataSize->TermUnitSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex)
    5182       12274 :                                                  .applyTermUnitSizingHeatFlow(
    5183        6137 :                                                      state.dataSize->ZoneSizing(state.dataSize->CurOverallSimDay, CtrlZoneNum).DesHeatMassFlow,
    5184       12274 :                                                      state.dataSize->ZoneSizing(state.dataSize->CurOverallSimDay, CtrlZoneNum).DesHeatMassFlowNoOA);
    5185        6137 :                     state.dataSize->SysSizing(state.dataSize->CurOverallSimDay, AirLoopNum).NonCoinHeatMassFlow +=
    5186        6137 :                         adjHeatMassFlow / (1.0 + state.dataSize->TermUnitSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).InducRat);
    5187             :                 } // end of loop over cooled zones
    5188             :             }     // End of heat / cool zone if - else
    5189             : 
    5190         695 :         } // End of begin day loop over primary air systems
    5191         695 :     } break;
    5192       84096 :     case DataGlobalConstants::CallIndicator::DuringDay: {
    5193      168192 :         TimeStepInDay = (state.dataGlobal->HourOfDay - 1) * state.dataGlobal->NumOfTimeStepInHour +
    5194       84096 :                         state.dataGlobal->TimeStep; // calculate current zone time step index
    5195             : 
    5196             :         // Correct the zone return temperature in ZoneSizing for the case of induction units. The calc in
    5197             :         // ZoneEquipmentManager assumes all the air entering the zone goes into the return node.
    5198      988176 :         for (int CtrlZoneNum = 1; CtrlZoneNum <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++CtrlZoneNum) {
    5199      904080 :             if (!state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(CtrlZoneNum).IsControlled) continue;
    5200             :             // Use first non-zero airdistunit for now, if there is one
    5201      802320 :             termunitsizingtempfrac = 1.0;
    5202      802320 :             int TermUnitSizingIndex = 0;
    5203      802320 :             for (int InletNode = 1; InletNode <= state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(CtrlZoneNum).NumInletNodes; ++InletNode) {
    5204      802320 :                 TermUnitSizingIndex = state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(CtrlZoneNum).AirDistUnitCool(InletNode).TermUnitSizingIndex;
    5205      802320 :                 if (TermUnitSizingIndex == 0) continue;
    5206      802320 :                 termunitsizingtemp = (1.0 + state.dataSize->TermUnitSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).InducRat);
    5207      802320 :                 termunitsizingtempfrac = (1.0 / termunitsizingtemp);
    5208      802320 :                 if (TermUnitSizingIndex > 0) break;
    5209             :             }
    5210      802320 :             if (TermUnitSizingIndex == 0) continue; // Skip this if there are no terminal units
    5211      802320 :             auto &zoneSizing = state.dataSize->ZoneSizing(state.dataSize->CurOverallSimDay, CtrlZoneNum);
    5212      802320 :             RetTempRise = zoneSizing.CoolZoneRetTempSeq(TimeStepInDay) - zoneSizing.CoolZoneTempSeq(TimeStepInDay);
    5213      802320 :             if (RetTempRise > 0.01) {
    5214      413640 :                 zoneSizing.CoolZoneRetTempSeq(TimeStepInDay) = zoneSizing.CoolZoneTempSeq(TimeStepInDay) + RetTempRise * termunitsizingtempfrac;
    5215             :             }
    5216      802320 :             RetTempRise = zoneSizing.HeatZoneRetTempSeq(TimeStepInDay) - zoneSizing.HeatZoneTempSeq(TimeStepInDay);
    5217      802320 :             if (RetTempRise > 0.01) {
    5218      117721 :                 zoneSizing.HeatZoneRetTempSeq(TimeStepInDay) = zoneSizing.HeatZoneTempSeq(TimeStepInDay) + RetTempRise * termunitsizingtempfrac;
    5219             :             }
    5220             :         }
    5221             :         // start of zone time step loop over primary air systems
    5222      314352 :         for (AirLoopNum = 1; AirLoopNum <= state.dataHVACGlobal->NumPrimaryAirSys; ++AirLoopNum) {
    5223             : 
    5224      230256 :             int NumZonesCooled = state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirLoopNum).NumZonesCooled;
    5225      230256 :             int NumZonesHeated = state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirLoopNum).NumZonesHeated;
    5226             : 
    5227      230256 :             SysCoolRetTemp = 0.0;
    5228      230256 :             OutAirFrac = 0.0;
    5229      230256 :             SysCoolMixTemp = 0.0;
    5230      230256 :             SysSensCoolCap = 0.0;
    5231      230256 :             SysCoolRetHumRat = 0.0;
    5232      230256 :             SysCoolMixHumRat = 0.0;
    5233      230256 :             SysCoolZoneAvgTemp = 0.0;
    5234      230256 :             SysHeatZoneAvgTemp = 0.0;
    5235      230256 :             SysTotCoolCap = 0.0;
    5236      230256 :             SysDOASHeatAdd = 0.0;
    5237      230256 :             SysDOASLatAdd = 0.0;
    5238      230256 :             Real64 SysLatCoolHumRat = 0.0;
    5239             : 
    5240     1005216 :             for (int ZonesCooledNum = 1; ZonesCooledNum <= NumZonesCooled; ++ZonesCooledNum) { // loop over zones cooled by central system
    5241      774960 :                 int CtrlZoneNum = state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirLoopNum).CoolCtrlZoneNums(ZonesCooledNum);
    5242      774960 :                 int TermUnitSizingIndex = state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirLoopNum).TermUnitCoolSizingIndex(ZonesCooledNum);
    5243      774960 :                 auto &termUnitSizing = state.dataSize->TermUnitSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex);
    5244      774960 :                 auto &zoneSizing = state.dataSize->ZoneSizing(state.dataSize->CurOverallSimDay, CtrlZoneNum);
    5245             :                 // sum up the system mass flow rate for this time step
    5246             :                 Real64 adjCoolFlowSeq =
    5247      774960 :                     termUnitSizing.applyTermUnitSizingCoolFlow(zoneSizing.CoolFlowSeq(TimeStepInDay), zoneSizing.CoolFlowSeqNoOA(TimeStepInDay));
    5248     1549920 :                 state.dataSize->SysSizing(state.dataSize->CurOverallSimDay, AirLoopNum).CoolFlowSeq(TimeStepInDay) +=
    5249      774960 :                     adjCoolFlowSeq / (1.0 + termUnitSizing.InducRat);
    5250             :                 // sum up the zone cooling load to be met by this system for this time step
    5251      774960 :                 state.dataSize->SysSizing(state.dataSize->CurOverallSimDay, AirLoopNum).SumZoneCoolLoadSeq(TimeStepInDay) +=
    5252      774960 :                     zoneSizing.CoolLoadSeq(TimeStepInDay);
    5253             :                 // calculate the return air temperature for this time step
    5254      774960 :                 SysCoolRetTemp +=
    5255      774960 :                     zoneSizing.CoolZoneRetTempSeq(TimeStepInDay) * zoneSizing.CoolFlowSeq(TimeStepInDay) / (1.0 + termUnitSizing.InducRat);
    5256      774960 :                 SysCoolRetHumRat +=
    5257      774960 :                     zoneSizing.CoolZoneHumRatSeq(TimeStepInDay) * zoneSizing.CoolFlowSeq(TimeStepInDay) / (1.0 + termUnitSizing.InducRat);
    5258      774960 :                 SysCoolZoneAvgTemp +=
    5259      774960 :                     zoneSizing.CoolZoneTempSeq(TimeStepInDay) * zoneSizing.CoolFlowSeq(TimeStepInDay) / (1.0 + termUnitSizing.InducRat);
    5260      774960 :                 SysDOASHeatAdd += zoneSizing.DOASHeatAddSeq(TimeStepInDay) * zoneSizing.CoolFlowSeq(TimeStepInDay) / (1.0 + termUnitSizing.InducRat);
    5261      774960 :                 SysDOASLatAdd += zoneSizing.DOASLatAddSeq(TimeStepInDay) * zoneSizing.CoolFlowSeq(TimeStepInDay) / (1.0 + termUnitSizing.InducRat);
    5262      774960 :                 SysLatCoolHumRat += zoneSizing.CoolDesHumRat * zoneSizing.CoolFlowSeq(TimeStepInDay) / (1.0 + termUnitSizing.InducRat);
    5263             :             } // end of loop over zones cooled by central system
    5264             :             // Get peak system cooling load with coincident
    5265      230256 :             auto &sysSizing = state.dataSize->SysSizing(state.dataSize->CurOverallSimDay, AirLoopNum);
    5266      230256 :             if (sysSizing.SysDesCoolLoad < sysSizing.SumZoneCoolLoadSeq(TimeStepInDay)) {
    5267       32605 :                 sysSizing.SysDesCoolLoad = sysSizing.SumZoneCoolLoadSeq(TimeStepInDay);
    5268       32605 :                 sysSizing.SysCoolLoadTimeStepPk = TimeStepInDay;
    5269             :             }
    5270             :             // check that there is system mass flow
    5271      230256 :             if (sysSizing.CoolFlowSeq(TimeStepInDay) > 0.0) {
    5272             :                 // complete return air temp calc
    5273      226375 :                 SysLatCoolHumRat /= sysSizing.CoolFlowSeq(TimeStepInDay);
    5274      226375 :                 SysCoolRetTemp /= sysSizing.CoolFlowSeq(TimeStepInDay);
    5275      226375 :                 SysCoolRetHumRat /= sysSizing.CoolFlowSeq(TimeStepInDay);
    5276      226375 :                 SysCoolZoneAvgTemp /= sysSizing.CoolFlowSeq(TimeStepInDay);
    5277      226375 :                 sysSizing.SysCoolRetTempSeq(TimeStepInDay) = SysCoolRetTemp;
    5278      226375 :                 sysSizing.SysCoolRetHumRatSeq(TimeStepInDay) = SysCoolRetHumRat;
    5279      226375 :                 sysSizing.CoolZoneAvgTempSeq(TimeStepInDay) = SysCoolZoneAvgTemp;
    5280             :                 // calculate the outside air fraction for this time step
    5281      226375 :                 RhoAir = state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir;
    5282      226375 :                 if (sysSizing.CoolOAOption == MinOA) {
    5283      218671 :                     OutAirFrac = RhoAir * sysSizing.DesOutAirVolFlow / sysSizing.CoolFlowSeq(TimeStepInDay);
    5284      218671 :                     OutAirFrac = min(1.0, max(0.0, OutAirFrac));
    5285             :                 } else {
    5286        7704 :                     OutAirFrac = 1.0;
    5287             :                 }
    5288             :                 // now calculate the mixed air temperature
    5289      226375 :                 SysCoolMixTemp = state.dataEnvrn->OutDryBulbTemp * OutAirFrac + SysCoolRetTemp * (1.0 - OutAirFrac);
    5290      226375 :                 SysCoolMixHumRat = state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat * OutAirFrac + SysCoolRetHumRat * (1.0 - OutAirFrac);
    5291      226375 :                 sysSizing.SysCoolOutTempSeq(TimeStepInDay) = state.dataEnvrn->OutDryBulbTemp;
    5292      226375 :                 sysSizing.SysCoolOutHumRatSeq(TimeStepInDay) = state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat;
    5293             :                 // adjust supply air humidity ratio to meet latent load
    5294      226375 :                 if (sysSizing.loadSizingType == DataSizing::LoadSizing::Latent) {
    5295         192 :                     if (state.dataHeatBal->isAnyLatentLoad) {
    5296         192 :                         sysSizing.CoolSupHumRat = std::min(SysLatCoolHumRat, sysSizing.CoolSupHumRat);
    5297         192 :                         state.dataSize->FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).CoolSupHumRat = sysSizing.CoolSupHumRat;
    5298             :                     } else {
    5299             :                         // switch back to sensible load if all latent zone loads are smaller than sensible load
    5300           0 :                         sysSizing.coolingPeakLoad = DataSizing::PeakLoad::SensibleCooling;
    5301           0 :                         state.dataSize->FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).coolingPeakLoad = DataSizing::PeakLoad::SensibleCooling;
    5302             :                     }
    5303             :                 }
    5304             :                 // From the mixed air temp, system design supply air temp, and the mass flow rate
    5305             :                 // calculate the system sensible cooling capacity
    5306      452750 :                 SysSensCoolCap = PsyCpAirFnW(DataPrecisionGlobals::constant_zero) * sysSizing.CoolFlowSeq(TimeStepInDay) *
    5307      226375 :                                  (SysCoolMixTemp - sysSizing.CoolSupTemp);
    5308      226375 :                 SysSensCoolCap = max(0.0, SysSensCoolCap);
    5309             :                 // calculate the system total cooling capacity
    5310      452750 :                 SysTotCoolCap = sysSizing.CoolFlowSeq(TimeStepInDay) *
    5311      226375 :                                 (PsyHFnTdbW(SysCoolMixTemp, SysCoolMixHumRat) - PsyHFnTdbW(sysSizing.CoolSupTemp, sysSizing.CoolSupHumRat));
    5312      226375 :                 SysTotCoolCap = max(0.0, SysTotCoolCap);
    5313             :                 // Save the sens cool cap for this time step
    5314      226375 :                 sysSizing.SensCoolCapSeq(TimeStepInDay) = SysSensCoolCap;
    5315             :                 // Save the tot cool cap for this time step
    5316      226375 :                 sysSizing.TotCoolCapSeq(TimeStepInDay) = SysTotCoolCap;
    5317             :                 // Save the DOAS flows
    5318      226375 :                 sysSizing.SysDOASHeatAddSeq(TimeStepInDay) = SysDOASHeatAdd;
    5319      226375 :                 sysSizing.SysDOASLatAddSeq(TimeStepInDay) = SysDOASLatAdd;
    5320             :             } // end of system mass flow check
    5321             : 
    5322             :             // get the maximum system sensible cooling capacity
    5323      230256 :             if (SysSensCoolCap > state.dataSize->SensCoolCapTemp(AirLoopNum)) {
    5324       34056 :                 state.dataSize->SysSizPeakDDNum(AirLoopNum).TimeStepAtSensCoolPk(state.dataSize->CurOverallSimDay) = TimeStepInDay;
    5325       34056 :                 state.dataSize->SensCoolCapTemp(AirLoopNum) = SysSensCoolCap;
    5326       34056 :                 if (sysSizing.coolingPeakLoad == DataSizing::PeakLoad::SensibleCooling) {
    5327       31884 :                     sysSizing.SensCoolCap = SysSensCoolCap;
    5328       31884 :                     sysSizing.TotCoolCap = SysTotCoolCap;
    5329       31884 :                     sysSizing.MixTempAtCoolPeak = SysCoolMixTemp;
    5330       31884 :                     sysSizing.MixHumRatAtCoolPeak = SysCoolMixHumRat;
    5331       31884 :                     sysSizing.RetTempAtCoolPeak = SysCoolRetTemp;
    5332       31884 :                     sysSizing.RetHumRatAtCoolPeak = SysCoolRetHumRat;
    5333       31884 :                     sysSizing.OutTempAtCoolPeak = state.dataEnvrn->OutDryBulbTemp;
    5334       31884 :                     sysSizing.OutHumRatAtCoolPeak = state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat;
    5335       31884 :                     sysSizing.MassFlowAtCoolPeak = sysSizing.CoolFlowSeq(TimeStepInDay);
    5336             :                 }
    5337             :             }
    5338             :             // get the maximum system total cooling capacity
    5339      230256 :             if (SysTotCoolCap > state.dataSize->TotCoolCapTemp(AirLoopNum)) {
    5340       33322 :                 state.dataSize->SysSizPeakDDNum(AirLoopNum).TimeStepAtTotCoolPk(state.dataSize->CurOverallSimDay) = TimeStepInDay;
    5341       33322 :                 state.dataSize->TotCoolCapTemp(AirLoopNum) = SysTotCoolCap;
    5342       33322 :                 if (sysSizing.coolingPeakLoad == DataSizing::PeakLoad::TotalCooling) {
    5343        2066 :                     sysSizing.SensCoolCap = SysSensCoolCap;
    5344        2066 :                     sysSizing.TotCoolCap = SysTotCoolCap;
    5345        2066 :                     sysSizing.MixTempAtCoolPeak = SysCoolMixTemp;
    5346        2066 :                     sysSizing.MixHumRatAtCoolPeak = SysCoolMixHumRat;
    5347        2066 :                     sysSizing.RetTempAtCoolPeak = SysCoolRetTemp;
    5348        2066 :                     sysSizing.RetHumRatAtCoolPeak = SysCoolRetHumRat;
    5349        2066 :                     sysSizing.OutTempAtCoolPeak = state.dataEnvrn->OutDryBulbTemp;
    5350        2066 :                     sysSizing.OutHumRatAtCoolPeak = state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat;
    5351        2066 :                     sysSizing.MassFlowAtCoolPeak = sysSizing.CoolFlowSeq(TimeStepInDay);
    5352             :                 }
    5353       33322 :                 sysSizing.SysCoolCoinSpaceSens = 0.0;
    5354      158861 :                 for (int zonesCoolLoop = 1; zonesCoolLoop <= state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirLoopNum).NumZonesCooled; ++zonesCoolLoop) {
    5355      125539 :                     int zoneNum = state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirLoopNum).CoolCtrlZoneNums(zonesCoolLoop);
    5356      125539 :                     sysSizing.SysCoolCoinSpaceSens +=
    5357      125539 :                         state.dataSize->CalcZoneSizing(state.dataSize->CurOverallSimDay, zoneNum).CoolLoadSeq(TimeStepInDay);
    5358             :                 }
    5359             :             }
    5360             :             // get the maximum cooling mass flow rate
    5361      230256 :             if (sysSizing.CoolFlowSeq(TimeStepInDay) > sysSizing.CoinCoolMassFlow) {
    5362       29316 :                 sysSizing.CoinCoolMassFlow = sysSizing.CoolFlowSeq(TimeStepInDay);
    5363       29316 :                 state.dataSize->SysSizPeakDDNum(AirLoopNum).TimeStepAtCoolFlowPk(state.dataSize->CurOverallSimDay) = TimeStepInDay;
    5364             :             }
    5365      230256 :             SysHeatRetTemp = 0.0;
    5366      230256 :             OutAirFrac = 0.0;
    5367      230256 :             SysHeatMixTemp = 0.0;
    5368      230256 :             SysHeatCap = 0.0;
    5369      230256 :             SysHeatRetHumRat = 0.0;
    5370      230256 :             SysHeatMixHumRat = 0.0;
    5371             : 
    5372      230256 :             if (NumZonesHeated > 0) { // IF there are centrally heated zones
    5373             : 
    5374       13392 :                 for (int ZonesHeatedNum = 1; ZonesHeatedNum <= NumZonesHeated; ++ZonesHeatedNum) { // loop over the heated zones
    5375       10464 :                     int CtrlZoneNum = state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirLoopNum).HeatCtrlZoneNums(ZonesHeatedNum);
    5376       10464 :                     int TermUnitSizingIndex = state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirLoopNum).TermUnitHeatSizingIndex(ZonesHeatedNum);
    5377       10464 :                     auto &termUnitSizing = state.dataSize->TermUnitSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex);
    5378       10464 :                     auto &zoneSizing = state.dataSize->ZoneSizing(state.dataSize->CurOverallSimDay, CtrlZoneNum);
    5379             :                     // sum up the heating mass flow rate for this time step
    5380             :                     Real64 adjHeatFlowSeq =
    5381       10464 :                         termUnitSizing.applyTermUnitSizingHeatFlow(zoneSizing.HeatFlowSeq(TimeStepInDay), zoneSizing.HeatFlowSeqNoOA(TimeStepInDay));
    5382       10464 :                     sysSizing.HeatFlowSeq(TimeStepInDay) += adjHeatFlowSeq / (1.0 + termUnitSizing.InducRat);
    5383             :                     // sum up the zone heating load to be met by this system for this time step
    5384       10464 :                     sysSizing.SumZoneHeatLoadSeq(TimeStepInDay) += zoneSizing.HeatLoadSeq(TimeStepInDay) / (1.0 + termUnitSizing.InducRat);
    5385             :                     // calculate the return air temperature for this time step
    5386       10464 :                     SysHeatRetTemp +=
    5387       10464 :                         zoneSizing.HeatZoneRetTempSeq(TimeStepInDay) * zoneSizing.HeatFlowSeq(TimeStepInDay) / (1.0 + termUnitSizing.InducRat);
    5388       10464 :                     SysHeatRetHumRat +=
    5389       10464 :                         zoneSizing.HeatZoneHumRatSeq(TimeStepInDay) * zoneSizing.HeatFlowSeq(TimeStepInDay) / (1.0 + termUnitSizing.InducRat);
    5390       10464 :                     SysHeatZoneAvgTemp +=
    5391       10464 :                         zoneSizing.HeatZoneTempSeq(TimeStepInDay) * zoneSizing.HeatFlowSeq(TimeStepInDay) / (1.0 + termUnitSizing.InducRat);
    5392             :                 } // end heated zones loop
    5393             :                 // Get peak system heating load with coincident
    5394        2928 :                 if (abs(sysSizing.SysDesHeatLoad) > abs(sysSizing.SumZoneHeatLoadSeq(TimeStepInDay))) {
    5395           0 :                     sysSizing.SysDesHeatLoad = sysSizing.SumZoneHeatLoadSeq(TimeStepInDay);
    5396           0 :                     sysSizing.SysHeatLoadTimeStepPk = TimeStepInDay;
    5397             :                 }
    5398             :                 // check that the system flow rate is nonzero
    5399        2928 :                 if (sysSizing.HeatFlowSeq(TimeStepInDay) > 0.0) {
    5400             :                     // complete return air temp calc
    5401        2928 :                     SysHeatRetTemp /= sysSizing.HeatFlowSeq(TimeStepInDay);
    5402        2928 :                     SysHeatRetHumRat /= sysSizing.HeatFlowSeq(TimeStepInDay);
    5403        2928 :                     SysHeatZoneAvgTemp /= sysSizing.HeatFlowSeq(TimeStepInDay);
    5404        2928 :                     sysSizing.SysHeatRetTempSeq(TimeStepInDay) = SysHeatRetTemp;
    5405        2928 :                     sysSizing.SysHeatRetHumRatSeq(TimeStepInDay) = SysHeatRetHumRat;
    5406        2928 :                     sysSizing.HeatZoneAvgTempSeq(TimeStepInDay) = SysHeatZoneAvgTemp;
    5407             :                     // calculate the outside air fraction for this time step
    5408        2928 :                     RhoAir = state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir;
    5409        2928 :                     if (sysSizing.HeatOAOption == MinOA) {
    5410        2928 :                         OutAirFrac = RhoAir * sysSizing.DesOutAirVolFlow / sysSizing.HeatFlowSeq(TimeStepInDay);
    5411        2928 :                         OutAirFrac = min(1.0, max(0.0, OutAirFrac));
    5412             :                     } else {
    5413           0 :                         OutAirFrac = 1.0;
    5414             :                     }
    5415             :                     // calculate the mixed air temperature
    5416        2928 :                     SysHeatMixTemp = state.dataEnvrn->OutDryBulbTemp * OutAirFrac + SysHeatRetTemp * (1.0 - OutAirFrac);
    5417        2928 :                     SysHeatMixHumRat = state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat * OutAirFrac + SysHeatRetHumRat * (1.0 - OutAirFrac);
    5418        2928 :                     sysSizing.SysHeatOutTempSeq(TimeStepInDay) = state.dataEnvrn->OutDryBulbTemp;
    5419        2928 :                     sysSizing.SysHeatOutHumRatSeq(TimeStepInDay) = state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat;
    5420             :                     // From the mixed air temp, heating supply air temp, and mass flow rate calculate the system heating capacity
    5421        5856 :                     SysHeatCap = PsyCpAirFnW(DataPrecisionGlobals::constant_zero) * sysSizing.HeatFlowSeq(TimeStepInDay) *
    5422        2928 :                                  (sysSizing.HeatSupTemp - SysHeatMixTemp);
    5423        2928 :                     SysHeatCap = max(0.0, SysHeatCap);
    5424             :                     // save the system heating capacity for the time step
    5425        2928 :                     sysSizing.HeatCapSeq(TimeStepInDay) = SysHeatCap;
    5426             :                 } // end system flow rate IF
    5427             : 
    5428             :                 // Get the maximum system heating capacity
    5429        2928 :                 if (SysHeatCap > sysSizing.HeatCap) {
    5430         680 :                     state.dataSize->SysSizPeakDDNum(AirLoopNum).TimeStepAtHeatPk(state.dataSize->CurOverallSimDay) = TimeStepInDay;
    5431         680 :                     sysSizing.HeatCap = SysHeatCap;
    5432         680 :                     sysSizing.HeatMixTemp = SysHeatMixTemp;
    5433         680 :                     sysSizing.HeatMixHumRat = SysHeatMixHumRat;
    5434         680 :                     sysSizing.HeatRetTemp = SysHeatRetTemp;
    5435         680 :                     sysSizing.HeatRetHumRat = SysHeatRetHumRat;
    5436         680 :                     sysSizing.HeatOutTemp = state.dataEnvrn->OutDryBulbTemp;
    5437         680 :                     sysSizing.HeatOutHumRat = state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat;
    5438             :                     // save time of system coincident heating coil peak
    5439         680 :                     sysSizing.SysHeatCoilTimeStepPk = TimeStepInDay;
    5440         680 :                     sysSizing.SysHeatCoinSpaceSens = 0.0;
    5441         680 :                     if (state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirLoopNum).NumZonesHeated > 0) {
    5442        3279 :                         for (int zonesHeatLoop = 1; zonesHeatLoop <= state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirLoopNum).NumZonesHeated;
    5443             :                              ++zonesHeatLoop) {
    5444        2599 :                             int zoneNum = state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirLoopNum).HeatCtrlZoneNums(zonesHeatLoop);
    5445        2599 :                             sysSizing.SysHeatCoinSpaceSens +=
    5446        2599 :                                 state.dataSize->CalcZoneSizing(state.dataSize->CurOverallSimDay, zoneNum).HeatLoadSeq(TimeStepInDay);
    5447             :                         }
    5448             :                     }
    5449             :                 }
    5450             :                 //! save time of system coincident heating airflow peak
    5451        2928 :                 if (sysSizing.HeatFlowSeq(TimeStepInDay) > sysSizing.CoinHeatMassFlow) {
    5452         476 :                     sysSizing.SysHeatAirTimeStepPk = TimeStepInDay;
    5453             :                 }
    5454             : 
    5455             :                 // Get the maximum system heating flow rate
    5456        2928 :                 sysSizing.CoinHeatMassFlow = max(sysSizing.CoinHeatMassFlow, sysSizing.HeatFlowSeq(TimeStepInDay));
    5457             : 
    5458             :             } else { // No centrally heated zones: use cooled zones
    5459             : 
    5460      991824 :                 for (int ZonesCooledNum = 1; ZonesCooledNum <= NumZonesCooled; ++ZonesCooledNum) { // loop over the cooled zones
    5461      764496 :                     int CtrlZoneNum = state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirLoopNum).CoolCtrlZoneNums(ZonesCooledNum);
    5462             :                     auto &termUnitSizing =
    5463      764496 :                         state.dataSize->TermUnitSizing(state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirLoopNum).TermUnitCoolSizingIndex(ZonesCooledNum));
    5464      764496 :                     auto &zoneSizing = state.dataSize->ZoneSizing(state.dataSize->CurOverallSimDay, CtrlZoneNum);
    5465             :                     // sum up the heating mass flow rate for this time step
    5466             :                     Real64 adjHeatFlowSeq =
    5467      764496 :                         termUnitSizing.applyTermUnitSizingHeatFlow(zoneSizing.HeatFlowSeq(TimeStepInDay), zoneSizing.HeatFlowSeqNoOA(TimeStepInDay));
    5468      764496 :                     sysSizing.HeatFlowSeq(TimeStepInDay) += adjHeatFlowSeq / (1.0 + termUnitSizing.InducRat);
    5469             :                     // sum up the zone heating load to be met by this system for this time step
    5470      764496 :                     sysSizing.SumZoneHeatLoadSeq(TimeStepInDay) += zoneSizing.HeatLoadSeq(TimeStepInDay) / (1.0 + termUnitSizing.InducRat);
    5471             :                     // calculate the return air temperature for this time step
    5472      764496 :                     SysHeatRetTemp +=
    5473      764496 :                         zoneSizing.HeatZoneRetTempSeq(TimeStepInDay) * zoneSizing.HeatFlowSeq(TimeStepInDay) / (1.0 + termUnitSizing.InducRat);
    5474      764496 :                     SysHeatRetHumRat +=
    5475      764496 :                         zoneSizing.HeatZoneHumRatSeq(TimeStepInDay) * zoneSizing.HeatFlowSeq(TimeStepInDay) / (1.0 + termUnitSizing.InducRat);
    5476      764496 :                     SysHeatZoneAvgTemp +=
    5477      764496 :                         zoneSizing.HeatZoneTempSeq(TimeStepInDay) * zoneSizing.HeatFlowSeq(TimeStepInDay) / (1.0 + termUnitSizing.InducRat);
    5478             :                 } // end of cooled zones loop
    5479             :                 // Get peak system heating load with coincident
    5480      227328 :                 if (fabs(sysSizing.SysDesHeatLoad) < fabs(sysSizing.SumZoneHeatLoadSeq(TimeStepInDay))) {
    5481       36047 :                     sysSizing.SysDesHeatLoad = sysSizing.SumZoneHeatLoadSeq(TimeStepInDay);
    5482       36047 :                     sysSizing.SysHeatLoadTimeStepPk = TimeStepInDay;
    5483             :                 }
    5484             : 
    5485      227328 :                 if (sysSizing.HeatFlowSeq(TimeStepInDay) > 0.0) {
    5486             :                     // complete return air temp calc
    5487      222816 :                     SysHeatRetTemp /= sysSizing.HeatFlowSeq(TimeStepInDay);
    5488      222816 :                     SysHeatRetHumRat /= sysSizing.HeatFlowSeq(TimeStepInDay);
    5489      222816 :                     SysHeatZoneAvgTemp /= sysSizing.HeatFlowSeq(TimeStepInDay);
    5490      222816 :                     sysSizing.SysHeatRetTempSeq(TimeStepInDay) = SysHeatRetTemp;
    5491      222816 :                     sysSizing.SysHeatRetHumRatSeq(TimeStepInDay) = SysHeatRetHumRat;
    5492      222816 :                     sysSizing.HeatZoneAvgTempSeq(TimeStepInDay) = SysHeatZoneAvgTemp;
    5493             :                     // calculate the outside air fraction for this time step
    5494      222816 :                     RhoAir = state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir;
    5495      222816 :                     if (sysSizing.HeatOAOption == MinOA) {
    5496      215472 :                         OutAirFrac = RhoAir * sysSizing.DesOutAirVolFlow / sysSizing.HeatFlowSeq(TimeStepInDay);
    5497      215472 :                         OutAirFrac = min(1.0, max(0.0, OutAirFrac));
    5498             :                     } else {
    5499        7344 :                         OutAirFrac = 1.0;
    5500             :                     }
    5501             :                     // calculate the mixed air temperature
    5502      222816 :                     SysHeatMixTemp = state.dataEnvrn->OutDryBulbTemp * OutAirFrac + SysHeatRetTemp * (1.0 - OutAirFrac);
    5503      222816 :                     SysHeatMixHumRat = state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat * OutAirFrac + SysHeatRetHumRat * (1.0 - OutAirFrac);
    5504      222816 :                     sysSizing.SysHeatOutTempSeq(TimeStepInDay) = state.dataEnvrn->OutDryBulbTemp;
    5505      222816 :                     sysSizing.SysHeatOutHumRatSeq(TimeStepInDay) = state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat;
    5506             :                     // From the mixed air temp, heating supply air temp, and mass flow rate calculate the system heating capacity
    5507      445632 :                     SysHeatCap = PsyCpAirFnW(DataPrecisionGlobals::constant_zero) * sysSizing.HeatFlowSeq(TimeStepInDay) *
    5508      222816 :                                  (sysSizing.HeatSupTemp - SysHeatMixTemp);
    5509      222816 :                     SysHeatCap = max(0.0, SysHeatCap);
    5510             :                     // save the system heating capacity for the time step
    5511      222816 :                     sysSizing.HeatCapSeq(TimeStepInDay) = SysHeatCap;
    5512             :                 } // end system flow rate IF
    5513             : 
    5514             :                 // Get the maximum system heating capacity
    5515      227328 :                 if (SysHeatCap > sysSizing.HeatCap) {
    5516       38367 :                     state.dataSize->SysSizPeakDDNum(AirLoopNum).TimeStepAtHeatPk(state.dataSize->CurOverallSimDay) = TimeStepInDay;
    5517       38367 :                     sysSizing.HeatCap = SysHeatCap;
    5518       38367 :                     sysSizing.HeatMixTemp = SysHeatMixTemp;
    5519       38367 :                     sysSizing.HeatMixHumRat = SysHeatMixHumRat;
    5520       38367 :                     sysSizing.HeatRetTemp = SysHeatRetTemp;
    5521       38367 :                     sysSizing.HeatRetHumRat = SysHeatRetHumRat;
    5522       38367 :                     sysSizing.HeatOutTemp = state.dataEnvrn->OutDryBulbTemp;
    5523       38367 :                     sysSizing.HeatOutHumRat = state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat;
    5524             :                     // save time of system coincident heating coil peak
    5525       38367 :                     sysSizing.SysHeatCoilTimeStepPk = TimeStepInDay;
    5526             : 
    5527       38367 :                     sysSizing.SysHeatCoinSpaceSens = 0.0;
    5528      127842 :                     for (int zonesCoolLoop = 1; zonesCoolLoop <= state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirLoopNum).NumZonesCooled; ++zonesCoolLoop) {
    5529       89475 :                         int zoneNum = state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirLoopNum).CoolCtrlZoneNums(zonesCoolLoop);
    5530       89475 :                         sysSizing.SysHeatCoinSpaceSens +=
    5531       89475 :                             state.dataSize->CalcZoneSizing(state.dataSize->CurOverallSimDay, zoneNum).HeatLoadSeq(TimeStepInDay);
    5532             :                     }
    5533             :                 } // Get the maximum system heating flow rate
    5534             :                 // save time of system coincident heating airflow peak
    5535      227328 :                 if (sysSizing.HeatFlowSeq(TimeStepInDay) > sysSizing.CoinHeatMassFlow) {
    5536       29875 :                     sysSizing.SysHeatAirTimeStepPk = TimeStepInDay;
    5537             :                 }
    5538             : 
    5539      227328 :                 sysSizing.CoinHeatMassFlow = max(sysSizing.CoinHeatMassFlow, sysSizing.HeatFlowSeq(TimeStepInDay));
    5540             :             }
    5541             : 
    5542       84096 :         } // end of loop over primary air systems
    5543       84096 :     } break;
    5544         695 :     case DataGlobalConstants::CallIndicator::EndDay: {
    5545             :         // the entire set of std. 62.1 code here seems misplaced, should have been placed in EndSysSizCalc block
    5546             :         // Get design flows
    5547         695 :         SysCoolingEv = 1.0;
    5548         695 :         SysHeatingEv = 1.0;
    5549        2641 :         for (AirLoopNum = 1; AirLoopNum <= state.dataHVACGlobal->NumPrimaryAirSys; ++AirLoopNum) {
    5550        1946 :             auto &finalSysSizing = state.dataSize->FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum);
    5551        1946 :             int NumZonesCooled = state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirLoopNum).NumZonesCooled;
    5552        1946 :             int NumZonesHeated = state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirLoopNum).NumZonesHeated;
    5553        1946 :             auto &sysSizing = state.dataSize->SysSizing(state.dataSize->CurOverallSimDay, AirLoopNum);
    5554             : 
    5555        1946 :             switch (sysSizing.SizingOption) {
    5556         190 :             case Coincident: {
    5557         190 :                 if (finalSysSizing.SystemOAMethod == SysOAMethod::ZoneSum) {
    5558         190 :                     sysSizing.DesCoolVolFlow = sysSizing.CoinCoolMassFlow / state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir;
    5559         190 :                     sysSizing.DesHeatVolFlow = sysSizing.CoinHeatMassFlow / state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir;
    5560         190 :                     state.dataSize->VotClgBySys(AirLoopNum) = finalSysSizing.SysUncOA;
    5561         190 :                     state.dataSize->VotHtgBySys(AirLoopNum) = finalSysSizing.SysUncOA;
    5562        1080 :                     for (int ZonesCooledNum = 1; ZonesCooledNum <= NumZonesCooled; ++ZonesCooledNum) {
    5563         890 :                         int TermUnitSizingIndex = state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirLoopNum).TermUnitCoolSizingIndex(ZonesCooledNum);
    5564        1780 :                         if (state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).ZoneADEffCooling <
    5565         890 :                             state.dataSize->EvzMinBySysCool(AirLoopNum))
    5566           0 :                             state.dataSize->EvzMinBySysCool(AirLoopNum) =
    5567           0 :                                 state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).ZoneADEffCooling;
    5568        1780 :                         if (state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).ZoneADEffHeating <
    5569         890 :                             state.dataSize->EvzMinBySysHeat(AirLoopNum))
    5570           0 :                             state.dataSize->EvzMinBySysHeat(AirLoopNum) =
    5571           0 :                                 state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).ZoneADEffHeating;
    5572             :                     }
    5573         190 :                     for (int ZonesHeatedNum = 1; ZonesHeatedNum <= NumZonesHeated; ++ZonesHeatedNum) {
    5574           0 :                         int TermUnitSizingIndex = state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirLoopNum).TermUnitHeatSizingIndex(ZonesHeatedNum);
    5575           0 :                         if (state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).ZoneADEffCooling <
    5576           0 :                             state.dataSize->EvzMinBySysCool(AirLoopNum))
    5577           0 :                             state.dataSize->EvzMinBySysCool(AirLoopNum) =
    5578           0 :                                 state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).ZoneADEffCooling;
    5579           0 :                         if (state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).ZoneADEffHeating <
    5580           0 :                             state.dataSize->EvzMinBySysHeat(AirLoopNum))
    5581           0 :                             state.dataSize->EvzMinBySysHeat(AirLoopNum) =
    5582           0 :                                 state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).ZoneADEffHeating;
    5583             :                     }
    5584         190 :                     if (sysSizing.DesCoolVolFlow > 0) {
    5585         190 :                         state.dataSize->XsBySysCool(AirLoopNum) = min(1.0, finalSysSizing.SysUncOA / sysSizing.DesCoolVolFlow);
    5586             :                     } else {
    5587           0 :                         state.dataSize->XsBySysCool(AirLoopNum) = 0.0;
    5588             :                     }
    5589         190 :                     if (sysSizing.DesHeatVolFlow > 0) {
    5590         190 :                         state.dataSize->XsBySysHeat(AirLoopNum) = min(1.0, finalSysSizing.SysUncOA / sysSizing.DesHeatVolFlow);
    5591             :                     } else {
    5592           0 :                         state.dataSize->XsBySysHeat(AirLoopNum) = 0.0;
    5593             :                     }
    5594           0 :                 } else if (finalSysSizing.SystemOAMethod == SysOAMethod::VRP ||
    5595           0 :                            finalSysSizing.SystemOAMethod == SysOAMethod::SP) { // Ventilation Rate and Simplified Procedure
    5596             :                     // cooling
    5597           0 :                     sysSizing.DesCoolVolFlow = sysSizing.CoinCoolMassFlow / state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir;
    5598           0 :                     if (sysSizing.DesCoolVolFlow > 0) {
    5599           0 :                         OutAirFrac = sysSizing.DesOutAirVolFlow / sysSizing.DesCoolVolFlow;
    5600             :                     } else {
    5601           0 :                         OutAirFrac = 0.0;
    5602             :                     }
    5603           0 :                     OutAirFrac = min(1.0, max(0.0, OutAirFrac));
    5604           0 :                     if (sysSizing.DesCoolVolFlow > 0) {
    5605           0 :                         state.dataSimAirServingZones->Xs = min(1.0, finalSysSizing.SysUncOA / sysSizing.DesCoolVolFlow);
    5606             :                     } else {
    5607           0 :                         state.dataSimAirServingZones->Xs = 0.0;
    5608             :                     }
    5609           0 :                     if (finalSysSizing.OAAutoSized && sysSizing.DesCoolVolFlow > 0) {
    5610           0 :                         int numZonesCooled = state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirLoopNum).NumZonesCooled;
    5611           0 :                         state.dataSimAirServingZones->MinCoolingEvz = 1.0;
    5612           0 :                         state.dataSize->VozSumClgBySys(AirLoopNum) = 0.0;
    5613           0 :                         for (int ZonesCooledNum = 1; ZonesCooledNum <= numZonesCooled; ++ZonesCooledNum) {
    5614           0 :                             int TermUnitSizingIndex = state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirLoopNum).TermUnitCoolSizingIndex(ZonesCooledNum);
    5615             : 
    5616             :                             // Zone air secondary recirculation fraction
    5617           0 :                             state.dataSimAirServingZones->Er =
    5618           0 :                                 state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).ZoneSecondaryRecirculation;
    5619           0 :                             state.dataSimAirServingZones->Ep = state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).ZonePrimaryAirFraction;
    5620           0 :                             state.dataSimAirServingZones->ZoneOAFrac = state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).ZpzClgByZone;
    5621           0 :                             state.dataSimAirServingZones->ZoneEz = state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).ZoneADEffCooling;
    5622           0 :                             VozClg = state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).VozClgByZone;
    5623           0 :                             if (finalSysSizing.SystemOAMethod == SysOAMethod::SP) { // 62.1 simplified procedure
    5624           0 :                                 if (state.dataSize->DBySys(AirLoopNum) < 0.60) {
    5625           0 :                                     state.dataSize->EvzByZoneCool(TermUnitSizingIndex) = 0.88 * state.dataSize->DBySys(AirLoopNum) + 0.22;
    5626             :                                 } else {
    5627           0 :                                     state.dataSize->EvzByZoneCool(TermUnitSizingIndex) = 0.75;
    5628             :                                 }
    5629           0 :                                 state.dataSimAirServingZones->MinCoolingEvz = state.dataSize->EvzByZoneCool(TermUnitSizingIndex);
    5630             :                             } else {
    5631           0 :                                 if (state.dataSimAirServingZones->Er > 0.0) {
    5632             :                                     // multi-path ventilation system using VRP
    5633           0 :                                     state.dataSimAirServingZones->Fa = state.dataSimAirServingZones->Ep +
    5634           0 :                                                                        (1.0 - state.dataSimAirServingZones->Ep) * state.dataSimAirServingZones->Er;
    5635           0 :                                     state.dataSimAirServingZones->Fb = state.dataSimAirServingZones->Ep;
    5636           0 :                                     state.dataSimAirServingZones->Fc = 1.0 - (1.0 - state.dataSimAirServingZones->ZoneEz) *
    5637           0 :                                                                                  (1.0 - state.dataSimAirServingZones->Er) *
    5638           0 :                                                                                  (1.0 - state.dataSimAirServingZones->Ep);
    5639             :                                     // save Fa Fb and Fc for standard 62.1 report
    5640           0 :                                     state.dataSize->FaByZoneCool(TermUnitSizingIndex) = state.dataSimAirServingZones->Fa;
    5641           0 :                                     state.dataSize->FbByZoneCool(TermUnitSizingIndex) = state.dataSimAirServingZones->Fb;
    5642           0 :                                     state.dataSize->FcByZoneCool(TermUnitSizingIndex) = state.dataSimAirServingZones->Fc;
    5643             : 
    5644             :                                     // Calc zone ventilation efficiency
    5645           0 :                                     if (state.dataSimAirServingZones->Fa > 0.0) {
    5646           0 :                                         SysCoolingEv =
    5647           0 :                                             1.0 +
    5648           0 :                                             state.dataSimAirServingZones->Xs * state.dataSimAirServingZones->Fb / state.dataSimAirServingZones->Fa -
    5649           0 :                                             state.dataSimAirServingZones->ZoneOAFrac * state.dataSimAirServingZones->Ep *
    5650           0 :                                                 state.dataSimAirServingZones->Fc / state.dataSimAirServingZones->Fa;
    5651             :                                     } else {
    5652           0 :                                         SysCoolingEv = 1.0;
    5653             :                                     }
    5654             : 
    5655             :                                 } else {
    5656             :                                     // single-path ventilation system
    5657           0 :                                     SysCoolingEv = 1.0 + state.dataSimAirServingZones->Xs - state.dataSimAirServingZones->ZoneOAFrac;
    5658             :                                     // Apply ventilation efficiency limit; reset SysCoolingEv if necessary
    5659           0 :                                     LimitZoneVentEff(state, state.dataSimAirServingZones->Xs, VozClg, TermUnitSizingIndex, SysCoolingEv);
    5660             :                                 }
    5661           0 :                                 if (SysCoolingEv < state.dataSimAirServingZones->MinCoolingEvz)
    5662           0 :                                     state.dataSimAirServingZones->MinCoolingEvz = SysCoolingEv;
    5663           0 :                                 state.dataSize->EvzByZoneCoolPrev(TermUnitSizingIndex) =
    5664           0 :                                     state.dataSize->EvzByZoneCool(TermUnitSizingIndex); // Save previous EvzByZoneCool
    5665           0 :                                 state.dataSize->EvzByZoneCool(TermUnitSizingIndex) = SysCoolingEv;
    5666             :                             }
    5667           0 :                             state.dataSize->VozSumClgBySys(AirLoopNum) += state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).VozClgByZone;
    5668             :                         }
    5669             : 
    5670           0 :                         if (state.dataSimAirServingZones->MinCoolingEvz > 0) {
    5671             :                             // (However, I don't think people diversity can be done correctly in E+ Sizing so assuming D=1 in this
    5672             :                             // equation
    5673             :                             // Vou = Diversity*(Rp*Pz) + Ra*Az
    5674           0 :                             state.dataSimAirServingZones->Vou = finalSysSizing.SysUncOA;
    5675           0 :                             state.dataSimAirServingZones->Vot = state.dataSimAirServingZones->Vou / state.dataSimAirServingZones->MinCoolingEvz;
    5676           0 :                             if (state.dataSimAirServingZones->Vot > state.dataSize->VotClgBySys(AirLoopNum)) {
    5677             :                                 // This might be the cooling design day so only update if Vot is larger than the previous
    5678           0 :                                 state.dataSize->VotClgBySys(AirLoopNum) = state.dataSimAirServingZones->Vot;
    5679           0 :                                 state.dataSize->XsBySysCool(AirLoopNum) = state.dataSimAirServingZones->Xs;
    5680           0 :                                 state.dataSize->EvzMinBySysCool(AirLoopNum) = state.dataSimAirServingZones->MinCoolingEvz;
    5681             :                             } else {
    5682             :                                 // Restore EvzByZoneCool() since it was reset by the current (but not highest Vot) design day
    5683           0 :                                 for (int ZonesCooledNum = 1; ZonesCooledNum <= numZonesCooled; ++ZonesCooledNum) {
    5684             :                                     int TermUnitSizingIndex =
    5685           0 :                                         state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirLoopNum).TermUnitCoolSizingIndex(ZonesCooledNum);
    5686           0 :                                     state.dataSize->EvzByZoneCool(TermUnitSizingIndex) = state.dataSize->EvzByZoneCoolPrev(TermUnitSizingIndex);
    5687             :                                 }
    5688             :                             }
    5689             :                         }
    5690             :                     }
    5691             : 
    5692             :                     // heating
    5693           0 :                     sysSizing.DesHeatVolFlow = sysSizing.CoinHeatMassFlow / state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir;
    5694           0 :                     if (sysSizing.DesHeatVolFlow > 0) {
    5695           0 :                         OutAirFrac = sysSizing.DesOutAirVolFlow / sysSizing.DesHeatVolFlow;
    5696             :                     } else {
    5697           0 :                         OutAirFrac = 0.0;
    5698             :                     }
    5699           0 :                     OutAirFrac = min(1.0, max(0.0, OutAirFrac));
    5700             : 
    5701             :                     // This is a bit of a cludge. If the design zone heating airflows were increased due to
    5702             :                     // the MaxZoneOaFraction, then the SysSizing(AirLoopNum,state.dataSize->CurOverallSimDay)%DesHeatVolFlow
    5703             :                     // variable will be out of sync with the
    5704           0 :                     if (finalSysSizing.MaxZoneOAFraction > 0 && finalSysSizing.HeatAirDesMethod == FromDDCalc) {
    5705           0 :                         SysHtgPeakAirflow = 0.0;
    5706           0 :                         if (NumZonesHeated > 0) {
    5707           0 :                             for (int ZonesHeatedNum = 1; ZonesHeatedNum <= NumZonesHeated; ++ZonesHeatedNum) {
    5708           0 :                                 int TermUnitSizingIndex = state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirLoopNum).TermUnitHeatSizingIndex(ZonesHeatedNum);
    5709           0 :                                 SysHtgPeakAirflow += state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).DesHeatVolFlow;
    5710             :                             }
    5711             :                         } else {
    5712           0 :                             for (int ZonesHeatedNum = 1; ZonesHeatedNum <= NumZonesCooled; ++ZonesHeatedNum) {
    5713           0 :                                 int TermUnitSizingIndex = state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirLoopNum).TermUnitCoolSizingIndex(ZonesHeatedNum);
    5714           0 :                                 SysHtgPeakAirflow += state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).DesHeatVolFlow;
    5715             :                             }
    5716           0 :                         }
    5717             :                     } else {
    5718           0 :                         SysHtgPeakAirflow = sysSizing.DesHeatVolFlow;
    5719             :                     }
    5720             : 
    5721           0 :                     if (sysSizing.DesHeatVolFlow > 0) {
    5722             :                         // SysSizing(AirLoopNum,state.dataSize->CurOverallSimDay)%DesHeatVolFlow may be out of sync with
    5723             :                         // FinalZoneSizing(CtrlZoneNum)%DesHeatVolFlow
    5724           0 :                         state.dataSimAirServingZones->Xs = min(1.0, finalSysSizing.SysUncOA / max(sysSizing.DesHeatVolFlow, SysHtgPeakAirflow));
    5725             :                     } else {
    5726           0 :                         state.dataSimAirServingZones->Xs = 0.0;
    5727             :                     }
    5728             : 
    5729           0 :                     if (finalSysSizing.OAAutoSized && sysSizing.DesHeatVolFlow > 0) {
    5730           0 :                         int numZonesHeated = state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirLoopNum).NumZonesHeated;
    5731           0 :                         state.dataSimAirServingZones->MinHeatingEvz = 1.0;
    5732           0 :                         state.dataSize->VozSumHtgBySys(AirLoopNum) = 0.0;
    5733           0 :                         if (numZonesHeated > 0) {
    5734           0 :                             for (int ZonesHeatedNum = 1; ZonesHeatedNum <= numZonesHeated; ++ZonesHeatedNum) {
    5735           0 :                                 int TermUnitSizingIndex = state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirLoopNum).TermUnitHeatSizingIndex(ZonesHeatedNum);
    5736           0 :                                 MatchingCooledZoneNum = FindNumberInList(
    5737           0 :                                     TermUnitSizingIndex, state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirLoopNum).TermUnitCoolSizingIndex, NumZonesCooled);
    5738           0 :                                 if (MatchingCooledZoneNum == 0) {
    5739             :                                     // Zone air secondary recirculation fraction
    5740           0 :                                     state.dataSimAirServingZones->Er =
    5741           0 :                                         state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).ZoneSecondaryRecirculation;
    5742           0 :                                     state.dataSimAirServingZones->Ep =
    5743           0 :                                         state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).ZonePrimaryAirFractionHtg;
    5744           0 :                                     state.dataSimAirServingZones->ZoneOAFrac =
    5745           0 :                                         state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).ZpzHtgByZone;
    5746           0 :                                     state.dataSimAirServingZones->ZoneEz =
    5747           0 :                                         state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).ZoneADEffHeating;
    5748           0 :                                     if (finalSysSizing.SystemOAMethod == SysOAMethod::SP) { // 62.1 simplified procedure
    5749           0 :                                         if (state.dataSize->DBySys(AirLoopNum) < 0.60) {
    5750           0 :                                             state.dataSize->EvzByZoneHeat(TermUnitSizingIndex) = 0.88 * state.dataSize->DBySys(AirLoopNum) + 0.22;
    5751             :                                         } else {
    5752           0 :                                             state.dataSize->EvzByZoneHeat(TermUnitSizingIndex) = 0.75;
    5753             :                                         }
    5754           0 :                                         state.dataSimAirServingZones->MinHeatingEvz = state.dataSize->EvzByZoneHeat(TermUnitSizingIndex);
    5755             :                                     } else {
    5756           0 :                                         if (state.dataSimAirServingZones->Er > 0.0) {
    5757             :                                             // multi-path ventilation system using VRP
    5758           0 :                                             state.dataSimAirServingZones->Fa =
    5759           0 :                                                 state.dataSimAirServingZones->Ep +
    5760           0 :                                                 (1.0 - state.dataSimAirServingZones->Ep) * state.dataSimAirServingZones->Er;
    5761           0 :                                             state.dataSimAirServingZones->Fb = state.dataSimAirServingZones->Ep;
    5762           0 :                                             state.dataSimAirServingZones->Fc = 1.0 - (1.0 - state.dataSimAirServingZones->ZoneEz) *
    5763           0 :                                                                                          (1.0 - state.dataSimAirServingZones->Er) *
    5764           0 :                                                                                          (1.0 - state.dataSimAirServingZones->Ep);
    5765             :                                             // save Fa Fb and Fc for standard 62.1 report
    5766           0 :                                             state.dataSize->FaByZoneHeat(TermUnitSizingIndex) = state.dataSimAirServingZones->Fa;
    5767           0 :                                             state.dataSize->FbByZoneHeat(TermUnitSizingIndex) = state.dataSimAirServingZones->Fb;
    5768           0 :                                             state.dataSize->FcByZoneHeat(TermUnitSizingIndex) = state.dataSimAirServingZones->Fc;
    5769             : 
    5770             :                                             // Calc zone ventilation efficiency
    5771           0 :                                             if (state.dataSimAirServingZones->Fa > 0.0) {
    5772           0 :                                                 SysHeatingEv = 1.0 +
    5773           0 :                                                                state.dataSimAirServingZones->Xs * state.dataSimAirServingZones->Fb /
    5774           0 :                                                                    state.dataSimAirServingZones->Fa -
    5775           0 :                                                                state.dataSimAirServingZones->ZoneOAFrac * state.dataSimAirServingZones->Ep *
    5776           0 :                                                                    state.dataSimAirServingZones->Fc / state.dataSimAirServingZones->Fa;
    5777             :                                             } else {
    5778           0 :                                                 SysHeatingEv = 1.0;
    5779             :                                             }
    5780             :                                         } else {
    5781             :                                             // single-path ventilation system
    5782           0 :                                             SysHeatingEv = 1.0 + state.dataSimAirServingZones->Xs - state.dataSimAirServingZones->ZoneOAFrac;
    5783             :                                         }
    5784           0 :                                         if (SysHeatingEv < state.dataSimAirServingZones->MinHeatingEvz)
    5785           0 :                                             state.dataSimAirServingZones->MinHeatingEvz = SysHeatingEv;
    5786           0 :                                         state.dataSize->EvzByZoneHeatPrev(TermUnitSizingIndex) =
    5787           0 :                                             state.dataSize->EvzByZoneHeat(TermUnitSizingIndex); // Save previous EvzByZoneHeat
    5788           0 :                                         state.dataSize->EvzByZoneHeat(TermUnitSizingIndex) = SysHeatingEv;
    5789             :                                     }
    5790           0 :                                     state.dataSize->VozSumHtgBySys(AirLoopNum) +=
    5791           0 :                                         state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).VozHtgByZone;
    5792             :                                 }
    5793             :                             }
    5794             :                         } else {
    5795           0 :                             for (int ZonesHeatedNum = 1; ZonesHeatedNum <= NumZonesCooled; ++ZonesHeatedNum) {
    5796           0 :                                 int TermUnitSizingIndex = state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirLoopNum).TermUnitCoolSizingIndex(ZonesHeatedNum);
    5797             :                                 // Zone air secondary recirculation fraction
    5798           0 :                                 state.dataSimAirServingZones->Er =
    5799           0 :                                     state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).ZoneSecondaryRecirculation;
    5800           0 :                                 state.dataSimAirServingZones->Ep =
    5801           0 :                                     state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).ZonePrimaryAirFractionHtg;
    5802           0 :                                 state.dataSimAirServingZones->ZoneOAFrac = state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).ZpzHtgByZone;
    5803           0 :                                 state.dataSimAirServingZones->ZoneEz = state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).ZoneADEffHeating;
    5804           0 :                                 if (finalSysSizing.SystemOAMethod == SysOAMethod::SP) { // 62.1 simplified procedure
    5805           0 :                                     if (state.dataSize->DBySys(AirLoopNum) < 0.60) {
    5806           0 :                                         state.dataSize->EvzByZoneHeat(TermUnitSizingIndex) = 0.88 * state.dataSize->DBySys(AirLoopNum) + 0.22;
    5807             :                                     } else {
    5808           0 :                                         state.dataSize->EvzByZoneHeat(TermUnitSizingIndex) = 0.75;
    5809             :                                     }
    5810           0 :                                     state.dataSimAirServingZones->MinHeatingEvz = state.dataSize->EvzByZoneHeat(TermUnitSizingIndex);
    5811             :                                 } else {
    5812           0 :                                     if (state.dataSimAirServingZones->Er > 0.0) {
    5813             :                                         // multi-path ventilation system using VRP
    5814           0 :                                         state.dataSimAirServingZones->Fa =
    5815           0 :                                             state.dataSimAirServingZones->Ep +
    5816           0 :                                             (1.0 - state.dataSimAirServingZones->Ep) * state.dataSimAirServingZones->Er;
    5817           0 :                                         state.dataSimAirServingZones->Fb = state.dataSimAirServingZones->Ep;
    5818           0 :                                         state.dataSimAirServingZones->Fc = 1.0 - (1.0 - state.dataSimAirServingZones->ZoneEz) *
    5819           0 :                                                                                      (1.0 - state.dataSimAirServingZones->Er) *
    5820           0 :                                                                                      (1.0 - state.dataSimAirServingZones->Ep);
    5821             :                                         // save Fa Fb and Fc for standard 62.1 report
    5822           0 :                                         state.dataSize->FaByZoneHeat(TermUnitSizingIndex) = state.dataSimAirServingZones->Fa;
    5823           0 :                                         state.dataSize->FbByZoneHeat(TermUnitSizingIndex) = state.dataSimAirServingZones->Fb;
    5824           0 :                                         state.dataSize->FcByZoneHeat(TermUnitSizingIndex) = state.dataSimAirServingZones->Fc;
    5825             : 
    5826             :                                         // Calc zone ventilation efficiency
    5827           0 :                                         if (state.dataSimAirServingZones->Fa > 0.0) {
    5828           0 :                                             SysHeatingEv = 1.0 +
    5829           0 :                                                            state.dataSimAirServingZones->Xs * state.dataSimAirServingZones->Fb /
    5830           0 :                                                                state.dataSimAirServingZones->Fa -
    5831           0 :                                                            state.dataSimAirServingZones->ZoneOAFrac * state.dataSimAirServingZones->Ep *
    5832           0 :                                                                state.dataSimAirServingZones->Fc / state.dataSimAirServingZones->Fa;
    5833             :                                         } else {
    5834           0 :                                             SysHeatingEv = 1.0;
    5835             :                                         }
    5836             :                                     } else {
    5837             :                                         // single-path ventilation system
    5838           0 :                                         SysHeatingEv = 1.0 + state.dataSimAirServingZones->Xs - state.dataSimAirServingZones->ZoneOAFrac;
    5839             :                                     }
    5840           0 :                                     if (SysHeatingEv < state.dataSimAirServingZones->MinHeatingEvz)
    5841           0 :                                         state.dataSimAirServingZones->MinHeatingEvz = SysHeatingEv;
    5842           0 :                                     state.dataSize->EvzByZoneHeatPrev(TermUnitSizingIndex) =
    5843           0 :                                         state.dataSize->EvzByZoneHeat(TermUnitSizingIndex); // Save previous EvzByZoneHeat
    5844           0 :                                     state.dataSize->EvzByZoneHeat(TermUnitSizingIndex) = SysHeatingEv;
    5845           0 :                                     state.dataSize->VozSumHtgBySys(AirLoopNum) +=
    5846           0 :                                         state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).VozHtgByZone;
    5847             :                                 }
    5848             :                             }
    5849             :                         }
    5850             : 
    5851           0 :                         if (state.dataSimAirServingZones->MinHeatingEvz > 0) {
    5852             :                             // Std 62.1-2010, section Eq. 6.6
    5853             :                             // (However, I don't think people diversity can be done correctly in E+ Sizing so assuming D=1 in this
    5854             :                             // equation
    5855             :                             // Vou = Diversity*(Rp*Pz) + Ra*Az
    5856           0 :                             state.dataSimAirServingZones->Vou = finalSysSizing.SysUncOA;
    5857           0 :                             state.dataSimAirServingZones->Vot = state.dataSimAirServingZones->Vou / state.dataSimAirServingZones->MinHeatingEvz;
    5858           0 :                             if (state.dataSimAirServingZones->Vot > state.dataSize->VotHtgBySys(AirLoopNum)) {
    5859             :                                 // This might be the cooling design day so only update if Vot is larger than the previous
    5860           0 :                                 state.dataSize->VotHtgBySys(AirLoopNum) = state.dataSimAirServingZones->Vot;
    5861           0 :                                 state.dataSize->XsBySysHeat(AirLoopNum) = state.dataSimAirServingZones->Xs;
    5862           0 :                                 state.dataSize->EvzMinBySysHeat(AirLoopNum) = state.dataSimAirServingZones->MinHeatingEvz;
    5863             :                             } else {
    5864             :                                 // Restore EvzByZoneHeat() since it was reset by the current (but not highest Vot) design day
    5865             :                                 // This kludge is probably because inside EndDay block and code gets called for each design day.
    5866           0 :                                 if (numZonesHeated > 0) {
    5867           0 :                                     for (int ZonesHeatedNum = 1; ZonesHeatedNum <= numZonesHeated; ++ZonesHeatedNum) {
    5868             :                                         int TermUnitSizingIndex =
    5869           0 :                                             state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirLoopNum).TermUnitHeatSizingIndex(ZonesHeatedNum);
    5870           0 :                                         state.dataSize->EvzByZoneHeat(TermUnitSizingIndex) = state.dataSize->EvzByZoneHeatPrev(TermUnitSizingIndex);
    5871             :                                     }
    5872             :                                 } else {
    5873           0 :                                     for (int ZonesHeatedNum = 1; ZonesHeatedNum <= NumZonesCooled; ++ZonesHeatedNum) {
    5874             :                                         int TermUnitSizingIndex =
    5875           0 :                                             state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirLoopNum).TermUnitCoolSizingIndex(ZonesHeatedNum);
    5876           0 :                                         state.dataSize->EvzByZoneHeat(TermUnitSizingIndex) = state.dataSize->EvzByZoneHeatPrev(TermUnitSizingIndex);
    5877             :                                     }
    5878             :                                 }
    5879             :                             }
    5880             :                         }
    5881             :                     }
    5882             :                 } else { // error
    5883             :                 }
    5884         190 :                 sysSizing.DesMainVolFlow = max(sysSizing.DesCoolVolFlow, sysSizing.DesHeatVolFlow);
    5885             :                 // this should also be as least as big as is needed for Vot
    5886         190 :             } break;
    5887        1756 :             case NonCoincident: {
    5888        1756 :                 if (finalSysSizing.SystemOAMethod == SysOAMethod::ZoneSum) {
    5889        1736 :                     sysSizing.DesCoolVolFlow = sysSizing.NonCoinCoolMassFlow / state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir;
    5890        1736 :                     sysSizing.DesHeatVolFlow = sysSizing.NonCoinHeatMassFlow / state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir;
    5891        1736 :                     state.dataSize->VotClgBySys(AirLoopNum) = finalSysSizing.SysUncOA;
    5892        1736 :                     state.dataSize->VotHtgBySys(AirLoopNum) = finalSysSizing.SysUncOA;
    5893        6973 :                     for (int ZonesCooledNum = 1; ZonesCooledNum <= NumZonesCooled; ++ZonesCooledNum) {
    5894        5237 :                         int TermUnitSizingIndex = state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirLoopNum).TermUnitCoolSizingIndex(ZonesCooledNum);
    5895       10474 :                         if (state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).ZoneADEffCooling <
    5896        5237 :                             state.dataSize->EvzMinBySysCool(AirLoopNum))
    5897           0 :                             state.dataSize->EvzMinBySysCool(AirLoopNum) =
    5898           0 :                                 state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).ZoneADEffCooling;
    5899       10474 :                         if (state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).ZoneADEffHeating <
    5900        5237 :                             state.dataSize->EvzMinBySysHeat(AirLoopNum))
    5901           0 :                             state.dataSize->EvzMinBySysHeat(AirLoopNum) =
    5902           0 :                                 state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).ZoneADEffHeating;
    5903             :                     }
    5904        1812 :                     for (int ZonesHeatedNum = 1; ZonesHeatedNum <= NumZonesHeated; ++ZonesHeatedNum) {
    5905          76 :                         int TermUnitSizingIndex = state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirLoopNum).TermUnitHeatSizingIndex(ZonesHeatedNum);
    5906         152 :                         if (state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).ZoneADEffCooling <
    5907          76 :                             state.dataSize->EvzMinBySysCool(AirLoopNum))
    5908           0 :                             state.dataSize->EvzMinBySysCool(AirLoopNum) =
    5909           0 :                                 state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).ZoneADEffCooling;
    5910         152 :                         if (state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).ZoneADEffHeating <
    5911          76 :                             state.dataSize->EvzMinBySysHeat(AirLoopNum))
    5912           0 :                             state.dataSize->EvzMinBySysHeat(AirLoopNum) =
    5913           0 :                                 state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).ZoneADEffHeating;
    5914             :                     }
    5915        1736 :                     if (sysSizing.DesCoolVolFlow > 0) {
    5916        1707 :                         state.dataSize->XsBySysCool(AirLoopNum) = min(1.0, finalSysSizing.SysUncOA / sysSizing.DesCoolVolFlow);
    5917             :                     } else {
    5918          29 :                         state.dataSize->XsBySysCool(AirLoopNum) = 0.0;
    5919             :                     }
    5920        1736 :                     if (sysSizing.DesHeatVolFlow > 0) {
    5921        1699 :                         state.dataSize->XsBySysHeat(AirLoopNum) = min(1.0, finalSysSizing.SysUncOA / sysSizing.DesHeatVolFlow);
    5922             :                     } else {
    5923          37 :                         state.dataSize->XsBySysHeat(AirLoopNum) = 0.0;
    5924             :                     }
    5925          26 :                 } else if (finalSysSizing.SystemOAMethod == SysOAMethod::VRP ||
    5926           6 :                            finalSysSizing.SystemOAMethod == SysOAMethod::SP) { // Ventilation Rate and Simplified Procedure
    5927             :                     // cooling
    5928          20 :                     sysSizing.DesCoolVolFlow = sysSizing.NonCoinCoolMassFlow / state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir;
    5929          20 :                     if (sysSizing.DesCoolVolFlow > 0) {
    5930          20 :                         OutAirFrac = sysSizing.DesOutAirVolFlow / sysSizing.DesCoolVolFlow;
    5931             :                     } else {
    5932           0 :                         OutAirFrac = 0.0;
    5933             :                     }
    5934          20 :                     OutAirFrac = min(1.0, max(0.0, OutAirFrac));
    5935             : 
    5936          20 :                     if (sysSizing.DesCoolVolFlow > 0) {
    5937          20 :                         state.dataSimAirServingZones->Xs = min(1.0, finalSysSizing.SysUncOA / sysSizing.DesCoolVolFlow);
    5938             :                     } else {
    5939           0 :                         state.dataSimAirServingZones->Xs = 0.0;
    5940             :                     }
    5941          20 :                     if (finalSysSizing.OAAutoSized && sysSizing.DesCoolVolFlow > 0) {
    5942          18 :                         int numZonesCooled = state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirLoopNum).NumZonesCooled;
    5943          18 :                         state.dataSimAirServingZones->MinCoolingEvz = 1.0;
    5944          18 :                         state.dataSize->VozSumClgBySys(AirLoopNum) = 0.0;
    5945          98 :                         for (int ZonesCooledNum = 1; ZonesCooledNum <= numZonesCooled; ++ZonesCooledNum) {
    5946          80 :                             int TermUnitSizingIndex = state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirLoopNum).TermUnitCoolSizingIndex(ZonesCooledNum);
    5947             : 
    5948             :                             // Zone air secondary recirculation fraction
    5949          80 :                             state.dataSimAirServingZones->Er =
    5950          80 :                                 state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).ZoneSecondaryRecirculation;
    5951          80 :                             state.dataSimAirServingZones->Ep = state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).ZonePrimaryAirFraction;
    5952          80 :                             state.dataSimAirServingZones->ZoneOAFrac = state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).ZpzClgByZone;
    5953          80 :                             state.dataSimAirServingZones->ZoneEz = state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).ZoneADEffCooling;
    5954          80 :                             VozClg = state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).VozClgByZone;
    5955          80 :                             if (finalSysSizing.SystemOAMethod == SysOAMethod::SP) { // 62.1 simplified procedure
    5956          10 :                                 if (state.dataSize->DBySys(AirLoopNum) < 0.60) {
    5957           4 :                                     state.dataSize->EvzByZoneCool(TermUnitSizingIndex) = 0.88 * state.dataSize->DBySys(AirLoopNum) + 0.22;
    5958             :                                 } else {
    5959           6 :                                     state.dataSize->EvzByZoneCool(TermUnitSizingIndex) = 0.75;
    5960             :                                 }
    5961          10 :                                 state.dataSimAirServingZones->MinCoolingEvz = state.dataSize->EvzByZoneCool(TermUnitSizingIndex);
    5962             :                             } else {
    5963          70 :                                 if (state.dataSimAirServingZones->Er > 0.0) {
    5964             :                                     // multi-path ventilation system using VRP
    5965           4 :                                     state.dataSimAirServingZones->Fa = state.dataSimAirServingZones->Ep +
    5966           2 :                                                                        (1.0 - state.dataSimAirServingZones->Ep) * state.dataSimAirServingZones->Er;
    5967           2 :                                     state.dataSimAirServingZones->Fb = state.dataSimAirServingZones->Ep;
    5968           6 :                                     state.dataSimAirServingZones->Fc = 1.0 - (1.0 - state.dataSimAirServingZones->ZoneEz) *
    5969           4 :                                                                                  (1.0 - state.dataSimAirServingZones->Er) *
    5970           2 :                                                                                  (1.0 - state.dataSimAirServingZones->Ep);
    5971             :                                     // save Fa Fb and Fc for standard 62.1 report
    5972           2 :                                     state.dataSize->FaByZoneCool(TermUnitSizingIndex) = state.dataSimAirServingZones->Fa;
    5973           2 :                                     state.dataSize->FbByZoneCool(TermUnitSizingIndex) = state.dataSimAirServingZones->Fb;
    5974           2 :                                     state.dataSize->FcByZoneCool(TermUnitSizingIndex) = state.dataSimAirServingZones->Fc;
    5975             : 
    5976             :                                     // Calc zone ventilation efficiency
    5977           2 :                                     if (state.dataSimAirServingZones->Fa > 0.0) {
    5978           2 :                                         SysCoolingEv =
    5979           2 :                                             1.0 +
    5980           4 :                                             state.dataSimAirServingZones->Xs * state.dataSimAirServingZones->Fb / state.dataSimAirServingZones->Fa -
    5981           4 :                                             state.dataSimAirServingZones->ZoneOAFrac * state.dataSimAirServingZones->Ep *
    5982           4 :                                                 state.dataSimAirServingZones->Fc / state.dataSimAirServingZones->Fa;
    5983             :                                     } else {
    5984           0 :                                         SysCoolingEv = 1.0;
    5985             :                                     }
    5986             :                                 } else {
    5987             :                                     // single-path ventilation system
    5988          68 :                                     SysCoolingEv = 1.0 + state.dataSimAirServingZones->Xs - state.dataSimAirServingZones->ZoneOAFrac;
    5989             :                                     // Apply ventilation efficiency limit; reset SysCoolingEv if necessary
    5990          68 :                                     LimitZoneVentEff(state, state.dataSimAirServingZones->Xs, VozClg, TermUnitSizingIndex, SysCoolingEv);
    5991             :                                 }
    5992          70 :                                 if (SysCoolingEv < state.dataSimAirServingZones->MinCoolingEvz)
    5993          14 :                                     state.dataSimAirServingZones->MinCoolingEvz = SysCoolingEv;
    5994          70 :                                 state.dataSize->EvzByZoneCoolPrev(TermUnitSizingIndex) = state.dataSize->EvzByZoneCool(TermUnitSizingIndex);
    5995          70 :                                 state.dataSize->EvzByZoneCool(TermUnitSizingIndex) = SysCoolingEv;
    5996          70 :                                 state.dataSize->VozSumClgBySys(AirLoopNum) +=
    5997          70 :                                     state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).VozClgByZone;
    5998             :                             }
    5999          80 :                             state.dataSize->VozSumClgBySys(AirLoopNum) += state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).VozClgByZone;
    6000             :                         }
    6001             : 
    6002          18 :                         if (state.dataSimAirServingZones->MinCoolingEvz > 0) {
    6003             :                             // Std 62.1-2010, section Eq. 6.6
    6004             :                             // (However, I don't think people diversity can be done correctly in E+ Sizing so assuming D=1 in this
    6005             :                             // equation
    6006             :                             // Vou = Diversity*(Rp*Pz) + Ra*Az
    6007          18 :                             state.dataSimAirServingZones->Vou = finalSysSizing.SysUncOA;
    6008          18 :                             state.dataSimAirServingZones->Vot = state.dataSimAirServingZones->Vou / state.dataSimAirServingZones->MinCoolingEvz;
    6009          18 :                             if (state.dataSimAirServingZones->Vot > state.dataSize->VotClgBySys(AirLoopNum)) {
    6010             :                                 // This might be the cooling design day so only update if Vot is larger than the previous
    6011          16 :                                 state.dataSize->VotClgBySys(AirLoopNum) = state.dataSimAirServingZones->Vot;
    6012          16 :                                 state.dataSize->XsBySysCool(AirLoopNum) = state.dataSimAirServingZones->Xs;
    6013          16 :                                 state.dataSize->EvzMinBySysCool(AirLoopNum) = state.dataSimAirServingZones->MinCoolingEvz;
    6014             :                             } else {
    6015             :                                 // Restore EvzByZoneCool() since it was reset by the current (but not highest Vot) design day
    6016           7 :                                 for (int ZonesCooledNum = 1; ZonesCooledNum <= numZonesCooled; ++ZonesCooledNum) {
    6017             :                                     int TermUnitSizingIndex =
    6018           5 :                                         state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirLoopNum).TermUnitCoolSizingIndex(ZonesCooledNum);
    6019           5 :                                     state.dataSize->EvzByZoneCool(TermUnitSizingIndex) = state.dataSize->EvzByZoneCoolPrev(TermUnitSizingIndex);
    6020             :                                 }
    6021             :                             }
    6022             :                         }
    6023             :                     }
    6024             : 
    6025             :                     // heating
    6026          20 :                     sysSizing.DesHeatVolFlow = sysSizing.NonCoinHeatMassFlow / state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir;
    6027          20 :                     if (sysSizing.DesHeatVolFlow > 0) {
    6028          20 :                         OutAirFrac = sysSizing.DesOutAirVolFlow / sysSizing.DesHeatVolFlow;
    6029             :                     } else {
    6030           0 :                         OutAirFrac = 0.0;
    6031             :                     }
    6032          20 :                     OutAirFrac = min(1.0, max(0.0, OutAirFrac));
    6033             : 
    6034          20 :                     if (sysSizing.DesHeatVolFlow > 0) {
    6035          20 :                         state.dataSimAirServingZones->Xs = min(1.0, finalSysSizing.SysUncOA / sysSizing.DesHeatVolFlow);
    6036             :                     } else {
    6037           0 :                         state.dataSimAirServingZones->Xs = 0.0;
    6038             :                     }
    6039          20 :                     if (finalSysSizing.OAAutoSized && sysSizing.DesHeatVolFlow > 0) {
    6040          18 :                         int numZonesHeated = state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirLoopNum).NumZonesHeated;
    6041          18 :                         state.dataSimAirServingZones->MinHeatingEvz = 1.0;
    6042          18 :                         state.dataSize->VozSumHtgBySys(AirLoopNum) = 0.0;
    6043          18 :                         if (numZonesHeated > 0) {
    6044           0 :                             for (int ZonesHeatedNum = 1; ZonesHeatedNum <= numZonesHeated; ++ZonesHeatedNum) {
    6045           0 :                                 int TermUnitSizingIndex = state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirLoopNum).TermUnitHeatSizingIndex(ZonesHeatedNum);
    6046           0 :                                 MatchingCooledZoneNum = FindNumberInList(
    6047           0 :                                     TermUnitSizingIndex, state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirLoopNum).TermUnitCoolSizingIndex, NumZonesCooled);
    6048           0 :                                 if (MatchingCooledZoneNum == 0) {
    6049             :                                     // Zone air secondary recirculation fraction
    6050           0 :                                     state.dataSimAirServingZones->Er =
    6051           0 :                                         state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).ZoneSecondaryRecirculation;
    6052           0 :                                     state.dataSimAirServingZones->Ep =
    6053           0 :                                         state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).ZonePrimaryAirFractionHtg;
    6054           0 :                                     state.dataSimAirServingZones->ZoneOAFrac =
    6055           0 :                                         state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).ZpzHtgByZone;
    6056           0 :                                     state.dataSimAirServingZones->ZoneEz =
    6057           0 :                                         state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).ZoneADEffHeating;
    6058           0 :                                     if (finalSysSizing.SystemOAMethod == SysOAMethod::SP) { // 62.1 simplified procedure
    6059           0 :                                         if (state.dataSize->DBySys(AirLoopNum) < 0.60) {
    6060           0 :                                             state.dataSize->EvzByZoneHeat(TermUnitSizingIndex) = 0.88 * state.dataSize->DBySys(AirLoopNum) + 0.22;
    6061             :                                         } else {
    6062           0 :                                             state.dataSize->EvzByZoneHeat(TermUnitSizingIndex) = 0.75;
    6063             :                                         }
    6064           0 :                                         state.dataSimAirServingZones->MinHeatingEvz = state.dataSize->EvzByZoneHeat(TermUnitSizingIndex);
    6065             :                                     } else {
    6066           0 :                                         if (state.dataSimAirServingZones->Er > 0.0) {
    6067             :                                             // multi-path ventilation system using VRP
    6068           0 :                                             state.dataSimAirServingZones->Fa =
    6069           0 :                                                 state.dataSimAirServingZones->Ep +
    6070           0 :                                                 (1.0 - state.dataSimAirServingZones->Ep) * state.dataSimAirServingZones->Er;
    6071           0 :                                             state.dataSimAirServingZones->Fb = state.dataSimAirServingZones->Ep;
    6072           0 :                                             state.dataSimAirServingZones->Fc = 1.0 - (1.0 - state.dataSimAirServingZones->ZoneEz) *
    6073           0 :                                                                                          (1.0 - state.dataSimAirServingZones->Er) *
    6074           0 :                                                                                          (1.0 - state.dataSimAirServingZones->Ep);
    6075             : 
    6076             :                                             // Calc zone ventilation efficiency
    6077           0 :                                             if (state.dataSimAirServingZones->Fa > 0.0) {
    6078           0 :                                                 SysHeatingEv = 1.0 +
    6079           0 :                                                                state.dataSimAirServingZones->Xs * state.dataSimAirServingZones->Fb /
    6080           0 :                                                                    state.dataSimAirServingZones->Fa -
    6081           0 :                                                                state.dataSimAirServingZones->ZoneOAFrac * state.dataSimAirServingZones->Ep *
    6082           0 :                                                                    state.dataSimAirServingZones->Fc / state.dataSimAirServingZones->Fa;
    6083             :                                             } else {
    6084           0 :                                                 SysHeatingEv = 1.0;
    6085             :                                             }
    6086             :                                         } else {
    6087             :                                             // single-path ventilation system
    6088           0 :                                             SysHeatingEv = 1.0 + state.dataSimAirServingZones->Xs - state.dataSimAirServingZones->ZoneOAFrac;
    6089             :                                         }
    6090             :                                     }
    6091             :                                 }
    6092           0 :                                 if (finalSysSizing.SystemOAMethod == SysOAMethod::SP) { // 62.1 simplified procedure
    6093           0 :                                     state.dataSize->VozSumHtgBySys(AirLoopNum) +=
    6094           0 :                                         state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).VozHtgByZone;
    6095             :                                 } else {
    6096           0 :                                     if (SysHeatingEv < state.dataSimAirServingZones->MinHeatingEvz)
    6097           0 :                                         state.dataSimAirServingZones->MinHeatingEvz = SysHeatingEv;
    6098           0 :                                     state.dataSize->EvzByZoneHeatPrev(TermUnitSizingIndex) =
    6099           0 :                                         state.dataSize->EvzByZoneHeat(TermUnitSizingIndex); // Save previous EvzByZoneHeat
    6100           0 :                                     state.dataSize->EvzByZoneHeat(TermUnitSizingIndex) = SysHeatingEv;
    6101           0 :                                     state.dataSize->VozSumHtgBySys(AirLoopNum) +=
    6102           0 :                                         state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).VozHtgByZone;
    6103             :                                 }
    6104             :                             }
    6105             :                         } else {
    6106          18 :                             int numZonesCooled = state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirLoopNum).NumZonesCooled;
    6107          98 :                             for (int ZonesHeatedNum = 1; ZonesHeatedNum <= numZonesCooled; ++ZonesHeatedNum) {
    6108          80 :                                 int TermUnitSizingIndex = state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirLoopNum).TermUnitCoolSizingIndex(ZonesHeatedNum);
    6109             :                                 // Zone air secondary recirculation fraction
    6110          80 :                                 state.dataSimAirServingZones->Er =
    6111          80 :                                     state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).ZoneSecondaryRecirculation;
    6112          80 :                                 state.dataSimAirServingZones->Ep =
    6113          80 :                                     state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).ZonePrimaryAirFractionHtg;
    6114          80 :                                 state.dataSimAirServingZones->ZoneOAFrac = state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).ZpzHtgByZone;
    6115          80 :                                 state.dataSimAirServingZones->ZoneEz = state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).ZoneADEffHeating;
    6116          80 :                                 if (finalSysSizing.SystemOAMethod == SysOAMethod::SP) { // 62.1 simplified procedure
    6117          10 :                                     if (state.dataSize->DBySys(AirLoopNum) < 0.60) {
    6118           4 :                                         state.dataSize->EvzByZoneCool(TermUnitSizingIndex) = 0.88 * state.dataSize->DBySys(AirLoopNum) + 0.22;
    6119             :                                     } else {
    6120           6 :                                         state.dataSize->EvzByZoneCool(TermUnitSizingIndex) = 0.75;
    6121             :                                     }
    6122          10 :                                     state.dataSimAirServingZones->MinCoolingEvz = state.dataSize->EvzByZoneCool(TermUnitSizingIndex);
    6123             :                                 } else {
    6124          70 :                                     if (state.dataSimAirServingZones->Er > 0.0) {
    6125             :                                         // multi-path ventilation system using VRP
    6126           2 :                                         state.dataSimAirServingZones->Fa =
    6127           4 :                                             state.dataSimAirServingZones->Ep +
    6128           2 :                                             (1.0 - state.dataSimAirServingZones->Ep) * state.dataSimAirServingZones->Er;
    6129           2 :                                         state.dataSimAirServingZones->Fb = state.dataSimAirServingZones->Ep;
    6130           6 :                                         state.dataSimAirServingZones->Fc = 1.0 - (1.0 - state.dataSimAirServingZones->ZoneEz) *
    6131           4 :                                                                                      (1.0 - state.dataSimAirServingZones->Er) *
    6132           2 :                                                                                      (1.0 - state.dataSimAirServingZones->Ep);
    6133             : 
    6134             :                                         // Calc zone ventilation efficiency
    6135           2 :                                         if (state.dataSimAirServingZones->Fa > 0.0) {
    6136           4 :                                             SysHeatingEv = 1.0 +
    6137           4 :                                                            state.dataSimAirServingZones->Xs * state.dataSimAirServingZones->Fb /
    6138           2 :                                                                state.dataSimAirServingZones->Fa -
    6139           4 :                                                            state.dataSimAirServingZones->ZoneOAFrac * state.dataSimAirServingZones->Ep *
    6140           4 :                                                                state.dataSimAirServingZones->Fc / state.dataSimAirServingZones->Fa;
    6141             :                                         } else {
    6142           0 :                                             SysHeatingEv = 1.0;
    6143             :                                         }
    6144             :                                     } else {
    6145             :                                         // single-path ventilation system
    6146          68 :                                         SysHeatingEv = 1.0 + state.dataSimAirServingZones->Xs - state.dataSimAirServingZones->ZoneOAFrac;
    6147             :                                     }
    6148          70 :                                     if (SysHeatingEv < state.dataSimAirServingZones->MinHeatingEvz)
    6149          12 :                                         state.dataSimAirServingZones->MinHeatingEvz = SysHeatingEv;
    6150          70 :                                     state.dataSize->EvzByZoneHeatPrev(TermUnitSizingIndex) =
    6151          70 :                                         state.dataSize->EvzByZoneHeat(TermUnitSizingIndex); // Save previous EvzByZoneHeat
    6152          70 :                                     state.dataSize->EvzByZoneHeat(TermUnitSizingIndex) = SysHeatingEv;
    6153             :                                 }
    6154          80 :                                 state.dataSize->VozSumHtgBySys(AirLoopNum) +=
    6155          80 :                                     state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).VozHtgByZone;
    6156             :                             }
    6157             :                         }
    6158             : 
    6159          18 :                         if (state.dataSimAirServingZones->MinHeatingEvz > 0) {
    6160             :                             // Std 62.1-2010, section Eq. 6.6
    6161             :                             // (However, I don't think people diversity can be done correctly in E+ Sizing so assuming D=1 in this
    6162             :                             // equation
    6163             :                             // Vou = Diversity*(Rp*Pz) + Ra*Az
    6164          18 :                             state.dataSimAirServingZones->Vou = finalSysSizing.SysUncOA;
    6165          18 :                             state.dataSimAirServingZones->Vot = state.dataSimAirServingZones->Vou / state.dataSimAirServingZones->MinHeatingEvz;
    6166          18 :                             if (state.dataSimAirServingZones->Vot > state.dataSize->VotHtgBySys(AirLoopNum)) {
    6167             :                                 // This might be the cooling design day so only update if Vot is larger than the previous
    6168           9 :                                 state.dataSize->VotHtgBySys(AirLoopNum) = state.dataSimAirServingZones->Vot;
    6169           9 :                                 state.dataSize->XsBySysHeat(AirLoopNum) = state.dataSimAirServingZones->Xs;
    6170           9 :                                 state.dataSize->EvzMinBySysHeat(AirLoopNum) = state.dataSimAirServingZones->MinHeatingEvz;
    6171             :                             } else {
    6172             :                                 // Restore EvzByZoneHeat() since it was just reset by the current (but not highest Vot) design day
    6173             :                                 // This kludge is probably because inside EndDay block and code gets called for each design day.
    6174           9 :                                 if (numZonesHeated > 0) {
    6175           0 :                                     for (int ZonesHeatedNum = 1; ZonesHeatedNum <= numZonesHeated; ++ZonesHeatedNum) {
    6176             :                                         int TermUnitSizingIndex =
    6177           0 :                                             state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirLoopNum).TermUnitHeatSizingIndex(ZonesHeatedNum);
    6178           0 :                                         state.dataSize->EvzByZoneHeat(TermUnitSizingIndex) = state.dataSize->EvzByZoneHeatPrev(TermUnitSizingIndex);
    6179             :                                     }
    6180             :                                 } else {
    6181          49 :                                     for (int ZonesHeatedNum = 1; ZonesHeatedNum <= NumZonesCooled; ++ZonesHeatedNum) {
    6182             :                                         int TermUnitSizingIndex =
    6183          40 :                                             state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirLoopNum).TermUnitCoolSizingIndex(ZonesHeatedNum);
    6184          40 :                                         state.dataSize->EvzByZoneHeat(TermUnitSizingIndex) = state.dataSize->EvzByZoneHeatPrev(TermUnitSizingIndex);
    6185             :                                     }
    6186             :                                 }
    6187             :                             }
    6188             :                         }
    6189             :                     }
    6190             :                 } else { // error
    6191             :                 }
    6192             : 
    6193        1756 :                 sysSizing.DesMainVolFlow = max(sysSizing.DesCoolVolFlow, sysSizing.DesHeatVolFlow);
    6194             :                 // this should also be as least as big as is needed for Vot
    6195        1756 :             } break;
    6196           0 :             default:
    6197           0 :                 break;
    6198             :             }
    6199             : 
    6200             :             // If the ventilation was autosized using the ASHRAE VRP method, then the design zone and system ventilation values
    6201             :             // must be based on the larger of the cooling or heating OA
    6202        3814 :             if (finalSysSizing.OAAutoSized &&
    6203        3722 :                 (finalSysSizing.SystemOAMethod == SysOAMethod::VRP || finalSysSizing.SystemOAMethod == SysOAMethod::SP)) {
    6204          18 :                 Real64 VotMax = max(state.dataSize->VotClgBySys(AirLoopNum), state.dataSize->VotHtgBySys(AirLoopNum));
    6205             : 
    6206             :                 // Reset the system level ventilation to the larger of the system-level cooling or heating Vot
    6207          18 :                 finalSysSizing.DesOutAirVolFlow = VotMax;
    6208          18 :                 state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).DesOutAirVolFlow = VotMax;
    6209             : 
    6210             :                 // Reset the zone level ventilation to the larger of the zone-level cooling or heating Voz
    6211             :                 // Loop through cooled zones and heated zones - ok if there's overlap
    6212          98 :                 for (int zoneNum = 1; zoneNum <= NumZonesCooled; ++zoneNum) {
    6213          80 :                     int TermUnitSizingIndex = state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirLoopNum).TermUnitCoolSizingIndex(zoneNum);
    6214          80 :                     Real64 VozMax = max(state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).VozClgByZone,
    6215         160 :                                         state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).VozHtgByZone);
    6216          80 :                     state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).MinOA = VozMax;
    6217             :                 }
    6218          18 :                 for (int zoneNum = 1; zoneNum <= NumZonesHeated; ++zoneNum) {
    6219           0 :                     int TermUnitSizingIndex = state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirLoopNum).TermUnitHeatSizingIndex(zoneNum);
    6220           0 :                     Real64 VozMax = max(state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).VozClgByZone,
    6221           0 :                                         state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).VozHtgByZone);
    6222           0 :                     state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).MinOA = VozMax;
    6223             :                 }
    6224             :             }
    6225         695 :         }
    6226         695 :     } break;
    6227         329 :     case DataGlobalConstants::CallIndicator::EndSysSizingCalc: {
    6228             :         // Correct the zone return temperature in FinalZoneSizing for the case of induction units. The calc in
    6229             :         // ZoneEquipmentManager assumes all the air entering the zone goes into the return node.
    6230        3820 :         for (int CtrlZoneNum = 1; CtrlZoneNum <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++CtrlZoneNum) {
    6231        3491 :             if (!state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(CtrlZoneNum).IsControlled) continue;
    6232             :             // Use first non-zero airdistunit for now, if there is one
    6233        3050 :             termunitsizingtempfrac = 1.0;
    6234        3050 :             int TermUnitSizingIndex = 0;
    6235        3050 :             for (int InletNode = 1; InletNode <= state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(CtrlZoneNum).NumInletNodes; ++InletNode) {
    6236        3050 :                 TermUnitSizingIndex = state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(CtrlZoneNum).AirDistUnitCool(InletNode).TermUnitSizingIndex;
    6237        3050 :                 if (TermUnitSizingIndex == 0) continue;
    6238        3050 :                 termunitsizingtemp = (1.0 + state.dataSize->TermUnitSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).InducRat);
    6239        3050 :                 termunitsizingtempfrac = (1.0 / termunitsizingtemp);
    6240        3050 :                 if (TermUnitSizingIndex > 0) break;
    6241             :             }
    6242        3050 :             if (TermUnitSizingIndex == 0) continue; // Skip this if there are no terminal units
    6243        6100 :             RetTempRise = state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).ZoneRetTempAtCoolPeak -
    6244        3050 :                           state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).ZoneTempAtCoolPeak;
    6245        3050 :             if (RetTempRise > 0.01) {
    6246             :                 // avoid possible compiler bug
    6247             :                 //          FinalZoneSizing(CtrlZoneNum)%ZoneRetTempAtCoolPeak = &
    6248             :                 //            FinalZoneSizing(CtrlZoneNum)%ZoneTempAtCoolPeak + RetTempRise * &
    6249             :                 //           (1.0d0/(1.0d0+TermUnitSizing(CtrlZoneNum)%InducRat))
    6250        1232 :                 state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).ZoneRetTempAtCoolPeak =
    6251        1232 :                     state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).ZoneTempAtCoolPeak + RetTempRise * termunitsizingtempfrac;
    6252             :             }
    6253        6100 :             RetTempRise = state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).ZoneRetTempAtHeatPeak -
    6254        3050 :                           state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).ZoneTempAtHeatPeak;
    6255        3050 :             if (RetTempRise > 0.01) {
    6256             :                 // avoid possible compiler bug
    6257             :                 //          FinalZoneSizing(CtrlZoneNum)%ZoneRetTempAtHeatPeak = &
    6258             :                 //            FinalZoneSizing(CtrlZoneNum)%ZoneTempAtHeatPeak + RetTempRise * &
    6259             :                 //            (1.0d0/(1.0d0+TermUnitSizing(CtrlZoneNum)%InducRat))
    6260         737 :                 state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).ZoneRetTempAtHeatPeak =
    6261         737 :                     state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).ZoneTempAtHeatPeak + RetTempRise * termunitsizingtempfrac;
    6262             :             }
    6263      376106 :             for (TimeStepIndex = 1; TimeStepIndex <= numOfTimeStepInDay; ++TimeStepIndex) {
    6264      746112 :                 RetTempRise = state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).CoolZoneRetTempSeq(TimeStepIndex) -
    6265      373056 :                               state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).CoolZoneTempSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    6266      373056 :                 if (RetTempRise > 0.01) {
    6267             :                     // avoid possible compiler bug
    6268             :                     //            FinalZoneSizing(CtrlZoneNum)%CoolZoneRetTempSeq(TimeStepIndex) = &
    6269             :                     //              FinalZoneSizing(CtrlZoneNum)%CoolZoneTempSeq(TimeStepIndex) + RetTempRise * &
    6270             :                     //             (1.0d0/(1.0d0+TermUnitSizing(CtrlZoneNum)%InducRat))
    6271      126407 :                     state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).CoolZoneRetTempSeq(TimeStepIndex) =
    6272      252814 :                         state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).CoolZoneTempSeq(TimeStepIndex) +
    6273      126407 :                         RetTempRise * termunitsizingtempfrac;
    6274             :                 }
    6275      746112 :                 RetTempRise = state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).HeatZoneRetTempSeq(TimeStepIndex) -
    6276      373056 :                               state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).HeatZoneTempSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    6277      373056 :                 if (RetTempRise > 0.01) {
    6278             :                     // avoid possible compiler bug
    6279             :                     //            FinalZoneSizing(CtrlZoneNum)%HeatZoneRetTempSeq(TimeStepIndex) = &
    6280             :                     //              FinalZoneSizing(CtrlZoneNum)%HeatZoneTempSeq(TimeStepIndex) + RetTempRise * &
    6281             :                     //             (1.0d0/(1.0d0+TermUnitSizing(CtrlZoneNum)%InducRat))
    6282      111371 :                     state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).HeatZoneRetTempSeq(TimeStepIndex) =
    6283      222742 :                         state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).HeatZoneTempSeq(TimeStepIndex) +
    6284      111371 :                         RetTempRise * termunitsizingtempfrac;
    6285             :                 }
    6286             :             }
    6287             :         }
    6288             : 
    6289             :         // Get final design flows
    6290        1254 :         for (AirLoopNum = 1; AirLoopNum <= state.dataHVACGlobal->NumPrimaryAirSys; ++AirLoopNum) {
    6291         925 :             state.dataSize->SensCoolCapTemp(AirLoopNum) = 0.0;
    6292         925 :             state.dataSize->TotCoolCapTemp(AirLoopNum) = 0.0;
    6293             : 
    6294             :             // For coincident sizing, loop over design days and pick out the largest central heating amd
    6295             :             // cooling flow rates and associated data
    6296             : 
    6297        2871 :             for (DDNum = 1; DDNum <= state.dataEnvrn->TotDesDays + state.dataEnvrn->TotRunDesPersDays; ++DDNum) {
    6298        1946 :                 auto &sysSizing = state.dataSize->SysSizing(DDNum, AirLoopNum);
    6299        1946 :                 if (sysSizing.SensCoolCap > state.dataSize->SensCoolCapTemp(AirLoopNum)) {
    6300         939 :                     state.dataSize->SysSizPeakDDNum(AirLoopNum).SensCoolPeakDD = DDNum;
    6301         939 :                     state.dataSize->SysSizPeakDDNum(AirLoopNum).cSensCoolPeakDDDate = state.dataSize->DesDayWeath(DDNum).DateString;
    6302         939 :                     state.dataSize->SensCoolCapTemp(AirLoopNum) = sysSizing.SensCoolCap;
    6303         939 :                     if (sysSizing.coolingPeakLoad == DataSizing::PeakLoad::SensibleCooling) {
    6304         929 :                         state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).DesCoolVolFlow = sysSizing.DesCoolVolFlow;
    6305         929 :                         state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).CoolDesDay = sysSizing.CoolDesDay;
    6306             :                         // state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing( AirLoopNum ).CoinCoolMassFlow = SysSizing( DDNum, AirLoopNum ).CoinCoolMassFlow;
    6307         929 :                         state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).MassFlowAtCoolPeak = sysSizing.MassFlowAtCoolPeak;
    6308         929 :                         state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).SensCoolCap = sysSizing.SensCoolCap;
    6309         929 :                         state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).TotCoolCap = sysSizing.TotCoolCap;
    6310         929 :                         state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).CoolFlowSeq = sysSizing.CoolFlowSeq;
    6311         929 :                         state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).SumZoneCoolLoadSeq = sysSizing.SumZoneCoolLoadSeq;
    6312         929 :                         state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).CoolZoneAvgTempSeq = sysSizing.CoolZoneAvgTempSeq;
    6313         929 :                         state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).SensCoolCapSeq = sysSizing.SensCoolCapSeq;
    6314         929 :                         state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).TotCoolCapSeq = sysSizing.TotCoolCapSeq;
    6315         929 :                         state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).MixTempAtCoolPeak = sysSizing.MixTempAtCoolPeak;
    6316         929 :                         state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).RetTempAtCoolPeak = sysSizing.RetTempAtCoolPeak;
    6317         929 :                         state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).MixHumRatAtCoolPeak = sysSizing.MixHumRatAtCoolPeak;
    6318         929 :                         state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).RetHumRatAtCoolPeak = sysSizing.RetHumRatAtCoolPeak;
    6319         929 :                         state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).OutTempAtCoolPeak = sysSizing.OutTempAtCoolPeak;
    6320         929 :                         state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).OutHumRatAtCoolPeak = sysSizing.OutHumRatAtCoolPeak;
    6321         929 :                         state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).SysCoolRetTempSeq = sysSizing.SysCoolRetTempSeq;
    6322         929 :                         state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).SysCoolRetHumRatSeq = sysSizing.SysCoolRetHumRatSeq;
    6323         929 :                         state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).SysCoolOutTempSeq = sysSizing.SysCoolOutTempSeq;
    6324         929 :                         state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).SysCoolOutHumRatSeq = sysSizing.SysCoolOutHumRatSeq;
    6325         929 :                         state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).SysDOASHeatAddSeq = sysSizing.SysDOASHeatAddSeq;
    6326         929 :                         state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).SysDOASLatAddSeq = sysSizing.SysDOASLatAddSeq;
    6327         929 :                         state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).SysCoolCoinSpaceSens = sysSizing.SysCoolCoinSpaceSens;
    6328         929 :                         state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).SysDesCoolLoad = sysSizing.SysDesCoolLoad;
    6329         929 :                         state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).SysCoolLoadTimeStepPk = sysSizing.SysCoolLoadTimeStepPk;
    6330             :                     }
    6331             :                 }
    6332             : 
    6333        1946 :                 if (sysSizing.TotCoolCap > state.dataSize->TotCoolCapTemp(AirLoopNum)) {
    6334         955 :                     state.dataSize->SysSizPeakDDNum(AirLoopNum).TotCoolPeakDD = DDNum;
    6335         955 :                     state.dataSize->SysSizPeakDDNum(AirLoopNum).cTotCoolPeakDDDate = state.dataSize->DesDayWeath(DDNum).DateString;
    6336         955 :                     state.dataSize->TotCoolCapTemp(AirLoopNum) = sysSizing.TotCoolCap;
    6337         955 :                     if (sysSizing.coolingPeakLoad == DataSizing::PeakLoad::TotalCooling) {
    6338          14 :                         state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).DesCoolVolFlow = sysSizing.DesCoolVolFlow;
    6339          14 :                         state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).CoolDesDay = sysSizing.CoolDesDay;
    6340             :                         // state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing( AirLoopNum ).CoinCoolMassFlow = SysSizing( DDNum, AirLoopNum ).CoinCoolMassFlow;
    6341          14 :                         state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).MassFlowAtCoolPeak = sysSizing.MassFlowAtCoolPeak;
    6342          14 :                         state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).SensCoolCap = sysSizing.SensCoolCap;
    6343          14 :                         state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).TotCoolCap = sysSizing.TotCoolCap;
    6344          14 :                         state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).CoolFlowSeq = sysSizing.CoolFlowSeq;
    6345          14 :                         state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).SumZoneCoolLoadSeq = sysSizing.SumZoneCoolLoadSeq;
    6346          14 :                         state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).CoolZoneAvgTempSeq = sysSizing.CoolZoneAvgTempSeq;
    6347          14 :                         state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).SensCoolCapSeq = sysSizing.SensCoolCapSeq;
    6348          14 :                         state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).TotCoolCapSeq = sysSizing.TotCoolCapSeq;
    6349          14 :                         state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).MixTempAtCoolPeak = sysSizing.MixTempAtCoolPeak;
    6350          14 :                         state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).RetTempAtCoolPeak = sysSizing.RetTempAtCoolPeak;
    6351          14 :                         state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).MixHumRatAtCoolPeak = sysSizing.MixHumRatAtCoolPeak;
    6352          14 :                         state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).RetHumRatAtCoolPeak = sysSizing.RetHumRatAtCoolPeak;
    6353          14 :                         state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).OutTempAtCoolPeak = sysSizing.OutTempAtCoolPeak;
    6354          14 :                         state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).OutHumRatAtCoolPeak = sysSizing.OutHumRatAtCoolPeak;
    6355          14 :                         state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).SysCoolRetTempSeq = sysSizing.SysCoolRetTempSeq;
    6356          14 :                         state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).SysCoolRetHumRatSeq = sysSizing.SysCoolRetHumRatSeq;
    6357          14 :                         state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).SysCoolOutTempSeq = sysSizing.SysCoolOutTempSeq;
    6358          14 :                         state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).SysCoolOutHumRatSeq = sysSizing.SysCoolOutHumRatSeq;
    6359          14 :                         state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).SysDOASHeatAddSeq = sysSizing.SysDOASHeatAddSeq;
    6360          14 :                         state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).SysDOASLatAddSeq = sysSizing.SysDOASLatAddSeq;
    6361             :                     }
    6362         955 :                     state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).SysCoolCoinSpaceSens = sysSizing.SysCoolCoinSpaceSens;
    6363             :                 }
    6364             : 
    6365        1946 :                 if (sysSizing.CoinCoolMassFlow > state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).CoinCoolMassFlow) {
    6366        1768 :                     state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).CoinCoolMassFlow = sysSizing.CoinCoolMassFlow;
    6367        1768 :                     state.dataSize->SysSizPeakDDNum(AirLoopNum).CoolFlowPeakDD = DDNum;
    6368        1768 :                     state.dataSize->SysSizPeakDDNum(AirLoopNum).cCoolFlowPeakDDDate = state.dataSize->DesDayWeath(DDNum).DateString;
    6369             :                 }
    6370             : 
    6371        1946 :                 if (sysSizing.HeatCap > state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).HeatCap) {
    6372         916 :                     state.dataSize->SysSizPeakDDNum(AirLoopNum).HeatPeakDD = DDNum;
    6373         916 :                     state.dataSize->SysSizPeakDDNum(AirLoopNum).cHeatPeakDDDate = state.dataSize->DesDayWeath(DDNum).DateString;
    6374         916 :                     state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).DesHeatVolFlow = sysSizing.DesHeatVolFlow;
    6375         916 :                     state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).HeatDesDay = sysSizing.HeatDesDay;
    6376         916 :                     state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).CoinHeatMassFlow = sysSizing.CoinHeatMassFlow;
    6377         916 :                     state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).HeatCap = sysSizing.HeatCap;
    6378         916 :                     state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).PreheatCap = sysSizing.PreheatCap;
    6379         916 :                     state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).HeatFlowSeq = sysSizing.HeatFlowSeq;
    6380         916 :                     state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).SumZoneHeatLoadSeq = sysSizing.SumZoneHeatLoadSeq;
    6381         916 :                     state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).HeatCapSeq = sysSizing.HeatCapSeq;
    6382         916 :                     state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).HeatZoneAvgTempSeq = sysSizing.HeatZoneAvgTempSeq;
    6383         916 :                     state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).PreheatCapSeq = sysSizing.PreheatCapSeq;
    6384         916 :                     state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).HeatMixTemp = sysSizing.HeatMixTemp;
    6385         916 :                     state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).HeatRetTemp = sysSizing.HeatRetTemp;
    6386         916 :                     state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).HeatMixHumRat = sysSizing.HeatMixHumRat;
    6387         916 :                     state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).HeatRetHumRat = sysSizing.HeatRetHumRat;
    6388         916 :                     state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).HeatOutTemp = sysSizing.HeatOutTemp;
    6389         916 :                     state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).HeatOutHumRat = sysSizing.HeatOutHumRat;
    6390         916 :                     state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).SysHeatRetTempSeq = sysSizing.SysHeatRetTempSeq;
    6391         916 :                     state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).SysHeatRetHumRatSeq = sysSizing.SysHeatRetHumRatSeq;
    6392         916 :                     state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).SysHeatOutTempSeq = sysSizing.SysHeatOutTempSeq;
    6393         916 :                     state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).SysHeatOutHumRatSeq = sysSizing.SysHeatOutHumRatSeq;
    6394             : 
    6395         916 :                     state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).SysHeatCoilTimeStepPk = sysSizing.SysHeatCoilTimeStepPk;
    6396             : 
    6397         916 :                     state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).SysHeatAirTimeStepPk = sysSizing.SysHeatAirTimeStepPk;
    6398         916 :                     state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).HeatDDNum = DDNum;
    6399         916 :                     state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).SysHeatCoinSpaceSens = sysSizing.SysHeatCoinSpaceSens;
    6400         916 :                     state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).SysDesHeatLoad = sysSizing.SysDesHeatLoad;
    6401         916 :                     state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).SysHeatLoadTimeStepPk = sysSizing.SysHeatLoadTimeStepPk;
    6402             :                 }
    6403             :             }
    6404             : 
    6405         925 :             state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).DesMainVolFlow =
    6406         925 :                 max(state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).DesCoolVolFlow, state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).DesHeatVolFlow);
    6407             : 
    6408             :             // For noncoincident sizing, find the max heat and cool mass flow for each zone over all the
    6409             :             // design days. Then calculate the associated heating and cooling capacities.
    6410             : 
    6411         925 :             int NumZonesCooled = state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirLoopNum).NumZonesCooled;
    6412         925 :             int NumZonesHeated = state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirLoopNum).NumZonesHeated;
    6413         925 :             SysCoolRetTemp = 0.0;
    6414         925 :             OutAirFrac = 0.0;
    6415         925 :             SysCoolMixTemp = 0.0;
    6416         925 :             SysSensCoolCap = 0.0;
    6417         925 :             SysTotCoolCap = 0.0;
    6418         925 :             CoolTimeStepNum = 0;
    6419         925 :             CoolDDNum = 0;
    6420         925 :             OutAirTemp = 0.0;
    6421         925 :             OutAirHumRat = 0.0;
    6422         925 :             SysCoolMixHumRat = 0.0;
    6423         925 :             SysCoolRetHumRat = 0.0;
    6424         925 :             SysCoolOutTemp = 0.0;
    6425         925 :             SysCoolOutHumRat = 0.0;
    6426             : 
    6427        3833 :             for (int ZonesCooledNum = 1; ZonesCooledNum <= NumZonesCooled; ++ZonesCooledNum) { // loop over cooled zones
    6428        2908 :                 int TermUnitSizingIndex = state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirLoopNum).TermUnitCoolSizingIndex(ZonesCooledNum);
    6429        2908 :                 auto &termUnitSizing = state.dataSize->TermUnitSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex);
    6430             :                 // save the system cooling supply air temp
    6431        2908 :                 state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).DesCoolCoilInTempTU =
    6432        2908 :                     state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).CoolSupTemp;
    6433             :                 // save the system cooling supply air hum rat
    6434        2908 :                 state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).DesCoolCoilInHumRatTU =
    6435        2908 :                     state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).CoolSupHumRat;
    6436        2908 :                 if (state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).DesCoolMassFlow <= 0.0) continue;
    6437        2908 :                 Real64 coolMassFlow = state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex)
    6438        2908 :                                           .DesCoolMassFlow; // already scaled for term unit sizing in Updatestate.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing
    6439        2908 :                 state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).NonCoinCoolMassFlow += coolMassFlow / (1.0 + termUnitSizing.InducRat);
    6440        5816 :                 SysCoolRetTemp += state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).ZoneRetTempAtCoolPeak * coolMassFlow /
    6441        2908 :                                   (1.0 + termUnitSizing.InducRat);
    6442        5816 :                 SysCoolRetHumRat += state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).ZoneHumRatAtCoolPeak * coolMassFlow /
    6443        2908 :                                     (1.0 + termUnitSizing.InducRat);
    6444        2908 :                 CoolDDNum = state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).CoolDDNum;
    6445        2908 :                 CoolTimeStepNum = state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).TimeStepNumAtCoolMax;
    6446        2908 :                 OutAirTemp += state.dataSize->DesDayWeath(CoolDDNum).Temp(CoolTimeStepNum) * coolMassFlow / (1.0 + termUnitSizing.InducRat);
    6447        2908 :                 OutAirHumRat += state.dataSize->DesDayWeath(CoolDDNum).HumRat(CoolTimeStepNum) * coolMassFlow / (1.0 + termUnitSizing.InducRat);
    6448             :             }
    6449         925 :             if (state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).NonCoinCoolMassFlow > 0.0) {
    6450         925 :                 SysCoolRetTemp /= state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).NonCoinCoolMassFlow;
    6451         925 :                 SysCoolRetHumRat /= state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).NonCoinCoolMassFlow;
    6452         925 :                 OutAirTemp /= state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).NonCoinCoolMassFlow;
    6453         925 :                 OutAirHumRat /= state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).NonCoinCoolMassFlow;
    6454         925 :                 SysCoolOutTemp = OutAirTemp;
    6455         925 :                 SysCoolOutHumRat = OutAirHumRat;
    6456         925 :                 RhoAir = state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir;
    6457         925 :                 if (state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).CoolOAOption == MinOA) {
    6458        1776 :                     OutAirFrac = RhoAir * state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).DesOutAirVolFlow /
    6459         888 :                                  state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).NonCoinCoolMassFlow;
    6460         888 :                     OutAirFrac = min(1.0, max(0.0, OutAirFrac));
    6461             :                 } else {
    6462          37 :                     OutAirFrac = 1.0;
    6463             :                 }
    6464         925 :                 SysCoolMixTemp = OutAirTemp * OutAirFrac + SysCoolRetTemp * (1.0 - OutAirFrac);
    6465         925 :                 SysCoolMixHumRat = OutAirHumRat * OutAirFrac + SysCoolRetHumRat * (1.0 - OutAirFrac);
    6466        1850 :                 SysSensCoolCap = PsyCpAirFnW(DataPrecisionGlobals::constant_zero) * state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).NonCoinCoolMassFlow *
    6467         925 :                                  (SysCoolMixTemp - state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).CoolSupTemp);
    6468         925 :                 SysSensCoolCap = max(0.0, SysSensCoolCap);
    6469        1850 :                 SysTotCoolCap = state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).NonCoinCoolMassFlow *
    6470        1850 :                                 (PsyHFnTdbW(SysCoolMixTemp, SysCoolMixHumRat) - PsyHFnTdbW(state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).CoolSupTemp,
    6471         925 :                                                                                            state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).CoolSupHumRat));
    6472         925 :                 SysTotCoolCap = max(0.0, SysTotCoolCap);
    6473             :             }
    6474             : 
    6475         925 :             SysHeatRetTemp = 0.0;
    6476         925 :             OutAirFrac = 0.0;
    6477         925 :             SysHeatMixTemp = 0.0;
    6478         925 :             SysHeatCap = 0.0;
    6479         925 :             HeatTimeStepNum = 0;
    6480         925 :             HeatDDNum = 0;
    6481         925 :             OutAirTemp = 0.0;
    6482         925 :             OutAirHumRat = 0.0;
    6483         925 :             SysHeatMixHumRat = 0.0;
    6484         925 :             SysHeatRetHumRat = 0.0;
    6485         925 :             SysHeatOutTemp = 0.0;
    6486         925 :             SysHeatOutHumRat = 0.0;
    6487             : 
    6488         925 :             if (NumZonesHeated > 0) { // IF there are centrally heated zones
    6489             : 
    6490          17 :                 for (int ZonesHeatedNum = 1; ZonesHeatedNum <= NumZonesHeated; ++ZonesHeatedNum) { // loop over the heated zones
    6491          14 :                     int TermUnitSizingIndex = state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirLoopNum).TermUnitHeatSizingIndex(ZonesHeatedNum);
    6492          14 :                     auto &termUnitSizing = state.dataSize->TermUnitSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex);
    6493             :                     // save the system heating supply air temp
    6494          14 :                     state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).DesHeatCoilInTempTU =
    6495          14 :                         state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).HeatSupTemp;
    6496             :                     // save the system heating supply air hum rat
    6497          14 :                     state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).DesHeatCoilInHumRatTU =
    6498          14 :                         state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).HeatSupHumRat;
    6499          14 :                     if (state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).DesHeatMassFlow <= 0.0) continue;
    6500             :                     Real64 heatMassFlow =
    6501          14 :                         state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex)
    6502          14 :                             .DesHeatMassFlow; // already scaled for term unit sizing in Updatestate.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing
    6503          14 :                     state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).NonCoinHeatMassFlow += heatMassFlow / (1.0 + termUnitSizing.InducRat);
    6504          28 :                     SysHeatRetTemp += state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).ZoneRetTempAtHeatPeak * heatMassFlow /
    6505          14 :                                       (1.0 + termUnitSizing.InducRat);
    6506          28 :                     SysHeatRetHumRat += state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).ZoneHumRatAtHeatPeak * heatMassFlow /
    6507          14 :                                         (1.0 + termUnitSizing.InducRat);
    6508          14 :                     HeatDDNum = state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).HeatDDNum;
    6509          14 :                     HeatTimeStepNum = state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).TimeStepNumAtHeatMax;
    6510          14 :                     OutAirTemp += state.dataSize->DesDayWeath(HeatDDNum).Temp(HeatTimeStepNum) * heatMassFlow / (1.0 + termUnitSizing.InducRat);
    6511          14 :                     OutAirHumRat += state.dataSize->DesDayWeath(HeatDDNum).HumRat(HeatTimeStepNum) * heatMassFlow / (1.0 + termUnitSizing.InducRat);
    6512             :                 }
    6513           3 :                 if (state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).NonCoinHeatMassFlow > 0.0) {
    6514           3 :                     SysHeatRetTemp /= state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).NonCoinHeatMassFlow;
    6515           3 :                     SysHeatRetHumRat /= state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).NonCoinHeatMassFlow;
    6516           3 :                     OutAirTemp /= state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).NonCoinHeatMassFlow;
    6517           3 :                     OutAirHumRat /= state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).NonCoinHeatMassFlow;
    6518           3 :                     SysHeatOutTemp = OutAirTemp;
    6519           3 :                     SysHeatOutHumRat = OutAirHumRat;
    6520           3 :                     RhoAir = state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir;
    6521           3 :                     if (state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).HeatOAOption == MinOA) {
    6522           6 :                         OutAirFrac = RhoAir * state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).DesOutAirVolFlow /
    6523           3 :                                      state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).NonCoinHeatMassFlow;
    6524           3 :                         OutAirFrac = min(1.0, max(0.0, OutAirFrac));
    6525             :                     } else {
    6526           0 :                         OutAirFrac = 1.0;
    6527             :                     }
    6528           3 :                     SysHeatMixTemp = OutAirTemp * OutAirFrac + SysHeatRetTemp * (1.0 - OutAirFrac);
    6529           3 :                     SysHeatMixHumRat = OutAirHumRat * OutAirFrac + SysHeatRetHumRat * (1.0 - OutAirFrac);
    6530           6 :                     SysHeatCap = PsyCpAirFnW(DataPrecisionGlobals::constant_zero) * state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).NonCoinHeatMassFlow *
    6531           3 :                                  (state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).HeatSupTemp - SysHeatMixTemp);
    6532           3 :                     SysHeatCap = max(0.0, SysHeatCap);
    6533             :                 }
    6534             : 
    6535             :             } else { // No centrally heated zones: use cooled zones
    6536             : 
    6537        3816 :                 for (int ZonesCooledNum = 1; ZonesCooledNum <= NumZonesCooled; ++ZonesCooledNum) { // loop over the cooled zones
    6538        2894 :                     int TermUnitSizingIndex = state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirLoopNum).TermUnitCoolSizingIndex(ZonesCooledNum);
    6539        2894 :                     auto &termUnitSizing = state.dataSize->TermUnitSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex);
    6540             :                     // save the system heating supply air temp
    6541        2894 :                     state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).DesHeatCoilInTempTU =
    6542        2894 :                         state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).HeatSupTemp;
    6543             :                     // save the system heating supply air hum rat
    6544        2894 :                     state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).DesHeatCoilInHumRatTU =
    6545        2894 :                         state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).HeatSupHumRat;
    6546        2894 :                     if (state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).DesHeatMassFlow <= 0.0) continue;
    6547             :                     Real64 heatMassFlow =
    6548        2886 :                         state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex)
    6549        2886 :                             .DesHeatMassFlow; // already scaled for term unit sizing in Updatestate.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing
    6550        2886 :                     state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).NonCoinHeatMassFlow += heatMassFlow / (1.0 + termUnitSizing.InducRat);
    6551        5772 :                     SysHeatRetTemp += state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).ZoneRetTempAtHeatPeak * heatMassFlow /
    6552        2886 :                                       (1.0 + termUnitSizing.InducRat);
    6553        5772 :                     SysHeatRetHumRat += state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).ZoneHumRatAtHeatPeak * heatMassFlow /
    6554        2886 :                                         (1.0 + termUnitSizing.InducRat);
    6555        2886 :                     HeatDDNum = state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).HeatDDNum;
    6556        2886 :                     HeatTimeStepNum = state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).TimeStepNumAtHeatMax;
    6557        2886 :                     OutAirTemp += state.dataSize->DesDayWeath(HeatDDNum).Temp(HeatTimeStepNum) * heatMassFlow / (1.0 + termUnitSizing.InducRat);
    6558        2886 :                     OutAirHumRat += state.dataSize->DesDayWeath(HeatDDNum).HumRat(HeatTimeStepNum) * heatMassFlow / (1.0 + termUnitSizing.InducRat);
    6559             :                 }
    6560         922 :                 if (state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).NonCoinHeatMassFlow > 0.0) {
    6561         918 :                     SysHeatRetTemp /= state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).NonCoinHeatMassFlow;
    6562         918 :                     SysHeatRetHumRat /= state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).NonCoinHeatMassFlow;
    6563         918 :                     OutAirTemp /= state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).NonCoinHeatMassFlow;
    6564         918 :                     OutAirHumRat /= state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).NonCoinHeatMassFlow;
    6565         918 :                     SysHeatOutTemp = OutAirTemp;
    6566         918 :                     SysHeatOutHumRat = OutAirHumRat;
    6567         918 :                     RhoAir = state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir;
    6568         918 :                     if (state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).HeatOAOption == MinOA) {
    6569        1766 :                         OutAirFrac = RhoAir * state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).DesOutAirVolFlow /
    6570         883 :                                      state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).NonCoinHeatMassFlow;
    6571         883 :                         OutAirFrac = min(1.0, max(0.0, OutAirFrac));
    6572             :                     } else {
    6573          35 :                         OutAirFrac = 1.0;
    6574             :                     }
    6575         918 :                     SysHeatMixTemp = OutAirTemp * OutAirFrac + SysHeatRetTemp * (1.0 - OutAirFrac);
    6576         918 :                     SysHeatMixHumRat = OutAirHumRat * OutAirFrac + SysHeatRetHumRat * (1.0 - OutAirFrac);
    6577        1836 :                     SysHeatCap = PsyCpAirFnW(DataPrecisionGlobals::constant_zero) * state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).NonCoinHeatMassFlow *
    6578         918 :                                  (state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).HeatSupTemp - SysHeatMixTemp);
    6579         918 :                     SysHeatCap = max(0.0, SysHeatCap);
    6580             :                 }
    6581             :             }
    6582             : 
    6583             :             // move the noncoincident results into the system sizing array
    6584         925 :             if (state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).SizingOption == NonCoincident) {
    6585             :                 // But first check to see if the noncoincident result is actually bigger than the coincident (for 100% outside air)
    6586         832 :                 if (!(state.dataSize->FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).CoolOAOption == 1 && SysSensCoolCap <= 0.0)) { // CoolOAOption = Yes 100% OA
    6587         832 :                     state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).SensCoolCap = SysSensCoolCap;
    6588         832 :                     state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).TotCoolCap = SysTotCoolCap;
    6589         832 :                     state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).MixTempAtCoolPeak = SysCoolMixTemp;
    6590         832 :                     state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).RetTempAtCoolPeak = SysCoolRetTemp;
    6591         832 :                     state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).MixHumRatAtCoolPeak = SysCoolMixHumRat;
    6592         832 :                     state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).RetHumRatAtCoolPeak = SysCoolRetHumRat;
    6593         832 :                     state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).OutTempAtCoolPeak = SysCoolOutTemp;
    6594         832 :                     state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).OutHumRatAtCoolPeak = SysCoolOutHumRat;
    6595             :                 }
    6596             :                 // check to see if the noncoincident result is actually bigger than the coincident (for 100% outside air)
    6597             :                 // why is this < 0.0 ? SysHeatCap cannot be < 0 ?? this code will always get executed
    6598         832 :                 if (!(state.dataSize->FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).HeatOAOption == 1 && SysHeatCap < 0.0)) { // HeatOAOption = Yes 100% OA
    6599         832 :                     state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).HeatCap = SysHeatCap;
    6600         832 :                     state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).HeatMixTemp = SysHeatMixTemp;
    6601         832 :                     state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).HeatRetTemp = SysHeatRetTemp;
    6602         832 :                     state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).HeatMixHumRat = SysHeatMixHumRat;
    6603         832 :                     state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).HeatRetHumRat = SysHeatRetHumRat;
    6604         832 :                     state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).HeatOutTemp = SysHeatOutTemp;
    6605         832 :                     state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).HeatOutHumRat = SysHeatOutHumRat;
    6606             :                 }
    6607         832 :                 state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).DesCoolVolFlow =
    6608         832 :                     state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).NonCoinCoolMassFlow / state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir;
    6609         832 :                 state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).DesHeatVolFlow =
    6610         832 :                     state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).NonCoinHeatMassFlow / state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir;
    6611         832 :                 state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).DesMainVolFlow =
    6612         832 :                     max(state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).DesCoolVolFlow, state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).DesHeatVolFlow);
    6613             :             }
    6614             :         }
    6615             : 
    6616             :         // Move final system design data (calculated from zone data) to user design array
    6617        1254 :         for (std::size_t i = 0; i < state.dataSize->FinalSysSizing.size(); ++i) {
    6618         925 :             auto &z(state.dataSize->FinalSysSizing[i]);
    6619         925 :             auto &c(state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing[i]);
    6620         925 :             z.CoolDesDay = c.CoolDesDay;
    6621         925 :             z.HeatDesDay = c.HeatDesDay;
    6622         925 :             z.CoinCoolMassFlow = c.CoinCoolMassFlow;
    6623         925 :             z.CoinHeatMassFlow = c.CoinHeatMassFlow;
    6624         925 :             z.NonCoinCoolMassFlow = c.NonCoinCoolMassFlow;
    6625         925 :             z.NonCoinHeatMassFlow = c.NonCoinHeatMassFlow;
    6626         925 :             z.DesMainVolFlow = c.DesMainVolFlow;
    6627         925 :             z.DesHeatVolFlow = c.DesHeatVolFlow;
    6628         925 :             z.DesCoolVolFlow = c.DesCoolVolFlow;
    6629         925 :             z.MassFlowAtCoolPeak = c.MassFlowAtCoolPeak;
    6630         925 :             z.SensCoolCap = c.SensCoolCap;
    6631         925 :             z.TotCoolCap = c.TotCoolCap;
    6632         925 :             z.HeatCap = c.HeatCap;
    6633         925 :             z.PreheatCap = c.PreheatCap;
    6634         925 :             z.MixTempAtCoolPeak = c.MixTempAtCoolPeak;
    6635         925 :             z.MixHumRatAtCoolPeak = c.MixHumRatAtCoolPeak;
    6636         925 :             z.RetTempAtCoolPeak = c.RetTempAtCoolPeak;
    6637         925 :             z.RetHumRatAtCoolPeak = c.RetHumRatAtCoolPeak;
    6638         925 :             z.OutTempAtCoolPeak = c.OutTempAtCoolPeak;
    6639         925 :             z.OutHumRatAtCoolPeak = c.OutHumRatAtCoolPeak;
    6640         925 :             z.HeatMixTemp = c.HeatMixTemp;
    6641         925 :             z.HeatMixHumRat = c.HeatMixHumRat;
    6642         925 :             z.HeatRetTemp = c.HeatRetTemp;
    6643         925 :             z.HeatRetHumRat = c.HeatRetHumRat;
    6644         925 :             z.HeatOutTemp = c.HeatOutTemp;
    6645         925 :             z.HeatOutHumRat = c.HeatOutHumRat;
    6646         925 :             z.SysHeatCoilTimeStepPk = c.SysHeatCoilTimeStepPk;
    6647         925 :             z.SysHeatAirTimeStepPk = c.SysHeatAirTimeStepPk;
    6648         925 :             z.HeatDDNum = c.HeatDDNum;
    6649         925 :             z.SysCoolCoinSpaceSens = c.SysCoolCoinSpaceSens;
    6650         925 :             z.SysHeatCoinSpaceSens = c.SysHeatCoinSpaceSens;
    6651         925 :             z.SysDesCoolLoad = c.SysDesCoolLoad;
    6652         925 :             z.SysCoolLoadTimeStepPk = c.SysCoolLoadTimeStepPk;
    6653         925 :             z.SysDesHeatLoad = c.SysDesHeatLoad;
    6654         925 :             z.SysHeatLoadTimeStepPk = c.SysHeatLoadTimeStepPk;
    6655             :         }
    6656             : 
    6657        1254 :         for (AirLoopNum = 1; AirLoopNum <= state.dataHVACGlobal->NumPrimaryAirSys; ++AirLoopNum) {
    6658         925 :             auto &finalSysSizing = state.dataSize->FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum);
    6659         925 :             auto &calcSysSizing = state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum);
    6660      109237 :             for (TimeStepIndex = 1; TimeStepIndex <= numOfTimeStepInDay; ++TimeStepIndex) {
    6661      108312 :                 finalSysSizing.HeatFlowSeq(TimeStepIndex) = calcSysSizing.HeatFlowSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    6662      108312 :                 finalSysSizing.CoolFlowSeq(TimeStepIndex) = calcSysSizing.CoolFlowSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    6663      108312 :                 finalSysSizing.SumZoneCoolLoadSeq(TimeStepIndex) = calcSysSizing.SumZoneCoolLoadSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    6664      108312 :                 finalSysSizing.SumZoneHeatLoadSeq(TimeStepIndex) = calcSysSizing.SumZoneHeatLoadSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    6665      108312 :                 finalSysSizing.CoolZoneAvgTempSeq(TimeStepIndex) = calcSysSizing.CoolZoneAvgTempSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    6666      108312 :                 finalSysSizing.HeatZoneAvgTempSeq(TimeStepIndex) = calcSysSizing.HeatZoneAvgTempSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    6667      108312 :                 finalSysSizing.SensCoolCapSeq(TimeStepIndex) = calcSysSizing.SensCoolCapSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    6668      108312 :                 finalSysSizing.TotCoolCapSeq(TimeStepIndex) = calcSysSizing.TotCoolCapSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    6669      108312 :                 finalSysSizing.HeatCapSeq(TimeStepIndex) = calcSysSizing.HeatCapSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    6670      108312 :                 finalSysSizing.PreheatCapSeq(TimeStepIndex) = calcSysSizing.PreheatCapSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    6671      108312 :                 finalSysSizing.SysCoolRetTempSeq(TimeStepIndex) = calcSysSizing.SysCoolRetTempSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    6672      108312 :                 finalSysSizing.SysCoolRetHumRatSeq(TimeStepIndex) = calcSysSizing.SysCoolRetHumRatSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    6673      108312 :                 finalSysSizing.SysHeatRetTempSeq(TimeStepIndex) = calcSysSizing.SysHeatRetTempSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    6674      108312 :                 finalSysSizing.SysHeatRetHumRatSeq(TimeStepIndex) = calcSysSizing.SysHeatRetHumRatSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    6675      108312 :                 finalSysSizing.SysCoolOutTempSeq(TimeStepIndex) = calcSysSizing.SysCoolOutTempSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    6676      108312 :                 finalSysSizing.SysCoolOutHumRatSeq(TimeStepIndex) = calcSysSizing.SysCoolOutHumRatSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    6677      108312 :                 finalSysSizing.SysHeatOutTempSeq(TimeStepIndex) = calcSysSizing.SysHeatOutTempSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    6678      108312 :                 finalSysSizing.SysHeatOutHumRatSeq(TimeStepIndex) = calcSysSizing.SysHeatOutHumRatSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    6679      108312 :                 finalSysSizing.SysDOASHeatAddSeq(TimeStepIndex) = calcSysSizing.SysDOASHeatAddSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    6680      108312 :                 finalSysSizing.SysDOASLatAddSeq(TimeStepIndex) = calcSysSizing.SysDOASLatAddSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    6681             :             }
    6682             :         }
    6683             : 
    6684             :         // Check for user input design system flow rates. Set the sizing ratios.
    6685        1254 :         for (AirLoopNum = 1; AirLoopNum <= state.dataHVACGlobal->NumPrimaryAirSys; ++AirLoopNum) {
    6686         925 :             auto &calcSysSizing = state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum);
    6687         925 :             auto &finalSysSizing = state.dataSize->FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum);
    6688             :             // adjust system sizing flow rates for scalable flows
    6689         925 :             UpdateSysSizingForScalableInputs(state, AirLoopNum);
    6690             : 
    6691         925 :             int NumZonesCooled = state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirLoopNum).NumZonesCooled;
    6692         925 :             int NumZonesHeated = state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirLoopNum).NumZonesHeated;
    6693         925 :             RhoAir = state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir;
    6694         925 :             SysCoolSizingRat = 0.0;
    6695         930 :             if (calcSysSizing.InpDesCoolAirFlow > 0.0 && calcSysSizing.DesCoolVolFlow > 0.0 &&
    6696           7 :                 (calcSysSizing.CoolAirDesMethod == InpDesAirFlow || calcSysSizing.ScaleCoolSAFMethod == FlowPerFloorArea ||
    6697           2 :                  calcSysSizing.ScaleCoolSAFMethod == FractionOfAutosizedCoolingAirflow ||
    6698           1 :                  calcSysSizing.ScaleCoolSAFMethod == FlowPerCoolingCapacity)) {
    6699           5 :                 SysCoolSizingRat = calcSysSizing.InpDesCoolAirFlow / calcSysSizing.DesCoolVolFlow;
    6700             :             } else {
    6701         920 :                 SysCoolSizingRat = 1.0;
    6702             :             }
    6703             : 
    6704         925 :             SysHeatSizingRat = 0.0;
    6705         929 :             if (calcSysSizing.InpDesHeatAirFlow > 0.0 && calcSysSizing.DesHeatVolFlow > 0.0 &&
    6706           6 :                 (calcSysSizing.HeatAirDesMethod == InpDesAirFlow || calcSysSizing.ScaleHeatSAFMethod == FlowPerFloorArea ||
    6707           2 :                  calcSysSizing.ScaleHeatSAFMethod == FractionOfAutosizedHeatingAirflow ||
    6708           2 :                  calcSysSizing.ScaleHeatSAFMethod == FractionOfAutosizedCoolingAirflow ||
    6709           1 :                  calcSysSizing.ScaleHeatSAFMethod == FlowPerHeatingCapacity)) {
    6710           4 :                 SysHeatSizingRat = calcSysSizing.InpDesHeatAirFlow / calcSysSizing.DesHeatVolFlow;
    6711             :             } else {
    6712         921 :                 SysHeatSizingRat = 1.0;
    6713             :             }
    6714             : 
    6715         925 :             if (calcSysSizing.loadSizingType == DataSizing::LoadSizing::Ventilation && SysCoolSizingRat == 1.0) {
    6716          22 :                 if (calcSysSizing.DesCoolVolFlow > 0.0) {
    6717          22 :                     SysCoolSizingRat = calcSysSizing.DesOutAirVolFlow / calcSysSizing.DesCoolVolFlow;
    6718          22 :                     state.dataSize->VotClgBySys(AirLoopNum) = finalSysSizing.DesOutAirVolFlow;
    6719             :                 } else {
    6720           0 :                     SysCoolSizingRat = 1.0;
    6721             :                 }
    6722             :             }
    6723         925 :             if (calcSysSizing.loadSizingType == DataSizing::LoadSizing::Ventilation && SysHeatSizingRat == 1.0) {
    6724          22 :                 if (calcSysSizing.DesHeatVolFlow > 0.0) {
    6725          22 :                     SysHeatSizingRat = calcSysSizing.DesOutAirVolFlow / calcSysSizing.DesHeatVolFlow;
    6726          22 :                     state.dataSize->VotHtgBySys(AirLoopNum) = finalSysSizing.DesOutAirVolFlow;
    6727             :                 } else {
    6728           0 :                     SysHeatSizingRat = 1.0;
    6729             :                 }
    6730             :             }
    6731             : 
    6732             :             // Calculate the new user modified system design quantities
    6733         925 :             if (std::abs(SysCoolSizingRat - 1.0) > 0.00001) {
    6734             : 
    6735          24 :                 finalSysSizing.CoinCoolMassFlow = SysCoolSizingRat * calcSysSizing.CoinCoolMassFlow;
    6736          24 :                 finalSysSizing.NonCoinCoolMassFlow = SysCoolSizingRat * calcSysSizing.NonCoinCoolMassFlow;
    6737          24 :                 finalSysSizing.DesCoolVolFlow = SysCoolSizingRat * calcSysSizing.DesCoolVolFlow;
    6738          24 :                 finalSysSizing.MassFlowAtCoolPeak = SysCoolSizingRat * calcSysSizing.MassFlowAtCoolPeak;
    6739             : 
    6740          24 :                 if (finalSysSizing.DesCoolVolFlow > 0.0) {
    6741             : 
    6742        2568 :                     for (TimeStepIndex = 1; TimeStepIndex <= numOfTimeStepInDay; ++TimeStepIndex) {
    6743             : 
    6744        2544 :                         if (calcSysSizing.CoolFlowSeq(TimeStepIndex) > 0.0) {
    6745             : 
    6746        2544 :                             finalSysSizing.CoolFlowSeq(TimeStepIndex) = SysCoolSizingRat * calcSysSizing.CoolFlowSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    6747        2544 :                             if (finalSysSizing.CoolOAOption == MinOA) {
    6748         384 :                                 OutAirFrac = RhoAir * finalSysSizing.DesOutAirVolFlow / finalSysSizing.CoolFlowSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    6749         384 :                                 OutAirFrac = min(1.0, max(0.0, OutAirFrac));
    6750             :                             } else {
    6751        2160 :                                 OutAirFrac = 1.0;
    6752             :                             }
    6753        5088 :                             SysCoolMixTemp = finalSysSizing.SysCoolOutTempSeq(TimeStepIndex) * OutAirFrac +
    6754        2544 :                                              finalSysSizing.SysCoolRetTempSeq(TimeStepIndex) * (1.0 - OutAirFrac);
    6755        5088 :                             SysCoolMixHumRat = finalSysSizing.SysCoolOutHumRatSeq(TimeStepIndex) * OutAirFrac +
    6756        2544 :                                                finalSysSizing.SysCoolRetHumRatSeq(TimeStepIndex) * (1.0 - OutAirFrac);
    6757        5088 :                             SysSensCoolCap = PsyCpAirFnW(DataPrecisionGlobals::constant_zero) * finalSysSizing.CoolFlowSeq(TimeStepIndex) *
    6758        2544 :                                              (SysCoolMixTemp - finalSysSizing.CoolSupTemp);
    6759        2544 :                             SysSensCoolCap = max(0.0, SysSensCoolCap);
    6760        2544 :                             SysTotCoolCap =
    6761        2544 :                                 finalSysSizing.CoolFlowSeq(TimeStepIndex) *
    6762        2544 :                                 (PsyHFnTdbW(SysCoolMixTemp, SysCoolMixHumRat) - PsyHFnTdbW(finalSysSizing.CoolSupTemp, finalSysSizing.CoolSupHumRat));
    6763        2544 :                             SysTotCoolCap = max(0.0, SysTotCoolCap);
    6764        2544 :                             finalSysSizing.SensCoolCapSeq(TimeStepIndex) = SysSensCoolCap;
    6765        2544 :                             finalSysSizing.TotCoolCapSeq(TimeStepIndex) = SysTotCoolCap;
    6766             :                         }
    6767             :                     }
    6768             : 
    6769          24 :                     if (finalSysSizing.CoolOAOption == MinOA) {
    6770           3 :                         OutAirFrac = finalSysSizing.DesOutAirVolFlow / finalSysSizing.DesCoolVolFlow;
    6771           3 :                         OutAirFrac = min(1.0, max(0.0, OutAirFrac));
    6772             :                     } else {
    6773          21 :                         OutAirFrac = 1.0;
    6774             :                     }
    6775          24 :                     finalSysSizing.MixTempAtCoolPeak =
    6776          24 :                         finalSysSizing.OutTempAtCoolPeak * OutAirFrac + finalSysSizing.RetTempAtCoolPeak * (1.0 - OutAirFrac);
    6777          24 :                     finalSysSizing.MixHumRatAtCoolPeak =
    6778          24 :                         finalSysSizing.OutHumRatAtCoolPeak * OutAirFrac + finalSysSizing.RetHumRatAtCoolPeak * (1.0 - OutAirFrac);
    6779          48 :                     finalSysSizing.SensCoolCap = PsyCpAirFnW(DataPrecisionGlobals::constant_zero) * RhoAir * finalSysSizing.DesCoolVolFlow *
    6780          24 :                                                  (finalSysSizing.MixTempAtCoolPeak - finalSysSizing.CoolSupTemp);
    6781          24 :                     finalSysSizing.SensCoolCap = max(0.0, finalSysSizing.SensCoolCap);
    6782          48 :                     finalSysSizing.TotCoolCap = RhoAir * finalSysSizing.DesCoolVolFlow *
    6783          48 :                                                 (PsyHFnTdbW(finalSysSizing.MixTempAtCoolPeak, finalSysSizing.MixHumRatAtCoolPeak) -
    6784          24 :                                                  PsyHFnTdbW(finalSysSizing.CoolSupTemp, finalSysSizing.CoolSupHumRat));
    6785          24 :                     finalSysSizing.TotCoolCap = max(0.0, finalSysSizing.TotCoolCap);
    6786             :                 }
    6787             : 
    6788             :                 // take account of the user input system flow rates and alter the zone flow rates to match
    6789         143 :                 for (int ZonesCooledNum = 1; ZonesCooledNum <= NumZonesCooled; ++ZonesCooledNum) {
    6790         119 :                     int TermUnitSizingIndex = state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirLoopNum).TermUnitCoolSizingIndex(ZonesCooledNum);
    6791         223 :                     if ((SysCoolSizingRat != 1.0) && (finalSysSizing.loadSizingType == DataSizing::LoadSizing::Ventilation) &&
    6792         104 :                         (state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).MinOA > 0.0)) {
    6793             :                         // size on ventilation load
    6794         104 :                         if (state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).MinOA > 0.0) {
    6795         208 :                             ZoneOARatio = state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).MinOA /
    6796         104 :                                           max(state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).DesCoolVolFlow,
    6797         104 :                                               state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).MinOA);
    6798         104 :                             ZoneOARatio *= (1.0 + state.dataSize->TermUnitSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).InducRat);
    6799             :                         } else {
    6800           0 :                             ZoneOARatio = 0.0;
    6801             :                         }
    6802         104 :                         state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).scaleZoneCooling(ZoneOARatio);
    6803          15 :                     } else if ((SysCoolSizingRat > 1.0) || (SysCoolSizingRat < 1.0 && finalSysSizing.SizingOption == NonCoincident)) {
    6804             :                         // size on user input system design flows
    6805           6 :                         state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).scaleZoneCooling(SysCoolSizingRat);
    6806             :                     }
    6807             :                 }
    6808             :             }
    6809             : 
    6810         925 :             if (std::abs(SysHeatSizingRat - 1.0) > 0.00001) {
    6811             : 
    6812          15 :                 finalSysSizing.CoinHeatMassFlow = SysHeatSizingRat * calcSysSizing.CoinHeatMassFlow;
    6813          15 :                 finalSysSizing.NonCoinHeatMassFlow = SysHeatSizingRat * calcSysSizing.NonCoinHeatMassFlow;
    6814          15 :                 finalSysSizing.DesHeatVolFlow = SysHeatSizingRat * calcSysSizing.DesHeatVolFlow;
    6815             : 
    6816          15 :                 if (finalSysSizing.DesHeatVolFlow > 0.0) {
    6817             : 
    6818        1647 :                     for (TimeStepIndex = 1; TimeStepIndex <= numOfTimeStepInDay; ++TimeStepIndex) {
    6819             : 
    6820        1632 :                         if (calcSysSizing.HeatFlowSeq(TimeStepIndex) > 0.0) {
    6821             : 
    6822        1632 :                             finalSysSizing.HeatFlowSeq(TimeStepIndex) = SysHeatSizingRat * calcSysSizing.HeatFlowSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    6823        1632 :                             if (finalSysSizing.HeatOAOption == MinOA) {
    6824         144 :                                 OutAirFrac = RhoAir * finalSysSizing.DesOutAirVolFlow / finalSysSizing.HeatFlowSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    6825         144 :                                 OutAirFrac = min(1.0, max(0.0, OutAirFrac));
    6826             :                             } else {
    6827        1488 :                                 OutAirFrac = 1.0;
    6828             :                             }
    6829        3264 :                             SysHeatMixTemp = finalSysSizing.SysHeatOutTempSeq(TimeStepIndex) * OutAirFrac +
    6830        1632 :                                              finalSysSizing.SysHeatRetTempSeq(TimeStepIndex) * (1.0 - OutAirFrac);
    6831        3264 :                             SysHeatMixHumRat = finalSysSizing.SysHeatOutHumRatSeq(TimeStepIndex) * OutAirFrac +
    6832        1632 :                                                finalSysSizing.SysHeatRetHumRatSeq(TimeStepIndex) * (1.0 - OutAirFrac);
    6833        3264 :                             SysHeatCap = PsyCpAirFnW(DataPrecisionGlobals::constant_zero) * finalSysSizing.HeatFlowSeq(TimeStepIndex) *
    6834        1632 :                                          (finalSysSizing.HeatSupTemp - SysHeatMixTemp);
    6835        1632 :                             SysHeatCap = max(0.0, SysHeatCap);
    6836        1632 :                             finalSysSizing.HeatCapSeq(TimeStepIndex) = SysHeatCap;
    6837             :                         }
    6838             :                     }
    6839             : 
    6840          15 :                     if (finalSysSizing.HeatOAOption == MinOA) {
    6841           1 :                         OutAirFrac = finalSysSizing.DesOutAirVolFlow / finalSysSizing.DesHeatVolFlow;
    6842           1 :                         OutAirFrac = min(1.0, max(0.0, OutAirFrac));
    6843             :                     } else {
    6844          14 :                         OutAirFrac = 1.0;
    6845             :                     }
    6846          15 :                     finalSysSizing.HeatMixTemp = finalSysSizing.HeatOutTemp * OutAirFrac + finalSysSizing.HeatRetTemp * (1.0 - OutAirFrac);
    6847          15 :                     finalSysSizing.HeatMixHumRat = finalSysSizing.HeatOutHumRat * OutAirFrac + finalSysSizing.HeatRetHumRat * (1.0 - OutAirFrac);
    6848          30 :                     finalSysSizing.HeatCap = PsyCpAirFnW(DataPrecisionGlobals::constant_zero) * RhoAir * finalSysSizing.DesHeatVolFlow *
    6849          15 :                                              (finalSysSizing.HeatSupTemp - finalSysSizing.HeatMixTemp);
    6850          15 :                     finalSysSizing.HeatCap = max(0.0, finalSysSizing.HeatCap);
    6851             :                 }
    6852             :                 // take account of the user input system flow rates and alter the zone flow rates to match (for terminal unit sizing)
    6853          15 :                 if (NumZonesHeated > 0) {                                                              // IF there are centrally heated zones
    6854           0 :                     for (int ZonesHeatedNum = 1; ZonesHeatedNum <= NumZonesHeated; ++ZonesHeatedNum) { // loop over the heated zones
    6855           0 :                         int TermUnitSizingIndex = state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirLoopNum).TermUnitHeatSizingIndex(ZonesHeatedNum);
    6856           0 :                         auto &termUnitFinalZoneSizing = state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex);
    6857           0 :                         if ((SysHeatSizingRat != 1.0) && (finalSysSizing.loadSizingType == DataSizing::LoadSizing::Ventilation) &&
    6858           0 :                             (termUnitFinalZoneSizing.MinOA > 0.0)) {
    6859             :                             // size on ventilation load
    6860           0 :                             if (termUnitFinalZoneSizing.MinOA > 0.0) {
    6861           0 :                                 ZoneOARatio =
    6862           0 :                                     termUnitFinalZoneSizing.MinOA / max(termUnitFinalZoneSizing.DesHeatVolFlow, termUnitFinalZoneSizing.MinOA);
    6863           0 :                                 ZoneOARatio *= (1.0 + state.dataSize->TermUnitSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).InducRat);
    6864             :                             } else {
    6865           0 :                                 ZoneOARatio = 0.0;
    6866             :                             }
    6867           0 :                             termUnitFinalZoneSizing.scaleZoneHeating(ZoneOARatio);
    6868           0 :                         } else if ((SysHeatSizingRat > 1.0) || (SysHeatSizingRat < 1.0 && finalSysSizing.SizingOption == NonCoincident)) {
    6869             :                             // size on user input system design flows
    6870           0 :                             termUnitFinalZoneSizing.scaleZoneHeating(SysHeatSizingRat);
    6871             :                         }
    6872             :                     }
    6873             :                 } else {                                                                               // No centrally heated zones: use cooled zones
    6874          93 :                     for (int ZonesCooledNum = 1; ZonesCooledNum <= NumZonesCooled; ++ZonesCooledNum) { // loop over the cooled zones
    6875          78 :                         int TermUnitSizingIndex = state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirLoopNum).TermUnitCoolSizingIndex(ZonesCooledNum);
    6876          78 :                         auto &termUnitFinalZoneSizing = state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex);
    6877         142 :                         if ((SysHeatSizingRat != 1.0) && (finalSysSizing.loadSizingType == DataSizing::LoadSizing::Ventilation) &&
    6878          64 :                             (termUnitFinalZoneSizing.MinOA <= 0.0)) {
    6879           0 :                             ShowWarningError(state,
    6880           0 :                                              "FinalSystemSizing: AirLoop=\"" + state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirLoopNum).AirLoopName +
    6881             :                                                  "\", Requested sizing on Ventilation,");
    6882           0 :                             ShowContinueError(state, "but Zone has no design OA Flow. Zone=\"" + termUnitFinalZoneSizing.ZoneName + "\".");
    6883             :                         }
    6884         142 :                         if ((SysHeatSizingRat != 1.0) && (finalSysSizing.loadSizingType == DataSizing::LoadSizing::Ventilation) &&
    6885          64 :                             (termUnitFinalZoneSizing.MinOA > 0.0)) {
    6886             :                             // size on ventilation load
    6887          64 :                             if (termUnitFinalZoneSizing.MinOA > 0.0) {
    6888          64 :                                 ZoneOARatio =
    6889          64 :                                     termUnitFinalZoneSizing.MinOA / max(termUnitFinalZoneSizing.DesHeatVolFlow, termUnitFinalZoneSizing.MinOA);
    6890          64 :                                 ZoneOARatio *= (1.0 + state.dataSize->TermUnitSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).InducRat);
    6891             :                             } else {
    6892           0 :                                 ZoneOARatio = 0.0;
    6893             :                             }
    6894          64 :                             termUnitFinalZoneSizing.scaleZoneHeating(ZoneOARatio);
    6895          14 :                         } else if ((SysHeatSizingRat != 1.0) && (finalSysSizing.loadSizingType == DataSizing::LoadSizing::Ventilation) &&
    6896           0 :                                    (termUnitFinalZoneSizing.MinOA > 0.0)) {
    6897             :                             // size on user input system design flows
    6898           0 :                             termUnitFinalZoneSizing.scaleZoneHeating(SysHeatSizingRat);
    6899             :                         }
    6900             :                     }
    6901             :                 }
    6902             :             }
    6903             : 
    6904         925 :             finalSysSizing.DesMainVolFlow = max(finalSysSizing.DesCoolVolFlow, finalSysSizing.DesHeatVolFlow);
    6905             : 
    6906             :             // loop over the zones cooled by this system and sum up the min cooling flow rates to get the
    6907             :             // min system cooling flow rate
    6908        3833 :             for (int ZonesCooledNum = 1; ZonesCooledNum <= NumZonesCooled; ++ZonesCooledNum) {
    6909        2908 :                 int TermUnitSizingIndex = state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirLoopNum).TermUnitCoolSizingIndex(ZonesCooledNum);
    6910        2908 :                 finalSysSizing.DesCoolVolFlowMin += state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).DesCoolVolFlowMin;
    6911             :             }
    6912         925 :             if (finalSysSizing.DesCoolVolFlowMin <= 0.0) {
    6913           0 :                 finalSysSizing.DesCoolVolFlowMin = finalSysSizing.DesOutAirVolFlow;
    6914             :             }
    6915             :         }
    6916             : 
    6917             :         // Specify the heating supply air Temp/HumRat for different system configurations
    6918        1254 :         for (AirLoopNum = 1; AirLoopNum <= state.dataHVACGlobal->NumPrimaryAirSys; ++AirLoopNum) {
    6919             : 
    6920         925 :             int NumZonesHeated = state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirLoopNum).NumZonesHeated;
    6921             : 
    6922         925 :             if (NumZonesHeated > 0) { // IF there are centrally heated zones
    6923          17 :                 for (int ZonesHeatedNum = 1; ZonesHeatedNum <= NumZonesHeated; ++ZonesHeatedNum) {
    6924          14 :                     int TermUnitSizingIndex = state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirLoopNum).TermUnitHeatSizingIndex(ZonesHeatedNum);
    6925             : 
    6926          14 :                     state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).DesHeatCoilInTempTU = GetHeatingSATempForSizing(state, AirLoopNum);
    6927          14 :                     state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).DesHeatCoilInHumRatTU =
    6928          14 :                         GetHeatingSATempHumRatForSizing(state, AirLoopNum);
    6929             :                 }
    6930             :             }
    6931             :         }
    6932             : 
    6933             :         // EMS calling point to customize system sizing results
    6934             :         bool anyEMSRan;
    6935         329 :         ManageEMS(state, EMSManager::EMSCallFrom::SystemSizing, anyEMSRan, ObjexxFCL::Optional_int_const());
    6936             : 
    6937             :         // EMS override point
    6938         329 :         if (state.dataGlobal->AnyEnergyManagementSystemInModel) {
    6939         373 :             for (AirLoopNum = 1; AirLoopNum <= state.dataHVACGlobal->NumPrimaryAirSys; ++AirLoopNum) {
    6940         323 :                 auto &finalSysSizing = state.dataSize->FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum);
    6941         323 :                 if (finalSysSizing.EMSOverrideCoinCoolMassFlowOn) finalSysSizing.CoinCoolMassFlow = finalSysSizing.EMSValueCoinCoolMassFlow;
    6942         323 :                 if (finalSysSizing.EMSOverrideCoinHeatMassFlowOn) finalSysSizing.CoinHeatMassFlow = finalSysSizing.EMSValueCoinHeatMassFlow;
    6943         323 :                 if (finalSysSizing.EMSOverrideNonCoinCoolMassFlowOn) finalSysSizing.NonCoinCoolMassFlow = finalSysSizing.EMSValueNonCoinCoolMassFlow;
    6944         323 :                 if (finalSysSizing.EMSOverrideNonCoinHeatMassFlowOn) finalSysSizing.NonCoinHeatMassFlow = finalSysSizing.EMSValueNonCoinHeatMassFlow;
    6945         323 :                 if (finalSysSizing.EMSOverrideDesMainVolFlowOn) finalSysSizing.DesMainVolFlow = finalSysSizing.EMSValueDesMainVolFlow;
    6946         323 :                 if (finalSysSizing.EMSOverrideDesHeatVolFlowOn) finalSysSizing.DesHeatVolFlow = finalSysSizing.EMSValueDesHeatVolFlow;
    6947         323 :                 if (finalSysSizing.EMSOverrideDesCoolVolFlowOn) finalSysSizing.DesCoolVolFlow = finalSysSizing.EMSValueDesCoolVolFlow;
    6948             : 
    6949             :             } // over NumPrimaryAirSys
    6950             :         }
    6951             : 
    6952             :         // determine if main design is from cooling or heating
    6953        1254 :         for (AirLoopNum = 1; AirLoopNum <= state.dataHVACGlobal->NumPrimaryAirSys; ++AirLoopNum) {
    6954         925 :             if (state.dataSize->FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).DesMainVolFlow == state.dataSize->FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).DesCoolVolFlow) {
    6955         825 :                 state.dataSize->FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).sysSizeCoolingDominant = true;
    6956         100 :             } else if (state.dataSize->FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).DesMainVolFlow == state.dataSize->FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).DesHeatVolFlow) {
    6957          80 :                 state.dataSize->FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).sysSizeHeatingDominant = true;
    6958             :             }
    6959             :         }
    6960             : 
    6961             :         // write out the sys design calc results
    6962             : 
    6963         329 :         print(state.files.ssz, "Time");
    6964        1254 :         for (I = 1; I <= state.dataHVACGlobal->NumPrimaryAirSys; ++I) {
    6965        2871 :             for (J = 1; J <= state.dataEnvrn->TotDesDays + state.dataEnvrn->TotRunDesPersDays; ++J) {
    6966        1946 :                 constexpr const char *SSizeFmt12("{}{}{}{:2}{}{}{}{}{:2}{}{}{}{}{:2}{}{}{}{}{:2}{}{}{}{}{:2}{}");
    6967       21406 :                 print(state.files.ssz,
    6968             :                       SSizeFmt12,
    6969        1946 :                       state.dataSize->SizingFileColSep,
    6970        1946 :                       state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(I).AirPriLoopName,
    6971             :                       ":DesPer",
    6972             :                       J,
    6973             :                       ":Des Heat Mass Flow [kg/s]",
    6974        1946 :                       state.dataSize->SizingFileColSep,
    6975        1946 :                       state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(I).AirPriLoopName,
    6976             :                       ":DesPer",
    6977             :                       J,
    6978             :                       ":Des Heat Cap [W]",
    6979        1946 :                       state.dataSize->SizingFileColSep,
    6980        1946 :                       state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(I).AirPriLoopName,
    6981             :                       ":DesPer",
    6982             :                       J,
    6983             :                       ":Des Cool Mass Flow [kg/s]",
    6984        1946 :                       state.dataSize->SizingFileColSep,
    6985        1946 :                       state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(I).AirPriLoopName,
    6986             :                       ":DesPer",
    6987             :                       J,
    6988             :                       ":Des Sens Cool Cap [W]",
    6989        1946 :                       state.dataSize->SizingFileColSep,
    6990        1946 :                       state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(I).AirPriLoopName,
    6991             :                       ":DesPer",
    6992             :                       J,
    6993        1946 :                       ":Des Tot Cool Cap [W]");
    6994             :             }
    6995             :         }
    6996         329 :         print(state.files.ssz, "\n");
    6997             :         //      HourFrac = 0.0
    6998         329 :         Minutes = 0;
    6999         329 :         TimeStepIndex = 0;
    7000        8225 :         for (HourCounter = 1; HourCounter <= 24; ++HourCounter) {
    7001       47376 :             for (TimeStepCounter = 1; TimeStepCounter <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfTimeStepInHour; ++TimeStepCounter) {
    7002       39480 :                 ++TimeStepIndex;
    7003       39480 :                 Minutes += state.dataGlobal->MinutesPerTimeStep;
    7004       39480 :                 if (Minutes == 60) {
    7005        7896 :                     Minutes = 0;
    7006        7896 :                     HourPrint = HourCounter;
    7007             :                 } else {
    7008       31584 :                     HourPrint = HourCounter - 1;
    7009             :                 }
    7010       39480 :                 constexpr const char *SSizeFmt20("{:02}:{:02}:00");
    7011       39480 :                 print(state.files.ssz, SSizeFmt20, HourPrint, Minutes);
    7012      147792 :                 for (I = 1; I <= state.dataHVACGlobal->NumPrimaryAirSys; ++I) {
    7013      338568 :                     for (J = 1; J <= state.dataEnvrn->TotDesDays + state.dataEnvrn->TotRunDesPersDays; ++J) {
    7014      230256 :                         constexpr const char *SSizeFmt22("{}{:12.6E}{}{:12.6E}{}{:12.6E}{}{:12.6E}{}{:12.6E}");
    7015             : 
    7016     2532816 :                         print(state.files.ssz,
    7017             :                               SSizeFmt22,
    7018      230256 :                               state.dataSize->SizingFileColSep,
    7019      230256 :                               state.dataSize->SysSizing(J, I).HeatFlowSeq(TimeStepIndex),
    7020      230256 :                               state.dataSize->SizingFileColSep,
    7021      230256 :                               state.dataSize->SysSizing(J, I).HeatCapSeq(TimeStepIndex),
    7022      230256 :                               state.dataSize->SizingFileColSep,
    7023      230256 :                               state.dataSize->SysSizing(J, I).CoolFlowSeq(TimeStepIndex),
    7024      230256 :                               state.dataSize->SizingFileColSep,
    7025      230256 :                               state.dataSize->SysSizing(J, I).SensCoolCapSeq(TimeStepIndex),
    7026      230256 :                               state.dataSize->SizingFileColSep,
    7027      460512 :                               state.dataSize->SysSizing(J, I).TotCoolCapSeq(TimeStepIndex));
    7028             :                     }
    7029             :                 }
    7030       39480 :                 print(state.files.ssz, "\n");
    7031             :             }
    7032             :         }
    7033             : 
    7034         329 :         constexpr const char *SSizeFmt31("{}{:12.6E}{}{:12.6E}{}{:12.6E}{}{:12.6E}");
    7035         329 :         print(state.files.ssz, "Coinc Peak   ");
    7036        1254 :         for (I = 1; I <= state.dataHVACGlobal->NumPrimaryAirSys; ++I) {
    7037        8325 :             print(state.files.ssz,
    7038             :                   SSizeFmt31,
    7039         925 :                   state.dataSize->SizingFileColSep,
    7040         925 :                   state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(I).CoinHeatMassFlow,
    7041         925 :                   state.dataSize->SizingFileColSep,
    7042         925 :                   state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(I).CoinCoolMassFlow,
    7043         925 :                   state.dataSize->SizingFileColSep,
    7044         925 :                   state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(I).HeatCap,
    7045         925 :                   state.dataSize->SizingFileColSep,
    7046        1850 :                   state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(I).SensCoolCap);
    7047             :         }
    7048         329 :         print(state.files.ssz, "\n");
    7049             : 
    7050         329 :         print(state.files.ssz, "NonCoinc Peak");
    7051        1254 :         for (I = 1; I <= state.dataHVACGlobal->NumPrimaryAirSys; ++I) {
    7052        8325 :             print(state.files.ssz,
    7053             :                   SSizeFmt31,
    7054         925 :                   state.dataSize->SizingFileColSep,
    7055         925 :                   state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(I).NonCoinHeatMassFlow,
    7056         925 :                   state.dataSize->SizingFileColSep,
    7057         925 :                   state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(I).NonCoinCoolMassFlow,
    7058         925 :                   state.dataSize->SizingFileColSep,
    7059         925 :                   state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(I).HeatCap,
    7060         925 :                   state.dataSize->SizingFileColSep,
    7061        1850 :                   state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(I).SensCoolCap);
    7062             :         }
    7063         329 :         print(state.files.ssz, "\n");
    7064             :         // have moved a big section to later in calling order, write predefined standard 62.1 report data
    7065         329 :     } break;
    7066           0 :     default:
    7067           0 :         break;
    7068             :     }
    7069       85815 : }
    7070             : 
    7071         925 : void UpdateSysSizingForScalableInputs(EnergyPlusData &state, int const AirLoopNum)
    7072             : {
    7073             : 
    7074             :     // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    7075             :     //       AUTHOR         Bereket Nigusse
    7076             :     //       DATE WRITTEN   Auguts 2014
    7077             :     //       MODIFIED       na
    7078             :     //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
    7079             : 
    7080             :     // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    7081             :     // Modifies the design sizing flow rates for system scalable sizing method
    7082             : 
    7083             :     // Using/Aliasing
    7084             :     using Psychrometrics::PsyCpAirFnW;
    7085             :     using Psychrometrics::PsyHFnTdbW;
    7086             : 
    7087             :     // SUBROUTINE PARAMETER DEFINITIONS:
    7088             : 
    7090             :     Real64 TempSize;           // autosized value
    7091             :     Real64 CoilInTemp;         // entering coil air temperature [C]
    7092             :     Real64 CoilInHumRat;       // entering coil air humidity ratio [kg/kg]
    7093             :     Real64 CoilInEnth;         // entering coil air enthalpy [J/kg]
    7094             :     Real64 CoilOutTemp;        // coil outlet air temperature [C]
    7095             :     Real64 CoilOutHumRat;      // coil outlet air humidity ratio [kg/kg]
    7096             :     Real64 CoilOutEnth;        // coil outlet air enthalpy [J/kg]
    7097             :     Real64 OutAirFrac;         // outdoor air fraction [-]
    7098             :     Real64 CpAirStd;           // specific heat of air at standard condition
    7099             :     Real64 FractionOfAutosize; // user specified autosized fraction for capacity and supply air flow
    7100             :     Real64 AutosizedCapacity;  // autosized heating and cooling capacity
    7101             : 
    7102         925 :     auto &FinalSysSizing(state.dataSize->FinalSysSizing);
    7103         925 :     auto &CalcSysSizing(state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing);
    7104         925 :     auto &PrimaryAirSystems(state.dataAirSystemsData->PrimaryAirSystems);
    7105             : 
    7106         925 :     state.dataSize->DataFracOfAutosizedCoolingCapacity = 1.0;
    7107         925 :     state.dataSize->DataFracOfAutosizedHeatingCapacity = 1.0;
    7108             : 
    7109         925 :     if (AirLoopNum > 0) {
    7110             : 
    7111         925 :         TempSize = 0.0;
    7112         925 :         FractionOfAutosize = 1.0;
    7113             : 
    7114             :         // scalable sizing option for cooling supply air flow rate
    7115         925 :         switch (FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).ScaleCoolSAFMethod) {
    7116           0 :         case FlowPerFloorArea: {
    7117           0 :             TempSize = FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).FlowPerFloorAreaCooled * FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).FloorAreaOnAirLoopCooled;
    7118           0 :             CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).InpDesCoolAirFlow = TempSize;
    7119           0 :             FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).InpDesCoolAirFlow = TempSize;
    7120           0 :         } break;
    7121           0 :         case FractionOfAutosizedCoolingAirflow: {
    7122           0 :             FractionOfAutosize = FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).FractionOfAutosizedCoolingAirflow;
    7123           0 :             CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).InpDesCoolAirFlow = CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).DesCoolVolFlow * FractionOfAutosize;
    7124           0 :             FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).InpDesCoolAirFlow = FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).DesCoolVolFlow * FractionOfAutosize;
    7125           0 :         } break;
    7126           1 :         case FlowPerCoolingCapacity: {
    7127           1 :             if (FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).CoolingCapMethod == FractionOfAutosizedCoolingCapacity) {
    7128           1 :                 FractionOfAutosize = FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).ScaledCoolingCapacity;
    7129           1 :                 if (PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).NumOACoolCoils == 0) { // there is no precooling of the OA stream
    7130           1 :                     CoilInTemp = FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).MixTempAtCoolPeak;
    7131           1 :                     CoilInHumRat = FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).MixHumRatAtCoolPeak;
    7132             :                 } else { // there is precooling of OA stream
    7133           0 :                     if (FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).DesCoolVolFlow > 0.0) {
    7134           0 :                         OutAirFrac = FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).DesOutAirVolFlow / FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).DesCoolVolFlow;
    7135             :                     } else {
    7136           0 :                         OutAirFrac = 1.0;
    7137             :                     }
    7138           0 :                     OutAirFrac = min(1.0, max(0.0, OutAirFrac));
    7139           0 :                     CoilInTemp =
    7140           0 :                         OutAirFrac * FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).PrecoolTemp + (1.0 - OutAirFrac) * FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).RetTempAtCoolPeak;
    7141           0 :                     CoilInHumRat =
    7142           0 :                         OutAirFrac * FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).PrecoolHumRat + (1.0 - OutAirFrac) * FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).RetHumRatAtCoolPeak;
    7143             :                 }
    7144           1 :                 CoilOutTemp = FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).CoolSupTemp;
    7145           1 :                 CoilOutHumRat = FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).CoolSupHumRat;
    7146           1 :                 CoilInEnth = PsyHFnTdbW(CoilInTemp, CoilInHumRat);
    7147           1 :                 CoilOutEnth = PsyHFnTdbW(CoilOutTemp, CoilOutHumRat);
    7148           1 :                 AutosizedCapacity = state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir * FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).DesCoolVolFlow * (CoilInEnth - CoilOutEnth);
    7149           1 :                 TempSize = FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).FlowPerCoolingCapacity * AutosizedCapacity * FractionOfAutosize;
    7150           0 :             } else if (FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).CoolingCapMethod == CoolingDesignCapacity) {
    7151           0 :                 if (FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).ScaledCoolingCapacity == DataSizing::AutoSize) {
    7152           0 :                     if (PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).NumOACoolCoils == 0) { // there is no precooling of the OA stream
    7153           0 :                         CoilInTemp = FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).MixTempAtCoolPeak;
    7154           0 :                         CoilInHumRat = FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).MixHumRatAtCoolPeak;
    7155             :                     } else { // there is precooling of OA stream
    7156           0 :                         if (FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).DesCoolVolFlow > 0.0) {
    7157           0 :                             OutAirFrac = FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).DesOutAirVolFlow / FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).DesCoolVolFlow;
    7158             :                         } else {
    7159           0 :                             OutAirFrac = 1.0;
    7160             :                         }
    7161           0 :                         OutAirFrac = min(1.0, max(0.0, OutAirFrac));
    7162           0 :                         CoilInTemp =
    7163           0 :                             OutAirFrac * FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).PrecoolTemp + (1.0 - OutAirFrac) * FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).RetTempAtCoolPeak;
    7164           0 :                         CoilInHumRat = OutAirFrac * FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).PrecoolHumRat +
    7165           0 :                                        (1.0 - OutAirFrac) * FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).RetHumRatAtCoolPeak;
    7166             :                     }
    7167           0 :                     CoilOutTemp = FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).CoolSupTemp;
    7168           0 :                     CoilOutHumRat = FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).CoolSupHumRat;
    7169           0 :                     CoilInEnth = PsyHFnTdbW(CoilInTemp, CoilInHumRat);
    7170           0 :                     CoilOutEnth = PsyHFnTdbW(CoilOutTemp, CoilOutHumRat);
    7171           0 :                     AutosizedCapacity = state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir * FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).DesCoolVolFlow * (CoilInEnth - CoilOutEnth);
    7172           0 :                     TempSize = FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).FlowPerCoolingCapacity * AutosizedCapacity * FractionOfAutosize;
    7173             :                 } else {
    7174           0 :                     TempSize = FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).FlowPerCoolingCapacity * FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).ScaledCoolingCapacity;
    7175             :                 }
    7176           0 :             } else if (FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).CoolingCapMethod == CapacityPerFloorArea) {
    7177           0 :                 TempSize = FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).FlowPerCoolingCapacity * FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).ScaledCoolingCapacity *
    7178           0 :                            FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).FloorAreaOnAirLoopCooled;
    7179             :             }
    7180           1 :             CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).InpDesCoolAirFlow = TempSize;
    7181           1 :             FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).InpDesCoolAirFlow = TempSize;
    7182           1 :         } break;
    7183         924 :         default:
    7184         924 :             break;
    7185             :         }
    7186             : 
    7187             :         // scalable sizing option for heating supply air flow rate
    7188         925 :         switch (FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).ScaleHeatSAFMethod) {
    7189           0 :         case FlowPerFloorArea: {
    7190           0 :             TempSize = FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).FlowPerFloorAreaHeated * FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).FloorAreaOnAirLoopHeated;
    7191           0 :             CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).InpDesHeatAirFlow = TempSize;
    7192           0 :             FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).InpDesHeatAirFlow = TempSize;
    7193           0 :         } break;
    7194           0 :         case FractionOfAutosizedHeatingAirflow: {
    7195           0 :             FractionOfAutosize = FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).FractionOfAutosizedHeatingAirflow;
    7196           0 :             CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).InpDesHeatAirFlow = CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).DesHeatVolFlow * FractionOfAutosize;
    7197           0 :             FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).InpDesHeatAirFlow = FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).DesHeatVolFlow * FractionOfAutosize;
    7198           0 :         } break;
    7199           0 :         case FractionOfAutosizedCoolingAirflow: {
    7200           0 :             FractionOfAutosize = FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).FractionOfAutosizedCoolingAirflow;
    7201           0 :             CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).InpDesHeatAirFlow = CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).DesHeatVolFlow * FractionOfAutosize;
    7202           0 :             FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).InpDesHeatAirFlow = FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).DesHeatVolFlow * FractionOfAutosize;
    7203           0 :         } break;
    7204           1 :         case FlowPerHeatingCapacity: {
    7205           1 :             if (FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).HeatingCapMethod == FractionOfAutosizedHeatingCapacity) {
    7206           1 :                 FractionOfAutosize = FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).ScaledHeatingCapacity;
    7207           1 :                 if (FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).HeatOAOption == MinOA) {
    7208           1 :                     if (FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).DesHeatVolFlow > 0.0) {
    7209           1 :                         OutAirFrac = FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).DesOutAirVolFlow / FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).DesHeatVolFlow;
    7210             :                     } else {
    7211           0 :                         OutAirFrac = 1.0;
    7212             :                     }
    7213           1 :                     OutAirFrac = std::min(1.0, std::max(0.0, OutAirFrac));
    7214             :                 } else {
    7215           0 :                     OutAirFrac = 1.0;
    7216             :                 }
    7217           1 :                 if (state.dataSize->CurOASysNum == 0 && PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).NumOAHeatCoils > 0) {
    7218           0 :                     CoilInTemp = OutAirFrac * FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).PreheatTemp + (1.0 - OutAirFrac) * FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).HeatRetTemp;
    7219             :                 } else {
    7220           1 :                     CoilInTemp = OutAirFrac * FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).HeatOutTemp + (1.0 - OutAirFrac) * FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).HeatRetTemp;
    7221             :                 }
    7222           1 :                 CoilOutTemp = FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).HeatSupTemp;
    7223           1 :                 CpAirStd = PsyCpAirFnW(DataPrecisionGlobals::constant_zero);
    7224           1 :                 AutosizedCapacity = state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir * FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).DesHeatVolFlow * CpAirStd * (CoilOutTemp - CoilInTemp);
    7225           1 :                 TempSize = FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).FlowPerHeatingCapacity * AutosizedCapacity * FractionOfAutosize;
    7226           0 :             } else if (FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).HeatingCapMethod == HeatingDesignCapacity) {
    7227           0 :                 if (FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).ScaledHeatingCapacity == DataSizing::AutoSize) {
    7228           0 :                     if (FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).HeatOAOption == MinOA) {
    7229           0 :                         if (FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).DesHeatVolFlow > 0.0) {
    7230           0 :                             OutAirFrac = FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).DesOutAirVolFlow / FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).DesHeatVolFlow;
    7231             :                         } else {
    7232           0 :                             OutAirFrac = 1.0;
    7233             :                         }
    7234           0 :                         OutAirFrac = std::min(1.0, std::max(0.0, OutAirFrac));
    7235             :                     } else {
    7236           0 :                         OutAirFrac = 1.0;
    7237             :                     }
    7238           0 :                     if (state.dataSize->CurOASysNum == 0 && PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).NumOAHeatCoils > 0) {
    7239           0 :                         CoilInTemp =
    7240           0 :                             OutAirFrac * FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).PreheatTemp + (1.0 - OutAirFrac) * FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).HeatRetTemp;
    7241             :                     } else {
    7242           0 :                         CoilInTemp =
    7243           0 :                             OutAirFrac * FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).HeatOutTemp + (1.0 - OutAirFrac) * FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).HeatRetTemp;
    7244             :                     }
    7245           0 :                     CoilOutTemp = FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).HeatSupTemp;
    7246           0 :                     CpAirStd = PsyCpAirFnW(DataPrecisionGlobals::constant_zero);
    7247           0 :                     AutosizedCapacity =
    7248           0 :                         state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir * FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).DesHeatVolFlow * CpAirStd * (CoilOutTemp - CoilInTemp);
    7249           0 :                     TempSize = FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).FlowPerHeatingCapacity * AutosizedCapacity * FractionOfAutosize;
    7250             :                 } else {
    7251           0 :                     TempSize = FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).FlowPerHeatingCapacity * FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).ScaledHeatingCapacity;
    7252             :                 }
    7253           0 :             } else if (FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).HeatingCapMethod == CapacityPerFloorArea) {
    7254           0 :                 TempSize = FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).FlowPerHeatingCapacity * FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).ScaledHeatingCapacity *
    7255           0 :                            FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).FloorAreaOnAirLoopCooled;
    7256             :             }
    7257           1 :             CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).InpDesHeatAirFlow = TempSize;
    7258           1 :             FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).InpDesHeatAirFlow = TempSize;
    7259           1 :         } break;
    7260         924 :         default:
    7261         924 :             break;
    7262             :         }
    7263             : 
    7264             :         // save the total cooling capacity sizing data for scalable sizing
    7265         925 :         switch (FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).CoolingCapMethod) {
    7266         924 :         case CoolingDesignCapacity: {
    7267         924 :             if (CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).ScaledCoolingCapacity > 0.0) {
    7268           0 :                 CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).CoolingTotalCapacity = CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).ScaledCoolingCapacity;
    7269           0 :                 FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).CoolingTotalCapacity = CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).ScaledCoolingCapacity;
    7270             :             } else {
    7271         924 :                 FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).CoolingTotalCapacity = 0.0; // autosized, set to zero initially
    7272             :             }
    7273         924 :         } break;
    7274           0 :         case CapacityPerFloorArea: {
    7275           0 :             FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).CoolingTotalCapacity =
    7276           0 :                 CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).ScaledCoolingCapacity * FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).FloorAreaOnAirLoopCooled;
    7277           0 :         } break;
    7278           1 :         case FractionOfAutosizedCoolingCapacity: {
    7279           1 :             CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).FractionOfAutosizedCoolingCapacity = CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).ScaledCoolingCapacity;
    7280           1 :             FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).FractionOfAutosizedCoolingCapacity = CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).ScaledCoolingCapacity;
    7281           1 :         } break;
    7282           0 :         default:
    7283           0 :             break;
    7284             :         }
    7285             : 
    7286             :         // save the total heating capacity sizing data for scalable sizing
    7287         925 :         switch (FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).HeatingCapMethod) {
    7288         924 :         case HeatingDesignCapacity: {
    7289         924 :             if (CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).ScaledHeatingCapacity > 0.0) {
    7290           0 :                 FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).HeatingTotalCapacity = CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).ScaledHeatingCapacity;
    7291             :             } else {
    7292         924 :                 FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).HeatingTotalCapacity = 0.0; // autosized, set to zero initially
    7293             :             }
    7294         924 :         } break;
    7295           0 :         case CapacityPerFloorArea: {
    7296             :             // even for heating capacity we use cooled zones floor area ( *.FloorAreaOnAirLoopCooled ) served by the airloop
    7297           0 :             FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).HeatingTotalCapacity =
    7298           0 :                 CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).ScaledHeatingCapacity * FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).FloorAreaOnAirLoopCooled;
    7299           0 :         } break;
    7300           1 :         case FractionOfAutosizedHeatingCapacity: {
    7301           1 :             FinalSysSizing(AirLoopNum).FractionOfAutosizedHeatingCapacity = CalcSysSizing(AirLoopNum).ScaledHeatingCapacity;
    7302           1 :         } break;
    7303           0 :         default:
    7304           0 :             break;
    7305             :         }
    7306             :     }
    7307         925 : }
    7308             : 
    7309          14 : Real64 GetHeatingSATempForSizing(EnergyPlusData &state, int const IndexAirLoop // air loop index
    7310             : )
    7311             : {
    7312             : 
    7313             :     // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    7314             :     //       AUTHOR         Fred Buhl, Rongpeng Zhang
    7315             :     //       DATE WRITTEN   October 2015
    7316             :     //       MODIFIED       na
    7317             :     //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
    7318             : 
    7319             :     // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    7320             :     // This subroutine get the proper reheat coil inlet temperature for sizing, depending on
    7321             :     // the system configurations:
    7322             :     // (1) Central heating coils exist
    7323             :     // (2) No central heating coils, but preheating coils or OA heat-exchangers exist
    7324             :     // (3) No central heating coils; No preheating coils or OA heat-exchangers
    7325             : 
    7326             :     // Using/Aliasing
    7327             :     using namespace DataSizing;
    7328             :     using Psychrometrics::PsyHFnTdbW;
    7329             :     using Psychrometrics::PsyTdbFnHW;
    7330             : 
    7331             :     // Locals
    7332             :     Real64 ReheatCoilInTempForSizing;     // Dry bulb temperature of the reheat coil inlet air [C]
    7333             :     Real64 ReheatCoilInHumRatForSizing;   // Humidity ratio of the reheat coil inlet air [kg/kg]
    7334             :     Real64 ReheatCoilInEnthalpyForSizing; // Enthalpy of the reheat coil inlet air [J/kg]
    7335             :     Real64 OutAirFrac;
    7336             : 
    7337          14 :     auto &CalcSysSizing(state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing);
    7338          14 :     auto &FinalSysSizing(state.dataSize->FinalSysSizing);
    7339          14 :     auto &PrimaryAirSystems(state.dataAirSystemsData->PrimaryAirSystems);
    7340             : 
    7342             : 
    7343          14 :     if (PrimaryAirSystems(IndexAirLoop).CentralHeatCoilExists) {
    7344             :         // Case: Central heating coils exist
    7345             : 
    7346          14 :         ReheatCoilInTempForSizing = CalcSysSizing(IndexAirLoop).HeatSupTemp;
    7347             : 
    7348           0 :     } else if ((PrimaryAirSystems(IndexAirLoop).NumOAHeatCoils > 0) || (PrimaryAirSystems(IndexAirLoop).NumOAHXs)) {
    7349             :         // Case: No central heating coils, but preheating coils or OA heat-exchangers exist
    7350             : 
    7351           0 :         if (FinalSysSizing(IndexAirLoop).DesHeatVolFlow > 0) {
    7352           0 :             OutAirFrac = FinalSysSizing(IndexAirLoop).DesOutAirVolFlow / FinalSysSizing(IndexAirLoop).DesHeatVolFlow;
    7353           0 :             OutAirFrac = min(1.0, max(0.0, OutAirFrac));
    7354             :         } else {
    7355           0 :             OutAirFrac = 0.0;
    7356             :         }
    7357             : 
    7358             :         // Mixed air humidity ratio and enthalpy
    7359           0 :         ReheatCoilInHumRatForSizing =
    7360           0 :             OutAirFrac * FinalSysSizing(IndexAirLoop).PreheatHumRat + (1 - OutAirFrac) * FinalSysSizing(IndexAirLoop).HeatRetHumRat;
    7361           0 :         ReheatCoilInEnthalpyForSizing =
    7362           0 :             OutAirFrac * PsyHFnTdbW(FinalSysSizing(IndexAirLoop).PreheatTemp, FinalSysSizing(IndexAirLoop).PreheatHumRat) +
    7363           0 :             (1 - OutAirFrac) * PsyHFnTdbW(FinalSysSizing(IndexAirLoop).HeatRetTemp, FinalSysSizing(IndexAirLoop).HeatRetHumRat);
    7364             : 
    7365             :         // Mixed air dry bulb temperature
    7366           0 :         ReheatCoilInTempForSizing = PsyTdbFnHW(ReheatCoilInEnthalpyForSizing, ReheatCoilInHumRatForSizing);
    7367             : 
    7368             :     } else {
    7369             :         // Case: No central heating coils; No preheating coils or OA heat-exchangers
    7370             : 
    7371           0 :         ReheatCoilInTempForSizing = FinalSysSizing(IndexAirLoop).HeatMixTemp;
    7372             :     }
    7373             : 
    7374          14 :     return ReheatCoilInTempForSizing;
    7375             : }
    7376             : 
    7377          14 : Real64 GetHeatingSATempHumRatForSizing(EnergyPlusData &state, int const IndexAirLoop // air loop index
    7378             : )
    7379             : {
    7380             : 
    7381             :     // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    7382             :     //       AUTHOR         Fred Buhl, Rongpeng Zhang
    7383             :     //       DATE WRITTEN   October 2015
    7384             :     //       MODIFIED       na
    7385             :     //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
    7386             : 
    7387             :     // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    7388             :     // This subroutine get the proper reheat coil inlet humidity ratio for sizing, depending on
    7389             :     // the system configurations:
    7390             :     // (1) Central heating coils exist
    7391             :     // (2) No central heating coils, but preheating coils or OA heat-exchangers exist
    7392             :     // (3) No central heating coils; No preheating coils or OA heat-exchangers
    7393             : 
    7394             :     // Using/Aliasing
    7395             :     using namespace DataSizing;
    7396             : 
    7397             :     // Locals
    7398             :     Real64 ReheatCoilInHumRatForSizing;
    7399             :     Real64 OutAirFrac;
    7400             : 
    7401          14 :     auto &FinalSysSizing(state.dataSize->FinalSysSizing);
    7402          14 :     auto &PrimaryAirSystems(state.dataAirSystemsData->PrimaryAirSystems);
    7403             : 
    7405             : 
    7406          14 :     if (PrimaryAirSystems(IndexAirLoop).CentralHeatCoilExists) {
    7407             :         // Case: Central heating coils exist
    7408             : 
    7409          14 :         ReheatCoilInHumRatForSizing = state.dataSize->CalcSysSizing(IndexAirLoop).HeatSupHumRat;
    7410             : 
    7411           0 :     } else if ((PrimaryAirSystems(IndexAirLoop).NumOAHeatCoils > 0) || (PrimaryAirSystems(IndexAirLoop).NumOAHXs)) {
    7412             :         // Case: No central heating coils, but preheating coils or OA heat-exchangers exist
    7413             : 
    7414           0 :         if (FinalSysSizing(IndexAirLoop).DesHeatVolFlow > 0) {
    7415           0 :             OutAirFrac = FinalSysSizing(IndexAirLoop).DesOutAirVolFlow / FinalSysSizing(IndexAirLoop).DesHeatVolFlow;
    7416           0 :             OutAirFrac = min(1.0, max(0.0, OutAirFrac));
    7417             :         } else {
    7418           0 :             OutAirFrac = 0.0;
    7419             :         }
    7420             : 
    7421           0 :         ReheatCoilInHumRatForSizing =
    7422           0 :             OutAirFrac * FinalSysSizing(IndexAirLoop).PreheatHumRat + (1 - OutAirFrac) * FinalSysSizing(IndexAirLoop).HeatRetHumRat;
    7423             : 
    7424             :     } else {
    7425             :         // Case: No central heating coils; No preheating coils or OA heat-exchangers
    7426             : 
    7427           0 :         ReheatCoilInHumRatForSizing = FinalSysSizing(IndexAirLoop).HeatMixHumRat;
    7428             :     }
    7429             : 
    7430          14 :     return ReheatCoilInHumRatForSizing;
    7431             : }
    7432             : 
    7433         822 : void CheckWaterCoilIsOnAirLoop(EnergyPlusData &state,
    7434             :                                SimAirServingZones::CompType const CompTypeNum,
    7435             :                                std::string const &CompType,
    7436             :                                std::string const &CompName,
    7437             :                                bool &WaterCoilOnAirLoop)
    7438             : {
    7439             :     // PURPOSE OF THIS FUNCTION:
    7440             :     // This function returns true if a water coil that has water controller is either on
    7441             :     // primary air or outdoor air system branch. Searches for water coil name and type
    7442             :     // that match components list in primary air and outside air systems.
    7443             : 
    7444             :     // Return value
    7445         822 :     bool CheckWaterCoilIsOnAirLoop(false);
    7446             : 
    7447         822 :     CheckWaterCoilIsOnAirLoop = CheckWaterCoilOnPrimaryAirLoopBranch(state, CompTypeNum, CompName);
    7448         822 :     if (!CheckWaterCoilIsOnAirLoop) {
    7449          59 :         CheckWaterCoilIsOnAirLoop = CheckWaterCoilOnOASystem(state, CompTypeNum, CompName);
    7450             :     }
    7451             : 
    7452         822 :     if (!CheckWaterCoilIsOnAirLoop) {
    7453           5 :         CheckWaterCoilIsOnAirLoop = CheckWaterCoilSystemOnAirLoopOrOASystem(state, CompTypeNum, CompName);
    7454             :     }
    7455         822 :     if (!CheckWaterCoilIsOnAirLoop) {
    7456           0 :         ShowSevereError(state, "CheckWaterCoilIsOnAirLoop: = " + CompType + " = " + CompName + ".");
    7457           0 :         ShowContinueError(state,
    7458             :                           "The water coil or coil system is neither on primary air branch nor on outdoor air system hence does not require "
    7459             :                           "'Controller:WaterCoil' object.");
    7460             :     }
    7461         822 :     WaterCoilOnAirLoop = CheckWaterCoilIsOnAirLoop;
    7462         822 : }
    7463             : 
    7464         827 : bool CheckWaterCoilOnPrimaryAirLoopBranch(EnergyPlusData &state, SimAirServingZones::CompType const CompTypeNum, std::string const &CompName)
    7465             : {
    7466             :     // PURPOSE OF THIS FUNCTION:
    7467             :     // This function returns true if a water coil that has water controller is on
    7468             :     // primary air loop branch. Searches for water coil name and type that match
    7469             :     // components list in primary air systems.
    7470             : 
    7471         827 :     auto &PrimaryAirSystems(state.dataAirSystemsData->PrimaryAirSystems);
    7472             : 
    7473         827 :     if (state.dataSimAirServingZones->GetAirLoopInputFlag) { // First time subroutine has been entered
    7474           0 :         GetAirPathData(state);                               // Get air loop descriptions from input file
    7475           0 :         state.dataSimAirServingZones->GetAirLoopInputFlag = false;
    7476             :     }
    7477             : 
    7478         827 :     if (state.dataHVACGlobal->NumPrimaryAirSys > 0) {
    7479        1633 :         for (int AirSysNum = 1; AirSysNum <= state.dataHVACGlobal->NumPrimaryAirSys; ++AirSysNum) {
    7480        2408 :             for (int BranchNum = 1; BranchNum <= PrimaryAirSystems(AirSysNum).NumBranches; ++BranchNum) {
    7481        7260 :                 for (int CompNum = 1; CompNum <= PrimaryAirSystems(AirSysNum).Branch(BranchNum).TotalComponents; ++CompNum) {
    7482        8472 :                     if ((CompTypeNum == PrimaryAirSystems(AirSysNum).Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).CompType_Num) &&
    7483        2046 :                         UtilityRoutines::SameString(CompName, PrimaryAirSystems(AirSysNum).Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).Name)) {
    7484         768 :                         return true;
    7485             :                     }
    7486             :                 }
    7487             :             }
    7488             :         }
    7489             :     }
    7490          59 :     return false;
    7491             : }
    7492             : 
    7493          59 : bool CheckWaterCoilOnOASystem(EnergyPlusData &state, SimAirServingZones::CompType const CompTypeNum, std::string const &CompName)
    7494             : {
    7495             :     // PURPOSE OF THIS FUNCTION:
    7496             :     // This function returns true if a water coil that has water controller is on
    7497             :     // outdoor air system. Searches for water coil name and type that match
    7498             :     // components list on outside air systems.
    7499             : 
    7500             :     // USE STATEMENTS:
    7501             :     using MixedAir::GetNumOASystems;
    7502             :     using MixedAir::GetOutsideAirSysInputs;
    7503             : 
    7504          59 :     auto &OutsideAirSys(state.dataAirLoop->OutsideAirSys);
    7505             : 
    7506          59 :     if (state.dataMixedAir->GetOASysInputFlag) {
    7507           0 :         GetOutsideAirSysInputs(state);
    7508           0 :         state.dataMixedAir->GetOASysInputFlag = false;
    7509             :     }
    7510          59 :     int NumOASys = GetNumOASystems(state);
    7511          59 :     if (NumOASys > 0) {
    7512          76 :         for (int OASysNum = 1; OASysNum <= NumOASys; ++OASysNum) {
    7513         122 :             for (int OACompNum = 1; OACompNum <= OutsideAirSys(OASysNum).NumComponents; ++OACompNum) {
    7514         161 :                 if ((CompTypeNum == OutsideAirSys(OASysNum).ComponentTypeEnum(OACompNum)) &&
    7515          56 :                     (UtilityRoutines::SameString(CompName, OutsideAirSys(OASysNum).ComponentName(OACompNum)))) {
    7516          54 :                     return true;
    7517             :                 }
    7518             :             }
    7519             :         }
    7520             :     }
    7521           5 :     return false;
    7522             : }
    7523             : 
    7524           5 : bool CheckWaterCoilSystemOnAirLoopOrOASystem(EnergyPlusData &state, SimAirServingZones::CompType const CompTypeNum, std::string const &CompName)
    7525             : {
    7526             :     // PURPOSE OF THIS FUNCTION:
    7527             :     // This function returns true if a water coil which is part of CoilSystem:Cooling:Water:HeatExchangerAssisted
    7528             :     // and that has water controller is on primary air loop branch or outdoor air system. Searches for water coilsystem
    7529             :     // type and name that match components list in primary air loop or outside air systems.
    7530             : 
    7531             :     // USE STATEMENTS:
    7532             :     using HVACHXAssistedCoolingCoil::GetHXAssistedCoolingCoilInput;
    7533             : 
    7534             :     // Return value
    7535           5 :     bool CheckWaterCoilSystemIsOnAirLoopOASystem(false);
    7536             : 
    7537           5 :     if (state.dataHVACAssistedCC->GetCoilsInputFlag) {
    7538             :         // Get the HXAssistedCoolingCoil input
    7539           5 :         GetHXAssistedCoolingCoilInput(state);
    7540           5 :         state.dataHVACAssistedCC->GetCoilsInputFlag = false;
    7541             :     }
    7542             : 
    7543           5 :     bool WaterCoilIsOnWaterCoilSystem = false;
    7544          10 :     std::string CoilSystemName = CompName;
    7545           5 :     CompType CoilSystemTypeNum = CompTypeNum;
    7546             : 
    7547           5 :     if (state.dataHVACAssistedCC->TotalNumHXAssistedCoils > 0) {
    7548             :         // check if the water coil is placed on 'CoilSystem:Cooling:Water:HeatExchangerAssisted' object
    7549           5 :         for (int HXASSCoilNum = 1; HXASSCoilNum <= state.dataHVACAssistedCC->TotalNumHXAssistedCoils; ++HXASSCoilNum) {
    7550           5 :             std::string CompType = state.dataHVACAssistedCC->HXAssistedCoil(HXASSCoilNum).CoolingCoilType;
    7551          15 :             if ((UtilityRoutines::SameString(CompType, "Coil:Cooling:Water") ||
    7552          10 :                  UtilityRoutines::SameString(CompType, "Coil:Cooling:Water:DetailedGeometry")) &&
    7553           5 :                 UtilityRoutines::SameString(CompName, state.dataHVACAssistedCC->HXAssistedCoil(HXASSCoilNum).CoolingCoilName)) {
    7554           5 :                 CoilSystemName = state.dataHVACAssistedCC->HXAssistedCoil(HXASSCoilNum).Name;
    7555           5 :                 CoilSystemTypeNum = SimAirServingZones::CompType::WaterCoil_CoolingHXAsst;
    7556           5 :                 WaterCoilIsOnWaterCoilSystem = true;
    7557           5 :                 break;
    7558             :             }
    7559             :         }
    7560             :     }
    7561             : 
    7562             :     // check if the CoilSystem object that contains the water coil is placed on air loop branch or OA system
    7563           5 :     if (WaterCoilIsOnWaterCoilSystem) {
    7564           5 :         CheckWaterCoilSystemIsOnAirLoopOASystem = CheckWaterCoilOnPrimaryAirLoopBranch(state, CoilSystemTypeNum, CoilSystemName);
    7565           5 :         if (!CheckWaterCoilSystemIsOnAirLoopOASystem) {
    7566           0 :             CheckWaterCoilSystemIsOnAirLoopOASystem = CheckWaterCoilOnOASystem(state, CoilSystemTypeNum, CoilSystemName);
    7567             :         }
    7568             :     }
    7569          10 :     return CheckWaterCoilSystemIsOnAirLoopOASystem;
    7570             : }
    7571             : // namespace SimAirServingZones
    7572             : 
    7573             : // End Algorithm Section of the Module
    7574             : // *****************************************************************************
    7575             : 
    7576             : // Beginning of Reporting subroutines for the SimAir Module
    7577             : // *****************************************************************************
    7578             : 
    7579             : //        End of Reporting subroutines for the SimAir Module
    7580             : // *****************************************************************************
    7581             : 
    7582             : //        Utility Subroutines for the SimAir Module
    7583             : // *****************************************************************************
    7584             : 
    7585         136 : void LimitZoneVentEff(EnergyPlusData &state,
    7586             :                       Real64 Xs,               // ratio of uncorrected system outdoor air flow rate to the design system supply flow rate
    7587             :                       Real64 Voz,              // corrected (divided by distribution efficiency) zone outside air flow rate [m3/s]
    7588             :                       int TermUnitSizingIndex, // terminal unit sizing index
    7589             :                       Real64 &SystemCoolingEv  // system ventilation efficiency
    7590             : )
    7591             : {
    7592             :     // FUNCTION INFORMATION:
    7593             :     //       AUTHOR         Fred Buhl
    7594             :     //       DATE WRITTEN   November 2015
    7595             : 
    7596             :     // PURPOSE OF THIS FUNCTION:
    7597             :     // Check that system ventilation eff is not less than input minimum system ventilation efficiency.
    7598             :     // If it is, back calculate and reset ZpzClgByZone and DesCoolVolFlowMin and system ventilation efficiency
    7599             :     // Also increase DesCoolVolFlow if needed to match the new DesCoolVolFlowMin
    7600             :     // Why does this look only at cooling?  Shouldn't heating also be checked?
    7601             : 
    7602             :     // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
    7603             :     // Ventilation Rate Procedure for single pass system
    7604             : 
    7605         136 :     auto &TUFinalZoneSizing = state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex);
    7606             : 
    7607         136 :     if (SystemCoolingEv < TUFinalZoneSizing.ZoneVentilationEff) {
    7608           9 :         Real64 ZoneOAFrac = 1.0 + Xs - TUFinalZoneSizing.ZoneVentilationEff; // ratio of Voz to available zone supply air flow
    7609           9 :         Real64 AvailSAFlow = Voz / ZoneOAFrac;             // reset AvailSAFlow (which in this case is minimum cooling supply air flow rate)
    7610           9 :         TUFinalZoneSizing.ZpzClgByZone = ZoneOAFrac;       // save ZoneOAFrac
    7611           9 :         TUFinalZoneSizing.DesCoolVolFlowMin = AvailSAFlow; // save new (increased) minimum flow rate
    7612           9 :         TUFinalZoneSizing.DesCoolVolFlow = max(AvailSAFlow, TUFinalZoneSizing.DesCoolVolFlow); // make sure max flow is >= the new minimum flow rate
    7613           9 :         SystemCoolingEv = TUFinalZoneSizing.ZoneVentilationEff; // set the system ventilation efficiency to the user specified minimum
    7614             : 
    7615             :         // Vpz: "Primary" supply air from main air handler served by an oa mixer
    7616           9 :         Real64 VpzClgByZone = TUFinalZoneSizing.DesCoolVolFlow;
    7617             : 
    7618             :         // Vdz: "Discharge" supply air delivered to zone by terminal unit
    7619           9 :         Real64 VdzClgByZone = 0.0;
    7620             :         // Taken from similar section in SetUpSysSizingArrays
    7621           9 :         if (TUFinalZoneSizing.ZoneSecondaryRecirculation > 0.0) { // multi-path system
    7622           0 :             VdzClgByZone = max(state.dataSize->TermUnitSizing(TermUnitSizingIndex).AirVolFlow, VpzClgByZone);
    7623             :         } else { // single path system
    7624           9 :             VdzClgByZone = TUFinalZoneSizing.DesCoolVolFlow;
    7625             :         }
    7626             : 
    7627             :         // Update VRP table entries:
    7628           9 :         OutputReportPredefined::PreDefTableEntry(state, state.dataOutRptPredefined->pdchS62zcdVpz, TUFinalZoneSizing.ZoneName, VpzClgByZone, 4);
    7629           9 :         OutputReportPredefined::PreDefTableEntry(state, state.dataOutRptPredefined->pdchS62zcdVdz, TUFinalZoneSizing.ZoneName, VdzClgByZone, 4);
    7630          18 :         OutputReportPredefined::PreDefTableEntry(
    7631           9 :             state, state.dataOutRptPredefined->pdchS62zcdVpzmin, TUFinalZoneSizing.ZoneName, TUFinalZoneSizing.DesCoolVolFlowMin, 4);
    7632             :         // Zpz = Voz/Vpz
    7633          18 :         OutputReportPredefined::PreDefTableEntry(
    7634           9 :             state, state.dataOutRptPredefined->pdchS62zcdZpz, TUFinalZoneSizing.ZoneName, TUFinalZoneSizing.ZpzClgByZone, 3);
    7635             :     }
    7636         136 : }
    7637             : 
    7638             : //        End of Utility subroutines for the SimAir Module
    7639             : // *****************************************************************************
    7640             : 
    7641        2313 : } // namespace EnergyPlus::SimAirServingZones

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