LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - EnergyPlus - (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: lcov.output.filtered Lines: 575 998 57.6 %
Date: 2023-01-17 19:17:23 Functions: 14 16 87.5 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : // EnergyPlus, Copyright (c) 1996-2023, The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois,
       2             : // The Regents of the University of California, through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
       3             : // (subject to receipt of any required approvals from the U.S. Dept. of Energy), Oak Ridge
       4             : // National Laboratory, managed by UT-Battelle, Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC, and other
       5             : // contributors. All rights reserved.
       6             : //
       7             : // NOTICE: This Software was developed under funding from the U.S. Department of Energy and the
       8             : // U.S. Government consequently retains certain rights. As such, the U.S. Government has been
       9             : // granted for itself and others acting on its behalf a paid-up, nonexclusive, irrevocable,
      10             : // worldwide license in the Software to reproduce, distribute copies to the public, prepare
      11             : // derivative works, and perform publicly and display publicly, and to permit others to do so.
      12             : //
      13             : // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted
      14             : // provided that the following conditions are met:
      15             : //
      16             : // (1) Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of
      17             : //     conditions and the following disclaimer.
      18             : //
      19             : // (2) Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of
      20             : //     conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
      21             : //     provided with the distribution.
      22             : //
      23             : // (3) Neither the name of the University of California, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,
      24             : //     the University of Illinois, U.S. Dept. of Energy nor the names of its contributors may be
      25             : //     used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior
      26             : //     written permission.
      27             : //
      28             : // (4) Use of EnergyPlus(TM) Name. If Licensee (i) distributes the software in stand-alone form
      29             : //     without changes from the version obtained under this License, or (ii) Licensee makes a
      30             : //     reference solely to the software portion of its product, Licensee must refer to the
      31             : //     software as "EnergyPlus version X" software, where "X" is the version number Licensee
      32             : //     obtained under this License and may not use a different name for the software. Except as
      33             : //     specifically required in this Section (4), Licensee shall not use in a company name, a
      34             : //     product name, in advertising, publicity, or other promotional activities any name, trade
      35             : //     name, trademark, logo, or other designation of "EnergyPlus", "E+", "e+" or confusingly
      36             : //     similar designation, without the U.S. Department of Energy's prior written consent.
      37             : //
      46             : // POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.
      47             : 
      48             : // C++ Headers
      49             : #include <cassert>
      50             : 
      51             : // ObjexxFCL Headers
      52             : #include <ObjexxFCL/Fmath.hh>
      53             : 
      54             : // EnergyPlus Headers
      55             : #include <EnergyPlus/Data/EnergyPlusData.hh>
      56             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataGlobals.hh>
      57             : #include <EnergyPlus/TARCOGArgs.hh>
      58             : #include <EnergyPlus/TARCOGCommon.hh>
      59             : #include <EnergyPlus/TARCOGGasses90.hh>
      60             : #include <EnergyPlus/TARCOGGassesParams.hh>
      61             : #include <EnergyPlus/TARCOGParams.hh>
      62             : #include <EnergyPlus/TarcogShading.hh>
      63             : #include <EnergyPlus/ThermalISO15099Calc.hh>
      64             : 
      65             : namespace EnergyPlus::ThermalISO15099Calc {
      66             : //***********************************************************************
      67             : // ThermalISO15099Calc: a TARCOG module
      68             : //    module For Calculation of Thermal Performance Indices For Center
      69             : //     of Glass According to ISO 15099
      70             : // History of Revisions:
      71             : //  Revision: 6.0.36  (June/22/2010)
      72             : //   - Initial setup, extracted and refactored from TARCOG.for
      73             : //***********************************************************************
      74             : 
      75             : // MODULE INFORMATION:
      76             : //       AUTHOR         D. Charlie Curcija
      77             : //       DATE WRITTEN   July/2000
      78             : //       MODIFIED       na
      79             : //       RE-ENGINEERED  March/27/2012, Simon Vidanovic
      80             : 
      81             : //  Revision: 7.0.13  (March/27/2012), Simon Vidanovic
      82             : //   - feature: New set of equaitons is set instead of hhat coefficents and new approach to solution which improves
      83             : //               speed and stability.  Note that this solution does not include laminates
      84             : 
      85             : // PURPOSE OF THIS MODULE:
      86             : // Module For Calculation of Thermal Performance Indices For Center
      87             : //  of Glass According to ISO 15099
      88             : 
      89             : // Using/Aliasing
      90             : using namespace TARCOGGassesParams;
      91             : using namespace TARCOGParams;
      92             : using namespace TARCOGArgs;
      93             : using namespace TARCOGCommon;
      94             : using namespace TARCOGOutput;
      95             : using namespace TARCOGGasses90;
      96             : using namespace TarcogShading;
      97             : 
      98             : //  Calculation outcome
      99             : enum class CalculationOutcome
     100             : {
     101             :     Invalid = -1,
     102             :     OK,
     103             :     Num
     104             : };
     105             : 
     106         256 : void film(Real64 const tex, Real64 const tw, Real64 const ws, int const iwd, Real64 &hcout, int const ibc)
     107             : {
     108             :     //***********************************************************************
     109             :     // purpose - to find outdoor film coeff
     110             :     //***********************************************************************
     111             :     // Inputs -
     112             :     //   tex - outdoor air temp [k]
     113             :     //   tw - outside surface temp
     114             :     //   ws - wind speed [m/s]
     115             :     //   iwd - wind direction [0 - windward; 1 - leeward]
     116             :     // Outputs
     117             :     //   hcout - convective film coeff [w m-2 k-1]
     118             : 
     119             :     // Locals
     120         256 :     Real64 constexpr conv(5.6783);
     121             : 
     122             :     Real64 vc;
     123             :     Real64 acoef;
     124             :     Real64 bexp;
     125             : 
     126             :     // calculation of convection component of exterior film coefficient using the :
     127         256 :     switch (ibc) {
     128         256 :     case 0: { // ISO 15099
     129         256 :         hcout = 4.0 + 4.0 * ws;
     130         256 :     } break;
     131           0 :     case -1: {          // old ASHRAE SPC142 correlation
     132           0 :         if (iwd == 0) { // windward
     133           0 :             if (ws > 2.0) {
     134           0 :                 vc = 0.25 * ws;
     135             :             } else {
     136           0 :                 vc = 0.5;
     137             :             }
     138             :         } else { // leeward
     139           0 :             vc = 0.3 + 0.05 * ws;
     140             :         }
     141           0 :         hcout = 3.28 * std::pow(vc, 0.605);
     142           0 :         hcout *= conv; // convert to metric
     143           0 :     } break;
     144           0 :     case -2: {          // Yazdanian-Klems correlation:
     145           0 :         if (iwd == 0) { // windward
     146           0 :             acoef = 2.38;
     147           0 :             bexp = 0.89;
     148             :         } else { // leeward
     149           0 :             acoef = 2.86;
     150           0 :             bexp = 0.617;
     151             :         }
     152           0 :         hcout = std::sqrt(pow_2(0.84 * std::pow(tw - tex, 0.33)) + pow_2(acoef * std::pow(ws, bexp)));
     153           0 :     } break;
     154           0 :     case -3: {          // Kimura correlation (Section in ISO 15099-2001):
     155           0 :         if (iwd == 0) { // windward
     156           0 :             if (ws > 2.0) {
     157           0 :                 vc = 0.25 * ws;
     158             :             } else {
     159           0 :                 vc = 0.5 * ws;
     160             :             }
     161             :         } else { // leeward
     162           0 :             vc = 0.3 + 0.05 * ws;
     163             :         }
     164           0 :         hcout = 4.7 + 7.6 * vc;
     165           0 :     } break;
     166           0 :     default:
     167           0 :         break;
     168             :     }
     169         256 : }
     170             : 
     171       37990 : void Calc_ISO15099(EnergyPlusData &state,
     172             :                    Files &files,
     173             :                    int const nlayer,
     174             :                    int const iwd,
     175             :                    Real64 &tout,
     176             :                    Real64 &tind,
     177             :                    Real64 &trmin,
     178             :                    Real64 const wso,
     179             :                    Real64 const wsi,
     180             :                    Real64 const dir,
     181             :                    Real64 const outir,
     182             :                    int const isky,
     183             :                    Real64 const tsky,
     184             :                    Real64 &esky,
     185             :                    Real64 const fclr,
     186             :                    Real64 const VacuumPressure,
     187             :                    Real64 const VacuumMaxGapThickness,
     188             :                    Array1D<Real64> &gap,
     189             :                    Array1D<Real64> &thick,
     190             :                    Array1D<Real64> &scon,
     191             :                    const Array1D<Real64> &tir,
     192             :                    const Array1D<Real64> &emis,
     193             :                    Real64 const totsol,
     194             :                    Real64 const tilt,
     195             :                    const Array1D<Real64> &asol,
     196             :                    Real64 const height,
     197             :                    Real64 const heightt,
     198             :                    Real64 const width,
     199             :                    const Array1D<Real64> &presure,
     200             :                    Array2A_int const iprop,
     201             :                    Array2A<Real64> const frct,
     202             :                    Array2A<Real64> const xgcon,
     203             :                    Array2A<Real64> const xgvis,
     204             :                    Array2A<Real64> const xgcp,
     205             :                    const Array1D<Real64> &xwght,
     206             :                    const Array1D<Real64> &gama,
     207             :                    const Array1D_int &nmix,
     208             :                    const Array1D_int &SupportPillar,
     209             :                    const Array1D<Real64> &PillarSpacing,
     210             :                    const Array1D<Real64> &PillarRadius,
     211             :                    Array1D<Real64> &theta,
     212             :                    Array1D<Real64> &q,
     213             :                    Array1D<Real64> &qv,
     214             :                    Real64 &ufactor,
     215             :                    Real64 &sc,
     216             :                    Real64 &hflux,
     217             :                    Real64 &hcin,
     218             :                    Real64 &hcout,
     219             :                    Real64 &hrin,
     220             :                    Real64 &hrout,
     221             :                    Real64 &hin,
     222             :                    Real64 &hout,
     223             :                    Array1D<Real64> &hcgas,
     224             :                    Array1D<Real64> &hrgas,
     225             :                    Real64 &shgc,
     226             :                    int &nperr,
     227             :                    std::string &ErrorMessage,
     228             :                    Real64 &shgct,
     229             :                    Real64 &tamb,
     230             :                    Real64 &troom,
     231             :                    const Array1D_int &ibc,
     232             :                    const Array1D<Real64> &Atop,
     233             :                    const Array1D<Real64> &Abot,
     234             :                    const Array1D<Real64> &Al,
     235             :                    const Array1D<Real64> &Ar,
     236             :                    const Array1D<Real64> &Ah,
     237             :                    const Array1D<Real64> &SlatThick,
     238             :                    const Array1D<Real64> &SlatWidth,
     239             :                    const Array1D<Real64> &SlatAngle,
     240             :                    const Array1D<Real64> &SlatCond,
     241             :                    const Array1D<Real64> &SlatSpacing,
     242             :                    const Array1D<Real64> &SlatCurve,
     243             :                    const Array1D<Real64> &vvent,
     244             :                    const Array1D<Real64> &tvent,
     245             :                    const Array1D<TARCOGLayerType> &LayerType,
     246             :                    const Array1D_int &nslice,
     247             :                    const Array1D<Real64> &LaminateA,
     248             :                    const Array1D<Real64> &LaminateB,
     249             :                    const Array1D<Real64> &sumsol,
     250             :                    Array1D<Real64> &Ra,
     251             :                    Array1D<Real64> &Nu,
     252             :                    TARCOGThermalModel const ThermalMod,
     253             :                    int const Debug_mode,
     254             :                    Real64 &ShadeEmisRatioOut,
     255             :                    Real64 &ShadeEmisRatioIn,
     256             :                    Real64 &ShadeHcRatioOut,
     257             :                    Real64 &ShadeHcRatioIn,
     258             :                    Real64 &HcUnshadedOut,
     259             :                    Real64 &HcUnshadedIn,
     260             :                    Array1D<Real64> &Keff,
     261             :                    Array1D<Real64> &ShadeGapKeffConv,
     262             :                    Real64 const SDScalar,
     263             :                    int const SHGCCalc,
     264             :                    int &NumOfIterations,
     265             :                    Real64 const edgeGlCorrFac)
     266             : {
     267             : 
     268             :     // Argument array dimensioning
     269       37990 :     EP_SIZE_CHECK(gap, MaxGap);
     270       37990 :     EP_SIZE_CHECK(thick, maxlay);
     271       37990 :     EP_SIZE_CHECK(scon, maxlay);
     272       37990 :     EP_SIZE_CHECK(tir, maxlay2);
     273       37990 :     EP_SIZE_CHECK(emis, maxlay2);
     274       37990 :     EP_SIZE_CHECK(asol, maxlay);
     275       37990 :     EP_SIZE_CHECK(presure, maxlay1);
     276       37990 :     iprop.dim(maxgas, maxlay1);
     277       37990 :     frct.dim(maxgas, maxlay1);
     278       37990 :     xgcon.dim(3, maxgas);
     279       37990 :     xgvis.dim(3, maxgas);
     280       37990 :     xgcp.dim(3, maxgas);
     281       37990 :     EP_SIZE_CHECK(xwght, maxgas);
     282       37990 :     EP_SIZE_CHECK(gama, maxgas);
     283       37990 :     EP_SIZE_CHECK(nmix, maxlay1);
     284       37990 :     EP_SIZE_CHECK(SupportPillar, maxlay);
     285       37990 :     EP_SIZE_CHECK(PillarSpacing, maxlay);
     286       37990 :     EP_SIZE_CHECK(PillarRadius, maxlay);
     287       37990 :     EP_SIZE_CHECK(theta, maxlay2);
     288       37990 :     EP_SIZE_CHECK(q, maxlay3);
     289       37990 :     EP_SIZE_CHECK(qv, maxlay1);
     290       37990 :     EP_SIZE_CHECK(hcgas, maxlay1);
     291       37990 :     EP_SIZE_CHECK(hrgas, maxlay1);
     292       37990 :     EP_SIZE_CHECK(ibc, 2);
     293       37990 :     EP_SIZE_CHECK(Atop, maxlay);
     294       37990 :     EP_SIZE_CHECK(Abot, maxlay);
     295       37990 :     EP_SIZE_CHECK(Al, maxlay);
     296       37990 :     EP_SIZE_CHECK(Ar, maxlay);
     297       37990 :     EP_SIZE_CHECK(Ah, maxlay);
     298       37990 :     EP_SIZE_CHECK(SlatThick, maxlay);
     299       37990 :     EP_SIZE_CHECK(SlatWidth, maxlay);
     300       37990 :     EP_SIZE_CHECK(SlatAngle, maxlay);
     301       37990 :     EP_SIZE_CHECK(SlatCond, maxlay);
     302       37990 :     EP_SIZE_CHECK(SlatSpacing, maxlay);
     303       37990 :     EP_SIZE_CHECK(SlatCurve, maxlay);
     304       37990 :     EP_SIZE_CHECK(vvent, maxlay1);
     305       37990 :     EP_SIZE_CHECK(tvent, maxlay1);
     306       37990 :     EP_SIZE_CHECK(LayerType, maxlay);
     307       37990 :     EP_SIZE_CHECK(nslice, maxlay);
     308       37990 :     EP_SIZE_CHECK(LaminateA, maxlay);
     309       37990 :     EP_SIZE_CHECK(LaminateB, maxlay);
     310       37990 :     EP_SIZE_CHECK(sumsol, maxlay);
     311       37990 :     EP_SIZE_CHECK(Ra, maxlay);
     312       37990 :     EP_SIZE_CHECK(Nu, maxlay);
     313       37990 :     EP_SIZE_CHECK(Keff, maxlay);
     314       37990 :     EP_SIZE_CHECK(ShadeGapKeffConv, MaxGap);
     315             : 
     316             :     //  REAL(r64) :: grho(maxgas,3)
     317             :     Real64 shgct_NOSD;
     318             :     Real64 trmout;
     319             : 
     320             :     Real64 Gout;
     321             :     Real64 Gin;
     322             :     Real64 AchievedErrorTolerance;
     323             :     Real64 AchievedErrorToleranceSolar;
     324             :     int NumOfIter;
     325             :     int NumOfIterSolar;
     326             : 
     327             :     Real64 tgg;
     328             :     Real64 qc1;
     329             :     Real64 qc2;
     330             :     Real64 qcgg;
     331             : 
     332             :     Real64 ShadeHcModifiedOut;
     333             :     Real64 ShadeHcModifiedIn;
     334             : 
     335             :     // cbi...Variables for "unshaded" run:
     336             : 
     337             :     bool NeedUnshadedRun;
     338             :     int nlayer_NOSD;
     339             :     Real64 AchievedErrorTolerance_NOSD;
     340             :     int NumOfIter_NOSD;
     341             :     Real64 hin_NOSD;
     342             :     Real64 flux_NOSD;
     343             :     Real64 hcin_NOSD;
     344             :     Real64 hrin_NOSD;
     345             :     Real64 hcout_NOSD;
     346             :     Real64 hrout_NOSD;
     347             :     Real64 tamb_NOSD;
     348             :     Real64 troom_NOSD;
     349             :     Real64 ufactor_NOSD;
     350             :     Real64 sc_NOSD;
     351             :     Real64 hflux_NOSD;
     352             :     Real64 shgc_NOSD;
     353             :     Real64 hout_NOSD;
     354             :     // REAL(r64) ::  rs_NOSD(maxlay3)!,sol(maxlay)
     355             :     Real64 ShadeEmisRatioOut_NOSD;
     356             :     Real64 ShadeEmisRatioIn_NOSD;
     357             :     Real64 ShadeHcRatioOut_NOSD;
     358             :     Real64 ShadeHcRatioIn_NOSD;
     359             :     Real64 ShadeHcModifiedOut_NOSD;
     360             :     Real64 ShadeHcModifiedIn_NOSD;
     361             : 
     362             :     int FirstSpecularLayer;
     363             :     int LastSpecularLayer;
     364             : 
     365             :     // cbi...Other variables:
     366             :     Real64 flux;
     367             :     Real64 hint;
     368             :     Real64 houtt;
     369             :     Real64 ebsky;
     370             :     Real64 ebroom;
     371             :     int i;
     372             :     int j;
     373             :     int OriginalIndex;
     374             :     int UnshadedDebug;
     375             : 
     376             :     // Autodesk:Uninit Initialize variables used uninitialized
     377       37990 :     shgc_NOSD = 0.0;            // Autodesk:Uninit Force default initialization
     378       37990 :     sc_NOSD = 0.0;              // Autodesk:Uninit Force default initialization
     379       37990 :     hflux_NOSD = 0.0;           // Autodesk:Uninit Force default initialization
     380       37990 :     ShadeHcRatioIn_NOSD = 0.0;  // Autodesk:Uninit Force default initialization
     381       37990 :     ShadeHcRatioOut_NOSD = 0.0; // Autodesk:Uninit Force default initialization
     382             : 
     383       37990 :     AchievedErrorTolerance = 0.0;
     384       37990 :     AchievedErrorToleranceSolar = 0.0;
     385       37990 :     AchievedErrorTolerance_NOSD = 0.0;
     386             : 
     387      189950 :     PrepVariablesISO15099(nlayer,
     388             :                           tout,
     389             :                           tind,
     390             :                           trmin,
     391             :                           isky,
     392             :                           outir,
     393             :                           tsky,
     394             :                           esky,
     395             :                           fclr,
     396             :                           gap,
     397             :                           thick,
     398             :                           scon,
     399             :                           tir,
     400             :                           emis,
     401             :                           tilt,
     402             :                           hin,
     403             :                           hout,
     404             :                           ibc,
     405             :                           SlatThick,
     406             :                           SlatWidth,
     407             :                           SlatAngle,
     408             :                           SlatCond,
     409             :                           LayerType,
     410             :                           ThermalMod,
     411             :                           SDScalar,
     412             :                           ShadeEmisRatioOut,
     413             :                           ShadeEmisRatioIn,
     414             :                           ShadeHcRatioOut,
     415             :                           ShadeHcRatioIn,
     416             :                           Keff,
     417             :                           ShadeGapKeffConv,
     418             :                           sc,
     419             :                           shgc,
     420             :                           ufactor,
     421             :                           flux,
     422       37990 :                           state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->LaminateAU,
     423       37990 :                           state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->sumsolU,
     424       37990 :                           state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->sol0,
     425             :                           hint,
     426             :                           houtt,
     427             :                           trmout,
     428             :                           ebsky,
     429             :                           ebroom,
     430             :                           Gout,
     431             :                           Gin,
     432       37990 :                           state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->rir,
     433       37990 :                           state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->vfreevent,
     434             :                           nperr,
     435             :                           ErrorMessage);
     436             : 
     437      144562 :     for (int i = 1; i <= nlayer; ++i) {
     438      106572 :         state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->EffectiveOpenness(i) = Ah(i) / (width * height);
     439             :     }
     440             : 
     441      189950 :     updateEffectiveMultipliers(nlayer,
     442             :                                width,
     443             :                                height,
     444             :                                Atop,
     445             :                                Abot,
     446             :                                Al,
     447             :                                Ar,
     448             :                                Ah,
     449       37990 :                                state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->Atop_eff,
     450       37990 :                                state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->Abot_eff,
     451       37990 :                                state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->Al_eff,
     452       37990 :                                state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->Ar_eff,
     453       37990 :                                state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->Ah_eff,
     454             :                                LayerType,
     455             :                                SlatAngle);
     456             : 
     457             :     // No option to take hardcoded variables.  All gas coefficients are now passed from outside.
     458             :     // if (GoAhead(nperr)) call propcon90(ISO15099,mgas,xgcon,xgvis,xgcp,xgrho,xwght,nperr)
     459             : 
     460             :     // exit on error
     461       37990 :     if (!(GoAhead(nperr))) return;
     462             : 
     463             :     // bi...Write intermediate results to output file:
     464       37990 :     if (files.WriteDebugOutput) {
     465           0 :         WriteModifiedArguments(files.DebugOutputFile,
     466             :                                files.DBGD,
     467             :                                esky,
     468             :                                trmout,
     469             :                                trmin,
     470             :                                ebsky,
     471             :                                ebroom,
     472             :                                Gout,
     473             :                                Gin,
     474             :                                nlayer,
     475             :                                LayerType,
     476             :                                nmix,
     477             :                                frct,
     478             :                                thick,
     479             :                                scon,
     480             :                                gap,
     481             :                                xgcon,
     482             :                                xgvis,
     483             :                                xgcp,
     484             :                                xwght);
     485             :     }
     486             : 
     487             :     // cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
     488             :     //     This is "solar radiation" pass
     489             :     // cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
     490             : 
     491             :     // This is main calculation in case UFactor calculations will not be performed
     492       37990 :     if ((dir > 0.0) || (SHGCCalc == 0)) {
     493             :         // call therm1d to calculate heat flux with solar radiation
     494             : 
     495      531860 :         therm1d(state,
     496             :                 files,
     497             :                 nlayer,
     498             :                 iwd,
     499             :                 tout,
     500             :                 tind,
     501             :                 wso,
     502             :                 wsi,
     503             :                 VacuumPressure,
     504             :                 VacuumMaxGapThickness,
     505             :                 dir,
     506             :                 ebsky,
     507             :                 Gout,
     508             :                 trmout,
     509             :                 trmin,
     510             :                 ebroom,
     511             :                 Gin,
     512             :                 tir,
     513       37990 :                 state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->rir,
     514             :                 emis,
     515             :                 gap,
     516             :                 thick,
     517             :                 scon,
     518             :                 tilt,
     519             :                 asol,
     520             :                 height,
     521             :                 heightt,
     522             :                 width,
     523             :                 iprop,
     524             :                 frct,
     525             :                 presure,
     526             :                 nmix,
     527             :                 xwght,
     528             :                 xgcon,
     529             :                 xgvis,
     530             :                 xgcp,
     531             :                 gama,
     532             :                 SupportPillar,
     533             :                 PillarSpacing,
     534             :                 PillarRadius,
     535             :                 theta,
     536             :                 q,
     537             :                 qv,
     538             :                 flux,
     539             :                 hcin,
     540             :                 hrin,
     541             :                 hcout,
     542             :                 hrout,
     543             :                 hin,
     544             :                 hout,
     545             :                 hcgas,
     546             :                 hrgas,
     547             :                 ufactor,
     548             :                 nperr,
     549             :                 ErrorMessage,
     550             :                 tamb,
     551             :                 troom,
     552             :                 ibc,
     553       37990 :                 state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->Atop_eff,
     554       37990 :                 state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->Abot_eff,
     555       37990 :                 state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->Al_eff,
     556       37990 :                 state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->Ar_eff,
     557       37990 :                 state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->Ah_eff,
     558       37990 :                 state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->EffectiveOpenness,
     559             :                 vvent,
     560             :                 tvent,
     561             :                 LayerType,
     562             :                 Ra,
     563             :                 Nu,
     564       37990 :                 state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->vfreevent,
     565       37990 :                 state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->qcgas,
     566       37990 :                 state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->qrgas,
     567       37990 :                 state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->Ebf,
     568       37990 :                 state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->Ebb,
     569       37990 :                 state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->Rf,
     570       37990 :                 state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->Rb,
     571             :                 ShadeEmisRatioOut,
     572             :                 ShadeEmisRatioIn,
     573             :                 ShadeHcModifiedOut,
     574             :                 ShadeHcModifiedIn,
     575             :                 ThermalMod,
     576             :                 Debug_mode,
     577             :                 AchievedErrorToleranceSolar,
     578             :                 NumOfIterSolar,
     579             :                 edgeGlCorrFac);
     580             : 
     581       37990 :         NumOfIterations = NumOfIterSolar;
     582             :         // exit on error:
     583             : 
     584       37990 :         if (nlayer > 1) {
     585      106572 :             for (i = 1; i <= nlayer - 1; ++i) {
     586       68582 :                 Keff(i) = gap(i) * q(2 * i + 1) / (theta(2 * i + 1) - theta(2 * i));
     587       68582 :                 if (IsShadingLayer(LayerType(i))) {
     588       14118 :                     Keff(i) = gap(i) * q(2 * i + 1) / (theta(2 * i + 1) - theta(2 * i));
     589             :                 }
     590       68582 :                 if (IsShadingLayer(LayerType(i + 1))) {
     591       19836 :                     Keff(i) = gap(i) * q(2 * i + 1) / (theta(2 * i + 1) - theta(2 * i));
     592             :                 }
     593             :             }
     594             :         }
     595             : 
     596       37990 :         if (!(GoAhead(nperr))) return;
     597             : 
     598             :         // No need to store results in case of non-ufactor run
     599       37990 :         if ((SHGCCalc > 0) && (dir > 0.0)) {
     600          33 :             solarISO15099(
     601          33 :                 totsol, state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->rtot, state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->rs, nlayer, asol, state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->sft);
     602          11 :             shgct = state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->sft;
     603          11 :             shgct_NOSD = 0.0;
     604          11 :             state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->hcins = hcin;
     605          11 :             state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->hrins = hrin;
     606          11 :             state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->hins = hin;
     607          11 :             state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->hcouts = hcout;
     608          11 :             state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->hrouts = hrout;
     609          11 :             state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->houts = hout;
     610          11 :             state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->ufactors = ufactor;
     611          11 :             state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->fluxs = flux;
     612          41 :             for (i = 1; i <= nlayer; ++i) {
     613          30 :                 state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->thetas(2 * i - 1) = theta(2 * i - 1);
     614          30 :                 state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->thetas(2 * i) = theta(2 * i);
     615          30 :                 state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->Ebbs(i) = state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->Ebb(i);
     616          30 :                 state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->Ebfs(i) = state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->Ebf(i);
     617          30 :                 state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->Rbs(i) = state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->Rb(i);
     618          30 :                 state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->Rfs(i) = state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->Rf(i);
     619          30 :                 state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->qs(2 * i - 1) = q(2 * i - 1);
     620          30 :                 state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->qs(2 * i) = q(2 * i);
     621             :                 // qprims(2*i - 1) = qprim(2*i - 1)
     622             :                 // qprims(2*i) = qprim(2*i)
     623          30 :                 state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->qvs(2 * i - 1) = qv(2 * i - 1);
     624          30 :                 state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->qvs(2 * i) = qv(2 * i);
     625          30 :                 state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->hcgass(i) = hcgas(i);
     626          30 :                 state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->hrgass(i) = hrgas(i);
     627          30 :                 state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->qrgaps(i) = state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->qrgas(i);
     628          30 :                 state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->qcgaps(i) = state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->qcgas(i);
     629             :             }
     630             :             //    CHECK THIS!
     631          11 :             state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->qs(2 * nlayer + 1) = q(2 * nlayer + 1);
     632             :         } // if ( then
     633             :     }
     634             : 
     635             :     // No solar radiation pass is not needed to be calculated
     636             :     // if (( then
     637       37990 :     if (SHGCCalc > 0) {
     638             : 
     639             :         // cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
     640             :         //      This is "no solar radiation" pass
     641             :         // cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
     642             : 
     643          11 :         hin = hint;
     644          11 :         hout = houtt;
     645             : 
     646             :         // call therm1d to calculate heat flux without solar radiation
     647         165 :         therm1d(state,
     648             :                 files,
     649             :                 nlayer,
     650             :                 iwd,
     651             :                 tout,
     652             :                 tind,
     653             :                 wso,
     654             :                 wsi,
     655             :                 VacuumPressure,
     656             :                 VacuumMaxGapThickness,
     657             :                 0.0,
     658             :                 ebsky,
     659             :                 Gout,
     660             :                 trmout,
     661             :                 trmin,
     662             :                 ebroom,
     663             :                 Gin,
     664             :                 tir,
     665          11 :                 state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->rir,
     666             :                 emis,
     667             :                 gap,
     668             :                 thick,
     669             :                 scon,
     670             :                 tilt,
     671          11 :                 state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->sol0,
     672             :                 height,
     673             :                 heightt,
     674             :                 width,
     675             :                 iprop,
     676             :                 frct,
     677             :                 presure,
     678             :                 nmix,
     679             :                 xwght,
     680             :                 xgcon,
     681             :                 xgvis,
     682             :                 xgcp,
     683             :                 gama,
     684             :                 SupportPillar,
     685             :                 PillarSpacing,
     686             :                 PillarRadius,
     687             :                 theta,
     688             :                 q,
     689             :                 qv,
     690             :                 flux,
     691             :                 hcin,
     692             :                 hrin,
     693             :                 hcout,
     694             :                 hrout,
     695             :                 hin,
     696             :                 hout,
     697             :                 hcgas,
     698             :                 hrgas,
     699             :                 ufactor,
     700             :                 nperr,
     701             :                 ErrorMessage,
     702             :                 tamb,
     703             :                 troom,
     704             :                 ibc,
     705          11 :                 state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->Atop_eff,
     706          11 :                 state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->Abot_eff,
     707          11 :                 state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->Al_eff,
     708          11 :                 state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->Ar_eff,
     709          11 :                 state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->Ah_eff,
     710          11 :                 state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->EffectiveOpenness,
     711             :                 vvent,
     712             :                 tvent,
     713             :                 LayerType,
     714             :                 Ra,
     715             :                 Nu,
     716          11 :                 state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->vfreevent,
     717          11 :                 state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->qcgas,
     718          11 :                 state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->qrgas,
     719          11 :                 state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->Ebf,
     720          11 :                 state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->Ebb,
     721          11 :                 state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->Rf,
     722          11 :                 state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->Rb,
     723             :                 ShadeEmisRatioOut,
     724             :                 ShadeEmisRatioIn,
     725             :                 ShadeHcModifiedOut,
     726             :                 ShadeHcModifiedIn,
     727             :                 ThermalMod,
     728             :                 Debug_mode,
     729             :                 AchievedErrorTolerance,
     730             :                 NumOfIter,
     731             :                 edgeGlCorrFac);
     732             : 
     733          11 :         NumOfIterations = NumOfIter;
     734             : 
     735             :         // exit on error:
     736          11 :         if (!(GoAhead(nperr))) return;
     737             : 
     738             :         // bi...Keep hcout, hcin in case this is an unshaded system:
     739          11 :         HcUnshadedOut = hcout;
     740          11 :         HcUnshadedIn = hcin;
     741             : 
     742             :         // an Unshaded run if necessary (Uvalue/Winter conditions):
     743             :         // bi...Prepare variables for UNSHADED (NO SD) run:
     744             : 
     745          11 :         NeedUnshadedRun = false;
     746          11 :         FirstSpecularLayer = 1;
     747          11 :         LastSpecularLayer = nlayer;
     748          11 :         nlayer_NOSD = nlayer;
     749          11 :         if (IsShadingLayer(LayerType(1))) {
     750           1 :             --nlayer_NOSD;
     751           1 :             FirstSpecularLayer = 2;
     752           1 :             NeedUnshadedRun = true;
     753             :         }
     754             : 
     755             :         //  if (LayerType(nlayer).eq.VENETBLIND) then
     756          11 :         if (IsShadingLayer(LayerType(nlayer))) {
     757           4 :             --nlayer_NOSD;
     758           4 :             LastSpecularLayer = nlayer - 1;
     759           4 :             NeedUnshadedRun = true;
     760             :         }
     761             : 
     762             :         // no unshaded run for now
     763          11 :         NeedUnshadedRun = false;
     764             :         // bi...Set outdoor & indoor gas properties:
     765          11 :         if (NeedUnshadedRun) {
     766           0 :             state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->nmix_NOSD(1) = nmix(1);
     767           0 :             state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->presure_NOSD(1) = presure(1);
     768           0 :             state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->nmix_NOSD(nlayer_NOSD + 1) = nmix(nlayer + 1);
     769           0 :             state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->presure_NOSD(nlayer_NOSD + 1) = presure(nlayer + 1);
     770           0 :             for (j = 1; j <= nmix(1); ++j) {
     771           0 :                 state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->iprop_NOSD(j, 1) = iprop(j, 1);
     772           0 :                 state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->frct_NOSD(j, 1) = frct(j, 1);
     773             :             }
     774           0 :             for (j = 1; j <= nmix(nlayer_NOSD + 1); ++j) {
     775           0 :                 state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->iprop_NOSD(j, nlayer_NOSD + 1) = iprop(j, nlayer + 1);
     776           0 :                 state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->frct_NOSD(j, nlayer_NOSD + 1) = frct(j, nlayer + 1);
     777             :             }
     778           0 :             for (i = 1; i <= nlayer_NOSD; ++i) {
     779           0 :                 OriginalIndex = FirstSpecularLayer + i - 1;
     780           0 :                 state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->Atop_NOSD(i) = state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->Atop_eff(OriginalIndex);
     781           0 :                 state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->Abot_NOSD(i) = state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->Abot_eff(OriginalIndex);
     782           0 :                 state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->Al_NOSD(i) = state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->Al_eff(OriginalIndex);
     783           0 :                 state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->Ar_NOSD(i) = state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->Ar_eff(OriginalIndex);
     784           0 :                 state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->Ah_NOSD(i) = state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->Ah_eff(OriginalIndex);
     785             : 
     786           0 :                 state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->SlatThick_NOSD(i) = SlatThick(OriginalIndex);
     787           0 :                 state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->SlatWidth_NOSD(i) = SlatWidth(OriginalIndex);
     788           0 :                 state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->SlatAngle_NOSD(i) = SlatAngle(OriginalIndex);
     789           0 :                 state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->SlatCond_NOSD(i) = SlatCond(OriginalIndex);
     790           0 :                 state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->SlatSpacing_NOSD(i) = SlatSpacing(OriginalIndex);
     791           0 :                 state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->SlatCurve_NOSD(i) = SlatCurve(OriginalIndex);
     792             : 
     793             :                 // cbi...    TO do when Forced Ventilation is implemented: take care of appropriate arguments!!!
     794             :                 //      vvent_NOSD
     795             :                 //      tvent_NOSD
     796             : 
     797           0 :                 state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->LayerType_NOSD(i) = LayerType(OriginalIndex);
     798             : 
     799           0 :                 state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->thick_NOSD(i) = thick(OriginalIndex);
     800           0 :                 state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->scon_NOSD(i) = scon(OriginalIndex);
     801           0 :                 state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->tir_NOSD(2 * i - 1) = tir(2 * OriginalIndex - 1);
     802           0 :                 state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->emis_NOSD(2 * i - 1) = emis(2 * OriginalIndex - 1);
     803           0 :                 state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->emis_NOSD(2 * i) = emis(2 * OriginalIndex);
     804           0 :                 state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->rir_NOSD(2 * i - 1) = state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->rir(2 * OriginalIndex - 1);
     805           0 :                 state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->rir_NOSD(2 * i) = state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->rir(2 * OriginalIndex);
     806             : 
     807           0 :                 state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->gap_NOSD(i) = gap(OriginalIndex);
     808             : 
     809           0 :                 if (i < nlayer_NOSD) {
     810           0 :                     state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->nmix_NOSD(i + 1) = nmix(OriginalIndex + 1);
     811           0 :                     state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->presure_NOSD(i + 1) = presure(OriginalIndex + 1);
     812           0 :                     for (j = 1; j <= state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->nmix_NOSD(i + 1); ++j) {
     813           0 :                         state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->iprop_NOSD(j, i + 1) = iprop(j, OriginalIndex + 1);
     814           0 :                         state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->frct_NOSD(j, i + 1) = frct(j, OriginalIndex + 1);
     815             :                     }
     816             :                 }
     817             : 
     818           0 :                 state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->LaminateA_NOSD(i) = LaminateA(OriginalIndex);
     819           0 :                 state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->LaminateB_NOSD(i) = LaminateB(OriginalIndex);
     820           0 :                 state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->sumsol_NOSD(i) = sumsol(OriginalIndex);
     821             : 
     822           0 :                 state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->nslice_NOSD(i) = nslice(OriginalIndex);
     823             :             }
     824             : 
     825             :             //    This is UNSHADED pass - no solar radiation:
     826           0 :             hin_NOSD = hint;
     827           0 :             hout_NOSD = houtt;
     828             : 
     829             :             // Simon: Removed unshaded debug output for now
     830           0 :             UnshadedDebug = 0;
     831           0 :             if (files.WriteDebugOutput && (UnshadedDebug == 1)) {
     832           0 :                 print(files.DebugOutputFile, "\n");
     833           0 :                 print(files.DebugOutputFile, "UNSHADED RUN:\n");
     834           0 :                 print(files.DebugOutputFile, "\n");
     835             : 
     836           0 :                 WriteInputArguments(state,
     837             :                                     files.DebugOutputFile,
     838             :                                     files.DBGD,
     839             :                                     tout,
     840             :                                     tind,
     841             :                                     trmin,
     842             :                                     wso,
     843             :                                     iwd,
     844             :                                     wsi,
     845             :                                     dir,
     846             :                                     outir,
     847             :                                     isky,
     848             :                                     tsky,
     849             :                                     esky,
     850             :                                     fclr,
     851             :                                     VacuumPressure,
     852             :                                     VacuumMaxGapThickness,
     853             :                                     ibc,
     854             :                                     hout_NOSD,
     855             :                                     hin_NOSD,
     856             :                                     TARCOGGassesParams::Stdrd::ISO15099,
     857             :                                     ThermalMod,
     858             :                                     SDScalar,
     859             :                                     height,
     860             :                                     heightt,
     861             :                                     width,
     862             :                                     tilt,
     863             :                                     totsol,
     864             :                                     nlayer_NOSD,
     865           0 :                                     state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->LayerType_NOSD,
     866           0 :                                     state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->thick_NOSD,
     867           0 :                                     state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->scon_NOSD,
     868             :                                     asol,
     869           0 :                                     state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->tir_NOSD,
     870           0 :                                     state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->emis_NOSD,
     871           0 :                                     state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->Atop_NOSD,
     872           0 :                                     state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->Abot_NOSD,
     873           0 :                                     state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->Al_NOSD,
     874           0 :                                     state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->Ar_NOSD,
     875           0 :                                     state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->Ah_NOSD,
     876           0 :                                     state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->SlatThick_NOSD,
     877           0 :                                     state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->SlatWidth_NOSD,
     878           0 :                                     state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->SlatAngle_NOSD,
     879           0 :                                     state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->SlatCond_NOSD,
     880           0 :                                     state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->SlatSpacing_NOSD,
     881           0 :                                     state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->SlatCurve_NOSD,
     882           0 :                                     state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->nslice_NOSD,
     883           0 :                                     state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->LaminateA_NOSD,
     884           0 :                                     state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->LaminateB_NOSD,
     885           0 :                                     state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->sumsol_NOSD,
     886           0 :                                     state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->gap_NOSD,
     887           0 :                                     state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->vvent_NOSD,
     888           0 :                                     state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->tvent_NOSD,
     889           0 :                                     state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->presure_NOSD,
     890           0 :                                     state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->nmix_NOSD,
     891           0 :                                     state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->iprop_NOSD,
     892           0 :                                     state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->frct_NOSD,
     893             :                                     xgcon,
     894             :                                     xgvis,
     895             :                                     xgcp,
     896             :                                     xwght);
     897             : 
     898             :             } // end if UnshadedDebug = 1
     899             : 
     900             :             // cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
     901             :             //      This is "Unshaded, No solar radiation" pass
     902             :             // cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
     903             :             // call therm1d to calculate heat flux with solar radiation
     904           0 :             therm1d(state,
     905             :                     files,
     906             :                     nlayer_NOSD,
     907             :                     iwd,
     908             :                     tout,
     909             :                     tind,
     910             :                     wso,
     911             :                     wsi,
     912             :                     VacuumPressure,
     913             :                     VacuumMaxGapThickness,
     914             :                     0.0,
     915             :                     ebsky,
     916             :                     Gout,
     917             :                     trmout,
     918             :                     trmin,
     919             :                     ebroom,
     920             :                     Gin,
     921           0 :                     state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->tir_NOSD,
     922           0 :                     state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->rir_NOSD,
     923           0 :                     state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->emis_NOSD,
     924           0 :                     state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->gap_NOSD,
     925           0 :                     state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->thick_NOSD,
     926           0 :                     state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->scon_NOSD,
     927             :                     tilt,
     928           0 :                     state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->sol0,
     929             :                     height,
     930             :                     heightt,
     931             :                     width,
     932           0 :                     state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->iprop_NOSD,
     933           0 :                     state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->frct_NOSD,
     934           0 :                     state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->presure_NOSD,
     935           0 :                     state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->nmix_NOSD,
     936             :                     xwght,
     937             :                     xgcon,
     938             :                     xgvis,
     939             :                     xgcp,
     940             :                     gama,
     941             :                     SupportPillar,
     942             :                     PillarSpacing,
     943             :                     PillarRadius,
     944           0 :                     state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->theta_NOSD,
     945           0 :                     state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->q_NOSD,
     946           0 :                     state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->qv_NOSD,
     947             :                     flux_NOSD,
     948             :                     hcin_NOSD,
     949             :                     hrin_NOSD,
     950             :                     hcout_NOSD,
     951             :                     hrout_NOSD,
     952             :                     hin_NOSD,
     953             :                     hout_NOSD,
     954           0 :                     state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->hcgas_NOSD,
     955           0 :                     state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->hrgas_NOSD,
     956             :                     ufactor_NOSD,
     957             :                     nperr,
     958             :                     ErrorMessage,
     959             :                     tamb_NOSD,
     960             :                     troom_NOSD,
     961             :                     ibc,
     962           0 :                     state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->Atop_NOSD,
     963           0 :                     state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->Abot_NOSD,
     964           0 :                     state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->Al_NOSD,
     965           0 :                     state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->Ar_NOSD,
     966           0 :                     state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->Ah_NOSD,
     967           0 :                     state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->EffectiveOpenness_NOSD,
     968           0 :                     state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->vvent_NOSD,
     969           0 :                     state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->tvent_NOSD,
     970           0 :                     state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->LayerType_NOSD,
     971           0 :                     state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->Ra_NOSD,
     972           0 :                     state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->Nu_NOSD,
     973           0 :                     state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->vfreevent_NOSD,
     974           0 :                     state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->qcgas_NOSD,
     975           0 :                     state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->qrgas_NOSD,
     976           0 :                     state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->Ebf_NOSD,
     977           0 :                     state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->Ebb_NOSD,
     978           0 :                     state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->Rf_NOSD,
     979           0 :                     state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->Rb_NOSD,
     980             :                     ShadeEmisRatioOut_NOSD,
     981             :                     ShadeEmisRatioIn_NOSD,
     982             :                     ShadeHcModifiedOut_NOSD,
     983             :                     ShadeHcModifiedIn_NOSD,
     984             :                     ThermalMod,
     985             :                     Debug_mode,
     986             :                     AchievedErrorTolerance_NOSD,
     987             :                     NumOfIter_NOSD,
     988             :                     edgeGlCorrFac);
     989             : 
     990           0 :             NumOfIterations = NumOfIter_NOSD;
     991             :             // exit on error
     992           0 :             if (!(GoAhead(nperr))) return;
     993             : 
     994             :             // bi...  Keep these values:
     995           0 :             HcUnshadedOut = hcout_NOSD;
     996           0 :             HcUnshadedIn = hcin_NOSD;
     997             : 
     998           0 :             ShadeHcRatioOut = ShadeHcModifiedOut / HcUnshadedOut;
     999           0 :             ShadeHcRatioIn = ShadeHcModifiedIn / HcUnshadedIn;
    1000             : 
    1001             :             // bi...unshaded results:
    1002           0 :             if (files.WriteDebugOutput && (UnshadedDebug == 1)) {
    1003           0 :                 WriteOutputArguments(files.DebugOutputFile,
    1004             :                                      files.DBGD,
    1005             :                                      nlayer_NOSD,
    1006             :                                      tamb,
    1007           0 :                                      state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->q_NOSD,
    1008           0 :                                      state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->qv_NOSD,
    1009           0 :                                      state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->qcgas_NOSD,
    1010           0 :                                      state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->qrgas_NOSD,
    1011           0 :                                      state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->theta_NOSD,
    1012           0 :                                      state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->vfreevent_NOSD,
    1013           0 :                                      state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->vvent_NOSD,
    1014           0 :                                      state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->Keff_NOSD,
    1015           0 :                                      state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->ShadeGapKeffConv_NOSD,
    1016             :                                      troom_NOSD,
    1017             :                                      ufactor_NOSD,
    1018             :                                      shgc_NOSD,
    1019             :                                      sc_NOSD,
    1020             :                                      hflux_NOSD,
    1021             :                                      shgct_NOSD,
    1022             :                                      hcin_NOSD,
    1023             :                                      hrin_NOSD,
    1024             :                                      hcout_NOSD,
    1025             :                                      hrout_NOSD,
    1026           0 :                                      state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->Ra_NOSD,
    1027           0 :                                      state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->Nu_NOSD,
    1028           0 :                                      state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->LayerType_NOSD,
    1029           0 :                                      state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->Ebf_NOSD,
    1030           0 :                                      state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->Ebb_NOSD,
    1031           0 :                                      state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->Rf_NOSD,
    1032           0 :                                      state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->Rb_NOSD,
    1033             :                                      ebsky,
    1034             :                                      Gout,
    1035             :                                      ebroom,
    1036             :                                      Gin,
    1037             :                                      ShadeEmisRatioIn_NOSD,
    1038             :                                      ShadeEmisRatioOut_NOSD,
    1039             :                                      ShadeHcRatioIn_NOSD,
    1040             :                                      ShadeHcRatioOut_NOSD,
    1041             :                                      hcin_NOSD,
    1042             :                                      hcout_NOSD,
    1043           0 :                                      state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->hcgas_NOSD,
    1044           0 :                                      state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->hrgas_NOSD,
    1045             :                                      AchievedErrorTolerance_NOSD,
    1046             :                                      NumOfIter_NOSD); // Autodesk:Uninit shgc_NOSD, sc_NOSD, hflux_NOSD,
    1047             :                                                       // ShadeHcRatioIn_NOSD, ShadeHcRatioOut_NOSD were
    1048             :                                                       // uninitialized
    1049             :             }                                         // end if UnshadedDebug = 1
    1050             :         }                                             // end if NeedUnshadedRun...
    1051             : 
    1052             :         // bi Set T6-related quantities keff, keffc: (using non-solar pass results)
    1053          11 :         if (nlayer > 1) {
    1054          30 :             for (i = 1; i <= nlayer - 1; ++i) {
    1055          19 :                 Keff(i) = gap(i) * q(2 * i + 1) / (theta(2 * i + 1) - theta(2 * i));
    1056          19 :                 if (IsShadingLayer(LayerType(i))) {
    1057           3 :                     Keff(i) = gap(i) * q(2 * i + 1) / (theta(2 * i + 1) - theta(2 * i));
    1058             :                 }
    1059          19 :                 if (IsShadingLayer(LayerType(i + 1))) {
    1060           6 :                     Keff(i) = gap(i) * q(2 * i + 1) / (theta(2 * i + 1) - theta(2 * i));
    1061             :                 }
    1062          19 :                 if (IsShadingLayer(LayerType(i))) {
    1063             :                     // Keff(i)   = gap(i)   * qprim(2*i+1) / (theta(2*i+1) - theta(2*i))
    1064           3 :                     if ((i > 1) && (i < nlayer)) {
    1065           2 :                         tgg = gap(i - 1) + gap(i) + thick(i);
    1066           2 :                         qc1 = state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->qcgas(i - 1);
    1067           2 :                         qc2 = state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->qcgas(i);
    1068           2 :                         qcgg = (qc1 + qc2) / 2.0;
    1069           2 :                         ShadeGapKeffConv(i) = tgg * qcgg / (theta(2 * i + 1) - theta(2 * i - 2));
    1070             :                     }
    1071             :                 }
    1072             :             }
    1073             :         }
    1074             : 
    1075             :     } // if ( then
    1076             : 
    1077             :     // bi...  For debugging purposes:
    1078       37990 :     state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->qeff = ufactor * std::abs(tout - tind);
    1079       37990 :     state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->flux_nonsolar = flux;
    1080             : 
    1081       37990 :     if ((SHGCCalc > 0) && (dir > 0.0)) {
    1082          11 :         shgc = totsol - (state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->fluxs - flux) / dir;
    1083          11 :         sc = shgc / 0.87;
    1084          11 :         hcin = state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->hcins;
    1085          11 :         hrin = state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->hrins;
    1086          11 :         hin = state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->hins;
    1087          11 :         hcout = state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->hcouts;
    1088          11 :         hrout = state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->hrouts;
    1089          11 :         hout = state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->houts;
    1090          11 :         flux = state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->fluxs; // <--- ???
    1091          41 :         for (i = 1; i <= nlayer; ++i) {
    1092          30 :             theta(2 * i - 1) = state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->thetas(2 * i - 1);
    1093          30 :             theta(2 * i) = state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->thetas(2 * i);
    1094          30 :             state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->Ebb(i) = state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->Ebbs(i);
    1095          30 :             state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->Ebf(i) = state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->Ebfs(i);
    1096          30 :             state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->Rb(i) = state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->Rbs(i);
    1097          30 :             state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->Rf(i) = state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->Rfs(i);
    1098          30 :             q(2 * i - 1) = state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->qs(2 * i - 1);
    1099          30 :             q(2 * i) = state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->qs(2 * i);
    1100             :             // qprim(2*i - 1) = qprims(2*i - 1)
    1101             :             // qprim(2*i) = qprims(2*i)
    1102          30 :             qv(2 * i - 1) = state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->qvs(2 * i - 1);
    1103          30 :             qv(2 * i) = state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->qvs(2 * i);
    1104          30 :             hcgas(i) = state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->hcgass(i);
    1105          30 :             hrgas(i) = state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->hrgass(i);
    1106          30 :             state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->qcgas(i) = state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->qcgaps(i);
    1107          30 :             state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->qrgas(i) = state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->qrgaps(i);
    1108          30 :             AchievedErrorTolerance = AchievedErrorToleranceSolar;
    1109          30 :             NumOfIter = NumOfIterSolar;
    1110             :         }
    1111             : 
    1112             :         // bi    CHECK THIS!
    1113          11 :         q(2 * nlayer + 1) = state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->qs(2 * nlayer + 1);
    1114             :     }
    1115             : 
    1116       37990 :     hflux = flux; // save flux value for output table
    1117             : 
    1118             :     // bi...  Write results to debug output file:
    1119       37990 :     if (files.WriteDebugOutput) {
    1120           0 :         WriteOutputArguments(files.DebugOutputFile,
    1121             :                              files.DBGD,
    1122             :                              nlayer,
    1123             :                              tamb,
    1124             :                              q,
    1125             :                              qv,
    1126           0 :                              state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->qcgas,
    1127           0 :                              state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->qrgas,
    1128             :                              theta,
    1129           0 :                              state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->vfreevent,
    1130             :                              vvent,
    1131             :                              Keff,
    1132             :                              ShadeGapKeffConv,
    1133             :                              troom,
    1134             :                              ufactor,
    1135             :                              shgc,
    1136             :                              sc,
    1137             :                              hflux,
    1138             :                              shgct,
    1139             :                              hcin,
    1140             :                              hrin,
    1141             :                              hcout,
    1142             :                              hrout,
    1143             :                              Ra,
    1144             :                              Nu,
    1145             :                              LayerType,
    1146           0 :                              state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->Ebf,
    1147           0 :                              state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->Ebb,
    1148           0 :                              state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->Rf,
    1149           0 :                              state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->Rb,
    1150             :                              ebsky,
    1151             :                              Gout,
    1152             :                              ebroom,
    1153             :                              Gin,
    1154             :                              ShadeEmisRatioIn,
    1155             :                              ShadeEmisRatioOut,
    1156             :                              ShadeHcRatioIn,
    1157             :                              ShadeHcRatioOut,
    1158             :                              HcUnshadedIn,
    1159             :                              HcUnshadedOut,
    1160             :                              hcgas,
    1161             :                              hrgas,
    1162             :                              AchievedErrorTolerance,
    1163             :                              NumOfIter);
    1164             :     } // if WriteDebugOutput.eq.true - writing output file
    1165             : }
    1166             : 
    1167       38001 : void therm1d(EnergyPlusData &state,
    1168             :              Files &files,
    1169             :              int const nlayer,
    1170             :              int const iwd,
    1171             :              Real64 &tout,
    1172             :              Real64 &tind,
    1173             :              Real64 const wso,
    1174             :              Real64 const wsi,
    1175             :              Real64 const VacuumPressure,
    1176             :              Real64 const VacuumMaxGapThickness,
    1177             :              Real64 const dir,
    1178             :              Real64 &ebsky,
    1179             :              Real64 const Gout,
    1180             :              Real64 const trmout,
    1181             :              Real64 const trmin,
    1182             :              Real64 &ebroom,
    1183             :              Real64 const Gin,
    1184             :              const Array1D<Real64> &tir,
    1185             :              const Array1D<Real64> &rir,
    1186             :              const Array1D<Real64> &emis,
    1187             :              const Array1D<Real64> &gap,
    1188             :              const Array1D<Real64> &thick,
    1189             :              const Array1D<Real64> &scon,
    1190             :              Real64 const tilt,
    1191             :              const Array1D<Real64> &asol,
    1192             :              Real64 const height,
    1193             :              Real64 const heightt,
    1194             :              Real64 const width,
    1195             :              Array2_int const &iprop,
    1196             :              Array2<Real64> const &frct,
    1197             :              const Array1D<Real64> &presure,
    1198             :              const Array1D_int &nmix,
    1199             :              const Array1D<Real64> &wght,
    1200             :              Array2<Real64> const &gcon,
    1201             :              Array2<Real64> const &gvis,
    1202             :              Array2<Real64> const &gcp,
    1203             :              const Array1D<Real64> &gama,
    1204             :              const Array1D_int &SupportPillar,
    1205             :              const Array1D<Real64> &PillarSpacing,
    1206             :              const Array1D<Real64> &PillarRadius,
    1207             :              Array1D<Real64> &theta,
    1208             :              Array1D<Real64> &q,
    1209             :              Array1D<Real64> &qv,
    1210             :              Real64 &flux,
    1211             :              Real64 &hcin,
    1212             :              Real64 &hrin,
    1213             :              Real64 &hcout,
    1214             :              Real64 &hrout,
    1215             :              Real64 &hin,
    1216             :              Real64 &hout,
    1217             :              Array1D<Real64> &hcgas,
    1218             :              Array1D<Real64> &hrgas,
    1219             :              Real64 &ufactor,
    1220             :              int &nperr,
    1221             :              std::string &ErrorMessage,
    1222             :              Real64 &tamb,
    1223             :              Real64 &troom,
    1224             :              const Array1D_int &ibc,
    1225             :              const Array1D<Real64> &Atop,
    1226             :              const Array1D<Real64> &Abot,
    1227             :              const Array1D<Real64> &Al,
    1228             :              const Array1D<Real64> &Ar,
    1229             :              const Array1D<Real64> &Ah,
    1230             :              const Array1D<Real64> &EffectiveOpenness,
    1231             :              const Array1D<Real64> &vvent,
    1232             :              const Array1D<Real64> &tvent,
    1233             :              const Array1D<TARCOGLayerType> &LayerType,
    1234             :              Array1D<Real64> &Ra,
    1235             :              Array1D<Real64> &Nu,
    1236             :              Array1D<Real64> &vfreevent,
    1237             :              Array1D<Real64> &qcgas,
    1238             :              Array1D<Real64> &qrgas,
    1239             :              Array1D<Real64> &Ebf,
    1240             :              Array1D<Real64> &Ebb,
    1241             :              Array1D<Real64> &Rf,
    1242             :              Array1D<Real64> &Rb,
    1243             :              Real64 &ShadeEmisRatioOut,
    1244             :              Real64 &ShadeEmisRatioIn,
    1245             :              Real64 &ShadeHcModifiedOut,
    1246             :              Real64 &ShadeHcModifiedIn,
    1247             :              TARCOGThermalModel ThermalMod,
    1248             :              [[maybe_unused]] int const Debug_mode,
    1249             :              Real64 &AchievedErrorTolerance,
    1250             :              int &TotalIndex,
    1251             :              Real64 const edgeGlCorrFac)
    1252             : {
    1253             :     //********************************************************************************
    1254             :     // Main subroutine for calculation of 1-D heat transfer in the center of glazing.
    1255             :     //********************************************************************************
    1256             :     // Inputs
    1257             :     //   nlayer    number of solid layers
    1258             :     //   iwd   wind direction
    1259             :     //   tout  outside temp in k
    1260             :     //   tind  inside temp in k
    1261             :     //   wso   wind speed in m/s
    1262             :     //   wsi   inside forced air speed m/s
    1263             :     //   Ebsky     ir flux from outside
    1264             :     //   Gout  back facing radiosity from outside
    1265             :     //   Trmout    Mean outdoor radiant temperature
    1266             :     //   Trmin     Mean indoor radiant temperature
    1267             :     //   Ebroom    ir flux from room
    1268             :     //   Gin   front facing radiosity from room
    1269             :     //   tir   ir transmittance of each layer
    1270             :     //   rir   ir reflectance of each surface
    1271             :     //   emis  ir emittances of each surface
    1272             :     //   gap   array of gap widths in meters
    1273             :     //   thick     thickness of glazing layers (m)
    1274             :     //   scon  Vector of conductivities of 'glazing' layers
    1275             :     //   tilt  Window tilt (deg). vert: tilt=90, hor out up: tilt=0, hor out down: tilt=180
    1276             :     //   sol   absorbed solar energy for each layer in w/m2
    1277             :     //   height    glazing cavity height
    1278             :     //   heightt
    1279             :     //   iprop
    1280             :     //   frct
    1281             :     //   presure
    1282             :     //   nmix  vector of number of gasses in a mixture for each gap
    1283             :     //   hin  convective indoor film coefficient (if non-zero hin input)
    1284             :     //   hout     convective outdoor film coeff. (if non-zero hout input)
    1285             :     // outputs
    1286             :     //   theta     temp distribution in k
    1287             :     //   flux  net heat flux between room and window
    1288             :     //   rtot  overall thermal resistance
    1289             :     //   rs    ?
    1290             :     //   hcin  convective indoor film coeff.
    1291             :     //   hrin  radiative part of indoor film coeff.
    1292             :     //   hcout     convective outdoor film coeff.
    1293             :     //   hrout     radiative part of outdoor film coeff.
    1294             :     //   hin   convective indoor film coefficient
    1295             :     //   hout  convective outdoor film coeff.
    1296             :     //   ufactor   overall u-factor
    1297             :     //   qcgap     vector of convective/conductive parts of flux in gaps
    1298             :     //   qrgap     vector of radiative parts of flux in gaps
    1299             :     //   nperr
    1300             :     // *Inactives**
    1301             :     //   wa - window azimuth (degrees, clockwise from south)
    1302             :     //   hgas  matrix of gap film coefficients
    1303             :     // Locals
    1304             :     //   Ebb   Vector
    1305             :     //   Ebf   Vector
    1306             :     //   Rb    Vector
    1307             :     //   Rf    Vector
    1308             :     //   a     Array
    1309             :     //   b     Array
    1310             :     //   hhat  Vector
    1311             :     //   err   iteration tolerance
    1312             :     //   dtmax     max temp dfference after iteration
    1313             :     //   index     iteration step
    1314             : 
    1315             :     // Using
    1316             :     // Locals
    1317             :     //    0 - don't create debug output files
    1318             :     //    1 - append results to existing debug output file
    1319             :     //    2 - store results in new debug output file
    1320             :     //   3 - save in-between results (in all iterations) to existing debug file
    1321             : 
    1322       76002 :     Array2D<Real64> a(4 * nlayer, 4 * nlayer);
    1323       76002 :     Array1D<Real64> b(4 * nlayer);
    1324             :     // REAL(r64) :: hhatv(maxlay3),hcv(maxlay3), Ebgap(maxlay3), Tgap(maxlay1)
    1325             : 
    1326             :     // REAL(r64) ::  alpha
    1327             :     int maxiter;
    1328             : 
    1329             :     Real64 qr_gap_out;
    1330             :     Real64 qr_gap_in;
    1331             : 
    1332       76002 :     Array1D<Real64> told(2 * nlayer);
    1333             : 
    1334             :     // Simon: parameters used in case of JCFN iteration method
    1335       76002 :     Array1D<Real64> FRes({1, 4 * nlayer});      // store function results from current iteration
    1336       76002 :     Array1D<Real64> FResOld({1, 4 * nlayer});   // store function results from previous iteration
    1337       76002 :     Array1D<Real64> FResDiff({1, 4 * nlayer});  // save difference in results between iterations
    1338       76002 :     Array1D<Real64> Radiation({1, 2 * nlayer}); // radiation on layer surfaces.  used as temporary storage during iterations
    1339             : 
    1340       76002 :     Array1D<Real64> x({1, 4 * nlayer});       // temporary vector for storing results (theta and Radiation).  used for easier handling
    1341       76002 :     Array1D<Real64> dX({1, 4 * nlayer}, 0.0); // difference in results
    1342       76002 :     Array2D<Real64> Jacobian({1, 4 * nlayer}, {1, 4 * nlayer}); // diagonal vector for jacobian comuptation-free newton method
    1343       76002 :     Array1D<Real64> DRes({1, 4 * nlayer});                      // used in jacobian forward-difference approximation
    1344             : 
    1345             :     // This is used to store matrix before equation solver.  It is important because solver destroys
    1346             :     // content of matrices
    1347       76002 :     Array2D<Real64> LeftHandSide({1, 4 * nlayer}, {1, 4 * nlayer});
    1348       76002 :     Array1D<Real64> RightHandSide({1, 4 * nlayer});
    1349             : 
    1350             :     // Simon: Keep best achieved convergence
    1351             :     Real64 prevDifference;
    1352             :     Real64 Relaxation;
    1353       76002 :     Array1D<Real64> RadiationSave({1, 2 * nlayer});
    1354       76002 :     Array1D<Real64> thetaSave({1, 2 * nlayer});
    1355             :     int currentTry;
    1356             : 
    1357             :     int CSMFlag;
    1358             :     int i;
    1359             :     int j;
    1360             :     int k;
    1361             :     Real64 curDifference;
    1362             :     int index;
    1363             :     int curTempCorrection;
    1364             : 
    1365             :     Real64 qc_gap_in;
    1366             :     Real64 hc_modified_in;
    1367             : 
    1368             :     CalculationOutcome CalcOutcome;
    1369             : 
    1370             :     bool iterationsFinished; // To mark whether or not iterations are finished
    1371             :     bool saveIterationResults;
    1372             :     bool updateGapTemperature;
    1373             :     // logical :: TurnOnNewton
    1374             : 
    1375       38001 :     int SDLayerIndex = -1;
    1376             : 
    1377       76002 :     Array1D<Real64> sconScaled(maxlay);
    1378             : 
    1379             :     // Simon: This is set to zero until it is resolved what to do with modifier
    1380       38001 :     ShadeHcModifiedOut = 0.0;
    1381       38001 :     CSMFlag = 0;
    1382       38001 :     CalcOutcome = CalculationOutcome::Invalid;
    1383       38001 :     curTempCorrection = 0;
    1384       38001 :     AchievedErrorTolerance = 0.0;
    1385       38001 :     curDifference = 0.0;
    1386       38001 :     currentTry = 0;
    1387       38001 :     index = 0;
    1388       38001 :     TotalIndex = 0;
    1389       38001 :     iterationsFinished = false;
    1390       38001 :     qv = 0.0;
    1391       38001 :     Ebb = 0.0;
    1392       38001 :     Ebf = 0.0;
    1393       38001 :     Rb = 0.0;
    1394       38001 :     Rf = 0.0;
    1395       38001 :     a = 0.0;
    1396       38001 :     b = 0.0;
    1397             : 
    1398       38001 :     FRes = 0.0;
    1399       38001 :     FResOld = 0.0;
    1400       38001 :     FResDiff = 0.0;
    1401       38001 :     Radiation = 0.0;
    1402       38001 :     Relaxation = RelaxationStart;
    1403             : 
    1404       38001 :     maxiter = NumOfIterations;
    1405             : 
    1406       38001 :     saveIterationResults = false;
    1407             : 
    1408      144603 :     for (i = 1; i <= nlayer; ++i) {
    1409      106602 :         k = 2 * i;
    1410      106602 :         Radiation(k) = Ebb(i);
    1411      106602 :         Radiation(k - 1) = Ebf(i);
    1412      106602 :         told(k - 1) = 0.0;
    1413      106602 :         told(k) = 0.0;
    1414             :     }
    1415             : 
    1416             :     // bi...Set LayerTypeSpec array - need to treat venetians AND woven shades as glass:
    1417       38001 :     if (ThermalMod == TARCOGThermalModel::CSM) {
    1418           0 :         for (i = 1; i <= nlayer; ++i) {
    1419           0 :             if (IsShadingLayer(LayerType(i))) {
    1420             :                 //                    LayerTypeSpec( i ) = 0; //Unused
    1421           0 :                 SDLayerIndex = i;
    1422             :             } else {
    1423             :                 //                    LayerTypeSpec( i ) = LayerType( i ); //Unused
    1424             :             }
    1425             :         }
    1426             :     }
    1427             : 
    1428             :     // first store results before iterations begin
    1429       38001 :     if (saveIterationResults) {
    1430           0 :         storeIterationResults(state,
    1431             :                               files,
    1432             :                               nlayer,
    1433             :                               index,
    1434             :                               theta,
    1435             :                               trmout,
    1436             :                               tamb,
    1437             :                               trmin,
    1438             :                               troom,
    1439             :                               ebsky,
    1440             :                               ebroom,
    1441             :                               hcin,
    1442             :                               hcout,
    1443             :                               hrin,
    1444             :                               hrout,
    1445             :                               hin,
    1446             :                               hout,
    1447             :                               Ebb,
    1448             :                               Ebf,
    1449             :                               Rb,
    1450             :                               Rf,
    1451             :                               nperr);
    1452             :     }
    1453             : 
    1454       38001 :     state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->Tgap(1) = tout;
    1455       38001 :     state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->Tgap(nlayer + 1) = tind;
    1456      106602 :     for (i = 2; i <= nlayer; ++i) {
    1457       68601 :         state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->Tgap(i) = (theta(2 * i - 1) + theta(2 * i - 2)) / 2;
    1458             :     }
    1459             :     //!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    1460             :     //!!! MAIN ITERATION LOOP
    1461             :     //!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    1462      358929 :     while (!(iterationsFinished)) {
    1463             : 
    1464     1084182 :         for (i = 1; i <= 2 * nlayer; ++i) {
    1465      923718 :             if (theta(i) < 0) {
    1466           0 :                 theta(i) = 1.0 * i;
    1467             :             }
    1468             :         }
    1469             : 
    1470             :         // do i=1,nlayer+1
    1471             :         //  if (i == 1) then
    1472             :         //    Tgap(i) = tout
    1473             :         //  else if (i == nlayer+1) then
    1474             :         //    Tgap(i) = tind
    1475             :         //  else
    1476             :         //    Tgap(i) = (theta(2*i-2) + theta(2*i-1)) / 2.0d0
    1477             :         //  end if
    1478             :         // end do
    1479             : 
    1480             :         // skip updating gap temperatures for shading devices. Gap temperature in that case is not simply average
    1481             :         // between two layer temperatures
    1482      461859 :         for (i = 2; i <= nlayer; ++i) {
    1483      301395 :             updateGapTemperature = false;
    1484      301395 :             if ((!(IsShadingLayer(LayerType(i - 1)))) && (!(IsShadingLayer(LayerType(i))))) {
    1485      160530 :                 updateGapTemperature = true;
    1486             :             }
    1487      301395 :             if (updateGapTemperature) {
    1488      160530 :                 state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->Tgap(i) = (theta(2 * i - 1) + theta(2 * i - 2)) / 2;
    1489             :             }
    1490             :         }
    1491             : 
    1492             :         // evaluate convective/conductive components of gap
    1493      481392 :         hatter(state,
    1494             :                nlayer,
    1495             :                iwd,
    1496             :                tout,
    1497             :                tind,
    1498             :                wso,
    1499             :                wsi,
    1500             :                VacuumPressure,
    1501             :                VacuumMaxGapThickness,
    1502             :                ebsky,
    1503             :                tamb,
    1504             :                ebroom,
    1505             :                troom,
    1506             :                gap,
    1507             :                height,
    1508             :                heightt,
    1509             :                scon,
    1510             :                tilt,
    1511             :                theta,
    1512      160464 :                state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->Tgap,
    1513             :                Radiation,
    1514             :                trmout,
    1515             :                trmin,
    1516             :                iprop,
    1517             :                frct,
    1518             :                presure,
    1519             :                nmix,
    1520             :                wght,
    1521             :                gcon,
    1522             :                gvis,
    1523             :                gcp,
    1524             :                gama,
    1525             :                SupportPillar,
    1526             :                PillarSpacing,
    1527             :                PillarRadius,
    1528      160464 :                state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->hgas,
    1529             :                hcgas,
    1530             :                hrgas,
    1531             :                hcin,
    1532             :                hcout,
    1533             :                hin,
    1534             :                hout,
    1535             :                index,
    1536             :                ibc,
    1537             :                nperr,
    1538             :                ErrorMessage,
    1539             :                hrin,
    1540             :                hrout,
    1541             :                Ra,
    1542             :                Nu);
    1543             : 
    1544      160464 :         effectiveLayerCond(state,
    1545             :                            nlayer,
    1546             :                            LayerType,
    1547             :                            scon,
    1548             :                            thick,
    1549             :                            iprop,
    1550             :                            frct,
    1551             :                            nmix,
    1552             :                            presure,
    1553             :                            wght,
    1554             :                            gcon,
    1555             :                            gvis,
    1556             :                            gcp,
    1557             :                            EffectiveOpenness,
    1558             :                            theta,
    1559             :                            sconScaled,
    1560             :                            nperr,
    1561             :                            ErrorMessage);
    1562             : 
    1563             :         // exit on error
    1564      160464 :         if (!(GoAhead(nperr))) return;
    1565             : 
    1566             :         // bi...Override hhat values near SHADING DEVICE layer(s), but only for CSM thermal model:
    1567      160464 :         if ((ThermalMod == TARCOGThermalModel::CSM) && (SDLayerIndex > 0)) {
    1568             :             // adjust hhat values
    1569             :             // call adjusthhat(SDLayerIndex, ibc, tout, tind, nlayer, theta, wso, wsi, iwd, height, heightt, tilt,  &
    1570             :             //               &  thick, gap, hout, hrout, hin, hrin, iprop, frct, presure, nmix, wght, gcon, gvis, gcp, &
    1571             :             //               index, SDScalar, Ebf, Ebb, hgas, hhat, nperr, ErrorMessage)
    1572             :             // do i = 1, maxlay3
    1573             :             // hhatv(i) = 0.0d0
    1574             :             // Ebgap(i) = 0.0d0
    1575             :             // qv(i)    = 0.0d0
    1576             :             // hcv(i)   = 0.0d0
    1577             :             // end do
    1578           0 :             matrixQBalance(nlayer,
    1579             :                            a,
    1580             :                            b,
    1581             :                            sconScaled,
    1582             :                            hcgas,
    1583           0 :                            state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->hcgapMod,
    1584             :                            asol,
    1585             :                            qv,
    1586           0 :                            state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->hcv,
    1587             :                            tind,
    1588             :                            tout,
    1589             :                            Gin,
    1590             :                            Gout,
    1591             :                            theta,
    1592             :                            tir,
    1593             :                            rir,
    1594             :                            emis,
    1595             :                            edgeGlCorrFac);
    1596             :         } else {
    1597             :             // bi...There are no Venetian layers, or ThermalMod is not CSM, so carry on as usual:
    1598      481392 :             shading(state,
    1599             :                     theta,
    1600             :                     gap,
    1601      160464 :                     state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->hgas,
    1602             :                     hcgas,
    1603             :                     hrgas,
    1604             :                     frct,
    1605             :                     iprop,
    1606             :                     presure,
    1607             :                     nmix,
    1608             :                     wght,
    1609             :                     gcon,
    1610             :                     gvis,
    1611             :                     gcp,
    1612             :                     nlayer,
    1613             :                     width,
    1614             :                     height,
    1615             :                     tilt,
    1616             :                     tout,
    1617             :                     tind,
    1618             :                     Atop,
    1619             :                     Abot,
    1620             :                     Al,
    1621             :                     Ar,
    1622             :                     Ah,
    1623             :                     vvent,
    1624             :                     tvent,
    1625             :                     LayerType,
    1626      160464 :                     state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->Tgap,
    1627             :                     qv,
    1628      160464 :                     state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->hcv,
    1629             :                     nperr,
    1630             :                     ErrorMessage,
    1631             :                     vfreevent);
    1632             : 
    1633             :             // exit on error
    1634      160464 :             if (!(GoAhead(nperr))) return;
    1635             : 
    1636      481392 :             matrixQBalance(nlayer,
    1637             :                            a,
    1638             :                            b,
    1639             :                            sconScaled,
    1640             :                            hcgas,
    1641      160464 :                            state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->hcgapMod,
    1642             :                            asol,
    1643             :                            qv,
    1644      160464 :                            state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->hcv,
    1645             :                            tind,
    1646             :                            tout,
    1647             :                            Gin,
    1648             :                            Gout,
    1649             :                            theta,
    1650             :                            tir,
    1651             :                            rir,
    1652             :                            emis,
    1653             :                            edgeGlCorrFac);
    1654             : 
    1655             :         } //  end if
    1656             : 
    1657      160464 :         FResOld = FRes;
    1658             : 
    1659             :         // Pack results in one array
    1660      622323 :         for (i = 1; i <= nlayer; ++i) {
    1661      461859 :             k = 4 * i - 3;
    1662      461859 :             j = 2 * i - 1;
    1663             : 
    1664      461859 :             x(k) = theta(j);
    1665      461859 :             x(k + 1) = Radiation(j);
    1666      461859 :             x(k + 2) = Radiation(j + 1);
    1667      461859 :             x(k + 3) = theta(j + 1);
    1668             :         }
    1669             : 
    1670      160464 :         CalculateFuncResults(nlayer, a, b, x, FRes);
    1671             : 
    1672      160464 :         FResDiff = FRes - FResOld;
    1673             : 
    1674      160464 :         LeftHandSide = a;
    1675      160464 :         RightHandSide = b;
    1676      160464 :         EquationsSolver(state, LeftHandSide, RightHandSide, 4 * nlayer, nperr, ErrorMessage);
    1677             : 
    1678             :         // Simon: This is much better, but also much slower convergence criteria.  Think of how to make this flexible and allow
    1679             :         // user to change this from outside (through argument passing)
    1680             :         // curDifference = ABS(FRes(1))
    1681             :         // do i = 2, 4*nlayer
    1682             :         // curDifference = MAX(curDifference, ABS(FRes(i)))
    1683             :         // curDifference = curDifference + ABS(FRes(i))
    1684             :         // end do
    1685             : 
    1686      160464 :         curDifference = std::abs(theta(1) - told(1));
    1687             :         // curDifference = ABS(FRes(1))
    1688      923718 :         for (i = 2; i <= 2 * nlayer; ++i) {
    1689             :             // do i = 2, 4*nlayer
    1690      763254 :             curDifference = max(curDifference, std::abs(theta(i) - told(i)));
    1691             :             // curDifference = MAX(ABS(FRes(i)), curDifference)
    1692             :         }
    1693             : 
    1694      622323 :         for (i = 1; i <= nlayer; ++i) {
    1695      461859 :             k = 4 * i - 3;
    1696      461859 :             j = 2 * i - 1;
    1697             :             // if (TurnOnNewton) then
    1698             :             //  theta(j) = theta(j) + Relaxation*dx(k)
    1699             :             //  theta(j+1) = theta(j+1) + Relaxation*dx(k+1)
    1700             :             //  Radiation(j) = Radiation(j) + Relaxation*dx(k+2)
    1701             :             //  Radiation(j+1) = Radiation(j+1) + Relaxation*dx(k+3)
    1702             :             // else
    1703             :             //  dX(k) = RightHandSide(k) - theta(j)
    1704             :             //  dX(k+1) = RightHandSide(k + 1) - theta(j+1)
    1705             :             //  dX(k+2) = RightHandSide(k + 2) - Radiation(j)
    1706             :             //  dX(k+3) = RightHandSide(k + 3) - Radiation(j+1)
    1707      461859 :             told(j) = theta(j);
    1708      461859 :             told(j + 1) = theta(j + 1);
    1709      461859 :             theta(j) = (1 - Relaxation) * theta(j) + Relaxation * RightHandSide(k);
    1710      461859 :             Radiation(j) = (1 - Relaxation) * Radiation(j) + Relaxation * RightHandSide(k + 1);
    1711      461859 :             Radiation(j + 1) = (1 - Relaxation) * Radiation(j + 1) + Relaxation * RightHandSide(k + 2);
    1712      461859 :             theta(j + 1) = (1 - Relaxation) * theta(j + 1) + Relaxation * RightHandSide(k + 3);
    1713             :             // end if
    1714             :         }
    1715             : 
    1716             :         // it is important not to update gaps around shading layers since that is already calculated by
    1717             :         // shading routines
    1718      782787 :         for (i = 1; i <= nlayer + 1; ++i) {
    1719      622323 :             updateGapTemperature = true;
    1720      622323 :             if ((i == 1) || (i == nlayer + 1)) {
    1721             :                 // update gap array with interior and exterior temperature
    1722      320928 :                 updateGapTemperature = true;
    1723             :             } else {
    1724             :                 // update gap temperature only if gap on both sides
    1725      301395 :                 updateGapTemperature = false;
    1726      301395 :                 if ((!(IsShadingLayer(LayerType(i - 1)))) && (!(IsShadingLayer(LayerType(i))))) {
    1727      160530 :                     updateGapTemperature = true;
    1728             :                 }
    1729             :             }
    1730      622323 :             j = 2 * (i - 1);
    1731      622323 :             if (updateGapTemperature) {
    1732      481458 :                 if (i == 1) {
    1733      160464 :                     state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->Tgap(1) = tout;
    1734      320994 :                 } else if (i == (nlayer + 1)) {
    1735      160464 :                     state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->Tgap(i) = tind;
    1736             :                 } else {
    1737      160530 :                     state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->Tgap(i) = (theta(j) + theta(j + 1)) / 2;
    1738             :                 }
    1739             :             }
    1740             :         }
    1741             : 
    1742             :         // and store results during iterations
    1743      160464 :         if (saveIterationResults) {
    1744           0 :             storeIterationResults(state,
    1745             :                                   files,
    1746             :                                   nlayer,
    1747             :                                   index + 1,
    1748             :                                   theta,
    1749             :                                   trmout,
    1750             :                                   tamb,
    1751             :                                   trmin,
    1752             :                                   troom,
    1753             :                                   ebsky,
    1754             :                                   ebroom,
    1755             :                                   hcin,
    1756             :                                   hcout,
    1757             :                                   hrin,
    1758             :                                   hrout,
    1759             :                                   hin,
    1760             :                                   hout,
    1761             :                                   Ebb,
    1762             :                                   Ebf,
    1763             :                                   Rb,
    1764             :                                   Rf,
    1765             :                                   nperr);
    1766             :         }
    1767             : 
    1768      160464 :         if (!(GoAhead(nperr))) return;
    1769             : 
    1770      160464 :         prevDifference = curDifference;
    1771             : 
    1772      320928 :         if ((index == 0) || (curDifference < AchievedErrorTolerance)) {
    1773      160464 :             AchievedErrorTolerance = curDifference;
    1774      160464 :             currentTry = 0;
    1775     1084182 :             for (i = 1; i <= 2 * nlayer; ++i) {
    1776      923718 :                 RadiationSave(i) = Radiation(i);
    1777      923718 :                 thetaSave(i) = theta(i);
    1778             :             }
    1779             :         } else {
    1780             :             // This is case when program solution diverged
    1781           0 :             ++currentTry;
    1782           0 :             if (currentTry >= NumOfTries) {
    1783           0 :                 currentTry = 0;
    1784           0 :                 for (i = 1; i <= 2 * nlayer; ++i) {
    1785           0 :                     Radiation(i) = RadiationSave(i);
    1786           0 :                     theta(i) = thetaSave(i);
    1787             :                 }
    1788             :                 // if (.not.TurnOnNewton) then
    1789             :                 //  TurnOnNewton = .TRUE.
    1790             :                 // else
    1791           0 :                 Relaxation -= RelaxationDecrease;
    1792           0 :                 TotalIndex += index;
    1793           0 :                 index = 0;
    1794             :                 // Start from best achieved convergence
    1795           0 :                 if (Relaxation <= 0.0) { // cannot continue with relaxation equal to zero
    1796           0 :                     iterationsFinished = true;
    1797             :                 }
    1798             :                 // TurnOnNewton = .TRUE.
    1799             :                 // end if ! if (.not.TurnOnNewton) then
    1800             :             } // f (currentTry == NumOfTries) then
    1801             :         }
    1802             : 
    1803             :         // Chek if results were found:
    1804      160464 :         if (curDifference < ConvergenceTolerance) {
    1805       38001 :             CalcOutcome = CalculationOutcome::OK;
    1806       38001 :             TotalIndex += index;
    1807       38001 :             iterationsFinished = true;
    1808             :         }
    1809             : 
    1810      160464 :         if (index >= maxiter) {
    1811           0 :             Relaxation -= RelaxationDecrease;
    1812           0 :             TotalIndex += index;
    1813           0 :             index = 0;
    1814             :             // TurnOnNewton = .TRUE.
    1815             : 
    1816             :             // Start from best achieved convergence
    1817           0 :             for (i = 1; i <= 2 * nlayer; ++i) {
    1818           0 :                 Radiation(i) = RadiationSave(i);
    1819           0 :                 theta(i) = thetaSave(i);
    1820             :             }
    1821           0 :             if (Relaxation <= 0.0) { // cannot continue with relaxation equal to zero
    1822           0 :                 iterationsFinished = true;
    1823             :             }
    1824             :         }
    1825             : 
    1826      160464 :         ++index;
    1827             :     }
    1828             : 
    1829             :     // Get results from closest iteration and store it
    1830       38001 :     if (CalcOutcome == CalculationOutcome::OK) {
    1831      251205 :         for (i = 1; i <= 2 * nlayer; ++i) {
    1832      213204 :             Radiation(i) = RadiationSave(i);
    1833      213204 :             theta(i) = thetaSave(i);
    1834             :         }
    1835             : 
    1836      106602 :         for (i = 2; i <= nlayer; ++i) {
    1837       68601 :             updateGapTemperature = false;
    1838       68601 :             if ((!(IsShadingLayer(LayerType(i - 1)))) && (!(IsShadingLayer(LayerType(i))))) {
    1839       34638 :                 updateGapTemperature = true;
    1840             :             }
    1841             : 
    1842       68601 :             if (updateGapTemperature) {
    1843       34638 :                 state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->Tgap(i) = (theta(2 * i - 1) + theta(2 * i - 2)) / 2;
    1844             :             }
    1845             :         }
    1846             : 
    1847             :         // Simon: It is important to recalculate coefficients from most accurate run
    1848      114003 :         hatter(state,
    1849             :                nlayer,
    1850             :                iwd,
    1851             :                tout,
    1852             :                tind,
    1853             :                wso,
    1854             :                wsi,
    1855             :                VacuumPressure,
    1856             :                VacuumMaxGapThickness,
    1857             :                ebsky,
    1858             :                tamb,
    1859             :                ebroom,
    1860             :                troom,
    1861             :                gap,
    1862             :                height,
    1863             :                heightt,
    1864             :                scon,
    1865             :                tilt,
    1866             :                theta,
    1867       38001 :                state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->Tgap,
    1868             :                Radiation,
    1869             :                trmout,
    1870             :                trmin,
    1871             :                iprop,
    1872             :                frct,
    1873             :                presure,
    1874             :                nmix,
    1875             :                wght,
    1876             :                gcon,
    1877             :                gvis,
    1878             :                gcp,
    1879             :                gama,
    1880             :                SupportPillar,
    1881             :                PillarSpacing,
    1882             :                PillarRadius,
    1883       38001 :                state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->hgas,
    1884             :                hcgas,
    1885             :                hrgas,
    1886             :                hcin,
    1887             :                hcout,
    1888             :                hin,
    1889             :                hout,
    1890             :                index,
    1891             :                ibc,
    1892             :                nperr,
    1893             :                ErrorMessage,
    1894             :                hrin,
    1895             :                hrout,
    1896             :                Ra,
    1897             :                Nu);
    1898             : 
    1899      114003 :         shading(state,
    1900             :                 theta,
    1901             :                 gap,
    1902       38001 :                 state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->hgas,
    1903             :                 hcgas,
    1904             :                 hrgas,
    1905             :                 frct,
    1906             :                 iprop,
    1907             :                 presure,
    1908             :                 nmix,
    1909             :                 wght,
    1910             :                 gcon,
    1911             :                 gvis,
    1912             :                 gcp,
    1913             :                 nlayer,
    1914             :                 width,
    1915             :                 height,
    1916             :                 tilt,
    1917             :                 tout,
    1918             :                 tind,
    1919             :                 Atop,
    1920             :                 Abot,
    1921             :                 Al,
    1922             :                 Ar,
    1923             :                 Ah,
    1924             :                 vvent,
    1925             :                 tvent,
    1926             :                 LayerType,
    1927       38001 :                 state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->Tgap,
    1928             :                 qv,
    1929       38001 :                 state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->hcv,
    1930             :                 nperr,
    1931             :                 ErrorMessage,
    1932             :                 vfreevent);
    1933             :     }
    1934             : 
    1935       38001 :     if (CalcOutcome == CalculationOutcome::Invalid) {
    1936           0 :         ErrorMessage = "Tarcog failed to converge";
    1937           0 :         nperr = 2; // error 2: failed to converge...
    1938             :     }
    1939             : 
    1940             :     // Get radiation results first
    1941             :     // if (curEquationsApproach.eq.eaQBalance) then
    1942      144603 :     for (i = 1; i <= nlayer; ++i) {
    1943      106602 :         k = 2 * i - 1;
    1944      106602 :         Rf(i) = Radiation(k);
    1945      106602 :         Rb(i) = Radiation(k + 1);
    1946      106602 :         Ebf(i) = DataGlobalConstants::StefanBoltzmann * pow_4(theta(k));
    1947      106602 :         Ebb(i) = DataGlobalConstants::StefanBoltzmann * pow_4(theta(k + 1));
    1948             :     }
    1949             :     // end if
    1950             : 
    1951             :     // Finishing calcs:
    1952       38001 :     resist(nlayer, trmout, tout, trmin, tind, hcgas, hrgas, theta, q, qv, LayerType, thick, scon, ufactor, flux, qcgas, qrgas);
    1953             : 
    1954             :     // bi...  Set T6-related quantities - ratios for modified epsilon, hc for modelling external SDs:
    1955             :     //    (using non-solar pass results)
    1956       38001 :     if ((dir == 0.0) && (nlayer > 1)) {
    1957             : 
    1958       14036 :         qr_gap_out = Rf(2) - Rb(1);
    1959       14036 :         qr_gap_in = Rf(nlayer) - Rb(nlayer - 1);
    1960             : 
    1961       14036 :         if (IsShadingLayer(LayerType(1))) {
    1962        1388 :             ShadeEmisRatioOut = qr_gap_out / (emis(3) * DataGlobalConstants::StefanBoltzmann * (pow_4(theta(3)) - pow_4(trmout)));
    1963             :             // qc_gap_out = qprim(3) - qr_gap_out
    1964             :             // qcgapout2 = qcgas(1)
    1965             :             // Hc_modified_out = (qc_gap_out / (theta(3) - tout))
    1966             :             // ShadeHcModifiedOut = Hc_modified_out
    1967             :         }
    1968             : 
    1969       14036 :         if (IsShadingLayer(LayerType(nlayer))) {
    1970        4320 :             ShadeEmisRatioIn =
    1971        4320 :                 qr_gap_in / (emis(2 * nlayer - 2) * DataGlobalConstants::StefanBoltzmann * (pow_4(trmin) - pow_4(theta(2 * nlayer - 2))));
    1972        4320 :             qc_gap_in = q(2 * nlayer - 1) - qr_gap_in;
    1973        4320 :             hc_modified_in = (qc_gap_in / (tind - theta(2 * nlayer - 2)));
    1974        4320 :             ShadeHcModifiedIn = hc_modified_in;
    1975             :         }
    1976             :     } // IF dir = 0
    1977             : }
    1978             : 
    1979           0 : void guess(Real64 const tout,
    1980             :            Real64 const tind,
    1981             :            int const nlayer,
    1982             :            const Array1D<Real64> &gap,
    1983             :            const Array1D<Real64> &thick,
    1984             :            Real64 &width,
    1985             :            Array1D<Real64> &theta,
    1986             :            Array1D<Real64> &Ebb,
    1987             :            Array1D<Real64> &Ebf,
    1988             :            Array1D<Real64> &Tgap)
    1989             : {
    1990             :     //***********************************************************************
    1991             :     // purpose - initializes temperature distribution assuming
    1992             :     //   a constant temperature gradient across the window
    1993             :     //***********************************************************************
    1994             :     // Input
    1995             :     //   tout    outdoor air temperature (k)
    1996             :     //   tind     indoor air temperature (k)
    1997             :     //   nlayer  number of solid layers in window output
    1998             :     //   gap     thickness of gas gaps (m)
    1999             :     //   thick   thickness of glazing layers (m)
    2000             :     // Output
    2001             :     //   width   total width of the glazing system
    2002             :     //   theta   array of surface temps starting from outdoor layer (k)
    2003             :     //   Ebb     vector of emissive power (?) of the back surface (# of layers)
    2004             :     //   Ebf     vector of emissive power (?) of the front surface (# of layers)
    2005             :     // Locals
    2006             :     //   x   Vector of running width
    2007             :     //   delta   delta T per unit length
    2008             : 
    2009             :     // Using
    2010             :     // Argument array dimensioning
    2011           0 :     EP_SIZE_CHECK(gap, MaxGap);
    2012           0 :     EP_SIZE_CHECK(thick, maxlay);
    2013           0 :     EP_SIZE_CHECK(theta, maxlay2);
    2014           0 :     EP_SIZE_CHECK(Ebb, maxlay);
    2015           0 :     EP_SIZE_CHECK(Ebf, maxlay);
    2016           0 :     EP_SIZE_CHECK(Tgap, maxlay1);
    2017             : 
    2018             :     // Locals
    2019           0 :     Array1D<Real64> x(maxlay2);
    2020             :     Real64 delta;
    2021             :     int i;
    2022             :     int j;
    2023             :     int k;
    2024             : 
    2025           0 :     x(1) = 0.001;
    2026           0 :     x(2) = x(1) + thick(1);
    2027             : 
    2028           0 :     for (i = 2; i <= nlayer; ++i) {
    2029           0 :         j = 2 * i - 1;
    2030           0 :         k = 2 * i;
    2031           0 :         x(j) = x(j - 1) + gap(i - 1);
    2032           0 :         x(k) = x(k - 1) + thick(i);
    2033             :     }
    2034             : 
    2035           0 :     width = x(nlayer * 2) + 0.01;
    2036           0 :     delta = (tind - tout) / width;
    2037             : 
    2038           0 :     if (delta == 0.0) {
    2039           0 :         delta = TemperatureQuessDiff / width;
    2040             :     }
    2041             : 
    2042           0 :     for (i = 1; i <= nlayer; ++i) {
    2043           0 :         j = 2 * i;
    2044           0 :         theta(j - 1) = tout + x(j - 1) * delta;
    2045           0 :         theta(j) = tout + x(j) * delta;
    2046           0 :         Ebf(i) = DataGlobalConstants::StefanBoltzmann * pow_4(theta(j - 1));
    2047           0 :         Ebb(i) = DataGlobalConstants::StefanBoltzmann * pow_4(theta(j));
    2048             :     }
    2049             : 
    2050           0 :     for (i = 1; i <= nlayer + 1; ++i) {
    2051           0 :         if (i == 1) {
    2052           0 :             Tgap(1) = tout;
    2053           0 :         } else if (i == (nlayer + 1)) {
    2054           0 :             Tgap(nlayer + 1) = tind;
    2055             :         } else {
    2056           0 :             Tgap(i) = (theta(2 * i - 1) + theta(2 * i - 2)) / 2;
    2057             :         }
    2058             :     }
    2059           0 : }
    2060             : 
    2061          11 : void solarISO15099(Real64 const totsol, Real64 const rtot, const Array1D<Real64> &rs, int const nlayer, const Array1D<Real64> &absol, Real64 &sf)
    2062             : {
    2063             :     //***********************************************************************
    2064             :     //   This subroutine calculates the shading coefficient for a window.
    2065             :     //***********************************************************************
    2066             :     //  Inputs:
    2067             :     //    absol     array of absorped fraction of solar radiation in lites
    2068             :     //    totsol    total solar transmittance
    2069             :     //    rtot  total thermal resistance of window
    2070             :     //    rs    array of thermal resistances of each gap and layer
    2071             :     //    layer     number of layers
    2072             :     //     dir  direct solar radiation
    2073             :     //  Outputs:
    2074             :     //    sf    solar gain of space
    2075             : 
    2076             :     // Argument array dimensioning
    2077          11 :     EP_SIZE_CHECK(rs, maxlay3);
    2078          11 :     EP_SIZE_CHECK(absol, maxlay);
    2079             : 
    2080             :     // Locals
    2081             :     Real64 flowin;
    2082             :     Real64 fract;
    2083             :     int i;
    2084             :     int j;
    2085             : 
    2086          11 :     fract = 0.0;
    2087          11 :     flowin = 0.0;
    2088          11 :     sf = 0.0;
    2089             : 
    2090          11 :     if (rtot == 0.0) {
    2091          11 :         return;
    2092             :     }
    2093             : 
    2094             :     // evaluate inward flowing fraction of absorbed radiation:
    2095           0 :     flowin = (rs(1) + 0.5 * rs(2)) / rtot;
    2096           0 :     fract = absol(1) * flowin;
    2097             : 
    2098           0 :     for (i = 2; i <= nlayer; ++i) {
    2099           0 :         j = 2 * i;
    2100           0 :         flowin += (0.5 * (rs(j - 2) + rs(j)) + rs(j - 1)) / rtot;
    2101           0 :         fract += absol(i) * flowin;
    2102             :     }
    2103           0 :     sf = totsol + fract; // add inward fraction to directly transmitted fraction
    2104             : }
    2105             : 
    2106       38001 : void resist(int const nlayer,
    2107             :             Real64 const trmout,
    2108             :             Real64 const Tout,
    2109             :             Real64 const trmin,
    2110             :             Real64 const tind,
    2111             :             const Array1D<Real64> &hcgas,
    2112             :             const Array1D<Real64> &hrgas,
    2113             :             Array1D<Real64> &Theta,
    2114             :             Array1D<Real64> &qlayer,
    2115             :             const Array1D<Real64> &qv,
    2116             :             const Array1D<TARCOGLayerType> &LayerType,
    2117             :             const Array1D<Real64> &thick,
    2118             :             const Array1D<Real64> &scon,
    2119             :             Real64 &ufactor,
    2120             :             Real64 &flux,
    2121             :             Array1D<Real64> &qcgas,
    2122             :             Array1D<Real64> &qrgas)
    2123             : {
    2124             :     //***********************************************************************
    2125             :     // subroutine to calculate total thermal resistance of the glazing system
    2126             :     //***********************************************************************
    2127             : 
    2128             :     // Locals
    2129             :     int i;
    2130             : 
    2131             :     // Simon: calculation of heat flow through gaps and layers as well as ventilation speed and heat flow
    2132             :     // are kept just for reporting purposes.  U-factor calculation is performed by calculating heat flow transfer
    2133             :     // at indoor layer
    2134             : 
    2135             :     // calculate heat flow for external and internal environments and gaps
    2136      182604 :     for (i = 1; i <= nlayer + 1; ++i) {
    2137      144603 :         if (i == 1) {
    2138       38001 :             qcgas(i) = hcgas(i) * (Theta(2 * i - 1) - Tout);
    2139       38001 :             qrgas(i) = hrgas(i) * (Theta(2 * i - 1) - trmout);
    2140       38001 :             qlayer(2 * i - 1) = qcgas(i) + qrgas(i);
    2141             :             //    rs(2*i-1) = 1/hgas(i)
    2142      106602 :         } else if (i == (nlayer + 1)) {
    2143       38001 :             qcgas(i) = hcgas(i) * (tind - Theta(2 * i - 2));
    2144       38001 :             qrgas(i) = hrgas(i) * (trmin - Theta(2 * i - 2));
    2145       38001 :             qlayer(2 * i - 1) = qcgas(i) + qrgas(i);
    2146             :             //    rs(2*i-1) = 1/hgas(i)
    2147             :         } else {
    2148       68601 :             qcgas(i) = hcgas(i) * (Theta(2 * i - 1) - Theta(2 * i - 2));
    2149       68601 :             qrgas(i) = hrgas(i) * (Theta(2 * i - 1) - Theta(2 * i - 2));
    2150       68601 :             qlayer(2 * i - 1) = qcgas(i) + qrgas(i);
    2151             :             //    rs(2*i-1) = 1/hgas(i)
    2152             :         }
    2153             :     }
    2154             : 
    2155             :     //.....Calculate thermal resistances for glazing layers:
    2156      144603 :     for (i = 1; i <= nlayer; ++i) {
    2157             :         //  rs(2*i) = thick(i)/scon(i)
    2158      106602 :         qlayer(2 * i) = scon(i) / thick(i) * (Theta(2 * i) - Theta(2 * i - 1));
    2159             :     }
    2160             : 
    2161       38001 :     flux = qlayer(2 * nlayer + 1);
    2162       38001 :     if (IsShadingLayer(LayerType(nlayer))) {
    2163       15804 :         flux += qv(nlayer);
    2164             :     }
    2165             : 
    2166       38001 :     ufactor = 0.0;
    2167       38001 :     if (tind != Tout) {
    2168       38001 :         ufactor = flux / (tind - Tout);
    2169             :     }
    2170       38001 : }
    2171             : 
    2172      198465 : void hatter(EnergyPlusData &state,
    2173             :             int const nlayer,
    2174             :             int const iwd,
    2175             :             Real64 const tout,
    2176             :             Real64 const tind,
    2177             :             Real64 const wso,
    2178             :             Real64 const wsi,
    2179             :             Real64 const VacuumPressure,
    2180             :             Real64 const VacuumMaxGapThickness,
    2181             :             Real64 &ebsky,
    2182             :             Real64 &tamb,
    2183             :             Real64 &ebroom,
    2184             :             Real64 &troom,
    2185             :             const Array1D<Real64> &gap,
    2186             :             Real64 const height,
    2187             :             Real64 const heightt,
    2188             :             const Array1D<Real64> &scon,
    2189             :             Real64 const tilt,
    2190             :             Array1D<Real64> &theta,
    2191             :             const Array1D<Real64> &Tgap,
    2192             :             Array1D<Real64> &Radiation,
    2193             :             Real64 const trmout,
    2194             :             Real64 const trmin,
    2195             :             Array2_int const &iprop,
    2196             :             Array2<Real64> const &frct,
    2197             :             const Array1D<Real64> &presure,
    2198             :             const Array1D_int &nmix,
    2199             :             const Array1D<Real64> &wght,
    2200             :             Array2<Real64> const &gcon,
    2201             :             Array2<Real64> const &gvis,
    2202             :             Array2<Real64> const &gcp,
    2203             :             const Array1D<Real64> &gama,
    2204             :             const Array1D_int &SupportPillar,
    2205             :             const Array1D<Real64> &PillarSpacing,
    2206             :             const Array1D<Real64> &PillarRadius,
    2207             :             Array1D<Real64> &hgas,
    2208             :             Array1D<Real64> &hcgas,
    2209             :             Array1D<Real64> &hrgas,
    2210             :             Real64 &hcin,
    2211             :             Real64 &hcout,
    2212             :             Real64 const hin,
    2213             :             Real64 const hout,
    2214             :             int const index,
    2215             :             const Array1D_int &ibc,
    2216             :             int &nperr,
    2217             :             std::string &ErrorMessage,
    2218             :             Real64 &hrin,
    2219             :             Real64 &hrout,
    2220             :             Array1D<Real64> &Ra,
    2221             :             Array1D<Real64> &Nu)
    2222             : {
    2223             :     //***********************************************************************
    2224             :     //  This subroutine calculates the array of conductances/film coefficients used to model convection.  The conductances/film
    2225             :     //  coefficients are calculated as functions of temperature defined with the usual variable h and THEN are converted into an
    2226             :     //  equivalent value interms of the black body emittance based on the surface
    2227             :     //***********************************************************************
    2228             :     // Inputs
    2229             :     //   nlayer   number of solid layers
    2230             :     //   iwd  wind direction
    2231             :     //   tout     outside temp in k
    2232             :     //   tind  inside temp in k
    2233             :     //   wso  wind speed in m/s
    2234             :     //   wsi  inside forced air speed m/s
    2235             :     //   Ebsky    ir flux from outside
    2236             :     //   Ebroom   ir flux from room
    2237             :     //   Gout     radiosity (ir flux) of the combined environment (sky+ground)
    2238             :     //   Gin
    2239             :     //   gap  vector of gap widths in meters
    2240             :     //   height   IGU cavity height
    2241             :     //   heightt
    2242             :     //   thick    glazing layer thickness
    2243             :     //   scon   Vector of conductivities of each glazing layer
    2244             :     //   tilt   Window tilt (in degrees)
    2245             :     //   theta  Vector of average temperatures
    2246             :     //   Ebb
    2247             :     //   Ebf
    2248             :     //   iprop    array of gap mixtures
    2249             :     //   frct     vector of mixture fractions
    2250             :     //   presure
    2251             :     //   hin   Indoor Indoor combined film coefficient (if non-zero)
    2252             :     //   hout  Outdoor combined film coefficient (if non-zero)
    2253             :     //   nmix  vector of number of gasses in a mixture for each gap
    2254             :     // Ouputs
    2255             :     //   hhat     vector of all film coefficients (maxlay3)
    2256             :     //   hgas     vector of gap 'film' coeff.
    2257             :     //   hcin  Indoor convective surface heat transfer coefficient
    2258             :     //   hcout     Outdoor convective heat transfer coeff
    2259             :     //   hrin    Indoor radiative surface heat transfer coefficient
    2260             :     //   hrout   Outdoor radiative surface heat transfer coefficient
    2261             :     //   hin   Indoor combined film coefficient
    2262             :     //   hout  Outdoor combined film coefficient
    2263             :     //   index    iteration step
    2264             :     //   ibc
    2265             :     // Inactives**
    2266             :     //   wa - window azimuth (degrees, clockwise from south)
    2267             : 
    2268             :     // Locals
    2269             :     int i;
    2270             :     int k;
    2271             :     int nface;
    2272             : 
    2273             :     // evaluate convective/conductive components of gap grashof number, thermal conductivity and their derivatives:
    2274      198465 :     nface = 2 * nlayer;
    2275             : 
    2276      198465 :     filmg(state,
    2277             :           tilt,
    2278             :           theta,
    2279             :           Tgap,
    2280             :           nlayer,
    2281             :           height,
    2282             :           gap,
    2283             :           iprop,
    2284             :           frct,
    2285             :           VacuumPressure,
    2286             :           presure,
    2287             :           nmix,
    2288             :           wght,
    2289             :           gcon,
    2290             :           gvis,
    2291             :           gcp,
    2292             :           gama,
    2293             :           hcgas,
    2294             :           Ra,
    2295             :           Nu,
    2296             :           nperr,
    2297             :           ErrorMessage);
    2298             : 
    2299      198465 :     if (!(GoAhead(nperr))) {
    2300           0 :         return;
    2301             :     }
    2302             : 
    2303             :     // this is adding influence of pillar to hgas
    2304      198465 :     filmPillar(state, SupportPillar, scon, PillarSpacing, PillarRadius, nlayer, gap, hcgas, VacuumMaxGapThickness, nperr, ErrorMessage);
    2305             : 
    2306      198465 :     if (!(GoAhead(nperr))) {
    2307           0 :         return;
    2308             :     }
    2309             : 
    2310             :     // adjust radiation coefficients
    2311             :     // hrgas = 0.0d0
    2312      568461 :     for (i = 2; i <= nlayer; ++i) {
    2313      369996 :         k = 2 * i - 1;
    2314             :         // if ((theta(k)-theta(k-1)) == 0) then
    2315             :         //  theta(k-1) = theta(k-1) + tempCorrection
    2316             :         // end if
    2317      369996 :         if ((theta(k) - theta(k - 1)) != 0) {
    2318      369868 :             hrgas(i) = (Radiation(k) - Radiation(k - 1)) / (theta(k) - theta(k - 1));
    2319             :         }
    2320             : 
    2321      369996 :         hgas(i) = hcgas(i) + hrgas(i);
    2322             :     }
    2323             : 
    2324             :     // convective indoor film coeff:
    2325      198465 :     if (ibc(2) <= 0) {
    2326      396930 :         filmi(state,
    2327             :               tind,
    2328      198465 :               theta(nface),
    2329             :               nlayer,
    2330             :               tilt,
    2331             :               wsi,
    2332             :               heightt,
    2333             :               iprop,
    2334             :               frct,
    2335             :               presure,
    2336             :               nmix,
    2337             :               wght,
    2338             :               gcon,
    2339             :               gvis,
    2340             :               gcp,
    2341             :               hcin,
    2342      198465 :               ibc(2),
    2343             :               nperr,
    2344             :               ErrorMessage);
    2345           0 :     } else if (ibc(2) == 1) {
    2346           0 :         hcin = hin - hrin;
    2347             :         // Simon: First iteration is with index = 0 and that means it should reenter iteration with whatever is provided as input
    2348             :         // else if (ibc(2).eq.2.and.index.eq.1) then
    2349           0 :     } else if ((ibc(2) == 2) && (index == 0)) {
    2350           0 :         hcin = hin;
    2351             :     }
    2352      198465 :     if (hcin < 0) {
    2353           0 :         nperr = 8;
    2354           0 :         ErrorMessage = "Hcin is less then zero.";
    2355           0 :         return;
    2356             :     }
    2357             : 
    2358      198465 :     hcgas(nlayer + 1) = hcin;
    2359             :     // hrin = 0.95d0*(Ebroom - Radiation(2*nlayer))/(Trmin-theta(2*nlayer))+0.05d0*hrin
    2360      198465 :     hrin = (ebroom - Radiation(2 * nlayer)) / (trmin - theta(2 * nlayer));
    2361             :     // if ((Theta(2*nlayer) - Trmin).ne.0) then
    2362             :     //  hrin =  sigma * emis(2*nlayer) * (Theta(2*nlayer)**4 - Trmin**4)/(Theta(2*nlayer) - Trmin)
    2363             :     // else
    2364             :     //  Theta(2*nlayer) = Theta(2*nlayer) + tempCorrection
    2365             :     //  hrin =  sigma * emis(2*nlayer) * (Theta(2*nlayer)**4 - Trmin**4)/(Theta(2*nlayer) - Trmin)
    2366             :     // end if
    2367      198465 :     hrgas(nlayer + 1) = hrin;
    2368             :     // hgas(nlayer+1)  = hcgas(nlayer+1) + hrgas(nlayer+1)
    2369      198465 :     troom = (hcin * tind + hrin * trmin) / (hcin + hrin);
    2370             : 
    2371             :     // convective outdoor film coeff:
    2372      198465 :     if (ibc(1) <= 0) {
    2373         256 :         film(tout, theta(1), wso, iwd, hcout, ibc(1));
    2374      198209 :     } else if (ibc(1) == 1) {
    2375           0 :         hcout = hout - hrout;
    2376             :         // Simon: First iteration is with index = 0 and that means it should reenter iteration with whatever is provided as input
    2377             :         // else if (ibc(1).eq.2.and.index.eq.1) then
    2378      198209 :     } else if ((ibc(1) == 2) && (index == 0)) {
    2379       37968 :         hcout = hout;
    2380             :     }
    2381      198465 :     if (hcout < 0) {
    2382           0 :         nperr = 9;
    2383           0 :         ErrorMessage = "Hcout is less than zero.";
    2384           0 :         return;
    2385             :     }
    2386             : 
    2387      198465 :     hcgas(1) = hcout;
    2388      198465 :     hrout = (Radiation(1) - ebsky) / (theta(1) - trmout);
    2389             :     // if ((Theta(1) - Trmout).ne.0) then
    2390             :     //  hrout = sigma * emis(1) * (Theta(1)**4 - Trmout**4)/(Theta(1) - Trmout)
    2391             :     // else
    2392             :     //  Theta(1) = Theta(1) + tempCorrection
    2393             :     //  hrout = sigma * emis(1) * (Theta(1)**4 - Trmout**4)/(Theta(1) - Trmout)
    2394             :     // end if
    2395      198465 :     hrgas(1) = hrout;
    2396             :     // hgas(1)  = hrout + hcout
    2397      198465 :     tamb = (hcout * tout + hrout * trmout) / (hcout + hrout);
    2398             : }
    2399             : 
    2400      160464 : void effectiveLayerCond(EnergyPlusData &state,
    2401             :                         int const nlayer,
    2402             :                         const Array1D<TARCOGLayerType> &LayerType, // Layer type
    2403             :                         const Array1D<Real64> &scon,               // Layer thermal conductivity
    2404             :                         const Array1D<Real64> &thick,              // Layer thickness
    2405             :                         Array2A_int const iprop,                   // Gas type in gaps
    2406             :                         Array2A<Real64> const frct,                // Fraction of gas
    2407             :                         const Array1D_int &nmix,                   // Gas mixture
    2408             :                         const Array1D<Real64> &pressure,           // Gas pressure [Pa]
    2409             :                         const Array1D<Real64> &wght,               // Molecular weight
    2410             :                         Array2A<Real64> const gcon,                // Gas specific conductivity
    2411             :                         Array2A<Real64> const gvis,                // Gas specific viscosity
    2412             :                         Array2A<Real64> const gcp,                 // Gas specific heat
    2413             :                         const Array1D<Real64> &EffectiveOpenness,  // Layer effective openneess [m2]
    2414             :                         Array1D<Real64> &theta,                    // Layer surface tempeartures [K]
    2415             :                         Array1D<Real64> &sconScaled,               // Layer conductivity divided by thickness
    2416             :                         int &nperr,                                // Error message flag
    2417             :                         std::string &ErrorMessage                  // Error message
    2418             : )
    2419             : {
    2420      622323 :     for (auto i = 1; i <= nlayer; ++i) {
    2421      461859 :         if (LayerType(i) != TARCOGLayerType::SPECULAR) {
    2422      124721 :             auto tLayer = (theta(2 * i - 1) + theta(2 * i)) / 2;
    2423      124721 :             auto nmix1 = nmix(i);
    2424      124721 :             auto press1 = (pressure(i) + pressure(i + 1)) / 2.0;
    2425     1371931 :             for (auto j = 1; j <= maxgas; ++j) {
    2426     1247210 :                 state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->iprop1(j) = iprop(j, i);
    2427     1247210 :                 state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->frct1(j) = frct(j, i);
    2428             :             }
    2429             : 
    2430             :             Real64 con;
    2431             :             Real64 visc;
    2432             :             Real64 dens;
    2433             :             Real64 cp;
    2434             :             Real64 pr;
    2435      374163 :             GASSES90(state,
    2436             :                      tLayer,
    2437      124721 :                      state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->iprop1,
    2438      124721 :                      state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->frct1,
    2439             :                      press1,
    2440             :                      nmix1,
    2441             :                      wght,
    2442             :                      gcon,
    2443             :                      gvis,
    2444             :                      gcp,
    2445             :                      con,
    2446             :                      visc,
    2447             :                      dens,
    2448             :                      cp,
    2449             :                      pr,
    2450             :                      TARCOGGassesParams::Stdrd::ISO15099,
    2451             :                      nperr,
    2452             :                      ErrorMessage);
    2453      124721 :             sconScaled(i) = (EffectiveOpenness(i) * con + (1 - EffectiveOpenness(i)) * scon(i)) / thick(i);
    2454             :         } else {
    2455      337138 :             sconScaled(i) = scon(i) / thick(i);
    2456             :         }
    2457             :     }
    2458      160464 : }
    2459             : 
    2460      198465 : void filmi(EnergyPlusData &state,
    2461             :            Real64 const tair,
    2462             :            Real64 const t,
    2463             :            int const nlayer,
    2464             :            Real64 const tilt,
    2465             :            Real64 const wsi,
    2466             :            Real64 const height,
    2467             :            Array2A_int const iprop,
    2468             :            Array2A<Real64> const frct,
    2469             :            const Array1D<Real64> &presure,
    2470             :            const Array1D_int &nmix,
    2471             :            const Array1D<Real64> &wght,
    2472             :            Array2A<Real64> const gcon,
    2473             :            Array2A<Real64> const gvis,
    2474             :            Array2A<Real64> const gcp,
    2475             :            Real64 &hcin,
    2476             :            int const ibc,
    2477             :            int &nperr,
    2478             :            std::string &ErrorMessage)
    2479             : {
    2480             :     //***********************************************************************
    2481             :     //  purpose to evaluate heat flux at indoor surface of window using still air correlations (Curcija and Goss 1993)
    2482             :     //  found in SPC142 equations 5.43 - 5.48.
    2483             :     //***********************************************************************
    2484             :     // Input
    2485             :     //   tair - room air temperature
    2486             :     //   t - inside surface temperature
    2487             :     //   nlayer  number of glazing layers
    2488             :     //   tilt - the tilt of the glazing in degrees
    2489             :     //   wsi - room wind speed (m/s)
    2490             :     //   height - window height
    2491             :     //   iprop
    2492             :     //   frct
    2493             :     //   presure
    2494             :     //   nmix  vector of number of gasses in a mixture for each gap
    2495             :     // Output
    2496             :     //   hcin - indoor convecive heat transfer coeff
    2497             : 
    2498             :     // If there is forced air in the room than use SPC142 corelation 5.49 to calculate the room side film coefficient.
    2499             : 
    2500             :     // Using
    2501             :     // Argument array dimensioning
    2502      198465 :     iprop.dim(maxgas, maxlay1);
    2503      198465 :     frct.dim(maxgas, maxlay1);
    2504      198465 :     EP_SIZE_CHECK(presure, maxlay1);
    2505      198465 :     EP_SIZE_CHECK(nmix, maxlay1);
    2506      198465 :     EP_SIZE_CHECK(wght, maxgas);
    2507      198465 :     gcon.dim(3, maxgas);
    2508      198465 :     gvis.dim(3, maxgas);
    2509      198465 :     gcp.dim(3, maxgas);
    2510             : 
    2511             :     // Locals
    2512             :     int j;
    2513             :     Real64 tiltr;
    2514             :     Real64 tmean;
    2515             :     Real64 delt;
    2516             :     Real64 con;
    2517             :     Real64 visc;
    2518             :     Real64 dens;
    2519             :     Real64 cp;
    2520             :     Real64 pr;
    2521             :     Real64 gr;
    2522             :     Real64 RaCrit;
    2523             :     Real64 RaL;
    2524      198465 :     Real64 Gnui(0.0);
    2525             : 
    2526      198465 :     if (wsi > 0.0) { // main IF
    2527           0 :         switch (ibc) {
    2528           0 :         case 0: {
    2529           0 :             hcin = 4.0 + 4.0 * wsi;
    2530           0 :         } break;
    2531           0 :         case -1: {
    2532           0 :             hcin = 5.6 + 3.8 * wsi; // SPC142 correlation
    2533           0 :             return;
    2534             :         } break;
    2535           0 :         default:
    2536           0 :             break;
    2537             :         }
    2538             :     } else {                                                  // main IF - else
    2539      198465 :         tiltr = tilt * 2.0 * DataGlobalConstants::Pi / 360.0; // convert tilt in degrees to radians
    2540      198465 :         tmean = tair + 0.25 * (t - tair);
    2541      198465 :         delt = std::abs(tair - t);
    2542             : 
    2543      396930 :         for (j = 1; j <= nmix(nlayer + 1); ++j) {
    2544      198465 :             state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->ipropi(j) = iprop(j, nlayer + 1);
    2545      198465 :             state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->frcti(j) = frct(j, nlayer + 1);
    2546             :         }
    2547             : 
    2548      992325 :         GASSES90(state,
    2549             :                  tmean,
    2550      198465 :                  state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->ipropi,
    2551      198465 :                  state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->frcti,
    2552      198465 :                  presure(nlayer + 1),
    2553      198465 :                  nmix(nlayer + 1),
    2554             :                  wght,
    2555             :                  gcon,
    2556             :                  gvis,
    2557             :                  gcp,
    2558             :                  con,
    2559             :                  visc,
    2560             :                  dens,
    2561             :                  cp,
    2562             :                  pr,
    2563             :                  TARCOGGassesParams::Stdrd::ISO15099,
    2564             :                  nperr,
    2565             :                  ErrorMessage);
    2566             : 
    2567             :         //   Calculate grashoff number:
    2568             :         //   The grashoff number is the Rayleigh Number (equation 5.29) in SPC142 divided by the Prandtl Number (prand):
    2569      198465 :         gr = DataGlobalConstants::GravityConstant * pow_3(height) * delt * pow_2(dens) / (tmean * pow_2(visc));
    2570             : 
    2571      198465 :         RaL = gr * pr;
    2572             :         //   write(*,*)' RaCrit,RaL,gr,pr '
    2573             :         //   write(*,*) RaCrit,RaL,gr,pr
    2574             : 
    2575      198465 :         if ((0.0 <= tilt) && (tilt < 15.0)) { // IF no. 1
    2576           0 :             Gnui = 0.13 * std::pow(RaL, 1.0 / 3.0);
    2577      198465 :         } else if ((15.0 <= tilt) && (tilt <= 90.0)) {
    2578             :             //   if the room air is still THEN use equations 5.43 - 5.48:
    2579      198465 :             RaCrit = 2.5e5 * std::pow(std::exp(0.72 * tilt) / std::sin(tiltr), 0.2);
    2580      396930 :             if (RaL <= RaCrit) { // IF no. 2
    2581      198465 :                 Gnui = 0.56 * root_4(RaL * std::sin(tiltr));
    2582             :                 // write(*,*) ' Nu ', Gnui
    2583             :             } else {
    2584             :                 // Gnui = 0.13d0*(RaL**0.3333d0 - RaCrit**0.3333d0) + 0.56d0*(RaCrit*sin(tiltr))**0.25d0
    2585           0 :                 Gnui = 0.13 * (std::pow(RaL, 1.0 / 3.0) - std::pow(RaCrit, 1.0 / 3.0)) + 0.56 * root_4(RaCrit * std::sin(tiltr));
    2586             :             } // end if no. 2
    2587           0 :         } else if ((90.0 < tilt) && (tilt <= 179.0)) {
    2588           0 :             Gnui = 0.56 * root_4(RaL * std::sin(tiltr));
    2589           0 :         } else if ((179.0 < tilt) && (tilt <= 180.0)) {
    2590           0 :             Gnui = 0.58 * std::pow(RaL, 1 / 3.0);
    2591             :         } else {
    2592           0 :             assert(false);
    2593             :         } // end if no. 1
    2594             :         //   write(*,*) ' RaL   ', RaL, '   RaCrit', RaCrit
    2595             :         //   write(*,*)'   Nusselt Number   ',Gnui
    2596             : 
    2597      198465 :         hcin = Gnui * (con / height);
    2598             :         //   hin = 1.77d0*(ABS(t-tair))**0.25d0
    2599             : 
    2600             :     } // end main IF
    2601             : }
    2602             : 
    2603      198465 : void filmg(EnergyPlusData &state,
    2604             :            Real64 const tilt,
    2605             :            const Array1D<Real64> &theta,
    2606             :            const Array1D<Real64> &Tgap,
    2607             :            int const nlayer,
    2608             :            Real64 const height,
    2609             :            const Array1D<Real64> &gap,
    2610             :            Array2A_int const iprop,
    2611             :            Array2A<Real64> const frct,
    2612             :            Real64 const VacuumPressure,
    2613             :            const Array1D<Real64> &presure,
    2614             :            const Array1D_int &nmix,
    2615             :            const Array1D<Real64> &wght,
    2616             :            Array2A<Real64> const gcon,
    2617             :            Array2A<Real64> const gvis,
    2618             :            Array2A<Real64> const gcp,
    2619             :            const Array1D<Real64> &gama,
    2620             :            Array1D<Real64> &hcgas,
    2621             :            Array1D<Real64> &Rayleigh,
    2622             :            Array1D<Real64> &Nu,
    2623             :            int &nperr,
    2624             :            std::string &ErrorMessage)
    2625             : {
    2626             :     //***********************************************************************
    2627             :     // sobroutine to calculate effective conductance of gaps
    2628             :     //***********************************************************************
    2629             :     // Inputs:
    2630             :     //   tilt  window angle (deg)
    2631             :     //   theta     vector of surface temperatures [K]
    2632             :     //   nlayer    total number of glazing layers
    2633             :     //   height    glazing cavity height
    2634             :     //   gap   vector of gap widths [m]
    2635             :     //   iprop
    2636             :     //   frct
    2637             :     //   presure
    2638             :     //   nmix  vector of number of gasses in a mixture for each gap
    2639             :     // Output:
    2640             :     //   hgas  vector of gap coefficients
    2641             :     //   nperr     error code
    2642             :     // Locals:
    2643             :     //   gr    gap grashof number
    2644             :     //   con   gap gas conductivity
    2645             :     //   visc  dynamic viscosity @ mean temperature [g/m*s]
    2646             :     //   dens  density @ mean temperature [kg/m^3]
    2647             :     //   cp    specific heat @ mean temperature [J/g*K]
    2648             :     //   pr    gap gas Prandtl number
    2649             :     //   tmean     average film temperature
    2650             :     //   delt  temperature difference
    2651             : 
    2652             :     // Using
    2653             :     // Argument array dimensioning
    2654      198465 :     EP_SIZE_CHECK(theta, maxlay2);
    2655      198465 :     EP_SIZE_CHECK(Tgap, maxlay1);
    2656      198465 :     EP_SIZE_CHECK(gap, MaxGap);
    2657      198465 :     iprop.dim(maxgas, maxlay1);
    2658      198465 :     frct.dim(maxgas, maxlay1);
    2659      198465 :     EP_SIZE_CHECK(presure, maxlay1);
    2660      198465 :     EP_SIZE_CHECK(nmix, maxlay1);
    2661      198465 :     EP_SIZE_CHECK(wght, maxgas);
    2662      198465 :     gcon.dim(3, maxgas);
    2663      198465 :     gvis.dim(3, maxgas);
    2664      198465 :     gcp.dim(3, maxgas);
    2665      198465 :     EP_SIZE_CHECK(gama, maxgas);
    2666      198465 :     EP_SIZE_CHECK(hcgas, maxlay1);
    2667      198465 :     EP_SIZE_CHECK(Rayleigh, maxlay);
    2668      198465 :     EP_SIZE_CHECK(Nu, maxlay);
    2669             : 
    2670             :     // Locals
    2671             :     Real64 con;
    2672             :     Real64 visc;
    2673             :     Real64 dens;
    2674             :     Real64 cp;
    2675             :     Real64 pr;
    2676             :     Real64 delt;
    2677             :     Real64 tmean;
    2678             :     Real64 ra;
    2679             :     Real64 asp;
    2680             :     Real64 gnu;
    2681             :     int i;
    2682             :     int j;
    2683             :     int k;
    2684             :     int l;
    2685             : 
    2686      198465 :     hcgas = 0.0;
    2687             : 
    2688      568461 :     for (i = 1; i <= nlayer - 1; ++i) {
    2689      369996 :         j = 2 * i;
    2690      369996 :         k = j + 1;
    2691             :         // determine the gas properties of each gap:
    2692             :         // tmean = (theta(j)+theta(k))/2.0d0
    2693      369996 :         tmean = Tgap(i + 1); // Tgap(1) is exterior environment
    2694      369996 :         delt = std::abs(theta(j) - theta(k));
    2695             :         // Temperatures should not be equal. This can happen in initial temperature guess before iterations started
    2696      369996 :         if (delt == 0.0) delt = 1.0e-6;
    2697      819186 :         for (l = 1; l <= nmix(i + 1); ++l) {
    2698      449190 :             state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->ipropg(l) = iprop(l, i + 1);
    2699      449190 :             state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->frctg(l) = frct(l, i + 1);
    2700             :         }
    2701             : 
    2702      369996 :         if (presure(i + 1) > VacuumPressure) {
    2703     1849980 :             GASSES90(state,
    2704             :                      tmean,
    2705      369996 :                      state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->ipropg,
    2706      369996 :                      state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->frctg,
    2707      369996 :                      presure(i + 1),
    2708      369996 :                      nmix(i + 1),
    2709             :                      wght,
    2710             :                      gcon,
    2711             :                      gvis,
    2712             :                      gcp,
    2713             :                      con,
    2714             :                      visc,
    2715             :                      dens,
    2716             :                      cp,
    2717             :                      pr,
    2718             :                      TARCOGGassesParams::Stdrd::ISO15099,
    2719             :                      nperr,
    2720             :                      ErrorMessage);
    2721             : 
    2722             :             // Calculate grashoff number:
    2723             :             // The grashoff number is the Rayleigh Number (equation 5.29) in SPC142 divided by the Prandtl Number (prand):
    2724      369996 :             ra = DataGlobalConstants::GravityConstant * pow_3(gap(i)) * delt * cp * pow_2(dens) / (tmean * visc * con);
    2725      369996 :             Rayleigh(i) = ra;
    2726             :             // write(*,*) 'height,gap(i),asp',height,gap(i),asp
    2727             :             // asp = 1
    2728             :             // if (gap(i).ne.0) then
    2729      369996 :             asp = height / gap(i);
    2730             :             // end if
    2731             :             // determine the Nusselt number:
    2732      369996 :             nusselt(tilt, ra, asp, gnu, nperr, ErrorMessage);
    2733             : 
    2734      369996 :             Nu(i) = gnu;
    2735             :             // calculate effective conductance of the gap
    2736      369996 :             hcgas(i + 1) = con / gap(i) * gnu;
    2737             : 
    2738             :             // write(*,*)'theta(j),theta(k),j,k',j,theta(j),k,theta(k)
    2739             :             // write(*,*)'Nusselt,Rayleigh,Prandtl,hgas(k),k'
    2740             :             // write(*,*) gnu,gr*pr,pr,hgas(k),k
    2741             :         } else { // low pressure calculations
    2742           0 :             GassesLow(tmean, wght(iprop(1, i + 1)), presure(i + 1), gama(iprop(1, i + 1)), con, nperr, ErrorMessage);
    2743           0 :             hcgas(i + 1) = con;
    2744             :         } // if (pressure(i+1).gt.VacuumPressure) then
    2745             :     }
    2746      198465 : }
    2747             : 
    2748      198465 : void filmPillar(EnergyPlusData &state,
    2749             :                 const Array1D_int &SupportPillar,     // Shows whether or not gap have support pillar
    2750             :                 const Array1D<Real64> &scon,          // Conductivity of glass layers
    2751             :                 const Array1D<Real64> &PillarSpacing, // Pillar spacing for each gap (used in case there is support pillar)
    2752             :                 const Array1D<Real64> &PillarRadius,  // Pillar radius for each gap (used in case there is support pillar)
    2753             :                 int const nlayer,
    2754             :                 const Array1D<Real64> &gap,
    2755             :                 Array1D<Real64> &hcgas,
    2756             :                 [[maybe_unused]] Real64 const VacuumMaxGapThickness,
    2757             :                 [[maybe_unused]] int &nperr,
    2758             :                 [[maybe_unused]] std::string &ErrorMessage)
    2759             : {
    2760             :     //***********************************************************************
    2761             :     // subroutine to calculate effective conductance of support pillars
    2762             :     //***********************************************************************
    2763             : 
    2764             :     // Using
    2765             :     // Argument array dimensioning
    2766      198465 :     EP_SIZE_CHECK(SupportPillar, maxlay);
    2767      198465 :     EP_SIZE_CHECK(scon, maxlay);
    2768      198465 :     EP_SIZE_CHECK(PillarSpacing, maxlay);
    2769      198465 :     EP_SIZE_CHECK(PillarRadius, maxlay);
    2770      198465 :     EP_SIZE_CHECK(gap, MaxGap);
    2771      198465 :     EP_SIZE_CHECK(hcgas, maxlay1);
    2772             : 
    2773             :     // Locals
    2774             :     //   0 - does not have support pillar
    2775             :     //   1 - have support pillar
    2776             : 
    2777      568461 :     for (state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->iFP = 1; state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->iFP <= nlayer - 1; ++state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->iFP) {
    2778      369996 :         state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->kFP = 2 * state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->iFP + 1;
    2779      369996 :         if (SupportPillar(state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->iFP) == YES_SupportPillar) {
    2780             : 
    2781             :             // Average glass conductivity is taken as average from both glass surrounding gap
    2782        8210 :             state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->aveGlassConductivity =
    2783        8210 :                 (scon(state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->iFP) + scon(state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->iFP + 1)) / 2;
    2784             : 
    2785       24630 :             state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->cpa = 2.0 * state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->aveGlassConductivity *
    2786       16420 :                                                  PillarRadius(state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->iFP) /
    2787       16420 :                                                  (pow_2(PillarSpacing(state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->iFP)) *
    2788       16420 :                                                   (1.0 + 2.0 * gap(state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->iFP) /
    2789        8210 :                                                              (DataGlobalConstants::Pi * PillarRadius(state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->iFP))));
    2790             : 
    2791             :             // It is important to add on prevoius values caluculated for gas
    2792        8210 :             hcgas(state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->iFP + 1) += state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->cpa;
    2793             :         } // if (SupportPillar(i).eq.YES_SupportPillar) then
    2794             :     }
    2795      198465 : }
    2796             : 
    2797      369996 : void nusselt(Real64 const tilt, Real64 const ra, Real64 const asp, Real64 &gnu, int &nperr, std::string &ErrorMessage)
    2798             : {
    2799             :     //***********************************************************************
    2800             :     // purpose to calculate nusselt modulus for air gaps (ISO15099)
    2801             :     //***********************************************************************
    2802             :     // Input
    2803             :     //   tilt   tilt in degrees
    2804             :     //   ra     rayleigh number
    2805             :     //   asp    Aspect ratio
    2806             :     // Output
    2807             :     //   gnu    nusselt number
    2808             :     //   nperr
    2809             : 
    2810             :     // Using
    2811             :     // Locals
    2812             :     Real64 subNu1;
    2813             :     Real64 subNu2;
    2814             :     Real64 subNu3;
    2815             :     Real64 Nu1;
    2816             :     Real64 Nu2;
    2817             :     Real64 G;
    2818             :     Real64 Nu60;
    2819             :     Real64 Nu90;
    2820             :     Real64 tiltr;
    2821             : 
    2822      369996 :     subNu1 = 0.0;
    2823      369996 :     subNu2 = 0.0;
    2824      369996 :     subNu3 = 0.0;
    2825      369996 :     Nu1 = 0.0;
    2826      369996 :     Nu2 = 0.0;
    2827      369996 :     Nu90 = 0.0;
    2828      369996 :     Nu60 = 0.0;
    2829      369996 :     G = 0.0;
    2830      369996 :     tiltr = tilt * 2.0 * DataGlobalConstants::Pi / 360.0; // convert tilt in degrees to radians
    2831      369996 :     if ((tilt >= 0.0) && (tilt < 60.0)) {                 // ISO/DIS 15099 - chapter
    2832           0 :         subNu1 = 1.0 - 1708.0 / (ra * std::cos(tiltr));
    2833           0 :         subNu1 = pos(subNu1);
    2834           0 :         subNu2 = 1.0 - (1708.0 * std::pow(std::sin(1.8 * tiltr), 1.6)) / (ra * std::cos(tiltr));
    2835           0 :         subNu3 = std::pow(ra * std::cos(tiltr) / 5830.0, 1.0 / 3.0) - 1.0;
    2836           0 :         subNu3 = pos(subNu3);
    2837           0 :         gnu = 1.0 + 1.44 * subNu1 * subNu2 + subNu3; // equation 42
    2838           0 :         if (ra >= 1.0e5) {
    2839           0 :             nperr = 1001; // Rayleigh number is out of range
    2840           0 :             ErrorMessage = "Rayleigh number out of range in Nusselt num. calc. for gaps (angle between 0 and 60 deg).";
    2841             :         }
    2842           0 :         if (asp <= 20.0) {
    2843           0 :             nperr = 1002; // Aspect Ratio is out of range
    2844           0 :             ErrorMessage = "Aspect Ratio out of range in Nusselt num. calc. for gaps (angle between 0 and 60 deg).";
    2845             :         }
    2846      369996 :     } else if (tilt == 60.0) {                                                              // ISO/DIS 15099 - chapter
    2847           0 :         G = 0.5 / std::pow(1.0 + std::pow(ra / 3160.0, 20.6), 0.1);                         // equation 47
    2848           0 :         Nu1 = std::pow(1.0 + pow_7((0.0936 * std::pow(ra, 0.314)) / (1.0 + G)), 0.1428571); // equation 45
    2849           0 :         Nu2 = (0.104 + 0.175 / asp) * std::pow(ra, 0.283);                                  // equation 46
    2850           0 :         gnu = max(Nu1, Nu2);                                                                // equation 44
    2851      369996 :     } else if ((tilt > 60.0) && (tilt < 90.0)) {                                            // ISO/DIS 15099 - chapter
    2852           0 :         if ((ra > 100.0) && (ra < 2.0e7) && (asp > 5.0) && (asp < 100.0)) {
    2853           0 :             G = 0.5 / std::pow(1.0 + std::pow(ra / 3160.0, 20.6), 0.1);                         // equation 47
    2854           0 :             Nu1 = std::pow(1.0 + pow_7((0.0936 * std::pow(ra, 0.314)) / (1.0 + G)), 0.1428571); // equation 45
    2855           0 :             Nu2 = (0.104 + 0.175 / asp) * std::pow(ra, 0.283);                                  // equation 46
    2856           0 :             Nu60 = max(Nu1, Nu2);                                                               // equation 44
    2857           0 :             Nu2 = 0.242 * std::pow(ra / asp, 0.272);                                            // equation 52
    2858           0 :             if (ra > 5.0e4) {
    2859           0 :                 Nu1 = 0.0673838 * std::pow(ra, 1.0 / 3.0); // equation 49
    2860           0 :             } else if ((ra > 1.0e4) && (ra <= 5.0e4)) {
    2861           0 :                 Nu1 = 0.028154 * std::pow(ra, 0.4134); // equation 50
    2862           0 :             } else if (ra <= 1.0e4) {
    2863           0 :                 Nu1 = 1.0 + 1.7596678e-10 * std::pow(ra, 2.2984755); // equation 51
    2864             :             }
    2865           0 :         } else if (ra <= 100.0) {
    2866           0 :             G = 0.5 / std::pow(1.0 + std::pow(ra / 3160.0, 20.6), 0.1);                         // equation 47
    2867           0 :             Nu1 = std::pow(1.0 + pow_7((0.0936 * std::pow(ra, 0.314)) / (1.0 + G)), 0.1428571); // equation 45
    2868           0 :             Nu2 = (0.104 + 0.175 / asp) * std::pow(ra, 0.283);                                  // equation 46
    2869           0 :             Nu60 = max(Nu1, Nu2);                                                               // equation 44
    2870           0 :             Nu2 = 0.242 * std::pow(ra / asp, 0.272);                                            // equation 52
    2871           0 :             Nu1 = 1.0 + 1.7596678e-10 * std::pow(ra, 2.2984755);                                // equation 51
    2872           0 :             nperr = 1003;                                                                       // Rayleigh number is less than 100
    2873           0 :             ErrorMessage = "Rayleigh number is less than 100 in Nusselt number calculations for gaps (angle between 60 and 90 degrees).";
    2874           0 :         } else if (ra > 2.0e7) {
    2875           0 :             G = 0.5 / std::pow(1.0 + std::pow(ra / 3160.0, 20.6), 0.1);                         // equation 47
    2876           0 :             Nu1 = std::pow(1.0 + pow_7((0.0936 * std::pow(ra, 0.314)) / (1.0 + G)), 0.1428571); // equation 45
    2877           0 :             Nu2 = (0.104 + 0.175 / asp) * std::pow(ra, 0.283);                                  // equation 46
    2878           0 :             Nu60 = max(Nu1, Nu2);                                                               // equation 44
    2879           0 :             Nu2 = 0.242 * std::pow(ra / asp, 0.272);                                            // equation 52
    2880           0 :             Nu1 = 0.0673838 * std::pow(ra, 1.0 / 3.0);                                          // equation 49
    2881           0 :             nperr = 1004;                                                                       // Rayleigh number is great from 2e7
    2882           0 :             ErrorMessage = "Rayleigh number is greater than 2e7 in Nusselt number calculations for gaps (angle between 60 and 90 degrees).";
    2883           0 :         } else if ((asp <= 5.0) || (asp >= 100.0)) {
    2884           0 :             G = 0.5 / std::pow(1.0 + std::pow(ra / 3160.0, 20.6), 0.1);                         // equation 47
    2885           0 :             Nu1 = std::pow(1.0 + pow_7((0.0936 * std::pow(ra, 0.314)) / (1.0 + G)), 0.1428571); // equation 45
    2886           0 :             Nu2 = (0.104 + 0.175 / asp) * std::pow(ra, 0.283);                                  // equation 46
    2887           0 :             Nu60 = max(Nu1, Nu2);                                                               // equation 44
    2888           0 :             Nu2 = 0.242 * std::pow(ra / asp, 0.272);                                            // equation 52
    2889           0 :             if (ra > 5.0e4) {
    2890           0 :                 Nu1 = 0.0673838 * std::pow(ra, 1.0 / 3.0); // equation 49
    2891           0 :             } else if ((ra > 1.0e4) && (ra <= 5.0e4)) {
    2892           0 :                 Nu1 = 0.028154 * std::pow(ra, 0.4134); // equation 50
    2893           0 :             } else if (ra <= 1.0e4) {
    2894           0 :                 Nu1 = 1.0 + 1.7596678e-10 * std::pow(ra, 2.2984755); // equation 51
    2895             :             }
    2896           0 :             nperr = 1005; // Aspect Ratio is out of range
    2897           0 :             ErrorMessage = "Aspect Ratio is out of range in Nusselt number calculations for gaps (angle between 60 and 90 degrees).";
    2898             :         }
    2899           0 :         Nu90 = max(Nu1, Nu2);                                         // equation 48
    2900           0 :         gnu = ((Nu90 - Nu60) / (90.0 - 60.0)) * (tilt - 60.0) + Nu60; // linear interpolation between 60 and 90 degrees
    2901      369996 :     } else if (tilt == 90.0) {                                        // ISO/DIS 15099 - chapter
    2902      369996 :         Nu2 = 0.242 * std::pow(ra / asp, 0.272);                      // equation 52
    2903      369996 :         if (ra > 5.0e4) {
    2904           0 :             Nu1 = 0.0673838 * std::pow(ra, 1.0 / 3.0); // equation 49
    2905      369996 :         } else if ((ra > 1.0e4) && (ra <= 5.0e4)) {
    2906           0 :             Nu1 = 0.028154 * std::pow(ra, 0.4134); // equation 50
    2907             :             // Nu1 = 0.028154d0 * ra ** 0.414d0                       !equation 50 - DISCONTINUITY CORRECTED
    2908      369996 :         } else if (ra <= 1.0e4) {
    2909      369996 :             Nu1 = 1.0 + 1.7596678e-10 * std::pow(ra, 2.2984755); // equation 51
    2910             :         }
    2911      369996 :         gnu = max(Nu1, Nu2); // equation 48
    2912           0 :     } else if ((tilt > 90.0) && (tilt <= 180.0)) {
    2913           0 :         Nu2 = 0.242 * std::pow(ra / asp, 0.272); // equation 52
    2914           0 :         if (ra > 5.0e4) {
    2915           0 :             Nu1 = 0.0673838 * std::pow(ra, 1.0 / 3.0); // equation 49
    2916           0 :         } else if ((ra > 1.0e4) && (ra <= 5.0e4)) {
    2917           0 :             Nu1 = 0.028154 * std::pow(ra, 0.4134); // equation 50
    2918           0 :         } else if (ra <= 1.0e4) {
    2919           0 :             Nu1 = 1.0 + 1.7596678e-10 * std::pow(ra, 2.2984755); // equation 51
    2920             :         }
    2921           0 :         gnu = max(Nu1, Nu2);                       // equation 48
    2922           0 :         gnu = 1.0 + (gnu - 1.0) * std::sin(tiltr); // equation 53
    2923             :     } else {
    2924           0 :         nperr = 10; // error flag: angle is out of range
    2925           0 :         ErrorMessage = "Window tilt angle is out of range.";
    2926           0 :         return;
    2927             :     }
    2928             : }
    2929             : 
    2930           0 : void storeIterationResults(EnergyPlusData &state,
    2931             :                            Files &files,
    2932             :                            int const nlayer,
    2933             :                            int const index,
    2934             :                            const Array1D<Real64> &theta,
    2935             :                            Real64 const trmout,
    2936             :                            Real64 const tamb,
    2937             :                            Real64 const trmin,
    2938             :                            Real64 const troom,
    2939             :                            Real64 const ebsky,
    2940             :                            Real64 const ebroom,
    2941             :                            Real64 const hcin,
    2942             :                            Real64 const hcout,
    2943             :                            Real64 const hrin,
    2944             :                            Real64 const hrout,
    2945             :                            Real64 const hin,
    2946             :                            Real64 const hout,
    2947             :                            const Array1D<Real64> &Ebb,
    2948             :                            const Array1D<Real64> &Ebf,
    2949             :                            const Array1D<Real64> &Rb,
    2950             :                            const Array1D<Real64> &Rf,
    2951             :                            int &)
    2952             : {
    2953           0 :     auto &dynFormat = state.dataThermalISO15099Calc->dynFormat;
    2954             :     int i;
    2955             : 
    2956             :     // write(a,1000) index
    2957           0 :     print(files.TarcogIterationsFile, "*************************************************************************************************\n");
    2958           0 :     print(files.TarcogIterationsFile, "Iteration number: {:5}\n", index);
    2959             : 
    2960           0 :     print(files.TarcogIterationsFile, "Trmin = {:8.4F}\n", trmin - DataGlobalConstants::KelvinConv);
    2961           0 :     print(files.TarcogIterationsFile, "Troom = {:12.6F}\n", troom - DataGlobalConstants::KelvinConv);
    2962           0 :     print(files.TarcogIterationsFile, "Trmout = {:8.4F}\n", trmout - DataGlobalConstants::KelvinConv);
    2963           0 :     print(files.TarcogIterationsFile, "Tamb = {:12.6F}\n", tamb - DataGlobalConstants::KelvinConv);
    2964             : 
    2965           0 :     print(files.TarcogIterationsFile, "Ebsky = {:8.4F}\n", ebsky);
    2966           0 :     print(files.TarcogIterationsFile, "Ebroom = {:8.4F}\n", ebroom);
    2967             : 
    2968           0 :     print(files.TarcogIterationsFile, "hcin = {:8.4F}\n", hcin);
    2969           0 :     print(files.TarcogIterationsFile, "hcout = {:8.4F}\n", hcout);
    2970           0 :     print(files.TarcogIterationsFile, "hrin = {:8.4F}\n", hrin);
    2971           0 :     print(files.TarcogIterationsFile, "hrout = {:8.4F}\n", hrout);
    2972           0 :     print(files.TarcogIterationsFile, "hin = {:8.4F}\n", hin);
    2973           0 :     print(files.TarcogIterationsFile, "hout = {:8.4F}\n", hout);
    2974             : 
    2975             :     // Write headers for Ebb and Ebf
    2976           0 :     for (i = 1; i <= 2 * nlayer; ++i) {
    2977           0 :         if (i == 1) {
    2978           0 :             dynFormat = "";
    2979             :         }
    2980           0 :         if (mod(i, 2) == 1) {
    2981           0 :             dynFormat += fmt::format("Ebf({:3})", (i + 1) / 2);
    2982             :         } else {
    2983           0 :             dynFormat += fmt::format("Ebb({:3})", (i + 1) / 2);
    2984             :         }
    2985           0 :         if (i != 2 * nlayer) {
    2986           0 :             dynFormat += "===";
    2987             :         }
    2988             :     }
    2989           0 :     print(files.TarcogIterationsFile, dynFormat);
    2990           0 :     print(files.TarcogIterationsFile, "\n");
    2991             : 
    2992             :     // write Ebb and Ebf
    2993           0 :     print(files.TarcogIterationsFile, "{:16.8F}   {:16.8F}", Ebf(1), Ebb(1));
    2994           0 :     for (i = 2; i <= nlayer; ++i) {
    2995           0 :         print(files.TarcogIterationsFile, "   {:16.8F}   {:16.8F}", Ebf(i), Ebb(i));
    2996             :     }
    2997           0 :     print(files.TarcogIterationsFile, "\n");
    2998             : 
    2999             :     // Write headers for Rb and Rf
    3000           0 :     for (i = 1; i <= 2 * nlayer; ++i) {
    3001           0 :         const auto a = fmt::format("{:3}", (i + 1) / 2); // this is just to simulate correct integer in brackets
    3002           0 :         if (i == 1) {
    3003           0 :             dynFormat = "";
    3004             :         }
    3005           0 :         if (mod(i, 2) == 1) {
    3006           0 :             dynFormat += "Rf(" + a + ')';
    3007             :         } else {
    3008           0 :             dynFormat += "Rb(" + a + ')';
    3009             :         }
    3010           0 :         if (i != 2 * nlayer) {
    3011           0 :             dynFormat += "===";
    3012             :         }
    3013             :     }
    3014           0 :     print(files.TarcogIterationsFile, dynFormat);
    3015           0 :     print(files.TarcogIterationsFile, "\n");
    3016             :     // write Rb and Rf
    3017           0 :     print(files.TarcogIterationsFile, "{:16.8F}   {:16.8F}", Rf(1), Rb(1));
    3018           0 :     for (i = 1; i <= nlayer; ++i) {
    3019           0 :         print(files.TarcogIterationsFile, "   {:16.8F}   {:16.8F}", Rf(i), Rb(i));
    3020             :     }
    3021           0 :     print(files.TarcogIterationsFile, "\n");
    3022             : 
    3023             :     // Write header for temperatures
    3024           0 :     for (i = 1; i <= 2 * nlayer; ++i) {
    3025           0 :         const auto a = fmt::format("{:3}", i);
    3026           0 :         if (i == 1) {
    3027           0 :             dynFormat = "";
    3028             :         }
    3029           0 :         dynFormat += "theta(" + a + ')';
    3030           0 :         if (i != (2 * nlayer)) {
    3031           0 :             dynFormat += "==";
    3032             :         }
    3033             :     }
    3034           0 :     print(files.TarcogIterationsFile, dynFormat);
    3035           0 :     print(files.TarcogIterationsFile, "\n");
    3036             : 
    3037             :     // write temperatures
    3038           0 :     print(files.TarcogIterationsFile, "{:16.8F}   \n", theta(1) - DataGlobalConstants::KelvinConv);
    3039           0 :     for (i = 2; i <= 2 * nlayer; ++i) {
    3040           0 :         print(files.TarcogIterationsFile, "   {:16.8F}   \n", theta(i) - DataGlobalConstants::KelvinConv);
    3041             :     }
    3042           0 :     print(files.TarcogIterationsFile, "\n");
    3043             : 
    3044             :     // close(TarcogIterationsFileNumber)
    3045             : 
    3046             :     // write results in csv file
    3047           0 :     if (index == 0) {
    3048           0 :         dynFormat = "  ";
    3049           0 :         for (i = 1; i <= 2 * nlayer; ++i) {
    3050           0 :             const auto a = fmt::format("{:3}", i);
    3051           0 :             if (i != 2 * nlayer) {
    3052           0 :                 dynFormat += "theta(" + a + "),";
    3053             :             } else {
    3054           0 :                 dynFormat += "theta(" + a + ')';
    3055             :             }
    3056             :         }
    3057           0 :         print(files.IterationCSVFile, dynFormat);
    3058           0 :         print(files.IterationCSVFile, "\n");
    3059             :     }
    3060           0 :     print(files.IterationCSVFile, "{:16.8F}   \n", theta(1) - DataGlobalConstants::KelvinConv);
    3061           0 :     for (i = 2; i <= 2 * nlayer; ++i) {
    3062           0 :         print(files.IterationCSVFile, "   {:16.8F}   \n", theta(i) - DataGlobalConstants::KelvinConv);
    3063             :     }
    3064           0 :     print(files.IterationCSVFile, "\n");
    3065             : 
    3066             :     // close(IterationCSVFileNumber)
    3067           0 : }
    3068             : 
    3069      160464 : void CalculateFuncResults(int const nlayer, Array2<Real64> const &a, const Array1D<Real64> &b, const Array1D<Real64> &x, Array1D<Real64> &FRes)
    3070             : {
    3071             :     // Tuned Rewritten to traverse a in unit stride order
    3072      160464 :     int const nlayer4(4 * nlayer);
    3073     2007900 :     for (int i = 1; i <= nlayer4; ++i) {
    3074     1847436 :         FRes(i) = -b(i);
    3075             :     }
    3076     2007900 :     for (int j = 1; j <= nlayer4; ++j) {
    3077     1847436 :         Real64 const x_j(x(j));
    3078    24107132 :         for (int i = 1; i <= nlayer4; ++i) {
    3079    22259696 :             FRes(i) += a(j, i) * x_j;
    3080             :         }
    3081             :     }
    3082      160464 : }
    3083             : 
    3084        2313 : } // namespace EnergyPlus::ThermalISO15099Calc

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