LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - EnergyPlus - (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: lcov.output.filtered Lines: 6486 10074 64.4 %
Date: 2023-01-17 19:17:23 Functions: 91 123 74.0 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : // EnergyPlus, Copyright (c) 1996-2023, The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois,
       2             : // The Regents of the University of California, through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
       3             : // (subject to receipt of any required approvals from the U.S. Dept. of Energy), Oak Ridge
       4             : // National Laboratory, managed by UT-Battelle, Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC, and other
       5             : // contributors. All rights reserved.
       6             : //
       7             : // NOTICE: This Software was developed under funding from the U.S. Department of Energy and the
       8             : // U.S. Government consequently retains certain rights. As such, the U.S. Government has been
       9             : // granted for itself and others acting on its behalf a paid-up, nonexclusive, irrevocable,
      10             : // worldwide license in the Software to reproduce, distribute copies to the public, prepare
      11             : // derivative works, and perform publicly and display publicly, and to permit others to do so.
      12             : //
      13             : // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted
      14             : // provided that the following conditions are met:
      15             : //
      16             : // (1) Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of
      17             : //     conditions and the following disclaimer.
      18             : //
      19             : // (2) Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of
      20             : //     conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
      21             : //     provided with the distribution.
      22             : //
      23             : // (3) Neither the name of the University of California, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,
      24             : //     the University of Illinois, U.S. Dept. of Energy nor the names of its contributors may be
      25             : //     used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior
      26             : //     written permission.
      27             : //
      28             : // (4) Use of EnergyPlus(TM) Name. If Licensee (i) distributes the software in stand-alone form
      29             : //     without changes from the version obtained under this License, or (ii) Licensee makes a
      30             : //     reference solely to the software portion of its product, Licensee must refer to the
      31             : //     software as "EnergyPlus version X" software, where "X" is the version number Licensee
      32             : //     obtained under this License and may not use a different name for the software. Except as
      33             : //     specifically required in this Section (4), Licensee shall not use in a company name, a
      34             : //     product name, in advertising, publicity, or other promotional activities any name, trade
      35             : //     name, trademark, logo, or other designation of "EnergyPlus", "E+", "e+" or confusingly
      36             : //     similar designation, without the U.S. Department of Energy's prior written consent.
      37             : //
      46             : // POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.
      47             : 
      48             : // C++ headers
      49             : #include <string>
      50             : 
      51             : // EnergyPlus headers
      52             : #include <AirflowNetwork/Solver.hpp>
      53             : #include <EnergyPlus/Autosizing/All_Simple_Sizing.hh>
      54             : #include <EnergyPlus/Autosizing/CoolingAirFlowSizing.hh>
      55             : #include <EnergyPlus/Autosizing/CoolingCapacitySizing.hh>
      56             : #include <EnergyPlus/Autosizing/HeatingAirFlowSizing.hh>
      57             : #include <EnergyPlus/Autosizing/HeatingCapacitySizing.hh>
      58             : #include <EnergyPlus/Autosizing/SystemAirFlowSizing.hh>
      59             : #include <EnergyPlus/BranchInputManager.hh>
      60             : #include <EnergyPlus/BranchNodeConnections.hh>
      61             : #include <EnergyPlus/Coils/CoilCoolingDX.hh>
      62             : #include <EnergyPlus/DXCoils.hh>
      63             : #include <EnergyPlus/Data/EnergyPlusData.hh>
      64             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataHVACControllers.hh>
      65             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataHVACGlobals.hh>
      66             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataHVACSystems.hh>
      67             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataHeatBalFanSys.hh>
      68             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataHeatBalance.hh>
      69             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataSizing.hh>
      70             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataZoneControls.hh>
      71             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataZoneEnergyDemands.hh>
      72             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataZoneEquipment.hh>
      73             : #include <EnergyPlus/EMSManager.hh>
      74             : #include <EnergyPlus/Fans.hh>
      75             : #include <EnergyPlus/FaultsManager.hh>
      76             : #include <EnergyPlus/FluidProperties.hh>
      77             : #include <EnergyPlus/General.hh>
      78             : #include <EnergyPlus/GeneralRoutines.hh>
      79             : #include <EnergyPlus/HVACFan.hh>
      80             : #include <EnergyPlus/HVACHXAssistedCoolingCoil.hh>
      81             : #include <EnergyPlus/HeatingCoils.hh>
      82             : #include <EnergyPlus/InputProcessing/InputProcessor.hh>
      83             : #include <EnergyPlus/MixedAir.hh>
      84             : #include <EnergyPlus/NodeInputManager.hh>
      85             : #include <EnergyPlus/PackagedThermalStorageCoil.hh>
      86             : #include <EnergyPlus/Plant/DataPlant.hh>
      87             : #include <EnergyPlus/PlantUtilities.hh>
      88             : #include <EnergyPlus/Psychrometrics.hh>
      89             : #include <EnergyPlus/ReportCoilSelection.hh>
      90             : #include <EnergyPlus/SZVAVModel.hh>
      91             : #include <EnergyPlus/ScheduleManager.hh>
      92             : #include <EnergyPlus/SetPointManager.hh>
      93             : #include <EnergyPlus/SimAirServingZones.hh>
      94             : #include <EnergyPlus/SingleDuct.hh>
      95             : #include <EnergyPlus/SteamCoils.hh>
      96             : #include <EnergyPlus/UnitarySystem.hh>
      97             : #include <EnergyPlus/UserDefinedComponents.hh>
      98             : #include <EnergyPlus/UtilityRoutines.hh>
      99             : #include <EnergyPlus/VariableSpeedCoils.hh>
     100             : #include <EnergyPlus/WaterCoils.hh>
     101             : #include <EnergyPlus/WaterToAirHeatPump.hh>
     102             : #include <EnergyPlus/WaterToAirHeatPumpSimple.hh>
     103             : #include <EnergyPlus/ZonePlenum.hh>
     104             : #include <EnergyPlus/ZoneTempPredictorCorrector.hh>
     105             : 
     106             : namespace EnergyPlus {
     107             : namespace UnitarySystems {
     108             : 
     109             :     // Coil type for SimWater and SimSteamCoil
     110             :     int constexpr CoolingCoil = 0;
     111             :     int constexpr HeatingCoil = 1;
     112             :     int constexpr SuppHeatCoil = 2;
     113             : 
     114             :     static constexpr std::string_view fluidNameSteam("STEAM");
     115             :     static constexpr std::string_view blankString("");
     116         771 :     static const std::string blankStdString("");
     117             : 
     118     6060022 :     void UnitarySys::simulate(EnergyPlusData &state,
     119             :                               std::string_view Name,
     120             :                               bool const FirstHVACIteration,
     121             :                               int const AirLoopNum,
     122             :                               int &CompIndex,
     123             :                               bool &HeatActive,
     124             :                               bool &CoolActive,
     125             :                               int const ZoneOAUnitNum,
     126             :                               Real64 const OAUCoilOutTemp,
     127             :                               bool const ZoneEquipment,
     128             :                               Real64 &sysOutputProvided,
     129             :                               Real64 &latOutputProvided)
     130             :     {
     131     6060022 :         DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation CompressorOn = DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::Off;
     132             : 
     133             :         // Obtains and Allocates unitary system related parameters from input file
     134     6060022 :         if (this->m_ThisSysInputShouldBeGotten) {
     135         479 :             getUnitarySystemInput(state, Name, ZoneEquipment, ZoneOAUnitNum);
     136             :         }
     137     6060022 :         CompIndex = this->m_EquipCompNum;
     138     6060022 :         state.dataUnitarySystems->FanSpeedRatio = 1.0;
     139     6060022 :         this->initUnitarySystems(state, AirLoopNum, FirstHVACIteration, ZoneOAUnitNum, OAUCoilOutTemp);
     140     6060022 :         if (!this->m_OKToPrintSizing) return;
     141             : 
     142             :         // MassFlowRateMaxAvail issues are impeding non-VAV air loop equipment by limiting air flow
     143             :         // temporarily open up flow limits while simulating, and then set this same value at the INLET after this parent has simulated
     144     6060022 :         Real64 tempMassFlowRateMaxAvail = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->AirInNode).MassFlowRateMaxAvail;
     145             :         // this is not working for CoilSystem simulated with UnitarySystem. Try to protect when this happens.
     146     6060022 :         if (AirLoopNum > 0 && this->m_ControlType != UnitarySysCtrlType::Setpoint) {
     147     1246944 :             state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->AirInNode).MassFlowRateMaxAvail = this->m_DesignMassFlowRate;
     148             :         }
     149             : 
     150     6060022 :         bool HXUnitOn = false;
     151     6060022 :         if (this->m_ControlType == UnitarySysCtrlType::Setpoint) {
     152     3559166 :             this->controlUnitarySystemtoSP(
     153             :                 state, AirLoopNum, FirstHVACIteration, CompressorOn, OAUCoilOutTemp, HXUnitOn, sysOutputProvided, latOutputProvided);
     154             :         } else {
     155     2500856 :             this->controlUnitarySystemtoLoad(
     156             :                 state, AirLoopNum, FirstHVACIteration, CompressorOn, OAUCoilOutTemp, HXUnitOn, sysOutputProvided, latOutputProvided);
     157             :         }
     158             : 
     159             :         // Report the current output
     160     6060022 :         this->reportUnitarySystem(state, AirLoopNum);
     161             : 
     162             :         // CoolActive = false; // set in call from ZoneEquipmentManager
     163     6060022 :         if (this->m_CoolingPartLoadFrac * double(CompressorOn) > 0.0) CoolActive = true;
     164             :         // HeatActive = false; // set in call from ZoneEquipmentManager
     165     6060022 :         if (this->m_HeatingPartLoadFrac * double(CompressorOn) > 0.0 || this->m_SuppHeatPartLoadFrac * double(CompressorOn) > 0.0) HeatActive = true;
     166             : 
     167             :         // set econo lockout flag
     168             :         // If the sysem is not an equipment of Outdoor air unit
     169     6060022 :         if (AirLoopNum > 0 && !state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopControlInfo.empty() && this->m_AirLoopEquipment) {
     170             : 
     171     4730329 :             state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopControlInfo(AirLoopNum).ReqstEconoLockoutWithCompressor =
     172     5483856 :                 state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopControlInfo(AirLoopNum).CanLockoutEconoWithCompressor &&
     173      919672 :                 (this->m_HeatCompPartLoadRatio > 0.0 || this->m_SpeedRatio > 0.0 || this->m_CycRatio > 0.0);
     174             : 
     175     4730329 :             state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopControlInfo(AirLoopNum).ReqstEconoLockoutWithHeating =
     176     5033414 :                 HeatActive && (state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopControlInfo(AirLoopNum).CanLockoutEconoWithCompressor ||
     177      303085 :                                state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopControlInfo(AirLoopNum).CanLockoutEconoWithHeating);
     178             :         }
     179             : 
     180             :         // Calculate heat recovery
     181     6060022 :         if (this->m_HeatRecActive) {
     182           0 :             this->unitarySystemHeatRecovery(state);
     183             :         }
     184             : 
     185             :         // Coils should have been sized by now. Set this flag to false in case other equipment is downstream of Unitary System.
     186             :         // No, can't do this since there are other checks that need this flag (e.g., HVACManager, SetHeatToReturnAirFlag())
     187             :         //  AirLoopControlInfo(AirLoopNum)%UnitarySys = .FALSE.
     188             : 
     189     6060022 :         if (AirLoopNum > 0 && this->m_ControlType != UnitarySysCtrlType::Setpoint) {
     190     1246944 :             state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->AirInNode).MassFlowRateMaxAvail = tempMassFlowRateMaxAvail;
     191             :         }
     192             :     }
     193             : 
     194         110 :     DesignSpecMSHP *DesignSpecMSHP::factory(EnergyPlusData &state, int object_type_of_num, std::string const objectName)
     195             :     {
     196             : 
     197         110 :         if (state.dataUnitarySystems->getMSHPInputOnceFlag) {
     198          19 :             DesignSpecMSHP::getDesignSpecMSHP(state);
     199          19 :             state.dataUnitarySystems->getMSHPInputOnceFlag = false;
     200             :         }
     201         316 :         for (auto &dSpec : state.dataUnitarySystems->designSpecMSHP) {
     202         316 :             if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(, objectName) && dSpec.m_DesignSpecMSHPType_Num == object_type_of_num) {
     203         110 :                 return &dSpec;
     204             :             }
     205             :         }
     206           0 :         ShowSevereError(state, "Design Specification MultiSpeed Heat Pump factory: Error getting inputs for system named: " + objectName);
     207           0 :         return nullptr;
     208             :     }
     209             : 
     210          19 :     void DesignSpecMSHP::getDesignSpecMSHP(EnergyPlusData &state)
     211             :     {
     212          19 :         bool errorsFound(false);
     213             : 
     214          19 :         DesignSpecMSHP::getDesignSpecMSHPdata(state, errorsFound);
     215             : 
     216          19 :         if (errorsFound) {
     217           0 :             ShowFatalError(state, "Design Specification MultiSpeed Heat Pump: Previous errors cause termination.");
     218             :         }
     219          19 :     }
     220             : 
     221          19 :     void DesignSpecMSHP::getDesignSpecMSHPdata(EnergyPlusData &state, bool errorsFound)
     222             :     {
     223          38 :         std::string cCurrentModuleObject = "UnitarySystemPerformance:Multispeed";
     224             : 
     225          38 :         auto const instances = state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->epJSON.find(cCurrentModuleObject);
     226          19 :         if (instances == state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->epJSON.end()) {
     227           0 :             errorsFound = true;
     228             :         } else {
     229          19 :             int designSpecNum = 0;
     230          19 :             auto &instancesValue = instances.value();
     231          74 :             for (auto instance = instancesValue.begin(); instance != instancesValue.end(); ++instance) {
     232             : 
     233             :                 // *************** used only to eliminate unused object warning when using only Json type getInput **********
     234          55 :                 int TotalArgs = 0;
     235          55 :                 int NumAlphas = 0;
     236          55 :                 int NumNumbers = 0;
     237          55 :                 state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectDefMaxArgs(state, cCurrentModuleObject, TotalArgs, NumAlphas, NumNumbers);
     238          55 :                 int IOStatus = 0;
     239         110 :                 Array1D_string Alphas(NumAlphas);
     240         110 :                 Array1D<Real64> Numbers(NumNumbers, 0.0);
     241         110 :                 Array1D_bool lNumericBlanks(NumNumbers, true);
     242         110 :                 Array1D_bool lAlphaBlanks(NumAlphas, true);
     243         110 :                 Array1D_string cAlphaFields(NumAlphas);
     244         110 :                 Array1D_string cNumericFields(NumNumbers);
     245          55 :                 state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getObjectItem(state,
     246             :                                                                          cCurrentModuleObject,
     247             :                                                                          ++designSpecNum,
     248             :                                                                          Alphas,
     249             :                                                                          NumAlphas,
     250             :                                                                          Numbers,
     251             :                                                                          NumNumbers,
     252             :                                                                          IOStatus,
     253             :                                                                          lNumericBlanks,
     254             :                                                                          lAlphaBlanks,
     255             :                                                                          cAlphaFields,
     256             :                                                                          cNumericFields);
     257             :                 // **********************************************************************************************************
     258             : 
     259          55 :                 auto const &fields = instance.value();
     260          55 :                 auto const &thisObjectName = instance.key();
     261         110 :                 DesignSpecMSHP thisDesignSpec;
     262             : 
     263          55 :        = UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase(thisObjectName);
     264          55 :                 thisDesignSpec.numOfSpeedHeating ="number_of_speeds_for_heating").get<int>(); // required field
     265          55 :                 thisDesignSpec.numOfSpeedCooling ="number_of_speeds_for_cooling").get<int>(); // required field
     266          55 :                 int maxSpeeds = max(thisDesignSpec.numOfSpeedHeating, thisDesignSpec.numOfSpeedCooling);
     267          55 :                 thisDesignSpec.m_DesignSpecMSHPType_Num = 1; // add global int value for factory
     268             : 
     269          55 :                 if (fields.find("single_mode_operation") != fields.end()) { // not required field
     270         110 :                     std::string loc_m_SingleModeOp = UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase("single_mode_operation").get<std::string>());
     271          55 :                     if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(loc_m_SingleModeOp, "Yes")) thisDesignSpec.m_SingleModeFlag = true;
     272             :                 }
     273             : 
     274          55 :                 if (fields.find("no_load_supply_air_flow_rate_ratio") != fields.end()) { // not required field
     275          34 :                     thisDesignSpec.noLoadAirFlowRateRatio ="no_load_supply_air_flow_rate_ratio").get<Real64>();
     276             :                 }
     277             : 
     278          55 :                 thisDesignSpec.heatingVolFlowRatio.resize(maxSpeeds + 1);
     279          55 :                 thisDesignSpec.coolingVolFlowRatio.resize(maxSpeeds + 1);
     280             : 
     281         110 :                 auto speedFlowRatios = fields.find("flow_ratios");
     282          55 :                 if (speedFlowRatios != fields.end()) {
     283         110 :                     auto flowRatioArray = speedFlowRatios.value();
     284          55 :                     int numSpeedInputs = flowRatioArray.size();
     285          55 :                     if (numSpeedInputs >= maxSpeeds) {
     286          55 :                         int speedNum = -1;
     287         305 :                         for (auto flowRatio : flowRatioArray) {
     288         250 :                             speedNum += 1;
     289         500 :                             auto m_CoolingSpeedRatioObject ="cooling_speed_supply_air_flow_ratio");
     290         250 :                             if (m_CoolingSpeedRatioObject == "Autosize") {
     291         170 :                                 if (speedNum < (maxSpeeds + 1)) thisDesignSpec.coolingVolFlowRatio[speedNum] = -99999;
     292             :                             } else {
     293          80 :                                 if (speedNum < (maxSpeeds + 1))
     294          80 :                                     thisDesignSpec.coolingVolFlowRatio[speedNum] = m_CoolingSpeedRatioObject.get<Real64>();
     295             :                             }
     296         500 :                             auto m_HeatingSpeedRatioObject ="heating_speed_supply_air_flow_ratio");
     297         250 :                             if (m_HeatingSpeedRatioObject == "Autosize") {
     298         170 :                                 if (speedNum < (maxSpeeds + 1)) thisDesignSpec.heatingVolFlowRatio[speedNum] = -99999;
     299             :                             } else {
     300          80 :                                 if (speedNum < (maxSpeeds + 1))
     301          80 :                                     thisDesignSpec.heatingVolFlowRatio[speedNum] = m_HeatingSpeedRatioObject.get<Real64>();
     302             :                             }
     303             :                         }
     304           0 :                     } else if (numSpeedInputs < maxSpeeds) {
     305           0 :                         ShowSevereError(state, cCurrentModuleObject + ": Error getting inputs for system named: " + thisObjectName);
     306           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state,
     307           0 :                                           format("Number of speed inputs ({:.0T} is less than number of speeds ({:.0T}).",
     308           0 :                                                  Real64(numSpeedInputs),
     309           0 :                                                  Real64(maxSpeeds)));
     310           0 :                         errorsFound = true;
     311             :                     }
     312             :                 }
     313          55 :                 state.dataUnitarySystems->designSpecMSHP.push_back(thisDesignSpec);
     314             :             }
     315             :         }
     316          19 :     } // namespace UnitarySystems
     317             : 
     318         594 :     HVACSystemData *UnitarySys::factory(
     319             :         EnergyPlusData &state, int const object_type_of_num, std::string const objectName, bool const ZoneEquipment, int const ZoneOAUnitNum)
     320             :     {
     321         594 :         if (state.dataUnitarySystems->getInputOnceFlag) {
     322         159 :             UnitarySys::getUnitarySystemInput(state, objectName, ZoneEquipment, ZoneOAUnitNum);
     323         159 :             state.dataUnitarySystems->getInputOnceFlag = false;
     324             :         }
     325         594 :         int sysNum = -1;
     326        4409 :         for (auto &sys : state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys) {
     327        4409 :             ++sysNum;
     328        4409 :             if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(sys.Name, objectName) && object_type_of_num == DataHVACGlobals::UnitarySys_AnyCoilType) {
     329         594 :                 state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_UnitarySysNum = sysNum;
     330         594 :                 return &sys;
     331             :             }
     332             :         }
     333           0 :         ShowFatalError(state, "UnitarySystem factory: Error getting inputs for system named: " + objectName);
     334           0 :         return nullptr;
     335             :     }
     336             : 
     337         110 :     int getDesignSpecMSHPIndex(
     338             :         EnergyPlusData &state,      // lookup vector index for design spec object name in object array EnergyPlus::UnitarySystems::designSpecMSHP
     339             :         std::string_view objectName // IDF name in input
     340             :     )
     341             :     {
     342         110 :         int index = -1;
     343         316 :         for (std::size_t loop = 0; loop < state.dataUnitarySystems->designSpecMSHP.size(); ++loop) {
     344         316 :             DesignSpecMSHP *thisDesignSpecMSHPObjec = &state.dataUnitarySystems->designSpecMSHP[loop];
     345         316 :             if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(objectName, thisDesignSpecMSHPObjec->name)) {
     346         110 :                 index = loop;
     347         110 :                 return index;
     348             :             }
     349             :         }
     350           0 :         ShowSevereError(
     351           0 :             state, "getDesignSpecMSHPIndex: did not find UnitarySystemPerformance:Multispeed name =" + std::string{objectName} + ". Check inputs");
     352           0 :         return index;
     353             :     }
     354             : 
     355        2370 :     int getUnitarySystemIndex(
     356             :         EnergyPlusData &state,      // lookup vector index for UnitarySystem object name in object array EnergyPlus::UnitarySystems::unitarySys
     357             :         std::string_view objectName // IDF name in input
     358             :     )
     359             :     {
     360        2370 :         int index = -1;
     361       26444 :         for (std::size_t loop = 0; loop < state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys.size(); ++loop) {
     362       25260 :             UnitarySys *thisUnitarySysObjec = &state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[loop];
     363       25260 :             if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(objectName, thisUnitarySysObjec->Name)) {
     364        1186 :                 index = loop;
     365        1186 :                 break;
     366             :             }
     367             :         }
     368        2370 :         return index;
     369             :     }
     370             : 
     371     6060022 :     void UnitarySys::initUnitarySystems(
     372             :         EnergyPlusData &state, int const AirLoopNum, bool const FirstHVACIteration, int const ZoneOAUnitNum, Real64 const OAUCoilOutTemp)
     373             :     {
     374             :         static constexpr std::string_view routineName("InitUnitarySystems");
     375     6060022 :         bool errorsFound = false; // error flag for mining functions
     376             : 
     377             :         // only access for zone equipment, UnitaySystem does not yet have input for Availability Manager List Name
     378    13659879 :         if (this->m_IsZoneEquipment &&
     379     7768793 :             (this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedAC || this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedHP || this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedWSHP) &&
     380     1231508 :             !state.dataHVACGlobal->ZoneComp.empty()) {
     381             :             // need to move to better location and save thisObjectIndex and thisObjectType in struct
     382             :             // this->m_EquipCompNum is by parent type, not total UnitarySystems
     383             :             // e.g., PTAC = 1,2,3; PTHP = 1,2; PTWSHP = 1,2,3,4; UnitarySystems = 9 total
     384     1231508 :             DataZoneEquipment::ZoneEquip thisObjectType = DataZoneEquipment::ZoneEquip::Invalid;
     385     1231508 :             switch (this->m_sysType) {
     386     1062572 :             case SysType::PackagedAC:
     387     1062572 :                 thisObjectType = DataZoneEquipment::ZoneEquip::PkgTermACAirToAir;
     388     1062572 :                 break;
     389       91949 :             case SysType::PackagedHP:
     390       91949 :                 thisObjectType = DataZoneEquipment::ZoneEquip::PkgTermHPAirToAir;
     391       91949 :                 break;
     392       76987 :             case SysType::PackagedWSHP:
     393       76987 :                 thisObjectType = DataZoneEquipment::ZoneEquip::PkgTermHPWaterToAir;
     394       76987 :                 break;
     395           0 :             default:
     396           0 :                 break;
     397             :             }
     398     1231508 :             if (this->m_ZoneCompFlag) {
     399         384 :                 state.dataHVACGlobal->ZoneComp(thisObjectType).ZoneCompAvailMgrs(this->m_EquipCompNum).AvailManagerListName =
     400         384 :                     this->m_AvailManagerListName;
     401         192 :                 state.dataHVACGlobal->ZoneComp(thisObjectType).ZoneCompAvailMgrs(this->m_EquipCompNum).ZoneNum = this->ControlZoneNum;
     402         192 :                 this->m_ZoneCompFlag = false;
     403             :             }
     404     1231508 :             this->m_AvailStatus = state.dataHVACGlobal->ZoneComp(thisObjectType).ZoneCompAvailMgrs(this->m_EquipCompNum).AvailStatus;
     405             :         }
     406             : 
     407             :         // sizing does not execute until SysSizing is complete. This means we may not know plant connections for zone equipment.
     408             :         // when adding ((this->m_IsZoneEquipment && !state.dataGlobal->SysSizingCalc) || ()) here, eio gets out of sorts
     409     6060022 :         if (!state.dataGlobal->SysSizingCalc && this->m_MySizingCheckFlag && !this->m_ThisSysInputShouldBeGotten) {
     410         592 :             if (AirLoopNum > 0) {
     411         386 :                 if (this->m_FanExists && (this->m_CoolCoilExists && (this->m_HeatCoilExists || this->m_SuppCoilExists)))
     412         102 :                     state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopControlInfo(AirLoopNum).UnitarySys = true;
     413         386 :                 state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopControlInfo(AirLoopNum).UnitarySysSimulating = true;
     414         386 :                 if (this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_CoolingTwoSpeed) {
     415          67 :                     DXCoils::SetCoilSystemCoolingData(state, this->m_CoolingCoilName, this->Name);
     416             :                 }
     417             :                 // associates an air loop fan on main branch with a coil on main branch where parent does not have a fan
     418         386 :                 if (!this->m_FanExists) {
     419         284 :                     if (state.dataAirSystemsData->PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).supFanModelType != DataAirSystems::Invalid) {
     420         281 :                         auto &primaryAirSystems = state.dataAirSystemsData->PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum);
     421         281 :                         if (this->m_CoolCoilExists) {
     422        1680 :                             state.dataRptCoilSelection->coilSelectionReportObj->setCoilSupplyFanInfo(
     423             :                                 state,
     424             :                                 this->m_CoolingCoilName,
     425         280 :                                 DataHVACGlobals::cAllCoilTypes(this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num),
     426         280 :                                 primaryAirSystems.supFanModelType == DataAirSystems::ObjectVectorOOFanSystemModel
     427           8 :                                     ? state.dataHVACFan->fanObjs[primaryAirSystems.supFanVecIndex]->name
     428         272 :                                     : state.dataFans->Fan(primaryAirSystems.SupFanNum).FanName,
     429         280 :                                 primaryAirSystems.supFanModelType == DataAirSystems::ObjectVectorOOFanSystemModel
     430             :                                     ? DataAirSystems::ObjectVectorOOFanSystemModel
     431             :                                     : DataAirSystems::StructArrayLegacyFanModels,
     432         280 :                                 primaryAirSystems.supFanModelType == DataAirSystems::ObjectVectorOOFanSystemModel ? primaryAirSystems.supFanVecIndex
     433             :                                                                                                                   : primaryAirSystems.SupFanNum);
     434             :                         }
     435         281 :                         if (this->m_HeatCoilExists) {
     436           6 :                             state.dataRptCoilSelection->coilSelectionReportObj->setCoilSupplyFanInfo(
     437             :                                 state,
     438             :                                 this->m_HeatingCoilName,
     439           1 :                                 DataHVACGlobals::cAllCoilTypes(this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num),
     440           1 :                                 primaryAirSystems.supFanModelType == DataAirSystems::ObjectVectorOOFanSystemModel
     441           1 :                                     ? state.dataHVACFan->fanObjs[primaryAirSystems.supFanVecIndex]->name
     442           0 :                                     : state.dataFans->Fan(primaryAirSystems.SupFanNum).FanName,
     443           1 :                                 primaryAirSystems.supFanModelType == DataAirSystems::ObjectVectorOOFanSystemModel
     444             :                                     ? DataAirSystems::ObjectVectorOOFanSystemModel
     445             :                                     : DataAirSystems::StructArrayLegacyFanModels,
     446           1 :                                 primaryAirSystems.supFanModelType == DataAirSystems::ObjectVectorOOFanSystemModel ? primaryAirSystems.supFanVecIndex
     447             :                                                                                                                   : primaryAirSystems.SupFanNum);
     448             :                         }
     449         281 :                         if (this->m_SuppCoilExists) {
     450           0 :                             state.dataRptCoilSelection->coilSelectionReportObj->setCoilSupplyFanInfo(
     451             :                                 state,
     452             :                                 this->m_SuppHeatCoilName,
     453           0 :                                 DataHVACGlobals::cAllCoilTypes(this->m_SuppHeatCoilType_Num),
     454           0 :                                 primaryAirSystems.supFanModelType == DataAirSystems::ObjectVectorOOFanSystemModel
     455           0 :                                     ? state.dataHVACFan->fanObjs[primaryAirSystems.supFanVecIndex]->name
     456           0 :                                     : state.dataFans->Fan(primaryAirSystems.SupFanNum).FanName,
     457           0 :                                 primaryAirSystems.supFanModelType == DataAirSystems::ObjectVectorOOFanSystemModel
     458             :                                     ? DataAirSystems::ObjectVectorOOFanSystemModel
     459             :                                     : DataAirSystems::StructArrayLegacyFanModels,
     460           0 :                                 primaryAirSystems.supFanModelType == DataAirSystems::ObjectVectorOOFanSystemModel ? primaryAirSystems.supFanVecIndex
     461             :                                                                                                                   : primaryAirSystems.SupFanNum);
     462             :                         }
     463             :                     }
     464             :                 }
     465             :             }
     466         592 :             this->sizeSystem(state, FirstHVACIteration, AirLoopNum);
     467         592 :             this->m_MySizingCheckFlag = false;
     468         592 :             if (AirLoopNum > 0) {
     469         386 :                 state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopControlInfo(AirLoopNum).FanOpMode = this->m_FanOpMode;
     470         386 :                 state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopControlInfo(AirLoopNum).CycFanSchedPtr = this->m_FanOpModeSchedPtr;
     471         206 :             } else if (AirLoopNum < 0) {
     472           8 :                 if (this->m_ControlType == UnitarySysCtrlType::CCMASHRAE) {
     473           0 :                     ShowSevereError(state, this->UnitType + ": " + this->Name);
     474           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "  Invalid application of Control Type = SingleZoneVAV in outdoor air system.");
     475           0 :                     ShowFatalError(state, "InitUnitarySystems: Program terminated for previous conditions.");
     476             :                 }
     477             :             }
     478             :         }
     479             : 
     480     6060022 :         if (this->m_MyFanFlag) {
     481        2340 :             std::string FanType = ""; // used in warning messages
     482        2340 :             std::string FanName = ""; // used in warning messages
     483        1170 :             if (this->m_ActualFanVolFlowRate != DataSizing::AutoSize) {
     484         592 :                 if (this->m_ActualFanVolFlowRate > 0.0) {
     485         592 :                     this->m_HeatingFanSpeedRatio = this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow / this->m_ActualFanVolFlowRate;
     486         592 :                     this->m_CoolingFanSpeedRatio = this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow / this->m_ActualFanVolFlowRate;
     487         592 :                     this->m_NoHeatCoolSpeedRatio = this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow / this->m_ActualFanVolFlowRate;
     488         592 :                     if (this->m_FanExists && !this->m_MultiOrVarSpeedHeatCoil && !this->m_MultiOrVarSpeedCoolCoil) {
     489         219 :                         bool fanHasPowerSpeedRatioCurve = false;
     490         219 :                         if (this->m_FanType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::FanType_SystemModelObject) {
     491          15 :                             if (state.dataHVACFan->fanObjs[this->m_FanIndex]->powerModFuncFlowFractionCurveIndex > 0)
     492           2 :                                 fanHasPowerSpeedRatioCurve = true;
     493          15 :                             FanType = "Fan:SystemModel";
     494          15 :                             FanName = this->m_FanName;
     495             :                         } else {
     496         204 :                             if (Fans::GetFanSpeedRatioCurveIndex(state, FanType, FanName, this->m_FanIndex) > 0) fanHasPowerSpeedRatioCurve = true;
     497             :                         }
     498         219 :                         if (fanHasPowerSpeedRatioCurve) {
     499             : 
     500          13 :                             if (this->m_ActualFanVolFlowRate == this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow &&
     501          11 :                                 this->m_ActualFanVolFlowRate == this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow &&
     502           5 :                                 this->m_ActualFanVolFlowRate == this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow) {
     503           1 :                                 ShowWarningError(state, this->UnitType + " \"" + this->Name + "\"");
     504           1 :                                 ShowContinueError(state, "...For fan type and name = " + FanType + " \"" + FanName + "\"");
     505           1 :                                 ShowContinueError(state,
     506             :                                                   "...Fan power ratio function of speed ratio curve has no impact if fan volumetric flow rate is the "
     507             :                                                   "same as the unitary system volumetric flow rate.");
     508           3 :                                 ShowContinueError(state,
     509           2 :                                                   format("...Fan volumetric flow rate            = {:.5R} m3/s.", this->m_ActualFanVolFlowRate));
     510           1 :                                 ShowContinueError(state, format("...Unitary system volumetric flow rate = {:.5R} m3/s.", this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow));
     511             :                             }
     512             :                         }
     513             :                     }
     514         592 :                     if (this->m_MultiOrVarSpeedHeatCoil || this->m_MultiOrVarSpeedCoolCoil) {
     515         150 :                         if (this->m_MultiOrVarSpeedCoolCoil) {
     516         150 :                             int NumSpeeds = this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling;
     517         150 :                             if (this->m_MSCoolingSpeedRatio.empty()) this->m_MSCoolingSpeedRatio.resize(NumSpeeds + 1);
     518         150 :                             if (this->m_CoolVolumeFlowRate.empty()) this->m_CoolVolumeFlowRate.resize(NumSpeeds + 1);
     519         548 :                             for (int Iter = 1; Iter <= NumSpeeds; ++Iter) {
     520         398 :                                 this->m_MSCoolingSpeedRatio[Iter] = this->m_CoolVolumeFlowRate[Iter] / this->m_ActualFanVolFlowRate;
     521             :                             }
     522             :                         }
     523         150 :                         if (this->m_MultiOrVarSpeedHeatCoil) {
     524          18 :                             int NumSpeeds = this->m_NumOfSpeedHeating;
     525          18 :                             if (this->m_MSHeatingSpeedRatio.empty()) this->m_MSHeatingSpeedRatio.resize(NumSpeeds + 1);
     526          18 :                             if (this->m_HeatVolumeFlowRate.empty()) this->m_HeatVolumeFlowRate.resize(NumSpeeds + 1);
     527         118 :                             for (int Iter = 1; Iter <= NumSpeeds; ++Iter) {
     528         100 :                                 this->m_MSHeatingSpeedRatio[Iter] = this->m_HeatVolumeFlowRate[Iter] / this->m_ActualFanVolFlowRate;
     529             :                             }
     530             :                         }
     531         150 :                         this->m_NoLoadAirFlowRateRatio = this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow / this->m_ActualFanVolFlowRate;
     532             :                     }
     533             :                 }
     534         592 :                 this->m_MyFanFlag = false;
     535             :             } else {
     536         578 :                 if (this->m_FanExists) {
     537         578 :                     if (this->m_FanType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::FanType_SystemModelObject) {
     538          58 :                         this->m_ActualFanVolFlowRate = state.dataHVACFan->fanObjs[this->m_FanIndex]->designAirVolFlowRate;
     539             :                     } else {
     540         520 :                         this->m_ActualFanVolFlowRate =
     541        1040 :                             Fans::GetFanDesignVolumeFlowRate(state, blankString, blankString, errorsFound, this->m_FanIndex);
     542             :                     }
     543             :                 }
     544             :                 // do not set false this->m_MyFanFlag so that next pass specific initialization and warning are executed
     545             :             }
     546             :         }
     547             : 
     548             :         // why is this here, it doesn't do anything
     549     6060022 :         int OutdoorAirUnitNum = 0;
     550     6060022 :         int OAUCoilOutletTemp = 0.0;
     551     6060022 :         if (AirLoopNum == -1) { // This DX system is component of ZoneHVAC:OutdoorAirUnit
     552       75781 :             OutdoorAirUnitNum = ZoneOAUnitNum;
     553       75781 :             OAUCoilOutletTemp = OAUCoilOutTemp;
     554             :         }
     555             : 
     556             :         // Scan hot water and steam heating coil plant components for one time initializations
     557     6060022 :         if (this->m_MyPlantScanFlag && !state.dataPlnt->PlantLoop.empty()) {
     558         388 :             if (this->m_HeatRecActive) {
     559           0 :                 state.dataUnitarySystems->initUnitarySystemsErrFlag = false;
     560           0 :                 PlantUtilities::ScanPlantLoopsForObject(state,
     561             :                                                         this->Name,
     562             :                                                         DataPlant::PlantEquipmentType::UnitarySysRecovery,
     563             :                                                         this->m_HRPlantLoc,
     564           0 :                                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->initUnitarySystemsErrFlag,
     565             :                                                         _,
     566             :                                                         _,
     567             :                                                         _,
     568             :                                                         _,
     569             :                                                         _);
     570           0 :                 if (state.dataUnitarySystems->initUnitarySystemsErrFlag) {
     571           0 :                     ShowFatalError(state, "InitUnitarySystems: Program terminated for previous conditions.");
     572             :                 }
     573             :             }
     574         388 :             DataPlant::PlantEquipmentType TypeOfCoilWaterCooling{DataPlant::PlantEquipmentType::Invalid};
     575         776 :             std::string CoolingCoilType = "";
     576         776 :             std::string CoolingCoilName = "";
     577         771 :             if (this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWater ||
     578         766 :                 this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWaterDetailed ||
     579         383 :                 this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilWater_CoolingHXAssisted) {
     580           5 :                 if (this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWater) {
     581           5 :                     TypeOfCoilWaterCooling = DataPlant::PlantEquipmentType::CoilWaterCooling;
     582           5 :                     CoolingCoilType = "Coil:Cooling:Water";
     583           5 :                     CoolingCoilName = this->m_CoolingCoilName;
     584           0 :                 } else if (this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWaterDetailed) {
     585           0 :                     TypeOfCoilWaterCooling = DataPlant::PlantEquipmentType::CoilWaterDetailedFlatCooling;
     586           0 :                     CoolingCoilType = "Coil:Cooling:Water:DetailedGeometry";
     587           0 :                     CoolingCoilName = this->m_CoolingCoilName;
     588             :                 } else {
     589           0 :                     TypeOfCoilWaterCooling = static_cast<DataPlant::PlantEquipmentType>(
     590           0 :                         HVACHXAssistedCoolingCoil::GetCoilObjectTypeNum(state,
     591           0 :                                                                         DataHVACGlobals::cAllCoilTypes(this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num),
     592             :                                                                         this->m_CoolingCoilName,
     593           0 :                                                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->initUnitarySystemsErrFlag,
     594             :                                                                         true));
     595           0 :                     if (TypeOfCoilWaterCooling == static_cast<DataPlant::PlantEquipmentType>(DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWater)) {
     596           0 :                         TypeOfCoilWaterCooling = DataPlant::PlantEquipmentType::CoilWaterCooling;
     597           0 :                         CoolingCoilType = "Coil:Cooling:Water";
     598           0 :                     } else if (TypeOfCoilWaterCooling == static_cast<DataPlant::PlantEquipmentType>(DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWaterDetailed)) {
     599           0 :                         TypeOfCoilWaterCooling = DataPlant::PlantEquipmentType::CoilWaterDetailedFlatCooling;
     600           0 :                         CoolingCoilType = "Coil:Cooling:Water:DetailedGeometry";
     601             :                     }
     602           0 :                     CoolingCoilName = HVACHXAssistedCoolingCoil::GetHXDXCoilName(state,
     603           0 :                                                                                  DataHVACGlobals::cAllCoilTypes(this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num),
     604             :                                                                                  this->m_CoolingCoilName,
     605           0 :                                                                                  state.dataUnitarySystems->initUnitarySystemsErrFlag);
     606             :                 }
     607           5 :                 state.dataUnitarySystems->initUnitarySystemsErrFlag = false;
     608          10 :                 PlantUtilities::ScanPlantLoopsForObject(state,
     609             :                                                         CoolingCoilName,
     610             :                                                         TypeOfCoilWaterCooling,
     611             :                                                         this->CoolCoilPlantLoc,
     612           5 :                                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->initUnitarySystemsErrFlag,
     613             :                                                         _,
     614             :                                                         _,
     615             :                                                         _,
     616             :                                                         _,
     617             :                                                         _);
     618           5 :                 if (state.dataUnitarySystems->initUnitarySystemsErrFlag) {
     619           0 :                     ShowFatalError(state, "InitUnitarySystem: Program terminated for previous conditions.");
     620             :                 }
     621           5 :                 this->MaxCoolCoilFluidFlow = WaterCoils::GetCoilMaxWaterFlowRate(
     622           5 :                     state, CoolingCoilType, CoolingCoilName, state.dataUnitarySystems->initUnitarySystemsErrorsFound);
     623             : 
     624           5 :                 if (this->MaxCoolCoilFluidFlow > 0.0) {
     625          10 :                     Real64 rho = FluidProperties::GetDensityGlycol(state,
     626           5 :                                                                    state.dataPlnt->PlantLoop(this->CoolCoilPlantLoc.loopNum).FluidName,
     627             :                                                                    DataGlobalConstants::CWInitConvTemp,
     628           5 :                                                                    state.dataPlnt->PlantLoop(this->CoolCoilPlantLoc.loopNum).FluidIndex,
     629           5 :                                                                    routineName);
     630           5 :                     this->MaxCoolCoilFluidFlow *= rho;
     631             :                 }
     632             :                 // fill outlet node for coil
     633           5 :                 this->CoolCoilFluidOutletNodeNum = DataPlant::CompData::getPlantComponent(state, this->CoolCoilPlantLoc).NodeNumOut;
     634             :             }
     635         388 :             DataPlant::PlantEquipmentType TypeOfCoilWaterHeating = DataPlant::PlantEquipmentType::Invalid;
     636         776 :             std::string HeatingCoilType = "";
     637         767 :             if (this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWater ||
     638         379 :                 this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingSteam) {
     639          11 :                 if (this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWater) {
     640           9 :                     TypeOfCoilWaterHeating = DataPlant::PlantEquipmentType::CoilWaterSimpleHeating;
     641           9 :                     HeatingCoilType = "Coil:Heating:Water";
     642             :                     // this doesn't work good here, sizing may not have executed yet
     643             :                     // air loops seem to work OK, zone equipment not so much, this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow = -99999.0
     644             :                     // moved to sizing but left this original call
     645          18 :                     WaterCoils::SetCoilDesFlow(state,
     646           9 :                                                DataHVACGlobals::cAllCoilTypes(this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num),
     647             :                                                this->m_HeatingCoilName,
     648             :                                                this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow,
     649           9 :                                                state.dataUnitarySystems->initUnitarySystemsErrorsFound);
     650             :                 } else {
     651           2 :                     TypeOfCoilWaterHeating = DataPlant::PlantEquipmentType::CoilSteamAirHeating;
     652           2 :                     HeatingCoilType = "Coil:Heating:Steam";
     653             :                 }
     654          11 :                 state.dataUnitarySystems->initUnitarySystemsErrFlag = false;
     655          22 :                 PlantUtilities::ScanPlantLoopsForObject(state,
     656             :                                                         this->m_HeatingCoilName,
     657             :                                                         TypeOfCoilWaterHeating,
     658             :                                                         this->HeatCoilPlantLoc,
     659          11 :                                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->initUnitarySystemsErrFlag,
     660             :                                                         _,
     661             :                                                         _,
     662             :                                                         _,
     663             :                                                         _,
     664             :                                                         _);
     665          11 :                 if (state.dataUnitarySystems->initUnitarySystemsErrFlag) {
     666           0 :                     ShowFatalError(state, "InitUnitarySystem: Program terminated for previous conditions.");
     667             :                 }
     668          11 :                 if (this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWater) {
     669           9 :                     this->MaxHeatCoilFluidFlow = WaterCoils::GetCoilMaxWaterFlowRate(
     670           9 :                         state, HeatingCoilType, this->m_HeatingCoilName, state.dataUnitarySystems->initUnitarySystemsErrorsFound);
     671             : 
     672           9 :                     if (this->MaxHeatCoilFluidFlow > 0.0) {
     673           4 :                         Real64 rho = FluidProperties::GetDensityGlycol(state,
     674           2 :                                                                        state.dataPlnt->PlantLoop(this->HeatCoilPlantLoc.loopNum).FluidName,
     675             :                                                                        DataGlobalConstants::HWInitConvTemp,
     676           2 :                                                                        state.dataPlnt->PlantLoop(this->HeatCoilPlantLoc.loopNum).FluidIndex,
     677           2 :                                                                        routineName);
     678           2 :                         this->MaxHeatCoilFluidFlow =
     679           2 :                             WaterCoils::GetCoilMaxWaterFlowRate(
     680           4 :                                 state, HeatingCoilType, this->m_HeatingCoilName, state.dataUnitarySystems->initUnitarySystemsErrorsFound) *
     681             :                             rho;
     682             :                     }
     683             :                 } else {
     684           2 :                     this->MaxHeatCoilFluidFlow =
     685           2 :                         SteamCoils::GetCoilMaxSteamFlowRate(state, this->m_HeatingCoilIndex, state.dataUnitarySystems->initUnitarySystemsErrorsFound);
     686           2 :                     if (this->MaxHeatCoilFluidFlow > 0.0) {
     687           2 :                         int SteamIndex = 0; // Function GetSatDensityRefrig will look up steam index if 0 is passed
     688           2 :                         Real64 TempSteamIn = 100.0;
     689           2 :                         Real64 SteamDensity = FluidProperties::GetSatDensityRefrig(state, fluidNameSteam, TempSteamIn, 1.0, SteamIndex, routineName);
     690           2 :                         this->MaxHeatCoilFluidFlow *= SteamDensity;
     691             :                     }
     692             :                 }
     693             :                 // fill outlet node for coil
     694          11 :                 this->HeatCoilFluidOutletNodeNum = DataPlant::CompData::getPlantComponent(state, this->HeatCoilPlantLoc).NodeNumOut;
     695             :             }
     696             : 
     697         388 :             this->m_MyPlantScanFlag = false;
     698     6059634 :         } else if (this->m_MyPlantScanFlag && !state.dataGlobal->AnyPlantInModel) {
     699         204 :             this->m_MyPlantScanFlag = false;
     700             :         }
     701             : 
     702             :         // Scan Supplemental hot water and steam heating coil plant components for one time initializations
     703     6060022 :         if (this->m_MySuppCoilPlantScanFlag && allocated(state.dataPlnt->PlantLoop)) {
     704         592 :             if (this->m_SuppHeatCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWater) {
     705           0 :                 state.dataUnitarySystems->initUnitarySystemsErrFlag = false;
     706           0 :                 PlantUtilities::ScanPlantLoopsForObject(state,
     707             :                                                         this->m_SuppHeatCoilName,
     708             :                                                         DataPlant::PlantEquipmentType::CoilWaterSimpleHeating,
     709             :                                                         this->m_SuppCoilPlantLoc,
     710           0 :                                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->initUnitarySystemsErrFlag,
     711             :                                                         _,
     712             :                                                         _,
     713             :                                                         _,
     714             :                                                         _,
     715             :                                                         _);
     716           0 :                 WaterCoils::SetCoilDesFlow(state,
     717           0 :                                            DataHVACGlobals::cAllCoilTypes(this->m_SuppHeatCoilType_Num),
     718             :                                            this->m_SuppHeatCoilName,
     719             :                                            this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow,
     720           0 :                                            state.dataUnitarySystems->initUnitarySystemsErrorsFound);
     721             : 
     722           0 :                 if (state.dataUnitarySystems->initUnitarySystemsErrFlag) {
     723           0 :                     ShowFatalError(state, "InitUnitarySystems: Program terminated for previous conditions.");
     724             :                 }
     725           0 :                 this->m_MaxSuppCoilFluidFlow = WaterCoils::GetCoilMaxWaterFlowRate(
     726           0 :                     state, "Coil:Heating:Water", this->m_SuppHeatCoilName, state.dataUnitarySystems->initUnitarySystemsErrorsFound);
     727             : 
     728           0 :                 if (this->m_MaxSuppCoilFluidFlow > 0.0) {
     729           0 :                     Real64 rho = FluidProperties::GetDensityGlycol(state,
     730           0 :                                                                    state.dataPlnt->PlantLoop(this->m_SuppCoilPlantLoc.loopNum).FluidName,
     731             :                                                                    DataGlobalConstants::CWInitConvTemp,
     732           0 :                                                                    state.dataPlnt->PlantLoop(this->m_SuppCoilPlantLoc.loopNum).FluidIndex,
     733           0 :                                                                    routineName);
     734           0 :                     this->m_MaxSuppCoilFluidFlow =
     735           0 :                         WaterCoils::GetCoilMaxWaterFlowRate(
     736           0 :                             state, "Coil:Heating:Water", this->m_SuppHeatCoilName, state.dataUnitarySystems->initUnitarySystemsErrorsFound) *
     737             :                         rho;
     738             :                 }
     739             :                 // fill outlet node for coil
     740           0 :                 this->m_SuppCoilFluidOutletNodeNum = DataPlant::CompData::getPlantComponent(state, this->m_SuppCoilPlantLoc).NodeNumOut;
     741             : 
     742         592 :             } else if (this->m_SuppHeatCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingSteam) {
     743           0 :                 state.dataUnitarySystems->initUnitarySystemsErrFlag = false;
     744           0 :                 PlantUtilities::ScanPlantLoopsForObject(state,
     745             :                                                         this->m_SuppHeatCoilName,
     746             :                                                         DataPlant::PlantEquipmentType::CoilSteamAirHeating,
     747             :                                                         this->m_SuppCoilPlantLoc,
     748           0 :                                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->initUnitarySystemsErrFlag,
     749             :                                                         _,
     750             :                                                         _,
     751             :                                                         _,
     752             :                                                         _,
     753             :                                                         _);
     754           0 :                 if (state.dataUnitarySystems->initUnitarySystemsErrFlag) {
     755           0 :                     ShowFatalError(state, "InitUnitarySystems: Program terminated for previous conditions.");
     756             :                 }
     757           0 :                 this->m_MaxSuppCoilFluidFlow =
     758           0 :                     SteamCoils::GetCoilMaxSteamFlowRate(state, this->m_SuppHeatCoilIndex, state.dataUnitarySystems->initUnitarySystemsErrorsFound);
     759           0 :                 if (this->m_MaxSuppCoilFluidFlow > 0.0) {
     760           0 :                     int SteamIndex = 0; // Function GetSatDensityRefrig will look up steam index if 0 is passed
     761           0 :                     Real64 TempSteamIn = 100.0;
     762           0 :                     Real64 SteamDensity = FluidProperties::GetSatDensityRefrig(state, fluidNameSteam, TempSteamIn, 1.0, SteamIndex, routineName);
     763           0 :                     this->m_MaxSuppCoilFluidFlow *= SteamDensity;
     764             :                 }
     765             : 
     766             :                 // fill outlet node for coil
     767           0 :                 this->m_SuppCoilFluidOutletNodeNum = DataPlant::CompData::getPlantComponent(state, this->m_SuppCoilPlantLoc).NodeNumOut;
     768             :             }
     769             : 
     770         592 :             this->m_MySuppCoilPlantScanFlag = false;
     771             : 
     772     6059430 :         } else if (this->m_MySuppCoilPlantScanFlag && !state.dataGlobal->AnyPlantInModel) {
     773           0 :             this->m_MySuppCoilPlantScanFlag = false;
     774             :         }
     775             : 
     776             :         // do the Begin Environment initializations
     777     6060022 :         if (state.dataGlobal->BeginEnvrnFlag && this->m_MyEnvrnFlag) {
     778        3439 :             this->m_DesignMassFlowRate = this->m_DesignFanVolFlowRate * state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir;
     779        3439 :             this->MaxCoolAirMassFlow = this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow * state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir;
     780        3439 :             this->MaxHeatAirMassFlow = this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow * state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir;
     781        3439 :             this->MaxNoCoolHeatAirMassFlow = this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow * state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir;
     782        3439 :             this->m_CoolOutAirMassFlow = this->m_CoolOutAirVolFlow * state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir;
     783        3439 :             this->m_HeatOutAirMassFlow = this->m_HeatOutAirVolFlow * state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir;
     784        3439 :             this->m_NoCoolHeatOutAirMassFlow = this->m_NoCoolHeatOutAirVolFlow * state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir;
     785        3439 :             if (this->OAMixerExists) {
     786         957 :                 state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->m_OAMixerNodes[0]).MassFlowRateMax = max(this->m_CoolOutAirMassFlow, this->m_HeatOutAirMassFlow);
     787         957 :                 state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->m_OAMixerNodes[0]).MassFlowRateMin = 0.0;
     788         957 :                 state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->m_OAMixerNodes[0]).MassFlowRateMinAvail = 0.0;
     789             :             }
     790        3439 :             this->m_WSHPRuntimeFrac = 0.0;
     791        3439 :             this->m_CompPartLoadRatio = 0.0;
     792        3439 :             this->m_CoolingCoilSensDemand = 0.0;
     793        3439 :             this->m_CoolingCoilLatentDemand = 0.0;
     794        3439 :             this->m_HeatingCoilSensDemand = 0.0;
     795        3439 :             this->m_SenLoadLoss = 0.0;
     796        3439 :             if (this->m_Humidistat) {
     797         153 :                 this->m_LatLoadLoss = 0.0;
     798             :             }
     799             : 
     800        3439 :             if ((this->m_HeatRecActive) && (!this->m_MyPlantScanFlag)) {
     801             : 
     802           0 :                 Real64 rho = FluidProperties::GetDensityGlycol(state,
     803           0 :                                                                state.dataPlnt->PlantLoop(this->m_HRPlantLoc.loopNum).FluidName,
     804             :                                                                DataGlobalConstants::HWInitConvTemp,
     805           0 :                                                                state.dataPlnt->PlantLoop(this->m_HRPlantLoc.loopNum).FluidIndex,
     806           0 :                                                                routineName);
     807             : 
     808           0 :                 this->m_DesignHeatRecMassFlowRate = this->m_DesignHRWaterVolumeFlow * rho;
     809             : 
     810           0 :                 PlantUtilities::InitComponentNodes(
     811             :                     state, 0.0, this->m_DesignHeatRecMassFlowRate, this->m_HeatRecoveryInletNodeNum, this->m_HeatRecoveryOutletNodeNum);
     812             :             }
     813             :             //   set fluid-side hardware limits
     814        3439 :             if (this->CoolCoilFluidInletNode > 0) {
     815             : 
     816          34 :                 if (this->MaxCoolCoilFluidFlow == DataSizing::AutoSize) {
     817             :                     // If water coil max water flow rate is DataSizing::AutoSized, simulate once in order to mine max flow rate
     818           0 :                     std::string CoolingCoilType = "";
     819           0 :                     if (this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWater) {
     820           0 :                         CoolingCoilType = "Coil:Cooling:Water";
     821             :                     } else {
     822           0 :                         CoolingCoilType = "Coil:Cooling:Water:DetailedGeometry";
     823             :                     }
     824           0 :                     WaterCoils::SimulateWaterCoilComponents(state, this->m_CoolingCoilName, FirstHVACIteration, this->m_CoolingCoilIndex);
     825           0 :                     Real64 CoilMaxVolFlowRate = WaterCoils::GetCoilMaxWaterFlowRate(
     826           0 :                         state, CoolingCoilType, this->m_CoolingCoilName, state.dataUnitarySystems->initUnitarySystemsErrorsFound);
     827           0 :                     if (CoilMaxVolFlowRate != DataSizing::AutoSize) {
     828           0 :                         Real64 rho = FluidProperties::GetDensityGlycol(state,
     829           0 :                                                                        state.dataPlnt->PlantLoop(this->CoolCoilPlantLoc.loopNum).FluidName,
     830             :                                                                        DataGlobalConstants::CWInitConvTemp,
     831           0 :                                                                        state.dataPlnt->PlantLoop(this->CoolCoilPlantLoc.loopNum).FluidIndex,
     832           0 :                                                                        routineName);
     833           0 :                         this->MaxCoolCoilFluidFlow = CoilMaxVolFlowRate * rho;
     834             :                     }
     835             :                 }
     836             : 
     837          34 :                 PlantUtilities::InitComponentNodes(
     838             :                     state, 0.0, this->MaxCoolCoilFluidFlow, this->CoolCoilFluidInletNode, this->CoolCoilFluidOutletNodeNum);
     839             :             }
     840        3439 :             if (this->HeatCoilFluidInletNode > 0) {
     841             : 
     842          62 :                 if (this->MaxHeatCoilFluidFlow == DataSizing::AutoSize) {
     843             :                     // IF water coil max water flow rate is DataSizing::AutoSized, simulate once in order to mine max flow rate
     844           7 :                     if (this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWater) {
     845           7 :                         WaterCoils::SimulateWaterCoilComponents(state, this->m_HeatingCoilName, FirstHVACIteration, this->m_HeatingCoilIndex);
     846          14 :                         Real64 CoilMaxVolFlowRate = WaterCoils::GetCoilMaxWaterFlowRate(
     847          14 :                             state, "Coil:Heating:Water", this->m_HeatingCoilName, state.dataUnitarySystems->initUnitarySystemsErrorsFound);
     848           7 :                         if (CoilMaxVolFlowRate != DataSizing::AutoSize) {
     849          14 :                             Real64 rho = FluidProperties::GetDensityGlycol(state,
     850           7 :                                                                            state.dataPlnt->PlantLoop(this->HeatCoilPlantLoc.loopNum).FluidName,
     851             :                                                                            DataGlobalConstants::CWInitConvTemp,
     852           7 :                                                                            state.dataPlnt->PlantLoop(this->HeatCoilPlantLoc.loopNum).FluidIndex,
     853           7 :                                                                            routineName);
     854           7 :                             this->MaxHeatCoilFluidFlow = CoilMaxVolFlowRate * rho;
     855             :                         }
     856             :                     }
     857             :                     // If steam coil max steam flow rate is DataSizing::AutoSized, simulate once in order to mine max flow rate
     858           7 :                     if (this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingSteam) {
     859           0 :                         SteamCoils::SimulateSteamCoilComponents(
     860             :                             state,
     861             :                             this->m_HeatingCoilName,
     862             :                             FirstHVACIteration,
     863             :                             this->m_HeatingCoilIndex,
     864             :                             1.0,
     865           0 :                             state.dataUnitarySystems->initUnitarySystemsQActual); // QCoilReq, simulate any load > 0 to get max capacity
     866           0 :                         Real64 CoilMaxVolFlowRate = SteamCoils::GetCoilMaxSteamFlowRate(
     867           0 :                             state, this->m_HeatingCoilIndex, state.dataUnitarySystems->initUnitarySystemsErrorsFound);
     868           0 :                         if (CoilMaxVolFlowRate != DataSizing::AutoSize) {
     869           0 :                             int SteamIndex = 0; // Function GetSatDensityRefrig will look up steam index if 0 is passed
     870           0 :                             Real64 TempSteamIn = 100.0;
     871             :                             Real64 SteamDensity =
     872           0 :                                 FluidProperties::GetSatDensityRefrig(state, fluidNameSteam, TempSteamIn, 1.0, SteamIndex, routineName);
     873           0 :                             this->MaxHeatCoilFluidFlow = CoilMaxVolFlowRate * SteamDensity;
     874             :                         }
     875             :                     }
     876             :                 }
     877             : 
     878          62 :                 PlantUtilities::InitComponentNodes(
     879             :                     state, 0.0, this->MaxHeatCoilFluidFlow, this->HeatCoilFluidInletNode, this->HeatCoilFluidOutletNodeNum);
     880             :             }
     881        3439 :             if (this->m_SuppCoilFluidInletNode > 0) {
     882           0 :                 if (this->m_MaxSuppCoilFluidFlow == DataSizing::AutoSize) {
     883           0 :                     if (this->m_SuppHeatCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWater) {
     884             :                         // If water coil max water flow rate is DataSizing::AutoSized, simulate once in order to mine max flow rate
     885           0 :                         WaterCoils::SimulateWaterCoilComponents(state, this->m_SuppHeatCoilName, FirstHVACIteration, this->m_SuppHeatCoilIndex);
     886           0 :                         Real64 CoilMaxVolFlowRate = WaterCoils::GetCoilMaxWaterFlowRate(
     887           0 :                             state, "Coil:Heating:Water", this->m_SuppHeatCoilName, state.dataUnitarySystems->initUnitarySystemsErrorsFound);
     888           0 :                         if (CoilMaxVolFlowRate != DataSizing::AutoSize) {
     889           0 :                             Real64 rho = FluidProperties::GetDensityGlycol(state,
     890           0 :                                                                            state.dataPlnt->PlantLoop(this->m_SuppCoilPlantLoc.loopNum).FluidName,
     891             :                                                                            DataGlobalConstants::CWInitConvTemp,
     892           0 :                                                                            state.dataPlnt->PlantLoop(this->m_SuppCoilPlantLoc.loopNum).FluidIndex,
     893           0 :                                                                            routineName);
     894           0 :                             this->m_MaxSuppCoilFluidFlow = CoilMaxVolFlowRate * rho;
     895             :                         }
     896             :                     }
     897           0 :                     if (this->m_SuppHeatCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingSteam) {
     898           0 :                         SteamCoils::SimulateSteamCoilComponents(
     899             :                             state,
     900             :                             this->m_SuppHeatCoilName,
     901             :                             FirstHVACIteration,
     902             :                             this->m_SuppHeatCoilIndex,
     903             :                             1.0,
     904           0 :                             state.dataUnitarySystems->initUnitarySystemsQActual); // QCoilReq, simulate any load > 0 to get max capacity
     905           0 :                         Real64 CoilMaxVolFlowRate = SteamCoils::GetCoilMaxSteamFlowRate(
     906           0 :                             state, this->m_SuppHeatCoilIndex, state.dataUnitarySystems->initUnitarySystemsErrorsFound);
     907           0 :                         if (CoilMaxVolFlowRate != DataSizing::AutoSize) {
     908           0 :                             int SteamIndex = 0; // Function GetSatDensityRefrig will look up steam index if 0 is passed
     909           0 :                             Real64 TempSteamIn = 100.0;
     910             :                             Real64 SteamDensity =
     911           0 :                                 FluidProperties::GetSatDensityRefrig(state, fluidNameSteam, TempSteamIn, 1.0, SteamIndex, routineName);
     912           0 :                             this->m_MaxSuppCoilFluidFlow = CoilMaxVolFlowRate * SteamDensity;
     913             :                         }
     914             :                     }
     915           0 :                     PlantUtilities::InitComponentNodes(
     916             :                         state, 0.0, this->m_MaxSuppCoilFluidFlow, this->m_SuppCoilFluidInletNode, this->m_SuppCoilFluidOutletNodeNum);
     917             :                 }
     918             :             }
     919        3439 :             this->m_MyEnvrnFlag = false;
     920             :         }
     921             : 
     922     6060022 :         if (!state.dataGlobal->BeginEnvrnFlag) {
     923     6027238 :             this->m_MyEnvrnFlag = true;
     924             :         }
     925             : 
     926             :         // Init maximum available Heat Recovery flow rate
     927     6060022 :         if ((this->m_HeatRecActive) && (!this->m_MyPlantScanFlag)) {
     928           0 :             Real64 mdotHR = 0.0;
     929           0 :             if (ScheduleManager::GetCurrentScheduleValue(state, this->m_SysAvailSchedPtr) > 0.0) {
     930           0 :                 if (FirstHVACIteration) {
     931           0 :                     mdotHR = this->m_DesignHeatRecMassFlowRate;
     932             :                 } else {
     933           0 :                     if (this->m_HeatRecoveryMassFlowRate > 0.0) {
     934           0 :                         mdotHR = this->m_HeatRecoveryMassFlowRate;
     935             :                     } else {
     936           0 :                         mdotHR = this->m_DesignHeatRecMassFlowRate;
     937             :                     }
     938             :                 }
     939             :             } else {
     940           0 :                 mdotHR = 0.0;
     941             :             }
     942             : 
     943           0 :             mdotHR = min(state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->m_HeatRecoveryOutletNodeNum).MassFlowRateMaxAvail, mdotHR);
     944           0 :             state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->m_HeatRecoveryInletNodeNum).MassFlowRate = mdotHR;
     945             :         }
     946             : 
     947             :         // get operating capacity of water and steam coil
     948     6060022 :         if (FirstHVACIteration || this->m_DehumidControlType_Num == DehumCtrlType::CoolReheat) {
     949     2786375 :             if (FirstHVACIteration) {
     950     2662136 :                 this->m_IterationCounter = 0;
     951    10648544 :                 for (auto &val : this->m_IterationMode) {
     952     7986408 :                     val = 0;
     953             :                 }
     954             : 
     955             :                 // for DX systems, just read the inlet node flow rate and let air loop decide flow
     956     2662136 :                 if (this->m_ControlType == UnitarySysCtrlType::Setpoint && this->m_sysType == SysType::Unitary) {
     957       23455 :                     if (ScheduleManager::GetCurrentScheduleValue(state, this->m_SysAvailSchedPtr) > 0.0) {
     958       23440 :                         if (this->m_LastMode == CoolingMode) {
     959       11866 :                             if (this->m_MultiOrVarSpeedCoolCoil) {
     960        5921 :                                 state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->AirInNode).MassFlowRate = this->m_CoolMassFlowRate[this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling];
     961             :                             } else {
     962        5945 :                                 state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->AirInNode).MassFlowRate = this->MaxCoolAirMassFlow;
     963             :                             }
     964       11574 :                         } else if (this->m_LastMode == HeatingMode) {
     965        7476 :                             if (this->m_MultiOrVarSpeedHeatCoil) {
     966        1125 :                                 state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->AirInNode).MassFlowRate = this->m_HeatMassFlowRate[this->m_NumOfSpeedHeating];
     967             :                             } else {
     968        6351 :                                 state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->AirInNode).MassFlowRate = this->MaxHeatAirMassFlow;
     969             :                             }
     970             :                         } else {
     971        4098 :                             if (this->m_MultiOrVarSpeedCoolCoil) {
     972           9 :                                 state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->AirInNode).MassFlowRate = this->MaxNoCoolHeatAirMassFlow;
     973             :                             } else {
     974        4089 :                                 state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->AirInNode).MassFlowRate = this->MaxNoCoolHeatAirMassFlow;
     975             :                             }
     976             :                         }
     977             :                     } else {
     978          15 :                         state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->AirInNode).MassFlowRate = 0.0;
     979             :                     }
     980             :                 }
     981     2662136 :                 if (this->m_WaterHRPlantLoopModel) {
     982             :                     // initialize loop water temp on FirstHVACIteration
     983        5477 :                     Real64 airInTemp = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->CoolCoilInletNodeNum).Temp;
     984        5477 :                     Real64 companionAirInTemp = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->m_HRcoolCoilAirInNode).Temp;
     985        5477 :                     Real64 oneHalfAirDeltaT = (companionAirInTemp - airInTemp) / 2.0;
     986        5477 :                     Real64 initialLoopTemp = airInTemp + oneHalfAirDeltaT;
     987        5477 :                     if (initialLoopTemp > this->m_minWaterLoopTempForHR && std::abs(oneHalfAirDeltaT) > this->m_minAirToWaterTempOffset) {
     988          12 :                         state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->CoolCoilFluidInletNode).Temp = initialLoopTemp;
     989          12 :                         this->temperatureOffsetControlStatus = 1;
     990             :                     } else {
     991        5465 :                         this->temperatureOffsetControlStatus = 0;
     992             :                     }
     993             :                 }
     994             :             }
     995     5518605 :             if (this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWater ||
     996     2732230 :                 this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWaterDetailed) {
     997             : 
     998             :                 //     set water-side mass flow rates
     999       54145 :                 Real64 mdot = this->MaxCoolCoilFluidFlow;
    1000       54145 :                 PlantUtilities::SetComponentFlowRate(
    1001             :                     state, mdot, this->CoolCoilFluidInletNode, this->CoolCoilFluidOutletNodeNum, this->CoolCoilPlantLoc);
    1002             :                 //     simulate water coil to find operating capacity
    1003      108290 :                 WaterCoils::SimulateWaterCoilComponents(state,
    1004             :                                                         this->m_CoolingCoilName,
    1005             :                                                         FirstHVACIteration,
    1006             :                                                         this->m_CoolingCoilIndex,
    1007       54145 :                                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->initUnitarySystemsQActual);
    1008       54145 :                 this->m_DesignCoolingCapacity = state.dataUnitarySystems->initUnitarySystemsQActual;
    1009             : 
    1010             :             } // from IF(UnitarySystem(UnitarySysNum)%CoolingCoilType_Num == Coil_CoolingWater .OR. Coil_CoolingWaterDetailed
    1011     2786375 :             if (this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWater) {
    1012             : 
    1013             :                 //     set water-side mass flow rates
    1014       23619 :                 Real64 mdot = this->MaxHeatCoilFluidFlow;
    1015       23619 :                 PlantUtilities::SetComponentFlowRate(
    1016             :                     state, mdot, this->HeatCoilFluidInletNode, this->HeatCoilFluidOutletNodeNum, this->HeatCoilPlantLoc);
    1017             :                 //     simulate water coil to find operating capacity
    1018       47238 :                 WaterCoils::SimulateWaterCoilComponents(state,
    1019             :                                                         this->m_HeatingCoilName,
    1020             :                                                         FirstHVACIteration,
    1021             :                                                         this->m_HeatingCoilIndex,
    1022       23619 :                                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->initUnitarySystemsQActual);
    1023       23619 :                 this->m_DesignHeatingCapacity = state.dataUnitarySystems->initUnitarySystemsQActual;
    1024             : 
    1025             :             } // from IF(UnitarySystem(UnitarySysNum)%HeatingCoilType_Num == Coil_HeatingWater) THEN
    1026             : 
    1027     2786375 :             if (this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingSteam) {
    1028             : 
    1029             :                 //     set water-side mass flow rates
    1030        2968 :                 Real64 mdot = this->MaxHeatCoilFluidFlow;
    1031        2968 :                 PlantUtilities::SetComponentFlowRate(
    1032             :                     state, mdot, this->HeatCoilFluidInletNode, this->HeatCoilFluidOutletNodeNum, this->HeatCoilPlantLoc);
    1033             :                 //     simulate steam coil to find operating capacity
    1034        5936 :                 SteamCoils::SimulateSteamCoilComponents(
    1035             :                     state,
    1036             :                     this->m_HeatingCoilName,
    1037             :                     FirstHVACIteration,
    1038             :                     this->m_HeatingCoilIndex,
    1039             :                     1.0,
    1040        2968 :                     state.dataUnitarySystems->initUnitarySystemsQActual); // QCoilReq, simulate any load > 0 to get max capacity of steam coil
    1041        5936 :                 this->m_DesignHeatingCapacity = SteamCoils::GetCoilCapacity(state,
    1042        2968 :                                                                             DataHVACGlobals::cAllCoilTypes(this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num),
    1043             :                                                                             this->m_HeatingCoilName,
    1044        2968 :                                                                             state.dataUnitarySystems->initUnitarySystemsErrorsFound);
    1045             : 
    1046             :             } // from IF(UnitarySystem(UnitarySysNum)%HeatingCoilType_Num == Coil_HeatingSteam) THEN
    1047     2786375 :             if (this->m_SuppHeatCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWater) {
    1048             : 
    1049             :                 //     set steam-side mass flow rates
    1050           0 :                 Real64 mdot = this->m_MaxSuppCoilFluidFlow;
    1051           0 :                 PlantUtilities::SetComponentFlowRate(
    1052             :                     state, mdot, this->m_SuppCoilFluidInletNode, this->m_SuppCoilFluidOutletNodeNum, this->m_SuppCoilPlantLoc);
    1053             :                 //     simulate water coil to find operating capacity
    1054           0 :                 if (mdot > 0.0) { // not sure why this is here and not used for other coil types, wouldn't capacity be 0 if water flow = 0? Maybe a
    1055             :                                   // speed issue where coil doesn't need to be simulation if mdot=0.
    1056           0 :                     WaterCoils::SimulateWaterCoilComponents(state,
    1057             :                                                             this->m_SuppHeatCoilName,
    1058             :                                                             FirstHVACIteration,
    1059             :                                                             this->m_SuppHeatCoilIndex,
    1060           0 :                                                             state.dataUnitarySystems->initUnitarySystemsQActual);
    1061           0 :                     this->m_DesignSuppHeatingCapacity = state.dataUnitarySystems->initUnitarySystemsQActual;
    1062             :                 } else {
    1063           0 :                     this->m_DesignSuppHeatingCapacity = 0.0;
    1064             :                 }
    1065             : 
    1066             :             } // from IF(UnitarySystem(UnitarySysNum)%SuppHeatCoilType_Num == Coil_HeatingWater) THEN
    1067             : 
    1068     2786375 :             if (this->m_SuppHeatCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingSteam) {
    1069             : 
    1070             :                 //     set air-side and steam-side mass flow rates
    1071           0 :                 Real64 mdot = this->m_MaxSuppCoilFluidFlow;
    1072           0 :                 PlantUtilities::SetComponentFlowRate(
    1073             :                     state, mdot, this->m_SuppCoilFluidInletNode, this->m_SuppCoilFluidOutletNodeNum, this->m_SuppCoilPlantLoc);
    1074             :                 //     simulate steam coil to find operating capacity
    1075           0 :                 SteamCoils::SimulateSteamCoilComponents(
    1076             :                     state,
    1077             :                     this->m_SuppHeatCoilName,
    1078             :                     FirstHVACIteration,
    1079             :                     this->m_SuppHeatCoilIndex,
    1080             :                     1.0,
    1081           0 :                     state.dataUnitarySystems->initUnitarySystemsQActual); // QCoilReq, simulate any load > 0 to get max capacity of steam coil
    1082           0 :                 this->m_DesignSuppHeatingCapacity = SteamCoils::GetCoilCapacity(
    1083           0 :                     state, "Coil:Heating:Steam", this->m_SuppHeatCoilName, state.dataUnitarySystems->initUnitarySystemsErrorsFound);
    1084             : 
    1085             :             } // from IF(UnitarySystem(UnitarySysNum)%SuppHeatCoilType_Num == Coil_HeatingSteam) THEN
    1086             :         }     // from IF( FirstHVACIteration ) THEN
    1087             : 
    1088     6060022 :         this->m_IterationCounter += 1;
    1089             : 
    1090     6060022 :         if (this->m_MySetPointCheckFlag) {
    1091        3388 :             if (!state.dataGlobal->SysSizingCalc && state.dataHVACGlobal->DoSetPointTest) {
    1092         592 :                 bool e = false;
    1093         592 :                 if (this->m_CoolCoilExists) e = this->checkNodeSetPoint(state, AirLoopNum, this->CoolCtrlNode, CoolingCoil, OAUCoilOutTemp);
    1094         592 :                 if (this->m_HeatCoilExists) e = this->checkNodeSetPoint(state, AirLoopNum, this->HeatCtrlNode, HeatingCoil, OAUCoilOutTemp) || e;
    1095         592 :                 if (this->m_SuppCoilExists) e = this->checkNodeSetPoint(state, AirLoopNum, this->SuppCtrlNode, SuppHeatCoil, OAUCoilOutTemp) || e;
    1096         592 :                 if (e) ShowFatalError(state, "Previous errors cause termination.");
    1097         592 :                 this->m_MySetPointCheckFlag = false;
    1098             :             }
    1099             :         }
    1100             : 
    1101     6060022 :         if (m_setFaultModelInput) {
    1102     1877669 :             if ((!state.dataGlobal->WarmupFlag) && (!state.dataGlobal->DoingSizing) && (!state.dataGlobal->KickOffSimulation)) {
    1103             : 
    1104             :                 // check FaultsManager if connection exists
    1105         592 :                 FaultsManager::SetFaultyCoilSATSensor(state, this->UnitType, this->Name, this->m_FaultyCoilSATFlag, this->m_FaultyCoilSATIndex);
    1106         592 :                 if (this->m_FaultyCoilSATFlag) {
    1107           0 :                     if (this->m_ControlType != UnitarySysCtrlType::Setpoint) {
    1108           0 :                         ShowWarningError(state,
    1109           0 :                                          state.dataFaultsMgr->FaultsCoilSATSensor(this->m_FaultyCoilSATIndex).FaultType + ": " +
    1110           0 :                                              state.dataFaultsMgr->FaultsCoilSATSensor(this->m_FaultyCoilSATIndex).Name);
    1111           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "For : " + this->UnitType + ": " + this->Name);
    1112           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state,
    1113             :                                           "The specified unitary system is not controlled on leaving air temperature. The coil SAT sensor "
    1114             :                                           "fault model will not be applied.");
    1115           0 :                         this->m_FaultyCoilSATFlag = false;
    1116             :                     }
    1117             :                 }
    1118         592 :                 m_setFaultModelInput = false;
    1119             :             }
    1120             :         }
    1121             : 
    1122             :         // re-set water-side economizer flags each time step
    1123     6060022 :         if (this->m_TemperatureOffsetControlActive && !this->m_WaterHRPlantLoopModel) {
    1124       82588 :             if (state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->CoolCoilFluidInletNode).Temp >
    1125       41294 :                 (state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->AirInNode).Temp - this->m_minAirToWaterTempOffset)) {
    1126             :                 // disable coilsystem if entering fluid temp is > entering air temp minus user specified temp offset
    1127       40281 :                 this->temperatureOffsetControlStatus = 0;
    1128             :             } else {
    1129             :                 // enable coilsystem waterside economizer mode
    1130        1013 :                 this->temperatureOffsetControlStatus = 1;
    1131             :             }
    1132             :         }
    1133     6060022 :         if (AirLoopNum > 0) {
    1134     4730329 :             if (this->m_sysType == SysType::CoilCoolingWater) {
    1135       57526 :                 if (this->m_waterSideEconomizerFlag) { // CoilSystem:Cooling:Water has an input for economizer lockout
    1136       57526 :                     state.dataUnitarySystems->economizerFlag = state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopControlInfo(AirLoopNum).EconoActive;
    1137       57526 :                     if (state.dataUnitarySystems->economizerFlag) {
    1138             :                         // user input economizer lockout will disable heat recovery loop AND water economizer
    1139          54 :                         this->temperatureOffsetControlStatus = 0;
    1140             :                     }
    1141             :                 } else {
    1142           0 :                     state.dataUnitarySystems->economizerFlag = false;
    1143             :                 }
    1144             :             } else {
    1145     4672803 :                 state.dataUnitarySystems->economizerFlag = state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopControlInfo(AirLoopNum).EconoActive;
    1146             :             }
    1147             :         }
    1148             : 
    1149     6060022 :         this->m_CoolingPartLoadFrac = 0.0;
    1150     6060022 :         this->m_HeatingPartLoadFrac = 0.0;
    1151     6060022 :         this->m_SuppHeatPartLoadFrac = 0.0;
    1152     6060022 :         this->m_CoolingCycRatio = 0.0;
    1153     6060022 :         this->m_CoolingSpeedRatio = 0.0;
    1154     6060022 :         this->m_CoolingSpeedNum = 0;
    1155     6060022 :         this->m_HeatingCycRatio = 0.0;
    1156     6060022 :         this->m_HeatingSpeedRatio = 0.0;
    1157     6060022 :         this->m_HeatingSpeedNum = 0;
    1158     6060022 :         this->m_SuppHeatingSpeedNum = 0;
    1159     6060022 :         this->m_HeatingCoilSensDemand = 0.0;
    1160     6060022 :         this->m_CoolingCoilSensDemand = 0.0;
    1161     6060022 :         this->m_CoolingCoilLatentDemand = 0.0;
    1162     6060022 :         this->m_DehumidInducedHeatingDemandRate = 0.0;
    1163     6060022 :         this->CoolCoilWaterFlowRatio = 0.0;
    1164     6060022 :         this->HeatCoilWaterFlowRatio = 0.0;
    1165             : 
    1166             :         // water/steam coil initialization
    1167     6060022 :         if (this->CoolCoilFluidInletNode > 0) {
    1168       93332 :             Real64 mdot = 0.0;
    1169       93332 :             PlantUtilities::SetComponentFlowRate(state, mdot, this->CoolCoilFluidInletNode, this->CoolCoilFluidOutletNodeNum, this->CoolCoilPlantLoc);
    1170             :         }
    1171     6060022 :         if (this->HeatCoilFluidInletNode > 0) {
    1172       74334 :             Real64 mdot = 0.0;
    1173       74334 :             PlantUtilities::SetComponentFlowRate(state, mdot, this->HeatCoilFluidInletNode, this->HeatCoilFluidOutletNodeNum, this->HeatCoilPlantLoc);
    1174             :         }
    1175     6060022 :         if (this->m_SuppCoilFluidInletNode > 0) {
    1176           0 :             Real64 mdot = 0.0;
    1177           0 :             PlantUtilities::SetComponentFlowRate(
    1178             :                 state, mdot, this->m_SuppCoilFluidInletNode, this->m_SuppCoilFluidOutletNodeNum, this->m_SuppCoilPlantLoc);
    1179             :         }
    1180             : 
    1181     6060022 :         this->m_InitHeatPump = true;
    1182     6060022 :         state.dataUnitarySystems->m_massFlow1 = 0.0;
    1183     6060022 :         state.dataUnitarySystems->m_massFlow2 = 0.0;
    1184     6060022 :         state.dataUnitarySystems->m_runTimeFraction1 = 0.0;
    1185     6060022 :         state.dataUnitarySystems->m_runTimeFraction2 = 0.0;
    1186     6060022 :         if (this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedAC || this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedHP || this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedWSHP) {
    1187             :             // this should be done in the child. DXElecHeatingPower not reset to 0 if coil is off, ZoneSysAvailManager
    1188             :             // zero the fan and DX coils electricity consumption
    1189     1231508 :             state.dataHVACGlobal->DXElecCoolingPower = 0.0;
    1190     1231508 :             state.dataHVACGlobal->DXElecHeatingPower = 0.0;
    1191     1231508 :             state.dataHVACGlobal->ElecHeatingCoilPower = 0.0;
    1192             :         }
    1193     6060022 :     }
    1194             : 
    1195         982 :     bool UnitarySys::checkNodeSetPoint(EnergyPlusData &state,
    1196             :                                        int const AirLoopNum,       // number of the current air loop being simulated
    1197             :                                        int const ControlNode,      // Node to test for set point
    1198             :                                        int const CoilType,         // True if cooling coil, then test for HumRatMax set point
    1199             :                                        Real64 const OAUCoilOutTemp // the coil inlet temperature of OutdoorAirUnit
    1200             :     )
    1201             :     {
    1202             : 
    1203             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    1204             :         //       AUTHOR         Richard Raustad
    1205             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   March 2013
    1206             : 
    1207             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    1208             :         // This subroutine checks for proper set point at control node.
    1209             :         constexpr static std::array<std::string_view, 3> coilTypes = {"cooling", "heating", "supplemental"};
    1210         982 :         bool SetPointErrorFlag = false;
    1211             : 
    1212         982 :         if (ControlNode == 0) {
    1213         492 :             if (this->m_ControlType == UnitarySysCtrlType::Setpoint) {
    1214           0 :                 int coilOutNode = this->CoolCoilOutletNodeNum;
    1215           0 :                 if (CoilType == HeatingCoil) coilOutNode = this->HeatCoilOutletNodeNum;
    1216           0 :                 if (CoilType == SuppHeatCoil) coilOutNode = this->SuppCoilOutletNodeNum;
    1217             : 
    1218           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state, format("checkNodeSetPoint: Missing {} set point in {} = {}", coilTypes[CoilType], this->UnitType, this->Name));
    1219           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state,
    1220           0 :                                   format("...Setpoint is required at system air outlet node = {} or {} coil air outlet node = {}",
    1221           0 :                                          state.dataLoopNodes->NodeID(this->AirOutNode),
    1222           0 :                                          coilTypes[CoilType],
    1223           0 :                                          state.dataLoopNodes->NodeID(coilOutNode)));
    1224           0 :                 SetPointErrorFlag = true;
    1225             :             }
    1226         492 :             return SetPointErrorFlag;
    1227             :         }
    1228             : 
    1229         490 :         if (AirLoopNum == -1) {                                                   // Outdoor Air Unit
    1230           8 :             state.dataLoopNodes->Node(ControlNode).TempSetPoint = OAUCoilOutTemp; // Set the coil outlet temperature
    1231           8 :             if (this->m_ISHundredPercentDOASDXCoil) {
    1232           0 :                 this->frostControlSetPointLimit(state,
    1233             :                                                 this->m_DesiredOutletTemp,
    1234           0 :                                                 state.dataLoopNodes->Node(ControlNode).HumRatMax,
    1235           0 :                                                 state.dataEnvrn->OutBaroPress,
    1236             :                                                 this->DesignMinOutletTemp,
    1237             :                                                 1);
    1238             :             }
    1239             :         } else { // Not an Outdoor air unit
    1240             : 
    1241         482 :             if (state.dataLoopNodes->Node(ControlNode).TempSetPoint == DataLoopNode::SensedNodeFlagValue &&
    1242           0 :                 this->m_ControlType == UnitarySysCtrlType::Setpoint) {
    1243           0 :                 if (!state.dataGlobal->AnyEnergyManagementSystemInModel) {
    1244           0 :                     ShowSevereError(state, this->UnitType + ": Missing temperature setpoint for unitary system = " + this->Name);
    1245           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "  use a Setpoint Manager to establish a setpoint at the coil control node.");
    1246           0 :                     SetPointErrorFlag = true;
    1247             :                 } else {
    1248           0 :                     EMSManager::CheckIfNodeSetPointManagedByEMS(
    1249             :                         state, ControlNode, EMSManager::SPControlType::TemperatureSetPoint, SetPointErrorFlag);
    1250           0 :                     if (SetPointErrorFlag) {
    1251           0 :                         ShowSevereError(state, this->UnitType + ": Missing temperature setpoint for unitary system = " + this->Name);
    1252           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "  use a Setpoint Manager to establish a setpoint at the coil control node.");
    1253           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "  or use an EMS actuator to establish a temperature setpoint at the coil control node.");
    1254             :                     }
    1255             :                 }
    1256             :             }
    1257        1008 :             if ((this->m_DehumidControlType_Num != DehumCtrlType::None) &&
    1258          70 :                 (state.dataLoopNodes->Node(ControlNode).HumRatMax == DataLoopNode::SensedNodeFlagValue) &&
    1259         511 :                 this->m_ControlType == UnitarySysCtrlType::Setpoint && CoilType == CoolingCoil) {
    1260           0 :                 if (!state.dataGlobal->AnyEnergyManagementSystemInModel &&
    1261           0 :                     state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->CoolCoilOutletNodeNum).HumRatMax == DataLoopNode::SensedNodeFlagValue) {
    1262           0 :                     ShowSevereError(state, this->UnitType + ": Missing humidity ratio setpoint (HUMRATMAX) for unitary system = " + this->Name);
    1263           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "  use a Setpoint Manager to establish a setpoint at the coil control node.");
    1264           0 :                     SetPointErrorFlag = true;
    1265           0 :                 } else if (state.dataGlobal->AnyEnergyManagementSystemInModel) {
    1266           0 :                     EMSManager::CheckIfNodeSetPointManagedByEMS(
    1267             :                         state, ControlNode, EMSManager::SPControlType::HumidityRatioMaxSetPoint, SetPointErrorFlag);
    1268           0 :                     if (SetPointErrorFlag) {
    1269           0 :                         ShowSevereError(state,
    1270           0 :                                         this->UnitType + ": Missing maximum humidity ratio setpoint (HUMRATMAX) for unitary system = " + this->Name);
    1271           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "  use a Setpoint Manager to establish a setpoint at the coil control node.");
    1272           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "  or use an EMS actuator to establish a maximum humidity ratio setpoint.");
    1273             :                     }
    1274             :                 }
    1275             :             }
    1276             :         }
    1277         490 :         return SetPointErrorFlag; // these later errors will also cause a fatal error
    1278             :     }
    1279             : 
    1280       43624 :     void UnitarySys::frostControlSetPointLimit(EnergyPlusData &state,
    1281             :                                                Real64 &TempSetPoint,       // temperature setpoint of the sensor node
    1282             :                                                Real64 &HumRatSetPoint,     // humidity ratio setpoint of the sensor node
    1283             :                                                Real64 const BaroPress,     // baromtric pressure, Pa [N/m^2]
    1284             :                                                Real64 const TfrostControl, // minimum temperature limit for forst control
    1285             :                                                int const ControlMode       // temperature or humidity control mode
    1286             :     )
    1287             :     {
    1288             : 
    1289             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    1290             :         //       AUTHOR         Bereket Nigusse, FSEC
    1291             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   January 2013
    1292             : 
    1293             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    1294             :         // Controls the forst formation condition based on user specified minimum DX coil outlet
    1295             :         // air temperature. Resets the cooling setpoint based on the user specified limiting
    1296             :         // temperature for frost control.
    1297             : 
    1298             :         // SUBROUTINE PARAMETER DEFINITIONS:
    1299       43624 :         int constexpr RunOnSensible(1); // identifier for temperature (sensible load) control
    1300       43624 :         int constexpr RunOnLatent(2);   // identifier for humidity (latent load) control
    1301             :         static constexpr std::string_view routineName("FrostControlSetPointLimit");
    1302             : 
    1303       43624 :         Real64 AirMassFlow = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->CoolCoilInletNodeNum).MassFlowRate;
    1304       51171 :         if (ControlMode == RunOnSensible && AirMassFlow > DataHVACGlobals::SmallAirVolFlow &&
    1305        7547 :             TempSetPoint < state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->CoolCoilInletNodeNum).Temp) {
    1306        6841 :             if (TempSetPoint < TfrostControl) {
    1307           0 :                 TempSetPoint = TfrostControl;
    1308           0 :                 this->m_FrostControlStatus = 1;
    1309             :             }
    1310       42652 :         } else if (ControlMode == RunOnLatent && AirMassFlow > DataHVACGlobals::SmallAirVolFlow &&
    1311        5869 :                    HumRatSetPoint < state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->CoolCoilInletNodeNum).HumRat) {
    1312        5869 :             Real64 HumRatioSat = Psychrometrics::PsyWFnTdpPb(state, TfrostControl, BaroPress, routineName);
    1313        5869 :             if (HumRatioSat > HumRatSetPoint) {
    1314         346 :                 HumRatSetPoint = HumRatioSat;
    1315         346 :                 this->m_FrostControlStatus = 2;
    1316             :             }
    1317             :         } else {
    1318       30914 :             this->m_FrostControlStatus = 0;
    1319             :         }
    1320       43624 :     }
    1321             : 
    1322         753 :     void UnitarySys::getUnitarySystemInput(EnergyPlusData &state, std::string_view objectName, bool const ZoneEquipment, int const ZoneOAUnitNum)
    1323             :     {
    1324             : 
    1325         753 :         bool errorsFound(false);
    1326         753 :         UnitarySys::allocateUnitarySys(state);
    1327             : 
    1328         753 :         UnitarySys::getDXCoilSystemData(state, objectName, ZoneEquipment, ZoneOAUnitNum, errorsFound);
    1329         753 :         UnitarySys::getCoilWaterSystemInputData(state, objectName, ZoneEquipment, ZoneOAUnitNum, errorsFound);
    1330         753 :         UnitarySys::getPackagedTerminalUnitData(state, objectName, ZoneEquipment, ZoneOAUnitNum, errorsFound);
    1331         753 :         UnitarySys::getUnitarySystemInputData(state, objectName, ZoneEquipment, ZoneOAUnitNum, errorsFound);
    1332             : 
    1333             :         // all systems should have been processed at this point? I think so, so don't need to if test this call?
    1334        1506 :         if (int(state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys.size()) == state.dataUnitarySystems->numUnitarySystems &&
    1335         753 :             state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipInputsFilled)
    1336         722 :             setupAllOutputVars(state, state.dataUnitarySystems->numUnitarySystems);
    1337             : 
    1338         753 :         if (errorsFound) {
    1339           0 :             ShowFatalError(state, "getUnitarySystemInputData: previous errors cause termination. Check inputs");
    1340             :         }
    1341         753 :     }
    1342             : 
    1343         592 :     void UnitarySys::sizeSystem(EnergyPlusData &state, bool const FirstHVACIteration, int const AirLoopNum)
    1344             :     {
    1345             : 
    1346             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    1347             :         //       AUTHOR         Richard Raustad, FSEC
    1348             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   February 2013
    1349             : 
    1350             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    1351             :         // This subroutine is for sizing unitary system components for which nominal cpacities
    1352             :         // and flow rates have not been specified in the input. Coil sizing is preformed in the coil module.
    1353             :         // Future modifications will size coils here and "push" this info to the specific coil.
    1354             : 
    1355             :         // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
    1356             :         // Obtains heating capacities and flow rates from the zone or system sizing arrays.
    1357             :         // NOTE: In UNITARYSYSTEM:HEATPUMP:AIRTOAIR we are sizing the heating capacity to be
    1358             :         // equal to the cooling capacity.  Thus the cooling and
    1359             :         // and heating capacities of a DX heat pump system will be identical. In real life the ARI
    1360             :         // heating and cooling capacities are close but not identical.
    1361             : 
    1362             :         // SUBROUTINE PARAMETER DEFINITIONS:
    1363             :         static constexpr std::string_view RoutineName("SizeUnitarySystem");
    1364             : 
    1365             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
    1366             :         int Iter;                                     // iteration count
    1367             :         int MSHPIndex;                                // Index to design Specification object
    1368             :         int BranchNum;                                // Index to branch on air loop
    1369             :         Real64 SystemFlow;                            // AirloopHVAC flow rate [m3/s]
    1370             :         Real64 BranchFanFlow;                         // branch fan flow rate [m3/s]
    1371             :         bool ErrFound;                                // logical error flag
    1372        1184 :         std::string FanType;                          // fan type
    1373        1184 :         std::string m_FanName;                        // fan name
    1374        1184 :         std::string SystemType;                       // type of air loop equipment
    1375        1184 :         std::string HXCoilName;                       // cooling coil name in HXAssisted parent
    1376             :         int ActualCoolCoilType;                       // cooling coil type in HXAssisted parent
    1377             :         DataHVACGlobals::AirDuctType SaveCurDuctType; // used during sizing to save the current duct type
    1378             :         Real64 QActual;                               // water coil output [W]
    1379             :         Real64 capacityMultiplier;                    // used for ASHRAE model sizing
    1380             : 
    1381             :         Real64 TempSize;  // DataSizing::AutoSized value of input field
    1382         592 :         int FieldNum = 2; // IDD numeric field number where input field description is found
    1383             :         int SizingMethod; // Integer representation of sizing method (e.g., DataHVACGlobals::CoolingAirflowSizing, DataSizing::HeatingCapacitySizing,
    1384             :                           // etc.)
    1385             :         bool PrintFlag;   // TRUE when sizing information is reported in the eio file
    1386             :         bool SizingDesRunThisSys;         // checks if sizing was performed
    1387         592 :         int NumAirLoopZones(0);           // number of zone inlet nodes in an air loop
    1388         592 :         int ZoneInSysIndex(0);            // number of zone inlet nodes counter in an airloop
    1389         592 :         Real64 SumOfMassFlowRateMax(0.0); // the sum of zone inlet mass flow rates
    1390         592 :         int ZoneInletNodeNum(0);          // zone inlet nodes node number
    1391             :         Real64 minNoLoadFlow;             // used for sizing MaxNoCoolHeatVolFlow for SingleZoneVAV method
    1392         592 :         Real64 dummy(0.0);
    1393             :         //////////// hoisted into namespace ////////////////////////////////////////////////
    1394             :         // static int NumUnitarySystemsSized( 0 ); // counter used to delete UnitarySystemNumericFields array after last system is sized
    1395             :         ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    1396             :         // References
    1397         592 :         DataSizing::ZoneEqSizingData *select_EqSizing(nullptr);
    1398             : 
    1399         592 :         auto &OASysEqSizing(state.dataSize->OASysEqSizing);
    1400             : 
    1401             :         // sweep specific data into one pointer to avoid if statements throughout this subroutine
    1402         592 :         if (state.dataSize->CurOASysNum > 0) {
    1403           2 :             select_EqSizing = &OASysEqSizing(state.dataSize->CurOASysNum);
    1404         590 :         } else if (state.dataSize->CurSysNum > 0) {
    1405         384 :             select_EqSizing = &state.dataSize->UnitarySysEqSizing(state.dataSize->CurSysNum);
    1406             :             // this was reseting data set by OutdoorAirUnit when UnitarySystem is child
    1407             :             // question is then who resets these (#8751 temporary fix)?
    1408             :             // move here for now and only reset UnitarySystem flags, then find better way to do this
    1409         384 :             select_EqSizing->AirFlow = false;
    1410         384 :             select_EqSizing->CoolingAirFlow = false;
    1411         384 :             select_EqSizing->HeatingAirFlow = false;
    1412         384 :             select_EqSizing->AirVolFlow = 0.0;
    1413         384 :             select_EqSizing->CoolingAirVolFlow = 0.0;
    1414         384 :             select_EqSizing->HeatingAirVolFlow = 0.0;
    1415         384 :             select_EqSizing->Capacity = false;
    1416         384 :             select_EqSizing->CoolingCapacity = false;
    1417         384 :             select_EqSizing->HeatingCapacity = false;
    1418         384 :             select_EqSizing->DesCoolingLoad = 0.0;
    1419         384 :             select_EqSizing->DesHeatingLoad = 0.0;
    1420         384 :             select_EqSizing->OAVolFlow = 0.0; // UnitarySys doesn't have OA
    1421         206 :         } else if (state.dataSize->CurZoneEqNum > 0) {
    1422         206 :             select_EqSizing = &state.dataSize->ZoneEqSizing(state.dataSize->CurZoneEqNum);
    1423         206 :             state.dataSize->ZoneEqUnitarySys = true;
    1424             :             // UnitarySystem never set this flag. Probably should for zone equipment.
    1425         398 :             if ((this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedAC || this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedHP || this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedWSHP) &&
    1426         192 :                 this->m_IsDXCoil)
    1427         192 :                 state.dataSize->ZoneEqDXCoil = true;
    1428             : 
    1429             :         } else {
    1430           0 :             assert(false);
    1431             :         }
    1432             :         // Object Data, points to specific array
    1433         592 :         DataSizing::ZoneEqSizingData &EqSizing(*select_EqSizing);
    1434             : 
    1435             :         // coil sizing requires this information to check proper flow/capacity limits (#8761)
    1436         592 :         if (this->m_ISHundredPercentDOASDXCoil) {
    1437           5 :             state.dataHVACGlobal->DXCT = 2; // uses 100% DX coil flow limits
    1438             :         } else {
    1439         587 :             state.dataHVACGlobal->DXCT = 1; // uses normal DX coil flow limits
    1440             :         }
    1441             :         // sizing may need to know what type of coil is being sized
    1442         592 :         state.dataSize->DataCoolCoilType = this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num;
    1443         592 :         state.dataSize->DataCoolCoilIndex = this->m_CoolingCoilIndex;
    1444             : 
    1445             :         bool anyEMSRan;
    1446         592 :         EMSManager::ManageEMS(state, EMSManager::EMSCallFrom::UnitarySystemSizing, anyEMSRan, ObjexxFCL::Optional_int_const()); // calling point
    1447             :         bool HardSizeNoDesRun; // Indicator to a hard-sized field with no design sizing data
    1448             : 
    1449             :         // Initiate all reporting variables
    1450        1390 :         if (((state.dataSize->CurOASysNum > 0 || state.dataSize->CurSysNum > 0) && state.dataSize->SysSizingRunDone) ||
    1451         466 :             (state.dataSize->CurZoneEqNum > 0 && state.dataSize->ZoneSizingRunDone)) {
    1452         538 :             HardSizeNoDesRun = false;
    1453             :         } else {
    1454          54 :             HardSizeNoDesRun = true;
    1455             :         }
    1456        1184 :         std::string SizingString;
    1457        1184 :         std::string CompName = this->Name;
    1458        1184 :         std::string CompType = this->UnitType;
    1459         592 :         int CoolingSAFlowMethod = this->m_CoolingSAFMethod;
    1460         592 :         int HeatingSAFlowMethod = this->m_HeatingSAFMethod;
    1461             :         // can't reset this to 0 for systems where DX heating coil is in downstream unit and DX cooling coil is in upstream unit
    1462             :         //        DXCoolCap = 0.0;
    1463         592 :         state.dataSize->UnitaryHeatCap = 0.0;
    1464         592 :         state.dataSize->SuppHeatCap = 0.0;
    1465         592 :         bool TempCoolingLoad = state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad;
    1466         592 :         bool TempHeatingLoad = state.dataUnitarySystems->HeatingLoad;
    1467         592 :         state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad = true;
    1468         592 :         state.dataUnitarySystems->HeatingLoad = false;
    1469         592 :         state.dataSize->ZoneCoolingOnlyFan = false;
    1470         592 :         state.dataSize->ZoneHeatingOnlyFan = false;
    1471         592 :         bool IsAutoSize = false;
    1472         592 :         Real64 SysCoolingFlow = 0.0;
    1473         592 :         Real64 SysHeatingFlow = 0.0;
    1474         592 :         Real64 CoolCapAtPeak = 0.0;
    1475         592 :         Real64 HeatCapAtPeak = 0.0;
    1476             : 
    1477         592 :         if (state.dataSize->CurSysNum > 0 && state.dataSize->CurOASysNum == 0 && this->m_FanExists) {
    1478         102 :             if (this->m_FanType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::FanType_SystemModelObject) {
    1479          41 :                 state.dataAirSystemsData->PrimaryAirSystems(state.dataSize->CurSysNum).supFanVecIndex = this->m_FanIndex;
    1480          41 :                 state.dataAirSystemsData->PrimaryAirSystems(state.dataSize->CurSysNum).supFanModelType = DataAirSystems::ObjectVectorOOFanSystemModel;
    1481          41 :                 state.dataSize->DataFanEnumType = DataAirSystems::ObjectVectorOOFanSystemModel;
    1482          41 :                 state.dataSize->DataFanIndex = this->m_FanIndex;
    1483             :             } else {
    1484          61 :                 state.dataAirSystemsData->PrimaryAirSystems(state.dataSize->CurSysNum).SupFanNum = this->m_FanIndex;
    1485          61 :                 state.dataAirSystemsData->PrimaryAirSystems(state.dataSize->CurSysNum).supFanModelType = DataAirSystems::StructArrayLegacyFanModels;
    1486          61 :                 state.dataSize->DataFanEnumType = DataAirSystems::StructArrayLegacyFanModels;
    1487          61 :                 state.dataSize->DataFanIndex = this->m_FanIndex;
    1488             :             }
    1489         102 :             if (this->m_FanPlace == FanPlace::BlowThru) {
    1490          84 :                 state.dataAirSystemsData->PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).supFanLocation = DataAirSystems::FanPlacement::BlowThru;
    1491          18 :             } else if (this->m_FanPlace == FanPlace::DrawThru) {
    1492          18 :                 state.dataAirSystemsData->PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).supFanLocation = DataAirSystems::FanPlacement::DrawThru;
    1493             :             }
    1494         490 :         } else if (state.dataSize->CurZoneEqNum > 0 && this->m_FanExists) {
    1495         198 :             if (this->m_FanType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::FanType_SystemModelObject) {
    1496          16 :                 state.dataSize->DataFanEnumType = DataAirSystems::ObjectVectorOOFanSystemModel;
    1497             :             } else {
    1498         182 :                 state.dataSize->DataFanEnumType = DataAirSystems::StructArrayLegacyFanModels;
    1499             :             }
    1500         198 :             state.dataSize->DataFanIndex = this->m_FanIndex;
    1501         198 :             if (this->m_FanPlace == FanPlace::BlowThru) {
    1502          58 :                 state.dataSize->DataFanPlacement = DataSizing::ZoneFanPlacement::BlowThru;
    1503         140 :             } else if (this->m_FanPlace == FanPlace::DrawThru) {
    1504         140 :                 state.dataSize->DataFanPlacement = DataSizing::ZoneFanPlacement::DrawThru;
    1505             :             }
    1506             :         }
    1507             : 
    1508         592 :         if (this->ATMixerExists && state.dataSize->CurZoneEqNum > 0) { // set up ATMixer conditions for scalable capacity sizing
    1509          29 :             SingleDuct::setATMixerSizingProperties(state, this->m_ATMixerIndex, this->ControlZoneNum, state.dataSize->CurZoneEqNum);
    1510             :         }
    1511             : 
    1512         592 :         Real64 coolingCapacityMultiplier = 1.0;
    1513         592 :         Real64 heatingCapacityMultiplier = 1.0;
    1514         592 :         if (this->m_HVACSizingIndex > 0) {
    1515           0 :             if (this->m_CoolingCapMethod == DataSizing::FractionOfAutosizedCoolingCapacity) {
    1516           0 :                 coolingCapacityMultiplier = this->m_DesignCoolingCapacity;
    1517           0 :                 this->m_DesignCoolingCapacity = DataSizing::AutoSize;
    1518             :             }
    1519           0 :             if (this->m_HeatingCapMethod == DataSizing::FractionOfAutosizedHeatingCapacity) {
    1520           0 :                 heatingCapacityMultiplier = this->m_DesignHeatingCapacity;
    1521           0 :                 this->m_DesignHeatingCapacity = DataSizing::AutoSize;
    1522             :             }
    1523             :         }
    1524             : 
    1525             :         // zone equipment that have OA mixers will need to know the OA flow rate to size coil inlet conditions
    1526         592 :         bool SizingDesRunThisZone = false;
    1527         592 :         if (this->OAMixerExists) {
    1528         167 :             if (state.dataSize->CurZoneEqNum > 0) {
    1529         167 :                 CheckThisZoneForSizing(state, state.dataSize->CurZoneEqNum, SizingDesRunThisZone);
    1530         167 :                 if (this->m_CoolOutAirVolFlow == DataSizing::AutoSize || this->m_HeatOutAirVolFlow == DataSizing::AutoSize) {
    1531         110 :                     CheckZoneSizing(state, this->UnitType, this->Name);
    1532             :                 }
    1533             :                 // initialize OA flow for sizing other inputs (e.g., capacity)
    1534         167 :                 if (this->m_CoolOutAirVolFlow == DataSizing::AutoSize) {
    1535         110 :                     EqSizing.OAVolFlow = state.dataSize->FinalZoneSizing(state.dataSize->CurZoneEqNum).MinOA;
    1536             :                 } else {
    1537          57 :                     EqSizing.OAVolFlow = this->m_CoolOutAirVolFlow;
    1538             :                 }
    1539         167 :                 if (this->m_HeatOutAirVolFlow != DataSizing::AutoSize) {
    1540          57 :                     EqSizing.OAVolFlow = max(EqSizing.OAVolFlow, this->m_HeatOutAirVolFlow);
    1541             :                 }
    1542             :             }
    1543             :         }
    1544             : 
    1545         592 :         PrintFlag = false;
    1546             :         // STEP 1: find the DataSizing::AutoSized cooling air flow rate and capacity
    1547             :         // Note: this call will request fan heat and size the fan.
    1548             :         // Either the few lines above are too early, or there needs to be a way to avoid requesting fan heat from
    1549             :         // BaseSizerWithFanHeatInputs::initializeWithinEP so the fan doesn't size until the parent wants it to size.
    1550             :         // see PackagedTerminalHeatPumpVSAS.idf where fan is not sized large enough for cooling coil air flow rate.
    1551             : 
    1552             :         // delay fan sizing in case a VS fan is used and air flow needs to be modified above max design flow
    1553             :         // this may also mean capacity result does not include fan heat? and table diffs?
    1554             :         // and causes unit test failures, e.g., UnitarySystemModel_MultispeedDXCoilSizing.
    1555             :         // comment this out until the PTUnit to UnitarySystem #9273 branch is merged, so nothing changes
    1556             :         // until this is implemented, unbalanced air flow warnings show up in VS coil PTUnits
    1557             :         //  int saveDataFanIndex = state.dataSize->DataFanIndex;
    1558             :         //  state.dataSize->DataFanIndex = -1;
    1559             : 
    1560         592 :         bool coolingAirFlowIsAutosized = this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow == DataSizing::AutoSize;
    1561         592 :         bool heatingAirFlowIsAutosized = this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow == DataSizing::AutoSize;
    1562         592 :         if (this->m_CoolCoilExists) {
    1563         591 :             if (!this->m_HeatCoilExists) state.dataSize->ZoneCoolingOnlyFan = true;
    1564         591 :             TempSize = this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow;
    1565         591 :             SaveCurDuctType = state.dataSize->CurDuctType;
    1566             :             // might want to rethink this method. Tries to find the larger of cooling or heating capcity
    1567             :             // however, if there is no heating coil the cooling air flow rate is used, not the main flow rate
    1568             :             // this is fine if there are no other systems on the branch. CoilSystem does not do this (#8761).
    1569         591 :             if (this->m_sysType == SysType::Unitary) state.dataSize->CurDuctType = DataHVACGlobals::AirDuctType::Cooling;
    1570         591 :             bool errorsFound = false;
    1571         591 :             if ((CoolingSAFlowMethod == DataSizing::SupplyAirFlowRate) || (CoolingSAFlowMethod == DataSizing::None)) {
    1572        1182 :                 CoolingAirFlowSizer sizingCoolingAirFlow;
    1573         591 :                 sizingCoolingAirFlow.initializeWithinEP(state, CompType, CompName, PrintFlag, RoutineName);
    1574        1182 :                 SysCoolingFlow = sizingCoolingAirFlow.size(state, TempSize, errorsFound);
    1575           0 :             } else if (CoolingSAFlowMethod == DataSizing::FlowPerFloorArea) {
    1576           0 :                 CoolingAirFlowSizer sizingCoolingAirFlow;
    1577           0 :                 sizingCoolingAirFlow.initializeWithinEP(state, CompType, CompName, PrintFlag, RoutineName);
    1578           0 :                 SysCoolingFlow = sizingCoolingAirFlow.size(state, TempSize, errorsFound);
    1579           0 :                 this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow = DataSizing::AutoSize;
    1580           0 :             } else if (CoolingSAFlowMethod == DataSizing::FractionOfAutosizedCoolingAirflow) {
    1581           0 :                 TempSize = DataSizing::AutoSize;
    1582           0 :                 CoolingAirFlowSizer sizingCoolingAirFlow;
    1583           0 :                 sizingCoolingAirFlow.initializeWithinEP(state, CompType, CompName, PrintFlag, RoutineName);
    1584           0 :                 SysCoolingFlow = sizingCoolingAirFlow.size(state, TempSize, errorsFound);
    1585           0 :                 SysCoolingFlow *= this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow;
    1586           0 :                 this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow = DataSizing::AutoSize;
    1587           0 :             } else if (CoolingSAFlowMethod == DataSizing::FlowPerCoolingCapacity) {
    1588           0 :                 if (this->m_DesignCoolingCapacity == DataSizing::AutoSize) {
    1589           0 :                     TempSize = DataSizing::AutoSize;
    1590           0 :                     CoolingAirFlowSizer sizingCoolingAirFlow;
    1591           0 :                     sizingCoolingAirFlow.initializeWithinEP(state, CompType, CompName, PrintFlag, RoutineName);
    1592           0 :                     state.dataSize->DataFlowUsedForSizing = sizingCoolingAirFlow.size(state, TempSize, errorsFound);
    1593           0 :                     SizingMethod = DataHVACGlobals::CoolingCapacitySizing;
    1594           0 :                     if (this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_Cooling) {
    1595           0 :                         state.dataSize->DataTotCapCurveIndex =
    1596           0 :                             state.dataCoilCooingDX->coilCoolingDXs[this->m_CoolingCoilIndex].getOpModeCapFTIndex(false);
    1597           0 :                         state.dataSize->DataIsDXCoil = true;
    1598           0 :                     } else if (this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_CoolingSingleSpeed ||
    1599           0 :                                this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_MultiSpeedCooling ||
    1600           0 :                                this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_CoolingTwoSpeed ||
    1601           0 :                                this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_CoolingTwoStageWHumControl) {
    1602           0 :                         state.dataSize->DataTotCapCurveIndex = DXCoils::GetDXCoilCapFTCurveIndex(state, this->m_CoolingCoilIndex, ErrFound);
    1603           0 :                         state.dataSize->DataIsDXCoil = true;
    1604             :                     }
    1605           0 :                     CoolingCapacitySizer sizerCoolingCapacity;
    1606           0 :                     sizerCoolingCapacity.overrideSizingString(SizingString);
    1607           0 :                     sizerCoolingCapacity.initializeWithinEP(state, CompType, CompName, PrintFlag, RoutineName);
    1608           0 :                     CoolCapAtPeak = sizerCoolingCapacity.size(state, TempSize, errorsFound);
    1609           0 :                     SysCoolingFlow = CoolCapAtPeak * this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow;
    1610           0 :                     state.dataSize->DataTotCapCurveIndex = 0;
    1611           0 :                     EqSizing.CoolingCapacity = true;
    1612           0 :                     EqSizing.DesCoolingLoad = CoolCapAtPeak;
    1613             :                 } else {
    1614           0 :                     SysCoolingFlow = this->m_DesignCoolingCapacity * this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow;
    1615           0 :                     CoolCapAtPeak = this->m_DesignCoolingCapacity;
    1616           0 :                     state.dataSize->DXCoolCap = CoolCapAtPeak;
    1617             :                 }
    1618           0 :                 this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow = DataSizing::AutoSize;
    1619             :             } else {
    1620             :                 // should never happen
    1621           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + ": " + CompType + " = " + std::string{CompName});
    1622           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "Illegal entry for Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate Method.");
    1623             :             }
    1624             : 
    1625         591 :             state.dataSize->CurDuctType = SaveCurDuctType;
    1626         591 :             EqSizing.CoolingAirFlow = true;
    1627         591 :             EqSizing.CoolingAirVolFlow = SysCoolingFlow;
    1628             : 
    1629             :             // Cooling airflow should be known at this point. Now find DataSizing::AutoSized design cooling capacity.
    1630         591 :             if (CoolingSAFlowMethod != DataSizing::FlowPerCoolingCapacity && this->m_DesignCoolingCapacity < 0.0) {
    1631         448 :                 SizingMethod = DataHVACGlobals::CoolingCapacitySizing;
    1632         448 :                 state.dataSize->DataFlowUsedForSizing = EqSizing.CoolingAirVolFlow;
    1633         448 :                 TempSize = DataSizing::AutoSize;
    1634             :                 // could probably move this up outside the IF and delete then next group below in the else
    1635         448 :                 switch (this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num) {
    1636          47 :                 case DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_Cooling: {
    1637          47 :                     state.dataSize->DataTotCapCurveIndex =
    1638          47 :                         state.dataCoilCooingDX->coilCoolingDXs[this->m_CoolingCoilIndex].getOpModeCapFTIndex(false);
    1639          47 :                     state.dataSize->DataIsDXCoil = true;
    1640          47 :                 } break;
    1641         360 :                 case DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_CoolingSingleSpeed:
    1642             :                 case DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_MultiSpeedCooling:
    1643             :                 case DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_CoolingTwoSpeed:
    1644             :                 case DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_CoolingTwoStageWHumControl: {
    1645         360 :                     state.dataSize->DataTotCapCurveIndex = DXCoils::GetDXCoilCapFTCurveIndex(state, this->m_CoolingCoilIndex, ErrFound);
    1646         360 :                     state.dataSize->DataIsDXCoil = true;
    1647         360 :                 } break;
    1648           6 :                 case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingAirToAirVariableSpeed: {
    1649           6 :                     state.dataSize->DataTotCapCurveIndex = VariableSpeedCoils::GetVSCoilCapFTCurveIndex(state, this->m_CoolingCoilIndex, ErrFound);
    1650           6 :                     state.dataSize->DataIsDXCoil = true;
    1651           6 :                 } break;
    1652           2 :                 case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWaterToAirHPVSEquationFit: {
    1653           2 :                     state.dataSize->DataTotCapCurveIndex = VariableSpeedCoils::GetVSCoilCapFTCurveIndex(state, this->m_CoolingCoilIndex, ErrFound);
    1654             :                     // VS coil model does not check for flow/capacity ratio, this will disable that test in Capacity sizer
    1655             :                     // state.dataSize->DataIsDXCoil = true;
    1656           2 :                 } break;
    1657          33 :                 default: {
    1658          33 :                 } break;
    1659             :                 }
    1660         896 :                 CoolingCapacitySizer sizerCoolingCapacity;
    1661         448 :                 sizerCoolingCapacity.overrideSizingString(SizingString);
    1662         448 :                 state.dataSize->DataFracOfAutosizedCoolingCapacity = coolingCapacityMultiplier;
    1663         448 :                 sizerCoolingCapacity.initializeWithinEP(state, CompType, CompName, PrintFlag, RoutineName);
    1664         448 :                 CoolCapAtPeak = sizerCoolingCapacity.size(state, TempSize, errorsFound);
    1665             :                 // this probably needs to be more specific. Letting heating coil size itself if user has scalable sizing
    1666         448 :                 if (this->m_HVACSizingIndex <= 0) state.dataSize->DXCoolCap = CoolCapAtPeak;
    1667             :                 // CoilSystem does not size the cooling coil (#8761)
    1668         448 :                 if (BITF_TEST_ANY(BITF(this->m_sysType),
    1669             :                                   BITF(SysType::Unitary) | BITF(SysType::PackagedAC) | BITF(SysType::PackagedHP) | BITF(SysType::PackagedWSHP))) {
    1670         206 :                     EqSizing.CoolingCapacity = true;
    1671         206 :                     EqSizing.DesCoolingLoad = CoolCapAtPeak;
    1672         448 :                 }
    1673         143 :             } else if (!HardSizeNoDesRun && (CoolingSAFlowMethod != DataSizing::FlowPerCoolingCapacity && this->m_DesignCoolingCapacity > 0.0)) {
    1674             :                 // corrected code for #8756
    1675         133 :                 if (this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_CoolingSingleSpeed ||
    1676          52 :                     this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_MultiSpeedCooling ||
    1677          11 :                     this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_CoolingTwoSpeed ||
    1678           3 :                     this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_CoolingTwoStageWHumControl) {
    1679          86 :                     state.dataSize->DataTotCapCurveIndex = DXCoils::GetDXCoilCapFTCurveIndex(state, this->m_CoolingCoilIndex, ErrFound);
    1680          86 :                     state.dataSize->DataIsDXCoil = true;
    1681             :                 }
    1682          89 :                 if (this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingAirToAirVariableSpeed) {
    1683           2 :                     state.dataSize->DataTotCapCurveIndex = VariableSpeedCoils::GetVSCoilCapFTCurveIndex(state, this->m_CoolingCoilIndex, ErrFound);
    1684           2 :                     state.dataSize->DataIsDXCoil = true;
    1685             :                 }
    1686          89 :                 if (this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWaterToAirHPVSEquationFit) {
    1687           0 :                     state.dataSize->DataTotCapCurveIndex = VariableSpeedCoils::GetVSCoilCapFTCurveIndex(state, this->m_CoolingCoilIndex, ErrFound);
    1688             :                     // VS coil model does not check for flow/capacity ratio, this will disable that test in Capacity sizer
    1689             :                     // state.dataSize->DataIsDXCoil = true;
    1690             :                 }
    1691             :                 // PTUnit does not call CapacitySizer and adjust capacity based on flow per capacity limits
    1692          89 :                 if (this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedAC || this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedHP) {
    1693          47 :                     state.dataSize->DataIsDXCoil = false;
    1694             :                 }
    1695          89 :                 SizingMethod = DataHVACGlobals::CoolingCapacitySizing;
    1696          89 :                 state.dataSize->DataFlowUsedForSizing = EqSizing.CoolingAirVolFlow;
    1697         178 :                 if (this->m_CoolingCapMethod == DataSizing::CapacityPerFloorArea ||
    1698          89 :                     (this->m_CoolingCapMethod == DataSizing::CoolingDesignCapacity && this->m_DesignCoolingCapacity > 0.0)) {
    1699           0 :                     TempSize = this->m_DesignCoolingCapacity;
    1700             :                 } else {
    1701          89 :                     TempSize = DataSizing::AutoSize;
    1702             :                 }
    1703         178 :                 CoolingCapacitySizer sizerCoolingCapacity;
    1704          89 :                 sizerCoolingCapacity.overrideSizingString(SizingString);
    1705          89 :                 state.dataSize->DataFracOfAutosizedCoolingCapacity = coolingCapacityMultiplier;
    1706          89 :                 sizerCoolingCapacity.initializeWithinEP(state, CompType, CompName, PrintFlag, RoutineName);
    1707          89 :                 CoolCapAtPeak = sizerCoolingCapacity.size(state, TempSize, errorsFound);
    1708          89 :                 state.dataSize->DXCoolCap = CoolCapAtPeak;
    1709          89 :                 EqSizing.CoolingCapacity = true;
    1710         178 :                 EqSizing.DesCoolingLoad = CoolCapAtPeak;
    1711             :             } else {
    1712             :                 // something seems missing here based on multiple conditional if above
    1713          54 :                 if (this->m_DesignCoolingCapacity != DataSizing::AutoSize) CoolCapAtPeak = this->m_DesignCoolingCapacity;
    1714             :             }
    1715         591 :             state.dataSize->DataIsDXCoil = false;
    1716         591 :             state.dataSize->DataTotCapCurveIndex = 0;
    1717         591 :             state.dataSize->DataFlowUsedForSizing = 0.0;
    1718             :         }
    1719             : 
    1720             :         // STEP 2: find the DataSizing::AutoSized heating air flow rate and capacity
    1721         592 :         if (this->m_HeatCoilExists) {
    1722         301 :             if (!this->m_CoolCoilExists) state.dataSize->ZoneHeatingOnlyFan = true;
    1723         301 :             FieldNum = 7; // N7 , \field Heating Supply Air Flow Rate
    1724         301 :             SizingMethod = DataHVACGlobals::HeatingAirflowSizing;
    1725             :             // SizingString = UnitarySystemNumericFields(UnitarySysNum).FieldNames(FieldNum) + " [m3/s]";
    1726         301 :             TempSize = this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow;
    1727         301 :             SaveCurDuctType = state.dataSize->CurDuctType;
    1728         301 :             state.dataSize->CurDuctType = DataHVACGlobals::AirDuctType::Heating;
    1729         301 :             if ((HeatingSAFlowMethod == DataSizing::SupplyAirFlowRate) || (HeatingSAFlowMethod == DataSizing::None)) {
    1730         301 :                 bool errorsFound = false;
    1731         602 :                 HeatingAirFlowSizer sizingHeatingAirFlow;
    1732         301 :                 sizingHeatingAirFlow.overrideSizingString(SizingString);
    1733         301 :                 sizingHeatingAirFlow.initializeWithinEP(state, CompType, CompName, PrintFlag, RoutineName);
    1734         602 :                 SysHeatingFlow = sizingHeatingAirFlow.size(state, TempSize, errorsFound);
    1735           0 :             } else if (HeatingSAFlowMethod == DataSizing::FlowPerFloorArea) {
    1736           0 :                 bool errorsFound = false;
    1737           0 :                 HeatingAirFlowSizer sizingHeatingAirFlow;
    1738           0 :                 sizingHeatingAirFlow.overrideSizingString(SizingString);
    1739           0 :                 sizingHeatingAirFlow.initializeWithinEP(state, CompType, CompName, PrintFlag, RoutineName);
    1740           0 :                 SysHeatingFlow = sizingHeatingAirFlow.size(state, TempSize, errorsFound);
    1741           0 :                 this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow = DataSizing::AutoSize;
    1742           0 :             } else if (HeatingSAFlowMethod == DataSizing::FractionOfAutosizedHeatingAirflow) {
    1743           0 :                 TempSize = DataSizing::AutoSize;
    1744           0 :                 bool errorsFound = false;
    1745           0 :                 HeatingAirFlowSizer sizingHeatingAirFlow;
    1746           0 :                 sizingHeatingAirFlow.overrideSizingString(SizingString);
    1747           0 :                 sizingHeatingAirFlow.initializeWithinEP(state, CompType, CompName, PrintFlag, RoutineName);
    1748           0 :                 SysHeatingFlow = sizingHeatingAirFlow.size(state, TempSize, errorsFound);
    1749           0 :                 SysHeatingFlow *= this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow;
    1750           0 :                 this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow = DataSizing::AutoSize;
    1751           0 :             } else if (HeatingSAFlowMethod == DataSizing::FlowPerHeatingCapacity) {
    1752           0 :                 TempSize = DataSizing::AutoSize;
    1753           0 :                 bool errorsFound = false;
    1754           0 :                 HeatingAirFlowSizer sizingHeatingAirFlow;
    1755           0 :                 sizingHeatingAirFlow.overrideSizingString(SizingString);
    1756           0 :                 sizingHeatingAirFlow.initializeWithinEP(state, CompType, CompName, PrintFlag, RoutineName);
    1757           0 :                 state.dataSize->DataFlowUsedForSizing = sizingHeatingAirFlow.size(state, TempSize, errorsFound);
    1758           0 :                 SizingMethod = DataHVACGlobals::HeatingCapacitySizing;
    1759           0 :                 state.dataSize->DataFracOfAutosizedCoolingCapacity = 1.0;
    1760           0 :                 state.dataSize->DataHeatSizeRatio = this->m_HeatingSizingRatio;
    1761           0 :                 if (this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_MultiSpeedHeating ||
    1762           0 :                     this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_HeatingEmpirical) {
    1763           0 :                     state.dataSize->DataTotCapCurveIndex = DXCoils::GetDXCoilCapFTCurveIndex(state, this->m_HeatingCoilIndex, ErrFound);
    1764           0 :                     state.dataSize->DataIsDXCoil = true;
    1765             :                 }
    1766           0 :                 if (state.dataSize->CurSysNum > 0)
    1767           0 :                     state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopControlInfo(AirLoopNum).UnitarySysSimulating =
    1768             :                         false; // set to false to allow calculation of actual heating capacity
    1769           0 :                 HeatingCapacitySizer sizerHeatingCapacity;
    1770           0 :                 sizerHeatingCapacity.overrideSizingString(SizingString);
    1771           0 :                 sizerHeatingCapacity.initializeWithinEP(state, CompType, CompName, PrintFlag, RoutineName);
    1772           0 :                 HeatCapAtPeak = sizerHeatingCapacity.size(state, TempSize, errorsFound);
    1773           0 :                 if (state.dataSize->CurSysNum > 0) state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopControlInfo(AirLoopNum).UnitarySysSimulating = true;
    1774           0 :                 SysHeatingFlow = HeatCapAtPeak * this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow;
    1775           0 :                 this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow = DataSizing::AutoSize;
    1776           0 :                 EqSizing.HeatingCapacity = true;
    1777           0 :                 EqSizing.DesHeatingLoad = HeatCapAtPeak;
    1778             :             } else {
    1779             :                 // should never happen
    1780           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + ": " + CompType + " = " + std::string{CompName});
    1781           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "Illegal entry for Heating Supply Air Flow Rate Method.");
    1782             :             }
    1783             : 
    1784         301 :             state.dataSize->CurDuctType = SaveCurDuctType;
    1785         301 :             EqSizing.HeatingAirFlow = true;
    1786         301 :             EqSizing.HeatingAirVolFlow = SysHeatingFlow;
    1787             : 
    1788             :             // Heating airflow should be known at this point. Now find DataSizing::AutoSized design heating capacity.
    1789         301 :             if (HeatingSAFlowMethod != DataSizing::FlowPerHeatingCapacity && this->m_DesignHeatingCapacity == DataSizing::AutoSize) {
    1790         272 :                 SizingMethod = DataHVACGlobals::HeatingCapacitySizing;
    1791         272 :                 if (m_sysType == SysType::Unitary || m_sysType == SysType::CoilCoolingDX || m_sysType == SysType::CoilCoolingWater) {
    1792          95 :                     state.dataSize->DataFlowUsedForSizing = EqSizing.HeatingAirVolFlow;
    1793             :                 }
    1794         272 :                 TempSize = DataSizing::AutoSize;
    1795         272 :                 state.dataSize->DataHeatSizeRatio = this->m_HeatingSizingRatio;
    1796         509 :                 if (this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_HeatingEmpirical ||
    1797         237 :                     this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_MultiSpeedHeating) {
    1798          43 :                     state.dataSize->DataTotCapCurveIndex = DXCoils::GetDXCoilCapFTCurveIndex(state, this->m_HeatingCoilIndex, ErrFound);
    1799          43 :                     state.dataSize->DataIsDXCoil = true;
    1800             :                 }
    1801             :                 // should have VS coil capFT here also
    1802         294 :                 if (this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedWSHP &&
    1803          22 :                     this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWaterToAirHPVSEquationFit) {
    1804           1 :                     state.dataSize->DataTotCapCurveIndex = VariableSpeedCoils::GetVSCoilCapFTCurveIndex(state, this->m_CoolingCoilIndex, ErrFound);
    1805             :                     // VS coil model does not check for flow/capacity ratio, this will disable that test in Capacity sizer
    1806             :                     // state.dataSize->DataIsDXCoil = true;
    1807             :                 }
    1808             :                 // PTUnit does not call CapacitySizer and adjust capacity based on flow per capacity limits
    1809         272 :                 if (this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedHP) {
    1810          22 :                     state.dataSize->DataIsDXCoil = false;
    1811             :                 }
    1812         272 :                 if (state.dataSize->CurSysNum > 0)
    1813          89 :                     state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopControlInfo(AirLoopNum).UnitarySysSimulating =
    1814             :                         false; // set to false to allow calculation of actual heating capacity
    1815         272 :                 bool errorsFound = false;
    1816         544 :                 HeatingCapacitySizer sizerHeatingCapacity;
    1817         272 :                 sizerHeatingCapacity.overrideSizingString(SizingString);
    1818         272 :                 sizerHeatingCapacity.initializeWithinEP(state, CompType, CompName, PrintFlag, RoutineName);
    1819         272 :                 HeatCapAtPeak = sizerHeatingCapacity.size(state, TempSize, errorsFound);
    1820         272 :                 if (state.dataSize->CurSysNum > 0) state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopControlInfo(AirLoopNum).UnitarySysSimulating = true;
    1821         272 :                 EqSizing.HeatingCapacity = true;
    1822         544 :                 EqSizing.DesHeatingLoad = HeatCapAtPeak;
    1823             :             } else {
    1824          29 :                 if (!HardSizeNoDesRun &&
    1825          18 :                     (HeatingSAFlowMethod != DataSizing::FlowPerHeatingCapacity && this->m_DesignHeatingCapacity != DataSizing::AutoSize)) {
    1826             :                     // should have other DX heating coil types here
    1827          18 :                     if (this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_MultiSpeedHeating) {
    1828           3 :                         SizingMethod = DataHVACGlobals::HeatingCapacitySizing;
    1829           3 :                         state.dataSize->DataFlowUsedForSizing = EqSizing.HeatingAirVolFlow;
    1830           3 :                         TempSize = DataSizing::AutoSize;
    1831           3 :                         state.dataSize->DataHeatSizeRatio = this->m_HeatingSizingRatio;
    1832           3 :                         state.dataSize->DataTotCapCurveIndex = DXCoils::GetDXCoilCapFTCurveIndex(state, this->m_HeatingCoilIndex, ErrFound);
    1833           3 :                         state.dataSize->DataIsDXCoil = true;
    1834           3 :                         if (state.dataSize->CurSysNum > 0)
    1835           3 :                             state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopControlInfo(AirLoopNum).UnitarySysSimulating =
    1836             :                                 false; // set to false to allow calculation of actual heating capacity
    1837           3 :                         bool errorsFound = false;
    1838           6 :                         HeatingCapacitySizer sizerHeatingCapacity;
    1839           3 :                         sizerHeatingCapacity.overrideSizingString(SizingString);
    1840           3 :                         sizerHeatingCapacity.initializeWithinEP(state, CompType, CompName, PrintFlag, RoutineName);
    1841           3 :                         HeatCapAtPeak = sizerHeatingCapacity.size(state, TempSize, errorsFound);
    1842           3 :                         if (state.dataSize->CurSysNum > 0) state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopControlInfo(AirLoopNum).UnitarySysSimulating = true;
    1843           3 :                         EqSizing.HeatingCapacity = true;
    1844           3 :                         EqSizing.DesHeatingLoad = HeatCapAtPeak;
    1845          18 :                     }
    1846             :                 } else {
    1847             :                     // something seems missing here based on multiple conditional if above
    1848          11 :                     if (this->m_DesignHeatingCapacity != DataSizing::AutoSize) HeatCapAtPeak = this->m_DesignHeatingCapacity;
    1849             :                 }
    1850             :             }
    1851             :             //            if ( ! UnitarySystem( UnitarySysNum ).CoolCoilExists )DXCoolCap = HeatCapAtPeak;
    1852         301 :             state.dataSize->DataIsDXCoil = false;
    1853         301 :             state.dataSize->DataTotCapCurveIndex = 0;
    1854         301 :             state.dataSize->DataFlowUsedForSizing = 0.0;
    1855         301 :             if (this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedAC) EqSizing.HeatingCapacity = false;
    1856             :         }
    1857             : 
    1858         592 :         bool isWSVarSpeedCoolCoil = this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWaterToAirHPVSEquationFit;
    1859         592 :         bool isWSVarSpeedHeatCoil = this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWaterToAirHPVSEquationFit;
    1860         592 :         bool isVarSpeedCoolCoil = this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingAirToAirVariableSpeed;
    1861         592 :         bool isVarSpeedHeatCoil = this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingAirToAirVariableSpeed;
    1862             : 
    1863         592 :         Real64 saveRawHeatingCapacity = HeatCapAtPeak;
    1864             : 
    1865             :         // STEP 3A: Find VS cooling coil air flow to capacity ratio and adjust design air flow
    1866         798 :         if (EqSizing.DesCoolingLoad > 0.0 && state.dataSize->CurZoneEqNum > 0 &&
    1867         394 :             (this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWaterToAirHPVSEquationFit ||
    1868         420 :              ((this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedAC || this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedHP) &&
    1869         170 :               this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingAirToAirVariableSpeed))) {
    1870           8 :             Real64 coolingToHeatingCapRatio = 1.0;
    1871          14 :             if ((isWSVarSpeedCoolCoil && this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow == DataSizing::AutoSize) ||
    1872          15 :                 ((this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedAC || this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedHP) &&
    1873           6 :                  this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingAirToAirVariableSpeed)) {
    1874           8 :                 int normSpeed = state.dataVariableSpeedCoils->VarSpeedCoil(this->m_CoolingCoilIndex).NormSpedLevel;
    1875             :                 Real64 coolingAirFlowToCapacityRatio =
    1876           8 :                     state.dataVariableSpeedCoils->VarSpeedCoil(this->m_CoolingCoilIndex).MSRatedAirVolFlowPerRatedTotCap(normSpeed);
    1877           8 :                 EqSizing.CoolingAirVolFlow = EqSizing.DesCoolingLoad * coolingAirFlowToCapacityRatio;
    1878           8 :                 if (EqSizing.DesHeatingLoad > 0.0) coolingToHeatingCapRatio = EqSizing.DesCoolingLoad / EqSizing.DesHeatingLoad;
    1879             :             }
    1880          12 :             if (((isWSVarSpeedHeatCoil || isVarSpeedHeatCoil) && this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow == DataSizing::AutoSize) ||
    1881           9 :                 ((this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedAC || this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedHP) &&
    1882           4 :                  this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingAirToAirVariableSpeed)) {
    1883           4 :                 int normSpeed = state.dataVariableSpeedCoils->VarSpeedCoil(this->m_HeatingCoilIndex).NumOfSpeeds;
    1884             :                 Real64 heatingAirFlowToCapacityRatio =
    1885           4 :                     state.dataVariableSpeedCoils->VarSpeedCoil(this->m_HeatingCoilIndex).MSRatedAirVolFlowPerRatedTotCap(normSpeed);
    1886           4 :                 EqSizing.DesHeatingLoad *= coolingToHeatingCapRatio;
    1887           4 :                 EqSizing.HeatingAirVolFlow = EqSizing.DesHeatingLoad * heatingAirFlowToCapacityRatio;
    1888             :             }
    1889             :         }
    1890             : 
    1891             :         // STEP 3B: use the greater of cooling and heating air flow rates for system flow
    1892             :         // previous version of E+ used maximum flow rate for unitary systems. Keep this methodology for now.
    1893             :         // Delete next 2 lines and uncomment 2 lines inside next if (HeatPump) statement to allow non-heat pump systems to operate at different flow
    1894             :         // rates (might require additional change to if block logic).
    1895             :         // UnitarySystem is sizing heating coil size = cooling coil size for 5Zone_Unitary_HXAssistedCoil (not a heat pump)
    1896             :         // and WaterSideEconomizer_PreCoolCoil (not a heat pump)
    1897             :         // and 5Zone_Unitary_VSDesuperheatWaterHeater (not a heat pump)
    1898        1181 :         if ((!isWSVarSpeedHeatCoil &&
    1899        1320 :              (((this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedAC && !isVarSpeedCoolCoil) && (this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedHP && !isVarSpeedHeatCoil)) ||
    1900        1257 :               (this->m_sysType == SysType::Unitary && this->m_HeatPump))) ||
    1901         715 :             (this->m_sysType == SysType::Unitary && (this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_CoolingHXAssisted ||
    1902         124 :                                                      this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_Cooling ||
    1903          93 :                                                      this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingAirToAirVariableSpeed ||
    1904          46 :                                                      this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_MultiSpeedCooling))) {
    1905          97 :             EqSizing.CoolingAirVolFlow = max(EqSizing.CoolingAirVolFlow, EqSizing.HeatingAirVolFlow);
    1906          97 :             EqSizing.HeatingAirVolFlow = EqSizing.CoolingAirVolFlow;
    1907             :         }
    1908             : 
    1909             :         // STEP 4: set heat pump coil capacities equal to greater of cooling or heating capacity
    1910             :         // if a heat pump, use maximum values and set main air flow and capacity variables
    1911         592 :         if (this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedHP && !isVarSpeedCoolCoil) {
    1912             :             // PTPH allows the cooling coil to set DataCoolCoilCap so cooling coil sets capacity
    1913             :             // This is wrong since a larger heating load should set HP capacity (next else if)
    1914          28 :             EqSizing.HeatingCapacity = false;
    1915         564 :         } else if (this->m_HeatPump && (state.dataSize->CurZoneEqNum == 0 || !isWSVarSpeedCoolCoil)) {
    1916          54 :             EqSizing.AirFlow = true;
    1917          54 :             EqSizing.AirVolFlow = max(EqSizing.CoolingAirVolFlow, EqSizing.HeatingAirVolFlow);
    1918         107 :             if (this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num != DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWaterToAirHPVSEquationFit &&
    1919          53 :                 this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num != DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWaterToAirHPVSEquationFit) {
    1920          53 :                 EqSizing.Capacity = true;
    1921          53 :                 EqSizing.DesCoolingLoad = max(EqSizing.DesCoolingLoad, EqSizing.DesHeatingLoad);
    1922          53 :                 EqSizing.DesHeatingLoad = EqSizing.DesCoolingLoad;
    1923          53 :                 state.dataSize->DXCoolCap = EqSizing.DesCoolingLoad;
    1924             :             }
    1925         510 :         } else if (!this->m_CoolCoilExists && state.dataSize->CurZoneEqNum > 0) {
    1926           0 :             state.dataSize->DXCoolCap = EqSizing.DesHeatingLoad;
    1927             :         }
    1928             : 
    1929             :         // now size fans as necessary
    1930             :         // comment this out until the PTUnit to UnitarySystem #9273 branch is merged, so nothing changes
    1931             :         // until this is implemented, unbalanced air flow warning show up in VS coil PTUnits
    1932             :         // state.dataSize->DataFanIndex = saveDataFanIndex;
    1933             : 
    1934             :         // Some parent objects report sizing, some do not
    1935         592 :         if (this->m_OKToPrintSizing) {
    1936         592 :             if (this->m_sysType != SysType::CoilCoolingDX && this->m_sysType != SysType::CoilCoolingWater) {
    1937         302 :                 PrintFlag = true;
    1938             :             }
    1939             :         }
    1940             :         // STEP 5: report system parameters (e.g., air flow rates, capacities, etc.)
    1941         592 :         if (this->m_FanExists) {
    1942         300 :             if (this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedAC || this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedHP || this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedWSHP)
    1943         192 :                 PrintFlag = false;
    1944             : 
    1945         300 :             EqSizing.SystemAirFlow = true;
    1946         300 :             EqSizing.AirVolFlow = max(EqSizing.CoolingAirVolFlow, EqSizing.HeatingAirVolFlow);
    1947         300 :             if (this->m_DesignFanVolFlowRate <= 0.0) { // attempt to catch any missed logic in GetUnitarySystem
    1948         237 :                 this->m_DesignFanVolFlowRate = DataSizing::AutoSize;
    1949             :             }
    1950         300 :             state.dataSize->DataEMSOverrideON = this->m_DesignFanVolFlowRateEMSOverrideOn;
    1951         300 :             state.dataSize->DataEMSOverride = this->m_DesignFanVolFlowRateEMSOverrideValue;
    1952             : 
    1953         300 :             bool errorsFound = false;
    1954         600 :             SystemAirFlowSizer sizerSystemAirFlow;
    1955         600 :             std::string sizingString = "Supply Air Flow Rate [m3/s]";
    1956         300 :             sizerSystemAirFlow.overrideSizingString(sizingString);
    1957         300 :             sizerSystemAirFlow.initializeWithinEP(state, CompType, CompName, PrintFlag, RoutineName);
    1958         300 :             this->m_DesignFanVolFlowRate = sizerSystemAirFlow.size(state, this->m_DesignFanVolFlowRate, errorsFound);
    1959             : 
    1960         300 :             state.dataSize->DataEMSOverrideON = false;
    1961         300 :             EqSizing.SystemAirFlow = false;
    1962             : 
    1963         300 :             if (this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedAC || this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedHP || this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedWSHP)
    1964         192 :                 PrintFlag = true;
    1965             :         }
    1966             : 
    1967             :         // not sure what to do if UnitarySystem has only 1 coil type and flow needs to occur when present coil is off
    1968             :         // how does constant fan operating mode pertain here?
    1969         592 :         if (this->m_HeatCoilExists && !this->m_CoolCoilExists) {
    1970           1 :             if (this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow == DataSizing::AutoSize) this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow = EqSizing.HeatingAirVolFlow;
    1971         591 :         } else if (this->m_CoolCoilExists && !this->m_HeatCoilExists) {
    1972         291 :             if (this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow == DataSizing::AutoSize) this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow = EqSizing.CoolingAirVolFlow;
    1973         291 :             state.dataSize->DXCoolCap = CoolCapAtPeak;
    1974             :         }
    1975             : 
    1976             :         // PT Units report sizing for cooling then heating, UnitarySystem reverses that order
    1977             :         // temporarily reverse reporting for PT units so eio diffs are cleaner, remove later
    1978         592 :         if (this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedAC || this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedHP || this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedWSHP) {
    1979         192 :             if (this->m_CoolCoilExists) {
    1980             :                 // allow design size to report
    1981         192 :                 if (this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow != DataSizing::AutoSize) EqSizing.CoolingAirFlow = false;
    1982         192 :                 if (this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow <= 0.0) { // attempt to catch any missed logic in GetUnitarySystem
    1983         145 :                     this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow = DataSizing::AutoSize;
    1984             :                 }
    1985         192 :                 state.dataSize->DataEMSOverrideON = this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlowEMSOverrideOn;
    1986         192 :                 state.dataSize->DataEMSOverride = this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlowEMSOverrideValue;
    1987         192 :                 TempSize = this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow;
    1988         192 :                 bool errorsFound = false;
    1989         384 :                 CoolingAirFlowSizer sizingCoolingAirFlow;
    1990         384 :                 std::string stringOverride = "Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate [m3/s]";
    1991         192 :                 if (state.dataGlobal->isEpJSON) stringOverride = "cooling_supply_air_flow_rate [m3/s]";
    1992         192 :                 sizingCoolingAirFlow.overrideSizingString(stringOverride);
    1993             :                 // sizingCoolingAirFlow.setHVACSizingIndexData(FanCoil(FanCoilNum).HVACSizingIndex);
    1994         192 :                 sizingCoolingAirFlow.initializeWithinEP(state, CompType, CompName, PrintFlag, RoutineName);
    1995         192 :                 this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow = sizingCoolingAirFlow.size(state, TempSize, errorsFound);
    1996         192 :                 state.dataSize->DataEMSOverrideON = false;
    1997         192 :                 state.dataSize->DataConstantUsedForSizing = 0.0;
    1998             :             }
    1999         192 :             if (this->m_HeatCoilExists) {
    2000             :                 // allow design size to report
    2001         192 :                 if (this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow != DataSizing::AutoSize) EqSizing.HeatingAirFlow = false;
    2002         192 :                 SizingMethod = DataHVACGlobals::HeatingAirflowSizing;
    2003         192 :                 if (this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow <= 0.0) { // attempt to catch any missed logic in GetUnitarySystem
    2004         145 :                     this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow = DataSizing::AutoSize;
    2005             :                 }
    2006         192 :                 bool saveEqSizingAirFlow = EqSizing.AirFlow;
    2007         192 :                 if (this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWaterToAirHPVSEquationFit) {
    2008           1 :                     EqSizing.AirFlow = false;
    2009             :                 }
    2010         192 :                 FieldNum = 7; // N7 , \field Heating Supply Air Flow Rate
    2011         192 :                 state.dataSize->DataEMSOverrideON = this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlowEMSOverrideOn;
    2012         192 :                 state.dataSize->DataEMSOverride = this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlowEMSOverrideValue;
    2013         192 :                 TempSize = this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow;
    2014             :                 // SizingString = UnitarySystemNumericFields(UnitarySysNum).FieldNames(FieldNum) + " [m3/s]";
    2015         192 :                 SizingString = "Heating Supply Air Flow Rate [m3/s]";
    2016         192 :                 bool errorsFound = false;
    2017         384 :                 HeatingAirFlowSizer sizingHeatingAirFlow;
    2018         192 :                 sizingHeatingAirFlow.overrideSizingString(SizingString);
    2019             :                 // sizingHeatingAirFlow.setHVACSizingIndexData(FanCoil(FanCoilNum).HVACSizingIndex);
    2020         192 :                 sizingHeatingAirFlow.initializeWithinEP(state, CompType, CompName, PrintFlag, RoutineName);
    2021         192 :                 this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow = sizingHeatingAirFlow.size(state, TempSize, errorsFound);
    2022         192 :                 state.dataSize->DataEMSOverrideON = false;
    2023         192 :                 state.dataSize->DataConstantUsedForSizing = 0.0;
    2024         192 :                 if (this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWaterToAirHPVSEquationFit) {
    2025           1 :                     EqSizing.AirFlow = saveEqSizingAirFlow;
    2026             :                 }
    2027         192 :             }
    2028             : 
    2029             :         } else {
    2030         400 :             if (this->m_HeatCoilExists) {
    2031             : 
    2032         109 :                 SizingMethod = DataHVACGlobals::HeatingAirflowSizing;
    2033         109 :                 if (this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow <= 0.0) { // attempt to catch any missed logic in GetUnitarySystem
    2034          97 :                     this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow = DataSizing::AutoSize;
    2035             :                 }
    2036         109 :                 bool saveEqSizingAirFlow = EqSizing.AirFlow;
    2037         109 :                 if (this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWaterToAirHPVSEquationFit) {
    2038           2 :                     EqSizing.AirFlow = false;
    2039             :                 }
    2040         109 :                 FieldNum = 7; // N7 , \field Heating Supply Air Flow Rate
    2041         109 :                 state.dataSize->DataEMSOverrideON = this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlowEMSOverrideOn;
    2042         109 :                 state.dataSize->DataEMSOverride = this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlowEMSOverrideValue;
    2043         109 :                 TempSize = this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow;
    2044             :                 // SizingString = UnitarySystemNumericFields(UnitarySysNum).FieldNames(FieldNum) + " [m3/s]";
    2045         109 :                 SizingString = "Heating Supply Air Flow Rate [m3/s]";
    2046         109 :                 bool errorsFound = false;
    2047         218 :                 HeatingAirFlowSizer sizingHeatingAirFlow;
    2048         109 :                 sizingHeatingAirFlow.overrideSizingString(SizingString);
    2049             :                 // sizingHeatingAirFlow.setHVACSizingIndexData(FanCoil(FanCoilNum).HVACSizingIndex);
    2050         109 :                 sizingHeatingAirFlow.initializeWithinEP(state, CompType, CompName, PrintFlag, RoutineName);
    2051         109 :                 this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow = sizingHeatingAirFlow.size(state, TempSize, errorsFound);
    2052         109 :                 state.dataSize->DataEMSOverrideON = false;
    2053         109 :                 state.dataSize->DataConstantUsedForSizing = 0.0;
    2054         109 :                 if (this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWaterToAirHPVSEquationFit) {
    2055           2 :                     EqSizing.AirFlow = saveEqSizingAirFlow;
    2056             :                 }
    2057             :             }
    2058             : 
    2059         400 :             if (this->m_CoolCoilExists) {
    2060             : 
    2061         399 :                 if (this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow <= 0.0) { // attempt to catch any missed logic in GetUnitarySystem
    2062         336 :                     this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow = DataSizing::AutoSize;
    2063             :                 }
    2064         399 :                 state.dataSize->DataEMSOverrideON = this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlowEMSOverrideOn;
    2065         399 :                 state.dataSize->DataEMSOverride = this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlowEMSOverrideValue;
    2066         399 :                 TempSize = this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow;
    2067         399 :                 bool errorsFound = false;
    2068         798 :                 CoolingAirFlowSizer sizingCoolingAirFlow;
    2069         798 :                 std::string stringOverride = "Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate [m3/s]";
    2070         399 :                 if (state.dataGlobal->isEpJSON) stringOverride = "cooling_supply_air_flow_rate [m3/s]";
    2071         399 :                 sizingCoolingAirFlow.overrideSizingString(stringOverride);
    2072             :                 // sizingCoolingAirFlow.setHVACSizingIndexData(FanCoil(FanCoilNum).HVACSizingIndex);
    2073         399 :                 sizingCoolingAirFlow.initializeWithinEP(state, CompType, CompName, PrintFlag, RoutineName);
    2074         399 :                 this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow = sizingCoolingAirFlow.size(state, TempSize, errorsFound);
    2075         399 :                 state.dataSize->DataEMSOverrideON = false;
    2076         399 :                 state.dataSize->DataConstantUsedForSizing = 0.0;
    2077             :             }
    2078             :         }
    2079             : 
    2080             :         // If not set, set DesignFanVolFlowRate as greater of cooling and heating to make sure this value > 0.
    2081             :         // If fan is hard-sized, use that value, otherwise the fan will size to DesignFanVolFlowRate
    2082         592 :         if (this->m_DesignFanVolFlowRate <= 0.0) {
    2083         244 :             this->m_DesignFanVolFlowRate = max(this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow, this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow);
    2084         244 :             if (this->m_ActualFanVolFlowRate > 0.0) this->m_DesignFanVolFlowRate = this->m_ActualFanVolFlowRate;
    2085         244 :             if (this->m_DesignFanVolFlowRate <= 0.0) {
    2086           0 :                 ShowWarningError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + ": " + CompType + " = " + std::string{CompName});
    2087           0 :                 ShowFatalError(state, "Unable to determine fan air flow rate.");
    2088             :             }
    2089             :         }
    2090         592 :         if (!this->m_FanExists) this->m_ActualFanVolFlowRate = this->m_DesignFanVolFlowRate;
    2091             : 
    2092         592 :         if (this->m_CoolCoilExists || this->m_HeatCoilExists || this->m_SuppCoilExists) {
    2093         592 :             MSHPIndex = this->m_DesignSpecMSHPIndex;
    2094             :             // set no load air flow ratio local var
    2095         592 :             Real64 NoLoadCoolingAirFlowRateRatio = 1.0;
    2096         592 :             Real64 NoLoadHeatingAirFlowRateRatio = 1.0;
    2097         592 :             if (MSHPIndex > -1) {
    2098          55 :                 if (state.dataUnitarySystems->designSpecMSHP[MSHPIndex].coolingVolFlowRatio[0] == DataSizing::AutoSize) {
    2099          17 :                     NoLoadCoolingAirFlowRateRatio =
    2100          17 :                         min(this->m_NoLoadAirFlowRateRatio, 1.0 / double(state.dataUnitarySystems->designSpecMSHP[MSHPIndex].numOfSpeedCooling));
    2101             :                 } else {
    2102          38 :                     NoLoadCoolingAirFlowRateRatio =
    2103          38 :                         min(this->m_NoLoadAirFlowRateRatio, state.dataUnitarySystems->designSpecMSHP[MSHPIndex].coolingVolFlowRatio[0]);
    2104             :                 }
    2105          55 :                 if (state.dataUnitarySystems->designSpecMSHP[MSHPIndex].heatingVolFlowRatio[0] == DataSizing::AutoSize) {
    2106          17 :                     NoLoadHeatingAirFlowRateRatio =
    2107          17 :                         min(this->m_NoLoadAirFlowRateRatio, 1.0 / double(state.dataUnitarySystems->designSpecMSHP[MSHPIndex].numOfSpeedHeating));
    2108             :                 } else {
    2109          38 :                     NoLoadHeatingAirFlowRateRatio =
    2110          38 :                         min(this->m_NoLoadAirFlowRateRatio, state.dataUnitarySystems->designSpecMSHP[MSHPIndex].heatingVolFlowRatio[0]);
    2111             :                 }
    2112          55 :                 this->m_NoLoadAirFlowRateRatio = min(NoLoadCoolingAirFlowRateRatio, NoLoadHeatingAirFlowRateRatio);
    2113             :             } else {
    2114        1065 :                 if (this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingAirToAirVariableSpeed ||
    2115         528 :                     this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingAirToAirVariableSpeed) {
    2116           9 :                     if (this->m_CoolCoilExists && this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingAirToAirVariableSpeed) {
    2117             :                         Real64 MaxSpeedFlowRate =
    2118           9 :                             state.dataVariableSpeedCoils->VarSpeedCoil(this->m_CoolingCoilIndex)
    2119           9 :                                 .MSRatedAirVolFlowRate(state.dataVariableSpeedCoils->VarSpeedCoil(this->m_CoolingCoilIndex).NumOfSpeeds);
    2120           9 :                         if (MaxSpeedFlowRate > 0.0) {
    2121           9 :                             NoLoadCoolingAirFlowRateRatio =
    2122           9 :                                 state.dataVariableSpeedCoils->VarSpeedCoil(this->m_CoolingCoilIndex).MSRatedAirVolFlowRate(1) / MaxSpeedFlowRate;
    2123             :                         }
    2124             :                     }
    2125           9 :                     if (this->m_HeatCoilExists && this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingAirToAirVariableSpeed) {
    2126             :                         Real64 MaxSpeedFlowRate =
    2127           3 :                             state.dataVariableSpeedCoils->VarSpeedCoil(this->m_HeatingCoilIndex)
    2128           3 :                                 .MSRatedAirVolFlowRate(state.dataVariableSpeedCoils->VarSpeedCoil(this->m_HeatingCoilIndex).NumOfSpeeds);
    2129           3 :                         if (MaxSpeedFlowRate > 0.0) {
    2130           3 :                             NoLoadHeatingAirFlowRateRatio =
    2131           3 :                                 state.dataVariableSpeedCoils->VarSpeedCoil(this->m_HeatingCoilIndex).MSRatedAirVolFlowRate(1) / MaxSpeedFlowRate;
    2132             :                         }
    2133             :                     }
    2134           9 :                     this->m_NoLoadAirFlowRateRatio = min(NoLoadCoolingAirFlowRateRatio, NoLoadHeatingAirFlowRateRatio);
    2135             :                 }
    2136             :             }
    2137         592 :             if (this->m_NoCoolHeatSAFMethod <= DataSizing::SupplyAirFlowRate && this->m_ControlType == UnitarySysCtrlType::CCMASHRAE) {
    2138           0 :                 if (this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow == DataSizing::AutoSize) {
    2139           0 :                     state.dataSize->DataConstantUsedForSizing = max(this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow, this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow);
    2140           0 :                     if (this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_CoolingSingleSpeed ||
    2141           0 :                         this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_HeatingEmpirical) {
    2142           0 :                         minNoLoadFlow = 0.6667; // TODO: Should this have a Coil:Cooling:DX block?
    2143             :                     } else {
    2144           0 :                         if (this->m_NoLoadAirFlowRateRatio < 1.0) {
    2145           0 :                             minNoLoadFlow = this->m_NoLoadAirFlowRateRatio;
    2146             :                         } else {
    2147           0 :                             minNoLoadFlow = 0.5;
    2148             :                         }
    2149             :                     }
    2150           0 :                     if (this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow >= this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow) {
    2151           0 :                         state.dataSize->DataFractionUsedForSizing =
    2152           0 :                             min(minNoLoadFlow, (this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow / this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow) - 0.01);
    2153             :                     } else {
    2154           0 :                         state.dataSize->DataFractionUsedForSizing =
    2155           0 :                             min(minNoLoadFlow, (this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow / this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow) - 0.01);
    2156             :                     }
    2157             :                 } else {
    2158           0 :                     state.dataSize->DataConstantUsedForSizing = this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow;
    2159           0 :                     state.dataSize->DataFractionUsedForSizing = 1.0;
    2160             :                 }
    2161         592 :             } else if (this->m_NoCoolHeatSAFMethod == DataSizing::FractionOfAutosizedCoolingAirflow) {
    2162           0 :                 this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow *= EqSizing.CoolingAirVolFlow;
    2163           0 :                 state.dataSize->DataConstantUsedForSizing = this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow;
    2164           0 :                 state.dataSize->DataFractionUsedForSizing = 1.0;
    2165           0 :                 this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow = DataSizing::AutoSize;
    2166         592 :             } else if (this->m_NoCoolHeatSAFMethod == DataSizing::FractionOfAutosizedHeatingAirflow) {
    2167           0 :                 this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow *= EqSizing.HeatingAirVolFlow;
    2168           0 :                 state.dataSize->DataConstantUsedForSizing = this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow;
    2169           0 :                 state.dataSize->DataFractionUsedForSizing = 1.0;
    2170           0 :                 this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow = DataSizing::AutoSize;
    2171         592 :             } else if (this->m_NoCoolHeatSAFMethod == DataSizing::FlowPerCoolingCapacity) {
    2172           0 :                 if (EqSizing.DesCoolingLoad <= 0.0) {
    2173             :                     // water coils not sizing yet
    2174           0 :                     if (this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWater ||
    2175           0 :                         this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWaterDetailed) {
    2176           0 :                         WaterCoils::SimulateWaterCoilComponents(
    2177             :                             state, this->m_CoolingCoilName, FirstHVACIteration, this->m_CoolingCoilIndex, QActual, this->m_FanOpMode, 1.0);
    2178           0 :                         EqSizing.DesCoolingLoad = WaterCoils::GetWaterCoilCapacity(
    2179             :                             state,
    2180           0 :                             UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase(DataHVACGlobals::cAllCoilTypes(this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num)),
    2181             :                             this->m_CoolingCoilName,
    2182             :                             ErrFound);
    2183             :                     }
    2184             :                 }
    2185           0 :                 this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow *= EqSizing.DesCoolingLoad;
    2186           0 :                 state.dataSize->DataConstantUsedForSizing = this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow;
    2187           0 :                 state.dataSize->DataFractionUsedForSizing = 1.0;
    2188           0 :                 this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow = DataSizing::AutoSize;
    2189         592 :             } else if (this->m_NoCoolHeatSAFMethod == DataSizing::FlowPerHeatingCapacity) {
    2190           0 :                 if (EqSizing.DesHeatingLoad <= 0.0) {
    2191             :                     // water coil not sizing yet
    2192           0 :                     if (this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWater) {
    2193           0 :                         WaterCoils::SimulateWaterCoilComponents(
    2194             :                             state, this->m_HeatingCoilName, FirstHVACIteration, this->m_HeatingCoilIndex, QActual, this->m_FanOpMode, 1.0);
    2195           0 :                         EqSizing.DesHeatingLoad = WaterCoils::GetWaterCoilCapacity(
    2196             :                             state,
    2197           0 :                             UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase(DataHVACGlobals::cAllCoilTypes(this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num)),
    2198             :                             this->m_HeatingCoilName,
    2199             :                             ErrFound);
    2200             :                     }
    2201             :                 }
    2202           0 :                 this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow *= EqSizing.DesHeatingLoad;
    2203           0 :                 state.dataSize->DataConstantUsedForSizing = this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow;
    2204           0 :                 state.dataSize->DataFractionUsedForSizing = 1.0;
    2205           0 :                 this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow = DataSizing::AutoSize;
    2206             :             } else {
    2207         592 :                 state.dataSize->DataFractionUsedForSizing = this->m_NoLoadAirFlowRateRatio;
    2208             :             }
    2209             : 
    2210         592 :             FieldNum = 11; // N11 , \field No Load Supply Air Flow Rate
    2211         592 :             state.dataSize->DataEMSOverrideON = this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlowEMSOverrideOn;
    2212         592 :             state.dataSize->DataEMSOverride = this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlowEMSOverrideValue;
    2213         592 :             TempSize = this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow;
    2214             :             // SizingString = UnitarySystemNumericFields(UnitarySysNum).FieldNames(FieldNum) + " [m3/s]";
    2215         592 :             SizingString = "No Load Supply Air Flow Rate [m3/s]";
    2216         592 :             bool errorsFound = false;
    2217        1184 :             SystemAirFlowSizer sizerSystemAirFlow;
    2218         592 :             sizerSystemAirFlow.overrideSizingString(SizingString);
    2219         592 :             sizerSystemAirFlow.initializeWithinEP(state, CompType, CompName, PrintFlag, RoutineName);
    2220         592 :             this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow = sizerSystemAirFlow.size(state, TempSize, errorsFound);
    2221         592 :             state.dataSize->DataEMSOverrideON = false;
    2222         592 :             state.dataSize->DataConstantUsedForSizing = 0.0;
    2223         592 :             state.dataSize->DataFractionUsedForSizing = 0.0;
    2224             :         }
    2225             : 
    2226         592 :         if (this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow > 0.0) {
    2227         591 :             this->LowSpeedCoolFanRatio = this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow / this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow;
    2228             :         }
    2229         592 :         if (this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow > 0.0) {
    2230         301 :             this->LowSpeedHeatFanRatio = this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow / this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow;
    2231             :         }
    2232             : 
    2233         592 :         if (this->ATMixerExists && state.dataSize->CurZoneEqNum > 0) { // set up ATMixer conditions for use in component sizing
    2234          29 :             SingleDuct::setATMixerSizingProperties(state, this->m_ATMixerIndex, this->ControlZoneNum, state.dataSize->CurZoneEqNum);
    2235             :         }
    2236             : 
    2237         592 :         if (this->OAMixerExists) {
    2238         167 :             IsAutoSize = false;
    2239         167 :             if (this->m_CoolOutAirVolFlow == DataSizing::AutoSize) {
    2240         110 :                 IsAutoSize = true;
    2241             :             }
    2242         167 :             if (!IsAutoSize && !SizingDesRunThisZone) { // Simulation continue
    2243           0 :                 if (this->m_CoolOutAirVolFlow > 0.0) {
    2244           0 :                     BaseSizer::reportSizerOutput(state,
    2245             :                                                  this->UnitType,
    2246             :                                                  this->Name,
    2247             :                                                  "User-Specified Outdoor Air Flow Rate During Cooling Operation [m3/s]",
    2248           0 :                                                  this->m_CoolOutAirVolFlow);
    2249             :                 }
    2250             :             } else {
    2251         167 :                 CheckZoneSizing(state, this->UnitType, this->Name);
    2252         167 :                 Real64 CoolOutAirVolFlowDes = state.dataSize->FinalZoneSizing(state.dataSize->CurZoneEqNum).MinOA;
    2253         167 :                 if (CoolOutAirVolFlowDes < DataHVACGlobals::SmallAirVolFlow) {
    2254           3 :                     CoolOutAirVolFlowDes = 0.0;
    2255             :                 }
    2256         167 :                 if (IsAutoSize) {
    2257         110 :                     this->m_CoolOutAirVolFlow = CoolOutAirVolFlowDes;
    2258         220 :                     BaseSizer::reportSizerOutput(
    2259         110 :                         state, this->UnitType, this->Name, "Design Size Outdoor Air Flow Rate During Cooling Operation [m3/s]", CoolOutAirVolFlowDes);
    2260             :                 } else {
    2261          57 :                     if (this->m_CoolOutAirVolFlow > 0.0 && CoolOutAirVolFlowDes > 0.0 && SizingDesRunThisZone) {
    2262          47 :                         Real64 CoolOutAirVolFlowUser = this->m_CoolOutAirVolFlow;
    2263          94 :                         BaseSizer::reportSizerOutput(state,
    2264             :                                                      this->UnitType,
    2265             :                                                      this->Name,
    2266             :                                                      "Design Size Outdoor Air Flow Rate During Cooling Operation [m3/s]",
    2267             :                                                      CoolOutAirVolFlowDes,
    2268             :                                                      "User-Specified Outdoor Air Flow Rate During Cooling Operation [m3/s]",
    2269          47 :                                                      CoolOutAirVolFlowUser);
    2270          47 :                         if (state.dataGlobal->DisplayExtraWarnings) {
    2271           0 :                             if ((std::abs(CoolOutAirVolFlowDes - CoolOutAirVolFlowUser) / CoolOutAirVolFlowUser) >
    2272           0 :                                 state.dataSize->AutoVsHardSizingThreshold) {
    2273           0 :                                 ShowMessage(state, "SizePTUnit: Potential issue with equipment sizing for " + this->UnitType + ' ' + this->Name);
    2274           0 :                                 ShowContinueError(
    2275             :                                     state,
    2276           0 :                                     format("User-Specified Outdoor Air Flow Rate During Cooling Operation of {:.5R} [m3/s]", CoolOutAirVolFlowUser));
    2277           0 :                                 ShowContinueError(state,
    2278           0 :                                                   format("differs from Design Size Outdoor Air Flow Rate During Cooling Operation of {:.5R} [m3/s]",
    2279           0 :                                                          CoolOutAirVolFlowDes));
    2280           0 :                                 ShowContinueError(state, "This may, or may not, indicate mismatched component sizes.");
    2281           0 :                                 ShowContinueError(state, "Verify that the value entered is intended and is consistent with other components.");
    2282             :                             }
    2283             :                         }
    2284             :                     }
    2285             :                 }
    2286             :             }
    2287             : 
    2288         167 :             IsAutoSize = false;
    2289         167 :             if (this->m_HeatOutAirVolFlow == DataSizing::AutoSize) {
    2290         110 :                 IsAutoSize = true;
    2291             :             }
    2292         167 :             if (!IsAutoSize && !SizingDesRunThisZone) { // Simulation continue
    2293           0 :                 if (this->m_HeatOutAirVolFlow > 0.0) {
    2294           0 :                     BaseSizer::reportSizerOutput(state,
    2295             :                                                  this->UnitType,
    2296             :                                                  this->Name,
    2297             :                                                  "User-Specified Outdoor Air Flow Rate During Heating Operation [m3/s]",
    2298           0 :                                                  this->m_HeatOutAirVolFlow);
    2299             :                 }
    2300             :             } else {
    2301         167 :                 CheckZoneSizing(state, this->UnitType, this->Name);
    2302         167 :                 Real64 HeatOutAirVolFlowDes = state.dataSize->FinalZoneSizing(state.dataSize->CurZoneEqNum).MinOA;
    2303         167 :                 if (HeatOutAirVolFlowDes < DataHVACGlobals::SmallAirVolFlow) {
    2304           3 :                     HeatOutAirVolFlowDes = 0.0;
    2305             :                 }
    2306         167 :                 if (IsAutoSize) {
    2307         110 :                     this->m_HeatOutAirVolFlow = HeatOutAirVolFlowDes;
    2308         220 :                     BaseSizer::reportSizerOutput(
    2309         110 :                         state, this->UnitType, this->Name, "Design Size Outdoor Air Flow Rate During Heating Operation [m3/s]", HeatOutAirVolFlowDes);
    2310             :                 } else {
    2311          57 :                     if (this->m_HeatOutAirVolFlow > 0.0 && HeatOutAirVolFlowDes > 0.0 && SizingDesRunThisZone) {
    2312          47 :                         Real64 HeatOutAirVolFlowUser = this->m_HeatOutAirVolFlow;
    2313          94 :                         BaseSizer::reportSizerOutput(state,
    2314             :                                                      this->UnitType,
    2315             :                                                      this->Name,
    2316             :                                                      "Design Size Outdoor Air Flow Rate During Heating Operation [m3/s]",
    2317             :                                                      HeatOutAirVolFlowDes,
    2318             :                                                      "User-Specified Outdoor Air Flow Rate During Heating Operation [m3/s]",
    2319          47 :                                                      HeatOutAirVolFlowUser);
    2320          47 :                         if (state.dataGlobal->DisplayExtraWarnings) {
    2321           0 :                             if ((std::abs(HeatOutAirVolFlowDes - HeatOutAirVolFlowUser) / HeatOutAirVolFlowUser) >
    2322           0 :                                 state.dataSize->AutoVsHardSizingThreshold) {
    2323           0 :                                 ShowMessage(state, "SizePTUnit: Potential issue with equipment sizing for " + this->UnitType + ' ' + this->Name);
    2324           0 :                                 ShowContinueError(
    2325             :                                     state,
    2326           0 :                                     format("User-Specified Outdoor Air Flow Rate During Heating Operation of {:.5R} [m3/s]", HeatOutAirVolFlowUser));
    2327           0 :                                 ShowContinueError(state,
    2328           0 :                                                   format("differs from Design Size Outdoor Air Flow Rate During Heating Operation of {:.5R} [m3/s]",
    2329           0 :                                                          HeatOutAirVolFlowDes));
    2330           0 :                                 ShowContinueError(state, "This may, or may not, indicate mismatched component sizes.");
    2331           0 :                                 ShowContinueError(state, "Verify that the value entered is intended and is consistent with other components.");
    2332             :                             }
    2333             :                         }
    2334             :                     }
    2335             :                 }
    2336             :             }
    2337             : 
    2338         167 :             IsAutoSize = false;
    2339         167 :             if (this->m_NoCoolHeatOutAirVolFlow == DataSizing::AutoSize) {
    2340         110 :                 IsAutoSize = true;
    2341             :             }
    2342         167 :             if (!IsAutoSize && !SizingDesRunThisZone) { // Simulation continue
    2343           0 :                 if (this->m_NoCoolHeatOutAirVolFlow > 0.0) {
    2344           0 :                     BaseSizer::reportSizerOutput(state,
    2345             :                                                  this->UnitType,
    2346             :                                                  this->Name,
    2347             :                                                  "User-Specified Outdoor Air Flow Rate When No Cooling or Heating is Needed [m3/s]",
    2348           0 :                                                  this->m_NoCoolHeatOutAirVolFlow);
    2349             :                 }
    2350             :             } else {
    2351         167 :                 CheckZoneSizing(state, this->UnitType, this->Name);
    2352             :                 Real64 NoCoolHeatOutAirVolFlowDes =
    2353         167 :                     min(state.dataSize->FinalZoneSizing(state.dataSize->CurZoneEqNum).MinOA, this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow);
    2354         167 :                 if (NoCoolHeatOutAirVolFlowDes < DataHVACGlobals::SmallAirVolFlow) {
    2355          37 :                     NoCoolHeatOutAirVolFlowDes = 0.0;
    2356             :                 }
    2357         167 :                 if (IsAutoSize) {
    2358         110 :                     this->m_NoCoolHeatOutAirVolFlow = NoCoolHeatOutAirVolFlowDes;
    2359         220 :                     BaseSizer::reportSizerOutput(state,
    2360             :                                                  this->UnitType,
    2361             :                                                  this->Name,
    2362             :                                                  "Design Size Outdoor Air Flow Rate When No Cooling or Heating is Needed [m3/s]",
    2363         110 :                                                  NoCoolHeatOutAirVolFlowDes);
    2364             :                 } else {
    2365          57 :                     if (this->m_NoCoolHeatOutAirVolFlow > 0.0 && NoCoolHeatOutAirVolFlowDes > 0.0 && SizingDesRunThisZone) {
    2366          39 :                         Real64 NoCoolHeatOutAirVolFlowUser = this->m_NoCoolHeatOutAirVolFlow;
    2367          78 :                         BaseSizer::reportSizerOutput(state,
    2368             :                                                      this->UnitType,
    2369             :                                                      this->Name,
    2370             :                                                      "Design Size Outdoor Air Flow Rate When No Cooling or Heating is Needed [m3/s]",
    2371             :                                                      NoCoolHeatOutAirVolFlowDes,
    2372             :                                                      "User-Specified Outdoor Air Flow Rate When No Cooling or Heating is Needed [m3/s]",
    2373          39 :                                                      NoCoolHeatOutAirVolFlowUser);
    2374          39 :                         if (state.dataGlobal->DisplayExtraWarnings) {
    2375           0 :                             if ((std::abs(NoCoolHeatOutAirVolFlowDes - NoCoolHeatOutAirVolFlowUser) / NoCoolHeatOutAirVolFlowUser) >
    2376           0 :                                 state.dataSize->AutoVsHardSizingThreshold) {
    2377           0 :                                 ShowMessage(state, "SizePTUnit: Potential issue with equipment sizing for " + this->UnitType + ' ' + this->Name);
    2378           0 :                                 ShowContinueError(state,
    2379           0 :                                                   format("User-Specified Outdoor Air Flow Rate When No Cooling or Heating is Needed of {:.5R} [m3/s]",
    2380           0 :                                                          NoCoolHeatOutAirVolFlowUser));
    2381           0 :                                 ShowContinueError(
    2382             :                                     state,
    2383           0 :                                     format("differs from Design Size Outdoor Air Flow Rate When No Cooling or Heating is Needed of {:.5R} [m3/s]",
    2384           0 :                                            NoCoolHeatOutAirVolFlowDes));
    2385           0 :                                 ShowContinueError(state, "This may, or may not, indicate mismatched component sizes.");
    2386           0 :                                 ShowContinueError(state, "Verify that the value entered is intended and is consistent with other components.");
    2387             :                             }
    2388             :                         }
    2389             :                     }
    2390             :                 }
    2391             :             }
    2392             :         }
    2393         592 :         if (this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedHP || this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedWSHP) PrintFlag = false;
    2394             : 
    2395         592 :         if (this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedAC || this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedHP || this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedWSHP) {
    2396         192 :             if (this->m_AirFlowControl == UseCompFlow::On) {
    2397          21 :                 this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow = min(this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow, this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow);
    2398             :             }
    2399         378 :             if (this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingAirToAirVariableSpeed ||
    2400         186 :                 this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingAirToAirVariableSpeed) {
    2401           6 :                 if (this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingAirToAirVariableSpeed) {
    2402           6 :                     if (this->m_AirFlowControl == UseCompFlow::On) {
    2403           2 :                         Real64 airFlowAdjustmentRatio = 1.0;
    2404           2 :                         if (!coolingAirFlowIsAutosized) {
    2405           2 :                             airFlowAdjustmentRatio =
    2406           2 :                                 this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow /
    2407           2 :                                 state.dataVariableSpeedCoils->VarSpeedCoil(this->m_CoolingCoilIndex)
    2408           2 :                                     .MSRatedAirVolFlowRate(state.dataVariableSpeedCoils->VarSpeedCoil(this->m_CoolingCoilIndex).NumOfSpeeds);
    2409             :                         }
    2410           2 :                         this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow =
    2411           2 :                             airFlowAdjustmentRatio * state.dataVariableSpeedCoils->VarSpeedCoil(this->m_CoolingCoilIndex).MSRatedAirVolFlowRate(1);
    2412             :                     }
    2413             :                 }
    2414           6 :                 if (this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingAirToAirVariableSpeed) {
    2415           3 :                     if (this->m_AirFlowControl == UseCompFlow::On) {
    2416           1 :                         Real64 airFlowAdjustmentRatio = 1.0;
    2417           1 :                         if (!heatingAirFlowIsAutosized) {
    2418           1 :                             airFlowAdjustmentRatio =
    2419           1 :                                 this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow /
    2420           1 :                                 state.dataVariableSpeedCoils->VarSpeedCoil(this->m_HeatingCoilIndex)
    2421           1 :                                     .MSRatedAirVolFlowRate(state.dataVariableSpeedCoils->VarSpeedCoil(this->m_HeatingCoilIndex).NumOfSpeeds);
    2422             :                         }
    2423           1 :                         if (this->m_CoolCoilExists) {
    2424           1 :                             this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow =
    2425           1 :                                 min(this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow,
    2426             :                                     airFlowAdjustmentRatio *
    2427           1 :                                         state.dataVariableSpeedCoils->VarSpeedCoil(this->m_CoolingCoilIndex).MSRatedAirVolFlowRate(1));
    2428             :                         } else {
    2429           0 :                             this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow =
    2430           0 :                                 airFlowAdjustmentRatio *
    2431           0 :                                 state.dataVariableSpeedCoils->VarSpeedCoil(this->m_HeatingCoilIndex).MSRatedAirVolFlowRate(1);
    2432             :                         }
    2433             :                     }
    2434             :                 }
    2435             :             }
    2436             :         }
    2437             : 
    2438             :         // Change the Volume Flow Rates to Mass Flow Rates
    2439         592 :         this->m_DesignMassFlowRate = this->m_DesignFanVolFlowRate * state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir;
    2440         592 :         this->MaxCoolAirMassFlow = this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow * state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir;
    2441         592 :         this->MaxHeatAirMassFlow = this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow * state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir;
    2442         592 :         this->MaxNoCoolHeatAirMassFlow = this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow * state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir;
    2443         592 :         this->m_CoolOutAirMassFlow = this->m_CoolOutAirVolFlow * state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir;
    2444         592 :         this->m_HeatOutAirMassFlow = this->m_HeatOutAirVolFlow * state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir;
    2445         592 :         this->m_NoCoolHeatOutAirMassFlow = this->m_NoCoolHeatOutAirVolFlow * state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir;
    2446             : 
    2447             :         // initialize multi-speed coils
    2448        1181 :         if ((this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWaterToAirHPVSEquationFit) ||
    2449         589 :             (this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingAirToAirVariableSpeed)) {
    2450          12 :             if (this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling > 0) {
    2451          12 :                 if (this->m_CoolVolumeFlowRate.empty()) this->m_CoolVolumeFlowRate.resize(this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling + 1);
    2452          12 :                 if (this->m_CoolMassFlowRate.empty()) this->m_CoolMassFlowRate.resize(this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling + 1);
    2453          12 :                 if (this->m_MSCoolingSpeedRatio.empty()) this->m_MSCoolingSpeedRatio.resize(this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling + 1);
    2454             :             }
    2455             : 
    2456          12 :             MSHPIndex = this->m_DesignSpecMSHPIndex;
    2457          12 :             if (MSHPIndex > -1) {
    2458           0 :                 for (Iter = state.dataUnitarySystems->designSpecMSHP[MSHPIndex].numOfSpeedCooling; Iter >= 1; --Iter) {
    2459           0 :                     if (state.dataUnitarySystems->designSpecMSHP[MSHPIndex].coolingVolFlowRatio[Iter - 1] == DataSizing::AutoSize) {
    2460           0 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->designSpecMSHP[MSHPIndex].coolingVolFlowRatio[Iter - 1] =
    2461           0 :                             double(Iter) / double(state.dataUnitarySystems->designSpecMSHP[MSHPIndex].numOfSpeedCooling);
    2462             :                     }
    2463             :                 }
    2464             :             }
    2465             : 
    2466          12 :             VariableSpeedCoils::SimVariableSpeedCoils(state,
    2467             :                                                       blankString,
    2468             :                                                       this->m_CoolingCoilIndex,
    2469             :                                                       0,
    2470             :                                                       this->m_MaxONOFFCyclesperHour,
    2471             :                                                       this->m_HPTimeConstant,
    2472             :                                                       this->m_FanDelayTime,
    2473             :                                                       DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::Off,
    2474             :                                                       0.0,
    2475             :                                                       1,
    2476             :                                                       0.0,
    2477             :                                                       0.0,
    2478             :                                                       0.0,
    2479             :                                                       0.0); // conduct the sizing operation in the VS WSHP
    2480          12 :             if (this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling != state.dataVariableSpeedCoils->VarSpeedCoil(this->m_CoolingCoilIndex).NumOfSpeeds) {
    2481           0 :                 ShowWarningError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + ": " + CompType + " = " + std::string{CompName});
    2482           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "Number of cooling speeds does not match coil object.");
    2483           0 :                 ShowFatalError(state,
    2484           0 :                                "Cooling coil = " + state.dataVariableSpeedCoils->VarSpeedCoil(this->m_CoolingCoilIndex).VarSpeedCoilType + ": " +
    2485           0 :                                    state.dataVariableSpeedCoils->VarSpeedCoil(this->m_CoolingCoilIndex).Name);
    2486             :             }
    2487          24 :             state.dataSize->DXCoolCap = VariableSpeedCoils::GetCoilCapacityVariableSpeed(
    2488          12 :                 state, DataHVACGlobals::cAllCoilTypes(this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num), this->m_CoolingCoilName, ErrFound);
    2489          12 :             EqSizing.DesCoolingLoad = state.dataSize->DXCoolCap;
    2490          12 :             if (this->m_DXHeatingCoil) {
    2491           6 :                 EqSizing.DesHeatingLoad = state.dataSize->DXCoolCap;
    2492             :             }
    2493             : 
    2494         108 :             for (Iter = 1; Iter <= this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling; ++Iter) {
    2495             :                 // using only for PTUnit to UnitarySystem conversion for the time being, should use this all the time
    2496          96 :                 if (this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedAC || this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedHP || this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedWSHP) {
    2497          70 :                     this->m_MSCoolingSpeedRatio[Iter] =
    2498         140 :                         state.dataVariableSpeedCoils->VarSpeedCoil(this->m_CoolingCoilIndex).MSRatedAirVolFlowRate(Iter) /
    2499          70 :                         state.dataVariableSpeedCoils->VarSpeedCoil(this->m_CoolingCoilIndex).MSRatedAirVolFlowRate(this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling);
    2500          70 :                     this->m_CoolVolumeFlowRate[Iter] = this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow * this->m_MSCoolingSpeedRatio[Iter];
    2501          70 :                     this->m_CoolMassFlowRate[Iter] = this->MaxCoolAirMassFlow * this->m_MSCoolingSpeedRatio[Iter];
    2502             :                 } else {
    2503          26 :                     this->m_CoolVolumeFlowRate[Iter] =
    2504          26 :                         state.dataVariableSpeedCoils->VarSpeedCoil(this->m_CoolingCoilIndex).MSRatedAirVolFlowRate(Iter);
    2505          26 :                     this->m_CoolMassFlowRate[Iter] = this->m_CoolVolumeFlowRate[Iter] * state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir;
    2506             :                     // this is divided by the system max air flow, not the cooling coil max air flow, doesn't seem correct
    2507          26 :                     this->m_MSCoolingSpeedRatio[Iter] = this->m_CoolVolumeFlowRate[Iter] / this->m_DesignFanVolFlowRate;
    2508             :                 }
    2509             :             }
    2510             : 
    2511          24 :             if (MSHPIndex > -1) {
    2512           0 :                 this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow =
    2513           0 :                     this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow * state.dataUnitarySystems->designSpecMSHP[MSHPIndex].noLoadAirFlowRateRatio;
    2514           0 :                 this->MaxNoCoolHeatAirMassFlow = this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow * state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir;
    2515           0 :                 this->m_NoLoadAirFlowRateRatio = this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow / this->m_DesignFanVolFlowRate;
    2516          12 :             } else if (this->m_CoolVolumeFlowRate.empty()) {
    2517           0 :                 this->m_NoLoadAirFlowRateRatio = this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow / this->m_DesignFanVolFlowRate;
    2518             :             }
    2519             : 
    2520         580 :         } else if (this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_CoolingHXAssisted) {
    2521             :             // mine data from heat exchanger assisted cooling coil
    2522             :             // Get DX heat exchanger assisted cooling coil index
    2523           2 :             int childCCType_Num = state.dataHVACAssistedCC->HXAssistedCoil(this->m_CoolingCoilIndex).CoolingCoilType_Num;
    2524           2 :             if (childCCType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_Cooling) {
    2525           0 :                 int childCCIndex = state.dataHVACAssistedCC->HXAssistedCoil(this->m_CoolingCoilIndex).CoolingCoilIndex;
    2526           0 :                 if (childCCIndex < 0) {
    2527           0 :                     ShowWarningError(state, "Occurs in sizing HeatExchangerAssistedCoolingCoil.");
    2528           0 :                     ShowFatalError(state, "No cooling coil = Coil:Cooling:DX found.");
    2529           0 :                     ErrFound = true;
    2530             :                 }
    2531           0 :                 auto &newCoil = state.dataCoilCooingDX->coilCoolingDXs[childCCIndex];
    2532           0 :                 this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling = newCoil.performance.normalMode.speeds.size();
    2533           0 :                 if (this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling > 0) {
    2534           0 :                     if (this->m_CoolVolumeFlowRate.empty()) this->m_CoolVolumeFlowRate.resize(this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling + 1);
    2535           0 :                     if (this->m_CoolMassFlowRate.empty()) this->m_CoolMassFlowRate.resize(this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling + 1);
    2536           0 :                     if (this->m_MSCoolingSpeedRatio.empty()) this->m_MSCoolingSpeedRatio.resize(this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling + 1);
    2537             :                 }
    2538             : 
    2539             :                 // it feels like we are jamming the rectangular DXCoil into an oval box here
    2540           0 :                 MSHPIndex = this->m_DesignSpecMSHPIndex;
    2541           0 :                 if (MSHPIndex > -1) {
    2542           0 :                     for (Iter = state.dataUnitarySystems->designSpecMSHP[MSHPIndex].numOfSpeedCooling; Iter >= 1;
    2543             :                          --Iter) { // use reverse order since we divide by HeatVolumeFlowRate(max)
    2544           0 :                         if (state.dataUnitarySystems->designSpecMSHP[MSHPIndex].coolingVolFlowRatio[Iter - 1] == DataSizing::AutoSize) {
    2545           0 :                             state.dataUnitarySystems->designSpecMSHP[MSHPIndex].coolingVolFlowRatio[Iter - 1] =
    2546           0 :                                 double(Iter) / double(state.dataUnitarySystems->designSpecMSHP[MSHPIndex].numOfSpeedCooling);
    2547             :                         }
    2548             :                     }
    2549             :                 }
    2550             : 
    2551             :                 // TODO: Determine operating mode based on dehumdification stuff, using normalMode for now
    2552           0 :                 if (this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling != (int)newCoil.performance.normalMode.speeds.size()) {
    2553           0 :                     ShowWarningError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + ": " + CompType + " = " + std::string{CompName});
    2554           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "Number of cooling speeds does not match coil object.");
    2555           0 :                     ShowFatalError(state, "Cooling coil = Coil:Cooling:DX: " +;
    2556             :                 }
    2557             : 
    2558             :                 // Use discrete/continuous control algorithm regardless of number of speeds
    2559           0 :                 if (newCoil.performance.capControlMethod == CoilCoolingDXCurveFitPerformance::CapControlMethod::DISCRETE) {
    2560           0 :                     this->m_DiscreteSpeedCoolingCoil = true;
    2561           0 :                 } else if (newCoil.performance.capControlMethod == CoilCoolingDXCurveFitPerformance::CapControlMethod::CONTINUOUS) {
    2562           0 :                     this->m_ContSpeedCoolingCoil = true;
    2563             :                 }
    2564             : 
    2565           0 :                 newCoil.size(state);
    2566           0 :                 if (MSHPIndex == -1) {
    2567           0 :                     for (Iter = 1; Iter <= this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling; ++Iter) {
    2568           0 :                         this->m_CoolVolumeFlowRate[Iter] = newCoil.performance.normalMode.speeds[Iter - 1].evap_air_flow_rate;
    2569           0 :                         this->m_CoolMassFlowRate[Iter] = this->m_CoolVolumeFlowRate[Iter] * state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir;
    2570             :                         // it seems the ratio should reference the actual flow rates, not the fan flow ???
    2571           0 :                         if (this->m_DesignFanVolFlowRate > 0.0 && this->m_FanExists) {
    2572           0 :                             this->m_MSCoolingSpeedRatio[Iter] = this->m_CoolVolumeFlowRate[Iter] / this->m_DesignFanVolFlowRate;
    2573             :                         } else {
    2574           0 :                             this->m_MSCoolingSpeedRatio[Iter] =
    2575           0 :                                 this->m_CoolVolumeFlowRate[Iter] / this->m_CoolVolumeFlowRate[this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling];
    2576             :                         }
    2577             :                     }
    2578             :                 }
    2579             : 
    2580           0 :                 state.dataSize->DXCoolCap = newCoil.performance.normalMode.ratedGrossTotalCap;
    2581           0 :                 EqSizing.DesCoolingLoad = state.dataSize->DXCoolCap;
    2582           0 :                 if (this->m_HeatPump) EqSizing.DesHeatingLoad = state.dataSize->DXCoolCap;
    2583             : 
    2584           0 :                 if (MSHPIndex > -1) {
    2585           0 :                     for (Iter = state.dataUnitarySystems->designSpecMSHP[MSHPIndex].numOfSpeedCooling; Iter > 0; --Iter) {
    2586           0 :                         if (state.dataUnitarySystems->designSpecMSHP[MSHPIndex].coolingVolFlowRatio[Iter - 1] == DataSizing::AutoSize)
    2587           0 :                             state.dataUnitarySystems->designSpecMSHP[MSHPIndex].coolingVolFlowRatio[Iter - 1] =
    2588           0 :                                 double(Iter) / double(state.dataUnitarySystems->designSpecMSHP[MSHPIndex].numOfSpeedCooling);
    2589           0 :                         this->m_CoolVolumeFlowRate[Iter] =
    2590           0 :                             this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow * state.dataUnitarySystems->designSpecMSHP[MSHPIndex].coolingVolFlowRatio[Iter - 1];
    2591           0 :                         this->m_CoolMassFlowRate[Iter] = this->m_CoolVolumeFlowRate[Iter] * state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir;
    2592           0 :                         this->m_MSCoolingSpeedRatio[Iter] = this->m_CoolVolumeFlowRate[Iter] / this->m_DesignFanVolFlowRate;
    2593             :                     }
    2594           0 :                     this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow =
    2595           0 :                         this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow * state.dataUnitarySystems->designSpecMSHP[MSHPIndex].noLoadAirFlowRateRatio;
    2596           0 :                     this->MaxNoCoolHeatAirMassFlow = this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow * state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir;
    2597           0 :                     this->m_NoLoadAirFlowRateRatio = this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow / this->m_DesignFanVolFlowRate;
    2598           0 :                 } else if (this->m_CoolVolumeFlowRate.empty()) {
    2599           0 :                     this->m_NoLoadAirFlowRateRatio = this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow / this->m_DesignFanVolFlowRate;
    2600             :                 }
    2601             :             }
    2602         578 :         } else if (this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_Cooling) {
    2603          50 :             if (this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling > 0) {
    2604          50 :                 if (this->m_CoolVolumeFlowRate.empty()) this->m_CoolVolumeFlowRate.resize(this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling + 1);
    2605          50 :                 if (this->m_CoolMassFlowRate.empty()) this->m_CoolMassFlowRate.resize(this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling + 1);
    2606          50 :                 if (this->m_MSCoolingSpeedRatio.empty()) this->m_MSCoolingSpeedRatio.resize(this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling + 1);
    2607             :             }
    2608             : 
    2609             :             // it feels like we are jamming the rectangular DXCoil into an oval box here
    2610          50 :             MSHPIndex = this->m_DesignSpecMSHPIndex;
    2611          50 :             if (MSHPIndex > -1) {
    2612          74 :                 for (Iter = state.dataUnitarySystems->designSpecMSHP[MSHPIndex].numOfSpeedCooling; Iter >= 1;
    2613             :                      --Iter) { // use reverse order since we divide by HeatVolumeFlowRate(max)
    2614          57 :                     if (state.dataUnitarySystems->designSpecMSHP[MSHPIndex].coolingVolFlowRatio[Iter - 1] == DataSizing::AutoSize) {
    2615          53 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->designSpecMSHP[MSHPIndex].coolingVolFlowRatio[Iter - 1] =
    2616          53 :                             double(Iter) / double(state.dataUnitarySystems->designSpecMSHP[MSHPIndex].numOfSpeedCooling);
    2617             :                     }
    2618             :                 }
    2619             :             }
    2620             : 
    2621             :             // mine capacity from Coil:Cooling:DX object
    2622          50 :             auto &newCoil = state.dataCoilCooingDX->coilCoolingDXs[this->m_CoolingCoilIndex];
    2623             :             // TODO: Determine operating mode based on dehumdification stuff, using normalMode for now
    2624          50 :             if (this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling != (int)newCoil.performance.normalMode.speeds.size()) {
    2625           0 :                 ShowWarningError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + ": " + CompType + " = " + std::string{CompName});
    2626           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "Number of cooling speeds does not match coil object.");
    2627           0 :                 ShowFatalError(state, "Cooling coil = Coil:Cooling:DX: " +;
    2628             :             }
    2629             : 
    2630             :             // Use discrete/continuous control algorithm regardless of number of speeds
    2631          50 :             if (newCoil.performance.capControlMethod == CoilCoolingDXCurveFitPerformance::CapControlMethod::DISCRETE) {
    2632          48 :                 this->m_DiscreteSpeedCoolingCoil = true;
    2633           2 :             } else if (newCoil.performance.capControlMethod == CoilCoolingDXCurveFitPerformance::CapControlMethod::CONTINUOUS) {
    2634           2 :                 this->m_ContSpeedCoolingCoil = true;
    2635             :             }
    2636             : 
    2637          50 :             newCoil.size(state);
    2638          50 :             if (MSHPIndex == -1) {
    2639          82 :                 for (Iter = 1; Iter <= this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling; ++Iter) {
    2640          49 :                     this->m_CoolVolumeFlowRate[Iter] = newCoil.performance.normalMode.speeds[Iter - 1].evap_air_flow_rate;
    2641          49 :                     this->m_CoolMassFlowRate[Iter] = this->m_CoolVolumeFlowRate[Iter] * state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir;
    2642             :                     // it seems the ratio should reference the actual flow rates, not the fan flow ???
    2643          49 :                     if (this->m_DesignFanVolFlowRate > 0.0 && this->m_FanExists) {
    2644          47 :                         this->m_MSCoolingSpeedRatio[Iter] = this->m_CoolVolumeFlowRate[Iter] / this->m_DesignFanVolFlowRate;
    2645             :                     } else {
    2646           2 :                         this->m_MSCoolingSpeedRatio[Iter] = this->m_CoolVolumeFlowRate[Iter] / this->m_CoolVolumeFlowRate[this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling];
    2647             :                     }
    2648             :                 }
    2649             :             }
    2650             : 
    2651          50 :             state.dataSize->DXCoolCap = newCoil.performance.normalMode.ratedGrossTotalCap;
    2652          50 :             EqSizing.DesCoolingLoad = state.dataSize->DXCoolCap;
    2653          50 :             if (this->m_HeatPump) EqSizing.DesHeatingLoad = state.dataSize->DXCoolCap;
    2654             : 
    2655          50 :             if (MSHPIndex > -1) {
    2656          74 :                 for (Iter = state.dataUnitarySystems->designSpecMSHP[MSHPIndex].numOfSpeedCooling; Iter > 0; --Iter) {
    2657          57 :                     if (state.dataUnitarySystems->designSpecMSHP[MSHPIndex].coolingVolFlowRatio[Iter - 1] == DataSizing::AutoSize)
    2658           0 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->designSpecMSHP[MSHPIndex].coolingVolFlowRatio[Iter - 1] =
    2659           0 :                             double(Iter) / double(state.dataUnitarySystems->designSpecMSHP[MSHPIndex].numOfSpeedCooling);
    2660          57 :                     this->m_CoolVolumeFlowRate[Iter] =
    2661          57 :                         this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow * state.dataUnitarySystems->designSpecMSHP[MSHPIndex].coolingVolFlowRatio[Iter - 1];
    2662          57 :                     this->m_CoolMassFlowRate[Iter] = this->m_CoolVolumeFlowRate[Iter] * state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir;
    2663          57 :                     this->m_MSCoolingSpeedRatio[Iter] = this->m_CoolVolumeFlowRate[Iter] / this->m_DesignFanVolFlowRate;
    2664             :                 }
    2665          17 :                 this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow =
    2666          17 :                     this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow * state.dataUnitarySystems->designSpecMSHP[MSHPIndex].noLoadAirFlowRateRatio;
    2667          17 :                 this->MaxNoCoolHeatAirMassFlow = this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow * state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir;
    2668          17 :                 this->m_NoLoadAirFlowRateRatio = this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow / this->m_DesignFanVolFlowRate;
    2669          33 :             } else if (this->m_CoolVolumeFlowRate.empty()) {
    2670           0 :                 this->m_NoLoadAirFlowRateRatio = this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow / this->m_DesignFanVolFlowRate;
    2671             :             }
    2672             : 
    2673        1019 :         } else if (this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_MultiSpeedCooling ||
    2674         491 :                    this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_CoolingTwoSpeed) {
    2675         104 :             if (this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling > 0) {
    2676         104 :                 if (this->m_CoolVolumeFlowRate.empty()) this->m_CoolVolumeFlowRate.resize(this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling + 1);
    2677         104 :                 if (this->m_CoolMassFlowRate.empty()) this->m_CoolMassFlowRate.resize(this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling + 1);
    2678         104 :                 if (this->m_MSCoolingSpeedRatio.empty()) this->m_MSCoolingSpeedRatio.resize(this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling + 1);
    2679             :             }
    2680             : 
    2681             :             // set the multi-speed high flow rate variable in case a non-zero air flow rate resides on the coil inlet during sizing (e.g., upstream
    2682             :             // system ran prior to this one)
    2683         104 :             state.dataHVACGlobal->MSHPMassFlowRateHigh =
    2684         208 :                 EqSizing.CoolingAirVolFlow *
    2685         104 :                 state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir; // doesn't matter what this value is since only coil size is needed and CompressorOn = 0 here
    2686         104 :             DXCoils::SimDXCoilMultiSpeed(state, blankString, 1.0, 1.0, this->m_CoolingCoilIndex, 0, 0, DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::Off);
    2687         104 :             if (!HardSizeNoDesRun && EqSizing.Capacity) {
    2688             :                 // do nothing, the vars EqSizing.DesCoolingLoad and DataSizing::DXCoolCap are already set earlier and the values could be max of the
    2689             :                 // cooling and heating autosized values. Thus reseting them here to user specified value may not be the design size used else where
    2690             :             } else {
    2691         100 :                 state.dataSize->DXCoolCap =
    2692         100 :                     DXCoils::GetCoilCapacityByIndexType(state, this->m_CoolingCoilIndex, this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num, ErrFound);
    2693         100 :                 EqSizing.DesCoolingLoad = state.dataSize->DXCoolCap;
    2694             :             }
    2695         104 :             MSHPIndex = this->m_DesignSpecMSHPIndex;
    2696             : 
    2697         208 :             if (MSHPIndex > -1) {
    2698             :                 // use reverse order since we divide by CoolVolumeFlowRate(max)
    2699         112 :                 for (Iter = state.dataUnitarySystems->designSpecMSHP[MSHPIndex].numOfSpeedCooling; Iter > 0; --Iter) {
    2700          75 :                     if (state.dataUnitarySystems->designSpecMSHP[MSHPIndex].coolingVolFlowRatio[Iter - 1] == DataSizing::AutoSize)
    2701           3 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->designSpecMSHP[MSHPIndex].coolingVolFlowRatio[Iter - 1] =
    2702           3 :                             double(Iter) / double(state.dataUnitarySystems->designSpecMSHP[MSHPIndex].numOfSpeedCooling);
    2703          75 :                     this->m_CoolVolumeFlowRate[Iter] =
    2704          75 :                         this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow * state.dataUnitarySystems->designSpecMSHP[MSHPIndex].coolingVolFlowRatio[Iter - 1];
    2705          75 :                     this->m_CoolMassFlowRate[Iter] = this->m_CoolVolumeFlowRate[Iter] * state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir;
    2706          75 :                     this->m_MSCoolingSpeedRatio[Iter] = this->m_CoolVolumeFlowRate[Iter] / this->m_DesignFanVolFlowRate;
    2707             :                 }
    2708          37 :                 this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow =
    2709          37 :                     this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow * state.dataUnitarySystems->designSpecMSHP[MSHPIndex].noLoadAirFlowRateRatio;
    2710          37 :                 this->MaxNoCoolHeatAirMassFlow = this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow * state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir;
    2711          37 :                 this->m_NoLoadAirFlowRateRatio = this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow / this->m_DesignFanVolFlowRate;
    2712          67 :             } else if (this->m_CoolVolumeFlowRate.empty()) {
    2713           0 :                 this->m_NoLoadAirFlowRateRatio = this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow / this->m_DesignFanVolFlowRate;
    2714             :             } else {
    2715         201 :                 for (Iter = this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling; Iter > 0; --Iter) {
    2716         134 :                     this->m_CoolVolumeFlowRate[Iter] = this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow * Iter / this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling;
    2717         134 :                     this->m_CoolMassFlowRate[Iter] = this->m_CoolVolumeFlowRate[Iter] * state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir;
    2718         134 :                     this->m_MSCoolingSpeedRatio[Iter] = this->m_CoolVolumeFlowRate[Iter] / this->m_DesignFanVolFlowRate;
    2719             :                 }
    2720          67 :                 this->MaxNoCoolHeatAirMassFlow = this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow * state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir;
    2721          67 :                 this->m_NoLoadAirFlowRateRatio = this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow / this->m_DesignFanVolFlowRate;
    2722             :             }
    2723         843 :         } else if (this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWater ||
    2724         419 :                    this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWaterDetailed) {
    2725           5 :             if (this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling > 0) {
    2726           1 :                 if (this->m_CoolVolumeFlowRate.empty()) this->m_CoolVolumeFlowRate.resize(this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling + 1);
    2727           1 :                 if (this->m_CoolMassFlowRate.empty()) this->m_CoolMassFlowRate.resize(this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling + 1);
    2728           1 :                 if (this->m_MSCoolingSpeedRatio.empty()) this->m_MSCoolingSpeedRatio.resize(this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling + 1);
    2729             :             }
    2730           5 :             MSHPIndex = this->m_DesignSpecMSHPIndex;
    2731             : 
    2732           5 :             if (MSHPIndex > -1) {
    2733           5 :                 for (Iter = state.dataUnitarySystems->designSpecMSHP[MSHPIndex].numOfSpeedCooling; Iter > 0; --Iter) {
    2734           4 :                     if (state.dataUnitarySystems->designSpecMSHP[MSHPIndex].coolingVolFlowRatio[Iter - 1] == DataSizing::AutoSize)
    2735           0 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->designSpecMSHP[MSHPIndex].coolingVolFlowRatio[Iter - 1] =
    2736           0 :                             double(Iter) / double(state.dataUnitarySystems->designSpecMSHP[MSHPIndex].numOfSpeedCooling);
    2737           4 :                     this->m_CoolVolumeFlowRate[Iter] =
    2738           4 :                         this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow * state.dataUnitarySystems->designSpecMSHP[MSHPIndex].coolingVolFlowRatio[Iter - 1];
    2739           4 :                     this->m_CoolMassFlowRate[Iter] = this->m_CoolVolumeFlowRate[Iter] * state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir;
    2740           4 :                     this->m_MSCoolingSpeedRatio[Iter] = this->m_CoolVolumeFlowRate[Iter] / this->m_DesignFanVolFlowRate;
    2741             :                 }
    2742           1 :                 this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow =
    2743           1 :                     this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow * state.dataUnitarySystems->designSpecMSHP[MSHPIndex].noLoadAirFlowRateRatio;
    2744           1 :                 this->MaxNoCoolHeatAirMassFlow = this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow * state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir;
    2745           1 :                 this->m_NoLoadAirFlowRateRatio = this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow / this->m_DesignFanVolFlowRate;
    2746           4 :             } else if (this->m_CoolVolumeFlowRate.empty()) {
    2747           4 :                 this->m_NoLoadAirFlowRateRatio = this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow / this->m_DesignFanVolFlowRate;
    2748             :             }
    2749             :         }
    2750             : 
    2751        1173 :         if (this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_MultiSpeedHeating ||
    2752        1162 :             this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingElectric_MultiStage ||
    2753         581 :             this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingGas_MultiStage) {
    2754          11 :             if (this->m_NumOfSpeedHeating > 0) {
    2755          11 :                 if (this->m_HeatVolumeFlowRate.empty()) this->m_HeatVolumeFlowRate.resize(this->m_NumOfSpeedHeating + 1);
    2756          11 :                 if (this->m_HeatMassFlowRate.empty()) this->m_HeatMassFlowRate.resize(this->m_NumOfSpeedHeating + 1);
    2757          11 :                 if (this->m_MSHeatingSpeedRatio.empty()) this->m_MSHeatingSpeedRatio.resize(this->m_NumOfSpeedHeating + 1);
    2758             :             }
    2759             : 
    2760          11 :             MSHPIndex = this->m_DesignSpecMSHPIndex;
    2761             : 
    2762          22 :             if (MSHPIndex > -1) {
    2763             :                 // use reverse order since we divide by HeatVolumeFlowRate(max)
    2764          47 :                 for (Iter = state.dataUnitarySystems->designSpecMSHP[MSHPIndex].numOfSpeedHeating; Iter > 0; --Iter) {
    2765          36 :                     if (state.dataUnitarySystems->designSpecMSHP[MSHPIndex].heatingVolFlowRatio[Iter - 1] == DataSizing::AutoSize) {
    2766          24 :                         if (this->m_ControlType == UnitarySysCtrlType::Setpoint &&
    2767           0 :                             (this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingElectric_MultiStage ||
    2768           0 :                              this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingGas_MultiStage)) {
    2769           0 :                             state.dataUnitarySystems->designSpecMSHP[MSHPIndex].heatingVolFlowRatio[Iter - 1] = 1.0;
    2770             :                         } else {
    2771          24 :                             state.dataUnitarySystems->designSpecMSHP[MSHPIndex].heatingVolFlowRatio[Iter - 1] =
    2772          24 :                                 double(Iter) / double(state.dataUnitarySystems->designSpecMSHP[MSHPIndex].numOfSpeedHeating);
    2773             :                         }
    2774             :                     } else {
    2775          24 :                         if (this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingElectric_MultiStage ||
    2776          12 :                             this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingGas_MultiStage) {
    2777           0 :                             if (state.dataUnitarySystems->designSpecMSHP[MSHPIndex].heatingVolFlowRatio[Iter - 1] < 1.0 &&
    2778           0 :                                 this->m_ControlType == UnitarySysCtrlType::Setpoint) {
    2779           0 :                                 ShowWarningError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + ": " + CompType + " = " + std::string{CompName});
    2780           0 :                                 ShowContinueError(state, "Design specification object = " + state.dataUnitarySystems->designSpecMSHP[MSHPIndex].name);
    2781           0 :                                 ShowContinueError(state,
    2782             :                                                   "When control type = SetPointBased the outlet air temperature must change with coil capacity, if "
    2783             :                                                   "air flow also changes outlet air temperature will be relatively constant.");
    2784           0 :                                 ShowContinueError(
    2785             :                                     state,
    2786           0 :                                     format("Speed {} Supply Air Flow Ratio During Heating Operation will be set = 1.0 and the simulation continues",
    2787           0 :                                            Iter));
    2788           0 :                                 state.dataUnitarySystems->designSpecMSHP[MSHPIndex].heatingVolFlowRatio[Iter - 1] = 1.0;
    2789             :                             }
    2790             :                         }
    2791             :                     }
    2792          36 :                     this->m_HeatVolumeFlowRate[Iter] =
    2793          36 :                         this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow * state.dataUnitarySystems->designSpecMSHP[MSHPIndex].heatingVolFlowRatio[Iter - 1];
    2794          36 :                     this->m_HeatMassFlowRate[Iter] = this->m_HeatVolumeFlowRate[Iter] * state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir;
    2795          36 :                     this->m_MSHeatingSpeedRatio[Iter] = this->m_HeatVolumeFlowRate[Iter] / this->m_DesignFanVolFlowRate;
    2796             :                 }
    2797          11 :                 if (this->m_CoolCoilExists) {
    2798          11 :                     if (!this->m_CoolVolumeFlowRate.empty() && MSHPIndex > -1) {
    2799          11 :                         this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow =
    2800          11 :                             min(this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow,
    2801          11 :                                 this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow * state.dataUnitarySystems->designSpecMSHP[MSHPIndex].noLoadAirFlowRateRatio);
    2802          11 :                         this->MaxNoCoolHeatAirMassFlow =
    2803          11 :                             min(this->MaxNoCoolHeatAirMassFlow,
    2804          11 :                                 this->MaxHeatAirMassFlow * state.dataUnitarySystems->designSpecMSHP[MSHPIndex].noLoadAirFlowRateRatio);
    2805          11 :                         this->m_NoLoadAirFlowRateRatio =
    2806          11 :                             min(this->m_NoLoadAirFlowRateRatio, this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow / this->m_DesignFanVolFlowRate);
    2807             :                     } else {
    2808           0 :                         this->m_NoLoadAirFlowRateRatio = this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow / this->m_DesignFanVolFlowRate;
    2809             :                     }
    2810           0 :                 } else if (MSHPIndex > -1) {
    2811           0 :                     this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow =
    2812           0 :                         this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow * state.dataUnitarySystems->designSpecMSHP[MSHPIndex].noLoadAirFlowRateRatio;
    2813           0 :                     this->MaxNoCoolHeatAirMassFlow = this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow * state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir;
    2814           0 :                     this->m_NoLoadAirFlowRateRatio = this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow / this->m_DesignFanVolFlowRate;
    2815             :                 } else {
    2816           0 :                     this->m_NoLoadAirFlowRateRatio = this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow / this->m_DesignFanVolFlowRate;
    2817             :                 }
    2818             :             }
    2819        1159 :         } else if (this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWaterToAirHPVSEquationFit ||
    2820         578 :                    this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingAirToAirVariableSpeed) {
    2821           6 :             MSHPIndex = this->m_DesignSpecMSHPIndex;
    2822           6 :             if (MSHPIndex > -1) {
    2823           0 :                 for (Iter = state.dataUnitarySystems->designSpecMSHP[MSHPIndex].numOfSpeedHeating; Iter > 0; --Iter) {
    2824           0 :                     if (state.dataUnitarySystems->designSpecMSHP[MSHPIndex].heatingVolFlowRatio[Iter - 1] == DataSizing::AutoSize) {
    2825           0 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->designSpecMSHP[MSHPIndex].heatingVolFlowRatio[Iter - 1] =
    2826           0 :                             double(Iter) / double(state.dataUnitarySystems->designSpecMSHP[MSHPIndex].numOfSpeedHeating);
    2827             :                     }
    2828             :                 }
    2829             :             }
    2830             : 
    2831           6 :             VariableSpeedCoils::SimVariableSpeedCoils(state,
    2832             :                                                       blankString,
    2833             :                                                       this->m_HeatingCoilIndex,
    2834             :                                                       0,
    2835             :                                                       this->m_MaxONOFFCyclesperHour,
    2836             :                                                       this->m_HPTimeConstant,
    2837             :                                                       this->m_FanDelayTime,
    2838             :                                                       DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::Off,
    2839             :                                                       0.0,
    2840             :                                                       1,
    2841             :                                                       0.0,
    2842             :                                                       0.0,
    2843             :                                                       0.0,
    2844             :                                                       0.0); // conduct the sizing operation in the VS WSHP
    2845             : 
    2846           6 :             if (this->m_NumOfSpeedHeating != state.dataVariableSpeedCoils->VarSpeedCoil(this->m_HeatingCoilIndex).NumOfSpeeds) {
    2847           0 :                 ShowWarningError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + ": " + CompType + " = " + std::string{CompName});
    2848           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "Number of heating speeds does not match coil object.");
    2849           0 :                 ShowFatalError(state,
    2850           0 :                                "Heating coil = " + state.dataVariableSpeedCoils->VarSpeedCoil(this->m_HeatingCoilIndex).VarSpeedCoilType + ": " +
    2851           0 :                                    state.dataVariableSpeedCoils->VarSpeedCoil(this->m_HeatingCoilIndex).Name);
    2852             :             }
    2853             : 
    2854           6 :             if (this->m_NumOfSpeedHeating > 0) {
    2855           6 :                 if (this->m_HeatVolumeFlowRate.empty()) this->m_HeatVolumeFlowRate.resize(this->m_NumOfSpeedHeating + 1);
    2856           6 :                 if (this->m_HeatMassFlowRate.empty()) this->m_HeatMassFlowRate.resize(this->m_NumOfSpeedHeating + 1);
    2857           6 :                 if (this->m_MSHeatingSpeedRatio.empty()) this->m_MSHeatingSpeedRatio.resize(this->m_NumOfSpeedHeating + 1);
    2858             :             }
    2859             : 
    2860          66 :             for (Iter = this->m_NumOfSpeedHeating; Iter >= 1; --Iter) {
    2861             :                 // using only for PTUnit to UnitarySystem conversion for the time being, should use this all the time
    2862          60 :                 if (this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedAC || this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedHP || this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedWSHP) {
    2863             :                     // SpeedRatio is only used in OnOff fan and should represent the ratio of flow to fan max flow
    2864          40 :                     this->m_MSHeatingSpeedRatio[Iter] =
    2865          80 :                         state.dataVariableSpeedCoils->VarSpeedCoil(this->m_HeatingCoilIndex).MSRatedAirVolFlowRate(Iter) /
    2866          40 :                         state.dataVariableSpeedCoils->VarSpeedCoil(this->m_HeatingCoilIndex).MSRatedAirVolFlowRate(this->m_NumOfSpeedHeating);
    2867          40 :                     this->m_HeatVolumeFlowRate[Iter] = this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow * this->m_MSHeatingSpeedRatio[Iter];
    2868          40 :                     this->m_HeatMassFlowRate[Iter] = this->MaxHeatAirMassFlow * this->m_MSHeatingSpeedRatio[Iter];
    2869             :                 } else {
    2870          20 :                     this->m_HeatVolumeFlowRate[Iter] =
    2871          20 :                         state.dataVariableSpeedCoils->VarSpeedCoil(this->m_HeatingCoilIndex).MSRatedAirVolFlowRate(Iter);
    2872          20 :                     this->m_HeatMassFlowRate[Iter] = this->m_HeatVolumeFlowRate[Iter] * state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir;
    2873          20 :                     if (this->m_DesignFanVolFlowRate > 0.0 && this->m_FanExists) {
    2874             :                         // this is divided by the system max air flow, not the heating coil max air flow
    2875          20 :                         this->m_MSHeatingSpeedRatio[Iter] = this->m_HeatVolumeFlowRate[Iter] / this->m_DesignFanVolFlowRate;
    2876             :                     } else {
    2877             :                         // if there is no fan this doesn't matter? Should calculate SpeedRatio in fan model? and get rid of SpeedRatio variable?
    2878           0 :                         this->m_MSHeatingSpeedRatio[Iter] = this->m_HeatVolumeFlowRate[Iter] / this->m_HeatVolumeFlowRate[this->m_NumOfSpeedHeating];
    2879             :                     }
    2880             :                 }
    2881             :             }
    2882             : 
    2883           6 :             if (this->m_CoolCoilExists && this->m_NumOfSpeedHeating > 0) {
    2884          12 :                 if (!this->m_CoolVolumeFlowRate.empty() && MSHPIndex > -1) {
    2885           0 :                     this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow =
    2886           0 :                         min(this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow,
    2887           0 :                             this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow * state.dataUnitarySystems->designSpecMSHP[MSHPIndex].noLoadAirFlowRateRatio);
    2888           0 :                     this->MaxNoCoolHeatAirMassFlow =
    2889           0 :                         min(this->MaxNoCoolHeatAirMassFlow,
    2890           0 :                             this->MaxHeatAirMassFlow * state.dataUnitarySystems->designSpecMSHP[MSHPIndex].noLoadAirFlowRateRatio);
    2891           0 :                     this->m_NoLoadAirFlowRateRatio =
    2892           0 :                         min(this->m_NoLoadAirFlowRateRatio, this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow / this->m_DesignFanVolFlowRate);
    2893           6 :                 } else if (this->m_CoolVolumeFlowRate.empty() && MSHPIndex > -1) {
    2894           0 :                     this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow =
    2895           0 :                         this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow * state.dataUnitarySystems->designSpecMSHP[MSHPIndex].noLoadAirFlowRateRatio;
    2896           0 :                     this->MaxNoCoolHeatAirMassFlow =
    2897           0 :                         this->MaxHeatAirMassFlow * state.dataUnitarySystems->designSpecMSHP[MSHPIndex].noLoadAirFlowRateRatio;
    2898           0 :                     this->m_NoLoadAirFlowRateRatio = this->m_MSHeatingSpeedRatio[this->m_NumOfSpeedHeating] *
    2899           0 :                                                      state.dataUnitarySystems->designSpecMSHP[MSHPIndex].noLoadAirFlowRateRatio;
    2900           6 :                 } else if (!this->m_CoolVolumeFlowRate.empty()) {
    2901             :                     // what the heck is this next line? should be min of min cooling and min heating flow rates?
    2902             :                     // this is calculated above so likely not even needed here, just have to be sure it's always calculated
    2903           6 :                     this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow = min(this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow, this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow);
    2904           9 :                     if (this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedAC || this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedHP ||
    2905           3 :                         this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedWSHP) {
    2906           4 :                         if (!this->m_MultiOrVarSpeedCoolCoil && !this->m_MultiOrVarSpeedHeatCoil) {
    2907           0 :                             this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow = min(this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow, this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow);
    2908             :                         }
    2909           4 :                         this->MaxNoCoolHeatAirMassFlow = this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow * state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir;
    2910             :                     } else {
    2911             :                         // this should be min of min cooling and min heating flow rates?
    2912           2 :                         this->MaxNoCoolHeatAirMassFlow = min(this->MaxNoCoolHeatAirMassFlow, this->MaxNoCoolHeatAirMassFlow);
    2913             :                     }
    2914           6 :                     this->m_NoLoadAirFlowRateRatio =
    2915           6 :                         min(this->m_NoLoadAirFlowRateRatio, this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow / this->m_DesignFanVolFlowRate);
    2916             :                 } else {
    2917           0 :                     this->m_NoLoadAirFlowRateRatio = this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow / this->m_DesignFanVolFlowRate;
    2918             :                 }
    2919           0 :             } else if (MSHPIndex > -1) {
    2920           0 :                 this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow =
    2921           0 :                     this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow * state.dataUnitarySystems->designSpecMSHP[MSHPIndex].noLoadAirFlowRateRatio;
    2922           0 :                 this->MaxNoCoolHeatAirMassFlow = this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow * state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir;
    2923           0 :                 this->m_NoLoadAirFlowRateRatio = this->m_MSHeatingSpeedRatio[this->m_NumOfSpeedHeating] *
    2924           0 :                                                  state.dataUnitarySystems->designSpecMSHP[MSHPIndex].noLoadAirFlowRateRatio;
    2925             :             } else {
    2926           0 :                 this->m_NoLoadAirFlowRateRatio = this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow / this->m_DesignFanVolFlowRate;
    2927             :             }
    2928             :         }
    2929         592 :         if (this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWater) {
    2930             :             // pass air flow rate to zone water coil
    2931           9 :             if (state.dataSize->CurZoneEqNum > 0) {
    2932          14 :                 WaterCoils::SetCoilDesFlow(state,
    2933           7 :                                            DataHVACGlobals::cAllCoilTypes(this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num),
    2934             :                                            this->m_HeatingCoilName,
    2935             :                                            this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow,
    2936           7 :                                            state.dataUnitarySystems->initUnitarySystemsErrorsFound);
    2937             :             }
    2938             : 
    2939           9 :             if (this->m_NumOfSpeedHeating > 0) {
    2940           1 :                 if (this->m_HeatVolumeFlowRate.empty()) this->m_HeatVolumeFlowRate.resize(this->m_NumOfSpeedHeating + 1);
    2941           1 :                 if (this->m_HeatMassFlowRate.empty()) this->m_HeatMassFlowRate.resize(this->m_NumOfSpeedHeating + 1);
    2942           1 :                 if (this->m_MSHeatingSpeedRatio.empty()) this->m_MSHeatingSpeedRatio.resize(this->m_NumOfSpeedHeating + 1);
    2943             :             }
    2944             : 
    2945           9 :             MSHPIndex = this->m_DesignSpecMSHPIndex;
    2946           9 :             if (MSHPIndex > -1) {
    2947           5 :                 for (Iter = state.dataUnitarySystems->designSpecMSHP[MSHPIndex].numOfSpeedHeating; Iter > 0; --Iter) {
    2948           4 :                     if (state.dataUnitarySystems->designSpecMSHP[MSHPIndex].heatingVolFlowRatio[Iter - 1] == DataSizing::AutoSize) {
    2949           0 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->designSpecMSHP[MSHPIndex].heatingVolFlowRatio[Iter - 1] =
    2950           0 :                             double(Iter) / double(state.dataUnitarySystems->designSpecMSHP[MSHPIndex].numOfSpeedHeating);
    2951             :                     }
    2952           4 :                     this->m_HeatVolumeFlowRate[Iter] =
    2953           4 :                         this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow * state.dataUnitarySystems->designSpecMSHP[MSHPIndex].heatingVolFlowRatio[Iter - 1];
    2954           4 :                     this->m_HeatMassFlowRate[Iter] = this->m_HeatVolumeFlowRate[Iter] * state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir;
    2955           4 :                     this->m_MSHeatingSpeedRatio[Iter] = this->m_HeatVolumeFlowRate[Iter] / this->m_DesignFanVolFlowRate;
    2956             :                 }
    2957           1 :                 if (this->m_CoolCoilExists) {
    2958           1 :                     if (!this->m_CoolVolumeFlowRate.empty() && MSHPIndex > 0) {
    2959           0 :                         this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow =
    2960           0 :                             min(this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow,
    2961           0 :                                 this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow * state.dataUnitarySystems->designSpecMSHP[MSHPIndex].noLoadAirFlowRateRatio);
    2962           0 :                         this->MaxNoCoolHeatAirMassFlow =
    2963           0 :                             min(this->MaxNoCoolHeatAirMassFlow,
    2964           0 :                                 this->MaxHeatAirMassFlow * state.dataUnitarySystems->designSpecMSHP[MSHPIndex].noLoadAirFlowRateRatio);
    2965           0 :                         this->m_NoLoadAirFlowRateRatio =
    2966           0 :                             min(this->m_NoLoadAirFlowRateRatio, this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow / this->m_DesignFanVolFlowRate);
    2967             :                     } else {
    2968           1 :                         this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow = min(this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow, this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow);
    2969           1 :                         this->MaxNoCoolHeatAirMassFlow = min(this->MaxNoCoolHeatAirMassFlow, this->MaxNoCoolHeatAirMassFlow);
    2970           1 :                         this->m_NoLoadAirFlowRateRatio =
    2971           1 :                             min(this->m_NoLoadAirFlowRateRatio, (this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow / this->m_DesignFanVolFlowRate));
    2972             :                     }
    2973           0 :                 } else if (MSHPIndex > -1) {
    2974           0 :                     this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow =
    2975           0 :                         this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow * state.dataUnitarySystems->designSpecMSHP[MSHPIndex].noLoadAirFlowRateRatio;
    2976           0 :                     this->MaxNoCoolHeatAirMassFlow =
    2977           0 :                         this->MaxHeatAirMassFlow * state.dataUnitarySystems->designSpecMSHP[MSHPIndex].noLoadAirFlowRateRatio;
    2978           0 :                     this->m_NoLoadAirFlowRateRatio = this->m_MSHeatingSpeedRatio[this->m_NumOfSpeedHeating] *
    2979           0 :                                                      state.dataUnitarySystems->designSpecMSHP[MSHPIndex].noLoadAirFlowRateRatio;
    2980             :                 } else {
    2981           0 :                     this->m_NoLoadAirFlowRateRatio = this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow / this->m_DesignFanVolFlowRate;
    2982             :                 }
    2983             :             }
    2984             :         }
    2985             : 
    2986             :         // Not sure if this may be needed for special cases
    2987         592 :         if (this->m_CoolCoilExists && this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow < 0.0) {
    2988           0 :             if (!state.dataSize->SysSizingRunDone) {
    2989           0 :                 BranchNum = BranchInputManager::GetAirBranchIndex(state, "AirloopHVAC:UnitarySystem", this->Name);
    2990           0 :                 FanType = "";
    2991           0 :                 m_FanName = "";
    2992           0 :                 BranchFanFlow = 0.0;
    2993           0 :                 if (BranchNum > 0.0) BranchInputManager::GetBranchFanTypeName(state, BranchNum, FanType, m_FanName, ErrFound);
    2994           0 :                 if (!ErrFound && BranchNum > 0) {
    2995           0 :                     if (this->m_FanType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::FanType_SystemModelObject) {
    2996           0 :                         BranchFanFlow = state.dataHVACFan->fanObjs[this->m_FanIndex]->designAirVolFlowRate;
    2997             :                     } else {
    2998           0 :                         BranchFanFlow = Fans::GetFanDesignVolumeFlowRate(state, FanType, m_FanName, ErrFound);
    2999             :                     }
    3000             :                 }
    3001           0 :                 if (BranchFanFlow > 0.0) {
    3002           0 :                     this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow = BranchFanFlow;
    3003             :                 } else {
    3004           0 :                     SystemFlow = (AirLoopNum > 0) ? state.dataAirSystemsData->PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).DesignVolFlowRate : 0;
    3005           0 :                     if (SystemFlow > 0.0) {
    3006           0 :                         this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow = SystemFlow;
    3007             :                     } else {
    3008             :                         // what do I do?
    3009             :                     }
    3010             :                 }
    3011             :             }
    3012             :         }
    3013             : 
    3014             :         // why is this here?
    3015         592 :         this->m_SenLoadLoss = 0.0;
    3016         592 :         if (this->m_Humidistat) {
    3017          25 :             this->m_LatLoadLoss = 0.0;
    3018             :         }
    3019             : 
    3020         592 :         switch (this->m_sysType) {
    3021         170 :         case SysType::PackagedAC:
    3022             :         case SysType::PackagedHP:
    3023         170 :             PrintFlag = false;
    3024         170 :             break;
    3025         422 :         default:
    3026         422 :             break;
    3027             :         }
    3028         592 :         if (this->m_CoolCoilExists) {
    3029         591 :             SizingMethod = DataHVACGlobals::CoolingCapacitySizing;
    3030             :             // water coils must report their size to parent objects (or split out sizing routines for water coils so they can be call from here)
    3031        1177 :             if (this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWater ||
    3032         586 :                 this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWaterDetailed) {
    3033           5 :                 WaterCoils::SimulateWaterCoilComponents(
    3034             :                     state, this->m_CoolingCoilName, FirstHVACIteration, this->m_CoolingCoilIndex, QActual, this->m_FanOpMode, 1.0);
    3035           5 :                 state.dataSize->DataConstantUsedForSizing =
    3036          10 :                     WaterCoils::GetWaterCoilCapacity(state,
    3037          10 :                                                      UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase(DataHVACGlobals::cAllCoilTypes(this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num)),
    3038             :                                                      this->m_CoolingCoilName,
    3039             :                                                      ErrFound);
    3040           5 :                 EqSizing.DesCoolingLoad = state.dataSize->DataConstantUsedForSizing;
    3041           5 :                 state.dataSize->DataFractionUsedForSizing = 1.0;
    3042           5 :                 SizingMethod = DataHVACGlobals::AutoCalculateSizing;
    3043           5 :                 this->m_DesignCoolingCapacity = DataSizing::AutoSize;
    3044         586 :             } else if (this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilWater_CoolingHXAssisted) {
    3045           0 :                 HXCoilName = HVACHXAssistedCoolingCoil::GetHXDXCoilName(
    3046           0 :                     state, DataHVACGlobals::cAllCoilTypes(this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num), this->m_CoolingCoilName, ErrFound);
    3047           0 :                 ActualCoolCoilType = HVACHXAssistedCoolingCoil::GetCoilObjectTypeNum(
    3048           0 :                     state, DataHVACGlobals::cAllCoilTypes(this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num), this->m_CoolingCoilName, ErrFound, true);
    3049           0 :                 HVACHXAssistedCoolingCoil::SimHXAssistedCoolingCoil(
    3050             :                     state, blankString, true, DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::On, 1.0, this->m_CoolingCoilIndex, 1, false, 1.0, false);
    3051           0 :                 state.dataSize->DataConstantUsedForSizing = WaterCoils::GetWaterCoilCapacity(
    3052           0 :                     state, UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase(DataHVACGlobals::cAllCoilTypes(ActualCoolCoilType)), HXCoilName, ErrFound);
    3053           0 :                 EqSizing.DesCoolingLoad = state.dataSize->DataConstantUsedForSizing;
    3054           0 :                 state.dataSize->DataFractionUsedForSizing = 1.0;
    3055           0 :                 SizingMethod = DataHVACGlobals::AutoCalculateSizing;
    3056           0 :                 this->m_DesignCoolingCapacity = DataSizing::AutoSize;
    3057         586 :             } else if (this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWaterToAirHPSimple) {
    3058          22 :                 WaterToAirHeatPumpSimple::SimWatertoAirHPSimple(state,
    3059             :                                                                 blankString,
    3060             :                                                                 this->m_CoolingCoilIndex,
    3061             :                                                                 this->m_CoolingCoilSensDemand,
    3062             :                                                                 this->m_CoolingCoilLatentDemand,
    3063             :                                                                 0.0,
    3064             :                                                                 0.0,
    3065             :                                                                 this->m_MaxONOFFCyclesperHour,
    3066             :                                                                 this->m_HPTimeConstant,
    3067             :                                                                 this->m_FanDelayTime,
    3068             :                                                                 DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::Off,
    3069             :                                                                 0.0,
    3070             :                                                                 FirstHVACIteration);
    3071          44 :                 state.dataSize->DataConstantUsedForSizing = WaterToAirHeatPumpSimple::GetCoilCapacity(
    3072          22 :                     state, DataHVACGlobals::cAllCoilTypes(this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num), this->m_CoolingCoilName, ErrFound);
    3073          22 :                 EqSizing.DesCoolingLoad = state.dataSize->DataConstantUsedForSizing;
    3074          22 :                 state.dataSize->DataFractionUsedForSizing = 1.0;
    3075          22 :                 SizingMethod = DataHVACGlobals::AutoCalculateSizing;
    3076          22 :                 this->m_DesignCoolingCapacity = DataSizing::AutoSize;
    3077          22 :                 if (this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWaterToAirHP)
    3078           0 :                     EqSizing.DesHeatingLoad = state.dataSize->DataConstantUsedForSizing;
    3079         564 :             } else if (this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWaterToAirHP) {
    3080           5 :                 WaterToAirHeatPump::SimWatertoAirHP(state,
    3081             :                                                     blankString,
    3082             :                                                     this->m_CoolingCoilIndex,
    3083             :                                                     this->MaxCoolAirMassFlow,
    3084             :                                                     this->m_FanOpMode,
    3085             :                                                     FirstHVACIteration,
    3086             :                                                     0.0,
    3087             :                                                     this->m_MaxONOFFCyclesperHour,
    3088             :                                                     this->m_HPTimeConstant,
    3089             :                                                     this->m_FanDelayTime,
    3090           5 :                                                     this->m_InitHeatPump,
    3091             :                                                     0.0,
    3092             :                                                     0.0,
    3093             :                                                     DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::Off,
    3094             :                                                     0.0);
    3095          10 :                 state.dataSize->DataConstantUsedForSizing = WaterToAirHeatPump::GetCoilCapacity(
    3096           5 :                     state, DataHVACGlobals::cAllCoilTypes(this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num), this->m_CoolingCoilName, ErrFound);
    3097           5 :                 EqSizing.DesCoolingLoad = state.dataSize->DataConstantUsedForSizing;
    3098           5 :                 state.dataSize->DataFractionUsedForSizing = 1.0;
    3099           5 :                 SizingMethod = DataHVACGlobals::AutoCalculateSizing;
    3100           5 :                 if (this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWaterToAirHP ||
    3101           0 :                     this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWaterToAirHPSimple)
    3102           5 :                     EqSizing.DesHeatingLoad = state.dataSize->DataConstantUsedForSizing;
    3103         559 :             } else if (this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_PackagedThermalStorageCooling) {
    3104           4 :                 PackagedThermalStorageCoil::SimTESCoil(
    3105             :                     state, this->m_CoolingCoilName, this->m_CoolingCoilIndex, this->m_FanOpMode, this->m_TESOpMode, 0.0);
    3106           4 :                 PackagedThermalStorageCoil::GetTESCoilCoolingCapacity(
    3107           4 :                     state, this->m_CoolingCoilName, state.dataSize->DataConstantUsedForSizing, ErrFound, CompType);
    3108           4 :                 EqSizing.DesCoolingLoad = state.dataSize->DataConstantUsedForSizing;
    3109           4 :                 state.dataSize->DataFractionUsedForSizing = 1.0;
    3110           4 :                 SizingMethod = DataHVACGlobals::AutoCalculateSizing;
    3111             :             }
    3112             : 
    3113         591 :             TempSize = this->m_DesignCoolingCapacity;
    3114         591 :             state.dataSize->DataFlowUsedForSizing = this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow;
    3115         591 :             SizingString = "Nominal Cooling Capacity [W]";
    3116         591 :             bool errorsFound = false;
    3117        1182 :             CoolingCapacitySizer sizerCoolingCapacity;
    3118         591 :             sizerCoolingCapacity.overrideSizingString(SizingString);
    3119         591 :             sizerCoolingCapacity.initializeWithinEP(state, CompType, CompName, PrintFlag, RoutineName);
    3120         591 :             this->m_DesignCoolingCapacity = sizerCoolingCapacity.size(state, TempSize, errorsFound);
    3121         591 :             state.dataSize->DataConstantUsedForSizing = 0.0;
    3122         591 :             state.dataSize->DataFractionUsedForSizing = 0.0;
    3123         591 :             state.dataSize->DataFlowUsedForSizing = 0.0;
    3124             :         }
    3125             : 
    3126         592 :         if (this->m_HeatCoilExists) {
    3127         301 :             SizingMethod = DataHVACGlobals::HeatingCapacitySizing;
    3128             : 
    3129             :             // water coils must report their size to parent objects (or split out sizing routines for water coils so they can be call from here)
    3130         301 :             if (this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWater) {
    3131           9 :                 WaterCoils::SimulateWaterCoilComponents(
    3132             :                     state, this->m_HeatingCoilName, FirstHVACIteration, this->m_HeatingCoilIndex, QActual, this->m_FanOpMode, 1.0);
    3133           9 :                 state.dataSize->DataConstantUsedForSizing =
    3134          18 :                     WaterCoils::GetWaterCoilCapacity(state,
    3135          18 :                                                      UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase(DataHVACGlobals::cAllCoilTypes(this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num)),
    3136             :                                                      this->m_HeatingCoilName,
    3137             :                                                      ErrFound);
    3138           9 :                 EqSizing.DesHeatingLoad = state.dataSize->DataConstantUsedForSizing;
    3139           9 :                 state.dataSize->DataFractionUsedForSizing = 1.0;
    3140           9 :                 SizingMethod = DataHVACGlobals::AutoCalculateSizing;
    3141           9 :                 this->m_DesignHeatingCapacity = DataSizing::AutoSize;
    3142         292 :             } else if (this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWaterToAirHPSimple) {
    3143          22 :                 WaterToAirHeatPumpSimple::SimWatertoAirHPSimple(state,
    3144             :                                                                 blankString,
    3145             :                                                                 this->m_HeatingCoilIndex,
    3146             :                                                                 this->m_HeatingCoilSensDemand,
    3147             :                                                                 dummy,
    3148             :                                                                 0.0,
    3149             :                                                                 0.0,
    3150             :                                                                 this->m_MaxONOFFCyclesperHour,
    3151             :                                                                 this->m_HPTimeConstant,
    3152             :                                                                 this->m_FanDelayTime,
    3153             :                                                                 DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::Off,
    3154             :                                                                 0.0,
    3155             :                                                                 FirstHVACIteration);
    3156          44 :                 state.dataSize->DataConstantUsedForSizing = WaterToAirHeatPumpSimple::GetCoilCapacity(
    3157          22 :                     state, DataHVACGlobals::cAllCoilTypes(this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num), this->m_HeatingCoilName, ErrFound);
    3158          22 :                 EqSizing.DesHeatingLoad = state.dataSize->DataConstantUsedForSizing;
    3159          22 :                 state.dataSize->DataFractionUsedForSizing = 1.0;
    3160          22 :                 SizingMethod = DataHVACGlobals::AutoCalculateSizing;
    3161          22 :                 this->m_DesignHeatingCapacity = DataSizing::AutoSize;
    3162          22 :                 if (this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWaterToAirHPSimple)
    3163             :                     // adjusted cooling coil capacity
    3164          22 :                     WaterToAirHeatPumpSimple::SimWatertoAirHPSimple(state,
    3165             :                                                                     blankString,
    3166             :                                                                     this->m_CoolingCoilIndex,
    3167             :                                                                     this->m_CoolingCoilSensDemand,
    3168             :                                                                     this->m_CoolingCoilLatentDemand,
    3169             :                                                                     0.0,
    3170             :                                                                     0.0,
    3171             :                                                                     this->m_MaxONOFFCyclesperHour,
    3172             :                                                                     this->m_HPTimeConstant,
    3173             :                                                                     this->m_FanDelayTime,
    3174             :                                                                     DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::Off,
    3175             :                                                                     0.0,
    3176             :                                                                     FirstHVACIteration);
    3177          44 :                 state.dataSize->DataConstantUsedForSizing = WaterToAirHeatPumpSimple::GetCoilCapacity(
    3178          22 :                     state, DataHVACGlobals::cAllCoilTypes(this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num), this->m_CoolingCoilName, ErrFound);
    3179          22 :                 EqSizing.DesCoolingLoad = state.dataSize->DataConstantUsedForSizing;
    3180          22 :                 state.dataSize->DataFractionUsedForSizing = 1.0;
    3181          22 :                 SizingMethod = DataHVACGlobals::AutoCalculateSizing;
    3182          22 :                 this->m_DesignCoolingCapacity = DataSizing::AutoSize;
    3183             :             }
    3184             : 
    3185         301 :             TempSize = this->m_DesignHeatingCapacity;
    3186         301 :             SizingString = "Nominal Heating Capacity [W]";
    3187         301 :             if (state.dataSize->CurSysNum > 0)
    3188         103 :                 state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopControlInfo(AirLoopNum).UnitarySysSimulating =
    3189             :                     false; // set to false to allow calculation of parent object heating capacity
    3190         301 :             bool errorsFound = false;
    3191         602 :             HeatingCapacitySizer sizerHeatingCapacity;
    3192         301 :             sizerHeatingCapacity.overrideSizingString(SizingString);
    3193         301 :             sizerHeatingCapacity.initializeWithinEP(state, CompType, CompName, PrintFlag, RoutineName);
    3194         301 :             TempSize = sizerHeatingCapacity.size(state, TempSize, errorsFound);
    3195         301 :             if (this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWaterToAirHPSimple) state.dataSize->DXCoolCap = TempSize;
    3196         301 :             if (state.dataSize->CurSysNum > 0) state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopControlInfo(AirLoopNum).UnitarySysSimulating = true;
    3197         301 :             this->m_DesignHeatingCapacity = TempSize;
    3198         301 :             state.dataSize->DataConstantUsedForSizing = 0.0;
    3199         301 :             state.dataSize->DataFractionUsedForSizing = 0.0;
    3200         301 :             state.dataSize->DataHeatSizeRatio = 1.0;
    3201             :         }
    3202             : 
    3203         592 :         if (!HardSizeNoDesRun && (EqSizing.Capacity && EqSizing.DesHeatingLoad > 0.0)) {
    3204             :             // vars EqSizing.DesHeatingLoad is already set earlier and supplemental heating coil should
    3205             :             // be sized to design value instead of user specified value if HardSizeNoDesRun is false
    3206          47 :             state.dataSize->UnitaryHeatCap = EqSizing.DesHeatingLoad;
    3207             : 
    3208             :         } else {
    3209         545 :             state.dataSize->UnitaryHeatCap = this->m_DesignHeatingCapacity;
    3210             :         }
    3211             : 
    3212         592 :         if (this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedWSHP) {
    3213          22 :             PrintFlag = true;
    3214             :         }
    3215             : 
    3216         592 :         if ((this->m_HeatCoilExists || this->m_SuppCoilExists) && this->m_ControlType != UnitarySysCtrlType::CCMASHRAE) {
    3217         301 :             TempSize = this->DesignMaxOutletTemp;
    3218         602 :             MaxHeaterOutletTempSizer sizerMaxHeaterOutTemp;
    3219         301 :             if (this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedHP || this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedWSHP) {
    3220          50 :                 PrintFlag = true;
    3221         100 :                 std::string stringOverride = "Maximum Supply Air Temperature from Supplemental Heater [C]";
    3222          50 :                 sizerMaxHeaterOutTemp.overrideSizingString(stringOverride);
    3223             :             }
    3224         301 :             sizerMaxHeaterOutTemp.initializeWithinEP(state, CompType, CompName, PrintFlag, RoutineName);
    3225         301 :             this->DesignMaxOutletTemp = sizerMaxHeaterOutTemp.size(state, TempSize, ErrFound);
    3226             :         }
    3227             : 
    3228         592 :         if (this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedHP || this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedWSHP) {
    3229          50 :             PrintFlag = false;
    3230             :         }
    3231             : 
    3232         592 :         if (this->m_SuppCoilExists) {
    3233          90 :             switch (this->m_sysType) {
    3234          50 :             case SysType::PackagedWSHP:
    3235             :             case SysType::PackagedHP:
    3236          50 :                 if (this->m_HVACSizingIndex <= 0) EqSizing.HeatingCapacity = false; // ensure PTHP supplemental heating coil sizes to load
    3237          50 :                 break;
    3238          40 :             default:
    3239          40 :                 break;
    3240             :             }
    3241          90 :             SizingMethod = DataHVACGlobals::HeatingCapacitySizing;
    3242             : 
    3243          90 :             TempSize = this->m_DesignSuppHeatingCapacity;
    3244          90 :             SizingString = "Supplemental Heating Coil Nominal Capacity [W]";
    3245          90 :             if (TempSize == DataSizing::AutoSize) {
    3246          72 :                 IsAutoSize = true;
    3247          72 :                 if (this->m_sysType == SysType::Unitary) PrintFlag = false;
    3248          72 :                 bool errorsFound = false;
    3249         144 :                 HeatingCapacitySizer sizerHeatingCapacity;
    3250          72 :                 sizerHeatingCapacity.overrideSizingString(SizingString);
    3251          72 :                 sizerHeatingCapacity.initializeWithinEP(state, CompType, CompName, PrintFlag, RoutineName);
    3252          72 :                 this->m_DesignSuppHeatingCapacity = sizerHeatingCapacity.size(state, TempSize, errorsFound);
    3253             :             }
    3254             :             // logic here isn't accurate. Replicating temporarily to minimize diffs in AutoSizingLibrary refactor
    3255          90 :             TempSize = this->m_DesignSuppHeatingCapacity;
    3256             : 
    3257          90 :             if (this->m_Humidistat && this->m_DehumidControlType_Num == DehumCtrlType::CoolReheat && IsAutoSize) {
    3258           2 :                 state.dataSize->DataConstantUsedForSizing = max(this->m_DesignSuppHeatingCapacity, this->m_DesignCoolingCapacity);
    3259           2 :                 state.dataSize->DataFractionUsedForSizing = 1.0;
    3260           2 :                 SizingMethod = DataHVACGlobals::AutoCalculateSizing;
    3261           2 :                 TempSize = DataSizing::AutoSize;
    3262             :                 // pass design size to supplemental heater
    3263           2 :                 state.dataSize->SuppHeatCap = max(this->m_DesignCoolingCapacity, this->m_DesignHeatingCapacity);
    3264          88 :             } else if (this->m_Humidistat && this->m_DehumidControlType_Num == DehumCtrlType::CoolReheat) {
    3265           4 :                 state.dataSize->SuppHeatCap = max(this->m_DesignCoolingCapacity, this->m_DesignHeatingCapacity);
    3266             :             } else {
    3267          84 :                 if (state.dataSize->CurZoneEqNum > 0) {
    3268          51 :                     state.dataSize->SuppHeatCap = saveRawHeatingCapacity;
    3269             :                 } else {
    3270          33 :                     state.dataSize->SuppHeatCap = this->m_DesignHeatingCapacity;
    3271             :                 }
    3272             :             }
    3273             : 
    3274         180 :             if (this->m_OKToPrintSizing &&
    3275         140 :                 (this->m_sysType == SysType::Unitary || this->m_sysType == SysType::CoilCoolingDX || this->m_sysType == SysType::CoilCoolingWater))
    3276          40 :                 PrintFlag = true;
    3277          90 :             state.dataSize->DataCoilIsSuppHeater = true;
    3278          90 :             bool errorsFound = false;
    3279         180 :             HeatingCapacitySizer sizerHeatingCapacity;
    3280          90 :             sizerHeatingCapacity.overrideSizingString(SizingString);
    3281          90 :             sizerHeatingCapacity.initializeWithinEP(state, CompType, CompName, PrintFlag, RoutineName);
    3282          90 :             this->m_DesignSuppHeatingCapacity = sizerHeatingCapacity.size(state, TempSize, errorsFound);
    3283          90 :             IsAutoSize = false;
    3284          90 :             state.dataSize->DataConstantUsedForSizing = 0.0;
    3285          90 :             state.dataSize->DataFractionUsedForSizing = 0.0;
    3286          90 :             state.dataSize->DataCoilIsSuppHeater = false;
    3287             :         }
    3288             : 
    3289             :         // register plant flow rate. Not sure this has ever been tested.
    3290         592 :         if (this->m_HeatRecActive) {
    3291           0 :             PlantUtilities::RegisterPlantCompDesignFlow(state, this->m_HeatRecoveryInletNodeNum, this->m_DesignHRWaterVolumeFlow);
    3292             :         }
    3293             : 
    3294             :         // Set flow rate for unitary system with no fan
    3295         592 :         if (state.dataSize->CurOASysNum == 0 && state.dataSize->CurZoneEqNum == 0 && this->m_DesignFanVolFlowRate <= 0.0) {
    3296           0 :             SystemFlow = (AirLoopNum > 0) ? state.dataAirSystemsData->PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).DesignVolFlowRate : 0;
    3297           0 :             if (SystemFlow > 0.0) {
    3298           0 :                 this->m_DesignFanVolFlowRate = SystemFlow;
    3299             :             } else {
    3300           0 :                 this->m_DesignFanVolFlowRate = max(this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow, this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow);
    3301             :             }
    3302           0 :             this->m_DesignMassFlowRate = this->m_DesignFanVolFlowRate * state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir;
    3303             :         }
    3304             : 
    3305             :         // Moved from InitLoadBasedControl
    3306             :         // Find the number of zones (zone Inlet Nodes) attached to an air loop from the air loop number
    3307         592 :         if (this->m_AirLoopEquipment && this->m_ControlType != UnitarySysCtrlType::Setpoint) {
    3308          96 :             if (allocated(state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo))
    3309          96 :                 NumAirLoopZones =
    3310          96 :                     state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirLoopNum).NumZonesCooled + state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirLoopNum).NumZonesHeated;
    3311          96 :             if (allocated(state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo)) {
    3312          96 :                 state.dataUnitarySystems->initLoadBasedControlFlowFracFlagReady = true;
    3313         210 :                 for (ZoneInSysIndex = 1; ZoneInSysIndex <= NumAirLoopZones; ++ZoneInSysIndex) {
    3314             :                     // zone inlet nodes for cooling
    3315         114 :                     if (state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirLoopNum).NumZonesCooled > 0) {
    3316         114 :                         if (state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirLoopNum).TermUnitCoolInletNodes(ZoneInSysIndex) == -999) {
    3317             :                             // the data structure for the zones inlet nodes has not been filled
    3318           0 :                             state.dataUnitarySystems->initLoadBasedControlFlowFracFlagReady = false;
    3319             :                         }
    3320             :                     }
    3321             :                     // zone inlet nodes for heating
    3322         114 :                     if (state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirLoopNum).NumZonesHeated > 0) {
    3323           0 :                         if (state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirLoopNum).TermUnitHeatInletNodes(ZoneInSysIndex) == -999) {
    3324             :                             // the data structure for the zones inlet nodes has not been filled
    3325           0 :                             state.dataUnitarySystems->initLoadBasedControlFlowFracFlagReady = false;
    3326             :                         }
    3327             :                     }
    3328             :                 }
    3329             :             }
    3330         192 :             if (allocated(state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo) && state.dataUnitarySystems->initLoadBasedControlFlowFracFlagReady) {
    3331          96 :                 SumOfMassFlowRateMax = 0.0; // initialize the sum of the maximum flows
    3332         210 :                 for (ZoneInSysIndex = 1; ZoneInSysIndex <= NumAirLoopZones; ++ZoneInSysIndex) {
    3333         114 :                     ZoneInletNodeNum = state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirLoopNum).TermUnitCoolInletNodes(ZoneInSysIndex);
    3334         114 :                     SumOfMassFlowRateMax += state.dataLoopNodes->Node(ZoneInletNodeNum).MassFlowRateMax;
    3335         114 :                     if (state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(AirLoopNum).CoolCtrlZoneNums(ZoneInSysIndex) == this->ControlZoneNum) {
    3336          96 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->initLoadBasedControlCntrlZoneTerminalUnitMassFlowRateMax =
    3337          96 :                             state.dataLoopNodes->Node(ZoneInletNodeNum).MassFlowRateMax;
    3338             :                     }
    3339             :                 }
    3340          96 :                 if (SumOfMassFlowRateMax != 0.0) {
    3341          96 :                     if (state.dataUnitarySystems->initLoadBasedControlCntrlZoneTerminalUnitMassFlowRateMax >= DataHVACGlobals::SmallAirVolFlow) {
    3342          96 :                         this->ControlZoneMassFlowFrac =
    3343          96 :                             state.dataUnitarySystems->initLoadBasedControlCntrlZoneTerminalUnitMassFlowRateMax / SumOfMassFlowRateMax;
    3344             :                     } else {
    3345           0 :                         ShowSevereError(state, this->UnitType + " = " + this->Name);
    3346           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, " The Fraction of Supply Air Flow That Goes Through the Controlling Zone is set to 1.");
    3347           0 :                         this->ControlZoneMassFlowFrac = 1.0;
    3348             :                     }
    3349          96 :                     this->m_SmallLoadTolerance = 5.0 / this->ControlZoneMassFlowFrac; // adjust 5W load tolerance by control zone fraction
    3350         192 :                     BaseSizer::reportSizerOutput(state,
    3351             :                                                  this->UnitType,
    3352             :                                                  this->Name,
    3353             :                                                  "Fraction of Supply Air Flow That Goes Through the Controlling Zone",
    3354          96 :                                                  this->ControlZoneMassFlowFrac);
    3355             :                 }
    3356             :             }
    3357             :         } else {
    3358         496 :             this->ControlZoneMassFlowFrac = 1.0;
    3359             :         }
    3360             : 
    3361             :         // should only report for those that allow SZVAV inputs, e.g., control type == CCMASHRAE
    3362         592 :         PrintFlag = true;
    3363             : 
    3364         592 :         if (this->m_ControlType == UnitarySysCtrlType::CCMASHRAE) {
    3365           0 :             SizingDesRunThisSys = false;
    3366           0 :             state.dataSize->DataZoneUsedForSizing = this->ControlZoneNum;
    3367           0 :             CheckThisZoneForSizing(state, state.dataSize->DataZoneUsedForSizing, SizingDesRunThisSys);
    3368             : 
    3369           0 :             capacityMultiplier = 0.5; // one-half of design zone load
    3370           0 :             if (SizingDesRunThisSys) {
    3371           0 :                 state.dataSize->DataCapacityUsedForSizing = state.dataSize->FinalZoneSizing(this->ControlZoneNum).DesCoolLoad * capacityMultiplier;
    3372             :             } else {
    3373           0 :                 state.dataSize->DataCapacityUsedForSizing = this->m_DesignCoolingCapacity * capacityMultiplier;
    3374             :             }
    3375           0 :             state.dataSize->DataCapacityUsedForSizing /= this->ControlZoneMassFlowFrac;
    3376           0 :             state.dataSize->DataFlowUsedForSizing = this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow;
    3377           0 :             ASHRAEMinSATCoolingSizer sizerASHRAEMinSATCooling;
    3378           0 :             std::string stringOverride = "Minimum Supply Air Temperature [C]";
    3379           0 :             if (state.dataGlobal->isEpJSON) stringOverride = "minimum_supply_air_temperature [C]";
    3380           0 :             sizerASHRAEMinSATCooling.overrideSizingString(stringOverride);
    3381           0 :             sizerASHRAEMinSATCooling.initializeWithinEP(state, CompType, CompName, PrintFlag, RoutineName);
    3382           0 :             this->DesignMinOutletTemp = sizerASHRAEMinSATCooling.size(state, this->DesignMinOutletTemp, ErrFound);
    3383             : 
    3384           0 :             if (SizingDesRunThisSys) {
    3385           0 :                 state.dataSize->DataCapacityUsedForSizing = state.dataSize->FinalZoneSizing(this->ControlZoneNum).DesHeatLoad * capacityMultiplier;
    3386             :             } else {
    3387           0 :                 state.dataSize->DataCapacityUsedForSizing = this->m_DesignHeatingCapacity * capacityMultiplier;
    3388             :             }
    3389           0 :             state.dataSize->DataCapacityUsedForSizing /= this->ControlZoneMassFlowFrac;
    3390           0 :             state.dataSize->DataFlowUsedForSizing = this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow;
    3391           0 :             ASHRAEMaxSATHeatingSizer sizerASHRAEMaxSATHeating;
    3392           0 :             stringOverride = "Maximum Supply Air Temperature [C]";
    3393           0 :             if (state.dataGlobal->isEpJSON) stringOverride = "maximum_supply_air_temperature [C]";
    3394           0 :             sizerASHRAEMaxSATHeating.overrideSizingString(stringOverride);
    3395           0 :             sizerASHRAEMaxSATHeating.initializeWithinEP(state, CompType, CompName, PrintFlag, RoutineName);
    3396           0 :             this->DesignMaxOutletTemp = sizerASHRAEMaxSATHeating.size(state, this->DesignMaxOutletTemp, ErrFound);
    3397             : 
    3398           0 :             state.dataSize->DataCapacityUsedForSizing = 0.0; // reset so other routines don't use this inadvertently
    3399           0 :             state.dataSize->DataFlowUsedForSizing = 0.0;
    3400           0 :             state.dataSize->DataZoneUsedForSizing = 0;
    3401             : 
    3402             :             // check that MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow is less than both MaxCoolAirVolFlow and MaxHeatAirVolFlow
    3403           0 :             if (this->m_ControlType == UnitarySysCtrlType::CCMASHRAE) {
    3404           0 :                 if (this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow >= this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow || this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow >= this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow) {
    3405           0 :                     ShowSevereError(state, this->UnitType + " = " + this->Name);
    3406           0 :                     ShowContinueError(
    3407             :                         state,
    3408             :                         " For SingleZoneVAV control the No Load Supply Air Flow Rate must be less than both the cooling and heating supply "
    3409             :                         "air flow rates.");
    3410           0 :                     this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow = min(this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow, this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow) - 0.01;
    3411           0 :                     ShowContinueError(
    3412             :                         state,
    3413           0 :                         format(" The SingleZoneVAV control No Load Supply Air Flow Rate is reset to {:.5T} and the simulation continues.",
    3414           0 :                                this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow));
    3415             :                 }
    3416             :             }
    3417             :         }
    3418             : 
    3419         592 :         state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad = TempCoolingLoad;
    3420         592 :         state.dataUnitarySystems->HeatingLoad = TempHeatingLoad;
    3421             :         // if (++NumUnitarySystemsSized == NumUnitarySystem)
    3422             :         //    UnitarySystemNumericFields.deallocate(); // remove temporary array for field names at end of sizing
    3423         592 :     } // namespace UnitarySystems
    3424             : 
    3425        1184 :     void UnitarySys::processInputSpec(EnergyPlusData &state,
    3426             :                                       const UnitarySysInputSpec &input_data,
    3427             :                                       int sysNum,
    3428             :                                       bool &errorsFound,
    3429             :                                       bool const ZoneEquipment,
    3430             :                                       int const ZoneOAUnitNum)
    3431             :     {
    3432             : 
    3433             :         static constexpr std::string_view unitarySysHeatPumpPerformanceObjectType("UnitarySystemPerformance:Multispeed");
    3434             : 
    3435        1184 :         std::string const &cCurrentModuleObject = input_data.system_type;
    3436             :         DataLoopNode::ConnectionObjectType objType = static_cast<DataLoopNode::ConnectionObjectType>(
    3437        1184 :             getEnumerationValue(BranchNodeConnections::ConnectionObjectTypeNamesUC, UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase(input_data.system_type)));
    3438        1184 :         std::string const &thisObjectName =;
    3439        1184 :         this->Name = UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase(thisObjectName);
    3440        1184 :         sysNum = getUnitarySystemIndex(state, thisObjectName);
    3441        1184 :         this->m_UnitarySysNum = sysNum;
    3442             : 
    3443        1184 :         if (ZoneEquipment) {
    3444         425 :             this->m_IsZoneEquipment = true;
    3445             :         }
    3446        1184 :         if (state.dataUnitarySystems->getInputOnceFlag) {
    3447         592 :             this->AirInNode = NodeInputManager::GetOnlySingleNode(state,
    3448             :                                                                   input_data.air_inlet_node_name,
    3449             :                                                                   errorsFound,
    3450             :                                                                   objType,
    3451             :                                                                   thisObjectName,
    3452             :                                                                   DataLoopNode::NodeFluidType::Air,
    3453             :                                                                   DataLoopNode::ConnectionType::Inlet,
    3454             :                                                                   NodeInputManager::CompFluidStream::Primary,
    3455         592 :                                                                   DataLoopNode::ObjectIsParent);
    3456             :         } else {
    3457         592 :             this->AirInNode = UtilityRoutines::FindItemInList(input_data.air_inlet_node_name, state.dataLoopNodes->NodeID);
    3458             :         }
    3459             : 
    3460        1184 :         if (state.dataUnitarySystems->getInputOnceFlag) {
    3461         592 :             this->AirOutNode = NodeInputManager::GetOnlySingleNode(state,
    3462             :                                                                    input_data.air_outlet_node_name,
    3463             :                                                                    errorsFound,
    3464             :                                                                    objType,
    3465             :                                                                    thisObjectName,
    3466             :                                                                    DataLoopNode::NodeFluidType::Air,
    3467             :                                                                    DataLoopNode::ConnectionType::Outlet,
    3468             :                                                                    NodeInputManager::CompFluidStream::Primary,
    3469         592 :                                                                    DataLoopNode::ObjectIsParent);
    3470             :         } else {
    3471         592 :             this->AirOutNode = UtilityRoutines::FindItemInList(input_data.air_outlet_node_name, state.dataLoopNodes->NodeID);
    3472             :         }
    3473             : 
    3474             :         // need to read in all information needed to SetupOutputVariable in setupAllOutputVars
    3475             :         // as soon as all systems are read in, regardless if all information is available, reports will be set up.
    3476             :         // make sure we have all the information needed to process reports (see IF blocks in setupAllOutputVars).
    3477             :         // all coil types, which comps exist, control type, heat recovery active, cooling coil index.
    3478        1184 :         bool errFlag = false;
    3479        1184 :         bool PrintMessage = false;
    3480             : 
    3481        1184 :         if (!input_data.design_specification_multispeed_object_type.empty() && !input_data.design_specification_multispeed_object_name.empty()) {
    3482         110 :             this->m_DesignSpecMultispeedHPType = input_data.design_specification_multispeed_object_type;
    3483         110 :             this->m_DesignSpecMultispeedHPName = input_data.design_specification_multispeed_object_name;
    3484         110 :             int designSpecType_Num = 1;
    3485             : 
    3486         220 :             DesignSpecMSHP thisDesignSpec;
    3487         110 :             this->m_CompPointerMSHP = thisDesignSpec.factory(state, designSpecType_Num, this->m_DesignSpecMultispeedHPName);
    3488         110 :             this->m_DesignSpecMSHPIndex = getDesignSpecMSHPIndex(state, this->m_DesignSpecMultispeedHPName);
    3489             :         }
    3490             : 
    3491             :         // these are needed for call from GetOASysNumHeat(Cool)ingCoils
    3492        1184 :         this->m_HeatingCoilName = input_data.heating_coil_name;
    3493        1184 :         this->m_HeatingCoilTypeName = input_data.heating_coil_object_type;
    3494        1184 :         if (!this->m_HeatingCoilTypeName.empty()) {
    3495         602 :             this->m_HeatCoilExists = true;
    3496             :         }
    3497        1184 :         if (this->m_HeatCoilExists && this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == 0) {
    3498         301 :             if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(this->m_HeatingCoilTypeName, "Coil:Heating:DX:VariableSpeed")) {
    3499           3 :                 this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num = DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingAirToAirVariableSpeed;
    3500         298 :             } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(this->m_HeatingCoilTypeName, "Coil:Heating:DX:MultiSpeed")) {
    3501          11 :                 this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num = DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_MultiSpeedHeating;
    3502         287 :             } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(this->m_HeatingCoilTypeName, "Coil:Heating:Water")) {
    3503           9 :                 this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num = DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWater;
    3504           9 :                 if (this->m_DesignSpecMSHPIndex > -1) {
    3505           1 :                     this->m_NumOfSpeedHeating = this->m_CompPointerMSHP->numOfSpeedHeating;
    3506           1 :                     if (this->m_NumOfSpeedHeating > 1) {
    3507           1 :                         this->m_MultiSpeedHeatingCoil = true;
    3508           1 :                         this->m_MultiOrVarSpeedHeatCoil = true;
    3509             :                     }
    3510             :                 }
    3511         278 :             } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(this->m_HeatingCoilTypeName, "Coil:Heating:Steam")) {
    3512           2 :                 this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num = DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingSteam;
    3513         276 :             } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(this->m_HeatingCoilTypeName, "Coil:Heating:WaterToAirHeatPump:EquationFit")) {
    3514          22 :                 this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num = DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWaterToAirHPSimple;
    3515         254 :             } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(this->m_HeatingCoilTypeName, "Coil:Heating:WaterToAirHeatPump:ParameterEstimation")) {
    3516           5 :                 this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num = DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWaterToAirHP;
    3517         249 :             } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(this->m_HeatingCoilTypeName, "Coil:Heating:WaterToAirHeatPump:VariableSpeedEquationFit")) {
    3518           3 :                 this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num = DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWaterToAirHPVSEquationFit;
    3519         246 :             } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(this->m_HeatingCoilTypeName, "Coil:Heating:Electric:MultiStage")) {
    3520           0 :                 this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num = DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingElectric_MultiStage;
    3521         246 :             } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(this->m_HeatingCoilTypeName, "Coil:Heating:Gas:MultiStage")) {
    3522           0 :                 this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num = DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingGas_MultiStage;
    3523         662 :             } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(this->m_HeatingCoilTypeName, "Coil:Heating:Fuel") ||
    3524         533 :                        UtilityRoutines::SameString(this->m_HeatingCoilTypeName, "Coil:Heating:Electric") ||
    3525         287 :                        UtilityRoutines::SameString(this->m_HeatingCoilTypeName, "Coil:Heating:Desuperheater")) {
    3526         205 :                 this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num =
    3527         205 :                     HeatingCoils::GetHeatingCoilTypeNum(state, this->m_HeatingCoilTypeName, this->m_HeatingCoilName, errFlag);
    3528          41 :             } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(this->m_HeatingCoilTypeName, "Coil:UserDefined")) {
    3529           0 :                 this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num = DataHVACGlobals::Coil_UserDefined;
    3530          41 :             } else if (this->m_HeatCoilExists) {
    3531          41 :                 this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num =
    3532          82 :                     DXCoils::GetCoilTypeNum(state, this->m_HeatingCoilTypeName, this->m_HeatingCoilName, errFlag, PrintMessage);
    3533             :             }
    3534             : 
    3535         591 :             if (this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_MultiSpeedHeating ||
    3536         580 :                 this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingElectric_MultiStage ||
    3537         290 :                 this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingGas_MultiStage) {
    3538          11 :                 this->m_MultiSpeedHeatingCoil = true;
    3539         577 :             } else if (this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWaterToAirHPVSEquationFit ||
    3540         287 :                        this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingAirToAirVariableSpeed) {
    3541           6 :                 this->m_VarSpeedHeatingCoil = true;
    3542             :             }
    3543             :         }
    3544             : 
    3545        1184 :         this->m_CoolingCoilName = input_data.cooling_coil_name;
    3546        1184 :         if (!input_data.cooling_coil_object_type.empty()) { // not required field
    3547        1182 :             this->m_CoolCoilExists = true;
    3548             :         }
    3549             :         // Find the type of coil. do not print message since this may not be the correct coil type.
    3550        1184 :         errFlag = false;
    3551        1184 :         if (this->m_CoolCoilExists && this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == 0) {
    3552         591 :             if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(input_data.cooling_coil_object_type, "Coil:Cooling:DX:VariableSpeed")) {
    3553           9 :                 this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num = DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingAirToAirVariableSpeed;
    3554         582 :             } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(input_data.cooling_coil_object_type, "Coil:Cooling:DX:MultiSpeed")) {
    3555          37 :                 this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num = DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_MultiSpeedCooling;
    3556         545 :             } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(input_data.cooling_coil_object_type, "Coil:Cooling:Water")) {
    3557           5 :                 this->m_IsDXCoil = false;
    3558           5 :                 this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num = DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWater;
    3559           5 :                 this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num = DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWater;
    3560           5 :                 if (this->m_DesignSpecMSHPIndex > -1) {
    3561           1 :                     this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling = this->m_CompPointerMSHP->numOfSpeedCooling;
    3562           1 :                     if (this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling > 1) {
    3563           1 :                         this->m_DiscreteSpeedCoolingCoil = true;
    3564           1 :                         this->m_MultiOrVarSpeedCoolCoil = true;
    3565             :                     }
    3566             :                 }
    3567         540 :             } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(input_data.cooling_coil_object_type, "Coil:Cooling:Water:DetailedGeometry")) {
    3568           0 :                 this->m_IsDXCoil = false;
    3569           0 :                 this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num = DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWaterDetailed;
    3570           0 :                 if (this->m_DesignSpecMSHPIndex > -1) {
    3571           0 :                     this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling = this->m_CompPointerMSHP->numOfSpeedCooling;
    3572           0 :                     if (this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling > 1) {
    3573           0 :                         this->m_DiscreteSpeedCoolingCoil = true;
    3574           0 :                         this->m_MultiOrVarSpeedCoolCoil = true;
    3575             :                     }
    3576             :                 }
    3577         540 :             } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(input_data.cooling_coil_object_type, "Coil:Cooling:DX:TwoStageWithHumidityControlMode")) {
    3578           9 :                 this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num = DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_CoolingTwoStageWHumControl;
    3579         531 :             } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(input_data.cooling_coil_object_type, "CoilSystem:Cooling:DX:HeatExchangerAssisted")) {
    3580           2 :                 this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num = HVACHXAssistedCoolingCoil::GetCoilGroupTypeNum(
    3581             :                     state, input_data.cooling_coil_object_type, this->m_CoolingCoilName, errFlag, PrintMessage);
    3582         529 :             } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(input_data.cooling_coil_object_type, "CoilSystem:Cooling:Water:HeatExchangerAssisted")) {
    3583           0 :                 this->m_IsDXCoil = false;
    3584           0 :                 this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num = HVACHXAssistedCoolingCoil::GetCoilGroupTypeNum(
    3585             :                     state, input_data.cooling_coil_object_type, this->m_CoolingCoilName, errFlag, PrintMessage);
    3586         529 :             } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(input_data.cooling_coil_object_type, "Coil:Cooling:WaterToAirHeatPump:EquationFit")) {
    3587          22 :                 this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num = DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWaterToAirHPSimple;
    3588         507 :             } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(input_data.cooling_coil_object_type, "Coil:Cooling:WaterToAirHeatPump:ParameterEstimation")) {
    3589           5 :                 this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num = DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWaterToAirHP;
    3590         502 :             } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(input_data.cooling_coil_object_type, "Coil:Cooling:WaterToAirHeatPump:VariableSpeedEquationFit")) {
    3591           3 :                 this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num = DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWaterToAirHPVSEquationFit;
    3592         499 :             } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(input_data.cooling_coil_object_type, "Coil:Cooling:DX:SingleSpeed")) {
    3593         378 :                 this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num = DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_CoolingSingleSpeed;
    3594         121 :             } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(input_data.cooling_coil_object_type, "Coil:Cooling:DX:TwoSpeed")) {
    3595          67 :                 this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num = DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_CoolingTwoSpeed;
    3596          54 :             } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(input_data.cooling_coil_object_type, "Coil:UserDefined")) {
    3597           0 :                 this->m_IsDXCoil = false;
    3598           0 :                 this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num = DataHVACGlobals::Coil_UserDefined;
    3599          54 :             } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(input_data.cooling_coil_object_type, "Coil:Cooling:DX:SingleSpeed:ThermalStorage")) {
    3600           4 :                 this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num = DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_PackagedThermalStorageCooling;
    3601          50 :             } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(input_data.cooling_coil_object_type, "Coil:Cooling:DX")) { // CoilCoolingDX
    3602          50 :                 this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num = DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_Cooling;
    3603          50 :                 this->m_CoolingCoilIndex = CoilCoolingDX::factory(state, this->m_CoolingCoilName);
    3604          50 :                 if (this->m_CoolingCoilIndex == -1) {
    3605           0 :                     ShowFatalError(state, format("Occurs in {} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    3606             :                 } else {
    3607             :                     // set variable speed coil flag as necessary
    3608          50 :                     auto &newCoil = state.dataCoilCooingDX->coilCoolingDXs[this->m_CoolingCoilIndex];
    3609          50 :                     this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling = (int)newCoil.performance.normalMode.speeds.size();
    3610          50 :                     if (this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling > 1) {
    3611          33 :                         if (newCoil.performance.capControlMethod == CoilCoolingDXCurveFitPerformance::CapControlMethod::DISCRETE) {
    3612          32 :                             this->m_DiscreteSpeedCoolingCoil = true;
    3613           1 :                         } else if (newCoil.performance.capControlMethod == CoilCoolingDXCurveFitPerformance::CapControlMethod::CONTINUOUS) {
    3614           1 :                             this->m_ContSpeedCoolingCoil = true;
    3615             :                         }
    3616          33 :                         this->m_MultiOrVarSpeedCoolCoil = true;
    3617             :                     }
    3618             :                 }
    3619             :             }
    3620             : 
    3621         591 :             if (this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_MultiSpeedCooling) {
    3622          37 :                 this->m_DiscreteSpeedCoolingCoil = true;
    3623        1105 :             } else if (this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWaterToAirHPVSEquationFit ||
    3624         551 :                        this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingAirToAirVariableSpeed) {
    3625          12 :                 this->m_ContSpeedCoolingCoil = true;
    3626             :             }
    3627             :         }
    3628             : 
    3629        1184 :         if (!input_data.supplemental_heating_coil_object_type.empty()) {
    3630         180 :             this->m_SuppCoilExists = true;
    3631             :         }
    3632             : 
    3633        1184 :         if (!input_data.supply_fan_object_type.empty() && !input_data.supply_fan_name.empty()) {
    3634         600 :             this->m_FanExists = true;
    3635             :         }
    3636             : 
    3637             :         constexpr static std::array<std::string_view, static_cast<int>(UnitarySysCtrlType::Num)> UnitarySysCtrlTypeNamesUC = {
    3638             :             "NONE", "LOAD", "SETPOINT", "SINGLEZONEVAV"};
    3639        1184 :         this->m_ControlType =
    3640        2368 :             static_cast<UnitarySysCtrlType>(getEnumerationValue(UnitarySysCtrlTypeNamesUC, UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase(input_data.control_type)));
    3641        1184 :         if (this->m_ControlType == UnitarySysCtrlType::CCMASHRAE) {
    3642           0 :             this->m_ValidASHRAECoolCoil = true;
    3643           0 :             this->m_ValidASHRAEHeatCoil = true;
    3644             :         }
    3645             : 
    3646        1184 :         this->m_DesignHRWaterVolumeFlow = input_data.design_heat_recovery_water_flow_rate;
    3647        1184 :         if (this->m_DesignHRWaterVolumeFlow > 0.0) {
    3648           0 :             this->m_HeatRecActive = true;
    3649             :         }
    3650             : 
    3651        1184 :         errFlag = false;
    3652        1184 :         if (!input_data.oa_mixer_type.empty() && !input_data.oa_mixer_name.empty()) {
    3653         334 :             this->OAMixerIndex = MixedAir::GetOAMixerIndex(state, input_data.oa_mixer_name);
    3654         334 :             ValidateComponent(state, input_data.oa_mixer_type, input_data.oa_mixer_name, errFlag, cCurrentModuleObject);
    3655         334 :             if (errFlag) {
    3656           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "specified in " + cCurrentModuleObject + " = \"" + input_data.oa_mixer_name + "\".");
    3657           0 :                 errorsFound = true;
    3658             :             } else {
    3659         334 :                 this->OAMixerExists = true;
    3660         334 :                 bool errFlag = false;
    3661             :                 // OANodeNums = outside air mixer node numbers, OANodeNums(4) = outside air mixer mixed air node
    3662         668 :                 Array1D_int OANodeNums = MixedAir::GetOAMixerNodeNumbers(state, input_data.oa_mixer_name, errFlag);
    3663         334 :                 if (errFlag) {
    3664           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "that was specified in " + cCurrentModuleObject + " = " + input_data.oa_mixer_name);
    3665           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "..OutdoorAir:Mixer is required. Enter an OutdoorAir:Mixer object with this name.");
    3666           0 :                     errorsFound = true;
    3667             :                 } else {
    3668         334 :                     this->m_OAMixerNodes[0] = OANodeNums(1); // inlet
    3669         334 :                     this->m_OAMixerNodes[1] = OANodeNums(2); // relief
    3670         334 :                     this->m_OAMixerNodes[2] = OANodeNums(3); // return
    3671         334 :                     this->m_OAMixerNodes[3] = OANodeNums(4); // mixed
    3672             :                 }
    3673             :             }
    3674        1700 :         } else if ((input_data.oa_mixer_type.empty() && !input_data.oa_mixer_name.empty()) ||
    3675         850 :                    (!input_data.oa_mixer_type.empty() && input_data.oa_mixer_name.empty())) {
    3676           0 :             ShowSevereError(state, "Missing one of " + cCurrentModuleObject + " Outdoor Air Mixer inputs.");
    3677           0 :             ShowContinueError(state, "..OutdoorAir:Mixer type = " + input_data.oa_mixer_type);
    3678           0 :             ShowContinueError(state, "..OutdoorAir:Mixer name = " + input_data.oa_mixer_name);
    3679           0 :             errorsFound = true;
    3680             :         }
    3681        1184 :         this->m_HeatConvTol = input_data.heat_conv_tol;
    3682        1184 :         this->m_CoolConvTol = input_data.cool_conv_tol;
    3683             : 
    3684             :         // Early calls to ATMixer don't have enough info to pass GetInput. Need to get the data next time through.
    3685        1184 :         if (sysNum == -1 || !state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipInputsFilled) {
    3686        1184 :             return;
    3687             :         }
    3688             : 
    3689         592 :         this->m_CoolOutAirVolFlow = input_data.cooling_oa_flow_rate;
    3690         592 :         this->m_HeatOutAirVolFlow = input_data.heating_oa_flow_rate;
    3691         592 :         this->m_NoCoolHeatOutAirVolFlow = input_data.no_load_oa_flow_rate;
    3692             : 
    3693         592 :         if (ZoneEquipment) {
    3694         198 :             this->m_OKToPrintSizing = true;
    3695             :         }
    3696             : 
    3697         592 :         this->m_IterationMode.resize(3);
    3698             : 
    3699        1184 :         std::string loc_m_CoolingSAFMethod = input_data.cooling_supply_air_flow_rate_method;
    3700         592 :         Real64 loc_m_CoolingSAFMethod_SAFlow = input_data.cooling_supply_air_flow_rate;
    3701         592 :         Real64 loc_m_CoolingSAFMethod_SAFlowPerFloorArea = input_data.cooling_supply_air_flow_rate_per_floor_area;
    3702         592 :         Real64 loc_m_CoolingSAFMethod_FracOfAutosizedCoolingSAFlow = input_data.cooling_fraction_of_autosized_cooling_supply_air_flow_rate;
    3703         592 :         Real64 loc_m_CoolingSAFMethod_FlowPerCoolingCapacity = input_data.cooling_supply_air_flow_rate_per_unit_of_capacity;
    3704        1184 :         std::string loc_m_HeatingSAFMethod = input_data.heating_supply_air_flow_rate_method;
    3705         592 :         Real64 loc_m_HeatingSAFMethod_SAFlow = input_data.heating_supply_air_flow_rate;
    3706         592 :         Real64 loc_m_HeatingSAFMethod_SAFlowPerFloorArea = input_data.heating_supply_air_flow_rate_per_floor_area;
    3707         592 :         Real64 loc_m_HeatingSAFMethod_FracOfAutosizedHeatingSAFlow = input_data.heating_fraction_of_autosized_heating_supply_air_flow_rate;
    3708         592 :         Real64 loc_m_HeatingSAFMethod_FlowPerHeatingCapacity = input_data.heating_supply_air_flow_rate_per_unit_of_capacity;
    3709        1184 :         std::string loc_m_NoCoolHeatSAFMethod = input_data.no_load_supply_air_flow_rate_method;
    3710         592 :         Real64 loc_m_NoCoolHeatSAFMethod_SAFlow = input_data.no_load_supply_air_flow_rate;
    3711         592 :         Real64 loc_m_NoCoolHeatSAFMethod_SAFlowPerFloorArea = input_data.no_load_supply_air_flow_rate_per_floor_area;
    3712         592 :         Real64 loc_m_NoCoolHeatSAFMethod_FracOfAutosizedCoolingSAFlow = input_data.no_load_fraction_of_autosized_cooling_supply_air_flow_rate;
    3713         592 :         Real64 loc_m_NoCoolHeatSAFMethod_FracOfAutosizedHeatingSAFlow = input_data.no_load_fraction_of_autosized_heating_supply_air_flow_rate;
    3714         592 :         Real64 loc_m_NoCoolHeatSAFMethod_FlowPerCoolingCapacity =
    3715             :             input_data.no_load_supply_air_flow_rate_per_unit_of_capacity_during_cooling_operation;
    3716         592 :         Real64 loc_m_NoCoolHeatSAFMethod_FlowPerHeatingCapacity =
    3717             :             input_data.no_load_supply_air_flow_rate_per_unit_of_capacity_during_heating_operation;
    3718             : 
    3719         592 :         int FanInletNode = 0;
    3720         592 :         int FanOutletNode = 0;
    3721         592 :         Real64 FanVolFlowRate = 0.0;
    3722         592 :         int CoolingCoilInletNode = 0;
    3723         592 :         int CoolingCoilOutletNode = 0;
    3724         592 :         int HeatingCoilInletNode = 0;
    3725         592 :         int HeatingCoilOutletNode = 0;
    3726         592 :         int SupHeatCoilInletNode = 0;
    3727         592 :         int SupHeatCoilOutletNode = 0;
    3728             : 
    3729         592 :         bool isNotOK = false;
    3730             : 
    3731         592 :         if (!input_data.availability_schedule_name.empty()) {
    3732         517 :             this->m_SysAvailSchedPtr = ScheduleManager::GetScheduleIndex(state, input_data.availability_schedule_name);
    3733         517 :             if (this->m_SysAvailSchedPtr == 0) {
    3734           0 :                 ShowWarningError(state,
    3735           0 :                                  format("getUnitarySystemInputData {}=\"{}\", invalid Availability Schedule Name = {}",
    3736             :                                         cCurrentModuleObject,
    3737             :                                         this->Name,
    3738           0 :                                         input_data.availability_schedule_name));
    3739           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "Set the default as Always On. Simulation continues.");
    3740           0 :                 this->m_SysAvailSchedPtr = DataGlobalConstants::ScheduleAlwaysOn;
    3741             :             }
    3742             :         } else {
    3743          75 :             this->m_SysAvailSchedPtr = DataGlobalConstants::ScheduleAlwaysOn;
    3744             :         }
    3745             : 
    3746         592 :         if (!input_data.controlling_zone_or_thermostat_location.empty()) { // not required field
    3747         102 :             this->ControlZoneNum = UtilityRoutines::FindItemInList(input_data.controlling_zone_or_thermostat_location, state.dataHeatBal->Zone);
    3748         490 :         } else if (this->m_ControlType == UnitarySysCtrlType::Load || this->m_ControlType == UnitarySysCtrlType::CCMASHRAE) {
    3749         192 :             if (this->m_sysType == SysType::Unitary) {
    3750           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state, format("Input errors for {}:{}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    3751           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "Controlling Zone or Thermostat Location cannot be blank when Control Type = Load or SingleZoneVAV");
    3752           0 :                 errorsFound = true;
    3753             :             }
    3754             :         }
    3755             : 
    3756             :         // check that control zone name is valid for load based control
    3757         592 :         if (this->m_ControlType == UnitarySysCtrlType::Load || this->m_ControlType == UnitarySysCtrlType::CCMASHRAE) {
    3758             :             // bypass this error for PTUnits
    3759         486 :             if (this->ControlZoneNum == 0 &&
    3760         384 :                 (this->m_sysType == SysType::Unitary || this->m_sysType == SysType::CoilCoolingDX || this->m_sysType == SysType::CoilCoolingWater)) {
    3761           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state, format("Input errors for {}:{}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    3762           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "When Control Type = Load or SingleZoneVAV");
    3763           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state,
    3764           0 :                                   format(" Controlling Zone or Thermostat Location must be a valid zone name, zone name = {}",
    3765           0 :                                          input_data.controlling_zone_or_thermostat_location));
    3766           0 :                 errorsFound = true;
    3767             :             }
    3768             :         }
    3769             : 
    3770         592 :         if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(input_data.dehumidification_control_type, "None")) {
    3771         568 :             this->m_DehumidControlType_Num = DehumCtrlType::None;
    3772         568 :             this->m_Humidistat = false;
    3773          24 :         } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(input_data.dehumidification_control_type, "CoolReheat")) {
    3774          13 :             this->m_DehumidControlType_Num = DehumCtrlType::CoolReheat;
    3775          13 :             this->m_Humidistat = true;
    3776          11 :         } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(input_data.dehumidification_control_type, "Multimode")) {
    3777          11 :             this->m_DehumidControlType_Num = DehumCtrlType::Multimode;
    3778          11 :             this->m_Humidistat = true;
    3779             :         }
    3780         592 :         if (this->m_Humidistat && this->m_ControlType == UnitarySysCtrlType::Load) {
    3781           9 :             bool AirNodeFound = false;
    3782          42 :             for (int HStatZoneNum = 1; HStatZoneNum <= state.dataZoneCtrls->NumHumidityControlZones; ++HStatZoneNum) {
    3783          33 :                 if (state.dataZoneCtrls->HumidityControlZone(HStatZoneNum).ActualZoneNum != this->ControlZoneNum) continue;
    3784           9 :                 AirNodeFound = true;
    3785             :             }
    3786           9 :             if (!AirNodeFound && this->ControlZoneNum > 0) {
    3787           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state, format("Input errors for {}:{}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    3788           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "Did not find Air Node (Zone with Humidistat).");
    3789           0 :                 ShowContinueError(
    3790           0 :                     state, format("specified Controlling Zone or Thermostat Location name = {}", input_data.controlling_zone_or_thermostat_location));
    3791           0 :                 errorsFound = true;
    3792             :             }
    3793             :         }
    3794             : 
    3795         592 :         Real64 TotalFloorAreaOnAirLoop = 0.0;
    3796         592 :         int AirLoopNumber = 0;
    3797         592 :         bool AirNodeFound = false;
    3798         592 :         bool AirLoopFound = false;
    3799         592 :         bool OASysFound = false;
    3800         592 :         bool ZoneEquipmentFound = false;
    3801         592 :         bool ZoneInletNodeFound = false;
    3802         592 :         bool ZoneExhaustNodeFound = false;
    3803         592 :         bool InducedNodeFound = false;
    3804             : 
    3805             :         // Get AirTerminal mixer data
    3806         592 :         SingleDuct::GetATMixer(state,
    3807             :                                thisObjectName,
    3808             :                                this->m_ATMixerName,
    3809             :                                this->m_ATMixerIndex,
    3810             :                                this->ATMixerType,
    3811             :                                this->m_ATMixerPriNode,
    3812             :                                this->m_ATMixerSecNode,
    3813             :                                this->ATMixerOutNode,
    3814             :                                this->AirOutNode);
    3815         592 :         if (this->ATMixerType == DataHVACGlobals::ATMixer_InletSide || this->ATMixerType == DataHVACGlobals::ATMixer_SupplySide) {
    3816          29 :             this->ATMixerExists = true;
    3817             :         }
    3818             :         // check that heat pump doesn't have local outside air and DOA
    3819         592 :         if (this->ATMixerExists && this->m_OAMixerNodes[0] > 0 &&
    3820           0 :             (input_data.cooling_oa_flow_rate != 0.0 || input_data.heating_oa_flow_rate != 0.0 || input_data.no_load_oa_flow_rate != 0.0)) {
    3821           0 :             ShowSevereError(state,
    3822           0 :                             format("{} = \"{}\". System has local as well as central outdoor air specified", cCurrentModuleObject, this->Name));
    3823           0 :             errorsFound = true;
    3824             :         }
    3825             : 
    3826             :         // if part of ZoneHVAC:OutdoorAirUnit bypass most checks for connection to air loop or OASystem
    3827         592 :         if (ZoneOAUnitNum > 0) OASysFound = true;
    3828             : 
    3829         592 :         if (ZoneEquipment) {
    3830         198 :             int ControlledZoneNum = 0;
    3831         198 :             int ZoneExhNum = 0;
    3832             : 
    3833         198 :             if (!this->ATMixerExists) {
    3834         169 :                 ZoneExhaustNodeFound = searchExhaustNodes(state, this->AirInNode, ControlledZoneNum, ZoneExhNum);
    3835         169 :                 if (ZoneExhaustNodeFound) {
    3836         168 :                     ZoneEquipmentFound = true;
    3837             :                     // The Node was found among the exhaust nodes, now check that a matching inlet node exists
    3838             :                     // this should be zoneExhaustNode
    3839         168 :                     this->m_ZoneInletNode = state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(ControlledZoneNum).ExhaustNode(ZoneExhNum);
    3840         168 :                     this->ControlZoneNum = ControlledZoneNum;
    3841         168 :                     this->setSystemParams(state, TotalFloorAreaOnAirLoop, thisObjectName);
    3842         168 :                     ZoneInletNodeFound = searchZoneInletNodesByEquipmentIndex(state, this->AirOutNode, this->ControlZoneNum);
    3843             :                 } else { // find if the inlet node is an induced node from zone plenum
    3844           1 :                     int ZoneInletNum = 0;
    3845           1 :                     ZoneInletNodeFound = searchZoneInletNodes(state, this->AirOutNode, this->ControlZoneNum, ZoneInletNum);
    3846           1 :                     if (ZoneInletNodeFound) {
    3847           2 :                         InducedNodeFound = ZonePlenum::ValidateInducedNode(state,
    3848             :                                                                            this->AirInNode,
    3849           1 :                                                                            state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(this->ControlZoneNum).NumReturnNodes,
    3850           1 :                                                                            state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(this->ControlZoneNum).ReturnNode);
    3851           1 :                         if (InducedNodeFound) {
    3852           1 :                             this->m_ZoneInletNode = this->AirOutNode;
    3853           1 :                             ZoneEquipmentFound = true;
    3854           1 :                             this->setSystemParams(state, TotalFloorAreaOnAirLoop, thisObjectName);
    3855             :                         }
    3856             :                     }
    3857             :                 }
    3858          29 :             } else if (this->ATMixerType == DataHVACGlobals::ATMixer_InletSide) {
    3859          16 :                 ZoneExhaustNodeFound = searchExhaustNodes(state, this->m_ATMixerSecNode, ControlledZoneNum, ZoneExhNum);
    3860          16 :                 if (ZoneExhaustNodeFound) {
    3861          15 :                     ZoneEquipmentFound = true;
    3862          15 :                     this->m_ZoneInletNode = this->AirOutNode;
    3863          15 :                     this->ControlZoneNum = ControlledZoneNum;
    3864          15 :                     this->setSystemParams(state, TotalFloorAreaOnAirLoop, thisObjectName);
    3865             :                     // The Node was found among the exhaust nodes, now check that a matching inlet node exists
    3866          15 :                     ZoneInletNodeFound = searchZoneInletNodesByEquipmentIndex(state, this->AirOutNode, this->ControlZoneNum);
    3867             :                 } else {
    3868           1 :                     int ZoneInletNum = 0;
    3869           1 :                     ZoneInletNodeFound = searchZoneInletNodes(state, this->AirOutNode, this->ControlZoneNum, ZoneInletNum);
    3870           1 :                     if (ZoneInletNodeFound) {
    3871           2 :                         InducedNodeFound = ZonePlenum::ValidateInducedNode(state,
    3872             :                                                                            this->m_ATMixerSecNode,
    3873           1 :                                                                            state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(this->ControlZoneNum).NumReturnNodes,
    3874           1 :                                                                            state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(this->ControlZoneNum).ReturnNode);
    3875           1 :                         if (InducedNodeFound) {
    3876           1 :                             this->m_ZoneInletNode = this->AirOutNode;
    3877           1 :                             ZoneEquipmentFound = true;
    3878           1 :                             this->setSystemParams(state, TotalFloorAreaOnAirLoop, thisObjectName);
    3879             :                         }
    3880             :                     }
    3881             :                 }
    3882          13 :             } else if (this->ATMixerType == DataHVACGlobals::ATMixer_SupplySide) {
    3883          13 :                 ZoneExhaustNodeFound = searchExhaustNodes(state, this->AirInNode, ControlledZoneNum, ZoneExhNum);
    3884          13 :                 if (ZoneExhaustNodeFound) {
    3885          12 :                     ZoneEquipmentFound = true;
    3886          12 :                     this->m_ZoneInletNode = this->ATMixerOutNode;
    3887          12 :                     this->ControlZoneNum = ControlledZoneNum;
    3888          12 :                     this->setSystemParams(state, TotalFloorAreaOnAirLoop, thisObjectName);
    3889             :                     // The Node was found among the exhaust nodes, now check that a matching inlet node exists
    3890          12 :                     ZoneInletNodeFound = searchZoneInletNodesByEquipmentIndex(state, this->ATMixerOutNode, this->ControlZoneNum);
    3891             :                 } else {
    3892           1 :                     int ZoneInletNum = 0;
    3893           1 :                     ZoneInletNodeFound = searchZoneInletNodes(state, this->ATMixerOutNode, this->ControlZoneNum, ZoneInletNum);
    3894           1 :                     if (ZoneInletNodeFound) {
    3895           2 :                         InducedNodeFound = ZonePlenum::ValidateInducedNode(state,
    3896             :                                                                            this->AirInNode,
    3897           1 :                                                                            state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(this->ControlZoneNum).NumReturnNodes,
    3898           1 :                                                                            state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(this->ControlZoneNum).ReturnNode);
    3899           1 :                         if (InducedNodeFound) {
    3900           1 :                             this->m_ZoneInletNode = this->ATMixerOutNode;
    3901           1 :                             ZoneEquipmentFound = true;
    3902           1 :                             this->setSystemParams(state, TotalFloorAreaOnAirLoop, thisObjectName);
    3903             :                         }
    3904             :                     }
    3905             :                 }
    3906             :             }
    3907         198 :             if (!ZoneExhaustNodeFound && !InducedNodeFound) {
    3908             :                 // Exhaust Node was not found
    3909           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state, format("Input errors for {}:{}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    3910           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state,
    3911           0 :                                   format("Incorrect or misspelled Air Inlet Node Name or Exhaust Node Name or Induced Node Name. = {}",
    3912           0 :                                          input_data.air_inlet_node_name));
    3913           0 :                 ShowContinueError(
    3914             :                     state,
    3915           0 :                     format("Air Inlet Node {} name does not match any controlled zone exhaust node name. Check ZoneHVAC:EquipmentConnections "
    3916             :                            "object inputs.",
    3917           0 :                            input_data.air_inlet_node_name));
    3918           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "or Induced Air Outlet Node Name specified in AirLoopHVAC:ReturnPlenum object.");
    3919           0 :                 errorsFound = true;
    3920         198 :             } else if (!ZoneInletNodeFound) {
    3921           0 :                 bool ZoneInletNodeExists = false;
    3922           0 :                 int InletControlledZoneNum = 0;
    3923           0 :                 int ZoneInletNum = 0;
    3924           0 :                 ZoneInletNodeExists = searchZoneInletNodes(state, this->AirOutNode, InletControlledZoneNum, ZoneInletNum);
    3925           0 :                 if (!ZoneInletNodeExists) {
    3926           0 :                     ShowSevereError(state, format("Input errors for {}:{}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    3927           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, format("Incorrect or misspelled Air Outlet Node Name = {}", input_data.air_outlet_node_name));
    3928           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state,
    3929             :                                       "Node name does not match any controlled zone inlet node name. Check ZoneHVAC:EquipmentConnections "
    3930             :                                       "object inputs.");
    3931           0 :                     errorsFound = true;
    3932             :                 }
    3933             :             }
    3934             :         } else {
    3935             :             // check if the UnitarySystem is connected to an air loop
    3936             : 
    3937             :             int compIndex;
    3938             :             int branchIndex;
    3939         394 :             AirLoopFound = searchTotalComponents(state, this->AirloopEqType, thisObjectName, compIndex, branchIndex, AirLoopNumber);
    3940         394 :             if (AirLoopFound && (this->ControlZoneNum > 0)) {
    3941             :                 //             Find the controlled zone number for the specified thermostat location
    3942          96 :                 this->NodeNumOfControlledZone = state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(this->ControlZoneNum).ZoneNode;
    3943             : 
    3944             :                 //             Determine if system is on air loop served by the thermostat location specified
    3945          96 :                 ZoneInletNodeFound = false;
    3946          96 :                 int ZoneInletNum = 0;
    3947          96 :                 ZoneInletNodeFound = searchZoneInletNodeAirLoopNum(state, AirLoopNumber, this->ControlZoneNum, ZoneInletNum);
    3948          96 :                 if (ZoneInletNodeFound) {
    3949          96 :                     this->m_ZoneInletNode = state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(this->ControlZoneNum).InletNode(ZoneInletNum);
    3950          96 :                     TotalFloorAreaOnAirLoop += state.dataHeatBal->Zone(this->ControlZoneNum).FloorArea;
    3951             :                 }
    3952             : 
    3953             :                 // if (this->m_ZoneInletNode == 0) AirLoopFound = false;
    3954        1029 :                 for (int TstatZoneNum = 1; TstatZoneNum <= state.dataZoneCtrls->NumTempControlledZones; ++TstatZoneNum) {
    3955         933 :                     if (state.dataZoneCtrls->TempControlledZone(TstatZoneNum).ActualZoneNum != this->ControlZoneNum) continue;
    3956          96 :                     AirNodeFound = true;
    3957             :                 }
    3958          96 :                 for (int TstatZoneNum = 1; TstatZoneNum <= state.dataZoneCtrls->NumComfortControlledZones; ++TstatZoneNum) {
    3959           0 :                     if (state.dataZoneCtrls->ComfortControlledZone(TstatZoneNum).ActualZoneNum != this->ControlZoneNum) continue;
    3960           0 :                     AirNodeFound = true;
    3961             :                 }
    3962          96 :                 if (!AirNodeFound && this->ControlZoneNum > 0) {
    3963           0 :                     ShowSevereError(state, format("Input errors for {}:{}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    3964           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "Did not find Air Node (Zone with Thermostat or Thermal Comfort Thermostat).");
    3965           0 :                     ShowContinueError(
    3966             :                         state,
    3967           0 :                         format("specified Controlling Zone or Thermostat Location name = {}", input_data.controlling_zone_or_thermostat_location));
    3968           0 :                     errorsFound = true;
    3969             :                 }
    3970             : 
    3971          96 :                 if (this->ControlZoneNum > 0) {
    3972             :                     //             Find the controlled zone number for the specified thermostat location
    3973          96 :                     this->NodeNumOfControlledZone = state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(this->ControlZoneNum).ZoneNode;
    3974             : 
    3975             :                     //             Determine if system is on air loop served by the thermostat location specified
    3976          96 :                     ZoneInletNodeFound = false;
    3977          96 :                     int ZoneInletNum = 0;
    3978          96 :                     ZoneInletNodeFound = searchZoneInletNodeAirLoopNum(state, AirLoopNumber, this->ControlZoneNum, ZoneInletNum);
    3979          96 :                     if (ZoneInletNodeFound) {
    3980          96 :                         this->m_ZoneInletNode = state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(this->ControlZoneNum).InletNode(ZoneInletNum);
    3981          96 :                         TotalFloorAreaOnAirLoop += state.dataHeatBal->Zone(this->ControlZoneNum).FloorArea;
    3982             :                     }
    3983             : 
    3984             :                     // if (this->m_ZoneInletNode == 0) AirLoopFound = false;
    3985        1029 :                     for (int TstatZoneNum = 1; TstatZoneNum <= state.dataZoneCtrls->NumTempControlledZones; ++TstatZoneNum) {
    3986         933 :                         if (state.dataZoneCtrls->TempControlledZone(TstatZoneNum).ActualZoneNum != this->ControlZoneNum) continue;
    3987          96 :                         AirNodeFound = true;
    3988             :                     }
    3989          96 :                     for (int TstatZoneNum = 1; TstatZoneNum <= state.dataZoneCtrls->NumComfortControlledZones; ++TstatZoneNum) {
    3990           0 :                         if (state.dataZoneCtrls->ComfortControlledZone(TstatZoneNum).ActualZoneNum != this->ControlZoneNum) continue;
    3991           0 :                         AirNodeFound = true;
    3992             :                     }
    3993          96 :                     if (!AirNodeFound && this->ControlZoneNum > 0) {
    3994           0 :                         ShowSevereError(state, format("Input errors for {}:{}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    3995           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "Did not find Air Node (Zone with Thermostat or Thermal Comfort Thermostat).");
    3996           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state,
    3997           0 :                                           format("specified Controlling Zone or Thermostat Location name = {}",
    3998           0 :                                                  input_data.controlling_zone_or_thermostat_location));
    3999           0 :                         errorsFound = true;
    4000             :                     }
    4001             :                 }
    4002             :             }
    4003             : 
    4004             :             // check if the UnitarySystem is connected to an outside air system
    4005         394 :             if (!AirLoopFound && state.dataAirLoop->NumOASystems > 0) {
    4006           4 :                 for (int OASysNum = 1; OASysNum <= state.dataAirLoop->NumOASystems; ++OASysNum) {
    4007           2 :                     for (int OACompNum = 1; OACompNum <= state.dataAirLoop->OutsideAirSys(OASysNum).NumComponents; ++OACompNum) {
    4008           4 :                         if (!UtilityRoutines::SameString(state.dataAirLoop->OutsideAirSys(OASysNum).ComponentName(OACompNum), thisObjectName) ||
    4009           2 :                             !UtilityRoutines::SameString(state.dataAirLoop->OutsideAirSys(OASysNum).ComponentType(OACompNum), cCurrentModuleObject))
    4010           0 :                             continue;
    4011           2 :                         AirLoopNumber = OASysNum;
    4012           2 :                         OASysFound = true;
    4013           2 :                         break;
    4014             :                     }
    4015             :                 }
    4016             :             }
    4017             :         }
    4018             : 
    4019         600 :         if (AirLoopNumber == 0 && !ZoneEquipmentFound &&
    4020          16 :             (this->m_ControlType == UnitarySysCtrlType::Load || this->m_ControlType == UnitarySysCtrlType::CCMASHRAE)) {
    4021           0 :             std::string_view zoneName = input_data.controlling_zone_or_thermostat_location;
    4022           0 :             if (zoneName.empty() && this->ControlZoneNum > 0) {
    4023           0 :                 zoneName = state.dataHeatBal->Zone(this->ControlZoneNum).Name;
    4024             :             }
    4025           0 :             ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    4026           0 :             ShowContinueError(state, "Did not find proper connections for AirLoopHVAC or ZoneHVAC system.");
    4027           0 :             ShowContinueError(state, format("specified Controlling Zone or Thermostat Location name = {}", zoneName));
    4028           0 :             if (!AirNodeFound && !ZoneEquipmentFound) {
    4029           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    4030           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "Did not find air node (zone with thermostat).");
    4031             :                 // ShowContinueError(state, "specified " + cAlphaFields(iControlZoneAlphaNum) + " = " + Alphas(iControlZoneAlphaNum));
    4032           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state,
    4033             :                                   "Both a ZoneHVAC:EquipmentConnections object and a ZoneControl:Thermostat object must be specified for this zone.");
    4034             :             }
    4035           0 :             errorsFound = true;
    4036             :         }
    4037             : 
    4038         592 :         if (!AirLoopFound && !ZoneEquipmentFound && !OASysFound) {
    4039             :             // Unsucessful attempt to get all input data.
    4040           0 :             return;
    4041         592 :         } else if (ZoneEquipmentFound || OASysFound ||
    4042         384 :                    (AirLoopFound && (this->m_ZoneInletNode > 0 || this->m_ControlType == UnitarySysCtrlType::Setpoint))) {
    4043         592 :             this->m_OKToPrintSizing = true;
    4044         592 :             this->m_ThisSysInputShouldBeGotten = false;
    4045             :         }
    4046             : 
    4047         592 :         this->m_AvailManagerListName = input_data.avail_manager_list_name;
    4048             : 
    4049         592 :         if (!input_data.design_spec_zonehvac_sizing_object_name.empty()) {
    4050           0 :             this->m_HVACSizingIndex =
    4051           0 :                 UtilityRoutines::FindItemInList(input_data.design_spec_zonehvac_sizing_object_name, state.dataSize->ZoneHVACSizing);
    4052           0 :             if (this->m_HVACSizingIndex == 0) {
    4053           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state,
    4054           0 :                                 "Design Specification ZoneHVAC Sizing Object Name = " + input_data.design_spec_zonehvac_sizing_object_name +
    4055             :                                     " not found.");
    4056           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "Occurs in " + cCurrentModuleObject + " = " + this->Name);
    4057           0 :                 errorsFound = true;
    4058             :             }
    4059             :         }
    4060             : 
    4061         592 :         if (!ZoneEquipment)
    4062        1182 :             BranchNodeConnections::TestCompSet(state,
    4063             :                                                cCurrentModuleObject,
    4064         788 :                                                UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase(thisObjectName),
    4065             :                                                input_data.air_inlet_node_name,
    4066             :                                                input_data.air_outlet_node_name,
    4067             :                                                "Air Nodes");
    4068             : 
    4069         592 :         std::string const &loc_fanType = input_data.supply_fan_object_type;
    4070         592 :         std::string const &loc_m_FanName = input_data.supply_fan_name;
    4071             : 
    4072         592 :         if (!loc_m_FanName.empty() && !loc_fanType.empty()) {
    4073         300 :             if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(loc_fanType, "Fan:SystemModel")) {
    4074          57 :                 if (!HVACFan::checkIfFanNameIsAFanSystem(state, loc_m_FanName)) {
    4075           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, format("Occurs in {} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    4076           0 :                     errorsFound = true;
    4077             :                 } else {
    4078          57 :                     this->m_FanType_Num = DataHVACGlobals::FanType_SystemModelObject;
    4079          57 :                     isNotOK = false;
    4080          57 :                     ValidateComponent(state, loc_fanType, loc_m_FanName, isNotOK, cCurrentModuleObject);
    4081          57 :                     if (isNotOK) {
    4082           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, format("Occurs in {} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    4083           0 :                         errorsFound = true;
    4084             :                     } else { // mine data from fan object
    4085          57 :                         if (HVACFan::getFanObjectVectorIndex(state, loc_m_FanName, false) < 0) {
    4086          56 :                             state.dataHVACFan->fanObjs.emplace_back(new HVACFan::FanSystem(state, loc_m_FanName)); // call constructor
    4087             :                         }
    4088          57 :                         this->m_FanIndex = HVACFan::getFanObjectVectorIndex(state, loc_m_FanName);
    4089          57 :                         if (this->m_FanIndex > -1) {
    4090          57 :                             FanInletNode = state.dataHVACFan->fanObjs[this->m_FanIndex]->inletNodeNum;
    4091          57 :                             FanOutletNode = state.dataHVACFan->fanObjs[this->m_FanIndex]->outletNodeNum;
    4092          57 :                             this->m_FanAvailSchedPtr = state.dataHVACFan->fanObjs[this->m_FanIndex]->availSchedIndex;
    4093          57 :                             FanVolFlowRate = state.dataHVACFan->fanObjs[this->m_FanIndex]->designAirVolFlowRate;
    4094             :                         } else {
    4095           0 :                             ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    4096           0 :                             ShowContinueError(state, "Unable to access fan data.");
    4097           0 :                             ShowContinueError(state, format("Fan Type = {}, Fan name = {}", loc_fanType, loc_m_FanName));
    4098           0 :                             errorsFound = true;
    4099             :                         }
    4100          57 :                         if (FanVolFlowRate == DataSizing::AutoSize) this->m_RequestAutoSize = true;
    4101          57 :                         this->m_ActualFanVolFlowRate = FanVolFlowRate;
    4102          57 :                         this->m_DesignFanVolFlowRate = FanVolFlowRate;
    4103             :                     }
    4104             :                 }
    4105             :             } else {
    4106         243 :                 Fans::GetFanType(state, loc_m_FanName, this->m_FanType_Num, isNotOK, cCurrentModuleObject, loc_m_FanName);
    4107         243 :                 if (isNotOK) {
    4108           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, format("Occurs in {} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    4109           0 :                     errorsFound = true;
    4110             :                 } else {
    4111         243 :                     isNotOK = false;
    4112         243 :                     ValidateComponent(state, loc_fanType, loc_m_FanName, isNotOK, cCurrentModuleObject);
    4113         243 :                     if (isNotOK) {
    4114           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, format("Occurs in {} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    4115           0 :                         errorsFound = true;
    4116             :                     } else { // mine data from fan object
    4117         243 :                         Fans::GetFanIndex(state, loc_m_FanName, this->m_FanIndex, errFlag);
    4118         243 :                         if (errFlag) {
    4119           0 :                             ShowContinueError(state, format("Occurs in {} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    4120           0 :                             errorsFound = true;
    4121             :                         } else {
    4122         243 :                             auto &fans = state.dataFans->Fan(this->m_FanIndex);
    4123         243 :                             FanVolFlowRate = fans.MaxAirFlowRate;
    4124         243 :                             if (FanVolFlowRate == DataSizing::AutoSize) this->m_RequestAutoSize = true;
    4125         243 :                             this->m_ActualFanVolFlowRate = FanVolFlowRate;
    4126         243 :                             this->m_DesignFanVolFlowRate = FanVolFlowRate;
    4127         243 :                             FanInletNode = fans.InletNodeNum;
    4128         243 :                             FanOutletNode = fans.OutletNodeNum;
    4129         243 :                             this->m_FanAvailSchedPtr = fans.AvailSchedPtrNum;
    4130             :                         }
    4131             :                     } // IF (IsNotOK) THEN
    4132             :                 }
    4133             :             }
    4134         300 :             this->m_FanExists = true;
    4135         300 :             this->m_FanName = loc_m_FanName;
    4136             :         } else {
    4137         292 :             if ((loc_m_FanName.empty() && !loc_fanType.empty()) || (!loc_m_FanName.empty() && loc_fanType.empty())) {
    4138           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state, format("Input errors for {}:{}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    4139           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, format("Invalid Fan Type or Name: Fan Name = {}, Fan Type = {}", loc_m_FanName, loc_fanType));
    4140           0 :                 errorsFound = true;
    4141             :             }
    4142             :         }
    4143             : 
    4144             :         // Add fan to component sets array
    4145         592 :         if (this->m_FanExists && this->m_FanCompNotSetYet) {
    4146         600 :             BranchNodeConnections::SetUpCompSets(state,
    4147             :                                                  cCurrentModuleObject,
    4148             :                                                  thisObjectName,
    4149             :                                                  loc_fanType,
    4150             :                                                  loc_m_FanName,
    4151         300 :                                                  state.dataLoopNodes->NodeID(FanInletNode),
    4152         300 :                                                  state.dataLoopNodes->NodeID(FanOutletNode));
    4153         300 :             this->m_FanCompNotSetYet = false;
    4154             :         }
    4155             : 
    4156             :         constexpr static std::array<std::string_view, static_cast<int>(FanPlace::Num)> FanPlaceNamesUC = {"NOTYETSET", "BLOWTHROUGH", "DRAWTHROUGH"};
    4157         592 :         this->m_FanPlace = static_cast<FanPlace>(getEnumerationValue(FanPlaceNamesUC, UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase(input_data.fan_placement)));
    4158         592 :         if ((this->m_FanPlace == FanPlace::NotYetSet || this->m_FanPlace == FanPlace::Invalid) && this->m_FanExists) {
    4159           0 :             ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    4160           0 :             ShowContinueError(state, format("Illegal Fan Placement = {}", input_data.fan_placement));
    4161           0 :             errorsFound = true;
    4162             :         }
    4163             : 
    4164         592 :         this->m_FanOpModeSchedPtr = ScheduleManager::GetScheduleIndex(state, input_data.supply_air_fan_operating_mode_schedule_name);
    4165         592 :         if (!input_data.supply_air_fan_operating_mode_schedule_name.empty() && this->m_FanOpModeSchedPtr == 0) {
    4166           0 :             ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    4167           0 :             ShowContinueError(state, format("Illegal Fan Operating Mode Schedule Name = {}", input_data.supply_air_fan_operating_mode_schedule_name));
    4168             :             // ShowContinueError(state, "Illegal " + cAlphaFields(iFanSchedAlphaNum) + " = " + Alphas(iFanSchedAlphaNum));
    4169           0 :             errorsFound = true;
    4170         592 :         } else if (this->m_FanOpModeSchedPtr == 0) {
    4171         298 :             if (this->m_ControlType == UnitarySysCtrlType::Setpoint) {
    4172             :                 // Fan operating mode must be constant fan so that the coil outlet temp is proportional to PLR
    4173             :                 // Cycling fan always outputs the full load outlet air temp so should not be used with set point based control
    4174         297 :                 this->m_FanOpMode = DataHVACGlobals::ContFanCycCoil;
    4175             :             } else {
    4176           1 :                 this->m_FanOpMode = DataHVACGlobals::CycFanCycCoil;
    4177           1 :                 if (this->m_FanType_Num != DataHVACGlobals::FanType_SimpleOnOff &&
    4178           0 :                     this->m_FanType_Num != DataHVACGlobals::FanType_SystemModelObject && this->m_FanExists) {
    4179           0 :                     ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    4180             :                     // ShowContinueError(state, cAlphaFields(iFanTypeAlphaNum) + " = " + Alphas(iFanTypeAlphaNum));
    4181             :                     // ShowContinueError(state, "Fan type must be Fan:OnOff of Fan:SystemModel when " + cAlphaFields(iFanSchedAlphaNum) + " =
    4182             :                     // Blank.");
    4183           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state,
    4184             :                                       "Fan type must be Fan:OnOff or Fan:SystemModel when Supply Air Fan Operating Mode Schedule Name is blank.");
    4185           0 :                     errorsFound = true;
    4186             :                 }
    4187             :             }
    4188         294 :         } else if (this->m_FanOpModeSchedPtr > 0 && this->m_ControlType == UnitarySysCtrlType::Setpoint) {
    4189           1 :             if (!ScheduleManager::CheckScheduleValueMinMax(state, this->m_FanOpModeSchedPtr, ">", 0.0, "<=", 1.0)) {
    4190           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    4191           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, format("For {} = {}", loc_fanType, loc_m_FanName));
    4192           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "Fan operating mode must be continuous (fan operating mode schedule values > 0).");
    4193           0 :                 ShowContinueError(
    4194             :                     state,
    4195           0 :                     format("Error found in Supply Air Fan Operating Mode Schedule Name {}", input_data.supply_air_fan_operating_mode_schedule_name));
    4196           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "...schedule values must be (>0., <=1.)");
    4197           0 :                 errorsFound = true;
    4198             :             }
    4199             :         }
    4200             : 
    4201             :         // Check fan's schedule for cycling fan operation IF constant volume fan is used
    4202         592 :         if (this->m_FanOpModeSchedPtr > 0 && this->m_FanType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::FanType_SimpleConstVolume) {
    4203           3 :             if (!ScheduleManager::CheckScheduleValueMinMax(state, this->m_FanOpModeSchedPtr, ">", 0.0, "<=", 1.0)) {
    4204           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    4205           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "Fan operating mode must be continuous (fan operating mode schedule values > 0).");
    4206           0 :                 ShowContinueError(
    4207             :                     state,
    4208           0 :                     format("Error found in Supply Air Fan Operating Mode Schedule Name {}", input_data.supply_air_fan_operating_mode_schedule_name));
    4209           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "...schedule values must be (>0., <=1.)");
    4210           0 :                 errorsFound = true;
    4211             :             }
    4212             :         }
    4213             : 
    4214         592 :         PrintMessage = true;
    4215             :         // Get coil data
    4216         592 :         this->m_HeatingSizingRatio = input_data.dx_heating_coil_sizing_ratio;
    4217         592 :         int HeatingCoilPLFCurveIndex = 0;
    4218         592 :         if (!this->m_HeatingCoilTypeName.empty()) {
    4219         301 :             PrintMessage = false;
    4220             :         } else {
    4221         291 :             this->m_ValidASHRAEHeatCoil = false;
    4222             :         }
    4223             : 
    4224         592 :         if (this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_HeatingEmpirical) {
    4225             : 
    4226          41 :             this->m_DXHeatingCoil = true;
    4227          41 :             errFlag = false;
    4228             : 
    4229          41 :             ValidateComponent(state, this->m_HeatingCoilTypeName, this->m_HeatingCoilName, isNotOK, cCurrentModuleObject);
    4230          41 :             if (isNotOK) {
    4231           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, format("Occurs in {} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    4232           0 :                 errorsFound = true;
    4233             : 
    4234             :             } else { // mine data from DX heating coil
    4235             : 
    4236             :                 // Get DX heating coil index
    4237          41 :                 DXCoils::GetDXCoilIndex(state, this->m_HeatingCoilName, this->m_HeatingCoilIndex, errFlag);
    4238          41 :                 if (errFlag) {
    4239           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, format("Occurs in {} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    4240           0 :                     errorsFound = true;
    4241           0 :                     errFlag = false;
    4242             :                 } else {
    4243          41 :                     auto &thisHeatCoil = state.dataDXCoils->DXCoil(this->m_HeatingCoilIndex);
    4244          41 :                     this->m_HeatingCoilAvailSchPtr = thisHeatCoil.SchedPtr;
    4245          41 :                     this->m_DesignHeatingCapacity = thisHeatCoil.RatedTotCap(1);
    4246          41 :                     if (this->m_DesignHeatingCapacity == DataSizing::AutoSize) this->m_RequestAutoSize = true;
    4247          41 :                     this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow = thisHeatCoil.RatedAirVolFlowRate(1);
    4248          41 :                     if (this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow == DataSizing::AutoSize) this->m_RequestAutoSize = true;
    4249          41 :                     HeatingCoilInletNode = thisHeatCoil.AirInNode;
    4250          41 :                     HeatingCoilOutletNode = thisHeatCoil.AirOutNode;
    4251          41 :                     thisHeatCoil.HeatSizeRatio = this->m_HeatingSizingRatio;
    4252             :                 }
    4253             :             }
    4254             : 
    4255        1099 :         } else if (this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingAirToAirVariableSpeed ||
    4256         548 :                    this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWaterToAirHPVSEquationFit) {
    4257             : 
    4258           6 :             this->m_DXHeatingCoil = true;
    4259           6 :             errFlag = false;
    4260             : 
    4261           6 :             ValidateComponent(state, this->m_HeatingCoilTypeName, this->m_HeatingCoilName, isNotOK, cCurrentModuleObject);
    4262           6 :             if (isNotOK) {
    4263           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, format("Occurs in {} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    4264           0 :                 errorsFound = true;
    4265             :             } else {
    4266           6 :                 this->m_HeatingCoilIndex =
    4267           6 :                     VariableSpeedCoils::GetCoilIndexVariableSpeed(state, this->m_HeatingCoilTypeName, this->m_HeatingCoilName, errFlag);
    4268           6 :                 if (errFlag) {
    4269           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, format("Occurs in {} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    4270           0 :                     errorsFound = true;
    4271           0 :                     errFlag = false;
    4272             :                 } else {
    4273           6 :                     auto &thisHeatCoil = state.dataVariableSpeedCoils->VarSpeedCoil(this->m_HeatingCoilIndex);
    4274           6 :                     this->m_NumOfSpeedHeating = thisHeatCoil.NumOfSpeeds;
    4275           6 :                     this->m_HeatingCoilAvailSchPtr = DataGlobalConstants::ScheduleAlwaysOn;
    4276           6 :                     this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow = thisHeatCoil.RatedAirVolFlowRate;
    4277           6 :                     if (this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow == DataSizing::AutoSize) {
    4278           4 :                         this->m_RequestAutoSize = true;
    4279             :                     } else {
    4280           6 :                         this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow = thisHeatCoil.MSRatedAirVolFlowRate(thisHeatCoil.NumOfSpeeds) /
    4281           4 :                                                     thisHeatCoil.MSRatedAirVolFlowRate(thisHeatCoil.NormSpedLevel) * thisHeatCoil.RatedAirVolFlowRate;
    4282             :                     }
    4283           6 :                     HeatingCoilInletNode = thisHeatCoil.AirInletNodeNum;
    4284           6 :                     HeatingCoilOutletNode = thisHeatCoil.AirOutletNodeNum;
    4285           6 :                     this->m_DesignHeatingCapacity = thisHeatCoil.RatedCapHeat;
    4286           6 :                     if (this->m_DesignHeatingCapacity == DataSizing::AutoSize) this->m_RequestAutoSize = true;
    4287             :                 }
    4288           6 :             }
    4289         545 :         } else if (this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_MultiSpeedHeating) {
    4290          11 :             this->m_DXHeatingCoil = true;
    4291          11 :             errFlag = false;
    4292          11 :             ValidateComponent(state, this->m_HeatingCoilTypeName, this->m_HeatingCoilName, isNotOK, cCurrentModuleObject);
    4293          11 :             if (isNotOK) {
    4294           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, format("Occurs in {} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    4295           0 :                 errorsFound = true;
    4296             :             } else {
    4297          11 :                 DXCoils::GetDXCoilIndex(state, this->m_HeatingCoilName, this->m_HeatingCoilIndex, errFlag, this->m_HeatingCoilTypeName);
    4298          11 :                 if (errFlag) {
    4299           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, format("Occurs in {} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    4300           0 :                     errorsFound = true;
    4301           0 :                     errFlag = false;
    4302             :                 } else {
    4303          11 :                     auto &thisHeatCoil = state.dataDXCoils->DXCoil(this->m_HeatingCoilIndex);
    4304          11 :                     this->m_HeatingCoilAvailSchPtr = thisHeatCoil.SchedPtr;
    4305          11 :                     this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow = thisHeatCoil.MSRatedAirVolFlowRate(1);
    4306          11 :                     if (this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow == DataSizing::AutoSize) this->m_RequestAutoSize = true;
    4307          11 :                     HeatingCoilInletNode = thisHeatCoil.AirInNode;
    4308          11 :                     HeatingCoilOutletNode = thisHeatCoil.AirOutNode;
    4309          11 :                     this->m_DesignHeatingCapacity = thisHeatCoil.MSRatedTotCap(thisHeatCoil.NumOfSpeeds);
    4310             :                 }
    4311             :             }
    4312        1068 :         } else if (this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingElectric_MultiStage ||
    4313         534 :                    this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingGas_MultiStage) {
    4314           0 :             errFlag = false;
    4315           0 :             ValidateComponent(state, this->m_HeatingCoilTypeName, this->m_HeatingCoilName, isNotOK, cCurrentModuleObject);
    4316           0 :             if (isNotOK) {
    4317           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, format("Occurs in {} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    4318           0 :                 errorsFound = true;
    4319             :             } else {
    4320           0 :                 HeatingCoils::GetCoilIndex(state, this->m_HeatingCoilName, this->m_HeatingCoilIndex, errFlag);
    4321           0 :                 if (errFlag) {
    4322           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, format("Occurs in {} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    4323           0 :                     errorsFound = true;
    4324           0 :                     errFlag = false;
    4325             :                 } else {
    4326           0 :                     auto &thisHeatCoil = state.dataHeatingCoils->HeatingCoil(this->m_HeatingCoilIndex);
    4327           0 :                     HeatingCoilInletNode = thisHeatCoil.AirInletNodeNum;
    4328           0 :                     HeatingCoilOutletNode = thisHeatCoil.AirOutletNodeNum;
    4329           0 :                     this->m_HeatingCoilAvailSchPtr = thisHeatCoil.SchedPtr;
    4330           0 :                     this->m_DesignHeatingCapacity = thisHeatCoil.MSNominalCapacity(thisHeatCoil.NumOfStages);
    4331           0 :                     if (this->m_DesignHeatingCapacity == DataSizing::AutoSize) this->m_RequestAutoSize = true;
    4332             :                 }
    4333           0 :             }
    4334         992 :         } else if (this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingGasOrOtherFuel ||
    4335         787 :                    this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingElectric ||
    4336         329 :                    this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingDesuperheater) {
    4337         205 :             ValidateComponent(state, this->m_HeatingCoilTypeName, this->m_HeatingCoilName, isNotOK, cCurrentModuleObject);
    4338         205 :             if (isNotOK) {
    4339           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, format("Occurs in {} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    4340           0 :                 errorsFound = true;
    4341             :             } else { // mine data from heating coil
    4342         205 :                 errFlag = false;
    4343         205 :                 HeatingCoils::GetCoilIndex(state, this->m_HeatingCoilName, this->m_HeatingCoilIndex, errFlag);
    4344         205 :                 if (errFlag) {
    4345           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, format("Occurs in {} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    4346           0 :                     errorsFound = true;
    4347           0 :                     errFlag = false;
    4348             :                 } else {
    4349         205 :                     auto &thisHeatCoil = state.dataHeatingCoils->HeatingCoil(this->m_HeatingCoilIndex);
    4350         205 :                     this->m_DesignHeatingCapacity = thisHeatCoil.NominalCapacity;
    4351         205 :                     if (this->m_DesignHeatingCapacity == DataSizing::AutoSize) this->m_RequestAutoSize = true;
    4352         205 :                     this->m_HeatingCoilAvailSchPtr = thisHeatCoil.SchedPtr;
    4353         205 :                     HeatingCoilInletNode = thisHeatCoil.AirInletNodeNum;
    4354         205 :                     HeatingCoilOutletNode = thisHeatCoil.AirOutletNodeNum;
    4355         205 :                     HeatingCoilPLFCurveIndex = thisHeatCoil.PLFCurveIndex;
    4356             :                     // These heating coil types do not have an air flow input field
    4357         205 :                     if (this->m_RequestAutoSize) {
    4358         201 :                         this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow = DataSizing::AutoSize;
    4359             :                     }
    4360             :                 }
    4361         205 :             } // IF (IsNotOK) THEN
    4362             : 
    4363         329 :         } else if (this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWater) {
    4364           9 :             ValidateComponent(state, this->m_HeatingCoilTypeName, this->m_HeatingCoilName, isNotOK, cCurrentModuleObject);
    4365           9 :             if (isNotOK) {
    4366           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, format("Occurs in {} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    4367           0 :                 errorsFound = true;
    4368             :             } else { // mine data from heating coil object
    4369           9 :                 errFlag = false;
    4370           9 :                 this->m_HeatingCoilIndex = WaterCoils::GetWaterCoilIndex(state, "COIL:HEATING:WATER", this->m_HeatingCoilName, errFlag);
    4371           9 :                 if (errFlag) {
    4372           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, format("Occurs in {} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    4373           0 :                     errorsFound = true;
    4374           0 :                     errFlag = false;
    4375             :                 } else {
    4376           9 :                     auto &thisHeatCoil = state.dataWaterCoils->WaterCoil(this->m_HeatingCoilIndex);
    4377           9 :                     this->m_HeatingCoilAvailSchPtr = thisHeatCoil.SchedPtr;
    4378           9 :                     this->HeatCoilFluidInletNode = thisHeatCoil.WaterInletNodeNum;
    4379           9 :                     this->MaxHeatCoilFluidFlow = thisHeatCoil.MaxWaterVolFlowRate;
    4380           9 :                     if (this->MaxHeatCoilFluidFlow == DataSizing::AutoSize) {
    4381           9 :                         this->m_RequestAutoSize = true;
    4382           9 :                         this->m_DesignHeatingCapacity = DataSizing::AutoSize;
    4383             :                     }
    4384           9 :                     HeatingCoilInletNode = thisHeatCoil.AirInletNodeNum;
    4385           9 :                     HeatingCoilOutletNode = thisHeatCoil.AirOutletNodeNum;
    4386             :                 }
    4387             :             }
    4388             : 
    4389         320 :         } else if (this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingSteam) {
    4390           2 :             ValidateComponent(state, this->m_HeatingCoilTypeName, this->m_HeatingCoilName, isNotOK, cCurrentModuleObject);
    4391           2 :             if (isNotOK) {
    4392           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, format("Occurs in {} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    4393           0 :                 errorsFound = true;
    4394             :             } else { // mine data from heating coil object
    4395           2 :                 errFlag = false;
    4396           2 :                 this->m_HeatingCoilIndex = SteamCoils::GetSteamCoilIndex(state, "COIL:HEATING:STEAM", this->m_HeatingCoilName, errFlag);
    4397           2 :                 if (errFlag) {
    4398           0 :                     ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    4399           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "Illegal Heating Coil Name = " + this->m_HeatingCoilName);
    4400           0 :                     errorsFound = true;
    4401           0 :                     errFlag = false;
    4402             :                 } else {
    4403           2 :                     auto &thisHeatCoil = state.dataSteamCoils->SteamCoil(this->m_HeatingCoilIndex);
    4404           2 :                     this->m_HeatingCoilAvailSchPtr = thisHeatCoil.SchedPtr;
    4405           2 :                     this->HeatCoilFluidInletNode = thisHeatCoil.SteamInletNodeNum;
    4406           2 :                     this->MaxHeatCoilFluidFlow = thisHeatCoil.MaxSteamVolFlowRate;
    4407           2 :                     if (this->MaxHeatCoilFluidFlow == DataSizing::AutoSize) {
    4408           0 :                         this->m_RequestAutoSize = true;
    4409           0 :                         this->m_DesignHeatingCapacity = DataSizing::AutoSize;
    4410             :                     }
    4411           2 :                     if (this->MaxHeatCoilFluidFlow > 0.0) {
    4412           2 :                         int SteamIndex = 0; // Function GetSatDensityRefrig will look up steam index if 0 is passed
    4413           2 :                         Real64 TempSteamIn = 100.0;
    4414             :                         Real64 SteamDensity =
    4415           2 :                             FluidProperties::GetSatDensityRefrig(state, fluidNameSteam, TempSteamIn, 1.0, SteamIndex, "getUnitarySystemInputData");
    4416           2 :                         this->MaxHeatCoilFluidFlow *= SteamDensity;
    4417           2 :                         errFlag = false;
    4418             :                     }
    4419           2 :                     HeatingCoilInletNode = thisHeatCoil.AirInletNodeNum;
    4420           2 :                     HeatingCoilOutletNode = thisHeatCoil.AirOutletNodeNum;
    4421           2 :                     if (this->m_RequestAutoSize) {
    4422           2 :                         this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow = DataSizing::AutoSize;
    4423             :                     }
    4424             :                 }
    4425             :             }
    4426             : 
    4427         318 :         } else if (this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWaterToAirHPSimple) {
    4428          22 :             this->m_DXHeatingCoil = true;
    4429          22 :             ValidateComponent(state, this->m_HeatingCoilTypeName, this->m_HeatingCoilName, isNotOK, cCurrentModuleObject);
    4430          22 :             if (isNotOK) {
    4431           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, format("Occurs in {} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    4432           0 :                 errorsFound = true;
    4433             :             } else { // mine data from heating coil object
    4434          22 :                 errFlag = false;
    4435          22 :                 this->m_HeatingCoilIndex =
    4436          22 :                     WaterToAirHeatPumpSimple::GetCoilIndex(state, this->m_HeatingCoilTypeName, this->m_HeatingCoilName, errFlag);
    4437          22 :                 if (errFlag) {
    4438           0 :                     ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    4439           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "Illegal Heating Coil Name = " + this->m_HeatingCoilName);
    4440           0 :                     errorsFound = true;
    4441           0 :                     errFlag = false;
    4442             :                 } else {
    4443          22 :                     auto &thisHeatCoil = state.dataWaterToAirHeatPumpSimple->SimpleWatertoAirHP(this->m_HeatingCoilIndex);
    4444          22 :                     this->m_HeatingCoilAvailSchPtr = DataGlobalConstants::ScheduleAlwaysOn;
    4445          22 :                     this->m_DesignHeatingCapacity = thisHeatCoil.RatedCapHeat;
    4446          22 :                     this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow = thisHeatCoil.RatedAirVolFlowRate;
    4447          22 :                     if (this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow == DataSizing::AutoSize) this->m_RequestAutoSize = true;
    4448          22 :                     HeatingCoilInletNode = thisHeatCoil.AirInletNodeNum;
    4449          22 :                     HeatingCoilOutletNode = thisHeatCoil.AirOutletNodeNum;
    4450             :                 }
    4451             :             }
    4452             : 
    4453         296 :         } else if (this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWaterToAirHP) {
    4454           5 :             this->m_DXHeatingCoil = true;
    4455           5 :             ValidateComponent(state, this->m_HeatingCoilTypeName, this->m_HeatingCoilName, isNotOK, cCurrentModuleObject);
    4456           5 :             if (isNotOK) {
    4457           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, format("Occurs in {} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    4458           0 :                 errorsFound = true;
    4459             :             } else { // mine data from heating coil object
    4460           5 :                 errFlag = false;
    4461           5 :                 this->m_HeatingCoilIndex = WaterToAirHeatPump::GetCoilIndex(state, this->m_HeatingCoilTypeName, this->m_HeatingCoilName, errFlag);
    4462           5 :                 if (errFlag) {
    4463           0 :                     ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    4464           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "Illegal Heating Coil Name = " + this->m_HeatingCoilName);
    4465           0 :                     errorsFound = true;
    4466           0 :                     errFlag = false;
    4467             :                 } else {
    4468           5 :                     auto &thisHeatCoil = state.dataWaterToAirHeatPump->WatertoAirHP(this->m_HeatingCoilIndex);
    4469           5 :                     this->m_HeatingCoilAvailSchPtr = DataGlobalConstants::ScheduleAlwaysOn;
    4470           5 :                     this->m_DesignHeatingCapacity = thisHeatCoil.HeatingCapacity;
    4471           5 :                     HeatingCoilInletNode = thisHeatCoil.AirInletNodeNum;
    4472           5 :                     HeatingCoilOutletNode = thisHeatCoil.AirOutletNodeNum;
    4473             :                 }
    4474             :             }
    4475             : 
    4476         291 :         } else if (this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_UserDefined) {
    4477           0 :             ValidateComponent(state, this->m_HeatingCoilTypeName, this->m_HeatingCoilName, isNotOK, cCurrentModuleObject);
    4478           0 :             if (isNotOK) {
    4479           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, format("Occurs in {} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    4480           0 :                 errorsFound = true;
    4481             :             } else { // mine data from Heating coil object
    4482           0 :                 errFlag = false;
    4483           0 :                 UserDefinedComponents::GetUserDefinedCoilIndex(
    4484             :                     state, this->m_HeatingCoilName, this->m_HeatingCoilIndex, errFlag, cCurrentModuleObject);
    4485           0 :                 if (errFlag) {
    4486           0 :                     ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    4487           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "Illegal Heating Coil Name = " + this->m_HeatingCoilName);
    4488           0 :                     errorsFound = true;
    4489           0 :                     errFlag = false;
    4490             :                 } else {
    4491           0 :                     auto &thisHeatCoil = state.dataUserDefinedComponents->UserCoil(this->m_HeatingCoilIndex);
    4492           0 :                     this->m_HeatingCoilAvailSchPtr = DataGlobalConstants::ScheduleAlwaysOn;
    4493             :                     // **** How to get this info ****
    4494             :                     // UnitarySystem( UnitarySysNum ).DesignHeatingCapacity =
    4495             :                     //     GetWtoAHPCoilCapacity(CoolingCoilType, this->m_CoolingCoilName,  errFlag );
    4496           0 :                     HeatingCoilInletNode = thisHeatCoil.Air(1).InletNodeNum;
    4497           0 :                     HeatingCoilOutletNode = thisHeatCoil.Air(1).OutletNodeNum;
    4498             :                 }
    4499             :             }
    4500             : 
    4501         291 :         } else if (this->m_HeatCoilExists) {
    4502           0 :             ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    4503           0 :             ShowContinueError(state, format("Illegal Heating Coil Object Type = {}", this->m_HeatingCoilTypeName));
    4504           0 :             errorsFound = true;
    4505             :         } // IF (this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == Coil_HeatingGasOrOtherFuel .OR. &, etc.
    4506             : 
    4507             :         // coil outlet node set point has priority, IF not exist, then use system outlet node
    4508         592 :         if (SetPointManager::NodeHasSPMCtrlVarType(state, this->AirOutNode, SetPointManager::CtrlVarType::Temp))
    4509         323 :             this->HeatCtrlNode = this->AirOutNode;
    4510         592 :         if (SetPointManager::NodeHasSPMCtrlVarType(state, HeatingCoilOutletNode, SetPointManager::CtrlVarType::Temp))
    4511          58 :             this->HeatCtrlNode = HeatingCoilOutletNode;
    4512             : 
    4513         592 :         this->HeatCoilInletNodeNum = HeatingCoilInletNode;
    4514         592 :         this->HeatCoilOutletNodeNum = HeatingCoilOutletNode;
    4515             : 
    4516             :         // Add heating coil to component sets array
    4517         592 :         if (this->m_HeatCoilExists && this->m_HeatCompNotSetYet) {
    4518         301 :             if (this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num != DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_MultiSpeedHeating) {
    4519         580 :                 BranchNodeConnections::SetUpCompSets(state,
    4520             :                                                      cCurrentModuleObject,
    4521             :                                                      thisObjectName,
    4522             :                                                      this->m_HeatingCoilTypeName,
    4523             :                                                      this->m_HeatingCoilName,
    4524         290 :                                                      state.dataLoopNodes->NodeID(HeatingCoilInletNode),
    4525         290 :                                                      state.dataLoopNodes->NodeID(HeatingCoilOutletNode));
    4526             :             } else {
    4527          11 :                 BranchNodeConnections::SetUpCompSets(
    4528          11 :                     state, cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName, this->m_HeatingCoilTypeName, this->m_HeatingCoilName, "UNDEFINED", "UNDEFINED");
    4529             :             }
    4530         301 :             this->m_HeatCompNotSetYet = false;
    4531             :         }
    4532             : 
    4533             :         // Get Cooling Coil Information IF available
    4534         592 :         if (!input_data.cooling_coil_object_type.empty() && !this->m_CoolingCoilName.empty()) {
    4535             : 
    4536         804 :             if (this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_CoolingSingleSpeed ||
    4537         213 :                 this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_CoolingTwoSpeed) {
    4538         445 :                 ValidateComponent(state, input_data.cooling_coil_object_type, this->m_CoolingCoilName, isNotOK, cCurrentModuleObject);
    4539         445 :                 if (isNotOK) {
    4540           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, format("Occurs in {} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    4541           0 :                     errorsFound = true;
    4542             : 
    4543             :                 } else { // mine data from DX cooling coil
    4544             : 
    4545         445 :                     if (this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_CoolingTwoSpeed) {
    4546          67 :                         this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling = 2;
    4547          67 :                         this->m_MultiOrVarSpeedCoolCoil = true;
    4548             :                     } else {
    4549         378 :                         this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling = 1;
    4550         378 :                         this->m_MultiOrVarSpeedCoolCoil = false;
    4551             :                     }
    4552             : 
    4553             :                     // Get DX cooling coil index
    4554         445 :                     DXCoils::GetDXCoilIndex(state, this->m_CoolingCoilName, this->m_CoolingCoilIndex, isNotOK);
    4555         445 :                     if (isNotOK) {
    4556           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, format("Occurs in {} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    4557           0 :                         errorsFound = true;
    4558             :                     } else {
    4559         445 :                         if (state.dataGlobal->DoCoilDirectSolutions && this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_CoolingSingleSpeed) {
    4560           0 :                             DXCoils::DisableLatentDegradation(state, this->m_CoolingCoilIndex);
    4561             :                         }
    4562         445 :                         auto &thisCoolCoil = state.dataDXCoils->DXCoil(this->m_CoolingCoilIndex);
    4563         445 :                         this->m_CoolingCoilAvailSchPtr = thisCoolCoil.SchedPtr;
    4564         445 :                         this->m_DesignCoolingCapacity = thisCoolCoil.RatedTotCap(1);
    4565         445 :                         if (this->m_DesignCoolingCapacity == DataSizing::AutoSize) this->m_RequestAutoSize = true;
    4566         445 :                         this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow = thisCoolCoil.RatedAirVolFlowRate(1);
    4567         445 :                         if (this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow == DataSizing::AutoSize) this->m_RequestAutoSize = true;
    4568         445 :                         CoolingCoilInletNode = thisCoolCoil.AirInNode;
    4569         445 :                         CoolingCoilOutletNode = thisCoolCoil.AirOutNode;
    4570         445 :                         this->m_CondenserNodeNum = thisCoolCoil.CondenserInletNodeNum(1);
    4571             : 
    4572         445 :                         if (this->m_FanExists) {
    4573         174 :                             thisCoolCoil.SupplyFanName = loc_m_FanName;
    4574         174 :                             thisCoolCoil.SupplyFanIndex = this->m_FanIndex;
    4575         174 :                             thisCoolCoil.SupplyFan_TypeNum = this->m_FanType_Num;
    4576         174 :                             if (this->m_FanType_Num > -1) {
    4577         696 :                                 state.dataRptCoilSelection->coilSelectionReportObj->setCoilSupplyFanInfo(
    4578             :                                     state,
    4579             :                                     thisCoolCoil.Name,
    4580             :                                     thisCoolCoil.DXCoilType,
    4581         174 :                                     (this->m_FanType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::FanType_SystemModelObject)
    4582          10 :                                         ? state.dataHVACFan->fanObjs[thisCoolCoil.SupplyFanIndex]->name
    4583         164 :                                         : state.dataFans->Fan(thisCoolCoil.SupplyFanIndex).FanName,
    4584         174 :                                     (this->m_FanType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::FanType_SystemModelObject) ? DataAirSystems::ObjectVectorOOFanSystemModel
    4585             :                                                                                                         : DataAirSystems::StructArrayLegacyFanModels,
    4586             :                                     thisCoolCoil.SupplyFanIndex);
    4587             :                             }
    4588             :                         }
    4589         445 :                         if (this->m_HeatCoilExists) {
    4590         348 :                             if (this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingAirToAirVariableSpeed ||
    4591         348 :                                 this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWaterToAirHPVSEquationFit ||
    4592         348 :                                 this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWaterToAirHP ||
    4593         348 :                                 this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWaterToAirHPSimple ||
    4594         348 :                                 this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_MultiSpeedHeating ||
    4595         174 :                                 this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_HeatingEmpirical) {
    4596          28 :                                 this->m_HeatPump = true;
    4597             :                             }
    4598             :                         }
    4599             : 
    4600             :                         // Push heating coil PLF curve index to DX coil
    4601         445 :                         if (HeatingCoilPLFCurveIndex > 0) {
    4602           2 :                             thisCoolCoil.HeatingCoilPLFCurvePTR = HeatingCoilPLFCurveIndex;
    4603             :                         }
    4604             :                     }
    4605         445 :                 } // IF (IsNotOK) THEN
    4606             : 
    4607         146 :             } else if (this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_Cooling) {
    4608          50 :                 ValidateComponent(state, input_data.cooling_coil_object_type, this->m_CoolingCoilName, isNotOK, cCurrentModuleObject);
    4609          50 :                 if (isNotOK) {
    4610           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, format("Occurs in {} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    4611           0 :                     errorsFound = true;
    4612             : 
    4613             :                 } else {
    4614             :                     //                    // call CoilCoolingDX constructor
    4615          50 :                     this->m_CoolingCoilIndex = CoilCoolingDX::factory(state, this->m_CoolingCoilName);
    4616          50 :                     if (this->m_CoolingCoilIndex == -1) {
    4617           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, format("Occurs in {} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    4618           0 :                         errorsFound = true;
    4619             :                     } else {
    4620             : 
    4621             :                         // mine data from coil object
    4622             :                         // TODO: Need to check for autosize on these I guess
    4623          50 :                         auto &newCoil = state.dataCoilCooingDX->coilCoolingDXs[this->m_CoolingCoilIndex];
    4624          50 :                         this->m_DesignCoolingCapacity = newCoil.performance.normalMode.ratedGrossTotalCap;
    4625          50 :                         this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow = newCoil.performance.normalMode.ratedEvapAirFlowRate;
    4626          50 :                         if (this->m_DesignCoolingCapacity == DataSizing::AutoSize) this->m_RequestAutoSize = true;
    4627          50 :                         if (this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow == DataSizing::AutoSize) this->m_RequestAutoSize = true;
    4628          50 :                         this->m_CoolingCoilAvailSchPtr = newCoil.availScheduleIndex;
    4629          50 :                         CoolingCoilInletNode = newCoil.evapInletNodeIndex;
    4630          50 :                         CoolingCoilOutletNode = newCoil.evapOutletNodeIndex;
    4631          50 :                         this->m_CondenserNodeNum = newCoil.condInletNodeIndex;
    4632          50 :                         this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling = (int)newCoil.performance.normalMode.speeds.size();
    4633          50 :                         this->m_MinOATCompressorCooling = newCoil.performance.minOutdoorDrybulb;
    4634          50 :                         newCoil.supplyFanName = this->m_FanName;
    4635          50 :                         newCoil.supplyFanIndex = this->m_FanIndex;
    4636          50 :                         newCoil.supplyFanType = this->m_FanType_Num;
    4637          50 :                         if (newCoil.SubcoolReheatFlag) {
    4638           1 :                             this->m_Humidistat = true;
    4639           1 :                             if (this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling > 1) {
    4640           0 :                                 this->FullOutput.resize(this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling + 1);
    4641           0 :                                 this->FullLatOutput.resize(this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling + 1);
    4642           0 :                                 this->SpeedSHR.resize(this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling + 1);
    4643             :                             }
    4644           1 :                             if (this->m_ControlType == UnitarySysCtrlType::Setpoint) {
    4645           0 :                                 ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    4646           0 :                                 ShowContinueError(state,
    4647             :                                                   "Setpoint control is not available for SubcoolReheat cooling coil. Load control is forced. "
    4648             :                                                   "Simulation continues.");
    4649           0 :                                 this->m_ControlType = UnitarySysCtrlType::Load;
    4650             :                             }
    4651             :                         }
    4652          50 :                         newCoil.setData(this->m_FanIndex, this->m_FanType_Num, this->m_FanName, this->m_SuppCoilPlantLoc.loopNum);
    4653             : 
    4654             :                         // Push heating coil PLF curve index to DX coil
    4655             :                         //                    if ( HeatingCoilPLFCurveIndex > 0 ) {
    4656             :                         //                        SetDXCoolingCoilData( UnitarySystem( UnitarySysNum ).CoolingCoilIndex, ErrorsFound,
    4657             :                         //                        HeatingCoilPLFCurveIndex );
    4658             :                         //                    }
    4659             :                     }
    4660             : 
    4661          50 :                     if (state.dataGlobal->DoCoilDirectSolutions && this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling > 1) {
    4662           0 :                         this->FullOutput.resize(this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling + 1);
    4663             :                     }
    4664             : 
    4665          50 :                     if (this->m_HeatCoilExists) {
    4666          96 :                         if (this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingAirToAirVariableSpeed ||
    4667          96 :                             this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWaterToAirHPVSEquationFit ||
    4668          96 :                             this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWaterToAirHP ||
    4669          96 :                             this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWaterToAirHPSimple ||
    4670          89 :                             this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_MultiSpeedHeating ||
    4671          41 :                             this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_HeatingEmpirical) {
    4672          19 :                             this->m_HeatPump = true;
    4673             :                         }
    4674             :                     }
    4675             :                 }
    4676             : 
    4677          96 :             } else if (this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_CoolingTwoStageWHumControl) {
    4678           9 :                 ValidateComponent(state, input_data.cooling_coil_object_type, this->m_CoolingCoilName, isNotOK, cCurrentModuleObject);
    4679           9 :                 if (isNotOK) {
    4680           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, format("Occurs in {} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    4681           0 :                     errorsFound = true;
    4682             : 
    4683             :                 } else { // mine data from DX cooling coil
    4684             : 
    4685             :                     // Get DX cooling coil index
    4686           9 :                     DXCoils::GetDXCoilIndex(state, this->m_CoolingCoilName, this->m_CoolingCoilIndex, isNotOK);
    4687           9 :                     if (isNotOK) {
    4688           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, format("Occurs in {} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    4689           0 :                         errorsFound = true;
    4690             :                     } else {
    4691           9 :                         auto &thisCoolCoil = state.dataDXCoils->DXCoil(this->m_CoolingCoilIndex);
    4692           9 :                         this->m_CoolingCoilAvailSchPtr = thisCoolCoil.SchedPtr;
    4693           9 :                         this->m_DesignCoolingCapacity = thisCoolCoil.RatedTotCap(thisCoolCoil.NumCapacityStages);
    4694           9 :                         if (this->m_DesignCoolingCapacity == DataSizing::AutoSize) this->m_RequestAutoSize = true;
    4695           9 :                         this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow = thisCoolCoil.RatedAirVolFlowRate(1);
    4696           9 :                         if (this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow == DataSizing::AutoSize) this->m_RequestAutoSize = true;
    4697           9 :                         CoolingCoilInletNode = thisCoolCoil.AirInNode;
    4698           9 :                         CoolingCoilOutletNode = thisCoolCoil.AirOutNode;
    4699           9 :                         this->m_CondenserNodeNum = thisCoolCoil.CondenserInletNodeNum(1);
    4700             : 
    4701             :                         // Push heating coil PLF curve index to DX coil
    4702           9 :                         if (HeatingCoilPLFCurveIndex > 0) {
    4703           0 :                             thisCoolCoil.HeatingCoilPLFCurvePTR = HeatingCoilPLFCurveIndex;
    4704             :                         }
    4705             : 
    4706           9 :                         if (this->m_HeatCoilExists) {
    4707           0 :                             if (this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingAirToAirVariableSpeed ||
    4708           0 :                                 this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWaterToAirHPVSEquationFit ||
    4709           0 :                                 this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWaterToAirHP ||
    4710           0 :                                 this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWaterToAirHPSimple ||
    4711           0 :                                 this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_MultiSpeedHeating ||
    4712           0 :                                 this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_HeatingEmpirical) {
    4713           0 :                                 this->m_HeatPump = true;
    4714             :                             }
    4715             :                         }
    4716             :                     }
    4717             :                 } // IF (IsNotOK) THEN
    4718             : 
    4719          87 :             } else if (this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_CoolingHXAssisted) {
    4720           2 :                 ValidateComponent(state, input_data.cooling_coil_object_type, this->m_CoolingCoilName, isNotOK, cCurrentModuleObject);
    4721           2 :                 if (isNotOK) {
    4722           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, format("Occurs in {} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    4723           0 :                     errorsFound = true;
    4724             : 
    4725             :                 } else { // mine data from heat exchanger assisted cooling coil
    4726             : 
    4727             :                     // Get DX heat exchanger assisted cooling coil index
    4728           2 :                     errFlag = false;
    4729           2 :                     HVACHXAssistedCoolingCoil::GetHXDXCoilIndex(state, this->m_CoolingCoilName, this->m_CoolingCoilIndex, isNotOK);
    4730           2 :                     if (isNotOK) {
    4731           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, format("Occurs in {} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    4732           0 :                         errorsFound = true;
    4733             :                     }
    4734             : 
    4735           2 :                     errFlag = false;
    4736             :                     std::string ChildCoolingCoilName =
    4737           4 :                         HVACHXAssistedCoolingCoil::GetHXDXCoilName(state, input_data.cooling_coil_object_type, this->m_CoolingCoilName, isNotOK);
    4738             :                     std::string ChildCoolingCoilType =
    4739           4 :                         HVACHXAssistedCoolingCoil::GetHXDXCoilType(state, input_data.cooling_coil_object_type, this->m_CoolingCoilName, isNotOK);
    4740           2 :                     if (isNotOK) {
    4741           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, format("Occurs in {} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    4742           0 :                         errorsFound = true;
    4743             :                     }
    4744             : 
    4745           2 :                     if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(ChildCoolingCoilType, "COIL:COOLING:DX")) {
    4746             : 
    4747           0 :                         errFlag = false;
    4748           0 :                         int childCCIndex = CoilCoolingDX::factory(state, ChildCoolingCoilName);
    4749           0 :                         if (childCCIndex < 0) {
    4750           0 :                             ShowContinueError(state, format("Occurs in {} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    4751           0 :                             errFlag = true;
    4752           0 :                             errorsFound = true;
    4753             :                         }
    4754             : 
    4755           0 :                         auto &newCoil = state.dataCoilCooingDX->coilCoolingDXs[childCCIndex];
    4756           0 :                         this->m_CoolingCoilAvailSchPtr = newCoil.availScheduleIndex;
    4757             : 
    4758             :                         // thisSys.m_DesignCoolingCapacity = newCoil.performance.normalMode.ratedGrossTotalCap;
    4759             :                         // Get Coil:Cooling:DX coil air flow rate. Later fields will overwrite this IF input field is present
    4760           0 :                         this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow = newCoil.performance.normalMode.ratedEvapAirFlowRate;
    4761             :                         // if (thisSys.m_DesignCoolingCapacity == DataSizing::AutoSize) thisSys.m_RequestAutoSize = true;
    4762           0 :                         if (this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow == DataSizing::AutoSize) this->m_RequestAutoSize = true;
    4763             : 
    4764             :                         // Get Outdoor condenser node from heat exchanger assisted DX coil object
    4765           0 :                         errFlag = false;
    4766           0 :                         this->m_CondenserNodeNum = newCoil.condInletNodeIndex;
    4767             : 
    4768           2 :                     } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(ChildCoolingCoilType, "COIL:COOLING:DX:SINGLESPEED")) {
    4769             : 
    4770           1 :                         errFlag = false;
    4771           1 :                         this->m_CoolingCoilAvailSchPtr = DXCoils::GetDXCoilAvailSchPtr(state, ChildCoolingCoilType, ChildCoolingCoilName, errFlag);
    4772           1 :                         if (isNotOK) {
    4773           0 :                             ShowContinueError(state, format("Occurs in {} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    4774           0 :                             errorsFound = true;
    4775             :                         }
    4776             : 
    4777             :                         // Get DX coil air flow rate. Later fields will overwrite this IF input field is present
    4778           1 :                         errFlag = false;
    4779           1 :                         this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow = DXCoils::GetDXCoilAirFlow(state, ChildCoolingCoilType, ChildCoolingCoilName, errFlag);
    4780           1 :                         if (this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow == DataSizing::AutoSize) this->m_RequestAutoSize = true;
    4781           1 :                         if (errFlag) {
    4782           0 :                             ShowContinueError(state, format("Occurs in {} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    4783           0 :                             errorsFound = true;
    4784             :                         }
    4785             : 
    4786             :                         // Get Outdoor condenser node from heat exchanger assisted DX coil object
    4787           1 :                         errFlag = false;
    4788           1 :                         this->m_CondenserNodeNum = DXCoils::GetCoilCondenserInletNode(
    4789             :                             state,
    4790             :                             "COIL:COOLING:DX:SINGLESPEED",
    4791           2 :                             HVACHXAssistedCoolingCoil::GetHXDXCoilName(state, input_data.cooling_coil_object_type, this->m_CoolingCoilName, errFlag),
    4792             :                             errFlag);
    4793             : 
    4794           1 :                         if (errFlag) {
    4795           0 :                             ShowContinueError(state, format("Occurs in {} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    4796           0 :                             errorsFound = true;
    4797             :                         }
    4798             : 
    4799           1 :                     } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(ChildCoolingCoilType, "COIL:COOLING:DX:VARIABLESPEED")) {
    4800           1 :                         this->m_CoolingCoilAvailSchPtr = DataGlobalConstants::ScheduleAlwaysOn;
    4801           1 :                         errFlag = false;
    4802           1 :                         this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow =
    4803           1 :                             VariableSpeedCoils::GetCoilAirFlowRateVariableSpeed(state, ChildCoolingCoilType, ChildCoolingCoilName, errFlag);
    4804           1 :                         if (errFlag) {
    4805           0 :                             ShowContinueError(state, format("Occurs in {} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    4806           0 :                             errorsFound = true;
    4807             :                         }
    4808           1 :                         this->m_CondenserNodeNum = VariableSpeedCoils::GetVSCoilCondenserInletNode(state, ChildCoolingCoilName, errFlag);
    4809           1 :                         if (errFlag) {
    4810           0 :                             ShowContinueError(state, format("Occurs in {} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    4811           0 :                             errorsFound = true;
    4812             :                         }
    4813             :                     }
    4814             : 
    4815             :                     // Get DX cooling coil capacity
    4816           2 :                     errFlag = false;
    4817           2 :                     this->m_DesignCoolingCapacity =
    4818           2 :                         HVACHXAssistedCoolingCoil::GetCoilCapacity(state, input_data.cooling_coil_object_type, this->m_CoolingCoilName, errFlag);
    4819           2 :                     if (this->m_DesignCoolingCapacity == DataSizing::AutoSize) this->m_RequestAutoSize = true;
    4820           2 :                     if (errFlag) {
    4821           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, format("Occurs in {} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    4822           0 :                         errorsFound = true;
    4823             :                     }
    4824             : 
    4825             :                     // Get the Cooling Coil Nodes
    4826           2 :                     errFlag = false;
    4827           2 :                     CoolingCoilInletNode =
    4828           2 :                         HVACHXAssistedCoolingCoil::GetCoilInletNode(state, input_data.cooling_coil_object_type, this->m_CoolingCoilName, errFlag);
    4829           2 :                     CoolingCoilOutletNode =
    4830           2 :                         HVACHXAssistedCoolingCoil::GetCoilOutletNode(state, input_data.cooling_coil_object_type, this->m_CoolingCoilName, errFlag);
    4831           2 :                     if (errFlag) {
    4832           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, format("Occurs in {} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    4833           0 :                         errorsFound = true;
    4834             :                     }
    4835             : 
    4836             :                     // Push heating coil PLF curve index to DX coil
    4837           2 :                     if (HeatingCoilPLFCurveIndex > 0) {
    4838             :                         // get the actual index to the DX cooling coil object
    4839           0 :                         int DXCoilIndex = HVACHXAssistedCoolingCoil::GetActualDXCoilIndex(
    4840           0 :                             state, input_data.cooling_coil_object_type, this->m_CoolingCoilName, errorsFound);
    4841           0 :                         this->m_ActualDXCoilIndexForHXAssisted = DXCoilIndex;
    4842           0 :                         int ActualCoolCoilType = HVACHXAssistedCoolingCoil::GetCoilObjectTypeNum(
    4843           0 :                             state, input_data.cooling_coil_object_type, this->m_CoolingCoilName, errFlag, true);
    4844           0 :                         if (ActualCoolCoilType == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_CoolingSingleSpeed) {
    4845           0 :                             DXCoils::SetDXCoolingCoilData(state, DXCoilIndex, errorsFound, HeatingCoilPLFCurveIndex);
    4846             :                         }
    4847             :                         // what could we do for VS coil here? odd thing here
    4848             :                     }
    4849             : 
    4850           2 :                     if (this->m_HeatCoilExists) {
    4851           4 :                         if (this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingAirToAirVariableSpeed ||
    4852           4 :                             this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWaterToAirHPVSEquationFit ||
    4853           4 :                             this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWaterToAirHP ||
    4854           4 :                             this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWaterToAirHPSimple ||
    4855           4 :                             this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_MultiSpeedHeating ||
    4856           2 :                             this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_HeatingEmpirical) {
    4857           0 :                             this->m_HeatPump = true;
    4858             :                         }
    4859             :                     }
    4860             : 
    4861             :                 } // IF (IsNotOK) THEN
    4862          85 :             } else if (this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilWater_CoolingHXAssisted) {
    4863           0 :                 ValidateComponent(state, input_data.cooling_coil_object_type, this->m_CoolingCoilName, isNotOK, cCurrentModuleObject);
    4864           0 :                 if (isNotOK) {
    4865           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, format("Occurs in {} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    4866           0 :                     errorsFound = true;
    4867             : 
    4868             :                 } else { // mine data from heat exchanger assisted cooling coil
    4869             : 
    4870           0 :                     errFlag = false;
    4871           0 :                     int ActualCoolCoilType = HVACHXAssistedCoolingCoil::GetCoilObjectTypeNum(
    4872           0 :                         state, input_data.cooling_coil_object_type, this->m_CoolingCoilName, errFlag, true);
    4873             :                     std::string HXCoilName =
    4874           0 :                         HVACHXAssistedCoolingCoil::GetHXDXCoilName(state, input_data.cooling_coil_object_type, this->m_CoolingCoilName, errFlag);
    4875             : 
    4876           0 :                     if (errFlag) {
    4877           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, format("Occurs in {} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    4878           0 :                         errorsFound = true;
    4879             :                     }
    4880             : 
    4881             :                     // Get DX heat exchanger assisted cooling coil index
    4882           0 :                     errFlag = false;
    4883           0 :                     HVACHXAssistedCoolingCoil::GetHXDXCoilIndex(state, this->m_CoolingCoilName, this->m_CoolingCoilIndex, errFlag);
    4884           0 :                     if (errFlag) {
    4885           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, format("Occurs in {} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    4886           0 :                         errorsFound = true;
    4887             :                     }
    4888             : 
    4889           0 :                     errFlag = false;
    4890           0 :                     this->m_CoolingCoilAvailSchPtr =
    4891           0 :                         WaterCoils::GetWaterCoilAvailScheduleIndex(state, DataHVACGlobals::cAllCoilTypes(ActualCoolCoilType), HXCoilName, errFlag);
    4892           0 :                     this->MaxCoolCoilFluidFlow =
    4893           0 :                         WaterCoils::GetCoilMaxWaterFlowRate(state, DataHVACGlobals::cAllCoilTypes(ActualCoolCoilType), HXCoilName, errFlag);
    4894             :                     // Get the Cooling Coil water Inlet Node number
    4895           0 :                     this->CoolCoilFluidInletNode =
    4896           0 :                         WaterCoils::GetCoilWaterInletNode(state, DataHVACGlobals::cAllCoilTypes(ActualCoolCoilType), HXCoilName, errFlag);
    4897           0 :                     if (errFlag) {
    4898           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, format("Occurs in {} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    4899           0 :                         errorsFound = true;
    4900             :                     }
    4901             : 
    4902             :                     // Get the Cooling Coil Nodes
    4903           0 :                     errFlag = false;
    4904           0 :                     CoolingCoilInletNode =
    4905           0 :                         HVACHXAssistedCoolingCoil::GetCoilInletNode(state, input_data.cooling_coil_object_type, this->m_CoolingCoilName, errFlag);
    4906           0 :                     CoolingCoilOutletNode =
    4907           0 :                         HVACHXAssistedCoolingCoil::GetCoilOutletNode(state, input_data.cooling_coil_object_type, this->m_CoolingCoilName, errFlag);
    4908           0 :                     if (errFlag) {
    4909           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, format("Occurs in {} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    4910           0 :                         errorsFound = true;
    4911             :                     }
    4912             : 
    4913           0 :                     errFlag = false;
    4914           0 :                     this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow =
    4915           0 :                         HVACHXAssistedCoolingCoil::GetHXCoilAirFlowRate(state, input_data.cooling_coil_object_type, this->m_CoolingCoilName, errFlag);
    4916           0 :                     if (this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow == DataSizing::AutoSize) {
    4917           0 :                         this->m_RequestAutoSize = true;
    4918           0 :                         this->m_DesignCoolingCapacity = DataSizing::AutoSize;
    4919             :                     }
    4920           0 :                     if (errFlag) {
    4921           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, format("Occurs in {} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    4922           0 :                         errorsFound = true;
    4923             :                     }
    4924             : 
    4925           0 :                     this->m_CondenserNodeNum = 0;
    4926             : 
    4927             :                     // Push heating coil PLF curve index to DX coil
    4928           0 :                     if (HeatingCoilPLFCurveIndex > 0) {
    4929             :                         // get the actual index to the DX cooling coil object
    4930           0 :                         int DXCoilIndex = HVACHXAssistedCoolingCoil::GetActualDXCoilIndex(
    4931           0 :                             state, input_data.cooling_coil_object_type, this->m_CoolingCoilName, errorsFound);
    4932           0 :                         this->m_ActualDXCoilIndexForHXAssisted = DXCoilIndex;
    4933           0 :                         int ActualCoolCoilType = HVACHXAssistedCoolingCoil::GetCoilObjectTypeNum(
    4934           0 :                             state, input_data.cooling_coil_object_type, this->m_CoolingCoilName, errFlag, true);
    4935           0 :                         if (ActualCoolCoilType == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_CoolingSingleSpeed) {
    4936           0 :                             DXCoils::SetDXCoolingCoilData(state, DXCoilIndex, errorsFound, HeatingCoilPLFCurveIndex);
    4937             :                         }
    4938             :                         // VS coil issue here
    4939             :                     }
    4940             : 
    4941             :                 } // IF (IsNotOK) THEN
    4942         161 :             } else if (this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingAirToAirVariableSpeed ||
    4943          76 :                        this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWaterToAirHPVSEquationFit) {
    4944          12 :                 ValidateComponent(state, input_data.cooling_coil_object_type, this->m_CoolingCoilName, isNotOK, cCurrentModuleObject);
    4945          12 :                 if (isNotOK) {
    4946           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, format("Occurs in {} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    4947           0 :                     errorsFound = true;
    4948             :                 } else {
    4949          12 :                     errFlag = false;
    4950          12 :                     this->m_CoolingCoilIndex =
    4951          12 :                         VariableSpeedCoils::GetCoilIndexVariableSpeed(state, input_data.cooling_coil_object_type, this->m_CoolingCoilName, errFlag);
    4952          12 :                     if (errFlag) {
    4953           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, format("Occurs in {} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    4954           0 :                         errorsFound = true;
    4955           0 :                         errFlag = false;
    4956             :                     } else {
    4957          12 :                         auto &thisCoolCoil = state.dataVariableSpeedCoils->VarSpeedCoil(this->m_CoolingCoilIndex);
    4958          12 :                         CoolingCoilInletNode = thisCoolCoil.AirInletNodeNum;
    4959          12 :                         CoolingCoilOutletNode = thisCoolCoil.AirOutletNodeNum;
    4960          12 :                         this->m_CondenserNodeNum = thisCoolCoil.CondenserInletNodeNum;
    4961          12 :                         this->m_CoolingCoilAvailSchPtr = DataGlobalConstants::ScheduleAlwaysOn;
    4962          12 :                         this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling = thisCoolCoil.NumOfSpeeds;
    4963          12 :                         if (this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling > 1) {
    4964          10 :                             this->m_MultiOrVarSpeedCoolCoil = true;
    4965             :                         }
    4966          12 :                         this->m_DesignCoolingCapacity = thisCoolCoil.RatedCapCoolTotal;
    4967          12 :                         if (this->m_DesignCoolingCapacity == DataSizing::AutoSize) this->m_RequestAutoSize = true;
    4968          12 :                         this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow = thisCoolCoil.RatedAirVolFlowRate;
    4969          12 :                         if (this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow == DataSizing::AutoSize) {
    4970           8 :                             this->m_RequestAutoSize = true;
    4971             :                         } else {
    4972          12 :                             this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow = thisCoolCoil.MSRatedAirVolFlowRate(thisCoolCoil.NumOfSpeeds) /
    4973           8 :                                                         thisCoolCoil.MSRatedAirVolFlowRate(thisCoolCoil.NormSpedLevel) *
    4974           4 :                                                         thisCoolCoil.RatedAirVolFlowRate;
    4975             :                         }
    4976          12 :                         if (this->m_FanExists) { // Set fan info
    4977          10 :                             thisCoolCoil.SupplyFanIndex = this->m_FanIndex;
    4978          10 :                             thisCoolCoil.SupplyFan_TypeNum = this->m_FanType_Num;
    4979          10 :                             thisCoolCoil.SupplyFanName = loc_m_FanName;
    4980             :                         }
    4981             :                     }
    4982             :                 }
    4983             : 
    4984          12 :                 if (this->m_HeatCoilExists) {
    4985          17 :                     if (this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingAirToAirVariableSpeed ||
    4986          11 :                         this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWaterToAirHPVSEquationFit ||
    4987           8 :                         this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWaterToAirHP ||
    4988           8 :                         this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWaterToAirHPSimple ||
    4989           8 :                         this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_MultiSpeedHeating ||
    4990           4 :                         this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_HeatingEmpirical) {
    4991           6 :                         this->m_HeatPump = true;
    4992             :                     }
    4993          12 :                 }
    4994             : 
    4995          73 :             } else if (this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_MultiSpeedCooling) {
    4996          37 :                 ValidateComponent(state, input_data.cooling_coil_object_type, this->m_CoolingCoilName, isNotOK, cCurrentModuleObject);
    4997          37 :                 if (isNotOK) {
    4998           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, format("Occurs in {} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    4999           0 :                     errorsFound = true;
    5000             :                 } else {
    5001          37 :                     errFlag = false;
    5002          37 :                     DXCoils::GetDXCoilIndex(state, this->m_CoolingCoilName, this->m_CoolingCoilIndex, errFlag, input_data.cooling_coil_object_type);
    5003          37 :                     if (errFlag) {
    5004           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, format("Occurs in {} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    5005           0 :                         errorsFound = true;
    5006           0 :                         errFlag = false;
    5007             :                     } else {
    5008          37 :                         auto &thisCoolCoil = state.dataDXCoils->DXCoil(this->m_CoolingCoilIndex);
    5009          37 :                         this->m_CoolingCoilAvailSchPtr = thisCoolCoil.SchedPtr;
    5010          37 :                         CoolingCoilInletNode = thisCoolCoil.AirInNode;
    5011          37 :                         CoolingCoilOutletNode = thisCoolCoil.AirOutNode;
    5012          37 :                         this->m_DesignCoolingCapacity = thisCoolCoil.MSRatedTotCap(thisCoolCoil.NumOfSpeeds);
    5013          37 :                         if (this->m_DesignCoolingCapacity == DataSizing::AutoSize) this->m_RequestAutoSize = true;
    5014          37 :                         this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow = thisCoolCoil.MSRatedAirVolFlowRate(1);
    5015          37 :                         if (this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow == DataSizing::AutoSize) this->m_RequestAutoSize = true;
    5016             :                     }
    5017             :                 }
    5018             : 
    5019          37 :                 if (this->m_HeatCoilExists) {
    5020          74 :                     if (this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingAirToAirVariableSpeed ||
    5021          74 :                         this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWaterToAirHPVSEquationFit ||
    5022          74 :                         this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWaterToAirHP ||
    5023          74 :                         this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWaterToAirHPSimple ||
    5024          70 :                         this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_MultiSpeedHeating ||
    5025          33 :                         this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_HeatingEmpirical) {
    5026           4 :                         this->m_HeatPump = true;
    5027             :                     }
    5028             :                 }
    5029             : 
    5030          67 :             } else if (this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWater ||
    5031          31 :                        this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWaterDetailed) {
    5032             : 
    5033           5 :                 ValidateComponent(state, input_data.cooling_coil_object_type, this->m_CoolingCoilName, isNotOK, cCurrentModuleObject);
    5034           5 :                 if (isNotOK) {
    5035           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, format("Occurs in {} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    5036           0 :                     errorsFound = true;
    5037             :                 } else { // mine data from Cooling coil object
    5038           5 :                     errFlag = false;
    5039           5 :                     this->m_CoolingCoilIndex =
    5040           5 :                         WaterCoils::GetWaterCoilIndex(state, input_data.cooling_coil_object_type, this->m_CoolingCoilName, errFlag);
    5041           5 :                     if (errFlag) {
    5042           0 :                         ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    5043           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, format("Illegal Cooling Coil Name = {}", this->m_CoolingCoilName));
    5044           0 :                         errorsFound = true;
    5045           0 :                         errFlag = false;
    5046             :                     } else {
    5047           5 :                         auto &thisCoolCoil = state.dataWaterCoils->WaterCoil(this->m_CoolingCoilIndex);
    5048           5 :                         this->m_CoolingCoilAvailSchPtr = thisCoolCoil.SchedPtr;
    5049           5 :                         if (this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWater) {
    5050           5 :                             this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow = thisCoolCoil.DesAirVolFlowRate;
    5051             :                         }
    5052           5 :                         this->CoolCoilFluidInletNode = thisCoolCoil.WaterInletNodeNum;
    5053           5 :                         bool InletNodeNotControlled = true;
    5054             :                         //  CALL CheckCoilWaterInletNode(this->CoolCoilFluidInletNode,InletNodeNotControlled)
    5055           5 :                         if (!InletNodeNotControlled) {
    5056           0 :                             ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    5057           0 :                             ShowContinueError(state,
    5058           0 :                                               format("{} found for {} = \"{}.\"",
    5059           0 :                                                      state.dataHVACCtrl->ControllerTypes(DataHVACControllers::ControllerSimple_Type),
    5060             :                                                      input_data.cooling_coil_object_type,
    5061           0 :                                                      this->m_CoolingCoilName));
    5062           0 :                             ShowContinueError(state, "...water coil controllers are not used with " + this->UnitType);
    5063           0 :                             errorsFound = true;
    5064             :                         }
    5065           5 :                         this->MaxCoolCoilFluidFlow = thisCoolCoil.MaxWaterVolFlowRate;
    5066           5 :                         if (this->MaxCoolCoilFluidFlow == DataSizing::AutoSize) {
    5067           5 :                             this->m_RequestAutoSize = true;
    5068           5 :                             this->m_DesignCoolingCapacity = DataSizing::AutoSize; // water coils don't have a capacity field, need other logic?
    5069             :                         }
    5070           5 :                         CoolingCoilInletNode = thisCoolCoil.AirInletNodeNum;
    5071           5 :                         CoolingCoilOutletNode = thisCoolCoil.AirOutletNodeNum;
    5072             :                     }
    5073           5 :                 }
    5074          31 :             } else if (this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWaterToAirHPSimple) {
    5075          22 :                 ValidateComponent(state, input_data.cooling_coil_object_type, this->m_CoolingCoilName, isNotOK, cCurrentModuleObject);
    5076          22 :                 if (isNotOK) {
    5077           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, format("Occurs in {} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    5078           0 :                     errorsFound = true;
    5079             :                 } else { // mine data from Cooling coil object
    5080          22 :                     errFlag = false;
    5081          22 :                     this->m_CoolingCoilIndex =
    5082          22 :                         WaterToAirHeatPumpSimple::GetCoilIndex(state, input_data.cooling_coil_object_type, this->m_CoolingCoilName, errFlag);
    5083          22 :                     if (errFlag) {
    5084           0 :                         ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    5085           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, format("Illegal Cooling Coil Name = {}", this->m_CoolingCoilName));
    5086           0 :                         errorsFound = true;
    5087           0 :                         errFlag = false;
    5088             :                     } else {
    5089          22 :                         auto &thisCoolCoil = state.dataWaterToAirHeatPumpSimple->SimpleWatertoAirHP(this->m_CoolingCoilIndex);
    5090          22 :                         this->m_CoolingCoilAvailSchPtr = DataGlobalConstants::ScheduleAlwaysOn;
    5091          22 :                         this->m_DesignCoolingCapacity = thisCoolCoil.RatedCapCoolTotal;
    5092             : 
    5093             :                         // this isn't likely to work on getInput calls but is what happened before
    5094          22 :                         int CompanionHeatingCoil = thisCoolCoil.CompanionHeatingCoilNum;
    5095          22 :                         if (CompanionHeatingCoil > 0) {
    5096           0 :                             if (this->m_DesignCoolingCapacity == DataSizing::AutoSize &&
    5097           0 :                                 state.dataWaterToAirHeatPumpSimple->SimpleWatertoAirHP(CompanionHeatingCoil).WAHPPlantType ==
    5098           0 :                                     DataPlant::PlantEquipmentType::CoilWAHPHeatingEquationFit &&
    5099           0 :                                 state.dataWaterToAirHeatPumpSimple->SimpleWatertoAirHP(CompanionHeatingCoil).RatedCapHeat == DataSizing::AutoSize &&
    5100           0 :                                 state.dataSize->DXCoolCap > 0) {
    5101             :                                 // Heating coil has not yet been sized, returning the temporary cooling capacity
    5102           0 :                                 this->m_DesignCoolingCapacity = state.dataSize->DXCoolCap;
    5103             :                             }
    5104             :                         }
    5105             : 
    5106             :                         // Get DX coil air flow rate. Later fields will overwrite this IF input field is present
    5107          22 :                         this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow = thisCoolCoil.RatedAirVolFlowRate;
    5108          22 :                         if (this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow == DataSizing::AutoSize) this->m_RequestAutoSize = true;
    5109          22 :                         CoolingCoilInletNode = thisCoolCoil.AirInletNodeNum;
    5110          22 :                         CoolingCoilOutletNode = thisCoolCoil.AirOutletNodeNum;
    5111             :                     }
    5112             :                 }
    5113             : 
    5114          22 :                 if (this->m_HeatCoilExists) {
    5115          44 :                     if (this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingAirToAirVariableSpeed ||
    5116          44 :                         this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWaterToAirHPVSEquationFit ||
    5117          44 :                         this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWaterToAirHP ||
    5118          22 :                         this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWaterToAirHPSimple ||
    5119           0 :                         this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_MultiSpeedHeating ||
    5120           0 :                         this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_HeatingEmpirical) {
    5121          22 :                         this->m_HeatPump = true;
    5122             :                     }
    5123             :                 }
    5124             : 
    5125           9 :             } else if (this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWaterToAirHP) {
    5126           5 :                 ValidateComponent(state, input_data.cooling_coil_object_type, this->m_CoolingCoilName, isNotOK, cCurrentModuleObject);
    5127           5 :                 if (isNotOK) {
    5128           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, format("Occurs in {} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    5129           0 :                     errorsFound = true;
    5130             :                 } else { // mine data from Cooling coil object
    5131           5 :                     errFlag = false;
    5132           5 :                     this->m_CoolingCoilIndex =
    5133           5 :                         WaterToAirHeatPump::GetCoilIndex(state, input_data.cooling_coil_object_type, this->m_CoolingCoilName, errFlag);
    5134           5 :                     if (this->m_CoolingCoilIndex == 0) {
    5135           0 :                         ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    5136           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, format("Illegal Cooling Coil Name = {}", this->m_CoolingCoilName));
    5137           0 :                         errorsFound = true;
    5138           0 :                         errFlag = false;
    5139             :                     } else {
    5140           5 :                         auto &thisCoolCoil = state.dataWaterToAirHeatPump->WatertoAirHP(this->m_CoolingCoilIndex);
    5141           5 :                         this->m_CoolingCoilAvailSchPtr = DataGlobalConstants::ScheduleAlwaysOn;
    5142           5 :                         this->m_DesignCoolingCapacity = thisCoolCoil.CoolingCapacity;
    5143           5 :                         CoolingCoilInletNode = thisCoolCoil.AirInletNodeNum;
    5144           5 :                         CoolingCoilOutletNode = thisCoolCoil.AirOutletNodeNum;
    5145             :                     }
    5146             :                 }
    5147             : 
    5148           5 :                 if (this->m_HeatCoilExists) {
    5149          10 :                     if (this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingAirToAirVariableSpeed ||
    5150          10 :                         this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWaterToAirHPVSEquationFit ||
    5151           5 :                         this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWaterToAirHP ||
    5152           0 :                         this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWaterToAirHPSimple ||
    5153           0 :                         this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_MultiSpeedHeating ||
    5154           0 :                         this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_HeatingEmpirical) {
    5155           5 :                         this->m_HeatPump = true;
    5156             :                     }
    5157             :                 }
    5158             : 
    5159           4 :             } else if (this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_UserDefined) {
    5160           0 :                 ValidateComponent(state, input_data.cooling_coil_object_type, this->m_CoolingCoilName, isNotOK, cCurrentModuleObject);
    5161           0 :                 if (isNotOK) {
    5162           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, format("Occurs in {} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    5163           0 :                     errorsFound = true;
    5164             :                 } else { // mine data from Cooling coil object
    5165           0 :                     errFlag = false;
    5166           0 :                     UserDefinedComponents::GetUserDefinedCoilIndex(
    5167             :                         state, this->m_CoolingCoilName, this->m_CoolingCoilIndex, errFlag, cCurrentModuleObject);
    5168           0 :                     if (errFlag) {
    5169           0 :                         ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    5170           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, format("Illegal Cooling Coil Name = {}", this->m_CoolingCoilName));
    5171           0 :                         errorsFound = true;
    5172           0 :                         errFlag = false;
    5173             :                     } else {
    5174           0 :                         auto &thisCoolCoil = state.dataUserDefinedComponents->UserCoil(this->m_CoolingCoilIndex);
    5175           0 :                         this->m_CoolingCoilAvailSchPtr = DataGlobalConstants::ScheduleAlwaysOn;
    5176             :                         // **** How to get this info ****
    5177             :                         //  UnitarySystem( UnitarySysNum ).DesignCoolingCapacity =
    5178             :                         // GetWtoAHPCoilCapacity(CoolingCoilType, this->m_CoolingCoilName, errFlag );
    5179           0 :                         CoolingCoilInletNode = thisCoolCoil.Air(1).InletNodeNum;
    5180           0 :                         CoolingCoilOutletNode = thisCoolCoil.Air(1).OutletNodeNum;
    5181             :                     }
    5182             :                 }
    5183             : 
    5184           4 :             } else if (this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_PackagedThermalStorageCooling) {
    5185           4 :                 ValidateComponent(state, input_data.cooling_coil_object_type, this->m_CoolingCoilName, isNotOK, cCurrentModuleObject);
    5186           4 :                 if (isNotOK) {
    5187           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, format("Occurs in {} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    5188           0 :                     errorsFound = true;
    5189             :                 } else { // mine data from Cooling coil object
    5190           4 :                     errFlag = false;
    5191           4 :                     PackagedThermalStorageCoil::GetTESCoilIndex(
    5192             :                         state, this->m_CoolingCoilName, this->m_CoolingCoilIndex, errFlag, cCurrentModuleObject);
    5193           4 :                     if (errFlag) {
    5194           0 :                         ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    5195           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, format("Illegal Cooling Coil Name = {}", this->m_CoolingCoilName));
    5196           0 :                         errorsFound = true;
    5197           0 :                         errFlag = false;
    5198             :                     } else {
    5199           4 :                         auto &thisCoolCoil = state.dataPackagedThermalStorageCoil->TESCoil(this->m_CoolingCoilIndex);
    5200           4 :                         this->m_CoolingCoilAvailSchPtr = DataGlobalConstants::ScheduleAlwaysOn;
    5201           4 :                         this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow = thisCoolCoil.RatedEvapAirVolFlowRate;
    5202           4 :                         if (thisCoolCoil.CoolingOnlyModeIsAvailable) {
    5203           4 :                             this->m_DesignCoolingCapacity = thisCoolCoil.CoolingOnlyRatedTotCap;
    5204           0 :                         } else if (thisCoolCoil.CoolingAndChargeModeAvailable) {
    5205           0 :                             this->m_DesignCoolingCapacity = thisCoolCoil.CoolingAndChargeRatedTotCap;
    5206           0 :                         } else if (thisCoolCoil.CoolingAndDischargeModeAvailable) {
    5207           0 :                             this->m_DesignCoolingCapacity = thisCoolCoil.CoolingAndDischargeRatedTotCap;
    5208             :                         } else {
    5209           0 :                             this->m_DesignCoolingCapacity = 0.0;
    5210             :                         }
    5211           4 :                         CoolingCoilInletNode = thisCoolCoil.EvapAirInletNodeNum;
    5212           4 :                         CoolingCoilOutletNode = thisCoolCoil.EvapAirOutletNodeNum;
    5213             :                     }
    5214             :                 }
    5215             : 
    5216             :             } else { // IF(.NOT. lAlphaBlanks(16))THEN
    5217           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    5218             :                 // ShowContinueError(state, "Illegal " + cAlphaFields(iCoolingCoilTypeAlphaNum) + " = " + Alphas(iCoolingCoilTypeAlphaNum));
    5219           0 :                 errorsFound = true;
    5220             :             }
    5221             : 
    5222         591 :             if (!input_data.dx_cooling_coil_system_sensor_node_name.empty()) { // used by CoilSystem:Cooling:DX
    5223         287 :                 this->CoolCtrlNode = NodeInputManager::GetOnlySingleNode(state,
    5224             :                                                                          input_data.dx_cooling_coil_system_sensor_node_name,
    5225             :                                                                          errFlag,
    5226             :                                                                          objType,
    5227             :                                                                          thisObjectName,
    5228             :                                                                          DataLoopNode::NodeFluidType::Air,
    5229             :                                                                          DataLoopNode::ConnectionType::Sensor,
    5230             :                                                                          NodeInputManager::CompFluidStream::Primary,
    5231         287 :                                                                          DataLoopNode::ObjectIsParent);
    5232             :             } else {
    5233         304 :                 if (SetPointManager::NodeHasSPMCtrlVarType(state, this->AirOutNode, SetPointManager::CtrlVarType::Temp))
    5234          90 :                     this->CoolCtrlNode = this->AirOutNode;
    5235         304 :                 if (SetPointManager::NodeHasSPMCtrlVarType(state, CoolingCoilOutletNode, SetPointManager::CtrlVarType::Temp))
    5236          43 :                     this->CoolCtrlNode = CoolingCoilOutletNode;
    5237             :             }
    5238             : 
    5239         591 :             this->CoolCoilInletNodeNum = CoolingCoilInletNode;
    5240         591 :             this->CoolCoilOutletNodeNum = CoolingCoilOutletNode;
    5241             : 
    5242             :         } else {
    5243           1 :             this->m_ValidASHRAECoolCoil = false;
    5244             :         }
    5245             : 
    5246         614 :         if (this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWaterToAirHPSimple &&
    5247          22 :             this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWaterToAirHPSimple) {
    5248          22 :             if (!input_data.heat_pump_coil_water_flow_mode.empty()) {
    5249          21 :                 if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(input_data.heat_pump_coil_water_flow_mode, "Constant")) {
    5250           0 :                     this->m_WaterCyclingMode = DataHVACGlobals::WaterConstant;
    5251          21 :                 } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(input_data.heat_pump_coil_water_flow_mode, "Cycling")) {
    5252          21 :                     this->m_WaterCyclingMode = DataHVACGlobals::WaterCycling;
    5253           0 :                 } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(input_data.heat_pump_coil_water_flow_mode, "ConstantOnDemand")) {
    5254           0 :                     this->m_WaterCyclingMode = DataHVACGlobals::WaterConstantOnDemand;
    5255             :                 }
    5256             :             } else {
    5257           1 :                 this->m_WaterCyclingMode = DataHVACGlobals::WaterCycling;
    5258             :             }
    5259          22 :             WaterToAirHeatPumpSimple::SetSimpleWSHPData(
    5260             :                 state, this->m_CoolingCoilIndex, errorsFound, this->m_WaterCyclingMode, _, this->m_HeatingCoilIndex);
    5261             :         }
    5262             : 
    5263         595 :         if (this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWaterToAirHPVSEquationFit &&
    5264           3 :             this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWaterToAirHPVSEquationFit) {
    5265           3 :             VariableSpeedCoils::SetVarSpeedCoilData(state, this->m_CoolingCoilIndex, errorsFound, _, this->m_HeatingCoilIndex);
    5266             :         }
    5267             : 
    5268             :         // Add cooling coil to component sets array
    5269         592 :         if (this->m_CoolCoilExists && this->m_CoolCompNotSetYet) {
    5270         591 :             if (this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num != DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_MultiSpeedCooling) {
    5271        1108 :                 BranchNodeConnections::SetUpCompSets(state,
    5272             :                                                      cCurrentModuleObject,
    5273             :                                                      thisObjectName,
    5274             :                                                      input_data.cooling_coil_object_type,
    5275             :                                                      this->m_CoolingCoilName,
    5276         554 :                                                      state.dataLoopNodes->NodeID(CoolingCoilInletNode),
    5277         554 :                                                      state.dataLoopNodes->NodeID(CoolingCoilOutletNode));
    5278             :             } else {
    5279          37 :                 BranchNodeConnections::SetUpCompSets(state,
    5280             :                                                      cCurrentModuleObject,
    5281             :                                                      thisObjectName,
    5282             :                                                      input_data.cooling_coil_object_type,
    5283             :                                                      this->m_CoolingCoilName,
    5284             :                                                      "UNDEFINED",
    5285          37 :                                                      "UNDEFINED");
    5286             :             }
    5287         591 :             this->m_CoolCompNotSetYet = false;
    5288             :         }
    5289             :         // Run as 100% DOAS DX coil
    5290         592 :         if (!UtilityRoutines::SameString(input_data.use_doas_dx_cooling_coil, "Yes")) {
    5291         587 :             this->m_ISHundredPercentDOASDXCoil = false;
    5292             :         } else {
    5293           5 :             if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(input_data.use_doas_dx_cooling_coil, "Yes")) {
    5294           5 :                 this->m_ISHundredPercentDOASDXCoil = true;
    5295           5 :                 if (this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingAirToAirVariableSpeed) {
    5296           0 :                     ShowWarningError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    5297           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "Variable DX Cooling Coil is not supported as 100% DOAS DX coil.");
    5298           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "Variable DX Cooling Coil resets Use DOAS DX Cooling Coil = No and the simulation continues.");
    5299           0 :                     this->m_ISHundredPercentDOASDXCoil = false;
    5300             :                 }
    5301           0 :             } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(input_data.use_doas_dx_cooling_coil, "")) {
    5302           0 :                 this->m_ISHundredPercentDOASDXCoil = false;
    5303           0 :             } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(input_data.use_doas_dx_cooling_coil, "No")) {
    5304           0 :                 this->m_ISHundredPercentDOASDXCoil = false;
    5305             :             }
    5306             :         }
    5307             : 
    5308             :         // considered as as 100% DOAS DX cooling coil
    5309         592 :         if (this->m_ISHundredPercentDOASDXCoil) {
    5310             :             // set the system DX Coil application type to the child DX coil
    5311          10 :             if (!(this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingAirToAirVariableSpeed ||
    5312           5 :                   this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWaterToAirHPVSEquationFit)) {
    5313           5 :                 DXCoils::SetDXCoilTypeData(state, this->m_CoolingCoilName);
    5314           0 :             } else if (this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_Cooling) {
    5315           0 :                 state.dataCoilCooingDX->coilCoolingDXs[this->m_CoolingCoilIndex].setToHundredPercentDOAS();
    5316             :             }
    5317             :         }
    5318             :         // DOAS DX Cooling Coil Leaving Minimum Air Temperature
    5319         592 :         this->DesignMinOutletTemp = input_data.minimum_supply_air_temperature;
    5320         592 :         if (this->m_ControlType != UnitarySysCtrlType::CCMASHRAE && this->DesignMinOutletTemp == DataSizing::AutoSize) {
    5321             :             // skip error for PTUnits
    5322         170 :             if (this->m_sysType == SysType::Unitary || this->m_sysType == SysType::CoilCoolingDX || this->m_sysType == SysType::CoilCoolingWater) {
    5323           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    5324           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "Invalid entry for Minimum Supply Air Temperature = AutoSize.");
    5325           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "AutoSizing not allowed when Control Type = Load or Setpoint");
    5326           0 :                 errorsFound = true;
    5327             :             }
    5328             :         }
    5329         592 :         if (this->m_ControlType != UnitarySysCtrlType::CCMASHRAE && this->DesignMinOutletTemp > 7.5) {
    5330           0 :             ShowWarningError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    5331           0 :             ShowContinueError(state, format("Invalid entry for Minimum Supply Air Temperature = {:.4R}", this->DesignMinOutletTemp));
    5332           0 :             ShowContinueError(state, "The minimum supply air temperature will be limited to 7.5C and the simulation continues.");
    5333           0 :             this->DesignMinOutletTemp = 7.5;
    5334             :         }
    5335             : 
    5336             :         // Get Latent Load Control flag
    5337         592 :         if (!input_data.latent_load_control.empty()) {
    5338         592 :             if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(input_data.latent_load_control, "SensibleOnlyLoadControl")) {
    5339         574 :                 this->m_RunOnSensibleLoad = true;
    5340         574 :                 this->m_RunOnLatentLoad = false;
    5341          18 :             } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(input_data.latent_load_control, "LatentOnlyLoadControl")) {
    5342           0 :                 this->m_RunOnSensibleLoad = false;
    5343           0 :                 this->m_RunOnLatentLoad = true;
    5344          18 :             } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(input_data.latent_load_control, "LatentOrSensibleLoadControl")) {
    5345           9 :                 this->m_RunOnSensibleLoad = true;
    5346           9 :                 this->m_RunOnLatentLoad = true;
    5347           9 :             } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(input_data.latent_load_control, "LatentWithSensibleLoadControl")) {
    5348           9 :                 this->m_RunOnSensibleLoad = true;
    5349           9 :                 this->m_RunOnLatentLoad = true;
    5350           9 :                 this->m_RunOnLatentOnlyWithSensible = true;
    5351             :             }
    5352             :         }
    5353         592 :         if (this->m_DehumidControlType_Num == DehumCtrlType::CoolReheat || this->m_DehumidControlType_Num == DehumCtrlType::Multimode) {
    5354          48 :             if (!this->m_RunOnLatentLoad && !this->m_RunOnLatentOnlyWithSensible && this->m_ControlType == UnitarySysCtrlType::Load) {
    5355           0 :                 ShowWarningError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    5356           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "Inconsistent moisture control inputs.");
    5357           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, format("Dehumidification Control Type = {}", input_data.dehumidification_control_type));
    5358           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, format("Latent Load Control = {}", input_data.latent_load_control));
    5359           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "Humidity/Moisture may not be controlled with these settings.");
    5360             :             }
    5361             :         } else {
    5362         568 :             if ((this->m_RunOnLatentLoad || this->m_RunOnLatentOnlyWithSensible) && this->m_ControlType == UnitarySysCtrlType::Load) {
    5363           0 :                 ShowWarningError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    5364           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "Inconsistent moisture control inputs.");
    5365           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, format("Dehumidification Control Type = {}", input_data.dehumidification_control_type));
    5366           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, format("Latent Load Control = {}", input_data.latent_load_control));
    5367           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "Humidity/Moisture will not be controlled with these settings.");
    5368           0 :                 this->m_RunOnLatentLoad = false;
    5369           0 :                 this->m_RunOnLatentOnlyWithSensible = false;
    5370             :             }
    5371             :         }
    5372             :         // Get reheat coil data if humidistat is used
    5373         592 :         this->m_SuppHeatCoilName = input_data.supplemental_heating_coil_name;
    5374         592 :         this->m_SuppHeatCoilTypeName = input_data.supplemental_heating_coil_object_type;
    5375         592 :         errFlag = false;
    5376             : 
    5377         592 :         if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(this->m_SuppHeatCoilTypeName, "Coil:Heating:Water")) {
    5378           0 :             this->m_SuppHeatCoilType_Num = DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWater;
    5379         592 :         } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(this->m_SuppHeatCoilTypeName, "Coil:Heating:Steam")) {
    5380           0 :             this->m_SuppHeatCoilType_Num = DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingSteam;
    5381        1737 :         } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(this->m_SuppHeatCoilTypeName, "Coil:Heating:Fuel") ||
    5382        1652 :                    UtilityRoutines::SameString(this->m_SuppHeatCoilTypeName, "Coil:Heating:Electric") ||
    5383        2194 :                    UtilityRoutines::SameString(this->m_SuppHeatCoilTypeName, "Coil:Heating:Electric:MultiStage") ||
    5384        1095 :                    UtilityRoutines::SameString(this->m_SuppHeatCoilTypeName, "Coil:Heating:DesuperHeater")) {
    5385          90 :             this->m_SuppHeatCoilType_Num =
    5386          90 :                 HeatingCoils::GetHeatingCoilTypeNum(state, this->m_SuppHeatCoilTypeName, this->m_SuppHeatCoilName, errFlag);
    5387         502 :         } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(this->m_SuppHeatCoilTypeName, "Coil:UserDefined")) {
    5388           0 :             this->m_SuppHeatCoilType_Num = DataHVACGlobals::Coil_UserDefined;
    5389             :         }
    5390             : 
    5391         592 :         if (!this->m_SuppHeatCoilTypeName.empty() && !this->m_SuppHeatCoilName.empty()) {
    5392             : 
    5393         141 :             if (this->m_SuppHeatCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingGasOrOtherFuel ||
    5394          56 :                 this->m_SuppHeatCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingElectric ||
    5395           6 :                 this->m_SuppHeatCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingElectric_MultiStage ||
    5396           1 :                 this->m_SuppHeatCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingDesuperheater) {
    5397             : 
    5398          90 :                 ValidateComponent(state, this->m_SuppHeatCoilTypeName, this->m_SuppHeatCoilName, isNotOK, cCurrentModuleObject);
    5399          90 :                 if (isNotOK) {
    5400           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, format("Occurs in {} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    5401           0 :                     errorsFound = true;
    5402             : 
    5403             :                 } else { // mine data from reheat coil
    5404          90 :                     errFlag = false;
    5405          90 :                     this->m_SuppHeatCoilIndex =
    5406          90 :                         HeatingCoils::GetHeatingCoilIndex(state, this->m_SuppHeatCoilTypeName, this->m_SuppHeatCoilName, errFlag);
    5407          90 :                     if (errFlag) {
    5408           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, format("Occurs in {} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    5409           0 :                         errorsFound = true;
    5410           0 :                         errFlag = false;
    5411             :                     } else {
    5412          90 :                         auto &thisSuppCoil = state.dataHeatingCoils->HeatingCoil(this->m_SuppHeatCoilIndex);
    5413          90 :                         if (this->m_SuppHeatCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingElectric_MultiStage) {
    5414           4 :                             this->m_DesignSuppHeatingCapacity = thisSuppCoil.MSNominalCapacity(thisSuppCoil.NumOfStages);
    5415           4 :                             this->m_NumOfSpeedSuppHeating = thisSuppCoil.NumOfStages;
    5416             :                         } else {
    5417          86 :                             this->m_DesignSuppHeatingCapacity = thisSuppCoil.NominalCapacity;
    5418             :                         }
    5419          90 :                         if (this->m_DesignSuppHeatingCapacity == DataSizing::AutoSize) this->m_RequestAutoSize = true;
    5420          90 :                         SupHeatCoilInletNode = thisSuppCoil.AirInletNodeNum;
    5421          90 :                         SupHeatCoilOutletNode = thisSuppCoil.AirOutletNodeNum;
    5422             :                     }
    5423             :                 } // IF (IsNotOK) THEN
    5424             : 
    5425          90 :                 this->m_SuppCoilAirInletNode = SupHeatCoilInletNode;
    5426          90 :                 this->SuppCoilOutletNodeNum = SupHeatCoilOutletNode;
    5427             : 
    5428           0 :             } else if (this->m_SuppHeatCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWater) {
    5429             : 
    5430           0 :                 ValidateComponent(state, this->m_SuppHeatCoilTypeName, this->m_SuppHeatCoilName, isNotOK, cCurrentModuleObject);
    5431           0 :                 if (isNotOK) {
    5432           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, format("Occurs in {} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    5433           0 :                     errorsFound = true;
    5434             :                 } else { // mine data from heating coil object
    5435           0 :                     errFlag = false;
    5436           0 :                     this->m_SuppHeatCoilIndex = WaterCoils::GetWaterCoilIndex(state, "COIL:HEATING:WATER", this->m_SuppHeatCoilName, errFlag);
    5437           0 :                     if (errFlag) {
    5438           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, format("Occurs in {} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    5439           0 :                         errorsFound = true;
    5440           0 :                         errFlag = false;
    5441             :                     } else {
    5442           0 :                         auto &thisSuppCoil = state.dataWaterCoils->WaterCoil(this->m_SuppHeatCoilIndex);
    5443           0 :                         this->m_SuppCoilFluidInletNode = thisSuppCoil.WaterInletNodeNum;
    5444           0 :                         this->m_MaxSuppCoilFluidFlow = thisSuppCoil.MaxWaterVolFlowRate;
    5445           0 :                         if (this->m_MaxSuppCoilFluidFlow == DataSizing::AutoSize) {
    5446           0 :                             this->m_RequestAutoSize = true;
    5447           0 :                             this->m_DesignSuppHeatingCapacity = DataSizing::AutoSize;
    5448             :                         }
    5449           0 :                         SupHeatCoilInletNode = thisSuppCoil.AirInletNodeNum;
    5450           0 :                         this->m_SuppCoilAirInletNode = SupHeatCoilInletNode;
    5451           0 :                         SupHeatCoilOutletNode = thisSuppCoil.AirOutletNodeNum;
    5452           0 :                         this->SuppCoilOutletNodeNum = SupHeatCoilOutletNode;
    5453             :                     }
    5454             :                 }
    5455             : 
    5456           0 :             } else if (this->m_SuppHeatCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingSteam) {
    5457             : 
    5458           0 :                 ValidateComponent(state, this->m_SuppHeatCoilTypeName, this->m_SuppHeatCoilName, isNotOK, cCurrentModuleObject);
    5459           0 :                 if (isNotOK) {
    5460           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, format("Occurs in {} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    5461           0 :                     errorsFound = true;
    5462             :                 } else { // mine data from heating coil object
    5463           0 :                     errFlag = false;
    5464           0 :                     this->m_SuppHeatCoilIndex = SteamCoils::GetSteamCoilIndex(state, "COIL:HEATING:STEAM", this->m_SuppHeatCoilName, errFlag);
    5465           0 :                     if (errFlag) {
    5466           0 :                         ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    5467           0 :                         ShowSevereError(state, format("Illegal Supplemental Heating Coil Name = {}", this->m_SuppHeatCoilName));
    5468           0 :                         errorsFound = true;
    5469           0 :                         errFlag = false;
    5470             :                     } else {
    5471           0 :                         auto &thisSuppCoil = state.dataSteamCoils->SteamCoil(this->m_SuppHeatCoilIndex);
    5472           0 :                         this->m_SuppCoilFluidInletNode = thisSuppCoil.SteamInletNodeNum;
    5473           0 :                         this->m_MaxSuppCoilFluidFlow = thisSuppCoil.MaxSteamVolFlowRate;
    5474           0 :                         if (this->m_MaxSuppCoilFluidFlow == DataSizing::AutoSize) {
    5475           0 :                             this->m_RequestAutoSize = true;
    5476           0 :                             this->m_DesignSuppHeatingCapacity = DataSizing::AutoSize; // not sure if steam coil needs this
    5477             :                         }
    5478           0 :                         if (this->m_MaxSuppCoilFluidFlow > 0.0) {
    5479           0 :                             int SteamIndex = 0; // Function GetSatDensityRefrig will look up steam index if 0 is passed
    5480           0 :                             Real64 TempSteamIn = 100.0;
    5481           0 :                             Real64 SteamDensity = FluidProperties::GetSatDensityRefrig(
    5482           0 :                                 state, fluidNameSteam, TempSteamIn, 1.0, SteamIndex, "getUnitarySystemInputData");
    5483           0 :                             this->m_MaxSuppCoilFluidFlow = this->m_MaxSuppCoilFluidFlow * SteamDensity;
    5484             :                         }
    5485           0 :                         SupHeatCoilInletNode = thisSuppCoil.AirInletNodeNum;
    5486           0 :                         this->m_SuppCoilAirInletNode = SupHeatCoilInletNode;
    5487           0 :                         SupHeatCoilOutletNode = thisSuppCoil.AirOutletNodeNum;
    5488           0 :                         this->SuppCoilOutletNodeNum = SupHeatCoilOutletNode;
    5489             :                     }
    5490             :                 }
    5491             : 
    5492           0 :             } else if (this->m_SuppHeatCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_UserDefined) {
    5493           0 :                 ValidateComponent(state, this->m_SuppHeatCoilTypeName, this->m_SuppHeatCoilName, isNotOK, cCurrentModuleObject);
    5494           0 :                 if (isNotOK) {
    5495           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, format("Occurs in {} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    5496           0 :                     errorsFound = true;
    5497             :                 } else { // mine data from Heating coil object
    5498           0 :                     errFlag = false;
    5499           0 :                     UserDefinedComponents::GetUserDefinedCoilIndex(
    5500             :                         state, this->m_SuppHeatCoilName, this->m_SuppHeatCoilIndex, errFlag, cCurrentModuleObject);
    5501           0 :                     if (errFlag) {
    5502           0 :                         ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    5503           0 :                         ShowSevereError(state, format("Illegal Supplemental Heating Coil Name = {}", this->m_SuppHeatCoilName));
    5504           0 :                         errorsFound = true;
    5505           0 :                         errFlag = false;
    5506             :                     } else {
    5507           0 :                         auto &thisSuppCoil = state.dataUserDefinedComponents->UserCoil(this->m_SuppHeatCoilIndex);
    5508           0 :                         SupHeatCoilInletNode = thisSuppCoil.Air(1).InletNodeNum;
    5509           0 :                         this->m_SuppCoilAirInletNode = SupHeatCoilInletNode;
    5510           0 :                         SupHeatCoilOutletNode = thisSuppCoil.Air(1).OutletNodeNum;
    5511           0 :                         this->SuppCoilOutletNodeNum = SupHeatCoilOutletNode;
    5512             :                     }
    5513             :                 }
    5514             : 
    5515             :             } else { // Illegal reheating coil type
    5516           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    5517           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state, format("Illegal Supplemental Heating Coil Type = {}", this->m_SuppHeatCoilTypeName));
    5518           0 :                 errorsFound = true;
    5519             :             } // IF (this->SuppHeatCoilType_Num == Coil_HeatingGasOrOtherFuel .OR. &, etc.
    5520             : 
    5521             :         } // IF(.NOT. lAlphaBlanks(iSuppHeatCoilTypeAlphaNum))THEN
    5522             : 
    5523         592 :         if (SetPointManager::NodeHasSPMCtrlVarType(state, this->AirOutNode, SetPointManager::CtrlVarType::Temp))
    5524         323 :             this->SuppCtrlNode = this->AirOutNode;
    5525         592 :         if (SetPointManager::NodeHasSPMCtrlVarType(state, SupHeatCoilOutletNode, SetPointManager::CtrlVarType::Temp))
    5526          26 :             this->SuppCtrlNode = SupHeatCoilOutletNode;
    5527             : 
    5528             :         // Add supplemental heating coil to component sets array
    5529         592 :         if (this->m_SuppCoilExists && this->m_SuppCompNotSetYet) {
    5530         180 :             BranchNodeConnections::SetUpCompSets(state,
    5531             :                                                  cCurrentModuleObject,
    5532             :                                                  thisObjectName,
    5533             :                                                  this->m_SuppHeatCoilTypeName,
    5534             :                                                  this->m_SuppHeatCoilName,
    5535          90 :                                                  state.dataLoopNodes->NodeID(SupHeatCoilInletNode),
    5536          90 :                                                  state.dataLoopNodes->NodeID(SupHeatCoilOutletNode));
    5537          90 :             this->m_SuppCompNotSetYet = false;
    5538             :         }
    5539             : 
    5540         592 :         if (this->OAMixerExists) {
    5541             :             // Set up component set for OA mixer - use OA node and Mixed air node
    5542         334 :             BranchNodeConnections::SetUpCompSets(state,
    5543             :                                                  this->UnitType,
    5544             :                                                  this->Name,
    5545             :                                                  input_data.oa_mixer_type,
    5546             :                                                  input_data.oa_mixer_name,
    5547         167 :                                                  state.dataLoopNodes->NodeID(this->m_OAMixerNodes[0]),
    5548         167 :                                                  state.dataLoopNodes->NodeID(this->m_OAMixerNodes[3]));
    5549             :         }
    5550             : 
    5551             :         // set fan info for supplemental heating coils
    5552         592 :         if (this->m_SuppCoilExists && this->m_FanExists) {
    5553         180 :             state.dataRptCoilSelection->coilSelectionReportObj->setCoilSupplyFanInfo(state,
    5554             :                                                                                      this->m_SuppHeatCoilName,
    5555             :                                                                                      this->m_SuppHeatCoilTypeName,
    5556             :                                                                                      this->m_FanName,
    5557          90 :                                                                                      this->m_FanType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::FanType_SystemModelObject
    5558             :                                                                                          ? DataAirSystems::ObjectVectorOOFanSystemModel
    5559             :                                                                                          : DataAirSystems::StructArrayLegacyFanModels,
    5560             :                                                                                      this->m_FanIndex);
    5561             :         }
    5562             : 
    5563             :         // Users may not provide SA flow input fields (below) and leave them blank. Check if other coil is AutoSized first to
    5564             :         // alieviate input requirements. check if coil has no air flow input (VolFlow = 0) and other coil isDataSizing::AutoSized. If so,
    5565             :         // use AutoSize for coil with 0 air flow rate. This means that the coils MUST mine the air flow rate if it exists
    5566         592 :         if (this->m_CoolCoilExists && this->m_HeatCoilExists) {
    5567         300 :             if (this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow == DataSizing::AutoSize && this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow == 0 && loc_m_HeatingSAFMethod == "") {
    5568           0 :                 this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow = DataSizing::AutoSize;
    5569         300 :             } else if (this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow == 0 && this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow == DataSizing::AutoSize && loc_m_CoolingSAFMethod == "") {
    5570           0 :                 this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow = DataSizing::AutoSize;
    5571             :             }
    5572             :         }
    5573             : 
    5574             :         // translate DesignSpecification:ZoneHVAC:Sizing inputs
    5575             :         // UnitarySystem already has air flow scalable sizing, update locals
    5576             :         // UnitarySystem does not have capacity sizing, set inputs accordingly
    5577         592 :         if (this->m_HVACSizingIndex > 0) {
    5578           0 :             int zoneHVACIndex = this->m_HVACSizingIndex;
    5579           0 :             auto &zoneHVACSizing = state.dataSize->ZoneHVACSizing(zoneHVACIndex);
    5580           0 :             switch (zoneHVACSizing.CoolingSAFMethod) {
    5581           0 :             case DataSizing::None:
    5582           0 :                 break; // do nothing?
    5583           0 :             case DataSizing::SupplyAirFlowRate:
    5584           0 :                 loc_m_CoolingSAFMethod = "SupplyAirFlowRate";
    5585           0 :                 loc_m_CoolingSAFMethod_SAFlow = zoneHVACSizing.MaxCoolAirVolFlow;
    5586           0 :                 break;
    5587           0 :             case DataSizing::FlowPerFloorArea:
    5588           0 :                 loc_m_CoolingSAFMethod = "FlowPerFloorArea";
    5589           0 :                 loc_m_CoolingSAFMethod_SAFlowPerFloorArea = zoneHVACSizing.MaxCoolAirVolFlow;
    5590           0 :                 break;
    5591           0 :             case DataSizing::FractionOfAutosizedCoolingAirflow:
    5592           0 :                 loc_m_CoolingSAFMethod = "FractionOfAutosizedCoolingValue";
    5593           0 :                 loc_m_CoolingSAFMethod_FracOfAutosizedCoolingSAFlow = zoneHVACSizing.MaxCoolAirVolFlow;
    5594           0 :                 break;
    5595           0 :             case DataSizing::FlowPerCoolingCapacity:
    5596           0 :                 loc_m_CoolingSAFMethod = "FractionOfAutosizedCoolingValue";
    5597           0 :                 loc_m_CoolingSAFMethod_FracOfAutosizedCoolingSAFlow = zoneHVACSizing.MaxCoolAirVolFlow;
    5598           0 :                 break;
    5599           0 :             default:
    5600             :                 assert(true);
    5601             :             }
    5602             : 
    5603           0 :             switch (zoneHVACSizing.HeatingSAFMethod) {
    5604           0 :             case DataSizing::None:
    5605           0 :                 break; // do nothing?
    5606           0 :             case DataSizing::SupplyAirFlowRate:
    5607           0 :                 loc_m_HeatingSAFMethod = "SupplyAirFlowRate";
    5608           0 :                 loc_m_HeatingSAFMethod_SAFlow = zoneHVACSizing.MaxHeatAirVolFlow;
    5609           0 :                 break;
    5610           0 :             case DataSizing::FlowPerFloorArea:
    5611           0 :                 loc_m_HeatingSAFMethod = "FlowPerFloorArea";
    5612           0 :                 loc_m_HeatingSAFMethod_SAFlowPerFloorArea = zoneHVACSizing.MaxHeatAirVolFlow;
    5613           0 :                 break;
    5614           0 :             case DataSizing::FractionOfAutosizedHeatingAirflow:
    5615           0 :                 loc_m_HeatingSAFMethod = "FractionOfAutosizedHeatingValue";
    5616           0 :                 loc_m_HeatingSAFMethod_FracOfAutosizedHeatingSAFlow = zoneHVACSizing.MaxHeatAirVolFlow;
    5617           0 :                 break;
    5618           0 :             case DataSizing::FlowPerHeatingCapacity:
    5619           0 :                 loc_m_HeatingSAFMethod = "FractionOfAutosizedHeatingValue";
    5620           0 :                 loc_m_HeatingSAFMethod_FracOfAutosizedHeatingSAFlow = zoneHVACSizing.MaxHeatAirVolFlow;
    5621           0 :                 break;
    5622           0 :             default:
    5623             :                 assert(true);
    5624             :             }
    5625             : 
    5626           0 :             switch (zoneHVACSizing.NoCoolHeatSAFMethod) {
    5627           0 :             case DataSizing::None:
    5628           0 :                 break; // do nothing?
    5629           0 :             case DataSizing::SupplyAirFlowRate:
    5630           0 :                 loc_m_NoCoolHeatSAFMethod = "SupplyAirFlowRate";
    5631           0 :                 loc_m_NoCoolHeatSAFMethod_SAFlow = zoneHVACSizing.MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow;
    5632           0 :                 break;
    5633           0 :             case DataSizing::FlowPerFloorArea:
    5634           0 :                 loc_m_NoCoolHeatSAFMethod = "FlowPerFloorArea";
    5635           0 :                 loc_m_NoCoolHeatSAFMethod_SAFlowPerFloorArea = zoneHVACSizing.MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow;
    5636           0 :                 break;
    5637           0 :             case DataSizing::FractionOfAutosizedCoolingAirflow:
    5638           0 :                 loc_m_NoCoolHeatSAFMethod = "FractionOfAutosizedHeatingValue";
    5639           0 :                 loc_m_NoCoolHeatSAFMethod_FracOfAutosizedHeatingSAFlow = zoneHVACSizing.MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow;
    5640           0 :                 break;
    5641           0 :             case DataSizing::FractionOfAutosizedHeatingAirflow:
    5642           0 :                 loc_m_NoCoolHeatSAFMethod = "FractionOfAutosizedHeatingValue";
    5643           0 :                 loc_m_NoCoolHeatSAFMethod_FracOfAutosizedHeatingSAFlow = zoneHVACSizing.MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow;
    5644           0 :                 break;
    5645           0 :             default:
    5646             :                 assert(true);
    5647             :             }
    5648             : 
    5649           0 :             switch (zoneHVACSizing.CoolingCapMethod) {
    5650           0 :             case DataSizing::CoolingDesignCapacity:
    5651           0 :                 this->m_CoolingCapMethod = DataSizing::CoolingDesignCapacity;
    5652           0 :                 this->m_DesignCoolingCapacity = zoneHVACSizing.ScaledCoolingCapacity;
    5653           0 :                 break;
    5654           0 :             case DataSizing::CapacityPerFloorArea:
    5655           0 :                 this->m_CoolingCapMethod = DataSizing::CapacityPerFloorArea;
    5656           0 :                 this->m_DesignCoolingCapacity = zoneHVACSizing.ScaledCoolingCapacity * TotalFloorAreaOnAirLoop;
    5657           0 :                 break;
    5658           0 :             case DataSizing::FractionOfAutosizedCoolingCapacity:
    5659           0 :                 this->m_CoolingCapMethod = DataSizing::FractionOfAutosizedCoolingCapacity;
    5660           0 :                 this->m_DesignCoolingCapacity = zoneHVACSizing.ScaledCoolingCapacity;
    5661           0 :                 break;
    5662           0 :             default:
    5663             :                 assert(true);
    5664             :             }
    5665             : 
    5666           0 :             switch (zoneHVACSizing.HeatingCapMethod) {
    5667           0 :             case DataSizing::HeatingDesignCapacity:
    5668           0 :                 this->m_HeatingCapMethod = DataSizing::HeatingDesignCapacity;
    5669           0 :                 this->m_DesignHeatingCapacity = zoneHVACSizing.ScaledHeatingCapacity;
    5670           0 :                 break;
    5671           0 :             case DataSizing::CapacityPerFloorArea:
    5672           0 :                 this->m_HeatingCapMethod = DataSizing::CapacityPerFloorArea;
    5673           0 :                 this->m_DesignHeatingCapacity = zoneHVACSizing.ScaledHeatingCapacity * TotalFloorAreaOnAirLoop;
    5674           0 :                 break;
    5675           0 :             case DataSizing::FractionOfAutosizedHeatingCapacity:
    5676           0 :                 this->m_HeatingCapMethod = DataSizing::FractionOfAutosizedHeatingCapacity;
    5677           0 :                 this->m_DesignHeatingCapacity = zoneHVACSizing.ScaledHeatingCapacity;
    5678           0 :                 break;
    5679           0 :             default:
    5680             :                 assert(true);
    5681             :             }
    5682             :         }
    5683             : 
    5684             :         // Determine supply air flow rate sizing method for cooling mode
    5685         592 :         if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(loc_m_CoolingSAFMethod, "SupplyAirFlowRate")) {
    5686         300 :             this->m_CoolingSAFMethod = DataSizing::SupplyAirFlowRate;
    5687             : 
    5688         300 :             if (loc_m_CoolingSAFMethod_SAFlow != -999.0) {
    5689         300 :                 this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow = loc_m_CoolingSAFMethod_SAFlow;
    5690         300 :                 if (this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow == DataSizing::AutoSize) {
    5691         241 :                     this->m_RequestAutoSize = true;
    5692             :                 } else {
    5693          59 :                     if (this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow <= DataHVACGlobals::SmallAirVolFlow && this->m_CoolCoilExists) {
    5694           0 :                         ShowWarningError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    5695           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "Input for Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate Method = SupplyAirFlowRate.");
    5696           0 :                         ShowContinueError(
    5697             :                             state,
    5698           0 :                             format("Suspicious Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate = {:.7R} when cooling coil is present.", this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow));
    5699             :                     }
    5700          59 :                     if (this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow < 0.0) errorsFound = true;
    5701             :                 }
    5702             : 
    5703             :             } else {
    5704           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    5705           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "Input for Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate Method = SupplyAirFlowRate.");
    5706           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "Blank field not allowed for Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate.");
    5707           0 :                 errorsFound = true;
    5708             :             }
    5709         292 :         } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(loc_m_CoolingSAFMethod, "FlowPerFloorArea")) {
    5710             : 
    5711           0 :             this->m_CoolingSAFMethod = DataSizing::FlowPerFloorArea;
    5712           0 :             if (loc_m_CoolingSAFMethod_SAFlowPerFloorArea != -999.0) {
    5713           0 :                 this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow = loc_m_CoolingSAFMethod_SAFlowPerFloorArea;
    5714           0 :                 if (this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow != DataSizing::AutoSize) {
    5715           0 :                     if (this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow <= 0.0001 && this->m_CoolCoilExists) {
    5716           0 :                         ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    5717           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "Input for Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate Method = FlowPerFloorArea.");
    5718           0 :                         ShowContinueError(
    5719             :                             state,
    5720           0 :                             format("Suspicious Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area = {:.7R} [m3/s/m2] when cooling coil is present.",
    5721           0 :                                    this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow));
    5722           0 :                         if (this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow < 0.0) errorsFound = true;
    5723             :                     }
    5724           0 :                     this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow *= TotalFloorAreaOnAirLoop;
    5725           0 :                     this->m_RequestAutoSize = true;
    5726             :                     // AutoSized input is not allowed
    5727             :                 } else {
    5728           0 :                     ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    5729           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "Input for Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate Method = FlowPerFloorArea.");
    5730           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "Illegal Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area = Autosize");
    5731           0 :                     errorsFound = true;
    5732             :                 }
    5733             :             } else {
    5734           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    5735           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "Input for Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate Method = FlowPerFloorArea.");
    5736           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "Blank field not allowed for Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area.");
    5737           0 :                 errorsFound = true;
    5738             :             }
    5739         292 :         } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(loc_m_CoolingSAFMethod, "FractionOfAutosizedCoolingValue")) {
    5740             : 
    5741           0 :             this->m_CoolingSAFMethod = DataSizing::FractionOfAutosizedCoolingAirflow;
    5742           0 :             if (loc_m_CoolingSAFMethod_FracOfAutosizedCoolingSAFlow != -999.0) {
    5743           0 :                 this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow = loc_m_CoolingSAFMethod_FracOfAutosizedCoolingSAFlow;
    5744           0 :                 if (this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow != DataSizing::AutoSize) {
    5745           0 :                     if (this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow <= DataHVACGlobals::SmallAirVolFlow && this->m_CoolCoilExists) {
    5746           0 :                         ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    5747           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "Input for Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate Method = FractionOfAutosizedCoolingValue.");
    5748           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state,
    5749           0 :                                           format("Suspicious Cooling Fraction of Autosized Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate = {:.7R} [m3/s/m3] "
    5750             :                                                  "when cooling coil is present.",
    5751           0 :                                                  this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow));
    5752           0 :                         if (this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow < 0.0) errorsFound = true;
    5753             :                     }
    5754           0 :                     this->m_RequestAutoSize = true;
    5755             :                     // AutoSized input is not allowed
    5756             :                 } else {
    5757           0 :                     ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    5758           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "Input for Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate Method = FractionOfAutosizedCoolingValue.");
    5759           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "Illegal Cooling Fraction of Autosized Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate = Autosize");
    5760           0 :                     errorsFound = true;
    5761             :                 }
    5762             :             } else {
    5763           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    5764           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "Input for Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate Method = FractionOfAutosizedCoolingValue.");
    5765           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "Blank field not allowed for Cooling Fraction of Autosized Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate.");
    5766           0 :                 errorsFound = true;
    5767             :             }
    5768         292 :         } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(loc_m_CoolingSAFMethod, "FlowPerCoolingCapacity")) {
    5769             : 
    5770           0 :             this->m_CoolingSAFMethod = DataSizing::FlowPerCoolingCapacity;
    5771           0 :             if (loc_m_CoolingSAFMethod_FlowPerCoolingCapacity != -999.0) {
    5772           0 :                 this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow = loc_m_CoolingSAFMethod_FlowPerCoolingCapacity;
    5773           0 :                 if (this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow != DataSizing::AutoSize) {
    5774           0 :                     if (this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow <= 0.00001 && this->m_CoolCoilExists) {
    5775           0 :                         ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    5776           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "Input for Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate Method = FlowPerCoolingCapacity.");
    5777           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state,
    5778           0 :                                           format("Suspicious Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity = {:.7R} [m3/s/W] when "
    5779             :                                                  "cooling coil is present.",
    5780           0 :                                                  this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow));
    5781           0 :                         if (this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow < 0.0) errorsFound = true;
    5782             :                     }
    5783           0 :                     this->m_RequestAutoSize = true;
    5784             :                     // AutoSized input is not allowed
    5785             :                 } else {
    5786           0 :                     ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    5787           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "Input for Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate Method = FlowPerCoolingCapacity.");
    5788           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "Illegal Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity = Autosize");
    5789           0 :                     errorsFound = true;
    5790             :                 }
    5791             :             } else {
    5792           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    5793           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "Input for Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate Method = FlowPerCoolingCapacity.");
    5794           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "Blank field not allowed for Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity.");
    5795           0 :                 errorsFound = true;
    5796             :             }
    5797             : 
    5798         292 :         } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(loc_m_CoolingSAFMethod, "None") || loc_m_CoolingSAFMethod == "") {
    5799         292 :             this->m_CoolingSAFMethod = DataSizing::None;
    5800         292 :             if (this->m_CoolCoilExists && this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow == 0) {
    5801           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    5802           0 :                 if (this->m_HeatCoilExists) {
    5803           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "Blank field not allowed for this coil type when heating coil air flow rate is not AutoSized.");
    5804             :                 } else {
    5805           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "Blank field not allowed for this type of cooling coil.");
    5806             :                 }
    5807           0 :                 errorsFound = true;
    5808             :             }
    5809             :         }
    5810             : 
    5811             :         // Determine supply air flow rate sizing method for heating mode
    5812         592 :         if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(loc_m_HeatingSAFMethod, "SupplyAirFlowRate")) {
    5813         300 :             this->m_HeatingSAFMethod = DataSizing::SupplyAirFlowRate;
    5814         300 :             if (loc_m_HeatingSAFMethod_SAFlow != -999.0) {
    5815         300 :                 this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow = loc_m_HeatingSAFMethod_SAFlow;
    5816         300 :                 if (this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow == DataSizing::AutoSize) {
    5817         241 :                     this->m_RequestAutoSize = true;
    5818             :                 } else {
    5819          59 :                     if (this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow <= DataHVACGlobals::SmallAirVolFlow && this->m_HeatCoilExists) {
    5820           0 :                         ShowWarningError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    5821           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "Input for Heating Supply Air Flow Rate Method = SupplyAirFlowRate.");
    5822           0 :                         ShowContinueError(
    5823             :                             state,
    5824           0 :                             format("Suspicious Heating Supply Air Flow Rate = {:.7R} when heating coil is present.", this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow));
    5825             :                     }
    5826          59 :                     if (this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow < 0.0) errorsFound = true;
    5827             :                 }
    5828             :             } else {
    5829           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    5830           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "Input for Heating Supply Air Flow Rate Method = SupplyAirFlowRate.");
    5831           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "Blank field not allowed for Heating Supply Air Flow Rate.");
    5832           0 :                 errorsFound = true;
    5833             :             }
    5834         292 :         } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(loc_m_HeatingSAFMethod, "FlowPerFloorArea")) {
    5835           0 :             this->m_HeatingSAFMethod = DataSizing::FlowPerFloorArea;
    5836           0 :             if (loc_m_HeatingSAFMethod_SAFlowPerFloorArea != -999.0) {
    5837           0 :                 this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow = loc_m_HeatingSAFMethod_SAFlowPerFloorArea;
    5838           0 :                 if (this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow != DataSizing::AutoSize) {
    5839           0 :                     if (this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow <= 0.0001 && this->m_HeatCoilExists) {
    5840           0 :                         ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    5841           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "Input for Heating Supply Air Flow Rate Method = FlowPerFloorArea.");
    5842           0 :                         ShowContinueError(
    5843             :                             state,
    5844           0 :                             format("Suspicious Heating Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area = {:.7R} [m3/s/m2] when heating coil is present.",
    5845           0 :                                    this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow));
    5846             :                     }
    5847           0 :                     if (this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow < 0.0) errorsFound = true;
    5848           0 :                     this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow *= TotalFloorAreaOnAirLoop;
    5849           0 :                     this->m_RequestAutoSize = true;
    5850             :                 } else {
    5851             :                     // AutoSized input is not allowed
    5852           0 :                     ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    5853           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "Input for Heating Supply Air Flow Rate Method = FlowPerFloorArea.");
    5854           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "Illegal Heating Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area = Autosize");
    5855           0 :                     errorsFound = true;
    5856             :                 }
    5857             :             } else {
    5858           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    5859           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "Input for Heating Supply Air Flow Rate Method = FlowPerFloorArea.");
    5860           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "Blank field not allowed for Heating Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area.");
    5861           0 :                 errorsFound = true;
    5862             :             }
    5863         292 :         } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(loc_m_HeatingSAFMethod, "FractionOfAutosizedHeatingValue")) {
    5864           0 :             this->m_HeatingSAFMethod = DataSizing::FractionOfAutosizedHeatingAirflow;
    5865           0 :             if (loc_m_HeatingSAFMethod_FracOfAutosizedHeatingSAFlow != -999.0) {
    5866           0 :                 this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow = loc_m_HeatingSAFMethod_FracOfAutosizedHeatingSAFlow;
    5867           0 :                 if (this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow != DataSizing::AutoSize) {
    5868           0 :                     if (this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow <= DataHVACGlobals::SmallAirVolFlow && this->m_HeatCoilExists) {
    5869           0 :                         ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    5870           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "Input for Heating Supply Air Flow Rate Method = FractionOfAutosizedHeatingValue.");
    5871           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state,
    5872           0 :                                           format("Suspicious Heating Fraction of Autosized Heating Supply Air Flow Rate = {:.7R} [m3/s/m3] "
    5873             :                                                  "when heating coil is present.",
    5874           0 :                                                  this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow));
    5875           0 :                         if (this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow < 0.0) errorsFound = true;
    5876             :                     }
    5877           0 :                     this->m_RequestAutoSize = true;
    5878             :                     // AutoSized input is not allowed
    5879             :                 } else {
    5880           0 :                     ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    5881           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "Input for Heating Supply Air Flow Rate Method = FractionOfAutosizedHeatingValue");
    5882           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "Illegal input for Heating Fraction of Autosized Heating Supply Air Flow Rate = Autosize");
    5883           0 :                     errorsFound = true;
    5884             :                 }
    5885             :             } else {
    5886           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    5887           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "Input for Heating Supply Air Flow Rate Method = FractionOfAutosizedHeatingValue");
    5888           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "Blank field not allowed for Heating Fraction of Autosized Heating Supply Air Flow Rate");
    5889           0 :                 errorsFound = true;
    5890             :             }
    5891         292 :         } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(loc_m_HeatingSAFMethod, "FlowPerHeatingCapacity")) {
    5892           0 :             this->m_HeatingSAFMethod = DataSizing::FlowPerHeatingCapacity;
    5893           0 :             if (loc_m_HeatingSAFMethod_FlowPerHeatingCapacity != -999.0) {
    5894           0 :                 this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow = loc_m_HeatingSAFMethod_FlowPerHeatingCapacity;
    5895           0 :                 if (this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow != DataSizing::AutoSize) {
    5896           0 :                     if (this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow <= 0.00001 && this->m_HeatCoilExists) {
    5897           0 :                         ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    5898           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "Input for Heating Supply Air Flow Rate Method = FlowPerHeatingCapacity.");
    5899           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state,
    5900           0 :                                           format("Suspicious Heating Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity = {:.7R} [m3/s/W] when "
    5901             :                                                  "heating coil is present.",
    5902           0 :                                                  this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow));
    5903           0 :                         if (this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow < 0.0) errorsFound = true;
    5904             :                     }
    5905           0 :                     this->m_RequestAutoSize = true;
    5906             :                     // AutoSized input is not allowed
    5907             :                 } else {
    5908           0 :                     ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    5909           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "Input for Heating Supply Air Flow Rate Method = FlowPerHeatingCapacity.");
    5910           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "Illegal Heating Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity = Autosize");
    5911           0 :                     errorsFound = true;
    5912             :                 }
    5913             :             } else {
    5914           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    5915           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "Input for Heating Supply Air Flow Rate Method = FlowPerHeatingCapacity");
    5916           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "Blank field not allowed for Heating Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity");
    5917           0 :                 errorsFound = true;
    5918             :             }
    5919         292 :         } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(loc_m_HeatingSAFMethod, "None") || loc_m_HeatingSAFMethod == "") {
    5920         292 :             this->m_HeatingSAFMethod = DataSizing::None;
    5921         292 :             if (this->m_HeatCoilExists && this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow == 0) {
    5922           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    5923           0 :                 if (loc_m_HeatingSAFMethod == "") {
    5924           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "Input for Heating Supply Air Flow Rate Method is blank.");
    5925             :                 } else {
    5926           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "Input for Heating Supply Air Flow Rate Method = None.");
    5927             :                 }
    5928           0 :                 if (this->m_CoolCoilExists) {
    5929           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "Blank field not allowed for this coil type when cooling coil air flow rate is not AutoSized.");
    5930             :                 } else {
    5931           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "Blank field not allowed for this type of heating coil.");
    5932             :                 }
    5933           0 :                 errorsFound = true;
    5934             :             }
    5935             :         }
    5936             : 
    5937             :         // Determine supply air flow rate sizing method when cooling or heating is not needed
    5938         592 :         if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(loc_m_NoCoolHeatSAFMethod, "SupplyAirFlowRate")) {
    5939         295 :             this->m_NoCoolHeatSAFMethod = DataSizing::SupplyAirFlowRate;
    5940         295 :             if (loc_m_NoCoolHeatSAFMethod_SAFlow != -999.0) {
    5941         295 :                 this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow = loc_m_NoCoolHeatSAFMethod_SAFlow;
    5942         295 :                 if (this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow == DataSizing::AutoSize) {
    5943         183 :                     this->m_RequestAutoSize = true;
    5944             :                 } else {
    5945         112 :                     if (this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow < 0.0) {
    5946           0 :                         ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    5947           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "Input for No Load Supply Air Flow Rate Method = SupplyAirFlowRate");
    5948           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, format("Illegal No Load Supply Air Flow Rate = {:.7R}", this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow));
    5949           0 :                         errorsFound = true;
    5950             :                     }
    5951             :                 }
    5952             : 
    5953             :             } else {
    5954           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    5955           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "Input for No Load Supply Air Flow Rate Method = SupplyAirFlowRate");
    5956           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "Blank field not allowed for No Load Supply Air Flow Rate");
    5957           0 :                 errorsFound = true;
    5958             :             }
    5959         297 :         } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(loc_m_NoCoolHeatSAFMethod, "FlowPerFloorArea")) {
    5960           0 :             this->m_NoCoolHeatSAFMethod = DataSizing::FlowPerFloorArea;
    5961           0 :             if (loc_m_NoCoolHeatSAFMethod_SAFlowPerFloorArea != -999.0) {
    5962           0 :                 this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow = loc_m_NoCoolHeatSAFMethod_SAFlowPerFloorArea;
    5963           0 :                 if (this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow != DataSizing::AutoSize) {
    5964           0 :                     if (this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow <= 0.0001) {
    5965           0 :                         ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    5966           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "Input for No Load Supply Air Flow Rate Method = FlowPerFloorArea.");
    5967           0 :                         ShowContinueError(
    5968             :                             state,
    5969           0 :                             format("Suspicious No Load Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area = {:.7R} [m3/s/m2]", this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow));
    5970             :                     }
    5971           0 :                     if (this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow < 0.0) errorsFound = true;
    5972           0 :                     this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow *= TotalFloorAreaOnAirLoop;
    5973           0 :                     this->m_RequestAutoSize = true;
    5974             :                 } else {
    5975             :                     // AutoSized input is not allowed
    5976           0 :                     ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    5977           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "Input for No Load Supply Air Flow Rate Method = FlowPerFloorArea.");
    5978           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "Illegal No Load Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area = Autosize");
    5979           0 :                     errorsFound = true;
    5980             :                 }
    5981             :             } else {
    5982           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    5983           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "Input for No Load Supply Air Flow Rate Method = FlowPerFloorArea.");
    5984           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "Blank field not allowed for No Load Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area");
    5985           0 :                 errorsFound = true;
    5986             :             }
    5987         297 :         } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(loc_m_NoCoolHeatSAFMethod, "FractionOfAutosizedCoolingValue")) {
    5988           0 :             this->m_NoCoolHeatSAFMethod = DataSizing::FractionOfAutosizedCoolingAirflow;
    5989           0 :             if (loc_m_NoCoolHeatSAFMethod_FracOfAutosizedCoolingSAFlow != -999.0) {
    5990           0 :                 this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow = loc_m_NoCoolHeatSAFMethod_FracOfAutosizedCoolingSAFlow;
    5991           0 :                 if (this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow != DataSizing::AutoSize) {
    5992           0 :                     if (this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow <= DataHVACGlobals::SmallAirVolFlow) {
    5993           0 :                         ShowWarningError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    5994           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "Input for No Load Supply Air Flow Rate Method = FractionOfAutosizedCoolingValue.");
    5995           0 :                         ShowContinueError(
    5996             :                             state,
    5997           0 :                             format("Suspicious No Load Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity During Cooling Operation = {:.7R} [m3/s/m3].",
    5998           0 :                                    this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow));
    5999           0 :                         if (this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow < 0.0) errorsFound = true;
    6000             :                     }
    6001           0 :                     this->m_RequestAutoSize = true;
    6002             :                     // AutoSized input is not allowed
    6003             :                 } else {
    6004           0 :                     ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    6005           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "Input for No Load Supply Air Flow Rate Method = FractionOfAutosizedCoolingValue");
    6006           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state,
    6007             :                                       "Illegal input for No Load Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity During Cooling Operation = Autosize");
    6008           0 :                     errorsFound = true;
    6009             :                 }
    6010             :             } else {
    6011           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    6012           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "Input for No Load Supply Air Flow Rate Method = FractionOfAutosizedCoolingValue.");
    6013           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "Blank field not allowed for No Load Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity During Cooling Operation");
    6014           0 :                 errorsFound = true;
    6015             :             }
    6016         297 :         } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(loc_m_NoCoolHeatSAFMethod, "FractionOfAutosizedHeatingValue")) {
    6017           0 :             this->m_NoCoolHeatSAFMethod = DataSizing::FractionOfAutosizedHeatingAirflow;
    6018           0 :             if (loc_m_NoCoolHeatSAFMethod_FracOfAutosizedHeatingSAFlow != -999.0) {
    6019           0 :                 this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow = loc_m_NoCoolHeatSAFMethod_FracOfAutosizedHeatingSAFlow;
    6020           0 :                 if (this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow != DataSizing::AutoSize) {
    6021           0 :                     if (this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow <= DataHVACGlobals::SmallAirVolFlow) {
    6022           0 :                         ShowWarningError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    6023           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "Input for No Load Supply Air Flow Rate Method = FractionOfAutosizedHeatingValue.");
    6024           0 :                         ShowContinueError(
    6025             :                             state,
    6026           0 :                             format("Suspicious No Load Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity During Heating Operation = {:.7R} [m3/s/m3].",
    6027           0 :                                    this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow));
    6028           0 :                         if (this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow < 0.0) errorsFound = true;
    6029             :                     }
    6030           0 :                     this->m_RequestAutoSize = true;
    6031             :                     // AutoSized input is not allowed
    6032             :                 } else {
    6033           0 :                     ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    6034           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "Input for No Load Supply Air Flow Rate Method = FractionOfAutosizedHeatingValue");
    6035           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state,
    6036             :                                       "Illegal input for No Load Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity During Heating Operation = Autosize");
    6037           0 :                     errorsFound = true;
    6038             :                 }
    6039             :             } else {
    6040           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    6041           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "Input for No Load Supply Air Flow Rate Method = FractionOfAutosizedHeatingValue.");
    6042           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "Blank field not allowed for No Load Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity During Heating Operation");
    6043           0 :                 errorsFound = true;
    6044             :             }
    6045         297 :         } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(loc_m_NoCoolHeatSAFMethod, "FlowPerCoolingCapacity")) {
    6046           0 :             this->m_NoCoolHeatSAFMethod = DataSizing::FlowPerCoolingCapacity;
    6047           0 :             if (loc_m_NoCoolHeatSAFMethod_FlowPerCoolingCapacity != -999.0) {
    6048           0 :                 this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow = loc_m_NoCoolHeatSAFMethod_FlowPerCoolingCapacity;
    6049           0 :                 if (this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow != DataSizing::AutoSize) {
    6050           0 :                     if (this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow <= 0.00001 && this->m_CoolCoilExists) {
    6051           0 :                         ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    6052           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "Input for No Load Supply Air Flow Rate Method = FlowPerCoolingCapacity.");
    6053           0 :                         ShowContinueError(
    6054             :                             state,
    6055           0 :                             format("Suspicious No Load Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity During Cooling Operation = {:.7R} [m3/s/W].",
    6056           0 :                                    this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow));
    6057           0 :                         if (this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow < 0.0) errorsFound = true;
    6058             :                     }
    6059           0 :                     this->m_RequestAutoSize = true;
    6060             :                     // AutoSized input is not allowed
    6061             :                 } else {
    6062           0 :                     ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    6063           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "Input for No Load Supply Air Flow Rate Method = FlowPerCoolingCapacity.");
    6064           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "Illegal No Load Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity During Cooling Operation = Autosize");
    6065           0 :                     errorsFound = true;
    6066             :                 }
    6067             :             } else {
    6068           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    6069           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "Input for No Load Supply Air Flow Rate Method = FlowPerCoolingCapacity.");
    6070           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "Blank field not allowed for No Load Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity During Cooling Operation");
    6071           0 :                 errorsFound = true;
    6072             :             }
    6073         297 :         } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(loc_m_NoCoolHeatSAFMethod, "FlowPerHeatingCapacity")) {
    6074           0 :             this->m_NoCoolHeatSAFMethod = DataSizing::FlowPerHeatingCapacity;
    6075           0 :             if (loc_m_NoCoolHeatSAFMethod_FlowPerHeatingCapacity != -999.0) {
    6076           0 :                 this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow = loc_m_NoCoolHeatSAFMethod_FlowPerHeatingCapacity;
    6077           0 :                 if (this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow != DataSizing::AutoSize) {
    6078           0 :                     if (this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow <= 0.00001 && this->m_HeatCoilExists) {
    6079           0 :                         ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    6080           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "Input for No Load Supply Air Flow Rate Method = FlowPerHeatingCapacity.");
    6081           0 :                         ShowContinueError(
    6082             :                             state,
    6083           0 :                             format("Suspicious No Load Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity During Heating Operation = {:.7R} [m3/s/W].",
    6084           0 :                                    this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow));
    6085           0 :                         if (this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow < 0.0) errorsFound = true;
    6086             :                     }
    6087           0 :                     this->m_RequestAutoSize = true;
    6088             :                     // AutoSized input is not allowed
    6089             :                 } else {
    6090           0 :                     ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    6091           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "Input for No Load Supply Air Flow Rate Method = FlowPerHeatingCapacity.");
    6092           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "Illegal No Load Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity During Heating Operation = Autosize");
    6093           0 :                     errorsFound = true;
    6094             :                 }
    6095             :             } else {
    6096           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    6097           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "Input for No Load Supply Air Flow Rate Method = FlowPerHeatingCapacity.");
    6098           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "Blank field not allowed for No Load Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity During Heating Operation");
    6099           0 :                 errorsFound = true;
    6100             :             }
    6101         297 :         } else if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(loc_m_NoCoolHeatSAFMethod, "None") || loc_m_NoCoolHeatSAFMethod == "") {
    6102         297 :             this->m_NoCoolHeatSAFMethod = DataSizing::None;
    6103         297 :             if (this->m_ControlType == UnitarySysCtrlType::CCMASHRAE) {
    6104           0 :                 if (loc_m_NoCoolHeatSAFMethod_SAFlow == -99999.0) { // no load air flow is autosized
    6105           0 :                     this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow = DataSizing::AutoSize;
    6106           0 :                     this->m_RequestAutoSize = true;
    6107           0 :                 } else if (loc_m_NoCoolHeatSAFMethod_SAFlow == -999.0) { // no load air flow is blank
    6108           0 :                     this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow = DataSizing::AutoSize;
    6109           0 :                     this->m_RequestAutoSize = true;
    6110           0 :                     ShowWarningError(state, format("Input errors for {}:{}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    6111           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "Control Type = " + input_data.control_type);
    6112           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "Input for No Load Supply Air Flow Rate cannot be blank.");
    6113           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "Input for No Load Supply Air Flow Rate has been set to AutoSize and the simulation continues.");
    6114           0 :                 } else if (loc_m_NoCoolHeatSAFMethod_SAFlow == 0.0) { // no load air flow for SZVAV cannot be 0
    6115           0 :                     ShowSevereError(state, format("Input errors for {}:{}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    6116           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "Control Type = " + input_data.control_type);
    6117           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "Input for No Load Supply Air Flow Rate cannot be 0.");
    6118           0 :                     errorsFound = true;
    6119             :                 }
    6120             :             }
    6121             :         }
    6122             : 
    6123             :         // check supply air flow calculation method
    6124         592 :         if (this->m_FanExists) {
    6125         300 :             if (this->m_CoolCoilExists) {
    6126         300 :                 if (loc_m_CoolingSAFMethod.empty()) {
    6127           0 :                     ShowWarningError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    6128           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state,
    6129             :                                       "Method used to determine the cooling supply air flow rate is not specified when cooling coil is present.");
    6130             :                     // check if all cooling flow calc method fields are blank
    6131           0 :                     if (((loc_m_CoolingSAFMethod_SAFlow == -999.0) && (loc_m_CoolingSAFMethod_SAFlowPerFloorArea == -999.0) &&
    6132           0 :                          (loc_m_CoolingSAFMethod_FracOfAutosizedCoolingSAFlow == -999.0) &&
    6133             :                          (loc_m_CoolingSAFMethod_FlowPerCoolingCapacity == -999.0))) {
    6134           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate field is blank.");
    6135           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area field is blank.");
    6136           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "Cooling Fraction of Autosized Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate field is blank.");
    6137           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity field is blank.");
    6138           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state,
    6139             :                                           "Blank field not allowed for all four cooling supply air flow rate calculation methods when "
    6140             :                                           "cooling coil is present.");
    6141             :                     }
    6142             :                 }
    6143             :                 // set fan info for cooling coils
    6144         600 :                 state.dataRptCoilSelection->coilSelectionReportObj->setCoilSupplyFanInfo(
    6145             :                     state,
    6146             :                     this->m_CoolingCoilName,
    6147             :                     input_data.cooling_coil_object_type,
    6148             :                     this->m_FanName,
    6149         300 :                     this->m_FanType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::FanType_SystemModelObject ? DataAirSystems::ObjectVectorOOFanSystemModel
    6150             :                                                                                       : DataAirSystems::StructArrayLegacyFanModels,
    6151             :                     this->m_FanIndex);
    6152             :             }
    6153         300 :             if (this->m_HeatCoilExists) {
    6154         300 :                 if (loc_m_HeatingSAFMethod.empty()) {
    6155           0 :                     ShowWarningError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    6156           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state,
    6157             :                                       "Method used to determine the heating supply air flow rate is not specified when heating coil is present.");
    6158             :                     // check if all heating flow calc method fields are blank
    6159           0 :                     if (((loc_m_HeatingSAFMethod_SAFlow == -999.0) && (loc_m_HeatingSAFMethod_SAFlowPerFloorArea == -999.0) &&
    6160           0 :                          (loc_m_HeatingSAFMethod_FracOfAutosizedHeatingSAFlow == -999.0) &&
    6161             :                          (loc_m_HeatingSAFMethod_FlowPerHeatingCapacity == -999.0))) {
    6162           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "Heating Supply Air Flow Rate field is blank.");
    6163           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "Heating Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area field is blank.");
    6164           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "Heating Fraction of Autosized Heating Supply Air Flow Rate field is blank.");
    6165           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "Heating Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity field is blank.");
    6166           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state,
    6167             :                                           "Blank field not allowed for all four heating supply air flow rate calculation methods when heating "
    6168             :                                           "coil is present.");
    6169             :                     }
    6170             :                 }
    6171             :                 // set fan info for heating coils
    6172         600 :                 state.dataRptCoilSelection->coilSelectionReportObj->setCoilSupplyFanInfo(
    6173             :                     state,
    6174             :                     this->m_HeatingCoilName,
    6175             :                     this->m_HeatingCoilTypeName,
    6176             :                     this->m_FanName,
    6177         300 :                     this->m_FanType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::FanType_SystemModelObject ? DataAirSystems::ObjectVectorOOFanSystemModel
    6178             :                                                                                       : DataAirSystems::StructArrayLegacyFanModels,
    6179             :                     this->m_FanIndex);
    6180             :             }
    6181             :         }
    6182             : 
    6183             :         //       Fan operating mode (cycling or constant) schedule. IF constant fan, then set AirFlowControl
    6184         592 :         if (this->m_FanOpModeSchedPtr > 0) {
    6185         294 :             if (!ScheduleManager::CheckScheduleValueMinMax(state, this->m_FanOpModeSchedPtr, ">=", 0.0, "<=", 0.0)) {
    6186             :                 //           set fan operating mode to continuous so sizing can set VS coil data
    6187         153 :                 this->m_FanOpMode = DataHVACGlobals::ContFanCycCoil;
    6188             :                 //           set air flow control mode:
    6189             :                 //             UseCompressorOnFlow = operate at last cooling or heating air flow requested when compressor is off
    6190             :                 //             UseCompressorOffFlow = operate at value specified by user
    6191             :                 //           AirFlowControl only valid if fan opmode = ContFanCycComp
    6192         153 :                 if (this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow == 0.0) {
    6193          24 :                     this->m_AirFlowControl = UseCompFlow::On;
    6194             :                 } else {
    6195         129 :                     this->m_AirFlowControl = UseCompFlow::Off;
    6196             :                 }
    6197             :             }
    6198             :         }
    6199             : 
    6200         592 :         if (this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_Cooling && this->m_DehumidControlType_Num == DehumCtrlType::Multimode) {
    6201           4 :             int numCoolingCoilModes = state.dataCoilCooingDX->coilCoolingDXs[this->m_CoolingCoilIndex].getNumModes();
    6202           4 :             if (numCoolingCoilModes == 1) {
    6203           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    6204           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, format("Illegal Dehumidification Control Type = {}", input_data.dehumidification_control_type));
    6205           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "Multimode control must be used with a Heat Exchanger Assisted or Multimode Cooling Coil.");
    6206           0 :                 ShowContinueError(
    6207           0 :                     state, format("Cooling coil named: {} has only one mode", state.dataCoilCooingDX->coilCoolingDXs[this->m_CoolingCoilIndex].name));
    6208           0 :                 ShowFatalError(state, "Multimode cooling coil error causes program termination");
    6209           4 :             }
    6210        1174 :         } else if (this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num != DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_CoolingHXAssisted &&
    6211        1163 :                    this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num != DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_CoolingTwoStageWHumControl &&
    6212        1154 :                    this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num != DataHVACGlobals::CoilWater_CoolingHXAssisted &&
    6213         577 :                    this->m_DehumidControlType_Num == DehumCtrlType::Multimode) {
    6214           0 :             ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    6215           0 :             ShowContinueError(state, format("Illegal Dehumidification Control Type = {}", input_data.dehumidification_control_type));
    6216           0 :             ShowContinueError(state, "Multimode control must be used with a Heat Exchanger Assisted or Multimode Cooling Coil.");
    6217           0 :             if (this->m_SuppHeatCoilName == "" && this->m_SuppHeatCoilTypeName == "") {
    6218             :             } else {
    6219           0 :                 if (this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_UserDefined) {
    6220           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "Dehumidification control type is assumed to be None and the simulation continues.");
    6221           0 :                     this->m_DehumidControlType_Num = DehumCtrlType::None;
    6222             :                 } else {
    6223           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "Dehumidification control type is assumed to be CoolReheat and the simulation continues.");
    6224           0 :                     this->m_DehumidControlType_Num = DehumCtrlType::CoolReheat;
    6225             :                 }
    6226             :             }
    6227             :         }
    6228             : 
    6229             :         //       Check placement of cooling coil with respect to fan placement and dehumidification control type
    6230             : 
    6231         592 :         if (this->m_FanExists) {
    6232         300 :             if (this->m_FanPlace == FanPlace::BlowThru) {
    6233         142 :                 if (FanOutletNode == HeatingCoilInletNode && this->m_DehumidControlType_Num != DehumCtrlType::CoolReheat) {
    6234          23 :                     this->m_CoolingCoilUpstream = false;
    6235             :                 }
    6236         158 :             } else if (this->m_FanPlace == FanPlace::DrawThru) {
    6237         158 :                 if (HeatingCoilOutletNode == CoolingCoilInletNode && this->m_DehumidControlType_Num != DehumCtrlType::CoolReheat) {
    6238           0 :                     this->m_CoolingCoilUpstream = false;
    6239             :                 }
    6240             :             }
    6241             :         } else {
    6242         292 :             if (HeatingCoilOutletNode == CoolingCoilInletNode && this->m_DehumidControlType_Num != DehumCtrlType::CoolReheat) {
    6243           0 :                 this->m_CoolingCoilUpstream = false;
    6244             :             }
    6245         292 :             if (ZoneEquipmentFound) {
    6246           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    6247           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "ZoneHVAC equipment must contain a fan object.");
    6248           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, format("specified Supply Fan Object Type = {}", loc_fanType));
    6249           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, format("specified Supply Fan Name = {}", loc_m_FanName));
    6250           0 :                 errorsFound = true;
    6251             :             }
    6252             :         }
    6253             : 
    6254             :         // check node connections
    6255         592 :         if (this->m_FanPlace == FanPlace::BlowThru) {
    6256             : 
    6257         142 :             int tmpAirInletNode = this->AirInNode;
    6258         142 :             if (this->OAMixerExists) {
    6259          27 :                 tmpAirInletNode = this->m_OAMixerNodes[3]; // mixed air node
    6260             :             }
    6261         142 :             if (FanInletNode != tmpAirInletNode) {
    6262           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    6263           0 :                 if (this->OAMixerExists) {
    6264           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state,
    6265             :                                       "When a blow through fan is specified, the fan inlet node name must be the same as the outdoor "
    6266             :                                       "air mixer mixed air node name.");
    6267           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, format("...Fan inlet node name               = {}", state.dataLoopNodes->NodeID(FanInletNode)));
    6268           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, format("...UnitarySystem mixed air node name = {}", state.dataLoopNodes->NodeID(tmpAirInletNode)));
    6269             :                 } else {
    6270           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state,
    6271             :                                       "When a blow through fan is specified, the fan inlet node name must be the same as the unitary system "
    6272             :                                       "inlet node name.");
    6273           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, format("...Fan inlet node name           = {}", state.dataLoopNodes->NodeID(FanInletNode)));
    6274           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, format("...UnitarySystem inlet node name = {}", state.dataLoopNodes->NodeID(this->AirInNode)));
    6275             :                 }
    6276           0 :                 errorsFound = true;
    6277             :             }
    6278         142 :             if (this->m_CoolingCoilUpstream) {
    6279         119 :                 if (FanOutletNode != CoolingCoilInletNode && this->m_CoolCoilExists && this->m_FanExists) {
    6280           0 :                     ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    6281           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state,
    6282             :                                       "When a blow through fan is specified, the fan outlet node name must be the same as the cooling coil "
    6283             :                                       "inlet node name.");
    6284           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, format("...Fan outlet node name         = {}", state.dataLoopNodes->NodeID(FanOutletNode)));
    6285           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, format("...Cooling coil inlet node name = {}", state.dataLoopNodes->NodeID(CoolingCoilInletNode)));
    6286           0 :                     errorsFound = true;
    6287             :                 }
    6288         119 :                 if (CoolingCoilOutletNode != HeatingCoilInletNode && this->m_CoolCoilExists && this->m_HeatCoilExists) {
    6289           0 :                     ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    6290           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "The cooling coil outlet node name must be the same as the heating coil inlet node name.");
    6291           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, format("...Cooling coil outlet node name = {}", state.dataLoopNodes->NodeID(CoolingCoilOutletNode)));
    6292           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, format("...Heating coil inlet node name  = {}", state.dataLoopNodes->NodeID(HeatingCoilInletNode)));
    6293           0 :                     errorsFound = true;
    6294             :                 }
    6295         119 :                 if (this->m_SuppCoilExists) {
    6296          74 :                     if (SupHeatCoilOutletNode != this->AirOutNode) {
    6297           0 :                         ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    6298           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "The reheat coil outlet node name must be the same as the unitary system outlet node name.");
    6299           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state,
    6300           0 :                                           format("...Reheat coil outlet node name   = {}" + state.dataLoopNodes->NodeID(SupHeatCoilOutletNode)));
    6301           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, format("...UnitarySystem outlet node name = {}" + state.dataLoopNodes->NodeID(this->AirOutNode)));
    6302           0 :                         errorsFound = true;
    6303             :                     }
    6304             :                 } else { // IF((this->m_Humidistat ...
    6305             :                     // Heating coil outlet node name must be the same as the Unitary system outlet node name
    6306          45 :                     if (this->m_HeatCoilExists && HeatingCoilOutletNode != this->AirOutNode) {
    6307           0 :                         ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    6308           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state,
    6309             :                                           "When a blow through fan is specified, the heating coil outlet node name must be the same as the "
    6310             :                                           "unitary system outlet node name.");
    6311           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state,
    6312           0 :                                           format("...Heating coil outlet node name  = {}", state.dataLoopNodes->NodeID(HeatingCoilOutletNode)));
    6313           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, format("...Unitary system outlet node name = {}", state.dataLoopNodes->NodeID(this->AirOutNode)));
    6314           0 :                         errorsFound = true;
    6315             :                     }
    6316             :                 }
    6317             :             } else { // IF(this->CoolingCoilUpstream)THEN
    6318          23 :                 if (FanOutletNode != HeatingCoilInletNode && this->m_FanExists && this->m_HeatCoilExists) {
    6319           0 :                     ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    6320           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state,
    6321             :                                       "When a blow through fan is specified, the fan outlet node name must be the same as the heating coil "
    6322             :                                       "inlet node name.");
    6323           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, format("...Fan outlet node name         = {}", state.dataLoopNodes->NodeID(FanOutletNode)));
    6324           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, format("...Heating coil inlet node name = {}", state.dataLoopNodes->NodeID(HeatingCoilInletNode)));
    6325           0 :                     errorsFound = true;
    6326             :                 }
    6327          23 :                 if (HeatingCoilOutletNode != CoolingCoilInletNode && this->m_CoolCoilExists && this->m_HeatCoilExists) {
    6328           0 :                     ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    6329           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "The heating coil outlet node name must be the same as the cooling coil inlet node name.");
    6330           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, format("...Heating coil outlet node name = {}", state.dataLoopNodes->NodeID(HeatingCoilOutletNode)));
    6331           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, format("...Cooling coil inlet node name  = {}", state.dataLoopNodes->NodeID(CoolingCoilInletNode)));
    6332           0 :                     errorsFound = true;
    6333             :                 }
    6334          23 :                 if (CoolingCoilOutletNode != this->AirOutNode && this->m_CoolCoilExists) {
    6335           0 :                     ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    6336           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state,
    6337             :                                       "When a blow through fan is specified, the cooling coil outlet node name must be the same as the unitary "
    6338             :                                       "system outlet node name.");
    6339           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, format("...Cooling coil outlet node name   = {}", state.dataLoopNodes->NodeID(CoolingCoilOutletNode)));
    6340           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, format("...UnitarySystem outlet node name  = {}", state.dataLoopNodes->NodeID(this->AirOutNode)));
    6341           0 :                     errorsFound = true;
    6342             :                 }
    6343             :             }
    6344             : 
    6345         450 :         } else if (this->m_FanPlace == FanPlace::DrawThru) { // ELSE from IF(this->FanPlace .EQ. BlowThru)THEN
    6346             : 
    6347         158 :             int tmpAirInletNode = this->AirInNode;
    6348         158 :             if (this->OAMixerExists) {
    6349         140 :                 tmpAirInletNode = this->m_OAMixerNodes[3]; // mixed air node
    6350             :             }
    6351         158 :             if (this->m_CoolingCoilUpstream) {
    6352         158 :                 if (CoolingCoilInletNode != tmpAirInletNode && CoolingCoilInletNode != 0 && this->m_FanExists) {
    6353           0 :                     if (this->OAMixerExists) {
    6354           0 :                         ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    6355           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state,
    6356             :                                           "When a draw through fan is specified, the cooling coil inlet node name must be the same as the outdoor "
    6357             :                                           "air mixer mixed air node name.");
    6358           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state,
    6359           0 :                                           format("...Cooling coil inlet node name      = {}", state.dataLoopNodes->NodeID(CoolingCoilInletNode)));
    6360           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, format("...UnitarySystem mixed air node name = {}", state.dataLoopNodes->NodeID(tmpAirInletNode)));
    6361             :                     } else {
    6362           0 :                         ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    6363           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state,
    6364             :                                           "When a draw through fan is specified, the cooling coil inlet node name must be the same as the unitary "
    6365             :                                           "system inlet node name.");
    6366           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, format("...Cooling coil inlet node name  = {}", state.dataLoopNodes->NodeID(CoolingCoilInletNode)));
    6367           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, format("...UnitarySystem inlet node name = {}", state.dataLoopNodes->NodeID(this->AirInNode)));
    6368             :                     }
    6369           0 :                     errorsFound = true;
    6370             :                 }
    6371         158 :                 if (CoolingCoilOutletNode != HeatingCoilInletNode && this->m_CoolCoilExists && this->m_HeatCoilExists) {
    6372           0 :                     ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    6373           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "The cooling coil outlet node name must be the same as the heating coil inlet node name.");
    6374           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, format("...Cooling coil outlet node name = {}", state.dataLoopNodes->NodeID(CoolingCoilOutletNode)));
    6375           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, format("...Heating coil inlet node name  = {}", state.dataLoopNodes->NodeID(HeatingCoilInletNode)));
    6376           0 :                     errorsFound = true;
    6377             :                 }
    6378         158 :                 if (HeatingCoilOutletNode != FanInletNode && this->m_HeatCoilExists && this->m_FanExists) {
    6379           0 :                     ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    6380           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state,
    6381             :                                       "When a draw through fan is specified, the heating coil outlet node name must be the same as the fan "
    6382             :                                       "inlet node name.");
    6383           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, format("...Heating coil outlet node name = {}", state.dataLoopNodes->NodeID(HeatingCoilOutletNode)));
    6384           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, format("...Fan inlet node name           = {}", state.dataLoopNodes->NodeID(FanInletNode)));
    6385           0 :                     errorsFound = true;
    6386             :                 }
    6387         158 :                 if (this->m_SuppCoilExists) {
    6388          16 :                     if (FanOutletNode != SupHeatCoilInletNode && this->m_FanExists) {
    6389           0 :                         ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    6390           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state,
    6391             :                                           "When a draw through fan is specified, the fan outlet node name must be the same as the reheat coil "
    6392             :                                           "inlet node name.");
    6393           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, format("...Fan outlet node name        = {}", state.dataLoopNodes->NodeID(FanOutletNode)));
    6394           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, format("...Reheat coil inlet node name = {}", state.dataLoopNodes->NodeID(SupHeatCoilInletNode)));
    6395           0 :                         errorsFound = true;
    6396             :                     }
    6397          16 :                     if (SupHeatCoilOutletNode != this->AirOutNode) {
    6398           0 :                         ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    6399           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "The reheat coil outlet node name must be the same as the unitary system outlet node name.");
    6400           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state,
    6401           0 :                                           format("...Reheat coil outlet node name   = {}", state.dataLoopNodes->NodeID(SupHeatCoilOutletNode)));
    6402           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, format("...UnitarySystem outlet node name = {}", state.dataLoopNodes->NodeID(this->AirOutNode)));
    6403           0 :                         errorsFound = true;
    6404             :                     }
    6405             :                 } else {
    6406         142 :                     if (FanOutletNode != this->AirOutNode && this->m_FanExists) {
    6407           0 :                         ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    6408           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state,
    6409             :                                           "When a draw through fan is specified, the fan outlet node name must be the same as the unitary system "
    6410             :                                           "outlet node name.");
    6411           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, format("...Fan outlet node name        = {}", state.dataLoopNodes->NodeID(FanOutletNode)));
    6412           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, format("...Unitary system outlet node name = {}", state.dataLoopNodes->NodeID(this->AirOutNode)));
    6413           0 :                         errorsFound = true;
    6414             :                     }
    6415             :                 }
    6416             :             } else { // IF(this->CoolingCoilUpstream)THEN
    6417           0 :                 if (HeatingCoilInletNode != tmpAirInletNode && HeatingCoilInletNode != 0 && this->m_FanExists) {
    6418           0 :                     ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    6419           0 :                     if (this->OAMixerExists) {
    6420           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state,
    6421             :                                           "When a draw through fan is specified, the heating coil inlet node name must be the same as the unitary "
    6422             :                                           "system mixer mixed air node name.");
    6423           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state,
    6424           0 :                                           format("...Heating coil inlet node name      = {}", state.dataLoopNodes->NodeID(HeatingCoilInletNode)));
    6425           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, format("...UnitarySystem mixed air node name = {}", state.dataLoopNodes->NodeID(tmpAirInletNode)));
    6426             :                     } else {
    6427           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state,
    6428             :                                           "When a draw through fan is specified, the heating coil inlet node name must be the same as the unitary "
    6429             :                                           "system inlet node name.");
    6430           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, format("...Heating coil inlet node name  = {}", state.dataLoopNodes->NodeID(HeatingCoilInletNode)));
    6431           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, format("...UnitarySystem inlet node name = {}", state.dataLoopNodes->NodeID(this->AirInNode)));
    6432             :                     }
    6433           0 :                     errorsFound = true;
    6434             :                 }
    6435           0 :                 if (HeatingCoilOutletNode != CoolingCoilInletNode && this->m_HeatCoilExists && this->m_CoolCoilExists) {
    6436           0 :                     ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    6437           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "The heating coil outlet node name must be the same as the cooling coil inlet node name.");
    6438           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, format("...Heating coil outlet node name = {}", state.dataLoopNodes->NodeID(HeatingCoilOutletNode)));
    6439           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, format("...Cooling coil inlet node name  = {}", state.dataLoopNodes->NodeID(CoolingCoilInletNode)));
    6440           0 :                     errorsFound = true;
    6441             :                 }
    6442           0 :                 if (CoolingCoilOutletNode != FanInletNode && this->m_CoolCoilExists && this->m_FanExists) {
    6443           0 :                     ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    6444           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state,
    6445             :                                       "When a draw through fan is specified, the cooling coil outlet node name must be the same as the fan "
    6446             :                                       "inlet node name.");
    6447           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, format("...Cooling coil outlet node name = {}", state.dataLoopNodes->NodeID(CoolingCoilOutletNode)));
    6448           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, format("...Fan inlet node name           = {}", state.dataLoopNodes->NodeID(FanInletNode)));
    6449           0 :                     errorsFound = true;
    6450             :                 }
    6451           0 :                 if (FanOutletNode != this->AirOutNode && this->m_FanExists) {
    6452           0 :                     ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    6453           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state,
    6454             :                                       "When a draw through fan is specified, the fan outlet node name must be the same as the unitary system "
    6455             :                                       "outlet node name.");
    6456           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, format("...Fan outlet node name           = {}", state.dataLoopNodes->NodeID(FanOutletNode)));
    6457           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, format("...UnitarySystem outlet node name = {}", state.dataLoopNodes->NodeID(this->AirOutNode)));
    6458           0 :                     errorsFound = true;
    6459             :                 }
    6460             :             }
    6461             :         } // ELSE from IF(this->FanPlace .EQ. BlowThru)THEN
    6462             : 
    6463             :         // Set the unitary system supplemental heater max outlet temperature
    6464             :         // this field will be 0 if the input is not specified (included) in the input file
    6465             :         // someone may use a default other than what we intended, allow it to be used
    6466             :         // so if this field is blank, and the input field is included, read the default, otherwise use 80
    6467             :         // if (!lNumericBlanks(iDesignMaxOutletTempNumericNum) && NumNumbers > (iDesignMaxOutletTempNumericNum - 1)) {
    6468         592 :         if (this->m_sysType == SysType::Unitary) {
    6469             :             // UnitarySystem has a single field for max outlet temp
    6470         110 :             this->DesignMaxOutletTemp = input_data.maximum_supply_air_temperature;
    6471             :         } else {
    6472             :             // PTHP has a field for max outlet temp for supplmental heater and max outlet temp for SZVAV
    6473         482 :             if (this->m_ControlType == UnitarySysCtrlType::CCMASHRAE) {
    6474           0 :                 this->DesignMaxOutletTemp = input_data.maximum_supply_air_temperature;
    6475             :             } else {
    6476         482 :                 this->DesignMaxOutletTemp = input_data.maximum_supply_air_temperature_from_supplemental_heater;
    6477             :             }
    6478             :         }
    6479         592 :         if (this->DesignMaxOutletTemp == DataSizing::AutoSize) this->m_RequestAutoSize = true;
    6480             :         //}
    6481             : 
    6482             :         // Set maximum Outdoor air temperature for supplemental heating coil operation
    6483             :         // this field will be 0 if the input is not specified (included) in the input file
    6484             :         // someone may use a default other than what we intended, allow it to be used
    6485             :         // so if this field is blank, and the input field is included, read the default, otherwise use 9999
    6486             :         // if (!lNumericBlanks(iMaxOATSuppHeatNumericNum) && NumNumbers > (iMaxOATSuppHeatNumericNum - 1)) {
    6487         592 :         this->m_MaxOATSuppHeat = input_data.maximum_outdoor_dry_bulb_temperature_for_supplemental_heater_operation;
    6488             :         // Can't let MaxOATSuppHeat default to 21C if using cool reheat since it would shut off supp heater when dehumidifying
    6489             :         // this may also allow supplemental heater to operate when in heating mode when it should not
    6490         592 :         if (this->m_MaxOATSuppHeat == 21.0 && this->m_DehumidControlType_Num == DehumCtrlType::CoolReheat) {
    6491          13 :             this->m_MaxOATSuppHeat = 999.0;
    6492             :         }
    6493             : 
    6494         651 :         if (this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow > 0.0 && this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow > 0.0 && this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow >= 0.0 &&
    6495          59 :             !this->m_RequestAutoSize) {
    6496          12 :             this->m_DesignFanVolFlowRate = max(this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow, this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow, this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow);
    6497         580 :         } else if (this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow > 0.0 && this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow >= 0.0 && !this->m_RequestAutoSize) {
    6498          48 :             this->m_DesignFanVolFlowRate = max(this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow, this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow);
    6499         532 :         } else if (this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow > 0.0 && this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow >= 0.0 && !this->m_RequestAutoSize) {
    6500           0 :             this->m_DesignFanVolFlowRate = max(this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow, this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow);
    6501             :         } else {
    6502         532 :             if (this->m_FanExists && this->m_DesignFanVolFlowRate == 0.0) {
    6503           0 :                 this->m_DesignFanVolFlowRate = DataSizing::AutoSize;
    6504             :             }
    6505             :             // need more of this type of warning when flow cannot be determined
    6506         532 :             if (this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow == 0.0 && this->m_HeatCoilExists) {
    6507           0 :                 if (this->m_FanExists) {
    6508           0 :                     if (this->m_CoolCoilExists && this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow != DataSizing::AutoSize) {
    6509           0 :                         if (this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow == 0.0) {
    6510           0 :                             this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow = this->m_DesignFanVolFlowRate;
    6511             :                         }
    6512             :                     }
    6513           0 :                 } else if (this->m_CoolCoilExists) {
    6514           0 :                     this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow = this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow;
    6515             :                 } else {
    6516           0 :                     if (this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num != DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_HeatingEmpirical &&
    6517           0 :                         this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num != DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_MultiSpeedHeating &&
    6518           0 :                         this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num != DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingAirToAirVariableSpeed) {
    6519           0 :                         ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    6520           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state,
    6521             :                                           "When non-DX heating coils are specified, the heating air flow rate must be entered in Heating "
    6522             :                                           "Supply Air Flow Rate Method");
    6523           0 :                         errorsFound = true;
    6524             :                     }
    6525             :                 }
    6526         532 :             } else if (this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow == 0.0 && !this->m_FanExists && !this->m_CoolCoilExists) {
    6527           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    6528           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state,
    6529             :                                   "When non-DX heating coils are specified, the heating air flow rate must be entered in Heating "
    6530             :                                   "Supply Air Flow Rate Method");
    6531             :             }
    6532             :         }
    6533             : 
    6534         592 :         if (FanVolFlowRate != DataSizing::AutoSize && this->m_FanExists) {
    6535          63 :             if (FanVolFlowRate < this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow && this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow != DataSizing::AutoSize && this->m_CoolCoilExists) {
    6536           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    6537           0 :                 ShowContinueError(
    6538             :                     state,
    6539           0 :                     format("... air flow rate = {:.7T} in fan object {} is less than the maximum HVAC system air flow rate in cooling mode.",
    6540             :                            FanVolFlowRate,
    6541           0 :                            this->m_FanName));
    6542           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, " The Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate is reset to the fan flow rate and the simulation continues.");
    6543           0 :                 this->m_MaxCoolAirVolFlow = FanVolFlowRate;
    6544           0 :                 this->m_DesignFanVolFlowRate = FanVolFlowRate;
    6545             :             }
    6546          63 :             if (FanVolFlowRate < this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow && this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow != DataSizing::AutoSize && this->m_HeatCoilExists) {
    6547           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    6548           0 :                 ShowContinueError(
    6549             :                     state,
    6550           0 :                     format("... air flow rate = {:.7T} in fan object {} is less than the maximum HVAC system air flow rate in heating mode.",
    6551             :                            FanVolFlowRate,
    6552           0 :                            this->m_FanName));
    6553           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, " The Heating Supply Air Flow Rate is reset to the fan flow rate and the simulation continues.");
    6554           0 :                 this->m_MaxHeatAirVolFlow = FanVolFlowRate;
    6555           0 :                 this->m_DesignFanVolFlowRate = FanVolFlowRate;
    6556             :             }
    6557             :         }
    6558             : 
    6559         592 :         if (this->m_FanOpModeSchedPtr > 0) {
    6560         294 :             if (!ScheduleManager::CheckScheduleValueMinMax(state, this->m_FanOpModeSchedPtr, ">=", 0.0, "<=", 0.0)) {
    6561             :                 //           set air flow control mode:
    6562             :                 //             UseCompressorOnFlow = operate at last cooling or heating air flow requested when compressor is off
    6563             :                 //             UseCompressorOffFlow = operate at value specified by user
    6564             :                 //           AirFlowControl only valid IF fan opmode = ContFanCycComp
    6565         153 :                 if (this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow == 0.0) {
    6566          24 :                     this->m_AirFlowControl = UseCompFlow::On;
    6567             :                 } else {
    6568         129 :                     this->m_AirFlowControl = UseCompFlow::Off;
    6569             :                 }
    6570             :             }
    6571             :         }
    6572             : 
    6573             :         // Set minimum OAT for heat pump compressor operation in cooling mode
    6574             :         // get from coil module
    6575         592 :         errFlag = false;
    6576         592 :         if (this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_CoolingSingleSpeed) {
    6577         378 :             this->m_MinOATCompressorCooling = DXCoils::GetMinOATCompressor(state, this->m_CoolingCoilIndex, errFlag);
    6578         214 :         } else if (this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_CoolingTwoSpeed) {
    6579          67 :             this->m_MinOATCompressorCooling = DXCoils::GetMinOATCompressor(state, this->m_CoolingCoilIndex, errFlag);
    6580         147 :         } else if (this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_MultiSpeedCooling) {
    6581          37 :             this->m_MinOATCompressorCooling = DXCoils::GetMinOATCompressor(state, this->m_CoolingCoilIndex, errFlag);
    6582         110 :         } else if (this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_CoolingTwoStageWHumControl) {
    6583           9 :             this->m_MinOATCompressorCooling = DXCoils::GetMinOATCompressor(state, this->m_CoolingCoilIndex, errFlag);
    6584         101 :         } else if (this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingAirToAirVariableSpeed) {
    6585           9 :             this->m_MinOATCompressorCooling = VariableSpeedCoils::GetVSCoilMinOATCompressor(state, this->m_CoolingCoilIndex, errFlag);
    6586          92 :         } else if (this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_Cooling) {
    6587             :             // already found in getInput
    6588             :         } else {
    6589          42 :             this->m_MinOATCompressorCooling = -1000.0;
    6590             :         }
    6591         592 :         if (errFlag) {
    6592           0 :             ShowContinueError(state, format("Occurs in {} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    6593           0 :             errorsFound = true;
    6594             :         }
    6595             : 
    6596             :         // Set minimum OAT for heat pump compressor operation in heating mode
    6597             :         // get from coil module
    6598         592 :         errFlag = false;
    6599         592 :         if (this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingAirToAirVariableSpeed) {
    6600           3 :             this->m_MinOATCompressorHeating = VariableSpeedCoils::GetVSCoilMinOATCompressor(state, this->m_HeatingCoilIndex, errFlag);
    6601        1137 :         } else if (this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_HeatingEmpirical ||
    6602         548 :                    this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_MultiSpeedHeating) {
    6603          52 :             this->m_MinOATCompressorHeating = DXCoils::GetMinOATCompressor(state, this->m_HeatingCoilIndex, errFlag);
    6604             :         } else {
    6605         537 :             this->m_MinOATCompressorHeating = -1000.0;
    6606             :         }
    6607         592 :         if (errFlag) {
    6608           0 :             ShowContinueError(state, format("Occurs in {} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    6609           0 :             errorsFound = true;
    6610             :         }
    6611             : 
    6612             :         //       Mine heatpump Outdoor condenser node from DX coil object
    6613         592 :         errFlag = false;
    6614         592 :         if (this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_CoolingSingleSpeed) {
    6615         378 :             this->m_CondenserNodeNum =
    6616         378 :                 DXCoils::GetCoilCondenserInletNode(state, input_data.cooling_coil_object_type, this->m_CoolingCoilName, errFlag);
    6617             :             // TODO: Should we add a block for the new DX Coil?
    6618         214 :         } else if (this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingAirToAirVariableSpeed) {
    6619           9 :             this->m_CondenserNodeNum = VariableSpeedCoils::GetVSCoilCondenserInletNode(state, this->m_CoolingCoilName, errFlag);
    6620         205 :         } else if (this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_CoolingHXAssisted) {
    6621             :             // already filled
    6622             :             // UnitarySystem( UnitarySysNum ).CondenserNodeNum = GetDXCoilCondenserInletNode( "Coil:Cooling:DX:SingleSpeed",
    6623             :             // GetHXDXCoilName(state,  CoolingCoilType, this->m_CoolingCoilName, errFlag ), errFlag );
    6624             : 
    6625             :         } else {
    6626         203 :             if (input_data.outdoor_dry_bulb_temperature_sensor_node_name != "") {
    6627          18 :                 this->m_CondenserNodeNum = NodeInputManager::GetOnlySingleNode(state,
    6628             :                                                                                input_data.outdoor_dry_bulb_temperature_sensor_node_name,
    6629             :                                                                                errFlag,
    6630             :                                                                                objType,
    6631             :                                                                                thisObjectName,
    6632             :                                                                                DataLoopNode::NodeFluidType::Air,
    6633             :                                                                                DataLoopNode::ConnectionType::Inlet,
    6634             :                                                                                NodeInputManager::CompFluidStream::Primary,
    6635          18 :                                                                                DataLoopNode::ObjectIsParent);
    6636             :             } else {
    6637             :                 // do nothing?
    6638             :             }
    6639             :         }
    6640         592 :         if (errFlag) {
    6641           0 :             ShowContinueError(state, format("Occurs in {} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    6642           0 :             errorsFound = true;
    6643             :         }
    6644             : 
    6645         592 :         this->m_MaxONOFFCyclesperHour = input_data.maximum_cycling_rate;          // Set the heatpump cycling rate
    6646         592 :         this->m_HPTimeConstant = input_data.heat_pump_time_constant;              // Set the heat pump time constant
    6647         592 :         this->m_OnCyclePowerFraction = input_data.fraction_of_on_cycle_power_use; // Set the heat pump on-cycle power use fraction
    6648         592 :         this->m_FanDelayTime = input_data.heat_pump_fan_delay_time;               // Set the heat pump fan delay time
    6649         592 :         this->m_AncillaryOnPower = input_data.ancillary_on_cycle_electric_power;
    6650         592 :         this->m_AncillaryOffPower = input_data.ancillary_off_cycle_electric_power;
    6651         592 :         this->m_MaxHROutletWaterTemp = input_data.maximum_temperature_for_heat_recovery;
    6652             : 
    6653         592 :         if (this->m_DesignHRWaterVolumeFlow > 0.0) {
    6654           0 :             this->m_HeatRecActive = true;
    6655           0 :             errFlag = false;
    6656           0 :             if (input_data.heat_recovery_water_inlet_node_name != "" && input_data.heat_recovery_water_outlet_node_name != "") {
    6657           0 :                 this->m_HeatRecoveryInletNodeNum = NodeInputManager::GetOnlySingleNode(state,
    6658             :                                                                                        input_data.heat_recovery_water_inlet_node_name,
    6659             :                                                                                        errFlag,
    6660             :                                                                                        objType,
    6661             :                                                                                        thisObjectName,
    6662             :                                                                                        DataLoopNode::NodeFluidType::Water,
    6663             :                                                                                        DataLoopNode::ConnectionType::Inlet,
    6664             :                                                                                        NodeInputManager::CompFluidStream::Tertiary,
    6665           0 :                                                                                        DataLoopNode::ObjectIsNotParent);
    6666           0 :                 this->m_HeatRecoveryOutletNodeNum = NodeInputManager::GetOnlySingleNode(state,
    6667             :                                                                                         input_data.heat_recovery_water_outlet_node_name,
    6668             :                                                                                         errFlag,
    6669             :                                                                                         objType,
    6670             :                                                                                         thisObjectName,
    6671             :                                                                                         DataLoopNode::NodeFluidType::Water,
    6672             :                                                                                         DataLoopNode::ConnectionType::Outlet,
    6673             :                                                                                         NodeInputManager::CompFluidStream::Tertiary,
    6674           0 :                                                                                         DataLoopNode::ObjectIsNotParent);
    6675             : 
    6676           0 :                 BranchNodeConnections::TestCompSet(state,
    6677             :                                                    cCurrentModuleObject,
    6678             :                                                    thisObjectName,
    6679             :                                                    input_data.heat_recovery_water_inlet_node_name,
    6680             :                                                    input_data.heat_recovery_water_outlet_node_name,
    6681             :                                                    "Unitary System Heat Recovery Nodes");
    6682             : 
    6683           0 :                 if (this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_MultiSpeedCooling) {
    6684           0 :                     DXCoils::SetMSHPDXCoilHeatRecoveryFlag(state, this->m_CoolingCoilIndex);
    6685             :                 }
    6686           0 :                 if (this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_MultiSpeedHeating) {
    6687           0 :                     DXCoils::SetMSHPDXCoilHeatRecoveryFlag(state, this->m_HeatingCoilIndex);
    6688             :                 }
    6689           0 :                 if (errFlag) {
    6690           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, format("Occurs in {} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    6691           0 :                     errorsFound = true;
    6692             :                 }
    6693             :             } else {
    6694           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    6695           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, format("Illegal Heat Recovery Water Inlet Node Name = {}", input_data.heat_recovery_water_inlet_node_name));
    6696           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state,
    6697           0 :                                   format("Illegal Heat Recovery Water Outlet Node Name = {}", input_data.heat_recovery_water_outlet_node_name));
    6698           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state,
    6699             :                                   "... heat recovery nodes must be specified when Design Heat Recovery Water Flow Rate"
    6700             :                                   " is greater than 0.");
    6701           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, format("... Design Heat Recovery Water Flow Rate = {:.7R}", this->m_DesignHRWaterVolumeFlow));
    6702           0 :                 errorsFound = true;
    6703             :             }
    6704             :         }
    6705             : 
    6706         592 :         if (!this->m_DesignSpecMultispeedHPType.empty() && !this->m_DesignSpecMultispeedHPName.empty()) {
    6707             : 
    6708          55 :             if (this->m_DesignSpecMSHPIndex > -1) {
    6709             : 
    6710          55 :                 this->m_NoLoadAirFlowRateRatio = this->m_CompPointerMSHP->noLoadAirFlowRateRatio;
    6711             : 
    6712          99 :                 if (this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_MultiSpeedHeating ||
    6713          88 :                     this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingElectric_MultiStage ||
    6714          44 :                     this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingGas_MultiStage) {
    6715          11 :                     this->m_NumOfSpeedHeating = this->m_CompPointerMSHP->numOfSpeedHeating;
    6716          11 :                     this->m_HeatMassFlowRate.resize(this->m_NumOfSpeedHeating + 1);
    6717          11 :                     this->m_HeatVolumeFlowRate.resize(this->m_NumOfSpeedHeating + 1);
    6718          11 :                     this->m_MSHeatingSpeedRatio.resize(this->m_NumOfSpeedHeating + 1);
    6719          11 :                     if (state.dataGlobal->DoCoilDirectSolutions && this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling < this->m_NumOfSpeedHeating) {
    6720           0 :                         this->FullOutput.resize(this->m_NumOfSpeedHeating + 1);
    6721             :                     }
    6722          47 :                     for (int i = 1; i <= this->m_NumOfSpeedHeating; ++i) {
    6723          36 :                         this->m_HeatMassFlowRate[i] = 0.0;
    6724          36 :                         this->m_HeatVolumeFlowRate[i] = 0.0;
    6725          36 :                         this->m_MSHeatingSpeedRatio[i] = 1.0;
    6726             :                     }
    6727             :                 }
    6728             : 
    6729          55 :                 if (this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_MultiSpeedCooling) {
    6730          37 :                     this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling = this->m_CompPointerMSHP->numOfSpeedCooling;
    6731          37 :                     this->m_CoolMassFlowRate.resize(this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling + 1);
    6732          37 :                     this->m_CoolVolumeFlowRate.resize(this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling + 1);
    6733          37 :                     this->m_MSCoolingSpeedRatio.resize(this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling + 1);
    6734          37 :                     if (state.dataGlobal->DoCoilDirectSolutions && this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling > this->m_NumOfSpeedHeating) {
    6735           0 :                         this->FullOutput.resize(this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling + 1);
    6736           0 :                         DXCoils::DisableLatentDegradation(state, this->m_CoolingCoilIndex);
    6737             :                     }
    6738         112 :                     for (int i = 1; i <= this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling; ++i) {
    6739          75 :                         this->m_CoolMassFlowRate[i] = 0.0;
    6740          75 :                         this->m_CoolVolumeFlowRate[i] = 0.0;
    6741          75 :                         this->m_MSCoolingSpeedRatio[i] = 1.0;
    6742             :                     }
    6743             :                 }
    6744             :             } else {
    6745           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    6746           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "... one or both of the following inputs are invalid.");
    6747           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, format("Field Design Specification Multispeed Object Type = {}", this->m_DesignSpecMultispeedHPType));
    6748           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, format("Field Design Specification Multispeed Object Name = {}", this->m_DesignSpecMultispeedHPName));
    6749           0 :                 errorsFound = true;
    6750             :             }
    6751        1074 :         } else if ((this->m_DesignSpecMultispeedHPType.empty() && !this->m_DesignSpecMultispeedHPName.empty()) ||
    6752         537 :                    (!this->m_DesignSpecMultispeedHPType.empty() && this->m_DesignSpecMultispeedHPName.empty())) {
    6753           0 :             ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    6754           0 :             ShowContinueError(state, "... one or both of the following inputs are invalid.");
    6755           0 :             ShowContinueError(state, format("Field Design Specification Multispeed Object Type = {}", this->m_DesignSpecMultispeedHPType));
    6756           0 :             ShowContinueError(state, format("Field Design Specification Multispeed Object Name = {}", this->m_DesignSpecMultispeedHPName));
    6757           0 :             errorsFound = true;
    6758             :         }
    6759             : 
    6760         592 :         if (this->m_DiscreteSpeedCoolingCoil) {
    6761             : 
    6762          70 :             if (this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling == 0) {
    6763           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    6764           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state,
    6765           0 :                                   "... Cooling coil object type requires valid " + std::string{unitarySysHeatPumpPerformanceObjectType} +
    6766             :                                       " for cooling to be specified with number of speeds > 0");
    6767           0 :                 errorsFound = true;
    6768             :             }
    6769             :         }
    6770         592 :         if (this->m_MultiSpeedHeatingCoil) {
    6771             : 
    6772          12 :             if (this->m_DesignSpecMSHPIndex > -1) this->m_NumOfSpeedHeating = this->m_CompPointerMSHP->numOfSpeedHeating;
    6773             : 
    6774          12 :             if (this->m_NumOfSpeedHeating == 0) {
    6775           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    6776           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state,
    6777           0 :                                   "... Heating coil object type requires valid " + std::string{unitarySysHeatPumpPerformanceObjectType} +
    6778             :                                       " for heating to be specified with number of speeds > 0");
    6779           0 :                 errorsFound = true;
    6780             :             }
    6781             :         }
    6782             : 
    6783         603 :         if ((this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_MultiSpeedHeating &&
    6784          18 :              (this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_MultiSpeedCooling ||
    6785         588 :               this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_Cooling)) ||
    6786         657 :             (this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingGasOrOtherFuel &&
    6787         120 :              (this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_MultiSpeedCooling ||
    6788          44 :               this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_Cooling))) {
    6789         128 :             if (this->m_DesignSpecMSHPIndex > -1) {
    6790          50 :                 if (this->m_CompPointerMSHP->m_SingleModeFlag) {
    6791           1 :                     this->m_SingleMode = 1;
    6792             :                 }
    6793             :             }
    6794             :         } else {
    6795         528 :             if (this->m_DesignSpecMSHPIndex > -1) {
    6796           5 :                 if (this->m_CompPointerMSHP->m_SingleModeFlag) {
    6797           0 :                     ShowSevereError(state, format("{}: {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    6798           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state,
    6799             :                                       "In order to perform Single Mode Operation, the valid cooling coil type is Coil:Cooling:DX:MultiSpeed "
    6800             :                                       "or Coil:Cooling:DX and the valid heating is Coil:Heating:DX:MultiSpeed or Coil:Heating:Fuel.");
    6801           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state,
    6802           0 :                                       format("The input cooling coil type = {} and the input heating coil type = {}",
    6803             :                                              input_data.cooling_coil_object_type,
    6804           0 :                                              this->m_HeatingCoilTypeName));
    6805             :                 }
    6806             :             }
    6807             :         }
    6808             : 
    6809         592 :         if (this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingAirToAirVariableSpeed) {
    6810           9 :             VariableSpeedCoils::SetVarSpeedCoilData(state, this->m_CoolingCoilIndex, errorsFound, _, _, this->m_DesignSpecMSHPIndex);
    6811             :         }
    6812             : 
    6813         592 :         if (this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingAirToAirVariableSpeed) {
    6814           3 :             VariableSpeedCoils::SetVarSpeedCoilData(state, this->m_HeatingCoilIndex, errorsFound, _, _, this->m_DesignSpecMSHPIndex);
    6815             :         }
    6816             : 
    6817             :         // set global logicals that denote coil type
    6818         592 :         if (this->m_MultiSpeedHeatingCoil || this->m_VarSpeedHeatingCoil) {
    6819          18 :             this->m_MultiOrVarSpeedHeatCoil = true;
    6820             :         }
    6821         592 :         if (this->m_DiscreteSpeedCoolingCoil || this->m_ContSpeedCoolingCoil) {
    6822          83 :             this->m_MultiOrVarSpeedCoolCoil = true;
    6823             :         }
    6824             : 
    6825             :         // set global variables for multi-stage chilled and hot water coils
    6826        1179 :         if (this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWater ||
    6827         587 :             this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWaterDetailed) {
    6828           5 :             if (this->m_DesignSpecMSHPIndex > -1) {
    6829           1 :                 this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling = this->m_CompPointerMSHP->numOfSpeedCooling;
    6830           1 :                 if (this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling > 1) {
    6831           1 :                     this->m_DiscreteSpeedCoolingCoil = true;
    6832           1 :                     this->m_MultiOrVarSpeedCoolCoil = true;
    6833             :                 }
    6834             :             }
    6835             :         }
    6836         592 :         if (this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWater) {
    6837             :             // designSpecIndex = this->m_DesignSpecMSHPIndex;
    6838           9 :             if (this->m_DesignSpecMSHPIndex > -1) {
    6839           1 :                 this->m_NumOfSpeedHeating = this->m_CompPointerMSHP->numOfSpeedHeating;
    6840           1 :                 if (this->m_NumOfSpeedHeating > 1) {
    6841           1 :                     this->m_MultiSpeedHeatingCoil = true;
    6842           1 :                     this->m_MultiOrVarSpeedHeatCoil = true;
    6843             :                 }
    6844             :             }
    6845             :         }
    6846             :         // zone coils are now simulated before sizing is complete, data will not be available but array is allocated
    6847         592 :         if (this->m_MultiOrVarSpeedCoolCoil) {
    6848         150 :             this->m_CoolVolumeFlowRate.resize(this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling + 1);
    6849         150 :             this->m_CoolMassFlowRate.resize(this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling + 1);
    6850         150 :             this->m_MSCoolingSpeedRatio.resize(this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling + 1);
    6851             :         }
    6852         592 :         if (this->m_MultiOrVarSpeedHeatCoil) {
    6853          18 :             this->m_HeatVolumeFlowRate.resize(this->m_NumOfSpeedHeating + 1);
    6854          18 :             this->m_HeatMassFlowRate.resize(this->m_NumOfSpeedHeating + 1);
    6855          18 :             this->m_MSHeatingSpeedRatio.resize(this->m_NumOfSpeedHeating + 1);
    6856             :         }
    6857             : 
    6858             :         // check for specific input requirements for ASHRAE90.1 model
    6859         592 :         if (this->m_ControlType == UnitarySysCtrlType::CCMASHRAE) {
    6860             : 
    6861             :             // only allowed for water and DX cooling coils at this time
    6862           0 :             if (this->m_CoolCoilExists && this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num != DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWater &&
    6863           0 :                 this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num != DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWaterDetailed &&
    6864           0 :                 this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num != DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_CoolingSingleSpeed) {
    6865           0 :                 if (state.dataGlobal->DisplayExtraWarnings) {
    6866           0 :                     ShowWarningError(state, format("{}: {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    6867           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "ASHRAE90.1 control method requires specific cooling coil types.");
    6868           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state,
    6869             :                                       "Valid cooling coil types are Coil:Cooling:Water, Coil:Cooling:Water:DetailedGeometry and "
    6870             :                                       "Coil:Cooling:DX:SingleSpeed.");
    6871           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state,
    6872           0 :                                       format("The input cooling coil type = {}. This coil will not be modeled using the ASHRAE 90.1 algorithm.",
    6873           0 :                                              input_data.cooling_coil_object_type));
    6874             :                 }
    6875             :                 // mark this coil as non-ASHRAE90 type
    6876           0 :                 this->m_ValidASHRAECoolCoil = false;
    6877             :             }
    6878             :             // only allow for water, fuel, or electric at this time
    6879           0 :             if (this->m_HeatCoilExists && this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num != DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWater &&
    6880           0 :                 this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num != DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingGasOrOtherFuel &&
    6881           0 :                 this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num != DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingElectric &&
    6882           0 :                 this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num != DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_HeatingEmpirical) {
    6883           0 :                 if (state.dataGlobal->DisplayExtraWarnings) {
    6884           0 :                     ShowWarningError(state, format("{}: {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    6885           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "ASHRAE90.1 control method requires specific heating coil types.");
    6886           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state,
    6887             :                                       "Valid heating coil types are Coil:Heating:Water, Coil:Heating:Fuel, Coil:Heating:Electric and "
    6888             :                                       "Coil:Heating:DX:SingleSpeed.");
    6889           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state,
    6890           0 :                                       format("The input heating coil type = {}. This coil will not be modeled using the ASHRAE 90.1 algorithm.",
    6891           0 :                                              this->m_HeatingCoilTypeName));
    6892             :                 }
    6893             :                 // mark this coil as non-ASHRAE90 type
    6894           0 :                 this->m_ValidASHRAEHeatCoil = false;
    6895             :             }
    6896           0 :             if (this->m_DehumidControlType_Num == DehumCtrlType::Multimode || this->m_DehumidControlType_Num == DehumCtrlType::CoolReheat) {
    6897           0 :                 ShowWarningError(state, format("{}: {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    6898           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "Invalid entry for Dehumidification Control Type = " + input_data.dehumidification_control_type);
    6899           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state,
    6900             :                                   "ASHRAE90.1 control method does not support dehumidification at this time. Dehumidification control type is "
    6901             :                                   "assumed to be None.");
    6902           0 :                 this->m_DehumidControlType_Num = DehumCtrlType::None;
    6903             :             }
    6904           0 :             if (this->m_RunOnLatentLoad) {
    6905           0 :                 ShowWarningError(state, format("{} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    6906           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, format("Invalid entry for Latent Load Control: {}", input_data.latent_load_control));
    6907           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state,
    6908             :                                   "ASHRAE90.1 control method does not support latent load control at this time. This input must be selected as "
    6909             :                                   "SensibleOnlyLoadControl.");
    6910           0 :                 this->m_RunOnSensibleLoad = true;
    6911           0 :                 this->m_RunOnLatentLoad = false;
    6912           0 :                 this->m_RunOnLatentOnlyWithSensible = false;
    6913             :             }
    6914           0 :             if (this->m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlow == 0.0) { // 0 min air flow not allowed for SZVAV
    6915           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state, format("Input errors for {}:{}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    6916           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, format("Control Type = {}", input_data.control_type));
    6917           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "Input for No Load Supply Air Flow Rate cannot be 0.");
    6918           0 :                 errorsFound = true;
    6919             :             }
    6920             :         }
    6921             :     }
    6922             : 
    6923         753 :     void UnitarySys::getDXCoilSystemData(
    6924             :         EnergyPlusData &state, std::string_view objectName, bool const ZoneEquipment, int const ZoneOAUnitNum, bool &errorsFound)
    6925             :     {
    6926        1506 :         std::string cCurrentModuleObject = "CoilSystem:Cooling:DX";
    6927         753 :         int numCoilSystemDX = 0;
    6928        1506 :         auto const instances = state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->epJSON.find(cCurrentModuleObject);
    6929         753 :         if (instances != state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->epJSON.end()) {
    6930         462 :             auto &instancesValue = instances.value();
    6931        3012 :             for (auto instance = instancesValue.begin(); instance != instancesValue.end(); ++instance) {
    6932             : 
    6933        3124 :                 auto const &thisObjectName = UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase(instance.key());
    6934             : 
    6935             :                 // only get the current data once all data has been read in and vector unitarySys has been initialized
    6936             :                 // when UnitarySystems::getInputOnceFlag is true read all unitary systems, otherwise read just the curren object
    6937        2550 :                 if (!UtilityRoutines::SameString(objectName, thisObjectName) && !state.dataUnitarySystems->getInputOnceFlag) continue;
    6938             : 
    6939         574 :                 int sysNum = getUnitarySystemIndex(state, thisObjectName);
    6940        1148 :                 UnitarySys thisSys;
    6941         574 :                 if (sysNum == -1) {
    6942         287 :                     ++state.dataUnitarySystems->numUnitarySystems;
    6943         287 :                     auto const &thisObjName = instance.key();
    6944         287 :                     state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->markObjectAsUsed(cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjName);
    6945             :                 } else {
    6946         287 :                     thisSys = state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum];
    6947             :                 }
    6948             : 
    6949             :                 // get CoilSystem:Cooling:DX object inputs
    6950         574 :                 auto const &fields = instance.value();
    6951         574 :        = thisObjectName;
    6952         574 :                 thisSys.input_specs.system_type = cCurrentModuleObject;
    6953         574 :                 if (fields.find("availability_schedule_name") != fields.end()) { // not required field
    6954         562 :                     thisSys.input_specs.availability_schedule_name =
    6955        1124 :                         UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase("availability_schedule_name").get<std::string>());
    6956             :                 }
    6957         574 :                 thisSys.input_specs.air_inlet_node_name =
    6958        1148 :                     UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase("dx_cooling_coil_system_inlet_node_name").get<std::string>()); // required field
    6959         574 :                 thisSys.input_specs.air_outlet_node_name =
    6960        1148 :                     UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase("dx_cooling_coil_system_outlet_node_name").get<std::string>()); // required field
    6961             : 
    6962         574 :                 thisSys.input_specs.dx_cooling_coil_system_sensor_node_name =
    6963        1148 :                     UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase("dx_cooling_coil_system_sensor_node_name").get<std::string>()); // required field
    6964             : 
    6965         574 :                 thisSys.input_specs.cooling_coil_object_type =
    6966        1148 :                     UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase("cooling_coil_object_type").get<std::string>()); // required field
    6967         574 :                 thisSys.input_specs.cooling_coil_name =
    6968        1148 :                     UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase("cooling_coil_name").get<std::string>()); // required field
    6969             :                 // min-fields = 7, begin optional inputs
    6970         574 :                 if (fields.find("dehumidification_control_type") != fields.end()) { // not required field
    6971          36 :                     thisSys.input_specs.dehumidification_control_type =
    6972          72 :                         UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase("dehumidification_control_type").get<std::string>());
    6973             :                 } else {
    6974             :                     // find default value
    6975         538 :                     thisSys.input_specs.dehumidification_control_type = "None";
    6976             :                 }
    6977        1148 :                 std::string loc_RunOnSensLoad("");
    6978         574 :                 if (fields.find("run_on_sensible_load") != fields.end()) { // not required field
    6979          34 :                     loc_RunOnSensLoad = UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase("run_on_sensible_load").get<std::string>());
    6980             :                 } else {
    6981             :                     // find default value
    6982         540 :                     loc_RunOnSensLoad = "YES";
    6983             :                 }
    6984        1148 :                 std::string loc_RunOnLatLoad("");
    6985         574 :                 if (fields.find("run_on_latent_load") != fields.end()) { // not required field
    6986          34 :                     loc_RunOnLatLoad = UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase("run_on_latent_load").get<std::string>());
    6987             :                 } else {
    6988             :                     // find default value
    6989         540 :                     loc_RunOnLatLoad = "NO";
    6990             :                 }
    6991         574 :                 if (loc_RunOnSensLoad == "YES" && loc_RunOnLatLoad == "NO") {
    6992         560 :                     thisSys.input_specs.latent_load_control = "SensibleOnlyLoadControl";
    6993          14 :                 } else if (loc_RunOnSensLoad == "NO" && loc_RunOnLatLoad == "YES") {
    6994           0 :                     thisSys.input_specs.latent_load_control = "LatentOnlyLoadControl";
    6995          14 :                 } else if (loc_RunOnSensLoad == "YES" && loc_RunOnLatLoad == "YES") {
    6996             :                     // does DX system control on LatentOrSensibleLoadControl or LatentWithSensibleLoadControl?
    6997          14 :                     thisSys.input_specs.latent_load_control = "LatentOrSensibleLoadControl";
    6998             :                 }
    6999             : 
    7000         574 :                 if (fields.find("use_outdoor_air_dx_cooling_coil") != fields.end()) { // not required field
    7001          10 :                     thisSys.input_specs.use_doas_dx_cooling_coil =
    7002          20 :                         UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase("use_outdoor_air_dx_cooling_coil").get<std::string>());
    7003             :                 } else {
    7004             :                     // find default value
    7005         564 :                     thisSys.input_specs.use_doas_dx_cooling_coil = "NO";
    7006             :                 }
    7007         574 :                 if (fields.find("outdoor_air_dx_cooling_coil_leaving_minimum_air_temperature") != fields.end()) { // not required field
    7008           8 :                     thisSys.input_specs.minimum_supply_air_temperature =
    7009          16 :               "outdoor_air_dx_cooling_coil_leaving_minimum_air_temperature").get<Real64>();
    7010             :                 }
    7011             :                 // set UnitarySystem specific inputs
    7012         574 :                 thisSys.input_specs.control_type = "SETPOINT";
    7013             : 
    7014             :                 // now translate to UnitarySystem
    7015         574 :                 thisSys.UnitType = cCurrentModuleObject;
    7016         574 :                 thisSys.m_sysType = SysType::CoilCoolingDX;
    7017         574 :                 thisSys.AirloopEqType = SimAirServingZones::CompType::DXSystem;
    7018             : 
    7019             :                 // TODO: figure out another way to set this next variable
    7020             :                 // Unitary System will not turn on unless this mode is set OR a different method is used to set air flow rate
    7021         574 :                 thisSys.m_LastMode = CoolingMode;
    7022         574 :                 thisSys.processInputSpec(state, thisSys.input_specs, sysNum, errorsFound, ZoneEquipment, ZoneOAUnitNum);
    7023             : 
    7024         574 :                 if (sysNum == -1) {
    7025         287 :                     int thisSysNum = state.dataUnitarySystems->numUnitarySystems - 1;
    7026         287 :                     state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[thisSysNum] = thisSys;
    7027             :                     // zone equipment require a 1-n index for access to zone availability managers
    7028             :                     // although not zone equipment, use same methodology
    7029         287 :                     ++numCoilSystemDX;
    7030         287 :                     thisSys.m_EquipCompNum = numCoilSystemDX;
    7031             :                 } else {
    7032         287 :                     state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum] = thisSys;
    7033             :                 }
    7034             :             }
    7035             :         }
    7036         753 :     }
    7037             : 
    7038         753 :     void UnitarySys::getPackagedTerminalUnitData(
    7039             :         EnergyPlusData &state, std::string_view objectName, bool const ZoneEquipment, int const ZoneOAUnitNum, bool &errorsFound)
    7040             :     {
    7041        1506 :         std::string cCurrentModuleObject = "ZoneHVAC:PackagedTerminalAirConditioner";
    7042         753 :         SysType sysTypeNum = SysType::PackagedAC;
    7043         753 :         DataZoneEquipment::ZoneEquip zoneEqType = DataZoneEquipment::ZoneEquip::Invalid;
    7044         753 :         int numPTAC = 0;
    7045         753 :         int numPTHP = 0;
    7046         753 :         int numPTWSHP = 0;
    7047         753 :         auto &ip = state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor;
    7048        3012 :         for (int getPTUnitType = 1; getPTUnitType <= 3; ++getPTUnitType) {
    7049        2259 :             if (getPTUnitType == 2) {
    7050         753 :                 sysTypeNum = SysType::PackagedHP;
    7051         753 :                 zoneEqType = DataZoneEquipment::ZoneEquip::PkgTermACAirToAir;
    7052         753 :                 cCurrentModuleObject = "ZoneHVAC:PackagedTerminalHeatPump";
    7053        1506 :             } else if (getPTUnitType == 3) {
    7054         753 :                 sysTypeNum = SysType::PackagedWSHP;
    7055         753 :                 zoneEqType = DataZoneEquipment::ZoneEquip::PkgTermACAirToAir;
    7056         753 :                 cCurrentModuleObject = "ZoneHVAC:WaterToAirHeatPump";
    7057             :             }
    7058        4518 :             auto const instances = state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->epJSON.find(cCurrentModuleObject);
    7059        2259 :             if (instances != state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->epJSON.end()) {
    7060         250 :                 auto &instancesValue = instances.value();
    7061         250 :                 auto const &objectSchemaProps = ip->getObjectSchemaProps(state, cCurrentModuleObject);
    7062        5747 :                 for (auto instance = instancesValue.begin(); instance != instancesValue.end(); ++instance) {
    7063             : 
    7064        5881 :                     auto const &thisObjectName = UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase(instance.key());
    7065             : 
    7066             :                     // only get the current data once all data has been read in and vector unitarySys has been initialized
    7067             :                     // when UnitarySystems::getInputOnceFlag is true read all unitary systems, otherwise read just the curren object
    7068        5497 :                     if (!UtilityRoutines::SameString(objectName, thisObjectName) && !state.dataUnitarySystems->getInputOnceFlag) continue;
    7069             : 
    7070         384 :                     int sysNum = getUnitarySystemIndex(state, thisObjectName);
    7071         768 :                     UnitarySys thisSys;
    7072         384 :                     if (sysNum == -1) {
    7073         192 :                         ++state.dataUnitarySystems->numUnitarySystems;
    7074         192 :                         auto const &thisObjName = instance.key();
    7075         192 :                         state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->markObjectAsUsed(cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjName);
    7076             :                     } else {
    7077         192 :                         thisSys = state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum];
    7078             :                     }
    7079             : 
    7080             :                     // get PackagedTerminal unit object inputs
    7081         384 :                     auto const &fields = instance.value();
    7082         384 :            = thisObjectName;
    7083         384 :                     thisSys.input_specs.system_type = cCurrentModuleObject;
    7084         384 :                     thisSys.input_specs.availability_schedule_name = ip->getAlphaFieldValue(fields, objectSchemaProps, "availability_schedule_name");
    7085         384 :                     thisSys.input_specs.air_inlet_node_name = ip->getAlphaFieldValue(fields, objectSchemaProps, "air_inlet_node_name");
    7086         384 :                     thisSys.input_specs.air_outlet_node_name = ip->getAlphaFieldValue(fields, objectSchemaProps, "air_outlet_node_name");
    7087             : 
    7088         384 :                     thisSys.input_specs.oa_mixer_type = ip->getAlphaFieldValue(fields, objectSchemaProps, "outdoor_air_mixer_object_type");
    7089         384 :                     thisSys.input_specs.oa_mixer_name = ip->getAlphaFieldValue(fields, objectSchemaProps, "outdoor_air_mixer_name");
    7090             : 
    7091         384 :                     thisSys.input_specs.cooling_supply_air_flow_rate =
    7092         768 :                         ip->getRealFieldValue(fields, objectSchemaProps, "cooling_supply_air_flow_rate");
    7093         384 :                     thisSys.input_specs.heating_supply_air_flow_rate =
    7094         768 :                         ip->getRealFieldValue(fields, objectSchemaProps, "heating_supply_air_flow_rate");
    7095         384 :                     thisSys.input_specs.no_load_supply_air_flow_rate =
    7096         768 :                         ip->getRealFieldValue(fields, objectSchemaProps, "no_load_supply_air_flow_rate");
    7097         384 :                     thisSys.input_specs.cooling_oa_flow_rate = ip->getRealFieldValue(fields, objectSchemaProps, "cooling_outdoor_air_flow_rate");
    7098         384 :                     thisSys.input_specs.heating_oa_flow_rate = ip->getRealFieldValue(fields, objectSchemaProps, "heating_outdoor_air_flow_rate");
    7099         384 :                     thisSys.input_specs.no_load_oa_flow_rate = ip->getRealFieldValue(fields, objectSchemaProps, "no_load_outdoor_air_flow_rate");
    7100             : 
    7101         384 :                     thisSys.input_specs.supply_fan_object_type = ip->getAlphaFieldValue(fields, objectSchemaProps, "supply_air_fan_object_type");
    7102         384 :                     thisSys.input_specs.supply_fan_name = ip->getAlphaFieldValue(fields, objectSchemaProps, "supply_air_fan_name");
    7103         384 :                     thisSys.input_specs.heating_coil_object_type = ip->getAlphaFieldValue(fields, objectSchemaProps, "heating_coil_object_type");
    7104         384 :                     thisSys.input_specs.heating_coil_name = ip->getAlphaFieldValue(fields, objectSchemaProps, "heating_coil_name");
    7105         384 :                     thisSys.input_specs.cooling_coil_object_type = ip->getAlphaFieldValue(fields, objectSchemaProps, "cooling_coil_object_type");
    7106         384 :                     thisSys.input_specs.cooling_coil_name = ip->getAlphaFieldValue(fields, objectSchemaProps, "cooling_coil_name");
    7107             : 
    7108         384 :                     thisSys.input_specs.fan_placement = ip->getAlphaFieldValue(fields, objectSchemaProps, "fan_placement");
    7109         384 :                     thisSys.input_specs.supply_air_fan_operating_mode_schedule_name =
    7110         768 :                         ip->getAlphaFieldValue(fields, objectSchemaProps, "supply_air_fan_operating_mode_schedule_name");
    7111         384 :                     if (getPTUnitType > 1) {
    7112         100 :                         thisSys.input_specs.maximum_supply_air_temperature_from_supplemental_heater =
    7113         200 :                             ip->getRealFieldValue(fields, objectSchemaProps, "maximum_supply_air_temperature_from_supplemental_heater");
    7114         100 :                         thisSys.input_specs.supplemental_heating_coil_object_type =
    7115         200 :                             ip->getAlphaFieldValue(fields, objectSchemaProps, "supplemental_heating_coil_object_type");
    7116         100 :                         thisSys.input_specs.supplemental_heating_coil_name =
    7117         200 :                             ip->getAlphaFieldValue(fields, objectSchemaProps, "supplemental_heating_coil_name");
    7118         100 :                         thisSys.input_specs.maximum_outdoor_dry_bulb_temperature_for_supplemental_heater_operation = ip->getRealFieldValue(
    7119             :                             fields, objectSchemaProps, "maximum_outdoor_dry_bulb_temperature_for_supplemental_heater_operation");
    7120         100 :                         if (getPTUnitType == 2) {
    7121          56 :                             thisSys.input_specs.heat_conv_tol = ip->getRealFieldValue(fields, objectSchemaProps, "heating_convergence_tolerance");
    7122          56 :                             thisSys.input_specs.cool_conv_tol = ip->getRealFieldValue(fields, objectSchemaProps, "cooling_convergence_tolerance");
    7123          44 :                         } else if (getPTUnitType == 3) {
    7124          44 :                             thisSys.input_specs.maximum_cycling_rate = ip->getRealFieldValue(fields, objectSchemaProps, "maximum_cycling_rate");
    7125          44 :                             thisSys.input_specs.heat_pump_time_constant = ip->getRealFieldValue(fields, objectSchemaProps, "heat_pump_time_constant");
    7126          44 :                             thisSys.input_specs.fraction_of_on_cycle_power_use =
    7127          88 :                                 ip->getRealFieldValue(fields, objectSchemaProps, "fraction_of_on_cycle_power_use");
    7128          44 :                             thisSys.input_specs.heat_pump_fan_delay_time =
    7129          88 :                                 ip->getRealFieldValue(fields, objectSchemaProps, "heat_pump_fan_delay_time");
    7130          44 :                             thisSys.input_specs.outdoor_dry_bulb_temperature_sensor_node_name =
    7131          88 :                                 ip->getAlphaFieldValue(fields, objectSchemaProps, "outdoor_dry_bulb_temperature_sensor_node_name");
    7132          44 :                             thisSys.input_specs.heat_pump_coil_water_flow_mode =
    7133          88 :                                 ip->getAlphaFieldValue(fields, objectSchemaProps, "heat_pump_coil_water_flow_mode");
    7134          44 :                             thisSys.input_specs.control_type = "LOAD";
    7135             :                         }
    7136             :                     }
    7137         384 :                     if (getPTUnitType < 3) {
    7138         340 :                         thisSys.input_specs.control_type = ip->getAlphaFieldValue(fields, objectSchemaProps, "capacity_control_method");
    7139         340 :                         if (thisSys.input_specs.control_type.empty() || thisSys.input_specs.control_type == "NONE") {
    7140         340 :                             thisSys.input_specs.control_type = "LOAD";
    7141             :                         }
    7142         340 :                         thisSys.input_specs.minimum_supply_air_temperature =
    7143         680 :                             ip->getRealFieldValue(fields, objectSchemaProps, "minimum_supply_air_temperature_in_cooling_mode");
    7144         340 :                         thisSys.input_specs.maximum_supply_air_temperature =
    7145         680 :                             ip->getRealFieldValue(fields, objectSchemaProps, "maximum_supply_air_temperature_in_heating_mode");
    7146             :                     }
    7147             : 
    7148         384 :                     thisSys.input_specs.avail_manager_list_name = ip->getAlphaFieldValue(fields, objectSchemaProps, "availability_manager_list_name");
    7149         384 :                     thisSys.input_specs.design_spec_zonehvac_sizing_object_name =
    7150         768 :                         ip->getAlphaFieldValue(fields, objectSchemaProps, "design_specification_zonehvac_sizing_object_name");
    7151             : 
    7152             :                     // set UnitarySystem specific inputs
    7153         384 :                     thisSys.input_specs.dehumidification_control_type = "None";
    7154         384 :                     thisSys.input_specs.latent_load_control = "SensibleOnlyLoadControl";
    7155         384 :                     thisSys.input_specs.cooling_supply_air_flow_rate_method = "SupplyAirFlowRate";
    7156         384 :                     thisSys.input_specs.heating_supply_air_flow_rate_method = "SupplyAirFlowRate";
    7157         384 :                     thisSys.input_specs.no_load_supply_air_flow_rate_method = "SupplyAirFlowRate";
    7158             : 
    7159         384 :                     thisSys.UnitType = cCurrentModuleObject;
    7160         384 :                     thisSys.m_sysType = sysTypeNum;
    7161         384 :                     thisSys.ZoneEqType = zoneEqType;
    7162             : 
    7163             :                     // TODO: figure out another way to set this next variable
    7164             :                     // Unitary System will not turn on unless this mode is set OR a different method is used to set air flow rate
    7165         384 :                     thisSys.m_LastMode = HeatingMode;
    7166         384 :                     thisSys.processInputSpec(state, thisSys.input_specs, sysNum, errorsFound, ZoneEquipment, ZoneOAUnitNum);
    7167             : 
    7168         384 :                     if (sysNum == -1) {
    7169             :                         // zone equipment require a 1-n index for access to zone availability managers
    7170         192 :                         switch (getPTUnitType) {
    7171         142 :                         case 1:
    7172         142 :                             ++numPTAC;
    7173         142 :                             thisSys.m_EquipCompNum = numPTAC;
    7174         142 :                             break;
    7175          28 :                         case 2:
    7176          28 :                             ++numPTHP;
    7177          28 :                             thisSys.m_EquipCompNum = numPTHP;
    7178          28 :                             break;
    7179          22 :                         case 3:
    7180          22 :                             ++numPTWSHP;
    7181          22 :                             thisSys.m_EquipCompNum = numPTWSHP;
    7182          22 :                             break;
    7183         192 :                         default:
    7184             :                             assert(true);
    7185             :                         }
    7186         192 :                         int thisSysNum = state.dataUnitarySystems->numUnitarySystems - 1;
    7187         192 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[thisSysNum] = thisSys;
    7188             :                     } else {
    7189         192 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum] = thisSys;
    7190             :                     }
    7191             :                 }
    7192             :             }
    7193             :         }
    7194         753 :     }
    7195             : 
    7196         753 :     void UnitarySys::allocateUnitarySys(EnergyPlusData &state)
    7197             :     {
    7198         753 :         if (!state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys.empty()) return;
    7199         161 :         int numUnitarySystems = state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getNumObjectsFound(state, "AirLoopHVAC:UnitarySystem");
    7200         161 :         int numCoilSystems = state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getNumObjectsFound(state, "CoilSystem:Cooling:DX");
    7201         161 :         int numCoilSystemsWater = state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getNumObjectsFound(state, "CoilSystem:Cooling:Water");
    7202         161 :         int numPackagedAC = state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getNumObjectsFound(state, "ZoneHVAC:PackagedTerminalAirConditioner");
    7203         161 :         int numPackagedHP = state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getNumObjectsFound(state, "ZoneHVAC:PackagedTerminalHeatPump");
    7204         161 :         int numPackagedWSHP = state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->getNumObjectsFound(state, "ZoneHVAC:WaterToAirHeatPump");
    7205         161 :         int numAllSystemTypes = numUnitarySystems + numCoilSystems + numCoilSystemsWater + numPackagedAC + numPackagedHP + numPackagedWSHP;
    7206         753 :         for (int sysCount = 0; sysCount < numAllSystemTypes; ++sysCount) {
    7207        1184 :             UnitarySys thisSys;
    7208         592 :             state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys.push_back(thisSys);
    7209             :         }
    7210             :     }
    7211             : 
    7212         753 :     void UnitarySys::getCoilWaterSystemInputData(
    7213             :         EnergyPlusData &state, std::string_view CoilSysName, bool const ZoneEquipment, int const ZoneOAUnitNum, bool &errorsFound)
    7214             :     {
    7215             : 
    7216        1506 :         std::string cCurrentModuleObject("CoilSystem:Cooling:Water");
    7217         753 :         int numCoilSystemWater = 0;
    7218         753 :         static const std::string routineName("getCoilWaterSystemInputData: ");
    7219        1506 :         auto const instances = state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->epJSON.find(cCurrentModuleObject);
    7220         753 :         if (instances != state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->epJSON.end()) {
    7221           8 :             auto &instancesValue = instances.value();
    7222          16 :             for (auto instance = instancesValue.begin(); instance != instancesValue.end(); ++instance) {
    7223             : 
    7224           8 :                 auto const &fields = instance.value();
    7225          14 :                 auto const &thisObjectName = UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase(instance.key());
    7226             : 
    7227           8 :                 if (!UtilityRoutines::SameString(CoilSysName, thisObjectName) && !state.dataUnitarySystems->getInputOnceFlag) continue;
    7228             : 
    7229           6 :                 int sysNum = getUnitarySystemIndex(state, thisObjectName);
    7230          12 :                 UnitarySys thisSys;
    7231           6 :                 if (sysNum == -1) {
    7232           3 :                     ++state.dataUnitarySystems->numUnitarySystems;
    7233           3 :                     auto const &thisObjName = instance.key();
    7234           3 :                     state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->markObjectAsUsed(cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjName);
    7235             :                 } else {
    7236           3 :                     thisSys = state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum];
    7237             :                 }
    7238             : 
    7239           6 :        = thisObjectName;
    7240           6 :                 thisSys.input_specs.system_type = cCurrentModuleObject;
    7241           6 :                 thisSys.input_specs.control_type = "Setpoint";
    7242           6 :                 thisSys.input_specs.air_inlet_node_name = UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase("air_inlet_node_name").get<std::string>());
    7243           6 :                 thisSys.input_specs.air_outlet_node_name = UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase("air_outlet_node_name").get<std::string>());
    7244          12 :                 std::string availScheduleName("");
    7245           6 :                 if (fields.find("availability_schedule_name") != fields.end()) { // not required field, has default value of Always On
    7246           2 :                     availScheduleName = UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase("availability_schedule_name").get<std::string>());
    7247             :                 }
    7248           6 :                 thisSys.input_specs.availability_schedule_name = availScheduleName;
    7249           6 :                 thisSys.input_specs.cooling_coil_object_type =
    7250          12 :                     UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase("cooling_coil_object_type").get<std::string>());
    7251           6 :                 thisSys.input_specs.cooling_coil_name = UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase("cooling_coil_name").get<std::string>());
    7252             :                 // why is this cooling coil does not have a field for Design Air Vol Flow Rate
    7253             :                 // set it "SupplyAirFlowRate" to avoid blank, which lead to fatal out during get input
    7254             :                 static constexpr std::string_view loc_cooling_coil_object_type("COIL:COOLING:WATER:DETAILEDGEOMETRY");
    7255           6 :                 if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(loc_cooling_coil_object_type, thisSys.input_specs.cooling_coil_object_type)) {
    7256           0 :                     thisSys.input_specs.cooling_supply_air_flow_rate_method = UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase("SupplyAirFlowRate");
    7257           0 :                     thisSys.input_specs.cooling_supply_air_flow_rate = DataSizing::AutoSize;
    7258             :                 }
    7259             :                 // optional input fields
    7260           6 :                 if (fields.find("minimum_air_to_water_temperature_offset") != fields.end()) { // not required field, has default value of 0.0
    7261           6 :                     thisSys.m_minAirToWaterTempOffset ="minimum_air_to_water_temperature_offset").get<Real64>();
    7262             :                 }
    7263           6 :                 if (fields.find("dehumidification_control_type") != fields.end()) {
    7264           4 :                     thisSys.input_specs.dehumidification_control_type =
    7265           8 :                         UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase("dehumidification_control_type").get<std::string>());
    7266             :                 } else {
    7267           2 :                     thisSys.input_specs.dehumidification_control_type = "None";
    7268             :                 }
    7269             : 
    7270           6 :                 bool runOnSensibleLoad = true;
    7271           6 :                 if (fields.find("run_on_sensible_load") != fields.end()) {
    7272           4 :                     runOnSensibleLoad = UtilityRoutines::SameString("run_on_sensible_load").get<std::string>(), "YES");
    7273             :                 }
    7274           6 :                 bool runOnLatentLoad = false;
    7275           6 :                 if (fields.find("run_on_latent_load") != fields.end()) {
    7276           4 :                     runOnLatentLoad = UtilityRoutines::SameString("run_on_latent_load").get<std::string>(), "YES");
    7277             :                 }
    7278             : 
    7279           6 :                 if (runOnSensibleLoad && !runOnLatentLoad) {
    7280           2 :                     thisSys.input_specs.latent_load_control = "SensibleOnlyLoadControl";
    7281           4 :                 } else if (!runOnSensibleLoad && runOnLatentLoad) {
    7282           0 :                     thisSys.input_specs.latent_load_control = "LatentOnlyLoadControl";
    7283           4 :                 } else if (runOnSensibleLoad && runOnLatentLoad) {
    7284           4 :                     thisSys.input_specs.latent_load_control = "LatentOrSensibleLoadControl";
    7285             :                 }
    7286             : 
    7287             :                 // now translate to UnitarySystem
    7288           6 :                 thisSys.UnitType = cCurrentModuleObject;
    7289           6 :                 thisSys.m_sysType = SysType::CoilCoolingWater;
    7290           6 :                 thisSys.AirloopEqType = SimAirServingZones::CompType::CoilSystemWater;
    7291           6 :                 thisSys.input_specs.control_type = "Setpoint";
    7292           6 :                 thisSys.m_CoolCoilExists = true; // is always true
    7293           6 :                 thisSys.m_LastMode = CoolingMode;
    7294             :                 // set water-side economizer flag
    7295           6 :                 if (thisSys.m_minAirToWaterTempOffset > 0.0) thisSys.m_TemperatureOffsetControlActive = true;
    7296             : 
    7297             :                 // heat recovery loop inputs
    7298           6 :                 if (fields.find("minimum_water_loop_temperature_for_heat_recovery") != fields.end()) {
    7299           2 :                     thisSys.m_minWaterLoopTempForHR ="minimum_water_loop_temperature_for_heat_recovery").get<Real64>();
    7300             :                 }
    7301           6 :                 if (fields.find("economizer_lockout") != fields.end()) { // duplicate above as default
    7302           0 :                     bool econoFlag = UtilityRoutines::SameString("economizer_lockout").get<std::string>(), "YES");
    7303           0 :                     if (econoFlag) {
    7304           0 :                         thisSys.m_waterSideEconomizerFlag = true;
    7305             :                     }
    7306             :                 } else {
    7307           6 :                     thisSys.m_waterSideEconomizerFlag = true;
    7308             :                 }
    7309          12 :                 std::string HRWaterCoolingCoilName;
    7310           6 :                 if (fields.find("companion_coil_used_for_heat_recovery") != fields.end()) {
    7311           2 :                     HRWaterCoolingCoilName = UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase("companion_coil_used_for_heat_recovery").get<std::string>());
    7312           2 :                     thisSys.m_WaterHRPlantLoopModel = true;
    7313             :                 }
    7314           6 :                 if (thisSys.m_WaterHRPlantLoopModel) {
    7315           4 :                     std::string const HRcoolingCoilType("COIL:COOLING:WATER");
    7316           2 :                     bool errFound = false;
    7317           2 :                     thisSys.m_HRcoolCoilAirInNode = WaterCoils::GetCoilInletNode(state, HRcoolingCoilType, HRWaterCoolingCoilName, errFound);
    7318           2 :                     thisSys.m_HRcoolCoilFluidInletNode =
    7319           2 :                         WaterCoils::GetCoilWaterInletNode(state, HRcoolingCoilType, HRWaterCoolingCoilName, errFound);
    7320             :                     int HRCoilIndex =
    7321           2 :                         WaterCoils::GetWaterCoilIndex(state, UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase(HRcoolingCoilType), HRWaterCoolingCoilName, errFound);
    7322           2 :                     bool heatRecoveryCoil = true; // use local here to highlight where this parameter is set
    7323           2 :                     WaterCoils::SetWaterCoilData(state, HRCoilIndex, errFound, _, _, heatRecoveryCoil);
    7324           2 :                     if (errFound) {
    7325           0 :                         if (HRCoilIndex == 0) {
    7326           0 :                             ShowContinueError(state, format("...cooling coil {} must be of type Coil:Cooling:Water.", HRWaterCoolingCoilName));
    7327             :                         }
    7328           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, format("...occurs in {} = {}", cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjectName));
    7329             :                     }
    7330           2 :                     errorsFound = errorsFound || errFound;
    7331             :                 }
    7332             :                 // end heat recovery loop inputs
    7333             : 
    7334           6 :                 thisSys.processInputSpec(state, thisSys.input_specs, sysNum, errorsFound, ZoneEquipment, ZoneOAUnitNum);
    7335             : 
    7336           6 :                 if (sysNum == -1) {
    7337           3 :                     int thisSysNum = state.dataUnitarySystems->numUnitarySystems - 1;
    7338           3 :                     state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[thisSysNum] = thisSys;
    7339             :                     // zone equipment require a 1-n index for access to zone availability managers
    7340             :                     // although not zone equipment, use same methodology
    7341           3 :                     ++numCoilSystemWater;
    7342           3 :                     thisSys.m_EquipCompNum = numCoilSystemWater;
    7343             :                 } else {
    7344           3 :                     state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum] = thisSys;
    7345             :                 }
    7346             :             }
    7347             : 
    7348           8 :             if (errorsFound) {
    7349           0 :                 ShowFatalError(
    7350           0 :                     state, routineName + "Errors found in getting " + cCurrentModuleObject + " input. Preceding condition(s) causes termination.");
    7351             :             }
    7352             :         }
    7353         753 :     }
    7354             : 
    7355         753 :     void UnitarySys::getUnitarySystemInputData(
    7356             :         EnergyPlusData &state, std::string_view objectName, bool const ZoneEquipment, int const ZoneOAUnitNum, bool &errorsFound)
    7357             :     {
    7358             : 
    7359        1506 :         std::string cCurrentModuleObject = "AirLoopHVAC:UnitarySystem";
    7360         753 :         static std::string const getUnitarySystemInput("getUnitarySystemInputData");
    7361         753 :         int zoneUnitaryNum = 0;
    7362         753 :         int airloopUnitaryNum = 0;
    7363             : 
    7364        1506 :         auto const instances = state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->epJSON.find(cCurrentModuleObject);
    7365         753 :         if (instances == state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->epJSON.end() && state.dataUnitarySystems->numUnitarySystems == 0) {
    7366           0 :             ShowSevereError(state, "getUnitarySystemInputData: did not find AirLoopHVAC:UnitarySystem object in input file. Check inputs");
    7367           0 :             errorsFound = true;
    7368         753 :         } else if (instances != state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->epJSON.end()) {
    7369         197 :             auto &instancesValue = instances.value();
    7370         956 :             for (auto instance = instancesValue.begin(); instance != instancesValue.end(); ++instance) {
    7371             : 
    7372         979 :                 auto const &thisObjectName = UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase(instance.key());
    7373             :                 // only get the current data once all data has been read in and vector unitarySys has been initialized
    7374             :                 // when UnitarySystems::getInputOnceFlag is true read all unitary systems, otherwise read just the curren object
    7375         759 :                 if (!UtilityRoutines::SameString(objectName, thisObjectName) && !state.dataUnitarySystems->getInputOnceFlag) continue;
    7376             : 
    7377         220 :                 int sysNum = getUnitarySystemIndex(state, thisObjectName);
    7378         440 :                 UnitarySys thisSys;
    7379         220 :                 if (sysNum == -1) {
    7380         110 :                     ++state.dataUnitarySystems->numUnitarySystems;
    7381         110 :                     auto const &thisObjName = instance.key();
    7382         110 :                     state.dataInputProcessing->inputProcessor->markObjectAsUsed(cCurrentModuleObject, thisObjName);
    7383             :                 } else {
    7384         110 :                     thisSys = state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum];
    7385             :                 }
    7386             : 
    7387         220 :                 auto const &fields = instance.value();
    7388         220 :                 thisSys.UnitType = cCurrentModuleObject;
    7389         220 :                 thisSys.m_sysType = SysType::Unitary;
    7390         220 :                 thisSys.AirloopEqType = SimAirServingZones::CompType::UnitarySystemModel;
    7391             : 
    7392         220 :        = thisObjectName;
    7393         220 :                 thisSys.input_specs.system_type = cCurrentModuleObject;
    7394         220 :                 thisSys.input_specs.control_type ="control_type").get<std::string>();
    7395         220 :                 if (fields.find("controlling_zone_or_thermostat_location") != fields.end()) { // not required field
    7396         204 :                     thisSys.input_specs.controlling_zone_or_thermostat_location =
    7397         408 :                         UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase("controlling_zone_or_thermostat_location").get<std::string>());
    7398             :                 }
    7399         220 :                 if (fields.find("dehumidification_control_type") != fields.end()) { // not required field, has default
    7400         192 :                     thisSys.input_specs.dehumidification_control_type =
    7401         384 :                         UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase("dehumidification_control_type").get<std::string>());
    7402             :                 } else {
    7403          28 :                     thisSys.input_specs.dehumidification_control_type = "NONE"; // default value
    7404             :                 }
    7405         220 :                 if (fields.find("availability_schedule_name") != fields.end()) { // not required field
    7406         130 :                     thisSys.input_specs.availability_schedule_name =
    7407         260 :                         UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase("availability_schedule_name").get<std::string>());
    7408             :                 }
    7409         220 :                 thisSys.input_specs.air_inlet_node_name =
    7410         440 :                     UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase("air_inlet_node_name").get<std::string>()); // required
    7411         220 :                 thisSys.input_specs.air_outlet_node_name =
    7412         440 :                     UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase("air_outlet_node_name").get<std::string>()); // required
    7413         220 :                 if (fields.find("supply_fan_object_type") != fields.end()) {                              // not required field
    7414         216 :                     thisSys.input_specs.supply_fan_object_type =
    7415         432 :                         UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase("supply_fan_object_type").get<std::string>());
    7416             :                 }
    7417             : 
    7418         220 :                 if (fields.find("supply_fan_name") != fields.end()) { // not required field
    7419         216 :                     thisSys.input_specs.supply_fan_name = UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase("supply_fan_name").get<std::string>());
    7420             :                 }
    7421         220 :                 if (fields.find("fan_placement") != fields.end()) { // not required field
    7422         216 :                     thisSys.input_specs.fan_placement = UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase("fan_placement").get<std::string>());
    7423             :                 }
    7424         220 :                 if (fields.find("supply_air_fan_operating_mode_schedule_name") != fields.end()) { // not required field
    7425         206 :                     thisSys.input_specs.supply_air_fan_operating_mode_schedule_name =
    7426         412 :                         UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase("supply_air_fan_operating_mode_schedule_name").get<std::string>());
    7427             :                 }
    7428         220 :                 if (fields.find("heating_coil_object_type") != fields.end()) { // not required field
    7429         218 :                     thisSys.input_specs.heating_coil_object_type =
    7430         436 :                         UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase("heating_coil_object_type").get<std::string>());
    7431         218 :                     thisSys.m_HeatCoilExists = true;
    7432             :                 }
    7433         220 :                 if (fields.find("heating_coil_name") != fields.end()) { // not required field
    7434         218 :                     thisSys.input_specs.heating_coil_name = UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase("heating_coil_name").get<std::string>());
    7435             :                 }
    7436         220 :                 if (fields.find("dx_heating_coil_sizing_ratio") != fields.end()) { // not required field, has default
    7437         166 :                     thisSys.input_specs.dx_heating_coil_sizing_ratio ="dx_heating_coil_sizing_ratio").get<Real64>();
    7438             :                 }
    7439         220 :                 if (fields.find("cooling_coil_object_type") != fields.end()) { // not required field
    7440         218 :                     thisSys.input_specs.cooling_coil_object_type =
    7441         436 :                         UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase("cooling_coil_object_type").get<std::string>());
    7442         218 :                     thisSys.m_CoolCoilExists = true;
    7443             :                 }
    7444         220 :                 if (fields.find("cooling_coil_name") != fields.end()) { // not required field
    7445         218 :                     thisSys.input_specs.cooling_coil_name = UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase("cooling_coil_name").get<std::string>());
    7446             :                 }
    7447         220 :                 if (fields.find("use_doas_dx_cooling_coil") != fields.end()) { // not required field, has default
    7448          74 :                     thisSys.input_specs.use_doas_dx_cooling_coil =
    7449         148 :                         UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase("use_doas_dx_cooling_coil").get<std::string>());
    7450             :                 } else {
    7451         146 :                     thisSys.input_specs.use_doas_dx_cooling_coil = "No";
    7452             :                 }
    7453         220 :                 if (fields.find("minimum_supply_air_temperature") != fields.end()) { // not required field, has default (2C), and autosizable
    7454         148 :                     auto tempFieldVal ="minimum_supply_air_temperature");
    7455          74 :                     if (tempFieldVal == "Autosize") {
    7456           0 :                         thisSys.input_specs.minimum_supply_air_temperature = DataSizing::AutoSize;
    7457             :                     } else {
    7458          74 :                         thisSys.input_specs.minimum_supply_air_temperature ="minimum_supply_air_temperature").get<Real64>();
    7459             :                     }
    7460             :                 }
    7461         220 :                 if (fields.find("latent_load_control") != fields.end()) { // not required field, has default
    7462         102 :                     thisSys.input_specs.latent_load_control = UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase("latent_load_control").get<std::string>());
    7463             :                 } else {
    7464         118 :                     thisSys.input_specs.latent_load_control = "SensibleOnlyLoadControl";
    7465             :                 }
    7466         220 :                 if (fields.find("supplemental_heating_coil_object_type") != fields.end()) { // not required field
    7467          80 :                     thisSys.input_specs.supplemental_heating_coil_object_type =
    7468         160 :                         UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase("supplemental_heating_coil_object_type").get<std::string>());
    7469             :                 }
    7470         220 :                 if (fields.find("supplemental_heating_coil_name") != fields.end()) { // not required field
    7471          80 :                     thisSys.input_specs.supplemental_heating_coil_name =
    7472         160 :                         UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase("supplemental_heating_coil_name").get<std::string>());
    7473             :                 }
    7474         220 :                 if (fields.find("cooling_supply_air_flow_rate_method") != fields.end()) { // not required field
    7475         216 :                     thisSys.input_specs.cooling_supply_air_flow_rate_method =
    7476         432 :                         UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase("cooling_supply_air_flow_rate_method").get<std::string>());
    7477             :                 }
    7478         220 :                 if (fields.find("cooling_supply_air_flow_rate") != fields.end()) { // not required field, autosizable
    7479         432 :                     auto tempFieldVal ="cooling_supply_air_flow_rate");
    7480         216 :                     if (tempFieldVal == "Autosize") {
    7481         192 :                         thisSys.input_specs.cooling_supply_air_flow_rate = DataSizing::AutoSize;
    7482             :                     } else {
    7483          24 :                         thisSys.input_specs.cooling_supply_air_flow_rate ="cooling_supply_air_flow_rate").get<Real64>();
    7484             :                     }
    7485             :                 }
    7486         220 :                 if (fields.find("cooling_supply_air_flow_rate_per_floor_area") != fields.end()) { // not required field
    7487           0 :                     thisSys.input_specs.cooling_supply_air_flow_rate_per_floor_area =
    7488           0 :               "cooling_supply_air_flow_rate_per_floor_area").get<Real64>();
    7489             :                 }
    7490         220 :                 if (fields.find("cooling_fraction_of_autosized_cooling_supply_air_flow_rate") != fields.end()) { // not required field
    7491           0 :                     thisSys.input_specs.cooling_fraction_of_autosized_cooling_supply_air_flow_rate =
    7492           0 :               "cooling_fraction_of_autosized_cooling_supply_air_flow_rate").get<Real64>();
    7493             :                 }
    7494         220 :                 if (fields.find("cooling_supply_air_flow_rate_per_unit_of_capacity") != fields.end()) { // not required field
    7495           0 :                     thisSys.input_specs.cooling_supply_air_flow_rate_per_unit_of_capacity =
    7496           0 :               "cooling_supply_air_flow_rate_per_unit_of_capacity").get<Real64>();
    7497             :                 }
    7498         220 :                 if (fields.find("heating_supply_air_flow_rate_method") != fields.end()) { // not required field
    7499         216 :                     thisSys.input_specs.heating_supply_air_flow_rate_method =
    7500         432 :                         UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase("heating_supply_air_flow_rate_method").get<std::string>());
    7501             :                 }
    7502         220 :                 if (fields.find("heating_supply_air_flow_rate") != fields.end()) { // not required field
    7503         432 :                     auto tempFieldVal ="heating_supply_air_flow_rate");
    7504         216 :                     if (tempFieldVal == "Autosize") {
    7505         192 :                         thisSys.input_specs.heating_supply_air_flow_rate = DataSizing::AutoSize;
    7506             :                     } else {
    7507          24 :                         thisSys.input_specs.heating_supply_air_flow_rate ="heating_supply_air_flow_rate").get<Real64>();
    7508             :                     }
    7509             :                 }
    7510         220 :                 if (fields.find("heating_supply_air_flow_rate_per_floor_area") != fields.end()) { // not required field
    7511           0 :                     thisSys.input_specs.heating_supply_air_flow_rate_per_floor_area =
    7512           0 :               "heating_supply_air_flow_rate_per_floor_area").get<Real64>();
    7513             :                 }
    7514         220 :                 if (fields.find("heating_fraction_of_autosized_heating_supply_air_flow_rate") != fields.end()) { // not required field
    7515           0 :                     thisSys.input_specs.heating_fraction_of_autosized_heating_supply_air_flow_rate =
    7516           0 :               "heating_fraction_of_autosized_heating_supply_air_flow_rate").get<Real64>();
    7517             :                 }
    7518         220 :                 if (fields.find("heating_supply_air_flow_rate_per_unit_of_capacity") != fields.end()) { // not required field
    7519           0 :                     thisSys.input_specs.heating_supply_air_flow_rate_per_unit_of_capacity =
    7520           0 :               "heating_supply_air_flow_rate_per_unit_of_capacity").get<Real64>();
    7521             :                 }
    7522         220 :                 if (fields.find("no_load_supply_air_flow_rate_method") != fields.end()) { // not required field
    7523         206 :                     thisSys.input_specs.no_load_supply_air_flow_rate_method =
    7524         412 :                         UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase("no_load_supply_air_flow_rate_method").get<std::string>());
    7525             :                 }
    7526         220 :                 if (fields.find("no_load_supply_air_flow_rate") != fields.end()) { // not required field
    7527         432 :                     auto tempFieldVal ="no_load_supply_air_flow_rate");
    7528         216 :                     if (tempFieldVal == "Autosize") {
    7529         182 :                         thisSys.input_specs.no_load_supply_air_flow_rate = DataSizing::AutoSize;
    7530             :                     } else {
    7531          34 :                         thisSys.input_specs.no_load_supply_air_flow_rate ="no_load_supply_air_flow_rate").get<Real64>();
    7532             :                     }
    7533             :                 }
    7534         220 :                 if (fields.find("no_load_supply_air_flow_rate_per_floor_area") != fields.end()) { // not required field
    7535           0 :                     thisSys.input_specs.no_load_supply_air_flow_rate_per_floor_area =
    7536           0 :               "no_load_supply_air_flow_rate_per_floor_area").get<Real64>();
    7537             :                 }
    7538         220 :                 if (fields.find("no_load_fraction_of_autosized_cooling_supply_air_flow_rate") != fields.end()) { // not required field
    7539           0 :                     thisSys.input_specs.no_load_fraction_of_autosized_cooling_supply_air_flow_rate =
    7540           0 :               "no_load_fraction_of_autosized_cooling_supply_air_flow_rate").get<Real64>();
    7541             :                 }
    7542         220 :                 if (fields.find("no_load_fraction_of_autosized_heating_supply_air_flow_rate") != fields.end()) { // not required field
    7543           0 :                     thisSys.input_specs.no_load_fraction_of_autosized_heating_supply_air_flow_rate =
    7544           0 :               "no_load_fraction_of_autosized_heating_supply_air_flow_rate").get<Real64>();
    7545             :                 }
    7546         220 :                 if (fields.find("no_load_supply_air_flow_rate_per_unit_of_capacity_during_cooling_operation") != fields.end()) { // not required field
    7547           0 :                     thisSys.input_specs.no_load_supply_air_flow_rate_per_unit_of_capacity_during_cooling_operation =
    7548           0 :               "no_load_supply_air_flow_rate_per_unit_of_capacity_during_cooling_operation").get<Real64>();
    7549             :                 }
    7550         220 :                 if (fields.find("no_load_supply_air_flow_rate_per_unit_of_capacity_during_heating_operation") != fields.end()) { // not required field
    7551           0 :                     thisSys.input_specs.no_load_supply_air_flow_rate_per_unit_of_capacity_during_heating_operation =
    7552           0 :               "no_load_supply_air_flow_rate_per_unit_of_capacity_during_heating_operation").get<Real64>();
    7553             :                 }
    7554         220 :                 if (fields.find("maximum_supply_air_temperature") != fields.end()) { // not required field, has default of 80 C
    7555         428 :                     auto tempFieldVal ="maximum_supply_air_temperature");
    7556         214 :                     if (tempFieldVal == "Autosize") {
    7557         170 :                         thisSys.input_specs.maximum_supply_air_temperature = DataSizing::AutoSize;
    7558             :                     } else {
    7559          44 :                         thisSys.input_specs.maximum_supply_air_temperature ="maximum_supply_air_temperature").get<Real64>();
    7560             :                     }
    7561             :                 }
    7562         440 :                 if (fields.find("maximum_outdoor_dry_bulb_temperature_for_supplemental_heater_operation") !=
    7563         440 :                     fields.end()) { // not required field, has default
    7564         120 :                     thisSys.input_specs.maximum_outdoor_dry_bulb_temperature_for_supplemental_heater_operation =
    7565         240 :               "maximum_outdoor_dry_bulb_temperature_for_supplemental_heater_operation").get<Real64>();
    7566             :                 }
    7567         220 :                 if (fields.find("outdoor_dry_bulb_temperature_sensor_node_name") != fields.end()) { // not required field
    7568          12 :                     thisSys.input_specs.outdoor_dry_bulb_temperature_sensor_node_name =
    7569          24 :                         UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase("outdoor_dry_bulb_temperature_sensor_node_name").get<std::string>());
    7570             :                 }
    7571         220 :                 if (fields.find("maximum_cycling_rate") != fields.end()) { // not required field, has default
    7572          22 :                     thisSys.input_specs.maximum_cycling_rate ="maximum_cycling_rate").get<Real64>();
    7573             :                 }
    7574         220 :                 if (fields.find("heat_pump_time_constant") != fields.end()) { // not required field, has default
    7575          22 :                     thisSys.input_specs.heat_pump_time_constant ="heat_pump_time_constant").get<Real64>();
    7576             :                 }
    7577         220 :                 if (fields.find("fraction_of_on_cycle_power_use") != fields.end()) { // not required field, has default
    7578          22 :                     thisSys.input_specs.fraction_of_on_cycle_power_use ="fraction_of_on_cycle_power_use").get<Real64>();
    7579             :                 }
    7580         220 :                 if (fields.find("heat_pump_fan_delay_time") != fields.end()) { // not required field, has default
    7581          22 :                     thisSys.input_specs.heat_pump_fan_delay_time ="heat_pump_fan_delay_time").get<Real64>();
    7582             :                 }
    7583         220 :                 if (fields.find("ancillary_on_cycle_electric_power") != fields.end()) { // not required field, has default
    7584          10 :                     thisSys.input_specs.ancillary_on_cycle_electric_power ="ancillary_on_cycle_electric_power").get<Real64>();
    7585             :                 }
    7586         220 :                 if (fields.find("ancillary_off_cycle_electric_power") != fields.end()) { // not required field, has default
    7587          10 :                     thisSys.input_specs.ancillary_off_cycle_electric_power ="ancillary_off_cycle_electric_power").get<Real64>();
    7588             :                 }
    7589         220 :                 if (fields.find("design_heat_recovery_water_flow_rate") != fields.end()) { // not required field, has default
    7590           0 :                     thisSys.input_specs.design_heat_recovery_water_flow_rate ="design_heat_recovery_water_flow_rate").get<Real64>();
    7591             :                 }
    7592         220 :                 if (fields.find("maximum_temperature_for_heat_recovery") != fields.end()) { // not required field, has default
    7593           0 :                     thisSys.input_specs.maximum_temperature_for_heat_recovery ="maximum_temperature_for_heat_recovery").get<Real64>();
    7594             :                 }
    7595         220 :                 if (fields.find("heat_recovery_water_inlet_node_name") != fields.end()) { // not required field
    7596           0 :                     thisSys.input_specs.heat_recovery_water_inlet_node_name =
    7597           0 :                         UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase("heat_recovery_water_inlet_node_name").get<std::string>());
    7598             :                 }
    7599         220 :                 if (fields.find("heat_recovery_water_outlet_node_name") != fields.end()) { // not required field
    7600           0 :                     thisSys.input_specs.heat_recovery_water_outlet_node_name =
    7601           0 :                         UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase("heat_recovery_water_outlet_node_name").get<std::string>());
    7602             :                 }
    7603         220 :                 if (fields.find("design_specification_multispeed_object_type") != fields.end()) { // not required field
    7604         110 :                     thisSys.input_specs.design_specification_multispeed_object_type =
    7605         220 :                         UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase("design_specification_multispeed_object_type").get<std::string>());
    7606             :                 }
    7607         220 :                 if (fields.find("design_specification_multispeed_object_name") != fields.end()) { // not required field
    7608         110 :                     thisSys.input_specs.design_specification_multispeed_object_name =
    7609         220 :                         UtilityRoutines::MakeUPPERCase("design_specification_multispeed_object_name").get<std::string>());
    7610             :                 }
    7611             : 
    7612         220 :                 thisSys.processInputSpec(state, thisSys.input_specs, sysNum, errorsFound, ZoneEquipment, ZoneOAUnitNum);
    7613             : 
    7614         220 :                 if (sysNum == -1) {
    7615         110 :                     ++thisSys.m_UnitarySysNum;
    7616         110 :                     if (ZoneEquipment) {
    7617             :                         // zone equipment require a 1-n index for access to zone availability managers
    7618          10 :                         ++zoneUnitaryNum;
    7619          10 :                         thisSys.m_EquipCompNum = zoneUnitaryNum;
    7620             :                     } else {
    7621             :                         // zone equipment require a 1-n index for access to zone availability managers
    7622             :                         // although not zone equipment, use same methodology
    7623             :                         // keep OA system unitary equipment indexes separate?
    7624         100 :                         ++airloopUnitaryNum;
    7625         100 :                         thisSys.m_EquipCompNum = airloopUnitaryNum;
    7626             :                     }
    7627         110 :                     int thisSysNum = state.dataUnitarySystems->numUnitarySystems - 1;
    7628         110 :                     state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[thisSysNum] = thisSys;
    7629             :                 } else {
    7630         110 :                     state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum] = thisSys;
    7631             :                 }
    7632             :             }
    7633             :         }
    7634         753 :     }
    7635             : 
    7636      109368 :     void UnitarySys::calcUnitarySuppSystemToSP(EnergyPlusData &state, bool const FirstHVACIteration // True when first HVAC iteration
    7637             :     )
    7638             :     {
    7639             : 
    7640             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    7641             :         //       AUTHOR         Richard Raustad, FSEC
    7642             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   February 2013
    7643             : 
    7644             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    7645             :         // This subroutine manages supplemental heater component simulation for setpoint based operation scheme.
    7646             : 
    7647             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
    7648             :         Real64 QActual;
    7649             : 
    7650      218736 :         std::string CompName = this->m_SuppHeatCoilName;
    7651      109368 :         int CoilType_Num = this->m_SuppHeatCoilType_Num;
    7652             : 
    7653      109368 :         if ((CoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingGasOrOtherFuel) || (CoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingElectric)) {
    7654       70986 :             HeatingCoils::SimulateHeatingCoilComponents(
    7655             :                 state, CompName, FirstHVACIteration, _, this->m_SuppHeatCoilIndex, _, true, this->m_FanOpMode, this->m_SuppHeatPartLoadFrac);
    7656             : 
    7657       38382 :         } else if (CoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingElectric_MultiStage) {
    7658       29930 :             HeatingCoils::SimulateHeatingCoilComponents(state,
    7659             :                                                         CompName,
    7660             :                                                         FirstHVACIteration,
    7661             :                                                         _,
    7662             :                                                         this->m_SuppHeatCoilIndex,
    7663             :                                                         _,
    7664             :                                                         _,
    7665             :                                                         this->m_FanOpMode,
    7666             :                                                         this->m_SuppHeatPartLoadFrac,
    7667             :                                                         this->m_SuppHeatingSpeedNum,
    7668             :                                                         this->m_SuppHeatingSpeedRatio);
    7669             : 
    7670        8452 :         } else if (CoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingDesuperheater) {
    7671        8452 :             HeatingCoils::SimulateHeatingCoilComponents(
    7672             :                 state, CompName, FirstHVACIteration, _, this->m_SuppHeatCoilIndex, _, _, this->m_FanOpMode, this->m_SuppHeatPartLoadFrac);
    7673             : 
    7674           0 :         } else if (CoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWater) {
    7675           0 :             WaterCoils::SimulateWaterCoilComponents(
    7676             :                 state, CompName, FirstHVACIteration, this->m_SuppHeatCoilIndex, QActual, this->m_FanOpMode, this->m_SuppHeatPartLoadFrac);
    7677             : 
    7678           0 :         } else if (CoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingSteam) {
    7679           0 :             SteamCoils::SimulateSteamCoilComponents(state,
    7680             :                                                     CompName,
    7681             :                                                     FirstHVACIteration,
    7682             :                                                     this->m_SuppHeatCoilIndex,
    7683           0 :                                                     this->m_DesignSuppHeatingCapacity * this->m_SuppHeatPartLoadFrac,
    7684             :                                                     _,
    7685             :                                                     this->m_FanOpMode,
    7686             :                                                     this->m_SuppHeatPartLoadFrac);
    7687             :         }
    7688      109368 :     }
    7689             : 
    7690     2500856 :     void UnitarySys::controlUnitarySystemtoLoad(EnergyPlusData &state,
    7691             :                                                 int const AirLoopNum,                               // Primary air loop number
    7692             :                                                 bool const FirstHVACIteration,                      // True when first HVAC iteration
    7693             :                                                 DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation &CompressorOn, // Determines if compressor is on or off
    7694             :                                                 Real64 const OAUCoilOutTemp,                        // the coil inlet temperature of OutdoorAirUnit
    7695             :                                                 bool HXUnitOn,                                      // Flag to control HX for HXAssisted Cooling Coil
    7696             :                                                 Real64 &sysOutputProvided,                          // system sensible output at supply air node
    7697             :                                                 Real64 &latOutputProvided                           // sytsem latent output at supply air node
    7698             :     )
    7699             :     {
    7700             : 
    7701             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    7702             :         //       AUTHOR         Richard Raustad, FSEC
    7703             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   February 2013
    7704     2500856 :         Real64 ZoneLoad = 0.0;      // zone load (W)
    7705     2500856 :         Real64 SupHeaterLoad = 0.0; // additional heating required by supplemental heater (W)
    7706     2500856 :         Real64 OnOffAirFlowRatio = 1.0;
    7707     2500856 :         this->updateUnitarySystemControl(state,
    7708             :                                          AirLoopNum,
    7709             :                                          this->CoolCoilOutletNodeNum,
    7710             :                                          this->CoolCtrlNode,
    7711             :                                          OnOffAirFlowRatio,
    7712             :                                          FirstHVACIteration,
    7713             :                                          OAUCoilOutTemp,
    7714             :                                          ZoneLoad,
    7715             :                                          this->DesignMaxOutletTemp);
    7716             : 
    7717             :         // will not be running supplemental heater on this CALL (simulate with supplemental heater off)
    7718     2500856 :         Real64 FullSensibleOutput = 0.0;
    7719             :         // using furnace module logic
    7720             :         // first check to see if cycling fan with economizer can meet the load
    7721     2500856 :         if (AirLoopNum > 0) {
    7722     4987776 :             if (this->m_CoolCoilExists && this->m_HeatCoilExists &&
    7723     2493888 :                 this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num != DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingAirToAirVariableSpeed &&
    7724     3451961 :                 this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num != DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingAirToAirVariableSpeed && !FirstHVACIteration &&
    7725     2636619 :                 this->m_FanOpMode == DataHVACGlobals::CycFanCycCoil && state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad &&
    7726      121829 :                 state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopControlInfo(AirLoopNum).EconoActive) {
    7727        5212 :                 CompressorOn = DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::Off;
    7728        5212 :                 this->controlUnitarySystemOutput(
    7729             :                     state, AirLoopNum, FirstHVACIteration, OnOffAirFlowRatio, ZoneLoad, FullSensibleOutput, HXUnitOn, CompressorOn);
    7730        7547 :                 if (this->m_CoolingPartLoadFrac >= 1.0 || this->m_HeatingPartLoadFrac >= 1.0 ||
    7731        2805 :                     (this->m_CoolingPartLoadFrac <= 0.0 && this->m_HeatingPartLoadFrac <= 0.0)) {
    7732        3347 :                     CompressorOn = DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::On;
    7733        3347 :                     this->controlUnitarySystemOutput(
    7734             :                         state, AirLoopNum, FirstHVACIteration, OnOffAirFlowRatio, ZoneLoad, FullSensibleOutput, HXUnitOn, CompressorOn);
    7735             :                 }
    7736             :             } else {
    7737     1241732 :                 CompressorOn = DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::On;
    7738     1241732 :                 this->controlUnitarySystemOutput(
    7739             :                     state, AirLoopNum, FirstHVACIteration, OnOffAirFlowRatio, ZoneLoad, FullSensibleOutput, HXUnitOn, CompressorOn);
    7740             :             }
    7741             :         } else {
    7742     1253912 :             CompressorOn = DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::On;
    7743     1253912 :             this->controlUnitarySystemOutput(
    7744             :                 state, AirLoopNum, FirstHVACIteration, OnOffAirFlowRatio, ZoneLoad, FullSensibleOutput, HXUnitOn, CompressorOn);
    7745             :         }
    7746     5312359 :         if (state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->AirOutNode).MassFlowRate < DataHVACGlobals::SmallMassFlow && this->m_sysType != SysType::PackagedAC &&
    7747     2789817 :             this->m_sysType != SysType::PackagedHP && this->m_sysType != SysType::PackagedWSHP) {
    7748      127351 :             state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad = false;
    7749      127351 :             state.dataUnitarySystems->HeatingLoad = false;
    7750      127351 :             state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad = 0.0;
    7751      127351 :             this->m_CoolingPartLoadFrac = 0.0;
    7752      127351 :             this->m_HeatingPartLoadFrac = 0.0;
    7753      127351 :             if (this->CoolCoilFluidInletNode > 0) state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->CoolCoilFluidInletNode).MassFlowRate = 0.0;
    7754      127351 :             if (this->HeatCoilFluidInletNode > 0) state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->HeatCoilFluidInletNode).MassFlowRate = 0.0;
    7755      127351 :             this->setAverageAirFlow(state, this->m_CoolingPartLoadFrac, OnOffAirFlowRatio);
    7756             :             // anything else need to be reset here when system is shut down on low flow?
    7757             :         }
    7758     2500856 :         Real64 CoolPLR = this->m_CoolingPartLoadFrac;
    7759     2500856 :         Real64 HeatPLR = this->m_HeatingPartLoadFrac;
    7760     2500856 :         Real64 HeatCoilLoad = HeatPLR * this->m_DesignHeatingCapacity;
    7761             : 
    7762     2500856 :         if (this->CoolCoilFluidInletNode > 0) {
    7763       71612 :             PlantUtilities::SetComponentFlowRate(state,
    7764       35806 :                                                  state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->CoolCoilFluidInletNode).MassFlowRate,
    7765             :                                                  this->CoolCoilFluidInletNode,
    7766             :                                                  this->CoolCoilFluidOutletNodeNum,
    7767             :                                                  this->CoolCoilPlantLoc);
    7768             :         }
    7769     2500856 :         if (this->HeatCoilFluidInletNode > 0) {
    7770      148668 :             PlantUtilities::SetComponentFlowRate(state,
    7771       74334 :                                                  state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->HeatCoilFluidInletNode).MassFlowRate,
    7772             :                                                  this->HeatCoilFluidInletNode,
    7773             :                                                  this->HeatCoilFluidOutletNodeNum,
    7774             :                                                  this->HeatCoilPlantLoc);
    7775             :         }
    7776             : 
    7777     3850465 :         if (this->m_SuppCoilExists &&
    7778     1243700 :             (state.dataUnitarySystems->HeatingLoad || state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad || state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad < 0.0)) {
    7779      602134 :             if ((FullSensibleOutput < (state.dataUnitarySystems->QToHeatSetPt - DataHVACGlobals::SmallLoad)) && !FirstHVACIteration) {
    7780      112704 :                 SupHeaterLoad = max(0.0, state.dataUnitarySystems->QToHeatSetPt - FullSensibleOutput);
    7781      112704 :                 this->m_SupHeaterLoad = 0.0;
    7782             :                 // what does this line even do? I know we want the supplemental heater on only if there is a dehum load,
    7783             :                 // but for HP's the supp heater should also run if the heating coil can't turn on
    7784             :                 // (i.e., this line calc's a supp heater load, then next line also calc's it?)
    7785      112704 :                 if (state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad < 0.0) this->m_SupHeaterLoad = SupHeaterLoad;
    7786             :                 // so it look's like this next line should only be valid for HP's.
    7787      112704 :                 if (this->m_DesignSuppHeatingCapacity > 0.0) {
    7788      112704 :                     this->m_SuppHeatPartLoadFrac = min(1.0, SupHeaterLoad / this->m_DesignSuppHeatingCapacity);
    7789             :                 }
    7790             :             } else {
    7791      489430 :                 SupHeaterLoad = 0.0;
    7792      489430 :                 this->m_SuppHeatPartLoadFrac = 0.0;
    7793             :             }
    7794             :         } else {
    7795     1898722 :             SupHeaterLoad = 0.0;
    7796     1898722 :             this->m_SuppHeatPartLoadFrac = 0.0;
    7797             :         }
    7798             : 
    7799     2500856 :         this->calcUnitarySystemToLoad(state,
    7800             :                                       AirLoopNum,
    7801             :                                       FirstHVACIteration,
    7802             :                                       CoolPLR,
    7803             :                                       HeatPLR,
    7804             :                                       OnOffAirFlowRatio,
    7805             :                                       sysOutputProvided,
    7806             :                                       latOutputProvided,
    7807             :                                       HXUnitOn,
    7808             :                                       HeatCoilLoad,
    7809             :                                       SupHeaterLoad,
    7810             :                                       CompressorOn);
    7811             :         // Why need this second run?
    7812             :         // check supplemental heating coil outlet temp based on maximum allowed
    7813     2500856 :         if (this->m_SuppCoilExists) {
    7814             :             // only need to test for high supply air temp if supplemental coil is operating
    7815      747475 :             if (this->m_SuppHeatPartLoadFrac > 0.0) {
    7816      112696 :                 this->calcUnitarySystemToLoad(state,
    7817             :                                               AirLoopNum,
    7818             :                                               FirstHVACIteration,
    7819             :                                               CoolPLR,
    7820             :                                               HeatPLR,
    7821             :                                               OnOffAirFlowRatio,
    7822             :                                               sysOutputProvided,
    7823             :                                               latOutputProvided,
    7824             :                                               HXUnitOn,
    7825             :                                               HeatCoilLoad,
    7826             :                                               SupHeaterLoad,
    7827             :                                               CompressorOn);
    7828      112696 :                 if (this->m_DesignSuppHeatingCapacity > 0.0) {
    7829             :                     // multistage coil part load fraction already set in the calcUnitarySystemToLoad
    7830      112696 :                     if (this->m_NumOfSpeedSuppHeating <= 1) {
    7831       63634 :                         this->m_SuppHeatPartLoadFrac = SupHeaterLoad / this->m_DesignSuppHeatingCapacity;
    7832             :                     }
    7833             :                 } else {
    7834           0 :                     this->m_SuppHeatPartLoadFrac = 0.0;
    7835             :                 }
    7836             :             }
    7837             :         }
    7838             : 
    7839     2500856 :         if (this->m_SuppCoilFluidInletNode > 0) {
    7840           0 :             PlantUtilities::SetComponentFlowRate(state,
    7841           0 :                                                  state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->m_SuppCoilFluidInletNode).MassFlowRate,
    7842             :                                                  this->m_SuppCoilFluidInletNode,
    7843             :                                                  this->m_SuppCoilFluidOutletNodeNum,
    7844             :                                                  this->m_SuppCoilPlantLoc);
    7845             :         }
    7846             : 
    7847     2500856 :         if (this->m_HeatRecActive) {
    7848           0 :             PlantUtilities::SetComponentFlowRate(state,
    7849           0 :                                                  state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->m_HeatRecoveryInletNodeNum).MassFlowRate,
    7850             :                                                  this->m_HeatRecoveryInletNodeNum,
    7851             :                                                  this->m_HeatRecoveryOutletNodeNum,
    7852             :                                                  this->m_HRPlantLoc);
    7853             :         }
    7854     2500856 :     }
    7855             : 
    7856     3559166 :     void UnitarySys::controlUnitarySystemtoSP(EnergyPlusData &state,
    7857             :                                               int const AirLoopNum,                               // Primary air loop number
    7858             :                                               bool const FirstHVACIteration,                      // True when first HVAC iteration
    7859             :                                               DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation &CompressorOn, // compressor on/off control
    7860             :                                               Real64 const OAUCoilOutTemp,                        // the coil inlet temperature of OutdoorAirUnit
    7861             :                                               bool HXUnitOn,                                      // Flag to control HX for HXAssisted Cooling Coil
    7862             :                                               Real64 &sysOutputProvided,                          // sensible output at supply air node
    7863             :                                               Real64 &latOutputProvided                           // latent output at supply air node
    7864             :     )
    7865             :     {
    7866             : 
    7867             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    7868             :         //       AUTHOR         Richard Raustad, FSEC
    7869             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   February 2013
    7870             : 
    7871             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    7872             :         // This subroutine manages component simulation.
    7873             : 
    7874             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
    7875     3559166 :         Real64 PartLoadRatio = 0.0;     // coil operating part-load ratio
    7876     3559166 :         Real64 OnOffAirFlowRatio = 1.0; // Setpoint based coil control does not use this variable
    7877     3559166 :         Real64 CoilCoolHeatRat = 1.0;   // ratio of cooling to heating PLR for cycling fan RH control
    7878     3559166 :         Real64 ZoneLoad = 0.0;
    7879     3559166 :         Real64 HeatCoilLoad = -999.0;
    7880             : 
    7881             :         // CALL the series of components that simulate a Unitary System
    7882     3559166 :         if (this->ATMixerExists) {
    7883             :             // There is an air terminal mixer
    7884           0 :             if (this->ATMixerType == DataHVACGlobals::ATMixer_InletSide) { // if there is an inlet side air terminal mixer
    7885             :                                                                            // set the primary air inlet mass flow rate
    7886           0 :                 state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->m_ATMixerPriNode).MassFlowRate = min(
    7887           0 :                     state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->m_ATMixerPriNode).MassFlowRateMaxAvail, state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->AirInNode).MassFlowRate);
    7888             :                 // now calculate the the mixer outlet conditions (and the secondary air inlet flow rate)
    7889             :                 // the mixer outlet flow rate has already been set above (it is the "inlet" node flow rate)
    7890           0 :                 SingleDuct::SimATMixer(state, this->m_ATMixerName, FirstHVACIteration, this->m_ATMixerIndex);
    7891             :             }
    7892             :         }
    7893     3559166 :         if (this->OAMixerExists) {
    7894             :             // the PTHP does one or the other, but why can't an OA Mixer exist with the AT Mixer?
    7895           0 :             MixedAir::SimOAMixer(state, blankStdString, FirstHVACIteration, this->OAMixerIndex);
    7896             :         }
    7897     3559166 :         if (this->m_FanExists && this->m_FanPlace == FanPlace::BlowThru) {
    7898       80088 :             if (this->m_FanType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::FanType_SystemModelObject) {
    7899       41294 :                 state.dataHVACFan->fanObjs[this->m_FanIndex]->simulate(state, _, _, _, _);
    7900             :             } else {
    7901       38794 :                 if (this->m_IsZoneEquipment) {
    7902           0 :                     Fans::SimulateFanComponents(state,
    7903             :                                                 blankString,
    7904             :                                                 FirstHVACIteration,
    7905             :                                                 this->m_FanIndex,
    7906           0 :                                                 state.dataUnitarySystems->FanSpeedRatio,
    7907           0 :                                                 state.dataHVACGlobal->ZoneCompTurnFansOn,
    7908           0 :                                                 state.dataHVACGlobal->ZoneCompTurnFansOff);
    7909             :                 } else {
    7910       38794 :                     Fans::SimulateFanComponents(state, blankString, FirstHVACIteration, this->m_FanIndex, state.dataUnitarySystems->FanSpeedRatio);
    7911             :                 }
    7912             :             }
    7913             :         }
    7914             : 
    7915     3559166 :         if (this->m_CoolingCoilUpstream) {
    7916             : 
    7917     3559166 :             if (this->m_CoolCoilExists) {
    7918     3553043 :                 this->updateUnitarySystemControl(state,
    7919             :                                                  AirLoopNum,
    7920             :                                                  this->CoolCoilOutletNodeNum,
    7921             :                                                  this->CoolCtrlNode,
    7922             :                                                  OnOffAirFlowRatio,
    7923             :                                                  FirstHVACIteration,
    7924             :                                                  OAUCoilOutTemp,
    7925             :                                                  ZoneLoad,
    7926             :                                                  this->DesignMaxOutletTemp);
    7927     3553043 :                 this->controlCoolingSystemToSP(state, AirLoopNum, FirstHVACIteration, HXUnitOn, CompressorOn);
    7928     3553043 :                 PartLoadRatio = this->m_CoolingPartLoadFrac;
    7929     3553043 :                 CompressorOn = DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::Off;
    7930     3553043 :                 if (PartLoadRatio > 0.0) {
    7931     1195651 :                     CompressorOn = DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::On;
    7932     1195651 :                     this->m_LastMode = CoolingMode;
    7933             :                 }
    7934     3553043 :                 this->calcUnitaryCoolingSystem(
    7935             :                     state, AirLoopNum, FirstHVACIteration, PartLoadRatio, CompressorOn, OnOffAirFlowRatio, CoilCoolHeatRat, HXUnitOn);
    7936             :             }
    7937     3559166 :             if (this->m_HeatCoilExists) {
    7938       86211 :                 this->updateUnitarySystemControl(state,
    7939             :                                                  AirLoopNum,
    7940             :                                                  this->HeatCoilOutletNodeNum,
    7941             :                                                  this->HeatCtrlNode,
    7942             :                                                  OnOffAirFlowRatio,
    7943             :                                                  FirstHVACIteration,
    7944             :                                                  OAUCoilOutTemp,
    7945             :                                                  ZoneLoad,
    7946             :                                                  this->DesignMaxOutletTemp);
    7947       86211 :                 this->controlHeatingSystemToSP(state, AirLoopNum, FirstHVACIteration, CompressorOn, HeatCoilLoad);
    7948       86211 :                 PartLoadRatio = this->m_HeatingPartLoadFrac;
    7949       86211 :                 DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation CompressOn = DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::Off;
    7950       86211 :                 if (PartLoadRatio > 0.0) {
    7951       25735 :                     CompressOn = DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::On;
    7952       25735 :                     this->m_LastMode = HeatingMode;
    7953             :                 }
    7954       86211 :                 this->calcUnitaryHeatingSystem(state, AirLoopNum, FirstHVACIteration, PartLoadRatio, CompressOn, OnOffAirFlowRatio, HeatCoilLoad);
    7955             :             }
    7956             : 
    7957             :         } else {
    7958             : 
    7959           0 :             if (this->m_HeatCoilExists) {
    7960           0 :                 this->updateUnitarySystemControl(state,
    7961             :                                                  AirLoopNum,
    7962             :                                                  this->HeatCoilOutletNodeNum,
    7963             :                                                  this->HeatCtrlNode,
    7964             :                                                  OnOffAirFlowRatio,
    7965             :                                                  FirstHVACIteration,
    7966             :                                                  OAUCoilOutTemp,
    7967             :                                                  ZoneLoad,
    7968             :                                                  this->DesignMaxOutletTemp);
    7969           0 :                 this->controlHeatingSystemToSP(state, AirLoopNum, FirstHVACIteration, CompressorOn, HeatCoilLoad);
    7970           0 :                 PartLoadRatio = this->m_HeatingPartLoadFrac;
    7971           0 :                 CompressorOn = DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::Off;
    7972           0 :                 if (PartLoadRatio > 0.0) {
    7973           0 :                     CompressorOn = DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::On;
    7974           0 :                     this->m_LastMode = HeatingMode;
    7975             :                 }
    7976           0 :                 this->calcUnitaryHeatingSystem(state, AirLoopNum, FirstHVACIteration, PartLoadRatio, CompressorOn, OnOffAirFlowRatio, HeatCoilLoad);
    7977             :             }
    7978           0 :             if (this->m_CoolCoilExists) {
    7979           0 :                 this->updateUnitarySystemControl(state,
    7980             :                                                  AirLoopNum,
    7981             :                                                  this->CoolCoilOutletNodeNum,
    7982             :                                                  this->CoolCtrlNode,
    7983             :                                                  OnOffAirFlowRatio,
    7984             :                                                  FirstHVACIteration,
    7985             :                                                  OAUCoilOutTemp,
    7986             :                                                  ZoneLoad,
    7987             :                                                  this->DesignMaxOutletTemp);
    7988           0 :                 this->controlCoolingSystemToSP(state, AirLoopNum, FirstHVACIteration, HXUnitOn, CompressorOn);
    7989           0 :                 PartLoadRatio = this->m_CoolingPartLoadFrac;
    7990           0 :                 CompressorOn = DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::Off;
    7991           0 :                 if (PartLoadRatio > 0.0) {
    7992           0 :                     CompressorOn = DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::On;
    7993           0 :                     this->m_LastMode = CoolingMode;
    7994             :                 }
    7995           0 :                 this->calcUnitaryCoolingSystem(
    7996             :                     state, AirLoopNum, FirstHVACIteration, PartLoadRatio, CompressorOn, OnOffAirFlowRatio, CoilCoolHeatRat, HXUnitOn);
    7997             :             }
    7998             :         }
    7999             : 
    8000     3559166 :         if (this->m_FanExists && this->m_FanPlace == FanPlace::DrawThru) {
    8001           0 :             if (this->m_FanType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::FanType_SystemModelObject) {
    8002           0 :                 state.dataHVACFan->fanObjs[this->m_FanIndex]->simulate(state, _, _, _, _);
    8003             :             } else {
    8004           0 :                 if (this->m_IsZoneEquipment) {
    8005           0 :                     Fans::SimulateFanComponents(state,
    8006             :                                                 blankString,
    8007             :                                                 FirstHVACIteration,
    8008             :                                                 this->m_FanIndex,
    8009           0 :                                                 state.dataUnitarySystems->FanSpeedRatio,
    8010           0 :                                                 state.dataHVACGlobal->ZoneCompTurnFansOn,
    8011           0 :                                                 state.dataHVACGlobal->ZoneCompTurnFansOff);
    8012             :                 } else {
    8013           0 :                     Fans::SimulateFanComponents(state, blankString, FirstHVACIteration, this->m_FanIndex, state.dataUnitarySystems->FanSpeedRatio);
    8014             :                 }
    8015             :             }
    8016             :         }
    8017             : 
    8018     3559166 :         if (this->m_SuppCoilExists) {
    8019       80088 :             state.dataUnitarySystems->SuppHeatingCoilFlag = true;
    8020       80088 :             this->updateUnitarySystemControl(state,
    8021             :                                              AirLoopNum,
    8022             :                                              this->SuppCoilOutletNodeNum,
    8023             :                                              this->SuppCtrlNode,
    8024             :                                              OnOffAirFlowRatio,
    8025             :                                              FirstHVACIteration,
    8026             :                                              OAUCoilOutTemp,
    8027             :                                              ZoneLoad,
    8028             :                                              this->DesignMaxOutletTemp);
    8029       80088 :             this->controlSuppHeatSystemToSP(state, AirLoopNum, FirstHVACIteration);
    8030       80088 :             this->calcUnitarySuppSystemToSP(state, FirstHVACIteration);
    8031       80088 :             state.dataUnitarySystems->SuppHeatingCoilFlag = false;
    8032             :         }
    8033             : 
    8034             :         // If there is a supply side air terminal mixer, calculate its output
    8035     3559166 :         if (this->ATMixerExists) {
    8036           0 :             if (this->ATMixerType == DataHVACGlobals::ATMixer_SupplySide) {
    8037           0 :                 SingleDuct::SimATMixer(state, this->m_ATMixerName, FirstHVACIteration, this->m_ATMixerIndex);
    8038             :             }
    8039             :         }
    8040             : 
    8041     3559166 :         calculateCapacity(state, sysOutputProvided, latOutputProvided);
    8042     3559166 :         this->m_InitHeatPump = false;
    8043     3559166 :     }
    8044             : 
    8045     6220198 :     void UnitarySys::updateUnitarySystemControl(EnergyPlusData &state,
    8046             :                                                 int const AirLoopNum,  // number of the current air loop being simulated
    8047             :                                                 int const OutNode,     // coil outlet node number
    8048             :                                                 int const ControlNode, // control node number
    8049             :                                                 Real64 &OnOffAirFlowRatio,
    8050             :                                                 bool const FirstHVACIteration,
    8051             :                                                 Real64 const OAUCoilOutletTemp, // "ONLY" for zoneHVAC:OutdoorAirUnit
    8052             :                                                 Real64 &ZoneLoad,
    8053             :                                                 Real64 const MaxOutletTemp // limits heating coil outlet temp [C]
    8054             :     )
    8055             :     {
    8056             : 
    8057             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    8058             :         //       AUTHOR         Richard Raustad, FSEC
    8059             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   February 2013
    8060             : 
    8061             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    8062             :         // This subroutine is for sizing unitary systems.
    8063             : 
    8064             :         // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
    8065             :         // Either CALL the coil model to get the size or size coil.
    8066             :         // Current method is to use same methodology as is used in coil objects.
    8067             :         // Future changes will include a common sizing algorithm and push the calculated
    8068             :         // size to the coil object prior to first call (so the coil will not DataSizing::AutoSize).
    8069             : 
    8070             :         // These initializations are done every iteration
    8071             : 
    8072             :         {
    8073     6220198 :             state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad = 0.0;
    8074     6220198 :             this->LoadSHR = 0.0;
    8075     6220198 :             this->CoilSHR = 0.0;
    8076     6220198 :             switch (this->m_ControlType) {
    8077     2500856 :             case UnitarySysCtrlType::Load:
    8078             :             case UnitarySysCtrlType::CCMASHRAE: {
    8079     2500856 :                 if (AirLoopNum == -1) { // This IF-THEN routine is just for ZoneHVAC:OutdoorAirUnit
    8080           0 :                     ShowWarningError(state, this->UnitType + " \"" + this->Name + "\"");
    8081           0 :                     ShowFatalError(state, "...Load based control is not allowed when used with ZoneHVAC:OutdoorAirUnit");
    8082             :                 }
    8083             : 
    8084             :                 // here we need to deal with sequenced zone equip
    8085     2500856 :                 state.dataUnitarySystems->HeatingLoad = false;
    8086     2500856 :                 state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad = false;
    8087     2500856 :                 if (this->m_ZoneSequenceCoolingNum > 0 && this->m_ZoneSequenceHeatingNum > 0 && this->m_AirLoopEquipment) {
    8088             :                     // air loop equipment uses sequenced variables
    8089     2493696 :                     state.dataUnitarySystems->QToCoolSetPt = state.dataZoneEnergyDemand->ZoneSysEnergyDemand(this->ControlZoneNum)
    8090     1246848 :                                                                  .SequencedOutputRequiredToCoolingSP(this->m_ZoneSequenceCoolingNum);
    8091     2493696 :                     state.dataUnitarySystems->QToHeatSetPt = state.dataZoneEnergyDemand->ZoneSysEnergyDemand(this->ControlZoneNum)
    8092     1246848 :                                                                  .SequencedOutputRequiredToHeatingSP(this->m_ZoneSequenceHeatingNum);
    8093     1665957 :                     if (state.dataUnitarySystems->QToHeatSetPt > 0.0 && state.dataUnitarySystems->QToCoolSetPt > 0.0 &&
    8094      419109 :                         state.dataHeatBalFanSys->TempControlType(this->ControlZoneNum) != DataHVACGlobals::ThermostatType::SingleCooling) {
    8095      414651 :                         ZoneLoad = state.dataUnitarySystems->QToHeatSetPt;
    8096      414651 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->HeatingLoad = true;
    8097      836655 :                     } else if (state.dataUnitarySystems->QToHeatSetPt > 0.0 && state.dataUnitarySystems->QToCoolSetPt > 0.0 &&
    8098        4458 :                                state.dataHeatBalFanSys->TempControlType(this->ControlZoneNum) == DataHVACGlobals::ThermostatType::SingleCooling) {
    8099        4458 :                         ZoneLoad = 0.0;
    8100     1395589 :                     } else if (state.dataUnitarySystems->QToHeatSetPt < 0.0 && state.dataUnitarySystems->QToCoolSetPt < 0.0 &&
    8101      567850 :                                state.dataHeatBalFanSys->TempControlType(this->ControlZoneNum) != DataHVACGlobals::ThermostatType::SingleHeating) {
    8102      562969 :                         ZoneLoad = state.dataUnitarySystems->QToCoolSetPt;
    8103      562969 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad = true;
    8104      269651 :                     } else if (state.dataUnitarySystems->QToHeatSetPt < 0.0 && state.dataUnitarySystems->QToCoolSetPt < 0.0 &&
    8105        4881 :                                state.dataHeatBalFanSys->TempControlType(this->ControlZoneNum) == DataHVACGlobals::ThermostatType::SingleHeating) {
    8106        4881 :                         ZoneLoad = 0.0;
    8107      259889 :                     } else if (state.dataUnitarySystems->QToHeatSetPt <= 0.0 && state.dataUnitarySystems->QToCoolSetPt >= 0.0) {
    8108      259889 :                         ZoneLoad = 0.0;
    8109             :                     }
    8110     2493696 :                     state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad = state.dataZoneEnergyDemand->ZoneSysMoistureDemand(this->ControlZoneNum)
    8111     1246848 :                                                                  .SequencedOutputRequiredToDehumidSP(this->m_ZoneSequenceCoolingNum);
    8112             :                 } else {
    8113             :                     // zone equipment uses Remaining* variables
    8114     1254008 :                     ZoneLoad = state.dataZoneEnergyDemand->ZoneSysEnergyDemand(this->ControlZoneNum).RemainingOutputRequired;
    8115     1254008 :                     state.dataUnitarySystems->QToCoolSetPt =
    8116     1254008 :                         state.dataZoneEnergyDemand->ZoneSysEnergyDemand(this->ControlZoneNum).RemainingOutputReqToCoolSP;
    8117     1254008 :                     state.dataUnitarySystems->QToHeatSetPt =
    8118     1254008 :                         state.dataZoneEnergyDemand->ZoneSysEnergyDemand(this->ControlZoneNum).RemainingOutputReqToHeatSP;
    8119     1254008 :                     state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad =
    8120     1254008 :                         state.dataZoneEnergyDemand->ZoneSysMoistureDemand(this->ControlZoneNum).RemainingOutputReqToDehumidSP;
    8121     1353495 :                     if (this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedAC || this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedHP ||
    8122       99487 :                         this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedWSHP) {
    8123             :                         // ZoneSysAvailManager is turning on sooner than PTUnit in UnitarySystem. Mimic PTUnit logic.
    8124     1825760 :                         if (state.dataUnitarySystems->QToCoolSetPt < 0.0 &&
    8125      594252 :                             state.dataHeatBalFanSys->TempControlType(this->ControlZoneNum) != DataHVACGlobals::ThermostatType::SingleHeating) {
    8126      589239 :                             ZoneLoad = state.dataUnitarySystems->QToCoolSetPt;
    8127     1235994 :                         } else if (state.dataUnitarySystems->QToHeatSetPt > 0.0 &&
    8128      593725 :                                    state.dataHeatBalFanSys->TempControlType(this->ControlZoneNum) != DataHVACGlobals::ThermostatType::SingleCooling) {
    8129      593385 :                             ZoneLoad = state.dataUnitarySystems->QToHeatSetPt;
    8130             :                         } else {
    8131       48884 :                             ZoneLoad = 0.0;
    8132             :                         }
    8133             :                     }
    8134             :                 }
    8135             : 
    8136     3598047 :                 if (ZoneLoad < 0.0 && state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad <= 0.0 &&
    8137     1316021 :                     (this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_Cooling &&
    8138      219954 :                      state.dataCoilCooingDX->coilCoolingDXs[this->m_CoolingCoilIndex].SubcoolReheatFlag)) {
    8139        1124 :                     this->LoadSHR =
    8140        2248 :                         ZoneLoad / (ZoneLoad + state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad *
    8141        2248 :                                                    Psychrometrics::PsyHgAirFnWTdb(
    8142        1124 :                                                        state.dataZoneTempPredictorCorrector->zoneHeatBalance(this->ControlZoneNum).ZoneAirHumRat,
    8143        1124 :                                                        state.dataZoneTempPredictorCorrector->zoneHeatBalance(this->ControlZoneNum).MAT));
    8144        1124 :                     if (this->LoadSHR < 0.0) {
    8145           0 :                         this->LoadSHR = 0.0;
    8146             :                     }
    8147        1124 :                     this->CoilSHR = this->LoadSHR;
    8148             :                 }
    8149             : 
    8150     2500856 :                 if (this->m_DehumidControlType_Num != DehumCtrlType::None) {
    8151      162314 :                     Real64 H2OHtOfVap = Psychrometrics::PsyHfgAirFnWTdb(state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->NodeNumOfControlledZone).HumRat,
    8152      324628 :                                                                         state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->NodeNumOfControlledZone).Temp);
    8153             : 
    8154             :                     // positive MoistureLoad means no dehumidification load
    8155      162314 :                     state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad = min(0.0, state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad * H2OHtOfVap);
    8156             :                 } else {
    8157     2338542 :                     state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad = 0.0;
    8158             :                 }
    8159             : 
    8160     2500856 :                 this->initLoadBasedControl(state, AirLoopNum, FirstHVACIteration, OnOffAirFlowRatio, ZoneLoad);
    8161             : 
    8162             :                 // *** the location of this EMS override looks suspect. If EMS is active the load will be changed but the CoolingLoad and HeatingLoad
    8163             :                 // flags are not updated. suggest this be moved up above InitLoadBasedControl function on previous line so the EMS loads are used in
    8164             :                 // that routine EMS override point
    8165     2500856 :                 if (this->m_EMSOverrideSensZoneLoadRequest) ZoneLoad = this->m_EMSSensibleZoneLoadValue;
    8166     2500856 :                 if (this->m_EMSOverrideMoistZoneLoadRequest) state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad = this->m_EMSMoistureZoneLoadValue;
    8167             : 
    8168     2500856 :                 this->m_SimASHRAEModel = false; // flag used to envoke ASHRAE 90.1 model calculations
    8169             :                 // allows non-ASHSRAE compliant coil types to be modeled using non-ASHAR90 method. Constant fan operating mode is required.
    8170     2500856 :                 if (this->m_FanOpMode == DataHVACGlobals::ContFanCycCoil) {
    8171     1136906 :                     if (state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad) {
    8172      534482 :                         if (this->m_ValidASHRAECoolCoil) this->m_SimASHRAEModel = true;
    8173      602424 :                     } else if (state.dataUnitarySystems->HeatingLoad) {
    8174      453368 :                         if (this->m_ValidASHRAEHeatCoil) this->m_SimASHRAEModel = true;
    8175             :                     }
    8176             :                 }
    8177     2500856 :             } break;
    8178     3719342 :             case UnitarySysCtrlType::Setpoint: {
    8179     3719342 :                 if (AirLoopNum == -1) { // This IF-THEN routine is just for ZoneHVAC:OutdoorAIRUNIT
    8180             : 
    8181       75781 :                     if (ControlNode == 0) {
    8182           0 :                         this->m_DesiredOutletTemp = OAUCoilOutletTemp;
    8183       75781 :                     } else if (ControlNode == OutNode) {
    8184       75781 :                         this->m_DesiredOutletTemp = OAUCoilOutletTemp;
    8185             :                     }
    8186             :                     // If the unitary system is an Outdoor Air Unit, the desired coil outlet humidity level is set to 1.0 (no dehum)
    8187       75781 :                     this->m_DesiredOutletHumRat = 1.0;
    8188             : 
    8189             :                 } else { // Not Outdoor Air Unit. Either airloop or zone equipment
    8190     3643561 :                     Real64 humRatMaxSP = 1.0;
    8191     3643561 :                     this->m_DesiredOutletHumRat = humRatMaxSP;
    8192     3643561 :                     if (ControlNode == 0) {
    8193           0 :                         this->m_DesiredOutletTemp = 0.0;
    8194           0 :                         if (OutNode > 0) {
    8195           0 :                             if (state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutNode).HumRatMax > 0.0) {
    8196           0 :                                 this->m_DesiredOutletHumRat = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutNode).HumRatMax;
    8197             :                             }
    8198             :                         }
    8199     3643561 :                     } else if (ControlNode == OutNode) {
    8200     3372260 :                         if (this->m_ISHundredPercentDOASDXCoil && this->m_RunOnSensibleLoad) {
    8201       23669 :                             if (state.dataLoopNodes->Node(ControlNode).HumRatMax > 0.0)
    8202       19955 :                                 humRatMaxSP = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(ControlNode).HumRatMax;
    8203       71007 :                             this->frostControlSetPointLimit(state,
    8204       23669 :                                                             state.dataLoopNodes->Node(ControlNode).TempSetPoint,
    8205             :                                                             humRatMaxSP,
    8206       23669 :                                                             state.dataEnvrn->OutBaroPress,
    8207             :                                                             this->DesignMinOutletTemp,
    8208             :                                                             1);
    8209             :                         }
    8210     3372260 :                         this->m_DesiredOutletTemp = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(ControlNode).TempSetPoint;
    8211             :                         //  IF HumRatMax is zero, then there is no request from SetpointManager:SingleZone:Humidity:Maximum
    8212             :                         // user might place temp SP at system outlet and HumRat set point at coil outlet
    8213     3372260 :                         if (this->m_DehumidControlType_Num != DehumCtrlType::None) {
    8214      189821 :                             if (state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->AirOutNode).HumRatMax > 0.0)
    8215      185290 :                                 humRatMaxSP = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->AirOutNode).HumRatMax;
    8216      189821 :                             if (state.dataLoopNodes->Node(ControlNode).HumRatMax > 0.0)
    8217      153954 :                                 humRatMaxSP = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(ControlNode).HumRatMax;
    8218      189821 :                             if (this->m_ISHundredPercentDOASDXCoil && this->m_RunOnLatentLoad) {
    8219       79820 :                                 this->frostControlSetPointLimit(state,
    8220       19955 :                                                                 state.dataLoopNodes->Node(ControlNode).TempSetPoint,
    8221       19955 :                                                                 state.dataLoopNodes->Node(ControlNode).HumRatMax,
    8222       19955 :                                                                 state.dataEnvrn->OutBaroPress,
    8223             :                                                                 this->DesignMinOutletTemp,
    8224             :                                                                 2);
    8225       19955 :                                 humRatMaxSP = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(ControlNode).HumRatMax;
    8226             :                             }
    8227      189821 :                             this->m_DesiredOutletHumRat = humRatMaxSP; // should this be outside so as to capture humrat for 100%DOASDXCoil ?
    8228             :                         }
    8229             :                     } else {
    8230      271301 :                         if (state.dataLoopNodes->Node(ControlNode).HumRatMax > 0.0) humRatMaxSP = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(ControlNode).HumRatMax;
    8231      271301 :                         if (state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutNode).HumRatMax > 0.0) humRatMaxSP = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutNode).HumRatMax;
    8232      271301 :                         if (this->m_ISHundredPercentDOASDXCoil && this->m_RunOnSensibleLoad) {
    8233           0 :                             this->frostControlSetPointLimit(state,
    8234           0 :                                                             state.dataLoopNodes->Node(ControlNode).TempSetPoint,
    8235             :                                                             humRatMaxSP,
    8236           0 :                                                             state.dataEnvrn->OutBaroPress,
    8237             :                                                             this->DesignMinOutletTemp,
    8238             :                                                             1);
    8239             :                         }
    8240      542602 :                         this->m_DesiredOutletTemp = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(ControlNode).TempSetPoint -
    8241      271301 :                                                     (state.dataLoopNodes->Node(ControlNode).Temp - state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutNode).Temp);
    8242      271301 :                         if (this->m_DehumidControlType_Num != DehumCtrlType::None) {
    8243           0 :                             if (this->m_ISHundredPercentDOASDXCoil && this->m_RunOnLatentLoad) {
    8244           0 :                                 this->frostControlSetPointLimit(state,
    8245           0 :                                                                 state.dataLoopNodes->Node(ControlNode).TempSetPoint,
    8246           0 :                                                                 state.dataLoopNodes->Node(ControlNode).HumRatMax,
    8247           0 :                                                                 state.dataEnvrn->OutBaroPress,
    8248             :                                                                 this->DesignMinOutletTemp,
    8249             :                                                                 2);
    8250           0 :                                 humRatMaxSP = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(ControlNode).HumRatMax;
    8251             :                             }
    8252           0 :                             this->m_DesiredOutletHumRat = humRatMaxSP; // should this be outside so as to capture humrat for 100%DOASDXCoil ?
    8253             :                         }
    8254             :                     }
    8255             :                 }
    8256     3719342 :                 this->m_DesiredOutletTemp = min(this->m_DesiredOutletTemp, MaxOutletTemp);
    8257     3719342 :             } break;
    8258           0 :             default: {
    8259             :                 // should never get here, only 3 control types
    8260           0 :             } break;
    8261             :             }
    8262             :         }
    8263     6220198 :     }
    8264       20486 :     void UnitarySys::controlUnitarySystemOutputEMS(EnergyPlusData &state,
    8265             :                                                    int const AirLoopNum,          // Index to air loop
    8266             :                                                    bool const FirstHVACIteration, // True when first HVAC iteration
    8267             :                                                    Real64 &OnOffAirFlowRatio,     // ratio of heating PLR to cooling PLR (is this correct?)
    8268             :                                                    Real64 const ZoneLoad,
    8269             :                                                    Real64 &FullSensibleOutput,
    8270             :                                                    bool &HXUnitOn, // Flag to control HX for HXAssisted Cooling Coil
    8271             :                                                    DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation CompressorOn)
    8272             :     {
    8273       20486 :         Real64 PartLoadRatio = 1.0;
    8274       20486 :         Real64 CoolPLR = 0.0;
    8275       20486 :         Real64 HeatPLR = 0.0;
    8276       20486 :         DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation CompressorONFlag = CompressorOn;
    8277       20486 :         Real64 HeatCoilLoad = 0.0;
    8278       20486 :         Real64 SupHeaterLoad = 0.0;
    8279             :         Real64 SensOutput; // sensible output
    8280             :         Real64 LatOutput;  // latent output
    8281       20486 :         this->FanPartLoadRatio = 0.0;
    8282       20486 :         this->setOnOffMassFlowRate(state, OnOffAirFlowRatio, PartLoadRatio);
    8283             : 
    8284       21477 :         if (!state.dataUnitarySystems->HeatingLoad && !state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad && state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad >= 0.0) return;
    8285       19495 :         int SpeedNumEMS = ceil(this->m_EMSOverrideCoilSpeedNumValue);
    8286       19495 :         bool useMaxedSpeed = false;
    8287       38990 :         std::string useMaxedSpeedCoilName;
    8288       19495 :         if (state.dataUnitarySystems->HeatingLoad) {
    8289           0 :             if (SpeedNumEMS > this->m_NumOfSpeedHeating) {
    8290           0 :                 SpeedNumEMS = this->m_NumOfSpeedHeating;
    8291           0 :                 useMaxedSpeed = true;
    8292           0 :                 useMaxedSpeedCoilName = this->m_HeatingCoilName;
    8293             :             }
    8294           0 :             this->m_HeatingSpeedNum = SpeedNumEMS;
    8295             :         } else {
    8296       19495 :             if (SpeedNumEMS > this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling) {
    8297           0 :                 SpeedNumEMS = this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling;
    8298           0 :                 useMaxedSpeed = true;
    8299           0 :                 useMaxedSpeedCoilName = this->m_CoolingCoilName;
    8300             :             }
    8301       19495 :             this->m_CoolingSpeedNum = SpeedNumEMS;
    8302             :         }
    8303       19495 :         if (useMaxedSpeed) {
    8304           0 :             this->m_CoilSpeedErrIdx++;
    8305           0 :             ShowRecurringWarningErrorAtEnd(state,
    8306           0 :                                            "Wrong coil speed EMS override value, for unit=\"" + useMaxedSpeedCoilName +
    8307             :                                                "\". Exceeding maximum coil speed level. Speed level is set to the maximum coil speed level allowed.",
    8308             :                                            this->m_CoilSpeedErrIdx,
    8309             :                                            this->m_EMSOverrideCoilSpeedNumValue,
    8310             :                                            this->m_EMSOverrideCoilSpeedNumValue,
    8311             :                                            _,
    8312             :                                            "",
    8313             :                                            "");
    8314             :         }
    8315             : 
    8316       19495 :         if (state.dataUnitarySystems->HeatingLoad) {
    8317           0 :             CoolPLR = 0.0;
    8318           0 :             HeatPLR = 1.0;
    8319           0 :             this->m_HeatingCoilSensDemand = ZoneLoad;
    8320             : 
    8321           0 :             if (this->m_HeatingSpeedNum == 1) {
    8322           0 :                 this->m_HeatingSpeedRatio = 0.0;
    8323           0 :                 this->m_HeatingCycRatio = this->m_EMSOverrideCoilSpeedNumValue - floor(this->m_EMSOverrideCoilSpeedNumValue);
    8324           0 :                 if (useMaxedSpeed || this->m_HeatingCycRatio == 0) {
    8325           0 :                     this->m_HeatingCycRatio = 1;
    8326             :                 }
    8327             :             } else {
    8328           0 :                 this->m_HeatingCycRatio = 1.0;
    8329           0 :                 this->m_HeatingSpeedRatio = this->m_EMSOverrideCoilSpeedNumValue - floor(this->m_EMSOverrideCoilSpeedNumValue);
    8330           0 :                 if (useMaxedSpeed || this->m_HeatingSpeedRatio == 0) {
    8331           0 :                     this->m_HeatingSpeedRatio = 1;
    8332             :                 }
    8333             :             }
    8334           0 :             this->m_WSHPRuntimeFrac = HeatPLR;
    8335             :         } else { // Cooling or moisture load
    8336       19495 :             HeatPLR = 0.0;
    8337       19495 :             CoolPLR = 1.0;
    8338       19495 :             if (state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad) {
    8339       19495 :                 this->m_CoolingCoilSensDemand = std::abs(ZoneLoad);
    8340             :             } else {
    8341           0 :                 this->m_CoolingCoilSensDemand = 0.0;
    8342             :             }
    8343       19495 :             this->m_CoolingCoilLatentDemand = std::abs(state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad);
    8344             : 
    8345       19495 :             if (this->m_CoolingSpeedNum == 1) {
    8346         518 :                 this->m_CoolingSpeedRatio = 0.0;
    8347         518 :                 this->m_CoolingCycRatio = this->m_EMSOverrideCoilSpeedNumValue - floor(this->m_EMSOverrideCoilSpeedNumValue);
    8348         518 :                 if (useMaxedSpeed || this->m_CoolingCycRatio == 0) {
    8349         518 :                     this->m_CoolingCycRatio = 1;
    8350             :                 }
    8351             :             } else {
    8352       18977 :                 this->m_CoolingCycRatio = 1.0;
    8353       18977 :                 this->m_CoolingSpeedRatio = this->m_EMSOverrideCoilSpeedNumValue - floor(this->m_EMSOverrideCoilSpeedNumValue);
    8354       18977 :                 if (useMaxedSpeed || this->m_CoolingSpeedRatio == 0) {
    8355           0 :                     this->m_CoolingSpeedRatio = 1;
    8356             :                 }
    8357             :             }
    8358       19495 :             this->m_WSHPRuntimeFrac = CoolPLR;
    8359             :         }
    8360       19495 :         this->calcUnitarySystemToLoad(state,
    8361             :                                       AirLoopNum,
    8362             :                                       FirstHVACIteration,
    8363             :                                       CoolPLR,
    8364             :                                       HeatPLR,
    8365             :                                       OnOffAirFlowRatio,
    8366             :                                       SensOutput,
    8367             :                                       LatOutput,
    8368       19495 :                                       HXUnitOn,
    8369             :                                       HeatCoilLoad,
    8370             :                                       SupHeaterLoad,
    8371             :                                       CompressorONFlag);
    8372             : 
    8373       19495 :         FullSensibleOutput = SensOutput;
    8374             : 
    8375       19495 :         if (!state.dataUnitarySystems->HeatingLoad && !state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad) {
    8376             :             // no load
    8377           0 :             if (state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad > LatOutput) return;
    8378             :             // Dehumcontrol_Multimode only controls RH if there is a sensible load
    8379           0 :             if (this->m_DehumidControlType_Num == DehumCtrlType::Multimode) return;
    8380             :         }
    8381       19495 :         HXUnitOn = true;
    8382       19495 :         this->calcUnitarySystemToLoad(state,
    8383             :                                       AirLoopNum,
    8384             :                                       FirstHVACIteration,
    8385             :                                       CoolPLR,
    8386             :                                       HeatPLR,
    8387             :                                       OnOffAirFlowRatio,
    8388             :                                       SensOutput,
    8389             :                                       LatOutput,
    8390       19495 :                                       HXUnitOn,
    8391             :                                       HeatCoilLoad,
    8392             :                                       SupHeaterLoad,
    8393             :                                       CompressorONFlag);
    8394       19495 :         Real64 CpAir = Psychrometrics::PsyCpAirFnW(state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->CoolCoilInletNodeNum).HumRat);
    8395             :         Real64 CoolingOnlySensibleOutput =
    8396       19495 :             state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->CoolCoilInletNodeNum).MassFlowRate * CpAir *
    8397       38990 :             ((state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->NodeNumOfControlledZone).Temp - state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->CoolCoilOutletNodeNum).Temp) -
    8398       38990 :              (state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->HeatCoilOutletNodeNum).Temp - state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->HeatCoilInletNodeNum).Temp));
    8399       19495 :         if (state.dataUnitarySystems->QToHeatSetPt < 0.0) {
    8400             :             //   Calculate the reheat coil load wrt the heating setpoint temperature. Reheat coil picks up
    8401             :             //   the entire excess sensible cooling (DX cooling coil and impact of outdoor air).
    8402       19495 :             this->m_DehumidInducedHeatingDemandRate = max(0.0, (CoolingOnlySensibleOutput + state.dataUnitarySystems->QToHeatSetPt));
    8403             :             //   Heating mode and dehumidification is required
    8404           0 :         } else if (state.dataUnitarySystems->QToHeatSetPt >= 0.0) {
    8405             :             //   Calculate the reheat coil load as the sensible capacity of the DX cooling coil only. Let
    8406             :             //   the heating coil pick up the load due to outdoor air.
    8407           0 :             this->m_DehumidInducedHeatingDemandRate = max(0.0, CoolingOnlySensibleOutput);
    8408             :         }
    8409             :     }
    8410             : 
    8411     2504203 :     void UnitarySys::controlUnitarySystemOutput(EnergyPlusData &state,
    8412             :                                                 int const AirLoopNum,          // Index to air loop
    8413             :                                                 bool const FirstHVACIteration, // True when first HVAC iteration
    8414             :                                                 Real64 &OnOffAirFlowRatio,     // ratio of heating PLR to cooling PLR (is this correct?)
    8415             :                                                 Real64 const ZoneLoad,
    8416             :                                                 Real64 &FullSensibleOutput,
    8417             :                                                 bool &HXUnitOn, // Flag to control HX for HXAssisted Cooling Coil
    8418             :                                                 DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation CompressorOn)
    8419             :     {
    8420             : 
    8421             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    8422             :         //       AUTHOR         Richard Raustad, FSEC
    8423             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   February 2013
    8424             : 
    8425             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    8426             :         // This subroutine determines operating PLR and calculates the load based system output.
    8427             : 
    8428             :         // SUBROUTINE PARAMETER DEFINITIONS:
    8429     2504203 :         int constexpr MaxIter(100); // maximum number of iterations
    8430             : 
    8431             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
    8432             :         int SpeedNum;                     // multi-speed coil speed number
    8433             :         Real64 SensOutputOn;              // sensible output at PLR = 1 [W]
    8434             :         Real64 LatOutputOn;               // latent output at PLR = 1 [W]
    8435             :         Real64 TempLoad;                  // represents either a sensible or latent load [W]
    8436             :         Real64 TempSysOutput;             // represents either a sensible or latent capacity [W]
    8437             :         Real64 TempSensOutput;            // iterative sensible capacity [W]
    8438             :         Real64 TempLatOutput;             // iterative latent capacity [W]
    8439             :         Real64 TempMinPLR;                // iterative minimum PLR
    8440             :         Real64 TempMaxPLR;                // iterative maximum PLR
    8441             :         Real64 CoolingOnlySensibleOutput; // use to calculate dehumidification induced heating [W]
    8442             :         Real64 CpAir;                     // specific heat of air [J/kg_C]
    8443             :         Real64 FullLoadAirOutletTemp;     // saved full load outlet air temperature [C]
    8444             :         Real64 FullLoadAirOutletHumRat;   // saved full load outlet air humidity ratio [kg/kg]
    8445             :         Real64 NoLoadOutletTemp;          // outlet temp of system with coils off [C]
    8446             : 
    8447     2519180 :         std::string CompName = this->Name;
    8448     2504203 :         int OutletNode = this->AirOutNode;
    8449             : 
    8450     2504203 :         if (ScheduleManager::GetCurrentScheduleValue(state, this->m_SysAvailSchedPtr) <= 0.0) {
    8451        4596 :             return;
    8452             :         }
    8453     2499607 :         if (this->m_EMSOverrideCoilSpeedNumOn) {
    8454       20486 :             this->controlUnitarySystemOutputEMS(
    8455             :                 state, AirLoopNum, FirstHVACIteration, OnOffAirFlowRatio, ZoneLoad, FullSensibleOutput, HXUnitOn, CompressorOn);
    8456       20486 :             return;
    8457             :         }
    8458             : 
    8459     2479121 :         Real64 PartLoadRatio = 0.0; // Get no load result
    8460             :         // fan and coil PLR are disconnected when using ASHRAE model, don't confuse these for other models
    8461     2479121 :         this->FanPartLoadRatio = 0.0;
    8462     2479121 :         int SolFlag = 0;    // # of iterations IF positive, -1 means failed to converge, -2 means bounds are incorrect
    8463     2479121 :         int SolFlagLat = 0; // # of iterations IF positive, -1 means failed to converge, -2 means bounds are incorrect
    8464             : 
    8465     2479121 :         Real64 SensOutputOff = 0.0;
    8466     2479121 :         Real64 LatOutputOff = 0.0;
    8467     2479121 :         Real64 CoolPLR = 0.0;
    8468     2479121 :         Real64 HeatPLR = 0.0;
    8469     2479121 :         DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation CompressorONFlag = DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::Off;
    8470     2479121 :         Real64 HeatCoilLoad = 0.0;
    8471     2479121 :         Real64 SupHeaterLoad = 0.0;
    8472             : 
    8473     2479121 :         this->m_WSHPRuntimeFrac = 0.0;
    8474             : 
    8475     2479121 :         this->setOnOffMassFlowRate(state, OnOffAirFlowRatio, PartLoadRatio);
    8476             : 
    8477     2479121 :         if (!state.dataUnitarySystems->HeatingLoad && !state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad && state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad >= 0.0) return;
    8478             : 
    8479     2183408 :         this->calcUnitarySystemToLoad(state,
    8480             :                                       AirLoopNum,
    8481             :                                       FirstHVACIteration,
    8482             :                                       CoolPLR,
    8483             :                                       HeatPLR,
    8484             :                                       OnOffAirFlowRatio,
    8485             :                                       SensOutputOff,
    8486             :                                       LatOutputOff,
    8487     2183408 :                                       HXUnitOn,
    8488             :                                       HeatCoilLoad,
    8489             :                                       SupHeaterLoad,
    8490             :                                       CompressorONFlag);
    8491     2183408 :         FullSensibleOutput = SensOutputOff;
    8492     2183408 :         NoLoadOutletTemp = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNode).Temp;
    8493             : 
    8494     2183408 :         if (!state.dataUnitarySystems->HeatingLoad && !state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad) {
    8495             :             // no load
    8496           0 :             if (state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad > LatOutputOff) return;
    8497             :             // Dehumcontrol_Multimode only controls RH if there is a sensible load
    8498           0 :             if (this->m_DehumidControlType_Num == DehumCtrlType::Multimode) return;
    8499             :         }
    8500             : 
    8501             :         // determine if PLR=0 meets the load
    8502     2183408 :         switch (state.dataHeatBalFanSys->TempControlType(this->ControlZoneNum)) {
    8503       48923 :         case DataHVACGlobals::ThermostatType::SingleHeating: {
    8504       48923 :             if (state.dataUnitarySystems->HeatingLoad && SensOutputOff > ZoneLoad &&
    8505           0 :                 (state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad >= 0.0 || state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad > LatOutputOff))
    8506           0 :                 return;
    8507       48923 :             if (!state.dataUnitarySystems->HeatingLoad &&
    8508           0 :                 (state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad >= 0.0 || state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad > LatOutputOff))
    8509           0 :                 return;
    8510       48923 :         } break;
    8511       53795 :         case DataHVACGlobals::ThermostatType::SingleCooling: {
    8512       53799 :             if (state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad && SensOutputOff < ZoneLoad &&
    8513           2 :                 (state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad >= 0.0 || state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad > LatOutputOff))
    8514           2 :                 return;
    8515       53793 :             if (!state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad &&
    8516           0 :                 (state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad >= 0.0 || state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad > LatOutputOff))
    8517           0 :                 return;
    8518       53793 :         } break;
    8519     2080690 :         case DataHVACGlobals::ThermostatType::SingleHeatCool:
    8520             :         case DataHVACGlobals::ThermostatType::DualSetPointWithDeadBand: {
    8521     2080702 :             if (state.dataUnitarySystems->HeatingLoad && SensOutputOff > ZoneLoad &&
    8522           6 :                 (state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad >= 0.0 || state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad > LatOutputOff))
    8523           6 :                 return;
    8524     2084534 :             if (state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad && SensOutputOff < ZoneLoad &&
    8525        1925 :                 (state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad >= 0.0 || state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad > LatOutputOff))
    8526        1925 :                 return;
    8527     2078759 :             if (!state.dataUnitarySystems->HeatingLoad && !state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad &&
    8528           0 :                 (state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad >= 0.0 || state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad > LatOutputOff))
    8529           0 :                 return;
    8530     2078759 :         } break;
    8531           0 :         default: {
    8532             :             // should never get here
    8533           0 :         } break;
    8534             :         }
    8535             : 
    8536             :         // if a variable speed unit, the SensOutputOff at SpeedNum=1 must be checked to see if it exceeds the ZoneLoad
    8537             :         // This is still no load but at the first speed above idle
    8538     5444334 :         if ((state.dataUnitarySystems->HeatingLoad && this->m_NumOfSpeedHeating > 0) ||
    8539     3221611 :             (state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad && this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling > 0)) {
    8540     1181278 :             if (this->m_Staged) {
    8541           0 :                 if (state.dataUnitarySystems->HeatingLoad) {
    8542           0 :                     this->m_HeatingSpeedNum = this->m_StageNum;
    8543             :                 } else {
    8544           0 :                     this->m_CoolingSpeedNum = std::abs(this->m_StageNum);
    8545             :                 }
    8546             :             } else {
    8547     1181278 :                 if (state.dataUnitarySystems->HeatingLoad) {
    8548       99894 :                     this->m_HeatingSpeedNum = 1;
    8549             :                 } else {
    8550     1081384 :                     this->m_CoolingSpeedNum = 1;
    8551             :                 }
    8552             :             }
    8553             :             // calcUnitarySystemToLoad calls setOnOffMassFlowRate so probably no need to call this here
    8554     1181278 :             this->setOnOffMassFlowRate(state, OnOffAirFlowRatio, PartLoadRatio);
    8555     1181278 :             this->calcUnitarySystemToLoad(state,
    8556             :                                           AirLoopNum,
    8557             :                                           FirstHVACIteration,
    8558             :                                           CoolPLR,
    8559             :                                           HeatPLR,
    8560             :                                           OnOffAirFlowRatio,
    8561             :                                           SensOutputOff,
    8562             :                                           LatOutputOff,
    8563     1181278 :                                           HXUnitOn,
    8564             :                                           HeatCoilLoad,
    8565             :                                           SupHeaterLoad,
    8566             :                                           CompressorONFlag);
    8567     1181278 :             FullSensibleOutput = SensOutputOff;
    8568             : 
    8569     1181278 :             switch (state.dataHeatBalFanSys->TempControlType(this->ControlZoneNum)) {
    8570        4498 :             case DataHVACGlobals::ThermostatType::SingleHeating: {
    8571        4498 :                 if (state.dataUnitarySystems->HeatingLoad && SensOutputOff > ZoneLoad &&
    8572           0 :                     (state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad >= 0.0 || state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad > LatOutputOff))
    8573           0 :                     return;
    8574        4498 :                 if (!state.dataUnitarySystems->HeatingLoad &&
    8575           0 :                     (state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad >= 0.0 || state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad > LatOutputOff))
    8576           0 :                     return;
    8577        4498 :             } break;
    8578       39933 :             case DataHVACGlobals::ThermostatType::SingleCooling: {
    8579       39933 :                 if (state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad && SensOutputOff < ZoneLoad && this->m_DehumidControlType_Num != DehumCtrlType::CoolReheat)
    8580           0 :                     return;
    8581       39933 :                 if (state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad && SensOutputOff < ZoneLoad &&
    8582           0 :                     (state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad >= 0.0 || state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad > LatOutputOff))
    8583           0 :                     return;
    8584       39933 :                 if (!state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad &&
    8585           0 :                     (state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad >= 0.0 || state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad > LatOutputOff))
    8586           0 :                     return;
    8587       39933 :             } break;
    8588     1136847 :             case DataHVACGlobals::ThermostatType::SingleHeatCool:
    8589             :             case DataHVACGlobals::ThermostatType::DualSetPointWithDeadBand: {
    8590     1136889 :                 if (state.dataUnitarySystems->HeatingLoad && SensOutputOff > ZoneLoad &&
    8591          21 :                     (state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad >= 0.0 || state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad > LatOutputOff))
    8592          21 :                     return;
    8593     1136826 :                 if (state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad && SensOutputOff < ZoneLoad && this->m_DehumidControlType_Num != DehumCtrlType::CoolReheat)
    8594        4985 :                     return;
    8595     1132467 :                 if (state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad && SensOutputOff < ZoneLoad &&
    8596        1252 :                     (state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad >= 0.0 || state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad > LatOutputOff))
    8597           0 :                     return;
    8598     1131841 :                 if (!state.dataUnitarySystems->HeatingLoad && !state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad &&
    8599           0 :                     (state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad >= 0.0 || state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad > LatOutputOff))
    8600           0 :                     return;
    8601     1131841 :             } break;
    8602           0 :             default: {
    8603             :                 // should never get here
    8604           0 :             } break;
    8605             :             }
    8606             :         }
    8607             : 
    8608     2176469 :         PartLoadRatio = 1.0; // Get full load result
    8609     2176469 :         this->FanPartLoadRatio = 1.0;
    8610     2176469 :         CompressorONFlag = CompressorOn;
    8611             : 
    8612     2176469 :         if (state.dataUnitarySystems->HeatingLoad) {
    8613     1041424 :             CoolPLR = 0.0;
    8614     1041424 :             HeatPLR = 1.0;
    8615     1041424 :             this->m_HeatingCoilSensDemand = ZoneLoad;
    8616     1041424 :             this->m_WSHPRuntimeFrac = HeatPLR;
    8617     1041424 :             if (this->m_NumOfSpeedHeating > 0) {
    8618       99873 :                 this->m_HeatingSpeedRatio = 1.0;
    8619       99873 :                 this->m_HeatingCycRatio = 1.0;
    8620       99873 :                 this->m_HeatingSpeedNum = this->m_NumOfSpeedHeating;
    8621             :             }
    8622     1041424 :             if (this->m_Staged && this->m_StageNum > 0) {
    8623           0 :                 if (this->m_NumOfSpeedHeating > 0) {
    8624           0 :                     this->m_HeatingSpeedNum = min(this->m_StageNum, this->m_NumOfSpeedHeating);
    8625           0 :                     this->m_HeatingSpeedRatio = 0.0;
    8626             :                 }
    8627             :                 // calcUnitarySystemToLoad calls setOnOffMassFlowRate so probably no need to call this here
    8628           0 :                 this->setOnOffMassFlowRate(state, OnOffAirFlowRatio, PartLoadRatio);
    8629           0 :                 this->calcUnitarySystemToLoad(state,
    8630             :                                               AirLoopNum,
    8631             :                                               FirstHVACIteration,
    8632             :                                               CoolPLR,
    8633             :                                               HeatPLR,
    8634             :                                               OnOffAirFlowRatio,
    8635             :                                               SensOutputOff,
    8636             :                                               LatOutputOff,
    8637           0 :                                               HXUnitOn,
    8638             :                                               HeatCoilLoad,
    8639             :                                               SupHeaterLoad,
    8640             :                                               CompressorONFlag);
    8641           0 :                 if (SensOutputOff > ZoneLoad) return;
    8642           0 :                 if (this->m_NumOfSpeedHeating > 0) this->m_HeatingSpeedRatio = 1.0;
    8643             :             }
    8644     1135045 :         } else if (state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad || state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad < LatOutputOff) {
    8645     1135045 :             CoolPLR = 1.0;
    8646     1135045 :             HeatPLR = 0.0;
    8647     1135045 :             if (state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad) {
    8648     1135045 :                 this->m_CoolingCoilSensDemand = std::abs(ZoneLoad);
    8649             :             } else {
    8650           0 :                 this->m_CoolingCoilSensDemand = 0.0;
    8651             :             }
    8652     1135045 :             this->m_CoolingCoilLatentDemand = std::abs(state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad);
    8653     1135045 :             this->m_WSHPRuntimeFrac = CoolPLR;
    8654     1135045 :             if (this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling > 0) {
    8655     1076399 :                 this->m_CoolingSpeedRatio = 1.0;
    8656     1076399 :                 this->m_CoolingCycRatio = 1.0;
    8657     1076399 :                 this->m_CoolingSpeedNum = this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling;
    8658             :             }
    8659     1135045 :             if (this->m_Staged && this->m_StageNum < 0) {
    8660           0 :                 if (this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling > 0) this->m_CoolingSpeedNum = min(std::abs(this->m_StageNum), this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling);
    8661           0 :                 this->setOnOffMassFlowRate(state, OnOffAirFlowRatio, PartLoadRatio);
    8662           0 :                 this->m_CoolingSpeedRatio = 0.0;
    8663           0 :                 this->calcUnitarySystemToLoad(state,
    8664             :                                               AirLoopNum,
    8665             :                                               FirstHVACIteration,
    8666             :                                               CoolPLR,
    8667             :                                               HeatPLR,
    8668             :                                               OnOffAirFlowRatio,
    8669             :                                               SensOutputOff,
    8670             :                                               LatOutputOff,
    8671           0 :                                               HXUnitOn,
    8672             :                                               HeatCoilLoad,
    8673             :                                               SupHeaterLoad,
    8674             :                                               CompressorONFlag);
    8675           0 :                 if (SensOutputOff < ZoneLoad) return;
    8676           0 :                 if (this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling > 0) this->m_CoolingSpeedRatio = 1.0;
    8677             :             }
    8678             :         } else {
    8679             :             // will return here when no cooling or heating load and MoistureLoad > LatOutputOff (i.e., PLR=0)
    8680           0 :             return;
    8681             :         }
    8682             : 
    8683     2176469 :         this->setOnOffMassFlowRate(state, OnOffAirFlowRatio, PartLoadRatio);
    8684             : 
    8685     2176469 :         this->calcUnitarySystemToLoad(state,
    8686             :                                       AirLoopNum,
    8687             :                                       FirstHVACIteration,
    8688             :                                       CoolPLR,
    8689             :                                       HeatPLR,
    8690             :                                       OnOffAirFlowRatio,
    8691             :                                       SensOutputOn,
    8692             :                                       LatOutputOn,
    8693     2176469 :                                       HXUnitOn,
    8694             :                                       HeatCoilLoad,
    8695             :                                       SupHeaterLoad,
    8696             :                                       CompressorONFlag);
    8697     2176469 :         FullSensibleOutput = SensOutputOn;
    8698     2176469 :         FullLoadAirOutletTemp = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNode).Temp;
    8699     2176469 :         FullLoadAirOutletHumRat = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNode).HumRat;
    8700             : 
    8701             :         // turn on HX if dehumidm_ControlType::Multimode
    8702     4427644 :         if (this->m_DehumidControlType_Num == DehumCtrlType::Multimode && state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad < 0.0 &&
    8703     2202631 :             state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad < LatOutputOn && state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad) {
    8704       10314 :             HXUnitOn = true;
    8705       10314 :             this->calcUnitarySystemToLoad(state,
    8706             :                                           AirLoopNum,
    8707             :                                           FirstHVACIteration,
    8708             :                                           CoolPLR,
    8709             :                                           HeatPLR,
    8710             :                                           OnOffAirFlowRatio,
    8711             :                                           SensOutputOn,
    8712             :                                           LatOutputOn,
    8713       10314 :                                           HXUnitOn,
    8714             :                                           HeatCoilLoad,
    8715             :                                           SupHeaterLoad,
    8716             :                                           CompressorONFlag);
    8717       10314 :             FullSensibleOutput = SensOutputOn;
    8718             :         }
    8719             : 
    8720             :         // test to see if full capacity is less than load, if so set to PLR=1 and RETURN if no moisture load
    8721     5046970 :         if ((state.dataUnitarySystems->HeatingLoad && this->m_NumOfSpeedHeating <= 1) ||
    8722     2369963 :             (state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad && this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling <= 1)) {
    8723     1635583 :             switch (state.dataHeatBalFanSys->TempControlType(this->ControlZoneNum)) {
    8724       44425 :             case DataHVACGlobals::ThermostatType::SingleHeating: {
    8725       44425 :                 if (state.dataUnitarySystems->HeatingLoad && SensOutputOn < ZoneLoad) {
    8726        8096 :                     this->m_HeatingPartLoadFrac = 1.0;
    8727        8096 :                     this->m_WSHPRuntimeFrac = 1.0;
    8728        8096 :                     if (state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad >= 0.0 || state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad < LatOutputOn) return;
    8729             :                 }
    8730       36329 :                 if (!state.dataUnitarySystems->HeatingLoad &&
    8731           0 :                     (state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad >= 0.0 || state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad < LatOutputOn))
    8732           0 :                     return;
    8733       36329 :             } break;
    8734       42289 :             case DataHVACGlobals::ThermostatType::SingleCooling: {
    8735       42289 :                 if (state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad && SensOutputOn > ZoneLoad) {
    8736        5041 :                     this->m_CoolingPartLoadFrac = 1.0;
    8737        5041 :                     this->m_WSHPRuntimeFrac = 1.0;
    8738        5041 :                     if (state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad >= 0.0 || state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad < LatOutputOn) return;
    8739             :                 }
    8740       37248 :                 if (!state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad &&
    8741           0 :                     (state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad >= 0.0 || state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad < LatOutputOn))
    8742           0 :                     return;
    8743       37248 :             } break;
    8744     1548869 :             case DataHVACGlobals::ThermostatType::SingleHeatCool:
    8745             :             case DataHVACGlobals::ThermostatType::DualSetPointWithDeadBand: {
    8746     1548869 :                 if (state.dataUnitarySystems->HeatingLoad && SensOutputOn < ZoneLoad) {
    8747       85629 :                     this->m_HeatingPartLoadFrac = 1.0;
    8748       85629 :                     this->m_WSHPRuntimeFrac = 1.0;
    8749       85629 :                     if (state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad >= 0.0 || state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad > LatOutputOn) return;
    8750             :                 }
    8751     1463240 :                 if (state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad && SensOutputOn > ZoneLoad) {
    8752       15479 :                     this->m_CoolingPartLoadFrac = 1.0;
    8753       15479 :                     this->m_WSHPRuntimeFrac = 1.0;
    8754       15479 :                     return;
    8755             :                 }
    8756     1447761 :                 if (!state.dataUnitarySystems->HeatingLoad && !state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad &&
    8757           0 :                     (state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad >= 0.0 || state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad < LatOutputOn)) {
    8758           0 :                     return;
    8759             :                 }
    8760     1447761 :             } break;
    8761           0 :             default: {
    8762             :                 // no other choices for thermostat control
    8763           0 :             } break;
    8764             :             }
    8765             :         }
    8766             :         // will find speed for multispeed coils here and then RegulaFalsi on PLR at a fixed speed
    8767             : 
    8768             :         // Do the non-variable or non-multispeed coils have a NumOfSpeed = 0 ? We don't need to do this for single speed coils.
    8769             :         // Check to see which speed to meet the load
    8770     2062224 :         this->m_HeatingSpeedNum = 0;
    8771     2062224 :         this->m_CoolingSpeedNum = 0;
    8772     2062224 :         if (!this->m_Staged) {
    8773     2062224 :             if (state.dataUnitarySystems->HeatingLoad) {
    8774     1191436 :                 for (SpeedNum = 1; SpeedNum <= this->m_NumOfSpeedHeating; ++SpeedNum) {
    8775      263684 :                     CoolPLR = 0.0;
    8776      263684 :                     HeatPLR = 1.0;
    8777      263684 :                     if (SpeedNum == 1) {
    8778       99873 :                         this->m_HeatingSpeedRatio = 0.0;
    8779             :                     } else {
    8780      163811 :                         this->m_HeatingSpeedRatio = 1.0;
    8781             :                     }
    8782      263684 :                     this->m_HeatingCycRatio = 1.0;
    8783      263684 :                     this->m_HeatingSpeedNum = SpeedNum;
    8784      263684 :                     this->calcUnitarySystemToLoad(state,
    8785             :                                                   AirLoopNum,
    8786             :                                                   FirstHVACIteration,
    8787             :                                                   CoolPLR,
    8788             :                                                   HeatPLR,
    8789             :                                                   OnOffAirFlowRatio,
    8790             :                                                   SensOutputOn,
    8791             :                                                   LatOutputOn,
    8792      263684 :                                                   HXUnitOn,
    8793             :                                                   HeatCoilLoad,
    8794             :                                                   SupHeaterLoad,
    8795             :                                                   CompressorONFlag);
    8796      263684 :                     if (state.dataGlobal->DoCoilDirectSolutions && this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_MultiSpeedHeating) {
    8797           0 :                         this->FullOutput[SpeedNum] = SensOutputOn;
    8798             :                     }
    8799      484573 :                     if (this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num != DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWaterToAirHPVSEquationFit &&
    8800      238899 :                         (this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWater && !this->m_MultiSpeedHeatingCoil)) {
    8801           0 :                         this->m_HeatingSpeedRatio = 0.0;
    8802           0 :                         this->m_HeatingSpeedNum = SpeedNum - 1;
    8803           0 :                         if (this->m_HeatingSpeedNum == 0) {
    8804           0 :                             this->m_HeatingCycRatio = 0.0;
    8805           0 :                             HeatPLR = 0.0;
    8806             :                         } else {
    8807           0 :                             this->m_HeatingCycRatio = 1.0;
    8808           0 :                             HeatPLR = 1.0;
    8809             :                         }
    8810           0 :                         this->calcUnitarySystemToLoad(state,
    8811             :                                                       AirLoopNum,
    8812             :                                                       FirstHVACIteration,
    8813             :                                                       CoolPLR,
    8814             :                                                       HeatPLR,
    8815             :                                                       OnOffAirFlowRatio,
    8816             :                                                       SensOutputOff,
    8817             :                                                       LatOutputOff,
    8818           0 :                                                       HXUnitOn,
    8819             :                                                       HeatCoilLoad,
    8820             :                                                       SupHeaterLoad,
    8821             :                                                       CompressorONFlag);
    8822           0 :                         this->m_HeatingSpeedNum = SpeedNum;
    8823             :                     }
    8824      263684 :                     if (ZoneLoad <= SensOutputOn) {
    8825       19947 :                         break;
    8826             :                     }
    8827             :                 }
    8828             :             } else { // Cooling or moisture load
    8829     1541313 :                 for (SpeedNum = 1; SpeedNum <= this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling; ++SpeedNum) {
    8830     1420301 :                     CoolPLR = 1.0;
    8831     1420301 :                     HeatPLR = 0.0;
    8832     1420301 :                     if (SpeedNum == 1) {
    8833     1057345 :                         this->m_CoolingSpeedRatio = 0.0;
    8834             :                     } else {
    8835      362956 :                         this->m_CoolingSpeedRatio = 1.0;
    8836             :                     }
    8837     1420301 :                     this->m_CoolingCycRatio = 1.0;
    8838     1420301 :                     this->m_CoolingSpeedNum = SpeedNum;
    8839     1420301 :                     this->calcUnitarySystemToLoad(state,
    8840             :                                                   AirLoopNum,
    8841             :                                                   FirstHVACIteration,
    8842             :                                                   CoolPLR,
    8843             :                                                   HeatPLR,
    8844             :                                                   OnOffAirFlowRatio,
    8845             :                                                   SensOutputOn,
    8846             :                                                   LatOutputOn,
    8847     1420301 :                                                   HXUnitOn,
    8848             :                                                   HeatCoilLoad,
    8849             :                                                   SupHeaterLoad,
    8850             :                                                   CompressorONFlag);
    8851     1420301 :                     if (state.dataGlobal->DoCoilDirectSolutions &&
    8852           0 :                         (this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_MultiSpeedCooling ||
    8853           0 :                          (this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_Cooling && this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling > 1))) {
    8854           0 :                         this->FullOutput[SpeedNum] = SensOutputOn;
    8855             :                     }
    8856             :                     // over specified logic? it has to be a water coil? what about other VS coil models?
    8857     2836952 :                     if ((this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num != DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWaterToAirHPVSEquationFit) &&
    8858     2823086 :                         ((this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWater ||
    8859     1416651 :                           this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWaterDetailed) &&
    8860       10216 :                          !this->m_DiscreteSpeedCoolingCoil)) {
    8861           0 :                         this->m_CoolingSpeedRatio = 0.0;
    8862           0 :                         this->m_CoolingSpeedNum = SpeedNum - 1;
    8863           0 :                         if (this->m_CoolingSpeedNum == 0) {
    8864           0 :                             this->m_CoolingCycRatio = 0.0;
    8865           0 :                             CoolPLR = 0.0;
    8866             :                         } else {
    8867           0 :                             this->m_CoolingCycRatio = 1.0;
    8868           0 :                             this->m_CoolingSpeedRatio = 0.0;
    8869           0 :                             if (this->m_SingleMode == 1) {
    8870           0 :                                 CoolPLR = 1.0;
    8871             :                             }
    8872             :                         }
    8873             : 
    8874           0 :                         this->calcUnitarySystemToLoad(state,
    8875             :                                                       AirLoopNum,
    8876             :                                                       FirstHVACIteration,
    8877             :                                                       CoolPLR,
    8878             :                                                       HeatPLR,
    8879             :                                                       OnOffAirFlowRatio,
    8880             :                                                       SensOutputOff,
    8881             :                                                       LatOutputOff,
    8882           0 :                                                       HXUnitOn,
    8883             :                                                       HeatCoilLoad,
    8884             :                                                       SupHeaterLoad,
    8885             :                                                       CompressorONFlag);
    8886           0 :                         this->m_CoolingSpeedNum = SpeedNum;
    8887             :                     }
    8888     1420301 :                     if (ZoneLoad >= SensOutputOn) {
    8889      993513 :                         break;
    8890             :                     }
    8891             :                 }
    8892             :             }
    8893             :         } else { // IF (.NOT. UnitarySystem(UnitarySysNum)%Staged) THEN
    8894             :             // Staged control
    8895           0 :             if (state.dataUnitarySystems->HeatingLoad) {
    8896           0 :                 CoolPLR = 0.0;
    8897           0 :                 HeatPLR = 1.0;
    8898           0 :                 SpeedNum = this->m_StageNum;
    8899           0 :                 if (SpeedNum == 1) {
    8900           0 :                     this->m_HeatingSpeedRatio = 0.0;
    8901             :                 } else {
    8902           0 :                     this->m_HeatingSpeedRatio = 1.0;
    8903           0 :                     SpeedNum = min(this->m_StageNum, this->m_NumOfSpeedHeating);
    8904             :                 }
    8905           0 :                 this->m_HeatingCycRatio = 1.0;
    8906           0 :                 this->m_HeatingSpeedNum = SpeedNum;
    8907           0 :                 this->calcUnitarySystemToLoad(state,
    8908             :                                               AirLoopNum,
    8909             :                                               FirstHVACIteration,
    8910             :                                               CoolPLR,
    8911             :                                               HeatPLR,
    8912             :                                               OnOffAirFlowRatio,
    8913             :                                               SensOutputOn,
    8914             :                                               LatOutputOn,
    8915           0 :                                               HXUnitOn,
    8916             :                                               HeatCoilLoad,
    8917             :                                               SupHeaterLoad,
    8918             :                                               CompressorONFlag);
    8919           0 :                 if (this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num != DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWaterToAirHPVSEquationFit) {
    8920           0 :                     this->m_HeatingSpeedRatio = 0.0;
    8921           0 :                     this->m_HeatingSpeedNum = SpeedNum - 1;
    8922           0 :                     if (this->m_HeatingSpeedNum == 0) {
    8923           0 :                         this->m_HeatingCycRatio = 0.0;
    8924           0 :                         HeatPLR = 0.0;
    8925             :                     } else {
    8926           0 :                         this->m_HeatingCycRatio = 1.0;
    8927           0 :                         HeatPLR = 1.0;
    8928             :                     }
    8929           0 :                     this->calcUnitarySystemToLoad(state,
    8930             :                                                   AirLoopNum,
    8931             :                                                   FirstHVACIteration,
    8932             :                                                   CoolPLR,
    8933             :                                                   HeatPLR,
    8934             :                                                   OnOffAirFlowRatio,
    8935             :                                                   SensOutputOff,
    8936             :                                                   LatOutputOff,
    8937           0 :                                                   HXUnitOn,
    8938             :                                                   HeatCoilLoad,
    8939             :                                                   SupHeaterLoad,
    8940             :                                                   CompressorONFlag);
    8941           0 :                     this->m_HeatingSpeedNum = SpeedNum;
    8942             :                 }
    8943           0 :                 if (ZoneLoad <= SensOutputOn) {
    8944             :                     //        EXIT ????????????
    8945             :                 }
    8946             :             } else { // Cooling or moisture load
    8947           0 :                 CoolPLR = 1.0;
    8948           0 :                 HeatPLR = 0.0;
    8949           0 :                 SpeedNum = std::abs(this->m_StageNum);
    8950           0 :                 if (SpeedNum == 1) {
    8951           0 :                     this->m_CoolingSpeedRatio = 0.0;
    8952             :                 } else {
    8953           0 :                     this->m_CoolingSpeedRatio = 1.0;
    8954           0 :                     SpeedNum = min(std::abs(this->m_StageNum), this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling);
    8955             :                 }
    8956           0 :                 this->m_CoolingCycRatio = 1.0;
    8957           0 :                 this->m_CoolingSpeedNum = SpeedNum;
    8958           0 :                 this->calcUnitarySystemToLoad(state,
    8959             :                                               AirLoopNum,
    8960             :                                               FirstHVACIteration,
    8961             :                                               CoolPLR,
    8962             :                                               HeatPLR,
    8963             :                                               OnOffAirFlowRatio,
    8964             :                                               SensOutputOn,
    8965             :                                               LatOutputOn,
    8966           0 :                                               HXUnitOn,
    8967             :                                               HeatCoilLoad,
    8968             :                                               SupHeaterLoad,
    8969             :                                               CompressorONFlag);
    8970             : 
    8971           0 :                 if (this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num != DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWaterToAirHPVSEquationFit) {
    8972           0 :                     this->m_CoolingSpeedRatio = 0.0;
    8973           0 :                     this->m_CoolingSpeedNum = SpeedNum - 1;
    8974           0 :                     if (this->m_CoolingSpeedNum == 0) {
    8975           0 :                         this->m_CoolingCycRatio = 0.0;
    8976           0 :                         CoolPLR = 0.0;
    8977             :                     } else {
    8978           0 :                         this->m_CoolingCycRatio = 1.0;
    8979           0 :                         CoolPLR = 1.0;
    8980             :                     }
    8981           0 :                     this->calcUnitarySystemToLoad(state,
    8982             :                                                   AirLoopNum,
    8983             :                                                   FirstHVACIteration,
    8984             :                                                   CoolPLR,
    8985             :                                                   HeatPLR,
    8986             :                                                   OnOffAirFlowRatio,
    8987             :                                                   SensOutputOff,
    8988             :                                                   LatOutputOff,
    8989           0 :                                                   HXUnitOn,
    8990             :                                                   HeatCoilLoad,
    8991             :                                                   SupHeaterLoad,
    8992             :                                                   CompressorONFlag);
    8993           0 :                     this->m_CoolingSpeedNum = SpeedNum;
    8994             :                 }
    8995           0 :                 if (ZoneLoad >= SensOutputOn) {
    8996             :                     //        EXIT ???????????
    8997             :                 }
    8998             :             }
    8999             :         } // IF (.NOT. UnitarySystem(UnitarySysNum)%Staged) THEN
    9000             : 
    9001     2062224 :         FullSensibleOutput = SensOutputOn;
    9002             : 
    9003     2062224 :         if (!state.dataUnitarySystems->HeatingLoad && !state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad &&
    9004           0 :             (state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad >= 0.0 || state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad < LatOutputOn)) {
    9005             :             // if no load, or only a moisture load which can't be met at PLR=1, RETURN
    9006           0 :             return;
    9007             :         }
    9008             : 
    9009             :         // use the ASHRAE 90.1 method of reduced fan speed at low loads
    9010     2062224 :         if (this->m_SimASHRAEModel) {
    9011             : 
    9012             :             // check to make sure unit has the capacity to meet the load
    9013           0 :             if ((state.dataUnitarySystems->HeatingLoad && ZoneLoad < SensOutputOn) ||
    9014           0 :                 (state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad && ZoneLoad > SensOutputOn)) {
    9015           0 :                 UnitarySys &SZVAVModel(state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[this->m_UnitarySysNum]);
    9016           0 :                 SZVAVModel::calcSZVAVModel(state,
    9017             :                                            SZVAVModel,
    9018             :                                            this->m_UnitarySysNum,
    9019             :                                            FirstHVACIteration,
    9020           0 :                                            state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad,
    9021           0 :                                            state.dataUnitarySystems->HeatingLoad,
    9022             :                                            ZoneLoad,
    9023             :                                            OnOffAirFlowRatio,
    9024           0 :                                            HXUnitOn,
    9025             :                                            AirLoopNum,
    9026             :                                            PartLoadRatio,
    9027             :                                            CompressorONFlag);
    9028             :             }
    9029             : 
    9030             :         } else { // not ASHRAE model
    9031             : 
    9032             :             // must test to see if load is bounded by capacity before calling RegulaFalsi
    9033     5175141 :             if ((state.dataUnitarySystems->HeatingLoad && ZoneLoad < SensOutputOn) ||
    9034     2308976 :                 (state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad && ZoneLoad > SensOutputOn)) {
    9035     4886999 :                 if ((state.dataUnitarySystems->HeatingLoad && ZoneLoad > SensOutputOff) ||
    9036     2101386 :                     (state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad && ZoneLoad < SensOutputOff)) {
    9037             :                     Real64 SensOutput;
    9038             :                     Real64 LatOutput;
    9039     2249542 :                     if (this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_Cooling &&
    9040      331702 :                         state.dataCoilCooingDX->coilCoolingDXs[this->m_CoolingCoilIndex].SubcoolReheatFlag) {
    9041        7760 :                         if (state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad && this->LoadSHR > 0.0) {
    9042        1092 :                             int CoilInletNode = state.dataCoilCooingDX->coilCoolingDXs[this->m_CoolingCoilIndex].evapInletNodeIndex;
    9043        1092 :                             this->CoilSHR = 0.0;
    9044             :                             Real64 LowSpeedCoilSen;
    9045             :                             Real64 LowSpeedCoilLat;
    9046        1092 :                             CoolPLR = 0.0;
    9047        1092 :                             HeatPLR = 0.0;
    9048        1092 :                             this->m_CoolingSpeedNum = 1;
    9049        1092 :                             this->calcUnitarySystemToLoad(state,
    9050             :                                                           AirLoopNum,
    9051             :                                                           FirstHVACIteration,
    9052             :                                                           CoolPLR,
    9053             :                                                           HeatPLR,
    9054             :                                                           OnOffAirFlowRatio,
    9055             :                                                           SensOutputOff,
    9056             :                                                           LatOutputOff,
    9057        1092 :                                                           HXUnitOn,
    9058             :                                                           HeatCoilLoad,
    9059             :                                                           SupHeaterLoad,
    9060             :                                                           CompressorONFlag);
    9061        1092 :                             CoolPLR = 1.0;
    9062        1092 :                             HeatPLR = 0.0;
    9063        1092 :                             this->m_CoolingCycRatio = 1.0;
    9064        1092 :                             this->m_CoolingSpeedRatio = 0.0;
    9065             :                             // this->m_CoolingSpeedNum = this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling;
    9066        1092 :                             this->calcUnitarySystemToLoad(state,
    9067             :                                                           AirLoopNum,
    9068             :                                                           FirstHVACIteration,
    9069             :                                                           CoolPLR,
    9070             :                                                           HeatPLR,
    9071             :                                                           OnOffAirFlowRatio,
    9072             :                                                           SensOutputOn,
    9073             :                                                           LatOutputOn,
    9074        1092 :                                                           HXUnitOn,
    9075             :                                                           HeatCoilLoad,
    9076             :                                                           SupHeaterLoad,
    9077             :                                                           CompressorONFlag);
    9078        1092 :                             Real64 ZoneLatLoad = ZoneLoad * (1.0 / this->LoadSHR - 1.0);
    9079        1092 :                             Real64 SenPLR = (ZoneLoad - SensOutputOff) / (SensOutputOn - SensOutputOff);
    9080        1092 :                             Real64 LatPLR = (ZoneLatLoad - LatOutputOff) / (LatOutputOn - LatOutputOff);
    9081        1092 :                             Real64 totalRate = 0.0;
    9082        1092 :                             Real64 sensRate = 0.0;
    9083        1092 :                             Real64 latRate = 0.0;
    9084        4368 :                             CalcComponentSensibleLatentOutput(state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->AirOutNode).MassFlowRate,
    9085        1092 :                                                               state.dataLoopNodes->Node(CoilInletNode).Temp,
    9086        1092 :                                                               state.dataLoopNodes->Node(CoilInletNode).HumRat,
    9087        1092 :                                                               state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->AirOutNode).Temp,
    9088        1092 :                                                               state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->AirOutNode).HumRat,
    9089             :                                                               sensRate,
    9090             :                                                               latRate,
    9091             :                                                               totalRate);
    9092        1092 :                             if (LatPLR > 1.0 || LatPLR < 0.0) {
    9093          24 :                                 this->CoilSHR = this->LoadSHR;
    9094             :                             } else {
    9095        1068 :                                 Real64 coilSens = sensRate * SenPLR;
    9096        1068 :                                 Real64 coilLat = latRate * LatPLR;
    9097        1068 :                                 this->CoilSHR = coilSens / (coilSens + coilLat);
    9098             :                             }
    9099        1092 :                             if (this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling > 1) {
    9100           0 :                                 this->SpeedSHR[1] = this->CoilSHR;
    9101           0 :                                 LowSpeedCoilSen = sensRate;
    9102           0 :                                 LowSpeedCoilLat = latRate;
    9103           0 :                                 for (SpeedNum = 2; SpeedNum <= this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling; ++SpeedNum) {
    9104           0 :                                     this->SpeedSHR[SpeedNum] = this->LoadSHR;
    9105             :                                 }
    9106             :                             }
    9107        1092 :                             if (this->CoilSHR < 0.0) {
    9108           0 :                                 this->CoilSHR = this->LoadSHR;
    9109             :                             }
    9110        1092 :                             if (this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling > 1 && ZoneLoad < SensOutputOn) {
    9111             :                                 Real64 SenSPR;
    9112             :                                 Real64 LatSPR;
    9113           0 :                                 this->FullOutput[1] = SensOutputOn;
    9114           0 :                                 this->FullLatOutput[1] = LatOutputOn;
    9115           0 :                                 for (SpeedNum = 2; SpeedNum <= this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling; ++SpeedNum) {
    9116           0 :                                     this->CoilSHR = 0.0;
    9117           0 :                                     CoolPLR = 1.0;
    9118           0 :                                     HeatPLR = 0.0;
    9119           0 :                                     this->m_CoolingSpeedRatio = 1.0;
    9120           0 :                                     this->m_CoolingCycRatio = 1.0;
    9121           0 :                                     this->m_CoolingSpeedNum = SpeedNum;
    9122           0 :                                     this->calcUnitarySystemToLoad(state,
    9123             :                                                                   AirLoopNum,
    9124             :                                                                   FirstHVACIteration,
    9125             :                                                                   CoolPLR,
    9126             :                                                                   HeatPLR,
    9127             :                                                                   OnOffAirFlowRatio,
    9128           0 :                                                                   this->FullOutput[SpeedNum],
    9129           0 :                                                                   this->FullLatOutput[SpeedNum],
    9130           0 :                                                                   HXUnitOn,
    9131             :                                                                   HeatCoilLoad,
    9132             :                                                                   SupHeaterLoad,
    9133             :                                                                   CompressorONFlag);
    9134           0 :                                     CalcComponentSensibleLatentOutput(state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->AirOutNode).MassFlowRate,
    9135           0 :                                                                       state.dataLoopNodes->Node(CoilInletNode).Temp,
    9136           0 :                                                                       state.dataLoopNodes->Node(CoilInletNode).HumRat,
    9137           0 :                                                                       state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->AirOutNode).Temp,
    9138           0 :                                                                       state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->AirOutNode).HumRat,
    9139             :                                                                       sensRate,
    9140             :                                                                       latRate,
    9141             :                                                                       totalRate);
    9142           0 :                                     SenSPR =
    9143           0 :                                         (ZoneLoad - this->FullOutput[SpeedNum - 1]) / (this->FullOutput[SpeedNum] - this->FullOutput[SpeedNum - 1]);
    9144           0 :                                     LatSPR = (ZoneLatLoad - this->FullLatOutput[SpeedNum - 1]) /
    9145           0 :                                              (this->FullLatOutput[SpeedNum] - this->FullLatOutput[SpeedNum - 1]);
    9146           0 :                                     if (LatSPR > 1.0 || LatSPR < 0.0) {
    9147           0 :                                         this->CoilSHR = this->LoadSHR;
    9148             :                                     } else {
    9149           0 :                                         Real64 coilSens = sensRate * SenSPR + (1.0 - SenSPR) * LowSpeedCoilSen;
    9150           0 :                                         Real64 coilLat = latRate * LatSPR + (1.0 - LatSPR) * LowSpeedCoilLat;
    9151           0 :                                         this->CoilSHR = coilSens / (coilSens + coilLat);
    9152             :                                     }
    9153           0 :                                     this->SpeedSHR[SpeedNum] = this->CoilSHR;
    9154           0 :                                     LowSpeedCoilSen = sensRate;
    9155           0 :                                     LowSpeedCoilLat = latRate;
    9156             :                                 }
    9157           0 :                                 for (SpeedNum = 1; SpeedNum <= this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling; ++SpeedNum) {
    9158           0 :                                     CoolPLR = 1.0;
    9159           0 :                                     HeatPLR = 0.0;
    9160           0 :                                     if (SpeedNum == 1) {
    9161           0 :                                         this->m_CoolingSpeedRatio = 0.0;
    9162             :                                     } else {
    9163           0 :                                         this->m_CoolingSpeedRatio = 1.0;
    9164             :                                     }
    9165           0 :                                     this->m_CoolingCycRatio = 1.0;
    9166           0 :                                     this->m_CoolingSpeedNum = SpeedNum;
    9167           0 :                                     this->calcUnitarySystemToLoad(state,
    9168             :                                                                   AirLoopNum,
    9169             :                                                                   FirstHVACIteration,
    9170             :                                                                   CoolPLR,
    9171             :                                                                   HeatPLR,
    9172             :                                                                   OnOffAirFlowRatio,
    9173             :                                                                   SensOutputOn,
    9174             :                                                                   LatOutputOn,
    9175           0 :                                                                   HXUnitOn,
    9176             :                                                                   HeatCoilLoad,
    9177             :                                                                   SupHeaterLoad,
    9178             :                                                                   CompressorONFlag);
    9179           0 :                                     if (ZoneLoad >= SensOutputOn) {
    9180           0 :                                         this->CoilSHR = this->SpeedSHR[SpeedNum];
    9181           0 :                                         break;
    9182             :                                     }
    9183             :                                 }
    9184             :                             }
    9185             :                         }
    9186             :                     }
    9187     1917840 :                     if (state.dataGlobal->DoCoilDirectSolutions && state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad &&
    9188           0 :                         this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_CoolingSingleSpeed) {
    9189           0 :                         CoolPLR = (ZoneLoad - SensOutputOff) / (SensOutputOn - SensOutputOff);
    9190           0 :                         HeatPLR = 0.0;
    9191           0 :                         this->calcUnitarySystemToLoad(state,
    9192             :                                                       AirLoopNum,
    9193             :                                                       FirstHVACIteration,
    9194             :                                                       CoolPLR,
    9195             :                                                       HeatPLR,
    9196             :                                                       OnOffAirFlowRatio,
    9197             :                                                       SensOutput,
    9198             :                                                       LatOutput,
    9199           0 :                                                       HXUnitOn,
    9200             :                                                       HeatCoilLoad,
    9201             :                                                       SupHeaterLoad,
    9202             :                                                       CompressorONFlag);
    9203           0 :                         PartLoadRatio = CoolPLR;
    9204     3835680 :                     } else if (state.dataGlobal->DoCoilDirectSolutions && state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad &&
    9205     1917840 :                                this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_Cooling && this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling == 1 &&
    9206           0 :                                state.dataCoilCooingDX->coilCoolingDXs[this->m_CoolingCoilIndex].SubcoolReheatFlag) {
    9207           0 :                         HeatPLR = 0.0;
    9208           0 :                         this->calcUnitarySystemToLoad(state,
    9209             :                                                       AirLoopNum,
    9210             :                                                       FirstHVACIteration,
    9211             :                                                       1.0,
    9212             :                                                       HeatPLR,
    9213             :                                                       OnOffAirFlowRatio,
    9214             :                                                       SensOutputOn,
    9215             :                                                       LatOutputOn,
    9216           0 :                                                       HXUnitOn,
    9217             :                                                       HeatCoilLoad,
    9218             :                                                       SupHeaterLoad,
    9219             :                                                       CompressorONFlag);
    9220           0 :                         CoolPLR = (ZoneLoad - SensOutputOff) / (SensOutputOn - SensOutputOff);
    9221           0 :                         this->calcUnitarySystemToLoad(state,
    9222             :                                                       AirLoopNum,
    9223             :                                                       FirstHVACIteration,
    9224             :                                                       CoolPLR,
    9225             :                                                       HeatPLR,
    9226             :                                                       OnOffAirFlowRatio,
    9227             :                                                       SensOutput,
    9228             :                                                       LatOutput,
    9229           0 :                                                       HXUnitOn,
    9230             :                                                       HeatCoilLoad,
    9231             :                                                       SupHeaterLoad,
    9232             :                                                       CompressorONFlag);
    9233           0 :                         PartLoadRatio = CoolPLR;
    9234     3835680 :                     } else if (state.dataGlobal->DoCoilDirectSolutions && state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad &&
    9235     1917840 :                                this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_Cooling && this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling == 1) {
    9236           0 :                         CoolPLR = (ZoneLoad - SensOutputOff) / (SensOutputOn - SensOutputOff);
    9237           0 :                         HeatPLR = 0.0;
    9238           0 :                         this->calcUnitarySystemToLoad(state,
    9239             :                                                       AirLoopNum,
    9240             :                                                       FirstHVACIteration,
    9241             :                                                       CoolPLR,
    9242             :                                                       HeatPLR,
    9243             :                                                       OnOffAirFlowRatio,
    9244             :                                                       SensOutput,
    9245             :                                                       LatOutput,
    9246           0 :                                                       HXUnitOn,
    9247             :                                                       HeatCoilLoad,
    9248             :                                                       SupHeaterLoad,
    9249             :                                                       CompressorONFlag);
    9250           0 :                         PartLoadRatio = CoolPLR;
    9251     1917840 :                     } else if (state.dataGlobal->DoCoilDirectSolutions && state.dataUnitarySystems->HeatingLoad &&
    9252           0 :                                (this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_HeatingEmpirical ||
    9253           0 :                                 this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingElectric ||
    9254           0 :                                 this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingGasOrOtherFuel)) {
    9255           0 :                         CoolPLR = 0.0;
    9256           0 :                         HeatPLR = (ZoneLoad - SensOutputOff) / (SensOutputOn - SensOutputOff);
    9257           0 :                         this->calcUnitarySystemToLoad(state,
    9258             :                                                       AirLoopNum,
    9259             :                                                       FirstHVACIteration,
    9260             :                                                       CoolPLR,
    9261             :                                                       HeatPLR,
    9262             :                                                       OnOffAirFlowRatio,
    9263             :                                                       SensOutput,
    9264             :                                                       LatOutput,
    9265           0 :                                                       HXUnitOn,
    9266             :                                                       HeatCoilLoad,
    9267             :                                                       SupHeaterLoad,
    9268             :                                                       CompressorONFlag);
    9269           0 :                         PartLoadRatio = HeatPLR;
    9270     1917840 :                     } else if (state.dataGlobal->DoCoilDirectSolutions && state.dataUnitarySystems->HeatingLoad &&
    9271           0 :                                this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_MultiSpeedHeating) {
    9272           0 :                         CoolPLR = 0.0;
    9273           0 :                         if (this->m_HeatingSpeedNum == 1) {
    9274           0 :                             this->m_HeatingCycRatio = (ZoneLoad - SensOutputOff) / (this->FullOutput[this->m_HeatingSpeedNum] - SensOutputOff);
    9275           0 :                             HeatPLR = this->m_HeatingCycRatio;
    9276           0 :                             this->m_HeatingSpeedRatio = 0.0;
    9277             :                         } else {
    9278           0 :                             this->m_HeatingCycRatio = 1.0;
    9279           0 :                             this->m_HeatingSpeedRatio = (ZoneLoad - this->FullOutput[this->m_HeatingSpeedNum - 1]) /
    9280           0 :                                                         (this->FullOutput[this->m_HeatingSpeedNum] - this->FullOutput[this->m_HeatingSpeedNum - 1]);
    9281           0 :                             HeatPLR = this->m_HeatingSpeedRatio;
    9282             :                         }
    9283           0 :                         this->calcUnitarySystemToLoad(state,
    9284             :                                                       AirLoopNum,
    9285             :                                                       FirstHVACIteration,
    9286             :                                                       CoolPLR,
    9287             :                                                       HeatPLR,
    9288             :                                                       OnOffAirFlowRatio,
    9289             :                                                       SensOutput,
    9290             :                                                       LatOutput,
    9291           0 :                                                       HXUnitOn,
    9292             :                                                       HeatCoilLoad,
    9293             :                                                       SupHeaterLoad,
    9294             :                                                       CompressorONFlag);
    9295           0 :                         PartLoadRatio = HeatPLR;
    9296     3835680 :                     } else if (state.dataGlobal->DoCoilDirectSolutions && state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad &&
    9297     1917840 :                                this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_Cooling && this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling > 1) {
    9298           0 :                         HeatPLR = 0.0;
    9299           0 :                         if (this->m_CoolingSpeedNum == 1) {
    9300           0 :                             this->m_CoolingCycRatio = (ZoneLoad - SensOutputOff) / (this->FullOutput[this->m_CoolingSpeedNum] - SensOutputOff);
    9301           0 :                             CoolPLR = this->m_CoolingCycRatio;
    9302           0 :                             this->m_CoolingSpeedRatio = 0.0;
    9303             :                         } else {
    9304           0 :                             this->m_CoolingCycRatio = 1.0;
    9305           0 :                             this->m_CoolingSpeedRatio = (ZoneLoad - this->FullOutput[this->m_CoolingSpeedNum - 1]) /
    9306           0 :                                                         (this->FullOutput[this->m_CoolingSpeedNum] - this->FullOutput[this->m_CoolingSpeedNum - 1]);
    9307           0 :                             CoolPLR = this->m_CoolingSpeedRatio;
    9308             :                         }
    9309           0 :                         this->calcUnitarySystemToLoad(state,
    9310             :                                                       AirLoopNum,
    9311             :                                                       FirstHVACIteration,
    9312             :                                                       CoolPLR,
    9313             :                                                       HeatPLR,
    9314             :                                                       OnOffAirFlowRatio,
    9315             :                                                       SensOutput,
    9316             :                                                       LatOutput,
    9317           0 :                                                       HXUnitOn,
    9318             :                                                       HeatCoilLoad,
    9319             :                                                       SupHeaterLoad,
    9320             :                                                       CompressorONFlag);
    9321           0 :                         PartLoadRatio = CoolPLR;
    9322             :                     } else {
    9323             : 
    9324     1917840 :                         Real64 par6 = state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad ? 1.0 : 0.0;
    9325             :                         auto f = [&state, this, FirstHVACIteration, CompressorONFlag, ZoneLoad, par6, OnOffAirFlowRatio, HXUnitOn, AirLoopNum](
    9326    28210148 :                                      Real64 const PartLoadRatio) {
    9327    21157611 :                             return UnitarySys::calcUnitarySystemLoadResidual(state,
    9328             :                                                                              PartLoadRatio,
    9329             :                                                                              this->m_UnitarySysNum,
    9330             :                                                                              FirstHVACIteration,
    9331             :                                                                              // par 3 not used?
    9332             :                                                                              CompressorONFlag,
    9333             :                                                                              ZoneLoad,
    9334             :                                                                              par6,
    9335             :                                                                              1.0,
    9336             :                                                                              OnOffAirFlowRatio,
    9337             :                                                                              HXUnitOn,
    9338             :                                                                              // par 10 not used
    9339             :                                                                              AirLoopNum);
    9340     8970377 :                         };
    9341             :                         //     Tolerance is in fraction of load, MaxIter = 30, SolFalg = # of iterations or error as appropriate
    9342     1917840 :                         General::SolveRoot(state, this->m_CoolConvTol, MaxIter, SolFlag, PartLoadRatio, f, 0.0, 1.0);
    9343             : 
    9344     1917840 :                         if (SolFlag == -1) {
    9345        1584 :                             if (state.dataUnitarySystems->HeatingLoad) {
    9346             :                                 // IF iteration limit is exceeded, find tighter boundary of solution and repeat RegulaFalsi
    9347             :                                 // This does cause a problem when coil cannot turn on when OAT < min allowed or scheduled off
    9348             :                                 // If max iteration limit is exceeded, how do we know if the heating coil is operating?
    9349           0 :                                 TempMaxPLR = -0.1;
    9350           0 :                                 TempSensOutput = SensOutputOff;
    9351           0 :                                 while ((TempSensOutput - ZoneLoad) < 0.0 && TempMaxPLR < 1.0) {
    9352             :                                     // find upper limit of HeatingPLR
    9353           0 :                                     TempMaxPLR += 0.1;
    9354             : 
    9355             :                                     // SUBROUTINE SetSpeedVariables(UnitarySysNum, SensibleLoad, PartLoadRatio)
    9356           0 :                                     this->setSpeedVariables(state, true, TempMaxPLR);
    9357           0 :                                     this->calcUnitarySystemToLoad(state,
    9358             :                                                                   AirLoopNum,
    9359             :                                                                   FirstHVACIteration,
    9360             :                                                                   CoolPLR,
    9361             :                                                                   TempMaxPLR,
    9362             :                                                                   OnOffAirFlowRatio,
    9363             :                                                                   TempSensOutput,
    9364             :                                                                   TempLatOutput,
    9365           0 :                                                                   HXUnitOn,
    9366             :                                                                   HeatCoilLoad,
    9367             :                                                                   SupHeaterLoad,
    9368             :                                                                   CompressorONFlag);
    9369             :                                 }
    9370           0 :                                 TempMinPLR = TempMaxPLR;
    9371           0 :                                 while ((TempSensOutput - ZoneLoad) > 0.0 && TempMinPLR > 0.0) {
    9372             :                                     // pull upper limit of HeatingPLR down to last valid limit (i.e. heat output still exceeds SystemSensibleLoad)
    9373           0 :                                     TempMaxPLR = TempMinPLR;
    9374             :                                     // find minimum limit of HeatingPLR
    9375           0 :                                     TempMinPLR -= 0.01;
    9376           0 :                                     this->setSpeedVariables(state, true, TempMinPLR);
    9377           0 :                                     this->calcUnitarySystemToLoad(state,
    9378             :                                                                   AirLoopNum,
    9379             :                                                                   FirstHVACIteration,
    9380             :                                                                   CoolPLR,
    9381             :                                                                   TempMinPLR,
    9382             :                                                                   OnOffAirFlowRatio,
    9383             :                                                                   TempSensOutput,
    9384             :                                                                   TempLatOutput,
    9385           0 :                                                                   HXUnitOn,
    9386             :                                                                   HeatCoilLoad,
    9387             :                                                                   SupHeaterLoad,
    9388             :                                                                   CompressorONFlag);
    9389             :                                 }
    9390             :                                 // Now solve again with tighter PLR limits
    9391             :                                 auto f2 =
    9392             :                                     [&state, this, FirstHVACIteration, CompressorONFlag, ZoneLoad, par6, OnOffAirFlowRatio, HXUnitOn, AirLoopNum](
    9393           0 :                                         Real64 const PartLoadRatio) {
    9394           0 :                                         return UnitarySys::calcUnitarySystemLoadResidual(state,
    9395             :                                                                                          PartLoadRatio,
    9396             :                                                                                          this->m_UnitarySysNum,
    9397             :                                                                                          FirstHVACIteration,
    9398             :                                                                                          // par 3 not used?
    9399             :                                                                                          CompressorONFlag,
    9400             :                                                                                          ZoneLoad,
    9401             :                                                                                          par6,
    9402             :                                                                                          1.0,
    9403             :                                                                                          OnOffAirFlowRatio,
    9404             :                                                                                          HXUnitOn,
    9405             :                                                                                          // par 10 not used
    9406             :                                                                                          AirLoopNum);
    9407           0 :                                     };
    9408           0 :                                 General::SolveRoot(state, this->m_HeatConvTol, MaxIter, SolFlag, HeatPLR, f2, TempMinPLR, TempMaxPLR);
    9409           0 :                                 this->calcUnitarySystemToLoad(state,
    9410             :                                                               AirLoopNum,
    9411             :                                                               FirstHVACIteration,
    9412             :                                                               CoolPLR,
    9413             :                                                               HeatPLR,
    9414             :                                                               OnOffAirFlowRatio,
    9415             :                                                               TempSensOutput,
    9416             :                                                               TempLatOutput,
    9417           0 :                                                               HXUnitOn,
    9418             :                                                               HeatCoilLoad,
    9419             :                                                               SupHeaterLoad,
    9420             :                                                               CompressorONFlag);
    9421        1584 :                             } else if (state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad) {
    9422             :                                 // RegulaFalsi may not find cooling PLR when the latent degradation model is used.
    9423             :                                 // IF iteration limit is exceeded (SolFlag = -1), find tighter boundary of solution and repeat RegulaFalsi
    9424        1584 :                                 TempMaxPLR = -0.1;
    9425        1584 :                                 TempSysOutput = SensOutputOff;
    9426        1584 :                                 TempLoad = ZoneLoad;
    9427       11946 :                                 while ((TempSysOutput - TempLoad) > 0.0 &&
    9428        3454 :                                        TempMaxPLR < 0.95) { // avoid PLR > 1 by limiting TempMaxPLR to 1 (i.e., TempMaxPLR += 0.1)
    9429             :                                     // find upper limit of HeatingPLR
    9430        3454 :                                     TempMaxPLR += 0.1;
    9431        3454 :                                     if (TempMaxPLR > 0.95 && TempMaxPLR < 1.05) {
    9432           0 :                                         TempMaxPLR = 1.0; // enforce a perfect 1.0 at the top end
    9433             :                                     }
    9434        3454 :                                     this->setSpeedVariables(state, true, TempMaxPLR);
    9435        3454 :                                     this->calcUnitarySystemToLoad(state,
    9436             :                                                                   AirLoopNum,
    9437             :                                                                   FirstHVACIteration,
    9438             :                                                                   TempMaxPLR,
    9439             :                                                                   HeatPLR,
    9440             :                                                                   OnOffAirFlowRatio,
    9441             :                                                                   TempSensOutput,
    9442             :                                                                   TempLatOutput,
    9443        3454 :                                                                   HXUnitOn,
    9444             :                                                                   HeatCoilLoad,
    9445             :                                                                   SupHeaterLoad,
    9446             :                                                                   CompressorONFlag);
    9447        3454 :                                     TempSysOutput = TempSensOutput;
    9448             :                                 }
    9449        1584 :                                 TempMinPLR = TempMaxPLR;
    9450       20440 :                                 while ((TempSysOutput - TempLoad) < 0.0 && TempMinPLR > 0.05) {
    9451             :                                     // pull upper limit of HeatingPLR down to last valid limit (i.e. heat output still exceeds SystemSensibleLoad)
    9452        9428 :                                     TempMaxPLR = TempMinPLR;
    9453             :                                     // find minimum limit of HeatingPLR
    9454        9428 :                                     TempMinPLR -= 0.01;
    9455        9428 :                                     this->setSpeedVariables(state, true, TempMinPLR);
    9456        9428 :                                     this->calcUnitarySystemToLoad(state,
    9457             :                                                                   AirLoopNum,
    9458             :                                                                   FirstHVACIteration,
    9459             :                                                                   TempMinPLR,
    9460             :                                                                   HeatPLR,
    9461             :                                                                   OnOffAirFlowRatio,
    9462             :                                                                   TempSensOutput,
    9463             :                                                                   TempLatOutput,
    9464        9428 :                                                                   HXUnitOn,
    9465             :                                                                   HeatCoilLoad,
    9466             :                                                                   SupHeaterLoad,
    9467             :                                                                   CompressorONFlag);
    9468        9428 :                                     TempSysOutput = TempSensOutput;
    9469             :                                 }
    9470             :                                 // Now solve again with tighter PLR limits
    9471             :                                 auto f2 =
    9472             :                                     [&state, this, FirstHVACIteration, CompressorONFlag, ZoneLoad, par6, OnOffAirFlowRatio, HXUnitOn, AirLoopNum](
    9473       16316 :                                         Real64 const PartLoadRatio) {
    9474       12237 :                                         return UnitarySys::calcUnitarySystemLoadResidual(state,
    9475             :                                                                                          PartLoadRatio,
    9476             :                                                                                          this->m_UnitarySysNum,
    9477             :                                                                                          FirstHVACIteration,
    9478             :                                                                                          // par 3 not used?
    9479             :                                                                                          CompressorONFlag,
    9480             :                                                                                          ZoneLoad,
    9481             :                                                                                          par6,
    9482             :                                                                                          1.0,
    9483             :                                                                                          OnOffAirFlowRatio,
    9484             :                                                                                          HXUnitOn,
    9485             :                                                                                          // par 10 not used
    9486             :                                                                                          AirLoopNum);
    9487        5663 :                                     };
    9488        1584 :                                 General::SolveRoot(state, this->m_CoolConvTol, MaxIter, SolFlag, CoolPLR, f2, TempMinPLR, TempMaxPLR);
    9489        1584 :                                 this->calcUnitarySystemToLoad(state,
    9490             :                                                               AirLoopNum,
    9491             :                                                               FirstHVACIteration,
    9492             :                                                               CoolPLR,
    9493             :                                                               HeatPLR,
    9494             :                                                               OnOffAirFlowRatio,
    9495             :                                                               TempSensOutput,
    9496             :                                                               TempLatOutput,
    9497        1584 :                                                               HXUnitOn,
    9498             :                                                               HeatCoilLoad,
    9499             :                                                               SupHeaterLoad,
    9500             :                                                               CompressorONFlag);
    9501             :                             } // IF(HeatingLoad)THEN
    9502        1584 :                             if (SolFlag == -1) {
    9503          27 :                                 if (std::abs(ZoneLoad - TempSensOutput) > DataHVACGlobals::SmallLoad) {
    9504          27 :                                     if (this->MaxIterIndex == 0) {
    9505           5 :                                         ShowWarningMessage(state, "Coil control failed to converge for " + this->UnitType + ':' + this->Name);
    9506           5 :                                         ShowContinueError(state, "  Iteration limit exceeded in calculating system sensible part-load ratio.");
    9507          15 :                                         ShowContinueErrorTimeStamp(state,
    9508          10 :                                                                    format("Sensible load to be met = {:.2T} (watts), sensible output = {:.2T} "
    9509             :                                                                           "(watts), and the simulation continues.",
    9510             :                                                                           ZoneLoad,
    9511           5 :                                                                           TempSensOutput));
    9512             :                                     }
    9513          81 :                                     ShowRecurringWarningErrorAtEnd(state,
    9514          54 :                                                                    this->UnitType + " \"" + this->Name +
    9515             :                                                                        "\" - Iteration limit exceeded in calculating sensible part-load ratio error "
    9516             :                                                                        "continues. Sensible load statistics:",
    9517             :                                                                    this->MaxIterIndex,
    9518             :                                                                    ZoneLoad,
    9519             :                                                                    ZoneLoad);
    9520             :                                 }
    9521        1557 :                             } else if (SolFlag == -2) {
    9522        1501 :                                 if (this->RegulaFalsiFailedIndex == 0) {
    9523           4 :                                     ShowWarningMessage(state, "Coil control failed for " + this->UnitType + ':' + this->Name);
    9524           4 :                                     ShowContinueError(state, "  sensible part-load ratio determined to be outside the range of 0-1.");
    9525          12 :                                     ShowContinueErrorTimeStamp(
    9526           8 :                                         state, format("Sensible load to be met = {:.2T} (watts), and the simulation continues.", ZoneLoad));
    9527             :                                 }
    9528        4503 :                                 ShowRecurringWarningErrorAtEnd(
    9529             :                                     state,
    9530        3002 :                                     this->UnitType + " \"" + this->Name +
    9531             :                                         "\" - sensible part-load ratio out of range error continues. Sensible load statistics:",
    9532             :                                     this->RegulaFalsiFailedIndex,
    9533             :                                     ZoneLoad,
    9534             :                                     ZoneLoad);
    9535             :                             }
    9536     1916256 :                         } else if (SolFlag == -2) {
    9537         470 :                             if (this->RegulaFalsiFailedIndex == 0) {
    9538           6 :                                 ShowWarningMessage(state, "Coil control failed for " + this->UnitType + ':' + this->Name);
    9539           6 :                                 ShowContinueError(state, "  sensible part-load ratio determined to be outside the range of 0-1.");
    9540          18 :                                 ShowContinueErrorTimeStamp(
    9541          12 :                                     state, format("Sensible load to be met = {:.2T} (watts), and the simulation continues.", ZoneLoad));
    9542             :                             }
    9543        1410 :                             ShowRecurringWarningErrorAtEnd(
    9544             :                                 state,
    9545         940 :                                 this->UnitType + " \"" + this->Name +
    9546             :                                     "\" - sensible part-load ratio out of range error continues. Sensible load statistics:",
    9547             :                                 this->RegulaFalsiFailedIndex,
    9548             :                                 ZoneLoad,
    9549             :                                 ZoneLoad);
    9550             :                         } // IF (SolFlag == -1) THEN
    9551             :                     }
    9552             :                 } else { // load is not bounded by capacity. Leave PLR=1 or turn off unit?
    9553         626 :                     this->m_CoolingPartLoadFrac = 0.0;
    9554         626 :                     this->m_HeatingPartLoadFrac = 0.0;
    9555         626 :                     CoolPLR = 0.0;
    9556         626 :                     HeatPLR = 0.0;
    9557         626 :                     PartLoadRatio = 0.0;
    9558             :                 } // IF((HeatingLoad .AND. ZoneLoad > SensOutputOff) .OR. (CoolingLoad .AND. ZoneLoad < SensOutputOff))THEN
    9559             :             }     // IF((HeatingLoad .AND. ZoneLoad < SensOutputOn) .OR. (CoolingLoad .AND. ZoneLoad > SensOutputOn))THEN
    9560             :         }
    9561             : 
    9562     2062224 :         if (state.dataUnitarySystems->HeatingLoad && (this->m_MultiSpeedHeatingCoil || this->m_VarSpeedHeatingCoil)) {
    9563       99873 :             if (this->m_HeatingSpeedNum == 1) {
    9564        4876 :                 this->m_HeatingCycRatio = PartLoadRatio;
    9565        4876 :                 this->m_HeatingSpeedRatio = 0.0;
    9566             :             } else {
    9567       94997 :                 if (this->m_SingleMode == 0) {
    9568       92985 :                     this->m_HeatingCycRatio = 1.0;
    9569       92985 :                     this->m_HeatingSpeedRatio = PartLoadRatio;
    9570             :                 } else {
    9571        2012 :                     this->m_HeatingCycRatio = PartLoadRatio;
    9572        2012 :                     this->m_HeatingSpeedRatio = 1.0;
    9573             :                 }
    9574             :             }
    9575       99873 :             HeatPLR = PartLoadRatio;
    9576       99873 :             CoolPLR = 0.0;
    9577       99873 :             this->m_CoolingCycRatio = 0.0;
    9578       99873 :             this->m_CoolingSpeedRatio = 0.0;
    9579     1962351 :         } else if (state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad && (this->m_DiscreteSpeedCoolingCoil || this->m_ContSpeedCoolingCoil)) {
    9580      482065 :             if (this->m_CoolingSpeedNum == 1) {
    9581      201280 :                 this->m_CoolingCycRatio = PartLoadRatio;
    9582      201280 :                 this->m_CoolingSpeedRatio = 0.0;
    9583             :             } else {
    9584      280785 :                 if (this->m_SingleMode == 0) {
    9585      277737 :                     this->m_CoolingCycRatio = 1.0;
    9586      277737 :                     this->m_CoolingSpeedRatio = PartLoadRatio;
    9587             :                 } else {
    9588        3048 :                     this->m_CoolingCycRatio = PartLoadRatio;
    9589        3048 :                     this->m_CoolingSpeedRatio = 1.0;
    9590             :                 }
    9591             :             }
    9592      482065 :             this->m_HeatingCycRatio = 0.0;
    9593      482065 :             this->m_HeatingSpeedRatio = 0.0;
    9594      482065 :             HeatPLR = 0.0;
    9595      482065 :             CoolPLR = PartLoadRatio;
    9596             :         } else {
    9597     1480286 :             HeatPLR = this->m_HeatingPartLoadFrac;
    9598     1480286 :             CoolPLR = this->m_CoolingPartLoadFrac;
    9599             :         }
    9600             : 
    9601     2062224 :         this->calcUnitarySystemToLoad(state,
    9602             :                                       AirLoopNum,
    9603             :                                       FirstHVACIteration,
    9604             :                                       CoolPLR,
    9605             :                                       HeatPLR,
    9606             :                                       OnOffAirFlowRatio,
    9607             :                                       TempSensOutput,
    9608             :                                       TempLatOutput,
    9609     2062224 :                                       HXUnitOn,
    9610             :                                       HeatCoilLoad,
    9611             :                                       SupHeaterLoad,
    9612             :                                       CompressorONFlag);
    9613             : 
    9614             :         // FullSensibleOutput is used to set supplemental heater PLR in calling routine
    9615             :         // OnOffAirFlowRatio is used to average air flow between ON and OFF state
    9616     2062224 :         FullSensibleOutput = TempSensOutput;
    9617     2062224 :         LatOutputOn = TempLatOutput;
    9618             : 
    9619             :         // RETURN if the moisture load is met
    9620     2062224 :         if (state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad >= 0.0 || state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad >= TempLatOutput) return;
    9621             :         // Multimode does not meet the latent load, only the sensible load with or without HX active
    9622             :         // what if there is a heating load for a system using Multimode?
    9623       25291 :         if (!state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad && this->m_DehumidControlType_Num == DehumCtrlType::Multimode) return;
    9624             :         // if HX was previously turned on return since sensible load is already met
    9625       25291 :         if (state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad && this->m_DehumidControlType_Num == DehumCtrlType::Multimode && HXUnitOn) return;
    9626             :         //  IF(HeatingLoad .AND. UnitarySystem(UnitarySysNum)%m_DehumidControlType_Num .EQ. dehumidm_ControlType::CoolReheat)RETURN
    9627             : 
    9628       14977 :         if ((this->m_DehumidControlType_Num == DehumCtrlType::CoolReheat || this->m_DehumidControlType_Num == DehumCtrlType::Multimode)) {
    9629             : 
    9630             :             // find maximum latent output IF not already calculated
    9631       14977 :             if (state.dataUnitarySystems->HeatingLoad) {
    9632         721 :                 CoolPLR = 1.0;
    9633         721 :                 this->m_CoolingPartLoadFrac = 1.0;
    9634         721 :                 this->m_CoolingSpeedNum = this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling;
    9635         721 :                 this->m_CoolingSpeedRatio = 1.0;
    9636         721 :                 this->m_CoolingCycRatio = 1.0;
    9637         721 :                 this->m_WSHPRuntimeFrac = CoolPLR;
    9638         721 :                 if (this->m_CoolingSpeedNum > 0) {
    9639         721 :                     this->m_HeatingPartLoadFrac = 0.0;
    9640         721 :                     this->m_HeatingSpeedNum = 0;
    9641         721 :                     HeatPLR = 0.0;
    9642         721 :                     state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad = true;
    9643         721 :                     state.dataUnitarySystems->HeatingLoad = false;
    9644         721 :                     this->m_HeatingCoilSensDemand = 0.0;
    9645         721 :                     this->m_CoolingCoilLatentDemand = state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad;
    9646         721 :                     this->calcUnitarySystemToLoad(state,
    9647             :                                                   AirLoopNum,
    9648             :                                                   FirstHVACIteration,
    9649             :                                                   0.0,
    9650             :                                                   0.0,
    9651             :                                                   OnOffAirFlowRatio,
    9652             :                                                   TempSensOutput,
    9653             :                                                   TempLatOutput,
    9654         721 :                                                   HXUnitOn,
    9655             :                                                   HeatCoilLoad,
    9656             :                                                   SupHeaterLoad,
    9657             :                                                   CompressorONFlag);
    9658         721 :                     this->calcUnitarySystemToLoad(state,
    9659             :                                                   AirLoopNum,
    9660             :                                                   FirstHVACIteration,
    9661             :                                                   CoolPLR,
    9662             :                                                   HeatPLR,
    9663             :                                                   OnOffAirFlowRatio,
    9664             :                                                   TempSensOutput,
    9665             :                                                   LatOutputOn,
    9666         721 :                                                   HXUnitOn,
    9667             :                                                   HeatCoilLoad,
    9668             :                                                   SupHeaterLoad,
    9669             :                                                   CompressorONFlag);
    9670             :                 } else {
    9671           0 :                     this->m_HeatingCoilSensDemand = 0.0;
    9672           0 :                     this->m_CoolingCoilLatentDemand = 0.0;
    9673           0 :                     this->calcUnitarySystemToLoad(state,
    9674             :                                                   AirLoopNum,
    9675             :                                                   FirstHVACIteration,
    9676             :                                                   0.0,
    9677             :                                                   0.0,
    9678             :                                                   OnOffAirFlowRatio,
    9679             :                                                   TempSensOutput,
    9680             :                                                   TempLatOutput,
    9681           0 :                                                   HXUnitOn,
    9682             :                                                   HeatCoilLoad,
    9683             :                                                   SupHeaterLoad,
    9684             :                                                   CompressorONFlag);
    9685           0 :                     this->m_CoolingCoilLatentDemand = state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad;
    9686           0 :                     this->calcUnitarySystemToLoad(state,
    9687             :                                                   AirLoopNum,
    9688             :                                                   FirstHVACIteration,
    9689             :                                                   CoolPLR,
    9690             :                                                   HeatPLR,
    9691             :                                                   OnOffAirFlowRatio,
    9692             :                                                   TempSensOutput,
    9693             :                                                   LatOutputOn,
    9694           0 :                                                   HXUnitOn,
    9695             :                                                   HeatCoilLoad,
    9696             :                                                   SupHeaterLoad,
    9697             :                                                   CompressorONFlag);
    9698             :                 }
    9699             :             }
    9700             : 
    9701       14977 :             if (this->m_DehumidControlType_Num == DehumCtrlType::Multimode && state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad < LatOutputOn) {
    9702        4828 :                 HXUnitOn = true;
    9703        4828 :                 CoolPLR = 1.0;
    9704        4828 :                 this->m_CoolingPartLoadFrac = 1.0;
    9705        4828 :                 this->calcUnitarySystemToLoad(state,
    9706             :                                               AirLoopNum,
    9707             :                                               FirstHVACIteration,
    9708             :                                               CoolPLR,
    9709             :                                               HeatPLR,
    9710             :                                               OnOffAirFlowRatio,
    9711             :                                               TempSensOutput,
    9712             :                                               LatOutputOn,
    9713        4828 :                                               HXUnitOn,
    9714             :                                               HeatCoilLoad,
    9715             :                                               SupHeaterLoad,
    9716             :                                               CompressorONFlag);
    9717        4828 :                 FullSensibleOutput = TempSensOutput;
    9718             :             }
    9719             : 
    9720       14977 :             if (state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad < LatOutputOn && this->m_DehumidControlType_Num == DehumCtrlType::CoolReheat) {
    9721        9428 :                 HXUnitOn = true; // HX is needed to meet moisture load
    9722        9428 :                 if (this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling > 0) {
    9723       20672 :                     for (SpeedNum = this->m_CoolingSpeedNum; SpeedNum <= this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling; ++SpeedNum) {
    9724       15406 :                         CoolPLR = 1.0;
    9725       15406 :                         this->m_CoolingPartLoadFrac = CoolPLR;
    9726       15406 :                         this->m_CoolingSpeedRatio = 1.0;
    9727       15406 :                         this->m_CoolingCycRatio = 1.0;
    9728       15406 :                         this->m_CoolingSpeedNum = SpeedNum;
    9729       15406 :                         this->calcUnitarySystemToLoad(state,
    9730             :                                                       AirLoopNum,
    9731             :                                                       FirstHVACIteration,
    9732             :                                                       CoolPLR,
    9733             :                                                       HeatPLR,
    9734             :                                                       OnOffAirFlowRatio,
    9735             :                                                       SensOutputOn,
    9736             :                                                       LatOutputOn,
    9737       15406 :                                                       HXUnitOn,
    9738             :                                                       HeatCoilLoad,
    9739             :                                                       SupHeaterLoad,
    9740             :                                                       CompressorONFlag);
    9741       15406 :                         if (state.dataGlobal->DoCoilDirectSolutions && this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_MultiSpeedCooling) {
    9742           0 :                             this->FullOutput[SpeedNum] = SensOutputOn;
    9743             :                         }
    9744             :                         // over specified logic? it has to be a water coil? what about other VS coil models?
    9745       30812 :                         if ((this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num != DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWaterToAirHPVSEquationFit) &&
    9746       30812 :                             ((this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWater ||
    9747       15406 :                               this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWaterDetailed) &&
    9748           0 :                              !this->m_DiscreteSpeedCoolingCoil)) {
    9749           0 :                             this->m_CoolingSpeedRatio = 0.0;
    9750           0 :                             this->m_CoolingSpeedNum = SpeedNum - 1;
    9751           0 :                             if (this->m_CoolingSpeedNum == 0) {
    9752           0 :                                 this->m_CoolingCycRatio = 0.0;
    9753           0 :                                 CoolPLR = 0.0;
    9754             :                             } else {
    9755           0 :                                 this->m_CoolingCycRatio = 1.0;
    9756           0 :                                 this->m_CoolingSpeedRatio = 0.0;
    9757           0 :                                 if (this->m_SingleMode == 1) {
    9758           0 :                                     CoolPLR = 1.0;
    9759             :                                 }
    9760             :                             }
    9761             : 
    9762           0 :                             this->calcUnitarySystemToLoad(state,
    9763             :                                                           AirLoopNum,
    9764             :                                                           FirstHVACIteration,
    9765             :                                                           CoolPLR,
    9766             :                                                           HeatPLR,
    9767             :                                                           OnOffAirFlowRatio,
    9768             :                                                           SensOutputOn,
    9769             :                                                           LatOutputOn,
    9770           0 :                                                           HXUnitOn,
    9771             :                                                           HeatCoilLoad,
    9772             :                                                           SupHeaterLoad,
    9773             :                                                           CompressorONFlag);
    9774           0 :                             this->m_CoolingSpeedNum = SpeedNum;
    9775             :                         }
    9776       15406 :                         if (state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad >= LatOutputOn) {
    9777        4162 :                             break;
    9778             :                         }
    9779             :                     }
    9780             :                 } else {
    9781           0 :                     CoolPLR = 1.0;
    9782           0 :                     this->calcUnitarySystemToLoad(state,
    9783             :                                                   AirLoopNum,
    9784             :                                                   FirstHVACIteration,
    9785             :                                                   CoolPLR,
    9786             :                                                   HeatPLR,
    9787             :                                                   OnOffAirFlowRatio,
    9788             :                                                   SensOutputOn,
    9789             :                                                   LatOutputOn,
    9790           0 :                                                   HXUnitOn,
    9791             :                                                   HeatCoilLoad,
    9792             :                                                   SupHeaterLoad,
    9793             :                                                   CompressorONFlag);
    9794           0 :                     this->m_CoolingPartLoadFrac = CoolPLR;
    9795             :                 }
    9796             :             }
    9797             : 
    9798       29954 :             if ((state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad < TempLatOutput) &&
    9799       14977 :                 (state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad > LatOutputOn)) { // bounds check for RegulaFalsi
    9800             : 
    9801             :                 // save heating PLR
    9802        6877 :                 HeatPLR = this->m_HeatingPartLoadFrac;
    9803             :                 Real64 par5;
    9804             :                 Real64 par7;
    9805        6877 :                 if (this->m_DehumidControlType_Num == DehumCtrlType::Multimode) {
    9806        1994 :                     par5 = ZoneLoad;
    9807        1994 :                     par7 = 1.0;
    9808             :                 } else {
    9809        4883 :                     par5 = state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad;
    9810        4883 :                     par7 = 0.0;
    9811             :                 }
    9812             :                 // Tolerance is fraction of load, MaxIter = 30, SolFalg = # of iterations or error as appropriate
    9813             :                 auto f = [&state, this, FirstHVACIteration, CompressorONFlag, par5, par7, OnOffAirFlowRatio, HXUnitOn, AirLoopNum](
    9814      102524 :                              Real64 const PartLoadRatio) {
    9815       76893 :                     return UnitarySys::calcUnitarySystemLoadResidual(state,
    9816             :                                                                      PartLoadRatio,
    9817             :                                                                      this->m_UnitarySysNum,
    9818             :                                                                      FirstHVACIteration,
    9819             :                                                                      // par 3 not used?
    9820             :                                                                      CompressorONFlag,
    9821             :                                                                      par5,
    9822             :                                                                      1.0,
    9823             :                                                                      par7,
    9824             :                                                                      OnOffAirFlowRatio,
    9825             :                                                                      HXUnitOn,
    9826             :                                                                      // par 10 not used
    9827             :                                                                      AirLoopNum);
    9828       32508 :                 };
    9829        6877 :                 General::SolveRoot(state, 0.001, MaxIter, SolFlagLat, PartLoadRatio, f, 0.0, 1.0);
    9830        6877 :                 this->m_CoolingPartLoadFrac = PartLoadRatio;
    9831        6877 :                 this->m_HeatingPartLoadFrac = HeatPLR;
    9832        8100 :             } else if (state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad < LatOutputOn && state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad) {
    9833             :                 //     Logic below needs further look...what to do if the bounds check for RegulaFalsi fail?
    9834             :                 //     I'm not even sure if this should be done.
    9835             :                 //     It's wrong anyway, since there won't be a cooling load if multimode (see RETURN about 80 lines up).
    9836        8100 :                 if (this->m_DehumidControlType_Num != DehumCtrlType::Multimode) {
    9837        5266 :                     this->m_CoolingPartLoadFrac = 1.0;
    9838             :                 }
    9839             :             }
    9840             :         }
    9841             : 
    9842       14977 :         CoolPLR = this->m_CoolingPartLoadFrac;
    9843       14977 :         HeatPLR = this->m_HeatingPartLoadFrac;
    9844             : 
    9845       14977 :         this->calcUnitarySystemToLoad(state,
    9846             :                                       AirLoopNum,
    9847             :                                       FirstHVACIteration,
    9848             :                                       CoolPLR,
    9849             :                                       HeatPLR,
    9850             :                                       OnOffAirFlowRatio,
    9851             :                                       TempSensOutput,
    9852             :                                       TempLatOutput,
    9853       14977 :                                       HXUnitOn,
    9854             :                                       HeatCoilLoad,
    9855             :                                       SupHeaterLoad,
    9856             :                                       CompressorONFlag);
    9857             : 
    9858       14977 :         if (SolFlagLat == -1) {
    9859             :             // RegulaFalsi may not find cooling PLR when the latent degradation model is used.
    9860             :             // IF iteration limit is exceeded, find tighter boundary of solution and repeat RegulaFalsi
    9861           0 :             TempMaxPLR = -0.1;
    9862           0 :             TempLatOutput = LatOutputOff;
    9863           0 :             while ((TempLatOutput - state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad) > 0.0 && TempMaxPLR < 1.0) {
    9864             :                 // find upper limit of HeatingPLR
    9865           0 :                 TempMaxPLR += 0.1;
    9866           0 :                 this->calcUnitarySystemToLoad(state,
    9867             :                                               AirLoopNum,
    9868             :                                               FirstHVACIteration,
    9869             :                                               TempMaxPLR,
    9870             :                                               HeatPLR,
    9871             :                                               OnOffAirFlowRatio,
    9872             :                                               TempSensOutput,
    9873             :                                               TempLatOutput,
    9874           0 :                                               HXUnitOn,
    9875             :                                               HeatCoilLoad,
    9876             :                                               SupHeaterLoad,
    9877             :                                               CompressorONFlag);
    9878             :             }
    9879           0 :             TempMinPLR = TempMaxPLR;
    9880           0 :             while ((TempLatOutput - state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad) < 0.0 && TempMinPLR > 0.0) {
    9881             :                 // pull upper limit of HeatingPLR DOwn to last valid limit (i.e. heat output still exceeds SystemSensibleLoad)
    9882           0 :                 TempMaxPLR = TempMinPLR;
    9883             :                 // find minimum limit of HeatingPLR
    9884           0 :                 TempMinPLR -= 0.01;
    9885           0 :                 this->calcUnitarySystemToLoad(state,
    9886             :                                               AirLoopNum,
    9887             :                                               FirstHVACIteration,
    9888             :                                               TempMinPLR,
    9889             :                                               HeatPLR,
    9890             :                                               OnOffAirFlowRatio,
    9891             :                                               TempSensOutput,
    9892             :                                               TempLatOutput,
    9893           0 :                                               HXUnitOn,
    9894             :                                               HeatCoilLoad,
    9895             :                                               SupHeaterLoad,
    9896             :                                               CompressorONFlag);
    9897             :             }
    9898             :             // Now solve again with tighter PLR limits
    9899             :             Real64 par5;
    9900             :             Real64 par7;
    9901           0 :             if (this->m_DehumidControlType_Num == DehumCtrlType::Multimode) {
    9902           0 :                 par5 = ZoneLoad;
    9903           0 :                 par7 = 1.0;
    9904             :             } else {
    9905           0 :                 par5 = state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad;
    9906           0 :                 par7 = 0.0;
    9907             :             }
    9908             :             //            // Tolerance is fraction of load, M
    9909             :             auto f = [&state, this, FirstHVACIteration, CompressorONFlag, OnOffAirFlowRatio, HXUnitOn, AirLoopNum, par5, par7](
    9910           0 :                          Real64 const PartLoadRatio) {
    9911             :                 // TODO: The actual Par array being used here may have been altered through any of the sections above, and this line is not covered by
    9912             :                 // a unit or integration test
    9913             :                 // TODO: So I made some assumptions about the arguments.  I'm not sure if ultimately this is even accessible, so maybe it doesn't
    9914             :                 // matter.
    9915           0 :                 return UnitarySys::calcUnitarySystemLoadResidual(state,
    9916             :                                                                  PartLoadRatio,
    9917             :                                                                  this->m_UnitarySysNum,
    9918             :                                                                  FirstHVACIteration,
    9919             :                                                                  // par 3 not used?
    9920             :                                                                  CompressorONFlag,
    9921             :                                                                  par5,
    9922             :                                                                  1.0,
    9923             :                                                                  par7,
    9924             :                                                                  OnOffAirFlowRatio,
    9925             :                                                                  HXUnitOn,
    9926             :                                                                  // par 10 not used
    9927             :                                                                  AirLoopNum);
    9928           0 :             };
    9929           0 :             General::SolveRoot(state, 0.001, MaxIter, SolFlagLat, CoolPLR, f, TempMinPLR, TempMaxPLR);
    9930           0 :             this->calcUnitarySystemToLoad(state,
    9931             :                                           AirLoopNum,
    9932             :                                           FirstHVACIteration,
    9933             :                                           CoolPLR,
    9934             :                                           HeatPLR,
    9935             :                                           OnOffAirFlowRatio,
    9936             :                                           TempSensOutput,
    9937             :                                           TempLatOutput,
    9938           0 :                                           HXUnitOn,
    9939             :                                           HeatCoilLoad,
    9940             :                                           SupHeaterLoad,
    9941             :                                           CompressorONFlag);
    9942           0 :             if (SolFlagLat == -1) {
    9943           0 :                 if (std::abs(state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad - TempLatOutput) > DataHVACGlobals::SmallLoad) {
    9944           0 :                     if (this->warnIndex.m_LatMaxIterIndex == 0) {
    9945           0 :                         ShowWarningMessage(state, "Coil control failed to converge for " + this->UnitType + ':' + this->Name);
    9946           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "  Iteration limit exceeded in calculating system Latent part-load ratio.");
    9947           0 :                         ShowContinueErrorTimeStamp(
    9948             :                             state,
    9949           0 :                             format("Latent load to be met = {:.2T} (watts), Latent output = {:.2T} (watts), and the simulation continues.",
    9950           0 :                                    state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad,
    9951           0 :                                    TempLatOutput));
    9952             :                     }
    9953           0 :                     ShowRecurringWarningErrorAtEnd(
    9954             :                         state,
    9955           0 :                         this->UnitType + " \"" + this->Name +
    9956             :                             "\" - Iteration limit exceeded in calculating Latent part-load ratio error continues. Latent load statistics:",
    9957             :                         this->warnIndex.m_LatMaxIterIndex,
    9958           0 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad,
    9959           0 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad);
    9960             :                 }
    9961           0 :             } else if (SolFlagLat == -2) {
    9962           0 :                 if (this->warnIndex.m_LatRegulaFalsiFailedIndex == 0) {
    9963           0 :                     ShowWarningMessage(state, "Coil control failed for " + this->UnitType + ':' + this->Name);
    9964           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "  Latent part-load ratio determined to be outside the range of 0-1.");
    9965           0 :                     ShowContinueErrorTimeStamp(
    9966             :                         state,
    9967           0 :                         format("Latent load to be met = {:.2T} (watts), and the simulation continues.", state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad));
    9968             :                 }
    9969           0 :                 ShowRecurringWarningErrorAtEnd(state,
    9970           0 :                                                this->UnitType + " \"" + this->Name +
    9971             :                                                    "\" - Latent part-load ratio out of range error continues. Latent load statistics:",
    9972             :                                                this->warnIndex.m_LatRegulaFalsiFailedIndex,
    9973           0 :                                                state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad,
    9974           0 :                                                state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad);
    9975             :             }
    9976       14977 :         } else if (SolFlagLat == -2) {
    9977           0 :             if (this->warnIndex.m_LatRegulaFalsiFailedIndex == 0) {
    9978           0 :                 ShowWarningMessage(state, "Coil control failed for " + this->UnitType + ':' + this->Name);
    9979           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "  Latent part-load ratio determined to be outside the range of 0-1.");
    9980           0 :                 ShowContinueErrorTimeStamp(
    9981           0 :                     state, format("Latent load to be met = {:.2T} (watts), and the simulation continues.", state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad));
    9982             :             }
    9983           0 :             ShowRecurringWarningErrorAtEnd(state,
    9984           0 :                                            this->UnitType + " \"" + this->Name +
    9985             :                                                "\" - Latent part-load ratio out of range error continues. Latent load statistics:",
    9986             :                                            this->warnIndex.m_LatRegulaFalsiFailedIndex,
    9987           0 :                                            state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad,
    9988           0 :                                            state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad);
    9989             :         }
    9990             : 
    9991       14977 :         FullSensibleOutput = TempSensOutput;
    9992             : 
    9993       14977 :         CpAir = Psychrometrics::PsyCpAirFnW(state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->CoolCoilInletNodeNum).HumRat);
    9994       14977 :         CoolingOnlySensibleOutput =
    9995       14977 :             state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->CoolCoilInletNodeNum).MassFlowRate * CpAir *
    9996       29954 :             ((state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->NodeNumOfControlledZone).Temp - state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->CoolCoilOutletNodeNum).Temp) -
    9997       14977 :              (state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->HeatCoilOutletNodeNum).Temp - state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->HeatCoilInletNodeNum).Temp));
    9998       14977 :         if (state.dataUnitarySystems->QToHeatSetPt < 0.0) {
    9999             :             //   Calculate the reheat coil load wrt the heating setpoint temperature. Reheat coil picks up
   10000             :             //   the entire excess sensible cooling (DX cooling coil and impact of outdoor air).
   10001       14256 :             this->m_DehumidInducedHeatingDemandRate = max(0.0, (CoolingOnlySensibleOutput + state.dataUnitarySystems->QToHeatSetPt));
   10002             :             //   Heating mode and dehumidification is required
   10003         721 :         } else if (state.dataUnitarySystems->QToHeatSetPt >= 0.0) {
   10004             :             //   Calculate the reheat coil load as the sensible capacity of the DX cooling coil only. Let
   10005             :             //   the heating coil pick up the load due to outdoor air.
   10006         721 :             this->m_DehumidInducedHeatingDemandRate = max(0.0, CoolingOnlySensibleOutput);
   10007             :         }
   10008             :     }
   10009             : 
   10010     2500856 :     void UnitarySys::initLoadBasedControl(EnergyPlusData &state,
   10011             :                                           int const AirLoopNum, // number of the current air loop being simulated
   10012             :                                           bool const FirstHVACIteration,
   10013             :                                           Real64 &OnOffAirFlowRatio,
   10014             :                                           Real64 &ZoneLoad)
   10015             :     {
   10016             : 
   10017             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
   10018             :         //       AUTHOR         Richard Raustad, FSEC
   10019             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   February 2013
   10020             : 
   10021             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
   10022             :         // This subroutine is for initializations of the load controlled Unitary Systems.
   10023             : 
   10024             :         // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
   10025             :         // Initialize mass flow rates and speed ratios. Calculate loads and adjust if necessary when using constant fan.
   10026             : 
   10027             :         // SUBROUTINE PARAMETER DEFINITIONS:
   10028             :         static constexpr std::string_view routineName("InitUnitarySystems");
   10029     2500856 :         Real64 QZnReq = 0.0;
   10030     2500856 :         Real64 QActual = 0.0;
   10031     2500856 :         Real64 SensOutputOff = 0.0;
   10032     2500856 :         Real64 LatOutputOff = 0.0;
   10033     2500856 :         Real64 HeatCoilLoad = 0.0;
   10034     2500856 :         Real64 SupHeaterLoad = 0.0;
   10035     2500856 :         DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation CompressorOn = DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::Off;
   10036             : 
   10037             :         // error flag for mining functions
   10038     2500856 :         bool errorsFound = false;
   10039             : 
   10040             :         // do the Begin Environment initializations
   10041     2500856 :         if (state.dataGlobal->BeginEnvrnFlag && this->m_MyEnvrnFlag2) {
   10042             : 
   10043             :             // set fluid-side hardware limits
   10044        1750 :             if (this->HeatCoilFluidInletNode > 0) {
   10045             : 
   10046          62 :                 if (this->MaxHeatCoilFluidFlow == DataSizing::AutoSize) {
   10047             :                     // IF water coil max water flow rate is DataSizing::AutoSized, simulate once in order to mine max flow rate
   10048           0 :                     if (this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWater) {
   10049           0 :                         WaterCoils::SimulateWaterCoilComponents(state, this->m_HeatingCoilName, FirstHVACIteration, this->m_HeatingCoilIndex);
   10050             :                         Real64 CoilMaxVolFlowRate =
   10051           0 :                             WaterCoils::GetCoilMaxWaterFlowRate(state, "Coil:Heating:Water", this->m_HeatingCoilName, errorsFound);
   10052           0 :                         if (CoilMaxVolFlowRate != DataSizing::AutoSize) {
   10053           0 :                             Real64 rho = FluidProperties::GetDensityGlycol(state,
   10054           0 :                                                                            state.dataPlnt->PlantLoop(this->HeatCoilPlantLoc.loopNum).FluidName,
   10055             :                                                                            DataGlobalConstants::CWInitConvTemp,
   10056           0 :                                                                            state.dataPlnt->PlantLoop(this->HeatCoilPlantLoc.loopNum).FluidIndex,
   10057           0 :                                                                            routineName);
   10058           0 :                             this->MaxHeatCoilFluidFlow = CoilMaxVolFlowRate * rho;
   10059             :                         }
   10060             :                     }
   10061             :                     // IF steam coil max steam flow rate is DataSizing::AutoSized, simulate once in order to mine max flow rate
   10062           0 :                     if (this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingSteam) {
   10063           0 :                         SteamCoils::SimulateSteamCoilComponents(state,
   10064             :                                                                 this->m_HeatingCoilName,
   10065             :                                                                 FirstHVACIteration,
   10066             :                                                                 this->m_HeatingCoilIndex,
   10067             :                                                                 1.0,
   10068             :                                                                 QActual); // QCoilReq, simulate any load > 0 to get max capacity
   10069           0 :                         Real64 CoilMaxVolFlowRate = SteamCoils::GetCoilMaxSteamFlowRate(state, this->m_HeatingCoilIndex, errorsFound);
   10070           0 :                         if (CoilMaxVolFlowRate != DataSizing::AutoSize) {
   10071           0 :                             int SteamIndex = 0; // Function GetSatDensityRefrig will look up steam index if 0 is passed
   10072           0 :                             Real64 TempSteamIn = 100.0;
   10073             :                             Real64 SteamDensity =
   10074           0 :                                 FluidProperties::GetSatDensityRefrig(state, fluidNameSteam, TempSteamIn, 1.0, SteamIndex, routineName);
   10075           0 :                             this->MaxHeatCoilFluidFlow = CoilMaxVolFlowRate * SteamDensity;
   10076             :                         }
   10077             :                     }
   10078             :                 }
   10079             : 
   10080          62 :                 PlantUtilities::InitComponentNodes(
   10081             :                     state, 0.0, this->MaxHeatCoilFluidFlow, this->HeatCoilFluidInletNode, this->HeatCoilFluidOutletNodeNum);
   10082             :             }
   10083        1750 :             if (this->m_SuppCoilFluidInletNode > 0) {
   10084           0 :                 if (this->m_MaxSuppCoilFluidFlow == DataSizing::AutoSize) {
   10085           0 :                     if (this->m_SuppHeatCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWater) {
   10086             :                         // IF water coil max water flow rate is DataSizing::AutoSized, simulate once in order to mine max flow rate
   10087           0 :                         WaterCoils::SimulateWaterCoilComponents(state, this->m_SuppHeatCoilName, FirstHVACIteration, this->m_SuppHeatCoilIndex);
   10088             :                         Real64 CoilMaxVolFlowRate =
   10089           0 :                             WaterCoils::GetCoilMaxWaterFlowRate(state, "Coil:Heating:Water", this->m_SuppHeatCoilName, errorsFound);
   10090           0 :                         if (CoilMaxVolFlowRate != DataSizing::AutoSize) {
   10091           0 :                             Real64 rho = FluidProperties::GetDensityGlycol(state,
   10092           0 :                                                                            state.dataPlnt->PlantLoop(this->m_SuppCoilPlantLoc.loopNum).FluidName,
   10093             :                                                                            DataGlobalConstants::CWInitConvTemp,
   10094           0 :                                                                            state.dataPlnt->PlantLoop(this->m_SuppCoilPlantLoc.loopNum).FluidIndex,
   10095           0 :                                                                            routineName);
   10096           0 :                             this->m_MaxSuppCoilFluidFlow = CoilMaxVolFlowRate * rho;
   10097             :                         }
   10098             :                     }
   10099           0 :                     if (this->m_SuppHeatCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingSteam) {
   10100           0 :                         SteamCoils::SimulateSteamCoilComponents(state,
   10101             :                                                                 this->m_SuppHeatCoilName,
   10102             :                                                                 FirstHVACIteration,
   10103             :                                                                 this->m_SuppHeatCoilIndex,
   10104             :                                                                 1.0,
   10105             :                                                                 QActual); // QCoilReq, simulate any load > 0 to get max capacity
   10106           0 :                         Real64 CoilMaxVolFlowRate = SteamCoils::GetCoilMaxSteamFlowRate(state, this->m_SuppHeatCoilIndex, errorsFound);
   10107           0 :                         if (CoilMaxVolFlowRate != DataSizing::AutoSize) {
   10108           0 :                             int SteamIndex = 0; // Function GetSatDensityRefrig will look up steam index if 0 is passed
   10109           0 :                             Real64 TempSteamIn = 100.0;
   10110             :                             Real64 SteamDensity =
   10111           0 :                                 FluidProperties::GetSatDensityRefrig(state, fluidNameSteam, TempSteamIn, 1.0, SteamIndex, routineName);
   10112           0 :                             this->m_MaxSuppCoilFluidFlow = CoilMaxVolFlowRate * SteamDensity;
   10113             :                         }
   10114             :                     }
   10115           0 :                     PlantUtilities::InitComponentNodes(
   10116             :                         state, 0.0, this->m_MaxSuppCoilFluidFlow, this->m_SuppCoilFluidInletNode, this->m_SuppCoilFluidOutletNodeNum);
   10117             :                 }
   10118             :             }
   10119        1750 :             this->m_MyEnvrnFlag2 = false;
   10120             :         }
   10121             : 
   10122     2500856 :         if (allocated(state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig) && this->m_MyCheckFlag) {
   10123     1254008 :             if (this->m_AirLoopEquipment) {
   10124          96 :                 int zoneInlet = this->m_ZoneInletNode;
   10125          96 :                 if (zoneInlet == 0) {
   10126           0 :                     this->m_ThisSysInputShouldBeGotten = true; // need to find zone inlet node once data is available
   10127           0 :                     this->m_MySizingCheckFlag = true;          // need to resize after getInput is read in again
   10128           0 :                     this->m_OKToPrintSizing = true;            // hope first time back through finds the data, else multiple prints to the eio
   10129           0 :                     this->m_airLoopReturnCounter += 1;
   10130           0 :                     if (this->m_airLoopReturnCounter < 3) return;
   10131             :                 }
   10132          96 :                 int coolingPriority = 0;
   10133          96 :                 int heatingPriority = 0;
   10134             :                 // setup zone equipment sequence information based on finding matching air terminal
   10135          96 :                 if (state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(this->ControlZoneNum).EquipListIndex > 0) {
   10136          96 :                     state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipList(state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(this->ControlZoneNum).EquipListIndex)
   10137          96 :                         .getPrioritiesForInletNode(state, zoneInlet, coolingPriority, heatingPriority);
   10138          96 :                     this->m_ZoneSequenceCoolingNum = coolingPriority;
   10139          96 :                     this->m_ZoneSequenceHeatingNum = heatingPriority;
   10140             :                 }
   10141          96 :                 this->m_MyCheckFlag = false;
   10142          96 :                 if (this->m_ZoneSequenceCoolingNum == 0 || this->m_ZoneSequenceHeatingNum == 0) {
   10143           0 :                     ShowSevereError(state,
   10144           0 :                                     this->UnitType + " \"" + this->Name + "\": Airloop air terminal in the zone equipment list for zone = " +
   10145           0 :                                         state.dataHeatBal->Zone(this->ControlZoneNum).Name +
   10146             :                                         " not found or is not allowed Zone Equipment Cooling or Heating Sequence = 0.");
   10147           0 :                     ShowFatalError(state,
   10148           0 :                                    "Subroutine InitLoadBasedControl: Errors found in getting " + this->UnitType +
   10149             :                                        " input.  Preceding condition(s) causes termination.");
   10150             :                 }
   10151             :             }
   10152     1254008 :             if (this->m_ZoneInletNode == 0) {
   10153           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state,
   10154           0 :                                 this->UnitType + " \"" + this->Name + "\": The zone inlet node in the controlled zone (" +
   10155           0 :                                     state.dataHeatBal->Zone(this->ControlZoneNum).Name + ") is not found.");
   10156           0 :                 ShowFatalError(state,
   10157           0 :                                "Subroutine InitLoadBasedControl: Errors found in getting " + this->UnitType +
   10158             :                                    " input.  Preceding condition(s) causes termination.");
   10159             :             }
   10160             :         }
   10161             : 
   10162             :         // What type of logic is this? Is the point to go through the main IF once? or every other time?
   10163             :         // RR: This was used with AirflowNetwork to calculate duct losses.
   10164             :         // RR: AFN counts the number of passes through airloop equipment (same logic in Furnaces and other modules) and resets the counter to 0 on
   10165             :         // BeginEnvrnFlag. RR: This has been changed in this module and AFN to use AirflowNetworkFanActivated if AirflowNetworkUnitarySystem is seen
   10166             :         // by AFN. RR: Search for AirflowNetworkFanActivated in this module to see usage. The following lines of code can probably be removed although
   10167             :         // it would require a AFN input file to test.
   10168     2500856 :         if (state.dataGlobal->BeginEnvrnFlag && m_initLoadBasedControlAirLoopPass) {
   10169        1654 :             m_airLoopPassCounter = 0;
   10170        1654 :             m_initLoadBasedControlAirLoopPass = false;
   10171             :         }
   10172     2500856 :         if (!state.dataGlobal->BeginEnvrnFlag) {
   10173     2486346 :             this->m_MyEnvrnFlag2 = true; // this does not appear to be needed, only initializes autosized coil fluid flow rates
   10174     2486346 :             m_initLoadBasedControlAirLoopPass = true;
   10175             :         }
   10176             : 
   10177     2500856 :         ++m_airLoopPassCounter;
   10178     2500856 :         if (m_airLoopPassCounter > 2) m_airLoopPassCounter = 1;
   10179             : 
   10180             :         // reset duct losses from previous iteration
   10181     2500856 :         if (FirstHVACIteration) {
   10182      878666 :             this->m_SenLoadLoss = 0.0;
   10183      878666 :             this->m_LatLoadLoss = 0.0;
   10184             :         }
   10185             : 
   10186             :         // Calcuate air distribution losses
   10187     2500856 :         if (!FirstHVACIteration && state.afn->AirflowNetworkFanActivated) {
   10188       10014 :             Real64 DeltaMassRate = 0.0;
   10189       10014 :             Real64 TotalOutput = 0.0;         // total output rate, {W}
   10190       10014 :             Real64 SensibleOutputDelta = 0.0; // delta sensible output rate, {W}
   10191       10014 :             Real64 LatentOutputDelta = 0.0;   // delta latent output rate, {W}
   10192       10014 :             Real64 TotalOutputDelta = 0.0;    // delta total output rate, {W}
   10193       10014 :             int ZoneInNode = this->m_ZoneInletNode;
   10194       10014 :             Real64 MassFlowRate = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(ZoneInNode).MassFlowRate / this->ControlZoneMassFlowFrac;
   10195       10014 :             if (state.afn->distribution_simulated) {
   10196       20028 :                 DeltaMassRate = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->AirOutNode).MassFlowRate -
   10197       10014 :                                 state.dataLoopNodes->Node(ZoneInNode).MassFlowRate / this->ControlZoneMassFlowFrac;
   10198       10014 :                 if (DeltaMassRate < 0.0) DeltaMassRate = 0.0;
   10199             :             } else {
   10200           0 :                 MassFlowRate = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->AirOutNode).MassFlowRate;
   10201           0 :                 DeltaMassRate = 0.0;
   10202             :             }
   10203       50070 :             CalcComponentSensibleLatentOutput(MassFlowRate,
   10204       10014 :                                               state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->AirOutNode).Temp,
   10205       10014 :                                               state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->AirOutNode).HumRat,
   10206       10014 :                                               state.dataLoopNodes->Node(ZoneInNode).Temp,
   10207       10014 :                                               state.dataLoopNodes->Node(ZoneInNode).HumRat,
   10208             :                                               this->m_SenLoadLoss,
   10209             :                                               this->m_LatLoadLoss,
   10210             :                                               TotalOutput);
   10211       40056 :             CalcComponentSensibleLatentOutput(DeltaMassRate,
   10212       10014 :                                               state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->AirOutNode).Temp,
   10213       10014 :                                               state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->AirOutNode).HumRat,
   10214       10014 :                                               state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->NodeNumOfControlledZone).Temp,
   10215       10014 :                                               state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->NodeNumOfControlledZone).HumRat,
   10216             :                                               SensibleOutputDelta,
   10217             :                                               LatentOutputDelta,
   10218             :                                               TotalOutputDelta);
   10219       10014 :             this->m_SenLoadLoss = this->m_SenLoadLoss + SensibleOutputDelta;
   10220       10014 :             if (std::abs(this->m_SensibleLoadMet) > 0.0) {
   10221       10014 :                 if (std::abs(this->m_SenLoadLoss / this->m_SensibleLoadMet) < 0.001) this->m_SenLoadLoss = 0.0;
   10222             :             }
   10223       10014 :             if (this->m_Humidistat) {
   10224           0 :                 this->m_LatLoadLoss = this->m_LatLoadLoss + LatentOutputDelta;
   10225           0 :                 if (std::abs(this->m_LatentLoadMet) > 0.0) {
   10226           0 :                     if (std::abs(this->m_LatLoadLoss / this->m_LatentLoadMet) < 0.001) this->m_LatLoadLoss = 0.0;
   10227             :                 }
   10228             :             }
   10229             :         }
   10230             : 
   10231     2500856 :         if (this->m_FanOpModeSchedPtr > 0) {
   10232     2498342 :             if (ScheduleManager::GetCurrentScheduleValue(state, this->m_FanOpModeSchedPtr) == 0.0) {
   10233     1361436 :                 this->m_FanOpMode = DataHVACGlobals::CycFanCycCoil;
   10234             :             } else {
   10235     1136906 :                 this->m_FanOpMode = DataHVACGlobals::ContFanCycCoil;
   10236     1136906 :                 state.dataHVACGlobal->OnOffFanPartLoadFraction = 1.0;
   10237             :             }
   10238             :         }
   10239             : 
   10240             :         // System load calculation for cycling fan systems
   10241     2500856 :         if (this->ControlZoneMassFlowFrac > 0.0) {
   10242     2500658 :             QZnReq = ZoneLoad / this->ControlZoneMassFlowFrac;
   10243     2500658 :             state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad /= this->ControlZoneMassFlowFrac;
   10244     2500658 :             state.dataUnitarySystems->QToCoolSetPt /= this->ControlZoneMassFlowFrac;
   10245     2500658 :             state.dataUnitarySystems->QToHeatSetPt /= this->ControlZoneMassFlowFrac;
   10246     2500658 :             ZoneLoad = QZnReq;
   10247             :         } else {
   10248         198 :             QZnReq = ZoneLoad;
   10249         198 :             this->ControlZoneMassFlowFrac = 1.0;
   10250             :         }
   10251             : 
   10252     2500856 :         state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad = false;
   10253     2500856 :         state.dataUnitarySystems->HeatingLoad = false;
   10254     2500856 :         Real64 smallLoadTolerance = this->m_SmallLoadTolerance;
   10255     2500856 :         if (this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedAC || this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedHP || this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedWSHP) {
   10256     1231508 :             smallLoadTolerance = DataHVACGlobals::SmallLoad;
   10257             :         }
   10258     2500856 :         if (QZnReq > smallLoadTolerance) { // no need to check deadband flag, QZnReq is correct.
   10259     1017037 :             if (state.dataHeatBalFanSys->TempControlType(this->ControlZoneNum) != DataHVACGlobals::ThermostatType::SingleCooling) {
   10260     1017037 :                 state.dataUnitarySystems->HeatingLoad = true;
   10261             :             }
   10262     1483819 :         } else if (QZnReq < -smallLoadTolerance) {
   10263     1163527 :             if (state.dataHeatBalFanSys->TempControlType(this->ControlZoneNum) != DataHVACGlobals::ThermostatType::SingleHeating) {
   10264     1163516 :                 state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad = true;
   10265             :             }
   10266             :         }
   10267             : 
   10268             :         // System load calculation for constant fan systems
   10269     2500856 :         if (this->m_FanOpMode == DataHVACGlobals::ContFanCycCoil) {
   10270     1136906 :             bool HXUnitOn = false;
   10271     1136906 :             this->FanPartLoadRatio = 0.0; // sets fan to minimum for ASHRAE model
   10272     1136906 :             if (this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedAC || this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedHP || this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedWSHP) {
   10273             :                 // the SpeedNum is set for PTUnits, might need to set this for all multi/var speed coils?
   10274      291191 :                 if (state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad && this->m_MultiOrVarSpeedCoolCoil) {
   10275        5987 :                     m_CoolingSpeedNum = 1;
   10276      285204 :                 } else if (state.dataUnitarySystems->HeatingLoad && this->m_MultiOrVarSpeedHeatCoil) {
   10277        1726 :                     m_HeatingSpeedNum = 1;
   10278             :                 }
   10279             :             }
   10280     1136906 :             this->setOnOffMassFlowRate(state, OnOffAirFlowRatio,
   10281             :                                        0.0); // CompOnMassFlow and CompOffMassFlow are scalar, reset to this system's values
   10282     1136906 :             this->calcUnitarySystemToLoad(state,
   10283             :                                           AirLoopNum,
   10284             :                                           FirstHVACIteration,
   10285             :                                           0.0,
   10286             :                                           0.0,
   10287             :                                           OnOffAirFlowRatio,
   10288             :                                           SensOutputOff,
   10289             :                                           LatOutputOff,
   10290             :                                           HXUnitOn,
   10291             :                                           HeatCoilLoad,
   10292             :                                           SupHeaterLoad,
   10293             :                                           CompressorOn);
   10294             : 
   10295     1136906 :             switch (state.dataHeatBalFanSys->TempControlType(this->ControlZoneNum)) {
   10296        9143 :             case DataHVACGlobals::ThermostatType::SingleHeating:
   10297        9143 :                 state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad = false;
   10298             :                 // No heating load and constant fan pushes zone below heating set point
   10299       13881 :                 if (SensOutputOff < 0.0 && state.dataUnitarySystems->QToHeatSetPt <= 0.0 &&
   10300        4738 :                     SensOutputOff - state.dataUnitarySystems->QToHeatSetPt < -DataHVACGlobals::SmallLoad) {
   10301         164 :                     state.dataUnitarySystems->HeatingLoad = true;
   10302         164 :                     state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad = false;
   10303         164 :                     ZoneLoad = state.dataUnitarySystems->QToHeatSetPt;
   10304             :                 }
   10305        9143 :                 break;
   10306        8994 :             case DataHVACGlobals::ThermostatType::SingleCooling:
   10307        8994 :                 state.dataUnitarySystems->HeatingLoad = false;
   10308             :                 // No heating load and constant fan pushes zone above cooling set point
   10309        9121 :                 if (SensOutputOff > 0.0 && state.dataUnitarySystems->QToCoolSetPt > 0.0 &&
   10310         127 :                     SensOutputOff - state.dataUnitarySystems->QToCoolSetPt > DataHVACGlobals::SmallLoad) {
   10311          80 :                     state.dataUnitarySystems->HeatingLoad = false;
   10312          80 :                     state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad = true;
   10313          80 :                     ZoneLoad = state.dataUnitarySystems->QToCoolSetPt;
   10314             :                 }
   10315        8994 :                 break;
   10316           0 :             case DataHVACGlobals::ThermostatType::SingleHeatCool:
   10317             :                 // zone temp above cooling and heating set point temps
   10318           0 :                 if (state.dataUnitarySystems->QToHeatSetPt < 0.0 && state.dataUnitarySystems->QToCoolSetPt < 0.0) {
   10319             :                     // zone pushed below heating set point
   10320           0 :                     if (SensOutputOff < 0.0 && state.dataUnitarySystems->QToHeatSetPt - SensOutputOff > DataHVACGlobals::SmallLoad) {
   10321           0 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->HeatingLoad = true;
   10322           0 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad = false;
   10323           0 :                         ZoneLoad = state.dataUnitarySystems->QToHeatSetPt;
   10324             :                     }
   10325             :                     // zone temp below heating set point temp
   10326           0 :                 } else if (state.dataUnitarySystems->QToHeatSetPt > 0.0 && state.dataUnitarySystems->QToCoolSetPt > 0.0) {
   10327             :                     // zone pushed above cooling set point
   10328           0 :                     if (SensOutputOff > 0.0 && state.dataUnitarySystems->QToCoolSetPt - SensOutputOff > DataHVACGlobals::SmallLoad) {
   10329           0 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->HeatingLoad = false;
   10330           0 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad = true;
   10331           0 :                         ZoneLoad = state.dataUnitarySystems->QToCoolSetPt;
   10332             :                     }
   10333             :                 }
   10334           0 :                 break;
   10335     1118769 :             case DataHVACGlobals::ThermostatType::DualSetPointWithDeadBand:
   10336             :                 // zone temp above cooling and heating set point temps
   10337     1118769 :                 if (state.dataUnitarySystems->QToHeatSetPt < 0.0 && state.dataUnitarySystems->QToCoolSetPt < 0.0) {
   10338             :                     // zone pushed into deadband
   10339      527533 :                     if (SensOutputOff < 0.0 && state.dataUnitarySystems->QToCoolSetPt - SensOutputOff > DataHVACGlobals::SmallLoad) {
   10340       15644 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->HeatingLoad = false;
   10341       15644 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad = false;
   10342       15644 :                         ZoneLoad = 0.0;
   10343             :                     }
   10344             :                     // zone pushed below heating set point
   10345      527533 :                     if (SensOutputOff < 0.0 && state.dataUnitarySystems->QToHeatSetPt - SensOutputOff > DataHVACGlobals::SmallLoad) {
   10346        3538 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->HeatingLoad = true;
   10347        3538 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad = false;
   10348        3538 :                         ZoneLoad = state.dataUnitarySystems->QToHeatSetPt;
   10349             :                     }
   10350             :                     // zone temp below heating set point temp
   10351      591236 :                 } else if (state.dataUnitarySystems->QToHeatSetPt > 0.0 && state.dataUnitarySystems->QToCoolSetPt > 0.0) {
   10352             :                     // zone pushed into deadband
   10353      424589 :                     if (SensOutputOff > 0.0 && SensOutputOff - state.dataUnitarySystems->QToHeatSetPt > DataHVACGlobals::SmallLoad) {
   10354         434 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->HeatingLoad = false;
   10355         434 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad = false;
   10356         434 :                         ZoneLoad = 0.0;
   10357             :                     }
   10358             :                     // zone pushed above cooling set point
   10359      424589 :                     if (SensOutputOff > 0.0 && SensOutputOff - state.dataUnitarySystems->QToCoolSetPt > DataHVACGlobals::SmallLoad) {
   10360          42 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->HeatingLoad = false;
   10361          42 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad = true;
   10362          42 :                         ZoneLoad = state.dataUnitarySystems->QToCoolSetPt;
   10363             :                     }
   10364             :                     // zone temp between set point temps
   10365      166647 :                 } else if (state.dataUnitarySystems->QToHeatSetPt < 0.0 && state.dataUnitarySystems->QToCoolSetPt > 0.0) {
   10366             :                     // zone pushed below heating set point
   10367      166647 :                     if (SensOutputOff < 0.0 && SensOutputOff - state.dataUnitarySystems->QToHeatSetPt < -DataHVACGlobals::SmallLoad) {
   10368       21179 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->HeatingLoad = true;
   10369       21179 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad = false;
   10370       21179 :                         ZoneLoad = state.dataUnitarySystems->QToHeatSetPt;
   10371             :                         // zone pushed above cooling set point
   10372      145468 :                     } else if (SensOutputOff > 0.0 && SensOutputOff - state.dataUnitarySystems->QToCoolSetPt > DataHVACGlobals::SmallLoad) {
   10373       14165 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->HeatingLoad = false;
   10374       14165 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad = true;
   10375       14165 :                         ZoneLoad = state.dataUnitarySystems->QToCoolSetPt;
   10376             :                     }
   10377             :                 }
   10378     1118769 :                 break;
   10379           0 :             default:
   10380           0 :                 break;
   10381             :             }
   10382             : 
   10383             :             // push iteration mode stack and set current mode
   10384     1136906 :             this->m_IterationMode[2] = this->m_IterationMode[1];
   10385     1136906 :             this->m_IterationMode[1] = this->m_IterationMode[0];
   10386     1136906 :             if (state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad) {
   10387      534865 :                 this->m_IterationMode[0] = CoolingMode;
   10388      602041 :             } else if (state.dataUnitarySystems->HeatingLoad) {
   10389      453403 :                 this->m_IterationMode[0] = HeatingMode;
   10390             :             } else {
   10391      148638 :                 this->m_IterationMode[0] = NoCoolHeat;
   10392             :             }
   10393             :             // IF small loads to meet or not converging, just shut down unit
   10394     1136906 :             if (std::abs(ZoneLoad) < smallLoadTolerance) {
   10395      149021 :                 ZoneLoad = 0.0;
   10396      149021 :                 state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad = false;
   10397      149021 :                 state.dataUnitarySystems->HeatingLoad = false;
   10398      987885 :             } else if (this->m_IterationCounter > (state.dataHVACGlobal->MinAirLoopIterationsAfterFirst + 6)) {
   10399             :                 // attempt to lock output (air flow) if oscillations are detected
   10400       83791 :                 int OperatingMode = this->m_IterationMode[0]; // VS systems can take a few more iterations than single-speed systems
   10401       83791 :                 int OperatingModeMinusOne = this->m_IterationMode[1];
   10402       83791 :                 int OperatingModeMinusTwo = this->m_IterationMode[2];
   10403       83791 :                 bool Oscillate = true;
   10404       83791 :                 if (OperatingMode == OperatingModeMinusOne && OperatingMode == OperatingModeMinusTwo) Oscillate = false;
   10405       83791 :                 if (Oscillate) {
   10406       10325 :                     if (state.dataUnitarySystems->QToCoolSetPt < 0.0) {
   10407       10290 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->HeatingLoad = false;
   10408       10290 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad = true;
   10409       10290 :                         ZoneLoad = state.dataUnitarySystems->QToCoolSetPt;
   10410          35 :                     } else if (state.dataUnitarySystems->QToHeatSetPt > 0.0) {
   10411           0 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->HeatingLoad = true;
   10412           0 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad = false;
   10413           0 :                         ZoneLoad = state.dataUnitarySystems->QToHeatSetPt;
   10414             :                     } else {
   10415          35 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->HeatingLoad = false;
   10416          35 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad = false;
   10417          35 :                         ZoneLoad = 0.0;
   10418             :                     }
   10419             :                 }
   10420             :             }
   10421             :         }
   10422             : 
   10423             :         // Determine the m_Staged status
   10424     2500856 :         if (allocated(state.dataZoneCtrls->StageZoneLogic) && this->m_DesignSpecMSHPIndex > -1) {
   10425           0 :             if (state.dataZoneCtrls->StageZoneLogic(this->ControlZoneNum)) {
   10426           0 :                 this->m_Staged = true;
   10427           0 :                 this->m_StageNum = state.dataZoneEnergyDemand->ZoneSysEnergyDemand(this->ControlZoneNum).StageNum;
   10428             :             } else {
   10429           0 :                 if (this->m_MyStagedFlag) {
   10430           0 :                     ShowWarningError(state,
   10431             :                                      "ZoneControl:Thermostat:StagedDualSetpoint is found, but is not applied to this UnitarySystem "
   10432             :                                      "object with UnitarySystemPerformance:Multispeed type = ");
   10433           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, this->Name + ". Please make correction. Simulation continues...");
   10434           0 :                     this->m_MyStagedFlag = false;
   10435             :                 }
   10436             :             }
   10437             :         }
   10438             : 
   10439             :         // Staged control
   10440     2500856 :         if (this->m_Staged) {
   10441           0 :             if (this->m_StageNum == 0) {
   10442           0 :                 state.dataUnitarySystems->HeatingLoad = false;
   10443           0 :                 state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad = false;
   10444           0 :                 QZnReq = 0.0;
   10445             :             } else {
   10446           0 :                 QZnReq =
   10447           0 :                     state.dataZoneEnergyDemand->ZoneSysEnergyDemand(this->ControlZoneNum).RemainingOutputRequired / this->ControlZoneMassFlowFrac;
   10448           0 :                 if (QZnReq > 0.0) {
   10449           0 :                     state.dataUnitarySystems->HeatingLoad = true;
   10450           0 :                     state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad = false;
   10451             :                 } else {
   10452           0 :                     state.dataUnitarySystems->HeatingLoad = false;
   10453           0 :                     state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad = true;
   10454             :                 }
   10455             :             }
   10456             :         }
   10457             : 
   10458     2500856 :         if (this->m_DehumidControlType_Num == DehumCtrlType::Multimode) {
   10459       84088 :             if (state.dataUnitarySystems->HeatingLoad) state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad = 0.0;
   10460             :         }
   10461             : 
   10462             :         // Check load control
   10463     2500856 :         if (this->m_RunOnLatentOnlyWithSensible && ZoneLoad == 0.0) state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad = 0.0;
   10464     2500856 :         if (!this->m_RunOnSensibleLoad) {
   10465           0 :             ZoneLoad = 0.0;
   10466           0 :             state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad = false;
   10467           0 :             state.dataUnitarySystems->HeatingLoad = false;
   10468             :         }
   10469     2500856 :         if (!this->m_RunOnLatentLoad) state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad = 0.0;
   10470             : 
   10471             :         // Testing heat pump air to air with RH control with CoolReheat dehumidifaction control showed that when there was heating
   10472             :         // and moisture load, the cooling coil was turning on to meet the moisture load and reheat was then turning on to meet both
   10473             :         // heating load and excess cooling load caused by cooling coil. Adding the logic below caused the zone temperature,
   10474             :         // relative humidity, cooling/heating rate to line up for both the orignal and new file with unitary system object.
   10475             : 
   10476     2500856 :         if (this->m_SuppCoilExists) {
   10477      747475 :             if (this->m_DehumidControlType_Num == DehumCtrlType::CoolReheat) {
   10478       40970 :                 if (state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad < 0.0 && this->m_HeatPump) {
   10479        4590 :                     state.dataUnitarySystems->HeatingLoad = false;
   10480        4590 :                     state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad = true;
   10481             :                 }
   10482             :             }
   10483             :         }
   10484             : 
   10485             :         // set report variables for predicted sensible and latent load
   10486     2500856 :         this->m_SensibleLoadPredicted = ZoneLoad;
   10487     2500856 :         this->m_MoistureLoadPredicted = state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad;
   10488             :     }
   10489             : 
   10490    25975524 :     void UnitarySys::setOnOffMassFlowRate(EnergyPlusData &state,
   10491             :                                           Real64 &OnOffAirFlowRatio, // ratio of coil on to coil off air flow rate
   10492             :                                           Real64 const PartLoadRatio // coil part-load ratio
   10493             :     )
   10494             :     {
   10495             : 
   10496             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
   10497             :         //       AUTHOR         Chandan Sharma
   10498             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   May 2013
   10499             : 
   10500             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
   10501             :         // This subroutine is for initializations of the components.
   10502             : 
   10503             :         // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
   10504             :         // The unitarysystem may have alternate air flow rates
   10505             :         // in cooling, heating, and when no cooling or heating is needed. Set up the coil (comp) ON and OFF
   10506             :         // air flow rates. Use these flow rates during the Calc routines to set the average mass flow rates
   10507             :         // based on PLR.
   10508             : 
   10509             :         // REFERENCES:
   10510             :         // Based on SetOnOffMassFlowRate by Richard Raustad
   10511             : 
   10512    25975524 :         int HeatSpeedNum = 0;
   10513    25975524 :         int CoolSpeedNum = 0;
   10514             : 
   10515    25975524 :         state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOffMassFlow = 0.0;
   10516    25975524 :         state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOffFlowRatio = 0.0;
   10517    25975524 :         state.dataUnitarySystems->m_massFlow1 = 0.0;
   10518    25975524 :         state.dataUnitarySystems->m_massFlow2 = 0.0;
   10519    25975524 :         state.dataUnitarySystems->OACompOnMassFlow = 0.0;
   10520    25975524 :         state.dataUnitarySystems->OACompOffMassFlow = 0.0;
   10521             : 
   10522             :         // Set the compressor or coil ON mass flow rate
   10523    25975524 :         if (state.dataUnitarySystems->HeatingLoad) {
   10524             : 
   10525     9933372 :             this->m_LastMode = HeatingMode;
   10526             : 
   10527     9933372 :             if (this->m_MultiOrVarSpeedHeatCoil) {
   10528             : 
   10529     1317603 :                 HeatSpeedNum = this->m_HeatingSpeedNum;
   10530             : 
   10531     1317603 :                 if (HeatSpeedNum == 0) {
   10532      256025 :                     state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnMassFlow = this->MaxNoCoolHeatAirMassFlow;
   10533      256025 :                     state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnFlowRatio = this->m_NoLoadAirFlowRateRatio;
   10534     1061578 :                 } else if (HeatSpeedNum == 1) {
   10535      338442 :                     state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnMassFlow = this->m_HeatMassFlowRate[1];
   10536      338442 :                     state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnFlowRatio = this->m_MSHeatingSpeedRatio[1];
   10537      723136 :                 } else if (HeatSpeedNum > 1) {
   10538      723136 :                     state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnMassFlow = this->m_HeatMassFlowRate[HeatSpeedNum];
   10539      723136 :                     state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnFlowRatio = this->m_MSHeatingSpeedRatio[HeatSpeedNum];
   10540             :                 }
   10541             :                 // Set the compressor or coil OFF mass flow rate based on LOGICAL flag
   10542             :                 // UseCompressorOnFlow is used when the user does not enter a value for no cooling or heating flow rate
   10543     1317603 :                 if (this->m_FanOpMode == DataHVACGlobals::ContFanCycCoil) {
   10544      541127 :                     if (state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad < 0.0 && this->m_Humidistat &&
   10545           0 :                         this->m_DehumidControlType_Num == DehumCtrlType::CoolReheat) {
   10546           0 :                         if (this->m_MultiOrVarSpeedCoolCoil) {
   10547           0 :                             CoolSpeedNum = this->m_CoolingSpeedNum;
   10548           0 :                             if (CoolSpeedNum < 1) {
   10549           0 :                                 state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnMassFlow = this->MaxNoCoolHeatAirMassFlow;
   10550           0 :                                 state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOffMassFlow = this->MaxNoCoolHeatAirMassFlow;
   10551           0 :                                 state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOffFlowRatio = this->m_NoLoadAirFlowRateRatio;
   10552           0 :                             } else if (CoolSpeedNum == 1) {
   10553           0 :                                 state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnMassFlow = this->m_CoolMassFlowRate[1];
   10554           0 :                                 state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOffMassFlow = this->m_CoolMassFlowRate[1];
   10555           0 :                                 state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOffFlowRatio = this->m_MSCoolingSpeedRatio[1];
   10556           0 :                             } else if (CoolSpeedNum > 1) {
   10557           0 :                                 state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnMassFlow = this->m_CoolMassFlowRate[CoolSpeedNum];
   10558           0 :                                 state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOffMassFlow = this->m_CoolMassFlowRate[CoolSpeedNum - 1];
   10559           0 :                                 state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOffFlowRatio = this->m_MSCoolingSpeedRatio[CoolSpeedNum - 1];
   10560             :                             }
   10561             :                         } else {
   10562           0 :                             state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOffMassFlow = this->MaxCoolAirMassFlow;
   10563           0 :                             state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOffFlowRatio = this->m_CoolingFanSpeedRatio;
   10564             :                         }
   10565           0 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->OACompOnMassFlow = this->m_CoolOutAirMassFlow;
   10566             :                     } else {
   10567      541127 :                         if (HeatSpeedNum == 0) {
   10568      117303 :                             state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOffMassFlow = this->MaxNoCoolHeatAirMassFlow;
   10569      117303 :                             state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOffFlowRatio = this->m_NoLoadAirFlowRateRatio;
   10570      423824 :                         } else if (HeatSpeedNum == 1) {
   10571      114578 :                             state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOffMassFlow = this->m_HeatMassFlowRate[HeatSpeedNum];
   10572      114578 :                             state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOffFlowRatio = this->m_HeatMassFlowRate[HeatSpeedNum];
   10573             :                         } else {
   10574      309246 :                             state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOffMassFlow = this->m_HeatMassFlowRate[HeatSpeedNum - 1];
   10575      309246 :                             state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOffFlowRatio = this->m_MSHeatingSpeedRatio[HeatSpeedNum - 1];
   10576             :                         }
   10577      541127 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->OACompOnMassFlow = this->m_HeatOutAirMassFlow;
   10578             :                         // only used for PTUnit to UnitarySystem conversion, should use all the time
   10579     1055720 :                         if (this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedAC || this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedHP ||
   10580      514593 :                             this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedWSHP) {
   10581       26534 :                             state.dataUnitarySystems->OACompOffMassFlow = this->m_HeatOutAirMassFlow;
   10582             :                         }
   10583             :                     }
   10584             :                 } else { // cycling fan mode
   10585      776476 :                     if (HeatSpeedNum <= 1) {
   10586      362586 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOffMassFlow = 0.0; // #5518
   10587      362586 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOffFlowRatio = 0.0;
   10588             :                     } else {
   10589      413890 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOffMassFlow = this->m_HeatMassFlowRate[HeatSpeedNum - 1];
   10590      413890 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOffFlowRatio = this->m_MSHeatingSpeedRatio[HeatSpeedNum - 1];
   10591             :                     }
   10592             :                     // only used for PTUnit to UnitarySystem conversion, should use all the time
   10593     1529972 :                     if (this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedAC || this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedHP ||
   10594      753496 :                         this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedWSHP) {
   10595       49230 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->OACompOnMassFlow = this->m_HeatOutAirMassFlow;
   10596             :                         // does this assume OA flow <= min speed flow? wihtout this there are SolveRoot failures.
   10597       49230 :                         if (HeatSpeedNum > 1) {
   10598       25720 :                             state.dataUnitarySystems->OACompOffMassFlow = this->m_HeatOutAirMassFlow;
   10599             :                         }
   10600             :                     }
   10601             :                 }
   10602             :             } else { // IF(MultiOrVarSpeedHeatCoil) THEN
   10603             :                 //   If a heating and moisture load exists, operate at the cooling mass flow rate ELSE operate at the heating flow rate
   10604    17246042 :                 if (state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad < 0.0 && this->m_Humidistat &&
   10605     8630273 :                     this->m_DehumidControlType_Num == DehumCtrlType::CoolReheat && !this->m_DXHeatingCoil) {
   10606        7252 :                     if (this->m_MultiOrVarSpeedCoolCoil) {
   10607           0 :                         CoolSpeedNum = this->m_CoolingSpeedNum;
   10608           0 :                         if (CoolSpeedNum < 1) {
   10609           0 :                             state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnMassFlow = this->MaxNoCoolHeatAirMassFlow;
   10610           0 :                             state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnFlowRatio = this->m_NoLoadAirFlowRateRatio;
   10611           0 :                         } else if (CoolSpeedNum == 1) {
   10612           0 :                             state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnMassFlow = this->m_CoolMassFlowRate[1];
   10613           0 :                             state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnFlowRatio = this->m_MSCoolingSpeedRatio[1];
   10614             :                         } else {
   10615           0 :                             state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnMassFlow = this->m_CoolMassFlowRate[CoolSpeedNum];
   10616           0 :                             state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnFlowRatio = this->m_MSCoolingSpeedRatio[CoolSpeedNum];
   10617             :                         }
   10618             :                     } else { // IF (MultiOrVarSpeedCoolCoil) THEN
   10619        7252 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnMassFlow = this->MaxCoolAirMassFlow;
   10620        7252 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnFlowRatio = this->m_CoolingFanSpeedRatio;
   10621        7252 :                         if (this->m_FanOpMode == DataHVACGlobals::ContFanCycCoil) {
   10622        7252 :                             state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOffMassFlow = this->MaxNoCoolHeatAirMassFlow;
   10623        7252 :                             state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOffFlowRatio = this->m_CoolingFanSpeedRatio;
   10624             :                         }
   10625             :                     }
   10626        7252 :                     state.dataUnitarySystems->OACompOnMassFlow = this->m_CoolOutAirMassFlow;
   10627             :                 } else { // Heating load but no moisture load
   10628    11726061 :                     if (this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedAC || this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedHP ||
   10629     3117544 :                         this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedWSHP) {
   10630             :                         // this was missing for heating mode where multi speed coils are used
   10631     5555925 :                         if (this->m_MultiOrVarSpeedHeatCoil) {
   10632           0 :                             if (HeatSpeedNum == 0) {
   10633           0 :                                 state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnMassFlow = this->MaxNoCoolHeatAirMassFlow;
   10634           0 :                                 state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnFlowRatio = this->m_NoLoadAirFlowRateRatio;
   10635           0 :                             } else if (HeatSpeedNum == 1) {
   10636           0 :                                 state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnMassFlow = this->m_HeatMassFlowRate[1];
   10637           0 :                                 state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnFlowRatio = this->m_MSHeatingSpeedRatio[1];
   10638           0 :                             } else if (HeatSpeedNum > 1) {
   10639           0 :                                 state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnMassFlow = this->m_HeatMassFlowRate[HeatSpeedNum];
   10640           0 :                                 state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnFlowRatio = this->m_MSHeatingSpeedRatio[HeatSpeedNum];
   10641             :                             }
   10642             :                         } else {
   10643     5555925 :                             state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnMassFlow = this->MaxHeatAirMassFlow;
   10644     5555925 :                             state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnFlowRatio = this->m_HeatingFanSpeedRatio;
   10645     5555925 :                             state.dataUnitarySystems->OACompOnMassFlow = this->m_HeatOutAirMassFlow;
   10646             :                         }
   10647    11111850 :                         if (this->m_FanOpMode == DataHVACGlobals::ContFanCycCoil) {
   10648     1611326 :                             state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOffMassFlow = this->MaxNoCoolHeatAirMassFlow;
   10649     1611326 :                             state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOffFlowRatio = this->m_NoLoadAirFlowRateRatio;
   10650     1611326 :                             state.dataUnitarySystems->OACompOffMassFlow = this->m_HeatOutAirMassFlow;
   10651             :                         }
   10652             :                     } else {
   10653     3052592 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnMassFlow = this->MaxHeatAirMassFlow;
   10654     3052592 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnFlowRatio = this->m_HeatingFanSpeedRatio;
   10655     3052592 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->OACompOnMassFlow = this->m_HeatOutAirMassFlow;
   10656     3052592 :                         if (this->m_FanOpMode == DataHVACGlobals::ContFanCycCoil) {
   10657     2623182 :                             if (this->m_AirFlowControl == UseCompFlow::On) {
   10658       34134 :                                 state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOffMassFlow = this->MaxHeatAirMassFlow;
   10659       34134 :                                 state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOffFlowRatio = this->m_HeatingFanSpeedRatio;
   10660       34134 :                                 state.dataUnitarySystems->OACompOffMassFlow = this->m_HeatOutAirMassFlow;
   10661             :                             } else {
   10662     2589048 :                                 state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOffMassFlow = this->MaxNoCoolHeatAirMassFlow;
   10663     2589048 :                                 state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOffFlowRatio = this->m_HeatingFanSpeedRatio;
   10664     2589048 :                                 state.dataUnitarySystems->OACompOffMassFlow = this->m_NoCoolHeatOutAirMassFlow;
   10665             :                             }
   10666             :                         }
   10667             :                     }
   10668             :                 }
   10669             :             }
   10670             : 
   10671             :             // If a cooling load exists, operate at the cooling mass flow rate
   10672    16042152 :         } else if (state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad) {
   10673             : 
   10674    15108889 :             this->m_LastMode = CoolingMode;
   10675             : 
   10676    15108889 :             if (this->m_MultiOrVarSpeedCoolCoil) {
   10677             : 
   10678     6563780 :                 CoolSpeedNum = this->m_CoolingSpeedNum;
   10679             : 
   10680     6563780 :                 if (CoolSpeedNum == 0) {
   10681     1549913 :                     state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnMassFlow = this->MaxNoCoolHeatAirMassFlow;
   10682     1549913 :                     state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnFlowRatio = this->m_NoLoadAirFlowRateRatio;
   10683     1549913 :                     state.dataUnitarySystems->OACompOnMassFlow = this->m_NoCoolHeatOutAirMassFlow;
   10684     5013867 :                 } else if (CoolSpeedNum == 1) {
   10685     2332843 :                     state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnMassFlow = this->m_CoolMassFlowRate[1];
   10686     2332843 :                     state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnFlowRatio = this->m_MSCoolingSpeedRatio[1];
   10687     2332843 :                     state.dataUnitarySystems->OACompOnMassFlow = this->m_CoolOutAirMassFlow;
   10688     2681024 :                 } else if (CoolSpeedNum > 1) {
   10689     2681024 :                     state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnMassFlow = this->m_CoolMassFlowRate[CoolSpeedNum];
   10690     2681024 :                     state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnFlowRatio = this->m_MSCoolingSpeedRatio[CoolSpeedNum];
   10691     2681024 :                     state.dataUnitarySystems->OACompOnMassFlow = this->m_CoolOutAirMassFlow;
   10692             :                 }
   10693             :                 // Set the compressor or coil OFF mass flow rate based on LOGICAL flag
   10694             :                 // UseCompressorOnFlow is used when the user does not enter a value for no cooling or heating flow rate
   10695             :                 //    IF(UnitarySystem(UnitarySysNum)%FanOpMode == DataHVACGlobals::ContFanCycCoil)THEN
   10696             :                 //      IF (UnitarySystem(UnitarySysNum)%AirFlowControl .EQ. UseCompressorOnFlow) THEN
   10697     6563780 :                 if (this->m_FanOpMode == DataHVACGlobals::ContFanCycCoil) {
   10698     4854378 :                     if (CoolSpeedNum == 0) {
   10699     1268224 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOffMassFlow = this->MaxNoCoolHeatAirMassFlow;
   10700     1268224 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOffFlowRatio = this->m_NoLoadAirFlowRateRatio;
   10701     1268224 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->OACompOffMassFlow = this->m_NoCoolHeatOutAirMassFlow;
   10702     3586154 :                     } else if (CoolSpeedNum == 1) {
   10703     1510240 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOffMassFlow = this->m_CoolMassFlowRate[CoolSpeedNum];
   10704     1510240 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOffFlowRatio = this->m_CoolMassFlowRate[CoolSpeedNum];
   10705     1510240 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->OACompOffMassFlow = this->m_CoolOutAirMassFlow;
   10706             :                     } else {
   10707     2075914 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOffMassFlow = this->m_CoolMassFlowRate[CoolSpeedNum - 1];
   10708     2075914 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOffFlowRatio = this->m_MSCoolingSpeedRatio[CoolSpeedNum - 1];
   10709     2075914 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->OACompOffMassFlow = this->m_CoolOutAirMassFlow;
   10710             :                     }
   10711             :                 } else { // cycling fan mode
   10712     1709402 :                     if (CoolSpeedNum <= 1) {
   10713     1104292 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOffMassFlow = 0.0; // #5518
   10714     1104292 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOffFlowRatio = 0.0;
   10715             :                     } else {
   10716      605110 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOffMassFlow = this->m_CoolMassFlowRate[CoolSpeedNum - 1];
   10717      605110 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOffFlowRatio = this->m_MSCoolingSpeedRatio[CoolSpeedNum - 1];
   10718      605110 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->OACompOffMassFlow = this->m_CoolOutAirMassFlow;
   10719             :                     }
   10720             :                 }
   10721             :             } else { // IF(MultiOrVarSpeedCoolCoil(UnitarySysNum)) THEN
   10722     8545109 :                 state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnMassFlow = this->MaxCoolAirMassFlow;
   10723     8545109 :                 state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnFlowRatio = this->m_CoolingFanSpeedRatio;
   10724     8545109 :                 state.dataUnitarySystems->OACompOnMassFlow = this->m_CoolOutAirMassFlow;
   10725     8545109 :                 if (this->m_FanOpMode == DataHVACGlobals::ContFanCycCoil) {
   10726     2791051 :                     if (this->m_AirFlowControl == UseCompFlow::On) {
   10727      620538 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOffMassFlow = this->MaxCoolAirMassFlow;
   10728      620538 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOffFlowRatio = this->m_CoolingFanSpeedRatio;
   10729      620538 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->OACompOffMassFlow = this->m_CoolOutAirMassFlow;
   10730             :                     } else {
   10731     2170513 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOffMassFlow = this->MaxNoCoolHeatAirMassFlow;
   10732     2170513 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOffFlowRatio = this->m_CoolingFanSpeedRatio;
   10733     2170513 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->OACompOffMassFlow = this->m_NoCoolHeatOutAirMassFlow;
   10734             :                     }
   10735             :                 }
   10736             :             }
   10737             : 
   10738             :         } else { // No load
   10739             :             // If no load exists, set the compressor on mass flow rate.
   10740             :             // Set equal the mass flow rate when no heating or cooling is needed If no moisture load exists.
   10741             :             // If the user has set the off mass flow rate to 0, set according to the last operating mode.
   10742             : 
   10743      933263 :             if (state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad < 0.0 && this->m_Humidistat && this->m_DehumidControlType_Num == DehumCtrlType::CoolReheat) {
   10744       43716 :                 if (this->m_MultiOrVarSpeedCoolCoil) {
   10745       43128 :                     CoolSpeedNum = this->m_CoolingSpeedNum;
   10746       43128 :                     if (CoolSpeedNum < 1) {
   10747       43128 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnMassFlow = this->MaxNoCoolHeatAirMassFlow;
   10748       43128 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnFlowRatio = this->m_NoLoadAirFlowRateRatio;
   10749       43128 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->OACompOnMassFlow = this->m_NoCoolHeatOutAirMassFlow;
   10750           0 :                     } else if (CoolSpeedNum == 1) {
   10751           0 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnMassFlow = this->m_CoolMassFlowRate[1];
   10752           0 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnFlowRatio = this->m_MSCoolingSpeedRatio[1];
   10753           0 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->OACompOnMassFlow = this->m_CoolOutAirMassFlow;
   10754             :                     } else {
   10755           0 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnMassFlow = this->m_CoolMassFlowRate[CoolSpeedNum];
   10756           0 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnFlowRatio = this->m_MSCoolingSpeedRatio[CoolSpeedNum];
   10757           0 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->OACompOnMassFlow = this->m_CoolOutAirMassFlow;
   10758             :                     }
   10759             : 
   10760       43128 :                     if (this->m_FanOpMode == DataHVACGlobals::ContFanCycCoil) {
   10761       43128 :                         if (this->m_AirFlowControl == UseCompFlow::On) {
   10762           0 :                             if (CoolSpeedNum <= 1) {
   10763           0 :                                 state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOffMassFlow = this->MaxNoCoolHeatAirMassFlow;
   10764           0 :                                 state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOffFlowRatio = this->m_NoLoadAirFlowRateRatio;
   10765           0 :                                 state.dataUnitarySystems->OACompOffMassFlow = this->m_NoCoolHeatOutAirMassFlow;
   10766             :                             } else {
   10767           0 :                                 state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOffMassFlow = this->m_CoolMassFlowRate[CoolSpeedNum - 1];
   10768           0 :                                 state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOffFlowRatio = this->m_MSCoolingSpeedRatio[CoolSpeedNum - 1];
   10769           0 :                                 state.dataUnitarySystems->OACompOffMassFlow = this->m_CoolOutAirMassFlow;
   10770             :                             }
   10771             :                         } else {
   10772       43128 :                             state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOffMassFlow = this->MaxNoCoolHeatAirMassFlow;
   10773       43128 :                             state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOffFlowRatio = this->m_NoLoadAirFlowRateRatio;
   10774       43128 :                             state.dataUnitarySystems->OACompOffMassFlow = this->m_CoolOutAirMassFlow;
   10775             :                         }
   10776             :                     }
   10777             : 
   10778             :                 } else { // IF (MultiOrVarSpeedCoolCoil(UnitarySysNum)) THEN
   10779         588 :                     state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnMassFlow = this->MaxCoolAirMassFlow;
   10780         588 :                     state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnFlowRatio = this->m_CoolingFanSpeedRatio;
   10781         588 :                     state.dataUnitarySystems->OACompOnMassFlow = this->m_CoolOutAirMassFlow;
   10782         588 :                     if (this->m_FanOpMode == DataHVACGlobals::ContFanCycCoil) {
   10783         588 :                         if (this->m_AirFlowControl == UseCompFlow::On) {
   10784           0 :                             state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOffMassFlow = this->MaxCoolAirMassFlow;
   10785           0 :                             state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOffFlowRatio = this->m_CoolingFanSpeedRatio;
   10786           0 :                             state.dataUnitarySystems->OACompOffMassFlow = this->m_CoolOutAirMassFlow;
   10787             :                         } else {
   10788         588 :                             state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOffMassFlow = this->MaxNoCoolHeatAirMassFlow;
   10789         588 :                             state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOffFlowRatio = this->m_CoolingFanSpeedRatio;
   10790         588 :                             state.dataUnitarySystems->OACompOffMassFlow = this->m_NoCoolHeatOutAirMassFlow;
   10791             :                         }
   10792             :                     }
   10793             :                 }
   10794             : 
   10795             :             } else { // No Moisture Load
   10796             : 
   10797      889547 :                 if (this->m_LastMode == HeatingMode) {
   10798             :                     // this needs to be corrected to include UseCompressorOnFlow
   10799      203764 :                     if (this->m_MultiOrVarSpeedHeatCoil) {
   10800       12044 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnMassFlow = this->MaxNoCoolHeatAirMassFlow;
   10801       12044 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnFlowRatio = this->m_NoLoadAirFlowRateRatio;
   10802             :                     } else {
   10803      191720 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnMassFlow = this->MaxNoCoolHeatAirMassFlow;
   10804      191720 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnFlowRatio = 1.0;
   10805             :                     }
   10806             :                     // this needs to happen regardless of system except maybe the CoilSystem objects
   10807             :                     // do this only for PTUnit for the time being to reduce diffs for the PTUnit to UnitarySystem conversion
   10808      370426 :                     if (this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedAC || this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedHP ||
   10809      166662 :                         this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedWSHP) {
   10810       42555 :                         if (this->m_FanOpMode == DataHVACGlobals::ContFanCycCoil) {
   10811       27108 :                             if (this->m_AirFlowControl == UseCompFlow::On) {
   10812        5804 :                                 state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOffMassFlow = this->MaxNoCoolHeatAirMassFlow;
   10813        5804 :                                 state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOffFlowRatio = this->m_HeatingFanSpeedRatio;
   10814        5804 :                                 state.dataUnitarySystems->OACompOffMassFlow = this->m_HeatOutAirMassFlow;
   10815             :                             }
   10816             :                         }
   10817             :                     }
   10818             :                 } else {
   10819             :                     // this needs to be corrected to include UseCompressorOnFlow
   10820      685783 :                     if (this->m_MultiOrVarSpeedCoolCoil) {
   10821      548196 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnMassFlow = this->MaxNoCoolHeatAirMassFlow;
   10822      548196 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnFlowRatio = this->m_NoLoadAirFlowRateRatio;
   10823             :                     } else {
   10824      137587 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnMassFlow = this->MaxNoCoolHeatAirMassFlow;
   10825      137587 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnFlowRatio = 1.0;
   10826             :                     }
   10827             :                 }
   10828      889547 :                 state.dataUnitarySystems->OACompOnMassFlow = this->m_NoCoolHeatOutAirMassFlow;
   10829      889547 :                 if (state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnMassFlow == 0.0) {
   10830       66453 :                     if (this->m_LastMode == HeatingMode) {
   10831       21037 :                         if (this->m_MultiOrVarSpeedHeatCoil) {
   10832        2918 :                             HeatSpeedNum = this->m_HeatingSpeedNum;
   10833        2918 :                             if (HeatSpeedNum == 0) {
   10834        2908 :                                 state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnMassFlow = this->MaxNoCoolHeatAirMassFlow;
   10835        2908 :                                 state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnFlowRatio = this->m_NoLoadAirFlowRateRatio;
   10836          10 :                             } else if (HeatSpeedNum == 1) {
   10837          10 :                                 state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnMassFlow = this->m_HeatMassFlowRate[1];
   10838          10 :                                 state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnFlowRatio = this->m_MSHeatingSpeedRatio[1];
   10839           0 :                             } else if (HeatSpeedNum > 1) {
   10840           0 :                                 state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnMassFlow = this->m_HeatMassFlowRate[HeatSpeedNum];
   10841           0 :                                 state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnFlowRatio = this->m_MSHeatingSpeedRatio[HeatSpeedNum];
   10842             :                             }
   10843             :                         } else { // IF(MultiOrVarSpeedHeatCoil) THEN
   10844       18119 :                             state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnMassFlow = this->MaxHeatAirMassFlow;
   10845       18119 :                             state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnFlowRatio = this->m_HeatingFanSpeedRatio;
   10846             :                         }
   10847             :                     } else { // IF(UnitarySystem(UnitarySysNum)%LastMode .EQ. HeatingMode)THEN
   10848       45416 :                         if (this->m_MultiOrVarSpeedCoolCoil) {
   10849        7270 :                             CoolSpeedNum = this->m_CoolingSpeedNum;
   10850        7270 :                             if (CoolSpeedNum == 0) {
   10851        7270 :                                 state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnMassFlow = this->MaxNoCoolHeatAirMassFlow;
   10852        7270 :                                 state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnFlowRatio = this->m_NoLoadAirFlowRateRatio;
   10853           0 :                             } else if (CoolSpeedNum == 1) {
   10854           0 :                                 state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnMassFlow = this->m_CoolMassFlowRate[1];
   10855           0 :                                 state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnFlowRatio = this->m_MSCoolingSpeedRatio[1];
   10856           0 :                             } else if (CoolSpeedNum > 1) {
   10857           0 :                                 state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnMassFlow = this->m_CoolMassFlowRate[CoolSpeedNum];
   10858           0 :                                 state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnFlowRatio = this->m_MSCoolingSpeedRatio[CoolSpeedNum];
   10859             :                             }
   10860             :                         } else { // IF(MultiOrVarSpeedCoolCoil) THEN
   10861       38146 :                             state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnMassFlow = this->MaxCoolAirMassFlow;
   10862       38146 :                             state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnFlowRatio = this->m_CoolingFanSpeedRatio;
   10863             :                         } // IF(MultiOrVarSpeedCoolCoil) THEN
   10864             :                     }     // IF(UnitarySystem(UnitarySysNum)%LastMode .EQ. HeatingMode)THEN
   10865             :                 }         // IF(CompOnMassFlow .EQ. 0.0d0)THEN
   10866             : 
   10867      889547 :                 if (this->m_FanOpMode == DataHVACGlobals::ContFanCycCoil) {
   10868      591491 :                     if (this->m_AirFlowControl == UseCompFlow::On) {
   10869       32746 :                         if (this->m_LastMode == HeatingMode) {
   10870        8910 :                             if (this->m_MultiOrVarSpeedHeatCoil) {
   10871        1710 :                                 HeatSpeedNum = this->m_HeatingSpeedNum;
   10872        1710 :                                 if (HeatSpeedNum < 1) {
   10873        1710 :                                     state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOffMassFlow = this->MaxNoCoolHeatAirMassFlow;
   10874        1710 :                                     state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOffFlowRatio = this->m_NoLoadAirFlowRateRatio;
   10875        1710 :                                     state.dataUnitarySystems->OACompOffMassFlow = this->m_NoCoolHeatOutAirMassFlow;
   10876           0 :                                 } else if (HeatSpeedNum == 1) {
   10877           0 :                                     state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOffMassFlow = this->m_HeatMassFlowRate[1];
   10878           0 :                                     state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOffFlowRatio = this->m_MSHeatingSpeedRatio[1];
   10879           0 :                                     state.dataUnitarySystems->OACompOffMassFlow = this->m_HeatOutAirMassFlow;
   10880             :                                 } else {
   10881           0 :                                     state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOffMassFlow = this->m_HeatMassFlowRate[HeatSpeedNum - 1];
   10882           0 :                                     state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOffFlowRatio = this->m_MSHeatingSpeedRatio[HeatSpeedNum - 1];
   10883           0 :                                     state.dataUnitarySystems->OACompOffMassFlow = this->m_HeatOutAirMassFlow;
   10884             :                                 }
   10885             :                             } else {
   10886             :                                 // this is a no load case, added if for PTUnit to correct this for PTUnit to UnitarySystem conversion
   10887             :                                 // the else is incorrect?
   10888        8794 :                                 if (this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedAC || this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedHP ||
   10889        1594 :                                     this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedWSHP) {
   10890       11212 :                                     if (this->m_FanOpMode == DataHVACGlobals::ContFanCycCoil) {
   10891        5606 :                                         if (this->m_AirFlowControl == UseCompFlow::On) {
   10892        5606 :                                             state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOffMassFlow = this->MaxNoCoolHeatAirMassFlow;
   10893        5606 :                                             state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOffFlowRatio = this->m_HeatingFanSpeedRatio;
   10894        5606 :                                             state.dataUnitarySystems->OACompOffMassFlow = this->m_HeatOutAirMassFlow;
   10895             :                                         }
   10896             :                                     }
   10897             :                                 } else {
   10898        1594 :                                     state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOffMassFlow = this->MaxHeatAirMassFlow;
   10899        1594 :                                     state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOffFlowRatio = this->m_HeatingFanSpeedRatio;
   10900        1594 :                                     state.dataUnitarySystems->OACompOffMassFlow = this->m_HeatOutAirMassFlow;
   10901             :                                 }
   10902             :                             }
   10903             :                         } else { // IF(UnitarySystem(UnitarySysNum)%LastMode .EQ. HeatingMode)THEN
   10904       23836 :                             if (this->m_MultiOrVarSpeedCoolCoil) {
   10905        5926 :                                 CoolSpeedNum = this->m_CoolingSpeedNum;
   10906        5926 :                                 if (CoolSpeedNum < 1) {
   10907        5906 :                                     state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOffMassFlow = this->MaxNoCoolHeatAirMassFlow;
   10908        5906 :                                     state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOffFlowRatio = this->m_NoLoadAirFlowRateRatio;
   10909        5906 :                                     state.dataUnitarySystems->OACompOffMassFlow = this->m_NoCoolHeatOutAirMassFlow;
   10910          20 :                                 } else if (CoolSpeedNum == 1) {
   10911          20 :                                     state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOffMassFlow = this->m_CoolMassFlowRate[1];
   10912          20 :                                     state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOffFlowRatio = this->m_MSCoolingSpeedRatio[1];
   10913          20 :                                     state.dataUnitarySystems->OACompOffMassFlow = this->m_CoolOutAirMassFlow;
   10914             :                                 } else {
   10915           0 :                                     state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOffMassFlow = this->m_CoolMassFlowRate[CoolSpeedNum - 1];
   10916           0 :                                     state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOffFlowRatio = this->m_MSCoolingSpeedRatio[CoolSpeedNum - 1];
   10917           0 :                                     state.dataUnitarySystems->OACompOffMassFlow = this->m_CoolOutAirMassFlow;
   10918             :                                 }
   10919             :                             } else {
   10920       17910 :                                 state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOffMassFlow = this->MaxCoolAirMassFlow;
   10921       17910 :                                 state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOffFlowRatio = this->m_CoolingFanSpeedRatio;
   10922       17910 :                                 state.dataUnitarySystems->OACompOffMassFlow = this->m_CoolOutAirMassFlow;
   10923             :                             }
   10924             :                         }    // IF(UnitarySystem(UnitarySysNum)%LastMode .EQ. HeatingMode)THEN
   10925             :                     } else { // IF (UnitarySystem(UnitarySysNum)%AirFlowControl .EQ. UseCompressorOnFlow) THEN
   10926      558745 :                         if (this->m_LastMode == HeatingMode) {
   10927      108833 :                             if (this->m_MultiOrVarSpeedHeatCoil) {
   10928        6148 :                                 state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOffMassFlow = this->MaxNoCoolHeatAirMassFlow;
   10929        6148 :                                 state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOffFlowRatio = this->m_NoLoadAirFlowRateRatio;
   10930             :                             } else {
   10931      102685 :                                 state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOffMassFlow = this->MaxNoCoolHeatAirMassFlow;
   10932      102685 :                                 state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOffFlowRatio = this->m_HeatingFanSpeedRatio;
   10933             :                             }
   10934             :                         } else {
   10935      449912 :                             if (this->m_MultiOrVarSpeedCoolCoil) {
   10936      382342 :                                 state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOffMassFlow = this->MaxNoCoolHeatAirMassFlow;
   10937      382342 :                                 state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOffFlowRatio = this->m_NoLoadAirFlowRateRatio;
   10938             :                             } else {
   10939       67570 :                                 state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOffMassFlow = this->MaxNoCoolHeatAirMassFlow;
   10940       67570 :                                 state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOffFlowRatio = this->m_CoolingFanSpeedRatio;
   10941             :                             }
   10942             :                         }
   10943      558745 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->OACompOffMassFlow = this->m_NoCoolHeatOutAirMassFlow;
   10944             :                     } // IF (UnitarySystem(UnitarySysNum)%AirFlowControl .EQ. UseCompressorOnFlow) THEN
   10945             :                 }     // IF(UnitarySystem(UnitarySysNum)%FanOpMode == DataHVACGlobals::ContFanCycCoil)THEN
   10946             :             }         // ELSE ! No Moisture Load
   10947             :         }             // No Heating/Cooling Load
   10948             : 
   10949    25975524 :         if (this->m_FanOpMode == DataHVACGlobals::ContFanCycCoil) {
   10950    14248276 :             if (this->m_AirFlowControl == UseCompFlow::On &&
   10951     1955909 :                 (this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedAC || this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedHP || this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedWSHP)) {
   10952      872015 :                 if (this->m_LastMode == HeatingMode) {
   10953      286061 :                     state.dataUnitarySystems->OACompOffMassFlow = this->m_HeatOutAirMassFlow;
   10954             :                 } else {
   10955      585954 :                     state.dataUnitarySystems->OACompOffMassFlow = this->m_CoolOutAirMassFlow;
   10956             :                 }
   10957             :             }
   10958             :         }
   10959             : 
   10960    25975524 :         if (this->m_MultiSpeedHeatingCoil && (state.dataUnitarySystems->HeatingLoad && HeatSpeedNum == 1)) {
   10961      267171 :             state.dataHVACGlobal->MSHPMassFlowRateLow = state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnMassFlow;
   10962    25708353 :         } else if (this->m_DiscreteSpeedCoolingCoil && (state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad && CoolSpeedNum == 1)) {
   10963     2223390 :             state.dataHVACGlobal->MSHPMassFlowRateLow = state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnMassFlow;
   10964             :         } else {
   10965    23484963 :             state.dataHVACGlobal->MSHPMassFlowRateLow = state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOffMassFlow; // these need to be set for multi-speed coils
   10966             :         }
   10967    25975524 :         state.dataHVACGlobal->MSHPMassFlowRateHigh =
   10968    25975524 :             state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnMassFlow; // doesn't hurt to set these if multi-speed coils are not used
   10969             : 
   10970    25975524 :         state.dataUnitarySystems->m_massFlow1 = state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnMassFlow;
   10971    25975524 :         state.dataUnitarySystems->m_massFlow2 = state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOffMassFlow;
   10972             : 
   10973             :         // Set the system mass flow rates
   10974    25975524 :         this->setAverageAirFlow(state, PartLoadRatio, OnOffAirFlowRatio);
   10975    25975524 :     }
   10976             : 
   10977    34461894 :     void UnitarySys::setAverageAirFlow(EnergyPlusData &state,
   10978             :                                        Real64 const PartLoadRatio, // unit part load ratio
   10979             :                                        Real64 &OnOffAirFlowRatio   // ratio of compressor ON airflow to AVERAGE airflow over timestep
   10980             :     )
   10981             :     {
   10982             : 
   10983             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
   10984             :         //       AUTHOR         Richard Raustad
   10985             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   July 2005
   10986             : 
   10987             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
   10988             :         // Set the average air mass flow rates using the part-load fraction of the HVAC system for this time step
   10989             :         // Set OnOffAirFlowRatio to be used by DX coils
   10990             : 
   10991             :         // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
   10992             :         // The air flow rate in cooling, heating, and no cooling or heating can be dIFferent.
   10993             :         // Calculate the air flow rate based on initializations.
   10994             : 
   10995    34461894 :         Real64 AverageUnitMassFlow = 0.0; // average supply air mass flow rate over time step
   10996    34461894 :         bool FanOn = false;
   10997             : 
   10998    34461894 :         state.dataUnitarySystems->m_runTimeFraction1 = 0.0;
   10999    34461894 :         state.dataUnitarySystems->m_runTimeFraction2 = 0.0;
   11000             : 
   11001    34461894 :         Real64 FanPartLoadRatio = PartLoadRatio;
   11002    34461894 :         if (this->m_SimASHRAEModel) FanPartLoadRatio = this->FanPartLoadRatio;
   11003    34461894 :         int SpeedNum = max(this->m_CoolingSpeedNum, this->m_HeatingSpeedNum);
   11004    34461894 :         int InletNode = this->AirInNode;
   11005             : 
   11006    34461894 :         if (SpeedNum > 1) {
   11007     9442163 :             if ((state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad && this->m_MultiOrVarSpeedCoolCoil) ||
   11008     1671698 :                 (state.dataUnitarySystems->HeatingLoad && this->m_MultiOrVarSpeedHeatCoil)) {
   11009     8585320 :                 AverageUnitMassFlow = FanPartLoadRatio * state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnMassFlow +
   11010     4292660 :                                       (1.0 - FanPartLoadRatio) * state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOffMassFlow;
   11011             :             } else {
   11012       13996 :                 AverageUnitMassFlow = state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnMassFlow;
   11013             :             }
   11014             :         } else {
   11015    60310476 :             AverageUnitMassFlow = (FanPartLoadRatio * state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnMassFlow) +
   11016    30155238 :                                   ((1.0 - FanPartLoadRatio) * state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOffMassFlow);
   11017             :         }
   11018             : 
   11019    34461894 :         if (state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOffFlowRatio > 0.0) {
   11020    17912900 :             if (SpeedNum > 1) {
   11021     9428121 :                 if ((state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad && this->m_MultiOrVarSpeedCoolCoil) ||
   11022     1664742 :                     (state.dataUnitarySystems->HeatingLoad && this->m_MultiOrVarSpeedHeatCoil)) {
   11023     8585190 :                     state.dataUnitarySystems->FanSpeedRatio = FanPartLoadRatio * state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnFlowRatio +
   11024     4292595 :                                                               (1.0 - FanPartLoadRatio) * state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOffFlowRatio;
   11025     4292595 :                     state.dataUnitarySystems->m_runTimeFraction1 = FanPartLoadRatio;
   11026     4292595 :                     state.dataUnitarySystems->m_runTimeFraction2 = 1.0 - FanPartLoadRatio;
   11027             :                 } else {
   11028        7040 :                     state.dataUnitarySystems->FanSpeedRatio = state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnFlowRatio;
   11029        7040 :                     state.dataUnitarySystems->m_runTimeFraction1 = FanPartLoadRatio;
   11030        7040 :                     state.dataUnitarySystems->m_runTimeFraction2 = 0.0;
   11031             :                 }
   11032             :             } else {
   11033    27226530 :                 state.dataUnitarySystems->FanSpeedRatio = (FanPartLoadRatio * state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnFlowRatio) +
   11034    13613265 :                                                           ((1.0 - FanPartLoadRatio) * state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOffFlowRatio);
   11035    13613265 :                 state.dataUnitarySystems->m_runTimeFraction1 = FanPartLoadRatio;
   11036    13613265 :                 state.dataUnitarySystems->m_runTimeFraction2 = 1.0 - FanPartLoadRatio;
   11037             :             }
   11038             :         } else {
   11039    16548994 :             state.dataUnitarySystems->FanSpeedRatio = state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnFlowRatio;
   11040    16548994 :             state.dataUnitarySystems->m_runTimeFraction1 = FanPartLoadRatio;
   11041    16548994 :             state.dataUnitarySystems->m_runTimeFraction2 = 0.0;
   11042             :         }
   11043             : 
   11044    34461894 :         if (!(state.dataUnitarySystems->HeatingLoad && this->m_NumOfSpeedHeating == 0)) {
   11045    22252806 :             if (this->m_SingleMode == 1) {
   11046       76113 :                 if (this->m_FanOpMode == DataHVACGlobals::ContFanCycCoil) {
   11047           0 :                     AverageUnitMassFlow = state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnMassFlow;
   11048           0 :                     state.dataUnitarySystems->FanSpeedRatio = state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnFlowRatio;
   11049           0 :                     state.dataUnitarySystems->m_runTimeFraction1 = 1.0;
   11050           0 :                     state.dataUnitarySystems->m_runTimeFraction2 = 0.0;
   11051             :                 } else {
   11052       76113 :                     AverageUnitMassFlow = FanPartLoadRatio * state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnMassFlow;
   11053       76113 :                     state.dataUnitarySystems->FanSpeedRatio = FanPartLoadRatio * state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnFlowRatio;
   11054       76113 :                     state.dataUnitarySystems->m_runTimeFraction1 = FanPartLoadRatio;
   11055       76113 :                     state.dataUnitarySystems->m_runTimeFraction2 = 0.0;
   11056             :                 }
   11057             :             }
   11058             :         }
   11059             : 
   11060    34461894 :         if (this->OAMixerExists) {
   11061    16528733 :             Real64 AverageOAMassFlow = (FanPartLoadRatio * state.dataUnitarySystems->OACompOnMassFlow) +
   11062    16528733 :                                        ((1 - FanPartLoadRatio) * state.dataUnitarySystems->OACompOffMassFlow);
   11063             : 
   11064    16528733 :             state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->m_OAMixerNodes[0]).MassFlowRate = AverageOAMassFlow;
   11065    16528733 :             state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->m_OAMixerNodes[0]).MassFlowRateMaxAvail = AverageOAMassFlow;
   11066             :             // don't need to set relief node, delete them when working
   11067    16528733 :             state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->m_OAMixerNodes[1]).MassFlowRate = AverageOAMassFlow;
   11068    16528733 :             state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->m_OAMixerNodes[1]).MassFlowRateMaxAvail = AverageOAMassFlow;
   11069             :         }
   11070             : 
   11071             :         // BEGIN - refactor/move this to Init during FirstHVACIteration, need struct or module level global for turnFansOn and turnFansOff
   11072             :         // If the unitary system is scheduled on or nightime cycle overrides fan schedule. Uses same logic as fan.
   11073    34461894 :         if (this->m_FanExists) {
   11074    34461894 :             FanOn = false;
   11075    34461894 :             if (ScheduleManager::GetCurrentScheduleValue(state, this->m_FanAvailSchedPtr) > 0) FanOn = true;
   11076             :         } else {
   11077           0 :             FanOn = true;
   11078             :         }
   11079             :         // combine above and below into 1 logical
   11080    34461894 :         bool turnFansOn = false;
   11081    34461894 :         bool turnFansOff = false;
   11082    34461894 :         if (this->m_IsZoneEquipment) {
   11083    18410574 :             turnFansOn = state.dataHVACGlobal->ZoneCompTurnFansOn;
   11084    18410574 :             turnFansOff = state.dataHVACGlobal->ZoneCompTurnFansOff;
   11085             :         } else {
   11086    16051320 :             turnFansOn = state.dataHVACGlobal->TurnFansOn;
   11087    16051320 :             turnFansOff = state.dataHVACGlobal->TurnFansOff;
   11088             :         }
   11089             :         // END - move this to Init during FirstHVACIteration
   11090             : 
   11091    34461894 :         if (ScheduleManager::GetCurrentScheduleValue(state, this->m_SysAvailSchedPtr) > 0.0 && ((FanOn || turnFansOn) && !turnFansOff)) {
   11092    34204954 :             if (this->m_ControlType == UnitarySysCtrlType::Setpoint) {
   11093             :                 // set point based equipment should use VAV terminal units to set the flow.
   11094             :                 // zone equipment needs to set flow since no other device regulates flow (ZoneHVAC /= AirLoopEquipment)
   11095       22478 :                 if (!this->m_AirLoopEquipment) {
   11096           0 :                     state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNode).MassFlowRate = AverageUnitMassFlow;
   11097           0 :                     state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNode).MassFlowRateMaxAvail =
   11098             :                         AverageUnitMassFlow; // #5531 zone equipment needs MaxAvail set or fan will not turn ON
   11099             :                 }
   11100       22478 :                 if (AverageUnitMassFlow > 0.0) {
   11101       22478 :                     OnOffAirFlowRatio = 1.0;
   11102             :                 } else {
   11103           0 :                     OnOffAirFlowRatio = 0.0;
   11104             :                 }
   11105             :             } else {
   11106    34182476 :                 state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNode).MassFlowRate = AverageUnitMassFlow;
   11107    34182476 :                 if (!this->m_AirLoopEquipment) {
   11108    17978886 :                     state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNode).MassFlowRateMaxAvail =
   11109             :                         AverageUnitMassFlow; // #5531 zone equipment needs MaxAvail set or fan will not turn ON
   11110             :                 }
   11111    34182476 :                 if (AverageUnitMassFlow > 0.0) {
   11112    28103739 :                     if (SpeedNum > 1) {
   11113     4251072 :                         OnOffAirFlowRatio = 1.0;
   11114             :                     } else {
   11115    23852667 :                         OnOffAirFlowRatio = state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnMassFlow / AverageUnitMassFlow;
   11116             :                     }
   11117             :                 } else {
   11118     6078737 :                     OnOffAirFlowRatio = 0.0;
   11119             :                 }
   11120             :             }
   11121             :         } else {
   11122      256940 :             state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNode).MassFlowRate = 0.0;
   11123             :             // fan will turn on unless these are reset, or maybe one of them. Might be a better way when calling fan.
   11124      256940 :             state.dataUnitarySystems->m_massFlow1 = 0.0;
   11125      256940 :             state.dataUnitarySystems->m_massFlow2 = 0.0;
   11126      256940 :             OnOffAirFlowRatio = 1.0;
   11127      256940 :             if (this->OAMixerExists) {
   11128             :                 // maybe can just set MaxAvail = 0?
   11129        5640 :                 state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->m_OAMixerNodes[0]).MassFlowRate = 0.0;
   11130        5640 :                 state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->m_OAMixerNodes[0]).MassFlowRateMaxAvail = 0.0;
   11131             :                 // don't need to set relief node, delete then when working
   11132        5640 :                 state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->m_OAMixerNodes[1]).MassFlowRate = 0.0;
   11133        5640 :                 state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->m_OAMixerNodes[1]).MassFlowRateMaxAvail = 0.0;
   11134             :             }
   11135             :         }
   11136    34461894 :     }
   11137             : 
   11138    20222676 :     void UnitarySys::calcUnitarySystemToLoad(EnergyPlusData &state,
   11139             :                                              int const AirLoopNum,          // index to air loop
   11140             :                                              bool const FirstHVACIteration, // True when first HVAC iteration
   11141             :                                              Real64 const CoolPLR,          // operating cooling part-load ratio []
   11142             :                                              Real64 const HeatPLR,          // operating cooling part-load ratio []
   11143             :                                              Real64 &OnOffAirFlowRatio,     // ratio of heating PLR to cooling PLR (is this correct?)
   11144             :                                              Real64 &SensOutput,            // sensible capacity (W)
   11145             :                                              Real64 &LatOutput,             // latent capacity (W)
   11146             :                                              bool HXUnitOn,                 // Flag to control HX for HXAssisted Cooling Coil
   11147             :                                              Real64 HeatCoilLoad,           // Adjusted load to heating coil when SAT exceeds max limit (W)
   11148             :                                              Real64 SuppCoilLoad,           // Adjusted load to supp heating coil when SAT exceeds max limit (W)
   11149             :                                              DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation const CompressorOn // Determines if compressor is on or off
   11150             :     )
   11151             :     {
   11152             : 
   11153             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
   11154             :         //       AUTHOR         Richard Raustad, FSEC
   11155             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   February 2013
   11156             : 
   11157             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
   11158             :         // This subroutine calculates the resulting performance of the unitary system given
   11159             :         // the operating PLR. System output is calculated with respect to zone condition.
   11160             : 
   11161    20222676 :         Real64 CoilCoolHeatRat = 1.0; // ratio of cooling to heating PLR for cycling fan RH control
   11162             : 
   11163    20222676 :         DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation CoolingCompOn = DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::Off;
   11164    20222676 :         if (CoolPLR > 0) {
   11165     7905402 :             CoolingCompOn = CompressorOn;
   11166             :             // for multispeed coils, comp is on IF speed > 1
   11167    12317274 :         } else if (this->m_CoolingSpeedNum > 1) {
   11168      232404 :             CoolingCompOn = DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::On;
   11169             :         }
   11170             : 
   11171    20222676 :         DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation HeatingCompOn = DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::Off;
   11172    20222676 :         if (HeatPLR > 0) {
   11173     5562179 :             HeatingCompOn = CompressorOn;
   11174     5562179 :             CoilCoolHeatRat = min(1.0, CoolPLR / HeatPLR);
   11175             :         }
   11176             :         // for multispeed coils, comp is on at PLR=0 IF speed > 1
   11177    20222676 :         if (this->m_HeatingSpeedNum > 1) HeatingCompOn = DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::On;
   11178             : 
   11179             :         // set the operating flow rate
   11180    20222676 :         if (this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling > 0 || this->m_NumOfSpeedHeating > 0) {
   11181    18958919 :             this->setOnOffMassFlowRate(state, OnOffAirFlowRatio, max(CoolPLR, HeatPLR));
   11182             :         } else {
   11183     1263757 :             this->setAverageAirFlow(state, max(CoolPLR, HeatPLR), OnOffAirFlowRatio);
   11184             :         }
   11185             : 
   11186             :         // Call the series of components that simulate a Unitary System
   11187    20222676 :         if (this->ATMixerExists) {
   11188             :             // There is an air terminal mixer
   11189      789030 :             if (this->ATMixerType == DataHVACGlobals::ATMixer_InletSide) { // if there is an inlet side air terminal mixer
   11190             :                 // set the primary air inlet mass flow rate
   11191      955416 :                 state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->m_ATMixerPriNode).MassFlowRate = min(
   11192      955416 :                     state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->m_ATMixerPriNode).MassFlowRateMaxAvail, state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->AirInNode).MassFlowRate);
   11193             :                 // now calculate the the mixer outlet conditions (and the secondary air inlet flow rate)
   11194             :                 // the mixer outlet flow rate has already been set above (it is the "inlet" node flow rate)
   11195      477708 :                 SingleDuct::SimATMixer(state, this->m_ATMixerName, FirstHVACIteration, this->m_ATMixerIndex);
   11196             :             }
   11197             :         }
   11198    20222676 :         if (this->OAMixerExists) {
   11199             :             // the PTHP does one or the other, but why can't an OA Mixer exist with the AT Mixer?
   11200             :             // use of a blank std::string is not great here, but I'm not ready to change this API at the moment, so passing a static blank string is
   11201             :             // at least better than constructing a new string each time to call this function
   11202     9643630 :             MixedAir::SimOAMixer(state, blankStdString, FirstHVACIteration, this->OAMixerIndex);
   11203             :         }
   11204             : 
   11205    20222676 :         if (this->m_FanExists && this->m_FanPlace == FanPlace::BlowThru) {
   11206     9422083 :             if (this->m_FanType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::FanType_SystemModelObject) {
   11207     9864150 :                 state.dataHVACFan->fanObjs[this->m_FanIndex]->simulate(state,
   11208             :                                                                        _,
   11209             :                                                                        _,
   11210             :                                                                        _,
   11211             :                                                                        _,
   11212     1972830 :                                                                        state.dataUnitarySystems->m_massFlow1,
   11213     1972830 :                                                                        state.dataUnitarySystems->m_runTimeFraction1,
   11214     1972830 :                                                                        state.dataUnitarySystems->m_massFlow2,
   11215     1972830 :                                                                        state.dataUnitarySystems->m_runTimeFraction2,
   11216             :                                                                        _);
   11217             :             } else {
   11218     7449253 :                 if (this->m_IsZoneEquipment) {
   11219     4936924 :                     Fans::SimulateFanComponents(state,
   11220             :                                                 blankString,
   11221             :                                                 FirstHVACIteration,
   11222             :                                                 this->m_FanIndex,
   11223     1234231 :                                                 state.dataUnitarySystems->FanSpeedRatio,
   11224     1234231 :                                                 state.dataHVACGlobal->ZoneCompTurnFansOn,
   11225     1234231 :                                                 state.dataHVACGlobal->ZoneCompTurnFansOff);
   11226             :                 } else {
   11227     6215022 :                     Fans::SimulateFanComponents(state, blankString, FirstHVACIteration, this->m_FanIndex, state.dataUnitarySystems->FanSpeedRatio);
   11228             :                 }
   11229             :             }
   11230             :         }
   11231             : 
   11232    20222676 :         if (this->m_CoolingCoilUpstream) {
   11233             : 
   11234    18976664 :             if (this->m_CoolCoilExists) {
   11235    18976664 :                 this->calcUnitaryCoolingSystem(
   11236             :                     state, AirLoopNum, FirstHVACIteration, CoolPLR, CoolingCompOn, OnOffAirFlowRatio, CoilCoolHeatRat, HXUnitOn);
   11237             :             }
   11238    18976664 :             if (this->m_HeatCoilExists) {
   11239             :                 // operate the heating coil without regard to coil outlet temperature
   11240    18976664 :                 this->calcUnitaryHeatingSystem(state, AirLoopNum, FirstHVACIteration, HeatPLR, HeatingCompOn, OnOffAirFlowRatio, HeatCoilLoad);
   11241    18976664 :                 if (state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->HeatCoilOutletNodeNum).Temp > this->DesignMaxOutletTemp && !this->m_SimASHRAEModel) {
   11242      237979 :                     Real64 MDotAir = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->HeatCoilInletNodeNum).MassFlowRate;
   11243      475958 :                     Real64 CpAir = Psychrometrics::PsyCpAirFnW(0.5 * (state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->HeatCoilInletNodeNum).HumRat +
   11244      475958 :                                                                       state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->HeatCoilOutletNodeNum).HumRat));
   11245      237979 :                     Real64 HCDeltaT = this->DesignMaxOutletTemp - state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->HeatCoilInletNodeNum).Temp;
   11246      237979 :                     Real64 MaxHeatCoilLoad = MDotAir * CpAir * HCDeltaT;
   11247      237979 :                     this->calcUnitaryHeatingSystem(state, AirLoopNum, FirstHVACIteration, HeatPLR, HeatingCompOn, OnOffAirFlowRatio, MaxHeatCoilLoad);
   11248      237979 :                     HeatCoilLoad = MaxHeatCoilLoad;
   11249             :                 }
   11250             :             }
   11251             : 
   11252             :             // If blow thru fan is used, the fan must be simulated after coil sets OnOffFanPartLoadFraction
   11253    18976664 :             if (this->m_FanExists && this->m_FanPlace == FanPlace::BlowThru && state.dataHVACGlobal->OnOffFanPartLoadFraction < 1.0) {
   11254      553082 :                 if (this->m_FanType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::FanType_SystemModelObject) {
   11255      341835 :                     state.dataHVACFan->fanObjs[this->m_FanIndex]->simulate(state,
   11256             :                                                                            _,
   11257             :                                                                            _,
   11258             :                                                                            _,
   11259             :                                                                            _,
   11260       68367 :                                                                            state.dataUnitarySystems->m_massFlow1,
   11261       68367 :                                                                            state.dataUnitarySystems->m_runTimeFraction1,
   11262       68367 :                                                                            state.dataUnitarySystems->m_massFlow2,
   11263       68367 :                                                                            state.dataUnitarySystems->m_runTimeFraction2,
   11264             :                                                                            _);
   11265             :                 } else {
   11266      484715 :                     if (this->m_IsZoneEquipment) {
   11267      462572 :                         Fans::SimulateFanComponents(state,
   11268             :                                                     blankString,
   11269             :                                                     FirstHVACIteration,
   11270             :                                                     this->m_FanIndex,
   11271      115643 :                                                     state.dataUnitarySystems->FanSpeedRatio,
   11272      115643 :                                                     state.dataHVACGlobal->ZoneCompTurnFansOn,
   11273      115643 :                                                     state.dataHVACGlobal->ZoneCompTurnFansOff);
   11274             :                     } else {
   11275      738144 :                         Fans::SimulateFanComponents(
   11276      369072 :                             state, blankString, FirstHVACIteration, this->m_FanIndex, state.dataUnitarySystems->FanSpeedRatio);
   11277             :                     }
   11278             :                 }
   11279      553082 :                 if (this->m_CoolCoilExists) {
   11280      553082 :                     this->calcUnitaryCoolingSystem(
   11281             :                         state, AirLoopNum, FirstHVACIteration, CoolPLR, CoolingCompOn, OnOffAirFlowRatio, CoilCoolHeatRat, HXUnitOn);
   11282             :                 }
   11283      553082 :                 if (this->m_HeatCoilExists) {
   11284      553082 :                     this->calcUnitaryHeatingSystem(state, AirLoopNum, FirstHVACIteration, HeatPLR, HeatingCompOn, OnOffAirFlowRatio, HeatCoilLoad);
   11285      553082 :                     if (state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->HeatCoilOutletNodeNum).Temp > this->DesignMaxOutletTemp && !this->m_SimASHRAEModel) {
   11286        5424 :                         Real64 MDotAir = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->HeatCoilInletNodeNum).MassFlowRate;
   11287       10848 :                         Real64 CpAir = Psychrometrics::PsyCpAirFnW(0.5 * (state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->HeatCoilInletNodeNum).HumRat +
   11288       10848 :                                                                           state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->HeatCoilOutletNodeNum).HumRat));
   11289        5424 :                         Real64 HCDeltaT = this->DesignMaxOutletTemp - state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->HeatCoilInletNodeNum).Temp;
   11290        5424 :                         Real64 MaxHeatCoilLoad = MDotAir * CpAir * HCDeltaT;
   11291        5424 :                         this->calcUnitaryHeatingSystem(
   11292             :                             state, AirLoopNum, FirstHVACIteration, HeatPLR, HeatingCompOn, OnOffAirFlowRatio, MaxHeatCoilLoad);
   11293             :                     }
   11294             :                 }
   11295             :             }
   11296             : 
   11297             :         } else {
   11298             : 
   11299     1246012 :             if (this->m_HeatCoilExists) {
   11300     1246012 :                 this->calcUnitaryHeatingSystem(state, AirLoopNum, FirstHVACIteration, HeatPLR, HeatingCompOn, OnOffAirFlowRatio, HeatCoilLoad);
   11301     1246012 :                 if (state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->HeatCoilOutletNodeNum).Temp > this->DesignMaxOutletTemp && !this->m_SimASHRAEModel) {
   11302      167184 :                     Real64 MDotAir = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->HeatCoilInletNodeNum).MassFlowRate;
   11303      334368 :                     Real64 CpAir = Psychrometrics::PsyCpAirFnW(0.5 * (state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->HeatCoilInletNodeNum).HumRat +
   11304      334368 :                                                                       state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->HeatCoilOutletNodeNum).HumRat));
   11305      167184 :                     Real64 HCDeltaT = this->DesignMaxOutletTemp - state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->HeatCoilInletNodeNum).Temp;
   11306      167184 :                     Real64 MaxHeatCoilLoad = MDotAir * CpAir * HCDeltaT;
   11307      167184 :                     this->calcUnitaryHeatingSystem(state, AirLoopNum, FirstHVACIteration, HeatPLR, HeatingCompOn, OnOffAirFlowRatio, MaxHeatCoilLoad);
   11308             :                 }
   11309             :             }
   11310     1246012 :             if (this->m_CoolCoilExists) {
   11311     1246012 :                 this->calcUnitaryCoolingSystem(
   11312             :                     state, AirLoopNum, FirstHVACIteration, CoolPLR, CoolingCompOn, OnOffAirFlowRatio, CoilCoolHeatRat, HXUnitOn);
   11313             :             }
   11314             : 
   11315             :             // If blow thru fan is used, the fan must be simulated after coil sets OnOffFanPartLoadFraction
   11316     1246012 :             if (this->m_FanExists && this->m_FanPlace == FanPlace::BlowThru && state.dataHVACGlobal->OnOffFanPartLoadFraction < 1.0) {
   11317       18326 :                 if (this->m_FanType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::FanType_SystemModelObject) {
   11318       91630 :                     state.dataHVACFan->fanObjs[this->m_FanIndex]->simulate(state,
   11319             :                                                                            _,
   11320             :                                                                            _,
   11321             :                                                                            _,
   11322             :                                                                            _,
   11323       18326 :                                                                            state.dataUnitarySystems->m_massFlow1,
   11324       18326 :                                                                            state.dataUnitarySystems->m_runTimeFraction1,
   11325       18326 :                                                                            state.dataUnitarySystems->m_massFlow2,
   11326       18326 :                                                                            state.dataUnitarySystems->m_runTimeFraction2,
   11327             :                                                                            _);
   11328             :                 } else {
   11329           0 :                     if (this->m_IsZoneEquipment) {
   11330           0 :                         Fans::SimulateFanComponents(state,
   11331             :                                                     blankString,
   11332             :                                                     FirstHVACIteration,
   11333             :                                                     this->m_FanIndex,
   11334           0 :                                                     state.dataUnitarySystems->FanSpeedRatio,
   11335           0 :                                                     state.dataHVACGlobal->ZoneCompTurnFansOn,
   11336           0 :                                                     state.dataHVACGlobal->ZoneCompTurnFansOff);
   11337             :                     } else {
   11338           0 :                         Fans::SimulateFanComponents(
   11339           0 :                             state, blankString, FirstHVACIteration, this->m_FanIndex, state.dataUnitarySystems->FanSpeedRatio);
   11340             :                     }
   11341             :                 }
   11342       18326 :                 if (this->m_HeatCoilExists) {
   11343       18326 :                     this->calcUnitaryHeatingSystem(state, AirLoopNum, FirstHVACIteration, HeatPLR, HeatingCompOn, OnOffAirFlowRatio, HeatCoilLoad);
   11344       18326 :                     if (state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->HeatCoilOutletNodeNum).Temp > this->DesignMaxOutletTemp && !this->m_SimASHRAEModel) {
   11345        8516 :                         Real64 MDotAir = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->HeatCoilInletNodeNum).MassFlowRate;
   11346       17032 :                         Real64 CpAir = Psychrometrics::PsyCpAirFnW(0.5 * (state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->HeatCoilInletNodeNum).HumRat +
   11347       17032 :                                                                           state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->HeatCoilOutletNodeNum).HumRat));
   11348        8516 :                         Real64 HCDeltaT = this->DesignMaxOutletTemp - state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->HeatCoilInletNodeNum).Temp;
   11349        8516 :                         Real64 MaxHeatCoilLoad = MDotAir * CpAir * HCDeltaT;
   11350        8516 :                         this->calcUnitaryHeatingSystem(
   11351             :                             state, AirLoopNum, FirstHVACIteration, HeatPLR, HeatingCompOn, OnOffAirFlowRatio, MaxHeatCoilLoad);
   11352             :                     }
   11353             :                 }
   11354       18326 :                 if (this->m_CoolCoilExists) {
   11355       18326 :                     this->calcUnitaryCoolingSystem(
   11356             :                         state, AirLoopNum, FirstHVACIteration, CoolPLR, CoolingCompOn, OnOffAirFlowRatio, CoilCoolHeatRat, HXUnitOn);
   11357             :                 }
   11358             :             }
   11359             :         }
   11360             : 
   11361    20222676 :         if (this->m_FanExists && this->m_FanPlace == FanPlace::DrawThru) {
   11362    10800593 :             if (this->m_FanType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::FanType_SystemModelObject) {
   11363     4743375 :                 state.dataHVACFan->fanObjs[this->m_FanIndex]->simulate(state,
   11364             :                                                                        _,
   11365             :                                                                        _,
   11366             :                                                                        _,
   11367             :                                                                        _,
   11368      948675 :                                                                        state.dataUnitarySystems->m_massFlow1,
   11369      948675 :                                                                        state.dataUnitarySystems->m_runTimeFraction1,
   11370      948675 :                                                                        state.dataUnitarySystems->m_massFlow2,
   11371      948675 :                                                                        state.dataUnitarySystems->m_runTimeFraction2,
   11372             :                                                                        _);
   11373             :             } else {
   11374     9851918 :                 if (this->m_IsZoneEquipment) {
   11375    35311388 :                     Fans::SimulateFanComponents(state,
   11376             :                                                 blankString,
   11377             :                                                 FirstHVACIteration,
   11378             :                                                 this->m_FanIndex,
   11379     8827847 :                                                 state.dataUnitarySystems->FanSpeedRatio,
   11380     8827847 :                                                 state.dataHVACGlobal->ZoneCompTurnFansOn,
   11381     8827847 :                                                 state.dataHVACGlobal->ZoneCompTurnFansOff);
   11382             :                 } else {
   11383     1024071 :                     Fans::SimulateFanComponents(state, blankString, FirstHVACIteration, this->m_FanIndex, state.dataUnitarySystems->FanSpeedRatio);
   11384             :                 }
   11385             :             }
   11386             :         }
   11387    20222676 :         if (this->m_SuppCoilExists) {
   11388     5440891 :             this->calcUnitarySuppHeatingSystem(state, FirstHVACIteration, SuppCoilLoad);
   11389     5445545 :             if ((state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->SuppCoilOutletNodeNum).Temp > this->DesignMaxOutletTemp) && this->m_SuppHeatPartLoadFrac > 0.0 &&
   11390        4654 :                 !this->m_SimASHRAEModel) {
   11391             :                 // EMS override will ignore this recalculation.
   11392        4654 :                 Real64 MDotAir = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->m_SuppCoilAirInletNode).MassFlowRate;
   11393        9308 :                 Real64 CpAir = Psychrometrics::PsyCpAirFnW(0.5 * (state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->m_SuppCoilAirInletNode).HumRat +
   11394        9308 :                                                                   state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->SuppCoilOutletNodeNum).HumRat));
   11395        4654 :                 Real64 HCDeltaT = max(0.0, this->DesignMaxOutletTemp - state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->m_SuppCoilAirInletNode).Temp);
   11396        4654 :                 Real64 MaxHeatCoilLoad = MDotAir * CpAir * HCDeltaT;
   11397        4654 :                 this->calcUnitarySuppHeatingSystem(state, FirstHVACIteration, MaxHeatCoilLoad);
   11398        4654 :                 SuppCoilLoad = MaxHeatCoilLoad;
   11399             :             }
   11400             :         }
   11401             : 
   11402             :         // If there is a supply side air terminal mixer, calculate its output
   11403    20222676 :         if (this->ATMixerExists) {
   11404      789030 :             if (this->ATMixerType == DataHVACGlobals::ATMixer_SupplySide) {
   11405      311322 :                 SingleDuct::SimATMixer(state, this->m_ATMixerName, FirstHVACIteration, this->m_ATMixerIndex);
   11406             :             }
   11407             :         }
   11408             : 
   11409    20222676 :         calculateCapacity(state, SensOutput, LatOutput);
   11410    20222676 :     }
   11411             : 
   11412     1099980 :     void UnitarySys::calcMultiStageSuppCoilStageByLoad(EnergyPlusData &state, Real64 const SuppHeatLoad, bool const FirstHVACIteration)
   11413             :     {
   11414     1099980 :         if (SuppHeatLoad <= 0.0) {
   11415     1090956 :             this->m_SuppHeatPartLoadFrac = 0.0;
   11416     1090956 :             this->m_SuppHeatingSpeedRatio = 0.0;
   11417     1090956 :             this->m_SuppHeatingCycRatio = 0.0;
   11418     2186368 :             return;
   11419             :         }
   11420        9024 :         constexpr bool SuppHeatingCoilFlag(true);
   11421        9024 :         Real64 PartLoadFrac = 0.0;
   11422        9024 :         Real64 SpeedRatio = 0.0;
   11423        9024 :         Real64 CycRatio = 0.0;
   11424       13592 :         std::string CompName = this->m_SuppHeatCoilName;
   11425        9024 :         int CompIndex = this->m_SuppHeatCoilIndex;
   11426        9024 :         int FanOpMode = this->m_FanOpMode;
   11427        9024 :         Real64 QCoilActual = 0.0; // Heating coil operating capacity [W]
   11428        9024 :         int SpeedNum = 0;
   11429             :         // Get full load result
   11430        9024 :         PartLoadFrac = 1.0;
   11431        9024 :         CycRatio = 1.0;
   11432        9024 :         SpeedRatio = 1.0;
   11433        9024 :         int SolFla = 0.0;
   11434             : 
   11435             :         // SUBROUTINE PARAMETER DEFINITIONS:
   11436        9024 :         int constexpr MaxIte(500);    // Maximum number of iterations for solver
   11437        9024 :         Real64 constexpr Acc(1.0e-3); // Accuracy of solver result
   11438             : 
   11439       30696 :         for (SpeedNum = 1; SpeedNum <= this->m_NumOfSpeedSuppHeating; ++SpeedNum) {
   11440       26240 :             this->m_SuppHeatingSpeedNum = SpeedNum;
   11441       26240 :             HeatingCoils::SimulateHeatingCoilComponents(state,
   11442             :                                                         CompName,
   11443             :                                                         FirstHVACIteration,
   11444             :                                                         SuppHeatLoad,
   11445             :                                                         CompIndex,
   11446             :                                                         QCoilActual,
   11447             :                                                         SuppHeatingCoilFlag,
   11448             :                                                         FanOpMode,
   11449             :                                                         PartLoadFrac,
   11450             :                                                         SpeedNum,
   11451             :                                                         SpeedRatio);
   11452       26240 :             if (QCoilActual > SuppHeatLoad) break;
   11453             :         }
   11454        9024 :         if (QCoilActual < SuppHeatLoad) {
   11455        4456 :             this->m_SuppHeatPartLoadFrac = 1.0;
   11456        4456 :             this->m_SuppHeatingSpeedRatio = 1.0;
   11457        4456 :             this->m_SuppHeatingCycRatio = 1.0;
   11458        4456 :             this->m_SuppHeatingSpeedNum = this->m_NumOfSpeedSuppHeating;
   11459        4456 :             return;
   11460             :         } else {
   11461             : 
   11462        4568 :             if (this->m_SuppHeatingSpeedNum > 1.0) {
   11463       54768 :                 auto f = [&state, this, CycRatio, FanOpMode, SuppHeatLoad](Real64 const SpeedRatio) {
   11464             :                     Real64 QActual;
   11465       13692 :                     int CoilIndex = this->m_SuppHeatCoilIndex;
   11466       13692 :                     int SpeedNum = this->m_SuppHeatingSpeedNum;
   11467       13692 :                     HeatingCoils::CalcMultiStageElectricHeatingCoil(state, CoilIndex, SpeedRatio, CycRatio, SpeedNum, FanOpMode, QActual, true);
   11468       13692 :                     return SuppHeatLoad - QActual;
   11469        4564 :                 };
   11470             : 
   11471        4564 :                 General::SolveRoot(state, Acc, MaxIte, SolFla, SpeedRatio, f, 0.0, 1.0);
   11472        4564 :                 this->m_SuppHeatingCycRatio = CycRatio;
   11473        4564 :                 this->m_SuppHeatingSpeedRatio = SpeedRatio;
   11474        4564 :                 this->m_SuppHeatPartLoadFrac = SpeedRatio;
   11475        4564 :                 PartLoadFrac = SpeedRatio;
   11476             :             } else {
   11477           4 :                 SpeedRatio = 0.0;
   11478           4 :                 this->m_SuppHeatingSpeedRatio = SpeedRatio;
   11479          48 :                 auto f = [&state, this, SpeedRatio, FanOpMode, SuppHeatLoad](Real64 const CycRatio) {
   11480             :                     Real64 QActual;
   11481          12 :                     int CoilIndex = this->m_SuppHeatCoilIndex;
   11482          12 :                     int SpeedNum = this->m_SuppHeatingSpeedNum;
   11483          12 :                     HeatingCoils::CalcMultiStageElectricHeatingCoil(state, CoilIndex, SpeedRatio, CycRatio, SpeedNum, FanOpMode, QActual, true);
   11484          12 :                     return SuppHeatLoad - QActual;
   11485           4 :                 };
   11486             : 
   11487           4 :                 General::SolveRoot(state, Acc, MaxIte, SolFla, CycRatio, f, 0.0, 1.0);
   11488           4 :                 this->m_SuppHeatingCycRatio = CycRatio;
   11489           4 :                 this->m_SuppHeatPartLoadFrac = CycRatio;
   11490           4 :                 PartLoadFrac = CycRatio;
   11491             :             }
   11492             :         }
   11493             :     }
   11494             : 
   11495    23781842 :     void UnitarySys::calculateCapacity(EnergyPlusData &state, Real64 &SensOutput, Real64 &LatOutput)
   11496             :     {
   11497             : 
   11498             :         // Check delta T (outlet to reference temp), IF positive use reference HumRat ELSE outlet humrat to calculate
   11499             :         // sensible capacity as MdotDeltaH at constant humidity ratio
   11500    23781842 :         int OutletNode = this->AirOutNode;
   11501    23781842 :         Real64 AirMassFlow = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNode).MassFlowRate;
   11502    23781842 :         Real64 RefTemp = 0.0;
   11503    23781842 :         Real64 RefHumRat = 0.0;
   11504    23781842 :         if (this->m_ControlType == UnitarySysCtrlType::Setpoint) {
   11505     3559166 :             RefTemp = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->AirInNode).Temp;
   11506     3559166 :             RefHumRat = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->AirInNode).HumRat;
   11507             :         } else {
   11508    20222676 :             RefTemp = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->NodeNumOfControlledZone).Temp;
   11509    20222676 :             RefHumRat = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->NodeNumOfControlledZone).HumRat;
   11510             :         }
   11511    23781842 :         Real64 SensibleOutput(0.0); // sensible output rate, {W}
   11512    23781842 :         Real64 LatentOutput(0.0);   // latent output rate, {W}
   11513    23781842 :         Real64 TotalOutput(0.0);    // total output rate, {W}
   11514             :         // calculate sensible load met
   11515    23781842 :         if (this->ATMixerExists) {
   11516      789030 :             if (this->ATMixerType == DataHVACGlobals::ATMixer_SupplySide) {
   11517             :                 // Air terminal supply side mixer
   11518      311322 :                 int ATMixOutNode = this->ATMixerOutNode;
   11519      622644 :                 CalcZoneSensibleLatentOutput(state.dataLoopNodes->Node(ATMixOutNode).MassFlowRate,
   11520      311322 :                                              state.dataLoopNodes->Node(ATMixOutNode).Temp,
   11521      311322 :                                              state.dataLoopNodes->Node(ATMixOutNode).HumRat,
   11522             :                                              RefTemp,
   11523             :                                              RefHumRat,
   11524             :                                              SensibleOutput,
   11525             :                                              LatentOutput,
   11526             :                                              TotalOutput);
   11527      311322 :                 SensOutput = SensibleOutput - this->m_SenLoadLoss;
   11528      311322 :                 if (this->m_Humidistat) {
   11529           0 :                     LatOutput = LatentOutput - this->m_LatLoadLoss;
   11530             :                 } else {
   11531      311322 :                     LatOutput = 0.0;
   11532             :                 }
   11533             :             } else {
   11534             :                 // Air terminal inlet side mixer
   11535      955416 :                 CalcZoneSensibleLatentOutput(AirMassFlow,
   11536      477708 :                                              state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNode).Temp,
   11537      477708 :                                              state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNode).HumRat,
   11538             :                                              RefTemp,
   11539             :                                              RefHumRat,
   11540             :                                              SensibleOutput,
   11541             :                                              LatentOutput,
   11542             :                                              TotalOutput);
   11543      477708 :                 SensOutput = SensibleOutput - this->m_SenLoadLoss;
   11544      477708 :                 if (this->m_Humidistat) {
   11545           0 :                     LatOutput = LatentOutput - this->m_LatLoadLoss;
   11546             :                 } else {
   11547      477708 :                     LatOutput = 0.0;
   11548             :                 }
   11549             :             }
   11550             :         } else {
   11551             :             // Calculate sensible load met
   11552    45985624 :             CalcZoneSensibleLatentOutput(AirMassFlow,
   11553    22992812 :                                          state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNode).Temp,
   11554    22992812 :                                          state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNode).HumRat,
   11555             :                                          RefTemp,
   11556             :                                          RefHumRat,
   11557             :                                          SensibleOutput,
   11558             :                                          LatentOutput,
   11559             :                                          TotalOutput);
   11560    22992812 :             SensOutput = SensibleOutput - this->m_SenLoadLoss;
   11561    22992812 :             if (this->m_Humidistat) {
   11562     1481414 :                 LatOutput = LatentOutput - this->m_LatLoadLoss;
   11563             :             } else {
   11564    21511398 :                 LatOutput = 0.0;
   11565             :             }
   11566             :         }
   11567    23781842 :         this->m_SensibleLoadMet = SensOutput;
   11568    23781842 :         this->m_LatentLoadMet = LatOutput;
   11569    23781842 :     }
   11570             : 
   11571    24381270 :     void UnitarySys::calcUnitaryCoolingSystem(EnergyPlusData &state,
   11572             :                                               int const AirLoopNum,                                    // index to air loop
   11573             :                                               bool const FirstHVACIteration,                           // True when first HVAC iteration
   11574             :                                               Real64 const PartLoadRatio,                              // coil operating part-load ratio
   11575             :                                               DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation const CompressorOn, // compressor control (0=off, 1=on)
   11576             :                                               Real64 const OnOffAirFlowRatio,
   11577             :                                               Real64 const CoilCoolHeatRat, // ratio of cooling to heating PLR for cycling fan RH control
   11578             :                                               bool const HXUnitOn           // Flag to control HX for HXAssisted Cooling Coil
   11579             :     )
   11580             :     {
   11581             : 
   11582             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
   11583             :         //       AUTHOR         Richard Raustad, FSEC
   11584             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   February 2013
   11585             : 
   11586             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
   11587             :         // This subroutine manages unitary cooling system component simulation.
   11588             : 
   11589             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
   11590             :         Real64 OutsideDryBulbTemp; // outdoor temperature (C)
   11591             :         Real64 mdot;               // water side flow rate (kg/s)
   11592             :         Real64 QActual;            // actual coil output (W)
   11593             :         Real64 OutdoorPressure;    // Outdoor barometric pressure at condenser (Pa)
   11594             :         bool errFlag;              // returned flag from called routine
   11595             :         bool HeatingActive;        // dummy variable for UserDefined coil which are passed back indicating if coil is on or off. Not needed here since
   11596             :                                    // coil is wrapped by UnitarySystem.
   11597             :         bool CoolingActive;        // dummy variable for UserDefined coil which are passed back indicating if coil is on or off. Not needed here since
   11598             :                                    // coil is wrapped by UnitarySystem.
   11599             : 
   11600             :         // Simulate the coil component
   11601    48762540 :         std::string CompName = this->m_CoolingCoilName;
   11602    24381270 :         int CompIndex = this->m_CoolingCoilIndex;
   11603    24381270 :         Real64 CoilPLR = 1.0;
   11604    24381270 :         if (this->m_CondenserNodeNum != 0) {
   11605     5924018 :             OutdoorPressure = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->m_CondenserNodeNum).Press;
   11606             :             // IF node is not connected to anything, pressure = default, use weather data
   11607     5924018 :             if (OutdoorPressure == state.dataLoopNodes->DefaultNodeValues.Press) {
   11608           0 :                 OutsideDryBulbTemp = state.dataEnvrn->OutDryBulbTemp;
   11609             :             } else {
   11610     5924018 :                 OutsideDryBulbTemp = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->m_CondenserNodeNum).Temp;
   11611             :             }
   11612             :         } else {
   11613    18457252 :             OutsideDryBulbTemp = state.dataEnvrn->OutDryBulbTemp;
   11614             :         }
   11615    24381270 :         if (this->m_EMSOverrideCoilSpeedNumOn) {
   11616             :             // pass
   11617             :         } else {
   11618    24276601 :             switch (this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num) {
   11619    12792742 :             case DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_CoolingSingleSpeed: { // Coil:Cooling:DX:SingleSpeed
   11620    12792742 :                 DXCoils::SimDXCoil(state,
   11621             :                                    blankString,
   11622             :                                    CompressorOn,
   11623             :                                    FirstHVACIteration,
   11624             :                                    CompIndex,
   11625             :                                    this->m_FanOpMode,
   11626             :                                    PartLoadRatio,
   11627             :                                    OnOffAirFlowRatio,
   11628             :                                    CoilCoolHeatRat);
   11629    12792742 :                 this->m_CoolCompPartLoadRatio = (CompressorOn == DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::On) ? PartLoadRatio : 0.0;
   11630    12792742 :             } break;
   11631     4239706 :             case DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_Cooling: { // CoilCoolingDX
   11632     4239706 :                 bool const singleMode = (this->m_SingleMode == 1);
   11633     4239706 :                 if (this->m_ControlType == UnitarySysCtrlType::Setpoint) {
   11634       35253 :                     if (CompressorOn == DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::On) {
   11635       25926 :                         CoilPLR = (this->m_CoolingSpeedNum > 1) ? 1.0 : PartLoadRatio;
   11636             :                     } else
   11637        9327 :                         CoilPLR = 0.0;
   11638             :                 } else {
   11639     4204453 :                     if (state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad) {
   11640     2910342 :                         if (this->m_CoolingSpeedNum > 1) {
   11641     1168720 :                             if (!singleMode) {
   11642     1145424 :                                 CoilPLR = (CompressorOn == DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::On) ? 1.0 : 0.0;
   11643     1145424 :                                 this->m_CoolingSpeedRatio = (CompressorOn == DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::On) ? PartLoadRatio : 0.0;
   11644             :                             } else {
   11645       23296 :                                 CoilPLR = (CompressorOn == DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::On) ? PartLoadRatio : 0.0;
   11646             :                             }
   11647             :                         } else {
   11648     1741622 :                             CoilPLR = (CompressorOn == DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::On) ? PartLoadRatio : 0.0;
   11649             :                         }
   11650             :                     } else {
   11651     1294111 :                         CoilPLR = 0.0;
   11652             :                     }
   11653             :                 }
   11654     4239706 :                 int OperationMode = DataHVACGlobals::coilNormalMode;
   11655     4239706 :                 if (state.dataCoilCooingDX->coilCoolingDXs[this->m_CoolingCoilIndex].SubcoolReheatFlag) {
   11656       76768 :                     OperationMode = DataHVACGlobals::coilSubcoolReheatMode;
   11657     4162938 :                 } else if (this->m_DehumidificationMode == 1) {
   11658           0 :                     OperationMode = DataHVACGlobals::coilEnhancedMode;
   11659             :                 }
   11660             : 
   11661     4239706 :                 state.dataCoilCooingDX->coilCoolingDXs[this->m_CoolingCoilIndex].simulate(
   11662             :                     state, OperationMode, CoilPLR, this->m_CoolingSpeedNum, this->m_CoolingSpeedRatio, this->m_FanOpMode, singleMode, this->CoilSHR);
   11663             : 
   11664     4239706 :                 if (this->m_CoolingSpeedNum > 1) {
   11665     1173859 :                     if (this->m_SingleMode == 0) {
   11666     1150563 :                         this->m_CoolCompPartLoadRatio = (CompressorOn == DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::On) ? 1.0 : 0.0;
   11667             :                     } else {
   11668       23296 :                         this->m_CoolCompPartLoadRatio = (CompressorOn == DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::On) ? PartLoadRatio : 0.0;
   11669             :                         // this->m_CoolingCycRatio = this->m_CoolingSpeedRatio;
   11670       23296 :                         this->m_CoolingSpeedRatio = 1.0;
   11671             :                     }
   11672             :                 } else {
   11673     3065847 :                     this->m_CoolCompPartLoadRatio = (CompressorOn == DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::On) ? this->m_CoolingCycRatio : 0.0;
   11674             :                     // this->m_CoolingCycRatio = this->m_CoolingSpeedRatio;
   11675     3065847 :                     this->m_CoolingSpeedRatio = 0.0;
   11676             :                 }
   11677     4239706 :             } break;
   11678       25066 :             case DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_CoolingHXAssisted:
   11679             :             case DataHVACGlobals::CoilWater_CoolingHXAssisted: {
   11680       25066 :                 if (this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilWater_CoolingHXAssisted) {
   11681           0 :                     Real64 mdot = min(state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->CoolCoilFluidOutletNodeNum).MassFlowRateMaxAvail,
   11682           0 :                                       this->MaxCoolCoilFluidFlow * PartLoadRatio);
   11683           0 :                     state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->CoolCoilFluidInletNode).MassFlowRate = mdot;
   11684             :                 }
   11685       50132 :                 HVACHXAssistedCoolingCoil::SimHXAssistedCoolingCoil(state,
   11686             :                                                                     blankString,
   11687             :                                                                     FirstHVACIteration,
   11688             :                                                                     CompressorOn,
   11689             :                                                                     PartLoadRatio,
   11690             :                                                                     CompIndex,
   11691             :                                                                     this->m_FanOpMode,
   11692             :                                                                     HXUnitOn,
   11693             :                                                                     OnOffAirFlowRatio,
   11694       25066 :                                                                     state.dataUnitarySystems->economizerFlag,
   11695             :                                                                     _,
   11696             :                                                                     this->m_DehumidificationMode,
   11697             :                                                                     0.0); // this->CoilSHR);
   11698       25066 :                 if (this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_CoolingHXAssisted) {
   11699       25066 :                     this->m_CoolCompPartLoadRatio = (CompressorOn == DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::On) ? PartLoadRatio : 0.0;
   11700             :                 }
   11701       25066 :             } break;
   11702     1034668 :             case DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_CoolingTwoSpeed: { // Coil:Cooling:DX:TwoSpeed
   11703             :                 // formerly (v3 and beyond)COIL:DX:MULTISPEED:COOLINGEMPIRICAL
   11704     1034668 :                 DXCoils::SimDXCoilMultiSpeed(state, blankString, this->m_CoolingSpeedRatio, this->m_CoolingCycRatio, CompIndex);
   11705     1034668 :                 if (this->m_CoolingSpeedRatio > 0.0) {
   11706      352858 :                     this->m_CoolCompPartLoadRatio = (CompressorOn == DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::On) ? this->m_CoolingSpeedRatio : 0.0;
   11707             :                 } else {
   11708      681810 :                     this->m_CoolCompPartLoadRatio = (CompressorOn == DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::On) ? this->m_CoolingCycRatio : 0.0;
   11709             :                 }
   11710     1034668 :             } break;
   11711     3995355 :             case DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_MultiSpeedCooling: { // Coil:Cooling:DX:Multispeed
   11712     3995355 :                 if (OutsideDryBulbTemp > this->m_MinOATCompressorCooling) {
   11713     3995355 :                     DXCoils::SimDXCoilMultiSpeed(state,
   11714             :                                                  CompName,
   11715             :                                                  this->m_CoolingSpeedRatio,
   11716             :                                                  this->m_CoolingCycRatio,
   11717             :                                                  CompIndex,
   11718             :                                                  this->m_CoolingSpeedNum,
   11719             :                                                  this->m_FanOpMode,
   11720             :                                                  CompressorOn,
   11721             :                                                  this->m_SingleMode);
   11722     3995355 :                     if (this->m_CoolingSpeedNum > 1) {
   11723      874552 :                         if (this->m_SingleMode == 0) {
   11724      874552 :                             this->m_CoolCompPartLoadRatio = (CompressorOn == DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::On) ? 1.0 : 0.0;
   11725             :                         } else {
   11726           0 :                             this->m_CoolCompPartLoadRatio =
   11727           0 :                                 (CompressorOn == DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::On) ? this->m_CoolingCycRatio : 0.0;
   11728             :                         }
   11729             :                     } else {
   11730     3120803 :                         this->m_CoolCompPartLoadRatio = (CompressorOn == DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::On) ? this->m_CoolingCycRatio : 0.0;
   11731             :                     }
   11732             :                 } else {
   11733           0 :                     DXCoils::SimDXCoilMultiSpeed(state, CompName, 0.0, 0.0, CompIndex, this->m_CoolingSpeedNum, this->m_FanOpMode, CompressorOn);
   11734           0 :                     this->m_CoolCompPartLoadRatio = 0.0;
   11735             :                 }
   11736     3995355 :             } break;
   11737       48952 :             case DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_CoolingTwoStageWHumControl: {
   11738             :                 // formerly (v3 and beyond) COIL:DX:MULTIMODE:COOLINGEMPIRICAL
   11739       48952 :                 DXCoils::SimDXCoilMultiMode(
   11740             :                     state, CompName, CompressorOn, FirstHVACIteration, PartLoadRatio, this->m_DehumidificationMode, CompIndex, this->m_FanOpMode);
   11741       48952 :                 this->m_CoolCompPartLoadRatio = (CompressorOn == DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::On) ? PartLoadRatio : 0.0;
   11742       48952 :             } break;
   11743           0 :             case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_UserDefined: {
   11744           0 :                 HeatingActive = false; // set to arbitrary value on entry to function
   11745           0 :                 CoolingActive = false; // set to arbitrary value on entry to function
   11746             : 
   11747           0 :                 UserDefinedComponents::SimCoilUserDefined(state, CompName, CompIndex, AirLoopNum, HeatingActive, CoolingActive);
   11748           0 :             } break;
   11749      708560 :             case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWater:
   11750             :             case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWaterDetailed: {
   11751      708560 :                 if (this->CoolCoilWaterFlowRatio == 0.0) {
   11752      708560 :                     mdot = this->MaxCoolCoilFluidFlow * PartLoadRatio;
   11753             :                 } else {
   11754           0 :                     mdot = this->CoolCoilWaterFlowRatio * this->MaxCoolCoilFluidFlow;
   11755             :                 }
   11756      708560 :                 state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->CoolCoilFluidInletNode).MassFlowRate = mdot;
   11757      708560 :                 WaterCoils::SimulateWaterCoilComponents(
   11758             :                     state, CompName, FirstHVACIteration, this->m_CoolingCoilIndex, QActual, this->m_FanOpMode, PartLoadRatio);
   11759      708560 :             } break;
   11760      409318 :             case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingAirToAirVariableSpeed:
   11761             :             case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWaterToAirHPVSEquationFit: {
   11762      409318 :                 if (this->m_CoolingSpeedNum > 1) {
   11763       91589 :                     CoilPLR = 1.0;
   11764             :                 } else {
   11765      317729 :                     CoilPLR = PartLoadRatio;
   11766             :                 }
   11767      409318 :                 VariableSpeedCoils::SimVariableSpeedCoils(state,
   11768             :                                                           CompName,
   11769             :                                                           CompIndex,
   11770             :                                                           this->m_FanOpMode,
   11771             :                                                           this->m_MaxONOFFCyclesperHour,
   11772             :                                                           this->m_HPTimeConstant,
   11773             :                                                           this->m_FanDelayTime,
   11774             :                                                           CompressorOn,
   11775             :                                                           CoilPLR,
   11776             :                                                           this->m_CoolingSpeedNum,
   11777             :                                                           this->m_CoolingSpeedRatio,
   11778             :                                                           this->m_CoolingCoilSensDemand,
   11779             :                                                           this->m_CoolingCoilLatentDemand,
   11780             :                                                           OnOffAirFlowRatio);
   11781      409318 :                 if (this->m_CoolingSpeedNum > 1) {
   11782       91589 :                     this->m_CoolCompPartLoadRatio = 1.0;
   11783             :                 } else {
   11784      317729 :                     this->m_CoolCompPartLoadRatio = (CompressorOn == DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::On) ? PartLoadRatio : 0.0;
   11785             :                 }
   11786      409318 :             } break;
   11787      576676 :             case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWaterToAirHPSimple: {
   11788             :                 // WSHP coils do not have a PLF curve and do not adjust fan performance
   11789      719120 :                 if (PartLoadRatio > 0.0 && this->m_WSHPRuntimeFrac > 0.0 && this->m_FanOpMode == DataHVACGlobals::CycFanCycCoil &&
   11790      142444 :                     this->m_sysType != SysType::PackagedWSHP) {
   11791           0 :                     state.dataHVACGlobal->OnOffFanPartLoadFraction = PartLoadRatio / this->m_WSHPRuntimeFrac;
   11792             :                 }
   11793             : 
   11794      576676 :                 WaterToAirHeatPumpSimple::SimWatertoAirHPSimple(state,
   11795             :                                                                 blankString,
   11796             :                                                                 this->m_CoolingCoilIndex,
   11797             :                                                                 this->m_CoolingCoilSensDemand,
   11798             :                                                                 this->m_CoolingCoilLatentDemand,
   11799             :                                                                 this->m_FanOpMode,
   11800             :                                                                 this->m_WSHPRuntimeFrac,
   11801             :                                                                 this->m_MaxONOFFCyclesperHour,
   11802             :                                                                 this->m_HPTimeConstant,
   11803             :                                                                 this->m_FanDelayTime,
   11804             :                                                                 CompressorOn,
   11805             :                                                                 PartLoadRatio,
   11806             :                                                                 FirstHVACIteration);
   11807             : 
   11808      576676 :                 this->m_CoolCompPartLoadRatio = (CompressorOn == DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::On) ? PartLoadRatio : 0.0;
   11809      576676 :             } break;
   11810      416586 :             case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWaterToAirHP: {
   11811      416586 :                 this->heatPumpRunFrac(PartLoadRatio, errFlag, this->m_WSHPRuntimeFrac);
   11812             : 
   11813      416586 :                 if (PartLoadRatio > 0.0 && this->m_WSHPRuntimeFrac > 0.0 && this->m_FanOpMode == DataHVACGlobals::CycFanCycCoil) {
   11814      138600 :                     state.dataHVACGlobal->OnOffFanPartLoadFraction = PartLoadRatio / this->m_WSHPRuntimeFrac;
   11815             :                 }
   11816             : 
   11817      833172 :                 WaterToAirHeatPump::SimWatertoAirHP(state,
   11818             :                                                     blankString,
   11819             :                                                     this->m_CoolingCoilIndex,
   11820             :                                                     this->MaxCoolAirMassFlow,
   11821             :                                                     this->m_FanOpMode,
   11822             :                                                     FirstHVACIteration,
   11823             :                                                     this->m_WSHPRuntimeFrac,
   11824             :                                                     this->m_MaxONOFFCyclesperHour,
   11825             :                                                     this->m_HPTimeConstant,
   11826             :                                                     this->m_FanDelayTime,
   11827      416586 :                                                     this->m_InitHeatPump,
   11828             :                                                     this->m_CoolingCoilSensDemand,
   11829             :                                                     this->m_CoolingCoilLatentDemand,
   11830             :                                                     CompressorOn,
   11831             :                                                     PartLoadRatio);
   11832             : 
   11833      416586 :                 this->m_CoolCompPartLoadRatio = (CompressorOn == DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::On) ? PartLoadRatio : 0.0;
   11834      416586 :             } break;
   11835       28972 :             case DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_PackagedThermalStorageCooling: {
   11836       28972 :                 PackagedThermalStorageCoil::SimTESCoil(
   11837             :                     state, CompName, this->m_CoolingCoilIndex, this->m_FanOpMode, this->m_TESOpMode, PartLoadRatio);
   11838       28972 :             } break;
   11839           0 :             default:
   11840           0 :                 break;
   11841             :             }
   11842             :         }
   11843             : 
   11844    24381270 :         this->m_CoolingPartLoadFrac = PartLoadRatio;
   11845    24381270 :     }
   11846             : 
   11847    21328678 :     void UnitarySys::calcUnitaryHeatingSystem(EnergyPlusData &state,
   11848             :                                               int const AirLoopNum,                                    // index to air loop
   11849             :                                               bool const FirstHVACIteration,                           // True when first HVAC iteration
   11850             :                                               Real64 const PartLoadRatio,                              // coil operating part-load ratio
   11851             :                                               DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation const CompressorOn, // compressor control (0=off, 1=on)
   11852             :                                               Real64 const OnOffAirFlowRatio,                          // ratio of on to off flow rate
   11853             :                                               Real64 HeatCoilLoad // adjusted heating coil load if outlet temp exceeds max (W)
   11854             :     )
   11855             :     {
   11856             : 
   11857             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
   11858             :         //       AUTHOR         Richard Raustad, FSEC
   11859             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   February 2013
   11860             : 
   11861             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
   11862             :         // This subroutine manages unitary heating system component simulation.
   11863             : 
   11864             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
   11865             :         Real64 OutsideDryBulbTemp; // outdoor temperature (C)
   11866             :         Real64 mdot;               // water side flow rate (kg/s)
   11867             :         Real64 QActual;            // actual output of coil (W)
   11868             :         Real64 OutdoorPressure;    // Outdoor barometric pressure at condenser (Pa)
   11869             :         bool errFlag;              // returned flag from called routine
   11870             :         bool HeatingActive;        // dummy variable for UserDefined coil which are passed back indicating if coil is on or off. Not needed here since
   11871             :                                    // coil is wrapped by UnitarySystem.
   11872             :         bool CoolingActive;        // dummy variable for UserDefined coil which are passed back indicating if coil is on or off. Not needed here since
   11873             :                                    // coil is wrapped by UnitarySystem.
   11874             : 
   11875    42657356 :         std::string CompName = this->m_HeatingCoilName;
   11876    21328678 :         Real64 dummy = 0.0;
   11877    21328678 :         Real64 HeatPLR = 1.0;
   11878    21328678 :         if (this->m_CondenserNodeNum != 0) {
   11879     5957967 :             OutdoorPressure = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->m_CondenserNodeNum).Press;
   11880             :             // IF node is not connected to anything, pressure = default, use weather data
   11881     5957967 :             if (OutdoorPressure == state.dataLoopNodes->DefaultNodeValues.Press) {
   11882           0 :                 OutsideDryBulbTemp = state.dataEnvrn->OutDryBulbTemp;
   11883             :             } else {
   11884     5957967 :                 OutsideDryBulbTemp = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->m_CondenserNodeNum).Temp;
   11885             :             }
   11886             :         } else {
   11887    15370711 :             OutsideDryBulbTemp = state.dataEnvrn->OutDryBulbTemp;
   11888             :         }
   11889             : 
   11890    21328678 :         switch (this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num) {
   11891     2153813 :         case DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_HeatingEmpirical: { // COIL:HEATING:DX:SINGLESPEED
   11892     2153813 :             DXCoils::SimDXCoil(
   11893             :                 state, CompName, CompressorOn, FirstHVACIteration, this->m_HeatingCoilIndex, this->m_FanOpMode, PartLoadRatio, OnOffAirFlowRatio);
   11894     2153813 :             this->m_HeatCompPartLoadRatio = PartLoadRatio * double(CompressorOn);
   11895     2153813 :         } break;
   11896           0 :         case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_UserDefined: {
   11897           0 :             HeatingActive = false; // set to arbitrary value on entry to function
   11898           0 :             CoolingActive = true;  // set to arbitrary value on entry to function
   11899             : 
   11900           0 :             UserDefinedComponents::SimCoilUserDefined(state, CompName, this->m_HeatingCoilIndex, AirLoopNum, HeatingActive, CoolingActive);
   11901           0 :         } break;
   11902    14225806 :         case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingGasOrOtherFuel:
   11903             :         case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingElectric: {
   11904    14225806 :             HeatCoilLoad = PartLoadRatio * m_DesignHeatingCapacity;
   11905    14225806 :             HeatingCoils::SimulateHeatingCoilComponents(
   11906             :                 state, CompName, FirstHVACIteration, HeatCoilLoad, this->m_HeatingCoilIndex, _, false, this->m_FanOpMode, PartLoadRatio);
   11907    14225806 :         } break;
   11908           0 :         case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingDesuperheater: {
   11909           0 :             HeatingCoils::SimulateHeatingCoilComponents(
   11910             :                 state, CompName, FirstHVACIteration, HeatCoilLoad, this->m_HeatingCoilIndex, _, false, this->m_FanOpMode, PartLoadRatio);
   11911             : 
   11912           0 :         } break;
   11913     2508705 :         case DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_MultiSpeedHeating: {
   11914     2508705 :             if (OutsideDryBulbTemp > this->m_MinOATCompressorHeating) {
   11915     2321279 :                 DXCoils::SimDXCoilMultiSpeed(state,
   11916             :                                              CompName,
   11917             :                                              this->m_HeatingSpeedRatio,
   11918             :                                              this->m_HeatingCycRatio,
   11919             :                                              this->m_HeatingCoilIndex,
   11920             :                                              this->m_HeatingSpeedNum,
   11921             :                                              this->m_FanOpMode,
   11922             :                                              CompressorOn,
   11923             :                                              this->m_SingleMode);
   11924     2321279 :                 this->m_HeatCompPartLoadRatio = PartLoadRatio * double(CompressorOn);
   11925             :             } else {
   11926      187426 :                 DXCoils::SimDXCoilMultiSpeed(
   11927             :                     state, CompName, 0.0, 0.0, this->m_HeatingCoilIndex, this->m_HeatingSpeedNum, this->m_FanOpMode, CompressorOn);
   11928      187426 :                 this->m_HeatCompPartLoadRatio = 0.0;
   11929             :             }
   11930     2508705 :         } break;
   11931           0 :         case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingElectric_MultiStage:
   11932             :         case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingGas_MultiStage: {
   11933           0 :             HeatingCoils::SimulateHeatingCoilComponents(state,
   11934             :                                                         CompName,
   11935             :                                                         FirstHVACIteration,
   11936             :                                                         _,
   11937             :                                                         0,
   11938             :                                                         _,
   11939             :                                                         _,
   11940             :                                                         this->m_FanOpMode,
   11941             :                                                         PartLoadRatio,
   11942             :                                                         this->m_HeatingSpeedNum,
   11943             :                                                         this->m_HeatingSpeedRatio);
   11944             :             // This doesn't look right when it was at higher speed
   11945             :             // this->m_HeatingCycRatio = PartLoadRatio;
   11946           0 :         } break;
   11947     1105543 :         case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWater: {
   11948     1105543 :             if (this->HeatCoilWaterFlowRatio == 0.0) {
   11949     1105543 :                 mdot = this->MaxHeatCoilFluidFlow * PartLoadRatio;
   11950             :             } else {
   11951           0 :                 mdot = this->HeatCoilWaterFlowRatio * this->MaxHeatCoilFluidFlow;
   11952             :             }
   11953     1105543 :             state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->HeatCoilFluidInletNode).MassFlowRate = mdot;
   11954     1105543 :             WaterCoils::SimulateWaterCoilComponents(
   11955             :                 state, CompName, FirstHVACIteration, this->m_HeatingCoilIndex, QActual, this->m_FanOpMode, PartLoadRatio);
   11956     1105543 :         } break;
   11957       55058 :         case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingSteam: {
   11958             :             // this same CALL is made in the steam coil calc routine
   11959       55058 :             mdot = min(state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->HeatCoilFluidOutletNodeNum).MassFlowRateMaxAvail, this->MaxHeatCoilFluidFlow * PartLoadRatio);
   11960       55058 :             if (this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedAC || this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedHP || this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedWSHP) {
   11961             :                 // tried this to resolve the PackagedTerminalAirConditioner steam spike issue, no help, but this is the correct way to do this
   11962       55058 :                 PlantUtilities::SetComponentFlowRate(
   11963             :                     state, mdot, this->HeatCoilFluidInletNode, this->HeatCoilFluidOutletNodeNum, this->HeatCoilPlantLoc);
   11964             :             } else {
   11965           0 :                 state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->HeatCoilFluidInletNode).MassFlowRate = mdot;
   11966             :             }
   11967      165174 :             SteamCoils::SimulateSteamCoilComponents(state,
   11968             :                                                     CompName,
   11969             :                                                     FirstHVACIteration,
   11970             :                                                     this->m_HeatingCoilIndex,
   11971      110116 :                                                     this->m_DesignHeatingCapacity * PartLoadRatio,
   11972             :                                                     _,
   11973             :                                                     this->m_FanOpMode,
   11974             :                                                     PartLoadRatio);
   11975       55058 :         } break;
   11976      286424 :         case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingAirToAirVariableSpeed:
   11977             :         case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWaterToAirHPVSEquationFit: {
   11978      286424 :             if (this->m_HeatingSpeedNum > 1) {
   11979       91989 :                 HeatPLR = 1.0;
   11980       91989 :                 if (this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedAC || this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedHP || this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedWSHP) {
   11981       30188 :                     this->m_HeatingSpeedRatio = PartLoadRatio;
   11982             :                 }
   11983             :             } else {
   11984      194435 :                 HeatPLR = PartLoadRatio;
   11985             :             }
   11986             : 
   11987      286424 :             VariableSpeedCoils::SimVariableSpeedCoils(state,
   11988             :                                                       CompName,
   11989             :                                                       this->m_HeatingCoilIndex,
   11990             :                                                       this->m_FanOpMode,
   11991             :                                                       this->m_MaxONOFFCyclesperHour,
   11992             :                                                       this->m_HPTimeConstant,
   11993             :                                                       this->m_FanDelayTime,
   11994             :                                                       CompressorOn,
   11995             :                                                       HeatPLR,
   11996             :                                                       this->m_HeatingSpeedNum,
   11997             :                                                       this->m_HeatingSpeedRatio,
   11998             :                                                       this->m_HeatingCoilSensDemand,
   11999             :                                                       dummy,
   12000             :                                                       OnOffAirFlowRatio);
   12001      286424 :             if (this->m_HeatingSpeedNum > 1) {
   12002       91989 :                 this->m_HeatCompPartLoadRatio = 1.0;
   12003             :             } else {
   12004      194435 :                 this->m_HeatCompPartLoadRatio = PartLoadRatio * double(CompressorOn);
   12005             :             }
   12006      286424 :         } break;
   12007      576743 :         case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWaterToAirHPSimple: {
   12008             :             // WSHP coils do not have a PLF curve and do not adjust fan performance
   12009      720041 :             if (PartLoadRatio > 0.0 && this->m_WSHPRuntimeFrac > 0.0 && this->m_FanOpMode == DataHVACGlobals::CycFanCycCoil &&
   12010      143298 :                 this->m_sysType != SysType::PackagedWSHP) { // used to match up to PTUnit results
   12011           0 :                 state.dataHVACGlobal->OnOffFanPartLoadFraction = PartLoadRatio / this->m_WSHPRuntimeFrac;
   12012             :             }
   12013             : 
   12014      576743 :             WaterToAirHeatPumpSimple::SimWatertoAirHPSimple(state,
   12015             :                                                             blankString,
   12016             :                                                             this->m_HeatingCoilIndex,
   12017             :                                                             this->m_HeatingCoilSensDemand,
   12018             :                                                             dummy,
   12019             :                                                             this->m_FanOpMode,
   12020             :                                                             this->m_WSHPRuntimeFrac,
   12021             :                                                             this->m_MaxONOFFCyclesperHour,
   12022             :                                                             this->m_HPTimeConstant,
   12023             :                                                             this->m_FanDelayTime,
   12024             :                                                             CompressorOn,
   12025             :                                                             PartLoadRatio,
   12026             :                                                             FirstHVACIteration);
   12027      576743 :             this->m_HeatCompPartLoadRatio = PartLoadRatio * double(CompressorOn);
   12028      576743 :         } break;
   12029      416586 :         case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWaterToAirHP: {
   12030      416586 :             this->heatPumpRunFrac(PartLoadRatio, errFlag, this->m_WSHPRuntimeFrac);
   12031             : 
   12032      416586 :             if (PartLoadRatio > 0.0 && this->m_WSHPRuntimeFrac > 0.0 && this->m_FanOpMode == DataHVACGlobals::CycFanCycCoil) {
   12033      205056 :                 state.dataHVACGlobal->OnOffFanPartLoadFraction = PartLoadRatio / this->m_WSHPRuntimeFrac;
   12034             :             }
   12035             : 
   12036      833172 :             WaterToAirHeatPump::SimWatertoAirHP(state,
   12037             :                                                 blankString,
   12038             :                                                 this->m_HeatingCoilIndex,
   12039             :                                                 this->MaxHeatAirMassFlow,
   12040             :                                                 this->m_FanOpMode,
   12041             :                                                 FirstHVACIteration,
   12042             :                                                 this->m_WSHPRuntimeFrac,
   12043             :                                                 this->m_MaxONOFFCyclesperHour,
   12044             :                                                 this->m_HPTimeConstant,
   12045             :                                                 this->m_FanDelayTime,
   12046      416586 :                                                 this->m_InitHeatPump,
   12047             :                                                 this->m_HeatingCoilSensDemand,
   12048             :                                                 dummy,
   12049             :                                                 CompressorOn,
   12050             :                                                 PartLoadRatio);
   12051      416586 :             this->m_HeatCompPartLoadRatio = PartLoadRatio * double(CompressorOn);
   12052      416586 :         } break;
   12053           0 :         default: {
   12054           0 :             ShowFatalError(
   12055           0 :                 state, "CalcUnitaryHeatingSystem: Invalid Unitary System coil type = " + DataHVACGlobals::cAllCoilTypes(this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num));
   12056           0 :         } break;
   12057             :         }
   12058             : 
   12059    21328678 :         this->m_HeatingPartLoadFrac = PartLoadRatio;
   12060    21328678 :     }
   12061             : 
   12062     5445545 :     void UnitarySys::calcUnitarySuppHeatingSystem(EnergyPlusData &state,
   12063             :                                                   bool const FirstHVACIteration, // True when first HVAC iteration
   12064             :                                                   Real64 const SuppCoilLoad      // adjusted supp coil load when outlet temp exceeds max (W)
   12065             :     )
   12066             :     {
   12067             : 
   12068             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
   12069             :         //       AUTHOR         Richard Raustad, FSEC
   12070             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   February 2013
   12071             : 
   12072             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
   12073             :         // This subroutine manages supplemental heater simulation.
   12074             : 
   12075             :         // SUBROUTINE PARAMETER DEFINITIONS:
   12076     5445545 :         int constexpr MaxIte(500);   // Maximum number of iterations for solver
   12077     5445545 :         Real64 constexpr Acc(1.e-3); // Accuracy of solver result
   12078             : 
   12079             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
   12080             :         // std::string CompName;    // Name of Unitary System object
   12081             :         Real64 SuppHeatCoilLoad; // load passed to supplemental heating coil (W)
   12082             :         Real64 QActual;          // actual coil output (W)
   12083             :         Real64 mdot;             // water coil water mass flow rate (kg/s)
   12084    10891090 :         std::vector<Real64> Par; // Parameter array passed to solver
   12085             :         int SolFla;              // Flag of solver, num iterations if >0, else error index
   12086             :         Real64 PartLoadFrac;     // temporary PLR variable
   12087             : 
   12088     5445545 :         Par.resize(5);
   12089             :         // work is needed to figure out how to adjust other coil types if outlet temp exceeds maximum
   12090             :         // this works for gas and electric heating coils
   12091    10891090 :         std::string CompName = this->m_SuppHeatCoilName;
   12092    10954372 :         if (state.dataEnvrn->OutDryBulbTemp <= this->m_MaxOATSuppHeat ||
   12093     3407138 :             (state.dataUnitarySystems->MoistureLoad < 0.0 && this->m_CoolingPartLoadFrac > 0.0)) {
   12094     2208627 :             SuppHeatCoilLoad = SuppCoilLoad;
   12095             :             //} else {
   12096             :             //    SuppHeatCoilLoad = this->m_DesignSuppHeatingCapacity * PartLoadRatio;
   12097             :             //}
   12098             :         } else {
   12099     3236918 :             SuppHeatCoilLoad = 0.0;
   12100             :         }
   12101     5445545 :         switch (this->m_SuppHeatCoilType_Num) {
   12102     5445545 :         case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingGasOrOtherFuel:
   12103             :         case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingElectric:
   12104             :         case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingElectric_MultiStage: {
   12105     5445545 :             switch (this->m_ControlType) {
   12106           0 :             case UnitarySysCtrlType::Setpoint: {
   12107           0 :                 HeatingCoils::SimulateHeatingCoilComponents(state,
   12108             :                                                             CompName,
   12109             :                                                             FirstHVACIteration,
   12110             :                                                             _,
   12111             :                                                             this->m_SuppHeatCoilIndex,
   12112             :                                                             _,
   12113             :                                                             true,
   12114             :                                                             this->m_FanOpMode,
   12115             :                                                             this->m_SuppHeatPartLoadFrac,
   12116             :                                                             this->m_SuppHeatingSpeedNum,
   12117             :                                                             this->m_SuppHeatingSpeedRatio);
   12118           0 :             } break;
   12119     5445545 :             default: {
   12120     5445545 :                 if (this->m_EMSOverrideSuppCoilSpeedNumOn) {
   12121      456780 :                     if (SuppHeatCoilLoad > 0.0) {
   12122       93584 :                         this->setEMSSuppCoilStagePLR(state);
   12123             :                     } else {
   12124      363196 :                         this->m_SuppHeatingSpeedRatio = 0.0;
   12125      363196 :                         this->m_SuppHeatingCycRatio = 0.0;
   12126      363196 :                         this->m_SuppHeatPartLoadFrac = 0.0;
   12127             :                     }
   12128             :                 } else {
   12129     4988765 :                     if (this->m_SuppHeatCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingElectric_MultiStage) {
   12130     1099980 :                         this->calcMultiStageSuppCoilStageByLoad(state, SuppHeatCoilLoad, FirstHVACIteration);
   12131             :                     }
   12132             :                 }
   12133     5445545 :                 HeatingCoils::SimulateHeatingCoilComponents(state,
   12134             :                                                             CompName,
   12135             :                                                             FirstHVACIteration,
   12136             :                                                             SuppHeatCoilLoad,
   12137             :                                                             this->m_SuppHeatCoilIndex,
   12138             :                                                             _,
   12139             :                                                             true,
   12140             :                                                             this->m_FanOpMode,
   12141             :                                                             this->m_SuppHeatPartLoadFrac,
   12142             :                                                             this->m_SuppHeatingSpeedNum,
   12143             :                                                             this->m_SuppHeatingSpeedRatio);
   12144     5445545 :             } break;
   12145             :             }
   12146     5445545 :         } break;
   12147           0 :         case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingDesuperheater: {
   12148           0 :             HeatingCoils::SimulateHeatingCoilComponents(state,
   12149             :                                                         CompName,
   12150             :                                                         FirstHVACIteration,
   12151             :                                                         SuppHeatCoilLoad,
   12152             :                                                         this->m_SuppHeatCoilIndex,
   12153             :                                                         _,
   12154             :                                                         true,
   12155             :                                                         this->m_FanOpMode,
   12156             :                                                         this->m_SuppHeatPartLoadFrac);
   12157           0 :         } break;
   12158           0 :         case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWater: {
   12159             :             // if (present(SuppCoilLoad)) {
   12160           0 :             if (SuppHeatCoilLoad > 0.0) {
   12161             :                 // see if HW coil has enough capacity to meet the load
   12162           0 :                 mdot = min(state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->m_SuppCoilFluidOutletNodeNum).MassFlowRateMaxAvail, this->m_MaxSuppCoilFluidFlow);
   12163           0 :                 state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->m_SuppCoilFluidInletNode).MassFlowRate = mdot;
   12164             :                 //     simulate water coil to find operating capacity
   12165           0 :                 WaterCoils::SimulateWaterCoilComponents(state,
   12166             :                                                         this->m_SuppHeatCoilName,
   12167             :                                                         FirstHVACIteration,
   12168             :                                                         this->m_SuppHeatCoilIndex,
   12169             :                                                         QActual,
   12170             :                                                         this->m_FanOpMode,
   12171             :                                                         this->m_SuppHeatPartLoadFrac);
   12172           0 :                 if (QActual > SuppHeatCoilLoad) {
   12173           0 :                     auto f = [&state, this, FirstHVACIteration, SuppHeatCoilLoad](Real64 const PartLoadFrac) {
   12174           0 :                         Real64 mdot = min(state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->m_SuppCoilFluidOutletNodeNum).MassFlowRateMaxAvail,
   12175           0 :                                           this->m_MaxSuppCoilFluidFlow * PartLoadFrac);
   12176           0 :                         state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->m_SuppCoilFluidInletNode).MassFlowRate = mdot;
   12177           0 :                         WaterCoils::SimulateWaterCoilComponents(
   12178             :                             state, this->m_SuppHeatCoilName, FirstHVACIteration, this->m_SuppHeatCoilIndex, 0.0, this->m_FanOpMode, PartLoadFrac);
   12179           0 :                         return SuppHeatCoilLoad;
   12180           0 :                     };
   12181             : 
   12182           0 :                     General::SolveRoot(state, Acc, MaxIte, SolFla, PartLoadFrac, f, 0.0, 1.0);
   12183           0 :                     this->m_SuppHeatPartLoadFrac = PartLoadFrac;
   12184             :                 } else {
   12185           0 :                     this->m_SuppHeatPartLoadFrac = 1.0;
   12186             :                 }
   12187             :             }
   12188           0 :         } break;
   12189           0 :         case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingSteam: {
   12190           0 :             mdot = min(state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->m_SuppCoilFluidOutletNodeNum).MassFlowRateMaxAvail,
   12191           0 :                        this->m_MaxSuppCoilFluidFlow * this->m_SuppHeatPartLoadFrac);
   12192           0 :             state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->m_SuppCoilFluidInletNode).MassFlowRate = mdot;
   12193           0 :             SteamCoils::SimulateSteamCoilComponents(
   12194             :                 state, CompName, FirstHVACIteration, this->m_SuppHeatCoilIndex, SuppHeatCoilLoad, _, this->m_FanOpMode, this->m_SuppHeatPartLoadFrac);
   12195           0 :         } break;
   12196           0 :         default:
   12197           0 :             break;
   12198             :         }
   12199     5445545 :     }
   12200             : 
   12201       93584 :     void UnitarySys::setEMSSuppCoilStagePLR(EnergyPlusData &state)
   12202             :     {
   12203       93584 :         bool useMaxedSpeed = false;
   12204       93584 :         int SpeedNumEMS = ceil(this->m_EMSOverrideSuppCoilSpeedNumValue);
   12205       93584 :         if (SpeedNumEMS > this->m_NumOfSpeedSuppHeating) {
   12206           0 :             SpeedNumEMS = this->m_NumOfSpeedSuppHeating;
   12207           0 :             useMaxedSpeed = true;
   12208             :         }
   12209       93584 :         this->m_SuppHeatingSpeedNum = SpeedNumEMS;
   12210       93584 :         if (useMaxedSpeed) {
   12211           0 :             this->m_CoilSpeedErrIdx++;
   12212           0 :             ShowRecurringWarningErrorAtEnd(state,
   12213           0 :                                            format("Wrong coil speed EMS override value, for unit=\"{}\". Exceeding maximum coil speed "
   12214             :                                                   "level. Speed level is set to the maximum coil speed level allowed.",
   12215           0 :                                                   this->m_SuppHeatCoilName),
   12216             :                                            this->m_CoilSpeedErrIdx,
   12217             :                                            this->m_EMSOverrideSuppCoilSpeedNumValue,
   12218             :                                            this->m_EMSOverrideSuppCoilSpeedNumValue,
   12219             :                                            _,
   12220             :                                            "",
   12221             :                                            "");
   12222             :         }
   12223       93584 :         if (this->m_SuppHeatingSpeedNum == 1) {
   12224          16 :             this->m_SuppHeatingSpeedRatio = 0.0;
   12225          16 :             this->m_SuppHeatingCycRatio = this->m_EMSOverrideSuppCoilSpeedNumValue - floor(this->m_EMSOverrideSuppCoilSpeedNumValue);
   12226          16 :             if (useMaxedSpeed || this->m_SuppHeatingCycRatio == 0) {
   12227          16 :                 this->m_SuppHeatingCycRatio = 1;
   12228             :             }
   12229          16 :             this->m_SuppHeatPartLoadFrac = this->m_SuppHeatingCycRatio;
   12230             :         } else {
   12231       93568 :             this->m_SuppHeatingCycRatio = 1.0;
   12232       93568 :             this->m_SuppHeatingSpeedRatio = this->m_EMSOverrideSuppCoilSpeedNumValue - floor(this->m_EMSOverrideSuppCoilSpeedNumValue);
   12233       93568 :             if (useMaxedSpeed || this->m_SuppHeatingSpeedRatio == 0) {
   12234           0 :                 this->m_SuppHeatingSpeedRatio = 1;
   12235             :             }
   12236       93568 :             this->m_SuppHeatPartLoadFrac = this->m_SuppHeatingSpeedRatio;
   12237             :         }
   12238       93584 :     }
   12239             : 
   12240     3553043 :     void UnitarySys::controlCoolingSystemToSP(EnergyPlusData &state,
   12241             :                                               int const AirLoopNum,                              // index to air loop
   12242             :                                               bool const FirstHVACIteration,                     // First HVAC iteration flag
   12243             :                                               bool &HXUnitOn,                                    // flag to enable heat exchanger heat recovery
   12244             :                                               DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation &CompressorOp // compressor on/off control
   12245             :     )
   12246             :     {
   12247             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
   12248             :         //       AUTHOR         Richard Raustad, FSEC
   12249             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   February 2013
   12250             :         //       MODIFIED       Nov. 2016, R. Zhang, LBNL. Applied the coil supply air temperature sensor offset fault model
   12251             : 
   12252             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
   12253             :         //  Simulate the coil object at the required PLR.
   12254             : 
   12255             :         // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
   12256             :         //  Calculate operating PLR and adjust speed when using multispeed coils.
   12257             :         //  Meet moisture load if required to do so.
   12258             : 
   12259             :         // SUBROUTINE PARAMETER DEFINITIONS:
   12260     3553043 :         int constexpr MaxIte(500);         // Maximum number of iterations for solver
   12261     3553043 :         Real64 constexpr Acc(1.e-3);       // Accuracy of solver result
   12262     3553043 :         Real64 constexpr HumRatAcc(1.e-6); // Accuracy of solver result
   12263             : 
   12264             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
   12265             :         Real64 ReqOutput; // Sensible capacity (outlet - inlet) required to meet load or setpoint temperature
   12266             :         // for variable speed or 2 speed compressors
   12267             :         Real64 OutletTempDXCoil;     // Actual outlet temperature of the DX cooling coil
   12268             :         Real64 OutletHumRatLS;       // Actual outlet humrat of the variable speed DX cooling coil at low speed
   12269             :         Real64 OutletHumRatHS;       // Actual outlet humrat of the variable speed DX cooling coil at high speed
   12270             :         Real64 OutletHumRatDXCoil;   // Actual outlet humidity ratio of the DX cooling coil
   12271             :         Real64 TempMinPLR;           // Used to find latent PLR when max iterations exceeded
   12272             :         Real64 TempMaxPLR;           // Used to find latent PLR when max iterations exceeded
   12273             :         Real64 TempOutletTempDXCoil; // Used to find latent PLR when max iterations exceeded
   12274             :         Real64 OutletTemp;
   12275             :         bool HeatingActive;     // dummy variable for UserDefined coil which are passed back indicating if coil is on or off.
   12276             :         bool CoolingActive;     // dummy variable for UserDefined coil which are passed back indicating if coil is on or off.
   12277             :         Real64 OutdoorDryBulb;  // local variable for OutDryBulbTemp
   12278             :         Real64 maxPartLoadFrac; // calculated maximum water side PLR for RegulaFalsi call (when plant limits flow max PLR != 1)
   12279             : 
   12280             :         // Set local variables
   12281             :         // Retrieve the load on the controlled zone
   12282     3553043 :         int OutletNode = this->CoolCoilOutletNodeNum;
   12283     3553043 :         int InletNode = this->CoolCoilInletNodeNum;
   12284     3553043 :         Real64 DesOutTemp = this->m_DesiredOutletTemp;
   12285     3553043 :         Real64 DesOutHumRat = this->m_DesiredOutletHumRat;
   12286     3553043 :         int CoilType_Num = this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num;
   12287     3553043 :         Real64 LoopDXCoilMaxRTFSave = 0.0;
   12288     3553043 :         if (state.afn->distribution_simulated) {
   12289      124385 :             LoopDXCoilMaxRTFSave = state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopAFNInfo(AirLoopNum).AFNLoopDXCoilRTF;
   12290      124385 :             state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopAFNInfo(AirLoopNum).AFNLoopDXCoilRTF = 0.0;
   12291             :         }
   12292             : 
   12293     7106086 :         std::string CompName = this->m_CoolingCoilName;
   12294     3553043 :         int FanOpMode = this->m_FanOpMode;
   12295     3553043 :         Real64 SpeedRatio = 0.0;
   12296     3553043 :         int SpeedNum = 0;
   12297     3553043 :         Real64 CycRatio = 0.0;
   12298     3553043 :         Real64 PartLoadFrac = 0.0;
   12299     3553043 :         int DehumidMode = 0;
   12300     3553043 :         bool SensibleLoad = false;
   12301     3553043 :         bool LatentLoad = false;
   12302     3553043 :         Real64 m_WSHPRuntimeFrac = 0.0;
   12303     3553043 :         Real64 dummy = 0.0;
   12304     3553043 :         Real64 SensLoad = 0.0;
   12305     3553043 :         int SolFla = 0;
   12306     3553043 :         int SolFlaLat = 0;
   12307     3553043 :         Real64 NoLoadTempOut = 0.0;
   12308     3553043 :         Real64 NoLoadHumRatOut = 0.0;
   12309             :         // #8849, FullLoadHumRatOut set only at max speed
   12310     3553043 :         Real64 FullLoadHumRatOut = 0.0;
   12311     3553043 :         Real64 FullOutput = 0.0;        // Sensible capacity (outlet - inlet) when the compressor is on
   12312     3553043 :         Real64 OnOffAirFlowRatio = 0.0; // Autodesk:Init Patch to prevent use uninitialized in calls to SimVariableSpeedCoils
   12313     3553043 :         Real64 mdot = 0.0;              // water coil water flow rate [kg/s]
   12314             : 
   12315     3553043 :         if (this->m_CondenserNodeNum != 0) {
   12316      149442 :             OutdoorDryBulb = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->m_CondenserNodeNum).Temp;
   12317             :         } else {
   12318     3403601 :             OutdoorDryBulb = state.dataEnvrn->OutDryBulbTemp;
   12319             :         }
   12320             : 
   12321             :         // Check the dehumidification control type. IF it's multimode, turn off the HX to find the sensible PLR. Then check to
   12322             :         // see if the humidity load is met without the use of the HX. Always run the HX for the other modes.
   12323     3553043 :         if (this->m_DehumidControlType_Num != DehumCtrlType::Multimode && this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num != DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_Cooling) {
   12324     3458933 :             HXUnitOn = true;
   12325             :         } else {
   12326       94110 :             HXUnitOn = false;
   12327             :         }
   12328             : 
   12329             :         // IF there is a fault of coil SAT Sensor
   12330     3553043 :         if (this->m_FaultyCoilSATFlag) {
   12331             :             // calculate the sensor offset using fault information
   12332           0 :             int FaultIndex = this->m_FaultyCoilSATIndex;
   12333           0 :             this->m_FaultyCoilSATOffset = state.dataFaultsMgr->FaultsCoilSATSensor(FaultIndex).CalFaultOffsetAct(state);
   12334             :             // update the DesOutTemp
   12335           0 :             DesOutTemp -= this->m_FaultyCoilSATOffset;
   12336             :         }
   12337             : 
   12338             :         // IF UnitarySystem is scheduled on and there is flow
   12339    10324329 :         if ((ScheduleManager::GetCurrentScheduleValue(state, this->m_SysAvailSchedPtr) > 0.0) &&
   12340     6744348 :             ScheduleManager::GetCurrentScheduleValue(state, this->m_CoolingCoilAvailSchPtr) > 0.0 &&
   12341     3191305 :             (state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNode).MassFlowRate > DataHVACGlobals::SmallAirVolFlow)) {
   12342             : 
   12343     2636125 :             bool unitSys = false;
   12344     2636125 :             Real64 tempHumRatAcc = HumRatAcc;
   12345     2636125 :             Real64 tempAcc = Acc;
   12346             :             // Determine if there is a sensible load on this system
   12347     2636125 :             if (this->m_sysType == SysType::CoilCoolingDX) {
   12348     6311935 :                 if ((state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNode).Temp > state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->CoolCtrlNode).TempSetPoint) &&
   12349     3797065 :                     (state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNode).Temp > DesOutTemp) &&
   12350     1298729 :                     (std::abs(state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNode).Temp - DesOutTemp) > DataHVACGlobals::TempControlTol)) {
   12351     1126624 :                     SensibleLoad = true;
   12352             :                 }
   12353     2498336 :                 tempAcc = 0.0;
   12354     2498336 :                 tempHumRatAcc = 0.0;
   12355             :             } else {
   12356      137789 :                 unitSys = true;
   12357      137789 :                 if (state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNode).Temp - DesOutTemp > DataHVACGlobals::TempControlTol) SensibleLoad = true;
   12358             :             }
   12359             : 
   12360             :             // if a heat pump and other coil is on, disable this coil
   12361     2636125 :             if (this->m_HeatPump && this->m_HeatingPartLoadFrac > 0.0) SensibleLoad = false;
   12362             : 
   12363             :             // Determine if there is a latent load on this system - for future use to serve latent-only loads
   12364     2636125 :             if (this->m_sysType == SysType::CoilCoolingDX) {
   12365     4973074 :                 if ((state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNode).HumRat > state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNode).HumRatMax) &&
   12366     2474738 :                     (state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNode).HumRat > DesOutHumRat))
   12367       11617 :                     LatentLoad = true;
   12368             :             } else {
   12369      137789 :                 if (state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNode).HumRat > DesOutHumRat) LatentLoad = true;
   12370             :             }
   12371             : 
   12372             :             // disable latent dehumidification if there is no sensible load and latent only is not allowed
   12373     2636125 :             if (this->m_RunOnLatentOnlyWithSensible && !SensibleLoad) LatentLoad = false;
   12374             : 
   12375             :             // disable compressor if OAT is below minimum outdoor temperature
   12376     2636125 :             if (OutdoorDryBulb < this->m_MinOATCompressorCooling) {
   12377           0 :                 SensibleLoad = false;
   12378           0 :                 LatentLoad = false;
   12379             :             }
   12380             : 
   12381             :             // activate heat recovery loop coil if scheduled on and there is air flow
   12382     2636125 :             if (this->m_WaterHRPlantLoopModel) {
   12383       16212 :                 if (this->temperatureOffsetControlStatus == 1) {
   12384           1 :                     PartLoadFrac = 1.0;
   12385           1 :                     mdot = this->MaxCoolCoilFluidFlow;
   12386             :                 }
   12387       16212 :                 if (this->CoolCoilPlantLoc.loopNum > 0) {
   12388       16212 :                     PlantUtilities::SetComponentFlowRate(
   12389             :                         state, mdot, this->CoolCoilFluidInletNode, this->CoolCoilFluidOutletNodeNum, this->CoolCoilPlantLoc);
   12390             :                 }
   12391             : 
   12392       16212 :                 WaterCoils::SimulateWaterCoilComponents(
   12393             :                     state, CompName, FirstHVACIteration, this->m_CoolingCoilIndex, _, this->m_FanOpMode, PartLoadFrac);
   12394       16212 :                 SensibleLoad = false; // fall through remaining checks
   12395       16212 :                 LatentLoad = false;
   12396     2619913 :             } else if (this->m_TemperatureOffsetControlActive) {
   12397             :                 // disable waterside economizer if the condition is NOT favorable
   12398       38346 :                 if (this->temperatureOffsetControlStatus == 0) {
   12399       37720 :                     SensibleLoad = false;
   12400       37720 :                     LatentLoad = false;
   12401       37720 :                     HXUnitOn = false;
   12402             :                 }
   12403             :             }
   12404             : 
   12405             :             // IF DXCoolingSystem runs with a cooling load then set PartLoadFrac on Cooling System and the Mass Flow
   12406             :             // Multimode coil will switch to enhanced dehumidification IF available and needed, but it
   12407             :             // still runs to meet the sensible load. Multimode applies to Multimode or HXAssistedCooling coils.
   12408     2636125 :             if ((SensibleLoad && this->m_RunOnSensibleLoad) || (LatentLoad && this->m_RunOnLatentLoad)) {
   12409             :                 // calculate sensible PLR, don't care IF latent is true here but need to gaurd for
   12410             :                 // when LatentLoad=TRUE and SensibleLoad=FALSE
   12411     2392076 :                 ReqOutput = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNode).MassFlowRate *
   12412     3588114 :                             Psychrometrics::PsyDeltaHSenFnTdb2W2Tdb1W1(DesOutTemp,
   12413     1196038 :                                                                        state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNode).HumRat,
   12414     1196038 :                                                                        state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNode).Temp,
   12415     1196038 :                                                                        state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNode).HumRat);
   12416             : 
   12417     1196038 :                 PartLoadFrac = 0.0;
   12418     1196038 :                 CompressorOp = DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::Off;
   12419             : 
   12420     1196038 :                 if (this->m_EMSOverrideCoilSpeedNumOn &&
   12421       21022 :                     (CoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_MultiSpeedCooling || CoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_Cooling)) {
   12422       21022 :                     this->m_CoolingSpeedNum = ceil(this->m_EMSOverrideCoilSpeedNumValue);
   12423       21022 :                     this->m_SpeedNum = this->m_CoolingSpeedNum;
   12424       21022 :                     bool useMaxedSpeed = false;
   12425       21022 :                     if (this->m_SpeedNum > this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling) {
   12426           0 :                         this->m_CoolingSpeedNum = this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling;
   12427           0 :                         this->m_SpeedNum = this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling;
   12428           0 :                         CycRatio = this->m_CoolingCycRatio = 1.0;
   12429           0 :                         PartLoadFrac = SpeedRatio = this->m_CoolingSpeedRatio = 1.0;
   12430           0 :                         useMaxedSpeed = true;
   12431           0 :                         if (this->m_CoilSpeedErrIdx == 0) {
   12432           0 :                             ShowWarningMessage(state, "Wrong coil speed EMS override value, for unit=\"" + this->m_CoolingCoilName);
   12433           0 :                             ShowContinueError(state,
   12434             :                                               "  Exceeding maximum coil speed level. Speed level is set to the maximum coil speed level allowed.");
   12435             :                         }
   12436           0 :                         ShowRecurringWarningErrorAtEnd(
   12437             :                             state,
   12438           0 :                             "Wrong coil speed EMS override value, for unit=\"" + this->m_CoolingCoilName +
   12439             :                                 "\". Exceeding maximum coil speed level. Speed level is set to the maximum coil speed level allowed.",
   12440             :                             this->m_CoilSpeedErrIdx,
   12441             :                             this->m_EMSOverrideCoilSpeedNumValue,
   12442             :                             this->m_EMSOverrideCoilSpeedNumValue,
   12443             :                             _,
   12444             :                             "",
   12445             :                             "");
   12446             :                     }
   12447             : 
   12448       21022 :                     if (this->m_SpeedNum < 0) {
   12449           0 :                         this->m_CoolingSpeedNum = 0;
   12450           0 :                         this->m_SpeedNum = 0;
   12451           0 :                         CycRatio = this->m_CoolingCycRatio = 0.0;
   12452           0 :                         PartLoadFrac = SpeedRatio = this->m_CoolingSpeedRatio = 0.0;
   12453           0 :                         if (this->m_CoilSpeedErrIdx == 0) {
   12454           0 :                             ShowWarningMessage(state, "Wrong coil speed EMS override value, for unit=\"" + this->m_CoolingCoilName);
   12455           0 :                             ShowContinueError(state, "  Input speed value is below zero. Speed level is set to zero.");
   12456             :                         }
   12457           0 :                         ShowRecurringWarningErrorAtEnd(state,
   12458           0 :                                                        "Wrong coil speed EMS override value, for unit=\"" + this->m_CoolingCoilName +
   12459             :                                                            "\". Input speed value is below zero. Speed level is set to zero.",
   12460             :                                                        this->m_CoilSpeedErrIdx,
   12461             :                                                        this->m_EMSOverrideCoilSpeedNumValue,
   12462             :                                                        this->m_EMSOverrideCoilSpeedNumValue,
   12463             :                                                        _,
   12464             :                                                        "",
   12465             :                                                        "");
   12466             :                     }
   12467             : 
   12468       21022 :                     if (this->m_CoolingSpeedNum == 1) {
   12469        3229 :                         SpeedRatio = this->m_CoolingSpeedRatio = 0.0;
   12470        3229 :                         CycRatio = this->m_CoolingCycRatio = this->m_EMSOverrideCoilSpeedNumValue - floor(this->m_EMSOverrideCoilSpeedNumValue);
   12471        3229 :                         if (useMaxedSpeed || this->m_CoolingCycRatio == 0) {
   12472        3229 :                             CycRatio = this->m_CoolingCycRatio = 1;
   12473             :                         }
   12474        3229 :                         PartLoadFrac = this->m_CoolingCycRatio;
   12475             :                     } else {
   12476       17793 :                         CycRatio = this->m_CoolingCycRatio = 1.0;
   12477       17793 :                         SpeedRatio = this->m_CoolingSpeedRatio = this->m_EMSOverrideCoilSpeedNumValue - floor(this->m_EMSOverrideCoilSpeedNumValue);
   12478       17793 :                         if (useMaxedSpeed || this->m_CoolingSpeedRatio == 0) {
   12479           0 :                             SpeedRatio = this->m_CoolingSpeedRatio = 1;
   12480             :                         }
   12481       17793 :                         PartLoadFrac = this->m_CoolingSpeedRatio;
   12482             :                     }
   12483       21022 :                     this->m_CoolCompPartLoadRatio = PartLoadFrac;
   12484       21022 :                     if (CoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_MultiSpeedCooling) {
   12485           0 :                         this->simMultiSpeedCoils(state,
   12486             :                                                  AirLoopNum,
   12487             :                                                  FirstHVACIteration,
   12488             :                                                  CompressorOp,
   12489             :                                                  SensibleLoad,
   12490             :                                                  LatentLoad,
   12491             :                                                  PartLoadFrac,
   12492             :                                                  CoolingCoil,
   12493             :                                                  this->m_SpeedNum);
   12494           0 :                         OutletTemp = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNode).Temp;
   12495           0 :                         if (SpeedNum == this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling) {
   12496           0 :                             FullLoadHumRatOut = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNode).HumRat;
   12497             :                         }
   12498             :                     } else {
   12499       21022 :                         int OperationMode = DataHVACGlobals::coilNormalMode;
   12500       21022 :                         if (state.dataCoilCooingDX->coilCoolingDXs[this->m_CoolingCoilIndex].SubcoolReheatFlag) {
   12501           0 :                             OperationMode = DataHVACGlobals::coilSubcoolReheatMode;
   12502       21022 :                         } else if (this->m_DehumidificationMode == 1) {
   12503           0 :                             OperationMode = DataHVACGlobals::coilEnhancedMode;
   12504             :                         }
   12505       21022 :                         bool const singleMode = (this->m_SingleMode == 1);
   12506       21022 :                         state.dataCoilCooingDX->coilCoolingDXs[this->m_CoolingCoilIndex].simulate(
   12507             :                             state, OperationMode, PartLoadFrac, this->m_CoolingSpeedNum, this->m_CoolingSpeedRatio, this->m_FanOpMode, singleMode);
   12508       21022 :                     }
   12509             : 
   12510     1175016 :                 } else if (CoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_CoolingSingleSpeed) { // COIL:DX:COOLINGBYPASSFACTOREMPIRICAL
   12511      699920 :                     this->m_CompPartLoadRatio = PartLoadFrac;
   12512             : 
   12513      699920 :                     DXCoils::SimDXCoil(state,
   12514             :                                        CompName,
   12515             :                                        DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::On,
   12516             :                                        FirstHVACIteration,
   12517             :                                        this->m_CoolingCoilIndex,
   12518             :                                        FanOpMode,
   12519             :                                        PartLoadFrac);
   12520             : 
   12521      475096 :                 } else if ((CoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_CoolingHXAssisted) ||
   12522             :                            (CoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilWater_CoolingHXAssisted)) { // CoilSystem:Cooling:DX:HeatExchangerAssisted
   12523             : 
   12524        9946 :                     if (this->CoolCoilFluidInletNode > 0) state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->CoolCoilFluidInletNode).MassFlowRate = 0.0;
   12525             : 
   12526       19892 :                     HVACHXAssistedCoolingCoil::SimHXAssistedCoolingCoil(state,
   12527             :                                                                         CompName,
   12528             :                                                                         FirstHVACIteration,
   12529             :                                                                         DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::On,
   12530             :                                                                         PartLoadFrac,
   12531             :                                                                         this->m_CoolingCoilIndex,
   12532             :                                                                         FanOpMode,
   12533             :                                                                         HXUnitOn,
   12534             :                                                                         _,
   12535        9946 :                                                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->economizerFlag,
   12536             :                                                                         _,
   12537             :                                                                         this->m_DehumidificationMode,
   12538             :                                                                         0.0); // this->CoilSHR);
   12539        9946 :                     if (CoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_CoolingHXAssisted) this->m_CompPartLoadRatio = PartLoadFrac;
   12540      465150 :                 } else if (CoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_CoolingTwoSpeed) {
   12541             : 
   12542      402304 :                     DXCoils::SimDXCoilMultiSpeed(state, CompName, 0.0, PartLoadFrac, this->m_CoolingCoilIndex);
   12543             : 
   12544       62846 :                 } else if (CoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_MultiSpeedCooling) {
   12545        5209 :                     this->simMultiSpeedCoils(
   12546             :                         state, AirLoopNum, FirstHVACIteration, CompressorOp, SensibleLoad, LatentLoad, PartLoadFrac, CoolingCoil, this->m_SpeedNum);
   12547             : 
   12548       57637 :                 } else if ((CoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingAirToAirVariableSpeed) ||
   12549             :                            (CoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWaterToAirHPVSEquationFit)) {
   12550             : 
   12551       13630 :                     this->m_CoolingCoilSensDemand = ReqOutput;
   12552       27260 :                     VariableSpeedCoils::SimVariableSpeedCoils(state,
   12553             :                                                               "",
   12554             :                                                               this->m_CoolingCoilIndex,
   12555             :                                                               FanOpMode,
   12556             :                                                               this->m_MaxONOFFCyclesperHour,
   12557             :                                                               this->m_HPTimeConstant,
   12558             :                                                               this->m_FanDelayTime,
   12559             :                                                               CompressorOp,
   12560             :                                                               CycRatio,
   12561             :                                                               SpeedNum,
   12562             :                                                               SpeedRatio,
   12563             :                                                               SensLoad,
   12564             :                                                               dummy,
   12565       13630 :                                                               OnOffAirFlowRatio);
   12566             : 
   12567       44007 :                 } else if (CoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_CoolingTwoStageWHumControl) {
   12568             : 
   12569       10974 :                     DXCoils::SimDXCoilMultiMode(state,
   12570             :                                                 CompName,
   12571             :                                                 DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::On,
   12572             :                                                 FirstHVACIteration,
   12573             :                                                 PartLoadFrac,
   12574             :                                                 DehumidMode,
   12575             :                                                 this->m_CoolingCoilIndex,
   12576             :                                                 FanOpMode);
   12577       10974 :                     this->m_CompPartLoadRatio = PartLoadFrac;
   12578       33033 :                 } else if (CoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_Cooling) { // CoilCoolingDX
   12579             :                     // SP control (tentatively) operates at constant air flow regardless of speed
   12580             :                     // speed n uses MSHPMassFlowRateHigh and speed n-1 uses MSHPMassFlowRateLow
   12581       25926 :                     state.dataHVACGlobal->MSHPMassFlowRateLow = this->m_DesignMassFlowRate;
   12582       25926 :                     state.dataHVACGlobal->MSHPMassFlowRateHigh = this->m_DesignMassFlowRate;
   12583       25926 :                     int OperationMode = DataHVACGlobals::coilNormalMode;
   12584       25926 :                     if (state.dataCoilCooingDX->coilCoolingDXs[this->m_CoolingCoilIndex].SubcoolReheatFlag) {
   12585           0 :                         OperationMode = DataHVACGlobals::coilSubcoolReheatMode;
   12586       25926 :                     } else if (this->m_DehumidificationMode == 1) {
   12587           0 :                         OperationMode = DataHVACGlobals::coilEnhancedMode;
   12588             :                     }
   12589       25926 :                     bool const singleMode = (this->m_SingleMode == 1);
   12590       25926 :                     state.dataCoilCooingDX->coilCoolingDXs[this->m_CoolingCoilIndex].simulate(
   12591             :                         state, OperationMode, PartLoadFrac, this->m_CoolingSpeedNum, this->m_CoolingSpeedRatio, this->m_FanOpMode, singleMode);
   12592       25926 :                     this->m_CoolCompPartLoadRatio = PartLoadFrac;
   12593        7107 :                 } else if ((CoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWater) ||
   12594             :                            (CoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWaterDetailed)) { // COIL:COOLING:WATER
   12595             : 
   12596         576 :                     WaterCoils::SimulateWaterCoilComponents(
   12597             :                         state, CompName, FirstHVACIteration, this->m_CoolingCoilIndex, _, this->m_FanOpMode, PartLoadFrac);
   12598             : 
   12599        6531 :                 } else if (CoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWaterToAirHPSimple) {
   12600             : 
   12601           0 :                     WaterToAirHeatPumpSimple::SimWatertoAirHPSimple(state,
   12602             :                                                                     blankString,
   12603             :                                                                     this->m_CoolingCoilIndex,
   12604             :                                                                     ReqOutput,
   12605             :                                                                     dummy,
   12606             :                                                                     FanOpMode,
   12607             :                                                                     m_WSHPRuntimeFrac,
   12608             :                                                                     this->m_MaxONOFFCyclesperHour,
   12609             :                                                                     this->m_HPTimeConstant,
   12610             :                                                                     this->m_FanDelayTime,
   12611             :                                                                     DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::Off,
   12612             :                                                                     PartLoadFrac,
   12613             :                                                                     FirstHVACIteration);
   12614           0 :                     this->m_CoolingCoilSensDemand = 0.0;
   12615             : 
   12616        6531 :                 } else if (CoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWaterToAirHP) {
   12617             : 
   12618           0 :                     WaterToAirHeatPump::SimWatertoAirHP(state,
   12619             :                                                         blankString,
   12620             :                                                         this->m_CoolingCoilIndex,
   12621             :                                                         this->MaxCoolAirMassFlow,
   12622             :                                                         FanOpMode,
   12623             :                                                         FirstHVACIteration,
   12624             :                                                         m_WSHPRuntimeFrac,
   12625             :                                                         this->m_MaxONOFFCyclesperHour,
   12626             :                                                         this->m_HPTimeConstant,
   12627             :                                                         this->m_FanDelayTime,
   12628           0 :                                                         this->m_InitHeatPump,
   12629             :                                                         ReqOutput,
   12630             :                                                         dummy,
   12631             :                                                         DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::Off,
   12632             :                                                         PartLoadFrac);
   12633             : 
   12634        6531 :                 } else if (CoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_UserDefined) {
   12635             : 
   12636           0 :                     HeatingActive = false; // set to arbitrary value on entry to function
   12637           0 :                     CoolingActive = true;  // set to arbitrary value on entry to function
   12638           0 :                     UserDefinedComponents::SimCoilUserDefined(state, CompName, this->m_CoolingCoilIndex, AirLoopNum, HeatingActive, CoolingActive);
   12639           0 :                     if (CoolingActive) PartLoadFrac = 1.0;
   12640             : 
   12641        6531 :                 } else if (CoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_PackagedThermalStorageCooling) {
   12642             : 
   12643        6531 :                     PackagedThermalStorageCoil::SimTESCoil(state, CompName, this->m_CoolingCoilIndex, FanOpMode, this->m_TESOpMode, PartLoadFrac);
   12644             : 
   12645             :                 } else {
   12646             :                 }
   12647             : 
   12648     1196038 :                 NoLoadTempOut = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNode).Temp;
   12649     1196038 :                 NoLoadHumRatOut = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNode).HumRat;
   12650             : 
   12651     1196038 :                 Real64 NoOutput = 0.0; // CoilSystem:Cooling:DX
   12652     1196038 :                 Real64 ReqOutput = 0.0;
   12653     1196038 :                 FullOutput = 0.0;
   12654     1196038 :                 if (this->m_sysType == SysType::CoilCoolingDX) {
   12655     2253248 :                     NoOutput = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNode).MassFlowRate *
   12656     2253248 :                                (Psychrometrics::PsyHFnTdbW(state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNode).Temp, state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNode).HumRat) -
   12657     1126624 :                                 Psychrometrics::PsyHFnTdbW(state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNode).Temp, state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNode).HumRat));
   12658     2253248 :                     ReqOutput = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNode).MassFlowRate *
   12659     2253248 :                                 (Psychrometrics::PsyHFnTdbW(DesOutTemp, state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNode).HumRat) -
   12660     1126624 :                                  Psychrometrics::PsyHFnTdbW(state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNode).Temp, state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNode).HumRat));
   12661             :                 }
   12662             : 
   12663             :                 //     Changed logic to use temperature instead of load. The Psyc calcs can cause slight errors.
   12664             :                 //     For example it's possible that (NoOutput-ReqOutput) > Acc while (Node(OutletNode)%Temp-DesOutTemp) is not
   12665             :                 //     This can (and did) lead to RegulaFalsi errors
   12666             : 
   12667             :                 //      IF ((NoOutput-ReqOutput) .LT. Acc) THEN
   12668             :                 //     IF outlet temp at no load is lower than DesOutTemp (set point), do not operate the coil
   12669             :                 //      and if coolReheat, check hum rat as well
   12670     1196038 :                 bool doIt = false; // CoilSystem:Cooling:DX
   12671     1196038 :                 if (this->m_sysType == SysType::CoilCoolingDX) {
   12672     1126624 :                     if ((NoOutput - ReqOutput) < Acc) {
   12673           0 :                         PartLoadFrac = 0.0;
   12674             :                     } else {
   12675     1126624 :                         doIt = true;
   12676             :                     }
   12677       69414 :                 } else if (((NoLoadTempOut - DesOutTemp) < Acc) && ((NoLoadHumRatOut - DesOutHumRat) < HumRatAcc)) {
   12678         388 :                     PartLoadFrac = 0.0;
   12679             :                 } else {         // need to turn on compressor to see if load is met
   12680       69026 :                     doIt = true; // CoilSystem:Cooling:DX
   12681             :                 }                // CoilSystem:Cooling:DX
   12682     1196038 :                 if (this->m_EMSOverrideCoilSpeedNumOn) doIt = false;
   12683             : 
   12684     1196038 :                 if (doIt) { // CoilSystem:Cooling:DX
   12685     1175016 :                     PartLoadFrac = 1.0;
   12686     1175016 :                     CompressorOp = DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::On;
   12687     1175016 :                     m_WSHPRuntimeFrac = 1.0;
   12688             : 
   12689     1175016 :                     if (CoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_CoolingSingleSpeed) { // COIL:DX:COOLINGBYPASSFACTOREMPIRICAL
   12690             : 
   12691      699920 :                         DXCoils::SimDXCoil(state,
   12692             :                                            CompName,
   12693             :                                            DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::On,
   12694             :                                            FirstHVACIteration,
   12695             :                                            this->m_CoolingCoilIndex,
   12696             :                                            FanOpMode,
   12697             :                                            PartLoadFrac);
   12698      699920 :                         this->m_CompPartLoadRatio = PartLoadFrac;
   12699      699920 :                         FullLoadHumRatOut = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNode).HumRat;
   12700             : 
   12701      475096 :                     } else if ((CoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_CoolingHXAssisted) ||
   12702             :                                (CoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilWater_CoolingHXAssisted)) { // CoilSystem:Cooling:DX:HeatExchangerAssisted
   12703             : 
   12704        9946 :                         if (this->CoolCoilFluidInletNode > 0)
   12705           0 :                             state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->CoolCoilFluidInletNode).MassFlowRate = max(0.0, this->MaxCoolCoilFluidFlow);
   12706       19892 :                         HVACHXAssistedCoolingCoil::SimHXAssistedCoolingCoil(state,
   12707             :                                                                             CompName,
   12708             :                                                                             FirstHVACIteration,
   12709             :                                                                             DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::On,
   12710             :                                                                             PartLoadFrac,
   12711             :                                                                             this->m_CoolingCoilIndex,
   12712             :                                                                             FanOpMode,
   12713             :                                                                             HXUnitOn,
   12714             :                                                                             _,
   12715        9946 :                                                                             state.dataUnitarySystems->economizerFlag,
   12716             :                                                                             _,
   12717             :                                                                             this->m_DehumidificationMode,
   12718             :                                                                             0.0); // this->CoilSHR);
   12719             : 
   12720        9946 :                         if (CoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_CoolingHXAssisted) this->m_CompPartLoadRatio = PartLoadFrac;
   12721        9946 :                         FullLoadHumRatOut = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNode).HumRat;
   12722             : 
   12723      465150 :                     } else if (CoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_CoolingTwoSpeed) {
   12724             : 
   12725      402304 :                         CycRatio = 1.0;
   12726      755162 :                         for (int speedRatio = 0; speedRatio < this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling; ++speedRatio) {
   12727      755162 :                             SpeedRatio = Real64(speedRatio);
   12728      755162 :                             DXCoils::SimDXCoilMultiSpeed(state, CompName, SpeedRatio, CycRatio, this->m_CoolingCoilIndex);
   12729      755162 :                             OutletTemp = state.dataDXCoils->DXCoilOutletTemp(this->m_CoolingCoilIndex);
   12730      755162 :                             if (SpeedRatio == 1) {
   12731      352858 :                                 FullLoadHumRatOut = state.dataDXCoils->DXCoilOutletHumRat(this->m_CoolingCoilIndex);
   12732      352858 :                                 break;
   12733             :                             }
   12734      402304 :                             if (OutletTemp < DesOutTemp && SensibleLoad) break;
   12735             :                         }
   12736             : 
   12737       62846 :                     } else if (CoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_MultiSpeedCooling) {
   12738             : 
   12739        5209 :                         CycRatio = 1.0;
   12740        5209 :                         SpeedRatio = 0.0;
   12741       15584 :                         for (SpeedNum = 1; SpeedNum <= this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling; ++SpeedNum) {
   12742       10397 :                             if (SpeedNum > 1) CycRatio = 0.0;
   12743       10397 :                             if (SpeedNum > 1) SpeedRatio = 1.0;
   12744       10397 :                             this->m_CoolingSpeedNum = SpeedNum;
   12745       10397 :                             this->simMultiSpeedCoils(
   12746             :                                 state, AirLoopNum, FirstHVACIteration, CompressorOp, SensibleLoad, LatentLoad, PartLoadFrac, CoolingCoil, SpeedNum);
   12747       10397 :                             OutletTemp = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNode).Temp;
   12748       10397 :                             if (SpeedNum == this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling) {
   12749        5188 :                                 FullLoadHumRatOut = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNode).HumRat;
   12750             :                             }
   12751       10397 :                             if (OutletTemp < DesOutTemp && SensibleLoad) break;
   12752             :                         }
   12753             : 
   12754       57637 :                     } else if ((CoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingAirToAirVariableSpeed) ||
   12755             :                                (CoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWaterToAirHPVSEquationFit)) {
   12756             : 
   12757       13630 :                         CycRatio = 1.0;
   12758       13630 :                         SpeedRatio = 1.0;
   12759       13630 :                         SensLoad = -1.0; // turns on coil
   12760       13630 :                         this->m_CoolingSpeedRatio = SpeedRatio;
   12761       13630 :                         this->m_CoolingPartLoadFrac = PartLoadFrac;
   12762       18412 :                         for (SpeedNum = 1; SpeedNum <= this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling; ++SpeedNum) {
   12763       16459 :                             this->m_CoolingSpeedNum = SpeedNum;
   12764       32918 :                             VariableSpeedCoils::SimVariableSpeedCoils(state,
   12765             :                                                                       "",
   12766             :                                                                       this->m_CoolingCoilIndex,
   12767             :                                                                       FanOpMode,
   12768             :                                                                       this->m_MaxONOFFCyclesperHour,
   12769             :                                                                       this->m_HPTimeConstant,
   12770             :                                                                       this->m_FanDelayTime,
   12771             :                                                                       CompressorOp,
   12772             :                                                                       CycRatio,
   12773             :                                                                       SpeedNum,
   12774             :                                                                       SpeedRatio,
   12775             :                                                                       SensLoad,
   12776             :                                                                       dummy,
   12777       16459 :                                                                       OnOffAirFlowRatio);
   12778       16459 :                             OutletTemp = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNode).Temp;
   12779       16459 :                             if (SpeedNum == this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling) {
   12780       11598 :                                 FullLoadHumRatOut = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNode).HumRat;
   12781             :                             }
   12782       16459 :                             if (OutletTemp < DesOutTemp && SensibleLoad) break;
   12783             :                         }
   12784       27260 :                         if (SpeedNum == 1) {
   12785        9739 :                             CycRatio = 1.0;
   12786        9739 :                             SpeedRatio = 0.0;
   12787             :                         } else {
   12788        3891 :                             CycRatio = 0.0;
   12789        3891 :                             SpeedRatio = 1.0;
   12790             :                         }
   12791             : 
   12792       44007 :                     } else if (CoilType_Num ==
   12793             :                                DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_CoolingTwoStageWHumControl) { // Coil:Cooling:DX:TwoStageWithHumidityControlMode
   12794             : 
   12795       10974 :                         DXCoils::SimDXCoilMultiMode(state,
   12796             :                                                     CompName,
   12797             :                                                     DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::On,
   12798             :                                                     FirstHVACIteration,
   12799             :                                                     PartLoadFrac,
   12800             :                                                     DehumidMode,
   12801             :                                                     this->m_CoolingCoilIndex,
   12802             :                                                     FanOpMode);
   12803       10974 :                         this->m_CompPartLoadRatio = PartLoadFrac;
   12804             : 
   12805       33033 :                     } else if (CoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_Cooling) { // CoilCoolingDX
   12806       25926 :                         int OperationMode = DataHVACGlobals::coilNormalMode;
   12807       25926 :                         if (state.dataCoilCooingDX->coilCoolingDXs[this->m_CoolingCoilIndex].SubcoolReheatFlag) {
   12808           0 :                             OperationMode = DataHVACGlobals::coilSubcoolReheatMode;
   12809       25926 :                         } else if (this->m_DehumidificationMode == 1) {
   12810           0 :                             OperationMode = DataHVACGlobals::coilEnhancedMode;
   12811             :                         }
   12812       25926 :                         this->m_CoolingSpeedRatio = 1.0;
   12813       25926 :                         bool const singleMode = (this->m_SingleMode == 1);
   12814       34741 :                         for (int speedNum = 1; speedNum <= this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling; speedNum++) {
   12815       31065 :                             this->m_CoolingSpeedNum = speedNum;
   12816       31065 :                             state.dataCoilCooingDX->coilCoolingDXs[this->m_CoolingCoilIndex].simulate(state,
   12817             :                                                                                                       OperationMode,
   12818             :                                                                                                       PartLoadFrac,
   12819             :                                                                                                       this->m_CoolingSpeedNum,
   12820             :                                                                                                       this->m_CoolingSpeedRatio,
   12821             :                                                                                                       this->m_FanOpMode,
   12822             :                                                                                                       singleMode);
   12823       31065 :                             if (speedNum == this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling) {
   12824       21899 :                                 FullLoadHumRatOut = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNode).HumRat;
   12825             :                             }
   12826       31065 :                             if ((state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNode).Temp - DesOutTemp) < Acc) break;
   12827             :                         }
   12828       25926 :                         if (this->m_CoolingSpeedNum == 1) {
   12829       20787 :                             this->m_CompPartLoadRatio = PartLoadFrac;
   12830       20787 :                             this->m_CoolCompPartLoadRatio = PartLoadFrac; // why is the set only for a few?
   12831       20787 :                             SpeedRatio = 0.0;
   12832             :                         } else {
   12833        5139 :                             SpeedRatio = PartLoadFrac;
   12834        5139 :                             PartLoadFrac = 1.0;
   12835        5139 :                             this->m_CompPartLoadRatio = 1.0;
   12836        5139 :                             this->m_CoolCompPartLoadRatio = 1.0;
   12837             :                         }
   12838        7107 :                     } else if ((CoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWater) ||
   12839             :                                (CoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWaterDetailed)) { // COIL:COOLING:WATER
   12840             : 
   12841         576 :                         mdot = this->MaxCoolCoilFluidFlow;
   12842         576 :                         PlantUtilities::SetComponentFlowRate(
   12843             :                             state, mdot, this->CoolCoilFluidInletNode, this->CoolCoilFluidOutletNodeNum, this->CoolCoilPlantLoc);
   12844             : 
   12845         576 :                         WaterCoils::SimulateWaterCoilComponents(
   12846             :                             state, CompName, FirstHVACIteration, this->m_CoolingCoilIndex, _, this->m_FanOpMode, PartLoadFrac);
   12847         576 :                         FullLoadHumRatOut = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNode).HumRat;
   12848             : 
   12849        6531 :                     } else if (CoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWaterToAirHPSimple) {
   12850             : 
   12851           0 :                         WaterToAirHeatPumpSimple::SimWatertoAirHPSimple(state,
   12852             :                                                                         blankString,
   12853             :                                                                         this->m_CoolingCoilIndex,
   12854             :                                                                         ReqOutput,
   12855             :                                                                         dummy,
   12856             :                                                                         FanOpMode,
   12857             :                                                                         m_WSHPRuntimeFrac,
   12858             :                                                                         this->m_MaxONOFFCyclesperHour,
   12859             :                                                                         this->m_HPTimeConstant,
   12860             :                                                                         this->m_FanDelayTime,
   12861             :                                                                         DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::On,
   12862             :                                                                         PartLoadFrac,
   12863             :                                                                         FirstHVACIteration);
   12864           0 :                         this->m_CoolingCoilSensDemand = ReqOutput;
   12865           0 :                         FullLoadHumRatOut = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNode).HumRat;
   12866             : 
   12867        6531 :                     } else if (CoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWaterToAirHP) {
   12868             : 
   12869           0 :                         WaterToAirHeatPump::SimWatertoAirHP(state,
   12870             :                                                             blankString,
   12871             :                                                             this->m_CoolingCoilIndex,
   12872             :                                                             this->MaxCoolAirMassFlow,
   12873             :                                                             FanOpMode,
   12874             :                                                             FirstHVACIteration,
   12875             :                                                             m_WSHPRuntimeFrac,
   12876             :                                                             this->m_MaxONOFFCyclesperHour,
   12877             :                                                             this->m_HPTimeConstant,
   12878             :                                                             this->m_FanDelayTime,
   12879           0 :                                                             this->m_InitHeatPump,
   12880             :                                                             ReqOutput,
   12881             :                                                             dummy,
   12882             :                                                             DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::Off,
   12883             :                                                             PartLoadFrac);
   12884           0 :                         FullLoadHumRatOut = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNode).HumRat;
   12885             : 
   12886        6531 :                     } else if (CoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_UserDefined) {
   12887           0 :                         HeatingActive = false; // set to arbitrary value on entry to function
   12888           0 :                         CoolingActive = false; // set to arbitrary value on entry to function
   12889             : 
   12890           0 :                         UserDefinedComponents::SimCoilUserDefined(
   12891             :                             state, CompName, this->m_CoolingCoilIndex, AirLoopNum, HeatingActive, CoolingActive);
   12892           0 :                         if (CoolingActive) PartLoadFrac = 1.0;
   12893             : 
   12894        6531 :                     } else if (CoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_PackagedThermalStorageCooling) {
   12895             : 
   12896             :                         // TES coil simulated above with PLR=0. Operating mode is known here, no need to simulate again to determine operating
   12897             :                         // mode.
   12898       13062 :                         if (this->m_TESOpMode == PackagedThermalStorageCoil::PTSCOperatingMode::Off ||
   12899        6531 :                             this->m_TESOpMode == PackagedThermalStorageCoil::PTSCOperatingMode::ChargeOnly) { // cannot cool
   12900           0 :                             PartLoadFrac = 0.0;
   12901             :                         } else {
   12902             :                             // Get full load result
   12903        6531 :                             PackagedThermalStorageCoil::SimTESCoil(
   12904             :                                 state, CompName, this->m_CoolingCoilIndex, FanOpMode, this->m_TESOpMode, PartLoadFrac);
   12905             :                         }
   12906             : 
   12907             :                     } else {
   12908             :                     }
   12909             : 
   12910     2350032 :                     ReqOutput = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNode).MassFlowRate *
   12911     2350032 :                                 (Psychrometrics::PsyHFnTdbW(DesOutTemp, state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNode).HumRat) -
   12912     1175016 :                                  Psychrometrics::PsyHFnTdbW(state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNode).Temp, state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNode).HumRat));
   12913     2350032 :                     FullOutput = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNode).MassFlowRate *
   12914     3525048 :                                  Psychrometrics::PsyDeltaHSenFnTdb2W2Tdb1W1(state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNode).Temp,
   12915     1175016 :                                                                             state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNode).HumRat,
   12916     1175016 :                                                                             state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNode).Temp,
   12917     1175016 :                                                                             state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNode).HumRat);
   12918             :                 }
   12919             : 
   12920             :                 //        IF ((FullOutput - ReqOutput) .GT. Acc) THEN ! old method
   12921             :                 //        IF ((Node(OutletNode)%Temp-DesOutTemp) .GT. Acc) THEN ! new method gets caught when temps are very close
   12922     1196038 :                 if (this->m_sysType == SysType::CoilCoolingDX) {
   12923     1126624 :                     if ((FullOutput - ReqOutput) > tempAcc) {
   12924      170490 :                         PartLoadFrac = 1.0;
   12925      170490 :                         doIt = false;
   12926             :                     } else {
   12927      956134 :                         doIt = true;
   12928             :                     }
   12929             :                 }
   12930     1196038 :                 if (this->m_EMSOverrideCoilSpeedNumOn) doIt = false;
   12931             : 
   12932     1196038 :                 if (doIt) {
   12933     1004526 :                     if (unitSys && state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNode).Temp > DesOutTemp - tempAcc) {
   12934       17804 :                         PartLoadFrac = 1.0;
   12935       17804 :                         if (CoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_PackagedThermalStorageCooling &&
   12936           0 :                             (this->m_TESOpMode == PackagedThermalStorageCoil::PTSCOperatingMode::Off ||
   12937           0 :                              this->m_TESOpMode == PackagedThermalStorageCoil::PTSCOperatingMode::ChargeOnly)) {
   12938           0 :                             PartLoadFrac = 0.0;
   12939             :                         }
   12940      992200 :                     } else if (CoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_PackagedThermalStorageCooling &&
   12941       10956 :                                (this->m_TESOpMode == PackagedThermalStorageCoil::PTSCOperatingMode::Off ||
   12942        5478 :                                 this->m_TESOpMode == PackagedThermalStorageCoil::PTSCOperatingMode::ChargeOnly)) {
   12943           0 :                         PartLoadFrac = 0.0;
   12944      986722 :                     } else if (!SensibleLoad) {
   12945           0 :                         PartLoadFrac = 0.0;
   12946      986722 :                     } else if (SensibleLoad) {
   12947             : 
   12948      986722 :                         if (CoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_CoolingSingleSpeed) {
   12949     9907104 :                             auto f = [&state, this, DesOutTemp, FanOpMode](Real64 const PartLoadRatio) {
   12950     2476776 :                                 int CoilIndex = this->m_CoolingCoilIndex;
   12951     4953552 :                                 DXCoils::CalcDoe2DXCoil(state, CoilIndex, DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::On, true, PartLoadRatio, FanOpMode);
   12952     2476776 :                                 Real64 OutletAirTemp = state.dataDXCoils->DXCoilOutletTemp(CoilIndex);
   12953             : 
   12954     2476776 :                                 return DesOutTemp - OutletAirTemp;
   12955      626770 :                             };
   12956      626770 :                             General::SolveRoot(state, Acc, MaxIte, SolFla, PartLoadFrac, f, 0.0, 1.0);
   12957      626770 :                             this->m_CompPartLoadRatio = PartLoadFrac;
   12958             : 
   12959      359952 :                         } else if ((CoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_CoolingHXAssisted) ||
   12960             :                                    (CoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilWater_CoolingHXAssisted)) {
   12961             : 
   12962      134784 :                             auto f = [&state, this, DesOutTemp, FirstHVACIteration, HXUnitOn, FanOpMode](Real64 const PartLoadFrac) {
   12963       16848 :                                 if (this->CoolCoilFluidInletNode > 0) {
   12964           0 :                                     state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->CoolCoilFluidInletNode).MassFlowRate = this->MaxCoolCoilFluidFlow * PartLoadFrac;
   12965             :                                 }
   12966      101088 :                                 HVACHXAssistedCoolingCoil::CalcHXAssistedCoolingCoil(
   12967             :                                     state,
   12968             :                                     this->m_CoolingCoilIndex,
   12969             :                                     FirstHVACIteration,
   12970             :                                     DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::On,
   12971             :                                     PartLoadFrac,
   12972             :                                     HXUnitOn,
   12973             :                                     FanOpMode,
   12974             :                                     _,
   12975             :                                     _,
   12976             :                                     this->m_DehumidificationMode, // double(this->m_DehumidificationMode)
   12977             :                                     0.0);
   12978       33696 :                                 return DesOutTemp - state.dataHVACAssistedCC->HXAssistedCoilOutletTemp(this->m_CoolingCoilIndex);
   12979        3522 :                             };
   12980             : 
   12981        3522 :                             General::SolveRoot(state, Acc, MaxIte, SolFla, PartLoadFrac, f, 0.0, 1.0);
   12982        3522 :                             if (SolFla == -1) {
   12983             : 
   12984             :                                 //                 RegulaFalsi may not find sensible PLR when the latent degradation model is used.
   12985             :                                 //                 IF iteration limit is exceeded, find tighter boundary of solution and repeat RegulaFalsi
   12986           0 :                                 TempMaxPLR = -0.1;
   12987           0 :                                 TempOutletTempDXCoil = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNode).Temp;
   12988           0 :                                 while ((TempOutletTempDXCoil - DesOutTemp) > 0.0 && TempMaxPLR <= 1.0) {
   12989             :                                     //                   find upper limit of PLR
   12990           0 :                                     TempMaxPLR += 0.1;
   12991           0 :                                     HVACHXAssistedCoolingCoil::SimHXAssistedCoolingCoil(state,
   12992             :                                                                                         CompName,
   12993             :                                                                                         FirstHVACIteration,
   12994             :                                                                                         DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::On,
   12995             :                                                                                         TempMaxPLR,
   12996             :                                                                                         this->m_CoolingCoilIndex,
   12997             :                                                                                         FanOpMode,
   12998             :                                                                                         HXUnitOn,
   12999             :                                                                                         _,
   13000           0 :                                                                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->economizerFlag,
   13001             :                                                                                         _,
   13002             :                                                                                         this->m_DehumidificationMode,
   13003             :                                                                                         0.0); // this->CoilSHR);
   13004           0 :                                     TempOutletTempDXCoil = state.dataHVACAssistedCC->HXAssistedCoilOutletTemp(this->m_CoolingCoilIndex);
   13005             :                                 }
   13006           0 :                                 TempMinPLR = TempMaxPLR;
   13007           0 :                                 while ((TempOutletTempDXCoil - DesOutTemp) < 0.0 && TempMinPLR >= 0.0) {
   13008             :                                     // pull upper limit of PLR DOwn to last valid limit (i.e. outlet temp still exceeds DesOutTemp)
   13009           0 :                                     TempMaxPLR = TempMinPLR;
   13010             :                                     // find minimum limit of PLR
   13011           0 :                                     TempMinPLR -= 0.01;
   13012           0 :                                     HVACHXAssistedCoolingCoil::SimHXAssistedCoolingCoil(state,
   13013             :                                                                                         CompName,
   13014             :                                                                                         FirstHVACIteration,
   13015             :                                                                                         DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::On,
   13016             :                                                                                         TempMinPLR,
   13017             :                                                                                         this->m_CoolingCoilIndex,
   13018             :                                                                                         FanOpMode,
   13019             :                                                                                         HXUnitOn,
   13020             :                                                                                         _,
   13021           0 :                                                                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->economizerFlag,
   13022             :                                                                                         _,
   13023             :                                                                                         this->m_DehumidificationMode,
   13024             :                                                                                         0.0); // this->CoilSHR);
   13025           0 :                                     TempOutletTempDXCoil = state.dataHVACAssistedCC->HXAssistedCoilOutletTemp(this->m_CoolingCoilIndex);
   13026             :                                 }
   13027             :                                 // Relax boundary slightly to assure a solution can be found using RegulaFalsi (i.e. one boundary may
   13028             :                                 // be very near the desired result)
   13029           0 :                                 TempMinPLR = max(0.0, (TempMinPLR - 0.01));
   13030           0 :                                 TempMaxPLR = min(1.0, (TempMaxPLR + 0.01));
   13031             :                                 //                 tighter boundary of solution has been found, CALL RegulaFalsi a second time
   13032           0 :                                 General::SolveRoot(state, Acc, MaxIte, SolFla, PartLoadFrac, f, TempMinPLR, TempMaxPLR);
   13033           0 :                                 if (SolFla == -1) {
   13034           0 :                                     if (!state.dataGlobal->WarmupFlag) {
   13035           0 :                                         if (this->warnIndex.m_HXAssistedSensPLRIter < 1) {
   13036           0 :                                             ++this->warnIndex.m_HXAssistedSensPLRIter;
   13037           0 :                                             ShowWarningError(
   13038             :                                                 state,
   13039           0 :                                                 this->UnitType +
   13040           0 :                                                     " - Iteration limit exceeded calculating DX unit sensible part-load ratio for unit = " +
   13041             :                                                     this->Name);
   13042           0 :                                             ShowContinueError(state, format("Estimated part-load ratio   = {:.3R}", (ReqOutput / FullOutput)));
   13043           0 :                                             ShowContinueError(state, format("Calculated part-load ratio = {:.3R}", PartLoadFrac));
   13044           0 :                                             ShowContinueErrorTimeStamp(
   13045             :                                                 state, "The calculated part-load ratio will be used and the simulation continues. Occurrence info:");
   13046             :                                         }
   13047           0 :                                         ShowRecurringWarningErrorAtEnd(state,
   13048           0 :                                                                        this->UnitType + " \"" + this->Name +
   13049             :                                                                            "\" - Iteration limit exceeded calculating sensible part-load ratio "
   13050             :                                                                            "error continues. Sensible PLR "
   13051             :                                                                            "statistics follow.",
   13052             :                                                                        this->warnIndex.m_HXAssistedSensPLRIterIndex,
   13053             :                                                                        PartLoadFrac,
   13054             :                                                                        PartLoadFrac);
   13055             :                                     }
   13056           0 :                                 } else if (SolFla == -2) {
   13057           0 :                                     PartLoadFrac = ReqOutput / FullOutput;
   13058           0 :                                     if (!state.dataGlobal->WarmupFlag) {
   13059           0 :                                         if (this->warnIndex.m_HXAssistedSensPLRFail < 1) {
   13060           0 :                                             ++this->warnIndex.m_HXAssistedSensPLRFail;
   13061           0 :                                             ShowWarningError(
   13062             :                                                 state,
   13063           0 :                                                 this->UnitType +
   13064             :                                                     " - DX unit sensible part-load ratio calculation unexpectedly failed: part-load ratio "
   13065           0 :                                                     "limits exceeded, for unit = " +
   13066             :                                                     this->Name);
   13067           0 :                                             ShowContinueError(state, format("Estimated part-load ratio = {:.3R}", PartLoadFrac));
   13068           0 :                                             ShowContinueErrorTimeStamp(
   13069             :                                                 state, "The estimated part-load ratio will be used and the simulation continues. Occurrence info:");
   13070             :                                         }
   13071           0 :                                         ShowRecurringWarningErrorAtEnd(state,
   13072           0 :                                                                        this->UnitType + " \"" + this->Name +
   13073             :                                                                            "\" - DX unit sensible part-load ratio calculation unexpectedly "
   13074             :                                                                            "failed error continues. Sensible PLR "
   13075             :                                                                            "statistics follow.",
   13076             :                                                                        this->warnIndex.m_HXAssistedSensPLRFailIndex,
   13077             :                                                                        PartLoadFrac,
   13078             :                                                                        PartLoadFrac);
   13079             :                                     }
   13080             :                                 }
   13081        3522 :                             } else if (SolFla == -2) {
   13082           0 :                                 PartLoadFrac = ReqOutput / FullOutput;
   13083           0 :                                 if (!state.dataGlobal->WarmupFlag) {
   13084           0 :                                     if (this->warnIndex.m_HXAssistedSensPLRFail2 < 1) {
   13085           0 :                                         ++this->warnIndex.m_HXAssistedSensPLRFail2;
   13086           0 :                                         ShowWarningError(state,
   13087           0 :                                                          this->UnitType +
   13088             :                                                              " - DX unit sensible part-load ratio calculation failed: part-load ratio limits "
   13089           0 :                                                              "exceeded, for unit = " +
   13090             :                                                              this->Name);
   13091           0 :                                         ShowContinueError(state, format("Estimated part-load ratio = {:.3R}", PartLoadFrac));
   13092           0 :                                         ShowContinueErrorTimeStamp(
   13093             :                                             state, "The estimated part-load ratio will be used and the simulation continues. Occurrence info:");
   13094             :                                     }
   13095           0 :                                     ShowRecurringWarningErrorAtEnd(state,
   13096           0 :                                                                    this->UnitType + " \"" + this->Name +
   13097             :                                                                        "\" - DX unit sensible part-load ratio calculation failed error continues. "
   13098             :                                                                        "Sensible PLR statistics follow.",
   13099             :                                                                    this->warnIndex.m_HXAssistedSensPLRFailIndex2,
   13100             :                                                                    PartLoadFrac,
   13101             :                                                                    PartLoadFrac);
   13102             :                                 }
   13103             :                             }
   13104        3522 :                             if (CoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_CoolingHXAssisted) this->m_CompPartLoadRatio = PartLoadFrac;
   13105             : 
   13106      356430 :                         } else if (CoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_CoolingTwoSpeed) {
   13107      313275 :                             this->m_CoolingSpeedRatio = SpeedRatio;
   13108      313275 :                             if (SpeedRatio == 1.0) {
   13109     5168520 :                                 auto f = [&state, this, DesOutTemp](Real64 const SpeedRatio) {
   13110     1722840 :                                     int par1 = this->m_CoolingCoilIndex;
   13111     1722840 :                                     Real64 par2 = DesOutTemp;
   13112     1722840 :                                     int par3 = this->m_UnitarySysNum;
   13113             :                                     // 4-7 are not used for TwoSpeed coils, so these shouldn't matter at all
   13114     1722840 :                                     Real64 par4_CycRatio = 0.0;
   13115     1722840 :                                     int par5_SpeedNum = 0.0;
   13116     1722840 :                                     int par6_FanOpMode = 0.0;
   13117     1722840 :                                     DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation par7_CompressorOp = DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::On;
   13118             :                                     return UnitarySys::DXCoilVarSpeedResidual(
   13119     1722840 :                                         state, SpeedRatio, par1, par2, par3, par4_CycRatio, par5_SpeedNum, par6_FanOpMode, par7_CompressorOp);
   13120      263829 :                                 };
   13121      263829 :                                 General::SolveRoot(state, Acc, MaxIte, SolFla, SpeedRatio, f, 0.0, 1.0);
   13122      263829 :                                 PartLoadFrac = SpeedRatio;
   13123             :                             } else {
   13124      917230 :                                 auto f = [&state, this, DesOutTemp, AirLoopNum, FirstHVACIteration](Real64 const CycRatio) {
   13125             :                                     // several pars are not used in two speed coils, so these are just dummy values
   13126      183446 :                                     Real64 par4_SpeedRatio = 0.0;
   13127      183446 :                                     int par5_SpeedNum = 0.0;
   13128      183446 :                                     int par6_FanOpMode = 0.0;
   13129      183446 :                                     DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation par7_CompressorOp = DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::On;
   13130      550338 :                                     return UnitarySys::DXCoilCyclingResidual(state,
   13131             :                                                                              CycRatio,
   13132             :                                                                              this->m_CoolingCoilIndex,
   13133             :                                                                              DesOutTemp,
   13134             :                                                                              this->m_UnitarySysNum,
   13135             :                                                                              par4_SpeedRatio,
   13136             :                                                                              par5_SpeedNum,
   13137             :                                                                              par6_FanOpMode,
   13138             :                                                                              par7_CompressorOp,
   13139             :                                                                              AirLoopNum,
   13140      183446 :                                                                              FirstHVACIteration);
   13141       49446 :                                 };
   13142       49446 :                                 General::SolveRoot(state, Acc, MaxIte, SolFla, CycRatio, f, 0.0, 1.0);
   13143       49446 :                                 PartLoadFrac = CycRatio;
   13144             :                             }
   13145             : 
   13146       43155 :                         } else if (CoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_MultiSpeedCooling) {
   13147             : 
   13148          22 :                             if (this->m_CoolingSpeedNum > 1.0) {
   13149           8 :                                 auto f = [&state, this, DesOutTemp, CycRatio](Real64 const SpeedRatio) {
   13150           2 :                                     int par1 = this->m_CoolingCoilIndex;
   13151           2 :                                     Real64 par2 = DesOutTemp;
   13152           2 :                                     int par3 = this->m_UnitarySysNum;
   13153           2 :                                     Real64 par4_CycRatio = CycRatio;
   13154           2 :                                     int par5_SpeedNum = this->m_CoolingSpeedNum;
   13155           2 :                                     int par6_FanOpMode = 1.0;
   13156           2 :                                     DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation par7_CompressorOp = DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::On;
   13157             :                                     return UnitarySys::DXCoilVarSpeedResidual(
   13158           2 :                                         state, SpeedRatio, par1, par2, par3, par4_CycRatio, par5_SpeedNum, par6_FanOpMode, par7_CompressorOp);
   13159           1 :                                 };
   13160           1 :                                 General::SolveRoot(state, Acc, MaxIte, SolFla, SpeedRatio, f, 0.0, 1.0);
   13161           1 :                                 PartLoadFrac = SpeedRatio;
   13162             :                             } else {
   13163          21 :                                 SpeedRatio = 0.0;
   13164          21 :                                 this->m_CoolingSpeedRatio = SpeedRatio;
   13165         625 :                                 auto f = [&state, this, DesOutTemp, SpeedRatio, AirLoopNum, FirstHVACIteration](Real64 const CycRatio) {
   13166         500 :                                     return UnitarySys::DXCoilCyclingResidual(state,
   13167             :                                                                              CycRatio,
   13168             :                                                                              this->m_CoolingCoilIndex,
   13169             :                                                                              DesOutTemp,
   13170             :                                                                              this->m_UnitarySysNum,
   13171             :                                                                              SpeedRatio,
   13172             :                                                                              this->m_CoolingSpeedNum,
   13173             :                                                                              1.0,
   13174             :                                                                              DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::On,
   13175             :                                                                              AirLoopNum,
   13176             :                                                                              FirstHVACIteration);
   13177         146 :                                 };
   13178          21 :                                 General::SolveRoot(state, Acc, MaxIte, SolFla, CycRatio, f, 0.0, 1.0);
   13179          21 :                                 PartLoadFrac = CycRatio;
   13180             :                             }
   13181             : 
   13182       43133 :                         } else if ((CoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingAirToAirVariableSpeed) ||
   13183             :                                    (CoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWaterToAirHPVSEquationFit)) {
   13184             : 
   13185       11671 :                             CycRatio = 1.0;
   13186       11671 :                             SpeedRatio = 1.0;
   13187             : 
   13188       11671 :                             if (this->m_CoolingSpeedNum > 1.0) {
   13189       41850 :                                 auto f = [&state, this, DesOutTemp, CycRatio](Real64 const SpeedRatio) {
   13190        8370 :                                     int par1 = this->m_CoolingCoilIndex;
   13191        8370 :                                     Real64 par2 = DesOutTemp;
   13192        8370 :                                     int par3 = this->m_UnitarySysNum;
   13193        8370 :                                     Real64 par4_CycRatio = CycRatio;
   13194        8370 :                                     int par5_SpeedNum = this->m_CoolingSpeedNum;
   13195        8370 :                                     int par6_FanOpMode = this->m_FanOpMode;
   13196        8370 :                                     DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation par7_CompressorOp = DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::On;
   13197             :                                     return UnitarySys::DXCoilVarSpeedResidual(
   13198        8370 :                                         state, SpeedRatio, par1, par2, par3, par4_CycRatio, par5_SpeedNum, par6_FanOpMode, par7_CompressorOp);
   13199        1938 :                                 };
   13200        1938 :                                 General::SolveRoot(state, Acc, MaxIte, SolFla, SpeedRatio, f, 0.0, 1.0);
   13201        1938 :                                 this->m_CoolingCycRatio = CycRatio;
   13202        1938 :                                 this->m_CoolingSpeedRatio = SpeedRatio;
   13203        1938 :                                 this->m_CoolingPartLoadFrac = SpeedRatio;
   13204        1938 :                                 this->calcPassiveSystem(state, AirLoopNum, FirstHVACIteration);
   13205        1938 :                                 PartLoadFrac = SpeedRatio;
   13206             :                             } else {
   13207        9733 :                                 this->m_CoolingSpeedRatio = SpeedRatio;
   13208      233130 :                                 auto f = [&state, this, DesOutTemp, SpeedRatio, AirLoopNum, FirstHVACIteration](Real64 const CycRatio) {
   13209      194275 :                                     return UnitarySys::DXCoilCyclingResidual(state,
   13210             :                                                                              CycRatio,
   13211             :                                                                              this->m_CoolingCoilIndex,
   13212             :                                                                              DesOutTemp,
   13213             :                                                                              this->m_UnitarySysNum,
   13214             :                                                                              SpeedRatio,
   13215             :                                                                              this->m_CoolingSpeedNum,
   13216             :                                                                              this->m_FanOpMode,
   13217             :                                                                              DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::On,
   13218             :                                                                              AirLoopNum,
   13219             :                                                                              FirstHVACIteration);
   13220       48588 :                                 };
   13221        9733 :                                 General::SolveRoot(state, Acc, MaxIte, SolFla, CycRatio, f, 0.0, 1.0);
   13222        9733 :                                 SpeedRatio = 0.0;
   13223        9733 :                                 this->m_CoolingCycRatio = CycRatio;
   13224        9733 :                                 this->m_CoolingPartLoadFrac = CycRatio;
   13225        9733 :                                 this->calcPassiveSystem(state, AirLoopNum, FirstHVACIteration);
   13226        9733 :                                 PartLoadFrac = CycRatio;
   13227       11671 :                             }
   13228             : 
   13229       31462 :                         } else if (CoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_CoolingTwoStageWHumControl) {
   13230       72550 :                             auto f = [&state, this, DesOutTemp, DehumidMode, FanOpMode](Real64 const PartLoadRatio) {
   13231       29020 :                                 DXCoils::SimDXCoilMultiMode(state,
   13232             :                                                             "",
   13233             :                                                             DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::On,
   13234             :                                                             false,
   13235             :                                                             PartLoadRatio,
   13236             :                                                             DehumidMode,
   13237             :                                                             this->m_CoolingCoilIndex,
   13238       14510 :                                                             FanOpMode);
   13239       29020 :                                 return DesOutTemp - state.dataDXCoils->DXCoilOutletTemp(this->m_CoolingCoilIndex);
   13240        3716 :                             };
   13241        3716 :                             General::SolveRoot(state, Acc, MaxIte, SolFla, PartLoadFrac, f, 0.0, 1.0);
   13242        3716 :                             this->m_CompPartLoadRatio = PartLoadFrac;
   13243       27746 :                         } else if (CoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_Cooling) { // CoilCoolingDX
   13244     1104948 :                             auto f = [&state, this, DesOutTemp, DehumidMode, FanOpMode](Real64 const PartLoadRatio) {
   13245      122772 :                                 int CoilIndex = this->m_CoolingCoilIndex;
   13246      122772 :                                 int CoolingSpeedNum = this->m_CoolingSpeedNum;
   13247      122772 :                                 Real64 CoolingSpeedRatio = this->m_CoolingSpeedRatio;
   13248      122772 :                                 bool const singleMode = this->m_SingleMode;
   13249      122772 :                                 if (CoolingSpeedNum == 1) {
   13250      182334 :                                     state.dataCoilCooingDX->coilCoolingDXs[CoilIndex].simulate(
   13251             :                                         state, DehumidMode, PartLoadRatio, CoolingSpeedNum, CoolingSpeedRatio, FanOpMode, singleMode);
   13252             :                                 } else {
   13253       63210 :                                     state.dataCoilCooingDX->coilCoolingDXs[CoilIndex].simulate(
   13254             :                                         state, DehumidMode, CoolingSpeedRatio, CoolingSpeedNum, PartLoadRatio, FanOpMode, singleMode);
   13255             :                                 }
   13256             :                                 Real64 outletCondition =
   13257      245544 :                                     state.dataLoopNodes->Node(state.dataCoilCooingDX->coilCoolingDXs[CoilIndex].evapOutletNodeIndex).Temp;
   13258      122772 :                                 return DesOutTemp - outletCondition;
   13259       22250 :                             };
   13260             : 
   13261       22250 :                             General::SolveRoot(state, Acc, MaxIte, SolFla, PartLoadFrac, f, 0.0, 1.0);
   13262       22250 :                             if (this->m_CoolingSpeedNum == 1) {
   13263       19566 :                                 this->m_CompPartLoadRatio = PartLoadFrac;
   13264       19566 :                                 SpeedRatio = 0.0;
   13265             :                             } else {
   13266        2684 :                                 SpeedRatio = PartLoadFrac;
   13267        2684 :                                 PartLoadFrac = 1.0;
   13268        2684 :                                 this->m_CompPartLoadRatio = 1.0;
   13269             :                             }
   13270        5496 :                         } else if ((CoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWater) ||
   13271             :                                    (CoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWaterDetailed)) {
   13272             : 
   13273             :                             // calculate max waterside PLR from mdot request above in case plant chokes water flow
   13274          18 :                             maxPartLoadFrac =
   13275          18 :                                 min(1.0,
   13276          18 :                                     ((mdot / this->MaxCoolCoilFluidFlow) +
   13277             :                                      0.001)); // plant can limit flow and RegulaFalsi could hit max iteration limit (leave a little slop, 0.001)
   13278             : 
   13279         836 :                             auto f = [&state, this, FirstHVACIteration, DesOutTemp](Real64 const PartLoadRatio) {
   13280         228 :                                 Real64 mdot = min(state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->CoolCoilFluidOutletNodeNum).MassFlowRateMaxAvail,
   13281         152 :                                                   this->MaxCoolCoilFluidFlow * PartLoadRatio);
   13282         228 :                                 state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->CoolCoilFluidInletNode).MassFlowRate = mdot;
   13283         380 :                                 WaterCoils::SimulateWaterCoilComponents(
   13284             :                                     state, this->m_CoolingCoilName, FirstHVACIteration, this->m_CoolingCoilIndex, _, _, PartLoadRatio);
   13285         152 :                                 return DesOutTemp - state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->CoolCoilOutletNodeNum).Temp;
   13286          18 :                             };
   13287             : 
   13288          18 :                             General::SolveRoot(state, Acc, MaxIte, SolFla, PartLoadFrac, f, 0.0, maxPartLoadFrac);
   13289             : 
   13290        5478 :                         } else if ((CoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWaterToAirHPSimple) ||
   13291             :                                    (CoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWaterToAirHP)) {
   13292           0 :                             this->m_CoolingCoilSensDemand = ReqOutput;
   13293           0 :                             auto f = [&state, this, FirstHVACIteration, DesOutTemp, ReqOutput](Real64 const PartLoadRatio) {
   13294           0 :                                 return UnitarySys::coolWatertoAirHPTempResidual(
   13295             :                                     state, PartLoadRatio, this->m_UnitarySysNum, FirstHVACIteration, DesOutTemp, ReqOutput);
   13296           0 :                             };
   13297           0 :                             General::SolveRoot(state, Acc, MaxIte, SolFla, PartLoadFrac, f, 0.0, 1.0);
   13298        5478 :                         } else if (CoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_UserDefined) {
   13299             :                             // do nothing, user defined coil cannot be controlled
   13300             : 
   13301        5478 :                         } else if (CoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_PackagedThermalStorageCooling) {
   13302      110045 :                             auto f = [&state, this, DesOutTemp](Real64 const PartLoadRatio) {
   13303       44018 :                                 UnitarySys &thisSys = state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[this->m_UnitarySysNum];
   13304       44018 :                                 PackagedThermalStorageCoil::SimTESCoil(state,
   13305             :                                                                        thisSys.m_CoolingCoilName,
   13306             :                                                                        thisSys.m_CoolingCoilIndex,
   13307             :                                                                        thisSys.m_FanOpMode,
   13308             :                                                                        thisSys.m_TESOpMode,
   13309             :                                                                        PartLoadRatio);
   13310       44018 :                                 return state.dataLoopNodes->Node(thisSys.CoolCoilOutletNodeNum).Temp - DesOutTemp;
   13311        5478 :                             };
   13312        5478 :                             General::SolveRoot(state, Acc, MaxIte, SolFla, PartLoadFrac, f, 0.0, 1.0);
   13313             :                         } else {
   13314           0 :                             ShowMessage(state, " For :" + this->UnitType + "=\"" + this->Name + "\"");
   13315           0 :                             ShowFatalError(state,
   13316           0 :                                            "ControlCoolingSystemToSP: Invalid cooling coil type = " + DataHVACGlobals::cAllCoilTypes(CoilType_Num));
   13317             :                         }
   13318             :                     }
   13319             :                 }
   13320             :             }
   13321             : 
   13322             :             //     IF system does not operate to meet sensible load, use no load humidity ratio to test against humidity setpoint,
   13323             :             //     ELSE use operating humidity ratio to test against humidity setpoint
   13324     2636125 :             if (PartLoadFrac == 0.0) {
   13325     1440475 :                 OutletHumRatDXCoil = NoLoadHumRatOut;
   13326             :             } else {
   13327     1195650 :                 OutletHumRatDXCoil = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNode).HumRat;
   13328             :             }
   13329             : 
   13330             :             // IF humidity setpoint is not satisfied and humidity control type is MultiMode,
   13331             :             // then enable heat exchanger and run to meet sensible load
   13332             : 
   13333     2661376 :             if ((OutletHumRatDXCoil > (DesOutHumRat + tempHumRatAcc)) && (!unitSys || PartLoadFrac < 1.0) &&
   13334       25251 :                 (this->m_DehumidControlType_Num == DehumCtrlType::Multimode)) {
   13335             : 
   13336        7551 :                 if (this->m_EMSOverrideCoilSpeedNumOn) {
   13337             :                     // pass
   13338        7551 :                 } else if ((CoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_CoolingHXAssisted) ||
   13339             :                            (CoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilWater_CoolingHXAssisted)) { // CoilSystem:Cooling:DX:HeatExchangerAssisted,
   13340             :                                                                                              // CoilSystem:Cooling:Water:HeatExchangerAssisted
   13341             :                     // Determine required part load when heat exchanger is ON
   13342           0 :                     HXUnitOn = true;
   13343           0 :                     PartLoadFrac = 1.0;
   13344           0 :                     HVACHXAssistedCoolingCoil::SimHXAssistedCoolingCoil(state,
   13345             :                                                                         CompName,
   13346             :                                                                         FirstHVACIteration,
   13347             :                                                                         DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::On,
   13348             :                                                                         PartLoadFrac,
   13349             :                                                                         this->m_CoolingCoilIndex,
   13350             :                                                                         FanOpMode,
   13351             :                                                                         HXUnitOn,
   13352             :                                                                         _,
   13353           0 :                                                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->economizerFlag,
   13354             :                                                                         _,
   13355             :                                                                         this->m_DehumidificationMode,
   13356             :                                                                         0.0); // this->CoilSHR);
   13357             : 
   13358           0 :                     OutletTempDXCoil = state.dataHVACAssistedCC->HXAssistedCoilOutletTemp(this->m_CoolingCoilIndex);
   13359             : 
   13360             :                     //               FullOutput will be different than the FullOutput determined above during sensible PLR calculations
   13361           0 :                     FullOutput = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNode).MassFlowRate *
   13362           0 :                                  Psychrometrics::PsyDeltaHSenFnTdb2W2Tdb1W1(state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNode).Temp,
   13363           0 :                                                                             state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNode).HumRat,
   13364           0 :                                                                             state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNode).Temp,
   13365           0 :                                                                             state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNode).HumRat);
   13366           0 :                     FullLoadHumRatOut = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNode).HumRat;
   13367             : 
   13368             :                     //   Check to see if the system can meet the load with the compressor off
   13369             :                     //   If NoOutput is lower than (more cooling than required) or very near the ReqOutput, do not run the compressor
   13370           0 :                     if ((NoLoadTempOut - DesOutTemp) < Acc) {
   13371           0 :                         PartLoadFrac = 0.0;
   13372             :                         //          OutletTempDXCoil is the full capacity outlet temperature at PartLoadFrac = 1 from the CALL above.
   13373             :                         //          if this temp is greater than or very near the desired outlet temp, then run the compressor at PartLoadFrac
   13374             :                         //          = 1.
   13375             :                         //            ELSEIF ((OutletTempDXCoil > DesOutTemp) .OR. ABS(OutletTempDXCoil - DesOutTemp) .LE. (Acc*2.0d0)) THEN
   13376           0 :                     } else if (OutletTempDXCoil > DesOutTemp - (tempAcc * 2.0)) {
   13377           0 :                         PartLoadFrac = 1.0;
   13378             :                     } else {
   13379           0 :                         auto f = [&state, this, DesOutTemp, FirstHVACIteration, HXUnitOn, FanOpMode](Real64 const PartLoadRatio) {
   13380           0 :                             UnitarySys &thisSys = state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[this->m_UnitarySysNum];
   13381             : 
   13382           0 :                             if (thisSys.CoolCoilFluidInletNode > 0) {
   13383           0 :                                 state.dataLoopNodes->Node(thisSys.CoolCoilFluidInletNode).MassFlowRate = thisSys.MaxCoolCoilFluidFlow * PartLoadRatio;
   13384             :                             }
   13385           0 :                             HVACHXAssistedCoolingCoil::CalcHXAssistedCoolingCoil(state,
   13386             :                                                                                  this->m_CoolingCoilIndex,
   13387             :                                                                                  FirstHVACIteration,
   13388             :                                                                                  DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::On,
   13389             :                                                                                  PartLoadRatio,
   13390             :                                                                                  HXUnitOn,
   13391             :                                                                                  FanOpMode,
   13392             :                                                                                  _,
   13393             :                                                                                  _,
   13394             :                                                                                  this->m_DehumidificationMode, // double(this->m_DehumidificationMode)
   13395             :                                                                                  0.0);
   13396           0 :                             Real64 OutletAirTemp = state.dataHVACAssistedCC->HXAssistedCoilOutletTemp(this->m_CoolingCoilIndex);
   13397           0 :                             return DesOutTemp - OutletAirTemp;
   13398           0 :                         };
   13399             : 
   13400           0 :                         General::SolveRoot(state, Acc, MaxIte, SolFla, PartLoadFrac, f, 0.0, 1.0);
   13401             :                     }
   13402           0 :                     this->m_CompPartLoadRatio = PartLoadFrac;
   13403             : 
   13404        7551 :                 } else if (CoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_CoolingTwoStageWHumControl) {
   13405             : 
   13406             :                     // Get full load result
   13407        7551 :                     PartLoadFrac = 1.0;
   13408        7551 :                     DehumidMode = 1;
   13409        7551 :                     this->m_DehumidificationMode = DehumidMode;
   13410        7551 :                     DXCoils::SimDXCoilMultiMode(state,
   13411             :                                                 CompName,
   13412             :                                                 DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::On,
   13413             :                                                 FirstHVACIteration,
   13414             :                                                 PartLoadFrac,
   13415             :                                                 DehumidMode,
   13416             :                                                 this->m_CoolingCoilIndex,
   13417             :                                                 FanOpMode);
   13418       15102 :                     FullOutput = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNode).MassFlowRate *
   13419       22653 :                                  Psychrometrics::PsyDeltaHSenFnTdb2W2Tdb1W1(state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNode).Temp,
   13420        7551 :                                                                             state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNode).HumRat,
   13421        7551 :                                                                             state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNode).Temp,
   13422        7551 :                                                                             state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNode).HumRat);
   13423        7551 :                     FullLoadHumRatOut = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNode).HumRat;
   13424             : 
   13425             :                     // Since we are cooling, we expect FullOutput to be < 0 and FullOutput < NoCoolOutput
   13426             :                     // Check that this is the case; IF not set PartLoadFrac = 0.0 (off) and return
   13427             :                     // Calculate the part load fraction
   13428        7551 :                     if (FullOutput >= 0) {
   13429           0 :                         PartLoadFrac = 0.0;
   13430             :                     } else {
   13431        7551 :                         OutletTempDXCoil = state.dataDXCoils->DXCoilOutletTemp(this->m_CoolingCoilIndex);
   13432        7551 :                         OutletHumRatDXCoil = state.dataDXCoils->DXCoilOutletHumRat(this->m_CoolingCoilIndex);
   13433             :                         // If sensible load and setpoint cannot be met, set PLR = 1. if no sensible load and
   13434             :                         // latent load exists and setpoint cannot be met, set PLR = 1.
   13435        8154 :                         if ((OutletTempDXCoil > (DesOutTemp - (tempAcc * 2.0)) && SensibleLoad && this->m_RunOnSensibleLoad) ||
   13436         853 :                             (OutletHumRatDXCoil >= (DesOutHumRat - (tempHumRatAcc * 2.0)) && !SensibleLoad && LatentLoad &&
   13437           0 :                              this->m_RunOnLatentLoad)) {
   13438        6948 :                             PartLoadFrac = 1.0;
   13439             :                             //                  ELSEIF ((SensibleLoad .and. LatentLoad .AND. .NOT. UnitarySystem(UnitarySysNum)%RunOnLatentLoad
   13440             :                             //                  .AND. &
   13441             :                             //                       OutletHumRatDXCoil < DesOutHumRat)) THEN
   13442         603 :                         } else if (!SensibleLoad && (OutletHumRatDXCoil < DesOutHumRat && LatentLoad && this->m_RunOnLatentLoad)) {
   13443           0 :                             PartLoadFrac = ReqOutput / FullOutput;
   13444           0 :                             auto f = [&state, this, DesOutHumRat, DehumidMode, FanOpMode](Real64 const PartLoadRatio) {
   13445           0 :                                 DXCoils::SimDXCoilMultiMode(state,
   13446             :                                                             "",
   13447             :                                                             DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::On,
   13448             :                                                             false,
   13449             :                                                             PartLoadRatio,
   13450             :                                                             DehumidMode,
   13451             :                                                             this->m_CoolingCoilIndex,
   13452           0 :                                                             FanOpMode);
   13453           0 :                                 return DesOutHumRat - state.dataDXCoils->DXCoilOutletHumRat(this->m_CoolingCoilIndex);
   13454           0 :                             };
   13455           0 :                             General::SolveRoot(state, Acc, MaxIte, SolFla, PartLoadFrac, f, 0.0, 1.0);
   13456             :                         } else { // must be a sensible load so find PLR
   13457         603 :                             PartLoadFrac = ReqOutput / FullOutput;
   13458       11825 :                             auto f = [&state, this, DesOutTemp, DehumidMode, FanOpMode](Real64 const PartLoadRatio) {
   13459        4730 :                                 DXCoils::SimDXCoilMultiMode(state,
   13460             :                                                             "",
   13461             :                                                             DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::On,
   13462             :                                                             false,
   13463             :                                                             PartLoadRatio,
   13464             :                                                             DehumidMode,
   13465             :                                                             this->m_CoolingCoilIndex,
   13466        2365 :                                                             FanOpMode);
   13467        4730 :                                 return DesOutTemp - state.dataDXCoils->DXCoilOutletTemp(this->m_CoolingCoilIndex);
   13468         603 :                             };
   13469         603 :                             General::SolveRoot(state, Acc, MaxIte, SolFla, PartLoadFrac, f, 0.0, 1.0);
   13470             :                         }
   13471             :                     }
   13472        7551 :                     this->m_CompPartLoadRatio = PartLoadFrac;
   13473             : 
   13474           0 :                 } else if (CoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_Cooling) { // CoilCoolingDX
   13475           0 :                     int OperationMode = DataHVACGlobals::coilEnhancedMode;
   13476           0 :                     if (state.dataCoilCooingDX->coilCoolingDXs[this->m_CoolingCoilIndex].SubcoolReheatFlag) {
   13477           0 :                         OperationMode = DataHVACGlobals::coilSubcoolReheatMode;
   13478             :                     }
   13479           0 :                     if (this->m_CoolingSpeedNum == 0) this->m_CoolingSpeedNum = 1;
   13480           0 :                     bool const singleMode = (this->m_SingleMode == 1);
   13481           0 :                     PartLoadFrac = 1.0;
   13482           0 :                     for (int speedNum = this->m_CoolingSpeedNum; speedNum <= this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling; speedNum++) {
   13483           0 :                         this->m_CoolingSpeedNum = speedNum;
   13484           0 :                         state.dataCoilCooingDX->coilCoolingDXs[this->m_CoolingCoilIndex].simulate(
   13485             :                             state, OperationMode, PartLoadFrac, this->m_CoolingSpeedNum, this->m_CoolingSpeedRatio, this->m_FanOpMode, singleMode);
   13486             :                         // Cooling: break if outlet temp is lower than DesOutTemp or approaches DesOutTemp to within Acc from above
   13487           0 :                         if ((state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNode).Temp - DesOutTemp) < Acc) break;
   13488             :                     }
   13489             : 
   13490             :                     // make sure outlet temp is below set point before calling SolveRoot
   13491             :                     // Cooling: iterate only when outlet temp is below DesOutTemp by at least Acc
   13492           0 :                     if ((DesOutTemp - state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNode).Temp) > Acc) {
   13493             : 
   13494           0 :                         auto f = [&state, this, DesOutTemp, FanOpMode](Real64 const PartLoadFrac) {
   13495           0 :                             int CoilIndex = this->m_CoolingCoilIndex;
   13496           0 :                             bool useDehumMode = true;
   13497           0 :                             int CoolingSpeedNum = this->m_CoolingSpeedNum;
   13498           0 :                             Real64 CoolingSpeedRatio = 1.0;
   13499           0 :                             bool const singleMode = false;
   13500           0 :                             if (CoolingSpeedNum == 1) {
   13501           0 :                                 state.dataCoilCooingDX->coilCoolingDXs[CoilIndex].simulate(
   13502             :                                     state, useDehumMode, PartLoadFrac, CoolingSpeedNum, CoolingSpeedRatio, FanOpMode, singleMode);
   13503             :                             } else {
   13504           0 :                                 state.dataCoilCooingDX->coilCoolingDXs[CoilIndex].simulate(
   13505             :                                     state, useDehumMode, CoolingSpeedRatio, CoolingSpeedNum, PartLoadFrac, FanOpMode, singleMode);
   13506             :                             }
   13507             :                             Real64 outletCondition =
   13508           0 :                                 state.dataLoopNodes->Node(state.dataCoilCooingDX->coilCoolingDXs[CoilIndex].evapOutletNodeIndex).Temp;
   13509             : 
   13510           0 :                             return DesOutTemp - outletCondition;
   13511           0 :                         };
   13512             : 
   13513           0 :                         General::SolveRoot(state, Acc, MaxIte, SolFla, PartLoadFrac, f, 0.0, 1.0);
   13514             :                     }
   13515           0 :                     if (this->m_CoolingSpeedNum == 1) {
   13516           0 :                         this->m_CompPartLoadRatio = PartLoadFrac;
   13517           0 :                         SpeedRatio = 0.0;
   13518             :                     } else {
   13519           0 :                         SpeedRatio = PartLoadFrac;
   13520           0 :                         PartLoadFrac = 1.0;
   13521           0 :                         this->m_CompPartLoadRatio = 1.0;
   13522             :                     }
   13523             : 
   13524             :                 } else {
   13525             :                 }
   13526             :             } // END IF humidity ratio setpoint not met - Multimode humidity control
   13527             : 
   13528             :             // IF humidity setpoint is not satisfied and humidity control type is CoolReheat,
   13529             :             // then overcool to meet moisture load
   13530     2636125 :             if (this->m_EMSOverrideCoilSpeedNumOn) {
   13531             :                 // pass
   13532     2639264 :             } else if ((OutletHumRatDXCoil > DesOutHumRat) && (!unitSys || PartLoadFrac < 1.0) && LatentLoad &&
   13533       24898 :                        (this->m_DehumidControlType_Num == DehumCtrlType::CoolReheat)) {
   13534             : 
   13535             :                 //           IF NoLoadHumRatOut is lower than (more dehumidification than required) or very near the DesOutHumRat,
   13536             :                 //           do not run the compressor
   13537       17700 :                 if ((NoLoadHumRatOut - DesOutHumRat) < tempHumRatAcc) {
   13538             :                     // PartLoadFrac = PartLoadFrac; // keep part-load fraction from sensible calculation // Self-assignment commented out
   13539             :                     //           If the FullLoadHumRatOut is greater than (insufficient dehumidification) or very near the DesOutHumRat,
   13540             :                     //           run the compressor at PartLoadFrac = 1.
   13541             :                     //        ELSEIF ((DesOutHumRat-FullLoadHumRatOut) .LT. HumRatAcc) THEN
   13542       17700 :                 } else if (FullLoadHumRatOut > (DesOutHumRat - tempHumRatAcc)) {
   13543       13283 :                     PartLoadFrac = 1.0;
   13544       13283 :                     SpeedRatio = 1.0; // #8849, need to set properties of multi-speed/2-speed coils
   13545       13283 :                     if (this->m_IsDXCoil) {
   13546       13283 :                         this->m_CompPartLoadRatio = PartLoadFrac;
   13547             :                     }
   13548             :                     //           ELSE find the PLR to meet the load
   13549             : 
   13550             :                 } else {
   13551             : 
   13552        4417 :                     if (CoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_CoolingSingleSpeed) {
   13553       38946 :                         auto f = [&state, this, DesOutHumRat, FanOpMode](Real64 const PartLoadRatio) {
   13554       19473 :                             DXCoils::CalcDoe2DXCoil(
   13555             :                                 state, this->m_CoolingCoilIndex, DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::On, true, PartLoadRatio, FanOpMode);
   13556       12982 :                             Real64 OutletAirHumRat = state.dataDXCoils->DXCoilOutletHumRat(this->m_CoolingCoilIndex);
   13557        6491 :                             return DesOutHumRat - OutletAirHumRat;
   13558         614 :                         };
   13559         614 :                         General::SolveRoot(state, HumRatAcc, MaxIte, SolFlaLat, PartLoadFrac, f, 0.0, 1.0);
   13560         614 :                         this->m_CompPartLoadRatio = PartLoadFrac;
   13561        3803 :                     } else if (CoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_CoolingHXAssisted) {
   13562             : 
   13563             :                         //               IF NoLoadHumRatOut is lower than (more dehumidification than required) or very near the DesOutHumRat,
   13564             :                         //               do not run the compressor
   13565         949 :                         if ((NoLoadHumRatOut - DesOutHumRat) < tempHumRatAcc * 2.0) {
   13566             :                             // PartLoadFrac = PartLoadFrac; // keep part-load fraction from sensible calculation // Self-assignment commented out
   13567             :                             //                If the FullLoadHumRatOut is greater than (insufficient dehumidification) or very near the
   13568             :                             //                DesOutHumRat, run the compressor at PartLoadFrac = 1.
   13569         949 :                         } else if ((DesOutHumRat - FullLoadHumRatOut) < tempHumRatAcc * 2.0) {
   13570           0 :                             PartLoadFrac = 1.0;
   13571             :                             //               ELSE find the PLR to meet the load
   13572             :                         } else {
   13573       33528 :                             auto f = [&state, this, FirstHVACIteration, HXUnitOn, FanOpMode, DesOutHumRat](Real64 const PartLoadRatio) {
   13574       25146 :                                 HVACHXAssistedCoolingCoil::CalcHXAssistedCoolingCoil(state,
   13575             :                                                                                      this->m_CoolingCoilIndex,
   13576             :                                                                                      FirstHVACIteration,
   13577             :                                                                                      DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::On,
   13578             :                                                                                      PartLoadRatio,
   13579             :                                                                                      HXUnitOn,
   13580             :                                                                                      FanOpMode,
   13581             :                                                                                      _,
   13582        4191 :                                                                                      state.dataUnitarySystems->economizerFlag,
   13583             :                                                                                      0.0,
   13584             :                                                                                      0.0);
   13585        8382 :                                 return DesOutHumRat - state.dataHVACAssistedCC->HXAssistedCoilOutletHumRat(this->m_CoolingCoilIndex);
   13586         949 :                             };
   13587         949 :                             General::SolveRoot(state, HumRatAcc, MaxIte, SolFla, PartLoadFrac, f, 0.0, 1.0);
   13588         949 :                             if (SolFla == -1) {
   13589             : 
   13590             :                                 //                   RegulaFalsi may not find latent PLR when the latent degradation model is used.
   13591             :                                 //                   IF iteration limit is exceeded, find tighter boundary of solution and repeat RegulaFalsi
   13592           0 :                                 TempMaxPLR = -0.1;
   13593           0 :                                 while ((OutletHumRatDXCoil - DesOutHumRat) >= 0.0 && TempMaxPLR <= 1.0) {
   13594             :                                     //                     find upper limit of LatentPLR
   13595           0 :                                     TempMaxPLR += 0.1;
   13596           0 :                                     HVACHXAssistedCoolingCoil::SimHXAssistedCoolingCoil(state,
   13597             :                                                                                         CompName,
   13598             :                                                                                         FirstHVACIteration,
   13599             :                                                                                         DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::On,
   13600             :                                                                                         TempMaxPLR,
   13601             :                                                                                         this->m_CoolingCoilIndex,
   13602             :                                                                                         FanOpMode,
   13603             :                                                                                         HXUnitOn,
   13604             :                                                                                         _,
   13605           0 :                                                                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->economizerFlag,
   13606             :                                                                                         _,
   13607             :                                                                                         this->m_DehumidificationMode,
   13608             :                                                                                         0.0); // this->CoilSHR);
   13609           0 :                                     OutletHumRatDXCoil = state.dataHVACAssistedCC->HXAssistedCoilOutletHumRat(this->m_CoolingCoilIndex);
   13610             :                                 }
   13611           0 :                                 TempMaxPLR = min(1.0, TempMaxPLR + 0.1);
   13612           0 :                                 TempMinPLR = TempMaxPLR;
   13613           0 :                                 while ((OutletHumRatDXCoil - DesOutHumRat) <= 0.0 && TempMinPLR >= 0.0) {
   13614             :                                     //                     pull upper limit of LatentPLR DOwn to last valid limit (i.e. latent output still
   13615             :                                     //                     exceeds SystemMoisuterLoad)
   13616             :                                     //                     find minimum limit of Latent PLR
   13617           0 :                                     TempMinPLR -= 0.02;
   13618           0 :                                     HVACHXAssistedCoolingCoil::SimHXAssistedCoolingCoil(state,
   13619             :                                                                                         CompName,
   13620             :                                                                                         FirstHVACIteration,
   13621             :                                                                                         DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::On,
   13622             :                                                                                         TempMinPLR,
   13623             :                                                                                         this->m_CoolingCoilIndex,
   13624             :                                                                                         FanOpMode,
   13625             :                                                                                         HXUnitOn,
   13626             :                                                                                         _,
   13627           0 :                                                                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->economizerFlag,
   13628             :                                                                                         _,
   13629             :                                                                                         this->m_DehumidificationMode,
   13630             :                                                                                         0.0); // this->CoilSHR);
   13631           0 :                                     OutletHumRatDXCoil = state.dataHVACAssistedCC->HXAssistedCoilOutletHumRat(this->m_CoolingCoilIndex);
   13632             :                                 }
   13633           0 :                                 TempMinPLR = max(0.0, TempMinPLR - 0.1);
   13634             :                                 //                   tighter boundary of solution has been found, CALL RegulaFalsi a second time
   13635           0 :                                 General::SolveRoot(state, HumRatAcc, MaxIte, SolFla, PartLoadFrac, f, TempMinPLR, TempMaxPLR);
   13636           0 :                                 if (SolFla == -1) {
   13637           0 :                                     if (!state.dataGlobal->WarmupFlag) {
   13638           0 :                                         if (this->warnIndex.m_HXAssistedCRLatPLRIter < 1) {
   13639           0 :                                             ++this->warnIndex.m_HXAssistedCRLatPLRIter;
   13640           0 :                                             ShowWarningError(
   13641             :                                                 state,
   13642           0 :                                                 this->UnitType +
   13643           0 :                                                     " - Iteration limit exceeded calculating DX unit latent part-load ratio for unit = " +
   13644             :                                                     this->Name);
   13645           0 :                                             ShowContinueError(state, format("Estimated latent part-load ratio  = {:.3R}", (ReqOutput / FullOutput)));
   13646           0 :                                             ShowContinueError(state, format("Calculated latent part-load ratio = {:.3R}", PartLoadFrac));
   13647           0 :                                             ShowContinueErrorTimeStamp(state,
   13648             :                                                                        "The calculated latent part-load ratio will be used and the simulation "
   13649             :                                                                        "continues. Occurrence info:");
   13650             :                                         }
   13651           0 :                                         ShowRecurringWarningErrorAtEnd(state,
   13652           0 :                                                                        this->UnitType + " \"" + this->Name +
   13653             :                                                                            "\" - Iteration limit exceeded calculating latent part-load ratio "
   13654             :                                                                            "error continues. Latent PLR "
   13655             :                                                                            "statistics follow.",
   13656             :                                                                        this->warnIndex.m_HXAssistedCRLatPLRIterIndex,
   13657             :                                                                        PartLoadFrac,
   13658             :                                                                        PartLoadFrac);
   13659             :                                     }
   13660             : 
   13661           0 :                                 } else if (SolFla == -2) {
   13662             : 
   13663           0 :                                     PartLoadFrac = ReqOutput / FullOutput;
   13664           0 :                                     if (!state.dataGlobal->WarmupFlag) {
   13665           0 :                                         if (this->warnIndex.m_HXAssistedCRLatPLRFail < 1) {
   13666           0 :                                             ++this->warnIndex.m_HXAssistedCRLatPLRFail;
   13667           0 :                                             ShowWarningError(state,
   13668           0 :                                                              this->UnitType +
   13669             :                                                                  " - DX unit latent part-load ratio calculation failed unexpectedly: part-load ratio "
   13670           0 :                                                                  "limits exceeded, for unit = " +
   13671             :                                                                  this->Name);
   13672           0 :                                             ShowContinueError(state, format("Estimated part-load ratio = {:.3R}", PartLoadFrac));
   13673           0 :                                             ShowContinueErrorTimeStamp(
   13674             :                                                 state, "The estimated part-load ratio will be used and the simulation continues. Occurrence info:");
   13675             :                                         }
   13676           0 :                                         ShowRecurringWarningErrorAtEnd(state,
   13677           0 :                                                                        this->UnitType + " \"" + this->Name +
   13678             :                                                                            "\" - DX unit latent part-load ratio calculation failed "
   13679             :                                                                            "unexpectedly error continues. Latent PLR "
   13680             :                                                                            "statistics follow.",
   13681             :                                                                        this->warnIndex.m_HXAssistedCRLatPLRFailIndex,
   13682             :                                                                        PartLoadFrac,
   13683             :                                                                        PartLoadFrac);
   13684             :                                     }
   13685             :                                 }
   13686         949 :                             } else if (SolFla == -2) {
   13687           0 :                                 PartLoadFrac = ReqOutput / FullOutput;
   13688           0 :                                 if (!state.dataGlobal->WarmupFlag) {
   13689           0 :                                     if (this->warnIndex.m_HXAssistedCRLatPLRFail2 < 1) {
   13690           0 :                                         ++this->warnIndex.m_HXAssistedCRLatPLRFail2;
   13691           0 :                                         ShowWarningError(state,
   13692           0 :                                                          this->UnitType +
   13693             :                                                              " - DX unit latent part-load ratio calculation failed: part-load ratio limits "
   13694           0 :                                                              "exceeded, for unit = " +
   13695             :                                                              this->Name);
   13696           0 :                                         ShowContinueError(state, format("Estimated part-load ratio = {:.3R}", PartLoadFrac));
   13697           0 :                                         ShowContinueErrorTimeStamp(
   13698             :                                             state, "The estimated part-load ratio will be used and the simulation continues. Occurrence info:");
   13699             :                                     }
   13700           0 :                                     ShowRecurringWarningErrorAtEnd(
   13701             :                                         state,
   13702           0 :                                         this->UnitType + " \"" + this->Name +
   13703             :                                             "\" - DX unit latent part-load ratio calculation failed error continues. Latent PLR statistics "
   13704             :                                             "follow.",
   13705             :                                         this->warnIndex.m_HXAssistedCRLatPLRFailIndex2,
   13706             :                                         PartLoadFrac,
   13707             :                                         PartLoadFrac);
   13708             :                                 }
   13709             :                             }
   13710             :                         }
   13711         949 :                         this->m_CompPartLoadRatio = PartLoadFrac;
   13712             : 
   13713        2854 :                     } else if (CoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_CoolingTwoSpeed) {
   13714             : 
   13715             :                         //               Simulate MultiSpeed DX coil at sensible result
   13716           0 :                         DXCoils::SimDXCoilMultiSpeed(state, CompName, SpeedRatio, CycRatio, this->m_CoolingCoilIndex);
   13717             : 
   13718           0 :                         OutletHumRatDXCoil = state.dataDXCoils->DXCoilOutletHumRat(this->m_CoolingCoilIndex);
   13719             :                         // IF humidity setpoint is not satisfied and humidity control type is CoolReheat,
   13720             :                         // then overcool to meet moisture load
   13721             : 
   13722           0 :                         if (OutletHumRatDXCoil > DesOutHumRat) {
   13723             : 
   13724           0 :                             CycRatio = 0.0;
   13725           0 :                             SpeedRatio = 0.0;
   13726             : 
   13727           0 :                             DXCoils::SimDXCoilMultiSpeed(state, CompName, 0.0, 1.0, this->m_CoolingCoilIndex);
   13728           0 :                             OutletHumRatLS = state.dataDXCoils->DXCoilOutletHumRat(this->m_CoolingCoilIndex);
   13729           0 :                             if (OutletHumRatLS > DesOutHumRat) {
   13730           0 :                                 CycRatio = 1.0;
   13731           0 :                                 DXCoils::SimDXCoilMultiSpeed(state, CompName, 1.0, 1.0, this->m_CoolingCoilIndex);
   13732           0 :                                 OutletHumRatHS = state.dataDXCoils->DXCoilOutletHumRat(this->m_CoolingCoilIndex);
   13733           0 :                                 if (OutletHumRatHS < DesOutHumRat) {
   13734           0 :                                     auto f = [&state, this, DesOutHumRat](Real64 const SpeedRatio) {
   13735           0 :                                         return UnitarySys::DXCoilVarSpeedHumRatResidual(state,
   13736             :                                                                                         SpeedRatio,
   13737             :                                                                                         this->m_CoolingCoilIndex,
   13738             :                                                                                         DesOutHumRat,
   13739             :                                                                                         this->m_UnitarySysNum, // int UnitarySysNum,
   13740             :                                                                                         0.0,                   // Real64 CycRatio,
   13741             :                                                                                         0,                     // int SpeedNum,
   13742             :                                                                                         0,                     // int FanOpMode,
   13743             :                                                                                         DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::On);
   13744           0 :                                     };
   13745           0 :                                     General::SolveRoot(state, HumRatAcc, MaxIte, SolFla, SpeedRatio, f, 0.0, 1.0);
   13746             :                                 } else {
   13747           0 :                                     SpeedRatio = 1.0;
   13748             :                                 }
   13749           0 :                                 PartLoadFrac = SpeedRatio;
   13750             :                             } else {
   13751           0 :                                 SpeedRatio = 0.0;
   13752           0 :                                 auto f = [&state, this, DesOutHumRat](Real64 const CycRatio) {
   13753           0 :                                     return UnitarySys::DXCoilCyclingHumRatResidual(
   13754             :                                         state,
   13755             :                                         CycRatio, // compressor cycling ratio (1.0 is continuous, 0.0 is off)
   13756             :                                         this->m_CoolingCoilIndex,
   13757             :                                         DesOutHumRat,
   13758             :                                         this->m_UnitarySysNum, // int UnitarySysNum,
   13759             :                                         1.0,                   // Real64 CycRatio,
   13760             :                                         this->m_CoolingSpeedNum,
   13761             :                                         this->m_FanOpMode, // int FanOpMode,
   13762             :                                         DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::On);
   13763           0 :                                 };
   13764           0 :                                 General::SolveRoot(state, HumRatAcc, MaxIte, SolFla, CycRatio, f, 0.0, 1.0);
   13765           0 :                                 PartLoadFrac = CycRatio;
   13766             :                             }
   13767             :                         }
   13768             : 
   13769        2854 :                     } else if (CoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_MultiSpeedCooling) {
   13770             : 
   13771           0 :                         DXCoils::SimDXCoilMultiSpeed(state, CompName, SpeedRatio, CycRatio, this->m_CoolingCoilIndex);
   13772           0 :                         OutletHumRatDXCoil = state.dataDXCoils->DXCoilOutletHumRat(this->m_CoolingCoilIndex);
   13773             : 
   13774             :                         // IF humidity setpoint is not satisfied and humidity control type is CoolReheat,
   13775             :                         // then overcool to meet moisture load
   13776             : 
   13777           0 :                         if (OutletHumRatDXCoil > DesOutHumRat) {
   13778             : 
   13779           0 :                             CycRatio = 0.0;
   13780           0 :                             SpeedRatio = 0.0;
   13781             : 
   13782           0 :                             DXCoils::SimDXCoilMultiSpeed(state, CompName, 0.0, 1.0, this->m_CoolingCoilIndex);
   13783           0 :                             OutletHumRatLS = state.dataDXCoils->DXCoilOutletHumRat(this->m_CoolingCoilIndex);
   13784           0 :                             if (OutletHumRatLS > DesOutHumRat) {
   13785           0 :                                 CycRatio = 1.0;
   13786           0 :                                 DXCoils::SimDXCoilMultiSpeed(state, CompName, 1.0, 1.0, this->m_CoolingCoilIndex);
   13787           0 :                                 OutletHumRatHS = state.dataDXCoils->DXCoilOutletHumRat(this->m_CoolingCoilIndex);
   13788           0 :                                 if (OutletHumRatHS < DesOutHumRat) {
   13789           0 :                                     auto f = [&state, this, DesOutHumRat](Real64 const SpeedRatio) {
   13790           0 :                                         return UnitarySys::DXCoilVarSpeedHumRatResidual(state,
   13791             :                                                                                         SpeedRatio,
   13792             :                                                                                         this->m_CoolingCoilIndex,
   13793             :                                                                                         DesOutHumRat,
   13794             :                                                                                         this->m_UnitarySysNum, // int UnitarySysNum,
   13795             :                                                                                         0.0,                   // Real64 CycRatio,
   13796             :                                                                                         0,                     // int SpeedNum,
   13797             :                                                                                         0,                     // int FanOpMode,
   13798             :                                                                                         DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::On);
   13799           0 :                                     };
   13800           0 :                                     General::SolveRoot(state, HumRatAcc, MaxIte, SolFla, SpeedRatio, f, 0.0, 1.0);
   13801             :                                 } else {
   13802           0 :                                     SpeedRatio = 1.0;
   13803             :                                 }
   13804             :                             } else {
   13805           0 :                                 SpeedRatio = 0.0;
   13806           0 :                                 auto f = [&state, this, DesOutHumRat](Real64 const CycRatio) {
   13807           0 :                                     return UnitarySys::DXCoilCyclingHumRatResidual(
   13808             :                                         state,
   13809             :                                         CycRatio, // compressor cycling ratio (1.0 is continuous, 0.0 is off)
   13810             :                                         this->m_CoolingCoilIndex,
   13811             :                                         DesOutHumRat,
   13812             :                                         this->m_UnitarySysNum, // int UnitarySysNum,
   13813             :                                         0.0,                   // Real64 CycRatio,
   13814             :                                         0,
   13815             :                                         0, // int FanOpMode,
   13816             :                                         DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::On);
   13817           0 :                                 };
   13818           0 :                                 General::SolveRoot(state, HumRatAcc, MaxIte, SolFla, CycRatio, f, 0.0, 1.0);
   13819             :                             }
   13820             :                         }
   13821        2854 :                     } else if ((CoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingAirToAirVariableSpeed) ||
   13822             :                                (CoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWaterToAirHPVSEquationFit)) {
   13823         992 :                         VariableSpeedCoils::SimVariableSpeedCoils(state,
   13824             :                                                                   CompName,
   13825             :                                                                   this->m_CoolingCoilIndex,
   13826             :                                                                   this->m_FanOpMode,
   13827             :                                                                   this->m_MaxONOFFCyclesperHour,
   13828             :                                                                   this->m_HPTimeConstant,
   13829             :                                                                   this->m_FanDelayTime,
   13830             :                                                                   DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::On,
   13831             :                                                                   CycRatio,
   13832             :                                                                   SpeedNum,
   13833             :                                                                   SpeedRatio,
   13834             :                                                                   ReqOutput,
   13835             :                                                                   dummy,
   13836             :                                                                   OnOffAirFlowRatio);
   13837         992 :                         OutletHumRatLS = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->CoolCoilOutletNodeNum).HumRat;
   13838             : 
   13839         992 :                         if (OutletHumRatLS > DesOutHumRat) {
   13840         992 :                             CycRatio = 1.0;
   13841             : 
   13842         992 :                             for (int speedNum = SpeedNum; speedNum <= this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling; ++speedNum) {
   13843         992 :                                 VariableSpeedCoils::SimVariableSpeedCoils(state,
   13844             :                                                                           CompName,
   13845             :                                                                           this->m_CoolingCoilIndex,
   13846             :                                                                           this->m_FanOpMode,
   13847             :                                                                           this->m_MaxONOFFCyclesperHour,
   13848             :                                                                           this->m_HPTimeConstant,
   13849             :                                                                           this->m_FanDelayTime,
   13850             :                                                                           DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::On,
   13851             :                                                                           1.0,
   13852             :                                                                           speedNum,
   13853             :                                                                           1.0,
   13854             :                                                                           ReqOutput,
   13855             :                                                                           dummy,
   13856             :                                                                           OnOffAirFlowRatio);
   13857         992 :                                 OutletHumRatHS = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->CoolCoilOutletNodeNum).HumRat;
   13858         992 :                                 if (OutletHumRatHS < DesOutHumRat || speedNum == this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling) {
   13859         992 :                                     SpeedNum = speedNum;
   13860         992 :                                     this->m_CoolingSpeedNum = speedNum;
   13861         992 :                                     break;
   13862             :                                 }
   13863             :                             }
   13864             : 
   13865         992 :                             if (OutletHumRatHS < DesOutHumRat) {
   13866         992 :                                 if (SpeedNum == 1) {
   13867       14880 :                                     auto f = [&state, this, DesOutHumRat](Real64 const CycRatio) {
   13868       11904 :                                         return UnitarySys::DXCoilCyclingHumRatResidual(
   13869             :                                             state,
   13870             :                                             CycRatio, // compressor cycling ratio (1.0 is continuous, 0.0 is off)
   13871             :                                             this->m_CoolingCoilIndex,
   13872             :                                             DesOutHumRat,
   13873             :                                             this->m_UnitarySysNum, // int UnitarySysNum,
   13874             :                                             1.0,                   // Real64 CycRatio,
   13875             :                                             this->m_CoolingSpeedNum,
   13876             :                                             this->m_FanOpMode, // int FanOpMode,
   13877             :                                             DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::On);
   13878        3968 :                                     };
   13879         992 :                                     General::SolveRoot(state, HumRatAcc, MaxIte, SolFla, CycRatio, f, 0.0, 1.0);
   13880             :                                 } else {
   13881           0 :                                     auto f = [&state, this, DesOutHumRat](Real64 const SpeedRatio) {
   13882           0 :                                         return UnitarySys::DXCoilVarSpeedHumRatResidual(state,
   13883             :                                                                                         SpeedRatio,
   13884             :                                                                                         this->m_CoolingCoilIndex,
   13885             :                                                                                         DesOutHumRat,
   13886             :                                                                                         this->m_UnitarySysNum, // int UnitarySysNum,
   13887             :                                                                                         1.0,                   // Real64 CycRatio,
   13888             :                                                                                         this->m_CoolingSpeedNum,
   13889             :                                                                                         this->m_FanOpMode, // int FanOpMode,
   13890             :                                                                                         DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::On);
   13891           0 :                                     };
   13892           0 :                                     General::SolveRoot(state, HumRatAcc, MaxIte, SolFla, SpeedRatio, f, 0.0, 1.0);
   13893             :                                 }
   13894             :                             } else {
   13895           0 :                                 if (SpeedNum == 1) {
   13896           0 :                                     CycRatio = 1.0;
   13897             :                                 } else {
   13898           0 :                                     SpeedRatio = 1.0;
   13899             :                                 }
   13900             :                             }
   13901             :                         } else {
   13902           0 :                             SpeedRatio = 0.0;
   13903           0 :                             auto f = [&state, this, DesOutHumRat](Real64 const SpeedRatio) {
   13904           0 :                                 return UnitarySys::DXCoilVarSpeedHumRatResidual(state,
   13905             :                                                                                 SpeedRatio,
   13906             :                                                                                 this->m_CoolingCoilIndex,
   13907             :                                                                                 DesOutHumRat,
   13908             :                                                                                 this->m_UnitarySysNum, // int UnitarySysNum,
   13909             :                                                                                 0.0,                   // Real64 CycRatio,
   13910             :                                                                                 0,                     // int SpeedNum
   13911             :                                                                                 0,                     // int FanOpMode,
   13912             :                                                                                 DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::On);
   13913           0 :                             };
   13914           0 :                             General::SolveRoot(state, HumRatAcc, MaxIte, SolFla, CycRatio, f, 0.0, 1.0);
   13915         992 :                         }
   13916        1862 :                     } else if (CoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_CoolingTwoStageWHumControl) {
   13917           0 :                         auto f = [&state, this, DesOutHumRat, DehumidMode, FanOpMode](Real64 const PartLoadRatio) {
   13918           0 :                             DXCoils::SimDXCoilMultiMode(state,
   13919             :                                                         "",
   13920             :                                                         DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::On,
   13921             :                                                         false,
   13922             :                                                         PartLoadRatio,
   13923             :                                                         DehumidMode,
   13924             :                                                         this->m_CoolingCoilIndex,
   13925           0 :                                                         FanOpMode);
   13926           0 :                             return DesOutHumRat - state.dataDXCoils->DXCoilOutletHumRat(this->m_CoolingCoilIndex);
   13927           0 :                         };
   13928           0 :                         General::SolveRoot(state, Acc, MaxIte, SolFlaLat, PartLoadFrac, f, 0.0, 1.0);
   13929           0 :                         this->m_CompPartLoadRatio = PartLoadFrac;
   13930        1862 :                     } else if (CoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_Cooling) { // CoilCoolingDX
   13931        1858 :                         int OperationMode = DataHVACGlobals::coilNormalMode;
   13932        1858 :                         if (this->m_CoolingSpeedNum == 0) this->m_CoolingSpeedNum = 1;
   13933        1858 :                         bool const singleMode = (this->m_SingleMode == 1);
   13934        1858 :                         PartLoadFrac = 1.0;
   13935        1858 :                         for (int speedNum = this->m_CoolingSpeedNum; speedNum <= this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling; speedNum++) {
   13936        1858 :                             this->m_CoolingSpeedNum = speedNum;
   13937        1858 :                             state.dataCoilCooingDX->coilCoolingDXs[this->m_CoolingCoilIndex].simulate(state,
   13938             :                                                                                                       OperationMode,
   13939             :                                                                                                       PartLoadFrac,
   13940             :                                                                                                       this->m_CoolingSpeedNum,
   13941             :                                                                                                       this->m_CoolingSpeedRatio,
   13942             :                                                                                                       this->m_FanOpMode,
   13943             :                                                                                                       singleMode);
   13944             :                             // Cooling: break if outlet humrat is lower than DesOutHumRat or approaches DesOutHumRat to within HumRatAcc from above
   13945        1858 :                             if ((state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNode).HumRat - DesOutHumRat) < HumRatAcc) break;
   13946             :                         }
   13947             :                         // make sure outlet HumRat is below set point before calling SolveRoot
   13948             :                         // Cooling: iterate only when outlet humrat is below DesOutHumRat by at least HumRatAcc
   13949        1858 :                         if ((DesOutHumRat - state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNode).HumRat) > HumRatAcc) {
   13950             : 
   13951             :                             auto f = [&state,
   13952             :                                       this,         // 0
   13953             :                                       DesOutHumRat, // 1
   13954             :                                       FanOpMode     // 3
   13955       70952 :                             ](Real64 const PartLoadFrac) {
   13956        8869 :                                 int CoilIndex = this->m_CoolingCoilIndex;
   13957        8869 :                                 bool useDehumMode = false;
   13958        8869 :                                 int CoolingSpeedNum = this->m_CoolingSpeedNum;
   13959        8869 :                                 Real64 CoolingSpeedRatio = 1.0;
   13960        8869 :                                 bool const singleMode = false;
   13961        8869 :                                 if (CoolingSpeedNum == 1) {
   13962       26607 :                                     state.dataCoilCooingDX->coilCoolingDXs[CoilIndex].simulate(
   13963             :                                         state, useDehumMode, PartLoadFrac, CoolingSpeedNum, CoolingSpeedRatio, FanOpMode, singleMode);
   13964             :                                 } else {
   13965           0 :                                     state.dataCoilCooingDX->coilCoolingDXs[CoilIndex].simulate(
   13966             :                                         state, useDehumMode, CoolingSpeedRatio, CoolingSpeedNum, PartLoadFrac, FanOpMode, singleMode);
   13967             :                                 }
   13968             :                                 Real64 outletCondition =
   13969       17738 :                                     state.dataLoopNodes->Node(state.dataCoilCooingDX->coilCoolingDXs[CoilIndex].evapOutletNodeIndex).HumRat;
   13970        8869 :                                 return DesOutHumRat - outletCondition;
   13971        1858 :                             };
   13972             : 
   13973        1858 :                             General::SolveRoot(state, HumRatAcc, MaxIte, SolFla, PartLoadFrac, f, 0.0, 1.0);
   13974             :                         }
   13975        1858 :                         if (this->m_CoolingSpeedNum == 1) {
   13976        1858 :                             this->m_CompPartLoadRatio = PartLoadFrac;
   13977        1858 :                             SpeedRatio = 0.0;
   13978             :                         } else {
   13979           0 :                             SpeedRatio = PartLoadFrac;
   13980           0 :                             PartLoadFrac = 1.0;
   13981           0 :                             this->m_CompPartLoadRatio = 1.0;
   13982             :                         }
   13983             : 
   13984           4 :                     } else if ((CoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWater) ||
   13985             :                                (CoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWaterDetailed)) { // COIL:COOLING:WATER
   13986             : 
   13987         224 :                         auto f = [&state, this, FirstHVACIteration, DesOutHumRat](Real64 const PartLoadRatio) {
   13988          64 :                             UnitarySys &thisSys = state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[this->m_UnitarySysNum];
   13989          64 :                             Real64 mdot = min(state.dataLoopNodes->Node(thisSys.CoolCoilFluidOutletNodeNum).MassFlowRateMaxAvail,
   13990          64 :                                               thisSys.MaxCoolCoilFluidFlow * PartLoadRatio);
   13991          64 :                             state.dataLoopNodes->Node(thisSys.CoolCoilFluidInletNode).MassFlowRate = mdot;
   13992          96 :                             WaterCoils::SimulateWaterCoilComponents(
   13993             :                                 state, thisSys.m_CoolingCoilName, FirstHVACIteration, thisSys.m_CoolingCoilIndex, _, _, PartLoadRatio);
   13994          32 :                             return DesOutHumRat - state.dataLoopNodes->Node(thisSys.CoolCoilOutletNodeNum).HumRat;
   13995           4 :                         };
   13996             : 
   13997           4 :                         General::SolveRoot(state, HumRatAcc, MaxIte, SolFlaLat, PartLoadFrac, f, 0.0, 1.0);
   13998             : 
   13999           0 :                     } else if ((CoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWaterToAirHPSimple) ||
   14000             :                                (CoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWaterToAirHP)) {
   14001             : 
   14002           0 :                         auto f = [&state, this, FirstHVACIteration, DesOutHumRat, ReqOutput](Real64 const PartLoadRatio) {
   14003           0 :                             UnitarySys &thisSys = state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[this->m_UnitarySysNum];
   14004           0 :                             bool errFlag = false;
   14005           0 :                             Real64 RuntimeFrac = 0.0; // heat pump runtime fraction
   14006           0 :                             thisSys.heatPumpRunFrac(PartLoadRatio, errFlag, RuntimeFrac);
   14007           0 :                             thisSys.m_CompPartLoadRatio = PartLoadRatio;
   14008           0 :                             thisSys.m_WSHPRuntimeFrac = RuntimeFrac;
   14009           0 :                             Real64 dummy = 0.0;
   14010           0 :                             if (thisSys.m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWaterToAirHPSimple) {
   14011           0 :                                 WaterToAirHeatPumpSimple::SimWatertoAirHPSimple(state,
   14012             :                                                                                 blankString,
   14013             :                                                                                 thisSys.m_CoolingCoilIndex,
   14014             :                                                                                 ReqOutput,
   14015             :                                                                                 dummy,
   14016             :                                                                                 thisSys.m_FanOpMode,
   14017             :                                                                                 RuntimeFrac,
   14018             :                                                                                 thisSys.m_MaxONOFFCyclesperHour,
   14019             :                                                                                 thisSys.m_HPTimeConstant,
   14020             :                                                                                 thisSys.m_FanDelayTime,
   14021             :                                                                                 DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::Off,
   14022             :                                                                                 PartLoadRatio,
   14023             :                                                                                 FirstHVACIteration);
   14024             :                             } else {
   14025           0 :                                 WaterToAirHeatPump::SimWatertoAirHP(state,
   14026             :                                                                     blankString,
   14027             :                                                                     thisSys.m_CoolingCoilIndex,
   14028             :                                                                     thisSys.MaxCoolAirMassFlow,
   14029             :                                                                     thisSys.m_FanOpMode,
   14030             :                                                                     FirstHVACIteration,
   14031             :                                                                     RuntimeFrac,
   14032             :                                                                     thisSys.m_MaxONOFFCyclesperHour,
   14033             :                                                                     thisSys.m_HPTimeConstant,
   14034             :                                                                     thisSys.m_FanDelayTime,
   14035           0 :                                                                     thisSys.m_InitHeatPump,
   14036             :                                                                     ReqOutput,
   14037             :                                                                     dummy,
   14038             :                                                                     DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::Off,
   14039             :                                                                     PartLoadRatio);
   14040             :                             }
   14041           0 :                             return DesOutHumRat - state.dataLoopNodes->Node(thisSys.CoolCoilOutletNodeNum).HumRat;
   14042           0 :                         };
   14043           0 :                         General::SolveRoot(state, HumRatAcc, MaxIte, SolFlaLat, PartLoadFrac, f, 0.0, 1.0);
   14044             : 
   14045           0 :                     } else if (CoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_PackagedThermalStorageCooling) {
   14046             : 
   14047           0 :                         if (CoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_PackagedThermalStorageCooling &&
   14048           0 :                             (this->m_TESOpMode != PackagedThermalStorageCoil::PTSCOperatingMode::Off &&
   14049           0 :                              this->m_TESOpMode != PackagedThermalStorageCoil::PTSCOperatingMode::ChargeOnly)) {
   14050           0 :                             auto f = [&state, this, DesOutHumRat](Real64 const PartLoadRatio) {
   14051           0 :                                 UnitarySys &thisSys = state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[this->m_UnitarySysNum];
   14052           0 :                                 PackagedThermalStorageCoil::SimTESCoil(state,
   14053             :                                                                        thisSys.m_CoolingCoilName,
   14054             :                                                                        thisSys.m_CoolingCoilIndex,
   14055             :                                                                        thisSys.m_FanOpMode,
   14056             :                                                                        thisSys.m_TESOpMode,
   14057             :                                                                        PartLoadRatio);
   14058           0 :                                 return state.dataLoopNodes->Node(thisSys.CoolCoilOutletNodeNum).HumRat - DesOutHumRat;
   14059           0 :                             };
   14060           0 :                             General::SolveRoot(state, Acc, MaxIte, SolFla, PartLoadFrac, f, 0.0, 1.0);
   14061             :                         }
   14062             : 
   14063             :                     } else {
   14064             :                     }
   14065             :                 }
   14066             :             }
   14067             :         }
   14068     3553043 :         if (SolFla == -1) {
   14069        2117 :             if (!state.dataGlobal->WarmupFlag) {
   14070         397 :                 if (this->warnIndex.m_SensPLRIter < 1) {
   14071           1 :                     ++this->warnIndex.m_SensPLRIter;
   14072           1 :                     ShowWarningError(state, this->UnitType + " - Iteration limit exceeded calculating part-load ratio for unit = " + this->Name);
   14073           1 :                     ShowContinueError(state, format("Estimated part-load ratio  = {:.3R}", (ReqOutput / FullOutput)));
   14074           1 :                     ShowContinueError(state, format("Calculated part-load ratio = {:.3R}", PartLoadFrac));
   14075           1 :                     ShowContinueErrorTimeStamp(state, "The calculated part-load ratio will be used and the simulation continues. Occurrence info:");
   14076             :                 } else {
   14077        1188 :                     ShowRecurringWarningErrorAtEnd(
   14078             :                         state,
   14079         792 :                         this->UnitType + " \"" + this->Name +
   14080             :                             "\" - Iteration limit exceeded calculating sensible part-load ratio error continues. Sensible PLR statistics follow.",
   14081             :                         this->warnIndex.m_SensPLRIterIndex,
   14082             :                         PartLoadFrac,
   14083             :                         PartLoadFrac);
   14084             :                 }
   14085             :             }
   14086     3550926 :         } else if (SolFla == -2) {
   14087           1 :             PartLoadFrac = ReqOutput / FullOutput;
   14088           1 :             if (!state.dataGlobal->WarmupFlag) {
   14089           0 :                 if (this->warnIndex.m_SensPLRFail < 1) {
   14090           0 :                     ++this->warnIndex.m_SensPLRFail;
   14091           0 :                     ShowWarningError(state,
   14092           0 :                                      this->UnitType +
   14093           0 :                                          " - sensible part-load ratio calculation failed: part-load ratio limits exceeded, for unit = " + this->Name);
   14094           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, format("Estimated part-load ratio = {:.3R}", PartLoadFrac));
   14095           0 :                     ShowContinueErrorTimeStamp(state, "The estimated part-load ratio will be used and the simulation continues. Occurrence info:");
   14096             :                 } else {
   14097           0 :                     ShowRecurringWarningErrorAtEnd(
   14098             :                         state,
   14099           0 :                         this->UnitType + " \"" + this->Name +
   14100             :                             "\" - sensible part-load ratio calculation failed error continues. Sensible PLR statistics follow.",
   14101             :                         this->warnIndex.m_SensPLRFailIndex,
   14102             :                         PartLoadFrac,
   14103             :                         PartLoadFrac);
   14104             :                 }
   14105             :             }
   14106             :         }
   14107             : 
   14108     3553043 :         if (SolFlaLat == -1 && SolFla != -1) {
   14109           0 :             if (!state.dataGlobal->WarmupFlag) {
   14110           0 :                 if (this->warnIndex.m_LatPLRIter < 1) {
   14111           0 :                     ++this->warnIndex.m_LatPLRIter;
   14112           0 :                     ShowWarningError(state,
   14113           0 :                                      this->UnitType + " - Iteration limit exceeded calculating latent part-load ratio for unit = " + this->Name);
   14114           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, format("Estimated part-load ratio   = {:.3R}", (ReqOutput / FullOutput)));
   14115           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, format("Calculated part-load ratio = {:.3R}", PartLoadFrac));
   14116           0 :                     ShowContinueErrorTimeStamp(state, "The calculated part-load ratio will be used and the simulation continues. Occurrence info:");
   14117             :                 }
   14118           0 :                 ShowRecurringWarningErrorAtEnd(
   14119             :                     state,
   14120           0 :                     this->UnitType + " \"" + this->Name +
   14121             :                         "\" - Iteration limit exceeded calculating latent part-load ratio error continues. Latent PLR statistics follow.",
   14122             :                     this->warnIndex.m_LatPLRIterIndex,
   14123             :                     PartLoadFrac,
   14124             :                     PartLoadFrac);
   14125             :             }
   14126     3553043 :         } else if (SolFlaLat == -2 && SolFla != -2) {
   14127             :             //               RegulaFalsi returns PLR = minPLR when a solution cannot be found, recalculate PartLoadFrac.
   14128           0 :             if (NoLoadHumRatOut - FullLoadHumRatOut != 0.0) {
   14129           0 :                 PartLoadFrac = (NoLoadHumRatOut - DesOutHumRat) / (NoLoadHumRatOut - FullLoadHumRatOut);
   14130             :             } else {
   14131           0 :                 PartLoadFrac = 1.0;
   14132             :             }
   14133           0 :             if (!state.dataGlobal->WarmupFlag) {
   14134           0 :                 if (this->warnIndex.m_LatPLRFail < 1) {
   14135           0 :                     ++this->warnIndex.m_LatPLRFail;
   14136           0 :                     ShowWarningError(state,
   14137           0 :                                      this->UnitType +
   14138           0 :                                          " - latent part-load ratio calculation failed: part-load ratio limits exceeded, for unit = " + this->Name);
   14139           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, format("Estimated part-load ratio = {:.3R}", PartLoadFrac));
   14140           0 :                     ShowContinueErrorTimeStamp(state, "The estimated part-load ratio will be used and the simulation continues. Occurrence info:");
   14141             :                 }
   14142           0 :                 ShowRecurringWarningErrorAtEnd(state,
   14143           0 :                                                this->UnitType + " \"" + this->Name +
   14144             :                                                    "\" - latent part-load ratio calculation failed error continues. Latent PLR statistics follow.",
   14145             :                                                this->warnIndex.m_LatPLRFailIndex,
   14146             :                                                PartLoadFrac,
   14147             :                                                PartLoadFrac);
   14148             :             }
   14149             :         }
   14150             :         // Set the final results
   14151             : 
   14152     3553043 :         if (PartLoadFrac > 1.0) {
   14153           0 :             PartLoadFrac = 1.0;
   14154     3553043 :         } else if (PartLoadFrac < 0.0) {
   14155           0 :             PartLoadFrac = 0.0;
   14156             :         }
   14157             : 
   14158     3553043 :         this->m_CoolingPartLoadFrac = PartLoadFrac;
   14159     3553043 :         this->m_CoolingSpeedRatio = SpeedRatio;
   14160     3553043 :         this->m_CoolingCycRatio = CycRatio;
   14161     3553043 :         this->m_DehumidificationMode = DehumidMode;
   14162             : 
   14163     3553043 :         if (state.afn->distribution_simulated) {
   14164      124385 :             state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopAFNInfo(AirLoopNum).AFNLoopDXCoilRTF =
   14165      124385 :                 max(state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopAFNInfo(AirLoopNum).AFNLoopDXCoilRTF, LoopDXCoilMaxRTFSave);
   14166             :         }
   14167             : 
   14168     7048560 :         if (this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWater ||
   14169     3495517 :             this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWaterDetailed) {
   14170       57526 :             mdot = PartLoadFrac * this->MaxCoolCoilFluidFlow;
   14171       57526 :             PlantUtilities::SetComponentFlowRate(state, mdot, this->CoolCoilFluidInletNode, this->CoolCoilFluidOutletNodeNum, this->CoolCoilPlantLoc);
   14172             :         }
   14173     3553043 :     } // namespace UnitarySystems
   14174             : 
   14175       86211 :     void UnitarySys::controlHeatingSystemToSP(EnergyPlusData &state,
   14176             :                                               int const AirLoopNum,                               // index to air loop
   14177             :                                               bool const FirstHVACIteration,                      // First HVAC iteration flag
   14178             :                                               DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation &CompressorOp, // compressor on/off control
   14179             :                                               Real64 &HeatCoilLoad                                // load met by heating coil
   14180             :     )
   14181             :     {
   14182             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
   14183             :         //       AUTHOR         Richard Raustad, FSEC
   14184             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   February 2013
   14185             : 
   14186             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
   14187             :         //  Simulate the coil object at the required PLR.
   14188             : 
   14189             :         // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
   14190             :         //  Calculate operating PLR and adjust speed when using multispeed coils.
   14191             : 
   14192             :         // SUBROUTINE PARAMETER DEFINITIONS:
   14193       86211 :         int constexpr MaxIte(500);    // Maximum number of iterations for solver
   14194       86211 :         Real64 constexpr Acc(1.0e-3); // Accuracy of solver result
   14195       86211 :         bool constexpr SuppHeatingCoilFlag(false);
   14196             : 
   14197             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
   14198             :         Real64 FullOutput; // Sensible capacity (outlet - inlet) when the compressor is on
   14199             :         Real64 ReqOutput;  // Sensible capacity (outlet - inlet) required to meet load or set point temperature
   14200             : 
   14201       86211 :         Real64 m_WSHPRuntimeFrac = 0.0; // Run time fraction of water to air hp
   14202       86211 :         Real64 OutdoorDryBulb = 0.0;    // local variable for OutDryBulbTemp
   14203       86211 :         Real64 OutdoorHumRat = 0.0;     // local variable for OutHumRat
   14204       86211 :         Real64 OutdoorPressure = 0.0;   // local variable for OutBaroPress
   14205       86211 :         Real64 OutdoorWetBulb = 0.0;    // local variable for OutWetBulbTemp
   14206       86211 :         bool HeatingActive = false;     // dummy variable for UserDefined coil which are passed back indicating if coil is on or off.
   14207       86211 :         bool CoolingActive = false;     // dummy variable for UserDefined coil which are passed back indicating if coil is on or off.
   14208       86211 :         Real64 mdot = 0.0;              // water coil water flow rate [kg/s]
   14209       86211 :         Real64 maxPartLoadFrac = 0.0;   // calculated maximum water side PLR for RegulaFalsi call (when plant limits flow max PLR != 1)
   14210             : 
   14211             :         // Set local variables
   14212             :         // Retrieve the load on the controlled zone
   14213       86211 :         int InletNode = this->HeatCoilInletNodeNum;
   14214       86211 :         int OutletNode = this->HeatCoilOutletNodeNum;
   14215      172422 :         std::string CompName = this->m_HeatingCoilName;
   14216       86211 :         int CompIndex = this->m_HeatingCoilIndex;
   14217       86211 :         int FanOpMode = this->m_FanOpMode;
   14218       86211 :         Real64 DesOutTemp = this->m_DesiredOutletTemp;
   14219             : 
   14220       86211 :         Real64 LoopHeatingCoilMaxRTFSave = 0.0;
   14221       86211 :         Real64 LoopDXCoilMaxRTFSave = 0.0;
   14222       86211 :         if (state.afn->distribution_simulated) {
   14223           0 :             LoopHeatingCoilMaxRTFSave = state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopAFNInfo(AirLoopNum).AFNLoopHeatingCoilMaxRTF;
   14224           0 :             state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopAFNInfo(AirLoopNum).AFNLoopHeatingCoilMaxRTF = 0.0;
   14225           0 :             LoopDXCoilMaxRTFSave = state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopAFNInfo(AirLoopNum).AFNLoopDXCoilRTF;
   14226           0 :             state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopAFNInfo(AirLoopNum).AFNLoopDXCoilRTF = 0.0;
   14227             :         }
   14228             : 
   14229       86211 :         Real64 PartLoadFrac = 0.0;
   14230       86211 :         Real64 SpeedRatio = 0.0;
   14231       86211 :         Real64 CycRatio = 0.0;
   14232       86211 :         int SpeedNum = 0;
   14233       86211 :         Real64 dummy = 0.0;
   14234       86211 :         int SolFla = 0;
   14235       86211 :         bool SensibleLoad = false;
   14236       86211 :         Real64 SensLoad = 0.0;
   14237       86211 :         bool LatentLoad = false;
   14238       86211 :         Real64 OutletTemp = 0.0;
   14239             : 
   14240       86211 :         if (this->m_CondenserNodeNum != 0) {
   14241       49746 :             OutdoorDryBulb = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->m_CondenserNodeNum).Temp;
   14242       49746 :             if (this->m_CondenserType == DataHeatBalance::RefrigCondenserType::Water) {
   14243           0 :                 OutdoorHumRat = state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat;
   14244           0 :                 OutdoorPressure = state.dataEnvrn->OutBaroPress;
   14245           0 :                 OutdoorWetBulb = state.dataEnvrn->OutWetBulbTemp;
   14246             :             } else {
   14247       49746 :                 OutdoorPressure = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->m_CondenserNodeNum).Press;
   14248             :                 // IF node is not connected to anything, pressure = default, use weather data
   14249       49746 :                 if (OutdoorPressure == state.dataLoopNodes->DefaultNodeValues.Press) {
   14250           0 :                     OutdoorDryBulb = state.dataEnvrn->OutDryBulbTemp;
   14251           0 :                     OutdoorHumRat = state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat;
   14252           0 :                     OutdoorPressure = state.dataEnvrn->OutBaroPress;
   14253           0 :                     OutdoorWetBulb = state.dataEnvrn->OutWetBulbTemp;
   14254             :                 } else {
   14255       49746 :                     OutdoorHumRat = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->m_CondenserNodeNum).HumRat;
   14256             :                     //     this should use Node%WetBulbTemp or a PSYC function, not OAWB
   14257       49746 :                     OutdoorWetBulb = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->m_CondenserNodeNum).OutAirWetBulb;
   14258             :                 }
   14259             :             }
   14260             :         } else {
   14261       36465 :             OutdoorDryBulb = state.dataEnvrn->OutDryBulbTemp;
   14262       36465 :             OutdoorHumRat = state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat;
   14263       36465 :             OutdoorPressure = state.dataEnvrn->OutBaroPress;
   14264       36465 :             OutdoorWetBulb = state.dataEnvrn->OutWetBulbTemp;
   14265             :         }
   14266             : 
   14267             :         // IF there is a fault of coil SAT Sensor
   14268       86211 :         if (this->m_FaultyCoilSATFlag) {
   14269             :             // calculate the sensor offset using fault information
   14270           0 :             int FaultIndex = this->m_FaultyCoilSATIndex;
   14271           0 :             this->m_FaultyCoilSATOffset = state.dataFaultsMgr->FaultsCoilSATSensor(FaultIndex).CalFaultOffsetAct(state);
   14272             :             // update the DesOutTemp
   14273           0 :             DesOutTemp -= this->m_FaultyCoilSATOffset;
   14274             :         }
   14275             : 
   14276             :         // IF DXHeatingSystem is scheduled on and there is flow
   14277      258609 :         if (ScheduleManager::GetCurrentScheduleValue(state, this->m_SysAvailSchedPtr) > 0.0 &&
   14278      172398 :             ScheduleManager::GetCurrentScheduleValue(state, this->m_HeatingCoilAvailSchPtr) > 0.0 &&
   14279       86187 :             state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNode).MassFlowRate > DataHVACGlobals::SmallAirVolFlow) {
   14280             : 
   14281             :             // Determine if there is a sensible load on this system
   14282       78424 :             if (DesOutTemp - state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNode).Temp > DataHVACGlobals::TempControlTol) SensibleLoad = true;
   14283             :             // if a heat pump and other coil is on, disable this coil
   14284       78424 :             if (this->m_HeatPump && this->m_CoolingPartLoadFrac > 0.0) SensibleLoad = false;
   14285             : 
   14286             :             // disable compressor if OAT is below minimum outdoor temperature
   14287       78424 :             if (OutdoorDryBulb < this->m_MinOATCompressorHeating) {
   14288        1025 :                 SensibleLoad = false;
   14289             :             }
   14290             : 
   14291             :             // IF DXHeatingSystem runs with a heating load then set PartLoadFrac on Heating System
   14292       78424 :             if (SensibleLoad) {
   14293             : 
   14294       51470 :                 ReqOutput = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNode).MassFlowRate *
   14295       77205 :                             Psychrometrics::PsyDeltaHSenFnTdb2W2Tdb1W1(DesOutTemp,
   14296       25735 :                                                                        state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNode).HumRat,
   14297       25735 :                                                                        state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNode).Temp,
   14298       25735 :                                                                        state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNode).HumRat);
   14299       25735 :                 ReqOutput = max(0.0, ReqOutput);
   14300             : 
   14301             :                 // Get no load result
   14302       25735 :                 PartLoadFrac = 0.0;
   14303       25735 :                 m_WSHPRuntimeFrac = 0.0;
   14304       25735 :                 CompressorOp = DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::Off;
   14305             : 
   14306       25735 :                 switch (this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num) {
   14307           0 :                 case DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_HeatingEmpirical: {
   14308           0 :                     DXCoils::SimDXCoil(
   14309             :                         state, CompName, DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::On, FirstHVACIteration, CompIndex, FanOpMode, PartLoadFrac);
   14310           0 :                     this->m_CompPartLoadRatio = PartLoadFrac;
   14311           0 :                 } break;
   14312           0 :                 case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_UserDefined: { // do nothing, user defined coil cannot be controlled
   14313           0 :                     UserDefinedComponents::SimCoilUserDefined(state, CompName, CompIndex, AirLoopNum, HeatingActive, CoolingActive);
   14314           0 :                     if (HeatingActive) PartLoadFrac = 1.0;
   14315             : 
   14316           0 :                 } break;
   14317        2247 :                 case DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_MultiSpeedHeating:
   14318             :                 case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingElectric_MultiStage:
   14319             :                 case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingGas_MultiStage: {
   14320        2247 :                     if (this->m_EMSOverrideCoilSpeedNumOn) {
   14321           0 :                         this->m_HeatingSpeedNum = ceil(this->m_EMSOverrideCoilSpeedNumValue);
   14322           0 :                         this->m_SpeedNum = this->m_HeatingSpeedNum;
   14323           0 :                         bool useMaxedSpeed = false;
   14324           0 :                         if (this->m_SpeedNum > this->m_NumOfSpeedHeating) {
   14325           0 :                             this->m_HeatingSpeedNum = this->m_NumOfSpeedHeating;
   14326           0 :                             this->m_SpeedNum = this->m_NumOfSpeedHeating;
   14327           0 :                             this->m_CoilSpeedErrIdx++;
   14328           0 :                             useMaxedSpeed = true;
   14329           0 :                             ShowRecurringWarningErrorAtEnd(
   14330             :                                 state,
   14331           0 :                                 "Wrong coil speed EMS override value, for unit=\"" + this->m_HeatingCoilName +
   14332             :                                     "\". Exceeding maximum coil speed level. Speed level is set to the maximum coil speed level allowed.",
   14333             :                                 this->m_CoilSpeedErrIdx,
   14334             :                                 this->m_EMSOverrideCoilSpeedNumValue,
   14335             :                                 this->m_EMSOverrideCoilSpeedNumValue,
   14336             :                                 _,
   14337             :                                 "",
   14338             :                                 "");
   14339             :                         }
   14340           0 :                         if (this->m_HeatingSpeedNum == 1) {
   14341           0 :                             this->m_HeatingSpeedRatio = 0.0;
   14342           0 :                             CycRatio = this->m_EMSOverrideCoilSpeedNumValue - floor(this->m_EMSOverrideCoilSpeedNumValue);
   14343           0 :                             this->m_HeatingCycRatio = CycRatio;
   14344           0 :                             if (useMaxedSpeed || CycRatio == 0) {
   14345           0 :                                 this->m_HeatingCycRatio = 1;
   14346             :                             } else {
   14347           0 :                                 this->m_HeatingCycRatio = CycRatio;
   14348             :                             }
   14349             :                         } else {
   14350           0 :                             this->m_HeatingCycRatio = 1.0;
   14351           0 :                             SpeedRatio = this->m_EMSOverrideCoilSpeedNumValue - floor(this->m_EMSOverrideCoilSpeedNumValue);
   14352           0 :                             this->m_HeatingSpeedRatio = SpeedRatio;
   14353           0 :                             if (useMaxedSpeed || SpeedRatio == 0) {
   14354           0 :                                 this->m_HeatingSpeedRatio = 1;
   14355             :                             } else {
   14356           0 :                                 this->m_HeatingSpeedRatio = SpeedRatio;
   14357             :                             }
   14358             :                         }
   14359             :                     }
   14360        2247 :                     this->simMultiSpeedCoils(
   14361             :                         state, AirLoopNum, FirstHVACIteration, CompressorOp, SensibleLoad, LatentLoad, PartLoadFrac, HeatingCoil, this->m_SpeedNum);
   14362        2247 :                 } break;
   14363           0 :                 case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingAirToAirVariableSpeed:
   14364             :                 case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWaterToAirHPVSEquationFit: {
   14365           0 :                     this->m_HeatingCoilSensDemand = ReqOutput;
   14366           0 :                     VariableSpeedCoils::SimVariableSpeedCoils(state,
   14367             :                                                               "",
   14368             :                                                               this->m_HeatingCoilIndex,
   14369             :                                                               FanOpMode,
   14370             :                                                               this->m_MaxONOFFCyclesperHour,
   14371             :                                                               this->m_HPTimeConstant,
   14372             :                                                               this->m_FanDelayTime,
   14373             :                                                               CompressorOp,
   14374             :                                                               CycRatio,
   14375             :                                                               SpeedNum,
   14376             :                                                               SpeedRatio,
   14377             :                                                               SensLoad,
   14378           0 :                                                               dummy);
   14379           0 :                 } break;
   14380       23488 :                 case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingGasOrOtherFuel:
   14381             :                 case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingElectric:
   14382             :                 case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingDesuperheater: {
   14383       23488 :                     HeatingCoils::SimulateHeatingCoilComponents(state, CompName, FirstHVACIteration, PartLoadFrac, CompIndex, _, _, FanOpMode);
   14384       23488 :                 } break;
   14385           0 :                 case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWater: {
   14386           0 :                     WaterCoils::SimulateWaterCoilComponents(
   14387             :                         state, CompName, FirstHVACIteration, this->m_HeatingCoilIndex, _, this->m_FanOpMode, PartLoadFrac);
   14388           0 :                 } break;
   14389           0 :                 case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingSteam: {
   14390           0 :                     SteamCoils::SimulateSteamCoilComponents(state,
   14391             :                                                             CompName,
   14392             :                                                             FirstHVACIteration,
   14393             :                                                             this->m_HeatingCoilIndex,
   14394             :                                                             1.0,
   14395             :                                                             _,
   14396             :                                                             this->m_FanOpMode,
   14397             :                                                             PartLoadFrac); // QCoilReq, simulate any load > 0 to get max capacity
   14398           0 :                 } break;
   14399           0 :                 case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWaterToAirHPSimple: {
   14400           0 :                     if (FirstHVACIteration) this->m_CompPartLoadRatio = 1;
   14401           0 :                     WaterToAirHeatPumpSimple::SimWatertoAirHPSimple(state,
   14402             :                                                                     blankString,
   14403             :                                                                     CompIndex,
   14404             :                                                                     ReqOutput,
   14405             :                                                                     dummy,
   14406             :                                                                     FanOpMode,
   14407             :                                                                     this->m_CompPartLoadRatio,
   14408             :                                                                     this->m_MaxONOFFCyclesperHour,
   14409             :                                                                     this->m_HPTimeConstant,
   14410             :                                                                     this->m_FanDelayTime,
   14411             :                                                                     DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::Off,
   14412             :                                                                     PartLoadFrac,
   14413             :                                                                     FirstHVACIteration);
   14414           0 :                     this->m_CompPartLoadRatio = PartLoadFrac;
   14415           0 :                     this->m_HeatingCoilSensDemand = 0.0;
   14416           0 :                 } break;
   14417           0 :                 case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWaterToAirHP: {
   14418           0 :                     WaterToAirHeatPump::SimWatertoAirHP(state,
   14419             :                                                         blankString,
   14420             :                                                         CompIndex,
   14421             :                                                         this->MaxHeatAirMassFlow,
   14422             :                                                         FanOpMode,
   14423             :                                                         FirstHVACIteration,
   14424             :                                                         m_WSHPRuntimeFrac,
   14425             :                                                         this->m_MaxONOFFCyclesperHour,
   14426             :                                                         this->m_HPTimeConstant,
   14427             :                                                         this->m_FanDelayTime,
   14428           0 :                                                         this->m_InitHeatPump,
   14429             :                                                         ReqOutput,
   14430             :                                                         dummy,
   14431             :                                                         DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::Off,
   14432             :                                                         PartLoadFrac);
   14433           0 :                     this->m_CompPartLoadRatio = PartLoadFrac;
   14434           0 :                 } break;
   14435           0 :                 default:
   14436           0 :                     break;
   14437             :                 }
   14438             : 
   14439             :                 //     IF outlet temp at no load is within ACC of set point, do not run the coil
   14440             : 
   14441       51470 :                 if (std::abs(state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNode).Temp - DesOutTemp) < Acc ||
   14442       25735 :                     this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_UserDefined) {
   14443             :                     // do nothing, coil is at the set point.
   14444       25735 :                 } else if ((state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNode).Temp - DesOutTemp) > Acc) { // IF outlet temp is above set point turn off coil
   14445           0 :                     PartLoadFrac = 0.0;
   14446             :                 } else { // ELSE get full load result
   14447             : 
   14448             :                     // Get full load result
   14449       25735 :                     PartLoadFrac = 1.0;
   14450       25735 :                     m_WSHPRuntimeFrac = 1.0;
   14451       25735 :                     CompressorOp = DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::On;
   14452             : 
   14453       25735 :                     switch (this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num) {
   14454           0 :                     case DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_HeatingEmpirical: { // Coil:Heating:DX:SingleSpeed
   14455           0 :                         DXCoils::SimDXCoil(state,
   14456             :                                            CompName,
   14457             :                                            DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::On,
   14458             :                                            FirstHVACIteration,
   14459             :                                            this->m_HeatingCoilIndex,
   14460             :                                            FanOpMode,
   14461             :                                            PartLoadFrac);
   14462           0 :                         this->m_CompPartLoadRatio = PartLoadFrac;
   14463           0 :                     } break;
   14464           0 :                     case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_UserDefined: {
   14465             :                         //  should never get here, coil cannot be controlled and has already been simulated
   14466           0 :                     } break;
   14467        2247 :                     case DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_MultiSpeedHeating: {
   14468        2247 :                         CycRatio = 1.0;
   14469        2247 :                         SpeedRatio = 0.0;
   14470        2247 :                         if (this->m_EMSOverrideCoilSpeedNumOn) {
   14471           0 :                             this->m_HeatingSpeedNum = ceil(this->m_EMSOverrideCoilSpeedNumValue);
   14472           0 :                             SpeedNum = this->m_HeatingSpeedNum;
   14473           0 :                             if (this->m_HeatingSpeedNum == 1) {
   14474           0 :                                 this->m_HeatingSpeedRatio = SpeedRatio = 0.0;
   14475           0 :                                 CycRatio = this->m_EMSOverrideCoilSpeedNumValue - floor(this->m_EMSOverrideCoilSpeedNumValue);
   14476           0 :                                 this->m_HeatingCycRatio = CycRatio;
   14477           0 :                                 if (CycRatio == 0) {
   14478           0 :                                     this->m_HeatingCycRatio = 1;
   14479             :                                 } else {
   14480           0 :                                     this->m_HeatingCycRatio = CycRatio;
   14481             :                                 }
   14482             :                             } else {
   14483           0 :                                 this->m_HeatingCycRatio = CycRatio = 1.0;
   14484           0 :                                 SpeedRatio = this->m_EMSOverrideCoilSpeedNumValue - floor(this->m_EMSOverrideCoilSpeedNumValue);
   14485           0 :                                 this->m_HeatingSpeedRatio = SpeedRatio;
   14486           0 :                                 if (SpeedRatio == 0) {
   14487           0 :                                     this->m_HeatingSpeedRatio = 1;
   14488             :                                 } else {
   14489           0 :                                     this->m_HeatingSpeedRatio = SpeedRatio;
   14490             :                                 }
   14491             :                             }
   14492           0 :                             if (SpeedNum > this->m_NumOfSpeedHeating) {
   14493           0 :                                 this->m_HeatingSpeedNum = this->m_NumOfSpeedHeating;
   14494           0 :                                 SpeedNum = this->m_NumOfSpeedHeating;
   14495           0 :                                 this->m_HeatingCycRatio = CycRatio = 1.0;
   14496           0 :                                 if (this->m_HeatingSpeedNum == 1) {
   14497           0 :                                     this->m_HeatingSpeedRatio = SpeedRatio = 0.0;
   14498             :                                 } else {
   14499           0 :                                     this->m_HeatingSpeedRatio = SpeedRatio = 1.0;
   14500             :                                 }
   14501             :                             }
   14502           0 :                             this->simMultiSpeedCoils(
   14503             :                                 state, AirLoopNum, FirstHVACIteration, CompressorOp, SensibleLoad, LatentLoad, PartLoadFrac, HeatingCoil, SpeedNum);
   14504           0 :                             OutletTemp = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNode).Temp;
   14505             :                         } else {
   14506        6737 :                             for (SpeedNum = 1; SpeedNum <= this->m_NumOfSpeedHeating; ++SpeedNum) {
   14507        4492 :                                 if (SpeedNum > 1) CycRatio = 0.0;
   14508        4492 :                                 if (SpeedNum > 1) SpeedRatio = 1.0;
   14509        4492 :                                 this->m_HeatingSpeedNum = SpeedNum;
   14510        4492 :                                 this->simMultiSpeedCoils(state,
   14511             :                                                          AirLoopNum,
   14512             :                                                          FirstHVACIteration,
   14513             :                                                          CompressorOp,
   14514             :                                                          SensibleLoad,
   14515             :                                                          LatentLoad,
   14516             :                                                          PartLoadFrac,
   14517             :                                                          HeatingCoil,
   14518             :                                                          SpeedNum);
   14519        4492 :                                 OutletTemp = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNode).Temp;
   14520        4492 :                                 if (OutletTemp > DesOutTemp && SensibleLoad) break;
   14521             :                             }
   14522             :                         }
   14523        2247 :                     } break;
   14524           0 :                     case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingElectric_MultiStage:
   14525             :                     case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingGas_MultiStage: {
   14526           0 :                         CycRatio = 1.0;
   14527           0 :                         SpeedRatio = 1.0;
   14528           0 :                         SensLoad = 1.0; // turns on coil
   14529           0 :                         this->m_HeatingSpeedRatio = SpeedRatio;
   14530           0 :                         this->m_HeatingPartLoadFrac = PartLoadFrac;
   14531           0 :                         for (SpeedNum = 1; SpeedNum <= this->m_NumOfSpeedHeating; ++SpeedNum) {
   14532           0 :                             this->m_HeatingSpeedNum = SpeedNum;
   14533           0 :                             this->simMultiSpeedCoils(
   14534             :                                 state, AirLoopNum, FirstHVACIteration, CompressorOp, SensibleLoad, LatentLoad, PartLoadFrac, HeatingCoil, SpeedNum);
   14535           0 :                             OutletTemp = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNode).Temp;
   14536           0 :                             SpeedRatio = double(SpeedNum) - 1.0;
   14537           0 :                             if (OutletTemp > DesOutTemp && SensibleLoad) break;
   14538             :                         }
   14539           0 :                     } break;
   14540           0 :                     case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingAirToAirVariableSpeed:
   14541             :                     case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWaterToAirHPVSEquationFit: {
   14542           0 :                         CycRatio = 1.0;
   14543           0 :                         SpeedRatio = 1.0;
   14544           0 :                         SensLoad = 1.0; // turns on coil
   14545           0 :                         this->m_HeatingSpeedRatio = SpeedRatio;
   14546           0 :                         this->m_HeatingPartLoadFrac = PartLoadFrac;
   14547           0 :                         for (SpeedNum = 1; SpeedNum <= this->m_NumOfSpeedHeating; ++SpeedNum) {
   14548           0 :                             this->m_HeatingSpeedNum = SpeedNum;
   14549           0 :                             VariableSpeedCoils::SimVariableSpeedCoils(state,
   14550             :                                                                       "",
   14551             :                                                                       this->m_HeatingCoilIndex,
   14552             :                                                                       FanOpMode,
   14553             :                                                                       this->m_MaxONOFFCyclesperHour,
   14554             :                                                                       this->m_HPTimeConstant,
   14555             :                                                                       this->m_FanDelayTime,
   14556             :                                                                       CompressorOp,
   14557             :                                                                       CycRatio,
   14558             :                                                                       SpeedNum,
   14559             :                                                                       SpeedRatio,
   14560             :                                                                       SensLoad,
   14561           0 :                                                                       dummy);
   14562           0 :                             OutletTemp = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNode).Temp;
   14563           0 :                             if (OutletTemp > DesOutTemp && SensibleLoad) break;
   14564             :                         }
   14565           0 :                     } break;
   14566       23488 :                     case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingGasOrOtherFuel:
   14567             :                     case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingElectric: {
   14568       23488 :                         HeatingCoils::SimulateHeatingCoilComponents(
   14569             :                             state, CompName, FirstHVACIteration, this->m_DesignHeatingCapacity, CompIndex, _, _, FanOpMode);
   14570       23488 :                     } break;
   14571           0 :                     case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingDesuperheater: {
   14572           0 :                         HeatingCoils::SimulateHeatingCoilComponents(state, CompName, FirstHVACIteration, ReqOutput, CompIndex, _, _, FanOpMode);
   14573           0 :                     } break;
   14574           0 :                     case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWater: {
   14575           0 :                         mdot = this->MaxHeatCoilFluidFlow;
   14576           0 :                         PlantUtilities::SetComponentFlowRate(
   14577             :                             state, mdot, this->HeatCoilFluidInletNode, this->HeatCoilFluidOutletNodeNum, this->HeatCoilPlantLoc);
   14578             : 
   14579           0 :                         WaterCoils::SimulateWaterCoilComponents(
   14580             :                             state, CompName, FirstHVACIteration, this->m_HeatingCoilIndex, _, this->m_FanOpMode, PartLoadFrac);
   14581           0 :                     } break;
   14582           0 :                     case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingSteam: {
   14583           0 :                         mdot = this->MaxHeatCoilFluidFlow;
   14584           0 :                         PlantUtilities::SetComponentFlowRate(
   14585             :                             state, mdot, this->HeatCoilFluidInletNode, this->HeatCoilFluidOutletNodeNum, this->HeatCoilPlantLoc);
   14586             : 
   14587           0 :                         SteamCoils::SimulateSteamCoilComponents(state,
   14588             :                                                                 CompName,
   14589             :                                                                 FirstHVACIteration,
   14590             :                                                                 this->m_HeatingCoilIndex,
   14591             :                                                                 1.0,
   14592             :                                                                 _,
   14593             :                                                                 this->m_FanOpMode,
   14594             :                                                                 PartLoadFrac); // QCoilReq, simulate any load > 0 to get max capacity
   14595           0 :                     } break;
   14596           0 :                     case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWaterToAirHPSimple: {
   14597           0 :                         WaterToAirHeatPumpSimple::SimWatertoAirHPSimple(state,
   14598             :                                                                         blankString,
   14599             :                                                                         CompIndex,
   14600             :                                                                         ReqOutput,
   14601             :                                                                         dummy,
   14602             :                                                                         FanOpMode,
   14603             :                                                                         m_WSHPRuntimeFrac,
   14604             :                                                                         this->m_MaxONOFFCyclesperHour,
   14605             :                                                                         this->m_HPTimeConstant,
   14606             :                                                                         this->m_FanDelayTime,
   14607             :                                                                         DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::On,
   14608             :                                                                         PartLoadFrac,
   14609             :                                                                         FirstHVACIteration);
   14610           0 :                         this->m_HeatingCoilSensDemand = ReqOutput;
   14611           0 :                         this->m_CompPartLoadRatio = PartLoadFrac;
   14612           0 :                     } break;
   14613           0 :                     case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWaterToAirHP: {
   14614           0 :                         WaterToAirHeatPump::SimWatertoAirHP(state,
   14615             :                                                             blankString,
   14616             :                                                             CompIndex,
   14617             :                                                             this->MaxHeatAirMassFlow,
   14618             :                                                             FanOpMode,
   14619             :                                                             FirstHVACIteration,
   14620             :                                                             m_WSHPRuntimeFrac,
   14621             :                                                             this->m_MaxONOFFCyclesperHour,
   14622             :                                                             this->m_HPTimeConstant,
   14623             :                                                             this->m_FanDelayTime,
   14624           0 :                                                             this->m_InitHeatPump,
   14625             :                                                             ReqOutput,
   14626             :                                                             dummy,
   14627             :                                                             DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::Off,
   14628             :                                                             PartLoadFrac);
   14629           0 :                         this->m_CompPartLoadRatio = PartLoadFrac;
   14630           0 :                     } break;
   14631           0 :                     default:
   14632           0 :                         break;
   14633             :                     }
   14634             : 
   14635       51470 :                     FullOutput = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNode).MassFlowRate *
   14636       77205 :                                  Psychrometrics::PsyDeltaHSenFnTdb2W2Tdb1W1(state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNode).Temp,
   14637       25735 :                                                                             state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNode).HumRat,
   14638       25735 :                                                                             state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNode).Temp,
   14639       25735 :                                                                             state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNode).HumRat);
   14640             :                     //       If the outlet temp is within ACC of set point,
   14641       51470 :                     if (std::abs(state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNode).Temp - DesOutTemp) < Acc ||
   14642       25735 :                         this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_UserDefined) {
   14643             :                         // do nothing, coil is at set point
   14644       25735 :                     } else if (state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNode).Temp < (DesOutTemp - Acc)) { // IF outlet temp is below set point coil must be on
   14645        4296 :                         PartLoadFrac = 1.0;
   14646             :                     } else { // ELSE find the PLR to meet the set point
   14647             : 
   14648       21439 :                         switch (this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num) {
   14649           0 :                         case DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_HeatingEmpirical: { // Coil:Heating:DX:SingleSpeed
   14650           0 :                             auto f = [&state, CompIndex, DesOutTemp](Real64 const PartLoadFrac) {
   14651           0 :                                 DXCoils::CalcDXHeatingCoil(state, CompIndex, PartLoadFrac, DataHVACGlobals::ContFanCycCoil, 1.0);
   14652           0 :                                 return DesOutTemp - state.dataDXCoils->DXCoilOutletTemp(CompIndex);
   14653           0 :                             };
   14654           0 :                             General::SolveRoot(state, Acc, MaxIte, SolFla, PartLoadFrac, f, 0.0, 1.0);
   14655           0 :                             this->m_CompPartLoadRatio = PartLoadFrac;
   14656           0 :                         } break;
   14657           2 :                         case DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_MultiSpeedHeating:
   14658             :                         case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingAirToAirVariableSpeed:
   14659             :                         case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWaterToAirHPVSEquationFit:
   14660             :                         case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingElectric_MultiStage:
   14661             :                         case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingGas_MultiStage: {
   14662           2 :                             if (this->m_HeatingSpeedNum > 1.0) {
   14663           0 :                                 auto f = [&state, this, DesOutTemp, CycRatio, FanOpMode](Real64 const SpeedRatio) {
   14664           0 :                                     return UnitarySys::heatingCoilVarSpeedResidual(state,
   14665             :                                                                                    SpeedRatio,
   14666             :                                                                                    this->m_HeatingCoilIndex,
   14667             :                                                                                    DesOutTemp,
   14668             :                                                                                    this->m_UnitarySysNum,
   14669             :                                                                                    CycRatio,
   14670             :                                                                                    this->m_HeatingSpeedNum,
   14671             :                                                                                    FanOpMode,
   14672             :                                                                                    DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::On,
   14673             :                                                                                    false);
   14674           0 :                                 };
   14675           0 :                                 General::SolveRoot(state, Acc, MaxIte, SolFla, SpeedRatio, f, 0.0, 1.0);
   14676           0 :                                 this->m_HeatingCycRatio = CycRatio;
   14677           0 :                                 this->m_HeatingSpeedRatio = SpeedRatio;
   14678           0 :                                 this->m_HeatingPartLoadFrac = SpeedRatio;
   14679           0 :                                 this->calcPassiveSystem(state, AirLoopNum, FirstHVACIteration);
   14680           0 :                                 PartLoadFrac = SpeedRatio;
   14681             :                             } else {
   14682           2 :                                 SpeedRatio = 0.0;
   14683           2 :                                 this->m_HeatingSpeedRatio = SpeedRatio;
   14684          24 :                                 auto f = [&state, this, DesOutTemp, SpeedRatio, FanOpMode](Real64 const CycRatio) {
   14685          18 :                                     return UnitarySys::heatingCoilVarSpeedCycResidual(state,
   14686             :                                                                                       CycRatio,
   14687             :                                                                                       this->m_HeatingCoilIndex,
   14688             :                                                                                       DesOutTemp,
   14689             :                                                                                       this->m_UnitarySysNum,
   14690             :                                                                                       SpeedRatio,
   14691             :                                                                                       this->m_HeatingSpeedNum,
   14692             :                                                                                       FanOpMode,
   14693             :                                                                                       DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::On,
   14694             :                                                                                       false);
   14695           8 :                                 };
   14696           2 :                                 General::SolveRoot(state, Acc, MaxIte, SolFla, CycRatio, f, 0.0, 1.0);
   14697           2 :                                 this->m_HeatingCycRatio = CycRatio;
   14698           2 :                                 this->m_HeatingPartLoadFrac = CycRatio;
   14699           2 :                                 this->calcPassiveSystem(state, AirLoopNum, FirstHVACIteration);
   14700           2 :                                 PartLoadFrac = CycRatio;
   14701             :                             }
   14702           2 :                         } break;
   14703       21437 :                         case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingGasOrOtherFuel: {
   14704       21437 :                             HeatingCoils::SimulateHeatingCoilComponents(
   14705             :                                 state, this->m_HeatingCoilName, FirstHVACIteration, ReqOutput, CompIndex, _, true, FanOpMode, PartLoadFrac);
   14706       21437 :                             PartLoadFrac = ReqOutput / FullOutput;
   14707       21437 :                             HeatCoilLoad = ReqOutput;
   14708       21437 :                         } break;
   14709           0 :                         case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingElectric:
   14710             :                         case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingDesuperheater: {
   14711           0 :                             bool tmpSuppHeatingCoilFlag = SuppHeatingCoilFlag; // CONST_LAMBDA_CAPTURE
   14712           0 :                             auto f = [&state, this, FirstHVACIteration, DesOutTemp, FanOpMode, tmpSuppHeatingCoilFlag](Real64 const PartLoadFrac) {
   14713           0 :                                 return this->gasElecHeatingCoilResidual(state,
   14714             :                                                                         PartLoadFrac,
   14715             :                                                                         this->m_UnitarySysNum,
   14716             :                                                                         FirstHVACIteration,
   14717             :                                                                         DesOutTemp,
   14718             :                                                                         tmpSuppHeatingCoilFlag,
   14719             :                                                                         FanOpMode,
   14720             :                                                                         this->m_DesignHeatingCapacity);
   14721           0 :                             };
   14722           0 :                             General::SolveRoot(state, Acc, MaxIte, SolFla, PartLoadFrac, f, 0.0, 1.0);
   14723           0 :                         } break;
   14724           0 :                         case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWater: {
   14725             : 
   14726             :                             // calculate max waterside PLR from mdot request above in case plant chokes water flow
   14727           0 :                             maxPartLoadFrac =
   14728           0 :                                 min(1.0,
   14729           0 :                                     ((mdot / this->MaxHeatCoilFluidFlow) +
   14730             :                                      0.001)); // plant can limit flow and RegulaFalsi could hit max iteration limit (leave a little slop, 0.001)
   14731             : 
   14732           0 :                             auto f = [&state, this, FirstHVACIteration, DesOutTemp](Real64 const maxPartLoadFrac) {
   14733             :                                 Real64 OutletAirTemp; // Outlet air temperature [C]
   14734             : 
   14735           0 :                                 Real64 mdot = min(state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->HeatCoilFluidOutletNodeNum).MassFlowRateMaxAvail,
   14736           0 :                                                   this->MaxHeatCoilFluidFlow * maxPartLoadFrac);
   14737           0 :                                 state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->HeatCoilFluidInletNode).MassFlowRate = mdot;
   14738           0 :                                 WaterCoils::SimulateWaterCoilComponents(state,
   14739             :                                                                         this->m_HeatingCoilName,
   14740             :                                                                         FirstHVACIteration,
   14741             :                                                                         this->m_HeatingCoilIndex,
   14742             :                                                                         0.0, // QActual
   14743             :                                                                         this->m_FanOpMode,
   14744             :                                                                         maxPartLoadFrac);
   14745           0 :                                 OutletAirTemp = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->HeatCoilOutletNodeNum).Temp;
   14746           0 :                                 return DesOutTemp - OutletAirTemp;
   14747           0 :                             };
   14748           0 :                             General::SolveRoot(state, Acc, MaxIte, SolFla, PartLoadFrac, f, 0.0, maxPartLoadFrac);
   14749           0 :                         } break;
   14750           0 :                         case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingSteam: {
   14751             : 
   14752             :                             // calculate max waterside PLR from mdot request above in case plant chokes water flow
   14753           0 :                             maxPartLoadFrac =
   14754           0 :                                 min(1.0,
   14755           0 :                                     ((mdot / this->MaxHeatCoilFluidFlow) +
   14756             :                                      0.001)); // plant can limit flow and RegulaFalsi could hit max iteration limit (leave a little slop, 0.001)
   14757             : 
   14758           0 :                             auto f = [&state, this, FirstHVACIteration, DesOutTemp](Real64 const PartLoadFrac) {
   14759             :                                 Real64 OutletAirTemp; // Outlet air temperature [C]
   14760             :                                 Real64 mdot;
   14761             : 
   14762           0 :                                 mdot = min(state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->HeatCoilFluidOutletNodeNum).MassFlowRateMaxAvail,
   14763           0 :                                            this->MaxHeatCoilFluidFlow * PartLoadFrac);
   14764           0 :                                 state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->HeatCoilFluidInletNode).MassFlowRate = mdot;
   14765           0 :                                 SteamCoils::SimulateSteamCoilComponents(state,
   14766             :                                                                         this->m_HeatingCoilName,
   14767             :                                                                         FirstHVACIteration,
   14768             :                                                                         this->m_HeatingCoilIndex,
   14769             :                                                                         1.0,
   14770             :                                                                         _,
   14771             :                                                                         this->m_FanOpMode,
   14772             :                                                                         PartLoadFrac);
   14773           0 :                                 OutletAirTemp = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->HeatCoilOutletNodeNum).Temp; // RR this should be supp coil
   14774           0 :                                 return DesOutTemp - OutletAirTemp;
   14775           0 :                             };
   14776             : 
   14777           0 :                             General::SolveRoot(state, Acc, MaxIte, SolFla, PartLoadFrac, f, 0.0, maxPartLoadFrac);
   14778           0 :                         } break;
   14779           0 :                         case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWaterToAirHPSimple:
   14780             :                         case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWaterToAirHP: {
   14781           0 :                             this->m_HeatingCoilSensDemand = ReqOutput;
   14782             : 
   14783           0 :                             auto f = [&state, this, FirstHVACIteration, DesOutTemp, ReqOutput](Real64 const PartLoadRatio) {
   14784             :                                 Real64 OutletAirTemp; // outlet air humidity ratio [kg/kg]
   14785             :                                 bool errFlag;
   14786             :                                 Real64 RuntimeFrac;
   14787             :                                 Real64 dummy;
   14788             : 
   14789           0 :                                 this->heatPumpRunFrac(PartLoadRatio, errFlag, RuntimeFrac);
   14790             : 
   14791           0 :                                 if (RuntimeFrac > 0.0 && this->m_FanOpMode == DataHVACGlobals::CycFanCycCoil) {
   14792           0 :                                     state.dataHVACGlobal->OnOffFanPartLoadFraction = PartLoadRatio / RuntimeFrac;
   14793             :                                 } else {
   14794           0 :                                     state.dataHVACGlobal->OnOffFanPartLoadFraction = 1.0;
   14795             :                                 }
   14796             : 
   14797           0 :                                 this->m_CompPartLoadRatio = PartLoadRatio;
   14798           0 :                                 this->m_WSHPRuntimeFrac = RuntimeFrac;
   14799             : 
   14800           0 :                                 dummy = 0.0;
   14801           0 :                                 if (this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWaterToAirHPSimple) {
   14802           0 :                                     WaterToAirHeatPumpSimple::SimWatertoAirHPSimple(state,
   14803             :                                                                                     blankString,
   14804             :                                                                                     this->m_HeatingCoilIndex,
   14805             :                                                                                     ReqOutput,
   14806             :                                                                                     dummy,
   14807             :                                                                                     this->m_FanOpMode,
   14808             :                                                                                     RuntimeFrac,
   14809             :                                                                                     this->m_MaxONOFFCyclesperHour,
   14810             :                                                                                     this->m_HPTimeConstant,
   14811             :                                                                                     this->m_FanDelayTime,
   14812             :                                                                                     DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::On,
   14813             :                                                                                     PartLoadRatio,
   14814             :                                                                                     FirstHVACIteration);
   14815             :                                 } else {
   14816           0 :                                     WaterToAirHeatPump::SimWatertoAirHP(state,
   14817             :                                                                         blankString,
   14818             :                                                                         this->m_HeatingCoilIndex,
   14819             :                                                                         this->MaxHeatAirMassFlow,
   14820             :                                                                         this->m_FanOpMode,
   14821             :                                                                         FirstHVACIteration,
   14822             :                                                                         RuntimeFrac,
   14823             :                                                                         this->m_MaxONOFFCyclesperHour,
   14824             :                                                                         this->m_HPTimeConstant,
   14825             :                                                                         this->m_FanDelayTime,
   14826           0 :                                                                         this->m_InitHeatPump,
   14827             :                                                                         ReqOutput,
   14828             :                                                                         dummy,
   14829             :                                                                         DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::Off,
   14830             :                                                                         PartLoadRatio);
   14831             :                                 }
   14832             : 
   14833           0 :                                 OutletAirTemp = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->HeatCoilOutletNodeNum).Temp;
   14834           0 :                                 return DesOutTemp - OutletAirTemp;
   14835           0 :                             };
   14836             : 
   14837           0 :                             General::SolveRoot(state, Acc, MaxIte, SolFla, PartLoadFrac, f, 0.0, 1.0);
   14838           0 :                         } break;
   14839           0 :                         case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_UserDefined: {
   14840             :                             // should never get here, user defined coil cannot be controlled and has already been simulated
   14841           0 :                         } break;
   14842           0 :                         default: {
   14843           0 :                             ShowMessage(state, " For :" + this->UnitType + "=\"" + this->Name + "\"");
   14844           0 :                             ShowFatalError(state,
   14845           0 :                                            "ControlHeatingSystemToSP: Invalid heating coil type = " +
   14846             :                                                DataHVACGlobals::cAllCoilTypes(this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num));
   14847           0 :                         } break;
   14848             :                         }
   14849             :                     }
   14850             :                 }
   14851             :             }
   14852             :         }
   14853             : 
   14854       86211 :         if (PartLoadFrac > 1.0) {
   14855           0 :             PartLoadFrac = 1.0;
   14856       86211 :         } else if (PartLoadFrac < 0.0) {
   14857           0 :             PartLoadFrac = 0.0;
   14858             :         }
   14859             : 
   14860       86211 :         if (SolFla < 0) {
   14861           0 :             if (SolFla == -1) {
   14862           0 :                 if (!state.dataGlobal->WarmupFlag) {
   14863           0 :                     if (this->warnIndex.m_HeatCoilSensPLRIter < 1) {
   14864           0 :                         ++this->warnIndex.m_HeatCoilSensPLRIter;
   14865           0 :                         ShowWarningError(
   14866           0 :                             state, this->UnitType + " - Iteration limit exceeded calculating sensible part-load ratio for unit = " + this->Name);
   14867           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, format("Estimated part-load ratio  = {:.3R}", (ReqOutput / FullOutput)));
   14868           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, format("Calculated part-load ratio = {:.3R}", PartLoadFrac));
   14869           0 :                         ShowContinueErrorTimeStamp(state,
   14870             :                                                    "The calculated part-load ratio will be used and the simulation continues. Occurrence info:");
   14871             :                     } else {
   14872           0 :                         ShowRecurringWarningErrorAtEnd(state,
   14873           0 :                                                        this->UnitType + " \"" + this->Name +
   14874             :                                                            "\" - Iteration limit exceeded calculating sensible part-load ratio error continues. "
   14875             :                                                            "Sensible PLR statistics follow.",
   14876             :                                                        this->warnIndex.m_HeatCoilSensPLRIterIndex,
   14877             :                                                        PartLoadFrac,
   14878             :                                                        PartLoadFrac);
   14879             :                     }
   14880             :                 }
   14881           0 :             } else if (SolFla == -2) {
   14882           0 :                 PartLoadFrac = ReqOutput / FullOutput;
   14883           0 :                 if (!state.dataGlobal->WarmupFlag) {
   14884           0 :                     if (this->warnIndex.m_HeatCoilSensPLRFail < 1) {
   14885           0 :                         ++this->warnIndex.m_HeatCoilSensPLRFail;
   14886           0 :                         ShowWarningError(
   14887             :                             state,
   14888           0 :                             this->UnitType +
   14889           0 :                                 " - sensible part-load ratio calculation failed: part-load ratio limits exceeded, for unit = " + this->Name);
   14890           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, format("Estimated part-load ratio = {:.3R}", PartLoadFrac));
   14891           0 :                         ShowContinueErrorTimeStamp(state,
   14892             :                                                    "The estimated part-load ratio will be used and the simulation continues. Occurrence info:");
   14893             :                     } else {
   14894           0 :                         ShowRecurringWarningErrorAtEnd(
   14895             :                             state,
   14896           0 :                             this->UnitType + " \"" + this->Name +
   14897             :                                 "\" - sensible part-load ratio calculation failed error continues. Sensible PLR statistics follow.",
   14898             :                             this->warnIndex.m_HeatCoilSensPLRFailIndex,
   14899             :                             PartLoadFrac,
   14900             :                             PartLoadFrac);
   14901             :                     }
   14902             :                 }
   14903             :             }
   14904             :         }
   14905             : 
   14906             :         // Set the final results
   14907       86211 :         this->m_HeatingPartLoadFrac = PartLoadFrac;
   14908       86211 :         this->m_HeatingSpeedRatio = SpeedRatio;
   14909       86211 :         this->m_HeatingCycRatio = CycRatio;
   14910             : 
   14911       86211 :         if (state.afn->distribution_simulated) {
   14912           0 :             state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopAFNInfo(AirLoopNum).AFNLoopHeatingCoilMaxRTF =
   14913           0 :                 max(state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopAFNInfo(AirLoopNum).AFNLoopHeatingCoilMaxRTF, LoopHeatingCoilMaxRTFSave);
   14914           0 :             state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopAFNInfo(AirLoopNum).AFNLoopDXCoilRTF =
   14915           0 :                 max(state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopAFNInfo(AirLoopNum).AFNLoopDXCoilRTF, LoopDXCoilMaxRTFSave);
   14916             :         }
   14917             : 
   14918       86211 :         if (this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWater || this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingSteam) {
   14919           0 :             mdot = PartLoadFrac * this->MaxHeatCoilFluidFlow;
   14920           0 :             PlantUtilities::SetComponentFlowRate(state, mdot, this->HeatCoilFluidInletNode, this->HeatCoilFluidOutletNodeNum, this->HeatCoilPlantLoc);
   14921             :         }
   14922       86211 :     }
   14923             : 
   14924       80088 :     void UnitarySys::controlSuppHeatSystemToSP(EnergyPlusData &state,
   14925             :                                                int const AirLoopNum,         // index to air loop
   14926             :                                                bool const FirstHVACIteration // First HVAC iteration flag
   14927             :     )
   14928             :     {
   14929             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
   14930             :         //       AUTHOR         Richard Raustad, FSEC
   14931             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   February 2013
   14932             :         //       MODIFIED       Nov. 2016, R. Zhang, LBNL. Applied the coil supply air temperature sensor offset fault model
   14933             : 
   14934             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
   14935             :         //  This subroutine updates the System outlet nodes.
   14936             : 
   14937             :         // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
   14938             :         //  Data is moved from the System data structure to the System outlet nodes.
   14939             : 
   14940             :         // SUBROUTINE PARAMETER DEFINITIONS:
   14941       80088 :         int constexpr MaxIte(500);    // Maximum number of iterations for solver
   14942       80088 :         Real64 constexpr Acc(1.0e-3); // Accuracy of solver result
   14943       80088 :         int constexpr SolveMaxIter(50);
   14944       80088 :         constexpr bool SuppHeatingCoilFlag(true);
   14945             : 
   14946             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
   14947       80088 :         Real64 FullOutput = 0.0;      // Sensible capacity (outlet - inlet) when the compressor is on
   14948       80088 :         Real64 ReqOutput = 0.0;       // Sensible capacity (outlet - inlet) required to meet load or set point temperature
   14949       80088 :         Real64 QCoilActual = 0.0;     // Heating coil operating capacity [W]
   14950       80088 :         Real64 NoLoadTempOut = 0.0;   // save outlet temp when coil is off (C)
   14951       80088 :         bool HeatingActive = false;   // dummy variable for UserDefined coil which are passed back indicating if coil is on or off.
   14952       80088 :         bool CoolingActive = false;   // dummy variable for UserDefined coil which are passed back indicating if coil is on or off.
   14953       80088 :         Real64 mdot = 0.0;            // water coil water flow rate [kg/s]
   14954       80088 :         Real64 maxPartLoadFrac = 0.0; // calculated maximum water side PLR for RegulaFalsi call (when plant limits flow max PLR != 1)
   14955       80088 :         Real64 PartLoadFrac = 0.0;
   14956       80088 :         int SolFla = 0.0;
   14957       80088 :         bool SensibleLoad = false;
   14958       80088 :         Real64 OutletTemp = 0.0;
   14959       80088 :         Real64 SpeedRatio = 0.0;
   14960       80088 :         Real64 CycRatio = 0.0;
   14961       80088 :         int SpeedNum = 0;
   14962             : 
   14963             :         // Set local variables
   14964       80088 :         int OutletNode = this->SuppCoilOutletNodeNum;
   14965       80088 :         int InletNode = this->m_SuppCoilAirInletNode;
   14966       80088 :         Real64 DesOutTemp = this->m_DesiredOutletTemp;
   14967      160176 :         std::string CompName = this->m_SuppHeatCoilName;
   14968       80088 :         int CompIndex = this->m_SuppHeatCoilIndex;
   14969       80088 :         int FanOpMode = this->m_FanOpMode;
   14970             : 
   14971       80088 :         Real64 LoopHeatingCoilMaxRTFSave = 0.0;
   14972       80088 :         Real64 LoopDXCoilMaxRTFSave = 0.0;
   14973       80088 :         if (state.afn->distribution_simulated) {
   14974           0 :             LoopHeatingCoilMaxRTFSave = state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopAFNInfo(AirLoopNum).AFNLoopHeatingCoilMaxRTF;
   14975           0 :             state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopAFNInfo(AirLoopNum).AFNLoopHeatingCoilMaxRTF = 0.0;
   14976           0 :             LoopDXCoilMaxRTFSave = state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopAFNInfo(AirLoopNum).AFNLoopDXCoilRTF;
   14977           0 :             state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopAFNInfo(AirLoopNum).AFNLoopDXCoilRTF = 0.0;
   14978             :         }
   14979             : 
   14980             :         // IF there is a fault of coil SAT Sensor
   14981       80088 :         if (this->m_FaultyCoilSATFlag) {
   14982             :             // calculate the sensor offset using fault information
   14983           0 :             int FaultIndex = this->m_FaultyCoilSATIndex;
   14984           0 :             this->m_FaultyCoilSATOffset = state.dataFaultsMgr->FaultsCoilSATSensor(FaultIndex).CalFaultOffsetAct(state);
   14985             :             // update the DesOutTemp
   14986           0 :             DesOutTemp -= this->m_FaultyCoilSATOffset;
   14987             :         }
   14988             : 
   14989      160158 :         if ((ScheduleManager::GetCurrentScheduleValue(state, this->m_SysAvailSchedPtr) > 0.0) &&
   14990       80070 :             (state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNode).MassFlowRate > DataHVACGlobals::SmallAirVolFlow)) {
   14991             : 
   14992             :             // Determine if there is a sensible load on this system
   14993       82357 :             if ((state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNode).Temp < DesOutTemp) &&
   14994        5972 :                 (std::abs(state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNode).Temp - DesOutTemp) > DataHVACGlobals::TempControlTol))
   14995        4290 :                 SensibleLoad = true;
   14996             : 
   14997       76385 :             if (SensibleLoad) {
   14998        4290 :                 if (this->m_EMSOverrideSuppCoilSpeedNumOn) {
   14999           0 :                     this->setEMSSuppCoilStagePLR(state);
   15000             :                 } else {
   15001        8580 :                     ReqOutput = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNode).MassFlowRate *
   15002       12870 :                                 Psychrometrics::PsyDeltaHSenFnTdb2W2Tdb1W1(DesOutTemp,
   15003        4290 :                                                                            state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNode).HumRat,
   15004        4290 :                                                                            state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNode).Temp,
   15005        4290 :                                                                            state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNode).HumRat);
   15006             :                     // Get no load result
   15007        4290 :                     PartLoadFrac = 0.0;
   15008             : 
   15009        4290 :                     switch (this->m_SuppHeatCoilType_Num) {
   15010        2047 :                     case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingGasOrOtherFuel:
   15011             :                     case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingElectric:
   15012             :                     case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingDesuperheater: {
   15013        2047 :                         HeatingCoils::SimulateHeatingCoilComponents(state,
   15014             :                                                                     CompName,
   15015             :                                                                     FirstHVACIteration,
   15016             :                                                                     DataLoopNode::SensedLoadFlagValue,
   15017             :                                                                     CompIndex,
   15018             :                                                                     QCoilActual,
   15019             :                                                                     SuppHeatingCoilFlag,
   15020             :                                                                     FanOpMode,
   15021             :                                                                     PartLoadFrac); // QCoilReq= 0.0d0,  &
   15022        2047 :                         if (!(this->m_SuppHeatCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingDesuperheater)) {
   15023        2047 :                             PartLoadFrac = QCoilActual / this->m_DesignSuppHeatingCapacity;
   15024             :                         } else {
   15025           0 :                             if (QCoilActual > DataHVACGlobals::SmallLoad) {
   15026           0 :                                 PartLoadFrac = 1.0;
   15027             :                             } else {
   15028           0 :                                 PartLoadFrac = 0.0;
   15029             :                             }
   15030             :                         }
   15031        2047 :                     } break;
   15032        2243 :                     case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingElectric_MultiStage: {
   15033        2243 :                         SpeedRatio = 0.0;
   15034        2243 :                         HeatingCoils::SimulateHeatingCoilComponents(state,
   15035             :                                                                     CompName,
   15036             :                                                                     FirstHVACIteration,
   15037             :                                                                     DataLoopNode::SensedLoadFlagValue,
   15038             :                                                                     CompIndex,
   15039             :                                                                     QCoilActual,
   15040             :                                                                     SuppHeatingCoilFlag,
   15041             :                                                                     FanOpMode,
   15042             :                                                                     PartLoadFrac,
   15043             :                                                                     0,
   15044             :                                                                     SpeedRatio);
   15045        2243 :                     } break;
   15046           0 :                     case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWater: {
   15047           0 :                         WaterCoils::SimulateWaterCoilComponents(
   15048             :                             state, CompName, FirstHVACIteration, this->m_SuppHeatCoilIndex, _, this->m_FanOpMode, PartLoadFrac);
   15049           0 :                     } break;
   15050           0 :                     case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingSteam: {
   15051           0 :                         SteamCoils::SimulateSteamCoilComponents(state,
   15052             :                                                                 CompName,
   15053             :                                                                 FirstHVACIteration,
   15054             :                                                                 this->m_SuppHeatCoilIndex,
   15055             :                                                                 1.0,
   15056             :                                                                 _,
   15057             :                                                                 this->m_FanOpMode,
   15058             :                                                                 PartLoadFrac); // QCoilReq, simulate any load > 0 to get max capacity
   15059           0 :                     } break;
   15060           0 :                     case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_UserDefined: { // do nothing, user defined coil cannot be controlled
   15061           0 :                         UserDefinedComponents::SimCoilUserDefined(state, CompName, CompIndex, AirLoopNum, HeatingActive, CoolingActive);
   15062           0 :                         if (HeatingActive) PartLoadFrac = 1.0;
   15063           0 :                     } break;
   15064           0 :                     default:
   15065           0 :                         break;
   15066             :                     }
   15067             : 
   15068        4290 :                     NoLoadTempOut = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNode).Temp;
   15069             :                     //      NoOutput = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNode)%MassFlowRate *  &
   15070             :                     //                       (PsyHFnTdbW(NoLoadTempOut,Node(OutletNode)%HumRat)  &
   15071             :                     //                        - PsyHFnTdbW(Node(InletNode)%Temp,Node(OutletNode)%HumRat))
   15072             : 
   15073             :                     //     If OutletTemp is within ACC of set point, either coil operated or is not needed
   15074        6533 :                     if (std::abs(state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNode).Temp - DesOutTemp) < Acc ||
   15075        2243 :                         this->m_SuppHeatCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_UserDefined) {
   15076             :                         // do nothing, coil is at set point (i.e., gas/elec/steam/user coil will try to hit set point)
   15077        2243 :                     } else if (PartLoadFrac > 0.0) {
   15078             :                         // do nothing, coil tried to hit set point (i.e., gas/elec/steam/user coil tried to hit set point but missed
   15079        2243 :                     } else if (NoLoadTempOut > (DesOutTemp - Acc)) {
   15080           0 :                         PartLoadFrac = 0.0; // outlet temp > set point, coil is not needed
   15081             :                     } else {                // outlet temp too low, turn on coil
   15082             : 
   15083             :                         // Get full load result
   15084        2243 :                         PartLoadFrac = 1.0;
   15085             : 
   15086        2243 :                         switch (this->m_SuppHeatCoilType_Num) {
   15087           0 :                         case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingGasOrOtherFuel:
   15088             :                         case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingElectric: {
   15089           0 :                             HeatingCoils::SimulateHeatingCoilComponents(state,
   15090             :                                                                         CompName,
   15091             :                                                                         FirstHVACIteration,
   15092             :                                                                         DataLoopNode::SensedLoadFlagValue,
   15093             :                                                                         CompIndex,
   15094             :                                                                         QCoilActual,
   15095             :                                                                         SuppHeatingCoilFlag,
   15096             :                                                                         FanOpMode,
   15097             :                                                                         PartLoadFrac);
   15098           0 :                             PartLoadFrac = QCoilActual / this->m_DesignSuppHeatingCapacity;
   15099           0 :                         } break;
   15100        2243 :                         case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingElectric_MultiStage: {
   15101        2243 :                             CycRatio = 1.0;
   15102        2243 :                             SpeedRatio = 1.0;
   15103        6344 :                             for (SpeedNum = 1; SpeedNum <= this->m_NumOfSpeedSuppHeating; ++SpeedNum) {
   15104        6344 :                                 this->m_SuppHeatingSpeedNum = SpeedNum;
   15105        6344 :                                 HeatingCoils::SimulateHeatingCoilComponents(state,
   15106             :                                                                             CompName,
   15107             :                                                                             FirstHVACIteration,
   15108             :                                                                             DataLoopNode::SensedLoadFlagValue,
   15109             :                                                                             CompIndex,
   15110             :                                                                             QCoilActual,
   15111             :                                                                             SuppHeatingCoilFlag,
   15112             :                                                                             FanOpMode,
   15113             :                                                                             PartLoadFrac,
   15114             :                                                                             SpeedNum,
   15115             :                                                                             SpeedRatio);
   15116        6344 :                                 OutletTemp = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNode).Temp;
   15117        6344 :                                 if (OutletTemp > DesOutTemp && SensibleLoad) break;
   15118             :                             }
   15119        2243 :                         } break;
   15120           0 :                         case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingDesuperheater: {
   15121           0 :                             HeatingCoils::SimulateHeatingCoilComponents(
   15122             :                                 state, CompName, FirstHVACIteration, DataLoopNode::SensedLoadFlagValue, CompIndex, _, SuppHeatingCoilFlag, FanOpMode);
   15123           0 :                         } break;
   15124           0 :                         case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWater: {
   15125           0 :                             mdot = this->m_MaxSuppCoilFluidFlow;
   15126           0 :                             PlantUtilities::SetComponentFlowRate(
   15127             :                                 state, mdot, this->m_SuppCoilFluidInletNode, this->m_SuppCoilFluidOutletNodeNum, this->m_SuppCoilPlantLoc);
   15128             : 
   15129           0 :                             WaterCoils::SimulateWaterCoilComponents(
   15130             :                                 state, CompName, FirstHVACIteration, this->m_SuppHeatCoilIndex, _, this->m_FanOpMode, PartLoadFrac);
   15131           0 :                         } break;
   15132           0 :                         case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingSteam: {
   15133           0 :                             mdot = this->m_MaxSuppCoilFluidFlow;
   15134           0 :                             PlantUtilities::SetComponentFlowRate(
   15135             :                                 state, mdot, this->m_SuppCoilFluidInletNode, this->m_SuppCoilFluidOutletNodeNum, this->m_SuppCoilPlantLoc);
   15136             : 
   15137           0 :                             SteamCoils::SimulateSteamCoilComponents(state,
   15138             :                                                                     CompName,
   15139             :                                                                     FirstHVACIteration,
   15140             :                                                                     this->m_SuppHeatCoilIndex,
   15141             :                                                                     1.0,
   15142             :                                                                     _,
   15143             :                                                                     this->m_FanOpMode,
   15144             :                                                                     PartLoadFrac); // QCoilReq, simulate any load > 0 to get max capacity
   15145           0 :                         } break;
   15146           0 :                         case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_UserDefined: {
   15147             :                             //  should never get here, coil has already been simulated
   15148           0 :                         } break;
   15149           0 :                         default:
   15150           0 :                             break;
   15151             :                         }
   15152             : 
   15153        4486 :                         FullOutput = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNode).MassFlowRate *
   15154        6729 :                                      Psychrometrics::PsyDeltaHSenFnTdb2W2Tdb1W1(state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNode).Temp,
   15155        2243 :                                                                                 state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNode).HumRat,
   15156        2243 :                                                                                 state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNode).Temp,
   15157        2243 :                                                                                 state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNode).HumRat);
   15158             : 
   15159             :                         //         If the FullOutput outlet temp is less than (insufficient heating) or very near set point,
   15160             :                         //         run the coil at PartLoadFrac = 1.
   15161        2243 :                         if (state.dataLoopNodes->Node(OutletNode).Temp < (DesOutTemp + Acc)) {
   15162           0 :                             PartLoadFrac = 1.0;
   15163           0 :                             CycRatio = 1.0;
   15164           0 :                             SpeedRatio = 1.0;
   15165             :                         } else {
   15166        2243 :                             switch (this->m_SuppHeatCoilType_Num) {
   15167           0 :                             case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingGasOrOtherFuel:
   15168             :                             case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingElectric:
   15169             :                             case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingDesuperheater: {
   15170           0 :                                 bool tmpSuppHeatingCoilFlag = SuppHeatingCoilFlag; // CONST_LAMBDA_CAPTURE
   15171             :                                 auto f =
   15172           0 :                                     [&state, this, FirstHVACIteration, DesOutTemp, FanOpMode, tmpSuppHeatingCoilFlag](Real64 const PartLoadFrac) {
   15173           0 :                                         return this->gasElecHeatingCoilResidual(state,
   15174             :                                                                                 PartLoadFrac,
   15175             :                                                                                 this->m_UnitarySysNum,
   15176             :                                                                                 FirstHVACIteration,
   15177             :                                                                                 DesOutTemp,
   15178             :                                                                                 tmpSuppHeatingCoilFlag,
   15179             :                                                                                 FanOpMode,
   15180             :                                                                                 this->m_DesignSuppHeatingCapacity);
   15181           0 :                                     };
   15182           0 :                                 General::SolveRoot(state, Acc, MaxIte, SolFla, PartLoadFrac, f, 0.0, 1.0);
   15183           0 :                             } break;
   15184        2243 :                             case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingElectric_MultiStage: {
   15185        2243 :                                 if (this->m_SuppHeatingSpeedNum > 1) {
   15186       26904 :                                     auto f = [&state, this, DesOutTemp, CycRatio, FanOpMode](Real64 const SpeedRatio) {
   15187       20178 :                                         return UnitarySys::heatingCoilVarSpeedResidual(state,
   15188             :                                                                                        SpeedRatio,
   15189             :                                                                                        this->m_SuppHeatCoilIndex,
   15190             :                                                                                        DesOutTemp,
   15191             :                                                                                        this->m_UnitarySysNum,
   15192             :                                                                                        CycRatio,
   15193             :                                                                                        this->m_SuppHeatingSpeedNum,
   15194             :                                                                                        FanOpMode,
   15195             :                                                                                        DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::On,
   15196             :                                                                                        true);
   15197        8968 :                                     };
   15198        2242 :                                     General::SolveRoot(state, Acc, MaxIte, SolFla, SpeedRatio, f, 0.0, 1.0);
   15199        2242 :                                     this->m_SuppHeatingCycRatio = CycRatio;
   15200        2242 :                                     this->m_SuppHeatingSpeedRatio = SpeedRatio;
   15201        2242 :                                     this->m_SuppHeatPartLoadFrac = SpeedRatio;
   15202        2242 :                                     PartLoadFrac = SpeedRatio;
   15203             :                                 } else {
   15204           1 :                                     SpeedRatio = 0.0;
   15205           1 :                                     this->m_SuppHeatingSpeedRatio = SpeedRatio;
   15206          12 :                                     auto f = [&state, this, DesOutTemp, SpeedRatio, FanOpMode](Real64 const CycRatio) {
   15207           9 :                                         return UnitarySys::heatingCoilVarSpeedCycResidual(state,
   15208             :                                                                                           CycRatio,
   15209             :                                                                                           this->m_SuppHeatCoilIndex,
   15210             :                                                                                           DesOutTemp,
   15211             :                                                                                           this->m_UnitarySysNum,
   15212             :                                                                                           SpeedRatio,
   15213             :                                                                                           this->m_SuppHeatingSpeedNum,
   15214             :                                                                                           FanOpMode,
   15215             :                                                                                           DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::On,
   15216             :                                                                                           true);
   15217           4 :                                     };
   15218           1 :                                     General::SolveRoot(state, Acc, MaxIte, SolFla, CycRatio, f, 0.0, 1.0);
   15219           1 :                                     this->m_SuppHeatingCycRatio = CycRatio;
   15220           1 :                                     this->m_SuppHeatPartLoadFrac = CycRatio;
   15221           1 :                                     PartLoadFrac = CycRatio;
   15222             :                                 }
   15223        2243 :                             } break;
   15224           0 :                             case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWater: {
   15225             :                                 // calculate max waterside PLR from mdot request above in case plant chokes water flow
   15226           0 :                                 maxPartLoadFrac =
   15227           0 :                                     min(1.0,
   15228           0 :                                         ((mdot / this->m_MaxSuppCoilFluidFlow) + 0.001)); // plant can limit flow and RegulaFalsi could hit
   15229             :                                                                                           // max iteration limit (leave a little slop, 0.001)
   15230           0 :                                 auto f = [&state, this, FirstHVACIteration, DesOutTemp](Real64 const PartLoadFrac) {
   15231           0 :                                     Real64 mdot = min(state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->m_SuppCoilFluidOutletNodeNum).MassFlowRateMaxAvail,
   15232           0 :                                                       this->m_MaxSuppCoilFluidFlow * PartLoadFrac);
   15233           0 :                                     state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->m_SuppCoilFluidInletNode).MassFlowRate = mdot;
   15234           0 :                                     WaterCoils::SimulateWaterCoilComponents(state,
   15235             :                                                                             this->m_SuppHeatCoilName,
   15236             :                                                                             FirstHVACIteration,
   15237             :                                                                             this->m_SuppHeatCoilIndex,
   15238             :                                                                             0.0, // QActual
   15239             :                                                                             this->m_FanOpMode,
   15240             :                                                                             PartLoadFrac);
   15241             : 
   15242           0 :                                     return DesOutTemp - state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->SuppCoilOutletNodeNum).Temp;
   15243           0 :                                 };
   15244             : 
   15245           0 :                                 General::SolveRoot(state, Acc, SolveMaxIter, SolFla, PartLoadFrac, f, 0.0, maxPartLoadFrac);
   15246           0 :                             } break;
   15247           0 :                             case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingSteam: {
   15248             : 
   15249             :                                 // calculate max waterside PLR from mdot request above in case plant chokes water flow
   15250           0 :                                 maxPartLoadFrac =
   15251           0 :                                     min(1.0,
   15252           0 :                                         ((mdot / this->m_MaxSuppCoilFluidFlow) + 0.001)); // plant can limit flow and RegulaFalsi could hit
   15253             :                                                                                           // max iteration limit (leave a little slop, 0.001)
   15254             : 
   15255           0 :                                 auto f = [&state, this, FirstHVACIteration, DesOutTemp](Real64 const PartLoadFrac) {
   15256             :                                     Real64 mdot;
   15257             : 
   15258           0 :                                     mdot = min(state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->m_SuppCoilFluidOutletNodeNum).MassFlowRateMaxAvail,
   15259           0 :                                                this->m_MaxSuppCoilFluidFlow * PartLoadFrac);
   15260           0 :                                     state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->m_SuppCoilFluidInletNode).MassFlowRate = mdot;
   15261           0 :                                     SteamCoils::SimulateSteamCoilComponents(state,
   15262             :                                                                             this->m_SuppHeatCoilName,
   15263             :                                                                             FirstHVACIteration,
   15264             :                                                                             this->m_SuppHeatCoilIndex,
   15265             :                                                                             1.0,
   15266             :                                                                             _,
   15267             :                                                                             this->m_FanOpMode,
   15268             :                                                                             PartLoadFrac);
   15269           0 :                                     return DesOutTemp - state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->HeatCoilOutletNodeNum).Temp; // RR this should be supp coil
   15270           0 :                                 };
   15271             : 
   15272           0 :                                 General::SolveRoot(state, Acc, MaxIte, SolFla, PartLoadFrac, f, 0.0, maxPartLoadFrac);
   15273           0 :                             } break;
   15274           0 :                             case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_UserDefined: {
   15275             :                                 //  do nothing, coil has already been simulated
   15276           0 :                             } break;
   15277           0 :                             default:
   15278           0 :                                 break;
   15279             :                             }
   15280             : 
   15281             :                         } // IF ((FullOutput - ReqOutput) < Acc) THEN
   15282             :                     }     // IF ((NoOutput-ReqOutput) > Acc) THEN
   15283             : 
   15284        4290 :                     if (PartLoadFrac > 1.0) {
   15285           0 :                         PartLoadFrac = 1.0;
   15286        4290 :                     } else if (PartLoadFrac < 0.0) {
   15287           0 :                         PartLoadFrac = 0.0;
   15288             :                     }
   15289             : 
   15290        4290 :                     if (SolFla == -1) {
   15291           0 :                         if (!state.dataGlobal->WarmupFlag) {
   15292           0 :                             if (this->warnIndex.m_SuppHeatCoilSensPLRIter < 1) {
   15293           0 :                                 ++this->warnIndex.m_SuppHeatCoilSensPLRIter;
   15294           0 :                                 ShowWarningError(state,
   15295           0 :                                                  this->UnitType +
   15296           0 :                                                      " - Iteration limit exceeded calculating sensible part-load ratio for unit = " + this->Name);
   15297           0 :                                 ShowContinueError(state, format("Estimated part-load ratio  = {:.3R}", (ReqOutput / FullOutput)));
   15298           0 :                                 ShowContinueError(state, format("Calculated part-load ratio = {:.3R}", PartLoadFrac));
   15299           0 :                                 ShowContinueErrorTimeStamp(
   15300             :                                     state, "The calculated part-load ratio will be used and the simulation continues. Occurrence info:");
   15301             :                             } else {
   15302           0 :                                 ShowRecurringWarningErrorAtEnd(
   15303             :                                     state,
   15304           0 :                                     this->UnitType + " \"" + this->Name +
   15305             :                                         "\" - Iteration limit exceeded calculating sensible part-load ratio error continues. "
   15306             :                                         "Sensible PLR statistics follow.",
   15307             :                                     this->warnIndex.m_SuppHeatCoilSensPLRIterIndex,
   15308             :                                     PartLoadFrac,
   15309             :                                     PartLoadFrac);
   15310             :                             }
   15311             :                         } // IF(.NOT. WarmupFlag)THEN
   15312        4290 :                     } else if (SolFla == -2) {
   15313           0 :                         PartLoadFrac = ReqOutput / FullOutput;
   15314           0 :                         if (!state.dataGlobal->WarmupFlag) {
   15315           0 :                             if (this->warnIndex.m_SuppHeatCoilSensPLRFail < 1) {
   15316           0 :                                 ++this->warnIndex.m_SuppHeatCoilSensPLRFail;
   15317           0 :                                 ShowWarningError(
   15318             :                                     state,
   15319           0 :                                     this->UnitType +
   15320           0 :                                         " - sensible part-load ratio calculation failed: part-load ratio limits exceeded, for unit = " + this->Name);
   15321           0 :                                 ShowContinueError(state, format("Estimated part-load ratio = {:.3R}", PartLoadFrac));
   15322           0 :                                 ShowContinueErrorTimeStamp(
   15323             :                                     state, "The estimated part-load ratio will be used and the simulation continues. Occurrence info:");
   15324             :                             } else {
   15325           0 :                                 ShowRecurringWarningErrorAtEnd(
   15326             :                                     state,
   15327           0 :                                     this->UnitType + " \"" + this->Name +
   15328             :                                         "\" - sensible part-load ratio calculation failed error continues. Sensible PLR statistics follow.",
   15329             :                                     this->warnIndex.m_SuppHeatCoilSensPLRFailIndex,
   15330             :                                     PartLoadFrac,
   15331             :                                     PartLoadFrac);
   15332             :                             }
   15333             :                         } // IF(.NOT. WarmupFlag)THEN
   15334             :                     }     // IF (SolFla == -1) THEN
   15335             : 
   15336        4290 :                     this->m_SuppHeatPartLoadFrac = PartLoadFrac;
   15337        4290 :                     this->m_SuppHeatingCycRatio = CycRatio;
   15338        4290 :                     this->m_SuppHeatingSpeedRatio = SpeedRatio;
   15339             :                 } // IF (NOT EMS OVERRIDE) THEN
   15340             : 
   15341             :             } // IF SENSIBLE LOAD
   15342             :         }     // IF((GetCurrentScheduleValue(state, UnitarySystem(UnitarySysNum)%m_SysAvailSchedPtr) > 0.0d0) .AND. &
   15343             : 
   15344             :         // LoopHeatingCoilMaxRTF used for AirflowNetwork gets set in child components (gas and fuel)
   15345       80088 :         if (state.afn->distribution_simulated) {
   15346           0 :             state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopAFNInfo(AirLoopNum).AFNLoopHeatingCoilMaxRTF =
   15347           0 :                 max(state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopAFNInfo(AirLoopNum).AFNLoopHeatingCoilMaxRTF, LoopHeatingCoilMaxRTFSave);
   15348           0 :             state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopAFNInfo(AirLoopNum).AFNLoopDXCoilRTF =
   15349           0 :                 max(state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopAFNInfo(AirLoopNum).AFNLoopDXCoilRTF, LoopDXCoilMaxRTFSave);
   15350             :         }
   15351             : 
   15352      160176 :         if (this->m_SuppHeatCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWater ||
   15353       80088 :             this->m_SuppHeatCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingSteam) {
   15354           0 :             mdot = PartLoadFrac * this->m_MaxSuppCoilFluidFlow;
   15355           0 :             PlantUtilities::SetComponentFlowRate(
   15356             :                 state, mdot, this->m_SuppCoilFluidInletNode, this->m_SuppCoilFluidOutletNodeNum, this->m_SuppCoilPlantLoc);
   15357             :         }
   15358       80088 :     }
   15359             : 
   15360       22345 :     void UnitarySys::simMultiSpeedCoils(EnergyPlusData &state,
   15361             :                                         int const AirLoopNum,                               // Index to air loop
   15362             :                                         bool const FirstHVACIteration,                      // True when first HVAC iteration
   15363             :                                         DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation &CompressorOn, // compresor on/off control
   15364             :                                         bool const SensibleLoad,
   15365             :                                         bool const LatentLoad,
   15366             :                                         Real64 const PartLoadFrac,
   15367             :                                         int const CoilType,
   15368             :                                         int const SpeedNumber)
   15369             :     {
   15370             : 
   15371             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
   15372             :         //       AUTHOR         Chandan Sharma, FSEC
   15373             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   March 2013
   15374             : 
   15375             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
   15376             :         // This subroutine manages multispeed and variable speed cooling coil simulation.
   15377             : 
   15378             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
   15379       44690 :         std::string CompName; // Name of Unitary System object
   15380       22345 :         Real64 SensLoad = 0.0;
   15381       22345 :         Real64 LatLoad = 0.0;
   15382       22345 :         int CoilTypeNum = 0;
   15383       22345 :         int CoilOutletNodeNum = 0;
   15384       22345 :         int CompIndex = 0;
   15385       22345 :         Real64 SpeedRatio = 0.0;
   15386       22345 :         Real64 CycRatio = 0.0;
   15387       22345 :         Real64 dummy = 0.0;
   15388             : 
   15389       22345 :         if (CoilType == CoolingCoil) {
   15390             : 
   15391       15606 :             CompName = this->m_CoolingCoilName;
   15392       15606 :             CompIndex = this->m_CoolingCoilIndex;
   15393       15606 :             CoilTypeNum = this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num;
   15394       15606 :             CoilOutletNodeNum = this->CoolCoilOutletNodeNum;
   15395       15606 :             if (SensibleLoad) {
   15396       15606 :                 SensLoad = -1.0;
   15397       15606 :                 state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad = true;
   15398       15606 :                 state.dataUnitarySystems->HeatingLoad = false;
   15399             :             }
   15400       15606 :             if (LatentLoad) LatLoad = -1.0;
   15401             : 
   15402             :         } else {
   15403             : 
   15404        6739 :             CompName = this->m_HeatingCoilName;
   15405        6739 :             CompIndex = this->m_HeatingCoilIndex;
   15406        6739 :             CoilTypeNum = this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num;
   15407        6739 :             CoilOutletNodeNum = this->HeatCoilOutletNodeNum;
   15408             : 
   15409        6739 :             if (SensibleLoad) {
   15410        6739 :                 SensLoad = 1.0;
   15411        6739 :                 state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad = false;
   15412        6739 :                 state.dataUnitarySystems->HeatingLoad = true;
   15413             :             } else {
   15414           0 :                 SensLoad = 0.0;
   15415           0 :                 state.dataUnitarySystems->HeatingLoad = false;
   15416             :             }
   15417        6739 :             LatLoad = 0.0;
   15418             :         }
   15419             : 
   15420       22345 :         Real64 OnOffAirFlowRatio = 1.0;
   15421       22345 :         this->setOnOffMassFlowRate(state, OnOffAirFlowRatio, PartLoadFrac); // 1.0d0 = PartLoadRatio
   15422             : 
   15423       22345 :         this->calcPassiveSystem(state, AirLoopNum, FirstHVACIteration);
   15424             : 
   15425       22345 :         if ((CoilTypeNum == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_MultiSpeedCooling) || (CoilTypeNum == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_MultiSpeedHeating)) {
   15426             : 
   15427             :             // TODO: THIS IF SECTION DOES NOTHING
   15428       22345 :             if (CoilType == DataHVACGlobals::Cooling) {
   15429           0 :                 if (this->m_CoolingSpeedNum <= 1.0) {
   15430           0 :                     SpeedRatio = 0.0;
   15431           0 :                     CycRatio = PartLoadFrac;
   15432             :                 } else {
   15433           0 :                     if (this->m_SingleMode == 0) {
   15434           0 :                         SpeedRatio = PartLoadFrac;
   15435           0 :                         CycRatio = 0.0;
   15436             :                     } else {
   15437           0 :                         SpeedRatio = 1.0;
   15438           0 :                         CycRatio = PartLoadFrac;
   15439             :                     }
   15440             :                 }
   15441             :             } else {
   15442       22345 :                 if (this->m_HeatingSpeedNum <= 1.0) {
   15443       20100 :                     SpeedRatio = 0.0;
   15444       20100 :                     CycRatio = PartLoadFrac;
   15445             :                 } else {
   15446        2245 :                     if (this->m_SingleMode == 0) {
   15447        2245 :                         SpeedRatio = PartLoadFrac;
   15448        2245 :                         CycRatio = 0.0;
   15449             :                     } else {
   15450           0 :                         SpeedRatio = 1.0;
   15451           0 :                         CycRatio = PartLoadFrac;
   15452             :                     }
   15453             :                 }
   15454             :             }
   15455       22345 :             DXCoils::SimDXCoilMultiSpeed(state,
   15456             :                                          CompName,
   15457             :                                          0.0,
   15458             :                                          PartLoadFrac,
   15459             :                                          CompIndex,
   15460             :                                          SpeedNumber,
   15461             :                                          this->m_FanOpMode,
   15462             :                                          DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::On,
   15463             :                                          this->m_SingleMode);
   15464             : 
   15465           0 :         } else if (CoilTypeNum == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_Cooling) {
   15466             : 
   15467           0 :             if (CoilType == DataHVACGlobals::Cooling) {
   15468           0 :                 if (this->m_CoolingSpeedNum <= 1.0) {
   15469           0 :                     SpeedRatio = 0.0;
   15470           0 :                     CycRatio = PartLoadFrac;
   15471             :                 } else {
   15472           0 :                     if (this->m_SingleMode == 0) {
   15473           0 :                         SpeedRatio = PartLoadFrac;
   15474           0 :                         CycRatio = 0.0;
   15475             :                     } else {
   15476           0 :                         SpeedRatio = 1.0;
   15477           0 :                         CycRatio = PartLoadFrac;
   15478             :                     }
   15479             :                 }
   15480             :             }
   15481           0 :             bool const singleMode = (this->m_SingleMode == 1);
   15482           0 :             int OperationMode = DataHVACGlobals::coilNormalMode;
   15483           0 :             if (state.dataCoilCooingDX->coilCoolingDXs[this->m_CoolingCoilIndex].SubcoolReheatFlag) {
   15484           0 :                 OperationMode = DataHVACGlobals::coilSubcoolReheatMode;
   15485           0 :             } else if (this->m_DehumidificationMode == 1) {
   15486           0 :                 OperationMode = DataHVACGlobals::coilEnhancedMode;
   15487             :             }
   15488             : 
   15489           0 :             state.dataCoilCooingDX->coilCoolingDXs[this->m_CoolingCoilIndex].simulate(
   15490             :                 state, OperationMode, CycRatio, this->m_CoolingSpeedNum, SpeedRatio, this->m_FanOpMode, singleMode, this->CoilSHR);
   15491             : 
   15492           0 :         } else if (CoilTypeNum == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingAirToAirVariableSpeed) {
   15493             : 
   15494           0 :             VariableSpeedCoils::SimVariableSpeedCoils(state,
   15495             :                                                       CompName,
   15496             :                                                       CompIndex,
   15497             :                                                       this->m_FanOpMode,
   15498             :                                                       this->m_MaxONOFFCyclesperHour,
   15499             :                                                       this->m_HPTimeConstant,
   15500             :                                                       this->m_FanDelayTime,
   15501             :                                                       CompressorOn,
   15502             :                                                       PartLoadFrac,
   15503             :                                                       SpeedNumber,
   15504             :                                                       this->m_CoolingSpeedRatio,
   15505             :                                                       SensLoad,
   15506             :                                                       dummy,
   15507             :                                                       OnOffAirFlowRatio);
   15508             : 
   15509           0 :         } else if (CoilTypeNum == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingAirToAirVariableSpeed) {
   15510             : 
   15511           0 :             VariableSpeedCoils::SimVariableSpeedCoils(state,
   15512             :                                                       CompName,
   15513             :                                                       CompIndex,
   15514             :                                                       this->m_FanOpMode,
   15515             :                                                       this->m_MaxONOFFCyclesperHour,
   15516             :                                                       this->m_HPTimeConstant,
   15517             :                                                       this->m_FanDelayTime,
   15518             :                                                       CompressorOn,
   15519             :                                                       PartLoadFrac,
   15520             :                                                       SpeedNumber,
   15521             :                                                       this->m_HeatingSpeedRatio,
   15522             :                                                       SensLoad,
   15523             :                                                       dummy,
   15524             :                                                       OnOffAirFlowRatio);
   15525             : 
   15526           0 :         } else if (CoilTypeNum == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWaterToAirHPVSEquationFit) {
   15527             : 
   15528           0 :             VariableSpeedCoils::SimVariableSpeedCoils(state,
   15529             :                                                       CompName,
   15530             :                                                       CompIndex,
   15531             :                                                       this->m_FanOpMode,
   15532             :                                                       this->m_MaxONOFFCyclesperHour,
   15533             :                                                       this->m_HPTimeConstant,
   15534             :                                                       this->m_FanDelayTime,
   15535             :                                                       CompressorOn,
   15536             :                                                       PartLoadFrac,
   15537             :                                                       SpeedNumber,
   15538             :                                                       this->m_CoolingSpeedRatio,
   15539             :                                                       SensLoad,
   15540             :                                                       dummy,
   15541             :                                                       OnOffAirFlowRatio);
   15542             : 
   15543           0 :         } else if (CoilTypeNum == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWaterToAirHPVSEquationFit) {
   15544             : 
   15545           0 :             VariableSpeedCoils::SimVariableSpeedCoils(state,
   15546             :                                                       CompName,
   15547             :                                                       CompIndex,
   15548             :                                                       this->m_FanOpMode,
   15549             :                                                       this->m_MaxONOFFCyclesperHour,
   15550             :                                                       this->m_HPTimeConstant,
   15551             :                                                       this->m_FanDelayTime,
   15552             :                                                       CompressorOn,
   15553             :                                                       PartLoadFrac,
   15554             :                                                       SpeedNumber,
   15555             :                                                       this->m_HeatingSpeedRatio,
   15556             :                                                       SensLoad,
   15557             :                                                       dummy,
   15558             :                                                       OnOffAirFlowRatio);
   15559             : 
   15560           0 :         } else if ((CoilTypeNum == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingElectric_MultiStage) ||
   15561             :                    (CoilTypeNum == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingGas_MultiStage)) {
   15562             : 
   15563           0 :             HeatingCoils::SimulateHeatingCoilComponents(
   15564             :                 state, CompName, FirstHVACIteration, _, CompIndex, _, _, this->m_FanOpMode, PartLoadFrac, SpeedNumber, this->m_HeatingSpeedRatio);
   15565             :         } else {
   15566             :         }
   15567       22345 :     }
   15568             : 
   15569       34143 :     void UnitarySys::calcPassiveSystem(EnergyPlusData &state,
   15570             :                                        int const AirLoopNum,         // index to air loop
   15571             :                                        bool const FirstHVACIteration // True when first HVAC iteration
   15572             :     )
   15573             :     {
   15574             : 
   15575             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
   15576             :         //       AUTHOR         Richard Raustad, FSEC
   15577             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   February 2013
   15578             : 
   15579             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
   15580             :         // This subroutine calculates the set point based output of the unitary system.
   15581             : 
   15582             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
   15583       34143 :         Real64 PartLoadRatio = 0.0;                                                                    // coil operating part-load ratio
   15584       34143 :         DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation CompressorOn = DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::Off; // compressor control (0=off, 1=on)
   15585       34143 :         bool HXUnitOn = false;
   15586       34143 :         Real64 OnOffAirFlowRatio = 1.0;
   15587       34143 :         Real64 CoilCoolHeatRat = 1.0;
   15588       34143 :         Real64 HeatCoilLoad = 0.0;
   15589             :         // CALL the series of components that simulate a Unitary System
   15590       34143 :         if (this->m_FanExists && this->m_FanPlace == FanPlace::BlowThru) {
   15591       29280 :             if (this->m_FanType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::FanType_SystemModelObject) {
   15592           0 :                 state.dataHVACFan->fanObjs[this->m_FanIndex]->simulate(state,
   15593             :                                                                        _,
   15594             :                                                                        _,
   15595             :                                                                        _,
   15596             :                                                                        _,
   15597           0 :                                                                        state.dataUnitarySystems->m_massFlow1,
   15598           0 :                                                                        state.dataUnitarySystems->m_runTimeFraction1,
   15599           0 :                                                                        state.dataUnitarySystems->m_massFlow2,
   15600           0 :                                                                        state.dataUnitarySystems->m_runTimeFraction2,
   15601             :                                                                        _);
   15602             :             } else {
   15603       29280 :                 if (this->m_IsZoneEquipment) {
   15604           0 :                     Fans::SimulateFanComponents(state,
   15605             :                                                 blankString,
   15606             :                                                 FirstHVACIteration,
   15607             :                                                 this->m_FanIndex,
   15608           0 :                                                 state.dataUnitarySystems->FanSpeedRatio,
   15609           0 :                                                 state.dataHVACGlobal->ZoneCompTurnFansOn,
   15610           0 :                                                 state.dataHVACGlobal->ZoneCompTurnFansOff);
   15611             :                 } else {
   15612       29280 :                     Fans::SimulateFanComponents(state, blankString, FirstHVACIteration, this->m_FanIndex, state.dataUnitarySystems->FanSpeedRatio);
   15613             :                 }
   15614             :             }
   15615             :         }
   15616             : 
   15617       34143 :         if (this->m_CoolingCoilUpstream) {
   15618             : 
   15619       34143 :             if (this->m_CoolCoilExists) {
   15620       34143 :                 PartLoadRatio = this->m_CoolingPartLoadFrac;
   15621       34143 :                 CompressorOn = DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::Off;
   15622       34143 :                 if (PartLoadRatio > 0.0) CompressorOn = DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::On;
   15623       34143 :                 HXUnitOn = false;
   15624       34143 :                 this->calcUnitaryCoolingSystem(
   15625             :                     state, AirLoopNum, FirstHVACIteration, PartLoadRatio, CompressorOn, OnOffAirFlowRatio, CoilCoolHeatRat, HXUnitOn);
   15626             :             }
   15627       34143 :             if (this->m_HeatCoilExists) {
   15628       29280 :                 PartLoadRatio = this->m_HeatingPartLoadFrac;
   15629       29280 :                 CompressorOn = DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::Off;
   15630       29280 :                 if (PartLoadRatio > 0.0) CompressorOn = DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::On;
   15631       29280 :                 this->calcUnitaryHeatingSystem(state, AirLoopNum, FirstHVACIteration, PartLoadRatio, CompressorOn, OnOffAirFlowRatio, HeatCoilLoad);
   15632             :             }
   15633             : 
   15634             :         } else {
   15635             : 
   15636           0 :             if (this->m_HeatCoilExists) {
   15637           0 :                 PartLoadRatio = this->m_HeatingPartLoadFrac;
   15638           0 :                 CompressorOn = DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::Off;
   15639           0 :                 if (PartLoadRatio > 0.0) CompressorOn = DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::On;
   15640           0 :                 this->calcUnitaryHeatingSystem(state, AirLoopNum, FirstHVACIteration, PartLoadRatio, CompressorOn, OnOffAirFlowRatio, HeatCoilLoad);
   15641             :             }
   15642           0 :             if (this->m_CoolCoilExists) {
   15643           0 :                 PartLoadRatio = this->m_CoolingPartLoadFrac;
   15644           0 :                 CompressorOn = DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::Off;
   15645           0 :                 if (PartLoadRatio > 0.0) CompressorOn = DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::On;
   15646           0 :                 HXUnitOn = false;
   15647           0 :                 this->calcUnitaryCoolingSystem(
   15648             :                     state, AirLoopNum, FirstHVACIteration, PartLoadRatio, CompressorOn, OnOffAirFlowRatio, CoilCoolHeatRat, HXUnitOn);
   15649             :             }
   15650             :         }
   15651             : 
   15652       34143 :         if (this->m_FanExists && this->m_FanPlace == FanPlace::DrawThru) {
   15653           0 :             if (this->m_FanType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::FanType_SystemModelObject) {
   15654           0 :                 state.dataHVACFan->fanObjs[this->m_FanIndex]->simulate(state,
   15655             :                                                                        _,
   15656             :                                                                        _,
   15657             :                                                                        _,
   15658             :                                                                        _,
   15659           0 :                                                                        state.dataUnitarySystems->m_massFlow1,
   15660           0 :                                                                        state.dataUnitarySystems->m_runTimeFraction1,
   15661           0 :                                                                        state.dataUnitarySystems->m_massFlow2,
   15662           0 :                                                                        state.dataUnitarySystems->m_runTimeFraction2,
   15663             :                                                                        _);
   15664             :             } else {
   15665           0 :                 if (this->m_IsZoneEquipment) {
   15666           0 :                     Fans::SimulateFanComponents(state,
   15667             :                                                 blankString,
   15668             :                                                 FirstHVACIteration,
   15669             :                                                 this->m_FanIndex,
   15670           0 :                                                 state.dataUnitarySystems->FanSpeedRatio,
   15671           0 :                                                 state.dataHVACGlobal->ZoneCompTurnFansOn,
   15672           0 :                                                 state.dataHVACGlobal->ZoneCompTurnFansOff);
   15673             :                 } else {
   15674           0 :                     Fans::SimulateFanComponents(state, blankString, FirstHVACIteration, this->m_FanIndex, state.dataUnitarySystems->FanSpeedRatio);
   15675             :                 }
   15676             :             }
   15677             :         }
   15678             : 
   15679             :         // CALL reheat coils next
   15680       34143 :         if (this->m_SuppCoilExists) {
   15681       29280 :             state.dataUnitarySystems->SuppHeatingCoilFlag = true;
   15682       29280 :             this->calcUnitarySuppSystemToSP(state, FirstHVACIteration);
   15683       29280 :             state.dataUnitarySystems->SuppHeatingCoilFlag = false;
   15684             :         }
   15685       34143 :     }
   15686             : 
   15687     6060022 :     void UnitarySys::reportUnitarySystem(EnergyPlusData &state, int const AirLoopNum)
   15688             :     {
   15689             : 
   15690             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
   15691             :         //       AUTHOR         Chandan Sharma
   15692             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   July 2013
   15693             : 
   15694             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
   15695             :         // This subroutine updates the report variable for the coils.
   15696             : 
   15697     6060022 :         auto &OASysEqSizing(state.dataSize->OASysEqSizing);
   15698     6060022 :         auto &CurOASysNum(state.dataSize->CurOASysNum);
   15699             : 
   15700     6060022 :         Real64 ReportingConstant = state.dataHVACGlobal->TimeStepSys * DataGlobalConstants::SecInHour;
   15701             : 
   15702     6060022 :         Real64 SensibleOutput = 0.0; // sensible output rate, {W}
   15703     6060022 :         Real64 LatentOutput = 0.0;   // latent output rate, {W}
   15704     6060022 :         Real64 TotalOutput = 0.0;    // total output rate, {W}
   15705     6060022 :         Real64 QTotUnitOut = 0.0;
   15706     6060022 :         Real64 QSensUnitOut = 0.0;
   15707     6060022 :         this->m_PartLoadFrac = 0.0;
   15708     6060022 :         this->m_CompPartLoadRatio = 0.0;
   15709     6060022 :         this->m_CycRatio = 0.0;
   15710     6060022 :         this->m_SpeedRatio = 0.0;
   15711     6060022 :         this->FanPartLoadRatio = 0.0;
   15712     6060022 :         this->m_TotalAuxElecPower = 0.0;
   15713     6060022 :         this->m_HeatingAuxElecConsumption = 0.0;
   15714     6060022 :         this->m_CoolingAuxElecConsumption = 0.0;
   15715     6060022 :         this->m_ElecPower = 0.0;
   15716     6060022 :         this->m_ElecPowerConsumption = 0.0;
   15717             : 
   15718     6060022 :         Real64 AirMassFlow = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->AirOutNode).MassFlowRate;
   15719     6060022 :         switch (this->m_ControlType) {
   15720             :             // Noticed that these are calculated differently.
   15721             :             // That doesn't make sense except that NodeNumOfControlledZone = 0 for set point control because the control zone name is not required.
   15722     3559166 :         case UnitarySysCtrlType::Setpoint: {
   15723     3559166 :             if (this->AirOutNode > 0) {
   15724     3559166 :                 int InletNode = this->AirInNode;
   15725    14236664 :                 CalcComponentSensibleLatentOutput(AirMassFlow,
   15726     3559166 :                                                   state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->AirOutNode).Temp,
   15727     3559166 :                                                   state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->AirOutNode).HumRat,
   15728     3559166 :                                                   state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNode).Temp,
   15729     3559166 :                                                   state.dataLoopNodes->Node(InletNode).HumRat,
   15730             :                                                   SensibleOutput,
   15731             :                                                   LatentOutput,
   15732             :                                                   TotalOutput);
   15733     3559166 :                 QSensUnitOut = SensibleOutput - this->m_SenLoadLoss;
   15734     3559166 :                 QTotUnitOut = TotalOutput;
   15735             :             }
   15736     3559166 :         } break;
   15737     2500856 :         default: {
   15738     2500856 :             if (this->AirOutNode > 0 && this->NodeNumOfControlledZone > 0) {
   15739             :                 // PTUnit uses old style method of calculating delivered capacity.
   15740             :                 // Also PTUnit always uses inlet node data, which is good when inlet is connected to zone return node
   15741     2500856 :                 if (this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedAC || this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedHP || this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedWSHP) {
   15742     1231508 :                     Real64 SpecHumOut = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->AirOutNode).HumRat;
   15743     1231508 :                     Real64 SpecHumIn = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->AirInNode).HumRat;
   15744     1231508 :                     LatentOutput = AirMassFlow * (SpecHumOut - SpecHumIn); // Latent rate, kg/s (dehumid = negative)
   15745     2463016 :                     SensibleOutput = AirMassFlow * (Psychrometrics::PsyHFnTdbW(state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->AirOutNode).Temp,
   15746     2463016 :                                                                                state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->AirInNode).HumRat) -
   15747     1231508 :                                                     Psychrometrics::PsyHFnTdbW(state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->AirInNode).Temp,
   15748     1231508 :                                                                                state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->AirInNode).HumRat));
   15749     1231508 :                     TotalOutput =
   15750     2463016 :                         AirMassFlow * (state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->AirOutNode).Enthalpy - state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->AirInNode).Enthalpy);
   15751             :                 } else {
   15752             :                     // air loop systems don't use the Sensible capacity, zone equipment uses this to adjust RemainingOutputRequired
   15753     5077392 :                     CalcZoneSensibleLatentOutput(AirMassFlow,
   15754     1269348 :                                                  state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->AirOutNode).Temp,
   15755     1269348 :                                                  state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->AirOutNode).HumRat,
   15756     1269348 :                                                  state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->NodeNumOfControlledZone).Temp,
   15757     1269348 :                                                  state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->NodeNumOfControlledZone).HumRat,
   15758             :                                                  SensibleOutput,
   15759             :                                                  LatentOutput,
   15760             :                                                  TotalOutput);
   15761             :                 }
   15762     2500856 :                 QSensUnitOut = SensibleOutput - this->m_SenLoadLoss;
   15763     2500856 :                 QTotUnitOut = TotalOutput;
   15764             :             }
   15765     2500856 :         } break;
   15766             :         }
   15767             : 
   15768             :         // set the system part-load ratio report variable
   15769     6060022 :         this->m_PartLoadFrac = max(this->m_CoolingPartLoadFrac, this->m_HeatingPartLoadFrac);
   15770             :         // set the compressor part-load ratio report variable
   15771     6060022 :         this->m_CompPartLoadRatio = max(this->m_CoolCompPartLoadRatio, this->m_HeatCompPartLoadRatio);
   15772             : 
   15773             :         // logic difference in PTUnit *Rate reporting vs UnitarySystem. Use PTUnit more compact method for 9093.
   15774     6060022 :         if (this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedAC || this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedHP || this->m_sysType == SysType::PackagedWSHP) {
   15775             :             // Issue 9093.
   15776             :             // PTHP reports these differently, seems this is correct. Can't change this now, need an issue to resolve
   15777     1231508 :             this->m_TotCoolEnergyRate = std::abs(min(0.0, QTotUnitOut));
   15778     1231508 :             this->m_TotHeatEnergyRate = std::abs(max(0.0, QTotUnitOut));
   15779     1231508 :             this->m_SensCoolEnergyRate = std::abs(min(0.0, QSensUnitOut));
   15780     1231508 :             this->m_SensHeatEnergyRate = std::abs(max(0.0, QSensUnitOut));
   15781     1231508 :             this->m_LatCoolEnergyRate = std::abs(min(0.0, (QTotUnitOut - QSensUnitOut)));
   15782     1231508 :             this->m_LatHeatEnergyRate = std::abs(max(0.0, (QTotUnitOut - QSensUnitOut)));
   15783             :         } else {
   15784     4828514 :             if (state.dataUnitarySystems->HeatingLoad) {
   15785      617884 :                 if (QTotUnitOut > 0.0) { // heating
   15786      389501 :                     this->m_TotCoolEnergyRate = 0.0;
   15787      389501 :                     this->m_SensCoolEnergyRate = 0.0;
   15788      389501 :                     this->m_LatCoolEnergyRate = 0.0;
   15789      389501 :                     this->m_TotHeatEnergyRate = QTotUnitOut;
   15790      389501 :                     this->m_SensHeatEnergyRate = std::abs(max(0.0, QSensUnitOut));
   15791      389501 :                     this->m_LatHeatEnergyRate = std::abs(max(0.0, (QTotUnitOut - QSensUnitOut)));
   15792             :                 } else {
   15793      228383 :                     this->m_TotCoolEnergyRate = std::abs(QTotUnitOut);
   15794      228383 :                     this->m_SensCoolEnergyRate = std::abs(min(0.0, QSensUnitOut));
   15795      228383 :                     this->m_LatCoolEnergyRate = std::abs(min(0.0, (QTotUnitOut - QSensUnitOut)));
   15796      228383 :                     this->m_TotHeatEnergyRate = 0.0;
   15797      228383 :                     this->m_SensHeatEnergyRate = 0.0;
   15798      228383 :                     this->m_LatHeatEnergyRate = 0.0;
   15799             :                 }
   15800             :             } else {
   15801     4210630 :                 if (QTotUnitOut <= 0.0) { // cooling
   15802     4067754 :                     this->m_TotCoolEnergyRate = std::abs(min(0.0, QTotUnitOut));
   15803     4067754 :                     this->m_SensCoolEnergyRate = std::abs(min(0.0, QSensUnitOut));
   15804     4067754 :                     this->m_LatCoolEnergyRate = std::abs(min(0.0, (QTotUnitOut - QSensUnitOut)));
   15805     4067754 :                     this->m_TotHeatEnergyRate = 0.0;
   15806     4067754 :                     this->m_SensHeatEnergyRate = 0.0;
   15807     4067754 :                     this->m_LatHeatEnergyRate = 0.0;
   15808             :                 } else {
   15809      142876 :                     this->m_TotCoolEnergyRate = 0.0;
   15810      142876 :                     this->m_SensCoolEnergyRate = 0.0;
   15811      142876 :                     this->m_LatCoolEnergyRate = 0.0;
   15812      142876 :                     this->m_TotHeatEnergyRate = QTotUnitOut;
   15813      142876 :                     this->m_SensHeatEnergyRate = std::abs(max(0.0, QSensUnitOut));
   15814      142876 :                     this->m_LatHeatEnergyRate = std::abs(max(0.0, (QTotUnitOut - QSensUnitOut)));
   15815             :                 }
   15816             :             }
   15817             :         }
   15818             : 
   15819     6060022 :         this->m_TotHeatEnergy = m_TotHeatEnergyRate * ReportingConstant;
   15820     6060022 :         this->m_TotCoolEnergy = m_TotCoolEnergyRate * ReportingConstant;
   15821     6060022 :         this->m_SensHeatEnergy = m_SensHeatEnergyRate * ReportingConstant;
   15822     6060022 :         this->m_SensCoolEnergy = m_SensCoolEnergyRate * ReportingConstant;
   15823     6060022 :         this->m_LatHeatEnergy = m_LatHeatEnergyRate * ReportingConstant;
   15824     6060022 :         this->m_LatCoolEnergy = m_LatCoolEnergyRate * ReportingConstant;
   15825             : 
   15826     6060022 :         if (this->m_FanExists && this->AirOutNode > 0) {
   15827     2580944 :             if (state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnMassFlow > 0.0) {
   15828     2504855 :                 this->FanPartLoadRatio = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->AirOutNode).MassFlowRate / state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnMassFlow;
   15829             :             }
   15830     2580944 :             if (AirLoopNum > 0) {
   15831     1327032 :                 if (this->m_FanOpMode == DataHVACGlobals::CycFanCycCoil) {
   15832      412593 :                     state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopFlow(AirLoopNum).FanPLR = this->FanPartLoadRatio;
   15833             :                 } else {
   15834      914439 :                     state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopFlow(AirLoopNum).FanPLR = 1.0;
   15835             :                 }
   15836             :             }
   15837             :         }
   15838             : 
   15839     6060022 :         Real64 locFanElecPower = 0.0;
   15840     6060022 :         if (this->m_FanType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::FanType_SystemModelObject) {
   15841      413993 :             locFanElecPower = state.dataHVACFan->fanObjs[this->m_FanIndex]->fanPower();
   15842             :         } else {
   15843     5646029 :             locFanElecPower = Fans::GetFanPower(state, this->m_FanIndex);
   15844             :         }
   15845             : 
   15846     6060022 :         Real64 elecCoolingPower = 0.0;
   15847     6060022 :         Real64 elecHeatingPower = 0.0;
   15848     6060022 :         Real64 suppHeatingPower = 0.0;
   15849             : 
   15850     6060022 :         switch (this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num) {
   15851     1034668 :         case DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_CoolingTwoSpeed: {
   15852             :             // need to make sure these are 0 for non-variable speed coils (or not report these variables)
   15853     1034668 :             this->m_CycRatio = max(this->m_CoolingCycRatio, this->m_HeatingCycRatio);
   15854     1034668 :             this->m_SpeedRatio = max(this->m_CoolingSpeedRatio, this->m_HeatingSpeedRatio);
   15855     1034668 :             this->m_SpeedNum = max(this->m_CoolingSpeedNum, this->m_HeatingSpeedNum);
   15856             :             // see :setSpeedVariables
   15857     1034668 :             if (state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad && this->m_SpeedNum <= 1) {
   15858       17038 :                 this->m_TotalAuxElecPower = this->m_AncillaryOnPower * this->m_CycRatio + this->m_AncillaryOffPower * (1.0 - this->m_CycRatio);
   15859       17038 :                 this->m_CoolingAuxElecConsumption = this->m_AncillaryOnPower * this->m_CycRatio * ReportingConstant;
   15860             :             }
   15861     1034668 :             if (this->m_LastMode == CoolingMode) {
   15862     1034668 :                 this->m_CoolingAuxElecConsumption += this->m_AncillaryOffPower * (1.0 - this->m_CycRatio) * ReportingConstant;
   15863             :             }
   15864     1034668 :             elecCoolingPower = state.dataHVACGlobal->DXElecCoolingPower;
   15865     1034668 :         } break;
   15866      531346 :         case DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_MultiSpeedCooling: {
   15867      531346 :             this->m_CycRatio = max(this->m_CoolingCycRatio, this->m_HeatingCycRatio);
   15868      531346 :             this->m_SpeedRatio = max(this->m_CoolingSpeedRatio, this->m_HeatingSpeedRatio);
   15869      531346 :             this->m_SpeedNum = max(this->m_CoolingSpeedNum, this->m_HeatingSpeedNum);
   15870             : 
   15871      531346 :             Real64 CompPartLoadFrac = this->m_CompPartLoadRatio;
   15872      531346 :             if (state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad) {
   15873      213311 :                 this->m_TotalAuxElecPower = this->m_AncillaryOnPower * CompPartLoadFrac + this->m_AncillaryOffPower * (1.0 - CompPartLoadFrac);
   15874      213311 :                 this->m_CoolingAuxElecConsumption = this->m_AncillaryOnPower * CompPartLoadFrac * ReportingConstant;
   15875             :             }
   15876      531346 :             if (this->m_LastMode == CoolingMode) {
   15877      296159 :                 this->m_CoolingAuxElecConsumption += this->m_AncillaryOffPower * (1.0 - CompPartLoadFrac) * ReportingConstant;
   15878             :             }
   15879      531346 :             elecCoolingPower = state.dataHVACGlobal->DXElecCoolingPower;
   15880      531346 :         } break;
   15881       93332 :         case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWater:
   15882             :         case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWaterDetailed: {
   15883       93332 :             if (this->m_DiscreteSpeedCoolingCoil) {
   15884       14968 :                 this->m_CycRatio = max(this->m_CoolingCycRatio, this->m_HeatingCycRatio);
   15885       14968 :                 this->m_SpeedRatio = max(this->m_CoolingSpeedRatio, this->m_HeatingSpeedRatio);
   15886       14968 :                 this->m_SpeedNum = max(this->m_CoolingSpeedNum, this->m_HeatingSpeedNum);
   15887       14968 :                 if (state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad) {
   15888             :                     // if discrete, the coil cycles on and off
   15889        5176 :                     this->m_TotalAuxElecPower = this->m_AncillaryOnPower * this->m_CycRatio + this->m_AncillaryOffPower * (1.0 - this->m_CycRatio);
   15890        5176 :                     this->m_CoolingAuxElecConsumption = this->m_AncillaryOnPower * this->m_CycRatio * ReportingConstant;
   15891             :                 }
   15892       14968 :                 if (this->m_LastMode == CoolingMode) {
   15893        7278 :                     this->m_CoolingAuxElecConsumption += this->m_AncillaryOffPower * (1.0 - this->m_CycRatio) * ReportingConstant;
   15894             :                 }
   15895             :             } else {
   15896       78364 :                 if (state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad) {
   15897             :                     // if not discrete, the coil runs the entire time step.
   15898        7792 :                     this->m_TotalAuxElecPower =
   15899        7792 :                         this->m_AncillaryOnPower * this->m_PartLoadFrac + this->m_AncillaryOffPower * (1.0 - this->m_PartLoadFrac);
   15900        7792 :                     this->m_CoolingAuxElecConsumption = this->m_AncillaryOnPower * this->m_PartLoadFrac * ReportingConstant;
   15901             :                 }
   15902       78364 :                 if (this->m_LastMode == CoolingMode) {
   15903       66710 :                     this->m_CoolingAuxElecConsumption += this->m_AncillaryOffPower * (1.0 - this->m_PartLoadFrac) * ReportingConstant;
   15904             :                 }
   15905             :             }
   15906       93332 :             this->m_ElecPower = locFanElecPower;
   15907       93332 :             this->m_ElecPowerConsumption = this->m_ElecPower * ReportingConstant;
   15908       93332 :         } break;
   15909      605267 :         case DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_Cooling: {
   15910      605267 :             if (this->m_NumOfSpeedCooling > 1) {
   15911      474280 :                 this->m_CycRatio = max(this->m_CoolingCycRatio, this->m_HeatingCycRatio);
   15912      474280 :                 this->m_SpeedRatio = max(this->m_CoolingSpeedRatio, this->m_HeatingSpeedRatio);
   15913      474280 :                 this->m_SpeedNum = max(this->m_CoolingSpeedNum, this->m_HeatingSpeedNum);
   15914             : 
   15915      474280 :                 Real64 CompPartLoadFrac = this->m_CompPartLoadRatio;
   15916      474280 :                 if (state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad) {
   15917      232594 :                     this->m_TotalAuxElecPower = this->m_AncillaryOnPower * CompPartLoadFrac + this->m_AncillaryOffPower * (1.0 - CompPartLoadFrac);
   15918      232594 :                     this->m_CoolingAuxElecConsumption = this->m_AncillaryOnPower * CompPartLoadFrac * ReportingConstant;
   15919             :                 }
   15920      474280 :                 if (this->m_LastMode == CoolingMode) {
   15921      369467 :                     this->m_CoolingAuxElecConsumption += this->m_AncillaryOffPower * (1.0 - CompPartLoadFrac) * ReportingConstant;
   15922             :                 }
   15923      474280 :                 elecCoolingPower = state.dataHVACGlobal->DXElecCoolingPower;
   15924             :             } else {
   15925      130987 :                 if (state.dataCoilCooingDX->coilCoolingDXs[this->m_CoolingCoilIndex].SubcoolReheatFlag) {
   15926        8772 :                     if (state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad && this->LoadSHR == 0.0) {
   15927        2396 :                         this->LoadSHR = 1.0;
   15928        2396 :                         this->CoilSHR = state.dataCoilCooingDX->coilCoolingDXs[this->m_CoolingCoilIndex].performance.NormalSHR;
   15929             :                     }
   15930             :                 }
   15931      130987 :                 Real64 CompPartLoadFrac = this->m_CompPartLoadRatio;
   15932      130987 :                 if (state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad) {
   15933       41851 :                     this->m_TotalAuxElecPower = this->m_AncillaryOnPower * CompPartLoadFrac + this->m_AncillaryOffPower * (1.0 - CompPartLoadFrac);
   15934       41851 :                     this->m_CoolingAuxElecConsumption = this->m_AncillaryOnPower * CompPartLoadFrac * ReportingConstant;
   15935             :                 }
   15936      130987 :                 if (this->m_LastMode == CoolingMode) {
   15937       71034 :                     this->m_CoolingAuxElecConsumption += this->m_AncillaryOffPower * (1.0 - CompPartLoadFrac) * ReportingConstant;
   15938             :                 }
   15939      130987 :                 elecCoolingPower = state.dataHVACGlobal->DXElecCoolingPower;
   15940             :             }
   15941      605267 :         } break;
   15942       28972 :         case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_UserDefined:
   15943             :         case DataHVACGlobals::CoilWater_CoolingHXAssisted:
   15944             :         case DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_PackagedThermalStorageCooling: {
   15945       28972 :             if (state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad) {
   15946           0 :                 this->m_TotalAuxElecPower =
   15947           0 :                     this->m_AncillaryOnPower * this->m_PartLoadFrac + this->m_AncillaryOffPower * (1.0 - this->m_PartLoadFrac);
   15948           0 :                 this->m_CoolingAuxElecConsumption = this->m_AncillaryOnPower * this->m_PartLoadFrac * ReportingConstant;
   15949             :             }
   15950       28972 :             if (this->m_LastMode == CoolingMode) {
   15951       28972 :                 this->m_CoolingAuxElecConsumption += this->m_AncillaryOffPower * (1.0 - this->m_PartLoadFrac) * ReportingConstant;
   15952             :             }
   15953             :             // these coil types do not consume electricity or report electricity at the plant
   15954       28972 :         } break;
   15955     3766437 :         default: { // all other DX cooling coils
   15956     3766437 :             Real64 CompPartLoadFrac = this->m_CompPartLoadRatio;
   15957     3766437 :             if (state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad) {
   15958      786188 :                 this->m_TotalAuxElecPower = this->m_AncillaryOnPower * CompPartLoadFrac + this->m_AncillaryOffPower * (1.0 - CompPartLoadFrac);
   15959      786188 :                 this->m_CoolingAuxElecConsumption = this->m_AncillaryOnPower * CompPartLoadFrac * ReportingConstant;
   15960             :             }
   15961     3766437 :             if (this->m_LastMode == CoolingMode) {
   15962     3049765 :                 this->m_CoolingAuxElecConsumption += this->m_AncillaryOffPower * (1.0 - CompPartLoadFrac) * ReportingConstant;
   15963             :             }
   15964     3766437 :             elecCoolingPower = state.dataHVACGlobal->DXElecCoolingPower;
   15965     3766437 :         } break;
   15966             :         }
   15967             : 
   15968     6060022 :         switch (this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num) {
   15969      321234 :         case DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_MultiSpeedHeating: {
   15970      321234 :             this->m_CycRatio = max(this->m_CoolingCycRatio, this->m_HeatingCycRatio);
   15971      321234 :             this->m_SpeedRatio = max(this->m_CoolingSpeedRatio, this->m_HeatingSpeedRatio);
   15972      321234 :             this->m_SpeedNum = max(this->m_CoolingSpeedNum, this->m_HeatingSpeedNum);
   15973             : 
   15974      321234 :             Real64 CompPartLoadFrac = this->m_CompPartLoadRatio;
   15975      321234 :             if (state.dataUnitarySystems->HeatingLoad) {
   15976       81935 :                 this->m_TotalAuxElecPower = this->m_AncillaryOnPower * CompPartLoadFrac + this->m_AncillaryOffPower * (1.0 - CompPartLoadFrac);
   15977       81935 :                 this->m_HeatingAuxElecConsumption = this->m_AncillaryOnPower * CompPartLoadFrac * ReportingConstant;
   15978             :             }
   15979      321234 :             if (this->m_LastMode == HeatingMode) {
   15980       83706 :                 this->m_HeatingAuxElecConsumption += this->m_AncillaryOffPower * (1.0 - CompPartLoadFrac) * ReportingConstant;
   15981             :             }
   15982      321234 :             elecHeatingPower = state.dataHVACGlobal->DXElecHeatingPower;
   15983      321234 :         } break;
   15984           0 :         case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingGas_MultiStage:
   15985             :         case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingElectric_MultiStage: {
   15986           0 :             this->m_CycRatio = max(this->m_CoolingCycRatio, this->m_HeatingCycRatio);
   15987           0 :             this->m_SpeedRatio = max(this->m_CoolingSpeedRatio, this->m_HeatingSpeedRatio);
   15988             : 
   15989           0 :             if (state.dataUnitarySystems->HeatingLoad) {
   15990           0 :                 this->m_TotalAuxElecPower =
   15991           0 :                     this->m_AncillaryOnPower * this->m_PartLoadFrac + this->m_AncillaryOffPower * (1.0 - this->m_PartLoadFrac);
   15992           0 :                 this->m_HeatingAuxElecConsumption = this->m_AncillaryOnPower * this->m_PartLoadFrac * ReportingConstant;
   15993             :             }
   15994           0 :             if (this->m_LastMode == HeatingMode) {
   15995           0 :                 this->m_HeatingAuxElecConsumption += this->m_AncillaryOffPower * (1.0 - this->m_PartLoadFrac) * ReportingConstant;
   15996             :             }
   15997             : 
   15998           0 :             elecHeatingPower = state.dataHVACGlobal->ElecHeatingCoilPower;
   15999           0 :         } break;
   16000      436108 :         case DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_HeatingEmpirical:
   16001             :         case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWaterToAirHP:
   16002             :         case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWaterToAirHPSimple:
   16003             :         case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWaterToAirHPVSEquationFit:
   16004             :         case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingAirToAirVariableSpeed: {
   16005      436108 :             if (state.dataUnitarySystems->HeatingLoad) {
   16006      170870 :                 this->m_TotalAuxElecPower =
   16007      170870 :                     this->m_AncillaryOnPower * this->m_PartLoadFrac + this->m_AncillaryOffPower * (1.0 - this->m_PartLoadFrac);
   16008      170870 :                 this->m_HeatingAuxElecConsumption = this->m_AncillaryOnPower * this->m_PartLoadFrac * ReportingConstant;
   16009             :             }
   16010      436108 :             if (this->m_LastMode == HeatingMode) {
   16011      182812 :                 this->m_HeatingAuxElecConsumption += this->m_AncillaryOffPower * (1.0 - this->m_PartLoadFrac) * ReportingConstant;
   16012             :             }
   16013             : 
   16014      436108 :             elecHeatingPower = state.dataHVACGlobal->DXElecHeatingPower;
   16015      436108 :         } break;
   16016       74334 :         case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_UserDefined:
   16017             :         case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWater:
   16018             :         case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingSteam:
   16019             :         case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingDesuperheater: {
   16020       74334 :             if (state.dataUnitarySystems->HeatingLoad) {
   16021       31960 :                 this->m_TotalAuxElecPower =
   16022       31960 :                     this->m_AncillaryOnPower * this->m_PartLoadFrac + this->m_AncillaryOffPower * (1.0 - this->m_PartLoadFrac);
   16023       31960 :                 this->m_HeatingAuxElecConsumption = this->m_AncillaryOnPower * this->m_PartLoadFrac * ReportingConstant;
   16024             :             }
   16025       74334 :             if (this->m_LastMode == HeatingMode) {
   16026       36812 :                 this->m_HeatingAuxElecConsumption += this->m_AncillaryOffPower * (1.0 - this->m_PartLoadFrac) * ReportingConstant;
   16027             :             }
   16028       74334 :         } break;
   16029     5228346 :         default: {
   16030     5228346 :             if (this->m_HeatCoilExists) {
   16031     1755391 :                 if (state.dataUnitarySystems->HeatingLoad) {
   16032             :                     // if discrete, the coil cycles on and off
   16033      749156 :                     this->m_TotalAuxElecPower =
   16034      749156 :                         this->m_AncillaryOnPower * this->m_PartLoadFrac + this->m_AncillaryOffPower * (1.0 - this->m_PartLoadFrac);
   16035      749156 :                     this->m_HeatingAuxElecConsumption = this->m_AncillaryOnPower * this->m_PartLoadFrac * ReportingConstant;
   16036             :                 }
   16037     1755391 :                 if (this->m_LastMode == HeatingMode) {
   16038      823707 :                     this->m_HeatingAuxElecConsumption += this->m_AncillaryOffPower * (1.0 - this->m_PartLoadFrac) * ReportingConstant;
   16039             :                 }
   16040     1755391 :                 elecHeatingPower = state.dataHVACGlobal->ElecHeatingCoilPower;
   16041             :             }
   16042     5228346 :         } break;
   16043             :         }
   16044             : 
   16045     6060022 :         if (!state.dataUnitarySystems->HeatingLoad && !state.dataUnitarySystems->CoolingLoad) {
   16046     3540291 :             this->m_TotalAuxElecPower = this->m_AncillaryOffPower;
   16047             :         }
   16048             : 
   16049     6060022 :         if (this->m_SuppCoilExists) {
   16050      827563 :             if (this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingElectric) {
   16051           0 :                 suppHeatingPower = state.dataHVACGlobal->SuppHeatingCoilPower;
   16052             :             }
   16053             :         }
   16054             : 
   16055     6060022 :         this->m_ElecPower = locFanElecPower + elecCoolingPower + elecHeatingPower + suppHeatingPower + this->m_TotalAuxElecPower;
   16056     6060022 :         this->m_ElecPowerConsumption = this->m_ElecPower * ReportingConstant;
   16057             : 
   16058     6060022 :         if (state.afn->distribution_simulated) {
   16059      137737 :             state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopAFNInfo(AirLoopNum).LoopSystemOnMassFlowrate = state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnMassFlow;
   16060      137737 :             state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopAFNInfo(AirLoopNum).LoopSystemOffMassFlowrate = state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOffMassFlow;
   16061      137737 :             state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopAFNInfo(AirLoopNum).LoopFanOperationMode = this->m_FanOpMode;
   16062      137737 :             state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopAFNInfo(AirLoopNum).LoopOnOffFanPartLoadRatio = this->FanPartLoadRatio;
   16063      137737 :             state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopAFNInfo(AirLoopNum).LoopCompCycRatio = this->m_CycRatio;
   16064             :         }
   16065     6060022 :         if (this->m_FirstPass) {
   16066         790 :             if (AirLoopNum > -1) {
   16067         782 :                 if (!state.dataGlobal->SysSizingCalc) {
   16068             : 
   16069         584 :                     if (CurOASysNum > 0) {
   16070           2 :                         OASysEqSizing(CurOASysNum).AirFlow = false;
   16071           2 :                         OASysEqSizing(CurOASysNum).CoolingAirFlow = false;
   16072           2 :                         OASysEqSizing(CurOASysNum).HeatingAirFlow = false;
   16073           2 :                         OASysEqSizing(CurOASysNum).Capacity = false;
   16074           2 :                         OASysEqSizing(CurOASysNum).CoolingCapacity = false;
   16075           2 :                         OASysEqSizing(CurOASysNum).HeatingCapacity = false;
   16076           2 :                         this->m_FirstPass = false;
   16077         582 :                     } else if (state.dataSize->CurSysNum > 0) {
   16078         384 :                         state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopControlInfo(state.dataSize->CurSysNum).UnitarySysSimulating = false;
   16079         384 :                         DataSizing::resetHVACSizingGlobals(state, state.dataSize->CurZoneEqNum, state.dataSize->CurSysNum, this->m_FirstPass);
   16080         198 :                     } else if (state.dataSize->CurZoneEqNum > 0) {
   16081         198 :                         DataSizing::resetHVACSizingGlobals(state, state.dataSize->CurZoneEqNum, state.dataSize->CurSysNum, this->m_FirstPass);
   16082             :                     } else {
   16083           0 :                         this->m_FirstPass = false;
   16084             :                     }
   16085             :                 }
   16086             :             } else {
   16087           8 :                 this->m_FirstPass = false;
   16088             :             }
   16089             :             // reset the global system type flags
   16090         790 :             state.dataSize->ZoneEqDXCoil = false;
   16091             :         }
   16092             : 
   16093             :         // reset to 1 in case blow through fan configuration (fan resets to 1, but for blow thru fans coil sets back down < 1)
   16094     6060022 :         state.dataHVACGlobal->OnOffFanPartLoadFraction = 1.0;
   16095     6060022 :         state.dataSize->ZoneEqUnitarySys = false;
   16096     6060022 :     }
   16097             : 
   16098           0 :     void UnitarySys::unitarySystemHeatRecovery(EnergyPlusData &state)
   16099             :     {
   16100             : 
   16101             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
   16102             :         //       AUTHOR:          Chandan Sharma
   16103             :         //       DATE WRITTEN:    May 2013
   16104             : 
   16105             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
   16106             :         //  Calculate the heat recovered from UnitarySystem
   16107             : 
   16108             :         // SUBROUTINE PARAMETER DEFINITIONS:
   16109             :         static constexpr std::string_view routineName("UnitarySystemHeatRecovery");
   16110             : 
   16111           0 :         Real64 ReportingConstant = state.dataHVACGlobal->TimeStepSys * DataGlobalConstants::SecInHour;
   16112             : 
   16113           0 :         Real64 HeatRecInletTemp = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->m_HeatRecoveryInletNodeNum).Temp;
   16114           0 :         Real64 HeatRecOutletTemp = 0.0;
   16115           0 :         Real64 HeatRecMassFlowRate = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->m_HeatRecoveryInletNodeNum).MassFlowRate;
   16116             : 
   16117           0 :         Real64 QHeatRec = state.dataHVACGlobal->MSHPWasteHeat;
   16118             : 
   16119           0 :         if (HeatRecMassFlowRate > 0.0) {
   16120             : 
   16121           0 :             Real64 CpHeatRec = FluidProperties::GetSpecificHeatGlycol(state,
   16122           0 :                                                                       state.dataPlnt->PlantLoop(this->m_HRPlantLoc.loopNum).FluidName,
   16123             :                                                                       HeatRecInletTemp,
   16124           0 :                                                                       state.dataPlnt->PlantLoop(this->m_HRPlantLoc.loopNum).FluidIndex,
   16125           0 :                                                                       routineName);
   16126             : 
   16127           0 :             HeatRecOutletTemp = QHeatRec / (HeatRecMassFlowRate * CpHeatRec) + HeatRecInletTemp;
   16128             :             // coil model should be handling max outlet water temp (via limit to heat transfer) since heat rejection needs to be accounted for by the
   16129             :             // coil
   16130           0 :             if (HeatRecOutletTemp > this->m_MaxHROutletWaterTemp) {
   16131           0 :                 HeatRecOutletTemp = max(HeatRecInletTemp, this->m_MaxHROutletWaterTemp);
   16132           0 :                 QHeatRec = HeatRecMassFlowRate * CpHeatRec * (HeatRecOutletTemp - HeatRecInletTemp);
   16133             :             }
   16134             :         } else {
   16135           0 :             HeatRecOutletTemp = HeatRecInletTemp;
   16136           0 :             QHeatRec = 0.0;
   16137             :         }
   16138             : 
   16139           0 :         PlantUtilities::SafeCopyPlantNode(state, this->m_HeatRecoveryInletNodeNum, this->m_HeatRecoveryOutletNodeNum);
   16140             : 
   16141           0 :         state.dataLoopNodes->Node(this->m_HeatRecoveryOutletNodeNum).Temp = HeatRecOutletTemp;
   16142             : 
   16143           0 :         this->m_HeatRecoveryRate = QHeatRec;
   16144           0 :         this->m_HeatRecoveryEnergy = this->m_HeatRecoveryRate * ReportingConstant;
   16145           0 :         this->m_HeatRecoveryInletTemp = HeatRecInletTemp;
   16146           0 :         this->m_HeatRecoveryOutletTemp = HeatRecOutletTemp;
   16147           0 :         this->m_HeatRecoveryMassFlowRate = HeatRecMassFlowRate;
   16148           0 :     }
   16149             : 
   16150     1198412 :     void UnitarySys::heatPumpRunFrac(Real64 const PLR,   // part load ratio
   16151             :                                      bool &errFlag,      // part load factor out of range flag
   16152             :                                      Real64 &RuntimeFrac // the required run time fraction to meet part load
   16153             :     )
   16154             :     {
   16155             : 
   16156             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
   16157             :         //       AUTHOR         Kenneth Tang
   16158             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   Apr 2004
   16159             : 
   16160             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
   16161             :         // This subroutine calculates the PLF based on the PLR. Parameters required are
   16162             :         // thermostat cycling rate (Nmax), heat pump time constant (tau), and the fraction
   16163             :         // of on-cycle power use (pr)
   16164             : 
   16165             :         // REFERENCES:
   16166             :         // (1) Henderson, H. I., K. Rengarajan.1996. A Model to predict the latent capacity
   16167             :         // of air conditioners and heat pumps at part-load conditions with constant fan
   16168             :         // operation. ASHRAE Transactions 102 (1): 266-274
   16169             : 
   16170             :         // (2) Henderson, H.I. Jr., Y.J. Huang and Danny Parker. 1999. Residential Equipment
   16171             :         // Part Load Curves for Use in DOE-2.  Environmental Energy Technologies Division,
   16172             :         // Ernest OrlanDO Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
   16173             : 
   16174             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
   16175             :         Real64 PartLoadFactor; // Part load factor
   16176             :         Real64 Nmax;           // Maximum cycling rate [cycles/hr]
   16177             :         Real64 tau;            // Heat pump time constant [s]
   16178             :         Real64 pr;             // On-cycle power use fraction [~]
   16179             :         Real64 error;          // Calculation error
   16180             :         Real64 PLF1;           // ith term of part load factor
   16181             :         Real64 PLF2;           // (i+1)th term of part load factor
   16182             :         Real64 A;              // Variable for simplIFy equation
   16183             :         int NumIteration;      // Iteration Counter
   16184             : 
   16185     1198412 :         Nmax = this->m_MaxONOFFCyclesperHour;
   16186     1198412 :         tau = this->m_HPTimeConstant;
   16187     1198412 :         pr = this->m_OnCyclePowerFraction;
   16188             : 
   16189             :         // Initialize
   16190     1198412 :         errFlag = false;
   16191     1198412 :         error = 1;
   16192     1198412 :         NumIteration = 0;
   16193             : 
   16194             :         // Initial guess for part load fraction
   16195     1198412 :         PLF1 = 1;
   16196             : 
   16197             :         // Calculate PLF using successive substitution until convergence
   16198             :         // is achieved
   16199             :         while (true) {
   16200     7191710 :             ++NumIteration;
   16201             : 
   16202     4195061 :             if (PLR == 1) {
   16203             :                 // Set part load fraction, PLF1=1.0 IF PLR=1.0 and EXIT loop
   16204      173569 :                 PLF1 = 1;
   16205      173569 :                 break;
   16206             :             }
   16207             : 
   16208     4021492 :             if (NumIteration > 100) {
   16209             :                 // EXIT loop IF interation exceed 100
   16210           0 :                 errFlag = true;
   16211           0 :                 PLF1 = 1;
   16212           0 :                 break;
   16213             :             }
   16214             : 
   16215     4021492 :             if (error < 0.00001) {
   16216             :                 // EXIT loop IF convergence is achieved
   16217     1024843 :                 break;
   16218             : 
   16219             :             } else {
   16220             :                 // Calculate PLF
   16221     2996649 :                 A = 4.0 * tau * (Nmax / 3600.0) * (1 - PLR / PLF1);
   16222     2996649 :                 if (A < 1.5e-3) {
   16223             :                     // A safety check to prevent PLF2 = 1 - A * (1 - Exp(-1 / A))
   16224             :                     // from "float underflow error". Occurs when PLR is very close to 1.0,
   16225             :                     // small A value, thus Exp(-1/A) = 0
   16226         543 :                     PLF2 = 1.0 - A;
   16227             :                 } else {
   16228     2996106 :                     PLF2 = 1.0 - A * (1.0 - std::exp(-1.0 / A));
   16229             :                 }
   16230     2996649 :                 error = std::abs((PLF2 - PLF1) / PLF1);
   16231     2996649 :                 PLF1 = PLF2;
   16232             :             }
   16233             :         }
   16234             : 
   16235             :         // Adjust PLF for the off cycle power consumption IF
   16236             :         // on-cycle power use is specified by the user
   16237     1198412 :         if (pr > 0.0) {
   16238     1198412 :             PartLoadFactor = PLR / ((PLR / PLF1) + (1.0 - PLR / PLF1) * pr);
   16239             :         } else {
   16240           0 :             PartLoadFactor = PLF1;
   16241             :         }
   16242             : 
   16243     1198412 :         if (PartLoadFactor <= 0.0) {
   16244      594353 :             PartLoadFactor = 0;
   16245      594353 :             RuntimeFrac = 0;
   16246      594353 :             errFlag = true;
   16247             :         } else {
   16248      604059 :             RuntimeFrac = PLR / PartLoadFactor;
   16249             :         }
   16250             : 
   16251     1198412 :         if (RuntimeFrac > 1.0) {
   16252           0 :             RuntimeFrac = 1.0;
   16253             :         }
   16254     1198412 :     }
   16255             : 
   16256     7082247 :     Real64 UnitarySys::calcUnitarySystemLoadResidual(EnergyPlusData &state,
   16257             :                                                      Real64 const PartLoadRatio, // DX cooling coil part load ratio
   16258             :                                                      int UnitarySysNum,
   16259             :                                                      bool FirstHVACIteration,
   16260             :                                                      // par 3 not used?
   16261             :                                                      DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation CompressorOp,
   16262             :                                                      Real64 LoadToBeMet,
   16263             :                                                      Real64 coolHeatFlag, // make bool?
   16264             :                                                      Real64 SensibleLoad,
   16265             :                                                      Real64 OnOffAirFlowRatio,
   16266             :                                                      bool HXUnitOn,
   16267             :                                                      // par 10 not used
   16268             :                                                      int AirLoopNum)
   16269             :     {
   16270             : 
   16271             :         // FUNCTION INFORMATION:
   16272             :         //       AUTHOR         Richard Raustad, FSEC
   16273             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   February 2013
   16274             : 
   16275             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
   16276             :         // To calculate the part-load ratio for the unitary system
   16277             : 
   16278             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
   16279             :         Real64 SensOutput; // sensible output of system
   16280             :         Real64 LatOutput;  // latent output of system
   16281     7082247 :         Real64 HeatCoilLoad = 0.0;
   16282     7082247 :         Real64 SupHeaterLoad = 0.0;
   16283     7082247 :         UnitarySys &thisSys = state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[UnitarySysNum];
   16284     7082247 :         Real64 CoolPLR = coolHeatFlag == 1.0 ? PartLoadRatio : 0.0;
   16285     7082247 :         Real64 HeatPLR = coolHeatFlag == 1.0 ? 0.0 : PartLoadRatio;
   16286     7082247 :         thisSys.setSpeedVariables(state, SensibleLoad, PartLoadRatio);
   16287     7082247 :         thisSys.calcUnitarySystemToLoad(state,
   16288             :                                         AirLoopNum,
   16289             :                                         FirstHVACIteration,
   16290             :                                         CoolPLR,
   16291             :                                         HeatPLR,
   16292             :                                         OnOffAirFlowRatio,
   16293             :                                         SensOutput,
   16294             :                                         LatOutput,
   16295             :                                         HXUnitOn,
   16296             :                                         HeatCoilLoad,
   16297             :                                         SupHeaterLoad,
   16298             :                                         CompressorOp);
   16299             :         // Calculate residual based on output calculation flag
   16300     7082247 :         Real64 baselineLoad = SensibleLoad == 1.0 ? SensOutput : LatOutput;
   16301     7082247 :         Real64 divisor = std::abs(LoadToBeMet) == 0.0 ? 100.0 : LoadToBeMet;
   16302     7082247 :         return (baselineLoad - LoadToBeMet) / divisor;
   16303             :     }
   16304             : 
   16305     1731212 :     Real64 UnitarySys::DXCoilVarSpeedResidual(EnergyPlusData &state,
   16306             :                                               Real64 const SpeedRatio, // compressor speed ratio (1.0 is max, 0.0 is min)
   16307             :                                               int CoilIndex,
   16308             :                                               Real64 DesOutTemp,
   16309             :                                               int UnitarySysNum,
   16310             :                                               Real64 CycRatio,
   16311             :                                               int SpeedNum,
   16312             :                                               int FanOpMode,
   16313             :                                               DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation CompressorOp)
   16314             :     {
   16315             :         // FUNCTION INFORMATION:
   16316             :         //       AUTHOR         Fred Buhl
   16317             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   September 2002
   16318             : 
   16319             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS FUNCTION:
   16320             :         // Calculates residual function (desired outlet temp - actual outlet temp).
   16321             :         // DX Coil output depends on the compressor speed which is being varied to zero the residual.
   16322             : 
   16323             :         // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
   16324             :         // Calls CalcMultiSpeedDXCoil to get outlet temperature at the given compressor speed
   16325             :         // and calculates the residual as defined above
   16326             : 
   16327             :         // FUNCTION LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
   16328     1731212 :         Real64 OutletAirTemp(0.0); // outlet air temperature [C]
   16329             : 
   16330             :         Real64 dummy;
   16331             :         Real64 RuntimeFrac;
   16332             :         Real64 OnOffAirFlowRatio;
   16333             :         Real64 SensLoad;
   16334             : 
   16335     1731212 :         UnitarySys &thisSys = state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[UnitarySysNum];
   16336     1731212 :         switch (thisSys.m_CoolingCoilType_Num) {
   16337     1722840 :         case DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_CoolingTwoSpeed: {
   16338     1722840 :             DXCoils::CalcMultiSpeedDXCoil(state, CoilIndex, SpeedRatio, 1.0);
   16339     1722840 :             OutletAirTemp = state.dataDXCoils->DXCoilOutletTemp(CoilIndex);
   16340     1722840 :         } break;
   16341           2 :         case DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_MultiSpeedCooling: {
   16342           2 :             OnOffAirFlowRatio = 1.0;
   16343           2 :             thisSys.setAverageAirFlow(state, SpeedRatio, OnOffAirFlowRatio);
   16344           2 :             DXCoils::CalcMultiSpeedDXCoilCooling(state, CoilIndex, SpeedRatio, CycRatio, SpeedNum, FanOpMode, CompressorOp, 0);
   16345           2 :             OutletAirTemp = state.dataDXCoils->DXCoilOutletTemp(CoilIndex);
   16346           2 :         } break;
   16347        8370 :         case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingAirToAirVariableSpeed:
   16348             :         case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWaterToAirHPVSEquationFit: {
   16349        8370 :             dummy = 0.0;
   16350        8370 :             SensLoad = -1.0;
   16351        8370 :             RuntimeFrac = 1.0;
   16352        8370 :             OnOffAirFlowRatio = 1.0;
   16353       16740 :             VariableSpeedCoils::SimVariableSpeedCoils(state,
   16354             :                                                       "",
   16355             :                                                       CoilIndex,
   16356             :                                                       FanOpMode,
   16357             :                                                       thisSys.m_MaxONOFFCyclesperHour,
   16358             :                                                       thisSys.m_HPTimeConstant,
   16359             :                                                       thisSys.m_FanDelayTime,
   16360             :                                                       CompressorOp,
   16361             :                                                       CycRatio,
   16362             :                                                       SpeedNum,
   16363             :                                                       SpeedRatio,
   16364             :                                                       SensLoad,
   16365             :                                                       dummy,
   16366        8370 :                                                       OnOffAirFlowRatio);
   16367             : 
   16368        8370 :             OutletAirTemp = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(thisSys.CoolCoilOutletNodeNum).Temp;
   16369        8370 :         } break;
   16370           0 :         default: {
   16371           0 :             assert(false);
   16372             :         } break;
   16373             :         }
   16374     1731212 :         return DesOutTemp - OutletAirTemp;
   16375             :     }
   16376             : 
   16377        6726 :     Real64 UnitarySys::heatingCoilVarSpeedResidual(EnergyPlusData &state,
   16378             :                                                    Real64 const SpeedRatio, // compressor speed ratio (1.0 is max, 0.0 is min)
   16379             :                                                    int CoilIndex,
   16380             :                                                    Real64 DesOutTemp,
   16381             :                                                    int UnitarySysNum,
   16382             :                                                    Real64 CycRatio,
   16383             :                                                    int SpeedNum,
   16384             :                                                    int FanOpMode,
   16385             :                                                    DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation CompressorOp,
   16386             :                                                    bool SuppHeat
   16387             : 
   16388             :     )
   16389             :     {
   16390             :         // FUNCTION INFORMATION:
   16391             :         //       AUTHOR         Fred Buhl
   16392             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   September 2002
   16393             : 
   16394             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS FUNCTION:
   16395             :         // Calculates residual function (desired outlet temp - actual outlet temp).
   16396             :         // DX Coil output depends on the compressor speed which is being varied to zero the residual.
   16397             : 
   16398             :         // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
   16399             :         // Calls calc routines of  multi Speed or variable Coil to get outlet temperature at the given compressor speed
   16400             :         // and calculates the residual as defined above
   16401             : 
   16402             :         // FUNCTION LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
   16403        6726 :         Real64 OutletAirTemp(0.0); // outlet air temperature [C]
   16404             :         Real64 OnOffAirFlowRatio;
   16405             :         Real64 SensLoad;
   16406             :         Real64 LatLoad;
   16407             :         Real64 QActual;
   16408             : 
   16409        6726 :         UnitarySys &thisSys = state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[UnitarySysNum];
   16410             : 
   16411        6726 :         int heatCoilType = thisSys.m_HeatingCoilType_Num;
   16412        6726 :         int heatingCoilOutletNode = thisSys.HeatCoilOutletNodeNum;
   16413        6726 :         if (SuppHeat) {
   16414        6726 :             heatCoilType = thisSys.m_SuppHeatCoilType_Num;
   16415        6726 :             heatingCoilOutletNode = thisSys.SuppCoilOutletNodeNum;
   16416             :         }
   16417             : 
   16418        6726 :         switch (heatCoilType) {
   16419           0 :         case DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_MultiSpeedHeating: {
   16420           0 :             OnOffAirFlowRatio = 1.0;
   16421           0 :             thisSys.setAverageAirFlow(state, SpeedRatio, OnOffAirFlowRatio);
   16422           0 :             DXCoils::CalcMultiSpeedDXCoilHeating(state, CoilIndex, SpeedRatio, CycRatio, SpeedNum, FanOpMode, 0);
   16423           0 :             OutletAirTemp = state.dataDXCoils->DXCoilOutletTemp(CoilIndex);
   16424           0 :         } break;
   16425           0 :         case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingAirToAirVariableSpeed:
   16426             :         case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWaterToAirHPVSEquationFit: {
   16427           0 :             OnOffAirFlowRatio = 1.0;
   16428           0 :             SensLoad = 1.0;
   16429           0 :             LatLoad = -1.0;
   16430             :             // can't call only the calc routine with these coil types since Init sets air flow rate based on speed num and cycling ratio
   16431           0 :             VariableSpeedCoils::SimVariableSpeedCoils(state,
   16432             :                                                       "",
   16433             :                                                       CoilIndex,
   16434             :                                                       FanOpMode,
   16435             :                                                       thisSys.m_MaxONOFFCyclesperHour,
   16436             :                                                       thisSys.m_HPTimeConstant,
   16437             :                                                       thisSys.m_FanDelayTime,
   16438             :                                                       CompressorOp,
   16439             :                                                       CycRatio,
   16440             :                                                       SpeedNum,
   16441             :                                                       SpeedRatio,
   16442             :                                                       SensLoad,
   16443             :                                                       LatLoad,
   16444           0 :                                                       OnOffAirFlowRatio);
   16445           0 :             OutletAirTemp = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(heatingCoilOutletNode).Temp;
   16446           0 :         } break;
   16447        6726 :         case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingElectric_MultiStage: {
   16448        6726 :             HeatingCoils::CalcMultiStageElectricHeatingCoil(state, CoilIndex, SpeedRatio, CycRatio, SpeedNum, FanOpMode, QActual, SuppHeat);
   16449        6726 :             OutletAirTemp = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(heatingCoilOutletNode).Temp;
   16450        6726 :         } break;
   16451           0 :         case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingGas_MultiStage: {
   16452           0 :             HeatingCoils::CalcMultiStageGasHeatingCoil(state, CoilIndex, SpeedRatio, CycRatio, SpeedNum, FanOpMode);
   16453           0 :             OutletAirTemp = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(heatingCoilOutletNode).Temp;
   16454           0 :         } break;
   16455           0 :         default: {
   16456           0 :             assert(false);
   16457             :         } break;
   16458             :         }
   16459        6726 :         return DesOutTemp - OutletAirTemp;
   16460             :     }
   16461             : 
   16462           0 :     Real64 UnitarySys::DXCoilVarSpeedHumRatResidual(EnergyPlusData &state,
   16463             :                                                     Real64 const SpeedRatio, // compressor speed ratio (1.0 is max, 0.0 is min)
   16464             :                                                     int CoilIndex,
   16465             :                                                     Real64 DesOutHumRat,
   16466             :                                                     int UnitarySysNum,
   16467             :                                                     Real64 CycRatio,
   16468             :                                                     int SpeedNum,
   16469             :                                                     int FanOpMode,
   16470             :                                                     DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation CompressorOp)
   16471             :     {
   16472             :         // FUNCTION INFORMATION:
   16473             :         //       AUTHOR         Richard Raustad
   16474             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   January 2008
   16475             : 
   16476             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS FUNCTION:
   16477             :         // Calculates residual function (desired outlet humrat - actual outlet humrat).
   16478             :         // DX Coil output depends on the compressor speed which is being varied to zero the residual.
   16479             : 
   16480             :         // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
   16481             :         // Calls calc routine sof multi speed or variable speed coils to get outlet humidity ratio at the given compressor speed
   16482             :         // and calculates the residual as defined above
   16483             : 
   16484             :         // FUNCTION LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
   16485           0 :         Real64 OutletAirHumRat(0.0); // outlet air humidity ratio
   16486             :         Real64 SensLoad;
   16487             :         Real64 LatLoad;
   16488             :         Real64 RuntimeFrac;
   16489             :         Real64 OnOffAirFlowRatio;
   16490           0 :         UnitarySys &thisSys = state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[UnitarySysNum];
   16491           0 :         switch (thisSys.m_CoolingCoilType_Num) {
   16492           0 :         case DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_CoolingTwoSpeed: {
   16493           0 :             DXCoils::CalcMultiSpeedDXCoil(state, CoilIndex, SpeedRatio, 1.0);
   16494           0 :             OutletAirHumRat = state.dataDXCoils->DXCoilOutletHumRat(CoilIndex);
   16495           0 :         } break;
   16496           0 :         case DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_MultiSpeedCooling: {
   16497           0 :             OnOffAirFlowRatio = 1.0;
   16498           0 :             thisSys.setAverageAirFlow(state, SpeedRatio, OnOffAirFlowRatio);
   16499           0 :             DXCoils::CalcMultiSpeedDXCoilCooling(state, CoilIndex, SpeedRatio, CycRatio, SpeedNum, FanOpMode, CompressorOp, 0);
   16500           0 :             OutletAirHumRat = state.dataDXCoils->DXCoilOutletHumRat(CoilIndex);
   16501           0 :         } break;
   16502           0 :         case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingAirToAirVariableSpeed:
   16503             :         case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWaterToAirHPVSEquationFit: {
   16504           0 :             SensLoad = -1.0;
   16505           0 :             LatLoad = 0.0;
   16506           0 :             RuntimeFrac = 1.0;
   16507           0 :             OnOffAirFlowRatio = 1.0;
   16508           0 :             VariableSpeedCoils::SimVariableSpeedCoils(state,
   16509             :                                                       "",
   16510             :                                                       CoilIndex,
   16511             :                                                       FanOpMode,
   16512             :                                                       thisSys.m_MaxONOFFCyclesperHour,
   16513             :                                                       thisSys.m_HPTimeConstant,
   16514             :                                                       thisSys.m_FanDelayTime,
   16515             :                                                       CompressorOp,
   16516             :                                                       CycRatio,
   16517             :                                                       SpeedNum,
   16518             :                                                       SpeedRatio,
   16519             :                                                       SensLoad,
   16520             :                                                       LatLoad,
   16521           0 :                                                       OnOffAirFlowRatio);
   16522           0 :             OutletAirHumRat = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(thisSys.CoolCoilOutletNodeNum).HumRat;
   16523           0 :         } break;
   16524           0 :         default: {
   16525           0 :             assert(false);
   16526             :         } break;
   16527             :         }
   16528           0 :         return DesOutHumRat - OutletAirHumRat;
   16529             :     }
   16530             : 
   16531      222426 :     Real64 UnitarySys::DXCoilCyclingResidual(EnergyPlusData &state,
   16532             :                                              Real64 const CycRatio, // compressor cycling ratio (1.0 is continuous, 0.0 is off)
   16533             :                                              int CoilIndex,
   16534             :                                              Real64 DesOutTemp,
   16535             :                                              int UnitarySysNum,
   16536             :                                              Real64 SpeedRatio,
   16537             :                                              int SpeedNum,
   16538             :                                              int FanOpMode,
   16539             :                                              DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation CompressorOp,
   16540             :                                              int AirloopNum,
   16541             :                                              bool FirstHVACIteration
   16542             : 
   16543             :     )
   16544             :     {
   16545             :         // FUNCTION INFORMATION:
   16546             :         //       AUTHOR         Fred Buhl
   16547             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   September 2002
   16548             : 
   16549             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS FUNCTION:
   16550             :         // Calculates residual function (desired outlet temp - actual outlet temp)
   16551             :         // DX Coil output depends on the cycling ratio which is being varied to zero the residual.
   16552             : 
   16553             :         // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
   16554             :         // Calls multi or variable speed coil to get outlet temperature at the given cycling ratio
   16555             :         // and calculates the residual as defined above
   16556             : 
   16557             :         // FUNCTION LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
   16558      222426 :         Real64 OutletAirTemp(0.0); // outlet air temperature [C]
   16559             :         Real64 OnOffAirFlowRatio;
   16560             : 
   16561      222426 :         UnitarySys &thisSys = state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[UnitarySysNum];
   16562      222426 :         switch (thisSys.m_CoolingCoilType_Num) {
   16563      183446 :         case DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_CoolingTwoSpeed: {
   16564      183446 :             if (thisSys.m_FanPlace == FanPlace::BlowThru) { // must simulate fan if blow through since OnOffFanPartLoadFrac affects fan heat
   16565           0 :                 thisSys.m_CoolingCycRatio = CycRatio;
   16566           0 :                 thisSys.m_CoolingPartLoadFrac = CycRatio;
   16567           0 :                 thisSys.calcPassiveSystem(state, AirloopNum, FirstHVACIteration);
   16568             :             } else {
   16569      183446 :                 DXCoils::CalcMultiSpeedDXCoil(state, CoilIndex, 0.0, CycRatio);
   16570             :             }
   16571      183446 :             OutletAirTemp = state.dataDXCoils->DXCoilOutletTemp(CoilIndex);
   16572      183446 :         } break;
   16573         125 :         case DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_MultiSpeedCooling: {
   16574         125 :             OnOffAirFlowRatio = 1.0;
   16575         125 :             thisSys.setAverageAirFlow(state, CycRatio, OnOffAirFlowRatio);
   16576         125 :             if (thisSys.m_FanPlace == FanPlace::BlowThru) { // must simulate fan if blow through since OnOffFanPartLoadFrac affects fan heat
   16577         125 :                 thisSys.m_CoolingCycRatio = CycRatio;
   16578         125 :                 thisSys.m_CoolingPartLoadFrac = CycRatio;
   16579         125 :                 thisSys.calcPassiveSystem(state, AirloopNum, FirstHVACIteration);
   16580             :             } else {
   16581           0 :                 DXCoils::CalcMultiSpeedDXCoilCooling(state, CoilIndex, SpeedRatio, CycRatio, SpeedNum, FanOpMode, CompressorOp, 0);
   16582             :             }
   16583         125 :             OutletAirTemp = state.dataDXCoils->DXCoilOutletTemp(CoilIndex);
   16584         125 :         } break;
   16585       38855 :         case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingAirToAirVariableSpeed:
   16586             :         case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWaterToAirHPVSEquationFit: {
   16587       38855 :             if (CycRatio == 0.0) CompressorOp = DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::Off;
   16588       38855 :             Real64 dummy = 0.0;
   16589       38855 :             OnOffAirFlowRatio = 1.0;
   16590       38855 :             Real64 SensLoad = -1.0;
   16591       77710 :             VariableSpeedCoils::SimVariableSpeedCoils(state,
   16592             :                                                       "",
   16593             :                                                       CoilIndex,
   16594             :                                                       FanOpMode,
   16595             :                                                       thisSys.m_MaxONOFFCyclesperHour,
   16596             :                                                       thisSys.m_HPTimeConstant,
   16597             :                                                       thisSys.m_FanDelayTime,
   16598             :                                                       CompressorOp,
   16599             :                                                       CycRatio,
   16600             :                                                       SpeedNum,
   16601             :                                                       SpeedRatio,
   16602             :                                                       SensLoad,
   16603             :                                                       dummy,
   16604       38855 :                                                       OnOffAirFlowRatio);
   16605       38855 :             OutletAirTemp = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(thisSys.CoolCoilOutletNodeNum).Temp;
   16606       38855 :         } break;
   16607           0 :         default: {
   16608           0 :             assert(false);
   16609             :         } break;
   16610             :         }
   16611      222426 :         return DesOutTemp - OutletAirTemp;
   16612             :     }
   16613             : 
   16614        2976 :     Real64 UnitarySys::DXCoilCyclingHumRatResidual(EnergyPlusData &state,
   16615             :                                                    Real64 const CycRatio, // compressor cycling ratio (1.0 is continuous, 0.0 is off)
   16616             :                                                    int CoilIndex,
   16617             :                                                    Real64 DesOutHumRat,
   16618             :                                                    int UnitarySysNum,
   16619             :                                                    Real64 SpeedRatio,
   16620             :                                                    int SpeedNum,
   16621             :                                                    int FanOpMode,
   16622             :                                                    DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation CompressorOp)
   16623             :     {
   16624             : 
   16625             :         // FUNCTION INFORMATION:
   16626             :         //       AUTHOR         Fred Buhl
   16627             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   September 2002
   16628             : 
   16629             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS FUNCTION:
   16630             :         // Calculates residual function (desired outlet temp - actual outlet temp)
   16631             :         // DX Coil output depends on the cycling ratio which is being varied to zero the residual.
   16632             : 
   16633             :         // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
   16634             :         // Calls CalcMultiSpeedDXCoil to get outlet temperature at the given cycling ratio
   16635             :         // and calculates the residual as defined above
   16636             : 
   16637             :         // FUNCTION LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
   16638        2976 :         Real64 OutletAirHumRat(0.0); // outlet air humidity ratio [kg/kg]
   16639             :         Real64 SensLoad;
   16640             :         Real64 LatLoad;
   16641             :         Real64 OnOffAirFlowRatio;
   16642             : 
   16643        2976 :         auto &thisSys = state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[UnitarySysNum];
   16644        2976 :         switch (thisSys.m_CoolingCoilType_Num) {
   16645           0 :         case DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_CoolingTwoSpeed: {
   16646           0 :             DXCoils::CalcMultiSpeedDXCoil(state, CoilIndex, 0.0, CycRatio);
   16647           0 :             OutletAirHumRat = state.dataDXCoils->DXCoilOutletHumRat(CoilIndex);
   16648           0 :         } break;
   16649           0 :         case DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_MultiSpeedCooling: {
   16650           0 :             OnOffAirFlowRatio = 1.0;
   16651           0 :             thisSys.setAverageAirFlow(state, CycRatio, OnOffAirFlowRatio);
   16652           0 :             DXCoils::CalcMultiSpeedDXCoilCooling(state, CoilIndex, SpeedRatio, CycRatio, SpeedNum, FanOpMode, CompressorOp, 0);
   16653           0 :             OutletAirHumRat = state.dataDXCoils->DXCoilOutletHumRat(CoilIndex);
   16654           0 :         } break;
   16655        2976 :         case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingAirToAirVariableSpeed:
   16656             :         case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWaterToAirHPVSEquationFit: {
   16657        2976 :             SensLoad = -1.0;
   16658        2976 :             LatLoad = 0.0;
   16659        2976 :             OnOffAirFlowRatio = 1.0;
   16660        5952 :             VariableSpeedCoils::SimVariableSpeedCoils(state,
   16661             :                                                       "",
   16662             :                                                       CoilIndex,
   16663             :                                                       FanOpMode,
   16664             :                                                       thisSys.m_MaxONOFFCyclesperHour,
   16665             :                                                       thisSys.m_HPTimeConstant,
   16666             :                                                       thisSys.m_FanDelayTime,
   16667             :                                                       CompressorOp,
   16668             :                                                       CycRatio,
   16669             :                                                       SpeedNum,
   16670             :                                                       SpeedRatio,
   16671             :                                                       SensLoad,
   16672             :                                                       LatLoad,
   16673        2976 :                                                       OnOffAirFlowRatio);
   16674        2976 :             OutletAirHumRat = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(thisSys.CoolCoilOutletNodeNum).HumRat;
   16675        2976 :         } break;
   16676           0 :         default: {
   16677           0 :             assert(false);
   16678             :         } break;
   16679             :         }
   16680        2976 :         return DesOutHumRat - OutletAirHumRat;
   16681             :     }
   16682             : 
   16683           9 :     Real64 UnitarySys::heatingCoilVarSpeedCycResidual(EnergyPlusData &state,
   16684             :                                                       Real64 const CycRatio, // compressor cycling ratio (1.0 is continuous, 0.0 is off)
   16685             :                                                       int CoilIndex,
   16686             :                                                       Real64 DesOutTemp,
   16687             :                                                       int UnitarySysNum,
   16688             :                                                       Real64 SpeedRatio,
   16689             :                                                       int SpeedNum,
   16690             :                                                       int FanOpMode,
   16691             :                                                       DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation CompressorOp,
   16692             :                                                       bool SuppHeat)
   16693             :     {
   16694             : 
   16695             :         // FUNCTION INFORMATION:
   16696             :         //       AUTHOR         Fred Buhl
   16697             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   September 2002
   16698             : 
   16699             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS FUNCTION:
   16700             :         // Calculates residual function (desired outlet temp - actual outlet temp)
   16701             :         // DX Coil output depends on the cycling ratio which is being varied to zero the residual.
   16702             : 
   16703             :         // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
   16704             :         // Calls multi or variable speed coil to get outlet temperature at the given cycling ratio
   16705             :         // and calculates the residual as defined above
   16706             : 
   16707             :         // FUNCTION LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
   16708           9 :         Real64 OutletAirTemp(0.0); // outlet air temperature [C]
   16709             :         Real64 SensLoad;
   16710             :         Real64 LatLoad;
   16711             :         Real64 OnOffAirFlowRatio;
   16712             :         Real64 QActual;
   16713             : 
   16714           9 :         auto &thisSys = state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[UnitarySysNum];
   16715             : 
   16716           9 :         int heatCoilType = thisSys.m_HeatingCoilType_Num;
   16717           9 :         int heatingCoilOutletNode = thisSys.HeatCoilOutletNodeNum;
   16718           9 :         if (SuppHeat) {
   16719           3 :             heatCoilType = thisSys.m_SuppHeatCoilType_Num;
   16720           3 :             heatingCoilOutletNode = thisSys.SuppCoilOutletNodeNum;
   16721             :         }
   16722             : 
   16723           9 :         switch (heatCoilType) {
   16724           6 :         case DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_MultiSpeedHeating: {
   16725           6 :             OnOffAirFlowRatio = 1.0;
   16726           6 :             thisSys.setAverageAirFlow(state, CycRatio, OnOffAirFlowRatio);
   16727           6 :             DXCoils::CalcMultiSpeedDXCoilHeating(state, CoilIndex, SpeedRatio, CycRatio, SpeedNum, FanOpMode, 0);
   16728           6 :             OutletAirTemp = state.dataDXCoils->DXCoilOutletTemp(CoilIndex);
   16729           6 :         } break;
   16730           0 :         case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingAirToAirVariableSpeed:
   16731             :         case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWaterToAirHPVSEquationFit: {
   16732           0 :             if (CycRatio == 0.0) CompressorOp = DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::Off;
   16733           0 :             SensLoad = -1.0;
   16734           0 :             LatLoad = 0.0;
   16735           0 :             OnOffAirFlowRatio = 1.0;
   16736           0 :             VariableSpeedCoils::SimVariableSpeedCoils(state,
   16737             :                                                       "",
   16738             :                                                       CoilIndex,
   16739             :                                                       FanOpMode,
   16740             :                                                       thisSys.m_MaxONOFFCyclesperHour,
   16741             :                                                       thisSys.m_HPTimeConstant,
   16742             :                                                       thisSys.m_FanDelayTime,
   16743             :                                                       CompressorOp,
   16744             :                                                       CycRatio,
   16745             :                                                       SpeedNum,
   16746             :                                                       SpeedRatio,
   16747             :                                                       SensLoad,
   16748             :                                                       LatLoad,
   16749           0 :                                                       OnOffAirFlowRatio);
   16750           0 :             OutletAirTemp = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(heatingCoilOutletNode).Temp;
   16751           0 :         } break;
   16752           3 :         case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingElectric_MultiStage: {
   16753           3 :             HeatingCoils::CalcMultiStageElectricHeatingCoil(state, CoilIndex, SpeedRatio, CycRatio, SpeedNum, FanOpMode, QActual, SuppHeat);
   16754           3 :             OutletAirTemp = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(heatingCoilOutletNode).Temp;
   16755           3 :         } break;
   16756           0 :         case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingGas_MultiStage: {
   16757           0 :             HeatingCoils::CalcMultiStageGasHeatingCoil(state, CoilIndex, SpeedRatio, CycRatio, SpeedNum, FanOpMode);
   16758           0 :             OutletAirTemp = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(heatingCoilOutletNode).Temp;
   16759           0 :         } break;
   16760           0 :         default: {
   16761           0 :             assert(false);
   16762             :         } break;
   16763             :         }
   16764             : 
   16765           9 :         return DesOutTemp - OutletAirTemp;
   16766             :     }
   16767             : 
   16768           0 :     Real64 UnitarySys::gasElecHeatingCoilResidual(EnergyPlusData &state,
   16769             :                                                   Real64 const PartLoadFrac, // Compressor cycling ratio (1.0 is continuous, 0.0 is off)
   16770             :                                                   int UnitarySysNum,
   16771             :                                                   bool FirstHVACIteration,
   16772             :                                                   Real64 desTemp,
   16773             :                                                   bool SuppHeatingCoilFlag,
   16774             :                                                   bool FanOpMode,
   16775             :                                                   Real64 HeatingLoadArg)
   16776             :     {
   16777             : 
   16778             :         // FUNCTION INFORMATION:
   16779             :         //       AUTHOR         Chandan Sharma, FSEC
   16780             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   February 2013
   16781             : 
   16782             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS FUNCTION:
   16783             :         // Calculates residual function (desired outlet temp - actual outlet temp)
   16784             :         // hot water Coil output depends on the part load ratio which is being varied to zero the residual.
   16785             : 
   16786             :         // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
   16787             :         // Calls SimulateHeatingCoilComponents to get outlet temperature at the given part load ratio
   16788             :         // and calculates the residual as defined above
   16789             : 
   16790             :         // FUNCTION LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
   16791           0 :         UnitarySys &thisSys = state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[UnitarySysNum];
   16792           0 :         Real64 HeatingLoad = HeatingLoadArg * PartLoadFrac;
   16793             :         // heating coils using set point control pass DataLoopNode::SensedLoadFlagValue as QCoilReq to indicate temperature control
   16794           0 :         if (!SuppHeatingCoilFlag) {
   16795           0 :             HeatingCoils::SimulateHeatingCoilComponents(
   16796             :                 state, thisSys.m_HeatingCoilName, FirstHVACIteration, HeatingLoad, thisSys.m_HeatingCoilIndex, _, _, FanOpMode, PartLoadFrac);
   16797           0 :             return desTemp - state.dataLoopNodes->Node(thisSys.HeatCoilOutletNodeNum).Temp;
   16798             :         } else {
   16799           0 :             HeatingCoils::SimulateHeatingCoilComponents(
   16800             :                 state, thisSys.m_SuppHeatCoilName, FirstHVACIteration, HeatingLoad, thisSys.m_SuppHeatCoilIndex, _, true, FanOpMode, PartLoadFrac);
   16801           0 :             return desTemp - state.dataLoopNodes->Node(thisSys.SuppCoilOutletNodeNum).Temp;
   16802             :         }
   16803             :     }
   16804             : 
   16805           0 :     Real64 UnitarySys::coolWatertoAirHPTempResidual(EnergyPlusData &state,
   16806             :                                                     Real64 const PartLoadRatio, // compressor cycling ratio (1.0 is continuous, 0.0 is off)
   16807             :                                                     int UnitarySysNum,
   16808             :                                                     bool FirstHVACIteration,
   16809             :                                                     Real64 DesOutTemp,
   16810             :                                                     Real64 ReqOutput)
   16811             :     {
   16812             : 
   16813             :         // FUNCTION INFORMATION:
   16814             :         //       AUTHOR        Chandan Sharma, FSEC
   16815             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   January 2013
   16816             : 
   16817             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS FUNCTION:
   16818             :         // Calculates residual function (desired outlet temp - actual outlet temp)
   16819             :         // Cool water coil output depends on the part load ratio which is being varied to zero the residual.
   16820             : 
   16821             :         // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
   16822             :         // Calls SimWatertoAirHP or SimWatertoAirHPSimple to get outlet humidity ratio at the given cycling ratio
   16823             :         // and calculates the residual as defined above
   16824             : 
   16825           0 :         UnitarySys &thisSys = state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[UnitarySysNum];
   16826           0 :         bool errFlag = false;
   16827           0 :         Real64 RuntimeFrac = 0.0;
   16828           0 :         thisSys.heatPumpRunFrac(PartLoadRatio, errFlag, RuntimeFrac);
   16829             : 
   16830           0 :         if (RuntimeFrac > 0.0 && thisSys.m_FanOpMode == DataHVACGlobals::CycFanCycCoil) {
   16831           0 :             state.dataHVACGlobal->OnOffFanPartLoadFraction = PartLoadRatio / RuntimeFrac;
   16832             :         } else {
   16833           0 :             state.dataHVACGlobal->OnOffFanPartLoadFraction = 1;
   16834             :         }
   16835             : 
   16836           0 :         thisSys.m_CompPartLoadRatio = PartLoadRatio;
   16837           0 :         thisSys.m_WSHPRuntimeFrac = RuntimeFrac;
   16838             : 
   16839           0 :         Real64 dummy = 0.0;
   16840           0 :         if (thisSys.m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWaterToAirHPSimple) {
   16841           0 :             WaterToAirHeatPumpSimple::SimWatertoAirHPSimple(state,
   16842             :                                                             blankString,
   16843             :                                                             thisSys.m_CoolingCoilIndex,
   16844             :                                                             ReqOutput,
   16845             :                                                             dummy,
   16846             :                                                             thisSys.m_FanOpMode,
   16847             :                                                             RuntimeFrac,
   16848             :                                                             thisSys.m_MaxONOFFCyclesperHour,
   16849             :                                                             thisSys.m_HPTimeConstant,
   16850             :                                                             thisSys.m_FanDelayTime,
   16851             :                                                             DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::On,
   16852             :                                                             PartLoadRatio,
   16853             :                                                             FirstHVACIteration);
   16854             :         } else {
   16855           0 :             WaterToAirHeatPump::SimWatertoAirHP(state,
   16856             :                                                 blankString,
   16857             :                                                 thisSys.m_CoolingCoilIndex,
   16858             :                                                 thisSys.MaxCoolAirMassFlow,
   16859             :                                                 thisSys.m_FanOpMode,
   16860             :                                                 FirstHVACIteration,
   16861             :                                                 RuntimeFrac,
   16862             :                                                 thisSys.m_MaxONOFFCyclesperHour,
   16863             :                                                 thisSys.m_HPTimeConstant,
   16864             :                                                 thisSys.m_FanDelayTime,
   16865           0 :                                                 thisSys.m_InitHeatPump,
   16866             :                                                 ReqOutput,
   16867             :                                                 dummy,
   16868             :                                                 DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::Off,
   16869             :                                                 PartLoadRatio);
   16870             :         }
   16871           0 :         return DesOutTemp - state.dataLoopNodes->Node(thisSys.CoolCoilOutletNodeNum).Temp;
   16872             :     }
   16873             : 
   16874           0 :     Real64 UnitarySys::calcUnitarySystemWaterFlowResidual(EnergyPlusData &state,
   16875             :                                                           Real64 const PartLoadRatio, // coil part load ratio
   16876             :                                                           int UnitarySysNum,
   16877             :                                                           bool FirstHVACIteration,
   16878             :                                                           Real64 QZnReq,
   16879             :                                                           int AirControlNode,
   16880             :                                                           Real64 OnOffAirFlowRat,
   16881             :                                                           int AirLoopNum,
   16882             :                                                           int WaterControlNode,
   16883             :                                                           Real64 highWaterMdot,
   16884             :                                                           Real64 lowSpeedRatio,
   16885             :                                                           Real64 airMdot,
   16886             :                                                           Real64 par13_SATempTarget,
   16887             :                                                           Real64 systemMaxAirFlowRate,
   16888             :                                                           Real64 par15_LoadType,
   16889             :                                                           Real64 par16_IterationMethod)
   16890             :     {
   16891             : 
   16892             :         // FUNCTION INFORMATION:
   16893             :         //       AUTHOR         Richard Raustad, FSEC
   16894             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   January 2017
   16895             : 
   16896             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
   16897             :         // To calculate the part-load ratio for the UnitarySystem coil with varying part load ratio
   16898             : 
   16899             :         // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
   16900             :         // Use SolveRoot to CALL this Function to converge on a solution
   16901             : 
   16902           0 :         Real64 HeatCoilLoad = 0.0;
   16903           0 :         Real64 SupHeaterLoad = 0.0;
   16904             : 
   16905             :         // Convert parameters to usable variables
   16906           0 :         UnitarySys &thisSys = state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[UnitarySysNum];
   16907           0 :         Real64 SATempTarget = 0.0;
   16908           0 :         bool LoadIsTarget = false;
   16909           0 :         if (par13_SATempTarget == 0.0) {
   16910           0 :             LoadIsTarget = true;
   16911             :         } else {
   16912           0 :             SATempTarget = par13_SATempTarget;
   16913             :         }
   16914           0 :         bool iterateOnAirOnly = (par16_IterationMethod > 1.0);
   16915           0 :         bool coolingLoad = (par15_LoadType > 0.0);
   16916             : 
   16917           0 :         bool HXUnitOn = true;
   16918             : 
   16919           0 :         if (iterateOnAirOnly) {
   16920             : 
   16921             :             // set air flow rate bounded by low speed and high speed air flow rates
   16922           0 :             state.dataLoopNodes->Node(AirControlNode).MassFlowRate = airMdot * (lowSpeedRatio + (PartLoadRatio * (1.0 - lowSpeedRatio)));
   16923             :             // FanPartLoadRatio is used to pass info over to function SetAverageAirFlow since air and coil PLR are disassociated in the model
   16924             :             // FanPartLoadRatio is a report variable that is updated (overwritten) in ReportUnitarySystem
   16925           0 :             thisSys.FanPartLoadRatio = PartLoadRatio;
   16926             :             //            if( WaterControlNode > 0 ) Node( WaterControlNode ).MassFlowRate = highWaterMdot;
   16927             : 
   16928             :         } else {
   16929             : 
   16930           0 :             state.dataLoopNodes->Node(AirControlNode).MassFlowRate = airMdot;
   16931           0 :             if (lowSpeedRatio != 1.0) {
   16932             :                 // division by zero when lowSpeedRatio == 1.0
   16933           0 :                 thisSys.FanPartLoadRatio =
   16934           0 :                     max(0.0, ((airMdot - (systemMaxAirFlowRate * lowSpeedRatio)) / ((1.0 - lowSpeedRatio) * systemMaxAirFlowRate)));
   16935             :             } else {
   16936           0 :                 thisSys.FanPartLoadRatio = 1.0;
   16937             :             }
   16938           0 :             if (WaterControlNode > 0) {
   16939           0 :                 Real64 waterMdot = highWaterMdot * PartLoadRatio;
   16940           0 :                 state.dataLoopNodes->Node(WaterControlNode).MassFlowRate = waterMdot;
   16941             :             }
   16942             :         }
   16943             : 
   16944           0 :         Real64 coolingPLR = 0.0;
   16945           0 :         Real64 heatingPLR = 0.0;
   16946             : 
   16947           0 :         if (WaterControlNode > 0 && WaterControlNode == thisSys.CoolCoilFluidInletNode) {
   16948             :             // cooling load using water cooling coil
   16949           0 :             coolingPLR = PartLoadRatio;
   16950           0 :             thisSys.m_CoolingPartLoadFrac = PartLoadRatio;
   16951           0 :             if (thisSys.MaxCoolCoilFluidFlow > 0.0)
   16952           0 :                 thisSys.CoolCoilWaterFlowRatio = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(WaterControlNode).MassFlowRate / thisSys.MaxCoolCoilFluidFlow;
   16953           0 :         } else if (WaterControlNode > 0 && WaterControlNode == thisSys.HeatCoilFluidInletNode) {
   16954             :             // heating load using water heating coil
   16955           0 :             heatingPLR = PartLoadRatio;
   16956           0 :             thisSys.m_HeatingPartLoadFrac = PartLoadRatio;
   16957           0 :             if (thisSys.MaxHeatCoilFluidFlow > 0.0)
   16958           0 :                 thisSys.HeatCoilWaterFlowRatio = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(WaterControlNode).MassFlowRate / thisSys.MaxHeatCoilFluidFlow;
   16959           0 :         } else if (coolingLoad) { // non-water coil with cooling load
   16960           0 :             coolingPLR = PartLoadRatio;
   16961           0 :             thisSys.m_CoolingPartLoadFrac = coolingPLR;
   16962             :         } else { // must be non-water coil with heating load
   16963           0 :             heatingPLR = PartLoadRatio;
   16964           0 :             thisSys.m_HeatingPartLoadFrac = heatingPLR;
   16965             :         }
   16966             : 
   16967           0 :         Real64 SensOutput = 0.0;
   16968           0 :         Real64 LatOutput = 0.0;
   16969           0 :         thisSys.calcUnitarySystemToLoad(state,
   16970             :                                         AirLoopNum,
   16971             :                                         FirstHVACIteration,
   16972             :                                         coolingPLR,
   16973             :                                         heatingPLR,
   16974             :                                         OnOffAirFlowRat,
   16975             :                                         SensOutput,
   16976             :                                         LatOutput,
   16977             :                                         HXUnitOn,
   16978             :                                         HeatCoilLoad,
   16979             :                                         SupHeaterLoad,
   16980             :                                         DataHVACGlobals::CompressorOperation::On);
   16981             : 
   16982           0 :         if (LoadIsTarget) {
   16983             :             // Calculate residual based on output magnitude
   16984           0 :             if (std::abs(QZnReq) <= 100.0) {
   16985           0 :                 return (SensOutput - QZnReq) / 100.0;
   16986             :             } else {
   16987           0 :                 return (SensOutput - QZnReq) / QZnReq;
   16988             :             }
   16989             :         } else {
   16990             :             // Calculate residual based on outlet temperature
   16991           0 :             return (state.dataLoopNodes->Node(thisSys.AirOutNode).Temp - SATempTarget) * 10.0;
   16992             :         }
   16993             :     }
   16994             : 
   16995     7095129 :     void UnitarySys::setSpeedVariables(EnergyPlusData &state,
   16996             :                                        bool const SensibleLoad,   // True when meeting a sensible load (not a moisture load)
   16997             :                                        Real64 const PartLoadRatio // operating PLR
   16998             :     )
   16999             :     {
   17000             : 
   17001             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
   17002             :         //       AUTHOR         Richard Raustad, FSEC
   17003             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   February 2013
   17004             : 
   17005             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
   17006             :         // This subroutine determines operating PLR and calculates the load based system output.
   17007             : 
   17008             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
   17009     7095129 :         bool errFlag = false;           // error flag returned from subroutine
   17010     7095129 :         Real64 RuntimeFrac = 0.0;       // heat pump runtime fraction
   17011     7095129 :         Real64 OnOffAirFlowRatio = 0.0; // compressor on to average flow rate
   17012             : 
   17013     7095129 :         if (state.dataUnitarySystems->HeatingLoad && SensibleLoad) {
   17014     3033539 :             this->m_CoolingSpeedRatio = 0.0;
   17015     3033539 :             this->m_CoolingCycRatio = 0.0;
   17016     3033539 :             if (this->m_MultiSpeedHeatingCoil || this->m_VarSpeedHeatingCoil) {
   17017      251164 :                 if (this->m_HeatingSpeedNum <= 1) {
   17018       19867 :                     this->m_HeatingSpeedRatio = 0.0;
   17019       19867 :                     this->m_HeatingCycRatio = PartLoadRatio;
   17020       19867 :                     state.dataHVACGlobal->MSHPMassFlowRateLow = state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnMassFlow;
   17021             :                 } else {
   17022      105715 :                     if (this->m_SingleMode == 0) {
   17023      105715 :                         this->m_HeatingSpeedRatio = PartLoadRatio;
   17024      105715 :                         this->m_HeatingCycRatio = 1.0;
   17025             :                     } else {
   17026           0 :                         this->m_HeatingSpeedRatio = 1.0;
   17027           0 :                         this->m_HeatingCycRatio = PartLoadRatio;
   17028             :                     }
   17029             :                 }
   17030     5707602 :             } else if (this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWaterToAirHPSimple ||
   17031     2799645 :                        this->m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWaterToAirHP) {
   17032      190336 :                 this->heatPumpRunFrac(PartLoadRatio, errFlag, RuntimeFrac);
   17033             :                 // WSHP coils do not have a PLF curve and do not adjust fan performance
   17034      301474 :                 if (RuntimeFrac > 0.0 && this->m_FanOpMode == DataHVACGlobals::CycFanCycCoil &&
   17035      111138 :                     this->m_sysType != SysType::PackagedWSHP) { // was DataHVACGlobals::ContFanCycCoil
   17036       61518 :                     state.dataHVACGlobal->OnOffFanPartLoadFraction = PartLoadRatio / RuntimeFrac;
   17037             :                 } else {
   17038      128818 :                     state.dataHVACGlobal->OnOffFanPartLoadFraction = 1;
   17039             :                 }
   17040      190336 :                 this->m_CompPartLoadRatio = PartLoadRatio;
   17041      190336 :                 this->m_WSHPRuntimeFrac = RuntimeFrac;
   17042      190336 :                 this->m_HeatingSpeedNum = 0;
   17043             :             }
   17044             :         } else {
   17045     4061590 :             this->m_HeatingSpeedRatio = 0.0;
   17046     4061590 :             this->m_HeatingCycRatio = 0.0;
   17047     4061590 :             if (this->m_DiscreteSpeedCoolingCoil || this->m_ContSpeedCoolingCoil) {
   17048     3154628 :                 if (this->m_CoolingSpeedNum <= 1) {
   17049      794531 :                     this->m_CoolingSpeedRatio = 0.0;
   17050      794531 :                     this->m_CoolingCycRatio = PartLoadRatio;
   17051      794531 :                     state.dataHVACGlobal->MSHPMassFlowRateLow = state.dataUnitarySystems->CompOnMassFlow;
   17052             :                 } else {
   17053      782783 :                     if (this->m_SingleMode == 0) {
   17054      773639 :                         this->m_CoolingSpeedRatio = PartLoadRatio;
   17055      773639 :                         this->m_CoolingCycRatio = 1.0;
   17056             :                     } else {
   17057        9144 :                         this->m_CoolingSpeedRatio = 1.0;
   17058        9144 :                         this->m_CoolingCycRatio = PartLoadRatio;
   17059             :                     }
   17060             :                 }
   17061     4849088 :             } else if (this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWaterToAirHPSimple ||
   17062     2364812 :                        this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWaterToAirHP) {
   17063      174904 :                 this->heatPumpRunFrac(PartLoadRatio, errFlag, RuntimeFrac);
   17064             :                 // WSHP coils do not have a PLF curve and do not adjust fan performance
   17065      277737 :                 if (RuntimeFrac > 0.0 && this->m_FanOpMode == DataHVACGlobals::CycFanCycCoil &&
   17066      102833 :                     this->m_sysType != SysType::PackagedWSHP) { // was DataHVACGlobals::ContFanCycCoil, maybe file an issue or see if it fixes some
   17067       41580 :                     state.dataHVACGlobal->OnOffFanPartLoadFraction = PartLoadRatio / RuntimeFrac;
   17068             :                 } else {
   17069      133324 :                     state.dataHVACGlobal->OnOffFanPartLoadFraction = 1.0;
   17070             :                 }
   17071      174904 :                 this->m_CompPartLoadRatio = PartLoadRatio;
   17072      174904 :                 this->m_WSHPRuntimeFrac = RuntimeFrac;
   17073      174904 :                 this->m_CoolingSpeedNum = 0;
   17074     2309372 :             } else if (this->m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_CoolingTwoSpeed) {
   17075           0 :                 if (this->m_CoolingSpeedNum == 1) {
   17076           0 :                     this->m_CoolingSpeedRatio = 0.0;
   17077           0 :                     this->m_CoolingCycRatio = PartLoadRatio;
   17078             :                 } else {
   17079           0 :                     this->m_CoolingSpeedRatio = PartLoadRatio;
   17080           0 :                     this->m_CoolingCycRatio = 1.0;
   17081             :                 }
   17082             :             } else {
   17083     2309372 :                 this->m_CoolingSpeedNum = 0;
   17084             :             }
   17085             :         }
   17086     7095129 :         OnOffAirFlowRatio = 1.0;
   17087     7095129 :         this->setAverageAirFlow(state, PartLoadRatio, OnOffAirFlowRatio);
   17088     7095129 :     }
   17089             : 
   17090          19 :     void UnitarySys::checkUnitarySysCoilInOASysExists(EnergyPlusData &state, std::string_view UnitarySysName, int const ZoneOAUnitNum)
   17091             :     {
   17092             : 
   17093             :         // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
   17094             :         //       AUTHOR         Chandan Sharma
   17095             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   April 2013
   17096             : 
   17097             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
   17098             :         // After making sure get input is done, checks if the Coil System DX coil is in the
   17099             :         // OA System.  IF exists then the DX cooling coil is 100% DOAS DX coil.
   17100             :         // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
   17101             :         // Based on CheckDXCoolingCoilInOASysExists by Bereket Nigusse
   17102             : 
   17103             :         // SUBROUTINE PARAMETER DEFINITIONS:
   17104             :         static constexpr std::string_view RoutineName("CheckUnitarySysCoilInOASysExists: "); // include trailing blank space
   17105             : 
   17106             :         // SUBROUTINE LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
   17107          19 :         if (state.dataUnitarySystems->getInputOnceFlag) {
   17108           2 :             getUnitarySystemInput(state, UnitarySysName, false, ZoneOAUnitNum);
   17109           2 :             state.dataUnitarySystems->getInputOnceFlag = false;
   17110             :         }
   17111             : 
   17112          19 :         bool UnitarySysFound = false;
   17113          19 :         if (state.dataUnitarySystems->numUnitarySystems > 0) {
   17114          43 :             for (int UnitarySysNum = 0; UnitarySysNum < state.dataUnitarySystems->numUnitarySystems; ++UnitarySysNum) {
   17115          43 :                 if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(UnitarySysName, state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[UnitarySysNum].Name)) {
   17116          19 :                     if (state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[UnitarySysNum].m_ThisSysInputShouldBeGotten)
   17117           9 :                         getUnitarySystemInput(state, UnitarySysName, false, ZoneOAUnitNum);
   17118          19 :                     if (state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[UnitarySysNum].m_ISHundredPercentDOASDXCoil) {
   17119           4 :                         if (!(state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[UnitarySysNum].m_CoolingCoilType_Num ==
   17120             :                                   DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingAirToAirVariableSpeed ||
   17121           2 :                               state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[UnitarySysNum].m_CoolingCoilType_Num ==
   17122             :                                   DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWaterToAirHPVSEquationFit)) {
   17123           2 :                             DXCoils::SetDXCoilTypeData(state, state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[UnitarySysNum].m_CoolingCoilName);
   17124             :                         }
   17125             :                     }
   17126          19 :                     UnitarySysFound = true;
   17127          19 :                     break;
   17128             :                 }
   17129             :             }
   17130          19 :             if (!UnitarySysFound) {
   17131           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + "System not found = UnitarySystem \"" + std::string{UnitarySysName} + "\"");
   17132             :             }
   17133             :         } else {
   17134           0 :             ShowSevereError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + "System not found = UnitarySystem \"" + std::string{UnitarySysName} + "\"");
   17135             :         }
   17136          19 :     }
   17137             : 
   17138         207 :     void UnitarySys::getUnitarySysHeatCoolCoil(EnergyPlusData &state,
   17139             :                                                std::string_view UnitarySysName, // Name of Unitary System object
   17140             :                                                bool &CoolingCoil,               // Cooling coil exists
   17141             :                                                bool &HeatingCoil,               // Heating coil exists
   17142             :                                                int const ZoneOAUnitNum          // index to zone OA unit
   17143             :     )
   17144             :     {
   17145             : 
   17146             :         // FUNCTION INFORMATION:
   17147             :         //       AUTHOR         Chandan Sharma
   17148             :         //       DATE WRITTEN   April 2013
   17149             : 
   17150             :         // PURPOSE OF THIS FUNCTION:
   17151             :         // Determined weather Unitary system has heating or cooling coils
   17152             : 
   17153         207 :         if (state.dataUnitarySystems->getInputOnceFlag) {
   17154           0 :             getUnitarySystemInput(state, UnitarySysName, false, ZoneOAUnitNum);
   17155           0 :             state.dataUnitarySystems->getInputOnceFlag = false;
   17156             :         }
   17157             : 
   17158         896 :         for (int UnitarySysNum = 0; UnitarySysNum < state.dataUnitarySystems->numUnitarySystems; ++UnitarySysNum) {
   17159         896 :             if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(UnitarySysName, state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[UnitarySysNum].Name)) {
   17160         207 :                 if (state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[UnitarySysNum].m_ThisSysInputShouldBeGotten)
   17161         104 :                     getUnitarySystemInput(state, UnitarySysName, false, ZoneOAUnitNum);
   17162         413 :                 if (state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[UnitarySysNum].m_CoolCoilExists &&
   17163         206 :                     !state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[UnitarySysNum].m_WaterHRPlantLoopModel) {
   17164         206 :                     CoolingCoil = true;
   17165             :                 }
   17166         209 :                 if (state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[UnitarySysNum].m_HeatCoilExists ||
   17167           2 :                     state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[UnitarySysNum].m_SuppCoilExists) {
   17168         205 :                     HeatingCoil = true;
   17169             :                 }
   17170         207 :                 break;
   17171             :             }
   17172             :         }
   17173         207 :     }
   17174             : 
   17175           0 :     int UnitarySys::getAirInNode(EnergyPlusData &state, std::string_view UnitarySysName, int const ZoneOAUnitNum, bool &errFlag)
   17176             :     {
   17177           0 :         if (state.dataUnitarySystems->getInputOnceFlag) {
   17178           0 :             getUnitarySystemInput(state, UnitarySysName, false, ZoneOAUnitNum);
   17179           0 :             state.dataUnitarySystems->getInputOnceFlag = false;
   17180             :         }
   17181           0 :         int airNode = 0;
   17182           0 :         for (int UnitarySysNum = 0; UnitarySysNum < state.dataUnitarySystems->numUnitarySystems; ++UnitarySysNum) {
   17183           0 :             if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(UnitarySysName, state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[UnitarySysNum].Name)) {
   17184           0 :                 airNode = this->AirInNode;
   17185           0 :                 break;
   17186             :             }
   17187             :         }
   17188           0 :         if (airNode == 0) errFlag = true;
   17189           0 :         return airNode;
   17190             :     }
   17191             : 
   17192           0 :     int UnitarySys::getAirOutNode(EnergyPlusData &state, std::string_view UnitarySysName, int const ZoneOAUnitNum, bool &errFlag)
   17193             :     {
   17194           0 :         if (state.dataUnitarySystems->getInputOnceFlag) {
   17195           0 :             getUnitarySystemInput(state, UnitarySysName, false, ZoneOAUnitNum);
   17196           0 :             state.dataUnitarySystems->getInputOnceFlag = false;
   17197             :         }
   17198           0 :         int airNode = 0;
   17199           0 :         for (int UnitarySysNum = 0; UnitarySysNum < state.dataUnitarySystems->numUnitarySystems; ++UnitarySysNum) {
   17200           0 :             if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(UnitarySysName, state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[UnitarySysNum].Name)) {
   17201           0 :                 airNode = this->AirOutNode;
   17202           0 :                 break;
   17203             :             }
   17204             :         }
   17205           0 :         if (airNode == 0) errFlag = true;
   17206           0 :         return airNode;
   17207             :     }
   17208             : 
   17209       69407 :     int UnitarySys::getAirOutletNode()
   17210             :     {
   17211       69407 :         return this->AirOutNode;
   17212             :     }
   17213             : 
   17214       69407 :     int UnitarySys::getMixerOANode()
   17215             :     {
   17216       69407 :         return this->m_OAMixerNodes[0];
   17217             :     }
   17218             : 
   17219       69407 :     int UnitarySys::getMixerMixNode()
   17220             :     {
   17221       69407 :         return this->m_OAMixerNodes[3];
   17222             :     }
   17223             : 
   17224       69407 :     int UnitarySys::getMixerRetNode()
   17225             :     {
   17226       69407 :         return this->m_OAMixerNodes[2];
   17227             :     }
   17228             : 
   17229         198 :     int UnitarySys::getEquipIndex()
   17230             :     {
   17231         198 :         return this->m_EquipCompNum;
   17232             :     }
   17233             : 
   17234           3 :     bool searchZoneInletNodes(EnergyPlusData &state, int nodeToFind, int &ZoneEquipConfigIndex, int &InletNodeIndex)
   17235             :     {
   17236          13 :         for (int ControlledZoneNum = 1; ControlledZoneNum <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++ControlledZoneNum) {
   17237          23 :             for (int ZoneInletNum = 1; ZoneInletNum <= state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(ControlledZoneNum).NumInletNodes; ++ZoneInletNum) {
   17238          13 :                 if (state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(ControlledZoneNum).InletNode(ZoneInletNum) == nodeToFind) {
   17239           3 :                     ZoneEquipConfigIndex = ControlledZoneNum;
   17240           3 :                     InletNodeIndex = ZoneInletNum;
   17241           3 :                     return true;
   17242             :                 }
   17243             :             }
   17244             :         }
   17245           0 :         return false;
   17246             :     }
   17247             : 
   17248         195 :     bool searchZoneInletNodesByEquipmentIndex(EnergyPlusData &state, int nodeToFind, int zoneEquipmentIndex)
   17249             :     {
   17250         195 :         for (int ZoneInletNum = 1; ZoneInletNum <= state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(zoneEquipmentIndex).NumInletNodes; ++ZoneInletNum) {
   17251         195 :             if (state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(zoneEquipmentIndex).InletNode(ZoneInletNum) == nodeToFind) {
   17252         195 :                 return true;
   17253             :             }
   17254             :         }
   17255           0 :         return false;
   17256             :     }
   17257             : 
   17258         192 :     bool searchZoneInletNodeAirLoopNum(EnergyPlusData &state, int airLoopNumToFind, int ZoneEquipConfigIndex, int &InletNodeIndex)
   17259             :     {
   17260         192 :         for (int ZoneInletNum = 1; ZoneInletNum <= state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(ZoneEquipConfigIndex).NumInletNodes; ++ZoneInletNum) {
   17261         192 :             if (state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(ZoneEquipConfigIndex).InletNodeAirLoopNum(ZoneInletNum) == airLoopNumToFind) {
   17262         192 :                 InletNodeIndex = ZoneInletNum;
   17263         192 :                 return true;
   17264             :             }
   17265             :         }
   17266           0 :         return false;
   17267             :     }
   17268             : 
   17269         198 :     bool searchExhaustNodes(EnergyPlusData &state, const int nodeToFind, int &ZoneEquipConfigIndex, int &ExhaustNodeIndex)
   17270             :     {
   17271        4421 :         for (int ControlledZoneNum = 1; ControlledZoneNum <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++ControlledZoneNum) {
   17272        7254 :             for (int ZoneExhNum = 1; ZoneExhNum <= state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(ControlledZoneNum).NumExhaustNodes; ++ZoneExhNum) {
   17273        3031 :                 if (state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(ControlledZoneNum).ExhaustNode(ZoneExhNum) == nodeToFind) {
   17274         195 :                     ZoneEquipConfigIndex = ControlledZoneNum;
   17275         195 :                     ExhaustNodeIndex = ZoneExhNum;
   17276         195 :                     return true;
   17277             :                 }
   17278             :             }
   17279             :         }
   17280           3 :         return false;
   17281             :     }
   17282             : 
   17283         198 :     void UnitarySys::setSystemParams(EnergyPlusData &state, Real64 &TotalFloorAreaOnAirLoop, const std::string &thisObjectName)
   17284             :     {
   17285         198 :         this->NodeNumOfControlledZone = state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(this->ControlZoneNum).ZoneNode;
   17286         198 :         TotalFloorAreaOnAirLoop = state.dataHeatBal->Zone(this->ControlZoneNum).FloorArea;
   17287         198 :         this->m_AirLoopEquipment = false;
   17288         198 :         if (state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(this->ControlZoneNum).EquipListIndex > 0) {
   17289         429 :             for (int EquipNum = 1;
   17290         429 :                  EquipNum <=
   17291         429 :                  state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipList(state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(this->ControlZoneNum).EquipListIndex).NumOfEquipTypes;
   17292             :                  ++EquipNum) {
   17293         474 :                 if ((state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipList(state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(this->ControlZoneNum).EquipListIndex)
   17294         243 :                          .EquipTypeEnum(EquipNum) != DataZoneEquipment::ZoneEquip::ZoneUnitarySys) ||
   17295           6 :                     state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipList(state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(this->ControlZoneNum).EquipListIndex)
   17296           6 :                             .EquipName(EquipNum) != thisObjectName)
   17297         231 :                     continue;
   17298           6 :                 this->m_ZoneSequenceCoolingNum =
   17299           6 :                     state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipList(state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(this->ControlZoneNum).EquipListIndex)
   17300           6 :                         .CoolingPriority(EquipNum);
   17301           6 :                 this->m_ZoneSequenceHeatingNum =
   17302           6 :                     state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipList(state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(this->ControlZoneNum).EquipListIndex)
   17303           6 :                         .HeatingPriority(EquipNum);
   17304           6 :                 break;
   17305             :             }
   17306             :         }
   17307         198 :     }
   17308             : 
   17309         394 :     bool searchTotalComponents(EnergyPlusData &state,
   17310             :                                SimAirServingZones::CompType compTypeToFind,
   17311             :                                std::string_view objectNameToFind,
   17312             :                                int &compIndex,
   17313             :                                int &branchIndex,
   17314             :                                int &airLoopIndex)
   17315             :     {
   17316        1171 :         for (int AirLoopNum = 1; AirLoopNum <= state.dataHVACGlobal->NumPrimaryAirSys; ++AirLoopNum) {
   17317        1938 :             for (int BranchNum = 1; BranchNum <= state.dataAirSystemsData->PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).NumBranches; ++BranchNum) {
   17318        4430 :                 for (int CompNum = 1; CompNum <= state.dataAirSystemsData->PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).Branch(BranchNum).TotalComponents;
   17319             :                      ++CompNum) {
   17320        3653 :                     if (compTypeToFind != state.dataAirSystemsData->PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).CompType_Num)
   17321        2548 :                         continue;
   17322        1105 :                     if (UtilityRoutines::SameString(state.dataAirSystemsData->PrimaryAirSystems(AirLoopNum).Branch(BranchNum).Comp(CompNum).Name,
   17323             :                                                     objectNameToFind)) {
   17324         384 :                         compIndex = CompNum;
   17325         384 :                         branchIndex = BranchNum;
   17326         384 :                         airLoopIndex = AirLoopNum;
   17327         384 :                         return true;
   17328             :                     }
   17329             :                 }
   17330             :             }
   17331             :         }
   17332          10 :         return false;
   17333             :     }
   17334             : 
   17335         722 :     void setupAllOutputVars(EnergyPlusData &state, int const numAllSystemTypes)
   17336             :     {
   17337             :         // setup reports only once
   17338         722 :         if (state.dataUnitarySystems->reportVariablesAreSetup) return;
   17339             :         // all report variable are set up here after all systems are allocated.
   17340             :         // UnitarySystem now models other equipment types, any new reports may be setup here.
   17341         161 :         if (numAllSystemTypes == state.dataUnitarySystems->numUnitarySystems) {
   17342         753 :             for (int sysNum = 0; sysNum < state.dataUnitarySystems->numUnitarySystems; ++sysNum) {
   17343         592 :                 switch (state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_sysType) {
   17344         110 :                 case UnitarySys::SysType::Unitary:
   17345             :                     // Setup Report variables for the Unitary System that are not reported in the components themselves
   17346         440 :                     SetupOutputVariable(state,
   17347             :                                         "Unitary System Part Load Ratio",
   17348             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::None,
   17349         110 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_PartLoadFrac,
   17350             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   17351             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
   17352         220 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   17353         440 :                     SetupOutputVariable(state,
   17354             :                                         "Unitary System Total Cooling Rate",
   17355             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
   17356         110 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_TotCoolEnergyRate,
   17357             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   17358             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
   17359         220 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   17360         440 :                     SetupOutputVariable(state,
   17361             :                                         "Unitary System Sensible Cooling Rate",
   17362             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
   17363         110 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_SensCoolEnergyRate,
   17364             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   17365             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
   17366         220 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   17367         440 :                     SetupOutputVariable(state,
   17368             :                                         "Unitary System Latent Cooling Rate",
   17369             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
   17370         110 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_LatCoolEnergyRate,
   17371             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   17372             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
   17373         220 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   17374         440 :                     SetupOutputVariable(state,
   17375             :                                         "Unitary System Total Heating Rate",
   17376             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
   17377         110 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_TotHeatEnergyRate,
   17378             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   17379             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
   17380         220 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   17381         440 :                     SetupOutputVariable(state,
   17382             :                                         "Unitary System Sensible Heating Rate",
   17383             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
   17384         110 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_SensHeatEnergyRate,
   17385             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   17386             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
   17387         220 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   17388         440 :                     SetupOutputVariable(state,
   17389             :                                         "Unitary System Latent Heating Rate",
   17390             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
   17391         110 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_LatHeatEnergyRate,
   17392             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   17393             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
   17394         220 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   17395         440 :                     SetupOutputVariable(state,
   17396             :                                         "Unitary System Ancillary Electricity Rate",
   17397             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
   17398         110 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_TotalAuxElecPower,
   17399             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   17400             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
   17401         220 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   17402         110 :                     if (state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_CoolCoilExists) {
   17403         436 :                         SetupOutputVariable(state,
   17404             :                                             "Unitary System Cooling Ancillary Electricity Energy",
   17405             :                                             OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
   17406         109 :                                             state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_CoolingAuxElecConsumption,
   17407             :                                             OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   17408             :                                             OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
   17409         109 :                                             state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name,
   17410             :                                             _,
   17411             :                                             "Electricity",
   17412             :                                             "Cooling",
   17413             :                                             _,
   17414         109 :                                             "System");
   17415             :                     }
   17416         111 :                     if (state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_HeatCoilExists ||
   17417           1 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_SuppCoilExists) {
   17418         436 :                         SetupOutputVariable(state,
   17419             :                                             "Unitary System Heating Ancillary Electricity Energy",
   17420             :                                             OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
   17421         109 :                                             state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_HeatingAuxElecConsumption,
   17422             :                                             OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   17423             :                                             OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
   17424         109 :                                             state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name,
   17425             :                                             _,
   17426             :                                             "Electricity",
   17427             :                                             "Heating",
   17428             :                                             _,
   17429         109 :                                             "System");
   17430             :                     }
   17431             : 
   17432         440 :                     SetupOutputVariable(state,
   17433             :                                         "Unitary System Electricity Rate",
   17434             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
   17435         110 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_ElecPower,
   17436             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   17437             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
   17438         220 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   17439         440 :                     SetupOutputVariable(state,
   17440             :                                         "Unitary System Electricity Energy",
   17441             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
   17442         110 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_ElecPowerConsumption,
   17443             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   17444             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
   17445         220 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   17446             : 
   17447             :                     // report predicted load as determined by Unitary System for load control only
   17448         110 :                     if (state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_ControlType != UnitarySys::UnitarySysCtrlType::Setpoint) {
   17449         408 :                         SetupOutputVariable(state,
   17450             :                                             "Unitary System Predicted Sensible Load to Setpoint Heat Transfer Rate",
   17451             :                                             OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
   17452         102 :                                             state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_SensibleLoadPredicted,
   17453             :                                             OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   17454             :                                             OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
   17455         204 :                                             state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   17456         408 :                         SetupOutputVariable(state,
   17457             :                                             "Unitary System Predicted Moisture Load to Setpoint Heat Transfer Rate",
   17458             :                                             OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
   17459         102 :                                             state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_MoistureLoadPredicted,
   17460             :                                             OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   17461             :                                             OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
   17462         204 :                                             state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   17463             :                     }
   17464             : 
   17465             :                     //        IF(UnitarySystem(UnitarySysNum)%m_DehumidControlType_Num .EQ. dehumidm_ControlType::CoolReheat)THEN
   17466         440 :                     SetupOutputVariable(state,
   17467             :                                         "Unitary System Dehumidification Induced Heating Demand Rate",
   17468             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
   17469         110 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_DehumidInducedHeatingDemandRate,
   17470             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   17471             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
   17472         220 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   17473             :                     //        END IF
   17474             : 
   17475         110 :                     if (state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_FanExists) {
   17476         432 :                         SetupOutputVariable(state,
   17477             :                                             "Unitary System Fan Part Load Ratio",
   17478             :                                             OutputProcessor::Unit::None,
   17479         108 :                                             state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].FanPartLoadRatio,
   17480             :                                             OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   17481             :                                             OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
   17482         216 :                                             state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   17483             :                     }
   17484             : 
   17485         440 :                     SetupOutputVariable(state,
   17486             :                                         "Unitary System Compressor Part Load Ratio",
   17487             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::None,
   17488         110 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_CompPartLoadRatio,
   17489             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   17490             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
   17491         220 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   17492             : 
   17493         440 :                     SetupOutputVariable(state,
   17494             :                                         "Unitary System Frost Control Status",
   17495             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::None,
   17496         110 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_FrostControlStatus,
   17497             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   17498             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
   17499         220 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   17500             : 
   17501         110 :                     switch (state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_CoolingCoilType_Num) {
   17502          86 :                     case DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_MultiSpeedCooling:
   17503             :                     case DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_Cooling: {
   17504          86 :                         if (state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_HeatRecActive) {
   17505           0 :                             SetupOutputVariable(state,
   17506             :                                                 "Unitary System Heat Recovery Rate",
   17507             :                                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
   17508           0 :                                                 state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_HeatRecoveryRate,
   17509             :                                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   17510             :                                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
   17511           0 :                                                 state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   17512           0 :                             SetupOutputVariable(state,
   17513             :                                                 "Unitary System Heat Recovery Inlet Temperature",
   17514             :                                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::C,
   17515           0 :                                                 state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_HeatRecoveryInletTemp,
   17516             :                                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   17517             :                                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
   17518           0 :                                                 state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   17519           0 :                             SetupOutputVariable(state,
   17520             :                                                 "Unitary System Heat Recovery Outlet Temperature",
   17521             :                                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::C,
   17522           0 :                                                 state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_HeatRecoveryOutletTemp,
   17523             :                                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   17524             :                                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
   17525           0 :                                                 state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   17526           0 :                             SetupOutputVariable(state,
   17527             :                                                 "Unitary System Heat Recovery Fluid Mass Flow Rate",
   17528             :                                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::kg_s,
   17529           0 :                                                 state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_HeatRecoveryMassFlowRate,
   17530             :                                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   17531             :                                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
   17532           0 :                                                 state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   17533           0 :                             SetupOutputVariable(state,
   17534             :                                                 "Unitary System Heat Recovery Energy",
   17535             :                                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
   17536           0 :                                                 state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_HeatRecoveryEnergy,
   17537             :                                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   17538             :                                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
   17539           0 :                                                 state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   17540             :                         }
   17541          86 :                     } break;
   17542           9 :                     case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingAirToAirVariableSpeed:
   17543             :                     case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWaterToAirHPVSEquationFit:
   17544             :                     case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWaterToAirHPSimple:
   17545             :                     case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWaterToAirHP: {
   17546          36 :                         SetupOutputVariable(state,
   17547             :                                             "Unitary System Requested Sensible Cooling Rate",
   17548             :                                             OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
   17549           9 :                                             state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_CoolingCoilSensDemand,
   17550             :                                             OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   17551             :                                             OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
   17552          18 :                                             state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   17553          36 :                         SetupOutputVariable(state,
   17554             :                                             "Unitary System Requested Latent Cooling Rate",
   17555             :                                             OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
   17556           9 :                                             state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_CoolingCoilLatentDemand,
   17557             :                                             OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   17558             :                                             OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
   17559          18 :                                             state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   17560           9 :                     } break;
   17561          15 :                     default:
   17562          15 :                         break;
   17563             :                     }
   17564             : 
   17565         110 :                     if (state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_CoolingCoilIndex >= 0) {
   17566         159 :                         if (state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_Cooling &&
   17567          49 :                             state.dataCoilCooingDX->coilCoolingDXs[state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_CoolingCoilIndex]
   17568          49 :                                 .SubcoolReheatFlag) {
   17569           4 :                             SetupOutputVariable(state,
   17570             :                                                 "Unitary System Zone Load Sensible Heat Ratio",
   17571             :                                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::None,
   17572           1 :                                                 state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].LoadSHR,
   17573             :                                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   17574             :                                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
   17575           2 :                                                 state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   17576           4 :                             SetupOutputVariable(state,
   17577             :                                                 "Unitary System Cooling Coil Load Sensible Heat Ratio",
   17578             :                                                 OutputProcessor::Unit::None,
   17579           1 :                                                 state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].CoilSHR,
   17580             :                                                 OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   17581             :                                                 OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
   17582           2 :                                                 state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   17583             :                         }
   17584             :                     }
   17585             : 
   17586         110 :                     switch (state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_HeatingCoilType_Num) {
   17587           8 :                     case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingAirToAirVariableSpeed:
   17588             :                     case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWaterToAirHPVSEquationFit:
   17589             :                     case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWaterToAirHPSimple:
   17590             :                     case DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWaterToAirHP: {
   17591          32 :                         SetupOutputVariable(state,
   17592             :                                             "Unitary System Requested Heating Rate",
   17593             :                                             OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
   17594           8 :                                             state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_HeatingCoilSensDemand,
   17595             :                                             OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   17596             :                                             OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
   17597          16 :                                             state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   17598           8 :                     } break;
   17599         102 :                     default:
   17600         102 :                         break;
   17601             :                     }
   17602             : 
   17603         293 :                     if (state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_MultiSpeedCooling ||
   17604         146 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_CoolingTwoSpeed ||
   17605          97 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_Cooling ||
   17606          48 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_MultiSpeedHeating ||
   17607         158 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingElectric_MultiStage ||
   17608          24 :                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingGas_MultiStage) {
   17609         344 :                         SetupOutputVariable(state,
   17610             :                                             "Unitary System DX Coil Cycling Ratio",
   17611             :                                             OutputProcessor::Unit::None,
   17612          86 :                                             state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_CycRatio,
   17613             :                                             OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   17614             :                                             OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
   17615         172 :                                             state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   17616         344 :                         SetupOutputVariable(state,
   17617             :                                             "Unitary System DX Coil Speed Ratio",
   17618             :                                             OutputProcessor::Unit::None,
   17619          86 :                                             state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_SpeedRatio,
   17620             :                                             OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   17621             :                                             OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
   17622         172 :                                             state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   17623         344 :                         SetupOutputVariable(state,
   17624             :                                             "Unitary System DX Coil Speed Level",
   17625             :                                             OutputProcessor::Unit::None,
   17626          86 :                                             state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_SpeedNum,
   17627             :                                             OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   17628             :                                             OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
   17629         172 :                                             state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   17630             :                     }
   17631             : 
   17632         328 :                     if (((state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWater ||
   17633         110 :                           state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingWaterDetailed) &&
   17634         222 :                          state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_DiscreteSpeedCoolingCoil) ||
   17635         110 :                         (state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::Coil_HeatingWater &&
   17636           1 :                          state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_MultiSpeedHeatingCoil)) {
   17637           4 :                         SetupOutputVariable(state,
   17638             :                                             "Unitary System Water Coil Cycling Ratio",
   17639             :                                             OutputProcessor::Unit::None,
   17640           1 :                                             state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_CycRatio,
   17641             :                                             OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   17642             :                                             OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
   17643           2 :                                             state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   17644           4 :                         SetupOutputVariable(state,
   17645             :                                             "Unitary System Water Coil Speed Ratio",
   17646             :                                             OutputProcessor::Unit::None,
   17647           1 :                                             state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_SpeedRatio,
   17648             :                                             OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   17649             :                                             OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
   17650           2 :                                             state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   17651           4 :                         SetupOutputVariable(state,
   17652             :                                             "Unitary System Water Coil Speed Level",
   17653             :                                             OutputProcessor::Unit::None,
   17654           1 :                                             state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_SpeedNum,
   17655             :                                             OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   17656             :                                             OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
   17657           2 :                                             state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   17658             :                     }
   17659             : 
   17660         110 :                     if (state.dataGlobal->AnyEnergyManagementSystemInModel) {
   17661         184 :                         SetupEMSActuator(state,
   17662             :                                          "UnitarySystem",
   17663          46 :                                          state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name,
   17664             :                                          "Autosized Supply Air Flow Rate",
   17665             :                                          "[m3/s]",
   17666          46 :                                          state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_DesignFanVolFlowRateEMSOverrideOn,
   17667         138 :                                          state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_DesignFanVolFlowRateEMSOverrideValue);
   17668         184 :                         SetupEMSActuator(state,
   17669             :                                          "UnitarySystem",
   17670          46 :                                          state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name,
   17671             :                                          "Autosized Supply Air Flow Rate During Cooling Operation",
   17672             :                                          "[m3/s]",
   17673          46 :                                          state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_MaxCoolAirVolFlowEMSOverrideOn,
   17674         138 :                                          state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_MaxCoolAirVolFlowEMSOverrideValue);
   17675         184 :                         SetupEMSActuator(state,
   17676             :                                          "UnitarySystem",
   17677          46 :                                          state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name,
   17678             :                                          "Autosized Supply Air Flow Rate During Heating Operation",
   17679             :                                          "[m3/s]",
   17680          46 :                                          state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_MaxHeatAirVolFlowEMSOverrideOn,
   17681         138 :                                          state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_MaxHeatAirVolFlowEMSOverrideValue);
   17682         184 :                         SetupEMSActuator(state,
   17683             :                                          "UnitarySystem",
   17684          46 :                                          state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name,
   17685             :                                          "Autosized Supply Air Flow Rate During No Heating or Cooling Operation",
   17686             :                                          "[m3/s]",
   17687          46 :                                          state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlowEMSOverrideOn,
   17688         138 :                                          state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_MaxNoCoolHeatAirVolFlowEMSOverrideValue);
   17689         138 :                         SetupEMSInternalVariable(state,
   17690             :                                                  "Unitary System Control Zone Mass Flow Fraction",
   17691          46 :                                                  state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name,
   17692             :                                                  "[]",
   17693         138 :                                                  state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].ControlZoneMassFlowFrac);
   17694         138 :                         SetupEMSInternalVariable(state,
   17695             :                                                  "Unitary HVAC Design Heating Capacity",
   17696          46 :                                                  state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name,
   17697             :                                                  "[W]",
   17698         138 :                                                  state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_DesignHeatingCapacity);
   17699         138 :                         SetupEMSInternalVariable(state,
   17700             :                                                  "Unitary HVAC Design Cooling Capacity",
   17701          46 :                                                  state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name,
   17702             :                                                  "[W]",
   17703         138 :                                                  state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_DesignCoolingCapacity);
   17704         184 :                         SetupEMSActuator(state,
   17705             :                                          "Unitary HVAC",
   17706          46 :                                          state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name,
   17707             :                                          "Sensible Load Request",
   17708             :                                          "[W]",
   17709          46 :                                          state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_EMSOverrideSensZoneLoadRequest,
   17710         138 :                                          state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_EMSSensibleZoneLoadValue);
   17711         184 :                         SetupEMSActuator(state,
   17712             :                                          "Unitary HVAC",
   17713          46 :                                          state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name,
   17714             :                                          "Moisture Load Request",
   17715             :                                          "[W]",
   17716          46 :                                          state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_EMSOverrideMoistZoneLoadRequest,
   17717         138 :                                          state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_EMSMoistureZoneLoadValue);
   17718         104 :                         if (state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_MultiSpeedCooling ||
   17719          54 :                             state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_HeatingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_MultiSpeedHeating ||
   17720           8 :                             state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_Cooling) {
   17721         180 :                             SetupEMSActuator(state,
   17722             :                                              "Coil Speed Control",
   17723          45 :                                              state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name,
   17724             :                                              "Unitary System DX Coil Speed Value",
   17725             :                                              "[]",
   17726          45 :                                              state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_EMSOverrideCoilSpeedNumOn,
   17727         135 :                                              state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_EMSOverrideCoilSpeedNumValue);
   17728             :                         }
   17729         184 :                         SetupEMSActuator(state,
   17730             :                                          "Coil Speed Control",
   17731          46 :                                          state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name,
   17732             :                                          "Unitary System Supplemental Coil Stage Level",
   17733             :                                          "[]",
   17734          46 :                                          state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_EMSOverrideSuppCoilSpeedNumOn,
   17735         138 :                                          state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_EMSOverrideSuppCoilSpeedNumValue);
   17736             :                     }
   17737             :                     bool anyEMSRan;
   17738         110 :                     EMSManager::ManageEMS(state, EMSManager::EMSCallFrom::ComponentGetInput, anyEMSRan, ObjexxFCL::Optional_int_const());
   17739         702 :                     break;
   17740         287 :                 case UnitarySys::SysType::CoilCoolingDX:
   17741             :                     // Setup Report variables for the DXCoolingSystem that is not reported in the components themselves
   17742         287 :                     if (state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_CoolingCoilType_Num == DataHVACGlobals::CoilDX_CoolingTwoSpeed) {
   17743         268 :                         SetupOutputVariable(state,
   17744             :                                             "Coil System Cycling Ratio",
   17745             :                                             OutputProcessor::Unit::None,
   17746          67 :                                             state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_CoolingCycRatio,
   17747             :                                             OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   17748             :                                             OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
   17749         134 :                                             state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   17750         268 :                         SetupOutputVariable(state,
   17751             :                                             "Coil System Compressor Speed Ratio",
   17752             :                                             OutputProcessor::Unit::None,
   17753          67 :                                             state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_CoolingSpeedRatio,
   17754             :                                             OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   17755             :                                             OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
   17756         134 :                                             state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   17757         220 :                     } else if (state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_CoolingCoilType_Num ==
   17758             :                                DataHVACGlobals::Coil_CoolingAirToAirVariableSpeed) {
   17759           8 :                         SetupOutputVariable(state,
   17760             :                                             "Coil System Cycling Ratio",
   17761             :                                             OutputProcessor::Unit::None,
   17762           2 :                                             state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_CoolingCycRatio,
   17763             :                                             OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   17764             :                                             OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
   17765           4 :                                             state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   17766           8 :                         SetupOutputVariable(state,
   17767             :                                             "Coil System Compressor Speed Ratio",
   17768             :                                             OutputProcessor::Unit::None,
   17769           2 :                                             state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_CoolingSpeedRatio,
   17770             :                                             OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   17771             :                                             OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
   17772           4 :                                             state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   17773           8 :                         SetupOutputVariable(state,
   17774             :                                             "Coil System Compressor Speed Number",
   17775             :                                             OutputProcessor::Unit::None,
   17776           2 :                                             state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_CoolingSpeedNum,
   17777             :                                             OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   17778             :                                             OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
   17779           4 :                                             state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   17780             :                     } else {
   17781         872 :                         SetupOutputVariable(state,
   17782             :                                             "Coil System Part Load Ratio",
   17783             :                                             OutputProcessor::Unit::None,
   17784         218 :                                             state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_CoolingPartLoadFrac,
   17785             :                                             OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   17786             :                                             OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
   17787         436 :                                             state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   17788             :                     }
   17789        1148 :                     SetupOutputVariable(state,
   17790             :                                         "Coil System Frost Control Status",
   17791             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::None,
   17792         287 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_FrostControlStatus,
   17793             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   17794             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
   17795         574 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   17796         287 :                     break;
   17797           3 :                 case UnitarySys::SysType::CoilCoolingWater:
   17798             :                     // Setup Report variables for the CoilSystemWater
   17799          12 :                     SetupOutputVariable(state,
   17800             :                                         "Coil System Water Part Load Ratio",
   17801             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::None,
   17802           3 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_PartLoadFrac,
   17803             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   17804             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
   17805           6 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   17806          12 :                     SetupOutputVariable(state,
   17807             :                                         "Coil System Water Total Cooling Rate",
   17808             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
   17809           3 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_TotCoolEnergyRate,
   17810             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   17811             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
   17812           6 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   17813          12 :                     SetupOutputVariable(state,
   17814             :                                         "Coil System Water Sensible Cooling Rate",
   17815             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
   17816           3 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_SensCoolEnergyRate,
   17817             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   17818             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
   17819           6 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   17820          12 :                     SetupOutputVariable(state,
   17821             :                                         "Coil System Water Latent Cooling Rate",
   17822             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
   17823           3 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_LatCoolEnergyRate,
   17824             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   17825             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
   17826           6 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   17827             : 
   17828           3 :                     if (state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_TemperatureOffsetControlActive) {
   17829          12 :                         SetupOutputVariable(state,
   17830             :                                             "Coil System Water Control Status",
   17831             :                                             OutputProcessor::Unit::None,
   17832           3 :                                             state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].temperatureOffsetControlStatus,
   17833             :                                             OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   17834             :                                             OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
   17835           6 :                                             state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   17836             :                     }
   17837           3 :                     break;
   17838         142 :                 case UnitarySys::SysType::PackagedAC:
   17839             :                     // CurrentModuleObject = 'ZoneHVAC:PackagedTerminalAirConditioner'
   17840         568 :                     SetupOutputVariable(state,
   17841             :                                         "Zone Packaged Terminal Air Conditioner Total Heating Rate",
   17842             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
   17843         142 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_TotHeatEnergyRate,
   17844             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   17845             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
   17846         284 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   17847         568 :                     SetupOutputVariable(state,
   17848             :                                         "Zone Packaged Terminal Air Conditioner Total Heating Energy",
   17849             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
   17850         142 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_TotHeatEnergy,
   17851             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   17852             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
   17853         284 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   17854         568 :                     SetupOutputVariable(state,
   17855             :                                         "Zone Packaged Terminal Air Conditioner Total Cooling Rate",
   17856             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
   17857         142 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_TotCoolEnergyRate,
   17858             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   17859             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
   17860         284 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   17861         568 :                     SetupOutputVariable(state,
   17862             :                                         "Zone Packaged Terminal Air Conditioner Total Cooling Energy",
   17863             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
   17864         142 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_TotCoolEnergy,
   17865             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   17866             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
   17867         284 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   17868         568 :                     SetupOutputVariable(state,
   17869             :                                         "Zone Packaged Terminal Air Conditioner Sensible Heating Rate",
   17870             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
   17871         142 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_SensHeatEnergyRate,
   17872             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   17873             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
   17874         284 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   17875         568 :                     SetupOutputVariable(state,
   17876             :                                         "Zone Packaged Terminal Air Conditioner Sensible Heating Energy",
   17877             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
   17878         142 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_SensHeatEnergy,
   17879             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   17880             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
   17881         284 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   17882         568 :                     SetupOutputVariable(state,
   17883             :                                         "Zone Packaged Terminal Air Conditioner Sensible Cooling Rate",
   17884             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
   17885         142 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_SensCoolEnergyRate,
   17886             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   17887             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
   17888         284 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   17889         568 :                     SetupOutputVariable(state,
   17890             :                                         "Zone Packaged Terminal Air Conditioner Sensible Cooling Energy",
   17891             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
   17892         142 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_SensCoolEnergy,
   17893             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   17894             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
   17895         284 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   17896         568 :                     SetupOutputVariable(state,
   17897             :                                         "Zone Packaged Terminal Air Conditioner Latent Heating Rate",
   17898             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
   17899         142 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_LatHeatEnergyRate,
   17900             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   17901             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
   17902         284 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   17903         568 :                     SetupOutputVariable(state,
   17904             :                                         "Zone Packaged Terminal Air Conditioner Latent Heating Energy",
   17905             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
   17906         142 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_LatHeatEnergy,
   17907             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   17908             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
   17909         284 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   17910         568 :                     SetupOutputVariable(state,
   17911             :                                         "Zone Packaged Terminal Air Conditioner Latent Cooling Rate",
   17912             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
   17913         142 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_LatCoolEnergyRate,
   17914             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   17915             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
   17916         284 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   17917         568 :                     SetupOutputVariable(state,
   17918             :                                         "Zone Packaged Terminal Air Conditioner Latent Cooling Energy",
   17919             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
   17920         142 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_LatCoolEnergy,
   17921             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   17922             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
   17923         284 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   17924         568 :                     SetupOutputVariable(state,
   17925             :                                         "Zone Packaged Terminal Air Conditioner Electricity Rate",
   17926             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
   17927         142 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_ElecPower,
   17928             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   17929             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
   17930         284 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   17931         568 :                     SetupOutputVariable(state,
   17932             :                                         "Zone Packaged Terminal Air Conditioner Electricity Energy",
   17933             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
   17934         142 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_ElecPowerConsumption,
   17935             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   17936             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
   17937         284 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   17938         568 :                     SetupOutputVariable(state,
   17939             :                                         "Zone Packaged Terminal Air Conditioner Fan Part Load Ratio",
   17940             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::None,
   17941         142 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].FanPartLoadRatio,
   17942             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   17943             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
   17944         284 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   17945         568 :                     SetupOutputVariable(state,
   17946             :                                         "Zone Packaged Terminal Air Conditioner Compressor Part Load Ratio",
   17947             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::None,
   17948         142 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_CompPartLoadRatio,
   17949             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   17950             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
   17951         284 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   17952         568 :                     SetupOutputVariable(state,
   17953             :                                         "Zone Packaged Terminal Air Conditioner Fan Availability Status",
   17954             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::None,
   17955         142 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_AvailStatus,
   17956             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   17957             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
   17958         284 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   17959         142 :                     break;
   17960          28 :                 case UnitarySys::SysType::PackagedHP:
   17961             :                     // CurrentModuleObject = 'ZoneHVAC:PackagedTerminalHeatPump'
   17962         112 :                     SetupOutputVariable(state,
   17963             :                                         "Zone Packaged Terminal Heat Pump Total Heating Rate",
   17964             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
   17965          28 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_TotHeatEnergyRate,
   17966             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   17967             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
   17968          56 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   17969         112 :                     SetupOutputVariable(state,
   17970             :                                         "Zone Packaged Terminal Heat Pump Total Heating Energy",
   17971             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
   17972          28 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_TotHeatEnergy,
   17973             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   17974             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
   17975          56 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   17976         112 :                     SetupOutputVariable(state,
   17977             :                                         "Zone Packaged Terminal Heat Pump Total Cooling Rate",
   17978             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
   17979          28 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_TotCoolEnergyRate,
   17980             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   17981             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
   17982          56 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   17983         112 :                     SetupOutputVariable(state,
   17984             :                                         "Zone Packaged Terminal Heat Pump Total Cooling Energy",
   17985             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
   17986          28 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_TotCoolEnergy,
   17987             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   17988             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
   17989          56 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   17990         112 :                     SetupOutputVariable(state,
   17991             :                                         "Zone Packaged Terminal Heat Pump Sensible Heating Rate",
   17992             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
   17993          28 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_SensHeatEnergyRate,
   17994             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   17995             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
   17996          56 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   17997         112 :                     SetupOutputVariable(state,
   17998             :                                         "Zone Packaged Terminal Heat Pump Sensible Heating Energy",
   17999             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
   18000          28 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_SensHeatEnergy,
   18001             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   18002             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
   18003          56 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   18004         112 :                     SetupOutputVariable(state,
   18005             :                                         "Zone Packaged Terminal Heat Pump Sensible Cooling Rate",
   18006             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
   18007          28 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_SensCoolEnergyRate,
   18008             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   18009             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
   18010          56 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   18011         112 :                     SetupOutputVariable(state,
   18012             :                                         "Zone Packaged Terminal Heat Pump Sensible Cooling Energy",
   18013             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
   18014          28 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_SensCoolEnergy,
   18015             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   18016             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
   18017          56 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   18018         112 :                     SetupOutputVariable(state,
   18019             :                                         "Zone Packaged Terminal Heat Pump Latent Heating Rate",
   18020             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
   18021          28 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_LatHeatEnergyRate,
   18022             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   18023             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
   18024          56 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   18025         112 :                     SetupOutputVariable(state,
   18026             :                                         "Zone Packaged Terminal Heat Pump Latent Heating Energy",
   18027             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
   18028          28 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_LatHeatEnergy,
   18029             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   18030             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
   18031          56 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   18032         112 :                     SetupOutputVariable(state,
   18033             :                                         "Zone Packaged Terminal Heat Pump Latent Cooling Rate",
   18034             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
   18035          28 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_LatCoolEnergyRate,
   18036             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   18037             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
   18038          56 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   18039         112 :                     SetupOutputVariable(state,
   18040             :                                         "Zone Packaged Terminal Heat Pump Latent Cooling Energy",
   18041             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
   18042          28 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_LatCoolEnergy,
   18043             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   18044             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
   18045          56 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   18046         112 :                     SetupOutputVariable(state,
   18047             :                                         "Zone Packaged Terminal Heat Pump Electricity Rate",
   18048             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
   18049          28 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_ElecPower,
   18050             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   18051             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
   18052          56 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   18053         112 :                     SetupOutputVariable(state,
   18054             :                                         "Zone Packaged Terminal Heat Pump Electricity Energy",
   18055             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
   18056          28 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_ElecPowerConsumption,
   18057             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   18058             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
   18059          56 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   18060         112 :                     SetupOutputVariable(state,
   18061             :                                         "Zone Packaged Terminal Heat Pump Fan Part Load Ratio",
   18062             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::None,
   18063          28 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].FanPartLoadRatio,
   18064             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   18065             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
   18066          56 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   18067         112 :                     SetupOutputVariable(state,
   18068             :                                         "Zone Packaged Terminal Heat Pump Compressor Part Load Ratio",
   18069             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::None,
   18070          28 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_CompPartLoadRatio,
   18071             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   18072             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
   18073          56 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   18074         112 :                     SetupOutputVariable(state,
   18075             :                                         "Zone Packaged Terminal Heat Pump Fan Availability Status",
   18076             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::None,
   18077          28 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_AvailStatus,
   18078             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   18079             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
   18080          56 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   18081          28 :                     break;
   18082          22 :                 case UnitarySys::SysType::PackagedWSHP:
   18083             :                     // CurrentModuleObject = 'ZoneHVAC:WaterToAirHeatPump'
   18084          88 :                     SetupOutputVariable(state,
   18085             :                                         "Zone Water to Air Heat Pump Total Heating Rate",
   18086             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
   18087          22 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_TotHeatEnergyRate,
   18088             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   18089             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
   18090          44 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   18091          88 :                     SetupOutputVariable(state,
   18092             :                                         "Zone Water to Air Heat Pump Total Heating Energy",
   18093             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
   18094          22 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_TotHeatEnergy,
   18095             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   18096             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
   18097          44 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   18098          88 :                     SetupOutputVariable(state,
   18099             :                                         "Zone Water to Air Heat Pump Total Cooling Rate",
   18100             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
   18101          22 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_TotCoolEnergyRate,
   18102             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   18103             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
   18104          44 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   18105          88 :                     SetupOutputVariable(state,
   18106             :                                         "Zone Water to Air Heat Pump Total Cooling Energy",
   18107             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
   18108          22 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_TotCoolEnergy,
   18109             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   18110             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
   18111          44 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   18112          88 :                     SetupOutputVariable(state,
   18113             :                                         "Zone Water to Air Heat Pump Sensible Heating Rate",
   18114             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
   18115          22 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_SensHeatEnergyRate,
   18116             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   18117             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
   18118          44 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   18119          88 :                     SetupOutputVariable(state,
   18120             :                                         "Zone Water to Air Heat Pump Sensible Heating Energy",
   18121             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
   18122          22 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_SensHeatEnergy,
   18123             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   18124             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
   18125          44 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   18126          88 :                     SetupOutputVariable(state,
   18127             :                                         "Zone Water to Air Heat Pump Sensible Cooling Rate",
   18128             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
   18129          22 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_SensCoolEnergyRate,
   18130             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   18131             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
   18132          44 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   18133          88 :                     SetupOutputVariable(state,
   18134             :                                         "Zone Water to Air Heat Pump Sensible Cooling Energy",
   18135             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
   18136          22 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_SensCoolEnergy,
   18137             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   18138             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
   18139          44 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   18140          88 :                     SetupOutputVariable(state,
   18141             :                                         "Zone Water to Air Heat Pump Latent Heating Rate",
   18142             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
   18143          22 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_LatHeatEnergyRate,
   18144             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   18145             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
   18146          44 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   18147          88 :                     SetupOutputVariable(state,
   18148             :                                         "Zone Water to Air Heat Pump Latent Heating Energy",
   18149             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
   18150          22 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_LatHeatEnergy,
   18151             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   18152             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
   18153          44 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   18154          88 :                     SetupOutputVariable(state,
   18155             :                                         "Zone Water to Air Heat Pump Latent Cooling Rate",
   18156             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
   18157          22 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_LatCoolEnergyRate,
   18158             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   18159             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
   18160          44 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   18161          88 :                     SetupOutputVariable(state,
   18162             :                                         "Zone Water to Air Heat Pump Latent Cooling Energy",
   18163             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
   18164          22 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_LatCoolEnergy,
   18165             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   18166             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
   18167          44 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   18168          88 :                     SetupOutputVariable(state,
   18169             :                                         "Zone Water to Air Heat Pump Electricity Rate",
   18170             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::W,
   18171          22 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_ElecPower,
   18172             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   18173             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
   18174          44 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   18175          88 :                     SetupOutputVariable(state,
   18176             :                                         "Zone Water to Air Heat Pump Electricity Energy",
   18177             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::J,
   18178          22 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_ElecPowerConsumption,
   18179             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   18180             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Summed,
   18181          44 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   18182          88 :                     SetupOutputVariable(state,
   18183             :                                         "Zone Water to Air Heat Pump Fan Part Load Ratio",
   18184             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::None,
   18185          22 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].FanPartLoadRatio,
   18186             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   18187             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
   18188          44 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   18189          88 :                     SetupOutputVariable(state,
   18190             :                                         "Zone Water to Air Heat Pump Compressor Part Load Ratio",
   18191             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::None,
   18192          22 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_CompPartLoadRatio,
   18193             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   18194             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
   18195          44 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   18196          88 :                     SetupOutputVariable(state,
   18197             :                                         "Zone Water to Air Heat Pump Fan Availability Status",
   18198             :                                         OutputProcessor::Unit::None,
   18199          22 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_AvailStatus,
   18200             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVTimeStepType::System,
   18201             :                                         OutputProcessor::SOVStoreType::Average,
   18202          44 :                                         state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].Name);
   18203          22 :                     break;
   18204           0 :                 default:
   18205           0 :                     ShowFatalError(state,
   18206             :                                    "setupAllOutputVar: Developer error. All report variables must be set up here after all systems are read in.");
   18207             :                 }
   18208             :             }
   18209             :         } else {
   18210           0 :             ShowSevereError(state,
   18211             :                             "setupAllOutputVar: Developer error. Should never get here. Remove when confortable that UnitarySys::allocateUnitarySys "
   18212             :                             "is working as expected.");
   18213           0 :             ShowFatalError(state, "setupAllOutputVar: Developer error. Conflict in number of UnitarySystems.");
   18214             :         }
   18215         161 :         state.dataUnitarySystems->reportVariablesAreSetup = true;
   18216             :     }
   18217             : 
   18218          55 :     void isWaterCoilHeatRecoveryType(EnergyPlusData &state, int const waterCoilNodeNum, bool &nodeNotFound)
   18219             :     {
   18220          57 :         for (int sysNum = 0; sysNum < state.dataUnitarySystems->numUnitarySystems; ++sysNum) {
   18221           4 :             if (state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_HRcoolCoilFluidInletNode == waterCoilNodeNum &&
   18222           1 :                 state.dataUnitarySystems->unitarySys[sysNum].m_WaterHRPlantLoopModel) {
   18223           1 :                 nodeNotFound = false;
   18224           1 :                 break;
   18225             :             }
   18226             :         }
   18227          55 :     }
   18228             : 
   18229             : } // namespace UnitarySystems
   18230        2313 : } // namespace EnergyPlus

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