LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - EnergyPlus - WeatherManager.hh (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: lcov.output.filtered Lines: 64 251 25.5 %
Date: 2023-01-17 19:17:23 Functions: 39 50 78.0 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : // EnergyPlus, Copyright (c) 1996-2023, The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois,
       2             : // The Regents of the University of California, through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
       3             : // (subject to receipt of any required approvals from the U.S. Dept. of Energy), Oak Ridge
       4             : // National Laboratory, managed by UT-Battelle, Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC, and other
       5             : // contributors. All rights reserved.
       6             : //
       7             : // NOTICE: This Software was developed under funding from the U.S. Department of Energy and the
       8             : // U.S. Government consequently retains certain rights. As such, the U.S. Government has been
       9             : // granted for itself and others acting on its behalf a paid-up, nonexclusive, irrevocable,
      10             : // worldwide license in the Software to reproduce, distribute copies to the public, prepare
      11             : // derivative works, and perform publicly and display publicly, and to permit others to do so.
      12             : //
      13             : // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted
      14             : // provided that the following conditions are met:
      15             : //
      16             : // (1) Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of
      17             : //     conditions and the following disclaimer.
      18             : //
      19             : // (2) Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of
      20             : //     conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
      21             : //     provided with the distribution.
      22             : //
      23             : // (3) Neither the name of the University of California, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,
      24             : //     the University of Illinois, U.S. Dept. of Energy nor the names of its contributors may be
      25             : //     used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior
      26             : //     written permission.
      27             : //
      28             : // (4) Use of EnergyPlus(TM) Name. If Licensee (i) distributes the software in stand-alone form
      29             : //     without changes from the version obtained under this License, or (ii) Licensee makes a
      30             : //     reference solely to the software portion of its product, Licensee must refer to the
      31             : //     software as "EnergyPlus version X" software, where "X" is the version number Licensee
      32             : //     obtained under this License and may not use a different name for the software. Except as
      33             : //     specifically required in this Section (4), Licensee shall not use in a company name, a
      34             : //     product name, in advertising, publicity, or other promotional activities any name, trade
      35             : //     name, trademark, logo, or other designation of "EnergyPlus", "E+", "e+" or confusingly
      36             : //     similar designation, without the U.S. Department of Energy's prior written consent.
      37             : //
      46             : // POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.
      47             : 
      48             : #ifndef WeatherManager_hh_INCLUDED
      49             : #define WeatherManager_hh_INCLUDED
      50             : 
      51             : // C++ Headers
      52             : #include <unordered_map>
      53             : #include <vector>
      54             : 
      55             : // ObjexxFCL Headers
      56             : #include <ObjexxFCL/Array2D.hh>
      57             : #include <ObjexxFCL/Array3D.hh>
      58             : #include <ObjexxFCL/Optional.hh>
      59             : 
      60             : // EnergyPlus Headers
      61             : #include <EnergyPlus/Data/BaseData.hh>
      62             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataGlobals.hh>
      63             : #include <EnergyPlus/EPVector.hh>
      64             : #include <EnergyPlus/EnergyPlus.hh>
      65             : #include <EnergyPlus/ScheduleManager.hh>
      66             : 
      67             : namespace EnergyPlus {
      68             : 
      69             : // Forward declarations
      70             : class BaseGroundTempsModel;
      71             : struct EnergyPlusData;
      72             : 
      73             : namespace WeatherManager {
      74             : 
      75             :     enum class EpwHeaderType
      76             :     {
      77             :         Invalid = -1,
      78             :         Location = 0, // epw Headers are assumed to be in this order
      79             :         DesignConditions,
      80             :         TypicalExtremePeriods,
      81             :         GroundTemperatures,
      82             :         HolidaysDST,
      83             :         Comments1,
      84             :         Comments2,
      85             :         DataPeriods,
      86             :         Num
      87             :     };
      88             : 
      89             :     // Following are Date Types read in from EPW file or IDF
      90             :     enum class DateType
      91             :     {
      92             :         Invalid = -1,
      93             :         MonthDay = 1,
      94             :         NthDayInMonth = 2,
      95             :         LastDayInMonth = 3,
      96             :         Num
      97             :     };
      98             : 
      99             :     // Water mains temperatures calculation methods
     100             :     enum class WaterMainsTempCalcMethod
     101             :     {
     102             :         Invalid = -1,
     103             :         Schedule,
     104             :         Correlation,
     105             :         CorrelationFromWeatherFile,
     106             :         FixedDefault,
     107             :         Num
     108             :     };
     109             : 
     110             :     enum class DesignDaySolarModel
     111             :     {
     112             :         Invalid = -1,
     113             :         ASHRAE_ClearSky,     // Design Day solar model ASHRAE ClearSky (default)
     114             :         Zhang_Huang,         // Design Day solar model Zhang Huang
     115             :         SolarModel_Schedule, // Design Day solar model (beam and diffuse) from user entered schedule
     116             :         ASHRAE_Tau,          // Design Day solar model ASHRAE tau (per 2009 HOF)
     117             :         ASHRAE_Tau2017,      // Design Day solar model ASHRAE tau (per 2013 and 2017 HOF)
     118             :         Num
     119             :     };
     120             : 
     121             :     // Design Day Humidity Indicating Type
     122             :     enum class DDHumIndType
     123             :     {
     124             :         Invalid = -1,
     125             :         WetBulb,   // Wetbulb (default)
     126             :         DewPoint,  // Dewpoint
     127             :         Enthalpy,  // Enthalpy
     128             :         HumRatio,  // Humidity Ratio
     129             :         RelHumSch, // relhum schedule
     130             :         WBProfDef, // Wetbulb default profile
     131             :         WBProfDif, // Wetbulb difference profile
     132             :         WBProfMul, // Wetbulb multiplier profile
     133             :         Num
     134             :     };
     135             : 
     136             :     // Design Day DryBulb Range Type
     137             :     enum class DDDBRangeType
     138             :     {
     139             :         Invalid = -1,
     140             :         Default,    // Default Multipliers
     141             :         Multiplier, // Multiplier Schedule
     142             :         Difference, // Difference Schedule
     143             :         Profile,    // Temperature Profile
     144             :         Num
     145             :     };
     146             : 
     147             :     enum class SkyTempCalcType
     148             :     {
     149             :         Invalid = -1,
     150             :         ClarkAllenModel,    // Use Clark & Allen model for sky emissivity calculation
     151             :         ScheduleValue,      // User entered Schedule value for Weather Property
     152             :         DryBulbDelta,       // User entered DryBulb difference Schedule value for Weather Property
     153             :         DewPointDelta,      // User entered Dewpoint difference Schedule value for Weather Property
     154             :         BruntModel,         // Use Brunt model for sky emissivity calculation
     155             :         IdsoModel,          // Use Isdo model for sky emissivity calculation
     156             :         BerdahlMartinModel, // Use Martin & Berdahl model for sky emissivity calculation
     157             :         Num
     158             :     };
     159             : 
     160        6738 :     struct EnvironmentData
     161             :     {
     162             :         // Members
     163             :         std::string Title;                          // Environment name
     164             :         std::string cKindOfEnvrn;                   // kind of environment
     165             :         DataGlobalConstants::KindOfSim KindOfEnvrn; // Type of environment (see Parameters for KindOfSim in DataGlobals)
     166             :         int DesignDayNum;                           // index in DesignDay structure and DesignDayInput
     167             :         int RunPeriodDesignNum;                     // for WeatherFileDays, index in  RunPeriodDesign and RunPeriodDesignInput
     168             :         int SeedEnvrnNum;           // for HVAC sizing sim, new environments are copies of original environments, this is the index for original
     169             :         int HVACSizingIterationNum; // environments for HVAC sizing simulations are associated with iteration
     170             :         int TotalDays;              // Number of days in environment
     171             :         int StartJDay;              // Day of year of first day of environment
     172             :         int StartMonth;
     173             :         int StartDay;
     174             :         int StartYear;
     175             :         int StartDate;
     176             :         int EndMonth;
     177             :         int EndDay;
     178             :         int EndJDay;
     179             :         int EndYear;
     180             :         int EndDate;
     181             :         int DayOfWeek;         // Starting Day of Week for the (Weather) RunPeriod (User Input)
     182             :         bool UseDST;           // True if DaylightSavingTime is used for this RunPeriod
     183             :         bool UseHolidays;      // True if Holidays are used for this RunPeriod (from WeatherFile)
     184             :         bool ApplyWeekendRule; // True if "Weekend Rule" is to be applied to RunPeriod
     185             :         bool UseRain;          // True if Rain from weather file should be used (set rain to true)
     186             :         bool UseSnow;          // True if Snow from weather file should be used (set Snow to true)
     187             :         Array1D_int MonWeekDay;
     188             :         bool SetWeekDays;                // true when weekdays will be reset (after first year or on repeat)
     189             :         int NumSimYears;                 // Total Number of times this period to be performed
     190             :         int CurrentCycle;                // Current cycle through weather file in NumSimYears repeats
     191             :         int WP_Type1;                    // WeatherProperties SkyTemperature Pointer
     192             :         SkyTempCalcType SkyTempModel;    // WeatherProperties SkyTemperature CalculationType
     193             :         bool UseWeatherFileHorizontalIR; // If false, horizontal IR and sky temperature are calculated with WP models
     194             :         int CurrentYear;                 // Current year
     195             :         bool IsLeapYear;                 // True if current year is leap year.
     196             :         bool RollDayTypeOnRepeat;        // If repeating run period, increment day type on repeat.
     197             :         bool TreatYearsAsConsecutive;    // When year rolls over, increment year and recalculate Leap Year
     198             :         bool MatchYear;                  // for actual weather will be true
     199             :         bool ActualWeather;              // true when using actual weather data
     200             :         int RawSimDays;                  // number of basic sim days.
     201             :         bool firstHrInterpUseHr1;        // true when using Hour 1 for first hour interpolations; false to use Hour 24
     202             : 
     203             :         Real64 maxCoolingOATSizing = -1000.0;  // max outdoor dry-bulb for DesignDay or RunPeriodDesign type weather
     204             :         Real64 maxCoolingOADPSizing = -1000.0; // outdoor dew point at max outdoor dry-bulb for DesignDay or RunPeriodDesign type weather
     205             :         Real64 minHeatingOATSizing = 1000.0;   // min outdoor dry-bulb for DesignDay or RunPeriodDesign type weather
     206             :         Real64 minHeatingOADPSizing = 1000.0;  // outdoor dew point at min outdoor dry-bulb for DesignDay or RunPeriodDesign type weather
     207             : 
     208             :         // Default Constructor
     209         804 :         EnvironmentData()
     210         804 :             : KindOfEnvrn(DataGlobalConstants::KindOfSim::Invalid), DesignDayNum(0), RunPeriodDesignNum(0), SeedEnvrnNum(0),
     211             :               HVACSizingIterationNum(0), TotalDays(0), StartJDay(0), StartMonth(0), StartDay(0), StartYear(0), StartDate(0), EndMonth(0), EndDay(0),
     212             :               EndJDay(0), EndYear(0), EndDate(0), DayOfWeek(0), UseDST(false), UseHolidays(false), ApplyWeekendRule(false), UseRain(true),
     213             :               UseSnow(true), MonWeekDay(12, 0), SetWeekDays(false), NumSimYears(1), CurrentCycle(0), WP_Type1(0),
     214             :               SkyTempModel(SkyTempCalcType::ClarkAllenModel), UseWeatherFileHorizontalIR(true), CurrentYear(0), IsLeapYear(false),
     215             :               RollDayTypeOnRepeat(true), TreatYearsAsConsecutive(true), MatchYear(false), ActualWeather(false), RawSimDays(0),
     216         804 :               firstHrInterpUseHr1(false)
     217             :         {
     218         804 :         }
     219             :     };
     220             : 
     221        3999 :     struct DesignDayData
     222             :     {
     223             :         // Members
     224             :         std::string Title;              // Environment name
     225             :         Real64 MaxDryBulb;              // Maximum Dry-Bulb Temperature (C)
     226             :         Real64 DailyDBRange;            // Daily Temperature Range (deltaC)
     227             :         Real64 HumIndValue;             // Humidity Indicating Value at Max Dry-bulb Temperature
     228             :         DDHumIndType HumIndType;        // Humidity Indicating type  (see Parameters)
     229             :         Real64 PressBarom;              // Atmospheric/Barometric Pressure (Pascals)
     230             :         Real64 WindSpeed;               // Wind Speed (m/s)
     231             :         Real64 WindDir;                 // Wind Direction (degrees clockwise from North, N=0, E=90, S=180, W=270)
     232             :         Real64 SkyClear;                // Sky Clearness (0 to 1)
     233             :         int RainInd;                    // Rain Indicator (1 = raining and surfaces are wet, else 0)
     234             :         int SnowInd;                    // Snow Indicator (1 = snow on ground, else  0)
     235             :         int DayOfMonth;                 // Day of Month ( 1 - 31 )
     236             :         int Month;                      // Month of Year ( 1 - 12 )
     237             :         int DayType;                    // Day Type Sunday = 1 - Saturday = 7
     238             :         int DSTIndicator;               // Daylight Saving Time Period Indicator (1=yes, 0=no) for this DesignDay
     239             :         DesignDaySolarModel SolarModel; // Solar Model for creating solar values for design day.
     240             :         DDDBRangeType DBTempRangeType;  // Drybulb Range Type (see Parameters)
     241             :         int TempRangeSchPtr;            // Schedule pointer to a day schedule for dry-bulb temperature range multipliers
     242             :         int HumIndSchPtr;               // Schedule pointer to a day schedule that specifies
     243             :         //    relative humidity (%) or wet-bulb range multipliers per HumIndType
     244             :         int BeamSolarSchPtr;      // Schedule pointer to a day schedule for beam solar
     245             :         int DiffuseSolarSchPtr;   // Schedule pointer to a day schedule for diffuse solar
     246             :         Real64 TauB;              // beam pseudo optical depth for ASHRAE tau model
     247             :         Real64 TauD;              // diffuse pseudo optical depth for ASHRAE tau model
     248             :         Real64 DailyWBRange;      // daily range of wetbulb (deltaC)
     249             :         bool PressureEntered;     // true if a pressure was entered in design day data
     250             :         bool DewPointNeedsSet;    // true if the Dewpoint humidicating value needs to be set (after location determined)
     251             :         int maxWarmupDays;        // Maximum warmup days between sizing periods
     252             :         bool suppressBegEnvReset; // true if this design day should be run without thermal history being reset at begin environment
     253             : 
     254             :         // Default Constructor
     255        2385 :         DesignDayData()
     256        2385 :             : MaxDryBulb(0.0), DailyDBRange(0.0), HumIndValue(0.0), HumIndType(DDHumIndType::WetBulb), PressBarom(0.0), WindSpeed(0.0), WindDir(0.0),
     257             :               SkyClear(0.0), RainInd(0), SnowInd(0), DayOfMonth(0), Month(0), DayType(0), DSTIndicator(0),
     258             :               SolarModel(DesignDaySolarModel::ASHRAE_ClearSky), DBTempRangeType(DDDBRangeType::Default), TempRangeSchPtr(0), HumIndSchPtr(0),
     259             :               BeamSolarSchPtr(0), DiffuseSolarSchPtr(0), TauB(0.0), TauD(0.0), DailyWBRange(0.0), PressureEntered(false),
     260             :               DewPointNeedsSet(false),                      //**Trane:BEG: Sizing Speed Up
     261        2385 :               maxWarmupDays(-1), suppressBegEnvReset(false) //**Trane:END: Sizing Speed Up
     262             :         {
     263        2385 :         }
     264             :     };
     265             : 
     266          56 :     struct ReportPeriodData
     267             :     {
     268             :         std::string title;
     269             :         std::string reportName;
     270             :         int startYear;
     271             :         int startMonth;
     272             :         int startDay;
     273             :         int startHour;
     274             :         int startJulianDate;
     275             :         int endYear;
     276             :         int endMonth;
     277             :         int endDay;
     278             :         int endHour;
     279             :         int endJulianDate;
     280             :         Real64 totalElectricityUse;
     281             : 
     282             :         // Default Constructor
     283          16 :         ReportPeriodData()
     284          16 :             : startYear(2017), startMonth(1), startDay(1), startHour(1), startJulianDate(2457755), endYear(2017), endMonth(12), endDay(31),
     285          16 :               endHour(24), endJulianDate(2458119), totalElectricityUse(0.0)
     286             :         {
     287          16 :         }
     288             :     };
     289             : 
     290        3826 :     struct RunPeriodData
     291             :     {
     292             :         // Members
     293             :         std::string title;
     294             :         std::string periodType;
     295             :         int totalDays = 365; // total number of days in requested period
     296             :         int startMonth = 1;
     297             :         int startDay = 1;
     298             :         int startJulianDate = 2457755; // Calculated start date (Julian or ordinal) for a weather file run period
     299             :         int startYear = 2017;          // entered in "consecutive"/real runperiod object
     300             :         int endMonth = 12;
     301             :         int endDay = 31;
     302             :         int endJulianDate = 2458119; // Calculated end date (Julian or ordinal) for a weather file run period
     303             :         int endYear = 2017;          // entered in "consecutive"/real runperiod object
     304             :         int dayOfWeek = 1;           // Day of Week that the RunPeriod will start on (User Input)
     305             :         ScheduleManager::DayType startWeekDay = ScheduleManager::DayType::Sunday; // Day of the week that the RunPeriod will start on (User Input)
     306             :         bool useDST = false;                                                      // True if DaylightSavingTime is used for this RunPeriod
     307             :         bool useHolidays = false;                                                 // True if Holidays are used for this RunPeriod (from WeatherFile)
     308             :         bool applyWeekendRule = false;                                            // True if "Weekend Rule" is to be applied to RunPeriod
     309             :         bool useRain = true;                                                      // True if Rain from weather file should be used (set rain to true)
     310             :         bool useSnow = true;                                                      // True if Snow from weather file should be used (set Snow to true)
     311             :         Array1D_int monWeekDay = {1, 4, 4, 7, 2, 5, 7, 3, 6, 1, 4, 6};            // Weekday for first day of each month
     312             :         int numSimYears = 1;                                                      // Total Number of years of simulation to be performed
     313             :         bool isLeapYear = false;                                                  // True if Begin Year is leap year.
     314             :         bool RollDayTypeOnRepeat = true;                                          // If repeating run period, increment day type on repeat.
     315             :         bool TreatYearsAsConsecutive = true;                                      // When year rolls over, increment year and recalculate Leap Year
     316             :         bool actualWeather = false;                                               // true when using actual weather data
     317             :         bool firstHrInterpUsingHr1 = false; // true for using Hour 1 for first hour interpolate; false for using Hour 24
     318             :     };
     319             : 
     320             :     struct DayWeatherVariables // Derived Type for Storing Weather "Header" Data
     321             :     {
     322             :         // Members
     323             :         int DayOfYear;              // Day of year for weather data
     324             :         int DayOfYear_Schedule;     // Day of year in schedule
     325             :         int Year;                   // Year of weather data
     326             :         int Month;                  // Month of weather data
     327             :         int DayOfMonth;             // Day of month for weather data
     328             :         int DayOfWeek;              // Day of week for weather data
     329             :         int DaylightSavingIndex;    // Daylight Saving Time Period indicator (0=no,1=yes)
     330             :         int HolidayIndex;           // Holiday indicator (0=no holiday, non-zero=holiday type)
     331             :         Real64 SinSolarDeclinAngle; // Sine of the solar declination angle
     332             :         Real64 CosSolarDeclinAngle; // Cosine of the solar declination angle
     333             :         Real64 EquationOfTime;      // Value of the equation of time formula
     334             : 
     335             :         // Default Constructor
     336        3927 :         DayWeatherVariables()
     337        3927 :             : DayOfYear(0), DayOfYear_Schedule(0), Year(0), Month(0), DayOfMonth(0), DayOfWeek(0), DaylightSavingIndex(0), HolidayIndex(0),
     338        3927 :               SinSolarDeclinAngle(0.0), CosSolarDeclinAngle(0.0), EquationOfTime(0.0)
     339             :         {
     340        3927 :         }
     341             :     };
     342             : 
     343        3309 :     struct SpecialDayData
     344             :     {
     345             :         // Members
     346             :         std::string Name;                  // Name
     347             :         WeatherManager::DateType DateType; // Date type as read in from IDF
     348             :         int Month;                         // Start Month
     349             :         int Day;                           // Start Day of month or Count for DateTypes=NthDayOfMonth
     350             :         int WeekDay;                       // For Date types=NthDayOfMonth and LastDayOfMonth
     351             :         int CompDate;                      // Start Date in "compressed date" format, only if Month/Day
     352             :         bool WthrFile;                     // True if this Special Day came from weather file (EPW)
     353             :         int Duration;                      // Number of days this special Day is used for
     354             :         int DayType;                       // Day Type desigation for this Special Day period
     355             :         int ActStMon;
     356             :         int ActStDay;
     357             :         bool Used; // Set to true in a run period after use (NthDayOfMonth and LastDayOfMonth only)
     358             : 
     359             :         // Default Constructor
     360        2040 :         SpecialDayData()
     361        2040 :             : DateType(DateType::Invalid), Month(0), Day(0), WeekDay(0), CompDate(0), WthrFile(false), Duration(0), DayType(0), ActStMon(0),
     362        2040 :               ActStDay(0), Used(false)
     363             :         {
     364        2040 :         }
     365             :     };
     366             : 
     367        2283 :     struct DataPeriodData
     368             :     {
     369             :         // Members
     370             :         std::string Name;      // DataPeriod Title
     371             :         std::string DayOfWeek; // Start Day of Week for DataPeriod
     372             :         int NumYearsData;      // Number of years for which data is present in EPW.
     373             :         int WeekDay;
     374             :         int StMon;
     375             :         int StDay;
     376             :         int StYear;
     377             :         int EnMon;
     378             :         int EnDay;
     379             :         int EnYear;
     380             :         int NumDays;
     381             :         Array1D_int MonWeekDay;
     382             :         int DataStJDay;
     383             :         int DataEnJDay;
     384             :         bool HasYearData;
     385             : 
     386             :         // Default Constructor
     387        1522 :         DataPeriodData()
     388        1522 :             : NumYearsData(1), WeekDay(0), StMon(0), StDay(0), StYear(0), EnMon(0), EnDay(0), EnYear(0), NumDays(0), MonWeekDay(12, 0), DataStJDay(0),
     389        1522 :               DataEnJDay(0), HasYearData(false)
     390             :         {
     391        1522 :         }
     392             :     };
     393             : 
     394             :     struct DaylightSavingPeriodData
     395             :     {
     396             :         // Members
     397             :         DateType StDateType; // Start Date type as from EPW or IDF
     398             :         int StWeekDay;       // For DateTypes=NthDayOfMonth or LastDayOfMonth
     399             :         int StMon;           // DaylightSavingTime (DST) Start Month
     400             :         int StDay;           // DaylightSavingTime (DST) Start Day
     401             :         DateType EnDateType; // End Date type as from EPW or IDF
     402             :         int EnMon;           // DaylightSavingTime (DST) End Month
     403             :         int EnDay;           // DaylightSavingTime (DST) End Day
     404             :         int EnWeekDay;       // For DateTypes=NthDayOfMonth or LastDayOfMonth
     405             : 
     406             :         // Default Constructor
     407        2313 :         DaylightSavingPeriodData()
     408        2313 :             : StDateType(DateType::Invalid), StWeekDay(0), StMon(0), StDay(0), EnDateType(DateType::Invalid), EnMon(0), EnDay(0), EnWeekDay(0)
     409             :         {
     410        2313 :         }
     411             :     };
     412             : 
     413             :     // This struct carries the default missing data for those data elements that would be best replaced with the previous hour's data for missing
     414             :     // data.
     415             :     struct MissingData
     416             :     {
     417             :         // Members
     418             :         Real64 DryBulb;      // Dry Bulb Temperature (C)
     419             :         Real64 DewPoint;     // Dew Point Temperature (C)
     420             :         int RelHumid;        // Relative Humidity (%)
     421             :         Real64 StnPres;      // Atmospheric Pressure (Pa)
     422             :         int WindDir;         // Wind Direction (deg)
     423             :         Real64 WindSpd;      // Wind Speed/Velocity (m/s)
     424             :         int TotSkyCvr;       // Total Sky Cover (tenths)
     425             :         int OpaqSkyCvr;      // Opaque Sky Cover (tenths)
     426             :         Real64 Visibility;   // Visibility (km)
     427             :         int Ceiling;         // Ceiling Height (m)
     428             :         int PrecipWater;     // Precipitable Water (mm)
     429             :         Real64 AerOptDepth;  // Aerosol Optical Depth
     430             :         int SnowDepth;       // Snow Depth (cm)
     431             :         int DaysLastSnow;    // Number of Days since last snow
     432             :         Real64 Albedo;       // Albedo
     433             :         Real64 LiquidPrecip; // Rain/Liquid Precipitation (mm)
     434             : 
     435             :         // Default Constructor
     436         771 :         MissingData()
     437         771 :             : DryBulb(0.0), DewPoint(0.0), RelHumid(0), StnPres(0.0), WindDir(0), WindSpd(0.0), TotSkyCvr(0), OpaqSkyCvr(0), Visibility(0.0),
     438         771 :               Ceiling(0), PrecipWater(0), AerOptDepth(0.0), SnowDepth(0), DaysLastSnow(0), Albedo(0.0), LiquidPrecip(0.0)
     439             :         {
     440         771 :         }
     441             :     };
     442             : 
     443             :     // This Derived type carries the counts of missing data items in the weather reading process. It will count only items that are on the source file
     444             :     // -- not those that are derived from data on the source file.
     445             :     struct MissingDataCounts
     446             :     {
     447             :         // Members
     448             :         // Comments below illustrate the data that is being counted:
     449             :         int DryBulb;      // Dry Bulb Temperature (C)
     450             :         int DewPoint;     // Dew Point Temperature (C)
     451             :         int RelHumid;     // Relative Humidity (%)
     452             :         int StnPres;      // Atmospheric Pressure (Pa)
     453             :         int WindDir;      // Wind Direction (deg)
     454             :         int WindSpd;      // Wind Speed/Velocity (m/s)
     455             :         int DirectRad;    // Direct Radiation (wh/m2)
     456             :         int DiffuseRad;   // Diffuse Radiation (wh/m2)
     457             :         int TotSkyCvr;    // Total Sky Cover (tenths)
     458             :         int OpaqSkyCvr;   // Opaque Sky Cover (tenths)
     459             :         int Visibility;   // Visibility (km)
     460             :         int Ceiling;      // Ceiling Height (m)
     461             :         int PrecipWater;  // Precipitable Water (mm)
     462             :         int AerOptDepth;  // Aerosol Optical Depth
     463             :         int SnowDepth;    // Snow Depth (cm)
     464             :         int DaysLastSnow; // Number of Days since last snow
     465             :         int WeathCodes;   // Weather codes invalid
     466             :         int Albedo;       // Albedo
     467             :         int LiquidPrecip; // Liquid Precip Depth
     468             : 
     469             :         // Default Constructor
     470         771 :         MissingDataCounts()
     471         771 :             : DryBulb(0), DewPoint(0), RelHumid(0), StnPres(0), WindDir(0), WindSpd(0), DirectRad(0), DiffuseRad(0), TotSkyCvr(0), OpaqSkyCvr(0),
     472         771 :               Visibility(0), Ceiling(0), PrecipWater(0), AerOptDepth(0), SnowDepth(0), DaysLastSnow(0), WeathCodes(0), Albedo(0), LiquidPrecip(0)
     473             :         {
     474         771 :         }
     475             :     };
     476             : 
     477             :     // This Derived type carries the counts of out of range items in the weather reading process. It will count only items that are on the source file
     478             :     // -- not those that are derived from data on the source file.
     479             :     struct RangeDataCounts
     480             :     {
     481             :         // Members
     482             :         // Comments below illustrate the data that is being counted:
     483             :         int DryBulb;    // Dry Bulb Temperature (C)
     484             :         int DewPoint;   // Dew Point Temperature (C)
     485             :         int RelHumid;   // Relative Humidity (%)
     486             :         int StnPres;    // Atmospheric Pressure (Pa)
     487             :         int WindDir;    // Wind Direction (deg)
     488             :         int WindSpd;    // Wind Speed/Velocity (m/s)
     489             :         int DirectRad;  // Direct Radiation (wh/m2)
     490             :         int DiffuseRad; // Diffuse Radiation (wh/m2)
     491             : 
     492             :         // Default Constructor
     493         771 :         RangeDataCounts() : DryBulb(0), DewPoint(0), RelHumid(0), StnPres(0), WindDir(0), WindSpd(0), DirectRad(0), DiffuseRad(0)
     494             :         {
     495         771 :         }
     496             :     };
     497             : 
     498        9635 :     struct TypicalExtremeData
     499             :     {
     500             :         // Members
     501             :         std::string Title;       // Environment name
     502             :         std::string ShortTitle;  // Environment name
     503             :         std::string MatchValue;  // String to be matched for input/running these periods for design.
     504             :         std::string MatchValue1; // String to be also matched (synonym)
     505             :         std::string MatchValue2; // String to be also matched (synonym)
     506             :         std::string TEType;      // Typical or Extreme
     507             :         int TotalDays;           // Number of days in environment
     508             :         int StartJDay;           // Day of year of first day of environment
     509             :         int StartMonth;
     510             :         int StartDay;
     511             :         int EndMonth;
     512             :         int EndDay;
     513             :         int EndJDay;
     514             : 
     515             :         // Default Constructor
     516        5198 :         TypicalExtremeData() : TotalDays(0), StartJDay(0), StartMonth(0), StartDay(0), EndMonth(0), EndDay(0), EndJDay(0)
     517             :         {
     518        5198 :         }
     519             :     };
     520             : 
     521         775 :     struct WeatherProperties
     522             :     {
     523             :         // Members
     524             :         std::string Name;         // Reference Name
     525             :         std::string ScheduleName; // Schedule Name or Algorithm Name
     526             :         bool IsSchedule;          // Default is using Schedule
     527             :         SkyTempCalcType CalculationType;
     528             :         int SchedulePtr; // pointer to schedule when used
     529             :         bool UsedForEnvrn;
     530             :         bool UseWeatherFileHorizontalIR; // If false, horizontal IR and sky temperature are calculated with WP models
     531             : 
     532             :         // Default Constructor
     533         773 :         WeatherProperties()
     534         773 :             : IsSchedule(true), CalculationType(SkyTempCalcType::ClarkAllenModel), SchedulePtr(0), UsedForEnvrn(false),
     535         773 :               UseWeatherFileHorizontalIR(true)
     536             :         {
     537         773 :         }
     538             :     };
     539             : 
     540           1 :     struct UnderwaterBoundary
     541             :     {
     542             :         std::string Name;
     543             :         Real64 distanceFromLeadingEdge;
     544             :         int OSCMIndex;
     545             :         int WaterTempScheduleIndex;
     546             :         int VelocityScheduleIndex;
     547           1 :         UnderwaterBoundary() : Name(""), distanceFromLeadingEdge(0.0), OSCMIndex(0), WaterTempScheduleIndex(0), VelocityScheduleIndex(0)
     548             :         {
     549           1 :         }
     550             :     };
     551             : 
     552             :     // Functions
     553             :     void ManageWeather(EnergyPlusData &state);
     554             : 
     555             :     void ResetEnvironmentCounter(EnergyPlusData &state);
     556             : 
     557             :     bool GetNextEnvironment(EnergyPlusData &state, bool &Available, bool &ErrorsFound);
     558             : 
     559             :     void AddDesignSetToEnvironmentStruct(
     560             :         EnergyPlusData &state, int HVACSizingIterCount // Counter for number of times HVAC Sizing Simulation of Design Period set is being rerun
     561             :     );
     562             : 
     563             :     bool CheckIfAnyUnderwaterBoundaries(EnergyPlusData &state);
     564             : 
     565             :     Real64 calculateWaterBoundaryConvectionCoefficient(Real64 curWaterTemp, Real64 curWaterVelocity, Real64 distanceFromLeadingEdge);
     566             : 
     567             :     void UpdateUnderwaterBoundaries(EnergyPlusData &state);
     568             : 
     569             :     void ReadVariableLocationOrientation(EnergyPlusData &state);
     570             : 
     571             :     void UpdateLocationAndOrientation(EnergyPlusData &state);
     572             : 
     573             :     void SetupWeekDaysByMonth(EnergyPlusData &state, int StMon, int StDay, int StWeekDay, Array1D_int &WeekDays);
     574             : 
     575             :     void ResetWeekDaysByMonth(EnergyPlusData &state,
     576             :                               Array1D_int &WeekDays,
     577             :                               int AddLeapYear,
     578             :                               int StartMonth,
     579             :                               int StartMonthDay,
     580             :                               int EndMonth,
     581             :                               int EndMonthDay,
     582             :                               bool Rollover,
     583             :                               bool MidSimReset = false);
     584             : 
     585             :     void SetDSTDateRanges(EnergyPlusData &state,
     586             :                           Array1D_int const &MonWeekDay, // Weekday of each day 1 of month
     587             :                           Array1D_int &DSTIdx,           // DST Index for each julian day (1:366)
     588             :                           Optional_int DSTActStMon = _,
     589             :                           Optional_int DSTActStDay = _,
     590             :                           Optional_int DSTActEnMon = _,
     591             :                           Optional_int DSTActEnDay = _);
     592             : 
     593             :     void SetSpecialDayDates(EnergyPlusData &state, Array1D_int const &MonWeekDay); // Weekday of each day 1 of month
     594             : 
     595             :     void InitializeWeather(EnergyPlusData &state, bool &printEnvrnStamp); // Set to true when the environment header should be printed
     596             : 
     597             :     void UpdateWeatherData(EnergyPlusData &state);
     598             : 
     599             :     void SetCurrentWeather(EnergyPlusData &state);
     600             : 
     601             :     void ReadWeatherForDay(EnergyPlusData &state,
     602             :                            int DayToRead,          // =1 when starting out, otherwise signifies next day
     603             :                            int Environ,            // Environment being simulated
     604             :                            bool BackSpaceAfterRead // True if weather file is to be backspaced after read
     605             :     );
     606             : 
     607             :     void ReadEPlusWeatherForDay(EnergyPlusData &state,
     608             :                                 int DayToRead,          // =1 when starting out, otherwise signifies next day
     609             :                                 int Environ,            // Environment being simulated
     610             :                                 bool BackSpaceAfterRead // True if weather file is to be backspaced after read
     611             :     );
     612             : 
     613             :     Real64 interpolateWindDirection(Real64 prevHrWindDir, Real64 curHrWindDir, Real64 curHrWeight);
     614             : 
     615             :     void SetDayOfWeekInitialValues(int EnvironDayOfWeek, // Starting Day of Week for the (Weather) RunPeriod (User Input)
     616             :                                    int &currentDayOfWeek // Current Day of Week
     617             :     );
     618             : 
     619             :     void ErrorInterpretWeatherDataLine(
     620             :         EnergyPlusData &state, int WYear, int WMonth, int WDay, int WHour, int WMinute, std::string_view SaveLine, std::string_view Line);
     621             : 
     622             :     void InterpretWeatherDataLine(EnergyPlusData &state,
     623             :                                   std::string_view Line,
     624             :                                   bool &ErrorFound, // True if an error is found, false otherwise
     625             :                                   int &WYear,
     626             :                                   int &WMonth,
     627             :                                   int &WDay,
     628             :                                   int &WHour,
     629             :                                   int &WMinute,
     630             :                                   Real64 &DryBulb,           // DryBulb
     631             :                                   Real64 &DewPoint,          // DewPoint
     632             :                                   Real64 &RelHum,            // RelHum
     633             :                                   Real64 &AtmPress,          // AtmPress
     634             :                                   Real64 &ETHoriz,           // ETHoriz
     635             :                                   Real64 &ETDirect,          // ETDirect
     636             :                                   Real64 &IRHoriz,           // IRHoriz
     637             :                                   Real64 &GLBHoriz,          // GLBHoriz
     638             :                                   Real64 &DirectRad,         // DirectRad
     639             :                                   Real64 &DiffuseRad,        // DiffuseRad
     640             :                                   Real64 &GLBHorizIllum,     // GLBHorizIllum
     641             :                                   Real64 &DirectNrmIllum,    // DirectNrmIllum
     642             :                                   Real64 &DiffuseHorizIllum, // DiffuseHorizIllum
     643             :                                   Real64 &ZenLum,            // ZenLum
     644             :                                   Real64 &WindDir,           // WindDir
     645             :                                   Real64 &WindSpeed,         // WindSpeed
     646             :                                   Real64 &TotalSkyCover,     // TotalSkyCover
     647             :                                   Real64 &OpaqueSkyCover,    // OpaqueSkyCover
     648             :                                   Real64 &Visibility,        // Visibility
     649             :                                   Real64 &CeilHeight,        // CeilHeight
     650             :                                   int &WObs,                 // PresWeathObs
     651             :                                   Array1D_int &WCodesArr,    // PresWeathConds
     652             :                                   Real64 &PrecipWater,       // PrecipWater
     653             :                                   Real64 &AerosolOptDepth,   // AerosolOptDepth
     654             :                                   Real64 &SnowDepth,         // SnowDepth
     655             :                                   Real64 &DaysSinceLastSnow, // DaysSinceLastSnow
     656             :                                   Real64 &Albedo,            // Albedo
     657             :                                   Real64 &LiquidPrecip       // LiquidPrecip
     658             :     );
     659             : 
     660             :     void SetUpDesignDay(EnergyPlusData &state, int EnvrnNum); // Environment number passed into the routine
     661             : 
     662             :     Real64 AirMass(Real64 CosZen); // COS( solar zenith), 0 - 1
     663             : 
     664             :     // Calculate sky temperature from weather data
     665             :     Real64 CalcSkyEmissivity(EnergyPlusData &state, SkyTempCalcType ESkyCalcType, Real64 OSky, Real64 DryBulb, Real64 DewPoint, Real64 RelHum);
     666             : 
     667             :     void ASHRAETauModel([[maybe_unused]] EnergyPlusData &state,
     668             :                         DesignDaySolarModel TauModelType, // ASHRAETau solar model type ASHRAE_Tau or ASHRAE_Tau2017
     669             :                         Real64 ETR,                       // extraterrestrial normal irradiance, W/m2
     670             :                         Real64 CosZen,                    // COS( solar zenith angle), 0 - 1
     671             :                         Real64 TauB,                      // beam tau factor
     672             :                         Real64 TauD,                      // dif tau factor
     673             :                         Real64 &IDirN,                    // returned: direct (beam) irradiance on normal surface, W/m2
     674             :                         Real64 &IDifH,                    // returned: diffuse irradiance on horiz surface, W/m2
     675             :                         Real64 &IGlbH                     // returned: global irradiance on horiz surface, W/m2
     676             :     );
     677             : 
     678             :     void AllocateWeatherData(EnergyPlusData &state);
     679             : 
     680             :     void CalculateDailySolarCoeffs(EnergyPlusData &state,
     681             :                                    int DayOfYear,                 // Day of year (1 - 366)
     682             :                                    Real64 &A,                     // ASHRAE "A" - Apparent solar irradiation at air mass = 0 [W/M**2]
     683             :                                    Real64 &B,                     // ASHRAE "B" - Atmospheric extinction coefficient
     684             :                                    Real64 &C,                     // ASHRAE "C" - Diffuse radiation factor
     685             :                                    Real64 &AnnVarSolConstant,     // Annual variation in the solar constant
     686             :                                    Real64 &EquationOfTime,        // Equation of Time
     687             :                                    Real64 &SineSolarDeclination,  // Sine of Solar Declination
     688             :                                    Real64 &CosineSolarDeclination // Cosine of Solar Declination
     689             :     );
     690             : 
     691             :     void CalculateSunDirectionCosines(EnergyPlusData &state,
     692             :                                       Real64 TimeValue,    // Current Time of Day
     693             :                                       Real64 EqOfTime,     // Equation of Time
     694             :                                       Real64 SinSolDeclin, // Sine of Solar Declination
     695             :                                       Real64 CosSolDeclin, // Cosine of Solar Declination
     696             :                                       Array1D<Real64> &SUNCOS);
     697             : 
     698             :     void DetermineSunUpDown(EnergyPlusData &state, Array1D<Real64> &SunDirectionCosines);
     699             : 
     700             :     void OpenWeatherFile(EnergyPlusData &state, bool &ErrorsFound);
     701             : 
     702             :     void OpenEPlusWeatherFile(EnergyPlusData &state,
     703             :                               bool &ErrorsFound, // Will be set to true if errors found
     704             :                               bool ProcessHeader // Set to true when headers should be processed (rather than just read)
     705             :     );
     706             : 
     707             :     void CloseWeatherFile(EnergyPlusData &state);
     708             : 
     709             :     void ResolveLocationInformation(EnergyPlusData &state, bool &ErrorsFound); // Set to true if no location evident
     710             : 
     711             :     void CheckLocationValidity(EnergyPlusData &state);
     712             : 
     713             :     void CheckWeatherFileValidity(EnergyPlusData &state);
     714             : 
     715             :     void ReportOutputFileHeaders(EnergyPlusData &state);
     716             : 
     717             :     void ReportWeatherAndTimeInformation(EnergyPlusData &state,
     718             :                                          bool &printEnvrnStamp); // Set to true when the environment header should be printed
     719             : 
     720             :     void ReadUserWeatherInput(EnergyPlusData &state);
     721             : 
     722             :     //    copy report period data from source to target
     723             :     void CopyReportPeriodObject(const Array1D<WeatherManager::ReportPeriodData> &source,
     724             :                                 const int sourceIdx,
     725             :                                 Array1D<WeatherManager::ReportPeriodData> &target,
     726             :                                 const int targetIdx);
     727             : 
     728             :     void GroupReportPeriodByType(EnergyPlusData &state, const int nReportPeriods);
     729             : 
     730             :     void GetReportPeriodData(EnergyPlusData &state,
     731             :                              int &nReportPeriods, // Total number of Report Periods requested
     732             :                              bool &ErrorsFound);
     733             : 
     734             :     void GetRunPeriodData(EnergyPlusData &state,
     735             :                           int &nRunPeriods, // Total number of Run Periods requested
     736             :                           bool &ErrorsFound);
     737             : 
     738             :     void GetRunPeriodDesignData(EnergyPlusData &state, bool &ErrorsFound);
     739             : 
     740             :     void GetSpecialDayPeriodData(EnergyPlusData &state, bool &ErrorsFound); // will be set to true if severe errors are found in inputs
     741             : 
     742             :     void CalcSpecialDayTypes(EnergyPlusData &state);
     743             : 
     744             :     void GetDSTData(EnergyPlusData &state, bool &ErrorsFound); // will be set to true if severe errors are found in inputs
     745             : 
     746             :     void GetDesignDayData(EnergyPlusData &state,
     747             :                           int &TotDesDays, // Total number of Design days to Setup
     748             :                           bool &ErrorsFound);
     749             : 
     750             :     void GetLocationInfo(EnergyPlusData &state, bool &ErrorsFound);
     751             : 
     752             :     void GetWeatherProperties(EnergyPlusData &state, bool &ErrorsFound);
     753             : 
     754             :     void GetGroundTemps(EnergyPlusData &state);
     755             : 
     756             :     void GetGroundReflectances(EnergyPlusData &state, bool &ErrorsFound);
     757             : 
     758             :     void GetSnowGroundRefModifiers(EnergyPlusData &state, bool &ErrorsFound);
     759             : 
     760             :     void GetWaterMainsTemperatures(EnergyPlusData &state, bool &ErrorsFound);
     761             : 
     762             :     void CalcWaterMainsTemp(EnergyPlusData &state);
     763             : 
     764             :     Real64 WaterMainsTempFromCorrelation(EnergyPlusData &state,
     765             :                                          Real64 AnnualOAAvgDryBulbTemp,        // annual average OA drybulb temperature
     766             :                                          Real64 MonthlyOAAvgDryBulbTempMaxDiff // monthly daily average OA drybulb temperature maximum difference
     767             :     );
     768             : 
     769             :     void GetWeatherStation(EnergyPlusData &state, bool &ErrorsFound);
     770             : 
     771             :     void DayltgCurrentExtHorizIllum(EnergyPlusData &state);
     772             : 
     773             :     void DayltgLuminousEfficacy(EnergyPlusData &state,
     774             :                                 Real64 &DiffLumEff, // Luminous efficacy of sky diffuse solar radiation (lum/W)
     775             :                                 Real64 &DirLumEff   // Luminous efficacy of beam solar radiation (lum/W)
     776             :     );
     777             : 
     778             :     Real64 GetSTM(Real64 Longitude); // Longitude from user input
     779             : 
     780             :     void ProcessEPWHeader(EnergyPlusData &state, EpwHeaderType const headerType, std::string &Line, bool &ErrorsFound);
     781             : 
     782             :     void SkipEPlusWFHeader(EnergyPlusData &state);
     783             : 
     784             :     void ReportMissing_RangeData(EnergyPlusData &state);
     785             : 
     786             :     void SetupInterpolationValues(EnergyPlusData &state);
     787             : 
     788             :     void SetupEnvironmentTypes(EnergyPlusData &state);
     789             : 
     790             :     bool isLeapYear(int Year);
     791             : 
     792             :     struct GregorianDate
     793             :     {
     794             :         int year;
     795             :         int month;
     796             :         int day;
     797             : 
     798           0 :         GregorianDate(int year, int month, int day) : year(year), month(month), day(day)
     799             :         {
     800           0 :         }
     801             :     };
     802             : 
     803             :     int computeJulianDate(int gyyyy, int gmm, int gdd);
     804             : 
     805             :     int computeJulianDate(GregorianDate gdate);
     806             : 
     807             :     GregorianDate computeGregorianDate(int jdate);
     808             : 
     809             :     ScheduleManager::DayType calculateDayOfWeek(EnergyPlusData &state, int year, int month, int day);
     810             : 
     811             :     int calculateDayOfYear(int Month, int Day, bool leapYear = false);
     812             : 
     813             :     bool validMonthDay(int month, int day, int leapYearAdd = 0);
     814             : 
     815             :     // derived type for processing and storing Dry-bulb weather or stat file
     816         771 :     struct AnnualMonthlyDryBulbWeatherData
     817             :     {
     818             :         // Members
     819             :         bool OADryBulbWeatherDataProcessed;             // if false stat or weather file OA Dry-bulb temp is not processed yet
     820             :         Real64 AnnualAvgOADryBulbTemp;                  // annual average outdoor air temperature (C)
     821             :         Real64 MonthlyAvgOADryBulbTempMaxDiff;          // monthly daily average OA drybulb temperature maximum difference (deltaC)
     822             :         Array1D<Real64> MonthlyDailyAverageDryBulbTemp; // monthly-daily average outdoor air temperatures (C)
     823             : 
     824             :         // Default Constructor
     825         771 :         AnnualMonthlyDryBulbWeatherData()
     826         771 :             : OADryBulbWeatherDataProcessed(false), AnnualAvgOADryBulbTemp(0.0), MonthlyAvgOADryBulbTempMaxDiff(0.0),
     827         771 :               MonthlyDailyAverageDryBulbTemp(12, 0.0)
     828             :         {
     829         771 :         }
     830             :         void CalcAnnualAndMonthlyDryBulbTemp(EnergyPlusData &state); // true if this is CorrelationFromWeatherFile
     831             :     };
     832             : 
     833             :     void ReportWaterMainsTempParameters(EnergyPlusData &state);
     834             :     void calcSky(EnergyPlusData &state,
     835             :                  Real64 &TmrHorizIRSky,
     836             :                  Real64 &TmrSkyTemp,
     837             :                  Real64 OpaqueSkyCover,
     838             :                  Real64 DryBulb,
     839             :                  Real64 DewPoint,
     840             :                  Real64 RelHum,
     841             :                  Real64 IRHoriz);
     842             : 
     843             : } // namespace WeatherManager
     844             : 
     845         771 : struct WeatherManagerData : BaseGlobalStruct
     846             : {
     847             : 
     848             :     // These were static variables within different functions. They were pulled out into the namespace
     849             :     // to facilitate easier unit testing of those functions.
     850             :     // These are purposefully not in the header file as an extern variable. No one outside of this should
     851             :     // use these. They are cleared by clear_state() for use by unit tests, but normal simulations should be unaffected.
     852             :     // This is purposefully in an anonymous namespace so nothing outside this implementation file can use it.
     853             :     bool GetBranchInputOneTimeFlag;
     854             :     bool GetEnvironmentFirstCall;
     855             :     bool PrntEnvHeaders;
     856             :     bool FirstCall;                 // Some things should only be done once
     857             :     bool WaterMainsParameterReport; // should only be done once
     858             :     bool PrintEnvrnStamp;           // Set to true when the environment header should be printed
     859             :     bool PrintDDHeader;
     860             : 
     861             :     Real64 const Sigma; // Stefan-Boltzmann constant
     862             : 
     863             :     int YearOfSim; // The Present year of Simulation.
     864             :     int const NumDaysInYear;
     865             :     int EnvironmentReportNbr;         // Report number for the environment stamp
     866             :     std::string EnvironmentReportChr; // Report number for the environment stamp (character -- for printing)
     867             :     bool WeatherFileExists;           // Set to true if a weather file exists
     868             :     std::string LocationTitle;        // Location Title from input File
     869             :     bool LocationGathered;            // flag to show if Location exists on Input File (we assume one is there and correct on weather file)
     870             : 
     871             :     Real64 WeatherFileLatitude;
     872             :     Real64 WeatherFileLongitude;
     873             :     Real64 WeatherFileTimeZone;
     874             :     Real64 WeatherFileElevation;
     875             :     Array1D<Real64> GroundTempsFCFromEPWHeader; // F or C factor method NOLINT(cert-err58-cpp)
     876             :     Array1D<Real64> GroundReflectances;         // User Specified Ground Reflectances !EPTeam: Using DP causes big diffs NOLINT(cert-err58-cpp)
     877             :     Real64 SnowGndRefModifier;                  // Modifier to ground reflectance during snow
     878             :     Real64 SnowGndRefModifierForDayltg;         // Modifier to ground reflectance during snow for daylighting
     879             :     WeatherManager::WaterMainsTempCalcMethod WaterMainsTempsMethod; // Water mains temperature calculation method
     880             :     int WaterMainsTempsSchedule;                                    // Water mains temperature schedule
     881             :     Real64 WaterMainsTempsAnnualAvgAirTemp;                         // Annual average outdoor air temperature (C)
     882             :     Real64 WaterMainsTempsMaxDiffAirTemp;                           // Maximum difference in monthly average outdoor air temperatures (deltaC)
     883             :     std::string WaterMainsTempsScheduleName;                        // water mains tempeature schedule name
     884             :     bool wthFCGroundTemps;
     885             : 
     886             :     int TotRunPers;           // Total number of Run Periods (Weather data) to Setup
     887             :     int TotRunDesPers;        // Total number of Run Design Periods (Weather data) to Setup
     888             :     int TotReportPers;        // Total number of reporting periods
     889             :     int TotThermalReportPers; // Total number of thermal reporting periods
     890             :     int TotCO2ReportPers;     // Total number of CO2 reporting periods
     891             :     int TotVisualReportPers;  // Total number of visual reporting periods
     892             : 
     893             :     int NumSpecialDays;
     894             :     Array1D_int SpecialDayTypes; // To hold holiday types given in input file NOLINT(cert-err58-cpp)
     895             :     Array1D_int WeekDayTypes;    // To hold Week day types using specified first day NOLINT(cert-err58-cpp)
     896             :     Array1D_int DSTIndex;        // To hold DST Index based on weather file or input NOLINT(cert-err58-cpp)
     897             : 
     898             :     int NumDataPeriods;
     899             : 
     900             :     int NumIntervalsPerHour;
     901             : 
     902             :     bool UseDaylightSaving;         // True if user says to use Weather File specified DaylightSaving Period
     903             :     bool UseSpecialDays;            // True if user says to use Weather File specified Special Days for current RunPeriod
     904             :     bool UseRainValues;             // True if rain values from weather file are to be used
     905             :     bool UseSnowValues;             // True if snow values from weather file are to be used
     906             :     bool EPWDaylightSaving;         // True if a DaylightSaving Time Period is input (EPW files)
     907             :     bool IDFDaylightSaving;         // True if a DaylightSaving Time Period is input (IDF files)
     908             :     bool DaylightSavingIsActive;    // True if a DaylightSavingPeriod should be used for Environment
     909             :     bool WFAllowsLeapYears;         // True if the Weather File (WF) header has "Yes" for Leap Years
     910             :     int curSimDayForEndOfRunPeriod; // normal=number days in sim, but different when repeating runperiods or multi-year files
     911             :     int Envrn;                      // Counter for environments
     912             :     int NumOfEnvrn;                 // Number of environments to be simulated
     913             :     int NumEPWTypExtSets;           // Number of Typical/Extreme on weather file.
     914             :     int NumWPSkyTemperatures;       // Number of WeatherProperty:SkyTemperature items in input file
     915             : 
     916             :     Array2D_bool TodayIsRain;             // Rain indicator, true=rain NOLINT(cert-err58-cpp)
     917             :     Array2D_bool TodayIsSnow;             // Snow indicator, true=snow NOLINT(cert-err58-cpp)
     918             :     Array2D<Real64> TodayOutDryBulbTemp;  // Dry bulb temperature of outside air NOLINT(cert-err58-cpp)
     919             :     Array2D<Real64> TodayOutDewPointTemp; // Dew Point Temperature of outside air NOLINT(cert-err58-cpp)
     920             :     Array2D<Real64> TodayOutBaroPress;    // Barometric pressure of outside air NOLINT(cert-err58-cpp)
     921             :     Array2D<Real64> TodayOutRelHum;       // Relative Humidity of outside air NOLINT(cert-err58-cpp)
     922             :     Array2D<Real64> TodayWindSpeed;       // Wind speed of outside air NOLINT(cert-err58-cpp)
     923             :     Array2D<Real64> TodayWindDir;         // Wind direction of outside air NOLINT(cert-err58-cpp)
     924             :     Array2D<Real64> TodaySkyTemp;         // Sky temperature NOLINT(cert-err58-cpp)
     925             :     Array2D<Real64> TodayHorizIRSky;      // Horizontal IR from Sky NOLINT(cert-err58-cpp)
     926             :     Array2D<Real64> TodayBeamSolarRad;    // Direct normal solar irradiance NOLINT(cert-err58-cpp)
     927             :     Array2D<Real64> TodayDifSolarRad;     // Sky diffuse horizontal solar irradiance NOLINT(cert-err58-cpp)
     928             :     Array2D<Real64> TodayAlbedo;          // Albedo NOLINT(cert-err58-cpp)
     929             :     Array2D<Real64> TodayLiquidPrecip;    // Liquid Precipitation Depth (mm) NOLINT(cert-err58-cpp)
     930             :     Array2D<Real64> TodayTotalSkyCover;   // Total Sky Cover(cert-err58-cpp)
     931             :     Array2D<Real64> TodayOpaqueSkyCover;  // Opaque Sky Cover(cert-err58-cpp)
     932             : 
     933             :     Array2D_bool TomorrowIsRain;             // Rain indicator, true=rain NOLINT(cert-err58-cpp)
     934             :     Array2D_bool TomorrowIsSnow;             // Snow indicator, true=snow NOLINT(cert-err58-cpp)
     935             :     Array2D<Real64> TomorrowOutDryBulbTemp;  // Dry bulb temperature of outside air NOLINT(cert-err58-cpp)
     936             :     Array2D<Real64> TomorrowOutDewPointTemp; // Dew Point Temperature of outside air NOLINT(cert-err58-cpp)
     937             :     Array2D<Real64> TomorrowOutBaroPress;    // Barometric pressure of outside air NOLINT(cert-err58-cpp)
     938             :     Array2D<Real64> TomorrowOutRelHum;       // Relative Humidity of outside air NOLINT(cert-err58-cpp)
     939             :     Array2D<Real64> TomorrowWindSpeed;       // Wind speed of outside air NOLINT(cert-err58-cpp)
     940             :     Array2D<Real64> TomorrowWindDir;         // Wind direction of outside air NOLINT(cert-err58-cpp)
     941             :     Array2D<Real64> TomorrowSkyTemp;         // Sky temperature NOLINT(cert-err58-cpp)
     942             :     Array2D<Real64> TomorrowHorizIRSky;      // Horizontal IR from Sky NOLINT(cert-err58-cpp)
     943             :     Array2D<Real64> TomorrowBeamSolarRad;    // Direct normal solar irradiance NOLINT(cert-err58-cpp)
     944             :     Array2D<Real64> TomorrowDifSolarRad;     // Sky diffuse horizontal solar irradiance NOLINT(cert-err58-cpp)
     945             :     Array2D<Real64> TomorrowAlbedo;          // Albedo NOLINT(cert-err58-cpp)
     946             :     Array2D<Real64> TomorrowLiquidPrecip;    // Liquid Precipitation Depth NOLINT(cert-err58-cpp)
     947             :     Array2D<Real64> TomorrowTotalSkyCover;   // Total Sky Cover {tenth of sky}(cert-err58-cpp)
     948             :     Array2D<Real64> TomorrowOpaqueSkyCover;  // Opaque Sky Cover {tenth of sky}(cert-err58-cpp)
     949             : 
     950             :     Array3D<Real64> DDDBRngModifier;      // Design Day Dry-bulb Temperature Range Modifier NOLINT(cert-err58-cpp)
     951             :     Array3D<Real64> DDHumIndModifier;     // Design Day relative humidity values or wet-bulb modifiers (per HumIndType) NOLINT(cert-err58-cpp)
     952             :     Array3D<Real64> DDBeamSolarValues;    // Design Day Beam Solar Values NOLINT(cert-err58-cpp)
     953             :     Array3D<Real64> DDDiffuseSolarValues; // Design Day Relative Humidity Values NOLINT(cert-err58-cpp)
     954             : 
     955             :     Array3D<Real64> DDSkyTempScheduleValues; // Sky temperature - DesignDay input NOLINT(cert-err58-cpp)
     956             : 
     957             :     int RptIsRain;  // Rain Report Value
     958             :     int RptIsSnow;  // Snow Report Value
     959             :     int RptDayType; // DayType Report Value
     960             : 
     961             :     Real64 HrAngle;                                       // Current Hour Angle
     962             :     Real64 SolarAltitudeAngle;                            // Angle of Solar Altitude (degrees)
     963             :     Real64 SolarAzimuthAngle;                             // Angle of Solar Azimuth (degrees)
     964             :     Real64 HorizIRSky;                                    // Horizontal Infrared Radiation Intensity (W/m2)
     965             :     Real64 TimeStepFraction;                              // Fraction of hour each time step represents
     966             :     Array1D<Real64> SPSiteDryBulbRangeModScheduleValue;   // reporting Drybulb Temperature Range Modifier Schedule Value NOLINT(cert-err58-cpp)
     967             :     Array1D<Real64> SPSiteHumidityConditionScheduleValue; // reporting Humidity Condition Schedule Value NOLINT(cert-err58-cpp)
     968             :     Array1D<Real64> SPSiteBeamSolarScheduleValue;         // reporting Beam Solar Schedule Value NOLINT(cert-err58-cpp)
     969             :     Array1D<Real64> SPSiteDiffuseSolarScheduleValue;      // reporting Diffuse Solar Schedule Value NOLINT(cert-err58-cpp)
     970             :     Array1D<Real64> SPSiteSkyTemperatureScheduleValue;    // reporting SkyTemperature Modifier Schedule Value NOLINT(cert-err58-cpp)
     971             :     Array1D_int SPSiteScheduleNamePtr;                    // SP Site Schedule Name Ptrs NOLINT(cert-err58-cpp)
     972             :     Array1D_string SPSiteScheduleUnits;                   // SP Site Schedule Units NOLINT(cert-err58-cpp)
     973             :     int NumSPSiteScheduleNamePtrs;                        // Number of SP Site Schedules (DesignDay only)
     974             :     // Number of hours of missing data
     975             :     Array1D<Real64> Interpolation;      // Interpolation values based on Number of Time Steps in Hour NOLINT(cert-err58-cpp)
     976             :     Array1D<Real64> SolarInterpolation; // Solar Interpolation values based on Number of Time Steps in Hour NOLINT(cert-err58-cpp)
     977             :     Array1D_int EndDayOfMonth;          // NOLINT(cert-err58-cpp)
     978             :     int LeapYearAdd;                    // Set during environment if leap year is active (adds 1 to number days in Feb)
     979             :     bool DatesShouldBeReset;            // True when weekdays should be reset
     980             :     bool StartDatesCycleShouldBeReset;  // True when start dates on repeat should be reset
     981             :     bool Jan1DatesShouldBeReset;        // True if Jan 1 should signal reset of dates
     982             :     bool RPReadAllWeatherData;          // True if need to read all weather data prior to simulation
     983             : 
     984             :     // Object Data
     985             :     // NOLINTNEXTLINE(cert-err58-cpp)
     986             :     WeatherManager::DayWeatherVariables
     987             :         TodayVariables; // Today's daily weather variables | Derived Type for Storing Weather "Header" Data | Day of year for weather
     988             :                         // data | Year of weather data | Month of weather data | Day of month for weather data | Day of week for
     989             :                         // weather data | Daylight Saving Time Period indicator (0=no,1=yes) | Holiday indicator (0=no holiday,
     990             :                         // non-zero=holiday type) | Sine of the solar declination angle | Cosine of the solar declination angle |
     991             :                         // Value of the equation of time formula
     992             :     // NOLINTNEXTLINE(cert-err58-cpp)
     993             :     WeatherManager::DayWeatherVariables
     994             :         TomorrowVariables; // Tomorrow's daily weather variables | Derived Type for Storing Weather "Header" Data | Day of year for
     995             :                            // weather data | Year of weather data | Month of weather data | Day of month for weather data | Day of
     996             :                            // week for weather data | Daylight Saving Time Period indicator (0=no,1=yes) | Holiday indicator (0=no
     997             :                            // holiday, non-zero=holiday type) | Sine of the solar declination angle | Cosine of the solar declination
     998             :                            // angle | Value of the equation of time formula
     999             :     // NOLINTNEXTLINE(cert-err58-cpp)
    1000             :     EPVector<WeatherManager::DayWeatherVariables> DesignDay; // Design day environments
    1001             :     // NOLINTNEXTLINE(cert-err58-cpp)
    1002             :     WeatherManager::MissingData Missing; // Dry Bulb Temperature (C) | Dew Point Temperature (C) | Relative Humidity (%) | Atmospheric Pressure (Pa) |
    1003             :                                          // Wind Direction (deg) | Wind Speed/Velocity (m/s) | Total Sky Cover (tenths) | Opaque Sky Cover (tenths) |
    1004             :                                          // Visibility (km) | Ceiling Height (m) | Precipitable Water (mm) | Aerosol Optical Depth | Snow Depth (cm) |
    1005             :                                          // Number of Days since last snow | Albedo | Rain/Liquid Precipitation (mm)
    1006             :     WeatherManager::MissingDataCounts Missed;              // NOLINT(cert-err58-cpp)
    1007             :     WeatherManager::RangeDataCounts OutOfRange;            // NOLINT(cert-err58-cpp)
    1008             :     EPVector<WeatherManager::DesignDayData> DesDayInput;   // Design day Input Data NOLINT(cert-err58-cpp)
    1009             :     Array1D<WeatherManager::EnvironmentData> Environment;  // Environment data NOLINT(cert-err58-cpp)
    1010             :     Array1D<WeatherManager::RunPeriodData> RunPeriodInput; // NOLINT(cert-err58-cpp)
    1011             :     std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> RunPeriodInputUniqueNames;
    1012             :     EPVector<WeatherManager::RunPeriodData> RunPeriodDesignInput; // NOLINT(cert-err58-cpp)
    1013             :     std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> RunPeriodDesignInputUniqueNames;
    1014             :     Array1D<WeatherManager::ReportPeriodData> ReportPeriodInput;
    1015             :     Array1D<WeatherManager::ReportPeriodData> ThermalReportPeriodInput;
    1016             :     Array1D<WeatherManager::ReportPeriodData> CO2ReportPeriodInput;
    1017             :     Array1D<WeatherManager::ReportPeriodData> VisualReportPeriodInput;
    1018             :     std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> ReportPeriodInputUniqueNames;
    1019             :     EPVector<WeatherManager::TypicalExtremeData> TypicalExtremePeriods; // NOLINT(cert-err58-cpp)
    1020             :     WeatherManager::DaylightSavingPeriodData EPWDST;                    // Daylight Saving Period Data from EPW file NOLINT(cert-err58-cpp)
    1021             :     WeatherManager::DaylightSavingPeriodData IDFDST;                    // Daylight Saving Period Data from IDF file NOLINT(cert-err58-cpp)
    1022             :     WeatherManager::DaylightSavingPeriodData DST;                       // Daylight Saving Period Data, if active NOLINT(cert-err58-cpp)
    1023             :     EPVector<WeatherManager::WeatherProperties> WPSkyTemperature;       // NOLINT(cert-err58-cpp)
    1024             :     EPVector<WeatherManager::SpecialDayData> SpecialDays;               // NOLINT(cert-err58-cpp)
    1025             :     EPVector<WeatherManager::DataPeriodData> DataPeriods;               // NOLINT(cert-err58-cpp)
    1026             : 
    1027             :     std::shared_ptr<BaseGroundTempsModel> siteShallowGroundTempsPtr;
    1028             :     std::shared_ptr<BaseGroundTempsModel> siteBuildingSurfaceGroundTempsPtr;
    1029             :     std::shared_ptr<BaseGroundTempsModel> siteFCFactorMethodGroundTempsPtr;
    1030             :     std::shared_ptr<BaseGroundTempsModel> siteDeepGroundTempsPtr;
    1031             : 
    1032             :     std::vector<WeatherManager::UnderwaterBoundary> underwaterBoundaries;
    1033             :     WeatherManager::AnnualMonthlyDryBulbWeatherData OADryBulbAverage; // processes outside air drybulb temperature
    1034             : 
    1035             :     // SetCurrentWeather static vars
    1036             :     int NextHour;
    1037             : 
    1038             :     // ReadEPlusWeatherForDay static vars
    1039             :     int CurDayOfWeek;
    1040             :     Real64 ReadEPlusWeatherCurTime;
    1041             :     bool LastHourSet;
    1042             :     Real64 LastHrOutDryBulbTemp;
    1043             :     Real64 LastHrOutDewPointTemp;
    1044             :     Real64 LastHrOutBaroPress;
    1045             :     Real64 LastHrOutRelHum;
    1046             :     Real64 LastHrWindSpeed;
    1047             :     Real64 LastHrWindDir;
    1048             :     Real64 LastHrSkyTemp;
    1049             :     Real64 LastHrHorizIRSky;
    1050             :     Real64 LastHrBeamSolarRad;
    1051             :     Real64 LastHrDifSolarRad;
    1052             :     Real64 LastHrAlbedo;
    1053             :     Real64 LastHrLiquidPrecip;
    1054             :     Real64 LastHrTotalSkyCover;
    1055             :     Real64 LastHrOpaqueSkyCover;
    1056             :     Real64 NextHrBeamSolarRad;
    1057             :     Real64 NextHrDifSolarRad;
    1058             :     Real64 NextHrLiquidPrecip;
    1059             :     Real64 IsRainThreshold; // precipitation threshold (m) for a rainy day
    1060             : 
    1061             :     // ProcessEPWHeader static vars
    1062             :     std::string EPWHeaderTitle;
    1063             : 
    1064           0 :     void clear_state() override
    1065             :     {
    1066           0 :         this->YearOfSim = 1;             // The Present year of Simulation.
    1067           0 :         this->EnvironmentReportNbr = 0;  // Report number for the environment stamp
    1068           0 :         this->EnvironmentReportChr = ""; // Report number for the environment stamp (character -- for printing)
    1069           0 :         this->WeatherFileExists = false; // Set to true if a weather file exists
    1070           0 :         this->LocationTitle = "";        // Location Title from input File
    1071           0 :         this->LocationGathered = false;  // flag to show if Location exists on Input File (we assume one is
    1072             : 
    1073           0 :         this->GetBranchInputOneTimeFlag = true;
    1074           0 :         this->GetEnvironmentFirstCall = true;
    1075           0 :         this->PrntEnvHeaders = true;
    1076           0 :         this->WeatherFileLatitude = 0.0;
    1077           0 :         this->WeatherFileLongitude = 0.0;
    1078           0 :         this->WeatherFileTimeZone = 0.0;
    1079           0 :         this->WeatherFileElevation = 0.0;
    1080           0 :         this->siteShallowGroundTempsPtr.reset();
    1081           0 :         this->siteBuildingSurfaceGroundTempsPtr.reset();
    1082           0 :         this->siteFCFactorMethodGroundTempsPtr.reset();
    1083           0 :         this->siteDeepGroundTempsPtr.reset();
    1084           0 :         this->GroundTempsFCFromEPWHeader = Array1D<Real64>(12, 0.0);
    1085           0 :         this->GroundReflectances = Array1D<Real64>(12, 0.2);
    1086             : 
    1087           0 :         this->SnowGndRefModifier = 1.0;          // Modifier to ground reflectance during snow
    1088           0 :         this->SnowGndRefModifierForDayltg = 1.0; // Modifier to ground reflectance during snow for daylighting
    1089           0 :         this->WaterMainsTempsMethod = WeatherManager::WaterMainsTempCalcMethod::FixedDefault;
    1090           0 :         this->WaterMainsTempsSchedule = 0;           // Water mains temperature schedule
    1091           0 :         this->WaterMainsTempsAnnualAvgAirTemp = 0.0; // Annual average outdoor air temperature (C)
    1092           0 :         this->WaterMainsTempsMaxDiffAirTemp = 0.0;   // Maximum difference in monthly average outdoor air temperatures (deltaC)
    1093           0 :         this->WaterMainsTempsScheduleName = "";      // water mains tempeature schedule name
    1094           0 :         this->wthFCGroundTemps = false;
    1095           0 :         this->TotRunPers = 0;           // Total number of Run Periods (Weather data) to Setup
    1096           0 :         this->TotRunDesPers = 0;        // Total number of Run Design Periods (Weather data) to Setup
    1097           0 :         this->TotReportPers = 0;        // Total number of reporting periods
    1098           0 :         this->TotThermalReportPers = 0; // Total number of thermal reporting periods
    1099           0 :         this->TotCO2ReportPers = 0;     // Total number of CO2 reporting periods
    1100           0 :         this->TotVisualReportPers = 0;  // Total number of visual reporting periods
    1101           0 :         this->NumSpecialDays = 0;
    1102             : 
    1103           0 :         this->SpecialDayTypes = Array1D<int>(366, 0);
    1104           0 :         this->WeekDayTypes = Array1D<int>(366, 0);
    1105           0 :         this->DSTIndex = Array1D<int>(366, 0);
    1106             : 
    1107           0 :         this->NumDataPeriods = 0;
    1108           0 :         this->NumIntervalsPerHour = 1;
    1109           0 :         this->UseDaylightSaving = true;             // True if user says to use Weather File specified DaylightSaving Period
    1110           0 :         this->UseSpecialDays = true;                // True if user says to use Weather File specified Special Days for current RunPeriod
    1111           0 :         this->UseRainValues = true;                 // True if rain values from weather file are to be used
    1112           0 :         this->UseSnowValues = true;                 // True if snow values from weather file are to be used
    1113           0 :         this->EPWDaylightSaving = false;            // True if a DaylightSaving Time Period is input (EPW files)
    1114           0 :         this->IDFDaylightSaving = false;            // True if a DaylightSaving Time Period is input (IDF files)
    1115           0 :         this->DaylightSavingIsActive = false;       // True if a DaylightSavingPeriod should be used for Environment
    1116           0 :         this->WFAllowsLeapYears = false;            // True if the Weather File (WF) header has "Yes" for Leap Years
    1117           0 :         this->curSimDayForEndOfRunPeriod = 0;       // normal=number days in sim, but different when repeating runperiods or multi-year files
    1118           0 :         this->Envrn = 0;                            // Counter for environments
    1119           0 :         this->NumOfEnvrn = 0;                       // Number of environments to be simulated
    1120           0 :         this->NumEPWTypExtSets = 0;                 // Number of Typical/Extreme on weather file.
    1121           0 :         this->NumWPSkyTemperatures = 0;             // Number of WeatherProperty:SkyTemperature items in input file
    1122           0 :         this->TodayIsRain.deallocate();             // Rain indicator, true=rain
    1123           0 :         this->TodayIsSnow.deallocate();             // Snow indicator, true=snow
    1124           0 :         this->TodayOutDryBulbTemp.deallocate();     // Dry bulb temperature of outside air
    1125           0 :         this->TodayOutDewPointTemp.deallocate();    // Dew Point Temperature of outside air
    1126           0 :         this->TodayOutBaroPress.deallocate();       // Barometric pressure of outside air
    1127           0 :         this->TodayOutRelHum.deallocate();          // Relative Humidity of outside air
    1128           0 :         this->TodayWindSpeed.deallocate();          // Wind speed of outside air
    1129           0 :         this->TodayWindDir.deallocate();            // Wind direction of outside air
    1130           0 :         this->TodaySkyTemp.deallocate();            // Sky temperature
    1131           0 :         this->TodayHorizIRSky.deallocate();         // Horizontal IR from Sky
    1132           0 :         this->TodayBeamSolarRad.deallocate();       // Direct normal solar irradiance
    1133           0 :         this->TodayDifSolarRad.deallocate();        // Sky diffuse horizontal solar irradiance
    1134           0 :         this->TodayAlbedo.deallocate();             // Albedo
    1135           0 :         this->TodayLiquidPrecip.deallocate();       // Liquid Precipitation Depth (mm)
    1136           0 :         this->TodayTotalSkyCover.deallocate();      // Total Sky Cover
    1137           0 :         this->TomorrowOpaqueSkyCover.deallocate();  // Opaque Sky Cover {tenth of sky}
    1138           0 :         this->TomorrowIsRain.deallocate();          // Rain indicator, true=rain
    1139           0 :         this->TomorrowIsSnow.deallocate();          // Snow indicator, true=snow
    1140           0 :         this->TomorrowOutDryBulbTemp.deallocate();  // Dry bulb temperature of outside air
    1141           0 :         this->TomorrowOutDewPointTemp.deallocate(); // Dew Point Temperature of outside air
    1142           0 :         this->TomorrowOutBaroPress.deallocate();    // Barometric pressure of outside air
    1143           0 :         this->TomorrowOutRelHum.deallocate();       // Relative Humidity of outside air
    1144           0 :         this->TomorrowWindSpeed.deallocate();       // Wind speed of outside air
    1145           0 :         this->TomorrowWindDir.deallocate();         // Wind direction of outside air
    1146           0 :         this->TomorrowSkyTemp.deallocate();         // Sky temperature
    1147           0 :         this->TomorrowHorizIRSky.deallocate();      // Horizontal IR from Sky
    1148           0 :         this->TomorrowBeamSolarRad.deallocate();    // Direct normal solar irradiance
    1149           0 :         this->TomorrowDifSolarRad.deallocate();     // Sky diffuse horizontal solar irradiance
    1150           0 :         this->TomorrowAlbedo.deallocate();          // Albedo
    1151           0 :         this->TomorrowLiquidPrecip.deallocate();    // Liquid Precipitation Depth
    1152           0 :         this->TomorrowTotalSkyCover.deallocate();   // Total Sky Cover {tenth of sky}
    1153           0 :         this->TomorrowOpaqueSkyCover.deallocate();  // Opaque Sky Cover {tenth of sky}
    1154           0 :         this->DDDBRngModifier.deallocate();         // Design Day Dry-bulb Temperature Range Modifier
    1155           0 :         this->DDHumIndModifier.deallocate();        // Design Day relative humidity values
    1156           0 :         this->DDBeamSolarValues.deallocate();       // Design Day Beam Solar Values
    1157           0 :         this->DDDiffuseSolarValues.deallocate();    // Design Day Relative Humidity Values
    1158           0 :         this->DDSkyTempScheduleValues.deallocate(); // Sky temperature - DesignDay input
    1159           0 :         this->RptIsRain = 0;                        // Rain Report Value
    1160           0 :         this->RptIsSnow = 0;                        // Snow Report Value
    1161           0 :         this->RptDayType = 0;                       // DayType Report Value
    1162             : 
    1163           0 :         this->HrAngle = 0.0;                                     // Current Hour Angle
    1164           0 :         this->SolarAltitudeAngle = 0.0;                          // Angle of Solar Altitude (degrees)
    1165           0 :         this->SolarAzimuthAngle = 0.0;                           // Angle of Solar Azimuth (degrees)
    1166           0 :         this->HorizIRSky = 0.0;                                  // Horizontal Infrared Radiation Intensity (W/m2)
    1167           0 :         this->TimeStepFraction = 0.0;                            // Fraction of hour each time step represents
    1168           0 :         this->SPSiteDryBulbRangeModScheduleValue.deallocate();   // reporting Drybulb Temperature Range Modifier Schedule Value
    1169           0 :         this->SPSiteHumidityConditionScheduleValue.deallocate(); // reporting Humidity Condition Schedule Value
    1170           0 :         this->SPSiteBeamSolarScheduleValue.deallocate();         // reporting Beam Solar Schedule Value
    1171           0 :         this->SPSiteDiffuseSolarScheduleValue.deallocate();      // reporting Diffuse Solar Schedule Value
    1172           0 :         this->SPSiteSkyTemperatureScheduleValue.deallocate();    // reporting SkyTemperature Modifier Schedule Value
    1173           0 :         this->SPSiteScheduleNamePtr.deallocate();                // SP Site Schedule Name Ptrs
    1174           0 :         this->SPSiteScheduleUnits.deallocate();                  // SP Site Schedule Units
    1175           0 :         this->NumSPSiteScheduleNamePtrs = 0;                     // Number of SP Site Schedules (DesignDay only)
    1176           0 :         this->Interpolation.deallocate();                        // Interpolation values based on Number of Time Steps in Hour
    1177           0 :         this->SolarInterpolation.deallocate();                   // Solar Interpolation values based on
    1178             : 
    1179           0 :         this->LeapYearAdd = 0;
    1180           0 :         this->DatesShouldBeReset = false;
    1181           0 :         this->StartDatesCycleShouldBeReset = false; // True when start dates on repeat should be reset
    1182           0 :         this->Jan1DatesShouldBeReset = false;       // True if Jan 1 should signal reset of dates
    1183           0 :         this->TodayVariables = WeatherManager::DayWeatherVariables();
    1184           0 :         this->TomorrowVariables = WeatherManager::DayWeatherVariables();
    1185           0 :         this->DesignDay.deallocate();
    1186           0 :         this->Missing = WeatherManager::MissingData();
    1187           0 :         this->Missed = WeatherManager::MissingDataCounts();
    1188           0 :         this->OutOfRange = WeatherManager::RangeDataCounts();
    1189           0 :         this->DesDayInput.deallocate(); // Design day Input Data
    1190           0 :         this->Environment.deallocate(); // Environment data
    1191           0 :         this->RunPeriodInput.deallocate();
    1192           0 :         this->RunPeriodInputUniqueNames.clear();
    1193           0 :         this->RunPeriodDesignInput.deallocate();
    1194           0 :         this->RunPeriodDesignInputUniqueNames.clear();
    1195           0 :         this->ReportPeriodInput.deallocate();
    1196           0 :         this->ThermalReportPeriodInput.deallocate();
    1197           0 :         this->CO2ReportPeriodInput.deallocate();
    1198           0 :         this->VisualReportPeriodInput.deallocate();
    1199           0 :         this->ReportPeriodInputUniqueNames.clear();
    1200           0 :         this->TypicalExtremePeriods.deallocate();
    1201             : 
    1202           0 :         this->EPWDST.StDateType = WeatherManager::DateType::Invalid;
    1203           0 :         this->EPWDST.StWeekDay = 0;
    1204           0 :         this->EPWDST.StMon = 0;
    1205           0 :         this->EPWDST.StDay = 0;
    1206           0 :         this->EPWDST.EnDateType = WeatherManager::DateType::Invalid;
    1207           0 :         this->EPWDST.EnMon = 0;
    1208           0 :         this->EPWDST.EnDay = 0;
    1209           0 :         this->EPWDST.EnWeekDay = 0;
    1210             : 
    1211           0 :         this->IDFDST.StDateType = WeatherManager::DateType::Invalid;
    1212           0 :         this->IDFDST.StWeekDay = 0;
    1213           0 :         this->IDFDST.StMon = 0;
    1214           0 :         this->IDFDST.StDay = 0;
    1215           0 :         this->IDFDST.EnDateType = WeatherManager::DateType::Invalid;
    1216           0 :         this->IDFDST.EnMon = 0;
    1217           0 :         this->IDFDST.EnDay = 0;
    1218           0 :         this->IDFDST.EnWeekDay = 0;
    1219             : 
    1220           0 :         this->DST.StDateType = WeatherManager::DateType::Invalid;
    1221           0 :         this->DST.StWeekDay = 0;
    1222           0 :         this->DST.StMon = 0;
    1223           0 :         this->DST.StDay = 0;
    1224           0 :         this->DST.EnDateType = WeatherManager::DateType::Invalid;
    1225           0 :         this->DST.EnMon = 0;
    1226           0 :         this->DST.EnDay = 0;
    1227           0 :         this->DST.EnWeekDay = 0;
    1228           0 :         this->WPSkyTemperature.deallocate();
    1229           0 :         this->SpecialDays.deallocate();
    1230           0 :         this->DataPeriods.deallocate();
    1231             : 
    1232           0 :         this->underwaterBoundaries.clear();
    1233             : 
    1234             :         // ManageWeather static vars
    1235           0 :         this->PrintEnvrnStamp = false;
    1236             : 
    1237             :         // InitializeWeather static vars
    1238           0 :         this->FirstCall = true;
    1239           0 :         this->WaterMainsParameterReport = true;
    1240             : 
    1241             :         // SetCurrentWeather static vars
    1242           0 :         this->NextHour = 1;
    1243             : 
    1244             :         // ReadEPlusWeatherForDay static vars
    1245           0 :         this->CurDayOfWeek = 1;
    1246           0 :         this->ReadEPlusWeatherCurTime = 1.0;
    1247           0 :         this->LastHourSet = false;
    1248             : 
    1249             :         // SetUpDesignDay static vars
    1250           0 :         this->PrintDDHeader = true;
    1251             : 
    1252           0 :         this->LastHrOutDryBulbTemp = 0.0;
    1253           0 :         this->LastHrOutDewPointTemp = 0.0;
    1254           0 :         this->LastHrOutBaroPress = 0.0;
    1255           0 :         this->LastHrOutRelHum = 0.0;
    1256           0 :         this->LastHrWindSpeed = 0.0;
    1257           0 :         this->LastHrWindDir = 0.0;
    1258           0 :         this->LastHrSkyTemp = 0.0;
    1259           0 :         this->LastHrHorizIRSky = 0.0;
    1260           0 :         this->LastHrBeamSolarRad = 0.0;
    1261           0 :         this->LastHrDifSolarRad = 0.0;
    1262           0 :         this->LastHrAlbedo = 0.0;
    1263           0 :         this->LastHrLiquidPrecip = 0.0;
    1264           0 :         this->LastHrTotalSkyCover = 0.0;
    1265           0 :         this->LastHrOpaqueSkyCover = 0.0;
    1266           0 :         this->NextHrBeamSolarRad = 0.0;
    1267           0 :         this->NextHrDifSolarRad = 0.0;
    1268           0 :         this->NextHrLiquidPrecip = 0.0;
    1269             : 
    1270             :         // ProcessEPWHeader static vars
    1271           0 :         this->EPWHeaderTitle = "";
    1272           0 :     }
    1273             : 
    1274             :     // Default Constructor
    1275         771 :     WeatherManagerData()
    1276         771 :         : GetBranchInputOneTimeFlag(true), GetEnvironmentFirstCall(true), PrntEnvHeaders(true), FirstCall(true), WaterMainsParameterReport(true),
    1277             :           PrintEnvrnStamp(false), Sigma(5.6697e-8), YearOfSim(1), NumDaysInYear(365), EnvironmentReportNbr(0), EnvironmentReportChr(""),
    1278             :           WeatherFileExists(false), LocationGathered(false), WeatherFileLatitude(0.0), WeatherFileLongitude(0.0), WeatherFileTimeZone(0.0),
    1279             :           WeatherFileElevation(0.0), GroundTempsFCFromEPWHeader(12, 0.0), GroundReflectances(12, 0.2), SnowGndRefModifier(1.0),
    1280             :           SnowGndRefModifierForDayltg(1.0), WaterMainsTempsMethod{WeatherManager::WaterMainsTempCalcMethod::FixedDefault}, WaterMainsTempsSchedule(0),
    1281             :           WaterMainsTempsAnnualAvgAirTemp(0.0), WaterMainsTempsMaxDiffAirTemp(0.0), WaterMainsTempsScheduleName(""), wthFCGroundTemps(false),
    1282             :           TotRunPers(0), TotRunDesPers(0), TotReportPers(0), TotThermalReportPers(0), TotCO2ReportPers(0), TotVisualReportPers(0), NumSpecialDays(0),
    1283             :           SpecialDayTypes(366, 0), WeekDayTypes(366, 0), DSTIndex(366, 0), NumDataPeriods(0), NumIntervalsPerHour(1), UseDaylightSaving(true),
    1284             :           UseSpecialDays(true), UseRainValues(true), UseSnowValues(true), EPWDaylightSaving(false), IDFDaylightSaving(false),
    1285             :           DaylightSavingIsActive(false), WFAllowsLeapYears(false), curSimDayForEndOfRunPeriod(0), Envrn(0), NumOfEnvrn(0), NumEPWTypExtSets(0),
    1286             :           NumWPSkyTemperatures(0), RptIsRain(0), RptIsSnow(0), RptDayType(0), HrAngle(0.0), SolarAltitudeAngle(0.0), SolarAzimuthAngle(0.0),
    1287             :           HorizIRSky(0.0), TimeStepFraction(0.0), NumSPSiteScheduleNamePtrs(0), EndDayOfMonth(12, {31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31}),
    1288         771 :           LeapYearAdd(0), DatesShouldBeReset(false), StartDatesCycleShouldBeReset(false), Jan1DatesShouldBeReset(false), RPReadAllWeatherData(false)
    1289             :     {
    1290         771 :     }
    1291             : };
    1292             : } // namespace EnergyPlus
    1293             : 
    1294             : #endif

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