LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - EnergyPlus - (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: lcov.output.filtered Lines: 3454 4101 84.2 %
Date: 2023-01-17 19:17:23 Functions: 29 29 100.0 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : // EnergyPlus, Copyright (c) 1996-2023, The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois,
       2             : // The Regents of the University of California, through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
       3             : // (subject to receipt of any required approvals from the U.S. Dept. of Energy), Oak Ridge
       4             : // National Laboratory, managed by UT-Battelle, Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC, and other
       5             : // contributors. All rights reserved.
       6             : //
       7             : // NOTICE: This Software was developed under funding from the U.S. Department of Energy and the
       8             : // U.S. Government consequently retains certain rights. As such, the U.S. Government has been
       9             : // granted for itself and others acting on its behalf a paid-up, nonexclusive, irrevocable,
      10             : // worldwide license in the Software to reproduce, distribute copies to the public, prepare
      11             : // derivative works, and perform publicly and display publicly, and to permit others to do so.
      12             : //
      13             : // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted
      14             : // provided that the following conditions are met:
      15             : //
      16             : // (1) Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of
      17             : //     conditions and the following disclaimer.
      18             : //
      19             : // (2) Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of
      20             : //     conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
      21             : //     provided with the distribution.
      22             : //
      23             : // (3) Neither the name of the University of California, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,
      24             : //     the University of Illinois, U.S. Dept. of Energy nor the names of its contributors may be
      25             : //     used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior
      26             : //     written permission.
      27             : //
      28             : // (4) Use of EnergyPlus(TM) Name. If Licensee (i) distributes the software in stand-alone form
      29             : //     without changes from the version obtained under this License, or (ii) Licensee makes a
      30             : //     reference solely to the software portion of its product, Licensee must refer to the
      31             : //     software as "EnergyPlus version X" software, where "X" is the version number Licensee
      32             : //     obtained under this License and may not use a different name for the software. Except as
      33             : //     specifically required in this Section (4), Licensee shall not use in a company name, a
      34             : //     product name, in advertising, publicity, or other promotional activities any name, trade
      35             : //     name, trademark, logo, or other designation of "EnergyPlus", "E+", "e+" or confusingly
      36             : //     similar designation, without the U.S. Department of Energy's prior written consent.
      37             : //
      46             : // POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.
      47             : 
      48             : // C++ Headers
      49             : #include <algorithm>
      50             : #include <cmath>
      51             : #include <string>
      52             : 
      53             : // ObjexxFCL Headers
      54             : #include <ObjexxFCL/Array.functions.hh>
      55             : #include <ObjexxFCL/Fmath.hh>
      56             : 
      57             : // EnergyPlus Headers
      58             : #include <AirflowNetwork/Solver.hpp>
      59             : #include <EnergyPlus/BaseboardElectric.hh>
      60             : #include <EnergyPlus/BaseboardRadiator.hh>
      61             : #include <EnergyPlus/ChilledCeilingPanelSimple.hh>
      62             : #include <EnergyPlus/CoolTower.hh>
      63             : #include <EnergyPlus/Data/EnergyPlusData.hh>
      64             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataAirLoop.hh>
      65             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataAirSystems.hh>
      66             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataContaminantBalance.hh>
      67             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataConvergParams.hh>
      68             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataDaylighting.hh>
      69             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataDefineEquip.hh>
      70             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataEnvironment.hh>
      71             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataGlobalConstants.hh>
      72             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataHVACGlobals.hh>
      73             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataHeatBalFanSys.hh>
      74             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataHeatBalance.hh>
      75             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataLoopNode.hh>
      76             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataRoomAirModel.hh>
      77             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataSizing.hh>
      78             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataSurfaces.hh>
      79             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataZoneEnergyDemands.hh>
      80             : #include <EnergyPlus/DataZoneEquipment.hh>
      81             : #include <EnergyPlus/DisplayRoutines.hh>
      82             : #include <EnergyPlus/EMSManager.hh>
      83             : #include <EnergyPlus/EarthTube.hh>
      84             : #include <EnergyPlus/ElectricBaseboardRadiator.hh>
      85             : #include <EnergyPlus/EvaporativeCoolers.hh>
      86             : #include <EnergyPlus/ExhaustAirSystemManager.hh>
      87             : #include <EnergyPlus/FanCoilUnits.hh>
      88             : #include <EnergyPlus/Fans.hh>
      89             : #include <EnergyPlus/General.hh>
      90             : #include <EnergyPlus/HVACInterfaceManager.hh>
      91             : #include <EnergyPlus/HVACStandAloneERV.hh>
      92             : #include <EnergyPlus/HVACVariableRefrigerantFlow.hh>
      93             : #include <EnergyPlus/HWBaseboardRadiator.hh>
      94             : #include <EnergyPlus/HeatRecovery.hh>
      95             : #include <EnergyPlus/HighTempRadiantSystem.hh>
      96             : #include <EnergyPlus/HybridUnitaryAirConditioners.hh>
      97             : #include <EnergyPlus/InternalHeatGains.hh>
      98             : #include <EnergyPlus/LowTempRadiantSystem.hh>
      99             : #include <EnergyPlus/OutdoorAirUnit.hh>
     100             : #include <EnergyPlus/Psychrometrics.hh>
     101             : #include <EnergyPlus/PurchasedAirManager.hh>
     102             : #include <EnergyPlus/RefrigeratedCase.hh>
     103             : #include <EnergyPlus/ReturnAirPathManager.hh>
     104             : #include <EnergyPlus/ScheduleManager.hh>
     105             : #include <EnergyPlus/SplitterComponent.hh>
     106             : #include <EnergyPlus/SteamBaseboardRadiator.hh>
     107             : #include <EnergyPlus/SwimmingPool.hh>
     108             : #include <EnergyPlus/SystemAvailabilityManager.hh>
     109             : #include <EnergyPlus/ThermalChimney.hh>
     110             : #include <EnergyPlus/UnitHeater.hh>
     111             : #include <EnergyPlus/UnitVentilator.hh>
     112             : #include <EnergyPlus/UserDefinedComponents.hh>
     113             : #include <EnergyPlus/UtilityRoutines.hh>
     114             : #include <EnergyPlus/VentilatedSlab.hh>
     115             : #include <EnergyPlus/WaterThermalTanks.hh>
     116             : #include <EnergyPlus/WindowAC.hh>
     117             : #include <EnergyPlus/ZoneAirLoopEquipmentManager.hh>
     118             : #include <EnergyPlus/ZoneDehumidifier.hh>
     119             : #include <EnergyPlus/ZoneEquipmentManager.hh>
     120             : #include <EnergyPlus/ZonePlenum.hh>
     121             : #include <EnergyPlus/ZoneTempPredictorCorrector.hh>
     122             : 
     123             : namespace EnergyPlus::ZoneEquipmentManager {
     124             : 
     125             : // Module containing the routines dealing with the Zone Equipment Manager.
     126             : 
     127             : // MODULE INFORMATION:
     128             : //       AUTHOR         Russ Taylor
     129             : //       DATE WRITTEN   Unknown
     130             : //       MODIFIED       na
     131             : //       RE-ENGINEERED  na
     132             : 
     133             : // PURPOSE OF THIS MODULE:
     134             : // This module manages the zone equipment.
     135             : 
     136             : // Using/Aliasing
     137             : using namespace DataSizing;
     138             : using namespace DataZoneEquipment;
     139             : // Use statements for access to subroutines in other modules
     140             : using Psychrometrics::PsyCpAirFnW;
     141             : using Psychrometrics::PsyHFnTdbW;
     142             : using Psychrometrics::PsyHgAirFnWTdb;
     143             : using Psychrometrics::PsyRhoAirFnPbTdbW;
     144             : using Psychrometrics::PsyWFnTdbRhPb;
     145             : using Psychrometrics::PsyWFnTdpPb;
     146             : 
     147     7037806 : void ManageZoneEquipment(EnergyPlusData &state,
     148             :                          bool const FirstHVACIteration,
     149             :                          bool &SimZone, // Set to false at the end of the routine
     150             :                          bool &SimAir   // Eventually set to true via SimZoneEquipment if AirLoop must be resimulated
     151             : )
     152             : {
     153             : 
     154             :     // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
     155             :     //       AUTHOR         Russ Taylor
     156             :     //       DATE WRITTEN   May 1997
     157             : 
     158             :     // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
     159             :     // Calls the zone thermal control simulations and the interfaces (water-air, refrigerant-air, steam-air, electric-electric, water-water, etc)
     160             : 
     161     7037806 :     if (state.dataZoneEquipmentManager->GetZoneEquipmentInputFlag) {
     162         771 :         GetZoneEquipment(state);
     163         771 :         state.dataZoneEquipmentManager->GetZoneEquipmentInputFlag = false;
     164         771 :         state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipInputsFilled = true;
     165             :     }
     166             : 
     167     7037806 :     InitZoneEquipment(state, FirstHVACIteration);
     168             : 
     169     7037806 :     if (state.dataGlobal->ZoneSizingCalc) {
     170      987244 :         SizeZoneEquipment(state);
     171             :     } else {
     172     6050562 :         SimZoneEquipment(state, FirstHVACIteration, SimAir);
     173     6050562 :         state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipSimulatedOnce = true;
     174             :     }
     175             : 
     176     7037806 :     UpdateZoneEquipment(state, SimAir);
     177             : 
     178     7037806 :     SimZone = false;
     179     7037806 : }
     180             : 
     181         771 : void GetZoneEquipment(EnergyPlusData &state)
     182             : {
     183             : 
     184             :     // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
     185             :     //       AUTHOR         Russ Taylor
     186             :     //       DATE WRITTEN   June 1997
     187             :     //       MODIFIED       Aug 2003, FCW: set ZoneEquipConfig number for each zone
     188             : 
     189             :     // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
     190             :     // Get all the system related equipment which may be attached to a zone
     191             : 
     192         771 :     if (!state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipInputsFilled) {
     193         127 :         GetZoneEquipmentData(state);
     194             :     }
     195             : 
     196         771 :     state.dataZoneEquipmentManager->NumOfTimeStepInDay = state.dataGlobal->NumOfTimeStepInHour * 24;
     197             : 
     198         771 :     int MaxNumOfEquipTypes = 0;
     199        5585 :     for (int Counter = 1; Counter <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++Counter) {
     200        4814 :         if (!state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(Counter).IsControlled) continue;
     201        4104 :         MaxNumOfEquipTypes = max(MaxNumOfEquipTypes, state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipList(Counter).NumOfEquipTypes);
     202             :     }
     203             : 
     204         771 :     state.dataZoneEquipmentManager->PrioritySimOrder.allocate(MaxNumOfEquipTypes);
     205         771 : }
     206             : 
     207     7037806 : void InitZoneEquipment(EnergyPlusData &state, bool const FirstHVACIteration) // unused 1208
     208             : {
     209             : 
     210             :     // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
     211             :     //       AUTHOR         Russ Taylor
     212             :     //       DATE WRITTEN   Nov 1997
     213             : 
     214             :     // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
     215             :     // This subroutine initializes the zone equipment prior to simulation.
     216             : 
     217     7037806 :     if (state.dataZoneEquipmentManager->InitZoneEquipmentOneTimeFlag) {
     218         771 :         state.dataZoneEquipmentManager->InitZoneEquipmentOneTimeFlag = false;
     219         771 :         state.dataSize->ZoneEqSizing.allocate(state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones);
     220             :         // setup zone equipment sequenced demand storage
     221        5585 :         for (int ControlledZoneNum = 1; ControlledZoneNum <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++ControlledZoneNum) {
     222        4814 :             if (!state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(ControlledZoneNum).IsControlled) continue;
     223        4104 :             if (state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(ControlledZoneNum).EquipListIndex == 0) continue;
     224             :             int ZoneEquipCount =
     225        4104 :                 state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipList(state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(ControlledZoneNum).EquipListIndex).NumOfEquipTypes;
     226        4104 :             auto &thisZoneSysEnergyDemand = state.dataZoneEnergyDemand->ZoneSysEnergyDemand(ControlledZoneNum);
     227        4104 :             thisZoneSysEnergyDemand.NumZoneEquipment = ZoneEquipCount;
     228        4104 :             thisZoneSysEnergyDemand.SequencedOutputRequired.allocate(ZoneEquipCount);
     229        4104 :             thisZoneSysEnergyDemand.SequencedOutputRequiredToHeatingSP.allocate(ZoneEquipCount);
     230        4104 :             thisZoneSysEnergyDemand.SequencedOutputRequiredToCoolingSP.allocate(ZoneEquipCount);
     231        4104 :             auto &thisZoneSysMoistureDemand = state.dataZoneEnergyDemand->ZoneSysMoistureDemand(ControlledZoneNum);
     232        4104 :             thisZoneSysMoistureDemand.NumZoneEquipment = ZoneEquipCount;
     233        4104 :             thisZoneSysMoistureDemand.SequencedOutputRequired.allocate(ZoneEquipCount);
     234        4104 :             thisZoneSysMoistureDemand.SequencedOutputRequiredToHumidSP.allocate(ZoneEquipCount);
     235        4104 :             thisZoneSysMoistureDemand.SequencedOutputRequiredToDehumidSP.allocate(ZoneEquipCount);
     236        4104 :             state.dataSize->ZoneEqSizing(ControlledZoneNum).SizingMethod.allocate(DataHVACGlobals::NumOfSizingTypes);
     237        4104 :             state.dataSize->ZoneEqSizing(ControlledZoneNum).SizingMethod = 0;
     238        4104 :             if (state.dataHeatBal->doSpaceHeatBalanceSimulation || state.dataHeatBal->doSpaceHeatBalanceSizing) {
     239          10 :                 for (int spaceNum : state.dataHeatBal->Zone(ControlledZoneNum).spaceIndexes) {
     240           5 :                     auto &thisSpaceSysEnergyDemand = state.dataZoneEnergyDemand->spaceSysEnergyDemand(spaceNum);
     241           5 :                     thisSpaceSysEnergyDemand.NumZoneEquipment = ZoneEquipCount;
     242           5 :                     thisSpaceSysEnergyDemand.SequencedOutputRequired.allocate(ZoneEquipCount);
     243           5 :                     thisSpaceSysEnergyDemand.SequencedOutputRequiredToHeatingSP.allocate(ZoneEquipCount);
     244           5 :                     thisSpaceSysEnergyDemand.SequencedOutputRequiredToCoolingSP.allocate(ZoneEquipCount);
     245           5 :                     auto &thisSpaceSysMoistureDemand = state.dataZoneEnergyDemand->spaceSysMoistureDemand(spaceNum);
     246           5 :                     thisSpaceSysMoistureDemand.NumZoneEquipment = ZoneEquipCount;
     247           5 :                     thisSpaceSysMoistureDemand.SequencedOutputRequired.allocate(ZoneEquipCount);
     248           5 :                     thisSpaceSysMoistureDemand.SequencedOutputRequiredToHumidSP.allocate(ZoneEquipCount);
     249           5 :                     thisSpaceSysMoistureDemand.SequencedOutputRequiredToDehumidSP.allocate(ZoneEquipCount);
     250             :                 }
     251             :             }
     252             :         }
     253             :     }
     254             : 
     255             :     // Do the Begin Environment initializations
     256     7037806 :     if (state.dataZoneEquipmentManager->InitZoneEquipmentEnvrnFlag && state.dataGlobal->BeginEnvrnFlag) {
     257             : 
     258        6218 :         state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipAvail = DataHVACGlobals::NoAction;
     259             : 
     260        6218 :         if (allocated(state.dataHVACGlobal->ZoneComp)) {
     261       86310 :             for (int ZoneEquipType = 1; ZoneEquipType <= NumValidSysAvailZoneComponents; ++ZoneEquipType) {
     262       80556 :                 if (allocated(state.dataHVACGlobal->ZoneComp(ZoneEquipType).ZoneCompAvailMgrs)) {
     263        1152 :                     auto &zoneComp = state.dataHVACGlobal->ZoneComp(ZoneEquipType);
     264        7420 :                     for (int ZoneCompNum = 1; ZoneCompNum <= zoneComp.TotalNumComp; ++ZoneCompNum) {
     265        6268 :                         zoneComp.ZoneCompAvailMgrs(ZoneCompNum).AvailStatus = DataHVACGlobals::NoAction;
     266        6268 :                         zoneComp.ZoneCompAvailMgrs(ZoneCompNum).StartTime = 0;
     267        6268 :                         zoneComp.ZoneCompAvailMgrs(ZoneCompNum).StopTime = 0;
     268             :                     }
     269             :                 }
     270             :             }
     271             :         }
     272       52491 :         for (int ControlledZoneNum = 1; ControlledZoneNum <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++ControlledZoneNum) {
     273       46273 :             if (!state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(ControlledZoneNum).IsControlled) continue;
     274             : 
     275       40055 :             auto &zoneNode = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(ControlledZoneNum).ZoneNode);
     276       40055 :             zoneNode.Temp = 20.0;
     277       40055 :             zoneNode.MassFlowRate = 0.0;
     278       40055 :             zoneNode.Quality = 1.0;
     279       40055 :             zoneNode.Press = state.dataEnvrn->OutBaroPress;
     280       40055 :             zoneNode.HumRat = state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat;
     281       40055 :             zoneNode.Enthalpy = PsyHFnTdbW(zoneNode.Temp, zoneNode.HumRat);
     282       40055 :             if (state.dataContaminantBalance->Contaminant.CO2Simulation) {
     283         302 :                 zoneNode.CO2 = state.dataContaminantBalance->OutdoorCO2;
     284             :             }
     285       40055 :             if (state.dataContaminantBalance->Contaminant.GenericContamSimulation) {
     286         117 :                 zoneNode.GenContam = state.dataContaminantBalance->OutdoorGC;
     287             :             }
     288             : 
     289       81765 :             for (int ZoneInNode = 1; ZoneInNode <= state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(ControlledZoneNum).NumInletNodes; ++ZoneInNode) {
     290       41710 :                 auto &inNode = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(ControlledZoneNum).InletNode(ZoneInNode));
     291       41710 :                 inNode.Temp = 20.0;
     292       41710 :                 inNode.MassFlowRate = 0.0;
     293       41710 :                 inNode.Quality = 1.0;
     294       41710 :                 inNode.Press = state.dataEnvrn->OutBaroPress;
     295       41710 :                 inNode.HumRat = state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat;
     296       41710 :                 inNode.Enthalpy = PsyHFnTdbW(inNode.Temp, inNode.HumRat);
     297       41710 :                 if (state.dataContaminantBalance->Contaminant.CO2Simulation) {
     298         266 :                     inNode.CO2 = state.dataContaminantBalance->OutdoorCO2;
     299             :                 }
     300       41710 :                 if (state.dataContaminantBalance->Contaminant.GenericContamSimulation) {
     301          81 :                     inNode.GenContam = state.dataContaminantBalance->OutdoorGC;
     302             :                 }
     303             :             }
     304             : 
     305       48067 :             for (int ZoneExhNode = 1; ZoneExhNode <= state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(ControlledZoneNum).NumExhaustNodes; ++ZoneExhNode) {
     306             : 
     307        8012 :                 auto &exhNode = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(ControlledZoneNum).ExhaustNode(ZoneExhNode));
     308        8012 :                 exhNode.Temp = 20.0;
     309        8012 :                 exhNode.MassFlowRate = 0.0;
     310        8012 :                 exhNode.Quality = 1.0;
     311        8012 :                 exhNode.Press = state.dataEnvrn->OutBaroPress;
     312        8012 :                 exhNode.HumRat = state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat;
     313        8012 :                 exhNode.Enthalpy = PsyHFnTdbW(exhNode.Temp, exhNode.HumRat);
     314        8012 :                 if (state.dataContaminantBalance->Contaminant.CO2Simulation) {
     315         130 :                     exhNode.CO2 = state.dataContaminantBalance->OutdoorCO2;
     316             :                 }
     317        8012 :                 if (state.dataContaminantBalance->Contaminant.GenericContamSimulation) {
     318          30 :                     exhNode.GenContam = state.dataContaminantBalance->OutdoorGC;
     319             :                 }
     320             :             }
     321             : 
     322             :             // BG CR 7122 following resets return air node.
     323       40055 :             int NumRetNodes = state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(ControlledZoneNum).NumReturnNodes;
     324       40055 :             if (NumRetNodes > 0) {
     325       80147 :                 for (int nodeCount = 1; nodeCount <= NumRetNodes; ++nodeCount) {
     326       40101 :                     auto &returnNode = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(ControlledZoneNum).ReturnNode(nodeCount));
     327       40101 :                     returnNode.Temp = 20.0;
     328       40101 :                     returnNode.MassFlowRate = 0.0;
     329       40101 :                     returnNode.Quality = 1.0;
     330       40101 :                     returnNode.Press = state.dataEnvrn->OutBaroPress;
     331       40101 :                     returnNode.HumRat = state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat;
     332       40101 :                     returnNode.Enthalpy = PsyHFnTdbW(returnNode.Temp, returnNode.HumRat);
     333       40101 :                     if (state.dataContaminantBalance->Contaminant.CO2Simulation) {
     334         302 :                         returnNode.CO2 = state.dataContaminantBalance->OutdoorCO2;
     335             :                     }
     336       40101 :                     if (state.dataContaminantBalance->Contaminant.GenericContamSimulation) {
     337         117 :                         returnNode.GenContam = state.dataContaminantBalance->OutdoorGC;
     338             :                     }
     339             :                 }
     340             :             }
     341             :         }
     342             : 
     343        6218 :         state.dataZoneEquipmentManager->InitZoneEquipmentEnvrnFlag = false;
     344             :     }
     345             : 
     346     7037806 :     if (!state.dataGlobal->BeginEnvrnFlag) {
     347     7002895 :         state.dataZoneEquipmentManager->InitZoneEquipmentEnvrnFlag = true;
     348             :     }
     349             : 
     350             :     // do the  HVAC time step initializations
     351             : 
     352    61768559 :     for (int ControlledZoneNum = 1; ControlledZoneNum <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++ControlledZoneNum) {
     353    54730753 :         if (!state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(ControlledZoneNum).IsControlled) continue;
     354    46736683 :         auto &zoneNode = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(ControlledZoneNum).ZoneNode);
     355    46736683 :         state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(ControlledZoneNum).ExcessZoneExh = 0.0;
     356             : 
     357    46736683 :         if (FirstHVACIteration) {
     358    28131103 :             for (int ZoneExhNode = 1; ZoneExhNode <= state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(ControlledZoneNum).NumExhaustNodes; ++ZoneExhNode) {
     359     4251062 :                 auto &exhNode = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(ControlledZoneNum).ExhaustNode(ZoneExhNode));
     360     4251062 :                 exhNode.Temp = zoneNode.Temp;
     361     4251062 :                 exhNode.HumRat = zoneNode.HumRat;
     362     4251062 :                 exhNode.Enthalpy = zoneNode.Enthalpy;
     363     4251062 :                 exhNode.Press = zoneNode.Press;
     364     4251062 :                 exhNode.Quality = zoneNode.Quality;
     365     4251062 :                 exhNode.MassFlowRate = 0.0;
     366     4251062 :                 exhNode.MassFlowRateMaxAvail = 0.0;
     367     4251062 :                 exhNode.MassFlowRateMinAvail = 0.0;
     368     4251062 :                 if (state.dataContaminantBalance->Contaminant.CO2Simulation) {
     369      112483 :                     exhNode.CO2 = zoneNode.CO2;
     370             :                 }
     371     4251062 :                 if (state.dataContaminantBalance->Contaminant.GenericContamSimulation) {
     372       73670 :                     exhNode.GenContam = zoneNode.GenContam;
     373             :                 }
     374             :             }
     375             :         }
     376             :     }
     377             : 
     378    18028640 :     for (int airLoop = 1; airLoop <= state.dataHVACGlobal->NumPrimaryAirSys; ++airLoop) {
     379    10990834 :         auto &airLoopFlow = state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopFlow(airLoop);
     380    10990834 :         airLoopFlow.SupFlow = 0.0;
     381    10990834 :         airLoopFlow.ZoneRetFlow = 0.0;
     382    10990834 :         airLoopFlow.SysRetFlow = 0.0;
     383    10990834 :         airLoopFlow.RecircFlow = 0.0;
     384    10990834 :         airLoopFlow.LeakFlow = 0.0;
     385    10990834 :         airLoopFlow.ExcessZoneExhFlow = 0.0;
     386             :     }
     387     7037806 : }
     388             : 
     389      987244 : void SizeZoneEquipment(EnergyPlusData &state)
     390             : {
     391             : 
     392             :     // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
     393             :     //       AUTHOR         Fred Buhl
     394             :     //       DATE WRITTEN   December 2000
     395             : 
     396             :     // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
     397             :     // Performs the zone sizing calculations and fills the zone sizing
     398             :     // data arrays with the results of the calculation.
     399             : 
     400             :     // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
     401             :     // Using the input from Zone Sizing objects and the Zone Equipment input,
     402             :     // for each controlled zone this subroutine performs a "purchased air" calculation
     403             :     // and saves the results in the zone sizing data arrays.
     404             : 
     405             :     static constexpr std::string_view RoutineName("SizeZoneEquipment");
     406             : 
     407             :     int SupplyAirNode1;                   // node number of 1st zone supply air node
     408             :     int SupplyAirNode2;                   // node number of 2nd zone supply air node
     409             :     int SupplyAirNode;                    // node number of supply air node for ideal air system
     410             :     Real64 DeltaTemp;                     // difference between supply air temp and zone temp [C]
     411             :     Real64 CpAir;                         // heat capacity of air [J/kg-C]
     412             :     Real64 SysOutputProvided;             // system sensible output [W]
     413             :     Real64 LatOutputProvided;             // system latent output [kg/s]
     414             :     Real64 Temp;                          // inlet temperature [C]
     415             :     Real64 HumRat;                        // inlet humidity ratio [kg water/kg dry air]
     416             :     Real64 Enthalpy;                      // inlet specific enthalpy [J/kg]
     417             :     Real64 MassFlowRate;                  // inlet mass flow rate [kg/s]
     418             :     Real64 RetTemp;                       // zone return temperature [C]
     419      987244 :     Real64 DOASMassFlowRate(0.0);         // DOAS air mass flow rate for sizing [kg/s]
     420      987244 :     Real64 DOASSupplyTemp(0.0);           // DOAS supply air temperature [C]
     421      987244 :     Real64 DOASSupplyHumRat(0.0);         // DOAS supply air humidity ratio [kgWater/kgDryAir]
     422      987244 :     Real64 DOASCpAir(0.0);                // heat capacity of DOAS air [J/kg-C]
     423      987244 :     Real64 DOASSysOutputProvided(0.0);    // heating / cooling provided by DOAS system [W]
     424      987244 :     Real64 TotDOASSysOutputProvided(0.0); // total DOAS load on the zone [W]
     425             :     Real64 HR90H;                         // humidity ratio at DOAS high setpoint temperature and 90% relative humidity [kg Water / kg Dry Air]
     426             :     Real64 HR90L;                         // humidity ratio at DOAS low setpoint temperature and 90% relative humidity [kg Water / kg Dry Air]
     427             : 
     428      987244 :     auto &Node(state.dataLoopNodes->Node);
     429             : 
     430      987244 :     if (state.dataZoneEquipmentManager->SizeZoneEquipmentOneTimeFlag) {
     431         406 :         SetUpZoneSizingArrays(state);
     432         406 :         state.dataZoneEquipmentManager->SizeZoneEquipmentOneTimeFlag = false;
     433             :     }
     434             : 
     435    10835687 :     for (int ControlledZoneNum = 1; ControlledZoneNum <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++ControlledZoneNum) {
     436     9848443 :         auto &zoneEquipConfig = state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(ControlledZoneNum);
     437     9848443 :         auto &thisZoneHB = state.dataZoneTempPredictorCorrector->zoneHeatBalance(ControlledZoneNum);
     438     9848443 :         if (!zoneEquipConfig.IsControlled) continue;
     439             : 
     440             :         // use reference to eliminate lots of long lines in this function, after initial commit, so reviewers can see changes
     441     8551307 :         auto &calcZoneSizing = state.dataSize->CalcZoneSizing(state.dataSize->CurOverallSimDay, ControlledZoneNum);
     442     8551307 :         auto &zoneSysEnergyDemand = state.dataZoneEnergyDemand->ZoneSysEnergyDemand(ControlledZoneNum);
     443     8551307 :         auto &zoneSysMoistureDemand = state.dataZoneEnergyDemand->ZoneSysMoistureDemand(ControlledZoneNum);
     444     8551307 :         auto &zone = state.dataHeatBal->Zone(ControlledZoneNum);
     445             : 
     446     8551307 :         thisZoneHB.NonAirSystemResponse = 0.0;
     447     8551307 :         thisZoneHB.SysDepZoneLoads = 0.0;
     448     8551307 :         if (state.dataHeatBal->doSpaceHeatBalance) {
     449       32240 :             for (int spaceNum : state.dataHeatBal->Zone(ControlledZoneNum).spaceIndexes) {
     450             :                 // SpaceHB ToDo: For now allocate by space volume frac
     451       16120 :                 state.dataZoneTempPredictorCorrector->spaceHeatBalance(spaceNum).NonAirSystemResponse = 0.0;
     452       16120 :                 state.dataZoneTempPredictorCorrector->spaceHeatBalance(spaceNum).SysDepZoneLoads = 0.0;
     453             :             }
     454             :         }
     455     8551307 :         SysOutputProvided = 0.0;
     456     8551307 :         LatOutputProvided = 0.0;
     457     8551307 :         InitSystemOutputRequired(state, ControlledZoneNum, true);
     458     8551307 :         int ZoneNode = zoneEquipConfig.ZoneNode;
     459     8551307 :         SupplyAirNode = 0;
     460     8551307 :         SupplyAirNode1 = 0;
     461     8551307 :         SupplyAirNode2 = 0;
     462             :         // save raw zone loads without impact of outdoor air
     463     8551307 :         Real64 LatOutputProvidedNoDOAS = zoneSysMoistureDemand.RemainingOutputRequired;
     464     8551307 :         Real64 SysOutputProvidedNoDOAS = zoneSysEnergyDemand.RemainingOutputRequired;
     465             :         // if Tstat deadband is true then load will be reported as 0
     466     8551307 :         if (state.dataZoneEnergyDemand->DeadBandOrSetback(ControlledZoneNum)) SysOutputProvidedNoDOAS = 0.0;
     467             :         // replicate deadband flag - zone condition is either below the humidistat or above the dehumidistat set point
     468             :         // using logic: NOT (!) (there is a load)
     469             :         // Pretty sure this could just be if (OutputRequiredToHumidifyingSP < 0 && OutputRequiredToDehumidifyingSP > 0)
     470    16991225 :         if (!((zoneSysMoistureDemand.OutputRequiredToHumidifyingSP > 0.0 && zoneSysMoistureDemand.OutputRequiredToDehumidifyingSP > 0.0) ||
     471     8660075 :               (zoneSysMoistureDemand.OutputRequiredToHumidifyingSP < 0.0 && zoneSysMoistureDemand.OutputRequiredToDehumidifyingSP < 0.0))) {
     472     8316708 :             LatOutputProvidedNoDOAS = 0.0;
     473             :         }
     474             : 
     475             :         // calculate DOAS heating/cooling effect
     476     8551307 :         if (calcZoneSizing.AccountForDOAS) {
     477             :             // check for adequate number of supply nodes
     478      176224 :             if (zoneEquipConfig.NumInletNodes >= 2) {
     479      133870 :                 SupplyAirNode1 = zoneEquipConfig.InletNode(1);
     480      133870 :                 SupplyAirNode2 = zoneEquipConfig.InletNode(2);
     481       42354 :             } else if (zoneEquipConfig.NumInletNodes >= 1) {
     482       42354 :                 SupplyAirNode1 = zoneEquipConfig.InletNode(1);
     483       42354 :                 SupplyAirNode2 = 0;
     484             :             } else {
     485           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state,
     486           0 :                                 std::string{RoutineName} + ": to account for the effect a Dedicated Outside Air System on zone equipment sizing");
     487           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "there must be at least one zone air inlet node");
     488           0 :                 ShowFatalError(state, "Previous severe error causes abort ");
     489             :             }
     490             :             // set the DOAS mass flow rate and supply temperature and humidity ratio
     491      176224 :             HR90H = PsyWFnTdbRhPb(state, calcZoneSizing.DOASHighSetpoint, 0.9, state.dataEnvrn->StdBaroPress);
     492      176224 :             HR90L = PsyWFnTdbRhPb(state, calcZoneSizing.DOASLowSetpoint, 0.9, state.dataEnvrn->StdBaroPress);
     493      176224 :             DOASMassFlowRate = state.dataSize->CalcFinalZoneSizing(ControlledZoneNum).MinOA;
     494      528672 :             CalcDOASSupCondsForSizing(state,
     495      176224 :                                       state.dataEnvrn->OutDryBulbTemp,
     496      176224 :                                       state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat,
     497             :                                       calcZoneSizing.DOASControlStrategy,
     498             :                                       calcZoneSizing.DOASLowSetpoint,
     499             :                                       calcZoneSizing.DOASHighSetpoint,
     500             :                                       HR90H,
     501             :                                       HR90L,
     502             :                                       DOASSupplyTemp,
     503             :                                       DOASSupplyHumRat);
     504      176224 :             DOASCpAir = PsyCpAirFnW(DOASSupplyHumRat);
     505      176224 :             DOASSysOutputProvided = DOASMassFlowRate * DOASCpAir * (DOASSupplyTemp - Node(ZoneNode).Temp);
     506      176224 :             TotDOASSysOutputProvided =
     507      176224 :                 DOASMassFlowRate * (PsyHFnTdbW(DOASSupplyTemp, DOASSupplyHumRat) - PsyHFnTdbW(Node(ZoneNode).Temp, Node(ZoneNode).HumRat));
     508      176224 :             Real64 DOASLatOutputProvided = 0.0;
     509      176224 :             if (calcZoneSizing.zoneLatentSizing) {
     510           0 :                 DOASLatOutputProvided = DOASMassFlowRate * (DOASSupplyHumRat - Node(ZoneNode).HumRat); // kgw/s
     511             :             }
     512             : 
     513      176224 :             UpdateSystemOutputRequired(state, ControlledZoneNum, DOASSysOutputProvided, DOASLatOutputProvided);
     514      176224 :             Node(SupplyAirNode1).Temp = DOASSupplyTemp;
     515      176224 :             Node(SupplyAirNode1).HumRat = DOASSupplyHumRat;
     516      176224 :             Node(SupplyAirNode1).MassFlowRate = DOASMassFlowRate;
     517      176224 :             Node(SupplyAirNode1).Enthalpy = PsyHFnTdbW(DOASSupplyTemp, DOASSupplyHumRat);
     518      176224 :             calcZoneSizing.DOASHeatAdd = DOASSysOutputProvided;
     519      176224 :             calcZoneSizing.DOASLatAdd = TotDOASSysOutputProvided - DOASSysOutputProvided;
     520      176224 :             SupplyAirNode = SupplyAirNode2;
     521      176224 :             calcZoneSizing.DOASSupMassFlow = DOASMassFlowRate;
     522      176224 :             calcZoneSizing.DOASSupTemp = DOASSupplyTemp;
     523      176224 :             calcZoneSizing.DOASSupHumRat = DOASSupplyHumRat;
     524      176224 :             if (DOASSysOutputProvided > 0.0) {
     525        3485 :                 calcZoneSizing.DOASHeatLoad = DOASSysOutputProvided;
     526        3485 :                 calcZoneSizing.DOASCoolLoad = 0.0;
     527        3485 :                 calcZoneSizing.DOASTotCoolLoad = 0.0;
     528             :             } else {
     529      172739 :                 calcZoneSizing.DOASCoolLoad = DOASSysOutputProvided;
     530      172739 :                 calcZoneSizing.DOASTotCoolLoad = TotDOASSysOutputProvided;
     531      172739 :                 calcZoneSizing.DOASHeatLoad = 0.0;
     532             :             }
     533             : 
     534             :         } else {
     535     8375083 :             if (zoneEquipConfig.NumInletNodes > 0) {
     536     8210866 :                 SupplyAirNode = zoneEquipConfig.InletNode(1);
     537             :             } else {
     538      164217 :                 SupplyAirNode = 0;
     539             :             }
     540             :         }
     541             : 
     542             :         // Sign convention: SysOutputProvided <0 Supply air is heated on entering zone (zone is cooled)
     543             :         //                  SysOutputProvided >0 Supply air is cooled on entering zone (zone is heated)
     544    15615262 :         if (!state.dataZoneEnergyDemand->DeadBandOrSetback(ControlledZoneNum) &&
     545     7063955 :             std::abs(state.dataZoneEnergyDemand->ZoneSysEnergyDemand(ControlledZoneNum).RemainingOutputRequired) > DataHVACGlobals::SmallLoad) {
     546             :             // Determine design supply air temperture and design supply air temperature difference
     547     7054961 :             if (state.dataZoneEnergyDemand->ZoneSysEnergyDemand(ControlledZoneNum).RemainingOutputRequired < 0.0) { // Cooling case
     548             :                 // If the user specify the design cooling supply air temperature, then
     549     3741184 :                 if (calcZoneSizing.ZnCoolDgnSAMethod == SupplyAirTemperature) {
     550     3741184 :                     Temp = calcZoneSizing.CoolDesTemp;
     551     3741184 :                     HumRat = calcZoneSizing.CoolDesHumRat;
     552     3741184 :                     DeltaTemp = Temp - Node(ZoneNode).Temp;
     553     3741184 :                     if (zone.HasAdjustedReturnTempByITE && !(state.dataGlobal->BeginSimFlag)) {
     554        2802 :                         DeltaTemp = Temp - zone.AdjustedReturnTempByITE;
     555             :                     }
     556             :                     // If the user specify the design cooling supply air temperature difference, then
     557             :                 } else {
     558           0 :                     DeltaTemp = -std::abs(calcZoneSizing.CoolDesTempDiff);
     559           0 :                     Temp = DeltaTemp + Node(ZoneNode).Temp;
     560           0 :                     if (zone.HasAdjustedReturnTempByITE && !(state.dataGlobal->BeginSimFlag)) {
     561           0 :                         Temp = DeltaTemp + zone.AdjustedReturnTempByITE;
     562             :                     }
     563           0 :                     HumRat = calcZoneSizing.CoolDesHumRat;
     564             :                 }
     565             :             } else { // Heating Case
     566             :                 // If the user specify the design heating supply air temperature, then
     567     3313777 :                 if (calcZoneSizing.ZnHeatDgnSAMethod == SupplyAirTemperature) {
     568     3313777 :                     Temp = calcZoneSizing.HeatDesTemp;
     569     3313777 :                     HumRat = calcZoneSizing.HeatDesHumRat;
     570     3313777 :                     DeltaTemp = Temp - Node(ZoneNode).Temp;
     571             :                     // If the user specify the design heating supply air temperature difference, then
     572             :                 } else {
     573           0 :                     DeltaTemp = std::abs(calcZoneSizing.HeatDesTempDiff);
     574           0 :                     Temp = DeltaTemp + Node(ZoneNode).Temp;
     575           0 :                     HumRat = calcZoneSizing.HeatDesHumRat;
     576             :                 }
     577             :             }
     578             : 
     579     7054961 :             Enthalpy = PsyHFnTdbW(Temp, HumRat);
     580     7054961 :             SysOutputProvided = state.dataZoneEnergyDemand->ZoneSysEnergyDemand(ControlledZoneNum).RemainingOutputRequired;
     581     7054961 :             CpAir = PsyCpAirFnW(HumRat);
     582     7054961 :             if (std::abs(DeltaTemp) > DataHVACGlobals::SmallTempDiff) {
     583             :                 //!!PH/WFB/LKL (UCDV model)        MassFlowRate = SysOutputProvided / (CpAir*DeltaTemp)
     584     7054961 :                 MassFlowRate = max(SysOutputProvided / (CpAir * DeltaTemp), 0.0);
     585             :             } else {
     586           0 :                 MassFlowRate = 0.0;
     587             :             }
     588             : 
     589     7054961 :             if (calcZoneSizing.SupplyAirAdjustFactor > 1.0) {
     590           0 :                 MassFlowRate *= calcZoneSizing.SupplyAirAdjustFactor;
     591             :             }
     592             :         } else {
     593             : 
     594     1496346 :             Temp = Node(ZoneNode).Temp;
     595     1496346 :             HumRat = Node(ZoneNode).HumRat;
     596     1496346 :             Enthalpy = Node(ZoneNode).Enthalpy;
     597     1496346 :             MassFlowRate = 0.0;
     598             :         }
     599             : 
     600     8551307 :         if (SysOutputProvided > 0.0) {
     601     3313777 :             calcZoneSizing.HeatLoad = SysOutputProvided;
     602     3313777 :             calcZoneSizing.HeatMassFlow = MassFlowRate;
     603     3313777 :             calcZoneSizing.CoolLoad = 0.0;
     604     3313777 :             calcZoneSizing.CoolMassFlow = 0.0;
     605     5237530 :         } else if (SysOutputProvided < 0.0) {
     606     3741184 :             calcZoneSizing.CoolLoad = -SysOutputProvided;
     607     3741184 :             calcZoneSizing.CoolMassFlow = MassFlowRate;
     608     3741184 :             calcZoneSizing.HeatLoad = 0.0;
     609     3741184 :             calcZoneSizing.HeatMassFlow = 0.0;
     610             :         } else {
     611     1496346 :             calcZoneSizing.CoolLoad = 0.0;
     612     1496346 :             calcZoneSizing.CoolMassFlow = 0.0;
     613     1496346 :             calcZoneSizing.HeatLoad = 0.0;
     614     1496346 :             calcZoneSizing.HeatMassFlow = 0.0;
     615             :         }
     616     8551307 :         calcZoneSizing.HeatZoneTemp = Node(ZoneNode).Temp;
     617     8551307 :         calcZoneSizing.HeatZoneHumRat = Node(ZoneNode).HumRat;
     618     8551307 :         calcZoneSizing.CoolZoneTemp = Node(ZoneNode).Temp;
     619     8551307 :         calcZoneSizing.CoolZoneHumRat = Node(ZoneNode).HumRat;
     620     8551307 :         calcZoneSizing.HeatOutTemp = state.dataEnvrn->OutDryBulbTemp;
     621     8551307 :         calcZoneSizing.HeatOutHumRat = state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat;
     622     8551307 :         calcZoneSizing.CoolOutTemp = state.dataEnvrn->OutDryBulbTemp;
     623     8551307 :         calcZoneSizing.CoolOutHumRat = state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat;
     624             : 
     625     8551307 :         Real64 LatentAirMassFlow = 0.0;
     626     8551307 :         Real64 MoistureLoad = 0.0;
     627     8551307 :         Real64 HgAir = PsyHgAirFnWTdb(Node(ZoneNode).HumRat, Node(ZoneNode).Temp);
     628     8551307 :         if (calcZoneSizing.zoneLatentSizing) {
     629             :             // replicate deadband flag - zone condition is either below the humidistat or above the dehumidistat set point
     630       36361 :             if ((zoneSysMoistureDemand.OutputRequiredToHumidifyingSP > 0.0 && zoneSysMoistureDemand.OutputRequiredToDehumidifyingSP > 0.0) ||
     631       31636 :                 (zoneSysMoistureDemand.OutputRequiredToHumidifyingSP < 0.0 && zoneSysMoistureDemand.OutputRequiredToDehumidifyingSP < 0.0)) {
     632       18910 :                 LatOutputProvided = zoneSysMoistureDemand.RemainingOutputRequired;
     633             :             }
     634       20543 :             Real64 DeltaHumRat = 0.0;      // positive LatOutputProvided means humidification load
     635       20543 :             if (LatOutputProvided < 0.0) { // use SA humrat - zone humrat, or delta humrat based on user choice
     636       28370 :                 DeltaHumRat = (calcZoneSizing.ZnLatCoolDgnSAMethod == SupplyAirHumidityRatio)
     637       28370 :                                   ? (calcZoneSizing.LatentCoolDesHumRat - Node(ZoneNode).HumRat)
     638       14185 :                                   : -calcZoneSizing.CoolDesHumRatDiff;
     639        6358 :             } else if (LatOutputProvided > 0.0) {
     640        9450 :                 DeltaHumRat = (calcZoneSizing.ZnLatHeatDgnSAMethod == SupplyAirHumidityRatio)
     641        4725 :                                   ? (calcZoneSizing.LatentHeatDesHumRat - Node(ZoneNode).HumRat)
     642             :                                   : calcZoneSizing.HeatDesHumRatDiff;
     643             :             }
     644       20543 :             if (std::abs(DeltaHumRat) > DataHVACGlobals::VerySmallMassFlow) LatentAirMassFlow = std::max(0.0, LatOutputProvided / DeltaHumRat);
     645       20543 :             MoistureLoad = LatOutputProvided * HgAir;
     646             : 
     647       20543 :             if (MassFlowRate > 0.0) {
     648       16161 :                 HumRat = Node(ZoneNode).HumRat + LatOutputProvided / MassFlowRate;
     649       16161 :                 CpAir = PsyCpAirFnW(HumRat);
     650       16161 :                 Temp = (SysOutputProvided / (MassFlowRate * CpAir)) + Node(ZoneNode).Temp;
     651       16161 :                 Enthalpy = PsyHFnTdbW(Temp, HumRat);
     652        4382 :             } else if (LatentAirMassFlow > 0.0) {
     653             :                 // if there is no sensible load then still need to hold zone RH at set point
     654             :                 // no need to recalculate T, Sensible load = 0 so T = T,zone
     655        4377 :                 HumRat = Node(ZoneNode).HumRat + LatOutputProvided / LatentAirMassFlow;
     656        4377 :                 Enthalpy = PsyHFnTdbW(Temp, HumRat);
     657        4377 :                 MassFlowRate = (LatentAirMassFlow > DataHVACGlobals::VerySmallMassFlow) ? LatentAirMassFlow : 0.0;
     658             :             }
     659             : 
     660       20543 :             calcZoneSizing.HeatLatentLoad = (LatOutputProvided > 0.0) ? MoistureLoad : 0.0;
     661       20543 :             calcZoneSizing.ZoneHeatLatentMassFlow = (LatOutputProvided > 0.0) ? LatentAirMassFlow : 0.0;
     662       20543 :             calcZoneSizing.CoolLatentLoad = (LatOutputProvided < 0.0) ? -MoistureLoad : 0.0;
     663       20543 :             calcZoneSizing.ZoneCoolLatentMassFlow = (LatOutputProvided < 0.0) ? LatentAirMassFlow : 0.0;
     664       20543 :             calcZoneSizing.HeatLoadNoDOAS = (SysOutputProvidedNoDOAS > 0.0) ? SysOutputProvidedNoDOAS : 0.0;
     665       20543 :             calcZoneSizing.CoolLoadNoDOAS = (SysOutputProvidedNoDOAS < 0.0) ? -SysOutputProvidedNoDOAS : 0.0;
     666       20543 :             calcZoneSizing.HeatLatentLoadNoDOAS = (LatOutputProvidedNoDOAS > 0.0) ? LatOutputProvidedNoDOAS * HgAir : 0.0;
     667       20543 :             calcZoneSizing.CoolLatentLoadNoDOAS = (LatOutputProvidedNoDOAS < 0.0) ? -LatOutputProvidedNoDOAS * HgAir : 0.0;
     668             :         }
     669             : 
     670     8551307 :         if (SupplyAirNode > 0) {
     671     8344736 :             Node(SupplyAirNode).Temp = Temp;
     672     8344736 :             Node(SupplyAirNode).HumRat = HumRat;
     673     8344736 :             Node(SupplyAirNode).Enthalpy = Enthalpy;
     674     8344736 :             Node(SupplyAirNode).MassFlowRate = MassFlowRate;
     675             :         } else {
     676      206571 :             thisZoneHB.NonAirSystemResponse = SysOutputProvided;
     677      206571 :             if (state.dataHeatBal->doSpaceHeatBalance) {
     678           0 :                 for (int spaceNum : state.dataHeatBal->Zone(ControlledZoneNum).spaceIndexes) {
     679             :                     // SpaceHB ToDo: For now allocate by space volume frac
     680           0 :                     state.dataZoneTempPredictorCorrector->spaceHeatBalance(spaceNum).NonAirSystemResponse =
     681           0 :                         thisZoneHB.NonAirSystemResponse * state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).fracZoneVolume;
     682             :                 }
     683             :             }
     684      206571 :             if (calcZoneSizing.zoneLatentSizing) {
     685           0 :                 int ZoneMult = zone.Multiplier * zone.ListMultiplier;
     686           0 :                 thisZoneHB.ZoneLatentGain += (LatOutputProvided * HgAir) / ZoneMult;
     687             :             }
     688             :         }
     689             : 
     690     8551307 :         UpdateSystemOutputRequired(state, ControlledZoneNum, SysOutputProvided, LatOutputProvided);
     691             :     }
     692             : 
     693      987244 :     CalcZoneMassBalance(state, true);
     694             : 
     695      987244 :     CalcZoneLeavingConditions(state, true);
     696             : 
     697    10835687 :     for (int ControlledZoneNum = 1; ControlledZoneNum <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++ControlledZoneNum) {
     698             : 
     699     9848443 :         auto &zoneEquipConfig = state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(ControlledZoneNum);
     700     9848443 :         if (!zoneEquipConfig.IsControlled) continue;
     701     8551307 :         auto &calcZoneSizing = state.dataSize->CalcZoneSizing(state.dataSize->CurOverallSimDay, ControlledZoneNum);
     702             : 
     703             :         // MJW for now - use first return node, make a separate commit to add a dimension to all of the sizing rettemp variables
     704     8551307 :         int ReturnNode = (zoneEquipConfig.NumReturnNodes > 0) ? zoneEquipConfig.ReturnNode(1) : 0;
     705     8551307 :         int ZoneNode = zoneEquipConfig.ZoneNode;
     706     8551307 :         RetTemp = (ReturnNode > 0) ? Node(ReturnNode).Temp : Node(ZoneNode).Temp;
     707     8551307 :         auto &zoneTstatSP = state.dataHeatBalFanSys->TempZoneThermostatSetPoint(ControlledZoneNum);
     708     8551307 :         if (calcZoneSizing.HeatLoad > 0.0) {
     709     3313777 :             calcZoneSizing.HeatZoneRetTemp = RetTemp;
     710     3313777 :             calcZoneSizing.HeatTstatTemp = (zoneTstatSP > 0.0) ? zoneTstatSP : state.dataHeatBalFanSys->ZoneThermostatSetPointLo(ControlledZoneNum);
     711     3313777 :             calcZoneSizing.CoolTstatTemp = state.dataHeatBalFanSys->ZoneThermostatSetPointHi(ControlledZoneNum);
     712     5237530 :         } else if (calcZoneSizing.CoolLoad > 0.0) {
     713     3741184 :             calcZoneSizing.CoolZoneRetTemp = RetTemp;
     714     3741184 :             calcZoneSizing.CoolTstatTemp = (zoneTstatSP > 0.0) ? zoneTstatSP : state.dataHeatBalFanSys->ZoneThermostatSetPointHi(ControlledZoneNum);
     715     3741184 :             calcZoneSizing.HeatTstatTemp = state.dataHeatBalFanSys->ZoneThermostatSetPointLo(ControlledZoneNum);
     716             :         } else {
     717     1496346 :             calcZoneSizing.CoolZoneRetTemp = RetTemp;
     718     1496346 :             calcZoneSizing.HeatTstatTemp = state.dataHeatBalFanSys->ZoneThermostatSetPointLo(ControlledZoneNum);
     719     1496346 :             calcZoneSizing.CoolTstatTemp = state.dataHeatBalFanSys->ZoneThermostatSetPointHi(ControlledZoneNum);
     720             :         }
     721             :     }
     722      987244 : }
     723             : 
     724      176224 : void CalcDOASSupCondsForSizing(EnergyPlusData &state,
     725             :                                Real64 OutDB,        // outside air temperature [C]
     726             :                                Real64 OutHR,        // outside humidity ratio [kg Water / kg Dry Air]
     727             :                                int DOASControl,     // dedicated outside air control strategy
     728             :                                Real64 DOASLowTemp,  // DOAS low setpoint [C]
     729             :                                Real64 DOASHighTemp, // DOAS high setpoint [C]
     730             :                                Real64 W90H, // humidity ratio at DOAS high setpoint temperature and 90% relative humidity [kg Water / kg Dry Air]
     731             :                                Real64 W90L, // humidity ratio at DOAS low setpoint temperature and 90% relative humidity [kg Water / kg Dry Air]
     732             :                                Real64 &DOASSupTemp, // DOAS supply temperature [C]
     733             :                                Real64 &DOASSupHR    // DOAS Supply Humidity ratio [kg Water / kg Dry Air]
     734             : )
     735             : {
     736             :     // FUNCTION INFORMATION:
     737             :     //       AUTHOR         Fred Buhl
     738             :     //       DATE WRITTEN   March 2015
     739             : 
     740             :     // PURPOSE OF THIS FUNCTION:
     741             :     // This function calculates supply conditions for the direct outside air system (DOAS) sizing calculations
     742             : 
     743             :     // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
     744             :     // the supply temperature and humidity ratio are set depending on the design control method and the outside air temperature
     745             : 
     746             :     // REFERENCES:
     747             :     // Consult the "DOAS Effect On Zone Sizing" new feature proposal and design documents
     748             : 
     749             :     // SUBROUTINE PARAMETER DEFINITIONS:
     750             :     static constexpr std::string_view RoutineName("CalcDOASSupCondsForSizing");
     751             : 
     752             :     // FUNCTION LOCAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS:
     753             : 
     754      176224 :     DOASSupTemp = 0.0;
     755      176224 :     DOASSupHR = 0.0;
     756             :     // neutral supply air
     757      176224 :     if (DOASControl == 1) {
     758       10420 :         if (OutDB < DOASLowTemp) {
     759        4225 :             DOASSupTemp = DOASLowTemp;
     760        4225 :             DOASSupHR = OutHR;
     761        6195 :         } else if (OutDB > DOASHighTemp) {
     762        4655 :             DOASSupTemp = DOASHighTemp;
     763        4655 :             DOASSupHR = min(OutHR, W90H);
     764             :         } else {
     765        1540 :             DOASSupTemp = OutDB;
     766        1540 :             DOASSupHR = OutHR;
     767             :         }
     768             :     }
     769             : 
     770             :     // neutral dehumidified supply air
     771      165804 :     else if (DOASControl == 2) { //
     772           0 :         if (OutDB < DOASLowTemp) {
     773           0 :             DOASSupTemp = DOASHighTemp;
     774           0 :             DOASSupHR = OutHR;
     775             :         } else {
     776           0 :             DOASSupTemp = DOASHighTemp;
     777           0 :             DOASSupHR = min(OutHR, W90L);
     778             :         }
     779             :     }
     780             : 
     781             :     // cold supply air
     782      165804 :     else if (DOASControl == 3) {
     783      165804 :         if (OutDB < DOASLowTemp) {
     784       57783 :             DOASSupTemp = DOASHighTemp;
     785       57783 :             DOASSupHR = OutHR;
     786             :         } else {
     787      108021 :             DOASSupTemp = DOASLowTemp;
     788      108021 :             DOASSupHR = min(OutHR, W90L);
     789             :         }
     790             :     } else {
     791           0 :         ShowFatalError(state, std::string{RoutineName} + ":illegal DOAS design control strategy");
     792             :     }
     793      176224 : }
     794             : 
     795         406 : void SetUpZoneSizingArrays(EnergyPlusData &state)
     796             : {
     797             : 
     798             :     // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
     799             :     //       AUTHOR         Fred Buhl
     800             :     //       DATE WRITTEN   December 2000
     801             : 
     802             :     // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
     803             :     // Allocate and fill the ZoneSizing data array.
     804             : 
     805             :     // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
     806             :     // Obtains data from Zone Sizing and Zone Equipment objects already input.
     807             : 
     808             :     int NumOfTimeStepInDay; // number of zone time steps in a day
     809             :     int DesDayNum;          // design day index
     810             :     // unused  INTEGER :: DesDayEnvrnNum   ! design day index
     811             :     int ZoneSizNum;           // zone sizing input index
     812             :     Real64 TotPeopleInZone;   // total (maximum) number of people in a zone
     813             :     int PeopleNum;            // index of People structure
     814         406 :     Real64 OAFromPeople(0.0); // min OA calculated from zone occupancy [m3/s]
     815         406 :     Real64 OAFromArea(0.0);   // min OA calculated from zone area and OA flow per area [m3/s]
     816         406 :     bool ErrorsFound(false);  // Set to true if errors in input, fatal at end of routine
     817         406 :     Real64 SchMax(0.0);       // maximum people multiplier value
     818             :     Real64 OAVolumeFlowRate;  // outside air flow rate (m3/s)
     819             :     bool UseOccSchFlag;       // flag to use occupancy schedule when calculating OA
     820             :     bool UseMinOASchFlag;     // flag to use min OA schedule when calculating OA
     821             : 
     822             :     // TODO MJW: Punt for now, sometimes unit test will get here and need these to be allocated, but simulations need them sooner
     823         406 :     if (!state.dataHeatBal->ZoneIntGain.allocated()) {
     824           0 :         DataHeatBalance::AllocateIntGains(state);
     825             :     }
     826             : 
     827        3698 :     for (int ZoneSizIndex = 1; ZoneSizIndex <= state.dataSize->NumZoneSizingInput; ++ZoneSizIndex) {
     828        3292 :         int ZoneIndex = UtilityRoutines::FindItemInList(state.dataSize->ZoneSizingInput(ZoneSizIndex).ZoneName, state.dataHeatBal->Zone);
     829        3292 :         if (ZoneIndex == 0) {
     830           0 :             ShowSevereError(state,
     831           0 :                             "SetUpZoneSizingArrays: Sizing:Zone=\"" + state.dataSize->ZoneSizingInput(ZoneSizIndex).ZoneName +
     832             :                                 "\" references unknown zone");
     833           0 :             ErrorsFound = true;
     834             :         }
     835        7549 :         if (std::any_of(state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig.begin(), state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig.end(), [](EquipConfiguration const &e) {
     836             :                 return e.IsControlled;
     837        4257 :             })) {
     838        6584 :             ZoneIndex = UtilityRoutines::FindItemInList(
     839        6584 :                 state.dataSize->ZoneSizingInput(ZoneSizIndex).ZoneName, state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig, &EquipConfiguration::ZoneName);
     840        3292 :             if (ZoneIndex == 0) {
     841           1 :                 if (!state.dataGlobal->isPulseZoneSizing) {
     842           3 :                     ShowWarningError(state,
     843           2 :                                      "SetUpZoneSizingArrays: Requested Sizing for Zone=\"" + state.dataSize->ZoneSizingInput(ZoneSizIndex).ZoneName +
     844             :                                          "\", Zone is not found in the Controlled Zones List");
     845             :                 }
     846             :             } else {
     847        3291 :                 state.dataSize->ZoneSizingInput(ZoneSizIndex).ZoneNum = ZoneIndex;
     848             :             }
     849        4154 :             if (state.dataSize->ZoneSizingInput(ZoneSizIndex).CoolAirDesMethod == FromDDCalc ||
     850         862 :                 state.dataSize->ZoneSizingInput(ZoneSizIndex).HeatAirDesMethod == FromDDCalc) {
     851        3292 :                 if (!ZoneTempPredictorCorrector::VerifyThermostatInZone(state, state.dataSize->ZoneSizingInput(ZoneSizIndex).ZoneName)) {
     852           4 :                     if (!state.dataGlobal->isPulseZoneSizing) {
     853          12 :                         ShowWarningError(state,
     854           8 :                                          "SetUpZoneSizingArrays: Requested Sizing for Zone=\"" +
     855          12 :                                              state.dataSize->ZoneSizingInput(ZoneSizIndex).ZoneName +
     856             :                                              "\", Zone has no thermostat (ref: ZoneControl:Thermostat, et al)");
     857             :                     }
     858             :                 }
     859             :             }
     860             :         } else {
     861           0 :             ShowSevereError(state, "SetUpZoneSizingArrays: Zone Sizing is requested but there are no ZoneHVAC:EquipmentConnections statements.");
     862           0 :             ErrorsFound = true;
     863             :         }
     864             :     }
     865             : 
     866             :     // Put Auto Sizing of Sizing:Zone inputs here!
     867         406 :     AutoCalcDOASControlStrategy(state);
     868             : 
     869         406 :     state.dataSize->ZoneSizing.allocate(state.dataEnvrn->TotDesDays + state.dataEnvrn->TotRunDesPersDays, state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones);
     870         406 :     state.dataSize->FinalZoneSizing.allocate(state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones);
     871         406 :     state.dataSize->CalcZoneSizing.allocate(state.dataEnvrn->TotDesDays + state.dataEnvrn->TotRunDesPersDays, state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones);
     872         406 :     state.dataSize->CalcFinalZoneSizing.allocate(state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones);
     873         406 :     state.dataSize->TermUnitFinalZoneSizing.allocate(state.dataSize->NumAirTerminalUnits);
     874         406 :     state.dataSize->DesDayWeath.allocate(state.dataEnvrn->TotDesDays + state.dataEnvrn->TotRunDesPersDays);
     875         406 :     NumOfTimeStepInDay = state.dataGlobal->NumOfTimeStepInHour * 24;
     876         406 :     state.dataZoneEquipmentManager->AvgData.allocate(NumOfTimeStepInDay);
     877         406 :     state.dataSize->CoolPeakDateHrMin.allocate(state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones);
     878         406 :     state.dataSize->HeatPeakDateHrMin.allocate(state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones);
     879         406 :     state.dataSize->LatCoolPeakDateHrMin.allocate(state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones);
     880         406 :     state.dataSize->LatHeatPeakDateHrMin.allocate(state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones);
     881         406 :     state.dataSize->ZoneSizThermSetPtHi.allocate(state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones);
     882         406 :     state.dataSize->ZoneSizThermSetPtLo.allocate(state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones);
     883             : 
     884         406 :     state.dataSize->CoolPeakDateHrMin = "";
     885         406 :     state.dataSize->HeatPeakDateHrMin = "";
     886         406 :     state.dataSize->LatCoolPeakDateHrMin = "";
     887         406 :     state.dataSize->LatHeatPeakDateHrMin = "";
     888             : 
     889         406 :     state.dataSize->ZoneSizThermSetPtHi = 0.0;
     890         406 :     state.dataSize->ZoneSizThermSetPtLo = 1000.0;
     891             : 
     892        1279 :     for (DesDayNum = 1; DesDayNum <= state.dataEnvrn->TotDesDays + state.dataEnvrn->TotRunDesPersDays; ++DesDayNum) {
     893         873 :         auto &thisDesDayWeather = state.dataSize->DesDayWeath(DesDayNum);
     894         873 :         thisDesDayWeather.Temp.allocate(state.dataGlobal->NumOfTimeStepInHour * 24);
     895         873 :         thisDesDayWeather.HumRat.allocate(state.dataGlobal->NumOfTimeStepInHour * 24);
     896         873 :         thisDesDayWeather.Press.allocate(state.dataGlobal->NumOfTimeStepInHour * 24);
     897         873 :         thisDesDayWeather.Temp = 0.0;
     898         873 :         thisDesDayWeather.HumRat = 0.0;
     899         873 :         thisDesDayWeather.Press = 0.0;
     900             :     }
     901             :     // Fill zone sizing arrays from input array
     902        1279 :     for (DesDayNum = 1; DesDayNum <= state.dataEnvrn->TotDesDays + state.dataEnvrn->TotRunDesPersDays; ++DesDayNum) {
     903        8972 :         for (int CtrlZoneNum = 1; CtrlZoneNum <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++CtrlZoneNum) {
     904        8099 :             auto &zoneEquipConfig = state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(CtrlZoneNum);
     905        8099 :             if (!state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(CtrlZoneNum).IsControlled) continue;
     906        7157 :             auto &zoneSizing = state.dataSize->ZoneSizing(DesDayNum, CtrlZoneNum);
     907        7157 :             auto &calcZoneSizing = state.dataSize->CalcZoneSizing(DesDayNum, CtrlZoneNum);
     908        7157 :             zoneSizing.ZoneName = state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(CtrlZoneNum).ZoneName;
     909        7157 :             zoneSizing.ZoneNum = CtrlZoneNum;
     910        7157 :             calcZoneSizing.ZoneName = state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(CtrlZoneNum).ZoneName;
     911        7157 :             calcZoneSizing.ZoneNum = CtrlZoneNum;
     912             :             // For each Zone Sizing object, find the corresponding controlled zone
     913        7157 :             ZoneSizNum = UtilityRoutines::FindItemInList(zoneEquipConfig.ZoneName, state.dataSize->ZoneSizingInput, &ZoneSizingInputData::ZoneName);
     914        7157 :             if (ZoneSizNum > 0) { // move data from zone sizing input
     915        7099 :                 auto &zoneSizingInput = state.dataSize->ZoneSizingInput(ZoneSizNum);
     916        7099 :                 zoneSizing.ZnCoolDgnSAMethod = zoneSizingInput.ZnCoolDgnSAMethod;
     917        7099 :                 zoneSizing.ZnHeatDgnSAMethod = zoneSizingInput.ZnHeatDgnSAMethod;
     918        7099 :                 zoneSizing.CoolDesTemp = zoneSizingInput.CoolDesTemp;
     919        7099 :                 zoneSizing.HeatDesTemp = zoneSizingInput.HeatDesTemp;
     920        7099 :                 zoneSizing.CoolDesTempDiff = zoneSizingInput.CoolDesTempDiff;
     921        7099 :                 zoneSizing.HeatDesTempDiff = zoneSizingInput.HeatDesTempDiff;
     922        7099 :                 zoneSizing.CoolDesHumRat = zoneSizingInput.CoolDesHumRat;
     923        7099 :                 zoneSizing.HeatDesHumRat = zoneSizingInput.HeatDesHumRat;
     924        7099 :                 zoneSizing.CoolAirDesMethod = zoneSizingInput.CoolAirDesMethod;
     925        7099 :                 zoneSizing.HeatAirDesMethod = zoneSizingInput.HeatAirDesMethod;
     926        7099 :                 zoneSizing.InpDesCoolAirFlow = zoneSizingInput.DesCoolAirFlow;
     927        7099 :                 zoneSizing.DesCoolMinAirFlowPerArea = zoneSizingInput.DesCoolMinAirFlowPerArea;
     928        7099 :                 zoneSizing.DesCoolMinAirFlow = zoneSizingInput.DesCoolMinAirFlow;
     929        7099 :                 zoneSizing.DesCoolMinAirFlowFrac = zoneSizingInput.DesCoolMinAirFlowFrac;
     930        7099 :                 zoneSizing.InpDesHeatAirFlow = zoneSizingInput.DesHeatAirFlow;
     931        7099 :                 zoneSizing.DesHeatMaxAirFlowPerArea = zoneSizingInput.DesHeatMaxAirFlowPerArea;
     932        7099 :                 zoneSizing.DesHeatMaxAirFlow = zoneSizingInput.DesHeatMaxAirFlow;
     933        7099 :                 zoneSizing.DesHeatMaxAirFlowFrac = zoneSizingInput.DesHeatMaxAirFlowFrac;
     934        7099 :                 zoneSizing.HeatSizingFactor = zoneSizingInput.HeatSizingFactor;
     935        7099 :                 zoneSizing.CoolSizingFactor = zoneSizingInput.CoolSizingFactor;
     936        7099 :                 zoneSizing.AccountForDOAS = zoneSizingInput.AccountForDOAS;
     937        7099 :                 zoneSizing.DOASControlStrategy = zoneSizingInput.DOASControlStrategy;
     938        7099 :                 zoneSizing.DOASLowSetpoint = zoneSizingInput.DOASLowSetpoint;
     939        7099 :                 zoneSizing.DOASHighSetpoint = zoneSizingInput.DOASHighSetpoint;
     940        7099 :                 zoneSizing.zoneSizingMethod = zoneSizingInput.zoneSizingMethod;
     941        7099 :                 zoneSizing.zoneLatentSizing = zoneSizingInput.zoneLatentSizing;
     942        7099 :                 zoneSizing.zoneRHDehumidifySetPoint = zoneSizingInput.zoneRHDehumidifySetPoint;
     943        7099 :                 zoneSizing.zoneRHHumidifySetPoint = zoneSizingInput.zoneRHHumidifySetPoint;
     944        7099 :                 zoneSizing.zoneRHDehumidifySchIndex = zoneSizingInput.zoneRHDehumidifySchIndex;
     945        7099 :                 zoneSizing.zoneRHHumidifySchIndex = zoneSizingInput.zoneRHHumidifySchIndex;
     946        7099 :                 zoneSizing.ZnLatCoolDgnSAMethod = zoneSizingInput.ZnLatCoolDgnSAMethod;
     947        7099 :                 zoneSizing.ZnLatHeatDgnSAMethod = zoneSizingInput.ZnLatHeatDgnSAMethod;
     948        7099 :                 calcZoneSizing.ZnCoolDgnSAMethod = zoneSizingInput.ZnCoolDgnSAMethod;
     949        7099 :                 calcZoneSizing.ZnHeatDgnSAMethod = zoneSizingInput.ZnHeatDgnSAMethod;
     950        7099 :                 calcZoneSizing.CoolDesTemp = zoneSizingInput.CoolDesTemp;
     951        7099 :                 calcZoneSizing.HeatDesTemp = zoneSizingInput.HeatDesTemp;
     952        7099 :                 calcZoneSizing.CoolDesTempDiff = zoneSizingInput.CoolDesTempDiff;
     953        7099 :                 calcZoneSizing.HeatDesTempDiff = zoneSizingInput.HeatDesTempDiff;
     954        7099 :                 calcZoneSizing.CoolDesHumRat = zoneSizingInput.CoolDesHumRat;
     955        7099 :                 calcZoneSizing.HeatDesHumRat = zoneSizingInput.HeatDesHumRat;
     956        7099 :                 calcZoneSizing.CoolAirDesMethod = zoneSizingInput.CoolAirDesMethod;
     957        7099 :                 calcZoneSizing.HeatAirDesMethod = zoneSizingInput.HeatAirDesMethod;
     958        7099 :                 calcZoneSizing.InpDesCoolAirFlow = zoneSizingInput.DesCoolAirFlow;
     959        7099 :                 calcZoneSizing.DesCoolMinAirFlowPerArea = zoneSizingInput.DesCoolMinAirFlowPerArea;
     960        7099 :                 calcZoneSizing.DesCoolMinAirFlow = zoneSizingInput.DesCoolMinAirFlow;
     961        7099 :                 calcZoneSizing.DesCoolMinAirFlowFrac = zoneSizingInput.DesCoolMinAirFlowFrac;
     962        7099 :                 calcZoneSizing.InpDesHeatAirFlow = zoneSizingInput.DesHeatAirFlow;
     963        7099 :                 calcZoneSizing.DesHeatMaxAirFlowPerArea = zoneSizingInput.DesHeatMaxAirFlowPerArea;
     964        7099 :                 calcZoneSizing.DesHeatMaxAirFlow = zoneSizingInput.DesHeatMaxAirFlow;
     965        7099 :                 calcZoneSizing.DesHeatMaxAirFlowFrac = zoneSizingInput.DesHeatMaxAirFlowFrac;
     966        7099 :                 calcZoneSizing.HeatSizingFactor = zoneSizingInput.HeatSizingFactor;
     967        7099 :                 calcZoneSizing.CoolSizingFactor = zoneSizingInput.CoolSizingFactor;
     968        7099 :                 calcZoneSizing.AccountForDOAS = zoneSizingInput.AccountForDOAS;
     969        7099 :                 calcZoneSizing.DOASControlStrategy = zoneSizingInput.DOASControlStrategy;
     970        7099 :                 calcZoneSizing.DOASLowSetpoint = zoneSizingInput.DOASLowSetpoint;
     971        7099 :                 calcZoneSizing.DOASHighSetpoint = zoneSizingInput.DOASHighSetpoint;
     972        7099 :                 calcZoneSizing.zoneSizingMethod = zoneSizingInput.zoneSizingMethod;
     973        7099 :                 calcZoneSizing.zoneLatentSizing = zoneSizingInput.zoneLatentSizing;
     974        7099 :                 calcZoneSizing.zoneRHDehumidifySetPoint = zoneSizingInput.zoneRHDehumidifySetPoint;
     975        7099 :                 calcZoneSizing.zoneRHHumidifySetPoint = zoneSizingInput.zoneRHHumidifySetPoint;
     976        7099 :                 calcZoneSizing.zoneRHDehumidifySchIndex = zoneSizingInput.zoneRHDehumidifySchIndex;
     977        7099 :                 calcZoneSizing.zoneRHHumidifySchIndex = zoneSizingInput.zoneRHHumidifySchIndex;
     978        7099 :                 calcZoneSizing.ZnLatCoolDgnSAMethod = zoneSizingInput.ZnLatCoolDgnSAMethod;
     979        7099 :                 calcZoneSizing.LatentCoolDesHumRat = zoneSizingInput.LatentCoolDesHumRat;
     980        7099 :                 calcZoneSizing.CoolDesHumRatDiff = zoneSizingInput.CoolDesHumRatDiff;
     981        7099 :                 calcZoneSizing.ZnLatHeatDgnSAMethod = zoneSizingInput.ZnLatHeatDgnSAMethod;
     982        7099 :                 calcZoneSizing.LatentHeatDesHumRat = zoneSizingInput.LatentHeatDesHumRat;
     983        7099 :                 calcZoneSizing.HeatDesHumRatDiff = zoneSizingInput.HeatDesHumRatDiff;
     984             :             } else { // Every controlled zone must be simulated, so set missing inputs to the first
     985          58 :                 auto &zoneSizingInput = state.dataSize->ZoneSizingInput(1);
     986             :                 // LKL I think this is sufficient for warning -- no need for array
     987          58 :                 if (DesDayNum == 1) {
     988          29 :                     if (!state.dataGlobal->isPulseZoneSizing) {
     989          87 :                         ShowWarningError(state,
     990          58 :                                          "SetUpZoneSizingArrays: Sizing for Zone=\"" + state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(CtrlZoneNum).ZoneName +
     991          87 :                                              "\" will use Sizing:Zone specifications listed for Zone=\"" + zoneSizingInput.ZoneName + "\".");
     992             :                     }
     993             :                     // Following needs to be implemented first:
     994             :                     //          CALL ShowContinueError(state, '  A better option would be to set up global ZoneList objects for Sizing:Zone
     995             :                     //          objects.')
     996             :                 }
     997          58 :                 zoneSizing.ZnCoolDgnSAMethod = zoneSizingInput.ZnCoolDgnSAMethod;
     998          58 :                 zoneSizing.ZnHeatDgnSAMethod = zoneSizingInput.ZnHeatDgnSAMethod;
     999          58 :                 zoneSizing.CoolDesTemp = zoneSizingInput.CoolDesTemp;
    1000          58 :                 zoneSizing.HeatDesTemp = zoneSizingInput.HeatDesTemp;
    1001          58 :                 zoneSizing.CoolDesTempDiff = zoneSizingInput.CoolDesTempDiff;
    1002          58 :                 zoneSizing.HeatDesTempDiff = zoneSizingInput.HeatDesTempDiff;
    1003          58 :                 zoneSizing.CoolDesHumRat = zoneSizingInput.CoolDesHumRat;
    1004          58 :                 zoneSizing.HeatDesHumRat = zoneSizingInput.HeatDesHumRat;
    1005          58 :                 zoneSizing.CoolAirDesMethod = zoneSizingInput.CoolAirDesMethod;
    1006          58 :                 zoneSizing.HeatAirDesMethod = zoneSizingInput.HeatAirDesMethod;
    1007          58 :                 zoneSizing.InpDesCoolAirFlow = zoneSizingInput.DesCoolAirFlow;
    1008          58 :                 zoneSizing.DesCoolMinAirFlowPerArea = zoneSizingInput.DesCoolMinAirFlowPerArea;
    1009          58 :                 zoneSizing.DesCoolMinAirFlow = zoneSizingInput.DesCoolMinAirFlow;
    1010          58 :                 zoneSizing.DesCoolMinAirFlowFrac = zoneSizingInput.DesCoolMinAirFlowFrac;
    1011          58 :                 zoneSizing.InpDesHeatAirFlow = zoneSizingInput.DesHeatAirFlow;
    1012          58 :                 zoneSizing.DesHeatMaxAirFlowPerArea = zoneSizingInput.DesHeatMaxAirFlowPerArea;
    1013          58 :                 zoneSizing.DesHeatMaxAirFlow = zoneSizingInput.DesHeatMaxAirFlow;
    1014          58 :                 zoneSizing.DesHeatMaxAirFlowFrac = zoneSizingInput.DesHeatMaxAirFlowFrac;
    1015          58 :                 zoneSizing.HeatSizingFactor = zoneSizingInput.HeatSizingFactor;
    1016          58 :                 zoneSizing.CoolSizingFactor = zoneSizingInput.CoolSizingFactor;
    1017          58 :                 zoneSizing.AccountForDOAS = zoneSizingInput.AccountForDOAS;
    1018          58 :                 zoneSizing.DOASControlStrategy = zoneSizingInput.DOASControlStrategy;
    1019          58 :                 zoneSizing.DOASLowSetpoint = zoneSizingInput.DOASLowSetpoint;
    1020          58 :                 zoneSizing.DOASHighSetpoint = zoneSizingInput.DOASHighSetpoint;
    1021          58 :                 zoneSizing.zoneSizingMethod = zoneSizingInput.zoneSizingMethod;
    1022          58 :                 zoneSizing.zoneLatentSizing = zoneSizingInput.zoneLatentSizing;
    1023          58 :                 zoneSizing.zoneRHDehumidifySetPoint = zoneSizingInput.zoneRHDehumidifySetPoint;
    1024          58 :                 zoneSizing.zoneRHHumidifySetPoint = zoneSizingInput.zoneRHHumidifySetPoint;
    1025          58 :                 zoneSizing.zoneRHDehumidifySchIndex = zoneSizingInput.zoneRHDehumidifySchIndex;
    1026          58 :                 zoneSizing.zoneRHHumidifySchIndex = zoneSizingInput.zoneRHHumidifySchIndex;
    1027          58 :                 zoneSizing.ZnLatCoolDgnSAMethod = zoneSizingInput.ZnLatCoolDgnSAMethod;
    1028          58 :                 zoneSizing.LatentCoolDesHumRat = zoneSizingInput.LatentCoolDesHumRat;
    1029          58 :                 zoneSizing.CoolDesHumRatDiff = zoneSizingInput.CoolDesHumRatDiff;
    1030          58 :                 zoneSizing.ZnLatHeatDgnSAMethod = zoneSizingInput.ZnLatHeatDgnSAMethod;
    1031          58 :                 zoneSizing.LatentHeatDesHumRat = zoneSizingInput.LatentHeatDesHumRat;
    1032          58 :                 zoneSizing.HeatDesHumRatDiff = zoneSizingInput.HeatDesHumRatDiff;
    1033          58 :                 calcZoneSizing.ZnCoolDgnSAMethod = zoneSizingInput.ZnCoolDgnSAMethod;
    1034          58 :                 calcZoneSizing.ZnHeatDgnSAMethod = zoneSizingInput.ZnHeatDgnSAMethod;
    1035          58 :                 calcZoneSizing.CoolDesTemp = zoneSizingInput.CoolDesTemp;
    1036          58 :                 calcZoneSizing.HeatDesTemp = zoneSizingInput.HeatDesTemp;
    1037          58 :                 calcZoneSizing.CoolDesTempDiff = zoneSizingInput.CoolDesTempDiff;
    1038          58 :                 calcZoneSizing.HeatDesTempDiff = zoneSizingInput.HeatDesTempDiff;
    1039          58 :                 calcZoneSizing.CoolDesHumRat = zoneSizingInput.CoolDesHumRat;
    1040          58 :                 calcZoneSizing.HeatDesHumRat = zoneSizingInput.HeatDesHumRat;
    1041          58 :                 calcZoneSizing.CoolAirDesMethod = zoneSizingInput.CoolAirDesMethod;
    1042          58 :                 calcZoneSizing.HeatAirDesMethod = zoneSizingInput.HeatAirDesMethod;
    1043          58 :                 calcZoneSizing.InpDesCoolAirFlow = zoneSizingInput.DesCoolAirFlow;
    1044          58 :                 calcZoneSizing.DesCoolMinAirFlowPerArea = zoneSizingInput.DesCoolMinAirFlowPerArea;
    1045          58 :                 calcZoneSizing.DesCoolMinAirFlow = zoneSizingInput.DesCoolMinAirFlow;
    1046          58 :                 calcZoneSizing.DesCoolMinAirFlowFrac = zoneSizingInput.DesCoolMinAirFlowFrac;
    1047          58 :                 calcZoneSizing.InpDesHeatAirFlow = zoneSizingInput.DesHeatAirFlow;
    1048          58 :                 calcZoneSizing.DesHeatMaxAirFlowPerArea = zoneSizingInput.DesHeatMaxAirFlowPerArea;
    1049          58 :                 calcZoneSizing.DesHeatMaxAirFlow = zoneSizingInput.DesHeatMaxAirFlow;
    1050          58 :                 calcZoneSizing.DesHeatMaxAirFlowFrac = zoneSizingInput.DesHeatMaxAirFlowFrac;
    1051          58 :                 calcZoneSizing.HeatSizingFactor = zoneSizingInput.HeatSizingFactor;
    1052          58 :                 calcZoneSizing.CoolSizingFactor = zoneSizingInput.CoolSizingFactor;
    1053          58 :                 calcZoneSizing.AccountForDOAS = zoneSizingInput.AccountForDOAS;
    1054          58 :                 calcZoneSizing.DOASControlStrategy = zoneSizingInput.DOASControlStrategy;
    1055          58 :                 calcZoneSizing.DOASLowSetpoint = zoneSizingInput.DOASLowSetpoint;
    1056          58 :                 calcZoneSizing.DOASHighSetpoint = zoneSizingInput.DOASHighSetpoint;
    1057          58 :                 calcZoneSizing.zoneSizingMethod = zoneSizingInput.zoneSizingMethod;
    1058          58 :                 calcZoneSizing.zoneLatentSizing = zoneSizingInput.zoneLatentSizing;
    1059          58 :                 calcZoneSizing.zoneRHDehumidifySetPoint = zoneSizingInput.zoneRHDehumidifySetPoint;
    1060          58 :                 calcZoneSizing.zoneRHHumidifySetPoint = zoneSizingInput.zoneRHHumidifySetPoint;
    1061          58 :                 calcZoneSizing.zoneRHDehumidifySchIndex = zoneSizingInput.zoneRHDehumidifySchIndex;
    1062          58 :                 calcZoneSizing.zoneRHHumidifySchIndex = zoneSizingInput.zoneRHHumidifySchIndex;
    1063          58 :                 calcZoneSizing.ZnLatCoolDgnSAMethod = zoneSizingInput.ZnLatCoolDgnSAMethod;
    1064          58 :                 calcZoneSizing.LatentCoolDesHumRat = zoneSizingInput.LatentCoolDesHumRat;
    1065          58 :                 calcZoneSizing.CoolDesHumRatDiff = zoneSizingInput.CoolDesHumRatDiff;
    1066          58 :                 calcZoneSizing.ZnLatHeatDgnSAMethod = zoneSizingInput.ZnLatHeatDgnSAMethod;
    1067          58 :                 calcZoneSizing.LatentHeatDesHumRat = zoneSizingInput.LatentHeatDesHumRat;
    1068          58 :                 calcZoneSizing.HeatDesHumRatDiff = zoneSizingInput.HeatDesHumRatDiff;
    1069             :             }
    1070        7157 :             zoneSizing.allocateMemberArrays(NumOfTimeStepInDay);
    1071        7157 :             calcZoneSizing.allocateMemberArrays(NumOfTimeStepInDay);
    1072             :         }
    1073             :     }
    1074             : 
    1075        4195 :     for (int CtrlZoneNum = 1; CtrlZoneNum <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++CtrlZoneNum) {
    1076        3789 :         auto &zoneEquipConfig = state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(CtrlZoneNum);
    1077        3789 :         auto &finalZoneSizing = state.dataSize->FinalZoneSizing(CtrlZoneNum);
    1078        3789 :         auto &calcFinalZoneSizing = state.dataSize->CalcFinalZoneSizing(CtrlZoneNum);
    1079        3789 :         if (!zoneEquipConfig.IsControlled) continue;
    1080        3320 :         finalZoneSizing.ZoneName = zoneEquipConfig.ZoneName;
    1081        3320 :         finalZoneSizing.ZoneNum = CtrlZoneNum;
    1082        3320 :         calcFinalZoneSizing.ZoneName = zoneEquipConfig.ZoneName;
    1083        3320 :         calcFinalZoneSizing.ZoneNum = CtrlZoneNum;
    1084        3320 :         ZoneSizNum = UtilityRoutines::FindItemInList(zoneEquipConfig.ZoneName, state.dataSize->ZoneSizingInput, &ZoneSizingInputData::ZoneName);
    1085        3320 :         if (ZoneSizNum > 0) { // move data from zone sizing input
    1086        3291 :             auto &zoneSizingInput = state.dataSize->ZoneSizingInput(ZoneSizNum);
    1087        3291 :             finalZoneSizing.ZnCoolDgnSAMethod = zoneSizingInput.ZnCoolDgnSAMethod;
    1088        3291 :             finalZoneSizing.ZnHeatDgnSAMethod = zoneSizingInput.ZnHeatDgnSAMethod;
    1089        3291 :             finalZoneSizing.CoolDesTemp = zoneSizingInput.CoolDesTemp;
    1090        3291 :             finalZoneSizing.HeatDesTemp = zoneSizingInput.HeatDesTemp;
    1091        3291 :             finalZoneSizing.CoolDesTempDiff = zoneSizingInput.CoolDesTempDiff;
    1092        3291 :             finalZoneSizing.HeatDesTempDiff = zoneSizingInput.HeatDesTempDiff;
    1093        3291 :             finalZoneSizing.CoolDesHumRat = zoneSizingInput.CoolDesHumRat;
    1094        3291 :             finalZoneSizing.HeatDesHumRat = zoneSizingInput.HeatDesHumRat;
    1095        3291 :             finalZoneSizing.ZoneAirDistributionIndex = zoneSizingInput.ZoneAirDistributionIndex;
    1096        3291 :             finalZoneSizing.ZoneDesignSpecOAIndex = zoneSizingInput.ZoneDesignSpecOAIndex;
    1097        3291 :             finalZoneSizing.CoolAirDesMethod = zoneSizingInput.CoolAirDesMethod;
    1098        3291 :             finalZoneSizing.HeatAirDesMethod = zoneSizingInput.HeatAirDesMethod;
    1099        3291 :             finalZoneSizing.InpDesCoolAirFlow = zoneSizingInput.DesCoolAirFlow;
    1100        3291 :             finalZoneSizing.DesCoolMinAirFlowPerArea = zoneSizingInput.DesCoolMinAirFlowPerArea;
    1101        3291 :             finalZoneSizing.DesCoolMinAirFlow = zoneSizingInput.DesCoolMinAirFlow;
    1102        3291 :             finalZoneSizing.DesCoolMinAirFlowFrac = zoneSizingInput.DesCoolMinAirFlowFrac;
    1103        3291 :             finalZoneSizing.InpDesHeatAirFlow = zoneSizingInput.DesHeatAirFlow;
    1104        3291 :             finalZoneSizing.DesHeatMaxAirFlowPerArea = zoneSizingInput.DesHeatMaxAirFlowPerArea;
    1105        3291 :             finalZoneSizing.DesHeatMaxAirFlow = zoneSizingInput.DesHeatMaxAirFlow;
    1106        3291 :             finalZoneSizing.DesHeatMaxAirFlowFrac = zoneSizingInput.DesHeatMaxAirFlowFrac;
    1107        3291 :             finalZoneSizing.HeatSizingFactor = zoneSizingInput.HeatSizingFactor;
    1108        3291 :             finalZoneSizing.CoolSizingFactor = zoneSizingInput.CoolSizingFactor;
    1109        3291 :             finalZoneSizing.AccountForDOAS = zoneSizingInput.AccountForDOAS;
    1110        3291 :             finalZoneSizing.DOASControlStrategy = zoneSizingInput.DOASControlStrategy;
    1111        3291 :             finalZoneSizing.DOASLowSetpoint = zoneSizingInput.DOASLowSetpoint;
    1112        3291 :             finalZoneSizing.DOASHighSetpoint = zoneSizingInput.DOASHighSetpoint;
    1113        3291 :             finalZoneSizing.ZoneADEffCooling = zoneSizingInput.ZoneADEffCooling;
    1114        3291 :             finalZoneSizing.ZoneADEffHeating = zoneSizingInput.ZoneADEffHeating;
    1115        3291 :             finalZoneSizing.ZoneSecondaryRecirculation = zoneSizingInput.ZoneSecondaryRecirculation;
    1116        3291 :             finalZoneSizing.ZoneVentilationEff = zoneSizingInput.ZoneVentilationEff;
    1117        3291 :             finalZoneSizing.zoneSizingMethod = zoneSizingInput.zoneSizingMethod;
    1118        3291 :             finalZoneSizing.zoneLatentSizing = zoneSizingInput.zoneLatentSizing;
    1119        3291 :             finalZoneSizing.zoneRHDehumidifySetPoint = zoneSizingInput.zoneRHDehumidifySetPoint;
    1120        3291 :             finalZoneSizing.zoneRHHumidifySetPoint = zoneSizingInput.zoneRHHumidifySetPoint;
    1121        3291 :             finalZoneSizing.zoneRHDehumidifySchIndex = zoneSizingInput.zoneRHDehumidifySchIndex;
    1122        3291 :             finalZoneSizing.zoneRHHumidifySchIndex = zoneSizingInput.zoneRHHumidifySchIndex;
    1123        3291 :             finalZoneSizing.ZnLatCoolDgnSAMethod = zoneSizingInput.ZnLatCoolDgnSAMethod;
    1124        3291 :             finalZoneSizing.LatentCoolDesHumRat = zoneSizingInput.LatentCoolDesHumRat;
    1125        3291 :             finalZoneSizing.CoolDesHumRatDiff = zoneSizingInput.CoolDesHumRatDiff;
    1126        3291 :             finalZoneSizing.ZnLatHeatDgnSAMethod = zoneSizingInput.ZnLatHeatDgnSAMethod;
    1127        3291 :             finalZoneSizing.LatentHeatDesHumRat = zoneSizingInput.LatentHeatDesHumRat;
    1128        3291 :             finalZoneSizing.HeatDesHumRatDiff = zoneSizingInput.HeatDesHumRatDiff;
    1129        3291 :             calcFinalZoneSizing.ZnCoolDgnSAMethod = zoneSizingInput.ZnCoolDgnSAMethod;
    1130        3291 :             calcFinalZoneSizing.ZnHeatDgnSAMethod = zoneSizingInput.ZnHeatDgnSAMethod;
    1131        3291 :             calcFinalZoneSizing.CoolDesTemp = zoneSizingInput.CoolDesTemp;
    1132        3291 :             calcFinalZoneSizing.HeatDesTemp = zoneSizingInput.HeatDesTemp;
    1133        3291 :             calcFinalZoneSizing.CoolDesTempDiff = zoneSizingInput.CoolDesTempDiff;
    1134        3291 :             calcFinalZoneSizing.HeatDesTempDiff = zoneSizingInput.HeatDesTempDiff;
    1135        3291 :             calcFinalZoneSizing.CoolDesHumRat = zoneSizingInput.CoolDesHumRat;
    1136        3291 :             calcFinalZoneSizing.HeatDesHumRat = zoneSizingInput.HeatDesHumRat;
    1137        3291 :             calcFinalZoneSizing.ZoneAirDistributionIndex = zoneSizingInput.ZoneAirDistributionIndex;
    1138        3291 :             calcFinalZoneSizing.ZoneDesignSpecOAIndex = zoneSizingInput.ZoneDesignSpecOAIndex;
    1139        3291 :             calcFinalZoneSizing.CoolAirDesMethod = zoneSizingInput.CoolAirDesMethod;
    1140        3291 :             calcFinalZoneSizing.HeatAirDesMethod = zoneSizingInput.HeatAirDesMethod;
    1141        3291 :             calcFinalZoneSizing.InpDesCoolAirFlow = zoneSizingInput.DesCoolAirFlow;
    1142        3291 :             calcFinalZoneSizing.DesCoolMinAirFlowPerArea = zoneSizingInput.DesCoolMinAirFlowPerArea;
    1143        3291 :             calcFinalZoneSizing.DesCoolMinAirFlow = zoneSizingInput.DesCoolMinAirFlow;
    1144        3291 :             calcFinalZoneSizing.DesCoolMinAirFlowFrac = zoneSizingInput.DesCoolMinAirFlowFrac;
    1145        3291 :             calcFinalZoneSizing.InpDesHeatAirFlow = zoneSizingInput.DesHeatAirFlow;
    1146        3291 :             calcFinalZoneSizing.DesHeatMaxAirFlowPerArea = zoneSizingInput.DesHeatMaxAirFlowPerArea;
    1147        3291 :             calcFinalZoneSizing.DesHeatMaxAirFlow = zoneSizingInput.DesHeatMaxAirFlow;
    1148        3291 :             calcFinalZoneSizing.DesHeatMaxAirFlowFrac = zoneSizingInput.DesHeatMaxAirFlowFrac;
    1149        3291 :             calcFinalZoneSizing.HeatSizingFactor = zoneSizingInput.HeatSizingFactor;
    1150        3291 :             calcFinalZoneSizing.CoolSizingFactor = zoneSizingInput.CoolSizingFactor;
    1151        3291 :             calcFinalZoneSizing.AccountForDOAS = zoneSizingInput.AccountForDOAS;
    1152        3291 :             calcFinalZoneSizing.DOASControlStrategy = zoneSizingInput.DOASControlStrategy;
    1153        3291 :             calcFinalZoneSizing.DOASLowSetpoint = zoneSizingInput.DOASLowSetpoint;
    1154        3291 :             calcFinalZoneSizing.DOASHighSetpoint = zoneSizingInput.DOASHighSetpoint;
    1155        3291 :             calcFinalZoneSizing.ZoneADEffCooling = zoneSizingInput.ZoneADEffCooling;
    1156        3291 :             calcFinalZoneSizing.ZoneADEffHeating = zoneSizingInput.ZoneADEffHeating;
    1157        3291 :             calcFinalZoneSizing.zoneSizingMethod = zoneSizingInput.zoneSizingMethod;
    1158        3291 :             calcFinalZoneSizing.zoneLatentSizing = zoneSizingInput.zoneLatentSizing;
    1159        3291 :             calcFinalZoneSizing.zoneRHDehumidifySetPoint = zoneSizingInput.zoneRHDehumidifySetPoint;
    1160        3291 :             calcFinalZoneSizing.zoneRHHumidifySetPoint = zoneSizingInput.zoneRHHumidifySetPoint;
    1161        3291 :             calcFinalZoneSizing.zoneRHDehumidifySchIndex = zoneSizingInput.zoneRHDehumidifySchIndex;
    1162        3291 :             calcFinalZoneSizing.zoneRHHumidifySchIndex = zoneSizingInput.zoneRHHumidifySchIndex;
    1163        3291 :             calcFinalZoneSizing.ZnLatCoolDgnSAMethod = zoneSizingInput.ZnLatCoolDgnSAMethod;
    1164        3291 :             calcFinalZoneSizing.LatentCoolDesHumRat = zoneSizingInput.LatentCoolDesHumRat;
    1165        3291 :             calcFinalZoneSizing.CoolDesHumRatDiff = zoneSizingInput.CoolDesHumRatDiff;
    1166        3291 :             calcFinalZoneSizing.ZnLatHeatDgnSAMethod = zoneSizingInput.ZnLatHeatDgnSAMethod;
    1167        3291 :             calcFinalZoneSizing.LatentHeatDesHumRat = zoneSizingInput.LatentHeatDesHumRat;
    1168        3291 :             calcFinalZoneSizing.HeatDesHumRatDiff = zoneSizingInput.HeatDesHumRatDiff;
    1169             :         } else { // Every controlled zone must be simulated, so set missing inputs to the first
    1170          29 :             auto &zoneSizingInput = state.dataSize->ZoneSizingInput(1);
    1171          29 :             finalZoneSizing.ZnCoolDgnSAMethod = zoneSizingInput.ZnCoolDgnSAMethod;
    1172          29 :             finalZoneSizing.ZnHeatDgnSAMethod = zoneSizingInput.ZnHeatDgnSAMethod;
    1173          29 :             finalZoneSizing.CoolDesTemp = zoneSizingInput.CoolDesTemp;
    1174          29 :             finalZoneSizing.HeatDesTemp = zoneSizingInput.HeatDesTemp;
    1175          29 :             finalZoneSizing.CoolDesTempDiff = zoneSizingInput.CoolDesTempDiff;
    1176          29 :             finalZoneSizing.HeatDesTempDiff = zoneSizingInput.HeatDesTempDiff;
    1177          29 :             finalZoneSizing.CoolDesHumRat = zoneSizingInput.CoolDesHumRat;
    1178          29 :             finalZoneSizing.HeatDesHumRat = zoneSizingInput.HeatDesHumRat;
    1179          29 :             finalZoneSizing.ZoneAirDistributionIndex = zoneSizingInput.ZoneAirDistributionIndex;
    1180          29 :             finalZoneSizing.ZoneDesignSpecOAIndex = zoneSizingInput.ZoneDesignSpecOAIndex;
    1181          29 :             finalZoneSizing.CoolAirDesMethod = zoneSizingInput.CoolAirDesMethod;
    1182          29 :             finalZoneSizing.HeatAirDesMethod = zoneSizingInput.HeatAirDesMethod;
    1183          29 :             finalZoneSizing.InpDesCoolAirFlow = zoneSizingInput.DesCoolAirFlow;
    1184          29 :             finalZoneSizing.DesCoolMinAirFlowPerArea = zoneSizingInput.DesCoolMinAirFlowPerArea;
    1185          29 :             finalZoneSizing.DesCoolMinAirFlow = zoneSizingInput.DesCoolMinAirFlow;
    1186          29 :             finalZoneSizing.DesCoolMinAirFlowFrac = zoneSizingInput.DesCoolMinAirFlowFrac;
    1187          29 :             finalZoneSizing.InpDesHeatAirFlow = zoneSizingInput.DesHeatAirFlow;
    1188          29 :             finalZoneSizing.DesHeatMaxAirFlowPerArea = zoneSizingInput.DesHeatMaxAirFlowPerArea;
    1189          29 :             finalZoneSizing.DesHeatMaxAirFlow = zoneSizingInput.DesHeatMaxAirFlow;
    1190          29 :             finalZoneSizing.DesHeatMaxAirFlowFrac = zoneSizingInput.DesHeatMaxAirFlowFrac;
    1191          29 :             finalZoneSizing.HeatSizingFactor = zoneSizingInput.HeatSizingFactor;
    1192          29 :             finalZoneSizing.CoolSizingFactor = zoneSizingInput.CoolSizingFactor;
    1193          29 :             finalZoneSizing.AccountForDOAS = zoneSizingInput.AccountForDOAS;
    1194          29 :             finalZoneSizing.DOASControlStrategy = zoneSizingInput.DOASControlStrategy;
    1195          29 :             finalZoneSizing.DOASLowSetpoint = zoneSizingInput.DOASLowSetpoint;
    1196          29 :             finalZoneSizing.DOASHighSetpoint = zoneSizingInput.DOASHighSetpoint;
    1197          29 :             finalZoneSizing.ZoneADEffCooling = zoneSizingInput.ZoneADEffCooling;
    1198          29 :             finalZoneSizing.ZoneADEffHeating = zoneSizingInput.ZoneADEffHeating;
    1199          29 :             finalZoneSizing.ZoneSecondaryRecirculation = zoneSizingInput.ZoneSecondaryRecirculation;
    1200          29 :             finalZoneSizing.ZoneVentilationEff = zoneSizingInput.ZoneVentilationEff;
    1201          29 :             finalZoneSizing.zoneSizingMethod = zoneSizingInput.zoneSizingMethod;
    1202          29 :             finalZoneSizing.zoneLatentSizing = zoneSizingInput.zoneLatentSizing;
    1203          29 :             finalZoneSizing.zoneRHDehumidifySetPoint = zoneSizingInput.zoneRHDehumidifySetPoint;
    1204          29 :             finalZoneSizing.zoneRHHumidifySetPoint = zoneSizingInput.zoneRHHumidifySetPoint;
    1205          29 :             finalZoneSizing.zoneRHDehumidifySchIndex = zoneSizingInput.zoneRHDehumidifySchIndex;
    1206          29 :             finalZoneSizing.zoneRHHumidifySchIndex = zoneSizingInput.zoneRHHumidifySchIndex;
    1207          29 :             finalZoneSizing.ZnLatCoolDgnSAMethod = zoneSizingInput.ZnLatCoolDgnSAMethod;
    1208          29 :             finalZoneSizing.LatentCoolDesHumRat = zoneSizingInput.LatentCoolDesHumRat;
    1209          29 :             finalZoneSizing.CoolDesHumRatDiff = zoneSizingInput.CoolDesHumRatDiff;
    1210          29 :             finalZoneSizing.ZnLatHeatDgnSAMethod = zoneSizingInput.ZnLatHeatDgnSAMethod;
    1211          29 :             finalZoneSizing.LatentHeatDesHumRat = zoneSizingInput.LatentHeatDesHumRat;
    1212          29 :             finalZoneSizing.HeatDesHumRatDiff = zoneSizingInput.HeatDesHumRatDiff;
    1213          29 :             calcFinalZoneSizing.ZnCoolDgnSAMethod = zoneSizingInput.ZnCoolDgnSAMethod;
    1214          29 :             calcFinalZoneSizing.ZnHeatDgnSAMethod = zoneSizingInput.ZnHeatDgnSAMethod;
    1215          29 :             calcFinalZoneSizing.CoolDesTemp = zoneSizingInput.CoolDesTemp;
    1216          29 :             calcFinalZoneSizing.HeatDesTemp = zoneSizingInput.HeatDesTemp;
    1217          29 :             calcFinalZoneSizing.CoolDesTempDiff = zoneSizingInput.CoolDesTempDiff;
    1218          29 :             calcFinalZoneSizing.HeatDesTempDiff = zoneSizingInput.HeatDesTempDiff;
    1219          29 :             calcFinalZoneSizing.CoolDesHumRat = zoneSizingInput.CoolDesHumRat;
    1220          29 :             calcFinalZoneSizing.HeatDesHumRat = zoneSizingInput.HeatDesHumRat;
    1221          29 :             calcFinalZoneSizing.ZoneAirDistributionIndex = zoneSizingInput.ZoneAirDistributionIndex;
    1222          29 :             calcFinalZoneSizing.ZoneDesignSpecOAIndex = zoneSizingInput.ZoneDesignSpecOAIndex;
    1223          29 :             calcFinalZoneSizing.CoolAirDesMethod = zoneSizingInput.CoolAirDesMethod;
    1224          29 :             calcFinalZoneSizing.HeatAirDesMethod = zoneSizingInput.HeatAirDesMethod;
    1225          29 :             calcFinalZoneSizing.InpDesCoolAirFlow = zoneSizingInput.DesCoolAirFlow;
    1226          29 :             calcFinalZoneSizing.DesCoolMinAirFlowPerArea = zoneSizingInput.DesCoolMinAirFlowPerArea;
    1227          29 :             calcFinalZoneSizing.DesCoolMinAirFlow = zoneSizingInput.DesCoolMinAirFlow;
    1228          29 :             calcFinalZoneSizing.DesCoolMinAirFlowFrac = zoneSizingInput.DesCoolMinAirFlowFrac;
    1229          29 :             calcFinalZoneSizing.InpDesHeatAirFlow = zoneSizingInput.DesHeatAirFlow;
    1230          29 :             calcFinalZoneSizing.DesHeatMaxAirFlowPerArea = zoneSizingInput.DesHeatMaxAirFlowPerArea;
    1231          29 :             calcFinalZoneSizing.DesHeatMaxAirFlow = zoneSizingInput.DesHeatMaxAirFlow;
    1232          29 :             calcFinalZoneSizing.DesHeatMaxAirFlowFrac = zoneSizingInput.DesHeatMaxAirFlowFrac;
    1233          29 :             calcFinalZoneSizing.HeatSizingFactor = zoneSizingInput.HeatSizingFactor;
    1234          29 :             calcFinalZoneSizing.CoolSizingFactor = zoneSizingInput.CoolSizingFactor;
    1235          29 :             calcFinalZoneSizing.AccountForDOAS = zoneSizingInput.AccountForDOAS;
    1236          29 :             calcFinalZoneSizing.DOASControlStrategy = zoneSizingInput.DOASControlStrategy;
    1237          29 :             calcFinalZoneSizing.DOASLowSetpoint = zoneSizingInput.DOASLowSetpoint;
    1238          29 :             calcFinalZoneSizing.DOASHighSetpoint = zoneSizingInput.DOASHighSetpoint;
    1239          29 :             calcFinalZoneSizing.ZoneADEffCooling = zoneSizingInput.ZoneADEffCooling;
    1240          29 :             calcFinalZoneSizing.ZoneADEffHeating = zoneSizingInput.ZoneADEffHeating;
    1241          29 :             calcFinalZoneSizing.zoneSizingMethod = zoneSizingInput.zoneSizingMethod;
    1242          29 :             calcFinalZoneSizing.zoneLatentSizing = zoneSizingInput.zoneLatentSizing;
    1243          29 :             calcFinalZoneSizing.zoneRHDehumidifySetPoint = zoneSizingInput.zoneRHDehumidifySetPoint;
    1244          29 :             calcFinalZoneSizing.zoneRHHumidifySetPoint = zoneSizingInput.zoneRHHumidifySetPoint;
    1245          29 :             calcFinalZoneSizing.zoneRHDehumidifySchIndex = zoneSizingInput.zoneRHDehumidifySchIndex;
    1246          29 :             calcFinalZoneSizing.zoneRHHumidifySchIndex = zoneSizingInput.zoneRHHumidifySchIndex;
    1247          29 :             calcFinalZoneSizing.ZnLatCoolDgnSAMethod = zoneSizingInput.ZnLatCoolDgnSAMethod;
    1248          29 :             calcFinalZoneSizing.LatentCoolDesHumRat = zoneSizingInput.LatentCoolDesHumRat;
    1249          29 :             calcFinalZoneSizing.CoolDesHumRatDiff = zoneSizingInput.CoolDesHumRatDiff;
    1250          29 :             calcFinalZoneSizing.ZnLatHeatDgnSAMethod = zoneSizingInput.ZnLatHeatDgnSAMethod;
    1251          29 :             calcFinalZoneSizing.LatentHeatDesHumRat = zoneSizingInput.LatentHeatDesHumRat;
    1252          29 :             calcFinalZoneSizing.HeatDesHumRatDiff = zoneSizingInput.HeatDesHumRatDiff;
    1253             :         }
    1254        3320 :         finalZoneSizing.allocateMemberArrays(NumOfTimeStepInDay);
    1255        3320 :         calcFinalZoneSizing.allocateMemberArrays(NumOfTimeStepInDay);
    1256             : 
    1257             :         // setup CalcFinalZoneSizing structure for use with EMS, some as sensors, some as actuators
    1258        3320 :         if (state.dataGlobal->AnyEnergyManagementSystemInModel) {
    1259             : 
    1260             :             // actuate  REAL(r64)             :: DesHeatMassFlow          = 0.0d0   ! zone design heating air mass flow rate [kg/s]
    1261        2949 :             SetupEMSInternalVariable(
    1262        1966 :                 state, "Final Zone Design Heating Air Mass Flow Rate", finalZoneSizing.ZoneName, "[kg/s]", finalZoneSizing.DesHeatMassFlow);
    1263        2949 :             SetupEMSInternalVariable(state,
    1264             :                                      "Intermediate Zone Design Heating Air Mass Flow Rate",
    1265             :                                      calcFinalZoneSizing.ZoneName,
    1266             :                                      "[kg/s]",
    1267        1966 :                                      calcFinalZoneSizing.DesHeatMassFlow);
    1268        2949 :             SetupEMSActuator(state,
    1269             :                              "Sizing:Zone",
    1270             :                              calcFinalZoneSizing.ZoneName,
    1271             :                              "Zone Design Heating Air Mass Flow Rate",
    1272             :                              "[kg/s]",
    1273             :                              calcFinalZoneSizing.EMSOverrideDesHeatMassOn,
    1274        1966 :                              calcFinalZoneSizing.EMSValueDesHeatMassFlow);
    1275             : 
    1276        2949 :             SetupEMSInternalVariable(
    1277        1966 :                 state, "Final Zone Design Cooling Air Mass Flow Rate", finalZoneSizing.ZoneName, "[kg/s]", finalZoneSizing.DesCoolMassFlow);
    1278        2949 :             SetupEMSInternalVariable(state,
    1279             :                                      "Intermediate Zone Design Cooling Air Mass Flow Rate",
    1280             :                                      calcFinalZoneSizing.ZoneName,
    1281             :                                      "[kg/s]",
    1282        1966 :                                      calcFinalZoneSizing.DesCoolMassFlow);
    1283        2949 :             SetupEMSActuator(state,
    1284             :                              "Sizing:Zone",
    1285             :                              calcFinalZoneSizing.ZoneName,
    1286             :                              "Zone Design Cooling Air Mass Flow Rate",
    1287             :                              "[kg/s]",
    1288             :                              calcFinalZoneSizing.EMSOverrideDesCoolMassOn,
    1289        1966 :                              calcFinalZoneSizing.EMSValueDesCoolMassFlow);
    1290             : 
    1291         983 :             SetupEMSInternalVariable(state, "Final Zone Design Heating Load", finalZoneSizing.ZoneName, "[W]", finalZoneSizing.DesHeatLoad);
    1292        2949 :             SetupEMSInternalVariable(
    1293        1966 :                 state, "Intermediate Zone Design Heating Load", calcFinalZoneSizing.ZoneName, "[W]", calcFinalZoneSizing.DesHeatLoad);
    1294        2949 :             SetupEMSActuator(state,
    1295             :                              "Sizing:Zone",
    1296             :                              calcFinalZoneSizing.ZoneName,
    1297             :                              "Zone Design Heating Load",
    1298             :                              "[W]",
    1299             :                              calcFinalZoneSizing.EMSOverrideDesHeatLoadOn,
    1300        1966 :                              calcFinalZoneSizing.EMSValueDesHeatLoad);
    1301             : 
    1302         983 :             SetupEMSInternalVariable(state, "Final Zone Design Cooling Load", finalZoneSizing.ZoneName, "[W]", finalZoneSizing.DesCoolLoad);
    1303        2949 :             SetupEMSInternalVariable(
    1304        1966 :                 state, "Intermediate Zone Design Cooling Load", calcFinalZoneSizing.ZoneName, "[W]", calcFinalZoneSizing.DesCoolLoad);
    1305        2949 :             SetupEMSActuator(state,
    1306             :                              "Sizing:Zone",
    1307             :                              calcFinalZoneSizing.ZoneName,
    1308             :                              "Zone Design Cooling Load",
    1309             :                              "[W]",
    1310             :                              calcFinalZoneSizing.EMSOverrideDesCoolLoadOn,
    1311        1966 :                              calcFinalZoneSizing.EMSValueDesCoolLoad);
    1312             : 
    1313        2949 :             SetupEMSInternalVariable(
    1314        1966 :                 state, "Final Zone Design Heating Air Density", finalZoneSizing.ZoneName, "[kg/m3]", finalZoneSizing.DesHeatDens);
    1315        2949 :             SetupEMSInternalVariable(
    1316        1966 :                 state, "Intermediate Zone Design Heating Air Density", calcFinalZoneSizing.ZoneName, "[kg/m3]", calcFinalZoneSizing.DesHeatDens);
    1317        2949 :             SetupEMSInternalVariable(
    1318        1966 :                 state, "Final Zone Design Cooling Air Density", finalZoneSizing.ZoneName, "[kg/m3]", finalZoneSizing.DesCoolDens);
    1319        2949 :             SetupEMSInternalVariable(
    1320        1966 :                 state, "Intermediate Zone Design Cooling Air Density", calcFinalZoneSizing.ZoneName, "[kg/m3]", calcFinalZoneSizing.DesCoolDens);
    1321             : 
    1322        2949 :             SetupEMSInternalVariable(
    1323        1966 :                 state, "Final Zone Design Heating Volume Flow", finalZoneSizing.ZoneName, "[m3/s]", finalZoneSizing.DesHeatVolFlow);
    1324        2949 :             SetupEMSInternalVariable(
    1325        1966 :                 state, "Intermediate Zone Design Heating Volume Flow", calcFinalZoneSizing.ZoneName, "[m3/s]", calcFinalZoneSizing.DesHeatVolFlow);
    1326        2949 :             SetupEMSActuator(state,
    1327             :                              "Sizing:Zone",
    1328             :                              calcFinalZoneSizing.ZoneName,
    1329             :                              "Zone Design Heating Vol Flow",
    1330             :                              "[m3/s]",
    1331             :                              calcFinalZoneSizing.EMSOverrideDesHeatVolOn,
    1332        1966 :                              calcFinalZoneSizing.EMSValueDesHeatVolFlow);
    1333             : 
    1334        2949 :             SetupEMSInternalVariable(
    1335        1966 :                 state, "Final Zone Design Cooling Volume Flow", finalZoneSizing.ZoneName, "[m3/s]", finalZoneSizing.DesCoolVolFlow);
    1336        2949 :             SetupEMSInternalVariable(
    1337        1966 :                 state, "Intermediate Zone Design Cooling Volume Flow", calcFinalZoneSizing.ZoneName, "[m3/s]", calcFinalZoneSizing.DesCoolVolFlow);
    1338        2949 :             SetupEMSActuator(state,
    1339             :                              "Sizing:Zone",
    1340             :                              calcFinalZoneSizing.ZoneName,
    1341             :                              "Zone Design Cooling Vol Flow",
    1342             :                              "[m3/s]",
    1343             :                              calcFinalZoneSizing.EMSOverrideDesCoolVolOn,
    1344        1966 :                              calcFinalZoneSizing.EMSValueDesCoolVolFlow);
    1345             : 
    1346        2949 :             SetupEMSInternalVariable(
    1347        1966 :                 state, "Zone Outdoor Air Design Volume Flow Rate", calcFinalZoneSizing.ZoneName, "[m3/s]", calcFinalZoneSizing.MinOA);
    1348             :         }
    1349             :     }
    1350             : 
    1351             :     // Populate DesignSpecification:OutdoorAir:SpaceList spaces
    1352         406 :     bool dsoaError = false;
    1353        4155 :     for (int oaIndex = 1; oaIndex <= state.dataSize->NumOARequirements; ++oaIndex) {
    1354        3749 :         auto &thisOAReq = state.dataSize->OARequirements(oaIndex);
    1355             :         // If this is a DesignSpecification:OutdoorAir:SpaceList check to make sure spaces are valid and belong to this zone
    1356        3749 :         if (thisOAReq.numDSOA > 0) {
    1357           3 :             for (int spaceCounter = 1; spaceCounter <= thisOAReq.numDSOA; ++spaceCounter) {
    1358           4 :                 std::string thisSpaceName = thisOAReq.dsoaSpaceNames(spaceCounter);
    1359           2 :                 int thisSpaceNum = UtilityRoutines::FindItemInList(thisSpaceName, state.dataHeatBal->space);
    1360           2 :                 if (thisSpaceNum > 0) {
    1361           2 :                     thisOAReq.dsoaSpaceIndexes.emplace_back(thisSpaceNum);
    1362             :                 } else {
    1363           0 :                     ShowSevereError(state, "SetUpZoneSizingArrays: DesignSpecification:OutdoorAir:SpaceList=" + thisOAReq.Name);
    1364           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "Space Name=" + thisSpaceName + " not found.");
    1365           0 :                     dsoaError = true;
    1366           0 :                     ErrorsFound = true;
    1367             :                 }
    1368             :                 // Check for duplicate spaces
    1369           3 :                 for (int loop = 1; loop <= int(thisOAReq.dsoaSpaceIndexes.size()) - 1; ++loop) {
    1370           1 :                     if (thisSpaceNum == thisOAReq.dsoaSpaceIndexes(loop)) {
    1371           0 :                         ShowSevereError(state, "SetUpZoneSizingArrays: DesignSpecification:OutdoorAir:SpaceList=" + thisOAReq.Name);
    1372           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "Space Name=" + thisSpaceName + " appears more than once in the list.");
    1373           0 :                         dsoaError = true;
    1374           0 :                         ErrorsFound = true;
    1375             :                     }
    1376             :                 }
    1377             :             }
    1378             :         }
    1379             :     }
    1380             : 
    1381             :     // Use the max occupancy data from the PEOPLE structure to calculate design min OA for each zone
    1382             :     // Calculate the zone design minimum outside air flow rate from the 3 Zone Sizing OA inputs and
    1383             :     // from the specified OA method
    1384        4195 :     for (int CtrlZoneNum = 1; CtrlZoneNum <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++CtrlZoneNum) {
    1385        3789 :         if (!state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(CtrlZoneNum).IsControlled) continue;
    1386        3320 :         auto &thisZone = state.dataHeatBal->Zone(CtrlZoneNum);
    1387        3320 :         auto &finalZoneSizing = state.dataSize->FinalZoneSizing(CtrlZoneNum);
    1388        3320 :         auto &calcFinalZoneSizing = state.dataSize->CalcFinalZoneSizing(CtrlZoneNum);
    1389             :         // Use the max occupancy PEOPLE structure to calculate design min OA for each zone from the outside air flow per person input
    1390        3320 :         TotPeopleInZone = 0.0;
    1391        3320 :         Real64 ZoneMinOccupancy = 0.;
    1392        3320 :         int DSOAPtr = finalZoneSizing.ZoneDesignSpecOAIndex; // index to DesignSpecification:OutdoorAir object
    1393        3320 :         if ((DSOAPtr > 0) && !dsoaError) {
    1394        3302 :             auto &thisOAReq = state.dataSize->OARequirements(DSOAPtr);
    1395             :             // If this is a DesignSpecification:OutdoorAir:SpaceList check to make sure spaces are valid and belong to this zone
    1396        3302 :             if (thisOAReq.numDSOA > 0) {
    1397           3 :                 for (int spaceCounter = 1; spaceCounter <= thisOAReq.numDSOA; ++spaceCounter) {
    1398           4 :                     std::string thisSpaceName = thisOAReq.dsoaSpaceNames(spaceCounter);
    1399           2 :                     int thisSpaceNum = thisOAReq.dsoaSpaceIndexes(spaceCounter);
    1400           2 :                     if (thisSpaceNum > 0) {
    1401           2 :                         if (state.dataHeatBal->space(thisSpaceNum).zoneNum != CtrlZoneNum) {
    1402           0 :                             ShowSevereError(state, format("SetUpZoneSizingArrays: DesignSpecification:OutdoorAir:SpaceList={}", thisOAReq.Name));
    1403           0 :                             ShowContinueError(state, format("is invalid for Sizing:Zone={}", finalZoneSizing.ZoneName));
    1404           0 :                             ShowContinueError(state, "All spaces in the list must be part of this zone.");
    1405           0 :                             ErrorsFound = true;
    1406             :                         }
    1407             :                     }
    1408             :                 }
    1409             :             }
    1410             : 
    1411        3302 :             finalZoneSizing.DesOAFlowPPer = thisOAReq.desFlowPerZonePerson(state, CtrlZoneNum);
    1412        3302 :             finalZoneSizing.DesOAFlowPerArea = thisOAReq.desFlowPerZoneArea(state, CtrlZoneNum);
    1413             :         }
    1414             : 
    1415       93247 :         for (PeopleNum = 1; PeopleNum <= state.dataHeatBal->TotPeople; ++PeopleNum) {
    1416       89927 :             if (state.dataHeatBal->People(PeopleNum).ZonePtr == CtrlZoneNum) {
    1417        3116 :                 auto &people = state.dataHeatBal->People(PeopleNum);
    1418        3116 :                 TotPeopleInZone += (people.NumberOfPeople * thisZone.Multiplier * thisZone.ListMultiplier);
    1419        3116 :                 SchMax = ScheduleManager::GetScheduleMaxValue(state, people.NumberOfPeoplePtr);
    1420        3116 :                 if (SchMax > 0) {
    1421        3088 :                     finalZoneSizing.ZonePeakOccupancy = TotPeopleInZone * SchMax;
    1422             :                 } else {
    1423          28 :                     finalZoneSizing.ZonePeakOccupancy = TotPeopleInZone;
    1424             :                 }
    1425        3116 :                 ZoneMinOccupancy += TotPeopleInZone * ScheduleManager::GetScheduleMinValue(state, people.NumberOfPeoplePtr);
    1426             :             }
    1427             :         }
    1428        3320 :         finalZoneSizing.TotalZoneFloorArea = (thisZone.FloorArea * thisZone.Multiplier * thisZone.ListMultiplier);
    1429        3320 :         OAFromPeople = finalZoneSizing.DesOAFlowPPer * TotPeopleInZone;
    1430        3320 :         OAFromArea = finalZoneSizing.DesOAFlowPerArea * finalZoneSizing.TotalZoneFloorArea;
    1431        3320 :         finalZoneSizing.TotPeopleInZone = TotPeopleInZone;
    1432        3320 :         finalZoneSizing.TotalOAFromPeople = OAFromPeople;
    1433        3320 :         finalZoneSizing.TotalOAFromArea = OAFromArea;
    1434             : 
    1435             :         // save Voz for predefined outdoor air summary report
    1436        3320 :         Real64 MinEz = std::min(finalZoneSizing.ZoneADEffCooling, finalZoneSizing.ZoneADEffHeating);
    1437        3320 :         if (MinEz == 0) {
    1438           0 :             MinEz = 1.0; // if not calculated assume 1.0 ventilation effectiveness
    1439             :         }
    1440        3320 :         state.dataHeatBal->ZonePreDefRep(CtrlZoneNum).VozMin = (ZoneMinOccupancy * finalZoneSizing.DesOAFlowPPer + OAFromArea) / MinEz;
    1441             : 
    1442             :         // Calculate the design min OA flow rate for this zone
    1443        3320 :         UseOccSchFlag = false;
    1444        3320 :         UseMinOASchFlag = false;
    1445        3320 :         state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(CtrlZoneNum).ZoneDesignSpecOAIndex = DSOAPtr;                                     // store for later use
    1446        3320 :         state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(CtrlZoneNum).ZoneAirDistributionIndex = finalZoneSizing.ZoneAirDistributionIndex; // store for later use
    1447        3320 :         if (!dsoaError) {
    1448        3320 :             OAVolumeFlowRate = DataSizing::calcDesignSpecificationOutdoorAir(state, DSOAPtr, CtrlZoneNum, UseOccSchFlag, UseMinOASchFlag);
    1449             :         } else {
    1450           0 :             OAVolumeFlowRate = 0.0;
    1451             :         }
    1452             : 
    1453             :         // Zone(ZoneIndex)%Multiplier and Zone(ZoneIndex)%ListMultiplier applied in CalcDesignSpecificationOutdoorAir
    1454        3320 :         finalZoneSizing.MinOA = OAVolumeFlowRate;
    1455        3320 :         calcFinalZoneSizing.MinOA = OAVolumeFlowRate;
    1456        3320 :         if (finalZoneSizing.ZoneADEffCooling > 0.0 || finalZoneSizing.ZoneADEffHeating > 0.0) {
    1457        3320 :             finalZoneSizing.MinOA /= min(finalZoneSizing.ZoneADEffCooling, finalZoneSizing.ZoneADEffHeating);
    1458        3320 :             calcFinalZoneSizing.MinOA = finalZoneSizing.MinOA;
    1459             :         }
    1460             :         // calculated zone design flow rates automatically take into account zone multipliers, since the zone
    1461             :         // loads are multiplied (in Flow rates derived directly from
    1462             :         // user inputs need to be explicitly multiplied by the zone multipliers.
    1463        3320 :         finalZoneSizing.DesCoolMinAirFlow2 =
    1464        3320 :             finalZoneSizing.DesCoolMinAirFlowPerArea * thisZone.FloorArea * thisZone.Multiplier * thisZone.ListMultiplier;
    1465        3320 :         calcFinalZoneSizing.DesCoolMinAirFlow2 =
    1466        3320 :             calcFinalZoneSizing.DesCoolMinAirFlowPerArea * thisZone.FloorArea * thisZone.Multiplier * thisZone.ListMultiplier;
    1467        3320 :         finalZoneSizing.DesHeatMaxAirFlow2 =
    1468        3320 :             finalZoneSizing.DesHeatMaxAirFlowPerArea * thisZone.FloorArea * thisZone.Multiplier * thisZone.ListMultiplier;
    1469        3320 :         calcFinalZoneSizing.DesHeatMaxAirFlow2 =
    1470        3320 :             calcFinalZoneSizing.DesHeatMaxAirFlowPerArea * thisZone.FloorArea * thisZone.Multiplier * thisZone.ListMultiplier;
    1471        3320 :         int zoneMultiplier = thisZone.Multiplier * thisZone.ListMultiplier;
    1472        3320 :         finalZoneSizing.DesCoolMinAirFlow *= zoneMultiplier;
    1473        3320 :         calcFinalZoneSizing.DesCoolMinAirFlow *= zoneMultiplier;
    1474        3320 :         finalZoneSizing.DesHeatMaxAirFlow *= zoneMultiplier;
    1475        3320 :         calcFinalZoneSizing.DesHeatMaxAirFlow *= zoneMultiplier;
    1476        3320 :         finalZoneSizing.InpDesCoolAirFlow *= zoneMultiplier;
    1477        3320 :         calcFinalZoneSizing.InpDesCoolAirFlow *= zoneMultiplier;
    1478        3320 :         finalZoneSizing.InpDesHeatAirFlow *= zoneMultiplier;
    1479        3320 :         calcFinalZoneSizing.InpDesHeatAirFlow *= zoneMultiplier;
    1480             : 
    1481       10477 :         for (DesDayNum = 1; DesDayNum <= state.dataEnvrn->TotDesDays + state.dataEnvrn->TotRunDesPersDays; ++DesDayNum) {
    1482        7157 :             auto &zoneSizing = state.dataSize->ZoneSizing(DesDayNum, CtrlZoneNum);
    1483        7157 :             zoneSizing.MinOA = finalZoneSizing.MinOA;
    1484        7157 :             state.dataSize->CalcZoneSizing(DesDayNum, CtrlZoneNum).MinOA = calcFinalZoneSizing.MinOA;
    1485        7157 :             zoneSizing.DesCoolMinAirFlow2 = finalZoneSizing.DesCoolMinAirFlow2;
    1486        7157 :             state.dataSize->CalcZoneSizing(DesDayNum, CtrlZoneNum).DesCoolMinAirFlow2 = calcFinalZoneSizing.DesCoolMinAirFlow2;
    1487        7157 :             zoneSizing.DesCoolMinAirFlow = finalZoneSizing.DesCoolMinAirFlow;
    1488        7157 :             state.dataSize->CalcZoneSizing(DesDayNum, CtrlZoneNum).DesCoolMinAirFlow = calcFinalZoneSizing.DesCoolMinAirFlow;
    1489        7157 :             zoneSizing.DesHeatMaxAirFlow2 = finalZoneSizing.DesHeatMaxAirFlow2;
    1490        7157 :             state.dataSize->CalcZoneSizing(DesDayNum, CtrlZoneNum).DesHeatMaxAirFlow2 = calcFinalZoneSizing.DesHeatMaxAirFlow2;
    1491        7157 :             zoneSizing.DesHeatMaxAirFlow = finalZoneSizing.DesHeatMaxAirFlow;
    1492        7157 :             state.dataSize->CalcZoneSizing(DesDayNum, CtrlZoneNum).DesHeatMaxAirFlow = calcFinalZoneSizing.DesHeatMaxAirFlow;
    1493             :         }
    1494             :     }
    1495             :     // Formats
    1496         406 :     print(state.files.eio, "! <Load Timesteps in Zone Design Calculation Averaging Window>, Value\n");
    1497             :     static constexpr std::string_view Format_891(" Load Timesteps in Zone Design Calculation Averaging Window, {:4}\n");
    1498         406 :     print(state.files.eio, Format_891, state.dataSize->NumTimeStepsInAvg);
    1499         406 :     print(state.files.eio, "! <Heating Sizing Factor Information>, Sizing Factor ID, Value\n");
    1500             :     static constexpr std::string_view Format_991(" Heating Sizing Factor Information, Global, {:12.5N}\n");
    1501         406 :     print(state.files.eio, Format_991, state.dataSize->GlobalHeatSizingFactor);
    1502        4195 :     for (int CtrlZoneNum = 1; CtrlZoneNum <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++CtrlZoneNum) {
    1503        3789 :         if (!state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(CtrlZoneNum).IsControlled) continue;
    1504        3320 :         if (state.dataSize->FinalZoneSizing(CtrlZoneNum).HeatSizingFactor != 1.0) {
    1505             :             static constexpr std::string_view Format_992(" Heating Sizing Factor Information, Zone {}, {:12.5N}\n");
    1506        4542 :             print(state.files.eio,
    1507             :                   Format_992,
    1508        2271 :                   state.dataSize->FinalZoneSizing(CtrlZoneNum).ZoneName,
    1509        2271 :                   state.dataSize->FinalZoneSizing(CtrlZoneNum).HeatSizingFactor);
    1510             :         }
    1511             :     }
    1512         406 :     print(state.files.eio, "! <Cooling Sizing Factor Information>, Sizing Factor ID, Value\n");
    1513             :     static constexpr std::string_view Format_994(" Cooling Sizing Factor Information, Global, {:12.5N}\n");
    1514         406 :     print(state.files.eio, Format_994, state.dataSize->GlobalCoolSizingFactor);
    1515        4195 :     for (int CtrlZoneNum = 1; CtrlZoneNum <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++CtrlZoneNum) {
    1516        3789 :         if (!state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(CtrlZoneNum).IsControlled) continue;
    1517        3320 :         if (state.dataSize->FinalZoneSizing(CtrlZoneNum).CoolSizingFactor != 1.0) {
    1518             :             static constexpr std::string_view Format_995(" Cooling Sizing Factor Information, Zone {}, {:12.5N}\n");
    1519        4526 :             print(state.files.eio,
    1520             :                   Format_995,
    1521        2263 :                   state.dataSize->FinalZoneSizing(CtrlZoneNum).ZoneName,
    1522        2263 :                   state.dataSize->FinalZoneSizing(CtrlZoneNum).CoolSizingFactor);
    1523             :         }
    1524             :     }
    1525         406 :     if (ErrorsFound) {
    1526           0 :         ShowFatalError(state, "SetUpZoneSizingArrays: Errors found in Sizing:Zone input");
    1527             :     }
    1528         406 : }
    1529             : 
    1530          23 : void RezeroZoneSizingArrays(EnergyPlusData &state)
    1531             : {
    1532             :     // Zero zone sizing arrays between the pulse and normal sizing.
    1533          23 :     DisplayString(state, "Re-zeroing zone sizing arrays");
    1534             : 
    1535         161 :     for (int ctrlZoneNum = 1; ctrlZoneNum <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++ctrlZoneNum) {
    1536         414 :         for (int desDayNum = 1; desDayNum <= state.dataEnvrn->TotDesDays + state.dataEnvrn->TotRunDesPersDays; ++desDayNum) {
    1537         276 :             state.dataSize->ZoneSizing(desDayNum, ctrlZoneNum).zeroMemberData();
    1538         276 :             state.dataSize->CalcZoneSizing(desDayNum, ctrlZoneNum).zeroMemberData();
    1539             :         }
    1540         138 :         state.dataSize->CalcFinalZoneSizing(ctrlZoneNum).zeroMemberData();
    1541         138 :         state.dataSize->FinalZoneSizing(ctrlZoneNum).zeroMemberData();
    1542             :     }
    1543          23 : }
    1544             : 
    1545      134847 : void UpdateZoneSizing(EnergyPlusData &state, DataGlobalConstants::CallIndicator const CallIndicator)
    1546             : {
    1547             : 
    1548             :     // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    1549             :     //       AUTHOR         Fred Buhl
    1550             :     //       DATE WRITTEN   December 2000
    1551             : 
    1552             :     // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    1553             :     // Update the result variables of the zone sizing calculation
    1554             : 
    1555             :     // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
    1556             :     // CallIndicator = 1 (BeginDay) zero the result arrays
    1557             :     // CallIndicator = 2 (DuringDay) fill arrays, averaging over 1 zone time step
    1558             :     // CallIndicator = 3 (EndDay) calculate daily maxima
    1559             :     // CallIndicator = 4 (EndZoneSizingCalc) write out results
    1560             : 
    1561             :     // SUBROUTINE PARAMETER DEFINITIONS:
    1562             : 
    1563             :     static constexpr std::string_view RoutineName("UpdateZoneSizing");
    1564             : 
    1566             :     int DesDayNum;         // design day index
    1567             :     int TimeStepIndex;     // zone time step index
    1568             :     int TimeStepInDay;     // zone time step in day
    1569             :     int I;                 // write statement index
    1570             :     int HourCounter;       // Hour Counter
    1571             :     int TimeStepCounter;   // Time Step Counter
    1572             :     int Minutes;           // Current Minutes Counter
    1573             :     int HourPrint;         // Hour to print (timestamp)
    1574             :     Real64 OAFrac;         // outside air fraction
    1575             :     int TimeStepAtPeak;    // time step number at heat or cool peak
    1576             :     int TimeStepAtPeakF;   // time step number at heat or cool peak (final)
    1577             :     int DDNum;             // Design Day index
    1578             :     int DDNumF;            // Design Day index (final)
    1579             :     Real64 TotCoolSizMult; // combines user cooling design flow input with zone sizing multiplier
    1580             :     Real64 TotHeatSizMult; // combines user heating design flow input with zone sizing multiplier
    1581             :     Real64 MinOAMass;      // zone minimum outside air mass flow rate kg/s
    1582             :     Real64 MaxHeatVolFlow; // max of user specified design heating max flow [m3/s]
    1583             :     Real64 SupplyTemp;     // supply air temperature [C]
    1584             :     Real64 DeltaTemp;      // supply air delta temperature [deltaC]
    1585             : 
    1586      134847 :     switch (CallIndicator) {
    1587         917 :     case DataGlobalConstants::CallIndicator::BeginDay: {
    1588        9280 :         for (int CtrlZoneNum = 1; CtrlZoneNum <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++CtrlZoneNum) {
    1589             : 
    1590        8363 :             if (!state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(CtrlZoneNum).IsControlled) continue;
    1591        7377 :             auto &calcZoneSizing = state.dataSize->CalcZoneSizing(state.dataSize->CurOverallSimDay, CtrlZoneNum);
    1592             : 
    1593        7377 :             calcZoneSizing.CoolDesDay = state.dataEnvrn->EnvironmentName;
    1594        7377 :             calcZoneSizing.HeatDesDay = state.dataEnvrn->EnvironmentName;
    1595        7377 :             calcZoneSizing.DesHeatDens = state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir;
    1596        7377 :             calcZoneSizing.DesCoolDens = state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir;
    1597        7377 :             calcZoneSizing.HeatDDNum = state.dataSize->CurOverallSimDay;
    1598        7377 :             calcZoneSizing.CoolDDNum = state.dataSize->CurOverallSimDay;
    1599        7377 :             calcZoneSizing.CoolNoDOASDesDay = state.dataEnvrn->EnvironmentName;
    1600        7377 :             calcZoneSizing.HeatNoDOASDesDay = state.dataEnvrn->EnvironmentName;
    1601        7377 :             calcZoneSizing.LatCoolDesDay = state.dataEnvrn->EnvironmentName;
    1602        7377 :             calcZoneSizing.LatHeatDesDay = state.dataEnvrn->EnvironmentName;
    1603        7377 :             calcZoneSizing.LatCoolNoDOASDesDay = state.dataEnvrn->EnvironmentName;
    1604        7377 :             calcZoneSizing.LatHeatNoDOASDesDay = state.dataEnvrn->EnvironmentName;
    1605        7377 :             calcZoneSizing.CoolNoDOASDDNum = state.dataSize->CurOverallSimDay;
    1606        7377 :             calcZoneSizing.HeatNoDOASDDNum = state.dataSize->CurOverallSimDay;
    1607        7377 :             calcZoneSizing.LatentCoolDDNum = state.dataSize->CurOverallSimDay;
    1608        7377 :             calcZoneSizing.LatentHeatDDNum = state.dataSize->CurOverallSimDay;
    1609        7377 :             calcZoneSizing.LatentCoolNoDOASDDNum = state.dataSize->CurOverallSimDay;
    1610        7377 :             calcZoneSizing.LatentHeatNoDOASDDNum = state.dataSize->CurOverallSimDay;
    1611        7377 :             calcZoneSizing.CoolSizingType = "Cooling"; // string reported to eio
    1612        7377 :             calcZoneSizing.HeatSizingType = "Heating"; // string reported to eio
    1613         917 :         }
    1614         917 :     } break;
    1615      131701 :     case DataGlobalConstants::CallIndicator::DuringDay: {
    1616      131701 :         TimeStepInDay = (state.dataGlobal->HourOfDay - 1) * state.dataGlobal->NumOfTimeStepInHour + state.dataGlobal->TimeStep;
    1617             : 
    1618      131701 :         Real64 FracTimeStepZone = state.dataHVACGlobal->FracTimeStepZone;
    1619             :         // save the results of the ideal zone component calculation in the CalcZoneSizing sequence variables
    1620     1342340 :         for (int CtrlZoneNum = 1; CtrlZoneNum <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++CtrlZoneNum) {
    1621     1210639 :             if (!state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(CtrlZoneNum).IsControlled) continue;
    1622             : 
    1623     1066192 :             auto &zoneSizing = state.dataSize->ZoneSizing(state.dataSize->CurOverallSimDay, CtrlZoneNum);
    1624     1066192 :             auto &calcZoneSizing = state.dataSize->CalcZoneSizing(state.dataSize->CurOverallSimDay, CtrlZoneNum);
    1625     1066192 :             auto &zoneThermostatHi = state.dataHeatBalFanSys->ZoneThermostatSetPointHi(CtrlZoneNum);
    1626     1066192 :             auto &zoneThermostatLo = state.dataHeatBalFanSys->ZoneThermostatSetPointLo(CtrlZoneNum);
    1627     1066192 :             if (zoneThermostatHi > 0.0 && zoneThermostatHi > state.dataSize->ZoneSizThermSetPtHi(CtrlZoneNum)) {
    1628        3501 :                 state.dataSize->ZoneSizThermSetPtHi(CtrlZoneNum) = zoneThermostatHi;
    1629             :             }
    1630     1066192 :             if (zoneThermostatLo > 0.0 && zoneThermostatLo < state.dataSize->ZoneSizThermSetPtLo(CtrlZoneNum)) {
    1631        4667 :                 state.dataSize->ZoneSizThermSetPtLo(CtrlZoneNum) = zoneThermostatLo;
    1632             :             }
    1633     1066192 :             zoneSizing.DesHeatSetPtSeq(TimeStepInDay) = zoneThermostatLo;
    1634     1066192 :             zoneSizing.HeatTstatTempSeq(TimeStepInDay) = calcZoneSizing.HeatTstatTemp;
    1635     1066192 :             zoneSizing.DesCoolSetPtSeq(TimeStepInDay) = zoneThermostatHi;
    1636     1066192 :             zoneSizing.CoolTstatTempSeq(TimeStepInDay) = calcZoneSizing.CoolTstatTemp;
    1637     1066192 :             calcZoneSizing.HeatFlowSeq(TimeStepInDay) += calcZoneSizing.HeatMassFlow * FracTimeStepZone;
    1638     1066192 :             calcZoneSizing.HeatLoadSeq(TimeStepInDay) += calcZoneSizing.HeatLoad * FracTimeStepZone;
    1639     1066192 :             calcZoneSizing.HeatZoneTempSeq(TimeStepInDay) += calcZoneSizing.HeatZoneTemp * FracTimeStepZone;
    1640     1066192 :             calcZoneSizing.HeatOutTempSeq(TimeStepInDay) += calcZoneSizing.HeatOutTemp * FracTimeStepZone;
    1641     1066192 :             calcZoneSizing.HeatZoneRetTempSeq(TimeStepInDay) += calcZoneSizing.HeatZoneRetTemp * FracTimeStepZone;
    1642     1066192 :             calcZoneSizing.HeatZoneHumRatSeq(TimeStepInDay) += calcZoneSizing.HeatZoneHumRat * FracTimeStepZone;
    1643     1066192 :             calcZoneSizing.HeatOutHumRatSeq(TimeStepInDay) += calcZoneSizing.HeatOutHumRat * FracTimeStepZone;
    1644     1066192 :             calcZoneSizing.CoolFlowSeq(TimeStepInDay) += calcZoneSizing.CoolMassFlow * FracTimeStepZone;
    1645     1066192 :             calcZoneSizing.CoolLoadSeq(TimeStepInDay) += calcZoneSizing.CoolLoad * FracTimeStepZone;
    1646     1066192 :             calcZoneSizing.CoolZoneTempSeq(TimeStepInDay) += calcZoneSizing.CoolZoneTemp * FracTimeStepZone;
    1647     1066192 :             calcZoneSizing.CoolOutTempSeq(TimeStepInDay) += calcZoneSizing.CoolOutTemp * FracTimeStepZone;
    1648     1066192 :             calcZoneSizing.CoolZoneRetTempSeq(TimeStepInDay) += calcZoneSizing.CoolZoneRetTemp * FracTimeStepZone;
    1649     1066192 :             calcZoneSizing.CoolZoneHumRatSeq(TimeStepInDay) += calcZoneSizing.CoolZoneHumRat * FracTimeStepZone;
    1650     1066192 :             calcZoneSizing.CoolOutHumRatSeq(TimeStepInDay) += calcZoneSizing.CoolOutHumRat * FracTimeStepZone;
    1651     1066192 :             calcZoneSizing.DOASHeatLoadSeq(TimeStepInDay) += calcZoneSizing.DOASHeatLoad * FracTimeStepZone;
    1652     1066192 :             calcZoneSizing.DOASCoolLoadSeq(TimeStepInDay) += calcZoneSizing.DOASCoolLoad * FracTimeStepZone;
    1653     1066192 :             calcZoneSizing.DOASHeatAddSeq(TimeStepInDay) += calcZoneSizing.DOASHeatAdd * FracTimeStepZone;
    1654     1066192 :             calcZoneSizing.DOASLatAddSeq(TimeStepInDay) += calcZoneSizing.DOASLatAdd * FracTimeStepZone;
    1655     1066192 :             calcZoneSizing.DOASSupMassFlowSeq(TimeStepInDay) += calcZoneSizing.DOASSupMassFlow * FracTimeStepZone;
    1656     1066192 :             calcZoneSizing.DOASSupTempSeq(TimeStepInDay) += calcZoneSizing.DOASSupTemp * FracTimeStepZone;
    1657     1066192 :             calcZoneSizing.DOASSupHumRatSeq(TimeStepInDay) += calcZoneSizing.DOASSupHumRat * FracTimeStepZone;
    1658     1066192 :             calcZoneSizing.DOASTotCoolLoadSeq(TimeStepInDay) += calcZoneSizing.DOASTotCoolLoad * FracTimeStepZone;
    1659     1066192 :             if (calcZoneSizing.zoneLatentSizing) {
    1660        2716 :                 calcZoneSizing.LatentHeatLoadSeq(TimeStepInDay) += calcZoneSizing.HeatLatentLoad * FracTimeStepZone;
    1661        2716 :                 calcZoneSizing.LatentHeatFlowSeq(TimeStepInDay) += calcZoneSizing.ZoneHeatLatentMassFlow * FracTimeStepZone;
    1662        2716 :                 calcZoneSizing.LatentCoolLoadSeq(TimeStepInDay) += calcZoneSizing.CoolLatentLoad * FracTimeStepZone;
    1663        2716 :                 calcZoneSizing.LatentCoolFlowSeq(TimeStepInDay) += calcZoneSizing.ZoneCoolLatentMassFlow * FracTimeStepZone;
    1664        2716 :                 calcZoneSizing.CoolLatentLoadNoDOASSeq(TimeStepInDay) += calcZoneSizing.CoolLatentLoadNoDOAS * FracTimeStepZone;
    1665        2716 :                 calcZoneSizing.HeatLatentLoadNoDOASSeq(TimeStepInDay) += calcZoneSizing.HeatLatentLoadNoDOAS * FracTimeStepZone;
    1666        2716 :                 calcZoneSizing.CoolLoadNoDOASSeq(TimeStepInDay) += calcZoneSizing.CoolLoadNoDOAS * FracTimeStepZone;
    1667        2716 :                 calcZoneSizing.HeatLoadNoDOASSeq(TimeStepInDay) += calcZoneSizing.HeatLoadNoDOAS * FracTimeStepZone;
    1668             :             }
    1669      131701 :         }
    1670      131701 :     } break;
    1671        1801 :     case DataGlobalConstants::CallIndicator::EndDay: {
    1672             :         // average some of the zone sequences to reduce peakiness
    1673       18386 :         for (int CtrlZoneNum = 1; CtrlZoneNum <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++CtrlZoneNum) {
    1674       16585 :             if (!state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(CtrlZoneNum).IsControlled) continue;
    1675       14613 :             auto &calcZoneSizing(state.dataSize->CalcZoneSizing(state.dataSize->CurOverallSimDay, CtrlZoneNum));
    1676       14613 :             General::MovingAvg(calcZoneSizing.CoolFlowSeq, state.dataSize->NumTimeStepsInAvg);
    1677       14613 :             General::MovingAvg(calcZoneSizing.CoolLoadSeq, state.dataSize->NumTimeStepsInAvg);
    1678       14613 :             General::MovingAvg(calcZoneSizing.HeatFlowSeq, state.dataSize->NumTimeStepsInAvg);
    1679       14613 :             General::MovingAvg(calcZoneSizing.HeatLoadSeq, state.dataSize->NumTimeStepsInAvg);
    1680       14613 :             General::MovingAvg(calcZoneSizing.CoolZoneRetTempSeq, state.dataSize->NumTimeStepsInAvg);
    1681       14613 :             General::MovingAvg(calcZoneSizing.HeatZoneRetTempSeq, state.dataSize->NumTimeStepsInAvg);
    1682       14613 :             General::MovingAvg(calcZoneSizing.DOASHeatAddSeq, state.dataSize->NumTimeStepsInAvg);
    1683       14613 :             General::MovingAvg(calcZoneSizing.DOASLatAddSeq, state.dataSize->NumTimeStepsInAvg);
    1684       14613 :             General::MovingAvg(calcZoneSizing.CoolLatentLoadNoDOASSeq, state.dataSize->NumTimeStepsInAvg);
    1685       14613 :             General::MovingAvg(calcZoneSizing.HeatLatentLoadNoDOASSeq, state.dataSize->NumTimeStepsInAvg);
    1686       14613 :             General::MovingAvg(calcZoneSizing.CoolLoadNoDOASSeq, state.dataSize->NumTimeStepsInAvg);
    1687       14613 :             General::MovingAvg(calcZoneSizing.HeatLoadNoDOASSeq, state.dataSize->NumTimeStepsInAvg);
    1688             : 
    1689       14613 :             if (calcZoneSizing.zoneLatentSizing) {
    1690          52 :                 General::MovingAvg(calcZoneSizing.LatentHeatLoadSeq, state.dataSize->NumTimeStepsInAvg);
    1691          52 :                 General::MovingAvg(calcZoneSizing.LatentHeatFlowSeq, state.dataSize->NumTimeStepsInAvg);
    1692          52 :                 General::MovingAvg(calcZoneSizing.LatentCoolLoadSeq, state.dataSize->NumTimeStepsInAvg);
    1693          52 :                 General::MovingAvg(calcZoneSizing.LatentCoolFlowSeq, state.dataSize->NumTimeStepsInAvg);
    1694             :             }
    1695             :         }
    1696             : 
    1697        1801 :         auto &desDayWeath = state.dataSize->DesDayWeath(state.dataSize->CurOverallSimDay);
    1698       18386 :         for (int CtrlZoneNum = 1; CtrlZoneNum <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++CtrlZoneNum) {
    1699       16585 :             if (!state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(CtrlZoneNum).IsControlled) continue;
    1700       14613 :             auto &calcZoneSizing = state.dataSize->CalcZoneSizing(state.dataSize->CurOverallSimDay, CtrlZoneNum);
    1701       14613 :             auto &calcFinalZoneSizing = state.dataSize->CalcFinalZoneSizing(CtrlZoneNum);
    1702       14613 :             calcFinalZoneSizing.CoolSizingType = calcZoneSizing.CoolSizingType;
    1703       14613 :             calcFinalZoneSizing.HeatSizingType = calcZoneSizing.HeatSizingType;
    1704             : 
    1705             :             // save the sequence values at the heating peak
    1706     1822629 :             for (TimeStepIndex = 1; TimeStepIndex <= state.dataZoneEquipmentManager->NumOfTimeStepInDay; ++TimeStepIndex) {
    1707     1808016 :                 if (calcZoneSizing.HeatLoadSeq(TimeStepIndex) > calcZoneSizing.DesHeatLoad) {
    1708      129485 :                     calcZoneSizing.DesHeatLoad = calcZoneSizing.HeatLoadSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    1709      129485 :                     calcZoneSizing.DesHeatMassFlow = calcZoneSizing.HeatFlowSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    1710      129485 :                     calcZoneSizing.ZoneTempAtHeatPeak = calcZoneSizing.HeatZoneTempSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    1711      129485 :                     calcZoneSizing.OutTempAtHeatPeak = calcZoneSizing.HeatOutTempSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    1712      129485 :                     calcZoneSizing.ZoneRetTempAtHeatPeak = calcZoneSizing.HeatZoneRetTempSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    1713      129485 :                     calcZoneSizing.ZoneHumRatAtHeatPeak = calcZoneSizing.HeatZoneHumRatSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    1714      129485 :                     calcZoneSizing.OutHumRatAtHeatPeak = calcZoneSizing.HeatOutHumRatSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    1715      129485 :                     calcZoneSizing.TimeStepNumAtHeatMax = TimeStepIndex;
    1716             :                 }
    1717             :             }
    1718             :             // save the sequence values at the latent heating peak
    1719       14613 :             if (calcZoneSizing.zoneLatentSizing) {
    1720        5044 :                 for (TimeStepIndex = 1; TimeStepIndex <= state.dataZoneEquipmentManager->NumOfTimeStepInDay; ++TimeStepIndex) {
    1721        4992 :                     if (calcZoneSizing.LatentHeatLoadSeq(TimeStepIndex) > calcZoneSizing.DesLatentHeatLoad) {
    1722          68 :                         calcZoneSizing.DesLatentHeatLoad = calcZoneSizing.LatentHeatLoadSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    1723          68 :                         calcZoneSizing.DesLatentHeatMassFlow = calcZoneSizing.LatentHeatFlowSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    1724          68 :                         calcZoneSizing.ZoneHeatLatentMassFlow = calcZoneSizing.LatentHeatFlowSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    1725          68 :                         calcZoneSizing.ZoneTempAtLatentHeatPeak = calcZoneSizing.HeatZoneTempSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    1726          68 :                         calcZoneSizing.OutTempAtLatentHeatPeak = calcZoneSizing.HeatOutTempSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    1727          68 :                         calcZoneSizing.ZoneHumRatAtLatentHeatPeak = calcZoneSizing.HeatZoneHumRatSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    1728          68 :                         calcZoneSizing.OutHumRatAtLatentHeatPeak = calcZoneSizing.HeatOutHumRatSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    1729          68 :                         calcZoneSizing.ZoneRetTempAtLatentHeatPeak = calcZoneSizing.HeatZoneRetTempSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    1730          68 :                         calcZoneSizing.TimeStepNumAtLatentHeatMax = TimeStepIndex;
    1731             :                     }
    1732             :                 }
    1733             :             }
    1734     1822629 :             for (TimeStepIndex = 1; TimeStepIndex <= state.dataZoneEquipmentManager->NumOfTimeStepInDay; ++TimeStepIndex) {
    1735             :                 // select largest load from NoDOAS arrays
    1736     1808016 :                 if (calcZoneSizing.HeatLoadNoDOASSeq(TimeStepIndex) > calcZoneSizing.DesHeatLoadNoDOAS) {
    1737         557 :                     calcZoneSizing.DesHeatLoadNoDOAS = calcZoneSizing.HeatLoadNoDOASSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    1738         557 :                     calcZoneSizing.TimeStepNumAtHeatNoDOASMax = TimeStepIndex;
    1739             :                 }
    1740     1808016 :                 if (calcZoneSizing.HeatLatentLoadNoDOASSeq(TimeStepIndex) > calcZoneSizing.DesLatentHeatLoadNoDOAS) {
    1741          68 :                     calcZoneSizing.DesLatentHeatLoadNoDOAS = calcZoneSizing.HeatLatentLoadNoDOASSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    1742          68 :                     calcZoneSizing.TimeStepNumAtLatentHeatNoDOASMax = TimeStepIndex;
    1743             :                 }
    1744     1808016 :                 if (calcZoneSizing.CoolLoadNoDOASSeq(TimeStepIndex) > calcZoneSizing.DesCoolLoadNoDOAS) {
    1745         323 :                     calcZoneSizing.DesCoolLoadNoDOAS = calcZoneSizing.CoolLoadNoDOASSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    1746         323 :                     calcZoneSizing.TimeStepNumAtCoolNoDOASMax = TimeStepIndex;
    1747             :                 }
    1748     1808016 :                 if (calcZoneSizing.CoolLatentLoadNoDOASSeq(TimeStepIndex) > calcZoneSizing.DesLatentCoolLoadNoDOAS) {
    1749         283 :                     calcZoneSizing.DesLatentCoolLoadNoDOAS = calcZoneSizing.CoolLatentLoadNoDOASSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    1750         283 :                     calcZoneSizing.TimeStepNumAtLatentCoolNoDOASMax = TimeStepIndex;
    1751             :                 }
    1752             :             }
    1753       14613 :             if (calcZoneSizing.DesHeatMassFlow > 0.0) {
    1754        3422 :                 calcZoneSizing.DesHeatVolFlow = calcZoneSizing.DesHeatMassFlow / calcZoneSizing.DesHeatDens;
    1755        3422 :                 OAFrac = calcZoneSizing.MinOA / max(calcZoneSizing.DesHeatVolFlow, DataHVACGlobals::SmallMassFlow);
    1756        3422 :                 OAFrac = min(1.0, max(0.0, OAFrac));
    1757        3422 :                 TimeStepAtPeak = calcZoneSizing.TimeStepNumAtHeatMax;
    1758        3422 :                 calcZoneSizing.DesHeatCoilInTemp = OAFrac * desDayWeath.Temp(TimeStepAtPeak) + (1.0 - OAFrac) * calcZoneSizing.ZoneTempAtHeatPeak;
    1759        3422 :                 calcZoneSizing.DesHeatCoilInHumRat =
    1760        3422 :                     OAFrac * desDayWeath.HumRat(TimeStepAtPeak) + (1.0 - OAFrac) * calcZoneSizing.ZoneHumRatAtHeatPeak;
    1761             :             }
    1762       14613 :             if (calcZoneSizing.zoneLatentSizing && calcZoneSizing.DesLatentHeatMassFlow > 0.0) {
    1763          16 :                 calcZoneSizing.DesLatentHeatVolFlow = calcZoneSizing.DesLatentHeatMassFlow / state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir;
    1764          16 :                 OAFrac = calcZoneSizing.MinOA / max(calcZoneSizing.DesHeatVolFlow, DataHVACGlobals::SmallMassFlow);
    1765          16 :                 OAFrac = min(1.0, max(0.0, OAFrac));
    1766          16 :                 TimeStepAtPeak = calcZoneSizing.TimeStepNumAtLatentHeatMax;
    1767          16 :                 calcZoneSizing.DesLatentHeatCoilInTemp =
    1768          16 :                     OAFrac * desDayWeath.Temp(TimeStepAtPeak) + (1.0 - OAFrac) * calcZoneSizing.ZoneTempAtHeatPeak;
    1769          16 :                 calcZoneSizing.DesLatentHeatCoilInHumRat =
    1770          16 :                     OAFrac * desDayWeath.HumRat(TimeStepAtPeak) + (1.0 - OAFrac) * calcZoneSizing.ZoneHumRatAtHeatPeak;
    1771             :             }
    1772             :             // save the sequence values at the cooling peak
    1773     1822629 :             for (TimeStepIndex = 1; TimeStepIndex <= state.dataZoneEquipmentManager->NumOfTimeStepInDay; ++TimeStepIndex) {
    1774     1808016 :                 if (calcZoneSizing.CoolLoadSeq(TimeStepIndex) > calcZoneSizing.DesCoolLoad) {
    1775      138332 :                     calcZoneSizing.DesCoolLoad = calcZoneSizing.CoolLoadSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    1776      138332 :                     calcZoneSizing.DesCoolMassFlow = calcZoneSizing.CoolFlowSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    1777      138332 :                     calcZoneSizing.ZoneTempAtCoolPeak = calcZoneSizing.CoolZoneTempSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    1778      138332 :                     calcZoneSizing.OutTempAtCoolPeak = calcZoneSizing.CoolOutTempSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    1779      138332 :                     calcZoneSizing.ZoneRetTempAtCoolPeak = calcZoneSizing.CoolZoneRetTempSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    1780      138332 :                     calcZoneSizing.ZoneHumRatAtCoolPeak = calcZoneSizing.CoolZoneHumRatSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    1781      138332 :                     calcZoneSizing.OutHumRatAtCoolPeak = calcZoneSizing.CoolOutHumRatSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    1782      138332 :                     calcZoneSizing.TimeStepNumAtCoolMax = TimeStepIndex;
    1783             :                 }
    1784             :             }
    1785       14613 :             if (calcZoneSizing.zoneLatentSizing) {
    1786        5044 :                 for (TimeStepIndex = 1; TimeStepIndex <= state.dataZoneEquipmentManager->NumOfTimeStepInDay; ++TimeStepIndex) {
    1787        4992 :                     if (calcZoneSizing.LatentCoolLoadSeq(TimeStepIndex) > calcZoneSizing.DesLatentCoolLoad) {
    1788         283 :                         calcZoneSizing.DesLatentCoolLoad = calcZoneSizing.LatentCoolLoadSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    1789         283 :                         calcZoneSizing.DesLatentCoolMassFlow = calcZoneSizing.LatentCoolFlowSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    1790         283 :                         calcZoneSizing.ZoneTempAtLatentCoolPeak = calcZoneSizing.CoolZoneTempSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    1791         283 :                         calcZoneSizing.OutTempAtLatentCoolPeak = calcZoneSizing.CoolOutTempSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    1792         283 :                         calcZoneSizing.ZoneHumRatAtLatentCoolPeak = calcZoneSizing.CoolZoneHumRatSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    1793         283 :                         calcZoneSizing.OutHumRatAtLatentCoolPeak = calcZoneSizing.CoolOutHumRatSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    1794         283 :                         calcZoneSizing.ZoneRetTempAtLatentCoolPeak = calcZoneSizing.CoolZoneRetTempSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    1795         283 :                         calcZoneSizing.TimeStepNumAtLatentCoolMax = TimeStepIndex;
    1796             :                     }
    1797             :                 }
    1798             :             }
    1799       14613 :             if (calcZoneSizing.DesCoolMassFlow > 0.0) {
    1800        3981 :                 calcZoneSizing.DesCoolVolFlow = calcZoneSizing.DesCoolMassFlow / calcZoneSizing.DesCoolDens;
    1801        3981 :                 OAFrac = calcZoneSizing.MinOA / max(calcZoneSizing.DesCoolVolFlow, DataHVACGlobals::SmallMassFlow);
    1802        3981 :                 OAFrac = min(1.0, max(0.0, OAFrac));
    1803        3981 :                 TimeStepAtPeak = calcZoneSizing.TimeStepNumAtCoolMax;
    1804        3981 :                 calcZoneSizing.DesCoolCoilInTemp = OAFrac * desDayWeath.Temp(TimeStepAtPeak) + (1.0 - OAFrac) * calcZoneSizing.ZoneTempAtCoolPeak;
    1805        3981 :                 calcZoneSizing.DesCoolCoilInHumRat =
    1806        3981 :                     OAFrac * desDayWeath.HumRat(TimeStepAtPeak) + (1.0 - OAFrac) * calcZoneSizing.ZoneHumRatAtCoolPeak;
    1807             :             }
    1808       14613 :             if (calcZoneSizing.zoneLatentSizing && calcZoneSizing.DesLatentCoolMassFlow > 0.0) {
    1809          19 :                 calcZoneSizing.DesLatentCoolVolFlow = calcZoneSizing.DesLatentCoolMassFlow / state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir;
    1810          19 :                 OAFrac = calcZoneSizing.MinOA / max(calcZoneSizing.DesCoolVolFlow, DataHVACGlobals::SmallMassFlow);
    1811          19 :                 OAFrac = min(1.0, max(0.0, OAFrac));
    1812          19 :                 TimeStepAtPeak = calcZoneSizing.TimeStepNumAtLatentCoolMax;
    1813          19 :                 calcZoneSizing.DesLatentCoolCoilInTemp =
    1814          19 :                     OAFrac * desDayWeath.Temp(TimeStepAtPeak) + (1.0 - OAFrac) * calcZoneSizing.ZoneTempAtCoolPeak;
    1815          19 :                 calcZoneSizing.DesLatentCoolCoilInHumRat =
    1816          19 :                     OAFrac * desDayWeath.HumRat(TimeStepAtPeak) + (1.0 - OAFrac) * calcZoneSizing.ZoneHumRatAtCoolPeak;
    1817             :             }
    1818             :             // from all the design periods, choose the one needing the most heating and save all its design variables in CalcFinalZoneSizing
    1819       14613 :             if (calcZoneSizing.DesHeatVolFlow > calcFinalZoneSizing.DesHeatVolFlow) {
    1820        3246 :                 calcFinalZoneSizing.DesHeatVolFlow = calcZoneSizing.DesHeatVolFlow;
    1821        3246 :                 calcFinalZoneSizing.DesHeatLoad = calcZoneSizing.DesHeatLoad;
    1822        3246 :                 calcFinalZoneSizing.DesHeatMassFlow = calcZoneSizing.DesHeatMassFlow;
    1823        3246 :                 calcFinalZoneSizing.HeatDesDay = calcZoneSizing.HeatDesDay;
    1824        3246 :                 calcFinalZoneSizing.DesHeatDens = calcZoneSizing.DesHeatDens;
    1825        3246 :                 calcFinalZoneSizing.HeatFlowSeq = calcZoneSizing.HeatFlowSeq;
    1826        3246 :                 calcFinalZoneSizing.HeatLoadSeq = calcZoneSizing.HeatLoadSeq;
    1827        3246 :                 calcFinalZoneSizing.HeatZoneTempSeq = calcZoneSizing.HeatZoneTempSeq;
    1828        3246 :                 calcFinalZoneSizing.HeatOutTempSeq = calcZoneSizing.HeatOutTempSeq;
    1829        3246 :                 calcFinalZoneSizing.HeatZoneRetTempSeq = calcZoneSizing.HeatZoneRetTempSeq;
    1830        3246 :                 calcFinalZoneSizing.HeatZoneHumRatSeq = calcZoneSizing.HeatZoneHumRatSeq;
    1831        3246 :                 calcFinalZoneSizing.HeatOutHumRatSeq = calcZoneSizing.HeatOutHumRatSeq;
    1832        3246 :                 calcFinalZoneSizing.ZoneTempAtHeatPeak = calcZoneSizing.ZoneTempAtHeatPeak;
    1833        3246 :                 calcFinalZoneSizing.OutTempAtHeatPeak = calcZoneSizing.OutTempAtHeatPeak;
    1834        3246 :                 calcFinalZoneSizing.ZoneRetTempAtHeatPeak = calcZoneSizing.ZoneRetTempAtHeatPeak;
    1835        3246 :                 calcFinalZoneSizing.ZoneHumRatAtHeatPeak = calcZoneSizing.ZoneHumRatAtHeatPeak;
    1836        3246 :                 calcFinalZoneSizing.OutHumRatAtHeatPeak = calcZoneSizing.OutHumRatAtHeatPeak;
    1837        3246 :                 calcFinalZoneSizing.HeatDDNum = calcZoneSizing.HeatDDNum;
    1838        3246 :                 calcFinalZoneSizing.cHeatDDDate = desDayWeath.DateString;
    1839        3246 :                 calcFinalZoneSizing.TimeStepNumAtHeatMax = calcZoneSizing.TimeStepNumAtHeatMax;
    1840        3246 :                 calcFinalZoneSizing.DesHeatCoilInTemp = calcZoneSizing.DesHeatCoilInTemp;
    1841        3246 :                 calcFinalZoneSizing.DesHeatCoilInHumRat = calcZoneSizing.DesHeatCoilInHumRat;
    1842             :             } else {
    1843       11367 :                 calcFinalZoneSizing.DesHeatDens = state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir;
    1844             :                 // save design heating load when the there is design heating load and the design heating volume flow rate is zero, i.e., when
    1845             :                 // design heating volume flow rate is set to zero due to heating supply air temp less than zone thermostat temperature
    1846       11367 :                 if (calcZoneSizing.DesHeatLoad > calcFinalZoneSizing.DesHeatLoad) {
    1847           0 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.DesHeatLoad = calcZoneSizing.DesHeatLoad;
    1848           0 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.HeatDesDay = calcZoneSizing.HeatDesDay;
    1849           0 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.HeatLoadSeq = calcZoneSizing.HeatLoadSeq;
    1850           0 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.HeatZoneTempSeq = calcZoneSizing.HeatZoneTempSeq;
    1851           0 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.HeatOutTempSeq = calcZoneSizing.HeatOutTempSeq;
    1852           0 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.HeatZoneRetTempSeq = calcZoneSizing.HeatZoneRetTempSeq;
    1853           0 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.HeatZoneHumRatSeq = calcZoneSizing.HeatZoneHumRatSeq;
    1854           0 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.HeatOutHumRatSeq = calcZoneSizing.HeatOutHumRatSeq;
    1855           0 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.ZoneTempAtHeatPeak = calcZoneSizing.ZoneTempAtHeatPeak;
    1856           0 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.OutTempAtHeatPeak = calcZoneSizing.OutTempAtHeatPeak;
    1857           0 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.ZoneRetTempAtHeatPeak = calcZoneSizing.ZoneRetTempAtHeatPeak;
    1858           0 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.ZoneHumRatAtHeatPeak = calcZoneSizing.ZoneHumRatAtHeatPeak;
    1859           0 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.OutHumRatAtHeatPeak = calcZoneSizing.OutHumRatAtHeatPeak;
    1860           0 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.HeatDDNum = calcZoneSizing.HeatDDNum;
    1861           0 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.cHeatDDDate = desDayWeath.DateString;
    1862           0 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.TimeStepNumAtHeatMax = calcZoneSizing.TimeStepNumAtHeatMax;
    1863           0 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.DesHeatCoilInTemp = calcZoneSizing.DesHeatCoilInTemp;
    1864           0 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.DesHeatCoilInHumRat = calcZoneSizing.DesHeatCoilInHumRat;
    1865           0 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.HeatTstatTemp = calcZoneSizing.HeatTstatTemp;
    1866             :                 }
    1867             :             }
    1868       14613 :             if (calcZoneSizing.zoneLatentSizing) {
    1869             :                 // from all the design periods, choose the one needing the most latent heating and save all its design variables in
    1870             :                 // CalcFinalZoneSizing
    1871          52 :                 if (calcZoneSizing.DesLatentHeatVolFlow > calcFinalZoneSizing.DesLatentHeatVolFlow) {
    1872          14 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.DesLatentHeatVolFlow = calcZoneSizing.DesLatentHeatVolFlow;
    1873          14 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.DesLatentHeatMassFlow = calcZoneSizing.ZoneHeatLatentMassFlow;
    1874          14 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.DesLatentHeatLoad = calcZoneSizing.DesLatentHeatLoad;
    1875          14 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.ZoneTempAtLatentHeatPeak = calcZoneSizing.ZoneTempAtLatentHeatPeak;
    1876          14 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.ZoneHumRatAtLatentHeatPeak = calcZoneSizing.ZoneHumRatAtLatentHeatPeak;
    1877          14 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.ZoneRetTempAtLatentHeatPeak = calcZoneSizing.ZoneRetTempAtLatentHeatPeak;
    1878          14 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.DesLatentHeatCoilInTemp = calcZoneSizing.DesLatentHeatCoilInTemp;
    1879          14 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.DesLatentHeatCoilInHumRat = calcZoneSizing.DesLatentHeatCoilInHumRat;
    1880          14 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.LatHeatDesDay = calcZoneSizing.LatHeatDesDay;
    1881          14 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.cLatentHeatDDDate = desDayWeath.DateString;
    1882          14 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.LatentHeatDDNum = calcZoneSizing.LatentHeatDDNum;
    1883          14 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.TimeStepNumAtLatentHeatMax = calcZoneSizing.TimeStepNumAtLatentHeatMax;
    1884          14 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.LatentHeatLoadSeq = calcZoneSizing.LatentHeatLoadSeq;
    1885          14 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.LatentHeatFlowSeq = calcZoneSizing.LatentHeatFlowSeq;
    1886             :                 } else {
    1887             :                     // save design latent heating load when the there is design load and the design volume flow rate is zero, i.e., when
    1888             :                     // design latent heating volume flow rate is set to zero due to heating supply air humrat is less than zone humidistat humrat
    1889          38 :                     if (calcZoneSizing.DesLatentHeatLoad > calcFinalZoneSizing.DesLatentHeatLoad) {
    1890           0 :                         calcFinalZoneSizing.DesLatentHeatLoad = calcZoneSizing.DesLatentHeatLoad;
    1891           0 :                         calcFinalZoneSizing.cLatentHeatDDDate = desDayWeath.DateString;
    1892           0 :                         calcFinalZoneSizing.LatentHeatDDNum = calcZoneSizing.LatentHeatDDNum;
    1893           0 :                         calcFinalZoneSizing.TimeStepNumAtLatentHeatMax = calcZoneSizing.TimeStepNumAtLatentHeatMax;
    1894           0 :                         calcFinalZoneSizing.LatentHeatLoadSeq = calcZoneSizing.LatentHeatLoadSeq;
    1895           0 :                         calcFinalZoneSizing.LatentHeatFlowSeq = calcZoneSizing.LatentHeatFlowSeq;
    1896             :                     }
    1897             :                 }
    1898             :             }
    1899             :             // select largest load from NoDOAS arrays
    1900       14613 :             if (calcZoneSizing.DesHeatLoadNoDOAS > calcFinalZoneSizing.DesHeatLoadNoDOAS) {
    1901          13 :                 calcFinalZoneSizing.DesHeatLoadNoDOAS = calcZoneSizing.DesHeatLoadNoDOAS;
    1902          13 :                 calcFinalZoneSizing.HeatLoadNoDOASSeq = calcZoneSizing.HeatLoadNoDOASSeq;
    1903          13 :                 calcFinalZoneSizing.HeatNoDOASDDNum = calcZoneSizing.HeatNoDOASDDNum;
    1904          13 :                 calcFinalZoneSizing.HeatNoDOASDesDay = calcZoneSizing.HeatNoDOASDesDay;
    1905          13 :                 calcFinalZoneSizing.TimeStepNumAtHeatNoDOASMax = calcZoneSizing.TimeStepNumAtHeatNoDOASMax;
    1906             :             }
    1907       14613 :             if (calcZoneSizing.DesLatentHeatLoadNoDOAS > calcFinalZoneSizing.DesLatentHeatLoadNoDOAS) {
    1908          14 :                 calcFinalZoneSizing.DesLatentHeatLoadNoDOAS = calcZoneSizing.DesLatentHeatLoadNoDOAS;
    1909          14 :                 calcFinalZoneSizing.HeatLatentLoadNoDOASSeq = calcZoneSizing.HeatLatentLoadNoDOASSeq;
    1910          14 :                 calcFinalZoneSizing.LatentHeatNoDOASDDNum = calcZoneSizing.LatentHeatNoDOASDDNum;
    1911          14 :                 calcFinalZoneSizing.LatHeatNoDOASDesDay = calcZoneSizing.LatHeatNoDOASDesDay;
    1912          14 :                 calcFinalZoneSizing.TimeStepNumAtLatentHeatNoDOASMax = calcZoneSizing.TimeStepNumAtLatentHeatNoDOASMax;
    1913             :             }
    1914             :             // from all the design periods, choose the one needing the most Cooling and save all its design variables in CalcFinalZoneSizing
    1915       14613 :             if (calcZoneSizing.DesCoolVolFlow > calcFinalZoneSizing.DesCoolVolFlow) {
    1916        3558 :                 calcFinalZoneSizing.DesCoolVolFlow = calcZoneSizing.DesCoolVolFlow;
    1917        3558 :                 calcFinalZoneSizing.DesCoolLoad = calcZoneSizing.DesCoolLoad;
    1918        3558 :                 calcFinalZoneSizing.DesCoolMassFlow = calcZoneSizing.DesCoolMassFlow;
    1919        3558 :                 calcFinalZoneSizing.CoolDesDay = calcZoneSizing.CoolDesDay;
    1920        3558 :                 calcFinalZoneSizing.DesCoolDens = calcZoneSizing.DesCoolDens;
    1921        3558 :                 calcFinalZoneSizing.CoolFlowSeq = calcZoneSizing.CoolFlowSeq;
    1922        3558 :                 calcFinalZoneSizing.CoolLoadSeq = calcZoneSizing.CoolLoadSeq;
    1923        3558 :                 calcFinalZoneSizing.CoolZoneTempSeq = calcZoneSizing.CoolZoneTempSeq;
    1924        3558 :                 calcFinalZoneSizing.CoolOutTempSeq = calcZoneSizing.CoolOutTempSeq;
    1925        3558 :                 calcFinalZoneSizing.CoolZoneRetTempSeq = calcZoneSizing.CoolZoneRetTempSeq;
    1926        3558 :                 calcFinalZoneSizing.CoolZoneHumRatSeq = calcZoneSizing.CoolZoneHumRatSeq;
    1927        3558 :                 calcFinalZoneSizing.CoolOutHumRatSeq = calcZoneSizing.CoolOutHumRatSeq;
    1928        3558 :                 calcFinalZoneSizing.ZoneTempAtCoolPeak = calcZoneSizing.ZoneTempAtCoolPeak;
    1929        3558 :                 calcFinalZoneSizing.OutTempAtCoolPeak = calcZoneSizing.OutTempAtCoolPeak;
    1930        3558 :                 calcFinalZoneSizing.ZoneRetTempAtCoolPeak = calcZoneSizing.ZoneRetTempAtCoolPeak;
    1931        3558 :                 calcFinalZoneSizing.ZoneHumRatAtCoolPeak = calcZoneSizing.ZoneHumRatAtCoolPeak;
    1932        3558 :                 calcFinalZoneSizing.OutHumRatAtCoolPeak = calcZoneSizing.OutHumRatAtCoolPeak;
    1933        3558 :                 calcFinalZoneSizing.CoolDDNum = calcZoneSizing.CoolDDNum;
    1934        3558 :                 calcFinalZoneSizing.cCoolDDDate = desDayWeath.DateString;
    1935        3558 :                 calcFinalZoneSizing.TimeStepNumAtCoolMax = calcZoneSizing.TimeStepNumAtCoolMax;
    1936        3558 :                 calcFinalZoneSizing.DesCoolCoilInTemp = calcZoneSizing.DesCoolCoilInTemp;
    1937        3558 :                 calcFinalZoneSizing.DesCoolCoilInHumRat = calcZoneSizing.DesCoolCoilInHumRat;
    1938             :             } else {
    1939       11055 :                 calcFinalZoneSizing.DesCoolDens = state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir;
    1940             :                 // save design cooling load when the there is design cooling load and the design cooling volume flow rate is zero, i.e., when
    1941             :                 // design cooling volume flow rate is set to zero due to cooling supply air temp greater than zone thermostat temperature
    1942       11055 :                 if (calcZoneSizing.DesCoolLoad > calcFinalZoneSizing.DesCoolLoad) {
    1943           0 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.DesCoolLoad = calcZoneSizing.DesCoolLoad;
    1944           0 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.CoolDesDay = calcZoneSizing.CoolDesDay;
    1945           0 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.CoolLoadSeq = calcZoneSizing.CoolLoadSeq;
    1946           0 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.CoolZoneTempSeq = calcZoneSizing.CoolZoneTempSeq;
    1947           0 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.CoolOutTempSeq = calcZoneSizing.CoolOutTempSeq;
    1948           0 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.CoolZoneRetTempSeq = calcZoneSizing.CoolZoneRetTempSeq;
    1949           0 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.CoolZoneHumRatSeq = calcZoneSizing.CoolZoneHumRatSeq;
    1950           0 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.CoolOutHumRatSeq = calcZoneSizing.CoolOutHumRatSeq;
    1951           0 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.ZoneTempAtCoolPeak = calcZoneSizing.ZoneTempAtCoolPeak;
    1952           0 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.OutTempAtCoolPeak = calcZoneSizing.OutTempAtCoolPeak;
    1953           0 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.ZoneRetTempAtCoolPeak = calcZoneSizing.ZoneRetTempAtCoolPeak;
    1954           0 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.ZoneHumRatAtCoolPeak = calcZoneSizing.ZoneHumRatAtCoolPeak;
    1955           0 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.OutHumRatAtCoolPeak = calcZoneSizing.OutHumRatAtCoolPeak;
    1956           0 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.CoolDDNum = calcZoneSizing.CoolDDNum;
    1957           0 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.cCoolDDDate = desDayWeath.DateString;
    1958           0 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.TimeStepNumAtCoolMax = calcZoneSizing.TimeStepNumAtCoolMax;
    1959           0 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.DesCoolCoilInTemp = calcZoneSizing.DesCoolCoilInTemp;
    1960           0 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.DesCoolCoilInHumRat = calcZoneSizing.DesCoolCoilInHumRat;
    1961           0 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.CoolTstatTemp = calcZoneSizing.CoolTstatTemp;
    1962             :                 }
    1963             :             }
    1964       14613 :             if (calcZoneSizing.zoneLatentSizing) {
    1965             :                 // from all the design periods, choose the one needing the most Latent Cooling and save all its design variables in
    1966             :                 // CalcFinalZoneSizing
    1967          52 :                 if (calcZoneSizing.DesLatentCoolVolFlow > calcFinalZoneSizing.DesLatentCoolVolFlow) {
    1968          19 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.DesLatentCoolVolFlow = calcZoneSizing.DesLatentCoolVolFlow;
    1969          19 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.DesLatentCoolMassFlow = calcZoneSizing.DesLatentCoolMassFlow;
    1970          19 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.DesLatentCoolLoad = calcZoneSizing.DesLatentCoolLoad;
    1971          19 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.ZoneTempAtLatentCoolPeak = calcZoneSizing.ZoneTempAtLatentCoolPeak;
    1972          19 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.ZoneHumRatAtLatentCoolPeak = calcZoneSizing.ZoneHumRatAtLatentCoolPeak;
    1973          19 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.ZoneRetTempAtLatentCoolPeak = calcZoneSizing.ZoneRetTempAtLatentCoolPeak;
    1974          19 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.DesLatentCoolCoilInTemp = calcZoneSizing.DesLatentCoolCoilInTemp;
    1975          19 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.DesLatentCoolCoilInHumRat = calcZoneSizing.DesLatentCoolCoilInHumRat;
    1976          19 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.LatCoolDesDay = calcZoneSizing.LatCoolDesDay;
    1977          19 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.cLatentCoolDDDate = desDayWeath.DateString;
    1978          19 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.LatentCoolDDNum = calcZoneSizing.LatentCoolDDNum;
    1979          19 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.TimeStepNumAtLatentCoolMax = calcZoneSizing.TimeStepNumAtLatentCoolMax;
    1980          19 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.LatentCoolLoadSeq = calcZoneSizing.LatentCoolLoadSeq;
    1981          19 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.LatentCoolFlowSeq = calcZoneSizing.LatentCoolFlowSeq;
    1982             :                 } else {
    1983             :                     // save design latent cooling load when the there is design load and the design volume flow rate is zero, i.e., when
    1984             :                     // design latent cooling volume flow rate is set to zero due to cooling supply air humrat is greater than zone humidistat humrat
    1985          33 :                     if (calcZoneSizing.DesLatentCoolLoad > calcFinalZoneSizing.DesLatentCoolLoad) {
    1986           0 :                         calcFinalZoneSizing.DesLatentCoolLoad = calcZoneSizing.DesLatentCoolLoad;
    1987           0 :                         calcFinalZoneSizing.cLatentCoolDDDate = desDayWeath.DateString;
    1988           0 :                         calcFinalZoneSizing.LatentCoolDDNum = calcZoneSizing.LatentCoolDDNum;
    1989           0 :                         calcFinalZoneSizing.LatCoolDesDay = calcZoneSizing.LatCoolDesDay;
    1990           0 :                         calcFinalZoneSizing.TimeStepNumAtLatentCoolMax = calcZoneSizing.TimeStepNumAtLatentCoolMax;
    1991           0 :                         calcFinalZoneSizing.LatentCoolLoadSeq = calcZoneSizing.LatentCoolLoadSeq;
    1992             :                     }
    1993             :                 }
    1994             :             }
    1995       14613 :             if (calcZoneSizing.DesCoolLoadNoDOAS > calcFinalZoneSizing.DesCoolLoadNoDOAS) {
    1996          13 :                 calcFinalZoneSizing.DesCoolLoadNoDOAS = calcZoneSizing.DesCoolLoadNoDOAS;
    1997          13 :                 calcFinalZoneSizing.CoolLoadNoDOASSeq = calcZoneSizing.CoolLoadNoDOASSeq;
    1998          13 :                 calcFinalZoneSizing.CoolNoDOASDDNum = calcZoneSizing.CoolNoDOASDDNum;
    1999          13 :                 calcFinalZoneSizing.CoolNoDOASDesDay = calcZoneSizing.CoolNoDOASDesDay;
    2000          13 :                 calcFinalZoneSizing.TimeStepNumAtCoolNoDOASMax = calcZoneSizing.TimeStepNumAtCoolNoDOASMax;
    2001             :             }
    2002       14613 :             if (calcZoneSizing.DesLatentCoolLoadNoDOAS > calcFinalZoneSizing.DesLatentCoolLoadNoDOAS) {
    2003          19 :                 calcFinalZoneSizing.DesLatentCoolLoadNoDOAS = calcZoneSizing.DesLatentCoolLoadNoDOAS;
    2004          19 :                 calcFinalZoneSizing.CoolLatentLoadNoDOASSeq = calcZoneSizing.CoolLatentLoadNoDOASSeq;
    2005          19 :                 calcFinalZoneSizing.LatentCoolNoDOASDDNum = calcZoneSizing.LatentCoolNoDOASDDNum;
    2006          19 :                 calcFinalZoneSizing.LatCoolNoDOASDesDay = calcZoneSizing.LatCoolNoDOASDesDay;
    2007          19 :                 calcFinalZoneSizing.TimeStepNumAtLatentCoolNoDOASMax = calcZoneSizing.TimeStepNumAtLatentCoolNoDOASMax;
    2008             :             }
    2009             :             // save heat peak conditions when there is no design heating load or design heating volume flow rate, i.e., when
    2010             :             // zone temperature is always greater than the zone heating thermostat temperature
    2011       14613 :             if (calcFinalZoneSizing.DesHeatLoad == 0) {
    2012        4272 :                 bool FirstIteration = true;
    2013      520464 :                 for (TimeStepIndex = 1; TimeStepIndex <= state.dataZoneEquipmentManager->NumOfTimeStepInDay; ++TimeStepIndex) {
    2014      516192 :                     if ((calcZoneSizing.HeatZoneTempSeq(TimeStepIndex) < calcZoneSizing.ZoneTempAtHeatPeak) || FirstIteration) {
    2015       19334 :                         calcZoneSizing.ZoneTempAtHeatPeak = calcZoneSizing.HeatZoneTempSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    2016       19334 :                         calcZoneSizing.OutTempAtHeatPeak = calcZoneSizing.HeatOutTempSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    2017       19334 :                         calcZoneSizing.ZoneRetTempAtHeatPeak = calcZoneSizing.HeatZoneRetTempSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    2018       19334 :                         calcZoneSizing.ZoneHumRatAtHeatPeak = calcZoneSizing.HeatZoneHumRatSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    2019       19334 :                         calcZoneSizing.OutHumRatAtHeatPeak = calcZoneSizing.HeatOutHumRatSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    2020       19334 :                         calcZoneSizing.TimeStepNumAtHeatMax = TimeStepIndex;
    2021       19334 :                         FirstIteration = false;
    2022             :                     }
    2023             :                 }
    2024        4272 :                 if (calcZoneSizing.OutTempAtHeatPeak <= calcFinalZoneSizing.OutTempAtHeatPeak) {
    2025        3729 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.HeatDesDay = calcZoneSizing.HeatDesDay;
    2026        3729 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.HeatZoneTempSeq = calcZoneSizing.HeatZoneTempSeq;
    2027        3729 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.HeatOutTempSeq = calcZoneSizing.HeatOutTempSeq;
    2028        3729 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.HeatZoneRetTempSeq = calcZoneSizing.HeatZoneRetTempSeq;
    2029        3729 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.HeatZoneHumRatSeq = calcZoneSizing.HeatZoneHumRatSeq;
    2030        3729 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.HeatOutHumRatSeq = calcZoneSizing.HeatOutHumRatSeq;
    2031        3729 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.ZoneTempAtHeatPeak = calcZoneSizing.ZoneTempAtHeatPeak;
    2032        3729 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.OutTempAtHeatPeak = calcZoneSizing.OutTempAtHeatPeak;
    2033        3729 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.ZoneRetTempAtHeatPeak = calcZoneSizing.ZoneRetTempAtHeatPeak;
    2034        3729 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.ZoneHumRatAtHeatPeak = calcZoneSizing.ZoneHumRatAtHeatPeak;
    2035        3729 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.OutHumRatAtHeatPeak = calcZoneSizing.OutHumRatAtHeatPeak;
    2036        3729 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.HeatDDNum = calcZoneSizing.HeatDDNum;
    2037        3729 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.cHeatDDDate = desDayWeath.DateString;
    2038        3729 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.TimeStepNumAtHeatMax = calcZoneSizing.TimeStepNumAtHeatMax;
    2039        3729 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.DesHeatCoilInTemp = calcZoneSizing.DesHeatCoilInTemp;
    2040        3729 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.DesHeatCoilInHumRat = calcZoneSizing.DesHeatCoilInHumRat;
    2041        3729 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.HeatTstatTemp = calcZoneSizing.HeatTstatTemp;
    2042        3729 :                     FirstIteration = false;
    2043             :                 }
    2044             :             }
    2045       14613 :             if (calcFinalZoneSizing.zoneLatentSizing && calcFinalZoneSizing.DesLatentHeatLoad == 0) {
    2046          30 :                 bool FirstIteration = true;
    2047        2910 :                 for (TimeStepIndex = 1; TimeStepIndex <= state.dataZoneEquipmentManager->NumOfTimeStepInDay; ++TimeStepIndex) {
    2048        2880 :                     if (calcZoneSizing.HeatZoneTempSeq(TimeStepIndex) < calcZoneSizing.ZoneTempAtLatentHeatPeak || FirstIteration) {
    2049          82 :                         calcZoneSizing.ZoneTempAtLatentHeatPeak = calcZoneSizing.HeatZoneTempSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    2050          82 :                         calcZoneSizing.OutTempAtLatentHeatPeak = calcZoneSizing.HeatOutTempSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    2051          82 :                         calcZoneSizing.OutHumRatAtLatentHeatPeak = calcZoneSizing.HeatOutHumRatSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    2052             :                     }
    2053        2880 :                     if (calcZoneSizing.HeatOutTempSeq(TimeStepIndex) <= calcFinalZoneSizing.OutTempAtLatentHeatPeak) {
    2054        1920 :                         calcFinalZoneSizing.OutTempAtLatentHeatPeak = calcZoneSizing.HeatOutTempSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    2055        1920 :                         calcFinalZoneSizing.OutHumRatAtLatentHeatPeak = calcZoneSizing.HeatOutHumRatSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    2056        1920 :                         calcFinalZoneSizing.LatHeatDesDay = calcZoneSizing.LatHeatDesDay;
    2057        1920 :                         calcFinalZoneSizing.LatentHeatDDNum = calcZoneSizing.LatentHeatDDNum;
    2058        1920 :                         calcFinalZoneSizing.cLatentHeatDDDate = desDayWeath.DateString;
    2059        1920 :                         calcFinalZoneSizing.TimeStepNumAtLatentHeatMax = calcZoneSizing.TimeStepNumAtLatentHeatMax;
    2060             :                     }
    2061        2880 :                     FirstIteration = false;
    2062             :                 }
    2063             :             }
    2064             :             // save cool peak conditions when there is no design cooling load or design cooling volume flow rate, i.e., when
    2065             :             // zone temperature is always less than the zone cooling thermostat temperature
    2066       14613 :             if (calcFinalZoneSizing.DesCoolLoad == 0) {
    2067        9830 :                 bool FirstIteration = true;
    2068     1217030 :                 for (TimeStepIndex = 1; TimeStepIndex <= state.dataZoneEquipmentManager->NumOfTimeStepInDay; ++TimeStepIndex) {
    2069     1207200 :                     if ((calcZoneSizing.CoolZoneTempSeq(TimeStepIndex) > calcZoneSizing.ZoneTempAtCoolPeak) || FirstIteration) {
    2070       95562 :                         calcZoneSizing.ZoneTempAtCoolPeak = calcZoneSizing.CoolZoneTempSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    2071       95562 :                         calcZoneSizing.OutTempAtCoolPeak = calcZoneSizing.CoolOutTempSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    2072       95562 :                         calcZoneSizing.ZoneRetTempAtCoolPeak = calcZoneSizing.CoolZoneRetTempSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    2073       95562 :                         calcZoneSizing.ZoneHumRatAtCoolPeak = calcZoneSizing.CoolZoneHumRatSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    2074       95562 :                         calcZoneSizing.OutHumRatAtCoolPeak = calcZoneSizing.CoolOutHumRatSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    2075       95562 :                         calcZoneSizing.TimeStepNumAtCoolMax = TimeStepIndex;
    2076       95562 :                         FirstIteration = false;
    2077             :                     }
    2078             :                 }
    2079        9830 :                 if (calcZoneSizing.OutTempAtCoolPeak > calcFinalZoneSizing.OutTempAtCoolPeak) {
    2080         282 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.CoolDesDay = calcZoneSizing.CoolDesDay;
    2081         282 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.CoolZoneTempSeq = calcZoneSizing.CoolZoneTempSeq;
    2082         282 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.CoolOutTempSeq = calcZoneSizing.CoolOutTempSeq;
    2083         282 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.CoolZoneRetTempSeq = calcZoneSizing.CoolZoneRetTempSeq;
    2084         282 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.CoolZoneHumRatSeq = calcZoneSizing.CoolZoneHumRatSeq;
    2085         282 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.CoolOutHumRatSeq = calcZoneSizing.CoolOutHumRatSeq;
    2086         282 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.ZoneTempAtCoolPeak = calcZoneSizing.ZoneTempAtCoolPeak;
    2087         282 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.OutTempAtCoolPeak = calcZoneSizing.OutTempAtCoolPeak;
    2088         282 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.ZoneRetTempAtCoolPeak = calcZoneSizing.ZoneRetTempAtCoolPeak;
    2089         282 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.ZoneHumRatAtCoolPeak = calcZoneSizing.ZoneHumRatAtCoolPeak;
    2090         282 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.OutHumRatAtCoolPeak = calcZoneSizing.OutHumRatAtCoolPeak;
    2091         282 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.CoolDDNum = calcZoneSizing.CoolDDNum;
    2092         282 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.cCoolDDDate = desDayWeath.DateString;
    2093         282 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.TimeStepNumAtCoolMax = calcZoneSizing.TimeStepNumAtCoolMax;
    2094         282 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.DesCoolCoilInTemp = calcZoneSizing.DesCoolCoilInTemp;
    2095         282 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.DesCoolCoilInHumRat = calcZoneSizing.DesCoolCoilInHumRat;
    2096         282 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.CoolTstatTemp = calcZoneSizing.CoolTstatTemp;
    2097             :                 }
    2098             :             }
    2099       14613 :             if (calcFinalZoneSizing.zoneLatentSizing && calcFinalZoneSizing.DesLatentCoolLoad == 0) {
    2100          27 :                 bool FirstIteration = true;
    2101        2619 :                 for (TimeStepIndex = 1; TimeStepIndex <= state.dataZoneEquipmentManager->NumOfTimeStepInDay; ++TimeStepIndex) {
    2102        2592 :                     if (calcZoneSizing.CoolZoneTempSeq(TimeStepIndex) > calcZoneSizing.ZoneTempAtLatentCoolPeak || FirstIteration) {
    2103          43 :                         calcZoneSizing.ZoneTempAtLatentCoolPeak = calcZoneSizing.CoolZoneTempSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    2104          43 :                         calcZoneSizing.OutTempAtLatentCoolPeak = calcZoneSizing.CoolOutTempSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    2105          43 :                         calcZoneSizing.OutHumRatAtLatentCoolPeak = calcZoneSizing.CoolOutHumRatSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    2106          43 :                         FirstIteration = false;
    2107             :                     }
    2108        2592 :                     if (calcZoneSizing.OutTempAtLatentCoolPeak >= calcFinalZoneSizing.OutTempAtLatentCoolPeak) {
    2109        2016 :                         calcFinalZoneSizing.LatCoolDesDay = calcZoneSizing.LatCoolDesDay;
    2110        2016 :                         calcFinalZoneSizing.LatentCoolDDNum = calcZoneSizing.LatentCoolDDNum;
    2111        2016 :                         calcFinalZoneSizing.cLatentCoolDDDate = desDayWeath.DateString;
    2112        2016 :                         calcFinalZoneSizing.TimeStepNumAtLatentCoolMax = calcZoneSizing.TimeStepNumAtLatentCoolMax;
    2113             :                     }
    2114             :                 }
    2115             :             }
    2116        1801 :         }
    2117        1801 :     } break;
    2118         428 :     case DataGlobalConstants::CallIndicator::EndZoneSizingCalc: {
    2119             :         // candidate EMS calling point to customize CalcFinalZoneSizing
    2120             :         bool anyEMSRan;
    2121         428 :         EMSManager::ManageEMS(state, EMSManager::EMSCallFrom::ZoneSizing, anyEMSRan, ObjexxFCL::Optional_int_const());
    2122             : 
    2123             :         // now apply EMS overrides (if any)
    2124         428 :         if (state.dataGlobal->AnyEnergyManagementSystemInModel) {
    2125        1122 :             for (int CtrlZoneNum = 1; CtrlZoneNum <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++CtrlZoneNum) {
    2126        1067 :                 auto &calcFinalZoneSizing = state.dataSize->CalcFinalZoneSizing(CtrlZoneNum);
    2127        1067 :                 if (calcFinalZoneSizing.EMSOverrideDesHeatMassOn) {
    2128           0 :                     if (calcFinalZoneSizing.DesHeatMassFlow > 0.0) calcFinalZoneSizing.DesHeatMassFlow = calcFinalZoneSizing.EMSValueDesHeatMassFlow;
    2129             :                 }
    2130        1067 :                 if (calcFinalZoneSizing.EMSOverrideDesCoolMassOn) {
    2131           0 :                     if (calcFinalZoneSizing.DesCoolMassFlow > 0.0) calcFinalZoneSizing.DesCoolMassFlow = calcFinalZoneSizing.EMSValueDesCoolMassFlow;
    2132             :                 }
    2133        1067 :                 if (calcFinalZoneSizing.EMSOverrideDesHeatLoadOn) {
    2134           0 :                     if (calcFinalZoneSizing.DesHeatLoad > 0.0) calcFinalZoneSizing.DesHeatLoad = calcFinalZoneSizing.EMSValueDesHeatLoad;
    2135             :                 }
    2136        1067 :                 if (calcFinalZoneSizing.EMSOverrideDesCoolLoadOn) {
    2137           0 :                     if (calcFinalZoneSizing.DesCoolLoad > 0.0) calcFinalZoneSizing.DesCoolLoad = calcFinalZoneSizing.EMSValueDesCoolLoad;
    2138             :                 }
    2139        1067 :                 if (calcFinalZoneSizing.EMSOverrideDesHeatVolOn) {
    2140           0 :                     if (calcFinalZoneSizing.DesHeatVolFlow > 0.0) calcFinalZoneSizing.DesHeatVolFlow = calcFinalZoneSizing.EMSValueDesHeatVolFlow;
    2141             :                 }
    2142        1067 :                 if (calcFinalZoneSizing.EMSOverrideDesCoolVolOn) {
    2143           0 :                     if (calcFinalZoneSizing.DesCoolVolFlow > 0.0) calcFinalZoneSizing.DesCoolVolFlow = calcFinalZoneSizing.EMSValueDesCoolVolFlow;
    2144             :                 }
    2145             :             }
    2146             :         }
    2147             : 
    2148         428 :         if (!state.dataGlobal->isPulseZoneSizing) {
    2149             : 
    2150        4188 :             for (int CtrlZoneNum = 1; CtrlZoneNum <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++CtrlZoneNum) {
    2151        3783 :                 if (!state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(CtrlZoneNum).IsControlled) continue;
    2152        3315 :                 auto &calcFinalZoneSizing = state.dataSize->CalcFinalZoneSizing(CtrlZoneNum);
    2153        3315 :                 if (std::abs(calcFinalZoneSizing.DesCoolLoad) <= 1.e-8) {
    2154          80 :                     ShowWarningError(state, "Calculated design cooling load for zone=" + calcFinalZoneSizing.ZoneName + " is zero.");
    2155          80 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "Check Sizing:Zone and ZoneControl:Thermostat inputs.");
    2156             :                 }
    2157        3315 :                 if (std::abs(calcFinalZoneSizing.DesHeatLoad) <= 1.e-8) {
    2158         188 :                     ShowWarningError(state, "Calculated design heating load for zone=" + calcFinalZoneSizing.ZoneName + " is zero.");
    2159         188 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "Check Sizing:Zone and ZoneControl:Thermostat inputs.");
    2160             :                 }
    2161             :             }
    2162             : 
    2163         405 :             print(state.files.zsz, "Time");
    2164        4188 :             for (I = 1; I <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++I) {
    2165        3783 :                 if (!state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(I).IsControlled) continue;
    2166        3315 :                 auto &calcFinalZoneSizing = state.dataSize->CalcFinalZoneSizing(I);
    2167             : 
    2168             :                 static constexpr std::string_view ZSizeFmt11("{}{}:{}{}{}{}:{}{}{}{}:{}{}{}{}:{}{}{}{}:{}{}{}{}:{}{}{}{}:{}{}{}{}:{}{}{}{}:{}{}{}{}:{"
    2169             :                                                              "}{}{}{}:{}{}{}{}:{}{}{}{}:{}{}{}{}:{}{}{}{}:{}{}{}{}:{}{}");
    2170       82875 :                 print(state.files.zsz,
    2171             :                       ZSizeFmt11,
    2172        3315 :                       state.dataSize->SizingFileColSep,
    2173        3315 :                       state.dataSize->CalcFinalZoneSizing(I).ZoneName,
    2174        3315 :                       state.dataSize->CalcFinalZoneSizing(I).HeatDesDay,
    2175             :                       ":Des Heat Load [W]",
    2176        3315 :                       state.dataSize->SizingFileColSep,
    2177        3315 :                       state.dataSize->CalcFinalZoneSizing(I).ZoneName,
    2178        3315 :                       state.dataSize->CalcFinalZoneSizing(I).CoolDesDay,
    2179             :                       ":Des Sens Cool Load [W]",
    2180        3315 :                       state.dataSize->SizingFileColSep,
    2181        3315 :                       state.dataSize->CalcFinalZoneSizing(I).ZoneName,
    2182        3315 :                       state.dataSize->CalcFinalZoneSizing(I).HeatDesDay,
    2183             :                       ":Des Heat Mass Flow [kg/s]",
    2184        3315 :                       state.dataSize->SizingFileColSep,
    2185        3315 :                       state.dataSize->CalcFinalZoneSizing(I).ZoneName,
    2186        3315 :                       state.dataSize->CalcFinalZoneSizing(I).CoolDesDay,
    2187             :                       ":Des Cool Mass Flow [kg/s]",
    2188        3315 :                       state.dataSize->SizingFileColSep,
    2189             :                       calcFinalZoneSizing.ZoneName,
    2190             :                       calcFinalZoneSizing.LatHeatDesDay,
    2191             :                       ":Des Latent Heat Load [W]",
    2192        3315 :                       state.dataSize->SizingFileColSep,
    2193             :                       calcFinalZoneSizing.ZoneName,
    2194             :                       calcFinalZoneSizing.LatCoolDesDay,
    2195             :                       ":Des Latent Cool Load [W]",
    2196        3315 :                       state.dataSize->SizingFileColSep,
    2197             :                       calcFinalZoneSizing.ZoneName,
    2198             :                       calcFinalZoneSizing.LatHeatDesDay,
    2199             :                       ":Des Latent Heat Mass Flow [kg/s]",
    2200        3315 :                       state.dataSize->SizingFileColSep,
    2201             :                       calcFinalZoneSizing.ZoneName,
    2202             :                       calcFinalZoneSizing.LatCoolDesDay,
    2203             :                       ":Des Latent Cool Mass Flow [kg/s]",
    2204        3315 :                       state.dataSize->SizingFileColSep,
    2205             :                       calcFinalZoneSizing.ZoneName,
    2206             :                       calcFinalZoneSizing.HeatNoDOASDesDay,
    2207             :                       ":Des Heat Load No DOAS [W]",
    2208        3315 :                       state.dataSize->SizingFileColSep,
    2209             :                       calcFinalZoneSizing.ZoneName,
    2210             :                       calcFinalZoneSizing.CoolNoDOASDesDay,
    2211             :                       ":Des Sens Cool Load No DOAS [W]",
    2212        3315 :                       state.dataSize->SizingFileColSep,
    2213             :                       calcFinalZoneSizing.ZoneName,
    2214             :                       calcFinalZoneSizing.LatHeatNoDOASDesDay,
    2215             :                       ":Des Latent Heat Load No DOAS [W]",
    2216        3315 :                       state.dataSize->SizingFileColSep,
    2217             :                       calcFinalZoneSizing.ZoneName,
    2218             :                       calcFinalZoneSizing.LatCoolNoDOASDesDay,
    2219             :                       ":Des Latent Cool Load No DOAS [W]",
    2220        3315 :                       state.dataSize->SizingFileColSep,
    2221             :                       calcFinalZoneSizing.ZoneName,
    2222             :                       calcFinalZoneSizing.HeatDesDay,
    2223             :                       ":Heating Zone Temperature [C]",
    2224        3315 :                       state.dataSize->SizingFileColSep,
    2225             :                       calcFinalZoneSizing.ZoneName,
    2226             :                       calcFinalZoneSizing.HeatDesDay,
    2227             :                       ":Heating Zone Relative Humidity [%]",
    2228        3315 :                       state.dataSize->SizingFileColSep,
    2229             :                       calcFinalZoneSizing.ZoneName,
    2230             :                       calcFinalZoneSizing.CoolDesDay,
    2231             :                       ":Cooling Zone Temperature [C]",
    2232        3315 :                       state.dataSize->SizingFileColSep,
    2233             :                       calcFinalZoneSizing.ZoneName,
    2234             :                       calcFinalZoneSizing.CoolDesDay,
    2235             :                       ":Cooling Zone Relative Humidity [%]");
    2236             : 
    2237             :                 // Should this be done only if there is a cooling load? Or would this message help determine why there was no load?
    2238        3315 :                 if (std::abs(state.dataSize->CalcFinalZoneSizing(I).DesCoolLoad) > 1.e-8) {
    2239             :                     // check for low cooling delta T from supply to zone to see if air volume flow rate might be excessively high
    2240        3235 :                     if (state.dataSize->CalcFinalZoneSizing(I).ZnCoolDgnSAMethod == SupplyAirTemperature) {
    2241        3235 :                         SupplyTemp = state.dataSize->CalcFinalZoneSizing(I).CoolDesTemp;
    2242        3235 :                         DeltaTemp = SupplyTemp - state.dataSize->CalcFinalZoneSizing(I).ZoneTempAtCoolPeak;
    2243             :                     } else {
    2244           0 :                         DeltaTemp = -std::abs(state.dataSize->CalcFinalZoneSizing(I).CoolDesTempDiff);
    2245           0 :                         SupplyTemp = DeltaTemp + state.dataSize->CalcFinalZoneSizing(I).ZoneTempAtCoolPeak;
    2246             :                     }
    2247             : 
    2248             :                     // check for low delta T to avoid very high flow rates
    2249        3235 :                     if (std::abs(DeltaTemp) < 5.0 && std::abs(DeltaTemp) > DataHVACGlobals::SmallTempDiff) { // Vdot exceeds 1200 cfm/ton @ DT=5
    2250           2 :                         if (std::abs(DeltaTemp) >= 2.0) {                                                    // Vdot exceeds 3000 cfm/ton @ DT=2
    2251           2 :                             ShowWarningError(state, "UpdateZoneSizing: Cooling supply air temperature (calculated) within 5C of zone temperature");
    2252             :                         } else {
    2253           0 :                             ShowSevereError(state, "UpdateZoneSizing: Cooling supply air temperature (calculated) within 2C of zone temperature");
    2254             :                         }
    2255           2 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "...check zone thermostat set point and design supply air temperatures");
    2256           2 :                         ShowContinueError(state, format(" name = {}", state.dataSize->CalcFinalZoneSizing(I).ZoneName));
    2257           6 :                         ShowContinueError(state,
    2258           4 :                                           format(" sensible cooling load = {:.2R} W", state.dataSize->CalcFinalZoneSizing(I).DesCoolLoad));
    2259           6 :                         ShowContinueError(state,
    2260           4 :                                           format("...thermostat set point temp    = {:.3R} C", state.dataSize->CalcFinalZoneSizing(I).CoolTstatTemp));
    2261           6 :                         ShowContinueError(
    2262           4 :                             state, format(" temperature             = {:.3R} C", state.dataSize->CalcFinalZoneSizing(I).ZoneTempAtCoolPeak));
    2263           2 :                         ShowContinueError(state, format(" air temperature       = {:.3R} C", SupplyTemp));
    2264           2 :                         ShowContinueError(state, format("...temperature difference       = {:.5R} C", DeltaTemp));
    2265           6 :                         ShowContinueError(
    2266           4 :                             state, format("...calculated volume flow rate  = {:.5R} m3/s", (state.dataSize->CalcFinalZoneSizing(I).DesCoolVolFlow)));
    2267           6 :                         ShowContinueError(
    2268           4 :                             state, format("...calculated mass flow rate    = {:.5R} kg/s", (state.dataSize->CalcFinalZoneSizing(I).DesCoolMassFlow)));
    2269           2 :                         if (SupplyTemp > state.dataSize->CalcFinalZoneSizing(I).ZoneTempAtCoolPeak)
    2270           0 :                             ShowContinueError(
    2271             :                                 state, "...Note: supply air temperature should be less than zone temperature during cooling air flow calculations");
    2272        6466 :                     } else if (std::abs(DeltaTemp) > DataHVACGlobals::SmallTempDiff &&
    2273        3233 :                                SupplyTemp > state.dataSize->CalcFinalZoneSizing(I).ZoneTempAtCoolPeak) {
    2274           0 :                         ShowSevereError(
    2275             :                             state, "UpdateZoneSizing: Supply air temperature is greater than zone temperature during cooling air flow calculations");
    2276           0 :                         ShowContinueError(
    2277           0 :                             state, format("...calculated volume flow rate  = {:.5R} m3/s", (state.dataSize->CalcFinalZoneSizing(I).DesCoolVolFlow)));
    2278           0 :                         ShowContinueError(
    2279           0 :                             state, format("...calculated mass flow rate    = {:.5R} kg/s", (state.dataSize->CalcFinalZoneSizing(I).DesCoolMassFlow)));
    2280           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state,
    2281           0 :                                           format("...thermostat set point temp    = {:.3R} C", state.dataSize->CalcFinalZoneSizing(I).CoolTstatTemp));
    2282           0 :                         ShowContinueError(
    2283           0 :                             state, format(" temperature            = {:.3R} C", state.dataSize->CalcFinalZoneSizing(I).ZoneTempAtCoolPeak));
    2284           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, format(" air temperature      = {:.3R} C", SupplyTemp));
    2285           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "...occurs in zone              = " + state.dataSize->CalcFinalZoneSizing(I).ZoneName);
    2286           0 :                         ShowContinueError(
    2287             :                             state, "...Note: supply air temperature should be less than zone temperature during cooling air flow calculations");
    2288             :                     }
    2289             :                 }
    2290             :                 // Should this be done only if there is a heating load? Or would this message help determine why there was no load?
    2291        3315 :                 if (std::abs(state.dataSize->CalcFinalZoneSizing(I).DesHeatLoad) > 1.e-8) { // ABS() ?
    2292             :                     // check for low cooling delta T from supply to zone to see if air volume flow rate might be excessively high
    2293        3127 :                     if (state.dataSize->CalcFinalZoneSizing(I).ZnHeatDgnSAMethod == SupplyAirTemperature) {
    2294        3127 :                         SupplyTemp = state.dataSize->CalcFinalZoneSizing(I).HeatDesTemp;
    2295        3127 :                         DeltaTemp = SupplyTemp - state.dataSize->CalcFinalZoneSizing(I).ZoneTempAtHeatPeak;
    2296             :                     } else {
    2297           0 :                         DeltaTemp = state.dataSize->CalcFinalZoneSizing(I).HeatDesTempDiff;
    2298           0 :                         SupplyTemp = DeltaTemp + state.dataSize->CalcFinalZoneSizing(I).ZoneTempAtHeatPeak;
    2299             :                     }
    2300             : 
    2301        3127 :                     if (std::abs(DeltaTemp) < 5.0 && std::abs(DeltaTemp) > DataHVACGlobals::SmallTempDiff) { // Vdot exceeds 1200 cfm/ton @ DT=5
    2302           0 :                         if (std::abs(DeltaTemp) >= 2.0) {                                                    // Vdot exceeds 3000 cfm/ton @ DT=2
    2303           0 :                             ShowWarningError(state, "UpdateZoneSizing: Heating supply air temperature (calculated) within 5C of zone temperature");
    2304             :                         } else {
    2305           0 :                             ShowSevereError(state, "UpdateZoneSizing: Heating supply air temperature (calculated) within 2C of zone temperature");
    2306             :                         }
    2307           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "...check zone thermostat set point and design supply air temperatures");
    2308           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, format(" name = {}", state.dataSize->CalcFinalZoneSizing(I).ZoneName));
    2309           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state,
    2310           0 :                                           format(" heating load         = {:.2R} W", state.dataSize->CalcFinalZoneSizing(I).DesHeatLoad));
    2311           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state,
    2312           0 :                                           format("...thermostat set point temp   = {:.3R} C", state.dataSize->CalcFinalZoneSizing(I).HeatTstatTemp));
    2313           0 :                         ShowContinueError(
    2314           0 :                             state, format(" temperature            = {:.3R} C", state.dataSize->CalcFinalZoneSizing(I).ZoneTempAtHeatPeak));
    2315           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, format(" air temperature      = {:.3R} C", SupplyTemp));
    2316           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, format("...temperature difference      = {:.5R} C", DeltaTemp));
    2317           0 :                         ShowContinueError(
    2318           0 :                             state, format("...calculated volume flow rate = {:.5R} m3/s", (state.dataSize->CalcFinalZoneSizing(I).DesHeatVolFlow)));
    2319           0 :                         ShowContinueError(
    2320           0 :                             state, format("...calculated mass flow rate   = {:.5R} kg/s", (state.dataSize->CalcFinalZoneSizing(I).DesHeatMassFlow)));
    2321           0 :                         if (SupplyTemp < state.dataSize->CalcFinalZoneSizing(I).ZoneTempAtHeatPeak)
    2322           0 :                             ShowContinueError(state,
    2323             :                                               "...Note: supply air temperature should be greater than zone temperature during heating air "
    2324             :                                               "flow calculations");
    2325        6254 :                     } else if (std::abs(DeltaTemp) > DataHVACGlobals::SmallTempDiff &&
    2326        3127 :                                SupplyTemp < state.dataSize->CalcFinalZoneSizing(I).ZoneTempAtHeatPeak) {
    2327           0 :                         ShowSevereError(
    2328             :                             state, "UpdateZoneSizing: Supply air temperature is less than zone temperature during heating air flow calculations");
    2329           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state,
    2330           0 :                                           format("...calculated design heating volume flow rate = {:.5R} m3/s",
    2331           0 :                                                  (state.dataSize->CalcFinalZoneSizing(I).DesHeatVolFlow)));
    2332           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state,
    2333           0 :                                           format("...calculated design heating mass flow rate   = {:.5R} kg/s",
    2334           0 :                                                  (state.dataSize->CalcFinalZoneSizing(I).DesHeatMassFlow)));
    2335           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state,
    2336           0 :                                           format("...thermostat set point temp   = {:.3R} C", state.dataSize->CalcFinalZoneSizing(I).HeatTstatTemp));
    2337           0 :                         ShowContinueError(
    2338           0 :                             state, format(" temperature            = {:.3R} C", state.dataSize->CalcFinalZoneSizing(I).ZoneTempAtHeatPeak));
    2339           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, format(" air temperature      = {:.3R} C", SupplyTemp));
    2340           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "...occurs in zone              = " + state.dataSize->CalcFinalZoneSizing(I).ZoneName);
    2341           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state,
    2342             :                                           "...Note: supply air temperature should be greater than zone temperature during heating air "
    2343             :                                           "flow calculations");
    2344             :                     }
    2345             :                 }
    2346             :             }
    2347             : 
    2348         405 :             print(state.files.zsz, "\n");
    2349             :             //      HourFrac = 0.0
    2350         405 :             Minutes = 0;
    2351         405 :             TimeStepIndex = 0;
    2352       10125 :             for (HourCounter = 1; HourCounter <= 24; ++HourCounter) {
    2353       60432 :                 for (TimeStepCounter = 1; TimeStepCounter <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfTimeStepInHour; ++TimeStepCounter) {
    2354       50712 :                     ++TimeStepIndex;
    2355       50712 :                     Minutes += state.dataGlobal->MinutesPerTimeStep;
    2356       50712 :                     if (Minutes == 60) {
    2357        9720 :                         Minutes = 0;
    2358        9720 :                         HourPrint = HourCounter;
    2359             :                     } else {
    2360       40992 :                         HourPrint = HourCounter - 1;
    2361             :                     }
    2362      513720 :                     for (int CtrlZoneNum = 1; CtrlZoneNum <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++CtrlZoneNum) {
    2363      463008 :                         if (!state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(CtrlZoneNum).IsControlled) continue;
    2364      409296 :                         auto &calcFinalZoneSizing = state.dataSize->CalcFinalZoneSizing(CtrlZoneNum);
    2365      409296 :                         if (TimeStepIndex == calcFinalZoneSizing.TimeStepNumAtHeatMax) {
    2366        3315 :                             state.dataSize->HeatPeakDateHrMin(CtrlZoneNum) =
    2367        6630 :                                 calcFinalZoneSizing.cHeatDDDate + ' ' + format(PeakHrMinFmt, HourPrint, Minutes);
    2368             :                         }
    2369      409296 :                         if (TimeStepIndex == calcFinalZoneSizing.TimeStepNumAtCoolMax) {
    2370        3315 :                             state.dataSize->CoolPeakDateHrMin(CtrlZoneNum) =
    2371        6630 :                                 calcFinalZoneSizing.cCoolDDDate + ' ' + format(PeakHrMinFmt, HourPrint, Minutes);
    2372             :                         }
    2373      409296 :                         if (TimeStepIndex == calcFinalZoneSizing.TimeStepNumAtLatentHeatMax) {
    2374           5 :                             state.dataSize->LatHeatPeakDateHrMin(CtrlZoneNum) =
    2375          10 :                                 calcFinalZoneSizing.cLatentHeatDDDate + ' ' + format(PeakHrMinFmt, HourPrint, Minutes);
    2376             :                         }
    2377      409296 :                         if (TimeStepIndex == calcFinalZoneSizing.TimeStepNumAtLatentCoolMax) {
    2378           8 :                             state.dataSize->LatCoolPeakDateHrMin(CtrlZoneNum) =
    2379          16 :                                 calcFinalZoneSizing.cLatentCoolDDDate + ' ' + format(PeakHrMinFmt, HourPrint, Minutes);
    2380             :                         }
    2381             :                     }
    2382             : 
    2383             :                     static constexpr std::string_view ZSizeFmt20("{:02}:{:02}:00");
    2384       50712 :                     print(state.files.zsz, ZSizeFmt20, HourPrint, Minutes);
    2385      513720 :                     for (I = 1; I <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++I) {
    2386      463008 :                         if (!state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(I).IsControlled) continue;
    2387      409296 :                         auto &calcFinalZoneSizing = state.dataSize->CalcFinalZoneSizing(I);
    2388             :                         static constexpr std::string_view ZSizeFmt21(
    2389             :                             "{}{:12.6E}{}{:12.6E}{}{:12.6E}{}{:12.6E}{}{:12.6E}{}{:12.6E}{}{:12.6E}{}{:12."
    2390             :                             "6E}{}{:12.6E}{}{:12.6E}{}{:12.6E}{}{:12.6E}{}{:12.6E}{}{:12.6E}{}{:12.6E}{}{:12.6E}");
    2391      409296 :                         Real64 ZoneRHHeat = 0.0;
    2392      409296 :                         Real64 ZoneRHCool = 0.0;
    2393      409296 :                         Real64 ZoneTHeat = 0.0;
    2394      409296 :                         Real64 ZoneTCool = 0.0;
    2395      409296 :                         if (calcFinalZoneSizing.HeatDDNum > 0) {
    2396      408768 :                             ZoneTHeat = state.dataSize->CalcZoneSizing(calcFinalZoneSizing.HeatDDNum, I).HeatZoneTempSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    2397     1635072 :                             ZoneRHHeat = Psychrometrics::PsyRhFnTdbWPb(
    2398             :                                              state,
    2399      408768 :                                              state.dataSize->CalcZoneSizing(calcFinalZoneSizing.HeatDDNum, I).HeatZoneTempSeq(TimeStepIndex),
    2400      408768 :                                              state.dataSize->CalcZoneSizing(calcFinalZoneSizing.HeatDDNum, I).HeatZoneHumRatSeq(TimeStepIndex),
    2401      817536 :                                              state.dataEnvrn->OutBaroPress) *
    2402             :                                          100.0;
    2403             :                         }
    2404      409296 :                         if (calcFinalZoneSizing.CoolDDNum > 0) {
    2405      409296 :                             ZoneTCool = state.dataSize->CalcZoneSizing(calcFinalZoneSizing.CoolDDNum, I).CoolZoneTempSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    2406     1637184 :                             ZoneRHCool = Psychrometrics::PsyRhFnTdbWPb(
    2407             :                                              state,
    2408      409296 :                                              state.dataSize->CalcZoneSizing(calcFinalZoneSizing.CoolDDNum, I).CoolZoneTempSeq(TimeStepIndex),
    2409      409296 :                                              state.dataSize->CalcZoneSizing(calcFinalZoneSizing.CoolDDNum, I).CoolZoneHumRatSeq(TimeStepIndex),
    2410      818592 :                                              state.dataEnvrn->OutBaroPress) *
    2411             :                                          100.0;
    2412             :                         }
    2413     6548736 :                         print(state.files.zsz,
    2414             :                               ZSizeFmt21,
    2415      409296 :                               state.dataSize->SizingFileColSep,
    2416             :                               calcFinalZoneSizing.HeatLoadSeq(TimeStepIndex),
    2417      409296 :                               state.dataSize->SizingFileColSep,
    2418             :                               calcFinalZoneSizing.CoolLoadSeq(TimeStepIndex),
    2419      409296 :                               state.dataSize->SizingFileColSep,
    2420             :                               calcFinalZoneSizing.HeatFlowSeq(TimeStepIndex),
    2421      409296 :                               state.dataSize->SizingFileColSep,
    2422             :                               calcFinalZoneSizing.CoolFlowSeq(TimeStepIndex),
    2423      409296 :                               state.dataSize->SizingFileColSep,
    2424             :                               calcFinalZoneSizing.LatentHeatLoadSeq(TimeStepIndex),
    2425      409296 :                               state.dataSize->SizingFileColSep,
    2426             :                               calcFinalZoneSizing.LatentCoolLoadSeq(TimeStepIndex),
    2427      409296 :                               state.dataSize->SizingFileColSep,
    2428             :                               calcFinalZoneSizing.LatentHeatFlowSeq(TimeStepIndex),
    2429      409296 :                               state.dataSize->SizingFileColSep,
    2430             :                               calcFinalZoneSizing.LatentCoolFlowSeq(TimeStepIndex),
    2431      409296 :                               state.dataSize->SizingFileColSep,
    2432             :                               calcFinalZoneSizing.HeatLoadNoDOASSeq(TimeStepIndex),
    2433      409296 :                               state.dataSize->SizingFileColSep,
    2434             :                               calcFinalZoneSizing.CoolLoadNoDOASSeq(TimeStepIndex),
    2435      409296 :                               state.dataSize->SizingFileColSep,
    2436             :                               calcFinalZoneSizing.HeatLatentLoadNoDOASSeq(TimeStepIndex),
    2437      409296 :                               state.dataSize->SizingFileColSep,
    2438             :                               calcFinalZoneSizing.CoolLatentLoadNoDOASSeq(TimeStepIndex),
    2439      409296 :                               state.dataSize->SizingFileColSep,
    2440             :                               ZoneTHeat,
    2441      409296 :                               state.dataSize->SizingFileColSep,
    2442             :                               ZoneRHHeat,
    2443      409296 :                               state.dataSize->SizingFileColSep,
    2444             :                               ZoneTCool,
    2445      409296 :                               state.dataSize->SizingFileColSep,
    2446             :                               ZoneRHCool);
    2447             :                     }
    2448       50712 :                     print(state.files.zsz, "\n");
    2449             :                 }
    2450             :             }
    2451         405 :             print(state.files.zsz, "Peak");
    2452             : 
    2453        4188 :             for (I = 1; I <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++I) {
    2454        3783 :                 if (!state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(I).IsControlled) continue;
    2455        3315 :                 auto &calcFinalZoneSizing = state.dataSize->CalcFinalZoneSizing(I);
    2456             : 
    2457             :                 static constexpr std::string_view ZSizeFmt31("{}{:12.6E}{}{:12.6E}{}{:12.6E}{}{:12.6E}{}{:12.6E}{}{:12.6E}{}{:12.6E}{}{:12.6E}{}{:12."
    2458             :                                                              "6E}{}{:12.6E}{}{:12.6E}{}{:12.6E}{}{}{}{}");
    2459       53040 :                 print(state.files.zsz,
    2460             :                       ZSizeFmt31,
    2461        3315 :                       state.dataSize->SizingFileColSep,
    2462             :                       calcFinalZoneSizing.DesHeatLoad,
    2463        3315 :                       state.dataSize->SizingFileColSep,
    2464             :                       calcFinalZoneSizing.DesCoolLoad,
    2465        3315 :                       state.dataSize->SizingFileColSep,
    2466             :                       calcFinalZoneSizing.DesHeatMassFlow,
    2467        3315 :                       state.dataSize->SizingFileColSep,
    2468             :                       calcFinalZoneSizing.DesCoolMassFlow,
    2469        3315 :                       state.dataSize->SizingFileColSep,
    2470             :                       calcFinalZoneSizing.DesLatentHeatLoad,
    2471        3315 :                       state.dataSize->SizingFileColSep,
    2472             :                       calcFinalZoneSizing.DesLatentCoolLoad,
    2473        3315 :                       state.dataSize->SizingFileColSep,
    2474             :                       calcFinalZoneSizing.DesLatentHeatMassFlow,
    2475        3315 :                       state.dataSize->SizingFileColSep,
    2476             :                       calcFinalZoneSizing.DesLatentCoolMassFlow,
    2477        3315 :                       state.dataSize->SizingFileColSep,
    2478             :                       calcFinalZoneSizing.DesHeatLoadNoDOAS,
    2479        3315 :                       state.dataSize->SizingFileColSep,
    2480             :                       calcFinalZoneSizing.DesCoolLoadNoDOAS,
    2481        3315 :                       state.dataSize->SizingFileColSep,
    2482             :                       calcFinalZoneSizing.DesLatentHeatLoadNoDOAS,
    2483        3315 :                       state.dataSize->SizingFileColSep,
    2484             :                       calcFinalZoneSizing.DesLatentCoolLoadNoDOAS,
    2485        3315 :                       state.dataSize->SizingFileColSep,
    2486        3315 :                       state.dataSize->SizingFileColSep,
    2487        3315 :                       state.dataSize->SizingFileColSep,
    2488        3315 :                       state.dataSize->SizingFileColSep);
    2489             :             }
    2490         405 :             print(state.files.zsz, "\n");
    2491             : 
    2492         405 :             print(state.files.zsz, "\nPeak Vol Flow (m3/s)");
    2493        4188 :             for (I = 1; I <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++I) {
    2494        3783 :                 if (!state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(I).IsControlled) continue;
    2495        3315 :                 auto &calcFinalZoneSizing = state.dataSize->CalcFinalZoneSizing(I);
    2496             :                 static constexpr std::string_view ZSizeFmt41("{}{}{}{:12.6E}{}{:12.6E}{}{}{}{:12.6E}{}{:12.6E}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}");
    2497       53040 :                 print(state.files.zsz,
    2498             :                       ZSizeFmt41,
    2499        3315 :                       state.dataSize->SizingFileColSep,
    2500        3315 :                       state.dataSize->SizingFileColSep,
    2501        3315 :                       state.dataSize->SizingFileColSep,
    2502             :                       calcFinalZoneSizing.DesHeatVolFlow,
    2503        3315 :                       state.dataSize->SizingFileColSep,
    2504             :                       calcFinalZoneSizing.DesCoolVolFlow,
    2505        3315 :                       state.dataSize->SizingFileColSep,
    2506        3315 :                       state.dataSize->SizingFileColSep,
    2507        3315 :                       state.dataSize->SizingFileColSep,
    2508             :                       calcFinalZoneSizing.DesLatentHeatVolFlow,
    2509        3315 :                       state.dataSize->SizingFileColSep,
    2510             :                       calcFinalZoneSizing.DesLatentCoolVolFlow,
    2511        3315 :                       state.dataSize->SizingFileColSep,
    2512        3315 :                       state.dataSize->SizingFileColSep,
    2513        3315 :                       state.dataSize->SizingFileColSep,
    2514        3315 :                       state.dataSize->SizingFileColSep,
    2515        3315 :                       state.dataSize->SizingFileColSep,
    2516        3315 :                       state.dataSize->SizingFileColSep,
    2517        3315 :                       state.dataSize->SizingFileColSep,
    2518        3315 :                       state.dataSize->SizingFileColSep);
    2519             :             }
    2520         405 :             print(state.files.zsz, "\n");
    2521         405 :             state.files.zsz.close();
    2522             :         }
    2523             : 
    2524         428 :         if (!state.dataGlobal->isPulseZoneSizing) {
    2525             :             // Move sizing data into final sizing array according to sizing method
    2526        4188 :             for (int zoneNum = 1; zoneNum <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++zoneNum) {
    2527        3783 :                 if (!state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(zoneNum).IsControlled) continue;
    2528             :                 // if this zone does not use latent sizing, skip zone and retain sensible load variables
    2529        3315 :                 if (!state.dataSize->CalcFinalZoneSizing(zoneNum).zoneLatentSizing) continue;
    2530           8 :                 auto &calcFinalZoneSizing = state.dataSize->CalcFinalZoneSizing(zoneNum);
    2531             : 
    2532             :                 // latent sizing data has the same variables as sensible sizing data
    2533             :                 // if the user has specified latent sizing, move the latent sizing data into the final calc arrays
    2534             :                 // this method allows all upstream sizing functions to use the same data as before (e.g., DesCoolVolFlow)
    2535             :                 // if sensible sizing, use sensible data. if latent sizing, use latent data (if there is latent data).
    2536             :                 // if sensible or latent sizing, use larger of sensible and latent based on volume flow rate
    2537             : 
    2538          16 :                 if ((calcFinalZoneSizing.zoneSizingMethod == ZoneSizing::Latent && calcFinalZoneSizing.DesLatentCoolVolFlow > 0.0) ||
    2539          16 :                     (calcFinalZoneSizing.zoneSizingMethod == ZoneSizing::SensibleAndLatent &&
    2540           8 :                      calcFinalZoneSizing.DesLatentCoolLoad > calcFinalZoneSizing.DesCoolLoad)) {
    2541           5 :                     state.dataHeatBal->isAnyLatentLoad = true;
    2542           5 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.CoolSizingType = "Latent Cooling"; // string reported to eio
    2543           5 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.DesCoolVolFlow = calcFinalZoneSizing.DesLatentCoolVolFlow;
    2544           5 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.DesCoolMassFlow = calcFinalZoneSizing.DesLatentCoolMassFlow;
    2545           5 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.DesCoolLoad = calcFinalZoneSizing.DesLatentCoolLoad;
    2546           5 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.CoolDesDay = calcFinalZoneSizing.LatCoolDesDay;
    2547           5 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.cCoolDDDate = calcFinalZoneSizing.cLatentCoolDDDate;
    2548           5 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.CoolDDNum = calcFinalZoneSizing.LatentCoolDDNum;
    2549           5 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.TimeStepNumAtCoolMax = calcFinalZoneSizing.TimeStepNumAtLatentCoolMax;
    2550           5 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.CoolFlowSeq = calcFinalZoneSizing.LatentCoolFlowSeq;
    2551           5 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.DesCoolCoilInTemp = calcFinalZoneSizing.DesLatentCoolCoilInTemp;
    2552           5 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.DesCoolCoilInHumRat = calcFinalZoneSizing.DesLatentCoolCoilInHumRat;
    2553           5 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.ZoneRetTempAtCoolPeak = calcFinalZoneSizing.ZoneRetTempAtLatentCoolPeak;
    2554           5 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.ZoneTempAtCoolPeak = calcFinalZoneSizing.ZoneTempAtLatentCoolPeak;
    2555           5 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.ZoneHumRatAtCoolPeak = calcFinalZoneSizing.ZoneHumRatAtLatentCoolPeak;
    2556           5 :                     state.dataSize->CoolPeakDateHrMin(zoneNum) = state.dataSize->LatCoolPeakDateHrMin(zoneNum);
    2557             : 
    2558             :                     // the zone supply air humrat used for latent sizing is required to adequately size coil capacity
    2559           5 :                     if (calcFinalZoneSizing.ZnLatCoolDgnSAMethod == SupplyAirHumidityRatio) {
    2560           0 :                         calcFinalZoneSizing.CoolDesHumRat = calcFinalZoneSizing.LatentCoolDesHumRat;
    2561             :                     } else {
    2562           5 :                         calcFinalZoneSizing.CoolDesHumRat = calcFinalZoneSizing.ZoneHumRatAtLatentCoolPeak - calcFinalZoneSizing.CoolDesHumRatDiff;
    2563             :                     }
    2564             : 
    2565           5 :                     if (calcFinalZoneSizing.LatentCoolDDNum > 0) {
    2566           5 :                         auto &calcZoneSizing = state.dataSize->CalcZoneSizing(calcFinalZoneSizing.LatentCoolDDNum, zoneNum);
    2567           5 :                         calcZoneSizing.DesCoolVolFlow = calcZoneSizing.DesLatentCoolVolFlow;
    2568           5 :                         calcZoneSizing.DesCoolMassFlow = calcZoneSizing.DesLatentCoolMassFlow;
    2569           5 :                         calcZoneSizing.DesCoolLoad = calcZoneSizing.DesLatentCoolLoad;
    2570           5 :                         calcZoneSizing.CoolDesDay = calcZoneSizing.LatCoolDesDay;
    2571           5 :                         calcZoneSizing.cCoolDDDate = calcFinalZoneSizing.cLatentCoolDDDate; // this has correct CoolDDDate
    2572           5 :                         calcZoneSizing.CoolDDNum = calcZoneSizing.LatentCoolDDNum;
    2573           5 :                         calcZoneSizing.TimeStepNumAtCoolMax = calcZoneSizing.TimeStepNumAtLatentCoolMax;
    2574           5 :                         calcZoneSizing.CoolFlowSeq = calcZoneSizing.LatentCoolFlowSeq;
    2575           5 :                         calcZoneSizing.DesCoolCoilInTemp = calcZoneSizing.DesLatentCoolCoilInTemp;
    2576           5 :                         calcZoneSizing.DesCoolCoilInHumRat = calcZoneSizing.DesLatentCoolCoilInHumRat;
    2577           5 :                         calcZoneSizing.ZoneRetTempAtCoolPeak = calcZoneSizing.ZoneRetTempAtLatentCoolPeak;
    2578           5 :                         calcZoneSizing.ZoneTempAtCoolPeak = calcZoneSizing.ZoneTempAtLatentCoolPeak;
    2579           5 :                         calcZoneSizing.ZoneHumRatAtCoolPeak = calcZoneSizing.ZoneHumRatAtLatentCoolPeak;
    2580           5 :                         state.dataSize->CoolPeakDateHrMin(zoneNum) = state.dataSize->LatCoolPeakDateHrMin(zoneNum);
    2581             : 
    2582             :                         // the zone supply air humrat used for latent sizing is required to adequately size coil capacity
    2583           5 :                         if (calcZoneSizing.ZnLatCoolDgnSAMethod == SupplyAirHumidityRatio) {
    2584           0 :                             calcZoneSizing.CoolDesHumRat = calcZoneSizing.LatentCoolDesHumRat;
    2585             :                         } else {
    2586           5 :                             calcZoneSizing.CoolDesHumRat = calcZoneSizing.ZoneHumRatAtLatentCoolPeak - calcZoneSizing.CoolDesHumRatDiff;
    2587             :                         }
    2588             :                     }
    2589             :                 }
    2590          16 :                 if ((calcFinalZoneSizing.zoneSizingMethod == ZoneSizing::Latent && calcFinalZoneSizing.DesLatentHeatVolFlow > 0.0) ||
    2591          16 :                     (calcFinalZoneSizing.zoneSizingMethod == ZoneSizing::SensibleAndLatent &&
    2592           8 :                      calcFinalZoneSizing.DesLatentHeatLoad > calcFinalZoneSizing.DesHeatLoad)) {
    2593             : 
    2594           0 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.HeatSizingType = "Latent Heating"; // string reported to eio
    2595           0 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.DesHeatVolFlow = calcFinalZoneSizing.DesLatentHeatVolFlow;
    2596           0 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.DesHeatMassFlow = calcFinalZoneSizing.DesLatentHeatMassFlow;
    2597           0 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.DesHeatLoad = calcFinalZoneSizing.DesLatentHeatLoad;
    2598           0 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.HeatDesDay = calcFinalZoneSizing.LatHeatDesDay;
    2599           0 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.cHeatDDDate = calcFinalZoneSizing.cLatentHeatDDDate;
    2600           0 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.HeatDDNum = calcFinalZoneSizing.LatentHeatDDNum;
    2601           0 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.TimeStepNumAtHeatMax = calcFinalZoneSizing.TimeStepNumAtLatentHeatMax;
    2602           0 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.HeatFlowSeq = calcFinalZoneSizing.LatentHeatFlowSeq;
    2603           0 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.DesHeatCoilInTemp = calcFinalZoneSizing.DesLatentHeatCoilInTemp;
    2604           0 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.DesHeatCoilInHumRat = calcFinalZoneSizing.DesLatentHeatCoilInHumRat;
    2605           0 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.ZoneRetTempAtHeatPeak = calcFinalZoneSizing.ZoneRetTempAtLatentHeatPeak;
    2606           0 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.ZoneTempAtHeatPeak = calcFinalZoneSizing.ZoneTempAtLatentHeatPeak;
    2607           0 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.ZoneHumRatAtHeatPeak = calcFinalZoneSizing.ZoneHumRatAtLatentHeatPeak;
    2608           0 :                     state.dataSize->HeatPeakDateHrMin(zoneNum) = state.dataSize->LatHeatPeakDateHrMin(zoneNum);
    2609             : 
    2610             :                     // will this cause sizing issues with heating coils since SA humrat is higher than zone humrat?
    2611             :                     // use zone humrat instead? this value would size humidifiers well, but what about heating coils?
    2612             :                     // not sure at this point if heating should reset HeatDesHumRat
    2613           0 :                     if (calcFinalZoneSizing.ZnLatHeatDgnSAMethod == SupplyAirHumidityRatio) {
    2614           0 :                         calcFinalZoneSizing.HeatDesHumRat = calcFinalZoneSizing.LatentHeatDesHumRat;
    2615             :                     } else {
    2616           0 :                         calcFinalZoneSizing.HeatDesHumRat = calcFinalZoneSizing.ZoneHumRatAtLatentHeatPeak + calcFinalZoneSizing.HeatDesHumRatDiff;
    2617             :                     }
    2618             : 
    2619           0 :                     if (calcFinalZoneSizing.LatentHeatDDNum > 0) {
    2620           0 :                         auto &calcZoneSizing = state.dataSize->CalcZoneSizing(calcFinalZoneSizing.LatentHeatDDNum, zoneNum);
    2621           0 :                         calcZoneSizing.DesHeatVolFlow = calcZoneSizing.DesLatentHeatVolFlow;
    2622           0 :                         calcZoneSizing.DesHeatMassFlow = calcZoneSizing.DesLatentHeatMassFlow;
    2623           0 :                         calcZoneSizing.DesHeatLoad = calcZoneSizing.DesLatentHeatLoad;
    2624           0 :                         calcZoneSizing.HeatDesDay = calcZoneSizing.LatHeatDesDay;
    2625           0 :                         calcZoneSizing.cHeatDDDate = calcFinalZoneSizing.cLatentHeatDDDate; // this has correct HeatDDDate
    2626           0 :                         calcZoneSizing.HeatDDNum = calcZoneSizing.LatentHeatDDNum;
    2627           0 :                         calcZoneSizing.TimeStepNumAtHeatMax = calcZoneSizing.TimeStepNumAtLatentHeatMax;
    2628           0 :                         calcZoneSizing.HeatFlowSeq = calcZoneSizing.LatentHeatFlowSeq;
    2629           0 :                         calcZoneSizing.DesHeatCoilInTemp = calcZoneSizing.DesLatentHeatCoilInTemp;
    2630           0 :                         calcZoneSizing.DesHeatCoilInHumRat = calcZoneSizing.DesLatentHeatCoilInHumRat;
    2631           0 :                         calcZoneSizing.ZoneRetTempAtHeatPeak = calcZoneSizing.ZoneRetTempAtLatentHeatPeak;
    2632           0 :                         calcZoneSizing.ZoneTempAtHeatPeak = calcZoneSizing.ZoneTempAtLatentHeatPeak;
    2633           0 :                         calcZoneSizing.ZoneHumRatAtHeatPeak = calcZoneSizing.ZoneHumRatAtLatentHeatPeak;
    2634           0 :                         state.dataSize->HeatPeakDateHrMin(zoneNum) = state.dataSize->LatHeatPeakDateHrMin(zoneNum);
    2635             : 
    2636             :                         // the zone supply air humrat used for latent sizing is required to adequately size coil capacity
    2637             :                         // not sure at this point if heating should reset HeatDesHumRat
    2638           0 :                         if (calcZoneSizing.ZnLatHeatDgnSAMethod == SupplyAirHumidityRatio) {
    2639           0 :                             calcZoneSizing.HeatDesHumRat = calcZoneSizing.LatentHeatDesHumRat;
    2640             :                         } else {
    2641           0 :                             calcZoneSizing.HeatDesHumRat = calcZoneSizing.ZoneHumRatAtLatentHeatPeak + calcZoneSizing.HeatDesHumRatDiff;
    2642             :                         }
    2643             :                     }
    2644             :                 }
    2645             :             }
    2646             :         }
    2647             : 
    2648             :         // Move data from Calc arrays to user modified arrays
    2649             : 
    2650        8791 :         for (std::size_t i = 0; i < state.dataSize->ZoneSizing.size(); ++i) {
    2651        8363 :             auto &z(state.dataSize->ZoneSizing[i]);
    2652        8363 :             auto &c(state.dataSize->CalcZoneSizing[i]);
    2653        8363 :             z.CoolDesDay = c.CoolDesDay;
    2654        8363 :             z.HeatDesDay = c.HeatDesDay;
    2655        8363 :             z.DesHeatDens = c.DesHeatDens;
    2656        8363 :             z.DesCoolDens = c.DesCoolDens;
    2657        8363 :             z.HeatDDNum = c.HeatDDNum;
    2658        8363 :             z.CoolDDNum = c.CoolDDNum;
    2659             : 
    2660        8363 :             z.DesHeatLoad = c.DesHeatLoad;
    2661        8363 :             z.DesHeatMassFlow = c.DesHeatMassFlow;
    2662        8363 :             z.ZoneTempAtHeatPeak = c.ZoneTempAtHeatPeak;
    2663        8363 :             z.OutTempAtHeatPeak = c.OutTempAtHeatPeak;
    2664        8363 :             z.ZoneRetTempAtHeatPeak = c.ZoneRetTempAtHeatPeak;
    2665        8363 :             z.ZoneHumRatAtHeatPeak = c.ZoneHumRatAtHeatPeak;
    2666        8363 :             z.OutHumRatAtHeatPeak = c.OutHumRatAtHeatPeak;
    2667        8363 :             z.TimeStepNumAtHeatMax = c.TimeStepNumAtHeatMax;
    2668        8363 :             z.DesHeatVolFlow = c.DesHeatVolFlow;
    2669        8363 :             z.DesHeatCoilInTemp = c.DesHeatCoilInTemp;
    2670        8363 :             z.DesHeatCoilInHumRat = c.DesHeatCoilInHumRat;
    2671        8363 :             z.CoolDesHumRat = c.CoolDesHumRat;
    2672             : 
    2673        8363 :             z.DesCoolLoad = c.DesCoolLoad;
    2674        8363 :             z.DesCoolMassFlow = c.DesCoolMassFlow;
    2675        8363 :             z.ZoneTempAtCoolPeak = c.ZoneTempAtCoolPeak;
    2676        8363 :             z.OutTempAtCoolPeak = c.OutTempAtCoolPeak;
    2677        8363 :             z.ZoneRetTempAtCoolPeak = c.ZoneRetTempAtCoolPeak;
    2678        8363 :             z.ZoneHumRatAtCoolPeak = c.ZoneHumRatAtCoolPeak;
    2679        8363 :             z.OutHumRatAtCoolPeak = c.OutHumRatAtCoolPeak;
    2680        8363 :             z.TimeStepNumAtCoolMax = c.TimeStepNumAtCoolMax;
    2681        8363 :             z.DesCoolVolFlow = c.DesCoolVolFlow;
    2682        8363 :             z.DesCoolCoilInTemp = c.DesCoolCoilInTemp;
    2683        8363 :             z.DesCoolCoilInHumRat = c.DesCoolCoilInHumRat;
    2684             :         }
    2685             : 
    2686        4349 :         for (std::size_t i = 0; i < state.dataSize->FinalZoneSizing.size(); ++i) {
    2687        3921 :             auto &z(state.dataSize->FinalZoneSizing[i]);
    2688        3921 :             auto &c(state.dataSize->CalcFinalZoneSizing[i]);
    2689        3921 :             z.CoolDesDay = c.CoolDesDay;
    2690        3921 :             z.HeatDesDay = c.HeatDesDay;
    2691        3921 :             z.DesHeatDens = c.DesHeatDens;
    2692        3921 :             z.DesCoolDens = c.DesCoolDens;
    2693        3921 :             z.HeatDDNum = c.HeatDDNum;
    2694        3921 :             z.CoolDDNum = c.CoolDDNum;
    2695             : 
    2696        3921 :             z.DesHeatLoad = c.DesHeatLoad;
    2697        3921 :             z.NonAirSysDesHeatLoad = c.DesHeatLoad;
    2698        3921 :             z.DesHeatMassFlow = c.DesHeatMassFlow;
    2699        3921 :             z.ZoneTempAtHeatPeak = c.ZoneTempAtHeatPeak;
    2700        3921 :             z.OutTempAtHeatPeak = c.OutTempAtHeatPeak;
    2701        3921 :             z.ZoneRetTempAtHeatPeak = c.ZoneRetTempAtHeatPeak;
    2702        3921 :             z.ZoneHumRatAtHeatPeak = c.ZoneHumRatAtHeatPeak;
    2703        3921 :             z.OutHumRatAtHeatPeak = c.OutHumRatAtHeatPeak;
    2704        3921 :             z.TimeStepNumAtHeatMax = c.TimeStepNumAtHeatMax;
    2705        3921 :             z.DesHeatVolFlow = c.DesHeatVolFlow;
    2706        3921 :             z.NonAirSysDesHeatVolFlow = c.DesHeatVolFlow;
    2707        3921 :             z.DesHeatCoilInTemp = c.DesHeatCoilInTemp;
    2708        3921 :             z.DesHeatCoilInHumRat = c.DesHeatCoilInHumRat;
    2709        3921 :             z.CoolDesHumRat = c.CoolDesHumRat;
    2710             : 
    2711        3921 :             z.DesCoolLoad = c.DesCoolLoad;
    2712        3921 :             z.NonAirSysDesCoolLoad = c.DesCoolLoad;
    2713        3921 :             z.DesCoolMassFlow = c.DesCoolMassFlow;
    2714        3921 :             z.ZoneTempAtCoolPeak = c.ZoneTempAtCoolPeak;
    2715        3921 :             z.OutTempAtCoolPeak = c.OutTempAtCoolPeak;
    2716        3921 :             z.ZoneRetTempAtCoolPeak = c.ZoneRetTempAtCoolPeak;
    2717        3921 :             z.ZoneHumRatAtCoolPeak = c.ZoneHumRatAtCoolPeak;
    2718        3921 :             z.OutHumRatAtCoolPeak = c.OutHumRatAtCoolPeak;
    2719        3921 :             z.TimeStepNumAtCoolMax = c.TimeStepNumAtCoolMax;
    2720        3921 :             z.DesCoolVolFlow = c.DesCoolVolFlow;
    2721        3921 :             z.NonAirSysDesCoolVolFlow = c.DesCoolVolFlow;
    2722        3921 :             z.DesCoolCoilInTemp = c.DesCoolCoilInTemp;
    2723        3921 :             z.DesCoolCoilInHumRat = c.DesCoolCoilInHumRat;
    2724             :         }
    2725             : 
    2726        1345 :         for (DesDayNum = 1; DesDayNum <= state.dataEnvrn->TotDesDays + state.dataEnvrn->TotRunDesPersDays; ++DesDayNum) {
    2727        9280 :             for (int CtrlZoneNum = 1; CtrlZoneNum <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++CtrlZoneNum) {
    2728        8363 :                 if (!state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(CtrlZoneNum).IsControlled) continue;
    2729        7377 :                 auto &zoneSizing = state.dataSize->ZoneSizing(DesDayNum, CtrlZoneNum);
    2730        7377 :                 auto &calcZoneSizing = state.dataSize->CalcZoneSizing(DesDayNum, CtrlZoneNum);
    2731      921537 :                 for (TimeStepIndex = 1; TimeStepIndex <= state.dataZoneEquipmentManager->NumOfTimeStepInDay; ++TimeStepIndex) {
    2732      914160 :                     zoneSizing.HeatFlowSeq(TimeStepIndex) = calcZoneSizing.HeatFlowSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    2733      914160 :                     zoneSizing.HeatLoadSeq(TimeStepIndex) = calcZoneSizing.HeatLoadSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    2734      914160 :                     zoneSizing.CoolFlowSeq(TimeStepIndex) = calcZoneSizing.CoolFlowSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    2735      914160 :                     zoneSizing.CoolLoadSeq(TimeStepIndex) = calcZoneSizing.CoolLoadSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    2736      914160 :                     zoneSizing.HeatZoneTempSeq(TimeStepIndex) = calcZoneSizing.HeatZoneTempSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    2737      914160 :                     zoneSizing.HeatOutTempSeq(TimeStepIndex) = calcZoneSizing.HeatOutTempSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    2738      914160 :                     zoneSizing.HeatZoneRetTempSeq(TimeStepIndex) = calcZoneSizing.HeatZoneRetTempSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    2739      914160 :                     zoneSizing.HeatZoneHumRatSeq(TimeStepIndex) = calcZoneSizing.HeatZoneHumRatSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    2740      914160 :                     zoneSizing.HeatOutHumRatSeq(TimeStepIndex) = calcZoneSizing.HeatOutHumRatSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    2741      914160 :                     zoneSizing.CoolZoneTempSeq(TimeStepIndex) = calcZoneSizing.CoolZoneTempSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    2742      914160 :                     zoneSizing.CoolOutTempSeq(TimeStepIndex) = calcZoneSizing.CoolOutTempSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    2743      914160 :                     zoneSizing.CoolZoneRetTempSeq(TimeStepIndex) = calcZoneSizing.CoolZoneRetTempSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    2744      914160 :                     zoneSizing.CoolZoneHumRatSeq(TimeStepIndex) = calcZoneSizing.CoolZoneHumRatSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    2745      914160 :                     zoneSizing.CoolOutHumRatSeq(TimeStepIndex) = calcZoneSizing.CoolOutHumRatSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    2746             :                 }
    2747             :             }
    2748             :         }
    2749             : 
    2750        4349 :         for (int CtrlZoneNum = 1; CtrlZoneNum <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++CtrlZoneNum) {
    2751        3921 :             if (!state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(CtrlZoneNum).IsControlled) continue;
    2752        3430 :             auto &finalZoneSizing = state.dataSize->FinalZoneSizing(CtrlZoneNum);
    2753        3430 :             auto &calcFinalZoneSizing = state.dataSize->CalcFinalZoneSizing(CtrlZoneNum);
    2754      423766 :             for (TimeStepIndex = 1; TimeStepIndex <= state.dataZoneEquipmentManager->NumOfTimeStepInDay; ++TimeStepIndex) {
    2755      420336 :                 finalZoneSizing.HeatFlowSeq(TimeStepIndex) = calcFinalZoneSizing.HeatFlowSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    2756      420336 :                 finalZoneSizing.HeatLoadSeq(TimeStepIndex) = calcFinalZoneSizing.HeatLoadSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    2757      420336 :                 finalZoneSizing.CoolFlowSeq(TimeStepIndex) = calcFinalZoneSizing.CoolFlowSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    2758      420336 :                 finalZoneSizing.CoolLoadSeq(TimeStepIndex) = calcFinalZoneSizing.CoolLoadSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    2759      420336 :                 finalZoneSizing.HeatZoneTempSeq(TimeStepIndex) = calcFinalZoneSizing.HeatZoneTempSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    2760      420336 :                 finalZoneSizing.HeatOutTempSeq(TimeStepIndex) = calcFinalZoneSizing.HeatOutTempSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    2761      420336 :                 finalZoneSizing.HeatZoneRetTempSeq(TimeStepIndex) = calcFinalZoneSizing.HeatZoneRetTempSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    2762      420336 :                 finalZoneSizing.HeatZoneHumRatSeq(TimeStepIndex) = calcFinalZoneSizing.HeatZoneHumRatSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    2763      420336 :                 finalZoneSizing.HeatOutHumRatSeq(TimeStepIndex) = calcFinalZoneSizing.HeatOutHumRatSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    2764      420336 :                 finalZoneSizing.CoolZoneTempSeq(TimeStepIndex) = calcFinalZoneSizing.CoolZoneTempSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    2765      420336 :                 finalZoneSizing.CoolOutTempSeq(TimeStepIndex) = calcFinalZoneSizing.CoolOutTempSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    2766      420336 :                 finalZoneSizing.CoolZoneRetTempSeq(TimeStepIndex) = calcFinalZoneSizing.CoolZoneRetTempSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    2767      420336 :                 finalZoneSizing.CoolZoneHumRatSeq(TimeStepIndex) = calcFinalZoneSizing.CoolZoneHumRatSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    2768      420336 :                 finalZoneSizing.CoolOutHumRatSeq(TimeStepIndex) = calcFinalZoneSizing.CoolOutHumRatSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    2769             :             }
    2770             :         }
    2771        4349 :         for (int CtrlZoneNum = 1; CtrlZoneNum <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++CtrlZoneNum) {
    2772        3921 :             if (!state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(CtrlZoneNum).IsControlled) continue;
    2773        3430 :             auto &finalZoneSizing = state.dataSize->FinalZoneSizing(CtrlZoneNum);
    2774        3430 :             auto &calcFinalZoneSizing = state.dataSize->CalcFinalZoneSizing(CtrlZoneNum);
    2775             :             // update non air system design load and air flow to include the sizing factor
    2776        3430 :             finalZoneSizing.NonAirSysDesCoolLoad *= finalZoneSizing.CoolSizingFactor;
    2777        3430 :             finalZoneSizing.NonAirSysDesCoolVolFlow *= finalZoneSizing.CoolSizingFactor; // NonAirSysDesCoolVolFlow not currently used
    2778             :             // Now take into account the user specified sizing factor and user specified cooling design air flow rate
    2779        3430 :             TotCoolSizMult = 0.0;
    2780             :             // Calculate a sizing factor from the user specified cooling design air flow rate
    2781        3434 :             if (finalZoneSizing.InpDesCoolAirFlow > 0.0 && finalZoneSizing.CoolAirDesMethod == InpDesAirFlow &&
    2782           4 :                 finalZoneSizing.DesCoolVolFlow > 0.0) {
    2783           4 :                 TotCoolSizMult = (finalZoneSizing.InpDesCoolAirFlow / finalZoneSizing.DesCoolVolFlow) * finalZoneSizing.CoolSizingFactor;
    2784             :                 // If no user specified cooling design air flow rate input, use the user specified szing factor
    2785             :             } else {
    2786        3426 :                 TotCoolSizMult = finalZoneSizing.CoolSizingFactor;
    2787             :             }
    2788             :             // If the cooling sizing multiplier is not 1, adjust the cooling design data
    2789        3430 :             if (std::abs(TotCoolSizMult - 1.0) > 0.00001) {
    2790        2259 :                 if (finalZoneSizing.DesCoolVolFlow > 0.0) {
    2791        2182 :                     TimeStepAtPeak = finalZoneSizing.TimeStepNumAtCoolMax;
    2792        2182 :                     DDNum = finalZoneSizing.CoolDDNum;
    2793        2182 :                     finalZoneSizing.DesCoolVolFlow = calcFinalZoneSizing.DesCoolVolFlow * TotCoolSizMult;
    2794        2182 :                     finalZoneSizing.DesCoolMassFlow = calcFinalZoneSizing.DesCoolMassFlow * TotCoolSizMult;
    2795        2182 :                     finalZoneSizing.DesCoolLoad = calcFinalZoneSizing.DesCoolLoad * TotCoolSizMult;
    2796        2182 :                     finalZoneSizing.CoolFlowSeq = calcFinalZoneSizing.CoolFlowSeq * TotCoolSizMult;
    2797        2182 :                     finalZoneSizing.CoolLoadSeq = calcFinalZoneSizing.CoolLoadSeq * TotCoolSizMult;
    2798        2182 :                     OAFrac = finalZoneSizing.MinOA / finalZoneSizing.DesCoolVolFlow;
    2799        2182 :                     OAFrac = min(1.0, max(0.0, OAFrac));
    2800        2182 :                     finalZoneSizing.DesCoolCoilInTemp =
    2801        2182 :                         OAFrac * state.dataSize->DesDayWeath(DDNum).Temp(TimeStepAtPeak) + (1.0 - OAFrac) * finalZoneSizing.ZoneTempAtCoolPeak;
    2802        2182 :                     finalZoneSizing.DesCoolCoilInHumRat =
    2803        2182 :                         OAFrac * state.dataSize->DesDayWeath(DDNum).HumRat(TimeStepAtPeak) + (1.0 - OAFrac) * finalZoneSizing.ZoneHumRatAtCoolPeak;
    2804             :                 } else {
    2805          77 :                     finalZoneSizing.DesCoolVolFlow = finalZoneSizing.InpDesCoolAirFlow;
    2806          77 :                     finalZoneSizing.DesCoolMassFlow = finalZoneSizing.DesCoolVolFlow * finalZoneSizing.DesCoolDens;
    2807             :                 }
    2808        6950 :                 for (DDNum = 1; DDNum <= state.dataEnvrn->TotDesDays + state.dataEnvrn->TotRunDesPersDays; ++DDNum) {
    2809        4691 :                     auto &zoneSizing = state.dataSize->ZoneSizing(DDNum, CtrlZoneNum);
    2810        4691 :                     if (zoneSizing.DesCoolVolFlow > 0.0) {
    2811        2431 :                         TimeStepAtPeak = zoneSizing.TimeStepNumAtCoolMax;
    2812        2431 :                         auto &calcZoneSizing = state.dataSize->CalcZoneSizing(DDNum, CtrlZoneNum);
    2813        2431 :                         auto &desDayWeath = state.dataSize->DesDayWeath(DDNum);
    2814        2431 :                         zoneSizing.DesCoolVolFlow = calcZoneSizing.DesCoolVolFlow * TotCoolSizMult;
    2815        2431 :                         zoneSizing.DesCoolMassFlow = calcZoneSizing.DesCoolMassFlow * TotCoolSizMult;
    2816        2431 :                         zoneSizing.DesCoolLoad = calcZoneSizing.DesCoolLoad * TotCoolSizMult;
    2817        2431 :                         zoneSizing.CoolFlowSeq = calcZoneSizing.CoolFlowSeq * TotCoolSizMult;
    2818        2431 :                         zoneSizing.CoolLoadSeq = calcZoneSizing.CoolLoadSeq * TotCoolSizMult;
    2819        2431 :                         OAFrac = zoneSizing.MinOA / zoneSizing.DesCoolVolFlow;
    2820        2431 :                         OAFrac = min(1.0, max(0.0, OAFrac));
    2821        2431 :                         zoneSizing.DesCoolCoilInTemp = OAFrac * desDayWeath.Temp(TimeStepAtPeak) + (1.0 - OAFrac) * zoneSizing.ZoneTempAtCoolPeak;
    2822        2431 :                         zoneSizing.DesCoolCoilInHumRat =
    2823        2431 :                             OAFrac * desDayWeath.HumRat(TimeStepAtPeak) + (1.0 - OAFrac) * zoneSizing.ZoneHumRatAtCoolPeak;
    2824             :                     } else {
    2825        2260 :                         zoneSizing.DesCoolVolFlow = zoneSizing.InpDesCoolAirFlow;
    2826        2260 :                         zoneSizing.DesCoolMassFlow = zoneSizing.DesCoolVolFlow * zoneSizing.DesCoolDens;
    2827             :                     }
    2828             :                     // Save cooling flows without MinOA for use later
    2829        4691 :                     zoneSizing.CoolFlowSeqNoOA = zoneSizing.CoolFlowSeq;
    2830        4691 :                     zoneSizing.DesCoolVolFlowNoOA = zoneSizing.DesCoolVolFlow;
    2831        4691 :                     zoneSizing.DesCoolMassFlowNoOA = zoneSizing.DesCoolMassFlow;
    2832             :                 }
    2833             :             }
    2834             :             // Save a set of design cooling air flow rates greater than or equal to the specified minimums without MinOA
    2835             :             {
    2836        3430 :                 Real64 MaxOfMinCoolVolFlowNoOA = 0.0; // max of the user specified design cooling minimum flows without min OA flow [m3/s]
    2837        3430 :                 if (finalZoneSizing.CoolAirDesMethod == DesAirFlowWithLim) {
    2838         954 :                     MaxOfMinCoolVolFlowNoOA = max(finalZoneSizing.DesCoolMinAirFlow, finalZoneSizing.DesCoolMinAirFlow2);
    2839             :                 }
    2840        3430 :                 Real64 MaxOfMinCoolMassFlowNoOA =
    2841             :                     MaxOfMinCoolVolFlowNoOA *
    2842        3430 :                     finalZoneSizing.DesCoolDens; // max of the user specified design cooling minimum flows without min OA flow [m3/s]
    2843        3430 :                 finalZoneSizing.DesCoolVolFlowNoOA = finalZoneSizing.DesCoolVolFlow;
    2844        3430 :                 finalZoneSizing.DesCoolMassFlowNoOA = finalZoneSizing.DesCoolMassFlow;
    2845        3430 :                 if (MaxOfMinCoolVolFlowNoOA > finalZoneSizing.DesCoolVolFlowNoOA) {
    2846         195 :                     finalZoneSizing.DesCoolVolFlowNoOA = MaxOfMinCoolVolFlowNoOA;
    2847         195 :                     finalZoneSizing.DesCoolMassFlowNoOA = MaxOfMinCoolMassFlowNoOA;
    2848             :                 }
    2849      423766 :                 for (TimeStepIndex = 1; TimeStepIndex <= state.dataZoneEquipmentManager->NumOfTimeStepInDay; ++TimeStepIndex) {
    2850      420336 :                     finalZoneSizing.CoolFlowSeqNoOA(TimeStepIndex) = finalZoneSizing.CoolFlowSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    2851      420336 :                     if (MaxOfMinCoolMassFlowNoOA > finalZoneSizing.CoolFlowSeqNoOA(TimeStepIndex)) {
    2852       60590 :                         finalZoneSizing.CoolFlowSeqNoOA(TimeStepIndex) = MaxOfMinCoolMassFlowNoOA;
    2853             :                     }
    2854             :                 }
    2855       10807 :                 for (DDNum = 1; DDNum <= state.dataEnvrn->TotDesDays + state.dataEnvrn->TotRunDesPersDays; ++DDNum) {
    2856        7377 :                     auto &zoneSizing = state.dataSize->ZoneSizing(DDNum, CtrlZoneNum);
    2857        7377 :                     zoneSizing.DesCoolVolFlowNoOA = zoneSizing.DesCoolVolFlow;
    2858        7377 :                     zoneSizing.DesCoolMassFlowNoOA = zoneSizing.DesCoolMassFlow;
    2859        7377 :                     MaxOfMinCoolVolFlowNoOA = max(zoneSizing.DesCoolMinAirFlow, zoneSizing.DesCoolMinAirFlow);
    2860        7377 :                     MaxOfMinCoolMassFlowNoOA = MaxOfMinCoolVolFlowNoOA * zoneSizing.DesCoolDens;
    2861        7377 :                     if (MaxOfMinCoolVolFlowNoOA > zoneSizing.DesCoolVolFlow) {
    2862         613 :                         zoneSizing.DesCoolVolFlowNoOA = MaxOfMinCoolVolFlowNoOA;
    2863         613 :                         zoneSizing.DesCoolMassFlowNoOA = MaxOfMinCoolMassFlowNoOA;
    2864             :                     }
    2865      921537 :                     for (TimeStepIndex = 1; TimeStepIndex <= state.dataZoneEquipmentManager->NumOfTimeStepInDay; ++TimeStepIndex) {
    2866      914160 :                         zoneSizing.CoolFlowSeqNoOA(TimeStepIndex) = zoneSizing.CoolFlowSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    2867      914160 :                         if (MaxOfMinCoolMassFlowNoOA > zoneSizing.CoolFlowSeq(TimeStepIndex)) {
    2868      102755 :                             zoneSizing.CoolFlowSeqNoOA(TimeStepIndex) = MaxOfMinCoolMassFlowNoOA;
    2869             :                         }
    2870             :                     }
    2871             :                 }
    2872             :             }
    2873             : 
    2874             :             // Now make sure that the design cooling air flow rates are greater than or equal to the specified minimums including MinOA
    2875             :             {
    2876        3430 :                 Real64 MaxOfMinCoolVolFlow = 0.0; // max of the user specified design cooling minimum flows and min OA flow [m3/s]
    2877        3430 :                 if (finalZoneSizing.CoolAirDesMethod == DesAirFlowWithLim) {
    2878         954 :                     MaxOfMinCoolVolFlow = max(finalZoneSizing.DesCoolMinAirFlow, finalZoneSizing.DesCoolMinAirFlow2, finalZoneSizing.MinOA);
    2879             :                 } else {
    2880        2476 :                     MaxOfMinCoolVolFlow = finalZoneSizing.MinOA;
    2881             :                 }
    2882        3430 :                 Real64 MaxOfMinCoolMassFlow =
    2883             :                     MaxOfMinCoolVolFlow *
    2884        3430 :                     finalZoneSizing.DesCoolDens; // max of the user specified design cooling minimum flows and min OA flow [kg/s]
    2885        3430 :                 if (MaxOfMinCoolVolFlow > finalZoneSizing.DesCoolVolFlow) {
    2886         293 :                     finalZoneSizing.DesCoolVolFlow = MaxOfMinCoolVolFlow;
    2887         293 :                     finalZoneSizing.DesCoolMassFlow = MaxOfMinCoolMassFlow;
    2888             :                 }
    2889      423766 :                 for (TimeStepIndex = 1; TimeStepIndex <= state.dataZoneEquipmentManager->NumOfTimeStepInDay; ++TimeStepIndex) {
    2890      420336 :                     if (MaxOfMinCoolMassFlow > finalZoneSizing.CoolFlowSeq(TimeStepIndex)) {
    2891      154476 :                         finalZoneSizing.CoolFlowSeq(TimeStepIndex) = MaxOfMinCoolMassFlow;
    2892             :                     }
    2893             :                 }
    2894       10807 :                 for (DDNum = 1; DDNum <= state.dataEnvrn->TotDesDays + state.dataEnvrn->TotRunDesPersDays; ++DDNum) {
    2895        7377 :                     auto &zoneSizing = state.dataSize->ZoneSizing(DDNum, CtrlZoneNum);
    2896        7377 :                     MaxOfMinCoolVolFlow = max(zoneSizing.DesCoolMinAirFlow, zoneSizing.DesCoolMinAirFlow, zoneSizing.MinOA);
    2897        7377 :                     MaxOfMinCoolMassFlow = MaxOfMinCoolVolFlow * zoneSizing.DesCoolDens;
    2898        7377 :                     if (MaxOfMinCoolVolFlow > zoneSizing.DesCoolVolFlow) {
    2899        3688 :                         zoneSizing.DesCoolVolFlow = MaxOfMinCoolVolFlow;
    2900        3688 :                         zoneSizing.DesCoolMassFlow = MaxOfMinCoolMassFlow;
    2901             :                     }
    2902      921537 :                     for (TimeStepIndex = 1; TimeStepIndex <= state.dataZoneEquipmentManager->NumOfTimeStepInDay; ++TimeStepIndex) {
    2903      914160 :                         if (MaxOfMinCoolMassFlow > zoneSizing.CoolFlowSeq(TimeStepIndex)) {
    2904      592186 :                             zoneSizing.CoolFlowSeq(TimeStepIndex) = MaxOfMinCoolMassFlow;
    2905             :                         }
    2906             :                     }
    2907             :                 }
    2908             :             }
    2909             :             // IF cooling flow rate is 0, this data may be used to size a HP so initialize DDNum, TimeStepatPeak, and sizing data (end of IF)
    2910        3430 :             if (finalZoneSizing.DesCoolLoad == 0) {
    2911             :                 // Check CoolDDNum and TimeStepNumAtCoolMax value and default to 1 if not set, carried over from previous code
    2912          80 :                 if (calcFinalZoneSizing.CoolDDNum == 0) {
    2913           0 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.CoolDDNum = 1;
    2914             :                 }
    2915          80 :                 if (calcFinalZoneSizing.TimeStepNumAtCoolMax == 0) {
    2916           0 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.TimeStepNumAtCoolMax = 1;
    2917             :                 }
    2918          80 :                 finalZoneSizing.TimeStepNumAtCoolMax = calcFinalZoneSizing.TimeStepNumAtCoolMax;
    2919          80 :                 finalZoneSizing.CoolDDNum = calcFinalZoneSizing.CoolDDNum;
    2920          80 :                 finalZoneSizing.CoolDesDay = calcFinalZoneSizing.CoolDesDay;
    2921          80 :                 DDNumF = finalZoneSizing.CoolDDNum;
    2922          80 :                 auto &zoneSizingF = state.dataSize->ZoneSizing(DDNumF, CtrlZoneNum);
    2923          80 :                 TimeStepAtPeakF = finalZoneSizing.TimeStepNumAtCoolMax;
    2924             : 
    2925             :                 // initialize sizing conditions if they have not been set (i.e., no corresponding load) to zone condition
    2926             :                 // issue 6006, heating coils sizing to 0 when no heating load in zone
    2927          80 :                 if (zoneSizingF.DesCoolSetPtSeq.empty()) {
    2928           0 :                     ShowSevereError(state,
    2929           0 :                                     std::string{RoutineName} +
    2930           0 :                                         ":  Thermostat cooling set point temperatures are not initialized for Zone = " + finalZoneSizing.ZoneName);
    2931           0 :                     ShowFatalError(state, "Please send your input file to the EnergyPlus support/development team for further investigation.");
    2932             :                 } else {
    2933          80 :                     finalZoneSizing.ZoneTempAtCoolPeak = *std::min_element(zoneSizingF.DesCoolSetPtSeq.begin(), zoneSizingF.DesCoolSetPtSeq.end());
    2934             :                 }
    2935          80 :                 finalZoneSizing.OutTempAtCoolPeak = *std::min_element(zoneSizingF.CoolOutTempSeq.begin(), zoneSizingF.CoolOutTempSeq.end());
    2936          80 :                 finalZoneSizing.OutHumRatAtCoolPeak = zoneSizingF.CoolOutHumRatSeq(TimeStepAtPeakF);
    2937          80 :                 finalZoneSizing.ZoneHumRatAtCoolPeak = zoneSizingF.CoolDesHumRat;
    2938          80 :                 calcFinalZoneSizing.ZoneTempAtCoolPeak = zoneSizingF.CoolZoneTempSeq(TimeStepAtPeakF);
    2939          80 :                 calcFinalZoneSizing.ZoneHumRatAtCoolPeak = zoneSizingF.CoolZoneHumRatSeq(TimeStepAtPeakF);
    2940          80 :                 calcFinalZoneSizing.ZoneRetTempAtCoolPeak = calcFinalZoneSizing.ZoneTempAtCoolPeak;
    2941          80 :                 finalZoneSizing.DesCoolCoilInTemp = finalZoneSizing.ZoneTempAtCoolPeak;
    2942          80 :                 finalZoneSizing.DesCoolCoilInHumRat = finalZoneSizing.ZoneHumRatAtCoolPeak;
    2943          80 :                 finalZoneSizing.ZoneRetTempAtCoolPeak = finalZoneSizing.ZoneTempAtCoolPeak;
    2944             :             }
    2945             :             // update non air system design load and air flow to include the sizing factor
    2946        3430 :             finalZoneSizing.NonAirSysDesHeatLoad *= finalZoneSizing.HeatSizingFactor;
    2947        3430 :             finalZoneSizing.NonAirSysDesHeatVolFlow *= finalZoneSizing.HeatSizingFactor;
    2948             :             // Now take into account the user specified sizing factor or user specified heating design air flow rate (which overrides the
    2949             :             // sizing factor)
    2950        3430 :             TotHeatSizMult = 0.0;
    2951             :             // Calculate a sizing factor from the user specified heating design air flow rate
    2952        3430 :             if (finalZoneSizing.InpDesHeatAirFlow > 0.0 && finalZoneSizing.HeatAirDesMethod == InpDesAirFlow &&
    2953           0 :                 finalZoneSizing.DesHeatVolFlow > 0.0) {
    2954           0 :                 TotHeatSizMult = (finalZoneSizing.InpDesHeatAirFlow / finalZoneSizing.DesHeatVolFlow) * finalZoneSizing.HeatSizingFactor;
    2955             :                 // Calculate a sizing factor from the user specified max heating design air flow rates
    2956        3430 :             } else if (finalZoneSizing.HeatAirDesMethod == DesAirFlowWithLim && finalZoneSizing.DesHeatVolFlow > 0.0) {
    2957           0 :                 MaxHeatVolFlow = max(finalZoneSizing.DesHeatMaxAirFlow,
    2958             :                                      finalZoneSizing.DesHeatMaxAirFlow2,
    2959           0 :                                      finalZoneSizing.DesCoolVolFlow * finalZoneSizing.DesHeatMaxAirFlowFrac);
    2960           0 :                 if (MaxHeatVolFlow < finalZoneSizing.DesHeatVolFlow) {
    2961           0 :                     TotHeatSizMult = (MaxHeatVolFlow / finalZoneSizing.DesHeatVolFlow) * finalZoneSizing.HeatSizingFactor;
    2962             :                 } else {
    2963           0 :                     TotHeatSizMult = finalZoneSizing.HeatSizingFactor;
    2964             :                 }
    2965             :                 // If no user specified heating design air flow rate input, use the user specified sizing factor
    2966             :             } else {
    2967        3430 :                 TotHeatSizMult = finalZoneSizing.HeatSizingFactor;
    2968             :             }
    2969             : 
    2970        3430 :             if (std::abs(TotHeatSizMult - 1.0) > 0.00001) {
    2971        2266 :                 if (finalZoneSizing.DesHeatVolFlow > 0.0) {
    2972        2198 :                     auto &desDayWeath = state.dataSize->DesDayWeath(finalZoneSizing.HeatDDNum);
    2973        2198 :                     finalZoneSizing.DesHeatVolFlow = calcFinalZoneSizing.DesHeatVolFlow * TotHeatSizMult;
    2974        2198 :                     finalZoneSizing.DesHeatMassFlow = calcFinalZoneSizing.DesHeatMassFlow * TotHeatSizMult;
    2975        2198 :                     finalZoneSizing.DesHeatLoad = calcFinalZoneSizing.DesHeatLoad * TotHeatSizMult;
    2976        2198 :                     finalZoneSizing.HeatFlowSeq = calcFinalZoneSizing.HeatFlowSeq * TotHeatSizMult;
    2977        2198 :                     finalZoneSizing.HeatLoadSeq = calcFinalZoneSizing.HeatLoadSeq * TotHeatSizMult;
    2978        2198 :                     OAFrac = finalZoneSizing.MinOA / finalZoneSizing.DesHeatVolFlow;
    2979        2198 :                     OAFrac = min(1.0, max(0.0, OAFrac));
    2980        2198 :                     finalZoneSizing.DesHeatCoilInTemp =
    2981        2198 :                         OAFrac * desDayWeath.Temp(finalZoneSizing.TimeStepNumAtHeatMax) + (1.0 - OAFrac) * finalZoneSizing.ZoneTempAtHeatPeak;
    2982        2198 :                     finalZoneSizing.DesHeatCoilInHumRat =
    2983        2198 :                         OAFrac * desDayWeath.HumRat(finalZoneSizing.TimeStepNumAtHeatMax) + (1.0 - OAFrac) * finalZoneSizing.ZoneHumRatAtHeatPeak;
    2984             :                 } else {
    2985          68 :                     finalZoneSizing.DesHeatVolFlow = finalZoneSizing.InpDesHeatAirFlow;
    2986          68 :                     finalZoneSizing.DesHeatMassFlow = finalZoneSizing.DesHeatVolFlow * finalZoneSizing.DesHeatDens;
    2987             :                 }
    2988        6971 :                 for (DDNum = 1; DDNum <= state.dataEnvrn->TotDesDays + state.dataEnvrn->TotRunDesPersDays; ++DDNum) {
    2989        4705 :                     auto &zoneSizingDD = state.dataSize->ZoneSizing(DDNum, CtrlZoneNum);
    2990        4705 :                     if (zoneSizingDD.DesHeatVolFlow > 0.0) {
    2991        2261 :                         auto &calcZoneSizing = state.dataSize->CalcZoneSizing(DDNum, CtrlZoneNum);
    2992        2261 :                         TimeStepAtPeak = zoneSizingDD.TimeStepNumAtHeatMax;
    2993        2261 :                         zoneSizingDD.DesHeatVolFlow = calcZoneSizing.DesHeatVolFlow * TotHeatSizMult;
    2994        2261 :                         zoneSizingDD.DesHeatMassFlow = calcZoneSizing.DesHeatMassFlow * TotHeatSizMult;
    2995        2261 :                         zoneSizingDD.DesHeatLoad = calcZoneSizing.DesHeatLoad * TotHeatSizMult;
    2996        2261 :                         zoneSizingDD.HeatFlowSeq = calcZoneSizing.HeatFlowSeq * TotHeatSizMult;
    2997        2261 :                         zoneSizingDD.HeatLoadSeq = calcZoneSizing.HeatLoadSeq * TotHeatSizMult;
    2998        2261 :                         OAFrac = zoneSizingDD.MinOA / zoneSizingDD.DesHeatVolFlow;
    2999        2261 :                         OAFrac = min(1.0, max(0.0, OAFrac));
    3000        2261 :                         zoneSizingDD.DesHeatCoilInTemp =
    3001        2261 :                             OAFrac * state.dataSize->DesDayWeath(DDNum).Temp(TimeStepAtPeak) + (1.0 - OAFrac) * zoneSizingDD.ZoneTempAtHeatPeak;
    3002        2261 :                         zoneSizingDD.DesHeatCoilInHumRat =
    3003        2261 :                             OAFrac * state.dataSize->DesDayWeath(DDNum).HumRat(TimeStepAtPeak) + (1.0 - OAFrac) * zoneSizingDD.ZoneHumRatAtHeatPeak;
    3004             :                     } else {
    3005        2444 :                         zoneSizingDD.DesHeatVolFlow = zoneSizingDD.InpDesHeatAirFlow;
    3006        2444 :                         zoneSizingDD.DesHeatMassFlow = zoneSizingDD.DesHeatVolFlow * zoneSizingDD.DesHeatDens;
    3007             :                     }
    3008             :                     // Save heating flows without MinOA for use later
    3009        4705 :                     zoneSizingDD.HeatFlowSeqNoOA = zoneSizingDD.HeatFlowSeq;
    3010        4705 :                     zoneSizingDD.DesHeatVolFlowNoOA = zoneSizingDD.DesHeatVolFlow;
    3011        4705 :                     zoneSizingDD.DesHeatMassFlowNoOA = zoneSizingDD.DesHeatMassFlow;
    3012             :                 }
    3013             :             }
    3014             : 
    3015             :             // Save a set of design heating air flow rates before the MinOA adjustment
    3016             :             // just in FinalZoneSizing to use for TermUnit sizing adjustments in SizingManager::UpdateTermUnitFinalZoneSizing
    3017        3430 :             finalZoneSizing.DesHeatVolFlowNoOA = finalZoneSizing.DesHeatVolFlow;
    3018        3430 :             finalZoneSizing.DesHeatMassFlowNoOA = finalZoneSizing.DesHeatMassFlow;
    3019      423766 :             for (TimeStepIndex = 1; TimeStepIndex <= state.dataZoneEquipmentManager->NumOfTimeStepInDay; ++TimeStepIndex) {
    3020      420336 :                 finalZoneSizing.HeatFlowSeqNoOA(TimeStepIndex) = finalZoneSizing.HeatFlowSeq(TimeStepIndex);
    3021             :             }
    3022             : 
    3023             :             // Now make sure that the design heating air flow rates are greater than or equal to MinOA
    3024        3430 :             MinOAMass = finalZoneSizing.MinOA * finalZoneSizing.DesHeatDens;
    3025        3430 :             if (finalZoneSizing.MinOA > finalZoneSizing.DesHeatVolFlow) {
    3026        1043 :                 finalZoneSizing.DesHeatVolFlow = finalZoneSizing.MinOA;
    3027        1043 :                 finalZoneSizing.DesHeatMassFlow = MinOAMass;
    3028             :             }
    3029      423766 :             for (TimeStepIndex = 1; TimeStepIndex <= state.dataZoneEquipmentManager->NumOfTimeStepInDay; ++TimeStepIndex) {
    3030      420336 :                 if (MinOAMass > finalZoneSizing.HeatFlowSeq(TimeStepIndex)) {
    3031      136210 :                     finalZoneSizing.HeatFlowSeq(TimeStepIndex) = MinOAMass;
    3032             :                 }
    3033             :             }
    3034       10807 :             for (DDNum = 1; DDNum <= state.dataEnvrn->TotDesDays + state.dataEnvrn->TotRunDesPersDays; ++DDNum) {
    3035        7377 :                 auto &zoneSizingDD = state.dataSize->ZoneSizing(DDNum, CtrlZoneNum);
    3036        7377 :                 MinOAMass = zoneSizingDD.MinOA * zoneSizingDD.DesHeatDens;
    3037        7377 :                 if (zoneSizingDD.MinOA > zoneSizingDD.DesHeatVolFlow) {
    3038        4797 :                     zoneSizingDD.DesHeatVolFlow = zoneSizingDD.MinOA;
    3039        4797 :                     zoneSizingDD.DesHeatMassFlow = MinOAMass;
    3040             :                 }
    3041      921537 :                 for (TimeStepIndex = 1; TimeStepIndex <= state.dataZoneEquipmentManager->NumOfTimeStepInDay; ++TimeStepIndex) {
    3042      914160 :                     if (MinOAMass > zoneSizingDD.HeatFlowSeq(TimeStepIndex)) {
    3043      607466 :                         zoneSizingDD.HeatFlowSeq(TimeStepIndex) = MinOAMass;
    3044             :                     }
    3045             :                 }
    3046             :             }
    3047             :             // IF heating flow rate is 0, this data may be used to size a HP so initialize DDNum, TimeStepatPeak, and sizing data
    3048        3430 :             if (finalZoneSizing.DesHeatLoad == 0) {
    3049             :                 // Check HDDNum and TimeStepNumAtHeatMax value and default to 1 if not set, carried over from previous code
    3050         188 :                 if (calcFinalZoneSizing.HeatDDNum == 0) {
    3051           4 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.HeatDDNum = 1;
    3052             :                 }
    3053         188 :                 if (calcFinalZoneSizing.TimeStepNumAtHeatMax == 0) {
    3054           0 :                     calcFinalZoneSizing.TimeStepNumAtHeatMax = 1;
    3055             :                 }
    3056         188 :                 finalZoneSizing.TimeStepNumAtHeatMax = calcFinalZoneSizing.TimeStepNumAtHeatMax;
    3057         188 :                 finalZoneSizing.HeatDDNum = calcFinalZoneSizing.HeatDDNum;
    3058         188 :                 finalZoneSizing.HeatDesDay = calcFinalZoneSizing.HeatDesDay;
    3059         188 :                 DDNumF = finalZoneSizing.HeatDDNum;
    3060         188 :                 auto &zoneSizingDDF = state.dataSize->ZoneSizing(DDNumF, CtrlZoneNum);
    3061         188 :                 TimeStepAtPeakF = finalZoneSizing.TimeStepNumAtHeatMax;
    3062             : 
    3063             :                 // initialize sizing conditions if they have not been set (i.e., no corresponding load) to zone condition
    3064             :                 // issue 6006, heating coils sizing to 0 when no heating load in zone
    3065         188 :                 if (zoneSizingDDF.DesHeatSetPtSeq.empty()) {
    3066           0 :                     ShowSevereError(state,
    3067           0 :                                     format("{}:  Thermostat heating set point temperatures not initialized for Zone = {}",
    3068             :                                            RoutineName,
    3069           0 :                                            finalZoneSizing.ZoneName));
    3070           0 :                     ShowFatalError(state, "Please send your input file to the EnergyPlus support/development team for further investigation.");
    3071             :                 } else {
    3072         188 :                     finalZoneSizing.ZoneTempAtHeatPeak =
    3073         188 :                         *std::max_element(zoneSizingDDF.DesHeatSetPtSeq.begin(), zoneSizingDDF.DesHeatSetPtSeq.end());
    3074             :                 }
    3075         188 :                 finalZoneSizing.OutTempAtHeatPeak = *std::min_element(zoneSizingDDF.HeatOutTempSeq.begin(), zoneSizingDDF.HeatOutTempSeq.end());
    3076         188 :                 finalZoneSizing.OutHumRatAtHeatPeak = zoneSizingDDF.HeatOutHumRatSeq(TimeStepAtPeakF);
    3077         188 :                 finalZoneSizing.ZoneHumRatAtHeatPeak = zoneSizingDDF.HeatDesHumRat;
    3078         188 :                 calcFinalZoneSizing.ZoneTempAtHeatPeak = zoneSizingDDF.HeatZoneTempSeq(TimeStepAtPeakF);
    3079         188 :                 calcFinalZoneSizing.ZoneHumRatAtHeatPeak = zoneSizingDDF.HeatZoneHumRatSeq(TimeStepAtPeakF);
    3080         188 :                 calcFinalZoneSizing.ZoneRetTempAtHeatPeak = calcFinalZoneSizing.ZoneTempAtHeatPeak;
    3081         188 :                 finalZoneSizing.DesHeatCoilInTemp = finalZoneSizing.ZoneTempAtHeatPeak;
    3082         188 :                 finalZoneSizing.DesHeatCoilInHumRat = finalZoneSizing.ZoneHumRatAtHeatPeak;
    3083         188 :                 finalZoneSizing.ZoneRetTempAtHeatPeak = finalZoneSizing.ZoneTempAtHeatPeak;
    3084             :             }
    3085             : 
    3086             :             // set the zone minimum cooling supply air flow rate. This will be used for autosizing VAV terminal unit
    3087             :             // minimum flow rates (comment seems incorrect, really used as a minimum lower limit for the maximum air flow)
    3088        3430 :             finalZoneSizing.DesCoolVolFlowMin = max(finalZoneSizing.DesCoolMinAirFlow,
    3089             :                                                     finalZoneSizing.DesCoolMinAirFlow2,
    3090        3430 :                                                     finalZoneSizing.DesCoolVolFlow * finalZoneSizing.DesCoolMinAirFlowFrac);
    3091             :             // set the zone maximum heating supply air flow rate. This will be used for autosizing VAV terminal unit
    3092             :             // max heating flow rates
    3093        3430 :             finalZoneSizing.DesHeatVolFlowMax =
    3094        3430 :                 max(finalZoneSizing.DesHeatMaxAirFlow,
    3095             :                     finalZoneSizing.DesHeatMaxAirFlow2,
    3096        3430 :                     max(finalZoneSizing.DesCoolVolFlow, finalZoneSizing.DesHeatVolFlow) * finalZoneSizing.DesHeatMaxAirFlowFrac);
    3097             :             // Determine the design cooling supply air temperature if the supply air temperature difference is specified by user.
    3098        3430 :             if (finalZoneSizing.ZnCoolDgnSAMethod == TemperatureDifference) {
    3099           0 :                 finalZoneSizing.CoolDesTemp = finalZoneSizing.ZoneTempAtCoolPeak - std::abs(finalZoneSizing.CoolDesTempDiff);
    3100             :             }
    3101             :             // Determine the design heating supply air temperature if the supply air temperature difference is specified by user.
    3102        3430 :             if (finalZoneSizing.ZnHeatDgnSAMethod == TemperatureDifference) {
    3103           0 :                 finalZoneSizing.HeatDesTemp = finalZoneSizing.ZoneTempAtHeatPeak + std::abs(finalZoneSizing.HeatDesTempDiff);
    3104             :             }
    3105         428 :         }
    3106         428 :     } break;
    3107           0 :     default:
    3108           0 :         break;
    3109             :     }
    3110      134847 : }
    3111             : 
    3112     6050562 : void SimZoneEquipment(EnergyPlusData &state, bool const FirstHVACIteration, bool &SimAir)
    3113             : {
    3114             : 
    3115             :     // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    3116             :     //       AUTHOR         Russ Taylor
    3117             :     //       DATE WRITTEN   May 1997
    3118             :     //       MODIFIED       Raustad/Shirey, FSEC, June 2003
    3119             :     //       MODIFIED       Gu, FSEC, Jan. 2004, Don Shirey, Aug 2009 (LatOutputProvided)
    3120             :     //                      July 2012, Chandan Sharma - FSEC: Added zone sys avail managers
    3121             : 
    3122             :     // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    3123             :     // This subroutine is responsible for determining
    3124             :     // how much of each type of energy every zone requires.
    3125             :     // In effect, this subroutine defines and simulates all
    3126             :     // the system types and in the case of hybrid systems
    3127             :     // which use more than one type of energy must determine
    3128             :     // how to apportion the load. An example of a hybrid system
    3129             :     // is a water loop heat pump with supplemental air.  In
    3130             :     // this case, a zone will require water from the loop and
    3131             :     // cooled or heated air from the air system. A simpler
    3132             :     // example would be a VAV system with baseboard heaters
    3133             : 
    3134             :     // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
    3135             :     // 1.  Determine zone load - this is zone temperature dependent
    3136             :     // 2.  Determine balance point - the temperature at which the
    3137             :     //     zone load is balanced by the system output. The way the
    3138             :     //     balance point is determined will be different depending on
    3139             :     //     the type of system being simulated.
    3140             :     // 3.  Calculate zone energy requirements
    3141             : 
    3142     6050562 :     bool SupPathInletChanged(false);
    3143             :     Real64 SysOutputProvided; // sensible output delivered by zone equipment (W)
    3144             :     Real64 LatOutputProvided; // latent output delivered by zone equipment (kg/s)
    3145             :     Real64 AirSysOutput;
    3146             :     Real64 NonAirSysOutput;
    3147             : 
    3148             :     // Determine flow rate and temperature of supply air based on type of damper
    3149             : 
    3150     6050562 :     bool FirstCall = true; // indicates first call to supply air path components
    3151     6050562 :     bool ErrorFlag = false;
    3152             : 
    3153    16500761 :     for (int SupplyAirPathNum = 1; SupplyAirPathNum <= state.dataZoneEquip->NumSupplyAirPaths; ++SupplyAirPathNum) {
    3154             : 
    3155    20936248 :         for (int CompNum = 1; CompNum <= state.dataZoneEquip->SupplyAirPath(SupplyAirPathNum).NumOfComponents; ++CompNum) {
    3156             : 
    3157    10486049 :             switch (state.dataZoneEquip->SupplyAirPath(SupplyAirPathNum).ComponentTypeEnum(CompNum)) {
    3158    10446465 :             case DataZoneEquipment::AirLoopHVACZone::Splitter: { // 'AirLoopHVAC:ZoneSplitter'
    3159             : 
    3160    10446465 :                 if (!(state.afn->AirflowNetworkFanActivated && state.afn->distribution_simulated)) {
    3161    20307326 :                     SplitterComponent::SimAirLoopSplitter(state,
    3162    10153663 :                                                           state.dataZoneEquip->SupplyAirPath(SupplyAirPathNum).ComponentName(CompNum),
    3163             :                                                           FirstHVACIteration,
    3164             :                                                           FirstCall,
    3165             :                                                           SupPathInletChanged,
    3166    10153663 :                                                           state.dataZoneEquip->SupplyAirPath(SupplyAirPathNum).ComponentIndex(CompNum));
    3167             :                 }
    3168             : 
    3169    10446465 :                 break;
    3170             :             }
    3171       39584 :             case DataZoneEquipment::AirLoopHVACZone::SupplyPlenum: { // 'AirLoopHVAC:SupplyPlenum'
    3172             : 
    3173      118752 :                 ZonePlenum::SimAirZonePlenum(state,
    3174       39584 :                                              state.dataZoneEquip->SupplyAirPath(SupplyAirPathNum).ComponentName(CompNum),
    3175             :                                              DataZoneEquipment::AirLoopHVACZone::SupplyPlenum,
    3176       39584 :                                              state.dataZoneEquip->SupplyAirPath(SupplyAirPathNum).ComponentIndex(CompNum),
    3177             :                                              FirstHVACIteration,
    3178             :                                              FirstCall,
    3179             :                                              SupPathInletChanged);
    3180             : 
    3181       39584 :                 break;
    3182             :             }
    3183           0 :             default: {
    3184           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state, "Error found in Supply Air Path=" + state.dataZoneEquip->SupplyAirPath(SupplyAirPathNum).Name);
    3185           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state,
    3186           0 :                                   "Invalid Supply Air Path Component=" + state.dataZoneEquip->SupplyAirPath(SupplyAirPathNum).ComponentType(CompNum));
    3187           0 :                 ShowFatalError(state, "Preceding condition causes termination.");
    3188             : 
    3189           0 :                 break;
    3190             :             }
    3191             :             }
    3192             :         }
    3193             :     }
    3194             : 
    3195     6050562 :     FirstCall = false;
    3196             : 
    3197             :     // Simulate all of the pools. These have a potential impact on surface heat balances, zone air heat balances, and moisture balances.
    3198             :     // These should be simulated first so that any systems or zone equipment devices deal with the effects of the pool properly.
    3199     6050562 :     SwimmingPool::SimSwimmingPool(state, FirstHVACIteration);
    3200             : 
    3201             :     // Loop over all the primary air loop; simulate their components (equipment)
    3202             :     // and controllers
    3203     6050562 :     if (state.dataHeatBal->ZoneAirMassFlow.EnforceZoneMassBalance) {
    3204        7403 :         if (FirstHVACIteration) {
    3205        3590 :             CalcAirFlowSimple(state, 0);
    3206             :         } else {
    3207        7626 :             CalcAirFlowSimple(
    3208        7626 :                 state, 0, state.dataHeatBal->ZoneAirMassFlow.AdjustZoneMixingFlow, state.dataHeatBal->ZoneAirMassFlow.AdjustZoneInfiltrationFlow);
    3209             :         }
    3210             :     }
    3211             : 
    3212    50932872 :     for (int ControlledZoneNum = 1; ControlledZoneNum <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++ControlledZoneNum) {
    3213             : 
    3214    44882310 :         if (!state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(ControlledZoneNum).IsControlled) continue;
    3215    38185376 :         auto &thisZoneHB = state.dataZoneTempPredictorCorrector->zoneHeatBalance(ControlledZoneNum);
    3216             : 
    3217    38185376 :         thisZoneHB.NonAirSystemResponse = 0.0;
    3218    38185376 :         thisZoneHB.SysDepZoneLoads = 0.0;
    3219    38185376 :         auto &zoneEquipConfig = state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(ControlledZoneNum);
    3220    38185376 :         zoneEquipConfig.ZoneExh = 0.0;
    3221    38185376 :         zoneEquipConfig.ZoneExhBalanced = 0.0;
    3222    38185376 :         zoneEquipConfig.PlenumMassFlow = 0.0;
    3223    38185376 :         state.dataSize->CurZoneEqNum = ControlledZoneNum;
    3224             : 
    3225    38185376 :         InitSystemOutputRequired(state, ControlledZoneNum, FirstHVACIteration, true);
    3226             : 
    3227    38185376 :         auto &TurnFansOn = state.dataHVACGlobal->TurnFansOn;
    3228    38185376 :         auto &TurnFansOff = state.dataHVACGlobal->TurnFansOff;
    3229    38185376 :         auto &TurnZoneFansOnlyOn = state.dataHVACGlobal->TurnZoneFansOnlyOn;
    3230             : 
    3231             :         // Air loop system availability manager status only applies to PIU and exhaust fans
    3232             :         // Reset fan SAM operation flags for zone fans.
    3233    38185376 :         TurnFansOn = false;
    3234    38185376 :         TurnZoneFansOnlyOn = false;
    3235    38185376 :         TurnFansOff = false;
    3236             : 
    3237    80924470 :         for (int EquipTypeNum = 1; EquipTypeNum <= state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipList(ControlledZoneNum).NumOfEquipTypes; ++EquipTypeNum) {
    3238             : 
    3239    42739094 :             state.dataHVACGlobal->UnbalExhMassFlow = 0.0;
    3240    42739094 :             state.dataHVACGlobal->BalancedExhMassFlow = 0.0;
    3241    42739094 :             state.dataHVACGlobal->PlenumInducedMassFlow = 0.0;
    3242    42739094 :             const int EquipPtr = state.dataZoneEquipmentManager->PrioritySimOrder(EquipTypeNum).EquipPtr;
    3243    42739094 :             SysOutputProvided = 0.0;
    3244    42739094 :             LatOutputProvided = 0.0;
    3245    42739094 :             state.dataSize->DataCoolCoilCap = 0.0; // reset global variable used only for heat pumps (i.e., DX cooling and heating coils)
    3246             : 
    3247             :             // Reset ZoneEqSizing data (because these may change from one equipment type to the next)
    3248    42739094 :             if (state.dataZoneEquipmentManager->FirstPassZoneEquipFlag) {
    3249        4640 :                 auto &zoneEqSizing = state.dataSize->ZoneEqSizing(ControlledZoneNum);
    3250             : 
    3251        4640 :                 zoneEqSizing.AirVolFlow = 0.0;
    3252        4640 :                 zoneEqSizing.MaxHWVolFlow = 0.0;
    3253        4640 :                 zoneEqSizing.MaxCWVolFlow = 0.0;
    3254        4640 :                 zoneEqSizing.OAVolFlow = 0.0;
    3255        4640 :                 zoneEqSizing.DesCoolingLoad = 0.0;
    3256        4640 :                 zoneEqSizing.DesHeatingLoad = 0.0;
    3257        4640 :                 zoneEqSizing.CoolingAirVolFlow = 0.0;
    3258        4640 :                 zoneEqSizing.HeatingAirVolFlow = 0.0;
    3259        4640 :                 zoneEqSizing.SystemAirVolFlow = 0.0;
    3260        4640 :                 zoneEqSizing.AirFlow = false;
    3261        4640 :                 zoneEqSizing.CoolingAirFlow = false;
    3262        4640 :                 zoneEqSizing.HeatingAirFlow = false;
    3263        4640 :                 zoneEqSizing.SystemAirFlow = false;
    3264        4640 :                 zoneEqSizing.Capacity = false;
    3265        4640 :                 zoneEqSizing.CoolingCapacity = false;
    3266        4640 :                 zoneEqSizing.HeatingCapacity = false;
    3267        4640 :                 zoneEqSizing.SystemCapacity = false;
    3268        4640 :                 zoneEqSizing.DesignSizeFromParent = false;
    3269             :             }
    3270             : 
    3271    42739094 :             const int ZoneEquipTypeNum = state.dataZoneEquipmentManager->PrioritySimOrder(EquipTypeNum).EquipTypeEnum;
    3272             : 
    3273    42739094 :             auto &zoneEquipList = state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipList(state.dataSize->CurZoneEqNum);
    3274             : 
    3275    42739094 :             const int ZoneCompNum = zoneEquipList.EquipIndex(EquipPtr);
    3276             : 
    3277    42739094 :             bool ValidSAMComp = false;
    3278             : 
    3279    42739094 :             if (ZoneEquipTypeNum <= NumValidSysAvailZoneComponents) ValidSAMComp = true;
    3280             : 
    3281    42739094 :             auto &ZoneComp = state.dataHVACGlobal->ZoneComp;
    3282             : 
    3283    42739094 :             if (ZoneCompNum > 0 && ValidSAMComp) {
    3284             : 
    3285     5277063 :                 SystemAvailabilityManager::GetZoneEqAvailabilityManager(state, ZoneEquipTypeNum, ZoneCompNum, ErrorFlag);
    3286             : 
    3287    10554126 :                 if (ZoneComp(ZoneEquipTypeNum).ZoneCompAvailMgrs(ZoneCompNum).AvailStatus == DataHVACGlobals::CycleOn) {
    3288        5592 :                     state.dataHVACGlobal->ZoneCompTurnFansOn = true;
    3289        5592 :                     state.dataHVACGlobal->ZoneCompTurnFansOff = false;
    3290     5271471 :                 } else if (ZoneComp(ZoneEquipTypeNum).ZoneCompAvailMgrs(ZoneCompNum).AvailStatus == DataHVACGlobals::ForceOff) {
    3291        2780 :                     state.dataHVACGlobal->ZoneCompTurnFansOn = false;
    3292        2780 :                     state.dataHVACGlobal->ZoneCompTurnFansOff = true;
    3293             :                 } else {
    3294     5268691 :                     state.dataHVACGlobal->ZoneCompTurnFansOn = TurnFansOn;
    3295     5268691 :                     state.dataHVACGlobal->ZoneCompTurnFansOff = TurnFansOff;
    3296             :                 }
    3297             :             } else {
    3298    37462031 :                 state.dataHVACGlobal->ZoneCompTurnFansOn = TurnFansOn;
    3299    37462031 :                 state.dataHVACGlobal->ZoneCompTurnFansOff = TurnFansOff;
    3300             :             }
    3301             : 
    3302    42739094 :             switch (ZoneEquipTypeNum) {
    3303    33630410 :             case ZoneEquip::AirDistUnit: { // 'ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit'
    3304             :                 // Air loop system availability manager status only applies to PIU and exhaust fans
    3305             :                 // Check to see if System Availability Managers are asking for fans to cycle on or shut off
    3306             :                 // and set fan on/off flags accordingly.
    3307    48783766 :                 if (state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipAvail(ControlledZoneNum) == DataHVACGlobals::CycleOn ||
    3308    15153356 :                     state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipAvail(ControlledZoneNum) == DataHVACGlobals::CycleOnZoneFansOnly) {
    3309    18477054 :                     TurnFansOn = true;
    3310             :                 }
    3311    33630410 :                 if (state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipAvail(ControlledZoneNum) == DataHVACGlobals::CycleOnZoneFansOnly) {
    3312             :                     // Currently used only by parallel powered induction unit
    3313           0 :                     TurnZoneFansOnlyOn = true;
    3314             :                 }
    3315    33630410 :                 if (state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipAvail(ControlledZoneNum) == DataHVACGlobals::ForceOff) {
    3316     1733524 :                     TurnFansOff = true;
    3317             :                 }
    3318             : 
    3319    67260820 :                 ZoneAirLoopEquipmentManager::ManageZoneAirLoopEquipment(state,
    3320    33630410 :                                                                         state.dataZoneEquipmentManager->PrioritySimOrder(EquipTypeNum).EquipName,
    3321             :                                                                         FirstHVACIteration,
    3322             :                                                                         AirSysOutput,
    3323             :                                                                         NonAirSysOutput,
    3324             :                                                                         LatOutputProvided,
    3325             :                                                                         ControlledZoneNum,
    3326             :                                                                         zoneEquipList.EquipIndex(EquipPtr));
    3327             : 
    3328             :                 //            reset status flags for other zone equipment
    3329    33630410 :                 TurnFansOn = false;
    3330    33630410 :                 TurnZoneFansOnlyOn = false;
    3331    33630410 :                 TurnFansOff = false;
    3332             : 
    3333    33630410 :                 thisZoneHB.NonAirSystemResponse += NonAirSysOutput;
    3334    33630410 :                 SysOutputProvided = NonAirSysOutput + AirSysOutput;
    3335    33630410 :             } break;
    3336      224938 :             case ZoneEquip::VRFTerminalUnit: { // 'ZoneHVAC:TerminalUnit:VariableRefrigerantFlow'
    3337      224938 :                 bool HeatingActive = false;
    3338      224938 :                 bool CoolingActive = false;
    3339      224938 :                 int constexpr OAUnitNum = 0;
    3340      224938 :                 Real64 constexpr OAUCoilOutTemp = 0.0;
    3341      224938 :                 bool constexpr ZoneEquipment = true;
    3342      449876 :                 HVACVariableRefrigerantFlow::SimulateVRF(state,
    3343      224938 :                                                          state.dataZoneEquipmentManager->PrioritySimOrder(EquipTypeNum).EquipName,
    3344             :                                                          FirstHVACIteration,
    3345             :                                                          ControlledZoneNum,
    3346             :                                                          zoneEquipList.EquipIndex(EquipPtr),
    3347             :                                                          HeatingActive,
    3348             :                                                          CoolingActive,
    3349             :                                                          OAUnitNum,
    3350             :                                                          OAUCoilOutTemp,
    3351             :                                                          ZoneEquipment,
    3352             :                                                          SysOutputProvided,
    3353      224938 :                                                          LatOutputProvided);
    3354      224938 :             } break;
    3355      139638 :             case ZoneEquip::WindowAC: { // 'ZoneHVAC:WindowAirConditioner'
    3356      279276 :                 WindowAC::SimWindowAC(state,
    3357      139638 :                                       state.dataZoneEquipmentManager->PrioritySimOrder(EquipTypeNum).EquipName,
    3358             :                                       ControlledZoneNum,
    3359             :                                       FirstHVACIteration,
    3360             :                                       SysOutputProvided,
    3361             :                                       LatOutputProvided,
    3362             :                                       zoneEquipList.EquipIndex(EquipPtr));
    3363      139638 :             } break;
    3364     1253912 :             case ZoneEquip::PkgTermHPAirToAir:   // 'ZoneHVAC:PackagedTerminalHeatPump'
    3365             :             case ZoneEquip::PkgTermACAirToAir:   // 'ZoneHVAC:PackagedTerminalAirConditioner'
    3366             :             case ZoneEquip::PkgTermHPWaterToAir: // 'ZoneHVAC:WaterToAirHeatPump'
    3367             :             case ZoneEquip::ZoneUnitarySys: {    // 'AirloopHVAC:UnitarySystem'
    3368     1253912 :                 int AirLoopNum = 0;
    3369     1253912 :                 bool HeatingActive = false;
    3370     1253912 :                 bool CoolingActive = false;
    3371     1253912 :                 int OAUnitNum = 0;
    3372     1253912 :                 Real64 OAUCoilOutTemp = 0.0;
    3373     1253912 :                 bool ZoneEquipFlag = true;
    3374     3761736 :                 zoneEquipList.compPointer[EquipPtr]->simulate(state,
    3375     1253912 :                                                               state.dataZoneEquipmentManager->PrioritySimOrder(EquipTypeNum).EquipName,
    3376             :                                                               FirstHVACIteration,
    3377             :                                                               AirLoopNum,
    3378             :                                                               zoneEquipList.EquipIndex(EquipPtr),
    3379             :                                                               HeatingActive,
    3380             :                                                               CoolingActive,
    3381             :                                                               OAUnitNum,
    3382             :                                                               OAUCoilOutTemp,
    3383             :                                                               ZoneEquipFlag,
    3384             :                                                               SysOutputProvided,
    3385     2507824 :                                                               LatOutputProvided);
    3386     1253912 :             } break;
    3387      112664 :             case ZoneEquip::ZoneDXDehumidifier: { // 'ZoneHVAC:Dehumidifier:DX'
    3388      225328 :                 ZoneDehumidifier::SimZoneDehumidifier(state,
    3389      112664 :                                                       state.dataZoneEquipmentManager->PrioritySimOrder(EquipTypeNum).EquipName,
    3390             :                                                       ControlledZoneNum,
    3391             :                                                       FirstHVACIteration,
    3392             :                                                       SysOutputProvided,
    3393             :                                                       LatOutputProvided,
    3394             :                                                       zoneEquipList.EquipIndex(EquipPtr));
    3395             : 
    3396      112664 :                 thisZoneHB.SysDepZoneLoads += SysOutputProvided;
    3397             : 
    3398      112664 :                 SysOutputProvided = 0.0; // Reset to 0.0 since this equipment is controlled based on zone humidity level (not
    3399             :                                          // temperature) SysOutputProvided amount was already sent above to
    3400             :                                          // next Predict-Correct series of calcs via SysDepZoneLoads
    3401      112664 :             } break;
    3402      514191 :             case ZoneEquip::FanCoil4Pipe: { // 'ZoneHVAC:FourPipeFanCoil'
    3403     1028382 :                 FanCoilUnits::SimFanCoilUnit(state,
    3404      514191 :                                              state.dataZoneEquipmentManager->PrioritySimOrder(EquipTypeNum).EquipName,
    3405             :                                              ControlledZoneNum,
    3406             :                                              FirstHVACIteration,
    3407             :                                              SysOutputProvided,
    3408             :                                              LatOutputProvided,
    3409             :                                              zoneEquipList.EquipIndex(EquipPtr));
    3410      514191 :             } break;
    3411      165565 :             case ZoneEquip::UnitVentilator: { // 'ZoneHVAC:UnitVentilator'
    3412      331130 :                 UnitVentilator::SimUnitVentilator(state,
    3413      165565 :                                                   state.dataZoneEquipmentManager->PrioritySimOrder(EquipTypeNum).EquipName,
    3414             :                                                   ControlledZoneNum,
    3415             :                                                   FirstHVACIteration,
    3416             :                                                   SysOutputProvided,
    3417             :                                                   LatOutputProvided,
    3418             :                                                   zoneEquipList.EquipIndex(EquipPtr));
    3419      165565 :             } break;
    3420      638739 :             case ZoneEquip::UnitHeater: { // 'ZoneHVAC:UnitHeater'
    3421     1277478 :                 UnitHeater::SimUnitHeater(state,
    3422      638739 :                                           state.dataZoneEquipmentManager->PrioritySimOrder(EquipTypeNum).EquipName,
    3423             :                                           ControlledZoneNum,
    3424             :                                           FirstHVACIteration,
    3425             :                                           SysOutputProvided,
    3426             :                                           LatOutputProvided,
    3427             :                                           zoneEquipList.EquipIndex(EquipPtr));
    3428      638739 :             } break;
    3429     1291226 :             case ZoneEquip::PurchasedAir: { // 'ZoneHVAC:IdealLoadsAirSystem'
    3430     2582452 :                 PurchasedAirManager::SimPurchasedAir(state,
    3431     1291226 :                                                      state.dataZoneEquipmentManager->PrioritySimOrder(EquipTypeNum).EquipName,
    3432             :                                                      SysOutputProvided,
    3433             :                                                      LatOutputProvided,
    3434             :                                                      FirstHVACIteration,
    3435             :                                                      ControlledZoneNum,
    3436             :                                                      zoneEquipList.EquipIndex(EquipPtr));
    3437     1291226 :             } break;
    3438       89527 :             case ZoneEquip::BBWater: { // 'ZoneHVAC:Baseboard:RadiantConvective:Water'
    3439      179054 :                 HWBaseboardRadiator::SimHWBaseboard(state,
    3440       89527 :                                                     state.dataZoneEquipmentManager->PrioritySimOrder(EquipTypeNum).EquipName,
    3441             :                                                     ControlledZoneNum,
    3442             :                                                     FirstHVACIteration,
    3443             :                                                     SysOutputProvided,
    3444             :                                                     zoneEquipList.EquipIndex(EquipPtr));
    3445             : 
    3446       89527 :                 thisZoneHB.NonAirSystemResponse += SysOutputProvided;
    3447       89527 :                 LatOutputProvided = 0.0; // This baseboard does not add/remove any latent heat
    3448       89527 :             } break;
    3449        7420 :             case ZoneEquip::BBSteam: { // 'ZoneHVAC:Baseboard:RadiantConvective:Steam'
    3450       14840 :                 SteamBaseboardRadiator::SimSteamBaseboard(state,
    3451        7420 :                                                           state.dataZoneEquipmentManager->PrioritySimOrder(EquipTypeNum).EquipName,
    3452             :                                                           ControlledZoneNum,
    3453             :                                                           FirstHVACIteration,
    3454             :                                                           SysOutputProvided,
    3455             :                                                           zoneEquipList.EquipIndex(EquipPtr));
    3456             : 
    3457        7420 :                 thisZoneHB.NonAirSystemResponse += SysOutputProvided;
    3458        7420 :                 LatOutputProvided = 0.0; // This baseboard does not add/remove any latent heat
    3459        7420 :             } break;
    3460      170169 :             case ZoneEquip::BBWaterConvective: { // 'ZoneHVAC:Baseboard:Convective:Water'
    3461      340338 :                 BaseboardRadiator::SimBaseboard(state,
    3462      170169 :                                                 state.dataZoneEquipmentManager->PrioritySimOrder(EquipTypeNum).EquipName,
    3463             :                                                 ControlledZoneNum,
    3464             :                                                 FirstHVACIteration,
    3465             :                                                 SysOutputProvided,
    3466             :                                                 zoneEquipList.EquipIndex(EquipPtr));
    3467             : 
    3468      170169 :                 thisZoneHB.NonAirSystemResponse += SysOutputProvided;
    3469      170169 :                 LatOutputProvided = 0.0; // This baseboard does not add/remove any latent heat
    3470      170169 :             } break;
    3471      316599 :             case ZoneEquip::BBElectricConvective: { // 'ZoneHVAC:Baseboard:Convective:Electric'
    3472      633198 :                 BaseboardElectric::SimElectricBaseboard(state,
    3473      316599 :                                                         state.dataZoneEquipmentManager->PrioritySimOrder(EquipTypeNum).EquipName,
    3474             :                                                         ControlledZoneNum,
    3475             :                                                         SysOutputProvided,
    3476             :                                                         zoneEquipList.EquipIndex(EquipPtr));
    3477             : 
    3478      316599 :                 thisZoneHB.NonAirSystemResponse += SysOutputProvided;
    3479      316599 :                 LatOutputProvided = 0.0; // This baseboard does not add/remove any latent heat
    3480      316599 :             } break;
    3481       22551 :             case ZoneEquip::CoolingPanel: { // 'ZoneHVAC:CoolingPanel:RadiantConvective:Water'
    3482       45102 :                 CoolingPanelSimple::SimCoolingPanel(state,
    3483       22551 :                                                     state.dataZoneEquipmentManager->PrioritySimOrder(EquipTypeNum).EquipName,
    3484             :                                                     ControlledZoneNum,
    3485             :                                                     FirstHVACIteration,
    3486             :                                                     SysOutputProvided,
    3487             :                                                     zoneEquipList.EquipIndex(EquipPtr));
    3488             : 
    3489       22551 :                 thisZoneHB.NonAirSystemResponse += SysOutputProvided;
    3490       22551 :                 LatOutputProvided = 0.0; // This cooling panel does not add/remove any latent heat
    3491       22551 :             } break;
    3492      128052 :             case ZoneEquip::HiTempRadiant: { // 'ZoneHVAC:HighTemperatureRadiant'
    3493      256104 :                 HighTempRadiantSystem::SimHighTempRadiantSystem(state,
    3494      128052 :                                                                 state.dataZoneEquipmentManager->PrioritySimOrder(EquipTypeNum).EquipName,
    3495             :                                                                 FirstHVACIteration,
    3496             :                                                                 SysOutputProvided,
    3497             :                                                                 zoneEquipList.EquipIndex(EquipPtr));
    3498      128052 :                 LatOutputProvided = 0.0; // This baseboard currently sends its latent heat gain directly to predictor/corrector
    3499             :                                          // via SumLatentHTRadSys... so setting LatOutputProvided = 0.0
    3500      128052 :             } break;
    3501      684904 :             case ZoneEquip::LoTempRadiant: { // 'ZoneHVAC:LowTemperatureRadiant:VariableFlow',
    3502             :                                              // 'ZoneHVAC:LowTemperatureRadiant:ConstantFlow'
    3503             :                 // 'ZoneHVAC:LowTemperatureRadiant:Electric'
    3504     1369808 :                 LowTempRadiantSystem::SimLowTempRadiantSystem(state,
    3505      684904 :                                                               state.dataZoneEquipmentManager->PrioritySimOrder(EquipTypeNum).EquipName,
    3506             :                                                               FirstHVACIteration,
    3507             :                                                               SysOutputProvided,
    3508             :                                                               zoneEquipList.EquipIndex(EquipPtr));
    3509      684904 :                 LatOutputProvided = 0.0; // This baseboard does not add/remove any latent heat
    3510      684904 :             } break;
    3511     1632157 :             case ZoneEquip::ZoneExhaustFan: { // 'Fan:ZoneExhaust'
    3512             :                 // Air loop system availability manager status only applies to PIU and exhaust fans
    3513             :                 // Check to see if System Availability Managers are asking for fans to cycle on or shut off
    3514             :                 // and set fan on/off flags accordingly.
    3515     2355144 :                 if (state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipAvail(ControlledZoneNum) == DataHVACGlobals::CycleOn ||
    3516      722987 :                     state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipAvail(ControlledZoneNum) == DataHVACGlobals::CycleOnZoneFansOnly) {
    3517      909170 :                     TurnFansOn = true;
    3518             :                 }
    3519     1632157 :                 if (state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipAvail(ControlledZoneNum) == DataHVACGlobals::ForceOff) {
    3520       49632 :                     TurnFansOff = true;
    3521             :                 }
    3522             : 
    3523     3264314 :                 Fans::SimulateFanComponents(state,
    3524     1632157 :                                             state.dataZoneEquipmentManager->PrioritySimOrder(EquipTypeNum).EquipName,
    3525             :                                             FirstHVACIteration,
    3526             :                                             zoneEquipList.EquipIndex(EquipPtr));
    3527             : 
    3528             :                 //            reset status flags for other zone equipment
    3529     1632157 :                 TurnFansOn = false;
    3530     1632157 :                 TurnFansOff = false;
    3531     1632157 :             } break;
    3532           0 :             case ZoneEquip::HeatXchngr: { // 'HeatExchanger:AirToAir:FlatPlate'
    3533           0 :                 HeatRecovery::SimHeatRecovery(state,
    3534           0 :                                               state.dataZoneEquipmentManager->PrioritySimOrder(EquipTypeNum).EquipName,
    3535             :                                               FirstHVACIteration,
    3536             :                                               zoneEquipList.EquipIndex(EquipPtr),
    3537             :                                               DataHVACGlobals::ContFanCycCoil);
    3538           0 :             } break;
    3539      758119 :             case ZoneEquip::ERVStandAlone: { // 'ZoneHVAC:EnergyRecoveryVentilator'
    3540     1516238 :                 HVACStandAloneERV::SimStandAloneERV(state,
    3541      758119 :                                                     state.dataZoneEquipmentManager->PrioritySimOrder(EquipTypeNum).EquipName,
    3542             :                                                     ControlledZoneNum,
    3543             :                                                     FirstHVACIteration,
    3544             :                                                     SysOutputProvided,
    3545             :                                                     LatOutputProvided,
    3546             :                                                     zoneEquipList.EquipIndex(EquipPtr));
    3547      758119 :             } break;
    3548      256753 :             case ZoneEquip::HPWaterHeater: { // 'WaterHeater:HeatPump:PumpedCondenser'
    3549      513506 :                 WaterThermalTanks::SimHeatPumpWaterHeater(state,
    3550      256753 :                                                           state.dataZoneEquipmentManager->PrioritySimOrder(EquipTypeNum).EquipName,
    3551             :                                                           FirstHVACIteration,
    3552             :                                                           SysOutputProvided,
    3553             :                                                           LatOutputProvided,
    3554      256753 :                                                           state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipList(ControlledZoneNum).EquipIndex(EquipPtr));
    3555      256753 :             } break;
    3556      106951 :             case ZoneEquip::VentilatedSlab: { // 'ZoneHVAC:VentilatedSlab'
    3557      213902 :                 VentilatedSlab::SimVentilatedSlab(state,
    3558      106951 :                                                   state.dataZoneEquipmentManager->PrioritySimOrder(EquipTypeNum).EquipName,
    3559             :                                                   ControlledZoneNum,
    3560             :                                                   FirstHVACIteration,
    3561             :                                                   SysOutputProvided,
    3562             :                                                   LatOutputProvided,
    3563             :                                                   zoneEquipList.EquipIndex(EquipPtr));
    3564      106951 :             } break;
    3565       66066 :             case ZoneEquip::OutdoorAirUnit: { // 'ZoneHVAC:OutdoorAirUnit'
    3566      132132 :                 OutdoorAirUnit::SimOutdoorAirUnit(state,
    3567       66066 :                                                   state.dataZoneEquipmentManager->PrioritySimOrder(EquipTypeNum).EquipName,
    3568             :                                                   ControlledZoneNum,
    3569             :                                                   FirstHVACIteration,
    3570             :                                                   SysOutputProvided,
    3571             :                                                   LatOutputProvided,
    3572             :                                                   zoneEquipList.EquipIndex(EquipPtr));
    3573       66066 :             } break;
    3574        9956 :             case ZoneEquip::BBElectric: { // 'ZoneHVAC:Baseboard:RadiantConvective:Electric'
    3575       19912 :                 ElectricBaseboardRadiator::SimElecBaseboard(state,
    3576        9956 :                                                             state.dataZoneEquipmentManager->PrioritySimOrder(EquipTypeNum).EquipName,
    3577             :                                                             ControlledZoneNum,
    3578             :                                                             FirstHVACIteration,
    3579             :                                                             SysOutputProvided,
    3580             :                                                             zoneEquipList.EquipIndex(EquipPtr));
    3581             : 
    3582        9956 :                 thisZoneHB.NonAirSystemResponse += SysOutputProvided;
    3583        9956 :                 LatOutputProvided = 0.0; // This baseboard does not add/remove any latent heat
    3584        9956 :             } break;
    3585      353160 :             case ZoneEquip::RefrigerationAirChillerSet: { // 'ZoneHVAC:RefrigerationChillerSet'
    3586      706320 :                 RefrigeratedCase::SimAirChillerSet(state,
    3587      353160 :                                                    state.dataZoneEquipmentManager->PrioritySimOrder(EquipTypeNum).EquipName,
    3588             :                                                    ControlledZoneNum,
    3589             :                                                    FirstHVACIteration,
    3590             :                                                    SysOutputProvided,
    3591             :                                                    LatOutputProvided,
    3592             :                                                    zoneEquipList.EquipIndex(EquipPtr));
    3593             : 
    3594      353160 :                 thisZoneHB.NonAirSystemResponse += SysOutputProvided;
    3595      353160 :             } break;
    3596       24690 :             case ZoneEquip::UserDefinedZoneHVACForcedAir: {
    3597       49380 :                 UserDefinedComponents::SimZoneAirUserDefined(state,
    3598       24690 :                                                              state.dataZoneEquipmentManager->PrioritySimOrder(EquipTypeNum).EquipName,
    3599             :                                                              ControlledZoneNum,
    3600             :                                                              SysOutputProvided,
    3601             :                                                              LatOutputProvided,
    3602             :                                                              zoneEquipList.EquipIndex(EquipPtr));
    3603       24690 :             } break;
    3604      127940 :             case ZoneEquip::ZoneEvaporativeCoolerUnit: {
    3605      255880 :                 EvaporativeCoolers::SimZoneEvaporativeCoolerUnit(state,
    3606      127940 :                                                                  state.dataZoneEquipmentManager->PrioritySimOrder(EquipTypeNum).EquipName,
    3607             :                                                                  ControlledZoneNum,
    3608             :                                                                  SysOutputProvided,
    3609             :                                                                  LatOutputProvided,
    3610             :                                                                  zoneEquipList.EquipIndex(EquipPtr));
    3611      127940 :             } break;
    3612       12797 :             case ZoneEquip::ZoneHybridEvaporativeCooler: {
    3613       25594 :                 HybridUnitaryAirConditioners::SimZoneHybridUnitaryAirConditioners(
    3614             :                     state,
    3615       12797 :                     state.dataZoneEquipmentManager->PrioritySimOrder(EquipTypeNum).EquipName,
    3616             :                     ControlledZoneNum,
    3617             :                     SysOutputProvided,
    3618             :                     LatOutputProvided,
    3619             :                     zoneEquipList.EquipIndex(EquipPtr));
    3620       12797 :             } break;
    3621           0 :             default:
    3622           0 :                 break;
    3623             :             }
    3624             : 
    3625    42739094 :             zoneEquipConfig.ZoneExh +=
    3626    85478188 :                 (state.dataHVACGlobal->UnbalExhMassFlow +
    3627    42739094 :                  state.dataHVACGlobal->BalancedExhMassFlow); // This is the total "exhaust" flow from equipment such as a zone exhaust fan
    3628    42739094 :             zoneEquipConfig.ZoneExhBalanced += state.dataHVACGlobal->BalancedExhMassFlow;
    3629    42739094 :             zoneEquipConfig.PlenumMassFlow += state.dataHVACGlobal->PlenumInducedMassFlow;
    3630             : 
    3631             :             // Store available capacities for load distribution calculations
    3632    42739094 :             if (FirstHVACIteration && (zoneEquipList.LoadDistScheme != DataZoneEquipment::LoadDist::Sequential)) {
    3633       23760 :                 if (SysOutputProvided > 0.0) {
    3634        7577 :                     zoneEquipList.HeatingCapacity(EquipPtr) = SysOutputProvided;
    3635             :                 } else {
    3636       16183 :                     zoneEquipList.CoolingCapacity(EquipPtr) = SysOutputProvided;
    3637             :                 }
    3638             :             }
    3639             : 
    3640    42739094 :             UpdateSystemOutputRequired(state, ControlledZoneNum, SysOutputProvided, LatOutputProvided, EquipTypeNum);
    3641    42739094 :             state.dataSize->CurTermUnitSizingNum = 0;
    3642             :         } // zone equipment loop
    3643    38185376 :         if (state.dataHeatBal->doSpaceHeatBalance) {
    3644       36600 :             for (int spaceNum : state.dataHeatBal->Zone(ControlledZoneNum).spaceIndexes) {
    3645             :                 // SpaceHB ToDo: For now allocate by space volume frac
    3646       18300 :                 state.dataZoneTempPredictorCorrector->spaceHeatBalance(spaceNum).NonAirSystemResponse =
    3647       18300 :                     thisZoneHB.NonAirSystemResponse * state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).fracZoneVolume;
    3648             :             }
    3649             :         }
    3650             :     } // End of controlled zone loop
    3651     6050562 :     state.dataSize->CurZoneEqNum = 0;
    3652     6050562 :     state.dataZoneEquipmentManager->FirstPassZoneEquipFlag = false;
    3653             : 
    3654             :     // This is the call to the Supply Air Path after the components are simulated to update
    3655             :     //  the path inlets
    3656             : 
    3657             :     // Process supply air path components in reverse order
    3658    16500761 :     for (int SupplyAirPathNum = 1; SupplyAirPathNum <= state.dataZoneEquip->NumSupplyAirPaths; ++SupplyAirPathNum) {
    3659             : 
    3660    10450199 :         SupPathInletChanged = false;
    3661             : 
    3662    20936248 :         for (int CompNum = state.dataZoneEquip->SupplyAirPath(SupplyAirPathNum).NumOfComponents; CompNum >= 1; --CompNum) {
    3663    10486049 :             switch (state.dataZoneEquip->SupplyAirPath(SupplyAirPathNum).ComponentTypeEnum(CompNum)) {
    3664    10446465 :             case DataZoneEquipment::AirLoopHVACZone::Splitter: { // 'AirLoopHVAC:ZoneSplitter'
    3665    10446465 :                 if (!(state.afn->AirflowNetworkFanActivated && state.afn->distribution_simulated)) {
    3666    20307326 :                     SplitterComponent::SimAirLoopSplitter(state,
    3667    10153663 :                                                           state.dataZoneEquip->SupplyAirPath(SupplyAirPathNum).ComponentName(CompNum),
    3668             :                                                           FirstHVACIteration,
    3669             :                                                           FirstCall,
    3670             :                                                           SupPathInletChanged,
    3671    10153663 :                                                           state.dataZoneEquip->SupplyAirPath(SupplyAirPathNum).ComponentIndex(CompNum));
    3672             :                 }
    3673    10446465 :             } break;
    3674       39584 :             case DataZoneEquipment::AirLoopHVACZone::SupplyPlenum: { // 'AirLoopHVAC:SupplyPlenum'
    3675      118752 :                 ZonePlenum::SimAirZonePlenum(state,
    3676       39584 :                                              state.dataZoneEquip->SupplyAirPath(SupplyAirPathNum).ComponentName(CompNum),
    3677             :                                              DataZoneEquipment::AirLoopHVACZone::SupplyPlenum,
    3678       39584 :                                              state.dataZoneEquip->SupplyAirPath(SupplyAirPathNum).ComponentIndex(CompNum),
    3679             :                                              FirstHVACIteration,
    3680             :                                              FirstCall,
    3681             :                                              SupPathInletChanged);
    3682             : 
    3683       39584 :             } break;
    3684           0 :             default: {
    3685           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state, "Error found in Supply Air Path=" + state.dataZoneEquip->SupplyAirPath(SupplyAirPathNum).Name);
    3686           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state,
    3687           0 :                                   "Invalid Supply Air Path Component=" + state.dataZoneEquip->SupplyAirPath(SupplyAirPathNum).ComponentType(CompNum));
    3688           0 :                 ShowFatalError(state, "Preceding condition causes termination.");
    3689           0 :             } break;
    3690             :             }
    3691             :         }
    3692             : 
    3693    10450199 :         if (SupPathInletChanged) {
    3694             :             // If the supply air path inlet conditions have been changed, the Air Loop must be resimulated
    3695     1981318 :             SimAir = true;
    3696             :         }
    3697             : 
    3698             :     } // end of the Supply Air Path DO Loop
    3699             : 
    3700     6050562 :     ExhaustAirSystemManager::SimZoneHVACExhaustControls(state);
    3701             : 
    3702     6050562 :     ExhaustAirSystemManager::SimExhaustAirSystem(state, FirstHVACIteration);
    3703             : 
    3704     6050562 :     CalcZoneMassBalance(state, FirstHVACIteration);
    3705             : 
    3706     6050562 :     CalcZoneLeavingConditions(state, FirstHVACIteration);
    3707             : 
    3708     6050562 :     ReturnAirPathManager::SimReturnAirPath(state);
    3709     6050562 : }
    3710             : 
    3711    84918402 : void SetZoneEquipSimOrder(EnergyPlusData &state, int const ControlledZoneNum)
    3712             : {
    3713             : 
    3714             :     // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    3715             :     //       AUTHOR         Russ Taylor
    3716             :     //       DATE WRITTEN   May 1997
    3717             : 
    3718             :     // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    3719             :     // Set simulation priorities based on user specified priorities and
    3720             :     // required conditions (heating or cooling).
    3721             : 
    3723             :     int CurEqHeatingPriority; // Used to make sure "optimization features" on compilers don't defeat purpose of this routine
    3724             :     int CurEqCoolingPriority; // Used to make sure "optimization features" on compilers don't defeat purpose of this routine
    3725             : 
    3726    84918402 :     auto &zeq(state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipList(ControlledZoneNum));
    3727    84918402 :     int const NumOfEquipTypes(zeq.NumOfEquipTypes);
    3728   180042601 :     for (int EquipTypeNum = 1; EquipTypeNum <= NumOfEquipTypes; ++EquipTypeNum) {
    3729    95124199 :         auto &pso(state.dataZoneEquipmentManager->PrioritySimOrder(EquipTypeNum));
    3730    95124199 :         pso.EquipType = zeq.EquipType(EquipTypeNum);
    3731    95124199 :         pso.EquipName = zeq.EquipName(EquipTypeNum);
    3732    95124199 :         pso.EquipTypeEnum = zeq.EquipTypeEnum(EquipTypeNum);
    3733    95124199 :         pso.CoolingPriority = zeq.CoolingPriority(EquipTypeNum);
    3734    95124199 :         pso.HeatingPriority = zeq.HeatingPriority(EquipTypeNum);
    3735    95124199 :         pso.EquipPtr = EquipTypeNum;
    3736             :     }
    3737   117331180 :     for (int EquipTypeNum = NumOfEquipTypes + 1, EquipTypeNum_end = state.dataZoneEquipmentManager->PrioritySimOrder.u();
    3738   117331180 :          EquipTypeNum <= EquipTypeNum_end;
    3739             :          ++EquipTypeNum) { // Reset unused upper array portion
    3740    32412778 :         auto &pso(state.dataZoneEquipmentManager->PrioritySimOrder(EquipTypeNum));
    3741    32412778 :         pso.EquipType.clear();
    3742    32412778 :         pso.EquipName.clear();
    3743    32412778 :         pso.EquipTypeEnum = 0;
    3744    32412778 :         pso.EquipPtr = 0;
    3745             :     }
    3746             : 
    3747   180042601 :     for (int EquipTypeNum = 1; EquipTypeNum <= NumOfEquipTypes; ++EquipTypeNum) {
    3748    95124199 :         auto &pso(state.dataZoneEquipmentManager->PrioritySimOrder(EquipTypeNum));
    3749             : 
    3750    95124199 :         CurEqHeatingPriority = pso.HeatingPriority;
    3751    95124199 :         CurEqCoolingPriority = pso.CoolingPriority;
    3752             : 
    3753   202512839 :         for (int ComparedEquipTypeNum = EquipTypeNum; ComparedEquipTypeNum <= NumOfEquipTypes; ++ComparedEquipTypeNum) {
    3754   107388640 :             auto &psc(state.dataZoneEquipmentManager->PrioritySimOrder(ComparedEquipTypeNum));
    3755             : 
    3756   216621089 :             if ((CurEqCoolingPriority > psc.CoolingPriority &&
    3757   215688395 :                  state.dataZoneEnergyDemand->ZoneSysEnergyDemand(ControlledZoneNum).RemainingOutputRequired < 0.0) ||
    3758   107483023 :                 (CurEqHeatingPriority > psc.HeatingPriority &&
    3759     1509988 :                  state.dataZoneEnergyDemand->ZoneSysEnergyDemand(ControlledZoneNum).RemainingOutputRequired >= 0.0)) {
    3760             : 
    3761             :                 // Tuned C++ string swap avoids copying
    3762     2326720 :                 pso.EquipType.swap(psc.EquipType);
    3763     2326720 :                 pso.EquipName.swap(psc.EquipName);
    3764     2326720 :                 std::swap(pso.EquipPtr, psc.EquipPtr);
    3765     2326720 :                 std::swap(pso.EquipTypeEnum, psc.EquipTypeEnum);
    3766     2326720 :                 std::swap(pso.CoolingPriority, psc.CoolingPriority);
    3767     2326720 :                 std::swap(pso.HeatingPriority, psc.HeatingPriority);
    3768             : 
    3769     2326720 :                 CurEqCoolingPriority = pso.CoolingPriority;
    3770     2326720 :                 CurEqHeatingPriority = pso.HeatingPriority;
    3771             :             }
    3772             :         }
    3773             :     }
    3774    84918402 : }
    3775             : 
    3776    93469709 : void InitSystemOutputRequired(EnergyPlusData &state, int const ZoneNum, bool const FirstHVACIteration, bool const ResetSimOrder)
    3777             : {
    3778             : 
    3779             :     // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    3780             :     //       AUTHOR         Russ Taylor
    3781             :     //       DATE WRITTEN   May 1997
    3782             :     //       MODIFIED       Don Shirey, Aug 2009 (latent/moisture additions)
    3783             : 
    3784             :     // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    3785             :     // Initialize remaining output required variables
    3786             : 
    3787             :     // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
    3788             :     // Initialize remaining output variables using predictor calculations
    3789   280409127 :     initOutputRequired(state,
    3790             :                        ZoneNum,
    3791    93469709 :                        state.dataZoneEnergyDemand->ZoneSysEnergyDemand(ZoneNum),
    3792    93469709 :                        state.dataZoneEnergyDemand->ZoneSysMoistureDemand(ZoneNum),
    3793             :                        FirstHVACIteration,
    3794             :                        ResetSimOrder);
    3795             :     // SpaceHB TODO: This may need more work
    3796    93469709 :     if (state.dataHeatBal->doSpaceHeatBalance) {
    3797      137680 :         for (int spaceNum : state.dataHeatBal->Zone(ZoneNum).spaceIndexes) {
    3798      206520 :             initOutputRequired(state,
    3799             :                                ZoneNum,
    3800       68840 :                                state.dataZoneEnergyDemand->spaceSysEnergyDemand(spaceNum),
    3801       68840 :                                state.dataZoneEnergyDemand->spaceSysMoistureDemand(spaceNum),
    3802             :                                FirstHVACIteration,
    3803             :                                ResetSimOrder,
    3804             :                                spaceNum);
    3805             :         }
    3806             :     }
    3807             : 
    3808    93469709 :     DistributeSystemOutputRequired(state, ZoneNum, FirstHVACIteration);
    3809    93469709 : }
    3810             : 
    3811    93538549 : void initOutputRequired(EnergyPlusData &state,
    3812             :                         int const ZoneNum,
    3813             :                         DataZoneEnergyDemands::ZoneSystemSensibleDemand &energy,
    3814             :                         DataZoneEnergyDemands::ZoneSystemMoistureDemand &moisture,
    3815             :                         bool const FirstHVACIteration,
    3816             :                         bool const ResetSimOrder,
    3817             :                         int spaceNum)
    3818             : {
    3819    93538549 :     energy.RemainingOutputRequired = energy.TotalOutputRequired;
    3820    93538549 :     energy.UnadjRemainingOutputRequired = energy.TotalOutputRequired;
    3821    93538549 :     energy.RemainingOutputReqToHeatSP = energy.OutputRequiredToHeatingSP;
    3822    93538549 :     energy.UnadjRemainingOutputReqToHeatSP = energy.OutputRequiredToHeatingSP;
    3823    93538549 :     energy.RemainingOutputReqToCoolSP = energy.OutputRequiredToCoolingSP;
    3824    93538549 :     energy.UnadjRemainingOutputReqToCoolSP = energy.OutputRequiredToCoolingSP;
    3825             : 
    3826    93538549 :     moisture.RemainingOutputRequired = moisture.TotalOutputRequired;
    3827    93538549 :     moisture.UnadjRemainingOutputRequired = moisture.TotalOutputRequired;
    3828    93538549 :     moisture.RemainingOutputReqToHumidSP = moisture.OutputRequiredToHumidifyingSP;
    3829    93538549 :     moisture.UnadjRemainingOutputReqToHumidSP = moisture.OutputRequiredToHumidifyingSP;
    3830    93538549 :     moisture.RemainingOutputReqToDehumidSP = moisture.OutputRequiredToDehumidifyingSP;
    3831    93538549 :     moisture.UnadjRemainingOutputReqToDehumidSP = moisture.OutputRequiredToDehumidifyingSP;
    3832             : 
    3833    93538549 :     if (ResetSimOrder && spaceNum == 0) {
    3834    84918402 :         SetZoneEquipSimOrder(state, ZoneNum);
    3835             :     }
    3836             : 
    3837             :     // If one sequenced load is allocated, then all have been allocated in InitZoneEquipment
    3838    93538549 :     if (allocated(energy.SequencedOutputRequired)) {
    3839             :         // Check if controlled first, because if it's not, there is no zone equipment list
    3840    93538549 :         if (!state.dataHeatBal->Zone(ZoneNum).IsControlled || state.dataGlobal->ZoneSizingCalc) {
    3841             :             // init each sequenced demand to the full output
    3842    17133711 :             energy.SequencedOutputRequired = energy.TotalOutputRequired;                            // array assignment
    3843    17133711 :             energy.SequencedOutputRequiredToHeatingSP = energy.OutputRequiredToHeatingSP;           // array assignment
    3844    17133711 :             energy.SequencedOutputRequiredToCoolingSP = energy.OutputRequiredToCoolingSP;           // array assignment
    3845             :                                                                                                     // init each sequenced demand to the full output
    3846    17133711 :             moisture.SequencedOutputRequired = moisture.TotalOutputRequired;                        // array assignment
    3847    17133711 :             moisture.SequencedOutputRequiredToHumidSP = moisture.OutputRequiredToHumidifyingSP;     // array assignment
    3848    17133711 :             moisture.SequencedOutputRequiredToDehumidSP = moisture.OutputRequiredToDehumidifyingSP; // array assignment
    3849    76404838 :         } else if (FirstHVACIteration) {
    3850    30674048 :             auto loadDistType = state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipList(ZoneNum).LoadDistScheme;
    3851    30674048 :             if ((loadDistType == DataZoneEquipment::LoadDist::Sequential) || (loadDistType == DataZoneEquipment::LoadDist::Uniform)) {
    3852             :                 // init each sequenced demand to the full output
    3853    30658208 :                 energy.SequencedOutputRequired = energy.TotalOutputRequired;                        // array assignment
    3854    30658208 :                 energy.SequencedOutputRequiredToHeatingSP = energy.OutputRequiredToHeatingSP;       // array assignment
    3855    30658208 :                 energy.SequencedOutputRequiredToCoolingSP = energy.OutputRequiredToCoolingSP;       // array assignment
    3856             :                                                                                                     // init each sequenced demand to the full output
    3857    30658208 :                 moisture.SequencedOutputRequired = moisture.TotalOutputRequired;                    // array assignment
    3858    30658208 :                 moisture.SequencedOutputRequiredToHumidSP = moisture.OutputRequiredToHumidifyingSP; // array assignment
    3859    30658208 :                 moisture.SequencedOutputRequiredToDehumidSP = moisture.OutputRequiredToDehumidifyingSP; // array assignment
    3860       15840 :             } else if ((loadDistType == DataZoneEquipment::LoadDist::UniformPLR) ||
    3861             :                        (loadDistType == DataZoneEquipment::LoadDist::SequentialUniformPLR)) {
    3862             :                 // init each sequenced demand to the zone design load in order to get available capacities from equipment
    3863             :                 // SpaceHB TODO: This may need more work
    3864       15840 :                 if (energy.TotalOutputRequired >= 0.0) {
    3865        5416 :                     energy.SequencedOutputRequired = state.dataSize->FinalZoneSizing(ZoneNum).DesHeatLoad; // array assignment
    3866             :                 } else {
    3867       10424 :                     energy.SequencedOutputRequired = -state.dataSize->FinalZoneSizing(ZoneNum).DesCoolLoad; // array assignment
    3868             :                 }
    3869       15840 :                 if (energy.TotalOutputRequired >= 0.0) {
    3870        5416 :                     energy.SequencedOutputRequiredToHeatingSP = state.dataSize->FinalZoneSizing(ZoneNum).DesHeatLoad; // array assignment
    3871             :                 } else {
    3872       10424 :                     energy.SequencedOutputRequiredToHeatingSP = -state.dataSize->FinalZoneSizing(ZoneNum).DesCoolLoad; // array assignment
    3873             :                 }
    3874       15840 :                 if (energy.TotalOutputRequired >= 0.0) {
    3875        5416 :                     energy.SequencedOutputRequiredToCoolingSP = state.dataSize->FinalZoneSizing(ZoneNum).DesHeatLoad; // array assignment
    3876             :                 } else {
    3877       10424 :                     energy.SequencedOutputRequiredToCoolingSP = -state.dataSize->FinalZoneSizing(ZoneNum).DesCoolLoad; // array assignment
    3878             :                 }
    3879             :                 // init each sequenced moisture demand to the full output
    3880       15840 :                 moisture.SequencedOutputRequired = moisture.TotalOutputRequired;                        // array assignment
    3881       15840 :                 moisture.SequencedOutputRequiredToHumidSP = moisture.OutputRequiredToHumidifyingSP;     // array assignment
    3882       15840 :                 moisture.SequencedOutputRequiredToDehumidSP = moisture.OutputRequiredToDehumidifyingSP; // array assignment
    3883             :             }
    3884             :         } else {
    3885             :             // init first sequenced sensible demand to the full output
    3886    45730790 :             energy.SequencedOutputRequired(1) = energy.TotalOutputRequired;
    3887    45730790 :             energy.SequencedOutputRequiredToHeatingSP(1) = energy.OutputRequiredToHeatingSP;
    3888    45730790 :             energy.SequencedOutputRequiredToCoolingSP(1) = energy.OutputRequiredToCoolingSP;
    3889             :             // init first sequenced moisture demand to the full output
    3890    45730790 :             moisture.SequencedOutputRequired(1) = moisture.TotalOutputRequired;
    3891    45730790 :             moisture.SequencedOutputRequiredToHumidSP(1) = moisture.OutputRequiredToHumidifyingSP;
    3892    45730790 :             moisture.SequencedOutputRequiredToDehumidSP(1) = moisture.OutputRequiredToDehumidifyingSP;
    3893             :         }
    3894             :     }
    3895             : 
    3896    93538549 :     state.dataZoneEnergyDemand->CurDeadBandOrSetback(ZoneNum) = state.dataZoneEnergyDemand->DeadBandOrSetback(ZoneNum);
    3897    93538549 : }
    3898             : 
    3899    93469709 : void DistributeSystemOutputRequired(EnergyPlusData &state, int const ZoneNum, bool const FirstHVACIteration)
    3900             : {
    3901             :     // Distribute zone equipment loads according to load distribution scheme
    3902             : 
    3903             :     // Do nothing if this zone is uncontrolled or doing zone sizing
    3904    93469709 :     if (!state.dataHeatBal->Zone(ZoneNum).IsControlled) return;
    3905    93469709 :     if (state.dataGlobal->ZoneSizingCalc) return;
    3906             : 
    3907             :     // Do nothing on FirstHVACIteration if not UniformLoading and not SequentialLoading
    3908   107016526 :     if (FirstHVACIteration && (state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipList(ZoneNum).LoadDistScheme != DataZoneEquipment::LoadDist::Uniform) &&
    3909    30648288 :         (state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipList(ZoneNum).LoadDistScheme != DataZoneEquipment::LoadDist::Sequential)) {
    3910       15840 :         return;
    3911             :     }
    3912             : 
    3913   152704796 :     distributeOutputRequired(
    3914   152704796 :         state, ZoneNum, state.dataZoneEnergyDemand->ZoneSysEnergyDemand(ZoneNum), state.dataZoneEnergyDemand->ZoneSysMoistureDemand(ZoneNum));
    3915             :     // SpaceHB TODO: This may need more work
    3916    76352398 :     if (state.dataHeatBal->doSpaceHeatBalance) {
    3917       73200 :         for (int spaceNum : state.dataHeatBal->Zone(ZoneNum).spaceIndexes) {
    3918       73200 :             distributeOutputRequired(state,
    3919             :                                      ZoneNum,
    3920       36600 :                                      state.dataZoneEnergyDemand->spaceSysEnergyDemand(spaceNum),
    3921       36600 :                                      state.dataZoneEnergyDemand->spaceSysMoistureDemand(spaceNum));
    3922             :         }
    3923             :     }
    3924             : }
    3925             : 
    3926    76388998 : void distributeOutputRequired(EnergyPlusData &state,
    3927             :                               int const ZoneNum,
    3928             :                               DataZoneEnergyDemands::ZoneSystemSensibleDemand &energy,
    3929             :                               DataZoneEnergyDemands::ZoneSystemMoistureDemand &moisture)
    3930             : {
    3931    76388998 :     auto &thisZEqList(state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipList(ZoneNum));
    3932    76388998 :     Real64 heatLoadRatio = 1.0;
    3933    76388998 :     Real64 coolLoadRatio = 1.0;
    3934    76388998 :     Real64 availCap = 0.0;
    3935    76388998 :     Real64 plr = 1.0;
    3936    76388998 :     int numOperating = 0;
    3937             : 
    3938    76388998 :     switch (thisZEqList.LoadDistScheme) {
    3939    76318198 :     case DataZoneEquipment::LoadDist::Sequential:
    3940             :         // Nothing to do here for this case
    3941             :         {
    3942             :             // Set the load (with load fraction) for the first equipment in priority order
    3943    76318198 :             constexpr int priorityNum = 1;
    3944    76318198 :             const int &equipNum = state.dataZoneEquipmentManager->PrioritySimOrder(priorityNum).EquipPtr;
    3945             : 
    3946             :             // Determine whether we're heating or cooling and choose the appropriate fraction
    3947    76318198 :             const Real64 heatLoadRatio = thisZEqList.SequentialHeatingFraction(state, equipNum);
    3948    76318198 :             const Real64 coolLoadRatio = thisZEqList.SequentialCoolingFraction(state, equipNum);
    3949    76318198 :             const Real64 loadRatio = (energy.TotalOutputRequired >= 0.0) ? heatLoadRatio : coolLoadRatio;
    3950             : 
    3951             :             // Energy loads
    3952    76318198 :             energy.SequencedOutputRequired(priorityNum) = energy.TotalOutputRequired * loadRatio;
    3953    76318198 :             energy.SequencedOutputRequiredToHeatingSP(priorityNum) = energy.OutputRequiredToHeatingSP * loadRatio;
    3954    76318198 :             energy.SequencedOutputRequiredToCoolingSP(priorityNum) = energy.OutputRequiredToCoolingSP * loadRatio;
    3955    76318198 :             energy.RemainingOutputRequired = energy.SequencedOutputRequired(priorityNum);
    3956    76318198 :             energy.RemainingOutputReqToHeatSP = energy.SequencedOutputRequiredToHeatingSP(priorityNum);
    3957    76318198 :             energy.RemainingOutputReqToCoolSP = energy.SequencedOutputRequiredToCoolingSP(priorityNum);
    3958             : 
    3959             :             // Moisture loads
    3960    76318198 :             moisture.SequencedOutputRequired(priorityNum) = moisture.TotalOutputRequired * loadRatio;
    3961    76318198 :             moisture.SequencedOutputRequiredToHumidSP(priorityNum) = moisture.OutputRequiredToHumidifyingSP * loadRatio;
    3962    76318198 :             moisture.SequencedOutputRequiredToDehumidSP(priorityNum) = moisture.OutputRequiredToDehumidifyingSP * loadRatio;
    3963    76318198 :             moisture.RemainingOutputRequired = moisture.SequencedOutputRequired(priorityNum);
    3964    76318198 :             moisture.RemainingOutputReqToHumidSP = moisture.SequencedOutputRequiredToHumidSP(priorityNum);
    3965    76318198 :             moisture.RemainingOutputReqToDehumidSP = moisture.SequencedOutputRequiredToDehumidSP(priorityNum);
    3966             : 
    3967    76318198 :             break;
    3968             :         }
    3969       15822 :     case DataZoneEquipment::LoadDist::Uniform:
    3970             :         // Distribute load uniformly across all active equipment
    3971       15822 :         if (thisZEqList.NumAvailHeatEquip > 0) {
    3972       15822 :             heatLoadRatio = 1.0 / thisZEqList.NumAvailHeatEquip;
    3973             :         } else {
    3974           0 :             heatLoadRatio = 1.0;
    3975             :         }
    3976       15822 :         if (thisZEqList.NumAvailCoolEquip > 0) {
    3977       15822 :             coolLoadRatio = 1.0 / thisZEqList.NumAvailCoolEquip;
    3978             :         } else {
    3979           0 :             coolLoadRatio = 1.0;
    3980             :         }
    3981       47466 :         for (int equipNum = 1.0; equipNum <= thisZEqList.NumOfEquipTypes; ++equipNum) {
    3982       31644 :             if (energy.TotalOutputRequired >= 0.0) {
    3983       10804 :                 if (thisZEqList.HeatingPriority(equipNum) > 0) {
    3984       10804 :                     energy.SequencedOutputRequired(equipNum) = energy.TotalOutputRequired * heatLoadRatio;
    3985       10804 :                     energy.SequencedOutputRequiredToHeatingSP(equipNum) = energy.OutputRequiredToHeatingSP * heatLoadRatio;
    3986       10804 :                     energy.SequencedOutputRequiredToCoolingSP(equipNum) = energy.OutputRequiredToCoolingSP * heatLoadRatio;
    3987       10804 :                     moisture.SequencedOutputRequired(equipNum) = moisture.TotalOutputRequired * heatLoadRatio;
    3988       10804 :                     moisture.SequencedOutputRequiredToHumidSP(equipNum) = moisture.OutputRequiredToHumidifyingSP * heatLoadRatio;
    3989       10804 :                     moisture.SequencedOutputRequiredToDehumidSP(equipNum) = moisture.OutputRequiredToDehumidifyingSP * heatLoadRatio;
    3990             :                 } else {
    3991           0 :                     energy.SequencedOutputRequired(equipNum) = 0.0;
    3992           0 :                     energy.SequencedOutputRequiredToHeatingSP(equipNum) = 0.0;
    3993           0 :                     energy.SequencedOutputRequiredToCoolingSP(equipNum) = 0.0;
    3994           0 :                     moisture.SequencedOutputRequired(equipNum) = 0.0;
    3995           0 :                     moisture.SequencedOutputRequiredToHumidSP(equipNum) = 0.0;
    3996           0 :                     moisture.SequencedOutputRequiredToDehumidSP(equipNum) = 0.0;
    3997             :                 }
    3998             :             } else {
    3999       20840 :                 if (thisZEqList.CoolingPriority(equipNum) > 0) {
    4000       20840 :                     energy.SequencedOutputRequired(equipNum) = energy.TotalOutputRequired * coolLoadRatio;
    4001       20840 :                     energy.SequencedOutputRequiredToHeatingSP(equipNum) = energy.OutputRequiredToHeatingSP * coolLoadRatio;
    4002       20840 :                     energy.SequencedOutputRequiredToCoolingSP(equipNum) = energy.OutputRequiredToCoolingSP * coolLoadRatio;
    4003       20840 :                     moisture.SequencedOutputRequired(equipNum) = moisture.TotalOutputRequired * coolLoadRatio;
    4004       20840 :                     moisture.SequencedOutputRequiredToHumidSP(equipNum) = moisture.OutputRequiredToHumidifyingSP * coolLoadRatio;
    4005       20840 :                     moisture.SequencedOutputRequiredToDehumidSP(equipNum) = moisture.OutputRequiredToDehumidifyingSP * coolLoadRatio;
    4006             :                 } else {
    4007           0 :                     energy.SequencedOutputRequired(equipNum) = 0.0;
    4008           0 :                     energy.SequencedOutputRequiredToHeatingSP(equipNum) = 0.0;
    4009           0 :                     energy.SequencedOutputRequiredToCoolingSP(equipNum) = 0.0;
    4010           0 :                     moisture.SequencedOutputRequired(equipNum) = 0.0;
    4011           0 :                     moisture.SequencedOutputRequiredToHumidSP(equipNum) = 0.0;
    4012           0 :                     moisture.SequencedOutputRequiredToDehumidSP(equipNum) = 0.0;
    4013             :                 }
    4014             :             }
    4015       15822 :         }
    4016       15822 :         break;
    4017       23538 :     case DataZoneEquipment::LoadDist::UniformPLR:
    4018             :         // Distribute load at uniform PLR across all active equipment
    4019       23538 :         if (energy.TotalOutputRequired >= 0.0) {
    4020       23742 :             for (int equipNum = 1.0; equipNum <= thisZEqList.NumOfEquipTypes; ++equipNum) {
    4021       15828 :                 if (thisZEqList.HeatingPriority(equipNum) > 0) availCap += thisZEqList.HeatingCapacity(equipNum);
    4022             :             }
    4023        7914 :             if (availCap > 0.0) {
    4024        7880 :                 plr = energy.TotalOutputRequired / availCap;
    4025             :             } else {
    4026          34 :                 plr = 0.0;
    4027             :             }
    4028             :         } else {
    4029       46872 :             for (int equipNum = 1.0; equipNum <= thisZEqList.NumOfEquipTypes; ++equipNum) {
    4030       31248 :                 if (thisZEqList.CoolingPriority(equipNum) > 0) availCap += thisZEqList.CoolingCapacity(equipNum);
    4031             :             }
    4032       15624 :             if (availCap < 0.0) {
    4033       15624 :                 plr = energy.TotalOutputRequired / availCap;
    4034             :             } else {
    4035           0 :                 plr = 0.0;
    4036             :             }
    4037             :         }
    4038       23538 :         if (plr <= 0.0) break; // Don't change anything
    4039       69588 :         for (int equipNum = 1.0; equipNum <= thisZEqList.NumOfEquipTypes; ++equipNum) {
    4040       46392 :             if (energy.TotalOutputRequired >= 0.0) {
    4041       15144 :                 if (thisZEqList.HeatingPriority(equipNum) > 0) {
    4042       15144 :                     energy.SequencedOutputRequired(equipNum) = thisZEqList.HeatingCapacity(equipNum) * plr;
    4043       15144 :                     energy.SequencedOutputRequiredToHeatingSP(equipNum) = thisZEqList.HeatingCapacity(equipNum) * plr;
    4044       15144 :                     energy.SequencedOutputRequiredToCoolingSP(equipNum) = thisZEqList.HeatingCapacity(equipNum) * plr;
    4045       15144 :                     if (energy.OutputRequiredToHeatingSP != 0.0) {
    4046       15144 :                         moisture.SequencedOutputRequired(equipNum) =
    4047       15144 :                             moisture.TotalOutputRequired * (thisZEqList.HeatingCapacity(equipNum) * plr) / energy.OutputRequiredToHeatingSP;
    4048       15144 :                         moisture.SequencedOutputRequiredToHumidSP(equipNum) =
    4049       15144 :                             moisture.OutputRequiredToHumidifyingSP * (thisZEqList.HeatingCapacity(equipNum) * plr) / energy.OutputRequiredToHeatingSP;
    4050             :                     } else {
    4051           0 :                         moisture.SequencedOutputRequired(equipNum) = moisture.TotalOutputRequired * plr;
    4052           0 :                         moisture.SequencedOutputRequiredToHumidSP(equipNum) = moisture.OutputRequiredToHumidifyingSP * plr;
    4053             :                     }
    4054       15144 :                     moisture.SequencedOutputRequiredToDehumidSP(equipNum) = 0.0;
    4055             :                 } else {
    4056           0 :                     energy.SequencedOutputRequired(equipNum) = 0.0;
    4057           0 :                     energy.SequencedOutputRequiredToHeatingSP(equipNum) = 0.0;
    4058           0 :                     energy.SequencedOutputRequiredToCoolingSP(equipNum) = 0.0;
    4059           0 :                     moisture.SequencedOutputRequired(equipNum) = 0.0;
    4060           0 :                     moisture.SequencedOutputRequiredToHumidSP(equipNum) = 0.0;
    4061           0 :                     moisture.SequencedOutputRequiredToDehumidSP(equipNum) = 0.0;
    4062             :                 }
    4063             :             } else {
    4064       31248 :                 if (thisZEqList.CoolingPriority(equipNum) > 0) {
    4065       31248 :                     energy.SequencedOutputRequired(equipNum) = thisZEqList.CoolingCapacity(equipNum) * plr;
    4066       31248 :                     energy.SequencedOutputRequiredToHeatingSP(equipNum) = thisZEqList.CoolingCapacity(equipNum) * plr;
    4067       31248 :                     energy.SequencedOutputRequiredToCoolingSP(equipNum) = thisZEqList.CoolingCapacity(equipNum) * plr;
    4068       31248 :                     if (energy.OutputRequiredToCoolingSP != 0.0) {
    4069       31248 :                         moisture.SequencedOutputRequired(equipNum) =
    4070       31248 :                             moisture.TotalOutputRequired * (thisZEqList.CoolingCapacity(equipNum) * plr) / energy.OutputRequiredToCoolingSP;
    4071       93744 :                         moisture.SequencedOutputRequiredToDehumidSP(equipNum) = moisture.OutputRequiredToDehumidifyingSP *
    4072       62496 :                                                                                 (thisZEqList.CoolingCapacity(equipNum) * plr) /
    4073       31248 :                                                                                 energy.OutputRequiredToCoolingSP;
    4074             :                     } else {
    4075           0 :                         moisture.SequencedOutputRequired(equipNum) = moisture.TotalOutputRequired * plr;
    4076           0 :                         moisture.SequencedOutputRequiredToDehumidSP(equipNum) = moisture.OutputRequiredToDehumidifyingSP * plr;
    4077             :                     }
    4078       31248 :                     moisture.SequencedOutputRequiredToHumidSP(equipNum) = 0.0;
    4079             :                 } else {
    4080           0 :                     energy.SequencedOutputRequired(equipNum) = 0.0;
    4081           0 :                     energy.SequencedOutputRequiredToHeatingSP(equipNum) = 0.0;
    4082           0 :                     energy.SequencedOutputRequiredToCoolingSP(equipNum) = 0.0;
    4083           0 :                     moisture.SequencedOutputRequired(equipNum) = 0.0;
    4084           0 :                     moisture.SequencedOutputRequiredToHumidSP(equipNum) = 0.0;
    4085           0 :                     moisture.SequencedOutputRequiredToDehumidSP(equipNum) = 0.0;
    4086             :                 }
    4087             :             }
    4088       23196 :         }
    4089       23196 :         break;
    4090       31440 :     case DataZoneEquipment::LoadDist::SequentialUniformPLR:
    4091             :         // Determine how many pieces of equipment are required to meet the current load,
    4092             :         // then distribute load at uniform PLR across all active equipment
    4093       31440 :         if (energy.TotalOutputRequired >= 0.0) {
    4094             :             // For heating capacities and TotalOutputRequired are positive
    4095       31824 :             for (int equipNum = 1.0; equipNum <= thisZEqList.NumOfEquipTypes; ++equipNum) {
    4096       21216 :                 if ((thisZEqList.HeatingCapacity(equipNum) > 0.0) && (availCap < energy.TotalOutputRequired)) {
    4097       19208 :                     if (thisZEqList.HeatingPriority(equipNum) > 0) availCap += thisZEqList.HeatingCapacity(equipNum);
    4098       19208 :                     ++numOperating;
    4099             :                 }
    4100             :             }
    4101       10608 :             if (availCap > 0.0) {
    4102       10096 :                 plr = energy.TotalOutputRequired / availCap;
    4103             :             } else {
    4104         512 :                 plr = 0.0;
    4105         512 :                 numOperating = 0;
    4106             :             }
    4107             :         } else {
    4108       62496 :             for (int equipNum = 1.0; equipNum <= thisZEqList.NumOfEquipTypes; ++equipNum) {
    4109             :                 // For cooling capacities and TotalOutputRequired are negative
    4110       41664 :                 if ((thisZEqList.CoolingCapacity(equipNum) < 0.0) && (availCap > energy.TotalOutputRequired)) {
    4111       26416 :                     if (thisZEqList.CoolingPriority(equipNum) > 0) availCap += thisZEqList.CoolingCapacity(equipNum);
    4112       26416 :                     ++numOperating;
    4113             :                 }
    4114             :             }
    4115       20832 :             if (availCap < 0.0) {
    4116       20832 :                 plr = energy.TotalOutputRequired / availCap;
    4117             :             } else {
    4118           0 :                 plr = 0.0;
    4119           0 :                 numOperating = 0;
    4120             :             }
    4121             :         }
    4122       31440 :         if (plr <= 0.0) break; // Don't change anything
    4123             :         // Set loads for operating equipment
    4124       76552 :         for (int equipNum = 1.0; equipNum <= numOperating; ++equipNum) {
    4125       45624 :             if (energy.TotalOutputRequired >= 0.0) {
    4126       19208 :                 if (thisZEqList.HeatingPriority(equipNum) > 0) {
    4127       19208 :                     energy.SequencedOutputRequired(equipNum) = thisZEqList.HeatingCapacity(equipNum) * plr;
    4128       19208 :                     energy.SequencedOutputRequiredToHeatingSP(equipNum) = thisZEqList.HeatingCapacity(equipNum) * plr;
    4129       19208 :                     energy.SequencedOutputRequiredToCoolingSP(equipNum) = thisZEqList.HeatingCapacity(equipNum) * plr;
    4130       19208 :                     if (energy.OutputRequiredToHeatingSP != 0.0) {
    4131       19208 :                         moisture.SequencedOutputRequired(equipNum) =
    4132       19208 :                             moisture.TotalOutputRequired * (thisZEqList.HeatingCapacity(equipNum) * plr) / energy.OutputRequiredToHeatingSP;
    4133       19208 :                         moisture.SequencedOutputRequiredToHumidSP(equipNum) =
    4134       19208 :                             moisture.OutputRequiredToHumidifyingSP * (thisZEqList.HeatingCapacity(equipNum) * plr) / energy.OutputRequiredToHeatingSP;
    4135             :                     } else {
    4136           0 :                         moisture.SequencedOutputRequired(equipNum) = moisture.TotalOutputRequired * plr;
    4137           0 :                         moisture.SequencedOutputRequiredToHumidSP(equipNum) = moisture.OutputRequiredToHumidifyingSP * plr;
    4138             :                     }
    4139       19208 :                     moisture.SequencedOutputRequiredToDehumidSP(equipNum) = 0.0;
    4140             :                 } else {
    4141           0 :                     energy.SequencedOutputRequired(equipNum) = 0.0;
    4142           0 :                     energy.SequencedOutputRequiredToHeatingSP(equipNum) = 0.0;
    4143           0 :                     energy.SequencedOutputRequiredToCoolingSP(equipNum) = 0.0;
    4144           0 :                     moisture.SequencedOutputRequired(equipNum) = 0.0;
    4145           0 :                     moisture.SequencedOutputRequiredToHumidSP(equipNum) = 0.0;
    4146           0 :                     moisture.SequencedOutputRequiredToDehumidSP(equipNum) = 0.0;
    4147             :                 }
    4148             :             } else {
    4149       26416 :                 if (thisZEqList.CoolingPriority(equipNum) > 0) {
    4150       26416 :                     energy.SequencedOutputRequired(equipNum) = thisZEqList.CoolingCapacity(equipNum) * plr;
    4151       26416 :                     energy.SequencedOutputRequiredToHeatingSP(equipNum) = thisZEqList.CoolingCapacity(equipNum) * plr;
    4152       26416 :                     energy.SequencedOutputRequiredToCoolingSP(equipNum) = thisZEqList.CoolingCapacity(equipNum) * plr;
    4153       26416 :                     if (energy.OutputRequiredToCoolingSP != 0.0) {
    4154       26416 :                         moisture.SequencedOutputRequired(equipNum) =
    4155       26416 :                             moisture.TotalOutputRequired * (thisZEqList.CoolingCapacity(equipNum) * plr) / energy.OutputRequiredToCoolingSP;
    4156       79248 :                         moisture.SequencedOutputRequiredToDehumidSP(equipNum) = moisture.OutputRequiredToDehumidifyingSP *
    4157       52832 :                                                                                 (thisZEqList.CoolingCapacity(equipNum) * plr) /
    4158       26416 :                                                                                 energy.OutputRequiredToCoolingSP;
    4159             :                     } else {
    4160           0 :                         moisture.SequencedOutputRequired(equipNum) = moisture.TotalOutputRequired * plr;
    4161           0 :                         moisture.SequencedOutputRequiredToDehumidSP(equipNum) = moisture.OutputRequiredToDehumidifyingSP * plr;
    4162             :                     }
    4163       26416 :                     moisture.SequencedOutputRequiredToHumidSP(equipNum) = 0.0;
    4164             :                 } else {
    4165           0 :                     energy.SequencedOutputRequired(equipNum) = 0.0;
    4166           0 :                     energy.SequencedOutputRequiredToHeatingSP(equipNum) = 0.0;
    4167           0 :                     energy.SequencedOutputRequiredToCoolingSP(equipNum) = 0.0;
    4168           0 :                     moisture.SequencedOutputRequired(equipNum) = 0.0;
    4169           0 :                     moisture.SequencedOutputRequiredToHumidSP(equipNum) = 0.0;
    4170           0 :                     moisture.SequencedOutputRequiredToDehumidSP(equipNum) = 0.0;
    4171             :                 }
    4172             :             }
    4173       30928 :         }
    4174             :         // Set loads to zero for remaining equipment
    4175       47160 :         for (int equipNum = numOperating + 1; equipNum <= thisZEqList.NumOfEquipTypes; ++equipNum) {
    4176       16232 :             energy.SequencedOutputRequired(equipNum) = 0.0;
    4177       16232 :             energy.SequencedOutputRequiredToHeatingSP(equipNum) = 0.0;
    4178       16232 :             energy.SequencedOutputRequiredToCoolingSP(equipNum) = 0.0;
    4179       16232 :             moisture.SequencedOutputRequired(equipNum) = 0.0;
    4180       16232 :             moisture.SequencedOutputRequiredToHumidSP(equipNum) = 0.0;
    4181       16232 :             moisture.SequencedOutputRequiredToDehumidSP(equipNum) = 0.0;
    4182       30928 :         }
    4183       30928 :         break;
    4184           0 :     default:
    4185           0 :         ShowFatalError(state, "DistributeSystemOutputRequired: Illegal load distribution scheme type.");
    4186           0 :         break;
    4187             :     }
    4188             :     // For every load distribution scheme except SequentialLoad
    4189             :     //  set the remaining loads to the first equipment type's load to support equipment types that don't use the sequenced loads
    4190    76388998 :     if (thisZEqList.LoadDistScheme != DataZoneEquipment::LoadDist::Sequential) {
    4191       70800 :         energy.RemainingOutputRequired = energy.SequencedOutputRequired(1);
    4192       70800 :         moisture.RemainingOutputRequired = moisture.SequencedOutputRequired(1);
    4193       70800 :         energy.RemainingOutputReqToHeatSP = energy.SequencedOutputRequiredToHeatingSP(1);
    4194       70800 :         moisture.RemainingOutputReqToHumidSP = moisture.SequencedOutputRequiredToHumidSP(1);
    4195       70800 :         energy.RemainingOutputReqToCoolSP = energy.SequencedOutputRequiredToCoolingSP(1);
    4196       70800 :         moisture.RemainingOutputReqToDehumidSP = moisture.SequencedOutputRequiredToDehumidSP(1);
    4197             :     }
    4198    76388998 : }
    4199             : 
    4200    51466625 : void UpdateSystemOutputRequired(EnergyPlusData &state,
    4201             :                                 int const ZoneNum,
    4202             :                                 Real64 const SysOutputProvided,     // sensible output provided by zone equipment (W)
    4203             :                                 Real64 const LatOutputProvided,     // latent output provided by zone equipment (kg/s)
    4204             :                                 Optional_int_const EquipPriorityNum // index in PrioritySimOrder for this update
    4205             : )
    4206             : {
    4207             : 
    4208             :     // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    4209             :     //       AUTHOR         Russ Taylor
    4210             :     //       DATE WRITTEN   Unknown
    4211             :     //       MODIFIED       B. Griffith Sept 2011, add storage of requirements by sequence
    4212             : 
    4213    51466625 :     auto &energy(state.dataZoneEnergyDemand->ZoneSysEnergyDemand(ZoneNum));
    4214    51466625 :     auto &moisture(state.dataZoneEnergyDemand->ZoneSysMoistureDemand(ZoneNum));
    4215             : 
    4216             :     // If zone is uncontrolled use original method for remaining output
    4217    51466625 :     if (!state.dataHeatBal->Zone(ZoneNum).IsControlled) {
    4218             :         // SequentialLoading, use original method for remaining output
    4219           0 :         energy.UnadjRemainingOutputRequired -= SysOutputProvided;
    4220           0 :         energy.RemainingOutputRequired = energy.UnadjRemainingOutputRequired;
    4221           0 :         energy.UnadjRemainingOutputReqToHeatSP -= SysOutputProvided;
    4222           0 :         energy.RemainingOutputReqToHeatSP = energy.UnadjRemainingOutputReqToHeatSP;
    4223           0 :         energy.UnadjRemainingOutputReqToCoolSP -= SysOutputProvided;
    4224           0 :         energy.RemainingOutputReqToCoolSP = energy.UnadjRemainingOutputReqToCoolSP;
    4225             :         // Latent output updates
    4226           0 :         moisture.UnadjRemainingOutputRequired -= LatOutputProvided;
    4227           0 :         moisture.RemainingOutputRequired = moisture.UnadjRemainingOutputRequired;
    4228           0 :         moisture.UnadjRemainingOutputReqToHumidSP -= LatOutputProvided;
    4229           0 :         moisture.RemainingOutputReqToHumidSP = moisture.UnadjRemainingOutputReqToHumidSP;
    4230           0 :         moisture.UnadjRemainingOutputReqToDehumidSP -= LatOutputProvided;
    4231           0 :         moisture.RemainingOutputReqToDehumidSP = moisture.UnadjRemainingOutputReqToDehumidSP;
    4232             : 
    4233             :         // re-evaluate if loads are now such that in dead band or set back
    4234           0 :         switch (state.dataHeatBalFanSys->TempControlType(ZoneNum)) {
    4235           0 :         case DataHVACGlobals::ThermostatType::Uncontrolled:
    4236             :             // uncontrolled zone; shouldn't ever get here, but who knows
    4237           0 :             state.dataZoneEnergyDemand->CurDeadBandOrSetback(ZoneNum) = false;
    4238           0 :             break;
    4239           0 :         case DataHVACGlobals::ThermostatType::SingleHeating:
    4240           0 :             if ((energy.RemainingOutputRequired - 1.0) < 0.0) {
    4241           0 :                 state.dataZoneEnergyDemand->CurDeadBandOrSetback(ZoneNum) = true;
    4242             :             } else {
    4243           0 :                 state.dataZoneEnergyDemand->CurDeadBandOrSetback(ZoneNum) = false;
    4244             :             }
    4245           0 :             break;
    4246           0 :         case DataHVACGlobals::ThermostatType::SingleCooling:
    4247           0 :             if ((energy.RemainingOutputRequired + 1.0) > 0.0) {
    4248           0 :                 state.dataZoneEnergyDemand->CurDeadBandOrSetback(ZoneNum) = true;
    4249             :             } else {
    4250           0 :                 state.dataZoneEnergyDemand->CurDeadBandOrSetback(ZoneNum) = false;
    4251             :             }
    4252           0 :             break;
    4253           0 :         case DataHVACGlobals::ThermostatType::SingleHeatCool:
    4254           0 :             if (energy.RemainingOutputReqToHeatSP < 0.0 && energy.RemainingOutputReqToCoolSP > 0.0) {
    4255           0 :                 state.dataZoneEnergyDemand->CurDeadBandOrSetback(ZoneNum) = true;
    4256             :             } else {
    4257           0 :                 state.dataZoneEnergyDemand->CurDeadBandOrSetback(ZoneNum) = false;
    4258             :             }
    4259           0 :             break;
    4260           0 :         case DataHVACGlobals::ThermostatType::DualSetPointWithDeadBand:
    4261           0 :             if (energy.RemainingOutputReqToHeatSP < 0.0 && energy.RemainingOutputReqToCoolSP > 0.0) {
    4262           0 :                 state.dataZoneEnergyDemand->CurDeadBandOrSetback(ZoneNum) = true;
    4263             :             } else {
    4264           0 :                 state.dataZoneEnergyDemand->CurDeadBandOrSetback(ZoneNum) = false;
    4265             :             }
    4266           0 :             break;
    4267           0 :         default:
    4268           0 :             break;
    4269             :         }
    4270             : 
    4271           0 :         if (present(EquipPriorityNum)) {
    4272             :             // now store remaining load at the by sequence level
    4273           0 :             if (EquipPriorityNum + 1 <= energy.NumZoneEquipment) {
    4274           0 :                 energy.SequencedOutputRequired(EquipPriorityNum + 1) = energy.RemainingOutputRequired;
    4275           0 :                 moisture.SequencedOutputRequired(EquipPriorityNum + 1) = moisture.RemainingOutputRequired;
    4276             :             }
    4277             : 
    4278           0 :             if (state.dataZoneEquipmentManager->PrioritySimOrder(EquipPriorityNum).HeatingPriority + 1 <= energy.NumZoneEquipment) {
    4279           0 :                 energy.SequencedOutputRequiredToHeatingSP(state.dataZoneEquipmentManager->PrioritySimOrder(EquipPriorityNum).HeatingPriority + 1) =
    4280           0 :                     energy.RemainingOutputReqToHeatSP;
    4281           0 :                 moisture.SequencedOutputRequiredToHumidSP(state.dataZoneEquipmentManager->PrioritySimOrder(EquipPriorityNum).HeatingPriority + 1) =
    4282           0 :                     moisture.RemainingOutputReqToHumidSP;
    4283             :             }
    4284           0 :             if (state.dataZoneEquipmentManager->PrioritySimOrder(EquipPriorityNum).CoolingPriority + 1 <= energy.NumZoneEquipment) {
    4285           0 :                 energy.SequencedOutputRequiredToCoolingSP(state.dataZoneEquipmentManager->PrioritySimOrder(EquipPriorityNum).CoolingPriority + 1) =
    4286           0 :                     energy.RemainingOutputReqToCoolSP;
    4287           0 :                 moisture.SequencedOutputRequiredToDehumidSP(state.dataZoneEquipmentManager->PrioritySimOrder(EquipPriorityNum).CoolingPriority + 1) =
    4288           0 :                     moisture.RemainingOutputReqToDehumidSP;
    4289             :             }
    4290             :         }
    4291           0 :         return;
    4292             :     }
    4293             : 
    4294             :     // Sensible output updates
    4295    51466625 :     auto &thisZEqList(state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipList(ZoneNum));
    4296    51466625 :     switch (thisZEqList.LoadDistScheme) {
    4297    51368081 :     case DataZoneEquipment::LoadDist::Sequential: {
    4298             :         // Subtract the system output from the unadjusted loads required
    4299    51368081 :         energy.UnadjRemainingOutputRequired -= SysOutputProvided;
    4300    51368081 :         energy.UnadjRemainingOutputReqToHeatSP -= SysOutputProvided;
    4301    51368081 :         energy.UnadjRemainingOutputReqToCoolSP -= SysOutputProvided;
    4302    51368081 :         moisture.UnadjRemainingOutputRequired -= LatOutputProvided;
    4303    51368081 :         moisture.UnadjRemainingOutputReqToHumidSP -= LatOutputProvided;
    4304    51368081 :         moisture.UnadjRemainingOutputReqToDehumidSP -= LatOutputProvided;
    4305             : 
    4306    51368081 :         if (present(EquipPriorityNum) && EquipPriorityNum < thisZEqList.NumOfEquipTypes) {
    4307             : 
    4308             :             // Look up the next system in priority order
    4309     4510398 :             int nextEquipPriorityNum = EquipPriorityNum + 1;
    4310     4510398 :             const int &nextSystem = state.dataZoneEquipmentManager->PrioritySimOrder(nextEquipPriorityNum).EquipPtr;
    4311             : 
    4312             :             // Determine the load ratio based on whether we're heating or cooling
    4313     6701161 :             const Real64 loadRatio = (energy.TotalOutputRequired >= 0.0) ? thisZEqList.SequentialHeatingFraction(state, nextSystem)
    4314     6701161 :                                                                          : thisZEqList.SequentialCoolingFraction(state, nextSystem);
    4315             : 
    4316             :             // Update the zone energy demands
    4317     4510398 :             energy.RemainingOutputRequired = loadRatio * energy.UnadjRemainingOutputRequired;
    4318     4510398 :             energy.RemainingOutputReqToHeatSP = loadRatio * energy.UnadjRemainingOutputReqToHeatSP;
    4319     4510398 :             energy.RemainingOutputReqToCoolSP = loadRatio * energy.UnadjRemainingOutputReqToCoolSP;
    4320     4510398 :             moisture.RemainingOutputRequired = loadRatio * moisture.UnadjRemainingOutputRequired;
    4321     4510398 :             moisture.RemainingOutputReqToHumidSP = loadRatio * moisture.UnadjRemainingOutputReqToHumidSP;
    4322     4510398 :             moisture.RemainingOutputReqToDehumidSP = loadRatio * moisture.UnadjRemainingOutputReqToDehumidSP;
    4323             : 
    4324             :             // now store remaining load at the sequence level
    4325     4510398 :             energy.SequencedOutputRequired(nextEquipPriorityNum) = energy.RemainingOutputRequired;
    4326     4510398 :             energy.SequencedOutputRequiredToHeatingSP(nextEquipPriorityNum) = energy.RemainingOutputReqToHeatSP;
    4327     4510398 :             energy.SequencedOutputRequiredToCoolingSP(nextEquipPriorityNum) = energy.RemainingOutputReqToCoolSP;
    4328     4510398 :             moisture.SequencedOutputRequired(nextEquipPriorityNum) = moisture.RemainingOutputRequired;
    4329     4510398 :             moisture.SequencedOutputRequiredToHumidSP(nextEquipPriorityNum) = moisture.RemainingOutputReqToHumidSP;
    4330     4510398 :             moisture.SequencedOutputRequiredToDehumidSP(nextEquipPriorityNum) = moisture.RemainingOutputReqToDehumidSP;
    4331             :         } else {
    4332             :             // SequentialLoading, use original method for remaining output
    4333    46857683 :             energy.RemainingOutputRequired = energy.UnadjRemainingOutputRequired;
    4334    46857683 :             energy.RemainingOutputReqToHeatSP = energy.UnadjRemainingOutputReqToHeatSP;
    4335    46857683 :             energy.RemainingOutputReqToCoolSP = energy.UnadjRemainingOutputReqToCoolSP;
    4336             :             // Latent output updates
    4337    46857683 :             moisture.RemainingOutputRequired = moisture.UnadjRemainingOutputRequired;
    4338    46857683 :             moisture.RemainingOutputReqToHumidSP = moisture.UnadjRemainingOutputReqToHumidSP;
    4339    46857683 :             moisture.RemainingOutputReqToDehumidSP = moisture.UnadjRemainingOutputReqToDehumidSP;
    4340             :         }
    4341             : 
    4342             :         // re-evaluate if loads are now such that in dead band or set back
    4343    51368081 :         switch (state.dataHeatBalFanSys->TempControlType(ZoneNum)) {
    4344     1000424 :         case DataHVACGlobals::ThermostatType::Uncontrolled:
    4345             :             // uncontrolled zone; shouldn't ever get here, but who knows
    4346     1000424 :             state.dataZoneEnergyDemand->CurDeadBandOrSetback(ZoneNum) = false;
    4347     1000424 :             break;
    4348     4101319 :         case DataHVACGlobals::ThermostatType::SingleHeating:
    4349     4101319 :             if ((energy.RemainingOutputRequired - 1.0) < 0.0) {
    4350     2626129 :                 state.dataZoneEnergyDemand->CurDeadBandOrSetback(ZoneNum) = true;
    4351             :             } else {
    4352     1475190 :                 state.dataZoneEnergyDemand->CurDeadBandOrSetback(ZoneNum) = false;
    4353             :             }
    4354     4101319 :             break;
    4355     4941227 :         case DataHVACGlobals::ThermostatType::SingleCooling:
    4356     4941227 :             if ((energy.RemainingOutputRequired + 1.0) > 0.0) {
    4357     3380717 :                 state.dataZoneEnergyDemand->CurDeadBandOrSetback(ZoneNum) = true;
    4358             :             } else {
    4359     1560510 :                 state.dataZoneEnergyDemand->CurDeadBandOrSetback(ZoneNum) = false;
    4360             :             }
    4361     4941227 :             break;
    4362      181728 :         case DataHVACGlobals::ThermostatType::SingleHeatCool:
    4363      181728 :             if (energy.RemainingOutputReqToHeatSP < 0.0 && energy.RemainingOutputReqToCoolSP > 0.0) {
    4364           0 :                 state.dataZoneEnergyDemand->CurDeadBandOrSetback(ZoneNum) = true;
    4365             :             } else {
    4366      181728 :                 state.dataZoneEnergyDemand->CurDeadBandOrSetback(ZoneNum) = false;
    4367             :             }
    4368      181728 :             break;
    4369    41143383 :         case DataHVACGlobals::ThermostatType::DualSetPointWithDeadBand:
    4370    41143383 :             if (energy.RemainingOutputReqToHeatSP < 0.0 && energy.RemainingOutputReqToCoolSP > 0.0) {
    4371    14510197 :                 state.dataZoneEnergyDemand->CurDeadBandOrSetback(ZoneNum) = true;
    4372             :             } else {
    4373    26633186 :                 state.dataZoneEnergyDemand->CurDeadBandOrSetback(ZoneNum) = false;
    4374             :             }
    4375    41143383 :             break;
    4376           0 :         default:
    4377           0 :             break;
    4378             :         }
    4379             : 
    4380    51368081 :     } break;
    4381       98544 :     case DataZoneEquipment::LoadDist::Uniform:
    4382             :     case DataZoneEquipment::LoadDist::UniformPLR:
    4383             :     case DataZoneEquipment::LoadDist::SequentialUniformPLR:
    4384             :         // For every load distribution scheme except SequentialLoad, do not touch the sequenced loads,
    4385             :         // but set the remaining loads to the next equipment type's load to support equipment types that don't use the sequenced loads
    4386       98544 :         if (present(EquipPriorityNum)) {
    4387       86640 :             if (EquipPriorityNum + 1 <= energy.NumZoneEquipment) {
    4388       43320 :                 energy.RemainingOutputRequired = energy.SequencedOutputRequired(EquipPriorityNum + 1);
    4389       43320 :                 moisture.RemainingOutputRequired = moisture.SequencedOutputRequired(EquipPriorityNum + 1);
    4390             :             }
    4391             : 
    4392       86640 :             if (state.dataZoneEquipmentManager->PrioritySimOrder(EquipPriorityNum).HeatingPriority + 1 <= energy.NumZoneEquipment) {
    4393       43320 :                 energy.RemainingOutputReqToHeatSP =
    4394       43320 :                     energy.SequencedOutputRequiredToHeatingSP(state.dataZoneEquipmentManager->PrioritySimOrder(EquipPriorityNum).HeatingPriority + 1);
    4395       43320 :                 moisture.RemainingOutputReqToHumidSP =
    4396       43320 :                     moisture.SequencedOutputRequiredToHumidSP(state.dataZoneEquipmentManager->PrioritySimOrder(EquipPriorityNum).HeatingPriority + 1);
    4397             :             }
    4398       86640 :             if (state.dataZoneEquipmentManager->PrioritySimOrder(EquipPriorityNum).CoolingPriority + 1 <= energy.NumZoneEquipment) {
    4399       43320 :                 energy.RemainingOutputReqToCoolSP =
    4400       43320 :                     energy.SequencedOutputRequiredToCoolingSP(state.dataZoneEquipmentManager->PrioritySimOrder(EquipPriorityNum).CoolingPriority + 1);
    4401       43320 :                 moisture.RemainingOutputReqToDehumidSP = moisture.SequencedOutputRequiredToDehumidSP(
    4402       43320 :                     state.dataZoneEquipmentManager->PrioritySimOrder(EquipPriorityNum).CoolingPriority + 1);
    4403             :             }
    4404             :         }
    4405       98544 :         break;
    4406           0 :     default:
    4407           0 :         ShowFatalError(state, "UpdateSystemOutputRequired: Illegal load distribution scheme type.");
    4408           0 :         break;
    4409             :     }
    4410             : }
    4411             : 
    4412     7037806 : void CalcZoneMassBalance(EnergyPlusData &state, bool const FirstHVACIteration)
    4413             : {
    4414             : 
    4415             :     // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    4416             :     //       AUTHOR         Russ Taylor
    4417             :     //       DATE WRITTEN   May 1997
    4418             : 
    4419             :     // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    4420             :     // Perform zone mass balance to get outlet air flow conditions.
    4421             : 
    4422             :     // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
    4423             :     // Mass continuity equation.
    4424             : 
    4425     7037806 :     int constexpr IterMax(25);
    4426     7037806 :     Real64 constexpr ConvergenceTolerance(0.000010);
    4427             : 
    4428     7037806 :     state.dataHVACGlobal->ZoneMassBalanceHVACReSim = false;
    4429     7037806 :     int Iteration = 0;
    4430     7037806 :     Real64 BuildingZoneMixingFlow = 0.0;
    4431     7037806 :     Real64 BuildingZoneMixingFlowOld = 0.0;
    4432     7037806 :     Real64 BuildingZoneReturnFlow = 0.0;
    4433     7037806 :     Real64 BuildingZoneReturnFlowOld = 0.0;
    4434             : 
    4435     7037806 :     auto &Node(state.dataLoopNodes->Node);
    4436             : 
    4437             :     // Total loop supply and recirc flows (these have been zeroed earlier in InitZoneEquipment
    4438    40668216 :     for (int airDistUnit = 1; airDistUnit <= (int)state.dataDefineEquipment->AirDistUnit.size(); ++airDistUnit) {
    4439    33630410 :         auto &airDisUnit = state.dataDefineEquipment->AirDistUnit(airDistUnit);
    4440    33630410 :         if (airDisUnit.AirLoopNum > 0) {
    4441    33501742 :             auto &airLoopFlow = state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopFlow(airDisUnit.AirLoopNum);
    4442    33501742 :             airLoopFlow.SupFlow += airDisUnit.MassFlowRateSup;
    4443    33501742 :             airLoopFlow.RecircFlow += airDisUnit.MassFlowRatePlenInd;
    4444    33501742 :             airLoopFlow.LeakFlow += airDisUnit.MassFlowRateDnStrLk + airDisUnit.MassFlowRateUpStrLk;
    4445             :         }
    4446             :     }
    4447             : 
    4448             :     // Set max OA flow and frac for systems which are all OA (no OASys)
    4449    18028640 :     for (int airLoop = 1; airLoop <= state.dataHVACGlobal->NumPrimaryAirSys; ++airLoop) {
    4450    10990834 :         if (state.dataAirSystemsData->PrimaryAirSystems(airLoop).isAllOA) {
    4451       15046 :             auto &airLoopFlow = state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopFlow(airLoop);
    4452       15046 :             airLoopFlow.MaxOutAir = airLoopFlow.SupFlow;
    4453       15046 :             airLoopFlow.OAFlow = airLoopFlow.SupFlow;
    4454       15046 :             airLoopFlow.OAFrac = 1.0;
    4455             :         }
    4456             :     }
    4457             : 
    4458      106580 :     do {
    4459     7144386 :         if (state.dataHeatBal->ZoneAirMassFlow.EnforceZoneMassBalance) {
    4460             :             // These are also reset in ZoneEquipmentManager::InitZoneEquipment, reset again here for each zone mass balance iteration
    4461      191986 :             for (int airLoop = 1; airLoop <= state.dataHVACGlobal->NumPrimaryAirSys; ++airLoop) {
    4462       71559 :                 auto &airLoopFlow = state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopFlow(airLoop);
    4463       71559 :                 airLoopFlow.ZoneRetFlow = 0.0;
    4464       71559 :                 airLoopFlow.SysRetFlow = 0.0;
    4465       71559 :                 airLoopFlow.ExcessZoneExhFlow = 0.0;
    4466             :             }
    4467      842989 :             for (int ZoneNum = 1; ZoneNum <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++ZoneNum) {
    4468      722562 :                 if (!state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(ZoneNum).IsControlled) continue;
    4469      602135 :                 state.dataHeatBalFanSys->ZoneInfiltrationFlag(ZoneNum) = false;
    4470      602135 :                 state.dataHeatBal->MassConservation(ZoneNum).IncludeInfilToZoneMassBal = 0.0;
    4471      602135 :                 state.dataHeatBal->MassConservation(ZoneNum).RetMassFlowRate = 0.0;
    4472      602135 :                 state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(ZoneNum).ExcessZoneExh = 0.0;
    4473             :             }
    4474             :         }
    4475     7144386 :         BuildingZoneMixingFlowOld = BuildingZoneMixingFlow;
    4476     7144386 :         BuildingZoneMixingFlow = 0.0;
    4477             : 
    4478     7144386 :         BuildingZoneReturnFlowOld = BuildingZoneReturnFlow;
    4479     7144386 :         BuildingZoneReturnFlow = 0.0;
    4480             : 
    4481    62514619 :         for (int ZoneNum1 = 1; ZoneNum1 <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++ZoneNum1) {
    4482    55370233 :             if (!state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(ZoneNum1).IsControlled) continue;
    4483    47269583 :             int ZoneNum = ZoneNum1;
    4484    47269583 :             if (state.dataHeatBal->ZoneAirMassFlow.EnforceZoneMassBalance) ZoneNum = state.dataHeatBalFanSys->ZoneReOrder(ZoneNum1);
    4485    47269583 :             auto &massConservation = state.dataHeatBal->MassConservation(ZoneNum);
    4486    47269583 :             auto &zoneEquipConfig = state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(ZoneNum);
    4487    47269583 :             zoneEquipConfig.TotInletAirMassFlowRate = 0.0;
    4488    47269583 :             Real64 TotInletAirMassFlowRateMax = 0.0;
    4489    47269583 :             Real64 TotInletAirMassFlowRateMaxAvail = 0.0;
    4490    47269583 :             Real64 TotInletAirMassFlowRateMin = 0.0;
    4491    47269583 :             Real64 TotInletAirMassFlowRateMinAvail = 0.0;
    4492    47269583 :             Real64 TotInletAirMassFlowRate = 0.0;
    4493    47269583 :             Real64 TotExhaustAirMassFlowRate = 0.0;
    4494             : 
    4495    47269583 :             zoneEquipConfig.TotExhaustAirMassFlowRate = 0.0;
    4496             : 
    4497    47269583 :             Real64 ZoneMixingAirMassFlowRate = 0.0;
    4498    47269583 :             Real64 ZoneMixingNetAirMassFlowRate = 0.0;
    4499    47269583 :             Real64 ZoneReturnAirMassFlowRate = 0.0;
    4500             : 
    4501    95699795 :             for (int NodeNum = 1; NodeNum <= zoneEquipConfig.NumInletNodes; ++NodeNum) {
    4502             :                 {
    4503    48430212 :                     auto const &thisNode(Node(zoneEquipConfig.InletNode(NodeNum)));
    4504    48430212 :                     zoneEquipConfig.TotInletAirMassFlowRate += thisNode.MassFlowRate;
    4505    48430212 :                     TotInletAirMassFlowRateMax += thisNode.MassFlowRateMax;
    4506    48430212 :                     TotInletAirMassFlowRateMaxAvail += thisNode.MassFlowRateMaxAvail;
    4507    48430212 :                     TotInletAirMassFlowRateMin += thisNode.MassFlowRateMin;
    4508    48430212 :                     TotInletAirMassFlowRateMinAvail += thisNode.MassFlowRateMinAvail;
    4509             :                 }
    4510             :             }
    4511             : 
    4512    47269583 :             TotInletAirMassFlowRate = zoneEquipConfig.TotInletAirMassFlowRate;
    4513             : 
    4514    55271978 :             for (int NodeNum = 1; NodeNum <= zoneEquipConfig.NumExhaustNodes; ++NodeNum) {
    4515             : 
    4516     8002395 :                 if (state.afn->AirflowNetworkNumOfExhFan == 0) {
    4517     7378605 :                     zoneEquipConfig.TotExhaustAirMassFlowRate += Node(zoneEquipConfig.ExhaustNode(NodeNum)).MassFlowRate;
    4518             :                 }
    4519             :             }
    4520    47269583 :             TotExhaustAirMassFlowRate = zoneEquipConfig.TotExhaustAirMassFlowRate;
    4521             : 
    4522             :             // Include zone mixing mass flow rate
    4523    47269583 :             if (state.dataHeatBalFanSys->ZoneMassBalanceFlag(ZoneNum)) {
    4524      602135 :                 int NumRetNodes = zoneEquipConfig.NumReturnNodes;
    4525     1204270 :                 for (int NodeNumHere = 1; NodeNumHere <= NumRetNodes; ++NodeNumHere) {
    4526      602135 :                     int RetNode = zoneEquipConfig.ReturnNode(NodeNumHere);
    4527      602135 :                     if (RetNode > 0) {
    4528      602135 :                         ZoneReturnAirMassFlowRate += Node(RetNode).MassFlowRate;
    4529             :                     }
    4530             :                 }
    4531             :                 // Set zone mixing incoming mass flow rate
    4532     1135035 :                 if ((Iteration == 0) || state.dataHeatBal->ZoneAirMassFlow.ZoneFlowAdjustment == DataHeatBalance::AdjustmentType::AdjustReturnOnly ||
    4533      532900 :                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneAirMassFlow.ZoneFlowAdjustment == DataHeatBalance::AdjustmentType::AdjustReturnThenMixing) {
    4534       69235 :                     ZoneMixingAirMassFlowRate = state.dataZoneTempPredictorCorrector->zoneHeatBalance(ZoneNum).MixingMassFlowZone;
    4535             :                 } else {
    4536      532900 :                     ZoneMixingAirMassFlowRate = max(0.0,
    4537      532900 :                                                     ZoneReturnAirMassFlowRate + TotExhaustAirMassFlowRate - TotInletAirMassFlowRate +
    4538      532900 :                                                         massConservation.MixingSourceMassFlowRate);
    4539             :                 }
    4540      602135 :                 CalcZoneMixingFlowRateOfReceivingZone(state, ZoneNum, ZoneMixingAirMassFlowRate);
    4541      602135 :                 ZoneMixingNetAirMassFlowRate = massConservation.MixingMassFlowRate - massConservation.MixingSourceMassFlowRate;
    4542             :             }
    4543    47269583 :             auto &zoneNode = Node(zoneEquipConfig.ZoneNode);
    4544    47269583 :             zoneNode.MassFlowRate = TotInletAirMassFlowRate;
    4545    47269583 :             zoneNode.MassFlowRateMax = TotInletAirMassFlowRateMax;
    4546    47269583 :             zoneNode.MassFlowRateMaxAvail = TotInletAirMassFlowRateMaxAvail;
    4547    47269583 :             zoneNode.MassFlowRateMin = TotInletAirMassFlowRateMin;
    4548    47269583 :             zoneNode.MassFlowRateMinAvail = TotInletAirMassFlowRateMinAvail;
    4549             : 
    4550             :             // Calculate standard return air flow rate using default method of inlets minus exhausts adjusted for "balanced" exhaust flow
    4551    47269583 :             Real64 StdTotalReturnMassFlow =
    4552    47269583 :                 TotInletAirMassFlowRate + ZoneMixingNetAirMassFlowRate - (TotExhaustAirMassFlowRate - zoneEquipConfig.ZoneExhBalanced);
    4553             : 
    4554    47269583 :             if (!state.dataHeatBal->ZoneAirMassFlow.EnforceZoneMassBalance) {
    4555    46667448 :                 if (StdTotalReturnMassFlow < 0.0) {
    4556      215977 :                     zoneEquipConfig.ExcessZoneExh = -StdTotalReturnMassFlow;
    4557      215977 :                     StdTotalReturnMassFlow = 0.0;
    4558             :                 } else {
    4559    46451471 :                     zoneEquipConfig.ExcessZoneExh = 0.0;
    4560             :                 }
    4561             :             } else {
    4562      602135 :                 zoneEquipConfig.ExcessZoneExh = 0.0;
    4563      602135 :                 StdTotalReturnMassFlow = max(0.0, StdTotalReturnMassFlow);
    4564             :             }
    4565             : 
    4566    47269583 :             Real64 FinalTotalReturnMassFlow = 0;
    4567    47269583 :             CalcZoneReturnFlows(state, ZoneNum, StdTotalReturnMassFlow, FinalTotalReturnMassFlow);
    4568    47269583 :             if (state.dataHeatBal->ZoneAirMassFlow.EnforceZoneMassBalance) {
    4569             :                 // set mass conservation variables
    4570      602135 :                 massConservation.InMassFlowRate = TotInletAirMassFlowRate;
    4571      602135 :                 massConservation.ExhMassFlowRate = TotExhaustAirMassFlowRate;
    4572             : 
    4573      602135 :                 if (state.dataHeatBal->ZoneAirMassFlow.ZoneFlowAdjustment == DataHeatBalance::AdjustmentType::AdjustMixingOnly ||
    4574           0 :                     state.dataHeatBal->ZoneAirMassFlow.ZoneFlowAdjustment == DataHeatBalance::AdjustmentType::AdjustMixingThenReturn) {
    4575      602135 :                     ZoneReturnAirMassFlowRate = FinalTotalReturnMassFlow;
    4576      602135 :                     Real64 AdjustedTotalReturnMassFlow = 0;
    4577      602135 :                     massConservation.RetMassFlowRate = FinalTotalReturnMassFlow;
    4578      602135 :                     ZoneReturnAirMassFlowRate = FinalTotalReturnMassFlow;
    4579      602135 :                     if (state.dataHeatBal->ZoneAirMassFlow.ZoneFlowAdjustment == DataHeatBalance::AdjustmentType::AdjustMixingThenReturn) {
    4580             : 
    4581             :                         // Calculate return air flow rate using mass conservation equation
    4582           0 :                         AdjustedTotalReturnMassFlow = max(0.0, TotInletAirMassFlowRate - TotExhaustAirMassFlowRate + ZoneMixingNetAirMassFlowRate);
    4583           0 :                         AdjustedTotalReturnMassFlow = min(AdjustedTotalReturnMassFlow, zoneEquipConfig.AirLoopDesSupply);
    4584             :                         // add adjust zone return node air flow calc
    4585           0 :                         CalcZoneReturnFlows(state, ZoneNum, AdjustedTotalReturnMassFlow, FinalTotalReturnMassFlow);
    4586           0 :                         massConservation.RetMassFlowRate = FinalTotalReturnMassFlow;
    4587           0 :                         ZoneReturnAirMassFlowRate = FinalTotalReturnMassFlow;
    4588             :                     }
    4589             :                     // Set zone infiltration air flow rate
    4590      602135 :                     CalcZoneInfiltrationFlows(state, ZoneNum, ZoneReturnAirMassFlowRate);
    4591             : 
    4592           0 :                 } else if (state.dataHeatBal->ZoneAirMassFlow.ZoneFlowAdjustment == DataHeatBalance::AdjustmentType::AdjustReturnOnly ||
    4593           0 :                            state.dataHeatBal->ZoneAirMassFlow.ZoneFlowAdjustment == DataHeatBalance::AdjustmentType::AdjustReturnThenMixing) {
    4594             : 
    4595           0 :                     Real64 AdjustedTotalReturnMassFlow = 0;
    4596             :                     // Calculate return air flow rate using mass conservation equation
    4597           0 :                     AdjustedTotalReturnMassFlow = max(0.0, TotInletAirMassFlowRate - TotExhaustAirMassFlowRate + ZoneMixingNetAirMassFlowRate);
    4598           0 :                     AdjustedTotalReturnMassFlow = min(AdjustedTotalReturnMassFlow, zoneEquipConfig.AirLoopDesSupply);
    4599             : 
    4600             :                     // add adjust zone return node air flow calculation
    4601           0 :                     CalcZoneReturnFlows(state, ZoneNum, AdjustedTotalReturnMassFlow, FinalTotalReturnMassFlow);
    4602           0 :                     massConservation.RetMassFlowRate = FinalTotalReturnMassFlow;
    4603           0 :                     ZoneReturnAirMassFlowRate = FinalTotalReturnMassFlow;
    4604             : 
    4605           0 :                     if (state.dataHeatBal->ZoneAirMassFlow.ZoneFlowAdjustment == DataHeatBalance::AdjustmentType::AdjustReturnThenMixing) {
    4606           0 :                         ZoneMixingAirMassFlowRate = max(0.0,
    4607           0 :                                                         ZoneReturnAirMassFlowRate + TotExhaustAirMassFlowRate - TotInletAirMassFlowRate +
    4608           0 :                                                             massConservation.MixingSourceMassFlowRate);
    4609           0 :                         CalcZoneMixingFlowRateOfReceivingZone(state, ZoneNum, ZoneMixingAirMassFlowRate);
    4610           0 :                         ZoneMixingNetAirMassFlowRate = massConservation.MixingMassFlowRate - massConservation.MixingSourceMassFlowRate;
    4611             : 
    4612             :                         // Calculate return air flow rate using mass conservation equation
    4613           0 :                         AdjustedTotalReturnMassFlow = max(0.0, TotInletAirMassFlowRate - TotExhaustAirMassFlowRate + ZoneMixingNetAirMassFlowRate);
    4614           0 :                         AdjustedTotalReturnMassFlow = min(AdjustedTotalReturnMassFlow, zoneEquipConfig.AirLoopDesSupply);
    4615             : 
    4616             :                         // add adjust zone return node air flow calc
    4617           0 :                         CalcZoneReturnFlows(state, ZoneNum, AdjustedTotalReturnMassFlow, FinalTotalReturnMassFlow);
    4618           0 :                         massConservation.RetMassFlowRate = FinalTotalReturnMassFlow;
    4619           0 :                         ZoneReturnAirMassFlowRate = FinalTotalReturnMassFlow;
    4620             :                     }
    4621             : 
    4622             :                     // Set zone infiltration air flow rate
    4623           0 :                     CalcZoneInfiltrationFlows(state, ZoneNum, ZoneReturnAirMassFlowRate);
    4624             :                 } else {
    4625             :                     // if infiltration treatment method is not None
    4626             :                     // Set zone infiltration air flow rate
    4627           0 :                     CalcZoneInfiltrationFlows(state, ZoneNum, ZoneReturnAirMassFlowRate);
    4628             :                 }
    4629             :             }
    4630             : 
    4631    47269583 :             BuildingZoneMixingFlow += massConservation.MixingMassFlowRate;
    4632    47269583 :             BuildingZoneReturnFlow += massConservation.RetMassFlowRate;
    4633             : 
    4634             :             // Accumulate airloop total return flows and allocate excess exhaust flows
    4635    94628169 :             for (int returnNum = 1; returnNum <= zoneEquipConfig.NumReturnNodes; ++returnNum) {
    4636    47358586 :                 int retNode = zoneEquipConfig.ReturnNode(returnNum);
    4637    47358586 :                 int airLoop = zoneEquipConfig.ReturnNodeAirLoopNum(returnNum);
    4638    47358586 :                 if (airLoop > 0) {
    4639    33872485 :                     state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopFlow(airLoop).ZoneRetFlow += Node(retNode).MassFlowRate;
    4640    33872485 :                     if (zoneEquipConfig.TotAvailAirLoopOA > 0.0) {
    4641    31222070 :                         state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopFlow(airLoop).ExcessZoneExhFlow +=
    4642    31222070 :                             zoneEquipConfig.ExcessZoneExh * state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopFlow(airLoop).MaxOutAir / zoneEquipConfig.TotAvailAirLoopOA;
    4643             :                     }
    4644             :                 }
    4645             :             }
    4646             :         }
    4647             : 
    4648             :         // adjust the zone return air flow rates to match any excess zone exhaust flows
    4649    18199378 :         for (int airLoopNum = 1; airLoopNum <= state.dataHVACGlobal->NumPrimaryAirSys; ++airLoopNum) {
    4650    11054992 :             auto &thisAirLoopFlow(state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopFlow(airLoopNum));
    4651    11054992 :             Real64 adjZoneRetFlow = max(0.0, thisAirLoopFlow.ZoneRetFlow - thisAirLoopFlow.ExcessZoneExhFlow);
    4652    11054992 :             if (thisAirLoopFlow.ZoneRetFlow > 0.0) {
    4653     8958332 :                 thisAirLoopFlow.ZoneRetFlowRatio = adjZoneRetFlow / thisAirLoopFlow.ZoneRetFlow;
    4654             :             } else {
    4655     2096660 :                 thisAirLoopFlow.ZoneRetFlowRatio = 1.0;
    4656             :             }
    4657    11054992 :             thisAirLoopFlow.ZoneRetFlow = 0.0; // reset to zero and re-accumulate below
    4658             :         }
    4659             : 
    4660    62514619 :         for (int zoneNum = 1; zoneNum <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++zoneNum) {
    4661    55370233 :             auto &thisZoneEquip(state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(zoneNum));
    4662    55370233 :             auto &thisZoneHB = state.dataZoneTempPredictorCorrector->zoneHeatBalance(zoneNum);
    4663    55370233 :             if (!thisZoneEquip.IsControlled) continue;
    4664    47269583 :             int numRetNodes = thisZoneEquip.NumReturnNodes;
    4665    47269583 :             Real64 totalZoneReturnMassFlow = 0.0;
    4666    94628169 :             for (int returnNum = 1; returnNum <= numRetNodes; ++returnNum) {
    4667    47358586 :                 int retNode = thisZoneEquip.ReturnNode(returnNum);
    4668    47358586 :                 int airLoopNum = thisZoneEquip.ReturnNodeAirLoopNum(returnNum);
    4669    47358586 :                 if (retNode > 0) {
    4670    47358586 :                     if (airLoopNum > 0) {
    4671    33872485 :                         auto &thisAirLoopFlow(state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopFlow(airLoopNum));
    4672    33872485 :                         Node(retNode).MassFlowRate *= thisAirLoopFlow.ZoneRetFlowRatio;
    4673    33872485 :                         thisAirLoopFlow.ZoneRetFlow += Node(retNode).MassFlowRate;
    4674             :                     }
    4675    47358586 :                     totalZoneReturnMassFlow += Node(retNode).MassFlowRate;
    4676             :                 }
    4677             :             }
    4678             :             // Check zone flow balance but not when zone air mass balance is active
    4679   179351670 :             if (!state.dataHeatBal->ZoneAirMassFlow.EnforceZoneMassBalance && !state.dataGlobal->DoingSizing &&
    4680   120350643 :                 !state.dataGlobal->DoingHVACSizingSimulations && !state.dataGlobal->WarmupFlag && !FirstHVACIteration) {
    4681     3203753 :                 if (!thisZoneEquip.FlowError) {
    4682             :                     // Net system flows first (sum leaving flows, less entering flows)
    4683     3196306 :                     Real64 sysUnbalExhaust = (thisZoneEquip.TotExhaustAirMassFlowRate - thisZoneEquip.ZoneExhBalanced);
    4684     3196306 :                     Real64 sysUnbalancedFlow = sysUnbalExhaust + totalZoneReturnMassFlow - thisZoneEquip.TotInletAirMassFlowRate;
    4685     3196306 :                     if (sysUnbalancedFlow > DataHVACGlobals::SmallMassFlow) {
    4686             :                         // Now include infiltration, ventilation, and mixing flows (these are all entering the zone, so subtract them)
    4687          11 :                         Real64 incomingFlow = thisZoneHB.OAMFL + thisZoneHB.VAMFL + thisZoneHB.MixingMassFlowZone;
    4688          11 :                         Real64 unbalancedFlow = max(0.0, sysUnbalancedFlow - incomingFlow);
    4689          11 :                         if (unbalancedFlow > DataHVACGlobals::SmallMassFlow) {
    4690             :                             // Re-check on volume basis - use current zone density for incoming, standard density for HVAC sys
    4691          11 :                             Real64 zoneTemp = Node(thisZoneEquip.ZoneNode).Temp;
    4692          11 :                             Real64 zoneHumRat = Node(thisZoneEquip.ZoneNode).HumRat;
    4693          11 :                             Real64 rhoZone = PsyRhoAirFnPbTdbW(state, state.dataEnvrn->OutBaroPress, zoneTemp, zoneHumRat, "CalcZoneMassBalance");
    4694          11 :                             Real64 incomingVolFlow = incomingFlow / rhoZone;
    4695          11 :                             Real64 sysUnbalancedVolFlow = sysUnbalancedFlow / state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir;
    4696          11 :                             Real64 unbalancedVolFlow = max(0.0, sysUnbalancedVolFlow - incomingVolFlow);
    4697          11 :                             if (unbalancedVolFlow > DataHVACGlobals::SmallAirVolFlow) {
    4698          33 :                                 ShowWarningError(state,
    4699          22 :                                                  "In zone " + thisZoneEquip.ZoneName +
    4700             :                                                      " there is unbalanced air flow. Load due to induced outdoor air is neglected.");
    4701          11 :                                 ShowContinueErrorTimeStamp(state, "");
    4702          33 :                                 ShowContinueError(state,
    4703          22 :                                                   format("  Flows [m3/s]: Inlets: {:.6R}  Unbalanced exhausts: {:.6R}  Returns: {:.6R}",
    4704          22 :                                                          thisZoneEquip.TotInletAirMassFlowRate / state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir,
    4705          22 :                                                          sysUnbalExhaust / state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir,
    4706          33 :                                                          totalZoneReturnMassFlow / state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir));
    4707          33 :                                 ShowContinueError(state,
    4708          22 :                                                   format("  Infiltration: {:.6R}  Zone Ventilation: {:.6R}  Mixing (incoming): {:.6R}",
    4709          22 :                                                          thisZoneHB.OAMFL / rhoZone,
    4710          22 :                                                          thisZoneHB.VAMFL / rhoZone,
    4711          33 :                                                          thisZoneHB.MixingMassFlowZone / rhoZone));
    4712          33 :                                 ShowContinueError(
    4713             :                                     state,
    4714          22 :                                     format("  Imbalance (excess outflow): {:.6R}  Total system OA flow (for all airloops serving this zone): {:.6R}",
    4715             :                                            unbalancedVolFlow,
    4716          22 :                                            thisZoneEquip.TotAvailAirLoopOA / state.dataEnvrn->StdRhoAir));
    4717          11 :                                 ShowContinueError(state, "  This error will only be reported once per zone.");
    4718          11 :                                 thisZoneEquip.FlowError = true;
    4719             :                             }
    4720             :                         }
    4721             :                     }
    4722             :                 }
    4723             :             }
    4724             :         }
    4725             : 
    4726             :         // update the
    4727     7144386 :         if (Iteration > 0) {
    4728      106580 :             Real64 totalResidual = 0.0;
    4729      106580 :             totalResidual =
    4730      106580 :                 std::abs(BuildingZoneMixingFlow - BuildingZoneMixingFlowOld) + std::abs(BuildingZoneReturnFlow - BuildingZoneReturnFlowOld);
    4731      106580 :             if (totalResidual < ConvergenceTolerance) {
    4732       11249 :                 state.dataHVACGlobal->ZoneMassBalanceHVACReSim = false;
    4733       11249 :                 break;
    4734             :             } else {
    4735       95331 :                 state.dataHVACGlobal->ZoneMassBalanceHVACReSim = true;
    4736             :             }
    4737             :         }
    4738     7133137 :         if (!state.dataHeatBal->ZoneAirMassFlow.EnforceZoneMassBalance) break;
    4739      109178 :         Iteration += 1;
    4740             : 
    4741      109178 :     } while (Iteration < IterMax);
    4742             :     // Set system return flows
    4743    18028640 :     for (int AirLoopNum = 1; AirLoopNum <= state.dataHVACGlobal->NumPrimaryAirSys; ++AirLoopNum) {
    4744    10990834 :         auto &thisAirLoopFlow(state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopFlow(AirLoopNum));
    4745    10990834 :         thisAirLoopFlow.SysRetFlow = thisAirLoopFlow.ZoneRetFlow - thisAirLoopFlow.RecircFlow + thisAirLoopFlow.LeakFlow;
    4746             :     }
    4747     7037806 : }
    4748             : 
    4749    47269583 : void CalcZoneReturnFlows(EnergyPlusData &state,
    4750             :                          int const ZoneNum,
    4751             :                          Real64 &ExpTotalReturnMassFlow,  // Expected total return air mass flow rate
    4752             :                          Real64 &FinalTotalReturnMassFlow // Final total return air mass flow rate
    4753             : )
    4754             : {
    4755    47269583 :     auto &thisZoneEquip(state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(ZoneNum));
    4756    47269583 :     int numRetNodes = thisZoneEquip.NumReturnNodes;
    4757    47269583 :     Real64 totReturnFlow = 0.0; // Total flow to all return nodes in the zone (kg/s)
    4758    47269583 :     Real64 totVarReturnFlow =
    4759             :         0.0; // Total variable return flow, for return nodes connected to an airloop with an OA system or not with specified flow (kg/s)
    4760    47269583 :     Real64 returnSchedFrac = ScheduleManager::GetCurrentScheduleValue(state, thisZoneEquip.ReturnFlowSchedPtrNum);
    4761    47269583 :     thisZoneEquip.FixedReturnFlow = false;
    4762    47269583 :     FinalTotalReturnMassFlow = 0.0;
    4763    47269583 :     thisZoneEquip.TotAvailAirLoopOA = 0.0;
    4764             : 
    4765             :     // Set initial flow rate for each return node
    4766    94628169 :     for (int returnNum = 1; returnNum <= numRetNodes; ++returnNum) {
    4767    47358586 :         int retNode = thisZoneEquip.ReturnNode(returnNum);
    4768             : 
    4769    47358586 :         if (retNode > 0) {
    4770    47358586 :             Real64 returnNodeMassFlow = 0.0;
    4771    47358586 :             auto &retNodeData(state.dataLoopNodes->Node(retNode));
    4772             : 
    4773    47358586 :             int inletNum = thisZoneEquip.ReturnNodeInletNum(returnNum); // which inlet node matches this return node (same airloop)
    4774    47358586 :             int ADUNum = 0;
    4775    47358586 :             if (inletNum > 0) ADUNum = thisZoneEquip.InletNodeADUNum(inletNum);
    4776    47358586 :             int airLoop = thisZoneEquip.ReturnNodeAirLoopNum(returnNum);
    4777    47358586 :             Real64 airLoopReturnFrac = 1.0;
    4778    47358586 :             if (airLoop > 0) {
    4779             :                 // Establish corresponding airloop inlet(s) mass flow rate and set return node max/min/maxavail
    4780    33872485 :                 Real64 inletMassFlow = 0.0;
    4781    33872485 :                 int maxMinNodeNum = 0;
    4782    33872485 :                 auto &thisAirLoopFlow(state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopFlow(airLoop));
    4783    33872485 :                 if (ADUNum > 0) {
    4784             :                     // Zone return node could carry supply flow to zone without leaks plus any induced flow from plenum (but don't include other
    4785             :                     // secondary flows from exhaust nodes)
    4786    67280124 :                     inletMassFlow = state.dataDefineEquipment->AirDistUnit(ADUNum).MassFlowRateZSup +
    4787    33640062 :                                     state.dataDefineEquipment->AirDistUnit(ADUNum).MassFlowRatePlenInd;
    4788    33640062 :                     maxMinNodeNum = state.dataDefineEquipment->AirDistUnit(ADUNum).OutletNodeNum;
    4789      232423 :                 } else if (inletNum > 0) {
    4790             :                     // If not connected to an ADU, then use the inlet node flow
    4791      232423 :                     inletMassFlow = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(thisZoneEquip.InletNode(inletNum)).MassFlowRate;
    4792      232423 :                     maxMinNodeNum = thisZoneEquip.InletNode(inletNum);
    4793             :                 }
    4794    33872485 :                 if (maxMinNodeNum > 0) {
    4795    33872485 :                     auto const &maxMinNodeData(state.dataLoopNodes->Node(maxMinNodeNum));
    4796    33872485 :                     retNodeData.MassFlowRateMax = maxMinNodeData.MassFlowRateMax;
    4797    33872485 :                     retNodeData.MassFlowRateMin = maxMinNodeData.MassFlowRateMin;
    4798    33872485 :                     retNodeData.MassFlowRateMaxAvail = maxMinNodeData.MassFlowRateMaxAvail;
    4799             :                 } else {
    4800           0 :                     auto const &zoneNodeData(state.dataLoopNodes->Node(thisZoneEquip.ZoneNode));
    4801           0 :                     retNodeData.MassFlowRateMax = zoneNodeData.MassFlowRateMax;
    4802           0 :                     retNodeData.MassFlowRateMin = zoneNodeData.MassFlowRateMin;
    4803           0 :                     retNodeData.MassFlowRateMaxAvail = zoneNodeData.MassFlowRateMaxAvail;
    4804             :                 }
    4805             : 
    4806    33872485 :                 airLoopReturnFrac = thisAirLoopFlow.DesReturnFrac;
    4807    33872485 :                 if (state.dataAirSystemsData->PrimaryAirSystems(airLoop).OASysExists && (thisAirLoopFlow.MaxOutAir > 0.0)) {
    4808             :                     // Set return flow as fraction of matching inlet node flow if there is an OA system and available OA flow > 0.0
    4809    31222070 :                     returnNodeMassFlow = airLoopReturnFrac * inletMassFlow;
    4810    31222070 :                     thisZoneEquip.TotAvailAirLoopOA += thisAirLoopFlow.MaxOutAir;
    4811             :                 } else {
    4812             :                     // Set return flow to matching inlet node flow
    4813     2650415 :                     returnNodeMassFlow = inletMassFlow;
    4814     2650415 :                     thisZoneEquip.FixedReturnFlow(returnNum) = true;
    4815             :                 }
    4816             :             } else {
    4817    13486101 :                 returnNodeMassFlow = 0.0;
    4818             :             }
    4819             : 
    4820             :             // Return node 1 is special
    4821    47358586 :             if (returnNum == 1) {
    4822             :                 // Make no return air flow adjustments during sizing
    4823    47265926 :                 if ((state.dataGlobal->DoingSizing) && numRetNodes == 1) {
    4824     8745743 :                     returnNodeMassFlow = ExpTotalReturnMassFlow;
    4825     8745743 :                     if (airLoop > 0) {
    4826           0 :                         if (!state.dataAirSystemsData->PrimaryAirSystems(airLoop).OASysExists ||
    4827           0 :                             (state.dataAirLoop->AirLoopFlow(airLoop).MaxOutAir == 0.0)) {
    4828           0 :                             ExpTotalReturnMassFlow = max(0.0, ExpTotalReturnMassFlow - thisZoneEquip.ZoneExhBalanced + thisZoneEquip.ZoneExh);
    4829           0 :                             returnNodeMassFlow = ExpTotalReturnMassFlow;
    4830             :                         }
    4831             :                     }
    4832    38520183 :                 } else if (!state.dataGlobal->DoingSizing) {
    4833    38500338 :                     if (thisZoneEquip.NumReturnFlowBasisNodes > 0) {
    4834             :                         // Set base return air flow rate for node 1 using basis node flow rates
    4835           0 :                         Real64 basisNodesMassFlow = 0.0;
    4836           0 :                         for (int nodeNum = 1; nodeNum <= thisZoneEquip.NumReturnFlowBasisNodes; ++nodeNum) {
    4837           0 :                             basisNodesMassFlow += state.dataLoopNodes->Node(thisZoneEquip.ReturnFlowBasisNode(nodeNum)).MassFlowRate;
    4838             :                         }
    4839           0 :                         returnNodeMassFlow = max(0.0, (basisNodesMassFlow * returnSchedFrac));
    4840           0 :                         thisZoneEquip.FixedReturnFlow(returnNum) = true;
    4841             :                     } else {
    4842             :                         // If only 1 return node, use the standard return mass flow
    4843    38500338 :                         if ((numRetNodes == 1) && !thisZoneEquip.FixedReturnFlow(returnNum)) {
    4844    35922738 :                             returnNodeMassFlow = max(0.0, (ExpTotalReturnMassFlow * returnSchedFrac * airLoopReturnFrac));
    4845             :                         }
    4846             :                     }
    4847             :                 }
    4848             :             }
    4849    47358586 :             totReturnFlow += returnNodeMassFlow;
    4850    47358586 :             retNodeData.MassFlowRate = returnNodeMassFlow;
    4851    47358586 :             retNodeData.MassFlowRateMinAvail = 0.0;
    4852    47358586 :             if (!thisZoneEquip.FixedReturnFlow(returnNum)) totVarReturnFlow += returnNodeMassFlow;
    4853             :         }
    4854             :     }
    4855             : 
    4856             :     // if zone mass balance true, set to expected return flow
    4857    47269583 :     if (state.dataHeatBal->ZoneAirMassFlow.ZoneFlowAdjustment != DataHeatBalance::AdjustmentType::NoAdjustReturnAndMixing) {
    4858             :         // applies zone return flow schedule multiplier
    4859      602135 :         ExpTotalReturnMassFlow = returnSchedFrac * ExpTotalReturnMassFlow;
    4860             :         // set air flow rate for each return node
    4861      602135 :         Real64 zoneTotReturnFlow = 0.0;
    4862      602135 :         Real64 returnNodeMassFlow = 0.0;
    4863     1204270 :         for (int returnNum = 1; returnNum <= numRetNodes; ++returnNum) {
    4864      602135 :             int retNode = thisZoneEquip.ReturnNode(returnNum);
    4865      602135 :             if (retNode > 0) {
    4866      602135 :                 if (numRetNodes == 1) {
    4867      602135 :                     returnNodeMassFlow = ExpTotalReturnMassFlow;
    4868             :                 } else { // multiple return nodes
    4869           0 :                     if (ExpTotalReturnMassFlow > 0.0) {
    4870           0 :                         Real64 returnAdjFactor = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(retNode).MassFlowRate / ExpTotalReturnMassFlow;
    4871           0 :                         returnNodeMassFlow = returnAdjFactor * ExpTotalReturnMassFlow;
    4872             :                     } else {
    4873           0 :                         returnNodeMassFlow = 0.0;
    4874             :                     }
    4875             :                 }
    4876             :             }
    4877      602135 :             zoneTotReturnFlow += returnNodeMassFlow;
    4878             :         }
    4879             :         // Adjust return node flows if zone total return flow is > 0
    4880      602135 :         if (zoneTotReturnFlow > 0.0) {
    4881      994032 :             for (int returnNum = 1; returnNum <= numRetNodes; ++returnNum) {
    4882      497016 :                 int retNode = thisZoneEquip.ReturnNode(returnNum);
    4883      497016 :                 if (retNode > 0) {
    4884      497016 :                     if (numRetNodes == 1) {
    4885             :                         // set it to expected return flows
    4886      497016 :                         state.dataLoopNodes->Node(retNode).MassFlowRate = ExpTotalReturnMassFlow;
    4887      497016 :                         FinalTotalReturnMassFlow = ExpTotalReturnMassFlow;
    4888             :                     } else { // multiple return nodes, adjust nodes flow
    4889           0 :                         Real64 newReturnFlow = 0.0;
    4890           0 :                         Real64 returnAdjFactor = ExpTotalReturnMassFlow / zoneTotReturnFlow;
    4891           0 :                         Real64 curReturnFlow = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(retNode).MassFlowRate;
    4892           0 :                         newReturnFlow = curReturnFlow * returnAdjFactor;
    4893           0 :                         state.dataLoopNodes->Node(retNode).MassFlowRate = newReturnFlow;
    4894           0 :                         FinalTotalReturnMassFlow += newReturnFlow;
    4895             :                     }
    4896             :                 }
    4897             :             }
    4898             :         } else {
    4899      105119 :             FinalTotalReturnMassFlow = ExpTotalReturnMassFlow;
    4900             :         }
    4901             :     } else {
    4902             :         // Adjust return flows if greater than expected (i.e. there is exhaust or mixing flow reducing the total available for return)
    4903    46667448 :         if ((totReturnFlow > ExpTotalReturnMassFlow) && (totVarReturnFlow > 0.0)) {
    4904           0 :             Real64 newReturnFlow = 0.0;
    4905           0 :             Real64 returnAdjFactor = (1 - ((totReturnFlow - ExpTotalReturnMassFlow) / totVarReturnFlow)); // Return flow adjustment factor
    4906           0 :             for (int returnNum = 1; returnNum <= numRetNodes; ++returnNum) {
    4907           0 :                 int retNode = thisZoneEquip.ReturnNode(returnNum);
    4908           0 :                 Real64 curReturnFlow = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(retNode).MassFlowRate;
    4909           0 :                 if (retNode > 0) {
    4910           0 :                     if (!thisZoneEquip.FixedReturnFlow(returnNum)) {
    4911           0 :                         newReturnFlow = curReturnFlow * returnAdjFactor;
    4912           0 :                         FinalTotalReturnMassFlow += newReturnFlow;
    4913           0 :                         state.dataLoopNodes->Node(retNode).MassFlowRate = newReturnFlow;
    4914             :                     } else {
    4915           0 :                         FinalTotalReturnMassFlow += curReturnFlow;
    4916             :                     }
    4917             :                 }
    4918           0 :             }
    4919             :         } else {
    4920    46667448 :             FinalTotalReturnMassFlow = totReturnFlow;
    4921             :         }
    4922             :     }
    4923    47269583 : }
    4924             : 
    4925      602135 : void CalcZoneInfiltrationFlows(EnergyPlusData &state,
    4926             :                                int const ZoneNum,                // current zone index
    4927             :                                Real64 &ZoneReturnAirMassFlowRate // zone total zone return air mass flow rate
    4928             : )
    4929             : {
    4930      602135 :     Real64 constexpr ConvergenceTolerance(0.000010);
    4931      602135 :     Real64 ZoneInfiltrationMassFlowRate = 0.0;
    4932      602135 :     auto &massConservation = state.dataHeatBal->MassConservation(ZoneNum);
    4933             : 
    4934             :     // Set zone infiltration flow rate
    4935      602135 :     if (state.dataHeatBal->ZoneAirMassFlow.InfiltrationTreatment != DataHeatBalance::InfiltrationFlow::No) {
    4936      602135 :         if (massConservation.InfiltrationPtr > 0) {
    4937      481708 :             if (massConservation.IsOnlySourceZone ||
    4938           0 :                 (state.dataHeatBal->ZoneAirMassFlow.InfiltrationForZones == DataHeatBalance::InfiltrationZoneType::AllZones)) {
    4939     1445124 :                 ZoneInfiltrationMassFlowRate = massConservation.MixingSourceMassFlowRate - massConservation.MixingMassFlowRate +
    4940      963416 :                                                state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(ZoneNum).TotExhaustAirMassFlowRate + ZoneReturnAirMassFlowRate -
    4941      481708 :                                                state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(ZoneNum).TotInletAirMassFlowRate;
    4942      481708 :                 if (state.dataHeatBal->ZoneAirMassFlow.InfiltrationTreatment == DataHeatBalance::InfiltrationFlow::Adjust) {
    4943      426560 :                     if (std::abs(ZoneInfiltrationMassFlowRate) > ConvergenceTolerance) {
    4944      426539 :                         state.dataHeatBalFanSys->ZoneInfiltrationFlag(ZoneNum) = true;
    4945      426539 :                         massConservation.InfiltrationMassFlowRate = ZoneInfiltrationMassFlowRate;
    4946      426539 :                         massConservation.IncludeInfilToZoneMassBal = 1;
    4947      426539 :                         state.dataHeatBal->Infiltration(massConservation.InfiltrationPtr).MassFlowRate = ZoneInfiltrationMassFlowRate;
    4948      426539 :                         state.dataHeatBal->Infiltration(massConservation.InfiltrationPtr).MassFlowRate =
    4949      426539 :                             max(0.0, state.dataHeatBal->Infiltration(massConservation.InfiltrationPtr).MassFlowRate);
    4950             :                     } else {
    4951          21 :                         massConservation.InfiltrationMassFlowRate = 0.0;
    4952          21 :                         state.dataHeatBal->Infiltration(massConservation.InfiltrationPtr).MassFlowRate = 0.0;
    4953             :                     }
    4954       55148 :                 } else if (state.dataHeatBal->ZoneAirMassFlow.InfiltrationTreatment == DataHeatBalance::InfiltrationFlow::Add) {
    4955       55148 :                     if (ZoneInfiltrationMassFlowRate > ConvergenceTolerance) {
    4956       18588 :                         state.dataHeatBalFanSys->ZoneInfiltrationFlag(ZoneNum) = true;
    4957       18588 :                         massConservation.InfiltrationMassFlowRate = ZoneInfiltrationMassFlowRate;
    4958       18588 :                         massConservation.IncludeInfilToZoneMassBal = 1;
    4959       18588 :                         state.dataHeatBal->Infiltration(massConservation.InfiltrationPtr).MassFlowRate += ZoneInfiltrationMassFlowRate;
    4960             :                     } else {
    4961       36560 :                         massConservation.InfiltrationMassFlowRate = 0.0;
    4962             :                     }
    4963           0 :                 } else if (state.dataHeatBal->ZoneAirMassFlow.InfiltrationTreatment == DataHeatBalance::InfiltrationFlow::No) {
    4964           0 :                     massConservation.InfiltrationMassFlowRate = 0.0;
    4965             :                 }
    4966             :             } else {
    4967           0 :                 if (state.dataHeatBal->ZoneAirMassFlow.InfiltrationTreatment == DataHeatBalance::InfiltrationFlow::Adjust) {
    4968           0 :                     massConservation.InfiltrationMassFlowRate = state.dataHeatBal->Infiltration(massConservation.InfiltrationPtr).MassFlowRate;
    4969           0 :                 } else if (state.dataHeatBal->ZoneAirMassFlow.InfiltrationTreatment == DataHeatBalance::InfiltrationFlow::Add) {
    4970           0 :                     massConservation.InfiltrationMassFlowRate = 0.0;
    4971           0 :                 } else if (state.dataHeatBal->ZoneAirMassFlow.InfiltrationTreatment == DataHeatBalance::InfiltrationFlow::No) {
    4972           0 :                     massConservation.InfiltrationMassFlowRate = 0.0;
    4973             :                 }
    4974             :             }
    4975             :         } else {
    4976             :             // Zone has no infiltration objects
    4977      120427 :             massConservation.InfiltrationMassFlowRate = 0.0;
    4978             :         }
    4979             :     }
    4980      602135 : }
    4981             : 
    4982     7037806 : void CalcZoneLeavingConditions(EnergyPlusData &state, bool const FirstHVACIteration)
    4983             : {
    4984             : 
    4985             :     // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    4986             :     //       AUTHOR         Richard Liesen
    4987             :     //       DATE WRITTEN   January 2001
    4988             :     //       MODIFIED       June 2003, FCW: add heat from airflow window to return air
    4989             : 
    4990             :     // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    4991             :     // Perform zone upate of the leaving conditions.
    4992             : 
    4993             :     // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
    4994             :     // Energy Balance.
    4995             : 
    4997             :     Real64 TempRetAir;  // Return air temperature [C]
    4998             :     Real64 TempZoneAir; // Zone air temperature [C]
    4999             :     Real64 SumRetAirLatentGainRate;
    5000             : 
    5001    61768559 :     for (int ZoneNum = 1; ZoneNum <= state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones; ++ZoneNum) {
    5002    54730753 :         if (!state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(ZoneNum).IsControlled) continue;
    5003             :         // A return air system may not exist for certain systems; Therefore when no return node exists
    5004             :         // there is no update.  Of course if there is no return air system then you cannot update
    5005             :         // the energy for the return air heat gain from the lights statements.
    5006    46736683 :         if (state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(ZoneNum).NumReturnNodes == 0) continue;
    5007    46733026 :         int ZoneNode = state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(ZoneNum).ZoneNode;
    5008    46733026 :         int ZoneMult = state.dataHeatBal->Zone(ZoneNum).Multiplier * state.dataHeatBal->Zone(ZoneNum).ListMultiplier;
    5009    46733026 :         auto &thisZoneHB = state.dataZoneTempPredictorCorrector->zoneHeatBalance(ZoneNum);
    5010    93558712 :         for (int nodeCount = 1; nodeCount <= state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(ZoneNum).NumReturnNodes; ++nodeCount) {
    5011    46825686 :             int ReturnNode = state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(ZoneNum).ReturnNode(nodeCount);
    5012    46825686 :             int ReturnNodeExhaustNum = state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(ZoneNum).ReturnNodeExhaustNodeNum(nodeCount);
    5013             : 
    5014             :             // RETURN AIR HEAT GAIN from the Lights statement; this heat gain is stored in
    5015             :             // Add sensible heat gain from refrigerated cases with under case returns
    5016    46825686 :             Real64 QRetAir = InternalHeatGains::zoneSumAllReturnAirConvectionGains(state, ZoneNum, ReturnNode);
    5017             : 
    5018             :             // Need to add the energy to the return air from lights and from airflow windows. Where the heat
    5019             :             // is added depends on if there is system flow or not.  If there is system flow the heat is added
    5020             :             // to the Zone Return Node.  If there is no system flow then the heat is added back to the zone in the
    5021             :             // Correct step through the SysDepZoneLoads variable.
    5022             : 
    5023    46825686 :             Real64 MassFlowRA = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(ReturnNode).MassFlowRate / ZoneMult;
    5024    46825686 :             if (ReturnNodeExhaustNum > 0 && state.dataLoopNodes->Node(ReturnNodeExhaustNum).MassFlowRate > 0.0) {
    5025        2885 :                 MassFlowRA += state.dataLoopNodes->Node(ReturnNodeExhaustNum).MassFlowRate;
    5026             :             }
    5027             : 
    5028             :             // user defined room air model may feed temp that differs from zone node
    5029    46825686 :             if (allocated(state.dataRoomAirMod->AirPatternZoneInfo)) {
    5030       57258 :                 if ((state.dataRoomAirMod->AirPatternZoneInfo(ZoneNum).IsUsed) && (!state.dataGlobal->BeginEnvrnFlag)) {
    5031       56898 :                     TempZoneAir = state.dataRoomAirMod->AirPatternZoneInfo(ZoneNum).Tleaving;
    5032       56898 :                     TempRetAir = TempZoneAir;
    5033             :                 } else {
    5034         360 :                     TempZoneAir = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(ZoneNode).Temp;
    5035         360 :                     TempRetAir = TempZoneAir;
    5036             :                 }
    5037             :             } else {
    5038    46768428 :                 TempZoneAir = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(ZoneNode).Temp;
    5039    46768428 :                 TempRetAir = TempZoneAir;
    5040             :             }
    5041             : 
    5042    46825686 :             Real64 WinGapFlowToRA = 0.0;  // Mass flow to return air from all airflow windows in zone [kg/s]
    5043    46825686 :             Real64 WinGapTtoRA = 0.0;     // Temp of outlet flow mixture to return air from all airflow windows in zone [C]
    5044    46825686 :             Real64 WinGapFlowTtoRA = 0.0; // Sum of mass flow times outlet temp for all airflow windows in zone [(kg/s)-C]
    5045             : 
    5046    46825686 :             if (state.dataHeatBal->Zone(ZoneNum).HasAirFlowWindowReturn) {
    5047           0 :                 for (int spaceNum : state.dataHeatBal->Zone(ZoneNum).spaceIndexes) {
    5048           0 :                     auto &thisSpace = state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum);
    5049           0 :                     for (int SurfNum = thisSpace.HTSurfaceFirst; SurfNum <= thisSpace.HTSurfaceLast; ++SurfNum) {
    5050           0 :                         if (state.dataSurface->SurfWinAirflowThisTS(SurfNum) > 0.0 &&
    5051           0 :                             state.dataSurface->SurfWinAirflowDestination(SurfNum) == DataSurfaces::WindowAirFlowDestination::Return) {
    5052           0 :                             Real64 FlowThisTS = PsyRhoAirFnPbTdbW(state,
    5053           0 :                                                                   state.dataEnvrn->OutBaroPress,
    5054           0 :                                                                   state.dataSurface->SurfWinTAirflowGapOutlet(SurfNum),
    5055           0 :                                                                   state.dataLoopNodes->Node(ZoneNode).HumRat) *
    5056           0 :                                                 state.dataSurface->SurfWinAirflowThisTS(SurfNum) * state.dataSurface->Surface(SurfNum).Width;
    5057           0 :                             WinGapFlowToRA += FlowThisTS;
    5058           0 :                             WinGapFlowTtoRA += FlowThisTS * state.dataSurface->SurfWinTAirflowGapOutlet(SurfNum);
    5059             :                         }
    5060             :                     }
    5061             :                 }
    5062             :             }
    5063    46825686 :             if (WinGapFlowToRA > 0.0) WinGapTtoRA = WinGapFlowTtoRA / WinGapFlowToRA;
    5064             :             // the flag NoHeatToReturnAir is TRUE if the system is zonal only or is central with on/off air flow. In these
    5065             :             // cases the heat to return air is treated as a zone heat gain and dealt with in CalcZoneSums in
    5066             :             // MODULE ZoneTempPredictorCorrector.
    5067    46825686 :             if (!state.dataHeatBal->Zone(ZoneNum).NoHeatToReturnAir) {
    5068    39937712 :                 Real64 CpAir = PsyCpAirFnW(state.dataLoopNodes->Node(ZoneNode).HumRat);
    5069    39937712 :                 if (MassFlowRA > 0.0) {
    5070    33014466 :                     if (WinGapFlowToRA > 0.0) {
    5071             :                         // Add heat-to-return from window gap airflow
    5072           0 :                         if (MassFlowRA >= WinGapFlowToRA) {
    5073           0 :                             TempRetAir = (WinGapFlowTtoRA + (MassFlowRA - WinGapFlowToRA) * TempZoneAir) / MassFlowRA;
    5074             :                         } else {
    5075             :                             // All of return air comes from flow through airflow windows
    5076           0 :                             TempRetAir = WinGapTtoRA;
    5077             :                             // Put heat from window airflow that exceeds return air flow into zone air
    5078           0 :                             thisZoneHB.SysDepZoneLoads += (WinGapFlowToRA - MassFlowRA) * CpAir * (WinGapTtoRA - TempZoneAir);
    5079             :                         }
    5080             :                     }
    5081             :                     // Add heat-to-return from lights
    5082    33014466 :                     TempRetAir += QRetAir / (MassFlowRA * CpAir);
    5083    33014466 :                     if (TempRetAir > DataHVACGlobals::RetTempMax) {
    5084       14956 :                         state.dataLoopNodes->Node(ReturnNode).Temp = DataHVACGlobals::RetTempMax;
    5085       14956 :                         if (!state.dataGlobal->ZoneSizingCalc) {
    5086        3406 :                             thisZoneHB.SysDepZoneLoads += CpAir * MassFlowRA * (TempRetAir - DataHVACGlobals::RetTempMax);
    5087             :                         }
    5088    32999510 :                     } else if (TempRetAir < DataHVACGlobals::RetTempMin) {
    5089          24 :                         state.dataLoopNodes->Node(ReturnNode).Temp = DataHVACGlobals::RetTempMin;
    5090          24 :                         if (!state.dataGlobal->ZoneSizingCalc) {
    5091          20 :                             thisZoneHB.SysDepZoneLoads += CpAir * MassFlowRA * (TempRetAir - DataHVACGlobals::RetTempMin);
    5092             :                         }
    5093             :                     } else {
    5094    32999486 :                         state.dataLoopNodes->Node(ReturnNode).Temp = TempRetAir;
    5095             :                     }
    5096    33014466 :                     if (ReturnNodeExhaustNum > 0 && state.dataLoopNodes->Node(ReturnNodeExhaustNum).MassFlowRate > 0.0 && QRetAir > 0.0) {
    5097        2885 :                         if (state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipConfig(ZoneNum).SharedExhaustNode(nodeCount) != LightReturnExhaustConfig::Shared) {
    5098        2885 :                             state.dataLoopNodes->Node(ReturnNodeExhaustNum).Temp = TempRetAir;
    5099             :                         } else {
    5100           0 :                             state.dataLoopNodes->Node(ReturnNodeExhaustNum).Temp += QRetAir / (MassFlowRA * CpAir);
    5101             :                         }
    5102             :                     }
    5103             :                 } else { // No return air flow
    5104             :                     // Assign all heat-to-return from window gap airflow to zone air
    5105     6923246 :                     if (WinGapFlowToRA > 0.0) thisZoneHB.SysDepZoneLoads += WinGapFlowToRA * CpAir * (WinGapTtoRA - TempZoneAir);
    5106             :                     // Assign all heat-to-return from lights to zone air
    5107     6923246 :                     if (QRetAir > 0.0) thisZoneHB.SysDepZoneLoads += QRetAir;
    5108     6923246 :                     state.dataLoopNodes->Node(ReturnNode).Temp = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(ZoneNode).Temp;
    5109             :                 }
    5110             :             } else {
    5111             :                 // update the return air node for zonal and central on/off systems
    5112     6887974 :                 state.dataLoopNodes->Node(ReturnNode).Temp = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(ZoneNode).Temp;
    5113             :             }
    5114             : 
    5115             :             // Update the rest of the Return Air Node conditions, if the return air system exists!
    5116    46825686 :             state.dataLoopNodes->Node(ReturnNode).Press = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(ZoneNode).Press;
    5117             : 
    5118             :             // Include impact of under case returns for refrigerated display case when updating the return air node humidity
    5119    46825686 :             if (!state.dataHeatBal->Zone(ZoneNum).NoHeatToReturnAir) {
    5120    39937712 :                 if (MassFlowRA > 0) {
    5121    33014466 :                     SumRetAirLatentGainRate = InternalHeatGains::SumAllReturnAirLatentGains(state, ZoneNum, ReturnNode);
    5122    33014466 :                     Real64 H2OHtOfVap = PsyHgAirFnWTdb(state.dataLoopNodes->Node(ZoneNode).HumRat, state.dataLoopNodes->Node(ReturnNode).Temp);
    5123    33014466 :                     state.dataLoopNodes->Node(ReturnNode).HumRat =
    5124    33014466 :                         state.dataLoopNodes->Node(ZoneNode).HumRat + (SumRetAirLatentGainRate / (H2OHtOfVap * MassFlowRA));
    5125             :                 } else {
    5126             :                     // If no mass flow rate exists, include the latent HVAC case credit with the latent Zone case credit
    5127     6923246 :                     state.dataLoopNodes->Node(ReturnNode).HumRat = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(ZoneNode).HumRat;
    5128     6923246 :                     state.dataHeatBal->RefrigCaseCredit(ZoneNum).LatCaseCreditToZone +=
    5129     6923246 :                         state.dataHeatBal->RefrigCaseCredit(ZoneNum).LatCaseCreditToHVAC;
    5130             :                     // shouldn't the HVAC term be zeroed out then?
    5131     6923246 :                     SumRetAirLatentGainRate = InternalHeatGains::SumAllReturnAirLatentGains(state, ZoneNum, ReturnNode);
    5132     6923246 :                     thisZoneHB.ZoneLatentGain += SumRetAirLatentGainRate;
    5133             :                 }
    5134             :             } else {
    5135     6887974 :                 state.dataLoopNodes->Node(ReturnNode).HumRat = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(ZoneNode).HumRat;
    5136     6887974 :                 state.dataHeatBal->RefrigCaseCredit(ZoneNum).LatCaseCreditToZone += state.dataHeatBal->RefrigCaseCredit(ZoneNum).LatCaseCreditToHVAC;
    5137             :                 // shouldn't the HVAC term be zeroed out then?
    5138     6887974 :                 SumRetAirLatentGainRate = InternalHeatGains::SumAllReturnAirLatentGains(state, ZoneNum, ReturnNode);
    5139     6887974 :                 thisZoneHB.ZoneLatentGain += SumRetAirLatentGainRate;
    5140             :             }
    5141             : 
    5142    46825686 :             state.dataLoopNodes->Node(ReturnNode).Enthalpy =
    5143    46825686 :                 PsyHFnTdbW(state.dataLoopNodes->Node(ReturnNode).Temp, state.dataLoopNodes->Node(ReturnNode).HumRat);
    5144             : 
    5145    46825686 :             if (state.dataContaminantBalance->Contaminant.CO2Simulation)
    5146      674792 :                 state.dataLoopNodes->Node(ReturnNode).CO2 = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(ZoneNode).CO2;
    5147    46825686 :             if (state.dataContaminantBalance->Contaminant.GenericContamSimulation)
    5148      529395 :                 state.dataLoopNodes->Node(ReturnNode).GenContam = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(ZoneNode).GenContam;
    5149             : 
    5150             :         } // End of check for a return air node, which implies a return air system.
    5151             : 
    5152             :         // Reset current deadband flags, remaining output required, so no impact beyond zone equipment
    5153    46733026 :         InitSystemOutputRequired(state, ZoneNum, FirstHVACIteration, true);
    5154             :     }
    5155     7037806 : }
    5156             : 
    5157     7037806 : void UpdateZoneEquipment(EnergyPlusData &state, bool &SimAir)
    5158             : {
    5159             :     // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    5160             :     //       AUTHOR         Russ Taylor
    5161             :     //       DATE WRITTEN   Nov 1997
    5162             : 
    5163             :     // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    5164             :     // This subroutine performs the update for Zone Equipment Management.
    5165             :     // Specifically, it transfers the conditions from the zone equipment return air nodes across
    5166             :     // to the air loop side, allowing for multiple return air nodes
    5167             : 
    5168             :     // Transfer the conditions from the zone equipment return air nodes across
    5169             :     // to the air loop side, allowing for multiple return air nodes
    5170    18028640 :     for (int ZoneGroupNum = 1; ZoneGroupNum <= state.dataHVACGlobal->NumPrimaryAirSys; ++ZoneGroupNum) {
    5171    21981668 :         for (int RetAirPathNum = 1; RetAirPathNum <= state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(ZoneGroupNum).NumReturnNodes; ++RetAirPathNum) {
    5172    21981668 :             HVACInterfaceManager::UpdateHVACInterface(state,
    5173             :                                                       ZoneGroupNum,
    5174             :                                                       DataConvergParams::CalledFrom::AirSystemDemandSide,
    5175    10990834 :                                                       state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(ZoneGroupNum).ZoneEquipReturnNodeNum(RetAirPathNum),
    5176    10990834 :                                                       state.dataAirLoop->AirToZoneNodeInfo(ZoneGroupNum).AirLoopReturnNodeNum(RetAirPathNum),
    5177             :                                                       SimAir);
    5178             :         }
    5179             :     }
    5180     7037806 : }
    5181             : 
    5182     3631401 : void CalcAirFlowSimple(EnergyPlusData &state,
    5183             :                        int const SysTimestepLoop,                // System time step index
    5184             :                        bool const AdjustZoneMixingFlowFlag,      // holds zone mixing air flow calc status
    5185             :                        bool const AdjustZoneInfiltrationFlowFlag // holds zone mixing air flow calc status
    5186             : )
    5187             : {
    5188             :     // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    5189             :     //       AUTHOR         Legacy Code
    5190             :     //       MODIFIED       Shirey, Jan 2008 (MIXING objects, use avg. conditions for Cp, Air Density and Hfg)
    5191             :     //       MODIFIED       L. Lawrie and L. GU, Jan. 2008 (Allow multiple infiltration and ventilation objects)
    5192             :     //                      B. Griffith. Jan 2009 add infiltration, residential basic/sherman-grimsrud and enhanced/AIM2
    5193             :     //                      L. Lawrie - March 2009 - move ventilation electric calculation to this routine (for
    5194             :     //                        Electricity Net.
    5195             :     //                      L. Gu - Dec. 2009 - Added a new ventilation object to calculate flow rate based on wind and stack
    5196             :     //                        effect through an opening.
    5197             :     //       MODIFIED       Stovall - Aug 2011 (add refrigerator door mixing)
    5198             : 
    5199             :     // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    5200             :     // This subroutine calculates the air component of the heat balance.
    5201             : 
    5202     3631401 :     constexpr Real64 StdGravity(9.80665); // The acceleration of gravity at the sea level (m/s2)
    5203             :     static constexpr std::string_view RoutineNameVentilation("CalcAirFlowSimple:Ventilation");
    5204             :     static constexpr std::string_view RoutineNameMixing("CalcAirFlowSimple:Mixing");
    5205             :     static constexpr std::string_view RoutineNameCrossMixing("CalcAirFlowSimple:CrossMixing");
    5206             :     static constexpr std::string_view RoutineNameRefrigerationDoorMixing("CalcAirFlowSimple:RefrigerationDoorMixing");
    5207             :     static constexpr std::string_view RoutineNameInfiltration("CalcAirFlowSimple:Infiltration");
    5208             :     static constexpr std::string_view RoutineNameZoneAirBalance("CalcAirFlowSimple:ZoneAirBalance");
    5209             : 
    5210    31605338 :     for (auto &thisZoneHB : state.dataZoneTempPredictorCorrector->zoneHeatBalance) {
    5211    27973937 :         thisZoneHB.MCPM = 0.0;
    5212    27973937 :         thisZoneHB.MCPTM = 0.0;
    5213    27973937 :         thisZoneHB.MCPTI = 0.0;
    5214    27973937 :         thisZoneHB.MCPI = 0.0;
    5215    27973937 :         thisZoneHB.OAMFL = 0.0;
    5216    27973937 :         thisZoneHB.MCPTV = 0.0;
    5217    27973937 :         thisZoneHB.MCPV = 0.0;
    5218    27973937 :         thisZoneHB.VAMFL = 0.0;
    5219    27973937 :         thisZoneHB.MDotCPOA = 0.0;
    5220    27973937 :         thisZoneHB.MDotOA = 0.0;
    5221    27973937 :         thisZoneHB.MCPThermChim = 0.0;
    5222    27973937 :         thisZoneHB.ThermChimAMFL = 0.0;
    5223    27973937 :         thisZoneHB.MCPTThermChim = 0.0;
    5224    27973937 :         thisZoneHB.MixingMassFlowZone = 0.0;
    5225    27973937 :         thisZoneHB.MixingMassFlowXHumRat = 0.0;
    5226             :     }
    5227     3631401 :     if (state.dataHeatBal->doSpaceHeatBalance) {
    5228       35014 :         for (auto &thisSpaceHB : state.dataZoneTempPredictorCorrector->spaceHeatBalance) {
    5229       30012 :             thisSpaceHB.MCPM = 0.0;
    5230       30012 :             thisSpaceHB.MCPTM = 0.0;
    5231       30012 :             thisSpaceHB.MCPTI = 0.0;
    5232       30012 :             thisSpaceHB.MCPI = 0.0;
    5233       30012 :             thisSpaceHB.OAMFL = 0.0;
    5234       30012 :             thisSpaceHB.MCPTV = 0.0;
    5235       30012 :             thisSpaceHB.MCPV = 0.0;
    5236       30012 :             thisSpaceHB.VAMFL = 0.0;
    5237       30012 :             thisSpaceHB.MDotCPOA = 0.0;
    5238       30012 :             thisSpaceHB.MDotOA = 0.0;
    5239       30012 :             thisSpaceHB.MCPThermChim = 0.0;
    5240       30012 :             thisSpaceHB.ThermChimAMFL = 0.0;
    5241       30012 :             thisSpaceHB.MCPTThermChim = 0.0;
    5242       30012 :             thisSpaceHB.MixingMassFlowZone = 0.0;
    5243       30012 :             thisSpaceHB.MixingMassFlowXHumRat = 0.0;
    5244             :         }
    5245             :     }
    5246     3690166 :     if (state.dataContaminantBalance->Contaminant.CO2Simulation &&
    5247       58765 :         state.dataHeatBal->TotMixing + state.dataHeatBal->TotCrossMixing + state.dataHeatBal->TotRefDoorMixing > 0)
    5248       17655 :         state.dataContaminantBalance->MixingMassFlowCO2 = 0.0;
    5249     3654879 :     if (state.dataContaminantBalance->Contaminant.GenericContamSimulation &&
    5250       23478 :         state.dataHeatBal->TotMixing + state.dataHeatBal->TotCrossMixing + state.dataHeatBal->TotRefDoorMixing > 0)
    5251       17655 :         state.dataContaminantBalance->MixingMassFlowGC = 0.0;
    5252             : 
    5253     3631401 :     Real64 IVF = 0.0; // DESIGN INFILTRATION FLOW RATE (M**3/SEC)
    5254     3631401 :     Real64 VVF = 0.0; // DESIGN VENTILATION FLOW RATE (M**3/SEC)
    5255             : 
    5256     3631401 :     if (!state.dataHeatBal->AirFlowFlag) return;
    5257             :     // AirflowNetwork Multizone field /= SIMPLE
    5258     3790249 :     if (!(state.afn->simulation_control.type == AirflowNetwork::ControlType::NoMultizoneOrDistribution ||
    5259      158848 :           state.afn->simulation_control.type == AirflowNetwork::ControlType::MultizoneWithDistributionOnlyDuringFanOperation)) {
    5260      152186 :         return;
    5261             :     }
    5262             : 
    5263     3479215 :     EarthTube::ManageEarthTube(state);
    5264     3479215 :     CoolTower::ManageCoolTower(state);
    5265     3479215 :     ThermalChimney::ManageThermalChimney(state);
    5266             : 
    5267             :     // Assign zone air temperature
    5268    30951107 :     for (auto &thisZoneHB : state.dataZoneTempPredictorCorrector->zoneHeatBalance) {
    5269    27471892 :         thisZoneHB.MixingMAT = thisZoneHB.MAT;
    5270    27471892 :         thisZoneHB.MixingHumRat = thisZoneHB.ZoneAirHumRat;
    5271             :         // This is only temporary fix for CR8867.  (L. Gu 8/12)
    5272    27471892 :         if (SysTimestepLoop == 1) {
    5273     2682962 :             thisZoneHB.MixingMAT = thisZoneHB.XMPT;
    5274     2682962 :             thisZoneHB.MixingHumRat = thisZoneHB.WZoneTimeMinusP;
    5275             :         }
    5276             :     }
    5277     3479215 :     if (state.dataHeatBal->doSpaceHeatBalance) {
    5278       35014 :         for (auto &thisSpaceHB : state.dataZoneTempPredictorCorrector->spaceHeatBalance) {
    5279       30012 :             thisSpaceHB.MixingMAT = thisSpaceHB.MAT;
    5280       30012 :             thisSpaceHB.MixingHumRat = thisSpaceHB.ZoneAirHumRat;
    5281             :             // This is only temporary fix for CR8867.  (L. Gu 8/12)
    5282       30012 :             if (SysTimestepLoop == 1) {
    5283        2478 :                 thisSpaceHB.MixingMAT = thisSpaceHB.XMPT;
    5284        2478 :                 thisSpaceHB.MixingHumRat = thisSpaceHB.WZoneTimeMinusP;
    5285             :             }
    5286             :         }
    5287             :     }
    5288             : 
    5289             :     // Initialization of ZoneAirBalance
    5290     3479215 :     if (state.dataHeatBal->TotZoneAirBalance > 0) {
    5291       28710 :         for (auto &e : state.dataHeatBal->ZoneAirBalance) {
    5292       14355 :             e.BalMassFlowRate = 0.0;
    5293       14355 :             e.InfMassFlowRate = 0.0;
    5294       14355 :             e.NatMassFlowRate = 0.0;
    5295       14355 :             e.ExhMassFlowRate = 0.0;
    5296       14355 :             e.IntMassFlowRate = 0.0;
    5297       14355 :             e.ERVMassFlowRate = 0.0;
    5298             :         }
    5299             :     }
    5300             : 
    5301     3479215 :     if (state.dataHeatBal->TotVentilation > 0) {
    5302     1469703 :         for (auto &e : state.dataHeatBal->ZnAirRpt) {
    5303     1254582 :             e.VentilFanElec = 0.0;
    5304             :         }
    5305             :     }
    5306             : 
    5307             :     // Process the scheduled Ventilation for air heat balance
    5308     4144431 :     for (int j = 1; j <= state.dataHeatBal->TotVentilation; ++j) {
    5309      665216 :         auto &thisVentilation = state.dataHeatBal->Ventilation(j);
    5310      665216 :         int zoneNum = thisVentilation.ZonePtr;
    5311      665216 :         auto &thisZoneHB = state.dataZoneTempPredictorCorrector->zoneHeatBalance(zoneNum);
    5312      665216 :         Real64 thisMixingMAT = 0.0;
    5313      665216 :         if (state.dataHeatBal->doSpaceHeatBalance) {
    5314           0 :             thisMixingMAT = state.dataZoneTempPredictorCorrector->spaceHeatBalance(thisVentilation.spaceIndex).MixingMAT;
    5315             :         } else {
    5316      665216 :             thisMixingMAT = thisZoneHB.MixingMAT;
    5317             :         }
    5318      665216 :         thisVentilation.FanPower = 0.0;
    5319      665216 :         thisVentilation.MCP = 0.0;
    5320             : 
    5321      665216 :         Real64 TempExt = state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).OutDryBulbTemp;
    5322      665216 :         Real64 WindSpeedExt = state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).WindSpeed;
    5323      665216 :         Real64 WindDirExt = state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).WindDir;
    5324      665216 :         Real64 thisMCPV = 0.0;
    5325      665216 :         Real64 thisVAMFL = 0.0;
    5326      665216 :         Real64 thisMCPTV = 0.0;
    5327             : 
    5328             :         // Use air node information linked to the zone if defined
    5329      665216 :         Real64 HumRatExt = 0.0;
    5330      665216 :         Real64 EnthalpyExt = 0.0;
    5331      665216 :         if (state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).LinkedOutAirNode > 0) {
    5332           0 :             HumRatExt = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).LinkedOutAirNode).HumRat;
    5333           0 :             EnthalpyExt = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).LinkedOutAirNode).Enthalpy;
    5334             :         } else {
    5335      665216 :             HumRatExt = state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat;
    5336      665216 :             EnthalpyExt = state.dataEnvrn->OutEnthalpy;
    5337             :         }
    5338             :         Real64 AirDensity =
    5339      665216 :             PsyRhoAirFnPbTdbW(state, state.dataEnvrn->OutBaroPress, TempExt, HumRatExt, RoutineNameVentilation); // Density of air (kg/m^3)
    5340      665216 :         Real64 CpAir = PsyCpAirFnW(HumRatExt);
    5341             : 
    5342             :         // Hybrid ventilation global control
    5343      665216 :         int I = 0;
    5344      665216 :         if (thisVentilation.HybridControlType == DataHeatBalance::HybridCtrlType::Global && thisVentilation.HybridControlMasterNum > 0) {
    5345        2657 :             I = thisVentilation.HybridControlMasterNum;
    5346        5314 :             if (j == I) {
    5347        1457 :                 thisVentilation.HybridControlMasterStatus = false;
    5348             :             }
    5349             :         } else {
    5350      662559 :             I = j;
    5351             :         }
    5352      665216 :         auto &hybridControlVentilation = state.dataHeatBal->Ventilation(I);
    5353             :         // Hybrid controlled zone MAT
    5354      665216 :         Real64 hybridControlZoneMAT = state.dataZoneTempPredictorCorrector->zoneHeatBalance(hybridControlVentilation.ZonePtr).MixingMAT;
    5355             : 
    5356             :         // Check scheduled temperatures
    5357      665216 :         if (hybridControlVentilation.MinIndoorTempSchedPtr > 0) {
    5358       36161 :             hybridControlVentilation.MinIndoorTemperature =
    5359       36161 :                 ScheduleManager::GetCurrentScheduleValue(state, hybridControlVentilation.MinIndoorTempSchedPtr);
    5360             :         }
    5361      665216 :         if (hybridControlVentilation.MaxIndoorTempSchedPtr > 0) {
    5362       36161 :             hybridControlVentilation.MaxIndoorTemperature =
    5363       36161 :                 ScheduleManager::GetCurrentScheduleValue(state, hybridControlVentilation.MaxIndoorTempSchedPtr);
    5364             :         }
    5365             :         // Ensure the minimum indoor temperature <= the maximum indoor temperature
    5366      665216 :         if (hybridControlVentilation.MinIndoorTempSchedPtr > 0 || hybridControlVentilation.MaxIndoorTempSchedPtr > 0) {
    5367       36161 :             if (hybridControlVentilation.MinIndoorTemperature > hybridControlVentilation.MaxIndoorTemperature) {
    5368           0 :                 ++hybridControlVentilation.IndoorTempErrCount;
    5369           0 :                 if (hybridControlVentilation.IndoorTempErrCount < 2) {
    5370           0 :                     ShowWarningError(
    5371             :                         state,
    5372           0 :                         "Ventilation indoor temperature control: The minimum indoor temperature is above the maximum indoor temperature in " +
    5373             :                             hybridControlVentilation.Name);
    5374           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "The minimum indoor temperature is set to the maximum indoor temperature. Simulation continues.");
    5375           0 :                     ShowContinueErrorTimeStamp(state, " Occurrence info:");
    5376             :                 } else {
    5377           0 :                     ShowRecurringWarningErrorAtEnd(state,
    5378             :                                                    "The minimum indoor temperature is still above the maximum indoor temperature",
    5379             :                                                    hybridControlVentilation.IndoorTempErrIndex,
    5380             :                                                    hybridControlVentilation.MinIndoorTemperature,
    5381             :                                                    hybridControlVentilation.MinIndoorTemperature);
    5382             :                 }
    5383           0 :                 hybridControlVentilation.MinIndoorTemperature = hybridControlVentilation.MaxIndoorTemperature;
    5384             :             }
    5385             :         }
    5386      665216 :         if (hybridControlVentilation.MinOutdoorTempSchedPtr > 0) {
    5387       36161 :             hybridControlVentilation.MinOutdoorTemperature =
    5388       36161 :                 ScheduleManager::GetCurrentScheduleValue(state, hybridControlVentilation.MinOutdoorTempSchedPtr);
    5389             :         }
    5390      665216 :         if (hybridControlVentilation.MaxOutdoorTempSchedPtr > 0) {
    5391       36161 :             hybridControlVentilation.MaxOutdoorTemperature =
    5392       36161 :                 ScheduleManager::GetCurrentScheduleValue(state, hybridControlVentilation.MaxOutdoorTempSchedPtr);
    5393             :         }
    5394             :         // Ensure the minimum outdoor temperature <= the maximum outdoor temperature
    5395      665216 :         if (hybridControlVentilation.MinOutdoorTempSchedPtr > 0 || hybridControlVentilation.MaxOutdoorTempSchedPtr > 0) {
    5396       36161 :             if (hybridControlVentilation.MinOutdoorTemperature > hybridControlVentilation.MaxOutdoorTemperature) {
    5397           0 :                 ++hybridControlVentilation.OutdoorTempErrCount;
    5398           0 :                 if (hybridControlVentilation.OutdoorTempErrCount < 2) {
    5399           0 :                     ShowWarningError(state,
    5400             :                                      "Ventilation outdoor temperature control: The minimum outdoor temperature is above the maximum outdoor "
    5401           0 :                                      "temperature in " +
    5402             :                                          hybridControlVentilation.Name);
    5403           0 :                     ShowContinueError(state, "The minimum outdoor temperature is set to the maximum outdoor temperature. Simulation continues.");
    5404           0 :                     ShowContinueErrorTimeStamp(state, " Occurrence info:");
    5405             :                 } else {
    5406           0 :                     ShowRecurringWarningErrorAtEnd(state,
    5407             :                                                    "The minimum outdoor temperature is still above the maximum outdoor temperature",
    5408             :                                                    hybridControlVentilation.OutdoorTempErrIndex,
    5409             :                                                    hybridControlVentilation.MinOutdoorTemperature,
    5410             :                                                    hybridControlVentilation.MinOutdoorTemperature);
    5411             :                 }
    5412           0 :                 hybridControlVentilation.MinIndoorTemperature = hybridControlVentilation.MaxIndoorTemperature;
    5413             :             }
    5414             :         }
    5415      665216 :         if (hybridControlVentilation.DeltaTempSchedPtr > 0) {
    5416       36161 :             hybridControlVentilation.DelTemperature = ScheduleManager::GetCurrentScheduleValue(state, hybridControlVentilation.DeltaTempSchedPtr);
    5417             :         }
    5418             :         // Skip this if the zone is below the minimum indoor temperature limit
    5419      665216 :         if ((hybridControlZoneMAT < hybridControlVentilation.MinIndoorTemperature) && (!thisVentilation.EMSSimpleVentOn)) continue;
    5420             :         // Skip this if the zone is above the maximum indoor temperature limit
    5421      618801 :         if ((hybridControlZoneMAT > hybridControlVentilation.MaxIndoorTemperature) && (!thisVentilation.EMSSimpleVentOn)) continue;
    5422             :         // Skip if below the temperature difference limit (3/12/03 Negative DelTemperature allowed now)
    5423      617209 :         if (((hybridControlZoneMAT - TempExt) < hybridControlVentilation.DelTemperature) && (!thisVentilation.EMSSimpleVentOn)) continue;
    5424             :         // Skip this if the outdoor temperature is below the minimum outdoor temperature limit
    5425      507555 :         if ((TempExt < hybridControlVentilation.MinOutdoorTemperature) && (!thisVentilation.EMSSimpleVentOn)) continue;
    5426             :         // Skip this if the outdoor temperature is above the maximum outdoor temperature limit
    5427      312207 :         if ((TempExt > hybridControlVentilation.MaxOutdoorTemperature) && (!thisVentilation.EMSSimpleVentOn)) continue;
    5428             :         // Skip this if the outdoor wind speed is above the maximum windspeed limit
    5429      230692 :         if ((WindSpeedExt > hybridControlVentilation.MaxWindSpeed) && (!thisVentilation.EMSSimpleVentOn)) continue;
    5430             : 
    5431             :         // Hybrid ventilation controls
    5432      230692 :         if ((thisVentilation.HybridControlType == DataHeatBalance::HybridCtrlType::Close) && (!thisVentilation.EMSSimpleVentOn)) continue;
    5433      221317 :         if (thisVentilation.HybridControlType == DataHeatBalance::HybridCtrlType::Global && thisVentilation.HybridControlMasterNum > 0) {
    5434        2067 :             if (j == I) thisVentilation.HybridControlMasterStatus = true;
    5435             :         }
    5436             : 
    5437      221317 :         if (thisVentilation.ModelType == DataHeatBalance::VentilationModelType::DesignFlowRate) {
    5438             :             // CR6845 if calculated < 0, don't propagate.
    5439      114302 :             VVF = thisVentilation.DesignLevel * ScheduleManager::GetCurrentScheduleValue(state, thisVentilation.SchedPtr);
    5440             : 
    5441      114302 :             if (thisVentilation.EMSSimpleVentOn) VVF = thisVentilation.EMSimpleVentFlowRate;
    5442             : 
    5443      114302 :             if (VVF < 0.0) VVF = 0.0;
    5444      228604 :             thisVentilation.MCP = VVF * AirDensity * CpAir *
    5445      228604 :                                   (thisVentilation.ConstantTermCoef + std::abs(TempExt - thisMixingMAT) * thisVentilation.TemperatureTermCoef +
    5446      114302 :                                    WindSpeedExt * (thisVentilation.VelocityTermCoef + WindSpeedExt * thisVentilation.VelocitySQTermCoef));
    5447      114302 :             if (thisVentilation.MCP < 0.0) thisVentilation.MCP = 0.0;
    5448      114302 :             Real64 VAMFL_temp = thisVentilation.MCP / CpAir;
    5449      114302 :             if (state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).zoneOAQuadratureSum) {
    5450        1672 :                 auto &thisZoneAirBalance = state.dataHeatBal->ZoneAirBalance(state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).zoneOABalanceIndex);
    5451        1672 :                 switch (thisVentilation.FanType) {
    5452             :                     // ventilation type based calculation
    5453           0 :                 case DataHeatBalance::VentilationType::Exhaust: {
    5454           0 :                     thisZoneAirBalance.ExhMassFlowRate += VAMFL_temp;
    5455           0 :                 } break;
    5456           0 :                 case DataHeatBalance::VentilationType::Intake: {
    5457           0 :                     thisZoneAirBalance.IntMassFlowRate += VAMFL_temp;
    5458           0 :                 } break;
    5459           0 :                 case DataHeatBalance::VentilationType::Natural: {
    5460           0 :                     thisZoneAirBalance.NatMassFlowRate += VAMFL_temp;
    5461           0 :                 } break;
    5462        1672 :                 case DataHeatBalance::VentilationType::Balanced: {
    5463        1672 :                     thisZoneAirBalance.BalMassFlowRate += VAMFL_temp;
    5464        1672 :                 } break;
    5465           0 :                 default:
    5466           0 :                     break;
    5467             :                 }
    5468             :             } else {
    5469      112630 :                 thisMCPV = thisVentilation.MCP;
    5470      112630 :                 thisVAMFL = VAMFL_temp;
    5471             :             }
    5472      114302 :             if (thisVentilation.FanEfficiency > 0.0) {
    5473      114302 :                 thisVentilation.FanPower = VAMFL_temp * thisVentilation.FanPressure / (thisVentilation.FanEfficiency * AirDensity);
    5474      114302 :                 if (thisVentilation.FanType == DataHeatBalance::VentilationType::Balanced) thisVentilation.FanPower *= 2.0;
    5475             :                 // calc electric
    5476      114302 :                 if (state.afn->simulation_control.type == AirflowNetwork::ControlType::MultizoneWithDistributionOnlyDuringFanOperation) {
    5477             :                     // CR7608 IF (.not. TurnFansOn .or. .not. AirflowNetworkZoneFlag(zoneNum)) &
    5478        6960 :                     if (!state.dataGlobal->KickOffSimulation) {
    5479       16963 :                         if (!(state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipAvail(zoneNum) == DataHVACGlobals::CycleOn ||
    5480       10753 :                               state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipAvail(zoneNum) == DataHVACGlobals::CycleOnZoneFansOnly) ||
    5481        3824 :                             !state.afn->AirflowNetworkZoneFlag(zoneNum))
    5482        3105 :                             state.dataHeatBal->ZnAirRpt(zoneNum).VentilFanElec +=
    5483        3105 :                                 thisVentilation.FanPower * state.dataHVACGlobal->TimeStepSys * DataGlobalConstants::SecInHour;
    5484          31 :                     } else if (!state.afn->AirflowNetworkZoneFlag(zoneNum)) {
    5485           0 :                         state.dataHeatBal->ZnAirRpt(zoneNum).VentilFanElec +=
    5486           0 :                             thisVentilation.FanPower * state.dataHVACGlobal->TimeStepSys * DataGlobalConstants::SecInHour;
    5487             :                     }
    5488             :                 } else {
    5489      107342 :                     state.dataHeatBal->ZnAirRpt(zoneNum).VentilFanElec +=
    5490      107342 :                         thisVentilation.FanPower * state.dataHVACGlobal->TimeStepSys * DataGlobalConstants::SecInHour;
    5491             :                 }
    5492             :             }
    5493             :             // Intake fans will add some heat to the air, raising the temperature for an intake fan...
    5494      209415 :             if (thisVentilation.FanType == DataHeatBalance::VentilationType::Intake ||
    5495       95113 :                 thisVentilation.FanType == DataHeatBalance::VentilationType::Balanced) {
    5496       89466 :                 Real64 OutletAirEnthalpy = 0.0;
    5497       89466 :                 if (VAMFL_temp == 0.0) {
    5498       12375 :                     OutletAirEnthalpy = EnthalpyExt;
    5499             :                 } else {
    5500       77091 :                     if (thisVentilation.FanPower > 0.0) {
    5501       77091 :                         if (thisVentilation.FanType == DataHeatBalance::VentilationType::Balanced) {
    5502       70277 :                             OutletAirEnthalpy = EnthalpyExt + thisVentilation.FanPower / VAMFL_temp / 2.0; // Half fan power to calculate inlet T
    5503             :                         } else {
    5504        6814 :                             OutletAirEnthalpy = EnthalpyExt + thisVentilation.FanPower / VAMFL_temp;
    5505             :                         }
    5506             :                     } else {
    5507           0 :                         OutletAirEnthalpy = EnthalpyExt;
    5508             :                     }
    5509             :                 }
    5510       89466 :                 thisVentilation.AirTemp = Psychrometrics::PsyTdbFnHW(OutletAirEnthalpy, HumRatExt);
    5511             :             } else {
    5512       24836 :                 thisVentilation.AirTemp = TempExt;
    5513             :             }
    5514      114302 :             if (!state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).zoneOAQuadratureSum) thisMCPTV = thisVentilation.MCP * thisVentilation.AirTemp;
    5515      107015 :         } else if (thisVentilation.ModelType == DataHeatBalance::VentilationModelType::WindAndStack) {
    5516      107015 :             Real64 Cw = 0.0;    // Opening effectivenss
    5517      107015 :             Real64 Cd = 0.0;    // Discharge coefficent
    5518      107015 :             Real64 angle = 0.0; // Angle between wind direction and effective angle
    5519      107015 :             Real64 Qw = 0.0;    // Volumetric flow driven by wind
    5520      107015 :             Real64 Qst = 0.0;   // Volumetric flow driven by stack effect
    5521      107015 :             if (thisVentilation.OpenEff != DataGlobalConstants::AutoCalculate) {
    5522        1235 :                 Cw = thisVentilation.OpenEff;
    5523             :             } else {
    5524             :                 // linear interpolation between effective angle and wind direction
    5525      105780 :                 angle = std::abs(WindDirExt - thisVentilation.EffAngle);
    5526      105780 :                 if (angle > 180.0) angle -= 180.0;
    5527      105780 :                 Cw = 0.55 + angle / 180.0 * (0.3 - 0.55);
    5528             :             }
    5529      107015 :             if (thisVentilation.DiscCoef != DataGlobalConstants::AutoCalculate) {
    5530        1235 :                 Cd = thisVentilation.DiscCoef;
    5531             :             } else {
    5532      105780 :                 Cd = 0.40 + 0.0045 * std::abs(TempExt - thisMixingMAT);
    5533             :             }
    5534      107015 :             Qw = Cw * thisVentilation.OpenArea * ScheduleManager::GetCurrentScheduleValue(state, thisVentilation.OpenAreaSchedPtr) * WindSpeedExt;
    5535      214030 :             Qst = Cd * thisVentilation.OpenArea * ScheduleManager::GetCurrentScheduleValue(state, thisVentilation.OpenAreaSchedPtr) *
    5536      107015 :                   std::sqrt(2.0 * 9.81 * thisVentilation.DH * std::abs(TempExt - thisMixingMAT) / (thisMixingMAT + 273.15));
    5537      107015 :             VVF = std::sqrt(Qw * Qw + Qst * Qst);
    5538      107015 :             if (thisVentilation.EMSSimpleVentOn) VVF = thisVentilation.EMSimpleVentFlowRate;
    5539      107015 :             if (VVF < 0.0) VVF = 0.0;
    5540      107015 :             thisVentilation.MCP = VVF * AirDensity * CpAir;
    5541      107015 :             if (thisVentilation.MCP < 0.0) thisVentilation.MCP = 0.0;
    5542      107015 :             if (state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).zoneOAQuadratureSum) {
    5543           0 :                 state.dataHeatBal->ZoneAirBalance(state.dataHeatBal->Zone(zoneNum).zoneOABalanceIndex).NatMassFlowRate += thisVentilation.MCP / CpAir;
    5544             :             } else {
    5545      107015 :                 thisMCPV = thisVentilation.MCP;
    5546      107015 :                 thisVAMFL = thisVentilation.MCP / CpAir;
    5547      107015 :                 thisVentilation.AirTemp = TempExt;
    5548      107015 :                 thisMCPTV = thisVentilation.MCP * thisVentilation.AirTemp;
    5549             :             }
    5550             :         }
    5551             :         // Accumulate for zone and space
    5552      221317 :         thisZoneHB.MCPV += thisMCPV;
    5553      221317 :         thisZoneHB.VAMFL += thisVAMFL;
    5554      221317 :         thisZoneHB.MCPTV += thisMCPTV;
    5555      221317 :         if (state.dataHeatBal->doSpaceHeatBalance) {
    5556           0 :             auto &thisSpaceHB = state.dataZoneTempPredictorCorrector->spaceHeatBalance(thisVentilation.spaceIndex);
    5557           0 :             thisSpaceHB.MCPV += thisMCPV;
    5558           0 :             thisSpaceHB.VAMFL += thisVAMFL;
    5559           0 :             thisSpaceHB.MCPTV += thisMCPTV;
    5560             :         }
    5561             :     }
    5562             : 
    5563             :     // Process Mixing
    5564     4144541 :     for (int j = 1; j <= state.dataHeatBal->TotMixing; ++j) {
    5565      665326 :         auto &thisMixing = state.dataHeatBal->Mixing(j);
    5566      665326 :         int thisZoneNum = thisMixing.ZonePtr;
    5567      665326 :         auto &thisZoneHB = state.dataZoneTempPredictorCorrector->zoneHeatBalance(thisZoneNum);
    5568      665326 :         int fromZoneNum = thisMixing.FromZone;
    5569      665326 :         Real64 TD = thisMixing.DeltaTemperature; // Delta Temp limit
    5570      665326 :         thisMixing.ReportFlag = false;
    5571             : 
    5572             :         // Get scheduled delta temperature
    5573      665326 :         if (thisMixing.DeltaTempSchedPtr > 0) {
    5574       23489 :             TD = ScheduleManager::GetCurrentScheduleValue(state, thisMixing.DeltaTempSchedPtr);
    5575             :         }
    5576      665326 :         Real64 TZN = 0.0;      // Temperature of this Zone/Space
    5577      665326 :         Real64 TZM = 0.0;      // Temperature of From Zone/Space
    5578      665326 :         Real64 HumRatZN = 0.0; // HumRat of this Zone/Space
    5579      665326 :         Real64 HumRatZM = 0.0; // HumRat of From Zone/Space
    5580      665326 :         if (state.dataHeatBal->doSpaceHeatBalance) {
    5581           0 :             auto &thisSpaceHB = state.dataZoneTempPredictorCorrector->spaceHeatBalance(thisMixing.spaceIndex);
    5582           0 :             auto &fromSpaceHB = state.dataZoneTempPredictorCorrector->spaceHeatBalance(thisMixing.fromSpaceIndex);
    5583           0 :             TZN = thisSpaceHB.MixingMAT;         // Temperature of this Space
    5584           0 :             TZM = fromSpaceHB.MixingMAT;         // Temperature of From Space
    5585           0 :             HumRatZN = thisSpaceHB.MixingHumRat; // HumRat of this Space
    5586           0 :             HumRatZM = fromSpaceHB.MixingHumRat; // HumRat of From Space
    5587             :         } else {
    5588      665326 :             auto &fromZoneHB = state.dataZoneTempPredictorCorrector->zoneHeatBalance(fromZoneNum);
    5589      665326 :             TZN = thisZoneHB.MixingMAT;         // Temperature of this zone
    5590      665326 :             TZM = fromZoneHB.MixingMAT;         // Temperature of From Zone
    5591      665326 :             HumRatZN = thisZoneHB.MixingHumRat; // HumRat of this zone
    5592      665326 :             HumRatZM = fromZoneHB.MixingHumRat; // HumRat of From Zone
    5593             :         }
    5594      665326 :         Real64 thisMCPM = 0.0;
    5595      665326 :         Real64 thisMCPTM = 0.0;
    5596      665326 :         Real64 thisMixingMassFlow = 0.0;
    5597      665326 :         Real64 thisMixingMassFlowXHumRat = 0.0;
    5598             : 
    5599             :         // Hybrid ventilation controls
    5600      665326 :         if (thisMixing.HybridControlType == DataHeatBalance::HybridCtrlType::Close) continue;
    5601             :         // Check temperature limit
    5602      654259 :         bool MixingLimitFlag = false;
    5603             : 
    5604             :         // Hybrid ventilation global control
    5605      654259 :         int I = 0;
    5606      654259 :         if (thisMixing.HybridControlType == DataHeatBalance::HybridCtrlType::Global && thisMixing.HybridControlMasterNum > 0) {
    5607        2057 :             I = thisMixing.HybridControlMasterNum;
    5608        2057 :             if (!state.dataHeatBal->Ventilation(I).HybridControlMasterStatus) continue;
    5609             :         } else {
    5610             :             // Ensure the minimum indoor temperature <= the maximum indoor temperature
    5611      652202 :             Real64 MixingTmin = 0.0;
    5612      652202 :             Real64 MixingTmax = 0.0;
    5613      652202 :             if (thisMixing.MinIndoorTempSchedPtr > 0) MixingTmin = ScheduleManager::GetCurrentScheduleValue(state, thisMixing.MinIndoorTempSchedPtr);
    5614      652202 :             if (thisMixing.MaxIndoorTempSchedPtr > 0) MixingTmax = ScheduleManager::GetCurrentScheduleValue(state, thisMixing.MaxIndoorTempSchedPtr);
    5615      652202 :             if (thisMixing.MinIndoorTempSchedPtr > 0 && thisMixing.MaxIndoorTempSchedPtr > 0) {
    5616       10365 :                 if (MixingTmin > MixingTmax) {
    5617           0 :                     ++thisMixing.IndoorTempErrCount;
    5618           0 :                     if (thisMixing.IndoorTempErrCount < 2) {
    5619           0 :                         ShowWarningError(state,
    5620           0 :                                          "Mixing zone temperature control: The minimum zone temperature is above the maximum zone temperature in " +
    5621             :                                              thisMixing.Name);
    5622           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "The minimum zone temperature is set to the maximum zone temperature. Simulation continues.");
    5623           0 :                         ShowContinueErrorTimeStamp(state, " Occurrence info:");
    5624             :                     } else {
    5625           0 :                         ShowRecurringWarningErrorAtEnd(state,
    5626             :                                                        "The minimum zone temperature is still above the maximum zone temperature",
    5627             :                                                        thisMixing.IndoorTempErrIndex,
    5628             :                                                        MixingTmin,
    5629             :                                                        MixingTmin);
    5630             :                     }
    5631           0 :                     MixingTmin = MixingTmax;
    5632             :                 }
    5633             :             }
    5634      652202 :             if (thisMixing.MinIndoorTempSchedPtr > 0) {
    5635       10365 :                 if (TZN < MixingTmin) MixingLimitFlag = true;
    5636             :             }
    5637      652202 :             if (thisMixing.MaxIndoorTempSchedPtr > 0) {
    5638       10365 :                 if (TZN > MixingTmax) MixingLimitFlag = true;
    5639             :             }
    5640             :             // Ensure the minimum source temperature <= the maximum source temperature
    5641      652202 :             if (thisMixing.MinSourceTempSchedPtr > 0) MixingTmin = ScheduleManager::GetCurrentScheduleValue(state, thisMixing.MinSourceTempSchedPtr);
    5642      652202 :             if (thisMixing.MaxSourceTempSchedPtr > 0) MixingTmax = ScheduleManager::GetCurrentScheduleValue(state, thisMixing.MaxSourceTempSchedPtr);
    5643      652202 :             if (thisMixing.MinSourceTempSchedPtr > 0 && thisMixing.MaxSourceTempSchedPtr > 0) {
    5644       10365 :                 if (MixingTmin > MixingTmax) {
    5645           0 :                     ++thisMixing.SourceTempErrCount;
    5646           0 :                     if (thisMixing.SourceTempErrCount < 2) {
    5647           0 :                         ShowWarningError(
    5648             :                             state,
    5649           0 :                             "Mixing source temperature control: The minimum source temperature is above the maximum source temperature in " +
    5650             :                                 thisMixing.Name);
    5651           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "The minimum source temperature is set to the maximum source temperature. Simulation continues.");
    5652           0 :                         ShowContinueErrorTimeStamp(state, " Occurrence info:");
    5653             :                     } else {
    5654           0 :                         ShowRecurringWarningErrorAtEnd(state,
    5655             :                                                        "The minimum source temperature is still above the maximum source temperature",
    5656             :                                                        thisMixing.SourceTempErrIndex,
    5657             :                                                        MixingTmin,
    5658             :                                                        MixingTmin);
    5659             :                     }
    5660           0 :                     MixingTmin = MixingTmax;
    5661             :                 }
    5662             :             }
    5663      652202 :             if (thisMixing.MinSourceTempSchedPtr > 0) {
    5664       10365 :                 if (TZM < MixingTmin) MixingLimitFlag = true;
    5665             :             }
    5666      652202 :             if (thisMixing.MaxSourceTempSchedPtr > 0) {
    5667       10365 :                 if (TZM > MixingTmax) MixingLimitFlag = true;
    5668             :             }
    5669             :             // Ensure the minimum outdoor temperature <= the maximum outdoor temperature
    5670      652202 :             Real64 TempExt = state.dataHeatBal->Zone(thisZoneNum).OutDryBulbTemp;
    5671      652202 :             if (thisMixing.MinOutdoorTempSchedPtr > 0)
    5672       10365 :                 MixingTmin = ScheduleManager::GetCurrentScheduleValue(state, thisMixing.MinOutdoorTempSchedPtr);
    5673      652202 :             if (thisMixing.MaxOutdoorTempSchedPtr > 0)
    5674       10365 :                 MixingTmax = ScheduleManager::GetCurrentScheduleValue(state, thisMixing.MaxOutdoorTempSchedPtr);
    5675      652202 :             if (thisMixing.MinOutdoorTempSchedPtr > 0 && thisMixing.MaxOutdoorTempSchedPtr > 0) {
    5676       10365 :                 if (MixingTmin > MixingTmax) {
    5677           0 :                     ++thisMixing.OutdoorTempErrCount;
    5678           0 :                     if (thisMixing.OutdoorTempErrCount < 2) {
    5679           0 :                         ShowWarningError(state,
    5680             :                                          "Mixing outdoor temperature control: The minimum outdoor temperature is above the maximum outdoor "
    5681           0 :                                          "temperature in " +
    5682             :                                              thisMixing.Name);
    5683           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "The minimum outdoor temperature is set to the maximum source temperature. Simulation continues.");
    5684           0 :                         ShowContinueErrorTimeStamp(state, " Occurrence info:");
    5685             :                     } else {
    5686           0 :                         ShowRecurringWarningErrorAtEnd(state,
    5687             :                                                        "The minimum outdoor temperature is still above the maximum outdoor temperature",
    5688             :                                                        thisMixing.OutdoorTempErrIndex,
    5689             :                                                        MixingTmin,
    5690             :                                                        MixingTmin);
    5691             :                     }
    5692           0 :                     MixingTmin = MixingTmax;
    5693             :                 }
    5694             :             }
    5695      652202 :             if (thisMixing.MinOutdoorTempSchedPtr > 0) {
    5696       10365 :                 if (TempExt < MixingTmin) MixingLimitFlag = true;
    5697             :             }
    5698      652202 :             if (thisMixing.MaxOutdoorTempSchedPtr > 0) {
    5699       10365 :                 if (TempExt > MixingTmax) MixingLimitFlag = true;
    5700             :             }
    5701             :         }
    5702             : 
    5703      653807 :         if (thisMixing.HybridControlType != DataHeatBalance::HybridCtrlType::Global && MixingLimitFlag) continue;
    5704      653807 :         if (thisMixing.HybridControlType == DataHeatBalance::HybridCtrlType::Global) TD = 0.0;
    5705             : 
    5706             :         //            Per Jan 17, 2008 conference call, agreed to use average conditions for Rho, Cp and Hfg
    5707     1961421 :         Real64 AirDensity = PsyRhoAirFnPbTdbW(
    5708     2615228 :             state, state.dataEnvrn->OutBaroPress, (TZN + TZM) / 2.0, (HumRatZN + HumRatZM) / 2.0, RoutineNameMixing); // Density of air (kg/m^3)
    5709      653807 :         Real64 CpAir = PsyCpAirFnW((HumRatZN + HumRatZM) / 2.0);                                                      // Use average conditions
    5710             : 
    5711             :         //  If TD equals zero (default) set coefficients for full mixing otherwise test
    5712             :         //    for mixing conditions if user input delta temp > 0, then from zone temp (TZM)
    5713             :         //    must be td degrees warmer than zone temp (TZN).  If user input delta temp < 0,
    5714             :         //    then from zone temp (TZM) must be TD degrees cooler than zone temp (TZN).
    5715      653807 :         if (TD < 0.0) {
    5716           0 :             if (TZM < TZN + TD) {
    5717             : 
    5718           0 :                 thisMixing.DesiredAirFlowRate = thisMixing.DesiredAirFlowRateSaved;
    5719           0 :                 if (state.dataHeatBalFanSys->ZoneMassBalanceFlag(thisZoneNum) && AdjustZoneMixingFlowFlag) {
    5720           0 :                     if (thisMixing.MixingMassFlowRate > 0.0) {
    5721           0 :                         thisMixing.DesiredAirFlowRate = thisMixing.MixingMassFlowRate / AirDensity;
    5722             :                     }
    5723             :                 }
    5724           0 :                 thisMixing.MixingMassFlowRate = thisMixing.DesiredAirFlowRate * AirDensity;
    5725             : 
    5726           0 :                 thisMCPM = thisMixing.MixingMassFlowRate * CpAir;
    5727           0 :                 thisMCPTM = thisMCPM * TZN;
    5728             : 
    5729             :                 // Now to determine the moisture conditions
    5730           0 :                 thisMixingMassFlow = thisMixing.DesiredAirFlowRate * AirDensity;
    5731           0 :                 thisMixingMassFlowXHumRat = thisMixing.DesiredAirFlowRate * AirDensity * HumRatZM;
    5732           0 :                 if (state.dataContaminantBalance->Contaminant.CO2Simulation) {
    5733           0 :                     state.dataContaminantBalance->MixingMassFlowCO2(thisZoneNum) +=
    5734           0 :                         thisMixing.DesiredAirFlowRate * AirDensity * state.dataContaminantBalance->ZoneAirCO2(fromZoneNum);
    5735             :                 }
    5736           0 :                 if (state.dataContaminantBalance->Contaminant.GenericContamSimulation) {
    5737           0 :                     state.dataContaminantBalance->MixingMassFlowGC(thisZoneNum) +=
    5738           0 :                         thisMixing.DesiredAirFlowRate * AirDensity * state.dataContaminantBalance->ZoneAirGC(fromZoneNum);
    5739             :                 }
    5740           0 :                 thisMixing.ReportFlag = true;
    5741             :             }
    5742      653807 :         } else if (TD > 0.0) {
    5743        7492 :             if (TZM > TZN + TD) {
    5744           0 :                 thisMixing.DesiredAirFlowRate = thisMixing.DesiredAirFlowRateSaved;
    5745           0 :                 if (state.dataHeatBalFanSys->ZoneMassBalanceFlag(thisZoneNum) && AdjustZoneMixingFlowFlag) {
    5746           0 :                     if (thisMixing.MixingMassFlowRate > 0.0) {
    5747           0 :                         thisMixing.DesiredAirFlowRate = thisMixing.MixingMassFlowRate / AirDensity;
    5748             :                     }
    5749             :                 }
    5750           0 :                 thisMixing.MixingMassFlowRate = thisMixing.DesiredAirFlowRate * AirDensity;
    5751             : 
    5752           0 :                 thisMCPM = thisMixing.MixingMassFlowRate * CpAir;
    5753           0 :                 thisMCPTM = thisMCPM * TZM;
    5754             :                 // Now to determine the moisture conditions
    5755           0 :                 thisMixingMassFlow = thisMixing.MixingMassFlowRate;
    5756           0 :                 thisMixingMassFlowXHumRat = thisMixing.MixingMassFlowRate * HumRatZM;
    5757           0 :                 if (state.dataContaminantBalance->Contaminant.CO2Simulation) {
    5758           0 :                     state.dataContaminantBalance->MixingMassFlowCO2(thisZoneNum) +=
    5759           0 :                         thisMixing.MixingMassFlowRate * state.dataContaminantBalance->ZoneAirCO2(fromZoneNum);
    5760             :                 }
    5761           0 :                 if (state.dataContaminantBalance->Contaminant.GenericContamSimulation) {
    5762           0 :                     state.dataContaminantBalance->MixingMassFlowGC(thisZoneNum) +=
    5763           0 :                         thisMixing.MixingMassFlowRate * state.dataContaminantBalance->ZoneAirGC(fromZoneNum);
    5764             :                 }
    5765           0 :                 thisMixing.ReportFlag = true;
    5766             :             }
    5767      646315 :         } else if (TD == 0.0) {
    5768      646315 :             thisMixing.DesiredAirFlowRate = thisMixing.DesiredAirFlowRateSaved;
    5769      646315 :             if (state.dataHeatBalFanSys->ZoneMassBalanceFlag(thisZoneNum) && AdjustZoneMixingFlowFlag) {
    5770       15252 :                 if (thisMixing.MixingMassFlowRate > 0.0) {
    5771       14268 :                     thisMixing.DesiredAirFlowRate = thisMixing.MixingMassFlowRate / AirDensity;
    5772             :                 }
    5773             :             }
    5774      646315 :             thisMixing.MixingMassFlowRate = thisMixing.DesiredAirFlowRate * AirDensity;
    5775             : 
    5776      646315 :             thisMCPM = thisMixing.MixingMassFlowRate * CpAir;
    5777      646315 :             thisMCPTM = thisMCPM * TZM;
    5778             :             // Now to determine the moisture conditions
    5779      646315 :             thisMixingMassFlow = thisMixing.MixingMassFlowRate;
    5780      646315 :             thisMixingMassFlowXHumRat = thisMixing.MixingMassFlowRate * HumRatZM;
    5781      646315 :             if (state.dataContaminantBalance->Contaminant.CO2Simulation) {
    5782           0 :                 state.dataContaminantBalance->MixingMassFlowCO2(thisZoneNum) +=
    5783           0 :                     thisMixing.MixingMassFlowRate * state.dataContaminantBalance->ZoneAirCO2(fromZoneNum);
    5784             :             }
    5785      646315 :             if (state.dataContaminantBalance->Contaminant.GenericContamSimulation) {
    5786           0 :                 state.dataContaminantBalance->MixingMassFlowGC(thisZoneNum) +=
    5787           0 :                     thisMixing.MixingMassFlowRate * state.dataContaminantBalance->ZoneAirGC(fromZoneNum);
    5788             :             }
    5789      646315 :             thisMixing.ReportFlag = true;
    5790             :         }
    5791             :         // Accumulate for zone and space
    5792      653807 :         thisZoneHB.MCPM += thisMCPM;
    5793      653807 :         thisZoneHB.MCPTM += thisMCPTM;
    5794      653807 :         thisZoneHB.MixingMassFlowZone += thisMixingMassFlow;
    5795      653807 :         thisZoneHB.MixingMassFlowXHumRat += thisMixingMassFlowXHumRat;
    5796      653807 :         if (state.dataHeatBal->doSpaceHeatBalance) {
    5797           0 :             auto &thisSpaceHB = state.dataZoneTempPredictorCorrector->spaceHeatBalance(thisMixing.spaceIndex);
    5798           0 :             thisSpaceHB.MCPM += thisMCPM;
    5799           0 :             thisSpaceHB.MCPTM += thisMCPTM;
    5800           0 :             thisSpaceHB.MixingMassFlowZone += thisMixingMassFlow;
    5801           0 :             thisSpaceHB.MixingMassFlowXHumRat += thisMixingMassFlowXHumRat;
    5802             :         }
    5803             :     }
    5804             : 
    5805             :     //                              COMPUTE CROSS ZONE
    5806             :     //                              AIR MIXING
    5807     3522882 :     for (int j = 1; j <= state.dataHeatBal->TotCrossMixing; ++j) {
    5808       43667 :         auto &thisCrossMixing = state.dataHeatBal->CrossMixing(j);
    5809       43667 :         int thisZoneNum = thisCrossMixing.ZonePtr;
    5810       43667 :         thisCrossMixing.ReportFlag = false;
    5811       43667 :         auto &thisZoneHB = state.dataZoneTempPredictorCorrector->zoneHeatBalance(thisZoneNum);
    5812       43667 :         int fromZoneNum = thisCrossMixing.FromZone;
    5813       43667 :         auto &fromZoneHB = state.dataZoneTempPredictorCorrector->zoneHeatBalance(fromZoneNum);
    5814       43667 :         Real64 TD = thisCrossMixing.DeltaTemperature; // Delta Temp limit
    5815             :         // Get scheduled delta temperature
    5816       43667 :         if (thisCrossMixing.DeltaTempSchedPtr > 0) {
    5817           0 :             TD = ScheduleManager::GetCurrentScheduleValue(state, thisCrossMixing.DeltaTempSchedPtr);
    5818             :         }
    5819       43667 :         Real64 thisMCPxM = 0.0;
    5820       43667 :         Real64 thisMCPTxM = 0.0;
    5821       43667 :         Real64 thisXMixingMassFlow = 0.0;
    5822       43667 :         Real64 thisXMixingMassFlowXHumRat = 0.0;
    5823       43667 :         Real64 fromMCPxM = 0.0;
    5824       43667 :         Real64 fromMCPTxM = 0.0;
    5825       43667 :         Real64 fromXMixingMassFlowXHumRat = 0.0;
    5826             : 
    5827       43667 :         if (TD >= 0.0) {
    5828       43667 :             Real64 TZN = 0.0;      // Temperature of this Zone/Space
    5829       43667 :             Real64 TZM = 0.0;      // Temperature of From Zone/Space
    5830       43667 :             Real64 HumRatZN = 0.0; // HumRat of this Zone/Space
    5831       43667 :             Real64 HumRatZM = 0.0; // HumRat of From Zone/Space
    5832       43667 :             if (state.dataHeatBal->doSpaceHeatBalance) {
    5833           0 :                 auto &thisSpaceHB = state.dataZoneTempPredictorCorrector->spaceHeatBalance(thisCrossMixing.spaceIndex);
    5834           0 :                 auto &fromSpaceHB = state.dataZoneTempPredictorCorrector->spaceHeatBalance(thisCrossMixing.fromSpaceIndex);
    5835           0 :                 TZN = thisSpaceHB.MixingMAT;         // Temperature of this Space
    5836           0 :                 TZM = fromSpaceHB.MixingMAT;         // Temperature of From Space
    5837           0 :                 HumRatZN = thisSpaceHB.MixingHumRat; // HumRat of this Space
    5838           0 :                 HumRatZM = fromSpaceHB.MixingHumRat; // HumRat of From Space
    5839             :             } else {
    5840       43667 :                 TZN = thisZoneHB.MixingMAT;         // Temperature of this zone
    5841       43667 :                 TZM = fromZoneHB.MixingMAT;         // Temperature of From Zone
    5842       43667 :                 HumRatZN = thisZoneHB.MixingHumRat; // HumRat of this zone
    5843       43667 :                 HumRatZM = fromZoneHB.MixingHumRat; // HumRat of From Zone
    5844             :             }
    5845             :             // Check temperature limit
    5846       43667 :             bool MixingLimitFlag = false;
    5847             :             // Ensure the minimum indoor temperature <= the maximum indoor temperature
    5848       43667 :             Real64 MixingTmin = 0.0;
    5849       43667 :             Real64 MixingTmax = 0.0;
    5850       43667 :             if (thisCrossMixing.MinIndoorTempSchedPtr > 0)
    5851        7492 :                 MixingTmin = ScheduleManager::GetCurrentScheduleValue(state, thisCrossMixing.MinIndoorTempSchedPtr);
    5852       43667 :             if (thisCrossMixing.MaxIndoorTempSchedPtr > 0)
    5853        7492 :                 MixingTmax = ScheduleManager::GetCurrentScheduleValue(state, thisCrossMixing.MaxIndoorTempSchedPtr);
    5854       43667 :             if (thisCrossMixing.MinIndoorTempSchedPtr > 0 && thisCrossMixing.MaxIndoorTempSchedPtr > 0) {
    5855        7492 :                 if (MixingTmin > MixingTmax) {
    5856           0 :                     ++thisCrossMixing.IndoorTempErrCount;
    5857           0 :                     if (thisCrossMixing.IndoorTempErrCount < 2) {
    5858           0 :                         ShowWarningError(
    5859             :                             state,
    5860           0 :                             "CrossMixing zone temperature control: The minimum zone temperature is above the maximum zone temperature in " +
    5861             :                                 thisCrossMixing.Name);
    5862           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "The minimum zone temperature is set to the maximum zone temperature. Simulation continues.");
    5863           0 :                         ShowContinueErrorTimeStamp(state, " Occurrence info:");
    5864             :                     } else {
    5865           0 :                         ShowRecurringWarningErrorAtEnd(state,
    5866             :                                                        "The minimum zone temperature is still above the maximum zone temperature",
    5867             :                                                        thisCrossMixing.IndoorTempErrIndex,
    5868             :                                                        MixingTmin,
    5869             :                                                        MixingTmin);
    5870             :                     }
    5871           0 :                     MixingTmin = MixingTmax;
    5872             :                 }
    5873             :             }
    5874       43667 :             if (thisCrossMixing.MinIndoorTempSchedPtr > 0) {
    5875        7492 :                 if (TZN < MixingTmin) MixingLimitFlag = true;
    5876             :             }
    5877       43667 :             if (thisCrossMixing.MaxIndoorTempSchedPtr > 0) {
    5878        7492 :                 if (TZN > MixingTmax) MixingLimitFlag = true;
    5879             :             }
    5880             :             // Ensure the minimum source temperature <= the maximum source temperature
    5881       43667 :             if (thisCrossMixing.MinSourceTempSchedPtr > 0)
    5882        7492 :                 MixingTmin = ScheduleManager::GetCurrentScheduleValue(state, thisCrossMixing.MinSourceTempSchedPtr);
    5883       43667 :             if (thisCrossMixing.MaxSourceTempSchedPtr > 0)
    5884        7492 :                 MixingTmax = ScheduleManager::GetCurrentScheduleValue(state, thisCrossMixing.MaxSourceTempSchedPtr);
    5885       43667 :             if (thisCrossMixing.MinSourceTempSchedPtr > 0 && thisCrossMixing.MaxSourceTempSchedPtr > 0) {
    5886        7492 :                 if (MixingTmin > MixingTmax) {
    5887           0 :                     ++thisCrossMixing.SourceTempErrCount;
    5888           0 :                     if (thisCrossMixing.SourceTempErrCount < 2) {
    5889           0 :                         ShowWarningError(state,
    5890             :                                          "CrossMixing source temperature control: The minimum source temperature is above the maximum source "
    5891           0 :                                          "temperature in " +
    5892             :                                              thisCrossMixing.Name);
    5893           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "The minimum source temperature is set to the maximum source temperature. Simulation continues.");
    5894           0 :                         ShowContinueErrorTimeStamp(state, " Occurrence info:");
    5895             :                     } else {
    5896           0 :                         ShowRecurringWarningErrorAtEnd(state,
    5897             :                                                        "The minimum source temperature is still above the maximum source temperature",
    5898             :                                                        thisCrossMixing.SourceTempErrIndex,
    5899             :                                                        MixingTmin,
    5900             :                                                        MixingTmin);
    5901             :                     }
    5902           0 :                     MixingTmin = MixingTmax;
    5903             :                 }
    5904             :             }
    5905       43667 :             if (thisCrossMixing.MinSourceTempSchedPtr > 0) {
    5906        7492 :                 if (TZM < MixingTmin) MixingLimitFlag = true;
    5907             :             }
    5908       43667 :             if (thisCrossMixing.MaxSourceTempSchedPtr > 0) {
    5909        7492 :                 if (TZM > MixingTmax) MixingLimitFlag = true;
    5910             :             }
    5911             :             // Ensure the minimum outdoor temperature <= the maximum outdoor temperature
    5912       43667 :             Real64 TempExt = state.dataHeatBal->Zone(thisZoneNum).OutDryBulbTemp;
    5913       43667 :             if (thisCrossMixing.MinOutdoorTempSchedPtr > 0)
    5914        7492 :                 MixingTmin = ScheduleManager::GetCurrentScheduleValue(state, thisCrossMixing.MinOutdoorTempSchedPtr);
    5915       43667 :             if (thisCrossMixing.MaxOutdoorTempSchedPtr > 0)
    5916        7492 :                 MixingTmax = ScheduleManager::GetCurrentScheduleValue(state, thisCrossMixing.MaxOutdoorTempSchedPtr);
    5917       43667 :             if (thisCrossMixing.MinOutdoorTempSchedPtr > 0 && thisCrossMixing.MaxOutdoorTempSchedPtr > 0) {
    5918        7492 :                 if (MixingTmin > MixingTmax) {
    5919           0 :                     ++thisCrossMixing.OutdoorTempErrCount;
    5920           0 :                     if (thisCrossMixing.OutdoorTempErrCount < 2) {
    5921           0 :                         ShowWarningError(state,
    5922             :                                          "CrossMixing outdoor temperature control: The minimum outdoor temperature is above the maximum outdoor "
    5923           0 :                                          "temperature in " +
    5924           0 :                                              state.dataHeatBal->Mixing(j).Name);
    5925           0 :                         ShowContinueError(state, "The minimum outdoor temperature is set to the maximum source temperature. Simulation continues.");
    5926           0 :                         ShowContinueErrorTimeStamp(state, " Occurrence info:");
    5927             :                     } else {
    5928           0 :                         ShowRecurringWarningErrorAtEnd(state,
    5929             :                                                        "The minimum outdoor temperature is still above the maximum outdoor temperature",
    5930             :                                                        thisCrossMixing.OutdoorTempErrIndex,
    5931             :                                                        MixingTmin,
    5932             :                                                        MixingTmin);
    5933             :                     }
    5934           0 :                     MixingTmin = MixingTmax;
    5935             :                 }
    5936             :             }
    5937       43667 :             if (thisCrossMixing.MinOutdoorTempSchedPtr > 0) {
    5938        7492 :                 if (TempExt < MixingTmin) MixingLimitFlag = true;
    5939             :             }
    5940       43667 :             if (thisCrossMixing.MaxOutdoorTempSchedPtr > 0) {
    5941        7492 :                 if (TempExt > MixingTmax) MixingLimitFlag = true;
    5942             :             }
    5943       43667 :             if (MixingLimitFlag) continue;
    5944             : 
    5945       43667 :             if ((TD == 0.0 || (TD > 0.0 && (TZM - TZN) >= TD))) {
    5946       31478 :                 thisCrossMixing.ReportFlag = true;
    5947             :             }
    5948             : 
    5949       43667 :             if ((TD <= 0.0) || ((TD > 0.0) && (TZM - TZN >= TD))) {
    5950             :                 //                                      SET COEFFICIENTS .
    5951       31478 :                 Real64 Tavg = (TZN + TZM) / 2.0;
    5952       31478 :                 Real64 Wavg = (HumRatZN + HumRatZM) / 2.0;
    5953       31478 :                 Real64 AirDensity = PsyRhoAirFnPbTdbW(state, state.dataEnvrn->OutBaroPress, Tavg, Wavg, RoutineNameCrossMixing);
    5954       31478 :                 Real64 CpAir = PsyCpAirFnW(Wavg);
    5955       31478 :                 thisXMixingMassFlow = thisCrossMixing.DesiredAirFlowRate * AirDensity;
    5956       31478 :                 thisMCPxM = thisXMixingMassFlow * CpAir;
    5957             : 
    5958       31478 :                 fromMCPxM = thisMCPxM;
    5959       31478 :                 thisMCPTxM = thisMCPxM * TZM;
    5960       31478 :                 fromMCPTxM = fromMCPxM * TZN;
    5961             : 
    5962             :                 // Now to determine the moisture conditions
    5963       31478 :                 fromXMixingMassFlowXHumRat = thisXMixingMassFlow * HumRatZN;
    5964       31478 :                 thisXMixingMassFlowXHumRat = thisXMixingMassFlow * HumRatZM;
    5965             : 
    5966       31478 :                 if (state.dataContaminantBalance->Contaminant.CO2Simulation) {
    5967           0 :                     state.dataContaminantBalance->MixingMassFlowCO2(fromZoneNum) +=
    5968           0 :                         thisXMixingMassFlow * state.dataContaminantBalance->ZoneAirCO2(thisZoneNum);
    5969           0 :                     state.dataContaminantBalance->MixingMassFlowCO2(thisZoneNum) +=
    5970           0 :                         thisXMixingMassFlow * state.dataContaminantBalance->ZoneAirCO2(fromZoneNum);
    5971             :                 }
    5972       31478 :                 if (state.dataContaminantBalance->Contaminant.GenericContamSimulation) {
    5973           0 :                     state.dataContaminantBalance->MixingMassFlowGC(fromZoneNum) +=
    5974           0 :                         thisXMixingMassFlow * state.dataContaminantBalance->ZoneAirGC(thisZoneNum);
    5975           0 :                     state.dataContaminantBalance->MixingMassFlowGC(thisZoneNum) +=
    5976           0 :                         thisXMixingMassFlow * state.dataContaminantBalance->ZoneAirGC(fromZoneNum);
    5977             :                 }
    5978             :             }
    5979             :         }
    5980             :         // Accumulate for zone and space
    5981       43667 :         thisZoneHB.MCPM += thisMCPxM;
    5982       43667 :         thisZoneHB.MCPTM += thisMCPTxM;
    5983       43667 :         thisZoneHB.MixingMassFlowZone += thisXMixingMassFlow;
    5984       43667 :         thisZoneHB.MixingMassFlowXHumRat += thisXMixingMassFlowXHumRat;
    5985       43667 :         fromZoneHB.MCPM += fromMCPxM;
    5986       43667 :         fromZoneHB.MCPTM += fromMCPTxM;
    5987       43667 :         fromZoneHB.MixingMassFlowZone += thisXMixingMassFlow;
    5988       43667 :         fromZoneHB.MixingMassFlowXHumRat += fromXMixingMassFlowXHumRat;
    5989       43667 :         if (state.dataHeatBal->doSpaceHeatBalance) {
    5990           0 :             auto &thisSpaceHB = state.dataZoneTempPredictorCorrector->spaceHeatBalance(thisCrossMixing.spaceIndex);
    5991           0 :             auto &fromSpaceHB = state.dataZoneTempPredictorCorrector->spaceHeatBalance(thisCrossMixing.fromSpaceIndex);
    5992           0 :             thisSpaceHB.MCPM += thisMCPxM;
    5993           0 :             thisSpaceHB.MCPTM += thisMCPTxM;
    5994           0 :             thisSpaceHB.MixingMassFlowZone += thisXMixingMassFlow;
    5995           0 :             thisSpaceHB.MixingMassFlowXHumRat += thisXMixingMassFlowXHumRat;
    5996           0 :             fromSpaceHB.MCPM += fromMCPxM;
    5997           0 :             fromSpaceHB.MCPTM += fromMCPTxM;
    5998           0 :             fromSpaceHB.MixingMassFlowZone += thisXMixingMassFlow;
    5999           0 :             fromSpaceHB.MixingMassFlowXHumRat += fromXMixingMassFlowXHumRat;
    6000             :         }
    6001             :     }
    6002             : 
    6003             :     //                              COMPUTE REFRIGERATION DOOR
    6004             :     //                              AIR MIXING
    6005     3479215 :     if (state.dataHeatBal->TotRefDoorMixing > 0) {
    6006             :         // Zone loops structured in getinput so only do each pair of zones bounding door once, even if multiple doors in one zone
    6007      247170 :         for (int ZoneA = 1; ZoneA <= (state.dataGlobal->NumOfZones - 1); ++ZoneA) {
    6008      229515 :             if (!state.dataHeatBal->RefDoorMixing(ZoneA).RefDoorMixFlag) continue;
    6009       88275 :             auto &zoneAHB = state.dataZoneTempPredictorCorrector->zoneHeatBalance(ZoneA);
    6010       88275 :             Real64 TZoneA = zoneAHB.MixingMAT;
    6011       88275 :             Real64 HumRatZoneA = zoneAHB.MixingHumRat;
    6012       88275 :             Real64 AirDensityZoneA = PsyRhoAirFnPbTdbW(state, state.dataEnvrn->OutBaroPress, TZoneA, HumRatZoneA, RoutineNameRefrigerationDoorMixing);
    6013       88275 :             Real64 CpAirZoneA = PsyCpAirFnW(HumRatZoneA);
    6014      141240 :             for (int j = 1; j <= state.dataHeatBal->RefDoorMixing(ZoneA).NumRefDoorConnections; ++j) {
    6015       52965 :                 int ZoneB = state.dataHeatBal->RefDoorMixing(ZoneA).MateZonePtr(j);
    6016       52965 :                 auto &zoneBHB = state.dataZoneTempPredictorCorrector->zoneHeatBalance(ZoneB);
    6017       52965 :                 Real64 TZoneB = zoneBHB.MixingMAT;
    6018       52965 :                 Real64 HumRatZoneB = zoneBHB.MixingHumRat;
    6019       52965 :                 Real64 CpAirZoneB = PsyCpAirFnW(HumRatZoneB);
    6020       52965 :                 Real64 Tavg = (TZoneA + TZoneB) / 2.0;
    6021       52965 :                 Real64 Wavg = (HumRatZoneA + HumRatZoneB) / 2.0;
    6022       52965 :                 Real64 AirDensityAvg = PsyRhoAirFnPbTdbW(state, state.dataEnvrn->OutBaroPress, Tavg, Wavg, RoutineNameRefrigerationDoorMixing);
    6023             :                 // following variables used for refrigeration door mixing and all defined in EngRef
    6024       52965 :                 Real64 MassFlowDryAir = 0.0;
    6025       52965 :                 Real64 FDens = 0.0;
    6026       52965 :                 Real64 Fb = 0.0;
    6027             : 
    6028       52965 :                 if (state.dataHeatBal->RefDoorMixing(ZoneA).EMSRefDoorMixingOn(j)) {
    6029           0 :                     MassFlowDryAir = state.dataHeatBal->RefDoorMixing(ZoneA).VolRefDoorFlowRate(j) * AirDensityAvg;
    6030             :                 } else {
    6031             :                     Real64 AirDensityZoneB =
    6032       52965 :                         PsyRhoAirFnPbTdbW(state, state.dataEnvrn->OutBaroPress, TZoneB, HumRatZoneB, RoutineNameRefrigerationDoorMixing);
    6033       52965 :                     Real64 SchedDoorOpen = ScheduleManager::GetCurrentScheduleValue(state, state.dataHeatBal->RefDoorMixing(ZoneA).OpenSchedPtr(j));
    6034       52965 :                     if (SchedDoorOpen == 0.0) continue;
    6035       28326 :                     Real64 DoorHeight = state.dataHeatBal->RefDoorMixing(ZoneA).DoorHeight(j);
    6036       28326 :                     Real64 DoorArea = state.dataHeatBal->RefDoorMixing(ZoneA).DoorArea(j);
    6037       28326 :                     Real64 DoorProt = state.dataHeatBal->RefDoorMixing(ZoneA).Protection(j);
    6038       28326 :                     if (AirDensityZoneA >= AirDensityZoneB) {
    6039             :                         // Mass of dry air flow between zones is equal,
    6040             :                         // but have to calc directionally to avoid sqrt(neg number)
    6041         660 :                         FDens = std::pow(2.0 / (1.0 + std::pow(AirDensityZoneA / AirDensityZoneB, 1.0 / 3.0)), 1.5);
    6042        1320 :                         Fb = 0.221 * DoorArea * AirDensityZoneA * FDens *
    6043         660 :                              std::sqrt((1.0 - AirDensityZoneB / AirDensityZoneA) * StdGravity * DoorHeight);
    6044             :                     } else { // ZoneADens < ZoneBDens
    6045       27666 :                         FDens = std::pow(2.0 / (1.0 + std::pow(AirDensityZoneB / AirDensityZoneA, 1.0 / 3.0)), 1.5);
    6046       55332 :                         Fb = 0.221 * DoorArea * AirDensityZoneB * FDens *
    6047       27666 :                              std::sqrt((1.0 - AirDensityZoneA / AirDensityZoneB) * StdGravity * DoorHeight);
    6048             :                     } // ZoneADens .GE. ZoneBDens
    6049             :                     // FFlow = Doorway flow factor, is determined by temperature difference
    6050       28326 :                     Real64 FFlow = 1.1;
    6051       28326 :                     if (std::abs(TZoneA - TZoneB) > 11.0) FFlow = 0.8;
    6052       28326 :                     MassFlowDryAir = Fb * SchedDoorOpen * FFlow * (1.0 - DoorProt);
    6053       28326 :                     state.dataHeatBal->RefDoorMixing(ZoneA).VolRefDoorFlowRate(j) = MassFlowDryAir / AirDensityAvg;
    6054             :                     // Note - VolRefDoorFlowRate is used ONLY for reporting purposes, where it is
    6055             :                     //       used with the avg density to generate a reported mass flow
    6056             :                     //       Considering the small values typical for HumRat, this is not far off.
    6057             :                 } // EMSRefDoorMixingOn
    6058             : 
    6059       28326 :                 Real64 MassFlowToA = MassFlowDryAir * (1.0 + HumRatZoneB);
    6060       28326 :                 Real64 MassFlowToB = MassFlowDryAir * (1.0 + HumRatZoneA);
    6061       28326 :                 Real64 MassFlowXCpToA = MassFlowToA * CpAirZoneB;
    6062       28326 :                 Real64 MassFlowXCpToB = MassFlowToB * CpAirZoneA;
    6063       28326 :                 Real64 MassFlowXCpXTempToA = MassFlowXCpToA * TZoneB;
    6064       28326 :                 Real64 MassFlowXCpXTempToB = MassFlowXCpToB * TZoneA;
    6065       28326 :                 Real64 MassFlowXHumRatToA = MassFlowToA * HumRatZoneB;
    6066       28326 :                 Real64 MassFlowXHumRatToB = MassFlowToB * HumRatZoneA;
    6067             : 
    6068       28326 :                 zoneAHB.MCPM += MassFlowXCpToA;
    6069       28326 :                 zoneBHB.MCPM += MassFlowXCpToB;
    6070       28326 :                 zoneAHB.MCPTM += MassFlowXCpXTempToA;
    6071       28326 :                 zoneBHB.MCPTM += MassFlowXCpXTempToB;
    6072       28326 :                 zoneAHB.MixingMassFlowZone += MassFlowToA;
    6073       28326 :                 zoneBHB.MixingMassFlowZone += MassFlowToB;
    6074       28326 :                 zoneAHB.MixingMassFlowXHumRat += MassFlowXHumRatToA;
    6075       28326 :                 zoneBHB.MixingMassFlowXHumRat += MassFlowXHumRatToB;
    6076       28326 :                 if (state.dataHeatBal->doSpaceHeatBalance) {
    6077             :                     // ZoneRefrigerationDoorMixing has no space information, just zones
    6078             :                     // Allocate mixing flows by space volume fraction of zone volume
    6079           0 :                     for (int spaceNum : state.dataHeatBal->Zone(ZoneA).spaceIndexes) {
    6080           0 :                         Real64 spaceFrac = state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).fracZoneVolume;
    6081           0 :                         auto &spaceAHB = state.dataZoneTempPredictorCorrector->spaceHeatBalance(spaceNum);
    6082           0 :                         spaceAHB.MCPM += MassFlowXCpToA * spaceFrac;
    6083           0 :                         spaceAHB.MCPTM += MassFlowXCpXTempToA * spaceFrac;
    6084           0 :                         spaceAHB.MixingMassFlowZone += MassFlowToA * spaceFrac;
    6085           0 :                         spaceAHB.MixingMassFlowXHumRat += MassFlowXHumRatToA * spaceFrac;
    6086             :                     }
    6087           0 :                     for (int spaceNum : state.dataHeatBal->Zone(ZoneB).spaceIndexes) {
    6088           0 :                         Real64 spaceFrac = state.dataHeatBal->space(spaceNum).fracZoneVolume;
    6089           0 :                         auto &spaceBHB = state.dataZoneTempPredictorCorrector->spaceHeatBalance(spaceNum);
    6090           0 :                         spaceBHB.MCPM += MassFlowXCpToB * spaceFrac;
    6091           0 :                         spaceBHB.MCPTM += MassFlowXCpXTempToB * spaceFrac;
    6092           0 :                         spaceBHB.MixingMassFlowZone += MassFlowToB * spaceFrac;
    6093           0 :                         spaceBHB.MixingMassFlowXHumRat += MassFlowXHumRatToB * spaceFrac;
    6094             :                     }
    6095             :                 }
    6096             : 
    6097             :                 // Now to determine the CO2 and generic contaminant conditions
    6098       28326 :                 if (state.dataContaminantBalance->Contaminant.CO2Simulation) {
    6099       28326 :                     state.dataContaminantBalance->MixingMassFlowCO2(ZoneA) += MassFlowToA * state.dataContaminantBalance->ZoneAirCO2(ZoneB);
    6100       28326 :                     state.dataContaminantBalance->MixingMassFlowCO2(ZoneB) += MassFlowToB * state.dataContaminantBalance->ZoneAirCO2(ZoneA);
    6101             :                 }
    6102       28326 :                 if (state.dataContaminantBalance->Contaminant.GenericContamSimulation) {
    6103       28326 :                     state.dataContaminantBalance->MixingMassFlowGC(ZoneA) += MassFlowToA * state.dataContaminantBalance->ZoneAirGC(ZoneB);
    6104       28326 :                     state.dataContaminantBalance->MixingMassFlowGC(ZoneB) += MassFlowToB * state.dataContaminantBalance->ZoneAirGC(ZoneA);
    6105             :                 }
    6106             : 
    6107             :             } // J=1,RefDoorMixing(ZoneA)%NumRefDoorConnections
    6108             :         }     // ZoneA=1,(NumOfZones - 1)
    6109             :     }         //(TotRefrigerationDoorMixing > 0) THEN
    6110             : 
    6111             :     // Process the scheduled Infiltration for air heat balance depending on model type
    6112    23962333 :     for (int j = 1; j <= state.dataHeatBal->TotInfiltration; ++j) {
    6113             : 
    6114    20483118 :         auto &thisInfiltration = state.dataHeatBal->Infiltration(j);
    6115    20483118 :         int NZ = state.dataHeatBal->Infiltration(j).ZonePtr;
    6116    20483118 :         auto &thisZoneHB = state.dataZoneTempPredictorCorrector->zoneHeatBalance(NZ);
    6117    20483118 :         Real64 tempInt = 0.0;
    6118    20483118 :         if (state.dataHeatBal->doSpaceHeatBalance) {
    6119       25010 :             tempInt = state.dataZoneTempPredictorCorrector->spaceHeatBalance(thisInfiltration.spaceIndex).MixingMAT;
    6120             :         } else {
    6121    20458108 :             tempInt = thisZoneHB.MixingMAT;
    6122             :         }
    6123             : 
    6124    20483118 :         Real64 TempExt = state.dataHeatBal->Zone(NZ).OutDryBulbTemp;
    6125    20483118 :         Real64 WindSpeedExt = state.dataHeatBal->Zone(NZ).WindSpeed;
    6126             : 
    6127             :         // Use air node information linked to the zone if defined
    6128    20483118 :         Real64 HumRatExt = 0.0;
    6129    20483118 :         if (state.dataHeatBal->Zone(NZ).LinkedOutAirNode > 0) {
    6130        1836 :             HumRatExt = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(state.dataHeatBal->Zone(NZ).LinkedOutAirNode).HumRat;
    6131             :         } else {
    6132    20481282 :             HumRatExt = state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat;
    6133             :         }
    6134             : 
    6135    20483118 :         Real64 AirDensity = PsyRhoAirFnPbTdbW(state, state.dataEnvrn->OutBaroPress, TempExt, HumRatExt, RoutineNameInfiltration);
    6136    20483118 :         Real64 CpAir = PsyCpAirFnW(HumRatExt);
    6137    20483118 :         Real64 MCpI_temp = 0.0;
    6138    20483118 :         Real64 scheduleFrac = ScheduleManager::GetCurrentScheduleValue(state, thisInfiltration.SchedPtr);
    6139    20483118 :         if (scheduleFrac > 0.0) {
    6140             :             // CR7751  should maybe use code below, indoor conditions instead of outdoor conditions
    6141             :             //   AirDensity = PsyRhoAirFnPbTdbW(state, OutBaroPress, MixingMAT(NZ), MixingHumRat(NZ))
    6142             :             //   CpAir = PsyCpAirFnW(MixingHumRat(NZ),MixingMAT(NZ))
    6143    17368797 :             switch (thisInfiltration.ModelType) {
    6144    17336185 :             case DataHeatBalance::InfiltrationModelType::DesignFlowRate: {
    6145    17336185 :                 IVF = thisInfiltration.DesignLevel * scheduleFrac;
    6146             :                 // CR6845 if calculated < 0.0, don't propagate
    6147    17336185 :                 if (IVF < 0.0) IVF = 0.0;
    6148    34672370 :                 MCpI_temp = IVF * AirDensity * CpAir *
    6149    34672370 :                             (thisInfiltration.ConstantTermCoef + std::abs(TempExt - tempInt) * thisInfiltration.TemperatureTermCoef +
    6150    17336185 :                              WindSpeedExt * (thisInfiltration.VelocityTermCoef + WindSpeedExt * thisInfiltration.VelocitySQTermCoef));
    6151             : 
    6152    17336185 :                 if (MCpI_temp < 0.0) MCpI_temp = 0.0;
    6153    17336185 :                 thisInfiltration.VolumeFlowRate = MCpI_temp / AirDensity / CpAir;
    6154    17336185 :             } break;
    6155       16306 :             case DataHeatBalance::InfiltrationModelType::ShermanGrimsrud: {
    6156             :                 // Sherman Grimsrud model as formulated in ASHRAE HoF
    6157       16306 :                 WindSpeedExt = state.dataEnvrn->WindSpeed; // formulated to use wind at Meterological Station rather than local
    6158       32612 :                 IVF = scheduleFrac * thisInfiltration.LeakageArea / 1000.0 *
    6159       32612 :                       std::sqrt(thisInfiltration.BasicStackCoefficient * std::abs(TempExt - tempInt) +
    6160       16306 :                                 thisInfiltration.BasicWindCoefficient * pow_2(WindSpeedExt));
    6161       16306 :                 if (IVF < 0.0) IVF = 0.0;
    6162       16306 :                 MCpI_temp = IVF * AirDensity * CpAir;
    6163       16306 :                 if (MCpI_temp < 0.0) MCpI_temp = 0.0;
    6164       16306 :                 thisInfiltration.VolumeFlowRate = MCpI_temp / AirDensity / CpAir;
    6165       16306 :             } break;
    6166       16306 :             case DataHeatBalance::InfiltrationModelType::AIM2: {
    6167             :                 // Walker Wilson model as formulated in ASHRAE HoF
    6168       16306 :                 IVF =
    6169       48918 :                     scheduleFrac * std::sqrt(pow_2(thisInfiltration.FlowCoefficient * thisInfiltration.AIM2StackCoefficient *
    6170       16306 :                                                    std::pow(std::abs(TempExt - tempInt), thisInfiltration.PressureExponent)) +
    6171       32612 :                                              pow_2(thisInfiltration.FlowCoefficient * thisInfiltration.AIM2WindCoefficient *
    6172       16306 :                                                    std::pow(thisInfiltration.ShelterFactor * WindSpeedExt, 2.0 * thisInfiltration.PressureExponent)));
    6173       16306 :                 if (IVF < 0.0) IVF = 0.0;
    6174       16306 :                 MCpI_temp = IVF * AirDensity * CpAir;
    6175       16306 :                 if (MCpI_temp < 0.0) MCpI_temp = 0.0;
    6176       16306 :                 thisInfiltration.VolumeFlowRate = MCpI_temp / AirDensity / CpAir;
    6177       16306 :             } break;
    6178           0 :             default:
    6179           0 :                 break;
    6180             :             }
    6181             :         } else {
    6182     3114321 :             thisInfiltration.VolumeFlowRate = 0.0;
    6183     3114321 :             MCpI_temp = 0.0;
    6184             :         }
    6185             : 
    6186    20483118 :         if (AdjustZoneInfiltrationFlowFlag && state.dataHeatBalFanSys->ZoneInfiltrationFlag(NZ)) {
    6187       10486 :             if (state.dataHeatBal->ZoneAirMassFlow.InfiltrationTreatment == DataHeatBalance::InfiltrationFlow::Adjust) {
    6188        7696 :                 if (thisInfiltration.MassFlowRate > 0.0 || thisInfiltration.ModelType == DataHeatBalance::InfiltrationModelType::DesignFlowRate) {
    6189             :                     // For DesignFlowRate, allow exfiltraion
    6190        7696 :                     thisInfiltration.VolumeFlowRate = thisInfiltration.MassFlowRate / AirDensity;
    6191        7696 :                     MCpI_temp = thisInfiltration.VolumeFlowRate * AirDensity * CpAir;
    6192             :                 }
    6193             :             }
    6194       10486 :             if (state.dataHeatBal->ZoneAirMassFlow.InfiltrationTreatment == DataHeatBalance::InfiltrationFlow::Add) {
    6195        2790 :                 thisInfiltration.VolumeFlowRate =
    6196        2790 :                     thisInfiltration.VolumeFlowRate + state.dataHeatBal->MassConservation(NZ).InfiltrationMassFlowRate / AirDensity;
    6197        2790 :                 MCpI_temp = thisInfiltration.VolumeFlowRate * AirDensity * CpAir;
    6198             :             }
    6199             :         }
    6200    20483118 :         thisInfiltration.MassFlowRate = thisInfiltration.VolumeFlowRate * AirDensity;
    6201             : 
    6202    20483118 :         if (thisInfiltration.EMSOverrideOn) {
    6203        2628 :             IVF = thisInfiltration.EMSAirFlowRateValue;
    6204        2628 :             if (IVF < 0.0) IVF = 0.0;
    6205        2628 :             MCpI_temp = IVF * AirDensity * CpAir;
    6206        2628 :             if (MCpI_temp < 0.0) MCpI_temp = 0.0;
    6207             :         }
    6208             : 
    6209    20483118 :         if (state.dataHeatBal->Zone(NZ).zoneOAQuadratureSum) {
    6210       14355 :             state.dataHeatBal->ZoneAirBalance(state.dataHeatBal->Zone(NZ).zoneOABalanceIndex).InfMassFlowRate += MCpI_temp / CpAir;
    6211             :         } else {
    6212    20468763 :             thisInfiltration.MCpI_temp = MCpI_temp;
    6213    20468763 :             thisZoneHB.MCPI += MCpI_temp;
    6214    20468763 :             thisZoneHB.OAMFL += MCpI_temp / CpAir;
    6215    20468763 :             thisZoneHB.MCPTI += MCpI_temp * TempExt;
    6216    20468763 :             if (state.dataHeatBal->doSpaceHeatBalance) {
    6217       25010 :                 auto &thisSpaceHB = state.dataZoneTempPredictorCorrector->spaceHeatBalance(thisInfiltration.spaceIndex);
    6218       25010 :                 thisSpaceHB.MCPI += MCpI_temp;
    6219       25010 :                 thisSpaceHB.OAMFL += MCpI_temp / CpAir;
    6220       25010 :                 thisSpaceHB.MCPTI += MCpI_temp * TempExt;
    6221             :             }
    6222             :         }
    6223             :     }
    6224             : 
    6225             :     // Add infiltration rate enhanced by the existence of thermal chimney
    6226    30951107 :     for (auto &thisZoneHB : state.dataZoneTempPredictorCorrector->zoneHeatBalance) {
    6227    27471892 :         thisZoneHB.MCPI += thisZoneHB.MCPThermChim;
    6228    27471892 :         thisZoneHB.OAMFL += thisZoneHB.ThermChimAMFL;
    6229    27471892 :         thisZoneHB.MCPTI += thisZoneHB.MCPTThermChim;
    6230             :     }
    6231     3479215 :     if (state.dataHeatBal->doSpaceHeatBalance) {
    6232       35014 :         for (auto &thisSpaceHB : state.dataZoneTempPredictorCorrector->spaceHeatBalance) {
    6233       30012 :             thisSpaceHB.MCPI += thisSpaceHB.MCPThermChim;
    6234       30012 :             thisSpaceHB.OAMFL += thisSpaceHB.ThermChimAMFL;
    6235       30012 :             thisSpaceHB.MCPTI += thisSpaceHB.MCPTThermChim;
    6236             :         }
    6237             :     }
    6238             : 
    6239             :     // Calculate combined outdoor air flows
    6240     3493570 :     for (auto &thisZoneAirBalance : state.dataHeatBal->ZoneAirBalance) {
    6241       14355 :         if (thisZoneAirBalance.BalanceMethod == DataHeatBalance::AirBalance::Quadrature) {
    6242       14355 :             if (!thisZoneAirBalance.OneTimeFlag) GetStandAloneERVNodes(state, thisZoneAirBalance);
    6243       14355 :             if (thisZoneAirBalance.NumOfERVs > 0) {
    6244           0 :                 for (int I = 1; I <= thisZoneAirBalance.NumOfERVs; ++I) {
    6245           0 :                     Real64 MassFlowDiff = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(thisZoneAirBalance.ERVExhaustNode(I)).MassFlowRate -
    6246           0 :                                           state.dataLoopNodes->Node(thisZoneAirBalance.ERVInletNode(I)).MassFlowRate;
    6247           0 :                     if (MassFlowDiff > 0.0) {
    6248           0 :                         thisZoneAirBalance.ERVMassFlowRate += MassFlowDiff;
    6249             :                     }
    6250             :                 }
    6251             :             }
    6252       14355 :             int NZ = thisZoneAirBalance.ZonePtr;
    6253       14355 :             auto &thisZoneHB = state.dataZoneTempPredictorCorrector->zoneHeatBalance(NZ);
    6254             :             // Use air node information linked to the zone if defined
    6255       14355 :             Real64 HumRatExt = 0.0;
    6256       14355 :             if (state.dataHeatBal->Zone(NZ).LinkedOutAirNode > 0) {
    6257           0 :                 HumRatExt = state.dataLoopNodes->Node(state.dataHeatBal->Zone(NZ).LinkedOutAirNode).HumRat;
    6258             :             } else {
    6259       14355 :                 HumRatExt = state.dataEnvrn->OutHumRat;
    6260             :             }
    6261       28710 :             Real64 AirDensity = Psychrometrics::PsyRhoAirFnPbTdbW(
    6262       43065 :                 state, state.dataEnvrn->OutBaroPress, state.dataHeatBal->Zone(NZ).OutDryBulbTemp, HumRatExt, RoutineNameZoneAirBalance);
    6263       14355 :             Real64 CpAir = Psychrometrics::PsyCpAirFnW(HumRatExt);
    6264       14355 :             thisZoneAirBalance.ERVMassFlowRate *= AirDensity;
    6265       57420 :             thisZoneHB.MDotOA = std::sqrt(pow_2(thisZoneAirBalance.NatMassFlowRate) + pow_2(thisZoneAirBalance.IntMassFlowRate) +
    6266       43065 :                                           pow_2(thisZoneAirBalance.ExhMassFlowRate) + pow_2(thisZoneAirBalance.ERVMassFlowRate) +
    6267       14355 :                                           pow_2(thisZoneAirBalance.InfMassFlowRate) +
    6268       28710 :                                           pow_2(AirDensity * thisZoneAirBalance.InducedAirRate *
    6269       28710 :                                                 ScheduleManager::GetCurrentScheduleValue(state, thisZoneAirBalance.InducedAirSchedPtr))) +
    6270       14355 :                                 thisZoneAirBalance.BalMassFlowRate;
    6271       14355 :             thisZoneHB.MDotCPOA = thisZoneHB.MDotOA * CpAir;
    6272             :         }
    6273             :     }
    6274             : }
    6275             : 
    6276           1 : void GetStandAloneERVNodes(EnergyPlusData &state, DataHeatBalance::ZoneAirBalanceData &thisZoneAirBalance)
    6277             : {
    6278             : 
    6279             :     // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    6280             :     //       AUTHOR         Lixing Gu
    6281             :     //       DATE WRITTEN   July 2010
    6282             : 
    6283             :     // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    6284             :     // This subroutine gets node numbers of stand alone ERVs to calculate combined outdoor air flows.
    6285             : 
    6286             :     // METHODOLOGY EMPLOYED:
    6287             :     // Uses program data structures ZoneEquipInfo
    6288             : 
    6289           1 :     if (allocated(state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipList)) {
    6290           1 :         int ZoneNum = thisZoneAirBalance.ZonePtr;
    6291           1 :         thisZoneAirBalance.OneTimeFlag = true;
    6292           1 :         if (state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipList(ZoneNum).NumOfEquipTypes > 0) {
    6293           2 :             for (int I = 1; I <= state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipList(ZoneNum).NumOfEquipTypes; ++I) {
    6294           1 :                 if (state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipList(ZoneNum).EquipTypeEnum(I) == DataZoneEquipment::ZoneEquip::ERVStandAlone) {
    6295           0 :                     ++thisZoneAirBalance.NumOfERVs;
    6296             :                 }
    6297             :             }
    6298           1 :             if (thisZoneAirBalance.NumOfERVs > 0) {
    6299           0 :                 thisZoneAirBalance.ERVInletNode.allocate(thisZoneAirBalance.NumOfERVs);
    6300           0 :                 thisZoneAirBalance.ERVExhaustNode.allocate(thisZoneAirBalance.NumOfERVs);
    6301           0 :                 int j = 1;
    6302           0 :                 for (int I = 1; I <= state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipList(ZoneNum).NumOfEquipTypes; ++I) {
    6303           0 :                     if (state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipList(ZoneNum).EquipTypeEnum(I) == DataZoneEquipment::ZoneEquip::ERVStandAlone) {
    6304           0 :                         thisZoneAirBalance.ERVInletNode(j) =
    6305           0 :                             HVACStandAloneERV::GetStandAloneERVOutAirNode(state, state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipList(ZoneNum).EquipIndex(I));
    6306           0 :                         thisZoneAirBalance.ERVExhaustNode(j) =
    6307           0 :                             HVACStandAloneERV::GetStandAloneERVReturnAirNode(state, state.dataZoneEquip->ZoneEquipList(ZoneNum).EquipIndex(I));
    6308           0 :                         ++j;
    6309             :                     }
    6310             :                 }
    6311             :             }
    6312             :         }
    6313             :     }
    6314           1 : }
    6315             : 
    6316      602135 : void CalcZoneMixingFlowRateOfReceivingZone(EnergyPlusData &state, int const ZoneNum, Real64 &ZoneMixingMassFlowRate)
    6317             : {
    6318             : 
    6319             :     // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    6320             :     //       AUTHOR         Bereket Nigusse
    6321             :     //       DATE WRITTEN   February 2014
    6322             : 
    6323             :     // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    6324             :     // This subroutine updates the receiving zone mixing flow rate to ensures the zone air mass balance.
    6325             : 
    6326      602135 :     auto &massConservation = state.dataHeatBal->MassConservation(ZoneNum);
    6327             : 
    6328      602135 :     Real64 MixingMassFlowRate = 0.0; // current zone mixing mass flow rate, [kg/s]
    6329      602135 :     int NumOfReceivingZoneMixingObjects = massConservation.NumReceivingZonesMixingObject;
    6330      602135 :     if (NumOfReceivingZoneMixingObjects > 0) {
    6331             :         // distribute the total zone mixing flow rate to the source zones
    6332      602135 :         for (int Loop = 1; Loop <= NumOfReceivingZoneMixingObjects; ++Loop) {
    6333      481708 :             int MixingNum = massConservation.ZoneMixingReceivingPtr(Loop);
    6334      481708 :             state.dataHeatBal->Mixing(MixingNum).MixingMassFlowRate = massConservation.ZoneMixingReceivingFr(Loop) * ZoneMixingMassFlowRate;
    6335      481708 :             MixingMassFlowRate += state.dataHeatBal->Mixing(MixingNum).MixingMassFlowRate;
    6336      481708 :             CalcZoneMixingFlowRateOfSourceZone(state, state.dataHeatBal->Mixing(MixingNum).FromZone);
    6337             :         }
    6338             :     }
    6339      602135 :     massConservation.MixingMassFlowRate = MixingMassFlowRate;
    6340      602135 :     ZoneMixingMassFlowRate = MixingMassFlowRate;
    6341      602135 : }
    6342             : 
    6343      481708 : void CalcZoneMixingFlowRateOfSourceZone(EnergyPlusData &state, int const ZoneNum)
    6344             : {
    6345             : 
    6346             :     // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    6347             :     //       AUTHOR         Bereket Nigusse
    6348             :     //       DATE WRITTEN   February 2014
    6349             : 
    6350             :     // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    6351             :     // This subroutine calculates the zone mixing flow rate such that it ensures the zone air mass balance.
    6352             : 
    6353      481708 :     auto &massConservation = state.dataHeatBal->MassConservation(ZoneNum);
    6354             : 
    6355      481708 :     Real64 ZoneSourceMassFlowRate = 0.0; // current zone as a source mass flow rate for zone mixing in other zones, [kg/s]
    6356      481708 :     int NumOfSourceZoneMixingObjects = massConservation.NumSourceZonesMixingObject;
    6357      481708 :     if (NumOfSourceZoneMixingObjects > 0) {
    6358      963416 :         for (int ZoneMixingNum = 1; ZoneMixingNum <= NumOfSourceZoneMixingObjects; ++ZoneMixingNum) {
    6359      481708 :             int MixingNum = massConservation.ZoneMixingSourcesPtr(ZoneMixingNum);
    6360     2408540 :             for (int Loop = 1; Loop <= state.dataHeatBal->TotMixing; ++Loop) {
    6361     1926832 :                 if (Loop == MixingNum) {
    6362      481708 :                     ZoneSourceMassFlowRate += state.dataHeatBal->Mixing(Loop).MixingMassFlowRate;
    6363             :                 }
    6364             :             }
    6365             :         }
    6366             :     }
    6367      481708 :     massConservation.MixingSourceMassFlowRate = ZoneSourceMassFlowRate;
    6368      481708 : }
    6369             : 
    6370         406 : void AutoCalcDOASControlStrategy(EnergyPlusData &state)
    6371             : {
    6372             :     // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    6373             :     //       AUTHOR         Fred Buhl
    6374             :     //       DATE WRITTEN   March 2016
    6375             : 
    6376             :     // PURPOSE OF THIS Function:
    6377             :     // This subroutine does the autosizing calculations for the Sizing:Zone DOAS input.
    6378             : 
    6379             :     // REFERENCES:
    6380             :     // See IO Ref for suggested values
    6381             : 
    6382         406 :     bool headerAlreadyPrinted = false;
    6383         406 :     bool ErrorsFound = false;
    6384        3698 :     for (int ZoneSizIndex = 1; ZoneSizIndex <= state.dataSize->NumZoneSizingInput; ++ZoneSizIndex) {
    6385        3292 :         if (state.dataSize->ZoneSizingInput(ZoneSizIndex).AccountForDOAS) {
    6386          55 :             auto &zoneSizingInput = state.dataSize->ZoneSizingInput(ZoneSizIndex);
    6387          55 :             if (zoneSizingInput.DOASControlStrategy == DOANeutralSup) {
    6388           5 :                 if (zoneSizingInput.DOASLowSetpoint == AutoSize && zoneSizingInput.DOASHighSetpoint == AutoSize) {
    6389           0 :                     zoneSizingInput.DOASLowSetpoint = 21.1;
    6390           0 :                     zoneSizingInput.DOASHighSetpoint = 23.9;
    6391           5 :                 } else if (zoneSizingInput.DOASLowSetpoint == AutoSize && zoneSizingInput.DOASHighSetpoint > 0.0) {
    6392           0 :                     zoneSizingInput.DOASLowSetpoint = zoneSizingInput.DOASHighSetpoint - 2.8;
    6393           5 :                 } else if (zoneSizingInput.DOASLowSetpoint > 0.0 && zoneSizingInput.DOASHighSetpoint == AutoSize) {
    6394           0 :                     zoneSizingInput.DOASHighSetpoint = zoneSizingInput.DOASLowSetpoint + 2.8;
    6395             :                 }
    6396           5 :                 ReportZoneSizingDOASInputs(state,
    6397             :                                            zoneSizingInput.ZoneName,
    6398             :                                            "NeutralSupplyAir",
    6399             :                                            zoneSizingInput.DOASLowSetpoint,
    6400             :                                            zoneSizingInput.DOASHighSetpoint,
    6401             :                                            headerAlreadyPrinted);
    6402          50 :             } else if (zoneSizingInput.DOASControlStrategy == DOANeutralDehumSup) {
    6403           0 :                 if (zoneSizingInput.DOASLowSetpoint == AutoSize && zoneSizingInput.DOASHighSetpoint == AutoSize) {
    6404           0 :                     zoneSizingInput.DOASLowSetpoint = 14.4;
    6405           0 :                     zoneSizingInput.DOASHighSetpoint = 22.2;
    6406           0 :                 } else if (zoneSizingInput.DOASLowSetpoint == AutoSize && zoneSizingInput.DOASHighSetpoint > 0.0) {
    6407           0 :                     zoneSizingInput.DOASLowSetpoint = 14.4;
    6408           0 :                 } else if (zoneSizingInput.DOASLowSetpoint > 0.0 && zoneSizingInput.DOASHighSetpoint == AutoSize) {
    6409           0 :                     zoneSizingInput.DOASHighSetpoint = 22.2;
    6410             :                 }
    6411           0 :                 ReportZoneSizingDOASInputs(state,
    6412             :                                            zoneSizingInput.ZoneName,
    6413             :                                            "NeutralDehumidifiedSupplyAir",
    6414             :                                            zoneSizingInput.DOASLowSetpoint,
    6415             :                                            zoneSizingInput.DOASHighSetpoint,
    6416             :                                            headerAlreadyPrinted);
    6417          50 :             } else if (zoneSizingInput.DOASControlStrategy == DOACoolSup) {
    6418          50 :                 if (zoneSizingInput.DOASLowSetpoint == AutoSize && zoneSizingInput.DOASHighSetpoint == AutoSize) {
    6419           0 :                     zoneSizingInput.DOASLowSetpoint = 12.2;
    6420           0 :                     zoneSizingInput.DOASHighSetpoint = 14.4;
    6421          50 :                 } else if (zoneSizingInput.DOASLowSetpoint == AutoSize && zoneSizingInput.DOASHighSetpoint > 0.0) {
    6422           0 :                     zoneSizingInput.DOASLowSetpoint = zoneSizingInput.DOASHighSetpoint - 2.2;
    6423          50 :                 } else if (zoneSizingInput.DOASLowSetpoint > 0.0 && zoneSizingInput.DOASHighSetpoint == AutoSize) {
    6424           0 :                     zoneSizingInput.DOASHighSetpoint = zoneSizingInput.DOASLowSetpoint + 2.2;
    6425             :                 }
    6426          50 :                 ReportZoneSizingDOASInputs(state,
    6427             :                                            zoneSizingInput.ZoneName,
    6428             :                                            "ColdSupplyAir",
    6429             :                                            zoneSizingInput.DOASLowSetpoint,
    6430             :                                            zoneSizingInput.DOASHighSetpoint,
    6431             :                                            headerAlreadyPrinted);
    6432             :             }
    6433          55 :             if (zoneSizingInput.DOASLowSetpoint > zoneSizingInput.DOASHighSetpoint) {
    6434           0 :                 ShowSevereError(state, "For Sizing:Zone = " + zoneSizingInput.ZoneName);
    6435           0 :                 ShowContinueError(state, "... Dedicated Outside Air Low Setpoint for Design must be less than the High Setpoint");
    6436           0 :                 ErrorsFound = true;
    6437             :             }
    6438             :         }
    6439             :     }
    6440         406 :     if (ErrorsFound) {
    6441           0 :         ShowFatalError(state, "Errors found in DOAS sizing input. Program terminates.");
    6442             :     }
    6443         406 : }
    6444             : 
    6445          55 : void ReportZoneSizingDOASInputs(EnergyPlusData &state,
    6446             :                                 std::string const &ZoneName,         // the name of the zone
    6447             :                                 std::string const &DOASCtrlStrategy, // DOAS control strategy
    6448             :                                 Real64 const DOASLowTemp,            // DOAS design low setpoint temperature [C]
    6449             :                                 Real64 const DOASHighTemp,           // DOAS design high setpoint temperature [C]
    6450             :                                 bool &headerAlreadyPrinted)
    6451             : {
    6452             : 
    6453             :     // SUBROUTINE INFORMATION:
    6454             :     //       AUTHOR         Fred Buhl
    6455             :     //       DATE WRITTEN   March 2016
    6456             : 
    6457             :     // PURPOSE OF THIS SUBROUTINE:
    6458             :     // This subroutine writes the DOAS Sizing:Zone input for 1 zone to the eio file
    6459             : 
    6460             :     // Formats
    6461             :     static constexpr std::string_view Format_990(
    6462             :         "! <Zone Sizing DOAS Inputs>, Zone Name, DOAS Design Control Strategy, DOAS Design Low Setpoint Temperature "
    6463             :         "{C}, DOAS Design High Setpoint Temperature {C} ");
    6464             : 
    6465          55 :     if (!headerAlreadyPrinted) {
    6466          15 :         print(state.files.eio, "{}\n", Format_990);
    6467          15 :         headerAlreadyPrinted = true;
    6468             :     }
    6469             : 
    6470             :     static constexpr std::string_view Format_991(" Zone Sizing DOAS Inputs, {}, {}, {:.3R}, {:.3R}\n");
    6471          55 :     print(state.files.eio, Format_991, ZoneName, DOASCtrlStrategy, DOASLowTemp, DOASHighTemp);
    6472             : 
    6473             :     // BSLLC Start
    6474             :     // if ( sqlite ) {
    6475             :     //     state.dataSQLiteProcedures->sqlite->addSQLiteZoneSizingRecord( ZoneName, LoadType, CalcDesLoad, UserDesLoad, CalcDesFlow,
    6476             :     //     UserDesFlow, DesDayName, PeakHrMin,
    6477             :     //         PeakTemp, PeakHumRat, MinOAVolFlow, DOASHeatAddRate );
    6478             :     // }
    6479             :     // BSLLC Finish
    6480          55 : }
    6481             : 
    6482        2313 : } // namespace EnergyPlus::ZoneEquipmentManager

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